The Blyth Standard, 1944-10-25, Page 1THE VOLUME 55 - NO. 10, THE LOAN RANGER .t1') POP SAYS TO ED JONES : "STOP SCRAPPIN' WITH THE I N LAWS AN' TAKE A CRACK AT THE OUTLAWS!" Bai Vti Bonc4 LYTH STAND 13LYTII, ONTARIO, WEI)Nl(:SDAY, OCT. 25, 1911. -- •-..- �...:1� �.. - - - Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. GIFT BOND HERALDS OPENING OF BLYTH 7TH LOAN DRIVE Pte. ,lack Crawford Now Officially Reported Killed Nlrs. Pearl Crawford has received nflicia1 word Irnnt Ottawa that her s,vl, 1'te. lar!; Ilerlrunt Crawford is now believed to have been killed in action ill the \lvditt'rr:tnean theatre of war, pie, ll•:ltvford was reported Hti"int; ,Is of January 17th of this year. Letters receive(! by \Irs. Cratvfurd from a poli of Jack's \VII salt\' IIIIIi \t,,un,le l by a sniper's linnet, has con- vinced her that the official tvor(I that 1"he is HOW bellIV.(l 10 have been kil- led", is correct, Pte. Cra vfor 1 \vas in his 2•I111 year, and \yell kn''twn in Itlyth, tvlierc he at- tended public school. Before his en- listment in Sept., 19,19, he had resided with his parents al Cochrane. ile !joined the lir Regiment at Stratford limo later trained at ('anip Borden and 1l:lntilton, hcfare proceeding overseas in \Idiot of 1'9•II, Ills i,:I,t•nts survive, his mother living in loath, and his father, Pte. Prod ('taw•ford, %Gitit the Veterans' Guard of (.anada, stationed at Port .\rtImr, V Liddle Family Moving Back I)ungaillloll Resitlellt Burnet! 'I'o Ripley The funeral of \Irs, lolls \will., a \Ir. and \Irs. Charles Liddle and former tt .Il-kaot\n resident of 1)tli- I family will shut Ile move back to Rip- gannott, and mother of \Irs, John Fos- . It y, \\h, rc \I r. Liddle has purchased a tel, til' Myth, who died at the holm of dairy bush's::. her young.>t son, Ernest Ni\ins, \Ir, !riddle came to Myth three :cars Leam- ington, was held lIond,ly afternoon, the !ago 01 manage the plant of the Got.- service being held at Dungannondon Flax Mill;. His tvil'c and fancily led Church with the pastor, Rr\. 11, I,Icam,. to reside here ;Mont a year ago, Vickers„n in charge, The departed noncan was a member of one ;of the earliest of the pioneer families of this district, 1 ler maiden Previously they had resided in Itip!cy, During their residcnre here they have beconrt• \':ell and favourably knotvi, and their decision to return to their former name was \liss Nla!;gie Smith, and her hunk in Parent, \were, \Ir. and Mrs. James neuter Smith, both of \whom carte front Ire- The land about 1111) years ago, Str\•ivit,, frirtds are five cons ;cul three daughters, 'lel- vine and Ilan vcy, Toronto; \\'ilfred, of (ioderirli, Elmer, Calgary; t .ricst, 1vanting'oi; Mrs. \\'lute, Se;tfortlt; \Irs. Iter McCall, I.uekuotw; and \Irs. John Fo:'er, Itlyth. • Interment was in 1)uttganinn ceme- tery tv'll' the fnllu\\in.g pallbearers: 'Phomas Nlrl'hce, \V. J. Stothers, \Vit• liaut A. Stewart, W. J. Smith, ('hark, Elliott and Peter \Irl';ell, `' Relatives present at the funeral came from 1. i tiineton, Thrum)), \\'iigit:ttn, 1.11cl:now, 6iodeiirl', Ripley and Blyth. Mrs, 'Phomas Ilceley, of l,ucl;nut\•, is a Sister, and Joitn Smiths Bruceficld, at brother, Bomber Explodes I{illing rl\1i'O Airmen Two I''rt .\Ibert airmen were killed on Sun(I:iw atfterr.vn when the Anson bomber te•y were flying on a routine flight cra•iied en the farts of Robert 1'ervis ;Mont one and a half utiles south east of SI. Il:lens, \\'lien the plane , of landed it exploded luded stn I the, force u tie ex'.i •.non was felt i't the ho'ic of Mr. 1, C. I'i,•,ton, a half utile from the seer)e of the accident. The two flitrs tvere blown out of the Plane a distance of 200 feet and twl•el:hag'. or the 'plane tv;is scattered about the field Fire broke out follow- ing the trash amt cspbusioi and the plate was hunted. The fliers were buried :It (idi rich on Tuesday, P,lm(r and Bill I'ur(lon, sons of lir, J. C. Pardon, were the first to arrive at the scene (•f the accident and they teere gnieklw followed by their father and their brother, 1L•i•ris, ltr, Ptirdutt relicts tn,tt t''e blast blew the leaves off the tees which were on the edge of the held. Ripley will be regretted by .;0011 wishes of many Itlyth \vile follow. them. — V Wi!iing Workers Sponsor Successful Evening The \\'tllit g \\Yorkers of the 9th Line of Morris Township sponsored a very successful even in the \tentorial 1lxll on Friday everting, the net Proceeds of which was 8.12,00. :\ goon! crowd attended and enjoyed an evening of euchre, crokinolc and \\'i'iner, of the different events were as Iollow'< : Euchre, high, \Irs, P. \Icl)onald, butt', Miss Jean 11(1111; gents, Edward Uat,gat, high; Arnold Falconer, low, The hick). door win! was won by hiss R'di_rta :dc\'illi., .\ most enjoyable time is reported by those present. I 1)n 'Tuesday, October 17111, the \Vil- ling \\rockers held a quilting at the home of arse James Gibson. ()tie quilt was finished. 1110 Ratic: Books rrlll'lle(1 Out At Blyth Centre 11.11) of the tett ration bout: No, 5 were (listrht:ted at the Myth centre during last weal:. I'w•o days tvere al• lotted for the distribution, '1'Iltirstlaty and Satuirday afternoons and evenings. The large majority of the books were distributed Saturday, due to the fact that Thursday is the half holiday, and a quiet clay around town. Cu -.tie !tion front citizens who as- sisted was splendid, and Reeve llorritt wishes to thank all volunteers. Those assist int, w•.rc, Gordon I?Iliott, as supervisor, Mrs. Oster, Miss Wood - !cock, NIrs, II. Phillips, hiss \lilac \r ,Mrs, Iiarris, Mrs, Nyle, \Irs, 11, Ilrotvn, !Nrs. Henry, Mrs. Brigham, and llrs. B.C.S. Literary Meeting naiilon. The meeting of the Literary Society of the ltlwth Continuation School etc the afternoon of October 13111. was op- ened by singing "Oh, Canada," '1'l'o minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The business \vas that discus'c(I. Alter the business there was a chorus by Grade 1X. The Asso- ciate Edi'or read the Literary Society paper. Doll song the reading, the initiation of Grade IX \vas performed by Grade Xl[ 'Phe meeting closed the Ding." —\1 trjoric I)ohcrt:, Press Sec'y, with "God Sav' Ilii 'st of his young cattle, but hopes to I tmaintain his minting herd, Westfield Newly -Weds Ilonoured 'I'hc hunk of lir, and llrs, Julie L. llcl)otwell wit; the scene of an enjoy- able social event on NIoiday evening, when ncighbo,frs and friends gathered Ito honoar lir. and \Irs, John Gear, recent newly-weds in the community. The guests were receceived by the bride's mother, \Irs. McI)otwc11, and her sister, firs. Charles Smith. The bride's trousseau was shown by ll iss Phyllis Cook :ld ll iss Norma Taylor, The voting couple Were the recipients of a miscellaneous shower, which in- cluded malty lovely and useful gifts. The accompanying address was given ! by \I r, llatyinonrl hcdtnord. "I'lle chiv- 1 Gree Gang pre: este l the young couple \vith a lovely cud table, itoth Jeati cid John responded eery nicely. The balance of the evening was spent quite enjoyable in a social man - tier, Overseas Letter Young Brussels People (Sinton Hallahan Is Recipient Of Figure In Accident $100.00 Bond As Blyth 7th Loan Gets Off To Flying Start. Four young Brig sels and Iliac rt people canis to grief of Tuesday night when their car, a 1129 Chet.. Sedan, left the road just as it \vas proceeding dott•n the Walton road, ata pint near John Fairservi, Cs gate. :\t phi, point the car left the road, rolled ( \.r. and rite to re't tut:Mist a I1)(1•o pole, Driving conditions \\ ere anything but favourable, as a heavy mist made vi'i• billty very bad. The ocenparIs of tin' car tvere \\'il- liail \\'hied.!•, Racy John! t. ti, Isabel Sellers, and the driver and owner, Lorre NleCulrbcui, 1)1.. Dodd of Itlyth teas called to the seen., and the injuries of \Irl'tnrtu'on made it necessary to remove hint by ainbulatncc to the Scafurth hospital, Ile is suffering from severe laceratiolt, and a fractured arm, \\'heeler, suf- fering from a back injury, t\a, taken lu his borne. The two girls were badly shakci tip, but received no injuries. The cal t\;t.; tj cnsivcly da ittg(ed and was removed to Brussels (lay morning, Comity Constable Salter investigated the accident, To \Yotl.i's Association, ---v -. Myth United Church, Itlyth, Ontario I:lvth iirl \ t 1, ry Plow! nl II., , /1 h111111 )'()u I'COl)le Of I;l}'th .tui \ ire . I., ;,'I \.;, p:n !.lees! .the ,ossa of ottlibe riot,••n, ;till Nlrs. 11;,11alia ! and 1 de,1.' ( Nose • r!it ,! 1„ our eta s' appree.atilm to the rltir.•n, "t F;t,t \\',t,,t.!•,.', 'I ,tu I!,;,. 1,, ( !u Itlyth for the tilt. bind soh it -hutti til 'heir gc tare tot\atrd is. the pre -en talion nl a \ blur\' Bond. \\•e roil ;issure you that this 1,itttii s pen ,I1e 111 a •!mill tt,it for 111, 1 • V' •i t;tiue,l I,1 1 \tet I, 1\ 11C11 1,t' 1„ I lt' barn ,.!,'1 t 1111 tit: I,} f 't 1111 1111 , n:cn and 'Ii!' a 'Ii I113t11 twill twat.. he furg.,tte i, aim \tihope 'rai•e,l the sunt of !-la41.01 on ,I t,!!1,! , that the spirit behind this gift, may ,tlbsc: i i at Lot i a -lle tic io.tet e d b. an inccitiv.!to the Citi' i, e,1 1111.11 and car, t../1 t1 rounah t„ a to pint every court forth to be the eonrinsi.,n Int ,in 1' ' • I fir•t Ilnr, :, (.runny Httulici;talitt to over the top, '"' Ms. N. \V. K3 le, •-111 I11 :1 liter pr, ,!,I;,tlon renin.nv ‘‘.1- -Simon 11;111,11N11. l,, rfolnre l at :.Ir IL,11.,11au'- 11"1110 S.tturdty, alt:'1 lite 1,1.e-eit,iti n rade t., \Ir. I Hall:than bt 1/r. John hi • , ;int e rt:lied re••.i,len,. ,If Ill\Il'. It i n• t lu re• sire to • , 11t,Il tl ,• t„ \Ir. I I,II ;,l onus who i'i an, Il', r ‘,.1 Scout Salvage Collection On Saturday 'I•h. Itlyth 1: 'y Scout or:null/ ti it are holding 1 Salvage l'.,Ill t..1,, 1 of paper on Saturday, Ort„bt i 'lith. :\nes. leaving s,Ilvae' are t-ke,l to have it convenient!). located •u that the Scouts may trick it up durinu the day. Th, cullrrtiun ti ill couuurnre Chicken Raffle Nets $10.75 ') ;lent, ' i:ecciv'cd your parcel the other day. .\ rer:'it raffle conducted by the It was appreciated by all who were Junior Red Cross Society, which con - lucky enough to share in it. The utaple stitutes the pupils of the Senior Roust sugar was enjoyed most of all as it has of the L'lyth Public School, netted the been years since most of us have been Organization the sunt of ;•'10,75, lucky eiough to obtain ;my. The The venture was entirely all profit mail is corning along fine lately, .\s you clue to the generosity of \Irs. Eva 'Pa - can see 11 only took your parcel about Intal, who eery kindly donated a chic - a month to arrive. That is g(u(1 time 'hen for the ptu•pnsc, for it parcel. All the boys Took for -I 'I'lle following Ictt,'r was received by \•aril each day for flail parade, It has \Irs. Taman from the 'I'rrasit cr of the Sucety : conte to be the main Parade of the day. \\`e are having fair weather the Pas; vccl: or so. This ends sunnier, lo - is the first date of autumn. The Blyth, Out„ ()et. 10th, I9:I4. Se tit v BLYTH UNITED CHURCH limn of Il' , iss ,e Lt.o\tle l^e Lind al't i the Int.. ill 11c SPLENDID START MADE HERE at 1 he pi.:tl!a., , f !hi- fiat bund -; `IIItl11) a;'j;ir,itilt suited ;1 ;I!! melt Mr,•ntive. for tb, 1,,,:d Han Itrite e„t a\\;n to a flint ;art. I ignres roto• ',nr,! no 1,, \V, dm -,1a) ;Itt,'rlt•,o•t, 'blot da\ of the I.,,an, siiottrd 1tltt'I r. e;1 Io'he front in the Iluron t „untt', I'llivy. 'Ile tout amount 1111 rl!best n;, In \\ v,Itt,•"l;l\' ;,Ilel'ti' t1 tt.,• ll) It II, ;or nt'rl• ;II pert!, III of our -Io.I;ntl(il all- ' jcctivt. Sunday, October 29th. 1(1.15: ,itanday School, 11,15 Subject : "1 \\'ill Come :\,(;ani”. LET'S KEEP AT THE TOP .\Itlunitth the se figure.- are very co - 7 p.m. Speelal Service fur tine Boy cnuraging, d,nt't Orgaotizatiunt, Dear \It's. Taman, :tint Smart Nick- i ;a state of coitt�!acencv. The Last milI'l'c boy; tel attend Church in a t let thein 11111 yon into will b,, lite hardest, and it will body.behalf of the members of the body. .\ memorial will be oto !cveryrntr'., 5IIU,1 or .::iUU.l,n weather 'trite Junior Red ('ruse Society in the senior served for the late Lori! Sutlers, the Loan over here. \\'In not re:Iliie that host rain we had was when we were room of Itlyth Public School, 1 w:sli t(' leader of Sccntin,' in incest Iltitain advancing (roti the Somme to Belgium 1thanl: you very much indeed, for the Ret•. 1', 11, Streeter will give a sketch wlitth 'ta ,lilt finice s u1lan!ttce1r tnelt. ''v `ttiuttul.11n 'There was little conitilalinitg as we chicken :mat yiti recently donated, Our of Lord Soothers' work in connection calls at your ;yule. if evert body a itd knew we had Leen lucky to have such l Society made the stem of ten dollars lentil the Ilot Scout organiz;riot• l cv. do this, we could be the first nnniici good w•c.tther during the battle of Pal- ;ltd seventy-five cents, \wlti•ti will be :\, Sinclair will also speak on ase, The . parts of France 1 Passed ' used for patriotic purposes. '1 he •hic- Scout work. 1through suffered much damage from keit \vies won by Mrs, 1. \1'a1'ii'e the battles so 1 really I<iow little of I `—��� 'I'hanl:imp, you scant for your kind - What lift, was like there. The people of tress and co-operation, Sincerely, TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Prance didn't seem to speak much Eng- Doig. Kilpatrick, 'I•reagurer. this strainer Was lovely, to pill t.11.t• the Ile,\ •11.111I' to gu ,,\tr tit' the top,. (;tit Int t of it \till' your s;tic titan, or )t your batik !!Cintas el', and make your pt ti t'e null lisp, 'l'hc L'cl,gitms all can speak either English or French besides their own language, I have stet Many people here in Belgium who can speak Eng- lish. 10 this way we find out hove life under the 1 -tut really was, The people all give us a big welcome and scum quite happy of the fact that they are at last free people. Belgium is a love- ly country with maotw lovely homes and modern highways. Belgium has .been damaged very little during this wan so we have a chalice to see what the country is like, 'There seems to Iii an abundance of fruit such ;IS apples :•aid pears besides peaches, 'I'In'y have fine gardens so aren't so bad off, it Coat Controller have IS quite :ars\' to obtain eggs at present also tomatoes. If, England it was alux- that all priorities of coal for brooding No servile in St, \lark's Church icy to have an egg. \\'cel, I must close purposes have been removed, It' a next Sunday on account of the I'reslty- ur I!\(ty dealer has coal on hand whenwhenorders terian Anniversary. for now, thanking you for y( parcel, I reilat 11, yours truly, are t•ece1vel he is to give preference in deliver: to brooder supplies, this is the only privilege such use will enjoy, SGT. CLIFFORD TAMAN It is ahsnlutcly necessary that those DIED FROM BOMB CONCUSSION \\hu intend brooding chicks in 1945, arrange for supplies immediately std NIrs, Eva Tannin has received word endeavour to adapt to brooder use the that her nut, Sgt, Clifford 'Taman, died as the result of concussion, caused by 4-- a bomb explosion. Sgt. Taman i, bur- =ied at Monde ;11 \u. 3 grave, I:rot\c, SERVING OVERSEAS ! Prance, Purchases Barn To Replace Fire Loss \I r. Sinton 1Iallaliau has purchased the barn situated on the farm of the late Jonathan Bentley, from lir. Ed- ward d-war(I 1'a ttsou. lir. Hallahan hopes to rebuild it on his own farm as quickly as possible, but it may not be possible to get the work completed this fall. He has sold V . — Brooder Coal Priorities ReIuoved Rev. 1'. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rcctar. Obi.1, Sunday Scctoltuuerl, 10')tr.30, 191 am. \h rating Prayer fi Sermon, 11,15 a.m. 31cttorid Service in the l'nited The Poultry Industry Committee of (•hunch at 7 p.m. for the tato Lord Ontario announces that in September , Somers, Chief Scout for Britain, This the Coal Controller issued an Order Its a Ct,iiitun'ay Service, Addresses Sinclair, Streeter, \\'hirh states that "It•oodcr Coal is no will be given ley the R.\•, .\, 'longer "excludable tonnage.” This i Pastor, roil •1'c Re\•, 1'. 11, !leans that wholesalers and dealers Rector of 'l•iiity will no longer receive additional .nal over their quotas for use in brooding chicks. Purlitermure, their quotas are reduced front 90 percent to 87 1-2 percent of their basic period sit plies. Consult•itiom; with the office of the revealed the fact Church. .\11 Ito: Scotts, (rubs, Scouter), at 1 members of the Local Association are expected to attend, TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE Evensong •end Sermon in 'Pei ;icy Church next Sunda' at 2.,50. ST, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN P'I'E. PERCY 11.\RRING'I'O>. Corn Picking Demonstration Tuesday, October 31st. There has ken widespread interest itt Husking Corn developed i t recent years with the advent of hybrid Corn. Icy producing the early maturing va- rieties Corn can he grown much far- lir. and 31rs. V. ll, pray, of Kitrh- ther north that was previously pus- eller have received word from their Bible. A picking demonstration has been planned for 'Tuesday, October 31st, on seas, .\ letter Iron' \Irs. Bray informs the farm of lir. Menno Steel:le, "Zurich, us that Layton had t•e, n tH tr -1 Squad - Ontario, This fawn is situated tltr'c miles north of illake, one bile east of the nitewatcr highway. There \\•i11 be a demon:tration of ploughing down the corp stalks also. 1)r. 31cRostie, Professor of Field Ilusbanilry at the Ontario Agricultural College will be the guest speaker, The ntcc1ingis called for 2 Lent, class of goal they can secure, son, Pit, -tricot. Lavtoi Bray, who is now serving with the R.('.,\.F. Ovcr- run Leader, a rank Inc rclinquisned inlfathtr, lire bili \Irlrarhtnc, vain, was order to proceed Overseas. 1'1 her let- 'celebrating his birthday. The occasion ter to The Standard \Irs. Bray revealed !took the form til a dinner party, Guests The regular monthly meeting of the that Mr. Bray had been ill, hitt \vas,'\ycre Present from Clinton, Ilcnt'iII, '.,,ode>bor, !t II tins, \\'I be 1111,1 on we are glad to re i, Iillpl'll\',Ilg fav- til'110111111'I'g, 11 alien a!'d Toronto.!, ' l'hursday, November -ions in lite CI n- n'uuity 11iIi. t'--- ENTERTAINS ON FATHER'S BIRTHDAY \Irs. i�ennell' 'Taylor cutertaiicd at her home on Monday in honour of her IN CLINTON iIOSPITAL \\'v rvptort \title rvgiit the inti' 1,1 \Irs. 1ittbct•t )Iclaroy tilois a patient in the Clinton Public Ilospital. \\•c trust her rccuwu•y \till be speed y and complete. EAST WAWANOSI-I 11 r. 'Intl \Irs, R. C. 3lv(,i ttai and 1 ore and Mrs. George Chatter and !aunty, ie.cotnir,ii.cd by \Ir. 111 \lur- ldoch of Saskatoon, attended the Sil- ver \\'cel ling ,utti\trs;try of lir. an I \Irs. ('. R. ('.bites of Itvlgt't'v. 11r. llllydot•i left for 'I'„rt,tlto on Tuesday ictlti•ottt•: on los way holm. \Ir. Henry (d tt-her unfotttttt;t lv cut his hand while "th.<:.int," \\•,o,l .t' Charlie Ileli's this \\'t•dncstIty noon. r MISSION BAND AUTUMN THANK - OFFERING MEETING The llissioe Band \till 111.1 their Thank -Offering on Frid;I', 14.tobe'r 27th, at 8 o'clock in l!te t,,tstinent of the United Chin ch. Lotto ti slides on Ithe Stolle Boort till b. •bow n. l'itildren ;have been aslsud to brim" 'ti abuts and fathers w itlt them, C.(;.1,T„ ., ;and \Y„\I.S. \\ others are cordi,tlis in- vited to attend. LONDESBORO RED CROSS TO MEET ourahlt, ler and, heel A. R. 'Tasker hate 1e- teiwed turd from (heir anis Sgt. G..1.! CONGRATULATIONS Tasker, who 1. now serving Overseas' with the R.C.:\.F. Congratulations to lir. and Mrs. Ro- V--- beet Newcombe who will celebrate their 52nd weti,littg anniversary on Fri- ida\ October 27111. The Red Crors Society wish to thank SNELI.—lir. and \Irs. Alvin Snell of 1 Congratulations to Fit. -Licit, and the Girls' \Vac Auxiliary for their do- I \\'estfic'tl arc happy to announce the birth of a, sun in Sunday, Oclu- was greatly appreciated. bur 22id, 19-14, a brother for Harvey. THANKS THE WAR AUXILIARY BiRTIIs nation of quilt tops and sewing, which J Engagement Announced Mr. snit llrs II. 1;, 'l•,'t\ttcttd, Stratb- troy, annoonce the v ti,'a :anent 01 their sccuntl daughter, Erna,i, n, t., (i:irt'i �1lolso,n f)•tbhyt, elder sot of Mr. and O. IHeadley, who celebrate their !Mrs. Cecil 1),i'btn. Blyth, the ni-n•ri,l i Sl” 'Il(I lvedlllllg allltliVCCsatry til Stlit11iw, I t(. 1 .tet• p1,1t••; t'h'ctly til I.o11(1.0' 1^i1 Ott!b.r .2)th, in November, 7 AIRMAN'S VIEW OF NAPLES tin'>-;•!•••st, • „.• "`", '‘ , -•,, , ' „ , , '"'" .,; ,,(;; 43 41 , •-•,k14; ,• .•:••• .. • ft,. ,. ..`;....' . ....4'r .,„".„:„:,...i,,,,„..i....,71,,,,,,..; %;;'-',N, ''.-....,-• '‘'''-:.' ,s.4, . r. ' ''." '01 - ' '' ' i•.:,," .t.,4,' `,., _ , ,,•,.'4•?-,,.:.,/,,, =h4,t .. ''‘‘,.....',,,fl ,., . ';'.:.;;i... : .44'''''' a 4'1•41'!' ..-''',c ::;',-...-,,,..,`•., f ' ' ",tril,‘:. - • ..,,...C.., .. ... .r • )t..•. -.ss `1.'k4g...,' .4'''.,'s• „. It7+(s.,..i•*;•-surt;'0, I' l'i,",•-,..I.,.:,?:•.•.•...."ti.... sz,-'.'''' ''''4'''••••• ':.•\:•'''w, • .. ‘,,,,..i.,,.:5,„?..: ti' ("' Fi'.41;'c''' " ,'? :"154,;•'i " ',1:1'ii, '''.-P...".'1*,"°;.4 •4:t'i .-...'i,...,...... 1,11',-. ' -, ';',....,(;;;;,i,..,`;'4;,,,,.4*..,.,,,i,',. : . 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' ." • • ' "` v44,, • • „ , ,,,,,t,tirkft.:4 • .t <1•A • '1' I•••••-.,' • zs• - (C'7", i4^VS2*4 • • ,`""r.'!.: )4°.' . , -4,:o ,v,,.*---. ,,,.$4:q v.n.:‘,...4,c, ,,,,, -,. .t.44 .; drIk •A; . ' At;), .; ;;;51 ' A '14 • ,••• tc:efirit.••,:t ' \PIA 4 * sft„ ' ". ' ••• V,44i • '44` 4 • '214 ?•\••••' ' ,;( fii3fg The airview above silo \‘s part of Naples. fa:,;(.1 for MagilifiVolif 11:11'110r, 110 V.' the 1.111',..1.1. 1.0111101. Noted structures indicated are I I ) The lioyal Palace, begun in .1 1;00, Which contains the important. National Library; ( ) Park opposite Palace's Son -foot sea frontatt,e; (3) Plebiscite Square; (.1 I the recently -restored 1 f'entury Cast( I Nuovo, lone a royal tesidenee; 1 Molo Fan Vin- cenzo. huge breaktNater over 5.000 feet lcoo.,, Whi 1 lincrs (met. \vere Moored. Italian st.l.mariner 1'11 11 Ile S1.1'11 til(' 11/11/1 Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee I. Ma's, Ho: 1,1'0181 tor; .10(1 lIngs.t. in t est Mule of Die ioflowing Hie el es•lum.Y, to if 1'1 WHIlqi 1.1111 COW Ala 1 11 111 1,111,'. /I Is it tor, to bold a Hook ich In I la lingers \viii1( eating 11 ? Is it mei srai y Etat a 111,1:1' 1.).‘. to its r of rot, dolt 1.5 4. IL it tm'reit to 1 1;.• 1 1:1111( 1 1011 .111 1 Ile 0111CA/1W 1111i1l• 1/1' 71 111.1. nreded if It is It !lichen sandwich or club 1)1r. 51;.rtili—! s,..n.1 \deli. 3. V..s ; send a. brief note it prop. 1; lc silo) on; (veil. of lilialis to evel yone \vlio n. Bob, ;did no()Itnei- written (ir sent flowers. 4. Ytis, 1.1., in bailie of Oa. ()f bode 11 Hit ir parebis c 111-;ai? Cc If to. 1, 111 1 1-11 1 11,;.' 111 0,11, 11 1‘ 01 11 1111' 1-1 11 1 111 ill' (011 '0,11111;,11, V 111 11 ii 1'11/ 111 '1 1 1'1 1 Ans.wers 3. : is net godi torn; H. Ile :4. h+.1 a In. k 1),eatttiful lontinoreney Falls ate over 1 00 feet than Nim:qtra. Teacher and Pupi I Work Together 3 '"' ' A tn(mth ago she was his English teacher at an Akron high school.' l'Iosv Mit iam Diehl and Donald Parker find themselves teamed in making airplane wings at Firestone plant, where manpower shoal i‘ge left summer jobs open to teacliels and studthts. Ihis is the correct form. F.. Yes. If one of the men dors 1101 0:101' 1111- 110. IVOIllall 01011111. EY Prompt payment for shipments of light honey. Send samples and estimate of quantity to MacFEETERS CREAMERY 52 Jarvis 'St. • Toronto HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our lac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto 11 1 /0. 1, doe Sold by all Druggists -25c, 35c (tube), 50c and $1.00 1dd ..b4d LADY HUNTER FEMALE PILLS For Paint ul and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) 1'0 RO %TO YJAMIALIIIth Ai lalr2.4.0L1111aalig6410Muillallnlini ';IVIIDDLE-AGE WOMEN (yHd) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period In woman's life— try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, Made especially for women. Hundreds of thouttr.nds re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made tn Canada. Don't Be Afraid Of That Big Dog lie is Eml 1(1(,11S Of You Until He It re., t Who You tit 1.1 ;"I (Li:. 11 1 #N1 1111111.11i 1.1 • III I 1‘ 'Oh 1.1.11'1111',;(:11'11 01111 11"1,14.1. l'.1 Von 111';' VII III,: 01 1 N%•dy 1 Do1.1.1.• 1.1.1 Itt 1.1 100. 111- 01. 1 01 any di.... 10 Holt .•I 1.1.4 11.' Ma 1. 1 •• 01.1•1 1 1'. r\ ,t11.•1 I. 1.t.v. to ;Ipproach 1,..t I, 1 ;1, 1.3 Hie ImIn Ari •01, iit 't 10001: Tilt It. 1.1"P.L1' tt Lot. .1 du:. fon. The s niater should 1(5 It oni (fait it', 1 :1 till 1 .4, 1,1 1111111 11'S gas eultipanii I lere air 1 Ito rules; Alt‘'nyi. let a (log know ylio o 1.1.1( .011 lid' 1;:.• not 11 hut! loo 11(1114. 1 tot abii 1 .11 ks nro a (dial - . 4‘.V.4 ..41.Vills4 70." ithIttr 1 4 :•:;1'.;•f•• m rad.. cool. sweet smoke , ••1' " ,••• " • 11.1.1 al c. III I ks tii moll and shiciv nu :11.11 in. Sudden or uni \ pi 1 led 1110V1.5 511 11.• SIN ;1 1+ It. 0 ratigi• O. 011• fill, 111, 11'11.'11111Y \ Old •11111 1'13• or i•I'0111111giy. Al‘v:i.i!, ;am a dir,..; lit ;Quo (la( 11 a Jul let his nose aid hini form - •••'AA• •••";' • ..twor , NIA V4II. 4t44.. • '`‘ e. • • .••• • The Army's versatile Duck speeded the adVance in Sicily rushing gamdine and oil direct from tankers off shore to our planes at newly captured airfields, Here one of the amphibious trucks refuels a Spit fire with American insignia at a Sicilian air base. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS AITOM01111,ES—UN USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES, See us first. NI ount Pleasant Mo- fOrft Limited. Used Car Lot ut 2 0.1 0 Yonge Street; Head ornee, 1132 Nlonnt Pleasa nt Road', To- ronto, Telephone 1 1 Y. 2181. 111V (.111CItS 1(1.;11T N(1\1" \VE HAVE D.1 Olds f.‘'.d1;11.0. hi 1111 7.(.11'h ond \veek pun, In White and 110.1‘.11 aml x fi•\‘' heavy 0511 fc:ti coeltin'..k. Also let us 1(1105v ‘vig,t 11(• 111 I 11111g 11,1 0111.10inii. 11ray 1101..101 y. 1 311 .1.11111 N.. (Hit. OEIHisHIRES FoR sALE ADVANCED REGIST It V II 10, It 1: - shires, thre.. to five months, 1. w older; (•xcellent 1,0111,' WI1/1 1,110W 10111 11 1 10,. It. H. \101.tii.. or, AnOwrstlitir1-1, III MIS LARGE RULES FOR FALL 1'1 iANT- log. ltainbukv collection 'folio. 2 doz. $1.1 O. Ai Ixed Daffodil Millis 2 doz. $1,10. Dt•livet ed. kuYIn I Ilatzle, 5V e grow the hest only. DYEING Az CLEANING HAVE YOU AN YTIIIND NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart - Meta 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 71.1 Youge Street, To- ronto. EARN; Volt s,111.1.; $(1,5 M.- -1 11.5 At '111•:5, 22. M11.1•:S To- ronto, good crop :iild 11 11. l<1.114., 111,11 - Hill, 100 ACRES cl..N.V t.5 NI, A 1.1., I'S - (1. c111 0'.(1 .11111-1 orchard. it. irk poure 11111.1.F. 1:1111( 10111, 1%, :WU ill 11111'1' 01,11, 1 11.1-1 0111' 111111' (1'01/1 church, Village School, Seven mil; s f rout Strat- fot el. II stock, ed, int- o if fa, 5,1? ‘5.11. 1 ewe - la,. el.-. too cl,A IPAN1 Sol I„ 1:t1 10111t111112:. `.1(•4.1 1'0111!-,, Avat. , 510511 busk 1.. t.i‘vii t.I anti 1001i- 1%50. 51 1111 ..11.5.1, 1.....1• 1 1. 7:1 :kn.-1.0(1r 1-11. 1.'015 SALE DUE TO LA1_1011 1 'ON 1)1 j IONS \VI.) are forced to dispose or 1 113 or noire of our gist...red Palomino and Tennessee tVolking horses including pleasure horses, brood mares, stallhols, yearlings and suckling rolls of grand champion blued 11C:1. Send for our descrip- tive price list.--EISHEll PA 3,011- 1NO EA WIS. Soinkrton, Pennsyl- vania. sokl cl 101CI: YOUNG REGISTER. 111 Vol lisiti Nos% s just, Ina.,(1, some choice youtig Registet eft 1•4 111,010 l'1.1111. for service. Edgar Dennis, RI 1. 2. Miro! a, Ont. VANNING 11111,.1, 3111.1. PROVED hi NI. p.I.:.1111.. clog re- pairs. 421. \Villain A 5.. T.iroillo. FOOT !SALM BAUNIEE1(A FOOT BALM destroys of ens ive odor instantly, 45c hot tle. Ottawa agent, 1)comito In lig store, Ottawa. II Ell' 1V A N TED NTED PA 111.1"; 31A1(1111:1) fat niliand guli•rei fai to work, must he st: 011 and reliable, All 3 car room? tioAtion. paratti Apiny "1 Row lti iar'', HA IRDIt ES SING SB11001, DE A lt N 11A Ilt DRESSIND inn Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Rohertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 10.-11 the Torment of ru.y 1;:czenni, Rashes and Weeping Skin Troubles. Post's Eczema Salve Not Disappoint Volt. Itching, Scaling., 'turning Ec- zema, Acne, Rinv,Worm, • 11 lid Athlete's Foot will respond readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may PAM, PRICE f 1.00 PER JAR. Sent post frce receipt of price POST'S REMEDIES 810 ()IR en St. I.:., Corner of 1.0gan TO110NTo kIEDICAL NAV:UE*8 11 ELP-1)IXoN'S 111.; 51 - edy for Itheuttutlii• N1'111.- T11011tiallIIS ra I sing it. 111 tinro's [(rug Store, 3.15 Elg;in, Ottawa. Postpaid 1.0a. PATENTS FETII ERS 'FONDA BA ;II A: C 51P.A N Patent Solicitios. Established 1 ssa; 14 Kum: \Vest, 'poronto. Booklet of information on fe- ll 111 !,1, P 110TOGII.11'11 DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH .rhe Heal, Itain, or Doll HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered hy atoll Any ft or exuosui- Mtn pet feetly developed and printed for unly 25e, Soweto() quality end fest Aervice (tn... ant eed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toi.'uta PHOTOGRAPHY "WORK IS UNEXCELLED" SAYS BRITISH AIRMAN "Your work 18 1111UNCV1 led by 1. ny 1 have yet Died, and before the W/1 l' 1 toured (tithe lot hi Great Britain and en the Continent, Your value, too, is unbeatable," This complimentary letter to star Snap- shot Service 5.01111'S from a British Airmen training in Canada. Any Size or 8 Fisposures. ANI) PRINTED 25e ItoNs 11 1111 1.4.111S 011 aetive service eliJily letters so much more when "snaps.' aro enclosed, You 1( I get snapshots that will please you better—at lowest cost —If you mall your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for develop- ing and printing. And you will get the protilytt•,..t FerVice obtainable In svith quality work, Sent) .k our tit‘t roll to Star Snapshot Seri lee fur trial. 3 3IOUNTED ENLAItGENIENTS 25c Size 4 x 1;11,1 1.11.1f111 EaSVI A101111 Y01.1 Call /lat.(' C111:1 IT,1,1111 rolotir- ell 11Y 11111R1 for a. snio I I additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE no. GAO, Plinth! Terminal A, 'l'oronto PrInt. your name end add! ess plainly oit all wile) s. FILMS' DEVELOPED 25c COIN Tw.) el tilts 11,1111 each negative. Ho- w tots Ie Each. Montreal Photo, Vox 11;11, Station F, • • -tt : : TYLIT7') /it ile.',11..1'1/}. ' kV I (Is notice:, '0,,• A ;. ... 1 1..; in ;I rr (111 111r.i. no ;Weil ( 1.5 r1;51,1,. 1, 11,1 • j A 1114! 11011141 1,1 . ' 1 i1:11.. ....1'• 11 CIL% Trn VaIll;::.b".,% Scurce Of "Sc - 1;11 U/111 1!-. 1.1.!: II Jr I.( ally mad.. ; rlit id rte..' 11; a I 11.11 (Intl int; 1.1 Et in ; ides Ir pi c;s'ent rus1;i1;.... 1.5 .; .1; . cullveleil as • .1.1 .0 cutt- ing stf In ran 1.t. .11.r. • H, fitilling 1.1000 ;001 '1(4.1 then gin s t ; tor melt r .1(t‘vit. '1151 i,(15 1'1'1 l'. Of 1 1'11 s11 1:1!4 1 10 111111 the 111 11'1 1 11. ;11 51 1 1'111 111.1'11 1 111.1' 1 1,10}. IV ' ,115111 degrees l'ent iv! NI a hall 4,1 i; 11 tl. • ;.ci nielal sal aged 1:1.11: 1:1:. 111 (III al Britain I, it; 1 hi Hi's.. (.1' lin 1 11 11/, 11 1111 1 111 11 111111. • 1! 111 I•1111. tif Olt. 0.11.4 1 1i1111C.: 1.11111/ Of 1114•011 "s1.1•011" 1 11,1: (1. it rill. lint tody 1.ro• ; inn• I. 1 for 111 15 !auto.: ..•111.ro, Inetal park hat.. 0, I ( j....c. 1, luil it eitn also heroin( of . :mint el solid steel. ir eso , 111 I hi, roost ruelion of ;; 11., or it tank. CLi\SSIHLD Al)VERTISEMP‘:TS PEU,ON $1,EN lit T.\ 111.!"I':' .11.11SA awl i." ( W . .113;- 30 1 at ail 1:, • 1 Vi111 li inn M;1111) 1•.. • ..• , 1 1..'1:11S, 11:1,S. . ":1 i onto, Dili. r .,100 ;ono( utr 1‘.1511:11; 1 . eat, 11 by uoit :1; nu_ hile .‘;,01 t% 1.1 1%. )10t, \ \ I II•541 WI ‘Ni 111111 1; Tih " tr..;1 5, .11 ..;... • 1 pito 1.1.:HTIEs ',TED 1,1 01,8 15•1.; HAVE lir IlltS k' 1'1;0 for Chichen Pal 5». . 1/1r.. 1111 \‘ 11 ,,' V1 11 2 • :1...11,(q1 iI11 1151115i 151 PrilVIni., •;„; that will:its ill voll 1 141, 11. +Vt., 111:11(1, 11:i I t. \Vt.! 5.. H. ;1111.1 C..11.1.. , Chit' 0,11.1 11.5 11111T‘ 111 PEDD1111.;ED A Nt ;011.1 "11'.1,1(;••; for Hilt.. A inlet% ;oh! l'APEIAitit 31 STOMACH AND THREAD k1'01tikIS often are the c...tse of 11 1-heallit In humans all at; No on,. Im- mune! \‘'lly not Ind ot.1 If thla 15 your trouble? Interesting par.. tient:Ira—Free! IVrite Mulventy'14 Itemedies, Sim:civil...Is, 'Toronto 3, Ont. it 11E1 kl.tTEA: 11.1 •• G1101) it 1.11•101,CTION- - EV1; ,1 110. fin t•i• 111...witali. 1'1;0 • or Neuritir shooln 1 1 y 10 !mai I .. , 335 Etc oita« I paid 1 'Hilt A 0..C(1 5-1'1)UN I) 5,\ l'.At.-1(..Ntil; V - ginia, Burley, r a0.1 ler 0:if tobacco, Iv it 11 eco., ;old flay...Mg, 4111 1..; paid. :1-1.1iven Tobacco 1;;‘ellanke, litithv .0. chit. TEACHERS WANTED (41 1,1 L'ir El Eri 'TEAC1( (1 tt 14, No 12 1.,;10c.o..1,..1, cap.,' teaching I.:lig-IP-1i and Hila 410001, .1. V. T1 tag., 1):11hing.it' 1VANTEI) A 1111,1N1 111AI, 1.1:1;::.11 - Eng lish male teacht,r for 'CH: 1es- latit ehureh Ai.M.; 1100 - Allan S. Reid, 3151; 511;1'.. 51°1(111;a'. Di:\ 1 1 1(5 V112— TrAcD1.,11 \\•.\ -;11;11 101' 8.8. N11. 1, :•;,11/1 11S, 11 :11111 1 la 11111:111 11181 l'it•I 01 K1 :a ale salau expecti.1; det 1... ...on- to. 11450 '41s3/1, I 11.,.t. A pp.,,• 0, it. Zoccolt,, Seer. tarY. 13eard o' us - tees, Dinorivic, 1401, 11E1)1 ) 1.1"11, ONT. I 1(.101,1‘: 1 0 1 1'.1 111 ITS teacher tor jinn... .i•ms, grades to ••onmien. nig o- to.Inher. Salary 1'901100 a., 1 ";,0108 $13111,1)0. 1 1. \V Treas. Qr.\ 1,1i1 DitoTE1-1TANT 1. - IT S.S. •No. (i. I 'al:. le• -.4 • ;ail - :try $1 50. Awl' to 31 r •1 Stoop. littin, 1:1 1114.,11,, 4 •• \VANTI.:1 1 --TE.\ 11 1E1 1.'; ;1.14. No, 2 .1111.0.;.. i.110 re mi.. Sala] y .01111 for .1 oci.11....1 ; •Iter. E. 15..•, ItANcIturi. 1;1; 81.1,' 31 !us: - c:1111.11 r. quit( • • osl• nut 1..aelivr, Sa S1 1• lily in:1110g 1.5 11.'1 11'11.'1. '•1`.1" How.. t•tc., Ni..110.11 10 11, St•ei -Tri•:.,01...• of • 5. 1 1 ()11 8.1111o1 11(,,. 1.;.‘(.111'.11, PltoTEST.kN • , 1111., 1)13131111111 , 171 1. for •Iiiiit•th. English Seim ; 01 iry 4 leo plus I I.42i Mows. intaliately kV. 11••.:•.: :•••.•••• Ti .11,11(.111% 11•:N'I': (11%1 1,11.1 El ) ., I I 1 ft rot S.S. No. 1 7.. 1-11 111 41,1 1110111, 1.•7 11 :1111t, 11. 2, 'fit.% (ADA; 'riot ; No. ool • • • tiny ingilif ion lions. solaiy N 1..11•1 III:511 :1:111110'1P,, Chet TriNfot (1, (MI, THIS CURIOUS WORLD );Ju:Gr.:11.01 0010+,.rI,WILI i :l .,1 I By William Ferguson o1.SBN (O((UM IN THE HIMALAYAS,, is CONSIDERF_D BY 4 MOST CLIMBERS TO BE L3'/ FAR. ? THE WORLD'S• OST etAU/7, (JL /ACt'JNTA/N, : FIY.:22g I CQPA. I'rll ,IV NCA YFRVI{C, INC. Y`.ii3'?. ,-,1 b tt , i, T. M. i1C..(1. 1. PAT.•n(r _ y_ PERSISTENCY, A WHITE LEGHORN HEN OWNED BY DR. PETER. 1 'SIMPSON HOOPER, NEBR.,' LAID G25 ESE'S IN TWO YEARS. "'DLJ WALK ON ONE FOOT 1 ALTL EN • y'EARFc LC��YS LOIS PLAIN r CCONTO FALLS, WISCONSIN. NEXT: The speed limit a century ago. A FARM WIFE By CHATS TO WOMEN Gwell(1o1111e tried t0 make a widow pl' t1(, ,^ t week! How? Ile tripped 3(t,: 1' , , 1)11)1 where he fell was tome , ::.I r than the bull -pen. It ...y blood 11111 cold when I thine it --be might have been tn.n(I,.o,i to death before i knew an:Ihhl,f: about it. .\s it was, to from getting Mixed up volt: t: '),uoves and horns, he gate 11100,01( a. sharp twist and wrench. 1(d Fir, f .)Oder pretty badly, For 1301, 111: , he was tumble to work— anti tut. wheal already to draw in! ('here is such a small grain crop that v' were hoping to got In uiflt We hate in pretty fair shape, t ,at of course hy the Unto 1'arto r ,vas able to (wield a fork thf. v:111i.t Was soaking won again. Howto e:•, that's tha wary things go tool 1'I. `,i l have 14) 1et811e 1111 001' 011)11)) 1e lake It on the chin. • 1,II;;t c' eek en,l, being a holiday, w4) 1011, Visilor3 from the city— and I Ili y did enjoy the clean, fres(( air, lot :hough it was hot. Yon knew 1 ;ori always very interested !r. 1,0:'1.,1', reactions •-- Of city people :r. the country and vice versa,, :life a climme 1.(1 see our. selves others see ns -- that Is, Iii (11311 ordinary politeness will alloy; 1•1 „leo to express their opin- leu ;•r. i was niturally interested ll, lav0 1 eceut but contrary (min - Imo; (t }':.:'diol; nor farm and home. Hely r < are. .\ 'business luau down +: \ n went out of his way to comllt,,., 0t us llpnll the appear. ,,1(r. place from the road. "7`11010 :s something very nice shoot :':.t place of yours,' he said, "tllc• Lc,T:bo has good linos and them e !s i'4) gulch green around it jll:;t ,.t :OH to Neste among the 11'('('1 ." -.Len came Illy sister faro((( the cit'' :Jul after a close-up tour 01 11 (1)3:ion these were her re. marks. -You know, Garen, 1 was Just tbI(.h.ug what a tiro place 1.11111 N,(,11',(1 have been had the 113((100 and gardens been properly C.11 ang(,).. It is such a hit and miss of:nil (':(1 00 real shade where yo1( v,:3n! it!" To tell you the truth 1 •,vas rather taken aba011 1vcaul:e I always thought. What• ever 1'Ir: we lacked evia dill have pit 111' nt: shade, However, her re. Bahr(( 111(1 thinking, and any criticism that (oe, that is worllt- 'w'1111e, hat sante evening We (tent fol n )'(,-.1 thrive and tool: par- ti(•0la( sadice of farm houses tUc,llg? flat' lva(y. ,1.3(0 rho you know' most of :loon were "hit and miss," ;;(:urteniy 1 realised 3010', and 1 tl'i1'11 t1' ' .\plain it to my sinter. 111:,ey. of the Parnas around here air 1 a.'gioal family homesteads why) :'(,no'el's °lade, a clearing 111)-!! hoid !heir houses or log cath• In, '1'1 r ill homes hate since' ;'laced by mor), modern 1.1w, 11;1,-'s• 'rut practically on the Sams' lit'. 'frees that were allow- ed 10 a(:°ala wore naturally old hey- t� ,tire took Its course (111)1 tet' 1roI: lied 0110 by one. 'l'htls wt :hid gaps In evergreen:;; and lits,. 1,:' ;e where obviously a sh';:.ir•. ':r•r would be uu(st Wel. .-1;1:! yet on the wlrole, 1 i!ae general effect of most ad., :1),(11 :100($03 Is pleasing. Sy'n1• 1(• ' r:3 0l a, rrangelllrnl is all right fur. 3o:al(:y- restates but It doesn't l'•3:,; .1.-1 if to the average fawn 1 ':;lye 111 mind one place -v,11 .e ail( re is a low cedar wind - Crook c°:npletely surrounding tho Lousy, Bn:k of the 31.111dbrea11 llacr(- are llanilaha maples spaced P. Clarks at regular distances, i don't like that place at all. It Is too 301— loo precise to suit the surround - log country, To aim at loo mush precision 1n the rount'y is to at- tempt to paint 1Ito lily. A tree is a beautiful Using. It should not ho destroyed if it hap- pens to bo two feet out of line w1111 another tree, for "only God can make a tree." And don't de- stroy' 1110 little saplings around your farm, 'Thin Them out for pro- per growth --or better still trans- plant theta. Take a long view of your house—try to see It as others 800 11, and then you may think [Mee about urging John to cut down that wild apple true In the hack yard. i ata reminded of an old estate in England d Ilial dated back hun- dreds un-dreds of years. The property was entailed and a condition of the heritage was that for overt' tree Mat died or was cut down anoth- er should bo plaited i11 Its place. That estate was one of the beauty spots of the countryside. 31rs, W.S.—'Phan(( you so 11111011 for your kind letter. I think. my little chat 03( trees will wake you thunk of your old house. it is still as beautiful as ever—no lac(( of green in that district, 13 there? 1 ant glad this column conies to you hill)) a totter from an old friend. That is what I want it to hy to everyone. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON August 29 ISRAEL'S SIN AND RESTOR- ATION—Exodus 32-34. PRINTED TEXT, Exodus 32: 7.10; 34: 4-9, 27, 28. GOLDEN TEXT — Jehovah Is slow to anger, and abundant In loving kindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression. Numbers 14:18. Memory Verse: 1 was glad when they said unto 111e, Let us go into the house of Jehovah. Psalm 122: 1, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. -19'15.1.11-1 Place.—At the toot of Sinai, God's Intentions "Aad Jehovah snake unto Moses, flo, get Thee down; for thy people, plat thou broughtest up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves: they have turned aside quickly out. of. tho way which 1 ,'3(3(113( unl''d th"nt they have made (Ikon 1 nloit"n ;'111', ,111,1 11,1:•) x4)1• .;illtnei l it, :uul have sacrifice,' un - lo il, a0•1 ., lid. These :11'o thy 44043, 1) I,1.e'!, which 1(('00441)1 thee up 013 of 111,1 land of Egypt " No (Mat- t,+(' what '01(113) stole alight offer for 1111) et into 11111 sinluhle;'s of chit let. 11 ('1,',11(3' rev"alell in what. (;3(,l (t'-1 .11)3(310 11. Our a0(3 1(11(3t h , jell ',''I not by r(1 moo, nor by IIIC1',' .,.',', II tl ,'ir,•,Ine.I.ulcei, nor )': :• II t' Teat, he'll .((3' i.; 1131111 131,1 , :','• 101t 1,; (((1 1.13'; or (loll, I'.I to 111; \1'')nl to )-.,11( ,134 ,('(10 11,;•';, •n I',3, ; ;,, .,!11.', 1101, h,t. !, 1( 1: ,tiff n" 1: r,1 1),•01)1..," ,!II, ,1I ,IIf!I", !; •,;' 11 ,;elt,'lal• ,,\1,!11,3,,,1 Iin.0", 11111 ,ill --r 3(10.01; 'p„1•t,'„•,, 111,: (ngtat- ',ile i1• !I' 1.,1,•'1 nom Inn' (hi 1 1113 li,415 ;3.: 11(1,1 the 11,313 11' ,!i I,•hn, 1°,I ',','ill not be ;001 I h_: Ihn frtoaes Pleads With God •,n:: :�3'efore lot 111° ;(10110, U1,3 it \\ loth (3010 wax hot 1,.113(.;1 (((-00, (1(1 th,)t 1 clay con- aum,1 111"m3: .ul,l 1 \rill make of thee 1\'hat Zhu Lord 101,1 110;0.; to 110 %loses (hill not 410; the Lord 1o1(1 hint to lel lilnt .114)1141 that He night destroy those people, though he would preserve 110;,'; and make of hint a great 011113(3(. It Is in an hour like this that Muses' undying love, true cottpassiouale love for Israel, bursts forth i11 one of the greatest i111.,1rce:,.;ury episodes 14) 110 found anywhere i1) the \\'ord of God. Tho offer to make of Moses a great 0(11 100 11'(13 iulluedi;tlely, without hesitation, pu1, asIdo by the great Lawgiver; instead, hu pleads that 1;011 (night refrain from destroy; Mg these people 111 his 3.1111hi. God's Glory ".\3('1 ho helve(( two tabled of stun° like unto the first; unit Moles redo up early 111 Iho morn - log, and well( tip unto Ilto(1111 Sin- ai, as Jehovah hail commanded him, and look in his baud two tables of steno. And Jehovah de - ,:ended in the cloud, and stood \vitt! hint there, and proclaimed 111) mune of Jehovah. And Jehovah passed by 18furo hint, tool Pro• cIaimed, Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious. slow lo ang- er, and abundant in lovhlgltiud- moss and truth; keeping loving - kindness for thousands, forgiving Iniquity and transgression and sin; 81)31 that. will by no means clear the guilty, visiting lho iniquity of the fathers upon tho children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourtli gen- eration.” In 11113 brief phrase We have the entire historical narrative of the manifestation to i\loses of God's glory. For details 1ve must refer to the terms of the promise (33: 21-23), :Moses was, no doubt, hid- den ;10.1 protected by (lid's Hand In a 'cleft of the rack' 3(111113 (hod's glory passed by. llo was only al- lowed to look out from his hiding - place oiler the glory had passed. t) aha act of pardoning (lis inmate and taking then) 01100 111013 Into favor, lied mail° known (lis attribute of mercy, Still, to prevent the fatal misapprehension that Ile Is a Being of pure and there beno- toleuce lie added a reference to 11(3 justice. llo 'hill hy no means clear 111(3 guilty' (cf. Nahum 1: 3), and will 'visit iniquity to the third and fourth generation.' .\3((1 !loses 11111(10 1);15133, and hew- ed his head 10138131 the earth, and worshipped. And he said, If now 1 have found favor In thy sight, 0 Lord, let the Lord, i pray thee, go bl tho midst of us; for it i3 a stiff- necked people; and pardon our iniquity :111)1 our sin, and tal(e us for thine Inherit:oleo. Duce again Moses pleads for the presence and mercy of (iod, a prayer 101)1011 (10d dot's 110t at this time directly ans. wet: In so tnanv words or promises, bot indirectly answers by Ills 1'0- 110wtal of Itis covenant. with Israel. The Final Word ":1031 Jehovah said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after 1110 tenor of these words i have made it covenant with thee and with Israel. Aad ho was there with Jehovah forty day's and forty nights; he (lid neither eat hread, nor drink water. And 1(0 wrote upon tho tables the words of the covenant, the ten conutandments.'' On this second occasion of going forty day's into seclusion with God it Is said that Mosca tasted; and It may perhaps ho presumed that he fasted on the first occasion. The writer of tha (un words is shown to have been the Lord by Exodus 31 vers) 1. POP—But They Didn't Land! WOUNDED SCOTS IN MIDDLE EAST BUILD MEMORIAL CHURCH { �, +-t , w.�-- -_ ,'"" ,.. r3' EM ,,Q.- M, . .. '- .. ... '.. ...' . ' • 1s a permanent memorial to Scottish soldiers who have fallen in action in the P3liddle 1•;a4, wounded Scots in a rest camp near Geneil'a are building a reduced -scale reproduction: of famed ill, Andrew's ('hurch of Scotland. Every stone is being quarried and laid by volunteer wurLer.;. As tho church nears completion, the soldiers estimate that the total cost in caa,11 will be only (1(401,1 ?liO. Only tile and hardware have been purchased. Nearly all the lumber has been salvaged front largo war material crates and packing cases. RADIO REPORTER RBA Conducted by Flight Lieutenant Gladstone 11111, the Royal New Zealand Air Force Band contains sixty of our sister Commonwealth's most talented musicians, '('his lino (land has arranged two concerts for Canadian listeners. It seems particularly Appropriate that the lloy'a1 New Zealand :\Ir 1''urre Tlaud should .givo a musical greet- ing to the people of Canada, a, The concerts will feature Maori music, native to Nosy Zealand, as well as baled selections I'anliliar to all. In- a91110e!1 as the New Zealand .\ir Force Band is, at the moment, lo- cated 111 (Great Britain, the two special programmes s have been recorded. The discs were flown over the Atlantic by bomber, and will be presented 00er the ('BC 111 two weekly broadcasts. The first will bo heard :`;;1ttn'day, August 21st at 7.15 p.m. An interesting illustration of the use of radio was provided recently oil the occasion of the Race Itiot3 in Harlem, New fork, It provided proof of thio efficiency and spend with which this Modern means of communication could he mobilized to 13)001 a somewhat distressing emergency, Shortly after the fight• ing commenced between Negroes and Whites, special appeals were made over a number of radio sta- tions by (dyer LaGuardia and Harlem spokesmen. A few hours later special line connections hay - lug been made from ono of tho New York Police stations, similar appeals for order Were broadcast, and these were repeated at sev- eral intervals. As a platter of in- terest, the plain put into effort on this occasion gave all Opportunity of prol'iditg practical experienct) for a scheme worked out many months olio for using radio to handle any difficult situation which plight result (('0(1) enemy action over Now 1'4)('11 or :long the nearby Atlantic Seaboard. + w , As well as providing all the fun of out door life, cu111010g, swim- ming, boating and picnieing, sent - mei. time also provides truly a headache for 'Mother. The young- er members of the family have a way of unwittingly bringing the occasional cloud into the sunny family vacation shy . . , after a day in elle woods, they come house with a case of poison ivy, or tr• ritatiug mosquito bites, [1)13)' tumble down and get, a had cut or maybe develop a light summer cold Which should not he ignored. Well i\lother, radio is stretching out a helping hand to enable you to easily Dope with summertime health problems among the junior members of the family, just matte a point of tuning in 1)r. (Gwen Mu - lock, health authority, every ,lion• day at 1.1S p.m, over the tilt! net- work. Dr. 'Alltloch, in her health talks, entitled The Perils of Jun- ior, will give you helpful and valu- able (1'•10100 with whirl) to an'1n yourself ;:gains( rule; essau•y wor- ry and health trouh:es. FROST 411 1 Friday, August. 131(4. ,.taw the opening of the big Evening 1'r e• gram British War Victims Fund Fair at Itiverd.rlo Park In 'Toren lo, and its proving the happy '1'o - rota° r,'nrleztous for roan)' rural talk who Seek the change or city lite for a vacation Vitt' just Its 11)11311 joy and interest as city toll: seek the beauties or the country. Innumerable i(eul; of fun ;111(1 In. teres\ 1111 each fair day for its fortnight duration, aril t 1104 of you who have boon wantin.g to see ,01110 of your favourite radio 111.11'• 5un'lliliei 111 1110 (10411, w1!! IC1Ve Just, that opportunity at Itiverda1ln !'ark, because many radio pro. grammes are goiing to origin tie from the Fun Bowl , . . Just to nlontiun a few well kuuwtt 3((13(10)3, !hero will be \\'oodhou': k liuwk itl,, John t'ollingW'uu,l !teed, AI Savage, I'at 118111')', \V:Uly Arm• our, I111, gang front Treasure Trail, the 1.1(11 Parade with (toy Ward Dickson and 11:tny other Canailiaa and .\uu'ric:ttl personalities whet h,':+ !lino popular audience ,howli. 'I'h:lrsduy, August 19t11, '; !lath() lay. and from 1 o'clock until mid' nigh! :t succession 3(t pupnlar pro granlu°'s will he broadcast trot\ the fair For Britain gru(uds, The [111a1 1100r of broadcasting trout 11 to Midnight will be an out,- s(or.'111(1: ((('10ty ,how ColtibininK 110' 1.1(00(3 of ,1 large growl► or I:1 ii 1 ;LIN. N COMPOSER C SER HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 22 Route of 1,5 Pictured p` assa fe. G A T T I Cl S,A.7.IZ�A� Russian corn- I N --.5E T 5 A A D E E IM S 24 More poser, Nil:olay Andreevich MA p S' ,M'OR E t OR E P youthful. 11 Dined. 12 Fastener. 13 Winglike part. 14 Gnl1 device. 15 Paid notices. 16 Pronoun. 17 South Amer- ica (abbr.). 19 Wort( diligently. 21 Place. 46 Dessert. .23 Noun autlix. 17 Scottish shcc'p 1 lis, native 25 Tavern. inclosure. land, ----. 27 Observe, Gla48 hoard (abbr.). tlt..'weave. 29'['hree (prefix) 31 Symbol o[ 49 Head covering; 3 Stoirr. indebtednra'; 50 ss 4 Slop bottoms. (seer,), c:untarner: 5 Young goats. 33 Entrance. 51 Dressed li Asault. 34 Exist. animal pelt. 7 A.:serf. :36 Constellati0n. 52 Salary. 8 U.•nus of :38 Prefix, plants, 39 Doctor (leer,) 557 [:mploy J New Zealand 5lnseet. tree. F'T tiR '' U: ' P R;0 MC. 26 Nickel L P•;EA C (symbol), E"CA ®IINr;OAT';iD I NT 28 Symbol for, SI TEIS STE A AR RIN H -LIE ARt. N A erbium. R 0. ' l !V S A1C IPS U EE GIUILIO AL 1(,a N GATTI- P A CASAl1A s R , AIDE RI5J %ERTICAL 40 DCCot'atton. 41 Soon. 43 Pig pen. 44 Gill (abbr,). 45 Article of furniture. 58 Ovum (comb, l0 Vigor. form). 12 Father. 59 Lay open to 18 Also. attack. 20 Desired 60 Meddle eat'. 4 30 Angry. 32 Unfasten. 35 Eternity. 37 Feminine name. 39 Sprinkles. 42 Hypothetical force. 46 Body of partisans.. 47 Glossy liber,, resembling silk 49 Search. 50 East Indian' island 51 Musical nota 52 Sharp, quick sound. 53 Cured hog thigh. 54 You and 1, 55 Above. longingly. 56 Therefore. 6 7 8' 9 13 "110' 15 - 25 Z6 33, 24 I 32 5Q 5 56 TODAY OUR FIGHTERS FLEW OV -1 THE CHANNEL AND OCCUPIED FRANGE V 0 a / j '160 1 2 By J. MILLAR WATT WELL! WHAT ,ARE WE WAITING POR -.e PAGE 4. • THE STANDARD 'lhc(incs(la►r. ()et, 25, 1911, • k.e . II. \1•,1'14. „n Turk,(hlc Rift[ MKIE101111t[KIMI11141CCt(KKt[KKtCKICXKK1001(44IQKM1CKi4KICCKIiKV „tliSTl'IEL) •t• Ihook. Ir!t Elliott nsuirance A b �y 'l :I BL1r•l ONT. T A.tIIIt' 11111 I,11new +! I. 11,'1111 i•, I'I .I',' N,I' :1 `. 1..l 111'1.,: byme at hits:, ut r. I 1 1,111, t ;e I 11 n Irl .• of \I r and \Ir. an,1 \I:'. 1\'. 10 ('nnl,l„ II, 1 i , \II , h. Wider the INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. J. 1, R. Elliott. Oftico :'lune 104. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" ifiA7aalai:Oa12�313rNia:saarDaZ4..NNI3131.E:70.1: DiN)Wini?rDaDiJ171D;2r3rDtdi9a3t8i Car - Fire - Life - Sickness'- Accident, Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 140, ,t I!:,• ,'1,111•`. I .,I Si I. !nee 11.,• ,n 1\.I, \\Il,n1frt,l, ;Ire \piling till, \‘‘ id, wi111.\\attail' •II. \I! . 1I. I. 1',:111.1 1.t .;III.' '11 111 lead ,\' b' ,,,1111 l aviol. \I r. and \I r-, I :. 11' I tr1.\ it „f N. ! , . Jh i lir;l\ t'1. 11s I II I 'l ;k\ !.'r. A IHW,, kin ; (:Ir us Lr, \i n l., \\ it \\:, ;II.ILIc I• • ,,.•';1, \i: 1jk11,:11,,1,"I I,\ \\'n^stns: t -Iii,!,,•;:, li,i'l:„I, .n,4, \I~. 1,111 NI 1.-- \I, Ito ',o0” 1,, prt,.Ill 1,;1 Il:r •i - I: r' :k11cr,,I.l'I'. 11:1 ','. uI !I., 11•!!•11 111.1' err. NICs. I „i �I. \I,:ry-. .;11 1 .\1!1,11 1 ,11'1,.-, H1 I. !rd., k•, \'. • t . !'r. , I rQ.,11. d Ibe k•cmutk•I\ Ikril g � It \\,I, 1.1, 1 1 1 1' 1.1.'1 r,' tw,. \111, 1 \I r . k1, sh a �n,'!I „„ii :1, hk ith, "I I, r.'„ul (11.:11. ;..id L, , I1 r, ,...'.t„I ',tic!\ IuIIL, ;Intl Ills R i' p1o;d1', 111.(1(1:„I- i u• 1,11 r„ul1:; \1.,,r. I j�1,"11rr1i!1. „u, I!I1' \\kklc.ttt,! \\1111 \I r. '.\Il, r ,1,k• ,,k n. ,„sing,, a :, r:,ll 1.nu' ,\:I 1 The L1uJ!\', I;,uu I.., and \Ir . I n;. I,:III 11 It t1 w,'Ii 'II' Hill 1A, -1,c-1, Iain', \\ kiss ,n4,"\1d 111,!,•1. th. ''n,! \I r, i. I.. \irllu,\cil. h,!u'crt:on of I,\. 11. :••',1k11. 1.11111.11 \\,,.' \!'.;url \!r I II . I.;,Icy 'i Link i. 0,.k.,11, .1rs,.1 1 1'.01 1'\\I d'l.u:'!' 1, rr1•"1.11',11!,,111';11 1,1,1,1 11,111 1'111 1„,;i 1.0 ,i•u'1 on 1(11.1:;:\ w tl 11r. and ,,r,\t r I',,:1\ .i1 I�'.1.. .11r. 1. It, .\I11rL.. ,'. ii I��r.11 Ia 11 r, 1.,1, an I ',nee!, ',mi., \Il , 1\.111,1. M.,,,,,,, I (kn... 1,1111 \\•'11,11 of I'I:111.1. I\11'1'4,1 "f 'l 1,.11 „'11, I!t1111• , 1 :111•' (.„1111'- I', I•'1. Ill ill I ,I1...ol.1 1.,,':1• ready. NI 1.,. I \I . -.r, I:'lua and .\udrtr 1\:11,11 of1,{11;1, 1,1•,',1.1, \I. 1,,:1,',Alli',Allied11'1'. '.I, ',Allied ;r, drlc,A1e 1, r'tlil,t I..ti a Itlrl,'ltk'll 111111 Ili, 11;11.- ,l' 1 1!.4. I,l;l : ell \I I„ tris ;111.1 \l1 , \1:,111'1, in h' 'our f III cu n:, u' 11 , 1u1,, 111 •, .. 1111 der Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED I UOIIPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 110x31; Seafurth, 15, Collect, DARLING and CO. of CANADA, I} I'). G. R. AUGUS'CINI'; 'start furgettin', then:. birtlld:l\. 111 cni„\11:, very g„"d; Ihr'I weof \I r. 1,11'1 \Ir,. t'. R. I know things \\-ill Ire alricht fromtin ,tan Ipkiinl of rtdcluali ns but \,111 •!11:11111 ;111,1 i, a1)le to 111 about 1111 farm C ills - in Helk.r1:s1 \t':1' tl;cseem. , f .I hl'1• 1,IIIg \\ Illi tat•lll 1101'h. \\t' t'Xll'1111 11;1111,\ t' uII1 1.11 Salllr11,,1' 1111;1!1, \1'1:11: congratulations "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" i,Irr if we'll be tolerant with them and a Mr, ;utd \Irv. John filar hit undemanding because 'f IIIc ter - Associated with The Atlas Insurance rook. -drain they\'r born through. \\'ill Company, London, England. we Ile kind I.. 111c b„\• in „ire o\sn LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES ; faulilic> kilo w” Colne hack; 1\'ill w•4. I'ellll'llllll'I` 111.1 10 ailtg!C dell: out and U'\ roof force stories out 11 then: WILLIAM H. MOR;LIn LII the warwhen 111ey ,1\,11'1 ‘,..ani LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 111 talk ;about their experiences*: \\ill \se 114.11, 11.4, out \\hen Ile has Specializlug In Farm and Honseholc Itoueh Inch on Ili, farm' \\'ill we re- Bnles, member that hill has a machine shop... Licensed for the County of Huron. in the 1•illaue and not take a br•ken Reasonable Prices, and Satitifacttott'casting a, an LXcust• to slake a trip to naranteetl, 1„1111: I stepped 1011 kill the porch be - For in'fornt, tion, etc„ write or phone lore going to bell. 11 was 1,eaeeiul andfl\'llliatit FI, \forritt, phone, Residence . Enlist al 1 111c stars "'cry tw inkling in 113; Shop 4, Blyth, 4.4-tt, 'the Cold fall sky, The air had a trace 11 the smell of burning leaves. I i. ,uldn't help but think that Hill and D.. ;,nil Urs. .1. N. 11•;11-I1, Ilen,tlll ••1,1111 III,• w, uk 4..d \\ 110 \11, I1. tau' ••nk,l, ,f I1„n„nr. In rr111\'nl.' 1,1 111, 1111 I; 1 1 0,1,1 1) 11,'11,1l111.n 1(11,1 (1111 \I 1.•..1. 1{ \1';11,11, \I r. Lathes I!I:lll1 :111 for 11,'11. 1,1' 1 \Ir•. II. 1\h,,'cr 1111 alit rna11 I'Ile Nit, ;111 I Ir'. \\'csle\• SIaikll,nlsr of \Ir. and \Ir, \\'I]. 1\iablen \i, tt 1 I. „II 1,111 tta 1.1•;"'(1,1111 I„ \\ills .I verse 4' -.111 si•:le'I nn Thursday %ai11'1 wish\,, ail,' 11,1 blaulilnl ;Ind 11ein: 1111 �uu'Iay \\ilii \I r. ;Inn \Ir'. R. 1Mil- eiit, \\1:11.11 11.11 heel, I•eck'i\',',I. „n I',;Ire. \Ir.. 1, II. Dunlop conduct. Mr. \Vol, NI 11 11-„11 ul I.l,'Ckllnl\, ..I;1, 'l ! 1 111:111;111y •;11;',.111',:', bed (Toa., I ..1 1\, �1'n� \\ �1n'nt nl p:ln:1 • ;kud \I is. 1::11 11 \\'1,1.11 of \\•ingllaut•l• w,n•I; 4.o:;,1'I, t,"I Ill, e 1;1,1 In, 111!1;1 w;l , \II',. I. 1'.. 1:1,1• 1',':111'111,1 I„ Ilii• home i"Ilvel•,'I:lull, 1,!1,"I 111'1.1 pre„ III I1., ':II spent last wecl; under the parental 1.,'1'„1:1.'1 11. tl„ r„Ilyin„r, \I r., l'. h. al I'lhnlr,t"n ,n 11T,111, •,1,0 :lite:• 111\111, Varna, Vane river, `;I.1„111."u { II.: ,eyir;;! 1,cr1' ill Illi• s.cil.a,. I . il'o11111 . I I\\ani I„ ILC ;Ih :111.1. of \I r, ;1.u! I,t..',ri. iStr,',t1r '..\,1,11 11'1111• r'Iltlug to the \!:. .L;<! \i1.-. t'L,i) .irnk 11.„111! ;o;1d iht•In1' %‘,k :r rc,a1 b\. Mr,. he:ltiult, 16'” of 1 h \swell', ,1,.'ul II"' \‘''' 1,-111,1 !::lith !'r,. 111. k,,.,hu'tei ;I rplt'st'km- v,kb rehti\e, here. t`.1. ore. \1`:1.,,1.•nI In.titu!e :ur sutr- roof. \Ir, 1,'.d \Ir•. \\', .1. Cam:Weil. kind 11 r. \1'. I I. 1.:1:I;p!,111 vis tc'I on Pine— 1 • i ',- • wi'tl \l1.; \\III, Cr„r:4.r t f BEI.(irRt1�'Ia� tisk \I r. 11', II. Campbell's `ti;11 1,, THE MONTREAL LIFE 1 won - HAROLD JACKSON • foe were appreciating such thing. 11s° Licensed Auctioneer. 1. bot I couldn't help wonder it we Specialtlst In Farm and Household 'would work nt the t:l.k of bringing 1oc Bales, and hill hack into our conuuunit, Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties. !'rices reasonable; 4alts fiction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, Seatortk, Phone 14r661. PHIL OSIPHER { OF LAZY MEADOWS 111 Hy Harry J. Boyle. \[r. Phil was burning leases this evening. Ili ski's soinetlling quite at- tractive about that distinctive smell of lease, uviol} they're curling up under a blaze. 1! col, to fit 111 \sell tsitl1 .),Ir. ;ld \Irv. \Vol. Andrews and DON NYBILOOK Mr, 1.1,1 \Ira. \lar:: Armstrong, Mary and Tout, spent the ,veck-cell \eit!I London 1 ricins. \Ir, 'fed Thompson of \\'ingll:nn spent Sunday \yith his parents, \Ir, and Mrs. N. Thompson, \i r• T;11 Robins',11 and Irene were Sunday visitors t\it11 their sister, Mrs, Herb. Dainty at \Irv. Graham CLativie\• and Hohl,s \\ingh;un spoil the lVt.Tk-4.1111 at 1 hunts of \I r. al,d \Irv. R. l'hkonne • 11_ the gc110;11 fail surroundings. Stand - fainly (1 .1sht1c141 were Sunday vi -it • lllg out l,c.•I`Ie the fire sou art' warm- L'r, :it the hJIIl!' of \I I', 11111 \I r,. Jas. ell Conll,l, tely on aIle 5111C w pile 1110 ' Craig, cool ;lir ,cent, to nip on the other. 'I lie I \Ir. rued \1r:, Gus. Devereaux and rats prowled up to the edge 11 the rim. family and Nit.. Michael Cummins spent the wecl;-tnil with friends at hi'.ellcncr 1111..: Galt. :'l flickering golden light ;1141 their eye. >ticanied wildly. The collie pup ambled over, stared into the fire and ay down. I guess 11e didn't like the p ground because in 1 few Minutes off. \1'k• f4,:i tl c:into ill the house :(1:d I ]licked up the local paper. "i herr wire 1 eolplh „f stories about goys in Ibis neigh:,"1.111, kill 41)10 have just recently corse hark from Oversea., "They've been tdi,charged and Inc trying to take tip where they left off when they went to Dlorris 'l'ownship Council The \(:111.1; Township Council met on October 1',tlt, in the Township 11;111 with all the tucilhers present, the lkceve presided, The !ninnies of the last ntce4ing were read :til adopted on motion of Charles Coultes and \\'in, Spcir, Mr. Creighton, superintendent of col- onization for Canadian Pacific kailwa . war. One of them is planning on };:n'4, ;a very ilacre,ting address to the 'laking 11) land under the Veteran's t.onncil In which he adyiScd that scone 1 -rend _Art. The story didn't say what 1011011 u1.:gilt to be taken to induce 1111• „their Ic'1111w 1, planning 011 doing, people to Settle all vacant farms. '111.. I heard at the grist still the ether day.Company 1„11111 gladly help in ally plan that he's planning- on starting a ma• ;that would help farmers get 1.c-establi,ll chine shop in 1110 village, led on these farms. [t ,tucl; 111 my mind. Joe lull i;ill \loser: h\• Harvey john -,ton, seconded ;Iry ! ;Irl;. Thei sill boa 1',1 noose "i by Win. Spcir, that 11y -Law No, 9, them r„:11inW (lack in OR. next few''providing for additional road cxpendi- 111o01114 mil of course when the wilt„le turf' be passed. Carried. 'Iff:lir I. 011111 111. \1.10 hoi(e they'll all \lased by Charles Coolies, seconded eine I,., 'k. however, three of our by lathes \liehie, that the Road t„wnsllip boys arc sleeping over in as presentee: by the goal Superintend - Europe. cot be paid. Carried, 1 wonder if Ince'ready If, w•cletlltte \luycd by \\•nl. Spcir, seconded tly the lads park. Oh, there'll be the sil- _fame; Michie, that a resolution be ]age: band at the station and a lot of be passe I authorizing the Tn.a.uier people waving flags and some of the and Reece to sign all Town'', lip c toques 1),',s; haying a few at the hotel and . Carried. eyrryborly will I,c happy about the war \I,w•cd by iatncs \l it hie, seconder: ',claw. neer. The township c 'tined by Clinic,' Tulles. that the incet'ug wit[ be on hand and the reeve of the: adjourn to meet again on \ovculber village tt ill n1. ' e a sirc111 about how 13, 1941, at I p.m. C:crrirfi the peace 111, been 111.111 by the bl,\r,II The fallowing AU{nlnt wt'c :sail:. of our "dear” buys and the local mem_' \less 1., Livingston (illytlt hall hers of 1':1'+iantent will threw in a do- Fair Gra11t) ';:)(),(111 nation to •,taut the hail rolling for a R. Alcock (Mather; Drain) ....S18i.0(1 tnwrlsltlp war memorial. Our incr-j \lunicipal \\•1,'1111 (Supplies: .. chants will close up while thr ;peeell(s 1{ullctt Te,wnsllip (Young Drain) are on, and they'll open up later ill to 1 Advance•-Tiules, advertising. , , . 1.20 catch the crowd before they go hnnle. (1111phel1 Itubinsun (L'osnlan It should be a good day for bnsincss I Drain) . , )5.(41 'flu: people will go home And talk Gcoge i•:,ullorrl, (Mills Orain)•1(11,('0 ab',ut it while they're doing the Turnbcrry Twp. (Henderson chores. The young people will come Drain , . 172.85 !sack :after Clipper fnr a dance in the .\Cc:,lcy Searle (Mills Drains 1721 township hall. Fora while eyerv!v 11 • Ilttllett Twp. (Bowes Drain) • 14/i.811 will be nice to the fellows who have IIo\\'ick Farmer's Ins, Co., come Kaci{ and they'll be invited to sit Insurance on Hall 8.60 at our stead table at our agricultural Mrs, Gros; (relief, 15.01 banquet in the fall , and then well —Leorgc \11,1.11(1 Clerk. 1111;' o1,,,er,•,•11 ILr sil\ir ;aulisrr:l.\ returned of 11',11:• Inarri; 1,r. •I 11 ‘\ editing 0111111 \t1.. 1\'. tinlith ;lull tib, iLl „f hit ,1111.1in0 .1 1..(111';, •. f4,r 1111 ked 411101/1. 1: (1'114. r, soul I I! \lo111:'oun'r\ of I.":I- 1'he 01k II the I11,tttit c do,,o 11 \I I',. \\ . 1. ( ole• Ode, ;111,1 Inn, 11 \\,I, ,tit'\ 'fl:e 1.l '(111,1. u;leliuR kif 1!11 1111,;1;1\,. 1,',•, as.:,1rd 114 NH— 1':. i'rocter, \IrF \\•, lien', 111.1..1114. 40 Ili .i' R. 011111• ;111,1 \I H. 111,•1.: (-'01111 ....,.om.......... e........w...»...........u.,.,....,........... mkeere .,,,.,,, IT ENABLES YOU TO BUY VICTORY BONDS THROUGH YOUR. BANK ON CONVENIENT DEFERRED PAYMENTS 4,4 4�a"rLe•:fQiLISef�1iA' lri�d�t ( gLLEn gl4,J6"�'f✓ore-4� (41�st�c��f llto„L yinteii; U .�'y�,i� ' Ye Fill out the Letter and attach it to your 7pt•licatinn--it it 4,:'t unity• on your Bans: t1., Ivry Ib,rds /'r you, e You say you want to do all you can to help Canada's war effort, Then you will 1:Cq) on buying Victory Bonds. You will buy all you can. You recognize the obligation t',4,, t wt:, a4, home, owe to our men ovcrscaS. You 1•:now that stocks of munitions which our fighting men need arc being depleted and must be replaced. You know that more munitions must go forward—and you will buy Victory Bonds to help pay for them. You would like to be able to buy more bonds, you say. Well hcrc is slow you can do it. You can buy more bonds with money as you get it. Any beak will loan you the i1/��r '4,l f% I 5, r� You Art SYx /lion/1)s t o Pry the Hank lop Ibe Ftonrl$—'i'/.' lut,'rest Ito ponds Earn r),i)'s the li.tnk ttitt're'st 00 the Loan. 1\'o farther security is required, money to do this and the interest on the bonds will pay the cost of the bank loan. All you' have to do i3 to sign the letter shown here—. which you can get from your Victory Loan Eaicsmal?, You ::sake a first payment of 10 /O or more when you apply for the bonds, and pay the balance at any time over a period of six months. You will 1,-e doing an important war job when you do this. You will be helping your country and backing up her fighting men You will get another reward, too, that will benefit yourself. You will have money, later on, when the war has been won --to do things you plan to do—money to improve your farts and your home. NationaFinance Co 74) • Wednesday, Oct, 25, 191.1, !,j3..4i4. 4474i044•4*.44 t„ ttr;.d..;0o:oo p1.40.,.,;u;:,ti' 'hall N\ ;Lit so lung tut ally \vot'n! 11.1,111 for L1rCIEUNI 1111• +;ATItl.',J ; 11,; lint 1 ;LILT ;,it,Litt thy hill,• via', till- WINGHAM—ONTARIO. avoi,hlhl.•. \Ir. \I,;t 11 \\, left 11,• 4. in hill -July and v e dill not ,mite Imre 1111 1,11,• 'n \114'11,1. 11 )"ti !r'} lu l,irlur' the tui moil Ilf palking both et1•nls yon Two Shows Sat, Night j 1= • . Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 2G•27.28 !- ,Lionel I3rtrrymore, Donna Reed and,: Johnson in !: t r• Matinee Sat. Afternoon -2.30 p.m.!". Van GILLESPIE'S CRIMINAL CASE" The br.1 \'et in III,• t,1 pnl;u "1 )1'. (;ille,pit' ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" t ).Mon., Tees, Wed., Oct. 39.31, Nov. 1.1X = Mat garct O'il io•,, Jame: Craig, in:: i. '1 ()S'1' ANGEL" 1. :. 1 ,\ corti"IV 110111:1 :bosh the reaction.;. I'm,- a ch'Id that ha, bey.: edirated lir :4 7.4 ;1: ni.ix ,(i ii. h, „him ,,lie meet, at >. e dui' nril echoer cr. i i' ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" '1t . .p goo 0:I:.,:t,;t it it it it ;.r,..:t.; it it , •: It i: woo that attcnticll understand soup, extent \th1• a leiter \v,l, not sent iuuul di;iely h\' tither of us. But noW \te ;11.1• nettle,(: the tlerlle job o1 dispm- I TIIE STANDARD rather, 1 should say bade d,t\, for there trete tinct' of them! .\11,1 be- lieve mu, that is tvhcr(• the fun really began, There \rent' four of u, \tut kin ; on the sales joh: nly,clf, Inv' Ittt, tt r \yll happened to be visiting to, on Iti, tray back to 1\'itinipe,g and (.'ollrl;l' ;titer teaching at the l'.1•, day-,t•hoo! ;it I(;od's Lake all slushier, young !tonal l III;,, of the hale -good, i, all hut ('11111- Stilit!I, a hail -blood bol' trigs 1, have tisk to ,tend to such thin!;, as letter tyritint;. oration, and \1'aher Ilalrlo\y, the In- a Hate said that the bale goods are '(1han who acts as handyman around the Heft and al 111111.1 last itt• ing with is so he itt continue hi, en - practical!). all di -piked of. 'Ile tits Illl,al i, „rohably something yutl tvolltil itt 111 'war ab nit. \\'ctl, fila thele wars the two fold job of fin lilt,:; ‘that the lteo,,lt• needed and seeing \\slat there \vas in the bales that 11e could let their have. 'fust ty,Ls no mean Iasi:. .111 told, four Presbyterial, had sent 11i,siun, Not' three days ,olid we ‘\ ere going ,toady from 1) a. III. to I, p. III. serving people and a roaring bnsiuc , we did too, At Ibis point I think I ought to pause itt my story to tell you bots a ,tl t\Ity the selling tool: place. Behind our procedure is the belief that it is bas - n, bale, of stuff alis) meant forty- lically wrong to give things out indis- crnninatcly to people who are earning No hale- totalling \tell over a tort Interesting I4etter Froin in weil;lt to aspen ;uul ,ort, '1'hca, even wllill' itt ,, Irl'llg rya, going on, the Cross lupie Mission i pet,ple were complying \\27th our re- \Irs. I. 1„1'I111.lt, Snll!Ity Serestiy (hest that the\ conte to the tttitittn for thr Ills r• • and tell its ex:a( tit what they needed. cciyc'1 the f l'„wino interests in Irtltl It tel, Inn, 111 say the least, though frons the l'rilld (lurrb .\fission, at hero were times tries we ‘fished there Crus:, liaise, Manitoba, The letter is lead been luny eight horn, in a day 111 re.,p ,Ilse to bal.-, ,,'1;1 b) the Huron and 1\1'11 of tl, for every one of tl, that Presbyterial: ‘‘,is working eta the jot,! At last we Ih ar ales. L''1'•1"11.-"11.--111 the Inst hall ;ill the preparations matic, and mail 1 1•,rr1ve 1 Loin \1r. Harry \lea- round, on gobs.; over our lists, that we dot\'s, the fainter 1111- ionary here, ('ll- w••nlld he able to stl;•;Jv all the people's closing the null' 111 inquiry you hent !1'.111 Itct't!t e\i ept for quilts. \\ e had orders nn Sepl. 5ti1 last. I ;in afraid til, \\ Ill for sixty-six of the latter but only not leas, here till next \touchy Ithal lusty nine on hand, However, we had olle of lilt' d";l\\l,;lt'1C, Ilel'l', Itll' wail IIU,t•t' nom'. colts than we needed( ,o service) hit al least I van write my vI stere ;11th to ,ell some of then( to reply today and have i1 ready \viten the i he marl.. over into quilts. So really nihil docs go. itt had e\•erythil;g we needed. In fact, I fall well understand how ;ltlxlotl, when we looked over our ,tock piles yon people must be Io hear about what before fateful "hale day", we thought became of the matte hall's volt •1'111 to for ,alt'(' that x111 halt ;Iw;ly loo much our mission ;In,' I regret that you have tnfl. Pott hale day had yet to come; J\ CANADA'S VETERANS 7hdis /9074://' OfiOn407/ii/eS iotnttcy, eves if they happen to beton:.; Ito the lo\y-income braekct ;Ik these i 1 '--- - • - - —-- --;'.. __---•------- pcuplc all do. \Pith Widllt\s and people ,dirt•;, Rants, dresses sill Carta Of 'I'hallli5 MAN'S BICYCLE FOR tIlse them it is different but with \\duel:- li” Illitt, ;11111 w,1,,1 ,ux I ('.f' \1. it;lll!il!1 t. 1.11.,,1 and so on. \\'t,i \Vs and others in need i tyi,l to e\tat,, in thank- to Rev. I Ing people it dot', notltl t develop get typal they aced free beta, c rhos e parasites and w hat 1 rooilt, it;Ili, bout: ROXY'1'IIEATRE, CLINTON. PAGE 5. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH. REGENT THEATRE SEARORTr+. NOW PLAYING: "Where Arc I NOW PLAY: "Fallow I'6e NOW PLAYING: "Sherlock Hol - Boys ,with arINGc runa init cast. _ arcs Fa,:c, Ueath” and "Chip Off Y t.ur Chit free" And ''Top Man." Mon.," Wed., Two Fe iturce '1: c 0:(11;1 ,c;t." Cary G;ant, Janet (flair and 'I'uc:day, Vi'eJute day Jimmy Gleason Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Ibis pu'tulr \\ill tt;tt, lits' 4';111 t 11'r Eddie Canter, George Murphy rind Dorothy Lann•,ur, Fred Ma:Mu•ray \„u mit tiler ,or :sol \ .tl ):I.1 \t ill .1( an Davis and Betty HUtt-zn. H ttti;1 1 1.11 It ll!I ,1 h' ,1 1 ;1--1..1111,! t;,lt'lii III a 1 "ONCE UPON A TIME”" "'' 't 11111l I.ov, 111;0t holutel\ I"1,1',11'1, rd e'llrl I;IIIiIIlellt. i,nmy Lydtn, Diana Lynn and "SHOW BUSINESS" J,i ui s Smith in Pop \\;I 1rlt ;1 \ heap 1.'1'1l1 ;Lal! d,ul-'titer• .;tut.; tot it. "AND 'I'IiE ANGELS SING" HENRY A1.URICII Plays CUPID Thurs., Fri,, Sat., Two Features r Thursday, Friday, Satu' day Geo: g,: Sanders, Virgin's Br uce, Thursday, Friday, Saturday I and Lenore Aubert. Dick Powell, Linda Darnell and 'l ll's : t'.( I Is 11:l„' "MR. SKEFFINGTON" Jack Oalc'e ,II1\, nu,lou u, w mil, and tit, r I'I t sent Ni 1 1 tie', gismo].t, r\' I,i ! ,,;ttt'..,I e'It;ol.'l,;pent . Beauty fast, , , ..\gt• t tI•ep, up • • • a,l,t i t y „ulll and dream., t','tne tine. "ACTION IN ARABIA" I ote return,. .\ new Bert Davis iunlpll ! "IT HAPPENED TOMORROW" Bette Davis, C'aud•: Rains and COMING: Lynn Bari in: Wal:er Abel.THE BRIDE OF SAN LIUS REY COMING: "And The Ange!s Sing" Mat.: Sat• and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2 39 p m. Matt.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. and as the added attraction, Walt Disney's "SALUDOS AMIGOS" "I':eys of the I<ingd nn" has aptly cal- with mime). .are lotlkctl after ,ince tee led "rice (:hristians", people \ylm only feel that those who send the talc, in- ,lonfe around the mission for what they' ( tend 11.e good, primarily• for the ail( of the ice ly 11'11.. rest pay a minimum can get for nothing. '1 It freight on the bale goof en again, the Is has to be of a dollar down and the ba!a .cc robes they ('all and the pt11e('('lt, g'1 Into the III1„loln equipment fund. `ll you 'cc that by sending the hales to it, you rc;llly do two good turns, You itt tky clothes available t', the needy at rock - bottom prices and then help the ink - ,ion by making the proceeds of the sale in•ailatlt• to the nti,sion for the work it i; idyls; to carry on, .\nd believe me we atyreciate both more than we can ever say in wor(L. Incidentally, 1 might say that this year we distributed ttoo'Is (at our prices) to the value of fifty dollars to the nerdy and did a- bout three hundred dollars worth of rash Inkiness as \yell. Out of the tats ter amount we have already paid about thirty dollars in freight, thirty-five dol- lars in repairs on the church and, fif- teen dl,ll.u•s for tools for the mission, That will give you an idea of how the thing work;, ilut now' to get iat•k to bale day itself. The people came and \vet's given first the things they had asked for and then the opportunity of homing anything. else \ye had to spare, It tool: some time to p,iye such individual treat- ment but it paid in satisfaction for all concerned; and it also resulted in our disposing of practically every single thing we had Jttst a tett' Women's coals remain. So you see you people chose wise!). and well the thug; you sent. '1'It.t'e was everything \ye needed Paid and there arc countte.s other things which are continually pupping up around the mission tyhich have to he bought and paid for, which the people cannot afford to pay for and which the \lissiutiary liliet\i,e can PI (afford, such things :is hymn b auks for example. :\lI these things, then, lie 'g the people or everything Price, run 1, behind our policy of nlaki pay a nominal amount f I they get front the bales lilac this: overciriti and heavy (Miil 'rite third in a series of advertisements to inform the people of Canada of plans to rc•estabtish ou•n and women of the armed forces: •i'" get hull details, save and read evert• advertisement. Y.i..0.II.61:W r,Wl, I.1 i,l N1,1,..1W .. 1..1. 11.1.1 • Thw)w»941EM21M Figekatiom °ways to efifrodody SOCIAL SECrnTY r 11 its framers Canada's reestablishment program, 111 'ked with onnad worked with out' principal f idea ulcrmancnt sere ablishnlc was that the nt only answer to the problem get and hold that ) ob is a lob, and that the surest wayto is by the skill necessary for it. Fut completerite for(,rtihe booklet, on, "Back to Civil booklet, Life; II et cXCtL a TRAININGaorw rices for all estbcourses, ••serw;t'(• maul (n• woman who Wili;iun for hayinl,c,estahlishmcnt be Every cr tr,tinirl, is clil;ihli to hawi. it, '''beet, is pro\ ll til addition, the ex•servlce man or woman Inlay receive 11 aintenanc and, (;rants up to: if single; ;;',1) monthly together with children's allowances. ;;;U monthly for a man ;old his wife, tot,,o 1 atvailable fttr the periud of service tnecessary, o a m axia md ifum cf cue e year, butt can TltiS tn'l t be extended beyond and that period, if i:; more than one year. ED CAiIOP.AL RAINING within 15 months ;ll training, fees are paid and there are main, This is awaiLtblisto ;Ill t;atlin W1,10 are admitted to uni\ersity in of discharge, and, ,a tenallCe allowances to: man; ;,;tit) Ir. -Tilly together with allowances for `;^t) monthly for at (nal:: a:: .l his wife, 1, d dependent children. ons are pried. Outstanding the ti e :c alliW;ttlt'i,; will he continued 11111 a month for month basis of the tune 'Mete, providing all examinations s inthe:crass,i' t`a ' may have assistant'(: continued to completion of the course. tOLIct hciccal 9 MEASURES may draw program Canada's .veterans who, within 18 under the. barge hosts cut 1 ice til) if single and $70 for a Ulan and his wife, become ill or unemployed re for months of dischau'g'lf` lltl,ltu , Sviccs, ,work bcncpts, together wi with available. The out o together with cllfldren's allowances. lent and hospitalization av ila le. it and silt' to work, but for whom is immediately t for In the case c f .:.:runts illness fallowing discharge. any condition in the year r n that employment, to unemployment every veteran who enters insurable employ, A; a further :'ecurity measure, stmt is entitled, i tater 1 nwks ) ,t, the while period in the services since July 111SlIGlnet'. (.I'i'Jlt at:; tilt 1I'Fllt'al!1C employment. r. lead been :pent in t.,: VtiTIiRANS' WELFARE OFFICERS ARE STA. noNuuKEY CENTRES THROUGHOUT CANAllA, THEYANA1) IN ADVISE AND ASSIST EX• SHOULD BB SERVICEPERSONNEL, L1' PROBLEMS.CONSU TL'I) ON Minister el 1.su,r(I una:•r the authority rf Hun. tan !1iMackenzie, VE'TERAN'S Al Ai tcl S TMS ADVERTISEMENT TO SOME MAN OR WOMAN OV..,(EAS• it SEND Irl'onnel ;ut'I Rt•\'. Sinrl,iir, 111 11111 ,. I:. \\BI\t!I. \vlu in many way, ,)oWed 1.111,1 t'\tVt'„I1'1 0lI11;I;Ilh\' (Illrl g tit, idly IIOG FOR SALT: SALE Paul (n, "1 -et't II, I HY 1 'I' I1!I,ll',1II II('•„ and death of III\' ,iter. lean 1' nn, . , tt t',I I IL'!11. :, 1 I I,Illi- I"1 I'm t' rent r;ati 111, I!' ,111', all, cd :',1‘ Isla; :,,;'1111'„.11 12, IN NIENIORIA1AI II!:,t:1. I1.: \--In 1,104, tnetn,try of ;t itt Ittt,lran'I ;and fatter, \\'illi;attl 1). 11r - I.1';111, \111•, p,t"etl ;tt\,Iv lot' x11',11' al! ()chiller 31,t, I' i•t. One year has pa„eta • in e 111,0 sad day The one loved , I 1 n wt I \(I was call«I a‘\ v, (clt tool; hits lane, it wa- Ili, i tt Ilut in aur heart-, he liyeill •Ii'!. --Sadly 111i, -ed )y his wife, (ao:iter \I;i•i .11a, and grand, n, I lon,tl'I. In Memoriam B:\Itl:—In luring in( tit i' of John Barr, passed peacefully ;may, Octo- ber 27111, 19j!, Never forgotten and always remember- ed tiit!I hind! thought,, —\I r,. jean Craw ford. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Ott \(orris street, I11)th. 2 acres of land, coinfurtaiit cottage, good barn, hydro throughout. Plenty of fruit. Apply to Harold Prance, Atwood, On- tario. !it 2, FOR SALE Hereford bull, 2 years old: Front SII and nothing you sent was useless. Par- lu I;!) pig,, six and seven \reek, old. ticulau•ly appreciated were the baby Phone hien Bros, (t2Ir3, \\'Ingham, 3 clothes, the tntderw•ear, the sox, the stilt's west ul I'elgra\'r, in -1, mitts anti dresres—hut there, if 1 goon I shall end b' listing everything you sent; so I'll just say that ct'crylhing I you sent was just perfect. \Ia!t's fur coats, itt good condition. It is awfully difficult to try to pithPriced rca,n;,attic. .\pply at 'Tile that appreciation which we feel into Blyth Standard, photic S'1. words. 'Time and tirue again as \VC Wiese uopacl:iug the Talc, We would stop anti ask tach other if the people \1'ho brought all that stuff to their vat' • lulls churches had even an inkling of What it itt ,t;l going to mean to us away up here. 1 honestly thiol: it is \Dirt b: i, i'creiy given that 1 h,tyc impost ible for them to exert their int- !complied \yutl Section S of the Voters' aginatiuns that far, 'They would really List, .\ct, ants that i have posted up have to be up here :end experience it ' at my office, in the Village of BI) th, just mice, Then they would see that their labours had not been in vain, that giving things for bales is not just the sante as throwing things on the junk heap hut something fan' different. But under the circuntstaltces we shall just have to hope that my words Will carry their proper height and convey some- thing of our feelings in the matter, 1 i);ht now, though, 1 suppose the children in your churches are wonder- ing about the presents they sent in the hales and 1 nutst not disappoint them. 1 ant afraid that 1 cannot yet tell them hew much their gifts have been ap- preciated for they have been put away in boxes to await the conning of Santa Claus \vita will distribute them to all the kiddies at Christmas. 1 can say however, that 1 ant absolute!). sure that the children Isere will be very, very glad that there are such thought• fttl children in the world as. the ones itt the Huron Presbytery for, you sec, the only pre,cnts they Will get or ever get are the one: that conte in the bales! It is different from ('i atlas in the city, isn't it? :\nd 1 can also say n,•t,v, evert before the children get their gifts: thanks vett' much, boys and girls, for all you h;t\c (LUC to help make Christmas w'hatt 1 am sure it \rill he here this year. But now Thomas look has conte in to sec tic and I must attend to him sn I'll have to close now. 1 hope this let- ter has been interesting to you. If i 'get a chance a hit later in the year i :'hall try to \vritc again httt that will have to \v;tit until 1 ant a bit les, htisy than i have been since arriving- here! Goodbye for note, then and thanks again from ali at Cross Lake. Yours truly, _ t : i --IAN J, HARVEY, FUR COAT FOR SALE NOTICE 'Voters' List, 1941, Municipality of the Village of Myth, Ccunty of Huron. on t!te _'-ill nay of (Ictuber, i 1.1.1, the list of all pel,ons entitled to V(Itt' in the said \l un:cipality, at multicipal elections, and that such list remain, there for inspection. .\nd I hereby call upon all Voter; tt, take inttnediate proceedings to have any errors or omission, corrected ac- cording to law. Dated at in) office this 2-1th da) of October, 19.1.1. Gordon Elliott, Clerk. 10.3. AUBURN \\'illia!:l Lo;'au, Itru-set,, with john Medd, and \\'. T. I\Ir. and Mrs. J. I. \\•il,l\n, Mr. and \Irs. \\'ester I'radnot k, Pte. a::(1 \I t,. 1 L•u•old Nicholson and rlan,htdr, l\,lrrn. with \Ir. and \Irs, lluglt Bennetf, Port :Miert. 'Airs. Andrew Fox, \\'hiteclittrt'h. Iso- bel Fox, Reg. \., t' incardint•, I hn•n•n Phillip:, St, Helens, with \ Ir. and \1r:,. 1:tel:lel Phillips. \Irs. 11crbt'rt \Irs. \lo,ridgc and \Irs. \\'illiam Marsh attcndr'1a trotls,eau tea for their niece, \hiss 1.0i: 3! ttttitti; 'daughter of Mr. and \Irs. T. F. Man- ning, London. \Ir. Iberry \Ica;et', \\Its Iercutly ited relatives in \V( .tern Canada i, mains t,!(It tt 1 nt ; ecti n. w ith Ray mond Redmond. .\id 1 her(by call upon all \'tilt r; \Irs. John 1iffin, \'r:a 'Tiffin. li;t,i'I'.t, take I tttut,!i,Lte proceeding, to 11;1\•, \Irll\y;lin, will: \I r. 1\'illi,nn \I(.11\\ain. ;In) error. (Ir ontissiona corrected ac- ('pl. Petrriris \Vr'eht left f.,r 'To!o:tto cording ao I.att. and Ottawa on Friday after ,pentlinc Rated at 111).. Office illi, 111th day of tl rce week: In:lottvit with hi: \Vile ;uul ),toter, 1'14.1. L •:lily, lieu gl. Margaret and Jack; Lona s 11 . Wright, 11'1. FOR SALE I' 1 :ue1 , Ii tt1, V' 1 !tr n;l II"1,1, 1 \. t \t t Veldt tII'I 11'111 \I,,, Ifs\ !I.,,nd •1 'll.' I ' 1111111c, 111 l'I t1 .11 , II. \p:!\ Thr ifti•" i -Ir inlor,i ;11 , 11 ;,Lon, 1 • eat t ,u tl of ted . l' I inn' I', ulr\ TI lir and 1 it,ulli 1 Ibui!d,r. .1.es.,ue!et I•:ge fil;L'liu_, 1.1,;1,1,,,11 ,111 (,I'tt,,ri". 1'OR SALE Shorthorn blur, ser Vit cable are. :\l, 11) 111 J. C. phone 111 i, III \th. •1;, .\re your I,t\ Ing Birds fade and Scour)'l' r I'nut', 1'onitry Conti. tio;n•r and Im,,i stinal l le;ul'er. Ali x- ;Illdel' 1•.4g Ciradlltg, 1,olliil'sbot•n, Otl- tario, Feeder Cattle — Winter Apples. 21(1) feeder cattle, all sites, extra quality, not too dear. \tlulbt r of young Ilereferll hull,, priced) right. Spy,, SLo\tr, Baldwin apple, reason - :WI(' off trees. latae, F. Medd, I.If. I, Clinton, phone 8411'11, 3icaforttl. 07-6p, Do your I'u11ets go lune or paralyz- ed? "Dews" stop thein, Alexander Egg 1 r:tiling, Londc,i 4', 1, Ontario. NO'T'ICE Court Of Revision The 1 'nl'i 111 Rc\isiou of the .1 -se, - mem Roll of the Village of Blyth for the yea, t94 -I, 'till be held in the Myth \Ietmrt•ial 11.11 on 1'rid;n, 1)27 tuber ';tit, 11411, at the hour of S p.m. All appeal, trust he in the lauds of 'the Clerk no: later than Saturday, October 14th, 10.1 1. ((7._'. lil)hl)(I\ ELLIOTT, ('Irak. l'_e F;n11's I);i'i \lin for \la,titi,: it tl'u•+ the job, Ale\ander I•:g;t (-;tart• irg, 1_ondcsi,"•,', Ontario, FOR SALE Organ; ; slim; ropes; cosh oil stove; heater. burn, r,'al ur \to l,l; ro,fl heater \\ It!I 11\ en ; ,e'\ illg lll,ll'll 1111' ; 1\ 1'111!1: dt'sh ; ,11 Ant: hanniock : bell and slit ings, ;boost ,t,\y: ,now p!ottt.b in goo 1 shape : ,Lnd a f, w other ;uncle-. .\;,l,ly to 'lite Standard Office foi particular,. 10-2. AUCrl'10N SALE At, .\nrtton Sale of the llon_ehold [fleets of \It•, Sarah tiiit-on \\ill he held at the re.ilencc ort Ding Saturday, \u\ctimer -h h, commencing at 2 o'clock, 1' ut Hat's atnlomtrcInc nt next Witt:. \\'. 11. \1(11:1:11'1'• .\ncti me't- NOTICE VOTERS' L(S'f, 1914 Municipality Of The Township Of Hullett Huron County. -NO'I'll l•: i. herd)) ,...,i\ en that 111.1v.! complied with Svctit n i cif the \ ,,tet,' i,i-t :\ct and th,tt I live posted up at int\ Office in I.on,le,!11,r,,, ,,ti the 7iui Iday of lletoliel. 1'1-I4, the list of ;ill pdrsotts rmtillt' t io Vote Irl the said! 1\1 illiiCil,0i titttton anti -mr!t list 1B - I, Merl. Ilulittt U9-3 OTTAWA REPORTS That Rationing & War Restrlo• tIcr.s in Canada as In England are net likely W be lifted soon anc that subsidies have been of (great benefit to the ordinary crtt1ci m. ,Ir -ma bet is Minor'ly 1': 1 Ho ••alvl Ir, ..i ,1: r.; ,.,.It I. • 11,; ,1.1 '!: \'u •' let tr- 't1 1 • 1'14., It .•.. !'......11:u n' , ,1 ceinaM fully a I11., !11,10,1' fr"i:' Iv w. !' 1111 to .. :r,rtMIK Its 't n..i.l't.' ,rale for .1111 fir, -,t tint' in t hivtnry. (':1111.!taut, h I,re • i .etilarka'I(7 wolf to utli•.•i tl and "don'ts." Nut by `'I,° -t -irt'h.11 of imaginati•,n ll..• ,'i ltltl� its Canada Ile'.1tit. in only commodity, rev• it i; re(ogniz' d iw Ills that It 1,)111c roust i,'i. al :' disrtpli!1 ;or :t tit! Iu of !: • and hitherto unrestri 1'1 111:. tion (i les•-',u:ly and pst- t1' :'.' re-trirtile "1! II•. P•-� •• 141 thrll' 1, no gl'II11I'IIhnt roll. :aeon 11!11 I :he 1111001 in 1111.-••- con! rclieo '.1111 (1t'\A.p;111'tmen in III'? tmrii:cm, Iii buihlinc, at 1)tt,twv.1 ,i r.1'::,t = ace, 311 .in1111 .1111"r nn, ism :.'1-;idt•ut of Itrit:Iin's Ittivy ,Incl charged particularly tviti. ,possibilities r•oneirniug 11:11.!:l.'' home front, ,a 1,1 that tip! liritaiu, much more lt'•av• ily t•icted In their per,un.i! et•i( .• Ind pleasure habits, re• maul r, patient, (\•lilt no wha:•,1tr of re,tivt'u''ss under thoi 'e:avier hurdeus. The only reit, !ion t0 1'er"tit victories notice. able .he old lad, he said, was . a rt r.c,' 1114 to talee a 110.11114, it day ;-,t the sea shorn—a bit of travl-; which is not encouraged by the British authorities because of its utilization of neeIl"d transport. • it was unofficially estimate•,! here nwcr the week -end that ('a(1• aria's effort to protect her prig' c"ilir.: through subsidization of ;certain commodities would cost the bittern: treasury this fiscal year $200,01,6,0r)0 instead of the $1211.• poo.nfai Finance Jldnister J. L. ilsiey got from Parliament in motet- vote. The \Vartime Pricy; and Trade Board had no figure.; ready wLiclr wotiid support or con- tradict that estimate ht t ahout Hu. same :ince Finance Minister Ilsley annaar.red in Saskatchewan that the price ceiling on tate n,resst• ties of life had saved the people of 1.'anaida approximately $1.150,- 000.0^1 11'1 ring the last t wo years, • • • ro ti,t,t the fart would vent to be that the ordinary titan's home, the home of the worker with a group or children to feed and clothe, is materially benefitting ft-om Canada's price ceiling and suhsiihzation poltcler. let the lat- ter cost be the $120,000,01)0 estlm- ated or the $200,000,00-) which more rIL cntly has h -'en unofficial- ly clamed. Axis Plane Output Doubled By U. S. United Nation; aircraft 1)10 - LI 111 ic'r( now iA about threo tinges A>:i, cyttput, by the estimate of tome United States Government officials, with American producers alone putting out nearly double the combined Axis total. The United States In flay produced betweel. 7,100 and 7,200 planes, with .tune production figures ex- pected to ',how another increase. By cnn,pat•ieon, about 2,200 planes tl month are estimated to he com- ing from plants in German;;, in Nazi-'''ct•upie 1 countries and its Hitler'° satellite nations. Japan la thought to he producing about 1,2011 aircraft monthly and Italy ero 11,1 f;(10, Speed of Animals Clocked on Road .1,0 ,: :alll,ii.s under the stinntlln of h• ing chased by an automobile, ?Jaye been clocked at 45 m11r's per hour, says the Calgary Herald. Un11' : the same cond!tinn7 a young bus'!: deer reached 49 miles, Pronghorn antelope have frequent- ly il'.r-n til' aisurw1 In full flight from aut0meh!les and airplanes at a top speed of G0 miles an !tour. 7I111, the antelope Is a voile away by the time that the rattlesnake Ion, just started. However, the rattler relics on poison ratter than speed to save himself. HISTORIC CHATEAU FRONTENAC MAKES HISTORY AGAIN • The .,;artlil.,,- atop,':trance 1:1 1', ar Cabinets in the Air. I;•».;•,,\ ,•ii. Th., h Ile! has VOICE OFT H PRESS BOMBING OF ROP,IE Prole..: I'1 ,in..t 111•' I,'I!Ilillll4 It Rum'1 \\mold he In1hl•cioulu ( trout tho.,1' \Alin tiitr I f,, r.li,:' their \oicet, 1t (l t -t the !u11'1!Ilii 4 (11 \Call' ,lIV, lint("1'11.111l :til 1 1.0111111!1 'tilt[ of cathedrals liter ('olt'ntr,", ('ill tcriury and \tetra nli !sire:. \1'ouhl that the mtemy It 111 181cen a hun- dredth part of tic, c,11 ' d!: pliw• ed by the .1 Hied .lir 1'or0•r in thii military hombiug of Itome. NO NUTS FOR JAPAN Japan in 111.1\.Ir day:,, 11.ell on ',xporta 1 f . tlh, 'I h.'n ,he ;tole the rubber producing areas of the Orient. Novot!te rest of the world !v learning how to make and use rayon 111111 other synthetic textiles 1s substitutes for silk, and, also, how to slake rubber. Japan may repeat the story of the hot and the filberts. --fort Arthur N, a;•l'h1•onir'de. FIRST PRIZE \Vit .;till think tho I'unuic';t re• ni.tr:c about a Victory Garden is the one credited to Jack Denny, tvho said; "My potal 0 crop turned nut writ. Some are as big a.; marbles, some as hi, as peas, and, of course, there are quite a few 1!1111 ones." --Hank 1n St. Tllnnl.ls Times - Journal. PROPAGANDA FOOD Goebbels is telling 111.4 totnttry• men rho British never attar!; 011 !y �?`••::'i.y l•:7 a�iii:�n.°•.w.h:q� ,�•�>t7F $1.00 SENDS 300- "BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGION", "MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", - "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" • Cigarettes or 1 Ib. Tobacco — BRIER SMOKING or any MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (with papers) also DAILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Postpaid lo Soldiers in the Canadian Army OVERSEAS and CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES, ' Mall Order and Remittance 10:—' ihlsOtiaftubiecttuanyc)((stnGorern:nantRe(uliliont of of 1It•. Churchill histori. CII that) been 1811, 1 over al (juela'e :old the rusfer''nte of the Itt•itish inti I'r0ntena, will ho followed latter h3' a Ineeltllti tvir:1 by Ihr (luwern n,'.'nt fur '4,\(111 twee'.;. an (runty stomach, \%Melt play have the mud result of in Iain;, the Coq -malts hunger for 1114 inn. Ntlitiomin .1'I Ire tt. SADDER AND WISE '1'11:' claim ha:, lo' e 11111 11 ,1 not 11.01181 atieniinn !,.,i l t 1 lua'alin; Ihr led:':•i'i,n til t 1't of Ih, 111 .l' ;I nut 1..) 1 1 Mono,: of �,nit•Iel1:,', \ills;.inn \\'.0• • 1 : 1 !rd. WHAT S'c.TTI•E:'3 IT 11 is t'I wa il,!! I 111 :n ., 1. , If1 It coons+. It', :Ii 45'i' "., 1 :11., C nad ar!, Corn I n 111 ill ,.1-; w will' .11 r. 1. 1''. iittt11n .I r., I'rw:ilio;ll of (' r (' ut ii1111 Starch r )LI •1 I l.:.II I i ell -;,it!; :1 fele! 1:1 Ili -pH ,' 1 l'C0111 OIla(va tyhich la.1d ih:It in ‘1,,, of the Lit 1 that doliVeli''; of corn II.01 111)1 le - at maintained by the Canadian Partners, :,iP ity stork.: were Ilwrin lliag rapidly. II'' ;tit.,,l Ilial tate situation , iiol to c'ul'ts stipply I, 111(' of 1')'' 1101;04 ~1:4'•114 In the Starr;! In11;I tr_, The industry p;•tr'lio' .: til my r;• ,endo! (orl; and II :,) starches and i,dhl' (Vl'; r• o 1 !n the nlanutaeturl nP 4, :Ir rete,';:al. '1'111 (';iIlallllalll G(m.,n-!!!Netts 114 met. ;1''I•• mitring the import:!! Iu of r Ire from the United Slat's, and roil• izinc; the imperative no, d for tilt.; gratin in vital 14111• !n11u:tri', providing subsidies f0,' thi chic• pose. 'Air. Ronson said that the Starch industry for some year:: 11.1; been e(1('oura1.1ug Canadian h,tlme'r$ to grow mor' hybrid yearn. 11, intik ;acrd the (..111: an Price Ceiling (rats extremely fair and ('yell 1114!1 iu comp:b'is'on (v1111 etIler gr'tiuw. Ile urged the Canadian Partner to nth lee drlivt rival re,gttlau'ly of r,'t:;• unable gn:1Ittti es of corn in order that tlli'y may reLait rite Can 'dint ntat'ket fru' their corn. Atlantic Round Trip Made in Fast Time 'I'h'' increasing speed of aur service is indicated by the fist time made on the round Irip,of a big plane operated by Trans -Can- ada Air Line, crews in the newly established Canadian Government wartime trams -Atlantic, service. The plane \olio) took off from Montreal Airport late on a Thurs- day afternoon, reached lila British isles in the record time of 12 Mourn:, 2G nttuittes, landing early Friday morning. 1\'itlt just over 24 hours on land, the !name plane started off for Canada on Satin•• clay afternoon and arcked itt \Ientreal Airport early Sunday 15 Lours and six minutes after take- off, hating fared rainstorms throughout the entire crossing, Thus, less than 72 hours, or three days as Canadians usually utark time, were required 10 tr•,t- REG'LAR FELLERS ---Spells Trouble GOSH, THIS IS DEEP STUFF! if BUT I'LL NAFTA STUDY IT IF iM GONNA JOIN THE NAVY.' SIGNAL FlA6 CODE 0 11111/1'11x!ntately 0,1100 mil's, :,.1111 :1 hit 111 ;1 brrathl-r !u hc• Til.' ,'3- hotind trip 1.1 '11111 1loul• l two : a 1.l'r11111, ritllin,' off 25 Iuicnl••-1 from the previous best. 111.11-:1111 1,1'2 II from 11nnIre:11 to ;rilain. (In hush trip:4 large con - :I, twill.: of army 1111111 0'110 vat. - Ott lb.' record-hrea1!1g east - hound trip the ;lath' 1'.114 in rlla; 'til Capt. lionald 1'. Gecu't;e, ,I;,'rItitt' Inas,leer of 'I'i'i irl-('a(1• .\u• Linc,, while on Il;r 1.0111 n ((',!Lotto:i jn011'1e3' Ihi' 11:1111' wn:r in 1'1112,,' o!' (''111. 1l I:. ".1111!;" I1:Irr!,ly, al --o of the T.C.A. ,; et•t- Jack and Pals 1 \"t'rtr.on1 i;u•Iner Wits plow;ng 1te1t1 will 0110 horse, bill 10".V111-1 vel ire , I "Ciddai, Jerk. (!.111111, ,(terry. (!.111111, Casey. Gild:tp Cron' web." .\ stranger passing by asked: "111(8 (1)811}' mince;; 11oei your horse have "Olt." .,:cid the fanner, "his name is Jack, but he doesn't know tic':n tilrenr;ill. So, 1 put blind• „'i•:; on hint and yell all those other names. Ile thinks he 1118, other horse; helping hint." Shiphuilding In U.S. :hilo',vs Remarkable Growth The story of shipbuilding in lite f'ni!rd SIaies: In 111119. one ship "very 1:1 day;; in 1!110, one ship ery 1441)41) days, in 1'14I, one ship 01013' three and at half days; in :April, 1912, ono ship a day; in .lune, 1!112. 1141) ships '1 clay; In September, 19'12, three shills a l ty: in II,'ccnther, 1942, four :;hip; at day; an'I in March, 1!11:1, five ship., a day, SCOUTING . • • lie.;pito the great slim toga of ',railer:; for Scout 'Proops Itt Can- ada due to enllstlncnls In the force;, Scouting al Truro, ,%l.S.. carries- on with plenty of vigor. The secret is that from the near by Royal .lir Force station at I)(ibca't, British Scouts baro taken tip the work and are running or assisting with 19 wolf ('ub rack, and !toy Scout 'Proops. The ata• lion also has its own Rover Scout Crew with 24 members, and (troop Captain \Vooditl, station 0.(t., en- courages the work so thttt the men might he proficient Scout leaders on (heir return to Great Britain. • f Eleven -year-old Iona td Penrose, of \1'innipeu, has the highest rec- ord for wet' service of arty 1104 Scout In 1laniloba, ltecently I)on- ald was presented with his 700 - flour \Vat. Service Badge. Itis work has ranged from collecting magazines, paper and fats, to sew- ing quilts and stating doughnuts. 1te is a Wolf Cub, and his mother THE TROUBLE 15 WE DON'T OWN AW COLORED FLAGS, 50 I'LL I-IAFTA DOPE OUT SOMETHIN' DIFFRUNT,' u UNLISTED STOCKS Bought Sold • Quoed Our Unlisted Department will supply latest infor- mation and quotations on all Canadian companies. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Ca t a CflL �f 1 !fz, !,it;t;b. r3 Toronto Stock C.t:':tisho e 200 BAY S"I'. SKI TORONTO VIA, ri%:id Is It,,t,,'nf of ,ill 1 11 1) 1;, ('!1 rtrt,'t' tun I!le city, ihorko;e of manpower I-11 Iho rat -1,1 I1;er of tit. Mary':; Church, ll'in l,or with more (4011 !11;111 hn 'odi(1 lmsllrly accomplish with Ile' church, parish hall, cemetery, and -large gtut111114 to care for. Hearing of Ithe plight, Ill e 2ith 1\ IthI10r 1104 Scout 'Proust, al• cached t1) the c'hurc'h, have s1)lted IInt problem by allotting a I'atrol each (reel; to :t,si,1 the caretaker in his trod, • '1'111' ;18:trd of the l'irtorl t (hats.; to Wing Commander Guy It. Gibson, hero of the dam -busting rant on Germany, brings to live the monitor of Ilu4 Scout-; tvho have (leen awarded the Victor! t ('ro.., in tills \tor. e ,• • 'Ilett ill' Illi' honour grants:lir, at the ('oiled States 1ltlilary .\r;(de• ply NI 1\"'141 Point were tonnes' 4 Noy ;;09111.;. ;. r\t 111capoli;l as III 11,1 51 gi' ulll ill':; to'l'l' ;ll'rtIIht, '11 Illrf 11 ti. 4'a(,II Academy, 15 of Hie i'I honour student, ((ere 51011(8, ill 18 of thl' 72 graduates tit the ('o.,,r (111.1111 :lradem,v were a1sa Sloe' • • 'I'Ios Il.ulen•I'owel 1 All"ilu: l 11 Fund, raised by the Itny Srluti oC (Treat L'rilain as a menlnri.11 to Ifo founder of the Scrod M.,r' trent has now reached the$5i10,00t1 mark. 'I'lle money has all been in vested itt vat. bonds, ousel at [!IIF close of the war a ntomerial bout 'lig will he erected in London it t centre for Ito, youth 0l Ib t ('(111,1. • '• Not only oro (woolen tal;ir 1 oil many Wren's tasks in tw:u'lime, hal they are becoming very aclite .111 \1'oif (_'tt!t leaders. in a rye's uh leaders' training course near 11.81• 'lax, N.S., of the 17 taking Pao course It were Lady (:ubma:il '1,l. FUNNY BUSINESS COMPANY KMESS 'r f:;S ( /1l run/ 1, !1•.\.33.1, r,;y„t•% /I /4/////1/4 '0111//it'W r�„r r/iI /.1.1111 • ( lf 111!.1 1//l f //10/11/, ii,„ ler . 86 19.17 i NIA ( VICF, t11C.'�. ' IIt6. d S. )•Alf. OFF. "We were going to have roast beef and boiled potatoes, hot a rookie drove her.; tank through the kitchen l” LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher ,//,///'r/ • [WILL-YUM. �ir�i r 7 /7/ f7r-••�(/ �tf:.`^;.-s - /.•''..-9 'ir,',1.1 ,- r• elle,.. c. It..19"11 "You both had serious operations • .. but let mo tell you about time I had to take castor oil!!” OH, TI-lROCKMORTON JEST A MINUTE.' Ey GENE BYRN'S BUT 1 BETCHA MOWER WON'T BE MAD WHEN SHE HEARS f MADE YOU A GENAWINE ADMIRAL IN MY NAVY. x/ 1-.28 a �p r 17 w �-,rats=3:•=rets .r�i%:: ;`-xc\”;sl?.Acs. ":1 . , 1�1 I I ,iif �. the ,� hese days, when. tea must yield the utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Ask for,, PP TO THE incr By Percival Chriitophrr Wren ('I1:1I''I'I''It XVIII mummies 1)g:tin Burped thooug:b it'chard Wendo\( 5°s mind. Giltraza Foil! Ity the lune he IuuI reached 81)00511 ba!f Its do• fenders \very dead, iueletline aas jor )lenhfrou::I, C;Ilrlain Scott, 110(1 I,ilul0na01 f I4nclersot, hav- ing In5•Ing 10) 000 in charge ill (be native officers except ('aptain All armor Jlreekings, 1.11 , Ihe Fa r; s inn doctor. And then I1re1 ttiul:e's. ;unur.ing deed. No one would (vet loom wlollhor lie Weill 100(1, ht tomtit; whether he hoped to it hahit11a1e himself, or whether in those Ire• menthols moments, the spirit of lib grandfather, General Sir 1'I•rcy 'Vereker I1rerhilge, had risen up within him and seix((1 the (;,p• tatiney of hitt soul. I'rrhahly all three motives had cuntrihuted, with the I:Ishiimned 100st flower• fill, as his (lying weds had been, "1 ant a General's gr nelson.". Ws, and When the relie511114 \o1011 had lnarchell 111 and (fanesh flail collie to his beside ut•1',•fl0\\• )ng with joy, coneratalatjo!. 011(1 !Humph, how the good t•li;ill's fare Lad fallen when ho had told hitt that ho wasn't going 111 1154 11 1'1'011- 1111'0'a coni\ ,cion. N11r 1'01 1111115111 rri))stato11 ill ;t hlnzn of !logy as lbs 1111101'ellt 110.1'11 of a 101111110f01 Illi~(;Irri(g( of J1151i1'( nod Ilse 111'110 110ro of 1111' 111410((:-e and :.al• 1/1.1 1011 of the Fort Ilia: Itrerltinee le t1 tvil;hed to surrender I0 the IS; ging Il:uljj, Nor 101(1 he been (luite honest w 'It G:ulesh. Ito bad pretended II at his train 1(';tsou had been t.h:,l he really couldn't Ilse Hitt coil - ft :',4011 and blarl0•n :Ind chain for• ooe r flit. memory (41 the man who loot died in the act of saying Iris 111e. In the first place, he shrank Lunt the Idea (If more publicity, another coir'. martial. And again, e',neeially after the hurriblr eon- finemenl of Illy 511':•1. lu' 1on1:,,,1 ret the l0000tains. No, lvliatever it may have het n of first, life as a 1011((1;0 \vas naw heifer than existence ::. ;Jt 1;ng 1181,11110. • 4 • 1111 was It 111(((11:11( now, :0111 Fes and no 01111r1Visr•- 511 and 110 01 1101'11'111V, 111((111:111 de.ire their Ji ills, And then there was Sitcre 1(111)0. Could he turn to him :11(') all I.hey had sewn anal done to. ;tether, d010(1 and 8(11firell to- gether, after cavil saving the lite of rho other at the risk of his owl; 00111(1 he turn to Sheet Khan and saY, "\V'v11, I'm off. 1'11 going Wyk to India and the regiment," knowing that there was 00 return to tho regiment for Sheet i(hau? Ho had deserted when 1l'snduver was cashiered and kicked out, had afood by him an shown hint (now to make a new adjustment to life, And lastly, what was possibly the strongest motive, prohably the real motive had been his con51m- .Ing hatred of Ilaililziu, his insati- able yearning to deal faithfully with llallitzin, to cut out the 001111 - or !lint corroded his soul far more than had the injury which 11re41t- Inge had dole him, Anyway, ho had struck to his point 110 had gone IIIc own way and, in spite of vltat the Brigadier 111111 (Ianesh had said t( him after the relief of (iiltraza, he had slip - p141 quietly away Trout the fort with Shere 1(111)0. 1lo had ((firt(1 Get the "BLACK LEAF 40" Don't worry about lice and feather mites. "Black Leaf 40" controls them. "Cap Brush" Saves Money Our "Cap Brush" spreads "Black Leal 40"cvenlyon the roost and does an efti' cient job.Saves money. Ask your deal et for the"Cap Brush"and full directious4 Insist on OrIg(nal Factory Smiled q,, Paeleagee top Full Strength for Ilotd by Drug. tlnrdwnre, Need and Need Storrs ISSUE No. 34-43 c It tilts rt Kll;ul': furl and settled doom Io the peot.l'fnl life of at Moder clansman 4514050 till() is 111 , et la' Ilom his hand. :1011 otetio Slime Klt:tn hue( helot 11 Iwo, had }a\(1 hull, rt.• soot (I his t-e'tu r el proportion and tut tool 11,11:11( 'I'h;tl \\jelly 111,riiiag:. 1+llrn 4)14 Ills y s;tl tuning, 110 111=1 1%es upon Ilse lull ++4111, slob! .ily :I`1 II' re;lll- tog_ hi: 140. lim,::•lIi5 :-;hire' F.11;111 11;11 "(((1,11111.. 1111 1111111' 1)o' 5;rncl; lie 111(1 ell b;ls 101110 1,1011 11 811 11 is l 1111 111115 0) "I;;;ilitzio?" "None other. 1.;:51 Meld ( ('1' \54 Wonted trim Mocking, one canoe wilt' a 00 5s;lee, left jl and 41): sl•(1 on in haste. L'y Ihe' deseri41ion of the than and ++•Ila( 110 said. '144.0•; that Malibu') Ali 1100elr!;o: Sahib's elan, 15114) 4505 with us al (1i11raza heforc )404 got into Ihe 1.'1,•I." "1)1)1111111 Ali? Anil \that was the I'Iti (tear 111)5 001110 11111 of his ton's(, set It for (lint in bis 11(.11, in the bazaar of Ihe gen ulath> w'hsrein is lit' b(ws, of Inde•;:lit Ile, 1111(-11(11111pr. 111 he had 1,:0+411 at 111141' 11\111 li;tilil;itl was 111 h;Ihul ;11111, 111'010 ;tl,ly in the 1',111,( 111 11 1100:111 10118 :Itch;!)) 11;(14)1:1111. 4411 staring iu Ihe house of Illy li us,,pllile ;lgell t, Ilse :rood Ilde'rjru Ihe ,\feign(, \+Ilk w'b4ut he himself had owls (Toss- ed Iranillusrlt to Persia. \t last in hb:ulc;lnll tll0y' had found themselves hat Iwo d53s le hind hint 4(4 h1• tole 111 ;;110(,1'• 4011(1, mounted on pure )(red I(1)• dab haul utare, a boy with Ihreo sucks: his sn r)a1t riding 0 half bred Kabuli roars, a Flen- Irillen ::s't'y, Ione -cared, 0w'e-neldted and :'umewhat goose romped, fol. 10411 d by four we11,1ad,'m duulu'ys 1niked atter by nu .1fellnn ;old three 'I ting;a(5. Ihrnlsttives Joule after lir two 'fnrhi('hinese half - ('01 I4s. So thus and 0045 (fill \l;lhontwed, the Pathan who had hell) Richard 11'rtttlovtr the 11'11 1'411 0101h, r emu!. In 114 s,ittinl: rattle': over his hit - It r memories, huddled in his po:t- teen beside Ihe, (niters of the fire. Suddenly he beard ;I sound, snatched 111) his rifle and sprang to his fest. Alums( as quickly as Shore Kh:nl. wr:1411: (1 from hoal to foot in 0 dirty sheet, soiling 11'0111 the :stark stiffness of his c0roselik4 rigidity and 1)1101t beside hire, 111111 at 111' ready. "11'111'5 there"" cried \l'e'nd• over. And a t•ra(ke 11 and (ma 4ding \0104' replied 11011\0 the darkness. „Only rue and another ass," as int) the light cast by the lire upon which Shere Khan 1l,n w• a Maud• fol of dry grass and twigs rode the cherry -colored sillt•r;,o4ed hog - gar bazaar. "11.1. lie 1)1)41• in just after you left," he said. "114'5 on his way to see the 111'i1 1:411 110;011 1'111 at 1(;Ishg:al'--on a rather lnoro im- portant ))tatter. Itusso•('hjueso ('h111g-Ki;utti staff. 'Poll nm that. yolr 1(:111 1s for Jala1010M and the 11order. Ile's meeting; a caravan from 'I',tsltlient tit91 and there are going to he great doings In the Singing Ilad,ji's country again, Apparently they are no( going f0 for fear the bullion that is going south wills them stays there for good. i should think your hest plan would he fu get straight down info the Singing 1I:ulJi's country. (let there before he does. and lay for him there. Yon can get word to (1,5.1 1.8. front there and he'll get 0 move on, 1 should think a few of these bombing planes they'vo sent to India would matte the Singing 1ladji sing a different tune if they could hover over his lu,n11' 10\51 occasionally -- If they could slake it from 1111)1- za)a, that is. Anyway', you'd have earned your conn for the rest of your life if you could put Hailitzin out of business." "Yes. Nothing like combining 1051008s with pleasure," growled \Veudo\er. "11'h;rt about a pot of gout( hot tea?" "For the love of God!" shivered the cherry -capped beggar man, who spoke such admirable Eng - 11511 and knew so much of the af- fairs of Comrade -Colonel Nikolas liailitziu, Richard Wendover and Ganesh Hazelrigg of the Intelll• genee Department, and of the loct�l Anglo"Russian-Chinese situation. 1 roM.-- "1'Y Major IIartholmilew Httae1rigg , who could afford to make min confessions, freely admitted tho, the }latljl of Turangzat was o,0 of the people whom he did not till• deeI'sland, -• ••^•""' 1Chrii that notorious and potent ecclesiastic had been a Ma1lttJt in BLITZ VETERAN IN ACTION AGAIN :\ veteran of the I1attle of (;bulla Bonn:- v.1jrlt he I.uaint:li;lei a cun;ta111 stre:ttl of Sural opploiljut to the G'rinint rainier.;, "Boi)," a terrier 4vitll a rather 'tuitions pa•cnl::tm, i= :tt \+;:r again, 5e)'Vjr:g (111.; time \vitll the (.;(n:t1l:llt troops 11) (Ile P11 eltlt'rt';,ill•::It. "Bol," now' recognizes 1'14. Peter Pros... of st. P11111:11'e, :11:41., ass hj,; uu:5- 11'r ;1!11 v;as : h,me_:'led ;:inu:4•d ;t tee ep:'tlj4 ill e I;ii 14:14 hv four of BI'o, cond.:tele o. "Bolt" sect's to re sly i'I, lu 1,14,10' up los wind het\+•eell s(aSjr,m4ss and a cool (.0l)111. IIIIII -----------_._..-- ,o I :1:;1'`at 1 a t !' 11')1' ' 1 0l 1'1 aver he 11; ;I het 11 inte•45ef1''l3 .1n1I reeked 441 ler' his jn-)lee 11((1);•. tialjly, and incuranll;i,,ilit.r Jell.:0 )),1mlini•1e gilt:. 15nb;11nlne Ilan 1;11' 1)1111 1115.41111( And talking One. day 1+ all file t'utnlllis:ioder 11 Illy 01,;•itot, 11::: 1ri1:4 le limed Lai 1:1:11 it; Herr. :, nom non°)),illy +\'111 ill turns,;, considered nal• :,111((;111 ill 1'it:uad4l;t In I;' ;ui 11111111;•;11110 ;11111 +;1111;11111' 1I'1n Mil 01 1111' (1101:'111w 1)1. 11 11111} 11 '1.1111:-'1' b,• 11,45 11 .,,11111 m4' 110!(11 r or atlt'lolity ;11111 the scour.:0 11 all 1)4411 defied it and hro!u' i1., 1:111',. 11'11;11, thea, \vas \1:1,41,' I1;04e 1• 1114'4•5 5111'41.14,' 10 I4:1'11 on 111:. 11'• turn 1 100511;(\\';r :M'll'e on all:, ills• in :111'hunisl;rt and 'I'urltl':-I;n1. That the \1ul]ah of l'h;trsodda hal fallen from gra•1s had cletat 1 d eonlplelely, and front tieing a pillar of society, a prop of ;tu1lt0111y. on in'partial jtl'l;'e and loyal suhjert of the Eine' Emperor, had h, come 0 vinnun agitator against the (105• 0111n0'nl. 011 0111 1111 101'011 :1011111011• 1st ;1t1,1 all 1101 150 ;nid (10nge;(11)5 ()nein} of 1114 ttritish. \\':tat has so ch;1W;ed Ihe ad- l0irahle Mullah of I'har.s:0;1a that from a firm friend be had 110. conte :t hitter foe? The Colo Hi could 110 It 11 111111 No one 1.001(1 \011 hitt lntd Tlaz,Iri,:g de(1 rmine'd t0 find out for himself. Sojourning; fn the 1110505 of 1110 louris of the Posh') War 11:lame, 1011ting :11111 11101'1)1111( in the ludgjn.:; where caravans Dud the journey!, begun in 1(111\1 aul Iiokh:n'a, Tashkent and Sam arcatul, smok- ing his hookah about the s;tnt4•I• thing fires, dipping Info the sooty fleshpots wherein huh1)14d the las• (1018 ste4v of t't4 hails ill fat - tailed sheep while he (x(•hangt'd shy 1)10155 0l' the day, lie lathe(' of this sad of 111:it, of litngs and !(haus, of s10,01.8- and emperors -- and of Hip :Mullah of ('ll:lrsadda oli), formerly an upright judge. was now• a fugitive in the 11oh- mau(1 couut('3; a firebrand, agj• tator and fonietor of rehelljou, who had given his (1aughter to I. 110 notorious :11)(11)1 (lh;fla r 1(han, outlaw and terrorist. (Continued Next Week) Fatal Sound Sound waves in wafer, such as those caused 1)3' depth itontbs, may kill up to eighty feet, navy medi- cal reports show, Hays Pathfinder. The waves, traveling from mole- cule to molecule, have a speed of 4,078 feet per second, about four titnes that of sound 1n air. At distances up to 150 feet they dam- age the small blood Vessels in the abdomen and affect the flow of blood to the viscera. A Record Harvest Expected in China 'P11e harvest In the parts of Lina, under Generalissimo Oblong at-ahek "la expected to be 1Ot it gitg (Lutv ON The BritishRadio Bald reolihte�'," "Seasonable rains have ah'eatly resulted in the reaping of 1A"' 8 .ops, and the autumn prQpeQ e desorlbed as tavota.biie, got the broadcast, Defence sandbags are being made from (lomestic i'ibrc in Brit- ish East Aft jest, 1, 1 sit]) t.:dl SADIE o. 11 7 S t A t CHAMBERS a Bodge^: Tasty ,nssec its For r /..- 1)' Gy ./i. u £urn n '11:1 be'ee!t;:tier's mind can he 1.i rest for the day from the (hi( i ;I;1'. i, toss of Immo-planning„ if one ;ions the meat ;Ind vege- tal,(( 0l:o )'5 early and then the detect:. 1''t c1', 4t j.to 45001(ln real - hies it. 'or4es time 1)11(1 strength to ;;1'r;:lit e 1,1 r meals early in the day, \l,,1 te,4r the last fresh traits ;lie on the mtr'l:et alai the eetios ore chilly, +v1' like to two our attention to the types of dessert +vhirh I avt' liven neg- lected (luring the holler mouths. :Maples. Dears and peaches, are 1105; at their hest. In all 1)01041 fruit pudding- a ions;. :1045 bak- ine seems t0 produce a superior flavor. It habint: a deep apple pie, the filling of apples and sugar should he halted sl0\VIy for 1hout one And ono-etiarter how's until apples have that reddish m'ow'n color, before pl0(•jne the covet' on the top. This type of pie chi11e1 and ser5cd 44lilt shipped cn4am is dessc1'! fit for l'oy'alty. Poked flea's makes a lovely seasonal 11('5.`4\'\. It you are fortun5t( enough to have maple syrup, place pears in casserole, haste with the syrup. 'These rimy 114 ser4ed hot or cold. A flavor of ginger to pears is al+'r;ty'S re- freshing. This may he added to 11 sauce or chopped candied gin- ger added to whipped cream. Try these peach desserts for 50 .1011110(.. different: Peach Surprise Cook large t xtr11 fine whole Rath (pitted) in a sug•au' syrup (1 cup seg;u' t0 1 cup water). Cook tint]] soft but not broken. e \\.• Gt�OOP Y BREAK c9 Pck ///'" c\ FIASTS-04 os NESS : R1E1-w- 11/ \ \\ - i 'S: C ( v Cool. Spread your favorite light take ire cream. Cut in squares :11(1 on 4 001 press on oto of the pc, eh halves. S'rve 11 it a thick 4;I:Tl1rry 5yr5p. Cantaloupe and l'e'ach a la Mode ('lit 5111511, very ripe, (hilltd tent;tl.tlpt•s in half, sprinkle with fruit 5.11."01'. Fill centres +5j(11 :tired swool000l 1)41)511)5, top 1.1111 Avhipred or ice create. Pear Tapioca clip quick tapioca i1: cup boiling \valor 10 teaspoon salt. ;i tahlespons le1lon juice 1 tuhl(spoon orange juice 2 ta!11(spuous syrup from maraschino cherries cap corn syrup ti ripe forge pears Cools l:Ipioea in double boiler l'.111 11 \5alor and salt until clear. 1(Id lemon and orange juice, syrup from cherries, sugar and corn syrup. ('eel and core pears, place in halting dish \pith cavity up. Place cherry in each cavity. Pour over tapioca Mixture, hake until pea's aro tender, Serve cold 1vi11t e hipped cream. Pear Conserve Peel and pare one peel; pears, run through food chopper tvcigh, and for each pound of pea's add l;; 111. sura'. Put fruit sugar and 1: cup water in prescr.ing kettle. lot (.01)14 to a good boil; add grated rinds and strained juice of t\vo lemons and 1 can grated pineapple; 'e cup chopped can- died ganger. Cook t\vo hours, stirring urcasionally 1 then pour into ,jars :tad seal. Blinn l'ntunberN nelc"ute pernounl lectern from Iulert,led reudern, She In ',lensed to receive suggentlo,i 00 Iopicn for her column, trod IN ohlnyr ready to listen to your "pet pe11'en.'' I(4'4)(1 ,'s 4 't for reclpen or special Illelllln are In order. Addrenn dour lel tern to '.Itis)) Sadie 11, 4 hamhern, 7;1 Went Adelaide S1., 'poroluo." ..:end N(1tntped self-ad- dren"cd cote lope 1f you 11 In It n reply. Animal Hair Used By Aviation Industry Another tole In 01)101) Para( pro• ducts are helping tight the war 45118 revealed today by The Pint - stone 'fire (Kt, Rubber Company, Animal (lair is bring used 111 many important aviation products. cons Plum And Apple Butter 1liL•I'l101)----Wash fruit. Remove stents and blossom ends from apples, crit in pieces and 100ve skins oil. Cut 1)1111115, pit, and measure. Place all in kettle, add water, boil until tender ( 10 to 15 minutes). Put mixture through a coarse sieve, add sugar, Corn Syrup, lemon juice and rind. Bring to a boil; boil gently until thick and clear (35 to 41) minutes) stirring often. ('This recipe thickens considerably when cold.) YIELD—Approximately 2 pints (\Cine measure). 2 lbs. lart apples (9 cups, cut) 1% cups sugar 1 Ib. green plums (2 cups, pitted Ff' cup frown Brand torn Syrup and well packed) Juice and coarsely -grated rind of 1% ('ups water 1 lemon (optional) pally officials ).aid. with a ; : oly ('.44;11010(1 post-war 111:u'Iie•t i:1 .1m:s- et t t for the 1nutet i;d. 1'11)54111ne (1)111i1111t•d ctllttl'5' for allied fliers ;old 0 slash of to r 711 per cent in cost to the+ t(,• -trn- u1'wt, hound hair was Fir e.00te's amsut•1' to Army and Nay. 1 ds ler a material to replace .,.lyre )11111,1.1 J1) aviation cu1'hiu1.- Hound hair is conposelt '..:. •113' , of hog hair, (11x0(( tvith .,'::ailsr amounts of cattle tail hale Ind reclaimed rubber. Cs(d In '1.1r1)- 11n1ee haek fillers, parachute :,'.145, 111104 neat bum hardier pal!, and 111:1113- 501111:1' products, t: , :nit- leria1 also proltis(5 impol' e'4' c• oaolnie's r, civilian buyer liming the sprit} of 1Ii_ v,t., 01 foamed latex was ger'; : ':4-d 01 such an extent that '1'111 :.1's- • stone 'lire & Itulther (' Iw;i1ln•v was forced to Seel) It slllt;th:,• _uh• 54141110 10 fill \vv needs. t,V.Iloit a few weeks. the rumpal:: 018 producing a material ilia' :1,• 0,1 all arlitary 511001\10:5 titin:. I'hr material also cont!.', . OW war effort by cuuservi:, ; :1i•,t- al. Lound hair c,ishions 11510 fall 111'11111, thus 011;0 .: e u.g 5111mc5. If springs 1n l Ihe hound stair can be a-0,! 1: A. pad 01 1'r the •1rings. Fireao110 11,01 1(1)1(1 tet , , • rt rapidly to \irtua11y any \::-50,11 regained in the aviation iia •, -.:Iced it had 111114 up lame and !' en st wing facilities in the 4.•.11' -90) ) luanulacht'e ill its foam,'! :11.'x 111,51 tresses. The 11141'er price of ilte',oral (lair is expected to lead to it, use in furniture, auton50bi:•. its and other cushions alter t1.•: :: tr. 3Pads only los • 1I o•Mifb,?�t•t7v' 1'•I ',ti v:. hrAe'!t,.w�y;1`•,,d1'ef,'19x;1�t a . w., F •,,.+�;�., ti'n�''q...C.Y�r,1at�.+A•`�,t.,N,\t�ra;t",v tt!.:'Jt�1,•l.e'; �r.�'+"�,.R Ar YON &MN QM grass mow t:,\►u'iuZ� ;1)::ztr�.wy't:z?,1t You can roll 44 mild, smooth, standard cigarettes from a package of MACDONALD'S PINE CUT TOBACCO. The cost is only 190 plus papers. Start today to smoke this economy way. 19P(INCLUDING TAX) 414 629 0N/1LD3' .-A1 vDl�:• {\Ai'V411N �W,AR fSA*yVltt rY,%iz4,M PA.E 8. THE STANDARD Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1911 `1 • I,I,.,,,.„.,,„..(tocloctorwttwittormittoatoctomorclextepabroctortpctvatactropte 'I'IIE Lt1I)Y OF SNOWS is t; 4. :t eX)ililnINDiN171317i3t.Dia r3iNDiZri`J1Zi'asi9ii11'rhe`Jt:,aJI2t312i.M)rorDINBWi91D1)9i'NN))tAl2tBtAii Fall and Winter Needs Children's Huse, cotton and wool 25c to 75c Children's Golf Hose, clastic lull 59c Boy's' Wool Trousers $2,95 Grey Wool Blankets each $4.50 86" White Flatinelettc per yard 22c A :\ ,entry saw the tuurisc o'er the Rockies Painting his I tad all silver and gold. It gave hint the courage he needed fo til'ht the tight than he dreaticd 1 l I:uew then, '\\'hat he had he \fount hd,' Ile thrle\\. a lass 10 the Mist in the valley; A Discarded all eottardly throes, Called the bugler to sound rc\ ieIlc, thii O'er his dear loud called 'The batty of Good assortlllellt Shoes, Rtll►bers & Rubber Boots, A • 1It hail tome irom the cat in the springtime, • Theo' the wood:. o'cr the prairie to the OliveMcGill tiflue thought of that grand pallornntl. ea • \d his proud heart sang with glee, c) Ile thought of his home, anti his mother, Ilis sister,, his sweethearts, all those-- •.•:•••••••••.•••:•.....•,•••♦,•:••.••{.•••; .•.♦;. ;•.••.•.:•:..; .•. ,.:; ...•..•..••:,•••.•.: •: ♦,••, •: ♦.••:• •••••,.•• "� •:••:••� •i •i 'i• • . • • • ♦ • ♦•• • • ♦ • • • ♦ • • • • • • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ • ♦•♦•♦ ♦ • ♦ •. 1,111 (kat -yr to !!1111 tl';i, his IN hlll'I:Infl— .?: That is .;theft, 'The Lady of Snots' 't•I :\ Sentry say the Sunrise o'er the Sill V,1 STUART ROBINSON •• Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery, Please Phone .Delivery Orders Early. Morning' Delivery. North of 'Ansley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. 10 -LB. BAG OF ONIONS 1,1)c35 • •. COOKING APPLES. SWEET APPLES. ♦•• GRAI-IAl'I FLOUR 3 LB, BAG 15c ._. •r• 13E A DONOR SU1'IM SUDS 22c •: Come, bare voile :inns to gentle \\ ()mitts, • • -t Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding' A Specialty. Agents For International- Ilarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Hollyman's BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, 1\tll'I+iCi 7 ALWAl S ON IIAND •:• ; Like old draught, it wade hitt Buie:. bold; Confectionery and Tobaccos, . (;feet choice ,'f eve tioonglow or sun- '_; rise_- PHONE 38 - BLY'1'I-I. Knew rot, ahi,.h one lie n•oudd choose. o. .\ boy grew to pian it a minute; Then cursing los greet1'''focs, Vowed never their armies shall sluice— QUICK QUAKER OATMEAL 25, r c like a flood, o'er Ids beautiful home- land I lis hlajedie! 'Lady of Sii vs•' I':Ilea lis I•:eller, Auburn, Ontario. v P. ANI) G. SOAP 5c PEAS PER TIN 15c .1:1That grievous hurls may heal; In safe instalment, give your lives, ••( To pay the debt you feel. PUMPKIN PER'1'IN 15c Come, fathers, mothers, sweethearts, CABBAGE, CELERY, HEA) LETTUCE 1 A:{i:•♦:♦:•:.:r•:u:•♦::.•••i.:•:.0�♦:•r4.4.�r4•:.r0:•O�s4•:•S •0•:••0•:••i♦:.0.:�•:•:. rr4:�:�♦:u4:.:•:•:•• • I(. 1111e, ve'eratts cast aside; (_otllt', friends :111d kindly neighbours, s1,L,.11.1,•.r..I.w.�,,,..Y.�.�....:.,.�.uuc -- �- 1110, 11.�wr•� Voddew 's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOIIIE-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" H. T. % ODDEN. 111.11.11 CLINTON STORES CLOSED WED., \nil eager yortlt unlricrl. ertf'0 L linet.t se\trad call. \tc 11,11'.•iiai ('''tile, "II "I‘ , give Cottl''elves bccall;'e lately r.g,trlli. g the halt holiday ill \'oti la\. no gifts of gold; \Ir . \ I.y,I iillt i, clsitin ` with \lis Clinton. '.\e \\ Fuld like to inform the Cohtc• yon whose wealth without your- ,lme utblie that rch:l, ms of dim tem do in.:smell•. on f I mild . emI selves Mrs. I. I ). Pll1!p and \I i•s G. Philp cidcd tit ' lose `licit .tares all day \\'cd- ' Seems empty, l'u:'r and I .i,t It t I ate \ i•icing a ith the for- pot or_ nesday. ( his holiday every \veck rune I IIr's .,I I, \I•. and Mrs. R. D. 1'hillt•haft() bring dot to the 45 -hour wet i. 'Phase drops from you, \Ir .'al It, \tiller of Gwhich came i; -to effect in September, I still, HA nest \ isitl r•, on Sundae with the . Are Freedom's dearest 1,iner•- mother, \Irs \ \I. (' lel•u�ch. I ,.\ltd blood of childless \Ir . kola. Johnston is visiting with WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS Can flow in heroes' veins. colt(. \\•hose Sons are gains. \\mitten Ilot\' 1 . r ••I lis Mr. Ilrcnto': (iodkin, and Mrs. i I Il,in. of feei lion. I The ladies of the \Vest Boundary ND., al. 1.1. Niel, all of Ottcrvillc has Red Cr,u, nut at the home of Nle: ,,?Imitl'1 home after a visit t\ith \lits. George Ctuvan with n fair attcnnlance, i r,i i \I,' r;lli. 1 large quilt and a crib guilt were quill - \Ir• '•I ;+hers of \\'inghant at- ed. \Irs. blot Darr \\a•• the winner 111 t':I thmcr,tl ,.f \lis, M. \telt• of the itt:ky draw. Mrs, Co\v;n served dai:lty Intel Everything In Stationery and School Supplies INK—WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, ...... per bottle 15c BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red ...._ . I0c LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE l5c and 10c THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured •4•4•4•4 Per Pkg. 5c DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS Per Pkg, 15c PHOTO ALBUMS -._ .................... ranging in price from 10c TO $2.00 PHOTO CORNERS ....-..-.._ ...............__....-....__....... PKG. 10c and 15c ARMY SCRAP BOOKS—Scrap Book and Photo Album combined, suitable for keeping souvineers of your boy in uniform ... $1.25 SNAP SIIOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos . 10c Ea. DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions __•4•4•4•4.._ •4__•4•4•4-•4•4•4.•4 EACH lc WAXED PAPER -40 sheets IOc; in Handy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft, 35c SCRATCH PADS -•4•4•4•4.. _.-._ ............................... 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLIP, Soft Lead EACII 15c OTHER LEAD Pi'.NC1LS •4•4•4•4.. 5c EACH, 2 FOR 5c LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg. LARGE ECONOMY -SIZE CICO PASTE BOTTLE 45c SMALLER BOTTLES, 10c. LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS 5c, TO 20c PAPER CLIPS PEg BOX IOc PASSE PARTOUT PICTURE BINDING ROLL 20c WRITING PAPER 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c ENVELOPES TO MATCH PKG, 10c DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, 15c SHOPPING BAGS—strong material ....... 5c We have a Cuinplete Stock of Public School Text Books. The Standard Book Store wwwwwwwwwwwwww I.. I heir ;inns receive the prcc.ous gift \\'hick sur c, hunt yollr own; I'I'hey fight wi'I: deeper faith who hn w I'They do not fight ;done. I—Russel I'ct'.i, :\skue in the \laniar- oneck (N•\'. Daily Tithes{ COURT OF OF REVISION ON FRIDAY NIGHT Several appe:.I, are sche'luled to come before the Court of Revision n•Iliclt will be held in the N1(.111(16:11 1 Intl on Friday night, fowl Supper BINGO ANI) DANCE IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH on the evening of MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th :.ion,.n'cd b)• the members of St. \lichael's Church, Iilvth SUPPER FROM 5 P.M. TO 8 P.M. (Turkey, Goose and Chicken) FOLLOWED BY BINGO Good Prizes. DANCING FROM 9.30 TO 2 A.M. Admission to Supper, lingo and Dance : Adults ;5c, Children 35c. dmission to Dance Alone, 35c. Music by Rhythmaires, Door Prize. C ILIN THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM. The ceiling, \t•ltich is usually i larger than any single wall. should .I I c considered as a fifth \sail• 'flus \gill II ptaunliig (le rle:•otil!on 1'o1' a ' 1(011 it in just as inlpurtant to s0- ._ loot a correct coiling paper as it is to citnos'o the proper wall lI 'cort- lion. Your preference may ('vote .one of contr;tst`.ng colour. I'on'l be afraid that a •'('uloid'-I'lanmel" room will extend your Budget. Ta ir; allze this you can readily do so - ' by seeing Sty samples—over 00 to pied: from. THE OLD SUNWORTHY LINE Sorry to say, dote are NO NE\\' 1).\T" i:i .' s this ytar, being the saute the Iasi three years. Every- thing in the line of Decorating, .No";' sltcc'al time for al.p•lintments, —r and remit. tib: r, I slleci•Ilixc in that lou;:h j•'b of taking tiff \\'all;l:tlte1.;, * * * 4...�_—.. •4•4•4•4- . __-.. _.--,..r �.....t_-.x..-r-� Y.au �.-1�+.� .1. .1.11 111.1.. .1111...5 ..Y..I I.I.. IL.. .... I.Q.J.. 1, IJ 1 I ALL A Ottr stuck o1 'wallpaper is now fairly) complete. Prices range from 12' -c l►er single roll and lll►\\'al'(l{ 1Ve have a limited quantity of small room lois to he cleared, STOCK SUPPLIES Full range of Royal purple and Dr. Bell's Stock Supplies are all hand. We also have Cooper's 1)ri hil and Stock Cud Liver oil available, R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'A1'ER—PIHONE 2P, I .. ..I III!i._{♦-la I.... .. I•., ....ha Y..lI. I. II.,,IV' .IY6,.1, 4. II, I.iI:YY 4.... .V.,.I ^♦•I.I I.I .. .•I b�....1•7•d IaN.i-aaY./aY . tCietZt3igi(;:7.'iik:IV,IVOGtCi8t3iZtZtutuiZtCiliV•• tyti.Vvt:i31CIKi'Zidit;telt:+CtCtCretatt:iCietGtCtttatttgla Suites Many beautiful Suites and (add Pieces in the latest styles arc displayed on our floors and are being ()tiered at Moderate Prices, An Attractive Walnut Suite in the popular Waterfall Style is displayed in our window this week, We offer a nice selection of Simnu)11;; Steel L'ed:3, i1'Iattresses and Sagless Bed Springs at popu- Iar prices, A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering, SY .f l p.I ® �1l .' y' 6i[ e 1 Ilotne Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, iS �1:32i�iJ.:yi�}3ta��:7$Ii7:J':;�a °.�1:i7.`J1:Jis9a�.A2far✓i.`tic'1ui3i�..n.�i�i::istu9�.si�iwl2l.`.=7�ic{al�{a•Zol.`>7s�iSdiih's4�i raGIZTtirir.ala""a.c' ZIAISI K:1= -.••`t ��.�n ♦:.:,.••♦•••.♦•.••{•:•.•.••••.•:..•••.:{••.:•:.••,••.♦;•.•{:•:,•;.••.:{r;.•; .•, • . ••{...:..:• .. • .:,•••:•••{:.:..: •:•.•••;.I . •4•4•4•4 . . . . . . • • •4•4•4•4 • . • • . . 0^: a . • . • . ••:. • . . . . ... • . .:• s s t 1 �'�i - { C!Lr"\ :. • *.,: a er r •?: . EXCELLENT II,OOD. GOOD SERVICE, .:. .:• : FRANK GONG Ms. Proprietor L'LY'1'II --- ONTARIO. Meals at Al }ourso 1 •,;, ••, ,.:. ,:• ••4 4•..•4 4•..:.•• .:. ,•. •:, {•..••,•. • •,,. ••..•..•,.i •••: •. ••4 •4••4 •4•. •4••4 •4;•4.. •:..•• ••. ••..•..•. ••, • ••. . .•. • •..;... ••..•• •', F. C. PRE'l 1; Phone 7.25, LOiIDES©ORO • zrSBeR i-.snaSnai I'I:RSONAL INTEItI ST Nlr. an 1 Nil-. P. II. I)mglas, of :\n - c; s:erg .i;e Inl,l:ti cd b their s'nt, Mr. Fenner I), hilar. R.C..\.F., \\whit 1 'Psi returned front Over eons and is Clio', tc to \'ane:on:yr, aft: me l I'tc luteal of \Ir. 1)I,Itg;'as' :hint, \loss NI. \!el: on Tuesday of Visitor.; with \Ire. It. II. 'f;t\.lor sari \I rs. Susie •I'::} I n• tlnriii . the \ret'i, were, \I r::, Robct t 1 lahtilton 1:ld s n 'frowbri•lgi; NI r-. 1ol \Icl';illc, l.ondcsboro; \Its, Ilemry \tr- \'itlie, Goderi:h, and \Irs. Marion \le• Phan, Godcrich. 31%onGuaranteed .. 4 Trust Certificates Y l5S(lla f.,r any amount , • fora term of lite year.i • . , , gl1,Itr.n:'cd both its to principal and interest •4 •4 •4 •4 Interest chctiucs mailed to reach holders on dun date, m•, at 1.:!t!er's option, may be allo',vc.l to accumulate at compound interest. An it investment for individuals, com- panies; aut horized I ly hay for cemetery hoards, cxecuterli and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years In Business t Iv+aarrse.�a-n 1 EDITH CREIGHTON'S Shoppe ()pelf Saturdays from 1 to 10 o'clock. Other hours By Appointment. PERSONAL INTEREST 1 781 RATION BOOKS GO OUT \Ir. and \lrs. C. l,. ihtrnodc .f Ili, t- OF AUBURN CENTRE las v'• re visitors for :t few days last itil ration I.oltla \Feer di .Iributcd at \eecl: it the t:Ptt.r's tnotiitr. Nits, ;\ the ;\thorn Centre during the weal:. '1. Cod. lough. The distl•ibl111,11l wa: iu charge of \liss \i r•. lenj, 'I'a\I'pr left this \vcdn,.s. \l:ulcline \'omngblml and !Its. Earl \lc - day tl t\\o \eecl•s' visit \will, her Knight. 'Those assisting were, \Irs• daughters,. 'ti;s Il. F. Short, Strath- Tht;ntae Johnston. Mary .',. ; ..It, sal ray, and Mrs. John Taylor, and \lr•, files. 1-l;arold Snell. (steno Tuuucy of Ingersoll.