HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-10-14, Page 1--�; ,-, 7 7 -7� _11,__,. ­ Tr - ti�x, Y to APIA X �K 54 7 -7 "'J 4 d wataloo lam - V" I lag BE -Of) VgItTED AfALL IV 109S. oor Nurth" streetj vert 'if C In mak. or the �citalenaeor ttevi-Atr; lCt.wovall. 10-1 jij V ot "'Grelfibut _& -2. el l" of *Y1smW.1 7 M71W "i &i A D� y1ger IcN EON G IWV 01 rm,�'V. G. "Ro ADV. Y:z A` and - 11p; ID �ic :,:-,A_N 7`,, .1,41091 . d#bV. .... ... X T 00 "TXN'Lgy-�ZLI VVIX,'41i - U4 IYI V. T.: 06irm'.6-tik im, d.i"xcP*"i61o:0 t6- the,. axteitTasoible Abliukt1idili" hills - 7 dinner fik �'Aiidj tvul h V'0 Simla NICH 'A ft6t,"lixt ijilllid.�t The'. It IAN i's 10�e,c"o wss� EO PATHM� T , 41YKC 'It NC. rci VA Ho�' -Z $2.50, PER -ANN _7 of :1llbi and xSSrzrc.%cr_- - vetq!V; p in ifint 6f 777'� �L, !� i, . D" it Uffitilkillpine" Rod Rivefor'Sitlul.Ae cirt'have or, noa equa little trili its fital seeall Usin Wred fl � �, '. ' i� bt susin"tai,l. trt at di let markets, anj� buit I On V. !Its ,Pro Ii e "torivid. t wat_,= 10i IQ whed,I e, ot e j .1 Sam In or mildlig r. MI I'Ary., an Verg III force in,sover. olm in ZrtS COAL I ol Ik . I -:P.1 S T E It A` JE COAL I La-. alind. T=.. secou"i town)& qw, -frolit Boston., a CPncI am. U (I r tailles ou an k�waitild' Godcrich, a n rivai ble f 'Al —So wi�.Uwdblilir Cr VAOD ita alrw. pep AGOWS _r - 1, : Danada Wool. otice to- apgcwliarmed,�;d` eqtli� . 11 L .1 11111111 � t . 1. . ., A vl4o4O . I � MOO . 1. F . o Wait R'I C E. -to U it atia noariting.:ng wit !eawl I Irtm )iise ii'V. co I wy Q" 2 .gejg Olt Aiiemili CturroxAv I cry.Wedueliday. ;ni it" m ofx*S I- 1 1 loribpeuith4iii-p��iic�' 41111t -6 rt In ATW e, -1 �r big - his 'n'OEL 3t;II Ili., er to ieq largi. 7 . -. �1 �� , , soul."'Deierminei fo 36peri6r, Wtgiltir STK Dq fi an wkiliall, -sug, Wil, train: nor �P*y 8, pp, een ire,41 as a e 2 Is jam is* 0, 'Weric Rl= xp orations over't at, � lec!r�,,i ql� w d �Sitert�! bj SpecCat 0" a very indifferent o�ifiioii dfUi,n ity'of 1 -21 the p. 'e.wa , y�� I 9,op, e.' 'k :in th l,4 up 2 se Ii6`0,o ..,no.j6tici1dfthe4um6omJi'� ,A e� communication ming 11 - Aull 7 nk 9,wevel", aA I on AMAL H .11"Warn 'every, Ing. as e a -ROAM' 'PIWEIR=01L :TEM CjUNoLtM­_ UA rpm -g"'e, Vew 11 ' lared Ith C above is mad plemally -siti 'Castle h4pi y ilia i3ffill6s, over,c Aw- �aiiim, 6 -am. - — I-, I I - he iiip.� expirstidii.ofa. Car weeki. T wmii and R lid- o bil nesdai, -a, wonixii:*itift." on- wi a,- ftWd-, 1". , 'th'­T)' 00 SIC In C� Iki-11A 't. -c w bir and INVEM low. C fo Attetaluace- at- the'muster' . vs rying our.'A is on arm, ng t,4 and LikeMutton;-good 0i"ahards,'Gai0coc '02 13 Ith;,Wi6m, Aind tt: balo* &W W arebduft WA I e, Aff. nvikees sh* Jlt�iliiqkfthree��-pam he K.JSr-`W mactli BMW e ni e IC 'r mitia 83:13 Y 10 sh. -.1liteitifficientfo-r66 ' ' 11 - once. a i , nei;Itbi�tf�c�Ri ei 6d oetir. I in. Zolice'r pliie"XI00.000 'shdws.'IjjajLj.b6'hmi Side- 36�d � that, M �cecd f 71' 14 XZAV OMCE' Aci, Dim ag q;oqu MONTREAL; PLACE I&RKES., 6 a th -of- "I h - v�t&si of ibIe work. wag pretem ng to Vate, conceL iii '! a ciff"GE �cq eater. ItEn,iiand willin., to,contribitite,so'nifich mpt It 'Ution, 2S micrli'oi rV BluT M., :7 Sl� 11 fiona thei�iwme_-! 43 �tj1fine for -ab traiiiii-g;"Ariorled1he at Nandi erifinitti but'SifitielfZ 00000' exam att th6�pqlic.�stst a h ARRIS Secrd rry;�k.- DAViDS& 1?IRKER. ih' h of herteziiiioli66 0R beilli chi c.W oth Chin -0 on Y U ined qiS� I e iiiinolize Won. 01 cons "Soso 'hing',like'a 'pine capacious, sacl� in which� a laip q trii"' AoXorw - o - Id" very is ort way; welnfiigina, �rbs Anmd I be E pay -it,, fell6w." Nt rG n opening up.\any.t ticable ed , " -I I . uIl .,t ­ L If cuil adroit t elift Nome S I 'a. qua kL 1.1"r _B��RRISTERS, NTTO' 411t wiftbi three do next -,time I Call Ir,�Iods could be -e6naesled. #�,lo WETSLAMLAW iitt� r,* : , ' w;,j oe.;m :. ­I�ev-,ny a A PtibIm W- Sir,-, ',-1 '� d Ift, _' ; �, " � - cates of this'e tarprise tnay 4irr, W!", -SCM -r- said, the serge IS y be called *& cons tableI !Sit iii �egalw biaox',q4d shoo_ "'Ad it hear's, wor& he W4,, operatiors,-� Sihjp,, anL, o. -r _x.ti a �But the wag cou n low, wh: otupartwo witir and 6fliddher 960Rih- he�rebeiv� with Uri estitmate of"flie cost. as�,Iraar t HIS FIRST-CLAWHPU�X kasbe�a i Dodas6t� drdevesl Imp 0 accur' -vated A 7 -So UICITOR rIN L cently� thI3roui zi land riailere pereraptiDly Siummons, to sppear,'fo' the coni Thic..Urr Gcoacs P,�fiis &!Io*.,,ed 6y any o�,' i leadih ed rtht, 4acy, as !an T, To be� She. iii, -mbl. ' add oimb&oin� of N4gi't6jnI6rw Abeinbsbit ;rib; at,i.qpmJl Wrtial in the Sl&j&yjjIititSS,, Toii 'a randcustomint xilay&petid Itauts"bUtbe, . Ced n ties, o . It kc- olfiic�,Alarkct S Sind ted6rthe�pnrpdm-oftrj_ing delinqu�nl d- A ed Haron is 'a�iiouneei die, it Si,;.!t, §;42 -smi �Mxp Sit of this. g6aiderripp-a, bf Ki viiitg I inost careffil anon nee, 'braltar. collecting suchas a spa" oui'i6fthe W' an luitrij whii,li;t1e; &A to: Brace W be itaidez'Gi native o themorth of thi �an ,ould Moderate cliarg"t Be' Me P-.Lp-otus on lui�o ized,b�,`the - 'Z�­P, f!F. imilli X.ii 'a at I"d-:00, can zion-p%rformieii of.duty. hou.;.ti'i a mak Ile= alligg,'Milts-iiid PUMM 'He would, par- of A'Ma* 1,7 corriepondtiq -the A he ' iiited-'6ne he waited, upon said, ost,respe.eted,. pi- Pliiladelp� a6�.bf Wi A., Ury zi6i'hild"im""Ild �iiSumty-h , ouger i I. - 7, wefl�Q inipro St r itSi_� AeSmi- _00 nei:i;- an& ticlilirly,fdiiw, kiiteolloi,.�, to1iiiii, Mille. 0 X;P �h -hisjn46 '.-jt -would he - � In _!ix io, says It,, atlent " r*: SIP - ;, in tiaia.� po size aw son, of thc h6v� WhW440 CookIe,I:hePa;4i6.'( Pullip-8 raid the -.-ni �.Pn 910, to 2. 1-- thetiPr6prietlitr will spwje6weith�,- willmarrant,them'to'free beat frota & as to it�order7and whire hef6ak"th ose awfil hi f render thif (tafitidrubj anti in M. d' iiiiiii lq� awred iwfioby�regimentals, and wh �,repar.Lll()n y imp el WOOS il,lili'iiii��'W ro Agent point a I I riegnatI16 Alrea y tree-, _f - yaller," eps thiAitle to'comimand jan4shoyelswill ­iditei; Silettes'ireri e6;3uih sid iifih bt tIhi vs. . A I C - . 1. .2 1 - I _ Joelia Sftikt a&d_ JIr&lftbrJ& Ri,oa attehtioa`&`n`dpito6ua realicatlLbf.the I;e2 b6. . , kW SoLlOtTo"._- thei ' am- an inactive opernuoul, and froin. thestI�'i6 C bid0kiii0trifinents, wi spgu,,,,, C�: rising Iao�Rv -Dr. ltdaSI IS d at his Xc DRUGS, �:7U" TDODDi hoi 4werlen.'Oftobetr'30'. 18 ex fokifiantions6f6verysize,:c Kii d4r, a- - 5 nijil, from the - b iL on, e matter 6 rVilpi IjgL to s '. ys with't ese. w.=' I rwe motrici Mutuail Fue 11 hofd andi val�jl ii6d; hibidon of. spurs and buttons, a put a direction:of thejunibi -member j6f'the aUi bmtorl;getiting,�WATh i ­!V.�Iriam _e taked airevr leasi of life, 0 LI I constru st"iltiks,k" rMirtizimmAxe o the tablig,'nad the a id �,Z�ZZa -pe fbae, th "lind eni t 6" IS' e'j-hts berea"ISSifil' to nitti ive iT a tuactigmary equameniWthe examivatiou ilaie liel 14A-0. :i� G 4041.1 9166i :SS -1 86LICETOR IN -ni InAraneeL C ­i3*)" of. Ca=d&;, C_�� -country or ISIS as, is�; illi ap 61 J'j. jj,_ L A p)*h�ndln " wi� ly own j- Smove %tZ-.-d F.' �iit cioia f.- hftm 'AIJI!e% _, Y� _ h6uull�uiakly oa'6� rei CST" L itencei where'vendmen am�ao AN' fd from -Ar UarL_'SLHuIel4_- JMD: ag a Wo or movu iL i2q. !"INDia.the abo" off"""A" 'st W, we- atiemnab r Car ;rithout'-,mutittiri rd, ag A'. I le to :_0RACE:R0IVW1C, Agi 1 1 , , �­:�, " , L I. , rolo . 0 g ­bis' P"'On We wth i� I muscle, of In* aq-. IIS4466iid�titni into . p to -yr ibiu" 4, d it cev rr, 6 to God- 14Wbi y6ur mitme. ISLPY the, bl, ezi '15�ttii, knoi .h TTORVE�_: SQLidT0;�'&c-. Gtinr- A in mease& A - lie of-"-' ithe�ba ofthe at!v ate' than e time sitem I rico 010 tioniojit'iIiiudcr. *one.-, 1 0, TOLiM Vat 04ou Ing Pat IT hin, CK, W'.-Oritmit. L B U'o , t I ther cSititse."ilian a; irsitorous,sujrr;an� -,A-Iixilb, oui dqr_ he the 9 t T Of anjjjmj� _.L,;! eniranoe Fir -lAfe g.W HQU:Se. QUeen Pini Md 'Rmn6r`has it; lhait�pnce I appearign6f� Of his, ly!iSiterconlie, It Aj a_ elimSemi.ponsty Y. A�"4,4.,ag�ormen."Itof surildl th F miaenkliSifionjAy -,or ril ibanil'be held kibii-ir 4itousrio... Camero-L �Iwhat IRS a ri CJjjM"M' "'Jil"hoilf "lli1mued'imithi rpboilding of -all the. 1�dexa'& You 061191 AAW, d rd pirti e-arsena a.. RNEYS�At­ DISPENSING CNEXIS'T A� DRUGOT1 �Mefb, _t Tfvpoii� L ". '1��jd* L plac;- DAIRISTEX1. - AITTO Sian -i e&&ek p ISIS of a his o0iv6Jie'ww bililva` &wlzi�which44; lleitroyid 4 C4aplitial"41.01110i,000 :*ItA "Rikhthand side j bee Jor- 111"Utill' _ 9 St a Fer" N _N E'' P enemiji,,', I, C. C"E�kov _D tan on goipp e U I' tlL'U GL. S I Is rm'rit]iture ; I pody, prin Ik!M tPq iHoli haveyou: 4 . � . � it ADA'BUANCH. makletoiLolder no me "no"Ca" U and a half,"' kttz "rhoinamul We fiH ry witil 81 1612. (A on t OW.0 &rejomr DIJIXCTOU: Agill �!�-'V! continued the er �ftn d7l Asi) PROVIINCIAL �sq. (Prejid' -WK. o i F �maa Ind Reidence, rulan snri,4! . . - � I - - P is HIE lr,� It IV A)khm-efl-moray"Aad this' R "I whai Oe �is Imuer or In the with' _T Hum. o"'T."G. - *i§, I vl t -1 . , a art. Ea It 'will ti�cqlect e noun ii Xii KAT *ersr ff0rLst'&:ibATrtK 31"EDICINES' Haiial"Titil- T&ITOR" T*"RANcI` 0 Ua Cars AS. Aq-, ._q COURTS I:VEy6R kN-b fle, - niq& in &Mland jAL L.!LN=�U I.Sirs. mattal at titzksin*�t e4emise IS ei PILOVIN j#Wbst JUIV .1, 161 ci� -_z cli 'to CARDIEWSC10% lilt4 ac.�, YANEVE11YA; RUMBALL, &Y �.PJINVP 111,1011110 -. I � . I . _V it 6 bad IS e#1 to C.;, �"; :r _ ­­ Newto% I Orderskov� bleditcali'men. p -met -air #. W4, gon'. you 2="r; me ' ni�.#U �Ct� . 'I , V lb.0r pire t it#ml g4!0 -aFu;d residiiii ft; In mid SiSrvo lie, at V" Pi;, 1 - C. Wit. J ISO. In ran e person n I a. Ali* rall Bb f6i'd -D` D, 4-1tigh*ici KiIii r V IL E,��GlNt�EkS,� P&OVINCIAL V�Bt_Myji — OCTOBER; Main", 6 Y"ll , . _ ��.j . , . L, or Huri- pedbeil In, e., !ery, 40 1111111te Vol jud I his in rdimiateii It N, V' th �Wjh tod -Azi ;Ui Oils t e u r 1 00 --,.yen can gd.o said,, an et IS �7 fe . r j � It orm?r , If, sti-ilid. i,, _3� 7��, ahipi, tar "itizi *ii� be d IficaL r.- a r and �h -*orkthIea_ p IF q A C'Ejise6pal O4�* 'Leith Thilradaj ....... t . 00 0 vw minis a q yl�otl*rii� - 'Yed in mij riand tjo no Vuibli 23 9 ar ­ � "r, N It' [I& "" __. - w,tif the o er. �lioceses,,- -The new" sim,to nd.C�>r 'id' SURVE OR Coto tAI4 11141mo, 6d - -L' satu Kiaesidine. But ip6ifited'asi W6�rip to. the door.L aria Blida jai'l!j Yelled thi jnd odati,: �'re%� or re mr Conan be-Ijiwe preach '1L. ed You m6y 'o" 'U'Aw IMPARM i6jil %bat p. , "Good he f ROCK &COAL OELLS- 'sit [IV God IS. _jk-poilin -a Mani CaW,4 ffiffiistliati 941SHW4; and;ihereby I is ioA*, of aotA q y1j*VW= CariSpbellt; for lij ­ 1, , '� . - I � 7 Iiiiiiniltaces, 7 j, 'SICIS� Ii - . , 1 iiijilriops not on y,�IST 72itraing lylu� salm that",. f limp G& Y E ft _k GV ;djjjWPWt _' 'L oirpritFa lamp, 'Contillued! e am �ea BU6p-;`iof, 'Kil ial�iw this'�bteiisfw cab t Jij�W NT., *AI qne d. -G �r U by ti�, %m4iznmdT f1birt Liho The late Prima f6r, 6�b- F ;, , C -m' j, since I I me I ; - jQ -Ins 5-- 015cei Broad- SIX C.'W.. J-17 7. I%M nu jj�k:ark�, coav�=Ci sce.- F .1 Rj� .1 . ..... e , Tj 9' JAJ&;tliereg GiIdeneh' Jan., 17 1959.. ECMBJJ Uk� jj -,�199779P_ -Acm, ��Aot: %be cle UNT 3111- -7 Ir alamm, sessinaij nothing to pe , 1he Ldk&pit� the 'I has Y. ilia Ij6j ,,Jj=p&n �Ir. %, WO&A y., who _a 16gimen Ilieviewit-OfIthel Mantei' _11s'sto-Ilga-V, TILE COURT,OF Chjef_6jE. doojiL 'M aid ammi qSSCi Hea6h,conveyariber W2 x R.eg- New Y, Urk al a 0 Show IS or.7: I � I I -- - - ' C r gumm-o,nbd," -agaid,16 good, a rVal rn, Lo;; a -M . L ,eI, _fair iial,,�� L :1 sa(ugn I dIrr -, iNonday - Our frien was never 15�-, IL - _kl�� � - , nz�Fp ` KOLA Sur iii or desiriag"to IS- G Tainiton- jn.,vWdi train dUrinj iiiinto-thelld,qu,alibes, ayfield.." Pt of � Farm � and rj;LV 15.4 Dealer in X In Tit Wreiliden" will plea!ie , Imuzw� K ii'skid`ti hii.cliihiii�*ezidirgidngt a P_ lij sir orhe Xg it ,4jlhy tWittiond 19 ke Co. nz Ems, 7 -q -r� cegire -'C-- Inc *t Y DEA VANEVE11 RUMBAL4 &tjii y -2 mure.)sipiputel.Whis Smi ILERS1111 FRUIT. Yj rda' 0 BUT of V�n,- UpSEPly-NEE ' I 'Agetim ;u` Shrub-, Or- a and 'Orname AN"Extiekl' ir §CEgE ded :'n24 Us- k IF r;jd Iro" I- SAXPL= (From 11161hil _0 P. . U -N. pro"ItSey ate- So. 110 Of vario _ 13 ..... . -1VqtWrCIgtes the�fol owing Ma, lium, r o pasi I (�j.) Dr.:HL- Lt slimat the Isitlilitt8my Marie IkTr4y E oc iijamm zva -VA"V=y &_j&M0ALU` 'hodisC '17 244 5,5,7.iti� 1861.' ."Tun tp-w -M­q-"-- ie", 1101 beo' (I kw*ed,7to,% to sno!r at . -, - 77 IC­�COOPER".L Mitiltatp have I o"i "' , ­ ", . "133 � . ".. I of the COSSRUI, & - & IS Capa oil hq eventfig.- A� psissengpF I. c was- ibo '0 da 19'"o 0 , "11 i C ;-ASSU"XCE COMPAM ino lie t"t- to,' wha",-Uml 7 =-- n �Sx v a. UIV& 31 - _a -Fojwaidergi ion Nerchant1l, C parti 3 ;3504U 7, Ul M Aq 14 ��t the Vii *W- -- P e,6eii-44 Thw�,poii; CM04 th0_411 -P se%err� A�� .0 Offifii-i*Toquito Mani move 0 �w7 .., , III, ' L , , that t a Mount Brit" ciirCompanr" emid lute-- t Ainifici Aizsm�Cd ents, 7- I lu e, ir� , a them. The,. cai mk Yertisem �Bi* L hate "bit jolujanCIS. 4�iiei�tjm all' tM 1;A, _a!jUAL.of in GeriVe sMON �OF. REP J HALI)AN;jr.. of the jittigigS P- Oat' imen, e ed ito Ii5p;314; AM. a6aedgmfiviora eterrmu ima,11CL I I � I ' - 11 _N ­ negi go6d Sp atter, ard"a If at;* a bull can in dtirtailt cei 'the I _W-., At: re�rp&firorm, of th. t"kyp qjjh�tt �" 1 6.2 Fit, E1111 DESCR 0 ii�� lut th' rebels a, Memo, D 9TM3ryi du�4,Suzxl, waili - .1 /� -itoevery.s ve; to rdCj. Wed&og' Hitip ol my Own Snake. 14 rtbe ei;;-, Of ilimlit: it", �cb, 9, 18 L 1011331, , "ble' ftlt� ream r-",, ff-a-atola"_ ��-Tc at �A.Tiy kept -a hand;ai dieod stsm neittillo nui some PIE he a :rx me's t viro Sj�.�Jofijfie_ .' 7'.L . I'� : L . ., _ lfi n�Mg mt A, -tq f A oil not, arge, ,tiN,i.7, a -on re "�'d emu j tL __ - I atImd6I8f,4�Jh6u Ihe. �ffrs in "_.!k= P mc� �n piplin _Jlhe w _V' 111M TEE ' '; ; t., ') NOOL 'a", jjIle' Fill aid' ANLq:A�CTLTL.%EKS, A SK ':'104 11L I it. - One -of"the Triistel' N.jj DEALERS IN QA J jiliaLliftobjeh oni every' dems 4 ad 'taining.the m4mister of. 0414��tg_. Or Ame In I AT, lim ba jd�jfiemtt' in,lbat region, it PLA Ualil J�Wj'e �a;=PIII6 T.Q;,C_f_ itil ­ - L' ­ ' "" ­ The rej. -to ftCL S�i L $5A71,7= Fd .the in pter. cong was.5-:1patia wqm A rni4 an Into SL notinji.jofiar 'the;stove-D,-�uz'. he self. i:z- ;OWIrou blwk, id e�& ag sit el- jh' Sit a eatts .,* . i 'Coal 17o aju-jutiant goir = 01P , pej"Y.Ins tall Brittaik We 00'6 VVI tb At ii Nbs#�kt, OF L,�n,& 77"_7 _ �... _ _L ' � ­­­­ -A,A", S. m_yt,IoII9, I " , ". . , , " L i - , t didw a choir p4r1i quielims 165 �:bia. L . . I -'T , a _III.,. C F -;di forthaLgbove highlf4estieclable cum LL" OrimI 9IM im 4w1writeia . beelt appbiated . -6 r IS, -in.-retaimmirthan 4*,w fflitf ',o it h lie, lifienem add thegrain iii'vel 106�lies- V: I L-10ey. g`rr.-,s,, p -i i!r to, it 1-7: oFrigr I - 11� ., . th capabi I I woibirui�a, Oct PAID" 4' -rit, ot'' omers for :the 'K -ad� the siiMceexeri, !SGPpon, a -d. A and rnat a natfibeebf, n stac4ift _�.oittti -tit, 'both Firtand to hisn, in tbe'.WvL f "and ea;mpantes,irorepared to accept _4X. WIS, Sit. pe -u Ye'Y, "en'st.1 ee an,, :!Iii, that oe, t &ISE �Sareili In ft;. or-�,Sir Reach ; tiewImmewe 40'Iritrung conviettow the' siii� -41, lohn me] blieriaks, �s 'Ing. the, Aline count%- AUCA011: Litideratitgotelitit pftf how XUAK, j Sum .-ad. ad haiiiiing g I& ims"Kiia" t�­ , 1.wfiiJId_­ Ing 0 051 1. '.Th rfte W* sts, n of aleddirilb 16 ersi V�M'CX `C0 GildeAch,4121 kiii4� "'exper.eni mea I Ttar e W r A;Vj_3G'L1WEV TIEZ, C, tija SI;.'0fwhiahjJSXom' ell I JIL"i j,,�uj hi, d;iItla TEMLij"z.v-lez= It D 1-11E[W Wilt Ill, I C Wit kierg map Mates *bi& the Alormthoi evt bi; lifid o "On to�lay attelL Plans tbetz Ireva-Unciall, bu all is4rariiw were ser,raily.sco d i6nj�l�rcdax th� *.p to wocititarl, firia S, ICV We k_ EA visr:­. OU -7 6f ihe a -j7&,i i brjiiehiS�LP rUCS'S& Ve mat li :tie the, tiken, in it the, edIiim,'tl& countrY, P!, '—d"ki lid _,to "d6s6WG -Nar-w ey Stiong thcjjv�_*" 6i �-;in er LJ 4� cnp=ty.:o a. _ . _ _ _ - -- - - -- -1 , _ A" # - - -I -INSI, - 4 'row, owned bj.,XXtC4mCT0I for the Pur IS, ,�W, iialf- bi ��t f ad ffibulm, "Oil t PML 0 =tt . , _ _r t f istminiiii, iiiJ r i het Q,=w effs� t1a -fi6olb 'with h 'a aep WSM lial-, kdd-Ig rre t tell, -E 1�&orjcoe _Jimi Carry L.r it"re,fall="i em ased ti ;as sup _ry yFso amy'll 'AND, WIDOW , JAI be pa .11, , I . i �ee�ioh` the ifian, 616-170YAst, . , ii , =C AUCHON, it price, A in Cast , _ ;!19* oU, 'W_&e�o the, &efi -iwiSio;. affairon. Z-7 Th, ilia iiii i xpnnggI.. r M691'1,66 f3iorablie. titall �bj,,- 'thisleftemie, I U!j TV A 9 � -- u � I I ­ . . ­­.� "W' W I - , �o =1111. cicwd '800FA i�MeN!qp-, 4rch= if,lititr, ".1rill rg"expand �ola -1 �NXI fine, ni�L!' I U nk Y� 0 '01' in."". "J'a'"rPeverAl, public thiS 1k& 7WbaUvCr.Jn ]a' respec 1 -so little: of to ealla in;(IlIfftSon; v;beMev but-' SUB ral W U pbhaj)jY h6, 6*q m Zhe T&Vim of ofthe! Asiolm'EA"M Still C4xfi&;LL �;ioi i'p-7PER aX­ ev I 14 MOW da";.,and.,in'this real hill -i" PdLi ep.9ift,­ RnOreol contemplates will nevirthildieft,,smade., The y- rue, -,viii a 2 Vol re 0�oitcr`t ji'M" &h "7 t to, _ I tir`IY�',A . 090- i6dmr�,ofthq 4e sin or: o wor Mops the,nreeeeiPl,,_n-'h Ae tirizas tfully im"Unce to e a - I tempi a, u j bob one, wer, Is 0mn­Q35I�me5"P­pa'pe!­p 4 W j,,tempon -ofthw asium- ANA "a n h eted `B 'Id- of, t" Province mIpo ly ac i. aziNCLEM., T H13,1mbacri" Link S'Mil�or must MXALD, �vmuim JIM sbeir.'s llyste"I I'Mallon; lilacli a I Ilia illy ml inter'! N." but tfinj hiive'd G��eh� I 0jL 9-d PROIJURTY,'� lbsclCt eAV(*J`,b6ID' `ery� ran haa time e Ist ibii� �, �­ din' d i 4 of,'jhj isothermal; lizesy k tplfl T110 wit _210. � =.7 IN— ad IS clot, 114'. f006 w 7 "his lieeii 4JIOuDe_ The oecupa WOO A, � . ­ , - . -, i� -M nitc , , , -V ji 3 Th '28ti YRKAk - I" ro, rw,. IS it -tbeirae es -of.". US as M -d! ..... . 11-h . Aw :r I L �­Yml quf., ort am me�*( _TOW -fl N' Will Q.� bought:btiteiCilift of" . :1 44 tfolk, N ll t R_k&esWt1k%fM Die I :a -ir-NIZ- It amen 'I --tit whiteepa 0411--it.RM 67 RO Iiijil[ftin MIXTY hd is _'L-- le 6 ormatio�, an ce 116g, litu#gling, 95 __q 0"" �?f 1 : ., - %� � I -i&" p ARTS a IS Ali i wit ew le _ Arp iOr �ALL' _76"M b- 1 1 �=. �. aW g .1 goes into atkildei interyeb , 0 mtr" -(f ., ­ 11 -mom _Yj ;CMUM", ea. '.mUa.jA:tjjjiw$1 Blorld; aff:&Zeg a b j M, C2, et 'Aotie-4, , _ bestCoulatir'. NOW �i I So -lorm", OP mi 111r�7,11? "' I "i, . t6o, _ [a mst;*gg aiiii q frontier ai"@�IiOrlii, me iv� to -f Z rx oil 4'LaW Chaiges podemte As," _sR it Sloj'e.' iojj�ttje, VOU wort'latet Wp Wa -pti, 00 4AmiN& _#6r1knew Wit TOC one, , ?i 1i t� ;;Apd�o_ - 116"N"1111--.1 pay. p avo VOM �ii Ing IQF Ai ;' " ." '11M - MIA ry ju _MULbe�' I& Hbrjm, vj�glIgigeg for A P: —H!- Wt Mup- Z��7 UIPM, W JW, _ h" Y L so Tel and -g APP UKRAL DIM. RITW. an --- m-- I W 3" to Jib, the-"- pikin this 9w"If , , "._ CC I I ci , VINT_ lid, PM.0 bm Mani. W, Af b �rqjSjj Cj'punly, ften== 'U'Ll'ito Y.LI3 he Miami%, I _,W� SEYMOUR, ESQ., _b If wts.-AARVIVI C"Vl TZA u, T4,�� Nt­�4' r elft or, wy, JL 'I, j ?,the Jjn�, to e Z SU13�go , RIBERS W;,:t6 d p Pf CAR- *14t." VIZ7 Uooen prielt-,tWo�o - , ixc�,_ '. " - - 104 - .. -1 RM wt; L&M, :-u- gulf$ ch 27. Vji T t"�,P!§ 1206m wren R j 44, bmq KT a6deir _T ML Z, SADDtML. "MaT J V, rkusg�fivui ths'! f� I mwow=. VINIMN at* gix Liggg Dow 11117 _,", T _`iVbSCbS`;bi -?" - _=, 11 ­­ 1,111. _ ; ��­. , !-- 'm sp -jr V ki� b MV owk IMP 4'. W Agnol -9 ��, �il� Im. INT . M Irl, 109 s7ama nwl' _kW A� Ch W ARM 40 4,66*41w 'Y 4, Sg 'T d" Woo; X k 1,_i i*@ tb cc, 6 #06otb, - L ',L j I OCIN j%hX&3r,LjVM g -"l zl _�,H� . J. z ter Maiket js*,rjc�, Jill Ifth'. 1851. A T' 7: p. 0 P Y- R C 'P