HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-04-25, Page 1T VOLUME 55 - NO. :16. Agricultural Society Hon- our Bride and Groom A rcprascnlative body 1 f the ll', tb Agricultural :'•ociety tart at the lawn. of \Ir, and Mrs. Levi. Ruddy, I•:,t,t \Vaw•atiosll, oil Friday. III';ht, to boll- •\•Itl'•tro:t,h, our Iltelll 01 ,heir recti t marriage. I 'I lit' minute.. of the previous meeting Those present \\ err \I is, Lona Liv- w re adopted ns read on motion of ingslno, \!r, and \Irs. Archie Venni;, 'T;este,', Philp and Armstrong, (Silbert \cthery, Mr. an \Irs• linter \rr ui'I, its I'olh ws were passed or son \\'right, and \Ir. and NIL. ail. eniii.11 of '1•lu,tee, Creighton and LYTH STANDAR BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 19.15 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Blyth School Board Meeting 'Agricultural Societies Mission Band I-Ield Almost 25 Percent Of Loan Lions First Venture Sponsoring Boys and Spring Thank -Offering Raised Iri First Three Days Outstanding; Success The \lis,ion Bandof Loving- Service cats ol1', Eighth victor‘, I., alt g..1 '1 he Lion, fir•t venture, the present• iicii•1s Club Work • Tic re:;ular meeting of the Myth :•;,!I , I hoard was held April 24th, at S pan., w ith the follu\\it g present ; \V. S, Creighton and J. Shobbrook, Philp, I\I r. Shohhrooh read the collo\\ ing address, and \1 r. \\•1 0;1 it in ole t he (. '1'. 1 lol)byn . 89. . $1,Blyth, and Dungannon districts are numbers, "Thr \1'nrld One Neighbour• presentation of a b yc ly rr •taI water , OI „„,I;„11 j '1'rustres Crcdghton and also in the process of formation and bond," and Sud'; Children Live in set ;i \rnl•trollg the ,i,(),1 1. report was ac - prospects indicate a good enrollment, Many Land;," wwerc l�i5'cn by the ch ir, "Ie;• \I r, at d Mr,. I;td!:- It i, I At preset t, the Agricultural Office composed of 2: Band member,. Shir- dl't),l'll ;,,td ordered (Ile('. a rare occasiul , bidet. I, when the mein- in Clinton i, without an Agricultural ]'y Falconer r I x21lained the emblem of .\love+I by '1'ruslce Creighton, second - hers of the L'I}Ih :\u`ulun:i2 ,. ty Repr'escniative, however, the Assistant ,the \lis,ion Rand, and In members re - 1 he Trustee ice .\rnuttung, and carried A Wyse the lc) ,eta gather for such an 1cea,ion a:, tali,. that fila aid kit be secured for school Agricultural 1,tprescntativc front furl: 1 petals. 11'11)11 the \Vc are her this 1\11111 ; to , u'nl On motion 1,f '1'rnstre; Philp and (-ounty, J, 1), \lour), arrived in Clinton ',clam Dr's}, made by \miss Ida a short time w 1111 you ill \"ur It: Inc, Last Sautrday to assist in the urga111/ 1. \(cGn+ran, was plarcd on the pulpit, to,d to extrud a rour1�•s\ \wlhir11 \\o ie,'1 l ieightou, hoard decided to hold their re uh' nu'cUnq; the last Friday fn 'tion of the. six proposed Boys aid Girls the choir sang, "The Daisy Emblem has been )ns('c earned by \I r. Duddy, (tubs. Ile v ill remain in iiuron.Soig." Joan and Ron 1'11111 g;lve a I11 615 l';L;)al'It\' as. President 1+1 the `1,_ Cad11 IIIUlllll' (Comity until the new Representative Recitation, "\\I:crc are Von going:" h ciety for the past fety year;, \lectin'.; a'l) mimed of nu,lic'tt °f artivcs, ;lid during this period he is ,pro lI ry children, Bobby Galbraith, 'Ftustees Arulstroig and I Tulp, Ot. behalf of the 1ieIIIIWI, 1 f the anxious to contact as many chili pro- lene Bannon, Jackie Caldwell, \lar - Society we ask you and \I r,. giddy. to I -Leslie Hilburn, Secretary'. spects as possible. lone \Valsh, 1'vonl e ale\all, Alvin accept this gist, a, a t k1 n i our c>. Armstrong, Beth Powell, Freddie ____-..-yam-__- NI is open to farmers sot s teem an'1 respect. I and daughters from 12 to 21 years of ]Luntn, gale \lissionauy \\'ishcs, \cith \Ve sincerely hurt. that I), Pa of you age, age, and interested Juniors are urged Janice Morritt giving the closing verse. toilt continue to enjl•') good health. ;ld 1 \'1\Ci:\'-ii East \Vacw•atosli on to contact local club leaders or the Alarguerile hall explained lir object happiness throughout the cooling )ear's• \\e�lre,day, :\'ril ISth, to Mr. and Agricultural Otdice in Clinton 112 soon of the Mission Band Thank-Ottering, !which 0•as received by Douglas Kilpat- Sdgned, on behalf of the \leather, of \l c:,. Norman Vincent, a son, as possible, rick and Douglas \\'hitnorc, with D. The Illyth :Agricultural Si'riet).' I * • * ..lr :\, )lcKenr.ic giving the Dedicator}' Mr, and \Irs, I:oddy were tither'' completely h}' sltrprisc, hu! \ir. kiddy BLACK AND WHITE EXHIBIT Piayrr, Rcv. Sic Clair gave a wonder - completely ' \\.\'"' fI-In \\'inghanc Hospital, on full message to the children and grown - replied very fittingly, that king the So- '1 ' ;h, to \I r. and \Irs. George SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ctcly for Their kindness, ups, and the service closed with the the gift Of a sol„ The holstein Association willver}' Ilenediction, "bather of all little chit- - -C ----- • * * soon have a list of the exhibits'they Ichcn," sung by Eleanor Browne. The will place in their Black and \Vhite'offering amounted to X52.79. g (; \ TVA 11\'--1..\(', H. \I. Gatenhy and Day, to be held this year in conjunc- I,o1et (;;111 1 by (formerly Janet lion with the itlyth Fall Fair, at Myth. Italian), of \''Ichcll, are happy to art- This exhibit will be one of the feat - u"unee the !strut of ;l soot (Robert ore attractions at the Fair, and the ha 1, at the Stratford General Society feel very happy about sccurii g I1o,pital, on Sunday, April 22, 19.15. this outstanding show, The Executive of the London Arca Conveutiot was held 111 i lotcl 1.0ndo11 011 \londay, April 23rd, to stake tenta- tive plans for the Convention this fall. According to present plans the Con- wcutinn will be held or November 6, 7, arid 8. Those in attendance at this Meeting were \Irs. John Flouting, Chathani, Chairman; 1st vice, \frs, ()s - w tir, Myth ; 2t'd vice, \Irs. Ilantl'sul, of )) Tavistock; Secretary, \Irs, 'Trickey, of Kc mol:;( ; Tri asurer, \I rs, Stanley Simpson of 1 8)1,aut. .\ iouiiher ul ,agricultural Societies 1 old their Spr!og 'Thank -Offering S1111 - ate again sponsoring Boys and Girls day morning in the United Church, Club \cock in Huron County. 'Three TIr..1. i':, Cool: presided at the organ new Swine Clio, are being organized land Mk.; Juan Hudd at the piano, in the llavficld, Zurich ;old Exeter ; \largoe'rite Hail gave as a solo, the rli•.tricts awl local club leaders report Call to \Vorship, "\\'hen to church 1 splendid inter..st from the Juniors in Go," The Prt•ident, 1), A. \IcKen,a', these Globs. (presided over the service. Joan Ner- lt addition, the three calf clubs that t ick rear) the Scripture Passage, and were organized last year in the 1loron, Rev, Sinclair offered prayer. '1'\\0 UNDERWENT OPERA'T'ION \Irs, Ed, Nit sIilla n underwent at operation in St. Joseph', 11ospital, Ilannilton, on Saturday limning, \\'c arc glad to report her condition as quite favourable. EXECUTIVE MEETING OF THE LONDON AREA W, 1, HE..:,,644H1S11FE ,44 et .t ;e. N• Ij,IS life, hour alter hour and day after soldier neverafter quits. d p soldier risks nd a worthy daY, to do his duty' ,p„alt�ost" reached: ective is and you might buy If because his obi r that extra b a seem Victory Bond '. • • t One ourself, that small bond that mal that It you would deny yourself; you •� ; ; is so drop in the bucket toy Never have jusa denial that you Can make. ore justifies any self- your financial support m` our fighting forces needed 1CTORY BON than now: .rsllr ten. or CONGRATULATIONS Congratulation;; to Audrey Lawrence who celebrates her 3rd birthday on Friday, April 27th. Congratulations to \Les, Gordon Mac- Donald, who celebrates her birthday on Sunday, April 2916, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George E, Cosstn of Ilensall, who cele- brated cle-brated their 2nd Wedding Anniversary on 'I'ucsda}•, :\prim 2-1th, Congratulations to \Ir. Kenneth a\\a}• tol•' a go'+•i ,tart this oil week. rIn i.1� f tin' {�1,1\ ' 1) ;,ion Duhl,," turn• 111\111 ilbight '''1 Dial t , Le ;, r. ;11 surrey,, tb,tnhs to (I�t• wh��lt' Ile,l,tt') support of the peo- anrl e;l} \lontl,y. tn+.rnint, ;Incl fit;- 11re, up •11111 tits \Veilnesday after) n ail par of 111' el,.':'' t'"'""" tiv, .l'ow' almost a (martyr t,1 the (1n,'ta 1 I he p!,o, ;ue•i Hied in the \lclnorial Tai Ad in for lost three dais. .\n es- 1fall ut1 \Velhtc'day ni;•I+ ,,,a, e\cp- t"1,111\ tl' II r rel\"1, \\ 1111 the ,nldit- t111atr• of the i.gore, front the rat yxs- r, and the ban!: total the -ale, al )')11111 of the 1';111 10 it t; 611,•11 to 1111 ,,t 5i10.000.01. .($21(,11. Onr +10nta is $-10100. ill• sold the ;;,1111 ry \\ell over half fill, I ile fell \Yin!. f'gtre,, for the even• .o it i, 1 1 (mg 21011 to the lop yet. \I+'nrl,ly n'gllt's bulletin frohead- her, ti )rine)) of the 0106: quarters, (,o h& ri111. placed 121)111 20 ,e- • did place, be:ole11 only by Zurich an I 11;,y \Vest, Surroundingnulnirii ,l'it)es 55 ore also doing ler) \\ell, 11rms•el• ba ! pace a of their quota, Ilull( It, "(res 211 reel t : 1: 1.t \\•,n\ ato,b, 7.02; Neel) a great )11:11 01 reedit for the lima 1111 \l orri t ,\\ I ship. fog, 1'121, w•a, Tuesday night.- re{ ort. No 111121 the and e lot( t'�I, r.drrl, ; .••,t;e this vet - 1ure the real sties),' it ua,. It ryas gore, 8.-e much higher by note' hn wn several days before 11,111,1 that VI) 10 Ttiesrl;l\• night the (•101,) had 1 �iltr Phq� be pre�cnted to ;t pah- ;tisrd $2;11,0'0, ,i' 7 SS percent 12i (hell' junta, \)midi 1- $3,17100.1. ,c I boos' rine i.. 1121 splen li l arlvamr,l Myth has k \cry high I•eputatioll In ;>( ll I!:g of Il het,. In 1121, department naintain. \\'e led the race all the \);I\, Heil 'a,ker and Frank 'Tyreman de•crwr . t' d MCI tion a,':1db sulrl iu the last loam, \)ere the fir•( l' g" Ithc 11 ig) b ltri!r,, +l of 11) tickets.•))c r the top, at d finished ahead of all I'be 211ay, \' hirh \ya; a tln'cr-act )(her 1i11tiuil,•llaics, on a percentage 1 ." the of ')asi5, 11 \)r Stec to do this again, it ;c(;'o1"derlyic,h \wittaoh ca-1 alntposcd 11. and their wives, got t"ill take the n;nlost co-operation of snider way promptly on time, at 8 pan., •every individn IL Give the salc•nl;tll�,1, \)ill all fulul r atilt), sponsored by guar hest attention, and "Invest in the the Lion, 01,11), Interest was added Ib st" \when he rally 00 volt' for the aurlic . c roue to the fact that V Tl I•, 271' , 16,;,,, a former well-known 111\ th hi't', played one of the leading To Celebl'iltC I)lall)Oli(1 roles, The ray, consisted of a splendid Wedding ,;roup of tale' term artists, and the play, w';1, )cry cntel t;tining, as each mein - NI r. and \Irs. \Villia ut \\'ever, of :\u bcr of the cast gave a very genuine •burn, wi11 cclehratc their \\'eddimg 1 'rtrayal of roc character they rcprc- j !1; w e! r h;wd' 11 ns I •ion 1:111.1 Tits - r,rn•, 1t'dc1•Its 49,80 \r1 Receipt- 161,95 The Deacon Itnbb, committee, with 1.4,n 2 e'r;•,c NIe\;111 a, chairman, dc- ,\nnivcrsary on Tuesday, \la}• ism. They will tie at home to their friend; 'sent 1.70 Loteitaintuet f between act; was 'and neighbours 1'21 that afternooc and provided by local talent. Lion Stan evening, :anyone wishing to call may tiil,thorpt sand a solo, accompanied at :lo so' the hilt o by \I iss Alice Rogerson. They V were brought ! art: for an encore, Misses Elizabeth \lilt; and Laurel Competes Tour Of Laughlin favoured with a piano duet. Operations lir. James Kinkaid, Pob'ic School ill. Sgt. lack McGill, sun of \I r• Inspector, was present, and besides and \Irs. \\clln:gtun McGill, has cunt- telling a few things about the play, his tum of operations nye) (ser- I'' spoke 00 the Stli Victory Loan. Mr. Ger- mat y, according to word received here II inkaid said that Ill}•th had done a \von - froth his parents, who live in the \Vest, 1(lent tl job in the 7111 Loan, and the lac': 1 HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured actress. 10 Spill, as a liquid, 11 Toy', and the mouth (zoo.). 13 Consterna- tions. 15 Official proof (law), 17 Rave (Scottish). 18 Stout cords, 19 Concerning,. 20 Roman roads. 21 Electrical seri. 23 Skill. 24 Nickel t yn,boll, 27 ._ _nior MOVIE STAR Answer to Previous Puzzle sic) OR l3'LIO10 M ADIM11 A Y DE© TELT SN SOL T E E.N EuE4. BOOM RE W I T DA'M A N B!A:51E-0 R'AN YE,A'RS 1 8 Vine fruit (pl.) EILIEICIT 9 Consumer. ONLY 10 Narrow strip �— of leather. $IU'P 12 Dais. 1411Iusteline rl I IT ,U Inn -Anal (p1,). A Q I4E'S 16 Far Ea•;t, NESR �� 22 Device fn R'E!S_'straining. DT I rE 25 Theater boxes. NIT .�N.A 2(1 Descendant of Drl IM';r S Shem (Bib.'. t_jl ;R E 28 Shield. 29 1l.Ib:t; 31 T.1 mar main. 32 Ten1!nn. 34 And t Latin), 35 Former Ru.• i,1n monarch;. 36 Stippo:e, 37 Coln; -3 :!icittl}. 39 Compas,-; paint. 41 Alorindin dye. H T It S N'A P S'`'; _, SLOOP SWAMPLIAND 38 Third of the zodiac. 40 Nonpoisonous pL_nt;unc. 42 PrcmProminent. 4313 unding. tahhr 1. 44 S,Iti;tte. 30 Mineral rocks, 45 Profits. 33 Prevent. 46 Wire again. 36 Eight 47 Species of (coml./. form). poplar (pl.). V'ERTIC:II, 1 Gather after a rcaper, 2 Domineered. 3 Pri teLtive cocci int;. 4 Time ions past. shake a mistake. 7 Actomclton. el. 6, CROSSTOWN 131 By Roland Coe r - "This spring weather makes y' want to get right up there and fly, doesn't it? In one of those new fighter planes!" AUBURBAN HEIGHTS Sr GLUYAS WILUAMS IN SPECULATING AB0010 illE Mgt -WAR PERIOD TREP VERLEY OFTEN .WONDERS WHICH HE'LL 11 EP Mos WHEN NE CAN REPLACE iHIN65 A6AIN, A 1dEW CAR OF: t\ ME41 6RRAGE; A!L BECAIKE OF NIRS, RLEY'S INABILITY'f0 BACK OISf Wn1101N NICKING THE CORNER OF INE 611RA6E WIf11 TILE fRON'f 'FENDER. THE SPORTING THING "You leave the humane society cut o' this." Seems Like Yesterday 'tAt: MUCK N 1)lE IM GN W 67) WIMP W 11.1E DINING RGVM NEEDS '(RIMMINQ 'TOA, li1AGGI / I By C. Kessler SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith OOPR.1031 OY NIA SERVICE, INC T, M. 1110.U, E. PAT. OFr "Would it seem insulting if we both enjoyed our food instead of straining our minds trying to think up witty remarks?" REG'LAR FELLERS—Valuable Autograph WELL, MA'S ALL TH' CHALK fve GOT, BUT 1 THINK THEY'LL GET TN' IDEA! CAN YOU STEP OUTS! DE,SIR.? ITS A LITTLE. MATTER. OF EU5INE55 I WANNA DI5CU5T WITH VA! THIS ARMY Ca„gl.on in TIe Mile teal. C1.0". 1A I, ,s ne.IPaper In hale CIO., �a\pNy .3,I r "` "There he goes with that Smokey Smith stuff again." This Curious World By William Ferguson COPR. 1944 BY NEA SERVICE, INC T. M. REG. U. S. PAT OFF. A SURVEY OF 30STON GIRLS'HANDBAGS REVEALED THAT MOST OF THEM CONTAINED FROM 30 70 4S ART/CEEB MY WORD! if MW'V ° lt'g1n55 DIDN'T CALL ATTENTION TO THEM, A MAJORITY OF ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON WOULD PASS U/ViVOT/CED BY MIDST PEOPLE. SEROWS, GORALS AND TAKINS ARE AN/MAB/RLIS LS r ARABS ANSWER: They are all goat antelopes. HOWS MY CHANCES OF GETTIN' A DIME. ON 'MAT ./� HANDWIli1TIN; OLE 80Y7' By GENE BYRNES MUTT AND JEi' F-- And Now Cicero Can Keep WREN I GROW UP THE MAN I MARRY M,I)sT BE HANDSOME AND GOOD.LOOI,CIG JUST LIKE AMoVIEJ v STAR! S7.) I MI 'T ett'.• �I His Mind Strictly r;l. 1 •tire �' . , . 'y.'=':4i! R[Y,POP! DO 1I.1121.t. I . • BOYS GROW 11 UP To LOOK • LIKE THEIR (i ATHERS? SURE! LOTS OF TIMES! WRY? M\ O. .. IVM1.MMr11 On His School Work DID YOU LOOK LIKE ME WHENYOU WAS BOY? • By BUD FISHER YES, SoN! I LooKED ' EXACTLY LIKE YoU DO NOW!, 1 Od —SE ty in DaJ r.i.ce OUR h1G/T OURS 11''7 51±N T IN Qv POP ASKS — 'I WHY AM r ALIVE. - ^J be 1I:r IL•'I F1'ullcaue, In r1/// ,t IE,. „•S' ANSWER IS SIMPLE By J. MIl I,AR WATT — LEGALISE HE - MAI LED -n-IIs• IN;TEAR or- PRIIJGING IT P1=RSONALLY BAILEY BRIDGE OVER THE RHINE Built by Canadian Army engineers, this Bailey Bridge across the Rhine is shown shortly after it was opened to traffic. The small sign in the left foreground tells the distance that must be main- tained between each vehicle so as not to overload any one portion of the bridge. 'Little Mary' Now Ninety Yeats Old Eighty y(ar- ago a ii3tlr Iinl'1 insisted on following ;Bary l';u-t- ridpc to sylvan and had lit Lr kith - tied no the t i1 is.'e Fret n d'n ing lcst:otl bons. The girl \\11„ \‘;t; the in•Ilir,t- firm of the !;tofu.. nnr,ert thyme celebrated irr r 00th hirlh,i,1:, at leer [toms :l t; ;1111 Frattt Frl•l:u'd, is f acyl. Ash Grandma She Knows isz k When grandma %v'as young L)r. Chase's NERVE FOOD came on the neem!. She has used it and %vat died it all these years until its merits are known in nearly all homes. \Vhen you can't rest and bicep well - when you have iu(1igestinn -when You feel tiled out and run (lona in health start in at once with Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOL) turd you will soon know tvhy this Vitamin III tonic is so popular. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food IiOs.-ti0ets. 180s-$1.50 HAIR GOODS \\'e stray a large vuricty of the, finest human Intir goods, apeelalizing in made-to-nrdet• goods, goals' wigs and tou- pees, ladies' transform- ations, lug wigs, e ' frontt 'deeps, switches, cur, White's Hair Goods ::.is 14 X(i 'r,, TORONTO, °,N'1', NEW STOCK/NOS MON O/D? OF COURSE -WITH ASI, -FABRIC lintex STOCKING DYES f�vE FASHION RIGHT SIIADES 5011) EVERYWHERE 1.4\:� 4 5-1 dt Have You Heard? They \\ ( re IivarrcGing, "I n ish," said he, "that poste brtinit idiot had prop„ -ed to nt 1(10 e \ye 1\ tr.. iii;rrt,'tl." "I lc did " replied hi, a lir calmly. "I hi, rather 1, .'l, the o. it'd out of Iii ail,, "1 1i-11, then," he c\rl;:innr,I, "that he h;ol ul,'rlitll s11t1' "1'r , ti:'r' 't; , ,•1'i trp'i" I. "1 le I-'oliccrr;,n to:t)c,r:, n 9t -l; gcrin(;• \`Jhcre arc you r'i'te of "To a Ic:tl•re " 1„til, 1' � t'lII' Illy: 1111- ins that (11 .:rc h: -i in ,1 i ill- : of "III \l "II n'ig'ht 1 ;,t'r I'. I n ;I l,tn'."r '1'cach.r: 'What I:at is 1':1.11:'' Jr.hony: "Phase, s:7, it's Irrdbciled U. S. C,'eps hilted Still(• • in Vied is plant :,,w1,1!11tl,utlu ;1;'•'1', it) v'nri:ltls crop, illi, c;n', ill,tlttu,0')R acre: more than la,t year, and IIIc largest in the ii til'e's i,i,t,a y. NEVER IIO1tCET-,nTttx. well (louse is superb coffee. It's roasted by the famous "Radiant Roast" process. This captures every atom of goodness aiul flavor-rotld'ts every coffee bean, all through. \)411e/V% EA' - SLEEP -LOOK n,rd 'wr t• j%. •r IIItiP0 VITAMIN LA -COMM -Plc 1,111111,1 ,1 'I'nbler I'urm SeJsi�ALL A.P!/GS!"cal sortmil lal1, y( ;t 1 a S'li CAtMPHORATED Ar MUSTARD CREAM / A applied to the a((ecfcd part. ,• relieves spiaios sonless and stiffness. Pain diitplx'an and 000(1111 re` !cons. Try it Ienlgid ler relief t1MPIG+tt11 WW1 tla4 111 1 p 11441110U wFEMALE, Here's a SENSIBLE way ' to relieve MONTHLY PAIN Lydia E. Pinkhaui sVegetable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings -when dtle to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pin i:hain's Compound gulps rrafrrrel Follow label directions. Try its OCydKCL 6NfiCtI .,M4 COMPOUND VOICE OF THE PRESS EA RTII FLAT - i N SPOTS \ i1:lc 1)o nilly n'r dulying that 'i t t :Is a 11 lade round. Science now con \ int 'rd that the *man part i, pretty flat, and hourly getting flatter. - (Wawa (iliil g, NO ADVICE FROM ADOLF The "L'ig Three.' is said to hat. decided on the in tv boundaries for !Germane, here's one cats win e a paperhumger won't he permit;(d to phi: out the 1,order.--(;tit, MIGIITY SLIM WAR Tokyo radio announces that Ja- pan \till keep up the n'ar for txcn- ty years, \\'ith \til;11: - Windsor Star, (1 - ANI) LOTS OF IT It i, not li\'ing roost the (;t r - mans :n'e 11ecding 11\V, hitt tur- ning 1.1 nun). -(..1uei)ec Chronicle -Telegraph. War Vehicles some 2,250,000 military vehicles from jeeps to I0 -ton cargo trucks have been built in the United States since the start of the auto- mobile industry war program. ACCOUNTANTS .t A('1I'1'0115 iN(:I)M1 '('AX It1;1'OItTS CO31- plete Bookkeeping Services, Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Alhert itret1 & Co., 8 Wellington St. Il., 'Toronto. Ont. 11A111' CIIICI(S 81.00 DOORS YOUR tilt DER O1111l;it YO(111 19.15 CliWCKS NUI[', and not be disappointed. All chicles are from goatanteell test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs 01 better, Barred flocks mixed $12.(111 per 100. t1'htte Leghorn?, mixed E11.00 out 100 Ihlrrea Roel( Pullets $11).00 per 100, while Leghorn Pullets 022 111) per 101), white )inks m, y, 9 11 r,o111 per loo white Iron; Pullets 921 1) pet 1)11). \Ve gtl'u.lntee Illnrn live delivery, 1,111anre Maple City Il;ltehrrl', Chnlhunt, Ontario Er.UT'! T CN "Bre'-to-Pay" CRIC;(S 1:111 )1 11': 151,\ \ 1 111:15, \\' I t t'r is 1:, 't.' Ila[I,d tto,'L, hlld'rl It'tl,l;' hLrs, l;,,sc'runlrnt .1ppto\'- 111'ti11n,itr=ir.l. III)' 11 :11,11 I•:11- :1'1';Ur 3'I er 1.1111W1.1 1'011:11 (11, 11 11,•,1.'nrr) : \root,. t, 1 ot., Intl ration ON ONE PLA;`:'! 1111''11 1111 I; 1'1 !. !)!t 111 .\11\ •i 1 1'1 i ot::» 11 loci 1,,.•11 III''11 tll,i.,1 • it. poll;'ill,: 111 , !. I I:'I'' tl, 1'IIs ally:,: - o: l nt r.ti-It 11, 1 1:,I;e ' h'lt, r s 011 '•ltill':,. I'larc loll 111 ,', t 11(11-. 1'111'. I I• rd I.r'':r *I.' lie I•r•tt'url- :•-•u-r1\ .\',•n 11:11111 . .4it'•1 \ ' 1.."; L 1 ,- 1: 1: \ I, hot It Int , I, \ Nev. 11 ;.1!.: I Inr1' .1 1;. 1 1.- r1 1.11 1... 1';1I'.. 018 0 iu ., !'circ Io„ 1''•, 11.1, 1111 I(.0 C:s \\'l'rl! 1:':1:1;1' t' ;ll•:I; 11' ) tl •1, 1 ',irr; y;1 ,ice 11111 . 1,•it !;,,;. , I. L1 : 11.n'n 11th; 1, I tit' 110 I .. 11ni,rla :1" I" r iuu \.'bit" lit. I';!lt1l:. .:I.!'' I" 110\II Id I : "i• '1 11y high , ❑ . d rIt-'l ,1)0a'bn,,; n1,t';• I.nlaOrt' 1',1,1). '111;11."nt„'1 1'w', lies 1:'Ii';,'r:,. l til It:,t1•tt. 1 .•, r1t:11lo'n1, 1111:1, itI. lift() Alf n1t1:.ts'ttit .t `..l':\ ('111 7'lltlti;;,1.\I i. rl\.'11\1;11': \\'I;I;Ii• 1)', it iuu 0111. I II Wm 1 Uta Its 11111 I;1'r:IPll91 tills(`\ t',\ 1111,; top pt I, 0s 110 the run. Del 1\'11110 sli1.'ilir,l. Intl); I'o11n11ro bl'raslt• Also\ell' II :i t1) ptea 11'11b noxi glow,tll .Ind real het lug t Isar\ Le);{0tl0- and NO( 1r N I.eoll'rns )lrlke good 111:1-I e(.1 and gl (tV fast 1111 to 4•4 lbs 1 (to ran bol these 1(.1 9'1110 pct 100 AI)41 MI N• ed urnvl ,.n\ -# t (ti pet Int. 14) (linin 1/111 NP11-I'r e1, IIri11111\', blow! 10x100 1111. NI, 1 0, !dull. 10 rod. crl un (INi: pont 1,:lkevrety I'uuitr} Farm. (fern loos., 1.1\vier Ontario SPECIAL PULLET SALE S'I'.\ I;TI:1 ItA hitt:t k'it'h Irl:I.• 1, Is, 1 ty'eIt old .2r, 2 0,•ck0 old 21; rends. Ilnlncdi;,te lleiitrrl. 'ar'letu r' 11,11r hurl', Bril:uulln Heights, narasin POULTRY KEEPERS III; I I:It'I':11N VUU I1U1 taro n Ma 11111, vigorous chicles. Iain' chirlcs with brecdin:: and li\abi;ity and you will he certain of success. Our Itl'reders are all tiovet'intelt inspected, banded and Maud -tested. \\'rite for lieseriptiv0 catalogue on the dtl'fcrenl breeds, and pliers on our (IUVlrmormi .\purut'c1 smelts MONKTON POULTRY FARMS )ioni.ton, Ontario A -I 1:.1111' CHICKS; i,1•;G1o11NS: Iturl;s: IIyMids. some . cinder start( 11 chicks available up and 4 N1r1•l;> old. \\t'it1 Or photic A. 11. Ntsitzer IL,Irlrcrl. 1;rtttton, 1111. 1'I1onc ."8 11 1, 1'1Ilti•:1': t'I'i.t,l-:'I' 1'11t'i:K 21:1; It'u se, 1', d, '111111; lis any price 111r- tlrt•nr,•, liere is sotuething to eottsidey in choosing ynut' chirlcs. If y, s, 1 ,. u lose three I c t lit llcf chicks yotl don't go hark and get three more. You go on with what you have left, short three layers which \word likely make Yon 2.00 per bird over feed cost thea first laying year. 1f by purchas- ing livable clilel(s such es 'l'sved- dies you .ecs raise just three more pullets per 100 clients started there's enough Income right there to cancel out any dif- ference lit rho first cost of the chicks. Send for 'l'weddle cat- alogue and greatly reduced prices rnr 'lay and June chirlcs, Also $ week old started chicles and Older pullets for immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick lintchertla Limited, Fergus, Ontario. LILYBET'S 19 Here's the latest portrait of Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, heir -apparent to the British throne, taken prior to celebrating her 19th birthday, on April 21. Princess Elizabeth is now serving with the A.T.S. Fast Going The rtcw' of 0 lanadi;tn-built Mosquito had Lreakia't in 1\c\\'- foundl,ld, lunch in Scotland, Marr- ing crusIefl the Atlantic at 3117 utiles per how., sshich is at the rate of a utile in just over nine seconds, Anybody who wants to go faster can get himself 0 cornet, ILl1II' CIIICI(S LS I'ItltII l'lllt'1(5 (1I'It hot'N1.\'PION 1egisterld trod pedigreed birds. Not limp, heticr al ('auada, Order now. I'riecs for mixed Kuhl' chicks, malls and females: liar - red Itu,'Ics, $12.1)4) pi•r hnnlln•d; 0itu 1,eghorns', 1 1.00; 1Vhite Itorl;s, $17.00;1! tvli I.eghurns, $1:.011, 1'u11e1 prir'to: ISIu'rl'd 115-10, $19,1111; \\'W.' I,et;horus, $22.011; 1V11i1.• kern;s, #:NAM; 111.1)1/1 1..141turn 92 25 (141 i'hirk•., our choirs, will bo given fur en, 11 :1111 nlixrll ehicha urdt r- ed and :•i free ehirlia for 0.011 ton Iran 01,1 lnIIIi l t ul'derrd. (lod(1,u 1 t'htt•It Ilair)n•rl', 111,- tal,ui:, 11..1;2 Ills, 1)nlv'in, 111{I1t:11 11)1 It C1111'lis \4)11' A.\It lits' -1111•; i11'-1IL\\'1'1:1:11 your ..lorks for u''\t O11rlrtg 1110 1'4.11 11;,111 ills ill. i1;,11,',1 1;0, n,i\, d • 11.111 111 r Inn \Pliny 1,'.1;- h1.r11' ///1'....1 ',t ).nn I'1•r Ino. Pln'- 111 I:1)' i; 1'111111: F('',1111 11,0 Inn \\ 1111,- 1,, ; h1.rn full, Is ;2 2.1or p1r )nr, I1' ' Int- tl 1 11� ,_,4,111 11' to/. 1, rho,'ti 1'1,1 - o )'r 111'• :111 elto !: ' it'11,'II, .1 I I ion b. Urn' ;ant Iron speo11,1 itti.1• do•flo;'h••. f;Il:tt'•ttlle, 11 !ow, lit', 1!, 1'y. r 1'1,11 1, Lal:te'e ('.1,1'. I::t11111, IL,:•,u',:, t'h:11h,,u,, ilulntiu. 1'I,' 111:\1; F'uL' 'r:il: .11.1, 1'1:.11; Ita.r:;rLe, 1.r b;t\r asa11 .-" old rbi.' int most ,. - t , .'1 il•L,l 41'.1' r1111)1111'11, 1 11,[11 . nt'' • t',:•11,1 1,1 �. .111 I;'•. .: and \ry 1, t,, .. 0,11 111:1, 11111'1 I , 11 ; ' I'; , 14', .11 1111 1111. T111: '01 I.' ':1'1'1':1 ,:.\ 1' i1 - 1, Tint Ice 1, , t law 01 ' l I,it; ,lt,1)1,'t yitt ut1!1'r 11'1;' ,1 oft. I' :,11,0l''!t' 111 I;t' ' pays lit •., 1 1'. ,, ! Tull ,.'tl I InV.'rtt- I. •11 .11.1' ,v, ,1 -o. .., . '1'1)1, Null 11 Ir, 'u ';'t It 0' fir .1;t- I,':,• , 111'' .'p":' II': ;r1.. Ion' a I.•,..!:. 1L' 1, 1 11„1 1;111;s ,,1 I.,"ill I r 1: 1u:•:1, .\ •- rt•,! I,, ,'t r. • II.";. 1'tlPlis. I. ',tot 11: 1 I. terra Li ht: .1 .4 .1 t. at,ir .:1.;'7, ('orkr,rls: I. .,111 '..': N. \v laaln- 1l'It't. i. -:horns. Luo, 1, r.,'! h 11'bil• Lr ;burns 01'1, d I:r•:.(t, s 7,95 \I, 11- :n,' •.:•v 1,1' hts 117r. 2 \terli 'Id • ,,r!' 1 )1 i• L, 'I tt), i'1'rre-:• r•(nd f, e ;,t;:11y;u,• and 11rie11i t for !r 1 t1t. e It.-, ,,l't ttnd hybrid':'. 1 11 r.an-:rI 111 ;ung 1)01.11, fur Ito)* ;and ,lour. 'I'tep ot1'h ' hirl:r.'ir?, 1;11,)1,!) ant. ['Ott SAM.: 1:L,11111. ('111-'1 i:1 (111,11114 1'(11'11• Herr, ,\1111) 4c, Leghorn (W4(1- 4 /S 1'•. .11,11 It ole l,cghurt) and IitMid 1'11111"). Stu! moot I'utlry al tit I''1n1h, lint. 1)11;1 N(; AND 1'1,111\1\1: 11.4\'I', 1 l: \N1't1t1.\,1 ((\, 111t; of 11'1110 11 00 /al 111110/11.,1orn \\c •,re gl,in to noxa ri >'.1u1 quest ion, I1ep;a 1- 10,1,t 11 rat i;.ers 1', \Turks I.141art1 ;111 1'1( --- il.tl1tnttl;'-:'.111; 1, li .1 1: N 11.111,111[1•:-1.-11 3 '1'111; 10'hell til, In' Ilud. 111fnrnlnlion tell r' title sI rr::'ding elassa's. Nolo.rlt-olt'; Ilaintr.. r ill, Acad- emy, 1:17 .11'enlle 110a'1, Toronto, :[UNCLES ['Olt ,.11,1: 1.1•:1'1 G) N'1:%l'1•:IIN 1'111;1; 11(1\'I'11I,1 111 I,I,E'1'IN )11;A\'1' 1'1,.\11) 8I11It'I'o ('u\yhay Runts S*11,1 Nits t!r\ --- !Meltin;: )n•oneho 'rest '1!'t' -Purr round feather Jaektos !',!,,-1, Ited 1Voo1 111;Inllels 1.,10 such. '11N1:1' i1,\t'E 1'It11'1i:1"I'I/N, '1'1r'if1y ti p o r shop "lire:, ril 5.5. 01''011 Starr in rho Inst", 1:9 chinch tit., To- ronto. 1'011 5.11.11 I:I,h,"TRIC \I1'i'1 IS. NEW, t'SE1. bought, sold. rebuilt_ netts, par- leys, hru'h,s. Allen I:'.eo1•le ('um• pony 1,1(1 . 2:3_11 Intlfel in SI„ 'Ib- ronto. a'1'I1A11'1-11:1;It1' PL,\N'Iit, .\SI'Alt rig us, rusillier ries. peaoh traces, apples, pears, plans, cherries. grapes. 0.ur1 •10ts, shrubs, fledging. shade 1r, -es, wire It re guard'. Norfolk Nursery, Sitneue. Ontario 5(1 ACRES, A1.1, 11.11111.1111,1;, RE - marlin ble gardening hind. Soul+' asparagus and 1111:111 fruit. rood \Veli, No hydro, Buildings need some repair. $421111. 11', J. Mc" Cart my, Claremont, Ontario. SAW 13111.1., NEARLY NEW, CAi'A('- 1ly upward One thour•:ind per hour. Can be oprrated by two teen or more. Designed and built by an experteuccd sn\yycr. For part ten - tars, write or eall 13an \'allieres. Mill Bridge, Ont. Du not call on Saturday. JI:RSi:YS, ALL A(31'a, (111EISEC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited. Gables harm, Foster, Quebec, How To Control Garden Cutworm Poisoned Bait and Tin Cana Combat Attacks of Cutworms dint „'.. int 1 le prl,l)t,, 111-11 1,1 dt.'tl t' )', L1 t1 1 h ( rtil.S Ile i,1 'II!, a Emil d, :tl 111.,11 prat( 'I:"11 ;!11111 rhr rat I allot ks of t u:',' 1't ti'-. A- so(!1 a, till' -(.d o:,rlltl lip ;it:4 v,''''ti gro\tt11 i t ,Insures, cuts'., :In•, be- rm"' ;t, tit('. A \y'e(11 hrt"tc the first 14:1 dill crops art. planted, the soil 'ur ,1.1, if raked, ,lnoild br brr,kl 11 slit ;1/111 a t,t'i-tn,t i1 11,11! la II f't hr,trt, 25 1b.; 1';,l t0 green, IL; )',,!ions of \tat, r huldd be 1,road a -t at the rate of 1,',-20 lh, of the dry matrrial per at re, Select u tarn) (e1 i:ittg and spread the bait h(•forc darkur,.s cotta's on. 1)o not spread the ha:1 on a cold day. For cit'; gatdetts, use the bait at the late of rue teaspoonful of Paris green to one quart of I,tan, and moisten with o,at(•r. Transplants may Lr. protected b) dipping Mem in a lilts air(' of 9 0113100: of lead For small gardens, tin rant with arsenate to a gallon of water before setting Co' t:ansplanis in the soil. both ends cut out and placed over the plant, and pushed well down in the soil, \rill give protection. The raps !nay be removed before the plants get too large to slip through, The cans can then be strung on a v, ire and hung up for next 5e;l'('11, FOR SALi: AT S'r1'1), AT'rltID(iE'S NIGRT'- rider Bleck and Tan Coon hound, Imported, six generation pedigree. Ills sire stands tit one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding this young dog at 'Twenty-five dothtra, Arthur Attridge, Erect/inn, Ont, PI11tM)li1;1 HEREFORD ('A'I"I'LE, mai(s and fentotes, Lawrurn Fauns, burnout, Ont, • CA RAM.: 1': .4 N1) SERVICE STATION, garage equipment fund stuck mnd 0-rooms,l house, on Ni', 2 3/1g -h. way. oaken Enrage, Anc:loter, (Mt. Pi)I:1.1'1;1' 1''.11131, 25 A('1:ES, 1,200 'dryers, Ilydnu, mucin t garden hind, 20 mile, from 'Toronto and Hamilton; going, cnnl ern; Inl- nuvliluc po'sresiou. Keith 1'owtes, l(.1 11'1 nhy. Ont. I'.\R11 I'Olt 5.11,14 lou ,At'll 14 SI' !VA 111,1.: 1''Itlt MIX - ed 00 daisy (nlrrling, v,,I clay 1,,:,111 I:,n'I, SO arr1, eitaring, :,111n11 bn.h, gond Iv:ller supply. I'r:In• )lou -e, bank barn:', stet I ruofr. ''Io-.• to Oi'Illia :,tun higli- 1111y. .11.1.1y Ito 23, 7" .\drlaide \1'1x1, 1 iO ACRES 6,00`1In')e:, front Thornton, I'I' t 111!ng itrepns,d Barri'' 114•1,5) olid 1.1l.•1 house. 9 room- '011 2 flours, 111g0 barn .11111 1'111• , 1luildili:r". 01,1r1. in h:u•n. huildit'u• 1\I11 prise n1:l,'-d for 111'111 e1"t Ili:[ re po•s1s`inn. Int() .ACIZIiS .7,000 toll i'nnerasion, 'lnnn- sltt) of InntIf!1, t• -alit(' Porn 1'0rgt:tlr, solid hrlr•k latus. 11 rotor, on 2 floors, I:u'ge stock oil rn r1)• to for 10 hula of rattle, -\pply 1111t1\'S, 1 I -11'1:., 'f((111)ND') If lou h'.\" any farms for sale send n 11arllrn':.r., if your price is right, 5. 1(111NI;It1' DICrrL CRAWLER TRACTORS 1;17 I',1'I'):1:1'1 I,1,A 13 \' 1'1'11. 1';11117 I.e 'I'nnror'au sr•ruprr: 11115 with 12 y:ll,t '..•spec; '1'010 Ilaer- r,l!nn1 1011), huiidozcl (s/ roper 'lltiolin)): '1'1)111 with bulldozer; 111110 International (47.5 111')-; 011.1 caterpillar; 11174 with An- thony i1itthlift docket nod lnter- hnntr:lh'so bulldozer blade I,it:ltlin:: plants, 15011 walk 32 of 115 volts Send for rumor rliesrl '111'1 Gnsntine l'liio urs 4(1 1,1 1511 111', Other equipment alailnhlc. \Vire, write or phone ti II. Leventhal & Co., \Llehinery Al:ens::, \\'innipeg. 11l;n11'.11. THY IT! is\'h:lI\' 11'1' I't•:III:I( 110 l;heunl:tir fain., or Neuritis ,houl,l 1'y l'ixon's limn-dv. 11un- rt.11,ul Moro :Ift;, I:I:;in, 01- 1 t'1 ;1. 1 ' 1):.10.,111 11.1111, S'I'151.11'11 .\N1 '1'IllIE.\1 \V1)1111N oft, n art 100 rause of ill-Itr:lith in hunl•mr, ill mgrs. No one tm- mom.; 11hl' not find out if 1hi.m is your 1•ouhll2 Intt'rt'oting par- tirulnrs-I'r•'•t'1 \Vrile NInlv''nr)'s lir lllydir', tlieitlists, 'I'ur,titl a 3, ;rim) lll•:Sl'I;I't't--1;1'1;111' SI'1'I'l;lt- er from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should11 try. limo. dy, 3lnnro'o 111'ut; titan, :in 111 - gin, Utl:!1\n. 1'0 1pnid SI.nn, •1 )\ti'l'l I'.\'I'I l 1N B 11.1 11 1' SN I;SS, liver irouhl", depressed brad:,she, 'lui'hll )n yr,l lith 1'ig-1,:1\ nhlrl Kr, 1' regvla• with 1'111- 1.:11. 111 I II'tlt;glsl 1. 11,11 ' \ I i; I': K .1 I' O O' l' 11.11,1 11E- i..1)."3.1 1': - id 1'1 t11['nt-ivn odor hod:. •I'"' hot 111, 1111:111 : ti' nl, 11,111111111 I Irn4 ti'ol 1111 awa. 111 SIC 1I, 1 \s'1'lIt 5.11;\'I's t'IlIll \, 1'111311NI;'I'l)', sell', , \rh:+nc, nnlsirnl ins,menls, 111 church, 'Toronto 2, "1'1'01111 \r'I'li:' volt \volt Ey •\ 1 \Iitl)1'W.SSl:R .111.\' 1'.1\.5.1'-\'S 1 1'1111)41; 141:1111(11. 1 i1 eat ,1;')sort unity, Learn 1 1.,lydrrssiltg l'Irn ;,lit 1!i,nifu',l prnfrl<i1'n :;and \\mgrs•, thou -.!oils tdwery:ful 11,ly•-I Lt'adliatr .\le,, 1lr;l'S t: rr:Ild>t ,\s- t11n, IHu, u':e1t d rat:tlott,,,• ftre. \\'tlte 1:.\1;1'1:1, iI 1111111ZESSI.\r; 1 111 1,S ,I 3;i0 111,1n /It \s., '0 ILI )\To ltranlbl'st di hint; St. II uniltnn ,l'• 7-1 1:i0":111 Street, (11i:item. 1'.1'111;1VI's 1'l•:TIIEl:s1'1N11.\1'(;II & ''t'111'.\N\' I'atlul Sol; iters I':str'htisited 1591,: )1 Nitro \Yr t. '1'.,111)1!1). R'ol;l, I of ti format ion or I, yursI. P11\0S (11115. s\i.\1,), 5 \'11,1. be avail:11)10 shortly. 11, armful In design and torte, Sold for r0 c'ular no Mit a ppr'xi)0', price, :,nit 1,11tirult,is in ice range 5) ill be Moiled 011'1111'11y. lrarhn) )lit , i. 2 111o011 I,ie,:h(1, 642 lilt% \Pest, Toronto, • ,y ROLL YOUR OWN WITH British Consols CIGARETTE TOBACCO MINING MAPS BOOK OF 20 MAPS W. LANGRIDGE, Jr, 331 Bay St. Toronto Ont. 1'11()TOGRA1'l1Y TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR a EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS >f for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get al) the auallty and service you desire by mending your flims to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS " and the prompt Illlll,tirr !n which you ruturu \\'uric is grt.:,try appreciated." Any Size hall - I; or 8 I:tt, ['urea DEVELOPED ANI) 1'ITINTED :Sc llun't risk losing pleuu•i-s. Send your film rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST :1`;D FINEST STUDIO Gert (letter 1'k:tures at Lowc: Pr1'nlpt mit sci Vto(, SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Albmo With 1't.:.ts si•r.1s I6-20-127 if 1111'• tle extra) 1:• scent )vttll fill) 11 i?NL:11;G1':\(1:NTS - 3 fret 270 4 s G" in Ilei c1 Mounts SPECIAL PRICES ON ERA11ING AND COLO1i1.'\G l':nittrgclneuts 4 x 6" in easel mounts, 3 for Cyr. Nr:,Mod, on ivory tiut(d Halts, 7 0 11", in Gold, Silver, ('ircassi;ua Walnut c'r Black Ebony finish frames. Gtic r- 1011, 1f rnlnrrcrnlcnt colored, ;fit: each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE l3ox 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto (Tint Name find Address ['lain:;' on Orders, 51'111:1111.1\ I'ltl)I'I:It'1'I Es W.1\Tl:n • \VITI-1 IN 25 3111,1:5 OF 'I'Ui;(.t.\'I'1), with nr without acreage'' 11') halve steady demand fur proper- ties ranging up to #,-,'-,3,t'0 throughout this area. 111;,1L , CO. 1 Is l utlge FI., '1'st unto A1. :1:.7 I'AI111 NIA1:1tINRit1' "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local deatet ul direct front So,edlsh Separator Cu. Limited, 7 211 tre- D;1rne West, Montreal f Quc. \il•I .1 Nil NV1131EN WANTED sol' 111;1': NOT 14E1"11Ni; A suffirt/nt tteunn•, 5011y not stat n hui!ness .\1.1. 1'OI'It U\VN re- tailing Panlilrx low priced guar- anteed neeossities In your sprue time:' Quick easy sal(:, -rub,. ,n - i01 profits. ,\ burst' and 11 igen ur lar 0 01 help you quality for a rural route, Details 11:1-,E, I'lnni105, 11;110 It,•lurimilr, Mon.. t rcni. 111;14' \1 1.\'1'1;11 11AN1'1'.1l"1'1'1;1;1: 111' 1.I1IIl'I'NI\tl rod equipment desires local .11es- nom for part -time lurk through- out 1)tIIttntu, 1r:nyin onolnsl eot11I111P: inn` ;11'7. ;1t'•.1. -\ Poly 11. l'htllips t'unlpan\ Lim- ited, :00 \Llin Si'r1 t, '1'1)11.1 .31.1111111{1 (211:1'1J4 11; 141\1;01-: man, experienced, cell tb1'. T:.o acct s. on highway. :3 mil. t. 'Ite Paton r -ton. y, arty me;t;•.::1' r , goon lytta' 1 and /non. lit ! t-.' t part)'. \11111>' Jrnu \. I" I'alnli'Iston, 11.1;. \.. 1. 1'11,1.\11111!1'1 114 1.11.1.\' 11'.1\ ono %vitt) rolls 0 0\1), 11.1.. , ,!1 nl:tl;e-Iearly. Steady 01),111, t 1,•1• steady rehab c man. f l (.1, I , 1: r lv''-k1 1\ ploy nearest 1:'11''' 1111111& Selective Set % ,. 1'' \r, ',11 27111 I•:\I'I•:I;I1•:\'t'i:1 l,I\'1'1'1 1'i. (11'1'11- :1tu1 ❑11,1 11001 lura, 11'.1.1, I ,• t ort, e, al r:ttl) )o• I„ -u 11' 15'i,-11 1 and 141-. 1;1, '',11". 11., _._ V, ','1';':1 1 1:111:1111\'1; li'MVI„i‘.1110)11.1:K1'; ,l I 111 „i• ,I. I I I 11 It r 11 31, 1' 1i 111, . !, tilt' _ '1', 1.1'. MR. WOCL CPC\\'cr:1' I'1,; .,'i o ,1 a, I ' a'„ \1'. de. 1, 1 1- • - !, t1 I;:;''4) i:: 1;-1 5 1 PAGE 4. E1Iiott1nsurane Agency BLYTH -- ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car • Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott Oifice Phone 104, Residence l'houe 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" THE STANDARD Wednesday, DO 25, 19.15, on Ile Breath of God", followed by Prayer. The Ttniperaucc reading 1\a, given by Alio e I it gland and the Scri;t- y,ited rrt t n11y 11;11, her lure yeas rt•a,! I,v \lard• Shohhr, `l;, \\. in. Carter. WESTII'IELD \li„ I:IIa liar \1 it on /The IIe treasure! , report1wa, ..:.%.4.11 and \I I', and N11 i. I.", after til" roll 4.;111 and minutes ,of tilt' \\ 111. 11.31414.1were, were last meeting Iwcr. read •1 '011 "Chin 4 , tl , N;I> taken tell nl baby .\'Tile, for a hale 110 he tient ;mai. It \\a, drei•Icd That at die \lal netting 1we ynill our Wei \\silt, and have a Pill Lurk Supper af- ter f-ler at the holm. of \Its. \I4'ntie,, Itut11 A Snell gave an Ill,lrlllllelllal ‘vhile the IIMAkitttNll;a444440110411,00717a1p/MADIAAA2IdlJtllUDIANNatitDtNNitiliINNNA;offs;:•►; \t;l, 'qe:n); t;lkt•n,.;liter 1\hc't G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England, LIFE - PENSIONS • ANNUITIES WILLIAM II. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In Perin and Househobf Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phos. (William H. Morritt, phone, Residence ft3; Shop 4, Blyth, 4.4•tt, tJ ••f 71M•' ++i .I I Xi Al '4 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Spec1a11et in Farm Sales, Elva leek );av" the topic. The Incelin.; ,load\ with singing hymn "I) \lister of the waking 1+urld" and piavt'r, \lrs. hair.ervice th'n served a very lovely and household lunch which \w;IS enjoyed by Miss Pern 1\'atson spent the week - Licensed in Huron and Porth end at the poute of her grandmother, Counties, Prices reasonable; anus Mrs, Elizabeth Lynn, fiction guaranteed, \Ir. and 1Irs. Bert Darr and family, 1)1.31)1.3"1.'ar, I) n;11i Stell. Topic, Sh;rley )Jr,and \Irs. Samuel Darr nl' ;tl lI r;l. I�adfurlL Pearl I;nnic,on );awe a split wit' in For information, etc„ write or pima, talk on the life of the late Franklin 1 \1 1-s. of 'Toronto sister, \It,. yd \1•a1dei (iod(.4'11 w \ I t'. '111 Sa1111.11 41'. 11r. and \Ir,. \1'i'li;uo 11r\'iltir vis ilei! ou I;rilklr lith \Ir. and \I.,. aro', ul 1)I.1.gantiou, , Pte. I\11,1t'I (. ooli, ul I orlelt•), '11(111 Ihr \wecl,-end \4ith hi, Itarrnt,, 11 r. ;11111 \I r•. 1.4'.11 ;II'tl Cook. \I r. 1'4'111, .`Jcl)ulsell, \1 r, tiord nl NI vl )14\yt 11, \I',s \I ildre11 'Thornton, visited on Sur'lav at the home of \Ir. ut'' \Ir•. \\esIcy Stackhouse of Ih'uce- fit 1(1, The Y.P.C. 1114'! int Tuesday evening \wit!) a t oo! ,,tmmlatict. I.11e nu'eling y: is I4.11 Murray \I el )olyrll, Se: ip • torr Ir•,on 1v;Is ;''a11 by \'inl.t cook. •004.4 40•••0.0:,•44 , , •. , 3 4 ,.,, , , 4.D••+ , 4 4 1 . 00.•0••110 00 J•••• 4 44400,.04„•t•••,ir0r0.6.00t t . Edith Creighton's PI -ZONE 158. Decorator's Shop IILYTII, ONTARIO. t•.,o.00..0+0.•,.•.o•o• .•,o. sd• o,.o••44444444440•••o•o44444*••.•••o 444,40,r,et••.r..•. tt•0•o•o••„y visited with NI r. and \I r,. ('h,Irles 1'od- ttarold ,lacknon, 11.11. No. 4, SeatortL, !;,,o,vr'I , The meeting closed ++itlt den on Suud;IF ing \will, friends Phone 14.661, f the IG'nc''icllotl. !1!y th Cemetery, 111.1) has re, mole' at rived from Knglan(1 E. I•:Ilis of I.i,I-t\wel ii visit ta' 11 m 1w 1;111;- ‘‘it 11 her mother-in-law, in this community. 111,. Ie.:, 1,,.•i!, of til'derich, vi;;tc(1 LONDESBORO mended for last wreck) Miss Iicicn 1641f4,rd spent Suud,ly The\'irlur} Loan l'an\;Istcr, ;u)' 4,11(1 11 Sunday1\itb 111. ;Ind 11 r,. In1111 I.. at the hon,• of her parent,, \l1-. ;,1111 1 A 1111111b1.11' HMI Thi, Common t} at chin) Ilonrl,.—Rcmlenlher that u1-' \Ir1)t.0t1I. INIrs. Albert Radford. tended a receidion at the home of \I;. soldiers, s:ti!'rs, and airmm'n ;11•4' d4'- ---\'-------- ant: \Ir• \also', \ic(,,ll, Clinton, of I,ctdial on ronr sull;mrt until the last I ('1llt,r;Uula1'on, to Mr, I)r\iCe C ok, \Its. \chic \1'atson went to Iiodcrirll 'Thin\ 11ay evening, in honour of the 1'h, :\inoyt'll mission t'ircic wet at .on Sund14' to be wl'ilh her (laughter, nt\cly\wr11,, (1') 'ural I.Iltward \j,.(;',11,'.h1't is lire\, :t'bl.,r hirtll lay Na, ,m1 ;\I11•lI 111th. the pool, 1-,l \Its. Robert I airserwicr 'lrs, ).fill lull \who i; ill, I I,,Irb; ;1 .Int; \le\ illi. „I' (iodcrirll, I 1„n_'1-;tlmllt;,111, to \Inrray Cook, w1ho ;Ind \Tri, N14.; ;ill. on Tuesday 1 i;ht, April leth, w'th the At the wwnr,ltill ,..lire on Snr.11:n Ur. „,.1 wl,•. Noland w .,,,•,.,,4 attend. spent Ow \we '; end \with \I r, 111111 \Its, .41(141 11411 Ili, Iib hirthllay on April 25. l'.II'.,r;ltuI;iti r,, to 111,nald jolmvlon \+1111 4'i lci,r;Ile,\ Ili, Ili!' I.irlhd;IY• :1l,ril ,r,sidin l'hc the pastor wit! ,la'ak (01 "Thu begin -101 the funrral ut \Ionda} \Ic\'itti'. President, I\'.tth Pipe, Presiding. I the }ale i meeting (T(,l'tl�'(I with the tht'llle "Nil Tull'. Of l'rl te,talll'tilll,” \tall I.ivcth i.'mto himself,' the Call to \\-orship and singing hymn "Breathe HURON is proud of the men from this County a on Active Service. THEY are proud of Huron County's Victory Loan Record. LET'S all buy MORE Victory Bonds THIS time ,N �' and Beat Our Last Loan Record Sponsored by Huron County National War Finance Committee. .++++++++++.4444:4%+++++++.+.4444+.++++1 H :l+ • .t• t. LISTEN TO Huron County Victory Loan NEWS CKNX EVERY DAY • •N !April r to f Mayl2th AT 12.20 P.M. 3• 3: Huron County National War Finance Committee. ; I\Ir. (icurge C.11ticy', Interment was 11;• Icr I�eilll, and \Ir;. 1.1;1-11, Smell '.I. \I1•,. 111.' tine11, \lass 'I'helnla and 111 1 , Ii i. , - , 1 NM 1 + 1 1 11 • 1 1 4 • 1, 1 , , 1 .1 , 111 1111 .1... 11, , Your Victory Loan Salesman Will, Call on You Soon .. . Give .Him a Friendly ; elcome ---(NA A Buy More Victory o the Deferred '1'oy-'.ent 1 With Money as You Everybody knows what a comforting thing it is to have money where you can get it when you need it. So, in most homes, the Victory Loan salesman gets a cordial welcome. IIe offers an oppor. tunity to you to hell) your country's war effort by just saving your money. in case of emergency you can get cosh for your bonds at any hank ; .. but you know that when you put savings into Victory Bonds they will likely stay there, intact . . drawing good interest. Your savings are protected from your own temptation to use them, Buy all the Victory Bonds you can, with all the cash you have, • And, to give yourself an objective to add to your savings, obligate yourself to buy more Victory Bonds on the deferred payment plan. Make a first payment of 1O% or more when you order the bonds , . • and pay the balance with money as you get it, oter a period of six months. Your Victory Loan salesman will give you a copy of the letter on the right. It is a request to your bank to buy bonds for you. Any bank will lend you the money to do this and the interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the bank loan. t! "44 ' C 04:77.4444„ A,( C°fit ,Y, (/ `71- C/„(4C 1-o 434 1444 v � 444 //we4ria zge Pair avVICTO Nafionaf War Finonce Committee 1.444 14 I,.li.- .4, 1 4 14.11-1 , Y eJnesday, April 25, 1915. 'AGE UM lc'II'Et1`I'RE WINGHAM-ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night r Thurs., Fri„ Sat., April 26.27.28 Pe•le.fnl be 011' rest dear mother, IN 11'Ila'IORIAM II)II\s'I't)\--lit lowing memory of a !•.I; uulllu r, \11 ,. \,IlihiiIIcl Jolt, - ton. \\ 11,, iia X111 ,1\\, I) '3 y(';Ir., ago on 3Ist. 1 Carmen Miranda, PIriI Silvers ' Michael O'Shea, in :l.I It i, •.•,\I• I 11, hrl•,I111r thy "SOMETHING FOR .1.11E BOYS".Z 11! lite \\c I,IvI 11 you dearly, l'ranell), music, singing, dan(in•t ;l; I In 111;1111 \\I 1111 the ,aiin. h_\• her cltil- 36.1, [awl technicolonr, 3.---I.o\inely Ie,.'nlbercd leen.. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" 1 '`Matinee, Saturday afternoon, at 2,302; 1 name ; AUBURN .Mon., Tucs., Wed., Apr.I 30 -May Ihi•1 til r. ip; was a recent William Powell, Myrna Loy, in :. 1'1,1101' \\ilh Iii, sister, Mrs, Andrew ''`THE TITIN MAN GOES 1JOME""4 1'1'x• Ili \\'1litechurch. \ick and Nora l'll,u'le• of Ir •1,;ei ,� \Ir. and \Ir . Earl Kelly and family }'angle nLl, er 11linal, in Ihi• latest;] Ili Ili ti•ilell %\ it'll Mr, and Mrs. of "'fl•e •1'11111 \Ian tieVie, �� Andre‘‘ 1 :rkc„onrll, ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" tl Mr. t t1;u;le, Nivins of \Voodstock, ,.p.j..;..;� •t�.;� ,!, Q. 44.;10;w4 r:..;. •;. ,;. 4;44;1 r..;, I:4 001:4 ;. ,;. ,;. 11'III III, wile ;rid I i I I1 I I I ' here. I'll.-I.l. I?tpene F. Ihlbic has been \• 1111 wed front \I;tltltI to Rivers, \Ian. Weather I -las ltacl(-I' II'cil mi.. and \Ire„ Percy Vincent, \Val• No ole h,, been brage ng a1,1e11 Ih.' kelhnrn, \\i:h \Ir. and \Irs. Oscar lovely \weather (luring thy past 1\\11 :\n•nt, wed„. I'h „unite; of .\i,lil caste in \Ir, and \Ir,. Elmer Dollar quietly r1 !cheated 11) \ e,:r, of married life on \erg and lel 1, and I• r the nn„I part `Lnnday, \I r, I\cllar, the former Ger- has renlaine l that \w;ly 1111 to the lite, !rade E. \I ill., i, the {laughter of Mrs. cut time. 111, \l i11., \1'oo,l,tork, and the late 11, \\'c had 1,i\'•'; ‘weather in \1.1rr11, null Mills, For the past four years Nt-rs. farmers 1,,.11; advantage of it, to coil- i\char. has had full charge of the Au- pletc loos; 1 f their well:i 1 o"esti n,, !own l..l'.R. ,lat:on \vette( her husband has been relieving at different places on the C.P.R. They have one daughter 1 neille, at home, Present for the din- ner (\ ere VII. Set, Jack Ilantilton, Miss Vivian Strangha.t an,' John Cousins, \I r. and \I r: Bert Craig and \f r, and \I r;. 'Phomas \Ic\all attended the silver wedding anniversary of Nit.. and \Ir; Saul \IcNali, of (iodericlt, cin Saturday, tearing the past \\ eel; \\e have had heavy fro is 011 t\vo 01' 11101'e night, and there are teporls that the grain crops have snitered as a result, to \what extent is 1101 et 1,s111\ 11. I'cssinu,t, \\ I o could not enjoy the good \wcathcr n \larch for thinking of ,what \vas still It come,-h.Itt111 he haw- ing a field ILty ' THE STANDARD 1 - PAGE 5. 1Attention Farmers! Anyone Desiring Farm Electri• cal Equipment, such as: - WOOD'S MACHINE MILKERS, WOOD'S MILK COOLERS, WOOD'S ELECTRO -PAIL WATER HEATERS, WOOD'S ELECTRIC FENCES, WOOD'S ELECTRIC GRINDERS. Please Contact your Local Agent George Watt PHONE 40r7, BLYTH, ONT. 28-t f, How, v•••••••0 • t EUCHRE AND DANCE The Girls' \\'al. Auxiliary are holding :1 euchre and dance in Myth \I ctnnr- ial hall on \Iav 9th. Admission 5ne, which include, euchre, dance and lunch. \lusic by l<cn \\'ilhce', orchestra. Pro- ceeds for \\'a1• Effort. Prizes for euch- re and novelty dances, 3!i -1p, EDWARI) W. ELLIOT11 Lice; sed Auctioneer For Huron llas returned from service with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and \will he continuing his former occupation. Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfactilII Guaranteed. V ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE I REGENT TH'EAT,RE GODgRICH. BEA -FORTH. NOW PLAPING: Beorge Raft and NOW PLAYING: Crosby and Hope star cast in: "If I Had a Million." in "The Road to Singapore." CLINTPN. NOW PLAYING: "The Ghost Breakers" with Bob Hope. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN \, p. e.!nant and nlo\ing a fills as II I, e5, t' L1, 11 br„n;;Ill to the screen. 1 n \,ill ,hale the hope., fears seal Teal! i l , I.f this t,lt i l) a, though the + 15 e11 \,1111 0\511. Dorothy McGuire, James Dunn and Joan Blcndell Thurs., Fr.., Sat. Two Features 'Font Conway, Jean Brooks and Rita Corday. I'he .1e111h invade, a girls' school in ,e,l, ell of (lite, an I find; himself in a greater litems, FIIE FALCON AND THE CO-EDS ALSO John Wayne and Ella Raines in "TALL IN THE SADDLE" COMING: "Something For The Boys" In Technicolor. INVEST Blyth Public School CONCERT In the Memorial hall Friday, April 27 8.15 P.M. PLAYS, SONGS, DANCES, STUNTS. ADMISSION: ADULTS, 35c; CHILDREN 20c, For tasty, nourishing and economical winter desserts, most Canadian housewives will again do somo preserving this year... jams, jellies and all kinds of fresh fruits. Sugar is still very scarce. We must continue to conserve our supplies. This year, the allowance for home canning will be the same 'as in 1944 -ten pounds per person. Be sure to use your ration sparingly. HOW TO GET SUGAR FOR CANNING Instead of special home canning sugar coupons, twenty extra preserves coupons in Ration Book No 5 are being made available for the purchase of sugar for canning. Those coupons are good for half a pound of sugar each or tho stated value in ccmmercial preserves, for they are the same as any of your preserves coupons. You may use any other valid preserves coupons to purchase sugar, also at half a pound each. •No exchange is necessary. Your grocer will accept any valid preserves coupons when you purchase sugar for canning. There aro now only two kinds of coupons for sugar. The regular sugar coupon, good for one pound of sugar, and the preserves coupon, worth half a pound of sugar. SUGAR FOR CANNING COUPON CALENDAR vv..t£� 4Itt i . 04Ns1%Vit\ 4AhaytYa eltlt?361tYiYy!p414n:P___ ri! tl su�t switlYtx' =':ROKs6ityti; •'..iaNs e<� March REGULAR ,1 15..41, 4? EXTRA aril 19 43, 44 May 17..47,48 49'5 SO SI, S? 53, S4 191,, y� 3I SS' 56 P4, PS P6, Pi P8, P9 P122P13 I'fi41~4S[R r�la� 11 eN f�V $i�m�'CeflSt fiZ�! �,y.... ,. ^-TTy �C� YR ' ! Y �1 J�trls ..y� . (ItC 1;V ! ;i4ARttl(�� � � 1\: 0_5_: ltt;,1 050. tib I 01.40.1. USE ONLY AS REQUIRED GUARD YOUR RATION BOOK The twenty extra preserves coupons for sugar for canning will remain valid until declared invalid by the Ration Administration. You do not have to use them immediately. You will be given plenty of notice of their expiry date. If you lose your ration book, tho extra preserves coupons which have already been declared valid will not be replaced. It is up to each consumer to look alter his or her ration book. RATION ADMINISTRATION E - WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" A Technicolor presentation that \\ ill lice in your memory. Jean Fontaine, Arturo de Cordova, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce and RaIFh Forbes. Thursday, Friday, Saturday "TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT" \ new pi(Inle and a ,1111(\' new ,tar who tllre;ltcn, to turn male America coy, Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart and Walter Brennan. COMING: "THE MASTER RACE" A truly dramatic shock IN VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "IRISH EYES ARE SMILING" \ l-i''llt allot ;nits f ill r .,1,, .1, 1,- 111.110 I , ! l,1 in •1 ' 'Blit; 01 Ir ,u l feat lig :1 !11!,Ir r;I•1. June Haver, Monty Woolley and Dick Hayntes. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sharyn Moffett, Jill Esmond and Una O'Connor. t, 11,, her \\1;Iltlly, r,ul(I hll•\ yin l0 little, ;I 11111.155 tV ,11';,l\• II,,. ,In.l I,1\I,1Ie- Ler ail, (Lot "MY PAL WOLF" COMING: Something For The Boys In Technicolor, with Vivian Blaine. You're Free to Lend Lend to be Free Exercise your freedom, Buy VICTORY BONDS and Hold Them THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Torontq 1 34 years In Business THE SUMMERHILL HALL BOARD are holding a DANCE IN THE COMMUNITY HALL LONDESBORO APRIL 27TH 0 -Piece Orchestra In Attendance. Popular Prices. Lunch Counter. :. • • • • • • • Robert R. Watt " claims of Wilk h the adn11111Arator `teal; NOTICE RE ALBERTA COAL ALL PERSONS DESIRING ALBERTA COAL SHOULD PLACE THEIR ORDERS AT ONCE AS THESE SHIPMENTS TO ONTARIO WILL ONLY BE CCNTINUED FOR A VERY •_- SHORT PERIOD. • FOR SALE Red I)11•'11,on con, -I year, else, Ilse in \lay; (Imo Iii) of Green Mountain ,cell potatoes, gro\en front Keith', cer- tiCed seer!, Apply 10 Torrance 1hut• lass phone 13-15, l!1111. Notice To Creditors :\I.I. )\S having c1lints agattt,t the estates of \lati111,1 :lane \IcClelloul, tate of the Village of I11)1It, in tete County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the ninth day ,'f \lay, :\.1), 10-13, and Margaret .\nn McClelland, 1, to of the Village of .t. 111)11, in the Cottony of 1111ron,'pin- " ster, \rho diet, on or ;,hunt the thir- ,tcentll day of Jcne, .\.I), 11)l.l, are noti- "I .e II;II11, OIll;lri". '10 or before the fifth day of May, .\ 1). 11)15. full particulars . of their claims in \\riling. Innnediair ly after the ‘aid fifth day of \lar the assets of the said intc,tate; \rill be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to :• fled 10 ,end to I, 11. ('(,(\Mord, 'p• j 34334:44 ;belt have nota r, ('t/+44 4:44:1.�1.:N1�.�:H1~I• 1-II.1 BLOWN ROCKWOOL COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE To he held on the Massey-Ilarris Lot I.lv't.h, on Saturday April 28th, com- mencing at 2 1).111, :\n assortment of dishes, also an- tique dishes. Acme not water incubator, 60 cgg capacity in perfect condition, nearly new, with thermometer. 1 lawn mower. 1 lat.tcrn; set of harrows; scuiflcr; grind stone; grain cradle; strainer pail; sausage filler; tea kettle; pitch fork; shovel; iron pot ; pruning saw; grain bags; 'calcrs; corn planter; fence wire; toilet set; ladders; sap buckets and piles; turnip and 111;111-- gold laugold drill, butter howl; Quebec heater; \rr•itit.g desk. Oval table; Banner ash sifter. Fleury walking plow. 3 hod springs; sheet iron heater, Small centre table; arts rocking chair; plain rocker; small settee. Dishes, \valutt dresser, bed spring, oak extension table; drop.hea l sewing machine, l'aynn'nll. Toilet set, hitchet. table; roast pan. Other articles too numerous to nun' tion. There are many other articles coming in ‘which it is impossible to list here. TERMS CASH, G. 1:. Augustine, Clerk. \\'illiant Merritt, Auctioneer. 35-3, Insulation .awe; Turd \with more com- fort summer and \w•ntcr, Por a tree estimate ;Ind tents \\ Idle our equipment is in district, phrnte ill it 13;1, or \write Iio\wland C. Day, 5 Thornton awe„ Lon don, Ontario'. Pneumatic In -elating Company, Home -Rendered LARD BY THE SINGLE POUND OR BRING YOUR OWN CROCK 15c PER LB. OUR OWN HOME SUGAR•CURED Smoked Side Bacon 45c PER LB. BOLOGNA, WEINERS, SAUSAGE A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS. N. McCallum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. Z'aqliZtq3'DH4 TEA The Jade God By MARY IMLAY�.TAYLOR 0 rAirAfrACCOriCirg:ArA CHAPTER XIX Burleson smiled bleakly; he was like a man who had escaped some- thing — put something away; he etas detached, hard, unafraid. Fos- dick stared at him. "He's mad!" he thought, "You can call it conscience," Burleson said, answering Mark, 'or you can call it loss of nerve. I always planned to do something about it; a deathbed confession, 1 suppose; something dramatic! Off and on I've asked about you in pri- son; I was playing for time; for years I haven't been a well man, and now the doctors give me two years at most, I'moing to diet (hat's certain. I thought you could wait, but — I've heard something about that!" He shifted his posi- tion slightly, frowning, thinking of Pam's bowed head; it was true that Itte touchej the only soft spot in Wit heart. 'I see how you feel," he went on, "but I'm giving you your for myself, 1 ;;;;;Dose if a m?l th if the square thing in the end, It's something. I've got Fosdick here to take charge of It. He can go ahead." "It'll be ruin, Burleson! My God, why didn't you speak then — or sot at all Fosdick cried. * • • Burle.o:;, handing hire a paper, looked at him oddly. "They can't send me to the chair?" "They won't; it's second degree," said Fosdick dryly, "It's up to me to get it light for you — but this silence — the other fellow suffer- ing!" Insane temper, temporary aberration — no end of money for alienists; Fo_dick saw a hunched lawyer ways of fighting it for months — he mustn't die in prison! "I'll make a big fight, but--" he stared at Burleson bleakly -- "man, It's the disgrace — it'll ruin you all! The country'll ring with it; you're known everywhere. Burlernn's grey face twisted; he turned and glanced at ?)fart.. "This young- roan here would say it war fair and that 1 had my share," he remarked dryly, "not that I've it -Fatted — I've had a liv- ing hell of it for years." * * • Mark said nothing. ile turned suddenly ;said walked to the win- dow, staring out with uncecing eyes. Ile thought of thn'e fifteen bitter years, of the convict's lot, of his lost youth, and this mats safe and sled: in high place. Then he heard Fosdick's voice — the rasp In it wcal.encrl into a husky growl. „Two t ears? good heavens; you might as \veil have waited. 'Then it would be only a nine clays' won- der; no one to be punished. Now — they'll send you to prison!" There was a silence, then Burle- sor,'s voice. "My wife's dad; the boys, ton; that's all there is to it. Of course the others—" ..,"Yes, the others!" barked Fos- dick, st ,riug hard at Mark's bark; of course it was a vindication, but this man — had stood so high. Burleson touched the paper on his do -k. "\•ot'll put it through, Fosdick? 1' ii tired of it; 1'11 take it when it cones. Now—" Ile turned, tee), and glanced at the young 11111) at the window — "you can both bate: I've done my share•." Fodick ro-t; he was woitc and his cyc• starer!, but he took the paper. "It'll mean a trial," he said harshly; "i'll have to drag you in- to court." 13ttrlr:nn• t.L„ it,:d sunk lower in his chair, podded. "Make it as clear as you can --- :1 I'm to go to jail—" he !angio d di<cnrdantly, turning to 'Hari:. "Voting elan, you're avenger!; it's harder for Inc to go 10 jail fel 1tvo years now -- and to die thele — tl:an it was for you. You've got t too- life br :ore you I'm dope! ' HE'LL LOVE YOU for ordering Maxwell I-Iouse Coffee. It's blended from rare Latin-American cof- fees, each with its special quality of flavor, body or 1rat,1'alice. JSSUE 17-1945 "He doesn't count that," said Fosdick dryly; "it's revenge that's sweet, Burleson." He was tucking the confession into his breast pocket, but the mo- tionless figure in the window rasped on him. 'You'll be needed, too, Grant," be said sharply; "I'll have to ask your pardon for my treatment of you; they'll make everything right in court now — and you can have it put in the papers." Suddenly Burleson groaned. The hideous publicity of it made him wince. H4 seemed to hear already thetrident calls of the newsboys — "F.xtrt•.' • * • Mark turned. There was a light in his face; he held his head high. "Wait," he said to Fosdick; "one moment! Keep that paper. I've had fifteen years — I can afford to wait two more," Fggriit* ,7,',17(;(.1 at him p,nd Burle- son lifted his head slowly, "You mean—" gasped Fosdick. "I mean just that!" I'll wait. I can't strike such a blow at them all nor at--" Mark stopped. He did not want to add 'a dying man." I3urleson rose unsteadily, facing hint. "You — you know I let you suffer' And — you (10 this?" Mark nodded. "1'11 wait." Burleson sank into his chair, speechless; speechless he hid his face in his hand,. Fosdick stood staring, rt luctant to he coon ince,!. "Here's a won- der!" he exclaimed at last. Pani, o lit n ,hr was ; !, s,nv it all more ch arty. "1)f coni -e 1 undtrstvl(i'. I knew you'd be like that," she said proud- ly; "you're great ennutli to spare an old man tt h, 's %%troll;•() d you! it's awfully grand, and 1 1:now 31'5 for Inc. You rant stop Inc now, Mark Gram, for 1 want some of the glory; we'll face tns() ex -con- vict years tnget'ncr — yes, v. c w•illl „ 'T1 I F. ENI)) $ t roil s '• f A is 3 3 S Dress Up Foods With Toinccto Sauce Cann d tortnl;n1' , bol;;e or com- mercial varieties, either whole 01' aS juice, can improve Itlan': meals. For cooking purposes too they are indispensable and can he toted hot or cold, "as is''or rorrt)riocd with other fordo. 03 all the ways in which they are Used 10111ato sauce k (me of the best. According to the home economists of the Consumer Sec- tion, Department of Agricultre, if a homemaker has a good tomato sauce she can disguise leftovers, dress up inexpensive fonds, and gain for herself a reputation as a most superior cook. Beans With Tomato Sauce 1?, -cups white beans cups cold water , :i cups boiling w ater Wash and soak beans (-,1 Cr night in cold water. Drain. !'over with boilint water and cook nnc hour or until brans are tender. Tomato Sauce 2 cups canned tomatoes 1 small onion (chopped) 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt ;; tea{paha mustard I.Q teaspoon rclery salt ?q teaspoon paprika I large tart apple (diced) Mix together all ingredients and cook 10 111.11110s. Add to beans and liquid then continue to simmer for 30 minutes. Stir frequently to pre- vent 'sticking, Six servings. Tomato Slaw :t cups shredded cabbage 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoon: t inegar '1 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon scraper! onion (optional) Shred cabbage, Mix salt, vine- gar, pepper and sugar wilt toma- toes. Pour over cabbage. Let stand 10 minutes before serving, Six <ervinps. 23 -Mile Beam The United States Navy is using searchlights so powerful that ttley can shoot a beam of light through 28 miles of inky darkneee, BRAND OF SLAVERY Liberated by the Allied armies Jewish girls forced .to work in an ammunition factory at Kaunitz, Germany, display yellow crosses the Nazis made them wear on their backs. Germans also branded their RMS. CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM "The year's at the spring , . As one looks around one sees plenty of evidence why, since time immemorial, poets have written their loveliest poems in praise of apring. Autumn is beautiful too— perhaps even more so—but there is a peculiar quality that belongs only to spring . , , the miracle or siormartlt life awakening to ljcw birth , . , a definite feeling of hope, of optimism, dispelling those dark, dreary clouds of defeatism that at times assailed us when days were short and gloomy, * * I was thinking along these lines about our lovely spring when, 011 expectedly and with tragic sudden- ness, carne word of President Roosevelt's death—and for awhile all the beauty around nue seemed to vanish. Few men have enriched the v,01 Id 50 greatly in life as dud the President nor few men whose death has been mourned by so many. And tet, 1 believe wh;:t dis- tresses people more than his pass ing is the fact that he was not spayed to witness the fulfillment of that victory for wlticlr he lead striven so untiringly. But no— "untiringly" is no; the right word— ier he inti -t often have been tired to that point 0i eshan•ti;u1, Sacci• M 13y Gwendoline P. Clarke a • • • fically would more aptly describe his devotion to duty. The wonder h not that he died when he dice but that he lived so long under such a terrific strain. • • * And now because life must gu on even though presidents die, we pay our last respects to a great and loyal leader, and then square our shoulders again and resume once more "the daily round". 011 Ginger Farnm the daily round right now includes a little job known as seeding. The air is heavy these days with the hum of trac tors—and I think probably our hums louder than any of the oth ors. Nothing very modest allotww. our old "frac"—when it goes out on a job it likes to let everyone know about it. And ue arc also still a1 the wir ing job ---at least the clectri:falls are. Really, we had no idea there would be SO many wires. \\'hat with furnace pipes, telephone an."( hydro wires, there isn't muco spare space in the cellar that isn't decorated in some way or atrntlrei. I ant wondering when the pipes will go ii, and when, we put in a hot +tater system. The men may got through with the wiring say Tuesday—that is as far as the house is concerned—in fact the job la almost done already, But oh, the irony of it! Here we are with switches and plugs all over the house and yet, no matter how one slicks the switches back and forth, nothing happens, We even have an electric stove in the house, and that, too, is about RE Useful as a pomp without water, * • • Every time I go to town 1 look hopefully along the road to see ;f It has been staked out for poles,. So far there is no sign of then,. But the day will come , • . and when it does—when we are really booked up, I think, for one nigh:, I shall want to turn on every light In the house just to celebrate. itt- stead of a house-warming we'll have a house -lighting! And believe me, if all the lights were turned on at one time there would he plenty of them, for there are over sixty outlets in this rambling old house of ours. People say "Olt, what lovely big rooms—how grand to have so much space to live int" Yes, it's grand all right—we know it when we start in on a job like this. Imagine—five lights in the basement. And we can't do with less—unless we still want to wan der around with a flashlight eve.' 1 'ei the hydro is in, Modern Etiquette ' By Roberta Lee 1. When setting the table in what position should the spoons be placed? 2. Is it good forum for a nom to smoke in a public vehicle? 3, 15 it necessary to acknowledge gifts and cards recce cel during an illness? 4. \\'hat would be a courteous tray of giving a gift to a servant? e. What kind of gifts are ap- propriate for the twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary.? 5, \That should one do if a friend begins to praise one in the presence of others? Answers 1. They should he placed to the right of the !date, and to the right of the knives, with the hollow - side of the spoons upwards. 2. Yes, unless there is a rule forbidding it, or the smoke is blowing into some other passenger's face.:;. Yes. If one is too ill to write the ::otos personally, some member of the family can (10 so. 4, A tactful, quiet manner that is free from patronage and one that show's sincere F;ratl- tude and good -will for the services the servant has rendered, 5. Gifts of silver. 5, 'I'ttro the subject of conversation as quickly as po -idle, King and Queen Visit Princess King Geo) gc and Queen F.'iia• beth paid a surprise visit to an Auxiliary Territorial Service motor training centre recently, and foand I'rincess i,1 /31he1h, her 'rinds greasy and wearing khal3:. over- alls, working nn ;ur art!;. t:.,ck engine, This job is part of the old Princess' training as a sc•, and subaltern in the :\.'1'.5., tt!li ' site joined a few• weeks ago. The King joked with til( ': ir• ess-apparent about her work, 1\'l,en a test showed the engine's silencer still wobbing badly His sia,l''tty quipped, "Yon must hay( left something out." Sugary Jam Ilonrr, jant and jelly o 011 hc- cotne hard and sugary after being stored away for 50m1C filmic. Stle'.1 a cottclition is easily cot -re: ed. Simply place the jar in a t': ar.n— not hot—oven and lel it remain until the sugar melts r.::d the honey or jam is smooth ac•;rfn. Sure he's sick of war ... and so are we .. . but he's' counting on us. That is the reason for the 8th Victory Loan. When you buy Victory Bonds you are giving him another lift ... for remember, REAL victory is the day when our boys come home. /a�strn tle .fest BUY VICTORY BONDS CONTRIBUTED BY THE BLUE TOP BREWING COMPANY LIMITED, KITCHENER, ONTARIO i CANADIAN ENGINEERS BRIDGE THE RHINE UNWELCOME SIGHT s.� It was bad enough to have been taken prisoner, but insult was ers at ght en added toinjury soldiers crossing thercWeserrrR iverolras ey had watcchhllied they fo ged deeper into Germany. with lemon Juice Men and women who sutler nagging aches and paint caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want to relieve such symptoms promptly. To gC1 such rebel ... try ALLLNRU! Dtta 1 table. spoons oI this hue medicine with ns tablespoon oI lemon Juice in • glass water. Untold dtuusands of folks us{ ALLENRU. Grt ALLIiNJIU today 115c al any drop store. 1erus oruud lllcnithor hittlto You" LI "licr"' Rat ford -Miller or (''n+tda) Ltd Dept. 9, 112 John St., Toronto, Oni :rL �t sa ' • - •• ' "" ..... '. _ la no small task when it comes to Keeping pace with the rapidly moving First Canadian Army lines of communications, but the Royal Canadian Engineers havebueing formed for their overgrowing the Rhine River after the Canadians' historic crossing. perphotoformed near—miracles in bridgingginto position a section of bridge that crossed the Rhino near The top nshows onncineprs sliding into the Dutch corner, and completion was named "Blackfriars Bridge" after e intous place.oThise in was England. Tho lower picture shows engineers floating sections of a Bailey bridge later named "Melville Bridge". Canadian are our asl st w rolling bcr across g thethe continent. Rhine and other German rivers, on this and similar bridge=_fi.....------ y, GLADLY' OU GET UP when breakfast brings Maxwell House coffee. Its grand, satisfying flavor, stimulates and cheers you. Packed in a Wartime Bag in an All Purpose Grind. 'HOUSE HUNTING' e Nothing is more depres• <<" sing than headaches... Why suffer? ..Latnbly's will give instant relief. ©� Lamhty'sisgood for ear. �g ache,roothache,painsin hack, stomach, bowels. %kuti� "':,,.._�,>.:.; Division take cover Members of a jeep crew of an AlliedInfantry pees hidden in a hover behind their vehicle while searching out in Fulda, Germany. SUPPLIES FROM THE SKIES An R.A.F. aircratc drops st'pplies to the East Africans on the far side of tie Chindwi , River in Burma while gunners manning Bofors guns give an`'-airc.aft protection. REALLY BLOWN UP n in Muenster, Germany, it ssednthisalocomot ve he andailroad tende loint ethe a r• Loco - mer y, motive remained balanced oa end of tad se. for the fine o than a at home told you e want t le hoe sinoe we best all the piling shown uall the very .oro es spirit of understanding s long as possible, to our Armed that�for ould make would g that chert can �m and at sea. so to know that we overseas this in mind, and have now we want you and With all ourpre-war ingredients trade' bo no misunderstanding'the well used up making t Doublerade that d brands av0sofpWrigley's thea mint, Doubt ed ruit" even for trade- marked mint mo rmed Foroes and more ohewing gum ruanyono . overseas' Thera will be ds and flavors these three famous worthy been your s bran untie three fan make gum war always flavor' til we tan again quality and u" trade -marked labels, finest 9 standard uarantc© of uniform, bring back Wrigleysw d can t none an Until a plain both militaryto .oho are making take care of, this reason ' brands wt m to help aro offering that pub! civilian Meds. 'e a merit and for standard t i3 on only iatedits Nwith any y Wel and flavors public c d it?�bu�hasitso'k+n Ura ...� •-P.,.� HEADACHE POWDERS_ it You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL rano N'i t) O Every Ituun, ith Ilntlt, Shut*• ec 11{111 1'elt•phine. O Single, ;F:,TII up— unub►e, sa.r,o uo, O (kind 1'0(111, Dining and opine• Ing Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA 4135 ese wrappers will be empty until further notice. LINE UP FOR VICTORY — let's all buy Bonds LOW Contributed by WM BLACK HORSE 13111V71017 PAGE 8. 4.1..-..-. Mmommommiwometionti Fri s ,••HOES FOR SPRING ;\,„ „,, • Women's Arch Shoes $2.95 - $5.95 • Women's Suede Pump $3.95 • Children's Oxfords $1.79 - $2.95 Boys' Work Shoes $2.75 - $3.50 Men's Dress Oxfords $2.95 - $7.00 ,;411 M DIMPINitf ilkbi iliNNIUM titNAMDIX00010112t2iy1ANItliNIMIMIIIit;>tNIANDOND/19AMIltDhil I it being the occasion of their Nth A Good Stock of Wheeling Yarn on hand. Olive McGill THE STANDARD 11 r. Frank Cions spent the week -end ill Toronto, \Irs. Gordon Rlliott, and children, sig tit a few day: in (;o:lcrich this tveek. \Irs, A. Fawcett returned home last week after visiting .with her sisters I multi! . \Irs. 11. 'Taylor returned home on Monday after spending two weeks ,with her on, \1r, \Vin, Lunney, \Irs. Tut net and f.•ntily, of 'l of iiito, \ir. and \Irs. itcnson Cowan and family of Stratford, also \I r, and \Irs. George E. Cotwan and little son, Ted• die, of 1lcnsall, with \I r.. and \Irs. George Cowan of Sunday, .\pril 22nd. Wedding Anniversary. � !'�y�.4 Pte. and MN. L. B. I,indcnficld, ' of 74 • •'t•I.'•�•'Q•'1"�'>1'•1>1•+"•'+ 4•+ 41 i{'i"i'•i•4•Hi +1•+iH�H�w�.J,H�H�.,�.0♦• �.1�11�H•OI�.I 1�• �.1�.%.•>O♦�•♦4 I�• acter, wisitr! las \\'dncvly with • \Irs. I. hall, (thea and \largneritc. I.! Pie. I.in,b'nt'ield, who is honk ot ro- ♦_• tatlon furlough, has been serving over - Phone 156 for Prompt DJelivery. ;; ;ccs sine.' ])camber, 19,10, in the RA'. 11 :44 :• '4:444 .....................4:14:44:4+ ♦-0. (ornlerly helot ging to Mrs' 1'oltcr, 3. NEXT VISIT ;+t• NIrs. Thomas 1<ernicl: is moving intoWEDNESDAY, MAY 16TH, 1945, ;: STUART ROBINSON Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. Macaroni 4 lbs. for 25c Rice 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per pkg. 25c Jiffy Pie Crust 25c Red Rose Coffee, per lb. 45c Laly Grange Tea half lb, pkg. 45c Tomato Soup 10c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c • A.S.C. Ile al d Pte. B. hall have >� been together since going overseas. • \\'Ord has been received that Lieut. I Edwin E. Bender, tvin has been sere- • it g rect. illy in holland and' Gentility, • Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- I-Iarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. 1 - Vodden's BAKERY. WI-IEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER Wednesday, April 25, 1945,1 • , 11.1 . I . SICK ROOM SUPPLIES BELOW ARE LISTED A FEW OF THE SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR THE SICK ROOM:— LYSOL, CLINICAL THERMOMETER, ICE BAGS, HOT WATER BOTTLE, BED PAN:;. ATOMIZERS, DOUCHE CAN AND FITTINGS, DEODORIZERS, CLEANSING TISSUES, DISINFECTANTS, DOUCHE CANS, RUBBER 'TUBINGS. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. 11 •u6 -.,..., 1 ii.1 1.. tft6toctopetfitociatEItcato tmiztPloctorto 'P{RcietaimIk;tP,tfk"t{{w!G:►ziccwctciciatova Suites "THE HOME BAKERY" 1 Breakfast i H. T. VODDEN. r, >-• is now in Ilosll'tal in France, where he --_._--•------ — - will take .1 nn ill's rest following an f •attack of Pin, - = ---i 1 i .I r/ • Miss Betty Fairservice has returned .t♦�4 4♦41��.+ 4.44.414 +4•4•�•1�1�.14♦�4+4•iII j .v i ,> pierce, after enjoying a vacation. _. ,, : A. L. . COL 14 LEGION MEETING BEING HELD . • HERE TONIGHT R.U. >: :. The Legion held a zcnc nrecti'tg in ,;, OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN the \Ielnorial hall \\'edi.esday evening. :: GODERICH — ONTARIO. ,_, i :; Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted,;( '' :. PROPERTY CHANGES With 25 Years Exrcricnce 4' d1 11 r. and Mrs. Harvey McCallum .Ire will he at 4. +• { • .inoving into their recently Purchased ;t; R. D. Philp's Drug; Store • i >_: property on Oucen street, the property 4 BLYTH, ONTARIO ;t; • to her positi ni at the 11ank of (ii,- 1= `I - 't .• 4 the property rhe has purchased, wh'ch •_• .. a♦ PERSONAL INTEREST M r. and \Irs. Alex Naylor of Fort is being vacated by \I r. and Mrs. NIC- .. FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. + •t• TELEPHONE 20 Lac Arnold Davis is v:siting his sis,- 1 ,;. , ('allnnl. I 11Ic were recent visitor's with the +• ter, \irs. \\'alta Oster, and Mr, Oster. • I \I r. and M rs. Adams Materna are •_• R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE ;'+! home Furnisher — Phone 7 and 8 — I+unerat Director, j fornier's sister, Mrs. C. 13c11, and Mr. g property '_' FOR APPOINTMENTS, at Ile has just returned from Italy where moving into the wacatal by •• �ND� ADM2INDIDI INDiNANNWAZ� G 11D,�y2i�DiND,DIROIDiSt2t21✓iDtDl�ND12i ht' has spent the four years, Bell. I \I i s. Thomas hernick, I i1♦ 1 • ♦ ♦ . +44 ♦ 4♦ + • ♦ ♦ . ♦ 1 • • ♦ > + i I � past� 1 iM1�17H1.1♦1+4+>♦1111♦11+♦1>I.♦♦♦+H♦♦♦♦1.♦♦1•{.+11♦111♦.1{♦4.♦. Brighten U1) your kitchen this Spring with one of these Modern Suites. They may be had in a great many different styles, finishes and color trims to suit your taste. We can supply Congoleun) Rugs to blend perfectly With most any colour scheme ,you desire, We have a good stock of Floor Covering;,, Window Shades, Curtain Ro(ls, Liqui(1 and No -Rubbing Wax, Var- nish, Furniture Polish, Etc. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect our offerings. J. S. C;11ew • PROVINCE OF ONTARIO GENERAL ELECTI01li JUNE 4th, 1945 Important Notice to Prospective Candidates Returning Officers for all Electoral Districts in Ontario are authorized by Paragraph 22 of the Active Service Voting Regulations, 1945, to accept nomination papers of candidates in the pending Ontario General Election at any time after they receive the Writ of Election. MAKE SURE OF ACTIVE SERVICE VOTE In order to be sure of having their names available to Active Service Voters, candidates should file their nomination papers with the Returning Officer for their Electoral District not later than MONDAY, MAY 7th, 1945. Every effort will be made to make available to Active Service Voters the names of candidates who file their papers after May 7th, but owing to the pressure of the war service in the use of cable and telegraph wires, no assur- ance can be given that such names will be available for Active Service Voters on polling days. FILE YOUR NOMINATION PAPERS WITH THE APPROPRIATE RETURNING OFFICER BEFORE MAY 7th, NEXT, and make sure your name will be on the list of candidates supplied for the use of Active Service Voters. Alex. C. Lewis CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER ONTARIO 111 1 111 41 , , - Id 11, 1.1'.41116 1 11 1 1 1 1,11+1 ♦•I I+H+11+1♦♦11+11+1 I+• 1+{ I+11>I •+11.11.1++11++1.11+11+. ♦+11+.1111.11+.1+11.11+11.11.11•{1+ ••11111.1111 ♦•11.11.1 •• ♦+11+1 •••1 ♦ ♦ 1.1-1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦,1 1 1 ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ • 1 ♦ ♦ 1./ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ / • ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 1.1 ♦ ♦. HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. ♦•6 Meals at All Hours. • FRANK GONG Proprietor 1.•,.•..>..>..+.♦1,1>•.•1.+..+..1•.•..+..+..•H+..•..+..•..•..+..+..•..1..+. 1•. 1+1 .111•..•1+1.+.,>I ••....+1.•....•..11.1..1111.11..+..11 .•• .•. •+.1•..•:.1.. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. LONDESBORO Change of Date: The Londesboro Neil Cross will hold their monthly sleeting on •1'1lesday, May lst, in the Community 1i.'11. 'There will be sev- eral quilts to be quilted, Everyone ccnie in the morning as there will be a Pot Luck dinner. Note the chat ge of date. A good attendance is hoped for. Come and enjoy yourself. The \V \. held their monthly meet- ing in the base hent of the church on Wednesday afternoon, April 18th, will) a fair atten(lai cc. The President, \Irs. Sendercurl:, opened the meeting with hymn 625, followed with the Lord's Prayer in unison, Hymn 164 .was then sun;. Otwirg to the absence of the Secretary the e were no minutes of the last ineetil g. The business period f !- lowed. It wa ; carried to have a con • 'cert in the near future, other items of business was .,ticndcd to, followed by the program consisting of a reading by Mrs. \\'. i.yon ; piano solo by Mrs, 1E; Adams and a reading by Mrs. Sunder - cock. Program committee for next month, \Irs. J. 1I. Shobbrook at d \Irs, \\' Lyon. 'Tito meeting closed by sing- ing hymn 317, followed by \Iizpah Ben- ediction, after which a delightful lunch 1 was served by M rs. 1.. 'Webster, \Irs. F. Woods, \i rs. E. Woods, and Mrs. L McNall, Ray Fidler of Galt, spent the week- end at the honor of \ir. John Snell. \l iss Beth Govicr of Godcrich and Miss Elva Gov:er of Clit ton, spent the Frank's Bakery PI-IONE 38. BLYTI-I, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. II'RESI-I EVERY DAY Everything Homemade ii • week -end at the Route of their par- ; cats, Mr, and \Irs. \V. Govier. We are screw to hear that IMrs. Charles Ruddell is not so well again, it d that she a It: her hu•band have itun-, to Clinton, to the home of \I r. and . WI .1 1 d 1. ill 11 1114111 .1 1. SUN WORTH Y allpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL I)RICES ARE RIGHT ALSO pAiN'i'S AND ENAMELS OF QUALi'I'Y RIDSMEL to Stl) Pant Sme I SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. *+r F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LONDESBORO i 3 1 \Irs, L. bawls, ;where \Irs, Rodded can , !ar under his pro;:crly on Queen street have a rest. excavated and is busily engaged put - Miss Helen Radford of Godcrich spent the weel•e d .it the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs, Albert Radford. At the worship Service on Sunday, the pa • r will speak on "Justification h:• Faith." it was this doctrine which cl1a'. ed the Reformation. V -- IMPROVING PROPERTY Mr. \William Thutll has had the cel - ling 111 a cement basement. \I r. Frcen11,1 Tutmey is busily en- gaged iulprovit g his dwelling property, having recently put in a nelw cement basement, and also improving the ex- terior, --V \Irs. Robert 11t'kc of Colborne town- ship is visitini; her daughter, ": , I"ict.- neth \Whitnnirc.