HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-12-09, Page 4W, _n IiX Si._ �2`! k F A g ­ Z J� R, NkR V., M 2� A 77 G S ALM I W "-P 'X. A, EF, `7W 7 M lil%11911 A 11 ll..� Al and a � APT %W.R. A `O;,j� 16,p, _,C CRAB I FRUITA 01WAKMAL Elt HOT I AR 7 _0W, PiRI-0 U�. I I. I . XM C:> W. 9B utX4 red D': 4t -and AT iL ribe, iaenee'� nu '�4 '610, the NMW�N D 0DZ= '36ri % T b 6. 1 i, �1' 160:offors 8 C It 'not Ap ")U faloiliht 4t;6 P--! rept. y to GODERICIT'NURSERN c Ific reni rahnuill nal'; Uds: 116 gy L T -7. AL MU ii�-i INSTI�UMENT$l SALT --T �MN7�0r ber PhIbb "rou"s "-:C �RY .-SALT7 sic, ATE 0 SZk',' �CIPL -P i a -d foa-m6ta[ DO S Oct —1, - &�', ORO I CRESSIVE� PION Aoo� bIGAR: STORE OF 71MCM _7 t,: NOTICE: 0 F, TH -FrO n E F West Street; Godezich T T11 E, 'S flon will be inadc S� herebv-jivein 6ai unappf�" -F�6sh �.7 -0 �O -L S. A B .'FOR I to at j liession fWallract t6 cle'L thittownhil a a, UO3MOPAT Normaoil`)y ill�tillc Count ill's runt lways on lannod. E H-11 Sir�*b&nes, U r.)IOS, yot Grey;�Luttiier,Arll X D�xect`,,froln osw go" AT, k 3W and Rlvubarb Roo ts�! 14tritit A" . ' ' V and"tilint' Ill fle Co"i ty or' It c6tAII Brace- and: Ko�vlck 11) t 6 in tile LOR Me, WMENT 0 F, luroll LIRG E A %,4�td, CDERIC County Of k Into a separate At prices that; cannot 'HOUSALE. OR RETAIL, 2 o!G % J. urchalter". nd MIFF, SSAIR� OF 1 hinqd with. the low.pr otter- -induce. d UI.H-ff I UFW01)v' XLI�Wiy, Cffla� T N : �aii 'to be iai�h,fac,.Iy It So oiDo'!,,ir,,, 'ems thaflinvi A.11- Nov. V. DETWIR14 s, I h6 r,;ill :ice aiwhich ifiey.4trc' s- U it shodld be slillicielit'to Writ of Not 'jotojy7ti County t6 iucd gut .,IND 61d; I -cvery p6rtibam want. ofTices to -C6un�iti, R Huron and Brfiee' Blister ei iiian Sfti 119 St I b Uuit�d ,Asi .1 1 7- . ­­ I of?Vri�erritua,'/Oi-� to G y �Fojj G 4 ONL cl, o,. dihgs Ui iui athei &713* Olefal assortmell d t of' 'int tljc�.Lanjs �nd I X Bit 11OCZ111 nall I),'e t. E '1' h,ndhamil n in hey. are �110V I CUM ml ;-tot Da vid � Mc�arlrim AT, H 0 M- 'e' -V e 'd edi, A '�2g 40 IDS -thaves r (A , .116!crai&, t7 'and url ilQworl 1�stab- nie rino, plesald Dujbndarls;�n andlo ?.ai nt,.' C,,!oiim,. Oils," s"Pittiv. . I I I . ., . Gla" lishilicnis, the NN,ett befrof I,ot number Light;. in tile F&I'lith f;ead Pipe, �V,oitghi, Cnt, PA!" .!_ o - Aso T. Pill! -of t1i 6rdqgq, ci�'i)h E 1) to 'll, 1 -,?`4 Priccd'Cutqlo�ues Fke. o* cbrf :4 hittorm, 5to. - - , I ; I " 1 1: Jf I a 71 �thu cquiity of-Hutpit, �Vbiilib 'LIInds and��Leroe -�READY-XADEMOTHING, uddng Ko'bZ-, �ANDLES 4pplic 616 :hundred C,,unter acl(38, piore or less. .0 - fine. in the and. '1�ai)d Sltw,� neing I hall offer: f6r sale at my. p3t, cirruhir'. I fGod&icIi,,on Ti.6- Gnbinet�'llllk,ti*� Fr[M,,nire - House in on, on; dr God h'�"" J(,,)IIN MACDQNA.LIJ, a 4,o; U, dkR:,r V.�KIETN Car N rP C�st&ad._', C.tir, p �! _�,,.v I 1Z. NIavhi6,i­ House lie he ,o S, :day I '? L 1� no, c Bor Fl, ("I'MILLt j Tt A-;� Doom Shoo .?$E - I FOR SALE -ldirig-' - I 1";i;?t!.; and Nfo) HIAVY TEAS By�,S_ PO tiT;005, Depli t e-, ISTER-5, ed 'oftlie' tl� 1� S, 6hetri ff Is 0 11 if greatly enlarg Jecilwei 1AW LL FE T-7 fli", God, , atri, a 000 a " illowkeePeonstantly an hanoFa, anbrerib FIE , �r'is desirous of �mllia u actory HARDWA Water Sable- NJJtkrIeS,9f1.4w T. on Lm 22, her X1 r I . I I Z Lmc.-Laice.Sloorv, Sjaljlo�r� 7 jiffles I �,;r . 41ow Bay' Laxge, "d a -`_ With th� Lar fold. 'I'liG juill:Iii in first -rat - runring,6rdrr, and; General Am.ortnietof' celchrated walte", .4 cciurltc��,,Sc.al­ here Ra�plefit,fuj auppl:� of tbab�'r bi tile* Ile' ining coreek. T1, c. forliood­'It oi fed Qr TK ;,�ZJI6Qk of T Lk"A OF 60,aLcrcs of,fac red ind in:connection ARE he sold with it if wir d CERIE d erj; doeripti I 171 of In M Tui er. a, good brch a,d citil fir -A E -BIL. T For partici I : I ilati, price, &p. 'app y oil, tile PRIV IRAT NESS, sW AN MARTIN-' 'DARTI1:S in� CIA to d kills by �, - I - ' ; , C *p S - ;, - , prem Chmer4ha n other hi, e E.: GRACE, w43 -6n; for 19. 1 S.52. e14'636 Gderic orrE D" ring corporal GR R HEIFER�STRAT - usivelf es nfer", e .0 or g or 0 OOE 1ES!:S ELF AND HEAVY HARDWA lot powers for eomfitaer.eial or. ot ler Durposes,of eat CAME into tile tiremises- 6� tile scrmcr� survey$ dr'boun HEAVY & :SH pr� "IllistIng Al C.�Block, Colborne, about.tlie profit; for rbg clix,redil. I te �Or anyt4in tencling-10, affeCt, � ;156.1;� i� 4ode fle, o� appro% N tQr feather anA Fig W es7.: Sept. a, retI, I .. .11 . � r% are. here� jjjs,6� properl�,� Of. other parties, �s-,ore,,lhev; 1i�hp3iogiiher i66 ufacLaTV, ,large, andTkeR th6Y 0 e , : i .. ., - _gffi Which� at th very -10 Ist find white'lleifer; with a *Ili star in the place. IiLqu(t�tcd to ri �j ,I thattfiev are required j)y th 53rd ea:�3tOeIEO[, g of HARD WARE, expenses and Itemov cher. e proveproperty, 'Ouu� a:lid follooliring 1�411�s of, the L6�gNiieJS -4t W44 &�,6Vai�t God a VA E AT Vk R1 E T �X �, 11 +F" ColborncNov� 206, 1862.. espee , five ',At is - C 5T?" ell 'and' . . jtive �PT Qrbich are pilblis ed atetr, �Plzts, in T1 TRAYE a other L eat1I fi c tljliL'Subscri�,isii, at Varna, ts Is a, S_ BINDINC about the lalst of August; a 'blac:k steer"to xw. - . : - I . - . 6f:the spplieatjbji'Ji� ibe'C47iada Gaz bitst es a TS _10M% Gazette,5 to give,TIVO MONTHS,XOTICt e and rilso in ayerld vil.1 lepil to Alto, wiH -be guiiabf� re-,. Counity. or union 0 -Qurities affected, send- recov'e f itts,of the jfi'rsta:�d $lie notice$ 1 1 Dr esi col; s MiAet - Form lasvw ii g', atit Tre of �pllth House. to tlid, AGENT FOB �Engjish� -C anil Ld" .) v Z" 3(. , I . .. _1[afii1es Ribbons,. JOHN CRAWFORI - k`TO w44- DD - Cott 1� D. DO -9 C txc a ron '17rifill-niril-'s 1-fosiery, and J$HERIFY8 SALE OF LANDS. q1t S: ORTIMEN T E 7 ISO of, e z%. E w14 y of a, -FjCT.T WTA U KU iI Sto If. inifte'Rub ber OF (�ANADIAN oLrqu and iB To W ruce, AT ier Court Of R Queen' A trected ot-ain4t the Benith., in to me a' t Oil requ ene �:nda'aridTencnicns of T horratl Lee and xub7 a'. Writ bf ore. P Chasm qf sort$ a 'jorintie y e p w,c; Iean'i,,I I tay, I e he'�\it�pec(ibtl: Of th suit of Saincl D Nlack ut e sat IrTo WiL; of Her. esty S' Worth t and tdk�n,m 'Exectition all ill& right' to rt Of the United C GEN TLEXEN�'S ......... Ill interest �f ijiz' said Dlif4ndanfLs i'a and IVIL A CHOICE L T �0,'LAADIES' Lot Nqjfii�er Sik, North side of High Street - Ldt and to me direutea'against' the and teap- -Todd and Joi,- ffF at I Weit de of"H aron Street', and 61, of Alattloci, Lin Li4uo 6,� Sonth side of Hi;h Strttet_ toper' le Thon Polrk'Lt.Numj�r 6a ph,%Valker� at. the of T11".13 K or U_ -e of, 1111-2xeitutl6n Ty 1, GRO all in the-,17owiI Souflliihl�tou in the count FRESH VND is, 171 'I it mlt�res't of A !'�saiil. Defend : f'super ofic6 in �th6, Court the r!;r al,hl,t3 con- Fiyi House in till 'Lot hum er F _t, in F Well.assorfed I nd 0 it I Cad Tuesday tile In an I� nthe- ro Wit. JOHN' Eir ount wnon coa�essmn, -of the,,Uilrit�d Countles: of; rou, dro� ofFelordary n -two 11i tile thar coq; 7B e �nd 0ulil dirlidea TF41 j�, ARE O OPENILN, t!it,,atAl" ho, andithirty Air ol",17wel�er cc' -itio.ij, C uit� T 1 :1', d -1. � - 1-17,1 _A� \7 . TH ST -3: -slx� of thel dock noon. the Duih�;vl Road, and Lots fiffy -erjl�ntt�16f �s�fojrojR­ gtus,'at The suit sjstiu� are Cutlery Locks, Late -tit n' roo 0 and fiLy-eiglit, ill the-jecon �c,nc, foal uth6l' hes Carpe AiNd all oil�er, tartic es )SLODONAI D exander,.Catiorier0ho ., and �Wilhiiial,, ene 3 hi Gairdner and I :01tishelf vardwaie in 7 AgeL�s for Cire�lar, ullaiy and I trim of the last *At. other 5heritr. Gounty -,of Bruce, contalhilI Sift ea i ch is A tills lba Sherifr's Office, Gcdcricb as a� 'ui 6airdner. Spades, Fork A a15th Nov�, I S82. tbnr for sale rI bfi _T, S�Ove 1,13ave, beized- -aia& -taken 'A. 6ij�ERAI; ;,I of Iron, of nt and tormi SrrC0Cja-� lin of Plated % Glass n si kol;err Gifidner, Ex herifi, H. theDwimin Ebad;4 allinq the T6)'�nsi IF By S. ll��iit,LOCK; &pllt)� and testamini; MS�ELEA_NEOS 0 INTS w42: in Exce'utioft. tall tiTucti'ay-theSixteeniL, otthe Twoy ich vrs�rar hem in saying they 377L 3: a.Co n4`1 C)1` 401, STRAY STEERS-,.� at E: Ran-61.urtbeTowaill' rt�-Strm4au cannot oqr ofT -La I-CLES '�ioa,: containQ'.Vn: Werle bou�ht a DON7ALW fide nds'and tenemonLsl,,ball-6rei7�?r'.sz4r telected, and he kis�id a laogc'qgariti�y�,they W '�ui.cs'of'thc subRcriber,.Lot CAM�-, into the Pre It the vni, purutitt lbou ers� T�eir 'reazi; Ve il�ccn. well '&ri�k, " the.22nd inAl., 4 it adbeabilAtoliturnis.1% 15, con., 15, 0 In ' officeiiii,.the:Uourt jibuile jidl derich on Tuesa4y the, on the qy� s. DlI S - A, �.6bruary , nex a hce'dral bellyt the Othl 3 eal Who esal Prices! r , 2, red and whitet' '['he t tifitilloirofTwelfitilifthici C 4a I E.A_ P are r�qinised to tiroye' property, pay, izu. ner 3 no9p. FOR CASH 0-P., ��FRObuqp_ InspectiOn: Is 60 ` - I -diditan 'desirous of 1111TO inipeetion, that the tuft bugging, but court, Zharges and tbilt ort SALRF, LA -The stibscribers are it PPS. Sheri Th Ae. da�lj H 10 ling tit' ret neriff"s, ce 'fbrth mav lt� h .,heir6tolbrit set iticed plli�l in' cal Carrick� 186 Matt ey in nmou I'a.), be*�.nrob 6� to continue s�l mben� on Writ of 7 101h, h paid promptly -7-� of "lit rxu6 a I Ai�v'tbat�thcv exp,, �Boy 0M Huron"and JI � FierijiFtioliks imue Ont them to deal �andidly �vith t ieir customers SHI�E LOS and inr laU.4 u L rl $try IF t �-4, I Go & so 'b�tr Court Athe for e care "IV. -DET directed, '0[_� MANTLES T9 Wit of Cbual� tI2 QTRAYED.from-1 c 6fh�� ub�,. t. 4 aliainstitlic Lan& and, were of )r Goderich.. 6th June laix 4P iiiwu 10 lambs). Thce�ves Lad larc. p I re it ithe:righearandlia, Tnfbrai�iioa and' DavM to adminbitered -T�At -PARIS.'� i -ea piecLoff the'off de�th,i��itlieliat�ds,of,JolinAnElrew, RL AND Aar.1 Oncof,the- lainbs-is a'rain. 'have Selz- ltsF�,clmgtIjcm.wilf be r -;504ro for. iiae on in, Execution `Ale�, ii HE folloviring "�Idridsare' the sa 0 , � j. , , I. CE' D tSTO A aefndont,lin T Milbura� in Inc begifiningl of III I t� , itased,._'�iithe: time of.. gth. ISM _OIS i ORI 0 T LOND N' UNDSTOR-SAT dor�ner of Xz�rket Sqjjard) R and tsk�iI� "Psi i6eet. 'd irn, Nov� 24, 1862! 10,11 12t: b Lots Numbeis 1; 2, 3, 1,.7," AS 22,�15' SIGNEES : THE 226, 28, 29,130,�31� IN 36, tflt IF 43,4� 16,4i_48.49.�50,�,57.59,130,� e no TEN�T God ijeh, 23rd SeDt., 1862, [s OF ELE' 61�.,6. 77� MONEY To I OF THE 0 9�� 94� 10 ADDLER H ro,N",�; S y 0, 134li 135p 145 'D 0 R7 116r 3 17i I 1U, IPL'TO H. -PAR,S� X IP7 �nat.15s, 0 NIS'.. 0,- BE LENV '0 -joyerm y.A in� the t,'ounty- of Y, r 6111iiiinI 29,and N E -$20100.0".Ta.s. alf tri -the vill�4j'ot, AND TUE�LiijoliAD;CZ, IN ..On ecur being aUWi;V1SODa' I . . . . . . S L F WIN REsubscriberbegsto, e in the said Ciolinty, bf, T .ompos&dofa,�t!t0SepllrT opened's new and se T-1 $�Ofsald EA. TFF.' OLLO. (I Godcrich and neigh oxh,�.0d,11161hel"lls DO 30iri the the',Townsiti, j��m the in p of Nine.Add Annua is et AoSsoitm�nt/bf Stapl' to t once, N &FARIff LOTS: TOW Apply; a uts Ncs.;29 and 30, not-�iibdiv71diia:intoVik, farm ANDLEI14 SQ., ]age Let$., r Which. ands ap,� L OF 7 in OM flbr for sale'at myofflite irfMhe Court. IjgUSe -LoW Pn6es ---viz [7. wn34.3m ov., Land Surveyar. Golierich G the Seven - the -jown Oy 'Febri TWAIITOL 40 USTd-sk'a rich, with a Fmme -South,'j18 OT N6.277;.Town of Gode at the, hour'Of SOU'll in'll'st aVE ab, dav o ON Art ERY 2if COW` 00 acre, onZDONALD� �South-,A 11 in - House erected, there kodk d 1� .4il do Brick do C S S. INV A Oy.. COL-BoRo office', Gbderic in 4h 1 0 am&.` L TOWT 562.: do & 987 do Wen Street. do z t. David's I NE' N6rthj 21 qq ggars Coffees. Fournot North A,23.irt4h661� 1,01) 399 do oaS1 4W do Ita I TOWNSHIP OF 'HOW -IC 0 1 . , . . , _i.b -L - rtiie:of a, WrWot .7 do rest. in'thii Cohsls ing IeA, I.- . , , , � I i. K 988 lo �A Lif, Inte e)r- JL -, %, I -- n ins, third part; fluron and Bruce -slield', out 6f LdiA'2; XaI ih,15tN coh., 100-Adits e Lot, aod:, 00i one ?ndivi 031 8 0 to- -Wit- d' & 1, . i6jl� 6ias� is Tobacco S To. F J;ot No.Aj Towntiblioo,nor Colborne, containing S I C Clilkbf i)ie United Conn. Solicitor. ty F er a ,S,,.Oun acivoi 3,iniles from :TOVAI� th f. .'I, Berl. MllerIts gU.ion.nnd,,, ruce, dricU;ti) Ane directed TOWN 0 G119y ficti of, u � -, !:, I �. � — : , " i S*8'1� ap�hinst the,Larids.ai h 3'Acm on -Goderich, 29th�septils�2, Lot 26,in�lstieorl �6uhiC �Lots S4 an -35' 3'n " Olin Briage�; Tlivinnithip of Goditirich- thn.iiitilitol7ja M -es, 190 4 eofi.�,100,­atn�" d-and'itaken in 'E d X� , Gatrincy, I have xecolfion. LIFE IN Yor-Sale -or, o Re all the right,, tide. an'd"inteidsVot',lbe said Defefid� d3 -id TEREST t nt 99., ;�s... i3ticiths Old Told, t§,-LptS;,NUmbe�s E and, -Nine-, I'd a the Town, ��F Mdcri&h. Lot 26 il� 8 And, B d Pale Alm ofiJrmiaica Rum', Mail, C TttTe i old Rye, Scot6h,- -16E it neat and Crinceitition A, in the. Towpgbip- of oic. Andlivided third rt in the follow.n Fort 1TThi2rO is on the in Wood on. )rnmodious elved, it torime lot Of 1yj?jC9-:00T.TAG-- adw ith the thit iihtoa- Which Land, Qua ad Bottle.," Also, jast 1, 3s, 4na ,�ficession, Township of Goderich; d' nijrabl olda te, 22 &,23, Second Afo 0 fidn is,exc ent.,, le Jeff in the Bayfield Y§40P, (466riclii on X6aday 66 1welaythilid d' altio Giodericb,,w-itli buildings thereon. D6cernber next, at. the fourih part off hour bf� i' IEL SR r,at,t is th� Town-* TOW19 leardeed, dla be at: my Offic6` in' Couirr,118use; in the�, ToSvn­,6f One uii&v.i swl��t cloek,_ noon. , 'N-MIECDONALD, %ioae HE CAN r Athe.Vills, of' inea y eptay.5her pito eowner, ihii� i, - ` - �TO "LE 'SF .1 erich C�Y- 370, im,the i;t]3 D WILL SELL' AS �I!ElP AS ANY OND EL JOH Village of, fg in C A LL -'A N D '-8;E-E 1 SNr to Let hirilli'Vol Y.c th� Ncrv.4��862, Lot No., 43, gr�cd upon.- �2 '36, do� . East. 35, 'ituatli on like Maitl�nd tit th'e Town.,hipot C6ujil)--o1�Rrtf6n--m;bcing .,p� nation A -55 56 do :do -do;_ U E 43; 44; 000 �Uskfies. E� 64, 3, 51 HARPaS, Apply, on 13,&. 14, �Dorhaiar;ttitrect,North. L 10 's rarIC. 0. aptpiy to.JOHN 49 Ettur,L F 18'62. ',_,`W_384w2p Z X -For furtheir Partied and I rTits,of, GODERI 11, jarrlary� 186.1. r HALDAY. lictfilt,- Assignee; Go 'j IIC der.,6, out of HeRR inst Ieautioned:�nol, 0�11111`7 runhada-,itito ert, I aa� 'THE all t I eLand, -Bank X`-, Odedc;16�,: rEano or JOHN 'N d T'.-nenletots o0oseph�)I�atk&-dfia' "T A of "The TL GiFoL o c, follows tors jfI; will 19, rhart lEnge, Range M N LOwjs . A, L�r N Range, outhe'enotes'-18 due! 'affli to, Odbert,fbi $100 WHOLESAU A_ ojitt'in,2yeam, one in 3 ve:AII and the other in 4M %o;lt:h6U !wl =MO. Grotaul LOt -NO-3' yt;ary Iro -Ildilding;6teltifthk Ole said, -ant, m"thosaAdato; 176wnshi�. of,ltlk c6rittilifinp 25,Acres, 1 who qd *odi tw*ori not ms, at 4,- ; 1% . , - - L 'A I I bee 5tooped, pair P y !P� t TbeTdvgr5Jwq�rni CHIPMANJAQUES So' c6one, 'CAMERON ELWOOD ch-� ,:,n2jDtf y42;oo2t, 4 1103 @fiall iWI Mass LE., I owlbk; dv.11 t6rLot Xjrv. I t conciaiioig& eu S' f T (w iV' !P) o6 notlesfrolIff GoftrIC!VO4 th ]KINGSTON—SI )DERICK;_ AI,&-��LOT ON 'TAB T A-19ET G'( Nj S X 6th Con"& he 6N 0 ,�O 86 row y 0 ranc-h. E Nbiblight WOU.86un B A jilillielt,45i � I _4 , quirlillopsein, 'U'U'll i"p"Pt n of lle�50;, 16d; VU T esda Nr w TE, STUOS,'� own:. "P OVILZO CIACR, Bi ilRNMR UJULN U.' Al- EALERS .�ion;of the -oil-; CT iinink't6gether 267 HEMTCALS,,,'PATENt,-9EDjCjS RtISSES,'D' .; - Ili inj -Fluid', Field, bon L ibboon,je, t acres.,, are:situated lin the GraVel B POLLOCK, UeputtMe A Lw Ke liturlie, ol 32b one ��ql :ES I e I k,,T, il it OdMd ti'�a 4 A thelit. 90 a-2, 41 a.#r t eta -,4 —e-��UUUJ They are 0 qua ity. e e Road East. (W luar Ad Ord selisioustea,10 urtcluetwill W,cq me a ?ro� 11 For xitrins) apply to 57, acres -tw, 'y fray Itije TOUR N "Gialrich. p 'GO CTLOn Alt ��ya; �86 RLE� N' -Y y '1229,