The Blyth Standard, 1944-12-06, Page 1T LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 55 • NO, 16 BLYTI-i ONTARIO, WED NESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1944. BLY CH MASONIC LODGE ELECT OFFICERS Blyth Municipal Council 'COUNCIL GRANTS CONCESSIONS BLYTI1 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 1'O CHEESE BOARD The regular i tithly meeting of the The a :,Incl eh lir n"f +;,;eels Municipal Council Of the Corporation 111401\1:1x1 nit' Ludg( .\.l',anti :\,\I . (11 B1)1114 1(111 (,111)cc(nlher 5111 lith ((1.l. \iorritt ;.nrl councillors Kcrnick, \\ as held on Monday ni,ht resulted a; \'t d(len and \\'right present. \linnt1', of, last regular meeting of November 3, Statutory meeting of November 15, mol special meeting of :\Ithongit many in itlytll and the stir - December _', read and confirmed (11 rounding (iistri•t knew that there was Chap., \ cry \\'ur. Bro. (;lndcnt I{Ili"tt motion (f rourtcillors \'odder and tier- a movement on fool, to establish a Co- ,Secretv, 1\ or. Itro. (.. \cw(•mlt', oleic. C,u ricd• a Operative Cheese Factory in Blyth, Treasurer, \\'nr, Bro.). 11.h. 1{Ilutl. Communications perhaps lety k.W\v that plans had pro. foliar\' : \\', \I. \\'o., Bro. ii(n. \1'llitntor(, I. P. \I, \1'111. Bro. N. I', Garrett S, \\'„ Bro. \1'. I I. \l o: rlu,. J. \V, tiro. \\, G. ,)ItNall, Perrnit Granted, And Assurance Of License Given Tyler, tlr I S. (lu II(\w, Letter from County Clerl< read 110• grossed to a state where the project is lif)ing the Corporation of the increase now in a'state of materializing. For in 11( cost of hospitalization for indig- various reasons it \vas deemed ad\•is- c111 patients, ;WI(' In kccp tit( details out of the pa - \loved by (ouncill(rs, \\'right and Pers until such time as certain ditfictil- Council tact on \uw(naher 15th, at \olden, that the communications I) lies had been overcome. \nw those East \Va\\'anosh Council 8.311 p.m , \\illi Intl attendance, Rc:er ('aerie(. difficulties seem to have been sur - 1, 1). Beecroft Prr;i(iillg. 'The nli:nars ( \Ioved by councillors \\'right and mounted, and censorshipis more or of the ptr5iou:' meeting lyses read and Kcrnick, that Ily-Lit' No. (), 1944, asless lifted. no\\ rca+l three times in open Council, ! Late in the summer a few of the adopted, lt, -Lint• No, 7, 1944, appointing tit." time and place of nomination was giv- en I'ival reading a' d pas ed. Ily-Lary No. 8, 1941, ratiiy;n.g the ;Ipl.ini matt of :\nlbtur tu'' 1914, accounts \vii al•n passed. A; (logs hall played li;ty e 111 \•arieu; (larks of sheep several claims were presented for Iayment. \\'nt. Thtiell, salary for toys ... 4501 pointed, and canvassers appointed to on the ennttnet:Totem of opera14,11s nil. 1 11)11 1)11 at„,,\\i:ll Ree, ;01'1 r,t.:,o',1 are io ,1 onto ;attending the The fo11.1\\'ing arcount; were orders' Mrs, Louise Durward, treas. acct, 33,0.1 approach farmers throughout this area,Itltis prl,,oscd Cheese Factory. Carrierl;\Irs. 11, C. \\-axon '.i llrn"11 . 1'1it1•d Lome!. t 1'-Uperative conren- to be paid: Stuart \Icllur01y, Road \Irs. \I, I., 11,tll Div. Court elcrl< 24.00'getting the number of vows, and seek- \lo1•e'1 by intuit \',also an(I The An lat `unllay SrIun11 tnelti ,, tion. Supt, salary, 9i 50; Gilbert hest i tt , A. \1'. I'. Smith. Bailiff . 14,(N1 ing rn-operat'(1 in the matter of 1).,,;:,t,,.tn, that the Clerl< be authorized r. of the \\•estlic'.d l'nit(d Sunda\' S, h ,t ! \li k t' \ !; 'I \';tr a is 'Maul brushing `1.53; Graham Cook, chccl<- London Seal( \\'arks, adjusting shores, \\•hick wore valued at $50,1x) 11 employ 1,;t\t•yer Crnwtord, \\'ingh;tut 'was held on 1\'etltie,';ty ;aitet':1,, n, i:::• t11e 1\1(1; (;t!; 'sirs, (', It. l'rlullcs. ing gravel, $22115; \\'. :\, Gibson, fire scale . . .... ...... ..........__..---.--.. 5.001 each. The ress(onse was very gr,tt'fv- to act 0111 behalf of the Corporation in with Rev. 11, 1 Stoll in charge. 'I'!re insurance premium on grader, $.17.-12; .1 S. C•helletw, spray of flowers .... 4,00ling, and more than ample production this matter, Carried. srrtptnrc les,\ tt \ya, read irl,rt, Vit.. J. Reavis, ga.; and repair of grader, I(;corg( )111111, I(N) gal. gas 3n,t1O was assured, mud over 50 percent of Mloyerl by Councillors \'urldcn and \latthe\y, chapter 7, follo\\cd by Ileal', '$22.95; Bert :Armstrong, gas and repair i I)r. D, (1. 1lodtl, M.0.11. expenses 15.001 the needed cash \was .promised on the llainton, that rte do now adjourn. Car- (r. The election rya, by aper, sot(, \I r.' of grader, $505; Canadian Oil ('„•, haunts of Huron, County levy 1,54.4,48 first canvass, This was the signal to died, Norman McDowell tea, again sleets l I he .\:unlit! Itanolnet i 'r 11e Still - of gal. gas$�7 Ill; ('. R, 1oultrs, \vir,,I:\ ll. I?rlaine 'Tax co1(11tinns 16,03 !proceed with further plans, and the Gordon Elliott, Clerk. as Superintendent with i1 o ted C;111;l,- >Itln( �i.'(' , „i the \\o1ne1', Institute Gordon 1•:ICott, Clerks account 20.9_' matter• of a permit was taken np, and ( Il a> 1st ass;.uult, \I r. \V. F. Dant \\a bel l la,; 1 tiir,1ia stat the haul( of and staples, ,;I._Il; T. L. Patterson, 1 1(p bridge Plan,, etc., $611.0(t: Joe Kerr th,tt1ge itaritor(i, gravel ............... 405,(N)has been secure(. Also assurance has hell, 2nd a,si:t;utt. Secretary-Tr(;t,-.\trs. I. (:helico. 'Thirty lathe, and gravel delivered, $325.8(1; 'Township of I\yl'• of 11uI1(tt, grayling 42.50 Past \\':nwanosh, road amount, share !lien Johnston, 1 cord cedar 3.50 of 1Iallah;ut i)rainl, $131:111; 'Treasurer 1I. McElroy, dumping ground 25.00 of Myth, Division Court rent, $211.01; ( \fovIil by councillors 1<ernick ani 1\'inghanl :\d ;u1rc 'I'inlcs, enters' lists \\'right, that recounts as read be paid. 'and Collector's Notices, $t10,(It); Orval Carried. ,t1cGowan, sheep claim, $10,00; .Jahn NI overt by Scott, sheep claim, $40,00; \\'m, Go\\•,IKernick, that sheep claim, $11,00; J. T. \Ir("alluut, ricd. sheep valuator's services, $10.50. Council adjourned to meet on 1)e- ccnlber 15th. —R. R. RE.I)MONI), Clerk, TRUCK IN ACCIDENT to estah(sh a Post 1\'ar Reserve Fund ;err 11111, he (anally passed, Carried. Bills And Accounts George i :t'tvreor', labour .... -. $4,72 progressive farmers got together with members of the 1llyth Ro;u'd of 'Trade and talked the proposition over. From then 011 11 teas r,lttir(ly in the hands of l :\ sp(rial Ph cling, of tht• Itltth \In .i- ciI :tI :wined ''f the 111: attioll nl Blyth, held on Itecemher _ltd, for tl,t• ,pltrPltsc of meeting tvit!t :t (!(1('gattoct front the (,n:t:111tttce of the proposed Farmer ('o-(1perativv Cheese Fart, ry arith i' -;e \I,trritt and 1 tmnrilior, 1lainton, i\crn','k, \'olden and \\'ri;41t, present, i lith:that' addressed the (_ottllcil oil the proposition of the start- ing Of a Parsers Co -Operative Cheese l'act(try to he located in Myth and re- , 'mote(' ;t fixed assessment for their \lr. \\'11. \Icl).\\('ll, \1r, awl \Ir 1i1u1 :I'11i,1,' " t!1 \!r ;1111 `,II I led plant and property of $2i1)). for a leer- Noortu,tt! \Icltot\ell and chllll•t•u. un,l Itcid ;111'i 1101 iod of ten yea:': and a gr;ntt of $1,0 t(II \Irs. (1-h.tt'!e-t('u 5i•itcd Nils, Mildred the 1; .1111in I'.Inn i' 110 1. e: at the to help in drilling of a well and a, 1st "Thornton of Kitchener ou ;tlnrd•(,, Il'O.,e "1 :,11.. ,1•'I \Ir Jas l I t ""l - in the starling of this lhe( I:tet r> \I 'tn+I .\I• I.! t'11 and1tt of \1,1nd1_ ni:llt \\:t!1 ;lu ata nd in Iilyth• Idts\on v. ;tisalitl or\I, r•, n llP;urio,Il,,l knell \\ere 1. n "i ,•\'I r -)'a I I:' I r' ;1 `,;I t \w,a• to oell a 11.11?..\I r. LorneLornene ! Mr. John \\';ltson spoke briefly the Co,ntcil (representing the Itlytlti NI r. and \Ir• i)ongla, ('anl;Ihc'I antil\!I, \\i1 .01 \\a, plt',ettt ;1111 Iloard of 'Trade) and retltn•;ttrl the John vi,ted o t Sunday w111 \1 r. and ” 1 ,'n11111- I((tun iTs fat•norahle con,i(lerati n in \Irs. Olga hiller of I;odrrirll. 011.11 !if, n tit 11 rt 1 ,011 , 1'0► - Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $` M0 in the U.S.A. NOTICE Readers will notice that The Standard is but half its usual size this issue. 'the editor, lye regret to say, is ccnfined to the hospital in CI'nlon, hating underwent a surgical operation on Monday for appcndtcit's. We trust that our readers and advertisers will hear with us under the circumstances, Mr. Whi'more, at latest report, is improling r':1;c'y, \V`?STF IELD BEI,GRA\'E - • t'lit ,1 i+'',t 111,'., 111 I.,1 '1,14/ 1,c. 11 t e1. 1'1' 1.11 '.. e „n'! Rina, ( held in till, I Ir, 1- 11.1 1 11 1'ti 1h,\ '1iel1t tea n',' ;1- \\t 11 ;11'111'1'',1 as 11,11;11 ,, t\(.a!h- IcI 11, t•�:, ."I I'I lit•, ,1111 1't '';:1• t\ert• \\"1 Its \Ir J;tnn•s k. t'. lulls- a''I ile: i 'rt \\1'''11 \Iu',ic 1111' I1,011 11,1• 111111 ,. `Irl)o\y 1 !i', I lr, .lr t.'1. \ 1a:,t 1' nurse so;1- 1 tel l'/ shmeot \l r. •t'1 1 .` i l . t'. P. ( - u'tt \1;1hc1 11 - It. 1 :1!1t's, \aru.1. the assisting of the Farmers i11 this un-; (,Ilea, at til.' 11 Hie of \]r, and \Ir-, I!"\\1.1 and 11111(•11 \t:t- '-et'y„1. Th • next dcrlal:ing. IJ. 1., 't(, i)ntt(!i \sere my. and \Ir.., lneeti ' ''t 11 he :1' tl.e Ptt:( of \ir. atJ1 \loved by Cour•:illors l<ercicl< and 'iJtlhn (;ear of Kitchener, \Ir. ;old \Ir., NII.:', 11.—c \\Ito,ler "'al' \lr-. 1. 1`• l ich;ted Scott, labour . . 7.87ithe farmers, and several meetings \verei\\'right, that the C'ounril give a fixed 'Gordon Stnitl ;uul )tarhara of t; '1,' t .nits. ;,11,1 t11:n;utl \\'lll.iu on ill }'ohe1•t Baird, I;tboilr . _ . .. .... 3.30 held, 11'Itl('ti \vele well and enthusiastic !assessment of 510;)), for a period of ten 'rich, !1;111;1 1 rrv'r1 illi'tl. A. \V. 1'. Swill), special constable 2.00 ally attended, '1'1)( result 1\as that ayears as requested subject to a vote of 1 \I r. and\Ir,. Jac]: Itu'.'!colan \i it, 111 \1 r•. 1 \\'10 t'':ead, Mr;. N. hies.;ns, J.:\, (00•an, salary for Nov. -... 80.00 Provisional Iloard of I)irectors \vas ap- �lhe ratepayers and a grant of $t00,III) ion \\'editesdav with Mr-. Strachan ilii' 1,• I• 1' .'l!;e-, 1'arol'I Procter and ('y - SUNSHINE SISTERS ANNUAL BANQUET councillors Wright and we do now adjourn, Car - been given from the \1'artintc PricesJUNIOR FARMERS MEETING urer, NIurray NIcltowell, assistant, ttto children sa ,1(,\\:1 at )1.31 t.. 0 very I& Trade Board that a license will he On Friday night, 1)ecctnber 1st, (;racnu' McDowell, Temperance ,2 sunll,tn.t;l• nu••(1 ;titer which the Pre•i- tgranted, Then too, we understand that thirty of the .Junior Partner, of the crctary, Rev. ll, Snell; \lissi n;uy (lent, Mrs. Sri'ittLIuoltr. gave a toast the machinery is now available, and at Clinton district gathered in the Agri -committee, \Its, Norman \I c1to\tell, 1" ..11111• Kin ;wit the Forces 1tvcr- the moment there scents very little in cultural heard Rootn, CI Mon, for the Mlrs.Alva \Icl)o\ecll, \Its. 1\'nl. \\',d- seas" followed in' the tali ural At/ - the way of the Cheese Factory hccom- purpose of organizing a Junior Irartn-!(Ica, \Irs. \\'m, \[r\'ittic; i((pr(,cnt;t lh(n,. 1)r.:1u11ic Bos; gave the toast ing a reality, and in the not tot) dist-,'ers Club. Ofticers elected were as fol-Itiwc to O((Isla' L'oald Norntt11 me_to t1c I,nstiuue, of the \yorid iollow(d ant future, lows : Don'ell, I'he leachers appointed were by the sincinq •f the Institute Ode :utd 1\'e undertsaid that negotiatit•ns are President, T;mice Roy, 1�.it. 1, T,on- las folln\5s: Senior T lisle l'lls;, 1lo\y;od al \`'''' '.i "O Canada Gordon 1ldintt, Clerk, now going on between the Cheese desbol•o; Vice -President, Keith 'Cyn-'C;unphell; lunior Mild( ('lass. I. I.. \Ic-i \ \(r} It;tl,l11 lets tinut(; nn, spent lloard and :he owners of the 1' cal dall, R.R. 4, Clinton; Secretary, Jin\' as (•Beit 011( rulatc,i ho\v good their ,Dowell, Douglls Canephcll, IlarSey V Platting Mill, for the latter to purchase }.obit, H.R. 2, Clinton; 'Treasurer, Glen 'Mcl)nyell, Norutan meDi tycll, Nor._ ;Sunshine Si,ttrs had been to theta, \Vise, R.R. 3, Clinton, Lutan Radford: juniors: \IIs. R. \ in and gnat I;ntelurr \then the identity Directors for the following townships '1•f theirSttr'•lline Sister was made(cul, \\inniind Campbell: I dinars, were ; i 1: nntyl1. .NI 1.S. Fraok Campbell, Mr;, George I)nttglas Farqulcu•, 11u'lett1 Fr;utk'1\'ightntan; Ilcginnor', \Ir,. I. Ito(.' Thi, \\as 1. ,0cd by Ihrec contest; Potter, Godot ic]t ; Istel: Clegg, Stanley; �ch;mans \Irs, 1 F. J. Cook, Mrs, Norma', \\ hick \vele tyol+• lty \Its, .\. bear. M. s. ,Glen Layton,"1'ucke'rsntith. Radford; Pianists, \\'innifrtd Camp- ll, 1101, ,tad \I r,. .\. 'favi o :\ felt' (:\flet the election of officers, .\gri- hell, (;tacntc Mclhn\'cll, Phyllis ('otk, F';ane, of Ilia It were played and the cultural Representative, J. 11. \iathe I \ I I Edith Co„ „ happy '; itnerin:- closed with tit( em- !: rlto d (_un:, 1:, (,\1(';111 I\'tl son, gate a Celt' interesting tact 011 IC,,ok. 'Ike Illc•ctltttr 0111.0 1 \(!• tit IIIc 'Itlt, 01 1,, nd :'_1t l.atltt•-, ? "Permanent }'ashless." He also spoke 1k nediction. � ---- lof the Short Course to he held at the \I r. tad \Its. Charles t Snlitb and INORTH HURON L.O.L. t0, A. C., Guelph, January 1st to lith children visited on Sunday with \I r. WILLING WORKERS MET \I r, I l;truld \'otlden's bake truck was involved in a slight accident on the \\'ititcchm•ch road last Friday. Nit.. The regular quilting of the \Vining John Johnston,, driver of the \'oddeu \\'nrkers of the otl1 Linc, \lot•ri;, was ( truck, lost control of the truck ort the held ;It the home of \Its. Lorne Bad - ,Icy road; and slid into a team and ley last Wednesday. Two quilts were !sleigh, owned by Mr. John \\'chb, of quilled. \Irs, Hadley served a hot l\'inghant, causing injury to. one of the supper from which ,3.(1) was real'zed, horses and slight damage to the sleigh. V-- \I r. Juhaston was driving at a very RECEIVED WORD FROM SON slow speed and the truck was only OVERSEAS Rcw, h. A. lirool\ incl \Irs. il;•ool:, of 11(nsall, received word this week .front drove son, ('111. Kenneth Brook, I)nnati,ns for boxes for Prisoners of of the h.C,:\.i' overseas. that lie ex- \\'ar: pats to :arrive honie the beginning of Farm Forum S. S. No, 10, East the year 011 sic•I< leave, ('pl. Brook \\';ay;utosh , , $35.15 ('nlisted five y ear, ago, and has been :\ cheque for this mamma. has been confined to a hospital in India for the forwarded to 1;eadquarters, past t\vo months with illness. R. Philp, Treasurer. slightly damaged. —__v BLY1'H RED CROSS PREMIER GEORGE DREW will speak on "A TIME FOR DECISION" Wednesday, Dec. l3th 8.30 p.m, over the Ontario Regional Network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Affiliated Stations 1 CBL TORONTO CKLW WINDSOR CKNX WINGHAM. that building, as it appears the only suitable one in the town for such a project, and a new building at the pres- ent time would be too expensive. On Saturday evening the Cheese Board, the Executive of the Myth Board of Trade, and the VOage Coun- cil met to d;si.uss matters which the Cheese Board had in mind in the way of concession;. Mlr. Simon 1lallahan as Chairman of the Cheese Board, ad- dressed the Ccttticil, asking for a fixed assessment for a period of ten years of $2,000.00 on the planing mill building. should 1h,tt bt+ilding he purchased, and pis() asking for a grant of $6'000 from the local scuttled, said grant to be use.1 for well -drilling purposes. Mfr. J. 11, \\'atsnn, representing the Board of Trai e, also addressed the Council, supporting the demands of the Cheese Board, After some favourable discussion .among all those present, it was moved by Councillor Kcrnick, seconded by Councillor \\'tit.'ht, that a fixed as• sessntent of $2001,00 be granted for a period of ten rears, subject to a vote of the ratepayers, and that the grant of $601,1)1 would he given when opera. lions had prove 0(11(1 to the point where it was neede,1- The mloti0n carried unanimously. This Plebiscite will have to be held in the very near future as 'the Cheese Board are very anxious to proceed. The question as to whether it will carry or not, depends on whether ratepayers in town are anxious to sec their town progress, add have an in- dustry in our midst that will have a far-reaching efiiet't on the whole dis- trict. The Plehislci(e, when held, will have to carry 1•y a two-thirds majority. That means that everyone will have to boost the project to the limit, and assure the final successful outcome of the vote. \\'e can hardly imagine that there will be anybody who will not he behind the Project 100 percent. it is a real opportunity to start the hall ling towards much better times in midst, The Council the Cheese Board regarding the equip- i for "\\'oritl 1't:cods", not vet paid. Ro,l \Irs. C. Johnston ;tall 1111thtr meat in the local Planing Mill, and IC;til will be ;ut ret.,,O \vitt ' 't v j;tvomr_ \li;s P. Coulter and \Ir. (;. I10ir:r- . \\ oil the ',otthy pt';,•rz. that was, that they should nice to sec he verse," , ( The nit mel'tine will he 1,1-1,1 at the i otne of \1 r. ;:,gid 1:. \1 arslt:tl! C. llesirahlc, the lust opti011 to pnrcicasr ; i"hn;ton \\i1 1 hr ronyrnrr. \1's. \Ic it, The 11t,ar-1, who are all farmers 1."e1:11•71.:1' c 1711 \viii tai.( the tar minute topii. realize the ace;; of a Planing :NMI in �: •,d the retrcat'''1 wit! he in rhare'0 of this community perhaps leerier than ; village citizens, I 1 . Leggett an,1 1), I i:1110 ltt. I•:ye: v!t, !v land said that every Junior Farmer teasANNUAL MEETING and \Its, ifamhl Cardiff of Itrusse?,. welcome. Mr. Bad \Ir . Earl 1\'ightman and \, rth Ilnr 1 Pointy I..0.1.. held The meeting closed by singing the Miss ma•(taret, visited on •I'Inn•,dav,their Annual \kering itt \\'inghaot ,National Anthem. it \vas (Iecidecl to with \Ir. and \I N. l \l:oilers of ITliesday (\(ming, i)etculher 5th. In hold the next meeting Tuesday, Jauu- T,uckno\\•, ithc absence.County \l aster Ileo. ary 9th, 1945. ILrrr, 1'aot (','cuts \I aster Robert Mrs. Charles Smith i, spending a j couple of day' with her sister, \Irs.l \\.,,p,,,,,t•,,,k t1u• chair. TURN IN CANVASSING BOOKS John Gear, of Kitchener. fast t'ott,:ty Master itr1,, \1(•\ltn•r;ty \Ir, "win' Taylor, Ftldi(, and ila 1'c'ontlncle+l the 'It'll in" of '((leers, \\c have been asked by the Chair 'winch are a; follows, roan of the Cheese ilt'a•d to ask all \vert' I. idon \i-itors on Tuesday. \1'.l'.\I., Ileo. (;aIle). those 55110 have canvassing books i1 The Farm Forum met on \I:Intl:ay i).('.\I., Ileo, (;rash(. their Possession to turn them in at "r"i"g at the borne of Mr, and \Irs. ch„,lion. Ito,,. Slca'art, ome. A public meting trill be held '\orinatu Nfel).ttvell \\ ill around -1i 1 Some lime next week, and everyoneipt•cscnt. The iiroatli:lst, "('an future interested will be invited to attend, farmers stake a living" was listened Nee. St r„ 111,,. F;dt otter. 'I're;tstn•er, Ill r. 1' innigan. to with much attcrr,t, and was 1li,cus lilt. Sec., 11;0. 11i,nutrt. It should be remembered that credit t \Loshal, Jiro..\tlanls.' for the success of this Project Ott; far sed in the groups,/ to some length. 'I'Itc t. given I v trial al'lll'Ihe, 1\'t'rl' 1111111.1 the dl- I",I'st Lecturer, lli'o, I llrlilm,nll. hottld he }sae n to the members of the ;. ' Second Lecturer, Ben. flesh, Cheese Board, who have gone to great mctio11 of Mr. Marvin Mcl)ovvil and fitter' \a, .: (Irlcgation from ].ay. (ngtlt in order to secure assurance of Mir. J. 1.. \Icl'.mwcll. The Forum next field prestnt ;n\iting North iluron to a permit, ;uul also a License, \(r. i, 11, ;\reek win he a1 the home of Mr. ;un? I 1 Matheson, Agricultural l epresenta- i \Irs. 1. L. McDowell, \\ith \I r. incl ct'IcbrOle fuly 1_tht, 1115, in infield. iwe for Huron County, has been keen- I \1 rs. Roy Nobe in charge of the social ly interested in the venture from the',activities, Lotter \\as served and a so - start, and was appointed Secretary at -('ia1 tints spent an early melting. His efforts have Mr. ana \Irs. Dunca( McNichol of been largely instrumental in securing Walton, visited 00 'Tuesday with Mr. the Permit and License, and much and Mrs. \I, llosnlau, credit was given hint b)• Nit.. 1lalhthan, Chairman of the Iloard. The other FARM FORUM MEETING ntenthcrs of the Iloard are Messrs. Ti;cr•e were 38 present at the No. 11) \\'alter \lc(,ilt, \\'itliant 1)ow, George East \Vawanos,t Farm Forum on \Ion - Powell, :n.1 Prbert }Teary, clay night at tic home of Nit-. and Albert \\'al,h. The Broadcast and MISSION BAND TO MEET discussion wa: on the Veteran; 1.0nd The MI'ssion hand of Loving Service Act. \\'alter \Ir(,ill Rave an intcre't- rul• evil hold their regular meeting on sat_nt. five 'ninutc talk on the wort; of tit.' ottr tudar, 1)rrcmtbrr 0 at 3 n'rlorl:. ('hiltl Federation of Agriculture, , Prl' r(;sive lt'rhre \\,I, llla)etl in the1 t cn are asked to bring Talent \I only i made one request of land \IIIc Boxes, ;0x0 any snit,;ri1t1411. r'eereali,'ti periotl. 'Thr (,inner, 151'1. the equipment in the Mill remain in the town. They were assured by the members of the Cheese Board that they were just as anxious as anyone to sec it remain iters, and should the time cone for it to be sold, the Council would be given all information, and if The imitation was accepted. The meting dosed \\ith the singing of the National .\ntltent, PRESENTATION MADE Ott \h.'uday evenint: tt•e congrega- tion of i'rittit , Church Myth (net at the Rcc:ot•t• to say (;,,'al -(lye to Rev irs. Streeter 1 lean. I)urin,; the evening \I r;. 1darry ilrownc read an address and \ir. J. 11. Watson presented Rcv. and Mrs. Strectcr with an i?ntl 'Pahl( and Foot Stool and \l r. Gerald .\tt,gustine pre- sented \liss ic;:n Streeter \with a hill Fold, The 14yetor replied most graciously an+l paid tribute to the many happy assori;(tion, the,. hall here both in the parish and th • community a: \yell. 1.1ittrit foliaged and a social hour was spelt, BIRTHS l itIT r- 3" \fords Townsdtlp on ,!on ?ti, \o•.(•other 27, tct Mr. and t1 r , blot '. ':hitt :1 t! 'thter, This 20 -page booklet every woman will want... The new Kellogg's "It'elOit Con- trol Plan" gives you vital facts on menu planning and tickling your "Ideal" weight. Scientifically prepared weight -control menus (at three caloric levels) for every Clay in the week. Pre- pared by COnt1)eteltt authorities, this booklet can help you and your husband look your best, feel your lest. You tvi11 find the new Kclloeg's "Weight Control Plait" packed inside the top of every package of Kellogg's ALL•I3R:,N—the: delicious fool that aids natural reghrhmriry. Get your copy at your grocer's now. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q, Hutt' can 1 remote w ri:lkles from a garnmcnt.' A, .\loi.,;cn with cottnuun starch and tva:ere:\pply on the wrong side with a cloth and then iron, Q. Il ow can I remove burnt stains from aluminum? A. '1' e e stain: on aluminum or other unoeldeeed utensd of brass, tin, or iron, can be removed by placing it while empty over the gas flame or fire until red hot. Q. horst can I keep vegeulbles from tering tlmeir appetizing color when this are cooked, A. By not cooking that too long. Spireiell, asparagus, cabbage, and cauliflower seldunm need more than 10 minutes cooking; carrots, peas, tueeips, and parsnips between 2U and :t0 minutes. Q. low can I bleach white good:' A. By washing in the usual way and then soaking over eight in one half gallon of clear water, to which is added two teaspoonfuls creast of tartar. Q. How can 1 go over scratches on '.gall paper so that they will not show: A. By moistenu;g a scrap of the paper which has been saved, and then carefully scraping off the co- loring with a sharp knife, Apply this coloring to the scratch, and when dry it will scarcely be no- ticeable, Fish, Flesh, Fowl Or Three In One? One of time most curious animals in Australia is the platypus, which seems to be a mixture of several annuals. It can live either on land or water. it has the fur of a seal, the bill of a duck, and is web- footed, it has short legs with five webbed toes on each foot, and the male has a horny slur on his heels. Unlike the duck, it has nostrils at the extreme end of its bill. Al- though clumsy on land, it is a fine swimmer, and snails and shell fish compose its food. It lays eggs like a turtle, but carries its young in a pouch and suckles them, � MISERIES OF Baby CoId ReIj& As He Slee Now . , . here's reliable home - proved medication that works 2 ways at once to relieve distress of child's cold—even while he sleeps! Just rub throat, chest and back with Vicks VapoRub at bed- time. instantly VapoRub starts to relieve coughing spasms; ease muscular soreness or tightness, and invite restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning, most of the misery is gone. For baby's sake, try VapoRub tonight, It must be good, because when colds strike, most mothers use Vicks VapoRub, HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staeo Leather Goode dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E,, Toronto ISSUE 50-1944 ►+w+w++wwr+rw�-r-rrwrrw •reef Sapphires and Diamonds by DOROTHY TI:OWBRIDGE CHAPTER XV „t)ir, deer, l wish ", 1,0," PeogY cried dr -1 Irately, She d:dn'1 tell \laxine of 'taeley's hope In the it by !,rte afternoon, That did net seers Very pro1u0inLt wet,. \\ li hadn't he oared until Liter to go in tuft 11 for le, i',r, s, aril herr and looked for t!te ilea;,: That ring is a h, ' G o, she thought. First I head it, then- "1,,aine, trot going into toe. 11. Neve; mind \by. 1'11 be hack soon.- She ran 111 the kit- chen to tell \\'ilidon to get her the pony cart, ,tld in a few min- utes Das dtft•ing r;,pfd:y dots the road tooard tour, with her hops running very high. But she rct!!rncd home and hour and a half later hire in the depths than ever. The ring that she had suddenly remembered Mr. Carver was making like parry's, had al- ready been sold when she reached Marshvilie, "1 wanted to see lite ring you were making," she had told the old man. "\\yell now, Miss Peggy, that's mighty sweet of you to be that in- terested, and I wish you could have seen it. But it's sold already. I worked right straight through on that ring from the time 1 started on it yesterday, Jim said I was crazy. He wanted me to take my time at it. But once 1 get started to work on a thing like that, I've just got to keep going and get it finished, And it certainly was a beauty. As much like that ring of your friend's as two peas in a pod. I just had it finished and was standing here admiring it, when in comes a young mare and buys it right off, Some girl surely is going to be happy 10 have that ring," • v She had been so sure she had found a way out that to discover she was too late was about the last straw, \Vhy on earth hadn't she thought of it sooner? "Where- is everyons?" he asked Dfaxine on her return]. "Nancy is still upstairs, Gran canto down about the time Stanley returned and he asked her if he might talk to here, They have been shut up in the parlor ever since." "For heaven's sake, why?" Peg- gy demanded, "1 -Ie doesn't think Gran knows anything about it, does he? She certainly seems to like him, Maxine, 1 was awfully, sur- prised, weren't you? Gran and a detective!" There was a :udder sound in the uppper hall, A door wa being Bung open and light footsteps were rush- ing down the stairs. „Nancy," murmured Peggy. "Pidge must have conte," whis- pered Maxine. But Pidge had nut come. It was only Nancy rushing out to them on the terrace 'lith a motion picture magazine held open in her hand. * • • "I suppose that was meant to be funny l" she snapped at Maxine as she passed her and handed the mag- azine to the astonished Peggy. "Here is a picture of your sister's Mr. Newton," she told her as if Peggy could tail to recognize the face that was smiling at her from the page. "'Mr. Stanley New- ton,"' Nancy rear] aloud, "'one of the youngest and most outstand- ing directors of the motion picture industry today.' So that's your de- tective!" Peggy stared in amazement et 4bkautar-i%cdct A man's sock Makes this cuddly doll. A pair makes two. It's all in the cutting and juicing. Youngsters would love to make therm! One bandanna dresses this inex- pensive doll, so simple to stake. Pattern 542 has directions for 12 - inch suck doll, clothes. Send twenty cents itt coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly pat- tern number, your name and ad- di'ess. the picture in her hand, lie wasn't a detective. \u \\ older he wasn't fat :utd he didn't wear a derby 1,, 1, or— \la_\ine was laughing, "For hcav- 'I's sake don't Ict - Gran see that. Of course Stanley isn't a detective, IR is my directo' and he came here to sec me, 'nit after Grau said site didn't want to meet any- one eonneetc,l with pictures I didn't ser Trow 1 was guirrg to nouragc it until Peggy said that about his being a detective, and to get him out here. Of course I utas jut kidding when I said that to hitt over the phone. I had not known he was coming, and was surprised that he had found out my hunts address, But it did scent an excellent way for me to see hint, and it really was awfully inmportant. I thought the ring would be found anyway. I'm sorry," site faltered as Peggy and Nancy both eyed her :u silence. * "11e cattle here to sec her, of course, 'It was awfully impor- tant,'" Peggy was repeating to her- self, "1 ant just the little sister who mustn't be allowed to marry the wrong maul, Oh, I hate hint!" she thought, slamming the maga- zine shut. There were voices in the hall now, Gram's aild Stanley's, Gran was otl her way upstairs. Maxine and Nancy started towards them and Peggy slipped away from them quite unnoticed. \\'ithout thinking where she was going Peggy ran through the roso garden and i1to the summer house, This was where she had always conte with her troruhles since she was a child. * • * It was here that she had come when Maxine had written that she was going to remain in California. And it was here that she carte now when she \'as unhappy about— about Stanley not finding the ring, she told herself. What had he been saying to gran this afternoon? Had he told Iter about the engagement, and that the ring was here? But even as she thought t f that she dis- missed the idea. He would not do that, she knew. What was she unhappy about? What more na- tural than that hfaxine's director should be in love with his star and follow her home in order to be be with her? He had not spoken a word of love to her, Peggy, amu if she had been foolish enough to imagine things irons his tone, and expression—swell it was just too bad, He had only been glad for the fancily when she told hint she \'ould give Harry back his ring. Of course Ile had been glad, He wouldn't want tlaxiiie s sister to do anything foolish. And she had been count- ing the minutes until six o'clock when he would bring her the ring. And now it was—she glanced at Iter wrist w'atctlt—it was two min- utes to six, and he was probably in the house laughing with Maxine at the joke they had put over on them, But he wasn't in the house be- cause just then she saw hint come out of the front door, pause a mo- ment there to look towards the rose garden and then start down the steps. Well, site wouldn't wait, she wouldn't be here if he cants, She didn't want to hear his explanation. She didn't feel like laughing over the joke. She wanted the ring to give back to I-farry and then she wanted to forget men. (Concluded Next Week) Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. For how long a time should a widow wear mourning? 2. \\'lien a girl is invited to sup- per after the theater, what would be suitable for her to order? 3. Should the husband or the wife send out informal dinner invita- tions? 4, If a knife, fork, or spoon is dropped while at the table, and one's hostess is serving the steal, who should pick up the dropped article? 5. Is it proper for a man to re- move his hat when entering an of- fice where women are employed? 6, In what manner thould a for- mal introduction he phrased? ANSWERS 1. She may wear all black for a few weeks. 'Then the black may be modified gradually with touches of white here and there. There is no set time That one should wear mounting, and some people do not use it at all. 2. A salad, a hot club sandwich, with coffee, and light pa- stry or fruit. 3. The wife should send the invitations for her hus- band and herself. 4. The one who drops it should do so, and without displaying any emhar-assutctt. It is not necessary to stake any refer- ence to it. ,. \'es; a well-bred man will remove his hat when entering any office, even his own. 6. There are several forms, but "Mrs, Smith, may I present Mr. Allen" is always correct. . SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON December 10 CHRIST 1N THE HOME Islatt, 10: '1-6; Luke 10: 38.421 2 Tim. 1: 3-G, GOLDEN TEXT.—These things I command you, that ye may love one another, John 15: 17, The Institution of Marriage In our lesson we find the Phari- sees again tempting Jesus with their questions. '1'liis time it is a question which would have been in order if asked in the proper man- ner. "Is it lawful for man to put away his wife for every cause?" Jesus appealed to their own know- ledge with the question "Havre ye not read that 11e which made thein the beginning Made them male and female, and said for this cause shall a maul leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain al 111 be one flesh?" There was no matter of doubt left, regardless of the laws of the church or laws of the land, for "What God hath joined to- gether, let not moot put asunder," Mary and Martha The certain village was Bethany which is quite close to Jerusalem. Martha seems to have been the head of the house where she lived with Mary her sister and Lazarus her brother, They apparently had IL great love for the Lord, and Jesus must have enjoyed the fel- lowship of 'Martha and her family, for quite often he was found visiting there, Jesus did not miss an oppor- tunitiy to trach God's Word, and at his feet was Martha's sister Mary, eagerly listening to the Master's message, There was much to be taken care of in the preparation of the meal for Jesus and his disciples, and Martha was very busy looking after everything. She became ir- riftated seeing her sister Mary sitting at Jesus' feet and in a way blamed the Lord for her sis- ter's attitude. In his own unique way the Lord rebuked Martha with words of kindness, "One thing is needful, and I1lary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her." May we in serving the Lord not be- come too busy to take time to sit at fhe Mast l.'s feet. A Godly Home Paul, writing to ' itnulhy, thanks God that he continually, remem- bered Timothy in prayer. He gave God the praise and glory for this remembrance, since it was He who put it into his heart to pray, Paul was a man of prayer, praying nigl.t and day without ceasing. Paul was an intercecsiou in prayer; he not only prayed for himself but for all the saints Paul mentions that he served God from his forefathers. He appreciated the fact that he had been brought up under strict re- ligious influence. lie was not saved by his'' upbringing, but following Lis conversion it was a source of help and blessing to !mint. Paul had a great love for Timothy who was i'' possession of the sante unfeigned faith that dwelt in his mother and grandmother, life urges '1'iutothy to stir up, or awaken, that gift he had received at the laying on of the; hands by' Paul. Wrens `Carry On' In Hell -Fire Corner Shell -fire and flying -bomb at- tacks on Dover turned what was previously a dangerous job for the Wrens of the Dover Command Into one of the most hazadrous tasks of the war. 1 learned their story in a naval machine shop in the forefront of "Hell -fire Corner". The shop was crammed with racks of live tor- pedoes. The "Torpedo Wrens'', as the girls whose job it is to over- haul the Navy's torpedoes are known, were working as usual, testing the torpedoes cleaning and greasing them, and loading them by crane on to waiting trucks. This vital work never stopped, even dur- ing the fiercest bombardment of the area, A single sheil-splinter, I was told by an R. N. officer, would have been sufficient to have scnl "the whole works sky-high''. But the Wrens Clever faltered. "'They were magnificent," said the ..'(firer, They refused to take cover, except on one occasion when they were or- dered to do so, and then they re- turned to work within 10 minutes. A sit.gle stalk ut corn will *lift approximately 440 pounds of wa- ter front the groom!, and expel it through its leaves, in one short growing season, 'WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Quickly RELIEVES muscular PAINS In legs and body, driving alvay possible compiicatlnns ham exposure In cold and dampness To mt at once do relief. RUM Ot(81ta Neave Uits 111 r r r rue err Easy to roll, delightful — to smoke FINE CUT (1 ARETTE TOBACCO TABLE TALKS Christmas Puddings There are many foods to please during holiday time and in for- mer years our only worry was to have t h time to make all the puddings attd cakes we wanted. N o w, we have to con- sider also the problem of ra- tioned good s and prices. These recipes have been designed to fit all these re- quirements, Look them over, homemakers, and you'll find they quilt fill the bill! Christmas Pudding (Serves 12) cup sugar )a cup butter 1 egg 1 cup molasses 1 cttp sour milk 1 teaspoon soda, soar milk 8 cups flour teaspoon cinnamon 74 teaspoon cloves 3k teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup chopped raisins Ya cup currants or seedless raisins TA cup ground citron Vs cup candied cherries 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream sugar and batter Add egg, slightly beaten, Add molasses, milk me, flour al- ternately, a little at a time, blend- ing well. Add fruit and vanilla, Pour into two greased 1 -quart pudding molds. Cover and steam for 8 hours, Serve with bard or foamy sauce. If you want to splurge a hit and can afford it, here is an old-fash- ioned, real English plant pudding: English Plum Pudding (Serves 12) 54 cup sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon salt /4 teaspoon baking srda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg J� teasl:Oon mace Ya pound raisins, chopped 14 pound dried curra'Its, chopped 54 pound citron, chopped dissolved in VETERAN RETURNS Veteran of fierce allied fighting at Caen and Falaise during the fight for the liberation of France. Captain A, A. Masson, M, C„ Fusiliers de Mont Royal, famous Montreal regiment was among the 40 Montrealcrs in the "cltel!ory" overseas service party .thief' ar- rived recently at Windsor Station, Montreal. Also a veteran of Dieppe, for which he received the Military Cross from His Majesty the King; Kiska, where he "didn't do much", Captain Masson is pictured here on his arrival as he was greeted by hie wife, at the Canadian Pacific terminal, 'A pound lemon peel, chopped ry pound orange peel, chopped ?'a pound blanched alnuoul'i, chopped cup fine bread crumbs ):j cup hot milk ;' pound brown steal 5 eggs, separated 14 pound suet, chopped ii cup fruit juice lathy kind) glass currant jelly Sift flour, salt, soda and spices together; sur n1 it'ttit .ld almonds, Soften crumbs in milk 11) ni:ltt:cS. Brat sugar into beaten egg y'olksl add the stet and crumbs; stir into fruit -flour mixture, Add fruit juice and jelly and mix \yell, Fold in stiffly beaten seg whites, l'uur in- to greased mold; cover tightly and steam for ::'= hours. OATMEAL PORRIDGE 01,1 -fashioned oaine..a is is •, d as one of the mane solo et, u: 1' ',t- nmin 11, which iti proi,a'';y ,,:i l: er reason why the pus ri lge-, ,,Io Scot.: arca hardy r,nc, —The lir,intiord I'. ;' :',or There are about ;io, xl,noo ,m, women and child! en on 0.• in the l'nited States, Relieve Neuritis►•. Neuralgia Pain Aspirin Eases Fain Almost Immediately Why Aspirin works so fast Instantly) Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin 'Tablet in a glass of water it begins to dis- integrate. And that same quick action takes place itt your stomach, 'Thus, you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective; above all, dependable. Thnl's why Canadians have come to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, ncuralgin or neuritis. So protect yourself front needless misery. Just get n bo:< of genuine . Aspirin at your druggist's today nod folluty aimple directions, NEW REDUCED PRICES Porter Dos of 12 now 184 lccnomy tole of 24, now 29c Family ,rtcof 100..,,..,.,,no, ',9c SE1 Tho Boyar cross on each tablet Is vsur S:'at•cntoo that II': Aspirin SVLrnY NOSE? Nose plugged tip? 1Icad cold threaten- ing? Just slurar NOSTI2OL1NE in each nostril. ht'cd clogged nluruus loosCll, stoniness vanish, breathing passngcs rotor clear, Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE clears hend, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and children. 50c—all druggists. CISTROLINE CLIF10N, at:ISTOL, £NGLANIa Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The Vitamin Bt Tonic Contains Vitamin Bt and Essential Food Minerals . Extensivelyusedfor headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia, chronic fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60 pills, 60 cts. Economy size, 180 pills, $1.50. SWOON -SUIT FOR SOMEONE—BUT RE -MADE Canadian I3obby-Sockers are literally getting the clothes off the back of swoon -crooner Frank Sinatra. In Montreal recently Frankie gave one of his swoon -suits to the ReMake Centres operated by the Price Board's Consumer Branch . . , It will be made -over into a smart suit for a high school girl and sent across Canada along with the Remake Revue wardrobe which shows the younger set how they cr.n save material by making old garments into new . Here a pretty Bobby-Socker tries the coat on for fit and receives smiling approval from Sinatra. Mrs. Irene Gougeon, national super- visor of ReMake Centres, looks on. OTTAWA REPORTS Tributes Pak: To First Canadian Army And To Canada For Her Part In The War Tribute to the First Canadian Army was paid by Baron Silver- cruys, Belgian Ambassador to Canada, on his -cant return from Brussels, At a press conference here he stated, "It may well be said that the Iiheration of the Scheldt is 'ssentislly a Canadian epic," Major Kenneth Brown of the Royal Corps of Signallers, a British officer now visiting Can- ada, said of Caen that the fight- ing the Canadians went through there was not sur asset' by any- thing at El Alamein, the Sicily or Italian campaigns or any other fighting in western Europe, 1Ie also advised, "Don't under -estimate the job you Canadians are doing in the war, because Britain certainly doesn't urder-estimate it." r • • Between 400 and SOO soldiers with five years' overseas service are expected to reach Canada on a 30 -day leave by Christmas, and other groups will arrive at later intervals, the National Defence De- partment has announced. • • • The inquiry into the tax position of co-operative enterprises by a eoillinisslon appointed by the Min- ister of Finance will involve more than 1,600 organizations with a membership of nearly 600,000 ac- cording to figures released by the economics division, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. Total business lore by co-operatives re- presenting all provinces of the Do- minion amounted to more ,than $352,000,000 in the year ending July 31, 1943. Up to the present co-operative enterprises have been tax-free. * • ' Cattle sales at yards and plants from the beginning u; the year to the week of November 23 total- led 1,301,796 head, compared with 1,067,488 in the sante period last year, states the latest livestock market review of the Department of Agriculture. Calf sales for the year so far are 653,000 compared Make it a Producer with It REIM J. B. Sutherland, Mara, B. C. writes: "lest year I had 7 cows I couldn't get is self, which nearly knocked me out. I went to a farmers mating In Armstrong to see what could be done about it. A man thee, Bam Hawksworth, enid he had 7 bailers which he couldn t get in calf. Ile fed them Rex Wheat GermOil and GOT THEM ALi, IN CALF! Following Ms suggestion, I used Rex 00 and got the tame 100% results, I will swear by Ilex Wheat Germ 00, it euro helped Inc." Rex Oil helps organically right animals to overcome shy breeding slowness to mate, absence of heat and other common breeding trou- bles because it supplies, in a con- centrated and stable form, the factors necessary for successful) Mable breeding, Tarn YOURboarders Into profitable producers —'tart feeding REX OIL. A few drops a day does the trick. Available of REED • SEED DRUG STORES 4oz.•$1.25 20 oz. • 55.00 iN (CANADA) LIMITED I.S.RPedal Italia • let SI Neatrul, Das. 4'3 aid to better- brpedf ".)• All livestock Anglers Meet One of the most successful meetings the '''Toronto Anglers' and 11 miters' Association have ever had took place in Toronto, Dec. 5, When "Vis'" B. Gray of the Cleve- land fain Dealer showed a big Kodachrome film and gave a talk on fishing Rainbows and Cut- throats in the mountains of 1 daho, Wyoming ar \f ontana, Mr, Gray enjoys a continental reputation as an angler, He has fished across the United States and Canada front cos: t to coast in the last thirty years, And is a great lover of Canada's Northland. He has made more than a score of trips into this country, in colabor- ation with the publicity depart- ments of the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific Rialways, s1 embers of the Ontario Feder- ation of Anglers and 11 unters Clubs were invited by the 'To- ronto Club to attend. with 160:3,000 last yeas, while sheep and lambs are up practically 100,- 000 head at 8162,000, flog gradings since January 1 number 7,731,10.1 compared with 5,888,986 in the sante period last y.ai • * * 1), B. Copland, Australian price commissioner, told a prcSt con- ference here that Australia had profited from the experimental work done in Canada and had adopted almost entirely the Can- adian price control system Rural teachers who prepare a hot beverage or serve sandwiches to pupils unablr to go hone for noon lunch may register with a branch of the ration administration as quota users to get extra sugar, butter and preserves, Headache Nothing is moredepres• sing than headaches... Why suffer?... Lambly' will give instant relief, Lambly'sisgoodfor ear. Vit ache,toothache,painsin 9 back, stomach, bowels, /*�d You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO • [Leery itoom 44 Mt linth, Show- er and I'elepltone. • Single, $2.60 up— Double, $:1.50 up. • Good Food, Dining and Danc- ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 ITCH CHECKED o o e Bac r Mn k Y For quick relief from itching caused by eczema. athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other Itching conditions use pure. cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ,YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM N, HOTIIASHES' If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzy spells, irregular periods, are weak, nervous—due to the "middle -age" period in a woman's life, take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It's helped thousands upon thou- sands of woolen to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound Is also a fine stomach tonic! Worth trying! Made in Canada. ISSUE 60-1944 ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME' TAX Ill;l'011'1'S, COM- plete Bookkeeping Service;, Small or Large Businesses, Trav- el Anywhere. Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. AGEN'T'S 11'AN'1'LD MEN ANI) WOMEN iN TOWNS TO handle the sale of 200 guaranteed products on et part time basis. `Very ettrective proposition. Par- ticulars, Xmas Pamphlet, Cat- alogue FItEE out request; FAM - ILEX, 1600 1)elorltnter, Montreal. VOICE OF THE PRESS TiIEY REMEMBER, TOO If the Russians are not overly cordial towards us, Is It surprising? Remember what we used to say about them only a few years ago? Well, co do they. — Fort F. de 'rimes -Review. DOWN TO TIHERE Lucien, the barber who served Field Marshal Montgomery In Brussels, rays he once cut Goer- ing's hair, He was probably sorely tempted to cut it about eight Inches too short, —Windsor Star VARIED GAME Some came home front the North wish alibis, others with deer. — St. Catharines Standard, LIFE WORTH LIVING ,, If you will check up on the kind of person who says life Is not worth living, you will most likely find that the kind of life he lives Is not worth living. — Sherbrooke Record, AN OLD ES'TA1(1,iSHED CHICK hatchery wants agents In cer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks In your Apure time. The commission Is good and the chicks are well and fav- ourably known. lVrtte for full details Box No. 182, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, BUS IN PISS OI'I'011'I't'NIT I\:S WILL SELL 013 EXCHANGE FO1t a business located in Toronto or other larger Ontario town, 2 ad- jacent farms of 100 and 150 acres, located 100 utiles east of Toron- to. Highest class buildings on both properties, 170 ares till- able. Lots of running water. Valued at 512,000. Box No. 186, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, IBA11t CHICKS 100 CHICKS FREE WITII EVERY ORDER OF 100 NIL - let chicks, we give 100 bee chicles (our choice). Leghorn pullets 522.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19 95 per 100. White hock Pullets 524.95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets 521.95 per 160. All chicks sold bucked by high egg pedigreed stock. 51.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent IIatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. GET TI111 RIG11'l' START start Top Notch chicks. The first ate', to success with a flock of chicks of any size Is the proper selection of "starters" that's more Important than either breed or age. Top Notch rbdr'ks are all f r o Ill Gowernnteut Approt•etl blood tested breeders, Snve Money, don't delay another day send for Early 110012ing Discount for de- livery anytime throughout the hatching seusnnh brae catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chi,keries, Guelph, Ontario. YOU WOULD BE WISE To ORDER Bray chicks now. we can give immediate delivery If desired, and If you want January or I'eb- runry delivery, get our pricellst and order soon. Substantial dis- count for delivery those months on orders placed now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., liarn- Ilton, Ont. (Some pullets avail- able, prompt delivery.) BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EV14I(Y BREEDER GOVERNMENT banded and blood -tested. Avoid disappointment by ordering your chicks early. Write for 1945 prices, and catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used In raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monk ton, Ont. LAYING AND READY -TO -LAY pullets for immediate delivery, Barred Rock, New ltampshtres, White Leghorn, Hybrids. Also booking orders for day old chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 51.00 HOOKS YOUR OIIl)E1t ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are front guaranteed tent- ed stock, and front 25 oz, eggs or Netter. Barred Rocks mixed $12,00 per 100, White Leg'porns mixed 511.00 per 100. Barred 9 e R Pullets allele 5 1 .00 per 100 white Leghorn Pullets 522.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 515.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100, Brown leghorns mixed $13.00 per 100, Brown Leg- horn pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery. balance paid C.O.D. Maple City hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN $50.00? It so, send for contest folder nt once. If you are not Interested In the contest we know you will be Interested In the money you can save by placing' y aur order for Tweddle chicks eariy. There's profit In poultry—if you start with Tweddle chicks—and there's still more profit If you start early. 'You cnn depend on Tweddle Chicks because they come from bloodtested breeders, and are known for their stamina and high -production. Tweddle }Inteh- erles have built that reputation over n period of 19 successive, successful yenrs of producing first-elnss chicks. Send for early hooking price list today. Alto free range laying. and ready -to - lay pullets for hurriedly le drlft'- ery. Tweddle Chick Iletrht iii s Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DAILY C111CICS EGGS .AND MEAT ARE THE TWO cash sources of pole try Income, get our calendar and prlcellet and learn why our high egg rec- ord, Large bodied birds will make more stoney for you. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. Box W. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. ANI) YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed 512.00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed 511.00 per 100, I3ar- red (tock Pullets 519,00 per 100, white Leghorn pullets $2,..00 per 100. heavy Breed Ctcls. $6,00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls, $2,00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special meted flock(. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 11.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, BARRED ROCIC, NEW HAMP- shire, White Leghorn and Hybrid laying and ready to lay pallets for immediate delivery. Also booking orders for 1945 chicks now. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chtckerles, Guelph, Ontario, 25 FREE CHICKS OUR 'FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds, Nothing better In Canada, Order now. ['rices for mixed baby chicks, (tales and females: Bar- red Rocks, 512.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 511,00; White Rocks, 515,00; Tlrown Leghorns, 513.0n. -Pullet pr1 es: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns, 522.00; White Rode;, 524.00; Brown Leghorns, 52.1.00. 26 free chicks, our choice, will he given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 26 free chlcks for each 100 day old pullets ordered, Goddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario, O1'EIN(1 & (11J:SNING 11A\'I: 1')111 ANY'I'llIN'; NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information, \Vo aro glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To. ronto, - Fl) It SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Compnny Ltd., 2326 Dutferin qt„ Toronto. , WINDSOR TURRET LATHE FOIL SALE, 2% -INCH CAPACITY, now operating. 650 Runnymede, Toronto. 11ANTA31S MILLE F1EU11 BANTAMS, PAIR 53.50. Keith E. Hunsherger, Box 30, Baden, Ont. ONE WADE DRAG SAW, COM- Icte; 5 -foot blade, almost new, 1250. J. W. O'Connor, Long Branch, REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS, springer spaniels, a 1 1 ages, promptly shipped; GO young reg- istered Southtlotvn ewes, good Berrie', rants. i'eter Porter, Bur- ford. Phone 280. LOVELY BOSTON TERRIER R MALE puppies, 8 weeks. ideal Christ- mas gilts, reasonable. E. Zadow, Egnnville, Ont. JERSEY RUTds FILUM SILVER Medal Dams, by our AA Senior 81re Edgeley Standard Noble Lnd, clnsslfted very good, by the Sliver Medal 51re, i1rainpton Jester's Standard 2nd Reasonably priced. Vaughan Acres limited, RIZ 2, Maple, Ont. AYRSHIRE, 7 CI101('E Ri:GISTE11- ed, bred heifers, 20 months old, sired by Le Moines Point Ring - land, 254645. All from high pro- ducing dams. Accredited. Neg- ative, Martin Sands 11.11, 5, King- ston, Ontario. FIVE REGISTERED) SHORTHORN T)I1 bulls, 9 to 12 months, 5100 and up. J. D. Jackson, Ilarriston, Ont. BROAD BREASTED 11 11 0 N Turkeys, vigorous, healthy stork, Also Jnmeswny sectional, hot water incubator, capacity 6500 eggs. We cnn still book a few orders for Poults, both bronze and white Rolla rids S. H, Ed- wards, 1111. 4, Watford, Ontnrfo. PASTURE 11\7 'S11,1t1, A ALFALFA SEED—ONT, GROWN DON'T WAIT. ORDER N 0 W. Quantity limited, secure your re- quirements while It lasts, of hardy, adaptable home grown seed of high purity and germ- ination, potltiveby the beet seed we have ever offered. Fancy No. 1 Government graded eeed 37c per pound delivered: samples on request. Also hybrid seed corn, pasture mixtures, registered oats, beans and peas. 'tVe supplied the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture during 1944 with special Foss end clover seeds. Apply to: W. E. geld, Box 103, Chatham, Ontario. Now Reading Bible For 130th Time Rev. Terry Harper Maxwell, pastor of Hephaibah and Blythe Methodist Churches In Atlanta, Ga., claims the title of Georgia's champion Bible reader, says The Sault Ste. Marie Star. Mr. Max- well says he has read the Scrip - SAFES Protect your 1100145 and CAAII front FIRE and 'PTIIEVES. We lave a rite and type of Snfe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit lip,or write for prim!, etc, to Dpt. W. �.64J.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1.46 Front S1. It., Toronto Eetnbllahed 1865 FOIL SALE BREEDER TURKEYS, NAR RA - anger and genuine brondbrcasted bronze from government tested stock. Males up to 25 and 30 lits, December delivery. Glendon McDonell, Greenfield, Ont, • FOR SA LE—CLYDESDALE GELD - Ing and filly rising 9 to 4 years. .Apply John A. Wallace, R.R. S, 8t. Paul's, Ont, PAINS FOR SAI1': $12,000—'.00 ACRE, FAl(M, LAKIO frontage situated on No. 8 High- way near Palmyra, Ont. Tiled about every 4 rods to lake. Good buildings and very good soil. .Apply to Box 2, Glencoe, Ont. • 175 ACiRE FARM, 0 M111:S FROM Exeter, sandy loam. all under cultivation, 00 waste Bind, abund- ance water, 70 acres Fall Wheat, Brick house, hydro, telephone, banked barn 70 by 40, 2 concrete ?Hos, outfit ry house 60 by 40, three floors, capacity 4,000 lay- ing hens, tool tilted, 1 acre or- chard. Priv() 512,000. Apply to: W. E. Reid, Box 103, Chatham, Ontario. P.tlt11 MACHINERY FANNING \1111, (KLiNE) SEED Grader, Farmers highly recom- mend, also screening. Kline Manu- facturing, ilox 124 Weston, Ont. FA1111 111:1,1' WAN'I'1D ATTENTION — TRAPPERS. LUM- berman, fanners, a marvelous se- cret to snit re foxes, five tlmee luckier than traps. Address Louie Roy. Estrmtrt, Que. I11:Li' WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAT, HOUSE - work; small home 4 mites from Toronto. Christian. I;ood wngee. Write Mrs. Locke, R.R. No. 1, Todmorden, HAIRDRESSING L E A R N HAIRDRESSING TILE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Ilnirdreeeing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HAIR GOODS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. WHIT'E'S II MR 01101141 268 You're St., Toronto, Ontario MUSICA1, INS'I'itl'SIENTS FRED A. ItODDiNG'TON BUYS. sella, exchanges mu.leal Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. M ACIIINi,III'IIEI',lllts MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL. 11A0H1NE 8111)P WORK ELECTRIC AND \CI:TYL1,NE WELDING Mi:'I'ALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHIAFTS AND ill'SHINGS MADE 1.110E NE\V 111' T!11: N1;IV 1(1?'CAI. SPRAY PROCESS ALL WORK Gi1ARAN'l'EED Godson Contracting Co,, Ltd. Union St., Toronto Jl NC'1'I(1N %HO )11:DICAi, BAUMEEKA Ft0rr iBAl.9! destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa STOMA(:11 ANI) '1'11R11:\1) WORMS often are the rause of Ill -health 1n humans. all ages. No one im- mune! 1 not fin, h, 1• n ottt 1f this 1 1s your t•ouhle" Interest'ng pnr- tt'ulnrs—Free' \Vri1•r 9lttiveney'a Remedies, Speeinlists. Toronto 3, CONS'i'll'.k'I'ION, ItII,1i1'SNESS, liver trouble, Ilene, ssrrt head- ache, quickly relieved with Fig - Lax tablets. Keep rerulnr with Fig -Lax, 25' at Druggists. T 1 I':it OF Ill' 11 , 1•:1'1:111 SUFFERER Rheu111.1 i- Pains cr Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. \lnti- ro's t)rucStore. 31'. Elgin, Ot- tawa. 1'o• tpaid 51.06, STOMACH SUFFERERS 11;T all. 91,1,1301)'8 5I't')'1:SSFL'1, scientific rt meds Stoma, hie. clear up your stomach trouble. Ilke It has f! r s" ninny othrt . One user stated For years, 1 n'ns ti mailed with gusto in;' 011111 h! 1..w breasl- hone. it raitsed gas ',nd bloating. I tried many remedies. but my e' the only relief f was sada and t for Rn) short tlmr only. After meals 1t didn't bother me for fr w hours, then. If l ate something, 1t stopped, coating again sifter some tlnte. The pnln bothered me worst at night. After taking three bot- tles of 1)r. McLcnd's Stomachic, T was fr, c from pain. T kept on Improv int , and have now been wet! for several yrnrs 0nj„ving my m0al2 15 ithout mcdi, ire. Stom- achic is 11,1110 In mere"mine gas, bloating. sour stomach. pain aft- er eating, and Is ,specially help- ful for nicht tndIIesrion. 51,25 postpaid. Drug shoe or write M(T,00,1' St"t'"•,'•htc Co., 100 iiur- on St., Tnruuto. tares 129 tines and it on his 130th reading now. Twelve chapters a day, four after rash meal, is his minimum, the veteran churchman adds. For Eczema — Skin Troubles Make up your mind to,My that you are going to give 5 ,ur ski, a real chance to ('t t welt. (lo to 011)' 380(4 drug store nod rc! :u, ',;:'tial bottle of 21,, ,''e l:rnerald oil —it la.'(' man)' day\ brr;,tlh•' ,I is highly concentrated. The very first app;:, Agan tell? give you relict --the ttrhiu(' of Ec- zema iP gni ctcly stop' d---' ruptu'ms dry tip end 1.1),) off in n cel)' few day:. The 0:1110 Is true of Itch:ng Toes t,ml Fe, t, Barber; IPI h. Salt Rheum and other skin tr„ubies. Ttotnemher that 910, se's 011 be it cls nn, pntcerf1.1, Delft! eat - Ing Antiseptic Oil tint do, s not stain or leave n gees-)' r( tee, r'ontplete eatlsfertl!: 01 10p 2 , y back. 111:1)1(' 01, BR}JI•'NA'CONI: i1I:A1;1'Ii 11,'x9 positively does r! ,t 11'1,:itia end Rh' unmtisni I'el- len Joints rednr„1 ne InaI i h ,10 1(1211 you \(,(((f,fet d. `d. ,.l hs Pupi'ly 11.12" p„,11,.,:,1 1211 ;,n It( midl(s, U"x 11", \'::r,. u1'r, 1!,)'. GOOI) 111:51'1,1'8- V., P, 81'I'- frrc r from Ilbenu ai o• 1': or Neuritis s,huuld tic I'i .,",'. 11, ni- cely. NIunro'e Iitlir 5!oi,. '"'' 1•:Igin, Otto win paid - OI'POIt'I'I'Nl'I'I IS 1'1.111 VI' 001 EN 13E A HAIRI)RESSI:R JOIN CANADA'S 1,10.1 DIN'' 8,11,101 Great Opportunity, Lea"n Uuir- drePsltig Pleasant dignified profs•-0lon. good wages, thousatuls 2)10)oefdl. Marvel graduates. Amrr!ca's r:r0a!r"t "ys- tem. Must rlired 01tal;.eoe free, Write or call MARVEI. HAIRDRESSING 8)'1100LS 858 1(1001! W., TOR;)NTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, 0(t;;wa. I'.1'I'EN" 1'S FE'fHET{STONIIAl'Gll ,h COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 King West, 'Taranto. Booklet of InformaGun on re- quest. I'I:IISONAI, "I:LIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," wonderful book Ree, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. HITLER'S L A S T WILL AND Testament! Big laugh' novelty 10e. Ca (aloe f!t' e 0. EMPIRE NOVELTIES, Peterhoro, Ont, Ii(1'rll(;rl.Al"i'il TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 ESi'OS1"111: ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for "lr, PINEST ENLAitGING SERVICE You may not get all the film" you want thio year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to 151'1:1(1.41, 1'11(11'0 SI :It VICE Stn tint) J. Toronto PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your Iolourit" negative., and send to us. \\'e'll rr turn 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards. with covolopes for 0tailing, for 0''c. The most original v00,11111; cards you can get --the kind your friends will keep—cards that Wren on active service nt home 000 nv, rsens like to get. Order early. , 2 1'hntncr..rho on C11)11,1:111; for 2;•r.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE llov 1211, l'os(nl 'Permian? .0, 'Toronto "1'002' 811001 • In rolo1rin^ aril de- veloping 1s excellent," writes a sus• tomer pt 1'r t, iborough. (Mt., "and sow' P(•rvi,'e 0 prompt and guaran- teed. 1 tun partirul,irly fascinated with the m00111(4 en1111,_enrvnts and Christmas eards. Your prices for 21101 qu:tlltY W01 It are really (-con- onllrnl and 1 approci.tt' y„u1 prompt, 1111:11,10 2r re ice,” Any Si7, i;nl1-0 er S E1pn'tires 111:1"I;l,nI'EI) AND fill\'1'ta) _5e 8 1iol'N"I'1:1) ENI, 4.11(11:511:N'1'S 27,0 Size 4 x I;" in Ucntliful l:,iscI Mounts. You can hove (1101reintent, rolnnr- cd by hnnd for 0 small additional charge. Framed Enit,t' ement% 4" x f", nn ivory tint mounts, in from", ;” x 9", 1'urnis11ad 410111 01' Silw, r, ('ircn2- Plan \Valent m' Mack 1?buns finish 590; if eni.trt.emrnt e1.10111 cal 79c, Print your 11';100 a214 nddrr'" plain- ly on :111 ,,rdrrs. %'I'A5I'S 1 ) 1 t' 1 - ) ,l t I,l \ :1 A N '•kN'CI NADIA ll `tamps of enwrlopes also twill h 11 y (inllectior,s of ,'anadian Strintns nt cord privet:, Write nolo to K. r', 1'izzard. Jeweller, \\liratiey, Ontari". 2;,12 9i \ N E O e'C.11l l'5. 1110 \'AR- ty. Uig 2.1111r. Only 10n rents. '1 Bell? ,s liber, ,I. haps well, Nova lent i., 'UR .%1'I'EI("' S11'I'L11:s N1•:\VI,Y "IN\'l:\TEL, :\l" I'O),1ATIC Snare Trap" 'fie Pnnplcst and 10.1 est trap. anybody can make It in 1e minutes, can set snare 3 tinter ,21.0 of ordinary seta, ran; use any kind of wire. Excel- lent for Prion sets. Guaranteed will rat, h '•n}' suspicious animal from bear to weasel. 51.00 for plan and it,<Ir1111l0, Peter 7,ep- nig, 19'nllborn, ,,torics, \'tNTfl) 11)0131:51' 1'1(1,'58 1'A111 FOR RAW fort Rabbi! Skins, Ginseng and r'inTdrn Seal. Satisfnctlon guar- anteed. Ship to licher sed Fre., lei(:h. 147 Harrison Strtet, To'. routo, PASS S. 'It' d vevecorttatt otictocbatC GURatcletctiveuv tinvetoctoce Fall and Winter Needs Children's Hose, cotton and wool 25c to 75c Children's Golf Hose,' elastic top 5Oc Boys' Wool Trousers $2.95 Grey Wool Blankets each $1.50 36" White Flannelette per yard 22c Gooch assortment Shoes, Rubbers & Rubber Boots. Pt' t?` .t:Olive McGill ,„ rt• TIIE STANDARD QrsonlA \Irs. titrant Harris visited rclati)cs in Clinton ()\c. the ss cols -end. f Mr.. N. 1V. I;.‘lc i, \i•itint; in iii tIlIt l till' \\ee!i 1 'HIV I;irCHIC n and their wives ;ire Itt A It„Mints 1 ,a: ial evening in I11)•th t \Ienan•i,ll Hall this friday evening;. \Ir. and \Irs. Leslie \IcP.!roy accom- panied h.1 \I r•.:\nn Campbell of Tor- . onto ,pent the \\'el'I,-end at the home of thy farmer's brother \I r, Herb. \Ic- Tor - Elroy A IMID1iitNDINDIMI?tDinzPi2lbt2INNNNIND tit /M2iN140:211i4aaWIDIDtlIDIZ21DMIlt;aNtiN In Aid of the Local Red Cross DANCE i i, d �� �N;..�.7N� .� .� .0,.,.•� �. �..� I ,.,u;�,• ,NC.;�.� ,.,.,.,�,••� .;.•� .;..� ,•,N1 i i •;•.0 •� .;N�.1. •� .;.% ,�,N f •Id e STUART ROBINSON _. its Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. 't• NEW DEAL . V Y 2 PKGS. PEP 25c TUMBLER FREE. Super Suds per pkg. 22c Thrift Soap Flakes .. large pkg. 19c Neilson's Cocoa hf. Ib. 19c; 1 Ib. 29c Red Rose Coffee 1 lb. 115c Libby's Prepared Mustard per jar 10c Limburger Cheese, Soda Biscuits, White Beans, Cabbage, Celery, Lettuce, Grapes. Sponsored b\• lona, IN BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Doherty B res. GARAGE, Acetylene and Electric 'Welding A Specially. Agents For Llternational- Ilarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden'$ 6AIiERY. Mabel and Mary. WI-IEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER 'THE IIOME BAKERY” H. T. VODI)EN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA George Jcrdan, floor manager Admission 35c Lathe.. Ilritlg Lunch IN MEMORIAM i.1'V111 •• Bel(' red son, Robert c n ry of our 1irl:hv \\att, ,i \vho passed pe:,ccfully :‘way, tl110 year Y ago, 1)cccntber 12th, 19•13. •_' • There o t, a little Band in l leaven That \\•a, not unite complete, • The \taster called Dear Iloblde halite I • To HI the empty seat, ' —Sadly Missed by \Illllllllie and Maddy. • , • , 41 i,;N; 1.�,•,• ,•O,NO.;•,1 �•,N;N� •�,N;..1•r,.I;N f.�..;.•;.,.,•00.i'•1,•;'•i .i.b �. 1,.,00•.•;. �.•;.0,.,•O.1♦.;. �. r;N•O.O•;•••.,•. r•N;. on Guaranteed 0 Trust Certificates 'Sti1TEl) for any amount .... fora form of live Scars .... WI:m.01"A hos It as to principal and interest Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment, for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years In Business H~.:.T� •i�;:~:~IN:NI�i :�:N:�•:Nt'N'r'o �:N:NABNI• :•�! LYCEUM THEATRE ,. WINGHAM—ONTARIO. •_ Two Shotes Sat. Night '3 .44 ' =1 CLOSED FOR Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Frederick Toll, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. •', ,\11 persons raving claims against the L. Estate of the above deceased arc re- niro, to file li r‘' (intsank with the under. I REDECORATION f' signed Solicitor fur the Estate, on or FOR SALE son \\'110 (Id) 'talcs he.. birthday on 'Il•ernrer, \;r. Louise Durward, pfe- rbefore the 11th day of Ueeentber, ;\,D., December (1,1i scnte,l her statement 1.1 the Callus•:le A 1so .: 1914, after which date the assets will be 25 hybrid fillets, 5.1months old, Congr1tl1 nisi.: to \1r. and \Ir.;. Mt wed by eounei'l 1r, Wright art The \\,sll, of v,tnr home have a \\i11' t,, distributed amongst the parties cntit- $1.011 a ;dere, Apply to Gilbert Nelh- Walter \las;t;l who 1111 Ile 111.11 1'f Ile- \'olden that 't'reasurer's Statement be 11f b0claniug tired, junk as l•eople du. r c rThere is ul,tbitl;: ,I) refreshing fur these t� led thereto, hawing; regard only to the cry, phone 16-8 ,Blyth. 16.1p. comber eclehrute their _5th Wedding aeceptcd and Stat she Ile hereby an- I c claims of \whist notice shall have been :\nn,wers;sty, II'urized to have the necessary nunll)cr ,"tired" talls a; new wallpapers. 1 'r —�' --- t ; clays lies of 1111; rhitt:ment uinte(I for stn given. I l Visit eatti11 Crec.ole,n's Itecorat•tr s WANTED PROMOTED TO FLYING OFFICER Iastrilmi;tin to the ratepayers. ('nrritII. shuppe an.] se •... how she .cite refresh CLOSED FOR :. HATED at Clinton,this 20th (lay of I'O. 1':rncst A. R1 bins,,u, K.C..\J', Move 1 hr rouncill,,rs Vodden and youlenity with "tinntcu; thw" to ' \I: Xi REDECORATION. :: November, :\.l)., 19.41, Anyone hawing a pair of ),•iris boots ('cntralia, las been promoted 111 U:1 Wright that we da now adjourn, Imur" \\'allg.apers, thus brining relief and skates fur sale, size 2, in goon con- rank of Flying Officer. • , • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ;LAND, , ,yourself,(luring\ t Jt 100111 11 hour., 111 clition lictify The Blyth Standard, i to1' 1' •� sarin, Solicitor for the sad Estate. phone 89, 10-1p. --- - .-- -- _ rest, strrnuces clays, Try A Classified Ad. 14-3. tceatct tcmatatctat�tct��'ctClelCICKIClsteta(GtC:sxtgtetCtetC(Ctel�tew(CICIClcteletetetete(CICittcte'c I .�_ Elliott itisurat'1ce Ageiicy 1 EDITII CREIGI1TON'S `MNMIM4IM MI IIMIIMIMIIINMMMM+MI••••NINAIIIIMIIIMIIMMMMMMMMMIMIIIN I ROXY THEATRE, - CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE ' J BLY'1'H -- ONT. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE CLINTON. GODERICH. SEAFORTit. s R Located Oppos'te Kernick's Grocery Now Playing: "Foot'ight G.'amour" Now Playing: Irving Berlin's "This Now Playing: George Formby In and "Cowboy In The Clouds" Is The Army" —In Technicolor— "BELL BOTTOM GEORGE" INSURE NOW! .ANI) BE ASSURED s11o,tpe open ``ilturday, 1 to In o'clock. Other hunt r. by appointment. Mon., Tce3., Wed.,—in Technicolor Mon., Tues„ Wed., —Two Features e, - (�• Sickness „ Car Fire - Life. - Sickness - Accident. PHONE 158, BLYTH, TH,E STORY OF DR. WASSELL GUNG HO"7 it hi Ga -y Cor.per, Laraine Day and Walter \Vauger's dramatic and ars ft, Signe Haase \•enturous ,(lary-s;ory, action-pack-Fv Note ---Owing to its extreme length eel throughout. 1� "COURTESY AND SERVICE" &u t Fla k S fiaia1G17,122m,Dr2i21o^,�r�re1�1172,12,t2i iADrat"et�aDillan ?,a Dry.vtat3,D,2t�1"ai�tDt2t2ADIDiolD `31D1 the above feature will la. shown Randolph Scott, Noah Beery Jr. only once each evening, comme•ne- and Alan Curtis :ng at 8 P.M. In Memoriam In loving memory of a Dear Father and \lather. Mr. and Mrs. henry 1'Icatzcr, who passel away December l,ltlt, 1')21, an 1 December 13th, 1')•13, respectively, 'Though 'heir smiles have gone forever, And their hands we cannot touch, \\'c will never lore the nienu)r\• Of the ^nes we i t•wcd so mach. —Sadly missed by their Daughter, and grandchild, \lar'c011a. and great grandchild. 1) at:11d. 10-1p. WANTED Men to ctrl \wo vl b\' the cord, three' utiles cast of L'lyth, Laidlaw farm, .1p - ply at the farm, or Harold Jackson, Scafortll. FOR SALE Stickling Tits ready to wean. to Lewis Whitfield, phone 1.3O, .I• 1.1 II i II ••••11k. YIN II WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 104 . 1 � 1 .., • ,., ., , ,.. , 1 1 WALLPAPER OUP stuck of wallpaper is now fairly complete. Prices rlulge from 12' 'c per single roll and upward. We have a limited quantity of small 1'O0111 lots to he cleared, STOCK SUPPLIES Full range. of Royal Purple and I)r. Bell's Stock Supplies are on hand, We also have Cooper's Dri I' it and Stock Cud Liver Oil available. R. D.-PHILP, Phm. B. DRAGS, SUNDRIES, 1VALLI'Ai'ER—PHONE 21*. 1..Ir 1+..,,..,.1, . .1 I. 1. , .!. ' I .N. n.m, i W... i .._,J . 1. 1P1 •••••••411.• 4 1 I. 1 1C(ChitCICIV(..'titE'i01(tIti;tFat� lets, X417.tC..t4'int•Vcrush'7�k'ill'atwlf.i.Zt:141t4trZt•ZtCotitu%v:.V.,11.41(ti'atw(Cir.17 0 iI ,, Ili a1 1.1,i1 .1.,11 s1111,1I 1111 i. 1. V V 4 THE FIFTH WALL '1 rd CELINGS OF EVERY ROOM. ■ The Belling, which is tr'nally Il harrier than any simile scull, should (1 e considered as it fifth teal!. 'Thus :when planning the decoration for a 4 , room it it; just its Intpllrtaul to sly- ' !sect a 11)110ct coiling paper as 11 1.; 1 41 -to ellnIWO the proper wall decors - ;tion, Your preference may favour 1 �? -one of contrasting colour. I`on't 1 1 -he afraid that n "Colour -Planned" :room will extend your Budget. To v. 2realize this yon can readily do do sty, soning my samples -- over 500 1 !to pie1: from, , V Living-Reo- u New Styles in Chesterfield Suited and Occasional Chairs upholsterer! in latest F1 tbl'ics at Most Attractive Prices. 1I�►o1. Cases% I-lasso(:1cs, End 'fables, Mirrors. Tri -light and 'fable Lumps li'Iake Ideal Christmas, (;itis, ' A (-'all will convince you of the ..sally Excellent Values We are 0Mring. 0 Home Furnisher • — Phones 7 and 8 — Funernt Director. 1 • THE`OLD SUN WORTHY LINE ',� "^'"Df `NaDiD;DainDi2i1.121 D.,Dth+31�r2tD•rinr:.,11.,D ;�+t+d..., 10 �t� a lT2 h'lt319t2tDtrt2a Sorry to ,`1V, there 1110 NO fN 1',\\ �I. ung..+i n n. ,1.-11.1. 1 1.1 a , ".1r,rua, .. 661.11.+..x++. .J..wr..wi. 1. , i1.. . ..111 1)A.1'•1•EkN'S Ibis yc:n•, being t11e'1 ••••••:00.8•00•:•i:..::;.;...44. :•..;.,,1;.1;,1;,.;,,1•;,1;1,1 ,•.;..;.1.1,•:,•;,,;1.;11; .;.1;.,;,,;,.;.1;,1;,,;. 1; ,•,1 HURterG:1LL =: J• ;• -i same the bast three )Hess Every- - thing in the line of Decorating. Nt1 -spcc::11 time for appointments, — -and remember, 1 specialize in that tough job of taking off \\•allpaper, (•t• ,l. * * * F. C. PREST 'Phone 37.26, L011DESBORO 64 .1, • 1 1 .1 1 • I I iii BLYTI-I --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD, GOOD SERVICE. 1: Meals at All Hours. _: FRANK GONG A- Proprietor _: EAST' WA1VAN , 1 : OSH :Id•.00.:,.0.•.:.:. D..•,.••.0:,,•„••:,.•,:..0.0.0:,/0.0.0:.:,0.0,0.0.0,:•10•••,1.'1••„•.,0:,1.1:,01:,.0:1,•.,•,10.0.• The Ked Cross quilting vas held at Apply1 the home' of \1rs. Norman Radford on 'I•hursda', \\hien 1100 (guilts were finish - 10..j. \Irs. \1'1(1. i was Iltt• winner of the STATUTORY MEETING OF BLYTI-1 draw. 'fie next quilting will be held MUNICIPAL COUNCIL ,at 1111' itonte•t.1 \Irs. 1'. T.11 Sr. (01 1'I'Itur. (1(\'. WANTED FARM FOR SALE, $31 6110 That desirable (arm, ransi1tiug of 178 acres, more or les,, being lots 3d and 31', concession 11, 1 htllett Town- ship 1 b, !ter known as the John Barr \1r. Robert Somerville of Kamloops, ,'• (aril). On th( premise; is situate a Anyone has. nu for 11(10, chill, r• el:- 11.1 l•., spent lbs \\•eel: -e; ll \\itis NI r. and The 8(111111 :•0 met ling ( 1' tlo Muni- .1 frank ducllin,; in far ,(ate t.f rep.er; int; hors', interns the 111;111 Standard, I Mrs. R. C. \Icl;o\wan. dr. Stutter- , r p'od (', 1114:11 of the Corporat'on of there i., al, 1 ;Lout 30 awes of bush phone 80, IIi�;11. 10-l.p v.11e \\as born 1 1:Ir. Si, 1lcictl, this 111' ; BlytIi held ort November 15tH \with , and swamp, 0t'ntainiut; considerablle l ' \ o.]dell ;lid \014"1 :1;'11 fedJ1' pt„I4. l'1,1' (h1l'tlell- hi; first trip bac): i, 57 yri•,, rounciL,-e•<. i,crnirk, 1 r. and \I r, R. C. \I c(;osvan are \\'ri,dllt, pr(ser t. i l:n•s apply, M. II. Itarr, 218 Pape Ave., FOR SALE visiting relative; at 1 11cknow. Move.] by e twill tr \\'t i;lit :111,1 .'furonUl, 'I'eleidtune, (;ward 11(18• \'oddcn, 11111 in the abscnee of Iccvc 11-3, \lorritt, due to It's attending County I Council, that c( uncil(or I�ernick assume t • Ilse rcc\':s t•Irli'. as as lin ('oner:1o11-Itsons to Nit's, \Vaster \la• r;e 1. Nine Pigs, just weaned. Miss Il; en 's\'alsl of \\'in,gh: it spent :Apply to Tuesday at her house, Charles Nicht iron, .phoe 31 14, Blyth. 16-2. CONGRATULATIONS r reeve. lar e'Tireo es” _• 4±:”•N•N•..•N•..•N•N•.:.t.111 ••N•N;.,N;N;. ;N;N;N;••:N� I' I:l N t1� c t' l i n tt t ii011- (; :Hon I:II; tt, Clerk. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid and Nancy Coleman. Tcling a stirring tide of stupendous events. "IN OUR TiME" Thur., Fri, Sat., —Two Features— Edward G. Robinson, Ruth Warrick And Ted Donaldson. "MR. WINKLE GOES TO WAR" J. I-1. R. Elliott. Office Phone 101• Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 140. "HAT CHECK HONEY" Thursdry, Friday, Saturday Grace McDonald, Leon Erroll and GEORGE FORMBY Walter Catlett. "BELL-BOTTOMED GEORGE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Judy Canova, Ross Hunter and Claire Trevor, Albert Dekker and Richard Lane. Barry Sullivan "LOUISIANA HAYRIDE" "THE WOMAN OF THE TOWN" Coming: "Fired Wife" and You're A Lucky Man, Mr. Smith" and 13; as mentioned above. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. t1N.ttem VIII. MIfIti►NN1HH♦IIII IIIJMMIIIIN Coming: "Three Russian Girls" and "Hi Diddle Diddle" Please Note- Untilfu.ther not'ce the first show will commence at 7.15 with the exception of Dec. 11, 12, Coining: "The Bridge Of SAN LUIS REY" 1 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROs 'PTLY• Telephones: Atwood, 50;::; Seaforth, 15, Collect.' DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. Everything Homemale • PHONE ,tai. BLY'l'II, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY