HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-12-23, Page 3Z - NNNF3_ 11 ^IMIM I F. _11 2-011 S 1Q THE, S,E M I w'W E E XL Y N.A*L. f U C Ji ir ARE. A- iNll AND yxw swclz or NOTIdE. IV M AS H0.1-flk 1. ll'ill!,Z 10, 3W. LIFE- "SURANCI' Ali p— pr, perty, Juity.cliturgas Riial takri V: 4 oNIVANY PH FOUW' C. SRAN.1111;1" kTU Alk EMPO I Imititral Ilowl. 1UNIMT0N 8'flR'FETJ Notboor 'fiat Uap & Win! hibn roillorraii., 13'lk-c, 1862. w4o*4t litcorJEietrated by specLal Aa fV [Ittrifiami it - 'MV N. G to, Wde.s.' ent, k 00 00. ee CAPITAIr--$I,Q 0 :E3T'13lj -T - GREAT ATTRAC. i0w FR63i 4 Sy ble for 11rosonts xrm, v.Lalxty Or OFFIC TQ&ff RT, KN( , . W4. 0 Mli= WO AT---:fBUTLERIS. "stram Bickle, Esq., Mintil ton; .-Roll IDL Mr-CAMA- ;Z7 M vary E.gli;h, Preach, Anigri izn and PRICtillit?,NT.. V(C -I1nl6kII)x.4T S: il 9 f, F LP I"U E, L' at' Rveivott, and For $ale OHN )UNGi sj Plit., . . . _. I" — : CELEBRATEW- 4- V 5 HOLIDAY PRESENT11 I 'T R0EE.RT'.VXbXENZ1E- Tois, tok-, lff6ks aill.4 Ti R-1-1 N-0111 ERE, .10]KV en ness: C. W. - c are n ic 36 :4 'ket 1 Dundils.:. . -John Toullk. 'Esq. "Itilmilti: f/ -X r -8' ar CHRISTMAS PRESENTS' o02PIL! C.'a rfrilein U 'Kerr,- Esq )' Edinburgh, 866 1,6 -S, .-Cath ....... C Or Aj 13VL':3r eaiJtIi iS,64N I tl fttr Harnilton- T. Amer iticr ':raise tile Mitt h Spence Toronto; F;.N .Gates--1Nq,l 1PRUIT PPP.ARTAOT, -Eiq Anii1toll; R: jug I,us, HOUSE,11 'H. AS -Sl6itea']ARL r ANXEr dine _64'HIdi G V.n E84.Li Haiti, TABi 5. AD ompmetti V_ -irt th m skirt All. the. W" round ftllk Z:L' 0. ckards, urlv dciimd It --D. McInnes, 11 in- 0' THE, 'TOCICS OF T ND CHEAPEST,S ! 'all'the beat ing a sinall"LO 2. E A '. 2; by 1004iiiii'mir -J , 0 STA 'MATURASSESi A6p'f--' Trees OrL killdeldf timnlei ii,on - John, Fe rie,.Eliq.. I-Tam"i"ns, Mir, -mid Winter Varletiesi 'the c s,ir,raav 6e I, all as d , 7 - C rks witl tri: "Iscle I', a Hilli-ard Autumn I " - CL:Ijjjcroji''rOj S i - Tito eord o ur,., the'lm-1 sk i Xa]s. XvIntVI-ci Ills ne -ac IN alb irt w th6ilt deprivi. 'j; It.of its grac, In E qq,;r1-11AiniltOtii g' j ilion; Ill m Trees,'very'fl;id irees` 1 26ulba ratteuii n,puiITo.;i -dworki, :As u ird V ';: - -1 L a "ich _7, i 'Eat6ni'Esq., Montreal. ein y, on s STREET. -LIFTER., he a III e buftlui us, %; 1, " &': 1 , RRY 75 CENTS '"LOTHI :0 othi ui tile best, mal not -ry Trees. I 7 n ItQ , terials; his i arnituoe call Chat leiria .S.:kat ng 1 C 'theluilder, lnectiup;, `OfE4 -A. G: - Y.,. AINJOS -FAYRAI ifter"`50C he ;;417 _ -- - ,Lzlmber and1hriners!-produce liked in ex6hltuge, d -- , ­ : : I I - , I . . I- I - I I fortb3iI er pa Ii The, Trad -slippliAk iiIi rjj 61, 7*erm'.- -':;. - . - 1 .1 11 - ' '. '1'.; :' r '.; " ' " a c, e -V Y se for furninureL.` Provi ' And 6f -curii ;. ait6ntugC au'l fae'li lace 7 E ru(jeaccorliberalityca '8q, 'Ire o tu- q ! ,oderich, Oct, 16 ti, n -Order, _ Jt '[ UNNFR., :i ipan.y. Tii ratest,whi,:1 led n the higher taterest obtai6"Witerlet East; Toren our FRUIT TREES 30,4 Ar 1'' rOR -SALE. -a try tinut in Grrat i3rilain am' I Nlanuf cturer, lis Kitt 'Look - to jinterest Bl ai , I - I L I . I . I I - 11 n 'L R ullri ' OT No. Oon, Toirn tallUon' play be: obiained,at,the-Head" iplo c"Pics 61' lute Reliort" a d -.10S of 111itc", L shir It comprises 0 acjres of superi.eiiind" "cry oo. ,Ofw iica aimclilaired. ft;is weIF.watcred;tiMhjn TO/D HN quarter of a, mile in it Saw, Mill; Good Cedar, 121- STAlk. L NOT 'EA 7AE', prepared the jIfidig.1 id, -kithin! five nuilesimin, sub cribH.,no, to: far ' nish -Hoilse and'Barn, an NAME ol'. rotlericli with':G00V PURE Goderich. , ivill, be spill Cheaii,fiirr C"h. or Dwar Ait liii Trees, of Sumnicr,' Fall, =4' Y. S. K VR K 1!1 , whi h lie'.will dclivento:m4ularculaprin- s ers at Da.. NIcU..sa particulars apply to 0 U NT E Winte' sorls-. Vwairf]?eai Trt s best TO A, _N that he w -,.'W,. -XATHEWSO'Xi ­ r. t4 Fixe.Cents por-QUairt. ' overnber 24th. lk '. n31 ;, I . I 0 ear drid4ute. 'DwarfPl rn.Trrees,lbi: till' ow -received his,. od , . I I L I W,r L.L913rdc'uh.,G eochT wnship. 'C' .1 ki'll , ra),AppleTrces.'fine Tre4, oCiot. bestjin s. quire at his ri sidtinee,. on Victoria z3treet, ilea and C!xiiientr6ly,bardy, Peaeb:Trees,. Quincep". R6ad I Now S61 Trees. Hwdy'Grape Vi WINTER.:, '.STOCK I s, ee.. 16, -SAL 9 the new an ' argesorts, ose er.j hich he:lvill ell at E '!ties; Clirranj , red,, white; -and bli.,R,of WINTYWR CEN 'IT &H AP E` OF LOTS, , : : 1, , .. 1. 1 . , F SIAL T MtAVER -1 N W -A KERTON., Gr F L which1wriot subject to - mildew;! Eng - e L gX HANGEE,OFF CE es -$i ;_ : l . 6frered C for ,$31- j?ant§,, V T HE, foliziwirig'Llur ;1 .1 I r,, I 0"' 119h; Rusipbprr ; -'BlackVe h6 Over C-01 Emi-L, 'very advantageous ter aAll the -'If Lots I n I.. ! _. 'Strdwbe ryr, lani .,.Ct.' -Plant,the Strawb'erry,- !, , ld': o T RUIT., Mon6y Bou -k. in tl t, of jgla k B 6ad C16th r 10 E F ko inerican P1,8pier ght r 0LTdN-,S.a.RV , ic rapidl r onl?. R! ub rfi e F Ft rig 6 . - . i Sit 0 UNTH',: 0111L, Currants; Turkey ani ANo A, tie'remaluing portion not I s in r- oTUR Valentis: at the cu'rerii rate 0 r ex n: -e of W. LKERT Ni rune. , ; . 13 117 M S VAGE 16' LS aid I ther Fig- , HAT Q NFrench h. ot J61.1 S & i Ill. north sid, oftha Durhain, Boad. in the tc PURCHASE 6NEY is, CASH AT TIME De '.5,1862, jA30w4&:-3,. on an n, 'COX 13 ci 'IN oI'Brjnt:,-wjII7bL sold b ._E qua A AT, 1][11611111131 shade. Ever-4een ,wo, it - ruy variqkies ,- Pill YLE ilbert it d Ri i Ine, sell" Fl weriipg, In s, o f all hard nab , the be T NIE, into the prernises of. subst, i r, Lot lie gFouud' ine.Flowerin- I's 'the W66ahin'e,­ VS. 4th c6ticession, E. about the eS n Ij bj S fSthZ:.PtenEbCrIasA ,2dar brown Heifer, O :. [O RRIS­ , TOWN ashard fpqt to prove pro,7 M Pick 1 old. The o -ay. outhIO.W Ruses, Fectnif ILLL KIN'DS; p- ,_p&y,6har;es_aud take her am 27t- ...... ,as Critter,"also a J 0 H -N M GDNTY. Havin&,sIecured $(-.17VIC! 'S , Cie L I It. I C RR favo irit P 1. - ih 1:116 rl_or- 'South-'j 8., ftldst.con,, liq -n m,,p men ip, I e. ro, con., .100 acres, best work rmci!,,gcnt en without .m er­ it orde 'Sbuth-A II in.2d Dec. r. to satisCN the tile, elo lendid workmansitip'and fall I 1, '1' VC .1 wer (xule con., iand'tipon- 1,00 n__R -D-UGED: E derq maV dl P 1. is, goucl North'!', 20 in 41rcoh.r bb U12 a;e,,whi 11 be produ, d at South .!'1,2 STIRAX STIESR. I Z valtip--flor Ah cim. e f1l in ac?`es,_,, tions. Lilies of -the collz b 23 in 4hcoii., 100 English Vi6U He e -an he a lixtion of il,eSe Lon, _the -AME in*,O.l e enc 'aJilendd po,itioli of %V.1 :r of kcrton as, the ct,4. Pini-soey. :Vlbrut4 -Und C Colho!-c ftAjjT , [' . i hethe c oil- -'Japan 'ov TOWS= e itui of the county of, Ore prop ry—Its..;rlecliollas tllc ca 1, G'00,D8 r t bid P, oPefiyl ntil its pr tnt floariAiiii; colldkitiril:4:6111- po vhargcs and iake him a one fthe inosiN r- SSr able in,-tiuculs Do' 66., OF dr., oTC - EYL,: I., rather 1.5tb,, IS6g- j and OfFruit grown.on -Lot 26 in I st con 1010 acre's TITLE 'nbrshi TE csoDiii5olutioii of -P. fiirize..for, the biiit lveo%, ,,r 35-4.jn' a con,; 100h ts`J and a7 art 110 M, A P t at 3 ort:bs it 3 (qu.1 1H elnlb; eties ol"Apples; it tei metts, n d OBA cc j\7 is heretal that the'partnembip -rnorc Lof 2 : i 8 99 acres, T n and r Lot 32 in 8 con., 1.0 0, a Orc T1 ­ n 6 33 and 34 in l0con.1,, 1,00 acres, Each.. ese Treesbare ed Out on rul-"all h6 day-dim-olved bv, in Own f0i and have can Irn (aa T Cabioet-mak AN'QMP.' e theiiame and 1im of horntison 4! Fillio,:' itual 01 it n El TO_WNSHij?:,or'TLtN JAMES %Wulkert and healthy. 1 06, are all stout bodied, 10, LT,6N F,E ..G _SO-, kINGS1111, lwj, _W L m N ,E. 49, iti I con.,i .5 a READ TH ISFIMAi--,L VIL :LIOIO Rs fl avfiea,* Dc Ab . 1862., W4 _3t' r 1862, w4 AppI :toCHATtI4iwIDDgR';Es Goderic D HEMR STRAYZD. D E 0 IDE b or t hi : Novell 'A -.1 ` '' - I lS"jL AN L.Y 0. P. the owner, Bandf4e , IL ; . 4,LT, .F lantirfforiDir.' B ARE'S Nui., Ren;jjljfs Mrt,-II's ajrtdgenhei -,i tirood and. .7 'iS -GODERICH, Octol:ier 862. iier - Or, fthesu4icriber, -zp, ncd till Thu rsd- bottle., QTRA1 Sti alth It` 1"OSTI 0 ,XENT: eTHOM. ig &, e.'as-he and, 'Slier Nll ;,Cblborqc. t_Nfar a %Vhitc Djuxuarn 1jilith dim.yt -Mr. 'Pezi-aftin i No -7 efitaabyifie A, en ` Sti6116, wben - .1 d T -old af " S A 0 ithebottle, ding the same , and, irniu- Ire, to ordet)a,,and we fifttber'bplie e that D Inst- it". _b oST' Ing an -RT 9- iiolAis_ Id in wo6d, and Old z3K a: I -T S, : Information NO mco veirwili be rew,iidittil best ever,d d P .441 r* on ]p ]LJA MEH 1RDY. A M I-- o )c sit te Pa RQBT. into t,c Pem, W4- U,the ih November, a: i.d. aad -tlios wisbin Beadfe'Ei Trees and'plan:& to about 5 camold. The owntjr ivill simp, a adiake her wvfay. i 'UND aCirisby W., B.' Haz rd, 'Joei in FV A _GROLCER-la now, in u 6; or '9,' th c. il oula r, YTHING S etevafino w EVEW I r ot it E V hfichl. 113 iritci'zh enclosure ofth 'iicr lot A bfield November 201.fil r, pur FoR: sArx Ck N 10 3r& can - Witwaxi a6dut the en fsa red Hcjlo , jisi.g ta FROM WEUS" OTARTBEFTH &D -stono ii0nels., o:-26 & The wner Is requested iq prove P up Goderich I 9 ere,-' er awixy , IT., s1111,6CI IT pav -'rlg VCAN­ 0HAN-INOCK IMUSTIcATF.11 A iE T.rorlrtri ON ad Fruit, or-OnianNiii 'frift t Off), and DU - bE addm!iQ' to iFEE003 -No etnbei,2St, 1862. *444115 8 0 1 o do, MaMdAN. . ...... C' liffirtle'd Ars may )e O!5irth bestma- of the -c oclk 'ifo ,n kti at a es, 11 'The. beA AleCh fhe World.: ly'rmn nicalfiapdr & -ND 0,j otnamed will be me 'tO oleetobe xa a I, TUESD Y the ru4innii of its Itleriv. are S 0,f A sieraL,,cs of Elie ubscri fthe publjelnqi The f6l1criiing propiirty- viz: from t a P hirtle h Decmbr nextl.., p.00Rrid Range j 6 -gin of June, 4 that 'it 'do,, ,or jr­,eze Ntftntei Fb' South ofthe D6rham-,'RE:ntd wrsihip or B aelk, Thotaw 4, the &, Dili, cl ter -en uirpii.raisedlby'it In. less thiietitan I any I f.r;x term of seven years beep CZ owes and I wo . (;it Its). F. -Brucei -1terway'.. JeffEaj, dbii Vjllia ,. I _ I I 11 Brant in, the Counitylot, Contain ana kgv`t L silid'in the vicini'l, ... a'are Vitt, inthe. nigh ear ll pie6e bff-th ofr tfty'Aeres-f,1Jnnd fit or.. N, situate in rear o measurement ear, One Of .Ejh* jambs jil a.ram. Inlormation. t the, rser),,,W fthe Detroit range, and,evety ber cQuetmi, six -m- pagcs ou"ui Woems; cleared. '1114 years, .Wo'p L ' 6j'7;-8:and 9, in the townAlip J Alldur. ilfbe Lhairkfjujlv mcerved by Terms,:L-,0neJouit net;n,-I'bexn'% T. CUSTE h Cayh;; balance pr,tpar,-dvx- to , I '­ I 11 1 '' *4 aon.- aNu with interest. Elorge. jz. o ly r6r it. cohatue,, Eii N.I4.m.,Nov. 24. ay" Press 2 contains nboui 1136 acr s L)ced unaer-Powrer of Sale. ,The 4or , at %Valker,; ICU eeat nV 'To teriders must he i4ade amt6lv for the no,pentiourele, rth---mtchwiidulor aran- - ton kiithe .Pqmirty of Bruce; %jr, Z" Sir A S 's,'Qct6ber 27,186i' W,l Nortlind halves hr -A A.',.d to be ot, orti .;am, Pon ible sjC6rjtje8,L to 'see O]ieitori for Mortga.-ce. e' f=uHn;ppium Lould, think f -,SAIE Or LAX ­TABLEJQP E exccui d bv each! Lessee, land virith him twd rcs Elie of e er.%ignedF-'hIig,to sa 4jlhai b -rib aally virtue,of Two Writs ANIE, into, o bsc the terms h ie tested the Fruit and- Ornunnin6l Colborne,.!ibo it the United 6ountie&of c ED rf tr._ DL E C 2nd on., f,Tendicitioll Fxponas 'd ri d %W ilEZI the NiVi& St Cath- !tIr th, Fa- liit re te H ifer,lwith white. I'abc6i the araties; a. SE, I A ion cps me I red eler, rey;, one acriber,lot J& bjh cma and Five 'Writsot. Met Il A: SMAYED into-1be'efterostird'ot t Mine- In tbe,plat tol-.yKs expen-es,and,remOvI6 ;sced (jut, of.ifter Afaiesty'i Cou it of Qulien s, D' rt' _nt -led a; , e propertys p nealdr. w itIttoit ouly illasmacd dFisconpubuti prOv a igh- Berichimacounticom-tandto fmcrro rearold.. The un -r-1862. w44sw26 Walker and Qiiebec,,21st Navembe AikEC eGiiii- irfa!Vzbe 'the %an& and. l'unem.rits QfJL '44 %Valke It the a r oil 2.2.. w44 t: - [IS it" fternrliatal:ia the Uufted Staittit.s Ptitent dui- Willis, it Ojal6byi. prove pTpe, thus %L4 u xecutrix am, , I son, Samuel Thlinnr iitiy & the -p 3 811 RAVE FRO'M $5 'U ai a. IlUuiii - 617 rr Canada,, Robert [Luricirnan; daroline:St axi ti eph C i @Wll, Th. es Strachan' and. Cb a1o;rh t6fi ;xSdwdt* "W'm ge. , kd P I -halt, about'the Iasi of Aug6t, a rich, th No ember.L Pir -a. yea -personL giving -such infor atilin Novern r, a III rp Ofthe nthis fted the, beg nivral 'of the 11i arid tasimehil. - Rom thepremisesofthe subsic sWiilde,i E F Gode -ULLS d to; III ad to coyery her jarequielled' ken in*Exe alltlleif hi mola. - Anv TheL old e6untri I have and ta rrC6j.­u,­jjobseXua,,Ij'.froM the- anto, I erta"M iiitl . If intireittoftbe said Derendhrtts rin,tt _,W.ill L be, Ow y- R W,.fO e jiamsifir wd olry -aoeui orter"t to our the South*Iaif'of -Ut. 3 ,i 2nd R =ed! LUMI§fiq away, litainimirl "JOHN. CRAW 2 A,.re5 of. O : I " , Toijili oL Rrant,'ero U 29 ijjh containing PAY, No.'2, bb t !?T SIC 'Jut( "Ou", N 25 Lot 24"iri the '4' 416n, S. S1 F,..L 61 _T,_. Aromatic f. [Nl6iices ;L27 M, , . AR),f FOTt AL] .1, dir 'h th ub; we l e'j d 28, 71st Lee. 5,b C.. PLU;" tcir to' '&-r- ^cc ep one 613he Eastern d 6rim Godi i P,'Irt linid,' 61, -BEAD, E6' ofggtf, L C tfiR 21 . ,30 jiL. lut con, ituning it,- with a. barn 50 It nave p anted tnemi a OUU j ep P.S 'part of Lots -26 ahA in littronce& willic-0 are Mare N. D. JLj 25 0, 'THIS. IS TO:XORBID' 4 '1 reJ3"% kion honje 30 by 20;'jt is well, watered am 7. in thii townsfii ;o' i en to -it --H,6 1 . -;,,, t - I I the -en;, r;E, Orion If ox 'b a -P' ',Which Lsinds, yr: 'on c presenT by be found a rootijL 6 l'a I']. Y AMERON .;j u I A useful eat`c I le , 4 the: -4.beulth , oin I, dii- LIVER "AND §tL6NACW bt: GoderielF,on To 9 beii6fii of eslrou , 9 o 1411, wbvl I. I t, at the hour of 0 oIlia -h and, the iut msie n6t .... looked; all nd adlHichaWOdbe t ia' 4 Ithe water the alcw-itivea ...d—eides aT a 8, U T the COn Abe I'Man U`q9es$r'o` S' and grig Trees, recoranternil"tz ve I F pa Ilid e U& the im, 7 aHN FJLCDOXALD'L SAL How at d yi; k of e. O AL to all. parts,bf P*eJ]in sesi Motiels'litid he Mid asts.ormillwrighligind='Vatirtff SheriyH 'If Bo If tIQ a dai It` Diiiiintr6lithe above -C wile Ing I m , lir Ire nPA op Illiturow ria Public Buildings.. 'RPii'd up, Xy ofl ;P ' e If E w rj6-, Ior In the hotel bleinet, s eiffl"i Office, erl i"E' be f6and dis ulaed'm L SciendfieArnerfimn; tatist ofilr ,jiuprovetgtd Ill. agri- '; la hw*q I ( 2 Ainaeisctn C R. Wj W "LUC !E o hA Y -VT 'T.Jai r aWVe at is nro_ !v!tit Thurala udz 'Diavi Sbin Three D.1 LITOW 11 T RMS. a, aW DAYS,,., T T T," oses, e -&LUCK 'V' . Watgrf; It " , g ; g, ., r , r7, ON T=', 0 At tllAtnirdilus of III- N1 I n lig for any pitc, ri, b,;a Co t I or$ In kib", RInMiTTj It MUM ingluanks _U k, ROOK -It E, UT in P W" isToo Fycry Out 13 jffjffa a. Por _T Vorlarrnn pogr pmaj to t VA I I Ot Wia __7 AM irg -bna',Godtirich The STMNL:r lbrxtdIKMiom X-Iltult P S" iRiebioid bov distanift fitjed up witil,all rnc n Wre The attention 177#riners, brew ,vealthyAction, file whermeArEOILIOCIF.,1111 Y. Companies is 1 n In avu A, SH, F he e 0 Ieu,.1 17. &T TIE' sl Y, ARM% Is rm a -10 jrlow a flq;N;unM9-, 67 14 Luc riow, fith Deambor. 1813 s or creiliks Lo r creid his. oual 1 0 with greilit successi'mullslikely..F arrAff quires U a TEMR. sell-nexintr " "' 'a ' h*V inerit1h A M13!ti pat r ot ;Stoclk BY&A ae bill 0 re SURG CAL' il it q e y Its er ractilellica'ail a g" to '4UP"! 0 AGENTS - e., is! an el-M inxoui lit, b b imaj: trade CAfTl;';, JORD N, and the lng h Baid -.teerwas I I to e ' 9th III I Customers, I— a thiniji is all the sarfief % em 1 ojj go -and JiecauseMoueu I Eo, bi -Iwthe Wool "R ls req can 'e; bat any road.thatis tra) . E,27- , "" I I I if Plot Dressing oat xu to a ex as & s WAT 'T J,101JEES NVAT t)i. be'-& LOST -L W NOTE XVIng 21 and Ii. h ici el ir— jUnjo!! e e,,e e jur6 n 97A TIGN llUperzE%nll:ttxat arii, Eintruned go -him in V I bet ablei UQnr Unt' 'etf4 h sit Ify tI&tunqenVp t UESTF 'SCHOOL 'M I gkffijl manner, TW could r.,the.6t,, lbatjjisij _ 7 Aytdcia_`Vath fuwqea Out Yuleanized Hubbi r mit'heretolore, count S ousbraSCng!l;- 2 1 11 ,P Gord;Sjhr!i0 iM.,vnU se liven to slx on i; n at, Nbly nle Will to ro e OP ciqd Few _d VU11 ;Addmv,: 50. 111 0 a i6fiirii prl.SLOEI or 'ic ,V r. C C irick _ oy. -illinber'17, IS PC, qg It rpaa UJUA e OX v ce Bi urich f"Tooth, Ow or 2 ....... .. . .. P 0 _C 0 P