HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-09-06, Page 1THE LYTH STAN • Standard, Listow'0, Ont. VOLUME 55 - NO, 03, BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 191'1. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. PERSONAL INTEREST [r'AIIt DAYS NEXT WED- NES11AY - '11I1URS1)AY \\'e lii ,,lay and 'Thursday of next ,verb, Sroleibcr 13th-I•ltIt, are the dates of lite Myth Annual Fall Fair, Von cannot afford to miss this event, and the hair nerds your attendance, and exhibits to stake it the real suc- cess it :should be, Although the judging of inside ex- hibits will he concluder' on \\'cdnesday the Fair will ;:ctnally get under tvay Thursday afternoon, %viten at 13) the children ;runt the district schools trill form rap on main street, and headed by the (land till proceed to the Grounds. Prizes will be atv:trded to every school participating in the parade. Good c.thibits of all classes of , live- rtoclk and poultry are expected, 'There are splendid prizes offered 'for horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry, .\ spar,,' prize is of fired for a new Lieut ' \ \\'alker ..1 Niaceara Falls (xhibittr of horses, fur the best team visited one day last tweet: at the house of farm horses, on halter or in harness. of \Ir. and \Irs, George Cowan. first prize is a set of weld) traces, dolt - ;tied by t;• 1.. Griffiths R Sons, 2nd, tii•119; Third, $4kt111; I'ottrtlt $2.110, It is hoped th:tt,local farmers will compete itt this '_teat, (;oodprizes are being offered in the Itut,ts, Fruit, and (;rain classes. A first prize of 4,3.1111 aril a second of $2.()I is awarded for (let hest collection of vege- table,. Prize money in 12unts, Fruit, Grain, Dottiest i: Science, Domestic Ntcdle- \Ii., Doris Lear and Donald John.,- work, and Ladies' Personal \\'car, has ton returned to 1l;nilton after holiday- all besot increased, as is also the case in ing at the hone of the fot•tucr's par- Art, flowers, and .\Iiseellancotts Clas- cnts, \I r. ;aril \Irs. N, Lear. scs, Half utile bicycle races by boys and girls will he a Ratner of the afternoon, and emit! prize:• are offered for this event, The races are scheduled to get atv;ty at 2.30 sharp. 'I here trill be three heats in each class, the 2.72 and the 2.28, .\ mien's softball tournament he- Itrcn traits from \Vestficld, Auburn, Lundesboru and lllyth, Litt he run off during the afternoon. 'These teams have berm playing ;ill season and should provide seine rood, snappy ball. \Miss Nlaurecn Uorritt heft on 'rues- 'Then don't forget the evening con - day morning to talc up her teaching cert and dance on Thursday. The con - duties at :Hoose Itivcr Crossing, thiel, cert group, the \lac(;regor I?ntcttain- is situated north of Cochrane, Intent Company, are a splendid organ- ! ization, aid should play to a fall house. \Vilhec's popular dative orches, a unit( provide dancing music in, the basement of the 1 following the concert. Pier(' \\'. 11. \lurritt tt;t, t L.,ntl n visitor un 'Tuesday, \I r. Garth I )oht,yn of London oolon spent the week -curl at Itis home here, \Miss Lydia Bill, of Toronto, spent the \tee': end ttith her Atm cuts, \Ir. and Mrs. \\'In. Bell, \I iss \'tea Cole of Toronto, spent the t't•.•I<-en l y ill' her father, at the home of \I r. and Mrs. Leo \\'att. \lis, FalitIt Lockhart has taken up her teaclttig Itrirs at S.S. No, 1„\I or- ris, ,Mur- ris Tow nsltip, \Irs. "quart Its bntson ha, re,tnned her leaching (Indus at l'„i,s, on the a\tiburn (toad, LAC. Barrie McElroy, of 'tamp Bor- den \vas a we -lc -cull ti,itors ',vitt' his parrots, \I r, and Mr,. II. NIcl':Iruy, \Miss Trances Johnston of Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother, \1 rs. 11, C. Johnston. \I i,s Eileen I>;ohinson of (;odcrich was a \reek -end visitor trill' her par- -. ems, \Ic. and Mrs. It. I1, Robinson. Messrs. Andy Kyle and iv:un Ililb tint were 'Toronto visitors over the week- end, \1r. and \Irs, 'I'Itt auras I':w;tns and family of Stratford visited over the week -end tvitlt \Ir. and' \Irs, George Cowan, \Ir, and Mrs Norman (;ray, and dant-Otter, Gladys, of 'Toronto, spc' t the tete':-end at the home of \I r. and Mrs. iI. \INleProy, \Irs. Gordon Elliott, anti children., have been visiting tvith \Irs. I?Iliutt's parents this \veil:, \Ir. and NH's, N. Johnston, of Godcrich, Miss \Marion 'sl (;i11 of '1'ol•tttt t, sllcnt the Labour Day ,,reel: -cull with her parents, \I r. and \Irs. \\'alter• \Ic- (;ill, \Ir. and \Irs Frank Elliott of To- ronto, spent the week end with rela- tives here, On their return they were accompanied by the forma's parents, '\!r. and \Irs. J. 11, It. Elliott. \I r. Norman Moody of \\'intlsor spent the tyre'•. -ctrl with his mother, rs. 1). llcntle. Ile tt•as arrcnnpan- ied home by Itis wife, ,who has been tis( ing rut:tlites in Exeter and Myth. \I r, Chir Campbell returned home to Toronto on Saturday after visiting with relatives and friends here, I10 tt as accompanied heel: by \1 r. Donald \Ic\all, \Irate' Mrs. ferry Metcalfe of \\';tt- crduwn, were Labour 1)ay visitors with the fornt'•r's 'islet; \Irs. II. ('. John• sloth. They ,were accompanied'hotne by their two daughters, \Marg;nrct and Shirley, who had spent the week tv;lh \I rs. Johnston. \I, \\'tlli;tnt Smith returned to Myth Friday from visiting his brother, Eldrid, and oth'•r friend:. at Blenheim. Ile and l_hlrid then visit(•1 their brother, Floyd, in Flushing, \lick., and \Irs. David T. Smith, in Omer. \I r, ;t t \Irs. George Cowan, Jr., have taken a;, residence in 1le1saII, where \I r. Cowan has taken the 1'rin- c•ipal•,It;p of the Mensal' I'tthlic School. Ile was previously Principal of the 1)uugattnon tclrool. ND. and \Irs. James. Scott ttf 'Tor- onto, spent 111: ,week -end with the hit- ter's parents, \Ir, and Mrs. S. \Ic\'it- tie. Ott their return home they were accompanied oy their sons, James and 'cone,',, who had spent the )cast month I1•i111 relatives in this yic'uity. \I r. and \Irs. Peter Gardiner, of tendon, ant sun, lit•, \\', C. Gardiner, and \Irs. G;u•tttncr, sons, \\'illiant, Pcl- cr and J?hu, of Niagara falls, New York, ,•(shed at David A. Craig's and John \I, Craig', on Sunday. Cecil as many ti'I retro tither hint, as a.l,oy, in Blyth, has hcc,t at 'frail, B. C., and this last two years in Lal:e Charles, Lott's- iauia, but now it itt Niagara Falls, Attendance Is Up At Blytlt Public and Continuation Schools I The attend: owe itt both the lily,', Public :nttl Confirmation Schools shows, a marked increase this year, Seventeen new pupils enrolled in the Continuation School this year, which is a very ,welcome increase as the atten- dance had dropped to a new lots last year, 'The prospects for continued yearly increase during the next few years appears to be bright. The 1'uhlic School rooms tiled to capacity. 'There are are jam - 15 in the 1;egi•tucrs Cla:ts, and the roost total is Extra seats had to he put in, the Senior Class room to accommodate the students, The runtber of pupils in this class roots is 45. The Public School staff certainly have their hands full, and if the at- tendance increases, the hiring of an ex- tra teacher, and the using of the pres- 'cut vacant roost, will become a proba- bility. \' MISSION BAND TO MEET 'I'Itc \l issirn L'vtd of Loving Ser- vice till hold their regular. uteeting on Saturday, September 9tll, at 3 o'clock. Children bring ,workbooks and scis- sors, and all completed, quilt blocks. V Blyth Municipal Council Pte, F. B. "Bun" Hall ' ' Local Truck Driver Awarded Service Star In Accident The regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of Blyth was held on 'Tuesday even- ing, September hIli, trill' Councillors liainton, Kernick, \'odder, and \\'right present, ;,love,' by Councillors Rainton and \\'right that Councillor lemic':, in tht absence of Reeve \lurritt, assume the Reeve's chair as Acting Rceve, Car- ried, LE'l"l'EIt TO EAST WA- WA NOSH RA'T'EPAYERS 11'1'I'l1 1111: (':\N.\I)I:\N :\I\I1' IN \tt acrobat un \Vuthtusday high' of \Vt• liar,' dew t'tvc,I the lt)-1 :w fornt- )'I'.\L\'--Itte, F. U. Ii:trttcty" halt, last tweel: involved one of a fleet of ing the I•.a,t \\'aw;atoslt School Ares, lllyth, Ont., has been awarded the truck, otvnc,l and operated by \Ir. Hard feel tlntl al; :-, 1tool Sections there 1939-19-13 Star, Barney is svitlt the lGCUrge Rdthotd, and Iisetl in count',... ;the -.ellools etre located tvitlt',, the First Division Itoyal Canadian Army Ilion tvith his gravel crushing eilmip-''rovviih-elliii ,;e ,belt'iii; ,! l Itt ;t pa niart or.tf thi f Arcritea, ,Service ('itps anti has bet'n action in ,,tent. \\r a jit) Sicily and is at present in the Italian NI r• 12adfut•d i; busy filling a gravel I't'"I'1e 1 hour this a� ti• t :old that all push." (contract for the 'Township of .\rtltur, ratepayer, will find that deli plan will The abort. item was received at;ural on \1'ednrsda) night, one of his torh tott,nil the benefit of the 'lowtt- Itnrks, driven by Lorne Il;ullc), pro- ,ship. \linttte.s of last regular meeting of ,,le( front lltr.ttltluarlcrs of \I ihthis t,tr)Icecded up a road, and over 0 small hill,' I'he itt , will 1n, tide additional d)islrict No. 1. \ 'c understand ticit fou 1, tit ou:'h 1 xtra .rots. I • • i l tiyc August _1st, tread and confirmed, on ,then it was suddenly ronironted I,yt;' motion of Councillors \\'right and 'this award i, made in recognition of I ;t rattle ',cast on, the road. Battler had r;',Iltt rtteivt l b) the •rhuuh of ibc Voddcn. Carried. yc a ()vetsr is Scryi c 1'tc I1 dl s t arrived ovcrmras ort occcntbcr 171h,'no time to avoid running Ibe animal Totn lite are ,1 toll tt : 1')3t), ;std since that time has seen 't ,town, and in the cullition it was killtd. In 1912 ,'11;11.( 20 l'nfortnatcly the accident happened .. tilf;8)?7 great deal of action. Apparently' he ; . has tatkcn on I net nicl:uantc. Ili; mitlust on the approach to a bridge, and By d, ad, prion of the chool plan it ,the truck careened off the cattic',e;tst i, ,.1.,'"',:,:,.11,3.,1 flat S:1t,51o•), brsidt., Ile friends here remember hire as "ittitt', (;aril into the bridge railing. The bridget 1 mill ,ut,•itl , til! ht rccuk(11 in, ,tris Bills and Accounts: Township of 1.ttllett, grading , 1)r, II, A. S. Vt kes, \I.O. salary to August 31st, 19.1.1 iI, McCallum, lambs killed by (logs C,P.12„ scales rent Co, of 1luron, F'rading Geo. Bailey, tt ticking ;:'red Johnston, painting parking signs Manna and Co. Ltd,, police rani - form •tnd trap 1). McDonald, lumber John, Foster, labour \\'rat, 'I'ltucll, :\ugust salary, .. . John Cowan, August salary Dick Scott, laituur ,A. Darr, mowing weeds 11, 'McElroy, labour Moved by Councillors Voddcn Wright that accounts as read be Carried. Moved by Councillors 1htinlon and Voddcn that we do now adjourn, Car- ried. —Gordon Elliott, Clerk. 20.0;1 1 o.hG '10,11) 5,00 8,75 1.5') 4.00 5)1,1)0 1(1,95 9,10 •15,1111 8'1,00 10,85 4.5') (t,O0 and paid, Red Cross Donations The following donations have been received, by the l;Iyth Red Cross Soc- iety darning lite month Mrs. J. Cook Mrs. I). McGowan of August : $1.00 Received for Farm Work: Sinton htallahan Clarence Johnston '\lr, Whit 1ieid 5, Johnston , Thos. Gr,tsby V WEDDINGS WANNAMAKER—WALLACE .\ quiet but pretty summer wedding took place at the United Church par- sonage in Scafttrtlt, ,when Jessie Isabel, daughter of NI rs. \Vallate, and the late Alex \1'alhtcc, of 'llu•kcrsntith, became the bride of Leland Burl \\'aunamahcr, son of \Ir, and \Irs, John \\'amna- maker, of Nap;tnec. 12cv, II. V. \\'ork- tn;ut officiated, The bride looked charming in a street length ,tress of turquoise blue with white accessories and carried Bet- ter 'I lutes roses. The bride's attend- ant was 'Miss Marjorie \\';Intiantalkcr, sister of the bridegroom, tt•ho was dressed in pink sheer with white acces- sories and carried pale pink asters with baby's breath. The groomsman was Donald \\'altars, brother of the bride. After Ole ceremony, dinner was serv- ed at the Ironic of the bride's mother lo the immediate families. The table, decorated with pink and white stream- ers, Was centred with the bride's wed - Loy ding .,with cake, The room was decorated glatholi ag1.1 phlox, Dinner was ( served by \Irs. Margaret Stephenson, Miss Anna \\'arson and Miss \label '.0) ( Cameron. The couple left by motor for southwestern points r,f Ontario, On 3.001 their return, they will reside near Nap- .toe. The bridegroom's gift to the 2.00 ',wide was a gold ,wrist watch, to the bridesmaid, a gold identification brace- let and to the best ntau a black leather bill -fold, 1(11') —1t, Philp, Treasurer, V BOWLING NOTES '1't•o local fowling Rinks took in the Purity Flour Trophy Tournament ;tt Godcrich on ?londay. Once again no prizes tvcrc brought home by the local bowlers, but you can't say that they are easily discouraged, The tour - hutment was a Trebles affair, On Friday ttigltt five rinks partici- pated in a i)ou'h!es Tournament held at I'\Vinghan, The evening ,was most en- 1)oyable, and no prizes were won local- ly. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 10th, 10,15: Sunday School, 11,15 Subject ; "'1 he Deserter." 7 pan.' "Sitting in another's place." V TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector, September 10th, 1944, Sunday School, 10.311 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11.15 a.m. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE i?vensong and sermon in Tridlity Chore, next Sunday, at 2.311. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN 87 Co West F'roln Huron Co. No service \I r. Bruce '1 athcson, 1 Muton County next Suaday on ;recount Agricultural representative, has timing- anniversary. ed for transportation front Godcrich for in St. Mark's church of the Baptist 87 men as harvest help in the Canadian i test, Of this number (i3 are going to I{dnu'ntoit anti 24 to \Vadcna, Sask. ;They include nn'n from Clinton, 1?xc- It:r, Bayfield, Godcrich, Sea forth, \Ving- 'ham and Blyth arcus. \\'eslern men who assisted in farts operations in IIu- eon, where harvesting is notch earlier than in the west, numbered 30, Engagement Announced Mr. and \Irs. A. \V. Beacon,, of Blyth, with to announce the engage- Mr. and Mrs.\•. \I, Bray and (laugh - mint of their second daughter, 1\atll- 'cr, Lorna, visited at the home of ;hiss leen •\i., to George 1.., son of \Irs, Neil \lacy Milne over the ,vert( -end, 011 and the late I•Ir. Wellington Neil, of friends twcre glad to see the Bray's Kirkton, The marriage will take place ;,gain, and to learn that they were in in September. 'good health, \r — MITCHELL - MILLIAN Gladioli, asters, other autumn flow- ers and ferns adorned the altar of l'nox United church, :\nburtt, for the marriage of \laitic Aileen, daughter of ;Mr. and \Mrs. George \Iihist,, Colborne Township, to \Ir, Charles Err est \(il- eltcll, son of \les. \l itc!tell, Colborne Township, ;tntl the late \Ir. Ernest Mitchell, which was solemnized at (1.011 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Rev. 11at- ;old Snell officiated and the wedding music from i.ehengrin was played by \Irs, Harold Snell, miss Vivian Straugh;ut, :\ttht:rn, the soloist, sang "0 •Perfect Love". iler costume ,was tur- quoise tool faille with brown accessor- i^s and a cors'ge of liriarcliffe. roses. I he bride, given, in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of white silk jersey made in floor -length style. 11er veil fell in finger tip length and site carried a cascade bouquet of white roses, Mrs. Frank 'Treble, sister of the bride, was matron of honor ,wearing a floor -length gown of blue silk jersey, 'with blue tulle headdress and carried a bouquet of pink liriadcliffe roses, Lit- tle Ruth \1illian, youngest sister of the bride, was the 'winsome flower girl in floor -length yellow taffeta frock and carrying a nos(gay of yellow rosebuds. The hridegrootu was attended by \Ir. Frank Treble, Colborne township, The guests ,were ushered to the pews, mark - 'rd twill' gladioli tied salt y t.i,,. streant- i•rs, by Charles ';(Mian, Godcrie•11, broth- I'er of the bride, and Sgt. harry Inkster, 'Halifax, uncle of the bridegroom. Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception ,was held at the bride's home for 35 guest, from London, \\'inghaut, 7•cestatcr, and Toronto, PERSONAL INTEREST also suffered extensive damage, Bad- Tow rl,l ip. This will t ,rota •:twint-t* le cane out of the mix-up unscathed )' I to the people, and it i, our ticket that but the truck, a 1938 Ford, was dam- .wwe artist take ;,ction to get this, extra aged badly, and floes not warrant re -'grant, pairing. Certain tutjt.•t criticism has been, \1r. Radford has a mouth's wort: in matte of the Ilan; but twc believe that Arthur Township, following whirl, he ;1 ScIned L'oar l elected by the rate - ,hopes to complete the crushing in Hid- till admini•ter the schools f;ti;- Jett Tnw•m;hip, before going to Sarnia. ly. The plait has ttotbtII successfully lie lupe, to crush over 50,000 yards of lin every totvti (tip t here it has been gravel before the season ends. 'tried, and will tor!: well in East \\a - .\t the ;,resent time his dredging uta- iwanosh, \Vr call on the ratepayers to chute is ,working on the ll:tllahan Drain elect 0 capable Board, support and itt East \Vattttosh 'Township, Huron Cancels Fruit Show For This Year At a meeting of the Huron fruit (;rowers Association executive held itt the agricultural office on, 'Thursday uv - assist it in providing tiding the best eontli- (ion, for our t hildren. I. It, Rcdnnotd J. I), Beecroft Clerk, Reeve, Thunder Sto1'in Was Quite Severe ening, last wreck, a resolution to omit 'I'be worst electrical storm of the sea - holding the customary ;uunrd Irttil stat visited Illi, di,lrirl during Sunday shut was adopted. night. The first storm started just be - ('resident Stetm•t \iiddlctutt was itt fore midnight, and during the night the ir ail s a first of bnsi- citizen, herr :nwal:encd several tinter res>chaalter srite raeading anditem aduptiotn of I,) the loud r'a'ping of thunder, ,whirl, the minutes of last annual meeting cal- ;tccuntpanied wcr)• severe lightning. led for the election of a secretary- 11l;til also fell during ,, ire of the storms, Ircasnt'er to fill the vacattc)• caused b). :and the rain cure dawn in torrents. the resignation of J. C, Shearer, Agri- cultural rcpre,entative J. II. \lathcson was elected. 1'aclking and marketing as Lyell as 'the question of the fall show were sub- jects for discussion. All members .were agre. l as to the inadvisability of putting on a show this fall. PERSONAL INTEREST \Irs. ' Tarry Brume, and Eleanor, were ,•cedar visitors in 'Tavistecl:, with \I r, and \Irs. George Cowan, \Miss \Iclda McElroy has asslltttctl her teaching duties on, the staff of the Guelph 1liglt School, \Ira. Bert Logan ,who has visited at the home of \Irs. \\'rat. Lown for the past few months, returned to her home in the \\'est on \Monday, r. and NI rs. Roy Doherty and daughter, spelt: the reek -cud with re- latives in Nleaford, Miss Ethel Taylor of l' itchcncr spent the week -end with her parents, t\I r, and \Irs. A. 'Taylor. ND. and \Irs. Gordon Johnston, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end tvitlt \I r, and ;\Irs. Stewart Johnston, I.icttt. lois l.ohittson of Kitchener, spent the tecl:-end with her parents, -\lr. and \Irs. It. 11. Robinson. Mr. Kenneth Cowan ha, resumed his teaching duties at \I idlanl following a visit with relatives herr, \Miss Cleta \\'at,on, Reg. N., of 'To- ronto, is visiting tvitlr her parents, Mr. and \Irs. \\'. N. \\',tton. Mr. and \Mrs. 'font Lee, Maitland Concession, Colborne township. with their tlattglter and son-in-law, \1 r. and rs .Norutan• 1 L•umu, Flt. -1.t. Leslie Naftt-•i, of So far we have heard no reports of ;damage resulting from the storm, which till probably be the last severe one of the season, After ,t long, dry spell, the ,weather scents to have broken, and very likely from now on any hind of a cloud will produce rainfall, The ground ,was very dry, and rain was ba Ill• needed for tall plotting, but it's hand on tit.. potato diggers, Earth Tremor Felt here Several people report that they felt the earth tremor on Monday night, but there ,were probably more \who were sound asleep at the time. The quake was felt throughout the district land it was ,nest fortunate that it wal two \vorsc. 1tantage at 1't.rnw;ttl, where the trem- ors ,were severe, till run close to the i 1 million dollar marl:, as many building, ,etre dant;:ged extensively. Windows 'were shattered, dishes crashed off ',helves„ and many Cornwall citizen, i' spent the night outdoors, or sleeping Ion verandahs, frightened to remain in ;their bonne,, In \Iontreal tall build- ings. st•ay,I :Int'. the short: was felt at Quebec. CONGRATULATIONS Birthday greeting, to lois :\m,n,tite who celebrates her 10th birthday oil Thursday, September 7th. }«« ('ongrat:datiuns to \Ir. and Mrs, Ernest Noble, who will celebrate their second wedding anniversary on 'Tues- day, Scpt'.nnbe • 12th. « s « ltngratulatisms to Jimmy Tannin. who celebrates his 7t11 birthday on Sat- urday, September ,)tits \\'lulls"r' Congrttulatioes to Jimmy Fisher, of spent the week -end ,with bis wife and-,. olbttrne 'l ownship, who ccleht•ated his little sort, Logan, at the home of \Irs. \\'illiattt Logan. :\Miss Jean Fairservice of 'Totont,t was a week -end visitor at the holt. of her parents, Mr. and \irs. John Fair - service. \Ir. Jack 'I'antblyn was among Ihr harvest cxeurtionists rho left for the \Vest this week to assist with the har- vesting operations. Mts. Jessie \Moody has returned to ht r home in, Kitchener following a vis- it ,with Mrs. F. Metcalfe, and other re- lati;cs in Blyth 7th birthday on Tuesday, Sept, 5111. 4 * # ('oneralnlatiot: to \I r, Thomas 1' r - nick, who celebrated his birthday on \Monday, September 4111. « ('ont;ratulatiotts to Bruce Richmond who ccl••h:•ates hi, 4th birthday on Fri- day, Scptembe:. 8th, \li,s \l;ait rie George recently visit- ed at the home of 'I r, and Mrs. Jas. Nichntend. tri (;corgi was formerly t>si.l,tnt teacher on the Cont'naatiou yschool staff here, • MACDONALD'S 8 : itish CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE TOBACCO Canadian Weekly Newspapers Render Great Patriotic Service The weekly newspapers of Can- ada are rendering a line service in helping to maintain morale on the lighting front and at home, says the Globe and Mail. Perusal of town and village papers reveals an inspiring interest in the welfare of the armed forces. They are giv- ing leadership in every direction— cigarets, socks and sweaters for the men who fight on land, on sea, and in the air; bundles for Bri- tain, jam for British children, com- forts for ''bomhed-outers." Stead - fly they support such worthy causes as the Kinsmen's Milk for Britain Fund, the Evening Tele- gram British \\'ar Victims' Fund, and the Queen's Canadian Fund. It would take columns to tell of the valuable work which the rural press of Canada has done to stimulate recruiting, to raise stoney for comforts, to sell Victory bonds, and the like. They have kept up a sustained effort since the com- mencement of the war. Many a lad fighting in Italy or France or sail- ing in the corvettes which guard the precious argosies crossing the Atlantic could testify to the pleas- ure he has been given by letters and parcels which might never have been sent but for the prompt- ings of the weekly editors, Some of these editors fought in the Great War, They know what a letter from home means to a lad in a far country. Canada is indeed fortunate in possessing a weekly press which is capable of rendering great pa- triotic service at such a time. Sign Says `Dive' If Doodle Dallies One antiaircraft battery in South- ern England has a sign with this alliterative advice: "If doodle dallies don't dawdle. Dive!" "Doodle" is the British nick- name for the Germans robot - bombs, Capital invested in the United States motion picture industry to- tals $2,061,500,000. SAFES Protect your 11001CS and CASIi from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpoxe, `Omit as, or write for prleee, ete. to Dept. W. 146 Front St. E., Toronto E,,Otllllkhed IHiS ,j.&j.TAYLBR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS HEY! SANE WHERE'S YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES 0 Headache Nothing is more depress sing than headaches... Why suffer?... Lambly's :, will give instant relief. Lambly's isgood for ear- �l' ache,toothache,painsin Tey back, stomach, bowels. OW/ • HEADACHE POWDERS la HAY FEVER Attack sneezing, wheezing, sore nose symptoms right et their source. Smear • little NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Relief is instant. Sneezing stops. Breathing's easy. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates, disinfects, pro- tects. Also relieves eye irritation. For adults and children. 50c at all druggists. NCLIFTON, TRSOILINE' It's Bargain Day In Desert Brides In the Sudan, in the heart of the "Dark Continent," as the up-to- date world likes to call it, the na- tives by thousands last month were holding a tribal dance and a feast of celebration, says the New York Times. The expulsion of the Axis from North Africa, the sur- render of Italy and the other vic- tories of the United Nations had nothing to do with the case. What prompted the joyful dem- onstration, we are tolu by an Ex- change Telepraph Agency dispatch, vas the official announcement in Khartoum that the price of brides in the territory had been reduced to £0 for the first wife and £3 for the second. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I resize an Ax- minster rug? A, Stretch the rug tight and tack face down on a floor, or some flat surface, Sprinkle with a solution made by soaking and dissolving IA pound of flake glue in 3,2 gallon of water. Let the rug dry at least one day. Care should be taken not to put on so notch glue that it will show on the right side. Q. How can I remove starch from the iron? A. If the iron has becon.c coat- ed with a film of starch, run it over a aheet of fine sandpaper and the iron will be perfectly smooth again. Q. How can I keep a cake from falling apart when cutting it? A. When baking two -layer cakes try placing the two bottoms toge- ther. The bottom will be crusty, and the cake is not so likely to fall apart when it is cut. Q. How can I relieve indiges- tion? A. Nothing is better to relieve indigestion, or that full feeling after eating, than to chew a few springs of mint, Chew the mint thoroughl' and swallow sterns and all. It is nice to have a bed of mint growing in a corner of the yard. Q. How can I remove coffee stains: A. If cold borax water is put on coffee and chocolate stains it will remove them, Mildew can be re- moved from a garment by soaking the article in buttermilk. POTENT NECKLACE Decked out in a necklace of 20 - mm, cannon shells, this tough - looking hombre is a Yugoslav Par- tisan fighter, one of a number now in Italy, studying airplane mec- hanics under RAF instructors. Lunch With Queen On `Initiative' Task Recently two British Army air- borne scrgcants were ordered to go to a country house and obtain the signature of the owner. The owner was out, but a woman's voice invited them in to lunch. They had lunch and left after- wards with a note which read: "This is to certify, that Sergeants — and — carne here to obtain the signature of —. Unfortun- ately he was out." The note was signed by Queen Mary. The order given to the two sergeants was an "initiative task" given to British Arley personnel to test their resourcefulness and initative in carrying • out unusual orders. The men receive no sug- gestions on how to arrive at their destinations — they are merely told the time limits for their jobs. GREETINGS FOR LIBERATORS French lassies, joyful over their liberation from Nazi rule, greet Allied troops entering Paris with hugs and kisses. The boys just grin and bear it. CHINA -BOUND As personal representative of President Roosevelt, WPB chair- man Donald M. Nelson, above, will go to China to confer with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek on military and economic prob- lems, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If one has unintentionally done something discourteous towards another person, would it be cor- rect to say ''excuse me"? 2. If an usher i; at the entrance of the aisle when a woman and her escort are entering a theatre, which one should be first to fol- low the usher? 11, \\'hat would be a good method for indicating to the waiter that you have finished a course? 4. What would be a good way to cultivate taste ill the choice of words and the phrasing of expres- sions, in order to become a good conversationist? 6. Is it permissible to refuse some certain dish at ;. luncheon? 6. If a ratan is writing a friendly ktter to some woman acquaintance or friend, what would be an ap- propriate closing? ANSWERS 1, No; not if one desires to ask another's pardon. "Excuse me" should be used only when one is asking permission to leave the room, or go somewhere, 2. The usher goes first, then the woman, and last her escort, If there is no usher, the man should go first, 3. Place the knife on the plate, blade in, alongside the fork, 4. The best method of acquiring a pleasing vo- cabulary is the reading of good books of established literary stand- ing. 5. No; as a luncheon usually Consist of just a few dishes, it would not be considerate to refuse any, It can be done occasionally at a large dinner tvhere there Is a great variety of dishes. 6, "Faith- fully yours," or, "Sincerely yours." Formerly Useless Cattails Go To War Cattails, which grow by the thou- sands in marshlands, once were looked upon as decorative but use- less plants. Now, however, they are doing their part in the war, The floss has been found to be more buoyant than kapok and 00 per cent as warm as wool, It is used as filling for cushions of .Army ordnance amphibious jeeps, and can serve as life preservers, There is only one FLY-TOX BWAPE Of When worm trouble is indicated, children really need 11!uhrney's Mother's Friend. When children are cross, listless — Mother's Mrlend may he Just what Wee need. Mulrency's Mother's linp nelnedt thousands of C'a11911I.1n children and for over a genera. Jim. Canadian mothers have de• oended on thh kindly !lethal remedy, Mother's Friend keeps children regular, Is soothing, P effective. Ask your drucckl. 0 ,YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM.% HOT FLASHES If you suffer from hot Hashes, weak, nervous irritable feelings, are a bit blue at times --due to the func. Clonal "middle -age" period peculiar to women—try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It helps nature/ Follow label directions, Worth trying! LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S COMPO ND Dr. Chase's erve food The Vitamin Bt Tonic Contains Vitamin Di and Essential Food Minerals 1':xteu,ivelyti erlfor headache, lus5 of alerp,1a'rvuu.S 111(11VCA iuu, irritability, anaemia, Amide fatigue, and exhaustion of tbo net volts system. GO pills, GO cis. Economy size, 180 pills, $1,50, Have You Heard? Stlectce: "They can't make int fight." Draft Board Chairman: "May- be not, but they can take you where the fighting is, and you can use your coon judgment." --0— Stout Lady (to little boy): "Can you tell me if I can get ACCOI'N'l'.AN'I'S fi AUDITORS COAII'LL'"1'1: MONTHLY SERViCE, smell businesses our specialty. All Government reports prepared. Brett rC Company, 8 Wellington nth t, Toronto. ALUMINUM GRANITE T'TENSII.S REPAIREI) 1) Quickly 111111 wnoolhly lvlth plastic cement. Mend -Mules guaranteed) fireproof or stoney refunded. Price 25e postpaid, Interesting spare time agent's proposition. Address Mend -holes, 962 Notre Dame East, Montreal. 11(111' CHICKS FREE RANGE I'l'I,LI:'1'S SIXTEEN weeks of ago to laying. Barred Rocks, White Leghorn*( New Hampshire'', hybrids. free Cat- alogue.' Tweddlr ('hick Hatch- eries limited, Fergus, Ontario. PULLETS BARRED ROCKS, NEW Humpzhlres, White 1 eghorns and other breeds 16 weeks up to lay- ing. Free catalogue, '1'up Notch C'htekerles, Guelph, Ontario. PROMPT DELIVEitY ON LAYING pullets — and limited quantity of day-old clucks available. Fill in the gaps 111 your flocks—send your order In now. Weekly hatches hereafter—order at least month ahead, (let your copy of the Fall Service Bulletin, ready shortly. Bray hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, On t, ovr•.1Nc & CLEANING HAVE'. YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to anewer your questions, Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 001 Yonge Street. To. ronto. EDUCATIONAL ATTEND BUSINESS COLLEGE this Full, insist on Gregg Short- hand, taught in over 18,000 schools, choice of highly -paid stenographers, secretaries and reporters. "Graduate sooner with Gregg." FOR SALE FOR SALE—CO\1PL11TE CIIEAM- ery, package 60 gal. pasteurizing plant including cooling pump and 61,§ 11.p, boiler, all in good con- dition. Write for particulars to J. P. Cybulskie, Barry's Bay, Ont. ELiPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto, ELECTRIC MUTU1U3 NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belt n, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electrio Company Ltd., 2826 Dutterin St., Toronto, DANDY \\'.MITE FLEMISiI GIANTS, 2 to 4 months $3.00 each; 4 to 6 14.00 each. Goldfield Rabbitry, Box: 207, lleraidton, Ont. NE\V AND USED CAR AND TRUCK parts. Riverside Auto farts, 516 Queen E,, Toronto, 2. REOISTEHED J E 11 8 E Y DULL with papers. Eighteen months old. Well bred. Apply to Herb- ert What's, Fingal, Ont. "VIKING" CREAM SEI'ARATORS (old repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre Dante \\'est, :1Iont•eet, Que. MANITOBA lit;ht1 FORD BREED- ers' Association Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned Here- fords at nuction, October 17th, roviuelat Exhibition Fair Grounds, Brandon. Mani tithe, For catalogue write J, R. ]tell, Live Stoke Commissioner, Legislative Iluildings, \Vlosipeg, Manitoba. itoba. 100 A('11ES III:A\'V ('LAY, \IARi- ItOsa township on county road, 6 miles from Lindsay, good buildings, fences, water, hydro av::ihil l,, Gordon Rodman, Little Britain. (int. i'.tIt1t I'1101D ('1) L:\S'i'I:I1N i,IVI:s'I'rtt'E 1'11 hEl(5 can obtain em load lots of h:uley and oats for feed purpor'ro t0oiet' min e', of the \\'heat 'Maid, can tut oduee you to 1C1 set ru \ en dors of feed gr:tiltss% fres, ut Vele. c hat ley ;5t', flats 52e der'. livered Fort 55' imam, ,\I=n pos- sibly (cw ear,: 1l..\.t', 21 \l;tting burl, y. i i:lhlished uvu• 30 years. Addle.- 1'I edrick Ind, 1,1ty 1- 1n1nstet. Sack. I'(lIt SALE QUILT SAMPLES . 111G11 GRADE SUI'l'INGS ABOUT f x 9 malas everlasting quilts GO samples $1.15 postage included. We also have half yard IIE1I- NANTS for boys' knee pants from all color Worsteds, sizes outlined on material Ole each, postage Included. Louis Itice, 361 Spadini,. Avenue, Toronto. PROFITABLE \VI':Lf, ESTAIILISH- ed flour null (export and domes- tic), with gasoline, wood dealer and hauling business in con- nection. for sale on account of iii -health, with residence of 5 rooms. Located in splrcdid Mani- toba town. Yearly turnover of $811,000. Price $0,000 with 76,- 000 cash, Write owner, Box 146, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, through this gate to the park?" Little Boy: "I guess so, A load of hay just went through." —u -- '.I'm sorry that I haven't a nickel," said the lady as she hand- ed the car Conductor a ten dollar bill. "Don't worry, laity, you're go- ing to have 1 9 of 'tun in ,t couple of minutes, 1A 101 1'(111 %AL1.1 16,000-100 ACRES, ALI, TILL., able, Durham county on 7A 1[i0h- \5'11y, 55 utiles Northeast Toronto, Ex,'ellent soil, buildings, water; lmmedlal10 pess„e;nn; sacrifice, death reason telling. Apply own- er, 1D e, Aulrliu \larlow, Nestle - ton, Ont. FARM 111.11.11 1% ANTED MARRIED ('01'1'111': '1'O full ehargc of -ural! Poultry and mixed farm, 311 toil'(•one To- ronto. ,1, I' , ('eat' frust, le King I?., Toronto, 1IA11tn1II1.8t\(; AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn 11,111,10 e-- at Can- ada's finest and lore(st schools. Refined, dignified tv„rk. Splendid pay. \Veit or call for free liter - atm 0. Marvel 11;10. t'e' ng Sehoo:s, 358 Ittuor Street, Toronto, )h': !o•he.v 44 King Street, Hamilton. and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Li' A It N 11.511;Itb1;ssINd: Robrrts"n no, !hod. loform,t;,.n on r(tlurst ltnherlsun's 11011 : ing .\,;,d- emo, 137 Avenue I; x11,_T.,:..,11• 0, Ina,' 11.1 'VITA) C(101( r; EN F, Il .\ I ,. 1:0'.110 '1't r 1 110 tnnntidy, refer, u, d'• .5I,10 to Airs, \5'. h. 1'onl'+teeIt, Iss liiug St, I•:., lief„•keine, iiota o lo. sfI I)iCA1, STOMACH AND Tllltl::\I) N'(1t:\ta often are the eau's ,.f 111-1.( :11th In hump ns, all ages, No et..' im- mune! \1'hy not find out if this is your trouble? int, resti;,c 11: 1- tlettl; rs—Free! \'circ Muly, oey's Remedies, Sp..el:11 kt., 'l'ur .;.;0 3, HAl'\ll;l•:ICA 1'011'1' 11:11,11 ,1..-'n,3 s offensive odor in. t:0113, 13c bottle. Oltaw'n :tt eat, D'•.,iuu Drug Store, (ttat\,. \VANTEh—EVER\ SFI'i'I:IU:;( tor Rheumatic fain. „r Neurits to try Nixon's It,:mr,ly, 1lu;i s Drug Store, 335 Erin, to •twa. Prtltpaid $1.Oe. STOMACH SUFFERERS LET lilt. McLEOl t'S SI't't'I;SS1.t'1. scientific retn„ty Storn;ichir, , t, ar up your stomach uroubl,•, til:,, It has for so many other:. One user stated: For years, I it, t.wilied Nvith gnawing pain below breast• bone. It rause(' gra' and hl,,:tting. I tried many real, dies, but my (t11y' relief \vas soda. and that for short tints wily. After nn,: l< it didn't bother mt. for f,iw hours, then, if 1 ate 'ono this:,. it stopped, ruining again after ;,,me time. The p;tin b ith. r, d m,• wntst et night, After taking three bot- tles of Dr. M, I.t ” l e Stomachic, 'hic, 1 Seas free from pain. 1 kr pt cm Im- proving, and have (lox: been well for sevcrnI years t ujoying sty n1ellls without medicine. Stom- achic is useful in over'ontinC gas, bloating, Dour etutoaeln pain after eating, and Is r'peclally helpful for night indigestion, $1.2.• post - Paid. Drug Store or write Mol,eod's Stomachic Co. 1G11 Huron St., 'fot'unto, NEUltITi(' PAiNS? litre's how to relieve that pain .. , take 1'erntol Rheumatic Art hid tl„ Pain 'Tablets, At your tlruggist'a or send $1.CO today and rete Iv” one month's supply postpaid. Et rinol T)Iktribu- tors, Box 712, London, (Int. FRl'i'1' ,11?Il'l $i: 'l'Ih': 1'ItINt'il'.11.; ingredients In Dixon's Renu dy. for Rheumatic 1 au to, Ncurilla. Sold only AI uur„'s Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. I'o•timid 81.00. 1n:n1t'AI, LOOK Ti:N Yi;.\it` 1'(li'N(11.;R BY getting rid of thou- ug•ty wriul(- les, large pores, sag'gy' skin. Gratt: is Wrinkle Lotion is the finest fore a'tritgenton the market, fully 1unrantecd, (Order a bottle today, $1.00 postpaid. J. 1. hire Agen`y, Ilse 101, Kit- chener. Ontario, ,'110'I'(I(it.5I'rty TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your flints property levelopcit and printed 6 011 8 EX I'USI Itt; 11111.1,5 L'sc ltt'I'ItIN'1'S 8 for 25e I'iNI:,"t' ENI,AROIN(1 51 t1\'iCE You may not get all the film' you want this year, but you can get all the quality and s, !vice you desire by standing your films to IMPERIAL rh,'rn SERVICE 81:t1 ton .1 'Toronto )''1•T111:1;;;'tIXII\F,:II Ai t'(t\II'.1NV Watt al S„li, itu' l otai;l'i'hrd 151:1; 11 I<iu_ 1v, : t, Toronto. Booklet I.f Ito fo;nu:tion , .. re- qnt';. silEEP 5011 \'1:\ ttl.t Ni: t:\\ t:S (1Luil:,•,a ort \1el'ino and t'ol'l, dale eke 1 for itnnitditite11'.(ry, 111,01.e 5 and Ii year old breeding eP t and 40,000 feeder Lambs for d, lit, ry after September Ise. S„•1t11 ru Saslcatt•hctvolt \Voeigrotcet . As- sociation, Maple ('reek, S:...::','ch- e\v; tt. G. S. Ben 'Roger, Fee. •eery. STA MPS BEAVI'l FUT, 11111'r1S11 t'OLONES. Set of three 25 rents. S. 112'a:uer, 1002 Somerset St, Ottawa. WANTIEI) WANTED TO BUY, IIUSiI LANDS or Forms containing bush lends, suitable to cut furniture lumber. Write llogdon & Gross, Futnl:ur• Co, Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. DENIED SCHOOLING Denied admission to Knoxville, Tenn., High School because she was. a bride, 17-yead-old Mrs, Jimmie Martin, whose husband, 18, is a junior in the University of Tennessee Engineering Depart- ment, says she'I return to Johnson City, Tenn., to complete her last year in high school, te• FISHERMEN SAIL AGAIN 1 Casting off with Tricolor flying, French fishermen resume their livelihood for first time During Nazi occupation, fishing was severely restricted or catch seized so that work was Navy supplies gasoline. EVEN FRITZ CHEERS Enthusiastic citizens of La Lavendau, France, swartn over truck and join with French troops in making the "V" for Victory sign. So con- tagious is the spirit that the three German prisoners in the rear of the vehicle forget themselves and join in the cheers and "V"-tnaking. EYEFUL IN FONT OF EIFFEL r'T,T•• I t t 3 t, ; 1 ..t .Not bad to look at is this picture of Nazi prisoners, grimacing at the camera as they are herded aboard an Army vehicle under guard' of first Allies to enter Path. Eiffel Tower is in background. in four years. profitless. U.S. FREE GERMANY COMMITTEE Erich Weinert, left, is credited with suggesting formation of a "Free Germany" committee, made up of officers and men captured by the Russiains. Count Heinrich von Einsiedel, right, great-grandson of Bismark, built up Organization of Front Delegates which fights Hitler and the Nazis in well -executed psychological war. YANKS TOP HIM Don't let the Yank helmet fool you. „The gent in the photo who, until his capture near Brest, commanded the German army's 266th Division, He's pictured wear- ing borrowed American heltnet, peering from Yank tank which is taking him to prison catnp. NEW SCENES IN BESIEGED WARSAW Miracle of Misses—How it could happen is a mystery, but the terrific rain of bombs and shells that leveled or wrecked every building in Warsaw's Castle Square left the memorial column of King Sigismund II untouched as seen in top photo, Riverside Blockhouse—Obtained through a neutral source, the bottom photo shows one of many concrete blockhouses that Germans have erected along banks of Vistula River in Polish capital, City can be seen in background, ENDLESS CHAIN OF WOE FOR NAZIS PIlle11,10.11411n, The tremendous air superiority of the Allies is symbolized by the apparently endless chain of Fly- ing Fortresses in the photo above. They are not yet in combat—just replacements for the Army's 8th Air Force bombers which are blasting fleeing Nazis. Note comparative size of truck, in circle. ALLIED TROOPS REST NEAR NOTRE DAME, IN PARIS r,c;;;.. . , • , , . Allied Troops who helped to liberate Paris roll through the French capital aboard u,7istnnce group in the area of Notre Dame Cathedral, shown in background. p of the retreating Nazis armies, Army trucks. Infantry units cleaned out a Ger- Here they pause temporarily before pushing on in 1AGI4 4, THE STANDARD Wednesday, Sept. 6,1!1 i1E, IIIPORR►EtfIKKbQKKKt4KKk[KtMliNt4KKKKtQKIlKt4tEKtRKKtC1CtlK4tICKICKX6KKC Iothcr; aro lagging along :t, if hoping might \\ith >Irntc hail, \\•a, quite heavy rt r\\in. .1u1 I :t Iln;lintanrt, in inti rl;nr s,le,o1 :tri, Isla I'rng:llly, I\rn- nellt \lat„ tri" and I.,trty Cook. \I, s,t ,. \Int este Iia nm, and Norman -! Elliott Insurance Agency BLYT1I-- ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. I -I, R. Elliott. Offlco Phone 104, Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" j; the ,rhool \'out I burn tlut\n before in This disuiri, putting both the phonesvicinity stn1,1 \lo tdat. they got their. \\•e have ,1 neo'',Intl II\'ro out o1 umnoti,sion. Inc \Ir. \\. II 1'nn11e'I, \!i. and Nits. Itcanc�rdear. 1(', her L1rst school trails \\Iii.:ii \tits Intent neetl,tl \\ill hell' III,\vard ('am; l„ I and I,nililt, I" \. Ilie'it •, :tl concession 3, \mortis, have sit• atilt she', ptobabdy just as fr•igllttcu(d ililt. 'miter ci n i ler.thh. uuand \Irs. Hint I Soe'I, attended Ihi cone to \\ „II; in the lob,nro K' a, the Iltllt• Jt thin, boy t\ ho i, start- I \I r. ant \IIs. John I )11 rt• and fait- ;11th we !dot;; miniver „try on \i ind \lis•. 1.1 i, \I, t iuil a of I.'^ndon ily of .outturn visited oil .`;nn,l;ty \title of \IIs, t ;unllb,11 ' patents,, \Ir. and tvlr ills ute,'h-etrl \tilt' her parent,, \II, and \Ir,. tiuu);ia, Campbell. Little \Ir,. .\. 1:. Johnston, of \\'est 11..1\\ a- \it'. and \Ir,. II. \Ir(inire. 1•.dnal 1)utvr remained 1„r a \\tt'I,,' \'Is- \It„ Ilene .lane `,l;ll'll< I'etlll'lled I't it• \lis•, \lildted 'Thornton -lu'nt Ii.l cher leek in lt,•tto11 after vi,iliti ttitll \I r. 11it.tal! 1 tnnpbell was ;I \geek \trek \unit \Ir.:it t \Irs. \I.ont1 t'„oI \Ir. and NI ;Intl Itlatitc, rn l t ut'.t al the home of hi, ,Terri, ui CoIb,11 ue Too\ n,liilt• in \\Mieleon. ing; to '01,4(1 for the fit -t time. She'll 13' get t•\ ell till and down at church next ' • Sunda\ and tre,ttt•'I like a strang:ei. 1• ”" ,t tett \treks. ,ut l seer \till say • sllr', t, to t ts\ t\iih the rltiltlren anti A 1,111(.1-, \rho h;t\ e rltiidrr t t uiit \\ill tri sat •ht, 11,I 'sister, and finally he'll 'v he,i te!Itetl as part of the coniltiti 1021)19t/Dtr)r3tN,INDIZO N2i9tDIDiDiDINItri91atDINA,ANDiot3i�iat9191NDIMNDIN)al9iNDIIM 1 it\. — \\•e had a hail windstorm here last Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Sca f orth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO, of CANADA, LTD. G. R. AUGUSTINE FIT RI•:SI•:N'TING lw ith our labor problem. \\•e changed works on (h's line for tln•eshint; and evtr\I dt' has fini»hetl threshing now TI -IE MONTREAL, LIFE ,Ind o'r'es imnit'g tt the tett stork. "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY' I've tnrucd ll'e root into the stet till Irut r!„vet Ltlautst' the pasture was Associated with 'rhe Atlas insurance t boiler' cp 'Irt ,end 1 have a gust' ,up - Company, London, England, ply of had in the barn and :1 field t'1 LiFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES """"I ,It,1ILt that L oks pretty };wens . .\nothot' field of lint, t(tv is going 1„ lite' on Sunda.• I. The corn has conic alum well Nick”' 'Taylor. eel WILLI1IM II. DI01ZRIT'1' �;nttl this being my first of tr%i ;;' rhe e'eetr• eat LICENSED AUCTIONEER. the th brit variety I'm intens sari'-f:e I. wrrk. II tv,i, one of the f est \ve'vt' had moue I her. in tt\entt• \e,n', an I it hitt\ 'torn a barn at the other side of the village and tore an elite tree dm\ n in inn; b;'ch pasture. 'This bat n \vas ',icily riekcly and the Iver \\;t, \Irs. .\rthnr Speiglebcrt;. and \Ir. Spuig;leber,g, of 1< n•liener. \Ir• :o' 1 .\Ir,. Phalle. Smith and children \isitt' i on Sunday \brit \Ir. and \It,. bred Ito\cc, 11f Unice \ nntttbet' front Ihi, vii aitentl' I \Ir. suint \Irs. (i or.(e Barnes and c' the ;tnu;ver,tt\ ctoit s al I), nn\ ,lair liter, I'hiltis, of .\et'nl, \vitlt bio, ii on Sunday• Vorgan !lames. Schn tl rel pi nett 1rn'I'uc„lay Esti Intl' \Ir. and\Ir., Janie; Ilotvilcn and fall 1'erut with \l i„ NII., and \I r, \\i ley StacIh"n,c, .\"hfieltd a, teacli••r. \lis, I•:\',t, of I:rticeficld, \Ir. and \I r,, _—_ _ r------- Si,udey Neal... and children of (den- BELGRAVE 1telroil, %\frit \11, ;Ind Leitch. \I i„ 'tl.u•y feint of Fergus spent the rte, \Ir. and \Irs. l''11\voo1 ti!ail:- Miss Belli Itr%dttes i, lancing a course \\ eel, end with her parents, \I r. and hone, and babe, London, visited on ;It London. \I r,. ,lo.cph 1'nill. pretty old .o \ve have,t't Teach to cont• SIII:day i,ith Nies aural Nlrs. Fail 11 jell( \li„ :.,an \iet)-lnlid of Itru.,eI•. i, �_T__ plain a lwilt. ensure Ole 'Inv teacher at the IIrI,gra\e when! i It's coolt•r at ni,gills 11"\\. and I':del \irawl \Ir•. \\', I'. Catil t!t•iI, Mi„ t\hieh opened on 'I'ne•11ay. Riggin. \ ‘l'''.yin' that on Stin!rty \\•inuiirtl1, vi•itt-1 ,'n 'I'bursd,ty \\ Oh \I is. It;u•bara .\liiliie couunenct I her \1r. and \Ir,. Norman katlford ,peal Iryenin, \\,'n Inc} hall ci'ntp;uty• Ike\ \Ir. and \Irs. 'I ho . I�crni,I;, of tit\Ilt. tie\\• duties in Mensal, public :ch1', I. the tvtel: mill Witt' friends at 1'lattsvillt had to have a little lire in the front i \I r. and \lis, \lanrire Bosnian vi...- Miss l?'i(b N1(.0,11;1..01;111 i t Iltnee(ield, and \\'o,tl!,toel:. room. Tittle ct•rlainly 111°v” along; t t sited on .\londay \vitt' Mr. and \Irs. and Miss inns thy \\'a'It at Bimini] a.. Mr,. 'I'.I\dor of III \tlt i yis't n,, her kclnnlinl; Ili Ihcir Inruu•r �rltool. d;nlg;hlr a herr` lhun:ut \hNirt tI, of \1'a!ton. r, Nit's. ,A. \1'al,h. \Ir••. \\'. .\, Lauultbe11, \Ei'' Jca•' are. NH, Mabel Cord:, to IIIne'.de• \I i„ I'hehn:t 1'a1d\tell commenced Campbell, spiel a couple if tit's la I \ti>, fern 'I'nandty of I.urinurn, to lher leactitttt Julie, rn Tuesday al the 11 r. anti \IIs. Norman \Iclhtw•I.11 ween: in I.ontiiiii• Section 8, I';t. \\';ntano.lt; NII.,. 1)r -'12th 1 11(1ssio'I of \\'t t \1'awannsh. and chitin.' \•isi'ct! on Sunday \vitit Mr. an I Mrs. Cordon timid' and ton lirai t, of \' in,tltani, In Scull in 1.1. \I r. and \I r•. ,I. II. tilt ibbrnnh of ,\Irs. (lshaldes(on of 1 i'�dt•rith. liarlmtra, of l aider:eh, visited Sundae feast \\',ttvatiosl: ; \I r.. \I. l6obert."n, Lttniltsburo visited NI r. and Mrs Nor - 1 \Ir. lint 1in;;t:ard and Nits. SIttrint \vitlt \I r. and \Irs..1, 1.. \lell.itteh. of Stratford, to Section 7, \l orris; lean hat!ttt'i. lltit gar', NI i's Snaith, of Clifford, vi.- ttith \Ir. an 1 \Ir., EAST WAWANOSII WESTTi'IELI) It seems that Teel about ever\b Specializing in heron and hlouseholl, o iy in the im\hat s expanded c;t pe lltt poultry intsinc's on their farms. 1 i.icen:ed for that County of lluron• 'mot an ad'i;;,'n to the hen t'en e last lietson:tl'le 1'rices, and Satisfaction \\(el:. N,\v lumber he)); such a ler- Guaranteed. ilt• p•i1(.' I tried going; thi,•ttl;h Ibc For infurnuttllott, etc., write ot• phone old pile of scantling, in for 'riyi t' 11\'illiatu II. \lorritt, phone, Residence ,I'c !t Either I've lost my flair wall a ;13; Shop 1, Blyth. 4.4-tf h,unntcr 11r el -e the spikes bring sold _.-..• these d,1%, ane soft, because it seem' d HAROLI) JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. 'driven in far enough. 'I'hv seantlin.'s Specialist in Farm and Household splintered and some of them ba I punk, Sales. ends .. , and all in all it was a devil of Licensed In Huron and Perth a job. 1 to,t ion 'stir: cc and hit ntv ('ountiea. Prises reasonablo; watts the:nib \title the 'tawnier and swore I'd faction guaranteed. , never try and buil'l anything again with reel tinted lumber. finally I h;til For information, etc., write or pl10,31 to Ito y sonit sillier :tail the planint; Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, Seafortt, still sale•ncut never cern marked a 'hone 14r661. smile when he soaked Inc forly•cight dollars and fifty cents for the little PHIL OSIPHER pile of new knotty boards. OF LAZY MEADOWS t1 The hen -hoist' is tip now hotvcvtr By Harry J. Boyle. •and it doesn't IIIon; Ion had. In fact I'm quite prowl of it, although I don't "SEPTEMBER DAYS" suppose the O.:\. C. will take a picture of it for their bulletins on poultry. \\'c tltrt,lied in the field this year, and 1 intt say that witilc the sun ty,1s 1 eat would be tun much to expect. I nv children are poking, hack. 1,, burr.in.' rp tin; grass and erasing; the school as I write this. S'nne of them ' ;Iter -hales, it certainly di 1 help us are (nothing along quite happy and that iii^t antero c\'cry o'e• of thclll I\ti,ted 'it turned before they \vert Everything In Stationery and School Supplies INK—WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, per bottle 15c BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red _.._....._., 10c LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE _ 1St and 10c THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured ....._......................... Per Pkg. Sc DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS ................................... Per Pkg. 15c PHOTO ALBUMS . ...................... ranging in price from l0c TO $2.00 PHOTO CORNERS .... ............ PKG. 10c and 15c ARMY SCRAP BOOKS—Scrap Book and Photo Album combined, suitable for keeping souvineers of your boy in uniform $1.25 SNAP SHOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos ._. 10c Ea. DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions EACH lc WAXED PAPER -40 sheets 10c; In Handy Rolla, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft. 35c SICRATCH PADS ... .. __. ..- . 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLIP, Soft Lead EACH 15c OTHER LEAD PENCiLS ...- 5c EACH, 2 FOR Sc LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg. LARGE ECONOMY -SIZE CICO PASTE BOTTLE 45c SMALLER BOTTLES, IOc. LETTER CLiPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS 5c, TO 20c PAPER CLIPS . ... PER BOX IOc PASSE PARTOUT PICTURE BINDING ROLL 20c WRITING PAPER 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c ENVELOPES TO MATCH .. PKG. 10c DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, 15c SHOPPING BAGS—strong matirial 5c We have a Cumplete Stock of Public School Text Books. The Standard Book Store Little \II.' Nutt' C, ol: t n'er;aint d a number 'f her little girl friend, at a binthda' party on 'I borsch). 'afternoon. stjlrm all Sunday \Iv, ,lith Illark, of NIichig,ut, was \lies fe rel II:_,,in. to Galt; Collin \It. hili:;nd \Ir('1\van of Hamilton, \\'L'ecler to I.t'ndttlt; and \lis. \ly;tlt Mr. and \Irs. I'in111ay \Irtlnvan and 1'uill to Il:it•rirlon, 'dani.;iiti•r•, of ferries, spent the \t•tcl;- I'hrrc nett 1/11161.,larder; to Incl- C1111oink 'Ir. anti \It',..11es. \ItCo\van. 1. .116 .1111 1 I. 1,1 .11.11,1..1 ,,I i 11,1111111 II - . 10 1, , IY i .111 1 it 1,1I',I1 I -- .ohm/ de ihi/Vf you b? wads IS FIOT EIi&IC Milk is our most valuable food. It must provide us \vitli milk to drink, with butter, cheese, evaporated and concentrated milk and a score of other products. Canadian farmers have done a magnificent job. They have increased WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL THIS MILK? In spite of greater production, the demand for milk and milk products has risen even mole, because -- (a) There's more money to spend; (b) ?lore people arc working, with changed food Ii ihittl and in- cremeti lot Kt needs; nymni) IT TAKES 9 QUARTS OF MILK TO MAKE ONE POUND OF BUTTER The only Canadian -made butler not consumed In Can- ada is that sent by the Red Cross in prisoner•of•war par- cels; each of which contains a 1 Ib. tin. (c) Our Armed Forces and Allics slake heavy demands. It has therefore been necessary by rationing, by suhsitlits, by careful planning and by other controls—to divert our ruin; sup- ply into channels most suited to our various food needs, FLUID MILK TAKES 35% OF OUR MILK Because fluid Inillc is regarded by nutri- tionists as the most nearly perfect food, nothing has been allowed to interfere \\ith its sale. Today, Canadians ate thinking note milk and a greater perccn(atl'e of our ntilk supply is being consumed as fluid mills --than ever before. Fluid ntilk has the right of way, but. don't wasle a drop of it. BUTTER TAKES 48% OF OUR MILK In the first three years of war, our butter consumption increased 10.9'7,, So, ration- ing was established to prevent too ntuclt milk going into butter, at the expense of other important ntilk products, and to insure a fair share to everyone. The rationing of butter was influenced by the fact that it has less nutritive value than some other milk prtt(lucts, and be- cause we get a generous supply of fats or their fot,d equivalent in other forms. To maintain a proper balance of con- sumption between various milk products and to ensure that butler is put into store:e for winter use—when production drops ---it is necessary to reduce the ration from time to time. e " Oduch° n ° !/thiiii/pVtis % o/ nOry'ko/f e/;0,e0"Ot0G/e record Core/u/p/o,rliry814-est/efterecpvry quoit Rut rie must o// re°gni�e t/e conditions �/yItor t//red>ethits)t/0se timer Ive dllC< get oil tve 11c3pr choir, W°„;,,,, rej 4 T rode AOprd milk production in 19.13 by more than 5'10 million quarts over 1938. They have done this in the face of a 251'„ reduction in farm help, equipment shortages, and the fact that it takes two to tlu•ce years to bring a calf into milk production. 35� 48 1 e MISCEL• EUA1' CHEESE FLUID BUTTER LANEOUS MILK MILK The above graph shows In percentage how the total Canadian milk supply is used, dMApfl '4 I�°'164.500,,000 OS. 1939 \ 1 127, GM 0t)O (15, CHEESE TAKES 10% OF OUR MILK Canada's annual cheese production has gone up by about 37 million pounds since the war. Cheese is a concentrated ft ti td tni shipped and stored. That is one it:asnn why we send large quantities to Great 13ritain to help meet its 'messing food needs. While in the last year we ex - is n'ted four of every five pounds of cheese we made, our production has been so incrcased that we have left for domestic use about three million pounds a year store than before the war. EVAPORATED MILK TAKES 6% OF OUR MILK ?lore than twice as much (152 million lbs) \vas used Canadians this last year as in 't 1108 ('11 million lbs.). And yet, there has not been enough. \\'here has it all gone? It's an important food for babies --and t here are 50,01)1) more them a year. Larger quantities have gnus to ale -as where fresh milk is not available. At tiled Services have a(Idc(i new ltd (lentands. In spite of this, our exports of !II: evaporated milk to Great Britain, Ncw- • • - fuundland and the West Indies, etc., are maintained al pec -war level. ICE CREAM AND OTHER MILK PRODUCTS TAKE ABOUT 11/2% OF OUR MILK The manufacture of ice cream is restricted to the 1911 level because milk is needed for other purposes. Milk Powder and Condensed ?milk are tak- ing mare milk. ?hill: sugar is used in the manufacture of Penicillin and for other wartime purposes. Casein (a milk by-prod- uct) is used in making glue for aeroplanes. 90% OF THE MILK PRODUCED IN CANADA IS CONSUMED IN CANADA 11 THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD (. ,:.. ;. sees.. sees 1Hit IS THE FIRST OFA SERIES OP ADVIRTTStMENT$ GIVING rot MCPS AL°IIT THE SUPPEY SlTt7�i'ION.OF.VARIOUS WOW USOCOh1MOpuis&5 �.:,;:.; ..-.:...:a:....,<,..,,.� .. . ,.. ..—. _ ... r..... ..�... .. . .. �., ..........,........., ........ ....�..W.............,...,......W,,........ sees.,-.��� ..__;w'r::..,..... . l ednesaay, Sept, G,1O14 ' ��:T_ 1:•M+:1'..;�.;�.;:.;. r;�.;. r;,.;..;, r;. •;. r;..;, .;..:. r;..;..;. 1.;.f! LYCEUM 41'1ll:A'1'1th' WINGHAM-ONTARIO. t. Two Sho vs Sat. Night r� :: rt, Thurs., FI,, Sat. Sept. 7-8.9 `/ Jimmy Lydon - Chrnli' Smith James Lilcl, in "HENRY ALDRICH :111("I'I()N SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMI'1.EMENTS 11.o"'11 lad; , n .\ not .ontrl, he, been ill .!lullull b,' the nndrl,i�erll I'rIII ietor, !t, .ell by I'!I!.hr .\nclion al North-li ili of North Ili L' t -I', ('"n cession 7, East \\:I\ anted', half mile south of Itl•It;r;'t'1•, on \o. 4 Highway, 'Il1ESDAY, SEP'T'EMBER 19T11 - TIIE STANDARD Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMI'LEMI':NTS, AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S '1'111. ii I, r,i,;i,l suit how t r III Ie rcived insU ncl ttut, f u on I l I I ! l,u, .' 1011 11 ,1'11 b1' 1,111111E ,11111!"11, .II 1 „1 (:u111't",In'1 III, 1111111't1 '1ttv,tt i ,, Wit x1111 -a -hal( mile, c;1,t 'I I."1111' hots,, on PI AYS CUPID" rt. ronnuettei111; ;It I p.m., the loll"win);-- TUESDAY, SEI''I'EMREft 12'1'11 'Another ani:sinit rll.11tter in the 111,0 111 lI I- S \!;:idle 4 bay Irani, 13 of Illy 1"1,111.11 .\1111 Il h 11111'1\. �' ;Intl 11 \'ear, I/!II; TI \' colt, 3 years old, commencing at I p.iii , the Intl \I'il' ALSO "SIIOR'I' SUBJECT'S" (: 1'!1 , . \'onus; ,o1, hretl on • lul\' IS; I I(Iltti!.ti-1'' 1111;II 1111! 1,o , ,'I I Int.'.', ,f, Matinee Sat, Afternoon -2.30 p. m.t1 ,1 1 '•duly 17 ; 1_' •rhnuI !sirs o1,1. • - N hrrl 1,11 .1"11.1.1.; Hl]rh;on cow, jn,t Ile -h. t':\'1••1'1.1':-1ow, I Viral. , Id; ,I,\\,• Mon., 'rues., Wed., Sept. 11-12.13K Fears old ; i 1.i' r,ll\1 - ; 1', ;u In11' coed; Dut•hant heifer, jn,l fre,hen'.'d; >•' ' I )nrham rot\ ,, due ill February; I )rat steer; \'carlil•1; hriier. :''I HE STORY O1 DR, WASSE1..L:: haul cow, due in I;lnuary; 'TIlh1e curt', :Taken from the wdl l'no\tn .and firms) ht t.1 the •,''cern in t,'rh >. dl]r in E' bro o•1.; Mack Pow, due 11 I \I I'I.I':\I I' \ I'S-- \I. I I. hindl'r, 7 ft. 'nieolor, slut i, truly a gr, at pirimrryj •\!,ril; ! f,u•thtt cows; 2 Durham heli- 1111; 11. 11. ntom'r, S 11. sits; \I. 1!, •• ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" 'r,, ,hie ill Jamairy irv; Ihn•hant heifer, 13 -tooth ruins;:lo, will) seed box ; Set 44+44,0404.44;• 4:44;1404;1.D0 44140:0 �. yu�14r4140414• •P• � r•; 'Illi' III l' flit tlary ; I )Ilrh;ttt steer, 1 I,- 1 )Ia,inniJI harrow-, -1 • 1.1 1 n'I ; \I .-! 1. int!, 3 years; Heifer, ! year, old; •I steel roller; 2 w,ll;orl ; Sut le.tte I i Gary Cooper, Laraine Day, in - • R ;I(er,, rising 2 years; I)ttrllant heifer, sleighs, with flat rail,; \\.iron h,o, \\itlt rising 2 year,: 11 yearlings; )i calve:,. shelving,: Gra \el box ; Steel --tired top \Ir. and \Ir.. 1':dward Stolti, \I!. aid I\II'll \II':\•I'S•-- \IEl'nrnsick-I)ei.r- buggy; Portland cutter; O,nnn'r•It; .lir,. 11,,'1,1! St 'It,, of \, \\ Hnndr,,, in:; fertiliser 11'.11; \I. -I I. tet\\'e1., new; '• stork racks; Ilay rack \\ith ,li,lit!:; - , ,lir. and NI 1... Il,lrol'I II,,\Eu,1; of \I. - I I. irty loader, new; NI. -1 I. dtittti top; Nu, 21 Fleury \t,lll;il!t; 111"\\; No. le; Small t,lble; \V., di ,land; (irn.;;tt;1 a • rI \\'(od•.tul , •p' o1 III,' ort!, , r 1 \1 ilii lake, ne;o'ly net\; Ni, 11. hinder, 7 -ft. •1117 \Icl'urtniel;-I)eerinn \\,lll,inln 1'I-'tt-, No. of !,itches ihail Cu! b.,ai I; max. 1C81'II �, Auction Sale ( 1 u 1, cut ; NE -II. roltivator; \It.Cornlick- , nearly new; ()indite t'i•lin'g 1,1o\t ; ken. w'cll \\va,i!i!! I foal bine ; Illi -y chums; , OF FARM, FARM S'T'OCK, IMPLE-1 (11 1 .r k.1 . 1"• '.. In!,'lt nn'u!,, an,l 11M and \I 1.I.\ .,lo!!,:. and - ! i,, h ,'. I I tl,'�' . Hrelnl� ,\;111,in!; lo\w; l'111;,hnit rid- Iret\• 'rase, _1111Ib,; ),Inul•lon:',; loll oil In1lc1; I.anl, Ol lu',, tir,ll MCNT'S & HOUSEHOLD EFFEC'T'S l!"I ;,1 lot .''n, (onrts- \Ir. and \Ir . \Yam!, li,nn I Inuu' I � t \ I ; Its pion\ ; scut'fl'1'; si'l of It,ltrow,; 1\IIIb ;2:rimt1!t'I ; Scuffle'. ; Si utit•h'ait ; 11-•, Crn 1, , Mirror,; and other ,IIII( - !' 11'111 ! 1 .1,11-1,-..,11, \n1Coo, ,•1., 11,1, ' ' \1' h''11";' I' n i-III'i �, •! 111111., 51111•, lel .,Idt„n, 1n'nl lin. \\eel, , n I 't•( belled wig- Clintontitiitin 111111; 11,11; trucl,; \\„al- ll',. hull III ••lI'llrlel1 I,1. 1!11. lllltlrl.ltl!!„! 11nI'lll 1t l ul ,';lit''111• t,'I \\r'I,III' ,!,,\', with \I r. 'nil Mrs. .\'nn• \n'Irin. 1 •Ici,,ll., t\illl (tat nark; t: -Sgt. F.,, (let, 1'onn);b'ut I1,,., h,'c„ ion; \va;;on, with ',led wheel,; set ratan and \\'ard car, wish rope, and I:yrrytnin: to be ,ol,l wilbuul rc,rrve I'n,ltrietr,, I lilt 1l.lilllul\ I, 1:.,1 t \\1•(11xi 5'•1,t, 11111' r 1.;!I•, ,on.'n, n' in., ;1? 11'.'11., tayardell the 1',,'11 13 , double 1.arnr,• ; plow' harm-;'; Ilan pulleys ; M. -II. root pithier; 1 td.av 11 ow'!ny; to III hrallh. 1' ,,I,n' I ,I , 1.v 1.r I I To \ii in the sit ii,;„ ;Id Itali ul ,!In1,;l i';n, foil,: t sling. ropes; 11. II. cream NO. 12 cream 1; TERMS OF SALE -CASH on Ilhll \ubutln boas!' ,,Itwc` n Irl\! !, I II,I;�1 Il,n t !.'le n:., '', ; yl arc st. l lralor; SIl e� \\alrr tp;U'alu\ elel'Irlr 11111111•, 011l'-SIXIh lt'ull);II; 11,11' I; rl(l'; - n,ll, balllrl,, II'�'ll , ' ir,!r: „!,1; 1'.1'l'fl'It 1., (111' ,npel'I:'lrlolt III ul !I ,It' I hotel'! I I I;IIIIIh111, It Inpl 1et11',• hors 11o\ter; electric motor, one-ttuar- 1 et11e;Nu, !;rant bat;,; ' chap Lox.'` ; I FRIU.AY, SEPTEMBER 15TH '1:11:1";1.1'''''''''''.::.'1111i1;:'::1-1-11': nisi • . r, nal ()flirt' alfa, 111 ll to an al 1,11(.1'1' for I \'illi•un I I. .11ol Pit, :\nrtionccr. ! tet' bore !sol\t r; pump jack.; Jam's- Set heavy hart: baud h limes,: Set stn -1111, el \ Pert I!rr"u 11.;11'', a'. ' I. tna(i1n hcad,ln,utt r,. Brecon\' b1. was 11,4 '. ;it mitten, int It 1 p.m., the 1,,11..\\int'- on leave in h"Inc x1,11 \ai 1, 1\\;11. hrou'ler ,!,nes •t•t1a1, new ; ,1 chick- de harness; 1,•11;nllil} I inch henlLtt l; _1 \IIII I't'1 ;111'1 \\ to!. E"\\, Irl ,'' 111)RSES- Ilay Inure, I y, a1., ,'I I 11.11 ,helt,'rs, n1.•,\' ; w'h,.•elb,nnrow, electric lumber ; Quantity 2 incl( p'anl, ; 21 u.ou:L •: 1",'\ t "\\ . 11',1, i'1 I t !' ; IJ,e:4, 1 h ',,,sere electrical Tulin shuck frl]cc; I; sap pa;l,, new'; number If scythes; 3 pulse collar.; !;!t bra., of h1io1 mare, 1 ear, 11,1; .\1111 team "i this community „II `1111'1;1\' III 111 all 1)11 \0'11' calve, of Mi.!, ,roue: Fitio> ini,u'c,. "\\, due in (,nl Htltl't„I ,rat\, slur (,land k.;1.:. ;old 'all;,; (wk,: sh"yd;, oats; Quantity of bay; \\'IIiiii'll. ' ; ti, 1':. S. Tablet. stop then(. Alexan ler in He, ,,'t1.\ l t mel • slur n! .Loi.; };te\ 111:1'11 p.m. accompanied by ,!rout; \\loth 11 \\' \\It (ii \l\ 1.) ton, of bay; Neck yokes; 10.; :\n);r!s; 1 hairs;! I 1 l'.1'I'I'!.I':-I:oan raw, ye,lr, 1Id' „\1',...1,11:,:1,..1.1..,..'11 int il' •' �;I'4.'4 h' urr, •111,' I Jai, I�'I I I'. ' (,rd,IIt11;, I.olldl•s!,orn, ()Mario. ' }Ilppi,5t'rl 10 hr 111 1';111 ; rim. i'tun', I \ 1', :11111 hail. :\ 111'11(1 II';Illlo!IIII'I' .It IIII' 111111) !Ill,hel, of mixed };1';1111, x1111 other artil'leti too numerous to _--- o, tl'1' •II 3 Illo'!Ills,- II 1 ,-t'tl to Ise Ill 1;'1'11. _' Illllel 2 ' , 11 "1'1. 2�!' 1'1,, IFI':\\':\l'I'I('I.I':S(11"i it\i'i't'RI: mention, I' II tttl, ,'Irli h'."?,!', 1 y,;! "I'I• ; •4 c; Ill. holstein 1.o\\, , \car, old, due w - ,',1 !,!; ` s'1'1 \t ',,1\t' ; I T1F.1:MS OF SALE -CASH, 11OL!51{1101 I) EI'1 1':("I S---Ile'Iroont Ito your anitiml, fail to breed' Finn's (eel 1 ' Ilarol1 \\'al,h, I'roprietnr. 2 \uv.; Ilol,teil' cot\', h \'ear, ul,', dl],' Dolle; \l orris chair; hr,ls with neat tipper Mineral doe, the job. nl I)ec,; Durham heifer, ti int 2 \r, roll, nl 111111 "11 Harold larl;sou, Auctioneer. 113-2. tresses; 1'oltlim; leaf taint'; Centre Llh 1.4,,g Grading, Londe;boro, Ontario, sllppo,l',l to be in calf; Il„l,teiit ,Iyer, 1!111,`---111\\ ;111,! 11 .liel,,r . , weel•i 2 year, old; blast steer, 2 year. old: o!'1: 2 lhunl.s Ied steer, ricin:: 2 years; IlIur heifer. I \I III' NI1:22,1 ` 7-d \I, 1 o'nut I; - rising 2 years: 2 t't'd di's'c calv'e's, / a)t, rill.' loll, Ir", 11 .\I ",11'1!11„11: it !'. AUBURN 4 ItOX Y 'PIIEATRE, CLINTPN. NOW PLAYING: "M R. BIG" and ".`;Iterlot k Holmes Faces Death" Monday, 'l'uraday, Wednesday 'LIFEBOAT" '1 ht , 11 'I'!, , !,n, , they murder \1!!111 Ili tower of doom !,hint, and tits wunlst roar. I';111uh,ti I3,utkhead, William Bcndix and Walter Slczalt, ALSO -The Technicolor Attraction: "MEMPHIS BELLE' Thula., 1'ri., Sal. -Dual Attractions Betty Rhodes, Johnnie Jahniton and Bill Edwards .\. timed\ a- \t,nr 1,1te,t ration book ;Ind t:!I''n mull \nn!Ilinl exulnraii,I .1n11 -1 u' 11,In,•. Ili, sprightly , nnu ,1;..11',..1, 11. "YOU CAN'T RATION LOVE" ALSO- 111 my and Dizzy in their tlaffi,'st arkenture: "IIENRY ALD - RICH'S LITTLE SECRET" PAGE CAPITAL THEATRE EATRE GODERICH. NOW PLAYING: 'SNOW WHI'T'E AND THE SEVEN DWARFS" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray and Betty Hutton. Ti 11 'i!e ,I''1.\• of 111111'•i••- Irt, mid the hold, b;'1 h;uel It mkt' \11111 Io\r,1 'til all, "AND THE ANGELS SING" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ray Mi land, Ruth Hussey and Cornelia Otis Skinner. tinlnetlllllg unique in ,114,111 id? i found in till. 1 billy I tt At I y. "'r1IE UNINVITED" 1 1 1,\i 1 ;\nn Shrrid;oi and COM I NG: "Henry Aldrich Haunts iia Morgan in: "SIIINE ON HARVEST MOON" A House' and "Timber Queen" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.rn. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. ItE(, ENT '1111'EATRE SEAFORTrt. NOW PLAYING. "George In 'I'hc Houle Guards" w.th Geo, Formby. Monday, 'Tuesday, Wt dnesday Ann Sheridan, 1)t -anis Morgan and Jack Carson. I!i• el •u1'i I 1 , hunt ,It'r nor it al halm, n;' Itt 11,E I.; t nth talk rat of lu I! y. "SIIINE ON HARVEST MOON" T'hursda7, Friday, Saturday Paul Lukas, Errol Flynn, and Jean Sutherland 'I M 1'11'11111!: 1,111 of etiluitial \t hu \\a, 11''!1.1 nit'1 11;1'uldti lost' of 'tnory "UNCER'T'AIN GLORY" COMING: "SNOW WHITE AND '1'IIE SEVEN DWARFS" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays ..t .:13 p.m. 1 AU( TION SALE :\ row ht. io":,it et to 1, (• St„It' and mare net mrd by I;m. H,I, r, 1111110 t. �u'rc killed by li!lhlnin•t. 'WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM See that G.S. badge on his arm? That means he's volunteered to fight anywhere in the world. The 'Army needs more men like slim -men who can take it -men with the courage to fight, so that their home, their loved ones -everything they cherish -may be free. For this War is not over yet -we still have a lot of fighting to do. And our boys who are fighting over there will need the help of every red, blooded Canadian who is fit to fight, and willing to fight. Jt will take months of thorough training to make you fighting -fit. That's why Canada's Army needs you NOII"-and needs you lox overseas service. month, old; Spotted tt11' calf, 5 months old: Nue rout ,stccr calf, 3 months old. 1\I I'I.E\IG\'1'S- \IcCorrlsick-Hccr- Nit1'"r1!M-H'rtii' ernn\tr, in goal conditem; NI( Corini.1, D.- rim; errant .r!,arat,',' (SS IIs-.( Ite,ult rat t\ ; \Ir- ('orinir!, h,!1. !o;nler; \I.-11. dump rll.e; in`z hinder, 7-1.1, rut, like ti'\v : 1."1'1" r- \I. I I. r!iumn I' •• real(rr; \IMI, ,1'ri! rt lit 111 tta•.;nn ; Frust ,`; \food cultivator; Set 3 -section h;n•rut\s; l'urhshutt fer- tilizer Misr dti 1; manure spreader; 2 single setl!fflt'rs• corn sniffler (double); riding plo\v; Fleury tvalkini4 plots ; '- tooth t l]Lt'Nato! ;.';1111, n eullit',it t1. ; 111,1; ll,o row ; ,feel l.us l roller - tit 'n hat•'•()\\', ; harrow cart ; Portland c!tttl'r; steel-t'Icd t„1' imtrtly; M.-11. 1,l3 hoe ,II ill, \\its! ft rt11i et' attachment ; w' w,l furrow' pltny; 2 cutter.; turnip 'h;tth;nn faun nc mill, \\its! h;t;;_rr at pnlper; \yhcclilarrhty: (tt)l-Ih, 'rales; tadunent : h;l', holder anti trnrL conl- stone boat ; gravel box; \I cl'or it'k I,iuc,l ; L r;1in ; irl.ler ; 2 >trcl h11 1)t'l'r,I1Q cream separatnl'; good `,'l !!o1lgll wo,4lrlt bdl'I'ct: sarin w'.IL;11, train harness; set plow harness ; 4 \t ith e1. '.1.l h' \ ; farm trod; and hay horse collars; set of sleighs 11)'x11' '� rat 1�,'? tf 'hid) .et •tale,. colony house, inovaitic; broodl'r ,lois': (2r11') !h•,i: \\;If;on jit'i : ('"t'!,--Iltlttf' r iron kettles ; sap halt; 25 sap pall, Intuit plow: t 1 t - lith^� fuer -in:l' nr- and spilt.; 1 11.1'. air-cooled gasoline 1'„w ridint, 1 '\\ , aa!kint el'gillc, it; \yol•,;111•l condition; It,l)• lurk tl',iiiv!', \' til ,1 'tI, 1 ack : !',,IrV II"!',t' and pill!",; 2 pitch forks ; large t'nsil- II'i, -: age lurk: 2 five -lin(' fork,: tit 1.o\\, lira\'\' ''1't„•!:,; : ;'air collar 1•'1,•: ,et turnips, .15 rods long;; S acre, nlixl'I-in.'Ie I'.trnt "t\,t:tl «dial.•: fur ,urian grass and sorghum, suitable f r (' ; .. ;,e. `-'x12'; 3 rani;' silage 11" cured feed ; pig crate; 1;11:- I t ' ; ',r,, „1, .t 1.c : .:rintl stone.; nine mill, harrow cart ; 11 h 'c set ll I '-. , , , ,-1 ,.\\ hat, h•Iv drill; quantity of !lay atill Mixed e'r;1!1l: I!,II'Ir; 1t'"1- ;1' I?. E\ltn-t"Il !Ade: ; 11)27 Chrysler sedan. 11F.NS-80 \\'hitt' Leghorn htu•.I I't)l 1.11 l'-�, Il,,rrr'I k"ck pullets, laying good at the present time. 11,a i11e IIOI'SI:III)1.11 I':I ItI'a"I'ti -Sidle I l'It\1'll'in-: .\\It 1TriU 1 110L1l hosted; extension table; squat I,IhI, .'l"I'I \SII hc,l,lead,2 : 2 \\. a-.11 runnel lahlr; 3 jar11inecr tahlrs; 4 ,11,11,1 : ,Ire . -t r,: 3 tn,lttrtn,--: hell rocking chair!,• l tt t tii,1 sewing nisi- i'X11 e u'uhat"I', I_, �cl ; ciliac; .lay hcd. in .\l cun11ition; u1'1, hush in Sinip-111 intnh't' r 1.''1I t u ran; \voud I:eatt'r: Enol: ,toes ;ut,l ,I,Icnth,! condill"n; S' -,lay tl''tk: h,ltll pipes; ' ouches; n chairs: d het!,; '1 tnh; r.,rkinn rhails: kitt•ht' i chair,; , n'in s; 3 mattresses; 4 dressers; 3 I �. ,mall 1x1,1,', , a' nl ell;nt• dishes ; 1an11" ; stand,: chest of drawers; lark \y;u'd- ea, lantern ; 1 Dal oil lantern; fernery: robe; shills,; l'1;II o1) i tilt',' 1\ 1111 n\'est , I !Ilto!cllttt ; \v ii' i rn!Il' ; Indt't ,rt` : tl".1 las I;In111; ltatl);iii lamp ;tn11 ,1lhrrllall,lrr; therm! ih,lrrel rhnrn; p,111.111112; ,; i lanterns; clothe, wtin);er: nlilf: psi! : te,l !,eine; hir,l cage; cllich- !"Ipl'1' rayl:; I1111•t-nln: itk'tttl•c,;set, tett feetlt't'', ,1111! otht't' ;tl'UEie,. ilwcr•w;irt-. i tl nth1.t• dishes; fruit All will i,c (tld without reserve jar,; kitchen Iticnsil'; tea kepi&'; ci' i'k; as the' farm is sold. pieces of floor coverings; 2 cnnshina- tion doors; 2 creel] door,, til"x i.l" TERMS -CASH.• :\'I'1'111: S.\ \I I': 'I'I \I E :\N I) PLACE the farm, cltnsistin)C of 100 acres of land, more or less, will he offered for sale, suhi:rt to a reserve hid. Situated nn the farm i; a good hank \ 3.4', with %eater facilities inside, This Karn \vas built brand new in 111.$11. There is also a good concrete silo ,3(1 feet high, and a good bric13 dwcllinc and drilled \veli. 011 acre, of the f;u'tt is good workable land. T', ruts n ! Lahti made know'il day of the sale, \I r;. \\'eslcy l't'chnic, Proprietress. Harold Jack,am, Auctioneer. Arc t•t1ttr hofs stiff, scurfy, and p,dr% t'se slog-Eix . it fixes 'cut. .\lcxander 1':Lg Brading, 1.undcsboro, Ontario. FOR SALE ,\ tatn'I franc' barn, 11i x3,1' ; a ,;orad Quebec ;miss rifling ploy; a wind mill with 311 It. Omer. .\111'1 , \\'altt'r Mai - on. phone 11-23, Illyth, 113 -11) - Er Finn's Mineral for 11c,lltlty Coe . and lions, Alexander Egg Grading, T,utidchorn, ()Mario, BLANK CHECK BOOKS -3 FOi.t 25c TERMS -CAST -1. Frank 1•;. Shorey, 1'roprn•tnr. 1larol'I .lacc(„un, .\uctionrcr, THE BLYTH STANDARD AGF NTS FOR ABOVE 1 i a HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted Canadian Province 13 Impair. 1.1 Form of "be." 15 Female deer. 16 3lountain pass 17 Suffix, 18 flail! 20 Mi tress (abbr.). 22 The soul (Egypt 1. 23 Before 24 Pronoun 26 Also, ''It To tn.,,ko 20 �.lu,telu:c mammal. 31 Strife. 33 IlL`art. 34 It is one at -- nine province; 33 \Vagon 37 Either. 38 Prerioui metal. 40 Chaos, 41 Ripped. 42 .\!lirmatik:'. 41Alorning 1 L et. l6 l'u:'Lled 1'1111 48 Nares. CANADIAN PROVINCE Answer to Previous Puzzle L 1_�N R V SIS 1 1 N€ ONrI ON O NjE CHAT Ail NEID_HAM Ea$ RSI VIETHRL.,E. N �S LIA TIER N'EPTLPsi S VE` •`EiR'.AIS E SU,R':Y ` A PTE. X w T!EjE TiE P EL N A'YP A'NF?; 1 ll NOT:I THWEE F'+ern of 52'1'he letter 53 \'I'ruu:. 4E1bs1a11Ce. I.1,;1111 of light, 53 Near. SU Universal l.ingua,c•. 37 Inert:. 133 I3iblical pronoun. c; l \I,IIce. ''ER7I1':1L 1 Sign. ' 11'ood :ilu'It. 3 Tv;InsJUKe labbr.l �Iv£ r,�i 5'E+,T H AI ES •1 Rant. 5 Wrath. 6 \Vhirlwind. 7 Iii+all 1=11,111'.). 8 Uncle. 9 Everything that grows. 10 North Carolina (abbr). 11 Male swan, 12 Enthu,la7m. 18 Skill, 19 Caterpillar hair. 21 Plant, 23 Auricle. 24 Part of arm. "_3 Color. 27 Boat paddle, 28 High hill. '21) Breathing sound. 30 Musical note. 32 Burry! 33 Folding bed. 34 Crain. 36 Bathing 1 e�scl. 38 fierce, 39 \'.triety of ehalo:dony, 41 hurl. l3'l'v:clve 'paint hs. 41 (l:'r;ltest 1lulnntL 13 Pule lines of ( letter. 47 implore. 48 Trim. 49 Parent, 51 Scanned. 53 2000 pound,. 56 Sun god. 58 North America (abbr.). 39 South Carolina (abbr.), 60 And (Latin). 61 Chinese measure. (32 Senior (abbr.) . 37 4.1. 41.3 46 47 50 51 CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "It's never been lived in. The war came along before we could get the electricity or plumbing installed, so we're selling it as an old colonial." Hold Everything "Crook I" THE SPORTING THING "I hope you croak!" THIS ARMY (Ir "tM j' CaogM.• 1. 11e Ae,pla L.,4, CreeJbi A''., ...gger Fe Ir,lr C.3.. .0,14011 "It says here, General Lull on Adriatic Front,—is he English or American?" FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger "Nursemaid shortage!" MUTT AND JEFF — IM SELLINGDABY\ CARRIAGES! ATRIBE OF INDIANS JUST CAMC TOToWN•- AYBE ]; CAN KE A SALE! J NOW WHAT CH DOING? THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson "I/ GERMANY'S FIRST AIR RAID ON ENGLAND OCCURRED MORE THAN 27 YEARS AGO. JANUARY 19, 1915, ON YAQM0UTH AND SURROUNDING TOWNS! EG. U 9 I'AT. OFF. IF WE TURN IN OUR FATS, WE'LL MAKE THE AXIS LE /V1 IF YOU SAVE YOUR LIFE ,YOU WILL LOSE IT.. IF YOU LOSS. YOUR LIFE. FOR OTHERS, YOU WILL SAVE 11," S.sys DAVID S. LAWTER, 0.3/7 .// A/ -4`h C','/na, FROM ST, h1ARK 8:35 UNDER PROTEST 4, • 4 )0 as .CaPR.191 OY tIEA f1EAVICE. InQ. 3y CLUYAS WILLIAMS 114041 ,04 V T. ESU 47.4444L IS 3UMMONEDTO MEer DISTANT RELATIVE. MOTHER PUTS PRe9URE. DISTANT RELATIVE. AND 5AY5 SHE. WANTS' A ON, MOVES SI..OWLYACROSS C0ME'3 IN,FEARING THE GREAT BIG K16S. ROOM, STOPPING EVERY WORST ANCNOF.1 HIMSEt-F FEW 51EPS TO SCRArVM P AJNST WALL. NIS LEG BL-UFFS IT Our BY 61V• IWkkW HE13011.1XIT GET RerIRe5,PWAWIN3 ING LOUD SMACK A AWAY WITH 1 , AS tat, HIS F©R! A.P,M M Ro5r FOOT FROM DISrANV GRABS HIN AND IM. fag ME RELATIVE:c EAR PLAI•!r9 A LARGE.,'' QW WET OM 3.15.44 Yes, But Look At The Heap Big Fun The Papooses Are Flaying -AND IF (T RAINS OR ITS f ITS THE LATEST -DING, SUNNY You 3USTLIFTOP eHtEF! W WCARRYYoUR THE NOD AND LITTLE BABY AROUND tN A Ppppp'g WON`TGETWEY BAG WHENYOUCAN oR5UNBURI1 D1 USE A CARRIAGE? By BUD FISHER PP REG'LAR FELLERS—Military Escort AS MY ORDERLY YOU ACTUALLY ARE. MY DOUBLE -- YOU GOTTA DO THINGS I SHOULD DO WHEN I AIN'TIIERE--;/ 50 STOP GRIPIN' ! f GEN'RUI. DUGAN AIN'T HERE. -- Y'GOT ANY MESSAGE THAT'S TOO' BAD -- 1 WANTED HIM 'TO ESCORT ME. TO Ar MOVIE..- ('D GLADLY PAY BOTH FARE.5-- 1 HATE TO Go ALONE! By GENE BYRNES MY ORDERLY -- AN' MY BEST GIRT. WHAT GOES ON HERE. 7 )! 1110u.•.Mws.....sr POP-- Pop's Not Used to Wide -Open Spaces 0I9 VOL) HAVG A GOOD LGAVE , PDP h, e V.1 (Art All rltkll re.er.N WOKIDGRP,J.' •e1.w,Ma.rfa.. 14,11• rwrrr r•w.aa .e. r....•r By J. MILLAR WATT ▪ GOT LOST IN TII LIVING ROOM 1 You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend 'SAL D TE A Sapphires and Diamonds by DOROTHY TROWBRIDGE CHAPTER II Peggy nodded, "1'm perfectly se- rious, You ace, my mater Maxine and I were left orphans when we were quite small, and my grand- mother Horton has raised us both, Maxine Is the elder, and when she was graduated from a school in 'Virginia, aomc friends wanted her 10 travel with then' that summer. Gran knew the fancily well and Jet her go, While she was in Cali- fornia she had an offer to go into pictures, which she accepted, That was four years ago, She hasn't been home since, Of course, my grandmother all but died, But Max- ine stayed and made good. She changed her name, Maybe you've heard of her, Maxine Trueheart." "Maxine Trueheart! She's your sister? I think she's a honey, don't you?" "I've only seen her on the screen a few times. Gran won't let me go to movies," Harry's mouth and eyes opened wide in astonishment. "There was no quarrel about it, only Gran is even more particular about me, you see," "What I don't see is how with all this chaperonage, you've had much opportunity to know any man well enough to get so wrought up about him, Was it someone you met while you were at school?" 1'eggy's face became scarlet and Harry stared in amazement, A girl of his own generation was blushing, "1t isn't any real man," she mur- mured, "Oh, 1 might as well tell you," she added impatiently. "I was graduated in June, and when I came home 1 kept getting letters from the girls 1 had known at school telling about their good limes, and of course 1 had nothing to write about. Then I began to write thein about the parties that were written up in the little paper herc, "According to my letters 1 %vent 10 all of then); boys were thrown in by the dozen. Two of the girls wrote me recently that they were engaged, One of then) was my roommate and we had planned to do everything together. Double wedding and all tlsat. Well, like a nut, I wrote back that no one knew about it, but that I %vas en- gaged too. She hadn't mentioned the name of the Ulan she was going You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL 1'011UN'I'U • Every Iluu"t 111111 111114, Short- er horner and 'Telephone, • Magic, $2.50 up— Double, $1.50 up. • Good Ii'oad, I)Ining nod Done - Ins Nightly, Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA, 4138 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Ilarness Shop about Staco Ilarness Supplies. Wu sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer, '1'he goods are right, and so are our prices, \Ve manufacture in our fnc. torics — Ilarness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. insist on Staco Brand '('rade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto BACKACHE? Look out for. Trouble With Your KIDNEYS 11 your back aches or If you have disturbed !deep, burning or smarting, took out for trnitbtc. This cdndi1ion is a sure sign that your kidney's aie not fully ridding y fur blood of poisonous acids end wastt:s. When the kidneys slow up, va5te$ i3ackitchel dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may folloov. Your kidneys need help—and there is o lhuc-tried, proven way to help then, known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Dror s You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD 11 EDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the g'uuine and original Dutch Drops --packed in Canada. Get a 40c aackage from your druggist. e ISSUE 37-11)44 to starry. Only called hint by his nickname, Needless to say I did the same. I said how sweet he was, and what a heavenly ring I had, and a lot of such bunk, Now laugh and tell me your never heard of anything so silly'," "I don't see anything about that to get so het up about," IIarry re- plied. "Well, that's not the worst. This morning I had a telegram from my roommate saying she was com- ing to visit me for a week, arriv- ing this afternoon; and 1 can't pro- duce a man, or a ring, or any- thing!" "That is had," Barry agreed, "I wish I hadn't signed up for that golf tournament, 1'd stick around for a week—engaged to you, I'in pretty good in that line." Peggy laughed. "'That wouldn't help, Gran wouldn't let you in the front door, I couldn't leave even a pretended husband -to -be parked here on the road for a week. There's nothing to it. I'll either have to confess the whole thing, or say I've broken off the engage- ment, and listen to her rave about her fiance." "isn't there something we can do:" Harry queried, thrusting his hands into his pockts and stretch- ing out his long legs in prepar- ation for thought. "Pre got itl" lie exclaimed jumping up suddenly, "Look!" bringing his hands front his pockets he held one of them out t0 her. There was a small jew- eler's box in the palet, Ilie opened the box and Peggy was staring at a beautiful ring with a star de- sign of sapphires set in platinum 0n each side of a large square cut diamond. "flow lovely!" she exclaimed. "Yes, it is pretty, isn't it? 1 had it matte in New York, But it's ntl good to etc now, At least it won't be until I get horse, 'Then 1 may try to patch things up, But you can have it for a week. 1'111 going to he in Lockton that long." "Oh, I couldn't," Peggy cried, "Thanks a lot for offering, but 1 couldn't use some other girl's ring," "\1'hy riot? She'll never know it. I know you'll be careful frith it. 1'ou've got to take it, I won't have you embarrassed like that just over a ring when I have one right here that isn't being used anyway. Try it on and see if it fits." Hesitatingly, Peggy reached for the ring and slipped it on the third finger of her left hand, "See, it's perfect," Ilarry cried %yitlt delight, "Go oil now, show that t0 your ex -roommate and let her laugh it off. I've got to go on to stake Lockton in time to play this afternon. I'll be back here at 110011 a week from today, I'll meet you here and you can give it back t0 me then." "Ilut—why—I nrttsn't take your ring this way, 1 might lose it, or some one might steal it." "You aren't going to think all that when you get your own en- gagement ring, arc )•ou? Well, why should anything be more likely to happen to this one than if it were your own? Don't be silly. But don't forget to meet inc here next - \\'culnesday, or i'11 come charging ftp to the floor and 'email(' my property from your grandmother. Have a grand lime this week and tel inc all about it Wednesday." Peggy Was standing now, staring at the ring, "I can't begin to thank ' you. You're just a peach to do this for nit, and I'll be here with the ring when yon come back. Good luck at the golf, and i (tope your real girl will he as thrilled to have this back as I and to have it now. It's the loveliest thing I've ever 5l't'tl." 11.1rry jumped into the roadster tt ith its scarred %vindshicld, which they hail both forgotten, anti drove away with a last %rave at the girl who stood watching hila disappear around a curve of the road, Reluctantly Peggy drew the ring from her finger. She must not let her grandmother see it, She would jilt it on on the tray to the sta- tion and explain to Nancy that \ire. Morton knew nothing of her granddaughter's engage ntent. Nancy would like that, She loved things to be mysterious, Peggy re- membered. Harry had thoughtless- ly kept the box, so she was oblig- ed to tie the ring in the corner of her handkerchief, and stuff it into the pocket of bur torn sweater. (Continued Next Week) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON September 17, THE KINGDOM STRONGLY ESTABLISHED 2 Samuel 1-5, PRINTED TEX'T, 2 Samuel 2: 4-7; b: 1-10. GOLDEN TEXT, — They that trust in Jehovah are as mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abideth for ever, Psalm 125:1. Memory Verse; Oh give thanks unto Jehovah; for he Is good. Psalm 136:1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time, — David began to reign over Judah about 1000 11. C., and over the twelve tribes about '93 13, C, Place, — Jerusalem is situated 1n the inheritance of Judah, mid- way between the northern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterra- nean. David's Second Anointing "And the Wren of Judah carte, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah. And they tllld David, saying, the men of Jabesh-gilead were they that buried Saul," This Is David's sec- ond anointing, the first having been the secret one at the hands of Samuel, "Anel David sent messengers unto the men of Jabcsh-gilead,, for Saul your lord is dead, and Also the house of Judah have anoin- ted me Icing over then'." It is to the honor of David, that he re- tained, amidst these new and peri- lous conditions, his old tenderness of feeling and noble generosity. He thought lovingly of his once re- lentless but buried foe, and had respect for the men who had striven to pay honor to the dis- honored body of Saul. People Unite Under David "Then cause all the tribes of Israel to David onto Hebron, and spake, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh." All. opposi- tion had ceased, the rivals of David were (lead, and now the leaderi and people saw it was to their advantage to unite as one pian under so valiant a leader as David, David's Third Anointing "!n times past, when Saul was king over us, it was than that led- dest out and broughtest in Israel and in Jcrtlsalenl he reigned thirty and three years over ail Israel and Judah." David the shepherd -king who had so faithfully led, fed and defended his father's sheep on the hills of Bethlehem because xii equally faithful shepherd of God's people Israel. In behalf of the people in God's presence, a mutual agreement or covenant was made between them and David to be true and loyal to each other David is now anointed for the third time. The City of David "And the king and his Hien went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites The sante is the city of Dav- id," The Jcbusitcs felt so secure within their citadel that they boasted a garrison of the blind aull lance could hold it. Nevertheless, tlic city was taken, and from that time on is often called in the Scrip- tures the city of David, The Stronghold Is Taken ".And David said ou that day, whosoever sniiteth The Jcbusitcs, let him get up to the watercourse, and smite the lance and the blind, that are hated of David's soul. Wherefore they say, there arc the blind and the lame; lie cannot come into the house," David bids the sten show no mercy to the scoffing Jcbusitcs. 'l'he reference t0 the wort! "glitter" possibly means the way the citadel was to be scaled, '1'hc besiegers were to enter by either by some water- worn gully in the rock or through a subterranean channel which had been constructed to supply the fortress with water, David Grew Greater "And David dwelt in the strong- hold, and called it the city of Dav- id, And David built round about from llillo and inward. And David • axed greater and greater; for Je- hovah, the o(1 of hosts was with hint." So 'David waxed greater and greater', 11ow could it be other- wise since the 'Lord God of Hosts was with him'? 'I'o have the Lord with us is to be sure of growth, trogress and victory. 1 During August Most Birds Take Holiday This is vacation time for most birds according to ornithologists of the Royal Ontario Museum. Their fancily responsibilities are over for the yeacr and the hard work of food -hunting is made easy by the annual peak of the crop of insects, seeds and berries. Even the business of singing is largely suspended. Although most birds are obliged to grow a new suit of feathers in August, this can be accomplished while loafing, By autumn they will he dressed in fresh new attire and fortified for the long Trek southward by a reserve.• layer of fat beneath the skin. Pears In Canning Schedule Pears made into jam or honey have long been favorites and these are recipes I know you'll like, Commercial pectin assures you of success in making the thick, jel- lied consistency; and miraculously gives you more jam titan you dreamed possible out of a small batch of fruit, Pear Butter, Wash, pare and core ripe pears. Add just enough water to prevent sticking, Cook until soft, then press through a sieve. Add 2 tablespoons leucon juice, teaspoon nutmeg and 1 nip sugar to each quart of pulp, Moil rapidly until thick, Pro- cess 10 minutes in a hot water bath, Pear Honey Parc, core, chop and measure hard -ripe pears, Add a little water if necessary to start cooking. Moil 10 minutes. To each quart of chopped pears, add 3 cups sugar, juice of 1 leucon, grated rind of 14 leucon and 1; teaspoon ground gin- ger. Boil until thick. Pour into hot, sterile jars; seal at once. Or- ange and nutmeg may be used in- stead of lemon and ginger, Quinces and apples are a good combination in this marmalade, Quince -Apple Marmalade Parc, core and chop 6 quinces and ') tart apples, Cover quince with water and cook until tend- er, Add apple • n d cook 10 minutes, Meas- ure, Add )a cup ugar for each cup of fruit and juice. Boil to jellying point, end seal at once, Pour into hot Spiced Crabapples 3 pound crabapples 3 pounds sugar 3 cups vinegar Stick of cinnamon Cloves Take blossoms off the crabapples, but leave sterns on them. Steam apples until tender, not soft, Boil vinegar, sugar and spices for 15 ntinutcs, Skint and put in fruit. Boil apples about 5 minutes, not allow- ing skins to break, Seal in hot, clean, sterilized jars, CHHONICLES of GINGER FARM This is a fanner's holiday, By that I mean it is raining — but I Don't Mean we are taking the day off and going places, although it is on just such a day as this that farmers sometimes take their fa- milies to the city for a long delayed shopping tour, Or, if there were an Exhibition to go to — and gas to go with — this is the sort of day that would find hundreds of (arid people Toronto -bound; trailing children around from place to place in the rain, Or, as I heard one wo- man say who refused an invitation to go to the city with her fanner - nephew — "I didn't go because the only time he ever goes anywhere is when it is too wet to get around in comfort", 1 airs afraid that is all too true. But listen, ladies, there is a remedy you know. Let inc whisp- er in your car, . . learn to drive the family car yourself then, if you can arrange to spare the time, you don't have to wait for a wet clay to go places. • However, for those who stay at home, rainy weather has its advan- tages, 1t gives one a chance to catch up. with the odd jobs — jobs that have been left "until the crop is in," This last week we have been drawing in, and, with "Commando" help, we got a lot of work done, Two more days and all our crop would have been safely under cov- er. But now... well, when we fin- ish harvest depends on the weather- man, • • • I like 'Tarns Commando" help. I like them, not only for the work they do but because they arc in- teresting, I like to hear them talk, . to learn something of their way of life., , to hear their opinions.. , and I find there is always something we can learn from every one of then', By Gwendoline P, Clarke • • • • • Yes, I like strangers, We had a young fellow here the other day — a visitor, not a "Commando" and I happened to notice he hall a good size tattoo on one arm. I don't like tattoo marks but I have always been curious about then' — how they were (lone and \V}1Y anyone should want to be decorated so grotesquely. Walter was quite ready to tell me all I wanted to know. He and three of his chums, when they were around eighteen, thought it would be fun to be tat - toed: They found it wasn't much fun getting it done. The tattoo ar- tist first drew a design on the skin, This he followed with an electric needle, dipped in ink made for that purpose, The needle popped up and down like that of a sewing machine — pricking all the time. The whirr of the needle, the sight of dye and blood together was hard on the sto- mach, Two boys were sick, a third fainted, the fourth stuck it out, But the job was finally finished. Arms were still and swollen for a week. Then the scab dropped off and each boy had an arm to show for the rest of his life with the im- print of an indelible design — veird but undoubtedly clever. East Side, West Side? Where Is Luftwaffe? 11 BC broadcasts to Eutope re- cently included a story of a Ger• man officer who surrendered only two days after he had arrived in Normandy from the Eastern Front. Asked why he had been so will- ing to give himself up, he said: "In Russia we were told that the Luftwaffe was in the West. "In Normandy we are told that the Luftwaffe is in the East. I can't stand that sort of trickery." "Threw away my harsh laxatives ''Out they went, all harsh embarrassing purgatives, Forney constipation turned out to be due to lack of "bulk" in the diet. So gent le nt.r:lll(AN proved t he answer for me!' Yes, ALL: 1IRAN h for you, if your trouble is due to lack of "bulk" in the diet, here's what you do, Eat K1::L(X;(;'s BRAN regularly, and drink plenty of water. This pleasant cereal helps to produce smooth -working "bulk," and prepare wastes for easy elimination. You'll want this regularity, so you'll enjoy eating A1.LIIRAN daily. Remember It's a cereal—not a medicine. At your grocer's. 2 handy sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, VOICE OF THE PRESS FARM PRICES Instead of worrying about lu•ep. ing future farm and other prices jacked up to some artificial level, it would be far better if we con- centrated on keeping costs down so that in natural lines of pro- duction Canadian goods can meet world competition, —Financial Post. —0— AND HOW! A solemn editorial tvritcr explains that 'Unconditional Surrender" translated into German means something else %%hick the Nazis cannot understand. Don't worry! They will, —Stratford 1'cacon-1lerald, —o— BIGGER AND PLAINER "I'll be swivelneckcd!" groaned Hitler, as he glared at the new fourth wall, with the handwriting plainer than e'er, in box -car let- ters. —Ottawa Citizen. —0— THREE KINDS There are three kiwis of people— those who stake good, those who make trouble and those who snake excuses, —Galt Reporter,, —0— PROBLEM SOLVED It's not the heat, it's the stupid- ity of Wien who 'rear the clothes they do, —London Free Press. Fuel Tablets A new fuel tablet for soldiers to heat their food is a synthetic com- pound known as trioxane, with a binder to hold it in solid forth; one flat one -ounce tablet will heat a steal in about seven minutes, Education a War Necessity Tire University of Western Ontario is devoted to the training of men and women for the duties and responsi- bilities of citizenship. Fall Terns Registration 11)44.45 'eplrutber ablI ilu'l "t In 1ledleine In nli lr.,l1 ,'xrtp1 thl Nrs( Sep'entber ISM — 1' tt h i i o ]le"l10 .F Nur' ii sunhats, Srplrmhrr 23rd, 2r,th, :Illh— Studrnts ill Ails, �riruJr, Itusinrs. 1rUnini�uaii, i, 5rrrc.tri 1 ti,'i,n ,, fir,t your rr 1 :t-)Ird,, ire, t't'., 11'•., etc. For forth, r 1,:111itn'- f,lydin� 5rholi,rsliito-. illation, loan fund,, .•oui-. of study tyrito T111: 11Ji1:1.•t•n .s It The University Of Western Ontario LONDON • CANADA Telephone: Metcalf 8080 makes better cigarettes • _�_,�•_� �_� r_ Fall and Winter Needs Children's Hose, cotton and \\'out Children's Golf Hose, clastic top Boys' Wool Trousers $2.95 each 1$-1.50 per yard 22c 25c to 75c 59e Grey Wool Blankets 36" White Flannelette Good assortment Sloes, Rubbers tl Rubber Boots. Olive McGIII ©2011rN11.1NrAntsAl U3iPi3ii1DIWil'dlliatciDi is.V.W1,i31Wivir121ei:1'N)4N`diD% DI8iDIDIDIPIPTDii HURON GRILL BLYTII --- ONTARIO, EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG -- Proprietor THE STANI)ARI) ?Lyon) \liss Helen Lear has •taken tilt her teaching 'lubes at S.S. No. ', Niel:llio!I. Nli,s .\lire I:uger,on returned 1)o ne front Tieitnlo 1.11 \Iouda\'. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welling' A Specialty. \Ir. Joint Ilailie of I ort I':a•ic .pt Int Agents For International - thy holiday with \Ir. George Ilailiu. Harvester farts &Supplies \I r. and \I r,. It, 1'. Quinln 1 iuelp't, art: vj,iti t;; n'Ith relative: here. NII•, and NI r.. \\'til, C'ockcrline \ j .411 ed last 'rue.dily at fort Starllc\. \dr, and \Ir,. Harold \\'right of .\n- ca,l) I k, on ,Nio cowl!), �t'a.pijnC if $ White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing.. \Ira, Grorgy (funninghaul and ,oft, 1<1IIIICnl of 1'•1Igravc, were ';nlday visitor, with NI 1, and firs. A. I;il.r. NI r. E. Pollard and \I rs. l'ritzlcy, Isere Ilnt'iord Visitors ova the u -k 'coil. •'Irs. I r;utl: Longman spent the ho j - day with her (laughter and brother in Stratford. \Ir. Nnrnl;tn \\'slot• and daughter, Gloria ,lean, of Niagara Fal,, arc vi' - 1 Ulm; relatives and friend, here. \Il.and \Ir. ). 11. Nesbit and family spent Sunday n'ith )1r. and Airs. Ilrn ry honking of I.ondCsboro, NIT, ,111,1 Nit'.. I'. I). .. .. .. 11..+1:. :00:4 1:41..• 11.•11 �• 4:1 0:4 �1 �. 11.11..:1 •� •:11:111.11111111111 1:1 •:11:•1:11:11:11:11:11:11,1 i� .:•1:•1:•1:111.1:11,11:11:11 10 Isle p,l,l t\111 \11'111\, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE ;i; Windsor anti \l ti,kola .t•, l CLINTON -•- ONTARIO,..., Ells -Sgt. N..! -man Sinclair til' ENROLL NOW FJR FALL 'TERM—SEPTEMBER 11TH •• Nl.riniint: 1)cp.li, 'Toronto, -pent tilt Be Ready in a Few Months to do Valuable anti Neccssaiy Office Work COURSES:—STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL, CLERICAL, M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice -Principal. Phone 198, Principal , 41 • \\'es. ;•'..i”:.•:••............÷:•.:••:"..“....1...:.•:”..***..**.":“ *.......'..:.......................*.”:.1:44:4.'.....4.*•04•Oi••10••1 /••.1/41.04101:1 IIltletl;t: .pent holidaying at 1.,11;1'. '. 1 1\ccl;-c11ll at his home, NIr. ::n I Nlr,. .\rch, l'oldimon, of London, visite"I \Pith \Ir. and \Irs, ('olliuso•t, and \1r, and Nlrs. FIRE MEN'S ► leave('1')iontrhi\vs 11•thds ere ill j. 1)m ,\1 c 110nuI1bI. ; trll If full leave car.iil,g out.0BING ! 'Ike ,,,,„.:L,of Illi' lir lnl ii. tilt,. I S yr 11'ii:ii 111 iliain l“' It t : II. yu11 l an't 11.0 (io n's n;:nlc fin Lowt • ' Don't ti -c Ili- name it vain. Blyth 11Iemorial I -fall \\'llltrrt 1lat'en 1.\11111,11-1 llellcville, Michigan, (;0()1) PRIZES WIIIA Si1Ut' ltS I Th.. and \lis. \1, \\'. I:;Ipalrj -I and Titre arc ttt''t common ,11;111,; name- Miss NI:11'\• Illu1\cit 0f SI. .1.110111.1. 11.•- 1\'. Stinl.jrla SIMI( 01 1)11111 ; ;Ind Lo ts1 '11 I'd for a few day, tat \vech with Nits. Stunt,/1111111 Cause many thousand- of C', I). kitpatr ti and family. 1+ IVit:IZYl3O1)Y COI11I. dollars i,is, it year.\I r. .\n!re\w knell, \Irr. 1t -itJ soli (Issued Frcm Huron Co. Agr. Off ce) tincll, of l cnsl;lurr, and Mr, II. 'I';It- nt111'1 effect Sat. Sept. 9 tI r. and Mrs. I I;urry l loppec, and NI r. and \lis. Pierce, \i;trjllric and Lloyd, (; it.rich, visited with \1r. an I \I rs. (i. I lcirnc,, of \I orris '101\ 11.11 p Nit.. E. J. Crawford, \I;•,. I). l'raty- torrl, \liss \I;Irgart't l•rtivl0rd, Mos. Fred I'rt,t .pent the holiday with I:jt- ehcner and Stratford friends. BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, ALWAYS ON IH'AND. Confectionery and Tobaccos, PHONE 38 - BLY'I'I-I. 1 1. J .11.4 W 14.1 1..1444 111+4. 46.L. ,..1.1111.1,11,.1,10 ... 1I.II 111114.1 CHUGSr.A THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM, Tho dill\\\. l'hi!•h f:: u=nilly' larger Ihiut any single wall, :Mould le cnusidered as a fifth wall. Tints when planning the decoration for a room it it; ,just as inlp,lrttult to St' - 114'1 a enrreut ceiling panus• its it i; 111 (.1101:'1' I.lir proper \vtI11 ticcnril- lion. \'0111' preforcurc ma)' 101'0111' illi(of. Ukt:ltl'itiIiti{; (.01o1:1*. 1'011'1 be a1'rtti11 that a "('obit'-l'Itutnt'!1" Trott \volt exteutl your Budget, 1110 rt aline this yon can readily tin wl Ilt, .,i l'it1 my samples - over ,-111Il to pick flout. THE OLD SUNWORTHY LINE ,Sorry to .ay, there are NO NI:\\' I'.\'I"I'I:I\S this year, hying the - (sante• the last three year.. I•:\cr\-.I • i,"iltiog in the line of I)crtlrai tt_. No Slln•arh and (taught( r•, special time for app ljnttnents, — Patricia and Audrey. of Ill rhglt I• f and rout:tither, I specialise i 1 that Sask., laltig \\;Illpapcu. till are visiting with \1r. .nit \IIs tough job of ta l rank ..-;Iorrdi and other ft:R11s. Splendid uiizes have be -n precured for this Event. Don't ria the opportunity a(faded to win some cf t+tem, The Proceeds Are For Patriotic St'nking Smut cr Bunt 1'urp sea. 1 Ior, of 1 iarrj-ton, visited at the home '!'hi, ,Illttt c.+111nt 1)r ticicc;cd jot I It Uf Mt•. (i('nl'gl' ti111;1!1, last \\'Cl'1;. • WILY SWEAR fief'!" until the car, begin to fill, 'I'le ,nluttetl car, are darter gran and 1 \l i„ .\nit;“ \\'right rttiit 'c'I home IY'ulain ),reen longer than the ht•al'.h.,' tnl Snitch\' after spending I11'•1 11( 1,.. •lite v,r,tit!, only are directly fin Ttonit0, 1110 \vl•cl.r in Nen fork. rhe 411 1'"11.i1); pocnl \\'a, h;utdctl in - aliened. They are ',hold, plump, Ii'tht and a \w"ck 111 Luclno\v. ct The Standard Office by it r. [con - in \weigut, slnnunllat di,rolourcd and i 111 Co, k, and I, Most \\ 11 thy o1 pun-.„ trill' ;t l,rtttt ni,hilarh, sono n l'a! 'irctiltnt iltily pnndrr tthic!t has an odour likr 1)11 Nott (ver -top to pnvlcr (Iccaying fi,1t. \\'lien a bunted grain \\hen tit talar (j•nl's naluc in yam; 1",mut ba'j" is I,rok-n the disagrveall'e I )on't t•17,t kat',\' v''u' Illnl'al• \\'('alert udnul' ill till' p1lndl'I' 1\'llll'tl I, yel'1' prtl- \\ hen \' lir lam:nage i, protan ' nctinc'•11. 'rinse molt hall, ;ire lie of:cu ;11111 the potvder scattered in threshjne I),. Coll tinnk t o0'1 c pl•tcintt cnlpha.is •Ind hautllint the grain. I I1nrc this (nil anything )Int .ay' ,111111 even in small quantities can: be 1)0 von tltlttk 11.11 re friends ;1(111111'e ylnl tlecll't't('ll by 1111' odour it imparts to \\heti coil s\\ear x1;11 cur• e that nay:' i the \ehetll, Nil's. .\. C. \\'. I Itt . ,t\, I 1 t i :• I'reventicii—'I hj, •111111 can be prc- 'I'pr, (;eorge 1I;ll u•dPsty, of l;Itlt.,lll. \'conn ;i1T. l'a-un'u- an. Illi' ritc,tll- recd lid \\'jilt no open ,pace,. ('on- yt•nted i,y treating the ',cell \vith clhyl I spoil Tuad,ly \\'ith the former's ,a- t •I nutrient i l 111 ' production . f meat 11x1\• 111 matey of the twit ,' c li ntccurie ono,p1 tic (ecres;ut) dust, c'"i' )ten's \I is. lo,cphinc 11'oodrock. and mid,. Il\ Ili, inti. d-cioot of Mt- .hese plot, are put on t'rld, in a 1)j :b per cartcmitc dust 11r nilh 1.,rnl;dins 1l:xperinrents hon' that bath (Illy“ j \'41,411111', last \yceh pith \Ir>. I'lloebt''proyed •t sin. of torn ,Intl I v r '•late of fertilit\. 'The Ilya fudd js lat. `.'ll carpi.! neve: 11in, a Rattle, mercuric Ilns')Il;lte and copper carinii- ,'1 tlntvtrc, \Ir,, \Irl, hail. (tt ra, ' air' Pr";". 1";111:1''''.11"."1 1:1I' "11011' It ril goo! btrat.,e 11 c 11111' tr11n1'I 'A1 per acre e .n is t;ct the more 1 11 11 , ter gni capacity and return, I hotn.;!I '•tt!c '1 ell might thunk It Inlay; I;tte (int l•11tltrn1 11iiikiilg Slltnt 111 ;Airs. (• 11':';;g, Clairmont, \I I•. 1)0:'1'tlll' ` ll' I I lllai:a. cii 111,:ny 11111„, 111 th,t 11! 1'lll'liel' ;I'dl'e, Lv.l ;Ip, Cr. 1111 111':.•t 1111111 '11'1 omi li-.h more by spcal.l!'g 1,1 itiat 1%1thout le, e'.ing germinal.' til I \le\ Idle \\ eAfield \IIs, 11111•j, Tay_ I In a Ple;1�•int, gcatic 11 ay. \Its. \\ ill (')c,Irincur of (r -tilrin, j' •pend:lig a ft' \V ILI\', ;1't IIIc ti II tlf \Ir. .\Ill to Smith, \\ith her si•ltr, I•:Ila. 1. .\. \\ al,l II, and ().-tiutn, 1';11 Pollard, I t'.\.\'.I� of 1 I.\I.('.S. \Iontc;lho„ (luciuc (1 t•• . spent • the nett' -end at th"ir re,; 1 1 L c home here. \\'heti \' •u'r( in a tti' ii.rus,inn, i.vcn though you're on the si of ; It you'll ,tits; to -jtt tI I':ngli,h Von mill boll j' help, a lot. 4 * # F. C. FRESI 11 .. .1 Y 1.11 II • I.,..,.. J Wednesday, Sept. (41,1911, 1. 1 1 1 111 11 1., . 1 11 '.1 11 , 1 . 41.1 1 . , .. 1.1 S1'; "la's '`ER S 'HUES THERMOS L30'1" PEES WELCII'S GRAPE JUICE MONTSERRAT LiME JUICE NOXZEMA (FOR SUN BURN) SUN TAN OIL DURATION LEG DO FLY SPRAY "1'I"' - W1II'I'E SHOE POLISH MOTH BLOCKS 1-IAVOK MO'I'L“ CRYSTALS 2 -WAY FLY REPELLANT' $I„i;i ANI) $2.35 35c 55c 17c, '29c, 59c 15c 49c 20c ANI) 35c 15c AND 25c 10c AND 25c 49c 59c AND (►8c Due to the shortage of Merchandise anis to conform to the flours 'of those stores affected by the new Government ruling, this at'ore ,will remain closed Wednesday after 6.00 p.m. R. D.PHILP,Phrn.B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 2P. - ..11.11,.1. .1.-11 .e l' •. • :I1 , . 1 ..1 , , 11 411 1,,,,.. _ , 11.,11 , J11 I. •I ;. r�xtl'a 'v� . sail's ' � .a:.l.•aa!�'.a'+. ('CG y' `�"Ca'�•.. C'atL,C•: °: Li u w�at:itc', ai 4� .a71.4iC:i .a t:. a . e,yi.r cRooin Siites 1\IL1ny 11('autiful Suites and (1(1d Pieces in the latl'st styles are displayed oil our fluid's x11(1 are tieing (►['fcre(l at 11'Iu(leritte Prices. A .11 Attractive Walnut iitllt(' ill the popular \1'aterfall Style is displayed in our window Lllis \Veen.. 1`)e oiler a nice sel(',('tit)l OI 51111111OIl;g Stt'('1 .1>( -(Il;, 111atlresses an(! Saz;'1('ss lied Springs at 1)01)11- 1[;1. prices. A call will convince you o1' the H►any excellent 1'Ll1l1C'.; \\'(' al'(' offering., erillh',' 1 1 Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. t� 1 t� , �. .,,ay a, ay c a, v •.,... x •,. nll.i.,. n....•. r .. „ .y. 1aii.:1.1 aic..a Julw'c7.}i)1 t�i"J.v oilai�l21'r):�iaia�9cf.:.�.Ji.aJta ..1..11_ Ji�acia ir•Ic)imi.ly:..47ni�lci t�' three 1 The in: red:hilt' of Ili.' 1 crus n elle p;lstur•• III\\till l' ;I I'1': I I';o'L.t:nl'I 111111111, 5 lb,., 1Irriarll Gros-. -1 11 s , .',Ii,Illa, ,i ;b 'Tinloth' , •t II,.., Nl:,don he Tors ,i lb,., l,t iinr. Piss \\'hitt' 14ucb, 1 I'1, h:ttuurl.t' I'lltc I ir•I•s, _' Int'-., (' Ina 1a Itl'Iu (i a :. I lit, So,\tt 'I !!", p'r :Icrc. Phone 37.26, LOI1DESBORO 1 a1..ena J111.111-111,111. 1..1.1 -.1 ..1111....11 L•.1, 1..4 LI.. '111111 Ill, II\V11 Ells.\. t t', %N 11.4'1.1 dl l,'' 11 1 Inch] !t• r'rtllart!, .Tonle. \Ie;ulott I'u• cm' 111 I.a;liue. '1'411 "IInI 1l't';tto!ctil a;1: n,“ 11 1.1 i''Iiti _'no ll',. pl r ;lac of I 1_'-1, Irt 141!41^'I \\ t- a11111icd on e.n'i. 'I Itr 41!.111 1'I ,111 I;I•t'• \';I•• 1v.'1!.l'11 1-I gill cnod ;inn I lied. ft ':Id ut.nl,e,e- ti tint hili lie r. cd ,I , fl 11'141, itis, nl.ni II"IIIL', l•1'• pill 11 t,Itinl', etc. (►n Ill'.' plot of Iallt, tie'•11. I'c'on Ilial 1 t,' t',:l • tlsc'I ;I, a tort. crop 1'\\11 :It Int., ;'e; a' re. \Ir. S 1'tt 1';1 p,t.turitl itI-- :t arrl - 1 very 111t;,tl 11411'1 l of hi itnrt'Lrt'II ,'1 rill 'rn l''lw, f .r the 11,1 '\ \ i'i.'. I'l t' ativant;l a of re1111 \(ttII 1111 ; I' ti'I ;l i ih;lt 5111 r til urn"e ,I I:li 1:1•! x111 I- iia0. Of:tn j11 •l' 111.1• 1t'Ill gl•;'.I'1 n't rel lot!t!I I!' t':I!:,'11.' '.'n1'tlierint. of the )'rassl•, ;Ind rll'vurs. 111 a purnlaucn' 11Ilc'.il\' I'll.in' pa•Inre I r any IIa-Un'e \\c \tall) lgain•1 11:41, \';;•tore thy tartar II:t • Ire+. en's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED ()I� BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIU111E'I11AI)E CAKE .OR COOKIES REMEMBER ER x"1'11:+, 110IVI1': BAKERY" ' II. T. VOW:WIN. \Irs, I1, E. Ilard:sty, t t '1'111 olth. ,1 I \t .1-, tt 1111 rare (tool are at the saute titoc quickly and I 1' • of our perrlrou•tit blue 111.. • p 1 lin . plot., .\nt1n11 .mere 1c11 1v 11111 ii '11 i I nor, tit. Irlcns. 11•x`11\' :Ipp!iti1. :Hit -inkling Ilitll for- 1 1 Ito liri'l thy • 11:r 1. 111 :''.t' 1 r Jt':I tilt's' 1vt•Il spell' 1 1 Liken t' 111 'se pa. - 1 \\-hen the 11lalin ,1 iulj"n 11x• al„., 1)..,,,ifnlntd cf- i Nils,. Lois Itron•n. Master lack are: tures. 'There j- a d , .1;t. 1 I t'‘,. 1a0- Could you Iirowlt returned 1111 \\ tilt.. 1tlily Ilnlll I :Intl.• CI-;I„t'- ;111 t'1 'yen's in 1'11' Illi\I Illi fcI'tiwc I,;It 4111 s11nu' •e:ls11n, ha, t•ednrud , 1. 11'11 intpro\e tln'ul;I \ ;In'I 1;11. li:y That \1'1111'1the gcrtltittxtini! 111 thy ,1't• -I 11, ;I 11111_,vt-iiitlg :.Ir, and \Ir,. It, I'. Quinn, at ,,f pxslllrt' pct' :wry. Oat'()111:1"1”11,'1 •;1'llllt'I'1111.\' feel \\ hon the allle extent. Guelph. \It•. and \It,, 1)uinn rclurnt'1 i fo 111 1 It 1letlu' ! ❑ tn;c thloti ! trre 1'.j duly, Liili i. NN tlI"n ;Int! are ej,jtjng \I r. aI '1 lout thr griming -ea- to. \\'x11)1 t.:1 matt a ho .near, aur) 1 urs"•, I.o11,c Snlnt I.I \1'In'at—'I his .lust i, SII',, (.t l'gl' Il111\111 a1111 ntlll'I IIT ll. I ,i, I 1 Ili1'11';1,(' tt•IY titin' II of 111111: ++ 1 .\111! I'tl Int' It';tl 1'111 1\ 11 111111; Miff(' l'n'I1111II ;11111 docs 10 '!'c 'I;Illlat!l, 1 ! I ., V;;;^, 4r�1;1.1 y1C,.. 471..,,, ..-. 1 t^.,, " uii':; .> "• 1-• a1:. 1^In 1,14 n•^iq'6'%' ..:'C•' :. ti�^i'ti�6• m'•�tCat�tti.!v .a"w''� " ::;':a�%�w'�c'.�ot:'a a I hat 11 jIt•1 11 ,plat Ili, jgnln;c c, to 1\hcat in OI:t; nt than 0 gcnul'ailt \Ii 111'1 \I .. James 111'x1111 anti nnlh int a lona tt 1, i iv .J y rc;llitcd Ry the grljn rt' Iwur. 'fin is family of 'fort oto, .pent 1111 1vee1;-curl I 4• '1'o rcdut•1: IaIi'inr during tic rush e; TU F r,E1 ;� 1 i� 1711' �a. "njng to tltc fact that 11101 of Poi, moil t,•,ith \Ir. and \ors. I1'n!'It'IIt 'Taylor, perjud, t� 1 �r � i. blot\ 11 ;Nay 11111g 1)uforc harvest time I The Intl,' 111'1'11 Il,d•a1'1111 pi 'ls I 111'- t,i mid ihn, nrly 1'1' 1,vtrlonkcll by tic \Ir. and Nit's. Andrew Sloan an•I rrnl an., h'talt1 cnln'rni,,nl!\ ,n I't c2 grocer mile„ 111 Iia, pun, 111 he jtlspcct- son, \la:, of Shtfiield, n•rt vkit;ng IIiglIw'a\• 11, 1 Ft friends and re!aljves in the vicinity. atoll. O!iyc 111a'rljl:c, 1I nsa{{ 1 Il `.o t' jog lois fields ;'bout the titnc 1Nhcat kip 4 1';•-.itc:;t". i iyr coming In ear. it is Ilrrt ;Ill 11111'utlllnni 1)r.( Clarence F. x11(1 Nlt•,. \\ I•Igllt ty thing tet fin'I a wheat field with I. to 15' 1 .-'. 1.10•:d Young, G.iilurirli, ' .tit• 111 t. (if Toto\\ n,;utd sister, :clic at' d 1•x1)111 per cent of t11u cars tltstrcyud to I;1, ;Ind NIP'. 1,;nvson, 11f Lond"n, in' 1 farm 1 It 11f l'arinu• 111 snrtil• I 3. 11;crwey 'I'ilnnts. 1}Inev;cic, \11, M ; I' Nit's. Sadly Sinlntnn, R.N., of Detroit, tit'tllpll,'ll,—[11ttse ,nlnt I, ....enl in the 411n(11retl from London In \11,11 NI is, 1 j,ghn•ay. field ;H... as ,non as thy tvhcat begins Ella Gibson, \viii is very ill at the4. laitot•s Srolt. Scalia -1h, No . I; h ht ear out, it destroys both the grafin. .home of her sjstcr, \I r., .\I It:z 1 111:4110';':.• il and the chaff, changing tient to a Smith. It i. hoped that the perple of this V0 , black powder. The 0hole lead tlnl, ne FRESH HONEY -- 4-111. PAILS Comity -will avail themselves of the 11'1- S' —v-- 11TURNIP GREENS 211 OZ. TINS i1c Rceomes a Maul; moll mass. 'These ♦ portunitw t0 \vatu11 :aril observe the re- snnit tins -`•c, art broken 111, :til I 104,11 11> t Pasture alts. IlerOrll, of pasuuc day, tvill Iu o BLUE RIBBON I'UDDING 1'OWDER5 2 FO1: 19c Permanent 1 �lsturl ;iwiy by the wind, the onlyrelnainjllt. .1,1)i.1,1)i1,111,11cavi “,lot. Each ,,,,,,,,,,i. (Vanilla, Checc!atc, Ilult'-rscotc!a, Carnal). DCln0115tl', dt1Cll Plots lta; e 1 ! osinl;ttcl\ five acr.us of 1111 r i3L,UE BERRIES FOR PIES 31'c .evidence at liar,(•, time being the Irak- I I led central ex41, of the ear. 'Phis year tittmarent p;t,turc deuton- niixttn'e. In the s;into 11r al a-li•tinin;g I'' `ISUCH .S1I.VEf: CREA1'I 25e !Int then they're torl, n', in the slit p. I Treatment—Loose ;Inst (of twlleatstration nroject- have been sponsored field there is i check 111.,1 of the f Ir t,1' l._.iNZ PORK AND BEANS 18c Tin •orry for their 1,1"1,1; cannot be preventers by treating the by the Ontario I)(partrllent of :\gricul- niers t v:t secd'rtg; that is, each poo, POTATOES DUG DAILY. The.‘ 're Cursing this, anti 1;,i1,.i that, se•r(I vitll ctlivt ntcrcutit phosphate titre, There has been jncrcas'ng t‘i lt' O'iII he compared to an equal,:n'rcage tti Ili From early morn till night. (dust,copper carbonate roust or formalin, !spread interest in this line of field bus- farmers otvn mixture, thus comparing )j) The best way is to secure seed front lbandry. We have had many act, var-'the resuLs under actual field to 1 . \\'hen you're cotiverSing n'itli a friend, a linv\yil arca or from a cIN'al1 Source, ietjes of brain introduce(' in rec•.utl These records \gill he kept for t\vo Or ot);21)1)t.,iii2i.'1?tDDitai"lT;li7i2121 i$.`te aiN2/1NND)DME21, ink,�'io it•3t 12/Milinikr.it cont, r: It i. 11:s oyer •ay, II you t'l'e (t I'I no condcllnl.ttl' 11 aru,nnrnt EDITH (TTEICH HON'S D.ECORATOR'S SHUi'I'E Lacat.d Op, os'te K..ruick's Gicccry PHONE 158, BLY'I'II. 'I'I.1' !A ('lLisifietl Ad. 'i'l:ev (yet It;'sults. _..•431.1 .1•41...1.1.IMM...., d.....-..1. \\hen hc', in that ftaone of mind, \\!n -1t !111'1 .•\tc.lr and Iuric and \tit tlli t tRat'• 11 11 i, 1411111, n• And tr ''it vice. 1. 1111t ff i• j!1.1 ;I for., of 1i,Ihil. • \\ 1141111 .ta, 1 11'1• oft hefort : \\ hen t'lit ask theon all\' '10 1: do it, They 11 '11'1 eve r, kn'rtt' they •note. t ht lig\\ cy . 1' tit, L' '1'11 n •t kno\v it c j, an;tinny •Luo; , 11 hitt tbt•t't c t:tlkint; to a I'.,e'het'. ...ley don't s\\ car in I:' itt of hint. �i hen tht\'rc t;tlkitl;; to a lady, : hey -t% ill alnay.:, be p^141'.0 , And till !'ever ti -c a ',inane ,;Oh 1f tht•rc is one fin sight. Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. ' Please 1 1(xl:ic L 11oile .Delivery Orders Early. Morning Ilelivery. North of 1)inslcy Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of 1)insley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. CHICK STARTER. OA C. GROWING MASH FULL -OF -PEP LAYING MASH. SATUI?J)AY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and 'Tomatoes.