HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-10-17, Page 1fr TH R. D. Ph1Ip LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 56 - NO. 08 BLYTI-I, ONTARIO, WEI)NESI)AY, OCT, 17, 1945, Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. We 1)id It Before - Who Says] OBITUARY We Can't 1)o It Again I William Herbert Anderson 'I'hc canvas, el the Ninth Victory \Lllhy relattyts and friends attended Loran C;uupaigl, w:ll ()flit.; 11 wpcu utl the funeral of the late \\'illianl 11er- Mondiy, Ocslier "ed, \title a limn. pert .\]dersuu, on October 9111, at Itis neon obje'cCAT of : 1,51rI,O,i0. 10 I'Itis late rc,idc:;ce in \Pilton For the past is the ILtrgcst ml,jrt rive ever to be ul- y car \I r .\ii! r•on hal been in pour fried In the tont ldc til (;Imola health having little r}aerie' two serious In arcking at this figure, Mr Ilsey vperatiuns in Victoria Hospital, Lon- statcd relit he Nva, cunitil'g on a heavy thin, front "id, 10, never fully recuv- over-snbse riptimi a• Ili, real need was need and death cant' Sunday, October 0,91;) 'illi, amount \gill ell' Ill, ncecs.ary, as ;here \\111 1) nu 1ua11 Deceased \:Is horn 4-1 years ago at text • pI•Illg (tot atisto\11, the only ,all of the late The slogan for the Ninth Victory NI,. and mt., \\' II .\udersnn \\'lien Loan is, 'Sigh ','our N;'.ole for Victory ' ,even years mese he tnuvc:l \•itlt his The list• \V .\ Iteecrul't, County ha expressed Chairman, expressed hi, I':uettls to the t;irm ut,wy owned by graliii- 11r Tlnnn:t, She rtrecd \\ here he resid- catio] at the wanner in wllich the e,l until tvo ‘,cars at., \\ileo he moved Comm tie' Use accepting their respon- 10 the village of \\'alluu sibilitics ill Ihl forth'. :mlirg Lean, :uul. Twelve year; ago he was harried to the organization i complete its all cont. Ithe for•tlu_r, \tis:: Louise \Ii11s, of ltlytlt tunniti`'' I \Ir .\nder,on was a member of tit 'there'•, no time for faint-heartedness (;eorge's .\nglieati Church, Walton, in this Ninth \•iclury Loan The and had been People's \Vardcn fur, local committee tittee have the right spirit, several years "I'he many dural tribute; the Comity Victory Loan Committee 1111iittge attendance attested to the for ks to 1,11'111 to be wile of the tll'St- 1' Irstrent in which the young utas ryas if not the first---conininnit. to go over held the lop \Ve have ;I large quota, hitt I Ile I:e;r, to „lime] their loss, his it still !. 1,3 far the smallest quota it wit:, ;nal tic t.i to Eva, 1 Mrs 1)ouganl the Cl only, and ,Mould he exceeded by of Meth Iter \I 1 Oldham, Rector of a good Imlt•gi,t .\ll (Initis 111 ill:' tit George's (hl'r'clt was in charge of County are up. and it's goil.g lu take the scrwiee, assisted by la\ h . Cly's- thc greatest effort yet to reach this dale, Iter 1 11 Baine and Rev I lender- connty ,mora Moron (•minty ha, nee- Iso] Mr Lorne I{el:]tier sang "\\'htt cr failed vet -and Huron County \will Ions Beckons Nle Home" tic" not tail in this, the most import:it loan .11c pallbearers were six cousins, of all Messrs (•rushy Sotheraul, I urd Sother- 'I'he \'iniac , f Myth has established a11, ('linluu 1lon'yfurd, \Vallace Shul- at enviable rel''rd in past Leans \\'e dice, \\raison Sholllice, harry Bolger must keel, up ot'r good ranee :\s one I lo\werbearcrs were, \11n1 Humphries, returned elan put it, "The buy, in the George \Vitt, \VIn \tanning, Cecil Oke Services rbd it t hesitate to invest w•hcl: Iota \\'atsot, \\•ilffred Shortreed, Earl they were in the thiel; of the fighting", \tilts, Leonard Strung, \vitt 'I'hancr Ile could ort imagine the people at I Ioral Tributes were Ilunl, \I t' and honor hesitating to Inv bunds Nit's \\'m IIto:,pries and family; Mr \Viten yam• \•ictrn•y Lean Salesman giand \Irs Stew•;'rl Humphries; \I r and all> 1111° a good \•tIcontc, and \I r, Ed Dungan and \Irs Muldoon, "Sign Your Name for Victory" \I r and .\Irs Julia \I ills and Elizabeth; ---.v_ ND. ;Ind \les Robert Patterson and Barbara ; \I r and \Irs \\'all:t:e Shul- � Continuation \Ir and \Irs 1'::\dans; \Ir and Li tel'ill'1' Society \Irs Cecil Oke; \I r and \Irs Stewart The meeting of the 111y1h ('utttittut ('udnnc; Nit. and \Irs Kurd Suthcran; tion School I it t rary Society was held ,.\I r int \Irs Crosby shy Suthrrau, and on October I,it11, in the Senior Room of the ('mnlinnatiun School The meet- ing was opened b • singe] " \Ir and \Irs I Bnlgcr; \Ir IL•irold I , �' ), v cauda The business 1.1as discussed :\rchie \\'art then read the tchoul paper which was edited by Don Cow:u1, assisted by Archie \\',Itt 'I his was much enjoyed by all .\ tier the paper \\sats read, initiation cett:uw]y wits held TI11; ratised tench e.rilent'llt :utl the first formers and at o the Murree senior boys who carne f••ott' Scaforth this lane, co- operatctl very well to make it enjoy- able After the Initiation ceremony, Irma \\'allace and Shirley Phillips sang a very mei/ appreciated duct, after \whiclt Andy byte, ter President, conducted contests :\ sing -song was enjoyed by all \•illi Lots Grad)). at the piano The meeting adjournd and God Save the 1<itig \v:t; ;sing Blyth Continuation School Jackson; \Ir ;Old \firs George Fox and Lois; Congregation of St George's Church; \I r and \Irs Talbert Clarke; Rev F l.. and \Irs. Clysdalc ; \I r aftd Ms Clinton Iloieyfortl; Mr and \Irs 11ngh Smith; `.Ir and \Irs Lance An- derson; \Ir and \Irs '1' G Anderson; NI'. and Mrs S Iloncyford; \Ir and \Irs \\'tit \lat:niug and girls; Nit. and \Irs• Lorne Fcl:ntder and \I i;; Holmes; Fellow Citizens Of IIttrO l More Interviews With Boys i.;ount.v Back Froin Overseas O11 October "11,1, Canada's ninth 11'e have be 'll fortunate enough l„ \'iclt,r's' Lout \till I,c launched \'rob- congest 1.\\.() more oe local boys who re- ahlw this is the 1,14t loan to he raised cooly re:urntd from Overseas, and be - by the existing \\'ar I•finance Urgani- side, ttciemilini. them home, t\r nuUt- zatiun Certainly there will not he aged to et ;t feu, details from thein on another (;ovcrnnient Loan for ;t coir their overseas experience, Iden though the war is over; even though expenditures have been greatly GUNNER E F BELL reduced, titer': is still need fur vast Gunner E F Bell, sou mf Mr and \Irs revenues \\•illia]t hell, o' Ilullctt Tow:lship, ar- k the motile of the ease this 9th :rived hole: on October 1st, aboard the loan i, for a Looter (,bit -:Hive than any' Niew .\ntsterda,:, after four year, (iv-- previous v•previous loan Huron Colilv's shirr' I er•ca, sevice Gunner Bell enlisted in i, $4,170,(i01 an increase of 32 per cont Toronto in September of 1941, \\ its the over the last Van 48th highlanders Ile was transferred \\'e cannot L'u•e the prospect of r;tis- I to the Hydro location Unit, and \vent int; such a large amount with ;1113. cart overseas two months after enlistment I,es optiilll,ul, There 15 no reason 1o1• .This ('tilt was composed (if piclkl'd I11l'11 fearing that it cannot he dune But from all across Canada, and they took there are many reason; for h u s•iltg most of their tpcciat training in l•ag- that this time oar \'ictory Loa] organ- land They w:re the only ('anadian nation \\ill leave to make a more vsig- i Unit engaged in this type of Werk, mous impact than it has ever trade be -'which consisted of locating enemy fore, and the p.•oplc of I Iuron will have 1, planes They took overfetich of their to make a more substattial response own equipment, but later on used twill ••. than ever before d„ net hide Inv feeling of urgency and anxiety Bather 1 want to iulp;n•t British and American equipment Gun- ner Bell's Unit was st;ttioncd ur the Isis of \Vight, ;tisu in South-western to every Victory Loan worker and to \\'ales, Shropshire, and along the south - every Ilttrun citizen that sense .t ttr- ern roast His Unit went to Frame genc•y and anxiety in September, 194•I, after the buzz bomb i kw• nethat; we have never failed (menace had been cleared up, where 'before but thi. time there are different - factors, in the case and the only guar- antee of success that we have is in the diligence and rftierntinatiun of our lenders and in the loyal supwurt of the people it is not to be Nought of that ll]ron County will fail in this last \ries tory Loan, hut it will succeed only if there is a great rallying of interest all over the county \\'ith the wit over and victory won, and our boys coining home the stage is all set for a).,r;lud climax to Canada'; titanic strength, and at a different lc\•cl, with Britain and the 1.'nited been spending the time in Lucl:now they were engaged in meteorological work for the :\rnty and Air Force After the liberation of Paris his sta- tion way; the first to supply civilian weather rcporis to Europe (;inner Bell it: home for 30 days, ;if - which be reports to Toronto for his discharge Muth he horses to get some tints in December ••• SGT HUGH CUMING Sgt Hsieh Canting, sun of \Irs Sadie ('urn ng, lilvti:, arrived home on Sep- tember 22nd, and since that time has Great States already offering lower interest hind Blyth Ili„ wife k a Lttcl:now girt, rates, the wise buyer will nut miss this the former Stella Steward, and during chance of a sound 3 per cent investment l lugh's absence she has resided i] Now all together for the last and big- i Lncknow Hugh enlisted in 1.itltssei with the 100(11 Battery on September 5th, 1939, gest heave Yours faithfully, \\' :\ BEt.(:I o1'I', and trained at \reit iwaw:,rand 'i'tac- Chairtua:t Unison County \'ictury Loan ;olia, New Brtt'sw•icl: Ile received his \' Sergeant strips in 1940, and. went ov- DON NYBf OOK cr seas in November, 1941 Sgt Cunning The \\',U• \\'orkcrs held their October 'went to France :!bout a ntonth after meeting at the home of \Irs loo lD-i)sly, cot July 7th, 1944, and saw ac - Boyle Donations of clothing were re- Ilion in Prance, iielgrini, holland, an,t ceived for the Reil Cross \Irs Rob- Geritany iTt tact ,loo Ileffron ot•ct•- crt \tc:\liistct• and Mrs Arnold Craigiscats, and was with \Vcllingtot \Ic\all were clsided President and Scc'y- (when he was wounded 'there were Treasurer, re: pcctivcly for the coming grit: a number i't Iii; troop from \\'ing. ham, Listowel, and \Valkcrton year \I r and \Irs Gordon Naylor and Miss I saltel Bt •ghat ; \I r and \I rs daughter, Jean, spent a Inv clays with George Germanand Billy; lacy 1 11 and Mr and Mrs Harry \loss at Glencoe ',home ler reports. to London fur dis- \Irs Kazuo; \Ii' ane! \Irs Cti i, e 'l'ur- I \Irs ll Jefferson and daughter, Mary, charge the: end of this month ter; \Ir and \Irs John Watson and have returned from a visit with friends V� - at Uunnwillc New Shoe Repair Shop Mr' Sh"rlreed ;end family; Mrs (Rev) C C Laine; \f: and \Irs \\'tit Timmer I \Ir Riu t rt Chimney and sons have Mr John Sinikin•, a rcturtled soldier, and Pearl; \list Isabel Davidson" \ir purchased the \Vallace farm from Mr who has been making his home at IJohn 1iallah,an Lucknuw, has made arrangements with and Mrs IIS :Anderson and family Full House Greets Concert To Aid National Clothing Campaign COMMUNI•iY CONTRIBUTES I 1'i,lni•,ts for the evening \vcrc Miss GLADLY 'i'0 WORTHY CAUSE 1I•aizattth Mill; Mrs Bruce Smith, Miss !Alice Iisi' ol: ;Ind Mrs 1; Harris Man)• Irl, rr :lull nicely pride in I (hiring the evening tete cbairmat the Ettropcin unn,t•ies swill bless this l .,,11.lanll: reminded the audience of cuuttnullitt rlttrinti lb' coming sinter;number _I lin tele prugraul, the ulys. 'false n 1 ,r tl;en- clnllltllg 1•„nlrlhttt1olt, ler. number", It was the last number \\ hid' rolled in,o the \Icnlori:ll 11all on 1,e fere "tile liil,g", awl Cult the large \loudsly 'sign,'111 \till condone to roll en'\\•i a\\ay in high good Iltnuour The1111 moil elle :lent of tell'- ticl'k Iseci,,. \a, a "mock tvcdlttig', by mein- ! .\ 1,;1:("11 111,11,(1greeted the concert Ler, of the \\'(.111(.11's Institute, and the ',p,,:.,ored l y the local committer of di -„,,time mf ,,,my of the ladies wits ex - the National Clothing (antpatign 7'bc r, 11( et \w d,11111 Mall',' mho were in people 1,r1 setd once again that ctuer- I t le audience ale ,till \wondering who . ge]rit's n' this nature can be ,net by t\;I- who, ,,, the following description, this "'""'""i1'2. jti i as thl•y "111 luso\e or tit!' be \1r, Lorne Scciutgeuur, who it in the f,rt,,•couli' g Ninth Viitmrt I was the neural parson for the cere- I.,',te, which /.1sms on \loud,ty ,nu ny \\ill entre lltcu everyone: The In'''. , "Tice:' \t ere well rcp:ii`1 I The :'salol tinsel: wit the Almelo \Ved- for their t ffort• and t• Ottributiuts, a, ',ling by the \\•ole I', Institute The the .cllools of I;lyth ;end the surround- charinin,l; bride, \frs II,u •, Pintoid, ing c„tluntnlitfc, pet un a show that ';1• wellll \1'r'1't 1, a gut'd admission price .I floor 1CIIglh gown of rose satin, with LIR: lace soil, neatly draped, and 'Coupled with this there were (utsiait t carried .1 h.,r I , Piet of corn ,tally and a Ing numbers b:.' some mf the older art- I roil": c! pin She entered the ,lage oe i,ts of ell" community, who arc ahvays little ;fret of her lather, \Irs Sadie Cum- ' popular n ide local audicnccs lit l inty, to the w•ed,ling music, "Tete Camp- ' members of the Junior in•tiitte and bell, arc • milia,," and the "Irish \\'ash - I Joni„r Farmer:., (-min- int/A a nitinbcr, Ierwoern ., ,la" by \Irs I Jean hirers and the event of the evening uses a nock wedding :raged by the nu•mhcrs of the \Vou,cu', Institute These lad- ies ;Ire to be congratulated on their splendid efferts, ;and it added greatly The gr'• no, \liss Lena i.ivingstot, was :tressed in conventional black dress snit and topper and carried a cane \Irs I' ratl,lin Rainton made a very sweet t mer )prl, in her short frock, 'to the ettjoyntent of the evening carrying ;I nosegay ml :\ulunut flowers Besi'Ie• the B!ytll school, both Public with yellow sLcancrs and Continatiott, the following schools I •I'he beautiful bridesmaid was \ir participated: No 7, Millen, NIrs (-id- Fred It ltle/lee, gowned in black lace over yellow satin, and carried a traits hart, teacher; No -1, East \Vaw•anush ,soft. teacher; Ni, 7, \lorl'is, I•:ditlt Lock- I'he bait main \vas \irs Emerson ,:\ttv Toll, Teacher; No lis Ilullctt, I�atll- \1'rigllt, who had utuch difficttlly itt critic \Icl)onalli, leacher; No 13, 11111- finding the \wcddiu.g ring lett, and Morris \Irs B hall, teacher The bride's mother, \I r: \Wen Johns - 1 The key 1 I. 11 Henderson, Rector ton, was gowned in a fluor length • of '1'rini'y' .\ngiicat Church, presiutt''I black gnwt, and looked very stately iably during the evening, ;is chairman j 1'hc groom', mother gowned in a �VAN'IlE1) ' l,t•cly blue Souris with bloc hat trim - WASTE PAPER There i$ r,t'll demand for waste • hits' twit!, large pink ruses ;end veil, and. felt so badly at losing her son, was paper and rage \I is, Josephine \Voodcock Save then., The Blyth Lions Club anticipate The gt,unn s fattier was Mrs Harry Btuwnt., she 100 played her part well making a collection in the near fut. The gu',sts attending the ccrcuu,tty oro I were, \I r, B Hall in black lace, Mrs J Watch for further announcements Bailey in floral crepe, \irs J S Chellew MOVING TO TOWN in black velvet, and \Irs J Cowan iii \It Lloyd 7'ur\cy ;uvl family will bemire crepe ;tail maize velvet, each of the ewwn; Were floor length occupy the dwtllin,e on Coombs Street, I'lu gnat: were ushered in by two new len lilted by Mrs Bat'w•ick, tete first of November, Mrs Barwick willl,very d,lppt•r ushers. Mrs harry John - ton and Mrs R 1) Philp move to Guelph w herr she will nlatl:c The officiatil.g clergyman \vas Mrs her home ttith her sister 1. \I Scrirlgcour, and the bride was d Sgt Cunning return' to England ---V- I ;given allay by her Ire father, Mrs Culning about a month before he sailed for I,Ityt.OTl B1':ly On Way I-Iotne l During the signing of the register :1 letter from \Irs \'\I Bray, kit Mrs Cutting and Mfrs Scrintgeour sang che,fe I. to The Standard, reveals the a pat•o•ly of "Long Lolg r\go° good news that Flt -Lieut Layton Brty, I :\ tut of merriment was caused by who has been with the RCAF in Pont- It,;ieking the bride's hag with articles Bay, is un lits way Monte, ;Ind 1, is hoped she had supposedly nycrloul:ed that he will b; house by Christmas\II joined in singing "Show one the Latterly he has been stationed 011 :1!way to go tonic" secret baric Ioc:ited in the Loco L lands, ' Following is the program as it was' an atoll held by a Scotchniatt on a run off: finely -nine yea lease \\'hen he wrote (penin, chnius by the Blyth Contin - Sept 14th he suis in Ccvhutt awaiting a nation sellool pupils, Grades 9 and' 10; bolt to Bolltbatw. from where he expect - .Solo, Claire i';ICinI' ; Pat'Inte number,cd to sail for I:rglatl`l Mrs Colson'; School, No 7 Tfullett; I \tis Bray winds tip her letter as fol- 1ligltLlnd Fling. Edith Lockhart's school lows -"Tow had the races did not conte No 7 \lorri;; ]triLlliot, Donny Craig, off, hitt Myth scents to haws had sone .\n1y 'toll', School No 4 East \Va\a- good times its shirt' of tete rainy weatti nosh: llrttch song, \frs Colson's school; ler Please renectuber me kindly to any Vocal 1u 1, :Nutt 'roll's school; Reci- (old friends you arc talking to" ration, Tackie Cadwell; two choruses, \Irs Curninglla.ni of Toronto was a \Ir 11 T' Vodden, to occupy the north hornl;3r Resident Mrs Wm. rotten t visitor with her brother, \lr front of Iii; b;,kery building as a shoe died at For I-111111111, Buried Here George \Vallace Continuation School Field \Irs \\'illi;un flannelrepairing shop The necessary equip- , Mr David Chanute). of \Vltlgllan meet is now in shipment and it is ex - Day Winners 'home, \Lein street, \I itched, on Sundaty 1 spent a day la. t wreck at the home of peered that business will he in upct•a- :1 eery surrc aful field day was held running in her •bird year She had nephew, Robert Chanlncy ISitiou \within a ronplcife of wccl:s fro\Ir of Thursday, Oclubcr •Ith The events been ailing for the !,ase two years and Holt \ S (dive Jefferson rcpuutcc� u,kius experts hi; wto arri\c m consisted of running races, junlpirg,'sct iotrsly ill for the past week_ The I to 'Toronto las! week after a thirty -day England next month throwing at the target, throwing soft- former 1.ruelba Mc\'all, (laughter of Mr leave at her home here \' hall for distant', and throwing the bas and \Irs Gcotge \It\all, she was horn Flt -Lieut \\'reliant 1, Craig, recently LIONS CLUB LADIES NIGHT at Sault Ste \t:trie on May 20th, 1903, ti'turucd front o•ertcas, and \Irs OC'T'OBER 23RD rano' with her parents to Nile and was Craig, of London, are visiting at his 'Tuesday night, October 23rd, will be 'married to \Vi'liam Hamm at myth on home here Ladies' Night at the i.ions Club utcet- Frhwuary '(i, 1921 They resided there I Pte Coahanl Chan,nc'y' has received ing I'hc regular tnccting will he fn(- tuntil fi\c years non when they mowed his discharge fromthe Army and is luwcd by a dance for the members of kct hall f''r the basket The \•itnters were as fellows; Senior Girls 1st -Lois 1) redrew, 31 points 2nd -Dorothy McGee, 20 points 3rd -lana \\';,d, 16 points JI'nio• Girls • 1st-icahel Thucll, 22 points 2nd-1)elores Mc\all, 17 points 3rd -Irma Wallace, 12 points Senior Boys 1st -Andy Kyle, 33 points 2nd -lila \Vail, 20 points 3rd -ton Cowan, 12 points junior Boys est -Don Johnston, 38 points 211el--11ill Johnston, 35 points 3rd -Ross 1',i.,ker•,' points BIRTHS -v,.. Ivttherinc NIcl)onad's school, No 6, CONC1>:ATULATIONS ibillt't; Recliit'oi, Ethel Pierce, Amy Congratulations to \Ir 'Thomas Law -1.. , lI oil , school; Piano duet, 'Marjorie and spending a cut Ic of weeks at his rcnce, who will celebrate his birthday Lois l ioherty ; Drill, Mrs Tiall's school, to \litclt:11 She was a member of l the Club, their wives, and a •zit\ ),noses on Saturday, October ,lith ‘Lois Strict United church and of hunts here I (No 13 Ilullctt and lEorris: two choruses, Congratulations to I(cuucth Johnston' Gould's \\'onu'n's Institute Besides A large number of the i)onnybrookINinth Victto1'y Loan Quotas who celebrates his itth birthday un1bitcrittittrtc Room )Myth Public her husband and parents, she is sur- congregation mit on Thursday evening District Quota For Ninth Lonn „ School; Solo, Luella Taylor; TTarmntt- I 1 It the church is honour of tht•cc re \fondly, October _til I zeal ,elution, efts Coming; ltianr, duct, yitid by one sou, F.atl, at haute and ,' re -12k Township y14l 00( Congratulation; to �Ir and \frs Div one daughter, \Irs Robert Ga(c'tin torrent member: of the Service, Olive \\'est \1'a\w;uu,sh '),,01X) id Gwyn, who will celebrate their 15th \irs tearer, anti Miss Shirley Phillips; Icffcrson, William Craig and Graham I ,-'horns, Junior Institute and Junior (Janet), of M tchrll; four ht others,' ,Coioorni'1'o\VitSitp 93,1x)0 wedding anniversary un 'teens4ay, Oc- (_haun'y :\ put luck supper was en- ' ',Farmers: vocal duet, �,!f'rlcy Phillips George llc\all, Myth; Phomas \Ic ,Town of Godcrich 605,(,011 tutor 1St!, Nall, :\ubttrn; Samuel \Ic\all, Ben- joyid and during the evening each was 1:ast \\'anauo,h :)7,000 \• and Irma \\'alhce; T'wo choruses, Ccn- (miller, and \\'cllitgtor \lc\all, lllyth: presented with a gift of ntonr'y 11uwwtt of \\'ins'hant _ AUCTION SALES ARE IN SEASON 11 Room Bititt Public School; Talk, V • Miss Trent! O'Conntr, CKKNX; Piano tithe sister (Chrislctta) Mrs Bert Craig I Turnberry Township _ ................i 108,0(X) This is tit,• time of year for Auction VI Auburn; one grandson, Robert Dav- I lowick 'I'owndlip ... _ .. .. • 314,(1(X) Sale, and every newspaper carries duct, Mr; Frei Sorters and 1Ers 11ar- id Gatenhy, \!itchcll :\ brother, lata: \irs G Jenkins and son, Jim, al:o Morris Township 1,110(1) many lists, which comprise items of \`y Lru.wn; Solo, Stanley Sihlhorpe; niece, \eras Eleanor Perrin, of Diduth, Mystery number by the \\'omci'r; In- I11c\all, lost his life while serving n\•- Grey Tow 167,000 great interest, and which twiny people crsvas in 191.1 lis visiting the fortier's cousin, Mrs R'village of Brutscls 104,000 are anxious to buy stitutr; National Anthem 1 The remains rested at the Lockhart C Me.Gut\•attw Village of 131y;h (u4,IXN)i -v--- For hursday Afternoon Dltl'.\N'I'-In Godcrich hospital out tuucral chapel, Mitchell, where a ser \Irs J "Taylor visited her sister, Mrs 'l'urkcrsnhilh Township 1l?,(XV1 BLYFH UNITED CHURCH For the convenience of those who \Wednesday, October ]Orbs 1945, to vice was held at 1 o'clock on 'Tuesci Alex \1cC van, on Sunday McKillop Township ......... 1.12,000. Large Congregations attended the "ere Inlaid,' to bring their contribution; \ir and \Irs itay Bryant, twin boys, this was followed by a service in the \' Mullett Township ' 10 the Comer", red cards have been Township ...--- ............. .. 14_,IXNI .\nniwers iry Services last Sunday key Blyth United, which was largely at- Special W, M. S. Meetingr Town of Scifnrih 2'),INI') .\nnce\\ Lair in the inn ing and key distributed by the school children tended by relatives and friend's Rey The Autumn '!'hank -Offering meet- iStanley Townsl•il, 141,1111;1 harwld Snell iu the' evening gave excel 1louschmldct'•I arc asked to display • :\ Sinclair, had charge of the service ing for the \\' \I S of the United Go hitch Township 120,(X1!) lent messages The .special music by ANNiS-Its Vpicouvcr on Monday, here, asisted by Rey :\ TI Johnston ot!IChurch, Blyth, \rill he held on \londayllersall and flay East 112,010 the Choir las really appreciated \iia October 8th, 1945, to Dr and Mrs \laic street United Church, Mitchell 'eve'ning at 8 o';incic The special speak- Zttrich and flay \Vest 128,C0U Luella Taylor contributed a fine silo James Atolls, the gift of a daughter ) The alltu•a•crs were, \i essrs Robert .cr will be Mr; 1Ilr) E C Wilford, of lUshorne 'Township 142,001) at the nt,,rning service -vPierce, \\'illiam Levy, Clayton Rohit- I\\'est ('him,, who is well known to the ,Stephen East 93,0001 Next Sunday, October 21, the ser - RATION COUPON DUE DATES son, Leslie (:�lcnbr, George Tooker I lllyth people Everyone will he glad to 'Stephen \West ............ . Coupons non valid are sugar 46 to ;and iHarvey Hannon 'welcome \firs \\'ilford and hear her ad- ITotwn of Clinton ......... 65, butter 116 tc 126, preserves 33 to 57,1 interment was made in Union Ccme- 'dress The public is cordially invited to I'1 to I'19, meat \I1 to M7 ttery . attend EAST WAWANOSII Both 1al,ies passed away the same day 93,11111 yi' es will be : 240,000 I1:15 -Sunday School 11:15 -"Safety First" ;'1lurou County Quota $4,170,000 i P M -"A \Vise Decision" .\ house to horse collection will he made thus Thursday afternoon, and Meese cards w'i,t indica'." if you have bundle; waiting to be picked up Please co-operate to tete full in IhTs colienlintt And eh ;til the good used clothing you can Ottr quota it; 'et at 1000 pound, FAKE FOOD FACTORY FULL OF FUN, FOOLS, FOLKS AND FELINES Hold on there kitty! That isn't milk and that isn't a rational steak, either, It's a fake kitty, just a product of Brooklyn plays, just to make your mouth water without spoiling food. To heck with it! The place is haunted. Kitty shoves of: one lady wanted to hit a butcher because he wouldn't sell her a juicy but phony steak. Jap demobilization speed-up is jamming the country's railroads with soldiers returning home. Group above is loaded with packs contain- ing shoes, blankets, equipment ... and possibly "souvenirs." 'TOY' GUNS FOR GERMAN CHILDREN Kris Kringle won't need to bring German children any guns for Christmas—they have plenty left over from the war to play with. Here three boys have fun playing with a wrecked 20 -mm. anti- aircraft piece near the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Gun was put out of commission by the Allied bombing, ATOP THE WORLD ingenuity. They use these things in window dis- in high dudgeon. But even humans get fooled.. . This all -wood Mosquito, Britain's two -engined bomber said to be the world's fastest, soars over Mount Everest, world's highest mountain, in temperature 17 degrees below zero. HUNGER KNOWS NO V -DAY This is hunger. This is the after- math of war. These skeleton- like Filipino child- ren, anxiously waiting for food to stop the per- sistent pangs at least temporarily, represent the war victims of all Al- lied nations. They are badly in need of food, clothing, medical attention. It is up to you. Your contribu- tions to the Na- tional Clothing Collection now un- derway will help these people, as well as provide other services for Allied peoples. Give generously. Give now, YOUNGSTERS RIDE THE RAILS BEHIND MIDGET LOCOMOTIVES • `Iodrl loco' :otives are giving youngsters in Etohicoke, Ont., a thrill these days. A society of model engineers has constructed t.40 `cot of track in its proving ground, officially opened on Oct. 7. A dozen youngsters are hauled with ease by this locomotive by B. A. JAP PREMIER Baron Kujuro Shidchara. 73 - year -old liberal, has. been named Premier of Japan. I -Ie has pledged unstinted cooperation with Allied occupation authorities. He has been authorized by Emperor Hiro- hito to form a new cabinet. PLATTERS LICKED CLEAN An "after supper" scene at one of the British nurseries maintained by Canadian Junior Red Cross. Juniors send clothing to children in the nurseries twice a year, Nurseries are maintained at an annual cost of about $41,000, raised by the pennies of Canadian school boys and girls. TORTURED Dora Szalfraw, a Polish girl, was one of the thousands tortured at the Belson prison camp. but unlike thousands more she lived to tell about it, She is a witness at the trial of the Beast of Belson and his aides being held in Lueneberg. WIN PIIAISE for your coffee ... serve Maxwell IIouse — the stimulating blend of Lat111-A111ericalt coffees With deeply satis- fying flavor. Make Max- well House your regular coffee. 1 on 1t'IlI Enjoy Flo) lux At The SL Regis hid 'rOunsr° A I:A1.17 11",1111 ,Ailh 11nth, 110%1 el' and '1'rlrphonc. 1Iri I,', 9.:.311 up — Double, s:r.no up. p ttood I'uud. Dining nrul !Moo- ing NIg11M'. Sherbourne at Carlton Tri. It .1. •1135 'tb v..,r•^rt.e...y�;1L1'i'.iti*,�'Y.a�w.n D WILLTHEY STAND UP ? A definite "yes" is Firestone'. answer to the second ques- tion, Wil bur Shaw, the famous race driver, proved it when he drove Firestone tires 500 miles at an average speed of 100.31 miles per hour oter the Indianapolis Speedway— equal to 50,000 miles of ord- inary driving. U'llh'N you can buy new tires depends largely on UNNl1A demands and rationing aunt - 1 111 you can he sure that once Firestone is given the go-ahead signal our full pro(btction will be devoted to your needs, In (he meantime, your nearby Firestone Dealer will gladly do everything he can to help make your tires last. See hint today. TALE TALKS Meat -Stretchers Meat•stretching (making 4 into 6) sounds like magic, But it isn't, it is just a matter of simple arithmetic, For instance: 6 token =1 Ib, ground beef _ 1 servings. 1 Ib, ground beef plus 2 cups Kellogg's Corn Flakes -- 6 sem Ings. And here are three recipes to prove it: MEAT PATTIES cups Kellogg's Corin Flakes / carp water or milk 1 pound ground beef IN teaspoons salt 'A teaspoon pepper ('rush corn flakes sligh11 . :\ehl Other ingredients; nux \veil. Shape into patties. Fry or broil, cooking 7-10 minutes on each side or until well hrowned, or hake in hot OV - (.150 deg. F.) about ::,1 minutes, Yield: 6 patties (about 23.i inches in diameter, 3.i inch thick). :Note: Add chopped onion or other seasoning, as desired. MEAT LOAF 4 cups Kellogg's Corn Flaks. 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup stater or milk a teaspoons salt 'A teaspoon pepper 1 t ca s 00 11 \\'orcc:•tcrs1irc Sauce TA cup chopped parsley I tablespoon chopped onion 1/ pounds ground beef % pound ground pork or sausage Crush corn flakes; add other in- gredients; mix thoroughly. Pack lightly in loaf pan. Hake in ntod- eriatcly hot oven (423 deg, F.) 60-60 nninutcs. . Yield: t loaf (WI x 0!1 -inch pan) -8 servings. IN EUROPE NOW Hundreds of thousands of Euro- pean children, especially in sou- thern Europe, where Canadian meat is scheduled to go, are as thin and scrawny front under- nourishment as this French young. stet. HOTEL EMPIRE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C,N,R, STATION STUFFED MEAT Stuffing cup di:ed celery !.i (.1111 chopped onion I/:t cup fat 1 cup conked rice 2 tablespoons minced parsley 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning r2 teaspoon salt !: cup stock or water s cups Kellogg's Rice ICrispies. Brown celery ;end onion in fat; stir in rice, parsley, seasonings and stock and mix well, Crush Rice Krispies into coarse crumbs; stir into rice mixture. Meat Mixture 1 pound ground beef pound ground veal or sausage 2 tablespoons finely minced on- ion 1 t tea: peons salt teaspoon celery salt '.i teaspoon pepper 1.i teaspoon allspice 1( ' Iboon; Worcestershire Sance CUP tomato sauce or puree Combine meats with onion and ,ea.oniugs, except tomato sauce. Flatten on piece of waxed paper into rectangular shape about 34 incl) in thickness. :'lace stuffing on top of nkat and forst into roll. !!ring nkat up and around roll of stuffing so that it is completely covered. Place in loaf pan, Pour tomato sauce over roll and bake ill moderate oven (avis (log. 17.) :shout 1 hour. Yield: 8 servings, Note: Stuffing may be pressed lightly into baking pan and meat spread on lop, Bake same as stuff- ed loaf (8 x 8 -inch pan). LOAF How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. Ifow can i remove dirt from the gas burners? A, If pipe cleaners are used on each little valve of the gas stove burners, they will remove all the small particles of dirt and grease that accumulate. Q. flow can I keep brass from tarnishing? (.;ivc it a thin coat of gum shellac and alcohol. Or a thin coat of lacquer can be used if the lacquer is very clear. Q. slow can I measure one cup frith a tablespoon? A. Sixteen tablespoons equal 1 cup, 3 teaspoons equal 1 table' spool!, fill tlt'ops equal 1 small tea - s1)0011. Q. ll0tt• can I brighten a dulled mirror? A. If a little spirits of camphor or alcohol is rubbed on the mirror after it has been dusted it will brighten it wonderfully. Q. Iloty can I make a lighter pie crust? A. If the shortening that is to be used is hard and cold, it will snake a• lighter crust. Q. Bow can I put another notch in a leather belt? A. Try heating a steel knitting needle red hot, then hunt itt the (tole where needed. Hold the needle with pliers. Counter -Weapon 1t is now reported front London that British and United States scienti' is have made good advances in perfection of (..unto•\•(.;tpons to the atomic bomb. It all goes back to the case of the man who in. vented a sled bar that could be sawn through—an I then invented a 5115 111111 did it. —Port Arthur New•s•('hrouicla FOR COUGHS - COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT DARK. LIGHTNING rafrktly�,�� gLf HELEN TOPPING MILLER CHAPTER II The fence should have been tight, the red hog should never have been browsing in that clump of tall grass ready to dart out, with porcine perversity, where the con- crete abutment of a culvert stuck up. There was a sickening swerve and the car tottered on two wheels for a breath before it roared down the shoulder and into the ditch, to end with a sickening, jolting crash and splashing of glass. \Iona 1.ee sat stunned for a min- ute, her stomach hurting, her neck twisted, the broken steering wheel still in her hands, 11cr hat was off and her hip was full of glass, and there was blood running into her eye, and her knees burned and slung. Slowly she got hack her breath, opened her taut fingers, looked around, though merely mov- ing her head made her giddy. The door on the other side was open and hanging at a crazy angle, and of Gary 'Tallman only his boot- ed feet were visible, sticking up inside the car. * Mona Lce tried to open the door beside her, but it was sprung and would not stove, so she climbed over the boy's legs and tried to straighten his body, flung across the running hoard, his head on the ground. His face was greenish gray and the skin had been scraped off his forehead, but he was breathing thinly through his mouth. She re- membered about spines and that you shouldn't lift an injured per- son, so she dragged some dry grass under his head and staggered back to sit 4015'11 011 the culvert till her head cleated a little, 1ler ears were ringing so that she did not hear the truck coating till the brakes squealed right at her cars, and a man jumped down be- side her. "Good gosh, :[rs, :Mason!" It was Slitu..\tona Lee began to cry and scold hysterically. "It was that red hog — Harvey told you to fix that fence. Don't you lilt that boy — you Wright break his back. You go get sonic-. thing to carry hint on." "\'our face is crit." Sling was slab- bing at a smarting place with his dubious handkerchief. "Sure lucky you ain't killed — the way that car's busted up, Easy, 1101} hang on to toe. I'll get you home and fetch some help to take care of him," "Ile's breathing yet — but you'd better harry." She (lid not faint, thank goodness, "Don't send hint to any hospital — you bring him here," she or- dered, when Slits helped her into the house, I s And then, when people were run- ning around frantically and tele- phoning and exclaiming, she sat on a straight chair and wondered what had happened to her hat. The bed was S11100th and Cool, and the windows of the room looked out on wide pastures and a little ravine where mesquite trees were beginning to turn a gay, pale green under the spring sun. \Vhen his side had stopped its dull aching and his head had clear- ed tip and the nurse stopped shoot - in;; stuff into his arm every time he uo,goted, Gary Tallman became aware that it was spring and that there was a tawny -haired girl who carte into his room now and then. Iter name, so he had garnered out of the muddle of his percep- tions, was Adelaide. other people cone and went. Mrs. Mason, with a patch of plas- ter on her forehead and a worried look on her kind face. She felt re- sponsible for his broken ribs and collarbone and the crack on the head he'd got when the car hit the pig, and she urged hint over and over not to worry; he'd be taken care of and just as soon as he was strong enough they'd see that he got down to his job in Mexico. * * * And now and then Mr, Mason came in. Gary was very apologetic when the big sandy man towered over the bed, But 1iarvey Mason didn't seem to resent his presence, This room he lay in belonged to Harvey Junior, so he had learned. Adelaide Mason had a husky voice and slow gray eyes. Lying in the dark, with the spring breeze stirring the curtains, Gary could still see her eyes. Little dark blue ring around the irises, and her lashes had gold on the ends and made shadows on her cheeks. 'There \1, a peppery line of freckles across her nose, and her lips were lovely. She le.d nice clean bright hair. '1'Ile older Mason (laughter, Grace, carte 011 Sunday, She... was different. 1-Ier stair was black:and her eyes were cold and indifferent, She wore too much lipstick and she had a husband who looked like a collar ad, Ilis name was Oliver, he was in solid with a big petroleum concern. Oliver asked hint about football and about Mexico, and said he thought chances were darned slim down there and anyway cheap .Mexican crude was playing the dickens with the oil business, Ile decided that he didn't like Oliver, and his opinion did not R:hange even when he saw Oliver in old fishing clothes. But Adelaide was different, and Mrs. 1\fason was swell. She brought up trays herself and feel hint cus- tard with a spoon, when they wouldn't let hint use his arm or lift his head. '1'he band was pt rple and felt like wood, lying on the cool counterpane. Mfrs. Mason told hint about her little boy, Phil, who had dial when he was six. "Ile would have been just your age now, Ife'd have looked like you, I think. I -Ie was a year older than Harvey Junior — and three years older than Adelaide," So Adelaide was twcnty•one. Mfrs, :Mason told hint that she had had four children in six years. "They were all little at once — and then they all grew up at once — and now I'm left with nobody to mother," So she mothered calves and ranch hands and Gary Tall- man, ( To Be Continued) Magic! What can be made from a plan's worn out shirt? Six handkerchiefs are one thing, two from the front, four from the back. Out of it can instead appear a dress for the one to three year old. The dress front comes from the back of the shirt while the dress back is cut from the front of the shirt, putting the scam down the dress back, Sleeves 'and a little collar are cttt from the shirt sleeves. \Vith the addition of some gay embroidery or coloured ric-rac braid a pretty little dress emerges. HAPPY? YOU BET! Here's the way it is when food comes at Last to famished countries of Europe. The children in this picture are being given soup with neat in it in a creche in France. Particularly is Europe short of meat. Belgium has lost two-thirds of her cattle; Greece all her cattlo; these are typical examples. TEA CHRONICLES By G wendoline P Clarke of GINGER FARM Partner is house again! Three weeks since Ile went away so 1 need hardly tell you how glad we are to have hint back with us once more, I and sure manly of you have been through a similar experience and know exactly what I 111(1111. You !MOW what it means to live a divided life as it were — with your thoughts in one place and your work in another, getting done such jobs as you can between trips to the hospital, mad after each trip sometimes coaling away hopeful and other tinges downhearted. Yes, Partner is home all right but it certainly seems strange when milking time c•0111CS around to have hint staying in the house instead of going to the barn. He never thought that was possible before. However, he is able to be up and around most of the day and abso- lutely refuses to let us make an in- valid of him, But like all convales- cents he thinks he can do far more than his strength will really let him, The quickest way to settle an argument is to let hint find out for himself. * * * 1fe has plenty to tell us that is quite interesting regarding his ex- periences in the hospital — praise for many of the doctors and nurses, impatience for some of the students and absolute scorn for the various patients \•iso spent most of their waking hours in voicing complaints about things in and around the hos- pital — the doctors, nurses, food, treatment, in fact just about every- thing. 'I'llerc was hardly anything that suited them.' Mind you, the attention they are given„ is by no means one hundred percent but can it be expected under present conditions? Shortage of help is very evident for those who will see it. * * * '1'hcre have been quite a few let- ters in the press lately as to wheth- er or not flowers should be taken to hospital patients. Naturally there are some in favour and some against. There isn't a doubt in the world that flowers for the sick are a kind and thoughtful gesture and in the past I doubt if anyone would speak against the practise, particu- larly for private roost patients. To- day there are few private patients. People who are really sick cannot afford to wait until a private roost is available, so there are more ward patients than ever before, And, from what I was able to see in To- ronto, there is absolutely no roots in a public ward for flowers for anyone. Otte small table beside each patient's bed must do for everything. Time after time flow- ers must he moved so that space may be given for other things. So, no matter hots much you may be tempted to take flowers to your friends in a city hospital, think again — and don't. Fruit or easily digestible food is far ntore accept- able — depending of course upon the patient's needs. * * * And by the way, if by any chance any of you people are getting fed up with the weather I suggest that you go to hospital to forget about it, All the time Partner was away we were telling hint how wet it was everywhere and how the rain held up the tt0rk and so on and so forth but it wasn't until he was actually home that Partner realised what artfully wet train we had been hav- ing, if you know what I mean -- and I think you do. Inc said one clay was much like another in hos- pital — that a dull day was hardly noticable at all. So there you are folk, if the weather doesn't suit you I've told you how to get away from it. Put don't forget to take your cheque book with — it is rather an expensive form of escap- ism. * * * \Veil, the time is getting 011 and 111} buys will be soon in to break- fast, Yes, breakfast, that is what I said, for the time is 7.13 a.111, and I atm making 5011e' attempt 10 get this job done before my brain gets addled with the problems of the day. Believe pie, there is no time like the early morning if one really wants to get a jolt done. Frame For Rugs A discarded card table makes an excellent frame for hooking rugs. Remove top of table and tack bur- lap foundation securely to frame. :The table is the right height to work at comfortably and may be folded and put away when not in use. ITIS BROW CLEARS when you serve Maxwell House. Men love the satin. Eying flavor of this choice blend of Latin•Anierican coffees. Please hint daily with Maxwell House. ASPIRIN EASES NEURITIC, NEURALGIC PAIN FAST! You get pain relief fast when you nae Aspirin because it starts to go to work almost immediately. To see that this is so, just drop an Aspirin tablet in water. What you'll see is what happens in your stomach—the tablet starts disintegrating within two second,/ That's why Aspirin stops neuritic, neuralgic pain so quickly. Get Aspirin today.The"Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin. NOW—Neer Low Prices! Pocket box of 121. . . . only 1134 Economy bottle of 24 . • only 29e Family size of 100 , . . only 79e ISSUE 42-1945 Helps (heck (olds Quickly You can often check a cold quickly if you follow these instructions. ,bust as s0011 as you feel the cold con- ing on and experience headache, pains in the back or limbs, soreness through the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good , big drink of hot lemonade or ginger ten and go to bed. The Paradol affords almost immed- iate relief from the pains and aches and helps you to get off to sleep. The dose may be repeated, if necessary, accord- ing to the directions. If there is sore- ness of the throat, gargle with two Paradol tablets dissolved in water. Just try l'aradol the next time you have a cold and we believe that you will be well pleased. l'aradol does not disap- point.. 110(t. 411,• ••o WAGE 4, THE STANDARD 7.11 I,.;1 0 ,,' , o r r' 0 .' 1' 0; , I 1 0 0 1 , r' ,I0(K 1141(KKKKKKKKKKI[i CARD OF APPRECIATION I'h \ tli u'I t nothing (•ollccnll ( 1 1(i h 1 •iii h the Cl\ lli 1&,1 ('rosy ('uuttittcc dr -ire III e\pil - t1 ten• Ip the lllkth •hn'n l' I'iutt, the (lid's \Vat gtact ration to the t unnuunity tor their .\u\ilia't , it, 'I I til', r org,lirttions and v . 4 .V• - CARD OF THANKS Elli U ott insurance Agency BLYT1I -- ONT. INSURE NOW! AN1) BE ASSURED. Agentron, Ie -11 in tl. natint: clothing and patrou;r.n,; the concert u;I \itln 11.1 nicht .\:,,1 our 1!lan{.• 1,, the teachers amt I ap 1, of Ill\ 111 a1111 sur- I,'un,l1':g \VInocu'• In.li! Car - Eire - Lit'e - Sickness - Accident. 14 J. 11, R. Elliott. Gordon VV1110tt Afor I arnl.r•, ;till all ,tiler individual, 4Office Phone 101. Residence .'hone 12 or 1.10, F 1 \\ ilo ;I -,1-:e l n 11,, ) grain 4 "COURTESY AND SERVICE" A 1' (tart-mt. Chairman 114tat)tatata)atara,atata+atalarataralalalaiatNstata;t,Iatatat+tatatatatatalasata,aaatalatasatat>um i CARD OF THANKS R ute, and tit, Ir.nior Institute and Jun - 1 I n ish to .i:leer -1v thank the Auburn ••-• +.+..,0.:..�•..., ,,, ••+++.�.0.��..r.. .i♦•• •: •:••1••:•.••.�♦.••.• •:••: •:•is •:.�.: •:•r� 1• K,•1;,1,;1„1,.�,;),,,�..1„(..q.., ♦ la'lie• it'r till ;r 6inlint s, In prep ;u•m•; .• supper t• r the large group of mourners \\ e \\' •'I 10 t'\toy.' 11111• 1‘.111eurc 't♦ 1 o ihanll.s 1 ' Illy In -v .\ Sinclair, 1,11• IIt- nlul gathered ,i. my home t•'ll \\i' g te the Haiti; of 11.\" .Isn't• on 1 ne,daC klndite•s I.1 tl'tl'h c till.: the services 111r 4.4 _' \Voris fail to express my appreciation the late \I r, 1l;lni in, ;Intl aI a all those 1 'I• bits • lsintlllt'>t who ,elft til r,t' tribute'', u1' loaned ear, ... —Nit., Inert Craig --\\Illi:tin Baum and I'aniily �_♦'________------___--- -—, -- ---- --- STOVE FOR SALE Iludir PULLETS FOR SALE 1 OR SALE \lel'lary, coal or no d range, ,thw t A ;n 1:'11—" 1111 cls 1ptdy to Mr` AI- \Ian\ (ricllo. in L'Isill as \cell a; .t.. 511 Il;u•re'I locks ;1111 i; \\bite 1.e:a 11(•‘‘ Apply I hunt _let,, Blyth II,\ -1 fit,' NIA, ham pbctic I8-:, Illh (1 t1-1 their immediate c, nnnnnily, will regret —' th1 :r dep;a ;nee hul \\ill he glad t', Nit. I?d Ih,ng,;Ui has sold hi, faruls ; 1'�'l01'1111; to Iil'tissel5 krnnt;n• nc that they are not uio\ing ton tar indi\idnai, t\hu •o ki;ully remembered he Burn;,: lilt U1t r-e,ls Scrviet Set Hugh lugll 1. outing CARD OF THANKS \Ir• Il. rt .\n,;rr un ;dui Mr.,I':d\\ard I1, ngan non111 I.I,c to t\pre, their sincere ,11'11 api'reiiatl'e thanks tl, each and g'•1, 11 nnr t\ho extemIcd 'nett Lind tokens of \ III;';Illl\ during their ,ail herc;lt'cntei;l I I' CARD OF THANKS Listen To HURON COUNTY Victory Loan News CKNX Every Day Oct. 22 to Nov. 10th AT 12.20 P.M. Huron County National War Finance Committee. Wednesdav, October 17,19'1 Hallowe'en Items False Face, & Masks, horns, Rachet Noise Makers. Hallowe'en Napkins. ''Durex Cellulose Tape, 100 in. 111c, 300 in. 25c Rubber Sponge Balls, 5c Bird Whistles 5c Spinning' Tops 20c Boys' Kites 10c New Line o1' Fiction liooks. Full Line of Stationery Supplies &Other Items. The Standard Book Store .. hunt, .\1,11.y I,ilhct t \ether y. I'hon, _ • — tl)•8, mythI1S-I-1, I'0R SALE • .•r' , 1 I'urcurcd I i,trhln e1'n, 5 year, old, ._♦ FOR SALE, nr I;uut ivy 1 •l ; 1 I'ntcbred heifer ton the Hulk:: \Hari, Il.nntdary, and .• 7 York•lt re 1;g,, weeks old, we;Ii- call, 12 Itt'nth, ol'I', bot 11 pith papers till shortly nn,•Vs to IlrIs-el• Mr Hot,- . \Ir Mongan is having a Pleating'; Atte- t; cd .\pile to Fred \Icl'uul, Louth's- Apply, R .1 I', tell, phone '), Blyth !gait ha, sol'I I•ls grass farm to Allen lion Sale of his farm stock and inlple- 'i` bort). ph Inc 2S -H, III) ih U..-1 1 US -?p Searle. and the hunts farm to I'retl mem, t),1 U1'l t, r ',ird i♦ •11' _. .2. •,. .S. ._. ••♦ ••1 .•. 8444: ^If'4444'i.44T'144444 7'++ T' 461.•i4+0:'•i••i•.y'i +44:'T4444.1"i'T44.447t WES'11F 11 LD I itcri last \\'eek \yith her cousin, \irs Mr and \Ir. U tight, Campbell anti Norman NleDi'1ctII \I r and \I r, \\• .\ Campbell ;111'1 lion- - ald, \i u' \V II Campbell, visited with Jnr and NIrs .\rthur Speigclherg of Iiitl'heltt'r, 1111 Senility NIrs \Vnl NI( \"iltit', NIrs rs \\' 1' Camp - bid!, NIrs Gordon Snell, \I rs I' .1 Cool;, Mrs I'. Rodger attended the Sectional meeting' of the \\' \I S held at the Knox l'--ited Church, .\uburn, on 'fhursda\ Guests at the home of \Ir and Nir< \\'1(l Carter o11 Sun tit \ were, \Ir and NIrs 1'-1\\in \\i'• '0 ;del family t f Sea forth, \h' and Nits \Vitt Knox Jr tv-1 family of 1.orde,boro, \It• and \Ir- \Vill Stewart, \li.s JI;I•ion Stcnart of Auburn, NI i•,, Doris Pierce of 111 til The \l i—ion Il; 1('l mut on Sunday afternoon null a good attendance 'I'hc meeting was icrl by Lloyd \Icl1owcll :\ number of the Band gave Thanks- giving verses The Scripture lesson wit - read by \1r' Norman NleDon•cl' '1•h;ntksgieint; stories acre toll by \1t, N \1c1),, vt'lI and Mrs Howard Camp- bell John spent the lack -end with Jir and ;\irs Elmer NI:1)ougal t.t (ialt \1r; liar' •f,':lor spent it few clays laFt neck •,: .;n tier sister, NIrs R Stone- 1lcu'c', of (iudcrich \I tss \ ,'ra \\ Ain, of (;odcrich, K EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. SUN WORTIIY Wallpapers 11 ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTING' Y BEAUTIFUL pRICt_:") ARE RiGHT ALSO pAINTS AND ENI. 1ELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Stop Pant Sme'I SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. ••• F. C. PREST Phone 37.26. LONDESBORO \I:s< lean Campbell has gone to iliitchener to take a position \\'c are plea'ed to report that little Jimmy Carter, .year old son of \ir and NIrs \VII Carter. is doing a: well can be expected 1Ii; condition beim; reported as very .good at the time of \\Titine, jimmy res;lu-dcd ncll to the treatments gist n bite at St Josephs hospital, London, for the serious eye tt'jnry he rceeteed n11111 111111 ,Beed by II other nien;her, of the f n Su -day he jabbed the point of tla ,l'i'"ot', Into Iit- eye .\tl t -''";Minn wits periot nte,l on the eye on 'Thursday horning \Ir Garter nent to London I'rifia 'nor Ing, x111 a, jimmy 11•a; doing so \yell both \Ir and NIrs Carter returned home Friday evening, n';th 'runt hope that the little laddie \you'd soon again have good eye,igilt \i-- r, Leslie I i'rl'n r and Hough. 11 Itnsl' tt of St Cath''ri-e., visited on Sunday w;th \ir and NIrs Emerson Rodger ; I William Sneir Stilling Out I Mr \Villiau Spcir of \lorris 'Town- _ ship is holdinar a clearing auction sale c'tl 1)c—totter 25111 Farmers will be in- • tet•esterl in ti': fine list of articles, _ nhieh include 111;,111' fine cattle, several purcl,red sows of the famed \Velln•l,o') 1ilrce•I, and a splendid line o1 inlple- - Thi, ,ale, ;Wing with many others. are listed in this• week's Standard Be sure to rad tient :1 .71 1. 1 ,t1d�iiG.w11+I;lit 1.406 ttt'. ., ,i ..1 w 1..1. . 11 11 ,11 , .1 1 .I..I. .1 11.111 4.4.1 .111164.411•44.4•644114Ia•146111i11' '" HM1iw,hCw 11.111♦ 111,1 .S I 1 • TWICE AS LO1G TO PAY So many times you hear people say "I wish I could buy more Victory Bonds," Well, it has been announced that there will be only one Victory Loan in the next 12 months. People who buy Bonds now will have a whole year to pay for then., 1.11 ......1..... IlirltiliJt�10('fIS4iN..:::.t`,6, 1'g'.+ Bear this in mind when the Victory Loan salesman calls on you. The same rate of savings as in previous loans will pay for twice as many bonds over the 12 -month period. So, buy double this tiny, 04 Farmers can buy Victory Bonds through any back , , . on convenient deferred payments. Victory Loan salesmen have copies of the letter at the right. (Banks also have copies.) When you sign this letter . , . and pay 5 % of the cost of thc bonds ... the bank buys thc bonds for you. You have 12 months to pay for the bonds and the interest the bond earns pays the interest on the bank loan. 9.55 i I 7;7/444444e 444 Azi 14t-4;t44eo 4-€444/ .ft '44 e'teetede. 4€,A ..M/ttAi .,1ya1 j •y "'10 et 41 Lt441 l4 0411 1240 Wednesday, October 17, 1915 Auction Sales ((kd, in \C 1 1.h ; l roll cow, 4 years due „I '\I ill1; tearlint •t(e-r`, r \earlln:'. taller. ; 1( •!trim' cal\rs ! I 1,111,,\\v. ; 2 cloud., �IIJC�1ION S.%L14 1 l l'I.i \II:" 1' \la ,, c-Il:nri 7 ft CARLOAD OF NEW BRUNSWICK of "( Lai load of Muller; \Ic('nrulicl, nitn\er; .\dans', AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ONTARIO STOCKER CATTLE s,ady 1' ; 11,11 row earl ; hay rat h ; act POTATOES L XPEC'FEI) BETWEEN ABOUT NOVEMBER 1ST At John (;;1>", r'. Lot, Iran; of tin,' bsur"w ; (Cut' n Lural nL; mill; Fleury (l110'1 I I„tt I, 1411"t I, +m \\all\iI71 plow, \o _'I ; enitieator; Ila\ GETYOUR ORDERS IN A'1' ONCE SA'T'URDAY, OCTOBER 20TH furl; esus Iulllc, - ant( :li1!74, ; 1)11,:17",11 IF YOU REQUIRE ANY OF THESE euunculin(: at I:.0 I'.\1 1;(111 •.,;,cr;(I n; Tulle'; bu74F!v; set! We Have Received a Shipment of The -e are .7 Choice Lot of Inn -limn Ilouble harm,„ set single (harness; ;w- \;11"1,1."1.1”,,rnf tier ; land ant( Ilcrelrard Cattle (Ilcih•r, t\ :ih•cr,l : Ie't:1I, r I!t r ; ; ; u•I,, ; Tam's; ; •ovel, ; cll:ldn,, ,weighing from ;1111 to nro lb, TERMS—STRICTLY CASH and other :True!' , too numerous to men - i TERMS—CASH I'u-ili\(l•, No It.verse as the Proprietor kr, due . Tela IIS_' ,, 7417"1111! Ilp Farming 1tltlti__Sut\", i'. It 11 !) Irlg,, I weeks old k:t\ 111'7 ! NI cCor 111!l, Proprietor 111•:NS-- 25 Harling hen - Ra mood Rtdnunul, Clerk I\11'1.Pert;G1.cr drill, \I- AL1trr l T10N SALIt� I.,\\ lioul.uld .\nctiunecr 1)7 11, 11 disc; robber -tired w"agoll and I'-lfll"rt'tl riling phu1•ru\I-hur,c�,>leli};Il ; CLEARING AUC'T'ION SALE ,ruttier; tmttel ; buggy fanning 111111; Steck, Illlplcmcnts, Household Effects root pul,lcl• ; l dipping nlachinc ; walk_ at 111e f:m•n, of 1'm(•rso( \\'right, in the THE STANDARD POTATOES FOR SALE Ort, n Sfnb1 w, I'ru,.1iel„1• 1ubcrt Patrick, Clerk Lc\\ 1‘,\\ land .\nrti ,' eel” FRESH FROZEN SEA SALMON AND FRESH FILLE'T'S A. L. KERNICK GROCER—BLYTII, ONTARIO Of Farm Stock and implements To be bell ;!t I.,,1 31, ('once, •ion 13, Hull' it '1177, ship, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 251'1 at _' t,',"I 7'l; ,Ih:u•!,, Ili I,.:.. I \i!la}r( of Itlyill, un I len;;: 1 It )RSI:S - :t.m1 b1 d team, -1 year: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 old; nay team, 11 and 12 \"(•:Its old irg phi\ ; electric motor, quarter -I1 1'; cutting bux; harness; fork,; griud- slt'ne ; barrel ,17 (k s\ nip; sot stale,, l't intnencing at 1' \1 lbe tulluw•ing; 2110(( lbs; half Ion baled straw ; cedar CATTLE. -3 1.1.11 r '7\ 1.i int: 5 years C.\•I TI.E—I orhan7 Cow, due Nov posts ;. • ROS' Y THEATRE, CAPIr1'AL THEATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. PAGE 5 REGENTT THEATRE SEAFORTH. NOW PLATING: "'rhe Fighting NOW PLAYING: Clark Gable in Guardsman" NOW PLAY ING: Abbott and Cos - Jack London's "Call Of The Wild" lello in "The Naughty Nineties" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mcnda , Tuesd, Wednesday Barbara Britton and Y Walter Slezak Susanna Furter, Tayurhan Bey and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ray Mdland, An .\,uerica•, aviator, ,(eking ams Boris Karloff escape Iron, occupied France, ft:d, :\ • rein epic of sIN!It•nce and h:v Edward G Robinson, Juan Bennett Flu' nI l/Il of lUI lair' and i- foI'et•,I adz, �lture, producediin full and Raymond Massey to capture in a few (l,t\, enough 1(171 I, I,t,t :( lileliuu' "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" Thursday, Friday, Saturday "THE SONG OF BERNADETTE" By Franz Wcrfel .\ ,tirrnlg ,tory of the miracle, that can be 7\r„u¢!tt by faith 1 bea 11!1111 nomas( In!, a ,:ma7",ul Jennifer Jones, William Wythe ant! I:s, iteulenl torn? a, 1.o 1741 >rreett i7lth t 11 11( (n.(I oils of :l \\oulan Charles Bickford in 11,i, .\11 \:u1,Ier I tri n,t, ,t„1.y Nt)'fl:: thing to it, (1111th tb(I” "THE GYPSY WILDCAT" THE FIGHTING GUARDSMAN' above telltur( will he itre,cnletl ONCE each evening at 8 I' \I Technicolor .\ •!lperh , 11,1 I '111 of the I,1;1^0.1' 1110,1 ,117t 177110 ,1- r�lu,ulrl•. THE CLIMAX" THE WOMAN in THE WINDOW Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Willard Parker, Anita Louise and Janis Carter Maria Mont( z, Jon hall, Peter Coe 1 COM INC: Robert Young In: COMING: Marie Montez in ! nheseCOMING: Susanna Foster in:"SUDAN" Endearing Young Charms "THE CLIMAX" Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p.m.Mat„ Wed„ Sat., holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sal. & holidays al 2.'10 p.m. NOTICE COURT OF IcEVISION a' F,••,•0:40. ••♦•160:“ r'04•'u;.;.4:•1 :.••.;•:..0•i":4•4.'iti .:. .... • • ., , :4.;.•4,;..4 ;.•;. sa's's;. ;..4•,. ,, , , 4 :•o . •. ,_,, THEATRE • t ''` TKINSON'S '1t, LYCEU11I WINGHAM—ONTARIO. Two 5h(mvs Sat. Niglit I'be .'"tort nl Revisi•at of the •\s- • 1'(1OL It00M. ': ) ,l',,IIICIII 1\1(11 ,;I the \ Illagl' ul Myth :• old, die i,7 \I n:1.b ; 1 grey cow, 'lain}; I ,20.111; .\y(,bire low, (sue Feb 14th ; I sol I' l' I. \ I'I't k I{ bedroom suite, ; Thurs, Fri, Sat, Oct 18 19 20 tor the year ;945, will be held in the •- .. ycal', ,tbk, dm' III .\I,I'll; 2 cow'-, 5 Veal•, ,17'7(7 cow, (1111 .\It'll 2-ltll; Durham Ilei- (•Il(',terllt'1(1 s11117. walrlllt II7"ltlg room ' l�Tt'S SU I: 1,1\•174 •((mil's l) hall on •Thursday, Sonja Henic, Michael O'Shea, in 1'It)1�1. , it table; libra1.c table; walnut dining, �- tl ., ,,,, '' Cigarettes, , room suite, 8 -piece; extension table • , October r _itll, i,45, at the holo of ' IT'S A PLEASURE" •;• 1 OliaccoS, Ciga ettes., I op,,, BUY VICTORY BONDS YES THE WAR IS OVER N WE MUST WIN THE PEACE Invest For Your Future AND Sign Your Name to Victory Y Iluron County National War Finance Committee, Si /l .. 1 ,.. .i 11 .: , . 1 ONTARIO Hors of Work and Vacations with Pay Act, 1944 The Industry and Labour Board which administers The Hours of Work and Vacations with Pay Act, considers, in view of the termina- tion of hostilities and the cancellation of war production, the acute manpower shortage which existed during the war years will be minimized, therefore the postponement as to working hours previously provided shall be cancelled and effective November 1st, 1945, the working hours of an employee in any industrial undertaking shall not exceed forty-eight (49) in the week. 1. Regulation 4 of Ontario Regulations 8/44 is amended by adding thereto the following subregulation: (la.) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation 1, an employer may adopt ono or more ovc: time work periods in his industrial undertaking between the 1st day of November 1945 and the 31st day of December 1945 without a consent in writing of the Board but the overtime shall not exceed thirty hours in the aggregate. INDUSTRY AND LABOUR BOARD, Department of Labour, Ontario, Hon. Charles saes soDaley, 12Y r, ,ming chairs; rocking chair; cunt- �; ALSO "SHORT I SUBJEC S I •• d{1(1 Othc l Smithies.. coin - mode chair ; hour lamp ; ruphoartl ; Ail appeals must h( in 1117' 11.0(((7, of l ya the Clerk not later than October 14th i',Matiret•, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30,;; �;;;Ol)C'll all clay t11(i 1 \LlliI11;.,r: cool( stove, 1larri,tap make, like 71(77' : ' 19-15 \\'ilton rug, 3'x;'; tapestry rug, 3'x3!,;'; ' d 1' l3 24 tapestry rug, 3'x•1'; set flat irons; el(c_ (17-2 trll' iron; cluck; 2 looking glasses; iron- ing board; dishes; crocks; lamps; Ian BARN FOR SALE tern; (land washing machine; pictures; (mart -size ice cream freezer; stove- Dimensions 1(1'X80' .\ good high size ,alt pain, s;(Iles, all,! ((11(7.1' articles barn, and loll} enough for straw tum numerous to mention barn, \ppl} to Donald McKenzie, TERMS—CASH !shone 11r12, Illyth 17-'2p Emerson \\'light, Proprietor \\'nl \Iorritt, Auctioneer I �1 t GORDON ELLIOTT, CI,I'.RK i Mon, Tues, Wed, Oct 22 (., DOUBLE BILL .r,.:,.:..:.:.:..:• ;..;. ,..;•,; y4 Phil Baker and Phil Silvers in �j 7 7,771 (n, \\';1.11 5111,( stamp :. ;=.Main Street. Blyth.% CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at East -11:111' of Lot 8, 1ltlllett-\lorris Boundary, tlm'c7'-and-a-half milts East of Blyth TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23RD all l o'clock: sliarp the following: HORSES --Roan marc, 13 year's old; Bay marc, 13 ,\•\ ars old; brown horse, 7 years old; (possibly) 1 black driving horse (quiet) 7 years old CATTLE—Red cow, due in April; brindle cow, due in May', white COW, due in April; grey cow, due in \la\' ; _' black cows, supposed to be iucalf . Of Farm, Farm Stock, and Implements 1 part-Gucrn••cy cow, fresh1ued A.\t Lut 1•I, Concession 5, \l orris Twp, months; Regist,rcd Purebred Hereford THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25TH cow, with hull calf, 51:2 months old; 3 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has re yearling steers; 4 yearling heifers; 6 c\iced instructions fruit the undersign - calves ed to ,ell by Public Auction, co71unenc- IIENS—Abort 1(1(1 Leghorn pullets ing at 12:311 o'clock: sharp, owing to 11:\\' .\N1) (;R:\IN—:\ '1ia11ti1Y 0f the length of 1171' sale, the following; (;rain and 0 \low of IlIt\" IIOI\ti(a 1 Registered mare, 1'1 \I I � \I I1 Year old 1 Clyde mare, _ Bingo C3 Dance LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 19TH MUSIC BY CKNX RANCH BOYS PROCEEDS FOR SKATING RINK FUND (lingo 8 o'clock Dancing 10 to i Admission to Dance 35c AUCTION SALE .i' , 1 5 — , asst\• orris 10 l\1 years old; binder, (-ft taut; McCormick-Deeri,g • 1 Clyde gelding, 1 year old;,1 bay mare, (oil bath) mower; International com- st "TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT" 11 \"11 :i7'' 1••11e1\•, write Lux 32. and `` t WT Philip Dorn and Mary Astor in El)WA.Rl) W. ELLIOTT ,t "BLONDE FEVEr I ` intik-meet.For Huron S.1las ;elnrnc,l from 'crvicc \vitll the.. ;1.b.;a y.b.;•.;u;u;•der;eta.;•.b 1.b.sub:,��";,•;•: •4.4 •;••,01.;i 1»\ -al Canadian .\Ir fore(', and wilt he r 'winning 111, Inrlll('i' occupation. C. rte •dton•lencc promptly answered Immediate arraugenl'•nts can be made for Sales Date at 'rhe Standard OI(ice, or 1,: calling Phone 2(13, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfaction (Guaranteed. known day of 7,1t) Terme for Stock: and 111(1(Itmums, Cash 'There will be - no r(''er\•e a, the proprietor is giyin(! up farming \1'illianl I, Speir, Proprietor Harold Jackson, .\ucli,mccr Robert Patrick, Clerk 1 blood -tested and handed) fain will be offered day of ,ale it not ,old before 'Terra, for Farm made ' binat ion side fake and teddy r; Masse\' 3 rears old; 1 brown horse, 2 years old 1larris hay 10101)1' (adjustable head); CA1'Ti,h.—Nu 1 roan heifer, 4 years Cockshutt manure spreader (used 3 old, freshen Jan l(,; No 2 red heifer, 4 ;seasons); hay rake (steel); set of liar- years old, freshen May 15; No 3 here - rows; set dine harrows; 13 -tooth cul- turd cow, 5 yc;,rs oItl, freshen Jan 8; `t' tivator; land n..11er; 2 wagons; set of No 4 grey heifer, 4 years old, freshen sleighs; (Tat rack:; hay rack, with slid i\larch 1(1; No 5 roan cow, (7 years old, ' 1 I walking 1 freshen \I•.\• 17' \`o n white cow• 5 7 llIg 7';111; culler; buggy Wal :lug p ow•; set double harness; ret single harness; years old, freshen Jan 27; No 7 grey Delaval cream s(perator; wheel batt•- Icow, 8 years old, freshen Jou 15; No 8 1 row; fanning mill; fire extinguisher; .Ayrshire cow, ; years old, fresh; No 7) BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. small colony house; ttua.tity of Iwnl- roan ileit(r. 1 years old, fresh time of Pnuemdtic Insulating \ FRESH EVERY DAY "FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME' Mown rockwool installed in walls and ce:111gs of your home will sae,. fuel with more comfort and fire pt•otection OUR EQUIPMENT WILL BE IN THIS DISTRICT SOON G. R. AUGUST1NE Rl'.1'RI':SEN'1'ING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with Tho Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS - ANNUITIES 1VILLIAM II. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Pam and IIouschel/ Sales. Licensed for the Colu ty of Huron. 5 Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1''or imfurmallcm, cic., write or phone 1 Williami1. \lorritt, phone, Residenco 17;1; Shop '1, Blyth, 4-14°-t f°. FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND TERMS—PHONE 136 BLYTH OR \\•RI'L'E ROWLANID C. DAY 5 T110RN'rON AVE, LONDON Frank's Bakery PIIONE JS. I3LYTII, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, her; chains; forks; pails; pulleys; and sale; No 11) white cu7t•,4 years 0111, fresh- 1 other articles too numerous to 111111(0111 en Dec 25; No 11 11olstein cow, 4 SOMI': I IOl'5k110i,1) EFFEC"I'S-- years old, fresh ; No 12 ] lolsteitl cow, S Kitchen range, in good condition; ()tie- 4 years old, freshen May 15; No 13 'I'horIhred heifer, 4 years old' not in calf; No 14 roan 110ifer, 2 years old, fresh ' o1;NG CATTLE -2 Durham steers, 900 lbs; white steer, 1100 lbs; black bee healer; kitchen clipboard; and some other hu,lsclluld effects TERMS—CASH Positively No Reserve As The Farms Are Sold I?d Donean, Proprietor 1.ew kttw"lard Auctioneer Robert Paid( k, clel'k AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Furniture to he held at the residence of Mrs George Muldoon, Brussels, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27TH co1111n1ncill'4 at 1 1' M : Combination book case and w•ritllg desk; 3 -piece chesterfield suite, good as new: 1 extension table with four leaves; 6 dining room (hairs; 1 extension table and n dining room chairs; 1 vas: buffet ; 1 large 10'111' cupboard; n kitchen chairs; 2 rocEng chairs; 1 platform rocker; 1 2-picc' bedroom suite; 2 iron beds; 3 set, bed springs; 1 wooden bed; 2 small tables; I commode chair: 1 cu.t- ltnle71111 rug 11X7; 1 (I(cttvl1X va1uul•1 cleaner; pair large pillows; electric raulgette, t(sed 3 months; Quebec heat- er: small heatet : coal oil healer; large coal oil oven; 1 (101.11) dinner plates; 1 dozen knives and forks; 2 toilet sets; toasting pan; wash tub; 1 -gallon coal oil can; copper boiler; several stupe crocks: 3 flat irons; nickel tea kettle; 1 new lantern; lawn mower; lamps; scalers, iron pots, iron frying pan, -tld dishes and glassware. and Other artic- les. TERMS—CASH \f rs George Muldoon, Proprietress Lew Row•Iaud, .\uctioneer Robert Patrick, Clerk OS -2 steer, 1101) lbs, blue 'leiter, 1 year old; Holstein heifer, 1 year old; 3 Durham 'steers, 1 year old; 4 Durham heifers, '1 year old; 10 spring calves PIGS -10 Purebred Yorkshire sows, I \\'eld•oud• breed) '('hese sows will farrow before Salle; 21) 7.0111lg sows, about 125 lbs; 40 young pigs, about 125 lbs; 1 Purebred Yorkshire hog, 111)0111 11 months old, bred by Norman \\'ade, (;'rrie I M I'L E \11 ?NTS -1 1)cerilg binder, 7 ft cut ; 1 Ttulhope mower, G ft cut ; 1 COMPANY, LTD. Everything Homemade Regular Meeting, Blyth 1,O.0.F No 366 CANCELLED The regular meeting will be with- drawn on October '3rd, due to other activities W H Morrill, W G McNeil, Noble Grand Rcc-Sec'\• IIAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist In Farm and household McCormick -1)l e: ing siderake (like new) Sales. 1 dump rake; McCormick -Deering l.fcensed in 1((1'(111 and Perth manure ,pr(ad: t• (like new) ; 1 \ITC o'- ntick-Deering fertilizer chill (like new) Counties, Prices rcasuualdo; satin 13 -disc; 1 McCormick -Deering hay fiction guaranteed. loader; 1 McCornl'l'.:-!) •'ring milking) Fur Information, etc., write or piton! machine; two single units (good as IT;u'old Jackson, 11.11. No, 4, Seaforttt. 71177(: 1 electri:. grain grinder (\\'oods) !Phone 14661, like new: 1 two -wheeled trailer with, - t' . TRY A CLASSIFIED stuck rack:; 1 two -furrow riding plow: 1 one -furrow riding plow; 2 walking plow's; 1 colony house, 8x12; 2 shelters; 1 wagon; 1 se' sleighs 7; 1 buggy; 1 cutter; 1 fanning mill; 1 set 2(1(10 I1) scales; 1 heavy linty 1.i -horse motor; 1 let heavy breeching harness; 2 set plow harness, 1 runt pulper (nearly new); 1 cuttinL" box, "Peter Hamilton" driven by power or by (land; 2 sap pans; 1 wheel barrow; 1 scuffle', and a lot of 7111;111 atticl(s too numerous to mention LIENS -100 year-old Ruck (lens, • AD. 25 CENTS ROASTS AND STEAKS PORK .CHOPS Peatnealed Bach Bacon Lard and Shortening Phone 10 PROMPT DELIVERY Wednesday and Saturday. H. McCallum Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. 1 SECOND U. S. PRESIDENT HORIZONTAL I Pictured former president of the U. S., — 9 Penny (pl.). 10 Caper, 12 Top of the head. 13 Male off Spring. 15 Saliva 17 Units of energy. 18 Animal. 19 Comprehend. 21 Man's name. 22 Wise bird. 23 Cornish prefix signifying town. 24 Like. 25 To cut, 26 His — was in Braintree, Mass, 27 Initial (abbr.) 29 Blackbird. 30 Fragrant. 33 Size of shot. 35 Expose to moisture Answer to Previous Puzzle JP pmt_11 cHEN,E(.ph first — to A ("-77t live in the White House, 12 He was the 5 HIA1/4./ 0 C7 lAJLE1IGNOIME 14 Old Testament G E (abbr.), .U p 77o 16 College c? ,!:71- I E 10 RIE building. 1_570), o A R IS 0 L 17 Note in AM! L Guido's scale. 1RL t- 18 130 indebted, ND_ A E 20 Tiny. B 74 22 Atop (two MOPE words), 1115 TT25 Courtesy title. 26 Possessed, 28 Opinion. 30 Native metal. 31 Rubber tree, 32 Method. 34 Make, lace. . 37 Cooking utensils, 39 Let fall. 41 Toward, 42 Ireland. 43 Turf cut for use as fuel, GASI R y Nur. TEP -tj- [IRMA P E !ORD u L 36 Plait. 37 Genus of grasses. 38 Girl's name, 40 Compound ether. 43 Sever. 44 Tattered. 46 Craggy hill. 47 Disavow. 48 Hangman's rope, 50 Notions, (abbr.). 45 Neither, 52 He was a — 8 Ill. 47 Low haunt, member of the 9 Book part, 49 Therefore, Continental 11 City in China, 51 From. L Congress, VERTICAL 1 Spurts. 2 Unit. 3 House of Commons (abbr.). 4 Cuddle up. 5 Native of Denmark. 6 Any. 7 Mountains 6 76 11 'IL f Z3 :Z6 2 6 AO =IN= .2 7 35 38 sA OUT OUR WAY my GOODNESS, VDU MUST EX) 4OuR WHOLE. •WEEKS STUDY - NG IN ONE EVENING! OH, NO - TO GET GOOD GRAMS 1 FN D IT NECESSARY 70 -TAKE THIS MANY BOOKS HOME. EVERY \P:11.61 -1 -fl SI J BY J. R. WILLIAMS "GOOP GRAG`ES"-- l'M LEAV- -THAT'S -THE NG,' GoLDIE CRACK -THAT WAS GONNA RUINS ME! WALK HOME. WE. GM- OUR. WITH ME-- TOMORROW •• TELL HIM REPORT CARPS BUT JUST AND 11-4ERE NEVER. GO ALL OF MY MIND! / EVENINGS! NE FRIENDLY ENEMY • R THE SBNATELKIIING -(Hobby Squadl "Gcorge! How many times must I ask you NOT to bring your chemical experiments upstairs?" THE SPORTING THING By LANG ARMSTRONG [BOBBY SQUAifil 71 I. /-fkl6I (Ej! tJI 'You insisted on building a play room—well, go ahead an' playl" THIS CURIOUS WORLD CDP/1- 1941 BY KA SERVICE, INC. T. M. REG. V S YAT, OFF. By William Ferguson SAMUEL H. PULLEN AN EDENT0N, NORTH CAROLINA, BANKeg, WHO GHOT HIMSELF WITH A PISTOL, • WAS FOUND GUILT/ BY THE CORONER'S ,JURYOF HAVING COMMITTED RST DEGREE MURDER PON HIMSELF "AT THE /NS 7-/AT/ON OF THE DEV/2. fi ...isza... T LAS quOTE YOWAODDS. DECATUR, 1113•NO(St KNOWN AS THE sCOY BEAN CAP/TAI- T/1E WORLOF HAS A RADIO STATION WITH THE CALL. LETTERS, WS OY,/ \\\ .*•••• 4.0.4 LIFE'S LIKE THAT CROSS COUNTRY RUNS ARE NEVER ON THE LevEL7 Says JOHN O'PONNELLp HOLYOKE., MASS. By Fred Neher "— But Kenneth and I have too much in common ... he talks so much about his victory garden that I can't get a word in about mine." REG'LAR FELLERS By Pipe Line •-• NOW LEMME. (q051 -I, lb LIKE. TMINK--THERE'S NO T'Go TO TH' BEACH LAW ABOUT 'TARA' '"N WITH YA, BUT I AW YES. MERCHANDISE. CAN'T TAKE. Ti -l' lit LAW! ON A STREET CAR. DORG ON TH'ERE." . STRE.E.T/C,AR! •.".A.....:: * r Allp le 4i '00 .C. * , HOME -TOWN ECHOES By C. Kes I 614, mcsER., 11FIEYVE ESTABLISHED A 13EACI-I1-1EAD IN IRE SATHRcoM 1° SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith o , SY NIA URV cc, INC. T. M. ma 0, s. PAT. "Hold his head up, Mrs. Tweed — don't let him have the idea he can get the beat of you.' HAVE A THOUGHT LE.T'S LOOK IN MISTER. POKER'S BACKYARD — MAN WHO OWNS `0•1' .STOVE. STORE' By GENE BYRNES AN' WFIE14 w. come BACK FROM TH' EACH, YA KIN TURN THAT STOVE PIPE INTO TH' WAR, EFFORT! La) MUTT AND JEFF —Or Course, Jeff Could Have Made a Date with a Dromedary _ (WAIT 'flLL.3CFF6EEMY1 oF CovR5E,SHE NEW "RON•AROUND. NMI AND YOU SECoNoHANDBUT SHE WONT HE BE JEALOUS! j oNLY PAID GETS ME WHERE I TEN BUCKS \WAWA Go! FoR HER? By BUD FISHER klEY,MuTT! BOUGHT A NoRsEI T THIRWEGYPT A LITTLE 1WARPED! POP—Pop Must Heat with Oil, Too WHAT DO VOL) DO WHEN THEREI.5 A GALE BLOWING AND IT'S FREEZING -AND THERE'S FIRF IN HER 9 Bell Byodlcite, • ..•••...,••••••••••••••.1111.1.•• By J. MILLAR WATT - SHIVER Modern Way Relieves Miseries of Colds Pleasantly -During Night Today, the modern wary most mothers use to relieve miseries of colds is to rub Vicks VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub . Penetrates deep into cold, irritated bronchial tubes with its special, medicinal vapors. Stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Then For Hours VapoRub's special action keeps on working. Invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gonel Home -Proved by millions of users, VapoRub's special pens, trating-stimulating action works just fine! So be sure you get the oneandontyVICKS VAPORUB. OTTAWA REPORTS That Already 3,500 Veterans Have Applied For Farms This time peace will bring no inflated land boom, no r11511 to rah sections Canada's broad farm lands. 'Today's back -to -the - land movement is an orderly set- tlement venture woven into Can- ada's plans for the rehabilitation of veterans. Already some 3,500 service men have applied for farms under the Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act; but adminis- trators of the act have set no time limit on applications because they would like to see orderly settle- ment over a period of 10 years rather than a short-term concen- tration of demand. Consequently applicants are carefully screened, told that farming is a serious business, given advice on latest methods and modern soil cultiva- tion, and they must have had some practical farming experience. If a veteran is accepted by the region- al advisory committee =which inter- views him, ht, selects the farm he wants, sets out the financial as- sistance he needs, and the proper- ty is appraised by an expert land Inspector. If found acceptable in all respects, the administration purchases the property and re -sells to the veteran under agreement of sale. Men connected with this Work expect that some 25,000 vet- erans will eventually apply for farms. Surveys indicate that about 6% of service personnel are in- terested in Whittle farming. * * * A recent survey of Canada's farm picture reveals that there are 80,000,000 acres of land under cultivation—about one-quarter of total possible farm land in the country. According to the 1941 census, there were nearly 733,000 farms in Canada operated by close to 1,082,000 persons gainfully occu- pied in farming, This figure equals CHECK POUR COLD THIS WAY - 1 Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! COLD getting you down? Follow the Inatantinc 1 -tablet -way to fast relief from the (miserable, dragged -out "achy" feeling often associated with colds. It generally takes only one Instan- tine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from cold suffering. You see, these fast -acting, prescription -type Instantine tablets go to work almost Immediately easing pain; lessening dis- comfort. lnstantine's scientific com- bination of three proven medicinal Ingredients works in these ways to bring you effective relief: 1. Ease pain and discomfort. 2. Prolong relief from discomfort. 3. Offset "depressed feeling." Give mild, stimulating "lift" Try Instantine— chances arc you will never again go back to slower -acting preparations for relief of cold discom- fort. Rely on Instantine, too, for relief whenever you suffer from headache or muscular ache or pain. All drugstores have Instantinc. nstan1Ie 12 Tablets 25¢—about 2¢ a dose Fast, Effective Relief fro)n Simple Pain OLD SCHOOL TIE dt tyyzop t:<.L A doggy imitation of an English sport watching his school team= in a lively cricket match, is the sharp little character above. He took part in a canine fancy dress show at Hampton, Middlesex, England Milk Production Approximately 50 per cent of the total milk production in Canada goes into butter, 20 per cent to fluid milk sales, 10 per cent to cheese, 31/2 per ccilt to concentrated milk products, 11/2 per cent to ice cream and 15 per cont is fed and used on farms. Milk production has increased In Canada from 15,8 billion pounds in 1939 to 17,6 billion pounds in 19.14, an increase of 114 per cent, 191.1, an !crease of 111 per cent, 0,4% of Canada's total population. During the war about 400,000 per- sons left farms to enter the armed forces and war industry, some of whom may not go back. Another factor in the farm population out- look is the fact that about 75,000 farmers are in the aging class of 60 or over, thus becoming pros- pective sellers of their lands. It is therefore expected that ntos't of Canada's new soldier -farmers will settle on existing cultivations ra- ther than virgin land. * * * Canada's entire contribution of $77,000,000 to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admin- istration has been used up. lie - sides, UNRRA spent considerable United States fends to purchase goods in C;.nada, Much of this money has gone to Canadian farm- ers who have supplied UNRRA with vast quantities of wheat, seed, meat and dairy products. More than half the wheat sent to Eur- ope since V -E Day has been Ca- nadian, an(1 tills percentage will be kept up (luring the present crop year. At this rate there will be only about 100,000,000 'bushels left on hand by next July. Consequent- ly the Canadian Wheat Board has lifted the 14 -bushel -an -acre limit on wheat deliveries. This should put all additional 15,000,00(1 bush- els into the United Nations' food basket. * ** Nine of every 10 hogs slaughter- ed are beng rushed to seaboard ports to meet the United King- dom's urgent request for more ba- con, Canada will try to add 8,000 pounds to each of its 11,000 -pound monthly shipments in October and November, * * * Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture statistics show that in the five years, 1039 to 1044 inclusive, Canada exported to the United Kingdom 2,600,000,000 pounds of bacon and pork; 197,000,000 pounds of beef (in 1044 and to June 1045, inclusive); 601,500,000 pounds of cheese; 180,000,000 doz- en eggs; 180,000,000 pounds of evaporated milk. Canadians trav- elling in England say the best known of these products arc dried or powdered eggs, unmistakeably a product of Canada with a picture of a scarlet -coated ]loyal Canadian Mounted Policeman on the pack- age. This food has given susten- ance to millions of homes, but as shipping space eases, more and more shell eggs will be sent. Brit- ish housewives will be glad to get good Canadian shell eggs again because powdered eggs, though healthful, are not as tasty a dish. i'".-'2,0 -119��0 Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when clue to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compottn(I helps nature! Follow label directions. Try it/ VC74 V iuvnW COMPOUHO DUKE OF WINDSOR VISITS MOTHER The Duko of Windsor, paying his first visit to England in al- most five years, is seen with his mother, Queen Mary, at Marl- borough House in London. The Duke's wife, the former Wallis Warficld, remained in Prris, U.S. Obligation To Great Britain This newspaper, the New York Herald Tribune believes that the moral obligation which we owe to Great 1iritain and the special posi- tion which she occupies with re- spect to world trade rehablitation— which is of major importance to our own recovery—alike dictate t!i 1 we E110111(1 lean over backward to be liberal in the terms on which aid is extended. AG1.N'rs \1'.11'1'1:D VI;T1'ItANS -- EARN A SI'ItSTAN- tlal Income In spare time selling; Veteran'e Calendars. Largo pro- fits, Send twenty-five rents for samples rind full particulars, Kay Sales Cnrnpnny, 059 Dovercourt Road, 'Toronto. AGEN'T'S — 7'I:IIJ11TORIES STiLi. open. Sell $5 gasoline saver and super charger: 100(, profit. 5 minutes to Instal. Write "Gas- oline Saver", Box 62, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. SONO w'Itl'I'i:ItS SONO POEMS WRITERS, liEI'0G- ntzed music writer, whose songs are published by lending U.S.A. publishers, const -to -roast, will write music to your poems, Erre copies, now publishing In Canada, Write Songmnster Studios, Sussex, N.il IIAIIY CHICKS PULLETS PURE IIIIMEDS AND hybrid crosses 12 weeks up to laying. Also Fall hatched chicks booked to order, Not too early to book your order for 1946 chicks. Send for early bo,lctng price list and be sure of chicles when you want them. Tweddle ('hark Hat- cheries unified, Fergus, Ontario, DOMING OCTOBER WE 'EXPECT to have some broilers available. And your November -December chicks should be ordered now, Fall Bulletin (free) available. Bray Iintehery, 130 John N. Ha- milton, Ont. I'IILLEETS 20 WEEKS UP TO 24 weeks, pure breeds and hybrids. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Frill delivery, Book your order now for your 1926 chicks and secure then on the date you want them. Top Notch Chlcicertes. Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS AND I'ROPEIRTY IF V011 A111; THIINKiNG OF SEL - ling your Ilusiness or Property, large or small and want gond re- sults, consult this office, 30 years experience In selling ell kinds of property, for further Information write. George Lawton, 709 Quiet. lette Ave., Windsor, Ont. iIUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALADDIN HOMES ORDER NO\V for 1945-1946. Pay !lice rent, Send 15c,, 32-pnge hook, 2628 Howard, Windsor, Ont. WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muff valued at $500.00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets 25c. or 5 for $1.00 EL1%ABEETil P815' CDAi"I'EIt, I.O,1).E., Sudbury. Ont. Send your puelnl note or money order to Mrn, 1,. Sinipenn. i)5 King/mount Med., Sudbury. Ont. "IT COULD BE YOURS" A BEAUTIFUL MODERN 5-110031 Bungalow, now under construc- tion, or choice of $10,000 it Vic- tory Bonds, eltunted nt the corn- er of Lawrence Ave, and Senrlett ltd., In Weston, • This henutlfll home or the bonds will go to eomo lucky shareholder. It Is not necesenry for the winner In he present at the drew. Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. Melt your order for 1 or more tickets to Trees, Weston Lions Club, Toronto 15. Get yours now. $1 FOR ROTARY HOUSE SHARE TiCKET GIVES YOU OP- portttnity of owning this benu- tlful home or $4500 cash when lucky ticket Is drawn, l'rnreeds for Crippled Children and Con• Triunity Service. Send today for one or mnro shares to Rotary Club, Box 428, Essex, Ontnrlo. '41 PLYMOU'L'H CAR, EXCELLENT condition including rubbers. Send dotter for five draw tickets to .1. Shedden, Ilalowe'en Draw (link- man, Refinery Workers' Union. Port Cniho•nn. \Vhur0] pmphasc. rnr for one d011w. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO 1'AR'1'I('I I'.\'fI: IN $;,n,s e monthly Bond Flaw Other pri:r� Detnlls 011 rrrripl. 511:11 91 ef, ench or 6 for f,, ea, s'a tel for shnres to St Catlrsriess •tegs,I=a Club, Box 415-1i., el. (':Oli:rinrs, Ontario. • Mill2ie ns of Books Burned in Raids 'I'l:e Looks the Nazis burned were not only ill German bonfires. More that 1,000,000 Looks were destroyed by fire in Gernnal bomb- ing raids on England, the British Library ;Association discloses, most of them in municipal libraries. Some 54,000 children's books went up in flares, aid thousands of special collections housed in the libraries are gone forever, Ninth Victory Loan Truly A War Loan 'nitre exists no magic wand one can use to waft military farces from the scenes of battle to their normal honor: surroundings over- night. Unfoitunately, low; after the enemy cries surrender, the cost of war goes on. The Canadian people twist meet the cost of hi inking the troops home, the maintenance of our forces of occupation in Germany. Pay of the ()nen whn are waiting rlentohil• i'ratlon goys 011. Cheques to depend- ents keep going out until the sold- ier has his discharge ',anus There are heavy domestic expel]• ditnres, made heavier by the unpre- cedented (demands of this period of re-constrie tion in the country, which arc in, luded in the total of the Ninth Victory Loan objective. But of thi we can be sure. 'The major -portion of the. (money which Canadians will provide for the pur- chase of hoods in October and Nov- ember ovember is needed to cover the rust Of w•ar. Britain To Replace Merchant Ships Britain is to replace all shipping losses suffered by those United Nations who placed their merchant ships at the disposal of the Allied cause (luring the war. Seven Bri- tish merchant ships, for instance, have recently been sold to France, and a further three are to follow. Resides this, the British Govern- ment has granted widespread fa - BUSINESS OI'I'olt'I'1'NI'I'IES $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWiIERE IN CANADA to winner's speriflrations, or ;10,000 In cosh will be nwnrded lucky winner. Also chance on $100 monthly draw, Winner le still eligible for house draw in December. All proceeds for child- , ren's welfare. Tickets $1, each - 12 for $10, Mail ronitta ee to Sud- bury Xtwanls Club, Box. 63 1)1'I:IN(1 AND CLi:ANING FIAVEI YOiJ ANYTITING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ue for Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment 11. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Ynnge Street, To. room PAiRA! MACHINERY FOR SALT: "VIKING" !.'REAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either nt your Incnl dealer or direct from Swedish Sepnrntnr Co. Limited. 720 Notre - Dame \\'est, Mon1ren1 3, Quo. FOIL SAW': 10 PUPS, 7 WEEICS OLD, CROSS from registered Great Dane and Newfoundland, price 915.00. They are beauties, Write for further particulars to, Alex Sonde, Snake Creek, Que., (via 51a Hawn, Ont.) PIANOS, A LIMITED NI'3IEKR 0E' our small new pianos w•III soon be awallable. Write for circular. Orders executed In turn as re- ceived. Factory Mason rand Rise)) Limited, 642 King St, West, To- ronto, FERIli:'rs, w'1T1TE AND BROWN, Males 91.00 Females $5.00, Oscar J. Duly, Iingersville 1'. 0, Ontario, BLACK REGiSTEREfl COCICI:R Spaniel Puppy top breeding. Grandson of Champion \Vhirinway of Irolita, 41 Champions 5 gener- ations, Red Erucic, 31y Own Brit- tle, Torohtll Trader In pedigree on both sides. Exrellont show and stud prosprrt. Snrrifive $35,00. II. M. Duffy, ICnt•ine, Ontario, RI:GISTT:TIi:n YEARLING BULT, from hern'y producing Darn and sired by son of Tlranpton Spa- gnolas Stamford whops Dant gave 10090 lits mlllc rand 542 fat. test —5,37, Prb•e 960. Shelley Deneyes, Odessa, Ont, BAILED HAY FOR SALE, T1310 - thy Brooms Grass, fled Top Mix- ture and Upland. For hat'tirtlinrs write .T. E'hnmin, Bnnusn, Mani- toba. GRIMM n\'APOEA'IoR 0' x 18': 1,700 bnrkets, spouts. covers, storage and gathering tanks, set- tling can $600. ]T. Barnes, Stunt - ridge, Ont, • ATTENTION, FARMERS. FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, sultnble for hotting on steel wheels, $10,00 ench, When order- ing* state diameter end width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Lid.. 6 Willshl'e Ave., Toronto, Ont. SCOTCH COLLIES, Si:VERAi. well rnnrlcrd '19.1 -color puppies. registered. Write 1(8 (11na Ken- nels. JTlghlanl Creels Ont, GENERAL. STORE ON IliGiT\V:k\', ITnmiltnn vlrinity, nlre home sur- roundings: $9.500 complete, 96.000 rash required: owner retiring. Ask Worthing Inn. 21 Mehl E.. TTnmlltot. muse O \' \' DCCICs. \VIit1'E, drakes 93.00, dudes $2.nn Ninth PermL P.O. Bo 101, Aldo•• shot, Ont. 20.000 BREEDING 1•:\\'t:S. 50,000 Feeder Lambs. Ilainbnu1110t— \lerino Corridale Cross, Southern Saslc, Wont Growers' :\ssorintion, Maple creel?, Saslcatellew:ln. G. S. Derringer, Seet'etery. -rl;t(' 11U'roi:S NT:\\', I'SED isms ;it, sold, a sh(01)twits pni- tesr, brielo'. .111rn Electric Com- pany Ltd, 2326 1111011 in St. Tor- onto. 10.511315 FOit 5,51,13 KENT f'Ol'N'I'5' FA1tM OE'FERED 21/2 miles from Blenheim, clay loom, 200 nrres, all tilled, 65 acres choir() tobacco land (nets), one 92' barn on cement well, cattle and horse stable cement floor throughout, 100 -foot pig pen cem- ent floor, 10,000 -bushel roto crlbn, 2 houses, water and hydro in house and barn, buildings painted and In gond repair. Judge this productive farm by Its crops with or without equipment, owner re- tiring, pr'ired to sell $160 per acre, phone or write '1'. 11. Nich- ols, Blenheim, Ont. FOR SALE, 81 ACRES, FLUE Mill- ed Tohru•rn Fnrrn on No, 3 high- way — P:nglr, Apply Eugene Ko- vacs, R. R. 9, West Lorne, Ont. VAT:GABL.T: FRUIT FARM, 33 acres of exceptionally well cub tivnte(1 erehnrds, Including pears, peaches, cherries, plums, prunes. grapes and apples; nttreeth'e 10 - room brick home, electricity, hath, hot and cold running water. beautiful snrrnundtnee: tenant ue, bn, )cing shed, 2 gnr- ageshos, 01(1ar01(00parpen; all In splendid repair: half mile from eehen) on gond rend. Tries $25.000: must sell. Owner Ilvinc nn farm D. E LIghtic, T:idgrvllle I'O, Welland vlrinity. FARM, 200 ACi1T:S. 21(2 511LE:S from town, on highway, eon• venlent to school. Mrs. Arthur Roehon Mnttnwn, Ont, A 111;AT ITI F1'T., \VET.L-iliPROV 1:D 178 acres, one anile south of Til- bury, Ont., on Middle Road. Chas. Case, Blenheim, Ont, 285 ACRES FOR SALE, 12 MILES south nt ilnithurton, approximate- ly 100 scree gond workable land. remninder pnsture and hush, plenty of wood, timber for lum- ber and maple syrup hush. fnlr house and barn, well watered and fenced. Railway end river run through property. Hydro power nvatlnhle, 2 miles from stntlon, general store, chu oh. end cchnnl. Owner retiring. Price 83.500. Anply. Melville McKnight, Box 14. Itallburton, Ont. 111.11,111 tfANTED LiNO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED ('O\TPETI:NT LiNO OPERATORS and floor men wonted for news• paper printing °frier. permanent position, highest wneee, \VILo1 Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide W. apply nearest Employment and SelertIve Servlee Offlee, Order No. 1. 81 E11ICAr, 1I'S 1(X('l<l,Td:NT. HEAT, 111:S111,TS nfter tnlcin' Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains end Neuritis, Munro's Drug Starr, 335 Elgin, Ottew'n. Pnstpnld $1.00. S'I'OMAI'IT AND T1IREAD WORMS often ere the reuse of 111-henith In humans. all airs. No one Im- mune! Why not find nut if this 1s your trouble, Immersing pnr- tlrulers — Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Speclnllsts. Toronto 8 RAUMEEK 5 FOOT BALM DE• atro•s offensive odor instantly 45e bottle. (tttnwn ngert. Demmnt Drize Store Ottawa. PEOPLE A111: TAT.KiNO ABOUT the gond results frnrn taking DI- xon's Remedy for Rheumatle Pnlns 00)1 Neurltls, Munro's Drug • Store, 371 Elgin, Ottnwn, rostpntd $1.00. iI11IiI11tESSING I, el A Ll N HAIRDRESSING THE Rohertson method, informntior on request reenrdlne dosses Robertson'. Hnlydressine Arnd• ems. 197 Avennr Rona Toronto Mi'SI('AL INSTBCMEN15 FRET) A. 110DDiNGTON Bil\'S, sells, exchanges musleal Instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OI'I'Olt'1'1'NI'I•IE5 P1111 tt'IISEN BE A HAIRDRESSER IOIA' ('ANAD.1'S LEADING SC11(10T Geen1 Opportunity. Learn flnirdreesinc Pleasant dlcnified pro fes=Inn. good wages, thousands eurcessfall 31.4rvel eendunfes \rtrrlrns g rratre t . s- 1810. 111nst riled 800(010)0 free Write or 0101 MAUVE:, HAIRDRESSING' SCHOOLS 868 (I,OOR \V , T('0( INTO lirenchrs' 44 Icing SI Il'onilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. ROLL YOUR OWN WITH British Consols CIGARETTE TOBACCO .(.(' �17GGCCP .,no, t.rrr r,o ditties for the Lui!dung of (French merchant shit's. in British ship- yards, Similar wove -cions are be- ing granted by the l(ritish (;osern- luenl to other l_'uited Nation11. DID YOU KNOW that Maxwell House Coffee is "Radiant Roasted" to cap. ture all the extra t oodness of this particularly fine coffee blend. Try Maxwell House! PERS (IN.t1, ASTt;OIa)rtl'.51, 1:5.51)IN(; Contains your 11010. days, 55'Ern to plant and 11100rs1 by moon's phases, etc. Send hllth dale. Lau- rentian Specialties. St. Laurent $Iontr0111, 9. (nue. N1:1:11 111:1,1'7 IN'I'EIIN.1'l'ION.11.1,Y known analyst sends long, infor- mative, personal analysis your handw'riting 71.00. Lennard Ueli- not, 7003 1:. Young Place, 'Tulsa 15, Okla., U. S. A. I'II(('1'0(3115P111C PHOTO CI-IRiSTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite nr.g: flus and send to us, \\'e'II return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing for 69r. The most nrig?0111 greeting cards you Fart get—the kind your friends will L•eep — cards that (nen on active service at home and overseas like to get. .Order early. (2 i'hotoliraphs on Calendars for 25r.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 121), Postal 'rcrmllnl A, Toronto "Your quality in colouring end de- veloping Is expellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service 1s prompt end guaran- teed. I not particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and (11518tnns cads. Your prices for such quality work aro really ernn- omicll and I appreciate your prompt reliable service." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. I)EEVi:LO1'I:D AND I'IRIN'I'I:I) Vie 3 MOUN'T'ED i:NLARGEME:N1'S 1130 Size 4" x G" In Beautiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for n smell additional charge. Prattled Enlargernente 4" x 6", on Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59e; if enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and nrldress plain- ly on ell orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed. 6 011 8 EXPUSUItl: HULLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the flims you want this year, but You can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL I'l1OTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto l'A'1'EN'1'S FETHERSTONIIAUGH & C0111'ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quent WANTED WANTED — 20 -50 -:Kill: FARM IN Barrle-Orillia nt'ea, good build- ings; cash. Box 54 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, RETIRED WORKMAN WANTS 5111011 permanent house near lake resort, Give fullest particulars. Box 55, 73 Adelaide \Vest, To- ronto, Ont. QUANTI'T'Y 010 LARGE \V1 LI.OW trees, Hanger Limb Company, 85 King Street West. Toronto, Ont. 1''EATHEI1S, FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions; highest prices paid. For particulars write to Queen City Feather Co.. 23 Bald- win St., Toronto, \PANTED '1'O PURCHASE PIiL.L- els all ages and breeds. Iligh prices paid Apply Box No. 51, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto IIA'I'l-'IIING leG(35 WANTED FOR 1946 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and hloodtested free of charge under Government Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus hatch- ability premium paid. For fall details, write liox 39, 73 Adelaide Toronto 111;1,1' w'.tN'I'1:11 _-_..._.. MARRED COUPI E full charge of farm. etrparate house, SIrcrtsville district. refer- ences, Apply 6 Penning Street, Toronto. 1VAN'I'ED HOOUSl:K11:PER to talc() full chaise f1 boa: f• r ,t rm, 16 miles from Toronto. city conveniences. Separate fornished apartment. Rrfe•enres. 6 Fe',ning Stent, Toronto, ISSUE 42-1446 PAGE S 1 1101 1 1 1 1 1.10 10 1,, 111 , 1111111.11 1 1 4 :»1 .x.1 •f'1 T I 1 ": i 44 SPECIALS Children's Hose 19c to 95c Ladies' Cotton Hose 25c Ladies' Lisle Hose 29c to I$1.00 1`lien's Heavy Wool Trousers $5.95 and $6.95 Heavy Wool Breeches $5.95 and 1$6.75 RUBBERS and SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY. Olive McGill TH1 STANDARD Wednesday, October 17,19'1ti ,,, PERSONAL INTEREST 11i11 Cuniin spent the week -end in '1,' 'Tonto \I r CI sire Campbell of "Toronto ,pent ,the wick -cud with Nit. Donald Co\\•an \II, Phoebe Taylor spent the past No wt•t•1ss 111 :\\Illlt•r and Dorchester \I r, \V .\ To tor spent the (last two weeks at tit Helens ,Intl Listowel \Ir and Mr.; George Cowan visited fur>ta\ in l;odcrich, with \Ir and \Irs I. L \\'alter 1! 11 its ti 11• Logan and son, R \V Lo- gan of \\'inttipeg, ,Pent last \\ eek \with \1 r, \1.ni Logan, and \I r, L Nattel 1 \IN Jennie Taylor, of \\•inghanl spent the wick -end \\ith her sister, rs Alex N1ctlu\\au \I r Ray I )0111\ n of St 'Phomas, and d I \Ir and \In, Garth Dobbyn of London, 1710/likkir?tMPtlhilmPtlANDINDiN7kMatAtihlgiDDINGtitrant)Dlal7iadbillIkialPtitlltlitAPA° spiel the \\eek end with their Parents. +. • •++gas.14•4.:40o8.,4.4:••4.;....4.44.•;••4+4.4,:•fee.4.41,••�,+•4.;••;••4.4:,••:•.;•.4•;.. 1V \I r, \\'nt :\ndrr\\' ;uul daughter, :• _� Freila, of God( rich, spent Sunday •i- nitre \l 1st, Catherine and I:Ila I let- • Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1,00 or Over. w Macaroni ' Rice STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. 1 lbs, for 25c 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per pkg. 25c Jiffy Pie Crust Red Rose Coffee, per lb. 15c Laly Grange Tea half lb. pkg. 15c Tomato Soup l0c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c RADIO FORUM 11EETINGS Oct••Itcr ?.r—\\"i •ghanl •I't'\\n 11;1:1 October 21---(•lint'm, Department of .lgriculturc Ortl'ler 8:311 I' NI \fr \\•cslcy Nrrl,in'•. Secretary, Ontario Forum,, \(r :\ l Savage, Secretary. (11nta' i t t.0-01tt_raliye National Film 11 and Pictures ADMISSION FREE :•' • • 4 41. 4: • • 't: : • • • It full \Ir and \I r, David \lorry of \\'ing ham, visited 011 Sundae \vith \Ir and Mrs Alex \lc(mvau \I r and .\I r, Leslie I )algliesh and daughters, Janice and Diane, visited over the \Veck-(end with \lr and George 1'1wan \lrs \I r, \1 111 Ila\i, of '1'orontu, visited over the week end with \Ir and \Irs \\'nn Coei:erline \I r; Davis is a sister i \I r• 1 •oekeriinc \I r and \Irs Fred :sumer, of Tim- mins, :11, nt over the ‘veer: -end \vith the latter', parents, Mr and \Irs 11 1lcrrington ;01'1 1111 11 \I I• Somers broth- er, and sir ter, \Ir and \Irs Leslie \Irl•:lroy and \Ir, .\nn frame hell Of Toronto visited ,i, over lht• week -end at the home ttf \Ir :i: 11 \Icl'Ilr.t\ and s th other friends and relative, 3,•1 \Ir, 1; l .\ntrnstiue, 4.4444:44 i.•�..� •�.�..�..•• �.•� 0 �•,4.�••� i� •:• ...1:1+14 l•.�•4*4:4 y0 �.4. 444.4 4:444 4.:'.: •4..4.•4.0,.,444444:. . .:0:. 4 Doreen, 1 1' Itl'll for a \\cel: \VI:II her sister, SntherLt'111, of Sea forth Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and. Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing, Vodden's I3ABERY, WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER 1"l'1IE IIOME BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN. bion Of Thc Tribe Of Judah! 1'ou gay: gout life for each of us, Put It\•' your death, \von glory; ,\I l ,till you arc in reach of us, And is your Brei •only glory. 1'utl lca•kth 11, along (;Id's \vay, Of right)) ntsnc . so fair, Oh Sun of (;))l forever stay .\ntl hear our earnest Prayer Chorus 1'011'11 end all strife, all storms For you are Lord and King, 'i' flier, the \v,1'I ,hahrl the knit ;111(1 daughter, •1•t, flier, these hrlomagell brie ng. few (lays this Mrs \\'illiam 'fhotlgl ,tortes still rage, 011 land and sea, 1' 1 Mr a':;1 \Ins \\'alter 'terry of \tori- Your \light and Light give cheer den, Conn, spent the past tw,, Oh Lord o'er o). thy presence he \\ith the latter's sitter, \Irs \\'111 (;ib- \\'e Pray that 1011 stay near son \Irs Gibson lt'1 t with them on (1Ive lis not It turning seas nor tides, 'I'ne,rlay f,•r \Icri:lcn, where she ‘gill 11111 Living \\'aters pure, enjoy an exte'!rd vent Our souls, reI•r:shed, our faith abides; Mr \\' 11 \Iritritle t'f Owen Sound Throe',;h prayers our sick, you cure was in Illytll calling on incl friends on In lands, your anger; spread, Saturday spent the neck -end withtied s• unny t towers ;:nrl selfish foes, Union his nephew, \Ir l:r.hert Scutt, :\ebur'' Such harvests tare a'ul Living ii Cad \Ir \Icllrile m\ned 0 baking and (;to Out cup of joy (1'crtlotys very herr ;; year's ago, when) \\'as- L'pon your luring one; you sen(( 111111'' bakery 'lute is, the °Id building The spirits anointing oil at sea EVERYBODY WELCOME ) has been burned clown HE'D LIKE TO KNOW YOU The service you receive from your bank is rendered so quietly and effi- ciently that the human values behind it may not have occurred to you. Think, for instance, of the confidence you rest in your branch bank manager, perhaps without even knowing him 'well personally. You ought to know him better. By deposit. ing your money in his branch, you made him and his staff the custodians of your account and the transactions relating to it. You hold him in high trust, knowing that your private affairs will be kept private. You will find your hank manager a trained man who has come up through the ranks, and who will be glad to discuss your financial needs with you and to inform you as to the appropriate service his bank can render. Should you desire a personal loan to meet some unexpected expense, talk it over with him. You can depend on receiving courteous, understanding and friendly consideration. Small loans are just one of the services your bank provides. You may be surprised to learn of many other services available for your use, This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank O 1..or(I, we cannot comprehend, \\'c pilgrims of tlic soil There is no secret thought, nor sin, !That any man can hide 1 Von sec us all, without, w•itllin, Forever be r11r guide 'reach us the Laws of God and Thee, Not earthly wealth, w•e crave; fait' c the cant of Pharisee Oh save us front their grave BUY VICTORY BONDS Help Blyth To Reach It's Objective R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUND)RiEES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20• tete1Ceauttetsea100.11 410,C1Cle1C14le1CIKKI+eKtbtcttilt00:tet; stt;tZ te'~lc1CVCgtV4tC1 :taIutla Living-Ro�m.Furniture We are offering Several New Designs in Ches- iterfield Suites ruin Occasional Chairs - upholstered in the latest fabrics at most Moderate Prices. A wide selection of End Tables, Mirrors, Has- socks, Living -boom Tables, Wail Brackets, Coffee 'fables and Other O(kl Living -Room Pieces, which hell) to make your home more comfortable and en- joyable. - A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering, S. Chellew Home leurnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. ti 41 217AMAICtDi2ralDtSri:hDMIt%)1DtD/DMN2ta21DIDIDatl,iieza=t2;n2a2n`,'tDtZll yMN7tDM);x 1 JI 1, 1 Ii II 11 11I ■ H..I111b11,+-111, 1+ 1, IL b 11411. 11 .i1. 1 •.1+•o..+N+.o.:.o.o.0...•00.:•..o.:..•.:• 4:40:•0.•. o•••..o ,4, 44 0.0.1•.:••••:..•.•; 1;.:.:•••. •••o. •••:..••:•••..o:••;., 't• :i+ HURON G1LL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXC t'LLEN'I FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor • • :: • ;• • 4• 1You've treed us from the Law of Death, melte at Ontario Agricultlr;ll College.•1+:.....+.i,.u...1464..1444.+*44•:4.•4•1•.4441j.i .i• , 4 That, dare: mysterious night, Guelph, has been secured as guest •t• \\'e tear not d(;1111, nor fleeting breath, speaker Dr Ik;uu;Il is \\riling a Ills• 11 d;uknc s, thence to light,With angels or our God breeders A group of entertainers from tory of the 1tolsteiu Breed and his i - , \\'ith Yon in Man• ices for the blest, drys, should be of aerial interest to the .t. R.O. >: t' OI''1'OIVIE"l'RI�'1' fold OP'['iCIAN . L. COLE \\'e There shall t•'nd both joy and rest, London \\ill provide music and entet•- Fureser more, Praise God tainnlent uc (Hectors ,;Iso decided to hold the ;118-1 (;cu Cul.i\veIl, \\'allaccburg, Out annual electing Nov 7, at 8 1' \I in the LONDESfORO ... GODERICII — ONTARIO. ;: : Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, >. With 25 Years Exrerience :: • \v:11 be at 4 • beard room of the Department of Agri- culture, Clinton A good speaker on ;: R. 1). Philtl's Orug Store Soil Conservation is being secured :• BLYTt1, ONTARIO 4+ :4 :• \Ir and \res \Vestey isreal, of Kit I — \' _• N]s,X'I' VISIT chenir, spent Sunday with\Ir and NEW FRIGIDAIRE COUNTER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17TH :_. NIVI E J Crawford ` \it• R J Powell has added ;1 new ,: FROM 2 '1'O 6 P.M. Sunday yis:1 'r; with \I r 011(1 Mrs Frigidair' Counter to his grocery store Sidney Lansing were, \Ir Howard Pet- 4116(1)111(111,t\h ch rhuul(I greatly add yrs. Kinrarrlinr; Miss Blue, Paisley, and to the curycnicnic of his customers Mr \\'ilfred 5lldersun, Myth \Ins Margaret \lair and Mrs Char, DIGGING WELL IN CELLAR lotto Croft, Owen Sound, with Mrs I.i1- lie Webster \tr an.1 Mrs• 11 Riley, (;udcrich, with , shop Water started corning in at CIIECK BOOKS AT THE \lr and \Irs \\'ul Gcyicr :vice Fingland is in Toronto ';cbt.ult 7 era, but he is still going deeper 13LY'1'I1 STANDARD for a few days 1 ATELEPHONE 2a _•' 1 .t. R. D. PHT!LP'S DRUG STORE 4, j: FOR APPOINTMENTS. :t:' (+44 4+4 +:4444:4 4 +44+ 4.44.4+��a441.4,14.444444;te iii Mr Harvey McCallum is digging a �1 well in the ba: mired of his butcher 10R [(lilt YOUtt COUNTER Miss 1.lea'''.'lllrIl)Vt'r, Cii1It011, Sl)dll1 4..+4•0++.0.:.+.+8u+•+0+..1..+0..+.+.0,.+4.y..,0+.•.+.+.••.•..,•.1.4u0.+...,.at,.0+8..:..*.+4.4.+..) the wick -incl t,'ith M itis nun Fairser- I :t: ,1. •i. 4 GIFTS Fit 4(• ,i• .2. •t• ., .t. ,i• +t4 ,1• +f• 4 '2• GIRLS ANI) BOYS •(4 „ s. 4. vice \Ir Thomas \fanning, London, was in the Village last wick Mr awl Mrs David \fair, Detroit, Mr and Mrs 1 Lovett, Clinton, \vith Mr ,and \Irs Robert Fairservice on Sunday Next :..:m•day, October 21st will he ilurn, Church Anniversary ;) of 11,'Igra\ c, will be preacher 7'll re wilI he 110 service here next Sunday and the [ollutti::;; Sunday, Oc- tober 28th will be the Anniversary Rev Harold Snell of Auburn, will preach both morning ;•nrl in the evening and there will be good music by the Choir 1luron I-Iolstein Breeders To Banquet At Clinton At a Directors' meeting in Clinton on September 27t11, the Iluron County Hol- stein Breeders decided to hold their annual hamiliet in the Ontario Street United Church. Clinton The date chosen was October 22 at:7 P M 1)r Rcaman, head of the English Depart- l:ev Dun - the guest LADIES --- Toiletries and Cosmetics MEN --- Fancy Hose and Ties a. eta tia 4.0444 taf I:44441 +.:.41.:.1i+411:i4,+y.t.e.0:4•:..r.0+.a',., 44 444:4.�.d a��,�:+�+::4.:a17:444•;34:11:�*a.+11 Dolls, Games and Toys ALL NEW AT Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store a•