HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-09-13, Page 1VOLUME 55 - NO. 0.1, Sister Of East Wa1\'anosh Observer 1'ulmerston LYTH STANDAR Lady Is 1Iurder Victim Tin t,piI\', 1, melon flee Pie s print- ed the fo;lo%ti'i; ;IC ;,11111 of the Inllrllel' at Fort ttansk., of \Ir,..\ustin of 1)( iron, , .It r ui \I i:,, Levi boost, of \‘':1%‘311;,,l) 'I•"%%n:dri;,: "Poll Franks, S; H. 11- Shot tit,1lt.g!, the I;u'h the 1.1.4 of \I r.„1n•lin smith, T.', ,'1 Ikirull, a1 Ilatlt'e of By- ron, \\',It, 11111,1,1 t,1 1;1.‘' It1' Iter 111K1,;1141 ill Ulric '•,,,oder col t,l ,l' Mlle(' 111111', „:l II\\e:I of herr. I:ilr, • had been stripped Irons her tit , an I her purse ,1144'11. "I ler antiinrt,l'ile, a 111r1, greets I;Ilirh coupe bested;.; \Lcl:i'!.ut lieen _t nulu- her ;'17,;111,, ;11 a \yds nli•..iint and police itunl di •Irl' launched a \\ jilt. - spread .search for the ear, believed to Have he''t ,to'en 11y the unn'i,errr. "Or, I. P. Ilnbbard, ;I cortlner from 1'iirt•st, said "I' deliiiilidy is murder. The w'111;111 c,•tlihl't have ,bot la':s li it 1114' 1/.11A ;111'1 ;here' \Va, nD ,i)'n "1 I 1114' %V1•;111011, lehirll 1111111.1' believe 1P,1, a 1 revol%er," \;1111;11le,, loiih a pure, the hers to the car, and the t , it automatic, and left \I r,. Smith l%inl.' ,1n (ht. floor. One of the rings \v;ls V,Ilnu I at $1,2011. "\Ir. Smith ,;tine upon the scene of the tr ,e11y 1.! en he reached fort 1'1',1111„ by ear 1'11 Mill,;Sly for "a fey,' tat s bobtail." "1 drove song the beach h" •aid -bonding the horn for al) .1nt h a mile, \Irs, Smith knew 1 was coining and usually twat, out on the from part playing her acror,liut, „ 11e 1;111;e1 like a non in a ,bream, "II %1 as beira tat one and two u'elock I guess. 1 tt,llkcll into the cottage and (herr she was" "\Ir. Smith fir', in shocked burro;: lu his car and raced southwest up the he;tell 141 the puty4'r slaliun al Ipl,er- 1va,ll l /111:1 611 1'r1n•inriaf 1';u k \vhcrc he tolili •.1 puree. "I loti'ul her lyiiir, on the fl„or of her bedroom. I figured that it \vas to Kaye been 11 :'rest day for us—a great I iu-I f;:tished buying a $21,IRI0 "1 didn't ex,uttine tie body thorough. 1"1, had: ill I)rlroil. I figured that it IY lit e;tl-e pros :nl sal p Hier di,ln'I %Pall \10:111 bea i h tt 'i in oto' live. Thal rt` Illi'\' Ill;ltll' Illol'l' ,,,x_, ''aar %pont I 111' ill miles a \vay from here. tLStli ill•. 1;111 It alppeal;.- "I figure that she heard ,oln.otc and 11.1'1 heft i tirderc 1 ,1'nl:,_ reached for ht.' gun and he just let het have it, tellsii't' e+1 a, it she time at11nu11 I o'eloek Su11d,l' 111nruin:;'. Bete was a cul through a scluen ou the hack (lout, and apparently the 1 murderer entered Ihe cottage by this II Husband Finds Body The 1111,ban,1. \%Lo operates a ,rrvire ;dal ion in 1lelroil, discovered Ihr burly "1 Irl,ln't hermit fur I1\+11vevks, but inti,Skier ,;Iry her on Friday. \\re venin to t11c collage (or five •, 111 ', „1111 II(. -Mission Band Met The Mission Land of Loving Service this morning %%lieu he nsoturc l to the held lht it regular meeting on Salnr- cottage f1.1)111 Detroit. The collage' day, Sept. 9th, at ,i o'clock, with an bore eyidentc of a lerrifii• struggle. !attendance of 47, Neighbors said that \Irs. Smith, the I Alter mirk period ;til sang 'The I.In- t i ttt r I?111r1 Herrington, i,f I;y runs ,bleu) of our \l issiou Cant," followed hall hr'n liyiti i alone in 11111• Cotta};'' 1tv hymn, "Jesus loves the little chil- 1no,t ,1f 1114' ,nn1n!rr, I ler husband VI,- I1lren.” .\II repeated Member's Pur- led the c,'tlage from time to time dor• pose, \Ira. hall told a very interesting ;nit the summer. ist,iry, "Freedom from Fear," a story of the effect of \Pitch doctors on African people, Ronna Clow placed the 11'or- "CI,III in Macon,\Ira. Smith was pilo- 'ship servo' al'I gave the Call to \\'or- ratell there and %%orked a1 Perrin's, a 1s1r111. \Irs. \larslall gave a st.,ry, "Je- biscnit manufacturing firm in London.'stl, teaching how to pray," \Pith an until her marriage '5 yea's ago to explanation on the Lord', Prayer. Rheas S11,i111, 1%1H, 1, ,a dative til l'tlh i;;1. She \i1•\all and Doris Johnston received then 111.11';e11d in I)etruil, \\'here she 11,111 the offering, The hirllltlSty sotlg \Vas lived since. snug for Lois .\ugustitt, \I;u•garel She 1, ,nryiyr,l by her h11.11and, ;lu 1 i \larsllall and Clare McGowan. The *laughter, Geraldine; her mother, 'Airs, !ninnies were read and approved. Shir- t•:Ila I II•rrinetlol, Cyr: m ; five sister:, Icy Radford gave a Temperance Incs- \lr,. \I. (iray, ;Aid \I r,. Jerrie \orl .11, Born in Byron sage. Gladys (:t,1V read of the patriotic bulb of Berm..; \Irs.:\. F. I;;u•rett, fai111fulucss of "Otlr ;pact: Cousins," Toronto; \Ira. Levi Good, Blvd], and Shirley i'aicol'cr, 11, A, McKenzie and NB's. (i ' 'IotI \tei tl'al, 'I runt 1,I EleanorBrowne read stories on Afri- can missions.. -111 unfinished quilt blocks Fto;n Wednesday's Free Press are 111' b'' handed in as soon as possible, believed to Ire Ihuse of ,The Hand arc hooding a 'Sale Df \\irk' •hare nut little lo write each one the slit r of \Irs, Smith, have liven and suppyr, on Saturday, Sept. ,?,ire, !nee, s fun'' phut;';;replied polirr di:, in the basemen; of the Coiled Church. 131,Y'I'II, ON'T'ARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1,1, 1911. • Gnr, Ilarve (1arniss I)esires (.alt' Club Met '1'11 Express 1lis Thanks I'lu Inti tit I ti•:Iriet Calf ( Tulp met Subscription hates $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 in the SALE POSTPONED Paralysis Claims Life '11 One to the death of \Ir. 'I he S'a (lard i, in recent of the fol- the home of \Ir. I•:pin tam Snell, near li tt i Il"u \yllirh urrulrrd at Ili• home 11 !, 11 }' .u' "1111 I,luetn' r ! int.. 1 1 Iovin'g letter front (ier, Harvey (;a• -;(Tinton, tot 'I 11111,4;1y night. in illlllrit 'I'u%Pu 1111, the .Noel;"n Sale \I Rh,rt ,'Iter, n, f NI,I:1'I"n nits, \yll.l is int .\ctive Service Over-. Chas. I;rigll;un, Preside;\ „f Ihe (1111, of hi, farm, f;u•nl 'k, nttl' nlett' I'I'"\1n,lup, n„u \\.illl:ll, •n" both„I seas. Harvey r i.,he, to express thank's 1 t%a, iu ' Varve of 1 h u!relillt;.: tiil Ja:.1'1111 01,1'11 I b 1. IS I 1 g""d �, II:I, b,'l'll p"st- Ili, IIII ;rt.',i. ,.! Ili taw dr 1'.11 :ah LI 10 1/11"111.1c1l•nt l'11"111/a11""1' who tell n11, Sccrcla•y, The "1"1/111 -''hilted sine \\Teh. Tine sale \t al, du ll have been sending hint 1;tree', front;jud e, 11,,,iris 111''• ,111,11, 1 judged I :1 class of Shorthorn better-• ulrl 1111. ' ! `, i I 'I•Iir d:'�'i Si''p. I_tll, Ir1I ha' u', lin h ..11 . I �li•i,.r tin,' to time, s,1 well lel hint till it in and \Petr their examinations prrpar- brell puslp"n'•11 unlll 'I•urs'lay, Sr11t1 or 'Ho, 111!1, :^I 11111,, Ili, ottn word,: atury 1,1 their .\rhictcliiI' l Mai' oft her I'(t11 .\ f1,11 list of 111e sal \t i:l be ,1u gat ntll,l\ ;,iter 1)c;tr l<e:-1\'illnmt it d'mLt in the Thursday, Seplcnlirr I -Ills, a1 event font l pa '• S, R, nsenlbet' the 'u t 1111:111 1111, ,,111 tvurhl, ' ttr hair twill most litter' stand 1%1X11 i, one t 1' the fcalure, 11. Ihr J 111auu!e n1 date, in '111 Sept. 12111 straight up nn end 11) hear from toe, l;lylll Fad Fab, Seto, tither 1'+til, 1, It. :.lat11,;,on ),lace,) a eta-, ;ld . also gave ill,ll'Cetiitns oft fitting ;1111 Of Little Girl .A, have at lol,g la•t a few minutes to myself in \which I figured I could taste in worse trays than to have a little chin way lyith one of my past customers of toy past barites, 1yitht the very pro- minent 111:1: about our fair community, Frecuian 'l'ttl:'cy, 14Ttt. Throng?) your paper 1 ,yin; to express 1111• sincere thanks :11111 a1preciatioll 114' the fulluwing for their expellent work SIW\Plug of• a Calf, MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL The 1'nitwit Itct Dn September IItll tltc Tteyriallil, hall \lith all the mem- The 14rr1•e presided. Thr mottoes of the hitt meeting \\ ere read x111 adopted on :lotion of II. on behalf of the very lovely gift par- Johnston and J. \li(hi(' last \\;„ annolnned rrrrnlly. cel., \\illicit 1 heave gratefully received A petition \\a, !undyed frons the 1 ; The ti I:tt;iu \\,I "II I,"d (tin• E11/4" i 11 )avers of the \lilt, drain to have \ lick:Until it of :11.11 11.1•tt 1•Help in 1ge- I';,st." fi Molted b, prat- trllilc un Acliyc Scr\•irc, bolls its hal'- , land and France, the l'a:adiats Legion ;1 p1 i tioli n1 same cleaned old. I I'prrl\;1,11, \t herr 1'Ir, ('nllnninl' 4'c r 11y Mr., l , lcloir,_;h. \I r Philp !ea.! in Clinton, Illyth 'Inrnip Plant, the Move,' sly J. \lichie, scooted by 11, ''rivcll )fart til' Ili, 0'111111111e. \\ be• 1br Srridlui' 1.4' „1n. I'llrl.tiStn Slept • I4t'11 Cross Society, and the nullll'I.1,Iua occasion. 114' present !111' the •li't1 (,11it.11!1, 111, 1111,114'11, that the contract of 1'11';1111 I1g ;Ifd,llll, niessag from I IoI1 inio11 II at 1 others \who h;1\e sn I;inlly contributed a portion of the \I ill, drain be Irt to Rev. I.. I. %:ell\, 'tal1111 1•11,illtit 1\a• gty,'ll, so many grand guts to Illtlllt'I'olla to (,(•ut•ge. 14adf(11'C at •8.0I) per hulls' plus 1 k,1..1 \vill al.., be pnt`elt , .111 addies, ,nil;loll• to Ihe nep,l,li ill Rill he di II\'- I .\ 1i1,'l llltl II'�II11111' 111,11 ,suet P\!li mention, 1 can say they iadl ;111 play- ntoyinb exl,entcs. I. irnird. 1rr11. '1`1'4' (111.1' healon 1,I 1111 \1.1,•. \\i!I leudrtr,l h \I i•, IIild soil \lir, 11 111., ell a gr_al l,an•I ill making 1111• cony c;1s- 11u1c 1 I,y l', l'uulles,',cronde'I by J, 1 ; \I r.. Lannon t,_rt cal;ial,lt' illlr;:lhl,'ed ier lu hoe, %yllicll nervy limes Ila, been \Tidbit,, (Intl Ihr head llilis a> present- " key' S. 1. N1(1 1)(111.°1'1' pasl11r ,if til. fairly tough. t,(1 by Fuad Superintendent be paid. \licllarl's (11111'111. I also :un receiving ','Ise Standard, ('arricd• which is a pleasure to receive and to moved by C. ('Dates, sccondt'd b' 11. read. N'i't over an hoar ago I received Johnston, that Cy -Law No. 11, to c ,I- tllree conies ant, 1 ant kept \yell inform- lett muter for cleaning 1,1` I.;nnotit \Irs. hubrt!Ilinla i, in reuci;,t Liwrit \t,ls ,reed ;filer the uleetint;, cel of the news at home. Sevin, about Drain in \%orris and (icer Ire passeI,,of itsfur:latilrt'n f1\'irons Nati-tl'nal I),;encs I everyone is nl;,rricd note but nm. \1'1111 Carried, hno%ys, maybe some clay I'll break the .,.1 'Headquarters 11' the effect that herid \I,1eed Ire t'i' I,:. I'„ell Ison, lite, IlarO1(I \IIg1111ti:tlt 111;Iy shot•,-' ' 1 '1 r 11' , ., ti1, ocial I.l < oin;~ ' 111 (•a %lad;I. i11((nlorial Service 1, or 1'te. I l lu'ry Cummings .\ \Iv ti 11;all I nueral Ser%ier ssill lir 1 held al SI. \licll,'el's (,IItirchi, Irl\th, un I \V,d (-day, Sept, _(11111, ;1t ten o'cl'ek, for I'le. I larr.,' ('unnuin a "I 111 Ihr \1'1•n a'.' 2,1' 1111 o y S..<,, !\, alrl Mr,. Editar,l C11111titittL' . I'!1•. 111'11 "11 IIII'�1I1`, ,`-ep1. I'.I�.:.I' •. I.Id- 1 nunuing,' dc:l:ll 111er•e.i, on Indy .il:.! 111e tier ;ilio_ til Ike '''h.'"1”"f tllr, I'te,ltluit. I, loo, ,II our . , ,. .1 i., 1., it 11,1 -„1!.111,,1 of her 1!11,' s %%A., lot She I- •til\t't'd i,) 11,1' 1n'I, It par - it,' t•, •till on, t•t, r. 11,111 ., I he inn, r,tl \\lock ISP 1,11\:111, \tar ,111, I.11u, ii ,il 114' I ,'e• 1•1111 It1.1, v W.M.S. MEETING s• Ihr 110 5111,1 1;,11,1.; !kir(' Lire,' •1 11 b\ 11r . Shall R,;',t \1'llere'et' Sim.” I%a. -1111” awl \11,. I.id111e (0111111}; IIO111e 1" ed Ike nlei line \\id, pater. .chain of Bachelor (;amiss, Ila, ha!, like. ly will he the day too, still everybody's doing it now. Speaking of girl;, there are many very pretty girls in Frame, bot the question arises, how clues a ,guy talk to (hent, they speak one tongue, and I speak another, and very little signs of either switching over, ,u comb• what may, we just look ;it one another with a huge question mark in the back of our Minds. I really never thotlghtt there were so many french -speaks;; calla - (Halts in our Army, have seen a number of historic places, Carl! Inr one, and the fnrctnu;l thus far, expecting to sec more in the future the way things are proceeding al present. I.00ks like [ have to go and haul sunt: grub with my truck, ,u will have to go. 11'ishing yon all the best of lock, and hope you will convey my kindest regards to all tiny friends and acquaintances, for 1 am sorry to ,Sty 1 clost,1 Iola'. \\`or111 Friends herr di •L•ihited and "Finlay Carroll, lin ;crprinl expert of 1;11l sang the Ccn4'11icliun, "Father of •.I1 little children, the 1; n Ion I1 'lire, chucked lilttly spot, I','' 1'iitlta aunt tool; photographs •r ,,,,bili p"li;r 111,1 r %,rill r, nyiel ow ,l,lvt•r %4'n r, 4',,;111. Thr photographs MY SON ,,,,.. taken from the handle of a deer- ] ihIdt\y,ha11c power to write ter (basset. !dust inches front where "1`11e Ihuu'11is wed'cd in my beset to •1,. „ i11,., „ tlicteh \gill be the guest >l,eakrr and ti lsev Scholarshi 1 for Huron. County this NB's, Smith \\; . slain, 1 there will he special music. night reale, \I r, :\brahant is a sudent enter, I viclu;tlly. Signing. off dor now, ,'ours bole, 11:\R\'I':\' (:.\h\ISS, ----- V Wroxeter Student Wins Massey Scholarship Anniversary sena iccs will he Itdd in \\'iliam Abraham, son of \Ir, ;ted (ween Street Presbyterian Clonal', int \Irs, 'fool Abraham of \\'roxrlrr, has Sunday, Uctobtr 111t11, ;it 1I a.m. and as the minter of the \ia,- ;.,ill pan. hey, \I r, \\'ilsun of \\'hite- by II. J''htlst in, that the meeting ad- journ to meet again 1111 October l(,, 19.11 at I pan. 'Idle following accounts \\ ere paid: Cecil \1'Itceier (damage to rattle by Hogs) • $120,0'I ,\'share Agar (val. cattle) $1.01 :\lexandra \la••inc •1••1'1 General ly be cxpecttn1 haul; 1 The \1",.\. of the United Church heli, I'te. \\"ightman 1\'a, wottiided in ,a social evening, in the ;acorn• it of Ihr l•h il,,l 1•hitr11t ,el Friday night. I i Thy edClllll:; 11;.e'a•d by ;I sing --null 1e11 is \1r..\. F. ('11111,, f"Ib,i\%r,l 11y a 'reailing hJ \I I.. 1\'its \I ills,;, gnes,ing inti, lest h Re\, .1 Sine; r \\111,11 \vas France 'time time ago, Esteemed Cull)orne I lo,pita1 1 \Irs. .\. \rthery) ;27.011 Ie iilCllt ,'asses• eery iuleresh ill, ;In,11 onto"run,; t read - Mrs. Cyrus Se itt (L't'lgrat•c Fair Joshua Allen died at 111, 11uutc on ing 111 \Irs. Jamie Slur., "11ir;only on Grant 1 $I5111 the N1,1it1an11 Concession, 1•olbo)ti' \toupees," (:,ones \\ ere enjoyed. Ucl,alrtimmt of Ilcaltll (Insulin) I;.b55'I'u\vnsllip, shout noon Thursday. Ile, Rev. Sinclair win in cr:'I,i ole ;Ind \\'. Searle (Mills drain) .. $'N.till suffered a srl•olcc three weeks ago. \I r. buten Marshall \ton the tbu.,bs I Nit. \\' It d,tti n; .'xx 1.,i'IS .4of}Cl .:\Ilett was iii 'cars of age tin \larch Cert 'rasher t\, n it Chinese rhecl'ets, l.ylc 1 tinnier (equalizing school; I?Ih and last February had celebrated dual Gloria Sihll'urpc \\ 'u the (1,1).1)0. Lunch was served. 7111• National an - sections) . $'U.(IU with \Irs. .\iien, their 111111th 1vcddiu,, \I, (iowItug (bridge and damagesalllll\'l'I',al'\'. 1'111• departed 111;111 11,11 on Lamont lit iinl ... $'5,(Ill,lived on his property practically all his Carl Johnston (I(uoerlson (11-.60t,13,41, life. Ili; wife was the former \li•s Riclru•tl :\Icor%; (fide drain) . k2It1.111;'I{lizabclh \Pliers and he \t a, a niem- \Irs. G. Gros: (relief) _ $15(10 lter of Jnr l;enulille, l'nileI Church. Nelson Higgins (stamps, ete,) . $hl)IR) .Snrviviitg are hi, wife, four son;, Se - George \lartin, Clerk, cord and S. \lajor Harold. b ,111 of l;dcrich, \laitla d of .luburn, and Normal on the huuleslead. Twelve grandchildren n.nd two great gran I - children also sues iyc. --.V4' LCflUJICH NQIJ1C PRESBi'TERIAN CHURCH I', tier hand lannehcll an inlen,ive .\s 1 sit \walclt:ug that small star ing the second year at the U.4'\,l'. this manhunt throigll it 11,1 cif 1\'1•. tem l'ri1t 111tw and w•lu'rc you are. Fall, Ontario for 11',11' armed killer' \111'11 know, 11111, it's a II111111' thing This y.ar the 1furon County Council \Irs. Smith was shut once through Ilo\w cloy, a war ran always bring inaugurated illi: Scholarship, $511.011 is 111c Ii);I'I :•ier 11y a 1111cr ;u•ute'I aids ;t ,.1 Lullib', \Pilo for years %Pith pride donated to the boy on entering Ihe cul - .3113 Filly. She died instantly p''!icc' have lu•pl cnlutinn duel, inside, lege and another $5111,1'11 is given to hint said. ,','lire sought I'''4' Iut'slion'n^ a loin sorry that %viten you \Pere small by the \lassey Scholarship at the h1•• C1111111 1; l,awitsh so'dicr, nti,sillt; \Pal, 1 let re,,erve htdd tip that wall. ginning of the new year. Irs sot cc rifle !•iter Sunday. Alt': ] told von real men never cried, Ahrahan is lot Pears old. lle reedy - sought was Mrs. Smith's dark gre.tl Gnirk o lupe. "Inspector \\'. II. Kcnnell', act sleuth of the ()hullo! 11,Vtstigation Branch e'f the Ontario Provincial Police, was called in to ,lid local detachments in And it \vas nn,ul's 111,1 albyays dried cd his junior matriculation from the Your tears and smoothed lie Tout a\vay \\'ruxcler 1ligit School. After stavhlg So you could soon g,1 hack to )illy. home onc year, lie (hell \vent to \1 ing,- But son, deep dDpvn, \Pilhin 111y heart ham and received his Senior matricida- 1 longed to have sun:' little hart lion passing in eleven tipper school sub - flu drying. that small tear stained fncc j'ects in one year, Their investigations. I1 Int nc were teen--nten don't embrace. The Massey Scholarship committee The r itt,oty sh`m:1s just SIP' ttlil%i'st :111\ suddenly f find :ly son of llturon: Courtly fell this boy \vas the of 111(' \'il4u;c of I'1nt I r;u11;,, about .1 full grown halt with childhood done, mos( deservitl'; of this award. 'I'lt• 35 In:les norllmtst of London on Lake 'I'oni'�11t you're far across the seal Scholarship committee is composed of Huron, and srarcrly 2'11) yards frt nl ;\rd waging tats• for nt'It like me. 11'arden Fred 1Vatsun, Inspector for tint• of the tratin'ng areas ol• ('ant)' : \\'ll, !.oun'iow pride and what is right North Huron, Janes Kinkead, and BLY CH UNITED CHURCH September 17, 1944 10.15—Sunday School. 11.15—Suhject "Ile Came Cy Night". 7 1.111,—"Nitre ole this :fountain". Seplrntner 11, Rally Sunday. October 1st, :\nnivuisary Sunday. Rev. 14. .\. Brook will have charge id f the Anniversary Services, \' TRINI r Y ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector .September 17th, 19111. Sunday School 10.3111 a.01, The r "ITCH\\, %ycrc laid 1., rest on '111111th \v 1, sunt: ill elo,ill,l`. 1'oliomyelills (rses Cause :11arm 111 1)islricl Infantile Paralysis in 1161 district Iia, cre.11cd oii.ide1;d11e ran - cera this ,,resit, (1111 \lunilay ut"rnin.g "the little ire -'tar -1'!d 'l i'nhiirr of \Ir. ;Ind Nit... Rohylt Patterson pa„4''1 re. Itt,l)' in the 1 ,its 1, n h ,•)lital. ;I victim •of Ihr 1Irta,h ,, •4':l. , 'tut silly after - Saturday afternoon int 1111( Lunsi} ;il"I 'at Colborn(• r:tuct4'ry. Iirv. \I r. l'urr\ Ilnutl \It. S,u!•i Ib,rl' 1111;11, I;tLrn t„ a lund„n cosi u,.l, (-norm.; an illnr• fficiale 1. The pallbearers \acre Jona-' i%tmell display ,i, u. ,if being 1':Ir;ll- 111at I7isht,r, .\, fisher Jr., land's I i,. 11'4' bare not beard rrl:ar•litl) this :case fol sut•c. Blake, Stanley Snyder, Cunha, Young. and Orval Blake, The beautiful flor- al Tributes were carried by h. Blake. (i. \I1•\lirllacl, \\'illiani i;olto'I, f;eorge Curren, :\leen .\hens \licIael Uhler, Friends and relatives \vane present front 1)ct,'nit, "I'urkersnlilh, (iu lericll, I h'linton and ,\nbnrn, also many from '('obhit'ne lo\ynslup where \Ir. Alien Iliad been a Irgllly respected1 citizen for Ina :1' 'cats, V W. A. MEETING The regular monthly meeting, of 111, \\'ontail's .\ss'x;alio: 1•}f the Toilet 'Church was held on Tuesday, Septenl• her 1_'111, with the ]'resident, \Irs. I. II. Phillip,, presiding. Tile tu•etim; 1 ed by singing hymn 1N1• The I :1rd'<, (ollgralnl,ltill!1. ID \I!• fester was then repealed in Itis at. lahan 1\11: rrlrl,r;tl,l II ' of fotmrr uuin¢ ,Peer 1'0,1 1Inw-day, September 7th. Morning Player layer and Sermon, IIJS \linulra TI a.tn, and alt)+cored tlllriug the bus; iv.. •e' - TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE Hi' i, 11 'ti betided to had !In' C,lia,ir Ifor the \\'..1. and \\'.\LS. on the •1.11 GOOD EXHIBIT'S AT TIIE FAIR '111e 14.1, in•ide c\bibll, int ut,tny lea!, is lei, di, This \\edn,sd:lc ;It the 1:;1it. Illi- 'hi,rus la\ morning scents to trotter a Hight, stns\ day for the swirl n\! t}tat !lits brei lacking - • .rte';II �,;ars 11u%t, CONGRATULATIONS n, ,attl,ltu cls t'} \i r. \\'. J. 11,111:1- 11,tt. 11511t•elrl'r:ltc'I Iti. Irirthd,ly ,111 1 tesd,sv. septcluler 12111, ** h \1•n;ting anti ,ern. n 'n Trini', of November. 1 h treastrcr, \I r,. I. 1VEDDING ANNIVERSARY Iptcr\tasll, .\ :'), l';nnulian Inlanlry ('inrch, 1 t!grae, next Sunday at 2.,iU. , Tnst do not scan in go tonight. Bruce \lathes"n, :\grirullural htpr.: 1\\. Pet1,, gay- a full report of the F. and \Irs. lames Rolle]din of Corp; '1 aillin;.; ['entre, Thy prottl('r 11 find Inv 1•'c; won't sL1y Illilc dry; sentativc for Huron County, 5T. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN ooze, ,1'111 111 the kW!, O5rr,r,1',. \1•s :burn. , uiru' observed their ,inti) g.iinpd 4'tihishy neatly slitting a screed i1 lint that s'111linles wen do cry; The Committee hopes that a boy holy Communion and sermon next (:rashly reported 1 b,1x seat to 1 oit1 ti \ I otl the front dear and lifting a 1ilill. 1,\nd if tt•e shim' here fare to (adv can beseldrledeachye;frsurthis Srhol_Sunlay in SI. \I;uh's 1Ititull ,111 7.,;11 lI,1s'ita1 and 4'c;1 fu 1' a'I;uovl 1•r_ sledding auniyels;ny ;1111 ,brie home on Pulite and Air. St'i h u"tijertnre'h that �1 fear we'd find :len do enlhrane. anship and are l'cIIest4'd to (orgar.l pall. Celebrant and Pi cachet-, Nev. nl,11ls for ,yltliatby ,col. 1111 5111, ,11 D ;i l rJ� all( hp' h \%any Itiends the nn111 55 11 1•'h in ;and 111it Nil's. Smith I5on, (lasts are quite a funny lot their applications to Bruce \i lthesi,lt \h Hitt e Oldham,i Keane of 1 its,tls. ,duid4'd to Mare i ,11 ntrl' 1 f l'lu'isditi 1 ;t1d r,Lltiycs t;;tle l at Their boon' ID who had retired, 5115 di:4111'lnd, am. c, A11(1 if ire failed 1'011 in some spot h)' 11111` end of June each year. V '(;Tell, (D!' 1111' OCluht'I' meeting. "Iter 4'\t hi;it ti'alllull<, Prior to 111"1' - walked two steps to ;1 bureau and al- It', not because i lute you Ict,�, r \1 • , ing to .ltlhurn , ix years ago they (sent 1 Meeting closed ,,illi the 111:/pari tt•nlpletl ID pull ons %ter Will. 'I'hc kit FAIR LIST NEXT WEEK ell it Mullett I'ten,hip, They are 1..11- N,, al ll's just that thing called- Manliness Crncdit•Ii,,n. I Ice al,pnicnlly stood in the drortyaty ;];,al if [had the ;ower to write TROOPER ARNOLD BOWES I \1'e hope to or utile to include the aril (;rest Doc soot tyhich went cum -The thoughts wedged i❑ my heart lo- KILLED IN ACTION (1111 list of prize winners of the Myth dctcly Iht.'u,';1 \Irs. Smith', body and Red \\'. f. 11a1- '4'ihday ell AUBURN COUPLE CELEBRATE V 1 b I night Mrs. Russel \\ ilson received offie- fall Fair in next week's issue of The \liss Anita \\'riglli, who h:I= heel) buried its,'; in a cuter of the wooden The words \yuuld ring out laud and ial turd on friday that her son, Troops ;Standard. (kir columns were so had (staying with her gr;mdnu'ihrr. \I r;. 'I'. .1 dressing table. Police recovered thetrue, 1•r Arnold Bowes, previously reported IN'congested with aclycrtisetncl,t tlsis'1?)'ott, left on Saturday for 'Toronto, \I r. and \Irs F. 1. Tagil"r and sort, bullet later. I'm Proud, my boy, so Proud of you. tttiSsillg, was now officially reported \\ eel: that it was iutpossiolc luinclude I',4'. !, nti'Pc I 11,1 Clinton on 1\'crl es- "T'he hiller stripped the body of All Author unknown. killed in action in Francc on June lith., any of the list. i\yh 4'c ,tic ,\ ill t'r,idr ,lith her nit'thcr, Cell nue;liters 11f Knox tinned Chinn,, 'anal 11 4's. Ruh, t toll Il;as horn ;In ardent Pyoriscr. Jnr., Edith ,\'tight, ,1•n•, 00000 THIS ARMY iu NI IIYY ..II 114..11.• Iil..w 41 AI I. "(1, "Citep.tal., �. Moi �.td. C/094.944 *3 •1P .sn•+ «, HIT' co>rft STEEL + CHROME =STAINLESS STEEL ,I,� 14).)`t�-: • ri II RUBBER + VITAL1N r.r Just as stainless steels stop rust and corrosion, Vitamlc rubber stops w•eather•checl:ing cause by sunlight, ozone or other con- ditions. In addition tov having bbetter aging properties, rubber gives greater strength, longer wear, greater toughness and more resistance to heat. All Firestone tires are made of this new and better oner. yourn ear st on when having youa�'i u them h obtain a tire ration w certificate. "Gettin' back into our own stride, eh Biopty?" By Roland Coe CROSSTOWN t MOPSY .BOYS PARKER HITCH- HIKING THIS IS OUR S TICKETSINCLUDE TOUR, THEY COURSE 1N PHYSICAL TRAINING TO START YOU W(T'TY KLTTY UNITED TRAVEL. AGCY chaos(11Resr ?'10•r• .1 .'esrAtlo+•-."-- :•o I -e The gay young blade says he's 'earned to hit the bullscye, but if >c's going to hunt jays in this Kar he'll have to learn T.9 hit It on he slant. "Can't he even speak basic English yet?" MUTT AND JEFF MISTER, Att4T YOU POLYACt4TGEE TNE FAMOUS OKRA STA? YES! Hold DIF YOu KNo'N? THIS CURIOUS WORLD ({! SPEAK OF .",SOLID EARTH.7. AND YET THE EARTH SP/AS ON ITS AXIS, DASHES THE SUN, iv,U3f3L IN& LIKE A TOP AS IT GOES ITS CCE LS L/i2U/Dr ITS SURFACE IS THREE-FOuRTNS {V,.ATER , AND EVEN THE GROUND IS SO EL ASI/C THAT IT G/VIS t//7",1 TN. 7;',OES/ By William Ferguson COPT. ID:: II Y IIEc GITYICC, R1:. T M RIG. U. 5. PAT C -i, FERDINAND VON ZEPPELIN, GERMAN AIRSHIP BUILDER. FOUGHT IN AM CIV/i_ WAR ... ON THE SIDE OF THE. UNION., a iOuNG BLACKBIRDS ARE BROWN,' S ys ANRDAUS, Lake Ge C. W Sconsirr. f0.3o NEXT: now do ecllps ,qty help historlwut IrnMIx� ' & ' HIN t✓ "Well, I told you not to keep your fishing motor in the kitchen!" BUD FISHER Jeff Now Has A Rug Of His Own By E It Looks As Though 7 t j tIERES THfiMM01.11 WIGt TAKE IT TAY RIE,t•(D! AMIE 4111ITMO / pN I'VE SEEN YOUR PCTURES! TAINKYOURe -ME GREATEST AWFp E vioR D! -.WONR w4WY yoUrL D MIDEND t'ERTAIttvi! GlVlt•1G M9tE A LOC4C co MEMBP X.E. R RE *ANNA 5vk0y0 `IMy�f" Il AR FELLERS—Asking the Impossible REO L �GGIE RILGY AN' -TH, REST OF TN' DAMES HAAS RESIGNE,v ROM TH' AUX1l tA0.`rl• THKY CLA1M� N SU LT EA) THEM! 'MEM SIGNS YA PUT UP AROUND CAMP -- WIMMIN 1'TOUCHY 'T UCHY TI-1AT KNOW! r, 61' By GENE BYRNES POP. —Pop Slices It thin 1-1EY. DID VOL) GUT 1-1-115 43:'GUG. ETR w�.Y-n www••. By J. MILLAR WATT ALL IRIGNT- / suFFl_L TLL AND DEAL PP Blended for Qualty TEA SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON September 24 RELIGION IN THE LIFE OF A NATION 9 Samuel 0, 7 PRINTED TEXT, 1 Samuel 7:17.29. GOLDEN TEXT. -- Jehovah will be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God they Glory. Isaiah 60:19. Devotional Rending: Isaiah '60: 18-22, Beginner Topic: For God's Moose. Lesson Material: 2 Samuel 7. Memory Verse: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go unto the house of Jehovah. Psalm 122:1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—lnasnnch as our lesson docs not contain any data for de- termining exactly in what part of David's reign these events occur- red, except that they were before the birth of Solomon, it is difficult to assign a particular year for the episodes here described. Generally speaking, we believe the events did not occur far front the year 890 B.C. Place.—While other towns are mentioned in our lesson, the prin- tipal city here is Jerusalem. Revelation From God "According to all these words, and according t0 all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto David." Nathan told David all that had been revealed to him by God. A vision is to be distinguished as a method of revelation from a dream, "'Then David the king went in, and sat before Jehovah; and he said, who am I, 0 Lord Jehovah, and what Is my house, that thou Send Your Voice Overseas For Xmas Gave your loved onus the thrill they long for—a message in your own voice. We are specially equipped to produce personal recordings. eh:detmns Overseas Mall closes Oct. pith. Arrange an appointment with- out delay. We pity till mailing charges. Phonofilm Sound Systems 890 Yonge St., Toronto KI. 8171 You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO • :.very ttooin with Bath, Show- er and Telephone. • • Single, $2.50 up— Double, $3.50 up. • Good hood, Dining and Dane- . Ing Nightly, Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles }aero Is the chance for every Per - 1 on in Canada suffering from sore, ,Itching, painful plies to try n simple omo remedy with tho promise of • reliable firm to refund tho cost of the treatment It you aro not satisfied with the results. Shnp1Y go to any druggist and Net a bottle of Hem -}told and use as directed. Hem -1101d Is an Intern. el treatment, easy end pleasant to use and pleasing results aro quick- ly noticed. Itching rind soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment Is cont!nued the sore, painful pile tumors heal over lefty - lag the rectal membranes clean and healthy, Get a bottle of ltem- Rold today and seo for yourself what an easy, pleasant way this Is to rid yourself of your pile misery, NOTE: The sponsor of thin nutlet, la n reliable firm, doing bulIneNH in Cnnnda tor over 20 years. It you aro troubled with sore, Itching, painful piles, Hew -!told must help you quickly or the swell purehn'e &rive :till be glndty refunded. Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KIDNEYS Try the Original "Dutch Drops" It is poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that slay cause backache, dizzy spells, leg tramnps, restless, sleep -broken nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks a1 thousands for many yeare—GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. It works swiftly, helping the delicate illkere of your kidneys to purify the blood. Jae sure you get the original and gcnuine— sked in Canada. Insist on getting FOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsutee. at your druggists. t ISSUE 58-1844 hast brought me thus far?" David is asking what merit there Is in hint that Jehovah should have blessed hint so richly up till this moment. He felt he was totally unworthy of such consideration. }le owed all to God's grace. Source of All Blessing "And this was yet a small thing in thine eyes, 0 Lord Jehovah; but thou hast spoken also of thy servant's house for a great while to come; and this too after the man- ner of Wren, 0 Lord Jehovah." God had done great things for David in the past, but this was a small tiling in God's sight, he thought, compared with what He now prom- ised to do for the 1 -louse of David, "And what can David say more unto thee? for thou knowest thy servant, 0 Lord Jehovah. For thy word's sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou wrought all this greatness, to make thy ser- vant know it." It is God who, out of the goodness of his heart, has planned all these blessings for the }louse of David. God has wrought great things for Daviel to let him know that he loved hint and cared for hint. The Greatness of God "Wherefore thou art great, 0 Jehovah God: for there is none like thee . , . and thou, Jehovah becaniest their God." God ntani- fested his power in Israel's behalf in wonderful ways, when he brought them out of l.gypt and destroyed their foes by a great miracle, In the wilderness he fed then with manna; Ile caused water to gush forth from a smitten rock, I -Ie de- stroyed their enemies and caused them to possess the land of Can- aan, No }heathen nation could point out any deliverance wrought by its deity to be compared with God's amazing deliverance of His chosen people. David's Prayer "And now, 0 Jehovah God, the word that thou hast spoken con- cerning thy servant . and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever." In the life and Psalms of David, we see how consistently he sought to magnify the Lord, 1Ie realized he owed everything to God. It was God, not man, who overthrew all the foes of Israel and unto 1-1im belonged all praise. The words of men often prove to be false. Some deliberately choose to speak falsely; others speak in good faith and make promises but fail to fulfill them, sometimes through forgetfulness, or other times through circumstances be- yond their control. But David knew he was dealing with One whose essential character is truth, Iiecause David knew God was faithful and true he could rest in His promises, If we only believed more deeply that God's words and promises arc true, and their ful- fillment is sure, what a difference it would stake in our lives. The first postal service in Am- erica was inaugurated on May 1, 1093, between Portsmouth, N.H., and Philadelphia. Use Rich Corde aura {ITecIe►. So you want a Cords bagl Too expensive to buy? Then crochet either of the beauties pictured—m- expensive and easy to do, Rich Cordti bags crocheted in squares or triangles. Pattern 936 contains directions for purses; stitches; list of materials. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Roost 421, 73 Adelaide St., W. Toronto. Write plainly pattern number, your name and address. BBC PHOTOGRAPH Lieutentant Chairman Sansom, 23 -year-old member of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, who is taking part in Allied Expeditionary Forces Programmes broadcast from the British Broadcasting Cor- poration in London. She is the daughter of Lieutenant -General Sansom, who earlier in the war was a Divisional Commander in the Canadian Army. Lieutenant Sansom, who was commissioned in England at the end of 1993, was attached to the Public Relations section of the Can- adian Army and her job was associated with publicity for the C.W.A.C. (the equivalent of Britain's A.T.S.) In the course of her work she did a considerable amount of broadcasting to Canada. When the A,E.F,P, service was initiataed, she was made available, on a full-time basis, to help the Canadian representatives of the boardcast service as one of the continuity announcers. That she thoroughly enjoys her work is evident and her bright and happy manner of announcing has been found very infectious by her listeners in Normandy among whom she has already become very popular. Sapphires and Diamonds by DOROTHY TROWBRIDGE SYNOPSIS Peggy Horton, working off her temper knocking balls about the golf course, shatters the wind- shield of a parked automobile. Harry Wilson, the owner, insists that site tell him what is wrong. She explains that she has written her school roommate that she is engaged, Now the roommate is coming to visit her. Really Peggy is kept in such strict seclusion by her grandmother that she never meets any boys — .,nd isn't en- gaged. Her sister, Maxine True - heart, is a successful screen star. The young man insists that Peggy borrow the ring his fiancee has just returned and pretend it is her engagement ring. CHAPTER 111 Peggy turned to walk up the road to the stain entrance of Rose- wood, but she had gone only a few feet when she heard the honk honk of an automobile horn behind her. Stepping quickly to the -side of the road she turned her head to see if it were harry returning, A roadster which she did not recog- nize was slowing down and stopped beside her. She thought at first that the car was occupied solely by flashing teeth and a small moustache, so conscious was she of the engaging smile that stet her upward glace. Theo she realized that that was only part of a very sunburned face in which bright brown eyes were regarding her admiringly. And it all beionged to a man around twenty-five or six, she quickly judged. She had a sud- den vision of the fun it would be to go riding along an open road with a ratan like that. "I beg your pardon," he inter- rupted her ridiculous thoughts. "But could you tell me where I could find the Horton place?" "The Morton place?" Peggy re- peated in astonishment, Who on earth was he? "Yes, Morton. Didn't you ever hear of there? Old family, large place, and 1 am sure it is around here some place. I thought maybe you could tell me just where." "I can," Peggy was somewhat nettled at this brief summary of her family and home by a stranger. "Phis is the Horton place in here." "Is it really?" he asked raising his eyebrows in 'surprise. "Now isnt that odd that 1 should have driven right to it?" Ile looked to- wards the house and gave a low whistle of delight. "It surely is a beauty, isn't it? 'That's what 1 call real Colonial. l'd like to just pick it up, as it is, and take it away with ate. Thank you so much," he added as he settled himself' behind the heel and drove on. * * * Peggy watched him curiously, thinking of his surprise when she should follow hint into Rosewood. But instead of turning in at the gates, he drove on past them. Sud- denly the car carne to an abrupt halt and began to back. But he passed the gates, and only stopped when he had again reached her side. "Could I give you :, lift?" he asked. "I'nt going as far as the town — what's its name?" "Marshville is the name ot the town," Peggy replied with dignity, "and I don't care for a ride." • "1'10 sorry," he said. " I hope you don't think I was being rude or fresh? You don't look like a hitch -hiker, you know, but I Just thought — well, good -by." He drove on again, Peggy looked at his rear license plate. It was a California license. Some tourist, she decided, who had heard of Rosewood. She entered the grounds of her home through the large iron gates and walked up the long driveway bordered on both sides by old elm trees. In spite of 1'eggy's desire to be modern she loved this place which had been built by her great grandiather, with its old-fashioned gardens now tended by the children and grandchildren of the Negroes who had belonged to the original owner of Rosewood. As she ap- proached the house she looked at it with a smile. harry was right. It would be a swell place for a party. The long wide hall running through the center with its hardwood floor waxed to a glass -like surface would be a perfect place to dance. Candle light gleaning on the old maho- gany furniture in the double par- lors should create romance for any girl. " • * She ;,topped a moment as she looked at the house, She had been bort here and had never really no- ticed it much before. It had al- ways been just "horse," but look- ing at it now it struck her that it had taken generations to make Rosewood what it was. The silver which she used had bccn brought from England by her great-grand- father. Her ancestors whose pic- tures hung n the large high-ceil- inged rooms had, after all, been real people who had dreamed, planned and achieved, that Rose- wood should be what it was now. Furniture and books had not been ail bought at once by one person. They had been acquired by differ- ent people of different generations, and the place breathed now through that variety of tastes, harmonious in its completeness. 'There were ledgers in an old desk in the "of- fice" — a one-story wont that formed an ell to one side of the hoose — that told how these sten had planted and built. * • The rose garden, which occupied the space that was formed by the angle between the house and the office, had always been the pride of the women of the Morton family. The beds were filled with plants that ranged from the simple old- fashioned loses to a few rare and costly ones. Each mistress of Rose- wood had added her ewn individu- ality by making some minor changes which had enriched the • TABLE TALKS What's Cooking? Cookies ! ! 1 Co, Uri are ideal st under true, enpccially for the young ones. For one thing, children need the n ur- ishnJtr t iluvidcd by these cereal - based cookies .n s11111111er. When the co- okie jai is fil- led, the young fry ... and the older fry, too can help themselves l0 pep! And don't think they won't either, when they taste these toothsome cookies, based on whole- some cereals! Honey Drop Cookies 2 tablespoons butter 3f5 cup honey (scant) 2 eggs 3 10 ;; teaspoon soda i� cup flour 1 cup Quaker Natural Bran Cream the honey and butter to- gether. Add the eggs unbeaten, and beat the mixture thoroughly. Sift together the flour, soda, bran. Combine all the ingredients, drop from a teaspoon on to a buttered tin and bake in a moderate oven. Temp. 350 F. Cocoa Oatmeal Cookies makes about 4/ dozen cookie ) 1 j cups all-purpose flour OR 1'A cups pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking powder / teaspoon salt cup cocoa 3a cup sugar 1 egg 3i; cup n.ilk 1j, teaspoons vanilla ,;cup mild -flavoured, melted drip - rings 2 cups Quaker Oats Sift dry ingredients. Combine beaten egg, milk, vanilla and melt- ed fat; add to dry ingredients and mix thorot, 1uIy. Add Quaker Oats blended well. Drop by teaspoons on a lightly -greased cookie sheet. Bake in a moderate oven, 880 F for 15 minutes. Peanut Cookies cup butter ?. cup shortening 1 heaping cup brown sugar 1 egg 3 cup crushed Quaker Corn Flakes 1N cups Quick Quaker Oats 1 cup baking peanut/ 11s; cups flour N teaspoon baking powder teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla Drop of Almond Flavouring Cream together but.er, shorten - Ing and brown sugar and add re- maining ingredients in order given; forst into balls the size of a wal- nut; flatten on a cookie sheet. Bake in moderate oven 850 F for 10 minutes. friendliness, without detracting from the formal outlines of the garden. The first Mrs, Elliott Hor- ton had planted the low box -hedge around three sides, thus insuring greater privacy for herself and family. Then Gran's mother-in-law had built a latticed summer house against the center of the hedge at the far end, with a path leading from it to the open en•I of the gar- den, near the house. It was Gran who had an opening cut in each side of the hedge, a path crossing from one opening to the other. In this way the garden was used more frequently than it would otherwise have been. To Be Continued The spider fancily has 63 knouts members, Divided into two groups, one having one pair of lungs, the other two, Headache Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches .. Why suffer?...Lanhly's will give instant relief. Lambfy'sisgoodfor ear- c' schc,roothache, ainsin hack, stomach, bowels. 7kue 1u1:114`41 I .1 HEADACHE POWDERS is PILES Sultercra ot bleeding and p r o t r 'ldiug piles should know bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source, Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. EAsv'cerci6s err/ TheI21flhiteX�` r CANADA'S FIRST AND ONLY ALL -FABRIC DYE GUARANTIiD TO DYE ALL FABRICS INCLUDING — NYLON, CILANII►t AND MIXTURES 44 sot D t'•' at - NO INCREASE IN P%'C# Regiular agallt after 2 weeks "I sure ant happy to be able to give up all those pills and medicines for my constipation. They were mighty unpleasant. And expensive, tool I found, once I started eating KELLOGG'S ALI.-BRAN that 1 was soon "reg- ular" again. 1 ant most cer- tainly pleased with the real re- lief it gives, believe me I" KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN can work wonders if constipation is due to lack of dietary "bulk"l It helps correct the cause, supplies "bulk -forming" material needed for easy, natural elimi- nation !Eat ALL -BRAN every day. Drink plentyofwatcrl Sce ifyou don'tfind relief! Get ALL -BRAN at your grocer's. 2 sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. Nazi 'Big Guns' Just Stove Pipes Four "heavy coastal guns" rang- ed directly on the Allies' forces that took the Island of Levant, In the invasion of southern France, proved to be two picots of stove piping, a large piece of painted wood and a piece of twisted card- board painted to r - couple a gun nt..zzle. This was disclosed :!y n Cah olian naval officer, Sub. Lieut. Scott Young. "This heap of rubbish was taken without a single ca<ualtv,' he said. About 40 prisoners were taken. Most were Poles, e. ho fired feebly over the heads of the landing par- ties. 'filen they helped the allies to carry ashore supplies and snt- munition and then pointed out the nine fields. Education a War Necessity The University of Western Ontario is devoted to the training of men and women for the duties and responsi- bJlities of citizenship. Fall Term Registration 1944-45 September raft—Students in Medicine In all years except the first year. September Ruh — Public Health & Nursing students. September lard, 25th, 20th— Students in Arts, Science, Business Administration, Secretarial Science, first year or pre-Jledicine, etc., etc„ etc. For further particulars re• garding scholarships, mtitric- ulation, loan funds, course: of study write T111; Itl:l;lti'l'It.f It The University O1} Western Ontario LONDON - CANADA Telephone: Metcalf 8080 • • a 1URNSfSCALDS Sold by oil Druggists -25c. 35c (tube), 30c and $1.00 OINTMENT .FILTHY -•FLIES •AND .ALE.OTHER. INSECT PESTS /e If you suffer MONTHLY "N FEMALE' PAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous irritable weak feelings—due to functional monthly disturbances —should try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham's Compound nQBe NAM!. Thousands upon thousands have reported benefit. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S OWN PAGE 4. TIIE STANDARD ‘Vednomlav Sept. 1:1, 1911. •. ...,..,,,,,.,,ztocxtogtoctoctittottoctoctittectcovoctcbcrocroctocrcrctocKwectctcegecticc tql,1 \\ ith \I is, licad Elliott Insurance Agency BLYT1I — ONT i4 .„„i Mrs. A ,1,,aulito. 1 • 14.1 s A .\. uollphen, ,11.11-1 it1 ,:trti .11111 \\I1lI I11j( ., t4 t ,,1 1 \i.. 1"1;111, ;Ind \II' \V 1 1. sTited i.or for ilit I s'.;t,e, 1,1 ; EXCE1:1 l'',;1\irr lq)()1 (i()()11) SEItl'ICE. Cltr - Fire - 1ile Siclitiess - 11.cciclent. nt•; n \Ir. Iie ord 1 1, INSURE NOW: ANI) BE ASSURED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN '1 JJE ESTATE cf. Annie Lti.-.11,tw, J. McClinton and late of t' c Town ihin• f 11Iris, i t Cie an; Coun'y of liurt,n, Spinster, Deceased., '1 "11 \11 tu 1 •• 1 1`1.111' ;1"2'111 t 1111 1. lk o. k • kkinoilialk1,1 •3+1•••• I • ko 1.•.! .16 111si Ill ww1 k ,• NG 41!• IL 11141"111 --- ONTARIO. • .1. H. R. Elliott, Office Phone 101. Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 1-10. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r:11; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. G. R. A VG USTIN E inTia:st.:Nm; TIIE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY' mil Rielmrd li;mtl.ncr, 1 I1ll tot 1, ;t• \\l 11 s',,I. .j I Meals at All Hotirs. A l'Itc Ah• -',,:r l'.;11111 111 le (I met on StimInv 1 'tillt.,1 r1,,,r,t.,, 14 , trim. A Ile ' itte,1 ita.,,m,,,,, ,. I, LI ti , , 11, ; ilk11.111',.: 1.1 2'111 1 "I'l' 1" !'i irp RANK ,ith :1 trod ;itit'11,1i1:1cc- .111c tilt clani!, 1,i \Nil eh noti,•,, shall 11,1%, 1 J8„' . GONG maw Proprietor ,: 101 11, Cel'11 (a11110/lT11 l;il k 11. 11 il'•••1,1, we, read li 1.1 ,y,1 1 I).\11:1, .11 ( ii,11,, ( I , 11, i , (0 10 0 1 i \ 111 ....I. k , i mksk ,12:422MMA352111114•6111119/1111110064 N1c1 1,,1 11; lia(dings WIe .,,i \ en by st.:,tilid„.r ,\ 1 )., toll. 1 1 1,irrircucc 1 am; 1,,, 1 I.. 1.1\1;1 .\ :,,,.. i ), K.1... (Iii,., ii, 1 )ii. :0... 4.4. 4.4.4:4,4, 4, 4,4,4,4,,4. 0:4 1:4 0:4 411:4 1:4 0:4 1:4 1;11:4 0:4 0:4 001:4 1:I 0:4 1:4 1:4 0:11:4 0:4 1:4 1:4 1:11:0 1:1 0:4 0:1 0:11:4 0;4 1:1 1:‘ I:41:11:4 i 1;4 . ;II I, ! N ' ' .• 1 ;.11. Irs, Norman Mc- io, S.licitoi for the said 1..stit1e. til..."... SCHOOL OF COMMERCE .., ,),.\\y„ ,,,,, a st,,r• "II -,\,1 .\fri,,,,,,, 1 __ __ 11.11,v." Plans 'acre made for a N1i-s.ott i A NOTICE To cizEorroRs Jo CLINTON •••• ONTARIO, IN '111E ESTATE of Wcsley ,Ion .10 .... hild stin,1,1y on 1 letolter loth. bENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM—SEPTEIVIUR IITII ..1.. ! I l Deanand Elibethf Kechni-, late of the Township of EaB st ' ',;', rs. Lirs, za, o - e Ready in a 17ew Months to do Valuable ant: NeCebbilly Office Work .1. ,t \\ )1101:tm ,1„,„, ,) c.„11H)., „f (lay, \\ WI Wawancsb, in the Coun'y o. Hu el.. : COURSES: --STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL, .1. Norman .\ lel tow,11, Yeoman, De:ea:it:3 CL,l.t it...', . .. .1.: S mit. of th farmer, are busy tin sc !•\ 11 I t'• • 11' 1 :1\ c1 inn • ;:t ITL 1,;111 „eat. 1.‘111,,111,, i\,,, 1‘1. A. ST()N1"..., (UM, Sped:dist, 11. F. WARI), B.A., Phone 191i. Principal•: rul ti, file 1, a ,t, sme \N ith mai r- 111, rvee 1,31 iol. thy 1.: 1.11c, on 1 0. 1111f111. \kfl t .11 Ith. T!!‘.1,)!. lo -1-1. ;Ifter n1 !Lou !hi,"11 Notice '11() Creditor aN()TIC1,E 11() C',REID1'11(litS „tot \II ., 1.:,,1-1 .\11,1,.:, ,,, family vi.,itc,1 i.ii sundm. wiiil mt., wl 1,.. d.ih :.lnicil ;itlion..,,t th.. parti., .11. IN TIIE Tr...TE ai E ESof Jc. Wils.:11,1 'I I IE ESTATI'. of Filthy/ L:sidlaw, titled thyruto, 11,ivin i 1 cLiaril only t , otherwise ICII0V111 ilti Ji111105 T. Wilton, IN 1 Cit. in N\ -..ml.v 1,,"1, '\Vs' .1 NIrs. Harold Cardiff, itt Itrus•ek. It 1,11,, ", Jill ,,er,. ,, .,,,11.,1 1,., 1 mt.. ...old mrs. (..t.H.g... xvi.4iitinati awl i illy ela:tn, oi \\ 1n(11 nt,iit•t' ,,,,,,H 11,,,,s1,, late of the Tcwitshi s of Wa‘vanosh, :11 l'11" '""-' '1."`"""I'i11 of Mot it in On -\ \ im "•1 •\ '1'n't l'' \i r. I `• I !ainthler. \ i•ited tt Sunday will}.\1rs. . \ - • . ,1 tbr County of 1 Itirt,n, yeoman, dect a lid Cm -1'11Y ni 1.1w1"11 3'''''"'"", 1-)ce"n'e'll• licen /41 "11 1 / \Ti:11 ;1: 1.11111 11, 1111, i'111 11:1V 1'1 ' 'di I '',.' '1' h'it in'-' 111.'"1' ;1".1''111 tht. '1 . \ U '' ' r "IL(' I . ti l'i'' C'.(1:1'1' ;I'',;(ifi'l 111'. l• 11. 1)1111H) and Mr, Cal Pi1u.ter \‘,1-, { \\.. .1. c!)111(1.,,i) ))f /.111,1<,1 ,\‘,. 1,1,0„ ulk ilic ,,,,,1,1k iL (.(..1,01 ;11.t. 11. ,1:-1,1h . 1 11 1' .,1) '1. ikt 1 - 1 I moo \.cd. NIrs, R. Cliain.• ca,c a 1 NI !...1)0111 1 ;),..kr kik- \vakerim) kkikent it.tStolituclin r. \. I 1 P'.11. Associated with The Atlas Insurance • i lcuiper.cret rt-d•ijm.... i‘vcc1;-tii.1 ‘vith lii. mother, Mrs. Tito., , ,. , ' . '. (,1 111. 11' 1 Ili. 1"c 1 1" 1.111. 11.": ''''''' "till II". tenter ''illin 'I 1" 1 lc ilk "in' "H' lhi 11.1111' Comrany, Lonion, England. 1I'. I:I \(.11..\%:1) 1:1• LIFE -, PENSIONS • ANNUITIES T 1.11.1,0,:,,lJild. for ti.e said i's1;11c. 01 .1, , -....,. cd S. lit 01,1 for ilic 1'e, on 11. '11111111 121; 1 HI"' HI 11111 1.1.111111. 011 111 I lie \ Yik111('11, . \ • 11C.;11.1111 ilit111..111 (1Car. 1'11111t1.10 1 \\ ith III' P11.1-1111(1111, )111` .1. S• WILLL1M 11. monitirr LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Siiccializint 12 Farm and ITonsehoW Fates. I.icened for the County of Hinton. Reason:1W Prices, and Satiaacuon (luartinfted. • h,f(Irt, thy 31-,1 ,do Ulttt.\II tin thr did d 1 ( \Oh ;um \\ , v,11'clt date the a• - • v titt hfcll " ' t'wH r .\ cldtli had hccit f. F1 111)C111111,11.1(111: WAI1110N S. (1 ,1 1,!!!.!!). )11,,11 11`111111111,1 k 1111011.1 ittiItt(kn. I;111111 in 11It SI1111h St.1111'11 1111(1 it \v,t Ntr nt ,\Ir t init CutionImt-. (If 'It'cor;111-11 I'll \N ith frt, ;old itt itt tut ! , 11 le.1 thi itt, lituit .1,111 1,, .„ Hr., ha Hr the 'Mum.- \Vi11".11;1:11. \\ 1111 \Ir• all] Mrs, vcgctald and autumn 11 ttr r i Ilk' ; "1 tH Iltitit it I itt " I 1 'I. 1'W him' Itarve'd ;cr. Th;• H,c1d 1 Mk, Mar IVet mra nut mt. rt ctor, e ; at t111 f ) 1 1 VI , ;11 1j111101, Ho. ki;iv (1j 111.C.111. to (..11111111111!!.., k•'11t1111I' lit-tv it \\ cru aopo'rt 1 or \e\\* 1rrk, \\ ith friend's in the tin' 1111' 1.1(.1111" 1 ).. It 111,,k• 1. 1,111, 1!, 1\\., village, wi Nee, 1',V 1., I 111)..0, 1`.. NI 1, KA', Clt 11, (1,1- 1. 1,rs, 11 ,1 tot, ( itt Chi -int b At-. to all int."1 r. and NI rt. 1:ich;trd Otr, HtttIi h. ci Sti,rth ari,11, itnr n the it' 1,,i. itt it 1 Lie, 01 3, Pot' informat,1211, etc., write or phone 1the i" the ,-er\.ices, and 11Villiant 11. 'Alorritt, phone, 1tesiitenc 1 ir,tri,itr.,ItttiiitciijititttI, ;13; Shop 1, Myth. 4-4-tf t,it„,, the 1 odd, • „. 11.1' N1rs. R. Chatuncy. Lunch \\ as sc...v- ; t 11 it the close of the incetim!, Nliss 11,tinc \\*did) 1 Toront,i spent Licensed Auctioneer. HAROLD JACKSON 1,t the how,: of her Specialist in Farm and Household parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil -don \Val -11 F.dith NIctit•Paultan of Police- 1,icensed itt littron and Perth iic111 "11`1 l'arhal a Nlichiu, of I len- t'ounties. Prices reasonable; sails %AI. 'Pull', He' t‘t ch-cml t Ihcir here. Miss •Nlabel (ittu 1111 Sunday with \i r-, James Smith. 1ries,c1.,-. Barn Destroyed By Fire .\t Sunday ?Horning fire, rati.cd - by the Irach-fie rof a gasoline cinine, 1ELGRAVE completcly de•tr,,ycti the barn Itt tht Tht. re'ettlar monthly inuclug, ‘,f the faint (If jatmu ijiItIt,5th line, Morti•. \\*"'nem.' H"lutrY l-Ltuctch and \\•ni- Thu \Vitt:thaw fire truck and ;11,0 incti \ Hf Ictiox Unnel front thclnit.t-i-lire11cl°' \vcrc it (.:t1Nr1 11 1%1 r1 1TH "11 till' its lark 1)1 ‘Val. elT,,011 1/4.1i1111 itiy tIeitiit. Itt crc not able to ...aye the at the 11,.",-1 _\Irs. lessc 1Vhcc10 im ‘1(111,1c watur \vas dra \\ It by. trod, - Hurt \\ as a LI' '11 attendancy in” Illy I.Ivcr :1111 illy cif"1.1' ‘,11 tvil- of nonOnTs ;110 .1,11111. flUV hCI14-' ';1\t 111V h""'°' vtry- hic c,m,laccil the NH-slim:try nftet. ttntm ‘vre, retti,vcd from Ow .table, and tii ti Ix( It 1;1, oenc 1 w...th way". ;Hui al -0 ti load of hay from the barn. v St !Mtn, '1111111111.1. The rnti •all ti.is re - irk,' to with a vtr-t of Seriphs% lictIon guaranteed. Por information, etc., write or pl,toae 31nrold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, SeafortL. ;Phone1 11.6';1. WESTFIELD beentninv with the first letter of tilt Mr,. Ellis, PaInter,t,a, \\ lilt Mr. awl 1p -wit. Mrs. H. \VIteelcr and Mr•. N. Nirs. \Valtur Mn and other friuntb \ \ ivi-rI itt iittt (leb-v.atc, to the Svotpallty exlvnded 11111111i 1111- Litttttiti 1111.11r1W it 11( Ilt1Itt in Ethel. 1(111//iinlinilY Levi (.1i:id in Ow ,Mrs. \\ heeler and .1. S. Pr -t'- death of her sister. ter 11 re min.( I a, alternaty.::, Thu Ft ictels and relatives in the \\t- timi\- led 1,, Hrticr Christma., lid 1 di,triet v, ere thrilled to ?Ica!' that cards and donote the proceeds to the \1-x Netitury, son of Mr, and N1rs, Nt l'iand. t'r1' 111111e for I,ert Netitery of 1 lamiltuti, Ini‘, beim nt- itt. Th,lok-(iff/li"g meetitt2 !it ,rtt.(1 safe in Ellgli11111 after Navincg. mi --int; sitict. early in the ycar. 1,, . tie :,erving \visit the Hi, mother was fi,rnicrly Violet Cook, tlia11 ,11,1.:1.1,1:,k :rof tie: lr. a ate \Ind .Mrs. Da - ‘ r. and .1Ir Norman Nit:Dowell and \\-entloi it. spent a costplt. if day, at 1 landitim last \Neck. .1,ent the ‘veek- , .1 1 I do k k wlk EDITII CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery PHONE 158, BLYTH, Try A Classified Ad. They Get Results. CEILINGS • THE FIFTH WALL • OF EVERY ROOM. Tin ceiling, which is it til' v _largcr than any single should lie considered as a ()MI wall. Thus when planning the ile.curatiou fo,• a 1 room it is just as invrtant to se - :tort a 11111'' 1. ceiling paper as it is to clmoi• ttitt prOpi`l' Waif liCe0111- , ;Hon, Your preference may favour :one of contrasting colour. 1)ott't Ito afraid that a "Colour -Pia tined" '!1.01/111 extend 3.0111. Budget. To realize this you ca» re4idily Ill) so :by Peeing my samples - over :POO _t.t pick from. _ THE OLD SUNWORTHY LINE - Sorry to ,:ay, there arc ND NE,11' - PATTERNS this 'c;r, !wing the saute thc last three ytars. ?ting in the line of Decorating. No special time for appointments, — and remember, 1 Tecialiie in that tough j. b of taking off 11'alipaper. * * * F. C. PREST Phone 37-26, LONDESBORO 1 0 1 k, k k,0 dkk 1 0 111,, k 1110111111FISKIMAISin111kw.,,....,kwl,410.11...1.1..54 1114611'...11:k 11.i 1 dk.“.7JUIEDiralalilli710111.4111 i 1 tag di wait THE 2TORY OF ttd rind children must have (-) underweor. So-- the \t'artime Pria-, and Trade hoard tti iIVtI1 .,,pLcial attention to the production of thest. garments. The prohlem has not bun so much one of a lack of raw materials, but of vetting the 1;1 \V materials (wool, cotton, rayon), spun into yarns—and 1)R:it knit into garments. Canada has produced till ri '.` More babies . It's apparently ti:ou ' Reduced use of second.itand or always the way in wartime. "hunchme-down" garments. ..,....u.............lis-............u.....,„„ When you go to 0 and COO get the things ystore to buy ou want, r ()Mein. ber that war upsc.13 the whole atachi,. ery of production supply, This is A the whole woild, I5 not only in Canada but throughout s Conod ; is devoting over /kW hproduct,69 thing for wor be reduced, iter on 111(1 is inevitable Mut civilian supply most i We just can't produce all the things required to fill the greet!), increosed civilion demands, byl production e f forts are being directed to see thot the hert use is mode of materials und labour of civilian goods. that bi are availat., for the production Realer/16er these facts when have difficulties in your shoppinyou Chalarroa Wain me Prices 4 ?ludo ao*fd 4. •••:. t4e, the \vool, cotton and rayon yarn she reritres. We have always hat; to get ;,1 :;tibstantial part of our rtlittirent4..itts from other countries, even in peace. time. But sinee the war, there has heen an acute shortmte of underwear yarns otert•where. There has hcen a greatly inert•ased demand in a,141iiion io production tiilliettilica. The Mimi Is of the Board to meet. 1114. problem arc given bulow. THE INCREASED DEMAND RESULTED FROM. 4?, ) Increased consume, buying Lim people wisa more tnuney. Extra buying Perhaps too /Tinny people wonted to be "on the sole side." 6.7,0 Less home sewing . .. Mothers Huge demand for underwear by dhave been wonting ounkte the f Armed Fotcos, "---'-;"home. 4i • MORE UNDERWEAR: but still not enough! The reason is that 0 just hus not been po..sible to produce with the skilled workers and machines available to the ,United Notions enough yarn and garments to meet the increased demands all over the world. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE ABOUT IT N/Firt or all the Board found out the hind and quantity of garments Canadian children nitiq have, ./This showed that the public is askint. for more than is actually need«.I. NiSo plans were made to see, by directing production all down the line, if We el11.11d meet the swollen demand zis nearly as possible. Each manufacturer \vas told to produce an increased number of gam). ins. N/i1 constant (-heel, i:i Lein on mills to see th..t they are producing t1a2 required number. N1 Nlanufacturt ns not pre- viously making children's underwear were induced to go into its production. An ;0(111 jonal ('00,000 garments will be provided 0113 ycor nom these sources. Ne,,i)tlotions were conducted with production authorities iii other countiies for supplies of yarn to L'anadian hitters for use in children's underwear. ‘Ttimary cotton miils \rure required to divert winning facilities from fidiric manufacture to the spinning of underwear prim. ‘'Arrangeinuitts were Inaile through National Stice• - nye Service to direct more labour to the underwear mills. ‘'A special campaign was launched to enlist part time 11.orkers. vi)istribution to retail stores WaS organi;Til to in- sure equitable supply to all areas. The greatly increased supply of children's tairtcrwear resulting from these efforts is shown by Mu relative sites uf the figures below. 1935-1939 average 1942 1943 lioa out? ger de pa wage (vol utevaeme age wag do - Dots? 6ty two THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD THIS is ONE OF A SERIES OF ANNOUNCEMENTS GIVING THE FACTS ABOUT THE SUPPLY SIILIATION OF VARIOUS WIDELY USED COMMODITIES SYednesdav Sep!, 11, 1;l ! 1. LYCI! tJlll ''I11l1;:1'l'Itla WINGHAM-UNTAHIO. ?. 'VIVO Sh0111'S :Thurs., Fri., Eat., `.r, t., 14.15 II • SIT,(:IA I. t i , George Murphy, (;111n\ Sinus's, 4 1 Cha, lox Wiiu,i4::1 r•, /II �1 (: .1 Ills n.:, ,,,!11..1, it i 1.1 •,,,, ,.I 111 . ALSO ' SHORT SUBJECT" • i* Matinee i : Men„ 'Tues.: \\r1' L, ;irttl , It+•1t'-::",t, 1•"Thouic;a !t'!l'chelt, Aim... 15 \xt:r, in �• .t. ,, "BROADWAY R11'(1!!M" lis '1. t' •t• `! I. .t. Sat, Afternoon -2 30 p.m. J. i• '111'-: Stil,l1'J;\;2', "111e I ILI I 111\\ " \'11' 11 !,11 ). 1„ '1 1111 1 :. _. Al,':O ' :i!!OR T ,il'( T1104 Of i',I nl :'l rt At:I I::ry)1 n'ivrt'a :Illi 1 1 ,1 ' .1 I I 1 1 i tt 11 1 • t o. \Ir II 1,t I . I;, FI:IUAY, :.I':l 'I,;:'.:, 1.11 111,'11, ,: .1 1 'If 1 11 `= '1'11E STANDARD PACE 5. A(1("TION SAKI': Faint, Farm Stock, 1nmiements anti ' ' I 1111 11 11 1" . lif)tis_hoitl Effects. '" I .: ! I, !:,11 1" . N". \II I.,',t. I ': l ii l 1+,1 1,, I1 i 1, I 1 4 1 ' \ I \ I, ,111 I; t„n „i 11;111 I .ot H, l " , l .,' 1)I 'I \I„': r. I '\', n ! . uaul'le 11111111)? ,Ili;,, Thr' t and ;I 11:111 11.1, t .I of Z illi 111, 1'11 1 11. !riril''r, 7 I1. 'I tIUR.SDAY, S1 I''1'[:MTII:R 18'1'}1 '1. 1'11 ; \I. I I, nh1111,11rine :11 12.;I) i1.l. 'I. I. II '1111n,11'li \I -11 II. lion' mailer• till' t"II'\\in)':-- 11, lu ft.; l,r,tl r"11'.'1;. iI(tli�i'.;-t lido' I,1,1•i, )' i i 111,1 ! 1;, ht'al .\•1• 11.1'. �' 111, 1 0\\, '.'11''1' Ill It. 1 ,i v'i'ii 11 IGIrI'1'k\ III col( ;Intl te, l rail 5 tutu 2 \' II 1 h1U')\ ; , Illtrl ; l isle,; .i ?r1 111' hcllrl, 1iiiilr, In h„,. ; \\ a1;nh box nUn1111, ':1'1. 11' rt"111111'1 r ; •1(1'1'.1' v. ill h'.eiI �InI11,.11irl 1111 .. I II! , .11 •11,111'; srllifli I'; 1'111'1.11\\' 1. \\'Mile 1.1::t1„I1) hew.; l' is \t'•trl.: hay t„t'1' ' 1 1'1111'11~"'1 \\ II tt' I.t'1!lli,r'I •lis.'.' tC ,lin 1.1,14- ; I. \11'1.1•...\1I:\ I i,1 +, !, ;1 ,1 hllr\'•,; ill- ;il. Iron•, rca�;lul; •:Ici)th, will) 1).', ;111'1 \'.r!l, h,\; 3111111 •ll) Ivor c rter ; \IMnrufln 1:11 ' llt'ralb•r ; 'II. ,,-,. 1111'• 11111Ill lit ahI. 1 ,rel i , 1. I 1 1 I I, Illl,irl, plaid, and o'1) . . �111'w,.,1,. hi, .iultlrr,rnitul:' 1)ox; 11,1 • :111 I ,11111', 1 • 7 rack t'nt'1'I'l"I'lle};t ; ,yltlel'; 11;11 lulfl' I11',Illlla' '11,1'x,; 1)1,\ Illlat 1'h,ill-,.111}.I7 1r1 t ,,11;1111e11; .1 I';n I';I't• ,111•,11 In )♦'lel`nOrlal(n 1 .,', ''' Ir. 1111 Ilnlllrl'1 ells to!, 1'r; I,i-•!tout t'r:tiit drill; 1 hilitn fon- 1" r; di a .'Inn ;mil 1iflt; ,1lnnlinl; \\heel _a.\''it i111, \\,111 11 1, 111'1' •,1,11' .ul 1 !u, II. 1111!11"rt Hint' mill; X1'1-r;dt,, '5111 lit,,; •1't "1 '1111 Ictl; IJi•I.,'v,,l retail e11ar,It''I; ll„n-r; 5 acr1, e „.d !1;111(\\,...11 11'1 1, 11:11\1'\, ',\!1,1 1 1,n'I lei•I yarl!,• 1,11'i tui -111'1 liI,'a'Ine; 2 I':nrt1 ,•Nuri :Hill butter 1).111; wa,hin_; and ‘‘ell ,li ;'111111 ;,nn:; \\'.lite • I1,111 ' ,111\, nt \\ point Ink, 2 I I, !, ' l.:,id1,1,\', \dnlinl t' al"' „f tilt ,' 'o, :•, ,1, 11:1,1 r 1,' 1•. tulnlll Phl1,tr,; 2 n'eel ha'r„\\•; Ila\' n',artunt; rIi11 I1'• \\Anal r; rol,ltr h II I II(,I.IJ r;llOI)� -- Itulicl; furl: 1':u•, \\1111 1'11111'y, and raft,; ,rI 1'r :11111 In1),; 111'111: !,til, an11 11an,; 111. I:, aft. I1) 11.'11 1'i r' It 11.1, .,'111 i' 11 \,,' ;-Imill .1111;'; •1 I \11'1 11 1 :111,1 \\1 1,1111„, 1„11,11 of :1 11';,; ti;l•h:llnc�\\ul r„h1'; ,' ( 11'1 I1:,,' i rnH .1 Ilre-Ilivt., w til it„heli I ,Iiri11„ 1li'ri:. U1, ,I t'lai, r,n her,; I tl',IIII It'Ir111'„ ,l't ,iil:ll" h;l1'11.'"; ' it:Mlle .'a rl, i11 t,,iilll ;,il'! 1''11111 hirli,li 1 11 I,1',1 ; 2 \\11,1, su);ar 1.1'itlr,:',r);r It„1:1•' krt111'; rill ,et 2111 In. seal' ',1 1111;1111 11 ' of sealer., ,',1 11 churn; l artIlUIl1I ,;nt and sttu;11'1 ; ern„ -rut ':1\\'; ,i ani;- :Intl Inline., and 111 1111* ;'ti. I1'. 1.itt1111tH . 1' isle' iso Limit; II''ht, ami I1 2 l'I I ill inches; post-holr ;oriel.; 'crow, to ilIt1111,h1. 1:R \t:i Of'i C}IA'C'I'F.LS-CAST(. hay lith(,'; pia'fin'nl f'11 wcit;hin'.; r,1t- 'PERMS ON CHATTELS -CASH, 1:'i' ' )\12i',l Il:\S BEEN ' 01 D tie \\ith 1'1.1, 1•t attach t11-t,lle., ;Wove; 1 \li \i ---.\I.: O T1 II'. 1...1 RN!, rim. !" I' of 1i I•,r i. I;I'If1 11:', \! 1'', , Proprietor, i ItOXY'P11EATItE, CLINTON. NOW I'l.A'i INC: "You Can't Ha - ti, n L'Ite" and "Henry Aldrich's i-ittle Seeiet „ M' n lays .Tuesday, Wedn''sday "SHINE ()N 11Al VEs'I' MOON„ .1111 1,;,1.'111, 1, Int \1'd \tit 11 .l h \1 11 ,11 : 1,11 :1 1 "111 '+1:11' I '111;1',, , , 1:01 111;! 111 111 TI 1111111'11,r Ann Shet i lou, Dt nnis Morgan and .Inch Carson, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ti icsa Wright, Joseptl Cotton and MacDonald Carey, 14111 .1''I •1,11 :In,l ,t tit i,lrr 11 1 v lr'1'1 '111111' 1111 i1 1:11':'1, 111 ;I III,I-- t,rill,,r '1i It \-111\ .loll 1„tll:ll1t x. "SHADOW OF A DOUBT" COMING: Errol Flynn in: 'THE UNCERTAIN GLORY" Mat,: Sat and Holidays at 2.30 p.ni. I CAPITAL THEATRE GOOERICH. • NOW PLA Y 1 NG: "The Uninvited" and "Memphis Belle" in Technicolor IMon., Traci, Wed, Two Features Richard Allen, Mary Beth Hughes and June Havoc. T.11 ,1 Ito 111 1 ..,.., of tilt- it '' 1' . "TIMBER QUEEN" Jinaly 1.ytl n Charles Smith John Eitel. Le,' 1 a l„ Hilar lau'lly i1)'„ a 111'--. "HENRY ALDRICI1 HAUNTS A HOUSE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday GEORGE FORMBY I:I'Li :r1. 1'',ul!l,ll1>,; buil, ,,'ll !HI 11 ,\ hr. 11 i'1 1:111 pooh', 11 -', 'GEORGE IN 'HIE il(::.1E GUARDS" COMING: " MARK TWAIN" starring Fredric March. Mat,: Sat, and Holidays at 2.39 p nr. Mitt.: and ;1 REGENT TIIEATRE SEAFORTi. Now 1'hi)nig: "THE PURPLE 11EAR'I" wills Dana Andrews Monday, 1 uuaday, Wednesday l:, \'\.11 , ; ILI- 111.1,1.. , 1,1- "SNOW WHITE ANI) THE SEVEN I)WARFS" 1, *pin.. I+„', 11u! !11 r:It,' (if 1 !u ', 1 1' i,.,t,n -, ait.1111 _ Tours„ Fri„ Sat., -Two Features- Richar,1 Ai:eu, Mary Beth Hughes and ,lune Havoc J,11.1- it. 1 1• 1"1 ,1 e „1 'TIMBER QUEEN" Jimmy Lydon, Chalks Snti.h and John Eitel. I',uIr,l•.i:.'.' I1, 1 1 •t '\1,111 II t i - 1\rn"I' "HENRY ALDRICII I(AUN•i'S A HOUSE" COMING: "TENDER COMRADE" M Sat. itnd Holida; s at :' :'0 p.m. .2 ,'„ti-. , , I1 t - 1.1 11 :1t l'Hr 1'. 111 fifer, 1,, 1 t• if I•' ; 11 i + tr to Ir' ,, II 1 1'1'1h 11'.. 1 ,1.1'1 tt 1 l• :I,, I '11 1 1 11 +, ' Lew. Ri m land, Auction, er It t • \V, o:!: r' \ 1 1' 1", 1111. 11111' \ 11; 'lit :.!1 \\ t 1 vt 11 A1.1C'1'ION S:11,1: -1.,1, 1,:1.,11:1,,,,11.\.'\t„tiler x11,1 Hod of MISSION BAND SALE & SUi'I'ER CA'i'TLE, PIGS, HORSES AND WOOD 111e tli.-I„n 1::In11 i!,Ixtil !1'11,!iil',' ,I Ilot r lural h„>:; pit; critic ; It rel-: I;tininl_; hill sere,, „11111 II•df I."t 11, 't of \\ '11, :old Giving tip \\ill be held „I,i ,t1 ,i',bll'ttl, l;1 ani 1)'I:', and .,;ii 1 1 r„11 11 Irni r l'„nl 1''.,I"n 1, \l ores, 'Tu\\ n,hil,, .'•loot:' 3 miles west of Blyth, an Auburn Road •' in 1111' I1,, ,, 111111 /11wire; Hemlock ;ul'I Bari: 1:1111 Plan's: (ill:' 1" 1!11' I; -tate 1,i 111' 1 ate Fihl,,\ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28'1'11 ilJ l:. ut"1! I LI. ,h \\.11,11 11'r "lin.' Ila 1. \11 r' i'1lletl'. 11.1 I•UI( SALE c:11:1,-, Ih•h;h and \'.I'1t 111 Itillall \elher�. lir r,. It;tti1 f1.1-31), 2 •tont -II„\ els; chain,: 11'1 is • ; ,!',Ides. I.:1Id'1 tt•, will be of tel rd for ,;Ill' al 1'x1 t!t 1111. , 111 -.t 1\ 1 1 !,, r. minencim.i al I;II 1,', lot L. 111) l'SI':I 1(11 1 I'.FFEI'"I•ti--11th or- the ,;1111' time awl !,late, subject to a ';r1' next 111-:-i.,tte for i111 I'itti111 1',;111; ellnon;ll'd; Ill n'tans; I:III'lll'll 1311- I�„1't'1'r 1''111. 1'l'I-t' I, ,111 tilt' III"t'IIII>l'S 1;II,, ;111! ;'!. , 11:11e11 for 11,11•. I1'; •I bedst1':ul, with iliatlrrs,rti; aro!, I'; •tol'l'1' 1)rirli lUu1,e, \title I:ilrhell \lajor \'"111:11111, 111IItriclol. bIN THE ES'TAT'E of William Alexan- cictir ;11111 I:itrtlr: chair': 2 rocl,"rs; til wit rklu.,1 ;'tt:t hell; Ilvn •IUxjh it. ll:u'o111 lachson, .\nrtj„neer, nil.:der Logan, late of the Village of Blyth, Pictures; Iantp;; utirrors; 2 1)n" Notice to Creditors cloclai 2 \itll ,t'tnlih); un lcrnralh; straw shed 1 in the County of Huron, Iaqu;r•e, (',c Finn', It,u•i \!iu for \la,iiti,: 1 Deceased. it dist, the jnh, .1lex;unlcr I:r;_ (i';ul- \I1 1't'.'l11 I,.Itillt' 11,11111' ;1"tlitl tt the Lundts1),,,,', Ontario, 1':,1;01. 1'f the ;'hocc d' it':l. - I arc 11 Illittll 1„ HI'. Ili\• •;hole with the',Wit'1- ft ir'he't S',litito:' sur the I: tate, nn or lit fire the ,11.11 (1;1\ Ili 1)l t1,h('t', : \.i)., •1 young sow', due ;t1) 'lit lit „I tie- . tl.hcr; In good feeder ,tett•,; alll,nt still i 11!11, ;Bite \\Iiii'It ,Elle the ;1 -at., will he I"'AAI I1,,. ''\ Illy 1' l•larrnet Ilolhn- Iall'tri!nll' 1 :um'uc,t till' i,:u'til', tritit- er , i11 ,_: i, 11 tlltrt h', 1,1 itt r' ::tri! I l it to too ); idiom. nt •1; l;rus,cls, 11-! if. 1 ;claim. of \\hi1'!1 n'tue shall'stir lie;tt PULLETS FOR SALE ''i\tti• 1).V11.11) at Cliiit '1:, t11i, lith day of '(1 Rosh Pullet, really to lay. .\1,!,l)' St•I,t tti!irr, .\,11., Pill. to \\•;ted Knox, Phtlne ',i-12 1111'111. (1-1-1 F. FI\(,I,.\\I), i�.t-'„ Clinton, On - hu 'Pi, l-Eula, �,liirit11r fur tht .aid 1...-t att.. (i1 -,i, f • ) tr./ EAR iT ON YOUR ARM enter Every Canadian looks forward to that head- �' line. Every Canadian believes that some day So011 a great victorious convoy \\'ill thunder down the road to Ber- lin. huge Canadian trucks ... Canada's crack battle equip- ment, and gallant Canadian soldiers, world's finest fighting 1111], will all be there. Will you be with them on the road?... or at least, on the way? The smashing defeats we must inflict upon the enemy before that day, however, cannot be \von except by fierce, determined fighting . , , and the First Canadian Army, you may be sure, will help to deal the hammer blows that punch the way along the Berlin road, • That's why Canada's Army needs oleo and needs them NOW! Join for General Service TODAY! When Peace has Conic, you'll be proud to know (and know that the world knows) you had your place in the )nighty force that fought its way to final VICTORY. • FOR SALE Ito \•aur Pnllt t: eat each other : t'sx I inn's Poultry Tonic and \'itoluni \r1' emir 1,11'in_ Bird, Talc ;old Prodder. Alexander gest Cowling, ;ru1h'\' t'st I nnl's 1','nitrt' ('')ndi- i.undcsh'Iro, Ontario, boiler and iI':I ,tonal ('11;11-1 r. Alex - HOUSE FOR SALE antler I'at: Lradinli, 1,011111,4'1'o, On - 9 -room ,olid brick dwelling on Dih- tari,'. sky street, II1?tb; Equipped with _'- POSTPONED Picre hath and tlhrtricitc; l nil ,izt 11'tnme11t, good furnace; bit and cold water It; stairs ❑1111 dmcn, and in the OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, basement, Good garage and hen h,n.,e AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on the itrt'ittkt", aLtt dumber of fruit Tilt' 1111'tt'I''I\,I:r,l oII1111,net't' true, :111,1 a gum] e;trdett, For l4l t'tlrll- .il'Ivl'd III�!1'ilcllutl, L'e'ill I\nhct't I l,llllll- lar, write \V. 11Lyon, 'I'hurnll:tic, (ht- .11,11 1" ,,'ll lt\' i'nhl;r :nlrti"n. at 1 of 1',2 tarso, before (?clasher I:t1), UI -1 nhrt•„in't lU, lllllleti 'km11,11ii', t\\n- land-a-It Ilf nlilr, t;i't „f l.'lntic,brlro, nil lin your Pullets go lame nr llar;tlyi- tfl; "Krona" sto11 thein. \lexaudcl 1 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH {,t e Grading, Londtsborn, ontarit'• ennlnleurin at 1 i',ul., 1111 foll'w'n: II1Ol:S':ti-(1 hcr,il ;sunsuit arhJiIt; \ cars „1'1, OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS 1 ('.\"I"1'1.1•: -t Ilw, -1 )c,ir, olll; 2 I (trtih,l Jackson, .\nctitimer, 11:1, butt �8 \ roes 11!11: ; ,1,ri'te r,tltc, ; N"r;n'lint; in.tructed by the undersigned I'rop•:steer; \r;u'!it i; heifer, rittor, 10 sell by Public Auction at 1 s111. 1:1'--7 Clearing Auction Sale AUCTION SALE North -half of North -half Lot 42, Con- 1 1 NI 1'1 A'\TENTS-M.-11, binder, 7 -ft, cession 7, l':;11 \\•atrvruh , half toile feat : \I.-11. plower, 5-1t. tint; ),1.-1 1. south of Iirhgr;'vc, on No, -1 1liehwa?, l,; -tooth rultit;;tor, with sttd 1111x; `1'1 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH ',Diamond Il,u•ro v',-1•,ect;o;i NI -1I. c,unnlehciue at 1 P.m., the 1o11o1eine- steel roller; t btnrlt HUliSF.S-Nlatrhed bay tc;tnl, 13 liLI1- nil!I flat rod. ; \\at"n box with and 1.1 years old; bay colt, .3 years old. shelriuc,• t;ra\c1 Ti',: �ttil-lord t"1t I'll; ;---\ ottllg sow•, bred on July 18; blt,l.'t;)'; Portlandclltt''r 1 1)tilti'Crat ; 2 , ws, bred on July 17; 12 chnnh<, ?stool. rack,; I lae rail, \t 1111 ,11111111.;*. 1',\'1'•TI.E--11hrh:1)n CMV, ju`t flush- lull; No,'1 Hutuy \\111.iue 1,1•'\1': No. reed; Durham heifer, jtt,t fre,lu'h:d: 4!11 \!ct ornlirl.-Ilreriltg w,tlhilll: 1'1''1\•, ' Durham cart':;. due in February; Dor- flwarh• n1'\\ ; (hlthtc ri'lin14 plow; Rc:l• haul cot\•, due in i:nntary; Ilius l'ow','frr\\' -Ates WO i1): 2 grihil,tont,; (Inc in Fthrn;try; I11acl: cote, (Inc it iKnit'r r,rinder: -enfih'r: Siiti b'r,,t; :\iu•il; 2 lark"' rows; 2 1)nrh;t.In licit-:(i,htnU',riming milt; Cat; truck: \\'or.- ers, due in J:tt teary; Durham hrifcr• Inlan ;Intl \\•aril car, \vitll role, and due in Fchruary; Durham steer. tis-il,tlllc},; 11. II. rootlnlll,ct: 11e1aval iitg .1 years; heifer, 2 vetr, old; •l No. i' t'Il',tttl ,tlrt (,'i'; Steel ‘‘;tier '`'leers, (1,1111;2 years; Ittlrh;tln Ilt'lll'I', I tI•I'llljh; !lay .'lilt; 2 nal, 11,irrels; it-rti rising 2 years: !I yearlings; 8 calve, I1,ettlt ;N'1, grain 1)aes ; 2 r1)„P ooze : !NI I'LI NII?NTS- \irt'tn•rllich-l)i r- Set 'wary bac!;-hand harness; Set sin- ine fertilizer I1 :11; \I. -H. minter, new; I};le h;n•ttr•,; ( uantitc 1 "1'tn 'cmlock \I,-11, hay loader, new; NI. -11, dump h ltiti r: (luantitr '-inch plank; _'. rake, nearly tit\t' : \I.--11, hinder, 7 -ft. ,i\ Inc, : ,1 'nt ,c c,'lklr. ; 1 30 lilt,. 1If el111 \l. -Il. rnitivttor; Nlrtotntich-,,,It,; t),itlltit\ of ha?; \\hifi!ch'tt's; Iteeriut4 \tall:iill; P:ut\ ; l•nchshutt ttil- \rr1 int glow ; srhfflerx set of ll,trro\t,;';uU1 oyer arl,rlr, tits rainier liI 111 t ltvtt tt sltiell,, \\'itll flat each; wait- ,111 m(ion. lin; wagon, 'with steel \\•heel,; sit llt)t'SI:11(11 11 1•:1'FI't'b5 _1iedr,1on1 double ',n'ttrss ; 1111\\ It t nr,s ; hay uhe ; Nl ori i, chair; 214-1, w,111 mat - fork; :rl sling rope,; NI. -I1, irt'atn Iii' t,1 1 nlllirt leaf 1,)1,1x; Centre tali- ,rParator; electric motor, one-sixth 1'; `nt.all 1:11)1x; \\";I.,11 stand: ONan; horse I'm\1'r; electric motor. one -!guar No. ni kifihrll tlllir,; Lt t,hnar,l: ,I;1\- 1tr hor',c 110‘‘f r; pump jar!:; Tann', 'ell w:l,llini; a ariliuc; 1),1i•y clnrrn; w'ay hroodtr stoyc, coal, Hct\ ; ,i cliirh' Coal nil ticatt•r: 1.x111»:t,ll- rn s}Ielt,'rs, new'; wberlb;u'rtw, V11'111 1'11et,: Cr ick,; \l irrors; and odor at tir- fcuic; 1t sap fall,, new: rninht•r 1'1 1cs, 1 1en;,tina to h, ,old trithnttt tcsrryr (tilt 1)h<hi is of mixed gain. TERMS OF SALE -CASH .\ i-F\\'.\iiTIt'l.l:S 1)1 I:t"RNI"1 Ri' TE It MS OF SALE -CASH. Ro'ct t 11.Imittnn, Prnprittor. 1' 1.111'1 \Vols., Proprietor. \', :"i.uu 11. yiot'ritt, Auctioneer. 11, rind lats k,in, ,\nctiunccr. Il,t r United States War And Great Britain's Britain has decided R_.l:n't an Immediate rt-un1ptinn of iitili,ln goods production, such as the \V. P,13. has ordered in the United States, Theve are several tt1-Gss for this decl'in, halt a maul' one is that the United 1\incd:ln1 must keep production up for it, intensi- fied war ag;u ist japan n w:len Hit- ler is beaten, says The 1�L ':rose Daily Reccr,l. ACCOI NTAN'VS . Al II'1'slt(S COMPLETE MONTHLY S! IIVIt'1?, email busine- es our spt'Hally, All Government rt p,,i t'; prepared. Brett & I' nlpdn}, s 11'ellingtuu East, Alt NINI ?t GRANITE UTENSILS REPAIRED quickly and smoothly with plastle cement. Mend -Hole gu:ranked fireproof or nwney refunded. Price 25c postpaid. Interesting spare time agent's proposition, Address Mend -Holes, 462 Notre Dame East, Montreal. BABY CHICKS 400 BARRED ROCKS PULLETS. nolle Leghorns. three monthtt old, sell or e\clianl:e for other poul- try, Zamnl:t Pro'., 6 Kane Ave., Toronto. VOME HEAVY BREED CHIt'KS— dayolds and started --available for prompt shipment. If you want October or Nor' nibcr ch1oks— order note, 0 to G wick ndt once ordering ne s:,ry. Our fall Service Bulletin just off the press —write for your copy. Brny hatchery, 13, John St, North, Ilantllton, Ont. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE ruse ANYTHING N[:b:Dy dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Rorke Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. EDUCATIONAL ATTEND BUSINESS COLLEGE this Fall, theist on Gregg Short- hand, taught In over 18,600 schools, choice of highly -paid etenographers, sec retar1esi and reporters. "Graduate eooner with Gregg." FOR SALE roil SALE—COMPLETE CREAM- ery, package 50 gal. pasteurizing plant Including cooling pump and I% h,p, holler, all in good con- dition. \Vrite for particulars to J. P. Cybulskie, Barry's Bay, Ont, PEDIGItELI) ANGORAS, STOCK first class woollcrs from long line of priz,_ winners, Valle re- cent. \\'111iutn E. Birley, IR,It, No. 2, furls, Ont, $12.60—RIDING SADDLES leather girth, stirrups cola leath- ers, excellent condition; felt pads, 12.60 each; buggies, wagons, carte, 225 '.:oliegc, Toronto, Ont. HI.IPIT HARNESS DRESSING — bineet leather and harnesa pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeehold uses 26c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores, A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. LILECTHIC :,1UTU1t,s, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt e, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2826 Uufferin SL, Toronto. DANDY \VIIITE FLEMISH GIANTS, 2 to 4 muntha 5J,96 Lich; 4 to 6 $4.00 each. Goldfield Rabbitry, Box 207, Geraldton, Unt, NEW ANI) USED CAR ANI) TRUCK parts. Riverside Auto farts, 616 Queen E., Toronto, 2. JREGISTEIILD J E R S E Y BULL with papers. Eighteen months old. \Vele bred. Apply to Herb- ert Whalls, Fingal, Ont, "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish separator Co. Limited, 72u Notre Dame \Vest, Montreal, Que. A1ANITOiIA HEREFORD IIItEED- ars' Association Sale of 100 reg- fltered polled end horned Here- fords at auction, October 17th, Provincial Exhibition Fair Ground,, Brandon. Manitoba. For catalogue write J. It. Bell, Live Stock Cornm!s:oner, Legislative Bulldinva, Winnipeg, Manitoba. PURPLE niI.1;ON BRED AMEHI- cnn Pie bu:: terrier pups, pedi- greed and rc.:,stercd: site and dam were lint erted from United States. Bri6'c" Kennel, Wood- bridge, ilutai:c, PROFITABLE; WELL ESTABLiSI3- cd flour mill (export and domes- tic), with gess,line, wood dealer and hauling; business in con- nection, for sale on account of 111 -health, w:th residence of 6 rooms. Loc::ted In splendid Mani- toba tows.. Yearly turnover of 180,000. I'rt'e 09,000 with $5,- 000 rash. Write owner, Box 145, 73 Adelaide w-., Toronto. FARM 1'ItODI C'i: 1MIAtITEiIN LIVESTOCK FEEDERS can obtain carload lots of barley and oats for feels purposes under Nan r'. of the \`-he-it Hoard. Cnn Introduce you to Western ven- dors of feed grass'. Present prices, barky 65e, outs 52c de- liver ed Fort William. Also pus- aibly few r;,l's 0.A.(', 21 \1.ttting barley. Rs1:e11:shad over 36 ycare. Address F'redrielc Ind, Lloyd- minstcr, Saslc. QUILT SAMPLES F1JG11 GRAiDE SVITINGS AI3OUT 0 x 9 makes everlasting quilts 40 samples 51.45 postage included. We also have half yard REM- NANTS for boys' knee pants from all color Worsteds, sizes outlined on material 97c each, postage included. Louis Itice, 301 Spadtna Avenue, Toronto, r FAIiM FOR SALE 48,000-100 ACRES, ALL TILL - able, Durham county on 7A High- way, 65 miles Northeast Toronto. Excellent soil, buildings, water; tramedlate possession; sacrifice, death reason selling. Apply own- er, Mrs. Amelia Marlow, Nestle - ton, Ont. 150 ACRES, BUILDINGS, AI'I'ROX- imately 100 acres of bush (in- cluding hardwood, oak), trout stream, close to highway. Close In Oshawa and PowmanvRie; to petele silts e. Apply Nina E. ":end'•, (''(.1 fxrir..111•17, Insurance brok- er, cowman,. ille, Ontario. 1It•re is an an-«cr to those Ante - ti( ,u,s %rho h.tte gut -tf„re(1 l'ti- tain'a prvrni-t', wl.,t 11,t\e stgntd 1)1 t t'e war ti,ti::-t GernlanV is net "oar war,” ;t,d that the 1'nited States :diould 1 e ‘-‘1, - u; ,tl, l on :. n„t. t' .it her Inrp'1.'IC ;I.' ;i is wi:i d,, tr out a utile lo:u tr so that v;len the time coati's she m,tt be alde to to:a leer full ttei i,t of labor, arms an,l Hien t':, the 11.lcit.it for vii tory in tl,e common tI taws. 11(1111)11I'k.lNe: AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE woolen, Ie: rn dre-tient; nt Cnn• idu', finest and largest schools. Refilled, dignified work, Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Ilalydressing Schools, 355 Moor Street, 'Toronto. Brooches 44 lint; Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. L 1: A It N 1L11R1)ItESSING TILE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, iHO'l'I:LS W'AN'TED DO YOU \VANT 'rt) SELL POUR hotel? We specialize in the Bale of hotels and have many custom- ers desirous of purchasing. It you will write or phone I will arrange to Inspect your hotel, Bert \Vele & Sun, 1605 Dundas Street, London, Ont. 111:1.1' WA N'I'ED COOK GENERAL, 560,00 TO 500 monthly, references, Apply to 1!re. W. H. Comstock, 109 King Mt. E., Brockville, Ontario. MEDICAL STOMACII AND 'rIIREAD WORMS often are the cause of 11l -health 1n humans, all apes. No one inn - mune! \Vhy not find out if this is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Free! \1'rlte \Iulvcney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. rlll)VI:N Its ikr,Y--R\'P:Ttv SI'F- frrcr of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Item- edy. Munro's Drug Seers, 335 Eigin, Ottilwa. Postpaid 51 0, BAl'?IEEKA FOOT PALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. RHEUMATIC 1'AiN? RELIEVE Rheumatic Pain with 1'ertnol Rheumatic Arthritic Polo Tab- lets . , safe, efftctive end sure, At your druggist's or tend 51.00 and receive one month's supply pcstpatd. Fernlol Distributors, Pox 712, London, Ont. DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUI'FP•_P.- er of Rheumatic Patna or Nem, lttn should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00, LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNGER BY petting rid of those ugly wrink- les, large pores, soggy ekin, Grattnn's Wrinkle Lotion is the finest face astringent' on tho market, fully guaranteed. Order a bottle today, 01.00 postpaid. .1. L. !tire Agency, Box 191, Kit- chener, Ontario. I10TOGIIAI'tIT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tour films properly developed and printed 8 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Yon may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get till tho quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PiiOTO SEI VICE Station J. Toronto. SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x6" In Deau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Fram- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or I31acic Ebony finish frames, on ivory mats 7x9", 69c each. If coloured 79c each, ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers till over Canada will tell you Dint Star Snapshot Service does the beet ss'ork. DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken ngaln. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE I3ox 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. PATENTS FIS'rHERSTONIIAUGII & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest. SHEEP 100 YEARLING EVES (Rambouillet Merino and Corredale cross) for immediate delivery. 10,000 0 and 6 year old breeding ewes and 40,000 Feeder Lambs for delivery after September 1st. Southern Saskatchewan Woolgrowers As- sociatIon, ?daple Creek, Sasltatch- c wan. G. S. lierringer, Secretary'. STAMPS BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLONES. Set of three 25 cents. S. Breadner, 1002 Somerset St., Ottawa. ' WAN'T'ED RANTED TO BUY, 11CSI1 LANDS or forms containing bush lands, suitable to cut furniture lumber. \Vrite Ilogtlon & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton. Ont. WANTED, RELIABLE FA IIMEI1S, who have teed and fncllities to fatten young cattle for market, for fixed price per pound of gain in weights. Owner will supply meal, or part grain, it necessary, nn account contract. Nearer To- ronto the better, \Vrite fully, W. Post Office, L'ox 676, Toronto, WANTED TO BUY: ALL KINDS OF hard wood and soft wood logs, also small quantity bolts. Write Bogdon & Gross, Furniture Co, Ltd.. Vallterton, Ont, AGENTS WANTED OAS SAVER, PATENTED, t'ROV- -e n, guaranteed. Fits nit motors. If you have other full time em- ployment, write for proof, ng(n''y proposition, Victory Mfg. Com- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. LOOKS BAD -- BUT ISN'T No, this B-25 medium bomber is not on fire, The flames and smoke streaming from it are from rocket take -off units, used to assist heavily laden planes into the air from short runways. Photo was taken at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where the AAF Material Command made successful tests of the device, West To Harvest Record Wheat Crop Wtstero Canada is sharpening up he sickles to cut one of the largest grain crops on record, says the Lethbridp: Herald. Variously es- timated from 450,000,000 bushels to over 500,000,000, It will be a most satisfactory crop. It is well that the season has turned out so favorably, There was a time in the spring when, following an abnormally mild dry winter, it looked very doubtful for a normal grain crop this year. Most farmers would have been pre- pared to fettle for a 12 -bushel aver- age. Instead of that the average for the whole \fest will be 20 bu- shels or better, The Allied war effort is not going to be hampered through shortage of food supplies to far as Canada is concerned. Nazis Scuttle Fleet In Bay of Biscay The German fleet in southwest France, both naval and mercantile, has been scuttled in the Bay of Biscay and in the Gironde River channel near Bordeaux, it was learned recently. The fleet consisted of a number of torpedo boats, submarine auxi- liary ships, light submarines, armed trawlers and many coastal freighters. The freighters could be seen from the Spanish shore today. They put out from Bayonne and St. Jean de Luz for a few miles and were scuttled by their crews, who went back ashore in lifeboats, The Germans evidently chose not to risk the perilous voyage through the English Channel to home bases in light ships. Their heavier U- boats based on Bordeaux, left tome days ago, Nazis Drop Potato Bugs On England I Lr l;u liana used loddIst hugs 115 a fit! t rallllt r of the Fs'i!'rt wea- 1 til' V-1 lit int; booths, a 'c ientj,t of the \lini-icy of :\prirnllure said rtcentic. lie ',,id titrnt;ut plate, dropped ('ot.radn beetles in •In effort ti, damage the 7,000,000 ton liriti'h potato crop, Odd spy, Mit tiq of the beetle pre- valent in 1 'rii;ltty, eters di•cotcrcel in s_,uliirrn l:nl;hu.d, :t x+:, -4,4y „ TfliS UTTER 12 it 200.2400Ibr,1 • LAST (1TTER 5 xx 200:I000Ibs, 1(10016r, 0#00 INCREASE PIG LITTERS e e STOP BREEDING TROUBLES reed Res Wheat Cerro 00 to your Sows and loars, It's the scientific way, used by hundreds of successful hon breeders, to overcome common non.orgnnle breeding troubles, increase the site of litters, secure .Ironger, heullhler pigs, promote easier farrowing and gel slow breeders settled promptly, Rea 011 supplies, in o concentrated and stuble form, the nutritional factors so essential to proper functioning of the reproductive system, Rex Oills economical—a little goes a tang way— s few pennies worth now will mean EXTRA DOLLARS In profits for you when market time comes. Start using Rex Oil right away,., You'll be amazed al the results, Available at feed, seed and drug stares everywhere, 4 os. -51,25 20 oz. - 55.00 VIOBIN (CANADA) LIMITED N.O.G. Postal Station -Box 56 Montreal, Clue. Have You Heard? In tit middle of their shopping tour, tau women s1,.,liped for a chat. "And what's }our Irl-hanl do- ing now i•' ,:skeel the firs:, pre>ent- 1y, "lut tieing round ;Ind te'.!:ng evcrvioudy what llitler wii: do nes!," was the reply, '.'filen 11c's a hit of proi "Not notchd do far ;.' I'n: c)n- cern' d, 111%z a Plead A Scotsman recently played a piano for 48 hours without stopping. lie is then said to have returned the instrument to the dealer who had let him have it on two days' approval. —0 -- The newly-v.eds had just gc.: off their traits, 'John, hn, dear," said the bride, ''let's try to make tate people think we've been married a luau time," "'All right, honey," -tat the ass- wcr, "you caret' the suitca<c.n FRES11ER, CHEAPER FOOD for your table by men who think of tomorrow TOMORROW'S EVERGROWING GARDENS ... Why should garden -fresh vegetables be available only In summer? Why should rich, ripe strawberries be a luxury in winter? Men who think of tomorrow are doing something about it. in Scotland, where seasons are short, it has been possible to grow six to eight crops of vegetables a year by heating truck gardens with underground steam pipes—under glass in winter, open to the oil in summer. mEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW are , planning to feed the world better than it has ever been fed before, to make it healthier than ever before. It is a glorious future to which we may look , , . but only offer the war is won! Are you working at your "MU' job" as Bard as you can? Are you saving and turning in wastepaper to help meet the serious shortage this country faces in the manufacture of containers for war materials? Are you collecting and turning in every last drop of fat from your kitchen to help feed the hungry machines that turn it into TNT? Are you heeding the Government's plea to curtail your personal travel so that troops.. and Snpl)lie; ctu1 move freely over our ah'I ;I(ly con- s gest cd tratlspurltil ion systems ? littve you :Itltic'tl your blood to Roti of lnilliinls; of others lo provide life , a\ ing plasnut for our wounded? And hlt\'o ''(ll iuerett ed your p01t'el trs of \!':u' Savings (.'ortific:cles and 'Victory llnniis to 1lie limit of your 111)11113' . , . 011(1 are you hohliiig on to them? Only by working as hard as we can at these and scores of other "war jobs" will we be sure of Victory ... an(1 the ever -ripening fruits of Victory. Let us oil be MEN W11() 'THINK OF T0MORRO\V! * TIE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM * All Seagram planta in Canada and the United ,States are eugngcd in the, production of high -proof alcohol to help speed the war to a victorious end Nigh -proof Alcohol for war is used in the manufacture of Smnkele,s Po vtl'r, i'lastics, Compasses, Drugs and Medicines arul many other wartime proelucte. C.P.R. MAGIC EYE DOORS MAKE TRAVEL EASIER Ti:is Royal Canadian Air Force officer, his wife and their baby too, judging by the satisfied expres- uicn, are boosters for the new "magic eye' doors installed at the Windsor Station in Montreal by the Canadian Pacific Railway as an aid to luggage -laden travellers. The new installation, first of its kind in a Canadian railway station, depends on a photo electric cell to act as a switch and set cont - pressed air working to open the doors. Interruptionof a beans of light, invisible to the naked eye, is the "magic" which starts the photo electric cell working and causes the portals to swing open without them being touched. PRELUDE TO A RECONNAISSANCE IN ITALY Somewhere in Italy, Major Frank Johnson, (right) of Three Rivers, Que. gives last minute instructions to Lient George Anderson, Toronto, as men of an Armoured Brigade get ready to have a look-sco at the German lines. ARMY CAMERAMAN FIRST CANADIAN TO ENTER PARIS Feeling a bit embarrassed by the Impulsive welcome he is getting, is Capt. Colin McDougall of Ottawa, Ont. A member of a Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit,, Capt. McDougall was the first Canadian soldier to enter the French capital, Such was the excitement at seeing a Canadian unifornt that the crowds of laughing, friendly Parisians literally jammed the street and brought his jeep to a stop. ' THEY HEED WORDS OF WISDOM When Sgt. Olin Dows, Rhinelander, N. Y., talked to this group of Germans, taking advantage of his fluent knowledge of their own language, his words made sense, He convinced them that further fight was hopeless, so 56 men surrendered to him. HANGING AROUND Indulging their long -suppressed desire to jeer at their Nazi op- pressors, citizens of a French city, liberated by Allied forces, parade through streets with German sol- diers hanged in effigy. SECURITY TALKER Pictured above, as he arrived in Washington, is Dr. V. K. Wel- lington Koo, Chinese ambassador to Great Britain, who is chief of China's delegation to the four - power postwar security talks at Dumbarton Oaks. WIDE EXPERIENCE U. S. Army nurses never know what they'll bump into when on sctive duty, so Lieut. Rose K, Frazer wasn't surprised to find herself feeding a day-old native infant on Saipan Island, FRENCH PREMIUM LIVER PATTIES 1 pound live[ 1 cup fine Christie s 2 tablespoons chopped premium Soda celery leaver 2 tablcspoot,s chopped 1 cup water Cracker crumbs {;been pepper c 1 2 small onions 1 egg, be tell 1 green pep lemon 1 teaspoon salt _ cupliveryl teaspoon poppet juice stock pan. Cover and simmer for five Drain water and reserve VChnsuo s Place liver in water in shallow storkres over Ino flame. onions. d to ground liver with stock, Grind liver and onions, Pour snick over'atcies and Premium Songre lients. cMixbwell.s l Shap einton}" Ur wining 6 goodness of Christie's Premium brown in hot fat. The flaky K spreads. Always Soda Crackers brings osouclse full orb fruit other foods. Adds extra relish to salads, i X9244" keep 'a package or two on band, ChriStie's Bi.UltS There's a wartime duty Joe, every Canadian CHRISTIE, BROWN AND COMPANY LIMITED .bakariatr TORONTO & WINNIPEG 'IMPREGNABLE' --. UNTIL YANKS CAME Pity tete poor Heinies who were snug in this concerte pillbox in France, confident that it was "impregnable." Yank tank gunners made Swiss cheese of it. OUR WOUNDED While others wait on stretcher, wounded Yank is hoisted aboard hospital ship in France headed for England. They were trans- ported from interior to port by hospital train. CITIZENS EXAMINE TANKS Modern war and ancient peace strongly contrasted as citizens examine tank stopped before Notre Dame. F -A -GE S. _._ _ - — _.."_ _ _�ll�•: iorcteteloctocct cictetctetoctrtsiottccialeiccietatclotKit4iitocia Fall and Winter Needs • Children's Huse, cotton and \\'(►ol 2"5c to 75c Children's Golf Hose elastic t(► ► �)(►c A l thr \\cc,.-cnd Boys' Wool Trousers A fi • THE STANDARD \ I: Coil: i, ,lu nding \\ith tri^n,l, in Toronto. Mr and Nit,. Sam Darr thi. weyl. til,c11t over \\lilt friend, in I'ytt•..., A!Inv h;tchencr and Niagar i Fall,. tiI AIr,. Andrew hirkc,n tial .t eiit thy A tied,-rn 1 tti;!1 Air. and NIr. Ittrt R'Ii,itr. IR IAlt•. and \Ir,. Mande\• Clark awl FS Lundy tit Nleaiord ,,,,,,lit over Smithy tAi tt it'. AIr. ant! NI r.. Fun•r.on Wright. lit.-Lic,it. I avttn gray of Vancony- 1,.,..\\a, .1 brio' \i•itor in Myth on AI m - S tta\•. .\ I1n1.t of old friend, were happy ii A to greet ltiin ;wain, awl to .yy him 1.4 1,,t.l:in:; ,o well. il i 1 ., Grey \Vool Blankets each ,$•1,51 86" White Flannelette per yard 22c Good assortment Shoes, Rubbers Rubber loots, Olive McGill all Nlr. June. I.aitllitty ha, rcttirnitl lett t)IDtr9t111NI ADtk;1.Dt2121,1d1312131+'h7t3t Dilk)..120, ?fa::4v2tat2)a);; l /Di n t2tDM)/2t 11 '111 where .itc Iia, been with --- - ht•r •i•ter, AIr, I )nncan Laidlaw, telt,, teteletetetetetetfitClet,rtetgtMIC1etetete(VekitGVte'BiMCtgtetc titeAI 1Q-11C!e14 (4tytiztjOteg 111„, 1,,,,.„ i11, 1,111 i, i„„„.„,.„)... i„ huallh. A g STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of 1)insley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. SHREDDED WHEAT RED ROSE COFFEE CORN SYRUP 2 LB. AND 5 LB. PAILS OXYDOL, CHIPSO, LUX PER PKG. 25c SUNLIGHT SOAP ... 3 BARS 20c MATCHES 3 BOXES 29c PAULA SUGAR SUB 39c RUBBER RiNGS, SEALERS, METAL RINGS MEDIUM CHEESE, NO. 1 WHITE HONEY _. 2 LB. GLASS JARS, 4 LB. PAILS 2 Pkgs. 25c PER LB. 4:c PEAS. WATER GLASS. fi A Lather, AIr. (leorgc 1Iirttn.. gI \\'innifred Cowan, N., of l orn\vall, i, \ i• iti i hrr mother, Al l 1). Cowan, and ,i,tir, \Ir.. 11. Alorri I and AIr. AI eyrie t. Ai,tcl)ur,it1t1 of 1ta],yiniry, anti hrr ,!intgintr, :tic'. Vining, ut :\jig, i, vkitine, :It the hone nt the forma', \tr. \\ ill ant Creighton, of Lindon A\\ .1, a yi,itor it' Myth uVcr the wed: - end. NleCalt of Toronto i< l,cndin; a roulJc "f \v, eti \with \1r. and AIr,. \\ ill Gibs nt• A 14 I \I r. ;111,1\I ,. 1\'e,lt \ lcrnt\ n, of lime\ale. vi,it, I with Airs. John Graig /i at the hinny of .•\tt•. and AIr.. Clarence H 1 tti1 ton, on Saturday. Ali,. l.o:. .1un1,t:11c eutcrt;tincil to eiwht "f tier •.eliol chum, ata birthday party la,t 'I'hers•lay• (i;til e. \very en• o i„\ ell by all. ill I \Ir. Pa.iit t t kt(lin nd tea, a `nn - a(lay vkit,n• at the home of Mr. anti \Ir,. \\'. I, I1•dlaha:1. ANII„ lean Ncthery left on Nlor,clav wl. • so1i13)�1517ti13tt1D1D12t?1)121D1D12t;#DtD1D1Dt21D1D1212+212i2tD1812t�t2tDtDiDt212t2s212121 D1�2t2I „r .\t\\„ 1 Iry ,1,c ha, tal:yn it ,and \I.Ir aryl, and Ni;„ lea Sttitzcr, pu.sitivn in the Itank of Coni nerve a, V1,it(d Lou Lon relatiyr, recently. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric I Welding A Specially. Agents h'or International- 1 \White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. 1 }0gb2fl9 S BAKERY Harvester Paris & Supplies BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, 1 1 1 \%Te(Ines(la%r Sept. 13, 191tl, , -db.i 1.:64.,.1164, 11.1 ilk. nl •,i , 11 I 1 ,,- I, THERMOS BOTTLES WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE MONTSERRA'i' LIME .IUiCE NOXZEMA (FOR SUN BURN) .. SUN TAN OIL DURATION LEG 1)0 FI.Y SPRAY "IT” • WI -HTE SHOE POLISH mom BLOCKS IIAVOK MOTi1 CRYSTALS 2 -WAY FLY REPELLANT SO 'PLIES $1.35 ANI) $2.35 . 55c 17c, 39c, 59e 49c 20c ANI) 31c 15c AND 25c 10c AND 25c 49c . 59c AND 9$c 1)ue to the shortage of Merchandise and In conform to 4hc hours of those stores affreled by tht, new Government ruling, this store will remain closed Wedncsdlty after 0.00 p.nt, R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. • DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'A1'ER—PHONE 2!*. ALWAYS ON I IAN 1) •:i...�,.. . . ... ..4 . Confectionery and'Itohaccos• tet;,tcoctcv,tf;::tG13ty,;,tztztce,tct,v,Lely',;,t;te.vs,toQ,tetztc:vc.-cw;: IG'wt„t;;t;1;'etc.v..�t;t�tetwn PHONE SIS - BLYrltl-I. Vodden's BAKERY, \WAEN IN NEED OF BREAi), BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE IIOME BAKERS" H. T. VODDEN, tt'ni; i .fry clerk, NI Ii ter 111111 1';II'ler returned to I.,nld ,ll PERSONAL INTEREST `tttitl, ;,nandr.. i t'r;tiLi ti,i,e'1 theh• AIr. Ianur I',,ilaril, Nlr,. Fritzley, awl with thein ;tier returin>i ;Wow tit \Ir. a 1 \Ir• ('Laren' c Iohn,lon an,l c„u,in AIr,. .\itx. 1'anit,t,cll and NV—, \Ir. ;tiitl \Ir,. jack Staltic,, ,tient au \Iryl„ ‘rotw. Ili, con••nr. \Ir. and \II •. \\'t l;tin Frar vi,ite l Itclle (ilii ,hrll. of Swaim th, the enj„\ah':• \\ith-entl at \\',,saga Ikatli' Al tie,tt .\trent "1 'l..titi i \i - iting II t• taihrr, AIr. Goot,[r Iliroty. N1l11: 11.1 I ,tit. la t Ft flog awl Sat- tev. ;in t \Ire, l iardirt r, ..i bloitiol;•1- an,l "liter i,otl, nl that district. ur,l,ty. AIr. and AIr,. I, 1,11,1"n rctnrn I Nil— Kathleen (te,cli and kindly c,t to tills i1;1,1 \i, ted with At r. atm \it t I,1•t 'fie -,Elly a" Hitit ti . AIr• no\cc, of Clinton, .licit Sunday ty;tlt \Ir. F,,;1 Iten'le\ and AIr. and Smith Zeit for 1.t:,don \\here he \\a, AIr. ;tn,l \Ir,. \\•nt.'tell, and nob. Fear yi i'erl their (iattt.;ltter, \1r,. 1)10,_ ,bending a day with ins situ, Alr,.) AIr., I•:rne,t .\,butt., Nlr,. N. 'I're- fidd in Carflph, over the \\cwt: -end. NI. It. I'arker, before leaving for hi, \vartlt:t, AI i,, I.. Itrigh;nn. Clinton, were home in I'att_:nlan, ti;t,lc. Nlr. Smith gne,ts of \Ir. and AIr,, \Vitt. '.\till. it NI r. and NI r,. _I. 11, ('ra'g, Nli,. S'vit- (.nioycd ecin many of his 011 tlien,l-• Saturday. r.yr, Mr,. 1). A. Craig, AIr. \\•ilhant and rclattve, thi, .nnnut'r. Nit.. an \Ir, .1. NI. 1•r;tit;, ('armful ��,�.�..�•�. �..� .�•J.•l.M.�.J•4�•i�4.0�0� 4.4• +44 •C•t••4•t,4. •� •�u4 �•1•,0,�•.� .0,�. •00, i:40t00:600:10:0.4:40:00:40:0•:.0:„:O J•4.4u:.4.•40:40,O0:40:4•:40:.0:11:40:4 •:••:4 •:..:u:••:•P:•i:•.: ,:, •:,•.• What Does Inflation Mean to a You and Me ? fr 1, G t Why, we coul In't huy enough food $ to keep our families healthy under inflation. For wages and salaries never catch up to prices when they start to soar! How would we like to pay $1.10 a L r9) dozen for eggs? You say it can't happen? Don't forget it's already happened right here in this Domin- ion, during the last war. And it will happen agailr ... unless we're on our toes to keep the cost of living down. Every Canadian must face this challenge! It's our responsibility. But he of good heart. Living costs tQ have risen LESS in Canada than t•,)) anywhere else. Canada leads the world in the fight against inflation. HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE— In 1941, Canada determined to control the cost of living. Price ceilings were established on wages, rentals and commodities; subsidies were paid on essential foods; goods in short supply were rationed ... so that everyone could get their fair share at a price they could afford to pay! Ilut control of prices is a two-way responsibility. It needs your support if it is to continue working effectively. • • • So make this Pledge Today 1 PROMISE to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need—I will observe the ceil- ing whether buying or selling goods or services. I'll pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates—and will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. fom SM14%e44/ Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers which inflation can mean to all the people of Canada. THE 1 . 1 BREW, IN�;ip ONTARIO R om Suites PIany 1;eautil'ul Suites tu1(1 Odd Pieces in the latest styles are displayed on our floors and are being offered at Moderate Prices, All Attractive W'Valnut. Suite in the popular Waterfall Style is displayed in our \\'ill(lo\\' this \;'('ek. We of'f'er a nice selection O1' Slllltn(10 Steel Beds, Mattresses and Silgless Fed Springs at popu- lar 1►l'ices. A call \vi11 convince ,you of the many excellent values \Ve are, offering, 4f 11/ Home Furnisher . — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, .4i�1a1�1dJi�i22�i.�f�u�'..3�ut✓luta7-:.�ii�1°.it'iuS�i°r'3:ii�,�Mi,.".i� �..1�7�1utw,�i`_'7ai:Ji.`��i✓,.i'i:%t�1J1:;i9i:';�131�19ti1Dt 10THITHIL:.7i$iML. 1111 11.1 d .t 1 1 n , i.1; n krii,allmawaLr.nneu, ...a.,:..i.u..,.r. ltllIZOLd, ,••••1.,U1.,.._:1111=;jt. .,..,• 1,. 11 11 .11 ,1 11 UM, ,. . , . .i.. ONTAR! RMERS THIS is an appeal to THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. The Packing Plants of Ontario, which process and ship your livestock for export,' ARE SERIOUSLY SHORT OF MEN. Every available Farmer of Ontario is urged to offer his services for employment in one of the Packing Plants in this province as soon as the essential work of the farm is completed. OVER 1,000 men are requil;ed to st'rt in the month of September alone. Good hourly wages will be paid. Transportation to the plant will he proviL :.c'. Assistance will be given in arranging board and room, With full staffs, the Packing Plants of Canada have ample capacity to handle even the tremendously increased uuuibers cf Cattle, sheep and swine, which Canadian farmers have ready for market this year. When operating to capacity the Packing Plants can keep the market cleared and Iivostock can be slaughtered, processed and shipped at its most profitable time, when 1t is at its market peak, 'thus, lasses which occur when anini•=.Is ,-re held beyond the peak - thtouyh additional feeding costs, through falling away from peak condition arid through the danger to price structures when supply threatens to exceed demand —are avoided. Last year several hundred Ontario fanners volunteered for work in the plants in pro':es: i.1g their own products and protecting their own interests. Production for export this year has increased by 40%. nt of Available man -power has shrunk by 23 The Ontario Farrar Service Force, iu conjunction with Employment and Selective Service has undertaken the task of raising sufficient help from Ontario farmer:; to keep Packing Plants operating to capacity this year. This department of the Ontario government's Department of Agriculture feels that this extension of its service is as vitally important to the interests of the farmers of this prov- ince as anything it has yet undertaken. The 1 o' d of meat as a primary essential food to our Allied Armies, to the pcople of Great Britain and to the starving millions in countries being liberated by our victorious armies, is the basic consideration. In addition, efficient operation in the processing and marketing of livestock is nec:e2.3e ry in protecting 111e greatest export market ever opened to Canadian farmers. Your services are ncecicd horn new until spring. if you cannot devote that full period of time, a month or more will be of great assistance. OFFER YOUR SERVICES AS S0O.i AS PO' Si3LE. 1t yon cannot oo to work at once, call or write, stating that you will come, and cit whey dote you ;vial he available. Remember you will be servirg your own best interests as well us playin't a \ita1 patriotic part in serving your country. o for full informulion or offering your services, ripply in person, phone or write to your nearest office of EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE or write to THE ONTf. -.IO FARM SERVICE FORCE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO Published :'ndcr Authority of \VP•I1 DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR — AGRICULTURE — LABOUR — EDUCATION