HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-04-04, Page 1VOLU11 55 - NO. 33. LYTH AND BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1913..Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Red Cros.4 Canvass Totals ', Myth Municipal Council 82,089.50 TIM 1111111;11 drive for funds 1)3, the 116,1 ('cos, Society closed on Saturday, 1:111,1 the officials of the local Society are pleast."1 ith the results in Illyth. Final tabulation showed the folloNv- ing results; Raised by Canvass ..... $1,339.50 Comity ra ..... 750.00 Total °Minutia $2,089.50 The Society are sending the entire anaanu, :12,089,50 1..) • 11eadrolarters, ‘vhich itidicates that the illyth Society , are in splendid shape financially, which not only a tribute to the members 1,4 the Seciety, hut also to the commun- ity WIlit..11 C011Ic;, under the canvassing map,. of the Blyth led Cross, iiiinenc:ng this wick a list (U. con- trilltitors will be published, and these will continue in our succeeding issues 'until the list is complete. The regular monthly meeting of the NIttnicipal Cotuteil of the Corporati. 0 of Myth held (it. April 2t01 with Itteve Nlorritt and Councillors It:Linton, Ker - nick, \'odden \Vright present; Minutes of last regular meeting of Nlarch 901, read and confirmed on mo- tion of Councillors \\'right and Bain - ton. Carried, Moved 03, Councillors (Idea and ttow read a third tiine in open council \Vright, that By -Law No, 3, 1945, as (granting a fixed assessment to 111311, Farmers' Co -Operative Association) Ile finally, passed. Carried, Moved by Councillors Vodden and 1Vright, that the Illyth Agricultural Society he given their usual grant of $40.00. Carried, Moved 1)3' Councillors Vodden and llainton that the Corporation have a \\Yarning Sign placed in the 1 lorth:111- tura! Park against damaging plants or Flirtibs. Carried, loved 1)3, Councillors \Vright and Kernick that the Co1m4i1 grant per- mission for the Blyth Farmers' Co -Op- erative Association to move the NIttni- cipal sidelvalk to the east of their driveway. Carried. Nloved by Conncillors Vodden and Kernick, that the Clerk have a notice placed in the Blyth Standard, persons requiring trees to plant to leave their carder with the Clerk: before April 2Ist, 1945. Carried, Bills and Accounts I -I. NfcElroy, labour ............ _ . $1.81 wotind tip with a inia1.)11 by I.ion Itert Harold Phillips, labour . 5.23 ( ;ray that all those who 111.1 not al - Don Cowan, lalmur .... .... 5.25 ready paid a fine, do so. The oat; to Andy K3de, labour ...... ... . 2.8 I pay the ino,t tHie, was the 'rid Twist_ \\rm. Thud, March salary ..... 45.00 er himself. Ila hail the job of watehin:t John A. Cowan, March salary . 80.110 all the inenther:„ while each individual Gordon IF,Iliott, Clerk, (election ineinher teol; a SPeCial delight in exp(nse.$) ...a......................... 10,00 watching Itint for some minor infrac- EtRott Ins. Agency, treas. hood 16,0) tion of tlft. rules, Twp. of Hullett, grading ...... 13.42 (The of the feature attractimi, of the C. T. 13obbytt, supplies 2.40 eVelling wits ;1 quartette nutult-r 1)3, Dr. Hoch!, re indigent ........ ......,... 32.50 -4.ions fiord. F.Iliott, 16y 111,1)yn, 1)r. flodd, re indigent ................. 31.00 Bill \lorritt and George IZadford. 1 r , . 4 • C. E. Morrison, 100 gals. gas .... 36.0:)1 these gentlemen got thent•olve, tang- Nloved by Councillors Kernick and 'led up in difficulties which finally Bainton that accounts as read he paid. wound up in their singing the song, Carried, "Home On the latige." Ewen if the Aloved by Councillors Wright and rhythm \vasn't the best, evi.ryone ad- \'oddcn, that 'we do now adjourn, mined that they sang Nvith "gusto." —Gordon Elliott, Clerks The In.'wlY formed enumnittee ft' the important coming eveat, the pity, "Deacon Dubbs,'' reported, with the Tail Twister, lion George, stating that Agricultural Society 1 -lopes plans for the evening ‘vert. well ad - To Secure Holstein Show vailem. Tickets for this splend.:(1 play At a meeting of the Directors of the were distributed among the members Myth Agricultural Society, held on and :tre now on sale at practically all \Vils at, \Ir.,. Fear, NIts, Cliellew, and \Lam ,,,_. cai,a and 1,1.,,.dy figh:ing March 31st, considerable discussion to I (yto stores, mid tve understand 'will Nir'. 1.3ldiatt, served the daint3 ic- -.tin ( I took place regarding the coming meet- be made :tvaiiable at outside lohitl. freslummts which N1r,, Potter had ,th„. tialit bank of the k hine to \\ anis .. a.m. , 11;.; Canadia-1 inish (town ing of the Holstein Association, The The play ca,te ronsists of members Lountifully pret,ared. Heirwrieli, Ian do,. is the story of a .argely of the Cloderich Livms, and Alt Inni.:11 it i, to he regrottil that i night of thrill, ....;t: e, and sit'l Itk. ‘111"stti Society hope to secure their annual t exhibition as an added attraction at come-, highly tecommended. 111,. Poller i' leaving li.i 1.1 to live ',that ea]: letH ily. the Blyth Fall Fair, Dr, Ken Jackson 1 : la t 1 : is1 ,.(ott .,e,.. Nvoo ,5 charge , f the I\vith her datig.hteis, a 101,1 of fr1i.n.1.- 1 It \\ li' tilt niL.,111 { of NI. lirCh 2()2:1.6 The explained the procedure necessary 10 Charter night arrangements, which will 'unite ill \\ i'111111-1 lIcr 09111111R (1 health ,(•,111lian hattalian was the Stiomi-itt, secure this feature attraction, and itland happine, he held on the night of Nlay 3r 1, an- pandas and Glen,..,arty I I ighlanders ; was arranged that Dr, Jackson, NI:tit- trounced his committee appointments. * * * CR' il'I'‘\ Ai t1 C''nll'till t It'd Iv 'Major land Henry, Simon Hallahan and \Val- it it „le menthers for future activities, and 1 1 MRS, POTTER HONOtiltED 10 ail:. 11r.1.1,n, of Itoam*.inale; the .,e ,,ten asked for suggestions from ter McGill be a committee. to attend o other Directory. as possible also attend. was generally agreed that one of the sitortiy oe w.tving otir midst, a few ,,f . in lir , f 'Mrs, \V, Potter, 011' w in aril plato.,11 a as ynia,,a- 8, tinder 1.1. -tit. Wan- Ghnoitr, of ( nt;iwa, :in] the meeting in Clinton, and as many several Lions spoke on this matter. 11 . . . . 1.01 The dates for the coming Fall Fair first aims of the ( I 1 I 1 1 1 :oh) sootta, .te to see! her ncighlours mill fliends g.010-ul at 111w '''''''''' mc” idriltc't 1 rw"r 1 °I 'III le.1 113. Cpl, Hugh .1t Enid Brigham, (.8.1; Margatet Nlar- : Nit% 111111 Mrs. 1-. Se111mgemIr 1.00 the selection of a wedding present for members stmke on the matter (4 laying I loose preset f \Its, Chellew on \ved,,,.,. Ht're a section it \very. :\irs. poi, 1., 1 It e.,,s w ell (.11 toa alai inidaia.ht he. Otte of the (hides of the meeting was 111;1,1,, at th, NI emorial Hall. Other 11 . tile Home (1 oay a ft ernoon, Nlarch 2;t1i. chi-. ;it. of Corm\ all. ‘vere set for September 13th and 14th. that proper rtst room facilities were , 5.03 ,shall, 05.1'; Leis tiraslu... (.5; t •ia.1,,s I NI rs. Joseph NI arks 2.00n ,,-, :, ‘-t „ „ grt,,, mi...,, fote the Glenearrians had won their pains for a Lions Park. and it was de- , 1 NIrs. Lvddiatt, NH... J. 1, .1.-aFt-Frestuent Lewis Ruddy, who \vas 1 1 NI r. anil Nfrs. E. ;folmston lavior, NIrs. N11.1C;t1fe, N.rs. I Bade \ and ,''''\ '' ' "1'1' 11'`' 611"" of ,Pr"c',4' Gm, 02,11; .` t .1y I< vie, (2 (1. 1,00 recently married, and Gilbert Nethery' , finitely est:thlished that there GRADE XI NI rs. Janne Situs 5,00 and Cliff. Shobbrook Ivere chosen o 1 Iof °'"' " Mrs. Garrett. ti 1. J. Elliott ;01,1 011...three milt-, from Emmerich, atm while NI rs, i\. Falvcett 1- 1 hi community projects for (be ‘k 1 1 I:(1111! Pt 111.1, (6.3; 1) ti. NI orritt, NI r. and ND's, F. \Vasman 1.00 attend to this duty. j Club, Secretary Nine. Kyle slit:pi-n..1 II'. lave.r were unable to :Wend. i LPL \t .•iikon •ttle.1 his men in a 2.00 Mr. Simon liallaltan \Ile:- a pleas:Int ,ocial hour, t'.t. lad- .(1crinan farm It tot, the Col-nel sew. NIr. and NIrs, li, T. Dohltyn 5.00 represent the Society on the Farmer's 3vas chosen to a phut ‘,.hich toe Li „Is might pot into Joyce Rath, 1)3,3; I lor..111‘• Nle- NIr., ;Ind Nit's. James Phelan 5.03 operation as a stimulas to the I •Il 01 1- „here ail did ill‘liei, to ao tJ,,‘,,titit..eieiny stiength in t , , . were called io the dinin,, 1,,,,,,, , liircc of his scout, out ahead to it" t , ' he itio tied c'e-tle of Gee, 5,3.1; Don C ,wan, •11.(1; I laro1:1 Federation, Phillip.,, 22.ti. I N1rs. \l tit Phelan _a.. ............... 2.00 coming \'ictory Loan. After consid- 'repast, prepare,' it,. the I,,,..b.,,,,, Nit ,,.111.1enbcre., \‘ Ilich lay jmit ahead, whi'a GRADE XII NH% and Mrs. lohn NIcNichol(Table discus':ion it was decided to let ' ;tiett as,sist,,,1 ,,ith the so., i,,„. ;Cpl. Georat. (Cur13 ) Davi,, of Niaa-- 1 3.03 v . the l'.xecutive e.ecide on the plan. C01.11,1", '73.1; Ili,1 .N1 tin ay, 65; Paul I (Continued next Iveek) An inquiry 1 cearding signs to be , Th.s. I.vd,hiitt. „,, behalf „1- tiit', ,,,,„,1,.111:c. Don Ca,t1c, of St. Catharines, 1 '1.-.\\ aril the .. io•t; of thi, hap:. ., t -veli, Heil, l'tc• J. SI..1111..,, of Timmins, and Laurel Latm1;1111, 81,1; Arnold Val- I NI r. and Mrs. 1), .1, l(elly ZOO BLYTH UNITED CHURCH 1Vatson, ,;(1.3. 'rile Easter Services last Sunday placed at the three entrances to the ii„.,,,,ented mi.,. potter with a 1,.,,i, m.ele the pair -I. S'e;11111.-; forw.trd 111 -- .v..-- v _.....,........- were well attemled. At the morning 1 .own, brough". forth the reply that ar- hand -bag. i the ;lark tlie readied the eit,,t1... moat Service the Church was well filled and l'allgentlits had already heell matte 11 mr.„ cotter, completely takea 1, v 1;1'1 di'c''`'''''l a 'inu'I's (Ir`"briIg°, Red Cross Completes BaorgEa AWARDED 0.B.E. an unusually large congregation tool; have these signs secured, and they dies' for tiR.11. :provided t ntrance to the castle, „ana Monthly Shipment surprise, thanked the la part in the Communion, The 11:aster would ih.' plata tl there shortly. kindness. the In i(h.:.... NN.Is gnar,led 1r two sentries. Et. -Col. 1613- Franklitt Denholin, 48, „ the Choir were excellent I i 1 I II i ...on !ram; ..a.nton moved a vote 1' — REACHED THE DOOR Rod Cross completed ""111"19 bY Dental Cerp:, and brother of \tr. 111Y1II !their regular monthly shipment to and much appreciated, also the piano of thank; to I Hi Erank, and Mrs.\\'itli ,1 Sten and a Tommy -gun James Deult-Int, (4 Illyth, was reeec.tiv awarded the ().11.E. ,\ graduate of tne , t 1?ed (71.()ss 1)()Itttlions sett- , Ileadquarters, consisting of the follow- and organ music by Mrs. Harris and IN ..7asinan for tlie itlendid dinner, and C.hic:tgo Dental 0.011, during the last 1111g, A. ,, , tries \\ hill. Ct.'. Davis ran acto,s the A. E. Cook. At the evening Service the motion was heartily endorsed by 21 sterpized a very beautiful Easter Piano Duct all the membia.:. The foll«wing contribution, h tau ' 1.....1m. to the 1...] \ v t•;1'lle d''''''. 111 war and lived in Calgary prior t„ , 1- ItIllotomy sheets; „, ..i, ;pads; 14 pair hospital stockings; 5 was given by Niarjorie and 1,ois D,- Led lw Lion Tamer Stan., the mem- !teen received lry the Ill\ th le(1 Cot-, ',, \\If,. tivi,s i„ st,,,,,s, 1...1„..,..., „illi a broth. comfort hags; 24 pair service socks; herty. Flowers were placed in ,oe : ow moonlight he saw the barrel of a joining the corp-; ;0.;;;tin in 111,19 11 - turtle-net:1i sweaters; 7 sleeveless church by Mr:. C. Grasby and Nies. \\'. 41 hers joined heintilv in a few to "wing the in. eon ,,1 aktre,,; songs before closing vvith a r]using ' ' ' ' • ' I \h., \le'e life 11.ertuati Schnii. •er pol.ing through the !clothing, broadcast from \Vingliain United' RECEIVES GIFT FROM SON WAR AUXILIARY MET $1.0 'an (*nth,. contpatt• so the three scouts ,started hael. t,watds their own P0',1 - Ernest Lege( tt , door. 11e ,ei/ed and .lefle..4.e.1 it ills,. 15 pair Kechnie from Overseas. Cpl. E I, 1 I It ....le IIVX1. 1.1.41(.1111g it Tuesday, Aprd 17th, .1rthur Crony.' 5.18 1 The Crcentati. in the castle were now 1.00 1 ' fully aion-ed„\ceortling to the Cor- er, R. G. Denhohn, to Fort NIeNItirray. 2 babies' bands; sent to her from her son, ,it-, it filed a hoist of bullet:a Col. Den11.4ot before this war pray- - sweitters-, 1 baby afghan; 4 babies' iKechnie. Mrs. Kechnie's flowers were Lions Roar. w.,1 be 1 wil on 1:M -titan 1 lid), lc incardine tised dentistry for several year, ti gl'wils; 1 l'Ihies. stilts; Calgary, havina: offices in the .\11)erta ; (11;11'crs'' 1 (111"iti's sweger1 cilmur whcre hi, wic, iis,i,ciattit with children , sleepers; 1 pair mitts; 1 pair Next Sunday morning April 8, the ________ Nlorris & 11,(11,,ti, Fail It Iv, 1'.1); 1 • , , .pot al, titer,. w t, enough noisy to alarm ,J)03's stockings; 54 quilts; 1 carton used iservice will be unique. It will be , ;Church and the speaker will he the 'NI ( ..rs. F.arl Bentley was recently stir- The War .\ it \ iliary held a ,11,-,-, „jilt Hong: . -----_— . SONS ARRIVE OVERSEAS V iNloderator of the United Church, Pov.10rised whell silo received a i'vely gift i meeting ;it tit home of \i v,. Gordon I 11111 their r. +toll W.I.; delayed by do - PURCHASES PROPERTY Dr. J. II. Ainup, of Toronto. The from her son, \Valter. now ser‘i i I it: 1 mg •it ,,,),t, with 111 tit presetta it h(V.i)(1 them, Just nicely Mr. and MN.. Fre.I P il I . att..,e,,ae received music by the Wingham Choir, will al- Rev. W. A. licecrort Agltin County Chairman. 11111011 ino• \ ,• * * * ready had the1r ti. t at which each member \‘ RED CROSS DONATIONS FOR poll in tlit. 1945 CAMPAIGN pressed emilidence that Ilur,.11 County . NH. and Mrs. John Bailey $1.00 svtttlI agaiti Ile one of the leading Mi., Ella Metcalfe 1.00 tlit:ict, in ()tom io the ki,dith Vic - NH% and NH's. I.. \\'hitfield 5.00 tory Loan. S.S. No. 1 t),11:1ting Ladies ..............1000 The orga, i/, tion for the E.i...dith • , ;mil Mrs. George McNall .... 5.00 Viet( ry Loan tv11 w,13 wit I Nlr. and NIrs. Ben \Valsh 1.50 the same or, 'anizers, 31,—ra11. ' awl NI rs, •:antes t;ibson 2.00 \';111.1t -water, 4. .\ , 1 aini-den and . J. I Ii11),01), ;,• 1'ittati\ of the , \less Josephino 11'oodeock 2.00 1 Mr. and NI rs. Herb Dexter 2,00 National \Vor Finan'T Committee. , NI r,. Sadie ()lining The County 1: xe,mtive 5,00 31r,, C. 16-.usy 2.00 its fttIl : \11., and NIrs. F. Slorach General Chairman, lev. \\', .\ Bee- Mr. Jame, Deltholin NIr. :tad NIrs. Earl Noble 131.:(1(1,xl0: 11 morary Chairman, .01('N .\ lexamler ;1 croft ; \'ic,. Chairmen, 16.1),..1 . . ,s, at( ist3, Galt 10,00 N. Creech, Erank KC, NIrs. A. C. \V. 11ardisly and Miss Jame, 11. C. Nlael...;tn, II, I lardist 10.00 Scett ; Payroll Savrng, •11;1111.1.11, \V. NI r. and NIrs, 11, NI, Henry 5,00 .\ttrida,•; S: eci.11 Name, Chaim in, Mr. and NI rs. F, Benninger 1.00 G, la Parsons; Public lelation, , , , . tonn Lataimv 10.03 man, Sault lers; Dr. and NIrs, G, 110(1(1 15.00 Section, .\, i. \v. miner; 0Ir. and NIrs. \V. Nlorritt 4.00 Agriculture Committee, Huron N1r, and Mrs, John Foster 1.09 County l'e(11.(aition of \arientotre, „ air. and Mrs. John Co‘van NH.. and NIrs. i\rthur Barr 22:0001 Chairman, A. Morgan, Pres:Alvin, II. N1r, Elmer Poilard Sturdy; Huron (.'ourty \\':t. Services 1.60 Committee, Pre-,ident, 11. 1 I Ineston; Nliss Jessie Somers 2,00 Dmario 1), ( f .\ grieulture, N1rs, George 1 chit 100 Repreentative Bruce Nlathia.m. NIrs. \\'es. 2.03 N1r. Robot 11;1;rd .25 NI r. and ND's. TIminas Colson 5,00 Blyth C()Ittiiitt:ttio11 School Mrs. lieliard Sanderson .50 Rei)ort, 01' Winter Term ancr pollard 1.00 r. and NIrs. James Morrill 2.00 Fc11..„ Ina. is th,.. l&stip of 1: \amino . Airs Eris Kelsey 1.00 tions livid in the 1113th continuation NIr. and NIrs. James Davis 2.00 Scttol fin. the \\*inter Term: 31r, James laa.kie 21K1 GRADE IX NIr. and NIrs. R. J, Powell 5.00 Alice NIcl<cmde, 01.4; NI ildred Chat' Orton Stubbs 1.00 ter, l'8 4: Joan \\*Iiitfichl. 87.(); Nlurray Miss lona Johnston 2.00 Nlacj.,ii,• Dolt -1 ty, 78; Mar- NIr. Frank (long ....... ......_ ........ 5,00 .ijorie \Vint, ; I hald. 73.5; Jolla 1 Nliss ()live NIcGill 10.00 pollar], 7,1.2; I /..lierty, 72,1; F.(1- NI r. and NI rs, Rohl. Newcombe__ 1.03 ward \Valson, 70.7; Jack Nettie:3-, b().1; NIrs. Agnes Radford Delorc Nle -5.8 /'ive tir.aig, 1 NI r. and NIrs. Al). flaggitt 5.00 .50 65,6; 'Frances 11.,Hynran, 63; Res, 1 as- Dr, and NIrs. l'ett Jackson 5.00 kers 59.1; Harry Lear, 58,o; Bernard Gordon St,mles 1.03 Cumming, 58.5; 10)0 1.e;tgett, 52.3, Nliss Mary ....... ....... 2.01 GRA1)E X ;Mrs. T, Cole Irma \Vali, 8); Lois Brown, 73.4; !Mr. ;111(i E. Wright Lions Hold First Regular i‘leeting Standing. Committees 01 Lions Club 1 Beit4ra‘,.., Red ( Well Over Objective ,. , 1,.1,ar,„ ,, 1.•;•-1 1 ... Campa LI. Dinner Me2ting 1-1.1c1 In Commerci..1 \I ;',.. I '-.; ',.,t; in; , ::, .; .] !lute( Dining-Rot)ita :1 1-e- . Inl. h; 1] o \V-0-... H.. 1......1.,.. . ., , . t .... ., , .., 1.., .'1.2:0111„ool '„, ,' , ,: ilaw..,.. ,., o.1.....,, , ....- 1'-,1 t t. .. .. t. ,I I!, ,' ,ti l',0 Tile l',I.Iii 1,;(tih Chili iitill tlit i' I i 1 ' pit t :,'. 1.!: .• - Pt; ( _'.., it. it -t i'. HI, ,- ,.., • - .., t, d. .;,•1 11,i ., 1 1:' ,:o I, , 1il • i• 1, , .1. ..• 1',1 1.1, ' . , ,,1 ,,1 11,- (1 1i first I t"iillai iii, tiltli...11 ill 1lic (hi HI, 1: , 1 - 1:, ,,, .'...---:':"'V" room of tile 1 oinntercial Hotel at 6•10) \ ,i, 1,1., 1 1...., 1:, .1 \\ 1 ';.; ,r.- ,-;, .• - , .1.1:.. ;1 ;0 t,.11,e, '7,7,1‘ ill ..,I:iiric. •'11 Tu.', 1.1Y e \ 1•11111; 1\ 1111 "111' 111" 1;,,,, 11.,1,111. l'a: v; N1e1'..11 ,iii- menther, ah,...t. I,t Vit etre ] lcm, ' 1 1 ,„,1, , ,,1 1 ,, , 1 , , 1 11 ., 1, I1 (.,,,, (.., ' ''' .1, ,, l'\., :H.,' ',',,,,,,, , ] ii-,- ,I,i 1: ;, Lion In] Philp, had charge ;,f Ca. \\,,,,,m,. ir..,,,,, \\ ,c1,, meeting, dile 1,, iln: unav,i'lahlr ale' 1 \ 1, ,,,. ,-.1., , I , 1,„; 1.,, 1]:, .•, %,__. sent e of 10.,• Pi esident, 1,i at I) .111d I Hy, t. me, -.10 „„, 111)(111. The itter:hat •larleti »11.111"1'' : ooa-lm a ,d 1.1., 1...111.! . ,.1 1.i ti Willing' ISr(n•lici.s 114,1d vei.v szitcysiiii Event, 63'1, "mi " duNci-"' "il'I'''' 51":' '"1"1' Stan Sitali.ope, .01t1..1. ,,i1.1,.,1r, Got- , , ., • .'vitil I.HI l'1""I` \\"'"'"" "I''" ' 01( Nal1. l'i mil. 111 \» 'a.e.a.. (mit' t . , I • . . I t i L i ' 1 I 1 t ! ' 1 i , i j 1 1 , I 1 H 1 i 1 ,.‘.• titi. 1 Me NIrs. \V;t•tintit NIr, K. l'ooh• r. ,0 .oid 1..11 in the .11.1 ili 0-0 119' elnile9.1 \vailresses, 11a1,11,H -I 1..(111.;o1. ti I 1 I 11.,11, (,,, •. (1"i) " 1' " :-;t11,111 1).,r 111 31 ntend)(1, ;1111 as tve ,tated he- al (1 1 1',11'. 1. ,1 '11..." I " fore, (Ink tw were alr-ent. 1.ohet I:. Ft r, Ciord. ',in,. .„, 1.ion Tamer Skin. Sikh... pe call. ;1 1.).„„L 1 1,11.1 1, , .1 Ile mentl.er, to join in the •ineint-t of 1 1m:trim-It- I 1;,' pan' ;]. ',Cme t1,10 the .\11them, \ving hich 1)11,,..\\ ard. IIt1I \I 1;,.11 the salut.. to the flag ‘v(.-; given. Lion 1)t.1 ti ',1 explaine.1 ....alto and II. .;]. ..1. tv 111 \\ ;I, 11,1 of tile l'resiilcitt, ;111.1 everyone agrcu'l \Vat ; 1.e \v \VIM 11. 11, 1 I t. absenet. xva, quite perini,:11.1... ,111,1111, 11..1. ;;;;;; 1'111'11. r 1,;11 the inn, .11111 as it was 11"1. 1" circiii"st'" 1"'Y '11111 \\ Itis C0rIll'oi, 11.111 Nlorriw Ili!! I 1;., (:1: , , tht• members joined heartily in the11 .111e4:1111.; SeVI.'1;11 oigs, led hy Lion \val. s,.\ and poa \Var.--1 : 1,,,, ihtir 0 n, 4 V) I Tamer Stan. During the singing 'Ltd Miro! ! jael; 11 -rd .1 the 11.11 turnout, T‘visti.r, Lion Geort;e NIeNall .k " 1 1.,. .111 enjo3;ilde vantage of st",aral members Ity impos- ing fines for not joining in the sing - V ing. Nlany fmes were pai(1, and it So )/1 -,;Alts .1'01_TN(; v WILLING WOI(EIZS ltd titi i;itt. tv vihitIlt 1,11111 day ttti Thurs.1,t3, \larch 29th, NIr-. \V. nt.of !le -I,. jam., and hon.': enterta:m...1 her home ;1 num- h ith 11 menthe,. s present. 2 midis er of her frieaols and mighl)..tir-.. 01r-. Chelle\v, 01 t.'. J, tothed:ii arrana, mill!, rola_ NIrs. (.NIrii.11, \Ir.. Dr.) Dodd, 011" .1'.1(1 dance, ;titer \vhiel, mrs,htii 0 wa• »rsvi» teal t social half Gras1)3, 01r,. \\'. 1.((..;a11, NIr» 0 'I \-- 1"r NI` '1.1'4'. , ethe home Ir, 1)v, .\ 1). N1,..11t i 111, .1a. to 1hld atn 1111i, n. . L of 011- H», 011 hill 1 \pril Ilth. nay, NIrs. Slo-ach, Mr-. J. 001 n. l'itahle Itt 1),. plc. -eat %very, 011'•. 11i. c. .1.(tmie Silos, In 01r,. \\lute and N,.1 :,. 1:1 \l"'' \V. T'IYI"1% '‘,C1i011 sage. low i n g Article The gitt..4, \\ ere received 1.‘ 01 r; 1-11-\\ in.: article, talcs font the Better', dammte',, NI rs, Fear and 311s. 1 itt " 0-1111-,.., dHeribes \Vil•on. F.ve.•:,. ti joined in 111 .11,11; . OttO .1 t 110, 0 \\ Pte. Jamie (N11t-s.. Potter inat.y mote 11.11.1rth- ,v hi . f 11:31h. 1,)1, and his imine i;s 1. melitian.,1 in 0 artide. our stilt - Daffodils from It( r i‘\11 garden am! riO is 11 1. inlete'ld 111 reading 0 11011(1111 of liYaciaths pne.i.led t1,,, e,1.1,11 touch of sprim.. .\ft.r a ple:(sant 'vial 1. tv, m 1,,,11„11„, /nine Belgium. The gift was in the form of Mrs. Ilt 0 \\ tlanfer prc,111....1 a; »vtttictl in German 1.. »t house with a cable on Tuesday front their sons, Mr. Edward Johnston has purchased so he heard over cKNx. The senice a lovely. bed spread, which was quite tl e meeting. ;its cellar filled with terrified Avomen, Neel, Fred, and Icon Rutledge. in- ,the Ilioover propertyh unique and beautiful, Then f a t..\\ dav l'he next moeting \‘ In; et]. the T ahildren :.1 1 t-oralyve.1 1111;tua.1, Cpl. on King Street, ;will begin at 11 o'clock sharp. forming them. of their sill,. arrivi ev- I Fast, from Mr, N. R, \Vighttnan, of I 7 P.M..: Ready for the Wedding later she teeeked a beautiful 1" motet 11 me of Mrs. George Radford, \ pill !..11;1.1c.,1Y heard 1110 '1' e of , [of a doz.:11 rose, also from \Valter. 11; ,11, (Continued on erscas. This is Fred's second trip over.i\Velland- 1Feast . i HORIZONTAL Pictured percuision instrument. 5 Reii.11,0t,I l sound Ptt,;.d on it. 9licnt f. r a definite peric,l 10 Caali1 12 Five plus live. 13 Rub out, 15 Obtained. 17 Exclamation. 18 Interest ' (abbr. ). 19 Unit of weight. 111 Tree. 23 Fashion. 29 Roman emperor, 36 Excuses (law). 28 Inclosed. 30 Obsorwe. 81 Barrier to prevent flow of water, 32 Hopes to MUSIC INSTRUMENT .1nsWer to !'rt vious 1'uiz! ' !HIA R L It E U.'' A:A •'i,•I p (yap G1-.1-0- AA;N , T ._'F,• r'J O ,t E: Eifv D E L'E!M i EE I(R I }'; 5 I R R t"1T;Q NII PN E S'S Ci. [I{ D ::.a �: !IE=RG MIiRP _.'PLA':_ D',A P „ FR 'A at P 'AIN 0 N ADOREPIET .:' SIPe, R'E SrA'ItElatBiANA, L 5_1N`OW,' 1N'O�VI I iEICIGrM E,D I (Arica attain. 3c3 Respects. 40 Gaseous element used in electric sign-. 41 Free. 43 Place. 94 Organ of hearing. 45 Negative. 4G Speak. 47 Golf device. 49 Insect. 50 Article. 51 Valuable fur. 53 Rip, VERTICAL 1 Animal's lair. 2 Egyptian sun god. 3 Employ. 4 Deserves. 5 Sound made by leaves. G Unit. 7 Chinese measure. • T,-..., , IOUs 1 R Ship'; , 'rnrd. 11 I rpt 12 Pronoun. 14 Cin., ,.f a it Ripped apart. head. 2. Dye ..:!;'i. 23 Gibe. ::4 I'ini: he:, . 25 Title. 27 No sufTix. 29 Feline. 32 Chemical suffix, .33 Chair. 34 Skin openings 35 One who sins, 37 Literary cornposition. 38 I11 -natured. 39 Pig pen. 42 Small speck. 48 Dine. 49 Winglike part. 52 Exist, LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "Stop worrying ... they forgave taxes last year ... what makes you think they won't do it again this year." OUT OUR WAY YOU CAN'T BE -TRUSTED TO DO A -7O3 RIGH -T-- SOMEBODY'S ALWAYS HAVIN' TO CHECK Up ON YOU' LOOK AT THAT `,OU LEFT %N THE TUB! By J. R. Williams VJHY DON'T YOU CHECK UP ON YOURSELF, LVIGE GUY? 1 HAVEN'T EVEN HAD MY BATH YET•- THAT5 THE RING YOU LEFT THIS MCS ING! • n !,1 !.C1 14 THE SNOOPER THE SPORTING THING "This is a fine time of the after- noon for you to be gettin' homel" 44' /7 WiLi. ~ WiKE BUILDING h10,NO,'AENTS Fre.1L'41 THE STONES OF 0:,190:i4Y; D QU.•LO/,N.:S/ rcrgt 3n IiE.l2a fh�1 - . CULP(O S BE: -ORE THE WAR THEY NOW HAVE AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF AVAILABLE 5 rONC FOR A,1ORE STATUES, ME CAP R. e. NEA 6ER'TIOINC. - T.M. NM M.U.6.pAT.OFF. CAT$ AND DOGS cetwoB /ND! ,ion'2,fav !p tt',4 1ujf �,, ;4,1 .4 '1111114" " WHERES ECM ANSWERc..i 'oolilyil, N. Y, Seems Like Yesterday By C. Kessler GEf PA's CARPET S'IIPPCRS, EWER, 1' E>/RE 1N '1N' SETTIIU' Roots I KIN OE .._ WE'RE POP SOA1 1 J' 7' START CORN 11A? :. Cti TIAI' ICE CW Trl' MIt.L Pow ..— - T'ntoRf ouJ/ ='ate• POP Blank Remark uh1EN NL1t1E WAS A PLACE TO SPEND Au EVENING. REG'LAR FELLERS—Swing Shift Wanted rIf ARE DOIN' WOMEN ALL KINDSOF MENS WORK I KNOW!- T4-IE5E I W15H I COULD ' DAYS ! DO SOMETHING T' TAKE A MAN'S PLACE! MOPSY by WLADYS PARKER THE DRAFT BOARD TOOK ALL H15 MGN BUT HE'S DETERMINED TO KEEP THE BAND NAM ALIVE FOR THE DURATION, JOHNNY DAVIS AND HIS JIVE FIVE 1 - SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith CORR. 1943 RY NE,A SERVICE. II(C.'T. M. REE,. U. S. PAT. DEF. "1 saw 12 Japs, so I captured 'em, that's all! I never could make speeches, even as a kid here in the fifth grade, could I, Miss Jenkins ?" ITS LUCKY YOU SPOKE TME ABOUT IT! Hf~RE'5 A C1-1ANCE OF A LIFETIME SUPPOSE 'IOU START T' BREAK IN 0Y DOIN' MY HOMEWORK THIS EVENIN'? By GENE BYRNES MUTT AND JEFF— They Might As well Throw Jeff Into The Coop Right Now //THE bOCS GIVING JOPF A LITTLE TRANSFUSION FROM A HEN? YEN! JEFF'S ANXIOUS To JOIN THE RMY AND HE THINKS yl H[ MI,i,NT BE A LITTLE SNy0N 7'ICORPU5CLE5! (2 -,,tows IT COMIN, rN DOC, 1)."-)1 OH,' FINE! FINE! 'LOOK! FIE'SOPCNING HIS EYES: HOW Do VOU FEEL,,IEF As Anytime eq v 4 h, rr,. „ n,v. „4..a .. .. • By BUD FISHER CLUC1C! eY A urTu 1. F 11 11! CHIcrFtN f-ELDSHGULP A:t; ItIM Dur: I,DOCI .47 elle RyfJlenle Inc.) By J. MILLAR WATT THEY'LL NEVER CATCH THAT BULLET HOLED UP Forced by Allied air raids to become "cave dwellers" these Members of a German family ;merge from their cliffside shack waving a white surrender flag after the Allies had captured the area. PALS REUNITED Ten thousand miles can't sep- arate a man from his best friend— Bo Sgt. Edgar C. Godard, of Hun- tington, Pa., and 'Blackie," non- Qescript dog he acquired in Abadan, rersia, six months ago, aro re- united. Godard was returned to j3owman Field, Ky., on a rotation fIan. Immigration officials frowned n his dog following. Appeal to `tie congressman, unidentified, re- ulted in "Blackie" taking a 0,000.mile ride on a Liberty ship. Here they are reunited. ill!Illi!II'I!1!y'1"!!!I!IIPllll!I1°II qi EASTER SUNDAY ON ALL FRONTS • -‘'VEIrierMIISIE2irerArirnra a In the hot holes of the Pacific and muddy trenches of the European fronts, in the St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, the spaciousness of Hollywood's famed little clapboard country church, prayers for our fighting men went Heavenward resurrection was celebrated on April 1—Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace. magnificence of Bowl, and the to Him whose Here is the 300th Lancaster bomber leaving the assembly line of the Victory Aircraft plant at Mallon, Ontario. This Crown company is producing one of these planes a day. Loaded, the plane weighs 30 tons. It has a speed of some 300 miles an hour, a range of 3,000 miles, and an eight ton bomb load. Its armament includes 10 machine guns mounted in revolving turrets. Its record as a bomber has not been equalled by any other aircraft, CHURCHILL BOATING ON THE RHINE '"9"1111' �,:,li!,�!,� nor ���arnp� !71. �! ,l►;; Prime M'nister Winstor Churchill looks highly pleaseL. as he crosses Rhine to visit Gen. William Si npso is Ninth Army Troops, first to cross the German river. With Churchill in the small craft are (left to right) Maj. -Gen. John Anderson, commanding 14th Corps; Lt. -Gen. William Simpson and Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery. The Prime Minister is chatting with Maj -Gen. Leland S. Hobbs, commanding general of the 80th Division, who led W the crossing. SCOTTISH -AMERICAN PIPER IN GERMANY Piper A. Beaton, of Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., is a piper in a famous Canadian regiment now serving in Germany. Beard and all, he makes a good Scotsman. HE LIVED TO TELL Haggard face and bewildered expression reveal horrors experienced by this Filipino, He was buried alive in an air raid shelter during siege of Manila. Grimy and weary after rescue, he rests on the comparatively safe side of the American -held Pasig River. IT'S A CLOSE SHAVE Ontario's Minister of Planning and Development, Hon. Dana Porter, shaves a balloon under the laughing scrutiny of Booth Wilson, who is in charge of the barber school at the Ontario Training and Re -Establishment Institute in Toronto. Balloon shaving is simply the first step in one of the army courses through which the Ontario government is co-operating with the Dominion to do all in its power to prepare servicemen for their return to full einploynient in civil life. NEW VICE-PRESIDENTS OF J. J. GIBBONS LTD. Walter Kiehn Mr. Kielin, a native of Chicago, is a member of many prominent ad- vertising and service clubs. Mr. Kiehn urings to his new position a wide business and promotional training in both the United States atlthCanada. Leo Cox Mr. Cox is an Englishman by birth and education. With many literary laurels to his credit, in both poetry and drama, Mr. Cox has given J. J. Gibbons Limited the advantage of his talents for the past ten yeas a. PAGE 4. 1 1. ;i 1'. 1. 1,11'1 i; 111.11H11.10.1,1°1'...' 1', 11 Elliott lnsurance Agency BLYTH-- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness • Accident. .1. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" THE STANDARD Wednesday, April 1th, WESTFIELD I \I r.;nnl \I r;. \\'esley Stackhouse and Jean Camphcll, God'rich, with \Ir. a.nd \\'eek -end guests at the genu• of \Ir \Liss Eva I'f Itrucc(ield, vvisited recent• \Irs, \V. A. Campbell, Mr. and M1,. \I I) 11 r' \Ir I\ \lith and \Irs. J. c uw\ w(\ . . \I r, \\illi;uu \Irl)I:wc'I. E.. 1I. Doerr ;,ud family ..I Niagara' al►d \Irs. John ('car, of Kitchener, \lis.; \I r. and \Irs. I{I\\in 'Taylor, \lisscs Falls, \v:rh Mr. anal \Irs. R. ('hani{'w, \linnic Snell, ct 'Toronto. Norma and Ilia, \I r. I'Aldic 'Taylor, I \Lr. \\'arrcn Bamford, It.:\., of Preston, Mr. Rayn1 td Rednni,l spent over visited ,11 Sunday \\i'lt Mr. and \Irs.l;uul Miss Lucy 'Thompson, o1 \Vo d thr \w'rl: rn.l with \I r. and \Irs. I'al \Villianl (;ow, of .\ul• urn, \Liss Ilia stock, at their' homes her'; \Liss (;holy, O'\lallry of 'I'orunlo. tenhaitted (ora few days \i,il, 'Jefferson, R.\., ; f \Voolst;ck, Mi, Faster goes''. at the In Inc of \Ir. Mr. ami \Irs, hand \Vightntan ail Irene Jefferson, of 1)nnitvi'1e, and \Ir. ,and Mrs. \V. :\, (';nnpbe'I were, Fit. ffonily visited on Sunray w•itll \I r. (;eorge II, Jefferson, of ('linton, with Lieut. Stanley :\bel, of St, Thomas, and \Irs. II. \lathers, of Luckn•w•, \Irs, JJeffferson, Sr.; \Irs, Melvin ('1a'g \I r, and \Irs. .\rthur Spcigelher1 and The \'.I'.L'. held their meetii g on and daughter, Kathleen, of 1.4,1,1.nt, , children, Mrs. Inez AII.,i, of Kilclhelt- 1Vednesday even;ng \vith a g, cd atter- with her pare,\;s, \I r. and Mrs. Mark :\rmstrong, \I r. and Mrs, J e Thrum- son and daughter, Miss Isobel, of I.is- to\vcl,' and I'tc Ilarvey 'I'h nhpson, of 1Ianlilton, \with \lr, ar.d \Irs. Norman 'I'hotnpson; \lisscs Irene It.lbinson and \lacy :\rmstrong, of . \\'ingha m I I:gll Scl,.00l, and l)Imald Campbell, of the \Vith the Benediction. . ( .C.I., at tlu'it Willis lei( r. nen I Thr recent tains have >to sled s - ed \Irs, (;orlon Rob'ns (1 v;ill \I r, ;Ind Sunday \v'ith \Ir, and \Irs. 1. 1.. \I c_ ing operations. S. ane have conlplet(II \I r;, J, C, l obi'•son, and Mr, and Mrs. ,1)owell and M r. and M r-. I'. 'Taylor, their seeding, \while some have not yet H. •11' I cr:,on and family \v:th her par- , \liss Eileen \Valsll, f \\'itighai, started. 'cuts, \Ir. and \Irs. George 'Thornton, spent Sunday with Mr. and M rs, A. Mr. an,l \Irs, W. Stackhouse and at Bluevale. E. Walsh. \I i,s Eva, of Bruceficld, visited on NH.. and Mrs. \\', I', Canh;•hell, \I 'ss \\'chc'-sday \with M r. and Mrs, Earl dance, 'lege u\vas Kenai ipiplal h;)M21#4tptatN/tilllaiNNADiDIANDIDtN)401)1NDIDINX)*)124DIN)*1)i)aaiNDINN cr, \1 is; Jean Campbell, of (inderich. programme I I \lisscs Edn•t and Audrey \\';lsh, by (;raenu' \lcI)owel!, and the nret- -- Mg was led 11 Arnold C. iok. The ---- l?lean a Vrnnu, of I Irnsall, were stories in the smoking compartment. (guest: over the week -end at the horhlc. Scripture lesson \vas read by Pearl :\ soldier has struck up conversation of \I r, and Mrs. E. \\•awl. ;Jamieson, I.crd's Prayer was repeated w'ifh a\\'ren. 1 1c has been many places \I r. \\'arren Bamford of Preston, is in nni,nn. The Io;,ic was given 1))' that she knows. An airman in a bcrih- visiting hi, I areas, \Ir. and \Irs. ;lanetta Snell. The meeting el se boned ludic is evidently hone' from the Thomas Bamford. uI \I I \ears and he dozes fitfully. A f ani ly \I r inn ~hell of \tit \ t,t c d on I . occupying two scats \catches with in- terest as the mother prepares to di- vide up lunch frons a hamper. 1 I could go on and on. :\ train is a most fascinating experience. It hu -tics along giving the passengers g!inlpses of Speelallzing In learnt and Household sleepy, little villages, peaceful countiy- I\Vinntifrcd, visited on Sunday at the \1'i bllu.ul. G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Sales. i side, the din, gl,onrtncss of tunnels 'of of Rcv. 1I. C. and \IIs. \\IIs in, Licensed for the County of Iluron. bushland and swamps. It tears alcn ; Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction I Guests at the tome of \1r. and \Ir<. and the experience of slipping through of Itrussels. — `V—'--- Guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone 1\Villiam H. \torritt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4•tf, PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (13y Harry J. 11'oyle) 'over the stoat ties embedded in crush. \Iaurice Boman on Sunday were Mr. DO? NYBI'.00K YORKSHIRE CLUB FORMED JOHN W. HANNA WILL SEEK RENOMINATION In an open letter to the voters of Huron Ind lama. , , . as member f' r I Imam and L'1(Ice for the past eighteen IIIont11, It is Illy Illtci(ti n 1.I se'e'k (''- nonhination 1•` the corning Provincial The Yorkshire Breeders of Huron 1':lec•tion. It 1; nay firm conviction that County formed a Club at a recent !much can still he done for the rural meeting ;lclrl in the .Agricultural Office, gold urban pep,11at' -0 of Iluron and Clinton. They plan on h8l !ing a slimy 1 111 nee, and u. given your support, 1 e rock and the glistening tics .41 ii mu, Ray Kendrick, of Toronto, 1 Ilel'alar awl week -end visitors ill- and sale in conjunction with the (lin- \\ ill, is the tiftur1 a- in the past, have whistling and moaning alternately .. • 1\Ir. and Mrs, Duncan McNichol, of eluded, \I r. and \Irs.Arthur Speig'e- Ston Spring Sh'.tw, which is being held their pl' ildenl; ;I n'1 intrrc>t, first and Iat tunes the only thing that seems \\Talton, 'burg and sons, of Kitchener, and Miss on Tuesday, June 5th. I foremost at heart,moving in a still world. That was the picture that came to mind simply because of the sou"(1 of the moaning engine cutting through the night. \Ve were t,,lking about sounds the. other night and what they mean. The weather ilas been spring-like and af- The ter supper the other evening \Irs, Forester's Hall on Thursday night, was Phil and i were sitting on the veranda, very well attended and a good time ell - That's pretty unusual around lic-e for joyad. Prizes for euchre were won by the middle of .March. I Mrs. I. J. Shoehhttonl ant Jas. R A train \Thistle sounded away off Coultes, \icDowell's Orchestra fur - across the river. The sift weather nished the music for dancing. Refresh - carries sound \cry well and the whistle !Rents were supplied at a lunch cowl- sottnded very c'ose to us. Mrs. Phil er, turned and said "What docs that make I Miss Mary Corley, R.N., of Toronto you think of:" It had started me is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Albert thinking as a matter of fact. I was Coultes. picturing the long snake of metal writh- 1 Miss Elaine \\'alsh of 'll-'ronto spent ing throagh the valley with a plume of a holiday of over a week at her !tonic• stearal settling back down alongside of here, it. The window, of the cars would be 1 Miss Lois McGuire of London spent bright with ',gilts. People sitting in the week -end at her home here. the diner would be looking out at the' Mrs. C. R. Coultes and Mabel spe-t countryside almost smothered by the Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Reid curtain of night. Other people in the and family at Varna. lounge cars smoking cigars or being' Rev. Reba Hem, tof Varna, was the flattered by the attention of pretty lady guest speaker at the United Church travellers would help with the picture. Women's Missionary Society Thank - lip in the cab of the engine I could Offering meeting on Sunday nigh'. just picture t:uc engineer squinting out During the service a tinct by Mrs. Jas. at the track ;,!:cad, laid out so nca'I} Michie and Mrs. G. H. Dunlop was by the swath of the piercing headlight, sting' Across fr,•.n him the fireman with oily Miss Mattel Coultes was a visitor black gloved hands would be sitting on withMr. and Nfrs, James Smith near the other sear. In the baggage car Walton on Tuesday. the mail car, nen in white and blue striped overall, w'ouid be sorting and working as the train sped along. The conduct(); and brakeman would all be BELGRAVE euchre and dance, held in the C. R. Coultc, spent \Vednc_day in Toronto, v LONDESBORO working, A newsboy with a sheaf of On \lcmday, April 2n d, \ir. and \irs. papers under one arm and a basket of \Villia,m Carte'-, of L' n•I1.h'ro, c le - refreshments would be plying his wares orated their ldtty•fifth wedding anni- dow•n the slender aides of the coaches.-versary•. On Sunday, \1 r. and \irs. 1). We mustn't forgot the coaches. The R. McKenzie, of Lucknow, Mr. Ilugh pictures got rncre familiar because af- Campbell, of 'Walton, and \I r, aur) ter all my travelling has been mostly confined to the every day comforts of the day coach in place of the luxury of the pulhnan ones. Here's an 01(1 man find woman on their way to visit a daughter. A cattle drover in rough Lucknow•, tweeds is describing in detail the vag- \Taster Reggie 1lesselwoed, son of Aries of the market to a commercial Mr, and \irs. John llesselwoocd, under - traveller. Sleek loilking men in good went a tonsil operation in Sca'.orth, clothes intoking cigars arc swapping and has returned to his home, . Mrs, Jack Kellar, of McKillop, nut with them at the horde of Mr, and \Irs. George Carter. Mrs. \Vnt. Car- ter returned with her daughter, Irene, to spend a holiday at their home near OPEN CONVENTION The Progressive -Conservative Association f,or the Provincial Riding of Iluron and Bruce will held an Open Convention in the TOWN HALL, WINGHAM, AT 830 P.M., ON THURSDAY, APRIL I2TH to chose a Candidate for the fprth-cumin,; Provinc`al Electi m. The special ;speaker will be 'lite Hon. George H. Challies, Mi-Is'er without Portfolio and Vice -Chairman of the I-fydro-Electric Power C,eu►missiotl of Ontario, "GOD SAVE THE KING" SOUTH HURON NOMINATING Convention will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Wednesday, April llth. WHEN HON. FARQUHAR OLIVER WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER. W. H, Golding. \f.P., and others will a 1dress the meeting Albert Kalbfleisch, \V, L. White, President. Sec.-Treas., South Huron liberals, "GOD SAVE THE KING" • • M • 436 4.4 +44M Y, IW MN( BETT You will want cash If you plan to improve your home when the war ends .. . Managing a farm is in many ways similar to managing any other business. That is why reserve savings in liquid form are so helpful to a farmer. Victory Bonds provide the handiest form in which savings can be kept with safety. Their security is without question. They represent money owing to you by the Dominion of Canada, just as dollar bills do. And ... better than dollar bills ... they earn interest for you every day you hold them; even when put away for safe keeping in a bank vault or in a safe. They pay double bank interest. You can get cash for Victory Bonds if you need cash in an emergency. Any bank will buy thein from you. You can borrow on them, without any formality. Simply take thein to any bank and get the loan you need. ' The interest the bonds earn pays a large part of the bank inter- est 011 the loan. So, realize this fact, Victory Bonds are better than cash because they earn interest. Buy Victory Bonds to have cash where you need it, when you,may need it. Buy Victory Bonds to help maintain your country's war effort. 4006%.,t1 1 'You will want cash If you plan to improve your livestock ury VICTORY BONDS 8th VICTORY LOAN OPENS APRIL. 23rd, NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE You will want cash If you plan to build new barns or Install new barn equipment . , . rrlG'ectnesdayt April 'lth, 1915, ttF - • ri0 i Pi.4i4i44�44444 4.•. 444*444.4.444• l (! _�S•�t❖•-o.k♦.♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ P!. ♦ • ♦.♦-♦-• •� good (wk,;lPnll but you can't get 4111 and LYCEUM c,I'I-IEA'I'ItE {� tisr it against a tank unless you have WINGHAM—ONTARIO. 3: a hole t:l get. into." Two Shows Sat. NightJllvrowcr, from the sounds, he and �2, hi, nun judged there were at least five "Thurs., Fri., Sat., Ap•1I 5.0-iH „twiny tanks outside, They telephoned MEddie Bracken, William Demcres't': •Irick for artillery assistance and then '•� M THE ..Betty IRACLE OF Hutton, in ; i crouched outside the farm Rouse to de- � MORGAN'S CREEK" tS :fend theniselvev against the tanks if slapstick comedy prw,wnte11 1)y none I nerd' ,ary — Ow c1 •rporal and his six the corporal showed' me how close the lar stars of screen and radio. ==k 'men, 11 ho wk,•„ Lance -Cpl. 1CeIHleth tanks hail conte to him, ALSO ''SHORT SUBJECTS" t' Ikikt'r, 1Iauliht n; Jim Situs, B'yth, � "Right at that line of trees'„ h„ ;,Matinee, Saturday aflernocn, at 2,39.>. tH Ont.; Roy Leach, Carleton Place; said, and pointed across a single field. ;Mon., 'Cues,, SPECIAL April 9.10.11': O\welt !fetid, Sydney Milnes, N,S,; (,or- As a matter of fact, Glengarry infan- ... , , t' Van Johnl.nn, Spencer '1'locy, in;; 'Ion Stilwell, St, J,hn, N.I1., and Ray ,try was stalking warily through the f "'l'IiiRTY SECONDS (' 'I'haikcrav, Teterboro, trees at the time and the oorporal ex. 2 OVER TOKYO" 2'INFANTRY COMING TOO plainer! a patrol had just been sent off i,;\ thrilling pi.•Inre of the illi in.".. 3' T, lawn r• it) to winkle Germans out of their tren- ches, All clay yesterday and to -day they have been appearing, leaving the'r trenches with guns held over their heads and crying; in Eng,rl1sh "good h1 ,:e lay in immediate help from their comrades come to surrender." artillery. I "Lt's a I.7.t different now from the It was not long in coating and its ac- other Might," the corporal said. ((' oitiotied from page 1) cura„y was deadly. it broke up the TANKS GOT AWAY enemy infantry attack immediately and It was the noise of the tanks that before long it. was chasing the tanks ire and Iii( six men were 11i'hnul gave away their positions last nightat tannin' the field, .J THE STANDARD • PAGE 5. Platoon Commander Lieut. Gilmour 1 used to be an artilleryman himself and he directed the fire personally until the arrival of Major R. Archibald t f Prince Arthur ave., 'Toronto. So accurate was the fire that she'Is were dropped on points within 50 yards of CPI. Atchison's farm bink„ without mishap, Alt the Ionise today 2.Owing t-) the lenjth of ahs hicturc;, and to its p ,-u'arity there will he,;. =•TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT a' ; 7.('0 pm an.l 9.30 pm. K..:..:'•:'':' 4;• r;.•;. •;. •;1 •;• r.• r;, •;• •;• •;• •;• 11.0 •;. •;1 •; •:/ •:11.4•;• 1',•,C, JAMIE SIMS To slake platters even worse, across the fields cant„ the itrnnd of German infantry apparently about to launch a cotul'er-attack. The Canadians' only tanks abon t rank, field ;away. anything iii ie deadly than '1' nutty - guns, except fat a fiat, and in Atchi- son's words, "The fiat is a hell of a ' and enabled Lieut. Gilmour and Major ;\ lucky shot by the Germans killed Archibald to pinpoint then(, The see- the Canadian arti.lery representative al- tion in the farm It use would hear the most at the start of the encounter but tank engines roaring like mad for a '++++++++++++++++++++++++Y.. r4,0.4:4•:uO•.n•4.�n�.•..♦0.••••.•••♦4•�••�•r�•O•�••O7•.�•♦M� •�•1 111111'11t C, t inch they would be silent \1''11ile )04••4404044.0�4.4.4•1'41'4.4411••4.4.i•4.4•:,:.:.P.•++***•0••4:•:•r40�•4du44�4.•04�•44••4 V.4 ♦ ♦ the $hells fCll. • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • ♦ • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 4 ♦"'04'44.1'44 111 the end, .the tanks all got away �_• s to the ,vcstwar(I in the direction of �_• dice - Emmerich, but what lookers like a dan- ;t• I;. ;2, !,•, ''i;0.4:.♦•••0•.4.4..4444•.4.•4444444.444444444:4 4444♦♦♦0444.4.-'444.74T The Corporaitun of Blyth have ordered a num- ber of trees through the co-operation of the Huron County Council. These trees are free, and will be delivered by the end of April. Any citizen desiring to secure some of these trees should leave their order with the Village Clerk not later than April 21st. These are small trees, suitable for planting and beautifying town property. Gordon Elliott, Clerk. tively broken tip. Y "After we heard then) go nut of car• shot we re(hlec.d our hundred per cent. stand to fifty per cent.," the new col- 'onel of the Glengarrians told Inc. "Rut '; just the same 1 don't think many of us got nmchl sleep that night." There is a sequel to the story. The next afternoon the scout platoon was ien1t out again to 'i5ffcnhcrg Castle, Sgt, Cecil Oderkerk of Chrysler, Ont., led the patrol this time accompanied by Cpl, Lloyd Greenly of \\rarkw•orth, Ont„ and Pte, Ernest Bissonettc of Brockville. "But there was nothing to it," Cpl. Greenly said, "We got up to the cas- tle and there were white flags hang- ing out the windows, \Ve went ins;dc and thirty Jerries gave thcnisebcs up nice and peaceful, Of course they were all Russians and Poles. They're still pulling that one." �JI uY • • •111 1 •11111.11111 -13 1111 1 INY 111 NII I ,11 on Guaranteed Trust Certificates 7 1 SSUEf) for any amount, , , • . for a term of live years ....guaranteed both as to principal and interest. , , , , Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, tit holder's option, may 1)n allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; lust horized by law for cctnetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years in Business RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS Bur Ta 411 £ mpllarye'u•: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1945, must be cx- changcd for new books. Kindly communicate iitrutediatcly with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already cxchangcd your employees' books. 'There are severe penalties for'. failing Jo make. Unemployment Insurance! Contributions for your insured employees and for failure to renew lite Insurance Books as required. s, •-v 411 emphlees: -111 If you arc an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been cxchangcd. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION IIUMPIIREY MITCIIELL, LOUIS J. TIIOTTIER 0, illinistcr of Labour 11. J. TALLON ''''Il. ALLAN M. MITCHELL Conrmissionera, DW 48.3-E v LONDESBORO \frs. Robert Peck is spending a week in Toronto with her. and Mrs. Frank Elliott. Miss Mary Caldwell and friend, of London, spent the week -end at the honk of her parents, Afr, Lewis Govier of Goderich spent Sunday at the honk of his brother, Mr, \Vm. Govier, Holiday visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. John Snell were Mrs, Murray Fergus- on of Brampton, Mrs. Jack Snell and Miss Jean Ncthery, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Shad(lick and family of Clinton, visited with the lat- ter's parents, Mr, and firs. Thomas Fairscrvice on Sunday. Master Dennis Shohbrook of Car- low is visiting with his atlllt, Mrs, Laura Sundercock. \1iss Dorothy Little of Toronto is spending the ilolidlays with her mother, Mrs, R. Townsend. holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths were their two slaughters, Dorothy, of London, and Pearl, of Brampton, also their son, Art, and family, of Clinton. Miss Edith Moore of Forest is sis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Gihhings and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook on Sunday. Week -end visitors with Mrs. Laura Sundercock were, Miss Betty Bedford, of Sault Ste. Marie, and Barbara Den- 1ecka, of Tinunins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend and Miss Dorothy Little spent Saturday in Toronto. --V EAST WAWANOSH Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard McGowan spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, A. McGowan. Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh p( 1-Icnsall, also bliss Eleanor Venner, visited with Mr. and \Irs, A, Walsh, Mr. R. C. McGowan' attended the funeral of the late \V. McPherson, of Lucknow, on Thursday. Miss Phyllis Shepherd of Hallett spent the week -'end with Mr. and Mrs, F. Marshall. SHERIFF'S SALE OF SHARES All the right, title and interest tof \V. E. Stanley in and to eleven thous- and, one hundred and seventy-three (11,173) shares in the stock of the 1Dotucstic Gas and Oil Company, to he soli.{ by Public Auction at 12 o'clock (E.D.S.T.) noon, on Wednesday, April 18, 1945, at the Sheriff's Office, Court Iiouse, Godcrich. Terms; Cash. NELSON HILL, 33-2, Sheriff County of Huron. ROXY'I'HEATRE, CLINTON. CAPITAL 'HEAT -RE REGENT THEATRE SEA-FORTH. Ncw Playing: Jean Arthur and Lee Now Play'ni : ,'THUNDERHEAD, Ncw Playing: George Formby in Bowman in "The lmpa ient Years" SON OF FLICKA" MUCH TOO SHY" Mon., Tues., Wed., 'I'wo Pictures Anna Naegle and Richard Greene. \n t•-Ilionagc ll,t•\ tells how a -er- .old Ilalif;t•• thi ;uiui \\a, ;tui led "THE YELLOW CANARY" Maria Montes, Jon Hall and Sahu. 'Fiji 0 torrid Technicolor tai„ of the frllllirr "COBRA WOMAN" Monday, Tuesday, "NAUGHTY Wcdnes 'ay MARIETTA" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday '1•Ile g11lden \oice, of the two great Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy singing -tars will be hard in a re- issue of a truly great picture. If The screen's most gifted singing t'r'tt ,a\w it before von will see it star, combine their talent, in a again, but if you have art seen it p .Pular musical romance. you mist not miss this nl..ical Ural. Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy Thursday, Friday, Saturday Don Annelle, Charles Bick'ord and Dana Andrews :\ stirring saga of the heroic then who god wit to the sea and un in tilt air, in ships. "A WING AND A PRAYER" "MAYTIME" ThursJay, Friday, Satu day John Wayne, Ella Raines and Ward Bond, Supported by at excellent c;t,I in had-r`tliiig talc of the \\rest, Coming: "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" 'TALL IN THE SADDLE" with the songs of Ernest R. Ball. Coming: "Something For The Boys' In Technicolor Matinees Sat, & Holidays at 2.30 p,m, Mat., Wed„ Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm a VNfI.N•1NN41tItN.INN .Y Card Of. 'Thanks On behalf of the Red Cross Society, I wish to thank all those who stilt - scribed, canvasred, or in any other way helped make the 10.15 Campaign n for funds such a success, especially to thz local chairman, Leslie 1lilhorn, and to \1r, \\'Ititntorc, for his publicity.The Presence of all members (quested, ' Spatial business. —Josephine \\"oode. ck, Pres. Thurs., Fri., Sat, 'Twin Bill Benny Goodman, Linda Darnell, and Jack Oakie (;ootlntan's halt, fl alnrell in ;t tiro • hit "SWEET AND LOWDOWN" Sian Laurel and Oliver Hardy Pre,ent !hair late full comedy "THE BiG NOISE" Coming: "Keys Of The Kingdom" by A. J. Cronin Matinees Sat. & Ilolidays at 2.30 p.m. 1 4 MEETS TUESDAY EVENING, TUESDAY, APRIL 10TH WANTED, AND FOR SALE Rat terrier, black and \\•bile, male, WANTED 5 months, small and lively, Wanted: : F+++++++++++++++++++++++++4. ,24 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF ..FARM NEEDS :e: FOR SPRING::' r, 10..I;I;I:I; k(fyrs--au,l ;t lint• a--•�• arc re-sortment of 11 Alter bold, at 1t -O; 1 1' Ire-. ;2;SO\I1; II.\\\.',;. f.t. tete, win• pher,, a 11'51 55 I I Ir. Ile ,•;♦ •• 1 rt 1.11 1111 ,111\'', 1. IlH niti r;• 1':Iectrir 1't neer-, Ced; r and Steel;• •2• terve Po,t,, d• S„t I' -;un Theta 3. s•T(x'I•: TONICS ---1 inn , Pratt, and:i; Royal Purple. ,i I all line of (ir(t„ Seed- and Setd _• for pa,ttlr.. mixture ;Il,u Lciatiniao.• Innllenlatil 1. place your • iter for Top 1.1'411' lly-a• • 1)1'41 Seed Corn. Alexander's of FOR SALE � GENERAL STORE 4 Pearling Steers. Apply t iGilherl j' Phones, 25-8 Blyth, 803-22, Clinton Nc-thcry, phone 16-8 Blyth. .32.11, LONDESBORO, ONTARIO. +_: 44444.4.4. ++++ +444.44+•••:,1'•,:..s.•..;. J. ll. Phillips, t;, R. :\ltgu,tine, Noble Grand. Recording Scc'y. good rotund paraded dog harness collar, Cattle to gratis, \rronlldati In for Apply to James Armstrong, 111y111, 30 head of small cattle. Plenty of oat- er, grass and shade. Apply for pat•ti- IFOR SALE culars at he Standard Office, 33 -Ip. I A modern-5-ro„in home, situated on FOR SALE Qucc❑ Street, Myth.EverymodernSideboard ; Fleury walking plow, in good. condition; C•olcma11 gasolite iron. Apply to Standard Office, phone 81), Blyth. 32 -Ip, convenience, ruining water, hared and soft, (pressure system, bathroom, all hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, sink, good well and cistern, Apply to N. 1 Gun i hon, Myth. lyt h, 33.1 p, AUCTION SALE TENDERS WANTED Of Farm Stock, Milking Machine, TENDERS tor the contract of stip- Electric MotorPIying, crushing and delivering anprox- Lot 29, Concession 2 of Grey 't'ow'nship intatcly 7000 cubic yards of gravel in One -and -one-quarter utiles south and Morris Township will be received until 1 mile cast of Molesworth on 2 p.01., April 0, 10.15, TUESDAY, APRIL 10TH Gravel to be crushed to not more Sale commences at 1 p.111, sharp, than 3.4 inch in size, Pigs to he sold first. Stock includes .\ certified cheque for $ 00. must 21 holstein and 1)11rhain C:-w•s; Regis- accompany each tender. Lowest or any tercel bull; 43 Pigs, tender not necessarily accepted, TERMS: CASH, George C. Martin, Clerk, Alex, Alexander, (Warden of lltiron County), Proprietor, Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. 33-1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of Ada B. Laidlaw, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. \lI persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased arc required to filo the same with the un- dersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 23rd slay of April, A.D„ 1945, after which date the assets will I)C distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have hemi given. DATED at Clinton, this 28th day cif March, A.D., 1945. F. FINGLANi), K.C., Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 33-3. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At the residence of \Irs. Annie Gid - ley, Hamilton Avenue, Myth, on SATURDAY, APRIL 14TH at 1.30 p.m., the following; Iltime i mohair chesterfield suite, 3 - piece, Kbtoelcr; hall rack with mirror and se -tee; large bevel mirror; small sofa; 4 small tables; drop-leaf table; 4 chairs; 2 rocking chairs; chest of drawers., walnut; 2 watch stands; com- mode; glass cupboard; floor lamp, el- ectric; table lan'p, electric; 2 oil lamps; 2 -burner electric plate; apartment el- ectric cooker; Quebec cook stove, mil or wood; coal oil heater; coal oil can, 5 -gal. with l (01p; wringer and tub stand; 2 galvanized tubs; galvanized boiler; clothes rack; folding screen, 4 - section; clothes basket, wicker; limit - emit rug; 3 mats; cushions; pillows; (flannelette and woolen i-I•tnlets; quilts; culrtains; 2 garden chairs; hammock; lawn mower; feather mattress; Kapok mattress, 3 -quarter size; coil bed spring 3 -quarter size; cooking pots; pans; 2 grey granite roasters; aluminum roast pats; aluminum combiva0411 kettle steamer ;pails ; wall brush, Fuller; window brush, on long handles: scythe: garden tools; a quantity of jam, jelly, preserves, pickles, etc. Some gla4.s- ware and china; linen table cl,'ths ; bed spreads, and numerous other article;. Everything will be sold as the pro- prietress is giving up the house. TERMS—CASH. \Irs. Annie Gilley, Proprietress. \\)Ilhalll Moffitt, Auctioneer, 33-2. DANCE Notice rl'o Bicycle Owners 7'.\KI? N01.1(1.: that tinder instruc- tions from the (,ottttcil of the Corpor- ;atl'n of the \'Plage of Myth, Chief of Police Cowan is instructed to prose- cute any person or persons tiding bi- cycles on the sidewalks w•itltin the Corporation. 11y -Law No. 8, 189n, provides as fol• 32-2. lows :—'"That any p'er-on or persons found ruling his or her bicycle on any of the sidewalks in the Village of Blyth he subject to a fine of fc Im $I,t30 to ti 5.00 upon conviction thereof. before one or more Justices of the Peace itt and for the ('nutty of Il'iron, and Province of Ontario, and in de- fault of payment of such fink, t') he imprisoned according to the laws laid down in the Statutes, The 1lighwas 'Traffic Act Provides as follows: "Section 3'l, Snb-Section 13, which reals as follows; 'Nn, person riding on a bit yele designed for curry- ing one person only, shall carry any other person, hotrod." Any Person, M -r persons, violating this provision of the Act shall he pen- alized, nn conviction, as set forth in the 1ligint•ay 'Traffic Act. 32-2, BY ORDER OF COUNCIL. SPONSORED BY THE BLYTH JUNIOR FARMERS, IN Blyth Memorial Hall TUESDAY, APRIL 10111.1 MUSIC BY CARRUTHERS ORCHESTRA. Admis-sion 50c, IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE hinder, 7 ft. cut; \1-1I 3kver, fi ft cul; Spring -tooth cultivator; Si cel lire top buggy; Fleury walking plow, nearly new; set 3 -section harrows.Ap- ply to Pat Quinn, 9th line Morris, phone 18-6 Brussels. 32-3. TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE No. 1 Timothy seed for sale, Price 10c per lb, Any quantity, Purchaser may procure seed from undersigned, or at Wallace's Chopping \1 ill, Myth. Albert Nesbitt, phone 13.13, Myth, 31-2p, COMMUNITY SALE NOTICE Anyone wishing to list articles fo'• the Community Sale to he held the SPECIAL SALE 2nd or 3rd Saturday in April, kindly - ieave list at the Massey Harris Shop Hoine•Rendered not later than Wednesday, April 4th. 1 W. MORRITT, AUCTIONEER Social Evening PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE ANI) DANCE IN THE ORANGE HALL, BLYTH on the evening of FRIDAY, APRIL 61111 , AUSPICES OF BLYTH L.O.L. Admission 25c. 11ADiES \Vrl'II LUNCH FREE. EVERYBODY WELCOME. LARD BRiNG YOUR OWN CROCK s AND HAVE IT FILLED. —SPECIAL THiS WEEK— PURE PORK SAU3AGE 20c PER LB, H. McCallum ti Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTI). Sweet and cool in any Pipe CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO 110 British Produce New Headlamps .1 nc v ht lla rap tvltich goes far towinl salving the problems of night -motoring has been produced by gut I':ugli•in firm, The bran has a flit top u'itl' a very definite cut- off level. Direct dazzle is com- pletely eliminated at ordinary eye It vel. and the beans itself is in per- fect focus, giving not only a dis- tant view of the roadway ahead, but t, sharply defined picture of the roarkidcs. 1'he range of the lamp is stated tc he \yell over 1,000 feet, and it is further claimed that the special lens employed makes falling rain or at ow ins isible to the driver. Canada's First Winner Of V.C. it has been recalled in England that the first man of color ever to win the Victoria Cross was the Canadian Negro horn in Nova Scotia, Seaman William Hall, R.N. Seaman Hall won his cross for valor at Lucknow in the Indian Mutiny. The date was 1857, the year the decoration was instituted. So that stakes hint also the earliest Canadian V.C. BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS II your back aches or if you have disturbed aleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition to a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes r nllect, Backache, dizzy spells, Duffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help -and there is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules, These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops -packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. e Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, brine out cores, heals quickly, no scar, 25c, 35c, 50c, 51,00, Tortured man gets helpl Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN say; Suffererl "I have used ALLENRU for several months, I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now," Mort Shepard . Don't be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, ine::pensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of 1/2 lemon in a glass of water. Your money back if not entirely satisfied. Just 850 at all drug stores Buy ALLENRU today, Write for informative booklet "Here's (land !tea Itlt to You" to Stafford \itllcr (of Canada) Ltd., Dept, 5, 172 Jnlrn St., Toronto, Ont. for common ordinary sore throat ON 414 r _ WIIAT SCIENCE IS DOING Penicillin Lipstick It may not he long before wo- men will be able to get penicillin in their lipstick and toothpaste - where it can get at the microbes. litre -",r Sir Alexander bleat- ing, di-'ocercr of penicillin, recent- ly addre-.c.l civilian ;in,l service rlochls on the a..ec of the wonder drug. Strc-it:g it. contrihuti,dn to me- dicine as tell as surgery, lie gave details ..t its benefit in septicaemia, ostcom' c!iti inflammation of the marrow of hones, infected burns, and ah -,'c• -ca, 1)eserilrirg the use o: penicillin mixed with gelatine to forst a lo- zenge, l'roncssor Fleming stated that he expected it to he used in toothpaste and shaving creams, and even in lipstick.. "For minor infec- tions of the nose and throat we can expect snuff and sprays," he said. • Specifying rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis as di,eases that penicillin would not cure, Profes- sor bleating stated that penicillin is not a "cure-all." It twill be years before knowledge of its powers is C0111 P1 (' t C. Great Mines From Little Nuggets Grow Within four years of discovery of gold in the Klontike in 1800, an- nual production of gold from all sources in Canada had increased tc more than 1.B million fine oun- ces valued at $28 million, Last year estimated output was nearly 2.0 mil- lion ounces valued at over $111 millions• This expansion, it Inas be noted, was accomplished entirely by pri- vate enterprise, without the inter- vention of a state trust and with- out aid -often, indeed, despite state discouragement In the form of restrictive taxes and curbs on in- vestment. Fire Bombs Set Jap Cities Aflame The U. S, Army recently ap- proved disclosure of details of the new M-69 incendiary bombs drop- ped by American Superfortresses on Tokyo and other Japanese cities. The new bombs are about 10 inches long, as big around as a baseball bat, and weigh six pounds. The interior contains a cheese- cloth sack filled with "gasoline jell", which burns for 8 to 10 minutes at temperatures above 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit, The bombs are made up in 500 - pound clusters. At about 5,000 feet the cluster breaks open by means of a time fuse and an explosive charge. Upon impact, a delayed fuse starts a mechanism which deto- nates after about five seconds and spews the oil -filled cheesecloth about 25 yards in all directions, STUFFY NOSE? None plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing passages dome clear. Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient, Pleasant. Adults and children. 50c -all druggists. 'NSTRQLINE' CLIFTON, N BRISTOL, ENO/AND Skin Eruptions Here Is a clean, .stainless, pene- trating antiseptic oil that brings speedy relief from the Itching and discomfort. Not only does this t,ealing antis eeptic on promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds but boils and simple alt ers are also relieved. In shin affections the itching of Eczema le quickly stopped. Pimples -skin eruptions dry up and scale oft in a very few days, The same is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet and other in- flammatory akin disorders. You can obtain Moose's Emerald 011 In the original bottle at any modern drug store, Satisfaction or money back, WLUA '>S CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Rubbed on the neck, throat and chest, clears up the affected parts, and permits a resdul night's sleep Prevents congestion and serious complications i811(51 t((PNDst11D;D1nID frau 11c i Is eta arra Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Lydia E. Pinkham'aVegetable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings -when due to func tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for thitapur- pose. Pinkham'e Compound helps nature; Follow label directions. Try it! 4.4404141:47.40 tfl1TaL1efw VEGETABLE v rawncv COMPOUND PONTOON BRIDGE ACROSS HISTORIC RHINE Trucks oss on an Allied military pontoon bridge spa ening the famous, Rhine, somewhere 'n Germany Army censors have cropped out shore line on op_)osite bank, to prevent possible recognition of the site, and pointedly refrained from saying just where on the Rhine this bridge is located. ACCOUNTANTS .8 ACDI'r(1RS • INCO511S TAX Itla'O1t'rs COM - pieta Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. E., Toron to. Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTA1110. You may twin this 510,000 model home for 81.00. Write for your shares today, (51,00 each) to Beaches Business Men's Associa- tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly, Draw to he made May 24th. t'foreeds for war Charities. 11.5111' C111CIC' 11.00 1t001CS YOUR 011DI:It ORDER YOUR 1946 CHUCKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed teat - ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 112.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 101, Burred Rock Pullets 318.00 ber 100, white Leghorn Pullets 822.00 per 100, white Rocks mixes 515,011 per 100 white Rocic Pullete 824.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. DON'T MISS '1'lIL MOAT. TILE reason is getting on and 1f you don't soon order your chicks and take delivery of them it will be too lateto retch the early tnnrkot . Keep this to mind all the eggs and poultry meat you cnn pro- duce will be needed next Fall. It you send 1155 your order at once we can take cure of your requirements, on most breeds for March, April nod May delivery. Send for rataingue. Our special for next weelc White Leghorn cockerels 1.00, White Leghorns X Barred Rocks 2.95 per hundred. Listen to our radio pro eFemme over CKNX \Vfnghnm every Mon- day morning at 0.30 a.m. and Wednesday evening et 9.00 p.m. Tweddle Chick Ilntehertes Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In, Breeder I-latclheries are always sold out early, Don't take chancel on ordinary rhlcice. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex Large Type Leghorna, Sussex New Iirunps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rocic X Leghorna, Rock X New Vamps, Barred Rocks. Send for largo illustrated Catalogue and Price List, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros.. Exeter, Ont, MEAT COMMITMENTS, ESI'I:C- tally to U.S. army, will provide profitable markets for poultry meat in Canada thla fall, at cell - ,Ing prices. Buy cockerels now, while they're plentiful and econ- omical In pr'ic:e. Bray hatchery, 130 John N., Iirunllton, Ont. ORi)EIt 1'01111 GOVEBN3IENT APPROVED CiiICICS NOW -Every breeder Governtnent Ins e'ted , banded, and blood -tented. Immediate delivery on I'renthim grnde day old chicles, Leghornpl Pullets 90% guaranteed - $26.00 per hundred. Unsexed chicks 814.00 per hundred, Cockerels $ 2.00 per hundred. itarred iloche, New ilnmpshtren, Simplex, ilybrlds-Sussex N , llnmp, Rock X ;lamp, ;tamp S Leghorn Pullets 9055 gunrnnteed- 824.50 per hundred. Unsexed chicks $14.50 per hundred. Cockerels $ 9.00 per hundred. Sacro time, order from advertise- ment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free catalogue on request, containing the proper brooding of chicks, and methods used In raising poultry for profit. MONIC't'ON POULTRY FARMS, Monition, Ontnrlo. IIIIOAD ItIt1:As'l'i3D SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE \VEI:IC- 1)', If you oreamr at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market, White akl:teed, long rounded breasts. Also New Hemp. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns malco good roasters and grow • fast up to 4-5 lbs. You can buy these for 81.00 per 100. Also mix• ed henvy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, (healthy, blood tested breeders. 5000 tlreed- era on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Fant. Wein Ilros.. Exeter, Ontario 100 CHICKS FREE WITH I'VISI43' ORDER Ch 111(1 PUL - let chicks, WP give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets 122.96 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 519 96 tier 100. White Rork Pullets 824.95 per 100. All chicks sold bucked by high egg pedigreed stocic, 31.00 books your order, balance 0.0.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario. "OXFORD" 131,1001) -TESTED chicks. live, Iny and pay. They nre the results of nineteen years of careful selection and hreod!ne In 0,13.5, They have to be good because we went the very best kind of chicks for oiir own flneke. Improved breeding. Blg, vignrour and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Write for our free folder. Burred Rocks, White Leghorns, un -sexed rhlcks. Pullets end Cockerels. The Oxford Farmers' co-operative I'rodu", Co., Ltd.. 934 Main St., Wondstnek Ont. 11.1115' l'11ICI( S 25 FItl;R (:IIIt:Ks OUR FOlINUATION S'l'Ot'H 15 registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better to Canada, Order now. i'rices for mixed baby chlrNs, males auk females: Bar- red Rocks, 312,110 per hundred; White Leg horns, . 511.00: White 11"rks, $11.00; Brawn Leghorn', 511.110, Pullet prl.'ee; 111 rred ;;(ries, 319.00; White Leghorns, $22.00; White Rocks, $24,00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chlrlts, our choice, will be given for earth 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered, Goddard ('hick iTatehery, Bri- tannia ;;eights, Ontario. ORDER Y()I'tt 0111 CICS NOW AND YOU Ai1E GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you went them. Burred Rock mixed 512.00 per 100, white Leg - horns mixed 311.00 per 100. Bar- rer; ;tach Pullets $19.00 per 100. white leg horn pullete 522.00 per lin. Heavy ;;reed CkIs, 56.00 per 100, Leghorn Ckls, 52.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 20 os 00 g or better and from spe'Inl meted flocks. Guaranteed 100% live. delivery, 31.00 hooks your ruder, balance 0.0,1), Rainbow Hioteliers., Chatham, Ontario, 01'11 c'US'i'OM ERS TELL ITS "YES" year after year, they tell us that 'I'np Notch chicles are "tops" with them for livability and produc- tivety. Pott see all Top Notch (+Irks ;are Government Approv- ed from hlo(ltestod breeders - carefully rhosen for their lnno\vn qualities ns huslcy healthy hlg produel 00 birds, We offer these special bargains for next week, 1'usker'els per hundred: White Leghorn 95e; White Leghorn X Ran red Rocks 2.95; Burred Rocks 4.95; New Ilnmpshires 3.96; as- sorted henvy Breeds 3.75. Non - Sexed r}tleks: Light Breeds 10.45; henvy breeds 11.45. ('hicks ship- ped (',O,D. This advertisement must n(onutpnny your order. Top Notch (nicked es, Guelph, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We nre glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Pnriter's Dye Worlcs LitnIted, 791 l-onge Street, To- ronto. IIA11RDRRESSiNG • L 11 A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's hairdressing . Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Rond, Toronto, h'O)t SALLA ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com• patty Ltd.. 2326 Duffed') St., To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAI- a u9 raspberries, peach trees, , apples, pears, plums,' cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nurset'y, Simcoe, Ontario. Flags 1'ot..Es AND STANDARDS Silk Flags to Order Society Flags to Order (;b:0. lh 33'!LKINSON LTD. 333-5 Ol1ELLt3T'Th: AVE., WiNDSOR 86,500 - 1li:AUTIFULLY LAND. seeped GO noes, new brick, square plat house, Targe born, garages, electricity, spring water, 31'. Overland, Cataract, Ontarlo, 60 -ACRE l'',\RM FIRST CLASS, up -to -dote, Write for particulars, Bert 11ngadorn, 13urgessville, Ont. Amateur 'Theatricals SEE our character costumes. Ilave 600 costumes to choose from, Make- up dickeys, minstrel collars, gloves, etc. Costume Dept. - Sesond Floor (IFN). II, \\'I LEA NSON LTD. 333 0UELLfl'L'TI: AVE., \WINDSOR BEAUTIFUL COMFOitTERS IMAMS from your nuticrinls. Quilting $1.S5. Your wool carded 25c lb„ washing 3c lb [mirk service. Vir- gin wool hefts 51.15 Ib. Wool Carding Machines $14.95, Spinning \\'heels $13.95, Ask for catalogue. Slfton Wool Products, I3ox 123, Slfton, ,\Tnnttobn, 511,0 TITTILDINfl EQUIPMENT, AD• )astable steel forms, will build from 8 ft, to 14 ft. Also Concrete Mixer forms new. Apply Glen Tuffin. Wheatley, Ont. AUCTION At East Star Holstein Farm, Ren- frew. Selling April 18 at 10.30 a.m„ 20 Reg, Holstein Milk Cows 40 Reg. Holstein Helfer?, 2 yr, Bred - 20 Reg, Holstein Helfer Calvert 4 Reg. I10111(in Show Bulls Full line of farm Machinery. COLLIE MAi,1:S, 5 MONTHS $10.00, 21 months 37.00. One year heeler catch dog 325.00. Satisfaction money brick guarantee. Border Collies spayed, Registered Eng- lish Springer Spaniels for May delivery. Pa rtirulars on request. A, E. Dugan, \Wnrkworth, Ont. Ft -1,1,y .\r'rR1;DWT1•:D SERVICE- ',hle aged Hereford Butte sired he Imeeeted Roll New Domino. tell diner Morrison, Mount Forest. a FAIt3IS FOR SAI,E FARM 10011 SALi': IN DISTRICT of Algoma, 158 acres, 116 under eulit 3') tion, clay loam, Balance pasture end wood, Buildings In good repair. Excellent water In house and barn, George SlcKny, Plummer, Ont, FOR, 0.11,1,1, 100-.11'111; FARM, 1 11110 from city limits of Guelph, Ont. Modern double house with Hydro and all conveniences, hot water henting system with stok- er, drilled well, 2 cisterns, 2 gnr- ngee, I belted; gond hank barn, dairy and other buildings, good productive land, For further In- fermnllon apply Box 20, 73 Ade- laide 51. W., 'Taranto. 31.t('III\1:111' DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS RD7 CATERPILLAR WITH 8 YARD Le Tourneartt scraper; 111)8 with 12 yard Romper; TD18 Inter- natt!onnl with bulldozer (sernper optional); TD40 with bulldozer; RLt10 international (47.5 IIP); RDI Cnterp lint; 111)4 with An- thony 11Ighlfft lluelcet and inter- changeable bulldozer blade I,1 hung plants, 1500 watt, 32 or 115 Volts. Send for folder ' Diesel find (lnsnllno Engines 40 to 150 111. Other equipment available, \Vire, write or phone S. 11, Leventhal, & Co„ 2Inchlnery Agents, '33'11 nlpen. MEDICAL STOMACH AND I'11I1I:AD 33') 11510 often are the cause of ill -health to humntis, all ages, No one im- \tune! Why not find out If thin le your trouble? Interestng pnr- tteulars-Free! Write Mtilveney'e Remedies. Speetnl!ste Toronto 3 \VAN'1'I;D, EVIITIY SUFFERER OF ]rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's ;remedy. Munro's Drug Store, .715 Elgin, 01ta\wn. Post paid 31.00, CONSTIPATION, B 1 1,8 0 U SNI.ISS, liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with Fig -Lax tablets, Keep regular with Fig - La x, 25e at Druggists, BATISTi:EKJS FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa ngent, Demnnn Drug Store, Ottawa, Flil't'P JUICES: 'I'llE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for ltheutnntie lysins, Neuritis, sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elc:in, Ottawa, Postpaid 31.00. SIPSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. i3ODDi NGTON PIUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPI'Olt'rUNI'1'!ES FOR %V02IEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Creat Opnortunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful, Marvel graduates. Atnet ica's greatest sys- tem, illustrated catalogue tree. Write or cull MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 353 131,0OII W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, OPFI:IR TO INVEN'T'ORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. PIANOS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN TI]E new small Pianos? if so write tis for latest descriptive circular, Fnctory Meson & Misch Limited, 642 King St. West, Toronto, l'ltO'I'OGRA1'111' "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS ", and the prompt manner In which you return \veldt Is greatly apprerinled." .Any Size Roll - G or 8 Exposures DEV1:LOPIED ANI) PAINTED 25c Don't risk losing plcturee. Send your filet rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lower Cost PO:Met mall service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll ENLARGEMENTS - 3 for 25c 4 x 6" In Easel Mounts SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black ]:bony finish frames, 59c each, It enlargement colored, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly or Orders. Do It Now! Hoping to inspire his worker; with promptness and energy, a businesv than hung a number of signs reading "I)0 IT NOW" around his factory and office, Then he was asked some weeks later how his staff lead reacted, he shook his head sadly. "i don't even like 'o talk about it," he said, '"hire cashier skipped 3.11 at ;1,0011; tic head book- keeper eloped with the best sec- retary i ever had; three typist; asked for an increase; the factory hands decided to go in strike, and the office boy joined the Navy." Man Wanted Immediately FOR FRUIT & NURSERY FARM WORK EXP'I:l:II:Nt'IS NO'r NI';CESSARY GOOF) BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION A E. D. Smith's Fruit Farms tl'INMNA, 0N'I'. I'110'I'OG It.11' 111' TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your Mine properly developed and • 6 011 8 t:XPO5tlltprintedl: ROLLS 26e REPRINTS 8 tor 2Sc FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not gttt all the films yon want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL 1110T0 SItnvICA Stntlon .1 Toronto I'ATIIN'I'S FETl119R5'1'ONHAUGii & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Establishd 1890; 14 King \\'est, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest, 51E1$1)5 BAXTER'S SEEDS, BETTER QUAf.- Ity and \'slue, Send for Catalogue "We sell everything that grows," 3359 Yonge Street, Toronto. WAN"r ISD Cash Register Wanted 1 Cent Up, Must Be Cheap. 333 Ouellette Ave., Windsor SPEEDY CASII h'OR 100-200 ACRES, good medium loam, hydro avail- able, Write right nowt Box 14. 173 Adelaide W., Toronto, SADDLES 1D1 LLS \1'.1\T Lll RIDING ROOTS ANI) GEAR \\'i: PAY (IASi[ GP:OR014 H. WILKINSON 883 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR WILL PAY 8700 CASA FOR BLOCK Planer Machine. it is used for planing sole leather blocks. Box 16, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. Invalid Chairs Wanted W1I,T, pay cash or map for what we have. Swap Dept. Geo. H. Wilkinson Ltd. 333 Ouellette Ave. Windsor Portable Phonographs WANTEi)! WI11 pay Cash or Swap for 110 NV shoes or new clothes or what we have, G1:0, I1. WILKINSON 338-5 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR WANTED TO BUY ONll 18NS1L- age Cutter, late model. Melbourne Free, 11.11, 2, Meatord, Ont. ONTARIO, 20-60 ACRE DAIRY Farm In rundown condition wanted. Must be bargain for cash. State price and taxes, De - merlin, fully. Box 21, 73 Adelaide \\'., 'i'ornntn. FARM MACHINERY • "VIKING" CREA2i SEPARATORS aii repair parts t s are nlwn e available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Lttnited, 720 Notre- Datne West, Montreal 3, Que. 111:1.1' WANTED $95.00 REG. NURSE, GENERAL duty, live in, Ronin and Board, duties to commence at once, When applying give fall particulars and experience, Waterford Maternity Hospital, ;lox 402, Waterford. Ont. IF YOU ARE NOT GETTING A sufficient income, why not start a business ALL Y01111 OWN retail- ing hamilox lots priced guaran- teed necesaltles in your spnre time? Quick easy sales-suhstan- tint profits. A horse and wagon or ca' will help you qualify for a rural route. Details FREE, Fantiles, 1600 Delorimier, Mon- treal. HOUSIJIKEEPER \Vi'1'!) FARM experience, Modern Farm, by April 15t11. 2 adults, ilrampton District. References required, J. M. Deleon, Brampton 2, Ont. CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with eomo experience on make-ready. Sten(1y position for steady reliable man. (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employ- ment & Selective Service Office, FILE -C.11, 2619. EXPERIENCED LINO'I'YPE OPER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position. (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. FI Ll; -C.11, 2520. • MIDDLE AGED RELIABLE WO - men ns helper on farm close .to v111nge. Mrs. Addle Henry, Aulte- vllle, Ont. FARM 1114L1' WANTED • FARMER, SINGLE, IIEUABLJE steady mgr for gen@ra1 far work on daim ry farm. Experience bnllking machine, tractor, prefer- red, 70 dollars Mottthl •plus board, laundry. Apply P. VI Pills, Boknrfarm, Highway No G!, Whitby, Ont. Phone Whitby, 11,, MARRIED MAN FOR UP -TO -DATA fruit farm on Niagara Rha Boulevard, yearly employymment, good separate house, free HYdrO, summer wood, garden spot, etc. Please state nationality, ' age, farming experience, site of fam- ily and wages expected, C. How- ard Fisher & Sons, Queenston, Ont. TIME TALKS 'APAkvAirovArAciit*APAe40040-AvAsue40/000, the Jade God Smooth, Glossy Brown Gravy Glave, can nc;,kr or tear a rook's reputation, just as it can stake or mar a hied!. :Actually, too, the achievement of a rich, velvety pro- duct is guile a simple feat. For gravy makers, however, w h o aren't up to all the tricks of the trade, the ('oi hinter Section of the Dominion Department of Ag- riculture offers two rules, which, if followed will result in glossy gravy, free -from -humps, the pride of any housewife. Two Rules Rule number one deals with the proper blending of the (lour and fat. They should be well blended, and the flour browned before the liquid is added. Remember , the gravy won't brown After the liquid is added. Rule number two is concerned with adding and blending the liquid, It may be water, neat or chicken stock, liquor from canned or cooked vegetables, milk or to- mato juice. Whatever it is, the liquid should be cold when added to the fat -flour mixture, Also, It should be added gradually and the mixture stirred constantly during the operation, Gravy should not be made too far in advance of serving, other- wise it will dry out, become thick and pasty and form a scum on top which is difficult to blend back smoothly into the gravy. For late - !o -dinner members of the family( keep the gravy hot in the top of a double boiler, closely covered, Pan Gravy Add 2 or 8 tablespoons boiling water to frying or broiler pan used in cooking steak. Stir well to loos- en particles adhering to pan. Sea- son as desired and serve on steak, Brown Gravy jlf cup fat (drippings from roast) 14 cup flour II cups cold liquid (water or meat or vegetable stock) Salt and pepper to taste Always make gravy in the pan in which the meat was cooked. When meat is done, remove from pan to a hot platter and keep warm in oven with heat of( or in warm- ing oven, Pour off excess fat leav- ing cup in pan. Add flour and ook, stirring constantly, until flour becomes brown but not burned. Remove pan from direct heat and add cold liquid, Return to low heat and cook, stirring constantly,. until gravy boils and thickens. Season to taste. Makes 2 cups gravy. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TOIIIIN'1'O • ICvcry Roust with tenth, Shure• er and telephone. • Single, $2,5I( up— [Muhl e, I. O up, • Good Pond, pining and Dune - Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton, Tel. RA 4135 6/'ksio /0/e -action Ne/rei (00/000111/4// WHEN you suffer from aching, aggra- vating muscular pain, you want quick relief. An Instantine tablet taken with water, will usually bring this relief. And Instantine's help doesn't stop here, because this prescription -type medicine is speciatiy compounded to give triple -action relief these ways: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift," lnstantine quickly relieves headache pain, too. And you can rely on it for prompt aid in fighting off the dis- comfort that comes with a cold. All drugstores. 12 tablets 250. 1 ttai ne a product of The Boyer Co., Ltd. ISSUE 14-1915 By ' MARY,�MAY TAYLOR p ,p :92070 CHAPTER XVI He took her in his arms again and kissed her solemnly. "It's goodby," he said iittltly. "I won't take yon. At least, I'm man enough not to ruin your life— because I love yon. it's goodby, Pam 1" She could not speak; she kt him go, but she stood still, tears blinding her. He would not take her to fight his battle, there was a tumult in her heart, she wanted to run after him to tell hint she would face anything for him, but he didn't want her to go! The hot blood rushed to her face; then she remembered the anguish in his eyes—and he was going! She stood holding her breath, listening to lois footsteps going away down the long hall and, at last, the closing of the door. If There was something that she could do; wasn't there some- thing? Suddenly her heart leaped —the jade god! She would make Burleson tell her everything he knew, * * * She went softly across the hall. She wanted to be stere that Lan- don had gone before she went back to the library. There was a stir in the rooms beyond and then Aunt Lynn's voice, cold and crisp, freezing someone out, Pam hid herself from them, trying to slip by, but she could not shut her ears. "1'm sorry, I knew your another, Archie," Mrs. Lynn said icily, "butt I can't pardon this." She was freezing Landon out! He mumbled something about Teddy Banks, and not being him- self. "If you mean you'd been drink- ing—that only stakes it worse," she replied sharply. "As for Ranks —you know what I think! I told the servants long ago not to ad- mit him again." "And now I'm in for that, too, I suppose!" Landon cried. "When I trial to undo it, too," "You'll have to pardon a wom- an who knew your mother, for st:•eaking the truth, Archie," she retorted suavely. "You see, I'm not sure that your way of undo- ing it was—much better!" Ile stammered more apologies and her icy voice trickled hack at him "11 e's done!" Pant thought. "Ane! Fin glad of it --the coward!" * * * Then Pam slipper past that cur- tain arch and found the little door in the corner; it opened into the library beside the fireplace. It was still in there; her first thought was that there was no one in the room; the shades had not been d aw•n; a street -lamp garislted out- side, the lire on the hearth was low. 'then, beyond the shaded lamp, she saw the outline of her uncle's gray head. She thought he was asleep, his eyes were closed, the red streak had fatted into ashee gray, he looked ill. It seemed impossible that to could be asleep after all that violcncel She saw the scattered hits of pol- ished jade on the floor, shattered like poor Mark's hope of freedom long ago. She stooped soft1,, and hegan to pick up the fragments. She found the_ head unhurt, green beard and all, and the distorted mouth gritted up at her. She had it in her hand when she lifted her eyes again and found Btu -Te- ton watching, her. "'Throw that tiling away, Pam!" he said sharply. * * * But she did not; she came near- er, holding out her pink palm with the green head In it. "Uncle Herbert, Id ark's uncle brought that when they were to- gether tor the last tutee; brought k for you, and he had it when Mark saw him last. He gave it 11. you afterwards," she paused, letting her words sink in, but he st.id nothing, only looked intently' at her, "Don't you see?" she pleaded, "he gave it to you after Mark left him. ile was killed after that. Yon can clear Mark, if you will!" "Olt, can I?" his gray lined face was cruel when he twisted his lips like that! The girl looked steadily at hint with the eyes of youth. "Yes, you sant You must—" She came near- er, "Uncle Herbert, try to re- member—you must! He can't be left like this—he didn't do it!" • * * Burleson returned her look steadily, his grayness seemed to increase, for the tempest of his anger had left hint weak, "Why are you ao sure he didn't do it?" he asked raspingly. She broke at that, suddenly childish and forlorn, "I know—I love him!" He was dumfounded. "Extra- ordinary!" he said, after a moment. "You young girls now—good Lord, what would your grandmothers have said." "\Vho cares?" Pant stormed. "We're young—youth has a right to live)" "And age has to clear out, eh?" his face twisted again into hie mocking smile. "If it stands in the way of life— yes!" she cried cruely, "Think of all Mark's lost—fifteen years of youth! It's cruel, ft's wicked. Uncle Herbert, you must have known something; .there was some- one else; why didn't you say so?" He considered her, his head sunk 1'etwecn his thin high shoulders. She was so splendidly young and so cruel in her youth. "Suppose i suspected," he said slowly, "suppose I didn't know, but if I'd said a word it would have pulled down A family, a good wife, sons or daughters, and proved nothing—perhaps!" 'Hien you did suspect!" she cried. "You did, and you let Mark go—for some old sinner in high place!" "1 didn't say that; 1 said, 'sup- pose " "Yntt meant it! \Vas any old scan worth NI ark's splendid youth, Uncle? Ile couldn't he!" "Perhaps his peop', were. Think of the disgt ace " "'Think of it? Yes!" she cried, flinging the little green head down, "think of what lie's got to face— Iwfat•hl 11e won't let me face it with hint, Ile refnees to let ace do it." "You swan you asked this—this ex -convict tc hurry '011, Pam!'" Ile cried, sitting up in his chair. (To Ile Continued) Hint for Housewife ' wet laundry 011 the line will not freeze if a handful of salt is used in the rinse water. NAVY MEN IN KHAKI Navy men swapped their blue navy uniforms for army khaki, and , trained like army troops while preparing for now historic Rhine crossing. "Bluejackets" are shown lined up for drill during training period. The Bells Of Peace Sonne day the bells of peare will ring, The ithecls of war• viii cease to hum. Free nlen will plough the fertile fields; The thunder of the guns he dumb. Once intoe will happy children play And sleep, untroubled, sate in bed; No tenor fly by night or day! No fear of bombers overhead! Yet, gram, will grow on countless graves, Marked by plain cro'ses row on row -- On nun who gave their very a1!, That love and beauty we might know, And, though the bells of peace may ring — Sti11, mangled bodies, wracked with pain, And sightless eyes, will dumbly plead — "Let not our torment be in vain," In unknown places, noisome, dark, in swamp, in sands, in restless sea, Lk hien who sacrified life's chance — That you and I might still be free, * * What kind of world will we then make — Fall of ideals for which they died? Or, will we grow stiff-necked again, 1n hatred, greed and haughty pride? Will trade and conquest De our God? Will we still seek the highest seat? Then surely war will scourge once more And make destruction all complete. Shall we not bravely see that they, Oar flesh and blood, strove not In vain, And build a world on right, not might, When bells of peace ring out again? — T. B. Gleave. War Or No War Bride Wears White he story of British opportunism never contained a more astonshing chapter of "recovered situations" than the one which British women have written in wartime clothing. Many a proud husband has gone off to work, prouder still, in a fine shirt made of the kitchen cur- tains. Most husbands wear Joseph's coats of may colors, the heroic last stand of five other shirts. There was a wedding the other day at which the bride's fancily and all the wedding guests in the know beamed on the bride with more than customary interest, for site was radiantly hcauilful in the family tablecloth—the best damask tablecloth unstarched and made over Advice to Mothers Don't be alarmed if your little daughter thinks site is 'smarter than you art She may he right. i;Fri IzCftCL This 12 of Int -in. crocheted square is a boon to homemakers. Use sin- gly for plate doily, tray cover; or, joined, for cloths, scarfs, spreads, Your favorite pineapple design in a new 12 or eft -inch square, depend- ing on cotton used. Pattern 051 has crochet directions for square. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlccraii Dept., Roots 421, 73 Adelaide St., West, Toronto. Print plainly pat- tern number, your name and and address. .1,)'nu'/p EAT -SLEEP - LOOK and rFEEL BETTER/ L'IA1t1N VITAMIN a -COMPLEX Liquid & 'Patter Purim S' i D AT ALL DRUG gnats, Quality You'll Enjoy TEA CHRONICLES of GINGER FAIIM Last 'Thursday my baby chicks were supposed to arrive on the morning train. I met the train and wafted eargerly near the baggage oar—but alas there were no little chicks. I could hardly believe it I thought the trainman must have overlooked them. However the train moved on, and 1, per- force, went home, minus the chicks, Naturaly I thought the shipper had missed the train and that ht would either phone or deliver them In person. Noon came an.; there were no chickens and no telephone call. So then I called "long distance" myself. The hatchery -man would hardly believe me when I said the little biddies had not arrived. "But I took them to the station at six o'clock this morning," he said. "Did yon put them on the train ,,ourself?" I inquired, "Well, no, but I gave them to the shipping agent. If you will wait a minute I will make inqulrles and ring you back." In a short while that is what he did—and told me the chickens had been shipped all right but on the wrong train! They had gone to To- ronto. In all probability they would be sent dour on "the Peanut" that evening. My poor little chicks—shut up in boxes ani) shunted around from one place to another. What will they be like when I get them, I won- dered, At 7.30 I was at the station again and this time, so were the chickens. I opened the box with considerable trepidation and found not dead and dying chicks—but 150 lively, chipping little balls of black fluff, as warm and happy as you please. Joy riding nlust have agreed with them as I have since lost only two. Now, of course, I spend quite a lot of time running back and forth tc the brooder house—mainly to see that it doesn't get too }lot. The sun is so warm and bright these early spring days, Il is no hardship looking after baby chicks. I love to sit on the i °ed bag and watch them grow. Yes, watch them! Honestly, they seem to sprout wings under my very eyes, * * In betty( en attending to chickens and collecting for the Red Cross, Partner and i have made two trips to Hamilton — it having become necessary for Partner to love a check-up at the clinic. 'these old soldiers. * * On our first visit to the clinic we were very interested in the efficiency we found in every de- partment. Partner's name was called five minutes ahead ' time. ak nurse tool, )nim to the doctor's own waiting roost, From there to the consulting rout, the laboratory, consulting room, the laboratory, office, back to the first one, and finally out to the main office where accounts were tabulated and paid. The complete round took exactly two hours with hardly a minute wasted. The chief doctor, as he By Gwendoline P. Clarke • * * • * questioned Partner, wrote down all the particulars, and as each page was filled it was pegged outside his office door. From there it was whisked away as if by magic, taken to sorne secret sanctum, where the rough copy later appeared in the forst of typed cards for future re- ference. The efficiency and quiet dignity which prevailed throughout the entire building was something to admire, and certainly gave Part- ner confidence in whatever pro- ntouncenlent might result from his visit. British Farmers' Exclusive Problem Canadian farmers do not have all the problems in the world, comments the 13randon Stn. There are some exclusive ones in Great Britain just now. Kent. is the most bombed county in England, Hell's Corner in fact, Here is a classi- fied advertisement from a Kentish paper of recent date: "Farmers in Hollingbourne Ru- ral District—Bulldozer now work- ing area. Anyone wanting bomb craters filled apply Moy, halfway Farm, Kingsnorth Ashford. Phone Ashford 584." Men Are Working To Exhaustion Chronic fatigue and nervous ex- haustion are getting men down , , , down in health and down in resistence to cold and other ailments. It is high time for a build up with Dr, Chase's NERVE FOOD, the Vitamin B1 tonic, It will help to steady your nerves and help you to sleep better, 1t will help you to digest your food and to regain energy mud vigor, Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60s.—GOcts. 1S0s—S1., 0 eadache Nothing is morcdepres• sing than headaches.,. Why suffer?.. , Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambly's isgood for ear- (Lib ache, toothache, pains in MY hack, stomach, bowels. yt4'&d 1t, HEADACHE POWDERS- is How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles Most pcople seem to'thlnit the on- ly wtty to get relief from their sore, painful piles Is by local treatment. Local treatment may give tempor- ary relief front the Helmut but you can easily see why such treal• men! wit not cor• rect the cause of your piles. No lasting free dot) from pile can be had unless the cause of the trouble Is correct- ed. Piles are due to Intestinal causes e0 the best way to get lasting relief Is to treat them Internally with a medicine like Item -(told, Hem -Bold 1s a formula that Itis been used for ovet 40 years by thou. sands of pilo sut• ferere It Is a imall, highly con- centrated tablet, easy and pleas- ant to use. This cleverly c o m - pounded tablet formula directs Ire medical action to relief of the conges'.lon that Is the real cause of your piles. trem-hold promotes tree, easy and comfortable bowel movements, quickly relieves itching Irritation and soreness and stimu• late, better blood t'ircuintinn in the lower bowel With gond blood ein• culatlon in the lower bowel the painful pile luntots soon heat over leavini the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy, \\'e invite you to try licm-ltotd rind let It prove Itself. You can maks your test In the privacy of your own home. NO COST 1f you are not convinced that this Is an amazingly e a s y and surprisingly effective method of treating, your 'are, n''fol piles. t'o,te et a t'ro fcetlouet stodct portion of the drugei't and he fund your money N11'iEt Thin generous offer h 'melte() by a reliable firm doing bun. Inc,, In Cpnndo for n g 1 ninny years, 1tent-Itnld ,1111,1 Help 'our pile conditIon g111ek1y. foxily nod plensanlly o.• this simple, easy test Pont* +nu nothing Try it Imlay. Get n pacltn�e of I1cm-fluid to- day from n n y dru) store and use it ns directed for JU:T 1"1\'l: DAYS. At the end of that time If you are not ab- solutely sure Clem-ltold Is the nicest. cleanest inti most effective olio treatment you ever tried. re- turn the unused package to your will promptly' re- s PAGE 8. • =SHOES FOR SPRING Women's Arch Shoes $2.95 $5.95 $3.95 Women's Suede Pump Children's Oxfords Boys' Work Shoes Men's Dress Oxfords • •$1.79-$2. t $2.75 - $3.50 2.95 - $1,00 A Good Stock of "'heeling Yarn on )-land. THE STANDARD Yeiwona 11_11._..• ,.1 ii • \Ir. \1•. J. Sines 1,f Seafurth, and \Ir. Ii .\ ('til(((t Sims, 111 •l (,omit ', 11cr1' \1',,t. gconic visitors il, tom' kat \etch -cud. A N. 11. C, Ii, ,'f "Toronto, ;11-u 'tell INl'1 dc, of ',ram ford, are hit -ter Visitors fi \titlt \Irs. Isabella Cole. R\11 H. I'. 11. Robinson ,1)t•11t the wecl;- ill end in tieaio11,1. 15, I NI:. end NI is IL Johnston of Gele- a♦ 1 • rich sten• Sunday with \Ir, and NIP.. c.», A Go't11111 (•Nils'((, •. •1111 \L" .\1111i,. Laidlaw -,f Clinton Vi•- ��� McGill i test I,I t ttrt'h ttitll Iter alcor, \I r:. I'. • Broin, and neplit•w, lank, Stalker. • si • tits, 1'.11t,lll'I'!I;1 Steinhoff , I Lu (1 Ill (11 and \Irs. lac;; Ferguson of Exeter, oamatalmatataimatrlaND2V4) hN)tD22212 IM*YrDirtD• aatItAN2t2t2 tal112D1Di �atsl�,�t IODislma2 ; ' ' called on Irlenll• here on Sunday. Nies. Frnc•t Leggett spending til V*••:N••••,:.•••••••••:H• : ••,:•s•••••••••:.1� :••' •••••:•• • ,• ••, • ♦ • •••••,••,i:•:.•'•.;,:••••.:�•:•:••••:•,••••••:. • : ♦- •-� ♦•• ••••• P'i't:':N•:' • • • ••• • ♦ • :0••♦ •••:•0•••':'0•:'•• ••••• • • • • ,•• • • • 1. t .+2 wee), tt in 11 !Milton an S''I.J1'I' ROBINSON '•' I)1M!I.I. :-. •i i \lis. .\incl \IrlvlY, of tihellr,t•ttr Vi,itieg Ler sister-in-law, \Irs. I:, \i. Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. • .• NI elay. •_'•I \Ir. lank, 1lirons and \I r. unt•. 4. Please Phone ,Delivery Orders .Early. :i Rile•, of \Iiltou, „,,,,,,t (:mbar with the 3: .• formers lather \I r. George 1Iirons, (horning I)elivery. North of I)insley Street. � \II',. Drell ( !;italic ;Intl \\'a,•ne, of :� Afternoon I)elivery, South of I)insley Street. i:htehemel, •,lent )he „'eek emd \1 1111 •l• the former'•• nt,lthcr, \Irs. \V. Ikochnie, I)elivery Orders - x+1.00 or Over. ; j \I r. K. \V. l'ho\yI ;I of I lantilton \ is- •: ,iter his aunt, \Irs. F. \Ictcalie on Macaroni 4 111s. for 25c 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per plc);. 25c 25c Doherty Bros. -. °""""L Chocolates for versus ,1 1 Wedne dliy, April '1111, 1913. 1,1 ..I . ...nl J.a • Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents For International- Harvcster Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WIIEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REi\1E11BER "'1'1IE IIOME BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN. 1''OR A Lli\!LTI;D'l'lilli', ONLY we will take orders for Siniles'n ('h tickles Chocolates for Shipment Overseas, We advise ordering iinmc(liittc;y as this offer may be withdrawli at any hive. 1 1,13. 5 OZS. FOR 99e (1'ost,1,,e 1n.iudr(1)• R, D. PHILP, Piga. 3. DICU(;S, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER --PHONE 2('. .i..I .I tI,..,,W..1 n .1144.: ,I4,I uY.,1 • F.111411.474/15.1/4..114.,-.,114114.41.11.111 ►�'�".tZI�.IZt�ik:4:'i'w't�'tt 4tM'� 4 ti 11 t,1g141U1Y'Y'U'ti • +e�'it: lye t' ''... . ;.'� w'4;iE.:7 1 64 d9 �i PERSON AL INTEREST .2. Sunday. \I i>, UIVc! to Brigham 111 \1'in(Is 11_11 Mr. and \Irs. Garth Ilo',h'.11 of 1.o•',- and \Iiss Lat'i1lia Brigham of Clinton, 1124Iden were Faster Visitor, ;t the for- \‘ ere guest, ,'f \Ir. and \Irs. \\•. \lilts 4, 4• , 9• 4., Rice acct s home here. i (wring I•:aster. S; I \lis, Ann I"Inti,(,, of Ottawa i, en- 1 \Irs. t;'radii Bradley and sun, Robert _•' j,,ying the Easter vacation :It her home Bruce rcttn'ne,l bona' c \1'educs(tay Jiffy Pie Crust 4.here. after Visiting in I'alnn'rtson an -I tit. ' ptl 1))• 1:)C Z; I .`,41. S.Iln •('!nett of 'I'retttun, <t,t'nt Cahcrincs for the (last six mocks. Red Rose Coffee, , • : ,a day this n.'ek with his parents, MV.1 \1 r. and \Ir . frank Elliott of 'for - r� ' Lilly Grange 1 ea hall 11). pl.g, ,15c :_: anti \Its. \Vin. . 'I'huc'1• 'uto stunt th,' holiday tt cob -cull at ihr ,', \Ir. and \Irs. I?all \I ills, \Iis, lean It'ttt ,•f the ;ovine'', parents, \I r. tont '1'OI1li110 Soup l.()C and Master \Ittrray, stent Easter at \Irs. 1. 11. I:. Elliott. Shredded Wheat 2 prigs, for 25c the hon,, of \t r. and \Ir , \V. Mills. 1 mi.,.lila \swell and rllil''relt, Joint •:• 1 \lis, Stmi e3. \\•ar"cu of 'furl'(((() i:,:...:...:. +4.•••OP••i•Qi••4+.4.0.•••♦0•:••:.:•••••�• 0%,0•+0 I• •0 •:•.: ••:•0.+.:..:•:•:•:•:•••••:• :•.O1:11,.......1:00.1.....:.... I ;lilll ,I 1111111 11 f \il ttt h;illi, il''l' )'(till lll'� ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • • • • • • •�, • • i•♦ • • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • Ktq'llt Illi' \\'l't'I•.-l'Ildl ;It till' 11„1111' IIt ;ll cite 101'1111.'1', home, \II•. and \11•s. •filer parents, \I r, anti \Its. Irvine \\'al ;t,1n41,t \I rrison, (;Ire, \lits \Iclda \Icl':!roy of Guelph is i r':n'I Mr'',, (;c, rge Frilz'e\• art( h\Ion;l.lI •, 1,1 Burford, ylsmed uVcl• the 1 • PERSONAL INTEREST \I r. and \Irs. tie ,r): ' 1':.watt anti Robins 'ti of iKitchc:lcr baht•• "fed of I lea -•Ill st1c," `1!ur1L , Cal t. Lo': ,trent the week -end at her home. \ti h \I r. it Mrs. Ge1'rgr11Cutt;ltt, ln' ding the I;(stet hohna)s \tlth her mother, Mrs,I?dict( Itc:l, anti sistcr,'\teek-ced \t th Nits. Fri zlcy, and \Ir. \its. Nelson Naylor, anti ,ltlg;tet'' \Irs, I. ,I. tiinl•. ;.inter I'nla'nd. 'Thea; all spent -'uriay Patricia, , f 'T1 r,.nt1 , t'i•i'r I over the ; tint. Wynn ilerhn'o i tit. loltn. at hash(\mt.! \lith \h•. and \irs. Fred week rn•I hn'litta\• at the 'tante of \Ir.lQuebec, lu'n: the ;'aster week -end ('cnL'ncr. and \irs. l•hatics hell. 1';Itri-i;t re- with l,', tlaret:t,, \Ir. and \Its. Scut Lrslic Rutlen 1e, son cl \lr. and \Its. nlaincd for di,_ tt'ec1;, Kecituie. I t'c11 R;I'ten •r. t1; nl ihr tVr1 I; end \ir. ;r i Mrs. I.cs'ie 1)alcfc•h and children, Janice and 1)i,!ne, retro net Lome ':'n Monday after Visiting for a a few Ilan', last week with the latter's (parents, \i r, and \Irs. Gel,rgc Cowan, • Another Hydro Rate Reduction For All Rural Consumers A further Rural rate reduction from 4c to -c per kilo- watt hour on the first block of energy used in any one month by Hydro Rural consumers, will go into effect on all bills rendered on or after May 1st, 19.15, This Rural rate reduction will mean a saving of approx- imately $300,000 a year to I-1,ydl'o Rural consumers. The New Uniform Rate Structure Will Be: 3.1,2c. per kilowatt hour for first block of energy. (formerly 4c.) ,. 1-6 10c. per kilowatt hour for second block of energy. 3.1c per kilowatt hour for all addii,ional energy. No service charge on Farm Service . . . a service charge of 56c gross per month on Hamlet Ser- vice. The more Hydro you use the less it costs on the average per Kilowatt hour. Increased use therefore brings low- er Costs. The important rewisiol)s in Rural rates, made effective in January 1941, have resulted in a greater use of energy, enabling the Commission to further reduce the cost of electricity to hydro lural consumers in On- tario. THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO. 1.. 1 ,1 tut LF b me he -e. Leslie recently grad - , nal ed ;is a Se•gc;tlt-Navigator in the R 1\;11 C 1;1111:11; :\it' I', rc.e, and has 'teen stati,,ncd ;It \laltun, lack \watson. son of NI r. and Mts. 1 .1, 11. \\';Ikon, Blyth, and (till lard, -nn of \1 r, and Mrs. Gc1•rgc 11n11:1t•d, I Itlllel 1, both of the I:.(.\.\ , are home on a two-week fnrlengh, 1. having completed their courrc. Both boys ,gr;i,uate't as 'Telegr;li,hist Special Operators, Nil's. Alice itrown, \Ir. and Mrs. rank S•unc!;;t,,t, and Sharon, f don, v, \t ere \(•teh-end guests with \I r. and \irs. 11•t••, ty Brown, \I r•. Celelt such has rct,n•red h nn' on friday aft •r Vi,i'ing fur the vast ix \techs in (;rren1\ tt(, Ihnlitt t(ln and Bradford. She was acct tinpanied home tV her •••n -iii -law ;Ind daughter, \Ir, and Mrs, C. I.. ltnrnsidc, of Brad- ford. r. and \Irs, I. J. Campbell, and I )o,tal,L of .\\hurt, and their d;Iltgltll•r, Mrs. 1 I • 1 tut, Belk i Ii,, and Miss Fa - eon \\';1111, \i>ited a couple of 1.1'ays with \I rs. Hutch. 'Taylor. \I it,; s Jeanette (;lonsltcr and Edythe (!antic\, formerly of itlyth, and now of (;alt, ,;(cit a few days on \meati( 11 in Toronto la• t week. Staff-S4i, I':tnVa Leslie, of 'Turotit,, spent Easter 'with her Inclher, \Irs. N. 1.esllie. CONCIIA'I'IULA'1'IONS C, ngt'atnlati, ns to Mr. J. C. Stoltz \Vito celebrates April 5th. has 7-Itll birthday on * * * 1f pip tit t1 tr�i2tet�1,°diai2i2i2t�:.� 9rJ)�5•�ii3i:A�t:li:q�"1,�7c'r,: �'•t?.t:,'ti�,:'t'�,:.':;;.;:'t:',::,::1.;,.:..:.._`,::: ,�.41.',�,�r�livc8 Living -Room Fiirnthre BEAU'T'Y, LONG LIFE, AND ABOVE ALL, CONIFOR'I'— th;tt', (that I,eotlll' tool, f -1r ill ut1'I,'I' 111',1 I'''1 i'.:n',, a';.1 exactly \Mitt we offer you in our \e\‘ It; CHESTERFIELD SUITES, SOFA BEDS, S'T'UDIO LOUNGES AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, upholttercd 111 modern, dut•;thl;. fa'�ric, AT MOST A'i"I'RAC'I'iVE PRICES. FLOOR LAMPS, END TABLES, BOOK CA::L•'S, COI'FEE 'I'ABLLS AND O'I'I-TER LIVING -R00111 PiECES art I I , the atll,yara:ec and conlflart 1 f '.11ur I.iti,; I:1" tl. \\ c ttl'c you to cal lin and in• ince( our men\ I • Tilt n1 t.1'Ir ttll,•tllt•I- 1,1' not lull ;C'1 (11'1;1:1i( 1 t„ J,s. Home Furnisher — Monett 7 and S fi Funeral Uir:ctor, r 2• e EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. ?� 1111 Meals at All ourspr. FRANK GONG l Rt ro rieter o.•,:„o:,:„o s:,.•,:•:. o,:•,••,•••••. • ••• •••.••sono•.•• ••• •••.:•:•:,:•:,,:• .; ,; :, r• �......•..♦..•.,.....,,..•.,, 1111,, .,..,:t q 114 I owl :(. 1 .,lucid 1,1.11 1., 1 Illi„ 11 l0 Y r' i...AH�i. ii:�:•eir:�a iiT..'..• - •7 HURON ' ' .ELL ._: BLYTII --- ONTARIO. t. I i . 1„I.I.4.11 i, LLu 1.1 .I I.11 1.11 • alt Wallpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE :LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTiFUL :pRiCES ARE RIGHT ALSO PAINTS AND •.....00I..•111,..e...t,.a♦,0.1...3111n,.,,.1....a♦•....na41. • 11,,♦I' Frank's Bakery PIIONI'� 13LVT11, ONT. PIES, CA':E5, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. 'ENAMELS 01? QUALITY -:RIDSMEL t: Sop Paint Steell .SOLD IN ANY,QUANTITY. Congratulations to Paul 'T'ac't -r, son of \1r. and NI s. F.d, 'Taylor ,•f ('lit - ton, who cclebt•ated itis lst birthday lei ('u„nty held the spotlight at the rcgn \\•cdncsd;ty, April 4th, F. C. PREST 1 Fhone 37-26, LOiIDESBORO * * 1 lar meeting til Mullett \lasonic 1.01-It;e, C1-ngralnlati,'us to l:ceve and \Irs., hclrl in the lo:i;te II •-.tuts at Lt•ude,b, ru \\'. II. \l Doti;!, who cclehratcd their jun '1ucsdlly night The occasion ntarl;- '5t1h wedding anniversary on 'Tuesday, ed 1th.c confertiit of the Third 1)egree :\t,ri! 3rd. on two present reeves of the County, * .* * , Rcetc loltn .\'mmstrong, of I lullett, and (' tt ratttlatiotts to \\'illiant A. Cmc'. j RctVi (;e.'rgc (.;inn, of (;odericlt T1'wn- ;nt, who celebrated his birthday on (''hint), Mon `I\, .\aril 2m1. 1Rl•e\et and 1..x -Reeves of the County filled ttte it'rinc•p •I offices for the dc- l'ongratnlattnn, to :,1'• :, It ttzlcy 't t ' gree wort;. I:tt, Ilan Id Snell, \i:,s.cr 1 \tatty pres. in exp'r<•cd their atltm'c- 4 . of IIrtre,t 1., ge, It'd charge of the • elation ,1 f the evt nitio's tut, ';ra:u, :di I evening. For the dci1ree wI'-rk, Peeve ,illi, inters tui (lutist Lldgc sclVcd ('1 nc,•lehlati, its to \Irs. ('olcl:,Fri I:. I. 1lcw.mut, of ;Brussels, was dc•'rec Mtn trio'trate, her birthday on1 Fri- huuntc ,ns rt'frc>l:nte•its. toaster, and otlu-i- (111ices \Vere fill.•'( day, April (1th.-----,r___-.-- * * , as full_• -w , Senior \warden, lueve \\'. j11. Aortia, ia)tlt ltntiur \\';u•dcli, JUNIOR AssocIATIcN '1'O ME .T CI. Prallips, r li to if r• and �I S, Reeve \'ictor 1). Falcuucr, Clint( u ; 1 • IN TORONTO I. 11, Phillips, \Vho celebrated their 26th Ex Rre:e George \fc\all, of i,t-th, (t • I The Tinton County Juni r :\<soc'a t\eddin,; anniversary nn \wedncs(lay,1 April -1th. Icupic . Iv! Junior 1)cacun's chair. Otic- t• n of •I'1ao :1,1 V.:ll n'et t :It 1110 (:oval Reeves Officiate At Hullett,Jatnes Neilan•, I,nndesboro. ]Blrth,'1lth, to enjoy a social evening of I Masonic Lodge Ceremony 'L'russcls, Clinton, Carlow, Gtticrich and Idarlcintt, All Ilnronite• I .'•r and __4 . RccVcs and ex Reeves of Huron lScaforth lodes were represented. Scl,,,or..trc c(r !I,1'ly invited.' 11.. ,.Jwl =^... ..t_ .. , , 1'RES11. EVERY DAY Everything Homemade 44....11.-,.t,..• EDITH CREICI[FON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. , 1 ec. 'tt;,i 'd her Ilirthd;n• on April ?'Id. 1 r suffice:s inilud-d Past 1).1).G.\1's 1!!York Hotel. Int;, -;tt 1t•nical I: onus 1laid and R. 1). \Itn,ro, of Auburn, and I't',•t•omto, \\'elite d;n evcnin!;. April