HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-08-30, Page 1r•
VOLUME 55 - NO. 02,
Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance: $2.00 to U.S.A.
To Think'Biddle lays A Peanut Lights Will Be Ready S lendid List Of Prizes Should
\Vc'vc seen mlan' I)rlllitics, such as
eggs with a "V" on them, "\'' pota For School Opening .
toes, and large and small freaks (,f
The installing of hydro in the Pubs
ttract Many Exhibitors
:I11'erseas Pevey crpnOc t! Continuation l School e almost
night, \tr. James Kelly brought into
completed, and will he reads for
this office about the best imitation of till' opening of sl'h(Il1 Ileal 1111vI,t\,
tire real thing we e'er did see. i'llis f tiac Lists Are Now Available From I MacGregor Concert Co., to Furnish
i, :t present day commodity1 Evening's Entertainment
The article tinder discussion is a that has been long overdue in the lllyth The Scc.etary. or at The Standard
"peanut" egg, laid by one of Itis hart'(( school, and particularly (luring the lull Office 1 •1 ,.Hr ,I,I\ , , Hill:, ';.t,'nll,t•r lath,
rock hens, \v'hich was such a perfect I autumn and \winter days that lie ;)head, I', 1!.. (,t, ;') t „t , I I t r, 11 ill
imitation that we hardly believed it ,itt,will be greatly appreciated I,� student., I.' -h t'.. ;1...,.!';,:u i lit, L. nt.,1 1•,
egg when we saw it. It had the size Rinl teachers alike, The 19t•I Prize List- for lit. \ „Hu st 1'+ !nil, %lily!) \\:I' 1 toll••\.,1 t„' 1'."•
and identical shape of a goal plump Each cla-s rot Ill i, e(luiiped \\ith 1, Ii,\"Ih Fall Fair, \\diel) i. 1 , L. L,'I I ,hr.. e. ! (e Alar. (;)e.",l
peanut, and even the colour was per. lights, and each hull, \\'ill he 309 \\att.,. \\edne.,tay and 'fliiir,'ha‘, S.•„Ie,I,t„.t. are a 111 iib of I,i .11-.1.. . .
rect. \1r. 1Cel!v had the egg put under '1'hc h;(II, and basement arc also lit, '1,lth Illh, are i„,„.realb, 111111 tu,l', bt that 111",' t\1 1 .. t'1'. I't,' 1"I.
the candling light at K1:riiiclt s cg(; and the vacant room has also liven prot'llrt'd he 1 ),11111\'11111; thy Vit ,'rt'tal',- ! ii rt stn,! d:on,1 :Ile 11l\\,I\ • .1
grading station,' and as near as could \\ire', although no fixtures have been „f the Fair Board, Alia, I ell.\ 1.'\111.'_ tellnle , i till I stir.
he discerned, 't bad two yokes•
installed in it. 1,ston, nr he calling 111 'Tilt' :.,:Ill;ird Other Attractions Being Arranged
other ,Ittr,el'.,0l for Fair I);Iv ;ire
at 1.re.••Ht bei!.. ;H-1:.11.'1 1, and will I,,'
School Board Meetiiij. Expect Best Fair in Many Years :llul)'nnced ata Later date,
"ito rot np.'H nn'il Christina''. That the cargo space ;available.
exciting 1,111';1`1' should ••u,il bl' 111;11,1111; Correct addressing and proper pack -
it, appearance all patrol mail despite IIIc; are estilltta! It bitter disappoint -
the fact that 1111111 p1111 t', Itt C:1111111;1 Went li to be S)lar('d service men, bast
are )tl •1 rt' It ring ,II•ulll I'a' !tote .l Christmas seas( 11 thotlsalt(Is Of parcels
shell 1111 Ir(. t'•1. holm:, der Gen(ral t\erc rer;iyed at the Mase Post Office
\\'illi lin 1'. Mut el: a1lvi,e, that it is in a damaged (-onlition. Tho) had to
lime In ural,;' i lana, f1' 1'!,ri,lnut, gift he sed aside for repair or re -addressing
p:trrel, to 1111 miler- .•f the Armed For. in (Tiler that they alight be safely scut
ce, (leer -ea,, The (du•,stu11, mailing on Io their de,tinatiun. Careful pack-
p('rh(I (lira \ea' is: iil,q Is Ittl1'I•ati\e,
Scltetnber 15 - October 25. Each parcel shuult be carefully pack -
Naturally parcel' sent to those awry- ed in corrugated shuck proof contain-
ing in the )nor:' remote theatres of war et'', the content: compact so that they Old biddic certainly got 'nixed up
should he sent the earliest. Suggest- will not shah.: loose and break out of \vhcn she laid this one.
cd "deadline" nt11i'ing (hoes are: the pack•tge. ')'hen the parcels shoultl
i4 :���.�i7i.�i ��ih��.:�. :i.j+.:'4
Sptrntncr I,1 The lar East, Iu,li,1 he wrapped in several layers of wrap-
t „II, , t 1 rr•
+1,111), I,
i:urma, Ceylon, etc, !it papt'Ir, and securely tied \with
( tell)!+.; 5—The .\11(0l\' i'.1a,1 area • strong twilit•. On no account should
rept, Iran, Iraq, Sa•ia, tit'. "Shoe 11 )xcs” lie used as container's -
metlbc:' III. -Central \le.liltrr;'utti: they ea,i;y crusli :ld break. :Mr, and Mrs. :\b, Radford of liul-
I.'orces. .\ void :tsil'g coney coloured Christ- lett, received :t cable on Monday ad-
( limber 25 --The hilted b ii g(1, 111 Ilt;ts paper as an outside \\Tapper, or vistitg th('iu that their soil, Pte. Leon -
and France. coloured rihhon to tie, and Ra'lford, had been twounled on
in view of .he rapid progress of the For added stc•tlr•ity parcels may be :August 17th. '1'hc nature and extent
ostt thea. (Idles might po,'.il)l.; be sub- soon in strung cotton or similar fab- of \roun.d's were nut kno\vn• Pte. Rad-
er t Io change, ric. Any substance likely to leak, -'ford \vent overseas the end of March,
Last ('Iti,tmla, season (Oct. -Nov,- ,preiltl and damage the mails, if scut latus after only a few days in I?ngland
Dec.) over 12(BI0,01l lbs. of parcel t rani at all, toast he enclosed itt scaled met- •c\'as sent to Italy. A short time ago he
alone were despatched to the t t)'tv, al containers with lids securely sol- visited his brother, Nelson, \\•m also
O\l•rst'as from C1111a(hl. This 1<',lt :.11 det•t'll otl - thea surrounded with ahsor_ Serves 111 ltafy.
even greater volume is hent material in corrugated cardboard
Therefore, !{.\I\!.1' \I.\11.1\1; 15 N!?. and >ernre►y \wrapic( and tit:(,
l'I':SS.\R\' to enable Postai oft (I; Fresh iru1ts, grapes, pears, etc., or
to cope with the handling, ant! to other items likely to spoil are not ac-
c:lrty out arr:ntgl•ntent, for tratl,;,,r• ceplaWr.
tali, it on titin• and ,hip;. Rrntrmlli.g. Its) \l)'l' \1.\I 1. (;LASS J.\ItS OIt
that cargo space is still at a prett.ittnt, 110'I"I'I.!':S.
Ileac in mind this \e11• that the ):):til The marling of matches, safety mat -
must travel greater distances -loan: of cites, lighter fluid or any other itflatt-
ot.r troops are farther afield -un tilt- nlahie snh,tance is prohibited by la\\•.
fetl•nt fronts ii. litiug ur'der the con 1'- .\ completed Customs i)cclaration
tions of mobile warfare -plenty of time' should be attached to each parcel.
dust be hull\\\'( Itctt\ttn waling and L ,\II ural should be folly and, clearly
delivery. Picture the chaos if vwerwttttt a idt'vssctl in int:, \vitt in misleading al).
should \gait till the Last minute to nrlil. hrcti:tti',,ts, )'lace it return address ort
Postal :I)tthuriti<', \votll( he faced \\lilt ',the cower of each parcel and also a slip
the inlpos,ihit tank 111 providing >nf among the contents giving the name and Ile \vas born in \lcl�illop '1'It\\nship,
lirient space ai;oard rile last ,)lips Ica\' • address of rile sender and the ('out- the son of the late Robert Johnston
11lg in time to .runt'. 1 itri,tinas drliv-'plile Anted Forces address that alt-
ers'. and \larg;tret 'frown. 1\'ben a lad of
The result \\ mild meana cheerie.s pears in the parcel. Prepay all mai 10 I�e to moved with his parents the
Christmas II;t for thousands overrc'11s correctly. By refraining from \\•riling on! concession of East \ is to ash,
for\\,ctl eagerly to getting tl)tir to a (member of the Armed Forces on the farm Hua' occupied by Al). )d1
Christmas gifts in tints. Overse:ts that gifts are being sent, tilt- Cullough. In the year 1890 he married
.\ •,ut:ge,li•HI to further h'.•lp our til actually nt,tiled, notch \worry can \l;ugaret IIo\\att, of East \1'asvaltush,
1 . ami girl- . m :\cIivt• S.r\•ir' IT -he saved the soldier. i)0 Hol disappoint daughter of the late Al r. and \it's.
reit,' Iheil• gift`, front home is to v•'1 -;out' )nen by mailing too late for Christ- George hlotvatt, who prciecca,cd him
unta"ile rut tlotvit, as far as possible, utas delivery, 18 years ago. To this union \vas horn
on the size of the package, e:.n I'orsons \\ho mail for Christmas to a family of 5 children, 3 boys and
though the Im:txintmtt \weiiht at the the Arnie I Forces Uwcrscits can rest girls, all of \\tom survive, Stank},
sot•rial '"ale t I' 12 cent, per pound is II assured that the authorities \\•ill do eV. (;coy (., and Lcslic, (Agnes) Ales.
Ifs.. I'h'; \\•111 enable amthorit;cs to 1cr}"(hittg possible to intake deliver}' on Radford, and (,Ada) Mrs. Clarence
ship a greater number of parcels in time. Clark, of London. Also (our graval-
- .. .__ _ children and 1 great-grandchild.
Pte. Leonard Radford
Robert Johnston
After :t lengthy period of declining
health which finally confined hila to
hospital, Mr. Robert Johnston, passed
away in the \\'ingliaut hospital on
Friday night, August 25111, in his 79111
Nil'. Johnston was Well known in
this community, where he had resided
throughout his entire life.
Tpr. Gord. Craig Mentioned
In Canadian Army Paper
'I he fluu\r;,l) article, \vl•ittcn by Cpl,
h. 1'onl''11, and included in the; cul •
umal, of a iert.'nt i'tliti;)n of •''file \lap -
le Leaf", makes reference to a former
local ht..', Iltn't.t'I' Gordon (t'alti, son
ul Air. and Alts, lkuhcrt Graig, of Mor-
ris 'Township. The article will inter-
s't it til\ who '',ill rcmtrnthct• Gordon,
I h ken reit in Italy 1 some
Sniper Trouble
Ile tde;crihei limy he was sitting in
the turret of the tank with Cpl. Walter
It t wie, C'ratcr, Sask., )who was later 1 family of 9 chil'lren, of which only 2
Ellie(, and Tpr, \lort•is Kaufman, of tare nowsur\•i\ing, a sister, Mrs, Alice
taupltiii, \Fal, "There seas a sniper Brown, of 'Toronto, who was present
around .,,,mc place to add to our troub- ( for the funeral, and a brother,William,\\ n, .Is )te e t;; 1 i \ or so ( les. But we couldn't place hint, Every of Blyth.
time: titnc Ave stuck our necks out of the ( Mr, Johnston was a member of the
turret, \I G's la at a tattoo on the hall. United Church and the Canadian Order
* * * .\ed I \vas silt;ng there congratulating' Foresters. Ile was of a quiet dis-
":;on( it slant 1s the wu:d fur Tin,. myself that at least l lalpettnv and position, acid took no active part in
(;e1rge !Hive, 0..
chunky lank driver lraig were ultt of the Meleewhen 1'1l municipal affairs,
from St•alhrlaT, Man. After being
be damned if he didn't pop up and say: funeral services vete held from his
ianoiie'1 1"11 of !tis tank at the Ilene- iI.. 1 tt
ht oht ) (111 bottle of might
teed me,
\tt(l .late residence on Monday aftcrnt'oi
dit•t•nc Crossroads in the Hitler Line.' ,(at ..30 o'clock, hunt, conducted by the
he acnt ;tick, under it hail of machine- , \utile I think of 11, we got the Jerry Rev. A, Sinclairr, assisted by the Rev.
gun fire, to retrieve a heldle of beer! gun that shut ns up," he concluded. R, \V. Ross, During the service M r.
Ili; clew commander, Lieu:. 11.11 Lieut. Rcadc's drea .Here members of Stanley Sibthorpe rendered the iuv.iy
Reade. \\'innipeg, told how Ilaipcnt.y the lord Slt'a hrona's horst Royalsolo, "511.(duns \large circle of
\\cot alter the quencher. \\'c werefriends were present to pa}' their list
going down a sunken road when a Jer- il'anadians, the \\'cstern Canadian Tank respects to lite departed. A profusion
re Sl' fired hit" s,upcd-up 75. l is got Regiment, \vMich, on the following day, hof lovely floral tributes testified to the
us twice, ;rod the tank \vent an. fire. !smashed its way across the llelfa in esteem in which deceased was held,
\\'c Indulged l., put it out, and throe of t•
he vanguard t,i the Calla.;ian Corps, 1 '1 he flower bearers wcrc, Messrs.
After his marriage 11 r, and Mrs.
Johnston took up farthing on the farm
now occupied by their son, Stamey,
later moving to the farm •now t'cctipied
,by his son, Leslie,
Nine years ago he married 'Airs. God -
kin, who also t,urvivcs hila, Since that
time they have resided in Myth.
The late Mr, Johnston was one of ;a
its climbed in to give 11aipennv and
Craig cowering Ire \\ )tile they carried There is absolutely no troth itt the Harvey Brown, Lloyd Johnston, Clar-
ence Johnston, and Robert Armstrong.
a wounded squadron leader to a jeep. rumor that Tpr. llalpcttny did not
l lalpcn iy explained that be and ;acluall} :irink the prized bottle of beer, I The pallbearers ower., \frssrs. Ed.
Tpr. l;mrd (:ra"g, of lllyth, Out., arae- Slid -
'inasmuch as it \was supposed to be us•Armstrong, Elmer :Armstrong, Shel-
nated the \vt,mt.ied officer. Alvan- I bourne, 1Villiain Brown, henry Arm •
while, stiff was falling thick and heavy. ii d as a "sample" in an Italian sales strong, John Johnston and (.;corgi
Referring to the shelling they took, campaign for the products of a well- \Vightmat, Interment \vas made in
Reade said, "It \vas a little warm." known western brewery. Union Cemetery.
The regular meeting 1)1 the Myth 'tilt' ,.Ificer,and (I;Icrtnr, f this Extra Gas Available For Exhibitors
School Board was meld in the Manor' Fair Board arc ;utlieipatin',; It t' h
ial Hall at 8 pant., on :\ugtl,t '\)til, l,lrb l..r, '\ .o noir\ Ir,tn_tt •t••e1
with \\'. \illi,, '\\'. 'I'huell, S. Crciglt-
ton and J. Armstrong, present,
The milutes 1 f the last Inceli tg were ;Itlwlsetl to procure a prize ll•( its s(,'H1'
approved"" nloliun of li'ii.tccs l:reigit cult
nr,l( t)flire. t I nton.
;IS it is po,sibl; rnnwcnient. It is int -
tun and 'Flinch possible to cnninnoratc than hent'. Fine Weather Eloped For
The following "'crowns were apgr•y-
'Trustces Armstrong The attendance at la,t esu"', I ,lir
j200.CO Offered For Race Prizes until.! have het a til. highest in .'ears
$18.15 Juin not the \\.,Miler inter\cued. Just
'I he pone Of(reit for the races h•IS
as the parade, of schools \\ as getting
been inrr;ascd to Y)'1,1N1, The rant s •
under \\ay, (1')\tn came the rain, and
tvili ('\,psis\ (if t\\') events. a 2.2pall e
;n a .hot; lime the raer t",Ich \vas in -
or trot, and a 2.28 pace or trot, \\itll
Iles d.�'p in Houle >!any cy.'nt. haul
`101)100 divided in four for each event.
\York out the race track Ila, been t . Ile 1'111!.( 111, \1 111. pI t'•e 111 toll'
;' rain i, ahou: the only thing that rnigltt
ing on for se\cral \\'eel:,, and the
spoil til', year%
track should be second to none \\ heti
Fair him-. arrives. J II•I a reminder to proem e a Prize
Fair in many years. ht tic\\' 1f this Imore tlrul tilt' ,» -mile limit that ,1
prize Honey has hcen iut•I ea •e)1
rut•. r:,Ir,l t';I, for trnrhi,'.g purpose-,
many of :hc hats, hull you ant' 1\111 Itornl, ivy nal\" 11\'ail,lhlt' ;It tilt' .
ed on motion of
and Creig \tun,
C. T. 1)obbyn
George (;arniss. labour
Joe Thud, part payment on
cont ract , S(10.0:I
Moved by '1':esters 'i'hurll and Arm-
strong and carried that \liss Mills he
\Insic Supervisor for the Public Sch"ol
at a sal11•y of $125.00, duties to cruor
Hume. in September,
Ott motion cif 'I rustecs Thuell and
Creighton, Scuilary was instructed to
ad%'ise the Ontario Safety League that
\re \w•onl1 riot have their prooram this
\lccling adjourne(i on notion of
Trustees Armstrong and Creighton.
—Leslie Milburn, Secretary.
School Open Nest
Tuesday, Sept. 5th .
Myth Public and Cctilitittation
Schools open the Fall 'Terni out Tues-
day, September 5th, ;is (lo all tether
schools, where students are not requir-
ed for a longer period of essential
\w\ail:, such as agriculture.
' .\tt increase i't attendance in both
the Public and .C:ontiunttiolt school is
anticipated. 'There is a large .mance
class moving into the (_ulttitlli dirt\
School, and this, ;aided to several 0111-
' side students, who are ex; void to en-
roll, should boost 'tile Co. notation
School attendance considerably,
Must Be Six Years old By Sert. lst
.\ large Beginner's Class is expected
in the Public School. Parents are re-
minded :flat a motion on the hooks of
the School Board state that a child
nntst he six years old by the first of
September, otherwise he or she is not
!eligible to start,
The st tff of teachers \rill be the sante
as last year, N, P. Garret, and Aliss
Natalie Ilernt;tits in the Cortinttaton
School, and I.:\. (;ray and Aliss Grieve
in the Public School.
Local Fox And Mink Farmer
Have Lively 'I'inle Rounding
Up Escaped Animals
Air. Jack Creighton, local fur ranch_ Government Appointment
et., :ind :t fu\v of itis neighbours had a
lively time on Saturday morning ft,tltl(1. Aire (,r11•ge \!t'\;Ili lids rt'cei ctlland \\';t, .\tltitilti.t;lt , id' ()111 Ageing up s'�me of his valuable animals, the appointIutnt through the r vin- Pensions nsion, in the \innie•p;iiti• s of 1:!itis,
1\Iter Mr. Creighton arose in the ,sial (;oyernnicmt of Inspector for the Brussel,. l hulgannun, Fast \\ a\\;n)n.h,
ntotiluillg he .discovered that V mink aHyl
t'onuuis.toncr 1 f Loans, Toronto, and \I„rris, and 1i tillett 'i i it.lii,,s
1 foe had esc,t;•et1 f""•'•n their pen, and
his duties are tea continence at once. Is Vetere.ns Of Two Wars
immediately the hunt was tit. 'Alt. \Ic\all's territory cover, the (;t',,rgt' i' a \.\elan „1 the la•t (lit
\Pith the aid of his neighbours and \\')toleot• the (•omntit', of Miro)) and \\m.,. in \\.,,, \\..n. \\'.o" I he stry,.l \\ith
his trusty Terrier dt•g, rile fox was Ihuce, and, citizens o4 tilt' \ i1111t,e "ill distinction for the entire four year.,
finally run down and trapped in a cul (also learn \\ith plea,ute that hi. al. -';'11 1\1- ,n\u",lt.1 the Mih tt'. '.\le'I,tl,
vert across the high\vay. '1'hc fox soon ipointlucnt \\ ill permit hies to i•unaitt 111 the "r, -eat r'nitict he served
tired title to ti'i' fact that it 1• penned lr.l 111'1h, which i, convenient') l,'t,lte,l \ear , rcturnln,:, fr.,nt owrrseh. so-
up all the time, and not in \cr\' goo'.!in the .airy. tf hi, in•pect,)r,tte. he \ice ill Januar , lot I, attaining tilg
running condition, has already plllt'I1:veil hi. home here. ,11111!. 11 ( 11111,1 n\ �'r (';111\\I;II„r
The .1111111i "holed up" tlm•Ierneatil the; \\'ilh .nary 'cults' nrtulictp.l! expc, i- 11, uh, h! l're.i,lt'ul of IIIc ltletlt
barn, and had to be captured in devious mice he'lind liinl, \Ir. McNall i, lou- \,4ri1i Ii l';11 Society fol. 2 year., and
manners, dere again the 'I'eir'cr imp dothtedly \\ ell qualified for hi, nett i, ;1 inctiiher `i Pk th Lodge ,\. F. &
was \vorlt' ii'i \weight in gold. :appointment. For 8 year, lig \\:t, .\.AI., N', 30.1,
lly three o'clock in the afternoon (hr reeve of the NIunicil+ality of Ill\ 01,1 \\-ell kn ,\\n t!Iroug' '1' the County,
animals \yeti' all rounded lip and safely a '+1 while in attendance at County the a,,po?ntluent should he a popular
back itt their i eras. aineil in Godcrich serve.( as ('hair• •lot's ;Intl for It c'ri'er\, are j,tii lte: «•itlt
The fox \vas Otte of thebest Afr. 11•' lit of the C. mite home t-ottntlittt r. I1) 1, ' t ill •ante hien(, in t•n"'•+atttl-
Crcighton ha;. l tl c :\gricultural Advisory Commitee. acing Mr. \ItN,:ll 0'1 hi_ ,',p.,,ntnlcnt,
t.1 t, and from it, plan \\hal event. you
The ex.trt !'\lira. 'matey should at- ,rail enter, pvrilall, With I)milt tit \'olii'-
tract a good field of horst:, j,elf, and benefit to the F,tir,
Sister Dies In Hospital
Next Alotola" is Laholn• (lay, and a Till• d'll nceir"!el! itt \\'inghant
Public holiday. Lay in an extra stock Il,,,pil;d 111 \I, ndho of ;I fornu'r \yell
of silt ii: for the lung holiday \\eck-
cud. ,no\\n rosiden: of Itungamion i1 the
Cool( Family Enjoy
Send ay Re -Union
\Ir, and All's. Leonard ('ook and
family spent a most enjoyable after-
noon at (;u(lerich on Stntday, the oc-
casion being a t c-nnion. "Pilo,\ 11 (11 ri -idr,i 111 In_ l es, II after their t), •
for this .•ccasl.'n husidts the pare rt,
lucre, \Ir. and All's. ()rya' Cook ;1',d dud anal later 111.11 id I;„dclid., Pott
Arthur and Itrus-t'1,, title i- sm"yi\r'1
thorn}', of \Iitchcil; NI r. hurl \urs. Ii;u•- i.\ ;1 „,)t, I.'et:t. Su1111t\ \\':tlk•'r, of
�t"Id look, Ilelgr ve, \Ir. anti Mrs. Fall -
•the \•clrr;,n It:'hrd• at \ing,ua-o'l�the-
Itvarll Johnston 111141 family, of Itlyllt.
La”' ,I, 1:1' of 111\111. i a
\ mostcnjoyahle lain' is rep,)rtrd,
brother, anal Mts. .\. 11, 11e inland, of
person of Mr. Margaret \\'alter, ,)f
Brussel-, I „loci l} Ali„ \larcaret
\nen.tin''. She t\1t flit' eldest (lauebltr
f Itcnjatuitt .\ugn't;nr an' i ta' ah
Aline \I((rititl'_tton .\ttt,u,tinc, ;Intl 44:15
bHai at I ,•rt •t ; I \ -:u", at". She \vas
married to 1 Logy \\'1111,,'r do years a11,
it' predeceased her six y ears. They
Purchases Farin
• Mr. Stun Appleby has purchased 111.
Bellinger farm on No, 4 Ihelm i,t\, nt+ltil
of lllyth. \Ir, Bellinger is having an
auction, sale, preparatory to 4tiItting
the premises in favour of \Ir..\ppleh)•,
IIlltgalpllorl, i•' a si-ter, The itnit'ta!
\\ as 114.1.1 on \\"eillicsday. .\ moist .3.11 11
ft•oni the home of \ll',. Pentland \with
interment in i)nngauton ('.meter..
L011desl)oi'o Re(1 Cross I hr \\loin, \\stilt•.. of the 9111 Line,
Notice Nitryl', ht'1,1 1440 ulectinl:, (Iln•inc the.
The regular meeting of the Lulus- nonoil of .\nl:u't, ;it the kink.. of Mts.
hors Rett (Togs \\ ill he heli in the \lure\tl 1:icltait iti and Airs.
(tgllttllllltl\• 1:all. !.tnai(',h01'tt, Itt'\l (oei1t'tline. tttl both
Thursday, September 7th. guilt, \\,'rc conlldeltti,
W. G. McNall Receives
1 Seat of Soviet
7 Native of
U. S. S. R.
13 Northeastern
14 Strong-odored
edible bulb.
15 Neuter
17 Shade.
18 Talk.
19 Part of be "
20 Obtain.
22 Boy's name.
23 Cured of
a hog.
24 Recede.
25 hurt.
27 Fasten r:rmly.
28 hearty.
29 'fest,
31 Afterward.
32 Absurdly.
33 Lukewarm
37 Efface.
42 Girl's name,
43 Exorbitant
rate of
Answer to Previous Puzzle 16114).
PRINCE CARL_ 19 Capable.
JAR -A81 C VENEERL'-tThrti
OAS I SIDENSE_ PO_I- 26 Mother,
OLE, E O IIR A T TANS MR 28 Exclamation,
LIN S GJ IA P S_ IE 30 Cover.
ATOP 1 C A _0 __ 31 Alkaline
SMS -I R (L O T -APE substance
EE L A Wan NIA RTS used in soap,
TAT T RICIN 33 D"eller.
'3 `'i rn
S W-EID E N .T E N_ E T S" 3 111ii'iili',ck ntly
NIAN,A RIEIT I D'Y7 38 Indian army
44Iligh' t point. hu se's head. (Abr./.
45 No, 2 Print measure :33 Sun god
48 Golf device. ,3 Floor covering 39 Likely
•19 Article. 4 Rini; of beasts 40 Appear to be.
50 Jumbled type, 5 Inside. 41 Puts forth
51 Exists. ti Indigence. etre t.
7 City in 46 Species of
54 Metal. Minnesota, evergreen.
55 Observe. 8 Remove head
57 Two and one, covering
58 Despises. 9Thailand.
10 Habitual
'VERTICAL drunkard.
1 Chessman 11 Within.
bearing 12 Enumerate.
53 ;Ulster (abbe.)
12 3 4 5 ji
13 14
15 16 17 18
IZo 2,1 2z 23
Z5 1 126 27 1 28
6 7 8 9
47 Detre.
50 Desert,
52 Ocean.
54 Transpose
56 Suffix.
By Fred Nr. -:her
d --/o- -43
;4 7 /1 �"Kn-A).
1'1L Vr'4 EI' Aa 1i K /
Pt, Y•,� ,..I,
"First it was a car pool, and then they decided to fix
include sugar, coffee, meat and fuel oil."
MSEER,,, cM R!
Ewa 1S1 IT NES SE►v,E[ INF, 7, M, AEi II. S.►1S C:/,
"Hey, Steve, how do you want
your eggs?"
"George just collects!"
it so as to
3-19 w..:r,. G:•, K,,.
"The owner says anything that took as long to build as that
did deserves a good send-off!"
C. vhl' it The SAO, tot, C.eae...
Cr.-. o►rrepAll •-• •
"Der Canadian patrol vos 'ere last night!"
By Hershbergei
_-. erar.2iNr�•
1 ;!I„' II' l'
,11r1., ,Ilii„
II"Ill ip1111
0011.1943 SY NIA SERVIC, INC. T.M RIG V S PAT OM //•/?
Ir H I "I -l2
"We'd like a couple. of six-foot _blonds!”
It's A Cinch That Their Fishing Boat Will Soon Be A Submarine
`/0U BooB, DO
Y�' ;I '
- • ,•...,r
.: I�/r/ /If %
,111►: r.,_�' :�'1=, - x 1 /1' ' =
REG'LAR FELLERS—Inviting Trouble
Tits Is sweu.i.
5PYON'am ! 1)
POP—Forecaster Pop
(� gOMf3S THIS
M ;rFn,,l
Outstandingly Good
-•-441-•-•-4-4 • 4444•-•-•4. 4 • 444 •-•-•'• $.-4 •- 4-4- • 44-4-4-4- 4-4 -1--4+• 444
Sapphires and Diamonds
Margaret Horton was angry and
disgusted, She grasped her golf
stick firmly in both hands, and
with neither preliminaries nor
thought of direction swung it
against the little white ball lying on
the grass, Peggy's mind, however,
was not on golf. Her brows were
furrowed, her body tense; her whole
manner that of haste and excite-
ment rather than deliberate con-
There was a sharp sound as the
ball struck and a sudden grinding
of brakes,
"What a day1" she murmured as
she ran forward 10 see what dis-
aster she had caused, She saw a
low swung roadster standing in the
road. A man was standing with
his back to her, staring at the wind-
shield. Peggy spoke in a shaking
"I'm awfully. sorry, I hope no
one's hurt."
The man turned on her angrily,
tut lost some of his belligerency
at the sight of an antagonist so un-
deniably pretty. He smiled, and
Peggy decided he looked rather
nice when le smiled.
"No, no one's hurt," he answer-
ed. "I'm alone, and the non -shat -
terabit glass did its stuff. It looks
funny, though, doesn't it?"
It's a juniper season! I•:;tsy-to-
umake Pattern 41)08 has button -clos-
ing for back interest. Nice in plaid
wool or velveteen; frilly blouse.
Pattern 4908 conies in children's
sizes: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Juniper, size
0, requires 1 yard 54 -inch, Blouse,
yard 35 -inch.
Send twenty, cents (20c) in coins
(stamps cannot be accepted) for
this pattern to Rooth 421, 73 Ade-
laide St., \Vest, Toronto, Write
plainly size, name, address, style
. You Will Enjoy Staying At
Every HIM III s%Ith lath, Show-
. er and Telephone.
Single, tt2.ti0 up—
Double, $:Lr,o up.
I p Gond food, Dining and 1)nne-
Ing Nightly,
Sherbourne at Carlton
Tel, RA. 4135
ISSUF 30-1944
Quickly, if a%ticw:u•dly, Peggy
climbed the old cedar fence, She
had difficulty finding a footing
through the clinging tendrils of
honeysuckle that covered it. Dut
at last she was up, and the boy,
for he was scarcely more than
that, helped her down, There were
leaves on the gray tweed of her
skirt, and a splinter from the rail
fence had broken a stitch in her
green wool sweater, The brown
braids of her hair, coiled about her
head, werc somewhat awry; but
her brown eyes thanked hint, and
the uptilt of her little nose asked
questions as she followed hint to
the car. Silently they examined
the maze of lines upon the surface
of the glass.
The boy broke the silence. "That
was some wallop you gave that
ball. What were you doing? Prac-
ticing for the golf tournament at
Lockton? I'm on my sway there
Peggy shook her head, "No, I
wasn't practicing for anything. I.
was trying to work off my temper."
"Do you hit things, too, when
you're mad?" he asked, growing
friendlier in the discovery of a
common trait, "I always do. It used
to be my nurse—sometimes my
own head—then other boys, and
now the first thing that conies
Peggy smiled. "1 don't believe
I'm quite that bad. But when
you've made a fool of yourself
you've got to do something. So I
took my driver and a pocket full
of balls and just began banging
therm around."
"You don't look as if you'd
ever make a fool of yourself," the
young man told her, eyeing her
appraisingly, "Nome I do—often,
That's one reason I'm on my way
to Lockton. To forget I was a
fool. The cause of my being a fool
was a girl. 1 suppose yours v;as a
pian?„ he asked.
Peggy hesitated before answer-
ing. "Yes, and no. There's no use
talking about it. 1'r got myself in a
mess, and that's all there is to it.
But I hate being made a fool of!”
she finished, bursting into angry
tears. ''Don't pay any attention to
me, I'll be all right in a minute."
"Sit down here on the running
board and cry all you like. The
girl I was engaged to was always
crying when she got mad, which
was pretty often, so I'mt used to
tears. While you weep I'll intro-
duce myself so you w'on't feel that
you're crying with a stranger. I'm
Harry Wilson—just graduated from
Vale. No job, but the old man has
enough, so I'nm not worrying. Until
yesterday I was engaged to a girl
who is a honey, hut spoiled to
death. So am I, only I admit it,
and she won't. I got jealous be-
cause some visiting gay was pay-
ing her too much attention, and like
a darn' fool I intimated that there
was an out of town girl I thought
was pretty swell. She got sore
and gave me back my ring and
:here 1 anm trying manfully to hide
my broken heart."
With a final sniffle Peggy wiped
her c} es and her nose, and smiled
at him. "Don't," she pleaded. "I'm
all through. 1 do feel better al-
though I'm frightfully ashamed of
"Forget it," Ilarry advised. "Rut
go on and tell me your life his.
tory. I'd like to know something
about the girl who tried to kill me
before she even saw mc."
For Speedy Relief
1 Take one or two Allergi-tabs and
discomfort vanishes) Distressing
symptoms disappear! A simple, suc-
cessful tablet treatment containing
pollen antigens of Ragweed and
other plonts that cause Hay Fever—
plus Vitamin C and medicinal Ingre-
clients to speed relief, end congestion.
To Build Resistance
Take a Vitavax capsule daily dur-
ing the Hay Fever Season to corn -
bat fatigue and exhaustion — build
vigor and vitality. Vitavax 11 Ila
only preparation mode, combining In
easy -to -take capsule form
richly concentrated Vita. t�
mins A, Bt, C and D
D11300151 —AND on ;mar ro NORMALS
Ineligaias arimafflarairnut. a�4BtEitiRia?1tD�Y
One of the incidents that makes a war a tragedy compounded of
innumerable tiny personal dramas is caught by the camera in the
photo above. It shows Lt. ,Nonet-Raisin of the Fighting French,
being greeted by his wife as he returned home for the first time
since leaving in 1943 to join French forces in Africa. He Is wroth
an armoured division of French troops, now fighting in their home-
land for the first time since France's fall,
Peggy hesitated; She did not like
talking about herself to strangers,
but this boy had been s0 nice about
the damage she had done to his
car, and so tactful, she felt, about
her outburst of tears. :Anyway,
there was a feeling of companion-
ship, sitting here in the stillness
of the country morning, gazing
across the road into the meadow
as they talked. It inducedla mood
for the exchange of confidences.
The Jersey cattle grazing in the
green field raised their heads to
stare at them in evident surprise,
The bell on the lead cow made
little silvery noises as she stood
in the shade of one of the large
oak trees, wisely chewing her cud,
and waiting. The odor of honey-
suckle mingled with that of the
red Cherokee roses blooming along
the roadside.
"There isn't much to tell about
me," Peggy said, "My name is
Margaret Horton. I live with my
grandmother in that house you can
sec through the trees." Marry rose
from the running board and turned
around, looked as she directed, at
the old-fashioned Colonial house
on a slight rise about two hun-
dred yards from tie road.
"I thought that must be the
country club," he said, resuming
his seat. "It looks like a swell
place for a party. Won't you in-
vite me sometime?"
"If you can, send me your fam-
ily history for several generations
I'll invite you to nmy debut this
"Debut? 1 didn't know girls had
those any more."
"But 1 live with Gran," said
Peggy. "Don't misunderstand me.
She is the sweetest person in the
world. But she still thinks that
nice girls shouldn't go pi -tees un-
chaperoned. They shouldn't go at
all, in fact, until they have made
their dclolts. The list for that party
for this fall is now in the making,
and I assure you all of the best
families in several counties will be
represented. Rut I w'on't know any
of theta. I've never been to the
country chub. I've never been out
with a boy except ,)vhcn I was in
boarding • school and spent week-
ends with other girls."
Karry stared at her in amaze-
ment. "Honest?" he queried.
(Continued Next Week)
1 Samuel 18: 1-5, 11-18
eth on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looketh on the heart.
1 Samuel 16;7.
Memory Verse: I love thee, 0
Jchot'ah. Psalm 18:1,
Samuel Mourns For Saul
"And Jehovah said unto Samuel,
How long wilt thou mourn for
Saul, seeing I have rejected him
from being king over Israel? Fill
thy horn with oil and go: I will
send the to Jesse the Bethlehemite,
for I have provided me a king
among his sons." Samuel is now
told that he must put aside his
grief for Saul and to go forth to
anoint hint wlmu is diwincly chosen
to he Israel's new king.
"And Samuel said, lloy can I
go? If Saul hear it, he will kill ate.
And Jellotall said, "Take a heifer
with thee, and say, I am cone to
sacrifice to Jehovah," Samuel's
fear of Saul reveals that he knew
only too well that in spite of Saul's
confession of sin there was no
Peaches For The Good Provider
Ripe Peach Jant
To retain the rich, luscious fla
aur of peaches, make sure that the
fruit is fully ripe and add natural
fruit pectin. The short -boil method
of jams making means halt -again
more glasses :Dud a perfect 'set."
If these directions are carefully
followed, you'll he assured of per-
fect results:
(?flakes about 8 medium glasses)
3cups prepared fruit
45: cups sugar
t box pnwdcred fruit pectin.
'Co prepare fruit, peel about 2!,:.!
pounds fully ripe peaches; pit and
grind or crush thoroughly.
Measure sugar into dry dish anti
set aside until needed. s1casurc
prepared fruit into a 5 to 8 -quart
kettle, filling up last cup or frac-
tion of cup will, water if necessary.
Place over hottest fire. Add pow-
dered fruit pectin, mix well. and
. ntinne stirring until mixture
,cines to a hard boil, At once pour
in sugar, stirring constantly. (To
m. duce foaming. teaspoon but-
ter may be added.) Continue stir-
ring, bring to a full rolling boil,
and bud hard 1 minute.
Rell1OVe i1'0111 fire, skim, pour
•Iuu'l:ly. Paraffin hof jam at once.
Peach -Orange Marmalade
dozen large peaches, pet 10.1
t. manges
juice of 1 lemon
Sugar (2/3 as Hauch as fruit)
Cut tient peel from three of the
oranges into pieces, Cover with
nater and boil until tender. Drain
and grind. Cut peaches and oranges
(discard peel of other three) into
titin slices and add lemon juice.
.`,Icasure and add 2/3 of the
amount of sugar. Boil rapidly un-
til thick and clear. four into clean,
hot jars and scat.
-- t
by thousands
y '•
Kellogg's cereals have an
Important place in Canada's
kitchens—now, more than
ever. Appetizing anytime—
for breakfast, Lunch, between
meal snacks. Add flavour to
'leftover' dishes, tool
ft'W�w asf�d
f/aked, o eu/,
e!'�� ave
Gwendoline P. Clarke
On a farm every season has its
sounds. One could almost tell the
time of year just by listening. In
spring there is the hunt of trac-
tors, followed by that character
istic squeaking of discs and drills.
In summer we hear mowers,
wagon -wheels and hay loaders.
And in late summer and early fall
the chug -chug -chug of the thresh-
ing machines, It is a welcome
sound even though it adds to one's
difficulties for a while. It is a
sound that indicates the end of
weeks and tveeks of work and
worry and foreshadows granaries
well filled with feed for cattle and
poultry for yet another year.
* 4 *
But as 1 said threshing has its
problems, particularly with the
present labour shortage. Farm
Commandos have done wonderful
work according to all accounts
but it would hardly be reasonable
to expect a city man to help at a
threshing. It is bad enough for
those who are used to it. And yet
if the farmer goes himself—as he
often has to these days—then the
work at home is at a standstill
even though there .nay still be
grain waiting to be cult. This hap-
pens more frequently now than it
used to because many thrashings
are so much earlier than formerly.
Early maturing spying grail) makes
this possible. But all farmers do
not favour early grain, thus it
sometimes happens that whets
Farmer Brown is ready to stook -
thresh his early oats, I'arumer
Green is starting out to cut late
oats. ,Starting out, yes, but that is
often as far as he gets. Once a
change of heart and Saul would
even kill the Prophet of the Lord
to serve his own ends.
Samuel Learns God's Will
"And call Jesse to the sacriiice,
and I will show thee what thou
shalt do: and thou shalt anoint
unto Inc him whom I name unto
thee." Samuel is as to learn God's
will and see whom of Jesse's sons
was to be the Lord's anointed. God
often reveals his will to ns grad-
-And Samuel did that which
Jehovah snake, and canoe to Beth -
!diem .. , and he sanctified Jesse
and his sons, and called uncut to
the sacrifice." Sound assured the
elders that the object of his visit
was entirely pcaccahle. I t w as a
religious cert ice he was come to
perform and for this sacrifice the
elders of L'ethelchcmt, also Jesse
and his sons, were called upon to
sanctify themselves by ssashing
their bodies and their garments as
was the custom be'ore the Mess-
ing of the s lei Hce,
David Is Anointed
"And Samuel said unto Jesse,
Are here all thy children? , , . and
Jehovah said, :\ rise, anoint him;
for this is he." When there is
beauty within the soul it is re-
flected in the countenance, and
with such God is well pleased. ile-
forc Samuel stands God's choice,
• • •
threshing machine moves into x
district there is no telling when it
will move out — and Partner
Green's oats stand waiting, be-
come over -ripe, and if a storm
happens to come along the chances
are the field is kit as flat ns a
We have been lucky in that re-
spect. Partner has had to stop
for only one half -days': threshing.
But there are other farmers rho
have been less fortunate. Some
times I wonder why farmers living
within a limited area don't get to-
gether and thresh out their pro
blems as well as their crops, It
should be possible fur farmers in
any district to agree on some sort
of system whereby no over -ripe
grain would be left standing while
another man's crop was being
threshed out. Far be it front me
to tell the amen w hat to do but I
often think that farmers as a class
are inclined to take the attitude
—"Each man fur himself and the
dell take the hindmost." lit is
more than likely Partner will tell
me I am sticking my neck out to
express such an opinion. \laybc so,
but alter all the onleokcr sees more
of the game than the players.) And
I feel, too, that if farm women had
work which necessitatul changing
hands they would make a better
job of it than the amen. I don't
know much about it but I have an
idea that the old fashioned "bees"
of by -gone days were pretty \veli
organised, and arranged to suit
everyone's convenience.
Co-operation was really sotmC-
thing in those days.
David the shepherd boy, a youth
beautiful without and within, and
Samuel is instructed to anoint him.
"'.Chen Samuel took the horn of
oil, and anointed him in the amidst
of his brethren: and the spirit
of Jehovah came mightily upon
1)avid from that day forward. So
Samuel rose up, and went to 10In-
ah." The external rite of a::..int-
ing was here accompanied by an
inner experience of time lloly Spirit
who now came upon 1),,vid for the
first time.
Chinese Etiquette
in China and some other Orien-
tal countries it is considered a
breach of etiquette for a person to
unit t:,I:ing off hi- apt static'. in
grei ting and tall. ins; to an. ;liner
Nothing is more depres-
sing than headaches ..
Why suffer?...Lamblw's
will give instant relief \.
Lambly's isgood for car. Lt •
ache, toothache, pains in iy
hack, stomach, bowels. 7k'adt
�1►0t i
aotades itamidahdfm062
?AOS 4.
NIS+ItFt .... a sl.6t,,,b, f cl..,,,,,,,,t4tlKatt6K,,,,. ICte...el4..
;Elliott Insurance Agency
le q 1 T t ( \ 1 1 11,!l' ! I I,,II Itnl'I11 of Mine, ;111'1 I\:'- \\ ikon's "1' I,I' h s•lil,'e ti in .til \ ,1;11 ;
INSURI<, i�011 ' :1ND 13L A55URI<,i). �'
1 p •, ni, i 1111.1',\;1, ha, jn,t i„mrd t'',c \\•„u1(r ','I,, s I" ,ill\ • ,I,1, ; ,In l 11.1 1! ":,,
Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident, g 1;,,-,1:::.::.. !,'..;Mille;; nligruor\ bir'hilli;ul 1:11 101.11 of I'l,'I',u1
v K I"t l!!, tll:le',I: \tell'. .\ ,lll.11ll.lf\ „I ,i r�. I • ;at 1.e,: I,;1.,: 11,,111 1.'.,I!I,' •
. J. H. R. Elliott, Gordon Elliott
r1'IIE STANDARD 1Vednes I. v, :1u1;'ust '',0,10.1,•0
Migratory Bird Regulations
For The Current Year.
h, hegl!L,16 1, Ills) apIl\ to (In lot 1Viwili , , l.. an! ; it 1. I! „ I ; '
tittles 1'hutto 101. Residence I'hono 1:: or 110, t,o •„ I' ;(:'\',
1111451)1,)t2tat213r2a iN t3i)121:at21aiD-i i2,31213,9t2t312tit:),NW-.51:n3t3t31Jt3t�1213i3tt3t3't2t313iN3it 1 P. tit tilts, inclusive - Duel,' 1' titer 11IJN'l'lNG METHODS
thin 1'1'1''1.1; Geese (other than Ilraiim l l fltltlIll)I \ --The u e ''f an auto-
', hods, C ,I,, (;; Il 1101 manic I;rtt„ I';idites 1 gun \\ 'lilt ;t
tl , a 1), 11.'11 tiIt'iiu!•III t '\t 1 : ' rt pe:lt'nentl�.
I , I:•c III , 11,1 � c 1 mu: I
Se;tlemlh:f 13 to I)t'ecnlbel' ;. IIIn:'u,11 or a'.tered so til,lt it won't
1111(1.1;11, lit the rt'lll;i'tt int• '( 1111' •' 111„ft' 1!' •II !\\'1
11',: tit'tt elllb'.'1 25 to Itt',',':tlbt t' 'tll' o1," -R'1't-I of 1!1,1111111' :'I1 ,
L;, ('t''e:'t that in Ills ('"heli,', ni 1's- h,lltt'I'), or any ;'nn lancer than min: -
"'N• b: ,'f1,:, au'I I':Igill till' rpe11 ,t';I -, n1, bl'I' 12 sale', of :I 111 \l ,'a! „'1 , ti!. r
for g, co. pother tlr,u: Ibsen) ,1!,111 ht' than a gmn nI ;1 bow and n'ruw; and
from \t11t'lllht 1 to taunt;l'\' 111, the m,, of lite i lrll, ;I, t!he„\-, l• „I
The Nor;lit^t1, I listr'et „1 Oi t, t'i t is „n\' !Ale, p„\1 el' f„'ll, ti111 Ir ;II.
dt'Itlle 1 do 111;11 Igl''1 ''I 1110 PIT\ll11'l' ,t;' 11:11,I11 -1i..2111. ;0111 ,!'„tell llr'lII ;lilt•
Dead and Disabled Animals
Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Sellforth, 15, Collect.
_. -_._ --.- --- -- -- - •
- II Iyne.i n ,,t'll ;111'1 t\t•t ,'f a laicdccr 1,- motor or %',i! ,del t•chit'lt• or a ve'liele
v ,- . ( ed as i id ;n•• : uomittenciug ;11 ll', 111 t\! iris a rl'an'al'l animal i. shite' e 1,
nott but he l,'•u'i 1,,,.t Ili, ,'I'i ,kill. II „lttn\e d ;ut:;t, of lh'r' ' ('ntnily• 'the Inn!ting ,'I 111';!•;11' 1)' :t one 1, 111.
In,l,lc nit) \o'lt ;wain. \\•Nun he (:u- theme in a l: •rer;il ca•!cr1 di'crti"'1 b)' the n•1. or :.id 0i 1,r:i time tv'illl er,u
;ti, III; the , ,nthelly 1) 'umlaute., ni t
ithcd he turned and s.1vl, "I ,upp,'t+• ' of •her ,u•;liirial •i„ .1 i, l'roalbil",I.
TIIIt; IS10N'I11tEAI, LIr1<� )'„n w„nit't' ;it:t' evt'r)bude else \\he Itt•ney and 1;17 t'tttlntie' 1" the •1'11111- l Peron, i'.i 1g Mind., ,'r dee ,)'- t,,:.
"THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" 1 came back here." The quest:on stop_ "c`1 tut i 1'1.', .tta\\:I,ag,l .1."\\11!•11111 ihuntin:; migratory 11,0II NI, ;1 r.' Inn
lied Inc and ,' 1 dtilll t tat' attviiiillg. in the ( (fluff' of Sit!Ivue, along the ell 1„ t', N.;1:i1 Iht' Ire;tit;It:"Il, for de
Associated with The Atlas Insurance •Ulnen hr \\tilt nn, .41+011,),,'11),1:16.,of Nt,11, 1;1,;Il;a, inn- tail, , i its, ry-tt•i.'I:on, 11,,,r, ilii. mo_
Company, London, England. "I discovered a I ug time ago that nillnlc ;tett V' l,rit 'r„tt r •Ilii" t ' th ' thud of 1111nt;'t.t.
LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES film, i, :1 llet'(ine tiling. For a l.ti1-' line ' i :,' ;u1, hi. h \t,tt,'r „f I.at:c Si-eI.„r ,teeial re'trietions about hn11t-
tinte 1 i,,,,, rt,!Irrit,'It ;utti ,ii,t;,.,l in, 1.„t', atom-,. the said 1 i't mean Mich Ing on ,ta1,r, of R' n lean lis\,
a it h my „{{ n inll,ort;lCc. I 1.(1111,1
\tater un the ,'11111 ,;tic of Lake S ill- Peg111,11iolt,.
'„ 1„ the nu'ttnvc t ;111:;!1. of lit, t
out howcycr 11!;:! the ;,c 'plc w'ho gavr 'I he sh (tin:' of n'i"roto• )' - 'nc
illi' the 'Itn•t attt'Itll 11 \vers the one, Int\II,!tl,, Ill iity (-' Ifni\' 01 11it,;il I'), l I sir,!, ,;I'-ii'r t lt,:ll one -halt' ,tit' t' 1, i"•'I•
\\ho \\ ere there simply herons,' of the ;,ei slant.: ihII"'!' 'nil'nil�' hulfn,l;lr„f Ilrot •, t it ri•c ur l;;.t•r i!';tn ul'r-i.:i h' lir ;11-
Specializing In harm and IIo'tseholy' bit of joint.. 1 1„\1 n,llap t„ 1,h ' e' 1111.c of l\Iitl, , 11'gll t:'I' ,III! ,'! I l.t'u!Ilbl!t d
I had. 'Filet.): were t„ ,
Sales, (la \u. 1-': 1ht net' •onthcrl)' ;hong
matt\• artificial people ill that %writ! :••, 1 He penally :u,' yt 'I',1 on of 1!1•' Inn
Licensed for the County of Huron. the , , 11:11 fee t•1 use ,gill II e!lwa\' t„
and I came home. 1 ha\,n't regrcu, 1 rltory bird 1.1v.., i- a fine of i 'I n1, :re
Reasonable Prices, and Safi taction it a hit. 1 ha', to gu ;1\\ ;iv
now (v- .the ccnir, line 01 the rigilt-of -\\ov if 111;1:1 tin.,..,, Imn,lred (!.,11.,i... :01.1 n t le,
Guaranteed,the Gan t,ii;tn ('aeiiic ha b\ay in t:i
Came of Inv health. Ilon't cvvr Ict thiol 1,.„ ,:.,Il;u,. or 11111'1 •o''lnent
For tntormatinn, etc., write or phone (y tell v u 1 lett fame i, \•ic•inii)• ('i 11) i';tt'; °lens, i l' It i;ent•r''t a tern not !'t' t 1.dino ,it month , ,'r
I ;u1,) ho''
1Cilliaut H, Montt, plume, Resident* t\orth it, It i•11't. I've had a gooti 1.'1,1111)• 1lirccti' n ;Bunn the t;1i 1 Cell" 1,,,111 flit. ;Ind rlm4'1 i, nm, lit,
.13; Shop 4, Blyth.4,4 11. full life here i't the 1.;111 101'1 like to ire line to the sit) of I'eterborotig;t, i,,
along the centre line of I\ily!, Iii;,h---�\'-----
.• feel that I've added a hit t0 (Ilia (.•,,,,,_,
v,a) No. i to the \\ e-1 bomndar) of
HAROLI) JACKSON Inlnttily, I.amtid c,„,„,,., alum the and Mad iVefithel' For Il()\fling
Scholl pens Sept. Sth
e have a fuV lone of supplies
INK---WA't'ERMAM'S AND SKR11', All Colours, per boffin laic
IILU1: I1IR1) INK, Black and Red
'1'!!UItI13 'LACKS, plain and coloured Per Pkg. 5c
PILO'I'O ALBUMS ranging in price from 1Oc 'I'0 $2,00
PHOTO CORNERS PKG. 10c and 15;:
ARri1Y SCRAP BOOKS-Ser:tp 11(011 :0111 Photo Album combined,
:suitable for keeping auuvin,ers of your boy in uniform $1,25
SNAP SIHO'1' FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos 10c Ea.
DRINKING CUT'S, for picnic occasions EACH is
WAXED PAPER --40 sheets 10c; In Ilttncly Rull'., 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft, 35c
SCR,\'UCI1 PADS 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5e
VENUS PENCIL., WI'l'li CLIP, Soft Lead EACII 15c
5c EACH, 2 1.OR 5c
LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg.
3DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE I'Ai'ER, all shades 10c, I5c
SHCI'PING LAGS -strong material 5c
ROLL 20c
10c, 15c, 25c ANI) 35c
PKG. (Pc
Licensed Auctioneer. •on(h bountd:wit•, of I.anarl• 1''t;, t) to
II i 1., •t\illl�• 1'111 i�t1-LI'I, hay,' berm I' I]-
Specialist In Farm and Household SildYilti0l A1ITIy 1-iell)ing the line .'f 1111.;111 itig!t water on the' sin,; in ',ail \feather the p;,4 two ttc,'1s.. �
Stiles, I)C1111CIllcI1C}' mirth •i le of Rideau Lake, and a'org Last \\'e,hle,(l;t) oftento n r.a CI,' 1
Licensed In lluron and Perth \\'itis ,gro\t:ng concern for the in
til, hue ,•I lean high water on the date s✓I tot' ill• 11!1 -'Lop l ttrua'I:e : ,It if •.: �u4
('.unties, 1 rlccs reasonable; sails er,a'c in i11V,nilc' dclin'pu'nc)•. The tial_ north :Il.' of I61t'an I.al`e 'Ill Ride:''' Se" fo:t!1, and NIe•,r,, Ila•\',", 11,'1'11 'x ,11;1. ,t :21=211EZSItt-1512y,C;a2ttc'ac,,.;v;;,,,,♦w_.,,,,-,,,,w,,,�
Piy,l• to the p, 1111 oft site tit: north- ,on, 11e.t I;ray and IL11. •I•I \. :Al,'t !
guaranteed. vat .\1'1111' pt'o\,11!'•, and 1111, trn :,. ;It ;1 \It1:• 11111:•e. (,ON(, lt,:ri1JLJ.' 111IONS
lactio❑ uaranteed. I I •'n! 1111.' ' I
1'I,i,'Ii lo'• illi"' \'eii't, ,:LIC, elft ett\'e ,t'ai'l :1111'1" of (.r('ll\'lll, Coll! t\•; thence 11,11 l'll!rle, in the alit" II on an l t", ' ! .
For Information; etc„ write or 1103! ,onflll'rl': ;f lt'II� thl' t;I,t I,"Illlflarl' of 11 , '., ill, liul . \„'. ,' I. r !..I, II
p aultidotc, to 1'erclit children in ;all ening event. fniurtll:.;!t,,)' I,I;n iulr'-n 1 olc,,,II u,1,''. n to \Ir,. \\Ill(,u
Harold Jackson, R.R. t'o. 4, Seatort[ 'Grenville fount)• to the nirtht\cst an - 'v vitt 1 ;and the event bad t,, b t.t- a 1,u'• ;•: t .r:1 :,1"' ' !1).1'111:1111.1\
\\,;ills u1 life. I'' r, MI, ,,',Ir,, t,I nr
"Phone llfGlil' i;reat .tress i, i i;ltvil by Tit, Sat:- gle of i)und.ts County ; thence taste:Iv ported, It \\•ill be played t 1.:\t \\'etl'It•.• 1 \ 1111, ,1,-, f:,,;, B1,t11 at', 'nl,''I :, I rt ,ho \:I:' 1 1 ' I',.
;Ilnllg 'Ile Ilni't!Icrit' br,ltlid:lrte, t'I d;it itttt'ritn„ti, Hit, ('lit,
- vat,' n :\1111)• 01.'(11 }lung l'1. 'p1,,'', ,,r- l •l ilnein l 1,;::t n NI' •n,1, ty ni.•III „; I l' 1
int iiiC,. I'ut' 1,n.• 1'oflllg, 1H',gtlltllll,g w'.lh I iu tt it .fit Itt'.'llt a ,(1 l deng;lfl'\' l uttll- Heel,. I fire, t,•I! end yam( , v, i re 1.1 ,\ - 1 ' ten .111,"1,'!1 1.. :.I I'. 1; ! . \I' ' ,'.t',
On oc. alert night, ;1,1 1:1111•, coin
the 1 ra'!Ir h, It 1111111 alre l'ub, anti tie, to ins iu!lrprut'inci;i1, hountlar)'. '1,,t„cel of lint I;t'a) and I i tt iii \'od 1.,1 (; 'rd"n .1ii ti i '.e S, 1 I,' f I !!i I! bo i, l,•I,I ,t I '.. I,.! 1.: 1,1, „n
S •n,; . EIDER DUCKS ! .I .'',,, , \'' i;
'inn \vinic,, c t. an 11,;u drs t., giy, ni l iulton for f wilt 1 r:,:1., 1' i h t ,r, r i'
� , dcu, and ,iarl. 1.011•;111 ;will (;(11(11 I I�
onto -
young lu'I: the 111111'11-II,rd1't1 ;Ind 1\11"Ie \•"1'i't of int (lllt,tl't'-1 r;t'tt int .\\ ell- ,:, , it i fl tlll� ,tt i/. (, 'I' I' 11 I„ 1 m
1 lion, '1llendrtl tt 16'ubi'• 'I' tt nalucr! \ ! lone .,1'',. I" 11, 1 n 1 "u„
!sonic owlets i '' high ,hiring and) oath- tiling line of the Canadian Nati 11;11 in \1 inLtt ill . 1., torr ole i r•t G 110;,, tt ,' ti a\\', ;Intl t:,rri',\ I„:1.c t,',I ;1 n:. t l' t . el i,r.t,, h, r t•;'t l , Ih'l ,',
r •11 r hail\\,)',: Sc ,tcnlbcr 15 to \„\10161:''
\fte, l l cr I,Ist night a visitor came 1.111 energies. 1 I I I'•mmp r l�ckt u
1l'a, finished the rain again illlcl'\t'n'' '-.curbs\. Mitt.11161I 'II 1.
10 I,,i:v \ic,t'I,'ttti• it fru 111111nc \l;tr-I 'i'he intl,t'a•tancc of Inti -in i• •tres- 1
1' and tine affair 11:1,1, t , he I,o•t1•o ed un-' '
I,tn;thl, 1 tc behind u, un the t' ,ant,, o1. children b;'t \tc"t' WOODCOCK i Several Peal b'a1,'•. are ho''irt, i•, t.; tt;1,•",.,.I Iii 1., to 1 it. t. ,'I'
ed, a''i 01 a til 1,h;, rnulin_t Friday ui;!It.
nc�t t-olte:'•,i"n. Iinun; rano ever to (ktubcr 1 to flit, h lake ill 1r•t 'nrlt.t' :I''Ir I r' l,llt i' N I• ,,,' NI.., . \t 11" , h ,'1t ' I tun r
:01'1 l n' vartonh in-trinnent' , 1.r ,i1,.
-.ay g,,,tin)c t" n, baso,, 11c's fan- the lees of } 'iv v are bring fought WILSON'S SNIPE l; 1., 1.1''1. \!e• r•. II'!io!'1 \„.11111 as l,;".Itr;c!I ou Lab lir It.1\. It' .11, .'I 011 \\,Illi!,'.' \nuictl Ir'. u1 ''u'a ,
11111,, "n l.tkue' a frit, t'ul I„ Vancouver in the ontior tnn,ic group•, The Arn') , Northern I) •trim (drfiu,d ah, {' )
Skil,, ;111'1 Rot' 1)ottett\', e;1; tttr,tl t!liltl ivt'ttoll „1',I t•\:^1111:, s'i'lo'', \ttvii-t',.II.
t111, f,lil and 11,11 pr ,bath• stay there iS
mI,ititi,l u,f it, t.,'y and girl In,tril,l,- Stl,itttlttt 15 iltl \t,vtt tv: r 13,
Wednesday, Auj;'ust 30, 1911
F.!:+.44.4. -.4K+.4...4,-4,444.,44,4,444.4.4,4,
.\11' and .\ll',. 1,t''lht' Cool, and lath- ,
icev. A. F. , slyer of do tiltampl,n
WINGHAM—ONTARIO, ilv ,f ! Belgrave, visited 1,11 Sunday ttitll has been railing; on friends iu Illi, \i
T?1Yo Sh()\15'S Sat. Nightmi.. roil Mrs. I'r1',I J. Cook. chitty.
,t' _ __-_ \I,, .','r 11,)14 \1 II "o of 111'11, is t., ' NII„ Elaine Johnston II;I, r, tinned
o /tint. at thehonk of Nli. and NIrs. P.
;'Thurs,, Fri„ Sat., Aug. 31 -Sept. 1-Y . hon.( after spending a 11'44 (la), wilb
Joel McCrea, Maure•'n O'llata \•ineeul'
her sister, 11ra. k.i tiuud l'cldnr, n(
:'Tboutas Mitchell, Lind.( I)a hell, in;; NIi-, .1, an Campbell spent last week l,nd.
"11UFhA1.0 BILI." ; iu London.\Inti,11. Itayntllnd Perdue of Isom. ,n, i;
;; (in colour)) \I1' 1. Alt \I 'I t (I
, ,I l Il e s
tlJ,le"! I
t,c'mling a few' ;lv's a1 the home of
=•'IIle 101)• ,,f \\'Ili;iiu 1'. 1'',11, V, Ill.': ((eel; with 1.11ur11,n friend,. her father after attending the film ral
't'1'• ,e iiia ;:e ',lector buffalo hnotel,, NI1-, .nacho 11ill of 'Toronto return
.t, of her , r;utdl'albca, Nle. Robert Jobn-
,'1'i'r i,e'' ,III,' telt' 111,41 1't a won ra1U,ll.,; ,',I 'win' ,UI Nl,tllrlay ;after 'Pending :( stun..
,1;I1nit.,1u I:ni is 1114' 1111f,'rt', noble part,. couple of months at the home of Mr. Nliss Ruth Arthur
•1•,t Thr 1\(••t'III huffily'', lar 1!:1\, 1'1j' ;111,1 \Ir,. \\. 0, (allli,ht'lI.
.1.11).1i in war -,lily 1(1111,41',.1141 the hr \li„ 1;1,11't. \lrl)unald of l ,t1 .1 vi+ -
I \\ ,4 ' hes' training at Victoria •c4inui „i \\ tl1 , t ilo',1,, ria hu, tit;d.
3, '' it ed 44 it 11 NI i,, Eleanor 'I aylor'
NIrs, 'I'hunta, Anders,m, formerly
,_, Matinze Sat, Afternoon -2.30 p.m..' NI, Isla 1 Chow' of 111)1 11 spent last
.• miss Scobbie, is serionsl)' ill in a Lou_
t.Start'n;t t'..a Saturday afternoon"1ticb llillt her friend, Miss (la 7'aylul '
,')'Ilene will b•' a total 'King of the,, (1011 Ilosltital.
'1 R1, NIi,4 \hole. 1'ooh Vi,i11''1 las! t re)I 1(r. and NIrs, Edg;tr Latysun have
',1, ya' A7our ted", 'I h.ra w II he I >•
',1•1' )ilocL:s laying Saturday afternoon" al the borne of NI r, ;1110 Airs, (ieurge ,
'J 1 1 ) v Ir(Utrncd from Port Elgin.
s, only kr the next I. Welts. I)0 not;. ('1101, of I1c•Igr;t\c. Arnold Androvsr.
\Vest \1 awanush, ;
'.1.nli--s tile fir .1 ct.isod_ thi's Saturday \I i', ;to 1 Nlrs. Norman Brown of \-al-
'1. Visitctl Nlariun Juan Taylor,
1 -- ____ ('Its visi'cd oyer the (seek end tvitll Miss Vivian Stranlhan has returned
'I Mon., 'Tues., Wed,, Sept. 4.5.6 Nle. and \Irs. \\', 1', Campbell' from St. ('alharim's wIri'e she rya,
';t; SPECIAL •1.1s, 1.1,1'11;1 I1nch;ul;1n spent ;t fete employed 011 a fruit farm.
,'1; Ann She idal', Dennis Morgan, i•1;4, days last tveel: at the home of Mr. Mrs. John ,`rthttr is ‘Villi Nlt'. and
.1. "S111 NV, ON IIARVEST MOON' '` ;old \Irs. Georgie ('oak, Of Iiclgrav,'' Mea, \\'illiant \linch of Clinton,
'f \ nil r (4'1!1'(1 .i enlertainnn't,;'Nlessr,. R. l c,lulond, Jack Buchanan
• 4 •
(1'11'1111 .,4n: and c(11114 (14 . . . lti'b;, ;old l'i'ed Cook attctldc,l the horse rite-
.% and ne„ ... to ;, 11.00' ! 1';,l: ' es at Stratford on Saturday. Alil)lll'll Couple .Married
,1'111( tl1i, 1;1'4 t ,lot) „f vaudevilles:, mi. ;old \Irs, \ol'nl:ut ,, 0, ,111 1'a ,•
'' I1,,1:Ilgic t !) l ul • to a kyr! ,.f en- ;. I went.y'It ive Years
?. j, 11'ntt .l t. and cllilitren, \(r. \Vitt, \fcl)utvell, vis -
.t• ' itcd with NII.. and Mrs. 11'cslcy Stack—
* ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" 'j: house if .truen field on Friday, 1aifhhy was the scene of a Dally gatll-
g1.:111.41.,:•.•4 t.01:11.:11:11:41' '. P4 J.i.4•n•.i. 0.0. J..•4 !. .•t (,lll',1s at (11!' II, tl111' Of Mr. and Mrs.
Cling 011 Saturday cyclllltg when 1S
Niaurirc b'osolmi 1;1••0 w'el'l: were m1'. relatives and friends arranged a sur-
'" "` and Airs. NI(rrdilh Voting, of HuNett prise party to mark the occasion of
'1'ol11,1)ip; Plc, Harold Bosnian, of Air, and Yrs, Iaithhy''s 25th wedding
London; Trp. I)nnlop, of Kincardine;
annivers try. After greetings and good
11r. \\'110 ..,, \\'ilsun and son, Donald,
(visiles had been expressed, games
has returned
frons London tyhere she has completed
11'Iorri ; 'I'(r55'nShil)
Thy \sol 1'. 'To44 n his, (' ii ' Incl
un .\uWu,1 11J,, its the *I"t41I,11i11 Hall; were en tied and the bride and bride
10th all 1141.1,11111.. 1,1, t. 'I'ilr Nt,t,,' "1 the tion; Nlr and Mrs. Charles lies- 1 J;ul. 12, I years old; 111,1stcin cow, due
man ;141(1 fa,uui), of \lorri, 'Township; grown of 25 years ago donned their I Jan, 21, 5 year; old; 1lolstcin clew, due
of t It a,
NO WPLAYING: Anne Baxter in: NOW: Ann Miller in:
Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday
Ginger Rogers, Ray Millard and
Jon Hall.
Te;o,utt4, Loit.tlt/ing, 4.:1,titittiti
Ginger at her best lit the 7 et 11-
11i,'1'l11' 4((4`;(1 (4144
Thurs., Fri,, Sat. Dual Features
Donald O'Connor, G'o: is Jean, and
Peggy Ryan.
(;11 in the e.Iul,4e 11i111 ),Iuth a 1,01
w atell th„e )'144'' 11111!, 1'1'jlltelGlt-
1111 any, tole slats i11
''MR. BIG"
ALSO—The wotld's wizards of mys-
!tart, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce
Mat.: Sat, and Holidays at 2.30 p,m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore and
Dana Andrews
'1 );dl , nag- and 1141 fall'.
tilt, gland nen, Te, hllit„I"t' .fon
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
i1 ,I!
NOW: Tallulah 11,,ukl,ead in:
1V1011(1.1 y, Tuesday, Wednesday
Rit,. Hayworth, Gene Kelly and
Sid Silvers
1.11. 'I, I 1011' 1/1'1 1' ,:1111,•
I'. I "1 :41
do 11:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
\\.111 I)I,Ile1 11111111111x1 Ma. I'. It11t 1 ', 10•I'1l''!'1t' 1'. 1•.,•,IIIr111,111
1'0 111'!1, III 11 tl'1111I1t'Iiaii1 1'1111,11 of Fir.. ;III, ;1 !1;. - 111 :'I'i, I and 1.1"Iy
charas aur. cn!erlainnient,
SING" with Dorothy Lamour, COMING: 'Shine On ifarvest Moon'
Mat.: Sat, and Holidays at 2 30 p,rn, Mitt,: Sat. and Holidays ,:t .;0 p.m.
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Some Household Effects
On No, 4 Highway, Lot 1, Concession 8
Morris Township
„ne ;!1111 .4 half toile, north of b'I)III on
commencing at I .p.nl. the fol!uwing:
11')RSl':ti—Clyde gelding horse, .4
years uld; 1'crcheroi mare, 8 )•cars;
\\•anon Marc, 7 years, expert in foal.
C.\'1"1'1.I'•-1•1.1...Hereford cow', due
Sept. 12, a y1';(:':' old; Jersey cow, due
Oct. (,, h )cars old; Holstein cow, dnc
pl' i'Ir'I, The n,inutl', I Iasi Mr. ;14141 Mrs Duncan, NI(Nicllul, of wedding costumes and entered the liV 'Fel,. LI, •1 1•114•
I:.,m Sprit-. (;, cal'( and liticnrlol)'n, n1'n Loudon ' Raithb)', Apr. 7, 2 years 11b1; Blue row, due Apr,
Nlot, 41 11y I, an' NI irilir, 'ee„nd"I I') vi tzar, on tiaaprd;ly I't'anl( kaithhy, brother of the bride- 28, 8 years old; Blue heifer, calf at foot,
11.14(1') John ton, 11( 11 du' 11,4((1 hill, ;44 groom, read 25 verses of poetry (shit'.( 2 )•eau's 111(1; 1)t!rlianl heifer, 411th calf
Tile Y.P.U. wet on Wednesday ev- 1
1'1 ',ented by the hoatl : 1111eritltcnll in 1 25, he himself had composed, befitting this at foot,( -ears (31(1; Durham bull, 1
suint; with present, The meeting, 1 !; 2
In' paid. ('atrie,l, occasion, Airs, )ober( \\'i•
NI„yell 1 \\'.1114„Ilii tipcir, ,e1'„n,le,l, t1a, Ica by N,,!,,al,l "I•aylor; Scripture g htmau, of year old; 3 yuang calves.
h•„on was read by Jocelyn Hill; Pray- 1 Blyth, presented a silver basket and 25 11l':XS-51) yearling hens.
11Td ; Uurhant co44', tlnc
incetllnt 41ere 1e.ol "lid ;1.1111(1, d ,n \\ aholt, inti• moat to the strains of wedding IFcb. _12, scars old; 1l,4lstcin co41', •1141
10,411"11 in Chat .lts ('Dolle, ;1111! 1\i'
NI r. tial \Irs Norman NItI)owtll nnt,ic pltycd by their daughter, Marie \Tar. 'i, i year; 01(1; lb/stein
• \v, (Inc
11)' ('ha' I, , C 'the,, that l ''!att No. 1', co aster; 1\I PLEA FATS—MAI, I S—..11 _
adopt in,; ;,„r, •alta. loll, be pit st (14 \ ictor Ctutip!ell ; Address by ; I I, hinder, 6 -ft.
Ier. II. Snell. The meeting, closed` NIrs, Raithby was formerly.\Ifretta cut ; mcCornticl•.-Decrial; mower; \lax-
w•ell hay loader; 1 -horse hay rake; NI. -
11. spring -tooth cttltit•atnr; 13 -disk drill,
1 -team cultivator; Disk ; NlcCorntick
walking plow; Fleury No. 21 walking
plow; 2 -furrow walking plots; .1 -section
harrows; 1 -horse scufflcr; livavy wa-
gon, double box, with spring ,cat ; light
wagon; set of sleighs; gasoline engine;
Fanning mill; 2 -row turnip ,hill; rub-
ber tire buggy; cutter; I'ig crate; tur-
nip pulper; iron kettle; l etifrew• urcaut
scpai•aor; Vega cream separator;
brooder stove incw•) ;3 logging chains;
extension ladder; 67 sap pails and
\Ir. ;nt 1 NIrs. (._ll rles Snaith and was made by her sister-in-law, NIrs. 511iles; gravel box; 72 suns Timothy
Thr folio;t ;o; acrunlit• (4(re 1);1:11;
1)141'1 Consult, lion Co, (Lamont children yi,itt', 011 'Thursday with Nl r, Frank Raithby,
Those present 1111'( ha) ; 10 tun; art tTt t hal)' ; ) _1111 hos, ntix-
)I,I:ut • I'S,11) and AIN. \\'m. Smith 11( Brussels.
Nlr, and Mrs, Frank Itailhby, (;rant, ed grain; set slings; hay rope; 5 pul-
1Nll,. lie toe tiro,, 1 Ciit'i).•i:Hsi 11v. Tauter NI;(sun left on Nlonda) Julut and Harold Raitliby, \Ir,. John Ic3's1 2 forks; 2 -gallon spray can; set
for (h1' west 44)1'1'1 lie will assist with Raitlaby, Nlrs, Robert \\'ightutan, of ,team harness; set single harness; 3
i I Ii , 'rt,. ;I,, (in': 5.5'1 collars, in good shape, 21 inch; colony
P1,hard Meld., l' •11 Drain'1(1.1»
the harvest. b'lyth; Mrs. :;dust Cowan, form Nil-
I )r, Cray 1'11(1 11,( 1,1 In ) !.all \i1'..\, 1':. \\'•(ash was it) Toronto 04'- lough, Miss Leppington of Clinton ; hurts(:,
t,ll 1'r the 4411') -end haying shipped
Toad Lloyd Joitnslou, Mr, and NIrs. \Villiant , Some Furniture, and Other Articles
C1 ell \\ heeler 1 It.l J.1 I 1 ,1f rattle du\\•n, 1 l;tggitl and I)onua l laggitt, Mr. and too Numerous to mention.
John Ct,,i:4, KOJI., I., :141,1 eI y1r, s 101 Mrs, Stanley Johnston were unable to TERMS OF SALE: CASH.
he present 011 account of the death of ; '1 Iris is a cash sale as tltc farm has
Mr. Johnston's father. Nlrs,ohnston
J been sold.
Cr11.'1 I(;It,1 11115: Sunday School, was formerly Mary Raithby, sister of
11.1 tinilj1'rl:"NIotos.Dependence." the bridegroom. ; Sherman Beuingcr, Proprietor.
orge 1I;11.1in,
Louis Rowland, Auctioneer,
Spe,•ial I'ra) ( rs in recognition 1411 the NIrs. Seers, \\'illiant and John Seers,
Special u 1)a)' 1114(1',
returned from Ingersoll, accompanied
F ' s'' \VA\VANOSII 7 1'•!n.: "The Loving Influence", by N1r, ;ad ND's, 1{ayntuutl Layton.
The :\11l0•rcr4ary ,f the Church will Misses Alma and Dorcas Sil'ery
\Ii , Ulu 111111 1.111'11 will 4'>t1'd Airs' be hell on 11ctohcr ist, I4e'. It, A. I{xcter, visited 'Sirs and Nirs. Herbert
(Hit 1'r .\nders;'r; near .\141014Th, ltr,n,k, of 111nsall, will conduct tltc
41,yed IO' I l 'yrr 11.1m,l,v1,
with the NI izp;th benediction, (./antes • 1<illough, niece of the Tate John i lucre,
c(0111(.11 lit Chad..., Coolie.. that 11)' 441'1'! pl;lyc,l, rand Earl Raithby is the son of NIrs,
Nli's Margaret Smith of Brussels is Raithby ;and the late John Raitby.
1 .11v \u. 7, ,,01111); 'fowl. hip rate at
Visiting li('r brother, Nlr, Charles Smith They were married by Rev, \Ir, NT111-
unll,, ;tad
1.( nn!) late at `._ tai I„
and .11 r,. smith, her sister, NIrs Melvin !son, mitt:,ler of the Auburn Nletho-
he 1,:,••1'11. Carri1'd.
\11,\4'(1 b)' la:ue, whir, sceonded b1 )lur ;11111 Mr, 'Taylor, and other dist Chn:ch. The couple have alw•a)•s
\\'ilh;lug `p. i", tilat \\ illi all 11. )..1,,,, mend,, resided in Auburn where they are
Mr. awl Mrs, \\'illiant Ireland and valued inembcrs,of the Baptist Church
be )e en tatted :r. 'fax l'oll,rl 'r ;II the
pilin ,.•. 4,f 11rus,el,, were guests on and both take an active ilucrest in all
un, ,.slat) , f 1311. Carried, Snnday •1t the home of NI r. and Mrs, conlnlunity activities. '1 hey h;lye a
11,11,1 11y ILI'4r)' John „tom ,'r1n"I (;!1,1''11 \\'igTi n an, family of two, 1\'illiant and Nlarie
1',l be Lnnr, Nli,llir, that I)1' nl'cti,I Mr. and NIrs, 1. i., \I(lhnecll, Miss Raitl,by, both tit home,
a, pito n to in. el ag.lin on tie;'t1'iIiI'v i' Nlhulir Snell, Visited (1 Sunday at l.unch \vats sewed and Nlrs. Raithhy
11th, I')II, ;4t I p.m. Carried, the I ,ane of NI r. \\'In. 1.11,1cy, Bennti'Ier, cut the beautiful wedding cake which
Bills and Accounts:
\l1'., T. 1:11;., pi—hili fens 111.1111 BLY'l'H UNITED CHURCH
( a1\.1•I It b:n•,'n, bury•am, deal Srplcnibcr 3rd.
:lllin',II, , . 2.511
Nir. ;11111 \Ir••..\!ht•rt \\;11411, Nlr, and
'Nits. \ornlat Itr'l , .1 1''t Tee (10y
NTr. and Nlra. James Henry and fanl-
in 1 ,•"Ion. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH il)' of Gallt with Air. and HM'I's, Charles
NTr. ;1141 Nlr•., Frani: •\lar,ll;,ll, NTar' Rev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector, ticutt•
gate( and holler(, ;i'tcndrtl the mar- September 3rd, 1914. M r, Maitland Allen is confined to
(•haat of NI r, Nla•••hall', nrl'hrw', ('rank Spec'al Day of Prayer. his bed,
rich,, :f l'' ntlaliv. 1111 weddi:i tinnda)School, 10.30a.m.NI r, ;old Mrs, George 'Parlor, and
p•' h pro c is 1';til•411' t'n:lcd Chinch, Holy Communion and Sermon, 11.15 sort, George, "ye returned to Halifax
Nliddlc.c.. County, on \\',',Inl,da.', aimwhere NB.. Taylor will be on the Navy
change in hour. police force.
ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN Peter Patterson with Nlr. and NIrs,
T':4cn•.t'ng and Sermon in St. Ntark's Joseph Postel, Godcrich T'ow'nship.
'011 ul 'n(Lly meeting of the Londe,- Church, .\churn, next Sunday at 7.30 h Charles Nevins, \Voutlstock, visited
hero l ''I Cross Society was held in p.m. Special 1.':ty of 1't•ayer, ere over the tecck-ends
1110 t a;nnnnli;v Hall on .\14114.( 3rd, 'TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE \f1', 1111(1 \Irs, W4 11. Sheppard :tad
p 11111) l'uuunentun and Set•nu)tt 111 Thomas Blenheim, with friend,/ in gas lantern ; coal oil l:uurrn ilrm'r) ;
44;1!1 rut alto .;.n; 1' 11f _,l, The I re,I-\Ils,rs Clare McG11aan'> ,ctrl lsa11(1
dent, Mts. 11t 11 Itruns01mi, pre: i'Icd, Trinity Church next Sunday at 2.30 Auburn and ('Ross, h. \1 r(;ill's Classes—Carman Nlcl )unald, linoleum ; ward robe ; toilet set, ; step
The ale Ips41 , to'ne,l \vitt' the Lord's )'.m. Special 1)ay of Prayer. 11,rs, K. J. boss, \1'alpulc island,
')n(1, Carl \\'hi!lieTd, 3rd, Leonard 11141_ ladder; thermos lite barrel rhnrn;
with Mrs, John Arthur, `
Pro)t•i• in unison. 'The minutes of the Vley,milk pails; tea kcftlr; bird cage; Nliss Marjorie \1trjorie :\t•thtr has returned 1'n feeders, and other article,.
last meeting 441 re read and adopted DONNYBROOK Miss )stint Sululetenck's Class—
AllII was 11(4tI d that c;tllt uunlber bring \111°Vcr.114 411ltles will he held in from La 1 i',ic'1 (tile('! she spent ;I 1st, ultra \k\'1t 21111 NlarguctIt,, will be cold without reserve
utonth with Mr. and Mrs. \\'illiain t<i 1- as the farm is sold.
a pit• for lune,. at the b'tn,_;o, Donnybrook United Church next Sun hall, 3rd, Lois Augustine.
The Secret .ry 44:1, instructed to (lay, Sept. 3rd, afternoon and evembtg. (;iris, 12 years and over, Luis Didier -
airs. \\'illiatu I1. '1'huutpson with her
send a statement of the recent Irby- Itcv. NI r, Iluwsc, of :\slifield Circuit, t), .tali( \\'allarc, Delores \l1'\:all. Frail; 1':. "to(14 I'roprietut.
(ti(s of talc :society to the CK\\ will he guest speaker at both services.
parents, NI r, and NIrs. licllas at '1'111- 11o's, 12 )cars and over—Bill John- Harold Tack„'n, Auctioneer. 2 2,
11ro;,d':art. Donations sent in by NI: s.I NIrs. Jefferson has received worn Ston, lluaald lolmslotl, Leonard 11141
Glenn. Patterson with his sister, Miss
NIelvil4 and Nlrs. Ping.;,ud to go 10 that her daughter, Nursing Sister Olive , icy.
Llsic Iatterson, at Toronto. Gills' titrce 11'1'11'1 r 'r, under 1' )1'11; Donald Johnston and Leonard
Mr, and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips and Gills'
I loll and 1; .c., Mr- 11(( 0,4
Roy Finnigan with Mr. and \Irs. Rich -\ell; Bernice NieNall and Luis 1011,44i110 tb( races which 1411.1 in
and hinutig ul \Vest \Vatyatosh
Londe' oro Iced Cross
Sunday School Picnic held
Oil School Grounds
The annual United Church Sunday
School picnic was held 011 the School
grutnlds 'Thursday afternoon, August
17th, with a fair attendance.
The feature attract nt of the
afternoon was the racing events for
the yuuut; people, which resulted as
l's. 1lilborn's class—Ist, Alvin :1r111-•
strong, 2nd, Betty Galbraith.
NIrs, Marshall's class -1st, :Vex, Fox,
Toronto, 2id, jttrte NIeNall, (tiil 1psoI0 inrtth'tnr 13!11) 1111, bulb 10 i 1141 i int• Doi 11,11 f''1' \la til' t
\Irs. Falut'iei's Class—lsl, 8111111 splendid condition; S -day clock; bath it (1111', Thr I"'• .1 It ! et.,1.!ad•
Ntv'shall, 211(1, Douglas Nlc\all, .it'd, till,; rn'kin,g4 chair,; kitchen that,;i:014, l.uud1',l,„r„ 1iiil.11
Rhea Hall, small tallies; aril chair;
Card OIs'Thanks
\r, ,"u! lot in" Ial1'1. I,.I!1 and
'I he 4111, ;ul'I fount). 1'f the late Poi,.
err .1 'iso •I ii t1':. 11 to ex;,rt s, 11, 1'-
flee;, :'ppt 1 (1,t: ion to !hilt. 144a0', 1111..01
Ind n, ;111, ' I„1' lett ;141'
lo4ing ,)'n11'11b)
..11,,%\ 11 Iso 1111.111 durlm'
tilt it '- 4' Lere'lt ('(heli( ; a!,:, for 1111
beautiful tt•il,lrte, rt tetter.. `prr,d
thank, t'' let- *orl,,i- awl It,'v. lir. 1 I,ee ;,,1 ,
Ito,. al•o
5!;1 1111.5 1b111orpc, 4114'' tt'I!- .\;,,,'I I'
(lured ,t hcautifttl 4,111,
I I II''' 11.,1 1 1, .1n e1'.
I . ' 1,1.1
I ,11'1, ,,,,r, , i),1.
2-1!,. 11'yt
Of I'a'n( Stork, Inl1'ltwent,. and
1lon,eln': 1 .'.illi.,, :it Lot ,'n, 1 1,1;C,
,ion 5, NI el\ IIlo1, 0,11 n •Ilii,, •I nl'le-
norih-44',•.1 of `calorth, 1,!I \\'c 111.'-'!a1', FOI< SA1tE
Septculher Lith, conlul,nl'in(; at 1
the foil,,(\ iug
11)Ittil:ti-11x1' l'Ivdc mane, 5 vtars
old; hay gelding, (.1)'de, 7 )ear' old; -- -----
Mack general 10Irp1,,1' mar,', 4 yr,l l', 1 , 1,:11'' I'I'I':. 1 eat . ,44 !I "I lie" ' 1' I'
old; grey 1'crtheron mare, ;dell. !ins;'- 1'''nitr, 1T''1111 and \ It,1(1;'I
('AT I LF ---1,101 ;old llhilc row. ire '11 I'•'lild' r. 11, '.,'n'irr 1 :: ' GI a'!r1 .'.
1 month; grt'y 1',44', ,TUI' III I't'I,. ; IILI '!l 1 oll,ll.I, 11'r• (,'
rots. doe in Ian.; Ilerclnr.I ((44', 11111'
in i)cc.; grey heifer, due in (11,; sire).
heifer, (Inc in Jan.; red cot( , due iu
.\pril ; 2 heifer,, 2 )1';u•, old; 2 steel,.
'2 ('cars old; i hciff1'r,, 1 year .'1,1; •1
II) tt1,1 0'1
. nl
1 I:. 1. :.: I'u','
I 41
\11 ?.,101111
1 It14,44 1.,
\1 by I 1 !clic f 1 ,11' , 1 'I p.11.11,111;1(
11 the !,111'1;!'1 I pili, e 111 2.
41(11,, 1 year ,Id; ti spring cal\!,; 1
half, 1110111 11 old
in the Estate of James P. He(fron,
late of the Village of Blyth in the
County of Helton, Bachelor, deceased.
11(1(;.ti—ti,1• and 1.)l,uck1'1.4, 5 44c('I's .\!I p'.'r"on, 11,411nt4 claims, against
pfd; -h a:iks, the !4(;111' of !plc :l!1,(v, dcce;,,rd are,
INII'I.1.1111':\T5 — 7 -ft. 11(-t.'ornliel:- re(Illire'I 10 !rte thu -;lilt with the
Deering hind!-, in .11 condition; nntler•i;11e'! lirit,r for (111' I: -tate,
I n; ,,-it.
Nlr('ormick-Ih•er'ing !Hotter, in go ,I (m or 11'1„r' ':.1' 1•t day of Sepienll'er,
condition; N1tCor /,ick -Deering 1'4, 1111 •\.I 1. 1'1-11, :'ittr 4411.1,11 date the
separator (55 lbs.) nearly new; NI r- wit! he '!,tribn'e11 :uuong,t the pil'ties
('o-iiiick hay loader; NT. -!1, dump rake; entitled:Ilel'1'1:', haying Yee';tr.l only 1,
\I. -I1. manure spreader; 11.-11, spti the claim, of which notice ,hall have
Iopth rnlliy;ltor; garden cultivator, 111'41 cited.
morrow• ; steel land roller ; 5 -ser- 1 oat11! at Pi)1!I, 110- 7114 da)' of
tion harrows ; harrow curt ; Portland .\il;u-t, .\.I1. Iola.
cutter; steel-tn'Cd lop buggy; N1. -Il. 1'. 1"i,I,1L(n'I. T; l'., flint"', 1lnlario,
I3 -hoe drill, with fertilize(• atta'bn!cllt; 1111 1i,) ! Owe.Chatham fanning still, with bagger at- 52 ' 3.
tachment ; bag holder and truck colts-
bincd; grain pickier; 2 411•'1 bur.
Irongll,; wooden b ri'vT1 tarn! 4t•,It1 '11,
1:111 grate. box; fawn. Irick and :ly
1•acic; set of boil slei.elh; set
( '1101) lbs.) ; wagon jack ; ('ochshntl 2 -
furrow riling plow; Oliver single far-
row riding platy, walking plot; 2-whe(!•
trailer, with stock rack; pair horse
b' tickets ; set double harness ; set
heavy breeching 1 pair collar 1op,; set
single harness; scvelal collars; fur
robe; Colony bane, S'x12'; 3 range
Ishelters ; brooder stove; grind stone;
slip-l'Is, ;lost hole spoon; (notw hal', hay
knife; forks; 3(, -it. cxtcnsi.'tt ladder; FOR SALE
1,,,111!.1 ware stretcher.i a iliIiIv 041 t'.i! ' 'v hood!1101114' 44 'dt l;
1'Ol'L'1'li\'—S5 BarredRoel( pullets,,,printily of il:,id 1041'!' wood and pole.,
I'l'R\lll'Itl'. .\NI) iimt'sl•:lio-LI)
t''I'I':N811.8-2 bedstead,; 2 wash
stands; 2 dross( r,; 3 nrtttres.es; Hill
organ: Eaton incubator, I 250 egg 1 ;
Red Cross
nixed ; also ila'',I 10,11111 inrnarr 441,1,'1.
\0,1,1) 1'1 Torr,,rlro I)and:,-, pilon'
15, 111 tit. 1i1-tr.,
1111' ( )yet',eas ltox Fund. \11's, 1(,111. Jefferson, Is 11041' serving 10 1't•aitee,
1'1414) 11bnl dtwote T a ,quilt and NIrs. I Jintinie Chutney of \Vind-
J,e NI;ta11iteg ;1 1)11111 1' p• 'I Il•kt'ts 441,'1' 'stet, spent last \Peek at the home of
sold on ;1 pound ,1 coffee, donated by 'their grandparents, .lar. and Airs. IL
1111s. \clic• \\',(son. Proceeds 1. 5. IChamncv.
Airs. \\'ill'am ]lush, won the coffee.' NIr. lack Mills has returned 10 his
il,sle,s money was 1';!0. Ladies pay- honor in Detroit, after spending the
ing hostess 111 0e\' were Mrs.Bert holidays at the ]route of his aunt, Mrs.
Brun•d''ll, Nliss Laud)• Young, NIrs, N. 'Thompson,
Fred I'cest, NIrs. 1 ts'rg_;c Thompson, I 'NIrs, 11. Jefferson has returned home
NIrs. Joe Nlanning, and \Ir,. Dave after a week's visit with her parents,
Ewan. Letters of appreciation for NIt•. and NIrs. George 'I'horntou, at
boxes sent by the Society were rcce'V- 1li!tlevale.
ed from E. Fothergill, C. Stnldercock, Nir. and Nir... J. C. Robinson, Mr.
I1. Kruacrt, N1, Brumsdon, i1. Ross, and NIrs. Gurdon Rubinson and Mrs.
k. NI(L/,ut and P. llrown. The \;t- 1I1':lizabcth Naylor, visited over the
flown .\ntheln brought the meeting t', i wcck-end with relatives at Brownsville
a close. and Vicinity,
ustin(; Nlary \lorrilt and Irene Ilow•- charge of Nlr,. 11. 11x11 and I..\. (;ray,
NI r, and Mrs. Edgar Lawson with alt, ;other games 44ere enjoyed. and the
Mr. Joseph Caller and Nliss Sadie at ]1„4's three-legged rare, under 12 Ialtcrn11mt reused with a pirnir lunch]'ort Elgin,years—Ron. I hilp and Carun+n N1c-i,crved 1,u the church 114411,
Nlr, and Nlr; Frank \Vashinglot D,'ttald; Carl \\'hitticld and Kennet.( I
Johnston; Robert Charter and i )11g- , r ,
las Stoles i o Close \Ved. Nights
Girls' three'Iegged race, 12 )ears Some of the merchants of 111)Ill
and ot•er—Lois 1),11c! ty and 11.111a have decided to clot their ,tore, 011
\Vallac,'; \lary N) le and Delores NTc- \Vedic;day night in order to conform
?gall; Enid Briglt:tan anal \1arg:u'ct with Government Itcgulatu,n requiring
Marshall. 111.11 hired help work n, more than 4'1
Boys' three-legged race, 12 ycar< h( •Irs a week.
have returned to their home at Kirk-
land Lake..
Ntiss Josephine \\'eir with Ntiss
Christine Rob:•rtson, Colborne town-
Mr, and Mr:. Thomas NIe\all, Nir.
and Mrs. R. J. Scott with 1.:\C. Stan-
ley McN•tll at Stratford 1losp:tal.
Nliss Betty Asquith with Betty 'Nle ,and over—lack Kylc and Donald Nlr- 'nit• new l:t\V becomes cftectitc Sep
Nee, Goderich. Nall; Bill Johnston and Claire Camp- tert:'ler 1st.
! • iso. .,
uul io i
Ac -:r -r3 FOR ABOVE
Nov, artistic design of the Canadian
National Railway's' stations symbo-
lizes in field stone and glass the
streamline trend of the modern age.
The top illustration shows the archi-
terl's drawing of the street eliratirri
of the first of these n .e stations,
Gone arc the dimly-lit waiting rooms and dull painted
walls of railway stations. The new Canadian National
"station of the future" is the last word in appointments
and travellers' convenience , and looks as modern as the
newest streamline locomotive. Specially desigised by John
Schofield, Chief Architect of the Canadian National
System, the station building is 74 feet long, 24 feet wide
and 12 feet in height, and its streamline appearance is
somewhat revolutionary when compared with the old,
standard type of station. A three-foot dado of field stone
cov'er's the hidden concrete wall structure and huge glass
windows continue the remainder of the wall space to the
The hill form elevation of this new
station o/ the future is illustrative of
the wide use of glass to assure light,
airy public rooms, and the decorative
t'rner'r of field stone and fireproo/ed
cedar board; over the concrete struc-
overhanging, seven -foot -wide roof projection over the 700
foot long platfomi, Thr ticket office bay also is glass on
three sides above the field stone base assuring the public
rooms a flood of sunlight, The baggage and express rooms
on the opposite end of the station continue the cedar
hoard finish which features the street corner of the wait-
ing room above the field stone, and the interior of colored
glazed tiles and indirect electric lighting is equally modern.
J, F, Pringle, vice-president and general manager of the
Central Region, announced that the first of these "stations
of the future" will be constructed at Midland, Ont,, to
replace the former wooden structure destroyed by fire.
THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events
"A Definite, Complete and Decisive
Victory - End of War In Sight"
The job of prrscnting a complete
picture of Prance today is too much
for even the most gifted reporters
and the most expert neap makers,
says the New York Times, The
reporters can dip here and there
Into the clouds and smoke that
have been swirling over the coup.
try, The map makers can lay out
with lines and shadings the ex-
panding arca of Allied control. The
communiques reseal such of the
armies' movements as will not en-
lighten the enemy, General Mont-
gomery, in a characteristic burst
of enthusiasm, declares that there
has been a "definite, complete and
decisive victory" and asserts that
"the end of the war is in sight,"
Prime Minister Churchill, more
cautiously, refuses to "predict an
early end of the war" but will not
"guarantee against it ending soon•
er than we 1'ad al.n)veel ourselves
to hope,"
Nazi Disasters
The details almost defy gt ncral-
ization: the hulk of l;tneral von
Kluge's Seventh army bring chew -
rd up in the Ar gen tan-Falaise
pocket; elements of the German
fifteenth Arany trying to recross
the Seine node :Its !, mt!lardmcnt;
American troops 1',n the north hank
of the Seine, !vile\'. ?ta)tes, mov-
ing to turn tilt new escape' route
inti, a new tr;ir; i'ari• outflanked,
with resistance forces in the city
growing bolder der ! t cry hour and
Allied tanks a;,pr.rently avoiding
entrance only :t: order to prevent
the city's rlrstructir•n; allied \ear-
sllips silencing tl'1c fort- of Tcnlon
and French troops in the outskirts
of the port; an .Uiicd column from
the south reported nnr•Ihlrtl
the way to !.yon; Allied cruisers
shelling Bavr.unc: `;azi< and their
sympathizers pouring into Spain
over the international bridge at
lfendayc as did the re (ogee, from
Nazism four years ago; the French
1'orccs of the Interior attire over
,r,'•thirll of the area of Prance.
Two Bright Facts
Two facts stand out brightly in
all this apparent confusion. One
In that the Gt rin,ms, not only out-
numbered and on;weigitc'I but out-
gerteralell run i r.ii::olig:it, are in
treat danger o: 1o'ieg the best
part and perhaps the greater part
of the sixty-nine divisions they
were reported to have in western
Europe on D-day. If the present
pressure is kept up they will find
it difficult indeed to stand on any
line inside the French frontiers,
and they may have to abandon
Norway and the Low Countries,
Nor do they dare, in spite of a
temporary success on the Baltic
front, withdraw any large number
of troops from the East, 'Che sec-
ond fact is that the moment the
Nazi hold weakens at any point,
there is a popular uprising, This
is clearly evident in France, and
there is not the slightest doubt
that it will occur elsewhere, The
hest that any outnnmbercd Nazi
occupation force can hope for is
to be taken prisoner. The hest that
the Quislings and lesser collab-
orators can hope for is a trial in
due process.
Time Hitler's Only Friend
It docs not become us to for-
get, however, that the Nazi realm
has been brought to this stage, as
\Ir, Churchill predicted, ht blood,
sweat and tears. Bats of the Al-
lied nations arc suffering \rounds
and death in this moment of vic-
tory as they diel in the less hopeful
clays. At this supreme crisis it is
for us to support then) with work
as well as pt -10 cry, Time is now
(Tiller's only frim!!. 'i'hc home
front must stand with the fighting
[nen in denying it to him,
Advance Warning
Of Earthquakes?
It in., sura bt possible tc ,Sire
arlt;ilce warning of earthquakes,
An experimental network of sta-
tions, each equipped with apparatus
that automatically registers the
slightest variation of the earth's
snriacc, is to be set up in the south-
eastern part of the Tadjikis tan
(Cr:)tell .'1sia1 111 the :Academy of
Sciences of the Soviet l_'r.ion.
It is hoped that these stations
will give warning of earthquakes
st errel days before they occur by
regi, tering abnormal movements
of the rocks of the earth's crust.
After holding out for 11 days at St. Malo, "Mad Colonel" Andreas
von Aulock sits stiffly in front seat of Allied jeep as he and 800
ethers who surrendered with him are taken to a prison camp. Berlin
''cries his capture, but the camera doesn't lie.
To By -Pass Farmer
Is Socialists' Plan
1','hy ran head-on into farmer
opposition to socialization of farm
lands. That is the question which
the socialist leaders have asked
and answered, says the Lethbridge
If era 111, ,
The socialists plan merely to by-
pass tile farmer. Take over the
banks, set up export-import boards
and \eho handles the farmer's out-
put? 11'hy should the socialist poli-
tical clique that plans to boss the
country care so long as the farmer
produces? '.1'hc political bosses will
set the prices, juggle the currency,
juggle the prices of imports and
exports, and if the farmers don't
like it what are they going to do
about It: I'055ess1011 15 thele points
of the law, and the farmers' pro-
ducts will be in the possession of
the. politicians because there won't
be anyone else )rho will be allowed
to handle them.
The taking over of the banks is
the real stroke. By juggling money
—inflatiorn—the socialists will be
able for a svhilc to make the farm-
ers believe they are doing great
things for agriculture, Meantime,
through Money juggling, the whole
capitalist set-up can be wiped out
the same as Hitler did it in Ger-
When that has been accomplish-
ed will be time to deal with the
farmers, and they'll he socialized
and told what to do whether they
like it or not. The European pat-
tern has been planned for Canada,
It will be ease when the political
bosses grab control of the hanks
and create sufficient chaos to make
it easy 10 set up the kind of dic-
tat'tr'hip they must have to so-
cialize r vt rything and make every-
one; :t slave of the State,
Nazis On Wrong
End Of Robombers
(Icritian officers 111 a prison
rump in southern England are
revealed to have petitioned the
commandant for 11))111Cdiate re-
moval to another section of Eng-
land after a robot bomb landed
nearly recently without causing
damage or cawnallics
f ht,kers would be a nice, restful
soma( niuic gimme — if you didn't
have to rote,
Sufferers ot
bleeding and
pro tr'iding
piles should
know Bonkers Herbal !'ills treat
tllo cause at its source. Money
back It the first bottle does not
satisfy. Buy from your druggist.
How Can 1?
By Ann Ashley
11,,tt c;1:1 l
pel'-, Jl j'lt -, 1'1 tomato, s so that
thee 1611 Let ti their ':I;Ipt•?
A. Put lural in !muffin
I'Idy ;art a•t' 1 remote ,ill sill
keep their shape hetet. I'min if
cooky! c lv-t tog( Orr to a !akin!:
1,) 11,'.1 r,u1 ! preteen !lasing
111ni;.: in OW Iai,lt c1.111
A. Tin r' will he no limn;, in the
etlllcr of the 1,11leiloth tsinn it
is put on tilt tally ;liter launder-
, ing, if it i; folded time bales
lcngthsli•e be fore i: it folded
til How r.ul 1 11rc1'rut t1arping
of wooden tubs, Hine barrels, or
A. 110 Ilut 1r:lle ill' 11 eilipty
i for any lttigtii of time or they will
warp and finally fall apart. To pre-
' telt shrinkage, fill the hottttnt with
about two or three inches of \eater,
Q. 1lot can I keep the iron fry-
ing pan or pot roaster from rust-
A, It will not rust if it is thor-
oughly dry before putting it array.
Place the pan over a lighted gas
burner until it dries.
Q. How can I remove discolor -
Atkins from the interiors of bottles
and other glassware?
A, Fill nearly full with the fol-
lowing mixtures, let stand for se'•
eral hours, shaking occasionally',
then empty and rinse thoroughly
with clean hot water and am-
monia: 1\'arm water, one table-
spoonful baking soda, and a hand-
ful of potato parings, pea brans,
or buckshot.
To Open Cigaret
Bank In France
A rigaret supply bank, similar
to the one serving troops in the
lifeditcrrancan, will be established
at once for Canadian forces in
Normandy and Britain, the Post -
office announces, Air -mailed orders
will be filled by drawing on big
reserves built up over the last fete
months by bulk shipments.
Cigaret gifts will continue to he
ordered by individuals through
their local tobacconist or direct
front the tobacco companies, said
the announcement. The tobacco
companies prepare labels on re-
ceipt of orders, complete with post-
age and particulars, each label cov-
ering one parcel of 300 cigarcts.
'I'hc Postoffice then takes over.
The labels arc recorded and flow
overseas to the reserve tobacco
AC'COI:NTA NTS .t A1'1)1'1'011S
small businesses our specialty,
All Government reports prepared,
Brett & Company, 8 Wellington
7:ast, Toronto,
11,1111' C'llit'ics
pl'f,1,1:'1's 11:\11111'.11 ll(1C1(8, \'Ess
Iiampahires, 11'h)te Leg'hurns 'old
other hrerds 18 weeps tip to 1ay-
hig. Free catalogue, Top Notch
(llicltcrit r, 'mei 1'11, Ontario,
1IMlTl:11 QI'AN'I'IT1' 01' FAL!.
day -olds available Sept, Leh, ]tush
ot do. In—they will be !flied In
order received. 1Ve,ltly hul.'hes
thereafter—but orders should he
placed about a month ahead,
Some laying pullets now for
prompt shipment, 1•'011 Service
Bulletin ready soon—\trite for
your ropy, Bray Ha tottery. 130
John St, North, Hamilton, Ont.
Flll:l: RANGE 1'C'T,l:1'5 SIXTEEN
weeks of ago to 10311):, marred
Ilorlcs, White Leghorns, New
Ilaulpshires, Ifybrids, free Ca1-
nlogue.' Tweddle flitch Hal eh -
cries limited, Fergus, Ontario,
dyeing or cleaning? Welt, to us
for Information. We arelad to
answer your questions, Depart•
inept N, Parker's Dye Works
Litniled, 701 Yong() Street. To-
1111s Full. IrNlst un Gregg short-
hand, taught in over 10,550
Schools, chance of highly -paid
lit (mug ill pito 's, secretaries and
reporters, "Graduate sooner with
(, r e gg,"
$5,000-100 ACRES, AL1, '1'lid,-
obte, Durham county on 77.1 Itig)i-
way,55 miles Northeast Toronto,
Excellent soil, buildings, water;
4111)14.411a 1,2 possession: sacrifice,
death reason selling, apply own-
er, ,Mrs. Amelia \melon, Nestle -
ton, Ont,
I'OR SALE—Cn\1I'1,1:'1'1. 1_I:I:A11•
e1')•, p:lrl:age rd, gal, pa(lcuriving
pled including cording puutp and
tlt.e tip, bu)Ir:r, all lo Pond con -
di t lot'.
un•ditlot'. Writ for particulars to
J, 1', C'yhulsk le, ]hurry's !lay. Unt,
Flncst leather and harness pre -
Berra Bye.
re•Berrative, SUM t also has many
houeshold uses 25c up tit most
grocery, hardware and chain
stores. A product ot Lloyds Lab-
oratories, Toronto,
34 NEW CANADIAN Alt\I1' ()P-
ricers' saddles and bridles, $40 set,
Apply 14 \Vood street, Toronto.
bought, sold. rebuilt: b e I 1 s,
pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric
Company Ltd.. 21126 Duffrrin S1..
*1.85, E.O.B. St. Jacobs. Ivan
Martin, 5t. Jacobs, Ontario,
ready to go to work, Roy Scnnd-
len, 38 Evans Avenue, Mim(co,
2 to 4 months $3.00 each; 4 to G
$4.00 each. Goldfield Rabbitry,
!lox 207, Geraldton, Ont.
NEW AND USED ('.\1t ANto TIU'e'K
arts. Riverside Auto I':oos, '•I1
ween a, Toronto, 2,
Extra Tasty with Fresh Peathe!
Build breakfast around Nabisco
hredded Wheal! Eating this
high-energywhole wheat cereal
regularly Is a mighty pleasant
way to help get the proteins and
carbohydrates you need, as
well as useful amounts of the
minerals, iron and phosphorus.
Tender, golden -brown Nabisco
Shredded Wheat Is ready
cooked, ready to eat. Serve.
It oftenl
Nlagaro Falb, Canada
depots, There the laitls arc at-
tached to cartons containing 300
cigarets by members of the Can-
adian Postal Corps,
An outstanding feature of the
scheme is the protection from loss
to the individual of the parcels
while en route from the tobacco
companies to the supply depots
overs(as, as the labels, if 1051, will
bt duplicated,
Beachhead Workers
Three hundred Tyne and Clyde-
side shipyard workers arc on the
Normandy beaches to effect repairs
on the spot to the invasion ships
U. S. Builds Nearly
50,000 Landing Craft
The t•nited States \r,vy k :;ear -
int: the halfway marl ❑ it, goal
of a 1110,00o landing-er; ft flet: for
amphibious s'arfarl',
It announced that 11. date 1,1124,-
1d; tons, representing ,".Il land-
i1:g cr:.ft, have been 1,r,.,lnce.i.
More than a milli, n 1t,:kcr•
have het it engagrll i1) t'I. pn,;rain
:\t Pres, nt a!(ntt 4,) ) lu'inlC con
traitut'S ;It1r1 111,1)1)1) °I;hi lillll;ti lar!
are engaged in the worl.. \tit! iamb
ing craft !ting as-c11o1!t,1 at sev-
eventy-four shipyards,
— The lulue of miffing ,!flub gram, progri..hilel)itlrh dth-
t' inc of gold on the property'.
— h:U ('IIAI'I''l' co-dleeoterl'r of 'I'ech•llughrh, nod pr. Merit of
Ilonseeour .Ilhu'e Limited 1tlrrh from 1'x11 rl'Ur,
"DII1LI, S1;1'1111:1) 1'011 1111N,4:( 11. SA 11 Vial,. 1.111 NG
('1111 ,t�.rAY5, Sine)!( iii:i (i tt 1. mfr: 1 1'
1'RI:N('l1Eti 11•:STEItfA1-. I;u, ( 11.11'1'I'"
Ilonherour ,hareN can ,till he parelilhed for ",Imre,." liras! h
oar 0%10 honk or )falser,
For up to the minute dere 411)1m ,, reporle, write
fall SALT:
Ill rill iiIIA1)E sl:l'I'IStis All0l'3'
r, x 0 1)akes ev'erllstIng quil15
Gm samples 31.15 postage Included,
11's also, have half yard BEM -
NA NTS for boys' knee pants from
all color Worst 0 (5, Flies (Mt 1111,(1
on n)rrterlaI 115c each, mc.l tg(•
Included. Lotfls 'tier, :11;1 531 (1011
Avenue, Toronto,
11111:1:I 11 NG 'PI 'itl(1:Y5, WAGON
w'ht 1'i 11,11. Bronze neighing up
to 33 lbs. at six months. Parent
steep pi•rsoually select«) from
spec1a1 111:1 lags in U.S. by ex -
pe res, Thou+rinds of guaranteed
range birds In select front, raised
tt'Ithe it loss, The snivel of sur.•
etss Iles In tenable fouhdaHon
stock. Your select Rol now from
our stoelc should pay big dlt'I•
d earls, \8'hullue Terni• )- Hanel],
\lourefleltl, tint,
DAt'RSfIt'Nt 1'1'1'1'11?S, ill:t FE.
mules, pedigreed, r,gist erld. 12:
I'nrlt dome Ave„ Stop 7A Vionge,
1'it(1I'IT.1111,!: W1:l,l, 145'r et! flour flora' mill (export and done s-
tlrl, with gasoline, stood dealer
nod hauling lousiness in von -
no talon, for s0311on nceount of
Ill -health, with re.:Adr•n•e or
1oo111s, Lor•:i 1'1) in splendid halo)-
foist totrn. Pearly tnrn's.1' of
/103100, 1'rIre $9,(to(1 w•ilIt 0' -
o"(1 leash. Write owner, flux 14`,
73 Ado 11:1)1' 1\'„ 'Toronto,
women, lett: Imitates: nig nl C11 11.
ode's finest and largest sehon15.
Refined. 1ignlflcd work. Splendid
pay. 1V1.1 to or call for free liter-
ntut e, Marvel Hairdressing Sc -hoots,
359 Moor Street, Toronto. Branches
44 !ling Street, Itanfllon, and 74
Rideau Street, UI twn.
1, 1: A It N 11.1111)111)551Nti Tit 1;
ttoht rt: ort 10e11od. 111fl.rnu 1I tt
1'.n revue -t ter n ling eito-w s,
11..144 rtsetti': 1lnirtltcssing 1e:n1-
It o. 137 Aye toe 111,011, Toronto.
5.1'I'ISI'1' } 1'11'itsi:i,1' — I':}'l:l;}'
-off. 1. r of Itheminttie int ins ole
X1 urlti: should try Dixon's 1t. to-
. Sold only 1!I nro's I'rug
51ort, . 1;Igin. 1.Itt Itt a. I'„"-
rr,.hl 5Lon,
STOMACH AND 'I'llit i':Al) \VOIt115
often :urn, the cause of ill -health
in 'Munn ns, all agcy. No one im-
mune! \\'Icy not find out if (his
is your trouble” Interesting p:1r-
tlrulars—I•'e,•c! }\'rile. 1luIvency's
itemedies, Specialists, 'Toronto 3.
ft .11 gentle action, tali,. For -
mo) Laxative 'Toilets. Relieve
ullsflp:tlun safely. Non -habit
forming. At your druggist's or
Full $1.(10 for 2 month's supply,
postpaid. Formol Dist•ihutors,
Jfox 712, London, Ont.
IT'S ('(0 VEN, 1.VE1t1' SUFFERER
of Rheumatic Pains or Nr•uritis
should try Dixon's Remedy, Sold
only 21ni ro's Dalt Store, 33.,
Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 01,00.
AGAiN AVA11,5lux "T1714 01101-
1 NAI, r'l(Efnict.H: 1(1')1)11 AND
TTtON TONIC", The Nerve Food
that puts strength and pep Into
the entire system—Price 01.(10
per bottle. Special 3 for $2.50.
Ord1:r tuna)'—KIng 14nterprlses,
Box 113, l'hnthrlm, 01 (ui lo.
1'NteA 1-'11(17 rtAI,AM destroy,
offensive odor inelnntly, 45e
tirlene trent. Uenmsn
t)rus Mors. Utttwa.
\I1:U1(:.t I,
1.ii TEN 1'1':.1115 1 of Nt',EI: P1'
1.1(.1 11111 rid of tin,. orl} ‘vi I1'F,. pot,,, '...•53' rliiu.
rlrutt:.I o \Vr)nk1. 1..: ,,.t. i, the
f10est far a t1' it 1:' 1,1 to. 1115
010 t, fully is u:, r. 1, to tl, tor1t.r
bottle today, ?1.10 (,,, -.Maid,
J, 1,. 1)1,'1' .\grncy, I1 ,x 101, 1111 -
.•hent 1', 41)11(1111,
I'E'rIII;ItsToNRA1'1ill re 1'41111'AN1"
Pnlent 5nlle)tors, E•tabll'hed
1800; 14 EIng 55'e-1, Toronto,
Booklet of info: Ina 11rn an Ili,.
I'llll'1'll(;It 11'01
Your (films propel!) del 4.loped and
f i)II 8 t1N1'USC.1:I: 11111.1,5 2;,c
IU:I'ItIX'I'S 8 for 2'c
FINEST 1:NI,Atl ,1:1t\'3Cl:
Von Ito1 y' Ilnt het 111 IIIc 1i1111a )'0
55': t thio gear, bol yon '1:1u gel 111
the quality and set vire you dcliri
by Fend)lig your films lu
1171'111111,,,1111,(I'nu're .I:111'1CIc
for .I 'I'oronlu
7;e111 rule• film roll 11 I': 1r,1'a
largest photo finishing -luau
Any Size hull -6 or 8 1:s00140res,
U1;1'I';1501'1':I) ANI) I'i:I \"t'I?I) 25c
A customer tit Iloo rw 1'k, N.S.,
wrfle:. "I want you t,1 know how
plr:nsul I am with yowl wonder •
fell pork and prompt ',evil',." We
have such 0 ticrs (rum ,111 „ver can.
a 10.
3 for 2:1o.
0" '1, Notsr1 51„11110.
I':111a1;01101s 101;” oa!1,_1'y 1 11cd
mount., 7x11" ih I;ord, 5tlt,t, tine;,•
iI0 ))';!mien of 3;1o•It 1:1,0: 1i0011
Iraims, 511c each 1I 111 uLenient
:'c cavil.
:•�x 129,I'. t I 'i e: mina :1,
Tot 1,1110
Print Your Natoli. a no .\ddlo:n
I'Llinly ,111 .5II (!kites.
11 .t \'1'I :11
11'.1N'rl;I '1'11 tl'v: 11.1. I:INI's 1110
11 rd wt 11 and soft tl al
slim �I
all 11:1"til, 1,.,11' 1t ,' e
0oL11„11 ,C• gross, I'1.rt:lulu r�u,
11':11l:ertoli, 11ot.
11'.1X'1'1:t TU
Ill' 1% 1(1'511 1,.1:':115
ole Parols et"trafnil0 h 1 1 ''
suitaldo In cut furr1[1ill c
\\'rit1; 11ugdon «l' 1,rt Flirt': are
75':l11,..rlo1,, rent,
1 i R
ltl.nt ]Uel r; state e3,1'" rirw. Ind
salt:ire . duties to let
Sept, ntt.er. Mrs. .Annie 1111.; 1„r,,
seer' tory-treasurer, 1;1 nt I::•
('RSI;s 11'.t\'l'7:1)
131\!1:t1A'1'I':, (1I:N1:It.1L 1 '.'TV
nurses, 20 bed (teleran I1;. ;• •al,
1: hour duly, $9(1,00 putt= run
maintenance. Palmerston Gee vs:•nl
1i'spitrtl, Palmerston, Ont.
31A('IIIN1;111' 5N I) 1'1'1•:\S11,14
;11 !NEN — 14INI,ON G,
1,aIlevy, Rood older,
Churchill Ave., (Mail
Fondest hopes are realized as a happy mother welcomes her soldier
son back to his home in Alcncou, The soldier, serving in the French
Army, helped to liberate the town from N,zi rulers.
Love has no age limits, as far as Robert Leedharn, 84-yc ::- ld ;:c -.v
Yorl: City barge captain, and Mrs. Johanna Appel, 62, are ccncer�•.
After eight-year courtship, they decided to take the plunge, are
shown at City Hall where they applied for marri ,ae license. She's
r' landlady, and he's her star boarder.
Long on the secret list, a
powerful new weapon, the
"Sexton," a 2 5 -ponder full -
tracked, self-propelled mount,
has been revealed to the world
by Munitions Minister C. 1).
Flowe, Designed by Canadians
and built only in Ihi country,
it has Already been made in
sufficient quantities to supply
the Canadian Army, and is Row
being Made for the British Ar-
my, A modification of the Can-
adian -designed Rant lank, the
'Sexton", a 25 -pounder full -
France. The gun for the new
mount is virtually the sante as
the 2 5 -pounder which slopped
Rommel at la Alamein, It is
shown being installed into the
mount in the lower photo, while
above a line of the completed
mounts lumbers out to the test
This 4000 -pound blockbuster has
company as it hurtles earthwards,
in the form of a smaller bomb,
caught by RAF camera during re-
cent attack on Luftwaffe equipment
depot at St, Cyr, France,
Here are two emblems worn by
some soldiers of the Canadian Army
Overseas, which World War II has
produced and made famous.. Be-
low is pictured the shoulder sleeve
insignia worn by personnel attach-
ed to SHAEF -- Supreme Head-
quarters Allied Expeditionary
Force — in other words General
Eisenhower's staff, The field is
black with red flames rising from
a white sword, and a rainbow which
includes all colors of which nation-
al flags of the Allies are composed
tops the shield. At top is the in-
signia of the famous British Eighth
Army.— a gold or yellow Crusad-
er's cross on a white shield. Can-
adians fighting with the 8th wear
this insi;nia.
Hand grenades come in handy when
clearing isolated pockets of enemy
resistence and here is CSM W. G.
Vassie, Kitchener, priming grenades
before a Canadian operation south
of Caen,
L!eut, John Hodgson (Big Jack)
Smith, former Tomato newspaper
photographer, who has served with
the Canadian Army Film and
Photo Units in the campaigns in
Sicily and Italy, shown as he
swung into action with his Army
camera,.A six-foot, four -inch giant,
Smith served on the staffs of the
Toronto Evening Telegram and
the Toronto Globe and Mail be-
fore joining the Army's Public Re-
lations branch.
These photos show two of the
tricky new mines Germans are
using in Italy, Two-part mine
pictured above is anti-personnel
weapon. Wooden peg is driven
into ground, mine is placed on
it, above ground, and cord tied
between two mines. When trip
cord is disturbed, it pulls the
pins and both mines explode si-
multaneausly. Other two pic-
tures show a new anti-tank
mine, also used against other
vehicles. Its bottle -shaped shell
has open bottom, in which there
is the electro -magnet seen in
picture at right. This enables
mines to adhere to any steel part.
In photo below, an Allied sol•
dier demonstrates, on Army
tank tread, how the mine is
Model M-7 snow tractor, above, designed for use by the armed
forces in Arctic areas, is heavily insulated against cold, has six for-
ward and two reverse speeds ranging from four to 41 m.p.h.
Coupled with a snow trailer, the M-17 is used for rescuing downed
flyers and carrying supplies.
Mediterranean Sea
Anticipating Allied capture and consolidation of French Mediterranean ports, armchair strategists see
interesting possibilities of a surprise pincers movement, as diagramtned on map above, that might spell
quick doom for Germans in northern Italy. Left arm of pincers could thrust eastward through Alpine
passes on to broad plains above Po river; right arm would require amphibious invasion on east coast of
Adriatic. Success of movement would trap Nazis in northern Italy, force their surrender or flight
through Brenner Pass which is at mercy of Allied bombers.
?Ail 8.
lnla4t11.1t) 3MDIDIDlt:aDil N24)lat1t)M5111**Iata , INZIDiND)DIMINNZVO)PaiDiT Dailtt 901
Notice re Store Hours �
Olive McGill
Meals at All Hours,
FRANK GONG — Proprietor
4 I
Mr. awl Mrs. :\. Marr were
rich visitors un Sunday,
Ike, A. 0. and NIrs. Thomson of
I{lInvade, spent last Monday \vith \lis.,
Jessie, and Archie Somers,
NIr. and NIrs. brant: 'I'yrentan and
family moved into the i lain lion thvcl-
ling on I )in:.lev street on \\''.docs lay,
NIr. and NIrs, NI, G, (truce sp2ut
Sunday in I):tyficl(I at the home of the
Eater's sister, NIrs, hazel NIurray.
NIr. and NIrs. :\. Taylor spent the
aleck -end n•ith their daughter, \l iss
Ethel Taylor, nt Kitchener.
\I iss Jessie Somers and Mrs. A, E v-
iug. of 'Toronto, visited over the wed; -
end with cousins in London,
Nits. Norman bloody, of Winds( r,
spent a few days last week with Ler
mother-in.law, NIrs. I). Eloully.
Nlr, and Airs. .\. R. 'l'askcr, Lloyd'Confectionery all(1 Tobaccos.
anti boss, Visited un Sunda)• 16l1l NI r.
:Intl M rs. Neison McGuire of Holstein. PI-IONE 38 - I3LYr1'H.
Doherty Bros.
Acetylene and Electric
Welding A Specialty.
Agents For International-
Ilarvester farts & Supplies
White Rose Gas and Oil.
Car Painting and Repairing.
Holibyman' s
NIrs. I:rcd Somers of 'Timmins is ._.._._.
holidaying with herr parents, and other „l, .,, 161,.....,11111 ,, ,.. ul I, 1l.
friends in town. 1 .
l, NIr. Gordon Augustine is out main
Cfollowing :n\air's illness which cumin- -
ed hon to his home,
:4.4H�.44++.444.4 .41+.4.1�.1�N�+ .+.1�4+ .4...4. ..1.+...4..., ..4.1•.1.4.1•.1•. 4.1I \Ir. Lloyd f Toronto is .........�. o .... • .... , ....... + ........ . .. . ... ......... oyd 'Tashcr o THE FIFTH WALL
�= SCHOOL OF COMMERCE sl,ctnling a \\cels' ho!itl:t\•s'.\illi Itis par- ' OF EVERY ROOM.
+t. eras, NIr. and Mrs. A. R. *'aster.
s; CLINTON ••• ONTARIO. +: The veiling, '.vhlc•h. iti 11,411;111y
.It Ilam'. 1 r ane and daughter, t
..! larger than nn single Wall, .haul t
++ ! 12 considered as a fifth wall, 'Thus
'S •> Eleanor, returned home on \\'cchtcs:,:i)• t
_' 13c Ready in a Few Months to do Valuable and Necessary Office Work .t� after visiting relatives at Waterloo, when planning I ho deeuration Nu. a
't' COURSES:—STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL, 2, ; room it it; just as important to se-
.. CLERICAL. ?.alert a correct ceiling paper as it is
.�. NB.. Nelson Hill, Clerk of the Srrl'''- `to choo:•e the .proper wall deyura-
M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., 1t+ gate Cotnt, (;t dcrieh, was n visitor iu ;lino, four preference nnty t'- your
•' Vice -Principal. Phone 198• Principal ;i; 1,1 ' nil of t..ilr:tst!u; colour. Pont
t Myth on Mot:tiay. )
11j..,.;4++ + ...+ANO .+x.1..0+0 ++4.,.4.0..): X4.4: .14.4.•: .�.++:..:H:.+f .44. 4.4.+:.+:0‘.4.+4.4.1,.1, he i ilea id 1 hat a "Colour -Planned"
I.:\C. Lloyd \\'ettlaufcr, of Conran t re'om will extend your Budget. 'i'o
\al in town realize this you van re,idily do so
irpurt, spent the \\cel: co
SOCIAL EVENING PERSONAL INTEREST \yid, his Wife, and other relatives, _ by se:itirm1m}' samples ---over .,00
Sponsored by the W.A. of the Blyth
Uni'rd Clturch on the evening of
Funds to be used to pay for boxes
Sent Overseas.
Admissiin .0c, Everybody Welcome.
Beginning the 1st Wednesday in Sep-
tember, this store will close on Wed-
nesday evenings,
This decision is necessary due to the
enforcement of the •Ii•( -1 lour-\Vcck,
intliu>ed by (Inveri-nicnt regulations,
\vhich becomes effective September 1st.
Sgt. Sant '1hucll of Dartmouth, N,S„
has been cnjo)ii-g a furlough \vith his
parents, \I r, and NIrs. \\'nl. 'I'hucit.
"tiaanntic" is with the l:
Mrs. Ida 1.. Craig, her grandson, Dun
Craig, anti nephew, .1uhn Parker, of
London, are visiting this ,reek with
\Irs. Craig's son, John '11, Craig.
NIr. C. 1<elly and \list. Kathcr;nc
Kirby of Detroit, Mich., are visiting
With the latter's sister, Mrs. S. Ilalla-
hat. and Mr. 1lallahan.
Cpl. and Mrs, 1.eggett, of St. '1 h •-
mas, visited over the ,reel: -end with
the fornter•'s brother, NIr. Ernest Leg-
gett, and NIrs, Leggett.
Mr, amt NIrs, Harvey McCallum arc
morin); it; to their dwelling t 11 NV(llin;;-
1111 street, west.
NIrs. ;.'lift Taman received souther
cable saying Cliff had been killed in
\lisscs Olive and Isabel Nlc(;ill were
Ttronto v;: itor s for a few days t' is
Phone 37.26.
Sun -
Sorry to say, there are NO NI':\\'
I':\'I"II•:I:NS this year, being the
!sante 112 last three )'cars. Every -
,.thing in the line of Decorating. \o
;special tithe for alp linUucuts, -
-and remember, I specialize in that
'tough job of taking off \\'allpaper.
Several (111(1 erases of 'flu arc report -
' ed, but a few clay:, rest 101:111). finds
the patient hotter.
1)r, a1c1 Nlrs, 1I. A. McIntyre
datghtcr, Jean, of Clinton, spent
day with Josephine \Voodcock,
The lcv.a1(l \1r:. I'. Ii. Streeter and I \Ir. Irraok (;I'ng is visi'ing in
(laughter, Jean, have returned from onto this week. Onring his absence the
;their vacation spent at the Church ; I Iur(n (;rill gds been c'oscll.
Can'', Big Da)' Point, Lake Siilcoe. Nliss Icon l'art\\rght i, e's'tirg hc..
A. L. KERNICK aunt ani Incl, , NIr. and NIrs, \\'ray
ER CK Nliss \lat•jorie Stephens, "•Ito ha; I
Ilr)•ant, of (iudericlt.
Spenhllt, the past month a;
guest of Miss Jean. Streeter, has re Hiss '11irc Ku ccs n1, 10 ;(1 tel' phone
nl,cralur, is cit dying a week's varat'o:i,
With friends in Gnd,c; id' and 'Toronto.
turned to her home in Aylmer.
Mr, and Mrs, I?, J. "Taylor, aid s nt
H. S. Gray, of Benton harbour, l);lul, visited with )tr. and Mrs. J. A.
\1ich., and two grandchildren, spent Edwards, of Stratfor(i, over the weela-
last \reek with NIrs. \\'illiam Cray, end,
and Nlr. aid NIrs. Leonard Mc Nall.
Nliss Anne Phillips, who has hcen
Mrs. Fred Citapplc and son, \\'a)•nt','spending the holidays with her par
have ret,trtted from Kitchener to re- l ents, J. 11. and Mrs. Phillips, will
side with the former's mother, NIrs.'12ave on Saturday for Ottawa where
1\'esle). Kcclm:e,
'she Will resume teaching,
Mr. f;errgc Cowan, of Tavistock, hall Mr. and Nlrs, R. I. \\'iggins and
been holidaying dtr-ing the past week, Jiang -titer, Valerie, of Brant ford, ace
with his brother and wife, \lr, and holidaying at the home of the hit-
ttMIrs. J. .\. Cowan, i
ter s parents, NIr. and NIrs. Thomas
NIr, and Nlts. Mervin Guv:cr and Noble,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Caldwell spent a I Nfr. Kcilh ilatuilton, \On) has spent
u22k entl rcrtntly at \1'ttsas a Beach, the vacation with his atoll, Nliss \1'atl, to Nluskol:a, where she Wi 1 visit 1',t' '1 hr•.t• mull:s e.c1•' donated i e \li:..
and other points in the north. Mr. and Mfrs. ()real Cook and fain -
town, and his brother, NIr. 11'1», ll:tttt' tis of Mitchell are holidaying
With Nlr, �a time. bntuute they \e 11 sl t'.:1 a Cha• ies Ea ,t, :in I \Ir... \\'.Tired Run-
'ttn- r
\I r. and Mfrs J. If. Lath, of Ilanil- ilton, Ilullclt, leaves to(1114 for S1.1:111(1 Mfrs. Lconarr( Cook, and Mr, and Ishort ,•bile With another t':1•it.Ii •, Mil herr. Nits. I'loid (11 ,i,,, ,is the \eiun;1 of TIT l' A Classified Ad.
inn, are spending a few clays with the Thomas, \\here h2 will rettrrlr to teach Airs. I:obert Craig, and other friends, and NIrs, 1?rue;t Cumming, t.f Fe.11) . t1,c lurk). draw, rll:ed' iter It,Slllts.
fortntr'; iiinaher, NIrs. George 1.e tit, ing at the Ctdiegiate in that city.
Sr., Itt! other relatives. I Mr. and Mr;, ifectur Hays and fain- NI'sscs Margaret and Jt,ye Craig re- - _
+ Mr, Jul) S. Scott, Who neeratcs six -
811', Stanley and 1)otnta, of NVindsbr 'turned hem'. from London, a -cos tr ill- Nigtctej?,.�:a Tztf, 4.4%atlati:'.Cis:'.0:'wt't�twl�r'iti'isfitG�I�t '"t^'y'w yt4ltei+ta":, Sty . o 6 1)k+ P `f•J
R.1. -.N. \Ihert J. Kelly, Jr., \vhn iris hundred acres of land in Last \\'awa- t, t t"t t'0 • ' .'., e
trc spending this week With Nlr. Ilcr- led by Master John Parker. . Tie. • \is y
bOI1 spending a furlough with Itis par- nosh Township, was in the v;1!ige oil Inu► Di r and fanlil).. it2ll .\I r, and Mrs. Peter Ga -diner, awl . i_a ''1
cats. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kcl'), of \1'crincsda}. 11c has cuntll1 1l bar t ,, STIJAR‘.11 tr. i �`�'' " _ i
yJ 1e1). and Mfrs. NI, L. 1 trker, anti ads ,�:'J
Itlyth, left o;: Friday for Vernon, B.C. vesting atvt threshing fer this year. ile \1r. and NIrs. Gordon Elliott ant( ea
reports the yield of rain bountiful. children, Mfrs. J. Ii, R. Elliott, and enjoyed a very pleasant p'cnic :1 1':. ;q
Mrs. Hazel Murray and daughter, t :statute)., with Nit. and Mrs. C„t• i : r !K
Mrs. Lloyd \Vittlaifcr, s;cnt '1'ncstlay NI r. \\'nt. Smith, soul NIrs. lolnt (1: ig.
Donna, of La 'field, are spending a I Ntr, A. 11, 1'.rslanc, president, and with Londonondon friends. w
week in Blyth at the home of Nlilt•m Gordon Elliott, s.crretary-trig:,aver, 1)o- It t\as the Irish picnic too, and b !'1.1
Bruce. mystic Gas and Oil Co., Limited, vist- 1)r. I), G. Ilodd, Nits. Iiolld, and fans- PII c., and iiig:til:utd darting were vit. r,
• Icd the oil field at l(t.th\ell this week: ily are nicely settled in Dr. \'okes' i tNed in the program. 6'
31r. and NIr.. lames Greenway andt'
A. new• power 'muse has been erected Idw•211ing 00 Queen street. Dr. VolVl 2. F
vie family of the laic Ales. Smit'. i 4
NIr. 1;:11 Murray reports ha• in:: :t
splendid time :.t Becton :in.l Barrie
'1 he RA,' (:rues Will hold their regular
meeting in 1102 \\'orkrooit on 'Tile d I)',
September S1h, at 2.30 p.10
1. .11 l .0 I. •,L,1. I.., ...I.0 A'1 I.I,,. ulll,
Vod en's
NIrs. Peter Brown and Nl iss Nl a•ga •
ret 'limns visited on \\'edacsda)• '.\•' h \Irs. Frei \\'i Itt 11, of llea•:nta1i.,
the former's cousins, NIr. a' td Ntrs. Mttskulul, an 1 Nit's. \\'c;lt')• I itt, of
\laitland Allen, Auburn, 'Stratford, spent the latter part of the WEST BOU::DARY IIED CROSS
;'.\eek, \1)'111 thea• mot!:c• Nlrs. Iplant
Infantile Paralysis is raging in dif- Johnston, being in at.tend::cc• for NI r,
ferent sections of the United States, Juhnstun's 1102(31 on Nh-lId:1y. '1'1,t•y
notably Detroit. There are also 140111(3 •left fur 'roe 'cdcsday, and NT r. Nluud:Iy' :tftcr:tion will'a gu.i,l attend-
cases in \\'indsor and London. I Johnston Wutill arc;un\\n0pann) he t'ru 'It2•. .Ince. Two 111.1 41 r,ni!ts we: 1. quilted.
Wednesday, August 30,1911'
I, li I. Au ill . 1 ,I , I
DURATION LEG DO . _ ......
$1.35 AND $2.35
17c, 39c,.59c
.- .. 49c
.. 20c AND 35c
i "1'i'" - WHITE SI -:OE POLISH __ ................._..........._. 15c AND 25c
MO'1'll BLOCKS 10e AND 25c
HAVOK MOTH CRYSTALS .-- - ..... _. ................_--- ... ..-- - 49c
2 -WAY FLY REPELLANT ... ..- .... .59c AND 98c
Due to the shortage of Merchandise and to conform to the hours
of those stores affected by the new Government ruling, this store
will remain closed Wednesday after 6,00 p.m.
1, I l ' Ib,nL . l 1. , , A ..,• b.
Living -Room Furniture
Upholstered in Latest Pile Fabrics at Attractive Prices,
S'I'Ui)10 l.O('NGI':S, tailored in (hirable, attractive coverings at
• popular pricL's,
(1:01) I(.\CI< S'T'YLI'', AND li011l(I.I': 1).\\' I(I':I) \I,\'1TIESSI':S,
tailored in Smart, Bright Coverings, al Low ('rices.
.\ Ni('I. SELECTION U� O(l ti �\II (ti �1 good quality
cuvetilgs, l -.N1) 'I'.\BI.I:S, I(0OI•: ('.\SVS, T.\ 111.I.: I..\\il'S and
OTHER Old) 1.1\'TNG-I1OO\! I'll':('I':S,
Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 — Irunerat Director,
'I•ir.a47i1D a''i`NDIDiDID2rii2iei211)127Divin;a1Di`a'L 2. rD7.:.`. ::,-a nl:4ulaiw D'ai,iiaihi (t.)1 Di:•7,hoi'iit`+iiDIA
NIrs. Craig, Margaret and Jt,)c, rt.-
rtrtined to visit rehtives and ( (-101, in
I.und,,n, i)orcbcs:er and \\'Ilton G; o\ -c
for ten days, \Ir. Smith going ( h to
(mit:•by Beach and Hamilton, t , visit
his brother-in-law, NIr. I:obcrt ('oW-
:od and 1M.cc in II:lmlilton, a'•c nlp:cu-
k;l by 101t'rt and NIrs, l' -t\, aril, (li
t;rau,b} lleacl'.
1<1?l:\I(1\--11) Clio tun Public Ilo:pit:tl
uu 't tie: -lay, August 23t11, to NI r. and
Airs. .\Iln:ull lernick, twin buys.
It is W:Ijt 1•ev,ret 111'1( 14)4' rcp•ir'I the
death of both boys shortly after
bit (11,
i �!
N--li Srt tt \Icnanial 1Iu.p'Ial, '\""�'
S.:tf; rlh, 1'11 SwI•I:Iy, :\igte,t 2 t'','
t, \1r, and NIrs. I'ellllelll Cowan, of
NlidLunl, a dati •liter. Edith I':lizab:-111.
* i *
(':\f:l)ibF—In \1'inglnun ih spi ;Il, on
Saturday, .111,ist 'r,th, Im NIr. a d
Clifford Card.ff (nee .tliidrtd
II.Ih.'rn) a c.:nt•;hter.
The ladies t f the \\'est I(I'un'l:u•y
I:ed Cross met at the schl.ul b.ntst on
Located Oppus'te Kernick's Grocery
Mr. :tor[ NIrs. \\tlllam htrni ,all of to replace the one destroyed by fire aleft for 'Toronto on Tuesday.
Godc-i '•. nein Sun lay evening at the 1'cot11)le of Creeks ago, ilensall, formerly r f the lith line ,d. c ,
home 1 i Milted! Brut e, Blyth. Rev. J. I'. awl Nbrs.. Kainc, of Dunn- Morris Township,, Illyt at Sprin,gbanl.,
Visitors at tl!c h'nnc of NIrs. Oci,oss vine wce guests of NIr. and NIrs. i. and sp_nt a very pleasant title. Ow- tl
MI r. and \frs. Stewart Young and Taniatt last week were, Mr. and NIrs. 'Wm. Mills this wc21:. Mir. Ivtinc is a iP
daughter, Patricia, of Fa van le, Ont., l ing lu ur• Inbcr= of the family coming a 6
t\\'illiam Nicholson and son, Allan, of 'nephew t f Ni r. \tills• distance, and time being 1'ntitill the FRESH HONEY -- 4-L13. PAILS
spot a pleasant week with the for.::- 5
I3luevale, Mfrs. Alfred ilucper aid I ,lace :,f meet !Ig was thuscn as the �l TURNIP GREENS .. 20 OZ. 1 OR 19c
cc's mother, \Irs. Marc A. Young. I ,•
NIrs, 1Vall, who has made her home ;1 1 r
(three cltilclren, Patsy, \\'illi'., Charlotte
in the 11:imillon residence, I) tt le: roust convenient to all. 'Those present o)r BLUE II113BUN PUDDING POWDERS 2 FOR 19c
NIrs. Myrtle Nfurrav, Reg, N., re- fruit) 1;)\ntan\iIIt, Nfr. and NIrs. Scl.th street, for the ,1st few ).cars, moved were Nlr, and Nits. bl t)d Smith, D - (Vanilla, Chocolate, ])utt,_rscotc!r, Carrne!).
stoned Mr duties at Clinton Public' Breckenridge of Jamestown. I' Is" \id and Sharon. blushing. Mich., 'Ir, BLUE BERRIES FOR PIES .. 30c
01 \\ ' tIlcsd:1)• 10 rro it m NI r-. A.
Ilmsiptal britty after a well earned Mfr. and Mrs. lTm\arrl "Morris. -in and Cole's dwelling nn King street. i ldrid Smith, Blenheim, Rev. Ertl \frs, `k 1./NSUCf1 SILVER CREAM 25c
holiday. M. II. Parker, John and Jim, of Lon, t': 1__.INZ PORK AND BEANS ... i5c
Mrs. Elliott Dcverell, and Nits. A. Mrs. Delos: Taman and daughter, !don. 31r. \\'i,liant Smith, 1 angina:.
Morrison, of \hunt Forest, visited nu I POTATOES DUG DAILY,
Airs. Pen Walsh, Marlene and Runge. Sask., NIrs, John Craig, Sr., NIr. and W
Sunday at the honk of Mr. and Mrs. )! t , r � 1 r r y
spent a few days at Allenford visiting NIrs. John Ni. Craig, Carman ardl \lair- ►5.� I UIedI��,Z --- Celery, LCtttiCY',
Cabbage, Carrots,
Chester Nlorrisou. Mrs. 1)cecrcll re-
.IID1r and ;tars..\rel and slaughter-in-law'garet, Nk. and NIrs. David Craig, J 1)e. Radishes and Tomatoes.
Inlaned for a visit with her sister, Mrs.
\frs, Clifford Taman and Karen Attu. Lodi'. and Don,Myth. Mr, Smith and
C. Morrison, — piptilt)t)1.Dtititilth tDictAZ:11,1atkkatkiitiatiiiir�idinatDID2t`a`i:iDatiltdtr,lata't8t`1,PIDIMZ*11
Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery.
Please Phone Delivery Orders Early.
Morning Delivery. North of 1)insley Street.
Afternoon Delivery, Sotttll of Dinsley Street.
Delivery Orders - $1.09 or Over.
Mrs. Henry Carey 011•1 sr,n. Toho,
returned to Toronto on 'Thursday, af-
ter a month's visit witr Mr, and Mrs.
Janes Cra vfort:,