The Blyth Standard, 1945-08-01, Page 1THE VOLUME 55 - NO. 50, • LYTH ST 'ND A R MORE LOCAL BOYS HOME \V3' are I11' J to report that during the past ‘‘.cel, or so several more of our loyal boy • have come home, smile on furlough from the \ 1V\, 11311 uthCIS directsfrom the I(((I(( fronts. I'bo,c \\ht] ha\e arrived home follow- ing several v('ar•' action in the Fairly - can theatre of war are Corporal '('oto ('ole, son of \I r. and \I r,• Jaek ('ole, and (inr• Henry Young, son of Mrs. alar) Young. loth ll;n'e ,ern long month, 1'f sere:cu 1.11 the battle front;, and home i, a Very welcome sight 11'2 limn, holm. on furlough from action \\dill the Ito}al Canadian Navy are, Lieutenant \\', .\, !':Ilion, eldest ,on of \Ir• and \1r,. .1. II. R. Elliott, and Tel. Jae( \lorritl, out 1 \Ir, and N1r,. Jaom', \I'u 1'i! I, .\II these bay, store, or lo,°, al•rivi (1 hone m11heraddcd, as fricu'I, \\ar(• not 1\\111 of their arrival. 1'erll,Il„ that I, the \115 11111,1 of the lad, lilt(' to get li 1111 anyway, \Vithuut t(4) 31113(11 fills or ceremony, Ccrpor•al 'l'omtit), Cole Corporal Tommy ('ole arriyud in Canada, :Mont with };,:CII other Cana- dian "(rvirt' I'1rs0nel, comprising ,ol- dict•,, \nr,inp Sisters, and member, of 1113' C\x.\('. 'I'li1'y came across on the ' 3v Ain,terditin, arriving in Canada on 'ItosiI:ly, July 23r11. Corteuel Cole ('anus on to Toronto \\herr he 11111 his \Vile and little son, who is now' year, ('III, (ie was only -1 Inontit, old \viten hi, dad left for Overseas, They came on 10 I,ondun, and arrived in Myth on the 11'11113 train, \Ionda'. Tow ioola hail and beauty, and i, antic•i(cit- ing his early (di,cha•gc from the Ser- vice. Corporal lull• t'nli,ttil at London, with Ihr 1.11gin R'gintent in iunc, 19-111. 1'u11o3Vint; train:lig at London, Toronto, \':Heartier and Sydney, \.S., lie pt'o- (ceded 0Vrr,c:I, in \la\', 1943, where he Was Slat 11)113'11 in 1.:11Q111131 for i'( month,. Ile went along with the Eights to North :\frim in April, 1:)14. and arrived at the battlefront just as the (ighlilig \vas going on around llarrv, ort the .\dr(alie ('oast. Cid. ('ole ‘vas 33it1 a tad: tar- livery rc'iinent, their job being In tae• liver tank, to the battlefront. Ile 11'135 furtunat0 viumgll to ne3(r be wounded. \\'hen his regiment \Vas moved to the 1Vcslcrn 1'1.13131, '!'oat 3Vas in hospital and follii vc1 along later on a hospital shit, via I'aigland. Ile rejninrrl his Tank squadron in \lay, 19.15, in Holland. Ifc \va, Lack in England ort \'-1'. Day. Tont and 11111ry Young carte home on the ,1131, boat, Cpl. ('ole expr(',sud his appreciation 111 tit for the dually parcel, and cigar- ettes he receive 1 from the Ital Cross, ithe United Church, the '111111ip Plant and other iu(livi'hctl,, al'd wishes to convey his th;u'ks through the medium • allarl, Lieut. Elliott i, in the Iw,t of health land has ('iljo\ l (1 his experit•Iil•l', (hnr- ,oug1ly. Uld fronds were very glad to Isco Ilial, I'le, Walter Bentley Pte. \\•alter lcntley of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, rt•turncd Intim on the \'1w .\nl,tt'rd:un and ar- rive(' in 1, ln(lon on Thursday, after IIvr \'eat', ,1'1'11('(.' overseas. 1lis 11111 ily motored to London to sleet hint, Ile originally enlisted in The Itoyat Canadian l eginient. 111, was transferred 111 11e I l.l,till(, and Prince Edward (tuginnnl un arrival in Italy. He also a\\' st're!r( ill holland when the I'it',l I Canadian 1)iVl'l.(n \\as moved to North 11:11 \Vest 1':urope, sttcurt still, \Valter is how home on 3(1 -days I , coming Ica3e at Iii,. 1111:11 in (Halt, \Vitt his par- ent,. \I r. and \I1's, Earl Bentley, for- mer residCuts of llyth, BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 19 IiSubscription Rates $1.50 hi Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. NO PAi'ER NEXT WEEK Corporation Purchases Fire Truck 1'nle,, something nnforsecn inter cPlies, 11e editor :11111 family plan on :I \\(1,l,', holiday, next \\tch, If there i, no issue "i 1'11 Standard forthcoming 'Thursday or Friday, sill, ,1,1'l1)1r will know' lust Ile Mace "11(•3' 1111 w'1 114 pc to 1(1' had: \\'0th 11ne\\('(1 (loamy the \\1(11 „f :\ug11,1 15111. The 31 re will rennin open through 11111 the 1\('('11 tor the 1'a(IVl'llil'lll•(t 111 111,1 \W(,{llllg tt• 1,111'1'111,1' stationery supplies 1(31(l inagi/Il11•,• 1'1'rle,pund(ml- ;11111 all others w•isiling lo „•n I I1,\\', may do ,a, and it \\'ill be included in the nt•xt \3rek'; issue, V ----- HAVE YOU BOUGIIT YOUR LiONS CLUB TICKET '1.11 Lion' 1'111, are 'try ;utxion; every persons its the c'onlntun.lc at least elle tick( I, or better 'wok u! tickets, on the !I•ill- draw to he made on frolic Night.:\'Ignst 2,1rd, This i, the first annual frolic of the Itls'th I.iol1, Club. \l'1, ,1y annual because it i' hoped to stage at (cast (die each yru'. The prizes offered are \\ortlly of ev- eryone's suppo;l, and apart i1o111 that 1.11111, ('t'Ih 31 (Ids is 1v1)rtlly 1'f ev'r\- Telegraphist Jack Morritt 'relent. 1pin 1 1a11; \lorritt. son of \Ir• )111(1 \l1'' Jath \Iorritt, of I1 \ICS. Llu,g,ueui!, i, 0!1 a 7S day 11,;151,, part of lone', Ioyal s19(1011, which be i, 3':9 (1:3(g at the Kintaiiflub mu'nlber; are very anxious that (leach wi!11ii, fan11\'. all the prizes remain in, this cutntutnlitv', Since lie join( d the \;Ivy :n tiulltcm- 1'!'11e more tickets bought I t1,;Illy th'ry bar, 1')43. Jack 1311' co\ered eollsidcra!(Ic'butter the 111111s on this hying 111 case. ;;rout] 1. After training, at Quebec City Should the support nmrit il, it might 111,1 tit, Ily:leiolhes, he \\ as drafted to be able in future to confine such Het. IINIC'S, Stratford, a mine sweeper in tet 31111(33 entirely to 1111th and the ;.\ugnst, !'11.1, (king 1ninc,\cccping andsurrounding community. That \v1)111'1 1, IC11;1,1a1 (11.11 duty on the Atlantic la very happy condition for the Chili ('fast. 1 )n ti(ptcmber 28th, 1941, he ;members to by in, was dra('cd to the Frigate Lougnettil. Poly at Ica,( one tirkcl wilco sono' and silo'' that 1i1113' 1115 1(1(11 on escort rtlrntbcr of 1111, ('11111 approalhe, you, duty between) Newfoundland andi t. land if at all po•siblc, buy a h.'ill. 04'11derry, North Ireland. \\'(tile tied up in 1(111(i1 port, Jack availed himself ill (''('1y (Toottttnity lu sec the sights LIONS BEAN FIELD ALL HOED of the Old 1:111(1. and ro't'ted niost o't 1 few faithful 113(1,15 of 1111, 1.10135 the important -,;(its in Ireland, I?itglan'I Club lust at lits helot field 013 \111(1111) and Scotland. Before 1i, ,hip ducked'evening, and polished up the remaining they travelled down the west ('oast of :1I row's of beau,, Last \5111; "the the 1'nit:d Slates, through the Pan- faithful," met on a \\'cllues laj' night. :11111 ('anal, and up the trot coast, ly- :utd hoe(! 51.1 111\\'5. '('Ifc field now ing up at \'anvottver. 1 1:11 came home is quite prose 1111(11, The 1(1,;111, are by t•il! from 'rIncotiver, has ship 1; • not just 1, 1111'11 .Is dill' might l,1„ (IIIc tied up al Vancouver \'lure it i; being to Inc \'1,t \ecather, The I.1t1 re titled for scrVic( in the Pacific. date pretty \5111 dtottn0d out, hitt it is 1ael; met Hill Henry and Jack \bcl':1-'still hoped that the project ‘fill be a coy in \1'11o11'1'11;1l1(1. 110111 these 11s profitable one, are 1110 its the Navy. ( '1'141,1. leho 111'(1 derived ;t great dell Ile \fishes lu thank the Red Cross, of enjoyment front their Tabour,. The the 'Turnip Plaut, the Literary Society genial ',,resi(Icl;t. "1)01," 1111(1(1, found of the l(yth Continuation Selloot, fur I lion to ,pare an evening :It the bean Parcels receive L IIc also received t\vu fluid, and \'b& \1,l•. 1101110/ Itis enudf, notifiralinu of parcels which lie ntver:tion \v'ilslt't tht' 1(,1, Ile nrerrthclrs, received, and does not know whol(11tg right ill. :ut(! we 1101'1111 hila leave \4'r\'• Kyle considerably bcli',d iii th, "home -stretch". Of course it must he rem ember cd that \1115, grew "soft" up north on a three -weeks vacation recently, and must he excused for not being in his usual good form, If \V1 can 01115' coax "Dna" ('nt. into :1 goad heavy wheal Civil, the can then boast t0 his patients that he is a )'(•:(I son of the soil, Incidentally, the editor is going on his \:,r:ltion next feel\ -the \\'heal will he all harvested by the time he gets haek-;'t'clty 1111 tinting on ye editor's part, but 1Wc 3'1,11 raisr.d on the farm, and 1:11('w• all the angle'. The gnarl Doctor may want to take :another \'haul: at our appendixhs' the time I(1' finishes this (tem of net's. sent them. L.-Bomadier Henry Young L. Hnnlr• Ilcnry Young, son of \Its, of the Standard. 'Tont report, to \lili''l:u'y 1ouu4, arri\•c'l 1101111 last'I'11tu15- t:try District No. 1 Depot. London, on day at noon. Ile arrived at Halifax on the i\ie'.V ,\Insterdaln on July 24th, 1(1111•,' Young. along with ('red Chapple, were among the first lural boys to eIi- 1.icttttnant \\'. A. Elliott, ltd'\\'R., list, Both boys signed ftp at London spent :t few days with It's parents. \l1', 011 September 7(h, 19,0, four (lays after and \Irs• I.'1I, R. Elliott. and other the outhl':'at: 01 war. and were together member: (II tin f:intlly the first of this',1for some years llt(ri1g training and o\'- )weeli. Alexander has been holidaying 11.5115. I.,-11nt•1r•. Young took his train at \\'asaga Beach, in conipauy with I•is'ing at Pettaw:ttra and 'J•raradic 111'11 wife, awl 11'1• it other. His ship, the Sussex, the latter (,laces both in New( Carlplace ducked at 1 falifax, N.5,, .n lrunsw(rk, Ile was connected with the \lay 31,1, and il: now at SI. John, N.11,, 71.11 field Regiment, RC,\•, and went being Irrpic:dizel for Pacific 1)t,ty. ,oV1t'st':ts on No\crllber 11 t1, 1941• Uel l.nl'nler:ant "Ilion enlisted in the 1t. December 12tH, 1943, he was transfet'- C\\'R. its March, (9.13. lefire being red to the Canadian School of .\rtiliery, attached to the Cal'Iplace, lie was a and bec:nnc a (ruck driver, \\'e asked August 218th, Lieutenant W. A. Elliott ntcntbcr of the crew of 11 \ICS. Clan- 1Ienry :bout Ills rxp(rlcnrcs IVer'ras, pnciluc, a banger minesweeper, patrol and he stud it \\'Diad take a boot: to ling the :atlantic Coast between New- 1hold them, an issue of The Standard foundland and Labrador. The Gamin -1,111(111'1 begin to contain all of them.(Nue was a dual-purpose ship, also I 'Things were gclting pretty \Nell hart: t:!king it's turn at convoy duty. lie to normal in England, and he enjoyed was attached to the (..tatlplace in 1)1'- his lxpericnccs overseas very cutch. coulter, 171 I, Ile rcniarkcd that the I'ollu\v'1ng a 110 (lat.; leave, which he Carlldace i(a(I limn commissioned on \vitt enjoy w'itn Ills mother and family Friday. December 13th, but none of the its and around llyth, lie • will report crew were superstitions, and no ill 1f- haul: to London for Pacific ditty. feet had hrl';1111 n them, I.,-Tlnulr. Young ‘Wishes to thank the The Cnrlplare is a Frigate, and since ,[Zed Cross, the 'I'tn'nip Plant, the Can- 1h'ccnther has covered many miles on'alliao Legion. Clinton 1\1111,1, the \V.T, c'naIVm• ,:curt 111115'. Ports rtlied :U and all miter organizations, for parcels included Philadtlphi:l, New London, ;till cigarettes he received while over - Conn., 1lorta, in the I'ortugesc Azores, scats. '!'hese \vire among the things he Gibraltar, am'.I Newfoundland. For appreciated most, That, and getting 511110 lime they \Wert stationed at Lon- 111,1: 1111311 \Wit!' his family 1131 friends dondcrry in Northern Ireland. 1)uriu,g for a short leave. that time they travelled in Scottish waters, and titc Irish Sea. Although they pas"cd very close to England, They had no opportunity to land at any Faiglish port. \I r, and \ir,• \\ illiant They -,lid land at (iilralta•, and Alex ?received a Ielcgr in from their sou, availed 111135101 of the opportunity to Lien( Ross Thud!, saying that he ex - tour the "Rock". 3ehich he described accts to art'ive home some time in as being marvellously fortificl against August. V WILL BE HOME IN AUGUST Thucll have IMPORTANT LIONS MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 14TII The S'crtctary of the lions Club in- forms u, that there »111 he a very im- portant meeting of the ('Iuh members on the evening of Tuesday, August 14tH. 111111, \fa(co1111, Secretary of !.ions SCIIOOL BOARD PLANNING TO DRILL WELL Bali Team in First Place Tie MANY l: CROPS TWO WINS IN A WEEK PUT I3LYTH IN FIRST -PLACE TiE .\1 !t ( fall 115'16 11g of 1111' Villa',iII •;IIT '11 re! 1\' prr11, 1!1'111• "t l,;1'.' 1'1 111 a fll",l-(,Idre 1!P ( 1111rll {11'!d 1 11 Saturday Might. Il‘ - ,1111'1 et'"p I;1.1'I!'t 1)1'1111 1"i' Illy Ill"'+ ri:111 .\111+'11"II ! a- 1(' 111 11le 11'1"111 01 Law \o. n, ('113, \Vas 1111(1 a thir'I 111(1'' p,u'1 ;01 '1.11\1 lin; ,1'. 1('.er,l,',, ;010 i1', i1: 111, t1 "Itl',Jl '1'1:11111 11ritn"iuyt Ihr ;11111 )r,( I'll, gl(Ilig the 1,,,u ll'tl the 1111!1- .111111 3':1 1». 1''. 11,1' 'hall 111+ 1',11''' ha j ! j':l ! l\ t','1•• (111 1'! 1'1,11' 111111 III('\' d0- ority 1" imrclia•e a Lire truck i"r 13.1. 1,1 :till or;lin crop .\ (iri1, t'.' :l !' ( 1'111''! I!),• .1131 "la 1113111 i, 10 4, and on pi•+'ll'etl111! \'1111341' )n•ap1'rly• \ !III'(, many heailIlllli I'rl'l. 1.1 T11, -11.1\ 11':',111, .111(113 '1 a barge :\ d(Iegatiott ttotu 111 coin:'il and lar e,!'' 't 1'f (11 i.'1 (.a, („,': ,":t 1 '!'\\i!. 11 1,111•, 111,'\ 111 a'Ic(I the 111'1, 1''illpalt l' \531111 10 \V(,1111,11,C1, :111'1 ((111"it,e t(n• ; 11" 31111, ,111'1 1l I1,:li. \\ III diamond, and trintntld the in,pec(r'! ON' fir, unrh, 101111 i a . \ll. 11, cni.i , 11.1er. ,.i 1111 \,)1,1m \1 3'-tl]c1'I boy 1„ the now of 13 to 3. ,1,1"ill-halt 1 1111 lichee ('onihinalil'll Ri111'I. 11,1 0 • ,\h'';(! ' nt 1.0 tllr„1!,' I 111'1111:1 !!u 1 \' 11111'1 pitching of (;len !'mop 1,-1. and Chemical hare 'True!'•• \le, 1l.l'1, 1:;1 arc, I \Aral, x114.11 1 ,11111• 1!1 1:1\111 L"\. I"'14, an early In,pu1'tlnit Proved that kk5' Jit 1 \11'51 pr. 'lilt 111 '(( I"a'I', 1(1111 .1\11;1, I 1'l •14 II ,al, -r 'I"111:' ','I' 4• 111 111• first inning the ('01.1,"ration 'n'10e'I• and it 1a, 11 ,11 iol•'''• t ' the et 1. ;1 '.11 1 t ''' 1 1111'• I'1'l 13\ 1'1 in +(, -,cond. They clinched pn1'1'li:lsl'll at a p11(•(• "1 15'0111( the , to 11'(11111 other I;11'0'' til IllrHu, Irtlrli \i ( 11t11'l'lla'1'(I II'"111 111 11111,1''- '11 ,"111 ''1111;11 111'-, Illlt ' 1;11' w l '• 11'11.1 Seagrave. I.iuliled, \111110•!1 111, Til'' 11;1\, not heard of ;un'. 131\5 addition I'1 the I:I'1'-iigbtinq 1'11111' 111;1\, 1 ,h,. !1a\:' talo 3'0 •oil,. 1'o-': 1(11'111 11',11 l,lllt,il(l\' arrive in tow11 ill'\! III IIIJr1', 115 1.1 (.1,ing 1111' grain d11w'•• \11'(11, and \IC tlll'ltr't;(Ii(I t111 once it '('111• crop Io .a'fer Illr,s( from the (•;11(1 1, 11111;'t'rIv •1t 11(1, :( dl'lll'111,tlatn': \Cil( 11:1• l+elt bean,. 1111, I, 11+'t a br,llt 14,11111. 11 Hi, 1111 1 innin(' with an 5)111 .;'lul:'1 . (3 (11,11 IIIc 11,1111 batt(''! n,l; ;u'' iI(l, i 'gar 11111, I'crc x,100' 11 in the •' tenth 111111 eighth inning; 11f ti's "ileli111- f 'Tommy Jardine, x1113 11131,0 \1)'111'\\111 11 11'10 mound. NV)111 the' ,colt' 11 to (I against them, I,1' given. Idl'trict. but fintlI(r ,'(11111, 1111'lll''r- tho went to \v'o1'k in the The fire cgiipnn'nt for the village 11,11(• 11(1.•1'11 (\1,11•1\ely (Ina to the -i,.1 11 inning, load made the gams' look II;I, been '11,,111' -It' 11'1' 111:111\' year-. a1111 !',nils. ‘‘l;"11 11.111 cut t111 it bean 1'1"1''( 111' Ie !III'r,'l!ill.'. Hunt- Mists' hit; and the pnt'rha,e of more 1311 -to date lin, ,''1111' 111,1' by 5)) prta.ent, equipment ha, beet) a topic for ,CV(ral----h-- years. \\'lien fine of the reel, collap,c(i ,al the w';1)' to 1 chimney fire at the reside::re 1.f \1t', (111(13 Mills this spring, it \v;ts definitely felt that ,nnietlling ,utllll b.• clone, 'Clic truce: •should I,snrti goof! ((:1 protection' for village I(rbl•.11crty• '1111' 5,1>''l Ilail'11 111,0 iit,tig;lte'd ail - other 111!11,1 -ii )''led improvement at their rect:llar nt':eting nn friday night, the drilling 14 a !vel( on the school eromnd'• \\'e :u•1, not yet a\vitrc of the intention, of the (1"at'd, but '11 t'on1(1 lead to ,Vater iacilI(1e , and accnntoda- Iinn in t!tc school \Vltirh has beat advocat.cd for 1(:•s, 5c TO $1.00 STORE OPENING SATURDAY 11, L'I, \\'cido11 i ill open Ili, new 3e to $1.(I(1 store this Saturday..\ugust 1(1), with a 1'11l., new line of stuck, Mr. \\•endor( has 1•onlpleiely nolo- (111('11 the t'nlrriot' '1f t1(1 ,11151, \CIIiC!I was pr',':ously r:lcupivd by the \\'Rile 111ucher Shop. \I r. \\'t'nd1'r" cutin, herr from Clin- ton, (111)1'1' for 51111', Its' operated a bakery •Ind confectionery store. For the past It'\\• years tie has been rnipto\•. ed at Ili: Clinton Radio Sidle I, but he felt 1111 tirgr 1)1 get h;t'k in 111,int'„ for biln,clf. I'or the prt',cnt 111iy \Viii riot HMV() 111 114111• 'I'bcy have tbcir 11(1(1 holm• in 1111111:1, \511111' \Ir,. \\•eodorf i, orgatist of illy Ontario Street led Churn((, and also 1(:t, a large pat rwt:lge in the musical pr,'Ie,aitl \Ir, and Nil's. \\'cndorf have one daughter. \lis, Velma Naylor, of Myth, has been umplo\'111 by \1t'. \\'codorf to assist i'1 tilt store. 'i'he Standard and business people of Myth extend •t lcarty \Vcicl'Inc to \Ir• \\'cudorf, and hope that his bu'ines: career in our nrll,f \4111 he both happy and profitable. FIRST SHIPMENT OF CHEESE AWARDED HIGH SCORE \I r. C'• I?. Hudgins ata, received the result of his lirst sllipntcttt of cheese, (iiaes i\iosuuito Blood 3111'i1115T 11511111 Velma \irlv'I,On 111, ,11111 e,t,011i•11 3'I( a p(u1lell' i11 blood II•an,I11 11111,,. Illi, \\'rduc'•'1,Ic evrnino we found Velma Ind I-,ibel Timid! cont)' •It,•(111• ,itling nn 1111 ,1(1111 all: ill (runt "f The Drug Shore, am! we 1'10111 sec that the two ,girl, 3\ ere getting (ln1Ic a hick out of snntelbhtg, \\'e ,tn'11'1 over, and 1 , and hcitold, here was a tno,llnito li( gi: g himself in nn \•rlmla', 3110,1, all(' 111r twit ,girls were t ettillg quite a kick ons of wattling the mosquitoes -toina1,1 expand ;t, he feasted on Velma', go 41. rich 111111'1. \\'1 didn't ,Ln• to ',et, the grand finale. but \V1, ,oppose Ilse girls fiiislcll the Mosquito after he ball filled hi, stomach. \\'ell, \Ir'• JIO,tluito no doubt dill happily. e'' 111p1e Ill 1,111 ('1•l or, for Iilsl lt. ar- ,'"u111e0 for 3 \\'1,I11,10 run,. Tummy Jardine, Ihr 1111 1111,11)' of the moan(!. '1‘y:. the :,itching (!otic, for \Vcst- ii' 1'1 1!1 i!ie seventh, bol the (damage 11,1 all )(fen dont. (lis team-mates tailed 111 eft 1tots a t 1111. 1111'11 1''11111• \anricrll 111 entire nine inning, '.'n the (milord for Myth, and had plenty of bop on the ball, Glen ha, pitched (11 ,,well game, the last t\l ice fly til has played, and Ids team Inert, hate given hint goal support• The game was also featured by t vo lone run, by 11101, 7'unnt'y snta('ked 'rte (wet' the (emit -fielder's head in the 1'1,g Hill' inning, 3\1111 t(vo !nates aboard. and Gray 111'1311, a long one to right fiefd in tic ,1x111. There \\ ere fans pre,enl at the game from \\'e,((X111 :\uburn, Londc,bnro and 111\111, 1113th is phni111 an exhibition game V al lruss,l- 111 \xc'Inesday evening. Iluron Nursing. !Taus Now Complete Plans for inaugurating tie school nursing plan, authorized 1(y the 11111(13 County Council have Igen completed by the health 1111 hospital committee. The ,tandinc; of the teams no\v is as follows: \Von Lost Points 1111(13113 ................. 3 3 Myth3 3 h \\'c-tfield ..... 2 3 4 311,5 1111113 (1 (i;ndnlr, of \iagarrl Idle ,group schedule is h:'ing rcvamtp- 1'111s, ba, been engaged as ,np(rei,or. cd s1) that (b' 111113, tray finish the rhl111111. and hurry along the play-offs ;1111 t\\n 11111111 (-1311131\' girl, ;1, ,ell"'( In 111'13'511 \C 11!1 111111 grnn(1 playUffs. oust.,. They ::re \1 i„ \Iildl cd I1;ih I'he line-ups • mi. of ''Lnrirll, and \Iiss lean Falcott- 111� t it-( bray lb: 'Pumice cf; Foster 1,r of lr•ucfic111' -um 2h; I)ohcrly 3h; Kyle c; 3(155 (iardnrr \'ill arriwc in (.11111,:11on .\ugusl 11. Ind the others lin 'I amble n If; Miller If ; Carter p. the Imnitll• It i, hrpl'cl to sceurl.ater ((:11 \xlstfil•ld-\! llrl)o\Well p, relieved 1111111 nurse, 1,. lardinr in 7(11; r\. Cook 2h; D. Snell Thy bra(! office will 111 in Clinton in 2I' ('Mt'I)oVe11 r; ; :\11., :( Snell 1,l; \1', building rented, with janitor service! �Ib; I'. Snell 11Snell 1,f; 11. (from !'rank 1'irglaud, N.C. it is Irin•g \Ir!h,\ccll rt. Irv -mated and di'corated inside and [moire,- .\t the plate, F., Scrim- otlt, ,111 new furniture Ise, been pot'( gcour; Un the 1'a,e, P. Cook, rll;iscd and a n3'\' 1(1111131, ,)'511,111 in -\'-"-"' stalled. '1'111 office will be one of the IILY1'H BEATS AUBURN iN BEST ,most up to dale of its hind in the pro)' LOCAL GAME OF THE SEASON !ince, The whole county \till he taken in •\ large crow'd attended the softball in the ,11'1111 Pursing plan, with the game in tic •"\gl'ltIdtm•al Park on Fri - ,t' day night, when the Myth team annex- ed their second win of the season by beating the league -leading Auhurnites t1 to •1 in a light nine -inning game. Thy g.ttn' 331(5 undoubtedly the best wllirb has proved 13111,1 ati,lartory. I District Dl'11l !v exhibitio:l play( (1 on the local diatnontl The shipment contained 123 h'�t,, or 111' 1151111, and !Heal fans went home approximately 11,11111) Ihs„ and 3\a, sold I .\t 1111, 111'1131 ,(,•inn, 0f the \la:'onil' confident that the Myth team could ((. \\'• T. 11art of the liraft Cheese lil•and Lodge of Ontario, held in 'Tot' fish up a 1111 brand of hail if they Company, at \Voodslock., The results onto. Mr. Hat \Icllurncy, of Te" -1111110 c,rtpc !1.1,11 usual cluster of (r - of the high grading means dollar, and \\•att'r, \vas clerted District Deputy 1111,. ('('1(1, to illi' shareholders, as the whole Grand \l;t,tvt' for the North Huron (dell ''11111' worked the entire (11I1C shipment came in the bonus category. 11)istricl, sncecediug 1). 1.. Chapman, 0f inning fir myth. and pitched a swell This high grading on the first ship- Listowel, gain', gestin); excellent support from mem of cheese i, 1 credit to M r. 11011- \I it. NI cluro"y is a Pa»t \l aster 1'1 1 11, team 1111115, \Vatter '1';1115 pitch('(( gins and his staff, and also to the pro-,'I'ecs\vlt(15 Lodge, awl Ila, visited tile1 an equally good game for Auburn, and dura•, who fm•tiisht'1 gond, clean milk, Myth Lodge on several occasions, I winkcll the entire nine innings, IIe (11•:11111 1.1dg1' ,l'„lull, \1'1'1'1• 't1• :1 i ilkc\1 i,e had splendidsupport from his greatly restricted scale this \ car. dor luldrrs, • to government tcgulati)n' un gather .\uburn scored their runs in the first Ings of 1111, 13,11111, Yield arronn'd:l ;111d third innings, Blyth scored once exception of Godrt•it1, \\bird ha, poblir 11151111 service of its own. V-'-• '13ees\\'ater Man Masonic Itllcrnati told \\•ill \•1511 the Chili on that an essential in good cheese -making, evening, and all members 3vill want to The 11101 Fanners' Co(perative are hear Itis address and advice, to be congratulated on their initial stir - The meeting \'ill take the form 01 a •cess, supper 1m the \lttnorial hall. at 0.3 I, The folowinl' utter of cl't,gralu!atio'n liens were out (11 the question. 1h1',iu 1111 first, tb.ry 1111115 in the sec0n'd important dct:,ils regarding the Frolic was ret''ived by \I 1. 1I"dgins, front 11',1111 3Vts a 'dreat 34111111,1 in the :(t land 01311 in the third. From then until which will hr 111d on .\ugust 23rd. will \Ir. 1iart, of 1l,, N;aft Chcc,c Coni- temiance• .Many districts cicclud theirlthe ninth inning tenth !rants pia\'cti 'also be worked Tutt, pony: It is imperative that every club mein- iMr. Carmol 1lodgius, het• make a consoled effort to he Myth, Ontario, present tt this meeting. Dear Carmat:-111,1 (Inislied grading your Io;td of cheese, 12;3 bn\e, rcceiv(.I \ars, \\'illi;nn Johnston, Myth, wishes .trrminittiou \enitic13 on their face, but yesterday, and you will he glad to know to announce the engagement of her 11( 11 pnpprd 11111, uoc,t\Wo, three, that you had 12 Vats, 94 Score and 4 �dauglltcr, Margaret )lel)onal(1 \lot'ray. 'Thr 11(11-51)): Flight -Sgt, Norman Sinclair is home Vats 93 :core. I1, 1111,11 \\'-I am ('ole, son of \Ir. and llyih-Graf' ll,; Tunttey ss; roster from I)chcrt, N•S•, on a three wcek't+ Garnet s:ts, they are excctllin,l) ['Mrs. V. 11. C'o11, of Clinton, '1'1!e star- !.-c::\tkinson .:h; Doherty 3h; Bele c; leave, after which he return; t0 the; well made and 4ou m•1, to be conerat-+riage to lake place the latter part of \1111111 If' 1'amblyn ('f; Cartes p, release centre at Toronto where Int ex- !dated on such a nice snore. whl'•! so ,:\ttgost, pert: to he releas(1 trt time In teach warty of the factories have 11:111 cons school in Sertemher. Norman has side)' bee difficulties. MONDAY A HOLIDAY 1Iaggitt c; Tama p•; \'ilsuu 4b; Carter !served ;with the lt.C•A.F, for the past \\'ith kindest regard:, I ail, \ Pro:•latnatinn by 1110 (tee\•e i'I''` 1l, foul' years, and has accepted at teaching fours very truly, el, His \I0nd11y, .\11gtl,t (':11 ('i3'i1 I g Umpire:- l'•'• •c at the plate; r\ugus- position at Richmond high School, near kraft Cheese, Limited. Ottawa. ;Per -NV. T. Hart, as Cie stores wi11 hr closed on \Iottrlay. District Deputy at a meeting held ear corclrss hall• Myth clinched the game tier In thrix dislrill' with a run in their half of the ninth. Engagement Announced I'!'hc .\uburn lac, cants 10 bat trailing 2 'tons in the last of tttc ninth, with de - WILL RESUME TEACHING :\ohurn.-Arntstrong lb; Craig 1,f! \liner rf ; Beadle If ; Rradnock 2b; l,1' day. i.ay in a few extra supplies tine 0n the bases• 1 • HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured movie acress. 10 Top of head. 11 Sun. 12 God of war. 19 Stroked. 16 Lathered. 18 Mountain. nymphs. 19 Bishop's cap (p1.). 20 Persian fairy. 21 Satisfy. 22 South Dakota (abbr.). 23 Symbol for sodium. 25 Exist. 26 Senior (abbr.) 27 Symbol for cerium. 29 Lieutenant (abbr.). 31 Current. 35 Depart. 37 Voltmeter (abbr.). 89 Sweet cassava. 1 � 10 =14 18 20 22 23 29 30 39 43- 49 151 31 P T SCREEN STAR Answer to Previous Puzzle LASK • ALEUT I A 1 ;:,.ACT HELP D I E ED' .'iEf1 ASrf30L _ORB I-: it's Cooling g©E Pita TEA LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM CHAPTER XII "Who had--" Roger started to ignite, but the smile died a•born• trig, His lips were parted, 110 Mitred hard at his stunt and saw no gleam of mirth in her eyes, A shadow there ,u hideous lurking curtain of doubt. "A moment," he said softly. 'Just a moment! This -- this was - to play, none of their mat ehe- neve?" a te•be- lieve?" "This was serious, We question• ed them, Aferide1 and 1tud1 scold• ed them, it was no good, 'Ile is the one who killed Ronhommo Fret cot. And he laughed afterward. I bate hint, hate triol, ,late him!' My (sod, Roger 1 have been hearing that child's voice ever since. In the dark horn's of the night when 1 waken anti realize how old 1 am and remember you and remember hint — Mtn." "They could be mistaken. Youngsters like them—" "They are 01d, these children of the war — old and wise, Roger, I'm afraid, I've been afraid since that day, I can't blink of it — can't bear to. You know how he felt about those people, He lived among them three years. Ile was formed by them—" "Not to betray his country! Not to wear their—" "Itiven the scar on his chin" said the old lady bitterly. "Ills soave - air of Heidelberg he called it — a saber eut — they remembered that," "Don't! Don't talk about 1t!" Roger got up and walked to the window just as the telephone rang softly, handy to Roger's el- bow. Ile looked inquiringly at ma- dame and lifted it when she nod- ded. Be did very little talking, a great deal of listening, "Good! We shall see you soon, my friend!" And he put the tele- phone down slowly and looked earnestly, appraisingly at his aunt. "Order that coffee and cognac, madame. You are going to need it." "What —" she spoke through the house phono to Gesner, turn- ed then to her nephew. "'Pell me. Who was that?" "Old Delorme, your confidential agent's clerk, That black devil Follet has skipped. There's a letter in his office there for you — and' front what I could gather — not ma(h else," "You mean," Madame picked up her stick and fingered the knob, "you mean to stay that Gabriel )Pellet has swindled me'," for BETTER SLEEK... BETTER DIGEST/ON.. BETTER HEALTH! HOTEL IETHOPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION i(//tati� $5� G'itd Se!!(aa at00 . Did you know that a 10c package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than 0.00 worth of any other fly killer? The flies do the work when you use yILSON'S FLY PADS! ISSUE 31-1945 "1 shall go back to the city at once and see what's to be done, I'll get seine good lawyer for you. 1 know that, you wouldn't be in- terested enough to come with ole," "Why not? It is a long time. since i have been away from here, We shall go right after lun- cheon. Pel'halpS now that we are poor, Mendel and Rutli and the children will forget their pride and come back," The tiny back parlor of the Coq d'or held a gay company that night, The tavern was closed early and the little ones, as a very spe- cial concession ,were allowed to stay up a full two hours after their bed -time. Roger was their hero, "You must conte to stay with us," said Madame, "not just to visit, If 1 aur able to remain there, Meridel, you and the child- ren roust return to ole. Now, you see, the shoe is on the other foot; it is I who and poor who am in need of good friends and cheery faces around me. You would not leave a poor, helpless old woman alone!" * 511( sat in the place o[ honor by Jules Goulon's fireside and be - Mistily let Rudolph wait upon her, which he did with obvious plea- sure. "Ah, It is like the good old times, Rudolph," she said. "I fear It was not until you were gone that I realized what it treasure i had in you." "Just as 1, until 1 became a bar- on, madame," murmured Rudolph, "did not know how pleasant is the lot of a butler," The children surrounded Roger and Meridel, questioning Roger, asking hint the meaning of the bright ribbons on his tunic, beg- ging him to tell then, of his ad- ventures in the sky. He wafted, as did Meridel, and madame also, for queries, some talk of 13on• homme Fricot, "that good man whom the laughing soldier killed," They knew Rosino and Pol Mar- tin were thinking of that, but something, some childish intuition kept their little tongues away front the subject. "You could not take captives from your airplane, could you?" asked Pol Martin, "Who takes those prisoners? I know: it's the solalers qu tho ground, They take them and send them over here and put them In big wire cages. Gesner told us that there was a big one full of them deep in the woods back of Phllibert, Roger sat at the fire with Merl - del after madame had retired, while Rudolph and Jules went over their accounts in the little en- closure in the taproom, Roger's Clark eyes studied her face shyly. "This is the horn' I waited for," ho said, "And I pictured it just like this, There would be a fire and you and I would sit beside It and 1 would lniow such happhcess as never before. To be near you 1s all I'd ask, to know that, by reaching out, 1 could touch you, that by herding i could )ties your lips—" She looked at him, then away, "Itut—but you do not?" "No, i do not." IIe, too, was in• tent on the blaze. "The mystic fig. (Ire that was between my love and ole"—his voice held now tt little of that same wryness that had been In it when he learned of her previous meeting with the ret, one —"it has crystallized into the very solid form of my brother, Michel." "Madame told you about the. picture?" "All ;them it," "And you think?" "I think with you and with Illy aunt: it is a thing too awful, too nloust'cusly appalling, 10 be be- lieved." "But could it—could it be? Your brother—how could Ile 1! ('0 among them, serve with them—?" "You mean could he get Away with it? Yes, he could readily. fie was educated in Germany, sponte the language well, had many friends there, He knew the politi- cal setup and admired some of the things about it. There! I swore I wouldn't talk about this business, and here I spoil our first moments together by dwelling on it. 1 won't mention it again—even though I know you keep his photograph and —pray to it" (To 13e Continued) MYSTERY STORY Ages -old symbols of mystery met when the comely member o the British Army's Auxiliary Territorial Service, pictured above, went sten-bathing in the desert with the Sphinx as a backdrop. She was on leave from her post in Cairo. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Silver Luster Spoons and forks, plated accord- ing to a new British process, re- tain a lustre equal to silver without any treatment beyond washing in soap and water. 'l'his process, called speculum -coating, has been developed by scientists. It can be ,(uc o) SlPaarp put Slclul!s palldde metal, giving exactly the appear- ance of silver, 'Pests have shown, however, that sputum coated metal, which has the same reflectivity as silver articles when new, regis- ters 400 percent higher reflectivity in one month's exposure under Identical conditions. Acids such as lemon juice, and beer, have ab- solutely no effect on its silver lus- tre. Other advantages of the coat- ing are that it does not scratch or flake, even 1.11(1) articles are sev- erely bent or twisted. It is so tough that an average coating of one -two -thousandth of an inch is adequate to give excellent pro- tection. Speculum plating is already be- ing used in the United Kingdom on a wide range of products includ- ing all types of household goods and fittings. How Can 1? Dy Anne Ashley Q. What can I do for an oily skin? A. Wash the face in fresh water to which the juice of half a lemon had ,been added, Apply this treat- ment once a day. Q. How can I remove chewing guns from children's coshing? A, It can often be removed with- out injuring, the material by ap- plying a piece of ice. This will har- den the guns and cause it to crum- ble. Q. IIow can I make a remedy for poison ivy? A. A little potassium pergtan- ganate and a little water ill all ex- cellent remedy for poion ivy. Have solution prepared by druggist. Q. \Vhat is a good tooth wash, A, Old-fashioned cider is still considered to be one of the very hest tooth leashes ever discovered. Q. How can I make the white of an egg heat to the required stiff• ,less? A. When it docs not batt to the required stiffness, add a pinch of baking soda while beating. 1'his also will make it more fluffy and prevents falling if it must stand awhile after beating. .. .... .... A Tall Tale of Tall Trees Out in California the natives are nighty per ml of their state's giant redwood trees, and occasionally their storic, about than are as tall as the trees thene.el•es. here's 1.110: "I3ig trees? Why, out our way they felled a hollow tree over a ravine that was too deep and wide to build a bridge across. One day while 1 was driving through this tree with a trailer I met a lig moving van cooling through from the other end. 1 couldn't back up or go ahead, so I just edged the trailer into a hollow branch and let the other fellow go past." Valuable Wire Tungsten filament wire for three -watt lamps is drawn through diamond dies to a diameter of 2/10,000 incl) at the Westinghouse Lamp Division. A pound of this wire one-tenth the diameter of a human hair, stretches 292 miles and costs thousands of dollars to manufacture. 1 Modern Etiquette 13y Ronert: Lee 1. When answering a wedding invitation what fora, should one use? 2. Should the bread and butter plates remain on the table through- out the entire meal? 3. Is it permissible to termin- ate a conversation that Inas grown too tedious? 4, What is the proper way to point the prongs of a fork when cutting food anis when eating it? 5. Is it necessary for one to give a wedding gift to a woman who is being married for the second tinge? 6, Is mourning stationery with black horde! still popular? ANSWERS 1, Thif sante form should be used as when replying to any formal invitation, and should be written on the first page of good, white note paper, 2. No; they should remain until the dessert is served. 3. Yes; quiet dignity and tact will succeed invariably. 4. The prongs of the fork should point downwards when cutting the food, upwards when conveying it to the mouth. 5, Not unless the bride is a very close friend., 6, No, though it is still used by some people. What We Need Today Canada needs reassur- ance that the arena of industrial development will still be open to free enterprise, states the Montreal Star. \Ve stand on the threshold of it new era. \Ve are destined to become a far more numerous na- tion than we are today, and unless free enterprise can have fair play we shall not be able to keep our place in the march of the nations along the road of progress and prosperity. The people of Canada as a people have a keen appreciation of what free enterprise has done to help this Dominion forward. They realize that without it we could never have become the leading Dominion of the British Empire, and certainly never have come to our present recognized international status. The average human thigh bone can support a weight of 1!-; tons without breaking. CIIRONICLES of GINGER FARM What a lot of different.* it malas on a farm tt hen there is suf iicit•nt —and efficient - help. With Bob and young John both working like 'Trojans we v,cce really able to get somewhere with the haying last week, Given a few more dry days and all our first cutting of hay will be safely' stowed away in the barn. Partner ha, been helping tot , coiling most of the time. Son and 1 have both 1)0011 urging hint to take it easy. Ile pay some attention 10 us for awhile and then first thing we know he is back in the field again. # « 4 Just imagine, with all this Baying 1 haven't had to drive the horses en the hat fedi once And believe me, that has been a great relief to this noncan. You might think after all the years I've been at it that 1 would be used to it by now, yet tlrc fact remains it bothers Inc rurirc huts ;.d of less with every passing )(at. lust old age creeping on, I cnppose. 4 « :,.cNI a,eck it Iooky as if the wheat will be ready to cut—and n3Xt w•el•n we also h01)0 t0 have our first picking of pears from the garden, Yes, they're a Tittle late, Lu; hew) late than never. You remember we had some rain in the spring that pretested folks getting their garduls in early. 1lowever we mustn't count our pears before they art picked because there is just a chance some visit- ing pigs neo clean up on there first in -- which case I shall feel like cleaning up on the pigs. 4 * * One morning last neck Son and 1 made a hurried trip to the city —we were back home again in time for dinner. \Ve both had shopping to do but for all we stere able to get we alight just as t. • II have stayed at home. For the life of Inc I can't sec why there •f.sy• nota %icc/et The romantic story of "boy- meets-girl," told in a new and amusing way. Stitches arc simplest embroidery, gay in bright kitchen colors. You'll have a kitchen full of guests admiring your laugh -staking towels. Pattern 778 has 6 motits, 6/ x 7 inches; stitches. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Rooni 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly pat- tern number, your name and ad- dress. liy Gwendoline P. Clarks . e e . shouldn't he lee of the noloes- ential gal Went, mail). ;ant 1 fete score of those that go nett to the skin .1 nil 1 also fail to sec tthy a certain ;amount of synthetic rub- ber .shouldn't be reserved lot ulcus', w omen's and children's under gar- nicnts. 1 wonder if it would be possible 1,1 slake all appeal to 1110 ponces 'hat lo. —and 1 so, w11rt1)er it nould have any effect. * Itut 11c were on a trip to the city . . tyt' Traveled along the higl,'way and as I didn't hay to thrive I hard plenty of time for observation. And Illy observations were anything but encouraging. \\'e passed arr.:, of orchard ;and and never in Al my lite have 1 seen less fruit on the trees, It just wa-1)'t there C)nl• lit one orchard dal ! see an cherr:e"--and very fen at tat. Apt 'e; pears, p:uni- and peaches were practically non- existent. 1lerc',, hoping this ;reit famine is not quite o bad in the Niagara Peninsula --at least 1)e have Leen told that 11 fifty ir- tcut peach crop i, CNI(cted. * 4 * As for wild raspberries — show me a patch where there are some and I'll be there with a Milk pail in either hand, The most we can hope for around here is a few blackcaps. And of, course there won't Oven be a good crop of honey to fall back on. And then our son canes home from Europe and in response to a few inquiries as to what he would like to cat he replies—"Well, 1 can tell you Mom, you needn't be afraid of giving me too many fruits and vegetables!" Ile also asked if he could have some bacon for breakfast. But lie has learnt a thing or two since that second day home, especially since he went shopping for himself. * >w * Isn't it a strange thing that there should be a shortage of so many things when an abundance is so greatly needed? One wonders is it part of the Master Plan. Fruit famine, drought and flood con- ditions are beyond man's control yet they exist to a greater degree this year than most of us have ever known. Even the sugar crop is a partial failure. Surely the picture ars a whole is one to which we should give considerable thought — and by thought I don't mean a series of complaints. We vuffered little material inconvenience during the European war and if our turn is coaling now to suffer a little hard- ship it is surely up to us to make the best of it and prove that we, too, can take it on the chin. British Building New Electric Car A new electric car with record speed range and low operating costs has been specially designed by a firm of English engineers for export purposes. It is used mainly as a commerical delivery van in cases where frequent stop- ping and st.irting make the petrol - driven car un -economic. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL ru(1(N'ro O Every Room pith Muth, Shon• er and Telephone, • Single, 52.50 tip— Double, $3.50 up. • Good Rood, Dining and Done. Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 sr DEUC(OUS of ace CORN NNW oR 11.E W„H,�1, Sly THIS FAMOUS ttiotoTRAUF MARK! ir,. a;�M«e o.t«t They're extra crisp! Extra - flavoursome! Always oven - fresh! They're the tempting, "GOOD MORNING” cereal that's really GOOD to eat! Prove to your own satisfaction that Quaker Corn Flakes are most delicious of all Corn Flakes. Gct.scveral packages of Quaker Corn Flakes to -day. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OF DELICIOUS FLAVOUR Pty QuakerCorn Flakes.You'Il agree they're most delicious. If not, return the partly used package to your grocer and double your purchase r ce will be refunded. f 41 QUAKER OATS COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED 1 (1 til I 1 „ Y, , . i 1 , iii •. 1 11 Y n, PAGE 4. THE STANDARD 411"111114" 14"44 [KKra I I•c,telle (I a\\a\• oil t w illi flu brush to \VILS'PI''II:IiI) p co\er up the d,.nlage• Somebody open- Elliott pen- E111ottInsurance Agency Cy ti,„ hitch('', and the draught Nhs5 Corm. Oat he ,+i tit l alh(rine•, BLYTH ---- ONT. in, light Cie fount (I::or skimming ago not 111 \\ nr. .\l;((hiut,I ll, , i liit(hc,+rl', INSURE NOW! ANll BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 110, J. H. R. Elliott. Office Phone 104. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" 1b240147llt9tPir3+vItDasDat%DattiNDatPiN)?t9t9tDiDat2t9tDiDiD iDINa191NDlhtbtIZ)i,i9l iNDi9i •f,lnlil\ were lee f, on Sunday at elle w+,ll:, k(•cping \\;ttrlliul rye (1111 Iatm it happcnc+l. 111,4 witch 1 hemi of \Ir. an(I \Irs. harry I�rclsulg- fini,hed (Inc of the cat, slunk in mule, rr of I;odcrieh. the It'll(''', 1 pie the hour, 411 hl'; \II" \I de ha, returned to in ,l hurry.I London after spending a couple of The porch floor i, finished and I'nl weeks with her Parents, \Ir. and Mrs, until,\\'atter \lasoi, 1 \I r,. Itu(I Johnston, Tommy and Ilar- hara of Toronto, are visiting \Ir, and Airs. Fred I. Look and other fricn(I,. \Ir, and \I r,. Harold Slalbury and children of Ililiett 'i'own,hip t•i•itell on li nn I(ct and i ,tint oii bah nee . , ,'ac 1i•itio,; Buil. cuter, \les• \Lorin -rya n\l111 out aril,., the llnor and ruin- Mc')' wc11 and NI'. \IcI)n\\cll. Inc t'ile ;r,,; ; of nl\ o\cr;:ll, . , . will, i Mr. and \Il•. Stanley Neale and nu• •smg Ht.til up MI) ho\i childreu of (;mere, \I r. and \les. A Thi, nn,rin(n: 1 decided to undo \yh.It \\'e 11 \ St,tclsh( use anti Miss l:ya of LI had Mees (Intel'. 'Illy il'ont door \\a, lirn•cilcl,l, ti,'le(I otl !'fila\ at the locked and 1 lett the Ise\ up bellied the ho111e of \l r. \\'I 1. \Idto\\ell. clock. 1 c\.uninr 1 tl(c ic. cc around I Mrs. R. \'ince• t spent Sunday w ith X the trout lawn and seemed the gats her ",u, LAC. R;Iy Vincent of London. A \1•333 1 liter +,f wire• 'I•herl I \\cul tel \Ir. tool \Irs. Ido\) 11 Campbell and I I• WANTED SEASONAL WORKERS For Factory Work DURING TOMATO SEASON BEGINNING ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1ST. 11'Iake Application To Libby, McNeill & Libby CHATHAM, ONTARIO. Even More Food Is Needed NOW G. R, AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE 11IONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE PENSIONS ANNUITIES EDWARD W. ELLIOTT L;ccs scd lnctioncet For Intron HAROLI) JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm and Sales. Licensed in ifuron and Counties. Prices reasonable; fiction guaranteed. maintaining ;1 341 1'.1 over it'oda\ it sets. AUBURN Pte. Thomas Ilas Il;nvkins, whose Lather, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc - the late Rev. \\. U. Ila\yl:ins, \vas res- I)o\\ell. for of Si, \Iar1.', Anglican 1•hurch her(' Mr. \\'m. \IcDowell, NI r. Gordon f,lr :t number of scars, has returned lu \Ici)narll, \I;Istrr Gordon Smith spout hi, home 1111 Loe,doi, (lit., from over- the week -end \kith \Ir. and Mrs, John - seas. Early in \larch he received shill (;car of I�itchcuer, fragment tcn(itd, in the ehest, head. \Ir. ;ld Mrs. \\'eslev Stackhouse, :ld lied, ;111(1 \vas in an English hot- \I i,s F.va, ,1f III ucefiel(1, \I r. and \I rs. tonal prior to coiling home, Ile w'as Stanley \e;tic and children of Cdencoe, tact by itis mollcr and sisters. l•isiteO o:l 'I•uealay with \1r. and Mrs. lev. 11. I. and Mrs. Snell and Peter Earl \\ ightnla:t. Sine, are vacationing in Northern On- I .\ reunion of the \\'ightman family lane, I was held on Saturday afternoon at the \Ir, and \ir,• \\'ortliv I (V1cl• of :hemi of \Ir. and \1r5, Earl \\'ighuu:ul, (;ndcrich, with Mrs. \\'illiatn :\ndcr,oll,! 11 honor of i..\('. Ivan \Vig1II IIt . \Ir. Rus•ell Kil:g Ila, returned from Harold \\'ightr',a11, of Toronto, and I'utnnt !Leading Seaman Elvin \\'ightit;tn. \I r, and \Irs Buy Marr and \larily,l Friends were pre'ent from\\'in,gllant. • of Detroit, with Mrs. llal'old Nicholsonileigrtve. li1vI (, \lolusw'urth, 1 Ieicoc, :111 1. J. \\-ilson, \1r. and Mrs. Pat. 1)'\lalley and (laughter, 'I 111 len, Toronto, \111th Mr. • R. It• Rc(Innln,t. Drank Carroll, Kitchener, \villi lo- scph Carroll. Plc. Earl I, Leddy. son of \I r, and Mrs. Joseph L IId\•, i, spending a 30 - day leave at his home in tit, :\11(11'(inc di,11'ict 1,ef++32 going to the Pacific theatre of \var. Pte. Led(Iy attended St. .\ugu•tine • cparttc school and print to enlisting was employed in Oshawa with General Motors, Ile enlisted in Household September 19d2. and in March, 10.3, went ov::•se;ts with the Irish legi,nent. Perth In l)ctoll:'r, 114., he went to ital\• and saris r(Intinnerl ire action there and on the ,,Northwestern I'.nr'pcal front until \•-I': -•- --V Por Harold Jackson, R,R. No, Phone 11tIii1, itrtceficld. Clinton and kit \\'a\valsll The count; folk enju\ed bathing in the river, serial down (river. \Ies,r" Eddie and 16nald 'Taylor, Al is, Norma 'Taylor \vcrc (;rand Il(1111 yisilol, lel Sunday, Mr, 11 lurk(' Bosnian spent last \\eel: with \1r. 11lert Bosnian and Mrs. Tack 11 11an of Leamington. \I r• and \I rs. I(It' Curley of I.ut•k- 11,0\\• yi«i'ed nn Sunday with Mr. an I \I rs. II win Tat lot•, \ir. and \Irs. \Vol. lircwet• and Betty of Morris 'I'o\visltip spent Sunday with Mr. ad Mrs. \I. Bosnian. games were also enjoyed and time sp.'nt by all. Fifty-six sat to a lovely picnic supper by the I1rny, without being \minded. Besides Information, etc., write or pil•on! hi, parents he has ort, sister, ('Lori 4, 5eafortk•11 111 •1•(11•ollio; and Iwo hl•olhl'rs. U')r(I11I1 ;and Clificd of St, Augustine. WILLIAM H. MORRITT �Ia3 /eturlrrl from service with the LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Royal Ca• , i ,I .-\ir Force, and \y]i be continuing hi:• former occupation, Crrrc•p'•n•'ence promptly an,wcrc'I Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Irate at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and sat'sftctinn Guaranteed. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. 25 CENTS TIRE -WISE Farmers PREFER GOODYEA Because TODAY - AS ALWAYS THE MAKER'S NAME IS THE BEST GUIDE TO TIRE VALUE! If you are, vii. glbte for new tires, It Is more important than ever to get the best .• • ,. Goodyears, the first choice of motorists everywhere. OUR GOOD YEN! HAMM BROS. PHONE 159 BLYTH, ONTARIO Specializitlg in Farm and household Sales. Licenselt for the County of Huron Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed, \ CONGRATULATIONS Heartiest grcttings 111 a clear little hey, Robert Druce Bradley (Fort Eric) who will etlebrate his birthday on 1lnnday, August bth, \viten he will be two years old, 1'or Information, ele., write or phone ( 3 llgratulati, ns to \1r, ami \Gilliam Il, llorrltt, phone, Residence George \Ic(;+1wa (, of Fast \\•a vii lsh. 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4 -If who ceitrlted their 25th wedding vcrsary on Tites,lay, July ,ilst. C' lCratul,It:, ns to 161, .\rnol(i (dowdier. ,ervo(g with the (;tuecn': :Own Rifles, Overseas, who celebrated It'. a mixed \v( ;idler \\'e had two or three scorchers :old then just when every-Coigruul.ltiol,s to Miss Hilda Ne,- thing seemed to be \vc11 underway it hill, of Toronto, (Ow e(,1chratc(I lir” rat; cd. Today it's threatening again.birthday on Monday, July .itlth. The air i, humid. 11r,• Phil i, busy trv- * * ing to find some cid parl:ag(s (1f seed,, congratulations to \Irs. \1'illi:un in the loupes that h\• putting th(nt in IThucll who celebrated her birthday on nowshe 'night make up for someof the Saturday, July 28111. PHiL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS lith Harry J. l;oy;e) „i„iv! S'.umlav after a week 1,i his birthday on Sunday, July 29th. •.• oucs that haven) fared so well because of the Weather. Ccug•ratolations to \Ir. \\'nl. Thucll who celebrated his birthday on Tues- Pvt. been vi11lat'ng the Sabbath by clay, July 31st painting the front porch floor. should 5a\• repainting it, because that C,m'1 (11latinr, In Iporch flour i, rap'dly becoming the I Sgt. Sato 1'hucl,l \vhn celebrated his birthday on Monday. Lnirci painted thing in the whole coin- filly 231,d. inutility. it was drizzling rain one day * last week and 1lrs• Phil was busy du- Longra;uhations to ing flown cherries. She suggested that who cele'rrated his it alight not he a bad idea :I' 1 wanly(' 'Tues+clay, July 31st. to help 11, paint the front porch Hour. • * \Ve bought the paint in the •pring and Cungra'ulations to \I r. and -Mrs. • * • * Mfr. lien Sihlllo"pe lith birthday on • never Seemed to get around to d ,0:.•1 it. 'Stauley Sihthorpe, who on Tuesday. 1 don't mind paintiiof if the arca isn't I11Iy 31st, celebrated their 19th wedding Jon 'n I went at the porch floor I bg , anniversary, Iwith a ycngCOncc. It looked pretty I good .. • all shiny grey him: and so 1 Ccmgratulation to lir. and Mrs. R. went looking for -onlcthing to put 1). Philp, who celebrated their 15th ,across the front steps ... \vhiclt woul(i tweddittg anniversary (keep the folk, trnnl tramping on it. 1131st. w•a: only :Tway ab nt (H. minutes and when I carte back a big old rooster was , standing ,(marc in the centre of it. having foot -printed it plenty. I had to leave it that way figuring on * • • lfiniohing up when it \rt,n't raining Congratulations to Mrs. Fred Chapple land the front step; could be done. On who celebrates her birthday on \\'ed - Friday evening it started to rain a bit, nesday, August 15th. so 1 pained the porch floor again. This time there \e1', no fooling. the gate to the front lawn ten: tNItl\• latched and I put the step ladder acro,; the front steps. I \vac p)ct gnir,g nut the little gate when the front door opened and \\'eattier ha.: damaged Ontario's 19•15 Patricia Ann \valke(I ort into the centre apple crop to such 1131 extent that only of the floor followed by the ring. 20 per cent. of last year's production is Kneeling on the front door step I • *• • on Tuesday. I'nly * • Congratulations to Mr. \I nst' 1 I„ Itz- hatter, who celebrates lois birthday on Monday, .\ttgust ml,, ONTARIO APPLE CROP PRODUCTION REDUCED expected to be harvested. CHURCH O NWW 'S TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH :\ugust 31l1 -10th Sunday After 'Trinity 1)) ;( ;n. I lily C,lmnlunion and .ycrrnon. Sunday Schuo;. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE I1.4!) a.m. 1loly Communion and Ser- IIIon. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN lloly Communion. 7,c0 p.m. Evensong and Sermon, BLYTIJ UNITED CHURCH .\(Igt(st 5th, 1943, 1(11.15—Smithy School, 11.15 Subject—"The Law of the Fut- ure." '3i,sc, Iell id and Joan .\ndct•sun • 1Vednes(h1)-, August 1. 19.15, Ill.1 1 .11 .1 MEET ME at the Blyth Lions Frolic '1'o be held on the Main Street of Blyth Thursday, August 23 commencing at 7 o'clock in the evening Games of Chance, Amusement, Dancing.. Fun Galore! r$100.00 IN PRIZES l.st, Electric Washer. 2nd, (i -Piece Breakfast Suite. 31(1, (i, C . R'I , Bicycle. filth, Set of Dishes. 5th, Electric Iron, (11th, 2 pair Blankets, 'Pickets now on sale in Blyth. Draw night of Frolic Give the Lions a Boost in their first attempt to Raise 1''utl(15 For Community Welfare Work, KEEP AUGUST 23Ri) F1REE FOR THIS EVENT! .11• . ■ PROCLAMATION By the authority vested in Ilse as Reeve of the Corporation of Blyth, I hereby (declare MON., AUGUST 6TH Civic Holiday and call upon all business places, and citizens to1 observe it as such, W. H. MORR1TT Reeve, Village of Blyth. ++44++&+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.1, .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .i .: .: .: (twin sisters) w ill sing at the tutlrnim; • .: service. 7 p.nl. .' \'a`t1 inulgination,," The minister \vile preach at both strviccs. I ... I. I, . all -I, 1 .t A. Army Type Trucks For Farmers AUCTION SALE To be held at Queen's Park, London, Ontario FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 commencing at 10 A.M. These trucks which have been declared surplus by the Armed Services to War Assets Corporation will he sold ONLY to boni['ide formers, bearing a certificate to this effect from then' County Federa- tion of Agriculture Secretary, 'Phe Auction Sale will be conducted by War Assets Corporation in co— operation with the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture, A. representative of the Highway llepartment will be on hand to issue transit licenses to those pur- chasing trucks, 11 #;.4411 .'..... I it., I THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER lanimma NEL) YOURSELF, WE CAN GET ALONG WITH Li;SS! f0/045* 4:01111W '141.11, O//INS World sugar stocks are dangerously low . • . use less — use with discretion I i 1 14 .. ;. • 3. 44 ._, +1, i.. 9. 4, esilay, August 1, 19'I51 EAST `\TA11TANOSr1 Nl i„ Helen (."I;:141: of Loudon, i , hob- ila)'ing 44 itis \I r. ;141)1 \i I ,. I.cslit' Johnston. 111-, :Len \\•,II II 1 :1r1y 'I'i'ucks Available To Fanners 0atllrn u,II!L (Ione ttlleel (I', Int 1111,1)II;II ILII 111'1'1) Ili 1111111tII!,! 11lEh 11k't' 1111' OI111,'lu I'elll'r11ll4n irl .\I;I'11'llllllrl'. Talent,, Iclnlu111 li 111)1) \1'r4lnr,day. ( 'The Inll)\\iuv, 1'I11', trill he available, Mr. and Mr,. Milliard \let 'entail are 15 1(41., truck, .,II 1ttl., trurh, 3 tun 51le1di14,! f,.\\ 4t \\itb \Ir. ;14141 \Ir„ jtrnrh and field :iIiilleit tractor, Ale, \14 (iut4;u:, •I 11'1111' :li n. ;14111 application form.; Ile1e"I ti,i111r'• 1.011 \Il'. 111111 \Ir,, It hare he1'.a mailed to all farlucr, ill 1110 (', an :rule 1111' It ("11111\. II 11" arc i(iIci'I•,Iid in pur- TITE STANDARD - PAGE r INIMMUNIPIE `\'arlime Prices and Trade Board Information RATION CCUI'ON DUE DA'L'ES ( Illlllull, IOW` 1';11141 are butler ILII (4 IIh, ,11 {;a l' Ir 1" 1,1, ;urn pre-al41 v and 1' 1 1 n 1' CORN STOCKS FROZEN Processors of corp a1111 operator, 141 (i 1 mwhiii, Sa,k. \I r, ;uul 1'11;1`;111; a nliht;4ry type vehicle, lite unliren,ed cliv;t1rs in 1':,`1'X, 1,1 1'111, Mrs. lis Poste:.. at.„ \I and \Ir> \\, application form 11111.1 be signed and in I':I{:in, \1111111',\ and 1.;uulltoll are in- UiCh-nu ;11111 \II 1141(1 :114, I \Il I) r111111t the Il;14141, 111 \\•. \', 1111), Sorrel;1(y 4f eluded ;uuneg lather Ontario ;11411 I Inc. of IIan:Ilion. 1111 11 I r lcl;ulln. not IaIC(' that) An. I lice curl) 4Iir;Ilor 1,I,or,llur` t11111,1• ,\(lel., are trivrelt if the\ hate in inis- il1session, in tr;1isit or 011 (Oiler More (If 1111)11 1,501) 1111)11'1, of C111.11.'1 he free/ - mg order i, effected to make certain That present styptics are made available t1r for 1111"l 1'„1';:1'1)1 llru- ceiling price Io he announced by \\:1)r i1({ n1,1v hr continued if a1Uh(rirell 144 1)'4111nµ. ;Ile., 1)l corn to ia•nu•ri for feeding on their o\(: farul, are not affected by 1111 Order. \11'• S! tt;u l 41 `11'1)111)411 i, 1'i,iling \Ir. ;4111 \I r, I' \L4r,l1;I!I. 16'II1'"I Charier spoil ;1 da)', %Chit Mr• and \Ir, '1' 1,;4411;ily. \Ir a111 \Ir• h l' \letiottal Iris "I•uc: day 111 , i it their lhulgllter, \I r,. I • Reid, \•1).'111)• e ll)I 4111• (1;1ly 111,1 n,al4int ;II,illicaliolt Ili. 11 Ilf the IUi114 1)1111 place :.;111', \II vesicle, trill I,c ,old subject , ❑m ..1 .1.... .1). . i .1 • .1 1.111 . Y , ,I I YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW...IF WE ARE TO SAVE OUR LATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Thousands of Tons are heady for harvest Will You Lend a Hand? Food Is precious- let's not waste it through hark of help! Now, In addition to 11111' 1114.0 11(1111), Ove Inu,l 111111) 114441 fr1.11 the millions Of starving people In liberated Europe. 'Ibis 114 a lremondllnv 111.k, 11114 it 1011 Ire 111111, 11'—wu all do our share, This is the last harvesting entergeney 4T4. 111*1 11111,10 to nor(( (11(0 year—so let's all pitch ir1 and (141 11 11111 J0)) 114111 44(11 1/1 needed front August 2001 through to 4h it l,er 20th, Fill In coupon 111)1)' and moil '1'UI1.11'I FREE TRANSPORTATION 1'ur fear weeks' 41rviee, transportation will be paid one tro, Fur full 111(111(1) (August 20th to Iletober 201 11) transportation will be paid both ways, • h1EN--Every possible matt -hour hl UST be put in, '19e' 11111 ix desperate. Volunteer your services 'PUUAYI • WOMEN ) -- I': I e r y available hand 11114 Ole 14.,1'1. Fill in the coupon 111111 41)1411 '1'O. 1)A 1'1 • iIOYS AND GIRLS -- Thousands are 1)eNled. Any high Sehuo) student willing to work on n farm tuna permission 111)1 is requested by the 1\1 M- ister of liduvation, to remain out of school for the month of Sep. tembel•, illi 111'(l�lwl It• it I11111!I ON'I'1\Iilt) 1',11\11 SEI1VIC1: 1•'OIICE, Parliament 11uildings, 'Toronto, 1 11111 interested In helping with the Trite harvest, 1'11)144 send nu' further Information, N,11111. ............... PI RIN AGE,....... ....... ........ ..... ...,,„„„„. I .3,5'1 1.1, 1)E A VA I i.,\ 111.E 1' 11(114 ,,,,,,,,,,, (1)ntc) (Date) NEAfEs't' ItAiLtt'AY S•1'A'l'I(IN NEAREST 11US STOP Acrunlrnndnllon Is 1" ramps supervised by the Y,\V.C,A, or V.111.C,A; but you must bring sheets and blankets, DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE . LABOUR . EDUCATION 1 4 1.11 ,.i ,,, .1dill., 11.1, a DURO PUMP • YOUR FARM LABOUR PROBLEM Running \vutcr is essential — in the lune, the stables, poultry houses and greenhouses— saves tittle, labour and promotes better and healthier living conditions. NEW DURO PUMPS are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Materials and Labour trill not allow the Duro Factory lo produce enough to meet Ole demand, All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase most be approved by \\'.I'. T.11. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your hnico Dealer fur available styles. LEWIS WHITFIELD LOCAL AGENT PHONE 130 �MPa ,E' on G. , LIMITED Strvll ¢: ftoril' say blench Lohdoti mlltoti'Toronto:'Sudbury -.Winnipeg• Vancouver SUGAR FOR BEEKEEPERS •I'1) help con: erve the lots supplies of ng;u' i0 ('attach sugar trill not he ;41- 1i' vi i1 lll'ek(e(I'•r, 1111• feeding purposes tintless they produce honey for `ale and ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: "The Very 'Thought Of You" with Dennie Mor• gan and Eleanor Parker, Monday, Tur.eday, Wednesday 'BELLE OF THE YUKON" In 'Technicolor \ (tr 111 -mine of eat, 1'Llinlnenl t;1i1- It'` Nit.,' 4 (II ,41111) t• I' -4'1' 1111, Tielnic 4,1 Oh );1Jd-rn•Ii \\ioh all 11, 4\(1141114111 141 1 silt, •,hire. Itandl,Iph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee and Dinah Shore. CAPITAL THEA'I.1tE GODERICH. NOW PLAYING: "God 1s My Co- NOW I'LA' ING: "having A Way-, Pilot," starring Dennis Morgan dcrful Crime", start-. Pat O'Brien and Dane Clark, and Carole Landis. REGEN '1' 'I'IIEAT,RE SEA -FORTH. Men., Tues. Wed., In Technicolor Fred MacMurray, Joan Leslie and June Haver, 11'`. Lavish! It', Breath - din, I('rival infra, le of IL,. r1)1!nry. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Pat 4)'1llien, George Murphy and Carole Landis. :1 nli,rllie• ori, 1 011(114 and a ,11111'1 ,II' 111114 g11 ',II ;4 e1•Illlr-hll`It1( tali �r 1 la 4 Ili 1' ,I! 4‘,t1 never forget, HAVING a WONDERFUL CRIME "BELLE OF TIIE YUKON" COMING: Cary Grant in "None COMING: "Nene But The Lonely But The Lancly Heart", COMING; 'The Enchanted Cottage'? Heart."Matinees Sal. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m. Mat., Wed., Sat , Holidays 2.30 4111, Matinees Sat. & Holidays as 2.10 p,m, s WHERE Do WE Go FROM HER Thursday, Friday, Saturday Randolph Scop, Gypsy Ruse Lee Dinah Shore and Boh Burns (ilillrrin� t41t11 e"111 n^.d ;I I 1;111Ie 1ti111 114111)14, l)', a 141)1.141)1 entertain- --Mon., Tues., Wed., Twu Fi'itturea "SUNDAY DINNER FOR A SOLDIER" Anne Baxter, John Iladiak and Charles Winninger. "THE FIGHTING LADY" 141 ;n 1;1;11 1 hni' g 4 ,l valiant i, r 111 ;n'Il 11, 11-,111 in 'I1.1In1ir, 1'11 ,1n11 it 14'r;lted b( 16.1)01I '1;1011)4. Thurs., Fri., Sat. TWIN BILL 1N BI1.1. Robert Lowery, Jean Parker and Bill Henry "'TIIE NAVY WAY" Jack Haley, Harriett Hilliard and Beth Hughes with Ozzie Kismet' Orchestra In ;1 music Ilii. "TAKE IT BIG" 1 1(1'l'llll0 6,1'11114 9'11 11.1,111 t114 11rliil• \4 ill .01.41 04,1.4 8"1. 4.4.1• ..1.4.:.*:• •0.1..44.4.4.+011 44 not 111' able l4 obtain p)„1',`141, 1.f the 1 LYCEUM THEATRE 11011'W 1 III1 in the cite' Ile lived i11 1 , WINGHAM—ONTARIO. it bcf11rc he \rel t o4'c1,4'tt ' Two Sho'vs Sat. Night x1) The regulation, freezing leases do 1 -• Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 2 3 4 ;Ire regi,ter(11 1tilh Ilse ration ;I'llnini- root after( ,ert'iie personnel. \•ot uc41 straliI(1; The maximum ;Illutt'allel' 1)'I(! 51111 o111atil po,sv„ILII of 4ollr h011,c SPECIAL I lot' your ,1)11 occupancy if you girt. i'` Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien the 15 pound, per colony and no ,near I I trill he ;Ir;lilaI!e for Spring feeding. 11 Ihrec nwnlll', notice 14 vacate '14 the The raliot a11n1ini,U••Ilion i., ;o1Vi,ing ! 14114111 I,rot'illcrl h)' the 11111)41. The n)• beekeepers to 1llain sufficient supplies '4 ice to ;ac;lle n)n,I 111,) be ,iµ111''1 by "11 I II 01 1(1)1(1'1' 14'4411 1114'11. 4144'(1 I n')Illll'tl)II sol' :Y1::(1.111'11)'-"111111;,4111)11o1 \'oltl' ,fill ;111)1 III It lac 11111,1 agret' 11( ,t• • t ) r, 1'j century. K; .t•1'illlll Street, B1 4th.': feerlltlg 1,111.41)'1,. till!;;11' {1111 111,1 i,(' 41l•rlllly till' 1101154 141' ;I 411'1'1041 1)1 (Ill' kt u n ,1, . ”, ALSO SI10R'1' SUBJECTS , gralltell to pc,:,411s 44'11) 111'4'11 111(1) for year 1r4111 the time ;it (ditch the 1141/041 i �tMatinl`e, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30,'” '.':**:**:":":":":":":”:”:":":'•:":“:“:-:":-:.4.4.4-:-'.4r'. 11 i, 114114(,X11 !u Vacate. 1 s f s Mcn., Tues.. Wed., August 6 7 8 I'M Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, in \\'11;1t 1('c 114 dates for IIIc seasonal ;'1 "TOGETHER AGAIN" decreases Ill 1111' ceiling 1)1'11145 of 111- ;•,:1;11'10` m'1 clout 1tv 11) contrasts leattlr'I''q the: I', 1;11'1 t, and to 144 malities if 11 nine . 1 ta(4l', 1111` ('4'.11'; go)11 eulldltlfall. 110(11110 111111 hover with .\1111 A''i`lanrc ",,1411 (11114., Ib)rc �'). Myth. -II) _' Price, of imtaloei drip Jul) '9, :114• Iron! 1'111)411', 1(11114(. I 4111,1 I' and Stplrnlher l 1,11 sales 11) ,,,,,,,,,,,440,000,0„.0(0,,l'ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" '`' •0.0„.0.0.,........0.00,.......;i • ,�,u,,,.� ,,�,,, t,rinlarr 1 rudllrcr, to wholesalers. ._ ' \1'hnle;aler., (,rices on pnt;lt)111 change on August ', August 1(4 and September y+, Tom Drake in •t "MEET ME iN ST. LOUIS" ` 1.t. and Other Sundries. ':• •.aiaiet) ;I' 11 ,1�n� in Irelnlir111�1r from„ e' 11 0( In. Sally Ite0,o11. The" 13. ;;,ettill4 i, a) the early 11;0t of the"'•1'OP(2)1 ill1 1litjr tt11l1 c\'eJ1l1)'r,3,: ATKINSON'S POOL ROOM. :: SMOKER'S SUNDRIES :_, cTobaccos, Cigarettes, 1'op,:t•: a hubby or for 140dnciI:-g honey for their o4rt1 use. NO HOT DOGS ON MEATLESS DAYS 11ot •11(4;5 and hamburger, are inclllrl- 441 111(101).~ the casualties of the meat- less day 414(µ4111l in C;'nella and may not 114 4(14(d 1)1 any public function on '1'li4S(IIIV) or Iiridays, according to the regional office of the \\'arli!ne Prices and Trade Iloarll. They may not lie 4. 1 FOR SALE •`' ('0014 I' ,I1ei 1111114' el11111111, III 11 'Tile SIa1r1- 1, Sohl at roadside stands, ,crlr'I in re, lauralls 1)l• 1)l Icre4l Inc <;111' at 41)41)1- Sonic friend, in the city \rant 10 11111' • 4•als, fai1)r any 1111)1111)4 Sonic. ,1f my lionicinadc ra,pherry jelly Nle;ltless day; (Vere inaugurated recnt- 1 this )'0111'• 110 l have to collect 4/011)0115 ly ;Is 11;11.1 of the national 111(141 1nllser ,ilur 1111'51: (•alio(' program, RETURNING RATION COUPONS \•c,• If you sell any k:11(1 of 1104111c. 1111141e 111.1')crreti yon 1111151 14011111 C011- 10111 0, Y1111 1)1111'1 0114' 1)11(11111 for every "lf farmer's 1144(1 0111'r I0'inl;lry Irl•0-112 ounce; of jelly. 1'1111 41'111).1) these rluucrs realized what a conlribnli011 coupons to the nearest local ration they make ton stabilized ration planboard. and to the defeat 01' blacl: markets by returning to 10('1,1 ration hoards all coo. polls collected in, ra(i)n food sale;, Blyth School BoardI)leeting — V ('ard of 'Thanks 1 t4i,h to express toy sincere appre el;llinll 1•I friends a1411 neighbours for Intl' many card:, letter', and other tot:- ON WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8TH l'ns of kin11nr„ 11111'111:; my )lay in Olt' 1'(4111)1( t;enrral ilo,Ilital, ;mil 14 \I r, commencing at 2 pan, sharp, as folliite,: Pat O'Malley 111 Toronto for pl'4l'Ill'lllg ( 11'111'x;11 tpurpose 111;140, 7 years old; 1114' ,41141st 111114(0, al-.,, my si,trr, 1)ur•ham 4o44, bred June I,t ; I)urlal( Ivan l\c'•hnie, (4'111 al'l'ulllpallie(I i1( 1„ cow. 1111 1 Jun, lil!I; I)I1t11a111 cow, the city to Ile with 1111 during my ill- 11110 1141)4 111th ; l'urel1rr11 lei ort' rots, \Willer Cuol;.Ihre)1 Jane 211111; i; \•orh sows, bred around June 141 to 15111; -'5 chunks, about 111 Ills.; 25-1 1. ladder; farm wag- on ; light 44114 1111 ; wllllang plow; steel \rater trough. AUCTION SALE OF I'ARM STOCK (1111 ton ;1s the former 1:ra,cr I'laccl 11105 • LONI)ESBORO \li„ Grace Lebo, Clinton, with \ii,s \'elms I1esk, TERMS—CASH. they 14'14141(1 girl c4nlplclr s1( 1111cra1i1,11 \lio, \larjorie 111',11 Willi her atilt!, The regular melting of the lllytii Mrs, 11. Lobb, to existing regulations," according to School hoar'( was 11141(1 ;It 9 P.NI., July Mr. 'Intl \I r,. Shinty Lansing had \V. 11ar0111 Mci'ilill'po, priers ;11)11 x1111- 127111, milt \\'. tills, Chairnlall, and ;14 their 41ne°t, last wee(: \Irs. Lansing', 1'rust (Ts '1'1111(11. Cartwright, Creighton nephew, Flying Officer :1, I, Gartl- and Philp present. Ihouse, stationed at 'Tafillo, 1;.1., als1, 'I INl)Iil.\•7 WANTED The minutes (,l the previous meeting his father, \I1, Percy (i;lydllou,e, of tlnlll'41 14(1(!1 111411'11)' to l'11115111111'I'S, \I r. ! 1( 41.11111 1111 IIIIeI';ul• ' of ('Sti. N. ! �, \1'4'1'1'. continued 1111 111411411 of 'll'll5ll'l'S 1O11'4'11 Sound, JIrI'llillipF, s(i1ssed Iha1 uhcilicnce In Philp and Cartwright. Nit-. and \Ir,, (1c(4µ4 1\'(1,h of Slur, illnlletl :1411 \1'•441, S411c1111. \\'414 , 10 14)1(1 111. \I icni4au, is 4•i,iling \I r. \\'chh', he rotn(riet(d l,)' .\ugn,l 'l,t, '''4'k RAYMOND GRIFFiTHS Secretary. 41111' represc('t;1t1Vc for the \\ aiiine Prices and 'Trade hoard, Appealing to producers who sell ra- \rthur \\'ard. Proprietor.11'11111)1)1 \Inlritt, Auctioneer, I). 4111 1`1, Coik• regulations g1orl'I'lling111)14 return( of Poll- 1)0 111/111411 1)l I11141(l', '111111'11 \I r,. I, 1 I. Shohbrook. ccre ary able distribution upon (Odell present 'ordered id, ,a I \I r. and \h•<. \1'• 1141'1'1) 41 Loudon, 50 -Ip, (cnnotnic security depends. Neglect of N14V441 by 'I'rn,lecs 'Thncll, seconded (t'ull 11 r. and \11'11. \\'l1(. Griffith. the regulations 11110 result in a serious by •'1'rns(cc Creighton, and c;s ker uried tbat \Ir.. Nellie 11044 spent Sunday t4 illi Frank' Ba ration plan and44140 \veil he drilled on school grounds. 11 Mr, L. \VehsIvr, ;15 alt 0111(1' Can;1111(tI15 (In 111,1,11111 of Trustee Cartwright, l \I r. and \I r,. Austin Dexter, Norma + world suffer if it 1)'441 disrupted, seconded by '1'ru,li'e 'Tbucll. and car- ;uul Fern. and \Irs• 1. Sanderson, I;ilt- PHONE 38. 131,1 I'H, ON'l'. 1114 ronlinurd that a farmer 414110 ,ells tied 111a1 hoard interview F. Sloracli ; ;hurl, \1 i„ Tillie \1;111(1, It. N„ a fet4• p;mll15 of huller or honey may Ire repairs to deck on sehuol, Nellie 'I'hlnip-un, RR, N., London, with say it is not important to a national l Meeting adjourned o44 motion of , NI i44 Elizabeth Mains, plait if Lie clue; nit re', 111 the coupons 'Trustee, '1'11111411 and (.'artw1ighl, \Ir. llilrnclt:' and Mrs. 1fables, of collected front the consumer. 11141 those Leslie I1ilburn, Sccrclar)'• 1 London, t4l'rc visiting \Irs, few pounds of butler ;1)•c "lost" if coo -----y— dila 1141 1)441:, pans are not returned. NIultiply this 11 r. 1)1)11 \1411, 11)41: Armstrong, Dor- single instance by thousands of case, BIRTHS ;Ind tnlco•.tntcd numbers of pounds of 1'i.E'I'CI1--In \\'ingllanl hospital, on butter disappear. Sunday, 1111y ,filth, to NII•. 8111 Nil's. The 1,;(1115 4f a ration plan is the 111- Stun I'lctcll, of Ilelgruut, a son• Vision of the available supply among ., the 1(11111 number of consumers. 1f the available supply is not known correctly the ration allo(vante cannot be deter - wined on 011 equitable basis, Loose (0))14ons in circulation are all invitation to black iiarl:els, it was also stressed, OTHERS ARE ASKING \\'ould you please tell me the ('tiling price of chickens, including broiler's, roasters and capons? \\'c 4141'111)1)14 )014 111110ll the retail ceil- ing price which is Olt on ' ".\" Grade N1:1141•ed roasters and fryers ;14141 -15 cents on "II" Grade Nlill:ied• "A'' and "11" ,grades are 45 cents and 4•k, Capons aro 2 41(1(11 per pound 1ltghl'I grade. ilroiler•: are priced as follows: "A" Grade NI ilkfed 115 cents, "II" Grade \lilt4fed 43 cents, ":\" Grade 44 cents, "II" Grade dO cents. On other glades consult your nearest office of IIIc \\'ar- 1 time Prices and Trade !loud. 1(S• \That is the ceiling price of Iamb? Spring lamb 1:41XS Vary according to the cut and should be posted in each retail shop. 'file prices on spring Iamb this year have heed extended from Joh' 1511 to Angnst 31st. f • 1 understand that the regulations have been changed t0 prevent people from being evicted front houses and apartments, Does this mean my sou t tip t IS IN SHORT SUPPLY -- and that's another reason for avoiding pick- ling failure. It doesn't pay to take chances with low-priced vinegar. In- sist on the best—Canada Vinegar—and be sure of sUCCCSS. - Canada Vinegar has been the leader for over 81) ycars, and is sold at all grocers. Write for FREE Pick- ling Recipe Booklet to, Canada Vinegars Limi- ted, 112 Duke Street, Toronto. CANADA Vinegars J-asleu'ized 1'4'11 ;111'1 I\ Sunday. On 'Tuesday Mrs. were at (1(11'4X11 on lt. 'To\VIl1(1(11, Mrs, Ccntllant, Mis,eS Dorothy Little. Fern \\'arson and \tae Coulter, Left for a (4'liday up North, On Sunday morning 121'4', Menzies preached ills farewell sermon to a large congregation, 111 tool: for his text isl John 2nd Chapter and the first part of verse 18. 1244. \Icnxics has been pas - tot here for seven Year; and Inc ant Ills family will be µrcatly missed. the close 4f 1110 service on behalf of the Sunday School \Ir. Clarke read an address and Nlr. SIelr;lrt presented IZev. NI cozies an I \ICs. Nl cnzic> 11'1111 a beautiful piece of china, The \\•. \I. S• (611 hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, .1iigu,l 9111 in the Sunday School room, The wort for 1'011 Call iS "1'11111"• Group No. 4 sill he in charge, Ar— WHO WHO SNITCHED OUR PEAS \\'111) 4ya1 the 11;41)• in the 1.ditor pea patch one day last \week• \Ve're 4n oar toe, now, and keeping (1111111 pickelf PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESI-I EVERY DAY Everything Homemade • Home -Rendered LARD BY THE SINGLE POUND OR BRING YOUR OWN CROCK 15c PER LB, OUR OWN HOME SUGAR•CURED Smoked Side Bacon 45c PER LB. BOLOGNA, WEiNERS, SAUSAGE A GOOD SELt CTION OF COOKED MEATS. H. McCallum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. Dead and Disabled Animals RE1-IOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 5001; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CAN. DA, LTD. hos 11 y thousunds OF BUSY CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES Kellogg's cereals have ;an important place in Canada's kitchens—now, more than ever. Appetizing anytime— for breakfast, lunch, between meal snacks. Add flavour to 'leftover' dishes, too! ifs who% wheat • flaked,toasted eady-to-ea' BOYS( GIRLS! They're free... 8 Coloured•Cards In every package. 5ave'eml Trade'eml VOICE OF THE PRESS Winnie Wins Winston Churchill) and Adolf Hitler had one thing in common, 4nd only one. They loved to paint pictures, Mr, Churchill, ons brief liday on the Flay of Gascony in France, has returned to his pig- Atent and canvas. IIe is still paint - Ing. Hitler is not, —Ottawa Citizcn —� Bee -Have Better A stingless variety of bee is said (o have been discovered by honey producers in the Squamish Valley of B.C. Maybe the type is just better nattered than others. —Montreal Gazette —o -- Get 'Em Young And Foolish Statistics show that if a man doesn't marry before he's 30 the chances are five to one that he will never marry, Better catch 'em while they're young and foolish, p'irls. —Kitchener Record No Trading Goods There will be no horse -trading over peace with japan, says one of the cosmic prophets. As thing$ are going, it is not at all assured that Tokyo will have it horse. —Stratford Bea eon- 11unlit Helium To Be Used In Airliner Tires Pneuntatit tires on a forth- coming giant airlinci will be fill- ed with 2t, pounds of helium in- stead of 1s0 pounds of air which would normally. be required for the job, says Business Week. The net weight (not pressure) having of 15.1 pound'. 1%11l in- crease the available payload of the craft by exactly that amount. Helium, being an inert gas that Las no known chemical affinity for natural or synthetic rubber, hltould provide an extra dividend in a long tire life. Electric Fences Control Live Stock Live stock as a rule need little training to keep away from elec- tric fences. Observations at the Dominion Experimental Station at Swift Current, Sask., show that the animals learn very quickly and do not approach a fence even when it Is not charged, At Swift Cur- rent, a 13-1 late wet battery was used on an electric fence that was used throughout the summer months last year for pasturing cattle. The cattle were well con- trolled, no harm was done to the cattle or the attendant and the battery was still charged at the end of the season. The use of electric fences is gradually becoming more widely adopted for pastures. These fences have many advantages but care is necessary in establishing the equip- ment. Among the advantages are reduction of cost in erecting tem- porary fences, reduction of expen- diture for wire, posts, and gates, ture for wire, posts, and gates, reduction of injury to live stock. As a rule, one or two wires are sufficient to carry the electric cur- rent. One wire is sufficient for horses and rattle. Two wires are considered preferable for pigs and sheep. The wire can he sup- ported by porcelain insulators on 2 in. by 2 in. stakes set in the ground 30 to 40 feet apart, Now Turkey Eggs Turkey eggs for eating may soon join the familiar chicken eggs on the market as a result of the develol.ntent of a small -sized tt,rhey which is a heavy layer and produces eggs throughout most of the yc;Ir. Barnacles Beaten? The age-old problem of barnacles on ship's hulls stay be solved with a paint using 1).1).'I'., the "miracle insecticide," au t)regon state col- lege scientist said in reporting that the pant completely repelled barn- acles oti submerged panels for six months, GIRL COP ON DUTY IN BERLIN T/4 Georgie Curto (left), Peria, Ill,, and T/3 Wilma Henry, Connersville, Ind., chat with Russian policewoman on platform at Unter den Linden near Brandenburg Gate, Germany. Women direct traffic in Russian controlled section of Berlin, WACS are making tour of German capital. SEEKS DIVORCE Former Maharanee of Indore, Mrs. Marguerite L. Holker Masters, 37, has filed suit for divorce in Santa Ana, Calf., against Charles Masters, 27 fisherman and former mail carrier. They were married last January. Mrs, Masters was married to the Maharajah of Indore from 1939 to 1943 when he divorced her, The domestic reindeer \vas in- troduced into North Anterica (ram Siberia, via Aril;a, in 1801. CON'1DI?N'1'IA1. I;I:I'UIl'I'a ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines • Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four ('olhorne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO ('hone ELgln 4985 CHECK l lira ✓iffy or Money SacEDk For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and of Iieritchlnit conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D, D. PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 31-1945 IIA11V CHICK'S FREE II/1N(,1; PULLETS, EIGIiT weeps up to laying, Also day•old chicks hatched to order for 1''nli delivery', Free catalogue. Ttveddle ('hlcic iL tcheiics Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario, )'L'OMI"11 51111'MII;N'r ON 2-1 \1'EEIC pallets in Leghnrns and It.ML x 1V.1,.; X.11, x \\'.L,; HR. x W.L. 1,ayitd chicks also. Order August - Sept0nmb0r chlclts 11011', 11111Y I1mt'lu'ry, 110 John N., Hamilton, (Int. TltEE RANGE 11I'I,I,t'Ti 12 \1'EPa:S up to 25 weeks, Day old (.hlrks hrltchcd In urd,'r far t"; 1 tlelly- 'Ty. Top Not 011 Chick crles, coednh. ihlt:uln, III'siSEss n1'I'oiri'I Nl'1'IEs t'I,l',\N EASY MII,T:EltS NOW available. \\'e want dealers in your territory. S. S. Dennis Co., 398 Rid"ut St.. London, Ontario, \VILI, Tit:\ DE FINE W001) 'I'Iy1It- er 175 n,'r(s fur gaud truck or Enure or silt. 1\':1It1•r t'nvyco(v, \;ual;ouohnel. (Int. I) PIING AND I:LEA%1St, NAVE t'llu ANv'r1tNEED. dyeing nr cten nine ? Write In 114 for Information IVe are glad to answer your ,iuestlons nrp:0't• mrnl El I'nri(er's Dye Works Limited 791 wone e s:11 pet. To• nnl0 F:Ilitl .1IACIIINL:115' 10(111 SALE; No, 17 1)E 1.:11'.•1I. C1t1'::1y1 SI:1'- r:tor wllh tout rter horsepower !motor caulidele. recently over- hauled by maker. llotinI. Victoria Warms, Iludson Heights, flue. THRESHING OUTFIT FOR 5:11,1:— G0odlsun sieam engine 20 x 22 h.p., separator 50 Inch body'. 36 Inch cylinder. in good condition, AI :0chediish Threshing Syndicate, 11.11. 1, Coldwater, Ontario, 60 ILi'. IN'I'l:t N:1'1'IONA', STA. Denory Diesel, used very litt le, Write or phone Lowvlll' Feed MITI, Route 2, Minton, Ont, SKID ENGINE P300 McCOIIMICK, in good condition. Variable Speed t;ovenors for McCormick Trac- tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London Farm Equip. Ment Co., 335 King Street, Lon- don. Ont, FOit SALE BAIIUI:N STRAIN L E G Ii 0 1'. N Pullets, G werlts and up. StI rtcx X Marred itoclt pullets, 6 to 10 weeks, Barred Rock Pullets, G to 10 weeks, Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Out, VALUABLE COUNTRY STOIRE property, suitable also for tourist' business; Parry Sound district. 441 \Vestmount Ave., Toronto, LO. 4464. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bought, ,sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2320 Dufferin St., To. ronto, REGISTERED FEMALE COCKER Puppies, 14 weeks old, Real beauties. 746 Indian Road, Wind- sor, Ont. THISTLEDOWN ANGORAS, ONE of Canada's outstanding strains. Write for tree folder, Brown's Angora Ranch, 278 Courtland SL, Kitchener, Ontario. PEDIGREED ANGORA RABBITS. Finest wool producing stock. Lynwood Angoras, Box 140, Oshawa. LOCKERBY DOMINO 16141, 187016, well marked low -set dark red T.D. tested, 22 months pld. D. C, Cook, R6, Orangville, Ont. Huge Plane Could Carry 750 Soldiers 'I'ht' 1s urld's Itu'g'sl nirtrlauc–:a llling tool—of such size that it could (only be exhibited in sections, has had its first preview 8nd left the previewers astounded. The plane is being built at the Howard Hughes plant, l;'ulscr City, Calif„ and has been named the Hercules. ilere are some statistics announced by the company: Post: III cxiess of $211,11011,1100, \\'eight: 425,001) pounds. Wingspread: :120 feet, 111111: 220 feet long, 30 feet high, 25 acct )tide, Engines: Eight in all, each til 3,0110 horsepower capacity Gasoline eapaelt)': 11,000 gallons. The Hercules, begun in 1913, will not be ready for (light tests beton next January, There are no plans for luplicating the monster ship. The Hercules will he able to carry a GO•lon tank with full coin- identent of armor ;and men. Or, it chit carry three light, tanks and equipment. It ('1111 become a mobile hospital, with :50 patlehIs on stretchers, surgery facilities and plenty of doctors and nurses. Anil it could, engineers' say, r;,rrc 750 soldiers equipped. The Hercules will have a tot, speed. engineers say, of ah,ntl 210 miles an hour and a cruising speed of about 175 miles per holt Reunion Suits in Waterloo, Ionia. a business- man ov;ts delighted to find his favorite prewar brand of under- wear at a church rummage sale, bought some, found they lvcre his own castoffs•.—'J'inlc Canadians to Help . Dutch With Harvest ('nlutdian troops in Holland are going to help to hring in the har- vest. All headquarters and units have been ordered to get in touch with Dutch authorities in their areas and arrange for the fullest possible assistance to Dutch farmers in alleviating the critical farm labor shortage. Copper is very seldom discov- ered by itself; it is generally as- sociated with outer • valuable metals. FOR S.1LL' F011 SALE, PEDIGREED ANGORA Rabbits. Adults #5,80, Junco's ;3.00. \Vyntan Jacques, Scudder, ( I'ctee Island), (Jilt. 18 INCA PLANES, 12 INCH JOINT- er and rip saw. with lincsheft and belts. Complete unit #21;5.00. A. Cornell, lComukii, Ontario. FOIL .SALE—DANK 13A 40x110, In good condition, side and root one-half metal, #800, E. .1, 11'11:tling, Moorefield, Ont. F(111 5:11,1; ONE (1) (BLACK l.'lydesd:tlr Stallion nine 111) years old. 1111st be sold. Apply MI's, Agnes Murrey, Ilealheote, tint, c(u'Ict:ll SI'1\Nlh:l, PUPPIES, ItI:G- istered. Sire, lois background of nineteen (mem pion:'. \Vrite 11. Jel'l'y, (loll rl'il'li, 0111. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA ad's you-rt:tIn Slender Figure, turns yo111 foo,) into chergy inslend of fn t. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed picns:nit herbs. nu case•• else"; or drastic dict. Month's supply' 51.1111 t"'-1pnrrl Dominion Herb Distributors I42, ♦r Lim 1•00oc Illvd., Mono -en! FAItMi FOR SALE 551) CAN SE1,1. YOU ANY SIZE OF fu't you wish to buy—with or without stock and nutchtnery, I''or paWeida rs apply at I)ono- hate's Gurnee, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE 50 ACRES—CL Y loom—len acres hardwood—good barn—good \yell — seven room frame horse—Tutu' ntlles from N'eutlt Ills, .apply George (The, \I'oodvltle, Unt:tide. 130 ACI1ES, Dt'1tlI:1M CO., CLAY loans soil,. to gun! state of cul - Ova lion, very productive, stream through pasture, nearly ell wurk- rthlo, on Lake Ontario front, lid. joining tvllle summer re- sort, on new 4 -Inns highway un- der construction. close to station and canning, factory, elm relies rind schools. Brun 40 x 90, sttun- chlons, Large brick house on spacious lawn overlooking lake. A farm with a fu ture, price ;7,500. Possession arranged. Ap- ply 1), F. 11, Osborne, Newcastle, Ont. FOR SALE-1,Ait1t, HURON ('OtlN• ty, 100 workable acres, excellent buildings, good drilled well, close to good highways and mil'1ts. Hydro available, ;6,4100. For pnr- t)culnrs write D. :1, Moore, 208 Delon'ine Ave„ 'rorrnto, iIAIItDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING '('111. Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad• emy, 117 Avenue florid, Toronto 11EUIGAL 3IEDiCA1, A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of III -health In humans, all ages. No one im- munel Why not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Freel Write 6tulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3 BAUTIEEKA FOOT BALM DE• stroys offensive odor Instantly 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. HAVE YOU HEART) ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatle Pain Remedy? It gives good results. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. Bourlamaque • Villebonne • Yellowknife -VALDNA- GOLD MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) Diamond Drilling Now In Full Swing On Company's Bourlamaque Property Following an extended program of surface: exploration, a program of diamond drilling under the supervision of the Company's con- soling geologist, ,lir, E. K. Fodder, is now underway. ' The property cnniprises approximately 101) arres and adjoins the pro- ducing Sullivan Consolidated aline, 'I'u the east—see accom- panying map—arc the producing Sigma and f.autaque mines, Events during the pas( few months throughout the fast-grotting Bourlamaque ramp—East Sullivan, Antnaque, Lunv'icnurt Goldfield, Lavalie and others—highlight the tremendous possibilities inherent in \'aldina's current drilling campaign, pl;a,ned to thoroughly test the interesting surface disclosures uncovered in recent work. McMACKEN & REID 100 ADELAIDE STREET WEST Toronto (1) ADelaide 1953-4 Ontario Members Of The Ontario Security Dealers Assc. MEM OM r. r r r r • M ,11 -•• r ND .•• r. - r — McMACKEN & REID, 100 ADELAIDE ST, WEST, TORONTO (1), ONTARIO, Kindly send Inc complete particulars, reports, map <, etc., regard to 1'aldina );old \lines Limited ( No I'cr,nnal l.iabiliI\'l, 11 Is Iielderntomd Ihat Iltis remit', 1 places no nhlly';IIIU11 upon me. Also Weekly Comments'. N:\\I h: AI)DIfl SS City Please Print name and address plainly I'RO\ I N(.:E ,dda�i, a, hi .414,1 . .;xh.. Li, d iL.1. 11 d,1I !(It'.�I I II 11 1.1.t1r ,.JdJ�,r-tt1,l61 Jd l i Jul 11, dJ„ 11 . Li ili,� British Post -War Car Reaches U.S. A British Austin, said by the Austin ,Motor Company, inc,. to he the first hellish anlemoblle In have gone into post-war production, ;Ir - rived 111 Nnw York last week for exhibition. "England is anxious to export Ow cars'," said Daviel 0, AIbcr, public relations representative of the Loughridge, Birmingham, firm. Shipments to the limited Slates will reach 2,000 a month by the beginning of 1910, he said, and added, "This marks the resumption of trace, and the cars' will estab- lish dollar credit for England," Ile said the rapid reconversion to the car was possible because Its chassis was (Ile same as the British jeep. The car will sell for about $1,000, St11SICAI. INS'I'l1UM1•:N'i' FRED A. UODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru• meul� Ill Chorea Term),o 2. • OPPIIRTUNITIEs Flllt 11(131EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN C:,INADA'S LEA DING SCHOOL. Crena Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful marvel gt'it Itt:tles, Atnerl('rl's gren lest eye- tenl. 1!lust rnled eatuloguo free. mile or eon 1IARVEI. i1AII1DRESSING SCHOOLS 358 IILUUR 11'., TORONTO fire liars: 44 Kang Si, Ilnnlllton A' 74 Rideau St, vet ()Hawn. PnTny'rs VET II1:It>'I'ONIIAU(111 & 7UMI'ANt' 1'11 lent Solicitors. Established 18110; 14 King IV est, Toronto Book lei of Infnrim( tion on re. (le est 11110'1milt :t1111t TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO )tel better pictures at lowest cost. Don't tate chances with your filet rolls You esu'( Mlle "snaps" over again. PROMPT m21AIL SERVICE Any Size (toll — 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND 11111NT1:D 25c •1 customer In Cape Breton says, "I have been sending films to you for 4 er 11 years. Would not send them anywhere else," SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Tyle Album \I'llln Prints sizes 10.211-127 If 29c (lc extr:l) Is sent with flim roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 1 1'o' 25e, Framed on lsoly, tinted stats, 7 x 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian walnut of Black Ebony finish f':tnics, 59e each. It enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED \V•o can restore any old photograph or snapshot and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. Thu process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost Is reasonable, Send us your picture and tell Its wheal 3`011 00501 rlono and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Dos 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print, None and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films (1upe'iy developed ono printed 6 U11 6 I:1X I'OSU It I: I(ULLS 26c REPRINTS b for 25o FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You mny not get all the films yon want oils year, but you can get all the quality and service you deslr'r by sending your alms to 1111I'i;IIIAL 1'1111'1'11 SER VICE Station 1 Toronto TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER 1VAN'lED F01t U.S.S. No, 1, iiond, Protestant, first class; salary $1,400. Apply A. ltrlghtwell, Secretary -Treasurer, ShIllington P,O., Ontario, NAiIRN CENTRE; S.S. NO. 1 NAiRN and Lorne Public School, Nairn Centre, require 2 I'i'otestnnt teachers with first clans certifi- cates, Principal to tench grades VI to X, salary ;1,300 per annum: teacher grades 1 to V, salary ;1,200 per annum; state exper- ience and glve references with application. Apply to See. -Teens., Mars. }luxe' M. Jcficrlcs, Nairn Centre, Ont. —that more flies than fthaan$55..00 worth of any other ay killer!!! Grocery, Drug Hardware and General Stores Bell and recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. ' I' I' .1 t I I I': I t s WANTED • 1, A It t' II 11' 1111 11 1'11(111::=T.1N'P Teacher w.umtud for 5,', No. 3 Il:;)four 81111 leveling, 1,:uch- w1.,d, (Int. Duties to 4.tonitlenco Sept. 4, 5:0:103' #13:1.s1, 1„ r uh- t,ttln, Apply sir( ing qui( iifir;)tlona to Mrs. Jean 11'nnlligs, 5ec,- I're;ap„ lau'chn•ood, (1111. \I'AN'I'I':n — (.)I'AI.It.1E1i pito. 'Iest: lit teachers for 'r,,wbship `choral Arc:( of Kentiehro, duties to commence .1.51,1,',11• qua li- fIca lions and mune or I:,st In- spector: minimum salnry 51,250, Apply J. le, Hughes, S•c,.'I'reas„ 1U'd, ti, (Ont, '1't1\\'NS1111' S('II(1U1. Drury, Denise() :Ind (;rnIron. Ins- tt'iot of Sudbury, regtlll'e. ;; Pro- testant qua IIfled teacher's for schools In f1111tt'Ing' \'IlL,ges— Whitefish, SVorlhitie ton ar1d high Falls: ills(' one bilingual teneher fer rural school bear 11'hitcflsh. Reply suiting qua liflretions and sal:103' exported to Mrs. 11, II. \Turrny, 36a Laura Ave., Sudbury, Ont. 1:1 .1\1':1'1'1N, '1'11111:l;-111)(111 fIIC11 school fully qualified I'rulrstant prh(rlpal and two nsslst:,nts, one wale 0011 ohr• f, ln:rle, to tench, all lower and middle school sub- ,Ii•1'ts, (1it'isut of subjects tr, be agreed on: no upper schuul work, Apply, :do ling age, gtt:1'Rica liens, experience, subjects prcferti(I and "1,1:11'3' exp(.r'telr, In A. (i, Holmes, P'rry'„ 1X7eett'itt1)1, Ont, 111:1,11 WANTED MA ItIl11:11 F.1P,M1ftt #1800.11n year. Free house, hydro, runt, milk and garden, Also young tn:11 er buy for sande horses, )1:1y'14 faint, (;:11t, ton'. I'1'El, 5511011 15'AN'I'Ell ('altll\\'Oen, 11:11'1,1':, 111ttclt .\Nt) Mixed, .Oso sluts and 1,1(011 edgings, Hardwood all Sof t- r)1"d. Give Intl hnrtleulcr:' and best prices en 1'111. \V:I II I' "'Inlet it, 1!' MPHllda Strr1•t, 'I'1run; i. PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALI, AGES AND IGIt1:I:DS 2 months to laying r(ge. Our prlce9 arc worthwhile, (lox 40. 71 Ade• 141(10 1\'ost, 'rul'onto. \\'AN'I'EI, — PBIN'i'iX(; 1':1lt'1l'. !11(•111 with nut(+1111111e plv•ss. Iry privmlc pnl'ty', 11441 ud,t'c,:•ing 11taehine •flu) folder. ]lox 11, 73 AdvIltlde \Y„ Toronto. 11'AN'I'EI) 1)1111':10 A'I'ELV 1.IC- ',IlseO e:u':ige III echoenlc n= p:,rt- ncr. Frcdl ('halt. Rurl(s Fmlls, Ong lox 254. IVAN'I'I:p, ItUF I'AI,U I'll N' 1') 11 sausage staffer, compicic, 75- 100.I11. capacity: I 5-h.p, 25 -cycle, 3-phase motor; Pie molds mild ...nom for small pork pies, Write, llutn's (''nod \L1rliel. ('ort Col. borne, Ont. WANTED RV ELDERLY ('4(t'I'LI7 small collage v("11 It one or more acres within 1841 miles oast of Toronto, near small t'III:oze or shopping, Rox 42, 7:1 :Adelaide \V., Toronto. WANTED. TO PU111'll:\SI? PUL - lets, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying, Gond prices paid, Apply to itox 3S. 73 Adele Isle 1V.. '1'o. rent() OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Sarnia General hospital School for nurses offers an excellent course In Nursing Education, Class en- ters Sept. 4th, 1945. Application forms furnished on request, R. M. Burnish, Superintendent. TO WASHNGTON? Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, above, Brits;h ambassador to Moscow, is considered a likely choice as ambassador to Washington, should the present envoy, the Earl of Halifax, relinquish the post to return to politics, as has been reported, VENUS IS HOME An Allied soldier, one of the first visitors to the Louvre after the Paris museum reopened its door to the public, gazes Up at the statue of Venus de Milo, back on its pedestal 'after six years of exile. After long interment in an excelsior -padded crate, hidden in a vault of a Valen- cay chateau, only wartime "dam. age" Venus suffered was a smudge. on her classic nose. A TINY RADIO Pretty Lola Dean here tunes her new pocket radio which isn't much larger than a cigarette care. It weighs 12 ounces, is complete with batteries and four tubes and has an :ar piece speaker of the hearing aid type. Canada's Muskrat Trapping, Long Inactive, Becomes Big Business /0 400 A muskrat trapper spreads his day's rat muskrat "house" where he sets his traps .catch on the ice before he takes it back and catches as many as five at a time, to camp for skinning. Behind him is the then resets the traps for further catch, Rats are skinned the same day they are caught, pelts are put on stretchers and hung up to dry, like young Claude Dionne and veteran Ben Nolt demonstrate here. Dave Perry, veteran muskrat trapper, emerges from his tent to chat with Game Guardian Norman McKenzie who is on one of *his regular tours of inspection, FORCES SULKING NAZIS TO SALUTE Members of the crew of the German cruiser Leipzig didn't salute when the barge of British Admiral Baillie-Grohman passed in Kiel Harbor. So next day, Admiral Baillie-Grehmatt, sent to escort the captured warship to England, ordered the German captain to assemble the crew on deck, sailed his barge past and was paid the proper honors as pictured above. It was a disciplinary nneas- ure„ designed to bring home •to the sulking crew a realization of their defeat, THESE MEN WILL RULE BERLIN These four generals—Berlin's "kommandantur"—took over government of the bomb shattered capital of Germany. Left to right they are: Maj. -Gen. Floyd L. Parks of the U. S., Col -Gen, Alexander V. Gorba1ov, of Russia, Major. -Gen, L. 0. Lyne of Britain and Maj. -Gen, Geofrey DeBeauchesne of Fra,ue, The four will rotate ae head of the group, serving 15 -day terms in that capacity. Commissioned by the Department of Mines the trapping grounds. Each unit consists and Resources, tractor trains like this of a tractor and three sleds. Usually it carry men and equipment from The Pas to can make the trip in eight or ten hours. PRAYER BY CANDLELIGHT In a tent chapel, somewhere in the Western Pacific, Seabees bend their heads in prayer during a holy communion service. All carry lighted candles, whoae soft glow make the dramatic photograph above. WORLD'S LARGEST FLYING BOAT Big enough to transport eight jeeps at a time, the huge "Hawaiian Mars," world's largest flying boat, soars over Genn L. Martin seaplane base at Baltimore. The ship has a wing span of 200 feet, weighs over 77 tons, and has a cruising range of 7,000 miles. It will see service as a Navy transport. 1 sr PAGE 8 Itrintlitinntivitestcomossmotimiestetextoctswicaztoctcaitstocanymvoccom HOLIDAY NEEDS Ladies Bathing Suits $2.95 to $1.95 Men's, Women's and Children's Running Shoes 69c to $1.19 Women's Slacks $1.19 to $1.98 Children's Sun Suits $1.00 to $1.49 Mosquito Netting per yard 10e Good Assortment of Men's, Women's and Children's Canlp Shoes. Olive McGill 4.4 0260,4118tat8OtSersats*MrstaINNDINsdaltaA19444arrelNIOsINNIVItalslIONSISIMS.14 1 1 ttt.+4144444444+4-4.44444.4:444+444.4•44444.444.4.444.40.440.40:4444.4.444•444•440.4444.444•4.4'......t ••• STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1,00 or Over. 4 lbs. for 25c 2 lbs. for 25e per pkg. 25e per pkg.. 25e Macaroni Rice Lux Flakes Rinso Jiffy Pie Crust 25c Red Rose Coffee, per lb. 45c Laly Grange Tea hall' lb. pkg. 45c Tomato Soup 10c -. Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c :i: : :r. 444+444 444.44-4•4444•4•4•4•4•4444 4. 1.44++4•44+4.+•'.. ••__.._.. THE STANDARD eirtiwfl I )(Ater. of Stratford, is •pe:iding the tteek-ene1, with her mother ND, Elletitud, and NIr. Edwards, 5. iror4c .Nnient. of 'frenton ‘i•iti. g at the home of hi.. grandiatlitr, ND. George, Th•,se isiting at the home of Mr. George Iliron, last e% eel: \\ as Nlr, Jas. !broil, Awl NIr. Charles (..'happle, of NIalion, lt. NN'ard Illichanati, Detroit, and \I r. Scott .1ment, Trenton, Mrs. llattIe Foster and her three daughter., Ilettic, Nlarion inINlarga- rut. of Kitt hem r, spent •I'liesday with N1r, and \t r. John Foster. Nliss l'Aizaeth Iter of Sheppardion visitin4 her brothel, John and Mrs Foster. Mrs. lOy Fox and son, Edgar, of • Ili-at:1161k, are sPell'Inn-t their vacation , ;r witii :Jr. and Nirs. Edward-, and other .1::• friends. 44 .1. Mr aril \Ir., NIlic-t stead of 're - ,t, etinisch arc visiting ‘vith NIr. NIrs. ;1`, Itiliert Newcombe, :mil l rs. and Nit.; All(lro‘\ Sloan of Slwf- t. * ;1; field, are vi•iting friends in this vicinity. r. NVilliain (_*reight•in of London, slient the weds -end with his parents, , • NIr. and NIrs. e_reigitton. ;41 Al ‘,. iss ;•, \Ir. and NIrs• cc at Iiiicardine .• :41 NIrs. Hamilton f.,r couple of days this " evuek. \lords is visiting tvitt OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Franklin Ilainton and :: thls week. GODERICH — ONTARIO. , Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, visited \l r. Nlorris ' Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Summer Time Supplies Wednesday, Auzust 1, 19,15, ••••••••••,7 .••••• Acetylene and Electric 1Velding .A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing-, Vodden's BAKERY, WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "11UF HOME BAKERY" ow H. T. VODDEN, TO RELIEVE AND PREVENT SUNBURN— Noxzeim. 17c„i9c, 39c range' . 50c tillii Rex Latoiax . TO REPEL AND ELIMINATE INSECTS - 2. -Way I ii .et t Repellant Rulle11.1111 • DEODORANTS— Eliquet NIum . DISINFECTANTS— Lysol Cre 'line I •114: 39c, I qie NealIt tiiliittt Oil Citronella ,39c Arvid 39e ( )11 sono ,15c and (ii !Sc and 75c ....... 35e . 23e 23e ..... ..15e 3)e and 59e 39c Chloridti of Him15c -15e. R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. KtRIKKKuittCtIttOCktl{tOMIC414taCt4tCtiltC41494LCICKICICINI1OCIIItettatCl&ICItettICK1441(11 0:4 44 4:1+ 4:4 4.1 6:4 .i.. 1:4 4:4 484 4:4 4:11 •:$ 4:4 1:4 44 0:4 4 A. L. COLE 4 • R.O. PERSONAL INTEREST 1 OBITUARY 4 • 4 • 1 44 '4 • With 25 Years Experience i• • * wIll he it Stephen \\IdlR. 1). Philp's 11rug. Store e No ;, BLYT11, ONTARIO 4 • • reit of Toronto. visited frr a few days " - NEXT VISIT this week with ft iciids here. :4 • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15TH ;• Nlr• and NIr 1.. 0. of Gide- rich, were visitors on Sunday with the ;,'„ latter's mother Nits '1 \I Cole! - 4 4 FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. TELEPHONE 20 R. D. PH;LP'S DRUG STORE FOR APPOINTMENTS. • 3, 4 4 • 4 1:1 Miss Ge-irgina Johnston, Miss lielen1 Alexander Bryans , both uf Kitt:het-cr. are visiting their '• • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • •••-• • .'14 • tvy,4.44y+.1yyyyyvyyrovvv.....4 yt...01.410-$0 Nli•• Irene C, it,, NIr. Milne Cole, ,• Darker, of Ni:,gara i'alls, spent the , I v IA this district for the par(1114,, Jack Colc, Aveek-End with Mr. and NIrs.. Norman pii•t 34 cars, Alexander Bryans, pits- w.ek, Radfor scd away at his home Victoria street, Mr. and Mrs. fle:,rge NVebb, nf CM- Wingham, on Friday, July 37th, N1r.: rago, Mr. and Mrs. John Shobbrook, Bryans, was 60 years of age ilt! Nt of Londesboro, spent Tuesday with born in County Fermanagh, Ireland N1r. and Nits. Norman Radford. Thirty-four years ago lie came to Can- ada and resided on the 4th concession of Morris township until 2 years ago when he came to Wingham to reside. During his stay on the farm he N1 as a , drover and W $11 known throligniont ii ,$tttie(titttitI.operator tele - the community. .About a week prior to phone stall, will leave Angosi his death, NIr. Bryans suffered a heart 4rd, on a vvell-catited holiday. She will visit \villa her daughter and son, N1r, attack and his cotiliti-n etas scrions from that time. In November, pi )7, rind NIrs. ( 1 y Bradley, and little grand•on Robert Bruce, itt Fort Erie. Misses Marjorie and Lois Doherty, and Niai-y Kyle, returned Ironic on Wedm,sday after visiting in Toronto fir the past week. Mr. an I N11-4. Epli. Gray, and son. of Palmerston, were Illyth visitors last Friday, Mrs• Dr. Hodd, who Ili; heen con- fined to rhe Clinton Hospitalis feeling much better, and is expyted hone • -on Icv. NV. J. mid NI rs. Taylor, ain! Marion. Dorchester, and land and Pamela of Detroit with Nits. Phoebe Taylor. Nit McCreight, of Toron- to, is renewing old acquaintances in and around illv Mrs. Pent - arc \i -it ttt he was married to Lena Platzer. Ile was an Anglican itt religion and a staunch conser•ative in politIes. Sur- viving besides his wife is a brother and Christopher Stout Races three sisters in Ireland. At Dufferin 1,1(i NIonday after - Mr. Lloyd Turvey was in Toronto at noon from his late residence. The ser- nufferin Race, last week. with Chris vice was condu• led hi- Rev. Alex Niin- topher Stout. He took a second, a sixtt mo and burial took place in NVingliam and a seventh in his class. The horse cemetery. The pallbearers were. C.11. also raced at Kincardine this Wednes NVade, .0 R. Coultes, lierbert Wheeler. day, and is also staked at the Goticrictt Joseph Miller, Thomas Itrydges and race meet on Civic Holiday. George Jordan A New Shipment A New Shipment of the Famous Waterman's Pens and Pencils Just Arrived. Beautiful Sets and Odd Pens at Popular Prices. Nurses Set in White, Pen, Pencil and Thermometer An Ideal Gift, Priced at $7.50. Eclipse Pens (Guaranteed) $1.15 Eagle Pens $1.25 Eversharp Pencils 29c and 60c Crokinole Board and Buttons . $3,75 NEW STOCK OF CARDS Sympathy, Get Wells, Birthday, Acknowledgement of Sympathy, Wedding Anniversary, Personal Birthday Cards, Wedding Congratulations, Baby Congratulations, Wedding Gift, Shower Cards and Shower Wrapping, and Ribbon. Bill Folds (genuine cowhide) $2.25 and $2.75 Sun 1:lasses 25c to 59c Sheet. Music (All the Popular Titles), Ink, All Brands. Writing Tablets, 10c, 15c and 25c TEXT BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Get your Text Books NOW, as these may be scarce at School Opening Time. The Standard Book Store 14 4 - ler 4 Pte. Ihn; Smith, just Iiiii»c from overseas, visited over the Ai vck-ellit With Itis tottit, NIrs. Gordon Elliott, ND-. Elliott, an ! family, \Ir. and Mrs. A. R. Ta•keir, Wen and NIrs• 1as1;er', lr til- er at Holstein on Sunday. Visitors at the lectory Sunday even ing, July 29th. Nvere Mr,. J. 11. liender• S011, of London, an'l 1)onald C. derson, of Toronto. N1r. Ernest Leggett is visiting lives in NVindsor this week. lev. A. and Mrs.Sinclair visited it Hamilton and Niagara Falls last %vei:. tr llerh NIcE.Iroy and 1,AC, Bank NleElroy were enjoying a holiday at Huntsville and Toronto last week, Nliss Hazel Pet.t. of London, and is Nlac 'knotty, ••f Brantford, are tetotg a NVeek's Iltilititts with ND's. .1. Pelts. N1r. and \i r5 J. NVilliam Mills, ND's. Clara Brown. and NIrs. j• 1,0}.taii, spent. !a very pleasant day in hayfield last rela- week. at the co,tage of Mrs'. Dr. lileeles ,of London. lev• N1r, hoyle, former Presbyterial' Nlinister here. called (in his old friciit \\'. Nlills, while visiting in Blyth, Nliss Veiny Fellf Barrie was the guest of Ir• NIrs. J. NV. dur- ing the week. Constable Charles Salter will be in Exeter for the next two weeks relict., 'nig for Con,oble Fergthon who Naraticm. a..ter Millet 11 Johliktoll spent a fe‘V days last week with Gordon by cf London. 3' \1r. an:I Mr,. E. Lockyer, and Nit., and sI r-;. Fred Fawcett, of Toronto. rs• NI Ilion Lowe, of spent Sunder with their mother, l ts I:aeveett, and si, ter. cit t. Miss Gladys Fan. - 4 Os, 11 14Y t 4 tai7MINDOMMINDiDiDIDINkiDIDIDtPiDIDODOONANDINNVIDMI31%21)012121)?*IVANIIIIN):01A BED -ROOM SUITES Several beautiful Suites and Odd Pieces in the latest styles aro displayed on our floors and are being of- fered at moderate prices. An attractive Walnut Suite in the popular -Waterfall Style is displayed in our Window this week, 1Vearc offering a nice selection of Simmons Steel Beds, Marshall and Simmons Spring -filled Mattres- ses and Sagless Bed ,Springs at Popular Prices. A call will convince you of the many excellent val- ues in Home Furnishings we are offering. J. S. Chellew Home Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. 1 1 1 1.1 . 11 1 .1 1 1 1 11, • 11 . , 4444444 .s; ,t; EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. • • • $1$ :11 Meals at All Hours. t FRANK GONG — Proprietor 4:4 4:4 44 4:4 1:1 1:1 44 1:4 1:0 0:4 4:4 4:4 0:4 0:1 0:4 44 4:4 4,.0 4:4 0:4 0:4 1:4 1:4 •:4 0,4 0:001:4 •:4 44 0:4 0:1 1:1 4:4 0:4 1:4 1:4 1:4 1:4 44 1:4 1:4 4:4 1:4 4:4 0.1 HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. ATTENDED BIRTHDAY PARTY SPECIAL MEETING OF BLY.ru MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Fra: Nletealfe, and Miss Elh Special meeting of the Nluiticil.al E.1)11111 spent the %Veis-end in 1,4)11(Itln, tatell(t 1 ,itincil of the iporatioa of the Nil- • ittg a birthday party for N' 11' lige • f held on July 28th, for the Co' DECORATOR'S SHOPPE LII,m en, •,\ I!1 tii 84 last purpose of com-iiLring the pureliasinet- p:trty ‘va: held at the home of hi, of fire truel:, piiii.j.er and equipment to dalightri% Mr' Chuw- 'augment the fire fighting equipment en is Nits. Nletealfe's brother. now owned by the Corporation, with Reeve NI• riitt. and C uneillors, Icr- ttictt, Vodden and NYright present. oved by Councillors Vudtlen and AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1 Nertiick that It -law No. 1943, as 109 rattr;cs In Bach and While.Show ill*". read three times in open comic] . MI provide fur the purchase of fire stutortHuron Agricultural It'jire •mitativc, addressed truck, pumper and eintipinenl, lw fit :11 mssed. Carried. a mng eetiof the Myth Agricultural - \\*1.41iit inut • Society Directo:m i -s il Committeesheld in the ()rangy on Friday night. mernicK, that we do now adjourn. Nir. Stt.W.II'l gave a very interesting and instructive iiddress. It was also iiiveaLil that there Wcre ()Vet' 110 itttjc ilrilv in for 1114' 111- steti Iliad: and \VIlite Show. Which 1; will, Myth Fall Fair this year. PHONE 158, BLY'III. 4 .0,4 .11, 1 111. •IIlII 1 1.4 41 .1111 1 1, 1 SUNWORTHY Waiipapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL pRicEs ARE RIGHT ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY BAIN S I'ENVART ADDRESSES Gordon Elliott, Clerk. HARD BALL GAME AT AUBURN FRIDAY NIGHT A scheduled juvenile hard hall game between Anhui n and tiptlerich Vill played on the Auburn ball diamond int Friday night Rimini., to stop rwitt stool :,ti 0 2, SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. - it: - A 't * * * F. 0. PREST 'Phnie 37.26. LONDESBORO _ Revamped Ball Schedule In order that the play -t ffs may he started on schedule in the local softball league, the group schedule of games has been re -drawn, mil the balance of the games vill be played dates: August Mr. awl Nir•. NN'illiain Graham at August 13—Illyth at Auburn. i. ist 20—Auburn :it NVeistfield. grandson, 'Fero. Nhintreal, are vi•- tMg with the latter's sister. Airs. Art The two bp teams will meet in th Barr, and Ntr. Barr, and also attended play-offs. with the best two out of thre the funeral of Mrs. Graham's aunt.' l'raine'; deciding the group winner. 'Ili on the following 7—NVest field at Auburn. 10—NVest field of 111)1 h. • $.1 nnounang -•4 $ • • $ 4 4 4 • 4, '4 • • : • 4 • 4 :4 4.4 i .114 4 *61.1: C c , e tt: the opening of Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store Saturday, Aug. 4 To Serve You Will Be Our e. Mrs. Gibb Vint. of Lucknow. I group play offs must be finished by the •14Pleasur 4'. +4 1 •4 1*.I4 1 end of August. +.4i:;14-4•74444-444*.4.4t;E+34_44.1441,7i.....+14.43...-4: 43+§..4.334343+33i4.3434.3i.:4§-4tVtkitit+-44_*_434.4 44444 IG • • • • ▪ • 6 • 4, • • • • 044