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The Blyth Standard, 1945-08-15, Page 1
THEJ VOLUME 55 - NO. 51. LYTH STANDAR BLY'1'II, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1915. C.Q.M.S, Howard Tait Howe 'Mr. Frank Rogerson Retires 0I3;TUARY After Five Years Overseas' As 'Telephone Linc Man Charles Edgar Bell (',1).\I.S. II,w;.rd Tait ,arrived in, \!r. (rank Rogerson, Inc the past 23 ihis r.iniininlitY ,.a, )rally shocked tows by train t tt \1"ndav, .\ugn,t 1,1th, 'ears lineman on the Myth \lunicipal formai%) a period of 5 year, and ,1 Telephone System, has handed in his months 0\t'r,t;ts, Ile \vat Inlet in 'I'ur ;l'l'sit01;11i alt itt the ('o111111issiolters to a!n't by nit ,lift, who atrinlpauird Hint take el feet .\ugtlst 31st. hack to Mr. 'fait i, nit !tartit'tt Friends tltro,,gloln the community tarty %yell I;torn to re, although his wife'\\Ilich the III::ill 'Telephone System and family, II' \\ ;Hal and Betty, have 'sena" , will hear of his resignation milt resided herr for the past four years. regret. \Ir. Ittgt't•,tIn %a, highly ratted ,Ill's 'Tail'., home is in Yurko '11, Sask., ill telelth,rnc circles as a tec nlician, and \thee(' hl, agell mother, ,vlt'r h How 87, (vas recognized for 111, ability through - still rc dth..s, Ili (lope, to visit her dmlimit many parts of Ontario, I lis quiet, ittg the ei rets' of the next \\ eel: til' ,',. unassuming 'nattier has gained for hill( Ile has ma set 11 her for the past 12 nothing tall friends, ;Is Ile daily (,lied Itis years. n'or'; among the subscriber, of the ('.(1.\I.S• Howard '('art enlisted al Syst(nl. Toronto 1.11 \I •tech fah, 1')111, in the _'nd ' \Ir. Inger- •n, whose native to,vn i; Field C Onttany, h,1'.I':. Hp trained at Barrie, commenced his ,wnrl: ;is a line - 'I orulll", and proceeded Uyt'1',e;l, oil Ilia!! over 30 f'l'at', ago near iNII'1'll'„ 'lay, I'llit. Ile ,trent his entire over Before roiling to Myth in 1922, he was sea, service in I':' gland. .\t the time employed for one year on the Gaderich of the i)it'ppv Paid he \la, schtdoled to Rural 'I'el.lthone Company. \\'lien cotn- ltarticil'ale, but at the last minute, due ling here ire ,ucceettutl \It•, ['Ulu, who to his age, he wits scut back to a hold bad been linen an lora short time, ; unit.Iunit.littiti , Iii, long ,twirl' 111 l NII„ Josephine \\'t"tll'ol'iC is the 0111,' this war, he served for -1 years in the Ime lbcr of the staff who morales him last war, 'in point of service with the System. ('.O•\I.S, 'fail desires to thank the Miss 11'i, •dt• tel: has been with the Sys- lilyth hell (loss, the members of the tent toyer 3(1 ye;,l•<, Myth 'Turnip !'Lunt, and the Clinton In conversation with \I r, Rogerson llr;nlch of the Canadian I,(,;ion for the lie retllarketl of the great ad,'ancentent uric(, ,int eig,t'cile, he t'ccei'cd senile mall(' in telephones during the past 30 overseas. This courtesy \vas all the years, 11'h'n 'it canoe hire in 1923 the more apol-echoed %hell be ton.idrreil 1l)Ivtlt System had just stowed into nets, the fart Ilett he was ;I stranger to the "quarter over the building- which they people of this cuntnlunity, now occulty. .\ few years ago they. Followg Ili, ,ill day furlough he re pt rtla;cd the building, and after a t'(Int- porIs bait(: it, 'I'oi'ctito, ,them' he hopes plot(' t't'Itlntle11,11g tnt,'ed into their very soon to secure his di'eharg', It Iprru'!tt spacious, and up to date tpnu'- is then his intention to return, \v'ith his Ices, \Noll,:% \I r, Rogerson cane here in wife ;and family, t1, I':nglanll, \there he 1922, \Irs, James \tootle ,was the night has a good position ;ttwaitirg Iran, operator.. \I r,. 'Taal »'as horn in Ireland, ;Hill "The present -flay annual meetings of practically all her relatives are living tilt' System ;nye pretty tante affairs there. It \1'111 In, going llt)Illl' for her. compared to sante of the ('locus tittles Local friends :u•e very glad to sec of past years, ,when the !fall tt'ntlld be the family re'ttnited after so matt) t'ltll nt subscribers, aid everything but years, and \,'ht's the time colics fur fists were ((sell is differences of °pin- tl'en1 t t depart, the good wishes 01 tltc ion were expounded," said \I r, Roger- conuuunilytwit( fallow• theta, "IIappy Hearts" 5.5. Class Entertained On Tuesday. elesing of last \\Teti, the, members of the "happy Hearts" Sun- day School clays, laut,ht by \Its, Ber- nard Hall, \\ere entertained :It tic home of \lis, \larg;u''t \larsiall• :\ very plia,ant social evening tuts spent, with game, on the Latv'n, after w'ilich some guessing contests ,\ ('tot' enjoyed indoors, \Irs. Halla :d lits .\lire \Ic- i\enzic 11111 pr',:'s, \\ Idle \liss15 Lois Grasl)y ;and Delores \!c\all \'oil con- solation prizes, \I'r, hall then tool: charge for the business, and the lot - Loving officers \vire aIloil_"ted by bal- lot, for the new year: President: \la'garct \larslrill, Vice -President : Lois Doherty. Sccrutai y : \i arjoric Doherty, Ass'! Sir'\: Delores \IcNall, Treasurer ; :\lire \I' tenzie. t\st,'t Torras.: Iona Johnston, i'r gramme Committee: Frances Ilal- iylnan, Lois !!',ashy, kerne Pollard. \liss Lois (;raspy prtsided at the pi- ano for 1 sing song, after which lunch- eon \\'as !•ir\ it by the hostess, A hearty vote of ticulks Ras tendered to Mr. ;urn' \Irs, \Iarsllall. MISSION BAND MELTING The 'menhir monthly meeting of the \lis,•irn (land u1 Loving Service Ryas held on Atturd,:y, August lltll, with 39 present, After working for a time at Scrap ito 'ks, a discussion tool: (lace on the I?nlb1Tnn anti robots, t)tn•ing the \Vorshi;t period, Miss Fcrtc Pollard acted as piani.,t and Gicnyce Ikaintun read the Scripture. The minutes of. the July inteli'ig were read by Shirley Falcentr, '1 he children then Marched to the grow ids of the church, ,vttei'c a pct•it d of games and singing ,were en- joyed. Lund' was slt'vttd by the mem- bers of the \I ission Band committee. MR. I IEFFRON IMPROVING \It'• •loam 1leflt'on, who has been confined to his room for the past three \\'coli:; is able to be around attain, :In;i we ;1t e• hoping t'+ soon SCC hint do,vti maim,' town, Re,', .lir. \\'etke;, of Glencoe called on \It'. and \irs. 1lcffron on Sunday. iN WINGHAM HOSPITAL ', Derck Slurach, elder sun of Mr. and -Mrs. Fratk till rack, is a patient in the \\'i!'glt:un hospital, where he is ander going treatment fora throat infection, \Vc arc pleased to report that he ,ryas oil the (Head \Vedticsd,ay morning. sun, --V-•-+ BIRTHS 'i 1)RRISU\- :\t \\'inghaul General Hospital, on Sunday, .\ugust 5th, to Mr. and Mrs Chester \lorrisun, of Illy'th, the gift of a daughter, • *• !'OS'I'ER -.\t \\'ingham General hos- pital on 'Thursday, August 9t11, to \1t', :Ind ND's. Harold Foster, of 111\111, a daughter. The baby passed away the same day. VPKI\SON-In \\'Ingham hospital on \\•cflncsliay, August. Stlt, to \lt', and Mrs. J. E. Atkinson, the gift of a daughter. • ** Iti;I.I,-1n \\'inghat General Hospital, on 'lotto:',duly, August 7th to \I r, a'nd \Irs, hohcrt hill, the gift of a sou, * ** \It(;(\\'.\\ -.\I :Ucx;ultlra hospital Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Fire Bell And Fire Engine' International Secretary husband Telephones From England Siren Start Victory Parade Present Al I,iuns Meeting 1:M1,t oig the announcement at the fbe L'I\ to i ion- Club bo'l'l ('It ir Nilo. Joe \LI,1•. received a telephln' l.i"I1, Clot, met ting 111 1 nt',tt,l\• night Smola.;afternoon, \II c;iriv'1'uc,tlav night \\lull i1 t\a, Matin- lite ,titlper l,n•ttin)! In the NI. Iwo- lath on);n l Stl, ed that \I r. l'llarlt', Edgar hell hall hull the .lar \' •, e a n!t'Inl,t,n, of tilt' no Hall 1n Tuesday evening \dill a11 from her !ails • tl, 1 11. •,,i,,, I• ,' \lark•, \'-1);' committee anti Lion, out, pared away %hill.undcrgotng "",(:"1- c�rellt cat atten'Lun e of I'), inrin li ,� wh1 i- stationed at Ill;u'►:1,111, 1•.ne.airl. ergenry (,teratism in the Clinton nos- uicnibcl•, held ;. short %welt an'I ;, vt,ilrug I.t' t Iron) l liutt n and \\'lug- 'Illi r"u•,u:.;It'"n l,titt! .is. tit lit t , ;ad r" 1 un was It!a sell tut f 'r \I etlne., pilal. Mr. Bell hall \yorkcrl up Until 5 f g'a 1I ha°1, a, .\'ll lnlernatrlc;tl Serr't;Ire, rwil+l be 11"I'd Intel' eic•oly, day. \!r, 1.,1. 11hn,lon, chairman "f "'edit: Ines !ay afternoon, August 7111, oruee \I til ilio. ,11," present as guest. 1 lilt. set. Marks has been overseas lbs \"-l)!t\ touunrttt Ii:ol rtii,,t of IIIc of the Club r.ere ,cheat recently re- shire ,;,"o,,.(151), 1'lI.l, tool i, .ercrug mit ti he \ya, suddenly strtcLen, i is Inae'tin;. I)u' tt, the ,hurl Halite tilt' turned nen, wb1 \tcrt introduced to \till! 'lit Roll' vats I;ILP 111"(11(, Alir) 1n'Ihr;ll :1111 llllllll'- pr1ill'lll til aI\Yrtl,llig flit' p1 t'''t'(tiros diattiv sununttrcd, folhoving t'llith h( the Chili u!en!bel s br Lion i1e"rg,' le"' 11 - _ .y-.-._ tons ,ilial b\ the acquire ni the fire \•ail, and acct led a rousing Lion, 1 r , r l for rushed In the (:hnt,rll hoperal iell, alt(! the newly acquired lire truck •;, COZGItA I I)LA 1 IONS lot ;111 emergency n ,rratt,tll, 1111 a ,era_ I u • it,'t iirnt'I oleo present \te'r', I i was tai ,I 111 1',111' cal Ill(' 1111 I1 with ( "!it:r'It!Ilt!h,: - 61 petty Young 1\'llfl !lull ,rut;cll (vu tlitu•h of a shirk, and lilt'% 'i,1•ser, lark \\',tl-1n, i titar,l l the ,iron (\,ohne{. "the commotion had 1, b, ate, hei till; hirth,lat on \\'etluc•- hc passrtl away abnnl 4 a'clurl: lltc „! i' \l,o'I Tan, an'I hu -•t II I sown I i,u, .Nuel! t 1:'h. the do it'r.d elite( of not only bringin', 1',,1I, \1 PIC'1111 at the ,;au' mid,' it• 11111• cwrnrng. \Ithougll he had uo( !' tot 't t,llatr"n t' i',Iftiria \ ttti ,nf Inefnrc Ilio pnbbl the l'rlteeding, I'f thy been (•tett%' tile hest fur a (vert: or t't were l.il,i!' "11 1'." \IrInt\1e, and next day, btu touched "ft a ,imu- S;lt,tin!e, ttln' et lelnate, her 8th birth - ;den hail cuntinut! 10 ,\ori:, awl his sad- "c ret \!t'\;til, b' II ctirr;ot 11 this 'ci;ly on I ri'I,ly, .\n);u,t 17111. . l,llll'ttll, ;lemon, 11':Miall of 1't'hei ;111,1 j1\' ;dell (ll'illlse %vas a great shock to 111`-, "al.'( r,!Ill1';11!1!;1l1 !" la Miss Iona John ,whirl) raged on until alln,t,t nlid!li,ihl. 111111 is ;Ind blends, \Ir, 11'11 \tits in IL" 11; : ;lit' 1 11!1, it1n1 flit,(' n, wa- „, brl lebra!e, bet birthday alt Both Li iVtt'ltJ0 ;aril children joined in his (15th year, Iparttl tt: up and (lion' main street !(!1111 n"11 I're•'lent, I.i'n i..\• Sutler', ,, \!„f!%'Ltllsu .\u)'u•1 'tall, ' A „)a of the late John Bell and ,III)lilll;, ,litJlltinif, and beating on ally- "flit! al''' !!Ir Rrl'\e 11 1 lino .11, Lion ���•�.� 'Frances Sltaw, tleceaseil was hors ill ;thing t!l,tt \tau!(! 'lake a noise. hill \ i 0 I:; ! '!!cry I lea11 n: the \1 inglanl V•J Kl'1 fENS \larris 'fowttsht,, tvbore he lived untilstar, it a, il'tii new Presidel,t, Lion I \\oats%% and Cotlr,cl' \Ir\:III led in a' \ ilial '_itiiens \wa Ltce'I with a he married hose .\nn Naylor in 190(1, 1 ' Ili(! Hamilton, and also among g the Franc dance on the main corner. ' They were married at Mester, ' at Frank I;ung, R'nn inllued,it,e,v 11chvd up \\•Ingham vi -l1 r, wa- Ili, \Vttrsitp, !'r"blest "° the e\ening "f the Vol 1)ay the honk of Nies, Ilcll's sister, \Irs,' ' I.i1n Resod 1),tvitl„ n, as v, di a, 110: a'un unCuittvni. 'tilt trot tat of tilt fain - grave rclebtalc the \'irlrn'y over lapin, \Vilna"' Procter. •\ her living in 11e1 -alas rout:vl nn,, and hi, 'nosh. b x was )1'\\ 14'puty I) tole( Iiawcrn Ohm lit lad :!i\ru 11rlti !o futn kittens, and gr;a\c lar a very brief Incin, the couple I l ed tit,ry'. 'l'bt I it sulcnt "i the its iii 53' icti int" t,ll jar 11 rticbiatnlg oil i ,(,laced in lel': 11uar\way, F.VCrybadyl foe„illy' ct('nin \\a., the 1,r,l,lenl of lived in I'alsu'tslon and Durham far dropped :ti nickel,, and :Iway \trill the ('Ink. i.i'', 1)r• Hndtl vxtv"I t ;t w'1 - a few year,, bi'lure nlo\tn' lu Auburn I come I1 :111 'lose di,tinl;ui,he'I pie -t, %bat t„ Hann: the kittens. Perhaps crowd, dan;rne to the music of Amer' Int 1')10, It wt; at that time that he I :111'1 ;Ill ware called on for i les' wlrtis. `"IUrn:,e could ,IIt;C,',t suitable names I1l'a', blot( hands, on til' main ,11'1:Cl, IV)-111 lle the nllp'nal a11a11llllt''1111'ni of that would corn -1mnd with the occa,- bctanlc an employee of lilt (ittidiaitt someone asked Nit., (;int ,that \\a, 1l Pacific harltwa Company, :Ind the fol-Itbe idea of lncl:ing tilt, Mani: exrit• \ I 111'ay, \\Ilirll teal; lifictally ;usnml„' ion. 1",sing year he wa; 'rowed to Illwlh 1e111y replied, "\'uu l:uuw, Vaca I:nu\\,• ed while the uniting was i:: session. --- \'---- whcrc they have continuously resided It.toli 1.r:.l 11;t+:11'1,1°, and utter mew - DON'T KNOW !IOW TO the w•ar is Icer", and With a bit; laugh I ever since, IIs had been foreman of he finished tl,, ":1,\, (that the ---"!bets 1f `he \\'in kion l.'lub 111111 t1, rut Ih°'into, for "Ise -day night Vol liay the section gang (wort:ins,' out of Myth I'rohahlw nobody was more thankful to their \i it ,hilt. Hi, \\'car-h)i, l.t1tt SUcct 1'elebr:t1ine \\'e 11 tit tl oln' of for the past ,1'I years, and lead Ile until it'(' the tar „illi Jahn over than \tat Fred, ba 1 1�' moire' home to start the aur i.;"'til lady trtru'°e si ((aline; with a tinned to the Company's sct"i'iri' tnitil I"ratk, \* -.1 Hay (•(•lets;,lion in \\•tnclittti. \ti'v 111 :i°I look an her fate, \Ve next 1 Thrual'y, ltuultl have been ,coil-' Lion :;tan Sibtllorpe intr'thiced the pen-; \lobe% the galh'rintr had :ill asscnll,-� sul!cr-tc�1 t1 her that she tact out and sinned all. 1 Ree. 1, 1•. 11. Henttct'son tilt was ;tI ,i ,tin in the to. She promptly replied, hal, (;milt' \Ir\;dl climbed aIttttrd the ( nest 1f the evening. \1 r• Ilenit'r,on ) \Ir, Bell was of a quiet, unassumingtiro truck, and outlined t" riliu'n, the : g ) \\!tat (un! 11'r shluld nirntinu that 11i,po>i1111 and highly t'c>pecircl by t replied briefly txprt',stnt; his ;il,ln•eti;(''int• particular 1„11}' was horn itt the ` program \wich had been arranged fur wad' talk tt f•rtcnds. Itis chief iffier- itt 1 Ittr the intitattt It t" bt prt,tnt. British Isis,, and \tat (her(, during the the I'"111\\iltg 11aty, \Vcdncsday, :1s this Present ;tl'u \tat NI r, hot. \Norm("rt. (sl CCIII d around his biline, and those artrrle is written murk of Illi, pr 'gram I !peace -time celebration abet the last Int';II'e`l and dearest to 111111, I 11 in, Ila, Just rct'vIilly" het'altic a mer- I\talo, •'i,n1 people in (;%%hila don't has still la he run of[, :\ capacity Besides his ,orritwtilg ,\'Ida\(' Ill' ti t'Ilaill lit Dill• vadage, i 1(1111, nn',\ 11 relelll'atl'', she said. She crowd filled the \ITnlorial hall al llI sin \iwcd by nuc datlg!itet', (\I tdcicnc)' to the 'miming for a service of 'Tirulks• ! Li 'n I're,idcnl "1)"c" 1 iwhl 11'111°11"e- 1 was -landing there just trying to vis - ND's. Ray I)tntrty, of lllylh. He also'giring, •,v'hfeh hili in Charge of the 'Cil the grand nc\v, that the official :In- iu,tliz.c „lilt w,,,i1'I be gging an ill her asstltlll'd the rl'iponsihdlt\' of raising his 1111111>Il'1'i Ill 1110 various churches. Ilollil'l'llll'lll proclaiming the end tit iitt' 11,1\Il 1111'!1 kids Ilnllll', \\ l' rllllt'l:ly ucphc,, :Ind niece, \lass Velma Naylor, Iwai, had been annuun' (tl n1'C'I' ills �luu\rd :(,ray, slay that \tc had inter who still resides at hone' and Plc, Net- rreeedin.g til' service a parade turn1c11 'radia, and Lion titan. Sihthlr u' Icd for tat the school gr(un11s, cans:sling of the' ! tupc11 her iren,i of til'+ugh( tu\ward her scall Naylor, now overseas. They, have g;iI)icI'Iilg ill the singing 11 the 111x11- 11!111' in t!!\' miles a\1';l\'. ictttrncd soldier, , fircnlen, 11115 court- 1ogto ;after \,'tick three rousinc chccl's been, members of Inc Bell lanitly. sinceV ---•-- 1 tl, L'oy ,c•otlts and Cubs. They waren. early childhood. Also surveying is a , ,were given fur ciriory' PUBLIC HOLIDAY DECLARED little ;cd to the hall \utile they occupied the gi:uul daughtci, Marg nl t Ann : 'loner' war' practically. no business rttt5t se"". :\ large unit% tlroir ,tat' BY THE REEVE Doherty. and Nelson's daughter, Pa.. , t;lkrn up at the nu'eling, toile' than a tlutcta'i •trt,�anizcd by \Irs, I iara mil. ! ' Uicia, of 'l'ornnlu, !brief re;,,,l•t fr,pul Erotic Chairman, bion Fart,. \iTduesday morning Reeve \V, !itis, (lith Mrs. hall 11 n'ris it the piano, l The funeral, which ,its very largely' het.:!, tiinrlair had charge of the sit- Iti1an, "Idle \`. "'lit' reilrfl'd everything II. \Inrritt declared ,Inblir,ll,la alldayalterticd, was held tram the 1'nitctl l dwell in hand for the forthcoming Frolic \\'ttlne,d,ty' afternoon a1 Church, of ttllic Ii hr (was a ntcnahcr, os til(, hl\. \lr. Ilcsdrr,on, rcrlor cal till I,.. Thursday, .� �gllt, f �lurs11ay, .\%gust _,,111. 'I'inirs11ay. This w a:, in arrar'lancc ,lith Friday afternoon, August 111th. hcv.11l'ttin'rh of 1?ngl:lnd, read the lesson and I)istrtrt I)rp!lty (;nwct'lttt Itipn Fred Ilan, Mine atlotaed by ether neigh - at pray irs appropriate far IIIc ",tl\ nt \\ Iilghalll, ,wit} (',lila int, arttl bt,ilftit4 t t tttl,"II+:11111',, 111 view of the Arthur ;iinclain, pastor of the church, I '.'' had charge o[ the services, awl spoke lt'�t'i`tun. The :,tltlit 1\a; delivered by s!, ,I:e briefly, Elblag ❑< his theme, the tt•,,;ti tt aI Ito,tililtcs itt the Parlor very highly of the departed. \It', titan- ley, \Ir. Niel motel!, minister of the Idebt of gratitude R'r t ,v1 to ,un return- �'fllca•trr 11 \Vv, 1 t'csbytet iau Church. Icy Sihihorpe sang the luwTlw solo, , i,11'14, ng servlet' :men; and the 1'espon,ihility V "Shadows", :\ profusion of lovely \I r, \Ir('onnlll's address ,tali greatly Ithat rests ,with titirens, in wlliih ,cr\'itr •Ippreetatcd by a11, lie began py say- AVI;UIZN Stan - floral itihittcs testified to the esteem l rhlbs Icaee a dislinrt pail, in ,,criuL that Rothn which deceased Ryas hcicd, ittg he Appreciated the honor of addres- Ihcs , 1„,„ :utl women are returned t1 \I r, and \its. Edgar ilo,watt, ]. The services (vete andel' the auspices sing the large gathering on this great n„rnlal rrtrzenslltp as t!i tilt\ :old a Borten, Ivan at:d Dorothy have moved f occasion, tila'I:ing the conclusion of the ,ittIbly a, n,ssiblr, f)c,uty, Gower111+1 to their faint at \\'cstliTld after oo- of the local 1.0.0,F, 1_odgc, of which NI r. 1.11 was a member. The Odd l cl- wood's greatest struggle. Ile spvl.e'',t Fred said that he (would be visiting the copying .\lfrct' R"Ilinsnn'5 house for the t'cnn.ukahlc inventions of the past !Myth ('1°b AI some f11turT date, \torn, the pall lour months. , l.,t\s attended in a body, and acted in Mr. awl \Irs. Gordon R. Taylor and the capacity of Ialihru'crs it 11 1'In\wrr few veal, ,which ea" he used for great t'i clul'se, he \(til he the speaker of the ! old C. Asquith, (with good in the coming days. 11e spoke us- Flt. Sgt, 11: t I Pee1"11Y 14 til` •\t""lie 11"11111 which Mr. Limi kill NV:tis„„ introduced Inter - hearers. l'he pallbearers tvere, \I essi•S, T1'l'illllg' friends , 1 London. GarfieldNIr. and NIrli. Amos Ball received of - Gordon (;uttti'ich, on August 8th, to \Ir, and llarold ['1ltiI tis, I• it, \\';((sons \Irs. Oral \lcCalwau, a sun, Kenneth ,Doherty, llal,cy Mi'L'allunt, \Vaync. Elliott ;and George \icNiff!, lntcrinent was mule in the lllyth ion Cemetery, Cemetery, Marriage Announced '!'hose ;,resent from a distance ,were, The marriage is announced of Lots M r, aid \Irs. Alex Naylor, hurt Frit,: Iola Rt, tin':.tin, third daughter of ir. I lclariit Procter, Part Colborne; \Irs, and \Irs, R. IL Robinson, of Myth, I). 0. C'.dclott.;h, lu:erkip: Mr. Ben and (.'tali: Maiming (Bob) 'l'assir, cid- Naylor, l,ucknowv; \I r. \Iugford, engin- eer, London: N,I r, l,amp;ird, who was 's! sun' 1)r, N. U, and Nies, 'I'assie, Port Alberni, 11. C., on August 6, 1!).15, road master here 15 years ago, and holt in .UI Saints Church of England, Port resides at Guelph: Mr. \1c('rai, present ,\Ihcrl:i, 1;. C, by Nev. G. Stevensuti, frond master, also of Guelph, and railway Inlell from Ct lurich, :Nakuru ;and \Ic- y. 1Gaw. Friends were also present from AMONG TI -IE CHURCHES Brussels, \1'inghau, and L''It rave• The sympathy of the community is BLYTH UNITED CHURCH extruded to ill( se so suddenly bereft of Sunday, August 19th. a loved one. 10,15: Sunday School. .--c-.-- 1115 Subject "Blessed are the Peace - BROTHER DIES IN VANCOUVER 7 pan. „Crossing the Red Sca, t Mrs. Fred Bowen, Gndertch, received the sad .n'\ws 1 ist week of the sudden passing of her brother, Roy Rouse, as TRiNITi' CHURCH, BLYTH the result of a heart attach on .\ttgust 12llt Sunday After Trinity in Vatcott'cr, 11.C, Ile was in his 55t11 111 a,tt1, 11:+1y Corntuunion and Sermon, year and a veteran of the first war, For "\\'ho (;i'eth l's '.I'hc Victor,•" the past 35 years he made his home in TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE Vancouver where burial took place. 11.30 1.nt. NI :ruing Fearer and Ser- Surviving hc,;des his mother in Myth six itroth('t's, and four sisters. matt, Sincere sympathy is extended to 'Mrs. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN Rause and other members of the ram- if7,30 1).111. Evening Prayer and Sermon. y in their bcrrlvcntcnt. Rev. R. P. Schrppltug, II,A„ L. Tl, yY _ Nitch'ne"' DUE DATES FOR RATION P COUPONS BAPTISMS patron councils now valid aro butter On August 're. in, Trinity Church, 90 to 118, preserves 33 to 57 and l'1 to Myth, was baptised John '1'itontas, itt- I'15, sugar 'lI to 62. fact son of Mr. aid Mrs. Iictlson I"Ianl- 1lttttel' coupons 90 to 115 expire Aug- illon, of 'T'or'onto, cast 30. Churchill described as a manifestation,,�crrelaly, Bruce \lalr"lm, lul !;cad, \\'c stand in "we ,then we lowing which all present accorded him ficial w111.(1 un friday that their son, t',I.nk of \\hat Wright have been, hail the 1111 lions hoar. Lion llrure snokc Pte. Stanley hall will arrive on the I Henry invented it first. It is the great -"1'a strut," cllirfiv of out, activities, 1 Iv gars :m est (((cans of dT•(rucliun ever heard af• t,xctut'tl report of the meeting o[ 11c It had terrific cficcis, lint it also iudi- Ontario -Quebec Division of Lions held cat's t ice, in a project such as the Frolic the great bltssiugs tut' nnnl;unity, rcccnlly in Oouter lite•, 1lr ,puke ' [ Vieth ('lith arc sponsoring on August :\tl:llllc power symbolizes Light, anti tits' oppal'1111111\' ',holism 1tt'rsClltl'll t" ,, 1'd• l.h°1 lll'l°'e also ei`tlgr;ltttttet[ the 1 t lit is a symbol of (;cad. "God is help create a better feeling o1 unity in _ Light and in ll;nl is no darkness at all. Golub on their splendid success in se- Light our cuunU•y, m ,\lint he believed the Th, sad part of the war is that mill curing organizations to cater to the lcatitng rat•zits nt (turner were just :u Chili dinner nlcctit• g,, llc "'mild alw a, s sett gift, of intention to destroy. Light ' kc,l'ly itt' t t li tI as ,tt arc tit Onlarto. ;old Power, Hut God's purpose is that I't'his topic was on' of the chief discos- renuiubrr 111\ it visits by the splen - and use his real otter in bringing her,- re Haat; \Illy Ili imic! h by nr+ sple - g 1! ) ,lulu ai tllc i)m'l,ec Cott\intiot;. O( sin's to the world. Gid is making 1,1111 lion Sctrrfa•y Nut•\, Kcir addressed , 'rtll;u• init'resl (o Inca) Comp nett( a very appropriate vote of thanks to kr'.,''11\6'111111:e 11: (lis Inter :11111 glory, hers was his statement that Lions In- ,o it for tour +rood, .\noth(,t• the speaker f"t his erre timely address. icrnation,t1 were di finitely trying !o en (inn George \it\all Hatred a hearty significant (Illi,, the s tt' 4 it cnllttta; 1 to tc a l,tlatt' which had cxtsictl for izcd, this secret of the water of Atonic cute of thanks to the ladies of 'triune 1 years, that all Lions Club, confine l'1nrr11 (wild tar the splendid dinner, I':ugcry cants at the end of fru', Had the selling of I)r;n\ tickets to their rr- w'birh ,\,is heartily endorsed by all those it heel' discovered earlier it would have speetive communities. Afaly Clubs are t,vcpent, The Lldicsol'�I.'I(;tail'(I;seryrd meant more dcstt utti turned Now al's runs not\ adhering In this hyla,(•, hitt (bore of bee in can h' turned into channels a l'cir,'ell" biri" dinner with all Rcrc Gill sine who « ire ant, 'file 'lilt trinl'nittP', and their efforts were of blessings. 1,,(i) tr expressed cathe \few that if this [ greatly appreciated by all. The speaker concluded by saying, a 1 h\ law \\'a, not enforced service l lnl" Featuring the musical part of the few years ago the eh( l'11ion lac(: was +\futrld have o11t of their clic[ sources'petgr;1111 (was A sola by lion Tamer Stan itt great danger, .\n evil p•. oer rose of rewenul' eliminated by government. SrbthorlIe, and a quartette number by up to destroy the flag and all it sent- 1Otlicr service clubs ,\ere taking action [aur of the \\'itlgilatk �ishoes, and four holizes, But that evil Iowa has been (along the same liar,. 'this would tuv lir `,of our local Club members, lions Free- dcstruycd and we bare an olportunily that inial loam:unitit5 could give their ,a-if Tuntcy, Stan Chcllcw•, !\Tor\. Kyle to carry for\t';uvr into !h' future all fhr ,wl''I'-hearted support to their owl(!clad *Rill, \1'atsnn, flag represents. Iried''m and liberty ilei,ice clue,, witluat toll%,;n11igtteil In !'ail ''wiaet George collected s0 and fair plate, fan' others who nliglt infringe on the many [rocs that he finally asked per At two o'clock in the alicrI"t,tt a bylaw. 11 will probably mean that in mission Front the President to dispense of raft, (leaded by file P11'th toluic visas the citizens of Myth andwith the fines for the balance of the Fire Department, paraded Ittrtugtt the the surrounilinn, community will he ask- evening. Intl%, ;11111 W01111(1 up at the Fair rte to support their Lions. Club who(`, Thr President urged all members to Grounds. where the (.inns t'Iuh spoil htartcdls, so that tic ('hal may carry 1)c on hand rail\' tit aftrrnouti of Au)* ht1'Cd .1 series of !'act's and sports for l,n (bel!' splendid activities for common- �, .' r 1 n,t _,+i d, to assist in el., t ant, booths, tite yuan'; i'oltle, After supp('r a 1(11'h it, beiter11ent. lion Bruce con¢tatit all'! all %lite( that \\'as llcccssar3'. light parade, andsing-song was held in 1a e'1 the Myth Chill on their splendid The m'''et ' work rd with :t song, and 11e grounds, and the evening wound tip pr etc„ since Chart'(' Night, and gave a tat 11 throated [.ion Roar. with a Hamster dance itt the Memorial an .'utlrne of the workings of coimoit- Hall, _ ._ 1 HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured convoy guard U, S. Navy ATLANTIC GUARDIAN Answer to Previous Puzzle ' _�11TE .SIOILL_ARE' FAIT TED SOAIPiy OR,EADS IAR4 [ HUWA'S PEI 'L' C any S,AITE SDf NA:_ UNI E E'('R _CE 0 LIT ..TPEAM�G0 V M —1 A 1 P LEN II NbO B I A PARASOL;+SAI LORS PR©LAT Ei1;;S YCON:t1S R ARIA ,0EIYONES --1E-,A0 �S,EDANGS- 6 Merriment. 9IIang in folds. 14 Marine duck. 15 Monkey, 18 Artist's stand. 17 And (Latin). 18 Portal. 20 At what time? 22 Part of "be." 23 Jewish month. 24 Kind of poetry 26 Lade water f ronl. 28 Bends downward. 31 Upon. 32 Type measure, 34 Myself. 35 Exclamation, 36 Toward, 38 Therefore, 30 Us. 41 Military Police (abbr.). 42 Distortion, 44 Ourselves. 45 Whether, 47 Beverages. 49 Bird's home. 51 Pain, 53 Exclamation 55 13amboolike grass, 57 Presently. 58 Mystic syllable. 60 Work for, 62 Electrified particle. 64 Chop fine. 86 Introduction, 67 Fondle. 68 Renown. VERTICAL 1 Insect, 2 Ignited. 3 Fish. 4 Interfere with. }i SIDE GLANCES litnit,; U- ), 27 Any. 29 Perform. 30 It helps convoy (pl.). 33 Lo,', as a cow, 34 Pile and stow away, 37 A11 right (colleq.), 38 Deviate. 40 Heathen. 1 Mother. 3 Half an em. 4 Indian. 6 Winnow. 8 Ells English (abbr.). 0 Appear. 2 Approach. 3 Snake. 4 She. 6 Immerse. 7 Emmet, 8 Wood sorrel, 9 Greeted. l International language. 63 Whirlwind. 65 North Latitude (abbr.), 4 4 4 5 East Indian 4 4 canoe. 8 Remotely, 5 7 Upward. 5 8 Novel. 5 9 Profound. 5 10 Pertaining to 5 frogs. 5 11 Like, 5 12 Vegetable. 5 13 Tree. 0 19 Either, 21 Him. 23 Sloth. 25 Company THE SPORTING THING BY LANG ARMSTRONG r "That's THE WORLD AT ITS WORST ''v t I I unfair competition," 4 By GLUYAS WILLIAMS 1 C WITH ,,OUR HUSBAND BEGINNING TO FUSS ABOUT GETTING STARTED YOU REALIZE THAT BEFORE YOU COVERED THE FURNITURE YOU PUT YOUR POCKETBOOK DOWN SOMEWHERE ICL r'rtl. 10.37, by 1'he 1e0 6redIe ii Ea) THE SPORTING THING "I get dis idea out at de race track!" POP—How True! By Galbraith COPB. 1911 BY NO, BrB'ilCr. RC. T. M. Rra a s. Ye. OP "Jed, you'll either have to lose some weight or stay out of sight when tourists drive by --'our cabins look like doll houses when people compare them to you!" FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger 71$1A�''�//// !f f�?IP` illjjt+l'> % I,f ..., , IMO /l14ilff l <i.� l/fl f,�!IfOf,'�ir�l fl /:tip 0f111 ` /l/!!f' if Ji l'1 ,�»frf��l�rrr�rrrr'l�qr y1��t 0n � fr ar,�r��. ���4 1fif,' ti7,rttfrf, ,fllJ.fr/f0c ,"1ff0 X i:�,ar Z ite rl,'!1("' /11 •p''" fir• t' 11,1 sseereorW4 5 ' IS 8 9 16 1A t J I2 i3 n rAwa jfr jj;18 id laffel! ,,,, 119 jjf. /i/' , G r, ' if'ii '/�/j;;��/ ; „ .4; 2� 1 r. f ""5111/ ffl f ltil!'( lr�if'• kip tr,� , l�, ' //a !, uT";:z.'1:,14• zS jhriirrl/i��V/f I' iiNAf 11 jrUfIT 24 27 ---! 7,471.111111,111.111.1577"7r— 1..V1 .,f7/,,tfj ;till} R ?9 30 31 r.,F r i I 33 ,, sn !¢ ei 1 ,� , .�E�i.'+t 'I.i �t1l, 1'tin4x.194 °�C ^:. ' h ,3 A4311} • A rix x .... 7— 39 4P't# 41'. 41 ! /tis titre ' qrT 48 16? 54 : %.,•_ 56 I/r.69 ,I. riEO lu/ ,/tFI (Lit 59 0 61 • 6z 63 6't 65 c6 69 68 1 - THE SPORTING THING BY LANG ARMSTRONG r "That's THE WORLD AT ITS WORST ''v t I I unfair competition," 4 By GLUYAS WILLIAMS 1 C WITH ,,OUR HUSBAND BEGINNING TO FUSS ABOUT GETTING STARTED YOU REALIZE THAT BEFORE YOU COVERED THE FURNITURE YOU PUT YOUR POCKETBOOK DOWN SOMEWHERE ICL r'rtl. 10.37, by 1'he 1e0 6redIe ii Ea) THE SPORTING THING "I get dis idea out at de race track!" POP—How True! By Galbraith COPB. 1911 BY NO, BrB'ilCr. RC. T. M. Rra a s. Ye. OP "Jed, you'll either have to lose some weight or stay out of sight when tourists drive by --'our cabins look like doll houses when people compare them to you!" FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger 71$1A�''�//// !f f�?IP` illjjt+l'> % I,f ..., , IMO /l14ilff l <i.� l/fl f,�!IfOf,'�ir�l fl /:tip 0f111 ` /l/!!f' if Ji l'1 ,�»frf��l�rrr�rrrr'l�qr y1��t 0n � fr ar,�r��. ���4 1fif,' ti7,rttfrf, ,fllJ.fr/f0c ,"1ff0 X i:�,ar Z ite rl,'!1("' /11 •p''" fir• t' 11,1 sseereorW4 f ill re , / rrtr�i /LILY rror h✓:rsra 1 1, / 14r/H%%/#ri1"' , a,,',0' r/, ur,Fp ,,, ? J ffl fl ff,f, Y' Oa WWI ' ',,,: , laffel! ,,,, /i/' , G r, ' if'ii '/�/j;;��/ i , � /. >!rkrrrnrrr� �" 1 r. f ""5111/ ffl f ltil!'( lr�if'• kip tr,� , l�, ' //a !, ) jhriirrl/i��V/f I' iiNAf 11 jrUfIT 1 �f .••.. rat Mr ;/ ''' 1' kZ4lir. i , . , ,� , f / 1'tin4x.194 'fr fl' fal� • A 4 7— ,g'lloft ark !I *'Inti'/ O/!. ,QQ;S5 .. "His two-day pass begins at midnight!" REG'LAR FELLERS --Don't Tell! CLONDON BRIDGE 15 FALLING DOWN, n FALLING DOWN- THI 'URIOUS WORLD 13y William Ferguson •A &Mai< IN THE WATER ALWAYS 5W1MS IN A STRA/G1-77" L //VE TOWARD rl-•IE OpPC syr4' IF YOU ARE IN • HIS PATH, HE'LL CRAWL OVER YOUR BOAT AND UPSET IT./ IF YOU GET OUT OF HIS LINE - YOU'LL BE SAFE. 1 ik �J A PEACH IREE WAS THE FIRST FRUIT 'TREE IN THE U.S• TO, BE P.9T.�-NTE© / ,/t- ./6,/932) 0.1PR.104111Y U A 5r1'JICE, IN;, "SPANKING USUALLY MAKES A c1-11LD •'MART, 6645 CHARLeS MI-TTE, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger 1f7, 77// i%!r't i ' / , OPI 17 YNIA!C0.YICI. INC. T KIP S.IAT "He insists on a fresh egg for breakfast!" NUTHIN' �coME ON, COIN; GIRLS, PINHEAD— 'YOU'D BETTER. 1t2Wt': Wily OJT OUT THAT 60 THRROUGH `SONG RIGHT t NOW. By GENE BYRNES 04, ogd4 aithe ALI,II.S DO NOT VISCUs5 OF M11. 1ARY 111PORTAn IN PUBLIC! N1t11Y LP?15! l MUTT AND JEFF— The Idea Is the Thing, Perhaps Somebody Will Improve on It--Mayhc By BUD FISHER •CERTAIIILY THE -s\ GOVERNMENT IS ALWAYS LooKING GooD! I'VE BEEN WORKING FoR NEW IDEAS' oN A NEW IDEA! R THE LOVE F•-1 WHAT IS IT? t HAVEN'T GWEN 1\ /VJELL,WHAT ITT'A NAMEYIET,BUT DOES IT DO? S A NEW IDEA! " NOTHING! BUT IT DOESN`T USE ANY GAS OROIL AND IT NAS NO WINGS,WHICFI AVM ALLTHAT MATERIAL J WELL,WHAT GOOD IS IT? , IT DOESN'T\ �Ir YEH, I I!AVI- BUTits A IDEA! PSYGHOLOCaISTS SAY 74 -IAT A GOOD POKER. PLAYER CAN HANDLE ANY SORT OP A JOB SUCCESSFULLY By J. MILLAR WATT YES ! BUT WHAT WOULD A GOOD POKER PLAYER WANT WITH JOB MEET MAESTRO MICKEY Navy bandsmen get a laugh as Mickey, who comes from a long line of dogs of doubtful ancestry, "conducts" the band as it plays on a San Diego, Calif., pierhead to welcome returning servicemen. OTTAWA REPORTS U. S. Lost 5,000 Tanks That Barn Sprays Of Wonder Insecticide, DDT, Are Now Available To Farmers • Because of the vital need Of in- creased (!airy production, Canadian farmer,. ate to be the first civilians In the lvorld to get 1) DT. llarn 'spray are now being made avail- able containing the wonder in- sect ic i':c with the thirty -letter name, "alirldoro-(liphenl-tt'it•Itlur- oethau'.' Dr. C. l:, 'I'winn of the a!t omo! ey division, Federal 1)e- partnt"nt of .\griculture, has pre- pared :1 11'cmor;utduut outlining formulations and methods of appli- cation of the insect -killing chemical for a -c against household and in- (lustri 1! ('t sts and certain parasites comm: n to then and animals \whets DDT becomes generally available. Up to sant'; it has been reserved for military ttr( and experimental pur- pose-. • • 4 1:1 lit the 1t.C.:\.h. collies a story of a little patch of Canada 7000 feet up in the 11it1:tlayas, vlticlt attracts hundreds of Canadian air- men on leave front 13u1'ma and eastern I f dia. It is the Louie of Major and. Mrs. John Brebner of Toronto. Major Brebner joined the Indian Medical Service in 1935, In the three years he and Mrs. Breb- ner have been stationed at Darjeel- ing they have provided hospitality or many Canadian boys on leave. Waffles with honey, real hot dogs and hamburgers, even pumpkin pie, bring the boys a real taste of home, 4 A big warship has brought a little baby to Canada. Ile is 11 -mouth's -old Robert Eraser, sort p1 motor mechanic E, Fraser, To - Tonto., Robert's mother was killed by one of the last V -bombs to fall on England. FIis father, who was on active service, asked a Canadian .Wren if his little son could be sent home to his grandparents at Pictou, N. S. A request to send hint by troopship was refuse(. But the nadian destroyer, 11.M.C,S. Ot- tawa, offered to take the little fel- low aboard. The shipwrights made a crib tvhlch was placed in the captains cabin. Nearby was a tub and small clothes' horse. So Baby Robert sailed in style with the entire ship's complement at his service, 11 is father was given special leave to accompany hint, * • 4: The Canadian Federation of Agriculture has made an urgent request tc the federal government for a complete weather information service for fanners in all palls of Canada. They point out that the new techniques of weather fore- 'c cd fur ttse in aerial ' t • dt \ lu 0.5 t1i C 1 warfare and the trained personnel in such service might well be utilized to provide this important service for the farming industry. Considcratoti of such a service is promised. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Stnco Harness Supplies. We'sell our goods only through your local Stai`o Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, insist on Staco Bran Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto The United Slates lost tut es- timated 5,000 tanks In the German war, according to Major General henry ii, Sayler, chlet army ord- native of fiver In the European tIlea tee. WAR WORKER The wartime photo of Mn, Clement R. Attlee, wife of Great Britain's new Prime Minister, shows her while working at a YMCA club for British troops. John Bull Stole Hitler's `Intuition' Among all the secret weapons listed as "now it can be told," none enlivens the imagination more than hard-headed John Bull's use of astrology. Tho story 1s that, aware of 11 it ler's faith In such readings, the British had the F1ueke r's horoscope cast every day, just as ho did. 'Thus they knew as soon as he what hints lie. would get from the stars and regu- larly stole his famous intuition, The plan worked, too, according to the report. They were ahie to forestall several of his stoves, —that a 10c package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more (lies than $5.00 worth of any other fly killerlll Grocery, Drug, Hardware and General Stores sell and recomntend WILSON'S FLY PADS. £TOPITCH of/d se cl Bites— Heat Rash Quirk Sloe itching cit insect bites, heat rash, cer.etna, hives, pimple3, scales, scabies, athletes foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Ilse (uick-acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Gtcaselcss, stainless. Itch stops or your money back. Your druggist stocks D, D 0 PRESCRIPTION. Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION with its weak, tired feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired. restless — at such times— try Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vege- table Compound to relieve such syrup - toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions. Buy Jo(ley! /) 44 1+ /D•-. L/ ____., VEGETABLE pC K[ V (/NSR/1l /I7IlJ COMPOUND ISSUE 32-1946 PRESS VOICE OF THE !/ RUBBING IT IN Tho 11('w'9 now flies around the corner stores that women have spent $700,000,000 a year on cold cream during wartime, 'That's cer- tainly robbing It In. —Peterborough Exawin0r, - u— BEATING THEMSELVES Theft those planes to fly at 2.000 miles tut hole' could leave Halifax at noon and arrive In Vancouver In tho same morning two hours before they started, - Brandon San. - 0 -- NEW NAME FOR 'EM NTouldy cheese contains penicil• stn, scientists tell us. So that'll what they call those little wiggly while things. --\Vindsor Star. - n— THEY DON'T What we haven't been able to figure out Is how floe, Jap, hiking head -first in the sulci(le dive, aavly fare. -•-Ottawa ('itlzen. NO HOPE Hay (ever is ono ot the worst diseases, You can't cure It and It won't kill you. —Kitchener Record. Sermons Not Meant To Be Enjoyed "I enjoyed your sermon very much." Countless beamingly po- lite churchgoers so inform their preachers every Sunday, says "'limo" Magazine, Last week the Rev, Robert E, Woods, veteran preacher of Manhattan's St. Pat- rick's, Cathedral, took the wind out of their sane. Said he, from the pulpit: "Sermons are not in- tended to be enjoyed (but) to in- struct, to Inspire . , , to make you uneasy about yourself. Any ser- mon that doesn't do that has mitt. fired," Man courts happiness In a thou- sand shapes; and the faster he fol- lows It the swifter it flies from hint, — Tillotson, BABY CHICKS FREE IIANGIO PULLETS, EIGHT weeks up to laying, Also day-old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery, Free catalogue, Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. SI'5I5II61t CIIICICS, AND SOMI➢ light 2-3 week pullets available now. September and tall chicks should be ordered now also, 13ray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Ham- ilton, Ont. FREE itANGE PULLETS 12 \VEEKS up to 20 weeks. Day old chicles hatched to order for Fall deliv- ery, 'l'op Notch Chlckerles, Guelph, Ontario, iIUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CLEAN EASY MILICERS NOW available. We want dealers in your territory, S. S. Dennis Co., 398 Rldout St., London, Ontario. WILL TRADE FINIO WOOD TIMB- er 175 acres for good truck or house or sell, Walter Covyeow, \'anlCoughnet, Ont, 1)tI:ING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works I,Intlted, 791 Vuuge Street, To- ronto. PAID! 3IACIIINI:It1' FOR SALiO GO 11.1'. INTERNATIONAL STA- tlonnry Diesel, used very little. Write or phone Lowvilie Feed 51i11, Route 2, :Milton, Ont, SKID ENGINE P300 McCORMICK, In good condition, Variable Speed t;ovenors for \1cCormlck 'rrac- tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London farm Equip- ment Co., 335 King Street. Lon- don, Ont, FOR SALE BARREN STRAIN L E G II 0 11 N Pullets, 6 weeks and up. Sussex X Barred (tock pullets, G to 10 weeks, Barred ltock Pullets, 6 to 10 weeks. Johnson Ilatchery, Fergus, Ont, 12 111:A1) ('AT'I'LI:, 7 MIL('lt l'111VS incanted, $600.110 sash, Allan \N ac- Ther A .t Que.,t'u, Arg.Phone ruudel 15r22. I:LI:("I'iiIC J1U'1.OIIS, NI1\V, L'SEI) bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Ceul• patty Lid., 2316 Uutterity St., To- ronto. BOILER UOI,DII1 N1,t1t'I.LO('II, 65 H.1'., 110 1,115. STEAM, IN 1EX- ('I:IJ.I:N'I' tONDI'r10N; IRON FIREMAN S'I'OKI:II, 1113 'ENING '1'.\NIC, CANADA LAUNDRY, 1123 DUN DAS \V,,, 'TUItUN'TO. THIS'T'LEDOWN ANGORAS, ONE of Canada's outstanding strains. \Trite for free folder, Brown's Angora itanch, 278 Courtland St„ Iatchener, Ontario. I'I:DI(IItl:I:D ANGORA RABBITS. Finest wool producing stock. 1,yrttv'tud Angoras, Box 140. Oshawa. 1O,NA'INA'I'OR S01'T DRINK l'Otll,- er and Electric Slott Grinder, top condition. Box 235, Athens, Ont. ONCE USED 75-L11. JUTE POt'A'r0 sacks, 8,4e each; 75-I1), cotton potato sucks, 7o ''nett; 60-I1). on- ion sacks, fie each, Write lunned- lelely. London Flag Company, London, Ont. HEADQUARTERS, BERLIN BATTALION Comprising part of the Canadian Army Occupation Force, the Canadian Berlin Battalion aids British forcer occupying a portion of Berlin, while American and Russian troops control the rest of the city. Here, Pte, Lloyd Roth, of Vegreville, Alta., guards the entrance to the Canadian Headquarters, Big N. Y. Building Stands Up To It The way the Empire State Build- ing in New York stood up to the blow it received last week is a tri- bute to modern construction and engineering design, comments the Windsor Star. When a fast-moving bomber rat smack into the upper floors of the 1,250 -foot high build- ing, the structure stood fast. The bomber was smashed to smith- ereens, but the building held. The fireproof nature of the Em- pire State Building was also Illus- trated, The bomber exploded and its Toad of gasoline turned the upper floors of the building into a furnace. But, once the gasoline had been consumed by the flames, there was not much else to burn, Firenlen had the blaze tinder con- trol in short order. In spite of be - The `Shadow' Goes Up To 43,499 Feet A Boeing 13-17 flying fortress called "The Shadow" has climbed to 43,499 feet, an altitude its makers said they believed was a new world record for four -engined aircraft. The record ascent was trade in a regular test flight over Seattle. ing splatt,red by blazing gasoline, the building did not catch fire. The petrol burned itself out and that was that. Many people have wondered what would happen If an airplane or a bomb lilt a large building. They had hoped they would never find out, bttt they have had the answer. That bomber banged right and it was just too had for the bomber. The hairy hodyand legs of the fly are carriers of disease. Fly- Tox kills these filthy pestsinstant- Iy. Get a large bottle of Fly -Tose today. u -as Hit 12 Times 11 ,albs hit the houses of parka• stent 12 times (luring the war, kit• ling three persons and injuring 15, Col. Clifton Webb, speaker of the House of Commons, (liscl,,,e,' at a farewell party for air laid defers• lers. SAFES Protect your 111/11165 nail LA 511 from I'IB13 and '1'111R1'Es. we have a else null type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. %'lilt lie, or orae for price.t, rte. to Dept. W J.b(J.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 115 feast 5t. E. '1 uronto Established IRi3 CONFiDEN'1'lAL Rla'1 t1'I'S ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four Colborne Street TORONTO, ONTAIIIO Phone Elgin 4986 YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodIless in Maxwell House Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean is roasted thoroughly —all through! FOR SALE FOR SALT:—BANK BARN 40x60, in good condition, side and root ono -halt metal, $800. 10, J. Whaling, Moorefield, Ont, GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure, d turns your food into energy a of fat, GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cised or drastic diet. Month's supply 51.00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 1425 St. Lawrence Died„ 6lonlrenl EA 11.519 FOR SALiO WE CAN SELL YOU ANY SIZE OF farm you wish to buy—with or without stock and machinery. For particulars apply at Dono- hue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont, FOR SALE—FARM, 111.1RON COUN- ty, 100 workable acres, excellent buildings, good drilled well, close to good highways and markets. Hydro available, $6,000. For par- ticulars write D. A. Moore, 208 Deloralne Ave., Toronto, GOOD 50 ACRE FAIIM. SELL 011 exchange for smell place near village, western Ontario. F. War- ren, Clarke, Durham County, Ont. TARM TWO HUNDRi:D ACRES fenced, seventy cultivated, rest wood, pasture, sugar bush, large bank barn, cement floor, large house, stone wall, basement, spring water, sink, telephone, apple trees, 212 miles from two towns, school bus passes door, prier $3,000, Box 11S, Sandridge. Ont. HAIRDRESSING L 13 A It N iIAIIIDIIESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 1:17 Avenue [toad, Toronto Mi:IIC.tl. 1'1:O1'1,1: ARE '1'ALICIN1 ABOUT the good results front taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neurit Is. Nlunro's Drug. Store. 3:16 Elgin, Ottawa. l'ost- paid $1.00. STOMACH AND '('11REAI) 1\'OIt\1N often are the cause of III -hen It 11 In humans, all aces. No one lin. t , ni alt.i Why not find out It this Is your trouble? Interesting es r• dew, Free! WV rite Mulveney'' Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3 BAUN11 1114:\ F(11P1' tA1.51 DI'.• stroys 01tensive odor hist antis.. 45c bottle, 0111(10 agent. Demmee Drug Stores tit la wit. IT'S llX('I:LI,I:N'T, Ill:.\I. 1113 - sults after taking Dixon's Rem- edy flit Ithemit:ttic Pains and Neuritis. \ivaru's Drug Stole, 330 Ligan, OItaten. Postpaid $1.011. 5ll SI1'Al, INS'I'Itt'5tl37'1'S 1'10ED A. BODDINO'I'ON BUYS, sells, e\changes musical Instru- nwnl<. 111 ('hureh, 'Toronto 2, OI'I'IIIt'I'UNI'I'll;' Fon 11'115111N BE A liAIRURESSER JOIN CANADA'S DI NI SCUM)! Greats Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands sweesshit Marvel t rndual e-. America's gren1est eye - tem. Illustrated et,tnlogutt tree Write or cnll \L\121'1:1. BAIT:IDIRESSING SCI100I,S 358 BLOUR W., TURDNTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton dit 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETIIEIISTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 King (Vest, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest PIIOTl1(:11AI'll I ((YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS , and the prompt manner In which You return work Is greatly appreciated," Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 16c Don't risk losing pictures. Bend your film rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST S'T'UDiO Got Better Pictures at Lower Cost. Prompt mail service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 it 29c (4c extra) is sent with 'film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c, Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 69c each, It enlargement colored, 79c each, OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work ot skilled artists, but the cost 1s reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the emit before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION four tiluls pi"perly d,veloped and printed. 6 Olt 3 EXPoSitltl: ROLLS 25c REI'IIINTS 8 for 25c 1'INI:S'1' ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the filets you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending; your filets to IMI'I:IRI.1I, I'll(I'I'O SI:I(VICiO Station 1, Toronto '1'1::1C111:1tS 1\'AN'I'L11 tll)I,l)l,.\NIIS, SOUTH COCHRANE 1(istri-t; Protestant leacher fur 1 -room, well-equipped r u r a l school, has basement, furnace, storm w•indow•s, inside sanitary toilets. near railway and school bus service: prompt pay; state salary and experience; minimum salary $1,200. P. 1), I2igras, Gold - lands, Ont. I, A R (' 11 \V (1 0 I) I'ROTESTAN7' Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 3 Balfour nal Dowling, Larch - wood, Ont. Duties to continence Sept. 4. Salary 51350.00 per an- num. Apply stating qualifications to Mrs. .lean Jennings, Sec.. Treas., Lareit wood, Ont, WANTED — QUA1.li'I1 I) 1'110 - testa nt '110-testant teachers for Township School Area of Kennebec, duties to eoutntence Sept. 3, State quall- fleatious and name of last In- spector; minimum salary $1,260, Apply .1. 1:. Hughes, Sea-Treas., Arden, Ont. TOWNSHIP S C II O O L BOARD, Drury, Denison and Graham. Dis- trict of Sudbury, requires 8 Pro- testant qualified teachers for schools In following villages— Whitefish, Worthington and High Falls; also one bilingual teacher for rural school near Whitefish, Reply stating qualifications and saiar)' expected to ,Mra. R. H. Murray, 360 Laura Ae., Sudbury, Oil. TEACH EDS W.1Nq'I31) '1'11.31111(1 \VAN'l'tl1) FOR U.S.3 No. 1, Bond, Protestant, first class; salary 51,400. Apply A. 13rlghtwell, Secretary -Treasurer. Shlllingtun P.O., Ontario, TWO QUALIFIIID I'I2O'l'I:STAN1.1 Teachers for school area No, 1 -Monteagle. Apply stating salary, and qualifications to G. 1f, Wood• cox, Sec.-Treas., eas., H.R. No. 1, Ilybla, Unlario. 11:11):1\\'ASKA 1'1:13 LIC S('1IU01,- 1'rotestant female teacher want• ed for junior room, 1st class cer- tificate with music prefer( ed, but not necessary; salary 51,200 per annum; duties commence Sept. 4, 1'. '1'. Chaddock, Madawaska, Ont, VI)' TORtA co.; l'iiO'l'1:STAN'I teacher, S.S. No. 2, Fenclutt, Vlo• toria Co, State experience, quall- ftcatlons, salary expected. James I.aurenson, Woodville, 12.11. No. 1, Unt 1VANTEI)—ASSISTANT IN URADII 11 Continuation School and prin- ciple of public school, Subjects! Latin [Tench, Art and education- al gitll once or lower school Eng- lish, Grades 7 and 8 in publio school. State salary and exper- ience and where lust taught. School is situated on Highway 26 and has hydro installed. A. Ronald, Sec.-Treas., 11iuesing, Chit, '1 WHITE 1(tVIlIt CON'T'INUATION School requires Principal Grade* 9 to 12, must teach upper school French, assistant supplied, small classes. Salary minimum $2,000, State Salary expected with quail• ficatiotts. It, G. NIealey, Sec.- '1'reas., White River, Ont. FUEL WOOD WANTED COi:DWOOD, MAPLE, 13111(711 AND Mixed, Also slabs and bundled edgings. hardwood and Soft- wood. Give full particulars and best prices on car. Walter Selfless, 1(I Melinda Street, Toronto, WANTiLD PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALi, AGES AND BREEDS 1 months to laying age. Our prices ate worthwhile. Box 40, 73 Ade- laide West, Toronto, 1VANTi:D — AN EXPEitII:NCIII1 Single dairyman, or a married man with no children for caring for a small, but, high class hol- stein herd on 110.1'. In feel Coun- ty District. good living condi- tions and wagon of $75.00 to 5100.110 depending on the man. Box 43, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, \VAN'1'E!), BUFFA LO I' 0 W E A sausage stutter, complete, 76- 100 -Ib, capacity; 1 6-h.p. 25 -cycle, 3-phase motor; pie molds and cutter for small pork pies. Write, Horn's Food Market, 1'ort Col- borne, Out, \1' ANTE i) — A THOROUGHLY Dallied coon hound preferably a female must be good at trail and at tree and broke off of jacks, fox and deer. Give full particu- lars Including price. Box 44, 71 Adelaide 1V., Toronto, WANTED TO PURCHASE PUL - lets, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box 38, 73 Adelaide \P., t0- ronto OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Sarnia General Hospital School ten nurses offers an excellent course in Nursing Education, Class en. tars Sept. 4th, 1945. Application forms furnished on request. R. M. Beamish, Superintendent. PAGE 4. SPT•: M[ #I[K i IP(14M aNf (4KKt!ICSIKktdKKeIKKIII THE STANDARD LOND ''SBORO 1 \!r. at; 111x•. Dough, C.null14,11 and 11.111011111111a ,14i , •• .GI1 1 t \l r,. .\. R. \Irlh'icn of Essex, Mrs. .:.),,).111:11,. Mr,. 1) `•1111. \;-;std on Slimily 1 with 11 r• and 11rs. I;Itui4 "'n 1'I .\ It Elliottitinstirance Agency 1':• I• 11 1'r1t,t Clinton, are visiting firl•l. BLY I1 ONT. , their si,tel•, ND . J. II;Ir,4•,. R I )avid ;c d .\nn Nairscr\iee arc int 1 11'e nl,nti'1N wee; of the \\.11•S. -' R 14;r ;it ;i i!.ug t!rtar Ott{'14• anti ;Inst, 1\;l' tI1 on \\41114' 11.11 anxrn'I'tl \11111 J R' I I pI x xnt TLc I )r1, a 1);d t'roi,ruu Iq \Ir• ;ruse \I r•. 1).,,•11 11,:;r-. INSURE NOW! :1N1) B1; :1SSUlRE1). ) ; .L 11 r• and 11r 11auRry L}' n. I xtro t, was in charge , f \I:,. \\ iditol Carlen. `a NII-• -. \\•, t\ alllrr. prx•iRcR :al t`1). 1';,ul ,. - Cal - Fire - - SIehness - 11cei(len(. ii'ii,11unt tet': \trek-, 11,1 ]\iter relati\x•. , . Litet N; 11 r. It. 1• males,, 11x, ]•:Inter 1Ii!irr I'In,1r 1,a• I,,d /\ mr.,, \\nl. \Ir\Teta T j t` Gordon Elliott A;and \easter II„11'1 Miller of Stratford. `,'r11'tnrx I'-•'ln \II 14•.111 {I•\ • I'•' i r. I. It. Lenore , h,a O(!Ico ['boort I(Ii. RCeidCncu i'Uou© l” 1)r 14U. K'. ,e, t a 41,1 11x of 1Ltr- ttitll Ills i„ria- t ;IMI r. '`til !) hool: 11;1, take:, Ivy Mrs. - h' `I i R. 1 iln rII(• The Int,int•„ ‘,,,r, in "COURTESY AND SERVICE” li rr's ,:,±rr, \Ir•. •I. lead.,. 1y `q,Ywh 11'4' ar glad to \\, l iii.), home FA I. dI I r 1.1 the l,;•1•,;Rxnt, 11 t• 11,\ itlir• o Hlitll)1DtDt?t?t?I?I?t?+21212,?+81212121?t^I?t3101 MI Ola1JIYlFi9i t 9131?5131 1?) l3)?tDI?t?tai?.)?t Lt R. 1. Sn..11 iron: I,vt'r>t'as, • ICu•l„•11-i•.t' rej!d;I1Lr \V;:' 1;11,4'11 bell', 1Ii•s I,,+hel \tali, lh'I•ll;t, i• spend- I'-,1111 III). I1 -,o terse, IluirL\\> I.', in: a feu, Ra}, with 11 r. and 11 r, \• l,1 iI aces'. The r Il tttt• an."eretl hr 1 n411 1,nc P'.12•4'11 1. It tt:i- llcrillcll r_ )'111 10 Hitt] ;tn (uiltiug' 111401 Ort„Ixr. .- \ l au. \lain -\ letter of syntl'a)hy t\as r.rhn"\\led,ed I - lo. 111•.. I o'rdou Snell, word, of apprcel- ! ANTE SEASONAL WORKERS !oi'4'Factory ori DURING TOMATO SEASON 13EGINNING ABOUT SEI''l'E11BER 1ST. Make Application To Libby, McNeill & Libby CHATHAM, ONTARIO. Even More Food Is Needed NOW DON NYBI.00K The 11..11.S• meet • 4',n 'I'turs.lar af- tcrnoc'1 a+ ti'e l,,,n)c 1,f 11r 1• (, Rah- illson tvi'it tI i•• Lucy Thompson in charge of the 11 gramme. :\ nuniler of friend, front this vicitt- itr attended the iumer,,l 1.f the late :\Ir;• ('r';lit i it Chanutey nn \\•ed''e•tlar aftermcrn It \\'•n,h;un. I)cxp .rntpatlly is exprc,;t l for the \ ,ung tu,h;unl, \rho i:: n tt on 11i< way honk, having been t'rantc'I cln],a,-io•.ate leave ;titer having served nvcr-c,t: for two ,cars 1ith Ehe l i':\SC-, and f"r 11i.: litllc three ycnr vete ,on, lirlbh}", nth , i, with Ili: 1;ran'i • Cr,. 11r. awl 111'•. Rupert (:Itanutcr• Mk- I.",:tl I'ratt 1•f rlro\\'u•Villc i• a hits<t nt t ?er cousin, 1i i., it n. 11rs. ()live Alien spent la -t week with her •i -ter, 11r-. R. Channncy, I've. Melvin Craig of London spent la t wick -end ‘rich his parent:, 11 r. and tyrs. lame; (3;',1g„ 11r. and \1-., Herman Chattitcy, Virginia and 11111, of 1\';ndsor, ,pint a 11.1. 1,1, - I;uuic•on• i \1!' ;Ina \Ir- 1IIIlu, I' ▪ mins alioll ncrr heat'd front ('Ler+• \'in:rttl, - \Ir,. llclliu e11, s. \0\'1'1.)1'' ('I;iford \Lath ;1111 Norul;ul K,1R:er 1 ▪ lanliht \\';tanR Ile11;Ir11lerl\ :1nNileu ] lahhirk' 11'r IwNV, and litter, stiit 1 , them 1 1.- 11ultro, ,title 11r. and\!r•..\!!.1)l Shall•- cr•ea<, aero irn• bar \ in,e ,t 111 Lon• i ( dirk. dim, 1 Int.tt;u. Tllc nnt•tim! ,1.1.,,11 11tH, -I 11 r. ;ntR \Ir,• I. .\rnl•tr, nes 1)ore4'1l 1,rat rr by \less 11 r1)14\,cll, after \\hire!'. and licn'tt•(It, \Ira, (.Iarcne' 1'ra\1fi'r,1, I ri t \vas i'. \I ;1)1)1 l s ertl Bins It;ll;e and l'ilau•liu, ,lith iricnds at ,l.)cnt. ]aorest' I The mat)v Ir:I u1I, 1‘ ill hr pleased t'1 11x:. I. C!'''''l and Lahcl, of (:lin- 1:11m% ilia; 11r. 11'11). \\olden no, able] ' / ton, tritlt the former', parvit•, \1r, to ,, /turn 'gill:' 1././-/ 1,,,,,h f1,/ m .\I. x - I il.tt at eI I' +1r! 11 r•. \\int. Tete day• at the i,,:+Iter'• home here, Virginia rclnait'irt4 for a Inger visit. 11x•.,.• Richard Has -aril and I.ot it 1 ettuy, •'f IixecI'er, \\'.1)., F11'yil 1111r•ley 11 f Sarni;.), \li-, Jane 1.,1zon ;Hese 11r•, it4 alt 11,dgett tti 1larine (City, \lash., and 11 r,• 11';U iiti Knox. ;uulra it.),piu.i. (iodcrirh, 11 here 1!4'(; Visa]) r- at .It honer' ,Ii NI'. 111`1 had been a 11.1lient for some acck, \ir,. I, IIn Si'I last \teak ‘tore \It"s. t\illi ;t br,,ken 1; me ;Il Ili• leg. It1111t , I il. 1!111: `II ;UUI Ilatlghler, Itevt'I'- I• Conk), at telt' 11111111• of 11r, and Mrs, Ice, of "Thaw a. 11 i„ Iran 1Irtal'''. \laurir,. l limit on Sunday 1\•1,'x, 111'. \\•ittI' ,r, 11r. owl \Ir•. lack ~'lull. Jr., and \Ira, R. II. 1.111111. \Ir a,•,1 \Ira Jack k 1i tate 30•Ray leave, Told \!r•• 11 I. lin;ntau, 11;,, Joan Caldwell of and \II•,. Kar Fisher, I;alt. \1'inglialn, 11r. learn Rol)b and 'Terry RED CROSS NEWS of Nrussels, Thi re;nlair mn'4'tin's 11i shy ]ess \Ii, i„ Nun ('anlpl'11 of (;dtr;ell bort, 1<,./111 I'r. „ \1a, hell in the 1'„m• spent the work -end under the patrtt,lal nnnt;ly 1 hill I't,o with -ell in ,tltcnllat:rr. The President, I• Lealli,Ig Se;uuan 11rs. 11. IL•nn,dolt. 1 pencil the ntt•elin'' \i ;1111 Irirnds Iii t with all .imerll; "l) (';t ta'!a” fall, nte'I 1,u1Ron ;4111 (;=4'14'4 by the 1. 1,11', Prayer. The secretary, Mrs. II. .\Ilan,:•, read the minute, of the last ineetie.g \lhiell dere adopted. 'I'tc ire:wirer, \Ira. S. Lyon, gave her report ttniclt showed $189,511 in the box fund. 1)11';1)t; III,- hu,iues• period it was decided to have a Iluilling bee at the Septenlher •ueeiinc with a pot Inch Rinner, also a .'.5: gift auction. 1t was ahtl t!er; 1•:11 to •end b NC, to Iht• o1c^•4'a, Citi, 111'1101, .\ stu; 1 ; r 'tnl was 11101 rnj4lvt' rl'r,i,titt of a reading hr 1Irs• 1\'• Husk, a duct 11\ Lois \\',..'d; and 'I'hel- nla Sit'I t"ok, a reading by \Ii,s 1 irk. 1':Iain \\'it;let roan ei; at Itrncefield, • \Base; Norma t and 1hirolhv spent the wyeh•end \1;111 their c 'usin,, 11i>ses I'htlli, and \'iI'!xt 1 Ink 'ell,'le1,n, abode, 11 a, I:iItn at Ili holm, of 11r, anti 11:,, \\'illilm (;otic, in honor 1 f their ;laughter, 11 rs. Sa!'lo 1lt•;Iley, a:nd \ir,, Meader, \vi m \,t•:•e it ,•na 1x•,11,-111,;•. Plc ;edress \vas ¢;tt'tt I1t. \I r. \Iart•in 11 el '11, Mr. 1Ie lluy replied, thanking the fr't• R, for th.;r _'ift' ;uul good v; idle. 10 \1t' ileatkr ;'111 !'il•:•.li. 11 r . 1, Fitzgerald 1'f 1 Ott ;t tit 1, vi,ili hell ‘vert' ‘reek -end guest, ttith 1Ir• and The ticket uta then drawn o1) the 111.11 \Ira. Kohin,lnt and other Prix Rs, Rl,n;nese hr \les, Tont Little. 1 i:llr Mr.au'I 11rs• I'a; (1'\1;,11••1 a"R Parry Piot) ,he',t the kicky nunll)er 'I;u•t'tter. Mau"; en, of'I'orcnto, visited 1,t` r t 1 ! last 1\t•e;; \lith \Ir. IL Kc InlonR. t1 i? A1 T ATOS rI ahirll ,t:e• held I„• \1r:•. line t'ra\tl,Ird• 1Ir. ;x,11 111”,(;c„rpt' t: iartcr, Mil- i 1Irs, K„) \ 1lRcn. 11 r,. \\'. \' Rdett , 11r, and 1Ir,..\rlhnr Speigleherc and dre,l, kobert and Cordon, •pent (';tris Ian,/ \Ir,• Il silubb uok, \very then cal- children, of 1'' ihent•r, visited taint 11r. 111,'1;11ar i1) Nia1.;lra hall, ;1)111 Tor ,oto. led to Ill; pl.tt form and \Ir:• F. Little ,;1)t I Mr-. \\' .\ (';uuphx:I I;1st week, 11i11b'ejl s'enla,nrR in 'I'uronlo for a ;rid \Ira. \Ict'allnut punted a corral;,, I \Ir. I. 1': . of ('t nl1}tiei s•, tisititl teak. !I each, 11x.. Noy 1'e•dden, a ‘tar oath \Ir. and 1Irs. \1' F Campbell. 11'e are sorry ; hear that 11 r.:\iex. bride, a;t• then prescn!cd 1)r the Red The 11'e•1 field \li,sion Iland recentle 1Ir(;,,tr,n i- ci.nfincd t„ II; bed '('r,... \vi)t] a pai•.• of flannel 4'l hlattkt't,, a entertained th, Auburn \lission ILntil • 11r, and 111.,. Hilliard 11cti'it t 1, of pair I't ,t :'Ica ldankrt<, a pair of pie- y•'ut,1, \Ir.,n1 11rs. Finlay 11e(;ottan 111\e cage,• tut\1.•1 mid trait 4'l1th, 2 1111 11au1•Itlt r, 1'f Fer u)-, \silk their tauullnalt'v, doilies and •I custard cups, {rare t•, 11.r., a;11 \I I' ..\Icx \I c(;,loan, • '1'I;t 1,r1l1.• mniRt a very fitting re;'Ir. \Ir,, 1st tiei'i and \Patens. ''f (;mcl'I)• tlr,utking all f, r the Ilcatttiiul gift: spent 11.1 tree!: \glee her parent . \1 r. "I','t ,h4''• a i' Ile good iclh;ty” \tats awl \Ira. \\'la'attu tau ir, I'Itry \sere then ,nr_', ;lite;titt;rh the bride paned rconlpan;1'1 1;"tor by 11r. and \Ira, 1t; nedrfng ' k i, all present. 11i•. (;eorgt Fear, 1\11 arc ti•ililtt Ihrrc'• F. 1.:ttie and .`.t.. \Ir('allnnl had the Mrs, 1.. hops. 11 Itrocktille spent .1;,gr hl:nitiirlit Iles.rated with Its. "I'hx program living g;1in Ile both ItanR The t;,Ie:t speaker \vas \Ira. Leslie \11glitt'ialn 1)l Ilrirl: l'n;leR Church, Linteh Lint,'1)•a, served hr the \\'t- tit i'I It;u11i. Masters (tills Reneger ;1)111 Franl.l ( Li ii'hell are altt)nd;ng hw1s Camp north 1'i 14111'1'); I1 this ', t•1<. 11r, awl \Ir•. Jack Lon': of Prett- ier vi•;ted rt xenllr tilt \Ir. and Sundaes ttitll he, sunt, 11r>. ( uit:lt' ken of flotlers for Ile oceaision tehirt \Ira. Dough,. (;+lnphrll. • were ;111 ;iron 11) the IirilC, The bride \Ii'. a'1! 11x. 1,rt! Rilrh;r ain11 • YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW...IF WE ARE TO SAVE OUR LATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Thousands of Tons are Ready for Harvest Will You Lend a Hand? Food Is precious --let's not waste 1t through lack of help! Now, in addition to our own needs, we must also help feed the ,millions nt starving people In liberated Europe. This Is n tremendous task, but It can be done, IF—we all do our share. This Is the hast harvesting emergency we are liable to meet this year—so let's alt pitch in and do a real Job! Ifelp will be needed from August 20th through to October 20th, Fill In coupon below rind mail TODAY! FREE TRANSPORTATION For four weeks' service, transportation will he paid one way. For full season 1.1uguA 20th to Octnbcr 20th) transportation will be pntd both ways, AGE • • • MEN—Every pusible man-hour MUST be put in. The aced Is desperate, Volunteer your services'1•tlAY I \\'OMEN -- livery available land can be used. Fill In the coupon and (nail 'I'o. DAY! BUYS ,1NU GIRLS -- Thousand I are needed. Any high t , hoot student willing to work on a fnrni has permission and i:, requested by the Min- ister of 1•;durntinn, 10 remain out of sehoot for the month of Sep- tember. 114.4 Wm, two Wm=1.1MWM 11 'h1111iILll ltl li11i1' I I UI'):1 1 ONTARIO FARM SiIIViCE FORCE, Parliament Iiui1,1ings, Toronto. 1 run inlerreled in helping with the late harvest. ]'lease send ant: further information, NAME ADDRESS PIIONE POST OFFICE I WILL BE AVAILARLE FROM (Date) TO (Date) NEAREST RAILWAY STATION NEAREST BUS STOP Aeeomrnndation In in enrnpt <oprrv! ,I by the Y.W.C.A. or Y.M•C.A. -hut you must bring sheets and blankets. DOMINION•PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE • LABOUR . EDUCATION tva, then ittu',ullltuil atter' el,ttgratithtl•:I taltllilt' '1 1\;iiidill, l'r,ltt'R i1.t Si IIIlar ht' carp member present. tv:di 111', all'! Mrs, NI; !vitt 'I'ay!ot•, an"t The titc't;n.r c1'nt;nut•1I with a draw 11x, atl'I .\Ir<. (1tarlc, Sntilll. on a tom,/ and Iva,./1 clnlh Ronatt•d I)r 11 r• and \Ira. 1:'lot1 S'nilll, of 11rs. It: lirunsdon. \Ira. Kicllard Shad- 1' rollln are ,;1rn'liug a ft !!v' ,tars with dirk ttott the lnckv 'Iran•. 11rs. Frank the latter', parents, \Ir. an l \Ir.•, I• I. 1\';iy donated ,i milt top and blocks f1„• 11,1) Heil. \less It;ieltral Snt;ih has another top. 'those paving h' rtes: spent tie past, ivcck with 'her grand - mon( y were \I rs, 1 Iesk, M rs. huddel, ])aeon's. 11 r,• Little, Miss Elizabeth \mins,' 11r, and 11'•,, l,•'In I)oi••.r and fanlil, Crnn:rion, \Ira. C. Shohhrol.)k, ; Miss .\nii:x 1',' lepers of :lnhnru, ti ;l'• I 11r>. Iiia laait,et\;ce, \less (;cnrgt' ,1n tiunR;i1 wit;I \Ir, aui'I \!i' , Itiut,las Cowan, 11rs.:\lye \\'ill:, \I r, I. \V'2•)(l. I (:antpbcll. Irani, 11 r,, ('earl:, 11rs. 11, .ldants. 1-' 'I'Itc InrcUnq tl•Ired tritti .)tic \a(;un;tl 1 Anthem. WTFS'1'I+'IELD Miss Doris Pierce of Morris Town- ship ]•;.hire la:1 neck with her frixn':. \l iss MiIdred Carter. 11r. awl \Its• Melborn Cox of Ham- ilton visiled recently tritlt Clic former's lir Ihcn•, 11r. Clarence Cox, and Mrs. Cox. 11r. and 1Ir-. M. Cox. 11r and Mrs C. Cox v;,itcd aftli \Irs. Cox of Gode- rich on Sundae. SS. No. 6 School Ii•11se is Beit:. treated to a frc).le coat of paint. 1 11r. and \I rs, William McVittie \ecru recent Sudbury and Barrie visitors, 1 \Ir:. R. Stonehouse, \Irs. N. G. Ain- slie,. 1I. Kretsinier r.f (; 'drricb I'. and Mrs, Bert Taylor,. 1lrs. Jasper McBrien of Goderich. Nies• 1?41 I'ur,tlienski and fantqy of 1)ctroit, ire vii,itiitg Mr. ;1)),I Mr,. Gor- don Snell. \I r. and \I i': • W. F. Campbell: 11 is. 11\'innifrr1. \1n.. John Ford visited oil :Friday ttitll \Ir. and \I),•:, harry Krel- singer of (;oRi l ick. \\'or11 nn, 1't (•4' Trod by 11r. Emerson Rodger, dealt its lti'othcr, I.,\C'• Leslie Rodger had ;utivcd in Halifax front overseas. lt'eclne5cla) , Aug 111'15, .,.l/11. .i9 1I 11 11111111, .I, 11. .- it Il III EET alt the iyIh Lions Frolic To he held on the Mai11 Sin 'et ()I' 11I)'t11 Thursday, 'ugust 23 commencing til 7 o'clock in the ('venins, (aures of (Chance, Amusement, 1)aueing. Pule Galore! 3I)0600 iN PRIZES 1st, Electric 1VttTh('r, 2nd, 6 -Piece Breakfast Suite. '31(1, C.C. N'1, Bicycle, -It h, Set of Dishes. 5111, Electric Iron. lith) ;_' 1►uir Blankets. ets. 'Pickets now on ;mile in 1Ilyih. 1)r1\\' night of Frolic Give the lions It Boost in their first atteinllt to Raise 1"Furls For ('-)nununi1y Welfare Work. AUGUST 2:IRD FREE 14OIt'111(S 1i\?' 'N'1'! A.. 14/441.4. ,.111 111 411,1 4 ,141.41 III 111W...11.1 III 11'I 4 .16 Ih.,. w ............. 1 . iJ our best investment to .1 pw A DURO PUMPING for hwreased production SYSTEM Running water ander pressure speeds furan need for running water in your Inoue ;Intl greater than ever today. 1'uttt' investment in a NEW DURO PUMP you \\'ill'neva regret -- saves Time and Labour c\'CI•j'where It?1'11, New 1)ttrn Pumps are available in )areata quantities today, but shortages of \latcriatls ;tall Labour will not allow the Umru Factory to produt'a enough to utcct the demand, .\II Duro 1)ealcrs are on a Iluola basis ;mil pt•rntit to purchase roust be approved by 1V.11.11,11. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kilchcn, Itathrooni ;n111 Laundry, Visit your Ennio 1)Calet' fur available styles. 1,rutlurtiult --- the farm building is LEWIS MELD LOCAL AGENT THIONE 131) ,1. DON'T START A TEMPEST IN A TEA CUP rlf4 ;i 'NEEDS OF t STARVING J 1111 .i, 4114,1 til.: .421111r. .4 i. M,tJJ,,.,.t...I- ..,.,xi 1. I. It.i,l, t I ..11,•i•.1... 1)r 1,11 GINE 01877 ill P P L Y•/ v ' SFA/,Q/ 111 fooy World sugar stocks are dangerously low ... use less —use with discretion Wednesjay, Atigtitit 1;, TO 1r, • • • • I II 1.1 I J'.Y I .1 I to aie ftCU ft49 to Daae to VICTORIA VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER WINNIPEG HAMILTON TORONTO OTTAWA HULL No person may move to and rent or occupy family quarters in any of these congested areas without a permit from the Administrator of Emergency Shelter. Before snaking arrangements to vacate your present home, be sure that you have other accommodation and a permit to occupy it. Applications for portraits should bo addressed to the Administrator of Emergency Shelter in the area t0 which you plan to move. Every person who rents or occupies family quarters in any of these districts contrary to the order, commits an offence and, in addition to other penalties, will be required to vacate the shelter and the dktrict at his own expense. (issued ruiner the authority oI Ilio nin1gmu:y Shelter Regulations, Order.1 i -Council P.C. 9439, December 19, 1944). ,ii R' SME' P:R1'�ES �A'NJ THE STANDARD II . l0 1 11 1 1 11 1 1011 11 .1,11! 11 PERSONA(, INTEREST ; ilctdin:c Ilia'. four year,. \I r. and \Its. •I. II. Blewitt, of Ilam- ilt'In visited last week t\ilh Rev• .\. and \I r.. ::inrlair. \'i•itor, at the 1:ectord over August 12th herr \1r,. .\. iL Chri,tncr ;ell \li„ i)1•rothv 11alLer,.If H;t,eilte,an1! the \li„es ,lean ('lu'i,tnet' :ld jean N"111, \'.o aye tin, tic \\cck. F. -Sgt. Norms!! Sinclair returned "n Uon'lay to N '. 1. \Ian: in>,: 1)cll,t, To - tenth!, \\nick i, now the Itcic;t,, Centre\1r,. .\n111,11y \It(itctln, near "Pec- for the Ifs':\F. Ile trill there obtain lis grater to which 1elint ,he \vat, a com I . I,1 he •1! e'Innl.'tcd %till, it f r wore \!i , \ ,•emit a \lorri, \vas home twin I\Ilt•lt'Itt r on her holiday,, al' 11;11 in;: .I \ ith her grandmother, 1 ES -6N 114 PAGE 5 ROAY'17-IEATR1:, CAPI'T'AL THEATRE_ CLINTON, GODERICH, NOW I'LArING:.'IIOTEL. BERT- NOW "The Enchanted Cottage" LiN" by Vichy Baum. 1 starling (Dorothy McGuire. Monday, 'Tuesday. Wedncaday Men, 'Tues., Wed.—Two Features "1'AN•AMERICANA" I1 .. .1n .Ir' !•1 1 atm I Intl 1 \I. IL.lrl, t'' :o:•l ( '1(1.1 ;!" 1 11 i ! !! r I.1 .11!'. .11, I r iit,11:11 "1 Philip 1 city. A adrey Long and R(.hett Itencldey• Thursday. Friday. Saturday Jack Ileuny, Alexis Smith, Dolores Mur an and Allan Joslyn. 111 t,u; ! th, e.-• tem (1 I • 1111111 the ,•.1:'111 to hit- Ill The (HORN BLOWS at MIDNIGHT Hedy Lamarr. George 13rent and Paul Lukas 111 ..f tl, t'',tr•' h1'•t "EXPERIMENT PER1I.OUS" Frances Langford. Wally Brown anti AII., Carney 11 1 • 111,1 , t • t11111 f1:, 1 .: I'HL GIRL RUSH" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Pcnny Singleton, Arthur Lake and Larry Simms I ! 1 1; '11: ..I•l I';,(., !1' rI turn, in 'It iI I'., 'I II III' :11.\1'11„ill' LEAVE 1T TO BLONDiE” COMING: Hedy Lamarr and Paul' -- COMING: "Experiment Perilous" Henreid as "'The Conspirators:' ' COMIPIG: "A Royal Scandal." and ".1 he Girl Rush." Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 rim. Mat., Wed., Sat., Ilulidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & Hclide.:• . a' 2..:0 p.m, R ''G'ENT I'If'EATRE SEAFORTi1. NOW: Abbott and Costello in: "HERE COMES THE CO-EDS" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Hedy Lamarr, Paul Henreid and Sydney Grecnstrcct II :,.•11! In , • rnll to drnnr.ltic ;id - i11 ;'1t. :11:, II,i'i 1(.(111'1. It I• IIIJ11•1'. 1111111' "'1'11E CONSPIRATORS" s 'Thursday. Friday. Saturday Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake and Larry Simms 111:1'. 1,..1111111 !jI .f (10(1- 1111• i:u';. 1- 0'1 ;It 1111.;!• 1)1• 1 t iu "LEAVE iT TO BLONDIE" ('iird Of 'i'hanl(s T \di•II to 111; 111. Ile I:HeiIuur, and friend- let. the : Lill ;tie t1. 1111' Burin:! nit. past i11n1• —M t ,. \\'il!i.uu (lull. b'al'd Of 'I'hanhti \1r,, l''I:Irll', Ilell and fancily. Resile lu t•\;11.1'•, t!telc tl t1, : 111111 ees•gti11111 11, mends .1111 hei,:IIL nr. \\110 11ere •'1 Lind :11111 thottaltiul their recent ,u111,c11 hercal;'nlent. 'I lei 11ish to r\- ne•, aporeetal:on for the many beau- tiful hotter trig rue,. and also desire to tllanl: I:ed. A. Si' rl lir, pastor, .\, I'.• ( n11., oveani,t. :Intl \I r. 't;tntel tll.•, 1,, , :;!,& the member, of the t.(1.111 ., and ;1L those \\ In( loaned ears. CARD OF APPRECIATION The 1111th \Iouicitnl 'i'clel,!1,In1. ti td tri hc, 111 annul/11,c th:t1 lite) httt•e nercloc:l the rt'•ignatillu of \I r• Fril; t1'>;rr, 'n a, litmnl;ul, Ile 111 be ,urrre,l- rd by \I t', ;tel. \I et ire.Ilf Ihnl;annoll•! h"It•rt \11'rlls returned to 11.mlilton 'I'hc l'11'nlltl,.i'flet, of abrade System! I tiller l,endin,t 111'11 wick,' holidays at 1‘ kit t 1 pay tribute to \I r. I:"0c1',on'; \IiliLu'y Cani11, I'cl1a v ttda, term of ,vrv:ce ,11111 meter that the tint' \\'. I'. \lorrit\It i, rnf11111vtit at ha, come idled it become. nese,,ary a \deck,' holid;ry� \tit!) that he rc-i;tn. 1ti, technical know- l'alcd"nits ,!lent hi, \\ilc and candle here. He also v'i'- ledac til 'ti, \\ ort: guts lout; been recot:- ii,•11 tri, 't:;cd '.oder at .\\ ton, mid hi , ttiied, n 1t only 1 Cally, but by member- ,i,lcr, \Ir.. T! tett and family. Ile '"1 '1'yt i ttI'tc .\. 'c!atil ns throw -thou!. ercatly enjoys i.,ccint hi, lidtlll'\\•, l'c- the Province. CI 'Tette, who 1tl,t returned from tltl•vc I - - - v 'ar o\••'r,ea, :t, a flyer \vitlt the l:.c, i IN A'll''.NIORIAI'I final rcltni.e Iron the .\n' Doter, after panted h'• her t.t thee. I 1. , .1. 111111, 1411n161.111,a,:1u1,11 14,1,..1. 11111110:111. 1.1.111 .In ;...� '1 '(1.1 t 1 HY RUR SER :BCE .. . EN ? 424.4.1 cypton40/, 7:7), +.6„, tv-i)x.Q., ea -a() --3-%4Av d4-4-1-4 f-,., c� ,�,,� rt,tl? Y ,< '>;xzxx (.94&14 TO the writer of this letter and several thousand others who are in the same position; your Hydro can definitely say that your application for service certainly has not "slipped our mind." Everything that can be clone is being done to serve as many new customers as soon as possible. Even though many regulations have been relaxed, and the war in Europe is over, there is little, if any, sign of improvement in the shortage of labour and materials. The shortage of only one of the many parts needed to complete a service results in a delay. The labour and materials available are being used with extreme care and planning to serve as many new rural customers as quickly as possible. To those applicants in areas where Hydro lines are still to be constructed, Hydro service will be made available as the supply of labour and materials improves. Already sufficient applications have been received which will require the construction of over 2,000 miles of line that cannot he undeitalten in 1945. However, your Hydro is making every effort to complete by the end of 1945 all applications made in 1944 that have been officially approved by letter. Your Hydro has done and is doing everything possible to extend electricity to essential rural services. The Hydro rural service that you are waiting for will be completed just as soon as the labour and material situation permits. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO l�la'11NII'.—I.. toditi men: ,r.t.0' :r dear hlt,is:ul'I and lathe!, Mr, \Veils) I\1't•hnil•, \tlo passedttway ,,n.,, vat' af;", .\tlt.tll,t 15111, 1'1.1-I. The tI ' th,',t Il el the \teeth c''ulll lolls, :\ cher'r'y ,mile, a lit art of 11"111, '1'o tl '.o \\lo hncn him ;ell \t ill hno\d, Ilett much rte lost one year :tqn. —•I.odin;ly remembered 11y Ir, \vile and family. LOST ,\ ring of tree,' kr d,, otic lrokcll, Finder plea:At leave at Standard Office. PIGS FOR SALE 21 Hilt,, re:ttl.; 111 .van. .\t,l,ly to hone ;n: ll), Myth. 51-111, WIN A $7,8C0 HOME FOR $1.00 t'll.\N( I'. 1:1 %din a S7,800 home for Si. on rr,Uirlcll rc,i'Ic ltia! ;o•ca in Lunt; I i',t!trlt, cou,olali It 11ri<r, nouurt Postal Nol' for ,hare, at $1. eat It to C. 11. I lodq,on, Sec'ty-Trca.., I':tart 'oil Villa )lox 400, Long Ilra'•'eh' Ontario. S1lotuorcl( by 1..0,1.. 2830 lstig Itt•;tnrtt• Proceed; for building; I'It:td. Detail, on receipt. ;1-4• �orrir��.l c' c it�-ai i WASTED •-- through pickle spoil- age, because of a few cents saved on inferior, low-priced vinegar. It happens every season, but you can avoid this waste ill your pickling. Always use Canada Vin- egar—it's absolutely dependable. Canad, Vinegar has been recognized as a i,:''ir:t quality vinegar for over 80 years. Sold at all grocery stores. For FREE Pickling Re- cipe Booklet write to Canada Vinegars Limi- ted, 112 Duke Street, Toronto. CANADA Vinegars A:f l est t izt'cl 4 F4. .4.•;,,'p✓•004.4,,, 004.4.000.••.0,,00•:.'•1 '•:.0,0.0•••.J, 4.:,4,00:,:,J..•.♦00000:..4.4ri0 '.:J1 • • •, t ♦••+ ♦• 0+0+00+••••+OD• LA'C1I'� U11'I '1'11Ii�A'TRE�' ° ATKINsoN,s WINGHAM—ONTARIO, ;t; Two Shows Sat. Night �: Thugs., Fri., Sat., August 16 17 18 :1 PO. ROOM. Wallace L'ccry. James Gleason, in 't' '�i 1 'Tills MAN'S NAVY" •j:: SMOKER'SER'S SUNDRIES • 1 r' 11,1 i ' ;' \\ l; I; r'' •ht)i)i1CC0s, Cigarettes, 1'Oi),;; • , and Other ' �'n,drieti• .• AI.3O "SHORT' SUBJECTS" •` :• 't' .Mative Saturday afternoon, at 2.37.3 :Opel]all (gill' 1111(1 e1'l'Illll�;,a. /•Mon., Tue. Wt d., August 20 21 Z7't; ;,itlll - tl[.'et, Blvth. ;i:Joan Bennett, Edw, G, Rubinson int �j t .1 THE WOMAN IN THE W1N1)OW f 'Ili. I- :III 1'lel•nal my•trry llicture't, 1r.1)1�i':11t1) 11'. l+.11,14101"1.'4;,11,! 11 `r 111 rl, rl , nil. u•,'t�t i! -L11u!I! i 1 , 1 I' 111• 1 lltrutl •j• It •{'1'.1 ln1'u tLe I11..`...,1!u... •: � I' c'�e+l �nrtio'e,,. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" I lel /ctllrtte11 it'olll •-t'rvire 141111 the • Ill \ ,: t ,r •I "l .\ir 1'1 rI r, Mid Will 1,(' • .'!nolo:; 1;; fl I nn r of cutlatt tt. l' 1'1,' II' III :' .rr promptly answered 1 1'I ui, 11:.1 r ;tr';1r::1 ;in tits can be Inapt: ' NO'TICI': i x.111 1);(1(• ;11 "1.11(• IStandardn()filet., I, r b`.' ra ,u. none _ ).1, t -:limon, .\11\'„11" N !111 call ac'111111'Il;lt1• one or ('1;1"1',0 In111ltlate alt! satl,tacti 11 1111'er te.t lets for bo,trdile , 1,11;1.1 4'1u;u;ueed. contact .lc Serrctary-Trt,tstn'er 11f the !111111 ,'.11,1! ho;u'd, Leslie I lilh(l n. •'t 'I'tiurs., Frt,, Sal., Aug. 23 24 25 r6. "THUNDERHEAD" 'i'EACI-IERS WANTED Lor tc.tctlinc !10-itilnl, in tine-r"nmed rural ,Iheel- i1t I'art•t Sound 1)i.trict. Sal;l:ie, : I ft(Ilt, .\11t11ic: t, 1\i'h CI nr yt;tr,' 1 I i',l Selawlint t\ ill he tonsil G. R. AUGUSTINE 1:1?1'RLSENTING '1' 1-I E 11IO N'TR.E:A 14 LIFE "TILE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with 'The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England, Bred ;tf:er .\IICII•I I:tll. :\11111y Matin:; LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES 1141, t 111 ;t St'tl ;i ,t•tntlin: , kclitiioIl, - Tcletdi tic Nutnlier, rte., Io Selloof In - 1'1.11 1'. Ilo.t ;11'), i';art'd Sotn!IL Otit• ,1 1 WHEN BUYING SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRES CHOOSE THE TIRE THAT IS PREFERRED - PHONE ;JS. BL1"1'11, ONT. BY TIRE•WISE MOTORISTS COAST•TO-COAST FOR ... MILEAGE DEPENDABILITY TROUBLE-FREE PERFORMANCE NOTICE I he 1l'tllctt 'I'n\\..lip ('ouneil, ;tt rt"solar 'til etiuc..\iigust 'hl, 1915, pas. l ;t 1,01:,\t• 10 x,111 I`ne-fifth of 1 mitt its :r minimum of }I1)1) on all taxable f;trin prot,trty in the TIItvnsttil,, as tnenll•t•,iti',1 fee!. to the Federation of \:,t i1ttittn•c• •\t1i "tic c;ut have this revoked nit their rr-)sec tide property by applying. 1.1 tilt' 1 ler). to \tritinc. 51-2 GEO. W. COWAN, Twp. Clerk. frank's Bakery IT'S GOODPFEAR NOW, AS ALWAYS, THE FINEST TIRE MADE 4 SEE YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER IIAMM iiROS. PHONE 159 13LY'j'II, ONTARIO PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. I''RESII EVERY DAY Everything Homemade II i\1E-MA1)E 0 BOLOGNA } '1'IIIS WEEK -END OUR OWN [TOME SUGAR -CURET) } Smoked Side Bacon ,) BOLOGNA, WEINERS, SAUSAGE t A GOOD SELEC'T'ION OF COOKED MEATS. 45c PER LB. i N. McCallum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVE() PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CAN..DA, LTD. PERU'S PRESIDENT Dr. Jose Luis Bustamene y Ravero, above, is the new Presi- dent of Peru. A diplomat of long experience, he was at one time Peruvian minister to Bolivia. NAB MUNITIONEER Fritz Mandl, above, former Aus- trian munitions magnate and one- time husband of Hedy Lamarr, has been arrested by Uruguayan police. He was seized at the frontier town of Colonia as he alighted from a plane arriving from Buenos Aires. HONOURED BY KING Lieut. -General Charles Foulkes, 41, of Kingston and London, Ont., at the all -Canadian Investiture held this month at Buckingham Palace, where he received the Distinguish- ed Service Order and the honour, Companion of the Order of the Bath. Gen. Foulkes, Commander of the First Canadian Corps, re. ceived the capitulation of the Ger- mans in Holland. He will replace Lieut -Gen, J. C. Murchie as Chief of the General Staff in September. EYES ON SPAIN Harold J. Laski, above, Socialist spokesman and Labor Party chairman, which swept the Brit- ish elections, indicated possibil- ity of a break with Franco under revised British foreign policy when he said: "We are going to be in a position to do full justice to our Spanish comrades." LIKE A SUPER ROBOMB, THE B-25 CRASHED INTO THE WORLD'S TALLEST BUILDING •5re r,f§(Al" z Gaping holes in the north side of the world's tallest building at the 79th floor are examined here by a New York fireman. That girder above hien was twisted by force of the crash. A This view was taken through a hole in the roof of a penthouse on 3rd St., into which part of the wrecked plane came blazing down. WHAT DEFEAT WILL MEAN TO JAPAN t ATTU ,, ;t+ KISKA Pacific, 1 BURMA Rangoon l 4F.RMO>tA .eONIN 19. WO' VOLCANO ie WAKE' 1 FRENCH PHILIPPINE le tHr • L.,dUAµ• SAIPAN- MARSHALL IS. /. i�,r j :'�• 4TAUK • !''OAROL�E 1$. Singapore SUMATRA' i /w .# JAVA TIMOR 'NEW GUINEI ILYA et! t . G'AOALCANAL Picto-map above illustrates highlights of probable peace terms Allies will impose upon Japan in case of unconditional surrender, Aimed at stripping the enemy of conquered territory and wip- ing out his capacity for future war, they include r eduction of army and destruction of Jap fleet and air force; elimination of heavy industry with war production potentials; surrender of all con- quered territory (indicated by black areas on map), including Manchuria, Korea and Formosa, not already recaptured; dismantling of shipbuilding facilities and strict control over imports, HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY If you are trnuhl d with itching- piles tchingpiles or rectal tint sites, du not delay 1r,:;ument and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool Is na- ture's wat ning and proper treat- ment should be secured at untie. For this purpose get a package of tient-l:otd from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to talco tablet, will quickly rulievo the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Item-Ituid is pleasant to use, Is highly t ',commended and It seems the heic;ht or folly for any one to risk it painful and chronic pilo con- dition when sueh a fine remedy may h,• hod :IL such a sma11 r081. It you try 11,111 -Raid :Ind are not anlit I pli•'I ed wish the results. Your dI ngi;ist will gladly return your motley. BE CONFIDENT. Serve Maxwell House Coffee when friends drop in. Available from your gro- cer in an All Purpose Grind suitable for any type of coffee maker. BRITAIN'S NEW PRIME MINISTER Rt. Hon. Clement R. Attlee Wreckage of the B-25 Mitchell bomber is being guarded by a milt• tary policeman here after the crash. The plane's crew of five anti eight others died In the tragic accident. WHERE BOMBER HIT BUILDING Observation Platform Y •� MAIN AREA Of FIRE PLANE HIT IN THIS AREA Key areas involved in the bomber crash into the 79th floor of the Etnpire State building on July 28 are located in this view of the north side taken front RCA building. BUILDING WITHSTANDS CRASH This view shows some wreckage protruding from the hole. Five men in the bomber and eight persons in the building lost their liven and scores of others were itaj_red. 1 L_ Delicious and Refreshing TE LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM CHAPTER XIII "I do not!" She wOH its swift with her denial as any schoolgirl. "I do not! I keep It because 1 re. member him pleasantly, because 1 had some lovely hours with hien, he0ause he seemed—" "I'm sorry, suvice1. 1'orgn•c nue. hie is a marvelous fellow, !dike. Anyone who ever knew hien will tell you that. Ile was always a romantic figure--renwte, doing fascinating things such as climb- ing lr•laciers in Alaska, exploring this regions of the Congo and dig• g;t,;r in Mayan ruins. And he could 1 li1.r111 the birds out of the tree.. What a fine ;loin Alden I have turned out to be! John was a fel- low, Meridel, who pleaded for an• other man, while he himself really luted the girl he was t'y'ing to win for the other. I'm not going to give Mike any more of a build-up. I've praised taint too highly now. From now on. I shall tell you what a wonderful fellow 1s Roger sabre, what the king said to him, how Mr. Churchill, looking at a few hundred of the Ah' Force boys one day said, 'And wino is that tall dark fellow there? Can that be this Fabre I've hoard so much about, the mat at the mere men - Bon of whose name Marshal Goer - Ng says, 'Crouton der Luftwaffe at vonce!' And, believe it or not, 11 really was Roger." "Ah, you are tike, Roger. You eau laugh always )tad have fun. Deep •Inside, though, you do not laugh so much, oh?" "I try not to look too deep in. side, !deride]. It's no good. And right now especially. After this 1s over, after we can think quietly for a while and no longer hear the thunder of the guns and the roar of flames—why, then, per• haps, we can look into our hearts and raise then up to God. Right now, WE 111ttgli w1111e you can, he merry while there's gayety about. Would you like to go somewhere and dance with me?" "Dance? 1t is so long since 1 have danced that 1 shouldn't know' how to go about it, And you are fatigued. You must be so weary." "But I'm not, 1 snacth a wink Here, a wink there. I can't be tired when 1 am with you." "I think It is better that we stay here, and you will rest. If you like i shall sing to you." "A lullaby, no doubt. You want to put me to sleep 10 get rid of 111'," She laughed. "I 11'ou1du'1 leave you, even if you slept." And siie crooned In French, "Sleep, sleep, My little one, sleep. The day has gone and the night is here; Sleep, oh sleep, My little one sleep. While the angels hover near.'_ DrChase's Qintment or Chafing Skin Irritations Emma You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL runoNTU • Every haunt it 11 lint it, Shull. er and telephone. • Single *IV) ;m lioubie, aa.GO • good (rood, Dining and Dane. lag Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4136 THE BEST WAY TO KILL FLIES --a 10e package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than $5.00 worth of any other fly kMer 1 The old reliable way for 6Syear•. Use WILSON'S FLY PADS today( ISSUE 32--1948 She sang on. Roger listened. She saw hhn nod, his eyelids droop, She smiled, sang more softly. Slowly his dark head cane+'to her shoulder and rested there. Merl. del did not move --not until almost an hour had passed. Ile stirred looking at her in utter confusion. "I dreamed of angels," he said, "And this is one dream that car• ries on Into waking, Why ever did you let me go to sleep, Merl. del?" "So that 1 might see what yon looked like In repose." "I roust. have looked horrible." He rubbed his short hair, "I feel fine now." "You lucked like a tired little boy—like Pot Martin and Enmil aft. Or they have played so long in the snow that they drop off before they 01111 get into bed. And that is Where yet must go now." "My first night home," mutter. cd Roger, "and 1 fall asleep! Why, 1 planned that it would be all mirth and (lowers and music! You and I were to dance till dawn. You were neve)' to leave my arms; 10- ad--" ''l 0•ad- ''1 held you in my arms while you slept, "Which is why 1 dreamed so pleasantly. All, well, there will be other nights. I shall be here for a while. And you are coming back t.n Philibert with 11s?" "Yes. Madame Debre has asked us :ill." Roger, aided by a lawyer %v'im had been his classmate at McGill, was trying to bring some semi• lance of order out of the chaos left by that lord of misrule, Gab. girl Follct. "\\'e shall make some fair arrangement, madame," he told his aunt. "It will be all right, But you will be a working girl, mind ---directress of all these little refugees you have taken in." "'That will be no work. And 111eridel has promised now to stay here and help me, and Rudolph will come too." Late that evening, Madame raised the delicate, thin -stemmed glass and watched the ruby fires in the depths of the wine, the warm heart's blood of the Bur- gundy grapes. "'There is one more toast," she said slowly. "And tonight, some. flow, I do not hesitate to propose it. You know what it is, Roger— you all know -- let us (('ink to Michel." Suddenly, as if a hand invisible had. dashed the, glass from her lips. the fragile bit of crystal the old lady held was shattered on the hearthstone at her feet and the wine spread like blood. IIer hand stayed halted near her lips. The others were on their feet, staring at Use two men in sheepskin jack• ets who stood 1n the wide door• w113', at the dark menace of the automatic the short one held, at the grim, red -stubbed visage of the tall one who surveyed them with blue eyes cold as the ice of the river. ' "Ile quiet, all of you," said he. And the voice was the voice of Michel Faire—but how altered, how harsh, how hateful!" --\\'e are sorry to spoil this occasion, but our lives are Important to us. We escaped front your prison camp back In the woods. You will re- member me as Oberlieutenant Fa• her. My companion is Manfred Kehl. What we want from you, IBS friends, is the key of the star tion wagon parked in front of the house. Yon will have them, broth. er." Ile looked at Roger, his face expressionless. "Bring them here," ''The laughing soldier who hill. ed Bonhomtne Tricot," said Ma- dame softly. "Aad I thought it was some wild story the children had made tip." Michel stated, Ills eyes stray ed from Roger to the scornful face of his aunt. "We have no time for talk. The keys, please; and at once. We cut your telephone wires and have fixed the other ear so it will not go. Ah—" he had seen Roger reach for a bronze book -end as he passed behind a chair and in one leap he was on him. 1-11s fist shot out and cracked cruelly against h 1 s brother's mouth, bloodying it, sending Roger crash• ing to the floor. (To Be Continued) 110t: r? 11.1 i u : L'a as Heat',: d "Sandwich" Unit' d IVit1donl til u1i is I,,:il invented two noir) donuts which will raise the ealely and comfort standluds of Britain's eitil air lin• era to new high levels. The first of these inventions • 15111)11 will Le applied to high altitude flying Is a heated "sandwich", which over- comes the menace of ice and mist formation on the windscreen at great heights. It consists of a very light device by which warmed air 1a pun1pe.d hctweett the double lay- ors ayors of glazing forming the press- ure -resisting surface of the coupe. One important advantage of this device Is that even at temperatures as low las--78 degrees F, the Nick - pit Is so warm that special cloth lag can he dispensed with. The Second invention is 1:11 in- genious robot valve which auto• tnatieally regulates the 0116111 1,1)' pressure in correct proportion. without attention front the pilot. Iloth these advices have been in- corporated in Britain's latest st'a• tnsphere single -seater fighter the Westland•\Welkin. The Welkin, which has been specially design- ed to combat the menace of high flying Japanese raiders, is the largest single -seater fighter ever built. The experience gained In op- eration of the \\'elkln is expected to lend to still further develop- ments in stratosphere flying and these two will be applied to ltrt• tafn's civil air liners. 4766 SIZES 10.16 This charming frock and hat for the teen-ager can he made by the young lady herself. Pattern 4766 has ribbon drawn through white eyelet trim. Make hat to match. Pattern 4766 comes in sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16, Size 12, frock and hat, takes 2% yards 30 -incl( fabric. Send Twenty Cents (20c) in :oins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. . Room .421, .73 Adelaide St. West, 'Toronto. Print plainly Size, Name, Address, Style Number. • C:! , E49 Can i? y Anne Ashhy l; 111 It 1,•1, I ice( tv old jar lids? i . 111,1 in 11 solation of borax l,1 (1 ivory l ,)li, using three table. > I 0001 els of Lora\ and one third ilk( of sn;,t, to about two gallons of w'a:ter. Put in just enough lids al a time to he well covered by Ile water. (toll for thirty minutes, Then )lase well with hot water. (1. Bow can I drive rats away? A. Sprinkle a liher)11 quantity of chloride of lime It the garage, ei lb'u', or other haunts, and the rats will not bother. Q. Ilow5 can I clean it leather article? A. Make a lather of eastlle soap and cold water. Apply It, and when dry, poli h with It sots woolen cloth. Q. )low rain I matte butter spread easily? A. \\''hen spreading butter on thin slices of bread for making sandwiches, clip the knife frequent- ly in hot water. ily doing this the butter will spread easily. Q. 110w can 1 whiten the bone handles of knives that look shabby and become yellow after a time? A. '1'o whiten them, use a split - lion of peroxide mixed with water. Modern Etiquette By Roocrtr Lee • 1. 1Iow F11011111 a woman sign her name when she is traveling alone and registers at it hotel? 2. is it impolite when a person is talking, for the person who Is being addressed to let his eyes wander around the room or to An- other person? 3. flow malty maids are neces- sary for a hostess to have for serving ten guests? 4. Is it all right for a guest to remain for awhile, following an informal luncheon? 6. Would it be all right to ask a girl to dance when she Is sit- ting along the wall talking with another man? 6. Where should the napkins be placed at a formal dinner? Answers 1, Miss Mary R. Jones, or Mrs. W. B. Snaith; and do not omit the prefix "Miss" or "Mrs." 2. Yes, it is very rude to do so. 3. 1f the best efficiency Is desired, two maids are necessary for ten guests. 4, Yes, for 111)0111 a half hour. Of course, if some special entertain- ment leas been provided for the afternoon, he shouid remain. 6, No; a girl who is Hitting out a dance with another man should be left alone. 6. On the service plate. It's In The Bag 1t almost takes a magician to know what 10 do with all those odds and ends of paper, envelopes and flattened cartons that you know are needed in the waste paper salvage but seem more bother than they are worth to collect. It's n paper shopping bag that does the, trick. hang it in the kitchen where It can con- veniently catch those odd pieces of paper. When the bag is full simply fold the top over and Ile With string. It Coaxes The Best Out of Any Pipe Nir CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM Another week vol.( and with it a sense of satisfa.aiun fc r work accomplished \\'c have finished Laying. The wheat is cut and stooked. ft doesn't take long to tell it — it w cull take longer to de- scribe our joy at seeing tic barn well stocked with hay and the wheat un stoul(s. You people on farms know what an anxious few wet ks we put in from the day the grain starts heading out to the time it is ready to cut. Every time it thunders or the sky looks over- cast there conies that dread that a had storm may blow up to flatten the crops, snaking then) difficult or even impossible to cut. .. * w Cutting the wheat was 1111110 an interesting event at Ginger Farm this year. You sec we did some- thing that hadn't been done on this farm before. We had the binder hitched to the tractor and cut the wheat (lows that way. Of course that wily son Bob's little do. He fixed up the binder, made a short tongue for it, and was soon away, with young John bouncing up and down on the seat of the binder, where he was supposedly watching for anything that night go wrong with operations. The wheat was very heavy and there were plenty of stops but the only breakage was a slat on the reel, so we thought we were pretty lucky on the whole. Partner of course, was also nut in the field, stooking a bit and lending a hand whenever the sheaves bunged up and gave trou- ble. Out of curiosity 1 went around the field once 00 the tractor. Once was enough. It vt•asn't any joy ride. 1 might also add that the )'heat wasn't cut without me get- ting my own particular job handed out to me. Patching binder can- vas! Oh -oh. It is things like that that make me wonder why I ever married a farmer. Binder canvas and grain bags. To mend either is a guarantee that f will be in al had hsmout -- 111 (cast as long as the job lasts. It i t. However it is all over now ... the wheat is cut and we can take a breathing spell. Not to do no - 13y Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • thing, of course, lnnt to catch up with some of the odd jobs that haying and h,trve-ting have pushed to one side But wo11dn't It be nice to take a holiday? Just imagine having a notice in the paper — "Ginger harm will be closed for one week — from August 1 to August 8." if only tlic cow, could milk themselves and the chickens hunt their own feed and find their own water. And flit eggs — what wound hapl:cu to the eggs in the hen -pen if there way no one around to pick thtm up several times a Yes, possible toshut 1 day. � c., it is �I,s, u � a store, a factory or an office but a farm — never. At least not a farm with livestock on it depend- ing on the owners for daily care. . . lint I was talking about odd jobs- ,,, one of then) experimenting with DDT Insecticide. 1 can tell you we didn't waste any time in ordering a supply 0110e we knew it wa:c 011 the n>arket tot' we all1 sick to death of association with flies. \\'c surely hope DDT will live up to its wonderful reputation. As far as I can sec its one disadvantage is in its poisonous quality which makes it unsafe for household use. However there is one safe way of using it around the house, 1t can be sprayed around the outAide of the window frames.. being careful to shut the windows first and to wear gloves for the job. 1t cer- tainly discourages flies from mak- ing a rendezvous of your windows and from then) eventually gaining access ti your rooms, fly screens notwithstanding. Of course we really bought it for barn use but Partner has not yet had a chance to try it out. WITH MASTERLY SKILL ...Maxwell House Coffee is blended from rare extra -flavor coffees. More people buy Maxwell House than any other brand of coffee in the world. Have you tried it? DON'T THROW IT AWAY — Canada needs paper 1 • Contributed by 'DSV JPO BLACK HORSE o ERMIgl°3V gee • PAGE 8 IIMPanolownwitiPmetvegratevortorecructomectogiattrcooticain HOLIDAY NEEDS r: Ladies Bathing Suits $2.95 to $1.95 Men's, Women's and Children's Running Shoes (i9c to $1.419 Women's Slacks $1.419 to $1,98 Children's Sun Suits $1.00 to 4$1.49 Mosquito Netting per yard 10c Good Assortment. of Men's, Women's and Children's Camp Shoes, 3 Olive McGill THE STANDARD "'hoose attcndng the Girls Saunter Sc to I :tear (4odericll are, Irina \\'ai- lacc, Lois and Marjorie Doherty. \lar\ 1:\11, 1,,.1,1 1',,,!p, •\nn Jeanette \\'al• sort, Joan Re; mek, Label Thucll, Joan \\ hitiiel,l, Rev, and `,It's, Kenneth Mitchell. and iauul;., of Go., ItIIs, \lick., and NIr, and NIr,, I:d. Tavlir, and son Patti, of I (']into!, are holida\ iug with Mr. awl Mrs, ,11(.ula1i Taylor, the latter also 11,V11.11 !Mrs. NIrs. 'l'ayl• rs parents, NiI'. and Lc -tic 1 rn. Pitts(' visiting al lht home of \It, (;e wgt 1lira :,y over the holida\• we're, s1 I N1r.. I'. Nlcl'affrey, \lr, and NIrs, \\' '�APt) '!°PIA Pt�)1D1Dtt,)14ttftli� k1kItDIIo�DIND1W1)1� � titrallun, and ltto ion., Jackie and , Bobby, Detroit, Mrs. G. NI, Vining. 1'r i••t�•♦•i i`•• •�..•i'.1••� •+0•;.•i .i .;.,..•0 �. �.•4 •� •;.�..;..;• �.•;�.;•i,..;.•;•r;.r;1.;.•;•�..� .;s.• .� r0 •;. �..;. 51:01:4 •w a 0.;. �•.:*••• ,r •4 'I-cn�oulo, nal Gc r);c nuut,kC • Trenton, STUART ROBINSON :t: NIr.aml NIr, 1„ 1.. \\ 'alter, of Fel- Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. •t• Mild, 'a.katchc\\an, spent I liur,Ila1 3. with the latter':. brother, George, MES. is ('utvan and 11111, 11 i, 1\\ til\• -four • r+4 -4 • • 504 • • • Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. 4 lbs. for 25c 2 lbs. for 25c per pkg. 25c per pkg25c 25c Macaroni Rice Lux Flakes Rinso Jiffy Pie Crust Red Rose Coffee, Laly Grange Tea Tomato Soup Shredded Wheat per lb. 415c half lb. pkg. 45c 1Oc 2 pkgs. for 25c •t. years sin:c Mrs. Walter vi:iced here in • t Ontar•o. They were accompanied by ' Mr. and Mrs. I'ctcr NIcNlanus and daughter, Nlolhc, of Stratford. "• I little Miss Judith and Connie Cowan • of Stratford havt rcturt,cd ]tone aftci; spendingtileweeks4i.084 4.4.018441 0,1 00:4 4011 411:0:4 008:4 Doherty Bros. GARAGE. ++••••••••44wow AtactYlene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- IIarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting aiul Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. 1VIIEN 1N NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MA1.)E CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "TML IIOME BAKERY” II. T. VODDEN. their grandparents, \1r, and NIrs. (;comic Cowan. ;• + Mr. and \I rs. 1 lots and .Augustine and ,t• sn, Jan, of lidgew ;iy, acc, uipaeied by the ferutcr', mother, Mrs. Fred :\ugtts- 4=4 tine, and his sister, ladclnic, of Fort • Frit. ,pent last week with NIr, and ;t: NIrs, tic r;;4. C,nvar, au'I Bill, "i \Ir, and \Ir,, Leslie I).tl;;licsh and \v'll be at daughters,OJa•.ic e and I ti:uir, ;.pent the •Z• week -end with the latter's parents, R. D. 1)111111'm Diol Store :• 51 >• A. L. COLE 4t• R.O. •• OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN =; GODERICH — ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, ;, With 25 Years Ex;'crience t• ;f, \I r, and NIr,. George Cowan, BLYIH, ONTARIO 04_04 •_• Nliss Ethel '1 a\ -I r of l'itclicncr is •P ` holidaying with her parents, \Ir, and ;•4.,•4..1•,;•+'x0 �.yH;.•;. t•• �r;•.b•;.••b.;. +.0 4. rjr.;..;u;.' ,1r\b la) Ii il' IMrs. Fox am( son, Alex, of 'Toronto, TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, COUNTY OF HURON, To \Vit : BY VIRTUE OF :\ \V.11;1;.\ NT under the hand of the\Vardcn and S -(d :f the t'"tint\• of Huron bearing laic the loth (lay of July, 1045, and to ore directed, contn::rdii'g me to lc\y niton the lauds men- tioned in the it'll wing list. f,r arrears .,f tax'', thereon together with all cost; in' urre-1, 1 hereby Eire notice that unless the ar'rear's and costs are sooner pard, 1 ;hall pr'•cce'l t ' ,111 for ,aid land,, or as much then •f as shall be sufficic• t to discharge so: h arrears of taxes and charges there:•n, at my office in the c'''urt House in the 'town of ('rr crick. by I Mlle auction on N •yctnh, r r tit. 19-15, at the l- , r of ;\vo o'clock in the aftern:- o in compliance with the statute. ;a that behalf. Notice i; hereby Blither given that if any of utc said lands retrain un- sold an a•ljoutoerl salt will be held rn Nov( tither 13th, 1945, at the sante time and place, ,tad at which the \luincil,al ties may rc,crcc the right to purchase any of the said land:• ,1, 11. 1?RSNINE, Gorierleli, Ont., July 19, 1945. 'l'rca urcr of tltc County f Huron. T•O\\'N SII1 P 111-1,1.1:'I'•I' Years in Arrears Taxc. Cast, '1' •lad Mrs. 'Gentle',' --E. pt. 1.ot 44, Con, 1.4 1912-45 14,29 2.3t, 10n5 Transcontinental •I'ransa Co•— Pt. Lots 23.4. Croce' si'm 7 ......... - 1942-3 2 31 2.25 4.5h TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS John Underwood—Lots 1, 2, 3, Garni; Sy., Pllucvalc 19.42-3 & 4 22,63 VILLAGE OF i1 LYTi I Mary Lockic—L't 125. McDonald Sy. 1940-44 23.50 All of the above lots are patented. Dante•] July 19, 1915. Published in The Ontario 2.57 25.20 2,60 26,12 Gazette, Auq.c,t -It.h, 19-15 tone insertion) Results of V -J Sports Held At Show Grounds The after?' -on \--J Day Program was a huge s'.tcce,s. On practically no not- ice at all c,11,, to, of the (.7 -Immunity made an excnc, rat job of decorating their cars, and boys and girls with de- corated bi:•yclts, and on foot, were in the parade. which was header] by the Scouts and Cults, \vitll tI;rir Cub Master ?sir. Stat Sit,thorpc. '1 he parade wend- ed it': way the full lrngth of Dinsley street. he firemen and the new fire engine ,v'rc also at the heal of (he Victory Parade. Everyone blew their car horn;. and many cornplimcttry re- marks ware heard from those watching the parade. At the show grounds, Nfr. \\'illia 11 \\'atson was in charge of the afternoon sports, and made an excellent job of it. The main feature of the afternoon wa., the. judging c:r:..t anh:ng the ladies for the judging cf "Nfi;s Blyth', Mr. \Vatson requested all ladies to stand vp in t'.• -'ci'lstanl, while Nfr. Frank l lollymau. Ur. Jinn Lav"ric, and an- arc visiting the formers tathrr, Mr. \\'illianl Johnston, and NIr.. luhnstim, Mrs, .\,ratan Sr„ , f (; rile, trul \Tas- ter I)on NIcud imut, st,erl a tett• day, last \\ccr \\itis AI r. and NIrs, .1. 11 \\ alson, fel. O,`, Jack \\'atsoi , fn to l lalifax \\ 4111 his parents, NIr. awl \\'at,on i NIi,,,es Pauline and Patsy i'oc•ack , f 1 fespcler are v .it i 'g Mr. and Airs. R. J. 1'o;\ell, and Beth. (Mist- 11;11.'In, an I NIr, Peter 1)a\vson, nl Itro\- i,uurg, (lttcltcc, are visiting ',their aur„ \lis:, Josephine 11'oudcocl:. Nlisscs Lo;s ; ud I':lizabctlt Brown, land Master lack B,own, are vi)itir.g I, o 111 NI r, and Nl rs• Benj. Quinn at (help]! Mrs. Sadie Cunning rctul'ncd home utt Saturday after spending the past week with her (laughter and son in iaw, Mr. and NIrs, t;, 0. Bradley, of Dort Shr was accompanied d home by Mrs. Bradley and son, R ,hcrt Bruce. :who will visit here for :I tinge. Nliss Alice Rogerson is enjoying a wccl:s holiday; in Toronto. NIrs. I\crr of Toronto is \isitiug her sister, NIrs, S. Nlc\'ittic, li, and \!r•• l:cntncth Taylor at- tended the IV(dding of l'vans —Mc - Laren i,t the Presbyterian ('lnlrcln, 1lcn,all, , n Salcu'day, .August 4111. Mist, "Claire 'Taylor was the flower girl, The bride is a cuu:•io of NB's. Taylor. NIr, and Mr, Stanley Snell of Ford. Yee, were hold::y visitors with \I r, and 1 ],lit intra too groups. The three Nfrs. Edwards. also Airs, \\'nn. Snell of first winners of vetch grnttp true ',oilcloth awarder] rash prizes by the (.ions Curii I NI rs. :Iurray Cole and daughter, ott leave under w'liosc , auspices they were run (athel Ir,c, of 'i c rout°, are visi' ing the nib. I'h, results were as follows: former's sister, Nliss Nlary \lime. Girls, (; and under—Nlary Desmarais, \Itss NI atgaret \I:sha!I is \isitint; Glenvcc Baintc n, Yvonne NIc\all. this Avec]: with her tantsin, lfiss it \s under u -,lay]: 1lotyatt, Doug• .Shepherd of Mallett, Gilfill;ut, (;]gin McYall• I 1)1, \\'. C. Gardiner and son, Billy, (;iris and ur.dcr—Pauline Pocock, of Niagara Falls, N. 1'., is spe'mlir;, los holidays with his cousin, David and Jane McNaII, Ilea! Richmond. ie+ht M. Craig, :tad has cujmc.l meet - 1 It : and under --Stanley Doherty, • Alvin :\rets!! ung, \\'endel Grant. , ing old friends as Cecil is a f 'ruler Girl, 1'I and un ler . Pat ;y 11.. cock, Blyt!t hod, he will be rememlr»r,-,l by a , number. Ile t cccivecl word last week )lefty 'fait, 1,c,': ;\ugcstine, his aunt, Air's, Mathison, in \\'i.Inipett, i Boys 10 and under—l-ierh f)esmarias, passed away :\ogtist, 7th, after a lengthy Isar TavL r, Robert Nfa shall. 'illness. She will be rcinnubcrcd by Girls 12 ar'I under—Ripa NlcNall, many as she visited with her sister, Bernice NIcNnh, Evelyn NI orris. ' NIrs. Peter (la diner. in Blyth, tluite a Boy, 1? and under — (':!'man Nfc- number ut times as Nliss Jcuuie halls Donald, I2ohtri Nlarshall, \Ittt'rav of Ext ter and also as Mrs. \lathis'o'. 1ia111nt. 1\ \'e extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. Girls 1-1 and under—Bernice \IcNall, Gardiner of Lond In in her sorrow. Rhea NIr\all, Shiner Falconer. Visitors at the rectory over \ngu.l Boy; 14 and under --Dun Johnston `'th were NIr. and Mrs. 1. 1. I cc, a••d John Sibthorpc, Carman NI:Dontld, Alrs, F. 'fate, +'f Highgate, :cn(1 Girls 1.4 to 1(,-1.oi, Doherty, De- Margaret 'Tape, of Exeter. lores McNa11, Isabel Tllucll. ether gentleman. we did it:t get his Nlarriccl lades Race—Mrs. Franklin Kelly, Stan Sibthorpc, name), judge.] them. The unanimous Rainton, Nfrs. Stuart 1Zobitson, Mrs. I •\•eters it's Race—Glen Tasker, Jot decision (4 the judges was ;t favour font I,a\vren,'c. Kelly, Norval Kyle, cf Miss Betty Fairservir e, an employee I Three-legged race, 1)nris Johnston Girl: bicycle race-- Lois Doherty, nt the T3ank tf Commerce. Perhaps land 1'err�ce Ndc\all; Rhea Mc\all and Label T')'uell. Shirll'y Phillips. clue to the voting ladies ntn•Iecty, Ott (Afar! ueri.e 11:1! Isal,el '1'hucll anti 11(,\.. ;ii"vt'lc race— George Hamm. Cartwriicirt. was not asked +nr a speech, but she re- lean Dan Iohn,tnn. (;vial]] augnstinc. ceiveri the logh honour "ldushircgl\.•. 1 Boys three-legged race — John Sib, George 1d:feaferl i,ois I)nitert; !Norte :cnel 1)on. loht:ston; Carman 1 anindc;d it was hilt hnnnnr, �: as the winners competed in the Afdlt 'u:tl•l anti 12nn Philp; 1cverle\ bicycle race. she way competing sfiain;l the flower boy; of Blyth and community ladyhoud, \\allarr aril licnncth 1Iarra!!' I Tug of \\'ar—Nfrs. Sims ham vs. • 1 NIIXT VISIT •t• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29TH of FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. it:: TELEPHONE 23 •t• R. I). PH,LP'S DRUG STORE 4. FOR APPOINTMENTS. ;1: Wednesday, August 15,•19•!5, Summer Time Supplies '1'0 RELIEVE AND PREVENT SUNBURN— Noxu•un, ...- - - .- 17c, 31)e, 50e Sun Rex Hi) .. 35c• I'angcl . . ._.-.- , .-- 511c t_'an,fa.x . - 5c TO REPEL AND ELIMINATE INSECTS— _' -\\'sly Iti,cct l epcllant . - ) 3')c' 2-11a\ FI} Rypyll.ult ..--:,')c, Otic DEODORANTS— I:ticluct \lune . DISINFEC'I'AN'I'S- 1.v,'1 Cr: -hue Ny,Il Rc 1,111.01 (til t'itt'/uttll,l ,19e.111 id . -.. .19c Utl 'torn . ,35c and (t5c 25c and 75c .. 25c . 15c _. 3')c and 5')c Chloride oh f Ante .--..-- .--._-- 15c Dew,'1 450 R D. PHILP, Phm. B DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PIIONE 20. , ,, �t�e�a�e+c�sr:�t�u�te�;�e�a�te�e►��c�e��a�e�tst�e��le�e�tca:��te��e�e�c��cea~���e�e►au�ec�t floin The x '14 2; jgK .. )1 ,.;.4..4.4•,•,• ,. ,•,4,.4.44+0.00:.;..,•.;•.;..;, ,..;•.;. is, . ? 3.. V Alt .,11.'*01201DMIDIDIDID ZD1DI)).Di?iHL';INADaarili.ZIMPINZI ID.WINADt3?tI1tSVADt)grit IX .. ,1 , 1, •,4 +1,1+ i...,1 L d 4 . . ,114 AT '1'Ilha BLY'I11I LIONS CLUB 1ST ANNUAL FROLIC ON 'PITT: BLY'1'11 MAIN STREET the evening of Thursday, August 23rd (.wet In on the Big Draw Prizes Being Offered. Now Displayed 1n Our Window. Enjoy a Full Evening of Fun and Entertainment. IIELP' 'i'IIE ii1,Y'I'i-I LIONS IN 'THEIR COMM UNITY WELFARE WORK. J. S. Chellew /Ionic Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funerai Director. ;;•,..;•,.,,,;,,.,. ,.0o.4 44. 44 0o 44. •4„•44,..4..4.,,.;,,.,, 04.44, 0o 0o 44.444,• 441,,.;•.;,1; 0o 4404 0444.;, 4404 04.04, 44.04; 44 4;. ,..;..;.4,4444 4=4 1' '1' 'I' •1. 414 4f` :t• HURON GIULL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. 4' 4.• 44 "4 • Meals __a_ _ d. All a Hours. •t• • .i♦ FRANK GONG ?roprietor• ,•„404 4•, 4444 .4.1 ••,1;14.1 ••. ••11.1 ••, /•14404:.1.14•.1•••4,•„44:4 4.04441.14.4.•,.•.,•.11.4.4 44 4: • 4•, 4.1 0444 4404 44. /4.14,14.1414•„4„•.4444•. , ,. • 4444 , • , • • . ♦ , • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 4 ♦ ♦ • 4 ♦ .. • . • ♦ • • 4 • . . ♦ ♦ • . . • ♦ 4 • . i1 .;•,0,•.;•,•„•: •:•.;.•;•,4.;••; „4;.4;.•4.;.•;•.;4,•.;•.;44;.4;,,:44,0.;,4;•.;,.;..44;,•;4.040•;,.;.•44;..;,,•4; •L,,,,:••: •:,,.;,,•,;,I SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON — ONTARIO. ENROLL NOW FOR FALL 'PERM—SEPTEMBER IOTII • Be Ready in a Few Months to do Valuable and Necessary Office Work COURSES:—ST,ENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL CLERICAL. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B. F. WARD, BA, Vice -Principal. 1'hcuc 19s Principal. 4.441.44 40.0.44, ",'x,•.0.4,,.4,.,•,,,•• s• 04.1'.40,.4♦4.44,,4.4. ,.,•M,4•i1 EDITH CREIGH TONl'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYT'I-I, .. • • 4 u+ +1 11..1 4.1 1 Eli 4,11 044 41.4..111- ..4.1 .. 3 SUNWOW1'11Y WaUpapers AIZE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LAS'T'INGLY BEAUTIFUL I,R10ES ARE RIGHT ALSO pA1NTS AND EN/.MELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Strp T'a'ut Sme l SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. F. C. PREST • Pho••e 37.26. LOiIDESBORC Elwood, 'Ilnwh:icl:c, visited with NIrs,' Nlls. Mary S;utpson, 1'allncrston, \lclvillc on Saturday. with NIr:. \\'iluanl Lyon ! 11 r. and Nlrs. \\', Shut,ldice and sun,) Nl i• s Isabel \\'att-Detroit, is visiting: of 11r'te sell, t\ (111 NIr, and NI rs. J. I.y..n. ' at NIr. Robe!'! Scott's home. \( r. and \I rs. James loberte'tt, .\ub- urn, wah \I r. ;.e.(1 NIrs, \\'nuc( I Nl rs, 1;ricrst•o and I t d' Sunderland 1 i 'with NIr. and NIrs, John Fingland. Nirs. Frc I .\rnls:r'''ag and i':lean'.cr, of (;rintsby, with NIr. and \lis. lance'; Alc NI r. and NIr.;, Percy \\'Initicy, Toron- to with Mr. and NIrs, \V NIcuntain, Coop Mr. awl NIrs. Carl Radford and week -end with \I r. arta NIrs. F. Prest daughter, of Sl. Catharines, with NIr, NIr . Laura Sundercoc•I: and Bobby \!r-, A. R:tdf rd, arc visiting fti.u.I, at Niagara Falls. 1 Mr Tofu In: i,, Loudon, sI••ul the 4 4;, 0• d. d. •0:,:.:, •+.000:.:• •0.0.004 0.0• D„4444•: •duh 0•.•4.•• 40 ••• ••• 0, 040. 04•.4•• •0 .40 d• •h0.:•,. d.:.:...• ; •.0 Q• 4 4i• 2 ore New Goods ;4 4 PEUSONAI, INTEREST is Nliss \largaret Cray ford ha, taken :: a position it .1. L. Keroick's store, I •t• NIrs. !.]orris, :ld 1':vel\•u, visited a a, ,t. second time with the former's itother,',t NIrs. Nlo(;lyrn within the week, when 4; the \IeBide sis ens front New \'ot'I: and 4. 0444 Chicago visited their cousin, NIrs, Nlc- 4t. Glynn, and sun, .1. 1'. 1 ;t; _• LONDESBOR0 4t, •t24 . Untended for Iasi week] , _: To Serve You Will Be Our g\1'c :Inc glad to know !hal Private °' •_• Pleasure. �' 1 itcntan's Race— Freeman '1'unncy. Bill Litllc arrived home safely from 4. Nfrs. La,.tuu'; tcaul—Mrs. $aintutt'�• ,t, +team \yon. •4 •24 1, •t, 414 ARRIVING AT 24 .S� 41. 41, Wendy's•;4,4 4:4 't4 .t4 4)4 5c to$1.00Store I'i3USEHOLD SUPPLIES — SOUVENIERS — TOYS — GAMES — STATIONERY. 4c • 4=. 4S, 424 Entries in the different races were Armand Kernick. Art Barr. Europe. - large, with many classes having to Gentlemen's Race—Jim Pierce, foe NICs, Robert Ilaulilton and her SOLI, P"0•�000••.0•�.,..4,.�4�•00 Mi' 4 i••r•i��•�4.0 �,•,.•.••••.� • 4• i�•,*.:4.. i.1141...�N�+4.,1„..••.44.444.4, 41.1•14.-itNi�