HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-02-21, Page 1rTHE ISM STA D VOLUME 55 • NO, 27, BLYTH ONTARIO, WED NESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1945. A 1111111111•111•1•111 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Blyth Farmers' Co -Operative Wingham Lions Will Meet Here Friday By -Law Vote Monday, March the 12th, 1945. BLYTH MIDGETS DEFEAT SPORTS FUND GROWING BRUSSELS SYNOPSIS OF A PROPOSED BY-LAW NO. 3, 1945, 'OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH focal fans who attended the hockey game in Brussels on Monday night, re - The following is a synopsis of a proposed Ily-'law of the Df tuli- turned full of n" isc for our Blyth boys Cipal Corporation of the Village of Myth to iix the assessment of Blyth who defeated the Brussels team in an Farmers' Co -Operative Association at $1,000.00 plus business 'assessment overtime tussle b the score of (i to 4, for a term of ten years from the 1st clay of January, 1945 (with the excep- Y t'ott that the said Myth Farmers' Co -Operative Association shall pay school According to reports the locals play - taxes on their full assessment and also all local improvement taxes assessed cul a bang-up gauze, with Harold Phil - against 'them). Provided, however, should said property or any part lips and lion, \lorritt, outstanding, thereof incorporated in said By-law No, 3, 1945, cease to be used for the Phillips scored four of the teams six purposes of said plant Dr should sail company not comply with the terms and conditions stated in Ity-law No, 3, 1915, then in any year or years of goals, and two of these were the over - said tern in tvItich the sante occurs said property or the part thereof not time goals that won the game. The used as aforesaid shall be liable for -its full ordinary taxation. teams wound up the third period in a J):\'1'J?J) at Myth, Ontario, this 26th Clay of January, A,D., 1945. 4 -;ill tie. The gauze was held up in the third GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk, period when oec Of the Brussels play- .ers drove a hard shot at \lol'ritt in the The Ily-law of which the above is a Synopsis is postal for inspec-Illyth nets. Motrin caught the flat of w tion at the office of the Clerk of the Village of Blyth, the puck directly on the forehead, and was k11 cked out for a short time, 11e proved his gameness by continu'ng on, BUT CONTRIBUTIONS STILL ACCEPTABLE 'The community sport; fund, started to ai'I the Illyth hockey Entry in the Western Ontario Athletic :Association, Outcome May Be Service Club For Blyth DOCTOR OF MEDICINE DEGREE CONFERRED PROCEEDS TO AID LOCAL RED CROSS Inas rolled up a tidy 511111, but there i On I'ri'!a\ la -t in ('onv,:cati ,a hall. still u•uolt1 for plenty of ('X1,111151 ,11. '1 o ('lllvcrstly of Toronto, the Degree of , 'TL.• \\il;l;li,,n (duh tw�a hol'l date contributions received total S77.i11, Doctor 1)f Mtllicin,. was conftrrrd u;' It is hoped Cult many more public- I Na it r' 11,1;11 u', , I'nit :: the Illyth 1 I ou h:'hw;•,I ,limn Wilford, only 5,111 ',j ' \Iial il:l!I n I ri'1:�. twtnm; , coin - spirited , itizens will conte forth tw iph Dr. and Mrs. F. C. \\ i(iurd: „f ( btu'. a contribution for this worthy cause. tu, \Vest Chimp The ;crflir will nal.,' il,: fnrin of a The team has shown great improve - I'' pl.grr,' was pre,e:'ed by' the b:nutn't, rattrrd t„by Ilse Cly'lit he'd Itlellt Ill the f('11' games they ha1'c'j)hly' Lir other of the I'a(ulty of \I olivine to ;1 CI'„„ Society, :11.1 '!i^ effort i btltl; ed this season, Finances tell be nc-'l' class of out hundred and twelve tlld- Sp;,It„n l to 11,„. .Twi)i,,,.: ed also ,r other sports \which (ty be tuts• .\;,ociotHil, wh r numbers ate inter- sponsnretl dining the summer months Dr. \\'!1!'114 wwa, barn in l'Itina and,tsttd in •e'•ur:u;. inf'nnl;lti'nt rig;ud Dr: -p in at lite b;tick with your contri-: �. bttlion at your uulicst convenience. spent the tarlir, y(•;urs of his lift there Incl the (uncus ming ..f snrll a 5crvicc lwhcrc hi; L•lthp'r ha, beth a \I' dical club, '1'ht rl tt!) nl;,w be tin' (o nt,tti'11 1'Ite following contributions have'�11;51onary for over 30 yuan, 11t rt'- lot ;t "ri,'v clil!) here. BY-LAW NO. 4, 1945. and nnlen credit is due hint for the been received �Ip to date A ley -law to provide for taking the vote of the Electors on twin, the question of a proposed ily-law ;or granting a fixed The teams struggled through the assessment of $1,000.00 to Myth Farmers' Co -Operative Association, Myth, Ontario. first peri)d on even terms, neither be- ing able to gain the advantage, and the period ended with no score. WHEREAS application having been made by (Myth Farmers' Co- • \\Then the second period wound up Operative Association to the Council of the Municipal Corporation Elf 'Blyth was leading 2 to 1, on goals by the \'illage of Myth ft'r a fixed assessment of .;1,000.00 on their property in Myth; Phillips and Cowan, Coleman scored Brussels lone goal, received its first and second reading entitled- "A By -Taw fixing the As- Brussels had the edge in scoring in scssnlent of 111,1'I'll FARM ERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, the third period, Blyth took a 4-1 lead lllyth, Ontario, for a period of ten years front the 1st day of January, on goals by Phillips and Kyle, but the 19.15", be submitted to the qualified electors for their assent in the form Brussels boys came right back with' three to tic the game up at the "Do you approve of the passing by the Council of a end of regulation time. \\'1U'is, Cole - By -law granting The Myth Farmers' Co -Operative Associa- • ratan and Jewell were the scorers for from January 1st, 19.45", Brussels. AND WHEREAS it is desirable that a proposed bylaw which has of a question to be submitted namely:— lion a fixed asst:wsnm'mt of $1,(YJO.00 for a term of ten years and it is expedient and necessary to pass this lly-law for the purpose of enabling the electors to vote on the said question, outscored and outclassed Brussels, and Harold Phillips was the hero with iris BE n'THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the lure goals, Corporation of the \Tillage of Myth, as follows: 1n the third period the Myth boys; I, Thi: vote of the electors of the Corporation of the ''11- lage •of Myth shall be taken on the said question as set ottt in the pre• rouble on the 12tH day of \larch, A.D. 1945, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon at the following place by the following Returning Officer: GORDON ELLIOTT, 81.1".I'll \I E,\I OR IAL IIALL R,0• ' On the 8th day of March, 1945, at the hour of ten 'o'clock in the forenoon the head of the Council or Incinber of it appoint- ed for that jlurposc by resolution shall attend at the Council Chambers in the said Municipality for the purpose of appointing and if required so 'to do shall appoint by writing signed by hila two ,persons at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend the pol- ling place on behalf of those interested in and desirous of promoting or voting in the affirmative on the question' and a like number on behalf of the ,persons interested in and desirous of opposing or voting in the nega- tive on the question, 3. On the 13th day of March, A.D. 1945, at the hour of 'ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Council Chambers in the said Municipality the Clerk of the said Municipality shall attend and stun Up the votes given in the affirmative and those giweu in the negative out fhc question. PASSED this 13th day of February, A,D,, 1945. \V. 11. MORRITT, Reeve. GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk. NOTICE '1':\K1': NOTICE that the foregoing is a synopsis of a proposed ily-law of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth of which the approval M the passing thcrcof is being submitted to the vole of the electors on 'the 12th day of March, AD. 1945, TAKE NOTICE FUR'T'HER that if the assent of the electors is Obtained to it sante w'll be taken into consideration by the Council after the expiration of o1C mouth from the date of the (int publicaiion namely: February 14th, A.D. 1945. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tenant, Who desires to vote noon said question must deliver to the Clerk not Liter than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote a Declaration under The Canada Evidence Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created, or at least twenty -ore years and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay ;tII municipal taxes in respect cf the property in which he is tenant othc1 than local improve- ment rates. AND ALSO 'l'AKE NOTICE that By-law No. 4, 1945, a true copy of which is shown above, is the lly-law provided for taking the votes of the electors, 1),-'I'EI) this 13ti1 day of February, A.1). 1945. —GORDON ELLIO'1'T, Clerk, 44 +44 + +��+44.4++44+p't+44+4.4. 44 4 ++ 4+44++4r+ +41+44+444.4.441, FARM FORUM MEETING FARM FORUM MEETING The No, 10 East Wawau,osh Farm 1 The Live Wire Farm Forum, Con - Forum numbered 33, at the honk of cession 13, I-tullctt, net at the home Mr, and Mrs, Waiter NIason on Mon- of Air. and Mrs. Meredith You , with day n'ght. The discussion Was the last 18 adults and i children present, The of the series 00 "Marketing." C. Fal- topic for disct:ssion was "Should Pro- coucr was convenor fo, the evcnii'g and (I1t crs Control Marketing". It was (le - also gave ;t talk on "Sheep Raising,",cide0 that Government controlled mate - Mrs, McGill and Clarence ,lulmstttniketing with sufficient consideration had; charge of the recreation, wwhic,t given to the producer, would be best, !After the descttssion, Mr. ail Mrs. was progrestivc euchre, after whiff Y( ting conducted the recreation, with lunch was served. The !fleeting next two contests and a game, which was (Icts.lay nicht Will be at the honk of lenjoyed by a11, after which lunch was Mr, and Mrs. D. McKenzie, Rccrea- served. The next meeting will be held ti,nn is in charge of the ?Iason boys. Ion February 26th, at Ole home of Mr, D. \IcKe tzie is convenor for the next and Mrs, George Powell, with Mr. three weeks and Mrs. Whitfield has the land Mrs. Powell as con'v'enors and re - minute topic. Everybody cone, et -cation leaders. Brussels and Myth are now ti .0 with 4 points each, and the play-offs start this \Ve(lnesday evening, home -and - home games, with goals to count on the round. The winner of this series will meet 1\rittgiball for the grot•p chant- . pionship. The first game is played, at the local rink this 1Vednesday evening. $10,090,000 RED CROSS APPEAL Toronto, February 15111, 19.15—"Ontario has undertaken to raise half of the $10,000,601 which the Canadian Rcd Cross Society is asking in the national campaign for funds beginning next month," a statement released jointly by Mrs. Arthur \'V. Ellis, president of Ontario Division, and Mr. Ian R. 1)owie, the division's honorary cam- paign chairman said to -clay. 1'Iaving been asked by the govern- ment to collaborate in this camp; ign with the Canadian AIIicd United Rcl'ef Fuld, the Canadian Rc;l, Cross faces added responsib'litics this year. Money will be raised for the relief of the stricken people of eleven a'licd nations and this will be accomplished through one campaign instead of many. Ontario collects more than fifty per cent of Canadian RRcd Cross funds raised in the 1)outiniou, Over half of all Red Cross work accomplished in Canada is done within this province. Cost of the helpful service which iced Cross is rendering servicemen 011 hos- pital and troop train in Canada: a similar conduct:ng service for the Brit- ish wives of Car•ar'.ian soldiers, as well as the erection of Red Cross lodges at military hospitals in Canada, bulk Targe in this year's budget. Outpost hospital service, biggest peace -lime project of Red Cross, is an important item, with plans under way foe additions to exist- ing hospitals and erection of new build- ings, AUBURN COUPLE TO MARK GOLDEN WEDDING Dir. and \frs. E. Phillips, of Auburn, Ontario, will he at hlo'nlc to their friends and relatives on 'Tuesday, February e7t11, 1945, fro'u 2.30 p.m. until 5 p.111., in the afternoon, and 7.30 p.m. until 10 p.m. in the evening, on the occasion N. \V, Kyle J. B, \Vii ton ... '.IH) 1'. Baintoli .... _. _... ... .-.- •-- 5.1 0 l lcrtuan Dace Dr. Hudd .... 5.00 I,. 11ilb.'rn 5.00 S. Hallahan 1.00 Wellington McGill 3.0) Bert (;ray .._ 2.00 Ken. Poole -.. 5.01 Norman Garrett 2.01) N. Humans . 2.0)) M. Grieve ........................ 1.00 L. R. Naftcl 2.0(1 Ilubcrt llirons 1.00 George ,\IcN;dl 2.01) Georg -Watt 1.00 Ray Dobbyn 3,50 Myth Women's institute ._1(I,''0 Emerson \Vr:ght -- .__ 2.0) 11110011 Vodden ._............ 5.00 E. E. A. Fairserv'ice 1.00 \Vllt. Thud' ... 2 0) Olive McGill .... _....._ 1,011 John and \Irs. Fairservicc 1.00 Gordon Flax Co. ..... .. 5.00 \Irs. Edith Creighton -... 1.00 Ken. Whitmore 2.01 in ed to Canada to take up hi, >tuilies as a Mrll:cal student. '1'lu' \\•Melia! t ('1111) are very i tixi' u; t•. see a (111b tiiru'.t 11 here, and tvutt!d Inti older sister,\lut'll'I, gra(Illaltpl 111 'Io eJer\Blatt', 1!t tllcir power to ;1,,Oso \ltdicinc about three years ;tun, and •11,.' :Il n(' t! ants' lint, the Kinrar his younger sister, l'atric'a, is now on d'it,' 1'.III• int h;11',' bl'l'll l'nI'rC>i tit111.'{ her fifth year in Cnivcrsity of '1•oron- tvitlt eitie n, ,.f Isiah, for a meetin; to, of their t 0lb t , I.. held litre al •n•nC 1)r. ;il \I r,. It. C. \\'ilf trtl are 1011' future I It,, a, th'y 111"1. ;"Ni t-1 tr a K1n•nu'n r ('I1111 fin :lie d herr. No cnroutc to Cdulada with a party .•f Missionaries nt furlough, being in lu_ (lonbt they will be t;ryen an npl,'rtueit\' 'dia when la.,t word w•;1> rciwt,l to hold a nlectine here in the near fn- V Both these •c! vice chub; do ,1l!c•did THANKS LEGION FOR SMOKES work, and there is also no doubt that such a c•inb ill I,ly t0 would find 1'ir1tt:r The C1i11o1 Branch of the Canadians to do in the tray of promoting ting coln- 1,et,rion received the following letter (!nullity activities. front Tues Percy llarttngton, of Btvth, :\II public-spiriti'1 leen of the 1'il- acknowlctlging with !hanks, recciltt ,'t lige are asked to l,r„curc tickets for cigarettes sent hint:this han:luel and meeting onFrid:'y Dear Sits: Receiv'd .)O Legion sig- night 1' this weed:, Contact any of the arettes, just ,t few days before Christ- )l 'rchan.; on main street. They will nrts but until nowt 1 haycn't ha 11111111. I direct you to where you can procure of ;t chance '.) drop you a feu lincslcuttr ticker. :\t the present time you and than!: you. 1 have been quitt.bt'sy' leen buy thein at the !tank, the Standarrl . the last few c:•ening; trying to catch office, Elliott's Insurance Agency, Dob - up on my ceorespondence which ba; hyit's Tiardware, or Sihtlt,'.)rpc's Barber been out::: neglected, Shop. There really isn't notch of any in - Yon are 11. toed I of a Worth-wwhilc tcrest to write about. As yet I haven.'" cl•e•ning. TO'l'Al, TO DA'l'F. ..............$77.50 had any ll';lvt. of any kind slurs land ---- \' co,.-___, Mg on the continent six months. Every- one has itis hcpcs up these days fora 11tTRUIZN GRANDSON HELPS SHOOT UP seven day leave to England• I hear the GERMAN HEINKELS ones who landed on "i)" Day are al flit north road hats been opened reariv in Enilancl C.yoyiug their leaves do \\'c,tfiel,l corner by the catcrpillae The following clipping from the Tor• it twill Ire gond to get haul: to an I'm- 'plop', operated bl 'Tyndall \IrK'rcht ("011(0 Globe and \tail refers to rt grand- g'i,speaking country again. idem in 1 'fhc it;l1,!i.1 Young Pe'ople's Union son of Mrs. J:t;, \Nall, of Myth. The liollh:unl most of the youngergenera- nlet on Sunday evening with Mrs, Earlyoung flyer is a son of 11 r. ;1114 Mrs.tion can speak fair English. it seems!\IeKnight in charge and Mrs. R. J. James 1Vatt of 'Toronto: futility to hear of young people twenty; I'lrillips at 10'' piano. The swriptur, ".\ report from an advanced Cana- WOO hart alrc;ttl)' mastered three for- was road by Doris \Irlini;,ht, \lark (Han airfield in 1lollaud 1°083' slid that sign languages besides their own. \lost Raithl)y played a t'`.ann solo, and a s.o!o two Ifeinkel 177's were destroyed and ofus in Canada are. lurl:y if tee can lovas sun,; by :lnulia \Irlla'ain. Garth others badly damaged on an air- ,tical: French when we leave school,!\IiKeight received the offering, Pray - field near .\luuster, Germany, late yes- here they learn different languages tr teas offered by Rcr, If. J. Snell, tet•day (Feb, 12) by two pilots of the RCAF Grizzly Spitfire Squadron, all through schcol. \\'e are having Mrs.. Earl Raitoby and Mrs. Earl Mc fair wyettlier :Nur here lately. Around Knight sang a duct. .Flt, Lt, J. Ileyle, 57 Albany Ave., 'l'n• Christmas we had some very heavy llrs, George Beadle, Mrs, Ernes' rondo, mace the ltwo kills and also da- frost and a little snow not enough to Paterson, and 1Zuti .\rthttt•, 1cg. N. ntaged one of the other two planes, notice it on the ground. They had a attended the funeral of Mr, ltfogk a' while Flt, Sgl. J. 0. A. \Vitt of Tor- few days of skating but as I hadn't my Tavistock, endo (lantagecl the outer Iw'o, slates With me 1 Was Dol of luck. \\'hen Fred Mn„ attended the funeral of The Spitfires dived from 8,000 fret it .clues freeze, ice isn't difficult to field Fred 1,00scntnrc, Glencoe, on Friday-. on to a concentration of more than 3) There is plenty of water lying around \I r. 1;pnsctltore is survived by his vv'fc German planes parked without carnrnt- the country. I don't thank I'd fancy formerly Iits,ie Cunningham of Aub flags on their airfield, After sh oti«g living in this country, it is t' 0 flat and urn, and two sons, up the five, the anti-aircraft fire he- too much w•a'er. Barrick \\'right, Toronto, with NV cattle so intense that the Canadians it is us«ally raining nine out of Tel \\'right and f;nmily, were forced' to shear ;1111)'. {lays, i thought once. we left Enghul l \I r. and\Ir: Clifford Brown, ltil'y V -- we left the rains behind, but that's and Shirley Brown, Walton, with \f!-. DATE SETT FOR CLINTON SHOW lwhcrc I was fooled. and Mr,. tie, woe Beadle.They don't wear as many wooden Nutty J. .\souitli, Si. 'T'homa's and At ;t Directors meting of the Clin- shoes here as we were led to believe Mac huff, Lonh,l,, will Nle. and \Irs ton Spring Show held in the Agricul» 1 think another generation will fin's;t Charles 1?..\ -,[lith. lu1•al Board ROnttt, Clinton, it was de - 'up the woodcut shoes. Stewart King, Toronto,with Rut scl' sided to have the Fair on 'Tuesday, One of the biggest problems here King, June 5th, - seems to be transportation. Yotultg and 0 Plans are tinder way to enlarge the old ride bicycles. if they have no tires DiNNER MARKS 5011 BIRTHDAYFair somewhat this year, the rimwill do, I don't believe the bi- The Fair has ordinarily been bel 1 the cycles moo.' as plentiful though as they lir. George 'Johnston was ;111 honour - first 'Thursday 111 April, were in Belgium. holland Inas suffered cd guest at the Ronne of Nit.. and Mrs, by the war more than Belgium. .\t Will. J,+lt«sto,l on Friday night, on \ hast in Belgium we cmld buy things inthe occasiott1of his ;;!ell birthday. Mrs. MARKS 251'H ANNIVERSARY the shops. Th' prices were very high,! Johnston served a lovely chicken din - IN BUSINESS but you could buy. iu Holland the ler. The event was ;ill the more en - shops are mostly hare. I suppose the 1 joy able hccatt,:' ''f the pre.enc^ of Mr, Reltt, J, Powell will round out Germans took everything of value theyMrs. Johostnn, who has for many his 25tH year in business, ill Myth, 011 'cr.nld lay their hands on Many people ;weeks, been ;t patient ill the London March 1st, ill, Powell hough( the had to burly their treasures, even 1111' end CIintolt ho•.pital, brut tvlio has blade (grocery business from Janes 1.1utt 25 silver money was ;s ;111 taken ;old some 'such progrt,; as to be able to be home. years ago. other cheap material subst:tuttd fora.l\Ve tuna her c mtplcte recovery will he of their Golden \Veddiig, Ilis father, the late George 1','cll,' \\'c had ;t very n1.e Christmas (In- la speedy one. M rs. Archie Radford built the block in 19tH), and -the i'owwells ner over here, but unfortunately be -;was alio a gut t for the event. —V— have been itt business Metre for many gond anyone's contr.') we had to h, 1 I -- r—•-• — BLYTH Uil[T8n CHURCH BIRTHS years. 'our Christmas one day late. 1 hope this Business associates and citizens gen- w; r is all over by another Christmas, Sunday Services, February 25th. McDOWELL—In \Viugltaut IIo:pbal, orally, will join The Standard in ex- and we can all he honor once again. 111.15: Sunday School. ott Saturday, February 17tH, to ?Ir.licnding congratulations to Mr. Powell Thanks a million for the ci,e,arettcs. 11.15: ", .\t Prayer." and Mrs, Harvey McDowell, of en his long term of service to thefours truly, 7 p.m.: "If I Were Yotin'• 1'.' Learn Westfield, a son. publit, —PERCY 11ARRINGTON to Remember,” r - friday Special! °"m' OR STAMPS a/ your25CERS 111 TEAh Va X41.9.a 0." :44.`wct ,. 31 go.AK00.10:A• The Jade God By MARY IMLAY TAYLOR CHAPTER X "Not so deep," Teddy asured hint affably; "I got five hundred out of Landon on a wager, got it cold!" and he laughed uproarious- ly, suddenly recalling Landon's rage at subsequent event?. Fosdick swung his chair around and eyed hint viciously: "You're a young reprobate," he observed dry- ly, "what was the wager about?" I didn't know Landon could afford to lose that much," "Lose it?" Banks laughed again. REWARD PROMISED if you serve Maxwell House Coffee to your family to. (light. They'll just love you for It! Comes in an All Purpose Grind which suits any type of coffee maker. Here's tripleuacting speedy relief from MUSCULAR PAIN DON'T be miserable. Don't suffer another minute from muscular ache or pain. To get quick relief, all you need do in many cases, is take a fast - acting Instantine tablet. Instantine goes to work immediately—acting in three ways to give you comfort: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." And, you'll find Instantine's fast action equally effective in relieving the dis- comfort which often comes with a cold or sore throat, All drugstores have Instantine'. 12 tablets 250. sfanIine c a product of Tho Bayer Co., Ltd. r "He did more than that — he burnt five hundred dollars up in, a rage—" Fosdick, who valued money and had had to work for it, stared hard at young Banks. "Ice's drunk," he decided, frowning at hint darkly. But '!'eddy, enjoying his own joke at Landon's exticnss explained. Ile explained in detail, even to the fight in the smoking -room and the holocaust of the money. "\Irs. Lynn had frozen me out. She's down on me and 1 vowed I'd get even. I have! She's invited the fellow in and had him to dinner. And now," he gurgled with mirth, "I,andon's black with rage because he's making love to Pamela Rod- ney! Landon's dead set that way himself, and he can't do a thing — not a bally thing! Mrs. Lynn would fire hint if she found out he'd brought a fellow in out of the street, you know; he !might have been a whitewing, anything, on a wager!" Fosdick, who had listened in sheer astonishment, found the key to Pant and Mark in the tearoom. He knew at once how the girl had been fooled, Ile reddened to his scanty gray hair; he ought to have told Burleson yesterday! "You deserve a thrashing, you young reprobate!" he said to Ted- dy Banks, tt ith the candor of an old man who had been a friend of Teddy's grandfather and guardian of the Banks money fo thirty odd years. "You and Landon both de- serve to be sent up for disorderly conduct! You've done a pretty piece of work between you. Yon don't happen to know the than you in- troduced into Burleson's house, to Lis sister-in-law and his niece, do you? Of course not! Yo.t picked up a man in the street and Landon palmed hien off on them as a friend of his! That's the idea -- a friend of his and yours, too?" '!'eddy laughed comfortably. "Not on your life! I don't comic into jt; Mfrs, Lynn had cut me out, It's up to Landon." "Up to Landon — Yes!" thun- dered the old lawyer, striking his fist on his desk, "but it's up to you, too, because you made the RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains It' just one bottle of Ru -Ma does not show you the quick, easy way to get real relief from rheumatic aches and pains, it costs you noth- ing. Don't suffer longer; try Ru - Ma today and if you are not pleased with the results, your stoney will be refunded by any drug store, This le n generous offer to all rheumatic sufferers. How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Puinlul Piles Most people seem to think the on- ly way to get relief from their sure, painful piles Is by local treatment. Local treatment may give tempor- ary relief from the itching but you can easily see why such treat- ment wit not cor- rect the cause of your piles. No lasting free- dom from pile can be had unless the cause of the trouble le correct- ed. Piles are due to intestinal causes no the best way to get lasting (Nlef is to treat hem Internally with a medicine like Hem-Roid. Hem -Bold is a formula that has gran tleCd for ver 11 YOUR DY thou- sands of pile suf- lcrcrL It Is a Malt, highly con- centrated tablet, Wig and pleas- ... i3 use.This Posed by a Pr cleverly c o Fri - pounded tablet formula directs ts medical action to relief of the congestion that is the real cause of your omotes free, easy and comfortabler bowel movements, quickly relieves itching Irritntlon and soreness and stimu- lates het ter blood circuiation in the 1oweclr- ' 1ntionovini it theh w loerdbowel the painful pile tuatoi s soon heal over leaving the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. We invite you to try Hein-I;old and let It prove itself. You can ofcsilonal ?fortst snake your test in the privacy of your own home. NO COST If you are not convinced that this Is an amazingly easy and surprisingly effective method of treating your sore, painful piles. Get a package of Ilan -Rohl to- day from a n y drug store and use It as directed for JUST 1'1VI•i DAYS. At the end of that time If you are not ab- solutely surd Item -Hold is the nicest, cleanest Ind most effective p 1 1 e treatment you ever tried, re- turn the unused druggist t oandhewill the package mptlyy re- fund your money. NOTE: Th(i generous offer Is bneked by a reliable firm doing bus- s In temhold (or a gond roust help your ny yar yeas, pile condition quleicly, easily and pleasantly o. this simple, easy test costa Trou nothing. Try It today. bet; you got Landon Into It. He's a dumb fool, anyway! Now, I ask you, young man, who's this fd- low? D'you know now?" '!'eddy waved his walking -stick airily, "Search me!" he said, * ' Fosdick leaned over his desk and thrust his gray face forward until the Igiht caught the ugly glitter in his eyes, "1'11 tell you what you did, you young idiot you," he said sharply; "you and Landon picked up an ex -convict in the street and sent hint into a friend's house, sent hint to meet a pure young girl - - an ex -convict, d'you hear?" Teddy Banks stood gaping in sheer amazement, his mouth open. "Oh, I say!" he gasped, "aren't you putting it on too thick? The fellow's a good looking chap, pret- ty decent sort — looks like a gen- tleman.,' Fosdick uttered an inarticulate exclamation. "I know hint very well," he said grimly; "I've known him for years. I knew hint when he vas sent up; he was seventeen years old — a good looking young chap then. He's served his time and he's out. Just the same, he's an ex -convict and you and Landon sponsored hint," '1'hc venom in Fosdick's voice rarricd conviction. Banks stared at hint, sobered; he even turned a little pale, "Say!" he lowered his voice ap- prehensively; "what was he up for?" "Murder!" Fosdick shot the word out with such violence that the young man jumped, "Murder — killed his old uncle for his money; rapped hien over the head in his office and tried to clear himself afcrwards and couldn't." Teddy Banks looked glumly at Fosdick, hardly daring to believe what lie had heard.—incredible!— this fellow, this Mark Grant, had murdered his uncle for stoney! For the first time Banks vas seized with qualms of conscience. "Why didn't they hang hien?" he cried suddenly angry at the chance the convict had had to undo thein all. It was a beastly shame not to have hung him and prevented it! "Circumstantial evidence," Fos- dick growled; "he got sixteen years, Good conduct let him out some nine months earlier. For all that, he's guilty". Banks groaned "1 say -- 1 never thought of such a thing!" he ad- mitted reductantly red with shame, The lawyer nodded gristly. "Of cour:e not! But you and Landon pick up a street tramp—a fellow who hadn't a penny of this own that night. I happen to know that much; and turn hint loose in a friend's house—to stake love 'to an innocent young girl." the old man stormed, "You deserve a drumhead courtntartial instead of the check I've got !here for you," he added, holding out a slip of paper. For the first time in his life, Banks pocketed a check without a grin of satisfaction. 1 -le seized it, picked up his hat and made for the door. "See here," Fosdick called after him, "you till Landon I want to see hint—hear sic?" But Banks was already at the ele- vator. Ile was panting like a man who had been running, He reached the pavement in time to hail a taxi and fling an address at the driver. * ** In his excitement he paid the taxi-driver to make better speed by a side street and r:achcd Lan - don's lodgings in the nick of time; he found him just leaving. "I-Iello, Ted," said he coolly, "I'm going out—got anything so show to keep me?" "You bet your sweet life I have!" Banks seized him by the arm and drew hint away from the door. "You come back to your rooms; I've got something that'll . knock you cold!" (To Be Continued) COLOUR MAGIC! ALL -FABRIC Tinlex DYES GUARANTEED TO DYI EVERY FABRIC—INCLUDINO CEEANESE•NYION•MIXTURIS MI SEASONS SWOT IO1Oi'Rl 45-2 BIRD DOG The housing problem offers no worries to these seven pet quail belonging to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Petuya, of San Francisco. They feel quite at home as they roost on their friend—a toy cocker spaniel, also a pet in the Petuya household. CIIIIONCLES of GINER FARM Here are the answers to a few questions that have conic my way from readers of this column, Mrs. C.1'.—You were inquiring as to the kind of fuel we use in our furnace. The answer is coal—with the required amount of coke mixed In, And note this: We have heated the whole house this year --eleven rooms—and by the end of thc win- ter we expect we shall have used only one ton more of coal than would have been required by our three stoves, and which would have heated only half the house. And let me tell you we think the comfort and convenience \VC enjoyed this winter has \veil repaid us for that extra ton of coal. So you are un- decided about installing a furnace. Well 1 could hardly take it on my- self to advise you—so much depends upon the size and compactness of your house. A small house, Ours is a hot air furnace—with pipes— in fact there are so many pipes sprouting from the top of it that it looks to ore like a huge permanent wave machine! Of course if money is no object a hot water heating system is just about tops for any kind of house. Since you have plenty of wood—lucky you!—I am sure you would find it quite as sat- isfactory as coal for a furnace pro- viding you were advised by a good plumber as to the best type of fur- nace to install for that purpose, * * * Mfrs. \\'. S.—I vas simply thrill- ed to hear your son Charlie is on his way home. I ant so happy for you—and for Charlie and his wife and small daughter. Sharon is cer- tainly the sweetest wee thing. I hope you will all have a very happy and satisfactory reunion. * * * J.W.—We were pleased to receive your card although we were puz- zled for quite awhile as to the Identity of the sender. Finally Part- ner recognised your writing. We still have plenty of snow around here. Young John has to hitch up the team every morning to take the milk to the road—and then goes over for our neighbour's milk cans as well, Not much sense in two teams being harnessed when one can do the job for both. • • * And speaking of taking milk to the road reminds me of a letter I received from my sister in Toronto a few weeks ago. She wrote of the unpleasantness and inconvenience of city transportation these winter days. So much snow! Such ruts! And no way of knowing when the next street -car will come along. And then she adds "It isn't so bad for you people in the country be- cause you always have your horses to get you around!" Ilow little city and country people understand each other's difficulties! No doubt the going has been pretty tough this winter even In the city. But at least apartment dwellers can be reason- ably sure of getting their milk, bread and mail delivered each day, whereas in the country where roads Tortured man gets help) 4 Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Suffered "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now," Mort Shepard . , Don't be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALI.ENRU, plus the juice of 1/2 lepton in a glass of water. Your money back if not entirely satisfied, Jiist 850 at all drug stores Buy ALLiiNRI1 to:!sv. ISSUE 8-1915 By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • • were blocked so completely that even horses couldn't make the grade, there were plenty of fawm folk who never knelt' \viten they were getting anything. 1'erhaps the greatest hardship was not getting mail, It is pretty hard to sit at home isn't it, !:horsing there may be a letter from that boy of yours waiting at the post office and ab - Whitely 110 way Of getting it? TABLE TALKS Desserts—Good But Not Too Rich So perhaps it is just as well that the whipped creast and rich des- serts have become war casualties. In their place we can have these desserts, from the Consumer Sec- tion of the Department of Agri- culture. Attractive to look at, deli- cious to cat they won't leave your guests in that somnolent condition that spoils the best planned party. LEMON FLUFF 2 tablespoons cornstarch 3 tah!espooilf7 flour / cup sugar Vs teaspoon salt 1/4 cup cold milk 1/ cups hot milk 2 egg yolks, (;rated rind and juice of 2 large lemons 2 egg whites Mix cornstarch, flour, sugar and salt and blend with the cold milk. Gr: dually stir in the hot milt: and cook in double boiler, stirring con- stantly for about 15 minutes. Beat egg yolks, add grated lemon rind and a little of the hot mixture. Add to remaining Mixture in double boiler and cook, stirring, for 8 minutes, Remove from heat and add lemon juice. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites, Turn into sher- bets or a lightly greased mould and chill before serving. Six servings. COFFEE SPANISH CREAM 1 tablespoon granulated gelatin 1/4 cup cold coffee 2 egg yolks / teaspoon salt / cup hot coffee 1 cup hot milk 1 teasp00n vanilla 2 egg whites / cup sugar Soak gelatin in the cold coffee, Beat egg yolks and salt and add hot coffee and milk. Cook over WE'RE POINTING STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A • Here's what to do. Get a bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. Take a few sips. Feel its instant effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thick chok- ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the raw irritated membranes of throat and upper bronchial tract. Don't take chances—take BUCKLEY'S. Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. It's different—it's all medication—no syrup—acts faster—goes farther. ,1,7r.T.1J.:R, hot'watcr, stirring constantly until thickened enough to coat the spoon. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat, add vanilla and cool, \\'hen the mixture begins to thicken fold in meringue made by adding the sugar to the stiffly beaten egg whites. 'Turn into a lightly greased mould or individual sherbets and chill thoroughly. Six servings. Those British Despite all their' hardship- and the general expense of carrying on a war, the steady going Iiriti>h people have set tip a record of $6,000,0011,ouo in savings 1.1td tsar bond- deposited in (iovcrnnn rat postof (ices. Such a people never rut be subdued. —Globe and Mail You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS I -10'c EL' • haver, 11.0,111 %oIil. unit., )hun• er and Telephone. ss S1nRle, $..G11 up— Double, s:1.r,U up. o Gond hood, Dining; and nam- ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA 4135 IY I,:1 Ohl; 14 I61 1 Ilii, 1: 11 ..6,111.111,91..1.,. ii 111 iJ1,4Yh. YM1Ji IY.,ul ilWYlh,.Yi1Y 1JI JI YI'-" --"•Wl'.IY-.- Carriers on Canada's Water 'Hallway %•ay From the head of thc Great Lakes to the Gulf of St, Lawrence, Canada Steamship Lines, Limited plays an important part. in Canada's basic economic activities including the low cost transportation of grain, iron ore and coal. ,Yea, Issue Canada Steamship Lincs 1 inlitetl First Mortgage Bonds 31/2% Series "A„ '1'o mature March 1,1th, 1957 Prier: To yield about :3.60a6 Canada Steamship Lines, Limited plans to redeem its existing First Mortgage Bonds on March 15th and also the exist- ing First Mortgage Bonds of Kingston Elevator Company Limited, which l3onds may be tendered in payment for the new issue. A Prospectus will be gladly furnished upon regtleFre 36 King Street ir'est r 7'nrnirto 1 ' ood, Gundy & Company Telephone: ELgin 4321 Limited 1 • BUDDHA SMILES AT LIBERATORS This big marble Buddha, slightly damaged but intact despite war's surrounding . • devastation, looks down on a Yank and two Chinese sol- diers iri the Burma town of Namhkam, key link in Ledo Road. Namhkam recently was liberated by the Chinese, 1 SEA GULLS' FREE -LUNCH COUNTER Line forms to the right or left or from trawler as seagulls hover close reputedly stupid, birds can distinguish boats in waters near Beaufort, N, C. HIS BROW CLEARS when you serve Maxwell House. Men love the satis- fying flavor of this choice blend of Latin-American coffees. Please hint daily with Maxwell House. 110.0. Relieve Neuritis... Neuralgia Pain 4J +sal a a.lg,,4410 J11W i9du 1. o m., A iRliatn Ld Aspirin Eases Pain Almost ltnmediately Why Aspirin works so fast Instantly! Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water it begins to dis- integrate. And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Thus, you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective, above all, dependable. That's why Canadians have come to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis. So protect yourself from needless misery. Just get a box of genuine Aspirin at your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NEW REDUCED PRICES Pockol Box of 12 now 1ee Economy DON of 24. now 29e family sloe of 100, now 79c ASPIRIN. Tho Bayer cross en each lol,lef Is your guarantee that It's Aspirin :s ,.:..eS;.. ........... anywhere the shrimp fall for free lunch. Although shrimp trawler from other CRIME TRACKER Brig. -Gen, John M. Weir, above, of Washington, heads the newly formed war crimes section of the Judge Advocate General's office which is gathering evidence against Nazi and Jap war criminals, who'lI face trial after the war. Gen. Weir was judge advocate general at the hearing for eight Nazi sa- boteurs who were landed on the east coast from a German sub- marine. LIBERATOR Brig. -Gen, William C. Chase, above, commander of the U. S. lst Cavalry Division, led his fly- ing squadron into Manila, encir- cled Santo Tomas internment camp and liberated approximately 3000 prisoners, mostly American wo- men and children. ENVOY TO U. S. Alberto Tarchianl Is pictured above in Rome, Italy, shortly after he was named Italian minister to the United States. 06a HONG KONG POTOI GROUP LINA 3uRINA KOt�R ��p lt` INNCHINA PHILIPPINES 1�1 el-onn stet Mts. r CORREGIDOR NOW A JAP TRAP ~MARlVEU5 &wean Ratio %`E ar Larl, Steep s€ ; f+ • i RECID .«rw�iir e • .., Japanese radio reporting two days of bombardment by American fleet on Island of Corregidor, indicates that American assault is near, Map shows prominent features of Jap -inhabited fortress but not the most important. The United States does not publish fall defense details of the rock for security reasons. •i.�. ,ate � � H /. O N E 01 °HEr 1 Hong Kong, former British Crown Colony off China coast, where Allies might attempt amphibious landing. -NOWou khow Y -.. 167 makes be+fer cigareffes Ili I, lo i til Iii Iii1.,i aIMO Row ionq 3 ureelrs, Ian? make n�k..__,.,«oke high -proof alcohol We whom powder in alcohol would smash okcless p special R Aider boasted he Ivan's for the smokeless have a p weeks . explosives also Time. In our cu ra , three war way of measuring t0 w courage, resourcefulness lncns a hose fighting high wholly passing wee s already spun t Tants, skill have trodurt[tin, WC mark the ear. the thousands of weeks into a third 9 ' What is [ alcaliol of each hour by h- troof ♦khat if three weeks ' succession r felons of ltl �, 1 from our giant stills. Three Time itself to Ivan but a h one marked by the flowing hs three years of minutes, Cit fall of a Nazi soldier. have helped Ivan destroy Wesendingplanes, Hitter's time -table bf ode It is a proud tanks, buns, shells, thine; to share even a little in Russia's • tar. t triumph to weeks, three n1ont , until the it wilt go on dowing down either his body Axis soldier has laid last Aor his arms ... in t1rrcnrrditionat surrender! this 'c HOUSE Of SAG M RAM OTHER PR OFU A COHOL FORS. EVERY WO. `SH NTTHE OOP cuss AND PROOaCTVON Of t4 GH•PRO SED IN SYN1iitItC RUBBER, MEDICINES, ALCOHOL FOR 'NAR {5 U THE gN1SfiA STATES IS ENGAGED PLANT IN CANADA AND Two Tears ago, we of The House of Seagram published this advertisement in tribute to the heroic Russian soldier. Today, we are repeating this message in renewed, tribute to the millions of Naas whose "courage, resourcefulness and fighting skill" have now freed Russian soil and beaten the enemy back to the very threshold of Berlin. The House of Seagram s!•i4 39 PAGE 4. STANDARD i 1 levellorlevetteutocuraittitalcoveavextetincateicorctoctooltentmove Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. ' J. H. R. Elliott, Ot.1co Phone 104. Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 140. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" A i)s)a 3tktatIDIN2t3t2tDasat3i2;3t3t2i2a3t3tlh3t2t2i91.ViDIDI i3t3i3i31DIANDIIN2tat31DIND12114 WILLIAM I-I.1IIORRITT ,,n Fhiday, February loth. The pro - LICENSED AUCTIONEER, gramme for ;les Day cf Prayer was pec, ared by a group of Ilrit:sh women Specializlug in Farm and IlousehoW w•ho asked their sister Christians to Bales. turn their thought; to the verse from Licensed for the County of Huron. .1st Peter, 2 an I verse 9, This theme Reasonable Prices, and Sat!sfact:onI was used by (.hri>t:ai wem'n in fifty - Guaranteed. two countri:s cf the wo:ld. Mrs. E. For information, etc., write or phone \\'nod was the leader at this scr\i c. 111'illiani II. Mlorrltt, phone, Residence Mrs. I. :\rte>tryng was. at the piano. 03; Shop 4, Myth. 4.4•tt. Others taking part were, Mrs. i.•tera Sundercock, M rs M cl)zics, M iss Young, rs. 13. tihcbb'-'ok,\I rs. h. 'I'amhlyn, Mrs. \W, Lyon, \Irs. R. 'fowl's. nd, \Irs. 'F. Shobhrook, \Irs. \\'. Go\•ier :ui.d \Irs. \\'. \tanning. The offering from (this scrv:ce w11 be u,c(l for Chris ban Literature. .\tt the Bose .1f the meet- ing the \V, A. serve.' a dainty lunch. with The Atlas Insurance Don't icrgt't the Re 1 Cross ineet•ng Company, London, Englard. ' in the C ,mmmni y Hall e n Thnrs l'ay, ANNUITIES March 1st. F.O. Ray Fisher of Galt, who h ' just returned home from overseas is spending a few clays at the honk f \I r, John Snell G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated LIFE • PENSIONS WESTFIELD \I r. \\'tit. (; vier wisi'.cd his uncle, Mr. Wm. `In•; h:rd, e f Clanton, on Thursday. (.migrate' ti, ns are ex en led to Mr. and \Irs. Harvey Moot well 0•1 the birth of a tab;• b. y, hewn in \\'i ;ghann I loop:tel on S ;.turday, l e bruary 17th. \Irs. D. u 1 :;; Cam:diell tied son, John, were ion sts over the week-e:d at the home i her sister, \Irs. Fi aecis -Aldles, of t dels: •c',. On Friday \wht:c wcrkio;g in the bus'i, 11r, Alvin S e:l hal the niisfer.une to have his nihil badly c•usb d w•hicll re- yttire:l Doc'oh's at'cnti01. After ex- aminali 41 seven 1 r c g'it 5 i Cies were required. The Sympathy of the c•nnnutl'ty is extended to Sir. and Mrs. :Vva me. Dowell in the death of her brother, Mr. A. Braithwaite of 1)etroit, \who passed away rh, Thus lay from a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. \IcI)ow•ell left ton Eridty for Detroit to at'.c:•d the funeral. - -� The Y. I'. net on Wednesday evening with 2,3 present. It being St, Valentines Day, the social activit'es which \were ler, by the Presdent, were ''suitable for the cceasi'n. Lunch was served an-' t'•e singing of the National Anthem Ir. tight the activities to a close. A Valentine party vas held in the Westfield School. on Friday afternoon. The little -,folk of pie -school age were entertained by the pupils. The children all received a number of Valentines from the Valentine post office. Gaines were enjoyed by all. Lunch was serv- ed. 'I'hc World's Day ,.f Prayer was ob- served on Friday afternoon in the 'Westfield united Church, The pro grant was in charge c f group leader, Tars. \Wnt, garter, with \Winnifred Campbell at the piano. The Scripture was read from 1st Peter 1 :3-9, by Nor- ma Taylor; S7lo, Glaria Patri, by Mrs. Enhntcrso;i Rodger; Prayers wcrc of- fered by \Irs. \Vtit. Carter. \Irs. \tar - vin McDowell, \lrs. R. \'ih'ccnt, \irs. Frank Campbell. Dedication by Mrs \\'m, \Ic\little. The business session was in charge of the Presidrn',\irs, AlcVittic, who offered prayer. Min- utes were real and approved. R••11 Call was answered by a verse t.f Scripture. Plans \\•c:c shack for the supply work for the \\'.\I.S. The Finance commit- tee decided that the allocation for the W.M.S. would he raised by free-w•i'! offering:. The 1)ev-tonal program for March will be in charge of MN. Do'.•g- las Campbell and her gr,,up, The Rea Cross reported 10 quills nhadc since the first of January. The Christmas boxes of chocolates were ackne wlcdgcd by several of the boys overseas. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and prayer by the President. The Farah torttni met on \iniulay evening at the home of \f r. an 1 \irs• Norman Mel) w• 11 with 33 a'.ults and several children. ;:resent. The discussion on "Should Produc- ers Cont-.,' \I;,rkcti•h„" was discussed to some 'r •h sits The s )(dal activities were in charge of Miss Pe Jamie- son. Lunch was served. The Forum \rill meet next week at the home of Mr. and \Irs. Edgar Jlowatt. \ir. Fred 1 Cook was fortunate in shooting a fox on Monday, We. hope the hunters catch them all befo•e spring comes. V--- LONDESBORO The \V. M. S. and W. A. met in the Sunday School room of the United Church for the Day of Prayer service \\'e are glad to hear that \Irs. I?'iza- beth I.yon is gradually improving, Miss \larilyl Sl;adtlick of Clin'on, spent the week c nd at the honk of her grandparents, ND. and \Irs. '1'. Fair • service. I On 'Tuesday cvc:i •g, February 13, 1the \lission Circle 'lel their regular are the only woman theta—then you 1g at the h ole of Mrs.can really pull your weight," she says. monthly nhce;i Harold Adams, The president, Mrs. I :\s Reeve Of Tec'. Township, which lack Pipe, presideI mer the meed ig, includes the fabulous Kirkland 1.:tic •she is in 'for: oto to -clay to tackle the The mooing opened \wit!t s'ugng chair - "Breathe on tee Breath rf (i d" fall. \w- .1 rime \I iniste: of Ontario. As chair - e l by prayer and Mrs. S'd Lansing of the :\ssociati m of•thc Northern read the Scripture.:\Iter the worship \lining \tnnicipal'ties, she and h:r service a••-1' t1 ( hus:ness part of the cmmmit!ce \will ask George Drew fox' a • OF NORTHERN ONTARIO TOWNSHIP \Ve are in lebted to \Ir, A. E. Brad - win, of 'I'. roeto, for the follcwing ar- ticle, w•ihi: i has reference to a Fortner resident of Blyth, \I r, llradtwin is (personally acquainted with the subject of the sketch, and his letter will explain the article batter than we could: .5, I )e it ND, \\'nitntore ; The enclosed clippitie is t•rken from the 'Toronto Telegram of Tuesday last. Ivfre, Ann Shipley, the lady mentioned, ryas a re i- Idcnt of Itlyth at one time. ller bus band \was a Ur. in lilyth, nr.ving from: there to Kirkiaud Lake, and Nvhcrc lis became n successful physician, passiu,; away four year: ago, They were residents f Illytlt after Why time there, :an'tI before your time. During my politica) mission to the Northland, 1 parvo stet \Irs. Shipley io Kirkland Lake, and have Whet her in TEronto. She is a clever woman, and will go far in public Ilfe. I lh;-ught p, rhaps some caizens in Illyth would still remember the lady, and would be glad to learn of the suc- cess that is cot,:'n; her way. She and NI rs. 11. \I. \Iclvay were good friends. Yours very truly, A. E. 11 RAD\VIN, The arti:Ie follows ;. - "\Irs. Ann Shi,acy, Rccye of 'feel; T. wnship, of (Atari 1'; North Country, can, find, no cv'dcrcc that Wren do no' \want women in public life. I 'This handsome, c in; let, ly fenhi line, but very dynaln c \vom: 11, cla:nis it is an ',advantage to be a woman. "'They pet' .you on all their committees because you meeting was over the second chs; ter in the study both was given by several of the members. after which \Irs. \lcnzies gave an instrumental and \lits Alice Fingland gave a temperaece reading. The n::ecting closed with sing- ing hymn "Day is Dying in the \\'est" ,and all repeating the Bencd'etion, af- ter which Mrs. Harold Adapts servc'i a very lovely lunch which was enjoyed by all, --V HUNS HAD PLAN FOR CANADA .\n Ottawa soldier, 1,'eut, Dave Res - totes, with the 1st Canadian Army in Northwest Europe, lets sent his parents a German "world trap" of the future he said he found 'u a former Nazi-contrcl- led Netherlands' school. A big of Canada hal bee ai marked as ratan territory. The entire United States, a strip of Canada bordering the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes, the wheat pro- ducing prairies and the Br!t'sh Colum- bia coast was labeled "Germanen" with all territory to the north marked "Noodamcrik Inaianen•" In South America, Itticr apparently had planned prevision for his Axis partner, \lussolini. Coastal regions there were labeled "Remanen", The British Isles, Norway and Swed- en era all counttics on the northern section of the European continent were ?'Germanen" while Italy received Swain and Southern France. However, on the Wrap there was no actual dividirg re.:'istribu1 C1 of the mines' tax, While other women are asking st r: clerks t ) explant which rat:on coati on collies up when, Ann Shipley is explain- ing, "there are seven opera•1 •g mines in our township and We are n -t p:r- milted to levy property tax on them. Instead we get a share of their profits. Since the war, taxes have cut profits so nmch that our share has fallen from $319,319 to $51,128. 'That's on'y 16 per cent. of the amount we got before the war," While other w•crking w•001c1 ave complaining. al -,out where to gel their next pa'r of steekiigs, \Irs. Shipley complains, "Our mines are gcin:; to be !taxed ri,nt oft' of existence. The Fed- eral Government gets too much, the slice' provincial tete little and we don't get plan to suspend a thermometer at the (;,i•. c :nugh '0 operate our township„ Why edge of the 'lever so that the bulb is the Dominion Government got m; re aliout two inches from the Beer. A taxes form ns I:,st year than we get in temperature )f about 95 degrees F. should he maintained at this point dur- ing the first week of brooding. from there to the civil service. 1lcr outlets then were amateur, theta La's, tennis, ri 1'ng and skiing. \\'hen her husband urged her to gut into community work she first chose ie school board. This was in 193t037 She was elected immediately, the first woman on the hoard. "There was net only no opposdtion to mc, but I was welcomed, They were glad to have a tw. titan on the IssaF4," she says. IItr next step was to run for coir.:oil and site was elected in 1940. In 1941 she ran for reeve, was defeated, but won out in 1912, Ilcr territory includls Kirkland Lake with a population of about 30,010, ,end I\wn villages, all strict- ly depends' t upon the mines. PREPARE BROODER FOR CHICK'S ARRIVAL Can ful prc.uration for the brooring season is one of the first essen'ials to EAST WA.WANOSH FEDERATION succe. s in rearing chicks, says R. \I. lb toper, Dominion Experimental Farm, Brandon, \lam. The first step in this e'onnectol 511)011 be to mike noes• nary repairs and thoroughly to clean the building used far brood'ng, The doors and 5 muhwes should Its c'ic .ked and ma'Ic draught -,proof. 'l'o remove all accumulate.': filth that could provide a source of infection to the chicks, the interior of the building should be clean- ed t o,d well scrubbed with a solution of lye and water. A worn down house. hrur,:n makes an e xcellent brush for scrubbing. \\'hen 11.c• surlaats are dry they should he sprayed with a ge od d's- infectant. The application rd' a coat of \whitewash brightens the inte'i tr an -I is also gond sanitary precaution, If whitewash is used the disinfectant can he mixed \with it a,td appliosl at the ;,one time. Thr equipment such as feeders and drinking fount:C.11s, sh m1 1 also be cleaned and ovale 'Tidy for use. The equ'pment should he checked early in the seas:n and any needed re - •,airs ordered well in advance of when 'hey w•il Ibe needed. Stove pi.•es should be checked for rusted spots and neves- :ars. replacements made, i\ damper should be installed in the length of pipe nearest the stove. Brooder stoves are equi;•pcd with therntnsta's f r can• 'ro ling the check draught. 'These should he tested to make sure they are working satisfactorily. This cad be clone by placing them in hot water and observing if they expand. 'Thermostats that do not expand are use ess. The stove should be set up and operated for several days in advance of the arrival of 'he chicks, This mist', es the hots>e be- ing thoroughly warmed and perioi s to operator to become accustomed to the stoking and regulating of draughts for temperature: contra 1. It is a good WEDNESDAY, FEI3IWARY 21, 104 , •;•.:.++++0 44 4.44+ ++ ++++1+4,.1'•4.44+,1•++4•4..14.1.0,f•0440•4•++++ ++•1 +1 4_, •_. LIVE POULTRY WANTED PAYING 0001) HIGH PRICES. HENS OVER 5 LBS. (dclivcrcd to Brussels) .. ......... PER LB, 22c CHICKENS, MILK -FED (delivered to Brussels)..-..-.. PER LB. 25c Extra Good Prices for Live Geese and Ducks. GOOSE FEATHERS .. PER LB. 8!c DUCK FEATHERS .. PER LB, 50c If unable to deliver to Brussels, our truck will Pick Them Up. EXPORT PACKERS Telephone 70X, Brussels. .. .• •• . the County Clenk, (.ioderich, may do so, providing they are received 0 -t later than \Iarch 17tlf, These .orders will also he delivered to the School Section with the other orders, the last 20!', \\'hilt a lot of young women worry laly trot whether "Ili.Iy" is going to e, m, I 'To prevent floor drangt'ls, it is a back from Britain still single, \Irs. good precaution to bank the hro •e'er Shipley worric: about Kirk'and Lake's hoose. on the outside to a depth of a- 3,?OJ "Billies" in the armed se glees, Ihottt two feet, A well catstrocted, draught -proof building is the most c:- onontic'al to L•cat and the easiest to ntaintais at a suitab'c temperature. Fuel for brooding purposes, like re - for them,,, pairs, sho,tl.l h' secured well in ad- 'l'o snake sure surface jobs, active \';mdt of the tine it will be ue ,:bed. Ann suggests that Kirkland Lake be made the centre of mines' supplies in- dustries. Why not warehouses and es•• scnbly lines for mine machinery, for line between the land, taken over by manufacturing miners' tools turd County Council met cn Wednesday List Germany and those which the "Rom -clothes? \\'hy not foundries for scrap to consider the problem of the dis'.ni auen" were to occupy,iron or factories for pulpwood to make Ibiltion of trees for planting thr,-utlt- - The Balkans were divided among the plastics?" she asks and assures every- out the County. former Nazi satellites while Africa, one that there is an unlimited supply The C•t!tnty Coved have, in the last Australia and NewZealand were mark- of waterpower to run sttc',t industries few years, organized the distrihntic n c f ed for German control. They gave Ja- cheaply, trees throughout the County. A'4h nigh So much for Ann Shipley's quick, marry thousands have been planted, the •1a • I sottrcefttl mind. \Vhat about her Ivo_, treed scents to he as great as ever. It 11111(11'S heart, it is there—just as soft, is the desire of the Committee to have Ijust ;as concerned over problems of the, at least half a million trees plane 1 haute as the wcinan who never sticks throughout the County this year. her nose inside the door of public life. I In erganizi.tg this year's tlistr'huti 0, the ( It was \irs. Shipley who first er- it was felt that the best medittnh of Presbyterian manse at Midland nn ganizcd Kirkland Lake's Children's Aid placing trees was 'through the schools. l'he teachers have been asked to accept the ostlers 1..r trees and the Council has agreed to deliver the trees direct from the car to the schools at no acs; 11e \ c got to have jobs f them when t they come home. Lots of them be able to go down into the mines again, so we'll have to make new job.; DiS fRIBUTION OF TREES The. Agricul arc Committee cf 1luron Ilan only a small coastal section of China and a few islands S"tt h ( f pan itself. ---V-- CARPENTER • TIDESWELL :\ quiet svcd•'!ng took place at Saturday, January 27th, when Jessica Society. She was among the first WO - Clara 'I'idcswcll, daughter of Mr. and sten to help get started the lied Cross, Mrs. Win, 'I'ideswell, Clinton, became the Vicotria Ceder of Nurses and the the bride of Walter George Edward town library. "These worker.. make a Carpenter, sort of Mr. and \Irs. E. C. very different town," .she sa.ys, to anw personso ordering. Any per- ' Carpenter, Midland. Rev. A. C. Stew- I This all hap•cncd when she was still sort dcsirious of procur'n t totes should •art officiated. The br'de locked charm- Mrs, Ann Shapely, wife of Dr ,\ \f get an application forst from the tea- , ing 111 a powder blue street -length sill; Shiple\•. ''Ile was the one who got me cher in your School Section. jersey dress with matching accessories :started' in public work. Ile world have 1 It has been arranged with the De - and a corsage of Sweetheart roses. Iliked very much to see me reeve," she p rtntcnt that individual orders of 54) \Ills Phyllis Brcnutcr \\as bridesmaid, 1)r, 5hip'cy died four years a•;O,1or more trees trill be packed se)aratc'V (wearing flowered silk jersey dress with She married him in Toronto where she. an uul delivered to the schools the saute ?navy acce,sorie:; and corsage of Talis- was working in the Dominion Bark, 'man roses. The best man was Albert then the receiver -General's Office. She Stewart, NIidlan,d, has three cl,tldren, Mary Ann, 18: Aiter the wedding the happy couple George, 12, and Mary, 11, all still at Public School Inspectors by March left on a short motor ,trip through school in Kirkland Lake. 17111 and the trees will be delivered at Southern Ontario. They will reside in Ann Shipley was born in Elgin the most suitable time. Midland.. Ceunty near St. Thomas, She tramped I Any person who may find it more The bride ka sister of \ir, \Vett. along the country roads to school, urarl_convenient to place orders with alt, Tideswell, a former resident of Blyth. traced to an Ottawa high school ai:•1 (Agricultural Representative, Clinton, of as other orders, The leachers have been requested to have all order.; fn the hands of t'.e OF AGRICULTURE The regular :tic mthly nhect•11:4 of t'te East \\'au•anosh Unit of the Federation of Agricu:tnre was held in the Co -Op- erative (dabs it ons at (teleran., \wi It Inch!!) rs of the Executive and 1)i• rectorate, press 0t, The oxine es of the January meeting were read and :approved. \loved by J, Buchanan, sec tided by r\Idin Pure'.in. that minutes be a lopted :as read, Carried, \loved by 1 ,t\wrenc: 'I'ay'or, second- ed by .1. Buchanan, that two forward a petition In the Comity Federation of Agriculture, requesting that actim be taken by the Ca un:y Federation to check the in Id:crinhinate slaughter of cur hush lands. Carri:d. \lowed by J. Buchanan, seconded by R. ('oultus, that wee procure, if pos- sible, someone to speak on the warble fly menace, at au intcrani,sicn perio during the National fi'ln show at Blyth, February 1(t.l, a'so that \we procure if poss'lole, seinemie to speak on the per- manent pastures, during an intertnssinu period ill a Sh AV to be presented at Auburn sometime in :\Iarch: Cu•r!esl, \loved .Iiy L. 'Taylor, seconded by Mason Robi 1 on, that we adjourn to meet again Nlarch 15th. Carried. —A. I). Campbell, Scc'y Treas. East `Vawanosll Council The East \Waw'anosh Council met on February 7th, with all members pres- ent, Reeve J, 1). Beecroft presid'ng. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The \luttici- pal :\udi1 it's Road Expenditure Report from the Dcpai uncut of 1ligh\vays4 was presented to 'the Council. A conuuuaication from Association of Assessing officers was held over for further consideration, A motion by f'ouncilios Black, seconded by Coun- cillor Alcl)owtel• that sheep valuers be allowed 11 cents mileage one way in addition to $2.61 as inspection fees, Ity-law No, 3. 1945, re road cxpensli tore for the year, \vas passed 00 mo- tion of Councilors Ruddy and Ilobcrt- 5on, Mowed by Councillor Mcl)owell, se- conded by Councillor Black, that the Road Superintendent or Councillor Ruddy, as alt,:rtr,Ue attccil the Goo:l Roads Con vent ton, On motion t,f Councillors l:abcrtson and I'lnldy, the time for the c(-llcction of taxes is cxlt tided 10 \I;u•ch 6t11, 'I'hc fo'lo\win;) accou::4s were ordered paid; Stuart McBurney, road sept. sal- ary, $20.35; The ,\lunicipal \\tort 1 sal - Pub, Co,, subscription and supplies, $8.38; The R. J. Lovell Co. assess- ment rolls and notices, $15,25; 11, C, slcLcan, prentienn on collector's and treasurer's bnds, $34,50; Shinn Ilal- Iahan, rebate on drainage dcbenhu•c, $4!96; Cecil Falconer, rebate on drain- age debenture, $1.80; Ontaris Asso- ciation of Rural \f unicipalitics, mem- bership fee, $5.00. Council adj; to0c! to meet on Marsh 6tlt, —R, R. Redmond, Clerk, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer, Specialist in Farm and Household Sales, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable; sans faction guaranteed. Por information, etc,, write or phonit llarold Jackson, 11,12. No, 4, Soatortt+. Phone 14r661. Everything In Stationery and School Supplies. Subscribe To Your Local Paper and Read It Each Week The Standard Book Store Ok1WEsDAi', VEBRtARY 21, 194i$ ?as43t41:447.4.3.4 +444.."!11'N'api 110'11 011" of the better ICliiive'(I LYCEUM.THEATRE I/ critters in the stable. \\'hen I went AT CLINTON 17VINGHAM—ONTARIO. :: out the tither day dhc rias puflieg and TWO Shows Sat. Night >` grunting and the evidence from the The Huron Presbytery Inst in Clio- !: stall t , the pass: •e\v:1y d'sche cd that ton in the \\'eslc3'-Willis Churc!t, on 4 she hall been :laving a midnight snack: 'Tuesday, with Rev. (i. G. Burton, in the • Thurs., Fri., Sat,, Feb., 22,23.24 t. and evidently the gorging had been toDchair, Owing to the absence of the > Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright, in Y, much for her, secretary, Rev, 11. \V. \\'orkutan, ac' el (tl I'he \'c•tcrin•ery 1l;ullil) Ok Confused as secretary pro tem. 'Twenty -f( lir I "CASANOVA BROWN" THE STANDARD ' HURON PRESBYTERY MEET t*4 ' (nu' in my panic••.atol I called Doc. \Vii- ministers and 12 laymen were present, r:l'he comedy sensation of the season. ; son to cnte along. The roads are had Rev. R.A. Brook reported fur the I ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" r,. and he had difficulty getting there. pastoral relations committee that Har- i [; I le drenched Ler with a (lose and in 0111 F. Currie, of the Nlle-Bentni ler r. Matinee, Saturday afternoon, at 2.33,'' ihelpingchar),e, had accepted a call to St. A t• t : the process of him 1 took ,l I i, 4 T Mon., 'Tues„ Wed., Feb, 26-27-28 -• 'r+ Batte Dav's, Claude Rains, in •>{ ; "MR. SKEFFINGTON" 3:\n unusual screen character study.;. drenching, hut urine was external while ; drew's United Church, Watford, and hers was internal. Thad been tral,sfered there, also that Wilson took a look around the stable , Rcv, R. j L Turnbull had been appoint - and ()Id Saltfacc, a mournful cri tur cd interim moderator of the Nile - was leaning 'Ip against the sd "e of the Ilenntiller charge. .Ista!l, looking Eke the product of a Rev, \V. A. Beecroft reported for ALSO "SHORT SUBJECT"' ,.%viceh-long ab ,holes bout, lir listened the missionary and maintenance fund 6{4{JH{{PH{.ON{ i{ID1 L N{..j 0 OH0..0 0 0+•H` to her heart or l.itise or something awl that ilttro11 Presbytery had rt'ill'be 1 its shook his head. Old Saltface had allocation, and many, of the charges pneumonia. We had to get inure ole -i had made a fine increase. The object - (Heine out and 1 spent the, night, catch- ive for 19-15 is $23,700, an increase of Ing a fey: thinks of sleep un some Ilan- ',$$,500. kets in the horse stable and then dos- Al r, Beecroft ako reported that the ing lily two charges' \lodcrator, 1)r, Arnup, would speak The vet cants along next clay and from CI<NN, \Vieghant, on Sunday, COW TROUBLeS reported favorably but by that time I April 8, at 11 a.nt., and all the con - was ready to let hint d.,se me and have gtcg;ltions of Huron Presbytery were the cows stand watch, 1f 1 had looked urged to have a radio in the church after the cows better . , .. if 1 hal fix- for that servile. ((1 that chain , , , , if I hadn't left the One hour and a half was Chap out there . , . , 'These and a bun- given to dre.d others ran through my mind. the committee of evangelism and soci•tl service. Rev. C. G. Murton presented The duct:'r then told ole he was go- ing tip to the purebred place to sec a paper, ' The Approach to 1'.vange- ahrntt three slcl: cotes. One of them ; lisnt"• rbc paper %vas appropriate evidently gut out of her stall nand ;lid forcefully given. It was a splint - rambled around, finally landing on h;r hack: in the manger, You know that cheered me up They have a herdsman and heav :n only knows how litany people working in their barns . , . and yet the cows get them i.'to tr,'uble also. --V--, — PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (By 1larry J. B'.oy'c) I was list about at the end of lily patience last tvicek, having .disc'overed a deep suspich it that I must he about the worst farmer in the %vholc coin• !nullity. 1t ;Il' started %vitt] the cows. \Ve have a number of quite inditi Incl istic critters around Lazy Aleadows, all of whom at one time or another can be counted 0 to start a little excite- ment. Old Brindle the grade Jersey with the twisted horn usually manages to break loose caul fall'awl take a ram- page through the orchard Mien apple picking is at its peak. Venus, a dcl'clte- 1y spoile'I holstein with royal brcedins, back in her ancestry some place usually falls on the ice each winter and then just stays there helplessly until some- body conies along, \Ve have a little brown grade heifer called tlolly'o by Alrs. Phil f:r some reason or other. This heifer has al' WILLING WORKERS MET 'rho \Willing \\'orlcers hell a quilting at the honk of A1rs, 1(en. 'Taylor last \reek. Two gni'Is tvcre quilted and it was decided to 1101(1 their semi-annual dance in Easter wee': did contribution to the period of "Pre- paration" in the Church Outline for a now crusade for Christ and the King- dom, Revs. 11. J. \'ickcrson, Camp- bell 'l'avener, R. C. Copeland, \V, J. Patton and R.:\. Brook took part itt the discussion %vhich followed, P,esbytcry adopted the program of the moderator's committee regarding bald their Presbyterial meeting that post-war religious advance, and p'.e;lg- clay, cd themselves to the period of six months of prayer, private, group and congregational. Congratulations to Jimmy Chalmers Rev. R. II. Turnbull, reporting for who cel••!rrated his 8th birthday, on the pension fond committee, requested 1 Friday, February 16111. ` V ROXY THIATRE CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: "The Ghost Catchers" and "Fired Mifc." Mon„ Tues., Wed,—Two Features Gloria Jean, Patric Knowles and Evelyn Ankers :\ t('p-note'1 etaiierly that fcatu c; 11.,h Crosby', band. "PARDON MY RHYTHM" The \v(.rlll', wizard; of mystery in their newest and greate t adventure, Bas 1 Rathbone and Nigel Bruce as Sherlock Holmes and Dr, Watson in 'THE SCARLET CLAW' Thursday, Friday, Saturday HAIL THE CONQUERING, HERO Itis hontetou0 folks ercated :1 hero'; legend for him and he had to live lip to it. Eddie Bracken, Ella Raines and Bill Edwards. 1 . ' PAGE 5. CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT I'1IEATRE GOCERICH. SEAFORTH. Ncw Playing: "Heavenly Days" & NOW PLAYING,: ' Her N,imitivc " Between Us Girls" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Jean Arthur, Lee Bowman and Charles Coburn. They !net and married on a four- day furlough and honcyit onC(I a year later. "THE IMPATIENT YEARS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ann Sher'dan, Alexis Smith and Jane Wyman abetted by Jack Carson and Chat lie Ruggles in .a plot to make you laugh "THE DOUGIIGIRLS" Coming: "This Is The Army" with COMING: "Naughty Ma'ie'ta" George Murphy. In Techni:olor. wilt Jeanette MacDonald. Man" and "Week -bend Pass" Mon„ Tues,, Wed., Two Features Jean Gabin, Ellen Drew and Richard Whorl ''THE IMPOSTER" The Andrews Sisters with Harriet Hilliard. 11ttsk and m(•'•ro e'ttt in iii,ohrlt "SWINGTIME JOHNNY" Thurs., Fri., Sat., Two Fe atm es Jen Hail, Evelyn Ankers and Alan Curtis. pre;ens ;I tl riil'n;' :in I 1,1 11 ti, adlentunou i.I( "The In'. i ii le Aloe," "TIIE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE" Olsen and Johns:in with Gloria Jean In -a rhlly. tlo• II\ "THE G }1OST CA'T'CHERS" COMING: "Guns, Ho" and "Hat Check Ilcn rye" __ Mat.; Sat, and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2 33 p m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.ira. VNsm## ##s#I#I. NINW, ♦IN INIf .Y that all ministers make arrangements with the treasurers of their c•ongrcgit- tions to have their personal assessment deducted brunt the source, and that the amount I ,t mit tvlthltcl I he forwarded quarter- ly to the Department of Pensions. 1 lc also ur;;ed that in each congregation, the treasurer be authorized to send to the Department of Pensions, quarterly Idle amount of assessment upon the charge. The assessment is based n, on the salary of the minister, :\ 'tuition of sympathy was expres- sed to Rev. 11. \t, \Vorktnan in the loss of his brother, who passed away in 1linnedosa, Manitoba• 'I'hc next meeting of the Presbytery will he held 'n (ioderich, on the first Thursday of 11 ay. :Arrangements will he made tvith the ntenthcrs of the \\'o- men's \hisisonar) Society, \vho we'll v .11 1111I CANADA'S VETERANS 764PosItlie Oxetteix fies = An advertisement explaining to the people of Canada the re.establishtnent credit avail- able to men and women of the Armed Forces, -.nese ash atllWilt3+tu &edif» The evestablishmeot AN EXPLANATION OF TRE GRAFT and women in the armed forces, Canada's parliament articularly In planning the tante to civilian life of D1st ,crrety of ieldstablishmentwlll be icuough one that assistance in reestablishment metho 1 ofreffecting variety of fields. For re-establishment will assisted through realized younger through hf the forces—the est orated with some regular formhof or throe h an opportunity to continue an interrupted education. Others can trainingg and land cetticntent—will be land settlement—either ny casesn tta combination of these time farms or on holdings the solution In ► for this type of re-establis:uncnt was provided early in the war. the solution. Legislation any district office cf the department. Arplication for the war service gratuity is made to the branch of the inured forces with which the veteran served and fc,rnas may be secured at any armed forces depot or at any race of the Department of Veterans Affairs. STUDY ALL MEASURES BEFORE APPLYING It is important that every veteran ll [°rtave the ma establisbde a rocnt ite decision as to future plans before applying veteran credit. Payment c f the re -establishments andcreditlencfits undcrebarsthCiVctcralts' from educational and training grants Land Act, since on application for tl : credit the veteran elects not to take advantage cf thescotll other efits oniy lxhr not tlfits uedcretthe Ve Veterans' Land Act and payments )' for training or continuation of education already granted are charged :'gains\ th' credit. Do not apply for your re-establishment credit until you haw!. ;tu dids alliloth r recabisilitt you, ineasures. Advice of department o ANOTHER LARGE GROUP % u'ho do not laced There is, however, another very' large 6tort i training and who are not suited fer land eettlement asap provided ide under the Veterans' Land Act. After long months cryearso these veterans will need assistance alsoThere had willitth se w or normally would have (voted their i homesave their service. There will bst•ct>,1io and alteratioostTherwn homes buwho duill been unable to carry out needed , and others s businesses to fitted for allist and who business of their own ICSIIIIIC own but them, and who th d need assistance in financing. rTma •ilhe y iis, tin laahernativer tot ttaining'anJ for \1116 latter gC, •.•• land settlement benefits. PAID UNDER WAR SERVICE GRANTSdACT relic The Re-establisluncnt Credit is made available uner the Act of Parliament which provides \ War an Orvetcnn totais not a loan but an outright grant, p PURPOSES FOR WHICH CREDIT MAY d in rc-establishment if the vctcnUSdSc;dcCn° °use ydai[J nyt time ii•i BE U$ED• or training benefits. It may b: I , mis Grant of thEe credit may l>c authorized for the following purposes: the ten years followingverts discharge fcgr It iscertca a specified purposes , To .assist rc it ma owning; it outlined in this advertisement. he The mothsc called a "crcdit" ber,wor (a)) To assist in honebuilding :home; ft is an amount carried on tcfor kers establislurni>rf purpose veteran for (' ) cars until used by hint(:)hTo assist in home a home or modernization; ten y(d) To buyhousehold equipment anal furniture, l (c) To buy ofs, instruments, quipctc., For franc, profession, or business; HOW TO APPLY FOR RE-ESTABLISHMENT (() To provide working capital for profession cr business; CREDIT nal to the basic (g) To buy a business; ans service in (la) Tc pay premiums on Dominion of Canada insurance; The re•Csta ratUincnt credit is 0 amount cq required for educational cr vocational War Service Gratuity—that is $7.50 for each 30 days' (i) To buy special equipment the Western Hemisphere and $15.00 for each 30 days'service overseas. training. The amount is computed by the branch cf the armed forces with „ above, the veteran m '-f )out and for that reason application first must In the. case of (a), (h), (d) and (,) which the veteran screen, . thbee mane for the the basic icgrat gratuity has been lrecei ed by the veteran, up one dollar for every two dollars t'scd 'nam the re-establishment credit, If experience shows a broadening of thee,: purposes is needed, ale amount of basic gratuity has b Depart. Grans Affairs on ,a form which may be secured from provision has been made for it. application for the re-establishment credit may he made to the et • mcnt of Veterans FOR COMPLETE INF THE NEAREST OFFICE OF TI-113 DEWRITEATION PARTMENT OFV TO ERANS AFFAIRS • Minister of Vernalis AJlairs. Issued tattler the Authority of Hon. Ian A. Mackenzie, .DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS ET ' SEND OVERSEAS. THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO SOME MAN OR WOMAN WAR AUXILIARY SPONSOR SUCCESSFUL VALENTINE PARTY " FI 'ftvelt•" taw,. 1' invited gtie is en- joycd the St. Valentine's Euchre Party in the Orange HaII, on Wednesday ev- ening la,t, sponsored by the War Aux- iliary. Winning the highest points \vete Alts. Roy Doherty and \Ir. S. Durward, \hrs. Doherty won the prize on the .eitt. Those gettlttq the 1 we were :\ !Fs, Durward and \I r. Leslie Naf- tel, Airs, Durward \von the prize, \Irs. Browne won the prize for the most lone hands, Sandwiches, cop cakes and coffee were served at the duse. The pr .ccods amounted to ;Wont $17. PURCHASES PROPERTY ti eece-tine YorIore' B1oten roc 111 I ;lilt C,11111_;., of \ , tr { Incl lvitlt nu r( II ,I: } 1)111. } OUR EQU}PMIN'I' WILL BE IN 'I•HIS DISTitIC'1' SOON. 11r. \William Morritt has purchased from Air. E. Sillib, the property. of the late Mrs. Phillips, on Queen Street South, Nit". and Airs. Morritt and Janice and Mr. Morritt's another, are now oc- cupying the property, MEETS TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27TH The presence of all members are re- quested. Special business, J. 11. Phillips, G. 1' . Augustine, Noble Grand. Recording Secy. Social Evening PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AND IDANCE IN THE ORANGE HALL, BLYTH on the evening of FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD AUSPICES OF BLYTH L.O.L. Admission 25c. " L:\DIES \WITiI I,UNCI I FREE, EVERYBODY WELCOME. CAR LiCENSE OFFICE MOVED \Ir. Jack Butler, issuer of motor ve- hicle licenses and permits, at Clinton, has moved his office from the Bank of Montreal L'uildiug, to the Sunoco Ser- vice Station ons Huron Street, West. \lotorist will find this station by turning west at the plain corner of the lotyn, 1,;l praceeling almost to the outskirts, on the road to (loderich. FARM FOR SALE There will be offered for sale by public auction, Eubjcct to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, on MONDAY, 5TH MARCH, 1945 at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Ball, Seaforth, Ontario. 'cite west half of Lot 16, Concess'on 6, Ifullc11 Township. The said farm consists of 50 acres, more or less, and is first ,class level land. 1t is all seeded to grass and well watered by a never failing spring. Growing thereon arc a number of good fruit trees. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of February, P)15. Harold ,Jackson, Auctioneer, Fruce Medd, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Robert Jamieson, R.R. 1, Londesboro, 151) gals. :\ -1 apple butter, made at Executors of the Estate of Alexander 11ildntay. Foe sale at my hontc. Levi Leitch. 26-3. Good, Sr., photic 35.8, Uiyth. 22 -top, I is \\all•. 1 ,ave 111 1111 1011 - NB..11' FOR FREE ESTIMATE All D TERMS—PHONE 136 LLYTH. l,l WRITE ROWLAN1) C. iD:AY 5 THORN TON AVE., LONDON Pnuematic Insulating` COMPANY, LTi). 1111.111114.4110.6•444 81.44.* APPLICATIONS WANTED ftp• the po'ition ('f Secretary -Treas- urer of the Blyth 1'arntcrs' Co -Opera- tive Association. Applicants uttl,l he (ptalifiell to do hook-kccping, typcwritiu;;. ;tint all trod: pertaining- to t!te finance.. and corre- spondence of ;!!e .\+soliati1 tt. :\pplicaiions will he recoil•( d by tltc Acting Secretary, J. 1'. Matheson, Clin- ton, Ontario, stating salary expecte(!, and qualifications, in writing, up until 'Thursday, NI arch 3rd, 1915. lntyest or any tender not ill' accepted. necessar' J. B. MATHESON, :Acting Secretary. Blyth Ivan liter's' Co-(1perative 27-2. WOOD FOR SALE Good hand wood, any quantity. Any- one desiring w. od call at the farm, 3 utiles cast of Blyth, of phone Harold Jackson, :Auctioneer, Seaforth, 11r((tl. 27-2. CARD OF THANKS Nits, \\'m, Bell tvishes to thank, re- latives, ueighbot'rs, and friends, for cards, letters, 11 nit, and 11,1\vcrs re- ceived (luring her stay in Victoria llus- q,ital, l:on.h ut, especially tt islting to \haul: I)r. 11.',id, Ili., Comic], Dr, lttt - hy, 111'. l'Inllrty, and the nurses of \'ictoria Hospital, London FOR SALE Shorthorn hull, of serviceable age. Ransom bred, Phone (,)1r2 \Win.;haitt, John S. Scott. 27-111. ANNUAL MEETING The .\nn1a1 Meeting of the Blyth Agricultural Society will he hell in the Orange hall on Saturday, February 2,1th 1')15, ,t1 2.30 sharp. A GOOD ATTENDANCE IS REQUESTED 1,. Livingston, Secretary. L. Roddy, President. APPLE BUTTER FOR SALE Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. 114 Big Three Plan Military Eclipse Of Germany And Beginning Of Peace Front Feb. 4 to Feb, 11 Presideut Roosevelt, Premier Stalin and Prince Minister Churchill with their staffs of military and political ad- visors held day -and -night sessions at Yalta, Crimean watering resort on the Black Sea. Their program embraced plans to smash, occupy and control Germa- ny; to assist Europe's liberated peoples in solving their pressing po- litical and economic problems and to organize "a secure and lasting peace", Missing was any reference to po,<iblc Russian participation in the Anglo-American war. against Japan. This, in quick summary, is what Nothing For Nothing That important side of social security about which 5o little is heard during election campaigns —the cast of such services to the taxpayer—received a pointed air- ing (luring the recent British House of Commons debate on the govern- rnents's social insurance scheme, says the Regina Leader -Post. Total annual cost of the scheme at the beginning is placed at $2,600 million. Of this, one-half will be a direct charge on the 13ritish tax- payer. \Vithin 30 years, the cost will have reached $3,32.1 million, and at this point the taxpayers will bear two-thirds of the charge. And just in case anybody thinks the largest part of this will be borne by those in the high income brackets, it has been accurately computed that the only way the scheme can be carried at all is through collecting one-third of the required tax revenue from those whose incomes are under $2,500 a year. Paris has a talking clock, which automatically tells the time when rung up. Four million people used the service Jr. one year. 74. EAT- SLEEP-LOOKaad :w! %FEEL BETTER/ fP/IfJti.' G VITAMIN 5 -COMPLEX sat, Idquld e. '1'r.h:et Put't's Saab AT ALL DRUG STORES ACTS WAYS TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF BRONCHITIS Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion of br'on• chills—this double -action way that actually WAYS AT ONe IYS *Is- PENETRATES deep into broncnla 1 tubes with soothing - medicinal Vapors. STIMULATES `chest and back sui;. \ faces like a warm- kttp Ing poultice, 9 WORKING FOR HOUR To get all the benefits of this. combined PENETi4ATING.STIMULATING action, just rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at WHIM. Instantly VapoRub goes to work -2 ways at once ns shown , above—to case bronchitis cough- ing, loosen congestion, relieve muscular soreness, and speed restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery is gone. Got relief from bron- chitis distress tonight with dou- ble -action, Vick Vtipo-VICKS tested Vicks Vapo- ...Try it! VaroRue BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS II your hack aches or 1f you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wasters, %Vhen the kidneys slow up, wastes '.ollect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there Is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops You will find their action fast and effective. lie sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 911 Capsules, the genuine and original Outch Drops—packed In Canada. Get a IOc package from your druggist 1 the Big Three propose for GerDla- ay; 1. Defeat. 1, No destruction of the German people, 1, Disarmament. Elimnatlon of the General Staff. 1. Payment of reparations, 6. Elimination or control of po- tential a-tential military production, T, Punishment of war criminals, 8, Wiping out of the Nall Party 9, Elimination of Nazi institu- tions and laws. 10, Removal of militaristic in- fluences. 11, Measures necessary for "peaet and safety" of the world. BE FAMOUS for your coffee. Serve Maxwell House. This choice blend of rare coffees is roasted by the famous "Radiant Roast" process, so you get extra flavor, fragrance and vigorous body. HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath.. Ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates, disinfects, helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient, Pleasant, For adults and children. 50c—a11 druggists. OSTROLINE' LIFTON, SRI STOI, ENOLANQ ITCH CHECKED iu a ✓i%4' •or Mone bac Y k For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritchla� conditions, use pure. cooling, medicated, Ill D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless andel stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching, Don't suffer, Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. • If you suffer MONTHLY IN FEMALE PAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous Irritable weak feelings—due to functional monthly disturbances —should try'Lydta E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms, Plnkhnm's Compound neLea NATURE. Thousands upon thousands have reported benefit. Follow label directions, LYDIA E. PINHHAM'S ani % WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Stimulates circulation and breaks up congestion, preventing compile* lions of a serious nature before It is too late. Allows a restful night for rapid recovery. cuss ganitlIT) 9731111 WI Lk r le. a Int are eadache Nothing is more depres. sing than headaches... Why sufferr?.,,Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambfy's isgood forcer. ache, toothache, pains in i119l hack, stomach, bowels. Rad. HEADACHE POWDERS- it Coughs are dangerous If neglected , . . Get Rellel Usually... QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY WITH IWOID Bronchial Ease COUGH SYRUP AT ALL DRUGCISTB 25e LD.1 MADE DY THE . ORIGINATORS. OF.1. 1 OIDS VOICE OF THE PRESS BE KIND TO BIRDS This is one winter when (lie birds are really having a difficult time firaging for food. Feeding the birds is an act of human kindness which should, be practiced in every household, —Siincoe Reformer WHAT, NO SKYSCRAPERS( An American soldier expressed surprise that there were no sky- ... ACCOUNTANTS .71 AUDITORS INCOME TAX RET'OR'TS COM - plate Bookkeeping Services, Small or Large Businesses, Travel an) - where. Albert I3rett & Co., $ Wellington St. E„ Toronto, Ont. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX Service. Will go to any town, No account too email, Walter G, Boyd, 91 Salem Avenue, Toronto. Lom- bard 5861. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO. You may win this 910,000 model home for 91.00.. Write for your shares today, (91,00 each) to Beaches Buslneee Men's Associa- tion, Toronto 6, Your receipt will bo mailed promptly, Drew to be mnAe Mny 24th, Proceeds for war Charities, 11AHY CHICKS 81.00 HOOKS YOUR 01901611 ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed toot- ed etocic, and from 25 oz. eggs or better, Barred Recite mixed 912.00 per 100, %Vhlte Leghorns mixed 911.00 per 100 Barred Rocic Pullets 119,00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 922.00 per 100, white Recite mixed 915.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets 924.00 per 100, Brown leghorne mixed 913.00 per 100, 13rown leg - horn pullete 924.00 per 100, We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario, IIUIU)NDALIO CHICKS HIGH QUALITY AT REASONABLE prices. All chicks backed . by Pedigreed tested stock and from 20 oz. eggs from Special Mated Flocks, Price Mixed Chicks—Barred Rocks, $12.50 per 100; Sussex X New Hump., Pure Sussex and (tock X New Ramp. $13,00 per 100; Large Type Legliorne, Susecx X Leg - horns and Rock X Leghorn,' 912,25 per 100, All Heavy Breed Cockerels 90,00 per 100; Rock X Leghorn and Sussex X Leghorn Cockerels 13.60 per 100; Leghorn Cockerel,' 91,50 per 100. 91.00 per 100 deposit, balm -ice C.O.D, Send your order to 11UItONDALD CIlICIC iIATCI!- ETtY, LONDON, ONTAlIIO, IIA ITT CRICKS 8000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT 000K YOUR 1045 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want prem. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries aro alwaya mold out early, Don't take chances on ordinary chicks, Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Typo Leghorns, Sussex New Hnnips„ Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X i.,eghorns, Rocic X New Hanlps„ 13arred Rocks, Send for large illustrated Cntnlogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Weln Bros., Exeter, Ont. THE OLD METHOD OF EGG PR0- ductlou was largely a gamble, Egg prices went so high In Oc• totter and November that people quit eating eggs, Then In the Winter and early Spring monthe )when prudnetlon came, there was no demand and the bottom fell out of the mnrlcet. Tho way to avoid this Is to secure early chicks. The present prlee schedule insures remunerative returns the year round. Not a high price for a few months and then low prices for several months. You will not only make extramoney with early hatched chicks but you will nave money by ordering enrly and bit- ing early delivery. Listen to our radio programme over station CKNX \\'Ingham every Monday morning at 9,30 a.m, end every Wednesday evening at 8.45 p.m. Tweddlo Chlcic Iin tcherles Ltm- Ited, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Burred Rock mixed 912.00 per 100, white leg• horns ,nixed 911.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 919.00 per 100, white leghorn pullets 922.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ode. 96.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckle. 92,00 per 100, All chicks hatched from 28 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed ,100% live delivery, 91.00 boolce your order, balance C,Q.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCESS—When buying chicks for success you roust buy chicks with breeding, livability, and with proper care you will be certain of production for profit, Monkton Poultry Farm Breeders are nl1 Government In- spected, banded, and blood -tested. Write for 1945 prices and Cat- alogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, Monkton, Ontario, ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS writes: "For several years I started my baby chicks In AprII. Last year i got them 1n February. I found the early once were the best Investment. The roosters sold at the top price and the pul- lets laid when the eggs were high. After all we raise chickens to make money and not for ex- ercise". Send for early booking price list today. You cnn save several dollars on your chlcke, If you hook them early and take early delivery and you will also make money with early hatched chicks. Top Notch Chlekerlee, Guelph, Ontario. 13 II A S S A T1 1)'S BLOOD -TESTED chicks. We specialize In one breed, Hollywood Strain White Leghorns, large birds and chalk white eggs. Pullets 920.00 per 100. Mixed 910.00 per 100. 91.00 hooks order. lirnssnrd's Hatchery, Aults• vllle, Ont. 11110AD 1111 FASTED SPSSISX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE, WEI7TC- ly, If you order at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long .rounded breasts, Also New (lamp, cox with fast growth and feathering, Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns make good roaster, and grow fast up to 4-6 lbs. You can buy these for 94,00 per 100, Alan mix- ed heavy cox 96.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, henithy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed - ere on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros„ Exeter. Ontario, scrapers in London, and added that he had never seen a sky that needed them more, —Punch —o— OFF WITH HIS HEAD "Victor l minanuel's head is to come off Italian money," A little while ago there was a feeling that it might come off period, ---Ottawa Citizen DOORMATS DEFINED For 5o(1le l'easun known Only to 10 -year-old boys a doormat is something to be walked around to get into a house. —Detroit News 11:1111' 019101(5 CFI(CKS, COCKERELS, PULLETS, Can give prompt shipment on maty breeds, or take your order for later shipment. But ndvlee ordering now, Remember Febru• ary-March chicks aro necessary for British needs next fall, 13ray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hnnlllton, Ont, WRITE 1''OR OUR NEW 1945 PRICE list on Barred Rock, ltedrock, Leghorn and Legrock chicks, Liberal discount on early orders, C, S. Deebank, Moulinette, Ont, ORD17R YOUR 8,-0. WHITE LIDO - horn day-old chlcke from a breed. er hatchery, Stock blood tested and bonded by 0. 13, S. Wllf A, Glazier, Clinton, Ont, 100 CHICKS FREE WITH I;VISITY 0i(1'E11 09' 100 PUL. let ell le lc a, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets 922.95 per 100, barred Rocic pul- lets 91995 per 100, White Rock Pullets 924.95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets 924.95 per 100, All clucks sold backed by high egg Pedigreed stock. 91.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery, Kent hatch• ery, Chnthnm. Ontario. :'a b'1tisis CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STUCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada, Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, stales and females: Bar- red Rocks, 912.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 911.00; White Rocks, 915.00; Brown Leghorns, 313.00. Pullet prlcee: Barred Rocks, 919.00; White Leghorns, 922.00; White Rocks, 924.00; Brown Leghorns, 924.00, 25 free chicks, our choice, will bo given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered, Goddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontnrlo. BITTER 0111)178 YOUR LINCOLN Government Approved Chleke now, New Haptpshire, 13arred ]locks, and New Hampshire X. Barred Rock Hybrlda. Bookings heavy. \Vrlte for our catalogue and price list, Lincoln Chick Hatch.. cry, 2 Race Street, St. Cathar- ines, Ont, Post Office Box 304, R,O.P, SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery'a Poultry Farm, Altona Rd„ 15,R, 2, PICKERING, ONT, ORDER YOUR 1945 BARRED ROCK chicks now, TIIgh placings In Canadinn and American contests stnco 1928. Second high Barred Rock pen 1944 Illinois State Con- te,t, Clrculnr. Angus Urquhart, Greenfield, Ont, 2500 ilJt1717DiSRS—BLOOD Ti:STICD 1100IC YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. High quality at reasonable prlcee, All breeders culled, Inspected, banded and approved by Canadian Baby Chick Inspectors. Pure Sus- sex mixed 14c, Sussex X Now IRunps. mixed 131c, White Leg - horns, (tock X Leghorns and Sussex X Leghorne mixed 18c. Heavy Breed Cockerels Cc, Sussex X Leghorn and Rock X Leghorn Cockerels 4c. 100% Live delivery guaranteed. 91.00 per 100 books your order. linlnnce C.O,D, ROSE - LAWN FARMS & [HATCHERY, New lie mhurc. Onterlo. BUSINESS OI'l'Olt'r1JN IT1105 SMAL1, COUNTRY STORE, 1'RE- fernhly st'Ith Post Office or Galt Station but not essentlnl. Full particulnrs first letter. T3ox 10, 73 Adelnldr! St, W., Toronto, Ont. DYEING AND CT,RANiNI1 HAVE, Y011 ANYTi-IING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information, We aro glad to answer your questions, Drpnrt- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. iIATIIDILESSiNO LEARN HATRDRFSSiNG TII10 Robertson method. Information on request regnrding dessert, Robertson's ITnlydressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Rend, Toronto, F011 SAL16' PUPPIES INTERNATIONAL CITAMPION SHIED PEDIGREED - REGISTERED AT WI:STi;RN ONTARIO'S LARGEST REGISTERED COCKER KENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS (It17GiSTERED) 209 Praedo Place, Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen E:lectrle Com• pony Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., To- ron to. 11 iSGiS'1'1111 ED 110, 1 ICING GOLD SISAL IIY11111D SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES. VAR• Ieties suitable for both ensilage and grnln, also n full line of Seed Outs. Write for price list, The King Grntn & Seed Co., Pain Court. Ont. DIJRNFORD KENNET'S, COCTCER spnnfel puppies, red and block. Choler champion registered stork, 703 Giles Fast, Windsor, Ont. AT STUD: SPRINGER SPANIEL Imported E:nglend, Beagle hound, Field Tide? Winner. •Registered, Trent Volley Kennels. R. 3, -Peter- bore, Ontario, HEREFORD BULLS, REGISTER - ed, coning two, gond type, low set, prlred right. Apply A. E. Nolces, Mnnllln, Ont. 52 H,P, STEAM TRACTION EN - gine for snle, locomotive type boiler, 150 Ib. pressure, good run- ning condition. Box 8, 73 Adelaide \\'.. Toronto Ont. ONTARIO GROWN 2 PURITY 1 Timothy Seed. Germination 95%. 10%c lb. Pinkerton, Bags free. Sold In unbroken 120 Ib. bags only. Cush with order, Roy Cramm. Seed Merchnnt, Pinkerton. ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able rive. Bred Heifers for Herd foundallnn. D. E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario 7,000 Miles of Rail Restored In France United States, Army Engineers have rehabilitated 7,000 miles of European railroads for use by Allied armies as supply routes to the 'Western Front, it was an- 110111ICed recently, The Engineers have restored 5,000 utiles of- double trach and 2,000 miles of single track in France and Belgium, including all major rail networks in Allied ter- ritory and rt constructed 172 major rail bridges destroyed by bombing or enemy demolition. FOR SA 1,111 LUMIII:RMEN — 1,0 G SCALES, knotty 0111culntol', 26 eente post- paid, The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia. STltA\\'I31:IRRY PLAN'T'S, A31'AIt- ague, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade cites, wire tree guards, Norfolk Nursery, S(rneoe, Ontario. QUILTING PATCHES 00T'l'ONS Olt SILKS BY POUND, Make fancy silk petal Cushions from Satin Patches, colors Pink, White, Blue. Wool Remnants suitable for Boys' knee pants. La- dles' Iinndbags, children's alclrte Ole, Also unbleached cotton. I'ub- lex Sales, 377 Parliament Street, Toronto, MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE Ob' 1000 HORSES 1000 h:xlr(hl(lon Marne, Regina, Sank. April 11, 12, 1;t, 11115 All farm raised, well broken and In find condition. Some fine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend, OMAlt (:8.11111, Sale Mgr. Ilex 852, Regina, tirisI(. VA 1931S FOR SA 1,16 98600 ]111151(,1;Y it1). SC.1I030R- ough Township, 0 miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, gond radon land, modern stable, frame house with mix large rooms, hardwood floors, running water to house and amble, heavy wiring In both, nbout 1 acre of good orchard, TORONTO CITY REALTY, 2330 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. 200 ACRES, 2% MILES EAST OP Dundalk, on county road, 185 acres under cultivation, 'over 50 acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement stabling, water In barn, good house with furnace, farm well fenced, poaaesslon any time. 1VILB1011T GREEN, DUN- DALK, 11, 4, or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk, 110 ACRES HALL' MiLE SOUTH OF Kenilworth, 7 tulles north of Arthur on paved highway. Six - roomed brick house, large bank barn, 93,500, APPLY McMaster and McAlester, 2869 Dundas Sl. West, Toronto. 190 ACRES 1101(1; OR LESS WITH or without stock and farm Im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Poss'ns111p of Longueull Prescott Cotlpty-1 mile from Town, School, Church, electricity, running water. .Apply John B. Woods, Solicitor, Hawkesbury, Ont, 218 ACRES FOR SALE ON NO, 8 Highway, 1'.1 nines east of Mor - path, Two completo seta of build- ings, land suitable for all kinds of mixed farming, some tnbnreo acreage, hydro, gus, water, Mny be bought -as separate faros, I.nke Palo irontnge, location Ideal. Apply Merton Simpson, R. 1 illdgetown, MEDICAL, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS - often aro the cause of Ill -health In humans, all ages. No one hn- mune! Why not find out If thle is your trouble? Interesting Par' neuters—Free! Write Mnlveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, DIXON'S REMiODY — Ir011 N1;UR- Ills and Rheumatic Pains, Thous- ands setlsfled. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid 91.00, BAIIMISEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottnwn agent, Dcmmen Drug Store, Ottawa. R17ID 'PHIS-17VERY SUFFERER of llheumntic Paine or Neuritis ahould try Dixon's Remedy. ATun- ro's Drug Story, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 91.00. AMACIIIN6:IIY snt,t IATon ITT:T AI1IS WORN DISCS ARE USUALLY TIiT7 first Creon) Separator trouble, We re -space and rain thein, when not loo badly worn, to give the equal of new Disc service, for one third to one qunrter the cost. Bowl rebn)nncing also, as well as rettnnlug and refitting of all part s. Symons' Metnitvorkera, ROCANVTLT.10. Saskatchewan. NIUSIcAll, INSTRUMENTS FRED A, I3UDDINGTON BUYS, acus, exchn nges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPOiR'I'IiNITIES FOR WOMUN [3E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 801-1001. Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousnnds successful, Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, 111uslrnted catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Brunches: 44 King St., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, • 111'I'Olt'I'l1Nl'1'11CS , n11SN .0 W031I6N ADC SHORTHAND. PURCHASE the hooks and train yourself In 10 weeks. Free folder Illustrates tills easy system. Casson Systems, Toronto, OFFER TO INVLN'l'01ts AN OFFER TO (;VERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay' Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 3anit Street. Ottawn, C,11 nude. PERSONAL • "101.,13 Alt C 0 M 1 N 0 BEFORE Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, N, Y. Do YOU 1{NOW GOD—OR PREFEit a mystery? (tend what the Scrip- tures teach. Write for tree pamph- let, "The Truth About the Trinity." Chrlstndelphian Gospel l'roclnm• ntlon, 319 North Llnsmore Cress., Toronto 6. NEW DiSCOV17RY, TESTED, SAVES 45% gnsollne, gunrnnterd. Send stamped envelope for Infor :Mon. S. Brodie, Vilna, Alta, Likes All Animals Except Germans The educational expert who has been recommending that in time of war even school children ahould "learn to hate" would perhaps be satisfied with the first step in that direction as taken by Erica Ann, aged four years who hail just paid a visit to the Zoo in Manchester, England. On the journey home her aunt asked which of the animals she had liked best, Much to the amusement of other passengers, she replied in a clear voice: "I like all animals except Germans," l'A'I'D:N'l'S Booklet of Tnformntlon on re- quest, FI'TIIERSTON11A911111 & 0)00J'ANT Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 King 1Vesl. Toronto. 1'l10'I'O(:i(A 1'11 Y TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE ana SATISFACTION Your f((me pruperly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE 1101.15 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FiNEST ENLARGING; SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can gel all the quality and ser•vlco you desire by sending your films to PIPER IAL l'iI11'I'll 51611 VICE Station J. Toronto FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROM l"2 MAIL SERVICE Homo pictures can never be taken again. Don't risk losing youre. Send your filo, rolls to Star Snup••not Service for developing end printing, Canada's largest finishing sludlo does the finest work at lower cost, Any Slce 11011-5 ur 8 Expusus ee, DEVELOPED ANi) PRIN'I'I;I) 25e "Your prices for such quality work aro reel's- economical," writes a customer at Peterborough Ont. "i nm particularly fnsclnnled by the coloured pictures. I appreciate your prompt and reliable service and In future will Bond all my rolls to you," 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4x6" In Beautiful Ousel Mounts Iinlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Circuit. Can Walnut or Black ];bony finish frames, 59c each, If enlargement coloured, 79e each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, 'I'urunlo Print Your Name and Address Plnlrnl3' on All Orders, PIA Nos IS YOUR PIANO 1'l(O13Li7M SOLV- ed7 If riot, write us, Far tory Mason & Misch, 612 ]int; St. West, Toronto, 5101:05 ALFALFA, CLOVERS, TIMOTII Y, Permanent Pasture Grosses, hy- brid Corn, all Nu. 1, hest prices. Stewart's Seed Slurs, Uutvurin- v'llle, Ont, 11OIININ1: GLORIES: TIII(ILI, '1'O T1115 1316AU'I'Y OF '1'111: glorious 1'LAl(LY GATES nod HEAVENLY BLUE horning Glory —u cuntbinatlon of creamy while .and belladonna blue; sturdy' vines, copious blooms, Try them along your wall or porch. (let both of these lovely VaHellen for less than the price of one -1 phi, of each (25c value) only lac. bull -colour catalogue free. Dept. \V„ \V. W. 111(.'1( & SONS LIMITED, Lindsay, Ontario, R'AN'riai LINO'l'l'P10 WAN'1'100, NO. 6 Olt 8 Model, give full particulr,rs to Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Ade• lnldo St. W., 'Toronto. ACREAGE 1VAN'1'1:D, SUITABLE for camp '91[01, etc., 1.nko frontage water, buildings. Cox 6, 73 Ade• 'nide W., Toronto, \V11,1, !PAY LI1.(17RAL P1910!; FDI( Maltese or crossbred MaII('se Male Pup, Send full pertIeulnr• and photo. if possible. Box 7. 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, IVANTEI): PROTH:S7'ANT 50!IU(JL Teacher for Junior Grades in com- mence duties September 1945. Ap- ply stating qualifications end salary expected to 11. P', Stedman, Secretnry, i'iewngaina, County Abitibi, Quebec, WANTED 25 TO 200 ACill7S i;IV- able house, barn, bush, strrnnl, Particulnrm, Price, '''axes, Box Il, 73 Adelaide W. Totems, Ortt, • SMALL 1"A1(01 OR ACl(I'IA(;l WITH house and outbuildings wanted to rent ,:Orly 1 by gaud tenants; must be reasonable rentnge In or near village or town. if suited, would purchase after the war, D. I,Is- contbc, Wilberforce, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY COTTAGE .AND smell nereuge, hydro, 100 miles radius, Flegg, 229 Donlnnds At•c.,' Toronto, WANTED SMALL (IAS STATION and living neeomutodn11011 few miles outside Toronto. Box 741, Collingwood, • II ELI' %VAN'l'1011 FAI1MHANI) WANTED FOR MIN - ed farming, yearly engagement, top witges start (bout Atnrch let. Apply 0, Ar, Mertlu, Fergus, R. 1. 360 PER MONTH 1''011 UISN1:IRAI. Domestic or helper in kitchen of Hospital to live in. When npply- ing give full particulars, Water- ford Hospital, Box 402, Water- ford, Ont, GIRL WANTED 1'' 0 R LIGHT housework, Comfortable, email Toronto home. Separate room. Two children. Good wages, Inter- ested party phone collect Mayfair 7262, evening, Box 9, 73 Adelaide Si. \V.. Toronto, Ont. . (()OI( GENERAL, SMALL 1''AM11,1', pleasant surroundings, good wages, References required, Mrs. Stanley Thomson, 406 Mussell 11111 Road, Forest VIII Village, Toronto, MAN W11'H CHA'UFFEUR'S LIC - came to drive truck and work on . farm. Must be very reliable and trustworthy, 975.00 per month and hoard. Steady job for good man, Write Box 489, Brantford, or .Phone 1295J, 995.00 111;0. NURSE, GENERAL duly, live in. Jtuum and Board, ditties to enlnrnem,* at once. When app!Ying give full particulars nod experience. \Valet iord Maternity Hospital, Box 4(12, Waterford, Ont, ISSUE 8-1915 M HORIZONTAL 1, 6 Pictured composer. 10 Also, 11 Peanut. 12 Encountered. 14 Within, 16 Road (abbr,), 17 Era, 19 State of equality, 20 Observed. 22 Frog -like reptile. 24 Egyptian sun god. 25 Father, 27 Gun, 30 Tramway. 32 Conjunction. 34 Pipes, 36 Snares. 38 Running knot. 40 Source of light. 41 Hair dye, 42 Spiritual attendant. 43 Foam. 45 Pace. FAMOUS COMPO"ER Answer to Previous Puzzle L DEV I_ R_EL_EN STRA 1 N 1AIVN RAID,P(aSES GAI.� , T_ELA E DEVILS E A B_A TOWER PME NOR (WYOMING) NIN E T' E S T OiWE TIRE P_ A N wjA5s t 5 ET TQD AV EL E A M L ME YON V E E D 47 Personality, 40 Music note, 50 Continent. 52 Notary public (abbr,), 53 Make a mistake. 55 Forlorn. 56 Epistle (abbr.), 57 Yes, 58 Din, 60 He wrote the II Strike. 7111,,'1; fungus. 11 tillrilf`, !) Close by. 10 lie conpoves in — -- 13 Affair. 15 Paddle. 18 Terra firma. 21 Radio. 23 Venture, 26 Presently, 28 Symbol for iron. 29 Evolve. patriotic song, 31 Male, „T — 33 Canines. 35 Compactness, VERTICAL note Promissory note (abbr.), 1 Electrified 39 Bristle. particle, 44 Child. 2 Decays, 46 Musical 3 Inspector gen- instrument, eral (abbr.). 49 Scope. 4 Neither. 51 A fop. 6 He also wrote 54 Moved fl_ quickly, America," 50 Fish. 5 26 2 3 38 39 42 FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger atif COIL 1941 RY NIA S RVIC .1'. ,REG. U. 9. PAY. OFF // • "That Number One gunner is fishing again, sir!" THE BREAKFAST PAPER - I6LIILLUiLUYA� tls By GLUYAS WILLIAMS FOLDS NEWSPAPER, PROPS AFTER SHORT PARAGRAPH, CREASES IT NEATLY, E- TINGDIBEGINS TEM ON STOPS STO SARTICLEATI)NG ANDMPS TO OF– 13 TAKES A DRINK dF COFFEE EUROPEAN POLITICS FOLDS PAPER CAN'T FIND CONTINUATION nBANDONS MEAL IN ORDER TURNS PACK WITH SOME OF EUROPEAN POLITICS TO SEARCH PAGE 13 THOR' TROUBLE TO FIRST PAGE AND ITEM OUGHLY FOR MISSING ITEM FINDSIIIT WAS PAGE ISI NOT REFOLDS PAPER . SUDDENLY SKIPS FROM PAGE UI '10 PAGE Iq AFTER LOSING TEMPCR, DISCOVERS THAT SECTION CDNTAINING PAGE I.1 HAS GONE UNDER TABLE ( Cc py'r41l. I I THE SPORTING THING ice% "Pick 'ern upl We can sell 'em tc the Elks!" REASSEMt .F_S PAPER 8U1 HAS NOW FORGOTTEN WHAT IT WAS ON PAGE 18 HE WANTED 10 READ ;0. l:n Th. II:II C;ndic.tr, Inc 1 _— LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher ,cp(ElJ /i/E7'{,4'.Q and when I think how SUPERIOR Henry always acted when he put a new washer on the kitchen faucet!!" {{.,...N ►, R..,....4 THIS ARMY .- 16/41.9. C..91.114 is /Is Map'. la.l, CG..11a& An,, q.yqu la Nal,. Cu.. 497,4 10.1 • MOPSY ay6LaDYs PARKER AFTER WRITING JUST ONE LETTER TO CLAUDE, I GET A PROPOSAL FROM THE CENSOR. CROSSTOWN t 1 GLAoysIA' I'(E'. By Roland Coe "Would you like to come over to our canteen and have some macaroons?" "Awright! drop wot yer doin' an' get over here fer P.T." REG'LAR FELLERS—Cookstove Obbligato POP—No Butts Here S 11- A FAC' TNA THE ADJUTANT SMOKES ENDLESS GI GARETTE_J 9 SEE TfIE� W TEAHISTLING KETTLE. 1 JUST BOUGHT \AT NUTTKIN'S MUTT AND JEFF— SAY, DOC! ROW t ( 011, NE MERGLY L DO YOU REALLY_P ASK A FEW SIM TELL IFA ,—%4St CH ANYPLEQUESTIONS NORMAL PERSON CAN ANSWEERR CORRECTLY) PERSON IS iNUTTY? IIIT 111:1 n+f WIHI5T LING TEA KETTLE, EH/ MAYBE. I ORDER, SEE IOW G000 YOU ARE! IF 'THIS WORKS, THERE'S FAT RADIO CONTRACTS JEST FER 'THE IE ASKIN'I By GENE BYRNES ,i+... .". Alt ,s So Jeff Talked Himself Right Into The Booby Hatch WELL, LIr.E,`Ro1Y MANY LEGS HAS A DoG? HoW MANY FINGERS ON MY BANDS? WHICH WAY is UP?' GOSH, ITS GREAT MUTT, HOW ) FLEAS? TO BE A DOCTOR! MANY DOES t DUNNO! 1'M GONNA TRY IT BACK?�� OUT ON MUTT? MAYBE HE'S CRAZY, WRo KNOWS? By BUD FISHER /"� 10iu43 'OB5E VATON UH, HUH, oa;EK i TR0U6I T F SHOW NIGH IS UP ttEY, NOT _IT'S NO USE "OU NANGINU AI.OUND HERE • legend h. The D,11 9”1Aleu. A•r I, By J. MILL ASR WATT 4 SAGE 8. RIIMPOCIGICWWWWWKICIMMICIVVVVVVVEMOVOMMOVVOCCOMCION X A A R R A Shoes For Spring Women's Arch Shoes $2.95 - $5.95 Women's Suede Pump $:3.95 Children's Oxfords , , , , ... , . .1$1.79 - $2,95 Boys' Work Shoes $2.75 -1$ 3.50 Men's Dress Oxfords $2.95 - $7.00 A Goad Stock of Wheeling Yarn on Hand, Olive McGill THE STANDARD Doherty, Bros. erdilonal" GARAGE. .'111. Irwin I:. Foster of Lista\\•cl, wllo sla'i,m,d in NI, ulreal, i. visiting his Parents, \Ir.::n l \Irs. John 1'uslr , \I r, ;11111 \irs. .indre\r liu'\\'cll t f tskatoon, Sask., visited during the tt".t!I \Ir. and NI rs. Iiaxter \IcArter, and olli r friends i•1 the ri fr ill•, \I r-. lin. a ell riuui v Ilatt'e 'f.uuitn o Iilvih. KI POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS A STOLEN \loris) t, ar warned by Postai 1)c 1071)17lir?tliDiDthlt3t)M2i1e1)1)1Dtitt)IDINt01110I 1D41%;r31Dt:ski:ANDI31atAloPi3�1rtf5iDintDt7�1',ntincn!, ()ttllt;n, against cashing or +++ •4• 4.+.1•4•4••:•+++ , 4 dD +_+ +S. +♦_$ ++ +_♦ +t+ 4+ 4, .1 :♦ >10 Pi 4. accepting i11 11;1\'local I.'t• goods Post --��- - Oflirt Akrrey Orders Irl iu stranger.; •;14♦� •;1;♦r�1;.+;+r;1�1��r1. �, r;. •irr1. ��.�..,r ' ,y as a modus, these ord:rs Ii ivi been '?' stolen, id efforts Mill he made 1'1 STUART Scash swir:. Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery, Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street, Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. Macaroni 4 lbs. for 25c Rice 2 lbs. for 25c Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c Rinso per pkg. 25c Jiffy Pie Crust ... , 4444 , 4444.. , .25c Red Rose Coffee_, per Ib. 45c Laly Grange Tea half Ib• pkg. 15c Tomato Soup 10c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25c Honey, No. 1, white 4 lb. pail 4 444• rt ♦4: u4i•0.1t.4i•r4•QO.r4♦4r4Ju4♦4♦• 4 4 t.•8•at4♦Qt•+++8.+++++++4.4,++.:-:. 1 .11I 1 1 1 I 1 11 11 .I, YY I 4.Y . I, 1, .iI • WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS The West Iionnifary lied Cross tact •I'• 'I'hni>d;ty, February 151.11, at the ?. home of \I r,. Machan. T'vu quilts 1 \vete c uupleted. flat:s were made for • sending hoxcs overseas, \frs. Falconer • won the lucky draw. I lir hostess serv- cd a dainty lutull, .._• FARM FORUM MEETING, 4444-..y 4444.. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents I(or Inlernational- Iarvcstcr Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. 01111441•111111111444111111.41=14.4411111.111114* Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" IL T. VODDEN. NI assn, C. falconer \\•ill have the 5 -minute topic and recreation \vill he in charge - of Nlrs. \\'. \Ie(:ill and CIarell c Jolut- - sl The \o. 10 East \\'a\vanosh farm stun, E erybody welcome, ;_; forum tact on Monday night al the : home of \I r. and Nl rs. C, falconer, ;_ with .:'! pi eSeill. The discussion was nttLETTER TO 'THE RED CROSS lti'•:\rc C,Aniin pity lxchangl'S Ncces- sat)?" \Irs. S I l;tllah;l gave an in- I January 3rd, 19.15 :1• wresting talk 1,:1 co-operation, telling; 1)c;• \liss \\'oodcock-:\ short time ..'of the first cu-o;,endive fornu•d a ago I received a lovely parcel from the =1 ._; hundred rear; ago in I?nglslnd: 11Iyth Red Cross, and I wish to thank I Recreati n in the forth of contests you and all thr ladies who helped to i was in charge of \lis. \Vhi;field, and tact: th';tt, It nlal;es us pretty happy (i. Haines after \which lunch \vas serv- 1 lo gel them, I ecause we know they ell ; are always full of go ,d things. \\re 1;111 seem to tit O; that things coming alerting Ii ,fit Nfuuda} will he at' from 1i ntc to-te much better Ilino the home Ci \lr, and Nil's. \\'alter, what we can get lure, -v---- N1rs. (l•arlcs Suu:lcrcrek v:s't:d la.1 i NIrs. Clarence Johnston a' l Miss week in I. Pronto. \v:th her aunt, Nlrs. lona, visited with .Ir•. and Nit's: L'u„1 I{est;, who is ill. Raithlly at London over the week end, •.r.;...,w..,.-.; .,v,, wv^,.,wv..w.n.... �..'.-.•.....•......w_ 4444.-..�. •4y : �fiYz+was.: i, :1.<"i:•t.�i:iv%y'h.'4 NEW LOW PRICES! The Big Four Victory Sc9a THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) AND THREE GREAT MAGAZINES! For Both Newspaper $3025 And Magazines .. GROUP A: SELECT ONE: GROUP B: SELECT TWO: [] Maclean's (24 Issues) .. 1 Yr. [1 Chatelaine 1 Yr. [] Liberty (52 issues) 1 Yr. [1 National Hosie Mthly. 1 Yr. [] New World - (Illustrated) 1 Yr. f 1 The Farmer Advocate 2 Yr. [1 Photoplay • Movie Mirror 1 Yr, f] American Fruit [] Empire Digest 6 Mos. Grower 1 Yr, (1 American Girl I Yr, [] Breeder's Gazette [] Christian Herald ....,..9 Mos, (American) . ......,...1 Yr, [] Canadian Farmer- [] Farmer's Magazine'.... 4 Yr. (Ukrainian Weekly) 1 Yr. [1 Canada Poultryman .... 1 Yr. [1 Inside Detective .....,„1 Yr. [] Canadian Silver Fox [] American Home 1 Yr, and Fur 1 Yr, (] Flying Aces 12 Nos. [] Canadian Poultry [] Parents' Magazine ..,9 Mos, Review ........................1 Yr, 'NOTE: Farmer's Magazine sent to Farm addresses in Eastern Canada ONLY, 11 Maclean's (24 issues),... $2.25 [] National Home Monthly 2,00 [] Chatelaine 2,00 [1 New World (Illust'd) 2.00 [1 Liberty 2.50 [1 Canada Poultryman 2.00 [1 American Home 2.25 f 1 Outdoors 3,00 [1 Magazine Digest 3.45 (l Red Book 4,00 f] American Girl 2.60 [] Empire Digest 3.45 [1 Parents' Magazine 3.00 [1 Christian Herald 3,00 [1 Canadian Fanner (Ukrainian) 2.75 f] The Farmer's Advocate (3 yrs.) 2.00 [] Child Life 3,75 (1 Farmar's Magazine' (4 yrs.) ................ 2.00 [1 Etude (Music) 3.50 [1 Hygeia (Health)•.•,,,,•....,, 3,50 [1 Silver Screen .....•.... ,,,,,,,•,,,, 2.95 [1 Screenland 2.95 [1 Flower Grower 2.95 [] Reader's Digest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3.85 [] Better Homes & Gardens (2 yrs.) 3.10 [1 Correct English (12 nos.) 4.00 (1 Forum & Column Review 3.50 [] Nature (10 nos.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3,50 it [1 Open Road for Boys 2.95 [] Flying Aces 2.95 [] Science'lllust'd (12 nos.) 3.95 [1 Sports Afield 2.95 [1 Travel 4.95 f.] The Woman ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,.,2 50 [l Your Life 3.95 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES 1 YEAR, UNLESS TERM SHOWN The Super Economy Offer This Newspaper (1 Yr.) �/-_•e f/om�a Hai AND YOUR CIIOII.E OF THREE DIG 3IAGA'/.IVES ALL I'OUR FOR ONLY $2.75 (.1 Maclean's (:1 issues) 1 Yr. [1 National Home Monthly1 Yr. [l Chatelaine 1 Yr. (1 New World (Illustrated).,.., 1 Yr, [1 Farmer's Magazine' 4 Yr. (1 American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. [1 The Farmer's Advocate 2 Yr. [] Canada Poultryman 1 Yr. [1 Canadian Silver Fox and Fur .. 1 Yr. [1 Canadian Poultry Review 1 Yr. (l Breeder's Gazette 1 Yr (American). _ I,..„„„_, Check magazines desired and enclose with coupon. Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the offer checked, with a year's subscription to your paper. ........... STREET. OR R.R. 44,14••, 0444.1 b 1+•+1.441»Y+»++++4«R„4444-4414• POSTOFFICE PROV: •444. glitu,s you 11 ill hay` plenty of !MOW there ii ,v. \\c 1111re none here, but we sure .;et our share of rain and fug, in .fact it's raining out now. It's almost time I went to work, as I'm wt,king nights, so I hail better cic se n '' . Ohre again thanks very much for the grand parcel, and 1 \wish you all a Happy amid Prosperous New Year. T remain, Sincerely, R, A. IIUI)l E CONGRATULATIONS Cont;ratulatoins to 'Bobbie Uaer who celehra:cs his 111th birthday on Sun- day, February 25111. * * * Congratulations to \irs. Joseph tit) ler, who celebrates Ilex birthday on Sunday, febrltary 25th, Congrlttllalinns to NIr. and Nlrs. Samuel 1)aer \rho celebrate their 39th \vedding annivi nary on February 2,1;h. HOCKEY GAME IN BRUSSELS FRIDAY NIGHT Myth NIHigets will play in {Tru::sols t n F r'da;: ',iglu. 'These games are very 111t1}nl'taitt aS (defeat ttivans elimination tar either teams, The b r.s need your moral snp,h•rt. If you can pos:;ihly do so, plan now to attend the game. IN TORONTO HOSPITAL Ni rs. ;\nn 1 ant bell, former resi lent of Myth, now (.f 'I'uror.do, is in a T'o- runtu hn.,pital where she recently un- derwent .a opt:ra'ion. Old friends h•.'re will he minim; for a s:scaly and cr.m- plete recovery. • • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1:4I1i I . ,1 .41.1...1.. 1 . I,..+I.1,.d,.iaL. ud11L4 i.FrW 1 1., II, • For S0 years a favorite Crcophos quickly relieves stubborn colds and coughs due to colds, bronchial and asthmatic conditions. An effective, all year round tonic, Crcophos las triple val. urs. 'rake It to help avoid colds -or for relief during a cold or as a tonic after • a cold. Family slso Bottle $1.00 Sold only by Nyal Druggists Don'tsuffer vita. nein deficiencies -don't he con. fused as to which synthetic vitamins to tiny, 1n Vit'n•Vitn multiple you get Vitamin° A and Ill and C and 0, Riboflavin, Wheat Germ Oil, Iron, and Liver Concentrate, in just two small rapsutrs to l o taken duily. Ask yr,ur Nyal Druggist for the beautiful blue and aiivvr package of Vitu•Vin1 Multiple Capsules, 25 day supply $1.75 50 day supply $3.00 Fondly size, 300 capsules, $7.50 :=!cl only by your Nyal Druggist C22 •20 �aate +t+n�ta,rwu:,t,rg�ysa .W. R. D. PHILF, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'AI'ER-PHONE 2P. u i I p1 1 b•l.1. I �r 111..1 I +1, .4411 a e i,r14%.,..414.4.4..:,. 35:4X G 'Krwtlag wuaw,+s.+ard1..•. ����+E�w��t:1v�'��lOk;tCtGwl�!v'Cr�,y,;.,,l�t�t., ,,t�ty ,:.,.,I,•..... •0044,>,..,-„ �,.,,�f,(I1p1' V•V 4 :.'14,.4'\\�V`Y• V'4'V'u V 4',l•V.,,1i\ 4••1T� BE'-ROr?ITS S `� � 'yam ;,.�' � �.. SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL SUITES IN THE C,ATESS'I' STYLES ARE DISPLAYED ON OUR FLOORS AND A(l BEING OFFERED AT MODERATE PRICES. AN AT'TRACT'IVE WALNUT SUITE IN THE POPULAR WATERFALL STYLE IS DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOW THIS WEEK. WE OFFER A NiCE SELECTION OF SIMMONS STEEL HEX, MATTRESSES AND SAGLESS BED SPRINGS AT POPULAR PRICES. A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THE MANY EXCELLENT VALUES WE ARE OFFERING. 4 _ 8 Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 -- 1''unerat Director. '��il�i"dir��i`✓'i�ir°j• leAir':i•D'ir�}tr�tts i.�, i�di°r�la•'ll�i� r�ic`"+.c+"1:''i1•�1i}I«'ol`r)7.".',.`�i i.��."i;: k ��. ✓,a::�:`.stir i:'ial".t::i•�1:vlw i,a'17`r�rr�i`uti�il :4f 44+ ••• 4444 1•} 1♦ 0} .,•1}.4 4 41 04 f•. 0:1 444:4 +4:1 .4 .4 4:141 0♦40,1 4:1♦+1+10. 14 1;,11 ,;10+4 14 •. 4 1;,.4 .• 04 1;14 .♦ f1 1:1 .• 01 41 44 01 oto ;1' .24 +1♦ ;t• 7, HU GRILL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. IEC +'LLENrl FOOD. GOOD SER\TIC Meals at All liourso FRANK GONG Proprietor it +: 4. 44 • 4+ • + ;,;1 ,+.;.1;,.; ;.♦4*44.;1,.+;..;.1;.':44":".:+;:":":i':":"..1"..'4":'4":4 4:4.;+1;..;.,;. 1 11 1111 II 11 1111 I III 1.41 ,1 . 1,11. Id. + .44011 It .I.I, 11.1. CEIL1-i` 7: e. r.S THE FIFTH WALL 01 - EVERY ROOM. The ceiling, which Is usually larger than any single wall, 51411111,1 1.e considered as a fifth wall. Thus planning the rleeot•nliuu for roots it Ira. Just as (mpu,rtont to sc- , lect a correct ceiling paper as IL i` to choose the proper wall dccorn Lion, Your preference may favour one of contrasting colour. I.on'1 he st,frald That a "Colour -Planned" room will extend your Budget, 'Pt realize this you .can readily do so Ily seeing my samples --over 500 to pick from, * 4 * F. O. CREST Phone 37-26, LOiJDESBORC . 4. 1 ,..1..41 .a ad,. I: J . 4.1A.141. .1. 4111 Y1 4 .4 L10.11.111,' SON•iN-LAW BACK FROM ITALY IN LONDON HOSPITAL Monday fro:e Press ca• ricd a lthrt \ I Mr, Holier' Newt -nib,: is a pptient in of l'Ie, and Alis. 11, F. Short, the latter Victoria Il ,;;r.l;tl, l,'mdo 1, \,stet•' lu being a daughter of \Irs, Benjamin is undergoing tri intent for an illr.c;s. 'I'aylcr, of I1lyth, the former Gcrtrn-le ' frie'ils here h• pe to sec his gcni 11 Timm y. face and perst,t'ality bask in our to ds' Pte. Shell Las just arrived Iraq: in a very ,hut'. time, from Overseas after five and a hal(1---V.-- years s:,r\•i c, 111's'ly in Italy. A y c 11 I PORT ALBERT AIR ECIIOOL ago he was W(ttnded, and since that I1:me has been for the most part, hon_ I CLOSES lined to hospital. I No, .11 R.:\.F ,\'r Nav'gal'nn ti]I•r\n' V at '.'ort Albert was closed Saturday ;if" ter four years tll,erItir'u. A small In Ill - unit of the RCAF, has t :ken Mr. S anlcy Sihtliorpe has taken the charge of the silvol, appoi inleut a>: Cnh Alaslcr of the I Hundred; 1.f ; ir,,.l n from ail t irk Myth Cub Pack group • of the Itil'r.'I I{nrure, Uni.el St. le, Since the dep•u'Inrc of Rev. P. TL and the Free )revs'' have rant Ick d Streeter, the Cub Pack have been courses at the s,'11'ol. \lae..e r.f t; , Iivilhnut a leader. and the gesture on men Cain; di, oily (rein the II the part of Nit. Sibtlinrpe, to assume Isles In spcci,liiz:• 111 toot flying triin- 11 the responsibili'y is greatly apprc:ial- ing, T' ` last part of the nr1;11 drat: ed. has :ir lily been transferred to other ---V 1 ' aricls, Squadron Leader 1)avev, of commanding the scli :ol, said dams the closing cerentu,'res he felt "a dnnble- edge regret" Flu leaving Port :Albert. APPOINTED CUB MATER INSPECTOR ViSITS SCHOOL inspectar J. 11. Kinkead visited the Myth Public School" on 'Tuesday, found everything in good order. :UI'I'll CIIEIGHITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. •...r1.ss1•la..• 4M.111.I.+r4,+.,ry 044.,+.rYl...1Cp1 . Fr's Bakery PI10NE BLYTIH, ONT. PIES, LAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY Everything Homemade 4.40•1111••••/11 01 ;un glad to by g .int; Incl: 1.4 I':ng- Lind, but we are leaving a lard t f plenty fur the !lai(1 of the le; lt,' he said. AUBURN VICTORY CLUB MEET The Auburn Victory CI!III suet 'n t':c :)rank 1l ill, tei 11 the pre,ilienl, \Irs. John t\rn,alul g, in the chair. Prayer was offered h, \Irs. Pert Craig. Letter; rf thanks were read from a number of sertj/.nlcn. \Irs. I•:"re l Patterson made ;01 ap,leal for knitted afghan: for Chris ie S:re.1 Ili:piial, Toronto, mid it was deeded to knit six-inch square': and bring 1'' ' ` to the next meeting \';he: they trill be put together. -a