HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-09-05, Page 41-11, '. M -71-1-U 170 _.. '37- - . , I .7 I "I ..'. , x - , I _ I" I __ , 11 '1�1 � I . � -1 �­—,--,------ '_ 1 7777-71W71 7�� -m ,,i,�% .. . - . 1-11 It N. * .11• ., ��.� ,,Z-",, -g w� . e. - �­. , , " 11 11 ­ p.�, .�­ I . ­ .. , , � , ", - I � _ " o_­�;" , � I, . - - - .- " w , - — - . ­ - -'4. -,j;;. , F , . . • , 11 . - �_- ". �� "t"', I - 1� . . , , , � , . , . � - ,� , '. ." :11 -- . . I ... � % . , - ,�� . - , I I I ­ . - .r I� . � I - , - , ,.— �i � . I 11 I, . , - 11, . - � .. � I I -1 �"_,._P " : I. _ 'S - 11 I I, 9 I . ; - I I I I f , I i .. I . I i , I It . - . ­ I . ., - S% � I . . ­ � . �, , I � I I I'. � I .. .e e . I . . . �.�­ . � � . . I - - - q .: '.� ­_. -1 I,. .4. 1. '. I . . . - -1 ; .. . - ­ ­ , �, �.- , " ., � .__ `, I --`f M; ... � ., . ,� _, , , , , 11 .14 -11; ,11'..., �A , , � . �" ,Z�, - _ - . '-.. ­ , " :�� . :N �;, ,.- ';�,,i�;', - .:5-v.,_`.�, ­_" 1, §Q��.::�' , - , , '�Z - .- _� ' I - - - "'. mi.,4, ... .. ,;� ��:_ - I - , . _ . - ,�.� 'a:h�c,:t. _� �_ � I . ,- - '. 11 . , " ,-W , I , i -1, � - 15 .1 - J ,._..-'a1-- -1 , - . , . .�' � - Zni� 7rC-, -,--�;-, +.-'' ,-- , - � 110 - --- —I 1 ___ 11 — - - _._ ­ .- .--' ____ THF, SEMI-W-9:EKLY SIGNAL. ., I i 1 V_ �� .- - - rp . �_ � - .1, . . '7�10 1 . dftu .r.*-". 40,141car,01111171111011101 - ----.. :1 I n I !­� _�___ . uuwr..r%l . x3til"1011 Xv.w I W, - I I TOIRE I � � • 0 PWNTERS. DR. HULL'S NEW 't . Ry . � . I �� , � I -cts,J&9� I 1(47Cr3-_D I YRR. EMU MANUFACTO , , - - .. .", . AND 3MRVET WARE, GODMCN, �4- , . . . . Pre % '; ,- . ' ' 6tore - - D L�&, -, AMAMI, i, &c., for Sale, Cheap! ;u _ :� !" . � Leather & FindinP � -- ----.- I 4 . . fle. to =to, at a bargain, a - I I` Zb`L'%tT,I_(`hAa,I ., *;msth Cir -s" and a llkl'.Z'�" ,Te P1081'e ROOM-RAFSAB NEXT' DOGR TO H, HORTOWS SA L ) _ I , I -, - ­... I T )"I,_& " �"r. * I �- 11. I- I I - 'IC., oc,is III Wrill'.d.. - .#' niam desirous A. - I . 1. SCHOOL BOOKS, .. habitants of Godbrich and 11C19bbufirhood, tbatbe "a's "O" T"1411V . I A I�aTjk I . � . I VA a staple — of .�" Ity, the prepont will T . "Vo Y The Currant and Gooseberry . ,• eons HE scuthaw,ri �elr 1. I - -_ _ . -_ - . . . Topened &*Z.P.?-=— Tbe Current is an Oxc(tedingy valuable Ida r I'L r=1 i a that loca ' :P Nedidne 11R'y I I 7 I ea opeam al* I, Rover, Fail., S41r_ALr1PX"W1F 9 � preserved b:,F,-J,, O Joi . PI fruit, growing with little core, all pcirt:culara a py I . FOR the cum ofiluicases Of the t ,-. .. to - . . - ith ease for culinary purposes, while I% really Wit . mon, .r if by letter, I-INZ-dic, Cox, LIVER AND STOXAM - 11 __ - -L QUO r pc� and well grown current is not to be des- .qig.,d ()I rmq o0eass �� ,!lee, (lodericb. Indigestion, "Bl�ous affections, Palpitation of . . � , . � ; 9 L I I JA0 � I.,sed for the dessert. Untiltheadventofthe 4 _______4__ theReartl ..css of the Bowels, Sick- J, GROCERIES . currant warm, it wits subject to no envm;e., of - Headache, Piles, Jaundice, aid �l other cam INC �UDING LER ... ;.1 . rousit-cluence ruitl this scourge we think is des- MANUFACTURED where an opening gentle pbysic Is inquired. . I ' J. & J. SEEGMIL . .CROCKERY, .. fined to W-� Away. The absence of red and 'Wo . I , . B IOU, BRAIDS, Hav wblfe currants, for a year Or two past, has I. -_ I ig I EWING MACHINES. , -, . greatly ealaried 116 fiscililleT01174116 Mau- ssop thev have been . THIS MEDICINE J� ctory, now keep COnowidly"lls hand a R Ell, & C� taught the people- le. -ants ff CROTC,H . PATTERNS, G, L A S S W A " .v,,*y$I,)wtolearn­tbat the black con M. WANZER & CO. CONTAMS NO MEROM I . Large and wen Prepared- I . are among the richest and most valuable of MANUFACTURERS OP ORANY OTHM9 DELETERIOUS DPUID- Wed MU " Patterns, ke., ars, Coffetv our fruits for soaking, jellies, wine makillgi 06 STOCK W- LEATHERT Consisting of Liquors, Tea) Sug or �iii fact all domestic it,". - ' I he"'!!Zlish varieties Of gooseberries do G MACHIM! BEING VERY PALATABLE, ��_ Or every description, including . ; es, Figs, Raisins, Almondsi ft" ft- not tac bore. as a general thing, being James Stmet, Hamilton, C- W- It will answer f;,delicatclasam 4 or children. ; 11 ; L Tobacooes, SPic . I I --..--- subject to, mildew, though by close pruningI It is simply a helpmate to tu4c;i,hig env" SOLE, HARNESS &UPPER LZATH'R . end mialchin, , � W. 1B. PAIMERS I . ', the surface of the ground � and a hoafthy,not lotl to tt�e Stpostich, the spring at" ., Calf and Mp Skins, - _U 4C> 3EL gal - around the 1, nots. some obtain a tolerable life whence The body derives 114 succor. of Godertch mal ;1 This Medicine being very Philmat to the torte, Begs to inform th�. irthabitmits 3C 1V 3CA X . . crop. The ff'hilesinitA we have found to be ' A . in h those invalids who Purrounding countn, that be has opened the store For Sale on otie of the ba.rdiost of English sorts. Buttwe N.�cupi , , . 0, 1 Wines; Booth's old Tom, and- Deg v r, .. mo lately L I ting; to the British Exchange, BjkSLI? qH&, yal: CISE H.;=. Brand� Bale and, Dark I Port and Sherry =11." .e (go following inquiry, he ct W ,.. 13' Rion, MVq. 4y., iK-;wh and .in, Whitk(!M L- i Ale Started only to initruduc Air - I assortment of kloods L" . in and wl'lch we am anticipating , � ! w or. beero n next til keep a - . - ith great succors, inti is likely to emperxde ail in the abAvo line, ane will Sell Cheap, in order to , ; O,aw, . in == Be,,, 'yes, received, a-p-inne I- - 6. FAM. HUILAL New YORxF.R _Will you'�Or , :W Induto a large pauouagc• orapproved credit. IntheirL,,cathernridF,ndings Store, they keep, together with the abore art icle$ some of year sub,coribers., please inform me I and well select- yotir paper, the beat manner of cul- AGENTS; 4-A L S (5-- of their own Xanufaic;ture, a large a 1EESE, IND D MY FAICK11, IM - M, 91 If Liteead - . �'d block of , I CH . , , tore or •currants and ,Ie . WAIMM & CATTLE I F. JORDAN, an . .;f -, . I 9 . n ]Klw -wpm Am _W C!alf-Skiias, MOMCCO, I ' pruning is to be dune, ane how t and when generally. 16 V IVIF-W mr-A 31;ii.L , French er Patent'! . 11 . — . Seal,Grain Goat, gnaTnelled0ow, HE CAN AI;D WML SELL . AS CHEAP. AS N E ELSE. I � . I tit Making - old wv�,d is to be cut out: and how suckers 10" best k Dress . patent Splice, - - - Rreiv1wrivated? Also,,% hat kinds are tit AND "E� I - CALL - to cu;ti,eate for family use? -Henry. lit., 1612.1 12 Mn,IW, from Toronto- And Other Leathers, besides a large 0 .1 , I Condo by Mmy. B. Saundc ,y, . , .- . , c4re t Variety aiwr on handl- LININO. AND siNpINO-SKINS. . diose of I Z �­ _ Millinery is .. - The most reliable gooseberries am th -1 , - 1,aiiiie,,1 own *111 ado up. All ordern ri In -e. from mildew.- .1 to. _ PRODUCE T A, It ". 1*111 9 an-im THEY 11 -AVE ALSO 1-694.10to Ameriean vri�hi. bring vitig let L promptly amendI . I I .,. Hou - hion, , ,Seedling, Downing's Seedling. . 11 . vl4n4O-1y I I I � _" --- ao� Aloun, I I 11, . "ench,141�joll`0861- - I . - . tuin Stelling are the princiletl . -.44009- ;I. . I The first two are well known, twil . ____ .— . . i vat, ules. . . 1�1 I � Crimping Machines, Boot Trees, CAMP- I . . I . J1146 ". . GODERICH; -Jasual`Y, 18151- . .. ft.. 'IT , .X. :4). - the latter somewhat new. jcoinbf.ai,�,, .1rachi-.1 .% , --�,� .•) -, W. . , . -_,� - I I � t _'.". x of good currantil. 'ANZEIL & Co.*s C i . �Z__ "i * , lVe have ii good variety � I , JY Se Blocks, and Lasts,' I 7—. . . - ' I ingMachincr, "V - no tes . . . - r I , I all I European ori,,jec we believe,-re%i re . . 'I I " 124.1oisO. and . I .� I, I ",I, I I - %, l'ile. mid block. 'Y� following ale liftOlt ,, br,ii qindities of the 4 . � Z_ . ' I 11 - , i 1W '... i 19.4 . ; - .c. ics . , 11 -0, V, M sir hute.,i, and runk the mot perleet I i ' prand1ron ZVaus, rit,ric $ , � '15. , '17; des Able:— It - - rPAPTill' OF CROvr-.% LAMS, -orevery depeription, Z# . . I , n' l�%`j.r1c`p1%,f-zewinir 151M,hine now betZ>m t c pub D PAIR & . . . ati!eL excIultv of its . . ElFaicties, Frandla, &-, 4-, together With " full . I.i- ft .- �, w U vulflwlycit'umchv� Xnerabition for I wt Y, RLD.--Red Dutch is an old and well .,'r�vs "Illipilt L, ro. I !' C' 2 'A July, 180. sleek of the best knownsort, with fair-sized bunches and ber- ry family The Public, hzv'� vinly I 'Es! - I .. " grower, I ,lion ,,It,, evi, OTICE is h;:y'.&,,!m9 t5hat the lartill; in the S�- H 0 U PUT AltTICb- __:a,,,JL . . :t __-.-� I -idmaft It is a good beurur and a Cite grow , .all and ,xam,.e I,w themselves to be fully . - . 'M , . , a www ries. , artiest its vidvit.nig" over All ,,(hers now In . NTownship ' � Montengle, in the County of gnmar MIMits, &Inmi , U.; *0 o ma,"t.qv,g, . � Mits, T" and 'mute better currant than most peopl, . . .will be open for We on and A call At their store III ri�- ICY 6 RAZAAM - _ - !urpose, as any one can ascertain by giving W. I re Inoue . , be wr!I known Moe& Yf rtc T TY.&EVEVI'll of AUG- pectruliv requested before purchases It ,Zgoufdcoltur�. TLIIeClierryis, perhaps, the 1"I'val.-Manur4eture t _ M. . ... . . I st rod currant, having bur.:^s of, extraor- "l, )I',,­",.-.dS­g,,' ,;ecri"'r .11-hi"'J, 1c," UST oast, onAe usual condition of actual claewhZ're. .17 ch they have I'veorviril the Firms, Vin" In the Seulem�eutthere4njatTOCentBC45h,or$1.00 "Orirh,X�Y28.1861. . - 0 nuo; ­i--wriil Fmr, Hamilton, , if by on application to I . M P HAUL), up and the fruit somewhat acid. La rerseil T-�r, AV ", E6q.,: Crown Land 4ge-utt at luise bas berries about as large as the Cherry, I 11,ItI;.ihc,r. laces where they ha%c exhibited P. . — . ' -! 1. 'e . .. . . "I"' d.n.4 . dimensions. The boitclics lite short : vmcml Exhibition, 1-:11d-; Nle,,hanies' In- , S SALE OF LANDS- D . R V - G G ". 1�, , Ilia Procruier. malloc. ' SHERIFF' I" , , . hey hove wveral I ,,I . �kMREW . 'i" prbunches. It I . 11 . • t but much Ion, � ,"ad scmug Machines RUSSELI� .. I _ .; --. . I gisty, nut much disseminated in this country, tl•vir maoutlacture miw in opt ration in Canada, ! _ Assist. Commissioner. - except around B here we understand - ,atimiu-tivit kif1he porches u27 -6L i I =NGST01q ST9EET, GOD)MWR ` _. - - ,oston, w orklat; to the enum it ; I., -Dy virtue �f � Writ 01 Y . -e . ,, ns their nume-us, *rvictiawnials will ramify. � . . . I United Counties 1;l'. 'DurhaaL it is grown cidite extensively for market, I - 1'... nod jae, JL) FicrioFaclas iv4wd Out . . . proving more productive Wmore popular it Ot-nuine �A'jPzer& (;Q.IA Sewmg Mcwhines - I Huron Wit: lof Her of : I ,. d b,.tb,,w,,.P6(R.,,I. wanzerkeo..Harmlion, f. �* miles of Hum'. .0 County � Branch EstabUshmeW Owe"oW,A, In market than any other surd. FidOri4 is I I 10 ,Court of the Uailed Cot siad ,be Loadiff.mild I . - L t . " I the plate, A tu,t,t Important ialvantage In "c :131 - Bruec and U, we directed as . . a late vaoritty - light, bright red; Leriies me. k, Co's .'.I achin", is the, LANDS FOR SALE Airr <:> I .!... M.ALMA331 * - I .- . -_ --_1 I . Of Wanzer � d . I-'- .I- evris, as I . . .... I- ------- . _. i _. . . I ­ .. '. "reh"'ing - , N. 1;iWam Zenwick, John Gaudier and Robed ;p1r1[NF_q TRUSSES, I)Y.b SWFFS, diminsize t0 targe, beaches very long. A a I vor�. pondum parts being made alike, about - ., FIM n memento of Solomon Rodg , at the Aug H. I Prince iv pan be broken or rmaluccil it can be replaced at OTS Nos. 1, ,oadd 1 1 EALERS IN DRuGs, VHFZnCA1_-. PATENT W . , five and beautiful variety. shortest -0 nix L, a I I and I Find is Homn,'Turpontlue; Clow 0ihi;W.idg FluM, Field and Gar - n color i� ort -t nouce, thus saving the an ) D. IL, and oils, Paints, Vanuidies, Tar _ = a far repairs, THE ASSIONE - . . S, Goircluer, Executors ofotos will -and testament D Patty, . 4 is also a late variety, similar i � d .xpea�,I( seating to the Stains fo ES �Xjo. 7, IIIBangs,S. I of Tbernao Critirdsier;cdcocaseds I have beized and 2.1 Seeds, &.""e,&R-4. .. . to 1 3.12tf, R 2ad 'on, Ki ; taken in Excretion all the right, title and interest . . I . I gory productive. d passing I d Coal 9 . or TRE . OD, It-=*. A I y- ,rTwo , hwE , I Fictoria, or a little lighter; berries Lwg- at House on both did,r& . ,� . C::)- We hereby a A.PpI to .D,), it * ' .of the said Defendhintip inavidto Lot N9mbe - -6 er, to - Lot Tcrmjs�. J. in s4e Townshi i Stanley imid to - RLTF -The if 14ite I)Wc1s, like the Red authorize J. HENRYECENRY ww;l , t,E Mk6l I _0 I th-, � c 7 t tri Huron and Bruce, from I & ELWOOD, Map. coubufaing Wo acres, more or ,HORSE AND CATT ' I . . t a* our sole A son 0 . !-111" tcea Didd4 is a good curr;mt i but, as a general hem Machinee can be obtained at the asean PARSONS' 'NIERON itorts, Goderich. Ut-andic and scrientents I shall ober for 521,e, Ail orders entrattea to our rate Will Le -aill-ftily and prorrepil"Iterided-t6•61! the 1 -111 -1 -M -IIA Ft 4 1 ra-p as we sell them for in Haird g * it has been so badly neglected that i I Iton. EOW �, 1. solic, at my Odice in the Court House in the Town 0 I � 'claracter is little known. It is a hi�h� - Godesich. 17� � he. 1862. Dw I . 3._6_]R1r3a•1-Z ,& -c_4,-r%M.ar_, = � , � Goditiricb, on Tuesday the Fourth d of Torero- .L e . OFF= FOR SALE TELIC FOLLOWING . . I f the do $ n , ,Ip,,5Tow BjoeAspll Ningsti3n,,Ft., Goderift' . flavored fruit; berries larger and bunZ; . . ber,4t the hour of Twelve of the CIO � . . .AT JOHN RACDO D, lamb, ISM. . . .. 1 , ., , , , P".y . rather shorter than Red I)ut* of a ycellowi LOTS FOR SALE (!: i 10 I I I . 4 &. B. . . . I'll ... . ; N 10�1 . 0 . sheli I .. ish,white, and very transparent akin 11.0t,mm 9. W.sicyim cliti,ch, TOWN & FAM LOT&y 'STORE! ... A -OR 1�e,: 3' � I ctive. The, White Grape is- now I I N 1'. 90 * " 1i t.� . . 4, Pow,ous, Deputy Sheriff. . 43� "I.h. . Hysuff"s Vftc ' rV . I.'.. . Town L�wfco,%2 mid 13 ermine Went and Wc1linglan � . joGodcrieb. L V1.1"ite�white, careasaL This,and e ' �. 01. 11, TO .... LET',. I Will July, 1S62. 1 26 . -1 , - , r ­ hahve been for some years the M03t.pop e Godericb� Up lot 12 them - brise frame At LOW Prices, viZ: ..... I I . I . . menaiiiing 12 M.nic, k sable. ambardics.ad, . . . T .rt I , I,,tI3tht=j5uj�euav oinci,.Orch*rd,&. On V -627r` . . . ­ Is " .. ,.T , , =­ � - *1 - . sorts. The tranches am long and the be , .:.. - . . .. I I % , ; - T G.MMUE31AN, Auc kc, Ifr NO- rn, Town of Godledich, inith a From 1,1. I I � I .. . . . meta - ,I veryI 0 . I House emoted thereon. ' 1 conamodlons Store in the Vil- MURON I 1kok - I . U, ,;�hitisleyell w, sweet and good!, I Apply LARGE SEMIM SA OF LANDS. -%;k fi� __ .-' i I lige .. ' . very p active. Dr James McMahon, esq., Goderich. 41 431 do do A-liteii 'In'thiscoutivy of Huron, is . Tea an mrfl:ja %any tl�d;j�,.&. , - 4'..", I BLAciL-The Black Eagilisis is the cc ung. 18, 1862. , 29*4 44 W2 do Brick do 14 V- ,,O Jolawmairross. . . . I . It I virtue. or a Writ of _. . I � . .1 . I . I --I . . . , , �*_ I . DIM iIell. known buck currant. W i-th go — . 6 9 183 do St. David% do, $wm " in the iiiiist, of a well United Counties of . � � . A.I '' - an . b. Vf * , ca 987 do West Street. settled "un.u.16" I v"l to don �Bpieri Facia mooed out , , 0i ., . . �W to aq sturon and Bruce, tAin Sol! , cultivation and plenty -of manure, it p u MONEY TO LEND: do I . I . Ivew Fonndvy and_ -Aft ' , :, .1 Ocanitry Buni we PdM,l -444 tho'his - of Her Majest?x County I . , I ­_ �r -111 - a good crop of tine fruit-. It is abed th , .c' 399 1, Britaniat Ro" . : I Irve I ­ Court i& . 400 do "a Court Oi Ilre I woements whJuji were or . 'T '01m, ....-', ... " !-..: -at the time I For Mrs apply to it IN THE OF. i X L . .0 dropping its berries or ".. NO do . a" nei 11 Olull f , . - . ,b ffl, U" not the Lands and I t about ripe, so that the bunches wh , 64 --= M - 11 I or to D. MAC HAA,b�, Y'. I get T a Reduced rate of interest, in myoma r . ---`fit . Wittra TWd'decemaxi a A 1, 2, 3, 4 tit 5 years, on Farm Property 9SN do -A C-16 In in llbi t the time �qf his death . , also one undivided third pan. - , * . I a, 0. `VV4 . - -ft- .; .' i , ;lferild have link few berries remaining. , No, Deposit requirW down. No interest Lot, and 4 . ' he hands o?Ann Tock be administered at the gQ I, forinth6 Public tbatzbey.4iti DOV44 di�'Mi*te'a�di"" 41 A L KIND . . , I 11 6 3 SM _ u20-3ams ' re seized and taken in ''I 1! eta ' I , "� ... ., I C; Brack Napleir is larger and better th Ut No. 4i Township of Colbarnev cOutdinlu . . 4 Wd�r4* -4.ZAA , a nueled froupt amount of I.Amp. And charges liumov . 111F aoit,%f Andrew Do,., I ha% ,a iii ;Its. P.41, IlTv. 63t7iiic_*Jt,gF . I W - - IlIJW#-15Zs.3Qw _ . ,0.' ! I 4 F -lit title and interusa of the 01.0 OF NJACHINERT required . ' . W ' - the JN_aek:Vng1i* and is the best of it very moderato. Apply to 203 acres, 3 miles hem Town. . - . . . . . . . Execution all the As 3.Acrea on Ilia South. side at SiS. Hitler's . III i I to the Eauct half or Lot Sjii MILLS STRAM-BNOMS !fUR-*"W"'AMkZ&XTAS' 9J1 Q- - , ' " - . black currents. Bunches rather short, bn SHADE GOODINGi . Number e1'Vty_n6,i'e Lo 11 I �Wj �, _ ... --I . _ erne, t LoUfflif and CASTIINGS oifmi,err ,d ­,,�te�I:I.i .-I" $011eitor,&c., Rriilgr. Township of-Q,derklic, .., . �scd On., 0401ive&s-ox 870TZ1 . _:biitriW. very )arge- This now about Next door to Wallaceis Glasgow House- I . -1 — I LAN DS T"wenzit ,, * u ,simb conces,do. or the CIJT%EI0,P fitting ip themilixtappro,red ck, P f,03t'VW;1Z',� I only black currate led, and is a most d - . I . .. I 4iM, no:, ,1e ng it `'&!�MIMSMTTS cwjiftla 14-U FAR' fowns I -sale whiclithes�,williggliatl.daionole-,prices.'VRM'.kC-ABTMB-'ftd' ' suable variety-. ' Bang Up is an Eagil, . c" ,. . variety .& I "crieh, Illith May. ISM A LIFE INTEREST ' ­ I . 'I W _pc$b in the couity of Huron. They are IiII110 Ift shii ; . . which J and'reumeegitili shall othir for and,stibstantisILlsoviviner' ,,8D1si1oi�r;n0iiIt,,Z - 1-C-4: Jk%.: . And one undivided thud part in the fbilow.ag . I �Fc SA-icam., , at my 0fride In the Court -Houses in the Town of done! n it neat .. � i,'wl . . --''. I 1� black variet hurt, heavy bunche I I I X�rOld. Metidman(a I . . y, with i . Iounds:-- . � -1 . _r - . 1, _ uWciich, on Tuesday tb6 Fourth do . , 1, i,. , .I* . 1 11: I , _h - I I of Or 14070M. . - cAq1 5 OE9drdcV The berries bang on the bune, latc:22. Firerconcession, Township of Godericb. ON RR Lz rzms. bL'r next, at the, hour of, Twelve the cluck. . ­; - . ­ . es well,, and we- am much pleased with iL p US' dju uo Ric[ . 22 & 23, Second do do . I . . a � - _ -, , 4 04;K) I I , 11 . . moon. . � ­ - ' ' i - . - . 10,7_11112 . . � -1, ` - A ' ' � AC in the Township iDf '; NAeDOYALD, fif,dilifleb.4olittember2fth 1854 ff - .. r_� IV !,' . - ti, 14 wn- . - .. - ­.'. , . 'I cli=iZy s5i . JOHN bids fifir to be a; very valuable sort- . . ,Vd Conce on of the To Ashfield. I . I : I ' W_ ' .th buildings thaw in the Towni � ! --� ,"�- � 6,2,1'. -I. -Z r V. fr,4 , 7 , he roots, of the black cnrrsu� sure :L�Pho � � ' - - K4P_.�,AS.62"_­" Ii! 11 ship 111. 2001 shipoNfuron., . . Sheriff, H. & B. I . _ r ,77 , " , , �; ."'T . I I I t, .., , ,� . 300 in the MownshiVoffuroberiT. 13y S. Fow.ocx,, Deputy Silterit- - I .- L .. ­ . . .. . ­ . _ law �� , �- Z —M , ,. . . I . '� D -7-7 '' � *-I - 'IT I I N&-_;-�, A I ___ 1, �, 'i - 1- T - I � f " It I I n ti] 2 aifib , 'and con" 'I' - One undmWed four,' of I'll I, ­­ I - q 116�� ' ­ 11 4bilkstagi ddilmr;; 0� - , 93I, n 1. . -­ ­ I- I " , , " - - . �r- 'i ,OFOW , - Q% to gatherftl* It is �1801 �' . . . I Lots Nos. 370, 327 3 r,611, 625, 636, in the I Shard! Is Office. Goderich, t . -_ , , _­ , , STV, '11I sj�ccli is rf I Ain!�yrdle,. . . T esd y, 14 i ury,at 10 A. M Village o(clinton. I ­ Apply to : VIDDER, ESQ., Goderich, 2ah July, I$M 11 . 26. ­ -, ­ I . 1. - , � . A I . , ,.-, 6� ...;,. _ . , . $ . . 11b .. . . I . . - ­0� 't�-k'-� a- a -�!!. I . � _ . great feeder, and therefore requires a Ne - .u. n I. ­' . ­ - I— . ­ ­ 4 I supply of manure. One season of g .. . Ilia following in the Village of Kincardine:- , I r to, if dACINNES,. Hamilton, I . IM -23, 4AIMS, , coway and ,,,,o- to Court 71n,�*. . . il . I __ 1. . I QIF % - - MW - 1 al�­3mo! , -�- . �� -�, ­ I I rt.x 1. - , , qL,7� -,, i - _-�,i�, �_ treatment will eccayince,the cultivator of .Loot No. 43, X"rincest; Street WesI1 . I SNHFWTFIS_4�0411, ON I . 9"yr July MITto COVOVW Saturday. Lots Nos. 36, 36, do du East. iup!wr Ist, I �i I : , - - f.. R �_ ._11 _"F,.._,V;it. " 0&, 456, do � do da . . united I lur . a �. Wit , , I I - I I . . - . - . I . %J0 Fier, I . I ,or? .F_a6i;ts;--W,9ed ,. fact. "I . I I .- I , -t y L)AS106 &ju�ii,; I . . .1 . - Huron and. P , I 'r I 5 tqL,7�, - N Them are other varieties of cnrrnnts� � - . 43g 44! 't SHERIFF'S SALE OF.' C ld f Sir - " �Om� .: IS I Victoria Street West. i .�� - 4 � I � '�, - 'f!ft eloy!a ell i I - ,_ , ,"., sorts: 64 a vidti if nl3 of I , - k Me �56, � f el = � _ .FTRA.;_��. .r , ,, _.j I the above are the leadin- and best so : Gaierich,,. . .,. ThurstlayAllth JUIY;2t 10 A-bL 1711 mr."Rer, _0_ .. � I ­ F in . on. 11 ,#_ , M tu-mbf,11wh � 14 1 A - D. �f &W 0, 7th He ing ik . -_ . LLL ­ kn-ilid, ' The currant and g;oseberry require "I ", . 13 &;I4,.D:rh= Meet N0411- i - j�IjW&Ikuce) ; Fieri ... ff. -r -,-,, ithic d3i�sft - 'similar treatmenL .Dangqnnou, -satiorday., 20tb July, 1$ . ,a 10 am lill, ­- ;61L. '. con., ra Colborne, con � -Koy:wlt. - y1a_ nity sad dirclodAgAl 'Ac� . iE VIM -*1 1�1 � hat 'simi The cam L, . 1-4-1, - is , " ­ _ M1 , ­ . __ - ­ R 44 A� �,W_ ­ . . 6 ifajould, ....:Moa mily, . Y, , bash, aswegenerallysee itisbat anun ' cunton_ . .. .. Tuesdaig 29th Jullys iid 1;9 For farther parti apply to JOHN - , - stisgof J I , ed .4. RAIMAN.-B".. ecouln.gnee stamp, aRtTounded-with.it, thicket of sack ' itzi. I!, !, Goderich, tez, it-li 'H-TuAlk - Esqn., Barristeri Been; t.woll a . ?,Wcdapb h et the-peanin- knife be judiciously ap i `Y304 13, :-. - i, or JOHN DAVISM, 9L yi�wst Y.* - . � T Remove all andhave a el- te ----'s� -;'-' - odericb. ,� � . span l XeGai-yt - ISO - - .. I - Joy. Jqt*JAust-," 11 Gist Juiv, 186Z I � n22.tf e0runs, $120 , from six,to Iteq incIscis - hi b, If a, I K,4,,,Uff1,---lf0��AfTd-iW. abucou- . . -_ ­_ ­ - mitabuents v round head; with the b= Z .. e I . . W I � ,� if. 0 V47W i -at IOA.M I I .1 r oirmed,out,to admit light and air free ' +&,. Weduesday,13th ' ". � 31*1, � r ; ­ I .. � 6.) % � .1 ­ _i,�� - . I,- I -11 her on the in .Yheu,,'every)reargive a jood dressing ; yw' I Rice" r. rjanj� tht, 4 , , I I* ,I , b, 11 , " - ' );� on I . V �" rouowm� 190PIMM! aesci�kcrl ill have plants 1� . � _ ei,0461�umnurej nad you in . ­ ., , , � :ct-wilt h&vergooa ;ealoa to be pring of, � , . � , 0 Y, "RSO AM . ­ I - T.t that your friends will mistake'for I; . . , D. .gwx1Wn1...TuX*day,2nd I 99 44 ' " : I •, - B..jE_�_. .Wednesday, Std 44 - III, ff . , ]F"3M pg- , 1 jr4m— The shoots o4 the, previous year's ( ,-,P� . .- , Z bliculd be shortened --in ever.t spring,- - ,. Cl:JA4oA%.)1,., _-1humsday,4th -d' I" " � I OF .: ..... , ­ I , - , . , 1,01 43,1 - I . , will induce the f6rtcationof'fruitspurs. T locumtkCiurrt w3d QdhorirSesslons: . I - - . - , . �� 1; Aces black-euirrurits,,howevery belie principally; , , _-To ay.FIII,f".1:JrI0On-- ffilel _ . _ I 0 . .( ,rd _ " Vpry asons ,.. e I i,,". " . I, - 5.) � I . : the ir6o'd 8f the proviouilleaes growth. -1 , (. : S DI 5 .�;d&is. , I . ..,­.... .. , .1 717 eA �7--- , .j pro . Web 0 W*ded in mak', n 6Lye , g good i7i, I 49, in'ti@ie . I . P , . Hairp.u.rA .,..Tt4eWay,f6th - 1� aL 10 A- BL 'T,OTS-21ce ,117 # I - - , . - ilifoii Ilwj ,�� I . . , I 1 FAII andWle6 - g'Brie 'rrt4'byallowinjoh(nit' Ainkyvi&, Nredn y. 17th cc 44 "s JLJ risingril!Tolf- 4'er4d,,ti�.in olio County .!- A. : " , .. _ Muskets X0 f, , a of Bruce. Thin illage Is si� on the ' 1, 1, Y_!�, in tt,grt), - X. ^& t9th cc Cd to - . ml!IP . ""p- _r - qssDd'�'WaIk4dtQ%b,,. r the . , , , co �cofone of', nlidb. I ; =.� phalit haze, ,L?e I , X. 1 A rn � mind bk*ekn Itinclar . ' .I . a ... � ." ! M 014 V.! -,?4 " County-r-WAOrIfIrtice. 7 ".M. . . biAelhii0iri. to , tianil, , • W - - x bar , south'sida-'al"X , 'oj 4 1 . . P;,-i49i,;-:1, , - I", I I .. HE6 Ig 1 46 0% ,--.. ',,��- - . ­_ - -_ . 1 cothe wilt start from below- --- , R. COUPE I the Town 6f: I I . I ... dia-we'4-D -1 i,N- ,, V�xu� twr 'Au� I 11,411idw, I ax ,!a, " -1 I ..... I.- I 51;1.;!, AN -M, 201. .I � ... I,- . at I e � g. riT i - . .FZ'7,5'=-76;iiW09ir c�,. ,ii�J_ - ir �. ­­ - - .6f - I w- - B -P -A ating-ithIlLfid ikai he as . . e gro W every ee . in the To-waofxiti=Wiue,.Couatk.ofBrbee. "�� , . , . This I- .. . PA all other advertizemen Lots Numbers Sic 42 69'�u the North of the 1)16i• _ _pp,,e,,,, . pests. widuld r �. - " I ,p ve I I . 4W P441, ... � Y., , tip , r r , tqth C. � , -Icam-P,Ur , I V -ft atter', . re it not for lihe .. -yo I _J=_ tti p. a. CourL R. 11PI-1 % 2h. nb - , Itit" I , Is , Qy , -- 'A' 'I, � r Couniy-,bf�� ruio cc itg ibis - p*11preori. 4 me into, caria . tg -1i - - -"- -,-,W-- _- � W --Srr% Zr r- ­ - AtL acre !Dub each'wifli,'�fhe-b in -� - eA licQuix ' Ittiffibut 'And -I - .1 1,�* LU , I ,!& �1& M,o6s�a',T. "' Also 44 , � . � ,afiar e , - -U . �_, " .,a "_ , TiT 71,11.1 , I . ' " .9t . I '25ticonAiiiii orth- side - , * . I .. - . . I - -_ )i_V9IfWfgtmg,AC Z - � . ; � I , -ey . . - � . . ;!�gclemv� ,:.k , i MF , We wo4d recommend e , - . 3 I -i � A . - trawma:Of . , � . -1 NX, urN.,D.hM%.W 1 'curratir . 11.W 141itei;, .. , . . .) . " l . .. I on V�ayl I*, "I I tiliek t I o. TOXIS* =10RIT-0-M, I :: . . . . . . . — , , r zhicaiii-I , , . I � , f �NYFPL Ell . --.;-: . .cleareg. R we ��,- - [day.. . 4 . . 11 �. . 1. . I . : � -3- - .-_-_2 I- - W . I 1 . I UtaStan 22ow. a calligusew.tre- . '. .1 I P ; n e W14wiftffiff. - - 0 ' 1 . ; - : Offal, � I 5Wft0_1y2RWF�' ' 'him Tsiwn�ot Ki I . � I _ .pesWi '? �r, I ... - I " , gariferlij&e no s� � , . wriand V .. JA" he svoz% POT— 7 * I . , I L . .1).. ,. , . I - � . , I . I I . 4pply,art 6 . ­ .. il � , .: � - -_ . . - . I . I lrl� but-makei, bekinfifula, - - f ". 2:4 1, , %IAM17 'I ' '7 1 �� . . 11 I I PHX,HXWX1N&, -, I., �_ I L ..I k-bestI � �L * I, . .. "'a"EF '%- - -M �� 1 . '. jh_ �I . ... 1� I � . !21 t _4" . . disfi, �T' Q �I` . ialli't6i. ���261 , c .ch -ho- � I" I , , "T - * - dWx. •Those w led M, u .0cip$!!"n 1�� (If),, JL � 'XI � ����� % � - . . .- . 71,6211 - M, .. I . .1 . . . . . . . __ ",""I'll, ... - -:.T --- . .- .. I .. - .- I ­ : ... 4 - - . I _ pl� ­ . � �� . ��� "I'll, ---- ­ -_- I `1 - _� � .1 �1­111.1­ __ - . . _1 ..... � I I , ,� , ­ - . ­ .. . I I I 3 - NP-­c�_.: � ". I - ... . , �� - ­_ . , '... ��� �, � � � UOT-111, I 0 0�f - I I - ,wr -^ � -, 410, Ki . . 0 �� I I , . I . Orno prefenswu4. .. ._1 . Mr.w.;- , , i, , I � , * , � _ , " _ ., ~ . %; �, � 11 ftl . - � ..... .�. .1.1. I 'Y� . : I 'r K,J ,�k A 1'. f - . , �. - i �,' - I- I M fkrlil,i�e, il I.- �Ie ,.' V � ,I - -I,- ;Eo"It"Solp � ,�B; ;r C." V12 7 �, �Iud=i 415;0_2­!Uf,r",J�,,, �-' 1.� "' - � . - ­ - I I I , .., .. .. . harrier�,*-.f I 11 6-- . - V,-bL6i!4oqAot.uFqay,i 41)12,11111 /­ � , I , . W111,6 fir's � .1� � _ �Jia` ,light.baybrum'n ay,zearsin , -, q P, . . .� - " .. ­' ­ ­ ­­ - � . ;� , ff�,_ 'as :� ._ il , . 11 , , JW lit - , � I ­ Q- T W 11141K.W.Iiii, .? gilm'u- cr- " -0 lqw I fi I I . I .11 - - 7 ',b 1,11 Wdiiii1is iniel � T .,�;�� 6 _,, .1 " � �, I %,;In _`1u % . , 11 I I I , " km� J,;," I - , , U ' .... I 047 Xffi � 14,11- %­­­j�­ � : _,, - r. �­­ . , or � 1 "!_ 4 , ��Br .., I 1% . " - 1, . 17�1 _qX_ , D.EI! - *1� , ­ - : � � .� - I....., I .I... 1, � _., i'.. I � � I I I , �,", - , 4 . Mlt , ­_��4��. X,?- -, " ZZ, �_ - - '- .11, I', � : � , _ .'I� " - ��. � I I t ?4'r?'My .. . - . ­ �. I �__ : 1. . •- I � 1-1 I , I . � ­ , . 1A) X 11W. 11 � �__ T, 1. , t. _rPbVI;W I -- W,f ", � - �7,,:. - ' �'_�_ � - , 'I, �.l i 2 — , 29*4 , 1, , _ P � � :.� , . , - if ".. ,� � ?. --I , " , 1 /,��II99�4`,�p-� -1 .1 , -11 ­ It " : 1% � - 1. - 11: I 0. I . Pi 7W?7;tI7�­-7-­r,F , � q.­Oi �, 1, , -, , A: I - - - 0i I . 'I 0i I , _ , 11. , ac q}bfatt 0i I , I I �fl _. � J 1.11 � , , � ': . . �i . , . . .�_ "I f . " V - � 1- . -1 I ­ :Z. _ . : � ,_-��_' _�_'_, .A - � ­ - I . 1-1 � ,�.,untrwx. � .. ­ __ - 1 ­ `,e I with - — , an of this cou s, 6 miles from Cloderiell,_ ��Lon,13 . r a good&.�Honlw-a_ and:, � Ide,_ard_ of"coxcell water, a fine suite" �A rough the .centre oflhft4._'ui-- , of' t the remainder in four ariiidal- ornpliell, Brest at 6 percent. Apply,lo, all the""91 p., Goderich, or to thcrubman- anlrl` �i I I I I .. . In Jolt* PATERSPN. ,• *color . . a,- 9f]d mce, �, . . . or . ft 00'er FZZTY.]F*1&,SA=, to the To, I __-�_ " , "I , fly Ch*hth' Hallett, I -C - 91 .it .d. olborno ta' . No a" Sr .55 . 2 ., e Wit . " ef.11 i-, ­S;h'.31�gi A pig,,. . e1r;c , re 17th ige Interest' i a . * - X Ci-tPEERgy-1. .,. --- ,I 'C jilituabor. 186 I i $A" ' L; V. ,T, . '..I % .a __0_.1 � Ju rW.OG0(WOM0W - To- ji•.'bivi�eri or"Survesift"l, Coign hV ntry-immeduttelly. , 114AIV I I 74, �.': ... Y�:�'�­4 4 0 ji, ,( . .:�'�. ..� '0; _y%1.VX 3 3 11 . ;., !F?4" (;a* I . end,,of: .: '. . - .-IA_. I iyw-,-*dl _­ , " ­ - , , have scizcd and tZLew in Ex0cuff0a -116*37,61DUCIsM6 0 6 title and interest of the said Dclead- oituateNedb cop&g td to :Lot numbers Twenty. * h way"coataini , 11*7 rl�l "WSWIM ve. and -TI rmt in the Ere"'We", " .,,., , Iu,TbwuuJip*ufA1iran1;in-tbc.Co I lits sale A= A = _Tq�n of, , � i�klsr maining O.ito hundred Agree of. w. Which, L4od4'.oihid1eP"nru­.-. I , - 'ONRobei:bbidii,al . - I or sale .alln.iy, office in the Court Ho clock, n I 00116 '-,_- a or"erichi.on TU61wei"thi, ' " ­- I 4cn� "; �, � .. -# [yr I t . qPctdbFr 064,� hou �.. . '--I � , . a - � I . . "Ation. . L .,:. . . �. - ; JOH AC , . . .,-(4 .- n -1 i .. I 1; ,�,��-� -­ �r� �,,- " im - Y, ia. � , . .- -_ - �� fit W 11 ii ._.� I . . :,. i .. . .g , ,�. I tool} � 8 ric. � I 1. 1 25 1 die r Z 1�1 It, f i I IT 11:t I � 1 .1 I � . , . �� 11 . . . . If I. F11 i ��'Occ . , ' -V�,t _ 'r '699a - � �4: 1 11 I I .. -or . counties. � �&S`1=10101_ I I l6gw4tndAkuo4 �.�*��,'r', .. , T-7 , " 1'.T1% " J __ . . I- - ­ I ;., Uili � 1, 2: - .