The Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-11-18, Page 3L, Y WElYK The TelegT#ph. WIR. )y le c- Aoderi&.-B A62. If:,UU Ite e I I t it r u I I it v e li I i . i I I Ittt the bzktl roads P tftgrain In ijil u, es, leW ORT H b ttI rwq t till Dtitv hetrrib Pzn- ul elw wal :is lit 7 traiuc of"A tasfor, whm ot _ u clein't ffi out in the r R-Ounut Catliolicoiliblitti, boN*. oil Bed -till 41, b TIin was five be- The F EAPES r. STOCKS OF no exc b'v tI of, 11L IS, ONE T E.LAGEST ANIY CH ets u,;e fbr sLaryinz ra e t ork ii;s id, Vein, of 1;iiddb inc, ii . h 'I on the ild flames SPLL ilT, "Xtend upward )ust:llIpen0( -its T. leael Lndwih' be wh A'm '31 r. )[wrliouse nit ll ith'g' I rap : id to 1 - c ill. CLO strowed the sleepirig childr6n, all conV6 eA'lay C xp. oh , excelitt -and bove all lc tlll.: S V 4ere RV by'. the auv,' desirea iiitnain u r le to 6,,em on th won th t LoOk to a bar_-= YOO, Th av'iD 1. :P Let a as -is I' i s $15,060. X&- It will -1. tiat the Vinter tl b B. L, H.' IL ent ol Railwav Moiiiev d _W1 NE owigs - or- I -,.L761 illustrai the E tralin to arrivii at 7 tictri of he i'ma& l 0 o' t h Le C as c the,old stead of -watched the ran t .... ..... heretofore. hot equdl n :t b' -ill-open the -Post Office watkil tells ushe i to that or th th inted th .w about 745'f(.Ar (idi ery of paVerb Stov all tit _,geventy; W: in, e consunt. f 0 wo e w! VALI ill cl rtainlyv , bea ublie uttler' e lexrou 'ClOt bli to the th ulsltan)ce , lffado'..- hila Ttt'A ST. fl -fancar&ne' ut Is, NOW - teAIdy- 9 The ma l abo S3 h M b. _1 STY PER CENT, TWF E or --the arrit-al of houy A sour IF -the tvifie 6f.Nlr: THANTHE:C $,101 11 Over''Coa , tS for $a -Vests(, $1 will f a ; 'the eol mn badl Cloth for Sull, Of B r. Peter the adv meaf.6f found believeimn- TTI ibu ElIbrouhly -nnd D, is it a ., n iise th 1principal cities irit& 7 "h- T '&VESTS." T-nited S , .9. .'The waterrpipes in RDER', RT.9 V­YLL 0.00 .............. .......... a 0.30 MA N F RST: -ere arranered d -ahvillin- a a o' :p L uq` d ie rs a' 1.50 ed tl 11 vin- secur of :MR. CARR, a!i Cutteril- also, si ff oe favq sa. 00.6 an turing"s with' their or-: 'I did, fi 1 s iip and full vfater-is required: lt can d6its rr ay dep nA upiorigetti 0" S? en 0. U, ' afue'-- for their wney. b,-i imediat -1v oli.tained.b otore6id;'hard O's, o -oft, adil tl r I b.. tht -tw 4shiu- m _! eduf in, his L gs,, per doi. Any - . I,: 0 00' 1) 'd t surp UP III I of waf r 0. a lio 7. 0.00 3ti e 11 per o. 0 60 meal do. w` T ISIS .G10 G sh, ald'. Mr qiiiicsa. call. DR DS: do -a-0,0 Oeef.:ltt. a 0. -4 S OLMW ASSIZES-.' do -9liwn 17! 1-50''SHAWL The M ANTLES 0., E in -stance of'the.futher r 4sa. Q aig'Yar tsw AnN McKenzie, azlains 31dr tfa-irl din- in the town 0JR McDonald botb ."00 00 e0.2.5 0.30 0 "o,",l) 25 Tion bat,we state two 4 thrc e,.' . ­ .... 1. ... 'L -11, C).10 a 0 07, . 0.00 to the fj tt, that-, if ilic ...... WD E-0 ME D L OHE R 0:40 I.............. -14, rud y thc awl2w37, a4LO GODER1.11CH, October 18 62 em. eq 'r t1le ! ther of ............ I. - 4xu.Gooa F -tb, d ne, I t1 060 '0 5 A 1 1590. erthti in hii a and b z aA: 6, hi . nz yor a PLUG-,oF TOBACCO.,! A same e eE. at,its,- 4f h efore whole, 0_66 o f t e Ea 1 L.Y. told us that: 0als ......... 60 1 ._thc. Fall N h 'Iaver pqa ru Xw - Ubality, ot re .... ........... . D (w, 1,00 .4.50 but there, that th sto e Ho (ho ........ ij;ea 'bl R rt, Ll -Lid", rdici:'for jontreal-Weeklyconim PU e Ve p* t aiatorY Pri (IL W :be- ince e,IiAst wrote. The h - I bo f r,. a new o ere am John McLennant tp.(;O, t e a trial, -wee p 'deal of sta WIN tenced to two at hard There has bden very lit 11, N rill.be ice 0 Winter, - d atedve 'A spect -of ih a. Pis ariffg the p e jil an rRemg OIAM df ranl& , 'i, I . little S u bTo'stanid. -committed d th I I A. fine of,;E25., -k . . . 1. led for'somq in—an more s the amount is'p, Ed. time: th come.- ue Onquiy roI WHEIkT-L-There is not The Cour e ek': Ra hea-d- Al ' DIRECT FROM THE AxteIisj Robry, in Rr4ntford. is, deal of danip hhired, wheat. TED two sisters. maiTied] 'JI6 to d4facy Curnia-bam and 31liria 2e. B. B "d %bir Urmn Amfliei, nd'who, tesT.6 near $-i ol to 91.o.5; Whiteviester T' Towuscnd , Wo j d -T be .ror stearing 'goo -out ofsevetaL ds Visited on.t e:.ubove dq, on tLe pretnce- on r easier on, eFA. 15uti Silkr arcels iLre pressed ermo esiliDr"se ccliiis, es Whije.itl ei. ofthe; sis . IM: t , i, I atieodoq of.the. 41 e, :, - I= -'BUTTER­-Mhe oarket' v ery:-inactive . 6- :: bo in Delaines, Cais -qpur 'for ai y'buvb st q, Me av'".7 Winslbys, - us itiesi- vi U e other was. E 'LUS ire a raost;. lot yea., store; .13i:,to- 166a, from 'Lo P it7 -r eps Iring Stolen a Ou Sales tire at -2 -Skiftsti Ele-aiiissat be ore I him- 13 'c for, fairAziry, ind'I 56, L'!d an packages this,vii J16 RLSF ;Elie' p-='_bu- o'fooeitifthena. of the halter we. havIi diiclogar"f int' er'robberies tney- anr ec .ne in Uring .ia h bid. Ven . 1, ''1 1.1.1— . _P to the at o'ir q ti no' H: 0 T DMgli d k' 9to ini2i -iof the 446e ugn4edin, gocid very larg4 Am Lini liav w el"I 'K _,; ea.,f dadjecreted on ffieir perso but e 'ch xim Wn. atoppin ik-for at bind pI lois,;isel sea t d, 6 loo T4.r., 'were, ab linglif iiirci;gned, III f th pretty he Lvalsout e a earalle I a 0 v W" W, tu, ri and 4ia eg WiIiy = or5. PC .4q-lt n6ktcold, Pr'. The, prii t . present is ind,the ere cum .$4 5 to $ - inw.proed, they w e 0,0 _fo'rsmuIl*Iots f take:il the n t -eceipts of b are large, and J 11 ir, trial: ex BEEF The r Qxdrterf *zon 'tihedentana i ry small; sine Abe4eparture of Durfa iIie iminati uio 'Wedncid'y the wl A6 et. a y or stolen - .7fr The market is, d ii nlllii LEteesipi'Nook-Tids, ; Z - Is 'sseeAiid that had f Thu y, it w: I I A9HES— B n lonring gent emen at $6.7,6 tr, gale . s rsl &-'Graul,, 2. 's alvlz. Ribbons, Scails"vilow h Sti-oltridge & 61Y at S'6 25'to $6 and riiin SpI C a, c QJUU 4pl*l G 7 E EG S are &dttin" darce; 12c IS fie Botham, one at, 'one Balmola s ie aoCEaIj4' yldti 4tw riips dreSSr patternsi 3ji Lff . 1. . I , 1.11l I ib ri;ss politerl 4.a Ptincile of pri een but d b,iSi_'froM G - Y paid, 'Hzk6et'R6&er4,! tbe ife iif'a'f ' iiner livin;' SRO The businewdon6 this WL --small. Mr; Mitchell - freriII sugarg to4iiy; fr6u Chakles'D 6 -but, findi4g1lid, v ot`s of b Fs Urdreat W can, one but Ir litt e ress,,pattep q -two IT601- from./his own, he so 'Lirithdrawn -n I ne S I C', It - i n . ()IS' ea bq ud, ­ f gign two pairi br 5 'We rom, 1ohni ta 2 - a4r, ,kid' utton $8_75. gwte onep air, 3 5 i,,htc;St 'Porto Rica B12 ,nk T b e' unaltered., arns 'She figs, hiTtIn9 0,., P 9h nlniss!_,is,;', atent foxe clots, 4r, dy, ged koolls; W. Undnepair, 9 pranells-pe., Al . lotations Y, fromic.F_0 . D' Uil 28 paircIf'pan"nal to EB,.r U 3!%& 11011 3 @ATTARIET C:jia It is e#dcted -that thii" Qoveinmeat t i,6 T F UttY !NVI T' EC inte t! T- th 3, SPEIP C The *offioo u 0WIN W -P y P C R X WFIW, n A HITUALTIE; OTIC.13 is heiAT iv,,o fhflt,i4 liention'-will ol, -N Me -Z!L N MLUJOPS-, C. T) i9EXT S11, SSION THERE07- S.UANT to n power or S ale,'copfained in P2 ; " I - m = . . I . . 4- 1, L I Aortojri'! nuiUd L wis and J ulia G00FRICH 'for an, w,6r)Ao liarilioloiiiiew Se nlour, thili,Elder, .,Ciw, 4 Actato Aineind dh Act, A (t,having Lw6nalade I,, the Pavintiat Of the pr i-iu ihe-7.i year.of the. Beign OI-XiS Into [go )fd on D'o", 1 Alajtzly Ki0o. N 111iiiin :OtF4th, ,ealhled An &CtL ge mone Y) ill'bes 6f lqgUS't to. llat)letn,et,;tyadaCompa6.1, toereet.a.Harboir. rsday the 28thd 'at Godeakh ,,c a:`Lgki i Huron, y H A&D 9 T (0) aine lid L Tolls at'llic Hiirlidii 6,.h, L, Godt:nch, 4ii! vicliand-lor oi, 4 S. B. WOOD',' Huron Auction Alart, Goderic;fi, thelbil III ' 5oulti Bplr*16 and Lake. uron a- K-, -Hu- Co. d loom parlid"bla,li, 66 ih WetIL Street, IllI '1:owadf,.G.bd _-rl dqderich,'i 2 , I I ­ - W,111aill Little. li'd v ife to Ira-L-wisi %W ,ot-Number. lix, Ion the, soulh Ea -t side OvI PA61A Witer- Dr, '0' -West Stre,6,if, 'pik-kcular dq:wribe,1 in lin'hi nture from to Ira L" l'o4e,m%f Ch' J and efkqiv -110,49. ms Ca h' -Wed under Ir .2 ige call be s, n at'tfit3`,OtEee of, tile snlici-' i3ow in, u8 -fdr,elevalmg war V W '00 A C 'N DIA, 11` 0 TRA FRO11. WILLS -QV Mt WTH, Y,Jz362; y , , , 1 -1 ENDERSq IT T,, uuri.N n_ I will bl i =.s: Ir pt,gtponcd till Talurdd Ff it lai 4 6iiiel. anee of fl ei "!E R aqs, oa'At proi?Q-- st of NorembIi at 12'67eloek, nood.. li ;Aot Liable toge dIC s - 12wi:I37, tracA. for w.ee ex way. -twilweeril,13cpast and 'St. HeJ46sI;,'ou and,* IiIialle of, tll e A­Dfe hihs 15,wok calculated toloieeilbiiiwi u Proul.1660JIiiiiiiiiya I N on ljolmiliiack oi btberl! douz lnw I Iireae" u2v 1.7 -wiliel Isis, requi that 'biiv` Z.ille. is tl t,hpr" ie:. i r, qw, jreezli ­11le-mail.- leave 33 1f,,,I- or t December next,.,, I watermaw'be raised y it in. le ana _E tuio 'on 'inch three' Pee to r.Siat lion Illy 61 ; . 4, -i - tinfirias may from b'rwny a,`sW-tW,w *jani[l For siitW.i at the, N M will oncl It may b in 4 in operation. riot o c c -:coutamln inf rtnalion` N.i;,T. C S Us I& , co Al I sl of to &CA,111mi-t-may-be seen GOD"tca Nmt- Ertr' uncl. I,:, r .13 of IN Rany Lw. obtainedLat the jSi,46 as. -hod at, 7-t Posv 66. r .1 t LBERT GIIIIIFIN. AIX 0 P.,.o. Juspedt6r. F 1A NDIS VES7 S`i 'GODERICH, ilk, StotlB_ 'S 41 Il, of' Y virtue of 4 Wmt .-or L 1,i)0k East of Mr ad ery nited Cmintie, J J,C Vaj Counx - %Y­ br_ AUMON. TCHES, CLOCKS 'AM JEWELRY, Lprt ofi#e (7ourity, keli, a6d to, 'nimthrectea E4oqsranjj.jd'AVmda9.wlucb were of id rr JA fS I g,4, 6W4 against th . 'D 0? 1,191 11irant Kilbouru, dI af tbe nine' oC Ilk, rr airns the best-St -',W and ' fJo1aAndrcw41IoberLC _ead , od ­Ibe' idministItircd at W "in 'd -Wit AIUL na IIZ; -16 LENT nit" al6 iuit of.john' Creasor evint srie-rrmy­conlrtMr;­:- anor Jr, hovii seiV I will not Pay - ally tolali,,K.RY aSR.R,1S- _ejiiii: M. and.lLtakin,., L 4 & 101:ited 'XiBiWic' M_,. Wilkkp4 -arid to title and intemst onifli iaid del fidxint;, in Rinjo" 9' rnlhw to bit, pa mprozanio'd LotiNinubers4,,2 '4, I-idaid ,, 3i, -7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1 x if lot. iii -311, 3 2; 'Y 14j. 15, 16,47i 21,22, 2.7, 26,28; ,23, 3u, Z1, 96,< 37; 4il,,,43; 45, 4ti; 47,48.- 49 ,Z%10 'fp; 93; 97, 98,'99i Y -711,71mJ% 1.134 STgAy 61, 7K,7.7,I­79, &% 8, Al L, OF 10TS AlAYkIi 13 134; -from the the subscriberi '1"16, 118 jig 120; 121,112 A AL no 15 5,45P;-15V and .eol.,t tfiiI I st of AujustIhA84 a b' .9 Sri rill-ing Sll VMS— - " A) o 7 77 ge of Invermayj in !. e, oudty Jbe.fiiider.wilibes6itabiv'.r waW Br6i=;bei69"5ubdivi-ons qVIam lots­14 lo' 'P'afld OntNO Of All the unsold Town _'LOIS in the 30 in,the 66viiinth,noncei0ion of. the',Tt BLAIP - ,.I r , - _­ - 'Al"" li " idl - Vii. I " I f Z j! au Soon' B' :Y4 in i e,rapi Arrap, wpnt r I d Lurgati'P. 0-' 2o neres,; In - corn 6h , ___ - , vv,1211,4v raim 'ti) , `Noi 29'aud:31 XMI.INn nsvi 862." '1, )fii rlsirug V agi Ha WhIe4L Lands and tiiimiffinnts, ] slitill -mdt lei maining portion In er for'"Ie, at my offiditi in the Court, Abu e 'o I se in. N; AZ SCHOOL `, -AXT - o I A out. into Villa, 29, (in the Town iof Godirich, 'on Tuelld.k the $e*eo_ Ire IeDiorbain :RoaA,id'the1ow)i-: A DY TeaOwr, holding a finit-clat's certl- Tw4ve of We cloolq. noon, f,eiite, iII'desi,. oulof obtainin; a school in -tile lqiiN XACDONALM iiifie,& ifli It ed A ' y to Tw&l 10OLMi t, 'lot Nov.I.1862: e, - )d on GodcriqhiI 1. ; Q & A, 01 o o6eir Ist;, 1.86" w4O On thin grou! v%el Thutdqj,17 qal, tp 616 lick preri bey. - da, lj* As$uraiftee oMpa C M rft_r -'$all the We wpin.-slifunder 'a "Weects d a- hel at time ofitwe. its ,g th the-Clinir Instant-. John, Ferrie,Z$11 Ilvi - " I I rho IIaunrabe on T66daj, file 6th I ec 'Aties held; by,tllt G, Walkerton as' the center of tiiA I,mpan , wh a if 'Sifi6h 617 ,movetj by.the flint tue Reoilt W adoplW. UW b- $11 '' 'E, it 'it, y r , Aal*VP.&i'couutY of rota, -W NZoo bicih has just b eew 7- lba clnar Condit, h prd _V U74, p -7, ,, - , t I a c of illi'm I so before it by I h e- Diffie'cl&s,"and having tig, en n stakee pl? F,tftemonv hati Inuilt pLJ&iIure in, i biop to ina -e-th&prop 14 e most jesir. in the Stati)Ilfy'OtthcA:91upa dr. oltek5l$ In, weigera Vaua. - tatemenis,',and the, gl peral*d*11sit!on. ,an gen . e . rat able inVestmentsmo da'.. J]ii ti Into Idea& _oy'l 8!1,r preseaLlUirectors, uack cantc "11'17i, itled loa continuance oftilit Ptiblid 'TITLE!, R7ECM. 'tERMS,. _ b _ fbarh, orby,ap 2dotions and the lte blutionswp.re carried unarifid".1y -writh-the.eitcaption 0I Hon Irro'. bill' J dea-ad id iil nif U g aqo= to be. glveuaq ino.g. k- ketuiled]Q,nrL5 ofthemecting-may 66-fiall on applicationi ZTIT; ;drailjtarl M ]1AX er parlit A,1; MM _P R!R_ WMIL C V b, 'AGENT' F-MUSON & r L 4Y 6U,el Solicitors, P zri haw .......... 1Z dim" -a C d ---------- .') X y E 0 LEND. kdkky p V_ , J., rpmE Sri bicribers 4 "N In r ew t Is Inort a gag,6, C& peri of ruz= i4i fiv'l WdL. sw2S -0-ODSI:. S ST cnt- Into h e.. .'4.11,!Zell P NA, ICOD. HL 10 U -1 F,'8,1 of S plcniber I o 6 wr ior, bt"r, risino,thiee.yenrIp J ;. -- ".1 "'i I 'ZiE I , and Wke,%anw!" 11VILL lith 1862. All JON' r - A, o .ii, kit w4,4417 ­Bega 16 iplurin-Yi I i1v u4toiners'aad-the pdblic geheI tl Mi SALE, OF ic I,, iecelil-Ld it fill,I and-com;Ilete-assortat eat o iled Coa.iies -f lTni -by vlm e,Irmwo -itsot. TAIL, IR ,., :VWINTER: Hurbh and Bruoe' ToI Wh: oil fier. Walein yl -k County 'GOODS,18- - Court of the Xn!!cd I C99p1!!tiS ov fluroff a o'd Furdhased'in the, -and seledt q wi th 8est Markets r - CD B, Ric the gall; id lLu k;"mPrISe3A Alexander Cameron: Inn#, William Renwicks 'John; Gardner sifil-Robert Gairdner; E) eeu . M (or* of the Ina will miltestament of Thomae; d6cbaIed - bave-ei zed and- iukea Cnird"er. HX_utiorl all rfflht, title said 'I "M lliefiilkiiii6rimib t'of STIPLE GOODS, 'AN4 id.DiIfenfdant, 0tndto,L6tNumber%Twb,­ Co%n, y -ANKETS, SHAVU!l'; MAN EL Rillie'l. in the Towjishi,, ol Stanley and fi,-Z men ITutillote or L 'ioat ad , ofrer.fiar.salr y Ou Plain tind'Fdlicy. Wince'laii 66 X :1 n& pAce; rt'lloA 9AP !hp To FILP1 file Seventeenth. -aoy of Wool Plaids Hosiery., 79Z -;I 'CD Februirin6xi- C., Glo es Wool Pqrfs, c N MACDONALD, P. -AL 9'0 - c:.=: Sheriff, H. &-. B A LARGE,' VARIkTY OF H60P S'KIR&S''I Grd zli, 4 lh ST6 OTH9 irill- '6,:i ,IIitntl 0. CL otti 156 E. A.'s - a . econd to none -in "Fown,-, coin v ,ilihg'tfana zan, t1W,_Cl6'1 fp 14T, LETTERS -4 "ki Clothir andSWUndles, PaWmeries, Dt a, "I. Beaverst &ilds, E ATI M TINiq # tlie Go -h post Officl j r Stal Skiiia, English and German Z"4,p"' X I! he, R. Norembev. sti Ani -John Anderson Jarn keh, Engllflift art SCdt01 111,74we FVer d 'ALSO 'A, oe .oflleud. I_- AtkinsouStut- Alt.4.koc 136vIij h;d -13UAI I.- wap Large St Mid6.Clotliinp_' Y SO Cornei*'Oi 'Ki on Street, 'And 4 'rjot 6 CD i1pVut to o law 6 ghopi At= C Blo"1111 i cal. r.a.c Can, Mts Ch- J_ or Wmo i, - Clitir Win lksion John, T.-Id-i'JunItis i"S 'SALE OF L ANDS. L RM pik Capt %N m 'Elli.tt`rhmss L Y virta,, of Two Wiit,i' B Exponas 7r leiI . . d. G "d Woc- o,- and-Tiee Writis ol Fieri Fa. Gillm.,lij, jwa,,s.,)G- Ili,, Mi. 1 -kin to '.'it Ind cooat Court­d to rxic directed a gaill.l. VALUABLilkoptAT, Y r i.. 27or 'l -e Harlih It a,, and T, achl.iits vfj­ _-'Plt Nv.lk er and I q G Hoge- Mr.'. - ,1-.W,.Ik,,r, la tbe-,uA of L'p-,, ban, I I . . J.hli JolulsoriNvillhun r J Cli'arie !he I i,t will and-testaulenC TS 14, 62, 2 6_41, 2561 each a 1,61inuacre :L Cheoler Hoai5d : John 1 rouoOu J)r kTnoe, ioie'Ah xajider Wood Stra'ehiili; decrosid, tajcen,iljExeuutloa till tlxc right; 805, (on which istands;i good Brick Bouie) lniIid LoI one-adre2o,all'1a,',qie Town.of Gode -Ilforchi_a Doliald yt,r I A 11= 12=1 J-. Maltiohn Mitur JoUn - -i " seiiied ittid i interest Of the sttid I)t-Aititidants, in, anil to jl h, Countyof -flumn. Alaoi., Lot No. I.: L'ake ' _14 h i FaInti r , : _ Z_ , L! g, . . I I . lc=Xkzl MpIlilvi Andw I Ah lidIf of Lot . I NIII or Ilrant, eohlaininiz, 25 Acres; art of Uld '48 4iIiQWD)G21bornii,"Poi. nty- ofIlur in,, ad 57,16res, two, ruiles - ir Goderich Towm The I A11,1 cC .NTJKlft40f­'FN ML It If it, fit. ist Guiic,, i6nI it., cobttlinhig ibov lot s fini soW cheap and oil time: Title ia- 1A J DH Mr ,io., N., D.1 R. the I'l., ,I'Le$ jilg,'50 Lot a bil'i UNL a' ly PN LJN i) OD F Call). 1k. DfilShilj Thwals, a('re.; pita 27 U29 D. R.' Loi ...... t xg— Pi ­ P I) R. It1;bi`,,,,l., 11, Rmwimah,J.h. Uft - R"ll'y U:Ii Lois -16 a:,d _1-t I ti -list c.sIioll, "Y i6i bi 'ands wid ,1iotfi!r hir 11,Y oflicd in tile sunt sh oz J.1nes 7: on,fuelidav dav ot'DL mbcr ne t, at' Ill. hour 617 ;Q Xz- s`i'1v"A%JfJ­silihn 11.b.W F TayhIr 0 tile eloel , nooll. 1 0 J uUN_,!J:1_Q)ONAI D. A S AIP, Wilittly, Jos XqiIs,,nS-& B T =& TV I Wi 16iI s '%Ti6ouJcihu Woodward X= POLI.00K,, DepiltvSherill' I' --, .; # AV!e,,,l, R 6 criff Is Oilieel G, Ieric.h, 0 Al e, 'J.!A!9g-V&TS0.N, Yostmaster. r o I lt`i `­ ( I . A HITUALTIE; OTIC.13 is heiAT iv,,o fhflt,i4 liention'-will ol, -N Me -Z!L N MLUJOPS-, C. T) i9EXT S11, SSION THERE07- S.UANT to n power or S ale,'copfained in P2 ; " I - m = . . I . . 4- 1, L I Aortojri'! nuiUd L wis and J ulia G00FRICH 'for an, w,6r)Ao liarilioloiiiiew Se nlour, thili,Elder, .,Ciw, 4 Actato Aineind dh Act, A (t,having Lw6nalade I,, the Pavintiat Of the pr i-iu ihe-7.i year.of the. Beign OI-XiS Into [go )fd on D'o", 1 Alajtzly Ki0o. N 111iiiin :OtF4th, ,ealhled An &CtL ge mone Y) ill'bes 6f lqgUS't to. llat)letn,et,;tyadaCompa6.1, toereet.a.Harboir. rsday the 28thd 'at Godeakh ,,c a:`Lgki i Huron, y H A&D 9 T (0) aine lid L Tolls at'llic Hiirlidii 6,.h, L, Godt:nch, 4ii! vicliand-lor oi, 4 S. B. WOOD',' Huron Auction Alart, Goderic;fi, thelbil III ' 5oulti Bplr*16 and Lake. uron a- K-, -Hu- Co. d loom parlid"bla,li, 66 ih WetIL Street, IllI '1:owadf,.G.bd _-rl dqderich,'i 2 , I I ­ - W,111aill Little. li'd v ife to Ira-L-wisi %W ,ot-Number. lix, Ion the, soulh Ea -t side OvI PA61A Witer- Dr, '0' -West Stre,6,if, 'pik-kcular dq:wribe,1 in lin'hi nture from to Ira L" l'o4e,m%f Ch' J and efkqiv -110,49. ms Ca h' -Wed under Ir .2 ige call be s, n at'tfit3`,OtEee of, tile snlici-' i3ow in, u8 -fdr,elevalmg war V W '00 A C 'N DIA, 11` 0 TRA FRO11. WILLS -QV Mt WTH, Y,Jz362; y , , , 1 -1 ENDERSq IT T,, uuri.N n_ I will bl i =.s: Ir pt,gtponcd till Talurdd Ff it lai 4 6iiiel. anee of fl ei "!E R aqs, oa'At proi?Q-- st of NorembIi at 12'67eloek, nood.. li ;Aot Liable toge dIC s - 12wi:I37, tracA. for w.ee ex way. -twilweeril,13cpast and 'St. HeJ46sI;,'ou and,* IiIialle of, tll e A­Dfe hihs 15,wok calculated toloieeilbiiiwi u Proul.1660JIiiiiiiiiya I N on ljolmiliiack oi btberl! douz lnw I Iireae" u2v 1.7 -wiliel Isis, requi that 'biiv` Z.ille. is tl t,hpr" ie:. i r, qw, jreezli ­11le-mail.- leave 33 1f,,,I- or t December next,.,, I watermaw'be raised y it in. le ana _E tuio 'on 'inch three' Pee to r.Siat lion Illy 61 ; . 4, -i - tinfirias may from b'rwny a,`sW-tW,w *jani[l For siitW.i at the, N M will oncl It may b in 4 in operation. riot o c c -:coutamln inf rtnalion` N.i;,T. C S Us I& , co Al I sl of to &CA,111mi-t-may-be seen GOD"tca Nmt- Ertr' uncl. I,:, r .13 of IN Rany Lw. obtainedLat the jSi,46 as. -hod at, 7-t Posv 66. r .1 t LBERT GIIIIIFIN. AIX 0 P.,.o. Juspedt6r. F 1A NDIS VES7 S`i 'GODERICH, ilk, StotlB_ 'S 41 Il, of' Y virtue of 4 Wmt .-or L 1,i)0k East of Mr ad ery nited Cmintie, J J,C Vaj Counx - %Y­ br_ AUMON. TCHES, CLOCKS 'AM JEWELRY, Lprt ofi#e (7ourity, keli, a6d to, 'nimthrectea E4oqsranjj.jd'AVmda9.wlucb were of id rr JA fS I g,4, 6W4 against th . 'D 0? 1,191 11irant Kilbouru, dI af tbe nine' oC Ilk, rr airns the best-St -',W and ' fJo1aAndrcw41IoberLC _ead , od ­Ibe' idministItircd at W "in 'd -Wit AIUL na IIZ; -16 LENT nit" al6 iuit of.john'.1ele evint srie-rrmy­conlrtMr;­:- anor Jr, hovii seiV I will not Pay - ally tolali,,K.RY aSR.R,1S- _ejiiii: M. and.lLtakin,., L 4 & 101:ited 'XiBiWic' M_,. Wilkkp4 -arid to title and intemst onifli iaid del fidxint;, in Rinjo" 9' rnlhw to bit, pa mprozanio'd LotiNinubers4,,2 '4, I-idaid ,, 3i, -7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1 x if lot. iii -311, 3 2; 'Y 14j. 15, 16,47i 21,22, 2.7, 26,28; ,23, 3u, Z1, 96,< 37; 4il,,,43; 45, 4ti; 47,48.- 49 ,Z%10 'fp; 93; 97, 98,'99i Y -711,71mJ% 1.134 STgAy 61, 7K,7.7,I­79, &% 8, Al L, OF 10TS AlAYkIi 13 134; -from the the subscriberi '1"16, 118 jig 120; 121,112 A AL no 15 5,45P;-15V and .eol.,t tfiiI I st of AujustIhA84 a b' .9 Sri rill-ing Sll VMS— - " A) o 7 77 ge of Invermayj in !. e, oudty Jbe.fiiider.wilibes6itabiv'.r waW Br6i=;bei69"5ubdivi-ons qVIam lots­14 lo' 'P'afld OntNO Of All the unsold Town _'LOIS in the 30 in,the 66viiinth,noncei0ion of. the',Tt BLAIP - ,.I r , - _­ - 'Al"" li " idl - Vii. I " I f Z j! au Soon' B' :Y4 in i e,rapi Arrap, wpnt r I d Lurgati'P. 0-' 2o neres,; In - corn 6h , ___ - , vv,1211,4v raim 'ti) , `Noi 29'aud:31 XMI.INn nsvi 862." '1, )fii rlsirug V agi Ha WhIe4L Lands and tiiimiffinnts, ] slitill -mdt lei maining portion In er for'"Ie, at my offiditi in the Court, Abu e 'o I se in. N; AZ SCHOOL `, -AXT - o I A out. into Villa, 29, (in the Town iof Godirich, 'on Tuelld.k the $e*eo_ Ire IeDiorbain :RoaA,id'the1ow)i-: A DY TeaOwr, holding a finit-clat's certl- Tw4ve of We cloolq. noon, f,eiite, iII'desi,. oulof obtainin; a school in -tile lqiiN XACDONALM iiifie,& ifli It ed A ' y to Tw&l 10OLMi t, 'lot Nov.I.1862: e, - )d on GodcriqhiI 1. ; Q & A, 01 o o6eir Ist;, 1.86" w4O On thin grou! v%el Thutdqj,17 qal, tp 616 lick preri bey. - da, lj* As$uraiftee oMpa C M rft_r -'$all the We wpin.-slifunder 'a "Weects d a- hel at time ofitwe. its ,g th the-Clinir Instant-. John, Ferrie,Z$11 Ilvi - " I I rho IIaunrabe on T66daj, file 6th I ec 'Aties held; by,tllt G, Walkerton as' the center of tiiA I,mpan , wh a if 'Sifi6h 617 ,movetj by.the flint tue Reoilt W adoplW. UW b- $11 '' 'E, it 'it, y r , Aal*VP.&i'couutY of rota, -W NZoo bicih has just b eew 7- lba clnar Condit, h prd _V U74, p -7, ,, - , t I a c of illi'm I so before it by I h e- Diffie'cl&s,"and having tig, en n stakee pl? F,tftemonv hati Inuilt pLJ&iIure in, i biop to ina -e-th&prop 14 e most jesir. in the Stati)Ilfy'OtthcA:91upa dr. oltek5l$ In, weigera Vaua. - tatemenis,',and the, gl peral*d*11sit!on. ,an gen . e . rat able inVestmentsmo da'.. J]ii ti Into Idea& _oy'l 8!1,r preseaLlUirectors, uack cantc "11'17i, itled loa continuance oftilit Ptiblid 'TITLE!, R7ECM. 'tERMS,. _ b _ fbarh, orby,ap 2dotions and the lte blutionswp.re carried unarifid".1y -writh-the.eitcaption 0I Hon Irro'. bill' J dea-ad id iil nif U g aqo= to be. glveuaq ino.g. k- ketuiled]Q,nrL5 ofthemecting-may 66-fiall on applicationi ZTIT; ;drailjtarl M ]1AX er parlit A,1; MM _P R!R_ WMIL C V b, 'AGENT' F-MUSON & r L 4Y 6U,el Solicitors, P zri haw .......... 1Z dim" -a C d