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The Blyth Standard, 1945-09-05, Page 1
VOLUME 5G - NO, 9 Sells Thine 'Trotter For $700, \Tail. Ilt'nry S'11. 11,1\1 ,"Id I'eguy :\xw,Irtln, III,• tio•1i Hifi e, to \I, I. 11,'''1' n, I `I il' "nl•nr, . I'1" . 111111 half mite 31 I., i and cam !Ia. 1,1 •I 'eighth in 1!,' •.1 11'1- fare,. III11' I. 1.111• )7nol r, 11 ,11111 \1 ill •+.11' Satin day, St1lt"1,1t'r' burg,. 11 ' 11,t' "\', ', 1' 1'lika, an „lu •t:lulliim 1w„ the SI111;'rtt'.1 Stalls, til y H STAND Ilia"111, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 5, 1915. School Board Meeting' Fall (hair (conations 1'1 II.'!II,!l lir I:II.' '1 III,• ItI di Hill l' 1., 1 11"11, the Toll"win" donft- li n• for 111, Lall 111111 Itoo.11r 1.1.1 halt b «11 :rry�vr,l, ;ul'1 are ur:ll' 1111} ,r,l' '1••,' 1 b; tt' tial 1111. .\ny in, 11,,1' "'11'11'11"u- will in 1\ret„med. til'1,,.'1 I111,Ir,l \\,i• 11.11 al ;; p.m. on \;1;'11.1 ,il•1 11 !h 11, '\1111, I'11i1p. ,1'111 ubscril►tion Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. Sky Harbour Eliminates l.i(►Its Club Enjoy Supper 1114) I'll 1:11,1, 1111111. N1Y'I' \\Tesllield Illondav Night i'1cctin 11x1:1',1( -1N1) 1 ‘Lc I Ialh"Ilr eliminated \\'''•tfield Tli L1'1l- CHI, 111,1 111, n 1' . !Ila' '11'111 '1,1, •111 I 1'11'1,11 "i nrsi weel: ; fit II,- \\ r• 1, I'll I )ii1;Irlu ,\111I+'tll' mei-ling l l' •,I;Ii I:l.,,t, \'.1i!, til .1 1,,+'' .:I' ,I.n ',f 11; 1 „ .,.. :! iI ;\; 11 NI"I!lla\ Thr,. •;I ,. slab,'• ,1L-,11, n! t 'i t!,•In 'I.., `",. i ` I,.,!' bel"Ie .'1 \ e'\ large el'"\1'! "1 II;I\II`H ,I I'..'.it!III,,1,' 1, -ft 't;-., '111 1,1,.,,,-1 I• 1lr 1, ,o.,, ;Ist 1,,11! L11!, II'"tll this 111,11 111, 1lope- 111!'1' I'I't'•1,1, II; 1,1111'1 Illy In, t'U(,t! tt ,l''!,'• e111µ'1 i' .).pet -.'',1, .\,!'!111 conveniences I. :,11 I"II 'unl' the 'ante hist I ri,lav •!1.,111) fill, i ,•.;n. Tiff- 1.!,L, of 13, .Ii 111,• ,11"11 t'r,'In1,l• 11i11 111111,1 the �ltilitt 11':'1:1 'u which \\1•al'ield d,ie:licd Sl,t I'nil,d t !I'u•cil \\.1. r,1'I'r,'d t" ilii: ,1:11 n' r, enio'„11,11, Midway ; to I. t�1 . bids, pan ticn- 1, I'tr ',Mor- a page of tI!o a record t1. :Ail i'1' i 'l!llil is I' I,: t j .\1'1, 11111. ,I, I„'1"1' . \1 1'r pa, 1',l '111 .,!„n !pd..... ,I\ 1 11'11,'1 at 'fill^„tl• I . ;111'1 \!•,"I ltl •,. 1111111 I kr 1,-',11- 1 1„ !. I':\, -r\ Hit' ':1111 1111,1\' 111',11, .11111 '' :II �,•' 1, 11 ,11,1„'1!' 'I III'' Ill!. t i „vt 11•,111' I\ cup rl,t11a t 1111!: 11.'11 11.111. :1111, iifnt ill tea• hl'liei 111;1! dl -,l I:..,• .I '11 1.1111 r"11''1 ..'t b'• !.,!1; 1111' , Ill - , , .. , ...... five .1; , ,'.I IIII i\\1',I 1111,1 IGI'I ;I good 1'11;1111'1 11' i;Il, l' I'll'; •;1'111 •. :1 mealy -- 1.0o 111',1'.11-.- 11.11 I! \l ;l: 'I.,1' 1.1)11 1"!!' .. `^,' .1l, !I1 y 1 11 1';11'1' 1,111) (!Ir •11';e�. ;111 1 ).1 el!, I 111, al, ,Irl"\ t'rl I''I.I l ,1,�O til.\ I1,trbr, t 1':.1i!1-;...11:121(:)1...! . 11'11 -,. 1!1111 you can 111' kill 1'.1"';111, an 1 I In r -.In r 1 \:1111' "u e1'. u1' 1;111):111 1111 \1'y,lii11,1 b\ ;11 1:1 '•y pit •1111• -•(I1) 1'111,'; .... is li '\\ 1, 1 I !11,!1!;1'! 1,"y, "ii 111111) lard tell \I"oda\ al:!Ilt, 11\" 111 11'1''1 in, 11 111x1' 1'1111.1 1,11 i'u n'I ,LIy "i 1111 1^;lit I . 1\,u', v. -al J Li err I„!111 \1 ,!1 1i)Il ;11,,1 opened 11 111111 a I)aiI'htge 111 (lits tall'. I I'\ any I It'll. 1,'.1111, k, `T!nl'II• !:I•I,1,, ;,I'',h,I 11111, \iretiii ` :I 111! 111'111':1 111'1 "I \I' tl\in,N Llu) III 11!1' I.t^t :III'! -el'"1111 inning, 111111 t h'' j11•1 ., i'' l'I. II"„!II uCrl'•t ;l 1,l"I 111.111'. .\11!1•'1' 11: :11.11 1'111111. 111: \ 111 a 1� 1'1':11 hl)} !III': I'.\IIS I;111'"111111''1 f„1' fall rut.,, \\'e•Ifieldl 1\Il1,, 11:1'1 �.;'.• I;lt 11 I:r''lll;:' , 1111. 11,1, Lt' -111' 1111,1, •1'u. Sy{'r.1111\, I.I':I II.\\'I': \`i!t'k Illi\:\'I'll)\. .l o! '111 of 1111.1 back ill till e;tl•litr b,'' 1 lid, i1 Ci :11,1 i"r -"1111 11111,•, I'111ZCIlASES HAY i'ItESS ^ti, \'-_-- states 111` the grille. b11 then Sky ILir- but 11,1• •It\1r_ her, In Hie on a 111,, 1- 111'111' notched 1111' more rim, to 11rike nn- 11:11111. 1 - NI r, \\ 1111,1111 1;1„11 n 11,1, purchased Ite(1 (.'Toss Ital'I'le 'I'hanla Local illood Donors lie sr•'re read 1, 1t 1. Thy \\`1•,1iiuId 1 III I:, :111.1,:' e "i 1.i.,'I d i r, lair,•, 1'!1 II II mu. Mu t,JHli int lit frill NI r, ' I, I1:1 tick- ' r• I ;till ,-11111,11'1 :13111 Ir, do a thing about , ,fv, I';\',y, I.:,'1 1io:,l. Pillion filled \\!11'1:1!1; -1 ,!Ili ;' 1. 'I'!1 bn ills” i. 11+It ' :111(1 O1 s,alliic►•s t' `' 1`1.1. 111\111 IC'•'. Cr,...l r,,,. 1111 , 11111 t.' \I!. It!"\\': \lilt IIII.;tltl1 ,L. I'll ;'I -L 1-. '•', 11"11: \','ll lir dr;11111 for It, and their ,11,•k was falling lladll••'.'l,t' ~'ei, tar) , chair, r, ,ding Illi' \`, 1111 I'lc cndin'1 1 1111 \1:11', the I I !11 11111, '11;11'' i„I \I r, i ei rlurrlit; Illy neenintt 111 the hall Il:lir t'.,nr1r1, A malt inning rally changed the ^it• Illi. nit • 't I,1 • I,I,1 revll,ar lin 1,1.11:, N,11i1111 1 1`'.1 l'ro,^ 1 tii Ilcd ;III blood 1111' 11:1 1 'I 11 Ai.'”''-'\ r, I'"luls1 1 11;11 I.ri.la\, s.1't,'!'11,er 11;1!, 111,'-1 1,1 1,1, nal i, '1 ron.ide1:11.1\. In 1111 1:1,1 „i 1111 ;Toil 111"1 1'f Cit. Se, 1111)')' 11!''1 tint'. ,''Tint• 1''1'11''. 1 tli•1-1 \\tit :,iitilt'it'lit 11,', ' iii 111,' i' I IIII•,'. 11.'1' tlt' 1',1,1 Jrl are ,'ll '11.111,1. in (Ilrlll\', 11 :11'11111'. ! 1!1111!1 \\ l',tlll'I,! pill three 1'11111 111'1'11„ ,\111'11 \1yr1 a'','pl1'I 1111 III 'tl„li "I 1.11111 1' 11.1 pi i:1, choir'. 1 i ,; 1!,1111-c1'„'1111 h';"1'1 • .'f 1'111.,''11 t•F s111,ply 1\i,tiiii- tin• plate, :11111 had tht• ha•e, 1' ,Iti 1 1)11 1'1111'1 and, Lion 1,1,,k \\'111•,,11. 11 1111. Ili. I 11;1111 l o ,k1,1 111111 ;11111 _'1111 111.1,1', Ill,' 1\ ant;llanl I:r,l tl till- Illy; lwu 1111'11 out. Snell, Thr ballet1 In 1!11' 1111.11111 „i Li"n '1`,111111 St;l I ____\�— _. rit•ty 'u,1' \\i,''1,'. lu thank all 11111.,1' 111' x1111 t'Ie 1 for :t nice drive, but the hall Hiblh'n ,l, 1111 I cane ill hill', I.i'•n I\1n I ;11'111 i .ix u," Itl;,l i• I'll. I 11!',tll :11111 \ienul\' 111111 .o 'enerull,ly \cent l a little too far ;Ind I)rinl,le, \\ 11au:or•' led IItt Li111:• in .3 f1\\ "'tu' 111:1' 1,111'1 1„01:1;:111„1l 111 11±1)'111`'• 1e 111111' hl ,111 ;1i !!u' \\`mullion 1`lin- '11,-,. iu- 1'• 'I:' -,• li.'','.'1, \1„,:1'1 b,' err;11I, II!'1'rl'. the Sky 1larllonr I1it fielder caught it 11,1111 1.1 •,: �1:,': :11.11\1''1. i•, ul'uci,llly 1:t'1'Ir„ninu NI is \\`,"1111- I I Pot' I b\' aT' ''111''1 Il'.' till' Nt 11 l':' 1_., '1`11'1,11, ;ll•(,! 1,1 1111 111' h,iIi.e, It \Cil, .1 tuliHli „111' 1.11 ;,'11 1x11 11:1• ;tll•Nyfr, it„1'k, 111"' 1'1111.'.111 111t' 111111111`, 11•!11 rt'�t• to lust', ;'f,••t'llt, \11111 Lion (1„1'1 "\11:111.tllly 1 i \Ir . \\111;;1111 Ilei:'!lane ;111111i,!rrrll 110.111 for 1;1111 Clinic; ai.', Ill'' \nil (loci: 'r,ganized stub;tII in1inIr,lr!urinq S::t, 1;1111 I\tt•IIIG', ;11l11 il. ,,nl \I r, ;111,1 \II alar• \la' h,dl „f II;ul_ IIoJ,I, 11111 as 1.1111 \\illi the medical illi, e"nulnnil\' for Illi, year. "1Itt're 1.1 •:I 1',' .1111n 1`111111)' iilro,lucinu •'11 I,a!l„I. 11,1,' \\ll!1 Nit%.1'iu•I of Ills' l'i'me-. All illi, 1„1'111.111- \till he ,•xllibil;o!l tato(,, .\n exiiibi• 1,11111. i\ l hnull. •1-11( free;,,lint tl 11^!1,1• 111"11 t'utill•Ih111r,i :'1'1'tlly 1't 1111 'In."'" hull tournament huh) veil :\)lbllt'11, ;11.1'111'' of the \\';!Il;h;!ul 111,'td I!,tnur Clinic;. \\•1,liiylo and 111\111 i• being 1iL•ulnt'1 11,'11!1, gnu el'11ti ;\11'1 :11 i'1'' , 'l ,1 1', ,:,I n 111 1,11,A1 "i 'I 111.1, , 1'1111;1 ;111'1 1 "r, 1 (' ' l; r 111 ' 111,,,1' n 1'1'11,11, \1''!1^t lin'•, 1)111„11 1 1 1 e'!' 11 1 l'., I,I'r, , 1111/4: '. 1 y1} I1 NIeI(Ivo), 'l'u;,,V.:l:H :1-11, • PH' 1Itnry', 111111 1'111.'1111'k 11 1 y( ;11. (rid jilt\, 111.111 !''id''', 111111 1111 ',„t11 -"de. At the I•:In11',i ':n','^ ,11 ':Itlii i;l\' :Ill I \1„1111;1}', l'll"i t ;'111! 1;1„111, 111111 1.11,';11 1.11r‘').\' III', •h. \11,1 11.1 11 , 1\III illi: 111'11 III'•'! • ;111,1 : 1,•1111,1, I herr \1'11'1 four bor.,. ill 11.e rare, 'I'!!i' \\;1, in tlu' 2.18 ^I;i• . Stariiil1 for :In iii.,! tient' 11,1. }1':•, ibit'll 11'11111, "',111,.! I.', and driy.11 b\ itt I': \i: \:1!l, 11'., rail I\vu r;1'e, ;11 I'i'111.:1 \'1'r Thr wcylc cud, 1111 Satnrd) in .1 field of ,is 11"'1•,1,, 111 11:1, 1 , 11111 J. re•.i''t'ti\11\, in till' '.'i t'i:I ( )11 .\I„Inlay. in a field of S 111,1'” • , he 11/411' 2, -1, •1. 'I'Id; is a spltndi,l ,111''1 Hi. 1!I.' tidy 11;15'11. I!,^tlt llll'i,11';,!It'r Stout and Hutch 1lrn!t'v twill b,• •t uteri at the 11111!1 1'3111 I:air racy, 101 sew, 11111(1 1 ltll, 1:11" tltr yiaird Engagement Anncunced I1111,1 Mr'.1:n Nlr. 1111'1 \i1'. I:rn1 1 Le; :'ell, „f I MISSION BAND TO MEET 1 :ail \\',t\van!), 1; `I`„t\ 11-11111, 111111"1x11' the tmga)'•"tu'nt „f 1111 it only (Lordlier, 'Fla. NI 1—ion Il;unl l,1 1,,11:111.; Ser\ Nlarion I(ntb, 111 (';11. Ilatry 1".. Srb„tl;,till 11 1,1 tll'•ir I't•:.idar i!(ettno. 11 III':N�t\`—Ill \\ing11;uit Hospital, un son "f \If 1111' \1r, 11. I.. SrllorL ,'1 iSitim \, Scplenib(r title, ;1t 1 o'rlo'h, Honda\•, St:lr,(nlblr 21111, 1.1 \Ir. and s Clairton, I'1.1':1'•11):11'1;l. 'I'Il,. wrddin'.1IC11i11lru11 11ill iii,wer Ile 1'11 call 1111111 \I1',. It 11(11 Henry, the gilt of a d "love'' 11;llnilit''r--Sheila 1l;n•il\'n, 11 11!(11 11 1C,7: 111 1.1 ell'ollle in.' 11!11111 111' Chili 1'11\'; - —1' for fall fair day September 1•lili, a ti 11100• I,i'1n' I 111' 111 their 1:01 11 1111'II reldird very capably. 1"1(111. Thud! said 1111 old to)) 11 looked :1s \e1' sth CtI hcf,)re \\`estfield "IT"- ,.,,oil 111'111 hl' left, but it t"okt•11 even e,l tilt' 'eri1' last Vriday night \viten bolter a"w IIt t 111 11;111 111111' ell. 111 ,W!., _Iran "will leis \Iunllay to they deleated the Airmen -I to 2, '1'111; til;all;ed BIRTI•IS WESTFIELD EVENS THE SERIES t\ ill lathe 111,11.: 111 St•plunlblr, 1;1 t' t„uUliuinl', Illy \\ 't , J tL.1.110 41M1a1 2iCsi!ar'HaMj:4 I Ilie n n ilk /I .111 t li -i , 1 . i .! n AM.. cr.,tun�..a,r.,w4J.4'•--••' All oveS' (nada, in cities, towns, villages and on farms; hundreds of thousands of :nen and women watch for the host• man to bring dependents' allowance cheques as other people look for pay-day. They are people of all ages whose bread. winners are away on active service. They include returned men not yet back in civil life, And soon there will be hundreds of thousands more back from the war. They will receive cheques to help thein buy civilian clothes, to go to college, to get technical or vocational training, to start in business for themselves, or to set up as farmers or fishermen: The banks have to be prepared to cash all official cheques for these and a dozen other purposes—and to do so anywhere in Canada without charge. In fact, the banks supply Canada with the nationwide machinery to facilitate a grateful country's plans for restoring service men and women to civilian life: This is a tremendous tusk. It will entail a vast amount of bookkeeping. But you can be sure that your banks will take it in their stride without impairing regular banking service: This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bonk 1 I. LIEU`'`. ROSS 'I`HUELL HOME 1.1, nt. h i 1111111 .1 ri\y11 home on I it ir.'I.i1, Ll11:' in tin. best of health ,111'1 nl :11;: h,I''II)' 11' he 111111113 again. 111 !'slut' ,111 intervitly \Cull I ,r 11\I 111'1 k , pap, r. Snitit'hut\' of other, 1111111,11.1\• due 111 Ile l.ahtr 1t11\ !111,1 1, we ju•t c"ttlillt`t rapture Ilio! for .1111' ', \\I t•1\, PERSONAL INTEREST 1111 1.11,11, Itf the III\'11;111'', 1', !111nyn''y lt'I' tl'Hilllttt' a, a nurse, Nva' a pitlher's batter hclwren 1.(11"1"Y to the Hi',l'tinL, and felt That the 1'!1111 111,' Ilauullon Jardine 11111 'I`' -noon\' Ilril;t;s, autd !birth 111111.1 \yon':rrftll \vorh in ill'. in excellent 111111. \1`r,ll'ield }1111 \I 3, and N11'.. \`11.11 \•cntllanl and ununfy. SSI• i;erlutir ,ail' Ili''twill ,1" family of Ayr, 111,1 \I r;. (:Lill\' 1", 1. the 111'i, on tits' .\11111111 \yitb twO runs 111 better than ,:Inc ti"i Lien!. 'I`11u'11.' in the ''."1"11inuin� wncu l`a'ter and kyr,, also of .\\r. yi,ltyd last 11111: with renlarh•, ;11111 nl,hrd 1111' l-'lub IVrry, \Ir, and NIr,. \I,titl,lnll "miry, The (1111: el1's;rd t11C' plate. '1'111')' \\illcuctl ,Here,, in 111111 arti\ilics. their lead in three \1 hen ( 1111 again president 11111. ,111'11' of Frolic Night the plate i1 the iib. ,Iasi Sky \11.:11111 \Ir•. k11111 C1atr, ,.f 1)13 said That curry nlrnlbcl 11 the l tr 'i; v:^11111 curl wild, 1'arbour broke 1 ,n,c in the first of Ibc ('iib tt he e,htl r;tl1llatcll f 'r t11cir1.1%;%:.111'11:•1'11, ;111,1 \Ir>. Gt',lft:c also \\ NV' yivltt11 ..e hint; two runs, ;11111 the home:cffurt. I`11r 111111 hail been au tut-; fail., were really worried,Him- There rally \11s..\. um and lata ;aro, and other I,lanllin� ,11111 .. Ile ,p11ke „I 1 rcl,ltiVe•, was stopped with the two runs. and in „hid, 11,1'1 by' n 'alkyd over :1t 1111 1'r ,the lila of the eighth S. Snell ,cored'., \Ir and NIr-. I'. I', Quinn of (;uelph It III e:;.'rtllilr 11'1t'lI i • 1111111 Thy iti iI- I . \I i1y,1 ,\1111 :\Ir, and Nlrs, George 11;1:ie l,1st uut•I,, \`i 11111, at the home of NIL., and \Ir., henry !hulking on Sunday were la,lit• ;•.,,.• sister, of Nor,. Henry. .\pail) in the 9111 111" ,\irnlcll 1111'1 the Public I,ibral•y was lir :tight up. Sonic 111'11114 111115 011 tits' Ilitsei hill ciit1.1111 l ,111111' III Ilte 111;11' Itltttt'e It 1\aa hnl'Cd 1111 1 11C11 111111.. '1`Ite \\•c,1 Kant 11, hold it 1111111111 on the smnr flay ;I- tyere the•best mull that a;�lll. and I . \Ir, am! \Ir h 'bort Coate, of I)e- Id,r \\'•1111. n'^ Institute, al whit 11 lilac I11'il, \I' ;111,1 \I I,. II. I'. (11111111 of c:u'nrd 111th' vilt(ry irn11 cede alttlC,.ilh1 In-prel,'r "i 1'1111111 Lill;tri•, w„old f11e line-ups ler 1111th 4111111, \1111 (Int 11,11, \I r. and \Its, Glenn Cuthill be 111 town to iuldtl.s 11'111 Inlrtin',>' 1111'1 ialllalt' of S1ai,'rth, \I r. ;11111 \f1'.,. the «aloe, For 1Ve-dficld—\I, melkm- Iti11 a. !h,tidi' possible that till 1.0„. 1'11"lint» k"11111•'1, NI!. and \1 r,, ell 31'; \V. Pa'i'r Ib; 1• tine11 1f; ,1,• Iri,ry Llan and 1111 31.1 rt"'ut iia iii b1' 1 Jardine p; I':, Snell ss; II, \Icl)'nye11' \r,11it1 11111 11,, NI r,. .1, Quinn and Iwlrketl in tet•, 1111, Il' ltv;u'd. :till Mr' :Ind Gcur4c 1f; A. Snell rf ; A. Cool: ?b; G. Mc- 1,1111 I`rya,tI'rr Ilrrt 'Task'' \•l 1 i �'111;lilic and I)uwell C. detailed report of the frolic Night re - Sky IIn•bou—N1untnicry lb; Gam.- Ni r. ;Ind \Its lolls NlirchousC and 11'11'1, ;uvl disltttstntenis, and the Clull \I;u•ie Ila:1 rltrrnr,l d,11nlr tt London real' 1'f; llnnn,in4 ei; 'fill c; Caldwell now finks itself with a nice balance (j 'b; I)t'in!:Ie If; lila,; ss; Lavt'ie .11; on hand. II''r ,p. 'I'.1 their 11oli'lay :1111 \I r. I;ri1.4s p• 1:,11 111•. 11.Ihl;ads `1'111 I're•idrn', also spot:r 1i a 111;111 \11.:111'1 \Ire I':dw:u•11 1i„o\•1'r of St. Ill' lllllpll'C, 111` IIIC ,':l'tl'� 1111'1' tt' get a illy 11'111 girls band organized.1;1'11 (.;ruvra and Ilill 'I'ilfin, 1111th l,i Lod,. \lien., ;u'1' vi,itin4 \)'1111 'Alt', and II was., 11!1111(1' -'II 111 11;1)'1 ;I sttc;tkrr \Ir,. 11u11c:in NIel`alltnn, Thcy arc \\`iuth;un, ul til for this. sleeting. lint tin for. I ' Cu,in, .,f \Its. Nit -Callum Sl.y llarbutu trill 11''11/41'uleel \V"1 - \•al tunatt•ly he wild not coeur. ole \rill \Ii.. Irene \ItCalliul of London kerion iu hie 11x1 round 1f the pia)' lappc;u ,11 a later dat, Li111111 the Lab1n 1)111' week -roll with dol\ ns, The nnlsical part of the evening \Va<!111'r parents, NI r, and \its, 11111111111 EXPRESSES 'CRANKS featured h\' a hurt number it\' ons I \ltCallnnl• \Ir. (irlctic \Icl)uw•lII, the manager Harold \•„'Iden and (;('11141 1\11111l)f ll. of 1111 \\'eslfiettl leant desires to ex- �`I`nc,e two )ti llenu'n simply astounded pre,..; sincere thinks on behalf 3 of all the rest of the members, Lion (ie„r1c r. Tied 'I';iylor (Cyclone) of Van- ronylr, Ni e. l ns•rl 'I';I\ I;'1', urn,' \t i,s I'"liiab'ih Taylor, and NI r. and Mrs. those connected with the ball team. to Faye forili with a marvel't bas, voiel' Ilarn., Al tf 'I`orollo, v'isitcd their fan- front .\ Omni Illyt11 and \Vest -1 that could be 1111(11 distinctly even inilncle and aunt, NI r. and Nlrs. 1;.lier- field for their st'Icl :litl support through 111e I'•h11' of thy 11x11. and this blended r:nano out the schedule, and llarticttl;n-l),. der-1perf(etl\' with Lion 1Ititid', 1„tvie l \Ir, and Nits. S. Robinson and \liss Mg the series witlt Sky Harbour, 111 baritone, Tntse two gentlemen uonld V,litli 1.11ekliart vi.ited 'weer the week - hail a great moral effect on the leant, fill Ile hill perfectly at a:!y public 'end at 1•ritlt!ingto1 and Highgate. and \vas greatly al)1)rcc:.died. I'4atherin;, They have offered their Mr. and Mrs• ()onion lalnllt and ____,....r._,....__ I services an\ when.: ;11 a vat: Ino'Itrltl, , family of 11101, I1, and NI r, and \1 t•s• AllOtller Anny''lll.tIc1C Mlle 14n1 ', .\l -o cot.trihutin treacly b, vi Ihclal:k I•:!lith of'1'o10 110 h,tye returned Farmers of Huron County, wh,) were !musicalportion of the evening was a Ito their .'espeitI\e homes following an unable to sects, a military type tt'ucl:, 1quartet ti number by i.ion, 1/el. Philp. at the sale in London, \rill have another 1 Gar, 1)ohtrty, Gard Elliott and Norm, chance d!trin4 Septenthcr at sales in I;:Irrett, It win- really marvelous the Chatham on September 13111, Guelph I harmony that was di.;I1lyed by tiItsc !1', on September 11th, andNlarkd,iitu on '',Lions a, they renderl'rl "Sp fi,i4 '.fine I month sp11t at ;t Cottage at 1pperwa>h Ole '11th, ! i•t the lN•'Ch:it's,” h'a'lt, Farnrt•rs 'lout r11ow a certificate I Lion G(orgt' NIe\all and Tion each I \I N, T. 1 Sites ami Linda, and \ir I from the County federation Seerrtat:y, 1\\`arson moved it very hearty v,'te of 111111 NI 3, -\rchil' Render of 'Toronto and omit agt'cc to I:cep the vehicle for thanks to all local people who 1i:id spent the 1111E -end will' \I r, and Nits. at least three tou:tl';, and 11;ty spot 1 helped i1 furthering the Sucre„ 11f the I:2ra 11cnder at Grand 1lend, ,•,i li. Personal cheques \1iII nut bc,1'rohC, This m11`'on \vas heartily en- I accepted miles; marked by your baulk• 'd'o'se'! 'tv the Club members.. 111111„1'n tutd Pert 'f a:krr tnoycd a vote P I The President iuutounrcti tn;tt he had of t11:utka 10 111, 11odtl, ami he \vas ac - HOME AFTER OPERATION 1brought alotlt.l his nlo\iui 11;1111'1- ma- !,'Tiled a resoendino clan. M;t,tcl' Ilevclly \\`allacc has returned thine and uoniti fill in td,( balance Ili 1 1;i1'n 'l'ann'r Stan, Sihlhorpe an - I,, his 11'',ue, it'iilttwiilg an operation for till' e\'t'lling by ..11 '\\ Ill); ,11111 slide,. oil ' Hllltleetl that 1111' next i1meeting would appendici'is in the Clinton Hospital. Labrador, \there 111 rill his dunile be "111'10nn` our presidettl” night, and \\`c are Hall lo sec Pvrcrly making a spent over 1S years. lir• 1 1(1,111 had IhC urged every member to be present 4'od rce•'very. 1111 arca tt ,at) Utiles along the colt !1.) pal\' homage t,, our first Pt'e,Illeltt• --\' 111111 11;1. in c11arte 011t ho,itilal :111iar- \vho has done it tn;u'yellttts job since IN CLINTON HOSPITAL rinhtott ilarb'lir 111. oeyt• a very in-il'narter ni,t;ltl, i:, spite of Ilse fact that Nlr, George Nesbitt, son of NI I., ;Ind len-ling running commentary :with ,he i; it very hn'y loan. \\'ilI every Mrs. -\Intra Nesbitt. k a patient in Int -lid!", and 11 \Vi llnfortll'•'ate that 'imember )'11;11 make a 11.11 clfu1.1 In id,e 01111111/1 Hospital. having under- Olt tune ran td,ot•1 and lir Cou1,1 not 'Iluce hr present at our next meeting, A 1111 1'o• ilei. 1111'1'. ili, di.t•11u1•,t' \\tt� nt al! 'a'::''l'e s asked for. gore an operation for ,\pprndirilis 1 . , last Saturday. \\'c arc ha;'py to report 11" '''114111\ that cd by all. ;Ind the '1 Th,..uteeliu;: cl '\ed with the T i•: us that he is improving nicely. ' Rats;iV is ver \ educational, 1.i1ns Les. IR1'ar, - enio\altlr \\cel: spent in a cottage at l;autt Pend, \I rs. C. 1). l.iltel(ric 1: and fanitll,' yt' returtic'l home after an enjoyable HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured U S. patriot, 11 Arca mcasur 12 Observe. 13 Each (abbr.). 14 Id est (abbr.) 15 Ireland. 16 Beasts of burden. 18 Water barrier 20 Greek letter. 21 Friend. 22 Skills. 24 Music note. 25 Light brown, 18 Removed. 26 Roof finial. 51 Debutante 28 Myth, (colloq,), 31 Western 53 Ideal island. round -up. 55 Run away 34 Extent, from. 35 Actual. 56 Sodium 36 Resembling (symbol). grass. 57 Territory of 39 Set at defiance Hawaii 40 City in (abbr.). Nevada, 58 Limit (comb. 41 Exist -9. form), 42 Arabic (abbr.) 59 Scottish 44 Tart. sheepfold. 46 Pounds 60 Apparel, (abbr.). 61 He was a AMERICAN PATRIOT Answer to Previous Puzzle 17 Mather, • _is YIR 01N P R LCE 1 .19 Diy elf. C_'U 11Sj ( rNIE _, LATERAL 1 Ctooking c. 1 'N SiEIT P QA' !E fV U E 23 uAlinuttensil, sectL�. E T VI E1R L fj I iT Y w'',ARE S. 25 Annoys. c'-: S ELCE.PS:.TAR 27 Notion. . SE TITLEM /ES_ 28 Fall behind. �1RLQC by �y AL 29Makea SIE'R A P H q� _ mistake. _S D!CL- E POE T i L E 30 Harness. LJT GS .S ;ER t E 32 Auricle, WL,E ,,) " . i to • [rj), 33 Ancient. STE E G A l©� •R S 37 Noses, as of `IT+SIN S E swine, 38 Young persons Revolutionary 39 Twice. War —. 42 Paid notice, VERTICAL 43 Tear. 45 International 1 Piece. language, 2 Operatic solo, 46 Turkish coin. 3 Five and five. 47 Lure. 4 Body of land. 40 Oleum (comb. 5 Jail room. form). 6 Parrot. 49 Pedal 7 Listen to. extremities. 8 Church 50 Iron (symbol). holiday. 52 Prevent, 9 Remove, 54 Sharp, 10 12 months. explosive 15 Ells English sound, (abbr.), 55 Friday (abbr.) SUBURBAN HEIGHTS ERN1E PLUMER HAD INTENDED TO MOW HIS LAWN UNTIL HE DISCOVERED mAT JUNIOR WAS ENTERTAININfi FRIENDS IN THE HOUSE (GoP7ilfb4 1316. b7 Tbr &11 B7ndlc.y 13y GLUYAS WILLIAMS THI S'T'ORTWiJ TrnN i BY [ANG ARMSTRONG Cu1T'AS WIUIWI5 1 " to you, too THE SPORTING THING "I just krew it'd come unwound someday!" ET MOPSY byGLADYS WARKE YOU WERE: HOLDING DUI THAT WASN'T HANDS WITH SGT, AN OFFENSE, IT SMITH WHILE ON WAS A DEFENSE! DUTY, MOPSY. FOR THAT OFFENSE YOU LOSE YOUR WEEKEND PASS! r /;IAD iSa1Z. BAR This Curious World POP CORN WAS INTRODUCED To THE ENGLISH COLONISTS IN 1630, BY AN INDIAN NAMED QUADECQWINA, ' WHO BROUGHT THEM A DEER- SKIN BAG OF IT By William Ferguson PR. 1441 fiY NIA SERVICE. INC, T.11, REC. U. 6. PAT, CFF, c �o ( NOr Act. EGGS ARE EGG-SHp4,oE© SOME OWLS LAY P ,Q, ECT,GY ROUND ONES, af you PuT APPLES,. ORANGES, ONIONS AND POTATOES IN A PAN of WATER.- WILL. ATER....WILL THEYS/NX oR FLU4T MUTT AND JEFF - 161`4 STupylNG THE ART OF fI INVENTED THE HOW, WATCH! PERFECT CAMOUFLAGE PUT THIS SUIT al SUIT' ITS A FOG AND WALK RIGHT SVIT! ILL LOOK INTO THE MOVIES v11T80UTANYoNE SEEING ME! I'LL SEE THE SHOW FREE! Seems Like Yesterday By C. Kessler I WOULD YOU LIKE MAO DJ 1 I FIFTIt OR SIXTH FLOOR 0104GO.14)0 -Tfl E (o' 21G THIS ARMY Caryllln f. The U.pl. E..f, C.n 44. Amp •••spopre Go.", rofyle61.1 1I1 11111 1 N.W.EuRop. "The M.O. wants t'Lee the guy who asked fer seconds on dried egg and soya Links, this mornin'!" Kiddin', I Think Jeff Is Getting Out of Control O c, By BUD FISHER POP—It's About Time WHERE DID You GET THAT BUMF 'ON YOUR 14 AX REG'LAR FELLER AH HUM! COULD YOU BOY SPARE ,50,1ETHl FOR AN CIID EXCIRC PERFORMER ? Hot Meal Coming Up INDEED YE5••An M YOUR FATHERS ULD REMEMBER ME, ASEESTO, FIRE-EATER. -- YES INDEED '--COULD YOU -HELP A CHAP ETA BITE TO EAT? WELL•. \- DON'T JEST STAND THERE, PINHEAD -- ' GO Gar OUR EXTINGUISHED GUEST 50METHIN TO , By GENE BYRNES • HERE Y'ARC MISTER! TIS' MAKIN'S OF A REG'LAR BANQUET WITH our Cc WLIMENTS! FROM MY W I FES OF COURSE,,,,, SHE'S HARD TO PLEASE, I S N'T 6HE 7 '41,4 ', ,,i .,'ae. lr;.) • ;.a .r ,,,•yG+we , .*Fya•Xcr By J. MILLAR WATT I DON'T kN©w! I'Ve NEVER TRIED • Mang 111. Ia• The Termination Of Lend -Lease New York Times Discusses Lend -Lease Controversy In the matter of the termination of Lend -Lease, there are a few Misconceptions, on opposite sides pf the Atlantic, which ought to be cleared away, lest they trouble the good relations prevail- ing between taro staunch allies, In the first place, it would he 4 profound mistake for anyone in Lngland to read a political motive into the action of our Government and to believe that this action ‘vas prompted, or hastened, by con - tern or al;;rnl or disapproval, or by any other judgment, on the results of the British election, 1..end-Lease has not been discon- tinued because Britain voted La- bor, It It:t• hecn discontinued he- eause it Wit.; a War measure and Incense the. war (in the sense of organized combat) is over, 'There has news been the slightest rea- son for doubt that Lend -Lease would he discontinued when this stage was reached. Never "Something for Nothing" I\fcantituc, on our side, there is $ tendency in some quarters, (eag- erly fauum•d by our old friends, the professional baitcrs of Britain) to 1115111111(1,111111 and misinterpret the 13riti.h position. In these quar- tplrs it is being said that the Brit - h want ";soothing for uothiul*„„ laid are angry with us now be - Cause they will 110 longer get it. Well, Lend -Lease was never 'something for nothing” It was ons and planes in exchange for rave Wren who \would use then' in own our t n• ) • o' m cfensc c freedom, no less than of their own. But quite aside from this, it is clear on the record that the British Govern- ment always recognized the tem- porary, exclusively wartime char- acter of IA lid -Lease. Britain's Position Neither \lr, :\ttice, nor any other responsible British states- tnan, has asked for the continua - (Ion of Lend -Lease for an indefin- F HOTEL METROPOLE AU Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Voice of the Press HIROHITO THE DIVINE Ilirohito writing of himself: "By the grace of Ileaven tlto Emperor of Japan sealed on the throne oc- cupied by the saute dynasty changeless through ages eternal." Not very realistic. He is Emperor Of Japan by grace of tho :Mies, holding his Job during good be- havior and liable to dismissal without notice, --Ottawa Journal, --0 — LEADERSHIP CONTEST 1t seems such a short time ago that Germany was full of pompous guys each claiming to he the No. 2 Nazi, Now they are all accusing each other of being that, --Windsor Star. —0 — UNEQUAL CONTEST When crossing streets, think of this, Did you ever hear of a car being badly damaged by someone walking into tho side of it? --Windsor Star. PAGE SCHICKELGRUBER? It scents to us that HIitlet' Must ho pretty dead, but wo are not so sure about Sehicicelgruber. —Toronto Saturday Night. —0— THAT'S SOMETHING \j'inston Churchill has one sat- lsfaction--only the English could heat hitt'. —Detroit Freo Press, ite period, for tlte purpose of help- ing Britain to get back on her feet financially. Ile has only raised the question O the great armies 1w11icll It;n'c still not been demobilized, and asked whether "shipping and food and any other supplies still required by our (British) forces overseas and by the American forces overseas can continue to be furnished for a limited period under lend -Lease attd reciprocal aid agreement.,, 13ritain, in short, is not asking us to use Lend -Lease to finance her reconversion, or to promote Iter foreign trade, or to help solve any of her domestic problems. She has raised, strictly within the field of military matters, the question of continuing "for a limited period" the same policy of joint actii,tt that prevailed during the dent(ibi- lization of the armies, On this cantpitratk.ely narrow point, it ought not to he difficult to reach some mutually satisfactory agree- ment, The origin of the town of Da- mascus in Syria is unknown, but it is believed to be the oldest city in the world still inhabited. No need to wonder about synthetic tires standing up—not when you can buy Firestone DeLuxe Champions—the tires that wero used on the famous speedway test supervised by officials of the American Automobile Association. Imagine the punishment those tires took as Wilbur Shaw, the famous 011 1 driver, streaked over the 500 -mile course to average 100,31 miles per hour . , , equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary driving. Not a skid or blowout occurred even when he stepped up to 135 mites on the straightaways; Be sure to have Firestone DeLuxe Champions on your car. See the nearest Firestone Dealer. OTTAWA REPORTS That Ex -Servicemen Are Big In- vestors In {lousing Field intutediate employment is the thought uppermost in the minds of almost so% of Canada's ex -service then and women, interviewing of- ficers of the \'eterans Affairs De- partment have discovered. Of those interviewed in June almost 23% ex- pect reinstatement in old jobs, 13.5% have new jobs waiting, 33% are hoping for employment, 6% are returning to their own businesses and 3.5;;) plan to return to their own farms. 'I'o date a total of $1,275,680 has been paid out to veterans in re- establkbntent credits, $1,596,39.1 has already' been released for the ac- quisition, repair or modernization of a home, indicating commitments in this field of some $.20,000,000 R'llell all is paid out. \n even greater amount, $1,61(3,- 456 has hecn released t0 veterans for the purchase of furniture and household equipment, As the re- estahlkhmenl credit may only he authorized for this purpose on the basis of two dollars credit for one dollar cash put up by the veteran, this represents an expenditure of $2,424,681 in this field since last January when the War Service Grants .\ct came into force. These two groups account for 75% of the total re-establishment credits authorized in the first six months of 1015. * 4 • Much is being said to Canadians these days to point out the neces- sity of many remaining controls as well as rationing, Finance AI Mister Ilsley and the Chairman of the \Vartime Prices and Trade Board, Donald Gordon, spoke in a 1)ontinion-wide broad- cast recently and told Canadians that victory 111 the Pacific is just the beginning of the end. Price control is still urgently needed— its 111 11C11 now as ever—as there are thousands of purchasers for the limited amounts of new goods that can he put on the market. Govern- ment policy on (le -control provides for continuous adjustment as supply conditions change. Of 300 orders restricting civilian production 18 months ago, only 61 remain. All of the 500 restriction's affecting metal products then are no longer in force. Canada is a land of plenty com- pared with most other countries and it is a matter of national honor that this plenty be shared, the speakers stated. The end of war with Japan docs not ease the needs of hungry areas and Canadian con- sumption will have to be reduced. Shortage Continues On the Coal Front There i5 no relief in sight as yet on the coal front. Eventually (that is within three to six months) there may be some casing through release of army personnel to work in the mines. Eventually there may be some easing in supplies of substitute fuels such as coke, But for the balance of 1915, at least, and possibly later than that, the coal situation looks as tight as it did before V -J Day, And that is tighter than in any previous winter since 1039. HRAR,TWARMING . . that describes Maxwell House Coffee. It's a supers blend of choice Latin - !American coffees—each selected for its own par. titular quality of fins flavor, fragrance or body, • Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Iloto Is the chance for every per - non In Canada surtertt)g from sore, Itching, painful piles to try a simple home remedy with the promise of a relinblo Mtn to refund the cost of lits treatment It you aro not satisfied with the results. Simply go to nay druggist and get a bottle of Hem -hold and use as directed. Item -hold Is cur Intel n• al treatment, easy told pleasant to use and pleasing results aro quick• ly noticed Itching and soreness nro relieved, pant subsides and as the treatment Is continued the sore, pniirul idle tumors heal over leav- ing the rectal membranes clean end healthy. Uct a bottle of Hem. Reid today end see for yourself what no easy, pleasant way this is to nil vuu1s1,1( of your pile misery. NOTE: I'he Mpunvur of tins huller n reliable firm, doing business lei remota for Iyer 211 years. If yell ore troubled t%1111 More, Itrht,g, painful pike, Ilen1•Iloll must help you untidily or the smell purchase price ''III be gladly refunded. Do you suffer from MONTHLY � v NERVOUS TENSON will, Its weak, tired feelings? If functtonat periodic disturbances make yott feel nervous, tired, restless — at such times - try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms ync -toms Pink tam's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions. Buy today/ oCyclia Milelta4 LG COMPOUNo BACK IN PORT Ten kamikazes caused the desolation you see here on the deck of this U.S. warship, the Aaron Ward. Despite this damage, the ship made a 12;000 -mile trip to Brooklyn. Canada's Timber For British Homes The 13 rtish government has al- ready earmarked around £ 150,- 000,000 for timber from Canada for delivery following the cessation of hostilities, says the Calgary BABY CHICKS ----- FREE RANGE I'[JLLI;1'S, TWELVE weeks up to laying. Also tiny -old chicks hatched to order for Pell delivery. '1'ww'eddle Chick hatch- eries Limited, 1'ergus, Ontario. }'REI: RANGE PULLE'T'S 12 \VEEICS up to 26 weeks. Day old chicks hatched to order for Pall deliv- ery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, YOUII TALL (IIICKS SHOULD BE ordered now. Have a few started chicks on hand. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS 0I'I'OII'1'UNI'I7U18 $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE 1N $50.00 monthly, Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00, Send for shares to St, Catharines Optimist Club, Box 445-I1., St, Catharines, Ontario. DYi1ING AND CLEANINU HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, Wo are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment II. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 longe Street, To- rnnto, EDUCATIONAL A'1"1'ENI) BUSINESS COLLEGE this Pall. Enquire about Gregg Shorthand, choico of highly -paid atenograpers, secretaries and re- porters. "Graduate with Gregg," 1A1131 NACHINI;It1' 1011 SALL) CHOPPING MILL IN GOOD LOCAL- ity. Diesel power. Always good crops, Write C, J. Cox, Auburn, Ont. "VIKING" t'1{EA21 SEPARATORS and repair parts aro always available either at your local dealer or direct front Swedish Separator Co, Limited, 720 Not'e- Danle West, Montreal 3, Que. TRAI"t'1{.\C'I'UI{-1.11.0., — 1IOI)I1I. '1'-20, cp. with 1'. Take -Off, 13e1t Pulley, 16" wide tread, like new, ENSI1,AiiF l'UI"r1 {—McCU1lMICK- Dearing, 'Type 1:, ht A-1 condi- tion. Hanna's international Sales, Macdonnell Street, 1Utelph, Phone 28611. FOB SALE ELECTRIC JIU'1'UltS, NE1V, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd,. 2326 Dufferiu St., To• ronto. 28-46 CuOt)I5l1N THRESHER \Vt'I'H elevator, blower, eta, in good runiine condition. John Dryden, 1it•oot:11n. 35 l,l'tit'lul'S D.\1110 11111) fax or 25 heavy 11 ting t':ttsicill or 225 tient Everhesrina. flints that I),,0' until Isle 1'a 11. Are hardy plants for Northern gruwV- ers. All neww, thrifty, sprayed plants. Price 51.00. Order now. mention this paper. t< nt parcel post prepaid. \V. Phillips, 11. 5, \\'Aland, Ont, 81 )VNT 1111,0.\1) APPLE SHRED - der, arranged for Puwwcr drive. Equipment Sales Co., 1.2 king Turc.nto. TEN \\'EI;ICS 01,0 1'EI{11-11111.11 Yorkshire sows of outstanding quality $16.00 registered, els)) eight wwcele1 old boa's and sows from qunliltrd .\dV:uu ed Regis- tered ditto And outstanding ling boar, $16.00 re ;ktered. Garnet Whitfield, ELECTRIC MOTORS Ri;WDI'ND AND 1{1;1'.\II{I;D. EX - pert workmanship, 'Moderate pares. I,tovd M, lletteer. Monk - ton, (ntnrlo, D11N-D:1t'll'S 1Ci;NNh:I,S. Itl;(11S- tered, for Dachshund puppies. Write 136 Riverside Dr.. \, est - mount, Weston, Ontario. Citil . OPPORTUNITY ONE OP '1'111; BEST DAIRY AND Fruit Tarots in Ningnrn Penin- sula, buildings A-1, Modern ertuhw- ntent, going concert). Box 49, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. ISSUE 313-1946 Herald, Filling of this huge order may prevent the inaugur, tion of home bui'diug operations in this country on the scale needed but British necessity is greater than that of Canadians who have not had one home demolished by ene- my action throughout the war. FARM 315 Ar'11OS, 0001) LAND, now house, good barns for 50 head, three wells, hydro and tele- phone available, 3 11111es cast of North Augusta, on 'nein road, will sell reasonable, Apply Victor Sunderland, North Augusta, Ont, 11.1 1, No. 2. NOI{'lit 11.\1' 1)15'1'1;1("1' — 160 atct•ri, free and clear deed. Good road to property. Good hunting and fishing. 'Total price $500. if you want at quiet property 1n rt good place to relax, giro me a call. Several more properties In same district, 1100. Wight, 803 (';nada 111dg., AVinbor, Ont, 1'A1(M 1)11 SALE, ONE IIUNI)RED acres, lot twenty-two, 'Township of ?hurray, eight utiles from Brighton and Trenton. Steel hip roof barn thirty-six by seventy, basement forstables same size, house, twol wells, spring, hen house, other building:, wood lot, Reason for selling 11l health. Price reasonable. Possession any time. For particulars apply to J. t', Herrington, 11111111, 1intnrio. 99 ACRES, ('LAY LOAM. IJLJILD- Ings, No. 3 Highway, bright Coun- ty. \Vette 77 Van Avenue, Wood- stock. 100 -ACRE FARM; BRICK HOUSE; bank barn; drive shed; 3 utiles east of Exeter on 83 Highway. Apply Mrs, Frank Ilutchison, Staffs, Ont. $15,500-72-AC1a: 1'RI'1T 1'AI(M, Modorn 7 -room brick home, 500 fruit trees, 10 acres wood, In to- bacco district, good barns, best fruit farm In area. Herbert K. Long, Ileal Estate, Port Hope, Ont, 220 ACRES OP (1000 LAND, T1EAU- tttul Unlet( house, 75 miles north of Ottawa. Box 48, 73 Adelaide \\'., 'Toronto, 21 AC'RE'S FRUIT 1'A]lM, 16 ACRES of fruit trees, new modern 5 -room dwelling with space above for 1 additional rooms; largo enclosed veranda, double garage, 2 wells, Hydro, Modern conveniences, $12,- 600 terms to suit. A bargain for the shrewd buyer. S, Vujkov, R.R. 1, School Rd., Niagara-on- tho Lake, Ont, 75 -ACRE 1'AI{NI ON 11LUEWATE1t Highway, ndjolning town of For- est; 10 -room brick house, 2 good barns on foundation. first class hunt and 1111 workable. Possession November 1st. W. \V. Wallis, Dor- chester, Ont. 130 ACRES F(11 SAi,E, 9 MILi)S west of South River, 300 yards litkeshore. Lennard Whittington, R.R. 1, South ]liver, Ott, 111;NDR1•;I) ACRE 'l'OL'A('CO t'AIt!t1 for sale, sixty nems 'Tobacco land. three kilns, greenhouse 27 x 100 ft., bank barn with implements. Apply to l'attl 1'alelkas, 11.11. 3, 'l'hantesVille, (hit. 1':\1(11, E111N '1'O\\'NSl111', CiASF) Erin \'illa'.;e and 24 highway. lies building, spring creek, water wells, small maple hush. 550 acre. (pen for offer. interested in quid; snit'. Lot 20, Con. 11, Erin. 1511 ACRES 111.' 0001) LAND POI{ sale on county road, 1'L mile to highly:)' vol villa go, with good bnildin <. .\only to Evans Ward, ('1,110)1111 11 Ont. 1111:111 C.t 1, DON")' \Y.11T — EVERY SI'1'1'1;11- r1 of i1hruntatie Pains or Neur- itis should tri' 1)ixon's Remedy. \lunro'a Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot i:ova. Postpaid $1.00. 1TO11At'lI ANI) I'llltE 0 \Vult21i °flea are the cnuse of III41e/0th in humans, all ages. No one lm. mune! \\'I,y not find out If this Is your trouble?? int cresting par• ticul/Its—I'r•ee! Write Mul''eney'5 Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3 t1AUMEI:ICA I'DI11' BALM DE. stroys offensive oder Instantly. 45c bottle, ()Hawn agent. Denman Drne slot f' thieves_ HIGHLY 11I:i0'1\1ENDED — cry sufferer of Rheumatic Tains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. ()Wiwi, Postpaid $1.00. ILthhtI11tESSING I. F': A It N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Aend• only 137 Avenue Bond Toronto Ri1'SICAL INSTnt'M1.NTS FRED A. PiO1)DiN(;TON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 1, WARNIFW 1 Don't wait until it is too late To Get the Highest Price FOR YOUR Car or Truck ANY MAKE OR MODEL Your Car Will Be A Year Older Oct. 1, 1945 WE OFFER THE LIMIT BEATTIE Cadillac - Chevrolet Oldsmobile Limited 880 Bay St., Toronto 1 Block North of College The hairy bodyand legs of the fly are carriers of disease. Fly- Tox kills these filthy pests instant. ly. Get a large bottle of Fly-Tox today. a -u THERE IS;ONLY;ONE. iLY T , I(ILtS; INSECT PESTS" OPPORTUNITIES 10011 %%O511:N BE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEADING 5(11OUL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel g raduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue ft ee. Write or cull MARVEL. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLUUi{ W., TORONTO Branches: 44 ICing St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. I'1101U1111A1.111 CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictut es, Snaps can't he taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures nt lower cost, PItOMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size 11011-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25o "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer 10 Nova Scotia, who adds that she hal tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16.20-127 if 29c (4c extra) is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS— COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25o, Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9" to Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each, If enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . and make any, number of prints or enlargements desired, The procese requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable. Send tis your picture and tell Its what you want dono and we will tell you the coat before doing the work, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE l3ox 129, Postal 'Terminal A, Toronto Print Nnmo and Address Plainly on Orders. TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed. 6 Olt 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25o Rla'RlNTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICI' You may not get all tho films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your filets to 1)11'Eltl.t1, 1'110'1'0 81;111'ICEC - Station 1, Toronto 1'A'1'EN'US 1'11'1'11 EITST(Nl lA UGH & CUMPAN Y Talent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest 51:1:1! FOR SALE PALL RAI{LEV S1;1;1) l'Olt SALE, yields tip to eighty bushels per acre. 110ys. 8lilgru'e. Ont. TEACH ERS 1', ANTE 11 (1UL,UI:N 1..101:-1;x1'EItII:N('EI) Protestant teacher, 1'rincipa t in 2-ruot)td school at Village of Golden Lake, Ont. (sod train and bus service, Apply, stating sal- rcy and experience, to \Yat. J. Hugh, Sec,-'1'reas., S.S. No. 2, Noiih Algona, 1;oldell I,cikc, Ont. '1'1:.o tII;1; REQUIRED AS ASSIST. ant In a three -roomed school Itt the village of Coo 11111. Special certificate in household science, manual training or art preferred. To eommcnee September. Salary $1100. :\pply to A. G. Giles, Coe Hill, Ont. 111:1,1' AV.AN'I'1:11 DAIRY EARN ASSISTANT, 51X(11,11, experienced, reliable, good wages, board provided. Don -1 -lead Fauns, i1irhmond 1-1111, ()Marto. lw' A N'1' 1' 1) 11)11,1, 'TYPE 011.11N t'IU'Slllat, rolls 10 be epproxi11111tely 11" In IR" di:intetcr by 24" t0 311" lung, Equipment Sales Cu., 122 King 1;., Toronto. \1 ANTED To PURCHASE 1'1)1.• lets, nil breeds from 8 weeks up to lnying. Gond prices paid. Apply to Box 31, 73 Adelaide W., 1b. ronto. i PAGE 4, I _ THE STANDARD Wednesday„ Sent, 5, 1915. PCt[ sEt00410i491W11011i111it.o.r t• r•,' t• 1•.'..0d1N10040f 1111 111140 004i•R111 lliottt insurance Agency BLYTH--- O•NT,\ hip r1 lila of thi, R � in the 1111 �,., n .11 ;corgi. #�. 1"ui;u1'lnt. • � .,r.l 'lt r,!',il;, ;,t i.'• home, one au+l AUBURN (�cor>;'c F. Vungliltll INSURE NOWT! ANI) 13E ASSLIZEI1, Car - !'lire - Life - Sickness • accidcni, J. 11, R. Elliott. Oftcu 1'huue 101, Itemidcuee l'Iulne 1: (Jr 110. j "COURTESY AND SERVICE" f 11)Fi)4/40t8rM24)t?i?i i2t2i2i:t,140/:✓174 i(21;012.Diatla3t7,1).X.ol2tlhliDtdiD121ot2iDIDi2a )1]t?IDt 11' •n t'I,' 1, In' s I , 1111 Ili, t'i't'% nt (;ordon Elliott kilt In i' , t , i .\allure. ('„%til ee- l( ,ltlietl le ;n :t -'1'1.: 'nlitl'.Il ,t 11•,1. \1.. l It . i,; at 1trl- fi )1':111'• and 11., t!!. „'u t'i \\ erll''r xn'! I:L .11111'1 i. 1'.';' ttrnt. Ile r.a, hinn ah,'tlt •111.11 1't ie, t;I-1 1'I the t;ll;li'C. 1'or :I Cit.+. 11e (yerated a lnttrltrt• sin ...�.o, ;.11111 Y. ; • 1 I... fir•I .1uleir'I, 111- %%a, cult' 111111 and \tr . 11;1'.111 11 11//1110.1I1 1.,!r,a�t'I .I, a 'IIIc Innrr, :nal „:I' Ihr f SI/ C ulr%rr'.r, "n fLnr-'I,!v, .\I r. Mr. and 1L'•. 11'1'1; 1;'•,:r .'i l�krhrll tri ''i't tilt''. Ili tl!r 1'111,',111'r al 1111' Ir tr Lt• 1"!01,1011 tetnrnid %+11111 111111 •Ii11; 1ot1• WESTIiFIELI) e1' here gul'•l, Iter Ole t,11'1, 11111 '11 the Itrauc ui 11r. and \It, 1• I.. \lc- Do1vc1I and \I r,. I"II"ata t;rr!r. 'I'l't nl n of I:itche'.er 5peut the 11 eel rr ! at Ilei h •ulc here, 1`.'1!11 r+!!') .\n+lrrt \\'•11.1! of 1(cn,all ,I cl!t over I.ah"t' 111t1 t, ill! for ;: 11.1:4 ;•11.1- ;.t t'"' II''uc of 11 r. am! \I r.. 1n ;u'II,i' •,'or; alae ill hi. early 1\11111 1';tttir\It' \I;1riitt Ilnnkin, �c;u,, lir 11rt• :'It• ,Halt' tinge' ..111'11.1111 ei .\ulnt ti. Mr. awl \II••..\11111.1 I kin- "i t'n' .\uh;n r I�iilr t'lul', hini,ili I;IIII' 'I IIt'll' #,11111'.# II„I;'i,'nl;tt11, ll;l\'! .\1 r• 1, I:. 1:01-11 tlf t \'whir „a, ;1 I. 'I:y; I;r,l;:1 , , .Ir'i ha ! 11 11 lilt• s'. eel, ill I I;net a; tl' I' n• ,'f \I r. (."11 tn' .I;ti• lir. and \Ir,..\. V. \\".111.111 \I 1'a;xl'I':1 11';1, ;1 nn'luhir f '1' he );I'^;linen: "f the I."rtl'- Supper and 114•. 1\. F. C'.u; 11'1111111 \! •, t'1',Irr ' i ILllii;t\ i, 1,;t1 1",.; at IC11u\ I ,i'\ 'rr;In Clnt"cll %1'a.; .1'11111 I•t rc'I in t'1t' 1\"e,tfitl'I crud .'.I 'hr !;'I;n'd of \1.1'4.1 rr•. Ilr II(' 11oule t l \I t', and 11 r,. i:nicr,'11 .\Ilia; ce 'i ielst'k are NI 1\V 1'n ,,Ili in 1'llt til lane '<. \\', 1�1'I' , aIle L'uitctl Chulrh I'.i tiuli l IY 1:''ili:er. ,ta• ah.' s It;I nnr•h'ltfu! ma.tcl' .'i . t , r y Pte. lett •,t.'1 11'11..11, t Tor '111,' i. ti • 1.O]� 1)lia5I3O1tU at CIS \ N, 11"int;h;ou, and still ht' hole rill at ' ,lu eial Mad .111,. \\•:'1i,l11! Laeter, \II', 11•'rant; til;it ,. Ilcr, .\.1:, and ,\' nlranri, lu ;t% ill '•I.ul'lin;; in i;nr. icing 11k l,u'enl,. 11r, and 11r, Ler/0 11 r. (;,'"ret. C,itvan Iia, t'nreh;l,rll i an11 11 t• .1, I Itr.ikill� ti't're C1'1mart tia- a !liter it i'1 I.t 11'1.1rru Isar:Hors ( l ' t • the residence 1'I \vhit• It 110 Ila. lived 1/ a- I t,�r Or reliu�. r4 rb r�,y,r�u:,J,rr.,r�.r.,r:.dr,:.r:.r:,r.4.r:ul.,l,.:,llrr:.r�.r.,r..dr.O4:.r:44O,:.,,1,d,0O.O4:,r:.,1,.4.:. 1:111:4•1:4, �r 44r�s \\ Cada'. \Intra:.l Im.t .lore l I nipant. :I•ttt'r, ti itt ltr:•Ilt'tn t t t r"'rOn4r•.r:r•�r'�rr.r4du•nrrr:":“:": r4r'.irrb Jn•.:rr•rJurrird,✓rr'.inii,i.i,i.d.irr•ri,irlr.dririrr:.P,,:.4 rrrr:4 I him fi'•� O r 1 r r, r, r r r, r r r r, r r r r r r r r, r, r r r, r, r r r, r r r, 1 r r r s , iu \1"rchr 1'1 ril� lu -1"i", nn1 1'112 , II' nl;u i A11('111N111 �1uOI'l Fails - Maioi' �I1111'llll�; 1'4111'111 rii! \I •. Jl 00,s' \In;til"r 1, nti ittvitt' , a, ttt11 i• 1111111. ,1:11, Mill Itt1' ter;:; Victor at itutnc; Lcouat'd, og \11r.d nr; 1rllttr, nt 1lctruit; \Ire. ( I; t'rtii1 \\ nl,lru, "1 S,';11'�I'tll, {IIII! 1.1.1. I \., "1 \\dile Ilt'r,i, 'wide thi 1'1:1.1' l: i;1 I Int' •I Ili !II III11'',1 i• - I'' I. ,•1;111.1' t,) .' roast, ll• r,it e the ituty, of ;ter L:'.hcr' illue,,, 1,ttl ttho�r cell.; r'1 Iml� irr her anis four broilu:r awl tie il', dart., of Zurich; \Ir• ('. \\•. \I't.#,, .,l Glen \I well, .'i Ilial 'n ; 11 r •. \ch,on .\ tam Iron,: and Mr.. \'ollinerllatt'rrtr , 11 i. i'1 \\ rl:, \II,. 11'illi;nnil i !t!i'#!. "i 1.•{ Rif 'wee, ',la's roadie and 11,•,, John .\rtllltr, lu' , twill of .\t;hall:, The fnnt'rat 11 !//1,; Place triad I'r,idinr: t'n \\'tdoe,drty aitl't'n"un at tilt' "'rL'rl: 11th interment in hull'; Cenu'iery, r' RESTLING 11'IN(�I1A:4I .1REiiNA - �,,;;1) 1'.\1. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th IIca \'\'weight ont'1,i I5 11in. 'Ciulc \I. III':111 (Hamilton) 'I' "('ru.hrr'. 11 1:1'11.11 1:'I II (1i •to111 1'g'rlilniI l'y .'11 \Int. Time Lirnit - 1 i':Ill 11111 LICK ((1-11e r1n India/ t'Ilr,nllt) .11 \1 `.11' \l ti 1111\.\1.11 I \' sa ;'i 'Iia t li E:1r111.?1►1i, Ari" 11Z,'1(''I11ON IIII: I;I..\I h 11.1:•1\ 1_'111 II, ,� s FPLItt it I'I�tt111r"tt-;l •— .\I)NI II ' I11\ : I Inrtn'iiiu '1•.111 hi:l;;,;tl'': Allan; t;ener,tl: en; • and Cont; Gunner I;un,', \\"41`,11 of pert art t'ed #•I ine this wet:I: for a Ntcek1. Flying -Officer 1`11- 11 r. ;t'll \!r:, Sam \'..!lit 0f Kin- and hall •1rtt t "u flit. I:;I,t 11'a\vun'.11 the loll fisc �'e;u'a from \I r. lauu"i Ouc,tin.':; on ;any re;gal:tti'm, "f thr !nation Pram 11, \\at time Price, and le%t futtn,hi', lr;nn'il• ir 11 r, C''n„I:: intends lot - r;u'dinc '. ,itcd •Ti . nu lay 111th \Irr and i"•11#1 'u'tlrr'I I 'n''ttlirncl ung mak,. \\;1i'tituc Price, and Trade!11„.11111 „ill '1'..111. Il",i:'I, Federal Iluildina, Lint the ltd ti ti. ()id trio, 1 Mr.. l;i"r e 11'11 Lun,tii. Un I1 •re:;:L. r I. 1918, lie marriedoiln/r inlirrovemenl: on the dwelling, he ;tit tvt'r.d it 'nhnliltett I'1 I.c,Ge h' ''ler s•i,iicd 1 Mr,. K 'Girt tint'll, \1 i•• 'I'hclnta and _ - Int itll, t'I (*v'dtricll. vi,itcd i'u Sunday •jttith 11 r. and 11r.. (.!tariff. timid!, I N11., I. 'r:•ff Snell 01 1; 'lterirlt i• the 1.:ur,t of \Ir. and Mrs. (lade. Smith 1 \ir. and \Ir. 1\'. l • C'anllthcll, \Ii„ 1 101111frr 1, \ir, iii t \#r.. ►Iotit.la. 1 ant! i 'hn, Mr. and 11 r,. \\'. \. ' hitt, hell ;,nit (1"naltl, \I r• \\'. II • JUST ANY TIRE WON'T DO TODAY If you are eligible . , , You'll be miles ahead when you choose bonus mileage synthetic rubber Goodyear's for your car. That's why we say . ; J 1P 1 i ,i t" BUY THE TIRE ` \k. YOU KNOW BUY FROM YOUR GOQ©IYEAR DEALER HAMM BROS. PHONE 159 BLYTH, ONTARIO 11: 111"11'11111 1<lit'S, ail+! \Ir'• llot1al11 • ;tt ii 11.11 and fam- ily, 11r•. and 11 rs. !lct'I 'fa�'I'n, I':ilectt 'and Is:oltlld, ;tt!entled a reunion ;it the 'home ,'f 11r. ;,tri .\Irs, ILura• l\ret- 1 of 1 . ttel'iell ''ll \lolldat. 11r. and 111'.. II. I. iitt i tan \\'ing- 11aw ri,ittal t'it Sunil;I1' ttitll \II'• and 11 r,, \Iartrict Ilo,ulan. I.eattin tit;nl'an I•:Iain 1\'iLhltnan left last tack .or hi. 11 ',t at \';moria, Ilriti•II ''oluulLct. \I r•. I:,Irl \1'iehtin Iii ,1'etlt the t\ -eek - end ltitlt !lir I';o'ent,r 11 r. anti \Inti, 1 hear,• \lather,. of I.Itrl;Hort, ti(-h'.,ol rt.-01'enell on Tut -,day ivith \l i.. I'e:ul I;t'rie„'n ;t, teacher, attd fon:. little t,tn :gating on their ghoul ' career. HULLETT On I.a't01• 1);'y .'1». lack Iles cl• - nt Irl eui'','taine•i the ladies of the Sth alp{ filth roner•e'n:, an I three lied Con, quilt: were completed. The two Ilreviou, I;athcritt'�,, at \I t',..\Iex Gil- ey',, alt -1 \I r,. ltt'rt I t ,tart', here for pay .(Mill +. 1^ tlti, i tt', IIIc gr 'uls nal t aruing :'1"11''1' 11+ runtittlle their led Cris Mork, \Ir. (;I;n Carter ha• returned home from Clinton II, .frit;tl there ht tinder weld an operation 1, r appendicitis. EAST `VAIVANOiS -1 \I r. ;iii l Nil's. ,-\nhre) '1'011 1' ot•cr the ,%'eel; -end in \ea• Ont;u•it1. 11 r. and \1r; ililliard Jle(i'lean of Toronto, and ;tlr. Scandrett. of Lon- don, and daughter, Corinne, spent \louday with \I r. and \Ire, Alex NIL/. Annual Blyth FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER 13-l4th Agricultural Grounds, Blyth FAIR TO BE OPENED BY MR. BAIN STEWART Huron County Agricultural Ilcl)rtsentalis•c, SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS HURON COUNTY 13LACK AND WHITE SHOW Featuring ower lilt) I?attic,—•:1 SI IOW \V1'1'11IN :\ SHOW ALSO FULL CLASSES OF SHORTHORNS, HEREFORDS ABERDEEN-ANGUS, PUREBRED HOLSTEINS AND JERSEYS. Full EN_-ibit in Horses, Sheep, I-Iogs, and All Classes rT1IIREE BIG RACES 2.28 T••et or Pace— 2.18 Trot or Pace — Gentleman's Road Race MLitRY GO ROUND AND OTHER MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS. NEW GRAND STAND—Seating capacity for 1000 People NEW STABLING ACCOMODATION FOR HORSES. Parade of Local and District Schools front the Myth Public School at 1•.1(1 o'clock, Ii'r,tded #1y the hand. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT—Auburn, Westfield and Blyth. Prize Lists Are Now Available by Contacting the Secretary, Miss Lena Livingston. Get One At Once, and Plan Your Entries. SHORTHORN CAI.F CLUB. DRAW FOR HOLSTEIN HEIFER CONCERT AND DANCE FRIDAY NiGHT, SEPT. 14TH DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THiS YEAR'S SHOW. y1"Yi&Sivrtntoo'fitFf ti!t'f''ionl 111,4byt 3 a'r°t't'£4'+p.S'��QT t,I•P ''rSnt',,t43i°Y? rP711 votir1,y}',5113'M Y'E` •r13it"'•s,;i,•, yyy 'e ••••e 1.„y. i.y,.3` /4,i• 5rti: `tai +74`fi • :'9.4 9 1111 `t'•;' 1•••,, tr 1.4•0 4't -.Sia;:; 7:71.1n:••:.• .f ,•a;sit` +`1'`t •; .�t'ttit:.*s;:' ..A? C*,('f'.'.':!"<`C11•t':i•fi' " The supply of textiles is not adequate to the demand. Fox six years, most of tite world output has gone to war: Victory has not improved the situation. There will not be enough textiles in Canada for many months to come. RE 4IIE E M.4 V.q'asR1.4V) 474ni.•xa,tnl:..h ai',41:4•.`r. a' 1L4,., 4'rt., . ;!44., '�nl• 1... ,. + .4.4.11 Y.11 Canada dcp•:nch largely on oilier soul for low materials and fur soma yuuls and fobi les. • A serious manpower shortage 11111 confronts the faxtilo in. dusky of all Allied countries, r� Shortage; oscrsrns must be ntct. It will Juke months before ('Induction is resumed in Europe, Ktt Mt-. 0':•: tri: 1/5.:;. Substantial quantities of all kinds of textiles are still required by occupational forces. N WO. PROV1I) CNB DIA.I4 WO. 10 Wilh guidance uinl„i^it't) Ose Gus al k,EN in rn Board assistance w tobr, 1" droll 1' Wily prepared a • ter' Oi a sromen. met, t o.,sist Canadian is %nen, tock r t0 uenl ways of Each subset tested ment to ftssh'ionoblo Will illustrate ottd and out- moded new outgrown vnluout- clotded Item garments. Ver and blo moiled t le, economy 111010 hints on style, Watch GQNSER columns. Domestic demand far textile inctcuscd sharply daring th war. It is still going up, 1r s Civilian clothing needs of 1 returning servicemen and wo- men are swelling the demond hero at home. .r''t'rit✓ . s • • .r,,. CONSERVATION IS THE KEYNOTE This year, production directives have again been issued to the textiles industry. They are intended to divert output to more essential goods. But directives alone cannot curd a situation arising from world conditions. The answer lies in conservation. Moro than ever; the need is to conserve, to lake care of what there is, to mend, make -over and make -do, CONSUMER BRANCH 44 t•310n-11 a”§fit oZ?'f'• 11'1$3 .4 • TirtYt i .t•. ;lc44.4444 e.,4 ! ii-ei1nesiday,, Sept, 5, 1015. BEL('RAVE The \ 11111'{; 1'l ;TY- .'CIt't , to. I\ I' •'. ' 1.'ilitl'l1 1111111 II, Ill1:".Itt In !tl ., I5, 11., I t„g,( at tit h int* Fad :1111(.1',11)1, Il ; , \I • I 1 I ' d;ly ni)1111. .\ 1.1.1111e .'I b.ttl \'.I en- jns'cd an I ;1 ....Hy "r ” t',.I• VI'I'I In I'l, - I LI.' t , \1;111, I,ILt II, I I' 11,11'',.1i1 0 Ill' II Ilaree at 1„ I Hi \I' i',.0 I�,�1 : \In Ire l,1' \Ir. 1. H I \1" , I;lue- I (,.VIII', \\ 111 'I ! , '.Ire l:!, to tiara \I italic. TM "I,IY 111„ Hut, 1.11, the ln',II to. In t H 1 1,4 11 ;11'.;11, i!l 4111 Melt 11,11,,1 Itrll ill t Idle, t,1 !!n' 111 r„ulluuniur.. , t ";lalll, \ 11.14 It 11 t 1 Hex \Lits I. I !.,'I .,i I.., 41.'11. 1lith r,lr, 1'i,. • ,• ,i., 11 II 1., 1.:81 1.,11.,-1'1,.. W,u-..0,., n THE STANDARD CLEARING Auction Sale P1 f arin Stecat ;old Implements \! i.I,t :i, t Hee Hon 1, 1:,4.1 \\ n II 'i tts 14111, - 11,11111, , kill,' .111'1 1 :nil, n„I 111 oI 111,11., "n 1 Tues., Sept. 11 • 11,111,1 Il'1, ;11 I 11,11;. !CI''1,. .l- I.•I;�'1',. .11,'1,4 41,, \t” 1 111,1 \ I1. r.! i ,''' soon.: char's I,.,1 ill ioil 1,1 1111 11 •t. „'t ,<tin.' ,.1 I I„I t, i:l . \.\ r,' bit, • ;III l 1,4141 :„ ,I. , I,.In 111 1, iter Ir 'ti ;111 ai.- d-r,. .\1 ,rat:. , e;1'I4 I, -1 3.3: Lure - lo, ,1 Si ..l'I";n bull, _'n month- „1,1: 3 bor... \IilLiti:: marline, :' i;':le unit ne\v I1 Illi, st.4r, t'ni\er.al flake; I'.leclr pail:l ,•• tie 1,u1111, ,111,1 Itnl ,I ; 1 ., t „i 1 11'11,; rltbbt'r boo. (..r will,; it 11,1: \1,1,_',,111: 1,14;1; tI,"1\(14 rah,; T on Guaranteed 1 O Trust Certificates 1;•:411'11) for amount , ,• . fora term off , .. .'401,II',:Illel'II bol II :L; IU 111'1111'111:11 and intere,.t . , .. 111(.1,4.1 cheque.; tuailell to !ea.') 1111141er; oil due dale, or, it holder':; option, may be :Illo\\e,l t1 :t'•I'Intlhtte at rtitllnnurl inleledl. .ln i 1 1 in\'n4140'11 for individual.;, ewn- 1r,ll,l,'.::ii, hol'I/e,lIly1;111'1111'rellll'lt.'1'j'hoa('d.�, alit( ut111'1' ll'll'1r,n, THI: STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 yeurs in Business .e .i .r 11 .111..11(i G•. i' .a.,. .,,. .; n..I.IW.,.. 1.1 r li l i .I.li r Ia iA ell,• -111;111 t at•k : ( ,rut rack ; nets' b; rii 11,111 ar.11 ear; h;11• I_'trl Illy bel, of nti\ed pruiu. :\1,1,1,,„ima!ele i? 4.1lie1,en,, 5 nit,nlb, Nets I lamp -hire, and I., lib 1'n•. Ill,” ail;1'l . t„1 nunn•rtnl, t uu'n I :vercl lien; v.. ill be ,old — 1'11 hive!\ Ile re.er'ie---Proprietor III„\•ing ass;I\' dttc 1 ' Il health. 'PERMS—CASH, l'. 1)11,\, I'I•,.I,1'it't,•• 1land 1 lacl':•n, .\ucti,lncer, PAGE 5 ROXY'TTIEATRE, CAPITALTHEATRECLINTAN, _ I GODERICH. N1)W PLAYING: Dennis Morgan NOW PLAYING: Alan Ladd and in "God Is My Co•PIIUI"• Lcttttg Yount ut. REGENT' THEATRE SEAFORTH. NOW PLAYING "The Merry Mon - "AND NOW TO -MORROW'. .,Dans" with Peggy Ryan and Mr nday, Tuesday, Wednesday I)enald 0 Connor. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "IT'S A PLEASURE” Mtniday, 'f'uesday, Wednesday l.i,. ti., ,t,ul.'t „i the ire, i b„,i, Betty Gle, Dick Haymes and Carmen Miranda, Perry Como and William Caxton. .I .'•I .' • Ili I' lac, 1111 111;111 I tet, Vivian 13l.tine. 11111 i ','!;Ittt' I'tI' •prt'laele Pt -,..tai: . 'll 111!l ! t, . Illi '1 :r, VIII' , ! 11 s 11111 I,• .111.1I-- Sunj.+ 11,111 Michael O'Shea and „i ,'. I, t -1 I ,.'I 1'l! + I.. „ \,., t.,1'.', Bill Johnson. i:il' !tt• ,' 1'11.1,. 1; - "THE DIAMOND HORSESHOE” "SOME'1.111NG FOR '1111: Thursday, Ftilay, Saturday Dorothy Lamour, Eddie Bracken and GII Lamb. \ h .1111tH Still `ea, ills'I, p„r tl.l, 111 ..II lbr ;,14 11.1„011• ;,11.1 1,,,o,4.4, .41 .,1 t!!e t;.,,;1, and ii!,e1J til '1', (Midi:ol„t. "RAINBOW ISLAND” Thursday •, Friday, Saturday "SALOME, Where She Danced" BOYS” Thu,sd,ty, 17ridgy, Saturday l0 1'1111 it„t .1 Jat it 13eney. Alexis Smith and ,I. 11:1' \\ t• -.I 111111 1;11.111"II• '.,Ir ;, b. rli •� 11''111 11'1 . 1111 ts'trItr, n,,-1 1;,' i'!I'd! Hit' 11 ,I'.;til. 1,1115 Yvonne d Carlo, Walter Slexalt and Albert Dekker. + The HORN Blows at MIDNIGHT I COMING: Don't tell anyone, it's COMING: GEORGE RAFT IN: COMING: Petty Grablc in: "A ROYAL SCANDAL" i "NOB HILL" rTitL DIAMOND HHORSESHOE” Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed•, Sat., holidays 2,30 pm Matinees .iat. & Holidays at 2..10 FOR SALE g•;, ;. ;. .. •I I:n'.;b•!1 (•,,Ilii run,, Ileeltr,..\ 11,11 1J, r r' I' tLY(,IEUM llEA 1. to Il,1•vet. l 1•61, I'It nc 11r17 1)ungau- • WINGHAM—ONTARIO TWO SI101WS Sat. Night :r ;.:, ,;,,;..:. , :..;..;. ,.,;.,;..;.1',.,,t ; .;,.• . ATKINSON'S ` I'0014 ROO1I. NOT'IC'E To CONTRACTORS "Thu, s., Fri., Sat., September 6 7 8f : ✓,• _�� •, Helmut Dantint', Faye Emerson I i The (',,t,tritet ,.f t'Ir;111th a portion of i, Rayt,ond Massey in 1'f �' �;1IO1{I;1Z'S S1' \'I►RIIi�S the 11111!1 Creel: 1)1'8111, north 111 Niel- rt, tr t' BERLIN I l ' ' ' ( t''tl ctleti 1 0 ) p, ;In'• 111111 ;r in Ibc '1'o\\'It-bip 1.f \lorri.4 .; "HOTEL „ U )dCUI�, _ i•.. , t: 14, ;; \t. ill be lel tis' Piddle .\11(111,11 at P1111:111%.• \ -!"r\ "i 1' -i,l' t „'! n ; 1's 1t 1111 tic 1111(1 (the Bridge it the lith t•uncl-si,rn of 1l ort t',1 -(1'1\:I t'rl 1111' 1,1:'111.1 tilt.. all d„„1111(1 (.'\'t1?I11y;,;. on September IltIt, at 9 ;1.111.°t; ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS ..';t;�j'llll Street. l�} t}1•'t` 2-1. 53-2. GEORGE MARTIN, Clerk. ;_Matinu ,Saturday afternoon,at 2.3U t ' a} ' 1:4..4.,4..;. ;,.;t :,.:. ;t •;.:; .;.:;.; :; ;. ,;, ;. •;, ,.:�.:,t ,..;,:; ,;: •t Mon., Tuc,., wed,, Sept to 11 12 'Z' ,; Anita Louit,c, Willard Parker, in ., ::THE FIGHTING GUARDSMAN";: "Ili 111111111 ,I';.nla trill! it, •,'nine n.ti..1. ,t.I.,.111.1 .1 MI AMON,, .0 .its.1 rPhi.I 4111."i ...G( With other groups, you play a part so that everyone gets a fair share �,,,✓`" you are asked to acquire against recJulctiions, Y rationing the (.turn ingtl\e coupons you eat r Under d turn ►n er and, when meat you get collect Rand sale in of tttteat; and the couple products. the use again, and ratioctts from your butcher, introduced 9 c in your is int(.the sole °f honey otherthe valid Coupons filo than may id coupons need your So that Y one-half °f our coupons, you 110 mote than those °f y to send in be book and in easy es which po Board. be t•atiot1pro d•'io imake th RS.'61 envelo focal Ration No surrendered. un' provided with nth to your forwarded on�screnuoed, fl 1.4 postage 04 ltjl -)0C The retailer also plays s i a part. He must obtain coupons or other valid ration documents a makes 'of ►ationed foods_ gainst every sale he and, when (.neat rafioninr.J bullar, sugar, preserves becomes effective again, meat, Otherwise, l° must paste all coupe; cannot rgummed his stocks. He ndorse each street with his name and address. If his eets and no monthly food soles total $2,500 or more operate a ration coupon' he is required to r;. bunk account. He must also 01%i ,•iii^n documents or a ration cheque to his supplier for every purchase he snakes of a rationed food, 4.5 - \Yf�. •.i The housewife, too, has rationing work a stood . She must know the validity and expiry sugar, preserves and, later, meat coupons so that she can make supplies of these foods last. preserves and meats. She must know the coupon values of all rationed p • serves alternative mof the She has to understand the sugar preserves coupon in order to do as,nfor h oto ycahome tnning us possible and still have couponsguard family ration yrups and outer preserves. She must 9 ons for every per - books carefully and give up p chase she snakes of a rationed food. wigaistoototiat RATIONING is your assurance of a fair shore. It is a protection against waste shortage • . . inflation. t r,Z. ,1'.t •�+i y t.��i ;��::y a1'Y�` e. . 'Pliat is why fanners are asked to continue to collect and turn in coupons to their Local Ration Boards - once a tilontll - in the R11-61 envelope. • RATION ADMINISTRATION • I:1)\\':\ R1) \V. ELi,10'1 1' \netio'.ecr For 1Lit tut :: " { .1C. h :l ,I -1'1\'11 e \\i1!I t!I'• M• � ,. � I:• \ .I'� ( „L;t'It 'I .\1'' l'�11','t', ;I 11,1 \\'ill ho. ALSO SHORT SUBJECT'S ,11.,.,.;, !!i. 1, tinct- oetatieiti •n. ' 1':t ,u .re 1111 til ,lis ;11 11111,:,' ;,t ';.e;;, :lit to- t•.1tt In' mad': `,114 7 I last' :It 'l )le St;111,1;1111 t . or I,." 1';111n;t, 11tt':Ite 203, (:titIII,tt, I ! ;I "e 111,111;;11, and ,atinl,titi"u (,n.1,11(tc,l. ill' tilt, of I.,4t1i, \\ 1. Regular Meeting, Blyth 1,O.O.F No 366 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1945 N.,mitt.ttion for Office,. I)i,triet t:Much Service Sunday ening. S: ptenther t1111, in the Ills Ell Anglican ('Inc!.1'\leutber, Inert in the lodge room. at ut',hctl to altt'nd. 11,3)), .\ II Int tubers PIGS FOR SALE 0 little pig:, ready to wean. Apply to Torrance 1ttutdas, 1'%te 1.i-15 Myth, RR, 2. 2-1. AUCTION SALE OI Farm Skid; and implement. and l ltiu,chol,I I'.t(ccts, at Lot 27. C -tit• 2, \\-c‘tt\\'atv tttu It 'fotvn hip, tine ;Ind a half utile; north of ,\tthurn on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH ,ate t'oa,i,t, of rattle, piq,, ilen•. fora, intntrinent, and tit,tt,ehnitl �oull,. Fraunell i, an international 10-20 tractor out steel, i11 Cit,l 01•41el', TERMS—CASH Shutt. \ichol,on, Proprietor, 1laroltl .1ct'on, ,\m'ti„neer, ' '• FARM FOR RENT 100 gens, all : (Tiled but 15 acre; ; Int 12, votees:ion 4, lust \Va\eanrlsh, :\p - ply to \\'• 1 L Cuvier, CIS th, RN, 3, 53-.1t,. FOR SALE Dawson's Ge;dcn (:half \\'heat, 1n44- -15 Crop. Al,. t Orchard szt•a,s seed. \p1Iv Alex \lel{\\ing, Plume 23-8, Myth. 53-1. WIN A $7,800 HOME FOR $1.00 (11:\\CI? to \v'itt a 57,800 home for $1. out restricted t'esirlrttti;tl area in Long Branch, consolation prizes an- nounced tact'• Send Po,lal Note for share; al $l. cat 11 to C, B. 11odg,on, St'c't\”-Tretts., Eastwood Villa llolx 400, Long iiratnch, Ontario. Sponttrctl by 1..0.1.. 2ti30 1,ctige Branch. Proceeds for building load, Details on receipt. 51-4. 1 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialitst fu 1 arat and household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Counties, Prices reasonable; Ctction guaranteed, G. R. AUGUSTINF 10':I'I:I':SI•:\'1'I\(.i THE MONTREAL LIFE "'I'IIE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LiFE • PENSIONS - ANNUITIES \VILLIAM II,1110RIZI'11T LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm end Ilouselioltl Sales. 1 • I,icettred for 1110 County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, awl Salinfact.tott Guaranteed. l''ur Inform:1114in, etc., \crtto or phone 1\'illi:tnt I1. Jlorrill, phone, Residence 41;14 Shop '1, Blyth, frank's Bakery I'IIONE 38. MATH, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESI-I EVERY DAY Everything Homemade dI011E-MADE OLOGNA THIS WEEK -ENI) OUR OWN hIOME SUGAR•CURED Smoked Side Bacon 45c PER L13. Perth lc BOLOGNA, WEiNERS, SAUSAGE sails i A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS. Per information, etc., write or phone itarohl Jaehton, 11,R. No, 4, Seatortlt. l'itotfo 141'661. N. McCaIIum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. 25 CENTS -«- j Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 5001; Seaforth, 15, iollect. DAllLING and CO. of CANADA, LTI). PACIFIC DEFENSE LINES FOR U. S. SECURITY - �� - _ .► MaFfeejortananddAir SeconBaseldary tf EA • e i o1(TEMPOP.1 Pacific Ocean BONIN IS. VOLCANO IS, AWAIIA FORMOSA LUZON PHILIPPINES TINI®ARIANASIS, OVn'b Philippine ®t�f uD,LEYTE Sea M YAP NDANAO .f CAROLINE IS. eMOROTAI HALMAHERA h/11:11'4/4141,' /01.: •Ibil.1nf JALUIT4v MARSHALL IS. 1,0 MAKIN CILBERT IS. HOWLAND TARAWA' BAKER'. NAURU' NEW IRELAND NEW BRITAIN %BOUGAINVILLE 0��0 q ERA ADI ELLICE IS. NEW CALEDONI wf PALMYR.1 Proposal by Gen. Henry Ii. Arnold for maintenance o[ a series of defence lines in the Pacific for U. S. security is receiving growing support in Congress. Latest proposal, by a House naval coal• mittee, would provide major fleet bases at Pearl Harbor, Guam, Saipan, Ilillo, Manus and Noumea, with a main naval air base at Mactan Island, seconiary bases, fleet anchorages and land and sea plane bases on the other islands as shown. The whole would comprise chains of security far from U. S. shores. QUISLING GOES ON TRIAL Grim faced, Vidkun Quisling, whose name is synonymous with traitor, is on trial for his life. Among crimes for which ho is accused is the murder of Norwegian patriots, whose bodies were found buried in mase graves in Norway's Trandum Forest, He is shown in horror forest under close guard. CANADIAN SOLDIERS ENJOY AUSTRALIA Judging from the smiles on these Canadian soldiers, they are having a good time "down under". Stationed in Australia as observers, they apparently believe in the old saying, "When in Rome do as the Romans do." - as evidenced by the "digger" hats as worn by Aussie soldiers. Left to right, leaning out a wnidow: S/Sgt. J. II. Laycroft, High River, Alta., S/Sgt. W. D. Duncan, Coronation Alta., and S/Sgt. C, H, Laycroft, twin brother to J. H, Laycroft. Inset: Sgt. R. McCallum, of Port Arthur, Ont., and Winnip:g. HEAVENLY PEACE Searchlights focused on dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, threw a shadow on low hanging clouds behind it, forming in the heavens the symbol of peace seen in the striking photo above. PLANE 'MACHINE GUNS' SHOOT SEEDS INTO GROUND now MOTOR REDUCTION GEARING FUSELAGE BIN BIN VALVE ,.CONTROL= ?4'TUBES i VALVE CONTROLS PELLETS' FLOW PELLETS ROLL FROM BIN INTO REVOLVING TUBES SEED PELLETS ARE SHOT FROM TUBES OCATION iN AIRPLANE The airplane will make easy one of the most arduous of farm jobs — that of planting crops, according to Dr. Lytle S. Adams, Los Angeles inventor of the airmail pickup system and designer of the airplane planter shown in diagrams above. Under this plan, seed is first made into pellets with fine clay mixed with fertilizer and insect and rodent repellent. These seed "pills" would be fed by gravity from a bin in the fuselage into a rapidly rotating rimless wheel whose spokes are hollow tubes. Weight of the pellets and speed of the wheel would imbed the seed in the soil at depths satisfactory for germination, says Dr. Adams, who claims that as many as 14,545 acres could be sowed per hour, The device also can bo adjusted for row planting. The aero -sower is reported especially useful in sowing fields to sugar beets, fodder turnips, alfalfa and other pasture grasses and other products requiring no cultivation. The essen• tial features of the system are shown on the diagram above, based on data prepared by Air Trails Pictorial Magazine. RISE AND FALL OF JAP FLEET BATTLESHIPS LIGHT CARRIERS CRUISER LIGHT CRUISERS DE STROYERS 4.••••••462111111110. N SUBMARINES Start Bui,II Since 01 War Pearl Harbor 12 2 9 7 19 6to8 Total. Lell End Of AI War 14 (Damaged) 15- 2 17 (Damaged) 6 13 2 0 2 1`;'s (Damaged) 28- 2 24 4 to 5 29 Dmils sonod 165 70 to 80 235- 245 22 140 100 1240 (6 German) 26 Rise and fall of the Japanese fleet is shown in this chart which indi- cates Its strength at Pearl Harbor, the number of vessels added later and the tattered remnants. OFFICIAL WIG Lord Jewitt, new Lord Chancellor of Britain, is pictured above, in his official regalia at the House of Lords, London, JOIN THE THOUSANDS who drink and enjoy Max. well House Coffee. You'll love the superb Maxwell House flavor. All Purpose Grind suitable for any typo of coffee maker. DON'T THROW IT AWAY —Canada needs paper ! • Contributed by MN= 1 BLACK HWS E321M2 RAW Quality Guaranteed ZEA Pdge LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM CHAPTER XVII "Butchers, bakers, candlestick - makers," said madame, "Every ratan, given a chance, can be a Bay- ard, If ti ese tears prove nothing else they have shown that the heart of the peasant beats with the same stroke as the heart of a king. Well — but you are going to marry Roger Fahre?" "i promised. When he t turns, if he wants inc still, 1 vim!' marry hint." 'You could not do better," said madame smugly. "Nor could he. You have my blessing, both of you. It's too bad there was ever a sour note in this symphony of yours." "That sour note—?" "You heard it last night," The old lady's voice was harsh. "In this roost. You know what I mean." "I will not think of him." "You c?n't forget hint. Nu more San I." 'But I—I roust forget hint. You would not have me go on thinking of him after—" "Can yon help yourself?" Yon can't have too many small crocheted pieces on hand for gifts. Make these of leftover bits of cot- ton; all In easy pineapple design. A variety of novelties you'll iinjoy ctiocheting: basket, sachet, kerchief case, pincushion, edging, Pattern 782 contains directions. Send Twenty Cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St., West, Toronto, Print plainly Pattern Number, your Name and Address. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer, Tho goods are right, and so are our prices. Wo manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Ulan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto SAFES Protect your IlOUl(S and CASII front Fettle and THIEVES, We have a •Ize and type of Site, or Cabinet, for nny purpose. VIaIt as, or write for prier% ete, to Dept. W ',l. bcJ . TAYLOR LI M ITEO TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1416 lru01 SI. E. !„runty You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL roltONi t) • Every 111101" 111111 11111111 Shove• er and Telephone, • Single, $2.50 up— Double, Inn up. a Good I' 1. Dining sad Dune• Ing Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA 4135 ISSUE 36-1045 "Please, madame, you are merci- less." "i am a woman, and I ant old." "Ilut—„ "And there it is. Being a woman I know what a man, one than, the man can do to your heart when you arc young; bring old, I will not deny t1, The finest women have loved the greatest knaves who ever walked this earth." "It is \V ong to love like that." 'Mon Dieu! Who shall say what it is wrong to love? Not 1, he as- sured of that, my little one." * * "But %vho is to tell me? Oh, I try not to think of hint! It was only fon' a tittle while I knew ":\ moment is long enough," murmured the Sibyl. "A pnrti' 0 of a ritomcut. It is all done by a spatk, 1 think. The fire is lighted from that sp.irk. Sometimes, most often in fact, the fire needs to be nursed and replenished; sometimes—and here 1 speak of great loves—the fire, untended and unfcd except by dreams, I•urns on all through one's life." "You mean I shall altway• -- a1 - ways remember hint?" "You w ill keep what you have of hint," said madame gently. ''That is woman's burden. To carry with her things that can only hurt her, burn her, bring her misery. But she cannot be rid of them and site is so Made that I doubt she would rid herself of them if she could." "Are we such poor things' then, madame?" "I'nt afraid we are, my child." "Then—thin I cannot, because I made some lovely image of that one, ever hope to be worthy of the love that Rogers offers ate? I can never really be given to hint be- cause there is some part of me that he can never win?" "No one can be given completely to another. It is n pity, but there is the truth of it, If you can stake hint happy, my dear, it will be enough," "I will try. With all my heart." "Then you cannot fail, Meridel." * * The too -short holidays and the great feast of New Year's passed on into the steady merciless cold of the iron months of January and February. Life went on evenly enough at Phillbert, Although Roger had gone, Meridel and tint children did not return to the city when vacation ended, and Ru- dolph spent most of his time at the mansion that lie had, from long pre- tense of ownership, come to look upon rather as the place where he belonged. Meridel stayed because madame needed her now and the children could have good schooling from Miss Carrick and the other teachers whom the government had provided. * $ * Roger was' still in England. Nev- er a great one to write letters, he contented himself now with the odd cable, a verbal message entrusted to some hooting associate in the Air Force, a few lines on a post- card, a letter or two to Meridel. One she received in February said. "I hope to be with you soon. Int tie long weeks that have passed since ',we said goodby at Phili- bert, I havt often wondered if I did not dream all the lovely things that happen.id there—as well as those unlovely, You are still mine Meri- del? You did say you would marry me when I conte home again—did you not? "Yes, yes; I could not be such a self -deceiver. You told inc when we sat 'n front of the fire, while the rest of the household slept. I remember so well the sweetness of your lips, the silken softness of your hair, 1 hear still the music of your voice, so like little bells. In the air 1 dream, sometimes that yon are at my side and I hear your voice whispering to me in - the rush of the wind. Avid 1, to w'houl life has given so mucn of beauty, never think of death. 1 have known you, what could a man ask more? I fear I have become greedy; 1 long sv for the time to conic when 1 shall fly back to you, and I know the first glimpse of those misty shores of Canada will be to me, as to so many others like seeing the battlements of heaven. "So von will begin to think of your trousseau now. You will know that 1 love you always. Roger n (To Be Continued) A HORSE FOR HALSEY, IN CASE ... . Just in case Admiral Halsey doesn't get to ride the Emperor's white horse, he'll have one of his own to prance through the streets of Tokyo, Proud looking cowpony was purchased by the city of Tucumcaro, N.M., and given name of town, and is to be used by Admiral in Jap capital. CH1NCLES of GINGEH FARM 13y Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • a That big event of the season in every farm woman's life has come and gone—at least the first halt of It has, I mean the threshing. Yon know, It's a funny thing, yott would think ono threshing would be much like another—but 1t Isn't, Tho troubles you get into last time don't happen this time, but, as sure as anything some new troubles arise that you had never oven thought of. That's the way It was with mo last Wednesday, \Vith niece Betty to help I thought I need have no worry at all, In fact I was so confident that I of- fored to serve supper for a bitch• elor neighbour's threshing which followed our own, Everything wits coating along fine that morning. The meat was already cooked from tho night before; there were scal- loped potatoes bubbling away in the ollstovo oven; pies all made and all the other little extras ar- ranged for. Ilovever, when 1 began thinking about supper I was a llttlo afraid there might not be enough cold meat left over to go around, and, It being early closing day I was afraid to take any chances. So Betty and I took our. selves to town for supplementary meat supplies, It was eleven -thirty when we returned—and the oil -stove had burnt itself out! Yes, completely burnt out, even though I had fill- ed tho reservoir tho night before. Our burners use specially treated wicks and if by some unlucky chance the stove runs dry ft is an awfully long time before they can be persuaded to burn properly again. It just seems impossible to hurry then. I was just about frau- tic. Tho potatoes were cooked but not browned. The tea kettle wasn't oven hot. I tried trimming the wicks—ono decided to light up, the other two wouldn't. Ilad I any 4858 SIZES 14-20 12.42 You'll be so nice to conte honk to in this simple -to -sew frock, Pattern 4858 has button front, which means easy ironing, easy on - and -off. Pattern 4858 cone's in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20; 32, :I4, 36, :18, 40, 42. Size 16 ttlkes :I;1,'y yards 35 -inch fabric; '11 yard contrast. Send Twenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, to Roost 421, 73 Adelaide St. \\'est, 'I uronto, Size, Name, Address, Style Number. new wicks In the house? For the life of me I couldn't remember. A ]curried search revealed just one. I yanked one old one out and put the new one in, And then the darn thing wouldn't turn up. At long last I won out. And then Bob canto along and said the Wren wouldn't be in until twelve -thirty. It was like a reprieve, I gave a great sigh of thanksgiving and relaxed, Five minutes later Betty came in from the barn and said the men hail changed their minds — they were not going to finish the stow and would be 'In at noon. They camp , . . (11111101' was actually ready , - , they ate and were filled —I liopo .. . they retired — and left me as limp as a fresh wet wash. • Supper wasn't too bad except for tho fact that, with the threshing machine across the road I had no means of knowing when it stop- ped . and the men arrh'ed for supper ten minutes ahead of time. Marc rush! After supper, just about the Limo we were clearing the table, Betty took a violent headache— probably front the dust when she visited the barn. So I sent 11('1' to bed and did the dishes myself. At nine-thlry I shortened the table, collected the towels and table- cloths, and called It a day. And of course it was not only I who was tired. The men were not only tired but they were red - dyed and coughing as well—and another threshing in view for the next day, However, as I salt before, the threshing Is all over again until next tinge—and we will worry about that when we have to—but I can assure you that. when we do thresh again I shall be slaking sure my o11 stove doesn't run dry again. « * And speaking of ollsloves -are you one of the many who has trouble 1n baking with a coalofl oven? Do your pies and cookies burl on the bottom and refuse to get brown on tine top? That is what I have been up against for years, even though 1 have the top of the oven well covered with cat- nlogues. A few weeks I tried an- other stunt. I took a large plece of asbestos, doubled it, and then laid it across the bottom of the oven leaving enough roost at efth- or end for the heat to circulate. The result was better even than 1 had hoped for. Pies no longer burn on the bottom and i can now leave them in long enough.to get nicely browned on the top. * * * Well, our little dog 'tippy thinks I have been writing long enough. Ho Just came along and put both paws on my shoulders indicating he )las an idea it is just about supper time for him. Poor Tippy Betty took hint for a tramp In the bush this afternoon and his oars, neck and tail are all stuck up with burrs. "All right then, Tippy • , . come on, we'll go and hunt you some supper." "Fill 'er Up"! A motorist drove into a filling station and exultantly told an at- tendant to "fill 'c1' up." The attendant complied. :\s the motorist drove away, the full gas tank, unused to the strain, dropped to the payment. .J THE PICK OF TOBACCO How Can I? 14 Anne Ashley Q. 1Iow can I make a substitute cedar closet? A. If nacre is no cedar closet in, the house, wipe the shelves and the woodwork of the clothes closet with cedar oil \viten cleaning. 'Phis process should be repeated from time to time. Q. 1I.. v can 1 te,t the healthful part of mushrooms? A. By stirring while cooking with a silver spoon. if there is any foreign substance in the mush- rooms, the silver will turn. Q. What can I use as a substi- tute for vinegar, for salad dress- ing? A. Try using the vinegar from preserved pickles, instead of ordi- nary vinegar, for salad dressing; it gives a delicious flavor. Lemon juice is also an excellent substitute for vinegar. Q, I-fow can 1 give a nice gloss to straw matting? A, Apply a thin coat of colorless varnish and it will add life to the straw matting. Modern Etiquette By Robert: Lee 1. After the knife has been used to cut a bite of food, what should be done with it while conveying the food to the mouth? 2. Should the ratan or the woman alight first when they are leaving a taxi or streetcar? 8. What part of the expense should a ratan pay for when giving a golfing party? 4, What is the correct salutation for a woman to use when tele- phoning to another woman of her own social position? 8. Should the coffee spoon ever be left standing in the cup? 8. What is considered the most important duty of a hostess? ANSWERS 1. Place the knife across the edge of the plate, but never with the handle resting on the tablecloth, d Sometimes the knife is held closely to the plate with the right hand. 2, The man should g( first, then turn and as .ist his companion to alight. 3. The lio<,t should pay for the caddies, the balls, and the re- freshments. 4, All neccss'y is to say, "1Irs. font's? This is Mary Smith", 5. Never; the spoon should be placed in the saucer as soon as the coffee is stirred, and never re- m .%ed. 6, Briefly, the sole duty of a hostess is to entertain her guests, 'seeing that each one is hating a good time, 2 U -Boats Missing 'l'wo German submarines still are unaccounted for following the surrender of the U-077 off the Ar- gentine coast Aug. 17 an admiral- ty spokesman said. The two missing U-boats are believed to have been stank. YOU GET THE PEAK of coffee goodness in Max. well House. "Radiant Roasting" --a remarkable; process—rousts every, coffee bean all through. captures every atom of flavor and goodness. Seed Grain for Fall Seeding No. 1 U0sssnnls I:olden Chu1'I' Peale \\'hent .. $1.50 bum. No. 1 new haril.r 'Mean fall \%'hent KI 50 bum, No. 1 Fall It ye S(.110 bum. TIMOTHY SEED Quinte Brand 11.5. No. 2, Purl ty Extra No. 1 '11600 per 100 Ib. 1111 above 1'•la.n. nellevIlle BAGS FREE order from this add. we guarantee tintlsfacllon. Ca Ea Bishop & Son SEEDSMEN Belleville, Ont. Quaker Corn Flakes Offers 15 O." II -PRI Si! :1,.,.elU1hiI'Its1 Ii.d1,116.161, 1St p rile The Pony or $300oo !C CASH For Na This Pony 300 VALUABLE PRIZES IN ALL! It's fun to name a pony. But this time you cash in on the fun; \Ve make this great offer because we want you to try Quaker Corn Flakes ... because we're sure you'll agree Quaked Corn Flakes are the most delicious of all corn flakes. Send in as many names for tine pony as you wish. You may combine words to get unique ideas—such as "Funpon" because it combines "Fun and Pony". The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited reserves the right to supply cash equivalents for prizes which may prove unavailable due to wartime restrictions. RULES 1. Print—do not write—the name you enter for the pony. Also print your own name and address. 2. livery entry must be accompanied by a box top from Quaker Corn Flakes. You may submit as many names as you like, but you mutt enclose a separate box top for every name you enter. Mail your entry to The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, Peterborough, Ontario. 3. The envelope containing your entry must be postmarked not latet than mid* night, Oct, 15. 1945. 4. A name may consist of one or more words, singly or in combination. These must be proper names, names, or adjectives, etc. Originality, uniqueness, and suita• 1 1 bility will be considered by the judges. p.Judges shall determine procedure in udging and their decision shall be final. Judges are B.'1'. Iluston, Canadian Grocer. Vm. ). Bryans, Retail Grocer; A. Tremblay, Le Detaillant, 6. Prize winners will be notified as soon as Possible after the contest closes. No en. tries will be returned. The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited will possess all rights to entries. In case of duplicate prize winning names, first submitted will be awarded prize. 7. Contest limited to Canada. No em- ployees of The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited or their advertising agency are eligible. I 10 • The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, Box 100, Peterborough, Ontario. I Please enter the following name(s) in the Quaker Corn Flakes Pony -naming Contest: (print) (print) (print) (print) (print) (print) ' 1 enclose one Quaker Corn Flakes box top for each name submitted. 1 Name 1'f 1, Prov ..: 1 Address I City (print) PAGE 8 • IMINIPINteemoveveretvocclawovvvvescwrovaxworcletclatomai HOLIDAY NEEDS Ladies Bathing Suits $2.95 to $1.95 Men's, Women's and Children's Running Shoes (i9c to $1.19 Women's Slacks .$1,•19 to $1,98 Children's Sun Suits $1.00 to $1.19 Mosquito Netting per yard 10c Good Assortment of Men's, Women's and Children's Camp Shoes. ire McGill ! het. a4 D IDIDID(MMI?At`rllNNINi►ri+YrMIND)i11NRIMItaMiDai ekiP9t2tD,HNDI,l,?tlh`pNDINNWiDINDAX \lis• Eileen Robinson of 'f, ;,111.r silent the \tet. -011(1 with her parent, (•.•'.41I1.�.1�•II•♦♦•�.;.1;M.�111 •;1.;.1,•;11;• •. .• ...;• •;• 1;1 +;.1;•+;• 1;• ..+• •• 1. 1;•.;1 •;• 1;. •;•.;, i,1 •;• •;11;• •;• •;• •;• 1• 1;• •;• i, •;• •V *4, \lisle. Irma and Marjorie \\'all 1 STUART ROBINSON .• spun \\ \\isle their ir:etld. Margaret Mardian. \Ir. ;111.1 \Ir,, 11,1111 Staples, (cord"n, THE STANDARD \l a,tcr \I array Reil \ i,itcd with his c u,in I 'Ii t Marshall, fora it'\\ day, an 1 NI it.. \n'lrctt \Icl\a;;ue• of \ i•itcd Picini- here on Friday. \li•s Shirley \Vallace, of •foronto, spent tin' tteuh cntl with her parents, \Ir. and Nit's. Ir\inc \\allarc Nil-, 1.;11101 Brigham, It•g. N.,, who .rent I;I•t \\ eel, al her home here, re- turned to Staf,1rtll Ilr•silitll. Mr-. Hannah Elsdon of Bay field is vi•ititl \\ ill' \Irs. lank, \Nilson an I other frit'ds. R\Ir,. \I,Iguir•' i, visiting her (laugh - A ter, \Irs. .\. h. 'I'a>hcr, and \Ir, 'I•as- Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. •` aunt, \I I,i Josephine \\ r••rlle,1tli x1111 1, „r , , \ 1 If1 Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street, :> aunt, ,i ,Jose (set,'. 11Th. II011'Ih. BAKERY" Afternoon Delivery, South of I)insley Street. .I \Ir. ;t' d \Ir•. J. 1). I.t•11•y of I.itow- H. T. VODDEN. 'i' e'I t•i•iterl \\'ill' \11.• null Mr'.•lama Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. .. f Cray, for,: Sunday. bent 1d,.;1;.,;.,,.,.;.,;.,.,•.�,;.,.,..;..:.. .\. (, \\. till,h,tt' c,l flat: •0 Macaroni 1 lbs. for . c ,, 'Phut• day with l,i- ,iter in law. NIL _� ,i •_: Ir „•!,hint \\',•,'.!cock. A. L. ClE +t• Rice ?lbs, for 25c •t• •'• •t• \I t'. Anel \I'. . Chicle, Burling and 3. •. 1 t Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c .: sent. Brian, of \lerrii spent the ,t: R.O. : re' :t: 1114iday with \I r. curl \I r••, Inns ; _• •" l.. R111S0 1 1 iti' OI 1OME'1'RIS'I' and OPTICIAN )cr )k'1 �5c : t' re •�, :t. lea\wford' I,; GODERICII - ONTARIO. ;: �' •)'jC +t•� 11e.,r• . Lc•fe ;11111 111 I.&r Rutledge ,t t t Jiffy Pie Crust �• is Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, :t: E': •, of 'Fortino \;•.tell \\ith their parents. ; .f Red Rose Coffee per lb, 15c .t1 t• With 25 Years Experience t 2 \I mt.. mt.,. rrr;l hutlydgc, ..wet the r '•• • r.: Laly Grange Tea half 11), pkg.-15c 'f •t• week -ell(' • 1 a, will he at :. Tomato Soup10C •_I NI r. :11111 \L ,. Drell Rut!edRutledge have R. I). I1hil�l's 1)rug Store :: ,:, returned Iron. an enjoyable vacation t L'LY'1'1-!, ONTARIO :: r• Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 101' 2 c •t• 1.1,011 It ('r,l\'enlulr,t. \\'oodbridge, 1;• N1.X'I' VISIT -• r,,.t, ;, a• d 'I'onmttr. t WEDNESDAY, SEP'T'EMBER 19th;• t44+1••dMMM•1••�+t••10•;•.;•.8• 4•+;• .-4 i,•�..;..,0.;• 1 .b.; 44+.0•;.•;•.:0000:.•;•.,0.;.x;•.0.,0000 •;i+;•.;..;000,1 I1'. N J1'1IIaI1 11;C1a II' kit rrIl Sunday 1:• : for Ric;nnr'ntl, Ont., t., begin hi, 1t. 1t0 FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. �, TELEPHONE 20 '• ,,,,I�w teachingduties, The school tern) he- ::. 1. R. D. PHIL.P'S DRUG STORE :* gait on •Illes'tay• September •1111. 't' FOR APPOIN'I'MEN'I'S. ;: : 1 \11',. 1 Llrriiieton, of Blyth, til her t :. s,111, (, targe , : t 1 . o l l r l " s l," r o, t n o 1: in ,00:0..4. 41.1:1 00 1:I+;..;1,01;11;.1;. 0;..;001:11:40 1;..;.10.:..0+:. the 1.a1)1,1. Day ,pmts at Clivi n ,1u __---� Nt ii i v. \Irs, h 'in rt .1,1111',11)11 returned 11 her home in lily;h nn Saturday, \1r,. lohn•t.ni, \\I1 11;1: heel; visiting ;it 1 I'crgus, was accompanied home by he:. 'laugher, \I r•. 1':ruie Cunning, \1r.. - ('inning. and Midi .n. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ir;ull. 11 Hyman, \lis, I r;incc••, an! \Irs. Douglas Stew;trt j were holid;tyin:; last wick at 'fnt••nito, and the Niagara 1)i•triet and also spent a ft\\' 'cu. in :t rott;ttte at N:tl,at1et with friends. ;I Mrs. ()liver \I.,,1t•e and daughter • Ken' clh and \Yilm:t, rpent the \veuk• • call in \\•u',',Ihritlgc ;Ind d•orontr+. • \I is. Pamela Daws 'n i, with her Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric 11'eldi'ng A Specialty. Agents For Inlernational- 1-larvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY, WlHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-A'1A1)E CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS iN ARREARS OF TAXES PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, COUNTY OF HURON To \\•it 131' \'iR'11'I: Oi•' :\ \\•.\RI::\NT under ;'te hand of the \\';u•,ier and Seal rf the County of Huron bcari,tg date the 10th day of July'. 1945. and to me lirectrd, c: ntnt;uulinl. nu' to levy upon the lands men- tioned in the fallowing list, for arrears of tax. thercnn 1,.guthcr with ail' casts incurred, 1 hereby give n 'ice that 11-1,:s the arrears and costs are scrim paid. i :ball proceed to • ell the said hauls. or a, much therec.f a; shall he sufficient to discharge swill arrears of taxes and charge' tlleieat,, at my -Illue in the ('tlt't House i11 the Town it Gi derich, y public auction of November (.Ill, 19-15, at the hour of two r''clnck in the afterr'ton in compliance with the statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the said lands remain ettsol ! an adjourned sale will he held it N• •\ r tither lith, 19-15, ;it the sante time and {lace, and at \thick the \lumci;,alitic, (nay reserve the right to purchase any of the :•aid lands. VILLAGE OF BLYTH Mary L^ckic-Ent 1'5, McDonald Sy. 11)-11(-44 23.5( 2.60 20.12 Pub;shcd in The Ontario Gazette, August lilt, l945 lone insertion) :\Ni) FURTh1ER T:\K1: NO'T'ICE. snit it is the i^.tendon of the Corporation of the Village f Blyth to pnrchast these hinds at the time rf the 'fax Sale, unless all c-,st• are paid by .ht' rosic,•ti\e rwvnc'•.. MRS. LOUISE DURWARD, Treasurer, Village of Blyth. WEDDINGS Docking - Lobb The marriage of Ada Joy, eldest daughter of NB- and Mrs. \V. R Lnnbb, Godcrich tottnsltip, to 1.yle \Vinston \large, of Dc;roil, .\Ihtrt Stead and j son, Lco, of \\•ind,or, were \ree1:-c11'1 • wi,,t,1r, at the lu'ulc of Robert and 11 1; bride, \w^re \listcs Donna I.t•hb, 't itan- ita lientlur-on and Velma lle•k. The couple left on a tri!, through•Nnrthet•n Ontario points. The t;i'irlc donncl a mos, green t i i fires• and hat \\'ith brown: acces,trttes. l'p"n their return Lot,tl and dsit et Uddtt'llo\\; \\ ill at - they will re•ide on the bridegroom', land in •i bode v BLYTH UNITED CHURCH S'astentber 9. TIL15 -•:rtuda:- 11.15 Subject : ' Expectation." 7 p.m.: '1';t;n'r Eort TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 15th Sunday After Trinity 111 .\.\l: \Irrrning Prayer. i I'•\I : Od,lf Ii•nt s Service, I'reach- er, Ilei' Rev. 11, I'. Nohes of Cowrie, u,-iG11.,. .,.:.•�,.1 ti EDItI'iI CREIGIFI1ON'S DECORAT'OR'S SLIOPPE PHONE 158, BLY'I'li. Docking, youngest ,on of \M r. and \Irs• • .1 TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE in IlihtrtTownship. Lewis D.ckirg. Stalta, was solemn , (,tints way plutnt (tont \\.0;;;1_ before a pyramid of gladiolus and 1'tnck, 1. •rdrnt, lCilcllencr, Schring\illc. ferns. Rev. 1!aroltl Snell, Auburn,' I,,1t'desburo, Auburn, Clinton and cousin of the (,ride, officiated. The. Staffa• bride, given in marriage by her father, was wearing a graceful white gown. made on (ire( au lines with a high round neck aid a shirral waistline• The tt 'lice and long full bishop t.:eeves wcrc prettily embroidered. 11cr finger-tip veil of white net with deep escalloped edge, fc!I from a halo of flowers and she carried a b lurtnet of rid Briatcliffc rose;. The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Nliss .:Margaret Lobb. wearing a blue sheer floor-Icn;th (;own. The bridesmaid, also a sister of the bride, \liss Bernice solemnize -II i 1, 11.31) amt. \I .t ning Prayer and Scr- CONGRATULATIONS mon. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN 7.3) p.m. Evening I'rayu• and Sermon CHURCH PICNIC HELD The United Church Congregational picnic was held in the Lions Park, Sca- Contrat'dation, t \Irs. R. I. Chat- :forth, Thursday afternoon, \with a good niers \who celebrated her birthday on tatteud:nl't. 'I'll, earl: proved an ideal \\'cdncsday, September 5th. i sp It for a picnic. and everyone had a 1.'ongratttlati brs to Mr. Sherman host cnjnyabl, time. Race, twee held, Benninger, who celebrate, his birth- :end table, sstrc steread in the open f.,l• day, on 'fhurs(lay, September (alt. a picnic supper. Great enjoyment \wa' (nitt r'itttlati' it, t•' \1t'. and \1rs, Toe taken fr'.ntl the swimming pool, as ltlr' Shaddick of Lnnrlesbor', w''rt r''tr-'weather \was uarin and ideal for bath braterl their 11111 secddntg anniversary tug. on Saturday, Septentt)er 1st. Lobb, Kitchener, \wore a pink slicer j Congratulations to Lois Augustine Local Coinmittee Organized floor -length frock. Both attendants \wlro ccicbrate' hcr 11th birthday 0111 For (;lOtlliiig Collection 1 , c.IJ I,i.Yb.J.A11 .11 ,I1 1 SUN 1VOlt'I'II Y al9papers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LAS'T'INGLY BEAUTIFUL pRTCES ARE RIGLI'l' ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Step l'a'nt Sntc'l SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. +st Wednesday.. Sept. 5, 1915, - •....�o..�-- 1 VITAMIN PRODUCTS FOR GOOD HEALTH NO\\' IS '1'111': l I\I F. t,• \.tart buildiutt re•i-tinct' again -I winter rolls and sirhness.• "Pitt f. ilowiti l•rco,u.ltiolt ,Ill contain a lit it \ ll;unin content : WAMPOI.E'S EX'1'RAc'I' WATERBURY COMPOUND NEO CHEMICAL FOOD SCOTT'S EMULSION CREOPLIOS - COD LiVER OiL CAPSULES A.B.D. CAPSULES VITA VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES ONE A DAY T'ABLET'S A. AND D. VI'T'AMIN 'TABLE'T'S $1.09 95c $1.15. $2.45, $1.45 59c and 98r. $1.00 98c $1.10, $2.00, $3.50 $1.75 and $3.00 45e, $1.00 and $I.89 . $1.09 R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PHONE 20. •. tC1(4400Qtd(CtCt8(&itiICkItC 04(CIC AKIZiCientytStlt0CZCIG .Z4 ;tS(;5e(CIC►:bgIC'4I 1(CRKg tiv V 91 w r V • S. ''�'1 It/ • Home Furnisher - Phoned 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director. 10• 181/nor/DiDatlanDaDiltiDiDiDa,3'1lpiDiDIDWrn,rtDirag.VinD;DinDt;)IL'IN. ID atm 1)))4tDIN Living -Room Furniture - tiVc are offering Several Ne\v Designs in Ches- terfield Suites and Occasional Chairs - upholstered in the latest fabrics at most Moderate Prices, A wide selection 01' 1:11(1 'fables, Mirrors, 1 -las - socks, Living -Room 'fables, Wail Brackets, Cot fee 'fables a11(1 Other Odd Living -Room Pieces, \which hell) to ]make yOUP llonle more comfortable and en- joya1)le. A. call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering, r ,1111 , rill 1� /i','.1.� -.\ 4 1 .1' lis r', a -11/111r .I J, d11,, 111 .11 1, 1.., 14,111114C,�, .1111. 1 Y,1 • • • i• • • 1;.1,• 1,• 101;,1;.1,,1,• 1,..,.1,.1;,1,,1;,1;.1; •;. ;,• 1;.1,.1,.1,.1,1 ;., ,•I HURON G1ULL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT 11'0OD. GOOD SERVICE. .• Meals at All Hours. is FRANK GONG �- Proprietor .1. 1.1.10,0.1•..•..•..•.•.0./• 4.4..•.1•.+•. 1•. 0. 1•.1;11;• 1.11•.••. 4. 0. 01 .1.11.1'••.1••1.10.0,.•1.10..•11•.1•.1 0101•.: fuvrommayi .•. �..•1.1••.•.01+ •:•.:' . ••,.010.•.01;,.0.•1.1•.0..0 01.•• 0,1.11;11.1•.0. 01.1;, 0,1 ,1•.+•11•. •: 0,1+,.••.•. 0.1.11•. 0. 0.1;1:..;..;1 , i SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON - ON'IAR1O. ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM -SEPTEMBER 10'('11 Be Ready in a Few Months to do Valuable and Necessary Office Work COURSES: --STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL CLERICAL. M. A. S'T'ONE, Coln. Specialist, B. F. WARD, ILA, Vice -Principal. Phone 19i Principal. N;• 1;• 1;11;• 444;.1;1;11;• 41 4/ 1;• :• 1;• 1;11;11;11;• 1;11;1+;11:.1;1 41441:1 1,.1;• 1;.:11;•.:11;. •;11;• •;11;1.;11:11:44;1+;11;11.1;.1;1.;10,11,,1;,11;1 Pyjama.; and knitted gloves, in length - but N(;•1' rags or badly 3, \Vouecu's and (,iris' Garments - damaged, dirty or \\ urn out fabrics. overcoats, jatkel•, skirts, sweaters,: LOCAL COMMIT"I'E ORGANIZED tresses, lllldcr\\'l'ie's aprons. jllttlpel', snu'cks, robe:., niglln\r:il and knitted 5. Bedding -blankets, sheet., pillow In order 1'• co-operate s tti'ei'.`altlldy in this campaign a local committee Consisting of two lcprr,cnlaliwcs Irutn cant of the rel'gi. tl. organizations of the village, the \\•otucu's Institute, the cases, quilts. Red Cro•s, the I'ai'ltl Forums. and the h, Shncs-oxffortl, or Itiglt shot's (.ions (:Int), have le.cu appointed, of dutiable lypt \title low• or medium committee is asked to meet this Eri'lay 1 ire'cl, ,\II ,hors cnitcctt'd should be evening, September 7th. at h n'clocl: mated and securely tie'( into pair,.. 1 in the Community hall. To Illi: i 7. I•seal,Jv Remnants, Piece Goods-- net etirg Piddle Officials and reprisen- t Cat or uncut materials (cottons, ray- (alive:, from any other or);:\niiation are tats. w'oole", etc) r ne yard or more invited, wore matching coronet hcad'Iresses and I :\ National ('lothing Collection is be- i 9 ridgy, September ith. Fil CM r it 1 - sh^older-lengtl\ Weil, and carried Snow , ('ongratul;ltioll, t r \1 r. R. C. Jlr- Iiug sponsored by '1'110 Canadian l'nitrtl , Queen gladiolus. The hest nnut was (rowan of East \\'atvanosh, \rho cute. 'Allied Relief Dunt: on behalf of the; the bridegroom': brother, Darcy Dock heated his ;3rd l,irthr.n' on Fridat. 11'nitcrl Nation, Relief and Rcltabilit;t_ , Phot^ 37.26, L0IJDESEi0R0 ' 115.1 11.,,,.1. u I I . ing, Staffa. '1•' e wedding music was !August 31st. tion Administration \:\ming the period 1,1;1wed b\ the bride's aunt, \Irs. 111111- i ,._.. , ,:,,1.• Int_ , .. --. --. ort 1\'illianisrni, \\'a,rl.trrtk. During l'nn'lratti.a.ol,s In \Irs. Ilallahan \who colcbiatcrl hcr cath 0011;11 Clothing l'ollectinn in l';utada rlothi.,t for both \\iutct ;tint summer tate Sigh:"'- of the rct't,ter, ladles andbeing organized tltr, ughont the coeultrw \\e,r. .\ittloltgl, ,'dntlti'•'need lint Ill` birthday on 'Tuesday, September •nth. (,race L. I ', brother a •d sister of the i, an effort to bell, sleet ;his problem in perfect repair, it trust be useful to Fri !e sang 0 Pcrft(•1. Love; accontpan-1 Congratulation. t•, \Irs. W. J. 11;t1-;,ntl, un,louhted)y: will reprt.lalt one f the per•1'le \who receive it. ,\II types ir'1 by firs. \It'rwyn Enid). Timlahan w•dho celebrates her birthday on the best ote;oitnnitic, yet given the of washable garnlcnl, should he \vaslt bridegroom's gift to the bride was a Friday, September ith• ' ptopdc of this great country to give' cd before they are givr,t to the collec- •ilver serwire. A reception was held ('n)ter;.tnlatiott, to \V. J. 11a11ahan direct per•on'1t assistance to victims tion, but need rot be ironed. Other tvho celebrate, his birthday on \Vtd- 1of tear. \lo:'e than 125.(tt'I.ttI9 p.nplt` Rat' Rat' September 12(11. in libera',.d European nations are in tar 1 Congratnlati:`es to Mrs. Morris on dire need and of these more than' \ her birthday, 'fnestlay, September 411.',3;1,00Ln11t) are clildrutl. I Io\\ Congratulation'. 1•- \Ir . 1,11111 Ileff-I Type of Clothing Needed , 1 rt'1 tvho cetela';rte i her birthtl;ty on I The Canadian pnldic svill be asked 10 iott 'fucsday, September 4t11. lcontt•ibute in illi; campaign only such . Congratul;tt:ons 1.1 Robert \lorris, of SER\'ICI•::\111,1: used clothing as can frlloving the ceremony. The dining r: cin \was decorated with pink and white ftrralt'.r'rc and late stttitlltrt' flow- ers. The table was centered with tllc wedding cake and tall white candles. The bride's mother wore a navy blue figured salt chess. The brit!ettrnont'; mother chose a wine crepe dress. Bath wore corsages of white Killarney roses. The waitresses, cousins of the 1 menti. should be Clean and Saui- lost urgently needed arc the fnl- ing : . infant,' Garments - particularly tied .,rod. 2. Mel) and Boy,' Garments-iscr• mats topcoats. suits, coals, jackets,14 •;. 1••0..•.1 �.•, •..•.+•••••.•.+•..•..•.0•.•..••..•••.•.1•..•,1•,0•.•.+•.1•,0.1•.+•.1.11•,1.11••1.11•,.•.••..•.1•..11•.1•.1•.1•.0..•..•.,.1•..•1.11•.1 't. C f LL AT Wendy 5c to 81.00 tore .i• o• ,r• ,t• '1 't' .t• • >• :, 41 4, Hamilton who celebrate, his birthday he spared from their wardrobes without tit' and all types of wrorl:.clotht., .• on Friday, September ith, ( replacement. \\ hat is needed i, a t'a including overalls, sweaters, underwear I;= Pi!'�•`�'.'i"1•`_'Mi!'i`_•i'`!!�Y"��•'i'1T!•?"�•�•�'_'T'!i'_'�!JO!i_'i.•i!+►i00`_•i:0:?•:'C:+:'iM.'i•'.`_'�•i0i'.4'1?i:•�+O't.'.•i':i�bY'•_9•'r4'�,�4/1ii For IiITCI-IEN GLASSWARE. WORK SHIRTS. INF1AN'I'S DRESSES. AND OTHER NEW ITEMS ARRIVING FOR THE WEEK -EN D. To Serve You Will Be Our Pleasure. :, ;if if •• ••