The Blyth Standard, 1944-09-27, Page 1VOLUME r - NO. 06. • LYTH STANDAR Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hilborn Observe 25th Anniversary \I r. ,0' I \I I ,. Le -lie I l all,' •1.11, for '111,11) \, 1 14•('111(•11 (1f 1bet 1 ,• \ illagr, (pIl1II\ iiii.el'\'(4! Ill( 1{e;illliti O1 !{. ,.il. it Iel(I 1)111. niter,) y ((j Ih'ir \\ellllin:, ',1) 11 LOIIIIIetltll►11 Sem( Hier (11111x1 I':4 !,l i k,t 01 111(. Ill) I1( \\i! r:l'''Ic of \\ aim friend, \\ ill Continuation S, hind \\a, held on l'hur,- jnin le Artily t.\ 'oh 'I he Standard in d:l\, ;tar;'Jul !,1. 'I'llere w'a, par- t•xt(ndi"(o1(,t;ltnl.!Ii(ln,, :1111 al a, in net:Lo'Iy Leen c,nlllttilion in both the ext'o'l 111, III 01• tl'{1t They limy In. h,\ , and pill, contest.. In the Semi ,t. li1,11'l1, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1911. Subscription Rates 11.50 in Advance; .52.00 in the U.S.A. Pte. Jamie Sims B riefs From 1925 'Wrltc,s F1 oln Issue of Standard Auburn Citizens France. \Vt. re'e1e'I the 1,11(\iIIR 11 !ter on Tuesday boon I'le, Jamie Sim-, \\11" n"\v ' rvnn; 'r111e\\11e1' In The 1111'' I1( 11 Jamb. 11,1, many jriciiik \I I .. 'I I!,nn;1 1':Ili11t band"I u,0 ( 'l'c .01 '1'110 Standardhit\t:h, :lullr Dam a II \\ item, Iron] it 111x1 111• 1f inter, t : To Re a9II'1i.K1 1 lie 1,.a' 1- d:ltrd 31.11, I * - ( '1 he 1„ • ;,I,' "j 111 1111. 111.,') 1 \,11,0111 ',✓ANTED• AT LEAST TWO COPIES 11,1111 ( u! \''1 'I11 !i' ! ! I '11 ills' 1.'- in Iii, r• unir.In:1\, ant( al„( Oho the \Ir !:clule'rl "(x)111 It'll 011 , al !tat \ulen 1411'0 i, (,I a 1'en'ral 14:11111'(., 4.4'044'441 OF LAST WEEK'S STANDARD la)' la,l 1100 (i ,\\;u1da, 1'clni 11x1111:, n• it in full: ,11,1:1, 11111 L' 1,1' a 1 'I t” 11 •1 ". 111.11 a t1( Inli,li,ll 11i,11i'I, Allure lit. h;l ac'cpte,l a p", The editor would appreciate at Ieasl ui 't. 11'1 0' 1 111'111 r et,11 t 11 1'011' +he ti:r'I,I) 4 \1't1in:'.S('1'1. 111111, 1'114 iliow w011 Ills la: ill' 1`: I r(.Illtw,ly two copies of last week's issue of 1011' r ,'1-f ±' 111 11 t 1111111 ''ev- "sulue\\h(re In I.r,lnc,'" \Iiunlc 1'10, Standard. In spite of the fact that ,11,11 )1,1- 1:1 H.11' Mod I a 'rev(' al extta topics were printed, the. '41101.' '11 111' 11, \1:d1. .'j the r 111 'demand exceeded the supply, and be- ,\\11,' h ,411 '•,t, !111• \\.1111 1" t ' •rde nit" i fore we realized what had happened •1 11'1 1-i\'r !), 1111.' '1,11111(4'd we were completely sold out, If you 11 i - 1 '„ 1•1:•1 111•4 1 ' Ill-, I• tic 1\ 141• still have: your copy, and don't need it, 1 r .1t til( ;0,1,1 Iii^ Li. 1'. 111111 11 11',li11 i we would appreciate it's retur n to tl:is cam-, n 1" 1: ,1'1 1-1' i"1-1 ' 1 111 11', et 'office. !: 4 4,''1141 4 1 ,,"i\. II , 1 .1' 11,0 1,11,x11 tio 4e 1 let .'1, '11d'It IMO 1! d• t\,11 "'n 111. !444'440 ,part"! wall\ 1144 re \tar.. Irl Ilil!rt(11111\ . 1,.\.' '1'0111,, 1\101 e rllte,laut, \ver(' ,o 111;1!' kelt.--\ pt't "111 S'11111:1v ('\'e '1 he 1110 l .\:'ricullllr;II S riett \\e''' l,gethet, •1111! , I •ervi,( III Ole e"11111111t1- I('\'. 111\' 111'llellr'1 111111 all '\111;1 c"11!1',t iI!I\ \\ 11e1.1. tI t t\, Pre "It .I 14,11041 ,111111; offering, for '.isle by ,0x1(.11 tend, r. it)•. 11;141 to he added to it,0ide the ultimate) litre kr leiter \trilinu, 1111 ("nice i, the I:r,IniI stand 1111 the I1niling fall, \I I'. :111'1 \li•. Illlhlr:it \\•('I'1' married "‘hill.(.. Hiv III' -t, ••('((11(1, :111,1 11111(1 1114( 1 '4 'j!llrll ptill'IIII e\'r11 Irr' 1111' (,f1111111,, 11111'1' \41'11' In In. 111611 11'11111 in IIIV'th In .`.,l'1 bluing. ..7111, I'll'(. 'f11'' idle, 44 114 '1-s ill (.11011 (ij the events are '('41,1 hall ; ,j hal. Aim) 'I'!!', and 111'' 'and r'I1tv11 1)4' the sne'r,,ful 11 11der- 1('4'. R. •1, ,\It'( 4(ni 14 1,, 111, !! pail, 1' 1•t il.t ' 1 !''1 ,tt.;1'!1111, "I )ilrl'!l'! , 1,111,, 1111 the g,bblr the \lelhodi,l ('lir -lh, peril run .1 II!r.. Svllicr Boys of a 111x' 11n!il:,r',' 11- (li,tnrhr n lurl.cv:, 41j' '1'111' i ••,11' also righted tt it11 pr'1j"ll'I 'cten'I') Inn: 111:: bro:11 jonip--.\ntly Nyit., 1' e of the 1;141, \\hi -hint: nstra\\herre I(ro,rel, the pa •in:; out of Chalk., W- A ,iin (11 I'1 111 I.nunann(.1 'bikini i 'K 1'.1111 \\.'t on, lion. \lorritt, Mart",or s1nt:'„n' elle, \\dull all ars,) ,lel' lal;d, a j'nnlcr x111 1111"\\n, tool and I6os'tl;a 11, tilt r, \I r. 1111',011 44', II !1, SIt1' 'Int1 1u111I 11x'"1' 1'1111- I'm'''.\nice .a,1,n11; '\\11,11 11w• 1144, !Ir.:hfy re,pvcltd 1'''" ieut of the dis horn :11 I,I,III', in \\att•I''"1 (1111111\, lip ,111 '1"; .\II '1' 1,111', 11,11. \Ii 011111, tiliallllll+l Flo (1111• t111'Inl• ...lat.! to, 1 1111!0\\111;; hl, rt turn from ) )v'r'4- t in trio. ,t,lnllin'-', In:, 1,1 jittm.---1I,Irold 1'1111- 1;11(. h,rw'cter, 1(:l, be'u, "\\'11011 1110 Sun \I1. Ed, \I':1lillan left 011 11'11 da)' for 191'1, he can' \\1111 Ill, 11;11eul', 111 III)'Ih, !ills, \nd\ I\tle, I';tIiI \\'al„n, 'Salines .\(;:lin in I"!ander,, \\'t• \\•dl a \isil 111111 11(.11,111 friend,. \\here in teal tin I,11'1) \\ ills his 1;1111(.0, f4'I) ,,1"I tl.l ill I'ili4! \\'at„n, Andy Hang, (Iiir,clve•. ('p '1'o I)r\ ” \I r. and \I v,. Ilei t .\Ilea left on they I'nrc11ly•(.d the lecal Flour and 1,,1i,. .\road I',Ilelnl(l', \I the ple,1'ut tin!(. t\'v hat' 1,16111 Int -olio. 114' their ranch 1111 Parry Sound (!ol'pin:..: \I ill 1"11,i,n'„ ,1-j tau• Mors I. ;_11 )Irli da, 14-P;,,n \\';,"sono .\illy Flom, ttitH a :oci,Ihle j,1nu'r--tllc',111V 1)i•,Iti11, ti'\t ('ere 4 Co.. 1 j '11'1,1111, \\hen hi,' 1,,1.. .\rndd i"al''ii,.l. 10,111,1(. i, 111x1 dn.' t'1\\', haat• l0 slat I1 \I r, Drell 1\tcn 14:41 on \I„ndat 1"k father (11(.11 ,i ytaks l,ilt'r, he tool, in as "1 I''It -I Mr,411 I'hillil(,, 12'6" uloid(. 1 nail t\' lea\(.--n1'te1.111cl.'s Sault St.'. \I:uic. Ile \\'ill be employed the ,tr;aty 1, ( lean and the barn i; 1 io, t1(,' Sican1( r \\', I?, 101111 40 1'11'11 a partner, the Late Sidney I1, 1.t',ti1,' \1111\ Kelc, I'."11 \\';Il,ntl. \\111 pa.„' itt',;a)' in 1928. \I r. IlilbirIl Ili"h 111111'--\141\ l's tle, II;tr11d 1'1111 Ilispi, ,111 '1-j the bn,iiic„ 11 the pre,- Iii',, 11111 \lllr';1\•. mit r,..ne 1, \Ir. Irvine \\•;Mace, in 1'1.;1. I'' le \'x1111 !boot ! I'I+illip., \111(1 keen ability :II b,11;-1,(.(.1(1114 ,1111 I\\)l', 111-:1. ('11\1x11. plod',(.' !line int, ;(.r\'ile in ilia"). pnh'r I 1 Phillip,. \ I 1 110\ el'' 1':14 0 -- 11;11'1' 4 q,, I•Ilu 11 11(114, 111111 1'01x)' he i, x1111,1 ii4''1 11alc'nu'r, Iton. \lorriii. burden'' t-tdI ('rrrtarial w1rlt, 1It, Mitt'! ,"fllr„I! t1 r distance (added I, at 111'' ,'all ,tt'rclarv-trea'•Itrt'I' of the ,.,1111'•1 -11:11'111'! 1'111111'1,, .\1!111' I\l'le, 111\ 111 \I unirlpa). Tcl(.1,h,1nt s, ,len(' Seni1'k ('hanitr.ln 11x611' Phillips, St t•rrlal \• 'Irl easui e1- of the 111 )111 1(111111'6.1'p- .\t' I)' 1<)1e. Seh1 'I 111ar11, and :tl-, ,f the 111)11( Jtwticr Boys Cemetery 11"a1 d \I r. I lilbllrn i, x1,1 1'1-\' active i•I all blanche, 11f 11(' Punttin1; 1)1-":11 j1111111 --Moss Tasker, l'nitl''-I Church. 11' id', iii, dntir, a, ,1,1111 \elhcr)•, lint 1104!11. chur111 trea,ur'r, he i1-, a Member of 1111!1, ...co a'I jnntp- lin( I1„d, ,lack lit' Se•'•on, Inemh'r lt of the 11-d \(.Illet'\. 1 , Leal'. SI, \\ard,, and the 'Trustee 11'card, i, :1111 br,'an innlp--.lila 111''1, i, tinperillt'11(I'n( 4,f Sunday lack \t'Hi: y, Menhir(' ('unlink. \11,. 1 lllborn, \\110 i, a native 1j suf • 11;1 )':11'11 ':1,!14- lino 111'41,11 Ilcl•ncw'd f"ll;, I':n"I;Ind, \vas befer' ht's marriage x('111111111I•; !'\\ ,It'd Watson. \I i- I':nl,ly 11,'a'en, Friend' Ili;', \vhivll finally bl" ' 111''1 into ;i life partner- ship, began \\hilt \1r, bikini \vas a palil'nl 011 an I•:nglish hospital 'wring I..d\tantl \\'at•-ou. 111(' fir -1 ):resp \vols, \I r,. I(1!'11011 \tasI 1111,,11 jlnup---lac(: Neth('n', Jim 1lo'd1 his our''. Moth ,a\\ colt••id'r:thle :u'- 'termini ('tuning, Inv servil e, \Ins. I lilborn a, an arun). I 11(1' V.11111 --Jath \1'tlten•, loss 'fas- nurse, and \Ir 1idb'.n'n in hi, corner -'1,('r, Tint ifoild. 11,11 \vi'tt' the :\rill) \I'di'al Corp,, 11',1 i' Ra1'e--•\I111'1'11y Lyon, Jim :(nil the •Lir' Cameron 1iiL!ltutders II 41'!, 161•, 'Prier, (thin' for the half lIe \ta, in the rcrvi0e, f'1- three -:Inti -:t- !nil,', 1 )nillul'' ;nil 1tt #,(.duns, hair year,. \i1-,. Ililb0rn value t, ('an- I!nlii'r tb;1n111irn- Jinl 11' old. ada in 1'11'1, 111111 i, the only nn'nllll.l. I(Illlller-tap Illek y;,1'(! dash- Iint Ilodd, Ilernard Iron in::, 1x011 .`;0111'1)'. Shot 1'iIt-Jack \(.then•, Jim I(,dd, \\:11111, ', 1\11,1) 11111' 41111111 Ne ,1 k, It, phi, between Lake 511111'ri111' ",ort,. i, ills' like the kl'yal 11111.1: 111'id t411ti1 \I r,. Emma Taman :tun inner- the \4' think of the ,limy ;lit lrcnrh" \v`''llgak'nl'n1 11 her daughter, (i1a11)s slept in tot' ,n many (lay' at a time. \\ t' ire..,, 11 Ntt', John Armstrong, 5111 of laughed when IIIey gave ns ,111\ els in \I r. ;1111 \IIs. \I, Armstrong, Ilullcll, l':11glxn' - 11111 "In.” 1 :un ba'I: 11 01111' the \\1;1 lin:; t1 lake place late this til'rc a1-' 1111 d"in"s, 1 \\ Ill "1\\,I\ , sal- 111,11111 I .lpril 19'11). me, 111' i, a slit''I, the nth'. a 'f)'- I;l)th (:11,11'x1' Society \\•as rec'':\ed 1(1,11' -day aj'c1n1141 a. d 41,1' e. t,h,'UII' 'inc'lif 111' k.,\.1'. You have 1'.'1';111\' ill 111'tls 'I, \1111'11 they pI'l',l'lll- 111'(.0 1:-' 111(1 i:;Une \\eI'r 1,1,, ed, really never felt a he -elan thi ill until cd ,1 ,ple,'''iid iiia,.,11111. ' ' '11111 ht 1.111 I, when the Hutt tally vim have watched a Typhoon in action Ni n, 1:1111" \\'1011,, I?a,t \\'titan„!t, b ,w 11,1, !11,11', ;r 111) 111 Ifn\\' 1\1111 hell ;14;1111 1 1110 c;'.(•ill)'. "f1(' 1\1,0;1 1111'.- ,1;1\'e us a call ,n \theta.. ale looks Gray ,t- Ship. !lull K(.n. \\'11i(nuo-e g4 t- phoon” \till send cold (' 1111- d,\\n the well x11'1 i, split' entiltl,iastic ()vex tilt line in 'u+ "1141 good and g,itin4 I'pint•; 11 Ilrlitl's t'!tl!'ll''ll 111' ' e' Ill!'- prospect ill' (hung' 11111,11. 111' tlliilkti t1(' :"1,111 111, 11111 moral ,IIi'pnl'l, w"tln' its to conte. n;, I:1 ,.'Conn I'Iarc, 1\1111 tl1'ec \\1111; t!l4 one 4 f the 1("t move, :(1 it will N(,'1i,rhI)01's 11'esellt 11I1'S. 1). '1.111, p,n'tic'I,Ir Sunday 1(;l, heeu have a trn'ewr. to knit church people , ( Willi Gift, url ;1 phi, t' l,i. \\'c don't car' t1 111y lllort' or les, 1f a red-letter day Int- It,. I I - loO(Iv 1Vt"I) al t, It on too heave. hilt 1Ce probably \\111'1 111;1 "hero "\\'e had a 44111111 :,h' WI r, '11)'1:x• ('f 'I h' ".\t 111;11'” held b)' III)•th 1.1(16e tlltdct'ty, u• awl socks, ;1,111 a !:'n'1-;tf I nd'),cnd'nt Order of ( 1 !'! 1:ellmt it, on ov'cni ltI;n;"." 'I he Inas t\ ho intent,'(i l;rida) 1114111 4',:I; (11110 an enjoyable slap 1111,1 sun ly bat(' l,n'ltt that in' affair \villi a good attendance, I':ight \v'11ld IL. greatly '144, til h) those in tables ,f prigl'cs>it'e euchre were in 'need 1f ,I go '.I bath. progress besides 1111(.0 games. Ni r, 1r:un'' a, a nnlntry, gitc, 11, tett')• Marr)' 1'ungblntt and \Ir.;, \1'In, tic- ,npl"n•tunit)• in be 1111111',11111, \\1 it it'• \lillan \\ ere 111''\vinners in euchre and rolling fields if golden grain, 'winked, \Ir, \\''s. lechuic and \Ir:. Gardiner of tircha:,l,, and wlilli,u, (.f 4:11•411 fol• crukin,le, Plots, large and small. 'f1(' apples In't\•- \I r. k..\. Ding has dispes'd 1f hi; ever, :1r1' 144) comparison for 1,11' ,\1111, ; It^I'elll'e on 1,44,1 I\Illg St., 1, \I I', J. \'t ty link' flavour, :and they a• c mud 11. I luntcr 1f Ih'us,rls, \t1(, \till take for the sol' purpose of nt,lkim: 1 i ler, 1,,,,se„inn about \la) 1st, \1r, King ''good, (lad and unmentionable. 'I'ht' p''' -ilia, not )'et decided \\ hat it . will do Plc wool', 11,'11'1, ha\•' flit l' 1 \•cn' I hilt 1111, in mind going to the Southall 1f her t::ally nvt•r herr. Slit. )1I --ii takes Senior Girls: badly only for their gardens, This part Slat', :ul' ma)' rend,' 11100(., a liven interest ill t1(' wlnh 11 i1 ),111 da„1-10141st \\'alt, 1 titi 111'ig told t1(' cottntt'1', 'sccpt .11: t1(' :i'•-• ' 1..\'try :11110th should have :t fund for church, al111 11;10y ill Mission Montt 11;1111. 1,,11, Ilrl•tt 4 , ,docs not snow t1(' earnuul;, (4 11000(.1 l:ut "t1(' '111 _''0 11('\' 011111' the harder new spapcl 1"1"11"" and ('ecr)' \ \116, and Solana. School \\ (irk, \\dick' I tit:lndi'l4', broad pitIl1'---It,rl•,uthy \It•- tv;tt'fa•e, ,"\dins; t, t1(' fart tll,ll 111' preacher should be taught the first Balls 0111 is 1''1• 'l t111' lea'Itl'I•,. She 1' x1.0 (I1,', 11,' l”. ('.Illi( 1'1'111111111, 4,!ali\'' (111\1, 1lulls have 111'1'11 pushed 11,1.1; at ,111'11 lll'llll'lpll', 111 J"lll'11:111>111, 111' 111111' 19 I,(ll'I;e 1111(( Ball~ k!l,ck(.d them "11 t" 1111' 111!11' 11 i t1'`. a c,n,i "nt worker i 1 111' tical 141 1 Is 111111111,; '011,:1) 'P111111-1 hn,III) Mc- ( it 1 clip. c, inning ,411111 Itt church editor \till In thio ;:,wu'' \\c had t1(' 11,6;11 sup (i(', P4'111", Irlwa \\1,111, Enid Brigham. mi.. \\illi,wn (i,\\' hall ,,ii inI ('1-1. ;sot illy, I had :l 011x1 \lith \\'ally 111r14cn an l hate 111(101 space than the sporting 1tit t"\411 on \l,n,ay a large puff ball \1111th 11'4'11 11- 11110 I"nr 11\\11 ulcn, \les;",. stilt - The 11111"n i, '111.,(.1 \\11111 ;1 family14'i' Ihllr,ilt s. (1111111 1 1 di:,t;nt'r--11110" Russel (',:.h h;sl \reek, :and ttt' ter)' tors The next great recital 1111! coma'! t., 111ar1111 \-onus"" 111"Ilton i 111"111 ''1.1' ludo children, I 160 In \I r,. I:. I. 'fa)'- "1111 v(((ied, Irina \\'all, Enid Ilei;- the children had found while going for l t., ',,,,;iii, x1141 111'\' II1'll'rt), w11, 111110 elan Io run into them. It \\a, Icall) \then t11e press sets itself 1(1 re(1"11i'the cote,. It measured 51 ludic, a'ound' Int'. 1f (Tinton, and Ivan, not" a student hang, hello and good by', hitt it means a great Litt' tv111d. Every 10x011(.0 should t'1. 1 lunateO 11!i"ell Belting in the 111,11(.. :11• Ihr l'liu!on (' Ilc4iatr In',tiUltc.I 'I hr11\in•.; b'a•,kclball log )11‘ lance - 1 at the largest 11(1111. by the narrrl\\1sl "I ncu'41n,, 1110 t) 'cal \111 lk far front holm,. 'f itt 11x'1 operate I I On 'i 111 i;1) \I r. l'll;lrlc, \i'11,','n (herr i, also one grandson, Px111 Tay ' Joyce I\:Illi, kerne Pollard, Irina \fall, been talhiti4 t1 'long. Slc\\':ut 1-c b1 l Iricndllt hat,. newspaper. 11 1 (111111 Smith, luinghl a still iarger exhibit to t"wen had hrt';Ik,. \\ c 0'ul ba' a maw nn Jnr, little s;n 1f \Ir, and \Ir.., K. 1. 'I'IIr1.\\:ng at target - I':ni(I Ilrighaltl, 0(.1111., I feel 111 ter) hecnly total x'\ I,clorc the \lcthu'i,t Rcli,'ilnal Church 11;111 j11 the 1,„t c''11111' x1110 t, \\111'0 I'll ,m'. g 1(111, specimen measured 5,11 incite, at 'Taylor. 1cr1'c Pollard. I :tl•t'I I.anghiin• oral of the la', 101111 home Ic11r had t, j b1\\1 (('rot\ 1111; int ' I,;l,h(.t "jilt I,asketb;aN Council, St. 11.1111. j the largest point. \\'ell, :an) 14.+,', w' both \4111 ;n nice pay the suprelw' sacrifice -tial i, t1(' .A very pleasant altcruo"n \las ,pen( p___ +-\l;t-J.:w•'t \liushall, Irina \\'all, Ihlr- one sail sl,l)' 111at ;Ibta)'s gots wit11 r (.hair 0,1:11, 41,1, , xt ".ill, ;nal any- Petittlt, ell' 1101 tcu1 Cloth 1111) \Irlser, at the 14)1111 0 \I1's, Joseph 'tnI!i4t , \\•a1-, It i, t1 I,' hoped that \\c can 1111 he li-'s'I'ao Ix,t, "then the h",ccs; W. 1, TO MEET' ,t t w1(" ;111111(' "n1- \\0,11. may ," one / (,llll'i'elllellt I)ay 1 111101• a,, !;' 1 "•1111'--I 1,I'U1111' \l l'( ie''' tllniso til!•, IIIes, bt'ti t' any more of ill lh"h;lil',, t 1111(.11 .Il 11'11', 111 HI, 1', ill. 1111e i,llr'ani: arc the results of 111' 10110,1 \\',tat: Laurel Laughlin; 11)cr' 'nh:rtaiwetl (11111('a nulninr of 1('r 1x41) I'!n regular meeting ,j tic' \\'1r1'n', I.11c lads (01111 11'111(. 11:1\'' to '' ,1'111 •.• the Stan'Lud (If jlrc. 11111: n I 11•1-1C111 (calf (.11111 x111 ctrntlnt 11x111. It land, 11 a progressive five hundred institute \l ill b, held "n 'I'Inn',d,l), 1101 \a r, I I'Inud \\ a l 11'111' a nit 11 old" livid in l''Illlt''ll,ll \\1111 1111' til')- 'tic \1-1,' race -- \\;all, 1.,15 ('1'x15. 1\101'' r j11(1'It The 4,iltte551111 prize\1111111'1-, t,tlll.l' 1'111, lino( ail of Ot'l"b(.I' X11,, ;it ,1,1111„ 1"1' 'x'!11t the tir>t-1'11!' wi'!• \\'t 11atc a nw'rky tint' ln•n14 1(' were \IIs. (icnrgl' Powell 11111 \ti,s Iltc home 1f \I,1-. L. Srrilltgc„w1-. 'I he by, Dorothy N!dit.e. ! lie(,. \, , ,1141. maybe it., a 110111 Hill Fair: 1,11(1 s't'ale a ,11111' brl'k'n lrcncll, br1 It;tt'c 11,1' \\'11'ru'k' nn'tiug \\ill lit in 'barer 111 I t1-..\nnir 1 e I."), 1 , n''.blr1 _ 1 Srni''1 (iiri's \1'inn'r, 10111) \1'x11, I„'n r,1'ally Irl:!tc,l't 1111 111'111'11 pr,- j \(.shit! -In \1,001,, on Wednesday, 1(,s, alt' Nil :. Its. 111dd \\111 be the g„"d thi't:: 1\1' ;lilin't 11 in fir,(. 11) the (1 \1100x) 'goy, L1tde,l,,,t•o III,, \11111 _a '.'hints; Rlnlnct'-tip, I)'rotli) 'e \t(' have met, find thein 1, h' \'rt 11111 the \I .l .I .11,111 '"\'led 1111 111,11 I t \ 1111 lith, 19'5, t1 \I r, anal \IIs. \\'.' ii73 \ll'(1l'l', 411111 2 points. I ' , ' I`pl''I,li ,peak,'.. 1;111' \11111 111111, all' 111:11" Il,l\' come i" \lrnst Leccnin!r, 1\'x11111 1 gencrlu:,, me (x1'1111 e sa)'n' x111 it \ 1 \1,'111, ;t son. olid I , \'ail:;;nunul, Clinton--.-- ,,3the coniln,iln 111.11 the \cnlnle w':1; J Junior Girls: the 1'urk,nire 1.11.111111•11 1f 1':11121111111 \t;t, I T\\(.10v-foul• year: i, nota lung time (,cool";e '11:11 ', (11!1(1'll'll - 8'1 i /5-1'x011 (lash-I.l,ls 1)l,llel't\•, \Tal' Orte i" \li\• (1,,'111, ( 111' 111", 11111'1' it i, "(i'- l (' ll 1 ' ' l \ too 1'1,111'. 1 ` I,ut 11 certainly ncl'r great rhan'rs in (1 I t\ (.•OIlstal)ll Salle 1,1111 ('. 1 pbrl! !hayfield SI'1 11';1!1, 14'1110(.:: \It'\:111. 1.11 111 for Papa--p1'ur Irapa I, 1l•:y J , , r r \ In'idrnl:lll)' .oil 1111 11,14- \1111 av'Ic I' the business section 1( Hl)Ih..\ s;huu't' 71(11' HlSidilll, 111 l(111'll (' (1(1 Cawlllhcll, Mayfield ti4111 ,lauding '01x11 jump -Lois I) 1ltity, fortunate it 1111 ever 11tlll bins. It in \1'int;ltam Illxt dal} - w' mean the, J 1 al the a'ect•Ii,i11g columns 1( Ihi> p:u•- III\IdyIl 11011111, (1derich .. 8211 fill", 14'1,res \It'\all, lranci, Ilolly- !gives one quit( a thrill t1 be 1,1 Bilin;i. I..\I r, anal \I 1'. 3111.11 10, tial''( I',I\c 11''111 111\', -ll t1- '1-'n in the 111.'1101 1 tti L"tiiI( t, \\'x111111 13 111141st i,,nc 1.1 itt 41'111411 we a1' 1t' wan, 4'arily 'hi hP1Ii :1 1,1111 and ti'l'l,1111 I looted herr I! 111 \\ itt )1x111, and ;101 tip, year. \I . • :r, \ "d11. • I'1'I 1 11110! - 'nUing, ,lu6w•'' only 111'1 adecrti„k: 1't'.nlh Nit Kt''Itnic, tiodcrich . 731 I I:n:ini141'. broad jntn,'-1,1 i; Il"hcrty,;Ihc church bell rings out a tte'11'tn'.'still in ut( 114 111."1:111‘). ad:n'--I!ttt arc I. ti, romfllt ably ,ell( it in then darliln,l , n 1\' \\"n third ; rvr a1 S(a!,rtit a \chill Billy R):nl, t,it11,14 d:!' 11', 1b'lo'c, \Ir\all, I rands Ilnll)'nla114 ITh' 1';1,1 IV".\etch,, ln,wetel, the I(11rllee\' and l , I. I'owcll. Thr cdil„t,',11tiuJe)1 Irr(1, the 1r,idrni rrren'I, ;u;1. a, 'lid \I(„Is. (,wan ;+11'1 1.111"It \\`, I1. 1 luttln, (4 I,'i i'ln Il' •111100\\ n'; ,1111''1 111 disLuue-Lois ,10x111,„ort has !11'11 our jest t 'han, 1: 1aralitI bt \I'', ;1461 \11,. 1d. •I'•I\1"1-, 'n another ,r41a,i,n. t 11 that time, \I r. I. 11. N. lali,tt, c,'1- 1 Ed. t l!l!!u', (I(1ltrirh •1115 Doherty, Nrar'i- ibill.nthin, Alice Mc -'til recover, \\'t' really t•otere,1 nubs of ! t 41110 hove I ''4'' t1 lInllr 1 . ---\' 1itlli)' 11111 1") p'u'nt co-1p('1iti111 ;alter, \\1111 i, 111' 1t iit I"w1- I'll"' t\\'• (iI'1,1,11 b,), did not ?II '14 Icenzie. cilillltl\• ',\kilte 1 meeting any 1pp1.,i (1,111 11(' ltlll'('han(s in, Ili I'''rtl,ill! Ali.. lliitiiN 1;illld 111J)1)el' their cal:e,, bc:ul,l' 01 a recent be 1 1'iw',\\ing basketb;tll 1'10 distance --' 1!11,11, 11nw',v'r, tb('1v trill likely b' a fee,County (1n,t,(ble,, 11111 \\"11, out of ! . 1 , .. •..omit,. Other a'teicers \\'rt': 1?, 1 ltti ` .II rl'atl'lltl'11t in the family. !Lois 1)"llt'rtt, \I:11•Jo1•11 \\ alto Joan '11114;11 111111 11 f'rai'l('(.lore Il I, (older - , , 111\ t1(. ----1,.— IIlenlltr, I ogle tone & Gardiner, \1'. J• 1(b,' \1,-,1111 Mani' Su1't,lr an' S.'c ' 11\\'.11,11. 'the \'awls have certainly been going t0' 1\'41 \eef'nnir'. \Ir. and \I r,. Sailer t1. i, Situ<, lana', Dodd., S. IL (ii'llry, ('"lin of \\diol, held 1n Saturday', was a :Hen- llect i),IO11 Held 111 1TO110I11' 1 '1111'01\int; at tangt't--111'11 res \Ir\all, 11,\411. flu 1111x+:'. hinll;n l, I. S. Barry, R. \I. \trla\', ,"lid success. A ,plemlid down \\,1S Of Ml's. F. Metcalf \latjnrie Doherty. Loh.; U'hert)'. \\'ell Reit, I bclie\'a' i gill 11x10 to (1. \I. Chambers, I. 11• Leith, l'sersllaw's \'_ t'r',ent, x1101 rnjl)e' x (100)1 ,nnlplrnnl< \I r., C. lira ,ley ,11111 Mrs. Stanley Sib- '! ttl'iw'ing into I,:t,kt'l t\ ith basket- : i,gn oft -very sorry 'pot to have an,- '''''.4z(‘' 11:,! 11 r. \\hit' Ilru:., (h'. \\ . ,I. \liinc, > r + ' , , n 4hnrpr held a curet t uu un 10111xy at ball 10:1111'1 l loll)111,11, ()live Craig, \ter('I 11110 leiterEAST "tk" t1NOSIf ,Iii 1 11 ,Honer. 1 h 111 set x11' sctcral d.'rinr, and 1 tItycrs 1 tI l! . sal' of I he 1x11 i „""I; fur til' the hone of Mrs, 1, \letcalfe, the ^c- \Illiln(I lharkr. oral letters to answer from the f1'(ks \I r, and \I r,, 111c"rge t'allb\'ll, al 111101: and I1(' n11'cr ant"wnted 1" rasion beim in honour ,f \11,, \act- 1'ilrvc-'e gen race-- LOi, I) • iert)'; around hnnn', but it scow, to keep int, \, _ so \IIs. .\. 1 itlt,r(I, attended \Ir,.::::.'S8.1 ti.li. .\ tcrt ' ttif)'init xnlrnunt, r.11f(.'s birlll41a1. U;ujlric \\'all: l ranris 1!'!h\nlxn; I)' busy :ul<\trrin4 the lett, (r> 11 not it 11 C.1111\1 VIII, c,'I,ins jnncr;tl at 'laci,t„i; ` ' MARRIpr,E ANNOUNCE' — -\'- :\n } 11;110x'1^ titin' \t;1a Ila', an' the 1"r'; \1'Nall, Alice McKenzie; \I ildred (1111. 11 is great for morale to 0(.0(.110 1'11 1Veduesda.. flUS13ANn WIRES ROSES ladies ',erten delicious rcfre'Inntnts.'l-'harter. ,pleat)' 1f mail and I ha\' 1'1rtailtit 1•e- 6v e. \I r;. (i. Telford of (lslia\\il Alt,. \lex. Mc( lo\\an 1t•turned n There \ter, ten pre,enr. Mittel' race--I.,il 1),11'rly, Francis ccitetl nt)' share 1f both letter: and announce the marriage ,t their' onlyrNlotiday' from a tt'ck,' t'i,ii \,ill, 'Nir. )1 I.. Ilrucc Sutilh 11a, lac recipient \IIs. Metcalfe \t1 i; Inc 1f Bloc 11111)man, \larjoric \\'alt. Ipatc'Is. (lan:hter, Dorothy Ilan, t1 1.1(.11. Sid -';It t \IIs. i;, », t NI t: at 1'rcll, 1'I :I 1041.1. '11411(.1 1f rose; on 1\'e' 1 • ,1 1 0 rement!'rancc from oldest. :til Ino,1 Ile;Ill)' rtspe11'11 d.j. junior Girls' \\'inn(.I-Lois 1),11101)•, Ittnletil141 the to the gang a1 n t 1 nt t (horn,, It.l'.\.\'.h., 111 \\'c'In1','ac, I `Ir;. visiting and dao 111'0, \i i.t'n_ Itt , ', a tens, \vas celebrating her I\Sth Itt 111 Ittith ,i(I points: ]runner-up, Francis►lnttn, \\•ill look forward t1 seting September '11111, 1'1 -la, at St, Audle\15id, ' are visiting \\11th \Ir, antl \Ir,. A. b41 L'I i,,lnd. I't' I)aci'1 Ilrwcc nlitb, day, 11 loll)'nl,lo, 16 points, thews before too long,-J.\\ffi: United thureli, 0,11)41x, 1 NIL Gow,t11, \,'1" i, .et \ 11111 +u Ft inc.,. Myth School Board The 111\t11 51111"I 110,11,1 n; t ;it the Secretary', home 1w 1t'l0tt u4l (r at h p.m., 1\1111 the collo\tuv_ 'Truitt( pre,cnt : NV. I ill,, S. t ( 1(:'110!1. I :. Cart \\ 11 and I.:\rul,tl"n' t he minute, 1j the ;'114,11, 1-l:':il, r meeting \very :1!tln-ote41 ;1, read 1'11 14'o- Iton of '1'1•1:1445 l'rtit:ht'm and .\.lu- 1)1(41 k. The folio \\ ael'ono-- \\cele (rl''!rI'441 Pahl on motion ,I Tru -tee, ( x011\ ri'll' anal .\not," 'rug. \\• 11, \lel':Irl')', rcnl.'\'imi \V. (,age awl (•n,, t,td., supl'Ir, 1'ttl,lir tit ho 1 N. 1'. (iarrcti, supplies (44ltt-4i4 1(4.21) 1'.1. Stil"tvit, repair, 4.25 S. Krclnuc, extra labour 1,1•411) \leetinq adjlurnc' tin Ilion 'It 4,1 1 rte tees Crciullton and (1x'1\4 right. 1."111' 1ltlhnt'tl, Set rcta'r. ;1 `111 , ;1-11 11 t.'.1 111111 I'1 iI'1 1!.111 '4 '1111On!- tl',' n: 1,1 !1.1!11 ,i"11-11", 1111' 1 1 1. I'i''' i ;1111 1 iii- 1', :\ - 41;11111, tte•e ,1;11 i' 11111d to 4;111 a 1111(tin.; I,'1- 'rt',I'Iv;1li1 :1 !11n'I'I'-e the '"4'41(1+:4' ,. ;pin '111, 111 111:41 ,111.11 a Int' olio"' \"iia he 1(1111 in 1114 1111-' 11 r'; Ill,tll 1'11 :,1111111:1\, 811'11.1:. 21111, at )); 11.111, Local I3o11'!cl's `\'in 'c'c(►n(1 Prize In ,John Ilanna'1'r0ph\r 'I h! 411 !114 ;11 how lin' rink. p;n'ti' Mat • 11 ill 11110 John I Lot'"1 1 /iodide, '11lII'll:l- 11.1 nt held on 111( \\'it oI;tn1 Green, .\ few u'ighblnlrs gathered at the h..et :mother 111x1'1' 1, "!'I"t\ ollr ow -!1 hone' of \I r,..\, I.yd''iatt on 1 wt'- L'' horn," for a long time, ;s11,1:11».1.111.11; 1101 ti1'0t 1,14\es',. titen161''ll to pI'l',l'tll \II',. 11, f•11n(!\' :IIT expecting '1, 1" 1,1(m.,1,N', „ 11(.go will! it Iitttc gilt of remembrance in \\'v 14Lt\c11 I'1i:'llt)' ",licit 111p,',itrul anticipation of her departure from the for the \\ hole t)u” game,, \\ inning the village. first one again• -t \\'al:\' NIlllt'r a, SI:hi, Mrs. 1lotuly \las the recipient of a ':Ind Lorin. \\•ebb, ,n 111 extra end, „ l,hvtl\' "throe, tvflicll \t a, presented b\• tall' 111 11.414' 1/ to 11. '1 he second \I Is. l y(Lliatt, 1111 itch;llf ,f tho,,' pre,- ;game •at\ 11141 1 cal, 11i1.1 l'11 .14ain-t Jack Olt. 'Hit' gall',: of honour rt -h ill suit - 11 I"IIIht"It and I i:Irl y S'lt,li•t soil 1f ("d • ably, and the hostess servv(i dainty re- 114 i'1(, all i al;ain Ill' score 11x, 18 15 fresllllll'ilts, I'.! I,I\int,. ill 'lir 11111th ,talivsofts. \\ 1111 'I'llu-t' !(odes"''( "\ ere, \Ir,. 1:, \Irte;Ill', !,fcclin',, -'f wii-..,..i,inn,, all ,Iuit'er, up \IIs, Potter, Mr". 11. \lel•:h'")', \Ir,. ..\;. land dim :1 1!1,' spine, :and our fingers P. Garrett, \IIs, F. Sl,tach, Mr., \\', lit r4', ell ,1 ii_11:ly they cramped, \It' en - Logan, and NI vs. K. Whitmore, \!r,. itcre4l the third ;1111 final tussle, against Stanley Sihthot l6' \v Is unable to be ,that renowned ne'I h''\\ Ict , ,\1e\, ( •ran ford, in escol (111e to illncs,, 4\ 1t11 hi, a,si-1,1111, Homer I lazleurll(', 1141'1' fall", The tt\„ 111';+1 "heroes" HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured writer. 13 Destiny. 14 Ever (poet.). 15 160 square rods, 17 2000 pounds 19 Spaoe, 21 War aviAtor. 23 Chine,o measure. 24 Muir.: nQte. 25 Mineral 27 Cushions. 29 Courtesy title. 32 Abound. 33 Comp u Aloe suifix 34 Salver, 36 Challenge. 38 Com pa is point. 39 Clod. 40 Proportioned. 41 Louisiana (abbr 42 Sole. 44 CovenJul, z.. 3 1 17 FEMININE WRITER Answer to Previous Puzzle BEN LEA Q 0 ENE. E1:3* E i;< A C T UT Til ;N 1Yolpis L IS A LE EN Ri I ci I_ AIR NEEDSC OR Pi H IN.Q1 (3R3TED NAVAL L$M atmT S APT BENJ. !N BEE LCLAV EFS M ED LE HES LET rai) . 46 13 1:e. Vkait arti. a; it. no; (Latin). 57 Worm 59 She is a well- known — (pl. VERTICAL 2 Pro)osition. 3 Valuatod, 4 American Indian. 5 C'anva-: 6 Fabhcal in, 51,1! rviidored. 8 ".'.a.-tre Of 9 Price of passage, 10 Frozen des.;ert. 11 Obliterate. 6' MOPSY by LADYS PARKER 19 Flock of armed ship,. 20 lieu hoo4.s have won t11' 22 13o1y of a (lead 26 1)epends, 23 aittole (zoo). 30 Affirmative vote. 31 Pon( public v. 32 5 11vgret. 37 Fabulous bird, 41 I.ocle. 43 Print measure. 41 Po,,tcript (abbr.). 1 A boatsprit, 49 Bottomless gulf, 51 Promiunt, 52 54 Tree. 56 Greek letter. 57 Electrical 12 The (Fr.). engineer 16 Narrow fillet. (abbr.), 18 East Indian 58 Steamship island. (abbr.). 12. 1 1 6 9 10 11 i 4 ' 5 14 18 15 23 26 L 33 4 46 47 .50 5 57 THIS ARMY lily 'Solo" C•olttha to Ti.• Moo!. Ltol, C000dion Ansi sewic0p14 in Itoly, Croon copyright./ • .• "Hey Herbie! Have you a brother in the Air Force?" HOLD EVERYTHING 2.15 WS 11441144 Stily,a. 4•C A. 44 AO S. PAT at Don't Apologize, we all mak. mistakes! You'll find the bank in the next block!" 1'HE SPORTING THING "They must have heard about your silk Worm!" EVER SINCE JOE. STUDIED CAMOUFLAGE, HE'S SEEN CHAMPION OF THE AMP,/ CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "Why should there be sue a shortage of alarm clocks? . . I thought the men and women in the services all used bugles." MUTT AND JEFF ELLS)! 1-10 iS Y100 FIELLO! TiAtS"P IS 7 ,S I TIAIS. SIDE GLANCES By George Clark 11( k • .t /'' �OPA 1,nd St No. BERVICt, INC tM. AC1.0 e. AT Off Q•14 "They've lost weight on the trip. The judges don't know any• thing about. stock and you can't get away from them to ied the fair." LIFE'S LIKE THAT Be Fred Neher "That ain't nuthin' . . . Wait'll you grow up and have to lis;ea to after-dinner speakers." After All The Other Guy I� Lucky It Wasn't A S AY, 1 MADE. -111tS CALL! 1g1-40 IS T1115? AND I 1,1143i#JERED IT! MAD IS TFIIS? 1<Novl Wi YOU Wtio AM? RoW DO I MAN/ SliOULD I TELL TA1:4ING< iW DONT You TELL TO LF you , VI140 You ARG.? 01'1'1, TELL ME WHO You ARE?„.` Long Distance Call By BUD FISHER 1 AM!1! WHAT DO You WANT? REG'LAR FELLERS—Strong-Arm Squad? 15 THINIKire OF JOININ1 \.„ A• S ';; THAT'S WONOERI:UL, JImmir..- 1 ALREADY HAVE ONE SISTER IN TH WAVE.5 AND ANOTHER. IN THW.A.A.F..5 LET THAT E A LESSON TO 'YOU ! DOES YOUR morn BELONG TO ANYTHING, i PINHEAD / •••••••1101••••144.... By GENE BYRNES (`1 -C -AH! 1 THINK ) 6HE- JEST JOINED ,--(-4-' WHACKS') 1----,7------- ,-., POP—Rubbing It In WHY RAISE YOli HAT TO HIM HE'S TI -IE RARREP WHO SOLD ME- - iftIC•17, t,). Tho 901 Sy 'AI, ate, Int.1 /444 4 1''''•• 't •. • :••• By J. MILLAR WATT - A IOTTLE OF HAIR RUSTOQEP Quality guaranteed 'SALA TEA SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON October 8 JESUS' PROGRAM F 0 R MEETING LIFE'S PROBLEMS • Matthew 4:1-11; 8:24-34; Luke 4:10-30. PRINTED TEXT, Matthew 4:1-4; 6:31-34; Luke 4:10-21. GOLDEN TEXT.—Man shall vot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4,4. Devotional Reading: Hebrews Memory Verse: For thou, Je- hovah, hast matte me glad. Psalm or:a. Triumph Over Temptation "`!`hen was Jesus led tip of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil . . but by every word that proccedeth out of the mouth of God." The principle intolved in Christ's reply was that lie world work no miracle to sat- iety His own will. In self-denial He would follow God, submitting In llis twill, and trusting that His mighty power would help in the time of need in the way that His wisdom might see fit. God',' Outward Blessing "Inc not therefore anxious, say- ing, \Vhat shall we eat? . , . and all these things shall be added un - Jiffy crochet to surprise even a beginner! Scarfs and amts for buf- fet, dresser or table sets, crocheted In two strands of string, Relax in your leisure moments crocheting this jiffy design. Pattern 879 contains directions for scarfs, mats; stitches. Send twenty cents in coins atampa cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St., West, 'Toronto. Write` plainly pal - tern number, your name and ad - to you." Our Lord Lays that if men will really seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness all these material things, which the heathen nations seeks exclusively and which arc necessary for life, will be add- ed, As a rule, God's outward bless- ing gots with the inward; and he who by patient industry has hon- estly sought his daily bread has found it, Please God To -Day "Be not therefore anxious for' the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself, Sufficient un- to the day is the evil thereof," Christ says 'to -morrow and all its wants will be provided for you by your heavenly Father; there- fore think of it without anxiety and try to do right and please God to -day, Jesus In Nazareth "And 'ne came to Nazareth, whirr he had been brought up , , to set at liberty them that are bruised." From the word here translated 'anointed' conies our English word 'Christ' which means literally 'the Anointed One', and thus the 'Sent (inc.' The Acceptable Year '1`o proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." This was the time when men—sinners broken, ruined, hnvlcss, hopeless nlcu—would be acctprible to God if They tvottld believe in Christ and accept )lis way of grace. And the acceptable year of the Lord is not ended. Any man in the world to -day will be accepted of God if he will take Christ for his Saviour and allow God to cleanse him from sin, The Scripture Fulfilled "And he closed the book, and gate it back 10 the attendant, and sat down: and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on hint, And he began to say unto thein, "1'o -day has this scripture been fulfilled in your cars." Jesus quietly' announced that the prediction of the prophet Isaiah was that day fulfilled in 1•linn be- fore their very eyes, The people doubted that this ratan, a carpenter's son, is the one of whom the pro- phet spoke. But Jesus reveals his profound knowledge of what they were going to (10 and )tow they would reject 11int, and Ile would go on to those who would accept Him. And Jesus immediately took Himself out of their midst for IIis time had not yet conic. What Is Happening To Our Language? Quite good writers 110 lunger nem to distinguish between "pre- cipitate" and "precipitous," be- tween "elemental" and "elemen- tary," between ''distintcrestcd" and "uninterested," between "histori- cal" and ''historic,"—Front a letter in the pros protest might also be registered against the introduction of mmmerous vulgarities, as for in- stance, the substitute so often used for the admirable word "courage." Sonic of the magazines which should be among the leaders in protecting the language, are act- ually snaking free use of profan- ity.—fort Arthur News -Chronicle. Quick Breads For Quick Meals Running out of ideas for lunates and lunchhox fillers that don't fake extra time? 'Then try these delicious Peanut Butter Muffins. They're not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but are high in protein loo! Give them a place of honor in your muffin book, and you'll find yourself making them often, by request. Peanut Butter Muffins cup peanut butler 1,i cup .'111-13ran Ye cop sugar 1 cup sifted flout 1 egg 1', teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon baking powder Blend peanut butter and sugar thoroughly; add well beaten egg end milk. Stir in All -Bran. Let soak until most of moisture is taken up Sift flour with salt and baking powder; add to first atixtnrc and stir only until flour disappears. Fill greased muffin pans ltto-thirds toll and hake iu moderately hot I 1 I too F.) about 2(1 enintttcs. Yield: 10 muffins (21,4 inches in diameter.) ♦-. .-.—• • • .-.-.-a•....-..-.-...-... 4 ......_.... ."..-..... . 4 • .. Sapphires and Diamonds by DOROTHY TROWBRIDGE CHAPTER V Peggy Lund oat u. 11'll;iann's ! grandsons down by the ,be Avail- ing to open it for her, His little calico shirt tails flapped in the breeze abut c the patciu•d pants that had nice belonged to an older brother. His white teeth in their black selling shone in the sun- light, She waved the light whip towards hint AS she drove through the gates, Once on the high o ay Peggy drew a long breath and settled down to the business of thinking. "'Post's what 1 get for burrow• ing things," she muttered, renu'm• bering how she had ahtay's been taught never to borros, from any - 0111'. There was only one !!ting to do. Stop at Carver's jewelry store and see if the ring could be straight- ened, She had no idea how long it would take, 13ut she would go there Immediately. She had heard that since young Jinn Carver had come home from college and gone into business with his father they had branched out considerably in the jewelry busine es. Perhaps that would include being able to straighten a platinum ring. In spite of the many cars in Marshv'illc, no one ever thought it strange to sec Peggy Morton in the old pony cart, She had driven it ever since anyone could remem- ber seeing her about, and no one connected a 11011011 with anything but horses, There were still a few horse rails about the old square in the center of tvhich stood a foun- t lain that had served as a drinking fount for the horses of former days, I Now it was only a source of cool- ing beauty. Stores, bank, post of- fice, and the old wooden two-story I hotel surrounded the square on all four sides, the streets entering from the corners, I'eggy, stopping before the hitch- ing post that was the closest to Carver's, jumped out and tied Pat, exchanging greetings with one or two people as she did so, Then walking rapidly, she entered the store, She was glad to sec that Jim Carver was not there. Ile would probably have asked a lot of ques- tions. Old 11r. Carver, with his bald head bent closely over a book, was seated alone at the back of the store, "Why, hello, ,Miss Peggy'," lie called, coming forward to greet her, after carefully marking his place with a slip of paper between the pages. "II ow's your grand- mother? Yon ought to be mighty proud of her. 'There's nobody left around here like Miss Mary. 1 re- member—" But Peggy had no time to listen to reminiscences. "She's quite well, thank you," she interrupted. "11r. Carer, 1 won- der if you could straighten a ring for me? Yon see," she said reaching into her bag and handing hint the ring, "it belongs to a friend of untie who is visiting Inc, and in some way it got bent." Peggy did not prevaricate easily and she wonder- ed if her scarlet face were giving her away, Mr, Carver took the ring, eyeing it gravely while Peggy anxiously waited. "That certainly is a lovely ring," he said at last. "A girl with a ring like that ought to know better than to be careless with it, Well now, I reckon 1 can straighten it all right for her." Peggy relaxed somewhat. "Could you do it this afternoon? Right away?" elle naked, Mr, Carver looked at her over Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles l-leie is the chance tar every per• eon In Ctulada suffering from sore, Itching, pntnfut plies to try a etmpte home remedy with the promise of a reliable firm to refund tho cost of loo treatment If you are not eattsfled with the results. 811nU1y go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hent -)told and use as directed. item-llotd Is an Intern- al treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quick- ly noticed. Itching and soreness aro relieved, pain subsides and an the treatment Is continued the sore, Painful pile tumors hent over leav- ing the rectal membrnnee clean and healthy. Get a bottle of tient- Itold today and see for yourself what nn easy, pleasant way this is to rid yourself of your pile misery. NO'PE1 The sponsor of thin nailer l• a reliable , firm, doing blindness In Camilla for over 20 )curl. If you are troubled tt'Ith sore, Itching, painful plies, Ilem•Ilold 1111711 help you quli'kly or the small purt'Iinne prier .01 he gladly refunded. Headache Nothing Is more depres. sing than headaches... Why suf er?...Lambly's will give instant relief; Lambly's isgood for ear•' ache,toothache,painsin back, stomach, bowels. yleaa. HEADACHE POWDERS 11 ISSUE 40-1944 r,,r. raised f,•lk, art just alit•., 1 t r:t 11:;h(.' must be done r 1,'111 e di:lllg, You all astir ni.. rel„(!ober Mat Rome Na£rl"t lillii: i:1 a dal'. I reckon, though, t:.,,: 1 ,lin do 11, I'm not doing i ':Ili;•g rise right now. Alight as \veil do tomo Coin you conte 1,,l,;; r,'trr a wh:!c;” Peggy t;r,c (:t of the store with her heart sinehi', flit ring was not ruined 1t would be as good as new and fae coil!(] have It on when she tut: N11 i y. In spite of her know !edge that she should not bor- row, hating 1, rrot',rtl it she might as well carry out Ilrary's idea, she told herseli. All steeled w ell uuw•. She paused a moment on the side- walk to look about her, deciding ' what to (10 next. Across the square before the motel she saw several boyo gathered about an Auto- mobile, It was the car front Cali- fornia that site had seen that morn- ing. She wondered where its own- er was, and why he was still in Marshv'illc, 'There was nothing in this sleepy little town to keep even s tourist, Fitt' reflected. She )tent into a candy store up near the corner to get some of Nancy's favorite candy then stop- ped in a drug store to buy some magazines anal ;, soda, to kill a lit- tle time before she should go back fur the ring, At Last he rose, and after paying her cheek started down the alrcet. Sac was within a few feet of ('1,7, er's when she heard rapid fouls..epn behind her and a voice cried: \fell, hul!c,. 11;14ine erring you here!" Turning yniiki}' she found her- self face to face with the Man from California, ;,s she immediately' termed hint, 1't ggy eyed hint cold- ly. Ile was till!, she realized, and broad shouldered. ile %Yore a well - tailored light linen suit which con- trasted becomingly with his dark coloring, His almost black hair, which hail been blowing in the breeze this morning, was now brushed neatly down, tic had nice eyes, she found herself thinking, before the answered curtly: "1 am neither s hitch -hiker nor a pick-up." "Oh, 1 s;,.;," he began in some confusion. "1 didn't mean it like that. 1 was so surprised at seeing you again just had to speak. Sort of talking aloud, 1 guess," "Yes, I understand," 1'cggy said pausing at the entrance of the jew- elry store, "There is another man here who talks to himself, He is about ninety and usually sits along here in the tun, The constable keeps an eye on him 10 see that nothing happens to hint. He prob- ably won't mind watching you too." (Continued Next Week) SLEEPS ON THE JOB Harriet Bergman, above, of New York, actually sleeps on the job —and gets paid for it. She tests sleeping .qualities .of .new -style pajamas for designer Harry Berger. Most of her work is done at home, although she has a cot in the Ber- ger offices. Bombs Don't Hinder School Examinations 13u) s and girls of Southern Eng- land have refused to allow flying bombs to interfere with their gen- eral and liiglicr school certificate examinations, now being held. T1 cad teachers are full of praise for the calla w'ay in which the children have gone about their work. One group of girls began their geography paper at 9.30 a.m. and finished it et 2.45 p,m., leaving spent only LO minutes on the paper, and the rest of the time in shelters, 10 another school the gins do- ing their algebra paper had to go four times from a ground -floor classroom to the shelters and finally they had to finish the paper writing on their knee; in the shelter. Edward VII 'Rides Again In Paris The bronze equestrian statue of King Edward \'II in back in its place in the courtyard of the Societe Generale, one of France's great banks. More than two years ago bank officials whisked it away to a hiding place when Germans or- dered it melted down to make bul- lets, German authorities actually had MUFFINS CAN IIELP^ KEEP YOU RECULAR* Yrs — by rating several dcltcl,us xvi.LUGG'h Ar.L-taien muffins every day, and rlr)ui.iug plenty of water, boa clan help prevent constipation (!1 Leel: of "bulk" in your (Hell KELLOGG'S ALL -!IRAN MUFFINS t talo!, rsown) n{ sup milk •t7nrtc,,ing 1 rut, !lilr,t lj rule rug;,r ?y i, ar worn 1 I111, 1111114V/1 L,J.ul4 purr' All Un,t, Blend shortening and sugar n ir- au1;1113' ndd erg and brat well. Stir In All -])ran and milk; let soak until most of moisture Is taken up. Sife flour with salt and baking powder; ndd to first mixture and stir only until flour disappears. Fill gyro:ed muffin pans e`,1 full and bake in n:od-! erectly hot oven (900°I'',) about- 31, minutes, Yield: 8 large mulllns. ALT. -ARAN is made by Kellogg's London, Canada. Your grocer ltus In 2 convenient bi2C4, - the statue pulled down. but L:'.dre they could cart it array bank ,f- ficials hauled it under cover of darkness to St. Denis. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST, REGIS HOTEL rouON'ru • Leery Homo ttlth IIn117, Slt, . Cr end 'I'eleplu,nu, • Single, Ii2.9(I up— Double, sa.i0 up, • Good Food, Dining and !Mut- ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4135 DDTHIS FOR Night Coughing WHEN 11 COIR stuffs up the nose, causes mouth breathing, throat tickle and night coughing, us -.1 this time -tested Vicks treatment that goes to work instantly , , 2 ways at once) At bedtime rub good old VIci a VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Thcn watch its PENETRATING. STIMULATING action bring relief from distress. It PENETRATES to upper breath- ing passages with soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a • warming, comforting poultice and it keeps on working for hours. even while you sleep—to ease coughing spasms, relieve muscu- lar soreness and tightness—and bring grand comfort) Try It to- night , , , Vlcka VapoRub. R "Once in a Life Time" SYNDICATE OPPORTUNITY ONLY 1,000 UNITS AT $5.00 We. have just received confidential and reliable information that one of the largest, most surecss- Jul and active mining and development companies in Canada has recently closed a deal for a large block of partially developed propertiea in a well known gold district in Northern Ontario. With this advance Information, one of our prospecting parties is now on Its way to secure, by staking or otherwise, well located or adjoining claims in this area. The entry of this large and important company into this arra will undoubtedly be followed by many other large mining companies and create an active demand for properties. if you wish to participate in this early opportunity of getting In on the ground floor, forward your application for units of our Syndicate at once. FINAL OFFERING Of 1,000 Units at $5.00 Each Unit Will Be Exchangeable For 200 Shares In A Larger Company When Formed. ]t payss to get in early and before drilling starts. Further particulars to subarlbers only, on re meat. Tomorrow May Be Too Late WIRE 011 PHONE TODAY Your confirmation and remittance can follow by mail. 1INMATCH PROSPECTING SYNDICATE Capital 10,000 Units 112 YONGE STREET, TORONTO George McKeown, Secretary -Treasurer Linmatch Prospecting Syndicate, Toronto, Ontario. I enclose nly remittance of in full payment for L'nits of Linmatch Prospecting Syiidicate at ea 00. NAME ADDRESS (M) 112 Yonge Street, PAGE 4, THE STANI)AR,1) w--_ - - _. ._L --- . , d Kte41(ittKMttttleKKK(E)!KK(lKtfh!►RtEt4tEtCeQKt4KK16'4tKt<KKK�(tCKKKKt6 ! `�'IS'1'Ii'I �'JI,I) of ,t halo I '. '" 1.;l +'tl ,.tt,t,',l.t\. sett• 1111 tt d�! Ilisurktrwe Agency t1 h.1'tI _ .1 • itis Iran t sort I,, 11 of cod, I i ll. • sl'a'nt sonday ,:.d.1. the I, r. n al r• tit. Ill" ,I telt ie ,1 tte,1, 1 1111.1 1. \It1; •, \t,..�x.ln \I, I r •tt t 11 lists ,1 tt„ !. - BLY'riI -- ONT. ti INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - :Accident. J. I1T. R. Elliott. Office 1'huue less CO111o1l Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 140. h11t 11 I t; n, l ,(1 1,;li!lt'url'• \II I ,11"'ll l ,u 1, I. I 1 'I1! I„ A! \l:-. I' e, • Ilort, ,1)111 1hnlcIt 'r • A • „u, \\ rad ,•r, alt' \'111'1' \,,' n o ,11.1' .11 hi � ! \11.. ..t.! \Ir•. I ioti:I , t ,un I, li 11,.;,11 l tea,'; t .,ur,a'1 :1 ha A ! it. \\ . iol,t .l, t I Il!nc\.11, t\,1 i 1,1!11'1c 1 It;•:1. :11..I, Ile '1111 a :it ., td.ar'.a' „1 the �t I l It t' aI \\ 1 •I 11(1,1 on . 111 � .11 1!... \\II�,, u!1,!r :'t. t•. I, ol, A ; X1111 Lt\, .t• 11.,' 1•.1 t„1., Rrt I II' o 11 1111 ! I, ' 11:,11 '1 \ n, • ti .ell, hal i \n 'i v xt . i t 1111' \.I I NII \It (' nu t ,tl "COURTESY AND SERVICE” Al' •\ Au Itlnt•\alc 1.111.'1 t, Smoke, R''t• Liotti ,.1 \nhl ��7Di2tAt7�t3, i,dr?,3,�t3,7r:9.�+)r3r� fir'. �9r3t`)t 3{:,,:h r3rhl:),'.',9t?t3t71� 3,� 3t�rd 2,5{210 2t�1�1�1St �nrll pi' 1„ I 1 1111 1,11111 1. 'I IIt•r,' \\ 1 1 Dead and Disabled Animals RE110VF:I) I'RO111'TLY. Telephones: Atwood, 5001; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. G. R. AUGUS'I'1NE RI' vi :`I•:N h!N(i THE 11ONTIiIt:,1I, LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY' • ,! ! I'a, 1. t''1' I n: 111. a 1111;111 Intl •x, E t c an l the t omit 1 t\:''t lie a lr,nui• l.c: c 1, \11 s. 1!11.1 1 au11,1,1.11 \,i 1 I, • lite c'!i 1 \;11\rr ,tf til,• Sine1at n? ,. t•\ Itr. •\ ,111.1111 lar rant i, !,x:11.: t1+. ; :,I ed. I.\cl\uttr i• \\t;ltiitt at Ca: , 1,. I. •x - •;1til. \II -. I!. I I.1"ri..to of l; itt rid, Ni: 111111 \I r•. I.' Ir.' ! 11 I\ i f I hal t•\, to ,si:i !; :\Ir. and NIT'• \\'..\. bill. 11x. ;I 111 \l,' . !' ; •:•t'r n last 'ger ;I - lerdc 1 the Far at `t1.:ltf ,111 to t 11. N•I r, alt ! \It'•. I lei'.:Lt, t'atut'hetl ;tn.! lancnat tri I , John. \I.. ant! \Ir,. I In'.e:' Horn; and the total Ilxl,!, 11;1.1 the huhltl ine jtins;tn. ii-!It'I \title ✓ et•''!,. !'.t'i'n it t c t;'h ,1x111, halt,,. t Utiit!Iltci!'• -i t"r, \I r• \\ ;Hs \lil!er !, ,lilt, lilt a 1 11 it:: before 111(• Coolerich. 11 NII ler', IIl1.h,tIU1 1 I c 'n,c alai.: to pa.dock i1 in ;111 it•, •1.11 allay ,,nit,• •n !•11•;11) i t the 110.1 lull on Saturday. is rti'� 1 Associate) with The Atlas Insurance , • Contrary, Lenion, Englard. LiFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES 1`'I LI,IAM II.11I011:R1T'1' LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In l''arut and iiousehol,; talcs. l,dcettsed for the County of Moron Reasonable Prices, and Sat!tifacttor, Guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone 11'illiant 11. \lorritt, phone, ttesldencn 1,:1; Shop 1, Myth, 4•41 1-1. ROLl) JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. S'pecialit,t to Farm and Household dales. Licensed in i1 roil and Perth \Irs. 11111.1'11 tine!I i• ;t patient Counties. Prices reasonable; stats 1 onion guaranteed, )''noon 1uts;'it,ll \\here she outer\\ tint 1)t operation. f''or Information, etc., write or phoD! \ti„ Alice Bred 1111!1 her sister ,'t lfarold Jackson, t(,1(. ' o. 4, Settfortt. l.uxknittc, \\ i It \1 r. and NI rt. Hiner Phone l Irtit;l• 1 R1 her,„111. _.- _--.-. _' sure\\• Stein of 1,nekt \\', t\itlt \1r NI r. and NI rs. \\ to \\ ,11111 n. \li ! 11: Ilatllt\11!, `iratiord. al !It 1' 111'1111' 11111 t'. \It. .1n,1 NH.. I rx.i 11. I;u!1'tl:'e, .•f Itltt't. •,\ith f'•'''n !• It• re. Ni'. at:l NI; . \\',:I. ,1-1,1•1 \t 1111 NI'. ,11111 \tr,• \\.,lire 11,1\4 1',. til!ti!. tp,. 1't ,:t 'It '1 1!: 1;"Ise:•• I'attl t-,,;1, tilt t gals I.t•t•:I 111. iitt rot lit I'll' 1.1.1' , I1: 111.111 111 1111; \. .1 1.,, t1,u'111' I t! 11'e(lnesda�'1 Sept. 27, 1911, •' \II '1 ott. ,.I 1 111 , lltl' '. 1 !:. \ .I't i }11 Maim..., I ;lbtr t•, tt•ith I':1 I:'I ,ret •�, ,1111,1ay Itt'I \Ir•. (olid Me - 1. ,, , , td ', 11.111, �. ' i1In i\ 11, 1 11, 1 tt.i!1 . II"r.' ,111.11 1,.1'.1'. .,.'"It t' ••I1 ' ,1,1•..111'.1, 'le, .' 111••11 „1 111' t !Illy, 11 0 ',1111 ! .1 1.., It 1,1 ',11111' 1!, •1:11'11 1', 1\\ ,.,II !n 1110 11' lulu \1'.:1 . •'I ti it ! , 1111', ' :'J1,1 1'It l• II 1 :','•,", ,, .. '' ' 1 _ i;!'lo_ ,.II'•I \\' 111'11 .1tt,11 �1 tr'llt,.1 •, , •.11„1. 1:11,tti \\t 1'1 1'1...,111 1 1 111 (,'u,t.l ,tn it lith ttttrt,t \.I, I,• utx, 1 •1 r\ lee t11't'1!.. 111111' tt 111!1'! k\ "le 111'11 111,11 11til1,tti, t,.1t'1 111'1 all tell'\ tte,ll' I Canada Provides (Coutes For :1 Million People 11, .111,1 tai, 11,11•' ,' :I 1111. :: I Ill r ,,1 n IL) \111'. i.„t\n. t 1;111 l•n.'u,•11 1'\ Illy ,t',•'t 111.1'' ;u:tl N' .t., !'.t ,'Ir'• I'ni, 1 !u 1111''r I 11,,1111 11'1 • ,,i .111 1,11111, ti,' ;,I„! 11"11' i,' I''• ”\1,1'11' il, I sola LI” 1,111x1. l an,nli,ut I1 -hull, lt'! ' •,r, ' !, 1111 11(.111'x.: 1:Ulrl.'I \ t\u11,t I 11.11,• till, '.•1'1-. I11 1!11' 1't t' , 11 ,,•1•.1 I" 1 11.,,,!1• 11,111•'1 'tt•. i•,t' :1111111 1 1,111' 1111111'111 1 , 1111' ;11111111t1, )1r•. 1 i tl ., I, till U II JII•I 1\,'1111 II 11'111}; ill 1!t( dim,. I sari'. 11 .,,i t, ' `.,',1; t, • 1 (1,11” I, I -'1 '•t I I, ,Irl I'•t, t . „1 Ilse I! •nlini'nl, 111111 bite -xttt '•h, r 1111!!1 •11 uniiurnls ,Inst 511111(11 I' 1,1,11• t„ 1.l ;It 1ltilain ,I, \\ell, ;11,11 \\ It!I rot..\uc''11 ticr\ires u;,rr,tUnt' I , "1." r. 1;1' 1,1 climate,. it 1aas •berontc n1'. l; ls. an I •'.1' ail 'ter \1 Ito, \,!1 1't I 1 itt !tt'11 rt. I •1 n1. I:t 111.,1 r 111.11.•1' tt'r, .\i,Ir. i lel. it. I. :Hon, 1',1:11 111. • n t 1';11.,1 I,\ t!!,' ', 1 ,,,'t' of t'ia. \II Ilk .1 .\l ,'r•, n. 1\. 1,1 , I, a', I - c) \Ir•. I. I'tl:•olt, `.ell u'tll, \\ith her II T•. III I ,' n •In l 'Ir 'I leu 1'111 1' .1' it ,.' ,',t '! ! 1 I'.1 111;',, • ,�1 Iltt daughter, Mr.. \\. C. 11x'11111. .1 'pantie Fel al\' :Ifor:11, \title Ili, It • i .1 i' 1 ', 'i' 1 r1'i 1011,:11, 1,111' 111 !In 'II. ,1 111,11. at t'• r i c i' ti' '...'ii 1 ' ,,, ,•l I:1., 'I , l ;ill "•I''''.'-' ,!I'll,„ :111.1 Il The \\ "111'111' ' i NI r. S:1 watt . t''a'I lint.' \It-. \lar\ Ire) old t 1111 i la t' or! 11. ;ill:,, 1;'1;11,' 11.0 s1' t It Ia'1t' rt -:t' • to 11.111'. ,i t: 1 in!i lir ' \li \lin i" "1''11 \i•fting IR" ;IU'11;a\:tt 111,' 111 tile'. 11''1111 ne,1 I."n. ill'' ,'^,I' i 11,'11\. I'1 tit, xcxili!t" tl.i'ktt and br,',Lr• ;ll n the lan't\;it, 1111'1.1', \I r.. I. lar!in, of "I't.oato.+ els it!i" 'nitieci lt.t, "It'l,:irltl'., the II n-, i1.\ \\ 'Ind.,. 'Pic '�- hate a ntet tnrholy 1 appi- 1 \I r. ;ut't 111... Einer, .11 I;,tdccl• titre \\ ill;;t i I'!' , ,,1.r , 'I ! 1'•t' 11 n t' r of 1 i," III,' It ',t ',1 it.' 11„,11 11 1'11'' 'n J V„ 1, 1,116' 'l.t o', 111', 1111tt,',t th'.'n', a. 1! t' ,In^.ct} :t. Ilk_ ittrlttn:tt.' in 1'4'111:1 able 1 • 1111\1. ill' j 1),t 1.l\ , 1\.11'1 1't ill,' kilt \ti , l'.,i1'I11:1)1 111.', '-!' I. \L'. \'.lila t'ni,t :I It„I 1•I'•• 1,i i1„ I her 1• matt,' 11p in st'I, of ' ittt' lttit :Ills into. is )tit' I,I•t hell at' Il\'tli'1t Itlr,il•,I silt utlt• tt(t\' l,t>: it.'t'i 1,,. \I'. i'1.„:111 tall i. ii. 'i,•llt.t i1. t\fan i, fact. 1!1.1' :he ,, 11.11.1 .1 1,1 ;, ,'11111' 11 t- a 1'1 it,, „id ittilt i1, `. .``t5 lttttl,li('11 ;dill the coning of \\ inter. Fina!It ac estate Nil., :till N11,. 11trin \1:1111,1•. ,;ivt' 11 111,111-,011' 111. ••H!'".11111.,1 1i 'illi i!t'kt and •el- hate 11x1.11 nrniuiic. nle.\in;: '1 i n' 1111.1.1: t.il t\xrk. , ti it ttl,r 1111• I •la r I ; ;,, I'' 1111.,'11 f11' (,In,ul;,ln 111'1 I•:niieirc lruol) . 1'.';'I' in :ul'!ili,.t, I'.t' IIII 11 lriett' tit Inlittt't! fit .t1- 1141\e 111','1 ,l alt 1” !irtii'11 tttln,, It! of 0.1.1, e ,! t:ri' i t "1 '111.1 'l filum. .1i ,'„tl'nlp,, Liner' ;old unlined 11..1 ,.nett .'11 Ir'I •Int., 11'.1 rill' .1, . lue':t ,\tt';rer•, 111,1\c, 31111 a 1111111111tde 111' 11!11'1' .'1'111111'1, 11;1' 111.1111 I11111e11 o1)! ;,r' 11.1.1t1i111' lat.11t. h1' till \ii I m.et• n It;ti III, .1 .11 ilkMt: .nil,, I1t•1- m t • anl'1 roa st- are tu•i pt odor.. d, \\',rte r,,.tt ,t, ,arts std under tt t.r • t., the N t',t ;t itr,•it t lis lit atl,,tin,t 1111• 1,,tttl,• h"rncs. tt, t!11' t;iii 1111\ at'tl the co\\'s ;t•'1. 1'r' \til I.urhn' \c. my ;r o In ! it \\:tititit to c"nn' tip. I 11:•11 ills„. nail for a Home. !re:tllti:lg i i t'•a• tti I' ,lir that 1iclk1c- my throat it t! irnc, \tit!, it• tit -tins. and tht a i 11('1111, i1., hltiell ! ;i1 Ilntt(d", (d it'll iron) a 1;1"1111' . .. -1'\\I\' at i 1:1'111'1 .t'il!illl; 1 a earth ;11111 t•\•('tl that frit i'" yeslnrr ,cent', to break the lint 11 an•1 tie take 'hr rut\'' Itarh alt the hrn't\at. ft, be nulkr+l, fcelinn ,all that .it h a tt•lttt'lcritit (Clint.' a, 11,'s little nit.. like all trate conte to an AUBURN PiIIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS by Barry J. Boy'e. and NI r ,. Ezekiel Phillips, itis, Inc S\t it to \\'cPitti!. I,\( Statttr\• \lcNall of 1)mu1\ille, \\'ith \I1. ant! Mrs. '!'bona- \Ic\all. f1,rn' e yloriot. 1!11\. a, \\c go' \Ir. and this. Charles Scott, \Ir. situ! 1t' -toe ,l, Ito anlr'nln. Phi leaves \ir,, Frank I;aitlt!y, John, I;ram and are still -recti herr but 11nc of the•.,' Harold, with relative. at Galt. rtit;hts .! rtca'urc t\itlt a tn\c of \I;r\•in Huta!, ,,n of \\'iliianl (1'1.1'!, (,,tor will ttttnx aloilg tit ...A/latter our is at present a patit"tt Ill (llttlt'rich to \\1111 :1 1"„1 of !art \i n, alts! hospital where tit' under t1 tan all op1rt'a- tton. lean irllronittll \t i'.It 1::111 Streeter ;tt !I!i ill. lace: and lit n; t'! Snelling of \\'t•ll'tn'i NH-. and \Irs. iarl:.\le, 1.k of lira,,, reant1111• WY art: icgirn'ti'.1 to 't\ith \ir. 1111(1 )Ir•.:\ndle\\ hirkronne!' enjoy brilliant skies . .. cold, steely .\I r. and \Ir.. Far' (Tait of'tr,ticord, bine that refuse, to adsorb tt;unttlt .\fr. \\'iltti;un I!alum. of \Iitncwtl, and front the .1111. in the nit,rtl'ng there's \I r. 11111 \Ir.. (;crlrgv \Ir\all of Myth, a -light a'n'ti of it ,t• It !'1(111s like '\\illi \I r. ant! \Irs. !(cit the \t hi•!.; t • 14 a \cry ohl mail, painted , Nit.. ane! mi.... 'fhnlnlisott of \';utrotn'- a• it i, ,tit tht crit•.. ;111'1 the g,r,lctt ti', \\lith \(i•, Sit t' 'Mair and \Ir,, vine, ;ot'I t;li•teting o.. the bright, alMarc,i orange t'un111t,t.. 'I he outer day \tc I \Ir, ;Ind \l1.,. hlnu'r horn' and Sns- .golttc11-or111':e• an 1 bri.liant 1.111-. lark ( !'••t ;t• the ot•ack. of Fall \till h;t\c i•t”, 111:111„I tin ficial c rating of a In the' hada •i,'.'rtaxle that scents all too rare. tan of \t'in't i'. \\ "ill relatives, 1 1111.11'.1 over becattx• of 1 1111sing Pete Steele, Toronto, ilazel Steel", 11'1'4 hu: !hc sun persistl'd hl -h 11111,'• .i'ranclon, \lr. attd \fes. Charles I. \e fhe rain cam,. dotcn ;it, it it tit rt' sift- land family. (iii!erich, Nlr, and \1rs. Ing the,eigh •t fine sic\e. '1'hc dry l.ld i rrgu nn, ('lint,ln with \irs, tin' ,hilt I't'r- 'oho \I 'i ,tight. earth hr„•,tIke.; "\x1. but SI•ted 1111 1111' 1t,, ttv tv, \\'c 1;a: .1 up t. ac a t',.ytl xt rlinht,ty arching through the .I:\ t k a bt•idtte of the;tin• ... and !t •cooed t'. nuc that t.ver\(me 1 stet on the rod I had Iitt a•;lt ,111111., a• if in ,\ntt'.t1!ty' \call the 1t1•rfect (lay. \'"n \l.tt.'' 1''1 III the morning I Ie\\ and it'. Jn't t I'tl!y en, ugh to make \„u tet I It .t \\ ere 1„I'ler \nn \\' •11111 \ . 111 . -i tt' 111 Leri, but yon 11111111 out of 1 ell, thrilling to tett: fccl iii the r ''1 f1't t• ,1)l pont feet , . futi!Itic :or 0'•1 kine:. and the•, \,'hen ,Ire -oat co out into the morning air. fhc tin-1.-eys are gobbling ;tit ay, com- plaining about the c(ti:lin•.. and tht lien. arc •lupl.i' : ail 1111,1 tlni-k!v as Ery in.; to avoid t t 'd fee'. Lloyd \Irl'litichev, hobbit \irlttm'at (;curgu \\'right, hill 1)1tdd, Ronald Nice, i Ror,nir \ire) •,brat, Barth McKnight, \Ilan Craig were guests at the home lof Mr, and NI its. 1larry 1'ungblut o11 Saturday afternoon it!u•n their son, 11( IIIc, t elt'hr,lted his 811 birtlu'ar t\ith Itis \'tlung friends. hiring the af- ternoon game• and races ,\ ere stt•1er- yi.e,l h\ (dctn \'tutchlut anal Stovall Mails le ;4111 prizes were \von by the children. i�efreslttucnts \t•:' ” ' ery"11 by :\Irs. Tame. \ic•I)„ttgal, '.ter,, ICvtt- rcth \Irf)otg.tl ;cud \' ,. '\'ungbint, d;ohhi.. \\ as recipient of many ttscinl giflt. WILLIAM DODD Thr air carric, all the early ntor,'i••tt \\'illi;tnt Dodd ,lied \touch\ evcnintt -1s, antt!'tr an I pha,11n! l.t at his home after an illness of three •\ -1"t\ .,tight i' puffing up a years. lie \vas in hi, R.it,! year awl \\as hr,rtt in tinilericlt, a son of .\nit Morgan ;111,1 Henry ()odd, hot•I\•--t\ year. ;Igo he \\as married t,1 Iconic Smyli(•, Following their marti;tg'' lh1•\ ,111.1'1.1 for ..an" tittle at the Nile, \\There '\!r. 1) '111 :in ces,fnlly operated a .it \ mill. Later they fanned in Stonfft•i 1 aid 18 years at retired to .\111111111. 11 • «•a': ;t no nthcr of Knox Coiled Church and a rc.galar attendant t\hcn h's health pertititivd. Si:rviving are his \\id '+, Imp cont trot to...! tip 1 t It ..title 1',r ,!\1.n sill. Barr\ i)n(1,l, (i'ulerirli, \\• 1- rt:orning c.\runugl frith hi, tail \t:1g- liana f)o1!!, :inborn: one sister, \Ir-• title• if.• is111 u' it', titre 1 , _ t it r'` Let\is Taylor, ftderich, formerly \I's: the lau_'t\ay for the cora. 'Hattie 1)tdr1. The funeral will b(' tint n 1)c"!I I eip the cot\; in the hitt Thursday aftcrtn' 111 at 2 o'r!o -k stable overnight but I hate starting it. (sroitt the residun'c. interment \\ill These early morning \talks are too folluty in Bali; cemetery, `,oil hear, hill near in, t,ti itt' and a truck rumble. over tee• river 1 ridge. ;\ ,l tt.t harks ;\tats (.f' •1 tl,e disL'nee ;t• s•.utcone brim, 1. 1 111\t • tit 11 r tnill:ing. A neighbor i • v. !ling fr,'11t Ih • the leal•e, r•trait„!r,'; :ono' n' t, leen• the tn'!k t.,ti'., ('"1111 to hitt, f tike to '11'.11 a "I 1 iI my pi; e ant! absorb Coe atato,1 here 1.1 the morning. ”! 1,!1,1' r •. •11.11. •o er•r and I ; n Ica• a taste beyond comparison. The collie barn to ti,i'ell (et Smot,,ty I':,ri \\'itthttnan. \\ 1th NII: ('''ncr•Itul:1)i"e. ,ire t.ten lc! to \I". '1'!.t' " 11,1 ;1111,1 .1'I••:ret' •1.1•1 iet. • 14 I)ttti'k` 1'ltitt'1 ('hitrell, \\',11t•111, c1l11•rt• Ree, R. (i• IIla't'h\,•„'I i• nli'ti,tcr, a!ttt\1. ;11'. t,1 1 \1' t•t':'.lt' I '. ()HI • :I• and Snell ;11.1.:\',11 \\et•t' !let ! 1)11 •\\d' :\I i a, RI'I.I. tt it?I ltt r .null over a•. 11a , Ie ubd,4,I.,,,tu,.,, ,1....111S1 114.,.,6,1:3 .1111, i..11.122lika 1",1I .1' 1.1 .‘10at --' �-4 +t::+. :.�tL � ur.rlJideiYi.i.r�+..ue. 11 I /1111..1, _y t .1t.s 1,1 iltittk it said that the sube safely y position is the most ey sup. difficult situation to fpr" the have shone today in an contrttodity, y won/ oast cont feel all two»,d/ wilt dwaro, don't Y sroia isiPIOTsweetw es sa FOUR-FIFTHS OF T1 -IE SUGAR CANADA CON5UM:'S I-U.S TO 13E IMPORTED This mai; shows there Canada, Great 1111tH;t torsi the United titan's got their sugar in the good t,lti illy:, of peace. (lar three nunneries take Itraetieallt all tltc c\• portable sugar from these major Ntt,;ar•t'.1.ltltl•ttil. 'tt'i',Ja. 11111 Sltltitlit:'; bite ('11he1' Bern nut tI'I' h)' eilenl\' oee•1• 1111111M of the nottntrt'—as ill (hc eaSe 01' .111111 ,Intl Illrt 1'hi111111ine5, or Iltrir Itr•ot!urti:;n radically reduced by shortage of tcor•iker's, as in the nage of Ila%;aii, Pinto liico, itu.tra1ia, 'Trinidad, tett t1.1)• I,;'o.Ittnlinn of heel sugar in Canada and fittest it.tit•:, ha. 111,'11 IlrIttirallt t'ut lir labour yet ti -ti. i:I !not!. lont,ti•irs'. elle .13 sugar Iwo crop ata; fatly !err rent le;:” than in II. Thr oil\' country to ,-hili• ;tit illilutrtant iner•rait' i.: (:11111, MI I:, tl fir \•eat -i 11'1'11 deliberately restricted. Iiut its itlerc;,se has not liven so ffirinllt to offset the bosses tl'1'nitrre—let a10:►1.111)111 the increased demand. ROLLING ON SUCAR The, war has brought motile 111111S11111drmandtt nn 111111lt,itr,l is produt. 1 on .111 aryl . 1 the linc':t t:',;n' !ay.!. 'ilii., y:.•1. Cuban ;sugar then used fat!• ut:Il.itet inluslrral eleobol ill 1.11,1,1! l;; n!„da':. uoruu,l sugar imports for more than Itto )eats. nations sugar pool, last quantities have beet, taken for making industrial alcohol used in the nitnIuf:t,lirre of s\nlht•tit! rubber (tiers, etc.) as µell as'I'.n: I'. end smokeless put\dt'r. For instant e. the exidusi\e to lilt lite 10-inrlt shell:', requires as much Bogor as THE 5'.,PPLY IS SHARED All sugar supplies are inkekti anti under that control of the Combined Food hoard of the (':ileal dations, %illicit allots hultttlies to Canada, United States and (;rct,t ih•itain 1)11 a uniform bask. SUGA•R tlBAN K a l,cco1ows #lil;'i'I:! '.1ltt .:,,apo 0106,tS!” F 1111 11 IoJ' a J1' e° WE'RE LUYIISIG r 1' _til^,-, /�-:•11.1 • 1 :1t the time of "Pearl harbour” the •(toiled l�atiuns had a reserve sleek -Mile of about 3 utilliuu tons, but for the last t tears tit" \t• bt'eu using nutria than tuts 11c-11 produced—and dipping bratily DO WE i1°s.:ED MORE SUGAR? t ('cont”, .i1111 the \\ hole V:orI11 rlittn'l rttltuuttt ay oiled (',lr1a,1,r .lo'..: iatlat, ()or street loud' has beet, acquire., in 'mite 11 real times. u'lar rates high fir its energy value, but :dar'chc food i.: a plied >atitstittrtt'. CIT'a SUER CAPITAL • intik "re..,t•t•c." 1,iberatrtl nation, 11111 ht t.• to dill in too. I•lxtra good 1'r qts Iutbt improve Ilei siltation, but greatly increased sol:ldir s :11•1' not in si1'Itt. If 1'111.1.1'111 meson ,tion keels it,, c,ultl be very shin of 1,11',1'1,11',1'.611',' ural year. '111' must do the non '1' t to run-erte our sulpli, >. RATIONING WAS STARTED BECAUSE OF SHORTAGE OF SHiPS. IT "t"UST i,E CONTINUED BECAUSE WORLD STOCKS ARE DEFICIENT THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF ANNOUNCEMENTS GIVING THE FACTS ADOW 71E SUPPLY SITUATiON OF VARIOUS WIDELY USED COMMODITIES 1 4' •. ..•i! 1'1' •j.` -0t, THE 'WARTIIYIE '> RIC Bim. Wel1n sdaj•, 4(?UI, 27, 1911, • LYCEUM SIONTARI IU, .: TWO Sham's Sat. Night THE STANDARI) PAGE 51 1 1...1'.... _ Inn... ,'11 '! !, '11, • , ,.1„ , t 1111• ,1111111,11 visit i imn-144mm . ""1 !le ultimate rnrl 1'11' on: ' 1'r �' \ � CAPITAL r. \ 1'4 r of Iii, 4'1.11,',, 1t', 11,11.,'1 .\, ;1 1111''-11,Im(ihl t„1" BOXY ITII+ATRE, CAPITAL 11IIL111th IL,, ',n 111'N\ 11 .•1111 !11,11,1 „111 for II11' 0.1,y,, 1,111111; 1'11 1,01,',1• 1111,: 11111 u, tCLINTON. GODERICH, !.111111 n. n.' !I 1 1 1 111''.11.' 111 '1) 111 V. 111111,11 Ill.', 111. 11"t 111 1"1,r1111 11' I ,. ` NOW PLAYING: "C,eorgc in The NOW PLAYING: "The Hour 13e- • 1 ,I III. i,!,fore U.lwn". Francllot 'Tone ',I,I�' 111 ,1'" II, Ill , !n 1111 I1 'III ,1.111, :,It :. ;;II 'll 1 :1'1' Hu n1' Guard° -George Terni by. Mon., 'Tues., Wed., Two Feature. (; Thurs., Fri, S41'., Sept. 2ti-2.1- 0 „ •'111 11' 1'.1\ 1:1' , II 11 1111111, I. ,1111', 11)11 1114111spc11-,11111, Ln1 111 1111. 1!1'111'd'I,ll ..' ,I , hlarlhl O'Driscoll, Noah Beery Jr., .1lurrrphrey I'ugtart, Miehelr Morgan' '„ ' l,' 1 , ,,!1,1' Inldrr re4'n!a' ,'"unulIllI4 n1..11, 441' 1 bo „' 11' I'\' L\ Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday r,� and George 13arlrer, ' 14) ' 1;1 v•ll. II :' .'III .;II', lll,lllll l;Irtln','r Ir '\" III', t'm , I\Ib.',111"II I' 1" ,.i'11 1'.1,11 Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore and \11111 1111' I4 1:111111:,1 ! „\- ,11111 .! �: "I'ASSA(;I: TO MAR I:II LF." t 111111'1 n' . 41„x.1'11', ,111:1 1111-'.1-.1 1111th,',, 0111 ;11 1(.1 t , 1111' rt 111tH t„ 1 1) I t .4 ' I U11na Andrews. 11.1.1 of 1., 1, nt ul !I„• t1o1„'r t• 11111• •1„I \ 1.1 1111' Ill' , ' ll' . ,' ;' - 11111-!1',11 Illi \\!','ll 1111,!1), ',, , , • \ 11' i '1t 'll`. IIIc II ;11111 I'1 .111;111,',' 11, ,1111 .1 I r.•n, !, t c 1'111, I I the 11,itull! ,1':1111- 1 11 ;11, 04 1)11111,1 I int, 11 111 ,' ,11111 11, I.u" 111111:\ 1.,111 1111', 10 1,1'1 !, "WEEK -END PASS" r It 1111,1 1,1 ., 2 \I.,1' 1'lllr 41 Ile t"01 , ! 1!11' !,1'! 1114• II, 11111„' I1' I .I \111111'1' \\11)1 ,11' ,)fl mow] 1J11' '1 ln' '1(11 4 "111111,111 Itln 111- •11111-1 1414 44111- Jackie Cooper, Gale Storm and =.I'teu„'. I,n 11 .11,1:1 .,111 14' '4, from 111.1111 new ,Irl' ,1111 Illy 11,:;1. „I ,1 ulo:aill 11,,1!11 "UI' IN ARMS" Patricia Morison in I- ," ALSO ",,110111' SUIiJEC'I'S' L; 1'l"I h, .111.' •.1\I,' i. 1111',1 a, I"p', a, the ,IV I,-lti'n. WHER(: ARE YOUR C1111.1)RI:N �1� Matinee Sat. Afternoon•2.30 p. nl.': • l.il t ,I,,, ; -t nee l' urs tool (' 111;111 72 , s • • Thur.,, Fri,, Sat.,,Two feature. i• Mon., TI,I's. \Ved„ Oc'. 2.3-'t ;: in, he•'11mud 111, bonen! ill 1111. 1\1,111 1 \\'11111' I onl''!nui ,n. 111 lb,' 1111'111 Thutsd,ly, Friday, Saturday Gcurgu in11dcra, Vir,!inia 1311111 Errol Flynn, I'au) Lultas ;old 1 •• I' 1'l, :lu I ; 4 in Ibr 1;11 '14 it„1'h. .1111!, I and Lenore Aub)tl• .11 til Sul ;van rt'Rusal n I itnoe,l (3:1;111 Ah an.., in,t,I L'1hn'nl Iisil',Iure 1'11111 pal'' ill 1,4 I George Raft, Vera Zorina, Charles ;t. "W11,\'I' A WOMAN" .t. 1 i ,,;u1'. 1111':e 11,1 n • I \' r Gra ;•win and Grace McDonald fell 0 111; 1'111111 ,L,r1 I,t ;I 1\"r,l,,n t hl• an Inti I Illy) 1'111"11111, , :1ud 4;,,\t 11111, nl 1 \\111, r„11111 mit L'' t1 a-le'I \ ; ; : ,'I' 1.111!111 , ' I i ;t; 111','•.,, na'Ir situ', Ihr\' aren't 111')11):1 1111.14'•1`'111.1/1.".;! '.n Int\ JI, the i' .\ j Ili ,l lar Ibis ht 1,41,14,ul 111 ! •t, ,11 1," 1 '11 • " i, 11111.1,, rolll,.l'rl ,11111 Ian 0111'r (41111 "ACTION IN ARABIA"It .r\. ! tl :11 I �. Al.i0 "SI101t'1' Sllli,11:(:'1'5 ,t. „ • I „',I ,l•. \.1,1,11nq g'„u n, ;mil Ih(n II'r('I rerr;V1 1 on in4'r•rncnt, I.O, b1'ni 111'1, 1;.11 :rlltine, Iron, II)11444o),I'• \ I)i,n(1 11,,,1', "u b :\u.eliel4)4 lit ";•,"I', t1':111 ___.. 1111 i'' \111111 "r iv"1.1. 1.,1:"",1;11.1"":' rc;ulali) , 1,11 ;S,OC'1'. 5.11.1--"�iNO\\' W 111'I'F, AND.• n ;erast e n"111111 to tithe rare of 1111' 14)1.1! 11 ,11 to 1111' lad, ;Ire:,., the s1',I. in 1!11 t . \ 1 I of .111 i 1','.1'\ t, ,'t+111 11. 'A THE SE•.VL'N DWARFS." ,t, Inc use '1) e\re,, lll,lll'li;ll, b:n'1 been 111'11(111 11.0)111.111, 111111er 1111' ,\1l -,1 I:Ir � „FOLLOW 'Tf1E BOPS'' "SALUDOS AM1G05" 1111. UNCLR(AIN GLOItY' :: 1'r • • ♦ COMING: "UP IN A1tMS" ,•.,;.•y,;,,;,,;,,;,,;„4114,,„,„,„;, ! 111'1, 111,'.'1 Oft ,IiII hcayy 111' COMING: Edc:ic Cantor in: 1 rl:,P,l, .,I 1111 armed1111i ere, j„1' rayon 1111' Ihpartn'ul 111 National kr\In COMING: "Lady Let's Dance" and wit!) Dinah Shore. "Su's Your Uncle", "S110W BUSINESS" " .1111! 1111111 t,i I'l 1,'. 111' 1"111, III la,' Month ii.,111 it, 111rt t'' ..,�...� I Mat.: Silt. -- t tt 1�.1_- .n p.m. 1 * * 11eparUO.'lll,, 111.1, )1I•, excise and i _ I Mat.: Sat. and Holiday& at 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays fi":I \m'14et' 1'l idi.,',I 4;111' i', ,Innlmnrl,l 1111 4.,.110.!n' l.4\, `_'11511'1,7,;1,, ucl'r an iurrea-I' C°o �{ ''(1 r,r:1', 114111 1.1,44, p,,;)) ,\ir„„l;lllll,-.._ Ili nearly .11)11'"-.1111-.-11.11 ini11',1l the "1111' I(tl,',, „11 111111 111,11 l';n'(I I,\' air" `:Inn' 111'111111 last 1tE(iEN'l' '1'I1;A'1',RE SEAFORTH,, NOW PLAYING: "Here, Ri.ukie" & 'Slyer City Raiders" Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Ginger It tigers, Ray Milland and Warner Baxter, \ 't. ! , iI! ,I ,! , I.I' ,, \ t, 1 111.. 11„ Li, I, „1 ::,.1 .1;1,1 ! ,, .III 'I •, "LADY IN THE DARK" 'I'hursd.1y. Friday, Saturday ;it', 'IIS 7,1 �leici A WEEKLY EDITOR LOOKS AT Ottawa Writlen specially for the weekly newspaper; of Canada BY JIM GREENBLAT \I -4 1'1',,;,!,' :le iii.(1(••',1 1 1'11 11,1111. 1,1111' ;e •I 4114114 1,1 Ili;'u,'t ra,11 11111101 1,1,1 111 'lie 411:'_'1, 1,11' „I 1, 1'l 111 I'll II 1111' 1l, 11 111'1111! 1'I Cana 11,111, ,111,(11. a, .4 44 hilly, In this 01 11111tH .1 a i 11 '.ILII that la- t _11111 saw' .111 '(Il•liln, Ilirb 4411111 11'';1'i 31» post, al 11111- ('liar tyre', Ii,lld., amounted lu , 2,,I„ 27,11'1, .\I 1!1,' ''11'1 .,f 11111 nl•'r'111 deln,llihI ;11)'1 n„ti(e (111111,1))1'11 1.1,41 iled kl)`,1,-11 4, (l)) rre,l,r 1') u 11' b.' •111' I"r 111.1 rent, 1'1 civ - '4'.1 . ',111 -14 Ole Alec I':1401 '.Urvil'l 1111- era1' , 41. 11 ;1, I'' nlelnl,er, • f the \1Ir1, 11 I irt" It i•• int, le,lin+; In lino‘v •h' 11 it,',- :111 11,,011 111 'I111•t'11t'1, 1'1:)In,,4"11'111' 1 , 11 rt (I, of 11111'r film - 1,1141 1111 , „-, bell,:: r"Ilt;tincd on a .4 ,1 1 wince 1, -1 ..t film-- 'vt'r ),,till)) Ines- • lee, to the found. I'.11larL;ell prints mad,.„y''.,ea, ;111(1' beim!, 110\4.11 art ,,, thy 'tri '}'. If a reel i, loot 11 4111111icale can 11(1 :l\', he made and de,- \patc11e11. ass ear. • ♦ s ("aua'I,1', bre. dint! "1 ''l: i 11e,tined 1" plat' a ,(real 1':(rl ill rebuilding tlel- a,taled h'urop,•- lire,!"1'k 4111'1 11ur,1 , 1,1101 ; u -at -r. 11 i, estimated horse- 111, -in; von, \1"1111'1• (•I llrit;lin, 1!rh-11110 and Holland 11:14•'' I'„r :dl loaf "1.114' done, 111(0 re I40'rd 11y II:111, ill Ku,.iv b\' •'u,•- 111ssiul' 1')11 llrr11 01:11 illat „011 a third remain (4f Ill more \1':41, than "ne! the ''4 IV Ilial 111,t -e, in Poland, (/erb,- \11„int.! ' ion ',Milne', 0111;1, J4)110'IaVl,l and 1 ,rets'', (r' r- \1111r ,11111, tt llllt'r (v;(\, many h1' iter plundering i, believed to \nrl ntl' lllL4 \'o,l n"w have ev,.m more than before the oar. \lure than t''',' 1111100. In Memoriam 1'1,1.1. \Ll; -11 11'.11' 111„1leer, loving Ii)•tll"ry '11 our \\h;, p,l,.rd ;111;14 11 fir, i;4 ', ,�1'I 1rtlllll'I' ,1))111. Don't 11,11'1',', 'fh1' postal •lell'Irtnl(nl :1 I't1ItC147,1, 1•'110111 1101'1E ;,,11 i ' 111;,1 11 11, r• it 1'111 ('.11.111:1)) O11 ! it i,:''4 ,0 114101) 111( 11).11')1.111' hal -, 111'i,,,lll'I', )I 11x1 Il) (rrrlllally, 41 111 IIIc' OI' 111)' pack, 1, of 1'10'441114 1;11111; 1' VI Ise, 1'141\' "a,( 1,1 :11'I'IVe' all/tul'1II1')' 11 /,1)'t 1111' ,111"11,"` 111' 11,N'), i) ,1,r a time 3)1 'alt., 111 1111 i11 1 '1.111:1 + • I'11:1t flet,,' t%licit 1')11'1)' feeling; 11111)11; It i-,h't the can of pork and bean, 1'I'ho1,11 the lade L (erla'nly grand), Or the mill; 11r jam, 1 hough they set it to a 111a11, Like ;I bit .'t (';Mall,) ram), )1. Mail connection due t„ the speedy Al - (Irk 4.. \l- (Iri\1'. \s -1,111 1), 1)11;11)) x144'11, :111 111'1)1'1 11 it 11 111 111 1111 :.11111' 1111' allied ;IIIIII"rill''> tit 0,14,1'11 1'. 111 \\'. 111a11 11'1)111 1.•••;111., 1„',)al 1.1)11111' and fly it frill) 111111' In country of destination. :\1 the nu,mn'Pt 111111 from (";)radial pri-oncr, is ,till arriving but it i, mail 111)X11 reach(' I Lisbon before disruption of German •Colllll'et 1'11 1\'1111 Portugal. an in- * s 1 1st The :\1ri''1(Itl:ral 1:)1411 141)0)11 aslcti people please to at'uid over purchases of * • $Pull; or :.t:\' p ,sil,lr waste. IIlll 1Vca111- ler 1111•::)•tet'n ('011011,1 caused a 1.111114 111 all (' Int ,1'Ilitit', 0f 410' I1.1"11ll1"n 'off in mill: 111' •'))('tion and a1 illr1•t'asl' pall!:! ;Ir 1)1111 , 111 It10.111'll ;at)' 11"11 I'1'- in 111611 milk l'l.11,lllilptl)II andg,1111/Ing 10 help 1,1)1 "ler t!1)' :-ievent 1 Iil'IIII\' I, 1111("1ll'tl "1 lllt't'lltl4 (:lll,l)la's \"it I1 1y Lan, 1 pr111m-1 ( }'toll! 1 -23, ;(, :14t•(enitn4 1,1 supply 12511QI1.1111t) po11n11` 0"uon :1',l 1' 1'i11:u 1'r \lini,ler Il,I,'1• wf cheese to Ilritaili by \larch 31, 1945. 'I'll)' p( ;,11' .11'.' !•,'lilt; ,I••k, 11 1„ ,llh,,'1'dty It is 0111' 11111.: 01 bell) 111;11111;1111 (be 1,•;In)I111'(1 tel - 1)t' Ho, ml'lli, 1 dollar, '111('1',1' ration for the British pt 'per greater than '4141' 11re\ions 1,1,,111 and dint;, 1,1,1!, 1"-4' in the 44:11. 10(4', 14111 and the Calalli;ul 1141tti)14 forces, Yon are not .',ked! to Il;o mill; 111'111\1. 11111'14 money light now than 111.1' 1)1'-, (11111'1',11',senti:,t value, just (1)11'111•.,11' f,'„1'1 10'1)')' 111;111 04)14' 111:111 (•\1'r Ile- it, f,':'l', ( 1111' 11,1,1! r(111I11'(III(I11, 1 01:1' and rditlarl) 4\ ill pr, 11,11,11' '(';11 11 3l,,51Ir,- 111.1),IIlIII for Ihr \'1,11, just Illinl, of that ()in. `;'en,linl; 1':11 ensu')', 44 ill be in 1'0 than ,s'`)1'I,I1III,II tl a month, 1111.1' 111:01 10'1,141 OHO a ('.(1'4, 411111 11/111' 11;01 4l ,- 41111,1'11.1 a day. (hu' individual , 11111,1 be throe 11 into 1111' t;tun•, (4114,11 1,1111,;, 11'11' II.,\ all I 1'i-1- 31"1111' „1 1- cr. .\ ft, s all, 11i:re "111, '('11th!!,' -not 411.4114. The 1111111111 of .\nl,ll,t s;ny \.11tH Il Selective •'Serthrc l'i\'14:0) I:eenl.1ti1n` 1)r)',),3)!m,' 1'10 1':uti'n I" 17-1 per- * 1 i, 1))11'1 let then! 11 '1\•n. \I ail your Christmas parcel overseas to lllc fight- ing force, at once, bl'CatIou 4,0011 clos- ing dates \\'ill be bast. A } The !1'1•(111 a':It1tllleerlll'lll that 1111'8! I'allo::illt; i, 10.1 likely t) occur .4;.111 111111',, unseen circumstances crop 11)1, IS stlb,1a11t111,1:11 L\• figure, showing that \\'lilt' a tidal n' all meat ,tucks drop. t1e'I 11(;1r11 2I) ')illy!) pounds during. :\u4 ust, they (Vole still 4.7 minim' 10tlm'Is greater than last \'cal', hold- ings. The decline from .\u.ust 1 w''is Mo1111111cnt To I3igrg'est (0;111 ,1411 1."•r.. .,1111 11c11,1iu4--_''1 plainly in pori:. 1le.11 holdir;4s ince).,-' Cheese '1 1)1'1 '_; )'hal4.4, , 1;11!'-11 el111111\e'!',, 1')7 ('d .lilt( -al a 'Million 1101111(1s, al Sep- \ I11)Illltllell! I11111 11011n111'> the 41'l)rltl5 :14,lin,l cilli'";1'c', and 117 living con- tenlber I, I943, ,fur1:, of beef amount 111441t cheese gaped their astonishment at the col ,s0.11 .cientious 111))tlor<, That 11(111111 27 (I to 15„1_'1,4,11 pounds. ,\ life );(/1 repr)diteli)11 of this m;ll- (11(11111 In 1111, they were 1)) different luolr rhau;(, weer laid than the !trey- * * 1 'loth eltee!14 441(4, unveiled sonic time front 4111' chec,c lovers )f I'Cr111 and The steel pr' ducti h of ('; tiada hos a4)) ill Perth, Or,t'ari), (('11cre it \44; (hose of Loudon. For London tea, the Use !inn's Dari -\lip for \lastiths: d'.ntbled since the u,ttbt•1'alc 111 ((a1', to produced hall a century ago. Six feet final resting 1lace Of the cheese, it does the job. .\lexander 1:41; Grad• a pre.:Il'. t 11 11 I f (Ilrce 1111114)1 toms, 111411, lw"nlv-(:4111 feet around, and I '''here, F.n41r•ir children -arid 4r)4Vll- 104, i.rnnlesbor11, Ontario. * * I\veighin4 eleven tons, the Cheese (V11i ''n)-folluaVcd in its tr11111 410, 111111t)Itc11 _-- \u, 111,1,1' alre 11)1 the i1114411ll;lrt 11111):;',, In the pal•1'rl'hat conies f1'' 111 home. That i,11'1 the part that cheers the 11'111 Of a Iran \('11(11 h1'', 1111 al 'n1'. \\Then you come 11) camp and a par- cc4'- there front the folic, far over the 4,1:1, 1'111 fc,'liug; that stays tlu•(iug;ll the 11,1- 1ea, day) 1, "Someone remember, nil'." 011 a parcel 11(11)1 11111111. j1,1 11 t.: the 111 a (000• 1411'! 1•/411 11101')• \4111 1nr'4\• Till you've stood in a ,Inoue till it coni,, to 101, 1,1 the rl,rpor:ll .hewers, "\o, There's u)t11in'c toll•)\•, 1')1) >1n'a1, 11'1111." If you saw us, you'd bo ,u111 \> 111' 111'1 41.0111 11111' plal(C \\'1111 a 001,1- den0.'11 faro, And the wind is hurting our eyes, ,'here's :l lot of the bot' left in every 111(11, tial 1t :4,11'1 the )4111s you send; It isn't the value of razor Or lighter or fountain pen. It's just the 1hou411( that you've forgot In Ihr time that we've been a1Va\•, \o\V i'll 114101 t) ('111,1 4111'I say 11) you ('post.' '!'here', a parcel for nn` today? V 41(11 r-.\111:0 s rclet.111cre11 by the 1a01111'. i'11.1•I ler,,.(ri111'4e :11111 tlt'I•, 1. 41111111,1 1111! 1111.; 11 1'..1\1 "111,1,(1 1111'1 .'11(11 11.11(1' .'n 11„1 1111 1\1'1111)4, I h 1,,,11' I1 1'l1' 1) al CI , 1111..'tl, (4,4. •'i 111111, in tII, 141':111 \lenl,Hial 11.111. HP `''1'11!11!" r, .\ II. I'1II titer par'H'nl,n• Lour, h, 1. 1'. 1:1N1;1.1'..<1), lit'., 11',114 II"r I„r (11, .11,1 1 ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 711.1 I CAR FOR SALE"f' 4111 1.,,;1 la%111? I''Ir,! Pale 011'1 commencing at 2 p.m. 131 ( ite41 .) I r' ill' , 111 l '')'11,11- ; 'scow .% . t' I 'n I' '0!tr1 r ,a)/1,... Mr, 1), 111,,,111' 110, in,U•u( 1111 the ,tion mechanically, a11-1 401,,1 tit .\1, t o11'r and Ht -"n,'! 1 11,,11 , r 11' 1, 1\' t) 1, !I I( 1 I1. .111'I, 1 1 1,1a'!ur,', 1,,,i'lr.!,,,4,), 1 )0- 11ndel,i;,ued au01io1)(er to ,ell by public 4\•"11"•1' Melt„I-)11, . rte, ,,, auction at 11.1' X`idence, 1)111 Irl tit, 1 11)111. 1111Th, the loll)(iI4 splendid line of FOR SALE 1,11)', \\ Ilt)r 11:,11, -I/e 12 )1•;11 !111 1) \ll,. et, tge ( (1,11!(1'•, Notice to Creditors \1'- I IN THE ESTATE of William Alex:m- 111j- I • ' der Logan, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County uf Huron, Esquire, Deceased. 111 a 1:14 l , 1 ;;111, ;1:0111 ,. 11'1 1,1t,' "I 1."1' ,'L„\,' 11,' 1 ,1,1 ,! 4111' I1' 1 OR SALE Int' 1.11111 1't;' , 1''\1:'', n, ! ,'014 ,u I, ,t"\ 1'„1 1c. 111111 1,1 lib1! 1' -;un" 1\1114 Ile 10,(4. Ililioh; )1'o a Ill!„ ,111:11 )q! Jp1111' ;ll The ^l,lll'1;l1',1 (IIID' . ''11'"! "i:' Il. ' 1„r I! 1' t,., , 1', „ '„'Este the ,'11 11;11 , 1' 1 ' ,L, r, \ 1), I'111,1'1''1'11111,1.,,I:rrtin ,I„!. '•1'4!11' X111 t ntit- FOWL SUPPER AND DANCE !11't'.,', Il.r,i'1:' 1' 14.Ir.! The in,, 11:11 1. 1,1 1 1111' „1 11111' ', I' U t' 11.1!! 1',11', 111 t 11 AUCTION SALE OF HOU`:EIIOLD EFFECTS illnl,eholll Furniture :111.) Effects: "\'l'uiolnle" piano; Chesterfield and chair, 111 g;h'1/11 C011/111 11/11 upiulsl1r- rl(I (•11:111'; 2 end 1;11)Ic,; nlat;aiin( 1.111:; tri -111.111 lamp; floor lamp; jar- )lineer,tan(I; \l'ilt"n r11),sev- eral scatter tel;,: library table; hall tree; Nall runner and ,II):lll rug to thatch; cluck; 'lining -r).'01 e\tcn`io1 1:11111'; buffet; china cabinet; at PI ('11,11'; .l'l•rl'1.11•\ ; 0 441111; halsl.el ; 1111) i;lils ; pit tures; 2 mirrors; 3 litd,lead,; 3 ,cls ,pl'ilIt!S ; 3 111t(t11'e,' l', ; 2 feather m2ltresses4 3 dressers; 2 (1•,tsh stands; 2,'t•1)ests-of drawers; 2 cane -seated chairs; 3 p1rfor1ted-,1'.11'11 chairs; ‘Vicky ro-1:Pr; 3 rocking chairs;; (i small tables; sewing machine, \1'\t' \\'!ilianls; (-'ongnlenul rug, ('\1111,', Ike 111(\'; ('ongulcunl rug, 12.'\9'; stretcher; commode; electric Vacuum cleaner c1c'trie rant;clte; 1:it(1hc1 utensils; kitchen ran;;( (coa); verandah chairs; 0111011 cabinet ; kitchen table; 4 chairs couch; dishes; bedding; 2 toilet set. wheel barrow ; reading pan; b( i!er , garden tool,; hand cultivator; step ladder, And other 11t -tic 's t)1) 11u1111'rous to Plentiful, TERMS: CASH 'Illi, i, all cyceptioiall\• fiord lot of 1louseho111 Effects, \I 1's. i ). 110oiy, I'r•n3 (Het ccs:, 1\'illiaml II. 1lorritl, .\uctiouccr, .1..\, Gray, ('Ier1.4. Ott -2, 11-11', 111011'11 ; .!, 111'1 01 53 Ca l.'s b1111_; coned tel, clla 1',..0 d 41.11) 1;lihir( to 1 I- Iow a llirecl i nl Ie reit, 1'l 1,1 MI : 111: - 11:11141' '.'rvi,',' ',"11, caul)). SevefIly-m11' AUCTION SALE NOTICE '1'O CREDITORS iN THE ES'TA'TE of Wesley John Pure 1111•,1 Shorthorn, .on \I'n11,1y' Krchnir, late of 1111 township of East(It-tidier "ill, ;II 1.01 I,;, Con. 3, 1 hill 11 Witwancsh, in the County of Hugon, ''owni.I1i41. 1111'1'1 1116,111`1 :11111 I' I Yeoman, Deceased. mile, north of ('limon, at _' '141144.1 on 'si'ting of live lows 411411 cafe. at '.)ot, ,\II 1,11'. ,n- 1 .141111 1111111, ,):.li:r,t 1411: and 111)01) 13 heifers, I bull call rl'0 lv I.,tal(' of the ;111„\0 1)1111•,' 1 a1';• for service, teach (•lydr,dale t', It, (1111• ,'luil•1'd t" lilt' t!,1• -ante with the WWII. r- htoken. \\'. 1'1 O'Neil, ,\urtl„Herr 11111 ti0!ir11„ r f•'r the I':,t,ltc, 1)11 )r (;I''•Oli:;l': MANN, Proprietor. 44li'2 ,, bel"1'c the 31.,1 1101 0f (11.1"111"- .\.I )., 11)1.1. after \4111111 'late dn. a„11, (cip be distributed ;ell"n:!,t the 4111111, 0)4 - FOR SALE titled tI)_'rcto, 11011111' reltard 11H1\' t" 4 young sow, due ab '11 1.„,t '4 (l1'- the clam), of (4 inch notice shall have tuber; lh good feeder steers; ;Wont till'' been 414,11. 1)I)0 l4,, :\pply to Clarence 1 1,1114)1- I).\'I'I':I) at Clinton, t)i, Sth day of ger, 1110111' 45.5, Brussels. 114-14. `upte•nlbcr, .\.11, III14, 1. 11\(;I.:\\I). ('1101011, on_ Ito yahr Pullets 414 lame or p:rally- 1;1•io, 71,11 •iter for the Laid, I':,t:re. Pd: "I<e v." ,top 1111'111. Alexan11er 1':44 Grading,Londcshor", Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Annie Laidlaw, late of the Township uf Morris, in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased, \II 111r,,:.s 11111111, rl:liml, 1(1';lill.1 the !:,tate "4 the .1,1(1' ,k'1't'J,cd il1't' re- quited 1,1 lily the same 411411 the un+ler- , 411(11 0'1111;ol' for the I'.,ta4e', on or b('Ioro the 31'd slat of 4101"Ilei, 19•1.1, aftt r 4(1111'!) 11,14( the as,rti ‘1 ill 111' d;striI'ulc'I amongst the patties cn- title'I thereto, having regard only ti.! the claims of \41110!1 notice ,!cell li:tye 11111 4141')). I1.\"1•I 4) :It Clinton, this till' d,10 of September .\.1)., 111•1.1. I'. FIN( 11..\\1), I\.('„ Clinton, Ontar- io, Solicitor for the said ,'.talc, CATTLE FOR SALE 13 head piling rattle, 1turban) and Herefords, .\pply to (,tllll'1l Nether„ telephone, lrnti, Myth. (I4.3p. HOUSE FOR SALE 'I-r0o1)1 slid brick (h1e1ling 1111 1)i11- slt'y street, 1111 th ; Equipped \41th '- piece 1)1011 ;Intl cll(trilit\ ; bull-,iu• )),L'•('nl(ol, 4)111! furnace; hot a1111 cold water upstairs and dot\ 11, and in the basemen!. (;o)11 garage and hen house on the preinise0, also number of fruit trees and a flood garden. for 1'01 Ocu- lars erne 1\', 11. l,\'o11, Thurndal1, On- tario, before October 15111, 114-•141. cnlpl,\1'cr. 414'1 convieted 011 (11 r.:t (•:1)11 lian 141 111hcs a)111 '111e \\•;r', a exhibited at the \\')std', Columbian I•:\- thigh on a s11e0ial truck. the Ill li)y- I)o \'our''Hurt, cat each 1111111 fn' 11111111',l I )ate 1" nn 114' ' 1' ti'),i ;1111 \\Il, ,No-IhOIl, Intl 114)11111 monster 11.1S 11111111 111,1' ',III l'I 1,1 )) \\ :L''llllll' 1111)1'llla- • position in (.ILl•a4o 111 h )1(1'1:' 11:111 ti('et'II(e tie1(111' per4ui,'-'1icn 111'.11114 will! the 1(1,'1(Ill'C 4)f Vel- later sold to a•1 1'.114litIt 1(11)1.4 111':1\\'ll h\• six ;11•)114 dr;t4 horse-, from si+ul , 0 1.1 1 )1,: I)1 I d,( 1111141 pl'i',ri11' lcrca1 disease in Ihe• August issue L•lk(s The 1)111a of producing Ih:s mammoth 111101: to \Vareh,u,e. \\'itil great eery - \V)11; 1)' I't 1('1'11 i, 1111' stand that the tial erre is a 10;(11(1 cheese originated with 111( 1)1111iln-iu 1 11111'11\• it 4010 elft and sampled in the 1:l moral education, quoting this c li- llcpartne'm of Agriculture 0 -hill) slip- '1•senrr of in!crna1L11111 c)lchri'ie'> \t'ho Ir11n1 the United ervised Its ur0ouf1Cturc. This be4:11 .Praised It eloquently -or as eloquently \then the entiri 4,111p11 of t\V1'lvV 1,1111- has a loan cal' who has hi, 11unt11 full 811.4 ou1'111'1',( 1;1(1101'1(, ).,r •)1 0( l•heeSll. (('44)114 Ll)ll11'0ty \V44`. clllpllell iU1)) a pr1\1ess (alit :Niall dairy fanner, and cheese made of steel boiler plates. But even Imaker, beamed \vi'tt% delight at t11410.•then a Curtin': days o1'l,;l from tlll•ee',success of their biggest publicity stunt, 1)4 the '')Illl'l!l'll114 factol'll', 44 as re -1\111' 11110 the I44'4111111)Il 1k'llal'tlllellt quire) lo (ill up 1111' easing. In a4,!ol .\l;rirltllire excessively reticent in Wore 111:111 1,111 1111111.11T11 tliotsatlil 11,1114 11)10 publicity to increase It, pounds of mill: 441111 into 1111' making n) ilarkrtin: of cheese in I,ritailr, ese \1141' i, the 11111• of \1,11' 1)1e1 111(11y 1;,13;+1 eloolntl,t 1 on Guaranteed 4 0 Trust Certificates 1,'tiI'ED for any amount, .... P)1' n term of lite t•e:4440 , .. , 4u7u',:nteviI ))0111414(t)) pl'ineipal and interest Interest cheque:: mailed to reni'h hnldves un 11111' d111V, (1l', al. Iln111er'8 uptlIIi, 11141,1' h) nllu\V'll 1) uecutmultlte ut e)11111it11111 Illll'I'l.St. \ll 1)1(01 ')10)111)11'111 1(11' (ndi\'idu:lls, (30111- 1/411110S4 4111111111.17/141 h\• It' fur cemetery butu•(1ls, c\(iulur:;and other ti ustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years in Business 11114, trcnwitilou; cheese. \!I i inter 1ot14 it ripened in a wr- iter of .1 frei,tl,t shed from (1111(11 it was later loath d on a flat car, '''his c.!r was the chief )('atilt!' of a special train troll's Poultry 'tonic i nildPr. :\le\andcr l.tmdcsb.,rn, Ontario. other; Use :111,1 \ it:(llliI( 1:4 Grading, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK . 11" '1, 11'1"11 at L.•t 31, Concesaicn 3, East Wawanoah tillthede chin!. of \Ouch notice shall have ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER l01'H lit en 41,111. I).\Tr' ) :r Chilton, 1111, 11!1 ddy 111 4)1 pi collier, \.1). 1. I:IN111.\'\I), 1\l., Clinton, (111. ),trio, S„lit 11114- for Ills s,li,l Fsta to 11'1 3. Notice rIlo Creditors IN THE ES'I'A'i'E of James Wilson, otherwise known as James 'I', Wilson, late of the Tewnship of Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased 111 ;'1'I•„'11, 14,41 int; ,1:G 111- :(:x111,1 I1l1• I's4at1 of tin' above )brl',(`1,1 are' 11 - (IHire'I t„ 1111' the sail)' 11 1)41 iie 1111,141- ,14; (11„lititot for the I':,lair, on or 110lor1' 1411' 30,1 11,14 of ))molter, .\.11 1'1.1.1, after \4111111 date the a,<et, 111'l le distributed 0nlo114,t the patlit )n' regard only to commencing at 1.30 pm, 1110 ftllo\in:' II(il:Si':S-Pay 11100e, l' \'1'1').1'1 --Roan 0)w•, , year. 1.111. 1u11' in \lay; Rtd 1'l)w, ,cars 01(1. due in February; Roan cow, 3 \oar, So it 1', as tl;;'t tit'' 01'l -!inlet. of just flc•hened; Doan 0'W, o les1•` ' 111, '13 helped to 11111') Canada's 1c,•t,t,ltitln just bre 1; Aged Co\t ; Red cow, 1' 1'000, foe producing inConlpal•ahle cheese, a !old, due in Julie; I lel, ford 041, with reputation 41111(11) is responsible for Call at 1)04, (!Ile 111 \larch; tile(:, 2 111-h:tin's eager demand today, It is years old; 4 1'carlinos; G Calves; RPz- \cllich 111114')) 11111 ul Perth 1) 1110 1111,11 rea110' in honour of these men that the istered Shorthorn bull, of a bra.,; hard and attracted 0rowds momlue't has been erected at 1'111)4, PIGS -Sow, \vitt' 11'11`1 of 4. ('114'. 1(1 every station along tit' railway, Fame such as this is rarely bestowed 0,1 anyone -and even more rarely 1111 a (•1111,('. that (1i r1' was Plebe to conn' .. . Not 1111111 it had crashed throILl the \lay 1 e\pr(a to all assisting off ccs'' floor, did its Chicago exhibitors realize and 1nu)nhltc('•. and to all (1 110 111')11')1 the iu4portancc of 41(11141 this elice:1 111(1:1' the 11111!1 Fall lair one of the adequate display space. 'I'1)is accident best in years, 111y apprecaliin for the and the rccotc•ry of the cheese -still Splendid co-operation received. intact -\\ere not lacking ill inthlicity -Leo-is Ruddy, ,'resident, Value, For half a year Ciic0gt) (110 4vd, li1\th Agricultural Society. Card Of Thanks TER MS -CASH. I'r)1'rietr(s,. 11 1ru1,1 lacicsln, .\lrtione, r 11, , 2. \i is`. \Ia'!eline ('a)00r, :whet of ow :\nburn public ,ebwol, rec,'nll\ pr'•,'nt- ed a book e 111111.11 "The 1;''1'11 It 1:",t l" to loan Dill"npl) 1)'r 141 nr.11r,i 4\11'11. and a manicure wntlit was pi (-clued to \ i)Ict \!'\'ins for best 110111011 inc 44001:4 toe year. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Finlay Laidlaw, late of the 'Township of Morris, in the County of Hut on, yeoman, Deceased. \II 11'1•„11, !:,'tin!,' Haim. ;140itls' the h:,Lrtr •'I the ;,b,'\, ,lerr,l,ed :ill 1•,- (1441(11 t" 1 11' 11'1' same will) the 1'111 r- sl')i ") 4" frit"r Int the 1'.,1.11, on ''1 111 fore 1111. 31,1 11,11 of Oc111lcr, \ 11„ 1"1-1„i 111111-11 IiII,' 111,- 0,'(t- 401 hr 'l1'.)I'l'1nt11 ;,lno:114,1 the !':u'lio, cn- 1141('1 f Intel', 11:111114 04,.1•,1 will 1,1 the ('1.1111, of 1'1!11,11 1,li,•e 11:.11 1141 e 111011 411'14)1. 1).\"1'1::1 at Clinton, this 1ttt day 111: 4'0!,111111)11. \.I 1 1.114, 1 HAG' l 4 \ \ H, Clinton. 1,lrll', 11'1' tor the '„' 1 ', 141'. 01.3, i 4 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE 7. Sheulti n stenographer rise when vistiors tc the office approach }lf r desk' Should hridt smaids' dresses ell be the Isn:c color? \Ther: 1 coulde loaves the street car, should the \\('man or man go first 4. 1s it prol•tr to drink consomme Itom a cup or to use a spoon? f. l'pon which finger docs a nolo wear r. 't eliding ring, when the double rn.s• ceremony is nstd? e. 15 it 1,7(1 4.7 to sml kc in the 1110111 of Answers 1. Slot uric -.;,vii.;. She wo'1'd do Fe for h strst.g(r or a1: important vistior, but not to greet o::r Oho tonnes to the office con •tautly, F. Sometime: t:;t bridesmaid, 1vcar the same color, but in graduated 1onrs. 3. The man should precede the woman, in ordtr to assist her due n the car ,arils, 4. 1t fo use a epc,ot; for the first few mouthfuls of con'rnun1e. One may continue to use L spoon or may lift the cup and sip its content. 5. A man wears a wedding ring, as a wo- man does, on the linger next to the little fin:tr of the left hand, 0. No, unless the cc•nlale'icnt him:eif is smoking. IN HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE King Mihai of Romania reviews troops in Bucharest after amazing coup d'etat which won youthful king acclaim of his people and the world. After bringing about destruction of 3B German divisions he placed country on Allied side. With aid of faithful subjects King Mihai arrested Marshal Ian Antoncscu on August 23 and brought about end of Nazi reign in Romania. U. S. Soldiers Can Buy Jeeps After War file L'nitcd Stotts 11(m't u; n• prtt(ntalives recognizing the fight• Ing forces' love for the et p, wrote into the surplus war prop( rt:. d '. posal bill an atmndmeut Iib \vou:d permit sen ice mean and wo- men, and veterans, to bur this iron -clad midget after the oar r1t "wholesale" pric(s. Cunudiuns. . Wake Up! Recent surveys show that not one Canadian in ten knows what State Socialism really is. These surveys also show that the more misinformed the people are, the more they are in favor of what they think State Socialism is. Every Canadian should get posted on this subject at once, because you will be called upon to vote for or against it in the coming general election. Your verdict on this issue will decide the destiny of Canada. That's no small matter. The Society for individual Freedom has been organized for the purpose of acquainting the people of Canada with the true significance and ultimate consequences of State Socialism. State Socialism would take from you every last vestige of your liberty. State Socialism Spells `Dictatorship' The Society has absolutely no connectien with any political party, nor is it sponsored by any one group or class. It represents private citizens from every walk of life, Post Yourself On This Vital Issue Send the coupon below for free literature and full details. The Society for Individual Freedom (Opposing State Socialism) 118 KING ST. E., TORONTO 1 WAverley 2785 B. A. TRESTRAIL, Chairman, Campaign Committee WILFRED C. JAMES, Executive Secretary MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY • 1. I am interested. Send me literature and more infor- mation. . • 1. 1 am prepared to devote some time assisting in the educational program of the Society. Mr. Name Mrs. Miss Residence Address Business Address Town or City Date Occupation . (W) sticV Al!' .t WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Mineral Oil Itic! (:1.1,1 a -e of u,in(rid oil dur- ing the a ar may have serious nu- tritional c,aluequeuces, warns the United States Department •of Ag- riculture, \lincral oil is said to rob the h1•dv of at !east to,o of the fat- soluble vitamins anti of calcium and phosphorus, \lincral oil, \vhicb has been plen- tiful and relatively cheap, and docs not become rancid, has been used in increasing amounts in salad dres'ings and in salted nuts, po- tato chips and doughnuts. Its pro- longed use may lead to deficiency ills because it prevents the body iron making full use of some of the most important essentials in food. Recent studies at the Arizona Station showed that mineral oil not only cheated the user of Vita- min A. but also of Vitamin I), the "sunshine vitamin," and calcium and phosphorus, Rats taking min- eral oil needed three times as much cod liver oil to supply \'itamin 1) as those not getting the oil. Pup- pies fed mineral oil could not use the calcium and phosphorus in lbeir ford to build normal bones. Blackouts Lifted The blackout has been lifted conlplttely along the whole coastal belt of South Africa, 'floe duties of the civilian coastal defence corps have been suspended. Malta, once the most -bombed spot, on earth, ended its blackout last reek on she annivrsary of the great sir we' by the Turk; in 1565. New \1( \ice, has lived miller five rules—in+lian. Spanish, Mexi- can, Con ft de racy, and United Sties, KILLS FILTHY FLIES AND ALL OTHER INSECT , PESTS HIYI SARGE WHERE'S YOUR INARD'S SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACC#E HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 Is for Protruding Bleeding J'ilee, and to cold In Tube, with pi , for interne) application. Price 75c, Mecca Dile Remedy No. 2le fur External Itchlog Piles. Fold in Jar, sod 1a for external use only. Trice 50c. .`)rder bel panther from yew Druggist. MACDONALD'S it •is ,, off, CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE TOBACCO 0 Canada Sending Clothing To France Tw cnly tons of Canadian made clothing will be sent for relief of French children in the liberated areas of France, it was learned at Red Cross headquarters in Toronto last week. The shipment is van- guard of 110 tons of clothing, ntc- ACC11t:K'I'ANTS 1t A1:I)I'i'OIIS COAIPLE'rI. MONTHLY SERVICE, email businesses our specialty. All Government reports prepared, J3rclt & Company, 8 1Vellington Ensl, 'l'oroutn,_--� ALUMINUM GRANITE UTENSILS REPAIRED quicltly and snionlhly 1%1 (II plastic ecnleTt. Mend -holes guaranteed fireproof or money refunded. I'rice 25e postpaid, Interesting epnre time agent's proposition. Address Metal -Roles, 462 Notre Dane East, \lontreal, 11:1111' CHICKS 401 PA1{Itl.l1 1t(h'11S !'t'l.I,I:'1'S, soon, Li ghorns, there Month!, old, bell or ea+'hang s for other potl- tr'', 7,;1mno't Erns., Kae Ave., To onto, 1'I I.I.E'I'S BARRED ttOl'l S, NE\V 111unpshires, 'White Legherns, 11yhrlds 5111 other breeds l5 weeks and older. Nt.t too soon to order your day 11(1 rhicics for 1045. Fri c ritalugue. Top Notch ,'15,x1 , 1 i. s, I;uelph, Into rio, 70a 5El LING 11.\'1'+'111:11 DARNED 'Hoek Pullets, over ;i months old, '11 1, to Iinnlpshire laying. Apply Lester \1'stHaul( r, Lot 3., Con. 13, '1';1vl.toelc. Fula; It :\ N11 E 1'CI.I.E'1'S 18 weeks t(. laying, Barred hocks, \VIII, l.rl horns, New iLtinp- eldres, hybrids. Frye Catalogue, Send for 1045 Chick price list today. Last year we were un,(hle to supply the demand for Aprli and \lay Chicks, 'Twiddle Chicle Ilatoilet les Limited, Fergus, Ont. 1111.1\' FA Li. SERVICE itl'LLI:TIN Join• randy, Don't dclnl' In getting your copy, containing valuable Information. (Eder October and November (hicks now -5 to 6 weeks notice necessary, A few dayold and started chicles avail- able for immediate shipment — mainl> heavy breeds. llray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. North, Hamil- ton, Ont. D1'111NG .( CLEANING HAVE YOI.' ANY'1'iiiN(' NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, 1Ve are glad to ensu'cr your questions. Depart- ment Ii, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 751 Yonge Street, l'o- ront0. "FAIRWAY" lT CLEANS!— AS IT WAXES!— AS IT POLISHES! Quirk 11(0'•ient Floor Tool! Cana- dian frac,0. No kneeling No hard work!! ]let p!-, your (lours ns you like !hent, using your favourite wax, liquid or paste, Efficient tools melte hard work easy. "Fairway" saves your knees. Material, work- manship, guaranteed. Fall direc- tion'( with each "Fairway," only 16.75 rxprl511 paid. FAllt\1'AY 463 (;rrrrual Street, Toronto, FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt 1, pulley's, brushes, Allen Electric Cotnp:i'hy 1.1.1., 2326 Duff feria St., Toronto ANGORA RABBITS Flint SALE 1'EIIIO1tI:EI+ STOCK. Will s(II in trios or singly. Also new spinning wheel end scales sed hutches. 71 llullrouke Ave„ I;tuhic(.Ite, (Mt. 1)UNCANNON I'E'l' SHOP 471 E(1LiNTIN A\'E. \V. Ili1) its, all hinds; guinea plg's; tarn. nice 1.11(1 rets; tropical fish and aquariums: guaranteed singItlg canarl(s: tag( fend supplies. 3' i V 11 I'AllRS CAN.\I)A 11'ILD geese for 51;(11.. A. 11. 'Tellier, Belle ilio( r, on Dirk,. Il;t10 GENERAL STUItE, 1'1)1EFLY greccries, in guild fadis- trict nror Sarnia. Last year sales 514,110. 1'l lee nullities gond fix- tures and frame building, Block at invot(+', Alsip old established dry goods mud grocery business ro• p Itots sels. 111 rt Weir , Son, 711 Kurd; s 51., London, Ontario, 111 ft r lu \V,Iter 1•'onfev. 1,1.\,NITOrt.\ IIEI1EFORD IIREED- ers' Assoctntion Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned Here- fords at auction, October 17th, 1'rovInc 1el Exhibition Fair Grounds, ilrandon, 5(titohn. For eatnlogue write J. R. Bell, Live Stock Commissioner, Leglslntive Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba. FOR 5.11.1;—FIJI' 311.1N'S 11011;`;1)5 1lioruughbred, seven only. Guar- anteed In hunt, Order promptly. 1). \V. Frenula, lter Inver. t(Eb'ltf),\Itl) IIIIAT, \V1'I'll f All.l,]S nu.tlr, 01=o 32 volt Delco writer pump, With motor and lower, large tank, s':uellent condition. Price renst.n:bee. 'Winton (Dauer, Portland, Dot. RmotwriTtlal t I.1 it 5 r•: 1' 11111,1. with pa acre, Fn•'ht1 t n inonlhe old, Well bred, Anel' to Herb ert 11 'halls, F riga!, Dot. dicai supplit s anti food being shipped to Normandy. by \'arious organization, and is a gift of the Canadian Rol Cross. Maj. Gen, C. 11. Price, of t rscas commissioner of the Canadian IZcd Cross Society, sported in a cable 10 the Red (roc that the shipment includes 1,0110 laycttt't, ,W) kits, and 500 girl' kit'. The layettes contain oven thing from blankets to diaper' 1.1111 SALE F(11( 5.11.1: Itl(;Is' rias! ONI'Oltl+ 114,‘,1. (tam-. o,.. I50o X 1 ,11 one ytt.rltuf. t1Lo 1(;11',1 41011r p(iet. nrl t;lll:nnlct'r, 111. No. 2, Ifarroly. SLIPIT JiAltNl:sS Til:ICS SlNt1 — FINEST It athtr mud Ii:,:'1, s' to, servo11 y. Stipa also has (115 ny household osis 250 up (:t n''t groo,rT. load - w,u e 11141 , l nt11 stores, A product t t 1.1„yt14 J,a1.10.,1t'tries, 'Tor"ato. THRESHER BELTING GD,11• !'SEI' ANY I.IEN(;'I'll, ANY width, Pool .1o;r,t or +11111,.., Iw- Ilv, r3 from 1\'1;(. us f.•i• part;. Jost l,0 hath 1'„•, Ltd., 533 1'•. I'„ul si, \Van1, ,iontreal, 11A1.111\1:111 11)11 5-A1,E "1,'J31IN(;" (1iREAM 51;1'A1tA'I'UIt1 and repair parts ere elu'1ys nvaliable either nt your local dealer ur direct from Swedish Separator C'o. Limited, 720 Notre nitric \\'est, 1lontreal, Que. 141(1141. t' t'A5I' 'I'1;:1("IVllt UN (tett. Also, 13.2.0 51;151-ey•I'!arris "ti )Ie11, b,•th reedy for ,i rk, .11 10, „did Valla y, ( Int. 1.51;+;(1 I.( 'SHIN i 0\IEN1' MIXER for salt or tr;'dt' for a smaller elle 1n good running Order, John Stark, 2711 Sh,,. nrlk, r Ave., it.R. 4, (6111)011, 1, t:11'IRN05 STI•:A\t 11(1,1.01), NO. 12(,5 suitable for greenhouse or a p:.l anent. :y l.ly to II, Italtedy, :05 i51 Burling ten, tint. 111,1•:II RING PAVER 915011, I'.1111i- er Air t'ontl.rt s -or with tank and 6 11.1'. uuuor 1155, 10110 Gel. 91111 1251. The 1') 11 rhornu).•h 311 sal Co., 1.1.51,0rough, Ont. FA1191 PRODUCE EASTERN LIV1:STOC12 FEEDERS can obtain carload lots of barley and oats for feed purposes under Plan C. of oho 'Wheat Board, Can introduce you to Western Ven- dors c1t feed grains. Present prlcee, burley Or, oats 62e de- livered Fort William, Also pos- llhly few curs O.A.C. 21 Matting barley. Established over 30 years, Addres9 Fredric!( Ind, Lloyd - monster, Snek, FAIl11 FOR SALE 198 ACRES, 1 MILE WEST OF Kitchener 1 ! m I t s, Kltchener- /ilrnlford highway. Churl es W. Moser, 11.11, 4, Kitchener. 10(1 A('111:5 1)+J1 SALE, ALi. WORK - able, clay loon, near Cooks- town, In choice farming dletrlct; good buildings, land and water: prtc(d to sell. Box 124, Cooks- town. 160 ACRES SA\U1' LOAM, 'rrt.ED, Just of( No. 2 highway nt Engle Ontnrlo, 100 miles from Wlnd- aor—G room brick house, water and hydro In, large bank barn, Windmill, bllo, 12 acres of bush, Price 97600.00 Terme, 1 B. Tay- lor, 465 Ouellette Ave„ Windsor, Ontitrlo. Phone 4-6777. Leet your term with us for Bale, IIAIiRD1tE5511 G AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hnlydresetng at Can. ado's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work, Splendid pay. Write or call for tree liter. attire. Marvel IIalydressing Schools, 358 Bloor Street, Toronto, Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. L E A It N (HAIRDRESSING TIII7 Robertson method. lnformntion on request regarding classes. Robertson's Mil ydreesing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL. 1- 1'1'! I:VE1t91 SUFFERER OF lihei nlutllc Pains or Neuritis should t r y 111xon's Remedy. Mama's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, 6)1101wa. Postpaid 91.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cruse of III -health 1n humans, nll ages, No one lm• mune! Why not find out It thls is your trouble? Interesting par. ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. 11AUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. FOR CONSTIPATION! FOR I::I'- lec•tive, gentle action, take Per - mol Lnxntive Tablets. Relieve constipation safely. Non -habit forming. At your druggist's or eetid 91.00 for 2 month's supply, pustpnlr1, Formol Distributors, • Ras 712, London, Ont. 1000D RESULTS — EVERY SUI". fercr from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munru's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.00. MUSICAL INST11UMENTS FRIED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells. exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 1. Allied Planes Save Wounded Partisans A !Illi+ +1 plane • evacuated 11,.1)0 1\(mulled Partisans of Marshal Ti - Army, it was aa- nt•„ui1d. \(0- 1 5' ground fo:'.'+ trained ;1t li �\ 1' school in N tit Arica ;IMI d' are operating )tl th(„ir nodi, 0 soil, 5-555 ii e 5,01;10, of 5)'ne','I1,y !dat', (1 ,' ll l)'r111:l1.11' f11 TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films property developed and pooled 6 O'1 8 I:XI'41Si:11E RUI.i.S ltl'I'1tGNTS 8 for 25c VINI:S'r 0NLA11111N0 SERVICE Von ((11y not get alt the films O':(ilt the% year, i,ut you can get all the quality 111 s1 rctre you 11e4` y toy ...tiding your films to IHI'I'.I(lAI, I'llll'I'cl 51:111'll'i: Stat ion .1 Toronto DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" 1'111:1' CAN'T 111','1':\1\1:N AU,\'N •;1:1 finer "011(1•" ill loafer cos; — l'ronipt 51101 Service. lid 1t fill, rolls to Star Snapshot Set : ,+ to hu dee', loped :1111 printed. u;adn''t int r.l fin( hiug st't- din, uvlult cu•t1. owes all o' (';,nada. You'll (die aur tV'rlc. t Any Sizo 0,11— 6 or 11 1)I•:yl:l,()I'I:II ANIl 'TINTED _..c Praising Star Snapshot Sergio', n custunur et Windsor, Una„ n•t.'. •,: "1 snllpe'e 11'1; 11,11.11 1,1 give !!Saul quirt( btrv;re (51111 111111 no hard to K01, hill ;.s fun.; us ; •u turn out such fine• picture', :'11 Iva t —I f 1 have to 50011." 3 \IUCN'I'I:li EN1..1I;1;1;\II:N'(S Size 486" in llcautiftiI Easel Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory lir,''•1 mounts; 750" in Gum, Sllvrr. 1 :5. eassiun \Walnut or Ilhlclt 1:1 , finish Irani( s, 6114 each. If etil',';^- ntenl eulur'.d, 7f; each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE !lox 1211. Postal Tenni na I A, Tot. • t•1 l'rint Your Name 111(1 A.111 Plainly on All c)rdors, PATENTS 1'1:'1'111:It5'l'ON1T.1F1;11 R. 1'11\11'.1111` Potent Sollritur I1't l li :.1 1870; 14 !ling \\'est, Hoek l(t of Iufnrtn,llion un : - ((11ts), SHEEP 100 YEAiILiNG l0\VES (I(:nhou:::et Merino and Cui'rctlalo ('nil's) )r immediate delivery. 11(,0u0 5 a:id 6 year old breeding ewes 1:,d 40,000 Feeler Lambs for Belly:r'y,, after September 1st, 5oulhorn Suskatehuwen Woolgrowers A J• 'iodation, Maple Creek, Sasknt..1:- en'nn. 0, S. ltcn:Inf;er, Se,trett(:y. STAMPS BEAUTIFUL BiRITISI! COLON Set of three 25 cents, 5, Ilread;sero 1002 Somerset St., Ottawa. AUCTION SALE, LiSTING TIN A., Br, Colonials, Foreign, (tel. 3,:50 lots; wholesale, retell; cataluiur free now. N. login, Box 125, 5:t• tion D, Quobec, %'A\TED WANTED TO BUY, 131511 LANDS or Farms containing bush land', eultable to cut furniture lumber. Write Bogdan & Gross Furnttari Co, Ltd„ 1Valkerton, onto WANTED, RELIABLE FAI3ME:1S, who have feed and facilities to fatten young cattle for market, for fixed price per pound of gall in weights. Owner will ettp;.'.y; Meal, or pert grain, 1f necessary, on account contract. Nearer Tc. ronto the better, Write fu:ly, 11'. Post Office, !Box 576, Toroi,to. WANTED TO 130Y: ALL KiNDS O.T. hard wood and soft wood logs. also smnll quantity holts, Wr:t, I3ogdon & Gross, Furniture C.). Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE HAY 1N CARLOAD 1.0'1'5 F.. prompt ur sweltered shipm,';ot Write ]!ugh 11, Scott ,( Co. 11 t,yy, rind Grain Dealers, 485 Montreal 1, 1',Q, WANTED STAN!, OF TIM iIElt either Hardwood, Softwood '1r Mixed, Apply giving: full peril -t- lata to 1'.U. Pox 1014,- borou1h, 110'1'01,5 WANTED DO YOU WANT TO SELL VOUlt hotel? \Ve specialize In the ea:i of hotels raid have many custom- ers desirous of purchasing, If you will write or phone i w'!1; arrange to Inspect your hole;, Bert \Vcir & Son, 151;1,i Dund.ts Street, London, Ont. 111(1.1' WANTED COOK GENERAL, 950,00 TO s;rl monthly, references. Apply to Mrs. 1V. 1I. Comstock, 189 K: -i! St. E., Brockville, Ontario. AGI:N'Ps \\'AN'1'011 GAS SAVER, PATENTED, 1'RO\'- en, guaranteed. fits all motors. If you have other full time em- ployment, write for proof, agency proposition. Victory Mfg. Cornt- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. AN OLU ESTABLISHED IIATCH- ery wents agents In cert tin localities In Canada to sell rh'ekr In your epnre time. The commis - Rion Is good—and the chicks :'re well and favourably kn(••+n. Write for full details Box 171. 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. , JERRY-BUILT DECEPTION • F.. \'ery deceitful creatures, those Nazis, Photos above show two ex• amities of elaborate camouflage found by Yanlc troops somewhere in France after Germans fled. Top photo shows what's apparently the stark skeleton of a bombed building. It is a complete fake, hav- ing been carefully constructed by Germans to fool Allied airmen into passing up the arca. The "ruins" conceal large underground barracks. Also built to hide subterranean quarters was the "farmhouse" in bot- tom photo, It was pains -takingly constricted of plywood and netting, elaborately painted for realistic effect, CANADIANS IN PARIS 11If „• On the steps of the Church of the Sacred I-Ieart, overlooking Paris, F/O C. L. Glover, Fort William, Ontario, chats with a group of French people who tell him how glad they are that the Germans have gone. • CAMPAIGN PHOTOS The photos of Pres. Franklin 1). Roosevelt (left) and Missouri Senator Harry S. Truman (right), Democratic Vice -President candidate, have been designated by the Democratic National Com- mittee as the official pictures to be used throughout the country during the national campaign. PARATROOPERS SAY GOOD-BYE'S Saying good-bye to an Army nurse at an airport in England, para- troopers get ready to take off for the invasion of Holland, the great- est airborne operation in all history, Over 1,000 planes participated in the landing of troops, which the German radio said took place along a 70 -mile front extending from the Rhine Delta to Nijmegen, only three miles from the German frontier. MOLTEN METAL FIREWORKS FOR A BETTER DAY AT SCHOOL or PLAY E448x Growing youngsters especially need the food energy and food values that Nabisco Shredded Wheat helps to supply. So plan breakfast around this high-energy 100% whole wheat cereal. It's ready cook• ed, ready to eat—ready 19 help give you the energy build • Ing proteins and carbohydrates. you need. Serve it regularly. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls, Canada RETIRING CONN SMYTHE HOME Lt. -Col, George S. Currie, C.M.G., D.S.O., Deputy Minister of Nation. al Defence (Army) who will retire the end of September, and return to his business activities in Mon- treal. He was appointed deputy minister in 1942. Single high explosive rocket sends shower of molten metal into the Picture was made when bazooka was fired at tank at Catnp Roberts, Calf. in armor plating, A MEMORABLE OCCASION night in spectacular array. Result was three-inch hole McGill University honored two famous statesmen when honorary degrees of Doctor of Laws were conferred on Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt. Pic- tured above is the British Prime Minister after the degree had been conferred. From Left to Right, Mr. J, W. McConnell of the board of governors of McGill; Mr. Churchill; President Roosevelt; The Governor General; Mr, Morris W. Wilson, Chancellor of McGill; Dr, Cyril James, principal and vice-chancellor of McGill; H. R. H. the Princess Alice and Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Serious spinal injuries and a plan:.2r cast didn't prevent a smile and cheery greeting from Major Conn Smythe, M. C., of Toronto, who arrived home recently on the hos. pital ship, Lady Nelson. Major Smythe, known to thousands of Canadian sports followers, wa3 wounded by mortar fire during the heavy fighting around Caen. Relieve t: Jje.q..dachePain Aspirin Eases Headache Almost immediately Genuine Aspirin's new prices n -r.,0 make it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief freta headache misery. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST See with your own eyes why Aspirin takes hold of pain a few min•.stes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a gla^s of water. Almost instantly it begins to dissolve. And that saint: fast action tai:es place in your stomach. That's why Aspirin rclicvts you so quickly. For years Canadians have relied on Aspirin for fast relief, for effective relief --above all—for dependable relief. Get Aspirin at your druggist's today! NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Box of 12 noe, lBc Economy Bottle of 24 now 29c Family size of 100. now 79e ASPIRIN The Bayer cross on each tablet ie your guarantee that It's Aspirin t' CAN,ADA'S'% FIRST AND'!' ALL=FABRIC: GUARANTEED TO DYE EVERY FABRIC INCLUDING CELANESE, NYLON AND MIXTURES SOLO EVERYWHERE•NO INCREASE IN PRICI PAGE 8. NIVERIffectmometoctottctetottatcultmetctostoctctociattmictoctctstoetclatetctetetticsi 1.. 1, :4 i., :_. .1: i• 'i re n• C7041".dle�1;13tshi11N2i/DiN:Mi1X3131211V4int3,31Pt:/'i)a INNI N0tDMDI MIDIVt31P.DtD t2t Fall and Winter Needs Children's Rose, cotton and wool 25c to 75c i h Children's Golf Hose, elastic top 59e g Boys' Wool 'Trousers $2.95 ki Grey 1'Vuul Blankets each .$1,50 ti g A A hit OIive McGIIIaa dpi (i" White 1''lallnelette per yard 22c 1 lluhhei �l'' liuhher Boots, (Good assortment._ Shoes, �, eetete��e's�:tcte�gc�'etetetc �'c'.�te�t��tc�w�te�'y��•t:t���2k'.�(u�'.;i�'dte�w.,w�te�l�'' STUART ROBINSON R Lif hi el313tP1sIPt31213131m131P13131P131PIP•t31P1P121213121;3a1312t2,tNPth3ri3t2,NPt21213t31219i13i313.1 ,+n:llt'i Iil;lllllt:,lrter, :11 Ilan 1,i N. \.S. Phone 156 for Prompt Delivei.y. Please Phone .Delivery Orders Early. Morning. Delivery, North of i)insley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of 1)insley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 Pkgs. 25c RED ROSE COFFEE -... PER LB. 45c CORN SYRUP 2 LB, AND 5 i..B. PAILS OXYDOL, CHIPSO, LUX PER PKG. 25c SUNLIGHT SOAP 3 BARS 20c MATCHES .. - 3 BOXES 29c PAULA SUGAR SUB 39c RUBBER RINGS, SEALERS, METAL RINGS MEDIUM CHEESE. NO. 1 WHITE HONEY - 2 LB. GLASS JARS, 4 LB. PAILS PEAS. WATER GLASS. /11 shy • hr;(12e (' • Mr I y•i;:• II 11'1.''11 and It\•..\. Sin - 9 avctao' alt:mitd ;1't' meeting of tit. Ilnroi tt'•, 1111 'fest da\', at Ilrncefield, iv \I is, \1,ttt't I•:Ilis a1. 1 \Irs. Puler \It- • \:tit:;!It I'1. of ! Irn,'lil. s:'cnt a day List ti \ttI I; at the Inane of I:t\..\., and \Its. ti;nrLL; . to G5e I it. -S t. Xi -mum Sinclair, of No. 1 hi : \l anuin_' I )c 1 1 I'1,ronlo, has been t Hosted 111 \u .1 1•.:t`tt'rtl I rallll'It' (o;tl- TI -IE STANDARD Wednesday, Sept. 27, 19,14, \I r. I :Intt•r Pollard, and Mrs. Fritzley tette 1. ttlon tis;tars on Sunday, \Ir. T. 11. 11,ne 11, 111 .\nra,tt•r, itt'l \\ tilt his aunt. Ali" Mal) \lentil%•, \\1111 ;, ill, 11i•. P. II. Sin t ter ;s Visiting in Sim- I or Illi, \\ eel; at the home 111 \l;: Ethel \lattht\vs. \Ir !ah\ar1I Latuttly of Stantitl;tl Centre \•1.11;11,; Itieteb. 111 111 an d \\ iuilnuu. \1 r. I. 1 I:u•t!',ty has returned to Cliri..tie Street I lospital, 'Toronto, :titer -11'11 !nu.; t\\1' \\eels, ;it hi` hone herr. \I r,. .\. 1:. .\11'11 of I.uelsn(•\w Istat the \\erk•en11 till \Ir. and \Ir,. \\'nt. It'll. Ali Helen 1111111 t 11, of 'I'11r„11111, hol;da\in., ;It the leant. of \Ir, :Iu i 14.11 Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene 11n(1 Electric Welding. A Specialty. Agents For International- Iiarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Hollyman's BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, ALWAYS ON HAND Air`. \vol. Sloratlt has rented tine I rt n„rlll al,artntl'ul 111 \\'ut. '1'111.!1'- pro . Confectionery 1111(1 1 OI)110eos, 1111\ 111 (,)Itccll `lrct•l. Argent .,f 11 -!tern, \,ti., ; ,hnd;ng h., fa( laugh IN lilt his i;u•cnts, 111.:t1l 11rs. Fred .\rt;t'ttt. Mittman of \\',111,1. hen• ,i ler, \II's . John PHONE ;S - 13L1"I'1I, Vodden's I3AI{CRY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE Olt COOKIES REMEMBER "'THE IIO11E BAKERY” It T. VODDEN. 1 1,1 1 1, .1 .1, ,J,, .L_ 1 1i .1 Chocolates for Overseas For Christmas We are 11111' pel'1111tte(1 to take orders for ('l1OCOLA'T11;S FOR OVEItSE1 S INTENDED 'I'O ARRIVE FOR ('1!RiS'i'i11AS. Please place your Ot'(lel's early as we (lefillitely cannot Hook orders Tater 111a11 September Atli. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 1YALt, AI'lR—PHONE 20. - v, r , Trigir•alagrannagariknaraWarenanferMiStIr refer M 2Ct(.tEtCICli14'l;te C'i•;ti;'t'.tP4;'P,'4tG4;'n.'I�'4tvh.!.i14ta,+'.�i'.at\1tti e ®®ice Suites J '7 Ice. .\. Sinclair cutiihi te'I Ib' fun- pupil., \\ I11' ;a•,' tai;inn; Illy Scriptural ' 4 y.• r . tial ,t'ry 'u 1 11' 1I1... (111l',!, 111 liohott, u1 \Ietinarw \\'..11 ..111•,1,, I'l', tIIt i td,'' a ,. • el 1lihhtrt. „n \\'1.1Inc,11:ty aftcrta, 111. Thr nano, 'Ii illi t \\ Ito 11;1d \\ un ;man', 1 i/ ' Iul''nle'I( \\:t- :It \ie'l't' ;t't', renin'_ 1\\Ilicll \\'\1*('11;-tril,ult•1 11y t1. AIi11. - k1 home f'jrnisher — Phones 7 and 8 terve ter. I1w. A, similair gave ;t ,bull all ! :yh ,yi 3;3;d,a121J12' e ,. .c'1211,41-i�:?.2,..D,1`3,�./n3L:,o1i1:121,.,cti a`aa`;l".,u,,:;.:,.,,-,..a1•.,11, .,.:L:,: I�l:ai3t.n t BI,Y'T'H --- ON'T'ARIO.- i \I I', l'r 1 s111rt r I11 'rhnlnill,, iN Vi,.. Next :•nnlllr, ucttlb.l' 1..1, ki.V, A.three \\ ed.... I ton. of .1 ((root a, \vill he the special 11'I1u1tir heautif111 ;suites and ()(1(l Pieces in the latest styles are displayed on our .1l(►(►1.s an(1 are being' uCfered at. ll'lodet'ate Prices. An A11ractive 1Valnut. �')uite in the popular Waterfall Style is displayed in (till \Vin(lu\V this 1Ve offer a 1111,'e selection or S1111111u11,; skid Beds, NIilttl'esses 1111(1 Singles lied S11)I'11IJ; at popu- lar price:,. A call will convince you (11 tile many excellent values \\'e are ut't'ering', HURON GRILL - 1runerat Director. fi Idre.- 1' 1 . I::tth.r'` 1111,111. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG — Proprietor 1, 1 Ifni:; rutile" 111 Ir\\I1. \Ir•, ti'•IIIt'I•, .1. �� 0.1,1,. 1:1 Y..1,l ,:ad ..JA.l.,1 111J11111411111 , I 01.1111111• anniwtr,:t•>• rl the chinch. Ire. R. , rh;l+hens ,l 'Tut and \sone, of Su;i till'(, laud i u' l .rk, :111 are a'a'uulr. \vete recent \':';or, at thy 111'1111• of +It: i Xe),IS un !'ly• October 1st, Irv. r tiiucla:r \will tale thy :i'rviee ;n Ilcu:all' I'"ranee', brnthtr, \Ir. anti' un t!'c o''ca-;••u of the \\.\I.S. 'I It tnh 1 Halt 'I'a;.lor. I Tho rt111ina, \\Thiel( b: n nr+ll> (.)ffyl;nt.1. I Ic al -o nal coud'.r(•t 111. :tn- ! lar;ter than any sin to \\'all, should -- -- '•\\all ;til', M'''.Iiver,-,ar\' i.'I".!t'1`, at l t11s't!litl'`t at , iii l' considered a,, ;I fifth \w:lll. 'I'lttis when ill:nlint, the d'eoraliuu fur a roam it it just as !nip,rllutt to st'- ••1 rnrroct •c .11 la u. • as it i CE1 1 THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM. EverythingIn Stationery and School Supplies INK—WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, .. per bottle 15c BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red 10c LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE -.... 15c and 10c THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured ..-..-....--..- Per Pkg. 5c DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS .. - -... -... Per Pkg, 15c PHOTO ALBUMS . PHO'T'O CORNERS . ranging in price from 10c TO $2.09 . PKG, 10c and 15c ARMY SCRAP BOOKS—Scrap Book and Photo Album combined; suitable for keeping souvinecrs of your boy in uniform-... $1.25 SNAP SHOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos . 1Oc Ea. DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions .--. - ... _ .. . EACH lc WAXED PAPER -10 sheets 10c; In Handy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft. 35c SCRATCH PADS .._......_ . 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLIP, Soft Lead EACH l5c OTHER LEAD i'>"NCILS ....- 5c EACH, 2 FOR 5c LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg, LA -:GE ECONOMY -SIZE CICO PASTE -. SMALLER BOTTLES, 10c. LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS . PAPER CLiPS PASSE PARTOUT PICTURE BINDING .. WRITING PAPER -. - BOTTLE 45c .. Sc, TO 20c PER BOX 10c ROLL 20c 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c ENVELOPES TO MATCH .-.. .. PKG. 10c DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, I5c SHOPPING BAGS—strong material Sc We have a Cumplete Stock of Public School Text Books. The Standard Book Store witowwwwwwww Mrs. liana ('ocean left on \\'' day for fcrr O it:ma, Sask., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Grain - V1 .„1 .1 111161.111.111. 1 gcr. She \vas acocntllanied by her (laughter,a \I r,. .1. 11..\Valu, of (;ude- rich. 11 I•. ;111'1 \tI•,. 1,t'ui•ge Rill, -!,elft S't'i iity in Stratford \\'lit '.,ill ;lnd 1.111. I..\C. Ilcnson and \Ir,. Cowan, 11;111!- - family. 11.11.111 iia I jest ietur11id it nt 11111111; \\fotkei's 1‘,/et rI'\\'ICC Il;uUt11'ulh, viva Scotia, a, d h:l, heel, I,ustcV h• Ccnllalia •Airport• 1)tl)'ing• 111( ltli \I r. I: 111111 \1';il'ac., aryl nt1'ani'tl 11y 111(• Allain. \\'others 1,1' the l)ltt Line, \f r. l\'nl. 'I'hnal, 111'111 'fncsd:It ill Morris, hell) two Itniltin,gs this too 111. One \\ as heid :,1 the le 1111' ,,f \Irs. I1'Inl I. •nd„n. 11r. \\',Marc, who ; t large pr, '111(•1 r I,i tu' bees, wa`'onta line f r- I':t;r,er\•!1'e, \\ ben on' quilt Ata • ct nt mei. l'll •n ,1 'l. 111 tl l' lit �', ;i t t lli, tat•en. ;i."'I 1111• other t1 -it !I:11 al tell• 111th (If ;III I+rd, have t,ruriil':tlly al; !lime of Ali,, Edna \larl),,int!.11, there two (milts \\e c quilted, been -I.I.1 ill advance. 1'11,1, u1'r• o1 l,l•l'w'.otls \ t•It• - : !te or !crit l' iii li-'i'r 1 1ln:ulliti'', 1,!1;1'!1 fact t.,lifi.• 1-, the CO�i(dItl1'It�UL�i1'T�IOI�IS fr 1' 1111;tl;ly of Nit., \\'sl'a't'', CI�LJ�CI� (Qjw1[N!13 TRINITY ANGLICAN, CHURCH Rev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector ( )ctoi,cr lit, 1') I -I. 11 Il' ('innnn'ni1'11, ') a.m. Smnlay School 10,,:11 a.m. 11arw.,l Festival, October TRiNi EY CHURCH, BELGRAVE I Co!nt:mnion and Summit in I rinity Chun•t•It next Sunday at ',,i 1, ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN Ilarvest Fy•.tiwal in St. Mark's church next Sunday. The Icctur it ill official' at 1)1.,;I1 a.m., and in the evening at 7.3U. the key. \\'. 1I. Ihnl11ttr. Rector of Si. (;cor);e's Church, 1 i lurich. .\11 welcome. BLYTI-I UNITED CHURCH (n ;r1',it Iiun, t • \I r, \\'III ('; : ter, of \\'csifi'bl, 1\ his t•t'Iilti't c(I Ili, birth I;ly, un :\I onla), September ?;'tli. t 1�t'c;r 1 ,I (tim , to \Ir. awl \Its. Lloyd \ i,l,'r, \\ let \\'int nh,t'rie their \\'t'(IliiIi, milli\ut',Itt•\' 1 it Thin 1111, '1't,teIlllrr '%tit I Long' attll:'t; u, lu \Ia ter Ier.ncth Iilpatricl,, \11'11 1t'!ehr;tll11 Ili•• 3rd I,.rtlt- !day u:! Innl.ly Sept. lbtr III Cont;lallii,01 i- t1. \Ir at\d Le. l;' I !Warr., \tit 1 (e'cbr:IlcV le(t t I I -1 to '1101- o lin' t,i'opl'r 11'1111 ell rora- liun. \'uttt' ltrofer,'uro Witty 1'•1('11111 one of cunl'listing colour, I)on'l ta. afraid That a "t'olultt'-I'lauaea" (^ 1111 \.ill extend your Itndg('1. 'Ib 1rttilizc this you can r' i(l!ly tla so by se'in_; my 1aatples---over :100 t'1 11!(•1 from. THE OL1) SUNWORTHY LINE Sotry to say, there aro \l) I':\TTI?I:NS the, )(dr, being the- ,anie the l:t,l three year,. I':w.ry- 1hi11c;n the 1111' 111 It:a...rat;ng. No ••i1c. a1 time Tor apl, nuand rcnteulb'r, I specia!irc in that' lough job of tahin); off \\'allpaper, F hone 37.20, LOi1DESBORO 1 1 4.L 1.ltf::t'.I,.d ril.I.J..�rJw�ur 1, .i .1.11,1.1! 11.1 .1 t` t'ir I lealurt.1 ;i cl!l 'cr of pink 11;tth1't” fa,- _'. th teedd 11e :unlit -t', r ' 1 n day,�el:;enil t't' .5111. Collgratillat:n• to \Ir. a1 1 \II Claren joint •1111 \\ 11'1 '(1.•11' at' 20th Wedding -Anniversary September 31111,. on Ft 'WEDDINGS McCrea - Reel) • I I I nl tin• r, h (11th it nl;l'rhina esti PS It it. .i;,t• t.,:Tit rl n ruhmi:ll bullshit s. 4•1 i HI. pia II .1i al ! a le.',.ti- b.:r I' Inn \I;1, Lean ami \1 I'iI\Ili Lick - hoot of London, were the bride,- i:1 ai ,t,.•l t•.n, ,Ii bloc 11x1 and Liatchitt, Ile;ldllrc, t', \vert• 11f fcath- ' I ,. 'fury tal'rir(I '11111;11 hon Incl , 11 col"'I'.I la !ioli and a•-it•is• I.it'I • I. •rx 1.11611.11 China I, \w:c thy s env of a fall wefl(hng tt,hcai 1':!ht-I 1•.11., Peck, Reg. N., of Loudon, eller Il;nt_;ht1•r of \Ir. and \Irs. T:II\,,ar ',1 1'., t';, b'rauu' the ht..(1.,• ' t: .1 LII', 1) ,111> tic(rt';i, of Toronto, o"I\ 'I'lle %:ally Day Survive \vas bel 1 last lou of :,Ir. a 1d Airs. R. J. McCrea. al Sundae \\ith a very large attendluau.;Bel ;,tic. 1•!VV. 1)'\Vitt (' cli. If,i . The Superinttlnle•nt, \]r, Leslie 11:1- 'r'.,icd and \lr,. J. \V. I':Isley played the 11111 n, preside', and Mr. Cook had 1\etd'1.1;ne nnr;c charge of the ,inl;irl, it'itll a ladle ['hull.' 1 The 1, plc \Cis t,iv 'it in marriage by o1 yours: pops.. The c!tl,;r sant, a her father min core a bridal gown of very fine anthem and \I;» Mildred \\ bite -:,tin. 111 r thiger-till veil fell Charter contributed an exccll(nt ,uII from a heart-.hai" d tiara. She wort. '1 Scripture I.t',s, IK \\ ere rear) by \I si :trim; of prink, \thiel had been worn •I'll, \lis, Shi ley Philip; by her aunt, 'Ir-. J(1lut Leel), at her .\t the Ila' t;,n':II SC%ir' Paul Urian, \;eddit g, and (at-ried a \\h;le 111111. to•1- ::on of \Ir. and \ir-. 1':. 1. Taylor, of ped by three \\ !lite rn.t•bu'l. \w't'1 a Clinton, iv'a, baptized. :Appropriate sho\ct'r of white ribbon Inrdltd with stories were given sly Miss Isabel \le- .laiden stair fern. (;ill and Mr:. 11, Hail. Miss Jessie' Mrs. Stanley \ ctl'I, of 'Teeinn,ch, as I:ichmm�d. Secretary of the Sunday iter sister', matron -of -honor, Ata, .tt\n- School, Save a very fine report of the !ed in pial; net and lave. 11'r Iteadd .:• (;ill(' \ o:•, ult".'c oI tht; 1)t 111. ,;t,.11 '\\- er girl \core n 1',1'\\11 of green nrgiInd\ trimmed \vitt: it iit( lace. Her head! - dress ira, mad,. of bili c it•alltt '', L. !I 'Iles! 1\.1;11 a t'rnt'n bore awl :•h' ca'- li'.''1 a n 1.t•t:;ty „t 1,iui\ ro't' and a, - ter,. Ir. El 'I',lyl r of II\th• \\a, EDITH (;IIEI(;IITON'S DECORATOR'S SIIOPI'E Located Oppus'te Kt:rnicIt's Grocery PHONE 158, Burnt. '1'rv) .1 ('1a +;tiifietl (;et,Itcsillts. N 1.11. 111;11: II, andto titer teach r. \\',ikon Reid, 1 f l lai lock, for v..0111.1v..0111.11v..0111.111..1 lir,, t,ri.t• in the sctttt t par- ade at both Meth and Suab , tit lit both Kota- - .ion, ft., "In 11a1 pal ty" \\:i, 1,r' illy admit.. (I. Thr billy 11,'Y ,cr\-ices ht III in Rin Church on SHurlity \\cit• \Ve'll :ttttnllyd .slit,, Lo\\ltr and (sell I',11h,rV r ,i ave ,ni;ablc tead'n;:,. Itt. \I n.•ie• (I the hc!tl a I,tl,ti'ttt t ,urwtc' for 1111. infant an l:e t man al"' le;+n It''b, of 1{"('x' .111.11111- \!I, a'1t N11., Melt I.;I \•, 1.rother of the bride, ;all Stanley \'cl \I.. .. ...1 \t.. 1. ..... .,..1 tl.. t br1 (h( r-; -';to I:ri1!', Iver' m`et'es. \1'I\;n 1.1..11,it1 of I'lt' 11:'111', \\;1, i'in:'It(trt','. I'll. r,r'i1:i n II ,,I ,tt't :tl the b au ' at ill' I.irtl,\\.I I ail% I'i Ole br;d1'• lea "I' , LOCI' the ' u' I i'Ic left f•,l• 111' ca -t, the l.rittt tray - itlinit in ,t Ite••_,'inc'• brown tail .11•I' 1 11r, \\'nt, (';t, tt r ju,lccd Ihc poultry At Ct'II,Ir Nil p't1s, II,\\a, Ill.' 1 t,.,,a1 - nit nil;, n,at, Iain` t1. 11.11 a•''>,t I; trent of .\;tritltltt're rei.ort'. that sec allyl .I l' I'K;i I'l' bo11.1tit'i 01 \\'l lite ro 1'-' Il'-, attend( 11 Il' innovation of s 111th. (10 111,' •rctnrn ill y 1\111 re;hle at ;t.1 (marts ;wit ha;' pini mill; b ' tl' ii'!t;cit a\euu;, forint,:. inercaa., r, 111 sirna;n' span• t' \11.11 ;I. Inad•. (;1' err, :Ind retail, r. doun,i 1111'y could loll .;r, 'hoary (putt, 1 roa'I. 1 i\ II ULLIIiTT on a frig. :lull that hcid only 2.5 111.111 C'Ilt'_ i'.l'.Ihttions to the pupil,- of S•S, bottles.