HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-02-28, Page 1r VOLUME 55 • NO. 28, LYTH STANDAR Blyth Farmers' Co -Operative By -Law Vote Monday, March the 12th, 1945. SYNOPSIS OF A PROPOSED BY-LAW NO. 3, 1945, OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH The following is a synopsis of a proposed By-law of the Muni- cipal Corporation of the Village of Blyth to iix the assessment of Blyth Farmers' Co -Operative Association at $1,003.00 plus business assessment for a term of ten years from the 1st day of January, 1945 (with the exccp- t+on that the said Myth Farmers' Co -Operative Association shall pay school taxes on their full assessment and also all local improvement taxes assessed against them), Provided, however, should said property or any part thereof incorporated in said By-law No. 3, 1945, cease to be used for the purposes of said plant or should said company not comply with the terms and conditions stated in ily-law No. 3, 1945, then in any year or years of said lernl in which the same occurs said property or the part thereof not used as aforesaid shall be liable for its full ordinary taxation. DATED at Blyth, Ontario, this 26th day Of January, A.D., 1945. GORDON ELLIOFT, Clerk. The By-law of which the above is a Synopsis is posted for inspec- tion ;it the office of the Clerk of the \tillage of Blyth. BY-LAW NO. 4, 1945, A lay -law to provide for taking the vote of the Electors on the question of a proposed Ily-law ;or granting a fixed assessment of $1,000.00 to Blyth Farmers' Co -Operative Association, Blyth, Ontario, WHEREAS application having been trade by Blyth Farmers' Co - Operative Association to the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Blyth for a fixed assessment of $1,000,00 on their property in Blyth; AND \VIIEREAS it is desirable that a proposed bylaw which has received its first and second reading entitled- "A By-law fixing the As- sessment of BLYTH FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, Blyth, Ontario, for a period of ten years front the 1st day of January, 1945", be submitted to the qualified electors for their assent in the forst of a question to be submitted namely: "Do you approve of the passing by the Council of a 13y -law granting The Blyth Farmers' Co -Operative Associa- ttion a fixed assessment of $1,000.00 for a teem of ten years from January 1st, 1945", and it is expedient and necessary to pass this By-law for the purpose of enabling the electors to vote on the said question, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth, as follows: 1. The vote of the electors of the Corporation of the Vil- lage of Blyth shall be taken on the said question as set out in the pre• tumble on the 12th day of March, A.D. 1945, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon at the following place by the following Returning Officer: GORDON ELLIOTT, BLYTII MEMORIAL HALL R.O. 2. Oat the 8th day of March, 1945, at the hoar of fen 'o'clock in the forenoon the head of the Council or.meutber of it appoint- ed for that purpose by resolution shall attend at the Council Chambers in the said Municipality for the purpose of appointing and if required so to do shall appoint by writing signed by hint two 'persons at the final sunlnling up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend the pol- ling place on behalf of those interested in and desirous of promoting or voting in the affirmative on the questiotu and a like number on behalf of the per ons interested in and desirous of opposing or voting in the nega- tive on The question. 3. On the 13th day of March, A.D. 1945, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Council Chambers in .the said Municipality the Clerk of -the said Municipality shall attend and sunt tip the votes given in the affirmative and those given in the negative on 'the question. • PASSED this 13th day of February, A.D., 1945. W. I-1. MORRIT1', Reeve. GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a synopsis of a proposed By-law of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth of which the approval Df the passing thereof is being submitted to the vote of the electors on 'the 12th day 'of March, A.D. 1945. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that if the assent of the electors is Obtained to it sante will be taken into consideration by the Council after the expiration of one utonth from the date of the first publication namely: February 14111, A.D. 1945. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tenant, who desires to vote upon said question must deliver to the Clerk not Liter than the tenth day before the clay appointed for taking the vote a Declaration under The Canada Evidence Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created, or at least twenty -ore years and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property in which he is tenant othet than 'local improve- ment rates, AND ALSO TAKE NOTICE that By-law No. 4, 19.5, a true copy of which is shown above, is the 13y -law provided for taking the votes of the electors. DATED this 1301 day of February, A.D. 1945. BLYTH ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1945. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. AGRICULEURAL SOCIETY HELD ANAUAL MEETING The Blyth Agricultural Society held their annual ntectiog on Saturday, Feb- ruary 24th, in the Orange 1 -fall, with a good attendance. The President, Mr. Lewis Roddy, in the chair, ___ ___ ___.L _La :,ions Meeting Well Received lulus have orgal,izations of religious, PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN BRUCE MALCOLM, DISTRICT' fraternal, spoils and other types and SECRETARY, ATTENDED the question might be asked "1, there room for a service Club"? plc then The Regular Meeting of 11'iughanl proceeded to outline briefly the war - Lions Clul, was held at Blyth last Fri- loos contmittecr S1!c.:c ! :o carry out day evening. The luncheon was ar- the work of the Lions Club. The Boys ranged by the Blyth Business men's and Girls Work Committee see that I Associatdon and was held at the Ment- young people arc organized for hockey, orial ilall with the proceeds going to 'Boy Scouts and Cubs, The Child Wel- the Blyth Red Cross, fare Committee is charged with the About one hundred persons sal clown care of underprivileged children, the to a fine nica.l and the meeting was Christmas Tre,: Fund and generally to conducted in the routine Lions manner. see that children are looked after. The SPRING IS JUST AROUND Guests were Sgt. Ted Elliott, just home ;'Sight Saving Committee respoutsil>le THE CORNER from overseas, Past District Governor to sec that chl'dren's eyes are properly Nelson hill and Past President Har- tested and where necessary, glasses are vcy Erskine of Goderich Lions Club. •ordered and paid f •r by the (1(11). 'fhc Lion Bruce Malcolm, District Secretary War Service; Conm,i-.c: .• c e active for Ontario and Quebec was also pres- to setting up the Blood Clinic appar- ent, atus, arranging for donors, writing Mr. Gorge McNall welcomed the ;l..ions on Active Scrvicc and other pa'.• Lions to Blyth on behalf of the Reeve. riotic work. The Civic Improvement President \u/. French acknowledged ',Committee was always on the •lookou' the welcome, 1.1011 \Vilf. expressed the for ideas which might be useful and at appreciation of the Lions at hawitt;,4'present the Coanni1tee was keeping the Sgt. Ted Elliott present and he was swimming •pool to the front. At pres- accor(Ied a hearty Lions' Roar. Tail - twister Cord. Buchanan was right on the job and nut aged to keep the Lions under control. After adjusting his was January, and all in all, it has been, breath analyzer, he passed around the so far, a very steady winter, but a can- Lions and after a brief pause, he was parataively healthy one, with no ser- able to identify the leverage which ions outbreaks of disease, other than had been consumed. '!'hese breaths se' Ian epidemic of chickenpox among the cost the owlets squall penalties. The "Among the recent promotions it1 The Secretary read the minutes of the Canadian Army is that of Licht. the last annual nesting which were Lois Robinson to the rank of Captain. adopted 011 motion of E. Wright alnd S. Lois is stationed at the C\VAC Basic Hallahan. Training Centre at Kitchener where she is 0. C. of one of the "Training As the 1-Inron County Agricultural Companies." Representative J. B. Matheson, was Captain Lois Robinson present, and his time was limited, the of Mr, and Mrs. R. lt, usual order of procedure was postponed Blyth. to allow hits to address the meeting. )Ie regretted being in a hurry. He si:oke of the advantages of Field Crop Competitions, and the Calf Club, and urged that they be carried on again this year. At the conclusion S. IIaIIa- han moved and B. Parrott seconded, n hearty vote of thanks be given D1r. Matheson, for the help he Inas given this community. I1ir, Matheson ans- wered questions in connection with reg- istration of seed.. was then read, fol- lowed by the Financial Report, Sinton llallahan and Maitland henry moved the adoption of report, which was car- ried. The President then asked Sinton llallahan to report on the district meet• ing. A very interesting report was giv- en on the Federation of Agriculture and Radio Forums, and this report was accepted on motion of E. Wright, cdnded by G. Nethery, Simon 1-Iollahan, seconded by A. Young, moved that we again affiliate with the Federation of Agriculture, Carried, v is a (laughter Robinson. of Spring is just around the corner! \Ve haven't heard of any signs that this is so, but if events run true to form, someone will soon be seeing the first robin, early flowers will be stick- ing their heath up through the fading snow banks, and other numerous signs will be coming to the fore. To -clay, Thursday, is the first day of March, and many people who dread the long cold w•in:er, will (tail it with re joicittg. The month of February was much kinder from a weather standpoint than younger folk of the town, tailwister claimed he detected lemon - Most of t f do enjoy the winter, but ade, Milk and Coca-Cola on the breaths everyone is very glad to sec spring of various lions. coming closer day by (lay, The Tailtwister produced a large ball V advertising the 35th Anniversary Rex - The reports from the Directors of the KINCARDINE KINSMEN WILL different classes, with good reports be- HOLD MEETING IN BLYTH i'g heard. Blytlt citizens, who are interested in On motion of B. Parrott, secondee the formation of a local service club, by R. Toll, the Secretary was instruct- twill .soon be receiving another invita- tion to attend a .meeting and banquet similar to the one held here on Friday td to sena fee to the Ontario Agricul- tural Association, Moved by k,l iss Gillespie, that ac- night, when the \Vinghcml Lions held counts be paid and these to include heir regular meeting in the Memorial $5.00 to the Secretary for use of home Hall, with many Blyth citizens in at - for meetings voas suggested by S. Hal- lahan, Carried. tendance, The Kinsmen of Kincardine have The President thanked the Directbri decided to ho:d a meeting here within Committees, Sect ,tart', and all who had 'the next two .weeks, with the idea of helped, and stated he was retiring this 'presenting their story, and d:nct strat- year, but would continue to assist in , ing to Blyth citizens why we should any way possible. He also hrPed the fora a Kinsmen Club here. next officers would receive the saute Further announcement on this meet - support. Mr. llallahan and Mr. Wright utov• ed a vote of thanks to the President and Secretary The President then asked Bailey Par- rott to take the chair for the election of Directors, and the following were elected by acclamation: M. Henry, S. Hallahan, L. McNall, R. 'Toll, 13. Craig, Dr, Jackson, A. Young, George Watt, G. Nethery, Ken Taylor, C. Shobbrook, and E. Wright. Men's Committee: J. 11, Watson, B. Parrott, Ken \Vinitnlore, Elmer Pollard, \Villikmt Watson, Orval McGowan, W. McGill, W. Oster, Robert \V'allace L. Ruddy, Emerson \Vright and Leonard McNall, Ladies' Committee; Miss Gillespie, Mrs. Benninger, Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. Emerson Wright, Mrs. Dougan, Mrs, Henry, Walter 'McGill spoke of getting the I-Iclstein exhibit and it was agreed that he would see about this, along with Dr. Jackson, The meeting then adjourned: ••••••••••41641411 DiRCTORS WILL DISCUSS RINK POSSIBILITY WITH COUNCIL .—GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk, The newly -elected Directors them met 1444.4"►.4.4.4:.4'M r4.+++ ++ t" 1.4.4. 4••4.44,tiyg..I»,+++.I4g;44vp.,p,441 and selected the following officers: RED CROSS SHIPMENT AWARDED CERTIFICATE FOR President: C. Shobbrook. 1st Vice: Sinton Hallahan. The Red Cross shipped the following HIGH MARKS IN PIANO PLAYING 2nd Vice: M. Henry. packing to Headquarters this month: The Ontario Music Teacher Federa- Secretary- treasurer: L. Livingston. , 33 large quilts; 7 small quilts; 2 bab• tion awarded this year, certificates to The secretary was instructed .ta y's jackets; 30 diapers; 2 baby's bind- students who obtained the highest write H. Clutton with an invitation to ers; 4 haby'.; .nigi'tgoWcls ; 28 pair narks in First. Class and Honor stand- `hold the Holstein exhibit at the coin - socks ; 3 pair .mitts; 2 turtle -n ck ing in connection with the Torclnto ing Fair. swea'ers; 4 sleeveless sweaters; 11 Conservatory of Ilfusic examination of I Moved by A. Young, seconded by lithotcntony sheets; 26 fair laptrontony 1944. Master Ronald Philp, pupil of .L. McNall, that Maitland Henry, G. stcckiugs; 116 t,terilized pads; 19 colt- A. E. Cook, was awarded the Certifi• INethery and E, \Vright, be a commit - lege in Grade IL Ronald obtained 88 tee to appoint Directors for the dif- ferent classes. Carried. . Lewis Ruddy, Maitland Henry, Gil- bert Nethery and Archie Young were appointed to wait on the Council in respect to a building to be used as a rink in winter, and by the Soci.ty at Fair time. The sleeting adjourned on motion of Archie Young and flithert,Netlierb fort bag.;; 2 pair pyjamas. To Salvation Army -3 cartons of 'narks. used clothing. v PURCHASES PROPERTY V W. I. TO MEET 'I'I1c regular monthly meeting of the Mr, Baxter McArter has purchased ,Women's Institute will be held this nf- fronl the estate of the Late 1frs. Phil- ternoon (Thursday) at the home of lips, the property now occupied by F, Mrs. Lyddiatt. Mrs. Russell Fear will Slerach. be its charge of the meeting. ing will be made when a def:hlite elate can be set for the meeting. It is hoped that the attendance at this sleeting will be equally as good as that of the Lions sleeting on Friday night, when the Red Cross Society fed over eighty. . V SLEET STORM DAMAGES TELEPHONE WiRES The Blyth \f unicipal Telephone Sys- tem suffe:ed extensively as a result of last Wednesday night's sleet storm. Seventeen line, arc still out of order, but it is expected that many of these will be back in repair this week. Nine poles were clown near the farm of Robt, Patterson; and between Blyth and Lon- dcsboro, many of the wires were brok- en and hanging down, There was oth- er damage, accordingly, all over the System, It will be remembered that last year la similar storm cost the System a con- siderable suan of money, but this break will not he so extensive as far as cost is concerned, it is stated. Ment have been busy all week repair- ing the broken circuits, The two lines connecting Blyth and Brussels are still out of order, b,tt all other long distance lines have becu repaired. Other Systems suffered from the storm too, some, to a touch greater ex - tell than the local System. -V "MONTYY" MAY HAVE CAUGHT A FEW, TO'21 all Sale and he promptly asserted that Lion Tamer Jack McKibboti was using false advertising as he was not 35 years of age. Lion Jack was tion-coniunittal on this point but after considerable argument the Tailtwister produced a pair of scissors and promptly penalized Lion Jack by cutting off his tie. IIe presented the ends to President \Vilf. who promptly pronounced the penalty as quite fyoper, Lion Harry Gipson favored with a step dance during the singing of one of the songs. ' Lion Tamer Jack McGibbon claimed that a quintette had been practicing all the way down to Blyth and he cal- led them to the fornt. Lions Clayton ent the Conti ittce was preparing a survey of the district for the On•tari.> Government which world disclose pos- 6ibilities for post war expansion an I employment. The data assembled b the Lions Clubs would be summarize I and sent to England to be passed on to British 1118':tifacturers looking f( suitable sites for expansion in Cana'a The service Chi!: works quietly and ei ficiently to carry out this program which would otherw•is,e be overlooked in the community, It also engenders a fine spirit of fc.dow•ship in the member and encourages them to carry out 11 code of ethics about which the w•hol organization is set up. President \V:lf. thanked Lion I-Iarle'• for his fine exposition of the principle of Lionisnt. Lions Al. Walker anal 'Stewart Beattie proposed a vote of thanks to the ladies for the fine ba••• gust. This wa:, unanimously approved with the Lions Roar. Lion Will. in troduced Lion Nels. hill of Godericl who spoke briefly. Lion Bruce i\fal• color was also iatroducecl and he briefly sketched the activities of Lionisat i Ontario and Quebec. There were 13 Clubs in the two provinces and Wing ham was considered to be an outstan • Ganunage, Omar 1-Iasclgrove, Howard ding Club, Lions Clubs presented great opportun'ty for unselfish servic Sherbondy, I-Iarlcy Crawford, and Bi t Connell promptly responded and with Lion I-Ia:old V. Pyn1 at the piano, ren- dered "There's a Long, Long Trail A• Lion Clarence Richey reported aver- age attendance had increased to 88 per cent. Lion Ron Rae reported a chal- lenge from the CKNX staff for a -game of Brootn•ball. A quintctte conn - posed of Lions Elston Cardiff, Fred Spry, Gord. Buchalnian, Omar Hasel- grove and Jack Reavie favored with a number "Hotue on the Range." President, \Vilf. French, expressed apprecia,ion of the Lions for the excel- lent banquet arranged by the Blyth Business men, He' called upon Lida Stan. hall to speak on the subject of "\Vhat Lionistu means to Me." Lion Stan. told of t;le long hours putt in by Lions in raising money for welfare k work but stated that this was rendered less arduous due to the fine co-opera- tion among the Lions and the fact that every Lion cheerfully accepted his share of the work. Lions were am- ply repaid at their meetings through- out the year by having fine entertain- ment of various forms. Good and in- formative addresses were heard front leading Wren. There was plenty of good music. 1 he pleasant contacts with business men of the community. The wider acgmainta4n'ceship and better knowledge of our fellow men. Lioni:m helps in abolishing petty jealousies on Main Street. Good fellowship and service - Lions never say "No" when \Ve heal d an American ra(lio court- asked to do anything for the public mentator boasting the other night, that welfare. 'There was a great field of since the invasion of France, General service and all cooperate to the fullest "Ike" (as he called him) Eisenhower, ,extent. had captured 850,000 German, Not a I President \Vilf. thanked Lion Stan. bad catch for "Ike", but we venture the for his remarks. 1 -Ie expressed pleas -Writing' to renew his subscription, E. suggestion that "Monly" has' caught a arc at again :negating with Stan Sib- A. Spafford of Asquith, Sask., remarks few too. thorpe and called upon hint for a solo. as follows: Stan favored with "Frit :d 0' Mine" I Enclosed please find money order to HOME FROM HOSPITAL in a community and a well balanced Club with fine attendance could pa - form fine service in any co111mtr:ity IIe expressed his appreciation for th invitation to ha present. N. W. Kyle of 13h•th addressed the gathering and 'hankcd \V1nghant Lion 'for giving this opportunity to the Bly'h men of hearing just what lionism • could do for a community.• Ile invited the Blyth men to rcanain 'annul- consul with the Directors as to fortiiation of such a Club in Blyth. The meetin closed with the usual song and the Lions Roar. V EXPANDING TURKEY BUSINESS Mr. Robert Wallace, who for the past few years has been gradually in creasing his turkey flock, is now def- initely launched in the business in a big way. Last year \ir. Wallace had a flock of 509 turkeys, and thi year hopes to increase the number t at least 1500. IIe is installing a consid- erable amount of modern equipment necessary for 711e efficient handling of .a large flock, alud has rented his farm land, so that he can devote his entire fine to this new project. The market for turkeys has been very strong, and !during the past two years Mr. \Vallacc 'has established a record f:- fine birds, 'which has almost assured hint of a good market for any quantity. Ott Wednesday he attended a very enthusiastic meeting of the Ontario Turkey Breeders' Association, held at Guelph, and reports that all member are enthusiastic about the prospects to' the future, NO SNOW IN SASKATCHEWAN and as an encore "Wings Over the over my subscription to The Standard. Nr. Robert Newcombe, who was a Navy." Both solos were greatly en - patient in \!icloria Hosp'tal, London, joyc(1. for over a week, returned to his home President Will. called upon Lion last Thursday, feeling much better, and Ht,rley Crawford to speak on the sub - has since been eanvalescmg. Mr. New• ject of "\Vhat Lionistu means to a combe hopes soul to be out and around Community". again, and his Wends ltcpe so too, L:elle Harley slated that all co'nun- Thanks a lot. Wish you would send us sonic of your scow. We have had a perfect winter with very little stnow•. Glad to see some ,of the boys getting back from 0, ..seas, Give nt.y regards to Georgie McNall. L:.\. s;,ltt:ord, A Few Drops Up GSM1 NosIriI QuI�NIy Peliev� Stuffiness of Catarrh Specialized Medication Works Fast Right Where Trouble Is! Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh comes fast as Va-tro-vol spreads through the nose, reduces swollen membranes—soothes irritation, relieves �/ congestion, helps flush out cold -clogged nasal ■ ���� passages. Makes breathing easier— �t try its Follow directions in package. VA -110-N '., IL CIIONILES of GINGER FARM Young John and his brother went to see the'r sister yesterday and then the three of then went by bus to Hamilton. I expected John to coin. home very (nappy after his day out, He was anything but! Laugh -1 couldn't help it. In a yery disgusted voice John said — "By hooky, 1 wouldn't live in the city if you paid lac. 1'd darn well go crazy. The noise ... and people just shoving you around , . no- body caring about the other fellow and all I did on the bus and streetcar was keep gestin' up to give some lvonlan a seat, Boy — aur I glad to be home .. , talk about a headache!" Thinking to placate hint some- what I Mentioned that supper was waiting for hint. "Do you want It now," I asked, "or would you rather get your milking done first?" "Naw — I don't want supper yet — I'll go out to the cows first, where I can be quiet and stove my- self around without getting some - 4936 SIZES 11.17 10.16 Is it a date? Then you'll want to make yourself this adorable dirndl, Pattern 4936, with the dreamy draw- string neck. Easy to make. Pattern 4936 conies in Junior Miss sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. Suri. 13 takes 71'.1 yards of 35- inc1t-th ttci�t1. 'Selysl''!t.}eiltycents (20c) in coins (statllpi- -cannot be accepted) for this pattern''to Room 121, 73 Ade- laide St., West, Toronto. Print plainly size, name, address, style number. * You Brought Me Here ... Now Bring Me To Give MOM DAD and ME Quick Relief from COLDS ISSUE 9-1945 300 AND 500 JAR By Gwendollne P. Clarke • • • • • one's elbow in may face, Gosh sakes, it'll be a long time before I'll want to go to the city again." Poor John—two or three hard earned dollars gone west and all he got out of it was a headache, What a mercy it is we don't all think alike -- if WC did there would be a lot more round pc;g5 in square holes. • * I 9uppuse this wintery winter has been quite a hardship to a lot of people -- 1 mean in having to stay hook more than usual. And why should it be? Surely we put very little value on the place we call home if we find it a hard- ship to stay in it for two or three weeks at a stretch, \Vhat is the matter with us that we are always wanting to go places and see things? We, who have so much more of this world's comforts and conveniences in our homes than did our parents and grandparents in their day and age, * * * Already there is some talk of a forty-four week for post-war indus- trial workers — and no doubt farmers would have to fall in line to a certain extent — or go with- out hired help. Less work . , , more leisure. But in heaven's name, leisure for what? \Vhat on earth would people do with their time? If everyone were expected to give a certain number of hours each day to voluntary activities that would take up some of the slack— and after the war relief work in Europe will surely be a grins neces- sity. But if leisure is ossa] almost entirely for pleasure then dear help us! After all pleasure is not by any means dependent upon lei- sure in a sense of satisfaction of wort: well (Inc.uOr is that old- fashioned? Olt \veil, maybe 1 and trying to cross my bridges a little to early, After all, leisure right now Is an unknown quantity. .\t least it Is with us and no doubt you find it that way too. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE 1, What should one do when meeting some friend you have not seen for a long time, or when be- ing introduced to some one, and your positions are such that it is very awkward to shake hands? 2. What is the proper form to use for sending out birth announce- ments? 3. Should a woman check her wraps when she is entering a hotel dining roots? 4. Ist.'t it rude for a man to take a girl to a dance, and then dance with other iirls for four or five consecutive dances? 5. If the host is carving the meat at the table, should he cut enough for everybody before serving any- one? 6. What is required to snake a child well-mannered? ANSWERS 1, A good rule to follow is never to attempt to shake hands when it is extremely awkward to do so. 2. This may be done by letter, te- legram, or telephone. 3. No; a wo- man retains her coat and hat. 4. Yes, very rude. A man, when tak- Ing a girl to a dance, assumes full responsibility for her and should not dance with another girl unless he knows that his companion has a partner, 5. Yes, 0, Only two things are required; perseverance . and patience, Gladiolus Thrips Experitnviltal evidence has shown that insect enemy No. 1 of the gladiolus, the gladiolus thrips, ns unable to hibernate out of doors in Canada. Only the thrips carried into storage on the corms survive. This fact accentuates the import- ance of treating all gladiolus corns by one of the several approved methods before the corals are set out in the garden in the spring. RETRENCHING, LENA? Lena, pure-bred foxhound who won fame Last year with a record litter of 23 pups, seems to have taken all that talk about production cutbacks pretty seriously, She's pictured above with her latest crop, numbering only 10, which were born recently in the Coast Guard Armory at Hartford, Conn, �� • �w �� fir• w w w' w w �r \\w �� • ��+ \� >• ',," tttN •As \v The Jade God By MARY IMLAY TAYLOR CHAPTER XI Landon, who had never forgiven hint for the result of the wager, turned back reluctantly and un- locked his door. Once inside the room, flanks shut the door and leaned his back against it. "See here, Archie," lie said hoarsely; "that fellow—that wager fellow, 1 mean—he's aro ex -convict; he's committed murder!" Landon stood still. He had noth- ing to say, but he felt the blood pounding in his brain, He had hat- ed .Mark, but not for an instant had he imagined this! Banks went on to elucidate his statement, to add a little color to it. "Killed liis old uncle fifteen years ago; that's why it's sort of forgot- ten—feeble old man," he explained breathlessly; "knocked hint on the head with a brick or something like that; a perfectly beastly mur- der!" Landon folded his arms and straightened himself a little, Still he said nothing, and his fixed stare disconcerted Banks. "Look here old chap," lie said nervously, "it's a bally kettle of fish; what arc you going to do about it?" "Do?" Landon's face reddened, "1'd like to hang you, for one thing," he replied bitterly. "It's that fool wager! As for this fel- low—" his lips tightened --"I'll see to him!" "D'you know Fosdick says he's making love to Pamela Rod—" "Shut up!" Landon snapped, "You leave iter out of it; you've done enough!" "Oli, if you're going to foist all the bIsme on tic!" Banks began angrily, but he got no further; Lan- don thrust him out into the •hall, locked the door of his apartment and started downstairs on a run. * Ile was aware of Teddy's angry spatterings behind hint, but he took no heed. Ile found the taxi wait- ing outside and commandeered it. IIe had found out, in the early stages of the affair, where Mark had his lodgings; lie ordered the taxi there now, and threw himself back into the corner of it to think. IIe had 0eell Mark's first meeting with Pamela Rodney, and he had been utterly unprepared for the rush of his progress. Landon, a product of social conventions, a dandy of the ballroom, but fully determined to marry Pam, the heiress, had never dreamed of making love to her with eyes that had the kindling flash of Mark's. He could not. He had not the power or the will of a man who had suffered. * * * Such love burns like a flame, The flame had caught ,Pani, as fire touches the lovely wings of a but- terfly and brings it down to earth, Landon, looking on, knowing how and why he had brought them to- gether, raged at the thought. He was helpless, too. If he told the truth, \Irs, Lynn would certainly exclude Mark altogther, but she would just as certainly exclude the man who had made the wager. While Marls stayed away from the house he had breathed More freely; he had begun to believe that his threats had taken effect. 'then, by accident he had seen hint emerge from the tearoom with Pans and had leaped to the conclusion that they had met often. The thought had maddened hint; he was furiously jealous, and an ill-advised, ineffectual attempt to warn Mrs. Lynn had only made Tail equally angry. 'Then Landon, possessed, as he felt now, by some demon of ill luck, had put his fate to the touch on the spot and asked the girl to marry him. Ile had been refused too absolutely to leave any hope at all. Taut was a modern, she took the platter calmly and gave him a flat .answer. "J don't like you well enough, Archie, to begin with," she had said, "and you're not the' kind of mall l'd 111arry anyway. You've never done anything in your life but play tennis and dance and snake yourself agreeable, I've done about the salve things. \Ve'd bore each other to extinction. No, thank you!" She had not said it sweetly either, because she was so angry that her cheeks were pink and her eyes flashed. Landon choked down his anger without accusing her of be- ing in love with that "wager fel. low," as 'Teddy Banks had called Mark, but, none the less, he knew she was, and he vowed vengeance —not on her, but on the man. IIe had been in this state of mind when Teddy broke in on him with his shocking revelation. Landon felt like shouting; it was fearful thing to introduce him, but he could lose -no more by that than lie had already. `He ,jai id lost Pans! Very w'ell, then; •she would know before the sun sef'that.she had to give up her convict! * * :f Landon, sitting tight in the jump- ing tax:, laughed bitterly, with a kind of ghouli.1 'joy. It was not until the vehicle stopped at the door of a clingy brown -stone front, that it occurred to him to be afraid of the consequence—physically IIe re- membered suddenly the terrible grip of Mark's hands in the smok- ing roots; but not even that could deter him; he was at a white heat, "The convict!" he thought, "the murderer—making love to her!" Jealousy and something deeper, a kind of brute fury, carried hint up the steps to the door. But he nut only disappointment. 1 he land- lady herself s nswcred the ring. Mr, Grant had gone—sent his luggage away, paid her and left an hour ago or more. Landon leaned against the doorpost, 'white to the lips. It was 110 part of his plan to lost the triumph of his knowledge; to beat down the law -breaker! The womr.n, seeing his face, grew anxious, "Djd you want hint for anything particuar, sir?' she asked. s. v. Pi • CriticillTeciet. You can use this crocheted square (12 inches in No, 30; 16/ in., in string). Join a few for scarfs or covers, or use singly as a doily. A. crocheted square that adapts itself to every room in the house. Pattern 5•i0 contains directions for square; stitches; list of materials. Jcnd twenty cents 111 coins (stamps cannot lie accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., loom 421, i:t Adelaide St. West, 'I'oru:,to. 1'r.nt plalaly pat- tern auntie, y, .,r ;i':,is and ad- dress, FP Friday Special! W!R sr MPS at you r GROCfR:9 "1—I heard—ji '1 today --that he'd been in jail!" Landon nodded. "Served a term for a murder." * * * She uttered a frightened exclama- tion and then shook her head, ''To think of its And hint such a nice young man, too!" "You're sure he's gone," Lan- don panted—his anger was not as- ruaged by this escape. "Ile said so, sir; going west, he told ole; didn't say where," she added, "but I think—Nebraska." Landonl glanced at his watch, The Chicago flyer had not left yet. Could he make it and get at hint at the station? lie rushed the taxi there at full speed and made It before train time. lIe stood a long time at the gates, waiting, teaselling the crowd with his eyes. But there was no sign of Mark. Then the gates clanged shut. Ile had seen the last traveler embark and Mark had not gone. Ile stood awhile staring at nothing. Ile stood awhile staring at nothing. Where was he? Landon lifted his white fact and stared at the station clock, It was nearly six o'clock, An in- stinct, an intuition or just pure un- adulterated jealously, seized hint; he went out and got another taxi. As he entered it he was startled by a sound like a pistol shot. His nerves jumped, but it was only a motor -car back -firing, He leaned forward and gave Burleson's ad- dress to the driver. (To Be Continued) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Lesson 9—March 4 Jesus Teaches Forgiveness Matthew 18:21-35 Golden Text—For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their tres- passes, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.—\iatthew 6:14, 15. * * * Peter enquired how Wooly times shall a brother sin against us and still be forgiven. Peter must have thought seven tulles would be suf- ficient for anyone. Not only seven, but seventy -times seven Jesus re- plied, This may have only been a figure of speech, but regardless, there should be no end to the for- giving of a brother who may tres- pass against us. Jesus illustrates his message by referring to the Kingdom of I-Ieaven, as an earthly kingdom, The king checks up on his ser- vants. Each servant has to give an account of his stewardship. Likewise each Christian shall be called upon to stand and glvc an account of his life's service. * * * ' This particular servant was typical of each sinner who is un- able to pay the price of his sal- vation. The servant was com- manded to be sold, with his pos- tessions, to help pay the debt. '1'hc sinner is cast into the Lake of Fire. The servant fell down and wor- shipped his king pleading for mercy and forgiveness. The ser- vant was forgiven as is everyone who conics to the Savior seeking pardon for his sins. The servant soon forgot the King's goodness towards hint, and went out without mercy seeking those indebted to hint, I -low often is this the case with those who have found help from the Lord in time of trouble. The debt here was only a trifle com- pared with what he had been for- given, but still he demanded pay- ment, * * - * The servant uttered the sante petition as this tyrant had uttered when pleading before his Lord. We would have expected this man to show a spirit of forgiveness after Here's Speedy Relief For Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Your feet may be so swollen and Inflamed that you thiulc you can't go another step. Your shoes may feel as If they are Butting right Into the flesh. You feel sick all over with the pain and torture; you'd give anything to get relief, Two or three applications of Moelle's Emerald 011 and In a few minutes the pain and soreness dis- appears. No matter how discouraged you have been, It you have not tried Emerald 011 then you have some- thing to learn. Get u l•ottlo today at all druggists. he had been forgiven, however, he did not show any mercy and had the dchtrn' cast into prison. Those who were familiar with the circumstances were sorrow- ful and reported the matter to the king, The Ring was wroth with his ,errant for the attitude he had taken after receiving mercy at his hands, With( ut mercy he was de- livered to the tormentors until he could repay. Sn likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you if ye from your Iit;lrts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses, Milady May Wear Stockings Of Steel Sl;ain11 s steel hosiery 111:,y com- pete with nylons after the war, says \Val:0r 'Power, ',resident of the American Iron and Stoll in- stihlte, 'i'hc industry also plan, to nlar- ket colored start which would re- duce the cost of paint jobs in au- tomobile factories, :\1r, Power said, "Probably the most spectacular new product which some steel ex- ecutives mention as a possibility is stainless steel hosiery" he said, "Some companies already are producing stainless steel wire com- parable to silk or nylon threads", Mr. Tower pointed out. "You have heard of suits made of milk, ties of glass fibre, so why not, they say, stockings from steel?" Count Them A quartz crystal rut for the di- rect control of a 20 -meter wave- length in radio transmission Hurst oscillate or vibrate hack and forth mechanically 15,0011,001) tinier per second, CLEVER WIVES serve Maxwell lIouse coffee This choice blend is bought by more people than any oilier brand of coffee in the world. The All Purpose Grind suits all types of coffee maker. Aches and 'Pains of RHEUMATISM Your money will be returned by any drug store If one bottle of Hu -ala does nut ::how you the quick, easy way to get r, -lief frons the cruel, stubborn •,rhes and pains of rheumatism. 110-11:, must please you or money back, One bottle will convince you. ACNE,Q An Instantine tablet brings QUICK RELIEF! Fon quick relief from headache pain, just take an Instantine tablet with a glass of water. Chances are you'll dis- cover as thousands have done, that prescription -type lnstantine is a modern way to fast relief from head- ache pain, Instantine' works in three ways to bring prompt relief: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." Lnstantine never pampers pain. It's specially compounded to give quick, relief. Try it to relieve muscular ache or pain, and for the discomfort you feel when a cold gets you down. All drug- stores have Instantine. 12 tablets 25¢. a product of The Bayer Co., Ltd. RAILROADS RESCUED BY ARMY ENGINEERS Allied bombing effort has been heavily concentrated an ene- my rail transport to prevent the Germans from bringing up troops and supp:.es, Because we need rail lines, too, repairs must be made quickly and effectively as soon as our forces capture rail- road objectives smashed by our own aviation and by Nazi demoli• tion squads, This series of paintings is symbolic of the work Ar.ny Engineers arc doing in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany today, 1. Two of four spans of a huge concrete railroad bridge were demo)ished by retreating Germans at Pompey, France, thus de- stroying a vital link in an essential railroad needed to supply troops assaulting the German West Wall, Men and equipment have already begun repairs. • AND THAT'S DIGGING, BROTHER This was original level of ground Palm trees in the photo above are monuments to the achievemet t of Air Forces engineers in building air bases on Saipan Island, Trees, standing on what was once the surface of the ground, have been left high and dry by removal of millions of tons of coral rock for roads and airstrips, They now carry electric wires 75 feet above the quarry floor, Note size of man, indicated by arrow. VICTOR AND VANQUISHED The dramatically composed photo above shows six Gonna 1 prisoners carrying the body of an Allied soldier back from the fighting lines, U. S. MATCH SHORTAGE? NO WONDER! Photo above may provide a clue for the current U. S. match short age. The seaplane model was made from 30,000 matchsticks by Joe Ruisi of New York City, who exhibited it at the annual American Hobby Show there, It took him two years to pomplete, 2. The workhorse of the Army Engineers — the bulldozer — is on the job, Rock and earth to be used as foundation for a new wooden pier, under construction nearby, is being "bulldozed" level 3. To speed bridge construction and to meet stern deadlines, various units work simultaneously on different phases of the re- construction job, Here one group builds a timber trestle, and a pneumatic drill operator works in foreground. After bulldozers finish dumping earth and stone into the raging river below, a huge crane will be brought up, to lift giant metal beams into place. Pneumatic drill teams will fasten sections of the beam together while prefabricated pier is lowered onto foundation, 4, Trains roll again over the completed bridge. In a few short days, Army Engineers using the best and biggest equipment in the world, have nullified the work of expert German demolitionists. STACKED ARMS CAPTURED BY BRITISH British Tommie examines rifles that Ea;lisp tool: froth ELAS forces during fight in .1thcns, In accordano with pact made by ELAS EAM and Premier Gen, Nicholas Phstirt s, focus have agreed to stack guns within 14 days. ELAS forces will r:main c.nstodian of weapons for the Greek Goverment, BIRTHPLACE OF LIBERTY T,u•ce U. S Soldiers in Colmar, France, gaze at monument to Au,;uste Bariholdi who created Statue of Liberty. Bartholdi was bora in this recently liberated town. JAPS FAIL IN ATTEMPTS TO KILL SEALS One of the Jap motives in landing on Attu was a plan to wipe out the seal herds on the lonely and barren Pribilof Islands. Their ef- forts failed, and a healthy herd of 3,000,000 seals still supplies Amer- ican fur industry with skins to be finished into fine furs by a highly secret process, One of the United States Government's must valuable possessions, the fabulous seal skin business worth approximately $1Vu1,00u,00u to the U. S. Treasury with its secret formula for prbcesslttg, has been rescueu from Jap trickery and armed attempts to take it. Announcement of this victory comes froto U, S, Fish and \Vildli( Servlec with the revelation that the herd, depleted by Jap raid:, has beck restored to 3,000,000 seals, Also revealed for the first time is the Jap at- tempt to steal the jealously guarded serret processing formula just be- fore Pearl Harbor, The Fouke Fur Company of St, Louis, Mo., uses the formula in trust for the Government, More than on per cent of all seal skin; in the Y1orld used for milady's fur coats C 4 are handled by this company. 7'he the native; and prepared for the process is one of the most carefully tvurst, guarded industrial secrets that exists. Sneak Attacks Shortly before Pearl Harbor of- No invasion of the island; was ficials of the company gut a request from the Japanese Government to, let a party of rising runners inspect the plant, With no apparent reason to suspect an ulterior motive, per- mission was granted, More than a dozen Nips showed up to make the tour, and things looked entirely above board until one of the guides noticed they were all busily snapping pictures with tiny, 'ant powerful, cameras, The party vas halted immediately, in time so that not enough of the pro- cess was revealed to do the visitors any good. The whole incident was turned over to the State Depart- ment but before any action could be taken the big shooting started at Pearl Harbor. 13af rled in attempts to ste5l the process the Japs then tried to get the seals themselves. Practically all the seals in the world live on two tiny barren islands in the Ber- ing Sea called the Pribilof' Islands. 1Vlcen the laps moved into nearby Attu the Government evacuated WOMAN IN WHITE Barbara Stlinsoll, above, American woman surgeon and a cousin of U, S. Secretary of War Henry L, Stimson, is a major in the British Royal Army Medical Corps. One of 12 American women who volun- teered to gu to Britain in 1942 to help over -taxed medical personnel treat blitz casualties, she is now sta- tioned at the 104th British Gen- eral Hospital, in Roane. NEW USE FOR IT Yank drinks ice cold beer from his helmet in town of Polo, Luzon, Japs were brewing beverages when American soldiers arrived, attempted but Jap fishermen were known to have lurked off -shore killing as many of the valuable seals as they could. Seriously de- pleted years before by exploitation and other Jap sneak attacks on the herds, this valuable source of tvealtla was threatened wit:i extinc- tion. U. S. fish and \Vildlite went to work, however, to recreate the herd. Now it is able to announce that it has been restored to t,000,- 000 healthy seals \vith the threat of extinction passed. At the peak there were 9,000,000 seals when the 1r S Government got the islands from Russia in 167. This year, sales of the valuable fur, popular for its appearance and \vearing qua- lities, will net the Government $10,- 000,000 Only the fur from •I -year- old nines is used. Skins from the old bulls are too badly scarred front fights. Not en augh of the young males are killed to halt the growth of the herd. DID YOU KNOW that !!Maxwell house Coffee is roasted evenly through and through by the re- markable"I{adiant Roast" Process? You will enjoy this delicious, fragrant coffee. Your grocer has it. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO • Every Ituuw n1111 Itulh, Shun. er and• I'elephnne, O Single, Et.JO ups Iluuhle, $:I.ae up, p Good fond, Mining and ()nue. Ing Nlgl,lly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4135 Usually brings qulck,euro COUP■ ', relief an coughs Mi■i �•• z d throat irrita• . SrYR P ATAtionsLLDItIra01ST8 45c MA ORIGINATORS OF bronchitis anE BY THE LYIdI01DS BRONCHIA_ L EAS: t - Headache Nothing is more depres• sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relief'. Lambly's isgood for ear• ache, toothache, pains in hack, stomach, bowels. *ad. +n oil ail HEADACHE POWDERS to WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM pptied to the affected parts quickly relieves sprains soreness and stiffness. Pain disappears and comfort re' tum Tiy II to -nigh) for relief WAS Willa 4n1.11 CIA u.sill, eWwe PAGE 4, THE STANDARD 0100VCCXXXXXPOCCIOCKWWWWWICtC41ChINKNEICtetttCOUCtelbtKlitCtgtVOCCICOCKIV41 after being int;,asalde for Luo 'r traffic ;ince Nc,y fears, nt)tt in; to the Acct and ice storm on Alliott liisuraiiee Agency null- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURER). Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. ' J. II. R. Elliott. OL'ico Phone 104, "COURTESY AND Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 140, SERVICE" \\ednesday night, February 21st, many telephone lines are out of order. The \\'.\I.S, and \1'.:\ are holding a joint inet.ting in the basement of the church rn 'l'hi,sday afternoon, \larc'.t Stli. \Irs, :untie iotherg:ll is spending a few days wit) her daughter, \1r.,. g l'lirh, of Clinton. B ti 11.111D13t iDifithili:121Da.2(.111:?(212i3s,11 11)W.N=DIDiDiNIDIMIDiMIND;;Di9iiDi3t)1)41 WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing Sales. In Farm and household ttin' er 1011 m) toes arc pretty sensitive to fr t t v r since 1 got them froze cutting wo )d in the bush abut w inters ago. Ili cat:, ri1,1 themselec, .1111ny led BELGRAVE The February meeting of the \\'o- men's Institute was held ;it the home of \Irs, t;. II, I)tuilop on 'Tuesday „f• four Ili:ninttn with a g,•o.! attendance Pr.s- rot, \Irs. J. \I. Coulter, vice -p esi;eat• et Hluctcd the meeting and the pro.r,.nt 1.1censed for the County of Huron. ,e, and .lone (ontentcdly with 1,61(.11- . was arranged by Mrs, R. I. MacKenzie Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaclton in; wh'sl,e:s. The collie is r. ntpi g convenor of IIonic Economics, :\ quilt (luaranteed. ars unit the si le of the big hill, :aid I'm T'or information, etc., trite or phone I sure he ,trust he thiuk'n; of groundhog William 11. llorritt, phone, 11estdence i seas,, n.'l'hr stood g, t, in to.) and 1 iia; Shop 1, Blyth. 4.4-tf. >tart puling sap bucket, down frondonrl our, .\ donati it cl8.f'll ryas rut •ter the grows )• • , . just in rase the , ed for spoilt! prizes at the b'elgrave -`-- �:.ott (lay origin t!cyc'op int,' a sptin;1Sc1 ., 1 lair. A committee was a,)- 1 -r the minesweepers ha 1 been c ut- pletcd and r1 as displayed, Enough block, were oftercd to Inahe the sec - G. H, AUGUSTINE Rl':PRi'.SENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Company, London, LIFE - PENSIONS thaw. :\ iell.•w motif (s a lot of (Alter thing`. The sparrows have a brighter to them. 'fine train rumbles I oil and (long as it tehit), along lite far side of the river and then rumbles over the insurance hri(1;e• Ili: hid Higgins is yelling from England, I the stable to the house and ever) word ANNUITIES etsntcs drifting a a.,.s the line fence to PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS By. Marry J. IY,,yic) Yesterday was \yarn and pointed t) arra gc the classes for these prizes. \Fluty letters were read hent ; then and w, men in the services for gilts receive I at Christmas time. \Irs. I. \\'hec'er ,gave an interesting' iI nu,n- stration o0 making. a fancy cush•.ta. ),Irs, (i. Jolun;t. n favored 11i;11 a Plan ; solo and \I r;. I, \I. Coult; s led in • community singing• \Irs. I). Hutcheson ,nr place. There's a black bl h away of \1'ingh;un gave 0 go:d address al d referred particularly to the important part food plays in the health of a fam- ily and a nation, A contest IVIS C m - ducted by \Irs. h. J. \lacl<enzie. Sett ;s were sung by three girls, \larjoric \lac{�cuzie, \1ildred Co.,k and Duns:a :\nderse•n. Liii.ch was served at the close of the meeting. \Ir. and \Ir;. James 1). \Ic('rca of Toronto, spent the week -end w•i It his parents, Robert and \Irs. McCrea. Miss Lois Melly of tondo , at her home herr for the week -end. \liss \Iinuic Campbc'I is speinlim; a time with her brother, I tarry, an I \I rs, Campbell, in the yil'a:e, 1..\C Kenneth \\levierr w•b It is he in stationed on the North \1'c -t S.ag'n (:nit from Edmonton to \\'hi;clto-se has been posted to Clinton and :vent the week -end at his tome here, \Irs. R. J. d"cott has returned front 'Toronto, where she was called due 1:1 the serious illness of her husband :11 he held on Friday al:d is t ) commence that city, •11 1.311 o'clock. NIT), and \Irs. David :Armstrong re - 11:. an I \irs. Groper ;and fancily of served the v �,tl that their son, 11. -Sgt. 1)-tyn the roa 1 on the sid, of Ir :kius 'd I nal )un know that a hardy in t.,r- ist is stuck in :t p:telt-hole, The sin plow is breaking through the drifts -It the county read and you can hear the 111 tor roaring. They want t , get dotyn to the road as qii ckly as po,sibl: 1 11 )ticeil before the s: ow uritis 1-0 nitwit. file first ,:git; of Spring amongst the You go in the h use tyillt just a stock hers at I.tzy \leadotys. \Irs• Phil fol susp'ei In that maybe spring has thinks I'm a h 1 daft ,,n that score, bot conte. hlverytl'ing looks pretty good 1 have ,Noll\ s dta:uta:sed that t nee and when vitt wake up next morning you ttir•.t Fauna)• an.I the sun gets and 1 ok out. as sure as fate, it's snn.ty- v,armer . . ec,ry;hitg start, lookin; ing again and the temperature ha, 10 Spring. 'Thai's a bit of 0 hard theory dropped hack to iortnal tyint;•r 1 lacus• '111 ai Ce:,t \\11e1, w' bliz- zard a sudden bliz- za•bot• u , ab.mt the beginning of \larch• hut ha.: ig nia'.e the sla e nt nl lent willing to bide by i'.. :\ tinny i t I.t',ruary is an event..\i- ter the cold, zt ro weather when the sun gets a I�itic warmth in it, your blood scent t run just 0 little faster. You get u:, s. 111: morningandto k outside and it is hazy. On the way to the barn you n. !ice that the air has 0 soft feel to it, The cows arc bawlin;t just a tittle hat du- than usual and the pigs are :bluff] ng around ;IA squealing for their fe:-1. When the milking is over and you've hal breakfast you no- tice that the )•1111 is out and the caves are starti" ' .n drip up a little. Dirty patches ;ue sh •wing through the snow in the la'tetv.iy. The temperature in the stable has gone up and the wall, are sweating in the br r, : stable, Oa the sunny silt) owarm.f the barn, it's reasonably beside the gangway you no- tice that your cid rubbers are starting to leak a little and from now on the rubber hoots will be getting more work to do. Some pct pie wear them all LONDESBORO t)yicg to r 1 c ni {lion, the !'.)t Luck Su, per .std Dingo tyhi It was to have been held last Thus 4ly had to he I'os.poned rind will he 11),11 Friday of this week, \larch 2nd, ;ad the regu- lar meeting of the Red Cross will als ) Gibsonl Armstrong, was missing in ac- Cliatont• visite:I with the tatter's par-, urn overseas. \\'c bolts more favorable cats, \Ir. and .tits. T. lairscrt'c:, on i word will reou he received, ;oust;t). 1'hc 13naniin Farm Forum met at the \1r,. Bentham yi•itrd tyith her the sis- ter, \Irs. Robtrt 'fc wnsend, user home cf i.obert Procter on \londay wick •rad. night with a good attendance, Foll:.w- \Irs. .\ sic Fothergill received the ing the broadcast w•h:Ch was review sad new cf the death of her brother, night (lis•:ussion took place, \Ir. J. II. \Ir Alvin Bta'thtyaitr, who died Lire Kinkead, I. P. S. was present and gave u dden'y at hi., home in Detroit recent— ly. \I r. loo \'oddcn and \Ir, and Mrs. heard. Progressive Euchre w•a: enj ie - Alvin \Irl) tvv ! attended the funeral; ie.! and the serving of lunch brought \ins. \ od !cn ;:n 1 \ins. • cl ).,well ;its , an cnjoya;)le t vetting to a cl -sc. The beer g sisters of the drecast ! group will gather at 'the h••me of James The people of the tenth c nee s:on of R. Coolie; lot the steel:ng-next Mon- 1Iu!ktt, \vest of L),nlc:b„ro, are re_ day night, juicing that tite road is open for cars, 3 1 on Guaranteed o . 4 Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount . , , , for a term of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest .. , _Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized 1)y law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years in Business 4•..4 6 +141.6,.+1,4,14114114,.4,.41 141 1411 1+H 11'M 114,16,14H1,.'H �14H+„4 4 4N4.1411114H �,4 4 44114.,+,.+.,11.x, . ♦ 1 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 , . . . 1 , . 1 . 1 , . 1 , . ♦ . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . , , ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ 1 . ♦ 1 . LIVE POULTRY WANTED PAYING GOOD 11I611 PRICES. HENS OVER 5 LBS, (delivered to Brussels) .. - PER LB. 22c CHICKENS, MILK -FED (delivered to Brussels) ._.. -PER LB. 25c Extra Good Prices for Live Geese and Ducks. GOOSE FEATHERS - PER LB. 81c DUCK FEATHERS . ... - PER LB, 50c If unable to deliver to Brussels, our truck will Pick Them Up. EXPORT PACKERS Telephone 70X, Brussels. a HULLETT The la•lic• of the lith and c)th lints have been busy at their Red Cr. s;, Mrs. Duncan Johnston is confi. cid to quilts. Two were completed at til' ,iter home through idln,'ss• home of \Irs. Bert Ifoggarth on Wed- � I'he hid Cross Unit held it's 10 'nth- home afternoon, and the following day ly meeting on Tttesuay, \•aha fair at- ttyu more quilts were completed at the tenuance, Two quilts were c mpl,ted. home of Mrs. Charles Dexter, Mrs. Robert Mc\licbacl presided, con - 1., -Cpl. Glen Carter of Chatham spctl(!ducting the Hoiless position of the Sunday at his home, ' nccret g, \vita MI' s, Harvey Craig as Mr, and Mrs. Austin Dexter enter- Secretary, taincol the farm foram group on Mon- flans were made to invite the Win - da) evening, throe hid Crosti Unit i)t the near fut- ttre, and to It 1;1 an evening's int•:r- tainnte'nt to raise funds for the j nt BENJAMIN RILEY Itt'oject, ( 11101110401110101 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2i, 1945; Why You $hould Vote "Yes” On March the 12th On March 12th, 1015, the ratepayers of i;lyth will he called upon to give their assent or dissent to a by-law setting a filed assessment of .$1,000.00, for the ensuing ten years to The Blyth Farmer's Co -Operative Association for Municipal taxation. In our opinion there should not be one dissenting vote for the following reasons: --- 1. A fixed assessment of ,$1,000. for Municipal purposes, sim- ply means that full municipal tax• will be paid on that amount, with school and local improvement tax on the entire assessed value of the property. 2. If Blyth is to take it's rightful place in the community, it be- hooves ratepayers to encourage every effort to improve the industrial position of our village. Thele is no better way to exemplify our interest in the welfare of Blyth than by voting in favor of the by-law. Every industry centred in our village not only enhances the value of all property, but also affords an increased demand for labour. We, the Board of '('rade, request that every property owner do not fail to be at the Poll on March 12th, and register their vote in favor of the by-law. The Blyth oard Of Trade •I..IINININfNNYN 1' �• °t•`�r• ;fit;}i1• �. ,,r�'�r�; :.J• t l` � i •.r1, �1. ..{-. 'iri yr• W ALTON int; the - wort,, itt itnntc,Cat.Iy adylso he La:lits' ((Mid t f tit. Ge rg: . Church utct a1 the !rune of \Irs.:\n- ter, his p )s. e•s'on and the I c.il l'ostlna.• Berson a.t Tlutrsdty 1 te•u,o;t, wi.Ii Merd!il'ns ti itg ;h ntait; ex'ensive- ten ntell:nrs m.,•sent• \Irs. Ilanipinic• Iv should be wari.A(•d against ptircltasina, presillt 1 and the inee'hig opine I tri,!: :.tamps front strangers and requeeste I singing "The,c's a green !ti.1 far away," to adtise the local P.)atnt:ester if the•; follnttcd by S:•ripture reading I;v \Ii.s are aipruachcd to purchase stamps• J.:\. il,dgcr, a'd the 1. ti's Pray:r in unison. t!enttership fees were pair) —V for the c.lniau year, Rosiness was dis- cus:ed an 1 plans uta(!' f(r the year': wo k• "1'Itanl: }ou 1101e, were read f:ottt The r gular, meeting of the Myth \liss \!;try 1ltmtphr;cs, turn.:\nde•:o;t, Sclioa1 Board was held r,r Fehruary \Irs. (Je'rgc Pollard, for boxes of fru it '?ith, with the b Towing Trustees pre,- I received while ill, also ;i thank von note int : \\'. 11i I,, l., ('arta, ri;ht, S. front Miss hints Sanderson for a Creighton ani! K 1). Philp Christmas gift reN.i.',11 Feint til; Guilt. I The W.A. then held a short meet- ing and plans got under way G. r the year. Ilynut, "I;rcathc en rite Breath The f(,'1.w•iirg at: unts were orders I of (lost;' was sung and the meeting p:.1(1 closed, after which lunch was served by the !vstess, ass:.ste;l by \liss- Bernice 1 jack vel. \frs, Stewart Humphries an I Il:)hbt• are vending 0 111on;11 with \Ir. and Airs. \1'ni, Lcititctt, in Grey, 1 S.S. 1\T, C. Bennett, "1'c:ronto, sped( the tvcck-end at his home here. \Irs. Annie M rri,on has returns I In the after spending a niciith in Bcr- w•icl:, Pennsylvania, with her niece, Nits. (Dr.) NI :Cutchcon, SCHOOL BDARD MEETING \, the Auditors i•:ul the minute !) k ) minutes were real. Funeral services for 13enjainiu Riley, of 1-Ittl:cat Township, who passed away at the home of his •daughter, \Irs. John G. Mann, in his 35th year, follow•:ng a lengthy funis.,, was -held on \ion•lay afternoon commencing at 2:30, from the Ball and Zapfe funeral parlor at Clinton, Porn in 'Tuckersntith township, the departed man farmed in hlttllett, where he spent his c -"tire lifetime, with the exception of four )•cars, (luring which time he lived 'n Clevelan(1, Ohio, 5:fi In the year 1881 he was tooted in 4. - marriage to Mary Ann Wright, of Me - V ---- NI r. --\I1•. W. A. Campbell \•as 0 Golericb visitor on Satt)rday. Afro. C)sbalncston is visiting her daughter, \Irs. Carl Deans, and 31r. Deans, of \Vinghait. \liss Jean Campbell of G,)dericlt, spent the week -end with her parents, \Ir, and \irs. \V. A. Campbell. 3! es 's irs, Will McDowell, Alva \I c• I)r:w•cll and 'J,Ahn \1c1otvcll shi,)Ped their c•tt!e on Saturday to To oath. \Vat. mid Alva McDowell g :t: Rillop township, who predcce;iscil Ii In in : to 'l'orouto with the cattle to be 0:1 _; on June 1028. One daughter, mar), the nna• ket ou \londay. +14 .Ina' Rile), predeceased hits 52 years, the Telephone lines in this district •_• ago, in Cleveland.' Surviving are two art' partially out of coiuutission, ratan` ;t; sons, John of Brussels, and Charles of poles being brol:au off during the ice .t* Sea forth; three daughters, 31 rs Stan- stornt ri Inst \Vednesd;ty night, WESTIt'IELD ._: ley Munn (Eliza) of 'I'hantesvillc; \Irs. - —V ._� J. G. Mann (Margaret) cf Ifull'tt MERCHANTS WARNED AGAINST Township; \1's. R•-hcrt Griut:-1Iby PURCHASING STAMPS FROM .. t ie (Irene) of Consre; besides 21 grand S'T'RANGERS .11 children. The departed mat was the .: last surviving member 'of a fancily oft The public, i•art:cttlarly merchants, i; six. 'are warned that glue to mute -ons Post + Rev. G. G, Noon, of the OntarinOf(ice robberies, should any attempt be _• Street •United Church, Clinton, conduct- ntaile to cash postage stamps a' a p.m' :t: ed the service. both at the chapel and office, kindly e:sdeavour to retain same 1t graveside in 1?aitlanil balads cemetery, in your possess:on and obtain park •- '+�y+!'t!!'�!•11; �'iM'��C! �'.' '�i`-1i-'i'�i.'*�`'i', e!1i'_'�i''�i"1'!x`.K�'1i'M?''.'��''i! !>'_'i`'i1�Mr'i'-MM'l�`1f'_A :i' �'i!>•��1f'!}!'1'!i! i 11 e a f u r t h, where burial 1: ok 1)1' e t. 1 it C s o f t h e 1(I C 1, t t ty o f the person Ila V- on notion of [tttsteeS rN.IINr.IIII., and Carttyright: Moyer Sc' o )1 Sttp;,hes $1.30 Educational Pub. ('n., l.td. 21.(1.i H. Phillips, wbcelbarrotvI 1.1) ) Blyth Stay.:da,d, suppIivs ........ hili rl' Ins.:\gene)•, tresis, bon I 5.111 \!seting adjourned on motion of Trustees 1'hilP hill. Cartwright. —Ltslie 11ilborn, Secretary. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in harm and Ilouseltold Sales. Licensed In 11u1•on and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable; satin hctlon guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phos ilarold Jackson, Illi. No, 4, Soatorttt- Creighton Phone 14r601. St' Patrick Cards St. Patrick's Day is l',L c11 17th.. See our dispay of St. Patrick's Day Cards. Remember your friends with a breezy little verse, suitably illustrated, on this great Saint's day. Easter Cards Easter is early this year. We have a beautiful 'tinge of Easter Cards. See these now if you in- tend sending one to relatives Ovc.'seas. Everything In Stationery and School Supplies. the Standard Book Siore iititoNg5bAY, rtBRUARY 711, 1045, �'.�i�e. iK.J:.,s....,.•.4..�.�..�..,.,.J0.'1�•'serving was NIrs, T. S. Johnston,t1111I .f1'Cd TCI)I)lltt, of Goderich, with a gold IcIress ornament, and the best man, 1NINGHAM—ONTARIO, , Ilcatitiful Raikes, of cut fI avers ad -'James \\'. llcd(t, of Auburn, with a Two Shows Sat. Nigltt ,,g (wiled the home, all }gifts from fantods leather bill fold .\ll were completely at St. t;ecrgc, Hand': 11, Auburn, Ili n- taken by surprise' but fittingly voiced Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mar. 1-2.3 t4 beim, Clinton, Godetich, and from the their thanks and appreciation. A show - 1 Edward G. Robinron, Robert tle :\'I:Iglical and 11;:ptist churches of Aub- er of confetti brought the (limier 10 i Armstrong in Lurn, also a basket of yellow rose buds, a close. "MR. WINKLE GOES TO WAR" the gift Of the family. The bride of 50 years proudly di,- A drama with Edward(i, R'hinso1lk; Many saber lovely gilts of china, played the photos takuu at the Golden as the hero. L; with gold trim, linen, wall pictures, I\Vedding of het parents the late \Ir. ' ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS, wall mirror, cheques, leather bass:xk, and Mrs. Rohcl( NI odd, and also of her Matinee, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30, : \\•bile 125 messages by hail hill own wedding party 5J years ago. kt brighten many hours for this harpy \Irs. Phillips way; formerly \la'garet t Mon., Tues,, Wed,, March 5-6-7:44,conplc for the )'cars to follow, jl',llen ;Held, youngest daughter of the 14' Lions Ba rymcre, Van Johnson ';;1 Greatly prized were cable messages late 111'. and \frs, Robert \Icdd, and t Marilyn Maxwell •x. from Keith and harry Arthur, who was born 73 years ago February 2(i, in il . in . are serving overseas, with the RCAF„ I \\'est \V i vane: h on the \Icdd home' "THREE MEN IN WHITE" r; ',a nal frons Able Scanlan lucid. Sinn- stead where \I r. and Mrs. Oscar Auunt Dr. Giles; ir's assistant is named. :ipard, of the Royal Canadian Navy. now resile. She attended S.S. No. 3 ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" .2'l.etters from service Luau were also Colborne, a distance of 2'/e miles from g.+4.4.44:+M. .4.4.'.4.8..i.O'received ;rain )toln11(1, Reginald (tar- ,her hops(', She can recall having ter, Prince Rup;rt, Elvin \\right mail, sometime been lucky to get a ride on AUBURN COUPLE MARK (4f the l:.C.\., and Gordon Dottie, of ,loads of grain which were being bawl 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Comox, 1(.C., and a telephone message �ed to G•+derich as there was no rail - Mr, and Mr.,.E. Phillips, of Auburn, from LAC, Stanley McN'all, of Brant stead closer than Gcderich at that time, were at hunk on '1'u&'sd ty a(11'1' r10, ford, otherphone messages of congrat- { Soule of tier old school mates are 11111- and evening, February 27th l')45, to re- Illations front Port Albert, Dungan_ 1ran1 Watson of Nile, Gordon Young ceive 149 sues;,, who reg:s'.cred their of Colborne township; 11 rs, S. l 1. mantes in a peel sly prepared "Gn1.'.ctt Johnston and Dav'd \V. Hamilton, both of \fest 1Vawanosh; ;ld \Irs. Albert long of Auburn, Ezekiel Phillips is the youngest son "rat STANDARD LYCEUM- TIIEATRE.Mrs, lt. i. Pi,il1ips. non, 1lenmiller, Myth, St. August'alc, many of these friends would have been Wedging" illy :io,,k, which was placed ,present only for the icy coudit'oln of an a small sable cr+acre•, with yellow lithe roads at present. \1 ul thy of ,n:+tc and gold cello;• scheme, ander air arch anloelg the guests during the day were of evergreen .0spring flowers in the 1?phri . 1 anl Rall and W. J. Parks, who centre of which a miniature bride and 1inve both reached their 80th ntilemane, groom was placed. The register was in charge of Lana Phillips, The guests were received at the door and shown to the living r om by R. J. Phillips ;nd '1', S. Johc•, ton, where, the bride and groom of 511 years ago cordially greeted their guests, The bride's dress was 111 black with beaded trim, and her corsage was an orchid, Following congratiilatiins the 41. • PAGE 5. I_. BOXY THEATRE CLINTON. , CAPITALTHEATRE I RLGI4JN'1"1'I EATRL GODERfCH, SEAPORT rt. NOW PLAYING: "Hail the Con- NOW: Ann Sheridan and Alexis NOW: "invisible Man's Revenge" qurring Hero" with Eddie Bracken. Smith In "DOUGHGIRLS" Mcnday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday„ Tuesday, Wednesday Mond Tues., Wu1., TFeatures 1 Randolph Scott, Alwoan Curtis "THIS IS THE ARMY" Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy , Noah Beery Jr. with Frank Morgan, Elsa Lancaster re -t -marl ill, Il:1'a don, adeo lures 1n '1 Teclinic'')r and Cecilia Parker. 11,i an irrepr' --ible er lip of ma nn; Irving 11t din's roll,cking, fro'icking I "CLING 110" full -fest, gayer than the gave:,t Two sup:cull' singing stars and the Grace McDonald, Leon Errol and and hotter than the hest, immortal iii sic of Victor l Lenten Walter Catlett George Murphy, Joan Leslie and "NAUGHTY MERIETTA" I"'I' ;I I t ,f inn ii,to a nul>ie,d George Tobias Ili.;l,h,ll Thursday, Fti:ay, Saturday "iIAT CHECK HONEY" Joyce Reynolds, Edward Arnold Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ann Harding and Robert Bench!ey. GEORGE FORMBY Betty Rhodes, Johnnie Johnst�n Thurs., Fri., Sat., Two Featurs kite a rli(y las landed and the b1 by - and Marjorie Weaver .ock, hri('ade has thele well in hand. Ilritain's hiIt's a swim.. 1,110' coolers\' •et Its the:\ sparkling comedy coner..ing (gess conlcdy star take; si'l'ls 'Iger}. s songs an•nonse'nse lista ' !"' �glr lltlt• lr of �,r,,l Davis. bid' all art school YOU CAN'T RATION LOVE "JANIE""MUCH TOO SHY" Jimmy Lydon, Diana Lynn and Charles Smith in COMING; "The Invisible Man's ;'HENRY A_L_DRiCH,_BO_Y SCOUT' Revenge" and 'Moon Over Las COMING: "Hollywood Canteen" COMING: George Murohy in:— Vegas". with a tremendous star cast, I "THIS IS THE ARMY" c Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2,30 p.m. Mat.; Sat, and Holidays at 2.30 p,m.Mat,: Sat, and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. ,4JNN'ItNJMMN.INNNm,tewrNIN.•INmtNlNt•.^.• t at,d "G1u,st Catchers" rtes, Alfred Tebhutt (Elizal of Gode'li Card Of Thanks rich; and one brother, John, of fellow - grass, Sa,katc!Icwan, ',',roma, I'hilli, s The \'resident o1 the Red Cross So - died 8 years ago. (cicty wishes to thank all those \\ho \Irs, Phillips has only one brother, I iv'skted in helping t' ith their work a',',d James \V. Medd, of Auburn. Two si,- provis:( its for the Lions' Banquet on ters and four brothers have passed ,Friday it;glit, The affair was a real away, of the late Mr, and \Irs, Ezekiel Phil- The marriage of SO years ago was lips of Fordyce, Ontario, and on MaY performed at the :inglira'1 Church Mille the youngest guest to call was 28, he will mark his 73 birthday, IIc I�eclory, Lucl<naty, by the Rev. Char - Jack Wright, little 3 -year-old. son of attended Fordyce school and his first les lilies, The couple were attended NH.. and Mrs, Barwick Wright, of teacher was the late E. G. Wood, who I)). Eliza Phillips note \Irs. Alfred Auburn, later became a Medical Doctor, 1'he 'Tehbutt, of (materiel], ail James \V. The bridal party and the immediate late T. G. Alk'I of Godcrich, was also Medd of Aubt(n n. family were served a dinner at thea teacher. Fulton ing uric marriage the cool k honk at 3 o'clock Sunday evening, In recalling his boyhood pals An- resided at \\'111eehurrh for 12 years when many happy memories of the drew Stein of 1,0ckn+w, and Albert where llr. 1'h111;1 was engaged in the wedding i0 years ago were recalled, Stein of Western Canada are remelt'. Robert J. Phillips, their only son, bored, guests were, shown to the dining -room purposed a toast to the King ami silent 1 Ile learned lis trade as blacksmith which tt•as tastefully decorated in a prayer was offered for a slpeedy Vic- at an early age with his father. And 111 color scheme of gold' , 1h1 clivi g tabs" tory and peac't once more, \,those days Ili:; father and three sons being centred with a three-storey wed- 1 The toast master (R. J. Phillips) had blacksmith shops. John on the 10th •--- . ding cake (made by the bride) the 1i(ce (purposed the toast to the bride which Concession of \Vest \\'awanosh, cloth adorned with gold cud -oats, eco -was respmuled to by the groom with Thomas at St, Helens, and Ezekiel at \Irs, Pete MacDonald wishes to (red with gold figures of 50 golden tap• ,the presentation of a gold wedding Whitechurch and the father at Fordyce thank relative;, (nighbours and friends utile \Wast 1)0 I I ors and horse skies, comprised the ring. Thomas S. Johnston, their son- llr. Phillip; has the f,tir sisters, for cards, letters, fruits and flt-wet•}, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14TH., 1945 table ornaments, and Ica was p.+tu'ed in -lacy, presented the gifts front the Mrs. James Stein (\largaret) of ,received during her illness in Clintoni by Airs. C. A. Rowson, who ch:'se a family, to the, bride a matching t1ooscjaw, Sask.; Mrs. Andrew Fox l llospital,' especial')' wishing to thank crluntcn ing at 1 p.111., the fol\ wing : — frock of black with white braid trim diamond ring, the (,room a gold watch ((Jennie) of St. George; llrs. William IDr, Oakes and 1)r, 1tod:l and nurs„s 1 HORSES -1 gray :Hare, 12 years old, 1 and wore a corsage. Presiding for the and chain. The bridesmaid, lfrs, Al- Humphrey (Kula) of St. linens; and Mrs. Murray Inc! Mrs, Cook, 1 brown gelding, 3 years old. CATTLE—Durham cow, fresh two mouths; Durham cow, clue time of sale; 1 holstein cow. due March 10; 1 Hol- stein 0011', due \larch 22; 1 Durham heifer, due June 1st; 8 Durham steers, 2 years old, KO -1000 lbs.; 2 Durham year old cattle; 1 Durham fall 0111f; 1 Hereford bull, serviceable age. 1M PLE\IEN'l'S—M,-1I, binder, 7 -ft. cut; Deering ?lower, 6 -ft. cut ; 10 -ft. sulky rake ; spiiog tooth cultivator; set of 4 -section diamond harrows ; \I, - H. 13-!n e drill, with fertilator; 3 -drum steel r( Iler; fleury walking plow; 2 Kangaroo 2 -furrow w•alldng plows ; farm W,:gon; 16 -ft, stay rack; set of sleighs; flat rack; gravel box (new) ; set of Renfrew scales (21)00 His.); fan- ning null; power emery; coal oil hro;uler stove; coal brooder stove; sugar kettle; Stewart horse clipper; cream separator (2 -years of(1) ; seuffler; 125 feet hay rope (new); hay. fork; slings and chain; bag holder; large mail bsx; whiffletrees; neck - yokes; chains; about 10 tons of hay; and other articles. HAWN ESS—Set of team harness. Quantity of lumber. Everything 10111 he sold as Proprietor is giving up farming on account of poor health. TERMS—CASH, Percy Riley, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 5110Cess, FOR SALE 2 heifer;, to freshen s (01, and 2 Lewis \V1111'ield, calves, :\ppl} to i hone 130, 11ly,11, FOR SALE Nnnlhcr r'f calves. :\pply to Stewart blacksmith business, they Itic.ved then Jollnst.'n, phone 137, Illyth, to Auburn tyhcrc he has since continu- ed at his trade, Both are members of St. \larks An•. glica n Church. Card Of Thanks 28.1. Clearing Auction Safe I.ot 55, \laitland Concession, Gude- rich Township, 2 notes North of Sunl- llncrllill, on base Linc, and one-half a u , u ( 4 , • 1 Liquor Control Board of Ontario NOTICE to Individual Liquor Permit Holders DO NOT DESTROY your present individual Liquor Permit Liquor Permits will be extended (not re -issued) to March 31st, 1946 on application and payment of $1.00 at any Liquor Control Board Store on and after March 19th, 1945. The decision to extend the use of the present permits will effect a substantial saving in paper and printing costs, and is in keeping with present day conservation policies. WILLIAM G. WEBSTER Chief Commissioner 28-2. FARM FOR SALE 'There will b: offered for sale by public auction, subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, on "Fleece -Line Your Home” f 111,rll'II ':101'11 111 \Call, and r Ilia i dour 1, I save fuel \\ith n: ;rt r 'wf,0'1 ;Mil ore p;o ,('(tuns. i OUR EQUIPMENT WILL BE IN TIiIS DIS'T'RICT SOON. FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND r TERMS—PHONE 136 BLYT'H. r i 5 THORN FON AVE,, LONDON Pnuematic insulating COMPANY, L'111). (,11 \\hI'I'I. ROWLAN 1) C. DAY i., Intl.0 Io,nq .IJ J.,I,.. ..... ,,..otl ,IWYOL,I.. ,., APPLICATIONS WANTED I','1 the p(('it:on of Secretary-'1'reas- urcr of the Plyt11 Fanners' Co -Opera- tive Association. Applicants must he qualified to do hook -keeping, typewriting, and all work pertainin', to the finance: and c,rrc- spondence of the Association. Applications will he received by the Acting Secretary, J. 0, \latheson, Clin- ton, Ontario, staking salary expected, and qualificatic.ns, in 1ltitins, up until Thursday, March 3rd, 19-15, 1.,-n\•est or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. J. B. MATHESON, Acting Secretary. Myth Farmer,' Co-( tperaiivc 27-2. WOOD FOR SALE Gond Ilan(i word, any quantity, Any- one desiring w 'od call at tine farm, 3 miles east of 0101, or phone ila•old Jackson, Auctioneer, Seaforth, 1lrb(1. 27-2. NOTICE All persons desirous of procuring trees for planing this spring are re- quested to cc'mtact the sclm+c'l teacher in your sectio(, not later than Uarc11 satin, Py placing orders in this manner there is no (1 :.1- to persons desiring such trees and they will be delivered to the school by County truck;. Any person ordering 500 or more trees may hay. thc+u parceled in an individual order, N. W MILLER, 28-3. Comity Cloak. MONDAY, 5TH MARCH, 1945 at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon APPLICATIONS WANTED at the 'Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario. Applications will be received tip to The west hall of Lot 16, Concess'on 10(01 \londay, \I arch 5111. 10,15, En. the 6, 111111011 Township. The said farm position of Trtastirur for the Township consists of 50 acres, more or less, and of llnllctt, is first class level land, It is all seeded Services to c.immn:n'c April I,t. 1915. to grass and well watered by a never Further pardon, rs may be obtained failing spring. Growing thereon are a (frown the Clerk, Reeve or t' nnri!lors. number of good fruit trees. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Dated this 13111 clary of February, 1945. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Bruce Medd, R.R. 1, Seaforth, 15 cord, 12 inch 1 lartl\ynutf, delivered Robert Jamieson, blit. 1, Londcsb0ro, 1) lune 1 st, t•+ l .`;.ti. \o. 12, Morris Executors of the Estate of Alexander land llnllctt. 1"cinch. '2G-3.1 R. Griffiths, Secretary -Treasurer. JAMES W. McCObL, CLERK LONDESBORO WANTED • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. GOOD OLD FILIPINO CUSTOM ......� Looks like a bad cigaret shortage on Luzon when you see the g•ds puffing away on huge, back cigars. But stogie -smoking by the ladies is a long-established Filipino custom. In photo, a soldier gives a light to one of the native laundresses who keep Yanks looking spruce. VOICE OF THE FUSS TO HOLD THE WATER Drawing water for live stock is a Io-iu;; game. It would be far easier to plant trees, retain some swamps and cultivate across the elopes in order to hold the water where \‘,.e live and raise live stock. —Farmers' Advocate. —0— OUR 1.MPIRE What is the British Empire now? For one tliing it is a cotn- tnotlwoealth of free peoples that has suffered one million casualties in this war. —Vancouver Ptoyince. BUT WE DID In our youth everything moved slower and it took lots longer to get into trouble. —The Prandon Sun, with Lemon Juice Men and women who suffer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want to relieve such s) mptoms promptly. To get such relief ... try ALLENRUI Mix 2 table - ,spoons of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lepton juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today ... 85c al any drug store. Relieve °cloche Pain; ,a(I I. 4 , sa,,.l a V .I .I � a,l�l ,r iYt Iii �Il . it w Aspirin Eases Headache Almost Immediately Genuine Aspirin's new prices now make it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from headache misery. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST See with your own eyes why Aspirin takes hold of pain a few minutes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a gla's of water. Almost instantly it begins to dissolve. And that same fast aceion takes place in your stomach That's why Aspirin relieves you so q ickly. or years Canadians have elicd en 'Aspirin for fast relief, for effective relief — above all—for dependable :clicf. Get Aspirin at your druggist's today! NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Bor. ;t 12 now 18c Economy Bottle f 24, now 29c Fcanily size c1 100. now 79c ASPIRIN The Bayer crus on each tablet k your guarantee That It's Aspirin Many Fine Cattle Saved In Holland Farmers will be delighted to Iniow that many of the fine herds of cattle in 1lolland were rescued from drowning, \vhcu the (likes were opened and the land flood- ed. Allied U Hops risked their own lives to get some of the prize cattle out of the clanger zones. There are some magnificent cattle in ilolland and Denmark. The dairy farmers over there have specialized in raising only the best herds. They have found that qual- ity products gain the best markets and they have insisted on having only the finest cows, BURMA CHIEF Lt. -Gen. Sir William J. Slim, above, commands the British 14th Army, fighting toward the road to Mandalay, chief Jap stronghold in central Burma, Canadian Farmer Is His Own Boss One of the biggest compensations in farming is that the operator is his own boss, says the Farmer's Advocate. That is one reason col- lective farthing will not be very popular here. Being one's own boss is a priceless privilege. Farmers have found this out when they have accepted employment elsewhere and found that they could not get off to attend a funeral or an atm - ton sale. The London zoo was damaged by 12 German robot bombs but no serious harm done to the animals. ITCHC0 Bar HECneKEcD !nMa ✓rYffq ok For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pltnples and otheritcidng conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching. Don't Butter. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 011 la /�/--FE EEL BETTER / EL'[AM, VITAMIN B-COMPLEx ��,•, ',lent(' A Tablet Form SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES Neryos, Restless On "CERTAIN DAYS" 0f The Month? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, high- strung, tired, weak and "dragged out" — such toes—start a t once at s t try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- Com- pound to relieve such symptoms. Here's a product that I1ELPS NATURE. Follow label directions. Plnkham's Compound is worth trying! Made in Canada. LYDIA E. RINKHAM'S VCOMEGETPOUNDABLE Penicillin Saves Prize Guernsey The suspense \v'bich has been hanging over hell Farm at hard- \vick, 1\ Lies., is now almost ended, it is reported, and sighs, n;oos and ever, bellows of relief can he fanc- ied as resounding through that frozen segment of Nev England \vherc young C:urnlsett Spitfire, prize Guernsey bull, had been gasping under an oxygen tent for eleven days, the victim of pneu- monia, says 'Tlte Nev York her- ald 'Tribune. Although but a weak shadow of his former self—his proud figure attenuated because his daily diet has been restricted to half a dozen raw eggs and three quarts of hot oatmeal—Catintsett Spitfire is regarded by• his attend- ant physician as being "vastly improved." Tide magnificent recov- ery is believed to he the result of Targe shots of penicillin --- for Spitfire was granted 2,500,000 units ACCOUNTANTS .0 Al'Di'i'ORS IN('1)11E TAX REPORTS ('OM - Mete 13ookkeeping Services. Small or Lergc Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co„ 3 Wellington St, E., Toronto, Ont. A('C'OUNTi\TCI AND INCOME TAX Servlee. Will go to any town. No ('count too small. Walter G. Boyd, 91 Salem Aycnue, 7'0r011(0. DOM- 11:11'd Om- harr1 5561. BEACHES MODEL HOME OV 131:Lf)01;1Nr, 1,ATi11 UN'l'.\ILIO. 1'ou puny win this 910,000 model benne for $1.00. Write for your sheres s lode v. ($1.00 e0,10 to Beechen Business Alen's .\ssoein- Hon. 'Toronto 0. Your revel p1 will he mailed promptly, i)rnw to be mode 'lay 21th. Proceeds fur war charities. ItAlil' CIII(11Ci $1.00 11111)ICS YOUR UltDlat ORDER YOUR 19.15 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Burred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.01) per 100 Burred Rock Pullets 919.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 915.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $224.00 pet 1(10. Brown Ieghnrns mixed 913.00 per 100, Brown leg - horn pullets $24.00 pet 100. We guarantee 100%, live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. !duple City Ilatchery, Chatham. Ontario. BABY C1lICKS WE CAN GIVE PROMPT SiIIP- ment of chicks in many breeds, also cockerels and pullets. Write for prices and information. I'oul- trykeepers are advised that Feb- ruary and March chicks are need- ed for production of eggs when Britain needs them. Order now. Bray Hlnchery, 130 John N., Ilaun- ilton, Ont. IIA111' CHiCICS 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring 1n. I3reeder hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Br ed Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Hatnps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock. X Leghorns, Rock X New Ramps., Barred Rocks. Send for large illustrated' Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCESS—When buying chicks for success you must buy chicles with breeding, livability, and with proper care you will be certain of production for profit, Monkton Poultry Farm Breeders are all Government In- spected, banded, and blood -tested, Write for 1945 prices and Cat- alogue. MONICTON POULTRY I'ARMS, Monkton, Ontario. B R A S S A R D'S BLOOD -TESTED chicks. We specialize In one breed, Hollywood Strain White Leghorns, largo birds and chalk white eggs. Pullets $20.00 per 100. Mixed $10.00 per 100. $1.00 books order. Brassard's ITatchery, Aults• ville, Ont. 10Ei3ItUAI1Y BARGAINS IN C:OCIC- erels while they Inst. White Leg - horns 95c per hundred; Now Hampshlres 3,95; Light Sussex, Barred hocks 4.95; White Rocks 5.95. Order at once. We are mail- ing our 1945 catalogues now. If you haven't received your copy ceud for It at once. Order your non -sexed and pullet chicks be - fere Feb, 28th. You can save money by ordering early. Listen to our radio programme over CICNX Wineehnm every Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. and every Wednesday evening at 8:45 p.m, Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limit- ed, 'Fergus, Ont. 11110AD IIit13AS'I'I:D SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE \\'E1iIC- ly, It you order at once. Our iiroad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market, White skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Hntnp. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns make good mestere and grow fust up to 4-5 lbs. You can buy s for4 0 per l U Also mix- ed .00 . $ ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry' Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. ORDER YOUlt S. -C. WHITE LEG - horn day-old chicks from n breed- er hatchery. Stock blood tested and banded by 0. B. S. Wiit A. Glazier, Clinton, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVEItY ORDER C1 100 PUi- let chicks, we give 1110 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 911195 per 100. White Rock Pullets 924.95 per 101. Brown leg - horn Pullets $24.96 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. 91.00 hooks your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch• ery, Chatham. Ontario. 25 FREE CiiICKS OUR ST. FOUNDATION ATI N ( U k IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now, Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: 13nr- red stocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns. $11.00: White Rocks, 915.00; Brown Leghorns. 913.00. Pullet prises: !lamed Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns. $22.00; White. Rocks, 924,00; Brown Leghorns, 324.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for ench 200 mixed chicks order• ed and 25 tree chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered Goddard Chick Hatchery, Rri• tenni' Heights, Ontario. Canadians Best Fed In The World Canadians a r e the best -fed people in the world ar.d in peace- time cat more butter per capita than any other country, according to \\'alter F. \l;tntle of the l'rices Hoard. Ile said increased demand to. bilk by the armed services and cheese exports to Great Britain nerd-itated butter rationing In C;nad;i. of thic potent drug by special dis- tal) anion of a I;indly \\'ar I'r'duc- tion Beard, 1'etnneett Spitfire's case is not- able because lie is said to be the first animal to be treated 1\ith pet- cillin. The drug is reported to be in such sufficient supply that the abundant treatment given the 14)0, - pound sufferer need cause no ad- vcr,'e couunt nt from thne:c \alio might believe our battlefronts u ur.t endure shortages berati-e of a bovine invalid. 11.t11y CHICKS \1'1;1'1'1: FOR (Wit NE\V 1945 PRICE list en Barred Rock, Bedrock, Leghorn and Legrocle chlekP, i,iberal discount on early orders, (". 5, I)ecbnnk, \loullnette, Ont. 1113'1"1'1.11; OJl1)Elt 1'OIJR LINC'0I.,N (;In ornnm'n,. Approved Chicks now. New Ilampshlre, Barred 1lncics, nod New Hampshire X Barred Pork hybrids. Bookings heavy. \Vrite for our cntalogue and price list. Lincoln Chick Ilntch-r try, 2 Ewes Street, St. Cathar- ines, Ont. 1'0x1 Office Box 301. Slltl:D l.1::11o1lN CHiCiCS, i1 t')i off every \\'ednesdny. Slnt- tery's Poultry Perm, Altona ltd., 11.11. 2. I'11'Ki:RI NG, ON'1'. 10ON"I' SI'R1:.\D YOUR dell:1ro ton thin. Quality rhtrks neem much to your success ns n poultryman. Goad chicks from (;overnnuent Approved blood 1c4ted stool; hay,' n hotter chance to live --buy quality Instead of quan- tity in ehielts you stau•t. Send for el telogue end early booking priee- list andtay, 11'r have some genuine bargains on heavy breed corker - els for b"ehritery delivery. Pelves ns lot, as 1.75 per hundred, 'fop Notch ('hirlcrrles, Guelph, Ont. (HIDER YOUR CHICKS '.1(111' AND VOu :1111'; 0UA1tANTE13D your chicks for next spring when yeti went then). Burred Rock mixed 012,00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rook Pullets $19.00 per 100, chile leghorn pullets $22.00 per toil, 'Heavy Breed Clels. $6.00 per 1M, Leghorn rifle, $2.00 per 100, All chlcics listched from 26 oz, eggs or better and from speclnl minted flerics, (;unrnnteed 100% live delivery, $1.00 hooks your meter, hninuce C.O.D. Rainbow H:atclne•y, Chatham, Ontario, DYEING AND CLEANING IL1\'I7 YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questlone. Depart- ment. H. Parker's Dye Worka Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. RI'SiNESS Oi'PORTUNITIIES SMALL, COUNTRY STORE, PRE- ferably with Post Office or Gas Station but not essential. Full particulars first letter. Box 10, 73 Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont. HAIRDRESSING L E A R N ITAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Ilnirdresaing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR SA1,111 PUPPIES INTERNATIONAi, CHAMPION SIRED PEDIG1U;ED - 1t14GISTERED AT \VES'I'ERN ONTARIO'S LAit0r45'I' IlEGISTERIED COCKER KENNELS CEE HALE KENNELS (REGISTERED) 209 Praedo Place, Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS, NE\V, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- ley's, brushes. Allen Electric Com• parry Ltd., 2326 Dutferin St,, To- ronto. • DURNI'ORD KENNELS, COCKER spaniel puppies, red and black. Choice champion registered stock. 763 Giles East, Windsor, Qnt, • AT STUD: SPRINGER SPANIEL, Imported England, Beagle hound, 1''ield Trial Winner. Registered, Trent Valley Kennels. R. 3, Peter - boll), Ontario. TWO BLUE TICK MALE HOUND Pups, 8 months old. J. Button- shnw, 13ovmanvllle, Ont. H14REFORD BULLS, REGISTER - ed, coating two, good type, low set, priced right. Apply A. E, Nolces, Manilla, Ont. 3 REOTSTE1tb4D IT Il R E F O R D BuIIs 12 to14 months. Sired by our Anerienn lle'd Sire, W.11.11, Ideal Domino, 1251;30, who has sired many show winners. Prices tensounhle. Clifford 131ackc, Cale - don, Out. ONTARIO GROWN 2 PURITY 1 Timothy Seed, Germination 95%. 10tilc Ib. Pinkerton. Bags free, Sold in unbroken 120 Ib. bags only. )'ash with order. Roy Cronin, Seed D1erehant, Pinkerton, ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able age. Bred Heifers for herd , reunite( ion. D. E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario IIARNi:SS, SADDLES, REPAIRED, decorated cowboy bridles, all sizes. Mauley's Harness Shop, ' ]3rigde11, Ont. STIL\TVI; 11th)' PLANTS, ASi'AIt- agus, raspberries peach Ge es , apples, pears, l,I ns cherries, grapes, rnrrn«ts, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simeoe, Ontario. COMPRESSOR FOR SALE, WITII flee If.1'. motor and tank com- plete. 7 cubic feet nlr capacity. As good es new. Craft Wartime Jndustrie:, 428 Cannon St. E., Hamilton, Ont. OL'U1:1I 1'(Il•It 1'.11'1:.1(.19 2'1.2:5, OR noel' i, nntc for J1ay delivery. Ros nu,•Ir1, T1(,(5 (er may delivery. I;o. cs caw \p ori s, llawkestone, 1(11 1 iu. University Courses For Ex -Servicemen I'nivcrsitiet in Canada are plan- ning courses to uu'et almost every need of ex -servicemen \who plan to take advantage of the educational grants provided for them after the wear, :according to hr. \V. J, hun- lop, director of cxtetedon studies at the t'niversity of Toronto. The all-over Canadian program plans to insert a third term into the tr-sal two -tern) year so that veterans may begin their studies in early spring, studying through the motel vacation period and thus fit themselves to continue their next year when the fall term ul'sit`, Int said, 'I'Iiti ' ce-scryicenlett w ill have the equivalent of the full four-year coarse before degrees are granted, with a saving of one year in time. FOR SALE RI?(;IS'fEEIt1:D, 1'I:l;TI1011!) ANi) Commercial (;rain and Grass Seed. Price List now ready. 51'rite, phone or wire for copy Newfield Seed and Nursery farms, Nipawin, Sas k:uchew'en. BROMtell; STOVES — USE FUE1, oil or kerosene—«o wiclts. .1. S. Iteadiug, 650 Dougall Ave., \Wlnd- en1', Ont. ONE No. 3 MONITOR ('iA)V1311 ANI) 'l'inedhy Seed cleaning* :Machine in good condilien, complete with GO Sections mf Screens. R. C'ralnm, l'inkertun, Out, LItM11)11;51I4N — 1,0 (1 SCALES, handy c:aleulator, 25 cents post- paid, The Outlook, 5111111eton, Nova Seethe iti1 Is'I'l1ltl41) NO, 1 ICING (11111) sl;AL 111'llltll) 011111) CORN 85 '1'(1 120 DAY MATU1tITi]4S, \'AR- leties suitable for both ensilage and grain, niso a full line of Seed Oats, Write for price list, The King Grain & Seed Co., fain Court, Ont. 6 BEM S'I'ERED SfI012THORN duel purpoeo Bulls,' half brothere to ('h:unpinn and (;rand Champion, Galt Fair. Two ready for service, accredited herd. For full particu- lars, 1'4. Bagshaw, 427 Avenue ]fond, Toronto. A'I"I'EN'i'ION FARMERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of new and used 1'Ipe and Fit- tings, Steel Stable 1'osts, Boller Tubes, Balle, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys, Shafting, Ifangers, 13 e l t I n g, Machinery, Rollers, Tanks etc. We can save you money. Samuel Bie'stocic & Sons, 255 Palmer Ave„ ICitchener, Ont. FARMS FOR SALT. 98500 ]3ItIMLIOY RD, SCAR130R- ough Township, 6 miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, modern stable, frame house with alx large rooms, hardwood floors, running 'water In house and stable, heavy wiring in both, about 1 acre of good orchard, TORONTO CITY REALTY, 2330 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont, X300 ACRES, 2% MILES EAST OF ])undalk, on county road, 185 acres under cultivation, over 60 acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement stabling, water in barn, good house with furnace, farm \well fenced, poasesslon any time. 1VILBERT GREEN DUN- DALK, R. 4, or Geo, GREEN, Auctioneer, Dundaik. • 110 ACRES IIALF MILE SOUTH OF Kenilworth, 7 miles north of Arthur on paved highway. Six - roomed brick house, large bank barn, 33,500. APPLY McMaster and McMaster, 2859 Dundas St. West, Toronto, SMALL FARM CONTAINING TWEN- ty acres, buildings, for sale or would trade for small farm near large factory work, Fronk Dewey, Gooderhnm, Ont, ' 190 ACI0I18 MORE Olt LESS \VI'I'll or without stork and farm im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of Longueull Prescott County -1 mile from Town, School, Church, electricity, running water. Apply John 11. Woods, Solicitor, Hawkesbury, Ont. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often aro the cause of 111 -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this la your troublo\ interesting par- Oculars—Free! Write Muivcney's Remedies, Specialists. 'Toronto 3 G001) RESOLUTION — E V L 12 Y sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Mtuu•o's Drug Store, 335 EIgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. BAUMEEKA TOOT iIALM DE- atroys offensive odor Instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Derlit«an . Drug Store, Ottawa, NATURE'S T1E1,P—DIXON'S ItEM- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands 'anteing It. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MI.i AT1N.11111xNIM I'RE11 A. 1301)DINGTON 13UYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church Toronto 2, MACifiNliit Si:1'AIIATOit REI'AiIRS WORN DISCS ARE USUALLY THE first (:ream Separator trouble. We re -space and relit) them, when not too badly worn, to give the equal of new Disc service, for One third to one quarter the cost. Bow; rebalancing also, as well an retinning and refitting of all part s. Symons' Metalworkers, ROCANVILLE, Saskatchewan, OPPORTUNITIES FOIL WOVEN I3E ,A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. illustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL ITAIRDRESSING SCHC)OLS 358 BLOOIO W., TORONTO Brunches: 44 King St., Hamilton, & 74 Itideau Street, Ottawa. Il1'i'OItTUNITI ES 1I14N .0 WOMEN ARC 81101OTJ1AND. PURCHASE the books and train yourself In 10 weeks. Free folder illustrates this easy system. Conan Systems, Toronto. 'No Children' Canada isn't the only country where the "no children" sign is hang out by landlords, The other day a Spokane couple placed this want -ad in :a Spokane paper: "House \\'anted, also cage, garage, shed or wherever two :animals called children may It got results, as those little w'anl-ads so it(!cn do. Before a day was til they had been offered a fit (-room furnished burl ;alou'. --1,ethllrillge Ilcrald. \VIN PIRAiSF, I'or yotir coffee ... serve Maxwell House — the stimulating blend of Latin-American coffees with deeply satis- fying flavor. i'iake lllax- well 1IOOLSe your reguiar coffee. OFFER T(1 1N1 EN'1'O11S AN OFFER '1'(1 111'13111' IN\'I;NTUIi List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsey Co., Registered Intent Attorneys, 273 dunk Street, ()Gault. Canada. 1'141tSONAL N14W DISI'OVERY,'1'ES'fED, SAVES 45',: gnsollne, guaranteed, Send grouped envelope for information. S. Brodie, Vllttit, Alta. PATENTS FE'1'IIEIISTONIIAll1111 \ t'Ul11'ANY Potent Solicitors, Established Booklet of Information on re- quest. PHOTOGRAPHY Y TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING, 8E10 VICE You may not get all the filets you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by Pending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SE1101C11 Station J, Toronto PHOTOGRAPH t' FILM DEVELOPED, 8 PRINTS, one 6 x 7" enlargement. 35c, Re- prints, Including 116, 'Ic each. Nelson Photo Service, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your ptctutex, Snaps can't be token over again. Send your film rolls to ('nnadti'e largest and (Meet studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size 11o11—G or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND 1'1;1\ FED 25c "I get best results from Slur Snap- shot Service" writes. a customer 10 Nova Scotia, who adds that she Inas tried ninny places, SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sires 16-20-127 if 29' ,(4c extra) Is tient with film roll. TEN 1.A RG EM IE N •TS— COLORED AND FR:\\I El) Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Fratned, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 69c each. It enlargement colored, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Boz 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Order's. PIANOS IS YOUlt PIAN() 1'RO11! b151 SOLV- ed? 1f nut, write us, Factory Mason & ltiech, 612 King St. 1Vest, Toronto. SEEDS ALFALFA, CLOVERS, TIMOTHY, 1'ertutwent Pasture Grasses, 11y- brid Corn, all No. 1. Deet prices. Stewart's Sced State, Bowman- vllle, Ont, WAN'1'1.1) LINOTYI'E \l'AN'r'EU, NU. 5 Olt 8 Model, give full particulars to Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 Ade- laide St. \V., 'Toronto. WANTED: PROTESTANT SCIIUUI. Teacher for Junior Orates to con- nreuce duties September 1915. Ap- ply slating quolifieatiunr end eatery expected to 1t, F. Stedman, Secretary, 1Cewng:111, County Abitibi, Quebec. ALL KINDS 01' I'OUL1'IIV WANT - ed, live or dressed. Write !l. 1'. Mallon, 33 Jarvis, Toronto, 111;1,1' 1t'AN'l'1E1) 960 l'1:1) MONTH FUR GENERAL ' u Domestictl� t t helper in kltel Lvnof Hospital to live In, When apply- ing give full particulars, \Vuter- fo'd hospital, Box 402, Watet- ord, Ont. COOK GIINEII:1L, SMALL. FAMILY, pleasant 'surroundings, goo wages. References required. Mrs, StanJcy '1'houson, 406 Mussell 11111 ltvnp, FereSt 11111 V111uta'1 Tervnte. $95.00 12140. NUJIRSEC, GENI3RAL duty, live In, Hoon) and Board, duties to commence ut once. When applying' tai\ ' 1'011 ppat•lieblars and bkpericne0. Waterford Materoltg, Hospital, Box 402, Waterford, Out. 950.00 MONTHLY, CAPAI3LE (1111,I4 general housework, two children, • doctor's house. Apply or write Mrs. N. Sole, 424 Main East, Ham- ilton. 1'A1t1I 111:1,1' WAN'1'.'El) • EXPERIENCED M A N, SINGLE preferred, for general farming • near Grand Valley, no milking, $76.00 monthly. Lawrence Clear, R.R. No. 2, Orton. RELIABLE MIDDLE -A0141) .MAN or strong Ind for farm near To- ronto. Good milker and teamster. Yearly employment, good home. State wages. Box 3, Nashville. CAPABLE SINi;LE M A N FOR Fruit Fawn. 1'om fo(table home. Charles Pointing-, Ue:am.,viile, Ont. ISSUE 9-1945 SOUTHWESTERN STATE HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Depleted _j I a. 11 _ N G' E :R L' I .N state. T00,`'GO'BERT 7 Much --IS grown here. 1 N T,0 1' R AG.E A .P R 12 Kind of moth, N SIA W B TOAD R A 13 Quick s,uunds. P A R11, F L E, TRAM N 141•lorscback AND EEDS. 'TA.P.S gatnu. N 00,5E 5 U,N; <H EN N A 15Univor.-:a1 ANGEL. SCUM C language. L SITE PIE G 0 IRVING T 16 Italian coins L: AI5IA N P 1 18 Convulsive E R R' S A D E P BENIN o 19 Bronze. Y� At �.'*' N 0 I S_ E 20 Blurred duns �A�1Vi`�,E3,0 ND S TIOIDIAIY1 in printing. 38 Edict, 21 Automobiles. 39 Fish Iraq. 22 Otherwise. 40 Born. 23 Manuscript 42 Sun god. (abbr.). 43 Century plant 24 To pierce fiber. With horns. 45 Open 25 Cursorial bird. courtyard. 26 Roof finial 48 Belonging VERTICAL 1 Is indisposed. 2 Excite, 3 Those who mimic, 4 Negative. tree. 5 Mineral 44 Roman roped, spring: 45 Skin opening. 6 Like. 40 Newspaper 28 Aged. to it. 7 Folding beds. paragraph. 29 Salt. 50 Anthems. 8 Palm leaf; 47 Hops' kilns, 31 Witticism. 51 Compass point 9 Toward. 49 Matching 34 Revoke. 52 Note in scale 10 Mineral- group. 35 Kind of (lour. 53 Wrath, bearing rocks. 50 Russian 36 Constellation. 54 And (Fr.). 11 Organ of village. 37 Sheltered 65 Build. smell, 52 Red Cross place. 50 Dims again. 14 Peels. (abbr,), 1 Z ji 4' g 6 ' 8 9 " "i o' ' i l 12 11113 14 MIS 16 17 . 118 119 17 C'uli-cIu•v. ing animals. 18 Roman house- hold use•hold god. 19 Treat Nvith alum. 21 Kind of fi:;h. 22 Measure of type. 24 Merriment. 25 Enthusiasm. 26 Age. 27 I3y. 211 Coquettish glance. 30 Distant. 32 Unit. 33111ake lace. 41 Each (abbr.), 42 Priced. 43 Coniferous i THE SPORTING THING BY LANG ARMSTRONG "It keeps the draught off Junior!" SPEED THE PARTING GUEST B:' GLUYAS WILLIAMS i GOES DOWNSTAIRS OBSERVES FROM LIVING SITS ON STAIRWAY, VERY IIUNGRY,TO SEE ROOM DOORWAY THAT SIGHING HUNGRILY, WHAT IS HOPING SIGHS SUPPER UP HOLDING' HASN'T MOTHERMID'S VISITOR GONE YET WILL BE HEARD N LIVING ROOM CLATTERS SOME PLATES HEM514ER AT LAST TOGETHER,TRYINCONVEY IEHAVINGA OOF TO BOUT To GO SLIPPER TIME TO ANP DARTS IN WITH ,VISITOR HER Ha, COAT AND WANDERS INTO DINING ROOM HOPING 10 FIND SOMETHING ON TABLE HE CAM NIBBLE. NO .Uf.K HoLOS DOOR OPEN FOP CLOSES DOOR ON HER AT IIER,FIDGETING IM- LAST AND CALLS TO REST PATIENTLY AS SHE. OF FAMILY THAT SUPPER'S LINGERS OVER HER READY IN VOICE THAT FAREWELL CB LOCKA AWAY (Ooppighl, Me, by 713. Belt BYndle&le, Ihe.1 THE SPORTING THING "Frankly, I wouldn't be seen dead in it!" MOPS byGLAD1(S PARKER FINE THING, MOTHER, WHEN X DO WASH THE. DISHES YOU DON'T EVEN SAY "THANKS"! 0 CROSSTOWN LADYS PARI R By Roland Coe "Do you deliver? 1 have some other shopping to do, and I don't want to wake him up." POP—No Absorbing Diet E GOVERNM'1NT SAYS TNER.E's IN CIRCULATION FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN THE COUNTRY! THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson PCMMONO HMO OF CENTRAL ASIA, 15 THE ONLY W/14 SPEC/EJ OF TRUE HORSE STILL IN EXISTENCE. 'ecrfigAL, v,.r algo't '12" 14 4 it.4t4e4I ,L"„ I' Lp,tla "711 wrast WHERE'S ELME ANSWER: CORK 194-4 111 NCA SFRVI.F. INC p T M AU, U b PAT OFF SGJ '•' G HAILSTONES ARE FORMED OF ALTERNATE LAYERS OF .tNOw AN9 /CE1 0 0 • • • o • • 0 0 0 O o 0 • O 0 Benton Harbor, Mich, THIS ARMY III "10" Cou1AlM MTI W04 Lal, CI•I Amy cerlppee M help C'.r• Ipp1ght. "Well bring 'er back and we'll try again. Maybe it wuz the steerin' needed adjustirt'." By J. MILLAR WATT 124- IN ESANK—' TH' GOVER'MENT SAYS .1 0127E12. HAVE 4'49.17 -•LET'S SEE $49.17 .124'- 6 49.05. 649.05. � pNKRup1 , Y SALT. , GIA T /4,eh', 5 LC ( Q. rol5 MUTT AND JEFF— Well If There Are Sufficient Funds The Check Ought To Be Good By BUD FISHER I� �JUSTWRIfE YOUR DID YOU �Go To TILE ` WJ I You' ITS NOT ENDORSED! WHAT BAME ACROSS THE 'IA AND y , YOU'LL AVE To D0 EREISIGNIT SET Yo D AM BANK I CASH M 1 ENDORSE IT! YoU BACK N l pAY, JEFF. CAV IT, r CHECK, 7 JUST LIKE YoU Do .PLEASE? •CAS '°' MEAN. OK YouR LETTERS! YEH, BUT I NEVER GOT PAID BY CHECK BEFORE! NOW I GONNA TAKE MY GIRL OUT WITH 'rims? REG'LAR FELLERS—Out *For His Share PONIT TI -II NK MUCH OF YOUR SPONGE 'e PUDDING NO, SIGZ 1111 � !4111. N4111'11''1' iuu �II ;,11111V By GENE BYRNES T THINK WE MIXED IT WITt-1 TINE WRONG SORT OF SPONGeS PAGt 8. OPINAMPIPVVVIIIMMICIMICKWKICIMIPZICIVIIKICKICICICICKICKICKICIOCICIEKICKUI RI ki, p ShoesFor ren r 6 ii guest ea Sunday 11f I)r. ;unl \Inti. 11..\. : Women's :Arch Shoes $2.9. - ,$5.95 A Mc11ttyre, glint n. Women's Suede Pulul) l.L9i) \Ir. • •idyl \I I,. ir\in,' \\',,iion• • s:Tilt :: , ., A ( ver the \\eek end \\';til their !atwitter' Children's Oxfords $1. f 9 - $2.95 , :. tfi ! \I i" Shirley \Valises, of Tor, nto, Mr. :t: Boys' Work Shoes $2.75 $3 h .JI) R t ii Men's Dress Oxfords $2.95 - $7.00 A A Good Stock of WheelingYarn on Hand. g MIDGETS ELIMINATED IN ;; A GROUP SEMi-FINALS i1 x,11 The local Midget becks} team I a,.- • A `ed 1111 0l 11 11.1.1'1- competition for this :tiOlive 10 yr;u, o n \lu ldiv night, v4i n ltu:set . •t; r (`• teatcd Them 3-1 i, I t:,4 second of '_: dl ; h Ire awl -haute games, ill the Wing - 624): 1)))r-i°aiD))1 i141D)Dik.')4.)121)MIND(Thiatt9f91A'.d D(2/1).773,YraiDiND)211(4 a1Di512U llaihi31 1 THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. Mr. and \Ir,. Stuart Durward were Sunday \kitors at Strati rd. GARAGE. NI i,. .1„c1,Il,nr \\ 111'4(11• \ \1-a; Wallace bring .1, the city on busine.s, hang arena, 1 sot I:riday night Blyth - - - '1 ;utlIlru"eIs had fought t,1 a 3 -all Ii YI.1••1••1. 11N••11.1••1••1•• ••••• H••1•• •••1••••• ••• •••1•• •••••,1 • ••••••1•• ••• 1•••••1••1•• 1.111 1•• 1•• 1••1•• 1:•••• ••• 1• • • • ,1 •• ••• ••1 ••1 ••• ♦ ♦-••••♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • 1••s ♦ ••••• • ♦•• • ♦•• ♦ • • • ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦•♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ••D• i••0 •'0••••0••PO • • • •` 111 tIIC lirll„t'I, rllll(, III till' It, g,lllll' •. •• •♦ •• •• .• •• • •- ;1111 •.i •• '•• •• •• .•• •• • •• •• •• 104. •21 11_11 - STUART RO I:' ON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - S1.00 or Over. Macaroni 1 ibs. for 25c Rice 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per pkg. 25c Jiffy Pie Crust 25c Red Rose Coffee, per lb. 15c Laly (range Tea half lb. pkg. 15c Tomato Soup 10c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c Honey, No. 1, white lb. pail 1.1 1! .' semi in;tl . l\ virtue of their 1-:11 on Nlonday night Brussel; tool( the rola 1 11y a score of n to 4, aril • learned the right 1,, mulct \Vinghaul in the group play- ffs. \lane local taw, particularly th.'sc classed as belonging to the younger 11_11 generation, Inline the trip to \\'ing- ham on \Innikl\ night. George Char- '• ter tool: his 1111ge transport truck, awl it \\ as jammed full of players and )• sp.etat(1r;. ()tilers also went till 1)V •'car, ;r; I It \vas a (•lose game right up to the ;t; final Minutes of the third period. The ••• score \\'a` 2-1, ).ilk Blytll pressing hard ;:; for the cqualirer, hilt \Villi, put the game. away for Brussels \vith a goal _• in the final few minutes, Willis .t. sc red all the Bruae's goals. Bill Mur- ray, \\•Il,) 1.11ye11 a goo! gamic for Blyth, 1=• got the only Blyth counter. (t(' 111 the goon(' (1 Frid,t\ night, played Itius•,c's, the Blyth tear) gave a very goo 1 account of themselves, coin - hut home with a 3 -all tie. (foals in 4 4 .4 • 1.11 •:.1: •••• *• 11•-.8••. 4.40. f 0 ++ + • • ♦• that gars. „.ere scored by D. n, luhn- Lei 1 .1 „ l• 1 • n 1 1 1.1 m.. 11 ,111, 11 1.1 1 ', The three Brussel; g, als were RED CROSS DONATIONS l Anonymous SFOO scored by Willis, 1f the Blyth lads hchruary donation; to the Red Cross I S.S. No. 1, N!Arris, ( NIrs, as had been able !a tie this bogy \\'nils ftp. were al f 11 a', : I lichni .ii I, Convenor) - 15.01 ting might have won the semi-final ,ton, \1-11!1 un., and :\ntly Kyle, \wills NEW LOW PRICES! The Big Four Victory SpcoaE THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) AND THREE GREAT MAGAZINES! For Both Newspaper And Magazines GROUP A: SELECT ONE: [] Maclean's (24 Issues) ., 1 Yr. (1 Liberty (52 issues) 1 Yr. [] Magazine Digest 6 Mos. [] Photoplay • Movie Mirror 1 Yr. [] Empire Digest 6 Mos. [] American Girl 1 Yr• [] Christian Herald 9 Mos. [1 Canadian Farmer - (Ukrainian Weekly) 1 Yr. [1 Inside Detective 1 Yr. [] American Home 1 Yr. [1 Flying Aces 12 Nos. [1 Parents' Magazine 9 Mos. $3.25 GROUP B: SELECT TWO: [] Chatelaine 1 Yr. [] National Home Mthly1 Yr. f] New World - (Illustrated) 1 Yr. [] The Farmer Advccate 2 Yr. f] American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. 1] Breeder's Gazette (American) . .....,,.,,.1 Yr, [] Farmer's Magazine*.,4 Yr, [] Canlida Poultryman 1 Yr, [] Canadian Silver Fox and Fur 1 Yr, [] Canadian Poultry Review 1 Yr. *NOTE: Farmer's Magazine sent to Farm addresses in Eastern Canada ONLY. ex ad ffonua• e apse ! [ 1 Maclean's (24 issues) $2.25 [] National Home Monthly 2.00 [J Chatelaline 2.00 [J New World (Illust'd) 2.00 [1 Liberty 2.50 [1 Canada Poultryman - 2.00 [] American Home 2.25 [] Outdoors 3.00 [] Magazine Digest 3.45 [J Red Book 4.00 [1 American Girl 2.60 [J Empire Digest 3.45 [1 Parents' Magazine 3.00 [1 Christian Herald 3.00 [l Canadian Farmer (Ukrainian) 2,75 0 The Farmer's Advocate (3 yrs.) 2,00 [] Child Life 3,75 [] Farmer's Magazine' (4 yrs.) 2.00 [] Etude (Music) 3.50 [[ Hygeia (Health) 3.50 [] Silver Screen. 2.95 1] Screenland 2.95 [1 Flower Grower 2.95 [] Reader's Digest 3,85 [] Better Homes & Gardens (2 yrs.) 3.10 C] Correct English (12 nos.) 4.00 0 Forum & Column Review 3,50 [] Nature (10 nos.) 3.50 [1 Open Road for Boys 2,95 [] Flying Aces 2.95 [] Science Illust'd (12 nos.) 3.95 [] Sports Afield 2.95 [] Travel 4.95 [.1 The Woman 2.50 [1 Your Life 3.95 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES. 1 YEAR, UNLESS TERM SHOWN The Super Economy Offer This Newspaper (1 Yr.) AND !'OUR CHOKE OF THREE BIG MAGAZINES ALL POUR FOR ONI.Y $2.75 [J Maclean's (24 issues) 1 Yr, [] National Home Monthly,,,1 Yr. [] Chatelaine 1 Yr. (] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr, [1 Farmer's Magazine* 4 Yr. [1 American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. [1 The Farmer's Advocate 2 Yr. [] Canada Poultryman 1 Yr. [] Canadian Silver Fox and Fur 1 Yr. [] Canadian Poultry Review1 Yr. [] Breeder's Gazette 1 Yr. (American). Rem /#omta Sdelmart '• 1. -. . - • -- 1u_o•ela. 2=10 Check magazines desired and enclose wish coupon. Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the offer checked, with a year's subscription to your paper. - s NAME... STREET. OR R.R ••• .•..N•.•,.♦N,..M•.••' POSTOFFICE PROV: Acetylene and Electric \Velding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WIZEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, I-IOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE IIOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. WIf IJNI MNIINNNIINIINIIN11 Attention Farmers i Any:ne Desiring Farm Electri• cal Equipment, such as: - WOOD'S MACHINE MILKERS, WOOD'S MILK COOLERS, WOOD'S ELECTRO -PAIL WATER HEATERS, WOOD'S ELECTRIC FENCES, WOOD'S ELECTRIC GRINDERS. Pleaoc Contact your Local Agent George Watt PHONE 40x7, BLYTH, ONT. 28-t.f• 1?ow, N NIllI NII NI,NII NN+I N#,PW. I - round is 0 breeze. in stile o f the fact that the 1:'cal team failed to Make the finals, the time an effort spent \vas \veil worth \while Speaking to the Coach, llonn'e Foster, lie remarked, that they were 0 much d ficren'. team at the en! a f the seasol. than when they played their fi-st gam&- iu \\'il•'gham early in the new year, an everyone \vi 1 watched them p'ay \wit agree with him. '1'he boys gained much valuable experience \vI)icll stated them in good stead for an the season, under the .careful guidance of Munni(, who knows all the angles, rind is endowed with the old fighting spirit sc1 neve sary in a team, as fans who used to watch hint play with the Clin- tors ( It,. c f l o iiici days, will well re member. The a Mire g;ou;l of men \\du 1 , were resp its ble for the orgal'za1ion of the team here, are to be cnigrat ulated. It ser\ cd to liven up a few of _ THE FIFTH WALL the evenings for players and fans alike, and gave our young Ir 'ys an outlet for sone of their excess energy. ---V--- BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Nlarch 4th, 1943• 10.15: Sunday Schon 1. 11,15: "Jesus taught us to pray as Sa t1.; of God,' 7 p.'n.: 'If 1 were y( ung, 1'4 live to- day." WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, Ilk For Yor VltAMjJts MINERAL •u For 50 years a favorite Creophos quickly relieves stubborn colds and coughs due to colds, bronchial and asthmatic conditions. An effective, all year , round tonic, Creophos has triple val. nes. Take it to help avoid colds -or for reliefduring a cold or as a tonic after a cold. Family size Bottle $1.00 Sold only by Nyal Druggists C'12 Don't suffer vita. min deficiencies -don't be con. fused as to which synthetic vitamins to buy. In Vita -Vim Multiple you get Vitamins A and 131 and C and D, Riboflavin, Wheat Germ Oil, Iron, and Liver Concentrate, in just two smell capsules to be taken daily. Ask your Nyal Druggist for the beautiful blue and silver package of Vita -Vim Multiple Capsules. 25 day supply $1.75 50 day supply $3,00 Family site, 300 capsules, $7.50 SoId only by your Nynl Druggist V -2n R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER --PHONE 20. •.1 tC+C+B +&k'.+ G W' •Qt +Z+Q+C .wt + + +H+C+G)3)g+ + +ui(:': K m 6ty w'+ +L ++±+r + . t8 (t4 .e BED -ROOM SUITES SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL SUITES IN THE [..ATEST STYLES ARE DISPLAYED ON OUR FLOORS AND ARE BEING OFFERED AT MODERATE PRICES, AN ATTRACTIVE WALNUT SUITE iN THE POPULAR WATERFALL STYLE IS DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOW THIS WEEK. WE OFFER A NICE SELECTION OF SIMMONS STEEL BEDS, MATTRESSES AND SAGLESS BED SPRINGS AT POPULAR PRICES. A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THE MANY EXCELLENT VALUES WE ARE OFFE:RiNG. J. S. Chellew LSP, Home Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. 2t24N2M`di`,b))i;r1))$t2i`d)1 IN2i101DiD13)27$79)10)3)7ThWati: 121$iDi°dl$iviM2INDi8)3)s)$iNIatD11,1X ,1 ■ .I . J . . .1 1 41 .I . 11 • .I . ,W Y ,1 111.11 , 1 11.1 • I 11 . 11•.4' ,'','',''•• 1•• 1••1.1 d• 1.111• ••• 111 ♦•• •1•' •♦11 ••• ••• ••11••••1 ••1 ••• 1• ♦•1 I•• •1• ••11♦• ••11•• 1.11•• •••••• ♦•• 1.1 ••1 ••11.1 •, 1.1 ♦•1 ••1 ••1 i 1 •. ••1••1••1 ♦••1 ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 / ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.•.1 1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 • >• 1 ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ • ♦ • 1 1 / • ♦ 1 ♦ 1 ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ HU" ON G j' ILL •t• ♦t; EXCELLL+'Nrl FOOD. G001) SERVICE. •t • BLYTII --- ONTARIO. Meals at All Hours. r S FRANK GONG Proprietor 11.11 • 1.1 •••••11.1.••.•1 ••1111 •1.1.•• 1••.•1.•1.•• ••• 1••.•..•,.11...•1.•• 1.1 •••.•• ••• 1•• ••• •••1111 •• .•• ••1111•♦ 1.1./• ••1 ••1.•..•.1..•,.•1.•1 •••.••,•..••.••.•..•..• '0 ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • 1111 • . • ♦ • • • • • ♦ • • 1 • • . . • ♦ . 1 >•. . • • ♦ . 1 • 1 1 • . . • 1 . ♦ . • 1 •t .. i 1.1 1i .4111 11 1, 1•,1.1 111, 1 1111 ,,1 1 1 CEILINGS CONGRATULATIONS Cougratu!atirn, to \l r. Italie Par- rott, who celebrates his birthday, oil Irfhursday, Mali H. Congratulations to NI r, awl NIrs, G. l'I2, Vincent, who celebrated their 35th \\!cdding Anniversary on Friday, hob• ruary 23r•I, Congratulations to \I r. G. R. Vincent who ccicb'ated his birthday on Sun - (lay,. February 25111. Congratulations to J(11n 11• N'e. hitt, who celebrate; his birthday on NIon- day, \larch Sth. I CC:n,;ra'Illatiucs to John NIc>+ichol, ,who celebrate his birthday on Mon- day, Nlarcll 5t!,, j• C. 1- ratulati"ils to father aid s n on ,their birthday: to little Michael Kelly, ('own 11(•lsalt .rat, on his 2.--(1 bi-thl• s-, Febrrary 28th, by It's gr; ndmulthcr, awl his aunt, Evelyn \icrris, and also his great-grandmothers, o..0 at Teeswater, and the (:cher at Ayton, Ont.; Also to !his da'idy, NI r. Ctarr - c Kelly, whu;e .birthday fal's on the saute dart' EAST WAWANOSH NIr. and \Ir:. 1I. flunking and Ker- tie4h, visited `.f rs. Quinn and Edward I on Sunday, OF EVERY ROOM. The ceiling, which Is usually larger than any single wall, should I, :be considered as a fifth wall. 'Thus when planning the decoration for a - room it is Just as important -to se- -beet a correct ceiling paper as it is 3 !to choose the proper wall decora- tion. Your preference may favour j -one of contrasting colour. Don't be 0,(ra.!4 that a "Colour -Planned" room will extend your Budget. To 'realize t•IiIs you can rcvul1ly do so - hy seeing my samples -over ri00 to pick from. i b F. • C■ PREST Phone 37.26. LOiIDESBORO • 11 , • 1 1.411 11.1. Card Of Thanks NIrs. Isaac Sce 1 and \less 11;Ila Keating juin in thanking greatly the nursing staff of \\'inghanl ilospitaal fair their k.ndness and god care tel i1 ' i 1 the hospital, and to 1)r. IIo:Id, for hi, kind and goc;rl noir 011 care t(;\1- • r I urn• recovery, not forgetti-rig our go( d Blyth friends, relations ;IA ucigh',uurs. ¢ you, NIrs. Cell;ns .Il k:mdlle" Everything Homemade anal gene-osity, whack was greatly ap- prcciatcd, and NIrs. 1.'lliaut C ok, and .to my brother, George Cook, at B •1 - grave, and 11) many other Irian Is for ATTENDING CONVENTION, their calf;, gifts and letters cf sym- irathy, and mt.i•ly thanks goes t, NI -A Reeve \V. iI. Morrill, and Coto:cillor NI•orris for her faithful and very ch •r• Emerson \!'right, are in attendance at iLtble (irk to ars:r•t our g.+r.l Dr.the (;cod Roads 111.et ng being held in 1Gtld in our illness, Toronto thi; auk. -Signe 1, \urs. 1. Snell, NI1,s Be la Kcatiu:,• NOTICE TO REVOLVER OWNERS 1111....., EDITII CREIGIITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. Frank's fakery PI-IONE 38. BLYTI-I, ONT. PiES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY / '`.IVES IN ENGLAND NI r, Findlay McGowan cf Fergus, Mrs.',':dwar(!4 iias re:•eived wort spent Monday \w1t'1 his parcels, N11. Cr 01 her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Rath, and \irs. Alex NIcG.-swan• to the effe t that her grandson, ila'•ry Mrs. Norman Shepherd of 1lullett, Rath, who has bee;•• with the RC:\F, in is visiting her ;.istcr, NIrs, F. Mars: all Ceyhm for th,. 1 ast three years, ha, and mother, Mrs, Reid. iarrived safely in England. Owner; of rev( leers and pistols are rcanindc',l that the re-rcgistaCen of \weapons of till:; type is required, ac- cording to law. All owners of revolv rs and pistols must re-regiti'cr these wea- pons during the peri•_el Nlare . 1 t, 1945, to July 1st, 1!'+5,