HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-11-15, Page 1ISM STANDAR VOLUME 55 - NO. 13. BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 15, 1911,,Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $201 in the U.S.A. BLYTH FINISHES FIRST WITH 156.10 PERCENT, $71,850 Every Municapity Exceeds Quota, Many By Large Margin • l'ht. Comity of Ilttr., it can he justly prowl of it', tet•ord in the 711i \'ietory Loan jiki t111 hided. It \v,r, the mos( sticee•..l'il ;,11). ,1) far conducted, and (Very mtwisipality. rt.ached IIiir and 11, the majority of casins 0111('( livc, 1111 hY 111c siivi lc, 11, st•riptions \vay .1\.er the hip, Stich t\ -as Pic t a; Idyll] 11 Ilere the 41i1jeil;Vr 1%•;1", I eadlell ; et]; 111-1111. the clone of the I tri%.e. The N'il- e•tabli,hel a lon11 lead the opt.n. hut day. , the Itrivt,. a lead \\ hich \\•;i maintained tit:mm.11.nd, \Ve ill the lead for a ft.\y hour, (1.1 vIiiii .liiIii'ii \\'i 'i11,111 :111Call, fillaby into a rare tii lite 1Iuron Comnt). ,Nii. School, and this kept can \•asst.,.. and the local bald; manager, NI r Ir, lilyping right do\\ the holmstre•11 to the \\Ire. lint the objet•tit•t• \\ as ;,itaine.l. Erna' 1111'110km slio\ved 0.1)ili .lit);1,1 of ;ill other emits try, inelmliog ilit iirs4•111)I..„ with 15b,10 tit'rcetit l'IliiiiiL lilt' 11111)111M 013•111 at 650 this mean, that the equivalent of ;F1111110 in nor,' figures \vas purchast•t1 for t•vt.ry. 111.111, \\ onian, and It \Va, ',111111ft•lk)ilablyiiii ilitiNth:- iiii,•aintlaign \'t.1. The village rt.cei\.ed the acclaim of Victory roan offivial- throughout the ' (Monty, a fact \\ Welt left a \\•arni Mg in Iht, heart's of all those blessed \\ ith that Tiro 1:111)\\•11 a, e:vit• pridc. li was good for our moral..and if it \vas good fi. our moral, thiol; hone mut* more of a lift it \\111 ttive 1,11r hoy, ov- erseas \yhtm they read the nutvs that the folk, at home ;ire right behind them, )1 ) moth c, edit cannot he uiven to our manager, N. \\'. It \vas he \dm saw that the 1,,Rd aspect tool; 1111 a rosyJlii the very first day by turning in total sales ,,f $01.(,01). Ile ., , l't) the members of the \\'onien's dance of 42, After handworl;, the \vas a 'Irking force all the \yay, ann Wallace :\gar (valtiatieg fees) 3,51 Associati.,11, Myth, Ontario: meeting opened with a song service, coliplt•il \Oil, the energetic \\lid; of tin.. NIrs, George Gross (relief) ... 15 01 SMALL GROUP LAY PLANS A MESSAGE FROM TILE Morris Township Council 1 Harry Lear Recovering' FOR V -DAY CELEBRATION LOCAL CI-1/1.11tMAN It is with a high sense of civic pride the local Finance Committee desires to think all those who help. ed to place Myth in the enviable position of being first over the top in the 7th Victory Loan drive and remaining in first place practically throughout the campaign, finishing with 156.10 percent of it's quota, highest in Huron County. We all should feel justly proud of this achievement as it is one of the means by which we can show our loyalty to the Came of Free• dcm our boys arc fighting for. It meana little or no sacrifice for those who have idle money to subscribe to Victory Loans, but to those who p'edgcd their future ;linings the Committee &tires to tender special thanks • these are the salt of the earth. May we Moo thank the local can• vasaers who have done a good chore in making, in some cases re• pealed calls to sell these bonds - the job is no rinecure, but the com• mince feels that our posit'on was attained and ma'ntained largely through the untiring efforts cf our local bank manager, who through his kora interest, early and late, throughout the campaign, secured many 1,1es, and kept us at the top. Whatever may be said of past loans, the 71h is outstanding as far as Blyth is concerned, and so again, THANK YCiU! Letlie Hilborn, Chairman, Local Committee. Nlorris Township Council met on ; 1 Fr()ni Accident Injuries N,),Tinin, 13111, iii tin, T,,,,,,,iiii, moil Harry Lear, son of NIr. and Mrs. \vith all members present except Reeve "Nelson Lear, of Ilullot To3t.n.„11ip, i, Cecil NVIieeler. James Nlit:hie presid• ',recovering ; I meek. from injuries rece;v• cd. The minutes of the last meeting •(ti ju an aceidtmt on NIonday afternimh. were read and adopted ,tit, minion of I The ae•ident occurred ;Wont 4 pan. Harvey johnsion (...harles Coulles. NIonday, \then Harry, accompanied NI"rcd (1111)-, f.--.1-11111t)s. sccondcd 1))• by John Pollaid. were 'turning limn - \\'111. Speir, that 1)Y-Ial.),' No. 10, setting front Myth. \\hen) both boy, are en. date of nomination anid election, if ne- 'rolled as NItIlle'AN at the CI)114.1111;11 eeSarY, 1)(1)(0' school. During the day the gra ler had turning Officers and Poll ClrIcs, be 'paswd tin one side of the toad, pa.sscil-Carrie,I. , land in order to 1;ect, the Awed by Charles Conhes, seconded track with their hieycles. the 11,y., :by Harvey Johnston, that the road hills \VCR! WIWI:111)4 aiUllg 1)111 ;IS prt•sented by Road Superintendent hey had reached a po'n! be paid-(:arried. •.; Nloved by I krvey Johnston, second- '1 when they 1)1;'11riv- RI by Charles (foulies, that the fedlow- ifint„ri„g intvtt iing committee he named 14) co-operate 1,11,.; shIcroad, Mr, Me(;•;(11,11,1 saw ft,. - , with the Colonization Department of Inv.., and state, that he Hew it horn ;the C. P. R., Cecil 11'heeler, Cha'rman, .111N1 aN IW e:11' 11rele (. IItt ' Lyle Hopper, 11,1)ert Shortrecd, Win. ; bicycle, 1 tarry swerved to the right 1, Stich% and Frank. Slut \\..-1.'arried, 'the road. hut in so doing ,\vting square Nloved by Charles C•lilles, seconded ily into 'he side of the Nit:Callum car Le was thrown in the air from his 1):v Stick., that the Clerk , , 1, . , sit -tided to write to Victor Haines tit 'incycie, and Wtli WIICI regard to keeping' road open from picked up. Taken to his home it was Illnevale to th,) station in the winter.- learned that his injuries were fortim. Carried. ;tidy, not serious, and he will he had; Nloved by NN'in, Stick, seconded by at his studies again before long• lIarvey Johnston, that the meeting I i'oe accident could have been much sjourn to meet again' on Deccitilier 15,ittriscrims; mi.; • 11 1944 a( 1)) a. in, his ear add lircught it quickly to a stop The following accounts wen, paid: in the dilch. Fortunately, John Pol- Queen Alexandra Sanatorium lard was a distance ahead of I Tarry, and (Mrs. Annie Nethery) . $1,01 did not figure in the ;iccident. Village of Blyth Div. Court) .. 20.110 Blyth Standard (Advertising)... .70 Lyle Hopper (selecting jur, rs) Cecil Wheeler (selecting juror,) George Martin (selecting jurors) Cameron Adams (sheep ()versus Letters cmver campben, ainaw. sh,T1, 4.vo (133.' Nuveilliter llth, tylth an ;Men - 4,110 Mission Band Met 4.01 itt 6N11)11 11;11111 1)1 Loving Service 4,01 held their regular meeting on Satin. - 101.50 • Can You Remember! ;\ -1..,r) 111-41 11,e,,pened 11111, 11.1 Saturdat Can lemenher 1, 013 th 1. I au. '1 he ..11 .161;int, i 111, bright mid It.ar, that nt The smi ite\TI st-,mied 1,,11 ttnttjnimfore. The air seemed to he quiti awl m pea; eftil. Nly tiralier and I tR.:•, tta•hrn,,...r. I we ,HL: the cloth,- on the line and 1 lit ant ...nit thing. I li•tened---it nt. \vhi.th. s, at Goderieli, then ai III) ill, then at 1Vingliani, and I ran 1111 calltd in) mother, 1 hell they ‘kt•r, 1)"...:41her. \Ve sore f r tie kneu itt tt.ar i.ver. I ran in and called Illy 1111111, 111.:11' 1111 C1.3' \I Ili dly. "•1.11U war i• ,,ver! Th.. I,,,t • tt lion,, 1- I HY tt,, all tt err. can't% them, vnin. Tit.,t vol.(' those \nth, r til al,., n111,1111(.1. rn. !hey had not died itt \Vt. :111,1111 ;11,., reint•mht IR. thinking of tilt. 1)y;, in this con. Biel, ;Ind ht. lead). to give Oulu a lie;trt). \\ Homo.: home. 111t.y art) our protectors. 111 i\' are the earth's finest! From an ()Id -Timer, NI.11.11. -1. - 11 1.1 up for thrs ,11 \I, 111.1.1,11 1111 m,. \don ;1! it ere .1;111 -.1 1:1 ,nind 1,, 1 \ „-, 1-), h, „•,.!t: 111 Mr„\I.,rrn; tt, ,11..iimait am' ,:;13 ,.; rt. inry. I 1, tala-,1 on NI, ..1. 0 ., 1.. evolain th,. pro,. e 11,1' 1),-.111'.', 1,1:1 11H 11 lily i( 1:1 11 drt 11l..1)t-1 11, 1011 itt in 1,1 III 111.• NIcliii)6,11 1 kill Ow yv,•11- I!IL! '1111, intuit ,11 !in et.t..11.11, 1,3 a Hill demom.tration, C1)11111111 1.;/11,1•1;111., „the \t.as 1.,1\.; it. 1,, 0. N. N1,.•. I.. Scrim,,...,e,.nr. N1r,, II, Phi!lm v. N. Sinclair, NE-, \\'. N. NN'at,on, iuil 11 1,, py; c motintee would 11 ;11, 1.,:- ,,11). program pertaining t., c,•,,•.•ra:;, 11. \ dt onimittre of theInnilit f "lembel \ta, apt) ,iiiit•,1 NH,. .11kt. 1,111e -pit•, NIt.s,r,. Stante3,, (1-rdon .1thm..tine and Is:. 11not..., tntt 1 I •I-11, Rev. I'. If. Streeter To Leave Earlv in 1)cceinber ,rnrouriced kt,t week the Rev.tipi Farmers' Aleeting 011 r:tin! thinir daughter 1111.iclay Night {,11, 1),., I:einember die Fanners' i ir London, u. here :11 hat time at 8 p.m. in the Nleintnial I fall Stre:ter talsv over the Pari,11 of the Church rat the 1.:11i;diatiy, Nlatior on 1:r1(.1;ty night, (),.tober 17111. I '111\• i; called for comidering 1."11'1)111 the torming of a Farmers' I'lax Co.( 111. 1 \Vidt••.1,tel it throughtml 1 erativt., without being 111 Parish \vhich 1.4)rsi-ls charttes ;it frozen assets, such a, inachintsry, Int11,1- ItI)111; ""'l "i" Gordon Ntigii, tam, the success of the wril!"g I" I 'I" "an' "" '11;111k Y"11 f"r salrine:.,, NIt..,srs, 0a \• Doblivit and 11411. i•,olies, I twver \vas gin(! at 20.01 , , . 15.21 ine prk.ing of (mkt music by the Hall- am' the Nlenther's Purpose. During ; ing, etc, If you are interested don't ''''"1. '''''' e tI"' 1" "' °I- NI' tri(1". fail to attend this niet.ting. N11.. Ern. 11(11"1.111rc Ila` 'well 11111)1(1 0111,1)(% campaign Wa`; :1!,N111*(11 at tit' cud „f the grand part -4:1 I: just rt.ceived. I IIII1 3.(10 ISI, Marjorie CA:mite, Robert Ntin.shaii test Leggett, \\ lio has Ileen ,t•curing in 1 NI r. S,reelet look charge ..f Ow local !ht. first \veil; of the t-alivass% nou enjoying the contents of il. 1 amt Cecil \VIteeler (11,()•11) .... - - 3.00 the Call to \\',.rshis). I). .•\. Nleletizic, e"'"I'el''''''''' ;.`1"1" "I'll -e" 11"' illeel"";'' from .V. Inter. and succeeding the 14V, Tht.11 11111, WV HMS( ii 't 14irl.:C1 111:Il , , HMV iii a hig Italian house, then. are (;ettrge Nlartjit (11.0,11.) „ . 3,110 ,. 1 _ ,i.__ I:, M, 11. chi..., \dm left here for Glen -re); Totviishi;) (Lamont Draiii1174,rno „„ Netineth johiuhut an1 Janice Nlorritt r\lbert Skelton (drain) Dr. Crawford (N1.0,11. . .14)1111 Crlig (0,0.11.) forma; ion front pre. eat farn,,,r's Parish ( it•tolit r, 1,141, (-owing here placed the NN'orrItip Screen, ;mil gave who iiive,irr hi, or four Italian families here and 40 of us. r: t“., ri HI' ill• „\ litivr Charge, NIr. read passages of Scripture. The birth- ll'e can't sleep out now because of the George Nlartin, Clerl:.; , 1V. ,k. MEM' her money, that R..111). Put iliv 111;111 rain, and ts no itood digging 1101es, Ike!' nay song was snug for Rutty Galhrailli, Streeter had s,r\•,,,1 the l'arishe, -v-- The regular Nlouthly AIR.tine, 1,1 :lit. NI,.1.1;ii; 1.-1.i:.,,,,,.. ,,,,,1 N„ri,.1,; over. \ 1111 11 may call, but if he iii,i iiii i!ii will, wilit,r, hill ti, du 0,1i, IINIargaret Dah•ymple, Robert Nhirsliall .tt does not gt't OW cil-tliul'Ill.1,111 Ili Ow , , Nvic,„11 The. 1,. . ., 1 ii.1.1111;111:, AsiTialit,11 IA ilk.' VIIIIt-.1 1 int, ,......11 ,. ,t met% a 1 faille manner, .1 suppose if 1 wa., clever I would write Nev Farm 1141()rtiiii Cs1.0111) 'al"' Aillie 1cililivt',L - ' 01111th ti .t• hdd IQ TIIC"I;0, N""111. ir,v„ived juiii ill cimillitIliily :kfiairS, 'Willie, 111i' effillst is \V;r led, , a St111'3' 11c 111It reSt but seeing I could Ii1()riiiecl Ili I-Iullett IllilltiteS Were read ire ille 'ectl.'larY, her 14th, in the ;disence of the Pri-,1- \\•1„„ 11,,. 1,4;11 p,,,v 'n 111 grk)111) ;Ind $71,800 11111111 Wah ti ti „ I I:01S 1)01Wily, and appnwell. NI;111411C1.- Idellt, MI'S. \VIII, Logan, tires:A(.1. no 'letter in tiertin I will save them all. The djitrict Fain' Forum Groups tra, soh' in the 1..!hkring preportions; ,„, 1 tie standard ..f living tor the people in \veleotned another ne‘v Forum mein.. ite 11;111 gave a poem "I 'ere it NR.,.iing , p, ;led hv rept ming the i • , , . .‘ .. i .; ,,, 0. „ 1„,,i i ti \‘ li, i 6111 Pa ( , ii 11;1, )N,Hii/cil hu WI, midst this week., when ler News, . 1 here. 1\ hea I 'all gave \\ ;Itch 1 ow- Lord's prayt'r in unison. 'llie minute.. Lc ..a, 1., 1 i i I: : k I 11.,libyt, . $22,•151). ,11118 c"11111rY 18 Veli 10V, M 1aCt 1 'eel iber into their from United Mission, SRI- 'of the former niet)ling were i•,.„,1 „Id 11 ,. ; , . n,ar,iety ,, ,,,,s. ,,,, mummer over the hard; of t'osittlierce .. . . 12,1 0 )(1,(110 community wht, doesn't like Canada they just \•xi,t, if there is anyone ill 1102 (hi "Live \Vire Farm Eortint Group ;iiev, \ova seiiiia, mi.,. Nlah,haii whi Hi . , ,_,,, ,,,cruim.k., \ii;;,. N‘ le, ; ; ; ;;; , ! ) tvas formed in Mullett '.1.'ownship, I ', ) ,ppontii. it Youth to I lie 111,1.0. in thi „ a story of a Christ:tot \Vorker in !a- II.L.H.I.ti.,1,,,,,,Ilio, chrmilid, cdrd, t.,,,,,,, .„, ,„ \H. ,:,,,.,,,1,,,. „.;,.., ;,!...„ 1„,.,,.c. ",.. tee! • Mc, \\ ill in ,Ik , a 14,1 MI, nil- - - ti thrill 'WC.. liCrC Mill they Will 50(111 1 Tile organization meeting was hurt . I;; Total .;•,71 s-0 change their minds. I am glad thal unit ;it the' home of Mr. and Mrs, Iler. I , . , , 1 ""---11•°\‘' It WI" 11r1r r"Ile"ge. l'Ill'eiii and were stilt it) onr Soldier Peks. I . ' . .1. ,:, , .1.• . .11. 1 • , .1. . .. . • i i .. . Till' !,111'1'1,1111(1111,1; tilWILNIIIII ail 1111(10 1 \ ,!fi I . ,i, 1 ., , ivi' ,,, 1,, 1, _... , .. , ,, , . , . \ Ili II( 1.„1,1(l \111111 ‘1 1. ire , II 110111u an enjoyable tune \\ ,11., 11,01, tilIce more. 11'orld l'riend subscrip- 1 1 1 anti work to ennnuats \\n) ule H.R.! N1rs. NVightimp, repirted S:.! ot) front in,truction Hasse, in the local sch,..1) tit hyoid tile ooys arc getting bacl; aml Sholihrook tin NIonday• night,. \\hen Lamm:soon) f.," the 1 'an of the sik er- chs,s rt„,,,,,,. 1 it. u;iiv,, wistintinoy 3 ).. "i""1"11 s!" '6114; 1:1''11"104 w`11 I'vel. once again. I am sorry I must close I \I it f 1:I I 1 I the till, ,I1111 eClIgrallllatiClIS are ell- ...r. ur, ,,,itmorooK ‘VaS l'ieCtetl , , , limy ar , again due. Next month the .. - his service, \\ 'letterer t he nerd ar,,,e, so soon hut Enc. "ammo" supply has just (.:. .1'm:1i; NLIoney and Nlite Poxes ;ire to "‘I\itt,..,,,, xl ; I. ;,„„,. 1,.,..,,„1.„,.; „1::,, ,:..; ; II • \II- L',1reet •r in been 1 ,"r;t" I ;1 • f.,' I , I ( , •«1(.1- ' '• " ' , ," ' "" s' ' I 1,1ILIII,1 .1 . . . t . , . 1:111111` tit ) the gentlemen \dm did tin. , k ono. io and I must go and unload, ?nil tioncommittee consstig itiof Arthur . he 11""tle'l ith A"S ne'"I ""me). ""t )'`'t gaVI. her r(1111111 Mr)). (‘• (.ir1111)1, c"11- • I I einher of Ilk th .N.F. & .1.NI, 01•1 "" "' sent in, can lie brought alt' timecanvassing in these territories, let's all hope that soon letters won't 'be Clarke and Nleredith Young . ‘,,,jwr ,,j ti,,wer ;up! \ :,jiing VHIIIIIII- . N, ,. ,111.;, „ye'. . Mee coming here, whet e Tht., forouing is the standing relt.m.- ed hy Victory Loan Headquarters at needed. Nlany Thavks• "pointed, Nlr Arthur (lark.) trill he ShirivY„ F,a1c1,11" ,;1,11,,I NI,a.l.i):rliii'' 11,.:'1,1.(...1,-, 1 ' " "1 I ' ' ' ,e,.., R•10..)..et, 0,,, cems collection; I 111,x:1 ;wain 1)) , ,icry:ce., and gnidance " pi 0,, ( lodcrieli : I'l I.:1) CI IA I 'NY,. ' eonveno f 1 r or toe next meeting \Odell ty cane(' the hill. \\ "'"'' 5 iii:di donations; I plant ; 5 1),Ionetcl,J,..itk. mi,,,.,1 . * * c Calle;INSI,:1; 1YINtriet .'\ lilt, S:11:S"ril'e _ W. I. MEETING 'rift regular int:ding of the 11'emen's Issti urn \vas held Thnr.day, November 9th at the home of NIrs. II. Johnston \\ ith a loge attendance present. The ineenut was (Tend by the President after which a very full account of the /krea Conventior London was given hy NI rs. A. Taylor and Nit's, Scrimgeour iylio attended 0 on Nevi:tither 211,I, The 16)11 Call \vas answered by all exhibit esreticy, United Church \Vinuen's Association. , urn intuit and all sang the Imitedie- cf flo‘vcr,, li •1111i1IIV t'itrik stilt 01111 ‘i ..:, i i 1 ' \VIII he held ;a the home of Mr. anu ; . . ht"1--"Fallirr of Alt I. -it'll: (-.I'llilrull." 'during the mom'', made 7 calls. 311! , • • r - . i 1 ,. • .. aCIIVI.* iil lilt' (ink l'cili 1:11111Til N)C1C1i12,, , Airs. .-uree...., aa, also oven quit.. NIrs. Jo,: Lyon on Nlonday, 1)ecenther 27th. -V- I . cent, in ille Tr, a,ury. itt is the Pr\ ident .,I the \V. .\, tit,. DearNIrs. Kyle, and members of the No inc,!ting \rill be held (hi. coin -r „- Nle,.11:m ,tea.. brought to :1 close hy eie, v. silo Li, iii„ 1),,,,i, a ,,,(01,-.1,,,Teni \,,ciatio„, pii.„„ ..,,,,, iny sincere ing Nlonday night as the inenthers inBIRPI-IS - all repeating the Nlizpah Benedict), .11. 11,,,el. 1.,, iii,, ,,,,,,;t1 Ned (.1.,,,, si,eiely. r, i'lleir datighte", Jean, \\ ho ha, al,,, .....- !Christmas remembrance \\•hielt, tinor- in the 131011 Nlentorial Hall, sponsored on Thursday, November (11111, to NIr. 'II'. AI. ,S. Illeeting titi,ii,1,,„ ‘,1 ,„„ ;,„ a„ r,f,..,,,,,,i,h.,,, here, Ornately for Inc, didn't arrive lieft)..e I 1.)3' the li:lat Wa\vantish group. and NIrs. Kenneth Niel lougall, a 'ph,. \\.,,,nan%, '31,,,,,,,,,nary Societe of \vill ;111s,) he greatly missed in the n co,- was repatriated to Canada. 11'heit I The ladies served refreshments. daughter, Myth l'ted Church nim on Tues,1.13-, 11111110% learned, \\hilt' I was at home recently, „ , , , , , , , , , .. A , Of all the good things \vhich the boxes • - 1...i..0.;..;.,,;. yo;••;41;41104.:AG:•410:40:41.404:111.:41.:41:44.:44.1 44 44 0:4 44 44 44 40 4.:4 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 41 1,:• 4. 111 0:4 .. 4. •:.•..41 ill 411 November 14th NI rs.. Philp and N 1 r.), 1 The go.,t1 iviltes of the 0)1111111111;1y 111;11110 fo r Y1111' kill(' expression- of tend attending the Concert ;old Dance Nliel)()IliA1,1.--In Godet•ich 11, spital 'Jetts were in charge of The \\ ill follow the Streeter', to their new you sent to the boys overseas contain- ed, I felt I she 1111 express my sincere Hos- They Finished appreciation..)'on may he assured that it's contents \\amid he enjoyed and ap- hew from „lolling itid predated hy Finite Canadian invalid. Prizes were given and resulted as ltd- I The Privilege of 'Icing able to return Ittws: ,to the home town alive, and in tilt - 1 s( prize for1ii'sArlielt,, Ni Es. N. onably good litalth has been greatly Feat'. enjo),ed, Best Article, iss I 2m1 for 111,11ing you e\•cry success in your .splendid work I remain, Yours truly, 'Harold C. prize Most Original Johnston. Most Articles, 1 rs„'1. Taylor. The :\ ritual Sunshine Sisters Ban- quet will be hill at the home of Mrs. Clicllew. Dinner served at ().30. :Nrticle, NIrs. If. --- WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS Canadian Legion Memberi Say Thanks! The Canadian I.egicit \vish 1.1 thank the people of ft1yth and community for their 1 yal support of Poppy Day, The ladle.; of the \Vest Boundary 1. The Poppy sales in Myth amoun'ed Red Cro...,s met at the !Pane of irs. to $43.45. Special thanks is due to the Fat with 11 present, Two large quills 11.-3. Scouts and ;Cubs wit:, noI)13. (1111 were finished. A qui't licittg was do- their good deed by cnittaAh,g the pub- natcd 1)3' Mrs Thomas Roberton. The lie during the entire day, Saturday, hostess served a dainty lunch. I.Noveinher 110), Canvassing District \\'est NVawanosh Stephen \\'est • 1•Ixeter Goderich Tuckursinith Seaforth Colborne Township 11o\yiek Township \Valvatiosli East 1.1),1100 Zurich and Ilav West 01,000 \Vilighain P0,001 Brussels 7to,110 Turnberry T,Ovtiship 703000 .11tillett Township 101,001 Clinton 1811,000 Usborne Township 101,000 Ashfield Township 104,001 11ensall & Hay East 111[1,0r) Goderich Township 85d00.1 .NIcKillop Township 101,000 Towns.hip 1112,0110 Morris Township Grey Township 118,0011 Stevlien two Air St.-hools 1.33,0)1) Huron County Total 3,113,000 Quota -1(1,0110 (10,00)) (1/1,)101 151,101 435,000 1(11,000 1'1(1001 bh,000 22it,!101) Subscriptions Per• 'ro Date centage 71,830 5r,.10 0)0,000 41.1/1 )0,150 .2(X.1)( • 32.44 575,2110 32.23 121),(4,0 2tr(t,111111 24.111) 79,859 '0.98 265,0;11 17.25 811,751 0,,15 105,600 16,114 20,1100 15.18 811.1,50 14.01 85,(,51. 1 'id 112„11)11 I HO 'IN).111! 11.11 1118,h) II 08.10 11 ),1150 117.7o 1117.011 117.111 011,1110 05 87 104,000 02.97 1033110 01.'18 05,00t) 01.115 118,5oll (10.42 oo,0i11; 11(1.111) 203,1 51.05 3,71(000 119.27 al Exercises, the !helmheing in ht., p• home, ing tvilli ..\rnii,tice Day "Comecration j Si far no ann,,mwentent id' to the \York 01 the 1:1-3110,11 for their cessor to NIr. Streeter has been ;in - sake." The scripture was read hy 'flounced. Coining taken lentil 1:,,maits 12. II) inti "C) Valiant Ilt'art" was sung. NE., 'Hilton' 0 d itt rra)er. The poem 'can find it whert•ver a child 0,care,11 1111. hungry'\Va.; read hy N1r,, 10,1,i114. Prayer, were offered by NIrs. Marshall. Liddle and NIrs. Sinclair. "1..,r.1 tof the ' \vas sung, and Nlis, 1Petts gave tin hettediction, The Pr("ideut then tool; the chair 'and the Iitttiitt . tt i. rowlock -1 NIrs. NVightman i.trtve Hit, chapter of the Study Ibitttl iltirttt the peopl.e and the customs of the NIalay Peninsula mid Netherlalds East, Indies, NI:vs. Pollard ,assisting. The l'res'ale-t offered play- er. "() Spirit of the Living God" tuts sing. NIrs, Itt tts gave a splen.11.1 , wpm -ince Reading "The Et -1 of In.emperanee in Wartime" a,s's.tt.,1 by .st• aid ladies. Th, meeting closed hy re: eating The Lords Prayer i .11 unison, WAR AUXILIARY NOTICE '('inc next nicotine, of the NN•ar .\11x. diary will he lk ;t1 N1rs. Bert Gray', on Novt.rnher 21,1. '11)1members i',It to thank all those who attended the euchre ,tarty in the Orange Hall lin Notember 8th, :old ;d,,, thost• \\ Itt helpt ed in any u ;13- uith their hum est and co-operation. The proceeds amounted 1,, $13.))8 expenses \vere paid. Corgramlati,,tis to 1:ohert Charter tom ,-.1.11ritt I his 80 birthday on Tuesday, No \•,.,ither 14th. Congratillati; Its to Mr, ()rya' NI,.. Gowan o Ito et lehraled his hit thday out \v„Ine.:,1;13., November 15i:i. t'orgrattilations to Sgt. Glenn i'ut.'iuttit' :t\ Service N.F.itt \\ hose 1,1111(kly Wis, '1 NI it day, No).,:mber 13th. LATE CONCERT PIANIST HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured late pianist. Ignace 11 Require, 12 13oundary, 1413one. 16 To support. 18 Pack animal. 19 ld est (abbr.), 20 Legume, 22 Age, 24 Poem, 25 Caterpillar hair, 27 Wager. 29 At all times. 30 Narrow pieces cloth. 32 Something, in addition (pl.). 34 Pig pen. 35 Swiss liver. 36 Card game. 38 Shriek. 41 Morning (poet.). 42 A size of shot. 43 Let fall. 45 Altitude (abbr.). 47 High hill. 48 Suffix. Answer to Previous Puzzle 23 Sun god. RQ W H AIL E NiL 24 Eggs. Pf P X H 0 R S 26 NIalieious OC T E burning. WA TOED R E i—NTE:1") 27 Watch RORERLE ESS R AIN N D -AlT MAP IBEPT Nig!L_ ,4 A0 WORLDs R 5 A 1 D PR :=ecretly. NC 28 Preeke. 0777 CIAI1PN F ALR 29 Made mistakes. 31 Proiwun, 33 Viscid, oily liquid. 36 Recline, 37 Scrap of S k.AMALL ET! refuse. 50 MediL.inill pliint. 8 Fe nate ::•aint 38 Portico. (abbr,). 39 Skill. 53 Rhode lAind40 Native of the 9 Genius of the (abbr.). body (Egypt.), north African 54 Toward.10 Ilements 55 Grandparmp ental • 41 Principal. for washine 57 He gave many floors'. - 44 Neat. — in 46 Roam. the U. S. A. 13 Prophet. 49 Genus of VERTICAL 151'erceives. ophidian 2 Article. 17 House animals reptiles. 3 Fiber knots. 18 Manufacture. 51 Varnish 4 Persian fairy. 19 Fresh water ingredient, 5 13ustle, cyprinoid ftsh 52 Auricle, 6 Cursorial bird. (pl.), 54 Music note. 7 Swollen stripe 21 Attorney 56 Lieutenant on the body. (nbbr.). (abbr.). CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "The company has sent me around to show you what our new post-war vacuum cleaners will be like." HOLD EVERYTHING 10.14Vai. 341 fps I 3tIL T t 'gray. "My boy is in the guard house — ain't he a chip off the old block?" THE SPORTING THING "—mind if I look over yer shoulder?" FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger SIDE GLANCES • * ';,‘"; 1C; . L,. t;,. e 0 . , ,,..... - • . 0 • . .• „ t * , . t ,,. tf ; ..... ...,. 1;"......t,/,,;". .";;;;" ; I 11 / / • „•; 1 ',if.. . ". .1)4* Or.... to•-. %%Pt, 1,, $1.• „„, . ' t; /e1 /, Ott. ow, ,1g 41 lo„ • 1, .11 to, .T0t/ it",,t at • 1114 t„..„ * 0 I t _ 11'24 cope pasiglCi, I14NC. r'aid.v. 4S. "Why not? I'm always lending money to the boys!" MOPSY byGLADYS PARKER He KNEW NOW TO TALK WHEN GOT HIM -TEACHING HIM TO READ WAS vlY OWN IDEA mer MUTT AND JEFF - GOSH, I WISH I COULD GET SOME GASI MUTT, WAERE DOES GA come. ?RO1A. J By Galbraith COPR. 1041 BY NEA smocc. INC, Y. M. REO, U. S. PAT. Off "Funny thing • • we feel sorry for Pop . he just told me he felt sorry for us—said he wouldn't coop himself up in the city for twice the salary I'm making." LIFE'S LIKE THAT US MODERNS, • By Fred Neher 3'40'44 JCZZOFP (14T/4.F4.1. "His teeth grew in all at once instead of on the installment plan." Well Anyway You'll Have To Admit VE'/ DRILLFOR IT! COMES FROM OUT OF TNE OUND' • r MO(MUTT iS SPooFINGAE, BUT HE'S REAU-Y A SMAF3 GUY! That Jeff Struck 011 By BUD FISHER ri TRUE! NoW I CAN RAVE vALLTRE GAS I EEO, ". POP—A Swell Code Name h, Th.- 11.11 M. nll. .11' SHE ALWAYS PUTS S AT THE END REG'LAR FELLERS—Wonders of Science G0S1-,4IS IS 'CLIPIZIBLE- TNeAQLY PAST NINE AN' ME—JIMMIE DUGAN- IS NOT ASLEEP YEr 3-49 w. .„ I WONDER WHO HE IS " ' By J. MILLAR WATT ADALINE MOORS 1.1.1,40141KtalaIVAIA.Lot 11...110111.1.111011.1.01.111L By GENE BYRNES r MIGHT AS WELL BE SCIENTIFIC WHILE I'M Al' Tf Jit•Vog. DUGAN ! PRIVATE , CLAIY. OUT DELICIOUS SUPPER TREAI I.• 2rupsmilk scalded TIMBALES 2 CIIpsspilk, hurter 1 tris 3 tablespoons' p«m salt teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons 1 nlpcoarseChristir's chopped parsleylemon lairs 1 trlspoongrated Premium Soda 2cups finely onion Cracker crumbs Combine firstingredients 3 eggs, separated diced cook. Combine fromgredi heat and cook 2 ed carrots hi Latton 'I odd to minutes over , Stir Pour into Juice and carrots. Fold in stif l beateaten en yolks, Ses. sr bake Rfeaued custard cups, Place in 1 l in moderate n pun of hot es rtimd tim- bales. And rententhcrrtCJ j j P,) 50 minutes. b fresh and Nan hristie's Premium SodaCrackers 8 tfm- soea esh dishes. l y they enhance the flavor Cracksas arc ds, Always keep a packa$e or two on on Shand, Sapphires and Diamonds by DOROTIIY TROWBRIDGE CHAPTER XII "Is the Hurn crazy?" Peggy thought. "Imagine, Gran's expres- sion if I had rushed forward and we had shaken hands. Nice explan- ation. We had tall;ed twice with- out either of us knowing who the other one was. Ycs, that would have gone over big. I can sec w here he and Gran will not get along at all." But on the contrary he and Gran seemed to he getting along famously. She had been waching Mr. Newton closely, and now smiled at hint—one of Gran's nicest smiles Relieve Neuritis... Neuralgia Pain allORMIUMMOIMEEM Aspirin Eases Pain Almost Immediately Why Aspirin works so fast Instantly) Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet in n glass of water it begins to dis- integrate. And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Thus, you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective, above all, dependable. That's why Canadians have come to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis. So protect yourself from needless misery. Just get a box of genuine Aspirin at your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Box of 12 now 18e Econbmy Utile of 24...... now 29e fomity sire of 100, now 79c ASPIRIN the Bayer cross on each tablet Is your guarantee That it's Aspirin RHEUMATIC Pais • WASII AWAY!31V1 DOES YOUR BODY ACHE? fiere's quick relief from miser- able neuritis, rheumatic ar- thritic and lumbago pains — Drink water abundantly and rely upon "B'WELL" herbal remedy as an Internal cleanser. As pain and fever producing acids are washed away — Pain must got Rellel may be fell right at the start. Take Mul- vency's "B'WELL" regularly be- fore retiring and wake up each morning feeling fine) Sold by over 2,000 druggists. —and he smiled back, and Peggy felt sure it seas one of his very hest, also. "You won't think me presump- tuous, will you, Mr. Newton," Gran began, "if 1 ask you which }•ort consider the greatest — Sherlock Holmes, Philo Vance or Hercule Poirot?" NIT-. Newton drew his chair a little closer to the high hacked one that held his hostess and leaned forward with enthu: iasnt. "Presumptuous? I should say nut, but you sec that is something 1 would much rather discuss with you than just answer right off. As I sec it Sherlock Holmes had—" But Peggy lost track of the con- versation as she: turned a puzzled face to Maxine, svho shrugged here shoulders and looked blank. What on earth were they talking about? Of course she had heard of Sher- lock Holmes, but what had he to do with these other two sten? and what did Gran know about detec- tives?" Peggy felt sure she had never seen one before, "Well, putting it in another way," (;rain began again, „which detec- tives method do you use." "To tell you the truth, 1 rather combine a little of each of then) and from that snake my oss'n meth- od. 1 find I get the hest results that way." Nfrs. Morton nodded slowly, "Yes" she agreed. "i see how that night be done Now in this case, of course, all you have to go on is that M iss Sawyer arrived here with the ring in her possession and last night when slue went to put it on it had disappeared." "The servants?" the detective be- gan quickly, but (gran raised her small hand peremptorily. "'Fo doubt the servants, \!r. New- ton, is out of the question." "So that is that," he agreed. "You 81'C quite sure you had the ring with you?" he continued, turn- ing to Nancy, Peggy was feeling very uncomfortable hath for her- self auld for Nancy, but the hatter merely shrugged her shnnldcrs, * * * Ile looked at her in silence for a moment. "You make it sound like "'Thimble, thimble, who's got the thimble,'" he told her, "Now T shall use my own method," he ex- plained to Mrs. 1lorlon, "Miss Saw- yer last her ring, but the first per- son I should like to question is Mks Margaret.,, lust as you think hest," Gran agreed, rising quickly, turning to Maxine and Nancy. "Colne, girls. We shall wait 00 the hack terrace for your next Move."' „Can't we go outside some place to tall;?" he asked Peggy when the others had disappeared down the hall. She glanced through the par- lor windows at the rose garden. "\\'e might go out there," she suggested. * * * Leaving the house quietly they went down the front steps and turn- ing tine corner of the house entered the garden. "Whew," he breathed in relief, taking his cigarette case from his racket and offering it to Peggy, who shook her head. "May 1'" he asked, 'When she nodded her as- sent, he stopped fur a moment to CANADA'S FIRST AND ONLY ALL -FABRIC DYE• .,' • ,ft IS • GUARANTEED TO DYE ALL FABRICS INCLUDING — NYLON, CELANESE AND MIXTURES 44.10 RE -MAKES FOR BROTHER AND SISTER Ring around a Rosy in Dad's trousers and smart little coats remade from big lrother's worn navy blazer and big sister's cream flannel one, With a little sewing strategy Mother turns out two attractive warm play outfits for the kiddies, TABLE TALKS Meat Dishes—Tasty And Inexpensive Less expensive cuts will give ev- ery bit the same nutrition as the most expensive o n c s, and with long, moist heat cooking they can he made just as palatable. When yon do have a roast or a haat, use the leftovers up so cleverly that the family will get a real palate thrill from than. it can be done! • First The less Expensive Cuts: Beef En Casserole. 1V, pounds beef (neck, flank or shank), cut into inch cubes 3 strips of bacon 1 clove garlic, peeler! 1 teaspoon salt j teaspoon black pepper 2 whale cloves 1;1 cups diced carrots eii peeled small onions Flour beef cubes, Cook bacon in heavy skillet until brown but not crisp. Remove. Add garlic to bat - can fat and brown beef cubes on all sides. Re111c ve garlic. Add wa- ter and seasonings, heat to boil- ing. T'nrn into baa;ing dish, adding vegetables and bacon !cut into inch pieces), Cover and hake in a slow (,Intl -degree) oven for 2 to 2!, hunt's. Serves 0. 'then The Leftovers: Veal -Ham Loaf 1;; pounds ground veal 1 cup groci.d haat 2 t'l;F!s 1 cup fine bread crumbs (;rated rind '.i lesson Juice of .1 lepton I cup mill; 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1! teaspoons salt caspoon pepper \lix all ingredients with a fort; and shape into loaf, Place in loaf Pan and pour yi cup tomato juice over top. Bake in a moderate oven (:io degrees) 1 ! ; hours. Serves 0. light his cigarette svllile slue con- tinued up the wall: towards the summer house. "\'our friend Nancy is a helpful soul, isn't she?" he asked, joining her. "What is it you wished to ask me?" Peggy asked,hini without re- plying to his question about Nancy. * * * ile laughed. "To tell you the truth 1 don't know, 1 only knew 1 wanted to talk to you and that seemed the best way to do it. Things have conte so fast and furi- ously that 1 ant all befuddled. Last night when Maxine said her sis- tcd had lost her ring and for nue to conte out and help find it, it seemed all right. Of course, 1 didn't know then that her sister was you. And I didn't know that you were engaged. And now to be perfectly honest I don't give a hoot about finding your engagement ring. Couldn't we just forget that and talk about ourselves fora while?" "Certainly not," Peggy said in- dignantly, stepping into the summer house. "I shall answer any ques- tions you care to ask abou the ring, but that is ail." (Continued Next Week) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON November 19, CHRISTIANITY AND DEMOCRACY Mark 12: 13-17; Romans 13: 8-10; I Peter 2: 13-17. Golden Text. — Bear ye one an- other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2. After his ministry in the temple Jesus Wats followed by a vast crowd. Among the number were some of the Pharisees and I-Iero- dians ,n'hn were resentful of the parable he had taught, and came seeking an opportunity to catch The holy land in those days Was under the rule of Route, and in an effort to bring a civil charge against Jesus, they questioned hint regarding payment of taxes. Under- standing their thoughts, he re- quested a mitt, and asked as to Else image and superscription on it. Receiving tbiq information, they marvelled as he replied "Render unto Caesar the things that are Ca(''ar's and to God the things that are God's". The Law Of Love Another of the teachings of Christ was to the effect that if we should conte to the altar to snake an offering and have any- thing against our brother, we are to leave our offering, make amends with our brother, and then coke and maks our offering unto the Lord, Probably Paul had this, or a similar thought in mind when he wrote to the Roman Christians cautioning them against being in- debted. Of course this reference is to cases is here we have the ability to pay, and not to circumstances beyond our control. 1t We blase the love of God spread abroad in our hearts we will Hof he content \•bile we are in- debted to another. To say to one who loves that "'Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness" is no tnccessary when love reigns in the lu'ai•t. The Laws Of The Land The Christians in the earij days, like today, had their problems regard to the laws of the land Peter wrote to thein concerning the i.nrd's will in the rnuatcr, and said "Subunit to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake:" 'I•hc chief duty of those in authority is to prevent evil. We are to connplj, with all the lasys of the land for it is well pleasing to God, and puts to silence those svho are anxious to criticize the Lord's people, HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath- ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates, disinfects, helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults and children. 50c—all druggists. 'NOSTROLINE' CLIFTON* ISSUE 47-1844 Quality Guaranteed '$ALAOA TEA CHRONICLES or CINCEII FARM Well, it was nice while it lasted, wasn't it? ---that marvellous waren weather I mean, Imagine 68 F in November, Did you make good use of it—doing jobs that you wanted done but neva expected would be? I was afraid to lose a minute, Partner and I were painting the outside of the house — and yot; know windows take n long time •r do, what with puttying and two coats of paint. But it is such a satisfaction to have thein done — the fresh white paint looks so nice against the red brick. Only one needn't expert other people to notice what has been done — at least not the menfolk. Actually we had a man conlr in one day and i asked him what he thought of our paint job. "Oh, have you been painting — I really didn't notice!" And then, to cap it all, after Partner had been clown for the mail one day I asked him how the house looked from the road, and he said — "Gosh, 1 forgot to look at it!" These men . . . . • * * Working so much outside has led me to wonder if post-war in- ventions will include portable tele- phones. Directly I get back to the house I spend half my tinge an- swering_ telephone calls and every person starts off the some way — "\Vhere in the world have you been — i've been trying to get you all week?" Well, anyone ss'ho rings now will find Hie right at home, I haven't the least desire to be outside. There is a cold wind, snow flurries and a decided drop in temperature. It makes one begin to think of Chris- tmas. Christmas . . , another wartime Christmas. And so many people thought the war would be over by fall, Partner and I never thought that was possible. In any case don't you think it rather unwise to let oneself speculate very much as to when the war will end? Such thoughts are bound to have a slackening affect on our work. Unconsciously we begin to think more about our own personal at - fairs — and perhaps let down a bit on whatever we have been try - 4825 SIZES 6.It Captivating little jumper that gives her a nipped -in waist. Make one 111 N'elVetet (1, otic in wool. Pat- tern -1823 has embroidery; blouse. Pattern 1825 conies in girls' sizes t', 8, 10, 12 and 14. Size in, juniper, 2 yards 33 -in. nap fabric; blouse, 1!,;1 yards 33 -inch. Send twenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Room 421, 73 Ade- laide St. West, 'Toronto. Print plainly size, naive, address, style number. By Gwendollne P. Clarke •••ee - iug lu do in war to rk activities, Don't Ict us foul , nr,elwrs, ']'here is 11„ easy time ahead. The clay will carne when the sear gill end, be it late or soon. Put to war there is always 811 aftermath, :mil in that aftermath our ',work, our faith, and our courage w•il) be taxed to the limit. So, if \VC mast speculate as to the end of the tear, in un think of it only as the ('1111 to fighting au,.l Llaudslned not as the end of work and sworn, to role- sclvcs. There will be 1d(inty of both—but sve are Canadian diarn wonu'n, •)lescendants of a fighting stork, $�s'e shall surely accept the chal- sn't that so? from tile prairies and Nit tos',‘:,- 4.411 IhL.- citi's and the Drink. Canadian wo- men everyssliere will surely prove they can work for peace as svtll as for victor lei . 0 1 remember healing a sermon in the early days of the war in which the preacher said — "\Ve pray for peace . , Lot WC hat;',76---- for twenty-five years a.ol ss hat ,rid we do with it Some time rte shall have peace again --ss hart shall we do with it this tinge? ft is swarth thinking about, isn't it? It's foolish to keep on "dosing"! Why go on dosing another day with harsh, unpleasant purgatives? Discover; as thousands have, that KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN is a far better, far gentler way to help cor- rect constipation due to lack of diet- ary "bulk"! KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN really "gets at" this com- mon cause of con- stipation—sup- plies "bulk" need- ed for easy, natu- ral elimination I If this is your trouble—try eating an ounce of ALL -BRAN daily, or several ALL•BRAN muffins, Drink plenty of water. Get KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN at your grocer's, 2 convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London; Canada. SosowLI1ELS Poems • Melodies • lyrics HOLLYWOOD SHEET MUSIC PUBLISHER NOW EXAMINING ORIGINAL MATERIAL Talented Writers of new material submit your original poems and songs now FOR OUR FREE EXAMINATION YOU WILL RECEIVE • A liberal offer to publish In 2 color SHEEP ready for sate, • A criticism ofMUSIC your work and its return, if not accepted at no cost to you. REMEMBER — NO OBLIGATION. We will examine and report to you our staff's decision on your song or poem promptly! Send Your Original Material NOWT NORDYKE PUBLISHING COMPANY Puhlirherr ni shift music ler sale. Nordyke Building, 6607 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood 28, California eadache- Nodiing is more depress sing than headaches Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambly'sisgood for ear- achc, toothache, pains in 7111) hack, stomach, bowels. 7k'u4'/ HEADACHE POWDERS to You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL t'0Ittl\'I t) • P:ser} Ituou, ,lith Huth. (.bass• er oriel Telephone. it $...11 mi— l/011111e , $:Ln a up. O C"nd I'aad, Dining and Danc- ing Niir,hlly Sherhourne at Carlton Tel RA 4135 11 ?Alt 4. •Extomtvewcwitoctoccomicvatetalcuretoctemtctetcctocctctutctoic 1 14 WES'FFIELD 1 cid, 1,1 ,.i..,v,i i.i.,,i kil,,,,,,,,,. .,,, stud), 1 ii•,,,. ,,,, ,a,,,, „i",. 1 Elliott Instirance Agency ii \IL .1. 1,. NL:11•••tell ,t•ent Ow t“'cli- 1,Ilull‘ 'llI 1 diet' Ill l"gm" \ ' NII".' "1"1'.11 "111 1". "''1 l'` Ill' 1 1,r, %, (1 jou ii,,,11,11;ki.t kirk- ;111 I ,ale fur ..1. i w end at the 11,1114, of hit, 41,ktightvv, MI,. 'N°1.111;111 M`l 1. "11 111' 1,,s Firvil i• v A 111,,n II wen. In-,' in...k.a.,,,, . l'Ilv ta, •0114 t'. , 1 1, 0.11 ,,veatii1,ktion, 41 1.1 ; , it 12 20: 2 12.1,, 2-12-10; 2 F- III; 14 LI. ,:i.",:11.‘',111111,:\l,r. ti"..11. ' f is11:11'.ht tic'', I MI• 1111,1 \II -• 1 11111c,111 McN1,1101 "I %\ 1 ,I1 to tli,,,,,I, the ,- 1,1,1,11160 1,,r 11,1/4-1- 2 -,,t _I. 1 12 t, ; 1141 •1 s to, i I v. .NI 110,11 ,•1!,11, \‘,I, 1,,r11111,1te in I \\ all"11 ‘ i•i" '' II.1 \\ 1,1 11 Mr. ,t11,1 1,1,k ral ,I,c;;11, ,I, . do l Itt.;, in 11,1 tt , ;,,,,,,,,. 1,,,,.1 -- BLYTI1 - ONT. -,.. INSLIIZE NOW! ANI) BE ASSUltEI). i ,tvi.li 2 If, f, it it i, lee, evie,1 tit ;111%. of NO' ,11,,,1 Mit. II. \\ il-vtit tii Itrti.- , 1 Mrs. Nlvtivick- l,,..111,,, tlat t'4,1111••;.‘ l'aiv .:1,..11 ;k -ilk cc-. 1 Clir - Fire - Life - Sielliess - .11.eeiclelit. ist,,,,,,,„„ ,, i. ,, ,,,,,.,,,,,li,.. holm. of Mr. \11.• '11111 Mt.' l'i'l',',."' 11"11 \\crt' Iv\.. 11,1.,1111,,,,ti, ..1 11111,1. 1,,t- ti„. „I,„,,, i„i, 1„ i.,, •Al ‘, l• awl \Ir.. Nlei‘i.. '1.0.1,,r, ; The kirtit 1:1,,rton wet .,11 ht. tv,•,1,..,.,,,t, ,, t„ r ,,,,it tit 1,,,,, „HI it, ., i -0,ii.ii t 11111,1, 1,„ a.,,: . rr, „,1, .iri. viiiiial Office l'hono 104. Itesidence l'hono 1'2 or 140, - l tin: \tecl, cod \Nith her ,,,ter, m 1-;,, 1,, IU ' 11.1' " ''''I. ''t II"' 11'111'' "I NIL ''',.1 1 '• • ..1'' '' '1'11 ll'il'IC ";11 ''" 11 2,1 ' In; .i -lit w ak,,1 1 s to, Thi, fir •I and Mr,. N. Vilyent vti.11 .111 Itic,c1;1. 1,\ the -.--l.,111,t,0 ••,-;,,,,,1 , ti,•11, -,,,',, ,,,, I ,,, ,,,, 11,1 ,, ,1 dr, ,1, „i„,,,,.,1 i.,,i,,,,•idli‘ j„,. --,-, J. II, R. Elliott. G()rcl()ii Elli()tt g 1 2 , v,r,, ...'11111e1 NtIdgcl• yi,i1 (Nur : .1 "COURTESY AND SERVICE" I, \1 ;0101, ,,f 1,,,,,,11,,, Til • ,, ,, \itcr tlie ••,1-•:111-, ill,: 1 •:i:', 1'0 li,r: liti.loct,' : I 1.111' 1111, ‘11,(-1 b.! ;IC.,, ;i111 Illk' 1,111VI fur illali)**IDIN?Ot317412.17)111i1;iDi)i%).,31%),IDat_liDa23D121DINDi717,,,iD1,12,DaDaDanDi ...,.,,,,,,i,tv A1 IN, hi,„ coli,111, :':::11i'l::,111,:‘1, :,1,11‘,iitil‘ly'1:,11'',1,1,1111,t,",i ,1'.':;,. \i, , , ,,, 1 :nowt 2 ,, ..hli',,,.,c1101,.1)1.11*',1‘,,t,r;illt17,,.11, ,,,, It, tt.,,, 1 , ,,,,,,,t 111_1 , .,. %, ,-. _i iti :11 1.• tt111. MCI )1/Ntt'll lt ;I, :1 1-911:••1 1111 ... NI 1. . C. \1,•tlint,,11 oi 60,1k:rich, by 1:0,11;116 'kit 1,1- and 1 itirilon NIclhlw. 1,,,,, Iiii311 NI, 1,,,L‘,,ii ,,1 1.,tior, cll. 1,1 ',Inv: 11111,1.11- -Itch :__ ___ . • , _ . vit. (1111 It wat, t-ervel. . . , .11 -. 1 • ... 'II lt, a • I wt..' tate I til 1.1/11/.1'11, i,1111'1 •11., tt Ill 1,1 t 1 . Dead and Disabled Animals -,,I;ty., ‘,.oli Nir anti Mrt, Pat 1 01-,111y • Nlr. and N1r. \Vatter tlt1, Mr. and I, t,1 1,11.,,, .10, l Jure "Illt' 1.,1'.'•-.1;11.11' 1 1i I 111.” 111 1‘. 11 '..' 111,1 1 11- 11-1 11 /11 ant: quantity ,111,1 kit ;illy 1 llnitt,41 Church at 8 ,,lcl,,els. Mt,. hal ra't,,ii ‘1,-it,••1 I,y 1',4' gut \Ver. NI/. N tynt trl ledittilltil ,1,1•11 1 a Itv\ ,, , , REMOVE) 1)1Z01111)'IlLY. Mr-, 1.1,11 1Val,len, Mr,. I. I., . l - . AUIlUltN ,,,,,iiii,,i,.. , in ',.i Hy,' ii,,. ,,,, i ;,,,,,, i lii,,i iiiii, ,ii...,i, litiiii, 1.1 111 the ea.,. 44 the lecttice• I , Hiiii:l'ale lei)lioiles; 11tw()o(1, 50r:11; Selifortli, 15, C()1lect. 7 II Mr,, I 1,,war,I Lait11,1,ell and Italw vv,,,nt,ii-,, 1,,,,tittite ;111,1 the \'ict,,1;; ' itrklay, ter's hall on Saturday t..11,,11..,14.11 11), the 1,, ,1,1.'"' \ l'I' 1 1111 1; 41'1.1'11' ‘6111 '''n. 'till 11m11 1.11: '\ 1 "111"1 111111 i''' :-.1 lie awl .1,':'' 1)11 (.111Cr• ! 1 11, 1 !I• 1111,k ,, I: '11 II, 't1111111;11c (111.4,11 1r the 1,11r,-11,...4. 44 1,,,,re Item, I to‘% ell ‘t; cry 1,01,41,, vi•it,,r, 4,11 S.,,t. 1 .% t„,,t1,11„. f,til• wit, ilt.iti in ilk. 12,,i.t.,.. , 1•A J4 1 iini4,41 iron, \Vitt,thani li ilit;i1 0;1 Chih, I 1inentade Itahititt, \ (-.11:11'It-s S14 1' l' -1. 1 r"11' St' .111111'.1'. \\11 11 1-1,11-11. Ilti, i, 11.-d chit'111Y 111 1)‘.1t1.1N(; lind CO. of CAN Al),‘, 14'1'1), s..,1111.(1;iy. Sruit, cl .thing„ 1.k)-1,; awl .11 4.., 41,,114,,, 1'', \\'• 1, (•I'l11'-',, NIr. \Vitt. 1:1,1ey an,I hit, 111,,thelt, t.hil,,Ireti., 1,11 ,, riliiht•U, ail il 111,,,y „Ow ... ' NIr., lame, \Vit II- lut reltritt .1 11.111 '''''',11 ti '1 ..11.:'''\ l'r' ""11111''' 1`.11- ....-.. • ..,,t , \Ir..). hilt,ley% oi Itenniillyr, visitk,i1 I 11 artiete„ \\TN vjlt,i.‘,41, 1 wocitii, 1,,, (t. it ,1 .1., ,11 1,,.,,,k.lit ,11 1.v,, ,,\ ,111:11, ,111.,11111.t -. G. R. AU(;USTINE . 11,1,14(iRAVE is,,,,ii.iy ,Aitli N1r. and NIrt, .1. I_ NIt,-- . ,elic i;iiiit,.. \,,,,:_,, I . • 1 1 , 11"1.0, , " , 1 '1 '-';-1,t0(1 "yrr "' ', \Ir... k , \, 11,,%\.,,,,,,, \l,.. And \ii.i. Piti. Cic 111110 ," ;1 i;1!11:: "1 11 ra-t.,,,, 'I'll,' nu \ inr.... 11. ,v ,11,1tri,%-4,(1 j ,r RF.PIZESENTING NI r. and NIr;, Jame. VanCatill, tif 1 n'''`'`'11- .1:4,,xie I tall, \Ir., 1411,4,,r, Turner, Mr.,' , ,,, „,, ,, \viol i:,,,1,,,rt .\:, octii ;,, ;wait, ., • ir,,iii %Ott, 11 1,, 111;110.• a ,e14,4• - ,,,,,H, 1 Itetv, t, l! 1;-\1 bc ;III illVellliVe TIIE INION'FItEl1L I,IFE 1:;;:,,r •,1,e1,1 •11,.. ,\ cui,;•eliti v,itil c,,,,, - "'in' \I''' 'null" Snell' 1111(1 l'Iller NIN, .Ntillrt.n. kirket,unt, I, awl t M1" N"/:"1" .1.111.4. vl'itl'Il \\ It" 11cr F.rnest Patters,11, NIrs. Fart NIt-Inicht, ,.1‘.,Il 1 ,i'''''1 "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY"here. • •. 11. \\lit e'er i, ,I,c11Trag a Ictt. ' 11.411,1, kif ll,','Icrich. ,Intinettivile Ir11.4, ,•,le \v -t. tit ellar,...,,4, ,.f , , , , • II'. :1kis'n1, ; ,• 1, , 1 i• r fatiliet, 1,, -,!III,t fItcrt• c1 -alt,' Ole I 'Pi 11;t1' I I\ tri , (11, 1 ,:i , , . :.ClIt I iit• VO.k ,," ev,,,, flied, an ! ,,i1 ,1-1,4-1encte• it, re, . • • Associated wit/. 1 he Atlas Insurance 'hi \ %%itli her ,,,,n, 1Ikl.e alt \I - 1',. ', NI1:s11.1'w1,11.7i411:::'.1,"1,0,11101'it. \\I.,:::11.1 fei:.''': iii\i\ii ,; M rs.. (,111;.trIt's ,N. 1.; Irt.11.1:1:111,1.111 1, .N1:11*, N11 -'r1.-, . 1,, .\\.1 ti.i.11:00, \rlyiNniii..:1,1 1,,-,,,i1 1,\\,i.,..:11,1,..,i.i,‘ ,,,1,1 : ,i,N11:,.. Iv: ,,,\ I\ ,-,11,111,1y,...;k1,,..k liliotkii.21.1.,,,riiiiilki•Lecrt11,12,v.twilliiii.ti.v: ' ' 1 - ' ' . ...no \\Tit ne, ai, ther, \Ir.. 1:1-k,,1 16,--. LIFE • PENSIONS - ANNUITIES ettln. \\ c,,Is.1,11,1 v.itil ii..e.,,,,1, 110.e. ,tili Ttle-tlay, \\ ken Nhit,, 1,-,, k„,ig,,t. anti wa, \\ di liati.„11i/cii ;Ind ‘0, ini,H. T ,, -,1111\111.N;Ir:,1.11 1,1le,,dri:t.; 1,-.,k,111,4',., 1,,,1,ri,„11 ; ' .•titc 1;4'11. It''1,141'1;j4-ti11,1•2t:',.:t 1;11,,1,1.1i'v111-,',;1:1;111-,11:;61';:, itvile;1111 1 ? NH., Itet-na tilt ci I.,,,,,I,,,,, .t,e,,It vi S1' Marl° -\142-1;c1w Church 1111111111' l'izekit-1 l'hillit,.. The lunch cutlittvr gar 1„,%,,,11., 1,01,3 k 1 , , 1 Comrany, London, England. \V 1 ne,,ei ..1101 -.,11 in 1.011doit. _ i . l''.1;iiiie \V -a1,11 ,,f T,,r,,,,to, -.pent grain Ity venderin;!, ;1 thiti. Ii ''' \\'' 1.1°1111°1 11;'("1 1'1 ti1c PI.'" s111K.r\•i:lint ci Mrs. Thotilti, NIL -Nall, ,.: , 1 , . 1\ itenencr. • - - i i ne vi 1 -11,,, „an , ,.i 1:11,,,, I' it, ....- • t,te wet-I:tend •:t her 1.,,tne here, i „ , , ' NIrt.,, I.. Irwin NIrs,, \Villiani I )011,1, It , ,,., „E Iii V;ita'allili ha. eilli,teil ill the I HI'. 1.• ''' "11'1 Hi Tiiiir'il,iv evening, Mr': J'1'11 br`cin. \111'1"" St"1'11 church 11,,, „,,, s1111,1t,. ill ruin,' tti,ii 1 AMONG 1'11 E (1 IIJR(1,1-IES ---; -AIL LIAM II. MORRITT i\iiiiiy i \viol a •,..,,w(1 ;Itiewlaiik e, The prow -ant 'and teat, Kirl;,,,,,,,lett with Ntr,„ ttert l 'tin ati .111 in „ti.ii.,,,., Ni,ii,n,,uLy.rii UNITED CIILJIICI-1 ,,, 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Lill NIct'lvI" it ',..••• al d \\*di NI;toitirg NY;•• iii charge ei 1:.ile.-11 Taylor with i Craig a, eatiti,..t. .lak-b.,,,11 hre.illk ;1 ;11 tlet t,i•tno. .\11,- ,, ',,k• att,•,,,I.,,,. ., at the ,,\ ening ,ereet, . Specializing In Fann and HousehoW r,:tliiiv 1 on :lattirilay irom the \\lot I'llY111s L.'"11 it 1111' l'i;111"- A 11'1' ling j This s',110 \‘'11-- k'111;st'l) "f c"111 1.11)11- 1 the cliiI,Irt-it 1 i-...t1Itt '1 lt. Nrl'''"" I1"' :1 1.11 S""'I-1 \ "-'' \ ''''). g1 - 11 11111-1`. Sales. o hex,. they \tele •,‘, Horn; at the liar- ,‘tt- Ltivell 11\ 1 11,1 t.111:1Y1"1.• S(Ii '1 11'' lion: ti 11 the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ty. 1 1,11,-,111t tat. 1,,,,,,,t,.. t1„: .,k.i ii,iiii.,, ,,,,i, 1,,,,1 1,, ,1 ,1,•1 : ii,,,i,, 1, , 1 ,,,icii, ;,,,i,,,i,, iii miciiiiiiiirt,, 1 ' 1 . Licensed for the County of Huron vc-t. Viic)11.1:try,.(1.,'"?i',1:1`.11.11 ;Iliitt.:troliot,,.0.,,L.1,•,..,r•e(iriviti.tteire,t wa, main f vt;1,..,1 ' .....,,,,,,r, ,iii : I,. it, , r ‘,,,,,, ,,,,-„•,.,1 1, \. 1.... \ye ..o.t, 1,, ,i,i:„ 1 :i \,, art! 1,, im ,t ti 11,easottable l'rices, and Satlefaction Mr. awl Nlv•, Nl ti NI ,iitt_t.,ntery vittt it the evvning NI vs, I ,il I t I: l• :.1 "1, ( •1 ',Cc 11 \' I, I 'I 1,1 ',II I! 111 I i1, 11" 1:11 r I 1 ,,, :111,1,„ I. !,,, \i s II 1111:1, ,1 hill '1(::, : (i':,', "11:".1 '1 , . 1. :, :, 1. :1'.1,, L 1,. 1,': ,.. Cuaranteed, .13ck and .101, i I., :1;1i. \\i',Ii Mrs, \V (-(".1`• .1."•''''' Ik' l`i"li'll'(1. 'Ilhe 1:,,,irl MeKitigl't ilre.,;(1e,1 ic,r OR, ltd ,•• \\::giii1i1;iii i.i.,..,:,.,,,, 1,,,, , fl-, i.i„,. \ ,:,,, ,,„i„, i, ,,,,, 11:1,,,, :‘,.1.1i„.11, • ,lieti••11, iiie,:tint (l:,1 tt ;Hi tit,: Nliz: a" lien::- grail, ;,, i,,11,,,,,.. 1,•,1;,r ,i ,i .1,111:1 1,,itaii 0 1", wirg;inil xii•i, nI 1,,,,,,,I, ii,,, 1,, i ii,,, ‘,,,:i lin c, win. liVilliam H, Nlorritt, phone, Reside,nea He l''''"1 '''iiliel* I'll in ' n* • ni 1.:0111; re iiliii:„.•,.., (;,:,•r:,.ty \Vrigly„ It ti ,d,,.. ,i,,, be li,,, 1,..„1,,,• ,. 'AIN, 1ii I \\ •,,111.. iii ,L For.iniforniation, etc., write or One J• (-'`I'-* * :13; Shop 4, Blyt'li. 4.4.tr L'Inirch, Iltlgrav-e, on \Vt. 1-cc,lay night 'Flic I:asin I'ortnn met 1;•:-.4 NI•indity fl'unier, iobit Sci,r., \ 1,1t,l \,,,11„, awl twin, gi.,,,,,, ilili „nil. lo I' .. :-•1111,1,1: ',..,.h,:::1. vcas very ,tirr‘,1111. A hitt jo\NI din- ;light at Illy Ittinte it Mr, and Mrs. ''.1 is. \VW:y..11 Ilaggitt : ,,,1,:s, 1,;,1111 ..____..,„•_...-__ 1)',.... 111,- 1 Litt in thi' I/ ;rattier tier \Vas ,t-ry, it to Dyer 325 attil the .1;,cli 11w:ban:tit \\-itli 35 pre:sent. TItt: \lei:night, .1...,k11 kirt;c1,1111.11 and NI;trlt, 7 ,,,.1,1 1 "I int,' 1:,,1-t• , .,r Sir, th.tt c.1.111artytte front Is:nein:11er , lunch interest. .er \Odell itruttp3trat02,11;111., do: t, 11. ri:, Nlekiii,2,11t awl Itettiro To ()Iliad() Farniers ' 11114.11 l'otasli lertilizers \\'''' Is \'' 'inn I'i`' '''' th 1111N1 F't' ANLILICAN CHUIZCII trrograni %vas r;t"t.'11 by Ilit. Flgar Nlale P.a(lio hr.):1(least was litent..(1 to \vith .1.1ithhy; pi;ino !..c1,,ctioil,, Vivian 111 It trwti, 11, 1^.1t• 111,\\ ltd \ 1 1,, Itcy. P. II. trecter, L.T1)., Rector, \...,1,-11,cr 1,1‘11, 1,1 it THE STANDARD Wednesday. Nov, 15, 194,1, Licensed Auctioneer, Anni,tioc Iyay wi.; ,, ).4.rt, t , ' 1 • : •e, e ioroull and Soil ittanac,enient ‘ya• ' 1),.11y 11 t,,,Ile ; trio, .1,-;111 1:irl,cii,;11,:11., IIAR01,D .1ACKSON Specialist In Farm and Household Clime) I - Jere ,,11 Sunday. .\t the (1.1,(111,C1I. A 1ollt.01 VC11,,, 1'11011001 I 1x... Niel:on:lit ;ml I icily 1,t . Sales. [oiled v.littrel, the ,,erviee wt,, itiarke41 Ity- N.Ir, I b•ligia,, l'aini,l•ell. Tile text 1 larry S.•irily awl 1,aar,1 Cool; ;me- tiLi 111,. .,1i1• I if hi,..11 p 0,1-11 It Ic '-,;i'at Sch, I, 2,:11 pall. Licensed In Huron and Perth ‘ylth thy unveiling yi the llonor 1,11, Incetipg i,, to it hell at the h,o,ne of iiLow(1 th . a•tich., \\ Ilich wt.rc left fro,0 i;,, r , hi ( )111,1ri,,. `111:- i., Ow ,!,,,,.: , ;; - 1•\ ,•11,,.11..2 '111 I ,yrile,n, 7.15 bui. tts V.. k, C1111.c•, Vde.rill it l'Iv 1'1:'.,1 NI r„ 1111'1 Mr: N. Vincent. Lunch the :•,;111.• in I5e ;Ifternii ti. Thy lucky- i i',‘ 1 ).1,,,i. 1 i Feriilit r- 1,:• • Counties. Prices reasonable; Bit rirc;11 \\.:ir, Wit'elleil OW Null ,ilyt th... ' NV;I, '....C1.1*.li all(i a ,I,Ciai 11111e !..1,t'111. 1 liCi<el ',V;I:-• dri11:11 bt' (i;11.111 NICK111.2ill ,C,Iii;oln :Intl' t 111'•11:1.11i• II ttith Chi (1;1- 51% i‘li"1:;"; CHURCII' AUBURN fiction gurtranteed, 1 luly l',,IliIiillri, II awl Set 'Him in St. ,ir rendered approl rutty' music 1111- ' ' it N i. .' 1 P: 1 .1 o titt-(1:iv 11 a ove iamb 11..11;111,41 by N;i..,11, .11:I ' vali , ,\,1‘,..„1‘, 1;,•a1i1j,ar 1t,,;,,,,i. For Information, etc., write or pho,, , , ,.. , . 1 , , , , „ .i , , ., 1,,,, ,,i 1 „., 1, ii, ,,i, \: , ' i;111,, t•iiiire", 1:c:,,t Siiiiri,,y ;11 111„0 (ler tne oireet,,,,, ,,i Mr, G. Nliebie, ,afternoilli win 12 pre.enl. The nivel- 1 Nulinr :1 l, t.P.A-.: iq Thr c,%,,,,,,i' ' 1.'11,,..,,, --.1-•A', ;ay hott t,11, I .. , Karol Jackson, ft.R. No. 4, SeatOrLE organt,t and leatler. ling wa. led Iiv Violet (look. 1.te;tilitti4. , I,:a.t \\";,%valei.11. \1,1,14.1i-4, l'cittnt4 1,1111 1 %%nil the gve, 1.,' iiier,,,k•ed 11..kyk, 1,f tl.i• '1•1"• ;Phone 14nitil, NIr. and Mr, N••roian Neatim..., and iwere )4iYett I•y Lorna 11itchitilan ..111•1 airl M r,,. 1:1 .lot Hill Ita,1 ch.inle ,,f fill 1i,,ev mai vi ial durn,_,, I hi, \\ Au \ ( ay, TRiwry CHURCH, BEI -GRAVE ,,• Catherine inov(,.1 to \Vim.,,lam on \Ion- 11.1t.pl Niel I•,‘ r11. Siripturc les."Ilu I; the tielset s.,1e. 'Hit winner %vat, lo- land it i,, Itelie,ied that 1 hilt' wil'i II, hilt,' ne, ,,t,v1 Surtik011 in Tv'ttii,.. tlay Whale they w:11 reside. ‘va', ry;t1 11). \''olci Cook: Mrs, \VIII. Ilan,' Vilicriii ', f \Vc`lii,'1,1• miiplc (iir.twilik,.. j,ii, 11.,, iii 1,1 15, L'onr, I, luAl. :,:;11(11 +AI 2.:.ii if4444++++44-4";'44+4•4`4•4*„.:•4•+4.+4,4,4.4++ 44. 444. + + 0... 4. + .8, 4, + 44. 4. 4.*** 4, 4,4. 4, 4,4, 4, 4. 4.4. 4.4* 4. 4, 4,4, 4, 4, .... 4. 4, +4. 4, 4. &4•4. 4, 4.4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4.4. 4.44.;......",, 4, 4,.,. 4. 4, +4. 4, 4, 4, 4. 4, 4, 4.4. ...,,i, 4. 4.4.4. 4.4. 4. 4. AIM MI MO 1111•1 sus tioird The worst inflation came AFTER the war the last time • . to be followed by disastrous deflation, unemployment and confusion. For Canada to manage successfully the change back to peace, maintain employment, and meet the world's competition . • we must continue to have stable economic conditions. To protect the individual from rising costs of living and later unemployment we must continue to prevent inflation. To prevent a repetition of the conditions following the last war PRICE CONTROL MUST BE MAINTAINED AS LONG AS INFLATION THREATENS US. This can only be done if production is efficient and economical, costs are kept down and consumers refuse to pay more than ceiling prices. _ THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA TO EMPHASIZE TUE IMPORTANCE OF PREVENTING A FURTHER RISE IN THE COST OF LIVING NOW, AND DEFLATION LATER When one person demands more for goods or services he compels others to do the same and Price Control goes out the window. • ,1:,v?: *,:44.40.4*,..4 . tce(l11es Ta , Nov. li, 10 ('I. ' Hullett Township Council Doings During The Year 1944. (l•t,ttlinut,l in In I I,I 'r e' I1 Churl of Rev•si n THE STANDARD ' Branch prt•sente I by Coo. Sntjttt. Co-, tint. Brown-I\enni'dy, That I. .\i I'1- I ,hong represent the "Tt \vn,lri;, of Hill lett tin the rehabilitation aid Iteron- s(I'Ilellull Committee of the I'ull"wint' j IL's co!e h; i"n 1 IIeI ( Dart ti1 l IItIeIi"ahI)itRt rc\e hthue lI m ean. l'Lleand alhee- I\Itr,ititi l. l(y, Thai id. i n1 theIIIIII,II I'ansaoft, tist •I'l,l arrnrt)It, n.u\\'n-I;dc, 'That rile ldcrh m til'\• flu• Ili i Cnunril, ,I, I'ct of ded in the \I j.. ,,II el, "Il'' I h,rl iln',I lherrlu ulttti,t(I part l on Flynn I) rant (if tilt' Bial, „1 theI,�t111 111', ( hal Juni 5th, 1944. ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE EATRE CLINTON. 1 GODERICrH. NOW PLAYING: Claire. Trevcr as: NOW PLAYING: Pat O'Brien n: "'I HE WOMAN OF THE TOWN" , "SECRET COMMAND" Monday, Tursd:,y, Welnerday Men., 'Tues., Wed. Two Features "SHOW BUSINESS" Martha Scott, Adolphe Menjou $slits J(unrr Ellison Friel(& Frock .\ tale , i t,."tl,ghl thrill, awl d s- Pala Negri ' PAGE 5. REGENT '1'11EAT,RE SEAFORTrt. NOW PLAYING: Welt Powell in. "I 1' HAI'PI:NED 'TOMORROW" Mon., •Puts., Wed., Two Features with Dennis O'Keefe & June Havoc 1I„ I. !WI i.', I ul.uu,' ;11;11,111',I,u'cn , ,. ;IplIinllue' I,, of \t 11:11 Il 1,,k,.„ I„ be ',Iitu,ll \I lll,l rt all: Dille -- ThatIllt•ir assessments ;11'11 that \\'t• read the Heat ill the seta rt,ulnn,•nt tt 1't,l in a hill ii;,ti\ treatedI•"Ill;tllt e and :I,tln'In 111 ill 1111.. hl 'Maw "e "I" I t!,, 1.“11"" I" 'Ifi the .\,- report on •I'llur•,I:II', June 22nil, 1')•11, Eddie Cantor, George Murphy, :, truly great pletu!t. --t.,ent 1 II. Il,nrt• Ihiriiin, F.rn(•,t Joan Davis and Nancy Kelly. '111 DIDDLE DIDDLE" at 8 pial. Cat I ill. al, \\eat 1;1.1 et, strlimu •.t:';. of .:tll n• ort t in„ hell tt.I \'e 11,1',.•' .\,bun`s 1ie„I:'',, Bay ley, Herb. (duu,li- Thursday, Friday, Saturday er, I. Int \Hid I,l 1'.. �. tcjd. Carried. Speiisl Meeting Pat O'Brien, Carole Landis, , a'ttatr''' Thursday, Fr.day, Saturday 16. w'i'll the Ree.e an•I ;111 nn'nl!,el', pry,VICTOItY TI'lROUGH AIR ydl. \knurl'. ,,I !,ret.„ re::IlLu :iiid. \mil lion.' Hal, That no action be A special meeting hell on June 1'1111, Cher1:r Mo.ris and Ruth Warrick. POWER” Frank Sinatra, Gtergc Murphy and It I.ILen ,.'I I, !n, \till, a'`e"mount, a, it for the purpose of passing be -law• No. Dramatic t!yn;liI'.te 1,1,i,tiit t acro„ _ Gloria Detl:tven, with •per,;Il alt iii p rt,ml an'I ;nl shit, 1, on t the ,ween }slab all the they of a ' I'hurs,, Fr.,, SaL, Technicolor Ad I,rht Meujou &Eugene Pnllette I. n" hildt11 !l1,ln ' 111j111 land,. Car- fl, 1)-4, 'd1 til• \Vaguer Drain and `et-, , - nuui, not lie'. Bl awn and \1. J, wi'I. ab"!enI', b' nth, a, brother i, pittett Joel McCrt a. Mawecn O Nara and ink a-,;!'e11.iii , r;l I nI ,1 l'„nnnnuiiati l', \ 1 nil, L, ;n I ,, , I. 1.. l\ tit I:ennrdy 'Thal the :\s hint the date for ;1 Court of heyi,iolt ' ;i in`i brother in a sliii, std \there) !.ends Darne'.I. IIsi';:, nal ',d ('nllt'ut 11,,;11.,t, (,l•i1,4, t , bile ;1!1 :0._ , "•'I r'i,,,utre the .\n,e^,Iltt'itt on Lot on \V;t4te'r t)1';IIII. \lotion b\' Jewitt- some tvi rt. fir viel„ly aril some .\ )iiail,t `t. t1' „t the plain- li;llln'e' ,,, 1 "n. a, III' ircd by Fcrg. Van., li Brown. 'Thal we Ila„ by -tart' \o. (t, against it. the life Ili,r,.ry ,t1 a r,Jotflrl oldtinl.,l. "STEP LIVE1.) r. nrl I''i I ht fun. Inn, I"'h 1".1 1. 1 I I 'L'UFFALO BILL" IIl,it Co A,,e •"I• add Catharine B.I- vision on the \Vaguer Drain in the COMING: "Louisiana Hayrick" & COM ING: "Once Upon A 'I'mci' & tray' Ia1in:,; It;li :11 nett bnjl,tju', COMING: HOME IN INDIANIA' tt "Where Are Your Children, I',n.', ;nl l \\'nt It. IlillinAs to the Ynl. Cnnununity (loll, Lnddc>horo, on Inly 111x, Winkle Goes •To War. oreittd aloof; the 1tigint,,y, n,n•I b- I I In Technicolor. _ ____ __ 1 te'I bt the 'r, I.','. Irt\ilt•Dalr "Thal we add lint, 1)hl, at 7 o'clurl: pan, l'arricd. , - '-. Idays at 2 3)par. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 7.30 p.m. Islip a b:lll'lin :t ;mit appiiii ! Mat.: Sal. and linlg•Inva nt 2.30—p.m. Ma-.: .C, at. and 1 -lc 1Ij'silty,'}' 1)11. .\ I't:er ir,nn (ir,lll,lul ,I'• Ther tat•;_', ill to ihr •rune, hajr'er- School Arca Meeting & Caah,uu, I. n'o , a 1..;••' 10 be ad- '�''''' a' i' -nidi.. l';i•riI"I, Kennelly' \ public :muting \vas hil(1 in the -• ..-.. . --_ - -- -- .--------- •----. - - 1,1 nl,! r"Itt;- -'Thal \\ c t;tke off $12.14 \i`i'I it any ditrbo• wero !seen, ;010r ('nnunnnity 11;,11 Kut luny 1')Ih, 121st, fur July Meeting 'all members pre—tit, \liner,., of 1 FOR SALE n Tw I,. 1"."1".1;. "e"ft rev a, tint hill Was 11 itt \ 1e11e' elan Di ,l. „i \I „I'i'i the purp',e u( 1iititug ",ttiiI .1rr;n Iie);nla,- nte,'ti;'(; held all July 3r,1, last regular and .,,t l nlet•utgt :ra,i Mali ,art .l i Iteei I (I I" 1,11 ;I,. I til), Trus elty anti the other has been . . un1 runln'ur pal .\ flair', ,';Iii';: \'tui ;III :un u,llu nt sold ,o that our Twp boots, awl wino) rile 'I't'w'n,hip of Iiulletl. The I'tt•1, \t'ttil ,all members pre -sit. \hitt-'1' I.\!';,1'. t,. hat'"t \I' I. t,in.• ph _'.i 1I, pa„i'1, ,er;eit. the 11,';,1. 1” I'r:•`c1jb••1, (herb hatnitt nttaued ;111 school sec- \I„I'n- I�etitd>-II.'"\\tt 'Ih1t Ill„ I WWI b'u,l., WWI arc. (;lrrei'tl, few- Plc', til last ICcuhn' meeting, Illrlll'I:II'1 •; i I It1'. 11, I H. tilt' 1„1'111 , i 1e11teni I„ I+t' t'Itbl' !v d ; . tt,ni 1(1 'hays previous of II11, meeting file I�t,lit't of Itrit,i„11 1 1 A,t',,,dtint 1 1 ”' "'e Fre I John -ton and ILII,' tilt' by tall' •I t•e'I'iii1'', \\!,U''1 tt 1'1 e, nt' rill Ill 11.11'' I Ila! Court id Itl'1'I,Ititl rause, to enable them 111 notify in some t\';1\', inti I'l';1'1 ;ttt,1 dit, ,it'tt, ;1, ttt'II ;I, alms,. ',railer painted. Carried. 11•tt,'tt- I 1 uunt'jl resumed j1', regular )e,Si'lll, l and be I'' nlp.11;lbli• 1,, .\11,11'"r.' 1.;,•1„,,t, )' of Ills IIICrllll •. :\ small rC II'C,fllta- Brom', I hat it'. ay (leo. I.1,11,,r(1 H.. i t, I til special meetings. :\ r lnuunlir;lliun I C' un,' 1 a,lj, i 1 ,I to ,u, et ;i. ;I Court \lol.,nl—Ilruttn-1Cennttl\', 'That \\'e Ilion hiss present from each Section and li bane, troch l:n the \1 i1,"n I lest," at from the Of ,If the Fire \larsll't 1 \ 1.' "lee 1 !',I'n. !,t tt\t•,'II \\it,' it's te - l 'I ') l 1" 1'lt 't in 1'1!1111,' 11'111, 'S�' )" I' wan- tor N,,1'li 'lt)Ill' ''il tae ' l stint. 'y. tt... top p 'I•ttn'1 of Br'1111'11 ti of \\ 11,1111 LJIt old did' 1,' Cleat. "LADY, LE'T'S DANCE" letter Ir, nl Ihr Dep.u'1un•'1 ,'i Mesh .pii it t. I ,111 11. .\rnt,lromg•Icw'ttt- 194hl, and that \te hold a Cann of Ire- ''SECRET COMMAND” LOST 1 OI( 11 0 1. t t . 'idiom and as this it'as not a true vote i of lilts :n i.Inulred feet. Car: U''1• 1 ' (mer ,unr (t, "I:• \Ir(''''"' n , gate, lii'llti from Stake ti! to Stake 7-25 for , was .... 1, \t.' \\. ti. ... ...11 n1 ti..,:• ,• ,1 •, ("see"Int 2, I.,. \'''.\1':m'.11, of each Sectio l jt teas decided to hull! ' \t cl Wit.) I resent to renew our \I u' i I,I ow II K''nne'i• \', I'Ir,lt by l;nt \ ,, " ; the ,IIIII itt `'_'_' (t In he ('olt,tftlrll'11 to ;mother meeting oil June )(,tt 1')41, to P� •i 44..* • . •.0••l..i.4.•4.i..4r.• * •,.••J•0,•l••Op•r',. J - ' I I I)''iltl' I' 't'tl' \\'hart Millen for . l tl Ili, 0 ♦ • •.• • ♦ • • • • • • • • ♦ ellt!Illet'i', ,111'1'e1'. (;II'I'll'11. Il'1\'lit eii;tble lttore ratepa1•l'rs to be 1,t't'seitt. LYCEUM IIEA lItl: 1.; 1!ri.t\II, 'That 1;. holy (less. Itadturd the Inspector Stail!is of (iodericli was pre- WINGHAM-ONTARIO, . •till! of ''.'l) IMO tar supplying :toll put- stilt an,I outlined the advantages 'lc- 'hR'O Shows Sat. Night 'le- ... Two till!, in renuut tilt (tit ,idcruad 10 -II. rived fl'tint the forming of school ar- _ Carried. Ilriv:n ICetittt»1y, That \\'c eas tyitllin til" Tut\•nship, a, also teas '1'hurs, Fr'., Sat. Nov. ifi•17.18 Like (ieor' t' It ;,,!ford the cortr:u't oil \Ir. Saul \\'!Malaise, of Tuckerstnith Drain ;It I percent per anmm�l. Carried. l ;uricd. 1tro,\n•hc'uc,lt,'I hat rte t('te hall. lbt' ii.,,lr „! Ihr I,nI ' \\,n' .\»x- Diet( Powell, Lucille Ball, in the \\'il••on Dr;lin front Slake l; lel Twii" wit" is L•unili"r with lilt \sock Jewitt-l)alc, 'that our mixt regular 1" (it•o. .1 valid ihr ('Dowser of Ill'' it ity' 1•:u,'hr•' Tree}. I jndcr !,Ila,( 'T- his 21211E I'L'OPLE" Staler hi fir a hang sum of X5511,1111, rile derived from having a school arca in nn'eting be held Aug. lith at S p.nl, t'ar Flynn \luni,ipal Drain for the luau' tent to Miss :smith,. 11crn,,r„ at the •\In,jc aril c, idea\' \\ jell an all `tar 1,,Il;lmre by the hour, to be dune ac- hi> luwnship, unr of '"`.2.....•!). l':urittl. Brown-I:en- I'I Ofieri', 1,I-1. tied. D'alc-L,•tiw m, That :Ill account; , ` :;i•a,t at the IA((at l Iheatae tt here,. rordil,q t ,the licsi,cd Rcporl of I re'I $ steal Meelin nodi, 'I'll;lt b: la\\' No. rl nn the \\'a',-; .•lull can "'trier the Pe. pl," ill .,°• t. p g 11, rl'ad be paid, Carried. Jt•w•,Il- •, in oil of Iglu el,tt'I!;limn1,nt. 't' I•Iter. (.,Irr.ed, bl,Iw'm-Kinme(ly, Special nutting tvas held on taus Kennedy, That the Clerk motif}' all 111',':(1.1'.1;r1;11"1",111 er Drain old No. i nn til'. Flynn That the head Supt. sign the petjti,in ! mesio ha\nl)t been read three tne, la, [; ALSO "SHORT SUBJEC'T'S" >• for the Nitwit Drain on the old J -'nal, for purpose of reading Report of persons cones ,u'd in IKinbnrn Sw;up ) . ` Flynn Drain, The Clerk read the re- Drain Branch :\ as ill their anlnuitl: 1 tit 11.1 ;'ante 1. 1',u•riet, 1 ialt-Ken I lulne•nla 1 handicraft lemma Lab- ... Sat, Afternoon -2.30 p.m.,. \\'aynlnnth and Stephens :\\card Drain. bort, and no our present had object- cane and that it out psi! bciure \u ncdy, Th,tt \\'c read the report i,t tilt l' Carried. Dale Kennelly, 'Thal Nye ac_ t calash, such as ho.,ked Inst,, and nu.ul • lien. Motion, lh•ow'n'-Dale, That this Ise, \sill be put on taxes. Carnet], 11'ungblut Droll •Thursday', .\utt. '4th, Ie:•\'nl . .1!2;,1}2 t" \I r,. D. (i. II"•Id, ,. Mon., 'Tues„ Wel, Nov. '20.21 •'2? i (lit the i emitIrate of the I':twin:Tr n at 'pan, l'aI'I icd. Dale Brown, That ! Rett Skelton, Ann Rut':erford, in Ohen fart of \1'ilsun Drain and 1'oun .- Council provisitl:llly adopt the report brown -hemmed}, 'rim( wo solarise for Llytll. 14-1p, i; „ t -. I ! on Flytnl Drain, 'Tile usual procedure 'fenders on talc \\'agncr Drain sante to the accounts b'' pail!. l'arricd, WHIS'1'I-!NG IN BROOKLYN' \Illnic,pill Dr:nn, ;It'd open portion of ' ii,ts 1'nlln\sc(l. he in by July !ith at 8 pan. Carried. Special Meeting!' i; l tide ,Ind `ceh a, Skehun pasty, t;Ig the 'I';n 1, r Dr;,id, and pay contractor I I IeI beet (il"u her. 1 / ,c;lhng; "n the School Area Meet'ng Spc:i►I Meeting cn Wagner Drain a I ! %• with the luso all,! 1'ubbel',, .' lel' ,;ell\', l;l l': led. Dale-]rrti11'tl, 'lata! SpCCial IIICCllllg{ 1CaS brad oil 1\111' August 15. Special tllecllllg nil Mc- Illllllbt'I' of arae, of the report of 1'I'ed ' ALSO "SHORT' SUBJECTS" " `t,. accept the petition of kohl. Scutt, June __iib.:\ public meeting was he'''1 Killup- Iluflitt Boundary Drain and ;11`0 N. Edgar. The Court considered Ihi. this date in Community I lar', for file !lith for he purpose of boldin a Court i g••„.1••:•..••G,:••..••0•..„:„:,,:••4•1„:„..r..„., 0,..„:til„..,„,..f' „.. 1Viet!ir I\l•tllledy, on Vidal, I/rain, and ti tt, )a5S ti -)1.. \o, 5 111 �ll'1\IIIU(I • purpose of farther discussing the jai Rc\•iswn um the \epee r Drain :lad liuundary Dram. \lotion, — .tent iatip,•;11 trout 1.iiill'uttlllontthe 1ppclllantl5 the -;-:".0:::. Sthonl Arta 'plan, Inspector Staples 'tlso to accept and open 'I'endr s on , '• • • •, •, • • •, •, • • . + •,••. •...•• .• ••.,.,..,:.:,.•.r•.:.r• •.•• :••0••• •• •. •• • • ••• • ♦ • ♦ • • • • • ♦ •' ,tyre^g-dale, That \\ hit. tett lit be farm and • , •,u.••• •.•.• • .••• •.0•• r . ••irlu ♦ ♦ r • ••r♦ •u.r ♦,♦,♦, •,.••••••, •• IRC ,;I1ll Draft :111(1 ;lltiti to read the I'I 'I II 1'l 111' ;notion 01 :\f11L+t ri,lllt and • • • D • • • ♦ D • ♦ • • . • • • • P • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ • • • • • • • • • • ga1'C hrltll\' Ill' tillllltll' 01 Illi' plait fti1' 1 1Zeport oil the \Icliillop-licit cit Bonn- Chairman. 1);; c Kennelly, That its le\\jet, til,lt as Clic Court w',1, yet un • the benefit of those not attending the there w';is no ;;l,i,l' ak it talc' Mcls..l- .I :I d to the sires, that we ad :. \lotions-\, III .\till. dart• Dt•aul. .I first meeting. \I r. S. \1'hitnlurc, of Imp-Ilulh'tt Bonnd,uy Drain, Court of ,harm this ('oast until Nlot day, hero- :• 'Tnekiismith, ivas also present and gave strong, That (George .\rnis'rnttt; he Revision be can ar Carried, Jewitt- ,) :; a fine desori ,tion of the Sihanl Area Chairman •f t .c Coui't. Carried. 'There bur _no, .;t _ o'clock. I Dale, That by-law No, 8 hating betel t. in 'Tuckcrstitith, A general discussion was one appeal on \\'agner Drain, read three tiluts it be finally ('ast•!. October Met ting • tool; place and it t\'as studied from Chairman Brown took \,ser. \lotion Carried. , ;; 'many angles and the Itrt\ e thea askcll :\rot>urng Dal:, That we talc 15 at :\ugmst 24th. Special meeting held hecnt,tr nn•et,ng held on t )'toltt'r _nd, • for a suit by ballot to be taken for - tvith ,111 nienll.crs (,resent. \tempts, of to read report on Ymugblut Drain, \\ ith la t re.;ul,u ;tit l special meetings read +, each school ,clition separately, with the quite a number of interested parties I • result that only two sections voted in ut,l ronin'uut, prc,er't. The Engineer t\•as present to ;.Ifa\our of the plan, and the remaining �itc ;my nliorinaliun which nliglu he) \lotion - Icwitt-Brow'o, That till hClplul nil till' rCpul'l, I'.\'CI'rnre tell III (iu1 ' ,II levis'i'11 on \ 1iiI grant Drain agreetucilt, Motions -11,, -)hone le, ht. re •Ipened, l':u•ried. .\rlmstlong- 'I'hat this Cuur.cit provisionally ad,,11 D,tI,•, •leash tt'' take 21) acre, off if. Engineer's report on 1'ungbht.l Drain (;towhee's act cage and put the revised and by•iaw to be printed, and Court of Cuts on persons according to the I•.II- i Revision bt' heh', oil Sept, 'Sib a1 8,31i gldccr's ret'.'e't ;a>st„•Illcnt snccdnl:' ,p.m. Carried. and the Clerk In notify all person, that Ihave heed chow;cd. Carried. Jc\\itt- j Litt Mill rate for I9l1 beim' Ii,+'i I'uldlet' please :;e1 in t ntll with (ie"rite al 1. , i I rr io\\ ;u1. 14-1p. 1')44.45. .1uttotis — Ilrown-hellmetly, !Ince tions b" final!, pas -ed. Carried,. '1'h;tt we renew the Municipal Liability L'rt,t\'It-J 'ctju, 'I h:tt \t'e t'.t't: Itly'!Ii :\c Policy ‘‘'tib \Ir. Nissho. Carried. Dale- rirnittn',al tio't'1% a gram ,.f ;, I,id Jew, 'That tic ;tuthrrjr.e e Clerk o Jt•wjule"tin, tt ttc gj\r S, of 'rt!I gelittout dcbedlures on tt11he \ttutlttr '\grirn-Ihnral ",'!' i tty .\1 ,rant ..f r';unl \ blow,, nn.brillll, :it the Orange LOST roR SALE Flax Land ,,anted 200 ACRES MORE FLAX LAND WANTED. Anyone wishing to rent land for flax, please het in touch with the mill officials as soon as possible. Gordon Flax, Ltd. res off Joim,\'I:ngblutt and lower his Assessment ti 45.(t) to be taken out of the $f11.55 for \laitl;Ind River on Pt 10 NI .11, Cal:cd, Imitt- I)a'c, That the Court of Itcvision on the \Vaguer 11'ain he closed, 'renders \ser: upene'1 ou the \Vag- uer Drain and there was one only from George Radford for $15n0.00, \lutimis-1),de.I, ei1ncdy, That we accept Inc Tender of Geo. Radford, Carried. The Clzrl: read the report on the Nit:- iKilitip-1lttileft Boundary !)rain, there being no complaints. \lotions--Jcw•itt- Dalc, That we provI l basal} adopt the Report on tlit. Drain and that Clcrti \tel out by-law and that Court of Rev'i.,iun be held on Aug. 15 at 8 p.m, Carried, Jewitt -Brown, 'That the Clerk roti'} the Township of NIL.- 'Fall. .\ letter from the Clinton Ilos- upper open portion of the Sturdy Drain Killop that it•:' hart tr t's:onally ad- pital in !slant to a patient, NIP,. Jas. ;uta that we accept his report. Call led. Opted the Repert on the \IrKillop-haul- East, who was entered Aug. 21, 1041.1Jct\itt-I no”, 'Khat tit engage (.corg e lett Boundary drain and that a Court :\ report fawn the Sheep Valuator re Radford to clean Int and repair the of Revision \till he held 011 August 'sheep killed by dogs and inspected at ttllprr portion i open part of the Sturdy Drain and pay, him for the 15th at 8 o'clock. \lotion hs Itrotvn- (arm at Chas, Lindsay. 'Kennedy that we ad:Nn'n. to nu'ct a• I \lutioa.;-Brt,\vn-Nendtdy, That the saint. at Tho raft' of S5.(0 per hour. Car - gain July 24th. Carrie:I. Rcevt notify N. Miller, County Clerk, rich. 11 -\meld}, That by-laws Ithat this Council dor, not accept \Ir< NO. 11 and 12, 1044, i, road three tjnt.'t Special Meeting i t be finally passed. ('a- tine, t)t1c Kcn- Jas. I:.ast as : n indigent patient as we .\ special meeting hold on •itdy 2 -hail bolievr the,o people r;m i,ac their hill,, nett}, .1 I tt ,tc:ountt he Pail. in the form of Court of l.ct•isi i 0m Carried, Ie\citt Darr, that a nu'ct^,g November Mccting Flynn Drain, :and to read a letter from of all interested parties on the Stdrdr inspector Klnkaid told also to ct'nsid-I1)riin be hold en Sept. '5th at 1.3!1 p.m. Council met \ovt'Inbcr 1,1h, \yjth all el' Report of Yttngblut Municipal Drain to meet at the bridge on sidcrtta,l he- number, present. \I jnntcs of prat ion: and st't time for reading of Report of twee l (tin. lie:tlis and Fred I'lat•tzer's meeting adopted. same, :\ mot -on by Brown -Kennedy, the Clerl: to 1ttify all parties concern-\lotions--Itrowit-lit\itt,That the let That \\'m. Dale be chairman. Carried. id. Carried. Dalt-Jctt'itt, That ac- ler from \Ir, \lcjr re Medd Drain be Iotiunr-Armstrong-Brown,'I'hat we counts be pas'yd. Carried. `hutvn to \Ir Edgar on \\'tdnt,tt,n• take nit action on \I r. II. Trcit•artll;t's :old the prnp;r proyrc,hn'e be taken letter as we understand that this i, ai Special Meetings on his atlfice. C.u'r;ei1. I 'ttitt-1);1'0, cording to statutes. Carried, Jewitt- Special ineetwg cm Sept. Silt to ton -,That the CItrI': write \Iil\dtop Countil Kennedy, That the Court of Revision sitter stet,., re :hoop killed by dugs be- :ll:sing for pert',Iissi,In for Engineer t'i on the Flynn Drain be closed. Carried. lodging to l't:t'. I.it'dsay and als,, to divide the Dodds Drain, nt;tin drain Motions-Jctttt-Kennedy, That the investigate about tilt' being taken III' front the Branches. Carried. Brown - Clerk advertise for T'ntlors for the tlig- sitkrt'ad 4-5 1Ittllctt. Kennedy, That Ave pay las. \ledd for ging tit the I'lynit Drain, Tetidc:'s t.l \lotion, --- Brown Dale, That theloot >hir,i tha' was i',t in- Sept. \then be tpettt'.l Aug. lith at 0 pan. Carried. Road Supt., \Yin, Carter u'y to Liars some others were killed. The rt mai Brown-K_nnedt, Rcst'Ivttl that we the the tile which disappeared and it nes-',were found afterwards. \Vu pay ,tt tilt Council of Hullett Township agree to c,s:u•y secure Tho str\icis of County ',were rate as the other sheep hittcII at permit that portion. of U.S.S. No 11 Police. Carried D,tle-iCenncd, That the syn,: time which was SIO. t'.t, h ase \\'atsano,ll and Mullett which it` talc Rut'vc coll,aet rho ('ommty i'itltii Carried, itl•o',vit-litnnt'IIy, That the located within the Township of Mullett in connection with ,hoop destroyed by yler•h se id the adti,nnt to \1cKIIlo!i to llfclilll': a part of East \Vaw:u,t,tt dog, on the farm of !'has. Lindsay. owing them on the Nit'Nillo;,-Iln!leit Snlla'til Arca. Carried. Brown -Jewitt, Jowitt-ilrown, Resolved. that the a'- 'Boundary drain atter deducting 1 11111( 1 That the Clerk send the report on the ,counts as presented by the Road Sup- expenses. l:t:ricd. Iettitt-krnuc,ly. Yunghlut Drain back to the Engineer• criitcudent be torwarditl to Dept. f,n ,That the Clerk \trite all ic,tere`teil par - 'clic non: on Lot 31, Con. 14 ,110111(1 be subsidy. tit', on \\'agatr Drain, asking }lerhert (ilou,het instead of }I. (iruss. S;ttcia! meeting on Sept. _25th. for the \\ants to pay each and tt';.' Can'ictl. ; pm ;to<c of Iii.idine. Court ''i Itr\ j,i,In henturis, all (.:,tlt to be in hs 1)ec. 1st. 'on \'ungblut Drain. \lotions -Dale- Carried. i,'•,v 1' B” wit. That all ac• August Meeting ltc';1, That George 'Brown he cbail - colu,t. tires( tt1 he paid, rC' r t the IZtgulir Inciting held o11 attbttst Stlt, mean T;d'1'e \\'1t, but tint: appc,li from account .2f Jautrs C•'av `..d Cattil.d. '•• 131,1'1'11 - ONTARIO. Irecuns tether a tie, or t ats'. The • • u::::lll;l i.t for 47 and against 1 1 il•.:••.•.••••.44.♦u4•4.04•.••4.4.:.l.:lel.:u..i•%.luOl•4.:♦ ,•4♦•+,:•.:,•M . NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS AND THEM MALE EMPLOYEES Includiing Farmers 1.. By an order signed on August 15th, 1944, by the undersigned 1\ Bolster of Labour under authority of National Selective Service \Iobilizutlon Regulations, 19,14; Commencing August 22n1, 1911, c\+ary employer is required to cheek the docu- ments held by each newly engaged mule employee, within 7 days of the employee's engagement, to determine if such employee possesses documents to show that ho is in good standing under National Selective Service \lobilization lle,ntlnlions, 1911(that is, in relation to the 1\lilitary Cuii-up); 2. Every employer must report on Schedule 9 to the Registrar for his Alobiliz- aliott Division, concerning tory employee found not to possess documents as referred to; 3. Every employer is required similarly to check the documents held by each nude enipIoyce now working for him, whose )Y" documents he has not checked before, and to report to the Registrar for his Mobilize uton Division at once on any such inn• ployco found not to possess documents as referred to; 4. Any mulo empioyee here referred to, is required by the Regulations to present his documents to his employer for purposes of inspection; 5. FOIL THIS PUIRPOSE "EMPLOYER" INCLUDES ALSO ANY FARMER OPERA'I'iNG A FARM, \VIiO IIAS A MALE PERSON 1VO1tKING FOR !HIM; 6. Penalties aro provided for any employer or mule employee who fails to comply with these Regulations. Ily an earlier order, employers were required to check the documents held by their nude empltq'ces, and to report by 11luy 1st, 1914, on doubtful cases as well as cases where employees did not possess documents. Employers are, asked to remember that they do not report on nten who dao possess the necessary documents -only on. those Into fail to present documents for examination, or where there is doubt that the document presented actually ]mores good standing. 7'he employer's of Canada, including farmers, co-operated very satisfactorily on the first check, made up to May 1st, lust. This co-operation teas decidedly helpful, and is very much appreciated. Further co-operation is now earnestly requested. Schedule 9, fur reporting to the Registrar, and details as to documents which prove good standing, are available through the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Farmers not needed on the form during the fainter, who answer the urgent call for winter workers in other essential industries, will bo given a continuance of postponement of military training tuhileatvayfrontthefarm. NATIONAL SELECTIVESERVICE jU\1PIIREY 11I1'(:1IELL A. MI A Minister of labour I/ircctor, National Selective Service W.F.2I.1 O.44 September Meeting -_.. Oak, That the Court of lu'\ isu,n oa Rcg;nla: meeting held 011 Sept. erns the Y11110'1111 i)rajn be rl.,x' 1, Carried. Itvitlt all nu'ntbta•s present. mime, of Brut\'n-K,ennt'ly, That its accept the previous 1l'gtd;tr and special Illft'tllig s llt'titi ll i tit'11 by (1. Bt';II1 slid 11. Stilr- dy t,t Ila\'c ill' Sturtly \Itlnicitt;ll Drain pmt in reli;tir. Carried. Brown -Ken- nedy, Having tt'struc ted Dred :\, gar to to mal'l' a dares\' and 1•l'ttak(I the rca'1 :all cu:.Iirmcd. Communications -.1 letter front Geo. Bean asking ('' until to take action to have the Sturdy Drain cleaned out 111., Helps (heck (olds Quickly You can often cheek a coli quickly if ou follow these instructions, net as soon no you feel the cold com- ing on and experience headache, pains In the hack or Blithe, soreness throtigh the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good big drink of hot lemonade or ginger tea and go to bed. The Parade! affords almost immed- iate relief from the pains and tulles and helps you to get Of tel deco, The dose may be repeated, if necessary, accord- ing to the direst ions. If there is sore - nese of the throat, gargle with two Paraded tablet(( dissolved in water. Just try Paradol the next time you have it cold and we believe that you will be well pleased. l'aradol lines not distils - point. OTTAWA REPORTS That Canada Will Ship Shell Eggs To Britain This Winter In addition to dried eggs, Britain will now take all the A large and A medium shell eggs that can be shipped during the fall and winter and 40% of the over-all surplus of, the next 12 months, The price paid by the Special Products Board for fresh eggs for export will net the shipper the same as for eggs for drying. Provisioq for export costs was made in the price agreed on with the British Ministry of Food. Egg and pcos,t,tiy officials at Ottawa advice this should not ine‘!:s.n a' fuer expan- sion of the poulifro industry, but a new effort to modfl maxinnnn production from ex6sting flocks. They also point it that many monthsproductiot4 at a fair price is more remuncra, ioe than high prices for a sho.t period and un- certain pr ;..ces for the rest of the year. s Policy or the Royal Canadian Navy regarding demobilization and reallocation of pe Nonne'. for the war in the Pacific has been out- lined by the Director of Naval per- sonnel, On the defeat of Germany it is anticipated that a "first in, first out" plan will be applied to those wanting release, provided their services can he spared. The ad- vantages to be gained by those who will serve in the Far East, stressed by naval headquarters, are that as a' seaman's lenoth of ser- vice increases, so do his war gratuity, bonus and rehabilitation grant. also those proceeding to the Far East will be granted leave be - fors. they go, * * Anyone found guilty of enclosing matches or lighter fluid in over- seas parcels in future will be pro- secuted, the Postmaster -General stated this week. These were found in a number of parcels being re- packed after damage caused by fire in a ship at Saint John, N.B., when a total of 245 out of 13,154 bags of overseas mail were des- troyed or damaged, despite re- peated warnings that it is illegal to send either matches or lighter fluid. * Farmers should order next sea- son's fertilizer now and take de- lioery as soon as possible to be sure of supplies, the fertilizer ad- ministrator warns, Payment el freight subventions on fertilizers is still in effect. SAVE MOW s aying at HOTELS Modern, linproof, esewsissrly learnt, lay Porkies 01 low n$ 1R1 le higher s2g *an per person FOR MAP in MIR, wt., PORD NMI CO. Montreal Montreal Toronto and the LORD ELGIN illOttawa 'V to sr per pers_on, , „or No higher! 11, 1111 Us* 400 lovely rooms with radia! How London Food Shops 'Carried On' Colonel Llowellin, 1 Mister of Food, speaking in London this Food, speaking in London not long &go, revealed secrets of the food front under the recent flying bomb attacks, He told how 1,200 food shops were seriously damaged in London. And he gave instances of the "carry on" pluck shown by the shopkeepers and their staffs and by everybody rise handling the rations. This was the Nlinistry's task: In London alone they had to feed, every day, the equivalent of nearly 500 Army divisions, They had to bake and distribute one and a half million loaves, Londoners used three million pints of milk a day, and some 12 million pounds of sugar and nearly nine million pounds of meat. The Bookshelf... The Building Of JALNA 13y MAZO DE LA ROCHE In 1927 811 unknown Canadian tvriter won the Atlantic's $t0,000 Prize with her novel, Jalna. With The Building Of Jalna, Mazo de la Roche has now written nine hooks about the Whiteoak family, hooks which have established her as Canada's leading novelist. In her new novel, Miss de la Roche goes back to the year 1850. She shows us Adeline, the impul- sive, passionate young bride with her Irish temper and her blazing loyalty; she shows us handsome Captain Whiteoak who sold his commission in the Hussars in or- der to migrate to the superb vir- gin country on the shore of Lake Ontario. Here is a story which breathes with the spaciousness and beauty of uncut Canada, here are the skating parties and the swimming, and here are the mos- quitoes, big as dragons. Here are the jealousies, the fierce attach- ments, the tart and onexpected humour which possess those who come within range of the White - oak s. For the ,Jalna devotee, The Building Of jalna is the cornerstone book 'of the series, the missing chapter in the family saga, and the best story of them all. The Building Of Jalna . . By Mazo de la Roche . . • The Mac- millan Company of Canada . . . Price $2,75. PRESENTATION TO MONTGOMERY His Majesty the King presented the Field Marshal's baton (A) to Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery at a formai ceremony at Buckingham Palace. The 23 inch long wooden baton is covered with 18 lions and is tipped with 18 carat gold. (B) The inscription on the base, while (C) shows the gold figure of St, George and the Dragon. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Power Saw Shades of Jean Batiste and Black Jack Macdonald and the old woodsmen of the Ottawa and the Rideau and the Muskoka hushl What's become of us? The Leth- bridge Herald demands. Those knights of the saw and blade who hewed mightily and fought lustily during the Winter cutting seasan and the Spring log run are being pushed into the background and their fame for- gotten, made but a memory by what? By a mechanical jig -saw that a lilliputian could handle, If you please. A firm in Vancouver has invent- ed what Is called a power chain saw which can be driven by a small gasoline, electricity if it is available, or by compressed air. The saw blade is held agaiust the standing tree, the power turned on and a blade with teeth running around the circumference at the rate of 2,000 feet per minute bites into the log with a speed that r avid make Jean and Black Jack gasp. Again science has triumphed over muscle and the lumberman's job Is in the sissy category. The triumph extends to a one -man- power saw built for the pulp in- dustry which is operated by a 1TA horsepower gasoline engine and a chain speed of 826 feet per minute, which just about puts the bucksaw in the same category at the cradle in the harvest field and the ox team on the plow. National character is the core of national strength. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Thousands of slightly used popular dance selections to choose from. Tlotor or Brunswick 30e - Columbia. 25c - Decca or Bluebird 20c, Ppecial Attention given to mall orders. When ordering, give name or orchestras. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS VIGNEUX BROS. Automatic Phonographs 990 BAY STREET TORONTO Reich Weather 'Made In America' What does the weatherman have in store for the lVestern Front? Rain, mud and cold mean handi- caps for fighting men and fighting machines. Bad weather hinders ground and air operations, can af- fect tit fortunes of war by dis- rupting military schedules, On the side of the Allies is the important fact that much of Ger- many's weather is not "made In Germany." In large part it is ruled by the winds blowing westward over the Atlantic, and it can be known before it reaches the Reich, says a btillet. t of the National Geo- graphic Society, Weather stations In the United States and in Green- land and Iceland keep the Allies informed of what's brewing in the weather caldron; the Germans have had to look to their dwindling num- bers of submarines for reports. Women of U. S. Work on Railroads Two hundred and fifty thousand women are working In the trans- portation industry of the United States, 112,000 of them with Class 1 railroads, says the Sault Ste. Marie Star, The other 138,000 are engaged in other forms of trans- portation, such as aviation, truck- ing, buses, trolleys, suburban rail- ways and steamships. 1 C 11 C 1.,,ES,15f,E1 D -or Money Back For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, ecabies, pi mples and other I tching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly ca/ms Intense Itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. '11 you suffer MONTHLY 'N FEMALE PAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous Irritable weak feelings -due to functional monthly disturbances - should try -'Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound IMPS NATDRE. Thousands upon thousands have reported benefit. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S This Woman Knew Secret And Kept It! One knew the secret of the now famous prefabricated ports which enabled supplies to begin pouring into ,Nirrtituttily on 1),Day -- and kept it. Pretty, brunette 'airs, tuisika Lancaster, wife of an officer and an artist of xceptional ability, made the origi- nal carill»ard models. ACclitu.STANTS .t A UDI'l 0 Its INCoM E T.1 It EPoRTS, complete monthly rook kccp ing Services, stnii II es our specialty, A. 11t' & company, t; St reel Et, Toronto, 11AUY POULTRY KEEPERS („Eic..r." s sEci 01(11). heti I hy Chicks this coming Sea- son hy placing Your 01 der now. Write for nits prises on our Gov- ernment Approved chieks, Ct(tI1It)JttCconto tiling the pruner brooding and no t hods used In rtilAng better poultiy, MONKTON POULTRY FARMS M Nils ton, (motet° WE GAVE .A FEW DA YOLVIS available. Also some laying pul- lets. Write for list and prleen. Have you your copy of the Re- port on Ontario's 1944 Poultry Conference? We'll semi It free, Ivry poultryman needs It lirny Hatchery, 130 John St. N,, Ham- ilton, Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS -LA YINO and ready to 183' for immediate delivery. !tarred Rocks, New 11810 pshl rem, White Leghorns, Hybrids. Also booking day old chicks for 1915 now, Top Notch Chielteries, Guelph, Ontario, ;1,00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1915 CHICKS NOW', and not be disoppointed. All eldelts ore from go:1111111NA test- ed stock, and from 25 oz, eggs or better. Ilarred Rooks mixed 312,00 per 100, white lhorns mixed 311.00 per 100, Barrett rock pull- ets 019.00 per TOO, while leghorn pullets 324.00 per 100, white rocks mixed 015.0(1 per 100. white Rock pullets 322,00 per 100, Brown leg - horns mixed $13.00 per 100, rirown Leghorn pullets 021.1111 per 100. NVe guarantee 1U0', live delivery, balance pith] C.O.D. .Mapie City 'Hatchery, Chatham, Outline. ON I'\' THIN(IS ARE S1 RE. death and taxes. But 1 think we C11 11 11(1(1 another "sure thing'' and that is the poultry loistuesH ITt the coming yenr, There are two reasons for my optimism. First of oil we're still shipping. eggs And poultry overseas find In large quantItles. secondly then) 't'ill always he n ready sale for eggs and poultry In Canada while employment continues on n 1111211 'Peel. TV:C(11110 111101(ti have been making money for our eustomers for 20 yearR. Scud for Early llookIng prieelist and free catalogue today. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for Mimed - in le delivery. Twedtlle Chick /la trh pH es Ltd., Fergus, 0»torio, ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU A 11 1' OUA 11.5 N TEED your chicks for next spring when you wan t them Ea rred Rock mixed 012.00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed 011.00 pet' 10(1, Bar- red Rock Pullets 113,00 per 100, white leghorn pullets 322.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Cals. 16.00 per 100. Leghorn Clels, 32.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz, eggs or better and from special ;noted flocks. Guaranteed 10091, Ilse delivery. 51,0(1 books your order, Inflance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, YOUR CHICKS WILL PAY -THE Top Notch Wily, Yes find this full Top Notch Chleherles are giving you the opportunity of booking your order enrly. New purehosere will be ogreenbly surprised at the service and of course, old customers do not have to be told that Top Notch stands for the best In chick hatcher), standards both as to service and the highest quality chicks. Send for Early Booking prieellst today. You will save money by booking your order early, Also laying pullets for In- medlote delivery. Top Notch Chielverles, Guelph, Ontario, 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 free chicks four choice). Leghorn pullets 122.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 319.35 per 100. White Rocic Pullets 324.35 per VC Brown leg - horn Pullets $24.95 per 100. All Obits sold bricked by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Clintham, Ontario. EGGS ARE A GOOD PRICE: .AND we have the pullets that will shell out the eggs. Barred Rocks, New Hampshlres, White Leg - horns and Hybrids. Laying and ready to lay. .Also booking ord- ers now for 1945 chicks. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Ltd., Fergus, Ont. DYEING & CLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? tVrite to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, Bold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Compnny Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED ROOTS of our armed forces, perfect con- dition, 33.25 delivered. Money- back guarantee. State size, send money order. Ruskin & Co., Peterborough, Ont. NEW HAIR GROWTH, OR YOUR money back, That is the guaran- tee behind "Luxul", the amazing formula for eliminating dandruff, baldness, falling and thinning hair. 31.60 and $2.75 at all drug- gists -or direct from Luxul Pro- ducts, Windsor, Ont. _ "FAIRWAY" IT CLEANSI- AS IT WAXES! - AS IT POLISHES! Quick Efficient Floor Ton)! Cana- dian Patent. material, workmanehin guarnnteed. Full direetions with each "Fairway," only 15.75 express paid. C.O.D. 463 Gerrard Street. Toronto. FOR SALE. SLEIGHS AND CUT - tem Shipped enyw here. For in- formation write 11ox 22, TO ussels, Ont She took models to parliament recoil 13; where bite spent the day in the committee room ex- plaining the ports' NVorliings, models were Made Ity sapppers at tire 11111. 1'(flee at the cost of ap- proximat(!), $2,25o but the t too ports eiht, approximately $112,- 500,01)0, or roughly two days' ex- penditure id the \ear, 151 rs, Lancaster and her colle- agues \\lidos! six months to ac- complish their task, Frill SA LE 31.50 a. BUSHEL, ),101'1 NS, '11- itflhlIi1, ittn,sets, etc, delivered. Phone I erra 20411 or write 11, Nettle, 11,1i, 1, P(cketing, POULTRY GRITS (2ANA1)IAti (WITS ANI) SAVE 2511and produee better eggs. Pelee white solnahle cololum corhoonto, awl whop ois„hodo. ovio. vfo; 111„; Send for oriel-, Anil sainto,s. STINSON REEI3 SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 5585 ri mier .51'., Montreal, P.Q. WHOLESALE 11AK Elt\', PARR Y 50111111 11 IA Het, 111V111'1' retiring, excellent business, property and business complete $65a0,00, Cole- man & Company, 77 Vietcolit St., Toronto, ANIMAL SNARES, (STME1. ('ABLE, lock, my(vel), Pox 33,00 doz, Coy• oto 14,00 dos.. Prepaid. Write for free snaring Instructions and cir- culars on Indian trapping meth- ods, snares, lures, ele, 11111 Hoff. man, Russell, Mon, GROCEITY ESS, A 1.(10NIA district, fifteen hundred gremlin - Hon splendid loisines, property and business 13700,0o, Stock at cost, Coleman & Co. 77 \'Ictoria Street, 'roronto, SEVERAL LOA DS GOOD 111',S11 horses, mares 111 foal and farm chunks, Gregg's Maohinery change., 001 nod Halifax Sts., Re- gina, 5:1 1(1, CATERPII,I,A11 TRACTOR 1)114; Snow Nom: 11 V 1 yne with side wing: 1)otible 1)rum Steam Winch -60 h.p.: 1)roible Drum riosolene wineb-80 11,1,.; \Vinci' with air cooled motor: Univers/it Joints for Ifydraulle Hoists. Illehler 'Motel( & Auto Parts, 874 1X'ellIngton XV., 71fontrcal. FOR SALM REGISTERED COCI:Elt spon(el pups'pet and show sleek. Martindale Kennels RegOl., 604 1)ownie St„ Strat font, Ont. CHOICE DXF0111) AND S111101'- 011111, Ewes, Apply Lyle Cook, Phone 55114 SI. Thomas, 11, R. F. C0 C E 11 SPANI El, PUPPIES, benuties, Registered, all colors, 253 Briarhill Ave., 'forortlo, SUFFOIX iitzmErdNn 11 A M 5, also Yorkshire Gilts farrowing Nov, find Dee, 11 ng1t,tneell. C11111'ell$111e. 141111 C111111er. 1,11 A SliCNI: TII A PPINC itEuORD Leet SCIIFIl 11 1 caught and killed 24 skunks without Filletl or damage to pelts with a trip 1 invented, Complete drawings find Inform- ation of this trap $2.00. Herman Martin, Box 75, Fergus, Ont. 1101151111. N 51111' "HOW TO 111311.5 1( AND TRAIN Horses," A hook every farmer and horseman should have. It Is free: no obligation. Simply address Beery School of Horsemanship, Dent, 411, Pleasant Hill, 001n. FARM 31 FANNING 5111.1, (Kline SEED Grader, 171111 IleeR, highly reento- mend, nlso screening, 1(11n MrinufneturIng, Tiox 121 Weston, Ont. NIACIIINE111' REPAIRS MACIIINERY REPAIRS GENERAL N1ACII1NE SHOP wontc ELECTRIC A ND A C. Y LENE WELTMNG ETALL1 Z1 N 0 HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND ntisio NGS MADE LIKE NE1V BY THE NEW METAL SPRAY PROCESS ALT. WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd, Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 FARMS Fon 551.11 193 ACRES, 1 MILE WEST 00' Kiteliener limits. Kitchener -Sten t - ford highway. Charles \V. Moser, 31.11. 4, Eitchener, 114 ACRES, 20 ACRES OF 111/S11, 90 acres good tractor land. forge bank barn, 2 houses, 1 stone, 1 frame: furnishings optionfil; 2as miles from the town of Durham, 11 Cawthra Sq., Toronto. 100 ACRES, 50 CLEARED, CLAY loam, spring water, 7 roomed house, good barn, Implement shed, telephone and hydro avail- able; 3 miles from highway, 10 Miles north of Brorebridge. E. Briese, Falkenhurg, Ont. HAIRDRESSING L E7 A N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Inform tIon on request regarding chyme. Robertson's Hairdressing Aced- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. . 11Allt GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for partieu- WHITE'S IlAllt GOODS MS Terme. SC, Toronto, Ontario MEDICAL ARTHRITIC PAIN? FOR A 11T11- ritie Pain take rermol Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tablets - get positive relief! At your druggist's or send 11.00 today and receive one month's supply postpaid. Termol Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health In humans, all ages. No one im- mune) Why not find out If this to your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars -Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. FRUIT JUICES: TIIE PRINCIPAL ingredients In Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, • 135 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31,00. FIG -LAX TABLETS, A POSITIVE corrective for constipation, slug - Irish liver, disordered stomach and bowels. 25c et dealers, or by mail, 2 boxes 80c: 8 boxes 31.00; write Fig -Lax Products, Wood- stock, Ont. WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM gives quilt relief to back pains (aired by strains or exposure to coliki preventing rheumatic 01 Iniwilat lumbago cunistkations One application gives results. 11101111tliffell1(D INSTUO Mut 131 is at Int Om 31111)1C.11, I(AIMEIIIOA Ei inT 1151.51 lies trnye of fensive odor Instil tit I Y. 45o boll le 01 In ng rot. lienman Drug Store. Ottawa W.1NTED EVE111' 5uloriIi11011 or Illfromallo or NettrIt1H to try 1)Ixon',, Itvotelly, 111 11111.11'n 1)ro1) Store, 335 Elgin, Olt a We. 181 rn 01 Lan, 111sI(2A I. INSTRUMENTS ERE() A. 11111)D1NOTON BUYS, setts. exr ha Imes m11=10111 instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. oPPOIITUNITIES 11'01IEV BE A IIAII1I)11USS1R JOIN 'ANA flys 1,E !Ms:0 5('Ittl()T1 GreNt 01)1)01.1mill v, 1.4Narn Ir- Mr:Is:10 Profession. good grs, Hum -minis Nicer ssf'il, Marvel rutin) merlon's groateFt sys. trio. 11111trritril eltaloglie free. Write or call MARVEL 11 \ 1 DRESSING srunni,s 350 111.0011 \V., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Frnmillon, & 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa, ;'11(1T0(711 TIME TESTED OIIAI,ITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 5 EXPOSURE 1101,1,5 25c 11EP1112."I'S 73 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING 5011V1r1,1 Volt Ili:,' not get the films you went this year. but you con get nIl f loquality 111111 ,wrvice you desire by sondIncr your films to 1M Putt, A 1, PrioTo 4Kit VICE Sul Hon J, Toronto Pt.:Hsi/NA r, "Er,1.1.1TI r'0 9(1 N11 01111" (1113 Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Itoehester 11, 11.11' ENT S FETHEi1sTON11.51'101 & '11511, Patent Soliritors. 11s1,011shett 1690: 14 lflno XV est. Toroo I o. Booklet of Information on re- quest. ST AMPS 1000 51IX1;1") sTAMps, spOsoi, with ottrietive approvals. Regal Stamp Supply, 72 Muir Avenue, Toronto. 'I'A \MIA( 111,1V D1P,11 HEADS W ANTED, will pay good price for lame Burk Ileads, lotto 11,0104 not loll up the throat, for portleulars, P111111 11E.1 115 mounted reasonable Prices, DEER 1110115 tanned Into dove lea(her. 55'e also 1)ccr TIMAR 1111)ER tanned and made Into Floor Rugs, and llohes, FOX SKINS & 1"01115 Inimed mot made Into Neekpleves. 01,1 5E11 SPANNER CO. LTD, 2(1A Elm Street. Toronto AGENTS 11'.A6TED AN 01.1) EST.‘111,1S11101) cilICIC lottehery wools /wools In err - lain localities 10 Camoin to take orders for uhieks in your spare time. The commission Is good and the chicks are well and (tv- 0011111(9' 1;11011'11. 11'1'11 1, for full details Box No. 152, 73 Adelaide 1V„ Toronto, STOR A trIX SP.I('E IV A NT101) 1 HAVE A LoNDON 111110 desires 20 to 25,000 sounre feet of dry stortire ivII)?) 30 miles L01111611, t 1111V1, von to offer? ‘1'idle Bert WW,' & Son, Realtors, 150 5 Doming 51„ Lon- don, WANTED FUNERAL (10,5111. ',ATE MODEL good eonil t and tires. Reas- onable, 'lox 153, 73 Adehride \V., Toronto. SATES R'ArrklI), IN 0001) '094- 11(11011. & 'rrivior. Limited, 145 Front St. E., Toronto. DAIRY, 350-1,000 Q'('5 DAILY. Give fullest particulors. Includ- ing price. Box 814, 73 Adelaide 'W., Toronto, SMALL 111117SE, 51151W LAND. TO- rottlo thirty mites reasonable. liox 073, 73 Adelnide W. Toronto, OLD BOOKS - MAGAZINES PRE-WAR UNITED STATES ()R English publications wanted. Jokes, true -type detective. magic, spicy, privotely printed, London Life, Calgary Eye Openers, nny- thing unusual In hordes or mng- tattles. Highest priers paid 1m- niedintely. Write listing titles to Ilex 178, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED 100 TO 20(1 ACRE FARM within radius of 20 miles of To- ronto with good river fir strenin. ter. Must be reasonable price. Stole all particulnrs in first let - Others need not reply. Box ,180, 73 Adelolde W.. Toronto. HATCHING EGGS WAN VED FOR 1915 hatehing season. Pioche culled and blood -tested tree ot charge tinder Government Super- vision. flood premlem p1101. For fttll delatls write Box No, 181, 73 AdelnIfle \V., Tororto. PAIIM 11111.1' WASTED B XI' 11111EN(2E I) FA JIM Ti A ND, single, any nollonollty, under 60 years of age. Gond home and wages. Apply Mr, Rob Roy, flow- monvIlle, Ont. F,3IPLOYMENT WANTED FARMER, PAST NH DDLE AGE, wishing employment -yearly with decent people, with welcome to ten-yenr-ont boo, can t n k e charge. Handy man on any farm. consider honest people only. Box 185, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY, ITALY An Italian peasant woman offers some fruit to Maj. Gen, Mas- carenhas De Moraes, commander of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, part of the Allied Fifth Army. In return, the general gave her some Brazilian cigarets. WHY GOING IS SLOW IN ITALY Up a narrow crumbling tortuous trail creep Allied Army trucks as they negotiate a by-pass over the mountains at Cutigliano, near Bologna, Italy. GEN, McNAUGHTON PRESIDES OVER ARMY COUNCIL FOR FIRST TIME No time was lost by Canada's new Defence Minister, Gen. the Hon.A. G. L. McNaughton, in getting down to work. A few hours after entering the Cabinet he presided over a meeting of the Army Council, shown here in session. Left to right around the table arer; Major N, J, Anderson, of the Army Public Relations department; Mr. Alexander Ross, Depputy Minister; Maj. -Gen. A. E. Walford, Ad- jutant -General; Brig. M. M. Dillon, of the Quartermaster -General's branch; Col. H. A. Dyde, Military Secretary to the Minister; Gen. McNaughton; Col, H. DesRosiers, Deputy -Minister; Maj. -Gen. J. V. Young, Master -General of the Ordnance; Maj -Gen. R. B. Gibson, Vice -Chief of the General Staff; and Lieut. -Gen, J. C. Murchie, Chief of the General Staff. FRONT LINE DINING ROOM With a bale of straw as a table and a Dutch farmyard as a dining - room, this Canadian soldier grabs a meal on the way to the front. Stew, rice pudding, bread and tea is his ration, CANADA'S NEWEST HOSPITAL SHIP READY FOR MAIDEN VOYAGE One of the largest and the most -modernly equipped hospital ships in the world, the "Letitia", sister ship of the ill-fated "Athenia", slink by the Germans in 1939, is ready for her maiden voyage to bring home Canadian casualties. The former troopship which has carried Allied troops to the North African invasion, Iceland, Salerno, has been reconverted to join the Lady Nelson in hospital ship service. 1. Capt. J .Cook, Glasgow, Scotland, skipper of the Letitia, and formerly captain of the Athenia, welcomes aboard Lt. -Col. A. L. Cornish, of Victoria, B. C., officer commanding the Letitia. 2. Full view from the harbor of the Letitia, which is equivalent to a floating general hospital for a large Canadian city. 3. Similar to an operating room in any of Canada's larger hospitals, is inspected by Lt. -Col. S. A. Wallace, of Vancouver, B. C., chief -surgeon aboard, Major A. E. Mackenzie, Niagara Falls, Ont., anaesthetist, and Nursing Sisters A. F. Barker of Bancroft, Ont., and E. Hastings, of Torcnto. Th: four discuss the latest in operating tables, 4. In the modern dental office, Sgt. G. Claremont of Montreal, dental assistant, is shown preparing equipment for the first voyage. DAMAGED PARCELS BRING GRIEF TO CANADIAN SOLDIERS OVERSEAS Pte. Emile Duval of Three Rivers, Que., (Top) points to a table ot grief—improperly packed parcels which won't get to some boys in action. It's a different story in bottom picture where the parcels are intact and soldiers are happpy. I-Iere, Sgt, Keith Hogan and Tpr. Elmer McIntosh, both of Toronto, are shown delivering well -wrapped parcels to their unit near the front line in France. Note the smiles as Tpr. Kenneth Smith of Owen Sound, Ont., is loaded up with parcels from home. If you think there's fun in opening some one else's parcel and finding rotten eggs garnished with talcum powder you're no pal ot Pte. Emlie Duval of Three Rivers, Que. Pte. Duval is with the First Canadian Army Base Post Office, somewhere in France. Emile's job is to open all parcels not properly packed, besides those that are damaged in transit. Each day in his little cubby hole where - ever the Post Office camps, Emile is busy repacking parcels. He, too, agrees that the roundabout way to the heart of a Canadian soldier is through his stomach, but Emile's no believer in prejudicing the success of the attack by mailing fresh eggs wrapped carelessly together in a small wax paper carton. In damaged parcels are jam with glass jars, and ketchup bottles with long necks. Jars of Pickles and other fragile soldier comforts are sent across a continent and an ocean with the sole protection of a rubber band and a shoe box. Mail first arrives on the shores of France at the First Canadian Army Post Office which serves, among other things, as a "bulk break- ing" point. NCO's from the Post Office see to it that the mail is carefully handled by soldiers and civilians alike. From the Base Post Office parcels and mail for the boys is sent on to Divisional and Corps Field Post Offices where sorting is done for the brigades and other formations. Some of the mall is picked up on the fly at a rendezvous. The man in the front line receives his mall through a postal orderly, an army postman who may make his rounds by motorcycle or jeep. When sending your next parcel remember the handling that it must inevitalgo through and give your boy—and Ensile Duval—a break, and not the pickle jar. It's always a good idea, anyway, not to mix foodstuffs which, if they do break out of their packages, will spoil each other. Soap, for example, if shipped in the form of soap flakes, makes a poor seasoner for biscuits. Here's Quick Relief from SINUS PAIN 3 -Purpose Medicine Helps Clear Out Congested Sinus Areas ONE best way to get relief from torturing sinus pain is to clear con- gestion from nasal passages and give sinuses a chance to drain. A few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril is usually enough to bring this comforting relief, 3 -Purpose Medicine ... Va-tro-nol is so successful because it does three important things: (1) shrinks swol- len membranes of the nose; (2) helps clear out pain -causing congestion and (3) soothes irritation. Many sinus sufferers say it's best relief they've found. Try ill VICKS. VATIONOL PAM! E. tt • • Fall and Winter Needs Children's Hose, cotton and wool 25c to 75c Children's Golf Hose, elastic top 59c Boys' Wool Trousers $2,95 Grey Wool Blankets each $4.50 36" White Flannelette per yard 22c Good assortment Shoes, Rubbers & Rubber Boots. Olive MeGIII fi A ::•10.:1:•:. •:1 ,:,,:..:,,:,:,•::,,.,,•,:1••,11,01:•:.;11:..:•1:1•,♦:\••.. .:•:1:1:1•:1:11•/•1:1•:11;.•:15.1:1..••:1••1+1:1.:1•:1•:1••,11:•.111:.: Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. STUART ROBINSON Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over, NEW DEAL • 2 PKGS. PEP 25c TUMBLER FREE. Super Suds per pkg. 22c Thrift Soap Flakes large pkg. 39c Neilson's Cocoa hf. lb. 19c; 1 lb. 29c Red Rose Coffee 1 lb. 45c Libby's Prepared Mustard per jar 10c Limburger Cheese, Soda Biscuits, White Beans, Cabbage, Celery, Lettuce, Grapes. • THE STANDARD I'hr ked Cross !lingo and Dance which w•a, ;idyl rtised last week, for the night of Friday, November '-Itli, Itis had '.o be pi•stpontd due to the fact that it c,nulicts \Vith the nomination date for fllytn, w hick \\'ill Ile held at 12 o'cloci: n 1' ii, ;ld if called for, it i; custi maty to hold a nomination meet- ing at ti o'clock in the evening NI rs. huherl \Ictiee visted fora fc\v days with friends in Illyth last \\•cel:. \Irs.:\. ll.u•r was a Goduricli Visitor 011 \Ionday. \I;ss I';tthaleen Ocsch of Varna i, the guest of \Irs. \\'ill am 14.II. \Iiss \larjorie \1c\'ittic spent Sun- day ill London. \I r. I t ruth Gong spent the first of the ‘weal: in '1 oronto, \Ir. awl \It•. \\'ill ant Desk 11f Lon- { I uesbt,ro ,petit last \Creel: \1'llh \Irs. C. Sundcrcocl:. \I r. Kenneth Ashton of Ih'us.•II, spent Sunday \\'lulu \1r•, and \Irs. J. It. \Vat;oli. \liss Evelyn \Iclittosli of ltdnevale, is spending a iew days with \Iiss tetra lohttston. :1 Mr. :cul \1 rr. Andrew 'Turnbull of 1�• \\'niton, spent Sunday at the home of \1r, and \Irs. Clarence Johu,tolt. I \Ir. and \Irs. Nuristan Colclough of Goderich, vi;itcd wwith \Irs. A. \l. Colelough on Sunday. ND-. Charles Sundcrcock has relate• cd after spending a \reel: with his sis- ter in \\'inds„r. • \I i=s Nellie Carmichael, of I?xeter, ;. v;itcd \\•;tit Rev. :\. and \I rs. 4. on Sunday evening. \IrS. I. Ta)lor has returned „ alter a Visit with her family in Strath- •_ toy and Ingersoll. t Councillor I?incrson \\'right spent tfhore d. ‘vccl: end \\'ith relatives in \Ica - ;f, S;ncla'r home N:I:0e:O..•viva•:1•:•1,•1:•1.•:H•.:N:1.0•:•1000:I:H:4•:H:1•;•1;I:.:I:H:••:•f•:I 0••441:11:.1:1•:1:•:1:••:11:1•:••:•:10:4•:•1 i\r'e1•l' \\. 11.'NI Or I. Ill ti ill attendance at the November Session of 1lurun to t,wcr $175.1111. County Cowtril. The teacher, in \Ir. Staples inspec- Thc Bazaar and hot supper spoil or I�cw. (;uwu "1t\wi.send, the Arch - The he'd a Convention ;n Clinton on C(1 by the Lath( t -;wild an l \\'. :\. 1)j h;shop's t uonuissioner front London, 1 \IUII(hly. Wits the spcc;a1 speaker ;n St. George's I I.:\(:• I tarry hryant of Jarvis stent St. Gc1'r1 e's Church \vasa decided (•huta•h on Sunday and preached •1 1 success. \ fair crowd gathered early the vert: -end \with his parents. Ile ex- uu,st impressive sermon on "The ' pests to be transferred to NO. 1 Man - in the attertoul; and after the Itazaar L''rcadth and Success of Christ's Life." luting fool, Toronto,. was declared ofiicially open II the I •Malt' Scrgcaul \1'. C. 13enntt( I f' \I r, and \Irs. G. lector, Rev. \I. F. Wham, The ladies Taruutu with his wife and family "et.I Sudbury spent last in charge of the various ho,,tlis \vcrc the wvccl:-c1>;'1. weiiiiicd in ; i•o\ving the large display ! \i rs. George Kirkby and children of apron, quill:, fancy work and made lievcrly and Patsy, of Sultan N. On- \1r. and \Irs. Cecil over cl(l lI IIg to the many patrols. tario, are spending a couple of w•ecla l�r. I�ay 1)ubbyn, were in 1.cn(111n on Ninety -nuc aprrns \vcrc on display weal w\•ith her mother, \Ir>.:\lex. Murray. i\Vcdneslloy, ;'Itcudir.g the wedding ., most of these were sold. :\ hot supper I Jliss Jean Coutts spent the wreck- Icerc.utony of \Ir. and \Its. Uohhyn's was served from 4 o'clock onwards and end \with \lis; Bernice ilackw'ull' sort, Garth, to \Iiss Farina 'i'ow'ncnd. during the supper hour piano music I 'Mr. and MIT. lilt .\ndcrson spent ( \Irs. \Villiant Craig and 'Irs, John Oldham, The Sunday with the iormer's cousins, \Ir•Craig visited the foriner's son and his those olio as• and Mrs, Ford Sotheran, of 1I;t r:stun. 1w\ife, \I r. and \Its, Earl Crrti; in 1 11 WALTON \V. Godfrey of Week \with tilt former's sister, Mts. \Vote NIc\'ittie, and \I r. \Ic\'ittie, 1'. Dobbyn, aild was provided by \I r. lade, v .1 t.; thank all sited in ,111y ‘way to make the after -i ND-. and \Irs. Herbert KKirkbv gave Stratford last week, rettn•ring house noon a success The receipts amounted arriwti•I home :after spending two weeks 1Sttnday with mi.. Bernard ('raig who spent Sunday at his brother's home. \Irs. Harry Ilowcn has returned It's Time For Xmas Shopping NOW IS THE TIME to start your Christmas Shop- ping. Christmas Goods will be scarce, and the wise shopper is picking up items and laying them away for Christmas. TOYS AND GAMES If there is anything you need in Toys or Games don't fail to see our stock. We now have on display in our window an outstanding lot of toys that will delight any child. They are attractive, beautifully finished, and, most important of all, very sturdily made, all solid wood. Trains, l'rucks, Jeeps, Busses, Semi -Trailers, Etc. We also have a compelte stock of all the popular games, and hope to have more coining in. DO THIS SHOPPING NOW. A POPULAR GIFT Stationery is Always a Popular Item For Christmas. We have a lovely assortment of the popular Crane and Pike Line, moderately priced. We have a nice assortment of Bill holds and Change Purses, and many other items suitable for Christmas Boxes. POCKET BOOKS NOW 25c The Popular Pocket Book Novel, which was prev- iously priced at 39c, has now been reduced to 25c. These are book length novels, and are very popular for sending to the boys overseas. Pack one or two in your next box. They take up pracitcally no space, and will be greatly appreciated by the boys. The Standard Book Store • Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Hollyman's BAKERY I3READ, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, ALWAYS ON IIANI). Confectionery and Tobaccos. PI-IONE 38 - I3LYTH. Vodden's BAKERY. WIZEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "'1'lIE HOME BAKERY" 11. T. VODI)EN. .1 1 1 III■.1.1.1. II .11 Y 111 .JI. J1,1111.111. til 0 t4 I. I Al, l I I. Wednesday, Nov, 15, 1911. �..- -- -- - - ..a 4- -J .I I 1i iii I i n WALLPAPE Our stock of wallpaper is now fairly complete, - Prices range from 12' c per single roll and upward. We have a limited (quantity of 51111111 room lots to i)e cleared, STOCK SUPPLIES Pull range of Loyal Purple and I)r. Bell's Stock Supplies are on hand. We also have Cooper's Uri ILi1 and Stock Cull Liver Oil available, R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'AI'ER-PHONE 20, 111. ILMI. 1. lI• • • •.1:1. 1 ..1 .4.1 1,,...SII.. 111 I 1410:IVO t it.1:+C4::tCtw t t4ks141,VC e tV,ICtelCii tt&t=tCt4:tVC(Kt(R3 ep Be* Room uites Many beautiful Suites and Odd Pieces in the latest styles are displayed on our floors and are being offered at Moderate Prices. An Attractive Walnut Suite in the popular Waterfall Style is displayed in our window this week. We offer a slice selection of Sill11110145 Steel Beds, 11'Iattresses and Sagless Bed. Springs at popu- lar prices, A. call \will convince you of the many excellent values WO al'C offering. THE FIFTH WALL F, CF EVERY ROOM. The calling, which is usually larger than any single wall, should °sl:e considered as a fifth wall, Thus whon planning the decoration for a ; r(otu it is just a5 important to se - Ilea a correct ceiling papa tis It is -lo choose the proper wall deeora- 1tiun. your preference may favour ;one of contrasting colorise. lino't the a°ralrl that a "Colour -Planned" lroont Mil extend your Budget. '1'o realize this you 0011 readily do so ;by seeing my samples -over 1500 !tai p;ck' from. 1 TILE OLD SUNWORTHY LINE Sorry to say, there are NO NE \l' P:\\'"TERNS this y000, being the .;ante the last three years. Every- .� hone after a five-week visit with her .tiling in the line of Decorating. No w son, \VId.y, of Royal Oak, M;ch., 111.1 :spec al time for ;tpp.,iniments, -- , with her „tit, Albert, of Exeter, the 111- and rententl,cr, 1 spcciali•re in that ter arcuist;r,In}ing her borne 44 hi) 1tottgh job of taking off \\'aldpaper.. \wife 111111 small son, and remaining with - * * * her this \week. \Ir. and \Irs. J. Il. \\al!on and font 1 . ;l); were 1 eeswatcr visitors on Satin.. day at the home of \Ir. and \Irs. Harry \\rest. The occasion being the annual Birthday party for NI rs, \\'ntson's mother, \Irs. George Ashton of (;ureic 1\•110 is 79 years young. i\\•ith their son, \I r. George l' irkby and ' fancily" of Sultan N. Ontario. \f r. 11;11 \\'t'son is rclicvi•'g at the station while his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. F. \\'ilsun arc on their holidays. Mrs. Stewart Humphries and son, Lobby tpcnt last \eccl: with ND.. and \irs. \Vast. Hewlett, -` -\' Federation Approves Rural Agricultural Scheme For High Schcols Approval of the efforts 1)'f the Out- tario Ue;rtrtntutt of I?tllicat;on to es- tablish departments of Agriculture ;n rural high 40110015 by assuming :t con- siderable share of the capital and main- tenance cost was expressed by the Di- rectors of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture meeting in Toronto on Oc- tober 24th, 194.1. The Federation urged high school board to give cousiderat'on to their F. C. PREST Phone 37.26. L0UDESB0R0 1 1a .., 1.:1 11 .J 1 I..., I...I1g.1 I .. 1.,.1. ..:1.1 .4.0.0 _.t ti`.•,10•••:•d.0.10.•♦0.01 41.1,01.E11•.d•o. • Concert - knee In A'd of Pt iscnt rs of War Boxes through the Real Cross Saciety Scans:re:1 the by S.S. No. 10 East Wawanosh Farm Forum. in the irlis(tnent of the Blyth "Memoriai Hall on the everting of Mon., Nov. 20 :\dntissit n 35c. Ladies lit in;.; Lunch. Farm Fcrunt Children Admitted Ere . ALL FORUMS IN THE DISTRICT CORDIALLY INVITED, .•1.••.•11411••1 • 14♦ •4,•,1.11•• 1•• 4•• / ..•..•• 1.1.•1.•.1.11.4 .............♦sees,♦....... this community. \irs. Quinn was in London last I hnrsd-tt•. vi;itiitg her son, Edward. \1'aitcr McGowan attended tip.: f aneral 't1 his brother-in-law, \I r. NI. l losfo: d at Guelph List Friday. new program In that departments of \lrs. George NleGow•an visited Agriculture may be established in the George Johnston in Victoria Hospital, schools Its soon as building materials Lumlon, I n \Vetlnesday. and trained teachers are available. President .\lex \1ci�iuncy, ilranipl,,tl I The hydro men have commenced was al -airman of a two-day scs1ion extension un the line from Albert which made plans for the Fc lerati ,nee \Va1sh's to George Charter's. annual Convention on December 6-7 next. Mr. 11. L. Sturdy, of Auburn,NOV! 1 one of the Directors, was present at The \Vat \1'otl:ars ureal on \\'cd the meeting, nesd.,v afters on at lite holt, 1:f the \lisscs \largaiet and Irene O'Count r. Ni r. and Nit's. James Craig were Mr. and Mrs \\'tis. Got\• moved to 1Stntday visitors with Ntr. and \Irs. .their new hone near Auburn on Mon- \Vnt. Andrew 1:11(1 family i(1 Ashfie'tl. day. \Ve regret their removal fr :1(1 Miss Grace Thompson spent the V D01\ NYBI'.00K EAST WAWANOSH Hunte Furnisher • ;r- e ,rflew Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director, t1 4. a p .• t• C t+ t t n. n Is„ t U t+. r... "N A : i�jc.i�i.�l�i�i'�ir'�i�ulr'�id♦.�Iu•a1r� sioic�. 'Ji�i.J1Y .�'ioi.. . vv • 1 1 "i+.?I,.Ja1s7.s1.7ici.:Icta7�ia`Io1.,1��tatal..iais�t`d1DIiIa0 IIiT.fiiii 1. +. =51 11---...m..I-.J.. _ i/M. .11)•,,.1 II 1.4++ 1.11+ 4:44:4+0:4+4:4+ .•11.11.11 ;1.11.1 1.1111.11.11•• ••11.11.4:1.•14:44:4++ 4 4•1 ••• 1♦1;11;11•,:1.•,1.1 ••,4:444+0:40:4+0 ,1, ,; u 4 IL 1 4 BLYTII EXCELLENT 10001). GOOD SERVICE. ICE. 1t; i 1. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor :f • •11.11.1(•11.11/ 1+•11.1+•11111♦11.11.1 111.1111. 1••.•14i; 4: 4:4 4 ••1 1.1:1+11.11•• 1.4 qr ;t, tly ;n4',°1:**'.:41i.°61 �A(( t, 411 rGtft- 1'� WAILaA�[q EDITH CREIGHTON'S Shoppe Open Saturdays from 1 to 10 o'clock. . Other Hours By Appointment. w•ccl:-c.td at the home of her 1111)11, Mrs. Pearl 'Thompson in 11'i111;10 i. Y.P.U. MEETING Miss 'I'i!I'c 'Alexander has guar 10 The 1' ,lot People met on Nuv;nthtr \\'iugh on and \e;ll S11(11111 the wwiu(i 1,3, with a fair attendance. Rcv. A. Sieclair gave 1, very iutere true; t;tlk 111011' with \lt. and NI rs. I1.1vid Chain - .on Christian Missions and I':n41 Brig- ham gave 0 story on the (;re•it Frater- •\ir. Lorne Ike). and Mr. Glen \\rade nity. The meeting on Nov( 11114-0 3) of Ileec;ter s; rot a few docs at the is ander the leadership of \largaret honk of Mr. and \Irs. I. ('. Robvision. 1 \larshall on Christian Citizenship. Mrs. George Naylor and sun, Gordon, A good atttndaucc wool•? •apprc- were London \visit( rs o1) llouday, ;elated. nay.