The Blyth Standard, 1944-12-27, Page 1THE VOLUME 55 • NO. 19, LYTH STAN AR BLYTH ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1941. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.II0 in the l'.ti.:1. BLYTH CONTINUATION 'SCHOOL BOARD MEETING A HAPPY AND VICTORIOUS WESTIl'IEL1) DUTCH PEOPLE RI:SI'ECT AND SCHOOL REPORT Thy regular meeting of the Myth NEW YEAR, '1O ALL, :\ spl^'uli,l (.hri,(uvi t onrrl t w;l HONOUR CANADIAN SOI.DIL'RS School Board \yas held in the Scar 111111 in Ili \', 1 .1(11ld School I I„n t WI !ie ', ' I., I \I r . ! . , ! I I! Followl•tg i, the rcpt's. of the 1311.1. 1 In tit tIl' 1 1110 h1li 111 x01 it's :1d- I !1(. 1, •!1"11)1:1' are). 1, -, I.) I., I? - .,1 \\'t'dllt',rl;l 1' ll'elit11(,r, .i!t,mlt�ll t'it' chi• ,, 1' ,lli, 1 ,',I'' tart's !mote on December 11th, 1(111. 1101 1x1 A11 or t. I) 1'1;1'''111 L, ! '„ (:mIIL11lCl'.1,'t School ; ,1't'1'll,l'ri, l;llU', 1111, opportunity lu e\- I I , ,, , • ) , ,,I I l�,l; i,�i, 1101 ;,", ; II"1. sols and \Ve; th r cunliti n, were not GRADE iX, Trustees \I ill;, (:;utwright, Creighton (end to our r':Ider, and friends, he,'. I ":„II \\1.•It' II rJ,in,l•, 1'.1! I 1,'11 ! 1(11'(1 Armstrong pl'l'scllt, ;to one ,%-emld %viol', still every iill^ )' •I i \\ :I 1,, " ' Alice \IcKc,tzie, V2; Mildred ('111x- wishes for a Ihi11y told \'ict•,riou repaid for III effort of u111,int' 1110 111'1111 10''(11 u: i u:d t.' 1011.', !„Ili' I,r.' ter, Flp.B; Jean \\'llilficll, 8(,.5; Murray I'Ii Minutes of the last regular and \ew• Year, t11a1ihfl;l,1,,. !,', 1„ ;!, i': Ilii. r, two sperial meetings here approved (journey !u the little rid „'I,o'•1 11, u•'' t' ' 1101 !.yon, 79.3; \I;trjorc \\'art, 78.9; \lar- I• I' he turn ,f events 011 the \\•ester'l on the hill. The word, 0 i welc,, ,. 11• \I 1;' r h.;f ';u: i, l.'- ;e1 t, ,1!,:. !. as read 011 111mItUi1 of Trustees ("retell- ,ae(ulI ,,1111x,1 '!'c 1x11, 1, , 1%111 r.,' I,,1', it jorie lhrtierty, 77.0; line 11.0111, 76.9; Front has on the sobrriaA 1.'11"here given b;' Norman \\,ghtnl;ul, i ,? , ! .1111 and :\rlltstr»Ilg' I%1111111 11p all mf 111 that the w';ll' 1. far . , :Illuch (,1 t1'I• eil•In 11 t' toll,. h I"' l,': luw'c1 by a Clnt :tots, Tableau 1(t 1,1'11 ,1 I r' .11' from tvo'1, and that the Hun has still selerala Chrlshn;t. Carrels were ,111; I II"11;:11,!, nt!I I), ., Intl. '', plenty of punch left in (lint. Perhaps The st•cnr rlll'1t'inq' the Shc;,lt(r11 ., "Bear h, n'- In t It n ,'e 1, t.1.1 un there has been too much uplinlitnt \Vise Aleti, Man' and Je1;eph„an'1 .111' the 1•g11,,,r,1 ' 1 ;';,Ill.'. (1111,•!1 1 1! tl;'!;i , EAST `\':1«':1NOSII The P. I 1 •• ! , , . :1 LniS 1)00el t v, 74.8; John Pollard, 71,6; Olive (_rain, 70; Bernard Cum- mings, 67.:p: Delores AIt'Nall, (15,(1; Jack i%dthery, (11.3; harry Lear, (t2.1 ; Ed- ward \\'at,un, 61,9; Frances 1101131 tan, 6(1.0; 13,11 Let•)rett, 55.'1; Ross 'laskcr, 51.5. GRADE X. The (1)1110VIli g accounts lvcrc order- ed paid on motion of 'Trustees Arm- strong and Cat t1v'right •I, S. Chclle%%, chairs -. .. ....... ;,"25.'0 evident 'n ;(11 country; tit the :1111(1�', 11 1(11 111 (unl in11: ter( 10. (;lobe and \I;,'1 advertising 3,90 \langcr. hll.l,ltums 111x( given Iry � Nations, Stone ut the experts now 1111 Junius sdi tars; Dialogues, II i`!' I Al pre ,'111 1 ,.111 illrhar.'e ' 1 :, t ;, I.. 1lilborn, salary 1511, tele- have reached the conclusion that ther grants, $1,10, express 80c 51.')0 1 imosipher, 'Londe Iliraut's Cold, y're mot\ ( ;tooth ; P o whin 11 1 11(11' •• %vas with Germany may goo on indctin- 11'(11 given, ;its() still' drill ;1111 1111;,11111 I'1 .1 •l 1111, �1 in II ,111111 t„wit bel, 1!1 J. Cut1'att, attendance O11. sal. . 1_.f) 1 itch'. L'nlnnhtedl�' the present Ger- 1 lolland. There i, n i , i(lI1 to ,! " t.:,:: Irma \\'1111 90.4; Enid Brigham, C, '1', Dobby», account 1.51 1 Sailor's hurnl0ipc, and two dance, h) �a 111;111 ttitcIsly(. t1'ill have thl' tilt'(..,( the lllnt,)r p•Ipllh. :\ short Day, "\ „t'rt II„\,', ,u Nt' eei :I ire, x'011!• it"'., 78.3; Lois Brtn,"1, 72.7: Luis (;'ashy, A. R. I'askoi, stamps ....._......... (1,(11 thrnlvi 1 the :\111(1 time -table cunsid- g, I I 1' \1'ailin �ouut' w'1(, given by the (.1" ian ''alit.'" 111'1 ;m'' re;, I, ''111 (r7.(,; \n Ire.'; Kyle, 07.0; Margaret The Continuation School Inspector's and will xt lilt m , Ido ,that we 11.1 for then, "f ,'an' e. er,tlrly orf balance, arshall, 117.1 ; Gladys G"w•, 61,9, report %%;s read and on motion u! Young People u! the community. I no ! the lengtheniii t of the war 111• many 1 National .\Iltl,elli hrUltghl the pro '1;,111 \ l'`1er11.1\' 1 ,";l, 11 ''d 11 1111' -:tl"ext -. (- GRADE Xl. ')'rustee Cartwright and Creighton months, ,11.11 the resultant cost a 11 paid' was ordered tiled, to a close, ,)ants then made his ;Ip- : Ing an old lad • %eho had x'_"1. ,11,-1, 't, \lorritt, 08,8; Ferne Pollard, in the life blood of loyal Canadian, Ipcarancc, ion her :Ism. .\iter 1111' tit.. ;gid 1 11,1,1 loycc I;;'th, (d.7; Dorothy Ale- On motion of '1'rustccs Cartoiit ht anti other Allied soldiers, \II, and \I r:, George \\ hUn;ut 111'1 1x(11(1 It, her Ittt,l)atul aplie;lre4 ,lit? S; Harold I'hill'ps, 15; Don. and C'rcightut the application of Jlr's• It i' a rathe: disheartening note up- :\Ibertt acro guests 11 Almnla3' :1' tltc l'11111loc11 two 1';t:e wcrhl, ;,;c., r ;,1(d Myna 1loward as Teacher for the 111- ' 35.1. on %which to ;tart another New Year, !mine of Nit: \1'i,ghtnian', 1(l ,the proudly pointed otic the enel,-.'1 '"1- 1; •GRADE X11, lcnucdiales in the Puhlit' School at 1(,l but we tan all hap( and pray that cv- Mrs. Ca:ncrun of Kincatdill0 1ulna. 111x(1 Laughlin, 79.8; Arnold 1:a!- annual salary of istee 1X1 was accepted, ems in the mmiths t i come will take Mr, Sant Sweeney of Goa'an,tow:1 They could Pot :;,e;th any I loth 1, \loccd by fruit(( Cartwright, se- la" -- cater, 6ti; Paul \lataon, 02,7; 13111 cmndcd b;: Trustee Creighton and on a more favo'.wahle aspect, and that, spent Christmas with Air, and Mrs. land 1 (,111'1 la,r: to them in .11th la"- \lurray, 60.5• rind that Board secure 12 new .tesla car - if not before, surely by the end of next Charles Smith, Ignage, ;put I ethered that it w1(, 1(g V for Illtel'111o;lrIIiat coreroomalso brush year, the European conflict still be Several Christmas Carols \Vel'( 'I01 ;idtke,; prcv'aled 111 1)H' of firer. »1 at the Christmas Service oil Smithy. "lir of our C,tttadian !'nit, by the Town BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT broom anll Marl: board erasers. \' key, Snell gave a special ('hristnrli Council of a neigh)) oiriug 1„w t. \Ivet ing ad;unrned on motion of ' Ft: ll \wing is a report of the first Trustees Armstrong and Creighton, SHORT COURSES PLANNED 'message. The flowers which \ver,• '!'hese people think very highly of tells held in the Blyth 1'11!110 School:• placed in the cltwelt for the s' %ice ihcir freedom, and the 1x.1(1( speaks SENIOR ROOM -Leslie Milburn SeelyFOR JANUARY had been iahl(11 to Mr. and Airs. Leo11_ 'for itself as to their appreciation of the V This year a series of two day Short ;trd Cook from their son, Pte. I tissei► talc the Canadian, have played in Cartwright, Jean, 70,0; Johnston, Bill, '.),5; Johnston, Donald, 07.0; Kyle* Courses are bring held throughout the Cook, from England. ntakinz them tree once wore. WAR AUXILIARY MEETING Cpl, Alarga:•(t \\'ri tht of \lontyc tl \\'fishing 3'o.' all the Irc,t for 01!, Mary, 72..1; Phillips, Shirley, '10.0; County commencing the first week of 1 January. 'I'h,t subjects to be discus- sed are Soils end Management, which will include erosion, crop rota' i•+ns, re- forestation and many other points re- lative to the maintaining of our soils, liotructiuns will also be given of niaintatltelnee and lilt -Beeping of trac- tors and other implements ;1t•m1111'i t!ue hilt ;It` ' to '" "! 1 " 'll ,! „man ‘1:1‘, 0x11' Miss Alildrut! 'Thornton of I<i:C''cltt'l 11111(11 ncr 11 11.„ n:' 1 .' irn! Lu'm. There will be many helpfulLtOlcfuluc,, to yon, also and (,1,1( -011 - hints on Farm Alachinery, Oualifietl is spending this wreck at her line i in this wily. 'There is 0 wide space .nn r„Ili;nnnll1 IiitrlIogl,, 1%11" 11(11' III 59 ti'I I ! here. a 1(e I,'i. "ft' 1.111 111(1 1x- 1 eteri diseases a s will 111:1 re cattle and and a broad ocean between y,1( i• people I \1', ! r., it I(.1•.1nt t oto' ;1' 1; John, o'all; \\'hi:m ,rr, 1) II las, 82.7• ford, Airs, G. 1 lliott, Airs. 'Nutley, Iswiuc disi int 11'!1x! are fairly !u( \lr, and \Its. \\'m• (:oyi „r ret.ek.e•1 :1111 ours, and what did w'c tut.,,,' ,o 1 GRADE VII. \Ills 1lclnculs and \Its, Kerlone. :\�s'alenl thronghmut the 1,111111 and dis la lovely bouquet of flowers for Cnri`t''cach other bcfore this: Probably vial ll a. %.'1(r %%Mintole.-- 1„ ,":it'Wilk, \ngu;tin', Gerald, 83.7; 1fullcy,gaily-Iightcd Christmas 'free held a cussing control measures for the sante. Islas, which were wired from their son,' rl 1'' ,,;n 1'o,.,,;„1' to :III •011,11 ar- il never !0.11x( 'n your life even heard11 Lconard, Ir7.'); \Ic\all, Denali, 8')„i; novcly gift foe each girl present, and,Therc will also be discussion oil Per Robert, who ii ronn\\hcrr in 111Il.t:•I. the nantc of this town, 0i 1111, Ilniel In 1111, 1,i „t1(' •1x:1„n. 11111 tae know Materna, Lonna, 83.7; Philp, Joan, 11(11011 merriment was enjoyed as the,luanent Pasttoes, method of seeding) Al r. and AIN. John (;car of Kite;tri• 1:,111 I)u;r1 !,lace, in whose 1111'.! ,.,;11,,'t!!c tie. „i 1x10' I`in.,, lornn',I h511,',•en 66.3; Slorarh, Derck, 85.0; \\'atsutl0gitls were unwrapped. and Pasture Improvement, Advertise- er spent over the week -end with AIr u[ rime fellow -countrymen have 1(1'11 tt' i, id not 1 •ilk be broken and wt 'an(1 \Irl 1.. \leDutyrll and Airs. ;u( 1111' 1111,; v that ,,1(l ars •till (1000 :\t111C Jeanette, 711.8, 1'111' next regular meeting o f the Il1eIIlS 11'11! appear 111 the S 0111111 papers J' found eternal test. None 0l you hat.' 1.11,41. 11 (;1;11 lit' int' a1r (1111 oth,':• GRADE V. :\uxiliary will be held at Airs. 1.. \Vett- so be .ready for the one which is most Thomas Gear, any persn;l;Il interest in the low, 1111 laufcr's un January 3rd, convenient for you. There will be one Al Minnie Snell of 1lantillon spent hotfoot and t1(. moist and .Ian10 earth "1'1(11. :\llglls'III(., Lois, 51,7; Baird, 11 111(1(1, a few days wi.0 her sisters, Airs, 1. L, 1 '' \I„!+.,kw, i! i!?'' "II t, , „ill' he,l v course in t'aCll township. ref 1111 f;U'-;ll,':!; l'utlllll'1' Ill a .'111'11(1' »I 21 t Browne, Eleanor, 1!111• Ilon"" r MtDotyl'tl 111tH \II'S, 1'.h1'llt '1;11'1,:. \11,h. Following ,s a list of the places 1the European Continent, And Set you `, Air. \\Turret' Batlilortl, of Presto.., iS 1(:81111' here, ;lull You l'UIIIC for our `1111'. 1 �it!n,•'1 '01 lv (.11 I . it "'1 `et tl"il where the Colirscs will he held: \\'est \\'aw•an0;sh, Dungannon, Jana- spending the Christmas vaeatitm wit11 l• o( tour own free will. \1'e ;1(e 11x11 .l \0, 10. his parents, Air, .and Mrs. '1 h,'nlas •(--ii the weight and the 1'1!11 0i this I Ir. ,01,1 \!r . \. \\'11 .1 (1.'111 1 13alliford, lvmt'11 II',hll 1111 Ir l 111f„r 1, 1x1!.!1' I\•0111' sa0.ifice. You left 1»110 country ,'f 111, sale 1I'I''v;11 ilt ion) :on,. Mr. ani Mrs. ;\'ill:;101 \\';11(11 are thchind you and everything that w1(, 1 'I'hucll, Isabel, 85,5; \\'all;ice, Irma, 89,1, The losing side of the \\'ar Auxiliary entertained the winning side to a de GRADE VI, lightful Christmas party 01 the Red Cross rooms on 'December 19th 'Three Cartwright, 1)unald, 74.7; Hall, Alar- tables of cowl. \\'hist was enjoyed for gncrite, 03,7; 1lanifltmn, Loraine, F6 ; 0 couple of hours, with Airs, Galbraith 1lanlnl, George (1,); Jolns'on, 1)011%1 winning high score, and Mrs. E. '1'un- (1,„1; Kct'nicl:, Joan, 601,9; Kilpatrick, lin, Lowest, 1)(ughts, 82.8; \lot•ri;, Evelyn, ('7.6; In the soft glow of lighted candles, \lorritt, Alarc, 86,5; Ncthery, Ella, 1,11 prettily decorated' tables, a lovely 68,8; ' i• p, (iia t , . ,o; .•1 )I torpe, luncheon wa3 served by Mrs. Rad - spent a day last week at the !note -of Sincerely, \Ir. and Mrs. \V..\. Campbell, C. I), 1<ib,,;Itri1L." Mr. lavntonel ll'tlllttild was a The article toll.nls: Christmas vi.<itor at the home of \Ir. GENTLEMEN, and Airs, Pat U'Alallcy of Toronto. \\'c aro g;llhelc,l liere and have ;1••k- Aliss Shirley Radford spent a few ed tart the favi,ur• of yotn• I0'(4,cncr at days with her grandparent`',, \Ir. an I this meeting, !(esus: we think i; it Mrs. J. I i. S!lohhronk t i l notes! 1r r. point of slut, 10 givo evidence I nur 1, 1 u I1 u„ 1 1 . 1t 1 1; "1 11,, „ ;it'. 1' • ,,111 I' '1 1,. \V,c 1., �,., I ,' ,Ile , ;, r, 1 1', II 1 111 n, i-'!,; , :n• 111,:1 il,e1, \I.r. ,!:,• ti, 1 •1.1 11-1,1 .1,li 1,1 :, , I i I'11..i,,.,,,'l 1(14 111111, 11:10. 11 1 . ti1'ol:', 'i ;111;2:1;1:1.0.1 „1 1,„''. 110.,1 11,,1114, 114,1 i1i ,4'' 1,., 11.111 1 , 1, 1•':,11 111 l lit 111 111'•'1' \our I' 111. lir I',! \\•;I\ 11 r, ;111.1 'Int 1\'1.. I, ;1('4 1,1',',11'4 in their :le': 11„ t •, .. \111011-'1 „n 1;!."- 1;11 1.1, :'11„'0 til, i'.!i' 11 .1 111,1 !r, I 1'11,0 1I x. Ml's ll, NI, ! ,",1:,1( read i'' f ,111n1in_' ;1,111, .. 111, !,1'. • cum) ion f 1,3 '11:. 1„ 1 I l ,.r I.'1,'1l,, I;1'I 111'1 I'.Ittl11'. : \\ e, ur f1 1,! i r111r 111':'11!.'t's 1CIvl• i',lei 1 till• 1 1 1' 11 111 \.'"'' 1i, 11 !I„1110 ant lis , \'1'' 11 1 Iii!!' 100r meow,' 1l, 1,' II '. 1<l'llillth, (0:),9; Rodd, Ralph, 00,); 1<yle, Ja'•I:, 83,6; \lacl)onald, Carman, 70.7; sIrNall, Bernice, 61.1 ; Mc\all, Rhea, 61.7; Sibthorpe, (;tori t, 74.0; Slorach, David, 78.9; \'olden, Brock, 84.8; \Vallaee, Beverly, 62.1 ; \\'Ilit- ficld, Kiri, 8'1.3. *0 JUNIOR ROOM, GRADE IV. Rhea 1 95; Annie \lorritt, 95; Barbara Kilpatrick, ((3.5; Janis \lorritt, 93; Betts,' Al ac Donald, 88; Raymond Mattom 75; Howard 'fait, 73; hilly Barwick, 71 , Betty 'Tait, 68; 1)unglt= \Ir\all, oo; Donald Armstrong, 64. GRADE 111. Ruse \la^ie \\'hitfield, 80; Eieanor Desmarais, 75; Emma Materna, 73. GRADE IIA, DJlt•e Marie \\'ilst•n, 94.1 ; Irene !lull: y, ,)1; \V1 id 11 Grant, 91 ; Dennis \\'ar,uouth, 8 !'illy Fester, 78; Doris \lat:un, 74; 1lcrbie Dcr'anarais, 61, GRADE 11B. linunic Chalmers, 80; \lurray 1lautnn, 67; Jaci. '1'3'1(.111:11 66; Donnie Kelly, 65. GRADE 1. Marlene \\'ti;n, 05; Bobby Barwick, 93; (dcnvee i';I'utm p, 1'2; Yvonne Mc - Nall, 02; I.von Morrison, 90; Bobby Galbraith, 01); Alvin Armstrong, 89; Fred Il;unnl, 88; 11101 T'owe'l, 85; June Feseer, 82; Jimmy Taman, 81 ; Il rtl'te Jt•hmson, 79; Jimmy Cart- wright, '10; Jou AleNall, 63; Donna Jean Sibihorl;', 62; \tart Desmarais, J. A. Gray, Pritcip ti, Margaret E. Grieve, Asst. ATTEND DIAMOND WEDDING BLYTH UNITED CHURCH The program of Christmas music last Sunday was very much appreciated h,, good congregations. The choir sang Ithree fine anthems in the morning, and contributed six splendid numbers in the evening. The services for Decent - her 3Ist wi'l be, 1(1.15: Open Session of the Sunday School, 11,15: "Looking Forward to 19.45." 7 p.m,: Candle Light Service, con- ducted by the Young People's Union. •___-\7 F, -Sgt, Norman Sinclair of R.C.:\.F., \loncton, N.il„ spent a furlough (tiring the Christmas wreck at his home here. Mr, ;111•l Mrs. T. 1l. Sherrill, of Ham- ilton, spent Christmas with the tat• ter's parents, Rev. A. and Mrs. Sin - lair, art 3rd and 4th. East \\'awanosh, Blyth, J:'uta''\' 4t11 and Sth, \lorrs, Township hall, .lannt•'y Grey, Ethel, January 8111-0111. 'I'urnhcrry, \\'Ingham, Jan. 9th -111th. 1[mwicl:, Golric, Jan. 10t1-1Ith, Colborne, Carlow., Jan, 1111 -12th, Gudcrich, Clinton, Jan. 15:0-1610. 1lul''ctt, Lurticshoro, Jan. loth -17th. \Ici<ilIop, \\ r;,thrmp, Jan. 17th -18t1, 'l'urkcrstnith, Seaford', Jan, 18-19. 41s:wrnc, Eliulvalc, Jan. 22-23, Stephen, Crediton, Jan, 23.24, Hay, Zurich, Jan, 24-23. S spending this wreck at the hon!'_ rf (slot, t . o11, ,11!11 d11:Ith!er, bill, and is clear to you this(, Vont' relations their daughter, Airs, Reg. Icnniu;', and ! 0f I<ing•tou. I,enl 1'!r i tnr,l, w 1110 Ili, amt friends, t .c comfort 0i your home. Mr. Jenning, of Detroit. nl0ther. the peace and cider of your daily life. • - Miss Jean (:anipbell, of (; dt':ie!a :\1(d 11'!11 10:' Certain, not i 'r vo;,l mi.. 11;4 \i"`. I'. \I rt; ,plan 1(':4 spent the w•ccl:-cud 111th her parents, danolners. I,f I . x111`, Air. 1 14111.'4 NI. - would I personal plmli' and adv;ottane, It AIr, and Mrs \\', A. Campbell. (Iowan >pcut (In'1,tn11, with their ;,;1' ' - would have been much easier and much Mrs. R. Stonehouse cf Go.leri0h, i; more 0onfortalle to have stayed ;It tuts, visitingat the home of her sister, Mrs. • home, The 01113' reason why 3 on 111011, 1� n Bert Taylor, ;duel her brother, Al r. \V. ' this great sacs 111x( for a foreign prop!. (n 1 �i [ti:1(I'u Lf1 T III�IT� F, Campbell. on the other side of the world, can Coneralul.t'i ,g, t ,, Little !tonna A text happy New Year to all. have her.. the call mi humanity, ;11!11 \\';11111 n, Oho i, just h'nlr in'n1 111 Mr. and Mr;. Fred J. Co:'k and f:tnl- acting ;,1(d sympathy for your fellow- London 1lo,;,11.11, ;Ind who celebrated Stanley, \'111.1, tan, 2j-26, ily were guests on Christmas day' at man, w;r)In yo, 1,('r t?I birihd;.t this \\'1111(„la,', D"- V--� the home of Mr, and Mrs, Georgy t I:ner to he !purl in 1 the fetters of the German usurper :up, ccn lits 27111. Cook of Ilelgrit\'c. his tyranny, Now that you aro here , LONG HOLIDAY WEEKEND Mr. and Airs. Earl \\'ightman and 1 0101,Ii11111' 1, I,• \!r. and \Ir ______V- OBSERVED HERE. 1 and 1111( freed its, you stand for u• ;,> family ';pent Christmas day with \Ir. a stnlb',I of right and justice, c\1 .11111•. ,111 (•"•'s. ,'i \I 1,110ll, who leleh'',Ite! Places of business in the Village were and Airs. Ifenry \lathers of Ln•know.!w'ron,g* 114 injustice, the menace 0i the their Well 111;'ling ::ntircr`ary "n CAROL SINGERS BRING JOY closed throe snout Sunday, \londay and I'te. Harold Bosman of London, I " t' I cncn)• ;ruin 0'.Ir h»rizt,n. \\'r went ti.,,), • __1('i TO- SHUT-INS 'Tuesday, as business people and chi- 'spent Christmas with his parents, \I r. ?express our th;u,hfuln(>, for this der l' \* --- A grow) of carol singers, driven by zoos enjoyed the Christmas week -end, and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian. �o( humanity 1(t general, but e,1 limy g GONE 1'r) LUMBER CAMP Mr, Orton Stubbs, with his faithful i'id also observed Boxing Day, on 'Tues- :\non; the guests at the !mole of another reason for grateitilns" . of 1 clay. Mr. and Airs. Charles Smith on Christ- null n',! I e"sett 111'1 1101 i% ,,,,t; I"- horse, toured the village on Christmas , more s;'rrial rhararter with a 1 1'e, t„ l hit., wit re he ha, ,ern:' - I I,1 ('1 1 1 vi , l:ye, and sang carols to the sick and The wee!:.'1(d tool: on 0 rather tuts clay were \Ir, Bert Hubbard and the narrower reintion bet\,rell %on, shut-ins. After an hour od singing the sombre hue, as snow fell most of Fri- Sharon, \liss Minnie Smith of Gorst(, w'hn c1 cmt,!1 ,'n!cnt for the 1, inter month, t star here, ant u, ,c1( ,1( 0i tl i• ), t, I.1., .. 1111., Saturday, .,.,.1 :, was feared .,_ .. .. ., Airs. 0011. _,. Smith , family •, I i I (ti one 1(l the It,llhl'1' i;l 1111,,. choristers were invited to the home of Alt's. ,Jamie Sims, and Miss\felda Ale- . Elroy, where the hostesses, assisted by I\liss Elizabeth Al ills, served hot coffee and refs:';hments 10 about twenty. The group were glad to have in their party, Pte. Harold \\'ightinan, Sgt. Glenn Kechni' , LAC. Barrie McElroy, and John McElroy, of the R.C.N.\'.R. 'I'h;tnl:s and appreciation is extend- ed to the singers by those 'who en- joyed the carols. r- C.G.1.T. MEETING Two meetings have been held in 1)c- Mynthers of the local telephone .•.'ober. On the 6th the meeting was staff, and Ccntuiss! iters, attended the held at the home of the President, Diamond Wedding Anniversary of Mr. Fnid Brigham, when 2.3 were present. and Mrs. Johi1 Fingland, Londeshoro, Parcels were made ready for Mission this \\'idne;llay afternoon, Mr. Fing-stations. Lunch was served. land is 0 former Commissioner of the I On the 19th the nl•;'ting was held System. 'tilos' ittten,litlg were, \liss in the Church, with 26 present. After Josephine \\'codock, Mrs. S. Curling, tine business, gifts were distributed \icss•rs. F. Rogerstp, Jas. Phelan, A. from the Christimas Tree and lunch %Walsh, and L. Ililborn, served, that Mocked reads would put a damper of \fole;w'ortl!, \frs and Mrs. 1(arofd 1;presence and 1•ieilane protection. n. what ! A on 111111\' Christmas gatherings. !low'- i(.;trdiff ;old family, Mr. and Airs. \\'1(t,W. 1. CHRISTMAS CAKE ower' • and misfortune, 00111,1 not 11 n I ever by Suud:ly the highways were inISmith and family, \les, Joan ifender- ,0,,1111 over 0, coon the Germans: \\t•I WON BY MRS. H. HULLEY reasonably good shape, and while some son, \liss Margaret Smith, Mr, Janies are fully aw'arc, 0f the fact, that it i, The (11.1\1 for 1111' \\,Igen', Institutei, l'mple may have been kept at halt(' IIC(I;lllll of Brussels.I merely c,w'IIIQ to von, (011,,4 ,111 sol ( 1111`tt,C1, 1 :1!,t• 10. I1,11 1,11 Si',ltrdav, we believe the Christmas spirit Prevail- \!r. awl Mr; R .B. Nunn of Guelph, ,hers, th;.l 1r1, can lits here now it 1 ie1'nil+t'r 2.01 11111( llianne Rail- ed, and everyone enjoyed the week -end spent Christmas \\'Illi the tatters I i,r'aoe ;111.1 sdt'II:' tv, in suit,: , 1 Ile Ili al'- 11'1,1 li': !c' I!i: 4'.111 • 51 hi'h 1110 55'01 l'1' holiday. mother, Mrs. Clark', ;:t the ha11C 6( (ucss of tlto.e, leho went t0 1L, It. \Ir . Il,1(yx} 111111',,'. -,....1.-- r Mr. 1f, Lindsay. woo i and !(loss this di't so il! many ---�'- - - $ULL�:TT \Ir. and Mts. Elwin Taylor and fam- 111',,,.5. \\'e 011 11,0 fully ;il' Ire deli 1 1.111'11; -Mrs, Selena Riley held a Christmas ily spent Christmas with the former's our security at ow tnotnent d,./„.„,is I11•:\K 1\S ---.\t Go,l, ii(.0 111',pit;1!, of celebration at her Italie on Saturday, mother, Mrs, P. Taylor, of lilvt11• inn your readiness 1, ta,rifit'iit:, 11 lie- `),,11111' ;1,, 11,,' tti!ie1' 23rd, 1'114, t,, when she enrcrt;tined Zer family anti\'-~ +1:(x,;11 y, the dearest thing man po„rss 11x. .x111 \!r,. 1111111 Ltd. 1'. ;l her 1110113' grand -children. is 011 cart!): vonI life. 'I'llose of your 1,1101111 r. EAST WAWANOSH SHORT Mr, and Mrs, \\'ot. Carter, Air. and comrade;, who are buried here, have Mrs. George Carter, Mrs, \\'atson COURSES TO BE HELD iN BLYTH given pr u,f of that readiness. \\ r :1;111 1Reid, and L. -Cpl. Glen Carter (0 Chat- The i•:t.t \\'aw•atio,h Sh'rt 1'vn•se 'never be able felly (Hood, t0 exju'e).s ni;t' give their ,oil. eternal -peace, And 1 hail, spent Christmas with Mr. and \1.01011 is being held on January 4 0 and our sincere and deepfllt respect and a, ;In e\„res,i,n of min' fccliii1. which 1\lrs, I). R. McKenzie, of Lucknor. 51110 hili he 1.111 the Myth Akin- ticull;fuhtess for these heroes. because word, arc 1111110' to 10!x1:•( ;tde'tuatele. \' (trial 11111. it i) not in Ihr poled' of 0 man t 'son! we ,1x,11 inU ih, r it "rs 'n the gra, • BIRTHS Everyone 10 the community is invited. pin,ate for the loss of life. \\•e cat us of the.:' heroes, who 1n the sacrifice CART \\'RIGI1'1'-In Clinton Public to take advantage of this opportunity oily (him; and hor'ur the ,lead in you, of their live, for our sake have come flospit:ll, 0;1 Wednesday, 1)eccnlhcr to attend this two-day (:onrsc of In- 1''' hying, .\s for theta, w'e ,hall see to 1111,'0( ''' 01'111 to together 27t11, to Mr, and Mrs. E. 1. Cart- struction, \lhirh sh•'nld prove both,.,' it, that thi1r graves ;1(0 worthily 1tit„ucl! hill ,tic 1'011,1. of dhoti; Wright, a daughter, Eva Jettrcd, enjoyable and hcipful, `ke.lt aid 11e shall pray God, that lie \In t;o11 ro't t'. ,'it n 1 ■ i LEADS U. S. FORCES IN FAR IIORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Pictured U. S. Army man, I -� Lieut. Gen. D EMAIL Douglas A. L I AIR FOR TRI TIE 8 He was once E M- T RA C E 8'EIA T E N the youngest R SWI 1 N E NIIII E IM 0 L o_ chief of — J T;H I IC Ft IIP R j0 1_ in the U. S. C H1A S1 -IF LiE W 0 Army. H UiR T CL E,AiN 12 Ocean I tip '''-CHEAT .. (abbr.). MP F R I ES B 13 Peels. 14 River (Sp.). 15 Each (abbr.). 16 Strain. 32 Age. 51 French 18 Male. 34 Grated. article. 19 Snaky fish. 35 Related by 52 Nostrils. 20 Far East. blood. 53 Rescued, 21 Japanese 38 Land VERTICAL coin, measure, 1 Engines, 22 Sodium 39 Hurl. 2 Genus of chloride, 42 Low tides, maples. 23 Greek letter. 45 Tree, 3 Church part, 24 Erbium 46 Italian river. 4 He command - (symbol), 47 Strip of ed the famous 25 Type of leather. -- Division jacket. 48 Exists. in the World 28 Fragrant oils. 49 Chart. War (pL). ' 31 Female sheep, 50 Article. 5 Run, EAST 6 Domestic 7 Pronoun, F L_PY+ T 8 Err, L ANT S AE 9 Toward, FLUKE S AIR C 10 Touch. T F N T H 11 Hesitate, 14 Hastened. 17 African rivet'. 18 Edible flesh, 19 :Auricles, PIGEON c 21 Endure. 22 Caravansary, C 26 Drops of eye fluid. 27 Cluster of fibers. 29 Beverage, 30 He was born P TorA M SikMA'E PR�OBE;'PREN 1 fowl in ---, 33 Secure, 34 Hasty. 36 At. 37 Spoke imperfectly. 40 Bones, 41 Leap, 43 Volcano in Sicily. 44 Wan. 46 Dance step, 49 Pronoun. CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "If you was the huntin' dog you're supposed t'be, you'd take a whiff of that wrappin' paper and point to where the Christmas presents are hid!" HOLD EVERYTHING .'4.11 .Ont. 1014 RV NIA SIAM( ..4C 1 IA Af0 V, 1. PAT. Oft. "tic didn't pass, so he told his folks he's frozen in the third grade!" THE SPORTING THING {HOBBY SOUAD) { !'. iv) Ali.! "00h1 The;.'re beautiful! You must haY•e . green thumb!" MOPSY by GLADYS PARKER MY GoODNESSJ DANT THE REST OF YOU W.A.A.C.'S RUN THIS CAMP FOR ONE DAY WITHOUT ME 9 6i-A0/s ?ARK — FUNNY BUSINESS Oc/ COPR. 1940 SY ND SERVICE, INC. "You're sure you haven't Christmas and April Fool's Day mixed?" MUTT AND JEFF - A YEAR AGo You l NIRED ME To WORK FoR You AT TWELVEBUCKS A WEEK AND You HAVEN'T PAID ME A CENT! LOOI!THERE ARE 365 DAYS IN THE YEAR! EIGHT HOURS EACH DAY YoU SLEEP! THAT AMOUNTS To 121 DAYS LEAVING 244 DAYS -- Anyway Jeff Won't —EIGHT HOURS of EVERYDAY YoU HAVE To YOURSELF THAT LEAVES 123 DAYS! Have THIS CURIOUS WORLD POPULATION 0F THE ga4aac, L -g& 4G;1 IN 7,00Q B.G. I5 EsT1MATED AT ABour SEVEN MILL/ON PERSONS. APPROXIMATELY THAT OF NEW YORkk C/lY TODAY WAR WHAT YEAR WAS THE: FIRST' " FLYING FORTRESS" AIRPLANE; BUILT p LIFE'S LIKE THAT KA -14 61416: By William Ferguson COPA. 1941 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. 1, M. REG, U, B. I'AT. OPT. teie6usee a SPRUCE GUM, THE RESINOUS PITCH THAT EXUDES FROM THE BALSAM FIR, WAS MUCH USED AS CHEW/NC, GUM BEFORE THE DAYS OP THE. COMMERCIAL PRODUCT By Fred Neher ,/��� //A. /6.4 I y It'ernie. Sli- 4. "2 III.hMi lT fl,d N.•. MIY,1v.. "NOW, are you convinced it's time to put up the storm windows?" To Worry About His Income Tax you DON'T WORK SATURDAYS OR SUNDAYS - THATS 104 MORE DAYS OFF LEAVING ONLY FOUR Ms- . J -YOU GET TWO WEEKS VACATION AND WITH CHRISTMAS MD ALL -ME HOLIDAYS OFF• -WW 51-toQLD t PAY You! YoU OWE ME MONEY, By BUD FISHER ? I GIVE You AN HouR FoR LUNCH EVERY DAY THAT's FIFTEEN D •YS MORE LEAVING //LsA 1O8 DAYS-- j�( GuEss MUT7u RIGHT �t 1 '(I7 POP—Let's Get Down to Business WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE, 511? 9 CAVIARE, LOBSTER - MAYONNAISE, PILLET STEAK, /4- -MUSHROOMS' AtJD CARAMEL CUSTARD, REG'LAR FELLERS—Help ANNUAL CIWSTMA3 DRIVE .50 MAKE COMTR:wDITI7CA50::ES;;'/ fiERE ?111y '4LLCASESR 1NVES77G4TED • AN' NOT ONE'', THAT, BUT THIS POOR MAN HAS NO MONEY! HE'S GONNA GET CHUCKED OUT INTO THE STREET AN' EVERY- THING HE OWNS TOOK AWAY FROM NIM! yes,rip! I NOW WHAT WILL YOU HAVE 9 Ui�l4aleil'hi Th+ Ih•11 i E I NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A DREADFUL STATE OF AFFAIRS! I'LL GO WITH YOU AND SEE IF THE POOR MAN WANTS US TO HELP `HIM OUT! r J By J. MILLAR WATT 11' By GENE BYRNES f OGS QQ 1-g? 501 NEEDIEST CASES EDITOR 12-6 -4 f A PICTURE GALLERY OF WEEKLY NEWS Germans `Know' England In Ruins Some of the prisoners even firm- ly imagine they are in America or Canada, says a bulletin of the BBC. They refuse to believe that they are really in England because they know quite well from what Dr, Goebbels has told them that "all England is In ruins and the people are starving!" Otte of the prisoners did know he was Itt England — but he demanded to be sent to what he 'called the German lines; he was under the iutpressiott that part of England was in Ger- man occupation, He really wail. now can you expect to get the real truth into the heads of teen who have been brought up exclusively on lies' It certainly is a problem. `BANANA GIRL' Six-year-old Lucille Tielsch, above, hail boen Pittsburgh's "banana girl" for the last four years, bo cause she must eat from elx to 10 pounds of the fruit daily, Those are doctors orders if Lucille, victim of rare coeliac disease, is to stay alive. She can't digest fats, starches, or most sugars, but hard. to -get bananas keep her weight normal, don't upset her digestion. 'Dogs Need Care In Wet Weather \Vet weather is hard on dogs. They are subject to most of the troubles that bother human beings It such a time, say, The Victoria Colonist. They take cold easily, get all the aches and paint that Vleit their owners in the same cir- cutnstances, and should never be left to lie around itt a wet and bed - haggled condition. It k simple kindness to dry off a wet anitnal, having both time and the mean; to do that. ;lforcover such care will avert the day when rheumatism And more serious aches may affect the ageing animal, But humanity is queer. It scolds a dog for bring - ng wet feet info the house, and then proceeds to mop the floor. 1tOpping the dog would cure both evils at the one stroke. Learn To Laugh And Enjoy Life Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. When you laugh, you free your brain and re- lease nerve tension, Laugh heartily In order to exercise unused muscles, Laughter gives buoyancy to your spirit. It is a soul tonic. Learn to be cheerful. Tell a helpful story. A well -told story is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sickroom. It smooths the way. Learn to keep your trouble,. to yourself. The world is too busy to linger over your ills and sorrows, Don't burden others with your complaints. If you cannot see any good in the world, keep the had to yourself. Allies Deflate Nazi Policemen Signs that the Allies have learned somethnig about effective ways of deflating the German milit:u•i.tic Mentality already are visible In the towns they have captured. German police assigned by the Allies to control the civil popu- lation in these towns are not al- lowed to strut around in tine smart uniforms and shiny helmets that Always have marked the German °polizei" forces as a ruthless semi - military organization. The German Srhnpos exercise their occupational functions in civ''' rt cloth s, with merely an erur!.a• d to it .::rte their authority, BETTER THAN REINDEER SLEIGH through a typical village near Nijntegen as part of Christmas cele- bration, Some of the children for whom the party was given rid* Santa Claus and his two black -faced attendants in costume ride along on the Bren carrier loaned by Canadian troops there. Canada To Send More Eggs To U. K. j, A, Peacock and Eric Suther- land, British Ministry of Food &motors, said In Lfonts•eal re. Gently that owing to the aurplus of eggs ready for shipment from Canada, Britain's rations of egg; lit tthe shell were likely to Increase, British rations for the past two years provido for 29 eggs in ;hell annually per person. What Do You Know About Mice? -- You can't truthfully say that d shouse it dirty for no animal doe: a more thorough job of washing its hands attd face and cleaning its her, writes John I1. Spicer in Our Dumb Animals, A tuottie can climb a string very easily. For this reaott our should be careful about picking a live mouse tip by the tail, Ile ts111 twist around, climb his own slen- der tail and then bite your finger. The wild deer mice are as thrifty as squirrels, Their nests sometimes contain as much as two quarts at shelled beechnuts stored up foe winter use. The meadow mouse is not the least bit afraid of water and Is quite an expert swimmer. atice are popular pets with a good many people, Not only white tnice, but blue, black, brown and tortoise shell ones, The fanciers haven't bean able to breed brick red ones yet, but they hope W some day. Dandelion Tires The B. F. Good' iclt Company of New fork and the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of .\krou, Ohio, have announced that they are producing tires from the later secured from the Rus,iau dandelion -- kok-cagy,. These tires appear to equal 1levea tree rubber tire; in quality. The supply of tires mule from the ,o -called dandelion is limited in quantity, but it is anticipated that a larger supply tc i!I he available tirxt sea• soft. SUPPLIES DROPPING IN BURMA clear arc- sects :i.ev.s food ani sup,..:s bz:to dropped to the rai:road corr'dor which runs bc,v,.:ert bIyit:.y:;i t a -d Katha in northern Burma, which had been in Jap hands 1.ss than two hours before picture was taken, Note the water -filled sheliholes. CAMERA'S EVIDENCE OF NAZI DEATH CAMP Near Natzviller, France, another German "horror camp" is reported to have been discovered. There French say, 4000 men, slave labor for the Nazis, were forced to repair airplane engines until their woefulness ended, then were gassed to death, cremated and their ashes sent to relatives, Photos above show, left to right, generator used to fill execution chamber with deadly fumes; FFI men inspecting crematory furnace; and another FFI fighter examining urns used for victims' ashes, Photo below Is exterior view of gas chamber and crematory, PRAY FOR COMRADES KILLED IN GREEK CIVIL STRIFE 11.- _ 1 i.t 1,::,,.;r as a bawl plays the cod -..._....o re,.:..,..u.•;.,y nia:.;at, during an i L.,,, d.:11:. . .i is tre•tt of the Rcyal Palace, where comrades were k fled in battle with Brit'elt. Bay :.r It 1 ov,r their heals was said to be painted in blood of the dead. WATCH YOUR STEP, BOSSIE 1.be mill: our boys above are pouring into their canteens; and that heavily-arr.cd so:. seated at Ie't, could be tltinkirg of a tasty sirlion steak—all of which could happen when a cow ....•; .r; into their mi',t, as d'd tar one above just as the 95th Division of the 3rd Army was �.t a:.; cz. t t... a .,a...,,.,._. , :sees. .P. LINED UP FOR HOME These lads, lined up at the leave depot in Italy, are scheduled for a 30 -day Christmas leave to Canada. They have been overseas since 1939. They are from front to rear: Pte. J. F. Savoie, Ottawa, Pte. D. G. Peddle, Toronto, S/Sgt. Major G. L, Mahar, Kentville, N, S., Fus. R, Cote, Biggar, ' Sask., Pte. Alan McGue, Wingham, Ont,, Sgt, R, G. Martin, Ft, McMurray, Alta,, Tpr, T, A, Boston, St. Catherines, Ont., Fus. G. A. Biggar, Niagara Falls, Ont., Tpr. E. J. Wolfe, Doon, Ont. BSM W. T. Chilton„ Guelph, Ont., and CQMS T. S. Vick, Saskatoon, Sask. MEDICS LEAD THE WAY A medical corpsman holds the Red Cross flag aloft as he rides a jogging jeep loaded with wounded Allied soldiers being brought out of the fighting lines on the Duren sector of the Cologne front in Germany. KEEPING IN PRACTICE OVERSEAS Hey, girls, don't worry—our boys 'overseas are keeping their one - arm driving ability ship-shape, as indicated by the paratrooper, above, holding hands with his "date" as they pedal their bikes along a path in Nijmegen, Holland. FRONT LINE GUN CREW . . PACIFIC LEADER Strengthening its naval power in the Far East to lend a hand to U. S. Fleets operating against the Japs, Great Britain has named Adml. Sir. Bruce A, Fraser, above, as commander-in-chief of new British Pacific Fleet. ARMY BOXING WINNER Signalman Isaac Thomas, Pictou Landing, N. S., a full blood Can- adian Indian won the featherweight title in the British 8th Army boxing finals held recently in Italy, Thomas is a member of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, attached to the 5th Canadian Armoured Division. ITALY ' C . .iian machine gun crew in action near Ricioni in Italy. Behind this Vickers gun arc Cpl. R. Hill, Richmond, Ont., and Pte. A. D. Hiebert, Winnipeg. BASES BUILT FOR FLYING FORTS PRESAGE ARCTIC FLIGHT ERA Vapor trails of Flying Fortresses arc familiar sights over targets in Europe today. Arctic bases from which they crossed the Atlantic will be used by passenger planes en route to overseas capitals. By PETER EDSON the snow and froze leaving the Go half way up the Labrador field covered with uwrc than four coast off Northeast Canada, then It feet of snun ire, couple of hundred !titles inland on .'it suuu as the precipitation let the Hamilton and t,Uusl' rivers, out tlP IIC'el of sltU\y-plUl\', ?Ilu\P of the fogs and gales of the coast, shovels, scrapers bulldozers, drags, and you'll find one of the most nu: scoops and other nlech;liz(''I portant stopping llulllts oil Illi' :lir snow rClcleall ile' rallli \vcut to ferry line for c'nubat afrir:nt suing tyurk to clear lite rnnxa)s, 1\itll• 10 Europe. I1) linin, liuusc 11;1- III';lin in (:"til nu1e, it has bccn antler operation. kite wraps of aud)' ita'secrecy. nut 'Elie fact that a major air the part it has played 111 gelling 20U11hlllany; lte of lada)I,u1110g (Illurbecaptlllnit the big hulllbe1•S and Ile commit ehip, to Europe can't be ignored, back in operation after this churl of tinlc shotys hon• and it it may be on the pu,t-War Plepertucdly the :\relic 1\'i iter had been aviation In;lp for keep, even if it licked as a flying ha ,u'd. Planes is surrounded by hundreds of utiles can fly in bright sunlight slit' \e of sccund growth timber and 1, no place near a railroad, the \yiulcu o\'cry.lst, even ;1bo1'c 'Elie Canadians and British tale storms, without ton much pioneered the Bel)! with nue diificull•y. Theycan even II) through storms • on instruments. gravel runway, over three )cars But \\hat tic; planes down are ago, \\'hen the Limed Status got doral, uu lilt rutin' into the tt'. the .\cul) ;\:r burets ground. Even farther south, lJ. S. airports are enlarged it, put in big concrc:tc from time to time closed down rtln\yays and parking strips fur for periods of even lunger than hundreds of planes, hangars and 2 hutll's by fog or blize,ard or shin's and a complete base. '1 he ircczing conditions C.+radians o\\'n rite field, under BETTER BETS lease 110111 .\clvfuuudlatd, but it is jointly operated for the dura- Goose Bay and similarly local- , by Royal Canadian ;did l'. 5 cd far -north air bases with clear Aral) Air liura�, dl'y \\ 'carbo bct\t'ccu the storms are frequently better flying bels, WEATHER IS LICKED with more good flyng weather When newspaper correspond- than bases in milder climates. cots inspecting North ;\ata 1tic Sometimes they don't even bother Back ill 1tl;!s he proposed that the hest tvay to get from middle of the United States to 1':mope 11;1; to fly acro,; the Arc- tic. Everybody sad he \vas crazy then because tvery'ldv knew that I':uropc t) as east of the Lintel! States ;mil to II)• north t1:1. It waste of link. fish knew better. He says he knew better because 415 a boy in school his geography teacher bad Alll.ly; used a globe, never a mirr.ltor's projection which made the earth loot; flat. 1AISE CHICKENS, PIGS Colonel Hassell isn't predict- ing what the !afore of Arctic fly- ing \lilt he, but he docs in'lic.11e that it is just beginning, Ile is, incidentally, Pi'. 01!;I g in it cutll,le of other line% Bay—raising pigs ;old chick( its 111 lis tar northern climate \\ ilerte talc 11114 ,iniulals 10 survitc ate fur bearing, Last year lie hall some I':y111U11111 Rock 111)4' (lochs flunn in, and hall a dozen bred sows, The pigs are fed on the l louse fly sur h,l: c gal fast, They have a Pur': brctl ho;u' We'n't and are try;ng to develop a strain that tr ill :laud .\ retie 1\ inters, The chickens, kept hill„ ,r, in winter and fed vitamins, have proved to he 1-',i»,‘1 f:,r \\sly lite l.all.utian bases et the air "Transport Cunt- to remove the snob at these soul)' li - an agricultural expel]. Maud arrived at Guu,e. Bay, northern bases. They merely roll ;tent sLlt.on gi)ctiloora. llhicll is they 101111(( big \vide concrete mill- the snow, packllg it into ice, awl �'''t'ri(I11:( ' II dl'y ;slid 1 Illill'e nays more than a nide long, land on the solid crust, tomatoes, celery, lettuce and the l flanked by ;IICl11 d1'tls four to six All !1115 l)c'1'I el•llull� til :11 elIC o11g gl'ull ills; :e;l„�II \t�'^L'�'i'7i feu! deep. A few days before flying weather is beautiful vin- which 1,ul1 of iluarll) bd. there hall been many hauls of dicalun fur the theoric; ad- outdoors that far north, continuous snowfall which hall vanccd yen's ago by Lt. Col, 11. 1f methods of food t;ro\Ping 1,111 put the drifts 01) to the caves of R. J. "Fish" Hassell, Today as lie 1\' I ked out to nl;akr thc,c i;lr- the one-story barracks. Goose culIIII aI fling officer at Goose Bay, north bases sell su l;ul in : ;1, to was closed down tight tvliile the Ile is utercly seeing hi; early 'null snpplil'; :mother pr l,lcnl of euuw icll and not a plane flew in dreams realized and getting a tut ascitic !;)lug «Ill Inly( bccn or out. Then rain fell on top of of satisfactoin out of it, hrkcd. FUTURE CITIZENS LEARN ABOUT CANADA c.::e is taken of the comfort, health and welfare of British wives who have married L" - (Lan service personnel overseas and are in London; a Canadian Wives' Bureau has been established, so that the future cit:zcns of Canada may have a place in which to meet arid get acquainted and be inter- viewed by Service authorities before their trip to, their new Lomes. In the top picture Lt. -Col D. A. Clarke, 0.P.E., directcr of the bureau interviews the wife of a Canadian soldier. She is Mrs. E. Jack,:cn, wi e cf Pte. E. Jackson, R.C.A,S.C., with their son John. They will make their home in Tex. li. I' ;.v is sliov.a the ir.t)licr of the spacious lounge at the Bureau, with wives reading literature aL•cut C.. .. .I. A SPOT OF Tt.,A IN HOLLAND Using an old steel helmet for a tea kettle, this trio of Canadian soldiers in Ifolland brew them- selves a spot of Salada just back of the front line. They are left to right: Pte, Roy Saunders, 11 Nanaimo, B,C., Pte. Don Angus, Penticton, B,C., and Pte. Harold Bailey, Grand Forks, B,C., .., ,.�y. ,>': ';'''611•.1 1 r ,c� J.,'s•y�,-�t.i ,` •� �f: C f� .t • �.,3. , s. f,; ..fir• ra: e"'. � 1ri#s,�5 � t.' , ''�', ori...{.' . *1. VOICE OF TIIE PRESS COMPLACENT BOSSY Continuing shortages of butter arc forcing a further cut In the ration of this commodity. Al.! patently no one has yet been able to learn enough caw language to inform) Bossy that there's a tsar on, •x --\\'iiidsnr Star A6 THEY WOULD Dlayhe the simplest way would be just to give Germany and Japan the sort of peace we feel pretty ,toe they'd have given us. —London Free Press n -- LOOSE TALK "A hull is a bull," the Sea forth Expositor says, "and no more to be trusted than n German." 1 t's that kind of loose talk that makes 1!d hulls wilder. --Ottawa Citizen All WE CAN DO '1 here are so many conflicting repotts about Hitler that about all one year do is hope for the worst. --Kitchener Record Sample Plywood Home Sent To U. K. A sample 13ritish Columbia pre- fabricated plywood house now is on shipboard bound for the ted Kingdom, where it will be in- spected to see if it is suitable for Britain's post - war building pro- gram, it was announced recently by 11 on, E. C. Carson, Minister of Trade and Industry, B,C, construction industry some months ago said it could supply 100,000 of these homes to Britain. The house is composed of a liv- ing roost, kitchen, two bedroom!, and bathroom. ALLIES RIDE LVT IN GERMANY :Lids of newly-iiucrated Saarlautern, Germany, get a good ock at one of the Allies' most versatile war machines—an LVT (landing vehicle track) as it rumbles up the street, LV'T's are duplicating their Pacific success in Europe, Allies Plan To Ban Nazi Secret Arms Prime Minister Winston Chur- chill informed the Ilouse of Com- mons recently that the Allies were making plans to see that Germany could not carry out secret experi- ments to develop long-range weapons, "\\'c have a lot of regular people on the job and so have our Ameri- can and Allied friends," he said, "KEEP YOUR CHIN UP, SONNY ) This Canadian soldier, Pte. J. S. P. Bowel), 13irch River, Man,, one of the first Canadians to wade ashore in the assault upon Sicily on July 10, 1943 and now granted a 30 -day Christmas leave to Canada bids farewell to his little Ital:an friend in a vi!lzge not far behind the front lines in Italy. Don't Scortch Earth Allies Warn Nazis Gen, Dwight 1-). Eisenhower bluntly informed the German people recently that they "cannot count upon food, fuel, or clothing front the military government," and must rely upon their own re- sources. The "scorched -earth policy" of the retreating Nazi Army will serve only to multiply the suffering and hardships of the German people, he said in a proclamation read over Allied transmitters in Europe and reported by the Office of \\'ar 1 formation, "The Allied armed forces will import the bull( of their require- ments," the proclamation said, "If they should be in a position to give help to the population of Europe, this help will primarily go to the population of the Countries which have been ravaged and plundered by the German armies. "'['he German people will have to rely on its own resources. It is of highest• importance that these resources should not he destroyed by the Nazis' seorched -earth policy. Pigeon Parachutist Has Perfect Score Seventeen thnl0 )ild pigeons have been parachuted into enemy - occupied territory, "h1'ineing back valuable infurutatiot. from behind the enemy Tines (1n many occasions when the use of wireless was int - possible," the British Radio re- ported, According to the l,riti-!1 .\rnty'. Director of Signals, "Of the thou- sands of birds dl upped jet.) France, Belgium, Ifolland, and Denmark, about 1,70(1 broil is back It corsages from the Resistance, "One bird, Roberta, survived three years' operational deity with- out staking one mistake. :\mother, William of Orange, was with the .\ Hied troop. at Arnhem and flew the 201) miles 1,.1(•1, to London 111 the record lime of four hours and 25 minutes." Perfect Car Built For Soviet Official itriti•,h wet„r engi:nt r-, ' ,sora to ''Ir( s and tyotlail._ n'hind closed t1,, 'r., have pal, I,: I the pert( et tar for the use . a high Goyctninent nfiilial in \1 , r,,;'., re- ports the Daily \f ail n.ot l i' t: cor- re',pondrn(. It i' ii v o(1 its waV to Russia, and the 'lit'! I fleaosts 11a11' been locked ao,ay and the e.t.a winds for the luxurious burly w,,d; have been desln,yed. The newspaper learned, lora ever, that the car has ttvo compartments and that every- thing imaginable has been pro- vided for the comfort of six pass- engers. }loth conlpa-tnIents are healed, and there is :111 air-condi- tioning system which supplies warns air at an even temperature. The car's value has been put at approximately $20,000. EXPLAINED AT LASTI Wonttn do not really talk "more” than men, it is simply that they love repetition. --London 1' ree Pres, AGENTS WVAN'I'EI) IN ULD ESTABLISHED CHICK hatchery wants agents In cer- tain localities In Canada to take orders for chicks In your spare time. The commission Is good and the chicks are well and fav- , curably known. Write for full detalis flux N9. 182, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. IIA11Y CRICKS 100 CHICKS FREE \VI'1'II I;VI' ltl' toe PU1.• n cks we give 100 f: ee clicks let chicks, n ti (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred (tock pul- lets $19 95 per 1110, \1'hit e heels Pullets $24,115 per 101'. Brown leg - horn Pullets 524.95 per 100. All chicks sold bat'krd by high egg pedigreed stook. $1,00 hooka your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 1110';' 115.e delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. 01tI)EIt SI'IIING ('HIIcICS NOW. whether you 1)11(0 delivery Ivu•ly 111 the 111'))' year (1r later on It's desirable to order welt in advance 00 get what you 1v utt in breed, quantity :1111 delivery )late. If you run take '1 (0 of tit. ors you'll likely what .1alms:ry- February chicks. 11(11 whatever you want and when, we urge that you take a101`11 ti1g order well 111 ndv:utce. Bray llatehl ry, 1314 John St, N„ 'Hamilton, Ont, BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EVERY BREEDER (l0Vi':i:N51ENT haunted and Mood -tested. Avoid disappointment by ordering your chicks coyly, .Write for 19.15 prices, 11101 catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising ,bettet poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS 510.)11chu,, 1)1) t. BA RED 110l'1'S, N1•:\\' 1IAMP- 81111•e, \\'bite Leghorn 1,11(1 11y - brill pull,•\., for Immo 1iate deliv- ery. Also booking order., for day old chick::. Top Notch 1'hielcerles, rhtelph, tintario. ¢1.00 11110K5 l'ot'h 1)11DER ORDER VOUIt 19.15 CHICKS NO\V, and not ho disappointed. All chicks (11e from gu:uatit ee, test- ed stork, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. 1t:u•red Rocks mixed $12,00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 101• Burred Rock Pullets 819.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $$22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100, tvhito hock Pullets $21.00 per 100, Brown leg horns )mixed $13.00 per 1(10. Drown leg - horn pullets $24.00 pe) 100. Wo guarantee 100';1, live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City ILttchery, Chatha)). Ontario. LAYING ANI) READY TO LAY pullets for intrnediate delivery. Barred Ruck, Write Leghorn, New Hampshire, Hybrids. Also booking orders now fur day old chicks. 'Tsscddic Chick Hatcheries Ltd., Fergus, Ontario. E(i(Pi AND 5111AT AR11 TI11. TWO cash sources of poultry income, get our calendar and pricellst and learn why our high egg rec- ord, large bodied birds will make more money for you. Big Rock Faro, Mille Roches, Ont, Box W. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. ANI) YOB AIRE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Ilock mixed 812,00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed 811.00 per 100, Bur- red )tock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white leghorm pullets $22,00 per 100. Ileavy Breed Cicls. $6.00 per 100. Leghorn Oils, $2.00 per 100. All chielcs hatched from 26 oz, eggs or better and from special mated flocks, Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. $100.00 IN CASIi I'Rl'LES \1'15,1, 1101 given by '1'svrddle Chick 1L'ttch- erics. Thirty-three lucky people \vim guess the correct or nearest correct number of ordinary white beans contained in it full Imperial Quart Jnr, Write to Tweddle 111110-heries for contest rules, Better hurry. contest closes Jan- uary 15th, 1915. 11oo11 your order 1)"w for 1915 chicks. Liberal dis- count for early booking, also dis- count for early delivery. You can't I u s c, price guaranteed against a raise or decline. '['waddle chicks are rated )nigh for liv- ability and Last growth. They are all front Government Approv- ed blood tcste l stock. Free cat- alogue, Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate deliv- ery. Twaddle Chills- Hatcheries Limited, Telt ti , lint. _'r, ruler oil (ch.s 01111 FOl'NI',\'I'l(N tor. ('1' IS registered and pedigreed birds, Nothing better In C'tnado, Order now. Prices tor nti\ui baby chicks, ins les and females: Bar- red 110008, 012.00 per hundred: 51'hito keg horns, $11,00: \1'hlte Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leg horns, $13.100. Pullet prices: )tarred Rocks, $1911(1; \Vhl(e Leg horns, $22.011: White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leg horns, $24.S11. 25 free chicks, our choice, will he given for each 20(1 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 flee 01114sks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard ('hiyk Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights Ontario 1)1 I;IN1: a\ (:t,1:1N1\(. I1.\s l; ((111 :\N1'I'IIINta NEEI,S fly ring 01 cleaning? Write to us for information, \Ve are glad to answer your questions. Depart• meat i1, Parker's Dye \forks Limited, 791 Yunge Street, To rolto. TWO UP ON THE GERMANS' '88' Any Yank who fought in North Africa, Sicily, Italy or France will tell you that the German 88 -mm. gun, used on their tanks and tank destroyers, is a trouble-makln' baby. Now Uncle Sam has a pretty tough trouble-shooter of his own—the 90 -mm. seen on the tank pictured above. Tank is the new "General Jackson" (M-36) produced at Fisher Body's Flint and Grand Blanc, Mich., plants. 11A 111.' CHICKS T11l' 1tl'1'S EXTRA P11UFI'1' FOR you --right from the Rtnrt — with Top Not'h chicks.) Yes, extra profits In the firm of discounts (1) 111rr,unt for booking your order early. (2) Dtaeount for tak- ing early Delivery. Tap Notch chiehs not only HIIVO money from the start, every Top Notch rhlek is (love' tattoo Approved from bloodiested breeders, assuring you of 04:41111y, fast growing 11)'1,010 ,'hir'ks. Send for catalogue sa r l our 1' 'col the 1'u. ( r 1 today and r 1 t t customs':s have had with Top Notch chicks. Also laying and ready " ley pullets for I Ill m 1'r- t 1 Mooed - Otte delivery. Top Notsh '''hi, 0- e+ les, Gut 1 ph, Kota rio. T1V0 •'AIIIA(\IIS, \YELL 1iltOKiSN 1,0 aft ho+':, s, ('rrcherons, Bel- gians, 4 to 7 years old, w,ightng 151,1, to 17(111 lbs. Apply Ross E. 1+1,0(1..0, I)os, 29, Gorlltz, Sask. CANADIAN GROWN SAGE for sale, $1.15 per pound, Postage prepaid. M. 1111gan'e 0rehard, Cedar Sprit. e , Ont. A1RDA LES, 111)STONS, Ctll.Ll1;5, 'Wire 1'0x, Cork/oat, Dolrnation:', 11181)y unit rr. 4323 St. Dominique, :Montreal, P.Q. CO3'131111 Sl'-\N1El'4, CHOICE 1't'l'- pies, Meeks, rude, pard colored, champion blood 111)08. Shipped on approval, Dr. w'atson, How Ick, Que, JERSEY BC 1.1,14 Flt()51 SI 1,‘14:111 Medal Duns, by our AA Senior Sir» J':dgelcy Standard Noble l,ad, 0lassiled very good, by the Silver .Medal Sire, Brampton Jester's Standard 2nd. Reasonably priced. Vaughan Acres Limited, It.II, 2, MLtplc, Ont. FI V 11 1t19(:15'1'1 11111) SHORTHORN bulls, 9 to 12 months, $1140 and 11p. .1. D. Jackson, llarrlstun, Ont, 1311+1\VN FERRETS, S1110.: 1ll'NT- 1'1'8, young' orales $5.00, young females $1:.00, yearlings $7.110, Alinstroug Bros., 11.11. 1, Paris, Ont. 1.13 INCIi \'I;SSOT GRAIN t11tIND- er 0118 rant. 01 like new with dust t,olle,'tor and bagger, 1 Ala esey- Ilarrls gratin grinder 10" In good condition. Bath these machines ale hire new, Gerald Miller, Ad- dison, (Int, POULTRY GRITS BUY CANADIAN GRITS AND SAVE 25'1, and produce better eggs. \W» h:u•e available for Immediate shipment 11) carload lots or less, white suluable (9S(,,;, Calcium. Carbonate and white Insula:tole (over t(i( , Silica). Agents want- ed. Write for (11100s and samp- les, STINSON REEB SUPPLY CO,, LTD. 5555 Helorintier Ase., 5lnntreal, Que. 44 A(CRiSS 131,ACK BAND, GOOD laud. (food building, $3,504 Half cash. Sllke Kricfalu518, 11.R, 5, Tilbury North, I'A S'I' 1' 1(11 311.\'I' I! It ES—ALFA I .Fat AI,F.II,FA SI:I:I)—oNT. Gltu\VN DON"I' \VAI'I'. 0111)0111 N O W. Quantity limited, secure your re• gttirentents tvhilo It lasts. of hardy, adaptable hone grown seed of high purity and germ- ination, positively the hest seed we have ever offered. Fancy No, 1 Government graded seed 87c per pound delivered; samples on request. Also hybrid Reed corn, pasture mixtures, registered oats, beans and pens, \Vo supplied the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture during 1944 with special rasa and clover seeds. Apply to: W. 11. held, Box 103, Chatham, Ontario. I5151111 t1:1'1'11 I'(1SSESSiON. ('11111;P- enh:ttu, 9 miles Brampton, 7 roots brick house, oak floors, modern conveniences hot-air gaming, verandah, good lot, garage $ 1501.. 00, Bram 1) t 1)'n Real Estate, Brampton. 1IANDi GIFT, Pi,AS'l'I1' 011 :511- ette ease, assorted colors In fan,')' b o x, postage Included $1.25, quantity ilmited. J. E. Beans. - Jour, 4557 I'npineatt AVP., Mon- treal. 00311'Ll•:TAI SA35'5111.4 10 'I'O 15- 1l ousand capaclly, ready to go. Strait tractor, power -edger, cut- off, etc. Will consider part ''. sh, part lumber. ('"ntncl H. 3', 1in1- merman, 51anacer, 1)t i'iners ood, Ontario, or write Pennine ton Lumber Co. (Canada) l.td., 1111.1)- 71111W° nil, \I'isrnnein. 100 AOIIES, 11,.5)' t.OASI. 1.133'1;1,, 17 acres hush, good drainage, tw•e storey brlelc house, 2 barns, t:uod \cater rind roads, 3 miles ftmm \W,sst Lorne. 41001 market for cask crops. fetes 56.100. Discount for cash. 11'x 190. 73 Alt Laid.. St. 53'„ Toronto BREEDER Tt'RKEVS, N:3)111 \' runsct and genuine brnadbreasted bronze front government test,•d stock. 51.a les up to 25 and 314 lbs, Deeennhrr delivery. (llend'11 Melsonell, Greenfield. Ont. FOR 5.11,1:—CI,V1i11Si'\I,E GELD. Ing and filly risinto 1 to 4 Veare Apply John A. Wallace. i1 It. 2, St, Paul's, (int, HAIRDRESSING L E ;1 R N i1.511(1)lh1.IOSING TIlIl Rohr) tsnn method. Information on request 1ee•ardine (-lasses. Robertson's II,llydt•essln5 Ara 414 easy, 137 Avenue )toad, Toronto MllSICA1. INS'I'ILCSIEN'1's Fltl•1U A. 101)DING'l'ON HUTS, sells, exchanges musical instre. merits. 111 Church, 'Toronto 2. l',1UMS FOR SALE $12,14110--! eo At'111: 1•'A 1151, LAKEN frontage situated on No. 3 IIigh. way near 1'almyra, 1)ht, 'riled about every 4 rude to lake. 'lood bollldings and very good soil. Apply to Box 2, oleoma, Ort. 175 A,'ltE FAO!, 6 all LES FROM Exeter, sandy loam 1111 under cultivation, no wtste Is 1 nbunl - an,e seater, 70 aeras Fall \\'heat, 1311,0 house, hydro. tt!rph banked born 70 by' 41,, 2 coo,'iete sties, poultry house 611 by 40, ihr. 0 floors, rope ity4,0,: Hy- inghens, 1001 shed, 1 8.1 r or- chard. Pato() $12,ese, Apply to: \V. E. held, Hux (' 3, 121015 ham, Ontario, GO(11) A1-,VIt'111 EV1:I(3' 511.1•'I•:Il- er of Rheumatic fain'- 1,0 Neur- itis should try I,iXon's Item, dy, Uunru's lu'ue Store, 535 talon, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.uu. BAU11EEKA FUOT HALM destroys offenslvo odor Instantly, 45o bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, (Ottawa. STOSf ACIi AND 'l'HI:i•:AI, \1'10:51S often are the cause or Ill -health In humans, all ages. No ono 1r1t- 1011tel \5'hy not find out if this 1s your trouble? interest' n, par- ticulars—Free! Writ.? 5luhen, y's Remedies, Specialists. 'l'nron1n 3, IT'S iMPOR'I'AN'I' — 11\'1:11\' SI'1'- ferer' of l'hotnuati' Iain- or Neuritis should try Dixon'' l:• nt- edy. Munro's Drug 5!11', solo Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,0, BREI:NA'1'((Nl: H1:.1L'l'li 5.\L;1'S positively dors relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. i'ainful, swol- len Joints reduced 00 matter how long you have suffered. Months supply- $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, 11.0. OPPltltTUUNi'1'IES 1'011 W0511:N BE A HAIRI)RESSER JOiN CANADA'S 1,1: \I)IN(1 5.11410L Great Opportunity, Leash Hair- dressing Plensnnt dignified profession. good wages, thousands Stn'cessfnl. Sin rvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated cateloeuo free. Write or cull MAlt\'E(. i1.1111011I.SSiNG 51'l1OOLS 158 BLOOM \V., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. 11111111 ton, fi 74 Rideau Street. 1)111 Nen PATENTS F1TIIl2RSTON11.1Pt;ll l ((1511',\NY Potent Solicitors. Esto!dis0 d 1890: 14 King \West, Toronto, Boolclet of infornratien on re- quest, "1:I,IJAi1 Christ," Megiddo N.Y. PERS(1NA1, (1 51 1 N G RElr)RF wonderful hook free. 5tission, Rochester 11., ;'111)To(tn.h l'YI' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION your films pi "'oily developed end printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 6 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING Sb:lt\'ICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the (on IIty and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'EIRI:tl. PHOTO Blah1'ICi'0 Station J. Toronto ST,t Il l's t AC -1111,1N S'l'.53I1' CO.. LUX 68, Masson, Que. Free. Set 4 Ecua- dor, Darwin ('onu1. to purchasers of our 31.4., 1140 dif(event packet, rt questing approlals, 1'1,-t free, \\'11 DI' 1' S1'A 511' l'1 1L1.E("I'IONS- 1)0r1 lints to 8(11-14,0l prices Paid. St 11(1 11) for 0fit I'. .5150 fine stamps on approval. York 5(1nips, Toronto 1. '111.5l'l'1;It5' S1 I'l'LIEs NI;w'I,l' "IN\'EN'I'1:1) ,\t" l'O51A'I'iC Snare Trap." The simplest and Lastest trap, nuylnly can make It In 10 minute, can sot snare 3 times size of otdinaly acts, can use nuc 1, Ind oP wire. Excel- lent for rime' sets. guaranteed will ea trh any suspicious 111'.11181 from hear 1 1 weasel. 91.0' for plan sol ins 10n•tien Peter Zen - 1,1r. 55'a111'011 Queto e \'t It"1 5 11'.5 \'I'hl) 111V:IS"I'I:I;1:1, NURSE, $90 Plitt month, 1.001 and board 0ucltticd. $51, graduate, nurse per month, room and hoard included. ,Ipply \1'aterf0rd 1' ri r a t e ilnepitit!, \\'t,le fot.1, (int, G1:NI•:Ic,\1, i) t'1' 5' GRAD1'.1T1'7 Reg. Nut ses, 1i1 hour day, It day week: alternating service—fias- co.. ervice—layor nicht: 0911 en monthly with maintenaner. corn\vtll General Hospital. ,'1,r i v:tll. (int \1'.1\'11:11 11,55 wools 1,0GS 101• \'ENRIIR quality. 15'111 take •, small per- ceot:u:e of elm. The Oakville Basket co. l,itnited. rlakcille. Out. ISSUE 53 — 1944 Searchlights Kill British Starlings of the tiiif, rice!' results r,f ti.e aerial attack; on the British l -le• i, that searchlights arc the ie their cause of the death of a poste number of birds, particularly setrlillgi, comments the St. Tito. tie 'l'iuies Journal. \\'hen the po- st. erfel heed!• are these\ 11 int.. the ,h) in certain area, the starlings at,4411141 situ round in wast num. Lr,, one light in tit county of �Jl;ell h, at;r,lcnn, a, mads .ti ltat.anl lei;:i,, .1ud keep on fling null; t`:e, fall dead trout etc• , :.te.ii I7; -,Irll numbers do they 1 •e that '!'esti! ere \\s have to be • et after v,:u'41, to sweep t p c, rp e the Lied heeause -Hues ,.eel I ;dies 410411,1 snake se: fa, - :tippers t. I ariuv fres !wise; title lismane carter) ;asked I'W'•see, eft °CC:1,1011 t0 ., !;i, Itelit 1%.1' all hour to - the :1 e curies to ±'�'t, They :stn, •1 set tree, :u sul:lt l tuttbere 11.:1 1.. ..el, 11e, hre !;e melee their Bele le , ., del IIVt a ttralt any lords .tt a.;. i ie exl,inn;Itae,n Is that I:,e ii ?tl• ,Ire site. Led in areae 1' sees,. ,:±i );,,:;ill,;, I:,14c !,cell at:• ru,L/1111H VI 1e+,1st fast,' eener:Itiotl Iii .sea,er,etees 11• ,t. idea fur communities Lee 11,i11i St,e 1'!111gV, ,•:,1 In. 11110 of .'1Irl.1111% 1, . l i\ of THAT EXTRA 'PIP' Cpl. T. McDonald of Kingston, Ont., has been batman for General H. D. G, Crerar, commanding the First Canadian Army, for more than four years. Here he carries out one of the most pleasant tasks he has yet had — sewing that extra "pip" on the chiefs' uniform which marls him as full General, after his pro. motion from Lieutenant -general') rank. Human Torpedoes Sank Italian Ship .1 13riti,h torpedo—manned py a Royal Navy Reserve sublieu• tenant and an able seaman — sank the 10,000 -ton Dolzano, last of the Italian cruisers fitted \citlt eight - inch guns, in Spezia Harbor last June ':1, the Admiralty has just disclosed. Sitting astride elle torpedo, Sub• Lieut. Malcolm Causer and .Ale Scautatr Harry Snaith went inside the well -protected harbor, divided under the 13olzano, and fixed the torpedo's seer head to the hull. The parent ship tvaited for the men after the explosion, but they did not return, Later it was learned Lieutenant Causer had been captured, Seaman Smith still re- ported missing. `Real' Orange Juice And `Real' Milk 1 iiat,Iss to the war (writes "1:.I1.' in the Manchester Guar- dian.) the only orange juke my grandson had tasted since his birth had come out of a botte, Some months ago, when offered some juice squeezed out of an orange before his eyes he inquired: "\\'hy can't I have some real orange (:ice'" i told this story to my sister in New South \Vales and she has rapped it with one that is worthy of your column, Some children living "outback" had been brought up oe condensed milk and were )(Inc years old when their parents leatelit a cow. Imagine the par- ent,' dismay when the first glass (i ire -h milk was indignantly re - refused with "Not after the cow•'S Ir1d it!" Nazi Food Given To Metz Civilians I Le+l'llit.d States Third :\rmy rcleeeed a large quantity of captured l tit ci\il;an: of Metz recently. lie: h etty was the \'.int• r re- serve of the German garriscen and ineimhed teem ton; of frozen beef, 20 te', of frozen corn, ,-IO car!„ads another bitch of 130 tons of flour, hitt -tore: of nri,ce:ll:eneeeus rinsed goods, and quantities of :hese se, The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen it 41.,• risco! :1?t, r 11.1, it secs. - ed, and was ge::ise ytut dark, for it was es eniee •-\e:, the last t'4'all- ing of tee sear. .e mid tee eold sate, me ,ia;i;ue•s, a little girl, svi:h bare head and larked feet, wets roaming tl,r_.:Ig'I the sti,ets. It is :rare she had ori a pest' J: ,;lit;ll'r", \i len site lett home, het tits: was no: ,.,f much use, has tire) nese tet')' l,l;, v :dip- pers: ,e, targe, ipdcee.l, t!'at they had hitherto been tt e I by :ter :).sett• er; be•idt•, the little creat:tie lost theist a: she ! lir:'r'iietd air street to ave i 1 two earritgt, t'!at here 111.i4u,g al a ie.rfu' rite, One of the •i!;,teees was deft to 5: felled, and the „:her we; pouneed upon h)' a 14,4C, w,'J ran sw.ty , :t"1 it, sa\ :t:g that it cob's' ,erste !p: a cradle 11 hen ?:e should 'live chil- dren tit his o',t'1 S.) the little girt wen: al,;i.g, wit's her lift!,: bare feet, thit ;\era red and h111 \\ 'eh cold, So ,it; `,:,t:'- rit:(1 a tilt ii tr ,.'f m:atel.', in at: old a,er5 r, ,i,ed i:,' held ;a ''1' !:,< of them in Lt 1 li.i::d. \"6',.i; had hte;t1 t ,tnvt'.:iuy off ilei the \,hole It1'e1 t:. t1a., ate,I ,,.'4,,t'4 '.la! evert ti'.. t,, t of , ki fist>.: pretty eel • ilei• t, fes... ir,ei . tel,,:. e4 el', ar tusn home, 14 ' : •tic :.'t,1 - mats eel t•i!t,t :1.): 't': �` =a.% a pen!(), 1!cr f;41 her w0uld se; t,:l: • sea: her; :mil it u, as eol.1 vn•au;gls at Monte, bt'•i,lc5—f.)r t!r !ta',1 c'aly the roof a b_ t e thein, and the wind carte howling through it, though the largest hold had (seen s: '; ; ed avitlt straw ane! rags, Her little hands ',seri nearly frozen with cold, Alas! ,\ sitlgle match might do Ther some good, if she r'i'ft only draw one out of the bundle, and w ita roll it against the t4.e'I, .III warn! !lel' lillgt't'i, So at last she dyes one one 1\ !list! how it sited ,;larks, and Bros it l'tirttt'dl It ,yaie tilt a 0arm, hrieht flame, like a little candle, as she held her 'land: over it— u•uise it w'ai a wonderful little light! It really seemed to the little girl a, i1 she is ere sluing beton' a ;.tree iron stove, with polished !test,: feet, and gra•, shovel :old tongs, The fire hurtled ,o blc,i• 4.'111, and tv:trilled so nicely, that the little creature stretched opt her feet I,P ivarnt them likewise, \4;len, io: the flame c.\;tired, the stew. vein -died, and left nothing but the little halt -burned match in her stand. She 1 ubbed another itt a t c 11 aeeinst the wall. It gave a light, and where it shone upon the teal], the latter became at transparent as a veil, and she could sec into the roOtlt. .l iit,l\w•-white table -cloth w•at spread upoit the table, on whir! stood a splendid china dinucr-ser• vice, while a alas: g)) c, stuffed with apples aid prunes. ,cut forth the nest savour), air''''s, :\till t1'ita: ',Camore delightful stili, the goose ju::n :I down fru tier r'id's alien veiled alten.e; the g;' ,44,:41 we 11 :eel fork ,11 Yeast, ;see ,girl. r'eus'es ti, r'. t4:'. 401', ,t!:.I 10111 , ;.1: t'r,'T, Se 1 S:i . :,"In'�I . I' 11 ll: ter. all,! higher. stle,'v Hoe. lutes,• .d like ,tars in Cie ces , r cut o: thele: loll doss 1,, aid left a lone{ Weal; of fire. -Somebody it r, o w dying," thought the little.. girl—fur her uitl ,;randttiether, the only person \veto had ever loved her, and who was now dead, had told Iter, that when A star falls, it is a sign that a soul ug up t&) heaven, Slie again rubbed a nal nlale upon BRITAIN'S MYSTERY SHIP Above is the greatest battleship ever built in Britain, shown just after being launched under sponsorship of Princess Elizabeth, So secret are details concerning the floating juggernaut that even her name cannot yet be revealed. PARIS . , . AT CHRISTMAS This photograph shows Canadians on short leave in Paris doing their Christmas shopping in the Palais d'Osay Hotel. Left to right, front row, are Pte, W, Snaith, R,A,S,C,, London England; C, S M., L. W. Randall, Killarney, Man.; Sgt. F, G. Doan, St. Thomas, Ont.; Cfn, J. H. Petterson, R,C.E,M,E,, Gull Lake, Sask.; Pte, S. W. Stefiszyn, R,CA,S,C,, Deville, Alta. (Back row) Ffn. J, C, Stoneman, Portage La Prairie, Man.; Tpr. A, C, Witty, Toronto, Ont,; Ptc 0, R. Christopher, R,C,E.M,E,, Belleville, Ont., and Mlle Simone Boulongne, saleslady at the shop. w:t11, :0,:ti it tea, a;,ain light al: rourd..tr d itl the ;trii.;ltttte;, stood :.tprhi,ot!le:',,,,, clear at,,: looldto; .., 1111 ar.,1 1ee int;. ie t; ri ,1 tie littt( ,+lir; ,, t:+i.,' !r'.e tt 1113 L lett! 1 hiss,! 1 l' 1 :4.1 .II;;i1 431/en flee n 4t i!1 \':lift:'' ±t'„1ell- ' ., rt .. :!, „it ti.t •t ' to ru'e 11 • her sect t hl icer Si;ncrlu:„a;r, e ;I lix!it i ril;;u:ar tl;:u! u.tund,;v. II 'I' ,sI ...eh:lot:Itr had )lever ase• prlle•t1 so beatttiiul or so large-. little girl 111 her irttti, a:l,l ;10111 flew Uplvardi, all radian' allel bol'd's, far—star above mortal ken --where there was ).either cold, n•tr litu:;er, nor care to be found: ler it lues to the land of the bless• ed that they had flown, But, in the cold dawn, the poor girl ntig;tt be stain leaning against the wail, with red cheeks and ,:nailing niotttlt; she had been froz• C11 ott the last night of the old year. The new year's sun shone upon the little corpse, 'Fite child sat in the stiffness of death—still holding the matches, one bundle of w'ltich was burned, I'eo;)le said: "She tried to sea rtn ht't'.elf,” Nobody dreamed of the fine things she had seen, nor in what splendour site held entered upon the ,toys of tine new year, together !1 he' grandmother, How Russians Dispense Justice Americans returning from IN— iia tell some amazing stories about Russian. whose daring would be in absolute violation of all :lineri- can civilian and army rules and regulation;, !n Russia, however, the flier is almost always right. A pilot re- cent)' flew so low over a moving freight train that he brushed the cupula off the caboose, An Ameri- can army pipiot would probably have been grounded for such dans gerously haw flying. In the Rus- sian case, after a trial, the engineer of the freight train was fined be- cause the train was behind sched- ule. If the train had been on time the accident could not have oc• carred, the court found. ALLIED CHIEF VISITS CANADIANS ON WESTERN FRONT "Ike” Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies in North West Europe, is shown here inspecting a Guard of Honor during his recent visit to the Canadian front, Just behind General Eisenhower is General Crerar, Commanding the First Canadian Army. - Bare Heads, Legs Endanger Health 1)r. Chester \1', lira.:, teacher ,'f )!instal medicine at the Univers t) of \\'i -rein -in surd heart epee's ;dist of the \\'icon -in t,ietaeral pit tr nttIiil t dly is well iufurnirel Ili, field, 1\'hen Ile sees that t i. ;ee,•in:: ler. ;feel heal in told e. 'her may lead to hi moan,. ties," :incl es eines! heart di"t.;•e. pert tit• e eenld do 4ye11 to listen, I hl tluc''ti n tt iv i, t, l :et par - rids Pie 'nose to do ;Wont this ssern- the tild al'gttittettt the! "etel'whntl)' prflllltitl'd to eursege ill tier'se expo- tree Stile of them will try to wail their parents into submission. \\'III the parent,, as so often happens, give in, or will they, this time, put their foot down ;end insist on obedicnet Rheumatic fever is one of the Most terrible afflictions of child- hood. There is no known preven- tive and no known specific cure, ft frequently leads to premature death and usually leaves after-ef- fects unlet; the most immediate and expert care is given. Only good diet, proper exercise, avoidance of extreme fatigue and protection against cold and wet can so build up and safeguard the child's gen- eral health as to afford relative immunity, Two Pilots Cross Atlantic 100 Times Capt. W. I., Stewart of British Owcr!•eas airways Corpuratiln last wreck became the first pilot to fly the atlantic 100 tithes, heating out Capt. L. 1•, (iBuddy) \fe;scnger by a few hour,, Captain Stewart took first hoe: ors when he landed at Prestwick, Scotland, after flying a Liberator un a nonstop flight of 3,130 miles from Montreal, On the way across the Atlantic, Captain Stewart passed Captain Messenger, who w'as also cont• pletittg his 100th trip. Capt, Iles- senger brought his Liberator into Dorval Airport a few (tours after Captain Stewart landed al Prest• wick, Otte hundred Atlantic crossings means 330,000 utiles over ocean, 'So Solly The Office of War Infornta• don says it isn't so that the Japanese cannot pronounce the the letter "R". Exploding what it called a "popular American fallacy," it's the Chinese who can't pronounce "R", while the Japanese can't say „I„ With this information in hand, the American soldier now will know tete, Oriental \who says "so lolly' probably is a Chinese, A Bomber's Flight Of Fact And Fancy A Canadian bomber crew's ad- venture while flying to India, told by Gerry \\'clntot to BBC over. seas listeners, must have seeded like one of the storic, from the \rabian Nights, While 'crossing the Arabian D•es• ert the bomber was forced to rime down. On landing the crew Inst some friendly Arabs who guided them to the palace of their ''here„ body -guards con- ducted them along a pathway of thick red rugs to meet the Arab Clticf. They soon found themselves ttittiug on fluffy pillows and being served with the fruit and coffee. Later the Sheik invited then( to stay for the night hat they de• Med to return to their aircraft, and slept under the tying, guarded by the Siteil:': sten. They \i cel suou iti t heti, buss cnear„ \4hcn tet Meson ruse, ,1101 unite.! t., :t icast wllill' inriit le ! ;t t4 hulc I;an1h .1(111) a little Vlore ,Ie,It ,ut,l ,eunc her fast they fopnd that on the tib' onto' • ,I labour e,;nti 4',.I• to the hotelier er:l e,! Illy .il I 1, it!I;,t' vi• 4,1 stir ,r 4th !n later the 'else, w:e 1. ,14 !or flies •In l the. t, Jeff a r I .1.14 4, Oil Ia Dir,coverecl In Great Britain ( 4.,4 eeti , I,t r4, I tee. seal that 1!ee':4. see lies,!,. thein '.'on oil wells in .(trod,:, to a til I:r't in. \It tit them has t' been brI•Ilt;llt IIr en, e the brginlliee of tile• wit. I It i:" lo- C:1l1:,lt 15 still 7111 t t!Ivl;tl re"I !eel' OA 0 iiS rca•t.iu•, NO tall dente!„ sae t,.. ht ,ren, the plunpi11g hc;!lg de,ne wills new electrical equipment only ...even fret high. This new method is a distinct improvement over the gaunt derricks that nuts de -pail portions of the California, 'Texas and Oklahoma !andsca; es, Seventy-eight million gallons of oil have been produced to date; not a great deal when compared with production in the United States attd other fields, but of great value when ever) drop of oil counts, at that, it has been enough to safe several tanker trips ;Irross tltc :Atlantic, 13rititiu has for Many )'cars pro- cessed delle oil from shale rock, particularly in Scotland, but this wartime discovery of petroleum deposits signalizes the hel;ittning of a new industry, New Jeep Is Led Just Like Dobbin Now conies a "jeep" that can be led like a horse. This newest adaptattiuu of the .fatty's most versatile vehicle, re- ports the November issue of .\ir Force official United States Air Forces magazine, i; called elle "jungle jeep” and is designed fur use i11 areas ittace('1 i5ie to larger vehicle.;. Resembling an oversized toy wagon, the "jungle seep" 11a, a flat platform instead of ,eat,. The engine is underneath, and a tiro• turcycic-type (land throttle and hand•operatcd lever brake are mounted on a swivel tiller bat that replaces the steering wheel, thus permitting the operator to lead, follow, or ride the vehicle over rough terrain, Girl Signaler Wooed By Blinker Lights A Norwegian merchantman drop- ped anchor at a United States fleet base and word went around that an attractive Canadian girl operated the ship's blinker signal system. A1l ships soon were winking their blinker. lights. Thus the Navy learned she was 23 five feet two and weighed 126 pounds, But the courtship ended abruptly. The young Woman was wooed so ardently that her arm apparcatly gave out winking back. Stout Ships The 1'sngli).h Captain of a Royal Navy minesweeper built in Can- ada says that "the people who built this ship can be proud of her. She has stood up to everything that carte her way and, believe rte, site hasn't been idle." It used to be thought this country could not build quality ships, says The Brockville Recorder and 'Times, The war time service of scores of stout w'esscs built itt Canadian yards by Canadian (workmen staking use of Canadian materials I: decided proof., to the contrary, The electric motors of a modern II: l!? Hp have the ('Wert:) ,p( a til on int p, CONTAIN VITAMIN, AAY (ESSENTIAL. MINEPAI.i The Jade God By ,MARY IMLAY TAYLOR CIiAPTEIt II "I bet eve you'll g1'," he said gay- ly, "you look gamin! I'll tell you -- if you racy it oft \sell, if you get Invited 10 that precious dinner aftcrv,arcls, I'll give you halt -- five hundred dollars." ?dark shook his head, "That'. conditional, Vow' friend here has ivelt 'noio understand that I'll fail any\v;ly; he frozen out by the lady, in that case. 1'd 'get nothing -- According to 'your conditions, I won't }:o a slcp•unlcss 1 get tile, lye hundred clot. 11 and my cloltes. 'c none for the occasion, gentle - en," he aided 'with a twisted mile that the older one c:uight \vitll some uneasiness. Teddy kanglv:d luisterously, "h'ou'rs right, uld tlliug; that', fair, I'll out up the stakes and 111 get you rigged out; ((I\, whet about It?" :Mark looked tool one to the other tll)>nt;htfully. "One thins; more olio's the lady: 2 PKGS. PEP 25c Super Suds per pkg. 22c Thrift Soap Flakes large pkg. 39c Neilson's Cocoa hf. Ib. 19c; 1 Ib. 29c Red Rose Coffee 1 Ib. 45c Libby's Prepared Mustard per jar lOc Limburger Cheese, Soda Biscuits, White Beans, Cabbage, Celery, Lettuce, Grapes. TUMBLER FREE. e yt ingHomemade PERSONAL INTEREST \Irs. J. II. "dac(.orklllllale of Chats• worth i; visiting with her (laughter, \Irs. R. 1). I'ililt,, NH. Philp, and fann-- >. i,y. NH, and Mr..;. \Villi,uu Jenkins, anll OF EVERY ROOM, 1 \Irs. Shipley. spent Christmas with The veiling, which I; usually •_• \I r. told \Irs, George Ile:heriogton, at .larger than any single well, should .e' IBucvalc, I 'Le considered ",s, a Fifth tvall, 'flus ;i;l \Ir, and \Its. \\'il.iauc \Lnson of ;when planning e de•corut1on for a •t• .room It is just. as important to sc- 3• Seafurth spent Christina; Da} with �� • 'lett a cor'•r•rl ceiling paper as IL is 1.0M•0•i••i••i•0i••0.4••0.0•i�04••..4.4.It•4:44..84444:•;4++ 0.:4+ 0:4 08 44•840:•.:4 084+ Ole.•0,0 •;4••0.;• NI rs. Albert Brigham and I•.Ill(l, •to choir the ))1'0))1'1' wall 110l•l)ra• '! \l iss Isabel Brigham, Reg. N.,, Set- lion. four preference play ftivour / PERSONAL INTEREST ( fol bale of . ft•rth llo.tpital, spent Christmas Day ;one of contrasting colour. I`on't 14 if and clothing, sent to with her umber, \Irs.:\Ibcrt liri ham he u,fruict that a "C`)11)111.1)1'ulnha" i of Miss Shiticy \\ tdlacc of 'Toronto, the 1\'est_ the leader told the hand ); . room w:11 he your Budget. 'Po 1 y. 1110 and Mr. Howard Wallace, of near St. that the Prrsl:ytcrial Secretary hart and sister, Enid. -realize this you can readily do so n Marys, vi' net! over Christmas with scat w•,.rd ii.at our I'ruul of l,.n;n�1I \Irs. A. Fawcett is :pending the +hy seem:; my samples ---over '100 i Home Burnisher — PIhones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, by their parents, \Ir. told \Irs, 1. S. \Val i holida} season with her family in ilio to p'rk from. �a2l�t5td:gt;;�13tDi3;�3tihaDt Dt2t2t�Za2>�t2t �l7r�l r1<�1^t�,^l (u,�l ,._.,3.', la:), llli��t�l)a 1 Service lad given the highest amount lace, I of Money of any Band in the Denim- (onto, :Hiss Anne Philips of Ottawa is ion of Camila, for 1943, She pointed Mrs.George Cunningh:uu and sun, y • THE OLD SUNWORTTIY LINE spending the Christmas vacation with out that we :(1 far from haring; cv- 'Kcnncth, of litIgrave, spent (JI 1 11111▪ Sorry to say, there are NO \I?\\' her parents, ;tlr. and \Irs. J. 11. 1'hil-I child 'n our \li n nand, th r with \Ir. and Mrs. ,.\.. Marr. i1'ATII'.RNS this year, being the lips. • I 1 ..ii,ru 1 S 1.1 111 t 1 CELINGS THE FIFTH WALL v 1 yr �•I' Jana. �► a . h. �,•i ". ' MAY THE COMING YEAR BRING PEACE •1'O THE WORLD AND GOOD LUCK, GOOD HEALTH, AND PROSPERITY TO YOU AND YOURS. FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE, WI' 'l'HIANK YOU, ,AND HOPE '1'O CONTINUE SERVING YOU IN 11)•15, cry c ' 1 S;n)I all , :1 c c ▪ same the last three years. I.t ••\Ir, and \Irs. John ('Iowan and s„n, • 'are many in Iowa and in the surroolnol- rtliing •in the 11111 ttt. 3),c„ratin.c. \„ �!•t• Miss Alice \Vatson of Londcsboro 1)00, spent Christmas with rclativls in ing' community, who do not attend. :special time for appoitoments, - 1 Godcricll• land rvinenihcr, I specialize in that - . rs. Harry Itrowne and dattghtcr, ,tough job of taking off \\'tallpaper. t• ' Eleanor, spell, Christmas with \1 r. $ and \Irs. Bro\V1u, and Mr. and NI rs. : was a visitor vath Illyth relatives oyer Ilow far saor, surd}' the Dominion of the wreck -end, 1Canacla, as a whole, 'mist fall, because Cpl. Jessie Phillips of Ilarriefield our Band could (lo so much more, will: ,spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillips. \1r. and Mrs J.:\. (;ray spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McC'•allu''. 'Miss Irene \IcCalluul of London spent the week -en(I with her parents, Mr. and \Irs. Duncan McCallum, \l r. and ,Mrs. Vern Vcntham and children, Joyce and Charles of Ayr, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and firs. \V. M. Henry, Mr. and '1rs, Gordon Elliott and fancily spent over Christmas with God Crich relatives. Miss Zelda Scott, of 'Toronto, spent over Christmas with her father, 'I r. Richard Scott. CARD OF THANKS Quite a 'umber of friends from 1 wish to thank my neighbours and Blyth called on Mr. and Mrs, John friends for their kindness to me dur- ITinglan(1', Londcsboro, on Wednesday, ing the Christmas Season. The limner - to extend to them congratulations on cards and gifts I received were attaining .the anniversary of their Diamond Wedding. \VALTON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kel'ar and Mr. Hugh Campbell were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1). R. McKen- zie, of Luck now, on Christmas Day. Mrs. I'at MeGale, and little soar, Kenneth, are :.pending Christmas holi- days with NH-. \1cGale in Toronto. every child a member. 'There are stili mite boxes, talent money, bean mon; y and \Vor t.(1 Friend subscriptions, to !n; handed in, \Iccting c!o:(d by all repeating "\Vorld Fricl,cish.p 1'rayer.'' Each child received au orange as they re- tired, CARD OF THANKS The Staff of the Blyth slunicipal 'I'clephoac System wish to thank all those wlio so kindly remembered them with gifts and cards, and take this op- portunity to wish one and all a 1 -nappy and Victorious New Year, RECEIVES GIFT OF FLOWERS Pte. Percy Barrington, in holland, telegrap'Icll a beautiful box of roses and carnations to his mother for Christ- mas, accompanied by Suitable Sea- son's Greetings. \' MISSION BAND MEETING 'I'he nus very 0111 :11 appreciated. —1?Award 1-1. Quinn. CARD OF THANKS The family I)1 the late \irs. \1'il:Ian) Phillips desire to express their appre- ciation to thm many friends for the kindness shown during their recent bereavement. The floral tributes, 1111(1 loaning of cars were greatly appreciat- ed. CARD OF THANKS Ir take this means of thanking all those w'Ito contributed to the purchase of a present given to me on 111y letly- iug the farm ac' snake my home in Blyth, 1 appreciate the gift coining as it does at this Christmas Season, from 01d acquaintances ancon„ whom 1 have Mission nand of Loving Ser- spent many years, and T shall prize it vice hell their regular Decembl rvery highly as a reminder of the years meeting with an attendance of 50. Af- � spent among o I d neighbours and ter a short work period, Christmas friends on the Ninth Linc of \I orris. r'arols were sung. The Worship Per- 19-p John Laidlaw. iod was cons m'c(1 by the President, Mildred Char r. hymn "Infant Iloly" Notice To Creditors sung, and Barbara Kilpatrick and iN THE ESTATE of Thom -s Henry \i's. Kernick, Late of the Village of Blyth, 111, in the County cf Huron, Deceas-d. "'I Mr. and Mrs. Garth 1)ohbyn -,f Lon - ‘vas Ronald Philo read the Scripture,= h'. Chri t'11a , 1 ry. Alic" McKenzie gave si Christi:las Prayer p1C'll, and Mar- guerite hall gave the Offertory Re- -._ sponse. M;n garct Marshall gave a story, ''''Tits First Christmas." A Christmas Candle Service was conduct- ed by Shirley Fillcoler, Robert Mar • shall, Kenneth : ohnson, D. A. 11cKen- zie, and Carl Falconer, called 'Gifts for the King." The minutes of the November meeting were read and ap• proved. The tiny tots each hung a Christmas ornament on a small The birthday song was sung for Brock Vodden. A letter of appreciation xas read to the children for the wonder - S. Cowan,u\\ Ingham. 11 r, Janne; Dcnhohl spent Chlistnlas, _ with Scaforth relatives. \I r. and NI rs. ICennctll Pot le yis•tc.1 during tilt Christmas week -end with relatives in I'(terboro. \I r. and Mts. J. 11. \Vatson and fam- ily entertained the following on Christ - Inas Day: Mrs. George Ashton, awl son, Ki'tnctli Ashton, and \lastcr Donald NleCallunl, all of Gorric, \l iss :\Ccs \\'atscn. L01n(Icslr)ro, \Ir. awl rs. Alb rrt Nesbitt, \lis Eileen, an I ' \I r. George Nesbitt, and MIs J se- phine 'Woodcock. \I r, and \Irs. Charles Cole, 111.1 (laughter, of London, spent Chris'111•15 with the for•mer's )'other, Mrs, A. '1'. Cole. \I rs. A. \I. Colcl ,uglt spent Christ- mas with her daughter, Mr. and NI rs. L. 0, ,\Eller at Godcrich. Mr. and Nils. 1\e11t)ctI) \Vhitinore, and Douglas, spent Christmas, with other members of the family, at the home of the forn)er's brother, NH.. and Mrs. Raymond \V�hiltnore, of Holm es- ville. M iss 1 -tele' 1-larclisty of Gait is visit- ing with Miss Josephine \Voo(Icock, Lieut, lois Robinson of Kitchener, and Miss Eilect Robinson of Godcrich, spent the Cl iistanas week cud with their parents, \I r. and Mrs. R. 1I. Rob• iuson. Pte. Harold \Vightnlan of spent the Christmas holiday mother, 'I rs. \Viglltui!an, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Taylor and sou, Paul, of Clinton, spent Christmas with d r. and Mrs. A, 'Taylor, and \I r. awl Mrs. L. Unborn. 'l iss hazel Pelts of London s:'cnt C.hristi'as with her nwther, Mrs. John Petts• 'Iis5 Frances Johnston of Toronto sent the week -end with her mother, Toronto with his 11, C. Johnston, and brother, 11'1 All persons having claims against the id" spent ovel the Christmas ho'iday Estate of the above deceased are re- quired with to file the same with the under_ Mrs. C. T. Dcbbyn, signed Solicitor for the Estate, on or 0.IS. Jack Watson and 04S. 11111 l'ol- beforc the 6th day of January, 1945, lard, both ' of St. 1lyacinthes, Que., A,D., after which date the assets will enjoyed Christmas furloughs at their be distrii 'ted s,ncongst the parties en- hollies. titled thereto, hav:ng regard only to I LAC. Bob 1•olla• rd of St. Thomas the claims of which notice shall have was a Christmas visitor . at 11's home. been given. I LAC, Jack 'Taylor spent the Christ- 1)ATEi) at \Vinghant, this 19111 day Inas vacation with his parents, Mr. and of December A.D., 19.1.4. Mrs. Orval Taylor. J. 1TARLEY CRAWFORD, Wing- I LAC. Leslie Rutledge of Toronto, hair, Ontario, Solicitor for the said was a Christmas visitor with 11;.- par- iEstate. 18-3. ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D, RuticJge. . C. ?REST ;Phone 37.26. LOi1DESBORO • 1.1 ..•• • it i. .:. Ai iii,.. 1; '1' N Gal •t. 't• Meals at All Hours. BLYTII --- oNTARIo. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. FRANK GONG alai Pe ileztor WiCK(arc'c(c(eteteicieIeIe'.e (ctEK(cVOCCIeKtt;I=CtetC ItioZIC CItiCictCwICICtct iCKI Elliott insurance Agency BLYT1I --- ONT. ., • i i• J. I1. R. Elliott. , Offlco !'hone 101. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. "COURTESY Cordon Elliott ilesi(lence l'houo 12 or 140, AND SERVICE" . Thank You! hiA 1V! ii li \lay I Mal„' tII , „p; ortnn't}• t•> • wailk 'Iii In •',',,1 t ,r lin I•olnlillucd dv ,necs' a, 3' : r 1nc,al deo rater, f41 hit .\a l 1 I t'; (fll. .\ l t i 'y 11111 l'r I',- li, t.`1 p(011l> �e(y \ ".tl' In I'.v(I'lbolly. o'1i I my' hc.lrtic.,t \c)y Year', Cleo, I ®ii°die•s'(ct.l�i�lci°.�i5lr`17o,,.ia,Li,'�•i.:+i.Jis..:l�'1 •I...i:'isitdJiitlol./,Ji:Flo,t,:'�Ia.t�Ji`J,ul�i`�livi`,ii`Zi �” I thank \'1 0 Mr. ;toil Mrs. It's:-ci \\' Lon and ! \li..s !'.I1 t \Ic;calfs of Ottawa 5311111 , family, and NB- anal NI s. hua:cl \Ie- I Christmas with 11cr in Rhee, NI rs. frank Donald, and family, t f 1 spent \Ic:calfs, and is now a patient in the ClntisUctl; with M.S. '1'::t., linte.n iI';l:iull, fl'r a rest. Dead and Dlsa ed Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50.31; Seaford), 15, Collet. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. EDITH CEI(;II 1t)N'S DECORA'TOR'S SIIOPPE Located Oppcs'te •Kernick s Grocery Shoppe open tia!nrda\ s I to 1'1 o'clt cls. Ot!'c; Ityt„' by appointment. l'IIONE 153, BLY'T1-1. Try A Classified Ad. yV,1•I,MM###N##NN#+lf«NISN «-rI fNIPN******1 MIS YMNM ROILY THEATRE, CAPITAL�RICHEATRE CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: 'Heave-ly Days" NOW' PLAY,NG: Cary Grant the w th Fibber and Molly. I • "Arsenic A•d CU Lacca" Monday, Tuesday, Wcdnnday "BRIDE BY MiSTAKE" A ro'lickinl; r„Inatcc to prove that soldiering has it's lighter and -bright( r •'•'uu'uts. Alan Mtrs':al, Laraine Day aid • Marclla Hun'. Thurs., Fit., Sat., Two Fea;u;ei Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan and Ann Blyth. 1n a timely and tuneful comedy. 'CHIP OFT' THE OLD BLOCK” 'Tuesday, Wcd hcst;ay —Ocr Ncw Yeo•'s Spe 'IRISH EYES ARE SMILING" watt the III t'f sorlg and iatightcr c' .arc: cul Mol It ;ling Luny ort st: r r. Moa:y Vv' olky. Jun -s haver and Dick llaymes. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Di.k A len. Mary Bct'l Hughes and Bu l Abbott mid Lou Costs 1, Jure Havoc til' holo l), kec, it a Hap. y New Bring you all the breath -t iking \'ca witin time'(, latest hi'arity hit. excitement ;,f a logging 'camp. "TIMBER QUEEN" COMING: "Ti -e Rains Came" and -COMING: "Ch;'it'^n• H liia/" „ COMING: Fred MacMurray in: I D:anra Durbin. Under Two _Flags ,_ I "DOUBLE INDEMNITY" Matinees: Sat. and Christm-:= and ' Mat.: Sat. nnd. holidays at 2.3^ ban. New Year's Day at 2.30 P.M. ( Mat.: Salt, ani I1-lidays at 2.33 pm. "IN SOCIETY" REGEN'.t' '1'I1LA'1'ttL SEAFORTr•, NOW PLAYINf: Fredric March es "MAYRK TWAIN” Mcn'lay, 'I'u, splay, Wednesday Cary Grant, Raym^nd Mrsscy and Pe:er Lorre. 111 Frani. (a,,:r,a's ri ton:, 10111 ly "ARSENIC AND OLD 'LACE" Inch:dim; the 01 i 'i.aal ", hveetest oltl lactic• on ItAladway." Thursday, Fr:d,y, S turday Beat, Pay's, C! hu%e Rains r nd Welt .;r Ab•1. I' clot i▪ z'u� or 1 f the heat dramatic talc; of the rill. year. "MR. SKEFF!NGTON" 1