HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-07-25, Page 1THE : LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 55 - NO. '19. III,Y'I'Il, ONTARIO, WEI)N ESUAY, ,1 ULY 25, 1915, Lions Club Planning For The Future IMMEDIATE AND FUTURE PROJECTS DISCUSSED t•„Inlllittt•.., ale 1(1 .erur4 ,111 Ills' inilr- .IIG111111 pm„1111\' nit 111,111 project,, 1('1X1\ haul, to t111' (1u1). WEDDINGS Vod(ien - Nisbit .\ p1\ 111 t\' (II111e," Irn 1, !dart' till \\ u,1- nc,d;n• morning at I1 :(Ill u'elol h ,.t 1\111'\ 1'' it(,I Chu( p;n"I(I 1'e, .Nu - 121 'n, r".11 .i;1,1t'r ;old Pi!I \Wat,oil burn• \\I1 ^! ht t. I l,lr"I'I 1, Snell United 'nu I.i•'n, 1.11111 IRO(' their regular motion that _'l) pere4111 „) th'' !in '1'11.1 r,,4. .\:111 smith \i,Lil t'i meeting in t!I, '.I('nl„ri,ll 111111 on'I'ne.' ' 11(111 p'.v4411' b1. ,1.l a idc for Child day evening, \:1111 ;1 yo,'d attendance. g',ra, Sro'Lunl. ;aid h„ 5' .111cn \ odd,'n, - I !cam].•I'!ti, 1\l„11(11 alio 1,(1•.1(''1 (1'111'1. 1.1(111 I're 1'11 ill Dr. II, d n' 1, presiding' >"n of NI r. a! \II,. \\c -I1'\ \ ",1111 1Iii lslnut(, 1 the nrc\iuu• lu,•itilt; ''f Ilnl!4,1 t"a;:',1ip• The 1're,idctlt gave a very timely pep Tln4 liri'I'• I'', ht 11 Iovel\ in a -Urea tall; to the (111', mmitler, reLiaril!ng the 1(Hulll hitt ,heel crepe Ilt'i' with ,il selling of ,Ira\\' ticket,, and t,lher ;1''. ver trim and ;I 111'\tcrrll headdre', 11\(11 plt'I, of ( hill \\„rlh. Ile ;Il.,' 8:.11011\0'-!,hlilil,i length Yc!I• She \1''11'1' ;1 heal' ed that Lion Paiute \Ldcolnl, \\oulst eeldi e• \ll \Ia'it' 1,11, .\ulttrit, pa\ a \i•it to the ( ll:l,, perlia,1, 1';1\15' u,11,IIt of the I'tldegrooIII. NII, livid( ••- ' in Augn,l. It I, honed t" plan a imp. nl;t;d in ;I Irocl; of flo44crud ,1'11(1 rt\on. per merlin\ lir this "1.(a -i"11, and all -The he -t Inas! \\ Keiutt'tll \'„'M(.11, 1111 1111'the ,11111 "f member, mg. ;he ( IIIb \\ ill be t'\prl'1l'II hr"Illt'I' ,'1 Ill• l,l'I,'ll'gi',''!iti. The \\e(1- 111'1.141 had hrcn cleared, and the of -.1" atlen,l, dim: 1Iiiiu r \\ I -1:1('11 at hit home of fort had Iletin,! ih' III( I're,1dt 111 1\a•• called out before 'the Mile;lo"III" 1;11'elll" Mr, \'1,1,1('11 Ile .11.11 lel proal \11:11 ;n•lan"enlent, for the meeting,clo (1!, and I.i„11 I/el PhilpIrte1141'l 1(1; blit(' tri l 1. I'll' the I'I.rlii \1;'111 1 )au'e \\el''. well in ir tool; ('ha tee. The 11L14inp of lard 1;411 room, \\ere prt tlil\ tie0"I'a0e11 111111 pink hand, and an ulche.,ti' i 111!11 already by the boy, of the ("utnlnuity aaS :111,1 \11111" taper, and ,Iiimuer flo\\er,. been In'nitn ed for I r"li( '11;111, ,1(1;(1,1 • d1•ru„1.'I, but no action 4\;1, taken h5' j ('h1' dims' r \\:!, serve 1 to ,i\ie111 \nest• the Chili. h\' \I i. ho\i, 11;i11 and NI i„ 'I he1111,1 I Sholibrook• The couple It it for ;1 ,hurt Ihunt'\ moon. 111'• bride \\ caring :1 hro4\ n lailurtvl . nit \\i.h hl•oa n arrr,s"rn ;1(111,(.I on Ill 111'11 of Lion. 111111 SiI11e 1IT, '11(1 (1'' id4111 called for report, from the 4',1!1 le, rol:unitlrr rI1;lirinr!I. Lion Ft ,uli; '! \ renl:(I, reporting 1'1,1' the (lance cumuli! 1(1', ,;,i,1 that the .\g- riculllnal Sol',''\ 11'1f the Linn,, 11'11, hail st, '!t .' n, el tan \\'Ihilmure 2,1rd. Linn titan. 51111E rpt' reported briefly on the it fru-hnn'nt bootee, tot' i rolIc night. Ile lcl'I 11 1e1.e,1 11111161. in aullicipa'nnl I1 11161(111m the 61 111, It 44,1, going to 64 .t 1(1(((11 11rop1'-111'1'1 l,• procure 1'1('1);'1 Ito\, and 44(11111,, l.iou Pirt 'l a,her, rl(;lirnl;ul .11' the 1 1(1(1 ('mltllllllit l' gave ihi, report, -dat- ing that ,t?i, nnniltee. had been ai- pointc,l I:? charge of prize',, public ad- (1re„ ,\-list •anti the building of tht' booth. all nn'mihlr, of the committee 4\erc e\p:ct''d Io hell, in building and ('pl'ralit.' the booth. Lion (;('urge \I c \all, chairman of the l'ubli'•iiy connniltee reporicd that ad. \crti,rul,•nt, I'a1! not ,til\ been place:I til 11,1 1"1';11 papl'l', 611? 1411,1'1, al ham, (r0'lt't'Icli, l !1111'1'!, Sk•alorlh and Prns,c1`, had (111ied ad\rrti,lnm'tt, last acek, rum:nding 161 reader, of III, 4•ariun` ou(Ic'nc rinrnnul'ti(', "1 Illi date of the PI011 Lion, frolic, so :,, tri avoid conflicting \\lilt other enter- iainssenl. - Lion I.",• 1 1 as chairman of the l 1'111'1.1 ('1 '1044Th('(', a•1;('d for informa- tion regarding hi, (Hie,. Ili• 44 a, in- formed that hi, committee has'lled the cash, and 44 as I1 have rlalgT ready for the \ariotl, booths, also that he \vas to prepare a ,I,Ilement for publication after the Fr, ti(:, lion I)(1 I'h'111 csplai:te(I the purpu,c (if the (;:1i11(', c'tl1i111111t'. .\ member of th1 lural r 1111) \4a, to 61. plarl'1 111 each of til(' booths procured from other ('Iib,, so that they slight familiarize 111('mr,eh'e, \1116 the panne, for another year, \\ lion it i, hoped that the Myth 1.'1(16 \till ita'c ,onto of their n\vi• There 14as Ir, report 11 o the proper- Toronto on Sunday, follo4\ing their re- t\' committee. The chairman, hay turn trip lr 11 Chitta, on furlough. They. \very ,ix month• slaking the trip, brill; 'held in India tor many \\Tid,. '1'111'\• are visiting Ilu'ir sun and daughter in • Mr,. \\'^sic\ leclrtli' and \Ins' \\'aI- ter Cook have returned from Toronto after a 1(111r wr11:s' stay. \I i's• ('u0; 11!1 (ler \\ ut an operation in the Toronto >ernlcll 1(1 he (;corral hospital, and \4' are phrased \\ell in ban L , lu report that she is getting along- Lion longLion Pert (;ray \\ahs asked to report I uiccly. on the \11 -Star softball gamic, \\111.11 11 r- PERSONAI, INTEREST \I r,. \\'i:'htnt;nt 14 ('(1t ;n .nut" ''., I'ri11:1)' 44 here ,he vi 111•. • 'n 11;11. 'Id (' \1'igpinl;ul, and ,i -ter,, \1r,. I':. 111'11'1(. and \li„ Lillie \I. Carr for \I r. tut \I4,, Stuart I:ubi!I,o!!, and \li•, I':Ilit!I Lockhart, -petit Snndll\' \title \Ir. ,(1111 Mrs. I"ranhlilt I;aintun at 1'in',l'tli t1'• :ii:. Lockhart remained for 1i' 44(el,. \Ir. 'foul Pliel ill, Jame', 'I.hcre,a and \I;m•g.1rct .\!,1\e, and \I r. \. I'I itIt , and on, Jack, all of S4ina\4', \l irk•, vi,it- cd a the holm of \I r. and \I r;• James 1'il'I,u1 la.t al('k' `+I 1'-. \I'u'galel \lapin, South Pend, Indiana, MN. 11;'1•5' \V \lace, of \Wuod,- Ice,-i,;('r, of Mr,. l;unr, \vale, ;ire p, h ill' ln:,1 at P;;\ field, ;Ind are. also vis- iting at thy 11onm', of ?,Ie•,r,. Leo anti (; 1V;111 Arthur Arthur \ prat\ ,u(Inncr t\e,l'lin� 1411- sol IIiliz' 11 ;11 I\1\ 1''11\:',1 Church masse, Minim, on :;;iilll•'I;t\' aliel•lloon, .Hely 21, at 2:,;U o'clock, \\ lit") \I arjut'ie I•tii- :16eth, d ing11Ier of \I45. John .\rthnr, .\1(hnrn, add 1114 late \I r. Arthur. 4411, Invited ;u tu;ttriatc to NI r. Gordon Iloi\ard soil of \Ir. and \\'il`un hall, 1I ts'rooll, The ceremony \411, performed by Ret'. Harold •l. Snell. The 11;'111. 44;1, go \‘,11(,(1 it! apitr sill jersey, street length, ‘villi peplum ef- fect. cape ,Ile\T,, and pleated ,chi trim, ,11'1'1 \4nrc al small 11naTrcd halt \\lilt \\hitt' \oil. f 141 only (armament \411, a gold Inthct ant', chain, 1114 gift of the bridegroom, and ,ht' carried a bon titet of Sulu enI 11.1 roil', and OBI'1'UAItY The Late William 1t. Gibson \I r. 44 111;(1, I of ll,l P. ( 111,,1,11• a lilt' him; t M11111tItiil\, p.1,•e 1 Subscription Rates ,x;1.50 in Advance; 1$2.00 in the U.S.A. Le(►Itard Kellt' 1n.i(n'('(I In Fall 1''r()nl 'I'rucl< '«1 '.I•. and Mt -. Joe I\nils "I I;l,+h. 1 .i' !!, ,t'„1\ at 111- Lilly nm Ilill,lt't-Irc('1, 1\'ultht, ht 1111 l'i','1, :(, a 1.1 u!I 1•i .r; a( t'!tl,'l?t 11111'1 :,I L!11� \\ t"i11 'I. AC - 11;1,1 Thy on S,u'ud,l\. Int\' 'I,I, in pi- , I 11 r. l 1111„1 Icru", r. 'I'1i'. , \Icl,t of !::- IGId 61('11 111 1,11Ln1' i••'.11\11 for ,molt' month.. tale \I r. (;ih- I. „I: ;ul'I Iii • h" l!I'. r 11''1' lir•'. I Le on 4uI• horn �_ ,u ' ;(:,", ;it I. o, Cllr 'ftp r"n. 11,1((1 1.r' d hl.; l'"ntr "jilt t!t,• u:,ul, ;111,1 411"1' " l'i'• . 1 utr 114' 411', \\'u;. 'I iluc!! L' .I \' Marr.• I'1\\ :-!lilt, the j;u'ui where caul: tip !p(' :ill in iI,"..r him. "n !;1,,'I, I' tooth, r, J;IIIIe,• 1101\ re -ole•. i I� '1, I'ti(' h"\ 44:11:11, 41 ! t 11'1,1(1! u the ,1111.1 •11 "f talc 1.11c \Ir. and \11, Janie, Irl!,•"n• II" ,i'le "I \I r. '1'11(1,'!1' tl u'h, ;(11'! omtc 1111'.'11 r l,ttt ''I t«1! off "u' ' . Lc mnarri1d \label \Ir- Ir;14''11(111.. \1'• 1int!I ititi''i:'t'!. I ,Ill, I il'• map:Mite took pearl olt 1114 ;1"1'1'1 !. ;111,! fpr 1 "1 \1"1'41, Toa n,11�p, Homy. ;int 1)1. 11„1,1 44;1, ,luniol• Farinel•yi' institute i'.' Jt1!;;": I ,,1111'. ' 111•\11(1\'' tutu its 11 ,11, ,tile '1 1,, t,rlt'r L\. .'1\'I open ,1 \\1111 the 4111''1',' 4111 ) .l g.1 \Irl',lll now 1.i -ides• lad, (4! 11 tl.I• 1)1 ('dims; ;11 t'C., \I r. and \Ir'. (1111,".1 jar!nel im '1111 I."'' 411 \I "I I'I, held 11';11', ;1_„ II 'r and ( It„"111, 1411- \11,''11 1,' t!,1. ' \\ i'l ,11;'1 !l'1' 1 \'+ I , '.I ,1 1111'1 111.4 retired to Itl\th (,(L nig t(1 II:, Illlliri,' ;11' not 4t'! 1,;1'141' 1.•1(111\'' Odr, follua ed Iepeated in um- , all 11,1 ;111-‘‘( red by m1\, ''a' 11 statin}' ,11(11. ',., 1, 111'1,,11 1. ; ,'xir.t,..(t11. I ,', L', ,,,'t ,,, ; 44(1(1 1 .1"•! ,I '1 , .' id, the tr'a,ur- I: t• 11„ :,1„! . _' I'd a ,tos,lti"n of .•:1.,l I"r 1, (hdlhcn, I ti I.'lt':1 11;111,1,'.' ;i,i.l'11 to the dere I-,' 1114''1(' in ill health. It 1. II'.p '(I 111,1\ I:I, l'"Illillail ! nut ( '' I".., �+I, •11!','. "1 1111, 1111}! Your \I1. 1;:!.,l IIa'I a hind ;11111 luvi 1:1 II Ii 11,1.'1' (l t,'t'It 6'•1112 (1,'"4l' 1111' 4', 'hpc tut:cling n 1 n' ,11 1,1, 1 l'1.1 int! 1111111 \ 'r \\ i' n ,! t'ri/c \\ ill ll!' ;1,11' r U1 tliemlier, Lit • ti' '1'11' tUp- ,'?'' 1,1 4\., !;d(ell by li,l""iu1n, and 11;1, 111,,1115' c,lteinelll scriuu,. In the cmlllll1111111\, ait'I hl, p;e-,111; deep!) rt,'1,11111 11\ all. P4.111'', !1;, ''rr"41in41 4411'\, he I(;t\t'1 Race `l'l•;teii Is littsy 1)1:ice 'i1 111,' to n!„tirn, ou( hr,nper, 11104,, of \lo: Of \111 I'i�'etlllll; 1 il,' ('!„11'11!, lu''eti !4; "f 1111' 1115th T,.„„.11111, :1'ul 1111 ,i'tcr,. 1.\dd11) I,u?i' r l 11.'1(1.• 14,1, ;Ilio IitI11 in the \Ir . I<in':,ley .\1111'1 un, and 4I'eal'l), H.\ lit NI HAI 1!,1!I \lith a 1;((111 at - Dark Cloud, The Mystery Boy, nils..1.111 41 1- alt,aercd I r,• (;e rge (011, hotel of I.oll'1"11 ; Expected To Show Speed and Class Pithy) \! r,. .\• \\ . 1' !'4 ' :1' 'i !11.1111 et liht(iiIOL', a a ct'll Smith, 'will 11 PIstll, ;(101 f(,ertrii!ei '1'I',' re'' I'.trl, ;!t tilt' .\1:1';,'ttllill',ti Illclll„'1 ,1t ,'"111:'l. \I r,. \\illi;lnl O-trirllrr, ui Crediton. I'arh i, a l': : ;'tare ;IIIy I.4 t 1\i' g I'o(1•, \I r. l e 1t,l''11 \f r(;;n in, 1'rl,idcnt ('I '1'114 ,y':l(patlly' of the ronituutiit\' i; .\ !iv 11"1:!11 14:11 fin(\ it"1\l dire\' 1„ the 1'lo(in'i.11 I'1o14nnan', .1 ,orialion. 111'1 II"r,1' 1',;(1111 ‘11111:'11:•'(.1!,4 mite a :tet' ;1 411'\ it t, rl'liuq talk ou the 1,'14 1;111 hll,l� t'lle"m';1 ('ills' Cllr 111'i1'tl', I'r,"I'11I,11' 1'"11111\' ;III,! 1111''I'ililtlnital in p?tl ':I a i, 44' e\!411iti'n( he;t1,. I'!"w i;u' 11;11\ ",'. I Ir slalyd that the four !rte"rtes 4i,il('d tpr track "I1 1IIII r' ;til '11:11 \Irtt h 1\((11\1 like\\ he 11\1,1 HI Inn:"u 111.\! yrat'. pr' \'\ding 11111 war I'tIr„I;1 ' cent' c. and al"ng 4111E " extended to 111,' hrl•411 1'\'1;11;41••. it It' er:tl ,11\ e" 4(144 peed hi I,Itr 0.11 '1t4 ', ! 11!1,X\' ,Int 1't, (1.1111"11N11 an day afternoon, at 2 u'rl"1'k, being ion - ducted h}' the fee's I�. :\. Pro„h, 1f 11cu`;111, a 1 1111(1 ,aslur of the PI\ tt! ' 1 I 'II ," d, t by !hat 111"1.' \1 r. ! t r ails treat. to 141'1 utile 11(:11', 'I'll' t •, I ;'1::'t'i 'I' It t!te !,IIII"I• 1'al'I111r, Utt;t a �l 1111/"I ('porch, of 11'111.11 \Ir. (;i6,"n (participant, \\ ere l'hrl,1,1w(1 Mont. ; 1\a- a ;moldier. 1)ti!'ing the ,crvire,I,l:'ive!1 h: \11'. !.1,'411 I'I(4\ 0\•, and 1hitrl! 1,1('1' in, 1c`I 111 their n!alrhc:, as they \I r. Sh:tttley Siblhor1u ,ane a lu\cly'Ilc?'I''t, 111i4cn it\ \\':tl,otl. ""411,1 ;n• \t'4\' edue'timwit, lie alio •01,1 "'1 I1" 111(1 I�llgt ttI ('1'11„", 111111'11' 1"..1c1""1 , 1'1 1, 1 -„IIIc „• the 1:lglltlght: on 1iis \Iso pre ''111 :It the track, hot n,"t \et a, .: 1•nest (4' \Ir' (;ibIl,nn• 1i1r.'uell the State, and ('anada 111 1 II 111 1(1\'111, 11:1, illi' II'-all-artlllll'(i Interment fon( ‘‘e(1 it1 the PI\Ili 101(1(\ \'art': Po''i,v TIap,',t'ncd, and at"' he- °1st Il, 4(1111.11 44 t- ,t1i11.orcd !15'' ihr S,tI- ('tu,cicl'\' ling trained b\' \1r. Geo; \Ir\all• The palhlltlrr` 444.1 \le„rs. Sinip- i \t the int. -um lin ' there 1111 115'1 ,01: \Irl';111, .\lonzn Smiths \\'illian 11or,e, w0rhi11g out at 1111 track, and I \1 i,, kltH? .\rthnr, {eg• \., L,nmlott,1('''r1:''rlinc, '1'11\''1111, kg..' i'. Iho6c)'t \Walt t,1.„6;161\' more tt ill he here 11.1(1.. 1111 sister of ;he bride. was tin' iride,ln;litl, 111.111 huncri 1'(11111. I I,'a1r 6(';'1,'.11 .,'11•(11 i, 1111:• Proinincut ;inhale 16e,t' ;curet. 1\11!1• \\ ere, (,!'!1 (,111,,,11, .\les• Slit'll'an. (;i!, gl,\enrd in liturc'I I,Int• all\ (('pi;r ,ilk � I, .,Hark ('II u',. oat, \II -ter\ 11x4„ \L•,• 1,111:1 :'tadiemlal, of Ilamillmt lt'1',tc, street 1411pih, (\illi ,' f trim.',"n ('''Ir, \\ 'Wiwi 11.i 1114. ;Intl '1'p",• bring ;rained by \I r, paid \\',11,.,,11 \I?'. and \I:',' 'ohm Stadletna11, Jr., of \\Taring a small 1hitch hat, and carry O'('onner. I\Wc a'cr" i':iolnle'I that 161, horse list` Stratford. \I:'•'16(1111;1, Ik 1\1111 c, 1\l Iltg ;I 6'111,11141 , I Tali•111;Ill i'nu•hlltt,. Tin; ,e,'\'Ic' 14;11 1,11;.1\' allrllded 6V' a' o 101e1'llil po"Ihtlltle,, ;t,I good is Slr'Itiord\'i• il(,► 1(I Sund;l\ 11'1\11 \I r. \Ir. Ir! \\',ill, \\'Ititeciut•r6, (4;1, his 111'1 frielml, and lt4ighn hor•, ,\n!ot'cr hr, that Iii, tr;lilnt 11' (1'114 (.11, 111111 1.l , those trout a dts;aii1' \4, re, \Ir, :old ;(1111 Ni r,' I red O,\('1., ;Ind \I r. antl:hruthct's brit 1'1(11, ery ,('come night, "ihtTrll 1le.1111'" i. 1'1,IIn\('I:Ig 111 l'lrt'111 (114 .1 i'e(c ,11'111 \11.,. ( ''i'ge Cole, ;11111 (;Ih,ull, 111111 \1 r.;1'4\"("1 61.; \II'. 1• 11, \\at -111, ;111,1 Iii, \Ir,. \Wahcr Os!lr ;1\l (lankly, t Thymic. O'('minor, London; \Ir. ;Ind aa, held at the home of the brill('':' ;trainer i. \II'. \1 ;n un'; sou. h:daald, .\1.l' 5'''n an achy' nnrn16e1', the kind ;old \Ir,• \Williain \k(';ill, Chatham; \Ir• I , \1111\ would 114 Iii>;rd' mother, ',\ 611 I ecei4r(1 \\'caring ;I navy � 11110 i, bri''ging 161 bro\1It Ileauty along l;l,l blue ('1'`?'inn, and a coNage of pull: 1111'1 \144' \\dii"'" O,Irlctlrl', rft(Iii"": in ('\el'1!'Ii! ,'1!t'. \I I•' I.lo\'1 '1\11'444 Or ;ll'c (.'(( 111,( contented fiat 5'0111' 11r. \Ir. and \Ir,. Il;lnln(ctt'1 ;Ind 11111;15' of 0,11'1, is on 161' list' I1•m,c61t11,' SID' 1\a, as'ktt"1 i5' 1111' i, wurhing' 'l'hli'Imphrr 511(11", ;s vet- Irft \Ionhton 1 .\lux Speiran and family, ! Ila you attend 161' nn'eling,, and mingle i 41,! 4',1'41"III', 11101 11 1 1', gmll Ill '0 In I n..,n1 - ertn 1 l 111;111\ 10:,ee 111('41,, 11\'Itt'1 tv 6 \\ill'cd ,ill: • .rr,cy 4vith a corsage of rT'1 1'111'11;1, \IeCall and family, 11'(11. 51'11 11n;,J'I \Irl'!Llrlr,, 11 Ltul;1\a'. \I \lith flu• Ilorh. ruselm l,..\ dai!,14 Innchco11 (('11- '1141((,11, and family, 111'1(1' Inc;nnry, \\'1\l• (;1org(' \Ir\,111, lulu recent\\' ar(Inill',( 111' '111 1? n ,!ay al home, and criticize on t11T 1.sa n the home. by \l i„1's l�rarnc\ and Haul, Drat 1111, ;111 ul Ili, hors I'to!r• a raring ,.1614 in 511111_ ,11111 ',noel,. 11\11 1 .t 1.... :\ hear! \ \ole mf tli1111:s a ;1, ei\ 411 111 Mr. Nit( ;,14'i ! 6) all boys 1111' 1.111. lneethw, 4\:I, 101 by Dlar- iorie \I,•\ 111 4 NII,, \1:1611 Smith •'1'1' led .11 1'111 piano and \i try Phelan ;tctt•,I ;( lug•>"ng. The ( lith paper 44,1, pr(1d and real 65' Audrey PratK- burn. Thr 101101\1'1; poem is a ,\tort portion 'i 0111• pap\( : WHICH ARE YOU? \Ir. and \I.,. R. 11. 1. hoiin,orl children of 1'011 ioll,I'rn1 ,pent \\such; \\ith elle ((\int.'s 1)111(11 , and \I r,. Ik. 11. hobin,un '1'111\' '\for Sault Ste. \l aril' \41(1 re they 1'1,11 \I r,, hobiu,on's father•. Dr. and \I r,. I:• C. \\'ilfor I arrived in 1)(1665''1, \\a, .11'sent, he';ardilg the: loaning of game, for Froin ` '1;111, LI' ti (;.'rd. Augustine rc- p'n t''d 111,41 the Clinton Club \vas \\11 - ling to Van their games for our big 441, 111. . I'roli' ('haired:;m, Lion Stan repotted on the general aspects of the l'r01i1, and ' (crytlling Fisk. 1'atturson, Toronto, .\1\t\' 'toll, I;ret„1'l,, Kincardine, loxi' and Maxine iIall, - -, \r \I1.s• ia•re,l Patterson, \D•,. Thomas 1laggitt, and \lis, Laura I'hillii", all ford, ha, epri,t('nr'I his parer, "111(16\ 'tial,'', In thi• ca,T (,lnrgc i, the vet- ( of IIIc coni6'nation• The }tor,e lid, yet to prove her metal, but is coin. of .\'11'1.'1. 'i''I, home aa, prettily dr 'S'C'I\SU\, \\'1\t• Thnnlp,in-l)1\ \\'ed- Ing alone nicely: under George's careful costed in a pink and \\bite color nesday morning., July IS, 19.15, \\'illianl gtldhilice. Mr. \laitland 1lem'y re scheme, with 4(hit' (ecdding bell, and I'hustp,on Still -on 1retire I l'•11•I, og- 111111\ 11.(iIu'l' 1 the \\ell bred 1101,.. I,a,kel1 ',1 ,illin er flower,. cut'. beloved 1't(shalut of I'.IIIIIIit (114- 1"i't',l'ee \\,,,it 1" stl•cd 111' "Tramp •.\S - \Ir. and \l1.,. \\'all left for a asagh, 157 I.i4i:'g,tonu .\\r., Toronto: ;worthy"' Thi, 11,,4,4 1; ba(kr,l 1(11 by hone \•1110011 trip to 11'0mb:tuck, Niagara dear father of Cyril and Myra. 'Torun- 111 splendi'I racing breed, and ,11'(11111 Fall, 11 111 Hamilton, the bride traveling .to, and I•:\'clyu (Mrs. til'afior Il, .\,- make a rt,ai riled'' in a tailored ,till in mtt,tard color, •plitll, Sask. Funeral. ..vice \\111, held '1'11 t1(;1141 he ;brer 111('1, into 1(11,1 Icr- 4(hite Monsr, and brown accessories,',(r0n1 St' 1lilda's Anglican rhnl'ch, 1)111- anon, it appear, that raring is coming 1(11(1' :mil 111111 u, nut, and (41111ng a 1(11 tge of y411114, rust'- terio I•:glioton, on I ridgy, July 21)111, hack ,trt'.IL 1,,ca111.. awl loamy 1111114 'Think this over, nu'nlber, your kno44, \\ ill be glad to know illi,. 11 speaks right ftlnl ((Fong. \\ ell for futon race meet, at the lll\'th •\r1' you an active member, or do yott Fall lair.j1'( belong' NEW REFRIGERATION AT THE The official, 1\l the .lgrirulunal So It (4 as dccidy'i to have our next \\ ikon \\'all ug. I lnlv'rnoll, 11r. and 11(14 have „ (ha,(d stabling fur the \Ir,. Ira \\';Ill and Doris F. \\'all of 13UTCHER 51101 1' r heeling I l Ihr form of a \\eine. roast ' local 'It ('1111111olt;ltlnl( it 1111111.4 1';1\'1' 1111\tto he 11('1'1 at ,1.l \\ a4I11111;i11'11 (lri4'c. \\'llilcrhurcll, 11r. awl \Ins. Pert \hof \I (l r. Ila'4ey \I(Callum, 1\ I These ,\' were er( I Incl111 l\ ,14 114 kid .N 11 member, 41110 are not familiar 4vith Wit, lint and Ucnna 11 I.angsidr, \I r• J,tttcher, is 110•.114 engaged installing althe \\'inghaml fall Pair hoard, 4\111(11 this l:'r,lli,'11 p)'a,r 1'1(1(11.' from the and \1n,. loin;.\\'r;lith, hn,lwcll and (tea• rcfr;41crati':tl plant its his hltchcrl(luring the 1\1,11 f4(4 years Ila, failed to Eldon \\':•111th of Iawknu\\', \i r• and I 1 \cruti4e of 1111 ,1'1'111. harnn'rs' or 1)o you take at active part to help the 41(111; (1('1;\, Or are \"1\1 „tti,fie'I to be Ilse land that "just belong?" 1)0 von '\1'r (;o t0 1.1,11 Mk, ()t' lea\tl!c :'.(iri; to just a few, and talk Mont the clique?" 'Ther\', quite .1 VIti s (vorl: scheduled. that I'll sure 501'\4' heard about, .\1\d we'll apin',ciate it if you, too, 4\111 a member who \I r. and \I r,. J. I) 1..I -Ivy 11'1'1 Lois, ' bud,. O'1 their return they \vile resile at ' 0 cluck. Interment 1'rs,pett n•as 111;111M:11 for I:lolic night, The idea'Il 11(15'1(1(„I Cemetery. \va, to arrange fur two all-star teams i and \I r;. I, E. I':Ili . of I.i,lowel, 111111 1 Alns. i 'iI1ic \Itsche, and ,on, Cohn of (;ue,l, 'It the \\ editing included, h1'\. from the tau league,.. I.iun Bert 1's- and \I r,. 11;(1•(1(1 1• Snell, Ni • and \I r,, plaincd that lite definite decision Seattle, \\ ;(,I1., :Pent Sunday with \I r• would be reaehcd i'1 the near future' i ln41 \I r,. Waiter NI:t,un. \I r,• . F.Ills Lion I'rc,id'1'1t Dodd injected a 4114' and \Irs..`:it,chc and ,011 remaining for cot1Vca •:Int ,mhlcct into the meeting a 1'44 day,' alien he a ked the (lnr,tion, "\\'hat are our aims? \\'bat are 441' raising the money for:" \tans' Club members 6X - P e sell "ic\4, 0111 this ,ml,jcct. It was Last 'Thursday evening, July loth. generlly 11 trc:''I that the Club should 19.1:, a party of scum' forty of the em - have some d('iniitl' projects in view.11,luyccs of 1111' "hoe Itar1n," of ,\t wood. The matter of a rest r(c•111, a-hich had lOnta'io, made a Motor trip of "good Presentation Party irrc41((1,11 h1'; n di,cu,,c(I \411, favour, will" to the ionic of 11r. and \I1.s. by Si 11(4 members of the (ill,, Olhcr 1lau•old i,tau't'r, :It \\':Ilton. in honor of felt that a shat:n,g rink should he tite their rec,•nt (n;\triage• train ehj'rtive of the Clsh, lion Pert 'I'11c delightful summer evening \\'as Ta; kyr suggested that _(I percent of the s11eut in a multiplicity of 4411411 both in - money realized from the Frolic be set '111114' and oil, in ,(.1111 inturour>c, in. aside fora ('1\11(1 health Program. ,e 111.1 vocal 11'1\,1c of the Lions (;;,r(►, 1':II'c'tt, 11111.01(1 Weddcn and "sing so'!;%' 4aticty, Stan. 51611111'1 favoured a skating rink, 1.i1ns 1)cl. 1'11;11'. 1111! \\'at,ou, lies. ] lilhorn, u'licvc(I that a rest route \vas of necessity our firs and immediate objective,. .\fter a gt'ealt deal of 11ia- enssilm, Lien 1)ti. Philp and I,ion Stan Chcl)c\v moved a utnt1111 that connnit- tees he appointed to lune: into the rest \•0(1111 problem, and al°o into the skating rink pr1',n,lliItl. This Motion carried unanimously. :\ rink commitiee \vas then appointer) cnmpri• Ing the follow-' Ing Lions, l'It;irmaut, Lion Pill Nlorritt, Secretary, Lion (int'd• I.:tholt, (;corge kadford an I George \IeNall. :\ rest r(10111 iummittee had been ap- pointed at a previous meeting. These I're•en'atiolt+ \very made by the guest,, accompanied by an address in nuirical form, (011111osed and read by the "pint of Ihr party" lunch to the aniu,tnscnt 111 ihr company. - The picot'', Mr. Harold France, re- plied in \cry suitable term-, thanking frie,td, of past year, fur 1114'r land- line, and thot,ghtfuln'ss• .\fter Lunch( .1t the guest,. after yx- messing their hest 44ish's for the fut- ure 44\'11114\' and happiness of the "Il('\v- ly-wc'l,", in l6cir 14\\• honor', and re. \Ins. Len (_''.,:dry ;:nit Caroline, of shut., fnncticn• On \londay the officials In,titutr. .\ ,Cort 0..11'1; gill be held Illi, change is not of his own (hos,- \\Tilt to \\'inghanl. disntamilrtl lilt' ;wound the camp -lire and a sing -song Langsid:', 1.:\C K41)11 :1.\11'1. 11'1(1 Nir lug hitt '\las hers made nec1„a1.\ due building. and truck' I it to PI\II(. Ten ,ml 41.11(sT; gill lolls\\, \.11'1'1, .,1\d Robert .\.111'1. 111 .\'16(1.'1' I to the fact that the old plant. alli(11 has ,tall`, i11'\I'' \''111 be erected, 111111 ilii, 1:(1•11cnm'rtint t t ''ti a itll Pricr to the \\:(;11:1111:4: 1111 11rid's'been causing 110 end of trouble, finally added accommodation. coupled ((1111 the' ,f "Clod Sa\e the king." mother eitterta:"(d at a Irou,si',1 tea at I•l'lit,l"I '11 function it all, :111(1 It 4\11" fact that the !';'II' Boatel have ltit'I•ua,e'I the home. ah(n the Uvns,caii and ucrc,sary to '111111(' the trip to Toronto ),ill were displayed by the 64i4. as. to purchase nc\v equipment, 4\111.11 listed by her ,:,ter, \li,s hnih .\rthnr, • luuw being installed. and \It's• J. I\ 1'l I tl \ tl the racing pri;r money, should attract more 11'1'1 better horse, to the 1';111 Thy regular monthly meeting of the r Cur. Not only la• the 0\611. been inn( n- ;tilt I i I \I,n it i, intention of the 11;111. \\',i. 4(i1 b1. 11('1\1 1111\ Thursday, Attg --- T . the singi,' •1' W. I. TO MEET 4enicmcyd 6\ the lath of proper t c 11(:111 to erect a new, and larger grand 11,1 gid, on the lawn at the home of CONG1tt1al'ULt1'1'IONS Iftitcratiott its '6e shop, Intl \It•. Nix- 'stand. more f tvottrably .lorat(d than\Ir• and \L',. Daniel \IcGo\vatt. its CnlltratnLltiuus I u \111.1\'1 hcclr:,', il-,Ilium 111111 ,11:11 \1.' t' los, 1f many l the I1re,.'11t one. charge of the lli,torir;d Research c:om teho celebrated his 3rd birthday ('''1,1un11< 01 000 mica(, 1'111 1115'1, of pr'- Jn Vic,' of 111(',1 inl,ilro\t'turni, it 1, 'In net% ]•:lion Cardiff, NU', for North \\'edncsd:ly, tuby 25111, pct reirig:raaio'I will rut hi, 1111';11 sup- 1, that the public \\ill get behind Ilnr011, Will 11' tic guest speakct'. s * * ply to a minimum until the now Plant 1i4 Fair Poard. awl 1111' 1114 lair aI 41111 I An mvIiatiolt i, c\tended to every. i, in,talt•'d and, (41,.1:11141, \\ hen 611)tr our wh1 :arcs t'i attend. Congratulations to \I1•. 141111 NI 1.4. G. i 1.,,,,,t.Tile 1115'\11 lull l�:tit• has hrcn h, :�Igm,'inc, who ;try rcleb',aling 111111 ser\^re \11110 "'el' \(:II hr "Cr"' (111 ihr ttt,-411111!' ,Inris4 the past Ira• I 'I'lli, 1, our 111111111 Grandmother's Ilth wedding itninvcrs;1\y this \Wrduc, 1'1(6111' ears. Let'. 11(;1144 it one of the brit in:ltl('t'ting, Rrft'shmcnts \\'iii be sel•ved. day, July 25th. the I'rotiltee. Nov is tiny time, and it All 1,l'?,luothcrs are ttrged to attend 1 s s IIOME ON FURLOUGH 'canb' done. this '1i'( \01;. .1 good program is being I prepared. 1[eat•ty congratulations to \Ir, 1,rv11: \larshall 4411'1 celebrated hi, birthday on 'Tel. .1 tel; \iorr;tt, of i 1. \I. C. S \\'cdnc,d,ty, Jt:)y 251h, l.nnguIttil, and S.P. Carman \111.1 it1. I t * * ik('NWI., Halifax. Its Injo\ing a flit - Birthday greeting, 10 1,nt1i, 1 ane of lough a'i,11 their parent,. \1(•. and \1 r,. Dublin, who celebrate, II', birthday ott Jame, \fnrritt• juicing in haying had such a pleasant Sunday, July 29th. Louis 1, speudin', l..\C, Parry N! EIt'oy. of C,11n1; nor' evening; in human fell,'wshit), left. for the mummer at the home of Mr. and 11('11 is :1t,,> 011 furlough, their re pacti'c homes. Mrs. James Phelan• (father, \1r. II, itFhoy. W HOME FROM HOSPITAL ' Ir<. Pen• 'Taylor returned til'. work f1., '11 the Victoria 110,14;;11. Londa'(. \t'1 ' 41' ,he nutlet acnt an opt' atioi l'r- \'i,itiilg 11i 11•, '15'. \\ e arc very pleased to r'\),'t i 111x, Lily ;, improving .tt'lcndidly, --\r--- UNDERGOES OPERATION \I r,. Harvey \-1'114', i -I ,,,tient Its the L Linton Public Hospital, having tinder - .,zone :111 t'p1rati'ft on 'I'ttcsd:ly morning. \\'T 1 rll,l 11( ' (4414 cry will be speedy and cotltpictii. U. S. NORTHERN OUTPOST HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted U. S. i,e!.-sesqon. 6 Beyond it are the -- Islands 13 3.1416. 14 Deed. Aid. 16 Pass away, 17 Spread for (f)ying. 19 Type measure 21 Like. 22 Metal pn. 23 Glebe. 26 Edward (abbr.). 25 Wicked. 30 Negative 92 Render harmless, 35 Within. 36 Therefore. 38 Untisti;.1, 40 Unhappy. 41 Bustle, 43 11 holders the Loring 44 Low, F.s coy.'. 48 Upon. 46 Cloth meastd e. 47 Headpiae. 48 Messages. Al Paints. 53 Written form ;I z i ,13 :,".•;•:::,-, 14 IS i •;i,„..: '7,;••• 1'7 16 '7;'*•' -':•.';'''f;')/..• 19 O YI••1,';:,'• 21 . ','.91•,••: . -:•,;;. . •:•.;,71- ,,,y.„, ,.., '-:'...1.• ', • . iiii/%'. _ .-.................., 3 24 23' - • -•'7;6 a'") 1,•,r,:?;;;:7-, 48 ',29 :/,',;.i1,•• '.5`1.1.'lk Answer to Previous Punle N1041Ri its EM t„IfRis 51_1_1.1TATRF ST TE157 A'G1E,N T sEcLTr _JCL :Al SP • 110'NEI OIRIT I IRP_IL I NC N L PVt S E*REIL1,0 0 -0E1"HEIND ulRis MPLtE N kS LTo 51,1\-JTE ATI IDs PITA; HT-;... GEST ,ATD. of Mi. tress, 5 Devoured. 54 Wall covering. 6 Expression 57 surprise. 58 I:logic. 7 Meadow. 61 ENtlaniation. 63 TLward. 8 Otherwise. 65 Crafty, 9 Upward. 66 Digging tool. 10 Object of 68 MI, worship. 71 Comas point 11 Feel pain. 72 Cclor 12 Seine. 73 tl. 18 Perform. ERTICAL 20 Fermented V drink. 1 Suit:11)1c. 22 Coal 2 Pr( varicate. receptacle, 3 South America 24 Royal (abbr.). Dragoons 4 King's College (abbr,). (abbr.). 25 Buffaloes. 6 7 8 of Im 'etc ; (al 1.r.) ran , Une Li it!, cities. ----. 31 Set It. 33 Partici( s of rock. 34 ',Mather. 36 Clo%e. 37 Cereal grain (pL). 39 Dormitory 42 Lairs, 43 Fragments of pottery (var,). 49 'Measure cf a re.a. f,0 Spain (abbr.). 51 Direction, 52 Males, 55 Symbol for 56 lt has many - tiL•posits. 59 Arm bcne. 60 Organs of sight. 62 c'oasting vcs:c1 64 Away. 67 Biblical pi onoun. 69 Either. 70 "Cracker State" (abbr.). y I "1. -, • . . I, . 1 y . .1 9 10 11 12. % 16 :zionamonear., ,30 31 I,1.i•-"•;;;‘ 33 3. 3S / • 39 39 "ii:1;?f, 40 ,tm."36 37 44 4,4;•••• ,•.•... 1,11, 01, •• .72 Mir CROSSTOWN t73 •;;;:,:•,1;•. 69s.'r 6 67 • _68 70 S3' 6 By Roland Coe • "1 seldom see my husband. When he isn't away on a fishing trip he's down in the basement tying feathers and things on fishhooks." [HE SPORTING THING (rf • rr":-?•-•. 11c,c, No, I said 'Let's go haunting!" "I'm ken worried about my eyes -I seeing 'Help Wanted' tign." LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher 111 " J1,•"10“. ti„ • • • • , 1• • .'-???-7, •-f• "There's no excuse for missing when 1 have all these clubs!!!" • n11\11t,, 41 k%I 11 'It MOPSY by6LADYS PARER .. .. . WHY IS EVERYONE 50 WORRIED Al50UT OUR READJUST- MENT TO CIVILIAN LIFE? LET THE CIVILIANS ADJUST THEMSELVES TO u5./ Gioys(P,AITER OUT OUR WAY l5ORRV 1 kEPT 'Alt) vArrir•le Sur 1 WO SOME DIFFICULTY TALk • NG MOTHER. IN170, 11.1 - Time:, NIB CAMP CiST FLII--; 'IHE Nrc,-y IT , .f .-- ..- 1 . . , , \ r \ 7.1 By J. R. 6ofriii., 1 KKIEw I'D FC:(kcpcIT 50t-117.-11-iNJC, •- NAN _TA.1 - A 1.`v'A'"" 11 C f i • • A z_. CON -1E; AHD 1-1 -• ir AT- ILIr, PAD • -AMP A t.crI, iLt.Z.! toy, -s tk. rs'.1PINJC; ifir cl sit. 1: 1 THIS CURIOUS WORLD Ccril 1941 In NE A. ELPYICE. 1. M PEG Frf. Of E. ••••11 ."""ileattellial•L••••••.••••••:41 TO ME-AsuPE THE AAHLELIGTIPHLTyoTFHAE LENGTH OF THE TREE'..'; SHADOW BY YOUR HEIGHT? AND -7-7. DIVIDE BY THE LE.N.3TH . OF YOUR SHADOW 31, 1111. LI. -•'s By William Ferguson IN THE WELL-KNOWN OLD. TIA\E SON&, WHAT DID BILL_ BAILEY'S WIPE (1) WANT HIM To DO SWIM CfAiliCOS WORN IN MEN :5 FIATS TODAY ARE NOT A NEW IDEA/ AT ONE TIME MEN FOUND IT FASHIONABLE TO WEAR..43Z!../44.E.5", SUCH AS SHOWN ABOVE. Afav,-ecvhc-r Avvq:A: N): ANSWER: She wanted him MUTT AND JEFF- Perchance Jeff Ought To Get Dimout Glasses For The Pooch 54;7. BUT THEYRE NOT STRONG 6t30UGH! I'M NEAR-SIGHTED! I WANT A PAIR THAT BRINGS TIIINGS ttOSE! BUT THEY'RE EVEN TOO STRONG FOR YOUR EYES! I FITTED YoU WITH NUMBER 276 I CAN'T SEE WiTI-ITTIEM! WHAT COMES AFTER 276? AFTER 276 CoMES THIS!! IFGZRIT 5ci.n54u04 \ to "please come home." By BUD FISHER IT MIGHT HELP AT THAT/ ••••••,... 51 POP --Stirring Speech THERE'S FAR TOO *UGH SUGAR WASTED GY BEING LEFT IN THE BOTTOM OF - REG'LAR FELLERS -The Enemy Is Bewildered /WE ORTER BUILD A FORT UP ON THAT HILL BUT WE GOT NOTHING TO BUILD IT WITH. C --... WE COULD RAUL SOME STONES UP THERE, GENRIL, ' AN' I KNOW WHERE WE L., CAN GET 'EM ! (,), (.) er--\ ‘-'-.,;1v• 14\ ' CA (.1..: ::,.:::e',•--:.i,.,1..1Vo.j..•-i1._s-,.„)/.•,N.-...i•:.:.•\•,,..,''.:: :• . •• i .-Y4)1-„ • ,11 l% ',•:,. \14. 1 . 3' t,;:)',,,, -e,t17. .:.:-7--r.:•'...,'". \. „E..,1....:..._.....L.:.:,,,...A.,:,.]...7,..,:...:-.1.7.;:..,..;,:.:..,....„....t.:,;:.,..,•....),)...;. • "Iro:^m.1 11 T1.1 L,11 t!i..,iii Lll . LIC ) !.;"-L:4•nk: VC'et:' - i'. .. t .----- YOU DaSERVE PROMOTION FOR THI5 IDEA, COLONEL DuFFY! TI -115 IS THE 5VJELLEGT LOT OF •, MATERIAL I EVER SAW./ ••, By J. MFILLAR WATT YOU CAUSED A GREAT 5TLC TI -AT T I floc: I • (3 1)\ Ey GENE BYRNES (,.../ THAT'S RIGHT, CHIEF ! A LOAD ..L... 07 STONES WE WUZ GONNA BUILD A FIREPLACE WITH IN THE NEW WALTZ HOUSE 14.45 DISAPPEARED '..Y.- ••..••••?: • " • - . --t-•e‘k A 1. Canada Leads All Nations In Asbestos, Produces 70% World Supply Asbestos is one Of several distinctively Canadian minerals, a product in which Canada leads the world, More than 80%, of the Dominion's asbestos goes to war in such articles as the fireproof suit (above), vital for battling flames in ships or rescuing airmen froln blazing, crashed planes. Its peacetime uses are vast. At right is a sample of highly -valued "crude" asbestos as it comes from the ore. For hundreds of years mankind has rxicted in greater safety and cornt•cr• because of asbestos. Still, even tcday, man wonders at the mystifying properties of asbestos to I' •Ihrr, ttrar ;11111 1y file; and heat. Although the early Romans used Iampwtcks of auhrlant in their temples and wrap- ped tht:r dcad in asbestos cremation chol, Marco grew. Kubla Khan use it in Tar- t;u , 1 t'11a1.1.'ritaene ,Ire --ed Iii•. feast !t,hles in asbestos cloths, we set ur,l %% hen a -am,r, ,h, • sed in F.n all -covering suit of as- bestos,, walks unconcernedly into • Hanle t,, rc.rue ait Blend-, front a burning plane on an air- czalt carrrier's flight deck. Came,:ians are particularly inter- esicd ir. asbestos since Canada pro- duces more than 70% of the world's supply cf the "magic mineral", and the largt.st operating asbestos mine in the world is located in Quebec's Eatrttin Townships, at Asbestos, Que. ;•cmposcd of fibres tough enough to dull a knife yet soft enough to be fluffed into silk - smooth masses with the fingernail, asbestos was dicovered in Quebec in the '70s, near Danville, the area from whence comes the Do- minions's world -leading production. Authorities today expect the Quebec deposits to last more than 150 years, The principa' method of pro- curing asbestos is not really mining, but quarrying, the huge "mine" at Asbestos being nearly a mile ;cross from rim to rim and sky- scraper deep at the centre. As- bestos is also procured trom regular mines, some of them more than 1.600 feet deep. In both systems, the rock is blasted loose with dynamite, giant shovels (in the pit) or chutes (in the mines) load it into cars which carry it to the surface mills for crushing. The fibre is removed from the rock,. cleaned, sorted and processed into a wide variety of articles, including fireproof clothing, building and electrical insulation, acoustical ma- terials, brake linings, wallboard, friction materials, cement, conduits, gaskets, packings, shingles, floor- ing, paper, filtres, clutch facings, sewers and water pipes, etc. Fibres more than Sic of an inch long are called "crude" and are highly valued for spinning or weaving. "Crude" asbestos is ham- mered, by hand with "sobbing" hammers, to separate it from tits rock. Often this is done right In the pit. Asbestos -mine communities are usually covered with the fine dust that flies from the mills, and ;millings become naturally in,ulat- et again,t summer heat and winter cold. Ln some places, however, dust -control has eliminated that. Asbestos miners and manufac- turers are constantly conducting exhaustive research by which the uses of the "magic mineral" (and it is a true mineral, not just fos- silized wood or vegetable) can be further advanced and expanded. 6,000 CANADIAN SOLDIERS ARRIVE IN NEW YORK The giant liner Queen Mary, her decks jammed with 15,000 cheering Canadian and American service- man returning from the United Kingdom and eager for a first glimpse of the familiar New York sky line is seen here entering New York harbor, escorted by a U. S, Army blimp. More than 0,000 Canadians were aboard the farnous liner. Returning Canadian soldiers showed their enthusiasm tor a Canadian Army photographer when It pictured them aboard the famous liner, Queen Mary, as she plowed through the waters of Nev. York harbor last week. It was the largest contingent of Canadians ever to land in Manhattar (Inset) Lieut. G. E,'"Bus" Ryan, of Vancouver, a member of the Essex Regiment displayed his fee' 'ngs at being in America by waving his kilt through a porthole as the giant liner neared the dock. "AIR -TRAIL INN" For hungry skyfarers who drop down from the heavens to dine at "air -trail inns," parking areas like this one at Ernsberger's are provided. You night as well know now that your pre-war custom of driving to a roadside inn for dinner is definitely out -dated. After the war, thousands of air -minded Americans will fly to "air - trail inns" especially designed for their convenience. Here is a pre- view of the new type of country inn, where you can get well - cooked meals away from the clangs, rattles and beeps of city trattic. One of these inns already is in operation, serving private flyers who put their planes down upon a new Ianding strip that Park and Iva Ernsberger built upon their 120 -acre farm, five miles south of Norwalk, O. "Let's go to a quiet, cool place for lunch," C W. Grove, president of a Cleveland savings and loan association, suggested when I ntet hint on the street. "There isn't any such place," I countered. I know better, now. We left Cleveland Airport in Mr. Grove's dual -control Rcarwin "Cloudster" at 11:50 a.nt. and we rolled smoothly down the north strip of the Ernsbergers' T-shaped Ianding field at 12:15 pan. The ride was cool and refreshing. The Ernsberger's place was cool and quiet. We ate a home -cooked lunch on the farmhouse's wide, screened porch and talked flying to Mr. Ernsberger, a licensed pilot. Other patrons taxied up to the house as we ate. "We just opened up June 15," Mr. Ernsberger said, "and we served 115 meals the first two weeks, A week ago last Sunday we had 11 planes in here at one time, "They fly in from Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus and Sandusky. I expect they will come from other places after we have had a chance to advertise a little." Mr. Grove and I lolled on the porch for a while after lunch (we were lucky enough to get steak), then went back to his plane. Unfortunately, we were back in town in time to do a full afternoon's work midst the clangs, rattles and beeps of the city. NEEDS HIGH HAT Here's an "upswept" hairdo, if there ever was one. Worn by screen actress Mary Jane Shores, it's made of spun glass, because the human hair Hollywood for- merly got from Central Europe in large quantities is unobtainable now. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO A Every 110o111 „1111 nal h, Show- er and Telephone. • Single, $..50 up— Double, $3.50 up. p Good Pond, Dining and Dane - log Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 REPORTED MISSING Following an operational flight ill Burma while serving with thin Royal Air Force, Sergeant Simon Eden, eldest son of Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, British Foreign Minister, has been reported missing since July 7. PRIME MINISTER Joseph Benedict Chifley, who bred become Australia's lath Prima Minister in succession to the later John Curtin. I -ie has been elected leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labour Party. SAFE NOW Frightened but safe, young Mango - bey monk is in the hands of a Lon- don zoo keeper. Little pet was found alone on a bus and sent to the lost property office. He will rernain in zoo. CLEVER WIVES servo Maxwell Ilouse Coffee This choice blend is bougiit by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. The Ali Purpose Grind suits all types of coffee maker. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines • Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four Colborne Street TOItONTO, ONTARIO Phone l:Lgln 4956 How You Can Get Quick Belie! From Sore, Painful Piles_ , Most people seem to think the on - I; tray to gee relief from their Bore, painful piles Is by local treatment. Local treatment may give tempor- ary relief from you can easily see why such treat - men' wit not cor- rect the cause of your piles. No lasting free dont from pile can be had unless the cause of the trouble Is correct• od. .'Iles aro due to Intestine causes so the best painful pile tumors soon heal over leaving the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. lire Invite you to try Nem -Roil the Itching hal and let 11 nrove Itself. You can mak,, your teat, ..,'..•""'"-'",*-"'".....---."' In the Privacy of your own hone. NO COST It you ire not convinced that this Is an mincingly e n a y and surprisingly effective method of treating your sore, painful Piles. why to get lasting `>; y Get toilet Is to trent k'r'i; <'' ofIlem-Iloldldato- them ItrternaW. day front a n y with a medicine drul store and Ilk, Lletn-1(old.a '< '': use It as directed fleet -Bold Is n „ k' ",3 tor JUST lel VN rorutula that has ,.. day,, DAPS. At the end been used for over of that time It 10 ycart by thou•de you are Rol ab - ?i +noof pile suf. ; `i` s o 1 u t e I y euro ferets it is a t.: Ilett-Rold le the nn;tll. highly con• l nicest, cleanest cent rated tables 'nd most effective easy and piens _W W' J I 1 0 treatment and to tie Thu. •n,en o, . ri,i,•.iunn. Node, y011 ever tried, re.. cleverly c o m • turn the unused pounded tablet tot multi direct portion of the package to your its medical actlot, to relief of the druggi-i Rud he will promptly re- conl;es',nt: that Is the real cause of fund your money Your piles Hem -1101d promotes NOTE: This generous offer 111 free, esti) and comfortable bowel barked It) a tellable tiro, doing bun.. ntovemer.ls, quickly relieves Itching Inees in Cumuli' for n good many irritation find soreness and stints. years, Ileo, -!ford Rued help your Imes better blood circulation In the pile condition quickly, easily and lower bowel With good blood cir• pleasantly 0- thin alrnple, easy teat culalfon in the lower bowel, the cost, .ou nothing Try 1t today. ?An 4. I 1' ; 1.10 1 1 1 1 I , I , 1 ' r' 0.11 I ' 11 I Y" 16. , 1 , e Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH—ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED, Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" A fi 11illkist104INDtat14 1.2012 i 1)4110414itii4ti NIX)t$aabliiih)tal9l) )INDIMl.DlND,D iNDiNMa G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" \\Then her lather died she \%Tilt on living in the list; frame house on the THE STANDARD \Vc(lnesdaV, July X5,19.15. LONDESBORO WESTFIEI:D Next Siii la\• Rcv. .\• 1'.• \(cozies \Ir. and \Irs• \lauricc Bosnian visit - will iuntl'lrt !I•r linnI service of his led ;ill Sun tat „illi \Ir and. \Ii,. 1)nn- pastorate, 111 \\ ill m,wc during the can \Ic\irht'1 to \1'altou. \\eel: to talc up i;tstoral duties at I Miss Illy Taylor attended the S ut- t Baring Cross in the I\cnt Presbytery. suer School Camp, north of liodericit, The Re I Cross t\.11 hold their month- last \tech• I' meeting in the Community Hall on 1 \Ir. I•llntrr borne of Windsor visite'( Thursday, .\iigust _'nil at 2.30. There List st eel, ttitll \I r. and Mrs. Douglas \\III lie a ,lull\ ,t,g and lire 'trim on the Campbell, bell, and clher friends. \pill\. \\'iil those who have tickets \I r. and NH-. 1• \Icltricn of Gode plca•e firing t'Ietn in, rich, \IIs. 1':d l\nrschenski and cllillrcn \I r. and \I r,. Jac': \Nilson, Paul and of Detroit, \ kited Finlay \\ ith Mr, and \lar' Ellen. I 'union, \\ ith \I r. and \Irs, l lord n ~roll. Mr- \\ i iiam Manning, \I r. ant Mrs Olga Miller, of (ode - \Ir• and \lis. Charles Gooier, Port rich \\ ere recent \'isilor,, at the hunt l•ulborn.. \t itis \I t•. and \It's• William t,1 \I r. anti \Irs• I )ongla,_ inti hclI edge of the village. hoc Fitztwillian (novice, and \Ifs. \Vchster, 1 Mr. and Mr, John Freeman and stayed on to work it., handyman. ile \Ir• and \Irs, I, Nott with \Ir. and (Catherine, of Brantford, visited \lith \lr,. I'• R,.IIe atm, S:alfur 11, tookerd atter cite of the churches i.. \Ir, and Mrs. Iluwarl (amphell• town stud did odd juh• around the vii- \Ir, and Mr,, Ray Fisher, Galt, with I \I r,. \Irlenr„n. of Chicago, \li•, Associated with The Atlas Insurance gage ;toll had a steady income hooking Company, London, England, after the grounds it the Simpson (boor LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES ;trod scant; that her wood etas split and the ashe• taken out. bur i, a good EDWARD W. ELLIOTT ;gardcn'r. the' ,ay he ah\ays hall .a green thumb and his own little cot- I_ccetsed luctioneer For liurolt sage always looks neat and trilu ttitll a lot of flower, .'round i'. ia\ returned front service with the "1'0. , e> are out now and the Siulp- Nils, \I itjnric \It \latlo, 'Toronto, vis- (.'anadiIn Air Force, and will be n\lis Beryl I�eoptgcn, of (2;(f., ride the latter's t'a,ents, \D'• and \Irs• J. \nnic l I u lac, of '(Toronto, are visiting Snell. ,their sister, Mr, Marvin Mel)otte'I, 1 Bert I\no\, '',iagnra falls. i, spendiltg;int \Ir• flet) l\tcll his holidays wttli his grandparents, \Ir.I and Mrs, \\'illiatn Diez. 1 \Ir•• ! I•ie I:righant, 1\ell':t'lll and \I r. and Nies, \V. II. Lyon, Thorn - Myth, and \Ills \lar \\ igiUnlan, o1 dale, wilt Mr., Elizabeth Lynn. Blyth, acre \Vlstficld visitors on \\'cel• \Iiss Matti: Turner, Pilose,. and ncsday, continuing his former occupation• sort place al lw 's has lots o1 rows. ited \lith \Irs. \\ • Lyon and Miss Kirk ;Mich., visited last week at the hoot' They have theta growing; over the front Corre'pon'ence promptly ausw•ere'1 fence and uytr arbors and there', ;t Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The Standard Office,'\\lint(' rote of roc to"st Iutntiiul rust' or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. dbushes you ca', instgint in the hack Charge moderate and sat sfacti tt lyr l (''tninti by there last \\'edncs Guaranteed.day 1 just !tad to stop the car and take a look. I've shwa .s been pat -till to last \\eek' hof \1r. Saul Morton. (ler ntolhcr, Mrs. \less Viva Kllnx returned to iorinln, leopfgall, rutl'rrcti home \\'till he: on after spending ;t cotlp!e of \veel:s with \lenda\, • her parents, M'•. an 1 \trs. T. Knox. \line, \lat'reen Kr•ox and Islay \Ir•s, I?. :\Ile Hamilton, with her Markley, of I.Inlerick, are vi.ilint: their mother, \Irs• .\. Fothergill. aunt, \Irs• :\Ilial Campbell, anti \Ir. \lisses George Alma Jnitnstnn and Caupbell. .-..... __. ithose pig red roses and there was Helen Barker. Niagara balls, \vith \Ir• I Mr. and Mrs. John Gear, of Kit- people for the \welcome, and letters and from the 1 Itil,hctl', hospital, Loudon, plenty of them. I got out et the car and Mrs. Berl Shohhroctk, ('haler.:pent last \\ eel; with 1lisle par- parcels he hard received. I \Ir,. I•:;ol \Viglttinan, Masters Ilan. unci went over to the fence and lookers 1 \Ir'. \\'tlliiti Finglan t, Niagara Fatlls,'ems, \1r.:I Mrs. I. I. \(('Nowell. ;ut+l' \Ir.. J. I-:. Fo:d of ( tiler is visit- \ey and \I rut:'n, \ti•, \lalgat el and 1r) Farm and Household its' with \Ir, and \Irs• J. I'ingland, \Ir.. Thomas (car. jug her ..- ter, \Ir,. \\'. 1'. l:,onIhell, Hattie, and I.talin!, Scanlan Elvin Ahhie atictc'l tr.111 under an arbor \Irs. .\, Kr•,lake. Exeter, with her, and Mr• Camphcll 1\\'ighlnlan \i ittd (el Sunday \\ ith Rry: I I \I r. and \Irs. larl:lilt, of Grcy 'Iown- Perth (where ,h' nets; have leen Icadinc, and another. Mrs. 11 ("yon. hip were \\'e>iilut i visitors n Sunday. \I r. and \I r•. Bert 'I';lyl, r, \I r. Roll_ soil \I r,• II, C. \\ il.,,n and family, of satin :spoke to rte. .\hbte is a fragile, little, , \Ir,, Clara Blackloc1 ;end her lithe \I r. ;rel \I r,. \l bland I lrnly, ( and 7'til 1 woe recent London wi•itot>. i Brus•cl•. Inld \eraran no•' with a gentle Noise. grandson, !)a\id Blacklock, Toronto, ltivth, \Irs. \\'illiant Vendor, Had \s .,I \lenses, Lloyd \Valdes and \\'alter ---—\'---- 1In fact ,hc has'r't changed her atp;•ear- and Miss NI a..garet R,,yee. Guelph, \Belt , were \\•cstticld visitors on Snit- Cook tvere 'Tit'' ito visitors on Stnidat• For information, etc., write or phone lance very tnuell, for the past twenty spent a few• (1,,•s at \Irs, I. •I'anthlyn's• (hie, They \vete accl'nlpanied Inc1'tby \Ir,. Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, SeatortL, year, 1 bold her about adutirine the 1 NI r• and \Ir.,• Bruce Rile', Niagara Misses Edirt and :\odea• \\'alsh of Coon, wii; l wa, a ',alit \\ in General \Ir• ti, \Ilio Kerr and I\\e children 'hone 140651• roses and she nske'I me to conte in. In — - — _ —`�� Hie spat:' of twenty minutes 1 hearth Imre ahem 111 varieties of than to WILLIAM 11.1'1ORRIT'r I ever knrtt e�lstcrl. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 1 :\bbie . • • well, you should just have Specializing in Farni end Household heard her talking, Finally I asked her Fates. wily, she grew so roan' ruse,. She Licensed for the County of Huron.didn't ,ay anything fora little while 11•1111MIa • • .1„1 I,YI Y _I. 11 NI I1 .611 1.1 MEET ME at the - Blyth Lions Frolic To be held on the Main Street of Blyth Thursday, August 23 commencing at 7 o'clock in the evening Ganes of Chance, Amusement, Dancing. Ft111 Galore! .$.1(10.0(1 IN PRIZES 1st, Electric Washer. 211d, (')-Piece Breakfast Suite. i;r(1, C.C. III. Bicycle. ,tth, Set of Dishes. 5th, Electric 1run. (ith, 2 pair I3Iunkets. Tickets now on sale in Blyth. Draw night of Frolic Give the 1 i(1115 a Boost in their -first attempt to Raise Ii'u11(15 For Community Welfare Work. KEEL' AUGUST 23RD FREE FOR TIIIS EVENT! .1.11. I: .11 I I 1 04...1 I .1Ni 11 id I I „ Til . • III . 1 , I land,' tinrll. ;Hid Ivan thanked the Ut n' a \\,Iden i, able to he loupe again HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist Eales. Licensed In Huron and Counties. Prices reasonable; fiction guaranteed, IIULLETT Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction (Iuaranteed, For information, etc., write or phone William H. Moffitt, phone, Residence f+3; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4.tt • PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (By harry J. Royle) I brou•.itt \frs• Phil home an armful of roses the other day. It all carte 1 ahnut in a rather interesting way. Abhie Si' - live; in the village• She's what is known as an old maid. }ler father used to be a banker in tcwn• H.! pr• spere t, sold his priv:ttre hank out and re:Ted. Therewas a bcy \vim died is the last war and Ah - I bis• She was always a quiet and rather 'shy girl who never married but seemed content to stay and look after her fath- er. Faits, with Mr. and \Irs, (it•!Iott Rail- Mensal :u•e :' cndin',' thi, wcch wjtlt Hospital for a few will:,,, turd. I Brn, c and \lat.',uet, of \Vinnipeg• ,.re ' Mr. and \Irs• .\Ihert \Valsh• hl lidalyint will; \I r. and Nir-.(curg ' t \Irs, R. \•int cot visited I ..\C. Ray \lis• Thelma Scott, Sea forth. with Mr. and M r,. \latwice Bosnian. \'intent of Lo„don on 'Thursday. Carl ,•r, ,tl•o ttl!h \I r, anural NI r-. 1,1c1,-. I, parents, \Ir• and \Irs. J. Scott. , Messrs. Gordon and Viroid Bosnlalt• Kel!;,r, \I r. Hugh t';nullh,'ll, and \I r. \Iiss Bertha Brogden, London, tvitlt were in 'Toronto last week. atlerldiitg NI r. and \les. Charles I..ler and 1r1 NIH. lolls `t'!italtl• Ill \\Talton. \lis,, Eli,;thcllt Mahn, (unreal of \Irs. Ray Kendfirl; children of Toronto visited with \I r, __-__—\'—.._.— I\Ir, and \Ir,. \\'illiain \\'ells, 'Clio- daughter ;•f \Ir.and \Irs. Br•nlan,t\hn and Mr,. F. •1. Cook and other itienll, ton, with \Ir and \Irs, t:ohert Young- .was the victim of a drotviting accident ! Leading tie;uu;,n l'.1vin \\Tight itait of "TRINI'T'Y ANGLICAN CHURCII ;slid then Ill that (lays\ voice att,tvercii, }dim. some \v'ceks ago. IPrince huller(. is \i.iiitl,g Iles parents, , illi Sundt' ,flet '(Tinily -- July _''Illi. Nit-. Robert feel with friends in I .\ welcome hem party was held in i \Ir, and \Ir,, Earl \\'i,cllltn;lti 111 a.m.—NII I ring Prayer and ser - i London. the basement of the \Vestfficld Church 1 \Irs. J. I•:, fills of Listowel ;o it \Irs, ltll, it --"\Ion \\ c \(cel•" ILieut. Spence Ilam. and \Irs• 1lann. on \\'edn':•tlay evening in bont:r of l\ - .l lank Nit clic, ;did soil John, of Seat • !Toronto, \\jilt the latter's parents, \Ir, an \\'igltntan, who recently returttn1 tie, \Vasil,, aye 1i,iting friends in Illi: and Nit-, \\'iiliant (sot ice'• from over can. The evening w•a, spent cots it tn•t'. ,in plaviu:; crokioolc with Phyllis Conk 1 Miss Evelyn Cook of Bt 'grave j. —_\-^.......... and Alva \('Dowell as \\•inn'ars. The visiting her cousin, \hiss Rutll fool:. ST. I\1ARK'S ChHURCii, AUBURN (address c'f welcome was given by Rev.' \Ve are plc,Ired to know that little 7.,19 pant.--i•:\clroug. I i"1'llil, \\lien 1 was a litt!c girl I was !never very h;tl'pv. \bother died tile! father did his best for ntc• \Ve were well off ;old i•t- some reason or ether• ntcist of lite cht'oren in the village sltvn t away from this place, \Iy father was I sort of grufi hitt he meant no 1;11'nl. I iwent to visit my aunt one time and it Iva., June, She had a lovely place with FARMERS WHEN BUYING SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRES CHOOSE THE TIRE THAT IS PREFERRED BY TIRE•WISE MOTORISTS COAST•TO•COAST FOR .. . MILEAGE DEPENDABILITY TROUBLE-FREE PERFORMANCE IT' GOODY YEAR NOW, AS ALWAYS, THE FINEST TIRE MADE l<sf SEE YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER HAMM BROS. PHONE 159 ' BLYTH, ONTARIO rase, all over the garden and there were thr•'c or 'cur neighbour cltildrt n 'that used to tome and platy with sly cousins. \\'e had such wonderful times. Somehow all these years I have associated the rose• with those happy times and i • , . well, I guess 1 gro‘‘ the rose, because of that. It's foolish isn't it.” She nl:+dc me take a great basket full of the roses home with ntc• The rats of than now in vases around the rooms makes me feel well, oto„') In look alt 1 them and somehow• sad ton rctttctnhcr- !ing the little, c1d Il,nc•otne woman grmving them to recapture pe•siblh 'what was her greatest time of happi- ncss• Auburn Leads Group With Win Over Westfield \itlruru defeated \\'estfield in as soft - hall leag,ie game at .\ubufn ori Nitudav evening, the score lie:ng 19 to 13. By virtue of this win, Althorn is now in first place in the League, standing. THE STANDING \Von Lost Point: :\uhnrn \\'estfielrl . Blyth ._.... •- Graeme NIc•1)owcll hound fo: \\'c,tfield, 3 1 It 4 I IJeut• \Va:gier graduated front` !Stratford General 1 lospital in 1932. on the after which she nursed at \,pithy, and was relieved Ot'illia, and for five years at Syracuse, AUBURN \ puhi c flirt p In't wan held oil \\ eil- nes lay evening in Knox Presbyterian ,Church for Litut• (Nursing Sister) Laura \I• \Vaguer, daughter of Nit's. f. \Vatgner, Base Line, Mullett, and the late \I r• \\'agrcr. Ret. Robert \(e - Connell was chairman, and short ad_ dre• nes of weloom(' to Lieut. \\'agner ;were given by Alfred Rollinson, Rry Harold Snell, Frank Rat:thliy. Chari 'i t-' .\squish, \li,n \I atjnric Arthur, ', \Irs. l' dear Law son and 1)r• 11. C. \\'cir 'I'Ite following program was present- ed: solo, Nit., \Villiain Ilaggiti, ac- companied rccompanicd by \1 rs. It• J Phillip• ; duct, \I r,, :\n'irew ICirkconncll and \I r-• John 1 lase, a tccc,lnpanicd by \Irs• (i Ir - don 'Taylor; reading, \Irs. Albert l'atlnphcll ; solo, \I ins Evelyn I;lithhy ; rcadiiM,, \lis, \lar' 1lruston; solo, \Irs• \\'c'Icv Btadncck. i • Lieut. \\'atgner, after thanki•'g her Auburn friends for their hosp'tality, gave a brief outline of her work at a hospital near Birmingham, England, where 1,701 patient; were cared for. Saying that nothing cheered those in service overseas more than a good. ;ttew•sy letter from honk she thanked the Victory Club for letter's aur•\ gifts 'site had received.; ties :dies tit!nrol at 111.15 a no. TRINITY CIIURCII, BELGRAVE II..;u—\I' rni14! ('raer and 5-I twin. .....1 3 started by Harvey. \ftUcwell„ \Iurraty, now- ,N, 1'•, where she joined the .\ntcric•tn ever wen; hark in an I finj,io'd the nursing service. She was over-eas frit game. Jack \\'ikon started for .\ 11)- two and a half years and early in Au - urn, and was relieved near the finish gust she will rejoin her unit at New by \\'alter 'Paris. B•.'th ;intim. played York. The unit has volunteered fur a good brand of ball. ,seIv:ce in the Pacific theatre. I ,\fter the national anthem •\\itis \Irs. Th- Line -tips: \Vestliehl — Graeme McDowell c; Murray \Icl)nwelh p; Harvey \1cUm\ell II) and pitch; Al). Snell lb; Arnold Cook, ss; Gordon McDowell 3h; Jasper Snell If ; Don Snell cf ; 'font Jardito . rf. MI- N.. \\*i1=11n ei lack 'Wilson p; Bob \IcClinthcy Ili; Harold (Tarter i20; \Ves. Bradnock, Gordon \lilies. 31); Lill Craig el; \V, Taris if ; Jack !Armstrong rf ; relic( pitchers, 'Pari; and Allan Dixon. 1 Game Friday Night Auburn p'a's at itivth on Friday .\light• Re at the local diamond to cheer the local team nn to victory, \r WALTON John Houston at the organ, ittnch was serve'( and a bottrtttct of flowers front Dr. \w'eir's g;,rdcn \vas pre scutal to the gttt'-t of holtnl' by the rinclul'. Lieut. \\"atcner's farther the late laioh Wagner. died while she was serving overseas. Besides her mother, she has five sisters and five brothers. \Ir,• Herman Mosel Tavistock; \lis. Ella \\•ague\•, Reg. N., Detroit; NT s., \finuie, and \hiss Bertha, at hone; :qrs. Fred \'n_ntghlut (Dori.), insicr- soll; John \,alter, and \\'illiam \Vag- tier, Auburn; Carl, (filen \\'illow, (lino: and Lewis, \lassillot', Otrio• !Mrs. J. \\Til':or, Mrs. N. \\'it .on, and Olive \fatie, silent Sun lay with Mr. and \frs. Ed Taylor of (:amp\ ellt•iltc. \frs. J. Wilson is remaining for a few days, 1 Ni t•• and \Irs. \\•tit. ii,tt• and Family. Mrs, Jack Kellar has gone to \Vest .\hiss Donna (ow spent a few da vs Virginia to visit her relatives, with *Mr..tnd Mrs. R• Wilson, of Lilytlt- r 1 1 M. I , rI L1 1Y..•-..I._..r.I, 1, . 1 r ■11 Is' I I JL .1 I , I I II _I }FII1119CANADA 'f0 (ALcIJrIi, Your bank is a link between the man in Canada who has goods and services to buy or sell, and his customers abroad. c a The business of your bank is not all done in dollars and cents: It renders valuable service to Canadian business in the far-off market places of the world, overcoming the obstacles of strange currencies, be they pesos or piasters, escudos or rupees. Through its commercial correspondents and business connections all over the globe, your bank often has the specialized informa- tion necessary, to bring buyer and seller together, no matter how far apart they live. Your bank is able to gather information on the reliability of foreign firms, to handle letters of credit, to arrange the compli- cated exchange of funds, perforating an individual, intricate and inexpensive service to importers and exporters alike: TMs feature of Canadian banKing has a direct bearing on your welfare. It has, through many years, developed the sale of Cana- dian goods abroad, resulting in more jobs for Canadian men and women. This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank Wednesday, July 25, 1915. 11 1..1111 hit 1. II. . 1 .1 1 I 1 11.1.1 1 . TIIE STANDARD PAGE 5 to de fteizdapta ft°cuuaimy wow a VICTORIA VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER WINNIPEG HAMILTON TORONTO OTTAWA HULL No person may move to and rent or occupy family quarters in any of these congested areas without a permit from the Administrator of Emergency Shelter. I3cforo malting arrangements to vacate your present home, bo sato that you have other accommodation and a permit to occupy it. Applications for permits should be addressed to the Administrator of Emergency Sheller in the area to which you plan to prove. Every person who rents or occupies family quarters in any of these districts contrary to the order, commits an offence and, in addition to other penalties, will be required to vacate the shelter and the district at his own expense. ,1sued uvular Tho authority 1)1 the 1•:metgoncy Shelter Hegulahone, Order.in•Council P.C. 9439, December 19, 19441. .l. I.... Hal.,, 1..J ra.I, 1. 1. 11.11..,.1.1111.i.dI. mil .1111.: .06101.11 .11 ES -6N 1 I II .11.I11•11.u«LL04....6" _—-i514•••.11f1•WaluW t.1.1141.1tl.Iy,/:11 .'46..0. 1 6.11.A.,,111a 11.1 m.., 1.11 11..1.. 1atm i..I 1I. 1. YY I I .II I ,.1. 1, I. 11.1.., ..1111,1 11 \t•Itt.1;\ Ir•. 1;!Ilanu,l onl dam:incr• 13E1.(;RAVE \I;urie 11 i1 01. and Juin, 1'o,ter,1 Ill tl'. h.nr hull h11lil1;1 Inst 1 11;111. t \\;1 I .1(bi, \Ian., 11111 11ed with! \Ir• ;11,1 '.!I,n11 6.,t \'•''l1, 11' I In;d.111 ;Ifter \9itin \\'lilt Auburn. ,and Mr., \I. Alit III, The 11,10rne \\Tanen', Institute July \Ir, lut'etir \\ N h,JI; on'I'ue,day afternoon ;I1 tilt' hone' of \It's. Iltri ld Ih'111• et', • 4 BOXY THEATRE, CAPI'T'AL TIIEATItE CLINTQN. j GODERICH. NOW PL.IYING: "The Merry Mrnahans' with Donald O'Connor :Aid Peggy Ryan. Mcnday. Tuesday. Wednesday • George Coolouris, Stanley Ridges and Osa Masson. Jim k r Fla lily . 11. of 'near -I, r II .11 Mir, d. •H'Hid„I 11,11:11, .1 1 1 I';I'„In 1' ll p;,\I IIIc' 6. I,.,1111,tht l' •,\.I1 : `r,• "THE MASTER RACE” Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dc•nnin Morgan, Eleanor Parker. alai Daneute Clark. A \1,1!':11. 1111I;HI II 111 \0111111 '1111' .I nli \`, .II -I III:r I'1 In1,H1r1 ., 'THE VERY 'FHOUGI-IT OF YOU'. NOM PLAYING: Jack Benny and Alexis Smith in: "'flee Horn Blows At Midnight." Monday, i ttelday, Wednesday Edward C. kobinson, Joan Bennett and Raymond Massey, \ 'I.+ .11111- 11;u en;I' ;111\,•nulrc in TIIE WOMAN At 'The WINDOW Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dennis-Alttgan, Dane Clark and Raymond Massey. 1, 1'iu.' 1 ,1111 6.I I.e, ,Isla'- grand ,'+ rt Ili high -tin: p, '�. "GOD IS MY CO-PILOT" 2OMiNG: Gypsy Rose Lee in: "BELLE OF THE YUKON" Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed„ Sat., holidays 2.30 pn REGEN'1''i'IIEATIZE SEAFORTH. NOW PLAYING: Dennis Morgan and Dane Clark in: 'THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU' Monday, 'Tuesday, Welnesday Errol Flynn, William Prince arid James Brown. A -;I l' I of (h,' 1t111'llit''I i:, 111 pal11'11 II•i1 ;III\ jl,l ll';I,, II .11111 1111\' il,•.,hu'11r "OBJECTIVE BURMA" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Pat O'Brien, Carole Landis and George Murphy. I \\o L11I, .11.11 :1 I.,- run ;111., I I VII F(1nn; 111';1111)11- in lhi• 61,\\'11 HAVING a WONDERFUL CRIME COMING: "The Fighting lady" and "Sunday Dinner For A Soldier" Matinees Sal, & Holiday. a. J..3 p.m, 4 \\IIII ;I t; lance �(lt, T'Q• 0:4•;:.:•r;rr• •;.•. r•.•;• •;•r:•: 0.;.,; 0:0, t':.06: :4 r;, J•J.:4 r;.:.:•r r .• r•. 6.0.0 44 4.4 rOrOJ♦:.i ''.\,I-. 11,;' hi -1,,.....;:,1 re,e'treh Ineel111,1; ',Ind , ",. \\a, in I'11.Irv,1• III \It-. \,1rllat 1\',IIII.''• '1 he :u.u111ui11111e1, lit. Thi• t•:,ln!utulil\' \\ ere h,nll,nl ell .'ne-t, and c.o. 6 rerei\ ;. III .1 t1,r-:I:'I• .li ;rHdeu il.,\\ers. I•:it;i;t :'r;Iu,lln:,tll,r,, Mt,. \I) Procter, \fes. ala Hopper. \Ir,. II \leliuire. \l 6. .::: L II. \\ heeler. \1:,. C. R. (ilii, \It'l l;=; Y• \\.Hall• \I . haute, A. der•on, Itru,- .t. „•:'•. ,11111 \I1,. A. 11',11' ,Ii 1110t11, \Ver( •r• 21 II-. I e,H• \\;I, the curt , teal wr, .\ 1,"Y'1r.' 1!Irilh r ;1111 ;1 \\e-tel'n, ♦: •' Street. and >';n'e ;111 l• .'i 'lloul p'Iprt cnlille 1 '}.,Malin c, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30,•° 1 .♦. • : ..11;11. • • . t ;.,.., ;,1,111 , :,.,••...r r .•., .r,.. "III" ,111 1 N"".," ill \‘ 'Hell slit' en1111)ar- •• • , 3' Mon., 'Irate., Wed•, July 30 -Aug, l,,, I 1 FOR SALE that of u', 111 111l :1:;1,.. of 1a61)ur-. v- '3; Van Johnson, Lionel Barrymore, i 1 Ili. .t \1', :old \\hi', enamel. Gloria Dellaven, in int; device,. '• j 1) 11!, 11'-(1'\1,11' ;,1111 \\,,:1111u:', o\ell, Ill • "BE'T'WEEN TWO WOMEN" '; 1.,.„II1 c1111I1i1i,n1• In111;ir1' ;11 •1 11,, ,I.111,1_ Mr, \\';Ther furl:. k(:;. \•, of \\'in;;- 1. The I'6e cI Inm Iy ;Ind d+;Hua of Ill( "Itl,,ir>• I ham. a 1111.1 l ♦f 1 u, .;:6.11 III I;I',, hill ills' ,,\'1, I:4\ ,41. 1�1 It,. Her menthe!. \\a, prt,ent and = I,cneral Ito-11;Ld” in the heat I ♦ :!;I\,• a 111'In:,1,-II;Ililtli „ ,; III•• 1;i11. -ie winner. r• STRAYED n I Ithin� a iN 1 patient in i'1 I. .11,II on t:,l:ing a tent- Ik ALSO "SHORT SUB,IEC'fS" 'r \,.,i) -I 111 II,'I,'I„111 heil 1. (10111 tilt •;. e. e. e. r; e. r;• r;• r;• r;, t';1 r;. •; r;• r;.:; r;•.; r;• r;• r; ,•1 r i •;, 0.4 11l'latttte. I,nl,l' ;Ind I1',11it;,tilrlt. , ' 11n, 1111 111 ,\1 'i' 'I. \'1.111:L11!utt, Auburn Tit Pre -..dent NI r-,. Fitt It: .Niiderson.'!, ln1r \ Ir•il;,..”. ,I h„"L. i„n,'11 Il\ till' 1 .,:nl. I in ice i't,I:t' ,vulnnntie,11e \\0th r, nllucte,l the ntcetint.t \\llirh \rats op-Il•attalliau kt',l 1 r,.,,, \\ elk, ,h-trihnte,l, Mr 1,,,r.,.,IIL'nt. 1111 out' Itit Itt, Itlhth. lined in the u-'Ir.,l Whner. It \\as re -1 The I!; III (';I.' \\:I, \\'ell 6.l ponde,l tI, .111".111. ported ili•It l';iffor11 Dolly 11a, agreed I,, ;,n (stlihitil11 of ,,,motilin: 1dd and to rare for the t•ln\er hest at the Bran- ,\\hent .1 hel'1ut ed to. \Ian\' henntiful FOR SALE 'rile ' and inlete,ling veru!,.. 9, r,• -61)\5: 11:I11'r lour •I.u'ted pallet, or vearlittt; hearth ha, commenced a study of LYCEUM THEATRE . re. ATKINSON'S .,,, .. POOL ROOM. •: Thur'., Fri., Sat., July 26-27.28 4. — ;: DOUBLE BILL ; I S1IUIiER'S SUN DRIES :t.:'WARNER BAXTER SN "SHADOWS IN THE NIGHT" ?.'I'OJIi1000S,'��il;'al'ettes, IrOI), ' and WINGHAM—ONTARIO. Tw'o Show Sat. Night r•• 41 CHARLES STARRETT IN 1. and Other S,i ::!ries. "COWBOY FROM LONESOME .O 11'11 all (til}' and CVC'lllll'1' RIVER' 1 s,••=• 131yth.:f. 1'11 IIII' Iii, „i 1111' u;n•IV .crater, \\ith •f dot Cemetery for the-unonrr. I kill (6.,h,, \\ort, I- ItIIpplrtcll titCr la -t .h(.1'H 1111,1\. Ili_!I Ip1;1!it\ �earlilttt ertilI \\a. I t porIt'11 ;Ind ii- gni is liLlu lu) •.,I' . I., ;Ica\ hrcerl.,. �tui51•n ott1. I�c;Illin 51 c;I\It; 1 \,e1'I<• and older pullet,. \I rs. N. \\'al,h and \h.... 11 \\'III t ler , In 111..,t breed., '15t' each and up \\ hid! \\ ere terry ai,prI,priatt', (11111. 111 pulll'I It,llrcd k,Irl.,, S;i8:95 per nttntit\ Inc i:l}t of old ,one. \\, al.,, 11'1; '' t \\ I I,,I 11•,hirc•, ,r.i'i.') per 100; 1 II r. .1 . 1 .11.1I fla: =ell a Ig aww,111:6.11. II. .41.. 1.1.11. 1616 1 ._WI.1.,1.1 . tillrl 11.1 1w.I.111„r 6.4..1 11.1 A. ,1.:1..ul 11. 111. ..111 u}.J1..11 ,.,1 11 Jy 1 1, 111 .11. 1 .11 11. 11...141 1 .a.1 I YES, there goes the whistle that means jobs! But remember! Factory whistles will keep blowing . , . smoke will keep pouring from factory chimneys, only if ,l'n/t and all of us do our part to keep Canada's dollar sound. And unless we keep the Canadian dollar worth a dollar, we're headed for inflation, and its inevitable result—depression! Canada's active fight against in- flation is a vital part of all our post- war planning. \Vc Canadians must n/ou'—more than ever ,lou'—fight to keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar! \Vhy note especially? Because now civilian goods are scarce, and yet money is plentiful. This is a danger- ous condition. here She Goes ! ” It means we ))lust maintain controls and price ceilings; support rationing Viand urge the support of rationing. We must buy wisely and with the greatest care: be on guard at all tines, checking, working, fighting to keep Canada's dollar sound. if we do this, we can keep prices from rising. If we don't, some day we'll be paying a dollar for 30c worth of goods, which means our dollar is only worth 30c. \Ve know what happened after the last war! \Ve must fight against it happening again. For our own sakes —for the sake of the men who fought overseas and to whom we owe a future with a job, we mist keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar. We must keep up an active fight against inflation! i'Id,l3brd by TIIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTAitIO) to reveal tbo dangers of inflation, Make this Pledge Today! pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation : By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and unneces- sary buying, I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "now" where an "old.' wilt do. By buying Victory Bonds, supporting taxation and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices at a normal level. 1'1111151"1. ! \\ Mit' 1.1 ;!11111'11-Li.t)11 ill':' 100. IIlIt1k- L!tt tit \511' ,1'rve,1 he the heart,-, !Int: 1'r,l(r. 11,1 for :\,9tI t awl Sept. a„istcd n\' \I.... 1I. \VIieeler, \11.. 1: 11.1t '61.11 1'I,irh .\I-1) for 19-11). .\ Antall \ndel.,oI .Inti NI re• S ['root r \I r. an I \II., Clarence Manna and children, Lorraine. 1)a‘ id and Je,nl. hate tarsen 111• tc'.1dener in the home tall hu•iIlr., 1 urrha,Utl from T. It. Iolul,t,In. \Vc I\clronle 111(111 II the community. rs. S• NIc(icu is spending a time \\0th \Ir,. \\'. I. (..odds, \I r, \nllre, \I, (ins -1 i, ,pendintt. I'OR SALE the t\ eel; \title \I.1,, \I;u't:nct•ite \'ouc,Lt at I.tica1!. \I r. add \Ir,. Lotti, 1laye, and fam- ily of 1':II\ ria, ( thio, are Si,itinr: rula- tiVe, herr• dt p, it h 'I tt ''nn' it k-6.. lice or phone. oar 'I•\\, dally ;went, \11,. 11;111,0 111, Myth. FOR SALE Jim :\rn- -10-1. ti .ore. IIf 11;1\'. .\!IL11Y' to Jack Col - 161 -110 Itiv'tli. 49-1. _V_ In 1llemoriam \I \"1)\—Int I1)Vint; memory ,If our 16.1 -IONS 38. 1)141.II, ON'1'. dealt• son. .\r, hie, \who \\as hilted n .114 _'lith, I'I-111. 11;1\', of ';11111(., still come o'er u,, Tears is silence often (11,\51 Deni memories keep hint ever near It1, •–t",t \5;1, killed f.15\ \•ears ago.nEverything Homemade - S,IdI�' miss{•d h)• NI Whir and Father 1 Sisters and Itrothcrs. !field of Ii.t�. h1 the act 0, \pply t0 Norman kalif) 'd, phone 1'-17, Myth. 49-1. Frank's Bakery PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. ' FRESI-I EVERY DAY IN MEMORIAM \I(\.\I.I.--in loving memory of a (car 6n,hand and hail i', I'pr. la(I: \Ir- 1 Home -Rendered Nall who \\.1- killed in France one LARD BY THE SINGLE POUND OR BRING YOUR OWN CROCK 15c PER LB, year ago, July 25tlt, 1011. la)', of sashes.: ,till come I,'ct• • rear, in silent e often 1105-. NI cntnries keep you ever 11090 l I sigh \'''tt \\tut out )rear aito, I often look at your picture, Von are <Inilutt; ;old .rcpt to ,tiV. 1 tout 1;ri(Ve, dear torr,, Till only :deep - int;, \Ve \\ ill meet ;It;;lin ,note ,1;1\•. —Lovingly remembered 6y hi, 1\111' and I'aIlli!v, CARD OF THANKS 1 \\ i -h to e\pi es, my sincere app! r- \ (i;ttion 11 neighbour-. and friend, 11,r the many act, of hin,lness '•111)\\11 dur- ing \Ir. liibson'• illness and ,u6,elluent ti -death- Also 1 \\islt to thank kr5• R• .\. Itrook, tIt'. Stanley Siltliorpe for lovely solo, and all tho'e 55110 ,cot 110\\Urs 1111 lo;:ned car,. I� \\'illi;lm 1...16,011. �.���- w• v� OUR OWN HOME SUGAR -CURED Smoked Side Bacon 45c PER LLt. BOLOGNA, WEINERS, SAUSAGE A GOOD SELECTION Oh COOKED MEATS. H. McCallum Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones : Atwood, 50r31; Seafortli, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, 1111). HAVEA PLACE AT ANY MEAL)1ANYTIME Busy housewives appreciate Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals more and more every day, Kellogg's are a satisfying disk anytime—for breakfast, lunch, odd -hour snacks. Ready In 30 seconds, It ___—veheat- s fear flaked, ,toareasted ,to -eat, BOYS! GIRLS! They're free .. . 8 Coloured Cards In every package. Save'eml Trade'snil Free Enterprise In Free Nations The Canadian Pacific Railway Is a Monument to Free Enterprise in Canada A l:otable :tis iversary has just been observed la the Canadian We>t. the driving of the last spike into the Canadian Pacific hall- way, says the Montreal Star. That event, which took place in 1885, not only signalized the completion of the first tiancontineutal rail- way line, linking Canada's Atlantic and Pacific coasts, but also the triumph of one of the greatest a- chievements of free enterprise of of which the history of the British Empire holds record. Looking Backward It is opportune that wa should recall this fact at the present tinge, particularly because free enterprise is virtually ou trial in all the tree nations. Looking back- ward. no student of Canadian his- tory can fall to realize what free enterprise has meant in the build- ing and development of this Do- minion. Without It we should be a backward peoplo today, both at home and 1n the eyes of the world abroad. Free enterprise has not only given us railway transpor- tation unexcelled in the world, 1t has built up our vast industries, and it has made Canada one of the world's greatest trading nations, Whose products are sold In nearly every foreign market, and whose credit stands firmly upon her trading status. Engineering Triumph Our vast steel works, our mining Industries, our shipping, our huge export trade in meat, in cereals, !a lumber—all have been develop- ed to their present point of pros- perity by the effort of free enter- prise. When the C,P.It, protect was first mooted its sponsors wont to London to seek British capital with which to defray the cost of the gigantic undertaking, but Lon- don turned thumbs down on their' appeal, so they came back to Can- ada, and It was Canadian capital and faith in the undertaking, Can- adian courage and Canadian skill that triumphed over what seemed insuperable obst acles, and made the C.P.R. not only a possibility but an engineering triumph that /Still stands as a monument to free enterprise In Canada. This country is still a young and growing Dominion, The field for development is tt vast one, hut it Is a field which will never be developed as It can be developed and should he developed unless free enterprise ieurttn4 free [with- in the law. VOICE OF THE PRESS HOMES, FOR INSTANCE So many persons are saying; that nothing is good enough for our returned heroes. Aud, oxaotly nothing is what a lot of these spouters offer our heroes, --W, L. Clark in Windsor Star, MODERATE REFORM Mr. Churchill's opponent Is ad- vocating one hour's work a day. A. surprisingly moderate reform, it Is felt, since the trend la toward one a week. —Ottawa Citizen FREEDOM AND COURAGE Many a Canadian who Is proud of his rights to say what he plea- ses wisites he had the courage to do ,so, --Kitchener Record IT WON'T BE LONG Aunt Hattie says that the time for invading Japan Is near at hand. It Is just a Matter of days, hours, and NImItz — Chrlstlan Science Monitor. TOO MANY Rather endless job this liquld- ating of Jape. There aro still about 87,000,000 of them lett, — Stratford Beacon -Herald. Some Sound Advice From Eisenhower A while back there went the rounds a great flood of nonsense, gigged up with trick psychiatric terms, advising hots civilians should "treat" the returned sol- dier, -,t}, the Detroit Free Press. There was so nmclt stuff about the tete psycliottcurotic.i among discharged veterans, that there was danger of the public thinking every GI house from the battlefront had nerve ends as tender as third-de- gree burns, and had to be handled as gingerly as a tittle -bomb. The angry scorn of GI publica- tions and of the Wren themselves brought balance hack to the situ- ation. And now comes Gen. Eisen- hower to add the clincher. Ire told Washington correspondents: "For (,orf sake (kit t analyze then[, There is nothing the matter with steal. "Treat thein past like anyone else. l'at theta on the hack, Sure, they think they arc pretty gond fellow; and they certainly are." SCENE OF BIG THREE MEETING Immense and iavishly laid out Potsdam Palace, built towards the end of the reign of Frederick the Great a symbol of German imperialistic might even under the Nazis, :s where Premier Churchill, President Truman and Premier Stalin are now planning complete demilitar- ization of Germany and, possibly, similar future treatment for int- Fascist nrfascist ally, japan. MIXED EMOTIONS IN BERLIN From bright-eyed curiosity of the two lads at right to the grim composure of the women and the Hitler•. like arrogance of the second plan from right, these German people portray a variety of emotions as they watch British occupation troops of the 11th Hussars move into Berlin. It ha.i been found that tvhon tin odour nY fresli puint. I; obteetion- ables as it is to some people—it can Inset he avoided Ity the usa of charcoal. Por each room, a paper bag holding; a pound or two of charcoal is hung in the centra of the roots. It absorbs the odour. What JoW GSCseiloacioq Did you know that a 10,7. p%rkage of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more iiia than $5.00 worth of any other fly killer? The flies do tate work when you use WILSON'S FLY PADS' STOPITCH of Insect Bites-- HeatRasb Quick( Stop itching of insect bites, heat rush, eczema, hives, pimples, reales, scabies, athlete e foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Use quirk -a, tine, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. heft stops or your money hack. Your druggist 'lecke D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high. strung feelings—when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effect ive medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature( Follow label directions. Try ill 44, S,'• 0)1Ato ewtb c0 1Po 0 n.t11Y CHICKS FItEG: RANI;E I'ULLl1'S, EIGHT weeks up to laying. Also day-old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddte Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, On la rio. Wh iFA\'E DAY-OLD CIltCICH, practically all breeds, for prompt shipment, also White Leghorn 2-3 week pullets. Order for August -September delivery now. Bray Ilatrhery, 110 John N. Hamilton, Ont. A LIMITED NUMI3I11t OF START - ed Chicks, 2 wecics old, etIll available. Also free range pullets eight weeks up to laying. Also taking orders for day-old chicles for August and Fa 11 delivery. Free catalogue and price -fist. 'Pop Notch c'hirkeries, Guelph, Ontario. l)YICING ANI) CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to anewer your questions. Depart• meat H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge oet. To• root() EA Rai !MACiHINhat1' FOR SAL)D 15-30 INTI';RNATIONAL TRACTOR on erect, Price $350.00. B. Bell, R.11, 8, London, Ontario. SKID ENGINE P300 McCORMICK, In good condition. Variable Speed (Iovenors for McCormick Trac- tors (only), New and used Trac- tor parte. London farm Equlp• ment Co., 335 King Street, Lon• Aon, Out. FOR SALE BA 111111N STRAIN L E t; it 0 It N Pullets, 6 wecics and up. Sussex X Barred Rock pullets, 6 to 10 weeks. Barred Itock Pullets, 6 to 10 ts'eelcs. Johnson hatchery, Fergus, Out, VALUABLE COUN'T'RY S'1'ORI: property, suitable also for tourist business; Parry Sound district. 441 Westmount Ave., 'Toronto, LO. 4161. J' 1,lCTRIC .\101'OItS, NI•:\V, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Du(Perin St., To - Ionto. REGISTER El) FEMALE ('OC1(l t1 puppies, 14 wecics old. Real beauties. 715 Indian Road, Wlnd• Ont, ()itt, B1,ACIC GUINEA i'iGS, $1.00 pair, others $2.50 pair. Kett. Ernst, 581 \fill Street, ICltchener, Outarlo. THISTLEDOWN ANGORAS. ONE of Canada's outstanding slr,slne. Write for free folder. Browne Angora Ranch, 278 Courtland Ht., ICI teliener, Ontario, PEDIGREED ANGORA RABBITS. finest wool producing stock. Lynwood Anmorns, Box 140, Oshawa. ACOUSTI('ON HEARING AID FOlt dale at half price, 'new, four now batteries, Good for church or home. Apply Frank Watson, Blind River, Ontario. GOLDIE-McCULLOUGii 1(10 HORSE. power Steam Engine, perfect coo• dl Goo, Ono \Varren Steam Pump else 10 x 12 x 12. One Warren Steam Pump alze 12 x 12 x 12 Ono Smart -Turner Duplex Stearn Putnp slzo 71/2 x 4y, x 10 All Ie perfect condition. CROWN IRON & METAL CO., HAMILTON, ONT. Britain Trained Army of Spies Vast Secret Organization Ready To Carry On If Britain Invaded By Germans ilritain hall thousands of trtined ,pies and guerrilla fighters ready to [work behind German lines in Britain if the enemy had made a successful invasion across the Channt'i during the war, it has been disclosed. l'ntil a month ago this under- ground organization was so se- cret that few outsiders even knew it existed. 'those who did were unaware whether their hest friends or next-door neighbors were mem- bers. Giving details of the organiza- tion for the first time, the War Office described it as "one of the utast interesting and colorful chapters in our anti-in vaston plans. Spies and Guerillas The organization was ,livided into two distinct branches. One w.ts an elaborate set up of guer- ritas armed with automatic w ea - vets, explosives, knives and gren- ades, The other was equipped with secret radio sets and all the paraphernalia needed in spying behind enemy lines. Both units were controlled by central military, headquarters, FOR SALiS JOHN DI.IERE' MODEL D TRAO- tor, on steal, good running order, $6110.00. S. Olt s, RR. 2, Brantford, Ont, FOR SAI,1;—UANIC BARN 40x60, in good condition, side and roof one-half metal, $800. 21. .1, Whaling., Moorefield, Ont. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure, turns your food Into energy Instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cises or drastic diet. Month's supply 01.00 pn:1pald Dominion Herb Distributors 1.125 St, 1,1)wrenee Blvd., /Montreal FARMS l'011 SAl l6 FARM — V19111- UNUSUAL SET - ting, 50 acres, with modern home, I-tydro and natural facilities for large trout hatchery with auto- matic rams, etc, Gravelly loam soli. Naturally sheltered and very Ideal turkey range with lat- est model turkey equipment for 5,1100 flock. Complete w 1 t h turkeys, htclurihtg 1912 Interna- tional 1% ton track. Whnling '(hickey Ranch, Moorefield, Ont. \\'F ('AN SELL YOU ANY Si7,E OF farm you wish to buy—with or wil bout stock and machinery. For particulars apply at Dono- hue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont, 53 ACRES, 25 FARMING, 4,500 FT, bordering bay of French river,. 2,500 ft, frontage on main road to Rutter Blgwood and famous Bungalow camp: new hone: oth- er buildings. Mr. A, Gaudette, Rutter, Ont. FOR SALE iiASTINGS COUNTY, Ont., 200 acres, 80 ettltivated, bal- ance timber, Good buildings, with or without crop, Price and par- t.lcutnre from M)rhnel Prentice, Baal ter, Ont. 250 ACHES -532.000, 1N('L1rDING good herd of holstein rattle, inptenlents, crops, river, timber. Ilydro. Also 100 acres 520,000, with herd of mixed dairy cattle, some purebreds, selling as it go- ing cocern, hydro, modern brick home, large bank barn, Reason- ,,ble terms. ('ins. hl Porter, 45 Richmond Street West, 'Toronto, onlrtr!o. HAIRDRESSING L 14 A 11 N HIAIRDRESSING 'rHHI'7 Robertson method. information on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, 111;DIC,tL 1;(11)1) ADVICE! EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Palos or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro'e Drug Store, 885 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11,00. S1'(IMACII AND TIIREAD WUIV115 often are the cause of III -health In humans, all ages. No ono Its• mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? interesting par. Oculars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Speclul(sts, Toronto 8 I:.11J51EEKA FOOT BA121 DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. i'1"5 1 \11'Olt'I'AN'I'-1:vI:RY HUF'- ferer of ithetnnatir 1'nlns or N. nt 111- should try Dixon's Rein - ,q1) 'larva'' Hrut; Store, 885 1 Ittirt, lith rya. Postpaid $1.00. Silence Tradition Slightly Overdone I think we're overdoing this silence tradition --- you know, this Inkiness of not blearing our nwtt trumpet but letting our actions— or, in bu inc.,, ni r g:,oa - --Lease for its. Once I thought it was sunte- thin.; to be proud! if. But a num- ber of recent happenings have uta,le rue think again. Among them is the experience of the English- man who recently crossed from America on the t,)ticen Mary. The second (lav nut from the States an American officer asked hint: "\Vlty is it that you llrit- islt can't build ships Tike this?" —Answers. which taught the office and fac- tory workers, clerics, taxi drivers and hank directors how to do the most harm to the Nazis. The members were recruited by thous- ands • in ir.n,gland, Scotland and 'I'lle guerrillas comprised sev- eral hundred teams of seven sten each. Each learn was housed in a camouflaged dugout, many of [which remain around the coasts. Their planned task was to emerge from these hideouts at night and ambush German transport, blow lilt Nazi aircraft on landing grounds, destroy enemy 'lamps, and generally create havoc and cou�itt.i"II. MUSICAL INS'l'ItUtllcN'rs FRED A. IIODDI NGTON BUYS, soils, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, 'Toronto 2. OI'I't►a'1'IINI'1'lhs FOIL 1VO1111N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest syr• tont, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 13L0011 W„ TORONTO Branches: 44 Ring St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS I'E'I'HERSTONuAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 IChtg West, Toronto, llooklet of Information on re- quest. l'IIl►'I'OGItAI'll t CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures, Snaps can't be taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio, Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Moll—ti or 8 Exposures DEVELOPIED AND PRINTED 25c "I get best results front Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer in Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places, SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Print. sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (lc extra) Is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS— COLORED AND b'RAMED Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on Ivory tinted Watts, 7 x 9" In (fold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. It enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore may old photograph or snapshot . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want done and we w111 tell you the cost before doing the work, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Tertnlnal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developtd 11110 printed s UR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8 for 25o FINEST ENLA 1301 NO SEI1VIC1. You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your tMIme to 191I'P;RIAL I'ltll'J'll 51;Itt'1(211 Station J Toronto TEACHERS WAN'rEn 8('01001, TEACIIb:It for RC, S.S. No, 11, Anderdon. State exper- ience and qua 1ifle:alone. Apply Leo 12. Delmore, lilt. 4, Amherst - burg, Ont. TEACHER WANTED 1'Olt SS. 9, Woolwich, 3% miles from Elmira on mein highway, Protestant with experience preferred, salary $1,4110.00. Emerson Hessler, Ser.- Trexs, lt.11. 1, Elmira, Out.. Have You Hese? A In tit telephoned his doctor: "Conte over quirk, doe. Aly wife his ,appendicitis." "Nullit'll ;o," arlorlid file doctor, "1 rrntoveil your wife's appendix three ye,trd ago.1low eitti tin yono have t sec0110 appendix?" "Liston," cried tho Iwaban 1. "Did you aver hear of auyon.r lowing, d second An English paper public" i this advertisement: For sale: Baker's bushes•;; good trade; large oven; prey ent owner bean in It for sevak years; good reason for lasts Irtg," A140l101' w,td aIoty to eomprehemt what St' pito 1 80 perfectly clear to llltio Sun. The pride of the family was talking about It "redder" "A 'fodder' 7" mother qunsll.in ed. "Why, you know, IA u nuns'," pat tloutly explained Sue, "It's ,1 104 from a chicken." Daughter (entering ratite. 'a office): "Good morning, dad, I Just ran In for a minute to say hello." Dad: "Toolate Betty. Yo'O' mother Just ran In to say i and got all my change." A new potato harvesting nu• Chine digs, brushes, grades and boxes the potatoes in a continuous operation. MANY THANKS go to wives and Mothers who serve b1axwell ilouse! Ves, Canadian families Loves the delicious, satisfying flavor of this superb blend of Latin-American coffer's. TEACHERS WANTED S'l'15'l'l;H TOWNS II 1 1' ARREEA requires three Protestant teachers for twee one -room schools nar Huntsville. Hillary, 1,2110, Please state gttalifications, experience and last Inspector. Dut lea to commence September 4th. Apply to George Tait, Ilttntsville. NO1b'I'11 MAlt5'SEUI1(111 TOWN• ship School hoard Prince I'd• ward County, 1r0l1'e8 teacher for i ural school. Apply, stetl(iij qua 111 hat tieing, experience and salary expected. ender to coni• ntenre Sept. 4, 1915. Arthur Me. (Jornurlc, Sec.-1'reas., I'Icto11, On t, H.R. No. 5, LARCH WOOD -1' It0'Phi ST A N T teacher wanted for S.S. No. 8 Bat • four and Dowling, I.archwood, Ont., duties to continence Sept. 4, Salary 81,200.00 per annum. Apply stating qualifications to 51rs. Joan Jounhtg's, Sec. -Tresis Larelt wood, Ont.. 11141,1' WANTI01) TWO WOSIIIN TO WASH DISIII4H end prepare vegetables In North- ern Ontario summer resort toe July and August. Excepttottall,y, good wages. Apply by letter t0 Pow -Wow Point Lodge, Ifunte.• ville, Ont, G1111, 011 YOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on it faros, goof home, wages. Apply Law retie() Blame, Box 42, DaIkelth, Ont, 1'AiIM MANAGER, MARRIED, 100 - Acro Mixed farm, good waged, house and privileges. J. Kao, Inglewood, 1'ItIN'Iq;lt—LINO'I'YI'I; OI'L:RATO(t Female — Steady position, 42u hours weekly, Extra. good wages, Also Melillo press operator. Mid 's ey Systems I,imited, Galt, Omani,). WAN'1'11)1) PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALI, :101;5 AND I;1t1:EDi mouths Io laying age. Our pri, o4 ate worthwhile.. Rax 40, 78 Ado. Ialdc Weal, 'Toronto, WAN'T'ED IMMEDIATELY LIC.• eased garage mechanic as part. ser. Dred' Cha 11, Burke Furls, Ont. !Mx 254, \VAN'1'l1e, BUFFALO P 0 W 11 R anusng0 stutter, complete, 75- 100-1b, capacity; 1 5-h.p. 25 -cycle 3-phase motor; pie maids and cutter for small pork plea. Write, Horn's brood Market, Pott Cot borne, Out, GENERAL STORE, W1'rll .0001) mixed clothing stock; will pay cash; confidential. Lightman and Compn1)3', 3270 Da it forth Ave., 'lbronto, Ont. VAN'TI;D TO PURCHASE PUL• lets, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying. Gond prices mild. Apply to Ilox 38, 73 Atlelaldo W., '14.) - rent() PORTABLE, SA\VMII,I, WANTED. Equipped with edges 1rimtn'r3 preferred. A. Parent. 105 Brook- ' lyn Ave., Toronto, Ont. WANTED—GUINEA EGGS FOB hatching. Will pay 25c per dozae cash, any quantity. Also Auto - ray attachment. E. J. What:ng, General Delivery, Windsor, OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Sarnia General hospital School for nurses offers an excellent course fn Nlil'siilg Education, Class en. ters Sept. 1111, 1945. Appltcatinn forms furnished an request. R. 51, Beantislt, Superintendent, The Perfect Thirst Quencher FIS', E@E o TE CIIRONICLES of GINGER FARM Pleas° furyiv(' nn' if this week's chronicle should be a trifle ells - connected. So nowt' has happen- ed wince last I wrote that 1 find it really hard to concentrate, You em.. we have our son Lack home avail, alive and well. 'There 1s ►te need for 1110 10 elu1)01'ale on that statement -'very parent with t( eon on :alive service knows very well what that nmans. Yes, aur boy has returned to us but even 1)1 the moment of his au'ival my heal t ached its 1 thought Of t.lose families so much less fortunate. 1 am sure that to ace other boys retlu'ain. and know that your boy lies hurled la a foreign field, in like turning a knife In an old wound. But, that, Hill FIuaat(ly, 11 0110 of the tor - tunes of waw. Our good Melt alight easily have been yours— youa misfortune, oars. Probably only a sniper's Mullet made the dtflerence, And as i sit listening to the Ivor talk between the nen of my family I 1111 lunitze(1 that our Hoa ever managed to come home at 1)11--1n fact Ilial so nines' some bark alive. liob citing (351 un the "Qurea Moly" -you remember she ducked In New York harbour last week anti thereby hangs a tale For (11)30.' re118011 whil'h 1 (cannot ex - ever since 1t was first an- nounced that the "Queen Mary" Year bringing troops horse hound for Canada, 1 was absolutely cer- tain that our son 110111(1 be among them. Partner thought I was aazy—e8pel!ally when the news 11(41(0 about the riots in Aldershot where he was stationed, And then every few days letters would 11r- riv0" -t.he last written June 30, in which Bob said he was getting. an- other short leave, Tat Increased Partner's to111ie- tlon that his return 1•10 80011 was Impossible. 1 didn't 1u'rue—be- cause logically speaking there, was nothing to argue about—hut my hunch stayed with me just the 3433(1(. \Vhen the "Queen Maryy" docked 1 stayed as close to the house as I could, waiting for a possible wire to be relayed by telephone. And it came—it really clone—followed in half -au -Lour by n 011131111 card from 11/1.13. 2. 1 ran to the barn—and after tolling Partner the good news I reminded hint that it is sonletinles better to trust a woman's intui- tion rather than a man's reason - his. Of course 11 W11811't long before 1 phoned Daughter and so al1ter uu'I, brother in Toronto. They wield, the evening together and then Rab continued his journey home on the "midnight". * M 4 And since then , . , well the next. few days win hardly be described. There 1a so much to talk about .. , so much to explain and des- cribe. Boh wants to know all about everyone he ever knew in this dis- trict; we want to know all about the folks back home whom he vis- ited. We are careful not to tisk IIID YOU KNOW that Maxwell House Coffee is roasted evenly through tend through by the re- inarkable"Rauliant Roast" Process? You will enjoy this delicious, fragrant coffee. Your grocer has it. HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1,50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION THE BEST WAY 710 KILL FLIES —n lOc package of WILSON'S FLY PADS Will kill more flies than $5.00 worth of any other ay killer I The old reliable way for 05 years. the WILSON'S FLY PADS tedayI ISSUE 30-113415 Ely Gwendoline P. Clarke (1 • • • r too 11ma113' questions about his ex- periences in la.urope but we hear plenty just the salve. They )(lilt out in the ordinary course of coos versatiol, \\'e hoped he would bring horse u few 80u1'Oa1rs 10 hand around but he brought home very few. '1'he reason w•as because most of the time he was either 111 1 101111111 or (Romany and 11e says (Belgium is the place to hay sou- venirs. In Holland there is nothing left to buy, However he did have a few• relics: a collectins of Dutch and (i('l'Itrall coins, 111 Gerona❑ belt, a w'ate11 purchased in Heli•ium when he first landed, tt pair of wooden shoes --in miniature a solid brass cover for a memoran- dum pad which he picked up in Gerula ny. Ile also had an Iron Cross which n young German boy 11110 offered hhn when the ('at(• adillas first look over but which somebody later "swiped" from his kitbag, All these things are quite interesting but the hest souvenir ho brought 111 1.131 himself nod we shall never cease, to be grate- ful that he was spared 10 come back to us In good health raid all In 0110 piece. * M M As for lloh—I think the farm looks pretty good to him just now, 'At any rate lie has lost no time in getting out and doing things to help his Dad ,And I'm telling you there was never 31 time when his help was more tieceptahle than It 1v debt now. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee (j. How can I 1101kc a 1,(111t111 for darkening the hair? A. \I:x 2 ounces of lay rune, 2 ounces glycerine, 2 ounces al collol, 10 ounces infusion of black Ica The tea should he mixed. 1 ounce to 12 ounces of boiling water. I.et the tea steep for 30 minutes, then cool, 11341(10 adding the other mixture. Q. 1Io3v can 1 kill moths in a carpet or rug? A. Cover the place with a wet towel. Then apply a hot iron tlntii the towel is dry. 'This kills 'both the cloths and the eggs. :\Iso sprinkle with salt every week be- fore sweeping. Q How caul I avoid ripping off buttons in the clothes wringer? A. Fold the buttons inside the garment and hold it flat as it is ran through the wriegcr. Q. \\'hat is a substitute for vi- negar when making salad dress- ings? A. \\ hen 1111(10[; salad dres8mg14 or mint sauce, add the juice of x lemon as 1111 exctllent substitute for vinegar. Q. How can 1 keep porch fur- niture in good condition? A. Before packing away scrub well w•itli salt and \\slier. Do not use soap. \\lien thoroughly dry. wrap :n new -papers and park away until next summer. How Can It 1,y Anne Ashley 1 Winn a young woman has been introduced to an elderly '30111111, is :t all right for the ycunger woman to walk away after talking for a minute? 2, What is the correct way; to serve wine at a b11ffet supper? 8 Would it be all right to use tinted calling cau(1:? 4. If a daughter, who has no smother, sends invitations for a dinner. should she include her father's name in the invitations? S. \Viten calling someone on the phone. should a girl say "This N Mary loncs," or, "This is lMiss \nary joncs," G, Is it one of the duties of the hostess to make an effort to keep cont•(rsation going? ANSWERS 1. N0; the elderly women 8)101(11 make the first move to leave. 1. Arrange. the bottles on the side- board. The host should then fill the glasses which are taken by the guests to their places, 3. They are not ' in good taste. The cards should be of white stock, good quality and engraved in black. 4. Yes, this is the correct thing to de 5. "'This is Mary Jones." 6, Yes, if it becomes tt(ces'ary lo do so, They Never Fail To Pease :...:......... \•(a 11011'1 111131' 10 live 111'33 it 11.1011 till 1111(111' 1/ 1114 11 t1c5( Ruffs 1)01en-South l)i,enitc, SInelIr 3( d 53111 ((l ;IMO hat)), and 511)3(1 with gardtn-fresh 5na1' 131101, And a rales 1 rd 1 m amber dives and (0111111 (11111'5, flirt'11 die p1) 1111 '11110): o 1 ,t U1 t 11'1 lu ai l 3'11 cal:3lying smnnlcr-time (Moor. Down -South biscuits ] (up> 111,113'/, tcaspeen s.1lt 1 Ica'pOon Laking powder !/, cup a111 1'11irt teaspoon sods 1 cup 31111- 44)111)1 Sift tugcther flour, Laikinh p1 3311(:s and salt. Roll 111 -bran into lint ennui's and Add to (lour, Adel riesi11 and slit 1114111 (lough is folioed. Turn onto flknrrd hoard and roll le '', inch iu lhi1kness. (-1)t Stith •Mall biscuit cutter and 1alec on gr(1'ed laking sheet in hot oven (4;U F,) about 10 minutes. \'icld: If biscuits 2'; inlli diameter. Nae: If biscuits are brushed ('III) 1 mixture of 3gI yolk 110(1 water briers placing in the ov(•0, they 3(111 have a [111)1111 brown v.11,13. Creamed Ham 6 ta(hl1 spoe 0F butter y Lops milk H tablcspOuns flour .t'/, cups (hit 11 (0011(0 ham 3/4 teaspoon salt t(al11(t \\'oreegi-r.1:13 sauce teaspoon pepper Melt the butter in the top of a double boiler over direct heal. Stir fn the flour, salt and pepper. heni1'ct 110111 110at ;,1)d add the milk slowly, stirring until well blended. t 0014 in double boiler until sauce thickens. Add ham and Wore (111 rsbIrc sauce- and heat. Save on Douro -South 13111)1:1'. Serve's F. LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM CHAPTER XI Boger looked all around hire, guzzled, then pretending to find her only after an interval, he feigned surprise, sainted briskly and said, "A11, 10 you are wicked old witch who has the the lovely princess shut up in her oarlle! Free her at once, beldame, 01 1 13)11111 11e forced 10 draw' upon your goblin guard and --" "Conte up here!„ "I coupe, madame." She heard the clatter of his boots on the back stairway and almost before she could reach the haul he was there, bright checked, smelling of frost and tobacco, strong of arm us he (brew her to hint toad kissed her, "Surprise!" lie said, "Lauded at St. Hubert In the middle of the night." "Why—why did you not let me know?" "Military secret, my beloved aunt. But here 1 tu, 'faille Mimi — and oh, so glad to be here! Please sit down and tell me all about everything — about your- self shout your grand gesture of playing fairy godmother to the little exiles, abouts--" "About Aleridel?" "Well — yes, about ,Meridel. Where is she?" "Gone." "Gone!" Roger jumped up lie• fore he had settled on tine (lisle tons, "You mean 8110 is not here? She has gone away? lint—" • • • "Not fan' away in distance, Rog- er; but very, very far I am afraid 4529 SIZES 14.20 32.42 Look trine and efficient, feel cool as crisp lettuce, in a shirtwaist dress, Pattern 4529. Yoke is ex- tended to forst start cap sleeves. Pattern 4529 comes in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20; 82, 84, 96, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 requires 2y yards 39 -inch fabric. Effective button trim. Send twenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) for his pattern to Room 421, 73 Ade- laide St. West, 'Toronto. Print Mainly 511 V. moue, 11003111, '13)3' sumbcr. in relationship, Oh, darn it, why do things have to he the way they are! We Pi HT all 80 happy and then---" "And 1h(n what? \\'batt hap. pend?" "She fennel out that Rudolph 3(08 only the butler, That big mouth blundering Guy \\'interside came 00e day and — well, she learned the truth." "And 040 left you?" "'flat night. 1 didn't blame her. 1 could understand jest how she felt about i1 all, I forgot about her being a princess, 1 realized what She w'0F, and why she was---" "\'\'ere you ever in doubt about 1t? Shc is the loveliest---" "Yes, I know, Roger. I've missed them all terribly. Rudolph went with thein. It. Leas sad to see them go, It wast 111' 1 1 00 somehow. They looked what) they really were, as they Flood in the 111111 that night, saying g0odby to us — exiles, strangers in a strange land, four poor soils lost among the mil- lions." "You 1ho1111 not have let them go! You should have made them" "You sit down, Here—" she handed lairs the letter she had just received from Meridel. "1 think you'll like to read (.hat." "That's a grand letter, 'fainte Mimi." Roger crone to her and hissed her, "And 0i0 she ask for the picture of me or—" Ile saw' the quick dart of nue dame's vivid eyes. He looked at the dresser where the photo of Michel used to stand. Blankly, at first, then "with eyes, narrowed in wolderinr on( 'lion tit PINed at her. "\\'hose 1 i( lure did you het' "Alichel's." "Mike's picture! 'Lou nave bur ids plctnii! Pot shy in Ili world "She taut 1011 lulu Leleie -• III 1111 la lilt she came frcnu, in Gaal tun. She had met him just once mai then emly Malty. yet- ." rive Roger's Mee was almost sullen "1 know," he said. "1 can tell you the whole shay. Ile carne, he saw, he compared. Ile made more of an in)pre8si0tl on her in 11 low 110018 Chau 1 (10111 make io y(nre Or in tt lifetime. On her, as on you, and on you as on all woolen, That fatal charm, The fair hatred boy--" "Stop, ((user!" "Sorry, madame. I shouldn't have talked like that. ".tike's 11 swell guy. 1Ie's r01 1)(e Leat every w'ay, 'that's why, when 1 met 1110, 1 thought: \\'ell, here is one time old More has the field to hilu$elf and a clear nun ahead. I -- darn it, 1 love her so, 1 thought to time I might — well. it seems that 1 w111 liked Lefa'e 1 started. The lad had got in some of his finest work ahead of 1110. She was in 101'0 1'1111 him already. Yes — 1 recall it now; the first night 1 met her she spoke of someone she had met. 1n that 3)41511' little country of hers. 11 never occurred to me — how (011111 it? -- that it might have been friend alike, Well, I suppose soon he will conte back 10 claim her," "it e g 1' r --- Ihere's Flatlethin[ more -- about 51ichel.'' "What more, Ma Tante?" Roger lit a cigarette, rested his head against the chant' hack and cl(sed his eyes. Ile was tired. Ile hadn't realized how 111(1 and weary he was until this jolt had [ecu hand. ed to him. Drat it, a man should receive something better t11811 this after flying across the Atlan- tic with a load of politicians, "\\'amt more?" "I don't. know how to tell you this, or whether it should be loll, it was the little ones, itoshn0 and Pol Aladin." "You recall, that day the little Rosine would not eat? She had spied Michel's picture, She said nothing that day, but some time after, Rosine and Pol Martin came to me and 1105)1)1' confessed that she had knocked the picture 11011'1 and smashed the glass with her heel, trampled up. on 11," "\When 1 asked her why" — Mat• dame's voice made Roger's eyes grow wide, brought a sudden chi1) to hits. He leaned forward 11) his chair, his hands clasped in front of him — "she said That she had done it because he was tine ratan, the German soldier, who had 1111104) 13onhomme Fricot." (To Be Continued) Dark Stairways C( liar, Lau 01011 or attic 13,111'1 often ;:re daulg;erens beran, of inability of users to dislia;e writ the steps or railings in din: licllt. Painting the edge of the tiksal13 And the railings of 1111'11F.1 015 lys white will 111111 prevent act t.a•gi w1ii111 (1110111 flava, 4411)1115 ;101' tlifiri Isf.t0' VOID ,1 ttp�k��� j1p iQh�: pys:�vst,102a 2,01.;1 s.1,111 �.� , .a.:0-isie:-.g 1 6:11 : , -itig-4.,:i::'14::17: 1M:,1. F::: e�',41-: or' 11, A..- , A. 11►D M�,'4' "!�i 1p•t■.� \��S► n®113 (�4A'Y, �lp�iD-t1�,Ifi��i llifyi 14.1 Y„ 0��i:lIrplo®4..tt i111"oviliy Fresh( 11 up your hl.nlc for mei. -unt- nter with this dainty but chair 'et. Emily crocheted, easily (:urea: 1')1, :t will salve precious nphol.t(re. You'll want to make 511(1,0 of these sets, :n simple mesh ao'1l petal stitch; use on buffet, also. Pattern 164 has directions, Send twenty cents in cams (stamps cannot be accepted 1 for this pattern to \\':lson' Needl(cratt Dept , Recall 421, 13 Adelaide St. \\'est, Toronto. l'rilt pla:nl3• pat - !ern number, your mune arra 110- Iress. for HEADACHE .and OTHER PAINS QST DEUCI"US Of 4Il coir FL41(ESf They're extra crisp! Extra. flavoursome 1 Always oven - fresh! They're the tempting, "GOOD MORNING" cereal that's really GOOD to cat! Prove to your own satisfaction that Quaker Corn Flakes are most delicious of all Corn Flakes. Get several packages of Quaker Corn Flakes to -day! DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OF DELICIOUS FLAVOUR fry Quake'rCorn Tlakes.You'Ilagree they'remost delicious. If not, return the partly used package to your grocer and douhk )'nut purchase g• ce will he refunded. ME QUAKER OATS COMPANY OF CANADA EIMITED 1 41h 1 ,11 1 , i f ,..I i, 16 ..I PAGE e HOLIDAY NEEDS Ladies Bathing Suits $2.95 to $1.95 Men's, Women's and Children's Running Shoes (i9c to $1.19 ' Women's Slacks $1,19 to $l•9S Children's Sun Suits $1.011 to $1,•19 Mosquito Netting per yard 10c Good Assortment of Men's, Women's and Children's Camp Shoes. Olive McGill A ink a weeks' holidays ‘with her sister, THE STANDARD mon \Ir. W. I. Sim, of Scaftn•th was a visitor in town Iii \Ii• and \II•..'�tl,on Lear, and Ilam;' ti :ted in :�:ratford tun Sundnw Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Summer Time Supplies Wednesday, July 25, 19,15, '1 Acetylene and Electric TO RELIEVE ANI) PREVENT SUNBURN— Welding A Specialty. \Ir. all ND, Kram: \lar -11311 and Agents For Intel'natiollal- i,unily sp:ht '1 :t iIiv in Stratford. \Iarltit, \\'al'lt \isited last \\ctk with Inlet \ce Rainton. at I\i:,cardine. \I;„ \lar);Ir(l \I'mtcith of Strat- ford •pent the hast \\ eels with \Ir• and \Irs. Stuart Durward. NH—. Ilse:Phi: c \\•ondcock i, enjny- ille litlitiAiRl4DttP/ PllhltOtltD►btblertM9NIttA);144DiPiltilatkkttrratiorititltDIDigiltItAl1 Otta\\'a, pI)' Fli !y of \\'intl,ur k visiting +.•Ir• ._.1.4�A•1••1•••'••1.4.4.•; 0 .4•.•4,4,•.4.4.4:•,•4.••�1•�••;.•,0••'+ +.4.41•Iy•;••;••;•O�,),.+ 11,N;•:,.•;• 11111, week 11 Id, ;lit an 11 other •i, Irici !,. :t, \I i„e, Doris an 1 Helen Lear arc 2 •t• li lidaying at d)cdnicntc in the fines. on A. SIKH. ro\V Lake. • •: STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. Macaroni '1 lbs. for 25c Rice 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg, 25c Rinso per pkg. 25c Jiffy Pie Crust 25c Red Rose Coffee, per lb. 415c Laly Grange Tea half lb. pkg. '15c Tomato Soup ... 10c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c \Iiss Viva 1't lc, of Toronto, 1, sl,cnrl- int,' her vacati,'l \vitll her father, al the hontc of \ir. I.cu \fart, :_: Mr. an•I \I r, Charles Sheffield, of .. Laudon, were mrctn visitors with the *le former's aunt, \li,s A. Gillespie. •2. \I r. iicha•d Stewart of Stratford, is ,_, visiting with NI r. and Mrs. Frank \lar- :f, shall. •_• \I r.• J. felts returned hone on Snn- + day after ,penilil,g a fest• days with her daughter, \Piss hazel felts, of London harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing, Vodden' s BAKERY. WIZEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOi1'IE-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "Ti -IE HOME BAKERY” H. T. VODDEN, 17c, 39c, 59k Sun Rex Oil Fanged .. -.. _- .....-- ,--------S►c r.arnf•tx -. . 1'0 REI'EL AND ELIMINATE INSEC'I'S— !-\\•ay Insect Repellant - 39c • 2 -Way Fly Repellant 59c, 98t. DEODORANT'S-- linluet . _ NI ltnl .. DISINFECTANTS- - Cr:line al I\t l/l'llallt Oil Citronella ... 35e. 25c 13c 39l' .\Tri l . 39c and 5Iic ,ills ()II Tom, ,i'/c . 35e and (15c 25c and 75c (111,,1 ide I•f Lino' . 13c 1)ett„I 15c R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. II . • .111 I . a 1111 1 • , , 1 .I . 404,31. I„I, I 1st11 10.3! ,. 00 .1 111{VtlittC141CICI.C1C44111C1C1011ZIeIrela IclCit(t410.1 cif. lt;:at 1c icwret`1'4:141C1Caxia •: A. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN •1 vd , GODERICII — ONTARIO. •t. v C Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted,'• NH. and \I r, • N. \\•. Kyle, Andy and e, With 25 Years Experience •i• \w.II he at lack. visited \\ith \Ir• and \Irs. Frank - .Ilia Rainton, and (.ilrnyrc, at l�incar �1 1Z. 1). 131111p's 1)rt11;' Store I;I,t Sunday. t BLYTH, ON'T'ARIO Y \I r. and \Irs, Win. Lyon of Thorn- 1,2,• NEXTvisa 2• • dale Were \i>itors in Rlwth and Lon I.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15TH •_ _ ..2. •t. ,, ._ I 2 16'1.,- .447+7+++++4.14++++++++++++++1++44++++++0+++-+++++++++++ dna It�rU ti\l'1' lhl' twi'l'l:-('ll(I� •• 1'te• It. E. Craig, Newmarket, On- ,i, PERSONAL INTEREST ,visiting her parents, \Ir. and \Irs• .' t• tarin, and Rubcrta Craig, Listowel. :�: Taylor I•pent over Sunday twith their parent-, : Miss Jane Lear is spending her \•a- \I r• and \Irs. i�obert Craig. .. Misses EIizi,beth \l ill a"d Alice itogersnn visited last week with \Ir• \Ir• and \Ir. Stanley t_hcllcw, \Ir.. Beth Powell is spending this week and Mrs. Fred Hatter, .\il.a Crag. (;ra,hy, Nies. I•r tik Metcalf. and NI Is, with Glenyce P:,itltntt at Kincardine. I ' ElIa \It'tr;ilie, spent last 'Thursday the index rot' 15 pints. LAC. Ilarry \obi., of Kingston was with rclativcs :'car \litchcll• I)ut'slioo--Ca:; you tell me tvliy tht Prices 1; 'and requires dealer, to haws ` a permit to sIll:glltcr cattle: 11'itrtittle 1).1'l(es A11(1 11\1'a(le .\nswver—Chiefly so that a cuniplctt cation in Hamilton. FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. TELEPHONE 2'1 R. D. PHILP'S DRUG S'P'ORE FOR APPOINTMENTS. Mr. and Mrs Stuart Durward, and a wreck -end visitor with his aunt, \Irs. hiss lfettteith spent Sunday with \i r• Grasbv• and Mrs. Franklin Bainton at their \Ir. an'i \Irs. lanes Hargrave and cottage int Kint ardine. lfr. and Mrs. Norman Garrett, and Mr. and Mrs• Bert Nntt, of Stratford, have returned following an enjoyable week spent at Orill a' Niagara Falls• and other points. '.tfrs, Sheffield and daughter, Lillian McLear, 1:.N., of St• Catharines, spent the part two weeks with the former's sister. Miss Alice Gillespie. George, Keith and Alan i)alrymple, rf Lotlrlon, are spending the summer holidays with their grandmother, \frs. \1'illiam Dalrymple. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritchard of Toron- to called on the Tatter's uncle. Mr. 0• E. Augustine, 1\'ednesdhy of last week. son, Janus, of Durham. \vim recently arrived home front Overseas, spent the week -curl at tht home of NB.. and \Irs. Clarence John: ton. Board Information 11t'j ort may be kept at all tinges of tit, nkat supply in Canada and to him: - RATION COUPON DUE DATES trate pi,,.iblc black tit trkct operation. ( un Pon, now Yard .rte butter 'ill til at a time when melt is urgently need 'ii;, sugar •ill to (PI, , l tr1'ep ,i3 to .7 Crl Iu1• INJIIIi` Coilsl1111pllnll illld in fill Mrs. 1v_v• R. A. Brook and Mrs I ' " ' commitments to the United I�ingdunl Kenneth Brook, vi ited Mrs. Gra,hy •1 and PI to 1'13 incluive• and l'\kit.\. Monday. SUGAR FOR CANNING Dural lit t utv'IVC:, are urged by Mrs. (»uc'.tion—1 low du 1 apply for m- loltn I). Itttwiltr, \\return Ontario lions for my •casonal farm help: Card Of r1111illlks !chairman of the ('onsnnu'r Bra';cII, to Ibudget the spending of their sugar for .\nswcr--\•on al.ply in per<(n or 1 wish to exotics, illy ,inecrc apprc- canning ruupons .n that they will have write to your lural ration bo;ud fur riatirn to friends and neighbours, the I form kit 77:\ 'or trainicnt farm Tabor. supplies when large fruits ripen Tater \\'. .\. of :hu. United l'hurrll. and the Von complete this. return it tut the ra- in the se 11(_ u, is not the intention of the R;Itivn .\ (I. 1lnnlen's institute, also to tht Re". .\. 111 x;,a pt:rct'wcs coupon, .lerlarel tion hoard and you twill receive durti Iutitthtratiou to ration either poultry or ,Sinclair, and 1)r. 1lydd, fur their kin1-' nu'nts c.titling you to the permitted . v;ICll fI r the jnnrha e of sn), Ir fill lisp when meat rationing is effected. canning are now.gt'ttIt \Irs• Del t\Ilct t•atit'll'• 4 BED -ROOM SUITES Several beautiful Suites and Odd Pieces in the latest styles are displayed on our floors and ai'e 1►eing of- fered at moderate prices. An attractive Walnut Suite in the popular Waterfall Style is displayed in oto' 1Vindo\v this week. We are offering. i nice selection of SillllnO1lS Steel Betts, Marshall hall antl Simmons Spring -filled Mattres- ses and Sagless Led Springs at Popular Price,;. A call \\'ill convince ,you of the many excellent val- ues in Home Furnishings \ve are offering. J. S. Chelle Home Furnisher !'hones 7 and 3 — !Niteroi Director, F r i4 yn;YI:1WAND4tD:Oral.12t3.asDrniltt411-aUiN A'Attat:// t2,a411: ;IDIPi e.?i''1:1111125:n)il DIA ,1• •i. "4 :• •: ,11 ,..I. N. I..1,., 4,, I. 011 YII 1 1 11 di .,11 .14 .1I11I,I,II.,,,IIr +,1,1..1 1.11 1.• 1, ., HURON G1LL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. •: FRANK GONG -- Proprietor I: • Mess to the during my stay in the I\\'inghant and London hospitals. The I Pointed out, -mud there is a dancer that (h ' '1 — ••II fowl 1' cards, letters• and all other tokens et l tt tt I \Vi I tt I t hunscwiwes, tilt rtrban and rural, may tlic lits rf meats to be kindness were greatly appreciated. l arse the sheat' for purposes other than Canada: .tfiss Ethel Taylor of Kitchener i.; 1 Mrs. 13enjanin Taylor. 'calming. I would strongly recommend Him housewives budget their sugar to meet the needs of their enliic season. ( __ • pwwwwwwwwwwwwwww% A New Shipment A New Shipment of the Famous A'nlermanM Pens and Pencils.IvstArrived. Beautiful Sets and Odd Pens at Popular I'rii�e.V. Nurses Set in White, Pen, Pencil and'fliei'inun�eler A Shipment of Famous Waterman's Pens and Pencils Just Arrived. Beautiful Odd Prices. Set in Pen, Thermometer An Ideal Gift, Priced at $7.50. Eclipse Pens (Guaranteed) $1.15 Eagle Pens $1.25 Eversharp Pencils 29c and (i0c Crokinole Board and Buttons $3.75 NEW STOCK OF CARDS Sympathy, Get Wells, Birthday, Acknowledgement of Sympathy, Wedding Anniversary, Personal Birthday Cards, Wedding Congratulations, Baby Congratulations, Wedding Gift, Shower Cards and Shower Wrapping, and Ribbon. Bill Folds (genuine cowhide) $2.25 and $2.75 Sun Glasses 25c to 59c Sheet Music (All the Popular Titles). Ink, All Brands. Writing Tablets, l0c, 15c and 25c TEXT BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Get your Text Books NOW, as these may be scarce at School Opening Time. The Standard Book Store_ preserving and canning program." On the average tht rural housewife cans 1 and preserves a greater proportion ti her sttpplics titan the urban tvon,an, who buys commercial product,. \Irs Detwiler stressed that preserves cou- . pons are good for the purchase of one- half pound of sugar. Including those coupons declart 1 valid fur sugar for canning the total number of preserves coupons now valid would entitle each ration h„ok holder tut 1') pounds of sugar in addition to the regular sugar ration. Two preserves coupons become valid monthly. POTATO PRICES The u.casona) 'Trop 111 ceiling pricy:, of potatoes becomes effective on July 31, according to at announcement by W. Harold llcl'hillips, prices ;tvul !supply re1•rescntativc for the \\'at'tiutc Price. and 'Trade Board in \\'cs.tcrtt Ontario, Ceiling prices for sales by farmers uto consumers is $2.89 a 75 pound bag, (e1 cents a 15 pound basket and d3 cents a 111) pound basket. fu thc• c ceiling prices may he added the freight from 11;irrnw to the market in which the po- tatoes arc v'I I. This additional charge must not exceed •III cents a hundred pounds, OTHERS ARE ASKING Question -110w much has the cost of living increased in Canada since price control '.war effected and what wits its lrise from the beginning of the war to •price control' Answer—The st of living index in Canada :ntnpileul by the Dominion Bur- eau of Statistics shows an increase of 3.8 points since 1)cccuther, 1911, when I price control was effected. Front the outbreak of tile war to price control Answer—tinder Ottc,tion .._ 11(1‘‘ notch i, ;tllo\\ cd included in hretweries and d:,tillcries in Canailla. . rationed in l:\tisstcr—No t,u,g,u• is use 1. by brc\v- ing; and di,tillios; indu-tries in this present conditions it Country• 4 MEN FOR IIOME BUILDING MUST BE SECURED Home building is highly essential to over- come pressing housing shortages, and to pro- vide dwellings for the Forces as discharged, Shortages of workers fur building homes and for producing the building materials are threatening to impede Canada's program for the construction of 50,000 homes as soon as possible. All men experienced in hnutc'buildin, or in producing building materials, who are not now ,working in either of these industries, are urged to apply to the nearest office of the National Employ- ment Service immediately. I\Ien experienced at home building or producing supplies, if 110W in other essential wept:, will be given permits to work at jobs which Will assist the house building program. All inert, ni)t now ret house budding Dior pro- ducing supplies, whop can fill a job hi this program, are urged to answer this call. Apply at once at the nearest office of the National Employment Service. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. AIacNAMARA Minister of Labour Deputy Minister of Labour 45.W -41E 3 1 i 666, 41110211111361 SUN WORTH Y Wallpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE (LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LAS'i'INGLY BEAUTIFUL PR10Es ARE RIGHT ALSO I)AIN'r's ANI) ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Sttp Pu'ut Smc•1 SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY, > r a F. C. PREST - Phone 37.26. LONDESBORO EDITH CREIGIITON'S DECORATOR'S Si10I'1' PHONE 158, BLYTH. j