The Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-10-31, Page 3z, T':, 4. A, [77—-- 'A SEMj-NVWEKL-Y�_S, `r,]�_A-L- -Z -T,9,E _7=7 v �xja�.,tylesjxd at as low a 'fi-6mrti at -n- as �tn! and-fal an :XC W 'Icy%- are priuted 6,3j, x Q,_q r III.*'c 111'_� 11' T1 AV this �ffice`as call be afforled by any e 30m, AND GODKR.1CH ARKET w �,fj Toronto. Support Y, - - , :-. , : tablilin ost 3 Alr1tal T S lie en rpr- 'am 7, ooderich lite vf 0.76. 1. fill do. 0.45 0.30 'Prin Run '0" 64 0.63 irk.;d* oat', WORTI 'CELEBRATE -Do U.40- 'a'OA5 ............. GoAerich, Oct�,30:jl.862 60 Ba�l 'h -.25 ;�.'O a van, 6 .60 Flour, per ��)I, 4.00 4.- Ili 6 Shoitsllwrtot�I g)vlwat- i" 14.ft, Citherhles,c 12.00 , a 00.o ER llii�. §prit� ih"6 ` 611enL -�, ',3T'1,B00 I . , I . - d ROD 68'�tsp.r bushel ill, Zieziforth. Oft bkpihilkkv UiT a 0.,8" 0.0� 'a utt6n, perlb... f 067nprising. Stan Q 0. 42nZ Frzdt Trees. o' Ile er e 0 lief Into 111 carn d re 0 n the ll�! kinds of§umI 0�. E'T1Ze.Pr1b`r1: `590- 10 'a V.VU Autuain.and W, ou. uul�r Varieties; .0 licHurot Krprt!,��* s�iVs th:it tlic 0.05 0.7 aw Veal, per Ili.. a &�o f, t lie 7 county, is takiu',� up,_.the 12& G L ABG H- 0 U 7: 0 a 0-�Qo is Now W N.,", �t the 4 it, ':`6`L 4-.0 P"ar 'Ir er, Atinumn en&, 11. ND. C JA E' A I' E�ST� ST 0 C X S, 0 1,1 W ug H�x; per-tou.-..�_... iluer..71, i3odericix ]Nlark,�t is still joul'i a 16.60 _d Alr &W ' . , Plu� Trees, very ind trew,,qf IS ON 1, 0 F THELARG'E'ST A litimbard" i a -0.00 driug. III the�'Co;�lyuod (dry) 2.00 sis 115. of, Fall & b ki d -rr 10did 'A' ort whiter Cht The A S ment 'b d6- sreen ..... to.. rjng ee 4.00 a 4.50,� and Bi� -for af,-by quLier, Per nxilde� stictr6rg, and'ilie, "more hard)r. r the colder jI%rw oft! 15. an Hides fg�eeul Dukes and Morellos fo m6o r 4,06, 'a 000 q.�fitities oe -wh6at SheiisLins .. 0:60 CLOTHING.. �DRT PrdN And, in -et -re �,,fbr b ail po k ORTE�D.. DIREOT Fit 1 Ruff, Till ,Z pric� 0.76 a 0. Floar per ...... T-2-00 1 0.00 delight Best Bitis alid, for _hoWers.6f ... 0.25 a 0.30 ful- rn:di= SuMm&, w 020 a 0 25 UrL maple. leaves . and dr�t YOW 0.10 a 0�111_ L66k: DwarfApp!e Treq�j of Summe�, 1��Il inti6r. es t, A 07, a 0t00 nuit 'hazellas paid its,& visiL wc� its .............. 03S .0401 -'sorts.'- pwaif Pefir Treo, ...... 7 50 Wintei VD.warf.Plum Ti ees,i ofa the so 69 tves,'.fine, Trees� -ch: each Tre�s, Quin6e -ilk Fken 9j, ress-es 'and Ion -nd: Dress, -ell. :jdverI dr its 0.60 6. be8t� kinds.' -Crab Apple -aid X0 w - 8 0. Nil- and 6xtremely hardy. 'P O.E0 a c tmu Hadnbe ees�­Hartlj Gripe -Vines, of new ndOld.. 6d white and black, 6f rec�ret*t4 leamthat there:am ? -C al ly,6fthc�lldughion's Seedling. 'V 'W7' ackberry. and TORIA which is not subject tnilddw, like�I Eoi- supjAj7�the Gderich �Aitil WAL �_ A - - .' , : I � � - 140TOGT�AVIIS OY eruraeutL Call' P doubts asxt ;whether the, Go, ral=Cor�l Skirts, LA Strawberry elanis. &:5 -.Plant the Strawberry "I aqy.- % 6 sy: be'' es. Raspberry, 'BI "Oe hope tb di�c' 40 seihn othijag H 0: 0 �,R, ih Spring only. Rhubarb of- �eryjsrge:florq Prikeof'Wgles-& #6ceglof Denmark,11-s' N bw g sCH.As, F -USON� TH As k B�]IND pnira. PEST. C?,t HAN swI&2t THE ore the- Map, at 'U- nion H.-irnionie ipes" iner on 66 Iiish. tly�A in: t6 jjA.Nj S Ov6r CoatS etti Ili Oinamental Trees� ior lawN stre wi�, be� F f6r $3 0 - G. k. T R -U PAnts, $1.5 Wsts,' FUR w"WPERCENTCH11A AJ, CHRA -K .-7 kn6,�;m P 091AXEML TB 'de -idetitee with us Isuit -Cif� Bla�k BroAd Cloth- for., "D sha Ever�ieens, of many hardy vai lievii. will �tak up his Flo�verir,i Shrubs, of all.uardy Mods - Climb - LE IST'tJ& 'try: Plaati,such-;� tbe'Woodbihe, C-' Sh"4r Rostis CliiabGj Rib _P FlO.-A fk1r,ZL tlme� extraordiri. perfor'4. V'ApjrE ID tb�_iethcr with_.bis -�nW, heafty TY HATS . �Cilp, r r1ith _sweetseented ca ass92L011 d d 0 e, lim H d Q Dautifill Dielytra'Specta- througliout'Canada and ltdiid, near ANT C P and Tr_-er , ilies cam und dther'flne sorts, Pinksi' Tulipst. MADE us t IS L & *0 ORDER 121: ] i - t I rallai, :1e W6 Qf-.Ihe !'' ' , r thd h& to fd%r, White, Yellow, ieRATE TYLL with one �f his �_It Far n IN oiiori Lilies of the,`Valle.�,, Dai leiI DofibliI: 7. EnglWi Yiolets,,,:Ze 6w:,Cloths � 9,� T' th-' N -Plants, id. ok S.,H: vcs thei frobe Pi F. Dr. BEADI, ivecl th� Diplairta sttO` f IL4 us tiller a $,O,� .0 llgS; �.i C, h the Bliudr Piper: -se 0 H 6 H'aving tir� tii Wit hathetr. pr- t t h e, E`-rhi Tb Milton, in 18 0, en- favc rtingsi actorije D6nlrri,s; he, est wor rrt�n rint�j Gingha "',the P,�Ovip�d, gent em 11 for his superiair.collection of ' Fruit Trees-" . f att d OVk=b-E'S: LECTURE 'I" Or d` d Pon getting speridid d rktriahship_-an and ofFruitoicivin -on stielilreei rS­may epen u Fxidb�y 7th'­?.fovenx the lastxliitiii�n nThe tten6nce �at Mr., Lo,'cr -ties of Apples, And the First PAw for'. 5th:, �v�as hihly respe�table, while a, rin received the' Prize�- for tfie beat tTenty- for tw(; y'�ajf;ii, for the' ir,,money. 2" Fa -few of hisi earers,un-lit diff�r-fro'oi bim:so� the besli,venty varieties of'Pmra. uit havno do.ubttha I fell -T and grownfor planting'in Canadill,aud have AT RIET _en forced' in6-exmsive jii6vkh,,- but 2(ld Com. W ev an5live g,�jjlglf oreir the ...irelstcd,hi� S�bjcrt: F611xer's-�-Lot 9i �'A GO 0 tire all smt bodi IN GRE c> T D _R FOL0 n., h" ]RE16 Tlai: WiNG -.hole Uers '.el,ar T�*Sday, 13-th Novll!)niber en the' insr'llt InIT 11i POI Sale olleri,ch? at 6'e E I Ch wx,' uly 14th, IS62. was� mark hr Mu eenness lite that we have irrImed, T 1862. Svi'116 es.ari m,Dr. BEADLE!S Nur.� ..Affon"Y,17 G6Ai 7q '22 :St. Catharineisj,-C.-W., -and 4dulad ed ill sery; L of �Orfuol` to bea ina 1'�ot 24;L This i t& eea otse rchin- dcs�rip&h.' and litics. The lcetur� 'S P -u Y .010 f Towa.%Lo .NV:ILT 'I NS 0 TF LL :bl: ch k -H -�Ithy and Into W.Was repre. jarge sto raidii9d.'' ae SWH4139 thein to be.LaS he. sented.by*th� zA,;4titf Mr. Stjckl�;whtfi iilitliIg' I" re to Is T isana of �elier nfo ori he :fiitdx:e of the Stat's na I th bro�git to OY&Own, last SpiriP'jiT; lij him All Who were,'the best e r Beef -tbis nc. - i T r:1 u Souther 'We clI wfih coididli mend -Pr. it elo -ve dilivered�ii ord',s der the,` 0 III oshould, +9 id L' Beadle*g reesan p ritsto olr� 1 A Lrall"CIT JoboL eW purchase: L ink6ton, w, to Ulf, Ouse. Joel Phili d oir i;t, �is th� I WAR T. D -01DEDLY CHEAP, aza le hUPTION on John An., C.'%izeni; Tr getter of G6d-rich to Isten to anY - c- IS etd 62 dooze, First ClAss ills George. ughis. n, Times 'htL tw, done fr �6ll nirg . no trer but it �M'� e is ills. Willia -DRY au QU & CO.'S L= GALT; NovetAei'; 1969!�, .116ines lntro�ddctiou. U NAIR an T'lkOR11 FK I AT, T HE. e eeslent. a Very p easailit hou ol. Popular Eri* i tit 14, v E d xtensive esiAlislime o Works OF L rees, r N Wton"s NV ork, 1, Vol-. AUCTI?, W'!e he &.parchased Yrdit or (1=1 AT LOW RFLICE&t;�, LOT 'e -I Stl Cath.iih6;,qnd have,platilted 'the M-- iind _HOU0112� T " from the Nursery.of -Dr. BR&DI;% tit AL that i If,-, S this hich"niot- 1 do� _E cience. can �afejy ri4oinmiind to the Pit nuilgod. trd6'L John Miller,.Jam� e� sti ofr�ru�for sale tjh6! nM Cowan" ne I do' Thorri Cheiruist �.in liaidness of the ti,ines is, �1 do ical Economy. LOTS: do en6rally,, ilxat b ui iiI in g', 'i s a' do ':'Moral S�iefice. lindre a4th Black, Th -,the in: finu bi, t: tdapted f6r' _`2 do -Upba-u!s Ment V.1 Philosoilih�. GODERICH., URSE his Mi .sto Marshall, W -,iftone to 0 iny I -full and� qoqfpl;eie ussWittildrit of Torin Minzie� William 'History-., 'ALARGE A8S6RTA1kNT0F� B Peii6r Jeffray; 10 -or, Jo�ti-�G4D6dUll,�-i3i6rii6i;Odall; of IrLoa- ffiaral aeture,�and. is. McGrie _b_ Wijgn6r, _Ajdr6W _`der McPhail, Jnj<�6 Alexan 9, Slater, atiob-Z�-Det,�illiiri Francis c wit t e nevv ris . I - .1 ; . I , r do But'er's 111'. TRUENAN faCilitie. 1 the litted,- If h do' ayof Purchased i d ith Gi;ore Ho-; job er, Isaae Bev achine nZ:b�t*ill HjS,St"e C entapriSe eanl�en I- GORD N ry C,c --,o that'st' Ind' 1Z Iflostructed by J61 0, 1:d I'm I �-d a ihe'BeU'Mark Johfi Mikq� 11 Olt his a q_,i do 'Cyclo* ISt?7L-' -':' L.., * ' 'un ail rtic c re to'sell by Auclib 0 4 e90SES, I . . *11, do His;tory"ofReformation. 0"g, - " , S under4jined, beg to sij, a li� Gor-L i.16 �can� OT. Poitr�iLS-ofrthe�Refdn�a6rs.:,:. r,2L out" in. We, the th t we -7,: it 0 he awh,erries,', _: , - j p—, li� cl� , - e on their . L . . .; 'L I - '' orriarri Tre rst most -All 5or �er ci at . . , , , 1:. . Str I do Sibckh'ard's' OD quired. _,�66ultur fi 'ROOKS G ER1 H have te�tedl the Frulf and, uI are to be found al, -ji'paray" qii�t�hubaA[B�,o okiiielift 6f 'ST from tbe� *Ziirisry of Dr,�BkADLK St. Catb-:- firt If not,.�old us b6orc,6af ey r eiry,v e of �aftern, and at pri`c�s fift be sold by Pubtic,"Ab I* C2 ; &c:;� ic. T&6 qadI can slifely- inuend, otop-c;. dy�� T.h id '13th H -!I from, v at -"cannot fhli' to, be the heallby'and, gooita—Williatia ce r S THOM At cheaper ihan� be J.h­ P. - I nI6 a �ucccss --BULNKFTS,. SE SO� P etofore; In that his.atteilil I' per W: Ailken, G �jii'nufub�I.4-of -':G rgs, Thomai 4*611, V;.t�V It AT NOON,' �D la es* anoth'er this Nursery,'�6,'jo- lain an Lk od� h, Ociob�e d Faitcy wilicqi, bobo,u C M Dy TephCase, Jb1hnLMitcfi6II;,TboTas.. 'on �Ot th..und r enliollcd�T tile at *bi tley are offql- &idd- plendi 'IRIFFiS OF LANDS. Id -)j stil cut to erators. -Al e�a; PMids, Ho P 4 fii&a qd,reaqyfor work.. "Atiffariniar everSH amyHugh Berry, Eav&id Delmaje,­Adum St. c -A L S-.0— hase':�. 46M 'op -P - > -TY'L HOOP: SKIRTS -complied. -want,! ogood-plodgh or thresh iva�. bd nt; 9� Joti; Win, Rbge Sharp. r W Pu C npqnasandL A EA GE _R L 1-ur, o n ens, To Witr 03. -1. 3,.4,,6 being -,�ubdiviiioh's Ho.,: Edward ML �Kiii4t� -Alm- Juba LcfS 3jo.377 & 378, 'fie ca' be 'Her7da I ------- �0 Hlurowand Bruce, ch* Wd. hesit fbr� oFjeri� Facias it"acil' out f t3T W. S [in. whea' ag� N Toi;irn -A -OF C] -c*Porter,'4 a ll:;�nnox; 11.'� distaii �O,Lpuxchase it, 'd iia.t. thZ Lundblind T STOCK' ort 76h aud to,�ine ire�t- be ontoStr�et. (c6rttfnuation�§f Kinplon'Strect), - i a quiti�as rents.1-jarnei Mullen-ana.SaiiiiielTbi -arid iront.iii the Cambria Road in the 0 cond, to no e n It , �t tome,with Canadian, Tzv��ds Full W I 4ht;tiitle-anJ interest'of Jatiaar2, x862. SUPF dstan4 unknown estab- It'in 'Webb. A.'s su�tofr,�Lrist6ph�rCmb�,'I'biive,5ejz�d taken Instead se 'We h PLATV L�, it, Execution all theA d 6 1. e In to, testi said Defeudants, in and'fo. LoV'Nuraber on Searl'Sirinsr, English an W. dcsire here not ETcp to the Ninth coheemion', E. J ie TOWN. OY."G I ODIE. go oytrL eyery br� R. of- the es r�ptive I iiced Caital4ues Fr�c­ Tile- tateA deiiipsin �'tlat_;we have o it Teels fironir"theNurseq f h to the Amilfield, and,L county wo These Lots are ver viduabl� for Building pur- Appli 6P SL Catlheriulei,- 0. W.- and but impres�. Which pokes r-.4' h,,Ehg ish and:8CQtcWTw 'hundred -acres,, naore, or lel,s� -the two of the innih leading, Frene . I " , rL .1 , !, we ij frontL.� (!If lot., d: :Z , L L . , iy lu�,Pale it i2t (iff I I I �N. T -Stock 6 11cady-MdcIclfiilCL1 have pl..nted them, and found them to 6e neighborhood and, -to, the north; �an entran our friends in of: Huron, con!n)OU6 that a at the rear�of'ba Ind teiiennentli I sba4 ALSO--a:A arge thr ice 4,n �stre�ets, wi Us. ea,,. byL ttoripi e the court House, io�#�,Town of 0 erich,- on A'lle,stered Plan ofthe;subdiision oftlic pro- O.L, represeri the' Agent� Mi. Aumibtont, I 6d 0 �wheu s6liciiii", ordeits -�ooted, i. at C*A_be $een tit ally tiali -stoi Tuesda,�, the S �y of De noplication o nimely�: welt uriry, Wh ere U.Tweveoft e'eloc noon., I u uctioneer. C:13M d hedlty, and free. from any, dis. i reforej for �yery artie e I&- 'the ho the I odesirous of obtaujing. term. of the lnliportanco-'bf Man, By S:Poxt:ocr,-Dep §lticrifl, One-fourds' of theLptiveha" _Cash. or anCABINET A per -Dr. 4ewish Sheri ff"s Office,, Op 7[ .,,dod, sound,' healthy Trees, recommend pj* like 1, , �. I � � ", SOL approved 3. months N� ote -will be taken for the 136adle's Trees a Goderich, Poo �th; Isafance in, fo6i eq - ui;�s h one -fu ual ana 1 U M -E Ctoryin,QvIery.frespect:_ prpiietors every succies& EMP,O, W sails a t ,e lntsuith,interest. _� L I .: I 'David G�rhaxd, Pretz, Daniel Fort.; j-jA,,*I1T'0N MONEY O LENI 13ERM'S S A OF L&M swl6td TRFSET oricar:�n S., cher named, Hew itt� re- Nea�i Do6r to' J�d6 A�,&rsoq, JaMI W004- . "I r : ADDIT101 6y :`�.ipaf Council pftR�tnley Will oio( -0 'TO ogia�i, bleaford, wag rit IN the above odd,[ drowned tESTA the Main-, information f W, of BE lobert Walkei WE 'Ou=,�, JK issued Out Prke&� ib just. Ile on who wili,givesu11Y N David SharI Thoip,, W�Iker, 4ames Hast -i .;dear that Piece on Saturday tile IS -eding with another in. a suit-bblif to To Mit,.%, . Of�'Hcir,"�Majesty's County, Q P -.E sLE as will lea itizil, Jobu Patton, ]��ederick-Shively,-Ge. and ;�hen opposite Th�inbur�, the "Court of theUnited toLthe �tion ufthe persoliorl.per "d to me affected al�aihstlthc Lands:and Tene- VQLR THE TRANSAqTION� Of BUSIN,Pss WITH m _f2gtIr_u sef. Howifitclangtoille'bottom:ol. dENT; DEPARUNIENTS. d- THE �GOVER�p Ritcibii�cn I ii it glie, love Ja t i s ments, of John McCarr�n David Mi:Calfirob.'do I, t r ve tile 'while-tlie Per t refro ic. tq_ari App] u the bo; )th�nloeiri an expe a Shote., t l:shdre, where'lievainly I and 1j, j :switiI reached' he I hat I OrML e Cl�SN,15 R. ed to -g' t a bbz title ilild interest 6f thi,said Dcliindants, in.aild tOL De rL I gp r an( � j -, ro u tn, a ar,71v. "USE m -iij 3islibiripartion.. Noneof-the'Reople ntAry "A Lt�!,O go t0 thl�� as�ist 1#9 'the wst half ol.'Lot�6mber Eijtu9 in the Fourth' Parham Oe tOW".-iF �f Ashiffc1d, in concession; K. V., 0 k t( . 'ETAS OPE s, can. 016t. Meaf9rd, some siji or IIE ';riiuld I nd hurine;and he'was,eompelled to the county of Hup[4,conwtulng one bundred Tw. an �ugh lid :NED AN OFFICE iIN QUE T -.sevcn miles llcr6s, . ali or less. Which Lands. and Tene busihess of to �Oca_L!.0 eats Pffiee'r in the -it tiel are oin ti1JLL iii for the tran ecps const�antl�y -..:Ill d h cs(L ti On't e en nj 01' c4.,ifidqce,Iti your re 'wind, Cilart.House7 in the, fT on: w d.' On reaching; in I offer � for'sale.at rhy, Canada, -pj dark of Giliderich ties roidinj in Vpper I n . set in; and the. 1 0111 s,ore, -seven�jhday of January next, at aniol-the overn.9" asdres�ed.,IO,B r capsized" vessel day the Twenty hications the Twclve�ii It re -paid coinnut 0 h t: hour of que Clock, noun. theTPibvincei V 'JOHN MACDONALD;, an '0 P' r of' sea,an ewlitt met a watery Bu6all., #8' ;' ' '' T, wj LKO'L 336, ost Office, f4ue A fs V TABL �'S A a aft< a of Iring patent,, texciteme6t �re ailed arMeaford tie I n for Lands 'I, want of humunity dis 0 W�-, BFbbSTEAD he�fr H. e t bagelars of ir kind against the '�:thepeopiii of.Tho Puy jj,ia aid 0 =6 or rnbu Shcr2�0 �r tic C held at its any information obihiinable'it I # , L , , , . FPXD' �W ATTRAS T nment, or cip-hiesh6ld by. the Company, wheu rd Oct6ber�l th C Lands o To 11-.- Benidle, mquInog have , . I,. , . � . , . t thbumitt MotT a few -bushels of 9TANDS'i TheT]Mana, read the Directoris ------------ FFINS'L rin nded] I!to be in thti.b6ttom nly aticaded to by a Resident ,a he I Sh T avits i'64cd by tile clut. u n epori be, liciopicd. S. D. y InUe -I -Was, e_ Report L Ell �ED SAW M LL --to Let I lie It wo haas in bee i;0ort of d: 1 ksaTs i'�ur ined': laid Wfilreit by tleLD41 tbe coQvcyr patents of LlIvi: oil -i A v Ih 6 p wcthe UT.� 't eo iff Ag out the.expealle and Incouvellielic, 0 ofthe atLon.*S dofaviu.L bf be -Oil Motion 01th(rRe CAUTION, li;410 �M-atuxe- G paia to 0 but the Td A' tars teVn 0 Ty as May be-ViV on0 2;� he -employs rigne 0,M&6el Ing for- the' t.--Catl -jig ;>to It icraldi�cusswn whi( ;Iaken inievoiaing ownship-01, his furrI "it not: ivi 61ittelnelits, all� I e g l, ei:lc eA, 'CO c,owthe-14aidafi nothing but the be'st uh, has thuch in _,Ilullity�. series -are .0 recei ncedn' the oIion ell it civil- situs I aii-111i ',orria, CoiIjItyc;f ng a 4ne 5i ation. ;,ah&hi:(he good fiah,. keripral and -A MoriEt UNCI1GLOR.­4t'aT be surpassedL for electio e4clic OM tiate le ercy,,an Lt e, 'E_jb If in HalifliZLN &i three candidates -o nFR8. iehfol the jil, 6 L pu lid�ire, up driving agdL is idej . t 1)�eh itL. jo, and:the'lCe. gua . a; Oct. 16th, I 'Qjlltjoll�, �iCirriea uniilii1116fisl�. With -,the, 6%cepijon of tile L D. repreisen themselves fir election, as Applyi�ofk P 1 A !, L their' rd, atwt pr� T W N.TE6. : : I , for furniture. HARRI �selveg,to he Agentist -in Up- whN 0: 'fificate-frotm.thepropriet.4 essful V pi�e of.the war4i.� Two of the WATED— -or i6l. scionded b Hamilton, of Dunds, flic'niecIfing oSe be good��enouglb_but the succ *3"Vad Cobome. -tineW us a we ng and -SO& took with the crowd,v B0nan',0ct`I' e(71' fke� The oncithat ift 'V lE G' k to tile f6r his eouduct in tile Chiiin powei such a character as. a lair, III ree acr6i'6fI&ndeonni:etedIt t �S6ho6l. W 28th 0c, e i bad ;iipplieation. ed eakerl- stI 0 o41, luariager 'WsT _141h Augu�t, a'was 3 own irf.eyideuqe before the,. C6 �1111- St. Apply tojlt�,l note 'Vfxbandi,�.di by t Colintry, Wh7vu? dndL,bU, nanpp 0 a oft _ay b�l -to take, asseertiE- -RAMS A., C, il refused. to allow. him, It e. ordered. hiiiI I;I'jind a n6r el�ctioj ONi J -PH LN ropKei .nar .:that is Perison'bad !thin the Ia3tL.jjX'jedjV TH13's to"'n raVoCidjoir, C B;r. BISSET, Cattails, aa&chargeis as `uodtlrafc�asan tieSid ?MT. �,:PROUDFODT.L nWitclell. :Stage Yr L ............ Jq1yMs01�); 'drunkertims, abuilive yjHorseS'. HOM.5 Ind Unfit W �Notice. wns TKN NG T 7 0 �C "P: y