The Blyth Standard, 1945-04-11, Page 1VOLUME 55 - NO, 31, 1Vomen's institute Elects Officers The Niall\ 1 i iiir!1 of the \\'+ nI, n's 1111,11011e ulet al t!le h',me of \Ir:•, \\'illianl Johns!, II \\ illi ;,n atten:lance of 6. \11 s, 1.. \I. Scrim\'\, urs convener of a committee to pat 1, ;1 b,.x for an unl,nottn "'1111, t', reporte,1 a box hail been seal to the commanding officer of No. 17 Canadian (;rue;;tl Il, •;+i!al, England, with iii t1llt ll' 'n it be 1;i\'rII to ;,nn' bo:. t l , rc, wit , \11 III,I !1111 otll- erwi,e hr rein, !1111, resit 'file box \\'a Valli(' 1 ;It '`5,,,;' ;111,1 tolll:t•ned tooth brush, tooth ! a •lt', r:, rl,i, 1 l:ty ing cards, \\rititit; rapt ;t':tl en\cl,:pes, canned ,' !Ili, :11'11 01r .It ci.';Irt'tte:, maple suitor, ;:1,r1 rand\. \Irs, Sadie ( !'titin', ;t trft \ted ;I tluilt, which 1\;I, ,,,1d to the ill.;llr•i bidder Nlrr,. 1're I Mrs, PA if-, la ;,r1 til,• !n t :t \ of tea, coffee, cocoa, 1\IIl'at cereals. spices and cornstarch, \Iv,..\I;li:lan,l I Ivan' deln- onstrated lu;tl;ills; gingerbread, \\ \\';Is ;tflert\atil- \ed ;1-d the recipe distributed. •1.1 c 11'11 t all, "II, w 1 \\'ill ! Try to Help tl.e iii :ttlte Next Veal.," was full of promises for a alece,sful year in 19-15-•1+1 Mrs. I:us,e!I Fear g;ivc a tea This being the annual alerting, 'NI rs, I, II. \\akin' rill for the ell't'ti of officers and read the ',late of offi cors :as present, (1 by \Irs, .\. Lvddiat1. convener of the nominating committee. The slate \\;t> acrt!+I,'11 and the fol- LYT BLYTI-I, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1915, "WILL IT STOP NOW? OR GO ON?" lowing officer, elet'tt11: '1111, picture of alt anxious group of London citizens is taltt'tt front ;l Illl'tt p;et11re !\'111, "\•-1' \\ !deli \\ ill I'rr,idrnt : rs, I.. \I, Ser;al:ro!!t'• hr ,how,( in many rural areas of Canada as part of the Eighth \'ictory Loan Program. 'I•h' film show, this group \\•il!i,lnl Iohn,lo!t, 'of ntcll rli:;gint;' into the \vrecl(age of homes destroyed just a short \\'Idle pr, v'iously by a robot bomb. As they \voi'l; 2111 Vice; \IIs. 1. S. ('iellew, they hear and see-am)thcr of those dreadful messengers of death approaching. Srrrelar).-I'r+,,ur+.•r: \Irs, .\. T,lvl''r, fact", of these \vorkers as they speculate whether or not the robot will stop and District Direct, 1•: \It's. R. !'ear, pa;, oil 11( ;1I1.4heI- target. The film is one of the Most vivid plcturizaburry t'1 I rntt•h I )ire \goes : \! rs, I,;i i , \Irs. been pro,lttred. S. hrchniu, \Its, .\, 1:;,\\i'tt, Mrs. :\, •f**IseJ Id*♦*11 KNIfMI NNlMIMNJNJe/J,r«Nt## #t 1 l.\tl(h:,tf. Ij,1tlt'll ln,r!1'n (If the t+'\vtt, Press Secret:try and I'ubli,.i!y ('on.l Canning Sugar Coupons WEDDINGS CGIT And Wil1S I-IOId .Joint :\1•:, pe(..„'nt at rise. t,t",!i":t \,..,r:, teller: NII.,. S. Caning•rrhamer - Caln�)hell sleeting ll, I. Valulewate-, I 111,..'n( o•:ut', i it-- \•ht'n all prc,crves coupons have\urlitur,: \fl',. Ir. 11;111, \I r,. II. Io'ln- ganin'r, ,Ind \'. \\-, 1:11\1 !, ,:1! I.,,•I:, \ become valid further coupons good for A pretty i?aster taalding was sol the (',(;.l.I'. \net \‘'1'1111'`.\\'roa'n's stow, .inanal;e1•, who pl,l'\e 1 ,cell a •+n'rl+ilr, 11r the purchase of either canning sugar' \i1S;Iollart S„ellfor 'tt itheir Easter' euulize(1 at tile parsonage of Uufi'; role in the - tri t'- of the ;;!I 1.,,,iii. United Church, \\'allow, on Sat u'tlay i 1'hatlk-Offrritg nlceling ,nt '1'ncstlav afternoon, \larch 31, al ).011 o'clr.ck, (evening in the >ihnrl r, otn of St. :\u- QUOTA 5IE•1' AT $49,009.110 when I.utlt Irene, (laughter of Nil.. and ldr,ew•s United Church. f. ! \I r. \'a,tdev.a tr di\nl_r:l t I in .!-- Ales. John Campbell, NIcI<i11,1) town- I 1'he Pres!dena., \rr;, \\'i!li;uw Jenkins, nlati: 'I !!':tt I'!\ III', t!n,,ta \\,(ithl 1)' ship, became tin. bride of \\•illianl John presided, and i petted the meeting by ;1'I civil I0,0''n,:'ll in the i, r'Lr I, illi 'chanter, younger sow of the late \I r. !reading the I•:tt tt r Story as recorded l , 1)1' Si.l.'lk,', ! Loan, ;liuhlly up f r -in our n !'I :ioIII and Mrs, \\illiaut '1'hanier. I\ev, (;. ( ;tit' Seventh I.',,tti \\!tied \\a, :11',.:11(}11l, llazel\voTI ofitciated. The attendants , Tie thenyl wa;, "No man lived) lento 111\ th Ira; a reptt:ati„n to u!:tint.!1n were Airs. Gordon holt, JaIlle,town, himself,' this tial;'. 1?v, ry„ne r(11(\ miler, Ili,' sister of the henries and \I r, (*Jordon tl Nliss Mar \ \lilac• :old \irs, A, Sin- 'sl'Irtlli,I rr_p'nt_e in the Seventh 'Loan \\'hite, Goderkh, nephew of the bride-'elair were ;Ipp+ intcd dclt',atr; to the when the \ ill:'ce hr:t,!e'I the Coon' • groom. The bride was dressed in a Prc,h\terial to be held on \lav 3rd in on a pr rrentaee h;I,i:, riti,"ng over pale blue crepe street -length dr+''s' \urth S;rrrt :Wiled Church, G,Iticrich, ;<7u,000.11'I. The ri:iren, „i othcr I,nrt: ifashionetl will' side drape, blue hat and j IIs. Il:u'ol'1 Phillip: sang ;t solo, il':tlitle, renun'bcr Chi•, ;ul,l the r', e; veil, and she acre a corsage t11 red( of the Cams\' will be formed Ili\\', roses. For travelling she donned :1' 1 allowing til' oiier,nr \Ir,, brier\ miring this 1'.i -It t 1 own Drive. \\'fight it tt gave the deilicat,.r\• prayer. ;:!;1)rll'Lnl brdw•n tweed coat w'ilh matching accts I Inion l'oun \ nn: l r; •,' I l NI rs. IIr. Dodd .gave an illustrated sories, The honeymoon was spent in •miser flit, I.,rstn than IIIc\ ,1'':1 ti;l,' 1 I Iterate of It ttlin ion Harbour, an is- London, 1)elrrat, and Van 1)yl:e. \'slid', hilt ('titin\' Ofllekll ;Ire ,'+'ll!1,! Note t111' int,'It•t inxiely in the fall as it reaches them, t,t• \\ill Subscription Rate; $1.:)(1 in Advance; .*2.O0 in the 11.S.A, Victory Loan t'ai111)1t t::I1 ()pens: :luril 231•(1 SAME CANVASSERS APPOINTED FOR I3LYTII \\' I 101.: ',111•, tit rill ,1 ,: .\pril '',.I, t\i! l an obi, tt, l!n Flos 1. ::I la'.'r.I obj ,11, ,, to lir ul;, 1't it t.r 1'1r re: !r!: t 1 1 ' In at r'. , III.' .,1 It •ta!,.,I ,,., ,, 1, '1 r,.. ,. ,I:t+!r t;r•I il\,' mom", :,f I'll. IL,I.. I.•,;ol \\ill be -• In\t , In !!, 111 1;r",'.,11, 11.,- ;ill'J+I' I1'•r (: ;el s :Ire Ire poo-i!,ilitit , fo; the ' Loan. I , ,:I';o'l'„ !I., al! , ,•,•. ,•;t 10. t!Ie t,!: tilt, I'i 'IIs it, ,r!, r , The I:'',t'I \ 1 '0: r' !!lel on Tues,111, and 41',•1,1,! :;I Ill.' 1'att\,\,set'• j,:r 111,' I"I"!Ilii I 'I ti. Mr. I . It. 1'!ul;r ;I'ni \ir •I, t + ' t l !t tl to iln• I --al totl''luillee, ,1 I \ir Leslie Ililb, rn \,.a• ;l';,in ('hairtmut. \\ tie Mr. N. P. Carr \ ice-Chaira!;ul, The local e-,u'I,itte,. jn„\\ r assn , :'f the f r, i:! al,.. iter•; ('Ii:tirar,nl: I., -lie i111102re.. \ ve-(';toms;.n : N. P. Cco rest. ('olml:illue toetnber,' II. \Irl?'r. y, !:. \V! ,.nt•,rr', J. t', t'01liributiunS • 51 1 r., I 1 .;I„ 1.1+I 1.I, 1 1 . 111!1(1,'!!1 1 !. ) \I! ,t: 1 1 -ant ,1 i'tt, 11 and It. 1). I'!til t. (;. h. \tttti ,sine ,11.1 t;, R. 1! robot attack.• in I':nLlan'I \\inch has ;\\\ere :,Vain apt„,acts1 ;t, ('lit\ 1 -r \\itll the sante ;'r;l'Itt,!e.ent I':e\':oi!„_• la- in the 7th l.i';tn, cath \,tilt! • ;in al l'ontcners o. >lan,fng cottlnliuce:•- or preserve, \\•ill be declared v'ali'd front llonte Economics, \its, herltn e; the spare sheets of the present ration Agriculture and IIe.!ne I•:e, n,+tnic< t r;• book, th' \1'e Tern Ontario regional R. Fcar.: ('itin'ns!.r t. Mrs. 11. Hall: : ration office has announced, In ans. 1Iki iriral I:csea'clt, \ll'„ A. (iillcsl,ic: \\cr to many (tactics of what is going Social \Velfare, \Irs, 11. Dodd; \V;t to be done tvl en all the present pre- \\'orl;, \It;. ,\ ('oh'I'.u: h; l(l.tc,tit+n serves co,tpon, are used, the announce- 1/rawer, Mrs. J. Pelt,. nanent was made staling that some spare \Its. I'thn,lon, \Its. C. hell, and, ,!tents will1'c declared good for the 'Miss,\, (iillr,pic wet.:hostes\; and purchase of canning sugar and of pre- served lunch, serves, L'nder a program inaugurated i this year the prc•crves coupons arc Local (id (1 i(1elloWs F111•i0y rami for the l,'archase of canning sug- Pr(]tliilble Eveningiso•, Sufficient of these are added to for regular ration allowance of pre- \lettlh.'rs t.1 Illyth 1.11,( 1,1 . I.o(kte •crvc, to permit the consumer to buy No„;(.6 Itn't :t1 regular Illel':Illg on ;ten pollll,l, of sltgar'\vtnc11 can he used 'I'uesd:I',• night, and Iot'•ctht'r with ti - for canning. i ttscrvcs coupons have ilia,; brrtllre" (turn \1in,!I,nu anitabtay, been good for the purchase of \\'roxe'c:• Lodets, tpcnl a In( ,1 cl)jov- i sugar, at the rale of one-half pound aIle and profitable e\eni"g together• l per conp.nl. The coupon retains its The Myth Degree 'Team cxeulpl;fir,l uorntal value ft,r sugar in the purchase the First Ile ;nee for the benefit of of canning sm.;ar, seven ranai,l;atcs, front Itly'tII, \\'inglt:un and \Vroxeter, .\bunt twrnty•five Vis- itors were in e•enl, a fact which added 1)istrict II01Viers To Meet greatly to the uljov(nent of the even- ing„ At. Mitchell .\s this was I.lvlb's year to hive the For the' benefit of Ureal Lawn 11o\t•1- 1)istnict Detertt•, slip of the \\*ingh:int int enthusiasts, who may be interested, District, in,:tiding lodges from 111yt11, a continua ration fir in \\'iniac Rae, of 1\'inghart, 'i•ttsw'atcr, Iran 'i;, and Stratford, Ontario, discloses the in- \\'roNeter, Itro, 1;, 0. Augustine \vas : format...1 that the spring meeting of the choice , f Myth Lodge to receive l District No, .1 District Committee, of the n. ntinai ittt to the 1(klnio Meeting the Provincial 1 rto•n tlo\vling Associa to be held in \\'rttcttr early in \I,ty, ,tion is bring held ;tt the Post Office and Mo. I. .\. (;ray was chosen as Ilan, \l it( hell nut Friday evening, Agri) District I:ellresem'ative, also to attend! 13th at 7.15, or as near that time as the I)istriet \Ie'tillg• !possible, NI r, Harold \Vaguer, the Several of the brethren preset\\ newly -elected president of the Associa- spoke hrietly- heft re lodge cl 'sed, tun( lion will ad•Irt ss the gathering. Mr. a most enjuyal'I+' lunch hour was spent. 11.:ntgford of London, who has been \'Secretary-1•casurer of the Association Bruce Matheson Resigns As ! ViSecretary-Treasurer,,inee it nr'calltictt, also hopes to be 1111 11/11 (.'otntty :1.grictll- present. y Local 1 nw Ice;; are beginning to gel tttt al I►epreselltIttIVe the "tarn matin\ itch" and some work :\nrottnccntcnt was made today by has been done on the local green, such C. 1), Graham, I)irec)or of the .\gricul- a;'se\via,; grass seed, and taking off the lural Representative Oranch, Ontario Ail leave,. The local club have given I)c.parinent of Agriculture, of the re- 1 \1r, (;rorgc 1' ,dford the contract to situation of .1 (truce \i;tti c on from Intake a power roller for the green, and the position of A\gricullural heprescn- when this is maty, and put to work, talivc for Huron County. it should add greatly to the improve - Mr. Nlatlic;on look over the Agri- \cent of our greens, cultural Retire:ientatite•s office al (lie -1 r\ very active year in bowling is an - tow on April 1st, 1911, after two years tieipated by heal bowlers, as ;\ssi:tanl Agricultural hcprescut;hive I for Oxford County. --\ No neva apprinUncnl Io the 11ttruu 'JUNIOR FARMERS HELD DANCE Office has so far been ;tnnotmced, V The P!ytit Junior Farmer's Chub held BIRT ISa very sttcces: Cul dance in the Mem- lorial 11:\11 on Tuesday evening, when SIIOI:•I'RE.F..I) - In Scutt Nlentori'tl dancing was citjoycd to the music of 1losptial, S(afottlt, on Saturday, Ap- ril 7th, to \ir. and \Irs. \\'alter Shortreed, a daughter. Carruthers Orchestra. The evening's effort showed a nice profit for the Club, NI r, anti Air;, Timmer resile on bold or, lir north shore of the (salt of tit. I.:n\rettce in Canadian Labrador rat tial lir am11''1 toill be raised. the bridegroom's farm on the boundary !'---\'-. where Mrs. 1lodtl live,' for eighteen \vast of \\'altos. v Local Blood Donor Gives 'tenth Donation M. E. J. Cartwright gave his tenth blood donation at the \\'inghant Clinic on \Vednes(Iay morning. The ten defl- atiolls constitute a little over eight ;Illd a half pints *blood that \I r, ('arl- \vright has given since local volunteers started attending the \\gingham Clinic. Other local contributors are not very far behind N;r, Cartwrights in their contributions, Glad T S 'I' B \\'r The Tot- tenham, remarks "Et to y getting Gla ahead. yea(•,, white 1)t 11, 'l l w:t, in ch:Inge of the (;rcufell )ii,sinn 1lospital there, (-u:t¢r:anl:tti::t.t to I (1,!. (1,:rll 'u Mrs, 11odd described 1larringt,rit \•esus:, (h'rr•ra , w ter releln:!'e,1 I:: Harbour as a fishing tillage with tl l,ir;h I tt- on 7 nl' d;t\ , .1p:'il loth, population of 450. In the smuttier they * * have strainer : ervire every two \vee(;s ('lnll:raiuk(ti.,,s ! , vies, ko'le!t I: !In- lt\iletl lee front lie .\ relit' pt'1•tttits, tool sir!', win ('rlrl,!'ale, hcl' hirll'd;,\ in \\inter there is air mail stt•vice. The friday, .\!,til i,;th. .\Is. Io her t:':1n 1 main industries are cod fish, and seal j ,:'n, loh,l Cu:l itis, „f Verges, w fi'!ting, irst birthday i, Cllr' ,stn,'' +LI\ 'There is an in11n>trial siio ,l where bcantif'nl stat: and other article, arc' ('oncralnl,tti, n; to Mr, :ut,l made, \Irs. I lit hail an exhibit of 11'il!unl I':ttna1I ,'f the w'urk doter there, jwil,, celebrate (grew 11It\-hist\ wr,!,!I,!, There was a •plrnditi attendance and anniversary on NIond.n•, .\;+til lir;11, \I rs. Sinclair closed the i pl ate( c et 1O, . .111('alt' Cnst't Il' Illel•tttlg 11111 -----\- \!r, (• rittt_!tt• 'ill Wrest ! I. I ln) 1 (1 ' I IiI v ): 1! I!',..n 1,+) !: I;.... 1 ' 11111, 1. \II• h .1,,!t \It, \',. It ',ltt) 1'..!"11! I5 0 ) 1‘.'11:\‘1:11!11 .!\I! , .'' 1) lit - Vett:u't -"tin Iso;) \l\‘‘.1,1,1'(111'11,111.1-1'.(1'1,t1,111:1' Ir, 1 ," h Felly 'S 1' \ , t I u,. .51) \I \I r., I' .\, It1rin'r on t tt) \ll'•.. .\. Pont r., ,t t.(I!1 ting and \Ir• L !I;I'!'al !.I't) ).!, :171,1 \ii I, tle!f• :,, ',111) \.I ,t:,;1111,11. , 11. ;.(1) \I" asci Nlr. 1' \b),H-on 'i!t) I r ;1 '.'i \I r 1 I. \!,'I .:Iln'a '.5O Mr awl N1r, \I:.. 1.. 1l'\i I: Ila 5.w') 5.(.Q \I' 1 1', :t, I,(Ir) 1!r ao l It's \\'. I1,IIn.',o!I 111,1!1) \Ir, \\, I,0) \I.. 1' \!i' ti '1,•, It.1�lft tt! III\!) \I r and \I r, `�, Sil,th„I t:v i nal \1 r, Il, Ilr::oo 5111 \i r, a' '1 \I r, !'t. \I 11 nit ,,t • Ln,) \!I ! '\I,! I, . '11'1 \Ir- \\'. I.ell 1 tall Mrs I.. 'I t I:,' )o.nl NI:- ,u1,1 Mrs it i t, Philp .I+1 ',! I'. I'', 11 11 l 1" 1!;t 1 m ) 1!; •, II I eeiu it Ln') \11, \\, 1 Ltt) \l; s N. I!,!,,,,,•!. 51!11 )Ir and \Ir \\11.21'55:112115::11))111111'11.'''))))))))) 5111) \ll' 11 1'.1r,1•,i,'e ) \It It:I \I1', ` R+,!rin:on 11'1: )1 \I; art! \I! I)•'e• KIII Ir ,r-1 \I. \N \I r ;III ! \I • • f 1. I' ill !„ ;III \I . \i, „lith U() \1 i , , .!,.,1 I I I) ) \Ir T. A. !;, r; \tlt;, 111 Bt)lludary R `1 (+ tip; \\ II al+rl \!+; `;. (;a rt 'u:I) To See Town - oontln�; _v_______ N! I'< J. 1 : 31)1 The \\•est Itr,tnd,t y 0,1 CI 0,. mitt icing to renew his subscription Io \f'', 11. 11+,\\ r 't Il ) t+n I'Inn' ,Le,', \I:Ire.l ''I;!l, at t'.tc „,,l \V ill' Auxiliary Met \I r :nt l \I "; \\'. \LI' S.r'tl Standard, IIr, \\, Et tigll, of Tut as gnr,ts r1 the Itutio,, hell (n s.,, \I1,. ,, . i .'ll .11,d \II', '\. !•,\!ser 5.un m, Ont., includes the lolloain., The \tar Auxiliary met May 10th at Robinson ,,till the i'1:pit. (lon,:t;t,I oil: 11 r Ito., 'h,I •I er 1.'fll rks in his letter: the puna: of NI rs, (.;ct•ge )tadfurd, I,trce quilt ;ut.1 one t';:til ,,Iii, and tile, I -,I' ;Illi! \!!'• !. `. (�llr'tt•„ 2nlll (closed find $1.5(1 for subscription with eleven pl'erclll• Iwrrr tl,lillcd ;;hall; with e. 11'rl\;,. 111'1 \Ir II 1\Ililu: ;,• lu,ull our valued paper, which is like \trans talent were made five a en -,large oar. \I- and \1!< \. II,,I,t,t ,5O tg a letter from home each wreck. cine and thine„ to he held in \I;tv in The larL ,Ila\ was \\ tit In it!i Ni:. ,Intl \It k 1',ade 1(1.11\1 (I to sec the old town is going the Alcmuri,ll 11:111, with \Viibec's Or- I'trigone, :\ very tl,liuty iu:'n!t w.l lr IIT+,rt Il'n, '1'11 ), chestra to supply music for the leant- then served !ty .NI rs. hohinson 1111•! the ",Ir :111:1:11'1\1•111.,1 nd \Ir• It, herr\ \\';tut 111,1):) tug. girls.'N11: Lr'll V \Naini for In:age particular: The ne\1 int\ling will he held of I '\II :lull \II. 5 Kitelrnie '.I1) Blyth United Church 141ISSlO1\ BAND TO MEET \I an'I \I r, \\gals \\''.I .on 15,(111 Mr•s, lint huc'.t+!ie's home, .\pril _'I:1t. Nlr. anti NI rs Roma, I'a\lor 10111 The Radio Service from CK\\ last Th.. \Ii•,;l,r hand rf 1...5..., ;, r- 1' \Ir atnl Mr" 1. Mill' 511) Sunday \\•as a decided success. 'rile l ice will hold Civil. I•r�nlal• It1, r't"I; 1 \1t' aril \I r, '!'Lonl;l; l�cllya '.iPl broadcast was very clear and Could he SCOUTS AND CUBS ENJOY SHOW „tt ;,It1,,11,r' , Awn 11!1,, at 0',1.,+'1•• \II'; 1. 1 ,ti Ilan Lill) heard anywhere in the Church. The I (h!! !reit ;,re ,t to ,I 1,, In !I: t 1 ' . AT WINGHAM 1 \t r,. \' t erten,\ Pt• ,I\',1oar ... 15.01 radio belonged to Al r, Frank: 'I'cretttatt tutu, or astir, ,11„ at (''line r' ,1,',I Dr, .\ lode Rol: . 5.011 and he had'C\er\'tlting arranged in a The local Scout Committee treated i 1i ti tt t' r!'Ildrell living in (.Ilta,la s splendid fashion and it was an excellent the Scout; an,' Cub, to a show ;1t I - 1' - .I r and NI :r; Daniel \ire;owat ..... 5,11 reception. His work was very mach the \\'ingitt it Theatre this \\'c In sday , \Ir .111,1\Irs \\'r?. 1elkin; .- . ... 5.(1) ) appreciated by all, �cvcuinl;, Aboat font- carloads of boys Attend rro 'Sis Shipley -- S.t)al Sunday, Aril 15th ln•ere harts;'o:tid to \\'i:Iuhan wheti. Attend�Il'et!Ilf;' In 11.1y111 `1,- or.I:ilpltu,l. �'S,O0 ! I :III:I \fr • 1', I. C,u t right _ 2100 10,1.5: Sunday School, t icy saw: tit: pular ,how, w', 'Thirty The role meetin: t t the C.imuli.rl .. 11.15: Next in the Series on rite Seconds O\cr Ton:cn," �„ \ir .u'.I \i''< )' \+''int 1.0!1 1 :Ion contpri.,ne, ,111 blanche- , f me Lord's Prayer, "Thy Kingdom Come." This is an :annual treat provided for in will he held in the 11!' 1h \I Cit!"I i 11 1 1 td NII \`, Aft\',111. ... 1.01 7 P.M.: "The Light of the World", the local troop of Scoots and Cubs, +1ta'I on Sunday afternoon. 1. p HORIZONTAL 13 Pictured animal. 12 Choice part. 13 Analyze. 15 Whirlwind. 16 Shy. 17 Senior (abbr.), 18 Zest. 20 Fish, 21 Watched narrowly. 23 Land measure 29 Air (comb, form). 48 Palm lily. IP Elevates. 28 Former Russian ruler 28 Belonging to it. 80 Eskimo snow hut. 34 European mountains. 88 Actor. AO Italian coin. 41 Consumes. 42 Eagle's nest. tv,OUNTAIN GOAT A. saver to Previous Pu:.21e LIEIA T1E1N AtH!A� PltNE EiSSQI ff_ SEE SP I RTE NE ON EtAiR EUN R A SIE GIQ�T(,_ I N! TIQ N ST'YtE NEIRO ENCASE DAVi_ ESTE1T UU °-4-.7 r 45 Agitation. 36 Smallest state (abbr,). 47 At sea. 48 Male parent. 50 Doctor of Divinity (abbr.). 51 Scoffed. 54 Their habitat is in the --. 57 Porticos. 58 Lists of names. VERTICAL 2 Image. 3Itisa--- goat. 4 Pronoun, 47 Constellation, 5 Cereal grass. 49 Perform, 6 Ream (abbe52 And (Latin). 7 Utter. )' 53 Dawn (comb. 8.Hour (abbr.). form). 9 Fundamentals 54 International 10 Weird. language. 11 Essential oil. 55 Kae. 13 Seed covering. 56 Iridium 14 Opposite the (symbol). 16 Company (abbr.). 19 Exist. 20 Pause. 22 G,c,.k letter. 25 To delim• u Roman to ro:,ci.s. 31 Minute particles, 32 Distinct portion. 33 Belief. 35 Lighted, 36 Conceits. 37 Variety of carnelian (pi.) 39 Comforts. 43 Sun god. 44 Epic poetry. FUNNY BUSINESS i By Hershberger "Getting into the hammock's a cinch for him—he's from a circus•lumbling act!" SUBURBAN HEIGHTS I, ` •' .�. _t (1 fDR ii1E TIR5f TME M MON1t15,11 E BIID6E 6NAE 011 ir1E 8:05 Y1P ABANDONED Ta Oft1ER MORNING, WHILE TOE T1•hl'ER5,WfM THE KeiZER53C4N11,161N F12EELYI PEP APJD6T 10W 1'O MAKE Off ft -IE 114COME 'fes 1iEfdRN' unu.Ws�S - THE SPORTING THING "Well, I'd better be running along before Junior gets cold!" MOPSY by 6LAIWS PARKER I'M SENDING IT BE- CAUSE I WANT HIM TO KNOW I'M THROUGH WITH HIM I3UT I DON'T WANT HIM TO FORGET ME / CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "Gee, this guy's been in action—it's a shame t'waste the whole evening just makin' him talk a lot of romantic mushy stuff!" SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith COPN. 190 OV NEA SERVICE, INC. T. M. PEG. U. S. PAT. OFF. "Sorry, old man, but your radio script that we enthused about six months ago is out! The sponsor's first wife iltkecl it, hut his new one won't have any part LIFE'S LIKE THAT 11 07://///'iliS tv1ODERN15,Imo% By Fred Neher - is `"•r:.. 'r•r .••t.. �.Ttr.; r•:,, �;iP�r ;� 4 �.q,.y,. t i y " 1! "What're you helping YOUR old man out on ... the draft or next year's income tax?" REG'LAR FELLERS — Memory Course Needed �giilllll By GENE BYRNES 1•M TR.YIN' TO REMEMBER. WHAT MOM WANTED ME TO GET IN TIi15 BOTTLE! GOSH! mar JUST RCMIND.:, Me. ••I FORGOT Ti-' BOTTLE.' MUTT AND JEFF— This Isn't Eggs-actly Fair To Poor Little Jeff, Before Easter L';; Time By BUD FISHER JEFF WAS SO ANXIOU TO GET HI NE ARMY I.1 foo A TRANSFUSION FROM A CHICKEN AND NOW H ACTS LIKE AN OLD HEN' ST LOOK AT AT! 6'S DOING EVERY•rHIrIG THAT CHICKE DCS � POP—The Poor Fish Bites N0W LONG DID YOU SAY THAT FISH YOU GAUL► -IT' WAS I aelPiled F> The reii Synd } i By J. MIL LAR WATT SO LONG, OLD CHAP, IP YOU MUST GO ! Real estate is a poor investment in industrial Ger:nany dropped by Allied air forces in paving the way for the caused by bombs ranging up to 11 tons—and chart laid waste by air blows, TWO AGENCY APPOINTMENTS as a result of the thousands of tons of bombs big push, Above scene of wreckage -- show the percentage of various large centers A. R. McGILL S, B. SMITH Two appointments have just been announced by Young & Rubicatn Limited; A. R. McGill of Montreal, a newcomer to the Agency, becomes Vice -President and Managing Director of all operations in Canada; Stuart B, Smith, Manager of the Toronto Office, becomes a Vice -President and will continue in his present capacity. Both appointments are effective April 2nd, WATER NOT OVER THE DAM Allies' sucprise capture of the huge Eder dant, above, on the Weser River near Kassel, was one of the outstanding tactical victories on the Western Front. So suddenly was it taken that the Germans were unable to demolish it and unleash its 330,000,000 tons of water, which would have flooded route to Berlin. ALLIED TIDAL WAVE ROLLS FORWARD - r NETH. fmdeni' •-=.11.Namburg tt, remen426 Arnhem /Hannover \..r. ',linden • eruntrrek • Stodtlohn Coblen: I LUX s 6udmgen•l •�Ctelnhausen Fronklurt i4 b� .-, r r• �ye`t N Moe r 1 n ) °'a Ascholtenb,ty,. Mannheim 11 44' Heidelberg • Kassel Gtubenau Fulda Berlin egdeburq GERMANY Holle • •leapt g • lana SICnan r • ; Frankfurt •-4 Cottbus • n Dresden (JSt FRANCE' .,. � Karlsruhe 'ue'nberq 'roque •Patten CZECH°. MILE The Ruhr Basin virtually has been cut off from the Reich as two Allied army groups moved rapidly through the heart of Ger- many, Thousands of Nazi troops are trapped in the rich indus- trial Ruhr. HITCHHIKER According to police, Leo Wasser- man, above, of Boston, had him- self a time hitching free rides on Navy planes for over a year, Authorities say Wasserman, in Army sergeant's uniform, with forged priorities, traveled all over the United States, then came a crop- per after getting a free plane ride to Scotland, He traveled (free) by train to London, was picked up in a Red Cross Club there, • • WHAT, NO ICE -CREAM -SODA BAR? Artist's drawing of a new -type Pullman "junior club house that young train travelers will have to of a stewardess, children will be able to enjoy reached through a concealed stairway, No, Junior, Lar" for youngsters shows the rolling fun :hcrnselvcs while parents relax. Under supervision a marionette show, games, toys, and chute -the -chute not now—after the war. ANGELS OF MERCY Tha woman of the Canadian Medical Corps are performing wonderful work overseas. Here is a typical group found in a Canadian General Hospital in England; Left to right: Lieut. (Home -Sister) Eleanor Simpson, Quebec City; Lieut. (Occupational Therapist) Florence Upper, Hamilton, Ont.; Capt. Jean Newman, M.D., Medical Officer, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, Windsor, Ont. who was a general practioner in Windsor for 12 years following her graduation at the University of Toronto; Major (Principal Matron) Helen L. Shanks, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal; Lieut. (Physio -Therapist) Wilma Somerville, Haileybury, Ont, and Lieut. (S) Agnes Brown, Regina. GERMAN CIVILIANS SURRENDER TO NINTH ARMY Geri.tan with arms raised high move across battle -scarred ground of.Lindforth, Germany, surrendering to a5th Infantry Division of U. S. Ninth Army. They defied Nazi evacuation orders, prefering to give up. WORK WITH A SMILE -it's good for morale Contributed by nmma BLACK HORSE 13lialEVYIla 5-3 W • 'PAGE 4. THE STANDARD WednesdaY, A»iil 11, • Iregligumecirom ; , ; , ,i 0PCIEWOCKICVOCI.• ,• ,• Elliott insurance Agency BLYTII— ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. , Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. ,-. Gordon Elliott -'' J. H. R. Elliott. i Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" i 1 Ilt1R2i)i)0121)WiNDiTP1)12,44t)12121),D1)44iDai)i)131111DINDiNN3i)iNriDINDi91)1)1DiaiND4134 i datight,•r and ,on, Shirley and Ann.! aro‘i eve .11:!, ry (hty. The cement men _ . - • -- ---` - — I:sliver, have keen able to rffuc b rn to are tirecng tia boiler house, and ,ain , „ , , ,, , 1 . • . • . • • a Ile \V Vkall('Ill. floor, as will th inlici: {men, 1",‘ II. NIell, \un- Limo"11 tiled mime ;,iter neing pahnits at AUBURN CHEESE MAKER PURCHASES NIr. ;old NI,,.. Iii•orge 1.imlor have PROPERTY received information through indirect NIr. Carmen K. I loilgins. has purchas- channels that their son, Pte. \\ 1l i 1 e I the Potti•i• pr• pertv, and will move 1.0‘‘lor, previously reported missing in in i0,111,,• time toN\ aid, the end 1,f the action in Italy, has now been kindle 1 month. \Ir. 1 loilgins is thi.. ne\v cheese i Nlany friends of Rcv. E. .\, aisiiiillisiriit. maker \\ Inch lic ha . our .tiased k ilirectl: for the Illv th 1:muff's Co -Muir - a prisoner to ‘‘ar. :its ‘‘ tie re !Silver, fornwr I.:Nor of the .\tiburn alive .\*"'cia.':", a111 tilt' properly ii Ingersoll. across from the Chi•ese l'actory, I Things are humming down at the 1 I la dist Church, but now of ,„ A I I •!"- riani ine-e ilav:s. Sonie of the equip - A 1011, \ vill lie pleased to hear that their wt.," itL arrit•,•,i, and more is G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" visitors iin equipment Church. Masters spent thci Associated with The Atlas Insurance f orim•r's 11 Company, London, England. Nlarviii NI are bring made. puicaas lig r •„•roti Sanatorium. 1. • i •it I 1, for the \Vest field United TROUT SEASON OPENS APRII: ,14 BUILDING NEW BARN The minds turned to toil and 1i:el iiy • I 1.111.than of him t the untisintl • 1 Bit. spring. I)tIiIl'1I I\uparati,01 1.1. 11,i\, barn, tephice the one tario's fis'ierinn rot Lffi:ii•il colon:ma- tio" '11 thy'', "lit'" 1. 1I.III hail lOIflhI1l last fall, III all 1111 fi ill 1111 - Dunbar, Nlini ter of Game and , , ine \\ hien cost hin, most of the cries annointeed the spiickleil trout • . .vas"it's crop, and some live,toch, season villopen Aril 1-1 and the ere' season Nlav 5, both SaturdaysniI both dates ilitt' itt ailv,ince itmic years. It is apparent Nail' NH, I unbar , NIrs. NI. Harforil (if Guelph arrived there \yin hi• ;urinal speckled trout \l 1111 It to makii her 11••1111: with her angling much itther this year and in broth, \i. \\•;111,1, Nfti m diemio-s, too, that paiher,:l till 1 11 1111' 1)(Cot urn 111 l(IVItti '11 •Nlav 151 11. \Vith these forecasts in I-101..S'I'EIN "BLACK AND wiirrE" 1110111, the Department ad \•anced cpc11 1)AY TO BE HELI) IIERE dates in each 1:he. I \ deptitati,•11 Ir i in the Myth .\gri- EAST ‘VA N OS I i cultural Societv attended the meeting Harry 1.. Slimly, Gordon N. Tav 1 ir, \VII() WAN -F.:, TO WRITE ABOUT l,.\s,,ociati,in LIONS' SPORTS COMMITTEE TO i• th,, 11,,i,t,, 'rtTilcrs' , Thomas I. lohnston and k, I. l'hill ii: THE WEATHER Donald Cowan, Jimmy limit' - J. • • : ,. . , SPONSOR SUMMER sPoaTs 1.1,1 i„ cli,„„„ ,„, tit..,,t„y night. r E,ister vacation with tin, attended 0 banquet in Clinton on Mon- \Ve comPlimicd to 0 la•IY visitor to- I The S;:.rts' Committee of the local i The pinitio•e in the deputation was to :tele and ;111111, NIr. and NIrs. daY 'ming' (la\ t \Vvklic•id tY) about the eareitY ,4 i.i,,i, (mit, 11,,, at \Ir. 11. Tashei: s (in try to iiiiclire ilic Ho! hill Breeder,' Nlisses Nlargaret and .\iiiii • \Voir elloweq, LIFE• PENSIONS • ANNUITIES I) IT i im 0 Ipperwash, :have returned ti, their holm. in Stroh- , i te. i larooosinan of WILLIAM I -I. MORRITT1a -: stwitt last wctii: with his parents, NIr coy after spending the winter nigh nd Mrs. Nlatitice Boston. i their brother, Dr. 11. C. \\'ctr. .....— „„ _ , . , _ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. I Mr. Warren Bamford of Preston, I Nlarjorie At thur with friends ;it the weel.:•end with his parents, iTeeswater, Specializing in Farm and liousehoW sPc"t Sales. '1r. and Mrs. Thomas Bamford. j Nliss toxic Ball is ill at her home, 1 Ntiss Jean Campbell of Goderich, ' Licensed for the County of Huron. Mrs. Annie 1 fyiult•r,i)11, Nlrs, \\ 'it - spent Sunday under the parental roof. ,„ loam Reid 011(I daughter, Ruth Reid, Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction 1 Mr. and NIrs. F. J. Ci:,1: and family ,. , . , , f s T T , s s uoitenco, with 1.r, ii, v... ‘,.e,r and NI is, Ouaranteed. visited on Sunday with \l r. and NIrs. Josephine \veil, For informaHon, etc., write or phone E. lamieson of Aslifield. P3; Shop 4, Blyth. 4-441. Guests last week at the home • of \Ir. l• ., , ':\ ., , William H. Morritt, phone, Residence f• and Ntrs. NI elvin Taylor vere, NB% and HAROLD JACKSON NIrsIliEth Smith of Molesworth, Ntr. • and Ntrs. Harold Cardiff, and children, Licensed Auctioneer. Miss NI a: garet Smith of Brussels. Specialist in Farm and Household Mr. and Mrs. Gerilon Snell, N1r. Sales. ,jasper visited on Sunday NVIill Licensed In Huron and Perth Nit.. and Mrs• Jasper \kill -len of Counties. Prices rea.sonahle; sails Goderich. faction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or php3e Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, Seatortk. phone 14r661. PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (By Harry J. Boy:e) Mr. and \Irs. Charles Smith and chil- dren visited onii day last weeh at the home of NH. cud NIrs. \\'illiani Smith. of Brussels. N1r. Gordon Nicholson, miss velum 'Nicholson, of Morris Township, visit_ ed on. Sunday at tlic home of NIr. and Mrs. 11.m. Carter. N1r. \Vim. McDowell was a Sealorth visitor on Saturday. It seemed that last day I was in On Tuesday e‘'ening Nliss Pearl the sugar shanty as if everybody in Jamieson ente:lained a number of the the block had a hand at yelling. 1young people of this vicinity at her was standing in the sugar shanty door home itt Ashfield Township, and the sound of Pete Martin came ! NIr. Charles Martin of Kitchener N1r. rolling across the river. He was work- John Nfartin of Sealorth, Visited on ing with the team picking up some Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, rails from the fence through his back Norman McDowell, pasture field and he bellowed every Ntr, and Mrs, Earl Caldwell and son, time he nail to direct the team. and Miss Dorothy Govier, of Blyth, Then another sound came rolling up Mr. Albert McCullough, Myth, visited through the avenues of maple trees. on Sunday at the home of Mr. and There were Niitors coming to the Mrs. Wm. Gcvier. sugar shanty, It was a party of young' Mrs. William Govier visited on Mon- sters from the school in town. They dos with MrS• 11. Govier, of Auburn. had walked up along the river front the Mrs. Govier, Overseas I3ox Fury Concessiu Bridge and were wending Treasurer, received letters of appre- their way through the buss to where ciation from Ray Vincent, Ivan Wight - I was working I wish you could have man, and Norman Rodger, for boxes heard them yelling. At times the whole recently received. bush seemed t:- be full of noise and the .\ Red Crosr quilting was held on birds were agitated and fluttering away Tuesday afternoon at the home of off in droves as if a forest fire was Mrs. Emerson Rodger, when 3 quilts sweeping up from the bank of the ‘vere completed, making a total of 19 river. The collie pricked up his cars quilts for the Westfield Unit since and stood at attention beside me. January 1st. There's something about spring that The Mission Band met on Sunday makes you want to yell. In fact only afternoon, with 16 imisent, The meet - that morning going back to the bush I look a cautious look around and then let a war -whoop out myself. The team of browns were a bit startled and they lathered along for the distance of at least two fields at a terrific clip and I had a hard job to keep my footing on the old stone boat. My neighbor r, Ed. Higgins was al- ways a great titan for yelling. In the .meeting was led by Violet Cnok. Topic house he is as quiet spoken as the ave- vas given by Ronald Taylor. Prayer rage person but the minute he steps y Norma Taylor. Scripture was read outside Ms voice is about like a whis- Tiy Eileen Taytor. The meeting closed per. The other day I was strolling ov- with the Benediction. er to his place and had only gone a r'EDERATION OF AGRICULTURE few steps when 1 heard him roar across The re.tular monthly meeting of the the fields and ask me to bring the l'•iist Witwanosh Unit of the Federa- post-hole angel. There's a standing ion of Agriculture was held itt the joke in this community that he can Belgrave Co -Operative Club room with stand outside the stable door and 14 members of the Executive and Di - make the boys in the back field hear rectorate present. The minutes of the March meeting when 1 was a young lad, able to were read and approved. Mr. Lawrence make the odd excursion into town with Taylor gave the report of the last the other lads from here and sit around 'County meeting. The next item of the grocery store or on the veranda of discussion was in regard to the advis- the hotel, there was nothing we dc- tbility of having another banquet. lighted more in than yelling. Going Moved hY Leslie Wightman. seconded along the road about eleven or twelve by J Buchanan, that we feature :moth - o'clock when most people were in hed, er Banquet. The following committee there was common Agreement that We was appointed: Program, N. Radford, had to let out several banshee wails in .1- Wightman, J. Buchanan (Lawrence front of every house. The farmers Taylor as speaker). Ticket Committee, were provoked I imagine, forgetting D. Campbell. Table and decoration that in all probability at our age they Committee, Mason Robinson, Ronald did the ,-•••ft thing. Coultes, Art Scott, Aldin Purdin, Char - Some of these fellows who study I:s Lciver, Harvey Black, Edgar Wight people's minds coup probably give a man. Ushers and Dance Committee. reason why a man wants to Yell some- Orval McGowan, Calvert Falconer, C. times. In the meantime, while waitimt Govier, Dan Hallahan, L, Ruddy. Nifty - for such a prorruncement 1 find that cd by L. Wightman, seconded bv Dan even an old lad like myself enjoys iliallahan, that we feature a draw for whooping it up a bit . . of course, a $5. war certificate, the same as in when I'm reasonably certain nobody's former years. :\loved by Lawrence listening. Taylor, seconded by C. Govier, that we adjourn to meet April 24th. ing was led by Lloyd McDowell. Scrip- ture lesson was read by Franklin Campbell. Readings vere given by Billy Rodger and Laurence Campbell. The Easter Message was given by Mrs. William Carter. Easter story told by Mrs. Norman McDowell, The Y.P.U. met on Wednesday ev- 'ming with a gond attendance. The WESTFIELD EAST WAWANOSH Mrs. W. A. \Vissis, David and Paul, Messrs. Marvin McDowell, Harvey of Detroit, are visiting at the home of :11cDowell, W. F. Campbell, Douglas Mr, and Mri William Dalrymple. 1 veki and 'ill(' 1'11111101Y Sattrila \: came up ‘vith the suggestion that \ye j A 1„,1, Hart, a Mee Itt.eezy editorial ;Mout the the sport prow-an:me r the summer sluier iltispi•ra- months. No del nite action \vas 1- itt Exhibition for one of the chief au:action, \Cull the Idv and in this they ‘‘ere \vt' contemplated the inatt(ir i•ev- upon, 1,1I the gullel'al ntiiti,tl \Va, 111,1(1 eral times durimi, the afteribion, 11111 that there wa.; sufficie• t and \\Mite" illy in Illyth this Nye finally: gave it up. terra! to organi/e 0 town softball ,y, ar, on the iiiin day i,f the Myth 1:%,111 tli"ve or four teams, Fair, \\ 0111 lo' 11(.1(1 enjoy it, ! It is alio planned to ontanizi• a serit•s This inial leatine will add greatly thi \Ve're itot Ide inueli rather •it at:ounil and than vrite ;thud it, Yes, tit(' ',tiring of games amongst the girl softball play- to the ativai'ti...e:/, of the Fair fever Itis us ton. (,i,1ti1, The Of F e ers. e sin y Car. ,N .1(1 ,t, ,ml.od 1,1, 1,1, 11,1 lo II .1 ". .11.J.LN111.i rmi 9 vires "READY MONEY" is the common term for what businessmen call "Reserve Funds". In any language, "Ready Money" is a handy thing to have. None realize this need more than a farmer . ; for in the business of farming there arc so many times that extra money is needed . . . for bills that must be met . to take advantage of opportunities . . . "to turn a dollar" with profit. There are many times when a farmer needs "extra money". Without a reserve fund he must either sell something "for what he can get for it" or borrow, if he can get a loan. Victory Bonds provide a safe and convenient form in which to keep savings until needed. Victory Bonds earn double bank interest. Whcn you have Victory Bonds you can get a loan from any bank at any time without any formality, and the interest the bonds earn pays a large part of the interest on the loan. Victory Bonds can be bought for cash which you have saved or bought on convenient deferred payments with money as you get it. Buy Victory Bonds to provide a reserve of working capital for your farm. Buy them, too, to help maintain your country's war effort. They pay interest these two ways. 9d044a 410 VICTORY BONDS 811i VICTORY LOAN Opens April 23rd, NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE '• • " Farmers always need "extra money" at seed time ... • • • • II. /It f-- . p?" 1 "s• •/,•:/ft.,4 . • ,..s<Plll7:...... .. , ..,..\,-.. 4'e • i :1J 1"/ ,,:.:4:Vi • , .1.irtl 'fiiif. , r,..*! ,:.•;;;i4i'll .11,,. ••• ..Wi'dc:" . 4, ' "Extra money" is needed to pay harvest hands ... J7 *t. • • ••••• No. • • P - You can often make a profit if you have cash to buy young animals ... 1 . .116, 1, ' . Wetinesilay, April 11, 191 .A__ ii§3.-f4.-4.. ":“:":".:":":••:+:":”6 o...1(if NI r. ;11111 `ir.s. John 1'Inglaral. !appliedto other formsLi''(21;U11'I''fITEA'I'RE 4'1 \Ir Jill ('al'en(lar front the \\'t'st is chiller). including WINGHAM—ONTARIO, ': her.' \'i•i;ing his sister, Mrs. .1.Taylor, ling equipment. J Two shows Sat. Night -.,',\t ho is a patient in the Clinton 1lospital J - — '• \I' . 1; til \I.Ilu;in ; visited +Pith \I iss / Thurs., I'ul., Sat., Apr. 12.13.14 ;: Helen 11111 during the holidays' 'BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO: \ties r1.1: \loan and \liss Uurothy d i in !: Little returned to Toronto 1111 Sunday is ''LOS'S IN A HAREM",e aiter the 1'.astet Holiday;, 'Jlusir'aud \lollkev Iiisine„ %rill,: \lis, Ilelen Rainford has accepted a Ahhott & (,"teller, those position at the fashion Shoppc in Iii' g, "f North. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" (i(n111 cli. ''Matinee, Saturday aftet•no:,n, at 2.37.;'.' \Ir. and Mrs. George Moon are rc• i' — — -- ;, modelling their house in the village. ': Mon., Tue..., Wcd., Apr. 16.17-18 >. \Irs. Erni('Stcwcns of Seaforth vis- ;, Ronald Coleman, Marl: nc Dicitrich '• Edward Al n.11 in iced with her parents, \ir. and \Irs, YI-• ' KISMET' :• ,101111 Nott, during the past week, tin c ,lo'n') ;� \Irs.Margaret Manning has return- ! oriental t;ta•w t\hieIRwtt;l_: eellote after having spent the winter?(aleaert ;1, Cie Trine( ('i Ila',,lad = .. is \ anrouwrr, British Coluuthia, 'a. laky, ('\("' Il:r allall'• of ,tall' �• t' ALSO '•SI -TORT SUBJECT" ;$41\Ir. Tom1{vox has purchased',qrs. �,.�/.�u(•.��.;••w;..� :,..� it ..1 it it it it it it it it i• . Taylor's house 111 the village, -- ---_ \1r, and \Irs, Austin Gowan and LAN1)1'',S1 O1 O Marra: „I Loudon were Sunday visit- ors with \I r. and \f rs, Sydney Lansing, 7'hc Lnule,l'ro Red 1 1 , l'l'l their \Ir;. Nclke Barr is convalescing at regular nu)nthl) rn eli .tt •'n .\pril S. the home of \II•s. Lillie \\'e1 sten hay - with 17 pre ens The nieetinn opened inr just returned front the Goderich with rcp.atin: the I•',r,l's Prater in nni Hospital, sou. The nliuntr, (f the L1 ' un'etiilt \lis: Jean ('handeler of Parkhill, \verc read an I a(I,.1,'(''I, 'I''le 'I'reasur- I,I)ent the I::a,t.'r holidays at the borne er's report 11;1, L',ileu. It \\;1, earned I„f her sister, \Irs. N, Alexander. that we send the tun Fervent of the (.alllpaigll allyl (', It.,11 Grant to lle:ld- 1 i'trIct•s. 1.1md'•sb .r", ,!u ,i;t \r;r S'(I,t and it lune etre c,le(1 by .'•:`!3.75, it was Automatic Traffic Controls passed that \tt send ::23.on to the' I;eing Used Ill England "Stewart Ilenrt" jun I in \\'inglrtnt. It was (kcided that each line be sponsible for a ',will top for the next sleeting mid to have a ,'(;t Lucl, (sinner and quilting; at the \lay meeting. \Ir .• in a l:oiled l�i,lg(lont colliery, Len. F0100)1.001; donated :t Pyrex dish The new equipment is designed to and ticket, ne—e ,,,I,1 on it ;tn 1 \liss operate automatically the stir -lock doors Flossie Jaunic,on non the lucky draw' \hick are essential to the whole ven- '1'Iic ones p;tyitt' ho,te,; Ino:'vy were; tilali,,n system of deep alines, :Mrs, Jinn ('rn\b,rd, \Irs, E. I. Craw- I( It i; so arranged that the stream of ford, \Irs. ('hale, \•,widen, \lr-, iolor (tabes tarrying the coal operates a sys- \•odden, \Irs, Elvin f, ,lint , \Ir< John tent of photoel;'ctric rselays which shuts Snell, Nile. \\•nn. \1,00ting, \ties 110•dic the :lir-lock doors as required to let Jamieson, \lis \label 1 I;iv' \Irs, 1'.Illei through. At the sante time it att• \\'arson, Mrs. Ivan Carter, \Ir., S.Itonlatically collets the tubs passing in- C':u•lcr, \I rs. I), Carter. The meetilng to and out of the air -lock. .closed \with the National .\nthcut, This new system of automatic elcc- \lis.; Edna 11:111 au I I'atherinc ling- Itrical cnnlrol hat., great advantages ov- iaml of l.'lattt'n, \i,ited at the home cr older systems and i; expected to he LONIION, .\t,ril 9—Automatic traffic control, miles under the earth, is pro• vided by an equipment now tinder on- -traction by a British firth for service r I. • •,t,_al a41 • If you want to huild a modern barn :://)j) or or buy new equipment or modernize your house ... then have' a talk with your bank manager about his new powers under the Farm Improvement Loans Act. Colony to A.Pply Blyth. THE STANDARD of biting 111a- it hauling and \\ in I FOR SALE house, 15(1 chick capacity. Paul \\raison, phone 4'', 3.1 -Ip. FOR SALE Three -burner coal oil stove; also an iron pot. Apply to Itlyth Standard, 'for particulars. 31-11), NOTICE \\'ashinl,• m tchincs, vacuum cleaner., (all snake.;), overhauled, serviced and repaired, Car!, Commercial 11ote1 Myth. 34 -Ip. AUCTION SALE At the home of Herbert Dexter, HAMILTON STREET, BLYTH, ON SATURDAY, APRIL 2IST Commencing at 2 p.m., the following: CATTLE—firindle cote, 6 years old, just freshened; Jersey cow, 4 years old, clue to fret•hett time of sale; 4 yearling cattle; Heifer, 1 year old: Calf, 3 weeks old; 2 cows, clue shortly after sale. 1 brood sow, with litter at foot, 1 \f PLE\I E'ITS—Light wagon, with shafts; 1 rack for wagon; 1 -horse land roller; 1 -horse plow; No, 10 Verity plow; cutting box; Hay fork; 1 -horse sleigh, in good condition; flat rack for sleigh; 1 10 -ft. Sharp rake, as good as new; 'Turnip drill; Chop box, 17 -hag capacity; 1 dozen bales of straw; grind stone; 2 ditching spades; Scythe; No, 12 Delaval Creast Seperator, in gond running order; Small incubator; Elec- tric fence, with new battery; Number of sealer',, and other articles too hunt, erous to mention, There will be no reserve as the pro- perty has been sold. Ilerbert Dexter, Proprietor. \Villi:un \lorritt, Auctioneer. 34.2. fat does ou �: 'ARAI NO. 'Tow often have you said "If I could only raise the money!” Well, if you could, what would you do to improve your farm and increase your pro- duction? Would you build a modern barn? or buy new machinery? or modernize your house? or electrify your farm? 'I'c'u am raise short term money from your bank; and long term money from other institutions by way of mortgage. But there are some things you would like to do which require loans that are neither long nor short ... That is where the banks, operating under the new Farm Improvement Loans Act, can help you. The gap has been filled. "Intermediate" loans at a specially low rate can now be obtained for periods of two or three years—or even longer, in cases up to ten years. So, if you have a project in mind to improve your farm, drop in and talk it over with your local bank manager. Ask him what he is now em- powered to do to help make your farm living more attractive and your work more profitable. Ho will tell you—and show you—that your bank is just as eager to meet the sound credit needs of the farmer as of the merchant or manufacturer. This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank ROX Y THEATRE, CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: Don Ameche in: "WING AND A PRAYER" ! Monday, 'i ee:day, Wednesday "IRISH EYES ARE SMILING" IN TECHNICOLOR I he ,'otos „f I:rue,l It. !fall, that neve; t"o\s ()1'I Mill 1, heard in tin, t'i'ler June Haver, Dick Haynes and Monty WocIley. Thur-.., Fri., Sat, Two Features Anna Neasle, Richard Greene and Nova Pilbeam. Nazi batll,tii;" ani side, invade ilaliia,x L;.rh„ur (luring it fug, SEE WFHA'I' HAPPENS IN "THE YELLOW CANARY" Harold Peary, Marion Martin and Richard LeGrand "GILDERSLEEVE'S GHOST' COMING: "Sweet and Lowdown" and ',The Big Noise" Matinees Sat, & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat•, PAGE 5. CAPITAL, THEATRE I REG I':N'1"c 11EA'1rRE GODERICH. SEAFORTrt, NOW PLAYING: John Wayne in: NOW PLAYING: "Sweet And Low - "TALL IN THE SADDLE" down and "The Big Noise,' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Carmen Miranda, Michael O'Shea and Vivian Blaine • Thy grr•attsl '1'rrluurolur nnt•iral „I 1915, ;t, a hr.tit of tete• pays Ito -1 1.' the trt11)1),• "SOMET}TING FOR TI -IE BOYS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sharyn Moffatt, Jill Esmond and L'na O'Connor. I've (vela a ., n(•voting -.Lir 1.' ial.: to \.'lir ocarl, it the tale ('1 ;( 'uajrsti( tl(e,.. "MY PAL WOLF" COMING: Gene Ti"rnay in: "LAURA" Wed.,TSat., Holidays 2.30 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE itasptcrry come,. Arrive from Nurs- ery today (Thursday norm 1. $15.00 per '(NII, or •LL(I per 25, Apply ler •lint Armstrong, 1 I its. l•I I. APPLICATIONS WANTED Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Gregory Peck, 'l'hontaa Mitchell and Rias Stradna. Lift I. char.( ter 1, „ .1..1. "'THE KEYS 01''1'11E KINGDOM" Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1)011 Antechr, Choles I(wrh(otd and Luta Andrew,, rhe S.tg.t of carrier X "WING AND A PRAYLI<" COMING: "Greenwich Vi:ho;,.' Inn Matinees Sat. & 1 {e.liday at 2.a0 p.u, • 1 2 Z 8 1LLUSTRATED ...•: ................. Lecture & Dance :: WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF FARM NEEDS Spc:raored by No. 10 East Wawanosh ((�� [[ 11 Farm Fcrum in FOR ui . N BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL, ON •_ MONDAY, APRIL writ :11'1'1.1(':\'I'IoNS for the position of at junior and Relief Operator of the nth MR. CARMAN HODGINS, LOCAL. tl..Il� ..1 Atla • st)\lis II. \1:1t\\ I,'! ;� .nae a• 1, ,.e „ • \sJJ. e, \\ire ;.1 ' . • , a v" \\: Municipal Telephone System will he CHEESE MAKER WILL GIVE A I. ) ,sees, ,,Ii .0 \\, accepted up to April 21st, TALK WITH ILLUSTRATED I:, Ile, 1 :t: .r(, tri. r , t c.;.,t PICTURES I •;• fence ;w' ,t ., WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA I La'tie, I'le;t,e Ilrim.: Sande irt -. 1: R 'y ,11 1'11:;'I, FOR SALE Admission: .\tti lts, 35c, ('llil Iron, Fre,' : Tull I nr ,i 1 ,• Duties It) vomtucncc at once. 34.1. LESLIE HILBORN, Secretary. PROCEEDS FOR PRISONER'S OF ?: l'q ;,., "1't, j . j'j \ quantity ,f Katandin seed polo WAR FUND. I,., I In r';L( Rocs. Apply t,i (George l'rrclwtt, phone l i`:l';,I, r �nl'1' '.I. !' I' '! , �(' ;' i!., -''• EVERYBODY WELCOME. = Ir-i'I `� (! t I t„ '22-10, Blyth. 3.1-1. I:.; g : '.04..„.3. J«'....••.:„, ...'•.. 0.4.0.•...., '_' Iexa ds FOR SALE t1 :i; ;t; :: NOTICE GENERAL STORE ;_: <� r r :_: '('Phones, 25-8 Blyth, 803-22, Clinton'; :; RE ALBERTA A COAL ._. 1.ONDESBORO, ONTARIO, ••• ALL PERSONS DESIRING " I. ,t, ALBERTA COAL SHOULD •:• , •i• PLACE THEIR ORDERS AT 'i' t ONCE AS THESE SHIPMENTS ' -- __... T. TO ONTARIO WILL ONLY BE •:•; FOR SALE _: CONTINUED FOR A VERY ,c,j ()",Jit rid rl"•,I r Iia.: ; I- i,\„ ' 11\''• ,_, SHORT PERIOD, 1;.:1'IPTY t)I)on,;!.l,I.I,,n.:i,,plln'':\ quantity of Irish Cobbler Seed 4' 11'1', Illi tit. :_: Rohr. R. WattPotatoes; also some Ajax Seed Oats. •_• Apply to Archie Young, ,)hone 4(I-8, .?. ,t• Myth. 31.1, . 4H•...••.•o•H.. 1•...... i. 1.•: .•,. ,•, .•,..•,.., .;.• ru t 2 New 1land Pumps, just arrived, Get your order in at once if you require one of these as they are very scarce. Apply to A. \V. P. Sltith, phone 92, Myth. 34 I p, FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE \I-1 i. [limit—, 7 it. jot: 11 II \I ,ten•, SHERIFF'S SALE OF SHARES oft cut ; s)+ri,..', t,"'tll , ult:',;'t1v-; Sic( I AUCTION SALE All the right, title and interest :4 lire t"1' 1)".'1-`,Y : I lellry \\ an. ', 1,1 OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS \\', E. Stanley in and t„ eleven tut its- nearly Welt :set e( tl ti LH'. a :11w At the Residence Of rt'', one hundred and >ewenty-three ply 10 I'at (litho, 'rt1 like \I rets, (11,17,1) ``hart'.; ill thti stock of the 1'11.'111' I.) 1, Ill i,--rl.. -,i, FRIDAY, APRIL 13TH MRS. J. E. TAYLOR, LONDESBORO—�_,—_._ .._ _.. __--_-__ llnnus;ir Gas and Oil Company, t„ he commencing tut 2 p.m, sold be Public Auction tit 12 lock NO'T'ICE TO CICEDITORS TERMS: CASH (i::U.S,'I'.) n. on, on \1'crineot ty, .\pril In The Estate of Ada B. Laidlaw,Lite 18, 1943, at th.' Sheriff's Office, lour( Mrs, J. E. Taylor, Proprietress, cf the Village of Myth, in the County \\;histo \lorritt, Auctioneer, 34-1, I louse, (iuicri(11' cf Huron, Widow, Deceased. Terms ; C:I:It. NELSON HILT \II per -u1, ha\ n,; tI lit• ,.',;lin •t S';Ie't'ltf ()with, , of lint'utt. tlu' Estate of the ;llt..we (1. c, required to isle the :.nor \\`tlt tht, nn- !crsigncel AUCTION SALE 33-2. Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Hcusehold Goods at the farm of Bert Marsh, Lot 5, Malt- smith 1015, niter \\ hid) (I;Ity the ;less; tt l! land 131ac1<, tlullett 't'\\p„ one half mile OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS l 2i .\t the reselence of \Irs. Annie (iii!- �twe tli>tlibnterl anlnntrt Cie ;;I rt le, t':- lee, 111111111t011Awcuuc, 1111'111,011 'titled thereto. hawing r, ' -:.lest , :;ty 1,1 next SATURDAY, APRIL 14T1-1 the claim, ,tf \thi;a Il,�ti.•r x11,.11 ilia.' been givl'tt. :tt 1.30 p.m., the following:1 It.\"I'I?I) at (lin!.'(, t!,i, 28Ih 'I.1\ 11rvc'it tuohait chesterfield suite, 3-, march, .\.1),, "'t5 AUCTION SALE at one o'clock, \\'atch for bills, and full list in week's Standard. Bert harsh, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, .\uctit,necr, piece, I\llioel('t'; hall tack with mirror h. fiNG1..\\O, 1�.1'., lliut wn, its.. --A� - --- •-_---_.-._�._-_._.__- _-_-__- alt(' setel'; large bevel mirror; small t;trio, Solicitor for the said I•.sLltt. �tHi•i+++:'iii•4•'i•4.i++'i•'1'•i+ •i•0�'i?^1~I•1~1•'•f•1 sofa; i small table's; (trot; -teat tattle; •i• .i• 4 chairs; 2 rocking chairs; chest of .. ..I drawers, walnu(; 2 wash stands; cont.. ■ ■COL 3:1 ;node; glass rtt,,hoard; floor lamp, el- >. .to cclric; table lamp, electric; 2 it lamps ; R.O. ._. '-btu'net• eleettic plate; apartment el- : OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN:tai (t•tl•ic cooker, Quebec coal: state, e.,a1 :; 4GODERICH —• ONTARIO. :t: (r wood; coal oil heater; coal ,4t can, ' ,_. 5 -gal, with ,run,); wringer and nth : : Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted,:t:l stand; 2 galvanized ized tubs ; gals ;uti; rt! :. With 25 Years Experience :=:Ih,litcr; clothe-; rack ; folding screen, 4 1 O ' ' 11'dtl he at S. ! sectinit ; clothe, basket, wicker ; 1111„1 ' : R. D. Philn's Drug Store:=:ictus rug; 3 mats; cushion.; pillows; ,: BLYTH, ONTARIO ,=��flasncicttc and woolen blankets; quilts; • Ito 11C-ReZ�l��i'�'l� ;: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH, 1945• cst'tains ; 2e garden chairs; hammock; ,_, lat\•11 tltolwet•; feather mattress; 1\apnk FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. ;: ; \ LARD math css, 3 yu;.rter size; coil bed spr• I s .. TELEPHONE 20 :: 3 -quarter size; conking puts; pans; 21; .. R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE o:: grey' granite roasters; aluminum roast ;; FOR APPOINTMENTS. t:' pats; aluminum combination kettle 1 44rSPEun,) 44 H steamer; pails; wall brush, Fidler; t'%':*++++++4444•i•i+4•+"44444444;window brush, all long handles; scythe: w..•.rr rN4...rr.4.0.,•.... .,#.•.�N, Ig'trtlrll tools; ;t quantity of jam, jelly, t preserves, pickles, etc. Some glass- ware and china; linen table et chs : Iter! Attention spreads, and numerous other' article. Everything will he sold as the pro- ti Fariners!,„Tithes, is ,giwnlg up the J„void. s TERMS—CASH. i Anyone Desiring Farm Electri- M rs Annie (tittles•, l'rntttietresv. S cal Equipment, such as:— \\'illi;utt Morrill, Auctioneer. 33-2.i `- - BRING YOUR OWN CROCK AND RAVE 11' FILLED. --SPECIAL '1'11IS \• i.:EK— HOME-MADE COARSE. CUT RING BOLOGNA -25c PER I.B. H. Henham Phone 10, Myth. Butcher, WOOD'S MACHINE MILKERS, WOOD'S MILK COOLERS, WOOD'S ELECTRO•PAIL WATER HEATERS, WOOD'S ELECTRIC FENCES, WOOD'S ELECTRIC GRINDERS. Please Contact your Local Agent George Watt PHONE 40r7, BLYTH, ONT. 28-t1. f"ow, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. f' ON VISIT TO CANADIANS ,' Prime Minister Winton Churchill believes in seeing the allied fighting troops as often as possible and when possible right in their own lines. Here he is shown, bending before a Maple Leaf insignia, signing his name in the visitors book after lunching at the 2nd Canadian Corps during a recent visit to the Western Front. Watch- ing the Premier signing is Lieut, -Gen. G. G. Simmonds, C,B,, D.S.O., General Commanding 2nd Canadian Corps, VOICE OF THE PRESS MAD BEES Ain't radio \vonderful! One of the commentators last night swung away from the war and got onto the subject of bees. And among other points he mentioned was that bees sometimes shed their hair, and get bald, It must make a bee mad to have a comb in the hive and not be able to use it. - Ottawa Citizen, SUSPICIOUS! i' ig:it beneath the tory of a hen- house robbery, a Minnesota paper printed a church notice announcing aa chicken supper, The editor is be- lieved to have left town for a few days, - I-Iamilton Spectator. MAN -LIKE We do find it a terrible hardship to do without the few things we do not need. - Brandon Sun. WANTED MOTOR MECHANIC APPRENTICE 16 to 17 Years of Age 1Ce hors opening In our 'Toronto Shop for bright yming enunlry boy 1'%110 0 ants In learn motor nlerhnnier n 11 11 eonnlruelton equipment repair. 11vo nude opening � o tour I ti for tn, smart bright High School Itoy's, as 'Timekeepers on ('nnstruetlon (cork for 'Telephone C'ondult and lits Lines. Steady employment, gond evokes and pl(1 „dwnneemeul. Apply: PAR-TEX FOUNDATION CO. LIMITED, 4010 D1"N0LS ST. WEST, TORONTO Telephone ,IFnetIon 4111 Women In Aerial Transport Service The fact k not so well known as it should he that there are hun- dreds of woolen pilots serving in Britain, continents the Stratford Beacon -Herald, Most of them are British girls, but there are also quite a few Americans. 'Their job is to relieve the combat pilots by transporting bombers from fac- tories to airfields, or from airfield to airfield, and generally flying planes in messenger service, or carrying small -package goods, A British official who visited an air- port recently and wanted to get to another in a hurry was greatly surprised when he was assigned a seat in a Lancaster bomber which was piloted by a young woman. Before starting off she checked up the mechanism with all the skill of an engineer, and hand- led the controls of the powerful machine as if it were an ordinary, routine job to her -which it was. ,1/4))11/(7 EAT -SLEEP -LOOK sea • !FEEL BETTER/ 10.1 s.) LLr; VITAMIN B -COMPLEX , , Liquid & Tablet Form ILDATALLY s'T'RESr with Lemon Juice Men and women who sutler nagging aches and pairs caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, of Lumbago Warn a, relieve such symptoms promptly To get such relief ... try ALLLNRU! Mix 2 table- spoons of -this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon twice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLEN1tU. Get ALLENRU today . $ 1 85c at any druu store. Write for iufornrltive booklet "Here's Good Health to You" to Stafford -Miller (of Canada ) Ltd., Dept. 9, 172 John St., Toronto, Ont. JWILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM quickly relieves soreness, still neck and other aliments caused by exposure to weather conditions Aches and pains disappear idth one application FINNS can ee1161 NOS11tl Me ISr , 1's s 1'4'1 thus Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieveu MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings -when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label l ddirjections. Try i(! OG� V�VaNW COMt'AtMMIp Synthetic Tires Withstand Speed Synthetic tires trade by the Fire- stone 'fire & Rubber Company of Canada i.imited have successfully completed a most gruelling speed test trade t, ascertain just how such tires stand up under high speeds. The t('4 w:l, authorirt l h•. the U.S. Government and conducted by the American :\utomol,i'e As- sociaUun, , Locale was the I n- di,anapolis Speedway. scene of the prewar automobile classics. Wil- bur Shaw, fatuous three -time win- ner of the Indianapolis Race, vol- unteered to niahe the test. Driving a racing car equipped 0ith regu- lar tires taken from stock, Shaw AC(OI:J'TAN'TS 1'Q A1'11I'1'Olts INCO3TE TAN 1tEI'tIers rOM- plete Bookkeeping Services Small or Lirge Businesses. Trowel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 lVrllincton Ct 1.1. 'rots -into ir)nt BEACHES MODEL HOME OVEP,1,0(KINa LAKE ONTARIO. Yrm may win this 310,000 model home for $1,00. Write for your shares today. (SL00 enrh) to Benches Business Men's Assorin- tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mulled promptly. Drew to be mnde Mny 211h. Proceeds for war Chnritles 11.1111' CI11C'iCS $I.00 110(11(9 YOFlt 01111E11 ORDER YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and front 25 ozeggs or Netter, Barred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100. IVhite Leghorns mixed 811,00 per 1011 Barred Rock Pullets 819.00 per 100. white Leghorn Pullets 522.00 per 100. white Rocks mixed 815,06 per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. \Ve guarnntee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chnthnm, Ontario. BRUNTON `Bred -to -Pay" CHICKS 11111)01: ISLAND it1;l1S, \VISITE stocks, Barred Rocks, (;olden Hampehires, Government Approv- ed, illoodtested, Illustrated Cat- alogue Erre. Brunton ('cdnr Olen Farms Hatchery, 622 \Vlnnett, Toronto (mention paper), 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT 130010 POUR 1915 CiI1('KS NOW and get your chicks when you want then). Orders ere pouring In. Breeder Iiatrheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordlnnry chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Tared Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New l-I:unps., Sussex X Leghorns, Roil( X Leghorns. hoc(( X New limps., ilarred Rorke Send for large Illustrated Cntnlogue and Price List. Lnkeview Poultry Farul, Wein Bros.. Exeter. Ont. TTI(:RE IS i'R01'I'I' iN CHICKS if you start right. That's what successful poultrymen have learn- ed from experience and that's why so many of these snme poul- trymen have found It to thea' ndvnntage to order Top Notch ehlcks year after yen,', 13ecnuse Top Notch chicks are Government Approved from blood tested hrred- ers thnt ihive proven to be husky, healthy, big producers. Start right thls year with Top Notch Chicles. 1\'rite for the Top Notch Cntnlogue and prlrelist, right now -to -day. Limited number of started ('hicks for immediate de- livery. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario, BAR1lEll ROrKS, LD:(;ITORNS, New iAOnpshtres - chicks for immediate shipment, end n lim- Itc'd quantity started in brooders, pullets, cnrleerels, unsexed. We advise early orderinrr, Bray Hat- chery, 122n! .Intal N., iIninl1ton. Ont. IIILO tD BREASTED SIICSI:X COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE IVEEIC• ly, If you ord,,r al once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the mnrlcet. White skinned, lona rounded breasts. Also New Hemp. cox with fent growth and fentherine Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-5 lbs You can buy these for 54.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $5.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed - ern on ONE pinnt Lnlcevlew Poultry Ferns. \Vein Bros. Exeter, Onlnrin DARK CORNISH GAMir ('OCKI:R- e1s, grand type, development, ranee raked. Choice Breeders, weights 8 lbs. Prier's 010.50, $7,50, $3.50. George Henbeet, 8112, 118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER C11 100 I'Ul- let ehlcics, we give 100 tree chicles (our ehotce) Leghnre pullets $22.96 per 100. hnrred Rock pul- lets 919 96 tier 1011 White Rnrlr Pullets 521.95 per 100. All chicks sold barked by high egg pedigreed stock, 51,0n honks your order. hnlnnce C.O.D Gunrnnlerd i00r/,. live delivery (Cent Hnlelirry. Chatham. Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE ST.11t'I'1:U PA1)1(R1) 1)Or'iK PUL - lets, 1 west( old 22r, 2 weeks old 26 rents. Immediate delivery. f' 'Id 4(4 liatrhery, Pi i Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS RIS 4'ii'r:\iN YOU Bel' GOOD healthy, vigorous chicles, Buy (1(1,'ks with breeding and llvability nail you will he certain of success Our Breeders ere all Government inspreted, handed and blood -tested. \I'rlte for descriptive rntnlogue on the different breeds, and prices nn our Government Approved chicks MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkton, Onlnrio "OXFORD" 13L:00D-TESTED chicks. live, Iny and pay. They are the results of nineteen years of careful selection and breedine to O.B.S. They have to be good because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flocks Improved breeding. Rig, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Writ( for our freo folder. Barred Reeks. White Leg -horns, lin-sexed Chicks. Pullets and Cockerels. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operntive I'rodt'r Co., Ltd.. 434 Main St.. Woodstock Ont. U.K. Bacon Ration 4 Ounces A Week I.et no one get the imine->iou that, while we reduce our con- S11I1114i011 of port in order to assist in supplying Britain, the people of the t'nited I\ingdont are grow iug fa 1 on the soak we scud than: The )til iti'h lawn ration is four ounces a week.--Ilrot'h\illc 1Zecotd1:1 and Tina's, drat e 5110 miles at an average speed of 100 miles per hour, taking the turns at t)O miles and step - pin) up to more than 135 miles an 110111' on the st'.1i011taW (ys without a single skid or blowout, Tire engineers say it is equal to 5(1,001) miles of ordinary driving. BABY CHICKS 1'OI' I'.1N"I' (11) \\'RuNO "1'44 rd,ll'' ('hunks. 'there Neill he n guaranteed m:lrlc,'t next fall for all the eIn'ks you ran brood title spring. rho 1'.S, Army will lake 30,e15,11(l Its, and Great Britain , err in, reesine amounts. With the possibility of rationing our home market should he firm - definitely and the Old Country will mice our egg surplus. So on can't go \vrnng with chicks this Sprint. 'Phar Is If you buy good (hleks and Ionic after them. 11:1,11 -Hera are the prices you ran e0unl on next Fall for dress- ed poultry, 1".0.11, ('ount'5' 1'ro- , csswg Plants. Grade A Mille Fed Sar Ili., 11 21', cirede A 28e, 11 25c, lion', vend another day: order chicles et once, 1'rr•e e:lt- (1 'I'wed,lle C1(1ek llnteher- Ies Limited, Fergus. Ontario. 21 FREE CI11CICS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK 111 registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, 512 (10 per hundred; White Leghorn!, 511.00: White Bones, 515.00; Brown Leghnrns, $13,00, Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns, 022.00; Willie Rocks, $24,00; Brown I,eghorns, 824.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will he given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick hatchery, liri- tannia sleights. Ontario 01111E11 YOUR CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chlelcs for next spring when you want them, Barred Rock mixed 112,00 per 100, white leg - 1101'1,8 mixed 011,00 per 100, 13nr- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets 922.00 per 100. heavy Breed Clcls. 05.00 per 100, Leghorn CI(ls. 92.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100%r live dellvery, 51.00 books your order, balnnee C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery', Chatham, Ontario, 1110(1l)-'I'I*l'l'E1) 1IY13RID COCK-, ends, April le, Leghorn Cocker- el:4 1', .\Iso white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets. Stormont l'oultry Farm, Finch, Ont. IIUSI\'ESS (1 I'I'OIITIINPI'1ES 57,1150-100 neres, all workable, good land, 18 head cattle, 4 hors's, 10 pigs, new machinery, 5 -roomed house, 70 miles from Toronto, would consider small house vicinity New Toronto or Mini!co as part payment, or $3,000 down, ha111nre easy pnymente. Apply 227 5.111 St., New Toronto, Ont, Ili'I:ING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTIIING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. \Ve are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 11. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Vonge Street, To- ronto. I1Alltl)11LSS1NG L E A R N HAIRDRESSING TT1C Robertson method. Information nn request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Rond, Toronto. FOB SAidE ELECTRIC MO'T'ORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pn1• legs, brushes. Allen Electrlr Com• puny Ltd.. 2325 Duffcrin St., To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR• agtls, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontario Flags 1.01,ES AND STANDARDS Silk Flags to Order Society flags to Order GEO 11, WfLICiNSON LTD. 333-5 OUI:LLE'I'TE AVE., WINDSOR 55,500 - iIEAUTiFULi,Y i,AND- seeped GO acres, new brick, square plan house, large Karn, garages, electricity, spring water. \V. Overland, Cataract, Ontario. 50 -ACRE FAT151 FIRST CLASS, up -to -dale, Write for particulars, Pert Ilagadorn, Ilm'gessville, Ont. Amateur Theatricals SITE our character costumes. Have 500 costumes to choose from. Make- up dicl(eys, minstrel c'ollnrs, gloves, etc, Costume Dept. - Second Floor GEO. 11, WILKINSON LTD. 233 0111:1,1,1:'1"I'l5 AVIS,, WINDSOR TIEAUTiFUI. COMFORTERS 91ADE from your materials, Quilting 51.85. Your wool carded 25c Ib., washing 21' Ib. Quick service. Vir- gin wool Mitts 51,15 Ib. Wool Carding Machines 514.95, Spinning Wheels 513.95. Ask for catalogue. Slfton Wool Products, Box 123, Slfton, Manitoba. SAI}' MILL, NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- Ity upward one thousand per hour. Can be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced saw'y'er. For particu- lars, write or call Dot \'allleres, \1111 Bridge, Ont. 1)o not call on Saturday, FOX IiOI'N0 Pl'I', HALE. 1'.IREN'I'S xi el) tired end exr•ellent hunters. $1. -.leo. 7 Rolland Rd., Leaside, iso I1 5.41.1:, Str•CllltMl('li-U1:h:1111\'(1 14'11 fleeter on steel, rumplet( 441111 h'! (n,lley and 9-ftn'rn4\ ten t„i td„u. ?7::.,. I:. t', 11'91(11;1( 11eorg'14wu, (Int. Nazis Can't Even Believe Their Eyes A front reporter said ['rime 1Lin- ister Churchill and Field M:u•sllall Montgomery halted at one point 00 their trip to the east side of the Rhine last week to thatch It group of German prisoners bring fer- ried Hack over the Rhine :\ British guard turned to the German captives and shouted raucously : "(lave a good look, There's \\'ionic and Mont' cross - ins; your l:hinc. [lute about it?" Even seeing is nut hclleving for German paratroopers taken pris- user. .\-•I:c'd 1\I hat they thought when they stns the great airborne arm- rla flying over them these German paratroopers • shook their heads and said: "lt was just British propaganda," El111 SA 1.E \10'1'01:, 3 11.p.. 'SOO 1'.p fu •y,•l', J211 volt. re- built, 1;. 11. I;t,•h:lr,lson, Nil, .11,1(, 1,.4I;t; 1: I' 111',F:1 11,1:511511 (Haat as, N,'V' ''/,('(land 4I l:n•It„11 r;nr11'anieed, .A11er1a and Ilumiuiun Oov'rn- nu'0ls have h0ucht from Its, 11r,:il0vold 1':u'nl, Pox 97, (al- gal y, -11th, 1(0 .1C1115S, 27 AI'l:ISS GARDEN 1:1101, halanee flay 10(1111 seeded to '10ver, 8 room Brick i(ouse, Steel Drive Shed and Tlenery, (tarn fair, 4 acres in Orchard, 25 nlilrs front Toronto & iLunllton on paved hit h.V4y, ,1, R, Smith, 11.10 I, ifurnhy, (Irl. (011;:1111: AND SERVICE STATION, garage (millin, nt. and stocic and 6 -roomed house nn No. 2 High- way. calces Garage, Ancestor, (111). ',Er' 11.1ND, 3 51'1:ED, SA\\'5H(,1, carriage and husk. Good condi- tion, ,31.50. W. A. Cornell, Ko- nn,lce, Ont. }'01'1;)'111- FARM, 25 ACRES, 1,200 h(yors', 1(yd('0, market gerden land, 20 miles from Toronto and 1Ialnllton: going concern; Im- merliete possession. 11011)1 COwles, 11.1). , 1lurnby, Ont, 3011'11 AMERICAN CHiNCiIIL- lns, '•'chat rare fwd costly fttl'" Beautiful nnllnnls: easy to roue; will litter th(al sprinw,1 $150,00 pair. Robert Green, 1226 Stanley, Montreal 2. 1,1.4(MINER 1' DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS R117 C'A'IERT'iLL.AR \ViTH 8 YARD Le 'POnrnenu scraper; R08 with 12 yard scraper; 'rD1.8 Inter- national with bulldozer (scraper optional); TDIO with bulldozer; 131)4o international (47.5 HP); RD) Caterpillar; 1104 with An- thony 1llghllft Bucket and inter- changeable bulldozer blade Lighting plants, 1500 watt, 82 or 115 volts. Send for folder Diesel and Gasoline Engines 40 to 150 TIP, Other equipment available. Wire, write or phone S. H. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, \Vinnipeg, MEDiCAL STOMACIi AND 1'11150:AD 14(11(918 often are the cause of IiI-health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? interesting par - Benin rs-Freel \Vrlte Mulveney'e Remedies, Speetnllsts Toronto 8 DON'T 1)ISLAY! EVERY SUFFiSIt- er of Rheumatic Tapas or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's T)I'ug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, CONSTIPATION, 11 1 L i 0 U SN15SS, liver trouble, depressed hendnche, quickly relieved with Fig-T,ax tablets, Keep regular with 1'Ig- Lax, 25c at Druggists. BATTMEEKA FOOT BALM DTC- stroys offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drag Store, Ottawa, - Pi(OVISN REMEDY -EVERY SUF- forer of Rheumatic Prtlns or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00, 6IUSiCAL INSTitUMENTS FRED A. BODDTNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2, 0t'I'Oi1 rtrwriRS F011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing PleasantN dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem, illustrated catalogue tree Write or cull MARVEL. HAiRDIIESSING SCHOOLS 358 BL0011 W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King SL, Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street. Ottnwa. I'IIOT0f:It.t l'111' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26e RIIPRINTS b for 25c ICTNEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, hitt you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to 1311'1;It1AL 1'llll'I'1) SERVICE Station J. Toronto CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. Snaps c'an't be taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAiL SERVICE Any Size Roll -11 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26e "I get best results from Star Sn up• shot Service" writes n customer 1n Nova tenth, who adds that she line 1ried many pinres. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (le extra) Is sent with fila roll. ENLARGE\IENTS- COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x 5" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on Ivory tinted mots, 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, Circassian Wninut or Black Ebony finish frames, 19c earl). if enlargement colored, 791' env!) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. Clock From Scrap British prisoners in Stalag III, (i;t'rn(any, claim that .their clock, made from 4)1(1 tins and a gramo- phone spring, loses only 20 seconds► a day, SAFES Prosser your moots and CASH from EIRE end 'TIIIISVES, We 111114' a nlre and type of Snte, or Caldnel, for any purpose. Visit un, or r,rIte for prices, rte, to Dept. 44'. J.&J.TAYL®IR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front SI. ill., 'Toronto Enlnhllshed 1856 PIANOS Alts; I'M' 1NTERI:S'I'E1) IN 7.1115 new small Pianos? if so write' 11,1 for latest rlesrriptive circular, Factory Mason & Hirsch Limited, 612 King 50 West, 'Toronto, PATENT'S FET11EItS'1'ONIIAUGII & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Estnbliand 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information en re- quest. SI'1t1'I111.iN PROPERTIES WAN'I'(:I) 111'111\ 25 MILES or 'TORONTO, with or without 'wronged We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging up to $50,000 throughout this area, It. F. HEA1, & CO. 11a \'urge St., Toronto Al). 3457 TOMATOES FROM SEED! GROW YOUR OWN STURDY TO - mato plants this year. pt's easy, but start them early and for happy results plant Master Mar - globe, America's must perfectly formed tomato -extra large and solid. "The. Tomato with the Ex- tra Slice", Send 15c tar Speelal PH.; or only 25c far 'i oz, Full - colour rntnlogue Free. Dept, We W. \\', 1111111 & SONS LIMITED. Lindsay, Ontario. MEN AND l%OMEN WAN'I'ICII OP' i'AIt'I'ICULAR INTEREST TO veterans and farmers; Sell Paull - lox spices, extracts, alimentary products, medl'lnes, sines(' and other ferns products and sueveed. Monthly free offers open every door. Every family n prospect. Good (llst'lcLs open, Pleasant and profitable work for part time workers. Free Plan and catalogue. P'nmllex 1800 Delorintler, Mon - trent, WANTED Cash Register Wanted 1 Cent Up. Must Be Cheap, 888 Ouellette Ave., \\'Indoor SADDLES WANTED RIDING ROOTS AND (TEAR WE PAY CASK • GEORGE H. WILKINSON 888 OUELLETTIC AVE., WINDSOR invalid Chairs Wanted WILL pay cash or swap for what we have. Swap Dept, Geo. 1-1. Wilkinson Ltd. 333 Ouellette Ave, Windsor Portable Phonographs WANTED! \'1111 pay Cash or Swap for new shoes or new clothes or what we have. 01;0. TT. WILKINSON 333-5 OTIELLETT15 AVE., WINDSOR WANTED. GRIMM'S ISVAPORAT- or. Size two and one half by eight only, State condition and price. G. A, Ilogg, Thnmesford, Ont, WANTED, GARDEN TRACTOR, 1 to 3 horsepower, State condition and price, Box 21, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. FARM MACHINERY "VIKING" CREAM SEi'ARATORS and repair ports are n1vnye available either at your local denier or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre - Dame \\'est, Montreal 8 Que. . 11E1.1' WANTED I-IOUSETCEI'7PER \V1'I'll FARM experience, Modern Ferns, by April 13t1. 2 adults. Brampton District, References required, J. M. Dotson, Brampton 2, Ont. CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with sotne experience on make-ready. Steady position for steady reliable man, (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employ- ment & Seleetlre Servlee Office, Fii,E-C,R, 2519. EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPER. ator and floor man wanted at once, slendy posltion. (44 -hour week). Apply fleetest Employment and Selective Service Office, FTLiE-C.11. 2520. PAIt11 iiEEL1' WANTED FARMER, STNGLIC, RELTABLIC steady man for general farm work on dairy farm, Experience milking machine, tractor, prefer- red 70 dollars monthly plus board, laundry, Apply F, Von Pills, Bolcnrfnrm, Highway No. 8, Whitby, Ont, Phone Whitby 960. MR. WOOL GROWER W10 OPERATE A GOVERNMENT Licensed Wool IVnreh0use and are prepared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Government Grading Standards and at estab- lished Government prices, You can apply your wool credit against Minket pur(hnsee, We do not handle . used w'no1lrns, THE STRATI I ITO\' WOOLLEN MILLS LTD., S'i'1;:\'I'iI IIO1', Ont. ISSUE 15-1945 .'',wRR�,�.'i17�•',d.\..a'`in��•'V.k�``.�..Sc�.+#��d;''t(•y'..:Z?a`\.d` ,�.lb�'..��' ...e�\`.a The Jade God BY .yam2 MARYy IMLAY TAYLOR r\.�t ..A'!C' ,h'\..��� ,a\T��.r�ia ...t7.R''`fi`���n(�Q.�`\. �'r\`: �,R��..C�•�L��' ,,,,R�'•('�.a. •,\\,.Zr�' ..S CIIAPTER XVII "I le H'anted one—he wouldn't take me because of this, Uncle Herbert, I love hint. Oh, please, please help me dear hint!" She crumpled down again on her knees beside his chair, clinging to his hand sobbing. "I'm tvrctched1" she wept. "I wanted to go with MID and he wouldn't take one!" 'Good heavens the old man murmured to himself. 11e felt no Impulse of rage now, only the weakness that follows it. Ilow extraordinary these new girls were! 'Then he added, aloud: "'That's decent of him. I begin to like hit(, fan," "Olt, you'd like hiin, He's splen- did; he's big—he's generous, and he's suffered! It isn't right, Uncle Iierbert, svhere's your old suspect? Fat and sleek somewhere, getting older and older—no use presently —and all Mark's splendid youth gone like this." "He'll live it (lown. 11c's young," Burleson argued hoarsely. "Be- sides, w110 knows? 'There are often deathbed confessions, one may clear him presently." She acorncd that, "Do you think a man who'd done that—and let youth suffer for it— would con- fess?" she demanded furiously. * * He nodded, Moving his long fin- gers restlessly on the arms of his chair. "Ile might, Para(." "lie wouldn't, Uncle Ilerbert, you'll clear him for me, ti'on't you ?" jA\4. ALL•FABRIC Tinlex IN A WIDE RANGE Of SMART COLOURS—IS GUARANTEED TO DYE EVERY FABRIC INCLUDING CELANESE, NYLON AND MIXTURES ;I:14 45.5 .1, .a Are You Overtired Whether you overwork, worry or expend your energies in the social whirl, the result is the same — chronic fatigue or nervous exhaustion. Your nerves and bodily organs are also tired so that digestion fails and you lie awake rat nights unable to sleep. Perhaps there is nothing that can so definitely help you as Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD. Many people find this to be the case. \\'hy not benefit by their experience. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60s. -60e t s. 180s-4150 ISSUE 15-194b "Do you care so much, child?" She lifted that flowerlike face of hers. "it's killing rale—he's so brave, 1 can't bear it, flint he should he called—that!" taSuppose 1'd done it, Pam? Would you want rate—at my time of life—to go out and confess it? \Vhet1 the boy's taken his punish- ment and he's only to start fresh?" IIe leaned back i,1 his chair, studying her, "1 tell you what 1 can do, Tara!," he said filially. "I've offered to do it already --told Fosdick I can help hint to a new chancre." She scorned that. "You mean money? That's nothing! He can work ---T know he'd rather," "1 didn't mean just moncy— l've got a little pull on the rail- ways. I could help him to a good berth, 1'nt like you, in a way, I. think he should have a new chance." * • * "I don't think anything matters half so much as his good name, Uncle Herbert," She was still on her knees beside him; she twined her arms about his arra and held him, "\\'ho was the luau you sus- pected?" "'That was only a suppositious case, Pant," he said hoarsely, "I suspect no one at all." She gazed at hint wide-eyed. "\'on're not telling the the truth, Uncle Ilerbert!" ((I'm not—what"? lie asked fiercely, frowning. "You're treating nit like a baby. I'm not—I'm a woman and I love a man you helped send to prison. Yes, you did! You testified against him," Burleson seized her young wrists and raised her to her feet; he had to rise to (10 it. "Now, you listen! You go and sit clown and lista!! I'm going to putt it up to you." * * * "Suppose I did help semi this boy to prison," he said bitingly. "Suppose 1 testified against him— what then? It was mere routine. 1 knew his uncle well -1 knew hilt1—a little; lie was a boy, tall, lanky, hot tempered, something of a daredevil and the uncle ,was hard and close as nails, Ile had a way of saying taunting things; he could be insulting—politely. Suppose then, someone killed hint, struck Hint down, found that it fitted 00 to the nephew like a glove—he'd been there, and all that. Suppose he let it go at that, and the boy took the punishment, got through writ!! it 811(1 had his chance to (lake his life over. D'you suppose the ether matt -secure and comfort tide and !it'll—would step down to p'lson to clear him—after tlf.cen years?" * * * "\o," she replied 1 Carly, "1 dot.'t think he would ural( Ss you made him. Iles too bad a man. A man who lets another suffer tor him is wicked!" ('You're right. No one w•ou'-1. 'that's why it w-oullti't do ate any coact to shone out suspicious at this day The ssue''lead coul,In't inch ('21 any 111:1') 11 ,ie;) c1^ at, from his plat' and diserace o;mself for 11-11(212 xl" 1" "\Voul•'n't he?" S,'c leaned hall; in her chair, her eyes brave, "1 don't see why, Ile's got nothing to lose," "Nothing to lose?" he repeated, astonished. "No, nothing! IIe lost every- thing years ago when he let a young man sutler for him. IIe's worse than a murdered. Ile's a coward.,, "You think you love this fellow?" he asked her dryly; "this consist?" he barked the word at her. * * * She tried to answer quietly, but her courage failed her, she broke down. "it's killing me 10 think of hien—facing all this—and he Wouldn't take ale with hint! It's terrible to face it—and to be alone, too!" she sobbed, and suddenly she stretched her arms out on the table and laid her head down on SiTIER FOR SETTER Mother instinct proved too strong in this red }tett, owned by Mrs. Minnie Horton of Columbus, Ga, When her eggs -failed to hatch site took over from the mother of these young pups, and now the dog is having a hard time getting back to her family , . . that is, until dinner time. them, weeping violently, Then she broke out again, "Someone did it—and 1 don't see how he can think of it, think of leaving Mark to face his sins, and sleep at night," Burleson gave her a long look— a look she did not see, "Maybe he doesn't, Pam," he said dryly. "Come to think of It, I don't believe he does!" "He ought to diel" site cried fiercely. "He ought to have died long ago!" "Good Godl" said Burleson be - 101%, his breath, and turned away. ('1'O BE CONTINUED) HowCanl?? By Anne Ashley Q, flow can i prevent cloudy - looking mirrors? A, 1)o not place mirrors where the sun shines directly on than, 1t will slake the surface cloudy and spot it. Q. Ilow can I prevent sagging shoulders in sweaters? A, The shoulders will not sag if a piece of ribbon, the length of the shoulder of the person front neck to armhole, is attached at each end of the ribbon to the sweater. Q, 1few can I avoid a disagree- able odor of the oil stove? :1, \\'hen the nil stove ,gives off that disagreeable odor of oil, try dropping a shall piece (i )anal camphor into the tank, Q. Ilow• can 1 rentate a sealskin coat? .\, One Can (take last wear's seal- skin coat look like new by rubbing with 1201 salt, It will absorb the dire. Q. iiow can 1 prevent rusting of iron,' A. They will not rust When they are packed away for any length of tinge if they arc rubbed with a little (at that contains no salt, such as nnultonfat. 'Then wrap them- in brown paper, Why not have brand new slip- covers all ready to whisk over your chairs and sofas soon as Spring cleaning's finished? Start them now! Any amateur can snake slip- covers using Instructions 661 which tell you, step--by-step, how to cut, fit and finish slipcovers. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needle- craft Dept, Room 921, 73 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly( Pattern Number, your Nano and Address. TABLE TALKS Tea Biscuits : . Tender and Fluffy The home economists of the Consumer Section, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, give 501111 reasons for biscuit failures, and ex- plicit ways of avoiding them. Too much fat makes crumbly compact biscuits; however with too little fat they, will not be tender, and the crust may he hard and pale in colour. The amount of liquid determines the softness, Too much liquid may result in a hard crust and the bis- cuits will not hold their shape. 'foo little liquid results in a hard bis- cuit with a taste of uncooked flour. The fat and flour must be blend- ed lightly until the Mixture resem- bles coarse (teal. This can be clone deftly with the fingers or with a special wire blender. The shape and texture also de- pends largely on the way in Which the dough is handled. \ little kneading is necessary but only for about half a minute — to produce light fluffy, well shaped biscuits. if the dough is not kneaded the biscuits are apt to be crusty and flat but light, — but tvilh too much handling they may be tough Ilat, and close grained. Tea Biscuits 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 tea -peons baking ponder ] tcaspnon salt 3 tablespoons fat ?s cut( lain: :Mix and ; ift (1•y ingredients. Cut in the shortening, using finger tips ora pantry blender, until mix- ture resembles coarse meal. Add 1llilk slowly and mix to a soft dough. Roll t( !; inch tllitl:ae-s on a floured hoard. Cut, place iu a baking sheet and bake in a 1cry hot oven, 42:('F, for 12 10 1', min- utes. Cheese Pinwheels Rall bb -cults slough into a rec- tangle 1: incl) thick. Sprinkle ttith '4 cup grated cheese. loll up like a jelly roll, cut into inch-Ihic1: sli- crs ar(1 1(,212r, cut side down. Butterscotch Rolls t ties i; c teat hisruit- la cup mild-fla\on d fat, partly' butter MI cult firmly peckid brown sugar 1'1 rt,are Li,enit dough , 1.011 into 2,1212,0g piece, 1.2 inch thick: spread v:ith creamed mixture of fat and brown sugar. Roll as for jelly roll and (rut in 1 -inch slices; Place slices in greased pan or muf- fin pans and halve it hot oven, 4110°F, for t'.0 Minutes. Scorch Remover The simplest solution for scorch- ed clothes may he chilly, but it is effective. From your refriger- ator get a piece of ice large enough to cover the scorched spot, Rub the ice back and forth over the discoloration until it has entire- ly gone. When all trace of the scorch has disappears((, press your article again, but this time be sure the iron is temperate. ice will do the work! Nazi Oil Supply Cut German gasoline production has been reduced by R.A.F., and U.S.A.A.P, and the Russian advance to less than 26(,0 of the rate at which it Was running before the air offensive against oil began last April. Quality Guaranteed "SALAD TEA CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM Now it can be told! Now we can ba'.' (re what we 118ve been hoping and longing to say for years and yeses. We arc having the holoc wires!! Yes, acteafly--the hydro is on its way. \\'e don't know even yet how many weeks. -- or months --it will he before the line is built, but WC do know it is coating b( cause we Were told by Hydro Comnli<sion to go ahe;ul and get our wiring clone, and the Commission doesn't give that advice until it is sure the line is going through, So we are going ahead all right, But the job won't be done Over -night as the elect- ricians arc working only on a part- time basis. So far they have been the better part of three days. 'Three joyous days—that is for us -1 don't know about the electricians. Never in all the time we have been (arming has anything us quite such a thrill as this. * * * Docs the job make extra work? Why sure --but what (tatter? Boards have to be ripped up here and there, R hole cut through one ceil- ing to the attic; holes cut through walls and ceilings for light; and switches; plaster dust spreads it- self right through the house; and 0 course there are extra meals to get and plenty of questions to answer, And in the middle of all this Daughter and friend arrived for long week -end. 011, street confusion—it never worried Inc Iess3 It was really rather funny. Saturday We Were not expecting the teen to he here at all. But it rained, so one of 1110111 carate alter all. And he came when our visitors were still blissfully sleeping—and in the roosts where he wanted to work. Well, it didn't take Inc long to have those sante rooms eva- cuated, ( can assure y02. 4799 SIZES 31.52 FcW p;alcrn pieces In 1';thee( •14!(12. lis, straight seams 10 Se1t', had: and front! No sleoes to sct in! It adds up to lase sewing. A cool dre -: ,lint and flattering, fatter( 4199: \\'omen's sizes 32, 34, 36, :1S, .;tl, 42, 44, 46, 4S, 30, '12, tiizc :111, :1 y,l:, 3:1 -ill., ! -, yd, trim. Send twV( my cents (20c t in coins (stamps (110(,1 he accepted) for this pattern, to Room 421, 1.1 Ade- laide St. \Ve,t 'Toronto. Print plain- ly size, name, address, style num- ber. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REG ES HOTEL 1111{ n VTO • 1.;21',) I{""m ',III, 10,1 1,, Shoe• er ,rad I'elep),nne. • .Ing!(, S.1, II ne— penthe tett an up. • (good l'o"d, I)iutng and thane. Ittg VIglillr Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA 4135 Headache Nothing is more deptes• sing than headaches .. Wh1' suffer?... Lambly's will give instant relief. La mbly's is good forcer. ache, toothache, pains to back, stomach. bowels. Bf, ,hied. HEADACHE POWDERS- II. By Gwendoline P. Clarke \\'t' 111011g111 g(11 )1) on : 2.( leas 1{(,1111; to ('1 II(l,ht'alc ((1: still forting but then 1' •. -s, it rained. 1 :at !la•, el\ (.1 oN a breatllit1' .2 (11. !tut it ' , • , t he for 1,(V --111C hose r si(lr ha' (-2'1Y al,l,r(anC., ( ' .I ring. Tho, „ft: l ((" 11 w': t ((:.r a little (hive and it wag'i- dunce rteryy,here. Olu c I [dud oat gleefully --"Oh, '(lee: -- do 12e1:, thee(',• a 1(1uebir1!'" 1::t unfortui etcly I Missed it. 11 carr, presently it (tats my .. t(, exelai2L'—"1 ,fol:, 8!(111; the) :e ee ... ser t11n1 .. , a couple (f stat t,..:" :end of eouree v r ': •,t' plenty of little land), aural ...et- po-}live .ign' of TI ring, * * * llowu\cr ,'n Most of th, we passed wort: in the fie'(,- ',,,1 not yet begin), in others the "1,1 field had been Worked up. Bet oh dear, there teas 0110 f:crt • ,,.c passed, where a field alon)c-i !r the .road w•a • partly sown --and til,: (;rill and four bags of grain had ',ren left sitting in the fiel', I't•o',a,;y the farmer tno1 a chance v::111 the idea of saving time, 1 wonder '1 he 'felt the next morning w1o• he heard the rain pelting down. • * K \\'ell, the 1•our is late, to sleep, perchance to (11(1)111--;,11(1 it may he that when 1 get t, I shall dream of a house roosts are filled With light. '. ':,.re there are 110 lamps to snt„1:, , n( lamp chimneys to clean, or 0 .,' is to be re -fueled, and !where one r.ut Walk uvith cyuail salrty fro!,: ,,'tic to cellar, and Where ,1 plug i the wall provides one with the t.. ,015 (f using all kinds of tnolIere , 21- (('llleller.---11, 811(1 ellen, til(' (',;111 he procured! HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. \Ve sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col. lags, Sweat Pads, Horse Mate kets, ,and Leather 'T'ravelling Goods. insist on Staco Brand Trade 'elnrked Goods, and you g'et satisfaction. Made only hy: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto Get quick relief From HEADACHE this way.. . WHEN you stiffest from an annoy;ne, aggravating headache, get grnck,1rlp- aclion relief just by taking a 1ast-at'1 1/, prescription -type Instantine tablet. This tested and time proved rented!. specially compounded to case your headache fast: 1, Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depression." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." Take Instantine for otherRains. too: the lona lic, neuralgic, ncurtlrc suffer- ing, or the misery of colds. All drug- stores have Instantine. 12 tablets 23r. ti.sififine u product of The Soyer Ce., ltd. PAGE S. THE STANDARD 4.4-4- 11111100000 i• 1♦ "; AlCCIVINSICKKIVEKtEKKKICKMXKWINIttiCtOCEOCCEKVittitil .t, IiiDatli`Blit$iaDM:121)i$iair.NIt31aaiDi`dt`JiNIIIN,a 4)l:r01.91$i`�7itf:1111)1111,%cPlNMfaat`diAAM SHOES FOR SPRING Women's Arch Shoes Women's Suede Pump Children's Oxfords Boys' Work Shoes Men's Dress Oxfords $2.95 - $5.95 S:1,95 SI 79-~1.95 11) .50 $2,95 - $1.110 A Good Stock of Wheeling Yarn on Iland. Olive McGill LL a/ -1 \Ir, Jenkin. and NI rs. Shiplr\• arc w i,ilim); in 1.011(l1)n fora it' \\ d,I\;, Miss Betty Fairserwicc is spending thrcr weeks' holiday; in Toronto and ((ranc. A \Ir. and Mrs. R. 11. mill, anll fam- A li\ spent SWrt:'ay with the for er's mother, at Listowel, fir Mks l<athryn Calc of 'Toronto sprit gher Easter h(lidays with her aunt Ali,' \far\• Milne, IIV \Ir. ;incl NI rs, :\, 1t. 'rasher, an B Ross, ,)lent Sunday with l'e\'. and NIrs titI;IILon at Mayfield. is Veronica Morris, of Kitchener !silent the Easter vacation with her "• •.• ,•1•♦ • • 1 • , ♦ . . , 0:4:4•:•0• • • 1 • • • • •0«�•♦••♦•♦, ••pe •••,♦: ♦; ;u•, •:1 ••r;♦•♦♦ ,♦` tl.lfellt s, \I f•. „P I \I r•. \\. mon •i. STUART a'.ORINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - S1.00 or Over. Macaroni •1 lbs. for 25c Rice 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per pkg. 25e Jiffy Pie Crust 25c Red Rose Coffee, per Ib, 15c Laly Grange 'l'ea half ib. pkg, 'I5c Tomato Soup 10c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c ; and faintly. \i l,, \Inrl'is is busily rtr- ,t;;1,41'd 111 war 11'111'k, •: ! NI is. Katherine I.idddc of Ripley, ,)lent a te,y (Lys last it eek twith :\tut Ie;uteitr \\';11,011 ani) malt liernicl;. • .t. ( \liss \law•is \\'bite of (;adt visited �_. oyer the \ycck-(1.,I \with \Ir, and Mrs, i t•rcnr;tlt Tnnney, \Ir, \Villiain haven, of Ni:!,,oSask., 4* 'visited his newt's, Nit's. S. Rohinsitti JIr and \Irs .\if. and \lis; I{. ! o(•khart.. l Ic' w;u at.- NH" Vera '1'iel n;Iv • ronll•anied b.' \Ir, and Mrs, I•aliott Mrs. 1larry (;:bions Taylor, of i \Ir and Mrs (;curie Cowan 1 \Ir and Mrs lobo Ilaer ._♦ \!r. an,l \ir . Alonzo Sttritlt wc'c \ir and NIrs C. falconer Lnn'lott visitor, last Friday, with, \Ir;•\!r and \Ir; \Vin, lien„ Georg(' (,.Ie, and also w•isited their I \Ir and \Irs i Creighton •,•' mephcw, I'Ic. I?hner Somers, who is a , Mr and NIrs Cls Iisback patient in 'I'ratalt;ar hospital. •\Ir atilt \IN \)aloe \'ottnghlut I. \Ir an I Nil.' \\'tit. Mowatt \l l's, 1 )nose Laidlaw has rcitn'ne(1 to her Foote in Guelph alter ha\i;, * Mr, and NIrs, i(nlley Mr I. \IcN'ill •?• ,trent •,nine •r,;,\•a •\with Irien(I, here,• i Sir \rr ralle(! here i vin,q to the re- \ I t• re - ! cent death r,f her sister, the late NI rs, \i r \Ir • Doherty Bros. ChocoIatesforIverseas Wedncs(IaS•, April 11, 1915s 111.. 4.111 • .. 1 •. 1 ,1 1 I II Acetylene and Electric 'Welding A Specialty, Agents 1()r International - Harvester Parts Sz Supplies White Rose Gas and 011. Cal' Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-?1'IADE CAKE OR COOKIES REI!'IEMBER "T1 -IE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. Machan . 1:.4.••••• •:.,; ., •.4.•. • 4:••4,4:..:••: •:10♦•4:..'♦:.1 •:•• 00:4 4:44441•;•i••4:44:4 1:•,••0,•. • '•':4:,-•::• . (itt } 1.,tldi,t\, 1111 \Ir. and NI rs. T., 0. NI liter, \Ir, and PERSONAL INTEREST I \Irw. and Mr., A, E. Premier of Torun- ; Mrs. Norman Colcl( ugh, and daughter,, Ito silent the • ck-r d \11t11 the latict'; \Irs, .\Il;ut Lard( r, and danglltcr. Muth Mrs. 11. 1'. (';iota)) of Sius Lon!, tlu+thee ;in./si•ter, Th.,. Ellith itch, and and I'cd holland, all of t;c'h'c)), out t, w •it'ne her sister, NI rs. James\! Ia:11ie ns. 1 visited 0•1 Slurda\ n 1111 \I r,, .1, CI )1- (dou.l h, The patiterin,g constituted \Ir, a 1 \t \11. 'I';t\h- awl dl.ltich- join gcnrrati In;, NIrs. :\. (', Irlolll h, ter, t•:thcl, attet(ded the funeral of \irs. :\rmis•rolll:. and NI r. .\rnistronc. \Irs. lien. Taylor left on Tuesday morning to visit her son, \1 r. \\'1111;10 'Yonne-, of 'Toronto, for the neat two w1'eck•. Mrs. IturLv•s of ('hilliw•acl;, 11.('.. is visiting her daugh'cr, Mrs, !;lel, Creigiro.t. ;11'11 \Ir. C'reirzhton and 1larold. NI r. Ronal ) Edgar 1•f l.l, d n and Nit:. Norman Colclou);h, and his (lau;gh- fosepli 'I';aloe, of Detroit, last Satur- ter, NI rs. Larder, and her day, l hilt .\tttt. \II••. til Ilauni to anit t\wo chit• I - V (l'i'ft, 1)otit-i l ;+I'd Mobblr. ,[+('lit a Jew law, with \I r. awl NI rs. Poster, \Irs. .\. i:wing returned to her home 'Toro;tto ;Ii:cr \•'siting f1:t' a ivccic C( oh, whited at the home of \vitt) her ,1st(':•, Miss Jessie Sntlt('ri, JIr. and \I N. i rcdl I, Cook hoeing the a',,d \Irs, S. Cttnlititi and brother, \f %. I.\ rein(' Sewers Easter 11 •••4:•:♦;• ♦ • •••♦• • ♦♦•:•:•,0.4♦4,4♦4,4:•:�i,♦i♦.i.,4:.:•,4J,:••4:•:♦:•:•.4:,:,,4.4:. l'4 1,14.4.4,4:0 Edith Creighton's Decorator's Shop PHONE 158. BLYTH, ONTARIO. N`444•:•1: 4:••:,♦:a,:4 4:4"4:a:441.440:f+4.414:44:1:44:1 1:4•:44:1•:4:11:14:1It:•4:41:44:11:.4!•1•♦1•4;1 .•4.01•1!14!1414:.4:t u I I I I, ., 11. I I , 1.111 . . Y1.IIILLIWL4..I. 1r11.L.L Contributions (t_'omtiaut(I from page Mrs. Vin. \! c•Lean .. Nit's Gtnni:'ghrmt NIr NI. 11(1ltz:latter _........ NIrs C. Schans .... . . .. \Ir ;utd Mrs ti in Inert• NI rs .\, lIrigliain -- \Ir and Ni l's F. T3 rental! \ir and NIrs 11. 1lerrin,,;tom \lis, \I, NId(.nnell .. . . \h. Ti -\ Sanderson . \I r ;old \I is C bar).', Salter NIrs 11. hall \( l's R. \\'i',11tt:1an \Ir ;ir;1d NIrs 11 (;raw \\';u• .\I:s Tare _ NI r and NI rs t iltts 1 n NIrs I. \'w'alsh NI is, NI ;Irwin.; 1lirons \I r and Mrs S. ('re;ghton \ir O. E. AmoiL tine . MT, 1.:11,r Iic•f(mn JIr and NIrs Il, Nle.\rtcr \ir and NIrs Cr. Augustine Miss Elizabeth NI ill, .. _. Nit's Jf, \\'illiat,ts -.. \Ir and NIrs \\', Gibson . \Ir and Mrs Sillib _...... \Ir and NIrs (1rorgc Mains THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION which has been appointed to enquire into and report upon the system of education in Ontario will hold its first sessions in the Senate Chamber of the University of Toronto at 10 a.m. and at 2 p.m. on April 11, and on April 12, 1945, under the Chairmanship of the I -Ion, Mr• Justice J. A. Hope. Preliminary consideration will be given to such written submissions as are presented on or before April 10. Briefs submitted after that date will be con- sidered at subsequent sessions of the Commission. All organizations interested in any of the problems related to public education are invited to submit briefs to R. IV. B. Jackson, Secretary, Royal (ornmi,siou on liehi ation, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. and an+l ;otd Mrs :Mrs \'ts F. Ilaint on .\ Kernick 'I'Itnttlas tiTte1•ton ND: and \fes Joint Cole ... \Ir aril Jirs F. Dennis .lit' and \irs A. Taylor Mr, F. \Irs I, t'nT+•loni'h - key, ;old NTt•<, ,\, Sincl•lir Mr ;utl! \I ' \\' 'I'hucll \I r and \I l's I I, Robinson NIi , .\, (;i11e,t1ir _. 'laughter; Nit's 91. NTurray .. . NIrs 1!. \'otitis; \I t• id tin ('hick . ".\11' ;1111 NI rs F. '!'honey . ... 11 r and Mrs J• .\rntstrong 11 \I r, 11. ('omib- \ir and \irs !.. Ililbnrn 'Nfr and \i's f. S. \\'all•Icc -. r and ill's 11aroldl \'odl'lelr Doherty Bros. AIN. P. Brown 1':Ilint1 t tsmrarive .\gen•\• . NIrs. Porten ( 'l'•1`k -... \I rs. 1.i lion Cod: \fl' and \I r; tin's, i)„nl;hcrly \Ir and \Ir, , . Rutledge Thr ila'••I•It,[dt.. \ir, (;o•.-! di 1'at't,vell Nit. and NI rs .\11brey 'I'c41 JIr. Ern -,t Parker \Ir and \I r, .Miert \Ir and NI rs C:eort(' Mrs .\!bort (.) ti- n \Ir and \1 r, ' t'trrart Radford I.' 0 1.00 5.111 5.11 2.00 2.0'1 1.01 2.0'1 1.01 1.01 5.11:1 15')' 50 1 15.111 101 3.11 r 2.01 111'1 ,25 2.0 ) 2.0') 2.10 15.0 1.111) 1.0'r 1,111 Mr ilii( MN \Irs 1,01 1.111) .;1 .50 1,00 2.011 1.01 1.1)1) 2.00 i00 1.01 ?01 1.11;) 15.00 5.1)0 5,111 211)) ,.'50 2.01 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY we will take orders for Smilcs'n ('li uch1i Chocolates for Shipment O\'eracus, We advise ordering inlinediateiy as this offer may he withdrawn at, any time. I Lia. 5 OZS. FOR 99c (Postage Included). R. D . PHILP, Phm. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, R'ALLPAPER--PIIONE 211. B, 1 saamosinsmagragnmacomrkssruzsmorrataxamaksts tEKt�tat�Nit&t4tZhL'tc:t?,tGtEtyt�;tyt�,ly'It,".F,tQt�•�atf',t?,t•.t4'rZtc",0.;t'at':' y `at::%:;::'�'�' :'::l'a'w'::':;%; %::'::�'Pti,`l i 2,111) dome Furnisher -- 11)01 1.:111 1,1111 1.01) Breakfast Suiles Brighten up your kitchen this -S)Ping \ci1.h one of. these Modern Suites. They nuty Le had in a great many different styles, fi11islli.'s and ('ol(11' 1t'l11is to suit your taste. We can supply Cong'olciun Rugs !-0 111('011 lu'rl'('i'tly with most aoy colourscheme you desire, Wehavea good stock of Floor Coverings„ Window qa(les, Curtain Rods, Liquid and No -Rubbing \\lax, Vat', nish, Furniture Polish, Etc. We will be pleased to have yi'u call and inspect our offerings. r ii A Phoney 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. ti 1) ti;'�I�rar�1�1�11�1�;2,�1:roleaai�,:n�rr�I�,�12wla.�l�,;.yr,rl�t:.;��.�i�,�,r,..�,`~;<1_,♦ 1�1•c,t�,::;<a`121�,n .YfV:i i.4 I. 1.11• 1- it I . ill , I.I.. 1.4, I11ii. 1 kb. I.I.._4J144Ya/I4.414141.li444,'1.,:X144=1f++zTf.i,6=111 2,0'? .+4-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, I ,O0 I. i 2,1r)2:t: 1,(1'1 1(1.1)1 .. i0.))') :: 5 (0 :• . 5.0'1 =: 2,11') t, 111.0110 �" FRANK GONG -� Proprietor �,� 11 = .111 ;. ,♦ ,..;• ,• ,•,:.♦:1 q• •:. • ,•:•♦+,;♦ •::• •;1,. ♦:. •;, •; ,♦, ,.,, ,;. ,;. ... ,;,,;. 1.(1'1 \Ir. Orval \Ic(ow•an - \Ir ;111(1 \frs Ernest t Leg'nvit \Ir \I r and \I l's ("worn' ('barter \ir and \I r: R. C. \I.(;mwatt . _. Ui•s .\ else '1'.111 \1r and NIrs .)n1•1 Caldwell \ir and NI r, flex"+c Fe'n \Ir att'I \ir, I';,It.h ('al'tsell . Mr and NI r• I ';inh NIarsii tl JIr and \Ir; Clarence lnhnstnn \Tr and \frs (;onree ('alrh\•cil - !Mr. \\';deer \Ic(;on'an . .. Ntt• and NIrs \Pitt. Fr'ar NI r and \Irs I clic Johnston \Ir and \irs John Collinson 11 r. George SIoa't . . \ir and NIrs J. Vomit; -.---.-.... 1.0'1 JIr and NI rs' :\ Voting . 5.110 NIr and \It's !:. 1)omgatt 5.0.1 .NIrs I•:. ilrigh,tmt -.-- ................. 5.01 HUR"N BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SER\TICE. Meals at All ours° 6.01 • 1.t)') \I t• and \I l's \\', \I c(;ill _. ',01 2dp, 2.111) 3.1111 5 0'1 1.01 2,00 3,'1(1 2 on 2.01) 2 0 5.00 2 0'1 5.1)1 5.111 100 l')(1 5.00 ND: and NI rs I':. ('aldh\ell \Ir and NIrs :\Uteri Kelly - \I r and Mrs I':at't HealyNIrs. Peter Mealy 11r and NIrs A, Pierce - •11r an+l \Irs \1, Healy ... Mrs, \Jnr\ Kclh' ....... . Nit. and \I r: 11. NIcKcnzic Miss Flora Coulter . - \Irs, ta's'k Slier) NIT., and \irs. \\', NIasot Jit' :\lian Pease.... NI r and Airs 5, 1. Fear .. Airs, \\'nt. \1cCregor .... ND. and \irs A. NIontioncl\' JIr and NIrs .\. II. Jackson . Mrs. l' , ;uand1lcrt Fear . \I r I )ave \\'c;!s ......._. "I la s 10 1.0') , JIr (;corge \\'arson . . . . 5, 0 JIr and Mrs llf. 1 t i gill 5,0') .1\1r, Malley Parrott 5 00 J! t• and NI rs \\ nt. 111;1kc .. 5!)11.91 r. Edward I i;lt;gitt . .. ..... 5.00 '•I r and \I rs ts;cn 5)))'Nlr and \Irs John (airs"'\•ice• . 10(1) NIrs. ales Scott 2.01) \Ir and NIrs Mervin hirlunond . ?:II) JIr bund llt's Rd. \Ie\Iillan . 5.11) \Ir and Mrs lack 1laggitt . - 1.0') NI r and JI rs George Tlowwatl .. _ .59 \l r ;nut NIrs \\'tu. Iirv;utt 2,111 Mr and NIrs Jack Plal<e......... NIr and NIrs Russ \\ilsot . ND. and Mrs C. Sundcrcock ... 5.(111 5,(10 ,3,0:) \I r, \Vitt. \1':itson ... ..-- ' 01 ND-. John Sanderson 1.01 l:' and NIrs Thomas Pate 4.00 \(r an: \Ir, Ray (;riffith 2,00 Ur. and NIrs (;erald TTcffron 201 \.Ir ;(Jud NIrs Ross \,',•')•.Wald 5'10 \l r and Mrs T. Lyddiatt . 5.00 •\f r and \Irs G. \\'alt - .. 7.00 \Ir and NIrs C. Ntel)onal(1 . 15,01 \fr and NI rs 11. \Yells 1.09, NI rs. inlnt Phelan . 1.01 \Vitt. and len Kelly 10.00 'lr and \ir; Jack Kelly .1.01 1;,c Iva Switzer ... 1101 \I rc. \\'m. Crain ...._ 5.00 \fr and \irs R. Craig ....--- . 1.25 Qttiltcrs SS. No, 3, lforris and East \\'awanosh ._.._... ..-........__ 10.00 Mr. James Marshall ... 5,00 ' M r and Mrs I)an llallahan ....._. 1,01 Mr and Mrs 11. Grasby _ 5.00 \I r. Robert NI cl )unald . -- \Ir and NIrs \\'ni, E. llrmvn . 91r and NIrs Lorne Radley .. . \I r and NI rs \Vitt, 1'('ckcrline _ \I t•. tack Iirmtn -. \Ir and NIrs 1 larvc Ili'. wit JIr and \Irs John \I, Cr:14'i 91rs. 1lowaril 'i'ait .. ..... . \Ir and firs S P. llallahan NT rs. Margaret Harrington Hr. John Roy; Mr. A. I':. Cnt,.t( .. -._ ... _. Mrs. llcn 'J'a\•ior .. . Ali- and NIrs Adam NIatcrtta llr and NI rs Arthur \\';u'd -. County (;rant ...... 5.01 1.101 1.0,' 5,00 101 5,101 111.0:1 1,01 20'1 1,01 25.(11 1(1,101 11101 L1.0I i Phone .5'1 4,4 ISOLLIONL117.40TIMANs...-., .. PHONE B1.YTiI, ONT.. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESEI EVE P'.Y DAY Everything Homemade ir2tirlWiMMKibiGCVELVAIW Deaa:s1-... Anv SUN 'e`'/ CNTRI ' a Liipat[L„1ern ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED 1,AS'l'If';GL1' BEAUTIFUL 'RICES ARE REGII'1' ALso pAIN'r5 AND ENAMELS OF QUALI.I'Y RIDSME1. to Sl p f'u'n( Sn:e•l SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY, 4 M * F. C. REST 37-20. LO(JDESBORO ;;'1,339,511 stroye(1 ;'Il) end'nl\ aircraft and d,lttiiL- 750,110 ed ;Inuib(r . I1 : , \el' 2,5 0 I,':rl+ntotive.•, and nearly 111,004 trucks; more than 15,11:;(1 (;:'rntan vehicle, have bI•rtt ?e sti'owe(1 it• ikon:)+;ell; and 35:) tanks have bc+'n hu :keit out a,'11 over 5911 if:imaged-the equivalent (f st'vct•al major tank eieror i,s I.\• sir( mid forces. r ::w 100,03;TH SORTIE On the 7111 of March the 83rd Group of the R.A.F. 2nd Tactical air Force \r �'- flew its 11(1,0)01th sortie since 1) -Day \I r. and \f l's, \\'illiaut \lorrill, and (11th June). The Spit tires, lruitptests Janice. visite,) with friend. I:iple\' and Typhoons of this Group have de- ;on Sunday,