The Blyth Standard, 1945-04-18, Page 1J r r( THE• 1. VOLUME 55 - NO. 35. WEDDINGS McGill • Bryer LYTH STANDAR BLY'1H, ONTARIO, WE1)NESi)AY, APRIL 18, 1915. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. Victory Loan Canvassers W.O.A.A. Hold Summer In Surrounding Districts Organization Meeting In a lovely sett:ng o. ;111 white flow - Victory Loan headquarters at Gode• A meeting of the \\'.O.A..\. was ers, Calla !.fillies, Snapdragons, and rich announce the follo\ving set -tip in held iu tine CI'.\\ studio on Thursday ferns, at Chi..•( Church, \limico on Myth and surrounding territories in the evening, :1pri1 12th. :1 very rePrt•�cn- Satnrday, April 1.1, Mary Irene, (laugh- 'forthcoming Eighth Victory Loan. ter of Nit's. Ili ti of \limico, and the l I..ast \\'a\vanosh 'Township -Chair- ltatiy' gathering \vas 011 hand turd was Raymond Red. ,called to order under the c1airon:ulsliip late 11 r. Newman Payer, became the n1:11, John S. Scott; bride of Corporal Edward (1 \V, \Ice;ill, mond. Adapt Robertson, Charles C0111 -of Jury Gregg. :1 lengthy discussionson of Mr. and Mrs. Junes A. McGill, tes, Alex llcllurney, J. 1). Beecroft, ),took place reg.uding the advisability of forming baseball and softball leagues. of Clinton, Ontario. Town of wingliam--C'hairm:tn, Drank N. 1lu\yson Football and lacrosse were also men - Rev, r. Dewtn , peifured the, R. 11, Lloyd, Charles Roo - double ring ceremony for \vlich the erns, 1. Davidson, Fred Spry, Secre.tioned as possibilities. It was finally decided to font a midget baseball bridal tort t:c way played by the organ- lar), ist of the l'lu:rrh. \liss Kathleen 11 c- ; league, and owing to the fact •that the ',russets-.C'hairtnan, Robert Bow. smaller coiunnmitics might have diffi- Gill, of CJintcn, was soloist, singing, "1 man, Roy Cousins, L„ Milburn, R. W. •silty in getting enough players, it was 'love you Truly." Kennedy. 'decided to raise the age limit to 19 Coven in nla,rriage by her brother, ; lona-Chairman, L. IWhom, Jack years. ,'\ir. Newman pryer, of North Bay, the Watson, R. Il Philp, 1Icrb. 11cElroy, bride was charming in her hung prii.cess Public Relations, Norman Garrett, K. A girls softball league was then dis- gown of Ivory Faille, made with sweet-11'hitntorc, cussed in sonic detail, and it was fin - heart net Hine of cut work enthroider y all decided that such league he and peptics, The heirloom veil was j (:Tinton -A, J, 1ieMurray, Chairman ally;t A. :\I. Knight, George Jefferson, formed. As some of the older men held in place by a tiara of pearls and orange blossom:, and she carried crint_ 1 SALESMEN thought they were being left out of all the sport, a men's softball league came son roses. I•.ast \1'awanosh - Frank Campbell, into being. An entry fee of $.5,1)11 for 1'he bride,lraids, \iiss Jean Johttsoi, I. S. Scott, Frank Thompson,each classification was decided on, Ali and \liss AIlis(,) Merry, both of \lint \Vingia,n-J J. Fryfugle, M. Mc- details are to he left in the hand, of leo, wore identical frocks of pale blue Phail, 11. V, Pyo. the several groups which will be sel- ta(feta with silk net over drapery, \)orris Township - Lyle Hopper,' ected by the executive, and which wilt small flower Lars, and carried pastel ?Ienui hacksou, Cecil \Vheeler, assemble at the call of the group eon- Wililn;rr `Yorkers Meet,Lions Enjoy Supper fleeting E. Wilwanosh l(orum Spon - The \\lining \\'orker, of the 9th line In 'rhe Memorial Hall sur EniO\'ahle And Pro - Morris held their regular quilting at The Ilkth Lion, held th,•ir regular lltill)lc Eveningthe hunts of \liss Edna \IcDuilald I,I,I tweeting in the \lenlorcll Hall un 'Tn,'• \u. III I:;t,t \\'anvanrl ] arm Forum \\'I'dllesda\•, \Call 8 members prt'se11!.'(1; 11' night, with an attendance „f .) In'lliIrr, our lint, :,1 ;1 Moot en)oyahle '1'w" Milli; "'ere 'Hilted alter which It was ;t odendid electing, and a great al„( i,:,,111;11,1t cl•cllinyt licit in the lunch was ser\ed. The meeting cl t t d ,Ica) \ca, added to the el))\ I)cl t , f \Ieniurl,,l Hall un \I,niday, \\hn a by repeating the Lord's Prayer, The IIIc ev,•niI i,y the Presence of \Ir,, lLcgv rr,,wd i,;'rr,4 ting i:,• entire ilex( nlc.ling i, to he held at the buil(' (;crai l Mrr,,, a, accompani-t. \Iu,ic ,urrunu,hnl, dHrict ' '''c village of \Irs, lul nllt-u` April 25th. i, very e,>cntrll at these meetin.:... Here prc.ent `ur a full c\cninr of eu- Lion Tamer Stan. Sil,thurin• i-' l the j„\nisch an,l iu,Uttction. C011lllrlllllty Service rllo lie n'eting .may to a gond start With the I \I r, N rul{In Radford. President of Held On VE-D1iy .hearty .ingin:( of several good until- the o,a,1 \\;I\\,,nu.11 i (iiI tti',rl of Ag - :1 nutting (;f the \'I: Day connuitte,' her,. .\ notable inll,lo\ellieml 111 nhe ricultnrc, welcomed the gathering witli was held in the \Icnlort,1 hall oft `l) giu.g \\;u ivi,ictlt. The Linn, arc ;t fel tilnelc Iemark,. \ir. Raditrrd \lunday eyen:ag, \\'hen arrangenl,'t t. gradually getting their \oc,,1 cord, un- ,;lid he believed the Forumshould be \vcrc Made far a ,nitahlc observance tangled. After •I';til Toi'tcr George chi r:ttultcd for it's contributions, of the cessat�,n of hostilities ill km- tato You fora li ekcl or a dime a few made to pat Id'.tic purposes over the opt., when,:\ver that lila) come. t,me, for no. heartily ),rllllllL! in till' P;I,t few year,. The proceed, it all It was agreed that a (0111111111,• 1(\' Isitll;lllg, you s• „Il learn t,) ,ing out. •I11('ctltig, such a, that hell Nlnttday • church service should be held in the ' 1 I t ,ul •,lt I )In. s11, alae 1,1 the ,I,I ficnity ;night, find (buil way into paIriutie 1 lleinuri;tl 1hilt on the day Victory is some of tilt member, had enrounterc,l'cha el:. Ile 01,o tot,.:,.: ••'• the mealinl- In trying to 1 «wide the meal f,,l• toe declared, Should 1111(' 1 ('ICs come priort portant' of the wand,. fi\' drive being to 8 :I.nl•, thi, service will he held at 1I tneetinL, hot e'It1 ill" hell) of se veral;sponsored by the County Federation. o'clock: 111 the morning. If it conic 11- „f the I;Idles till dills ldl\' 1\;t, „Cel'- The i,r, g1;la , 1n'lled \1'llh ;l r('eIt;l- ter that hum., it will he held at 8 n'cl, el ;come, \vitll toe result that ever%one tion by i1, ,\. \lel�enzie, f„ll„wed he in the evening, :\ united chair of all late like Lions. and roast beef, bro\\n a duct by \li,s(, Irina and \larjorie churches will lead the singing, anti .1 gravy, and plashed potatoes, dkappear-' \\'art, with Mrs. \Valt acconlpanyil },'. parade of veterans, scouts, cubs, al,,!'id like Illy;.ie, 1l„Ih numuber, (vcrc Weil presented, school children will firm at the school president Don called tot several ;.11•11 lo artily :11(1Jatl,1e1, ,and proceed to the hall for the service. committee chairtnei. for reports. lion Nev. .\• Nil.'ulu, of \Vingh:lnl, w•ai nosegays. •Arrari,'ement for the oiler of service Del, Phil) re .ute.1 that arr;tn tnient: prt'sent, and car, ;( stirring address on brussels -Robert Bowman, Robert \'error, >, ; 1 I g' \I r, Robert 1, Henry, of Illyth, vas I11'arwicl was left in the hands of Rev. A• Sin- for the Charter Night meeting, may ''behalf of the forth -coining victory groomsman, The tt.,hers were NIr.I I;lyth-Gordon Augustine, Ray llol)_ \lcssrs, C;. R. Aiigusline and Fr;ll: ,stair, bird, were n'c;l in hand, and all sigusll•o,nl. \I r. Ninuno Proved a very Jantcs E. \Ice;ill 11.:1„ of 1\'in(Isor,' Tyreman represented the Myth Lions In view of the fart that the war with 'pointed to a u:ost snre,sfui evening. turr,'itil speaker, and being until re, and Corporal \V, E. Itryer, of 'Trenton. I'yn. -. at the meeting. lagan will atilt be in Progress, it \vas 1.1,,I1 (;surge \Ie,\all reported on the e, Wily a pad-: it the RC:\1'., 1e, spoke Following the ceremony a reception Mullet 'I'no1 hip -John Armstrong, felt that any elaborate celebration "Deacon Duhb," show, and all ar- with auth,nily , 11 1i"ubject. Ile just was held at the family residence at 67 hill Dale, hill Jewitt. V i Station Road, \limico, \lis• Liver Clinton -A. J. 'lcNlnrray, Hugh cht:se for her daughters \vedding at Rorke, Gordon Scribbins. street length gown of (aconite crepe --v-- in romance blue, \vith corsage of pink carnations. The groout's mother wore CONGRATULATIONS a gotvii of black faille with gold trip) ('ongratulations to Miss Ilettie Cantp- at.d a nosegay corsage of sweetheart bell of Toronto, who celebrates her roses, birthday on Thursday, April 19th. For travelling the bride wore a dress- maker suit of powder blue English ' gabardine, with lop coat and accessor- ies of navy. (;nests were present from North I3ay, Kingston, London, 11'indsur, Ham- ilton Cliatot. and Myth, V . I-Iuron County Eighth Victory Loan Quotas District Quota Ashfield Town, hip 112,51)0 \Vawanosh \Vest 7.1,001) Colborne 'Township 71,000 Goderich Town 459,0410 \\'awanu,h F a:,t 7.1,010 \\'inghanl , 200,501 Turnbcrry 'Tiw'tship 82,(1011 Ilowick Township 239,(1(11) \I orris'1'ownship 101,500 Grey Township 127,50:) Brussels 70,500 Illyth , ....... 49,000 'J'uckcrsmith Tow nsllip .. 108,601 i\ItKilIo, 'I'ownslip ._.............. 108,F0) Mullett 'Township . 108,,500 Seaforth . 17.1,111)1) Stanley Township 110,000 Goderich 'l'cwitship ... , . 91,500 1lensall & I lay East 108,50') Zurich & flay West 97,500 Lisburne Township _......_ 108,010 Exeter . ..................... 159,5 )0 Stephen East . . 7400:1 Stephen West 71,010 Clinton , ... 189,5`10 $3,175,000 I ---\'-�-- MISSION BAND SPRING THANK -OFFERING MEETING The \lission (land of Loving Ser- vice will hold their spring Thank -Of- fering en Sunday, April 22, during the nmori ing Church service. Special num- bers will he given by members of the Baud, and a choir composed of Mis- sion bland members will be on hand. The loose collection goes to aid the work of the children. Rev, A, Sinclair gives the address. Projection Machine Avail- • able To Organizations 'l'hc filar projection machine operated by Huron County Federation of Agri- culture and serviced by National Film Board of Canada, is available to any organization within the Comity. Showings may be arranged by con- tacting Mr. IIarvey Johnston, R.R. No. 2, 131yth, who operates the machine, or W. V. Roy, Secretary, County Federa- tion, Londcsboro, Ontario. UNDERWENT OPERATION Mrs. Stanley Sibthorpe underwent an operatiol. inn the \Viughant hospital on tlouday morning, and we are glad to report her condition as quite favottr- rble, 3 CHANGE OF MEETING DATE FOR LONDESBORO RED CROSS The Londesboro Red Cross will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 1st, instead of Thursday, May 3rd, A t:r,t ' nt•i: tiara wil: be served. ((:sold be out of Place. rat gentents for the evening had berill recently tool, 0\cr Ili, charge a, min - V r,n111leI d. Advance ticket sellntg had i Ice ui rile Presbyterian church at been \•cry sato factory, wilt' over 31111 \Vinghanl. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT tickets having been sultl, \1r. Carmen ut-HIlns, cheese maker \Ir, and \Irs. ,lames Rndell wish to 1n,herty reported on the for the Illy ill Co -Operative \ya, then announce the birth of their daughter, I.iun l;ar'1 Introd11lT,1 to the audience, and after on \Ve esd;tl•, h grit Ilth, 19.15, at boys and girl, work, stating that it.,1 few \v r11,, Nit.. Hudgins turned the North Turk Couto. Iloslitat, New \vas hoped 10 sponsor spnros lir the meeting over to \I r. Cl,n'k 13odgils, of buys and girls durit g the stunulcr, and 1larkcl, , London, 11110 \vas Present (vitt' his also to furnish 0 town league for the moving picture machine, and he show - r' 1 . r older nun, \v 0\vishcd to it ty. I Ie . askedLion (;ofd, :\Ilgllfllllt' to report first a vc,•y ;utilising filth Ill two reels on chitin life, depicting many in• on the alerting held ;t \\'inghaiti 1y Ierestine trait, of wild animals life. the \Vestcrn ()uta rib Athletic :\,socia \Ir. ilodgit.. li')trc en(ed the Diverso 11011 last \\')'CIC. Lion (Iil'd. infor111et1 t:orpor;lti,tn of 'J'oront,o, and also show - the incetil g that the Association w.I> CO a very timely filet on the care and - planting 0 very active Program both in preparation of preparing mill: for the = softball and hardball, with the hove I I ' ' 'I ' '1 b Hydro Rural Wartime Extensions With labour and metals drained by war, an unavoidable limit is placed on the number of new rural Hydro services that can be installed in 1945. Nevertheless, your Hydro is extending essential rural services to the absolute limit of labour and materials available. About 8000 applications, made and approved durilig 1944, still await service, and many have since beer) added. These will be connected as soon as possible. It will take all the man- power, materials and effort that Hydro can command to bring service to these applicants in 1945. Those requesting service along existing power links may, in some cases, be connected before prior applicants who require lengthy ex- tensions. We regret that many approved applications may not be completed before 1946. In 1944 your Hydro constructed about 100 miles of new rural lines, and added 9776 new customers. With some 1200 Hydro employees in the armed services or on loan to the government for technical work, along with the shortage of many materials critical to war needs, your Hydro has done and is doing everything possible to extend electricity to essential services. lf your turn seems slow in corning, please consider the wartime conditions under which your Commission labours, and be assured that it is doing ev- erything possible to serve you with the utmost speed. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COM1IISSION OF ONTARIO. • that all town; would place entries. Lion Frani: "I'yrenlan also reported briefly on the sane matter. Cheese factory NH., Hudgins also gave, a lengthy discourse on the subject, stat- ing the ncce,sity of cicatllit.cs' in con- nection •vitt' the manufacture of cheese, Lion Rachid Phillips reported on the Ili. addr:•„ wa- listened to very atten- \'I?• Day progress: Previously the 110o- tivcly by all present. ter had been discussed at at Executive The gathering enjoyed a few hours meeting, and lion Harold was asked of dancing at the col elusion of the pro. to contaa members of the \'I•: -day ,grant to the nlcsic of \Vilhet•'s ()rcles- conntnittee. :\ tweeting had leen held tra, and the la lies served refreshments, \londay night, and satisfactory ar- rangements had leen ,Wade. President Don. expressed the feelings of the Club 1'Iissio11 13alld 11Ieeting when lie said tht Lions would he glad to assist in any \vay in a fitting \'I?- Thr \li„ire bland if Loving Service. I )ay service, I held their regular monthly meeting o: Lions (fill \1'alsun and Keri, \Vhit. Saturday, April 14, with 40 in attend - wore were called un by Lion Tamer .ince, After some handwork, the children ope,o 1 the meeting by all repeating the NIember's Purpose. short tall: followed int "Peace" then all rose asil ,toad silo tly at attention f n• a brief time, respecting the mem- or\• of the gl cat 1'rti hlent l:oosevelt, !Niro Falcon:r hail charge of the \\'or - 'ship Period, Barbara h' iliatrick read ;the Scripture and Jack Tyrenlan and Stan. to render a duet, the title of which could be of lies own choosing. 'These Iwo well -ted Lions really "rendered" the cowboy song, "Home On the Range." lilac ,only thing they lacked was a bit of yodling, cuwhoy hats, and a Pony, and they could have set sail for west. They did think of singing "Dot.'( Fence \Ie, in," but decided it would take too much fence wire to do the job, President Don. spoke briefly on the Pas: ing of President Roosevelt, and expressed the tIC11• that as this ‘vas alt International utganization, the Club should observe a minute's silo cc. :\ vote of a!)nreciation to the ladies, and to NH's. Harris, was heartily en- dorsed. Lion limner Stan. led the gathering hilly Foster received the offering. Mrs. h' irkhy, the Presbyterial Secretary, \visited the meeting. and told some in- teresting fact, atr.d stories. The Birth- day Sot g \\•a: sling for four members. The, minutes t f the \larch tweeting were read and approved. Marguerite Hall, the Corresponding Secretary, re- ceived at leiter of thanks for the fix of \lis,iin Band Valentines, The smaller children were given a box of !caws to Plant, the value of the r e\v- in the closing sung, and the lions Roar, grown leans to he returned in the fall yr to the \lission bland, as talent money. Alta distribution of \Vorld Friends 1111 11 Comity Loan Ol)�CC- (1e, meeting closed by all singit g the I Lives Increased By $195,000 Benediction, "Father of all little chill. Over four months have elapsed since reit, the "Huron County" Committee wound up the Seventh successful campaign. During the last four months, the United CITIZEN COMPLAINS ABOUT nations have covered Many miles along; DOGS DESTROYING GARDENS 1 tie Road to Victory and the end in I':uroPe seems to he in sight. These The tit at da, 1 has received a com- plaint from a citizens, with the request military successes have been arcimpattt that we Publish the fact that dogs are led by tragedy in the form of length - making )isms Ives a real nuisance in cuing lists of Canadian casualties of the village gardens. It is a fact that \\'hirll we `111)111d not he, unmindful in (dogs can dost:•oy, and render useless, - entering what may well prove to be the ; peak is ;much of the garden products that chi- . Victory Loan Campaign. Since I zros work so hard to produce, For "D" Day our war expenditures have hcnctiil of ,log o\vr.ers we offer the rise( to a newhtli'll It tti t�i;tile sliggCslr011 that it 11114;11 hp Possible 10 fit necessary for the 1liniatcr of Fin kei,p a cluaer watch on "Filth." air's to appeal to 1110 people for greater This, of course, is not a matter for support than es er before an(i, as you The Stant:•ir 1 to dictate ou, and any doubtless know, the objective for this further conipl-inti: should he han:ed to 11.0.11 has been increased $195,11111. ,,the prop;r authorities, HORIZONTAL 1, 4 Chairman of U. S. House Foreign Affair.; TNG /1,RI5P),.E Committee, EPS 9 Choose. 77 I iT'S 4i; U. S. OFFICIAL Answer to Previous Pwr.do P OETC R ErAiN1 lf) A N C,Q D EN'ElD 'NATI cp,N rtis R JJ g[EP S I fRA -14 DD ROCK 1E5 ,OTS T EIR ST - 71 Small ocean vessel, 72 Marshland, VERTICAL 14 Verbal. 1.1G Lf:)0 16 Allow. T.R 41PIEIR 18 Solely, EFA7T!S /4Tp 19 24 hour. -RT /1131874 21 Prevent. 5-1\l- E E PS D 23 Sip. SIT '0 Al3 24 Preposition, 25 Obtain, 51 Expire. 27 More recent. 52 Article, 29 Exclamation' 54 Founded, 30 Scion, 32 Send in. payment, 34 Pain. 36 Women. (abbr.), 38 Elongated fish 59 Hurried. 40 Roman 61 12 months emperor. (pl.). 91 Music note. 63 Indistinct. 43 Humor. 65 Cravats. 95 Relaxation, 67 Cracks, 47 Obstruct, 49 Golf device. 56 Insect. 58 North America 1 Sing alone. 2 Conjunction. 3 Boy. 5 Music note. 6 Unusual. 1 7 Sign. 8 Headdress. .10 Behold! 11 Print 69 Italian measures. monetary unit 12 Clew. :err, typhoid. 15 1) 1:..'. 17 Chinine:,•. 20 Day before today, 22 Aldii again. 26 Pedal cilgit. 28 One who rides 31 Dorn. 33 Weary. 35 Fresh, 37 Dyestuff. 39 Ignited, 42 Makes. easier, 44 Beverage, 46 Taunted, 48 Resources, 50 Finish, 52 Skills, 53 Brad. 55 Pull. 57 Until. ' 60 New (prefix), 62 Health resort. 64 'Aly (Italian). 66 Therofore, 68 Samarium (abbr, 1, 70 Registered nurse (abbr.). OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams A BEAUTIFUL ACT, BUT IT MIGHT INTEREST 'YOU 70 kNOw 'THAT YOU I -LVE NEVER VET SNORED WHEN "Cu WERE REALLY ASLEEP! I'M NOT GO* IMG 10 TELL: 'CU AGAIN THAT I DON'T WANT ANY MORE OF THIS &IS:NESS OF TURNING YOUR. RADIO REAL LOW AND LISTENING TO .. 1 LATE PROGRAMS! THE RULE IS LIGHTS OuT—AND RADIOS 'TEN- TH:RIX, —1 11 111 - , WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY 'DISAPPEARANCE apgr- N., •,' 11 By GLUYAS 1,".1.L'i;o1S SETS TO WORK V COMPLETE NEEDS TO CONSULT In LIST OP DE. 1 Hl INCOME: TAX RETURN WITH ALL. DUCTIONS% THOUCIHT IT WAS ON TOP f Af-1...R.!,? LAID C.JT NEATLY BUT HAS TO GO THROUGH PILE OF PAPERS TO FIND IT IN DOING SO, BURIES HIT INSTRUCTION SIIE.P-T FINDS FEN,BUT INSTRUCTION SHEET VANISHES' AGAIN THE SPORTING THING "Junior! It's "Baa -a"! Not BLAB!" AFTER, LONG SEARCH FINDS. :NSTRuCTION SHEET, eur PZM DISAPPEARS AMONG PAPERS' AT LONG LAST ID ALL SET WITH INSTRUCTION SHEET, PEN, AND LIST OF DEDUCTIONS, I31./TCAN'T FIND INCOME TAX f3LANK irsaLF POPSY by6LADYS PARKER THESE HIKES ARE A BREEZE FOR ME, I U5ED TO WALK HOME FROM A OF DATES/ On the Home Front By C. Kessler WORVIKIG OVERTIM5 AGAIN, c14? AND M-)ENJ YOu 6tT A dila 'OX IN YOUR OFFICE?? 211110.0.1 SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith COPP. 1943 NY NEA £CPVICE, UC. T, M. PM U. 5+ PAT, OF. -•—. •. • "I made these sergeant stripes for Sonncy's uniform while he's been sleeping -1 thought it would be a nice way for him to please his captain!" THIS ARMY —.4 'It Th4 MttI4 1.441, Amy ite•tpoptrI Il Cr6rel tcpwryht REG'LAR FELLERS—One Man Bucket Brigade EMPTY 'TM WASTE EiAsHeT4 FILL THE. INKWELLS -- GET BUSYWHAT DO YOU r, THINK I'M PAYING YOU FOR.? 6F..S.SIRD I , e (173 NO USE, )UGAN, YOU'LL NEVER. BE. AN orrice. BOY \, YOU'RE FIRED! „ "These destructful Germans again I presume!" itan.qt co. atfOF FtlifPlAff 104111000 .. • 011.1 1.1 ...way.... 4 .72 11.1 1} N AO • 411,, By GENE BYRNES JUST A p / T1TFLoac.D! 0.T.T‘A I /(' .5 r -- "zni:•71.-p•-• MUTT AND JEFF— AF A Progapanda Shooter Jeff Has It All Over liitler's Tonsil Twisters By BUD FI3T1ER SrMuTT, IS VBIRD? DON'T PROPAGANDA YOU kNowW"T SOME KIND PROPGANDji OP A BIRD?, WIAY IT'S ER• PROPAGANDA WELL IT'S • ' • THEY USC it IN WAR! PLAHEV FLy ov ER ENEMY LINES AND DROP LEAFLETS TELLiNGTHEM DIFFERENT THINGS! • • IT'S TO SPREAD IDEAS SO THEY'LL. SuRRENDERI Al 6,,t, .)/51._101:','A...„11•1; ''‘' 61.'.-_.,A • '',‘: . , ..5f::) l(.204' 4,' ;i;,.. • .,,.,..,71•1:::. ---...,,,,,I., --' ,o 1.,. ' 1 :K POP—Pop Sees Self from New Angle WHAT'S HE DOING WITI-4 TWAT , • MIRROR ? (ii,411`11 I -IP WANTS TO KINJOWffr IF HE GAN 51-11INE YOUR SOOTS/ By J. MILLAR WATT 4-• 1' OOI) AGREEMENT SIGNED All t..e bacon, heel and eggs slut Canada can supply will be provided Grcat Britain in 19.10 by an agreement signed in Ottawa by f -Ion. James G. Gardiner (left), Dominion Minister of Agriculture, and Col. the I -fon. j H. Llewellin, British Miuister of hood. 'SEA MULE' ON THE RHINE First one to be launched on the Rhine liver, the "sea mule" in the photo above was backed into the water off a trailer on which it was transported 'cross-country, The "mule" was used by Allie'; to tow tugs and haul heavy engineering supplies. 'SIDEWALK SUPERINTENDENTS,' GERMANY Road -block in the photo above, composed of a heavy log frame filled with earth and rubble, looks like a tough nut to crack, but one of our bulldozers goes smashing right through if. Everyone likes to watch a building excavation, Here youngsters of Fishbach, Germany, gawp at demonstration of allied power. SECRET COMMAND Commodore Worral R. Carter, USN, above, of Norfolk, Va., heads hitherto unmentioned Service Squadron 10, floating miracle of supply which serviced the Okinawa invasion, Consisitlitg of hundreds of ships — ammunition, repair, floating drydocks, oilers, water tankers and thousands .of .me- chanics—Squadron 10 follows the fleet, eliminates necessity of fixed land bases, SPORTS COACHING PROGRAM PROVES POPULAR Actorued a very definite stamp of approval by ave. G0,000 Canadian yuuth from coast to coast, "Sports College", a Y,M,C.A, and CBC jointly sponsored project offering free athletic direction and physical fitness instruction, gives Canada the distinction of having the largest organization of its kind in the world. The idea, horn in the mind of a teen age Canadian boy athlete 14 years ago and kept alive dis- pite discouragement came to a satisfying fruition in the recent Nation-wide contest when over 34,000 entries shattered all previous progrrnn response records. This boy, once called, "Canada's Most Ver- satile Athlete",, is Lloyd Percival, now Head Coach of, "Sports College", and whose greeting, "Hello Fellows" . . • is heard over a network of 36 stations every Saturday. The weekly gathering for coach- ing instructions is only one phase of the project. When a boy writes to "Sports College," Box 99, Toronto, for his free membership card and a handsome sweater crest he immediately becomes eligible for any or all of a constantly growing library of booklets and bulletins on physical conditioning and diet ,and a "how to play" series covering all popular Canadian games and sports events, sent free upon request. Seated around the table microphones are, left to right, Bill Bessey, announcer; Head Coach Lloyd Percival; Keith Cruickshank the winnner and Bob Leadingham, of Indian Head, Sask., the runner-up in the recent "College" contest. During their stay in Toronto they were guests on the regular Saturday, "Sports College," broadcast. HOLDING US DOWN TO EARTH - G Ludwigsh 0,1y • Strasbourg. Mannheim R . •Erlangen`s,,., ofor� Fucrth a %; ROTHANDURC4 •Nucntbcrg •Amber Heidelberg o `� sr;,; Ansboch m,;:! oCRAILSHEIM Heilbronn 'DINKEl.SI3UEHL Regensburg .{!arlsruhe y Pforzheim 4 Eichstalt • nKrr • 6>' '• / GMUEND a CN •NOERDLINGEN In olstadt t g ksn •Pilson nit, Kh�rir:rM BRENNER PASSI „,Y,014 Ilttl4 i� � 1. �t �+tairr• t1 Itis itl.t`,d\�` OS; ,'i tIR%i, ' I/i �WM Ai4�' �J��'`j 1041? io11y1;�,1�1;''ll��. 4i ttllr tol.11''p"c V I pie . iNiirrp„f lilt ,,,, ..NiZ.; :.,VERCEW . fMilnn'; •Salzburg BERCHTESGADEN,'a ,til ' •Ifty,�t Linz Elite troops Concentrating in stronghold �P,. p�.,�l�y • '.,.. ,IIIJ�•.,'•.nllt'17i111 MY, CROCE PASS ��f+ trl ,� et3bliiiinb%� r ;.•: `! r +t �o: ilk f' x. Mfr WQ.i • u . v''41 i ie PASS , tsv ” l +i t t� 1 .1, Il@��r,„ i , Ir"�� 1f tuwCrq�l'1tt11 pv �(liG'�'T l t ! i' �G N.. Ti'tentoal ti 11+ 7111. rl,. 'f11 BERCAMO . Map above shows Bavarian Alps area of southern Germany where top Nazi leaders expect to hold out, according to their secret "Plan K," uncovered by noted author Curt Riess in a daring trip into Unoccupied Germany, He reports that 100,000 picked troops are already in the Reduit. Nazi big shots, according to Riess, have already moved into the hideaways indicated on map. The escape plan is said to be of long standing, but decision to put it into operation,wtih a zero hour set, was made at a meet- ing of Hitler, Himmler and Welirmacht generals at Berchtesgaden on March 20. RIDE 'EM, DOUGHBOY! With shells bursting only a few miles away, irrespressible Yanks of the 28th Division, First Army, staged a rodeo on the banks the Rhine, near Karlich, Germany. YES, IT'S TOUGH MONTH, ADOLF APRIL FRI. FRi. FRI. FRI. FRI, FRi, FRI, 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1? 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 THERE'S only ole Friday the 13th in April for you, but think of poor Adolf—every day is Friday the 13th for hint, not only in April but front no en. of BAD NEWS HE GOT IT Soviet Foreign Commissar Vlach. eslav M. Molotov, upper photo, gave the Japs their long -feared bad news when he read to Japanese Ambassador Notaki Sako, lower photo, his country's denunciation of the five-year Russo-Japanese neutrality pact, blasting the Jana for aiding Germany, Russia's en- emy. , Significant phrase: "The pact . , . has lost its meaning.” EXTRA FUSSY coffee lovers go wild about Max. well I-iouse. Available at your grocer's in an All Pur. pose Grind that suits any type of coffee maker. It's superb coffee. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL FOHON4'O • Every nouw gl1h tint h, Shun. er and l'elephone, • Sing -le, $e.50 up— Double, pi:t.ab up. • (kind Piaui, Dining and Dane - Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4133 liching Scalp — Loose Dundrufl Try This Home Treatment For Quick Ease and Comfort Isere is a clean poR ei tiJ peii?tint- ing oil that brings .pe, dy relief from the Itching torture and die - comfort. Don't dig with fingernails, that only serves to spread the trouble. Just use equal parts of uuone'a Emerald Oil and olive oil. Apply gently with the fingertips once a stay and shampoo every fourth day. You'll find this tieauucnt nut unly soothes the itching and tot lure but helps promote more rapid healing— loose ]lusting dnndrult becomes a thing of the part. You ran obtain 1•:u:rr,,ild Oil In tho original bottle at any modern drug store. • PAGE 4. THE STANDARD , r !': , r e • t • t , d 1 , , 1i' ICtCKKXW p:KVOCIM I Win. Walden. Ell• ) and Audrey \Vaal, of iott insurance Agency Illrn,all, ,pent �Inl!,1, until \I ull BLYTII -- ONT. ' 1,..\. I':. \\..,1,11. \I r. anal \I r,. \ental 1,r,\ ell and . g rhiltlrrn acre 1.011(1011 Sun- day. INSURE NO'Y ANI) BE ASSURED. ale ►':1\1•11 T:1\Ill!' and 1.111(le Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. \\c:'e 1. u'lon• ti,;tur, Int. \\1 I" J. II, R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott §i The \\ ealitd ; Voting People stet ;tt Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140, .\thorn tui It Cie .\uhuln V. 1'. oil I ri ';r "COURTESY AND SERVICE" Jo dad r\cuin) , The Program \1a • Viten Ilil1i1)1)*D'ii91a171aNEsi2iiDl7tADM117171DilillaiD3tDOINNDINDID7aiNDINDIt NDINDIDpsalm I'y the \V' 11it ld Y. I'. 111e Idial Activities \1ere spon•.,Ircd the - Auburn V, I'. The \InnthlV meeting of the \\', \I.' S. \1a, hcl I on \\ eilnc,da\ ;titer -1:o .11 with 17 present. The I lctolional I -r'' );ram \1va, prepared by \I r. • Chadic- 1 Smith who led the meeting. The inert ing opened he singing "Iteneath the Cross of esu,." 'rrillttn•c le -s 'n \'„t G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LII1E "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY” Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES IIAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm and household Sales, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable; fiction guaranteed. satin For Information, etc., write or phos' _ Harold Jackson, R.I. No. 4, Seatortk WILLIAM H. IIIOItRITT Phone 14reu1. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and Ilonschold Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone !\\'llliatu 11. Moffitt, phnne, Residence 3; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4•tt. WESTFIELD \Iiss \lildre(' Thornton of I'itcheller, i, spending tlt;> week \1•itll \I r. and \I rs. Norman \Icl )owcll and other friends. r. and \I1,. Frani: 1l irhourn and children of 1 lensall, were guests on Sunday at the home of \l r, and Mrs, -1 444 Until the Last Shot Is fired .. . There is no let-up for our fighting men advancing along the bitter road to final Victory. Desperate vicious enemies stand between them and their final objective -- unconditional surrender. And, shots fired at the eleventh hour are just as deadly as any other. Just because Victory is in sight, we at home cannot sit back and relax. We, like our soldiers, must be in there pitching to the very end. When the Victory Loan salesman calls, remem- ber that our soldiers, sailors and airmen are de- pending on your support -- until the last shot is fire'?. Invest in the Best --- Buy Victory Bonds. Sponsored by r ` Huron County National War Finance Committee. Iofr-iH!•3i"•M_♦�'i"'i"i!'i!'i'•A'i,4444 •••♦H• ••♦.OD♦.• +1••••H4•1 • ••HO1••i .1":44 A•00•,0.4J•J••O. 44 OI I� LISTEN TO ALL STAR Broadcasts CKNX Wednesday, April 18th •- 8:0•'9.30 p.m. Friday, April 20th -- p.m. Sunday, April 22nd -- 8.30-9.30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25th -- 8.30-9.30 p.m. Friday, April 27th -- 9.30-10.00 p.m. Wednesday, May 2nd -- 8.30-9.30 p.m. Friday, May 4th -- 9.30-10.00 p.m. Wednesday, May 9th -- 330-9.30 p.m. ' 1• 3• • Huron County National War Finance Committee. 1• 4 1' '!i"i!•j.i..t.4 .4 4 t4 44- 'i-'j.-°G•i' read by \I r,. Ilam l'; nits all l'enn.eraIIC,. Letter, of ;Ipprevia ti 'n Illy iul.\r, rt•cri,ctl \1cre read Multi nnl,ul h,Idhtr•, 11,111 \\ .1.1111111;111, Ita>• \ Intent. dr, N1nnl;nl \Ir111\v(-11 and \\'nuliilyd 1 ;ul,lllnll \rcrc appointed dui( _,,Ile, to till' I'rc•h\ tet•Grl InCe!in; t., lu' fuel 1 ;11 11111,!11! 1,11 \l;1rcll 3rt!. I he Kt d Cross tic, rctary rcportcd 211 111:1;, l'll t: 1 and 8 pair sods,. It \\.t, de,'" led 11;' to have a quilting in \1.11. The:, I, ,I') on hand for future l! (•ro, o I,rk. .\ speci,rl collet ti, n \t II he tarsen 1;1 \la\' 11'r material ft r \i i •,iorl,trt t tJ . The nn'ctiIlt N\ 1111 the Iletctl WAIS CON I'oo late for last t\eel:1 r. and \I I s. Carson .\Ilcn have re - no lied 1,4 tlp11 after spending the I :t•t'r ta.ati 11 \1itil Icl;l'ivcr, and oni SI. f i1•ud• 11' re. 11'cdnesday. Anvil 18,1915 • 1• /•.1: ••I ,•• ••, ,;• it ••• 1.1,•1 ••1 ,•• ••,1 • •: ,: ••• ,•1 ,•• ••. i. , l 4 i„•. 1.1 •: ••• ,4 ,, •• •;, •;1,� 4. •i l • 1 . •4 i • 1•l it i • ••• ••• 1•• I•• ••• ••• ••• 1••l Edith Creighton's PHONE 158. Decorator's Shop 11LY'1'I1, ONTARIO. .•.1.11••••11:•••,••1••,••,•11.1,:�•,••.•.,••,•..•,,;,,:1.11.••:•:,••1••1.•;•i••;•1;1 .;•�,; ,;; :•�..;, •;, ;, ;,,;. ;•r • •• •11: ,•••:�1,••I 11r pI r11, .d 11 I n I l,on•Itou avenin.. their ,( n, Berl;,' -I111 tui ,,in;.; in air opera rcit•ed ,11111 th;ll Luke III ;II-?.. I'ra�er w,1, offered I.t I \\ in. IlnnIpluic, •hent last ! lark Itcnnr!I t\a \Ir,. Norman Niel tot\ell, \Ir,. 1. Smith. \1e ttit"; i1 r mother, \Ir,. I. I 1 It 111' Rion, o\cr.ca, The Study ho,,b 11;1, I;I1e11 Int' \11'-. \CP, 1 e,llltllli", to lied thrl,llr111 illllt'ss. \larvit \Irl) -,1111. The hu,inc 1..,t Mr, :1111 \Ir•, Ilencert •I•rati, have`' PRCPElel'Y CHANGES completed by the prc•idellt, \Ir,. \\Hi. returned from London ;old stili make \I r. Ile; hlrl Mester lot, ,old c\'fibs. Re,l o11-ive resoling t'.;1- i 1: r hotly herr „here \Ir. Travis \t•;II property on I la.lnilton read from Ic\'alation, 21, 1 \I r,. 11; er;,11' tic t-0 piling 111111. 1. I.. \Icl)owell gave a ,Illy -did palter I \Ir. an 1 \11,. \\'illiain Ite:utett re - 1 1 11 1., 1 I . .11.,., LI 14 .I ,1.1.1 !!4 I 1. 1 ..117 1, 1 41' ,. n. rail, I hi, avenue to NIT. %Ir. 1 II I, ..ilt I!:I, Ilnrrha1,cd the 1; -11,1 11;'?u 1, -.II 11111e1l .,tree-, north. \I;. IL I.. 1! 1, I :, pnreh,l cd the 1• 1 11', 1 1111,"1) 1111 (tterll �u set, 11-1.1h, 1111 I,, u;lit•11 by Isaac `Il • 1, NI 1\1 I'e;u rlid'I o1 Toronto, lois hn"rll \\'il,.n1. and NI r. and NIP, Iter- .11111 her 1 -.111', •Irl. 111 ILtnliltlln at•cnttc, tel' 11111 shori!\' 111111'e it.to their ,other 1111 \I;, ;1-N;1 , 1 I \'.e\ Ion, lta1n,, 1., ,j11.4.1Y .I fl11 I.1d ,41 Ia... .i 1.aI -e�..o..pw.WP!fYta�-- O You have reason for just pride if you have done alt you could do, on the home front, to support the gallant effort of our men in active service. If you have denial yourself pleasures and comforts to buy Victory Lends ... you, too, have played a part in helping your country's war effort. You have worked and saved and lent your savings to your country. \''i:h- Out this help from you , • , and from millions of her citizens, your country could not have maintained tic pro:::i• rent place she now occupies among the freedom -loving nations. Canada has the use of your s.tti i ngs to help to vain victory. (You will have this money to use for your own needs later.) Perhaps you wish you could have clone more. \';'ell, you will be asked to do more. Alen who have corm back will tell you that there is lots to do yet. Canadians are on active service, on the fighting fronts. More money is needed to support their effort. You are asked to keep on working and saving and you will be asked to put more savings into Victory Ilonds. They are the best investment any Canadian can make; an investment tat every Canadian should make. 9etfie14eG VI CTO RY B ► N DS 8thVictoryLoan Opens April 23rd NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE 8.28 a cifricsla �, '�l>iri� 1g,19i THE STANDARD 'i'Ite Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for hale $1,350,000,000 Eighth Dated nlatilr ;Mil BY LOAN hearing interest (rola 1st May 1945, and offered in two u choitr of IrhiOli is optional „'llh the purchaser, as follows: t 4 years and 6 tnottths 1:;<i% BONDS DUE 1st NOVEMBER 1949 Non -callable to maturity interest payable 1st May and i.lovctnhcr Denominations $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $100,000 ISSUE PRICE: 100% Its years ;iii i months 3% 13ON1)S 1)Uh 1st OCTG)13ER 1963 l':tllat,le in or alien Ise') Intrrtsl p;l\'ahlr I'1 ;\I'ril anJ (eloper Denominations $ 511, fh 100, $500, $1,00\1, •;,5,00.), $10,000, $25,00.1, $100,000 ISSUE PR ICE: 100% 1 he proceeds of this loan still he used by the (;overnment to finance expenditures for war purpolles. The lists will open on 23rd April, 19.5, and will close on or about 12th May, 1945. Applications for these bonds may he made through any Victory Loan Salesman, any Branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, any authorized Savings Bank, Trust or Loan Co,pany, from Nvhom copies of the official prospectus and application form may he obtained. Deportment of Fintntcc COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE to he hell on \lasso\'-Ilar,is Lot, l;lvtl1, SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH commencing at 2 11,NI. Watch for full list next \wevh, (. August ilt', Clerk, \1'illi;In1 Nlorritt, :\u0linnr,•I, \VANTED 1I0u.thold help wanted in the country fo' i111 'rulati )It apply at the Standard Insulation saves NM with more coot- Office, phone 8'I, Ulyth, 35-1 April 1945 flirt summer and scouter, For a free FOR SALE 1•Iilnatc and tomos while our equipment Good red clover hay; also two calves, i• in tl triCt, I,L''II& !11t•th 136, or write Apply to Uuuakl phone km%lan,l C. Day, 5'I'hornton ave„ Lon- 11r12, Rlylh, 3-1-2 lots, Onuui'1, I'neunlalic Insulating ( n111pit11), 35-411. BLOWN ROCKWOOL 11. b 111..1..1. 11 1, L. 1 is 1111,1 lit 11 1 i .1 .1 10 1 Clip this and mail it overseas --airmail today, APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS for the position of Junior and Relief Operator of the iilytll ,Municipal Telephone System will be accepted up to April 21st. !' 1.1 at' 11111110110111111101 BOXY THEATRE CLINTON. NOW PLAYING; "Yellow Car and "Gildcrsleevc's Ghost" Mon., 'I'uv.'., Wed., Dual Features .\ holiday it jive 111th 111'1111y ,,,111:I;111 ;11111 hi., 13;11/,1, "SWEET AND LOW•DOWN" Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, Your i,rt'lluritr funny Hien are h0i,' (gain ;mil trill Ii11,Io \0111 inun\- h'•nr )with their ;11111'. in "THE BIG NOISE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard and Paul Lukas Do not miss this merry mystery '"I'HE q'IOST BREAKERS" y COMING; A, J, Cronin's "KEYS OF 'i'I'IE KINGDOM", For obi, picture thi: first show will commence al 7 p.ni., April 30, May 1 and 2. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 ,,m, Mat., Wed., Sal,, 1101ulays 2,30 Inn IN/liable...1, it & Holidays at 2.30 p,nl, w PAGE 5. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH, NOW ',MY 1'A1. WOLF" slarriug Sltaryn Moffatt. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gene 'I'icrnay, Dana Andrews and Cliftun Webb I'I' Irl ti.. I!Ir •l�'rt ..i ;I I„i, I!,.,! Ll;.un' ., ',\ ,;Ica;'• :m• ' fr:r.lnl "I.AUItA" RECENT EN'1' '1'If-EATRE SEAFORTi !. OW: "Wini and a Prayer" ata'i+tut 1).111 Atm:clic Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Carmen Miiiulda, 1)111 Amechc and William Bcndix !+' I 'II11'1`1.',Ii \\1111 ,1 "GR EENWICII VILLAGE" 'I'imisday, friday, Saturday '1'hursda) , Friday, Saturday Charles LaLglIton, GI•;Ic R;ynlnnd 1)t I)roihy Lamour, Bob (lope and and Georg, Raft ( Ifni; Crosby ,,•I ! 1' a i, :lir' ;',I'I.1 1 \\,'.1.1 iit "IF 1 HAi) A MILLION" 101, ,1111 '1,11 ..t 1'r,l,u "TILE ROAD TO SINGAPORE" COMING: Jran u1ntainl. in. COMING: "Irish Eyes Are Smii• "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" no;" 111t11 Julie Haver. T 1 LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM-ONTARIO. Two Shaws Sat. Night Thurs.. Fri„ Sat. April 19.20.21 EJward Arnold, Joyce Reynads Robert Hutton in "J_ANIE" 'mile, hill he hl'il,l111T :11111 span, i lighter alter son see the girl of illy \ear, Joyeo l ,'yaolik, it Ihe hap- Ioie,t I.irturc of lit' your. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" Malins:e, Saturday afternoon, at 2.31. Moa., Tues., Wed.. April 23.24.25 SPECIAL Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell, in "KEYS OF THE KINGDOM" The filet story of ;\. 1. Cruttin'; hest -selling novel shunt a prfo,l those failings and questionings were hitt milestones marking his progress towards a Rid success ;111,1 ;1 happy certainty, !'herr Mil ht 'I'\\'(1 til 11)\\', I?.\('I I \It.II'I' for this picture at 7,00 l,.tn, ;\t (I 0„31) 1.111. Social Evening I'It0(�ItI';�,�IVI'; I;Ii('1IRI'a i ( IN 1'11 Duties 1.1 rolnn e:Ice al ours, ANI) DANCE E ORANGE HALL, BLY'I'II AU(11ON SAI,I': Of Farre, F,'rnt Stock, Implements and thiuseilidd Goods, is I "} \•,tt-'. 1)!I 11',' ty 11'1;1111' ,f FRIDAY. APRIL. 20T11 AUSPICE3 OF BLYTH I,.\101.'WI] 11 I.1 \t"II HO EVERYBODY WELCOME. : ,.. 01 t1 1 1''x 1)I '1'11E51).4Y, APR 11. 24'111 III Ii, i : i'.;, 111,1,, '.11 0111 ; l,r\\ 0'.11\, 11 y1;,1 i�lll : 11111.• _ „n .. lis li•1 li 1,, ;,' r, t','.(.1 t!! , X11 , I 1 t1,'' NOTICE TO CREI)1'l'i)ItS!+'"!, to The Estate cf Ada 13. 1.ahllaw, late) cf the Village of Blyth, in the County I ,M1! I '' ! rytt cf Huron, Widow, Deceased. I, !L1!;.'\ !111'1,1; \I. U. Hill. raL1 1.1 1".,(; '\I, I I, , !nn 'r r'iltiv It 'I . , , .. , , , , .. • . I I . \II 1., r, n, Il;10111:; Cl,li111, ;Wall rr1!uirol ;,, Lilo lilt' ,.torr \bill 1111 ,:11- der,igncd Soll,'i;nr f '1' Illy P. tat, , �or heioro the :.t' 1 (lay of .\!,rid, .\.I+.. „.+ 34-1. LESLIE i-IILBORN, Secretary. ; I'l13, allot' tthirh 11:111 the a --t;• \1 i!! \I I1 -t„ I \\_ he IlisUihnl111 ;uuonp,,t Iso pantie, on , \ II,, 1,, \\ 111101 II; t'I'0;u, II ;I\ III};" rr'O;Ir,l „1111' ('nal roil slut•r and oycn, good cot - Ih0 rlailn; 111111111, '1001\', \In. Jack Collinson, seen giwcll, phone 17-12, 111\Ih, •31-1' D:\'1'1•:1) It Clinton, t11is 28111 ,la 1. . .Ili \larch, :\,I)., 10.15, ,'1 r 1111111.0 t1tltll• FOR SALE U;{10 I,: Lrawt•I 101, tthirh holier •11.111 h A Message from GEORGE DREW to all with Relatives and Friends Overseas ,A RRANGEMEN1'S have been made by the Ontario Government for members of all the Armed Services overseas to vote in the coming Ontario election by placing a ballot in a ballot box for the candidate of their own choice. The arrangements which have bccn completed for the Ontario vote are the best which have yet been made for any Active Service vote. '1'hc Government, however, can only make the arrangements for taking the vote. What is equally important is that those who arc overseas know the name of the candidates, the party they are supporting and have a sufficiently clear picture of the issues to decide how they should vote. That can only be done if those at home supply them with information. Islay 1 strongly urge every wife, mother, father, sister, brother or friend of those overseas to write and tell them all they can about the coming Ontario election. Dy clippings from newspapers, by editorial comment, and by personal explanation, a clear understanding can be given of what is really at stake in this Ontario election, One of the things which will cause the greatest difficulty in the minds of those overseas, particularly those who live in large cities, is to determine which Riding they live in. Maps will be available, but even the best 'map sometimes leaves doubt when the voter has been nway from home for a long time, or as is true in so many cases has never voted before. This difficulty will be increased because of the difference between the boundaries of Dominion and Provincial Ridings. I would suggest that you write immediately, by airmail, to all with whom you are in com• munication and tell them the Riding in which they live and give them what information you can about the party and the candidate in the Riding where they are entitled to vote. 1 should mention that every member of the Armed Forces overseas of any age is entitled to vote. Thcv, above all others have the right to vote. They have preserved for us that free system of Government which depends upon the choice of our own representatives. Our job here at Itonte is not only to make sure that they have the chance to vote but also to do everything possible to make sure that they are able to vote with knowledge of the real issues in the election. For the sake of convenience, I am suggesting that you simply cut out this message and address it to someone overseas giving the information required. Each one of us here at home has a responsibility to help them to choose the Government which will have so much to do with their future in the year's of peace. May I again urge you to write at once, by airmail, not only to (host closest to you but to as many as you know in any of the services outside of Canada. 'Tell them what Provincial Riding they reside in at home -then the name of the candidate and any further information you can supply. Your Provincial Riding is Your Candidate is Yours sincerely, PUBLISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF ONTA-RIO 1-,.11)11;: p! I 91111 ; 1" Iri.'Il : 11 '11 o il.Ihr,1\\ Misr 1..lrrn\ts; r,o'l ..t'1 3 , 1 too; Ilr,l., 11;1' 1 'l; r 11'1. ; P. 111it-r ,\ t'1 vain w forlr, and !'nolo} 10! crate; ling \• ' f ;11;11,,1; ear, 1'''I I:.('., Clinton, ton- 1:t';liiinr'..c:,lo, an,l alts'; 11,11 I1nrning lapin, Solicitor flit' the will I;,I:Itr,101', 1.111'.1101, r,l11111'ity, 110\\•1 ,1,1-3. I 211,[144o t,1 hvol ler -love; :I• 'let X1'1 ,I +h'lll,I ' itatino,,s; "rt' r.li;u utlt'r; 2111-1!,. platforlu Notice To Creditors ''a'1s , .'ro,scllt ,atw; nuc-inao sats; I'I:IC-zON hatilt: 1111\, i+ill •r 111', 110ar kcal'; hogging again•t the c: talc; 1)l Nlal'.I!;I I ult„illaiu., lurks, ;hov01•, 11ouhlrtreos, unit \ll't-•111I.tii I, late of the \'111;1.!1 14 11!'•1I1, 11i11nirous oto! '. ;u 11111., ,\hoot 500 l+u , :•"';' 1 nli.wt'1 :'mitt, a r!lt,lnlity of in Olt: Count\• ,'i Ilurou, ti;�inst, :', tt :lo ,1;0 ,I!I'I '11•,1,1. 11101 on lir ;Wont the ninth day nl !IIII'ti!,II(II.I) 11'11\I;IIIN(•.S -- \lay, A.D. 1'143,;1111 \I;n:e:u rt \:'n i (;:1,l•ill "I !;s,•�' 1:11.1 \with pipes; Nlcl'1.I1and, I. toof the \•ill.lpl 1)! I :.I1!,si•"I t;I! lo; 2 \\11611 011a47.; 111\th, in the I'nu sty of lluron, ti! i i j .',on ellsur.: l'\ 111 I: sin:, nl;ohille; Gft'r, 11'11 ,n1 111' ;,1111111 llle blit•- ` ! ru''k1't'; quantity 1)l Ill,ht'S; tt'tnth (lay of Jrnr, .\.D. 1'(.1!, an' 11.'t:- ,.. ,11 hcator \iiU'nli,l ;ung r0rurd,; 1•1111 1, 1;/1''11 1-011H,, 1111111, Oulari ,, ' n or It,•iore Ihr iif'll, ,\I' (I:.I.'.11 \t 11 I t' ".l,I twithnui re - day ttf .\la}•, ,\ 1). 111-15, fol! p rrtirul;tr, j -,'rwr ;1, '!!: I ; "s'po't•'! i .'11111.; 1111 of their claim, ill twriti^c. Itunie'!iato- ! i,lrlllin::. ly ;lflrr the s,lhl fifth d;1\ of \I;I\ the ' .\'t' TII I' S.\ NI I•: 'l'I N! F,Tu. I .\I:\i. ,11,(11 nl lh0 ,VIII itl't'»t;tvr \\ill INC C, II>1,1111g nl ti, x111 111111 n!' Ir, 1:11 di,Ili11ntrd alnung,l Iso partir• 111.,1\''i,!t aro 1m. 'ol „i hurl 11114,, twill lot, tii!t',l Illt'I'rin, ha\'1111,rt'L' 11,1 (1)110 II, '•IINIrd .''r ,,I! -nh11C1 to a 1'e•'1'vo e1,11111• of 111111!; tin' ;I lIIIIIti-)r,Ilu1" '10111 ,I'll!, t\:I'•'d I�'I' illi!,,, 0 'rr-I,nliilt'. \\'t`ll Leon have 111.10 ,..; ;;aril -' u'':ol-1,01010 '1:1.11 \I S---11.1 I Il,tt t l:, t'a'll, Tsups AUCTION SALE At the hot"e of Herbert Dexter, HAMILTON ST'REE'T, BLY1'II, ON SATURDAY, APRIL 21ST .'.1 1;11111 111:11!1 ),noun n0 .1.1\' ,,r" sal,•. 11111 \I:o'.II, Proprietor Harold •1,1r1,'.on, Auctioneer. 35-I. Commencing at 2 11.01., the following: (: \'I"I'I.I:-- t:riiidle cots, a year, old, just ireshcitc11; Jersey lou, 4 yt,u's old!, l` due to It »•t i'n tittle of 1 yearling cattle; lleiftr, 1 \r;1)' 1'111: �1 (',111', 3 \s Irks , Irl ; 2 Cott., duo >horl l ' after sale. I brood sow with litter I NI I1I.1•:\I E.';'I'S-l.igllt \t:lg'nl, \t il'I i H 1 racl; for tvae'tn ; 1-h ,r,t• 1;111,1 I roller; 1-1101ise 1,11)10; No, 1n \'0111\ I plow; ruttitin 1:0v, Hay i:'r!, ; 1 nor, sleigh, in good i''iditiru ; I dal rap!, for: lcigh; I Its -ft. Sliarp rake, as tress : 1111 111 1111111 (hop I,O\, 17 I.:101 s 1, capac ily ; 1 do/. n hale; of ,ora\\ ; !,rinds 'std tot' 2 di)'tiit spades; S,'\'!h0;`"1,1 :12 Dtl,acal ('rt';1111 Sepel atop, in running order; Hnrt!I incubator; 1'10'-I1 triC f0nic, \yith t!t't\ hatit'y; \c;I Number Sts 1)•-„:! lions, and! 'other articles loo numerous to mention \ There n ill hr no reserve as the pro -1 perry has 11111 sold. Ilcrhert Dt:ttcr, Proprietor. \\•illianl Nld,llitt, Auctioneer, 34-2. SPF y. J' IAL SALE ome-Rendered LARD TIRING YOUR OWN CROCK AND IiAVE IT FILLED, -SPECIAL 'I'HIS WEEK- IIOME-MADE COARSE CUT RING BOLOGNA -25c I'ER LB, H. McCallum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth, Dead and Disabled ,animals REMOVE!) PROMPTLI. Telephones: Atwood, 50x:11.; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of :'ANADA, LTD. RED STARS OVER NIAGARA The striking photo above shows American -built P-63 Kingcobra fighter planes, bearing the Red Army star, winging over the Canadian cataract at Niagara Falls to start their long flight to Russia. Pilots of the U, S. Air Transport Command fly them from B ell Aircraft's Niagara plant to Fairbanks, Alaska, where Red Army flyers take over and fly the planes across Siberia to Eastern Front bases, complet- ing a 1O,000 -mile ferry trip. WHAT SCIENCE I5 POING SPRAINS Pulled muscles and sprains are being robbed of their serious and painful features by treatments which formerly were employed by those who were concerned with the care of Olynlphic show that soldiers, who have been treated, are able to return to duty almost im- mediately and their injuries heal while they work, says The Saint John Telegraph-Jounral, The quick cure consists in apply- ing a spray of ethyl chloride to the injured area's surface and encour- aging immediate motion of the part Instead of wrapping it in a paster :cast or adhesive tape and imnlobll- izing it. The chemical provides sur- face anaesthesia to the area, quickly relieves pain and enables the pa- tient to move the injured part, Supervised motion improves cir- culation and prevents stiffness and swelling. While formerly used only on athletes, the treatment is giving good results in the army and it is expected that after the war It will be used generally where painful sprains and strained muscles might be a handicap. Commercial fertilizers are made up of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen. Output of Sarnia Rubber Plant Up According to figured release; last week, the publicly -owned syn• thetic rubber plant in Sarnia in February hit a new high in the production of synthetic rubber with a total of 8,770,000 pounds - approximately 115 percent of the designed capacity of the plant. An average of 816,000 pounds a day was produced in that record breaking month, This large out. put, ]maintained for a year by Polymer Corporation would result in an annual production of about 106,000,000 pounds of synthect rubber. Lest They Forget A member of the British house of commons suggested last week that when peace comes a bombed - out section of Berlin be kept as a permanent reminder to the Ger- man people, HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE In each nostril. Breath- ing passage. open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricate., disinfects, helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults and children. 50c -all druggists. OSTROLINE' CLIFTON, BRISTOL ENGLAND WILLIAMS Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KIDNEYS Try the Original "Dutch Drops" It is poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache, dizzy spells, leg cramps, restless, sleep -broken nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks of thousands for many years -GOLD MEDAL IIaarlem Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. It works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your kidneys to purify the blood. Be sure you get the original and genuine - packed In Canada. Insist on getting GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, 40e at your druggists. CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Stimulates circulation and breaks up congestion. preventing complica- tions of a serious nature before it h too late Allows a restful night for rapid recovery. stuns GMPXOn'n leerrl1 tial\ Ik t er..l I y Hua Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERYOUS TEN$ION with its weak, tired Iodine/ If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous tired, restless -at such times- try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label __directions.di/ j Buy today( 4 fG V' 6itingta/:n COM OU D $1.00 May Win This $10,000 Model Home For You Draw Will Be Made May 24th Bu/ A share Sow 4.00 A SHAM BEACHES MODEL HOME 2388 QUEEN ST. E. TORONTO OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO Purchase, One or More Shares To -day DEAl1:iIL8 BUB $1'00 fes Fla? OCIATION INE66 TORONTO 8. Your Blurs I9111 Be Malted to Poi Promptly. Please11(eee i r Pir,„,„,,. fes Wet i hsrIUeo, Do Not Delay sl.00 A SHARE ACCOUNTANTS R AIUD1'1'ORs coat it 'i'AC REPORTS COM - pieta Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. E., 'Toronto, Ont. IIUSINi sS OPPORTUNITIiCS ATTRACTIVE RESIDENTIAL PRO- perty. Kent County, sell or ex- change Drug Buelne.o. Summer Resort or Business Property, Box 22, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, IBAIIY CHICKS 81.00 n001C7 YOUR O110ER ORDER YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed, All chicks are from guaranteed tot- ed stock, and from 25 oa. eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100, White Leghorns !nixed 811,00 per 100 Barred Rock Pullets 819.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 322.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 815,00 per 100 white Rock Pullet. $24.00 per 100, We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. BRUNTON "Bred -to -Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, eVIIITE Rocks, Bnrred Rocks, Golden IIampshires, Government Approv- ed, Bioodtested, Illustrated Cat- alogue Free, Brunton Cedar Glen Farms Hntcnery, 52 Wlnnett, Toronto (mention paper). 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries ere always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex. Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New' !Tamps., Sussex X Leghorns. Rock X Leghorns, Rock X New 'lumps., Barred Rorke Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Form, Wein Urns.. Exeter, Ont. Tile; DIFFERENCE BI:'1'w'EEN success and failure In the chick- en business very often depends on the chicks you start. Many poultrymen try to eliminate that hazard by choosing Top Notch Government Approved chIcke from hlnu(1tes1ed breeders. Day old Chick ('rices. Non -Sexed White Leghorns 11.95, ]tarred Rocks, New Ilampshiresi 12.96, Assorted Light Breeds 10.95, As- sorted Heavies 11.95. Pullets- White Leghorns 25.95, Bnrred Rocks 23.95, New Ilnmpshiree 24.95, Assorted Light 23.95, As- sorted Ileavles 21.95. Also two week old started chicks et bar- gain prices. Write for rnlalegue and complete prlrellst for many other breeds. Top Notch Chick - cries, Guelph, Ontario. 'mom) ItoEASTi0D SUSSEX cox THOiJSANDS AVAJLABLE \'EEIC- Iy, If you ord )r at once. Our Brood ilrensted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market, White skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Ilamp. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-5 lbs. You can buy these for $4,00 per 100, Alen mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-bred healthy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed. ere on ONE Went. Lnkevlew Poultry Farm. Wein Bros.. Exeter, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITII EVEIIY ORDER 00 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 free chlcke (our choice). Leghorn pullets 322.96 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 81996 per 100. White (tock Pullets *24.95 per 100, All chlcke sold bricked by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery, Kent llntchery. Chntham, Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED ROCIC PUL - lets, 1 week old 22c, 2 week old 16 cents. Immediate delivery. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontario, POULTRY KEEPERS BIO CERTAIN YOU BUY GOOD healthy, vigorous chicks, Buy chicks with breeding and livability and you will be certain of success Our Breeders are all Government fns e t d c e banded and blood -tested W lte for descriptive catalogue or the different breeds, and prices nr ourGovernment Approved chicle' MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monktow, Oatarlo VOICE OF THE PRESS IIOW CARELESS! The fatal lap -c at Itcntagen leaves Berlin acutely embarrassed, as \\ ell it ['kilt. Fancy, being caught with one's bridges up! _- tilr:tlf„ri! \'cacao- IIciald JUST A BOASTER (lite of our neighbors professes to i ntlei t;unf the income tax 1,11uk, iii; \'.ii(' i; worried about hint. Duelme ('l:rnnicle Telrl;raph. CHICKEN FEED it is often the complaint of cler. gvnlcn that too many members of their ennere^;ttion s are 011 the ni- ckel standard. -- Kitchener Record. MAKE IT REALISTIC! It is quite possible the (German Elite Guard will he compelled to rebuild the cities in foreign lands which they destroyed. And while they are doing it they should be compelled to exist on the rations they forced on the people of Ger• than -occupied countries during the war. -- Chatham News 8:1111' CIIICICS DARK CORNISH GAME COCKER - els, grand type, development, range raised. Choice Breeders, weights, 8 lbs. George ttenheet, 8112, 118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta, "OXFORD" B140OD-TEST ED chicks. live, lay and pay. They ere the results of nineteen years of careful selection and breeding In 0.11.5. They hnve to he good bemuse we want the very beet \clod of chicks for our nwn flocks. Improved breeding, Blg', vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Write for our free folder, Bnrred Roche, \Vhtte T,eghorns, un -sexed Chlrks, Pullets and Cockerels. The Oxford Partners' Co-nperntive Produce Co„ Ltd.. 434 efnln St., 11'nodstnrlc, Ont. ASK ANY sucrEssv'UL POULTRY - man and he'll tell you the moat lmpertnnt word in the chicken busine's Is livability. Money, feed and labour ,pent on chlcke that "cnn't take It' can never he regained, Tweddle Chicks ran greatly reduce the hazard. For 19 years we hnve supplled the best liked breeds and excellent cross ',reeds and already thin year we have received dozens of loiters tolling us of the wonder- ful 11vnhillty nt their Tweddie ('hides at 2 weeks and 4 wrelrs of are. it will pay you to think of IIvnhlllty when you order your 1915 chlcics. Free cntningue, Twiddle ClIcic Hatcheries Unlit - ed, Fergus, Ontario. 20 rlIEF CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STi)('K 1S registered and pedigreed hirde. Nothing hotter in Cennda. Order now. Priers for mixed hnhy chlrks. rnnlc•s and females: Bnr- red Rocks, $12 00 per hundred: White Leghorns. 211.00; White Reeks. $15 00: Brown Leghorne 313.00, Pullet prices: Burred Reeks, $19 00; tVhile Lrghnree, 322200; WVhite Rocks, $24.00: Brown Leghorns, 524.00 25 free chicks, nor rhnice, will he riven for ench 200 mixed rhicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for enrh 100 day old pullets ordered Gnrlclnrd ('hlrit TTntrltt'ry. Bri- tnnnla heights (lotto -in 01(1)1111 1'01,11 C1114714 NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your rhirlcs for next spring when yon want theca Barred Rock mixed 312.00 per 100, white leg. hems tniverl 311.00 per Inn. Ser. red Rnelc Pullets $19 00 per 100 white Paternal pallets 222 fin per 100 heavy_ Breed ('kis $1100 per i00. Leghorn Cicls 92.00 per 100 All ehlolts botched from 20 oz eggs or hotter end from epreln1 mated Berke Gunrnntord leer; Iivr delivery mon bootee your order, hnlnnrr C.O.D Rntnhnw hatchery, ('ho1hnm. Ontario WE IIA\'E 2 \WEEK OLD LEG - horn and Tiravy breed pullets for prompt shipment: dnynlrls to Leg - horns, 11.11.,1 N.11., and L.S. x N.H. Also limited supply corlcer- els. Suggest you get in touch with us scion. Bray TTetrhery, 13n John St. N., linnttlton, Ont. BLOOD -TESTED IIYB1tll) COCIC- erels, April 4e, Leghorn Cocker- els lc, Also white Leghorn and Ilybrid Pullets. Stormont l'oultry Perm, Pinch, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING ITAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for infortnntton. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment II. Porker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Vongo Street, To- ronto HAIRDRESSING L E A R N IIAIIIDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED. bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR• agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, abode trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontario 50 -ACRE FARM FIRST CLASS, up-to-date. Write for particulars. Bert lingnrinrn, Burgessville, Ont. BEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE from your materials, Quilting 81.85. Your wool carded 26c Ib„ washing 3c Ib. ()oleic service, Vir- gin word butts $1.15 Ib. Wool Cording el:whines $14.95. Spinning Wheels 313 95 Ask for cntnlogue sifter' Woo; I'tnd'i'ls Box 123 Si (Inn 1(1anitohn. Merchant Ships Carried Aircraft For Protection Racial: the nut,\ cr'iti('1l per!o,t in the hat lie of the it hitit 1(1 n num her of Ilrittsh nu'rrlutnl sol"0 we equipped with "postage stamp" lauding decks enabling (heal to cart.) their owls iirerat' protection without seerifict'Ig cal• tonnage, the Admiralty dta Haeed lest week The Yes ;els, gra in•ty'pe U'eigllt ors requiring 0 minimum amount of al era lion, were forerunners (1 the Navy's '\1'onlwort h ct.rri('i' now used for escorting ocean con- voys. They were operated by the mervli;nhl navy and carrleu Cleo' stir arta pilots. "In some cases the 'finite ,fail it flat space of only about 40u tett from which to tithe off anti laud e the Admiralty announcement said "Considering the alarming deck mnventetfrequently encountered in the Atlantic. this 55(10 uc snu(t, feat. Discharged Troops Up to the end of 1944, approxi mately 200,000 men and woolen have been discharged from the armed .401'vIces, in this proportion. Army, 165,000; Na' y,• 7,000; A,r Force, 23,000 Of these, 27,001' were N Il,Iti,A. troops, leOit SAI,I1 HAW MILL, NEARLY N1'.\V, CAPAC- Ity upward one thousand per hour. ('rt be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced sawyer. For particu- lars, write or call Dan Vallleree, 6It11 bridge, Ont. Do not cull on Saturdny, AT STUD, ATTRIDGJl'S NIGHT - rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imported, IIIx generation pedigree. Ills sire stands at one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding this young dog at Twenty-five dollars, Arthur Attridge, Freeman, Ont. DRY CLEANING DELAVAL CLARI- fier for sale or swap for outboard motor. Box 98, Brncebridge, Ont. BROWN CIIESAI'EAKE R17TIliEV- er pups, snap at $20. I), A. Beech, Mnlnkwn, 13.0. CASE 40. HP TRACTOR WITH extension rims $960, excellent condition. 18 Inch plate Chopper, $5(1.00, Abram Weber, R. 1, Bt. Jacobs, Ont. J]'111SEYS, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited, Gables Farm, Foster, Quebec, PIli11;BRD1i) IIEIOEFORD CATTLE, males and females. Lawrum lea tans, Durham, Ont. FOR. SALT:-CASI? TRACTOR, 46 h.p., croes-mounted engine, In real good condltlon, good for enw- mIll or threshing outfit. Portnble sawmill with all new timbers. All for $700. Will sell separate, P. Vnnderltnden, R.R. 1, St. Wil- liams, Ont, $650 ('ASH, 4 ACRES GOOD GAR - den land, five roomed frame house, water frontage, vIlinge Gorrfe. Mat. Shand, Humber Bay, Ont. tea NAGE AND SERVICE STATION. gnralrn equipment and stock and r, -roosted house on No. 2 111gh- way. Oakes Garage, Anrnster, Ont. LEVI'• II.\ND, 3 SI'ED)D, SAWMIT,I. rarr•iai'r and lift ic, Good roncll- ticin, 31.50, \V. A. Cornell, TCn- rnolut, Ont, POULTRY FAltll, 25 ACRES, 1,200 layers, Hydro, market garden Intel, 20 miles from Toronto and Hamilton: going concern; (rn- nu'dLrte possession. Keith Cowles. 11.11, 2, ilornby, Ont. 11.11'liiSl;lt1' DIEGEL CRAWLER TRACTORS RD7 CA'I'E1tl'iLI,:\R l5'l'l'il 8 YARD Lo 'I'ournenu screper; 111)8 with 12 yard scraper: TD18 inter -- tuitional with bulldozer (scraper nptiennl): TI)10 with bulldozer; 111)40 international (17.5 111'): 111)1 Caterpillnr; I11)4 with An- thony Illghllft Bucket and trtter- chrutgeablo bulldozer blade. Lighting plants, 1500 wntt, 32 or 115 volts. Send for folder , Diesel and Gasoline Engines 40 to 150 Ill'. Other equipment available. Wire, write or phone S. if, Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, Winnipeg, TREDICAL STU\iACII AND 11111FA0 WOI1\il- often are the cause of iii-heaith In humans, all ages. No one tm- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulers-Free! WVrite Mulveney'e Remedies, Sperinlists Toronto 3 DON"1' WAIT -EVERY SUFFERER of ilheuntntfc Palos or Neuritis should try Dixon'n Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawn. Pontpald $1.00, CONSTIPATION, R 1 1 1 0 U SNESS, liver trouble, depressed hendnehe, quickly relieved with Fig -Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig - L= 25c at Druggists. BAUMIIEKA FOOT BALM DE- atroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. • Irro1lrl' RECOMMENDED -EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 835 El- gin, Ottnwn. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDiNGTON BUYS, sells, exchange, musical instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto 2. OPI'O11'I'IUNiTIES 1011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOiN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel grnduates. 's Amertc n greatest tem. illustrnted catalogue free Write or call MARVEL. HAiRDRi:SSING S('TIOOLS 358 111.0011 W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Britain Needs Army of Farm Volunteers British food sit.unlu)n "1) more serious than has yet been generally recognized," a hlutlstry apokesnl;rn said, laid the Agricul. tw•Ia Secretary, Mr, R. la. !Luc, 8011, chose Easter time 10 nppual fur ruluutrpt0 10 help in raising azul leo vieding t 11115 crops. SIt'. Hudson 11, ;t: ping for sou 001) adults- - more ilia n twice the umbel responding Iasi year • and I0) ,nun children over 1. year., old to go to v( Inn tem' camps or- ganized to help farmers, WIIY DO more people buy Maxwell hoose than any other brand of Coffee in the world? This superb blend contains extra. flavor Latin-American Coffees, selected from the Finest the world produces. I'lllTO(.11 A i'1l 1' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filets properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSt1111'1 ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8 for 25c PINES'' ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you deelre by sending your films to IMI'Ell IAI, 1'iIOTO SEiRVICE Station J. Toronto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cont. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size. Roll - 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRiNTICD 25c A customer in Cape Breton says, "I have been sending filets to you for 4 or 5 years, Would not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album Wlth Prints sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (4c SI'ECIALis eCPRICESfilm ON iI FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel notate, 8 for 25c. Framed on ivory tinted mate, 7 x 8" in Gold. Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c ench. if enlargement colored, 79c enc',, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Minty on Orders. PIANOS ARE YOU iNTERIeS1'I';D IN ''IIIc new small Pianos? if so write tie for latest descriptive clrculnr, 1''aetnry Mason & Misch Limited, 642 i:Ing St. West. Toronto. PATENTS FI:TIiIi1STONTIAUGII & ('t)DiPANY Potent Sollcltorn. Estnbllehd 1890; 14 King West. Toronto, I3ooklet of Information on re- quest. Sl'ltl'111t:1N 1'Itl)l'ISII'I'IES 1VAN'IIlI WITHIN 25 MILES 01' TORONTO, with or without acreage.! We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging up to $50,000 throughout title area. 1t. 1'. HEIAI. & CO. 110 Yoffies Sl., 'I'nr"nto AD. 0457 I'.11161 111A(1111NIIRY "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts ore always available either nt your level dealer or direct frotn Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre - Dame West. Montreal 3 Que. IS'ANTPII STJI'EItIN'I'l'1NDENT \VANTED FOR 20 bed hospital In Palmerston, Ontario. Duties cotrunence June let, Apply to 50'. II. Burns, Palm- erston, rent. NEW 'WRITERS NEEDED TO RE. write ideas 1n newspapers, mag - /aloes end books. Splendid op- portunity to "break into" fascin- ating writing field. Full irrfornr- ation for self-addressed stntnped return envelope, Factum 1'entur- ns, 39 Lee. Ave., Toronto 8. MEN AND WOM EN I'ANTHH A SPISC'TAI. APPIEAT, TO VET19R- ens! Enjoy a business nit your own. Sell Famtlex Products In your chosen territory and make money 1n your spare time. Begin In a small way and grow big. No limits to your earnings. Free de - Mlle and catalogue. Famtlex, 1600 Delorlmier, Montreal, IIEta, iv ANTED CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready. Steady position for stendy reliable man, (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employ- ment & Selective Service Office. FiLE-C.R, 2518, EXPERIENCED LINOTYPEI OPTiR- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position, (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office, FILE-C,R. 2520, FARM HELI' WANTED FARMER, SINGLE, RELIABLE steady man for general farm work on dairy farm. Experience milking machine, tractor, prefer- red. 70 dollars monthly plus hoard, laundry. Apply F. Von Pills, Bolcnrfnrm, Highway No, 2, Whitby. ant. Phone Whitby 950. ISSUE 18-1945 The Jade God By MARY IMLAY TAYLOR CHAPTER XVIII Foledick went to Burlcson's office the next day in it rare puzzle, 1 -Ie •Iced been called up at home the •lght before and told to fired Mark Grant and tell him to meet him there, 13trrloon met hien calmly enough. "Sit down," he said laconncally, and than: "You got Grant, you gay? Well, he's Ince." Fosdick grinned. He ddin't want to corse." Burleson nodded. "Very likely 1" Then he pushed a broken green jade head, bearded and saturnine, toward the lawyer. "Keep that, , Fosdick; you'll need It." Fosdick picked it up and looked it over curiously; he was begin- ning to think that his friend's mind was affected, "Health's bad enough," he thought; "got water on the brain, 1'11 bet dollar!" But he put the jade god's head down with a gingerly touch, "1 remember. Used to squat on your table, How did you break it?" Burleson looked at it bleakly; he was gray as ashi?ti today, "I smashed it. Temper, Foiglick, once in awhile 1 break out, lb's rotten, but it's a fact. It's the second time I've pitched that accursed) jade god; I wish I'd smashed it to be- gin with!" "IIumphI Fosdick poked it with bis long bony forefinger, "Where did you get it anyway?" "Grant Barton gave it In toe." * • • "Eh?" ']'ht, old lawyer straight- ened up, suddenly his eyes met the Smart fashion houses :we showing hand-knit accessories for Spring. 14 eke this hat and bag set to accom- pany y1!or suits and dresses. E'eryo.l: admires the handsome cable stitch; hat and bag can be knitted in cotton. Pattern 1113 con- tains directions; stitches. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft 1)cpl., Room 121, 7:( Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly pat- tern number, your name and ad- dress. eadach� Nothing is more depts. sing than headaches... ,Why suffer?.,.Lambly's will give instant relief Lambfy's isgood for ear- {� uhe,toothache,psinsin y/ly back, stomach, bowels, ikaer. HEADACHE POWDERS_ ie Tortured man gets helpl Lemon Juke Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Sufferer) "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. i can go like a race horse .sow," Mort Shepard . Don't be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, Inexpensive recipe you can mu at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of 1/2 lemon in a glass of water. Your money back if not entirely satisfied. Just 85f at all drug stores Buy ALLENRU today. Wrlto for informative booklet 'Here's Good Ilealth to You" to Stafford Miller (of Canada) Ltd., Dent. 5, 172 John tit. 'Toronto 1nt. ISSUE 10-1845 hollow eyes opposite and he felt a qualm of dismay, \Nkat tllc deuce did it mean? Then he heard a door open and looked around. A clerk was showing Mark Grant into the sanctum, Fosdick stared at the young elan with a feeling that he could not define; it certainly could not be admiration for a criminal, or even toleration, yet he had to ad- mit — reluctantly — that Mark's very presence, in the room was like a rush of fresh air in a choking at- mosphere. There was something in his size, in his clean-cut face and clear eyes, that was reassuring; his guilt never appeared upon the sur- face. Burleson, too, was studying the newcomer, and no one spoke until Mark broke t he silence. "You sent for 1111'," Burleson nodded, "Sit down," he said in a voice that struck Fosdick at once as aingular; he looked around at hint sharply, "'!'hank you; 1'11 stand. I'm go- ing out of town almost at once," Mork retorted shortly. Then his eye fell on the broken jade head on the desk and the blood leaped into his face, "Is It about that:" he asked quickly. "Yes," Burleson replied. quietly; "you're right about it; 1 could have cleared you; your uncle gave that to ole after you'd left hint." • * • Mark's fact, hardened, "I was sure of it! You'll state that now, Air. 13nrleson?" Burleson smiled oddly. "'!'hat's why I sent for you. I can do more than that," — he paused an instant, staring in front of hint — then he went 011 coldly; "your uncle gave it to ate, After that we quarreled. You know the things Grant Barton said when he was angry? Ile said too many of thein; I lost nn' tem- per and flung the jade god in his face, It struck his temple and killed him instantly." "Good God!" Fosdick's violent surprise Made hila collapse in his chair, but neither Mark nor i!urle- son flinched. "i always felt you knew some- thing," hfark said bitterly; "and you let ole suffer!" '1 let things go!" Burleson drummed on the arms of his chair with nervous fingers. "'1.11e whole thing happened in a minute; I didn't expect to flit hint, To my utter amazement he \vent down like lead," Fosdick rallied his powers now; he sat up, "!!rely, in Gnd's name, didn't you tell it at once? It was unpremeditated in a quarrel!" • • • Burleson nodded coldly. "Grant- ed! But a nem doesn't think clear- ly in such a case at once. I was horror stricken, naturally; was go- ing to call a doctor, but I felt of him — he was stone dead! It was the most amazing thing; it knocked ate oat." lie leaned hack in his chair, passing his Itartd quickly over his face, There was a moment's pause; in it they both heard Mark's hard drawn breath. "1 picked up the jade god and put it in my locket; God knows why! I've never got rid of it since; it's been there grinning at Inc. Then, by chance, Berton's nephew was accused," Burleson turned to Mark. 'You were a boy; there wasn't evidence enough to hang yon — my wife and son were alive; a scandal like my trial would have killed her — well, you know the end; 1 yielded to temptation; I was silent," "1'es" said Mark slowly; "I've known fifteen years of your silence! And you meant to let it go on — I'nt sure of tllatl" he turned and stood looking clown at the old man, his youth splendid now in the flush of its vindication. "1'111 inno- cent: yon'!l have to make it good now," he cried; "but why — deo you admit it?" (To Be Continued) HAT -CNA Donald Saunders poses proudly wearing one of New York Mayor LaGuardia's famous broad -brim- med hats, which 1tlzzoner sent up to the Air Transport Command's Goose Bay, Labrador base, where 12 -year-old Donald is a kitchen worker, Topper was later auc- tioned off for benent of the Red Cross, rl RhNai•01 fATION CRISIS Double or nothing for Richard and Grace Meek, twins, of Bristol, England, Ilere they celebrate their double wedding with a piggy- back race down the village street. Richard, left, a Royal Navy sea- man, carries his bride, Edna Smith, while Grace graces the back of her new husband, Frederick Rudge, CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM Yesterday I called at the newly Installed frigid locker plant In our nearby town, Opening our own locker 1 took out two frozen packages of nlent and took them home, They were already for the oven yet we 'hall no port in the preparatory work of the pleat. We bad neither butchered, made the sausage or cured the Rains, And I thought as 1 drove home how greatly living conditions have ()hanged for nearly all farm people, A hundred years ago—or even fifty, farms folk prided themselves on their nit -sufficiency, On near- ly every farm butchering was part of the winter's work. Farm wo- men baked their own bread, churn- ed their own butter, carded their own wool, later making it into homespun blankets and heavy clothing. Dellvery of goods was almost unheard of—except for the occasional travelling salesman. Yet with all the hard work and lack of conveniences large famil- ies were raised and it tough breed of men were left to carry on the old traditions, * • • Now, In spite of modern conveni- ences around the home, the maj• orhy of farm foks are almost as dependant upon outside help as anyone In the city, \Ve pay to have work done which w'ns form- erly regarded as part of the day's work. We pay to have butcher- ing done; we store the steal in lockers Instead of the old brine berrel, 1\'e pay for processing and smoking, In fact all we do for our- selves Is cook the meat and eat it, And, In regard to other promise Ions, in ninny districts bread, groc• ernes and butter are delivered) right to our door. • • • And now soulel.hlug has cropped up. In our local paper 1 noticed the town council had given per- mission to an applicant for the erection of a chicken killing plant. I said to Partner --"What Is the Idea of that . , , do you suppose ,4731 'SIZES 0.20 10.47 Princess lines to sling you, ruffles to snake you pretty, buttons to fasten briskly down the side. Pat- tern 9731 adds up to easy saving. Leave ruffles off if you prefer, Pattern 4731 comes in sizes 1(1, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, :I4, 36, 35, 40, 42, Size 16, WI yards 35 -inch. Send twenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) lot this pattern. to Room 121, ;:1 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly s'izc,' name, address, style number. By Gwendoline P. Clarke * e * * the fellow Intends running a plant for custom killing?" "11111ybe," nhswt'red Partner, "But 1 know one thing --It we can't pick our own chickens we'll quit raising them," Well, that was Partner's' reac- tion, mnlnly, 1 suppose, because the idea was new. haven at that, there might be a time when we ahnll be only too glad to take ad- vantage of just such it plant, • • * fl'hat 1 am driving at ie this; In this age of specialized Johs, when we can hove almost every kind of work clone for us—It we wait long enough— Is the pendulum swinging too tar the other way? By being less self-reliant are we progressing or regressing? That, by the way, might lie n gond sub- ject for debate, • • * Certainly tvhile the labour short- age must still be contended with, the more one can get done with outside help the hettcr. And per- haps after the w'iu', when home freezing units become n port of many farms, home butchering will stage a comeback. Person- ally, " not being a descendant of ploneer farming stock, I am well ''content to let someone else wrestle with pigs' heads, sausage making and all the fuss and muss that goes with butchering, But then I'm a lazy farmer's wife. 1 admire the skill and hard work that goes into these jobs but i don't want to do then[ thyself, No sir, otter twenty -live years of doing my share at pretty nearly everything there Is to do on a faros I ant all for the soft spots—that Is after tho war. That is why 1 am so glad there Is some hope of getting hydro at last • however, getting the hydro Is one thing --getting things to world with is something else again. .las anyone gut n leashing machine 'In cold storage? if so I would he very glnil to warns Et up once a week, piglet now my electrical equipment is limited to an iron and a pitlr cf curling tongs. That Is about on n par with the time 1 was married when all 1 hod In my "hope chest" was a pall' of stockings and a meal grinder, • • • Well, the weather has turned warm again and once more we are thinking about spring work, bast week when It was so cold we thought we were back to win- ter again. One morning I went out and found the daffodil buds absolutely stiff with frost and the flowers that were In bloom flat on the ground, I thought that was the end of thele, To my surprise 11 wasn't, The flowers perked right //V EAT-SLEEP-LOOKa,a __FEEL BETTER LTA41,11 VITAMIN il-COMPLEX IJquld & '1'111,151 norm SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES TEA up again and the buds are now In full bloom. Today we let the chickens out for the first time and what a tone they are having! 1 am very pleased with my little wee pullets—so ',leaned that 1 don't think 1 ehnll ever wh111 mixed chickens again, They sat less, grow faster, and do better In every way when they are free front being housed around by greedy little cockerel brothers!, How Can 1 ? ? By Anne Ashley ()Mow can 1 remove oil stains from leather? A. Ity dabbing the sleets care- fully with spirits of sal ammoniac. After allowing it to remain for awhile, trash with clean water. If necessary. repeat the treatment, but he careful not to injure the color of the leather. Q. How ran 1 tighten a chair rung? A. Insert some furniture ghee, tie it securely, and place aside for a few days. One lose rung is fre- quently followed by a collapse of the whole chair. Q. Now can I remove raindrop spots front new kid gloves? A, Do not allow them to dry, but while elill on the hands and damp, go over thein gently with a damp cloth, and It will leave no spots. Q, IJow can I save time when cleaning the bird cage? A. Cut eight or ten thicknesses of Heavy white paper and place at the hottotn of the canarys cage Every morning a sheet can be removed, leaving a nice clean floor his will save much cleaning of the cage. Q. flow can I easily shell pecans? A. 1t will be easy if boiling water is poured over them. Let then' remain in the water for about a half hour, and when cracked the t CHI; can be removed with no trouble, Princess Elizabeth Subaltern In A.T.S. The decision to give Princess Elizabeth a commission in the A.T.S. as a second subaltern, with the intention of being trained as an ofliccr-driver, is in keeping with the admirable plans the King and Queen have made for the Princess' education throughout, continents the London Spectator, Bitt it is, of coarse, 0111011 more 'than that, for since she reached her isth birthday last April, Prin- cess Elisabeth Inas been in a posi- tion to make her own decisions, and there can he no doubt that this is one tit them. The Princess has been an active, and indeed ardent, member of the Sc:1-Scouts, and it was inevitable that she should want to identify herself in some w'ay with the war service ir. which so many hundreds of thousands n; her future subjects of her own age are engaged. And though there is, so far as 1 know, uo precedent for such activities on the part of an Eng- lish princess, certainly of an Eng- lish princess \'Ito is heir -presump- tive, Princess Elizabeth is in fact doing in the Army just what her father and grandfather did in the Navy. Modern Etiquette 13y Roberta Lee 1, \\'hen int iting_ a Imo: ,,r:,1 a woman to dinner at a re-1„neem, should a woman give the n: rley 10 the 111111 and ask hint to the bill? 2. Is it Ili t ^•airy 11111 :. 1,,u?1}e guest alu,tt r uu.:uh 111e fu. -less before arre;11iing Inrl- 1atlnnl.' If a did.,rrcc rt I,,in' ht r fins band's surname ! ,ay -111 old ..L be lent wn? i. \\ hen a '1li,It' arc cud; .n ,l to be married, is one ever il.titrd to some social aff;lir wit!In11t the other? i, \1 hen w'all,ing wi111 :t ;', 71011 who is carrying an umbrella, ,-1,ould R 1)1111 offer 11, hold 11 for he:: 6. \\'hat fruits should be -1 n ed 1011(10, with ,tit 0 ) I viug tl:: •;;ins? ANSWERS 1. No. She c:ul nyder and ;..,y for the dinner in advance, or ;,;,y at the table when the dinner i fin- ished. 2. Yes, 3. Ity her giver; armee, her family, name, and her in.,r:icd name, as: "\Ire, 'glary Jo:Ir- Son." 4. It is en-t0111ary to il:vite both, unless it i. i11111ns-,iille :,.:' 000 of them to aloud, 5. Y'•, 8, Oranges, peaches, pears, bananas, plum-, awl grapc:. Over 100,000 houses, rclrrc-eats ing one-fourth of f foil„nd 11+_;using, have been bomb -wrecked, DID YOU KNOW that Maxwell Aouse Coffee is "Radiant Roasted” to cap. ture all the extra goodness of this particularly fine coffee blend. Try Maxwell Rouse! Women. Why not 11(10 yoln' 01a11 10 15'11 Of health by recommending this 1-itamin 131 Tonic which has so greatly bene- fited you. Most women know about Dr. Chase's NEIIV1', FOOD' from ex- perience or the report of friend:. Arany have learned to depend on it when loss of sleep, fatigue or indipes- tion warns then[ of nervous ex - ha teOion. Illy riot Fce 111111 the man in \hone you are most interested has the benefit of this proven tonic when troubled with simile]. ailments. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 3508—$1.50 How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles Most peuple Neem to think the on - l;' way to fret relief from their sore, painful piles Is by local treatmetiL r.ocat treatment may give tempor- ary relief from (he Itching bol you can easily see why such treat. men' wIl not core reef the cause of your piles. No lasting free dom from pile can be had unless the cause of the trouble Is correct. ed. Piles are due to Intestine, causes so the best way to get Iastlnp relief Is to trent them Internally with a medlclne Ilk[ tlem•noid. [gem -Hold le n formula that hes been used for over 40 years by thou• sands of pile auf• terere It le e rmnll, highly con, centrated tablet. envy end Piens- ant to Ilse. This cleverly c o m • pounded tablet formula directs Its medical action to relief of the coeges'Lu1 that Is the real cause of your piles Ilem•Itold promotes free, r.'), and comfnrteble bowel movements, quickly relieves itching irritation, and soreness and stimu• Imes he:ter blood elrculalh,n U1 the lower mvel With good blond err• culn1Iohn in the low., ',Ivy' l Ihr pnlntul bile (omnis soon heal ovsr lenvtni' the sensitive rectal mcm- brnnes clean 011(1 healthy. We Invite you to try llcm-bold nod lel II prove Itself. You can mak( your test, in the privacy of your own home. NO COST If you are not convinced that Oils Is nn 1nmlzingly easy and surprisingly effective method of trent Int: your gore, anion') pries. (r•1 n et w t'roreleloo*1 Model (set n pac):1Le of Hem -Hold to- day from a u y drut store and use It as directed for JUST t'11'I!: DAYS. At the end of that time If you ere not ab- solutely sure llem-Itoid Is the nicest, cleanest '11(1 most effective 1 1 o trenlment you ever tried. re- turn the unused portion of the package to your druggl'l rind he will promptly re- fund yr0lll money Nl)'I'1.t TM* gem -rung offer In busked by 11 reliable firm doing Iwo - I ors* In Cnnhdn for n mood 1111187 year,. Item -hold mus) help your elle rondltlon qulrk15, en*II7 and nlwu.eell7 n• 11,1* *Imple, rosy less ens(* ..on nothing Try 11 Wilily. PAGE S. THE m 1;NDARD tetmcw""Kt w"ttwatotwo G ..� ., . , ---- Doherty Bros. Pill • 6741011 1, Women's Arch Shoes ' 4 Women's Suede Pt pu r 1$3.95 Mr. and \i',, I.. \i. \Iel :r \, an Childrel js Qx.Fet'ids ,$1.19 - $2.95 NI" H,t,ic t anll,bell, ''i'f„rOnt v. Boys; --Work Shoes ;Wren's Dress Oxfords s1 A Good Stock of Wheeling Yarn 011 I1and. ,• LAC. It 1111 NI,T:Iloy of 1 ;(111!) Il r. •$2.95 - $5.95 drn ,;'est th+ \\crh ('1141 \vith l;i p.lr- ctlt s, $ 1 (tell t.l l'r the \It'c'h -end .It the II'11IIt• r - $1100 \i r• and NI N.. 11. \Icl:IrO�. 1.. ('rai; cerci\cd word l 1i 4. Olive McGigI id',las', .\11.11 13, lily cousin, \I r•:. \I, H. , ',Irte f':e111. (''ctlt ('lar, hall pars$ White Rose Gas and Oil, ro ;1\\;114 t'aat nllnning, fur oral ,$$vires \ - Car fainting 811(1 Repairing. \torr MT) ..11111(111y.Mr.,.t'raig in conn 1'11',y t\itil 11.'1 cousin,, \Ir. au•i \I, •. I�Oiert lenic l,, \\est \Iollktott, vlItlt: ej.her, all.' It tint \'cars t3 ! AL, S:1 le ! „nine$ \.sited her cons - GARAGE. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- Iiarvester Parts & Supplies 631101Di i'INDior2124/AD,101)1Dint)t)arifWID.O. ilItD; 'rtrviIt31NrsNMX.V.OINV.21)1N in,, I);t\it1 at' 1 \I r,. lr;tig. 111,1 ,lttnl, I \I r,. 1'1!11 CI•:, and other rel;tti\•rt in \.emit\' t'I I'1\'I11 ;uI l Hrn rl , +4.4...4•4• ••i• 4.i.♦•4•••♦ ♦••4444•• ••••••i♦•••••••I • ♦;♦•;1 ••♦••1 ••Ii♦•♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ •• I♦•0.40:41•114.1.1♦1••♦i.44••♦.;•I•i4i1I:. ; -` 'i .t, •t• .t4 AJ STUART ROBIN Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street, Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over, Macaroni -1 lbs. for 25c Rice 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per pkg. 25c Jiffy Pie Crust 25c Red Rose Coffee, Laly Grange Tea hall' lb, pkg. 15c Tomato Soup 10c 4, New Ilolstein Sire I-Ias Fine Breeding' t, The 1)cpartlllent t i .\:;ri. ulture. C n- _: IOn, rt;)Ort. the nt., herd sire in �j• the NIeadot\' 1il,ulc I II'!,lciv !runt, 1 \rn 3,• cel l y \\'. Hutu,.l.'Int!''r (il,Ilc;•irh. is .t♦ (ilenaft, n It Apple \Iiintrcl. .I Ile i, a slut of the !need IIoisicin • Hull \I'nttvic hat; .\ppic \larl:,n;•ut 1. I owne! by :,lt('apuc and t'er,'ncll.t I• le \\a. .\ii Cnnndian•' tbrcc tr;u• Old _• of 11)13 and ".\II Cvt;ttl t t" agt'll 1)1111 i'I Vo�� den's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN. ♦;• t')•t't, 11i, (111'11 \I( (tech' h.t:; .\1;,1() .;11 X11;♦1�1 �11�1111 �♦1;•�♦I;H;111••I;••�MI.1�♦.�11H�••�♦,j.•84..; :j*. record for lintel r fat production III 3o5 ;;j; la Lc COL 'r E 1.1 1;1 • 11 lalltil;l .\hhel;rrh 11,,1.1, 111(' \l'I,I'lll, I.1. . q n t • Ili, ,art'''i'I1 ;irk. i, 5I) percent :• R.O. Wednesday, April 18. 1.9-1 nl 11 •i. 11 11. . 1 ChocolatesforOverseas FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY we will take orders for Smfles'n Ch tickles Chocolates for Shipment Over'lieas• We advise ordering immediately as this offer may be withdrawn at any tulle. I LI3. 5 OZS, FOR 99e (Postage Included). R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'Al'E t-I'I{0NE ZP. • ,. J.. 1. 11 ... 41 11.1.4, tC)CtCIVCCIenttd1''t 41C14tMdtCleIClEW.ItC1CtetatC4'41C'ZNJaICICst: i:1.:OZ:'VV-C=E.1.10(1tRVl If 11 the ,ante 1111,, d .I, a \vnri'l', rccurd r.'\v. :1: 't I/ j Oi'OME'I'R1�,'1' and OPTICIAN •j' Y • III, ,(•tel' \I 1'11' 16Q .\1'1)1(' I'al,\ l •t, •t1 GODERICiI - ONTARIO, 1)01• lb. •I5c •, i tt veal. e,tahll,bc'1 a 141'\\' \\'11rlll:, rr• i •i• $lord a' it four year I Id. •2 I 'I•hc ,..Int 11f \Inn,tre!, (ilcrafton Yin% • 1'.\I.1', 01;nttlt t \va, eradc 1 "very ._. goO(1" in selective re,:isir:Ilion, a, ;I ,i\ Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c Eyes Exannned auk! Glasses Fitted," { 1R/ith 25 Years Exreeicstce =• r♦ 'i' 3•year old ,Ile yave 15,532 1 f null: .1. R. I).: hill)':; 1)r'tlt; Store ;: \\' .11 h e at •. 7 •. and ('ii 111 •• Of (;It in 3 - !Id ,, awl'rat;, BL.r1.11, ONTARIO 4+++++•:••:•1•-•:•+•:••:••8.4•44•4•4•+•:••:•-•:••:. •�•♦•;••;••:••;••�.•;••t•♦;•4•♦••••••:•••••++0.4....4.....:•+•:•••••‘:::. i1 1 test 4.31.. t WEDNESDAY, APRiL 25T1-1, 1045 \lin,:r(•I'. tv,cnty-live ncart••t dam• FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. .1. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH large children's choir, Eser}Ouc i• avrr;u:e 2'1(li3 !b,., milli and Illi i.t. 1 1 1 1 L 1 ...1 I I 1(1,15: St tel Schoc.l. welcome. Come ;end et c,mr;inc the fat ill ,3(i5 tlac: lir i, (1:114; .1 '11rcn in )Il; it \\Orli 1 11.15: '1'!14: service \vitt m t�prrtlt for the \tlaal„II Rand. There 11'1!1 he a 7 !1,111.: :\ Certain Faith.Iet.1\, 11(11\' 111 Iht' (11111";1 11''1.11, ),,:♦.p.:•444:441441:4.:+.,•.•�.•;.I:1;.$;4$;44;4:11141414:44•.�•�..�• 11 „a 1111 !deep bodies l.l,c his •ire an'! :h1'ul,! •;• 1mate \\ell \vith the Ra11 \pple I) c'I •Z• TELEPHONE 23 R. 1). P1IiLt''S DRUG STORE FJR APP:.1NTMENTS. Breakfast Suites (Brighten Up your kitchen this Spring with one of these lt)Iodern Suites. They May be had in a great many different styles, finishes and color- trines to suit your taste. We can supply Congoleuin Mugs to blend perfectly with most any colour scheme you desire. We have a good stock of Floor Coveringti„ Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Li(lui(l and No -Rubbing Wax, Var- nish, Furniture Polish, Etc, 1Ve will he pleased to have you call and inspect our offering's. X111 ,,� ® " :.•1 •t4 Ilome Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 Funeral Director. t t a .t. ' tD13iZDt2ldl`dtM51272ts7ilni2.Diil7`2IDi'•1I$i`.iAOINDI%iJjal ilcWiNN2iri iei2i9i21c1"J.I'dlitl 4iti i II 1 I. Ii .• .1111, 11.'.,. I..I,Illl,I!I! •.1..11i...,1.11Y.11111,1....1.1111 T H E CANADIAN ..yusrc..r11..i,.w,an.ri.+.mrl.• 0.4uurlu' ^ - - -- ..:+a►i I+ELx11.1.,.-.t,,,.Is11w..rLxw.x.wl1 .1 W A Y O F LIFE "...where the heart is!" SITTING by the fireside at home - digging, in the garden for fun - lazy weekends just fishin'-these things mean comfortable, pleasant living, the kind of living your man overseas is dreaming of, fighting for. Make sure these simple, pleasant things exist for him when he comes bac(:. Remember that it is possible for them to exist only if his dollar is worth a dollar! By protecting his dollar, we help to protect his future. That's why we must realize NOW the clangers that lie in careless, unncce:: ,ary buying. Never buy two where one will do. Buy only what we need. We must support rationing and price control and encourage others to support them, and we must avoid ALL deal- ings with black markets. . These are the rules. If we break them, we can be certain that we will start cur country - his country - on the spiral of inflation. Prices shoot sky-high. Wages try to catch up, and never succeed. You may pay a dollar for 30 cents worth of goods, and this means your dollar - your soldier's dollar - is worth only 30 cents. There's no limit to inflation, and there's no stopping it once it starts. So, let's make sure OUR boys will come back to a protected dollar - a dollar that will buy a full dollar's worth of goods. Let's keep up the fight against inflation, even) day, in every way we can, so that our men overseas can look forward to pleas- ant, satisfying living ... the Cana- dian way of life. Published by THE (BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. II I I II I • 1 Make this Pledge Today! I pled je myself to do my part in flghlirg inflation: By observing rctior.ing and avoiding black marl...ts in any shape or forst, By Iesr.ccting pri:] centre's and other alti•intlat1 :11 measures, and rc- frtinin:; from careless and ut r etc:• sary buying. I \ci:1 not buy two where one will do, nor wi11 1 huy a "new" where an "old" wit( do, By buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax. ation, acrd abiding ,g by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices ata normal level. L. 01,1 1I . i. I .111 1 1 11 4.1.1, .1 .1 1. ,. 1.1 . 1'1.4. 4,, l ilg .1m,YJ.d1.111111..•. el. Y. I4V,111ia.1 , 1. AN. 4 ,1 1 . .I. 140•.••.0.•..:0.0..0. 0.•4•••0...•.0..0.0.4 0..••.•0.0010.0.♦•4.40•I••P•0.0.10••••44 * .••••4•♦•••:♦••••.•••d..P•♦••d•••140.0.•.1 :: •: .i• •_• •r. •4 :♦ • 4 ;. ' 4•• • 44,•.4444 44 • ♦4.4.•••41.1,4 44. •44 44. •4 •4. ••. •4 •4. •4.444 •4. ••• ••• •4. •4414.14• •4. •4 ♦4 •4 ♦•• •4 4.4.•1.•4 ♦4 1111 • . , • . , . , • , ♦ • 1111.. • ... , . ♦ . . ♦ , , . .. . ♦ . ,•. . ♦•, , , . • • . • .. HURON GRILL BLYTII --- ONTARIO, EXCELLEN'1 FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. .v .t. •1: .2. 1, a•a: •S, .t. FRANK GONG --p Proprietor Morris Township Council The \(Orris Township Council tact on .\grit !), 1915, in the Township Hall \vllh all the members present. The breve presided The nninu'.cs of the last meeting were t•tad and adctt Omcu \ of \' n1. Spcir and HOplarvey lnnhnsloolin• \lnvcd by ( harks Coultes, tic:( '1. 1 by Jannis \titbit, that the tender ,1f George ladt•orit to supply, crush and deliver gravel at 711 cents per cubic yard, he accepted, subject to the ap- proval Itt' the District Municipal I?n• pincer. Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- ed by Charles Clnlltes, that the E.ngin- etrs report on the Pipe Drain be ad- ( ptcd. Cart „d, \ince•( by ',Vitt. S;1eir, seconder) by muter :Sheltie, that the head (tills tis esel led by the Load Superintendent b, passed. C;u•ried. .N1 (WW1 by ('lt;lrles Coupes, seconded by lames '.lich:e. that...a meeting be Ihtld in the Tus•nship (tall on May 7th at 8:30 p.nt. for the purpose of dis- cussing the Tc\vnship School /1 rya, to \v'hich all the ratepayers of the Tu\vn- ship are invited. Carried. \Invctl by Ila"vcy Johnston, secon'I- ed by Clt;trlcs Coupes, that the meet• ing adjourn to meet agait. at Cecil \\'heelers (in May 3, at !) a.tn, for the 1 1 purpose of making n tour of the Town- ship. Tile text regular meeting to Lr held on \I ay 14 at 1 p.m. Carrie(, •The following accounts \vcre paid 'Municipal \\'erld (supplies) !)1 Advance 'fines (ativcrtising) _ $2.25 Cecil \\'heeler (I nspcctiot of 1!ails) ...•,..._....... 501 George Martin, Clerl:. --V FOR SALE ,\ quantity of potatoes, grown from certified seed. Apply to Harold Loral;• nitut, phone .i8-14, Rtyth. 35-1. DiES IN TORONTO \1 r. Herbst t Edgcotttb of Owen Sound died in a 'l'tironto hospital on Tuesday. Ile was quite well kuowt. by many in town, having been a hotel in- 1. II. Phillips, spector in this district for 12 years. Noble Grand. 'Frank's fakery PI ION E ; S. B LY'171, ON'1'. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. 11'RESII EVERY DAY Everything Homemade I N I .:11111 1,1 NA NA MAY 4 ,1., I 11 11111ia11..1,1.111.11 6111.11. x!, 1411 .I. SUNWORTIIY Waflpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL PRICES ARE RIGHT ALSO pAIN'1'S AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY R1DSMEL to Strp r'a'nt Sme'l SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. F. C. BAREST Phone 37.26. LONDESBORO MEETS TUESDAY EVENING, • Tuesday, April 24, 1945. The presence of all members are re- quested. Special business. G. R. A'•:tt tine, Recording Sec'y,