HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-08-23, Page 1TH'!•E VOLUME 55 • NO. 01. LYTH STANDAR Dr. and Mrs, Yokes Leaving LOCAI. INIEN WOUNDED '('his Week -End IN ACTION )r. an'I Mrs. \'okes, and Hob, wi:I leave this week -end for 'Toronto, where the Doctor sill immediately take over his Ilett' duties on the staff of the Toronto Ilnsinlal, illy successor, 1)r. 1), 1;. Dodd, with his wife and three children, \vill take up residence in 1)r. \'okes' dwelling this week -end• During; their sojourn in oto v;Ilage 1)r. and \la•s. \'okcs have established a \vide circle c( friends, tyho, we knw, w•i11 join s•ith 'Hie Standard, in expres- sing kern regret 11 their departure, and \vin'I will ),.in \yith its in tvisllisg theta continued success, and good health, is their new surroundings. 1Ir. an I Mr. Vokes crone t t tun Bannon in 19 21r, \stere. 1)r, \'okus )ar • chased the Practice of I)r. T. I?. Case. Follos•in„ eight years residence there they buil; their fine duelling on Queen street, and moved to Myth in 1937, \vhcce 1;, \ (dies has continued 10 serve an ever-growing Practice, 1)r. \'otkes is a veteran of the (treat \\'ar, has ing served in Fr ace for four years seitlt the Medical ('or)s of the Canadian Army. Immediately. stmt his rcutrn to Canada Inc tool: tap his stud• its in medicine at the l'nivct•sity of Toronto, from where- he graduated in 1925, Int 102n he married \I iss Louis's Hoskins, at Tenant), and immediately the ts•o set out for China, s•here they spent a year, but had to return Inc to ill health. Itcforc he carte 10 1)i111- g:uun\n, Ile. \'ekes spent one year as a member of the staff of the 'Toronto 1lospital. \\'bile her_ lir, and airs, \'ol:es displayed keen interest in local activit- ies. They attended 'Trinity Anglican Church, %%here \Irs. \'okcs served in the capacity Of organist for some Inci, and wh:•rc thcr son L'oh, \vas a mem- her of the choir•. Tole was also a mem- ber of the local ploy Scout 'frost, mil has just completed his first year's study ill the Continuation School, They Icavc this wick -cul for their nese address at 11 liitcl+yic\w Boulevard, Toronto, where 1)1., \'okcs \vitt talc his ll:are un tics staff of the 'Toronto Hospital. 1)r. and \Irs. 1lodd, and three chil- dren, ,Ilan, Jim :and Rallh, expect to arrive this 'Thursday. For the past Gnr. Wellington lstcrIall Wounded \Irs, \\'elli noon 11c\all received word by Cattle on \Vcthtestlay, Aug- ust 16th, that her husband, Gina \Vel- lington ;\Ic>.,tll, had been \rounded in action on .\u;!ust 8111, and was con. :fined to hospital, No information as to the extent or nature of his wounds s'as given, but further particulars are anticipated bcforc long. \\'cllingtou is a brother of Trooper J:tclcNall \vho was :killed in action on July 2511. Mrs. \IcNall received a cable this \\'cdncsday mottling which stated that her husband had received severe back nomads, and also wounds in the right leg, Trooper Arthur McLean Wounded \I r. and Mrs. Roderick \Icl.,ean, of \lorris Township have received a cable informing them that their son, Trooper Arthur \IcLcau, had been wounded in action in France, on August 12t11, His patents received the cable on August 19th, Trooper McLean is 21 years old, • Fr Rif:ent.ail Arnold Glousher Wounded letter from Mrs, Bernice Gloushcr of Galt, contains the news that her son, Rifleman \\'illian Arnold (;loush- cr had been s•oundcd in France on August 10th, The message front the Director of Records stated the nature and extent of wounds were shell frag- ments to the chest and -left arta. Rif- leman (;Iousher was serving in France with the Queen's Own. Enlisting at Caudat from his home in Blyth De- cember 29th, 1942 with the Canadian Fusiliers, he went overseas in June and landed in Frantic on his 22nd birthday, July 291!u, Arnold served for sonic time in the :\!'anon Islands prior to his being posted overseas, • +* No Word On Tpr, Arnold Bowes No further word has been received regarding the fate of Tpr, Arnold Bowes, who Was reported missing in France on June 11th, His family still entertain hopes than he may be report- ed a prisoner of war. +•• Son M'ssing After Air Operations 18 years Dr. ficdd has been in charge Alt.. and Mrs, Ed. Bryans of Morris of the hospital at Ilarrington Ihrhour. township were :notified on Monday that which served 2(10 miles of the north their soa, Stuart Iiryans, is reported coast of the G't'f of the St. Lawrence. missing in air operations overseas, Fur• Dr. I Todd is also a graduate of the UM- thus information world follow, the ver: its c,I 'Toronto, graduating the sane telegram stated, year as Dr. \'rakes, 1925. \\'c welcoutc them to oar midst, —v AMONG TIIE CH-IURCHES TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. 11. Streeter, L•Th•, Rector. Sunday, August 13th, 194.1 Sun'L•ty Scht of at 11,31) No other sc''\ ice. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH August 27th, 1944. 10.15—Sunday School. 11.15 Subject.—"A Love Story of the Bible." 7 it nt.—"'I hz wings of a Dtn•e,,, IF tlh scrv'ec, will be held in the church auditorium. amt. Mr. and Mrs. R. C.McGowan Mark Golden Wedding. t • * Former Walton Boy Wounded \1 r. and M,s, David Crawford of leus:,cls, formerly of Walton, have re- ceived word that their son, Gnr. A, E. Crawford who is serving in Normandy, was wounded in the knee on August 10, • i 4 Entire Crew Missing \\'oral received by Mr, and Mrs, \V, 11. Lyon of 'Tlnarnd:de informed them that the entire crew of the aircraft (of which their son, Flying -Officer Kenneth Lyon, was a member, is missing, v PERSONAL INTEREST \liss Doreen Schuctt and Millon Schnett,' Of Gut Iph, visited last week with Mr. and 31rs. Harvey Mulley and tastily, NH, and \irs, Harry \lcCool, and son, Milton, and \1 r. and 31rs, Alf. • "\\'oocilta Cann" the home of Afr. Glazier, and sons, all of Brooklyn, Ont, and \Drs. Rob':'t C. McGowan, was the w'C1•e visitors in town the wreck -end nt scene of a 11 Litl'3 gathering en Tuesday, August 1211), being called up for the August 1511u, when friends and rela- funeral of Mr. AlcCool's sister, Mrs, tires gathered to celebrate the occasion \Villiant '1', Robison, -� of their Boldest \\'cdtling, postponed( \list, Betty Fairscrvicc has been con- front January 18th,fitted to her home this week with an The guests were received by the `attack of tonsilitis. bride ;and groom of fifty years ago, the l \Irs. Ranson A. Cowan and fancily bride wearing a dress of figured grey, who have spent the past three weeks silk and corsage of yellow roses. with Mrs. R. \Vightman and other re - The afternoon seas spent in social in- ilativcs, returned to their ltouce in tercourse and recalling memories of Stratford on Sunday. 511 yeas ,ago, four of the guests being Visitors at the home of Mrs. R. present on that occasion, \Vightman during the week were, ,lir. The guests w:etc invited to the met- incl Mrs. Normal' \Vightman, with tilt' decorated dining route where the their daughter, Patsy, and son Bob, of buffet tab,c was laid with a linen clout, Weiland, 31r, \\'ester Stackhouse, and centred with a Bedding cake, decor- daughter Eva, of Brucefield, Al r, and atetl with white; and gold streamers Mrs. Leslie \Vightman and family, of from a shite null in the centre. \Irs. \Ving1)am. E. 3!asou, (Go \:oriel', and Nies. Babb, of V 'I'ecswater, poured tea during the af- ternoon, and sirs. 1). C. Taylor, of Lucknnw, and Mrs. Alex McGowan, in the evening. Guests were present from Luckmow, 'l'ccsw•atcr, Sarnia, Carson- vilbe, \tick., and Clinton. Many lovely gifts were received. SHOWING NO IMPROVEMENT The latest return about the condi- tion of Mr. A. W. Robinson., who is confined to the hospital in London, shows very little change in his con- dition. Ile still continues a bed pat- ient. 1 BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23, 101'1. OBI'T'UARY REi) CROSS FROLIC Wesley John Kechnie WAS FINE SUCCESS The con)munity was shocked to learn n on Tuesday night, August 15t11, of the sudden passim; of one of it's highly respected citizens in the person of \Vcsley John hechuie, at his tonne on the Auburn-111yth boundary. Ile Was 55 years of age, and was the son of the late :\Ir. and \Irs. \\'illiam l:cch- 110' 1Ie was a member of the lilytlt United Church and of Myth Lodge, 1.0.0,E., No. 366. On December '29111, 1914, he was united in marriage with Juan Zclla Tunncy, of \Vestfield, who survives, with one daughter, Mrs, Fred Chapple (Mary), and Iwo sons in the Armed Forces, Bertram, at ipperwash, and Franklin, with the Canadian Army in Italy, also three grandchildren. Ile was the second youngest of a family of tsvc!vc, of which three sis- ters and five brothers survive, namely: Mrs. David Clarke, of Kincardine, 31rs. George Bradley, of Lakeview; Mrs. Henry Bock, of 'Toronto; Samuel, of Blyth; \Villiant, of East \Vawanosh: Ezra and George, of hitchencr, and John of Rostock. 1!is cheery disposition and hearty laughter will be greatly missed by his many friends. , 'l'he funeral service was held Fri - clay, August 18th, from his late resi • -Bence, and was conducted by Rev, A. Sinclair, The many beautiful floral tributes testified to the esteem in which deceased was held by his many friends, and neighbours. The pallbearers were, Messrs. llerb, Glottshcr, Major Yunghlut1, Calvert Falconer, Gecrge Cowan, \\'ill'an1 Gross, and \Villiant Dalrymple. The flowerbearers were members of Myth Lodge, 1.O,O.F., No. 366, AI cssrs. Ray 1)obbyn, Garfield Doherty, Gordon Augustine, 13ai!ey Parrott, J. A. (;ray, J, 13. \Vatson and 1)ave 1irketumell, Interment was made in Myth Un:on Cemetery. Mrs. Ernest Seguss A large ann1ber of people gathered at Nile United Church to pay their last respects to 31rs, Ernest Seguss, sister of Al r. 'Thomas Edwards, of Blyth, who passed away in Victoria 1inspital at London. 00 Friday, August 11th, were she had been a patient for the past five wrecks. She had sailer• gone two operations, from which she never completely recovered. Airs. Seguss was born on the (lilt concession of East \Vasvanosh 68 years ago. She was married to Ernest Sc- guss in 1903 and lived at Dungannon and Carlow before going to N le to reside. Mrs. Seguss was a faithful member of Nile church and taught Sunday school for over seventeen years. The girls in her class acted Its 'flower -bearers. She is survived by three daughters and one son, Sylvia, AD!•s, Gordons Pearson, Clinton, Gladys, Alrs, A. Thompson, Gotlerich, Florence(, \Irs. Robert Eckhart, Hamilton, milton, and CPO Lionel Seguss, 1lalifax, who has been in the Navy for 21 years, Ilcr husband predeceased her three years ago. '1'Inree sisters and two brothers also survive, Airs. Arthur Kingsbury, Nile, Mrs, Charles Keating, Ilclgravc, and Mrs, Robert Moors, Dungauton, and Thomas Edwards, 1llyth, Kenneth Ed- wards, Maple Creek. The pallbearers were John Feaga11, Isaac Currey, George Rutledge, James McIntyre, Ross Taylor and Reg. Ryan, Interment took place in Dun- gannon cemetery. PROPERTY CHANGES Mr. F. J. 1Iollynnau purchased last week from J. II. R. Elliott, the two- storey brick dwelling on north Queen street, and is now in possession. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'I'yreman and family, of Aylmer, arrived in Blyth last week and arc snaking their home at the Samuel Kcchnie dwelling until the first of September. when the i Tyreman family will occupy the llam- ilton residence on Dinslcy street. Mr, George \IcNall is removing the 'upper storey no the brick stable on his property on Drummond street, and will form a garage out of the lower storey. Airs. Won. Ncshitt, while is Mythlast week. purchased from Miss Annie Laidlaw, of Clinton, the dwelling on Hamilton Avenue. Mr. \lilton Bruce has leased the late John Maines' dwelling on Drum- mond Street, and will take possession October 1st. The annual Red Gross Frolic held on the evening of August 10th, was a splendid attcces , not only front a fin- ancial standp:)mt, but from an enter- tainment standpoint as well. Tile different games \verc \tell pat- ronized, I I Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 to U.S.A. AUBURN Mrs, W. T. Robison SGT. CLIFFORD 'I'AMAN KILLED IN ACTION This (alllltl'I: 11}' Was Ilet'll\' .Uldeted The sad nes, \v t, received b\• re- te learn •,f the rasing on Friday ulen- :hives here last tv'eck, that Sgt, tabl- ing fort) .\ltrr•1 Tatman, s•,n di the late ing :\u):nst Iltit, of \Irs, \\'. "I. Itob- \Ir. and Mrs. Deloss 'l antan, had been loon, \shirt otrurred at Incehonu•,I'. \I is. Robison had been in ill health 'iki1l,,1 in "r1 'lc' mt I.raoce on Augsat for over ,t year but seriously ill for Ow i,titlt. (htii.ial "ossein ".ii; rcccived I,\• hi, rontxct , \\nt t t +c old favourite, the \ttit', wbi, re•:,,o• wth her parents at East month, Sbc \y:s formerly cora Bingo booth, lar outrunning any of the , Ulenfar,, ta others in pto! trity. 'I he refr•eshsicuut , Pearl McCol, daughter of the Late t , Tart..)1)-7).'n+ :t nu tuhet of the \1 r. and stet,, Samuel \1cCool, of Hui. '1,-tli I{e„•rte .\riuy, serving as a Cor - booth Was the next most popular Three games were procured from the \Vinglutut Lions' ('nub, and numbers of the Lions cantalong to operate theta. The dance was svell l:atrouized, but did not get started as early :as usual and the :sir Force Orchestra chit ',hy- ing before one o'clock, cutting \yell ov- er an horn• off the dancing time. The Centralia Pipe Iiand pleased the large crowd .Is they paraded up and down the street, cxemplify:ng their different drills. The skirl of the pipea and the :splendid drum section quicken- ed the blood in everyone's veins. An added feature was the bugle band of the Clint:an It:ulio School. '1'11c mem- bers of :his Il:and were ;all members of the Clinton Radio School Orchestra. They brought their bugles along to add zest to the entertainment portion of the evening, and their thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated, 'The financial returns for the evening should net the Society in the neigh• bourhoo;l of $30000. The following statement was handed int by the Society 'Treasurer, \Irs, R. D. Philp: Dance Proceeds Expenses . • • Net , Bingo Proceeds Expenses , Net Proceeds , Games Proceeds 12_'(0 Expenses to \\'inghann . , 61•(11) '1'r;unspartatinn... ,3.75 Net Proceeds . . • ... , • • Lunch Proceeds . 1')9!)4 Expenses . , 9,1,09 Net Proceeds . 106.85 Total Net Proceeds $3113,89 1)onations , , 23.01) Total rash ta!:c11 in $594.79 Total cxpcttscs ti 267.90 Accounts not yet received— CI<NX, \\'inghanu, and Iles Transpor- tation for Band, $42,50 20,00 Tett, and ho sin horn .\1gs,t _'g, 1"++,, I,,,r;ii ;in] wa; , n+• of the fir,\ bay; .on entre-sion 11, Ilnllctt tosrtshIi;,, he- it ,n \\'inoh:o i to euli,t at the out• ing in her 48111 yea'. She ,brut her tore:t 1. „1 the \\:tr )kiting tap \vitt' die girlhood ,lays in Hulk tt, Later takintt �a oitli .\rti'I, t y stationed :it l.i•,(otyc!. position in bash, at 1;oderieh, Auburn Ile rail a' I.i,l(ttel, Pella w:os,t, and bra 1 office in 'Toronto,. 'I'taraulta ;out I `eb, rt, N.S., and arrived ing hermarriage to \\'illiatm Robison on utrr,ra, in Sept••J 19)'3' 'he tool; uN„veninr, 1')41,p re,idemie i ` On \lay tonin, Nal, he stat, united in \nbnrn, sthcr'. her gracious manner ma rnaae at \Vingliam, to Leila Irene amt kind lcrs'utality hail endeared Inc \rd, lea. N., Lou doer of M r, and to all. She was ;an active ssorker in \Ir . 11', 1{. .\rd, „f .11.1.,!,e1 "tows Kn„x Presbyterian Church where she hip, and to this union there is one 5115 a member of the Ladies' .Aid and a ,I;nichter, Karen Anne, tst„ and a ltdf Life 3! ember of the \V.\1.S. It :all eir- rlrs she \will Lc sorely missed. Sur_ year, ,4d, whom he Inas never actin. tit t. 'i aoan was in his 32nd yea., viving are her husband, tato brothers 'and twat, horn at Fort \Villiant. 11e anon Ihr'c sisters, Harry McCool, of 'Brooklin, near \\'tidos, Armand I \tart McCool, of \Viiithor, Allis. J. Nott, Piddle ubhe aeon Continuation School here. (Mabel) of Stratford, \Irs. N. 1'. (lar' lli, lather died nn \lay lot, 1')12, w'hilr cert \Elva) of Illytln, and \les. Ilarohi Frost (\Lt•joric) of Flint, \Ilett. Thr he 5.,a, I1I:ntlat.tl, He learned the harbrring trade with fnncral ::rt•\•irc tsIielt was held private- i \I r. Manley Sihtltrnpr, in L113111 and le, took place from the late residence' later say employ cd for a number of Sunday alteration, .\ugnst 1,3tht, and ear, with the late Orval ll:tbkirl: of say conducted by Res. I)r. I. 11. Ilar- Winglr;mt. nett. Ile slob::' on the words "Iilesscd S urvitinq beside.; his wife and cane to reside it lilytlt with his fall)” ser \sten :t child of seven and attended arc ilu dr;ul who die in the Lord,” daughter are, his step -mother, airs, Delos 'T,atn,tn, of Myth, one brother, N. 1'. Garrett, Harry, NI ac, and James Pallbearer:: were, Messrs. J. A. Nola, Pte. \\'\',ley Tainan, stationed at the 11cCool, and itlbert, Mitchell, of Chill- Clinton Radio School, and one sister, 207.,15 to90.06 \Irs, Ben. \Valslt (Audrey) also of Inlerutent tool: place in Ball's come ('hulilyth. 11729 tory, V llc was a ntcnther of the indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows. IN WiNGHAM HOSPITAL Cliff. was well and favourably known \Ir. Rohm' Johnston was taken to here, and was still considered a home - 57.25 the \\'inghant 1Iospit,al on Sunday, town boy, and the neves of his death where his condition is reported as not I is mnnrucd by a large circle of friends. v WEDDINGS Blyth Municipal Council '1 he regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the Corporation_ of Myth held on Monday, August 21st with Reeve 3lorritt and Councillors Iiernick and \'oddcn present. Alinutes of last regular nrect'ng of July 3rd, 1944, read and confirmed on emotion of Councillors Kernick and \'oddcn• Carried. Communications A Tetter from \I r. Leslie l lilborn, Secretary -Treasurer of 1llytln School Board, was read informing the Counc•1 of the resignation of A. J. Glass as Trustee of 131yth School Board. \loved by Councillors Voddcn and Kernick that this !natter be laid over. Carried• Bills and Accounts; Ilydro Commission, pump house 3.75 Hydro Commission, shed lights•. 3.75 Hydro Commission, street lights 345.65 Elliott ins. Agency, insurance— 75.63 1)r. \Vilenski, re indigent J. A. Cowan, July salary \Vitt, Thucll, July salary A. Barr, cutting weeds Dick Scott, labour S. 13eninger, labour Dr. J. \l, Graham, re \f oved by Kernick that accounts as read, be Carried. Moved by Con aillors Kernick that we do now rued. Gordon indigent.. Councillors \'olden V improved, although no worse. \I r. Johnston has been in ill health for several numths. v MISSION BAND MEETING The 3!isrion Hand of Loving Ser- vice held their regular meting on Saturday, August 12th, with 58 in at• tendance. Shirley Falconer and \lar- guerite Ilal1 recited the \leathers' Purpose. \1r:. \larshall told a story ott "Being Frutuis" — Friendly I lots: in a Village of India." 3!itdrecl ('har- t •r read the Strilturc lesson and :\Irs, 3!cKenzie offered prayer. Kcnucth 1 thuston and I).:\. \Iclenzie receiv- ed the offering. 'I'Ite birthday song was sung for Enid Brigham, Rhea Hall, Shirley Falconer, Miss Lockic ' and \try. \1:urshall. The Band then proceeded to the church lash, ss here stories, band songs, and games compris- ed the piogrant• Quilt black patterns were distrihttcd to he trade landed in as soon as possible. The Friendship Circle was formed, and all joined in singing "'Pouch hands around t he Rolling world." The Benediction "Father of all children" was then sung by all. v—�— and W. A. PACK 29 BOXES 'l'hc \V.:\. '4.1,1) Tracked 29 Overseas boxes last 80.00 and each box contained the following 40.0(1 1 list of items : fruit cake, gout, razor blades, chocolate bar, pkg. soup, can- ned meat, shaving cream, pkg. cigar- ettes, pkg. ho: chocolate:, box cheese, (i tea bags, handkerchief, candy, can little .\ reception and wedding dinner s•a.a ' held at the home of the bride's sister, Bowes - Wiltse :\ quiet wedding took place at the St. John's United Church parsonage, Stratford, on Saturday, August 12th, when the Rcv, 16tadliottse united in marriage Mar) Blanche, youngest daughter of sirs. Frank \\'iltse, of Setforth, std John \Villiant George Ilowcs. of Inorrsoll, only son of Mr. and Mrs, \Villiant of myth, The bride wore a floor -length dress of shirt embroidered triple sheer over taffeta with slight train and finger -tile veil fell fiont a hale headdress of gar- dinias and cart hal a hocutluct of Better Time hoses. 1ler only ornament was the gift of the groom, a string of pearls. \Irs. George Radford, sister of the bride. was \lataon of Honor and wore a two-piece dress of gold aunt snatching accessorics a1,1 carried pink Delight hoses and shoulder length veil held in glace with yellow roses, George Radfortl, brother-in-l:tw „L the bride, was hest man, of the United Church ween:, 17.25 l.40 2.811 5,001 and 'sardines, wash cloth, magazine, short paid. bread, and 1101(1e sugar, The nu'nnhers of the Societe thank all those who donated for these boxes. \'oddcn and adjourn. Car - Elliott, Clerk. PRESENTATION MADE TO LAC. BENSON CCW.' -N The Red Cross of S.S. No. 11, West 'Boundary, net at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Cowan, on Monday night, August 14th, and presented their sou, LAC. ilcnson Cowan, of Dartmouth, N.S., win is home on leave, with a lovely "sir Force" ring, v-� BIRTHS COOK—:\t Alexandra hospital, (;ode - rich, on August 14th, 1944, to Air. and \Irs. Mansel Cook, R.R. No, 4, Goderich, a son. wish to articles BIGGER THAN THE LAST ONE \\'hen we printed the article a fc weeks ago, telling of the large cucun her grown by lir. Kirkby of Bclgr,nv troise I that there w; still a hi 1- e, na \\ I g ger one on the wine 1 his week \I r. I Robert \\'alt brought the latest ,"whopper'' in, and it really is a bit ( NH-. and Mrs. George Cowan spent one. It nuasa'rcd 2' •.; feet long. and 'Sunday afternoon in Stratford with at it's largest plaint was ower 10 in- their daughters, Mrs, Thoma, Evans cites around. \Ve hada feed off it for ;(Grace) and Mrs. Leslie Dalglieslt dinner this \Vednesday and it trade (hazel), and four sons, Kenneth, of splendid eating. Midland, Bcnsoc of Dartmouth, George of Dungannon, :and Billie at home. It was the first time c the family had been WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS together for some years, Their daugh- The ladies of the West Boundary tors served a dainty lunch to their \Irs. Arthur Douglas, 249 Douro Street 'The table was decorated with pick and white streamers and centred with shite \Voiding Bells, and the bride's three surer wedding cake and pink candles in silver candle holders. The bride's mother ware a sea blue two piece dress with white accessories and wore a cor- sage of pink Delight Roses, and the bridegroom, mother cltosc a frock of 1 rusty -earth anel beige accessories and wore a corsage of yellow roses. \D•. and NH's. Bowes left on a trip to Toronto aad points North. The bride chose 1o:• travelling a tw•o-piece navy and pink alpaca and navy access- ories and wore a corsage of pink roses. On their return they sill reside on 8') King Street, Ingersoll, Guests were from London, Brockville, Kitchener, Ingersoll and 13101, FAMILY ENJOY REUNION JAI:DIN — At Alexandra llospital,tm t at the school on •Thursday after- parents at ,1 brothers and their families. (;oderich, on August 12th, 1944, tont'on, with a Lair attendance, One large Illy occasion also marked th anni- Mr. and \Irs, Thomas Jardin, a son, jgt.lt was quilted, ternary of \Irs• Eva;... L.t;luta}, WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING 'Bullet -Proof' Tire It was aunt un e 1 It few days ago that the Aritish 'bullet-proof' tire is in wide use in Normandy, The tire is being manufactured in Britain and in America, to a Bri- tish design made available to the United States under reverse lend- lease, It Is net actually bullet-proof. There is no such thing as a bullet- proof tire, but by reinforcing the walls, providing an inner ring and strengthening the beading. a flat tire can run for 40 miles before h Is completely ruined, The new tire when fiat can carry the weight of a vehicle w itLnut slipping, The bullet-proof tire was pre- ceded by another British invention which made the difference between victory and defeat in North Africa -- a combination of crus -country and sand tire•, ,which prevented ve- hicles from bc.geing down in the desert, it was designed on the ca- mel theory, a camel crossing the desert sinks into the sand much less than any other anima'. This is due to the fact that the area of a camel's foot i, greater in propor- tion to his weight than, !het c.r other animals, and also has a epecializcd structure. Bullets Will Make Huns Understand There is s, ural !otic it. the state- ment of Ilya Ia:rcnlur;:, one of Russia's foretnr t aut'nrs, that no matter what i- hao:tn'ne i„•ir',c the Reich, German:', fate It ill he de- cided on the }ctttlefield ht• ht r ene- mies and not at homercn- erais, "Ifitlerite (orttt,:r,c will be driv- en to her :r.+rs not 1,r in -urgent officers but 1. 'mesehcs ;tr. i cur Allies,” I:i.trntetr, r,ri le in the Moscow; pre, "We "\1e d n't un-: the (;ernc,ns, neither t'',t :melitzent-i:t nor the silly one, ;,::vier the !died nor those i;i., i;aer recovered their sight. \\'e •or, r,or at:d bull- ets. Oer rr • move taster than the cou_rie,;�•t r.f tete rritvien It is to he exoe•_tt'1 that lig,; Coo -mans will undcrst;and everything ',then we rc,trh t:„ gates of Rtrlin RED COMMANDER Gen, Ivan Chernyakhovsky, com- mander of the Third Belorussian Front, led first Red forces into Germany proper when he crossed the border of East Prussia, land of the Junkersestates. a est es East Prussia is threatened with isola- tion by Russian troops smashing to the coast—to the south through Warsaw and to the north through Lithuania NOT SPOTS, COMING UP Tokyo Pacific Ocean MARCUS IS. 20 ° MARIANAS iS. YAP .' ••; , CAROLINE 140° ,HALL IS. POkAPE 'TRUK . V1 160° • Where and when hard -driving U. S. naval forces in the Pacific will strike next is the $64 question Japan's new high command is wrestling with. If they had only three guesses, they'd probably use them up on the three areas circled above, which are now wel! within bomber and task force range. THE WAR • WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events Germany Cannot Win But Allies Must Not Underestimate Enemy The end of the war in Europe can come through hopeless defeat of German armies in the field; It may come through a cracking of home -front support; or through a combination of the two, comments The Christian Science Monitor, 11'e now have abundant evidence that these final processes are work - Ing. The American sweep into Brittany and the drive eastward in the direction of Park appear to be gaining momentum. Some 13 German divisions, have been t•lim- inateri since the Allied landings two months ago. Anglo-American cas- ualties approach an aimost equal number in terms of men, but where- as it is a matter of Aiiied policy and pride to retake good replace- ments overnight so that divisions are altvays at optimum strength, the German replacement problem grows progressively more acute. As In 1940 The .lmerican break -throng! in Normandy is comparable to the German penetration at Sedan on May 14, 1040, The Germans. vacre able to advance about 2.1 guiles a d tt y, accomplishing supply -line wonders. Paris fell to them in just 30 days. \fill the Angio -American forces better this record? it k possibie, for the local population is on their ride: the French Underground is no doubt hampering German move- ments. Moreover, the Carman de- termination to hold on to the robot - launching areas is likely to lead to further military blunders, which Quiet, Please Here is a delightful story, taken from a recent issue of the Belgian .er,'ret paper L'.11nuelte: A young man called Bebert was called up for compulsory labor service. Itis uncle, a keeper at a Zoo at Ant- werh, enabled him to go into hid- ing by disguising him as an orang- ontang. One day his another carne to ter him. Hebert was delighted, and jumped about on his trapeze to short flow well he had learned )ds part. Suddenly he fell into the next cage, where two lints were prowl- ing up and down. ilehert's mother yell«) with terror. At first the lions took no notice. Then one of them came up to the bars and said: "For goodness sake he quiet, Madame, 1)0 you want to give the whine lot of us away?" 1CHCHE in o neKE6 Mo Y • r ya Bc k For quick u' ; q relief from Itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure. cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greascle`s and stainless. Soothe, comforts and quickly calms Intents itching. Don't suffer, A$ your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. INTRODUCING BONSECOUR MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) Located on the Eastern extension of the current Gold Rush in Quebec; With a rich mineralized zone extending over a mile across its Claims; • Development program under way; Currently quoted 9c bid, 10c asked. BUY THROUGH YOUR BANK OR BROKER Allied leadership seems capable of exploiting, Home Front Shaky That the German home front Is shaky, there can he not the slight- est doubt, The suspicion thrown on the military and the purge of generals is scarcely designed to bolster the Army's morale, The constant bombings and the evident evaporation of the Luftwaffe must be deeply felt by the citizenry. We see the effects of a relatively few 1,000 -pound robots on London, and can picture, in turn, the results of 5,000 -plane raids on Berlin. Historians say that it was about the middle of August, 1918, that the Kaiser was informed the Ger- man armies could not win the war. There followed much harried ac- tivity, much talk of secret weap- ons, much rallying of the people to a final all-out effort. Rut the Allies poured in their su- perior resources, and the end was visible for weeks before Foch sent his word to the German Armistice delegation, "Proceed to the French outpo,ts by way of the Cherntay- Formies-i.a-Capc•llc-guise Road," Hitler and Kaiser Yet as we look back now, the Germans still had remarkable re- cuperative potters, great industrial comeback, immense ingenuity. It was only the policy of the .Mies in relentlessly hammering, and wedging into every crack, military and politica}, that opened, which brought the Germans to surrender in November, 100 days after they had ''lost" and reports of a fur- ious counter attack on the road to Paris suggest the Germans still has e some unexplored capacities, Ilitier, like the Kaiser, has been told he cannot w•in, Ile is reacting as the Kaiser reacted, The Allies must not, however, underestimate the Inc any more than M arshal Pettit did, This is the: time to pour it hotly on, at honk as well as in the field. tIEYI SARGE WHERE'S YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES • 1N -,>MEN PILES Sufferr-•rs of bleeding and „ a p r o t ! ]Ing piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat tho cause at its source. Money back If tho first bottle docs not Satisfy. Buy from your druggist. Nervoas, Iesfless On "CERTAIN DAYS" 0f The Month? It functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, high - Strung, tired, weak and "dragged out" —at such times—start at once, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to relieve such symptoms. Here's a product that IMPS NATURE. Follow label directions. Pinkham's Compound tel worth trying/ Made in Canada. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S coMeu West To Have Best Crop In Years "Tile \\'est is g"int; 10 have one of the ,best general crops it has had in pears," said 1), 1', Ctdcnt:in, Chairman and president of the Can- adian Pacific hailu.it, t u hip re- turn to \1outreal from an inspec- tion trip over a large seetio11 of the company's \\-r>tcrn lint:. To 11 r, Coleman's Lyes the \lyest newt looked better, Consistent gains throughout nearly all of the grain -growing districts have brought both crops and paste lands to the peak. 1\'ith plenty of feed, the livestock population is on the increase and cattle and hogs arc contributing greater wealth to \Vestern agrarian economy. 111 sufitc part of Saskatchewan harvesting already has begun, and while no definite announcements have yet been made, there t• cents 00 reason to expect that the qual- ity of the grain will not be well up to standard. Westerners generally are hooking toward a very Fatisiactory year, Marketing conditions for the prod- ucts continue to proniise well and the entire financial situation throughout the country is on a sounder footing than it has been for some years, Itfr, Coleman said the war had brought an important measure of industrial progress to several of the 11'estern Provinces and tdiere was reasonable hope that a part of this would continue to function after the war, RAF ROCKETEER Man-sized is the dame for rockets used by RAF Beaufighter planes in the Mediterranean theater. Two In photo above are displayed by leading aircraftsman R. E, Atkins, A1t'riCLES 11'AN'I'I;U COL(JL'It1:1) ENGRAVINGS LOOSE or in books, Currier & Ives litho- graphs. Give title, dote published, size, number of colour plates, and price. Also volumes of Can- adian Illustrated News, 13allou's, Hurper's, Leslie's, 1Ve-eklies, Cash with order. \Vtttntott, 43 Cold- stream Avcnur, Turuntu, I)rt Ut1'IU. 1t.4111C11lCKS k`REl: RANGE 1'L'1.1,1':'I'S SIXTEEN weeks of age to laying. 'tarred Ieorks, white Rl:horns, New Ham pshiret', 1lybrids. hrctr rut- alugtt'• 'I' addle Chick Hatcheries Lintittd, Fergus, Un It its, hC'LLl;'1'S 11.11tit:1Y ROCKS, N1;11' Ifnutpshires, Whit,' Leghorn!, and other Breeds, 15 w'c,•Ics up to lay- ing, Free catalogue. Top Kutch Chickcries, Guelph, Ontario, D1:131NG ik CLEANING MAVI. 1 O A'.01'1I1Nti NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to Us for In turino (bit, 11'e are glad to answer your questions, Depurt• men! 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, '191 Yange Street, 'To- ronto. 1'aNAIAG MILL 1'ANwlN'1; \111,1., F.1HAI I.:Its CLA151 seed girt ietl with ;Kline) in- crcas..s Bushel., pt r acre. Kline Al a nufacturing, 11,x 1:4, it'(ttuu, Ontario, 1•1111 •.11,F; • .ATTENTION LADIES: Irl•: TILE cent(' of aDAaction u1 next bridge party. 'vett your own and friends fortunes. 11'underlul amusement. Pack of \and;uta Siena Fortune Cards with hi-true:tion:, $1.00 postpaid. Novelly Dept, l;ox 191., ]iitchcmr, Ontario. FOR SALE 12o At'ill; 1.11t\i 1)1 very valuable ISINylc loans, ricer flit ts, Met ut'fully sttut.te1 1,114' mile iron) town of 1Vnidstill•', Ont. pply to John 1111ton, 11';ti t ilk, 1)11, 1'AR:MALl. 1''-14 t)N 151;1111EIt, AI. - lis t'h;altnerr: 11, with loowe)• at- tachment, three -furrow p I o w, two -fur roa•In ,•�- 1 t, t t i furrow mow, tarter disc, o1 � :e, _ l ) - ris)hood two -ton truck (goud- comfit ion), \!octet .1, Tudor, lar'g'e Power eider press, two hag e steam cookers. George Smith hortt:tm. 1001 UIt1:AS1S WITH JIE.NINGS explained. Lucky and unlucky days. ()cult meaning of num- hers. 120 pages, well -hound, bee, postpaid. ,Novelty Dept. L'ox 191, Kitchener, Ontario, FOR SALE 200 ACIIE PA" foto' milt s east of lirigdcn, Ont., will sell cheap, apply to box 2, Glencoe, Ont, 1''AIt\f FOR 5:11.1:, 100 ACRES, AL1. cleared, well drained. good build- ings, seven miles cast of Lind- say 011 highway No, 7, neo' vil- lage of Itt:t,oru. Apply itoll1Id Smith, 11.11. 1, Iteathuru, 25/40 itt'\tl,l:Y Tit \("I'Olt AND 34/46 Mildm:ay Sr ie. re tor with grain throw. r. ISbersnl Feeder and Slitctlri, r. It,eI:vd to:;i its Rothsay, Outnt iu. More men smoke Picobac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada West To Have Best Crop In Years 'The \\'est is going to have one of the best general crops it has had in years," said 1), C. Coleman, chairman and president of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, on his re- turn lu ltontreat from an inspec- tion trip over a large section of the company's Western lines. To ll r, Coleman's eyes the \Vest never looked better. Consistent gains throughout nearly all of the grain -growing districts have brought both crops and pasture lands 10 the peak, \\'itlt plenty of feed, the livestock population is on the in- crease and cattle and hogs arc con- tributing greater wealth to Western agrarian economy. In some parts of Saskatchewan harvesting already has begun, and while no definite announcements have yet been made, there seems no reason to expect that the qual- ity of the grain will not be well up to standard. Westerners generally are looking toward a very satisfactory year. Marketing 'conditions for the prod- ucts continue to promise well and the entire financial situation throughout the country Is on a sounder footing than It has been for souse years, Mr. Coleman said the war had brought an important measure of Industrial progress to several of the Western Provinces and there was reasonable hope that a part of this would continue to function after the war. Important "Hams" Men war suspended amateur radio activities in 1911 and put "haat" stations off the air, there were some 60,(100 amateur opera- tors of both sexes and all ages in the United States; 25,000 of them are 0 O in war service. FO1t SALE BLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING — P inest leather and harness pre. servntive. Sllptt also has many )toueshold ones 25c up nt most grocery, hardwaro and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. 84 NEW f',1NADIAN .A ()P- ricers' saddles and bridles, $40 ret. Apply 14 Wood street, Toronto. KEW AND USED CAI1 AND Tltte'K parts. itivernide Auto Parts, 016 Queen Street !oast, Toronto, ELECTRIC 810'1'O1tS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b o 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Duffed!) St., Toronto. FIULL SIZE i'; I'UIt1,T1tY CRATES $1.85, F.O.B. St. Jacobs. lean Martin, St. Jacobs, Ontario. Bllt1Sl:1J, CLOVE It HULLER ready to go to work, Roy Sctnd- len, 38 Evans Avenue, 11 itticu, Ont, HAIR 1)ItEss IN : AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn nandtest:Mg at Can- ada's finest and largest schools, Refined, dignified work, Splendid pay. write or cull for free Iiter- ntur e. marvel llairdressirtg Sehoots, 353 Moor Street, 'Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. L WA 1t tv HAI ItIJIIISOS1N1 1'1111 ltobertson method. Infortnullon on request regarding dosses, Robertson's hairdressing Acud- nnty 1117 )tveuun Ruud Toronto MII)ICA4 A '1'lti.11,-1:1'f•;Ity Sl•l'1'lati':It 111.0 lth.lunati,' Pains or Neuritis should r r y 1+lxon's Remedy. Muni Ifs Drug ;;tore, 335 !algin, Uttau a , Post paid $1.00. BAVtiLEKA 101+'1 11.11.\7 desti uys offensive odor InsUtut1Y, 45c hottle. Uttawvt agent. Denman Lt ). u• 51u• Mtn , ttuwu. S'i'(t\L1t'11 awl+ 'TIIIt1:.11t 1VOItt1S .0 fon art Ole t i uu.-e nt' ill-h:nith t s. in !minims, 11 , . a ,l a o to un - t, 1 num,. t, 1Chy nut find out if this is your trout,le Interesting pat - It t?;t s-1•'ree; Write Jltllveuey's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. HAVE YOC Iti':.11t1) ABOUT 1)1N- on's Neuritis and ]rheumatic Patin Remedy? 1t gives goeal results. Sold at Mutro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, 1(1I1':t:\1.1TiC 1'1125? RELiECF, Rheumatic fait) with Permed Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tab- lets . . , safe, effective tend sure. At your druggist's or send $1.00 and receive one month's supply postpaid. 1'cfmul Distributors, 1.1ox 712, I.untlon, Ont. 1'nt)I'1':11'1'IRs 11'ANTED TO 11UY %V13 HAV1•. BUYERS WAITING for chicken farms, market gar - and town or village houses In 'oil ports of province. Send full particulars in confidence at once. We 171:1ke no change unless we ,5.11. Foil ell and 1'otnpany, 6 Ft 'ia;r Cant, Toronto. Have You Heard? Two dairies w ere engaged In an advertising war. One of the cont. patties hired a daredevil racer to drive a car around the town with large placards reading: "This 1)arede til Drinks Out ?still;." The rival conti,,tus rattle out with placard, twice as large, reading: "Yoti Don't flats. '1•o be .\ Dare- devil To Drink Our Milk," —0— An —o— An old lad who bore her years remarkably well was asked by a child if she was young or old. "My clear, I have been young a very long time!" she replied, "In the film you went to, did the hero marry the heroine at the end of all their troubles?" "No; at the beginning!" "Gentle way to Stogy) constipation" "Believe "Believe me, you should t ry /0.I.-rmAN for constipation — if it has the sante cause mine had. For nothing 1 tried keeps me so re- gular, so gently," - No dosing—no nasty harsh pur- gatives. 1 lere's all you (y)—if your constipation is due to lack of "bulk"in thcdiet, Simply eat KELLOGG'S ALL- 13RAN regularly, and drink plenty of water. 'This nutritious cereal helps to produce smooth -working "Bulk", and prepare wastes for easy el1inina1 ion. You'll like the happy relief so much you'll want to slay regular. Lat tasty, toasty ALL -BRAN daily, Grocers have it in 2 handy sizes. Alade by Kellogg's in London, Cunada, PATENT!. 6'1:'1'IIL;ItS'1'UN1iAUt;11 S COM I'.1NY Patent Solleitorn, Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- quest. t'110T01;11AI't11' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SA.TiSFACTIO' 1 Your films prop. rep IR) eloped an( 1 pH/. tut 6 Olt 0 EXPOSE 110 ROLLS 1:5e 11Ei'ItINTS 3 for 115e FINEST ON1,-11(1;1 ti's; 5011 VICE You may not get all the film., yo want this year, but you call get all the quality and service you desire by sending your 0 to 1)11'1:111,41, I'11i1'I'o 9077VICE Station ,I. 'Toronto, FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS lei O'\I P'1.' MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Dont rise; lotit,g auto o. Send your filar rolls to Star Snapshot Service fur devetopu,g mod pt titling, Canada's largest finishing studio floes the finest tverlt tit lower cost. Any stip 11011-11 or 8 l:xpusutes, UI'l\ l;l,ol'I':lj AND PRINTED 25c "Vogl' prices rut such quality wut•it tau really economical," writes it customer at PelerburuugII, Ont. "1 ant p,t'tr:Warty I;ntt;inatett by the coloured pictures, I appreciate your prompt and rein. 1.1e service and in future will send all my rolls to yeti,' 3 Jlttl'\'I'L•'l) EN1..1L't;1::\1EN'1'S lac Size 4x5" in Rea utiftit easel \luuuts 1:rtlatgettamts !\f;' un nut9 !titled uwunh teS' in '.;010, Silver, L'irctis- si,ttl Walnut or Mack Ebony latish frames, 59e each. If cola gement cot tut ell, 7t1c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bu\ 1211, Postal 'ft1 total A, 'Yt rola()1'rnit Your' Nast,: uiu Address 1'Iautly en all Ordcta. 1V.1N'1'I:ia'1'tl 111'1:.11.1. P1NI)ti OP had w, n t vo� . 1 at t wood lugs, nl-,.slim ll quantity bolts, \\'file 11,4.,(1 & gross, Et,. milli Co. Ltd., 11'1.lkertoo, trot, t��u lllllanli---5il1Sl� 11'.5N'T1•;11• 1:\I'in;iENt:1;U ‘v (nix. et' for dairy form, pe itta1ullf pusttign, good wages: nit's 1'et- ettweet, 0,,, Ile, lttchtnor:d 11111, Chit. WANTED 110 1;t'\', 111'511 i.ANDS or 1•';u•uts containing bush lands, suitable to ctrl t'trout ut , lumber. Writ Pug dun tl'' ;;cuss Furniture Co, Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. 'PI•:ACIII;It 11'AN'l'EI) CAIRLETON COUNTY—ASSISTANT, 1st class certificate for Grade 13 continuation school. Sublecis re- quired — Mathematics, Science, English, Defence training and other necessary quail (te .tions; good disciplinarian. Salary $1,600; duties to cutntneuce In Full terns of 1944. Apply to Ira Owens, Sec• tetau•y, Fitzroy Harbour, Ont, ---- -1.. ARMY BAKERS, UNDER CONTRASTING CONDITIONS I -fere are two Canadian Army Bakers plying their trade under contrasting field conditions, Pte. P. J. Olivex of Montreal, (left) is taking a course in field cookery ,and is shown constructing an oven out of bricks, mud and oil drums. At right another cook in one of Canada's modern kitchens, that at Webb I-Iall, District Depot No, 2, Toronto. Army cooks and bakers must be able to turn out their products under any conditions they meet, in per manent establishments or in the field, THEY'LL BE BACK, FRITZ! Photo above, received from a neutral source, was taken in Caen, France, when Germanss still held the city. It shows a German soh dier in a bomb -wrecked street looking up at British planes streak- ing homeward after bombing the place. What appears to be the head of one of his comrades, behind him, is merely window display dummy blown into the street. CLEARING NORMANDY BEACHHEADS Lending craft damaged during "D" day operations in lie rrandy h.n.rch leads are cleaned from the san'.i by Jr : nginecrs. RED HEROINE Her friendly smile belying her fighting heart, 20 -year --old Sen- ior Lt. Ekaterina Novikova poses for the cameraman. Commander of a Red Army infantry company, the 20 -year-old heroine has been wounded five times and has been twice decorated for distinguished conduct in action. 'COME OUT OR ELSE' ON GUAM Although surrounded by U. S. Marines who ordered thein to sur- render, Japs in a hidden pillbox refused to give up. So Marine at extreme left in photo above makes things hot for them with flame thrower while his buddies crouch behind log cover. 'CAPTURE' NAZI EQUIPMENT r 9 It ( . M hrrn�h civilians are pictured bringing German small arms and a light field piece, left behind by retreating Germans, into Brehal, France. Note youngster Hitching a rid on barrel of cnnon, HOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? Just in case the heat's getting you down, shed a tear for S-.nta Claus. Complete with fur -trimmed winter coat and chest -heating whiskers, he had to come all the way down from the North Pule to attend the annual advance showing of Christmas merchandise in Chicago. Salesgirl Betty Jane Cargill doesn't 'look like e cooler -offer, either. FOR DESTRUCTION Alcohol Plays a Vital Invasion Role Day and night, Allied bombers carry their crushingdestructive might far beyond the enemy'- flagging lines. Daily the tempo of the war's world-wide battle mounts and daily the demand for War Alcohol grows. For Planes, and countless other materiel of war, Alcohol Is vital. War Alcohol h used in the plastic binder of plywood planes and gliders; it is In the plastic plane -windows the synthetic tires and oxygen masks, the de-icing fluids, the anti- freeze even the paint on the fuselage; It is in the propellant that sends shells screaming at enemy strong -points. From Alcohol too, comes carbon -dioxide, the magic life-saving gas that smothers flcme as quickly as pinching out a candle, or inflates—just as quickly—the life raft, and life belts that keep men afloat till help arrives. Today—and as long as the need lasts—every Hiram Walker and Gooderhans & Worts plant, is distilling War Alcohol to bring Victory nearer! SERVING THE UNITED NATIONS WITH ' WAR ALCOHOL r HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED 1AGt 4. • it(t[ [ initOctovgl ctogtograp gtogistt4t4K)(10(t 41(KunsantOCKICtcettctclogt<tetCtcKl6 i, t i,ilin� THE STANDARI) IVednes(l/ly, August 23.1944: m 1l,e hontc of \Its. \I nut i„ Ilosnian. Elliott ilistiratice i\ge11Cy diNI i s,LI, L.•I.rlltn.l.i, and Nem on t ii ,if I/co:.(it w,rt \\ eel,- cntl guests at BLYTII--ONT.Ihr hnnu of \II. tool \Irs. I)on:las i iiI(•lull;ln !. '• gI \I r. nisi \II•• I of NAh. \II, tuts :; INSURE NOW! ANI) I E ASSUItEI). ' \,,.... r;n,In \I Il,,tt, 11, ti,iltd t Car - Fire - Life - Skilless - Ac'cident. ri I t,ru;,,,,I 1,11 ---,tw,!,Iy. A I Mrs. i\ I\elldricl, and \Irs, 1111 , R of •l aroma .!,tau a fe\\ do, t\ ilia the is, /; tolunr's ;tarp 111- \I r, and Mrs, I. Mr. and J. 11. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott Office Thous 104. Residence Phone 12 or 140. "COURTESY AND SERVICE'' Il(,nstn. 1 Mita Itttlalion• ;Ire c\trtl,Ir,I to \Ir. eIN)1a12111a,ata,213.ine 121113.213'212."D121:1.EM3t21212t21`3i2i21n121212121212121:1 1Za2r21nan191D1iilli ;111 .1 \I r,. \\. .\ l alll;,bcll "11" om tiainrda., .\nt,1'st 12111, vett ltratctl their • Dead and Disabled Animals REIIOVEI) PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 5001; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, L'11). G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" • WI '\Ir., 1Enry \lather,, of I.Ickn i\\. 1fttlie sed .'\ rtu;ln remained for a ft tt ,lay,. \Ir. ,Intl \Irs \\'. \. Complicit, 11olt- tllirtt-first at!ding nniycr ;I:y. \I r. and \I 1 icorstc t o•,1. an I IIIInit of lie:grave t isite,I •11 tiuntl;I\ at the hone of Nit-. and \11s. I. J. oote, \taster Franklin ('ant;tbt1! ,!tent last arcl, ttitlt his t r;tn,I!tvcut,, \I r. and \Ir,, .\. I:. 1•i! list on of \\•est \\';i\\ '- nosh. The jilt silty ,tf this ronununity is extended to the family, friends and re- latives of the late \Ir. K dtert Sue \\ Ito !,;1"e,I ata::\ on Sunday night. \Ir• tincll ata, \\ ell I,nott 11 i11 th', ronnnun- ity, haying lived here f, r 1t number of ear, bvforc 1',,'fn,g to (i„dcrich, \I is; 16th fool: is .;tending this ahs. \!r. \\', II, Campbell. \lis, I. Ili;1 wee); al the l orale of her ;111111, \Irs, I\\ere (i„Icric'1 vi-itors •m I1111r•tl;1\, (ienr;e Cook, f Meigs;l\c. Associated with The Atlas insurance NH-, Pearl Jamie, n of .\slit c'tl \i r, ,111,1 \ir.. Ilotyard (ant;,hr11 and Company, London, England. the \t c. 1. cn'I faith her friclnl, family nerc t,.Irs1s on Sunday ;11 the LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES \lits Pistil , Coote. \lis,', I'Ii) Iti. b„rtu' of Ur. \ ictor 1, hnaton ;old \Irs. Cook and \11„ \lildrt•d Thornton Hi- Johtt lnm of l.'Icl,llo\y. - -• -• tnrnc,l hone ttitlt her tet' a ttecl„' Key. \\i!liu'I and Nit,. \lainc 'WILLIAM H 111ORRITT \i,it. 'Tintttry yi.ite! \yi,11 \Ir. ;'n1! \Ir•s \Ir. a: ,I \Ir•.,. 11, tt;nd Campbell and lar!; Ihlchana;l. fanlil\ .torr t linton Visitors on Fri- \lis, \linlli' Smile is visiting day. brother, \!r. !'a•b.it ''n 11. \I1,• Sind' LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specia1iziug In Farm and Ilottsehol(,' Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Cnarantted. . For information, etc., write or phone Kt v. \\'i liana Tay or, \Ir,, 'Taylor, ttf snit other frit lids of (iotlt•ricll. \Ir, Colin t':uu!,btII of Oitatc;l, i‘ visiting his tauter. \Ir. \\'. II, Cant;, - hell, anis Ids brother, NI r. \\..\. Camp. bell. and \!r,. t';un;,bell. Kocktto,aI, \Ir• Pentland and I';1nt. of lit trait, tithe I tt illi \I r. and \I t•s. Pool Taylor Iain other friends. The ,\ m; ;n!n t f the r nnnunity 11\1111am 11. \Iorritt, phone, Itesidence c\tcnded to Mrs, \\ c.!cy lariat its ;In s ;i3; Shop 4, Itlyth. 4.44f family in the ;tassinc of \Ir, I�erhnic• Ir. •111,1 \Ir,. ferry Gibbing, of Clintonl'lvisited on Sunday with \I r. and Nit... Norman Radford, \Ir. and \Irs. Gordon Smith and Barbara, a, of 1 iodcrich, \vire guests ou Sunday ;it the hone of \I r. and Nit's, Licensed its Huron and Perth J. 1.. !Icl)ot\c!i. Counties. Prices reasonable; Batts \lis. Norma and 'Dorothy \ether y 1 action guaranteed. returned 'to their honk at Hamilton on Sunday after spending a couple of weeks ttitlt friends in this vicinity, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialit:t In Farm and Household Sales. For Information, etc„ write or phone 11aro1d .lackeon, 12.R. No. 4, Seaforttr_, Phone 14rt G1, \I r. 1)rnlald C;.nt;tbcll of .\y'tncr t•i •- ited recently \yith Mr. ;Intl \Irs. .\. i:. WESTFIELD ( l.,-C;t!. Clifford \Valsh returners to N11,- \targart't Jcffer,iin of Donny- (amp It.trdclt last week after s;tenln!:' brook t1•i1, l last week at the home of tato \yc'•ks \lith his parents, \Ir. and :Mr. a'l'l \Irs. Earl \\'ightm,tn and \Irs..\. E. \\';i1s11, ether friend,. \i r•. \\ illi;un Mellowest visited t.tver the \yeti; ntt \\ ith Guelph friends. (Intctulcd fur last tycckl, \Ir. \\'ill an.1 \iclto\yc'I ,peat a few flay, tt itlt \I r. and \I rs. \\'csley Stael,- \Ir. an 1 Nit's. Earl \\'iglltnlan and +house, of 1lrureficld, family visited on Sunday with \Ir. and \Ir. \\'. II, \\'Ilton of I)ung:am is School Opens Sept. 5th We have a full line of supplies DROP IN AND GET WHAT YOU NEED NOW INK-WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, per bottle 15c BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red .._ .. 10c LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE _.._ 15c and 10c THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured ..__..._.... Per Pkg, 5c DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS ..._._............_.._.. Per Pkg. 15c PHOTO ALBUMS ranging in price from 10c TO $2.00 PHOTO CORNERS .PKG, 10c and 15c ARMY SCRAP BOOKS -Scrap Book and Photo Album combined, suitable for keeping souvineers of your boy in uniform $1.25 SNAP SHOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos._. 1Oc Ea, DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions . _. .._._.. EACII lc WAXED PAPER -40 sheets 10c; In Handy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft. 35c SCRATCH PADS .. _..._ .._ 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLIP, Soft Lead EACH 15c OTHER LEAD PENCILS . 5c EACH, 2 FOR 5c LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg. LARGE LCJNOMY-SIZE CICO PASTE BOTTLE 45c SMALLER BOTTLES, 10c, LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS 5c, TO 20c PAPE; CLIPS _.........--------.- ..._._.._-.----------.- -- -_ PEi' BOX 10c PASSE PARTOUT PiCTURE BINDING ROLL 20c WRITING PAPER 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c ENVELOPES TO MATCH ...._.._.._ .-._.._._.._... PKG. 10c DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, 15c SHOPPING BAGS -strong material 5c The Staadard Book Store \lis. \I. St;:itlt .,f Ilrnssels yisiud tt ith her ,I tr \I1,. \I el\ in '1'.i tor. \I r. ,1:.,I \I, ,. \\ 1 , t ,uo,,bt ll, \l iss \\'nnlilr, •I, t\c,. 1.. n,l 11 anti St. \tars, t is11o, s ,ycr Oft 1\c, h -end, Thr \ I'•('. tact o,t t1'rtlnc.t(,t> t'y cnrut t\ilh _S ;,resent, 'I'hc meeting \\.1, in ch;pili ,tf \riot,! ('oast, ttitlt \1 inninr,l l nnitb• II at the I, tutu. ;rril,tllrc I c•••on t\. s rc:t11 by Ialr,I1 TatItu•. I'I,lyo', \\iunilntl Campbell. til "Thr 1., st ('h, rd" by Ju 1 111. \,1,11ea I,y \Ir. Koltun \\•aldcn, 'I It meeting , loud \\ ith the .1lii!,.tlt Ilcnr- diction. The \\'.\I.5. meeting ryas held on \\c,!nc,ii;n aft(rnnon tails' 1' ;,resent, an.! \a a- in chu•gc of Mrs, K. Vincent. Kes;,on,nc Scrit iitru Lesson \vas read from 'utl react 2:I-21. .\ reading Itis ,;itch by .',Irs, Vincent oft Joseph and his hr'Ihcr to Forgiveness, Study littu!, chapter on "1 r;lee 1,1 Living," tt,t, t;tl,cn hu \\'itinifred (';tnritbrll• Icaditics on "'I pings not ,lone before, and tu-t 'I\y t \\'as", br \f r,, Elm nu rsou Kodgo•. \\ cry giycu ht \Irs. K, \'neent ;ou! Pars. \I. Nir- Itnt\eil. It tt '. dcridcd 1.t have 1 ttuillitt. for `it;,tentber meeting. !t k•,;I, decii:,1 t , send boxes to the boys from the \\•tstfield 1'niled Church tubo ars .erring (1\crsea,. ?hc doll \\ a, anst\ercd by 12 pilin, Itrc,' nt. Tile Illl'e:illk rl,,,ed ttith the 1101: - Till' fa rim r, of the \\'estfieltl cnnt- rlllrllity ! 1'IPt• finished rioting ,t very b.nottiiul sunyt,t. Anil, has been scarce and !hr farmers hayr had to !tut in long days \yilh Barri stork, the I tcutiten and young lu'olde helitii.g in Intim rains, \\'e Illake mention of I\tit out• to Ilio, hr!; erg, one in the person ,,f Nit's. 1\01' N'.tbll', tt bra flat their crop of \\ heat ;arts oats, rh•itin,,t the tractor an I o;,rr,ltin, the binder brrseli, the t thea• Laurence (•au11t- i bell, ,bc Ill \•,'ar.otd son (if \I r, mid ANTED MN AND WOMEN Fr FACTORY WORK During Tomato Season beginning About August 25th MAKE APPLICATION TO Libby, McNeill & Libby CHATHAM, ONTARIO. API'I.ICAlIONS FROM THOSE ENGAGED IN WAR WORK WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED, FOOD FIGHTS TOO \I r,, 1( hard Campbell, t\ 110 drove the tractor n•1titc his grandfather, \I r, frank Campbell, operated the binder and they cut 22 acres of grain in one day. The threshing machine, otviictl by Freie I, Cool;, and operated It\• Nit'. fool; and Air. Jack Ilucb;ln;tn, is busy in this section and is hcpt rint- ning until dark The grain is turning out tyctt, \Ir. and \Irs. J• lin Fostcr attended their con •ins funeral, Nit'', Harold Tig- ers, of ;Intt!t;trtlton, last. \\'ednesday, c,4F#�, 1'1/ t/. WEAR IT ON YOUR ARA /7101/44 iffireive 'map/ Yes, we need your help; ; ; and need it badly. This 'is the biggest job we have ever tackled ! Everything depends upon Victory. Canada's Army needs volunteers NOW. And, that means you and you and you Wear Canada's Badge of Honour on your nrm. You'll be proud of it, so will your friends. Every man who is able has got to do his bit! Maybe you don't think this means you i i that it's a job for the other fellow. If you do, you're wrong. It's your war, too ::;awar for every :Ilan who isaman .sI for everyone who has a stake in Canada; Yes, this means you all right and we need you now for the months of intensive train: ing to make you fighting -fit, We did it before and we can do it again : ; ; but we need your bel`. Weaanesility, August 2:1, 19.1.1, hitt: 43. LYCEUM TIIEA'171tE � rbc \\'. \1, met (-tlIl •ft;I\' ;tr WINGHAM-ONTARIO. >• 11,11,,,,11 al the hottie of Mrs. Jeffrr,on Two Shows Sat. Night >• pith I.m r 'Thompson presiding. Read - _Tut;. it (..4. given In. Ilene •I•:ivinr and ,.•:.•..•.••..•,.•, „;. DON NYIlh.00K TIIE STANDARD AUCTION SAi4E OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AI III(' premise, of the late 1,11111•, Hamilton, [busk). Street, Illytll, 111 SATURDAY, AUGUST 26TII Thurs., hi., Sat. Aug. 21.25.26 l' i Nlargaret Jeffer,un. .\n Instrumental icoI meeting at 2 pan., the following: SPECIAL :. :Mickey Rooney, Lee and Lyn Wilde'>� I'y Irene kohimtni. T.111<, by Mrs. A.I 2 hedroom sn;le,; 2 extemsiolt tables; • and Lewis Stone in �• (;onl,hell and Irene Jefferson and ,ulo,'11 dining -room chair,; rut, 111t'xg1 ; "ANDY FIARDY'S :; 13\ \t i„ Hill mill Mrs. II, Iefferson.1kitchen cabinet; kitchen table and 2 BLONDE TROUBLE"t. 2 2,,,11„1,, \L,. J, (-, Robins,nl am, , ch • airs ; centre table; sewing table; I \1111. Hardt' i;I• double tn'uhle tlii,"� Mrs. A. Craig Isevcral small tables and a ,land; large Imre ;1, 1e h""in , int'.dyrll ,\Ir,• \\', 1., ('r,lig of London is leather \Inrri., rucking chair; 3 small \\ith win,. w.; .^ • ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" ?t ,I'1n,lintt a fete days at the home of hocking chairs, aril chair; smoking Matinee Sat, Afternoon•2.30 p.m .':•. Ir. and AIrs. Jartics ('tail;, �slanll; good hall rack; magazine rack; ;•' \ir. IIar\t•y "I lnnnpson of I.i,tt wcl • Mon-, 'I'u••b. Wcd, Aut;. 24.2? -30 >� I,I,cnl last \\ cm: at the )1111111 of his un •Joan Forth n., Margaret 0'11 ic1,;: '.11•, \I r, \ornl,nl Tittut psult, and Orson We 1 �s, in • "JANE EYRL" ;1,'' Mrs. nest Craig ,rad (laughter, ,:\ ruln;tutir rlr;ttua takt n tt „tit tit •' S ;111.1 her daughter,daughter,I.:\\v.I ALSO SHORT' SUI3JECTS,' •;. fh.;.,.4� 4fu;u�44� .;•i,•.;,•;•,;.,�.,;•yu;..;uu;. 4;.•;•4;4 •;• �• studio (-ouch, new; large mirror; 2 small mirrors; lounge; electric rang - elle; electric heater; electric plate, 2- plate ; flour lamp; kerosene healer; step ladders and ladder,; cross -cut II.I \Iartt;0•et, and AIrs. Olive Allen of sat)•; \1'hitc sensing ncu•Iliut', in t,'oud shape; wash bib; 11',.,21 hoard; rr•ocks, t1elen 'Any" of 1'e,11.", ,\Ila., were re- fruit jars, etc..; wheel harrow; toilet rent visitor, at the home of Mr. and 'set; 'huge flower 111;.1 suitable for lawn; several small flower puts; trunk; pictures; hall rack ; what -nut, \tans Other Articles tui numerous \lention, TERMS -CASH, \\'. 11. Alor•rit1, Auctioneer. l:cilh 1Ianriltorr, 1'roprietot•, .1, Cartwright, (Clerk. 1)1-1. Treasurer's Sale OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Tit \\•it Ill' \'1101'1': O1' .\ \\'.\ \'I' under the hand of the \\'arden and Sell of 1111 Con ty of Ilul,nl, bearing dale thelIth July, 1'1.11, and to tic directed, eotunlan,(inL; til, 111 leve upon the lands mentioned in in the ludo\\111~ list, for arrears of taxes thereon, togt'lher 11.1111 all cost, Int 111 red, 1 lividly ,give tiottce tlul(, Illlle,s the arrears and co\ts are sootier paid, 1 ,',;ill',weed 111 sell the said lands, or 15 111111.1 t)ere,,f as ,hall he ,uffiri,-t fo di,eh;ugl' ,nth at rears of taxes and charges Iht'Ieon, ;11 the office in the Court Iloter in the 1,1\1•n ,If God( rich, by public auction, on No\enlber 71), I')I-I, at the hour of two o'clock in the atlerl'o n, in compliance \\itll the statutes in that half. notice is hereby further given that, if ;my of the said lands remain unsold, ,til adjourned •ale \\ ill he held on November I -ill, I't-1, at tett 'dull' Illlll' aml 11)11' at \\11iI'll the \Iimi,:i1:tItlics may reserve the tight to purchase ;tl,y of the ,;till lands, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS \'e;lrs ill .\rr,'ar, Tax., Cults I't•II.2-3 111.22 2.•11) l8,02 Name and Itc,eliptinn John Strly;ll t --1.,1t 15, Ilelpraye VILLAGE OF BLYTH I\lacy Johnston I':,Ia1e- Lot -111, NI eltonald All of the abllye list•. are patented. .\. 11, I':i('l<t\f•;, 'Treasurer. 19 11-2-3 10.72 2.28 13,07 Dated July 13tH, 191-1. (; iderirh, 1 httariu, Jelly 13th, 1')-1•), Published in 'I Ile (hetario (;;vette, August 5th, 191-1, a 1 1 ou. 1 .41 .1 PACE5, BOXY THEATRE, CAPI'T'AL 'I 11EATRE ' REGENT TIL-EATItE CLINTPN. GODERICH, SEAFORTr1• NOW PLAYING: Betty Hutton in: "The Miiac'e of Morgan's Creek", Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "COVER GIRL" --In Technicolor A 1,1' i,11 trilllnph t 1 ,•tcrt.'tltin,l: that , t•t tett in a unl,iral ,h,1\1. Rita Hayworth, Gene Ke'Iy Lre Bowman and Phil Silveri, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Aunc Baxter, Dana Andrews, Walter Huston, Walter Brennan I hI '•ompe!) tl1, stays of the people of Russia 1' hose heroism is a 1111) ni Went inspiration for the uorbl ,till free and a poignant hope for the \vorfd in chains, "THE NORTH STAR" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2,30 p.m, NOW PLAYING: Errol Flynn in: NOW )'LAYING: Joel McCrea in: i "UNCERTAIN GLORY" "BUFFALO BILL" Iu 'TtLlIIllcolor, Monday, "Tuesday, Wednesday Paramount Presents CECIL B. DeMILi-E'S ''I'IiE STORY OF DR. WASSELL' IN 'I ECHNICOLOft Starring Gary Cooper, w:tli Lart'ne Day, Dennis O'Keefe, Signe {lasso, Cruel 'Thurston and Carl Esniond• Thursday,, Friday, Saturday "HEY ROOKIE" '11)11 \ ear', /hili. ,t nonir,Il, , II'„ 1. fill 1,1 ,lull,', ,11"1 mule, of t 1 Ierlainnit in. Ann Miller, Ju Besacr, Jimmy Little COMING: DANNY KAY IN: "UP IN ARMS" Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday I3t tty Hutton, Eddie Bracken and Jed Proust ti tart, ,l i:: 11a 1'.11 nn ', i \ that "THE MIRACLE OF MORGAN'S CREEK" 'l'hurtday, Friday, Saturday Tallulah Iiii„Itheitd, William Bendix and Waller Slezak. "LIFEBOAT"" COMING: "COVER GIRL" in Technicolor. \ '11 Mat,: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and ::."0 p.m. (t;ll'd Of 1\11;!Illi. (Finn., \fluvial for Ill .'11 - FOR SALE \\'e wish to take this opportunity 1t, ('oft, ;11111 110.1.!'4. \;11111 1-1* I.-': ! \\ 11, our inany kind friends and (,Ia11111g, I,, on) -tor... 1 Mtar1' nt•ig)rin,ur, lug Ilse act, of kindness extended to us during our recent sad h(•re;lycn(cttt, .\Iso for the h. ambit' CONGRATULATIONS Ilium) lrihttte,, and 10 th,,,e 1111„ Congratulations to AI r, and AIrs. Iandly )"Idled their ear,. John 1)aer Jr., who celebrate their 10th -Mrs. \\'.s1('). Kechnit• and Wedding Anniversary oat Friday, .\11.- - \u-- gust 25111. ,1, fail; y. u1-1. PULLETS FOR SALE \.11. ,\ LS. Ifs.) ill,, an,l •\i I..;' )1oru,, ."ally -l" 1.1\, Apply lllah,', I,hoi:, 17-14, i;lath, UI FOR SALE ;'• ,1 11'1 . ,.III! ',I ( 111 2 IOR SALE I'1ma, r ,tri, ;';nrt'7\ 1ig11r t,. 1 i'.o:' ' ! 1 ,I l:.'.. 1;I\ I I,, 111 p. NOTICE TO Ci.i:',)I'I'ORS Congratulatiot:s to Harold 1<irkt•l,tt- Card Of Thanks (,.)tr;llttity of e;soi11 !tart) maid(' tt.,o.l; in the Estate of James P, Hcffron, Hell 1\:ho ccichratcs his 11th Birt)1dav \\'. \Nish 1,, thank the relative..., Citiatitity of 11:111) 112,1'1(' uiloil •01,1p"!,'., trete of the Magi.. of Blyth in the on Saturday, r\ttgust _'lith, friends and neiglthonrs for the man n• inti.u•cI; also h,11'1 tn;1111e ftirnxee 11,1,,,1, ;County of }lurnn, Bachelor, deceased. Congratulations to All% :\mdrew kind .x1(-21,ions of ,vtllp.iiiiv receive,) \pt'ly to Tort.,nee Itui;tl,t', plum( I.l- 1 .\!i r."r,- 11,111t,1' 1l,,itn, agmina i\irkcomiell \yl'o celebrates his birth- during our t Let itt ,,Id bereavettttttl, )1St )l!}'th. I;1 tt. � the estate .ti rite ,tbo1 L '11 i L;1•ed ;11-t• (10' on Sunday, August 27tH. the death, \\Onlc on Active Service, of `-` Congratulations to Mr, :\ mire ty hlt,hand and fa, her, Trouper Jack NI c-• Are yomr 1I,:;, ,tiff, sew fy, ;old 1n'ni,•rs;,ntd heit,'1 i,1r tilt' I late, \\'chster of Aitlnu'n,who celebrates 'Nall, pale' ['s' Ilio Fix - it lite, ', In, I,111 or h,-fo;1 1,1 ,Ia1 "t iei+ieinl,Lr, his 87th birthday on Friday, .\ugust -Mrs. Nie\all and Family. .\lexallder 25t1, 111-111. Ontario. Congr iIul;tti,•ns to ' little Constance I?v'elyn Co\van, of Stratford, who (Tie, Card Of Thanks -hall kart ',rates her 3ru birthday on :\u.t;ust _'•Ith, Cungr ilulations to Nits. Benson Cow- an, of Stratford, lyho celebrated her - It '1,1;re'i'' to r'1 'II( 1‘)11111i 11), Egg (;rafting, I.o::dh e-oro,L\.Ir. 1'/11, ,rti,\1;,i,h dale tbL a„Ll, j\\ill h,. 31-tribint.1 ,,ii iit.-1 IbL ;,,clic, Iellti;te,t doer, t.,, trr\irll; ret,,,,trt! ('1111• urt, kI rnt• animals fail In brre,l: I';1111', t!u• 1.! 1In,- o1 t,!lirh alit e Sltpel' Al incl al ft ,1, I h. jo. .\Ie\;tide;• ; 1 t;i, Lo. Lnftc.huro, b 1 Dated a1 Ili\ ill, Illi, i til rhly of 1)o yo. u• (-,lyes 0r pig, scour; Finn's i I'. I�inrlau�l. I:.('•, 54 lis 5, 1'11)1.1• stop them, Alexander de. 1'-gg (;t•ading, Lo ille,boro, (huario, birthday on August 1(411, Congrattilatitins to Miss Iona Julul- The Red Cians \visit to thank all those who helped, and those \vin gave donations to ;nage the Annual Frolic such a stn•I'cs,, 111-1. slot), who celebrated her birthday on11•ith the Canadian Forces in Italy, Sunday, August 20th, isires 1, rxpresshis tanks to the cm- ----Y ployccs 1,1 ti,: Myth 'Turnip I'I;Int for THANKS FOR CIGARETTES cigarette, he recently received, They Pte. Walter 13eutley, now serving were greatly appreciated. EVER walk into an auction and find yourself getting excited and wanting to bid ... n victim of "auction fever"? \Vartime conditions can breed "auction fever" if we let them. Everything is in short supply. Nlany more people are able to bid. But .. , if prices are bid up ... all our dollars will lose some of their value. Even necessities could get out of reach. What use is more money, if living costs go up still higher. What good are higher returns to business, if they are offset by higher costs. 1 What does the farmer gain if higher farm prices lead to s depression and tow prices later. We cannot continue a full war effort and prepare to meet the problems of the post-war period unless we maintain a stable and reasonable price level now. DON'T BID AGAINST YOURSELF - DIG IN AND NOLO! LiSTEN TO "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" RADIO PROGRAMME EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT 7,30 p.m., E.D.T. tf This is one of a series being issued by the Government of Canada to emphasize the importance of preventing further Increases in the cost of living now and deflation later, 1 1939 1'R10ES,•' • WAGES, COSTS. ()r,Jl`' • 1 •lilit in, Ontario. tiolirilor for the said Estate. 52-,3. i:NtNI4 i4 *4414(-;4,:4 84 :• + 1+:44 :.4.4:448.:..:•,0...,x•.4•:•,:•,:. 44.0•:4.'00 ,O.4Ay. i .;•4;••. 0.":4 4.4;•,;•14 1'•f•'iy Attention Bean Growers 11 :. X11 411 f, Ontario Bean Marketing Scheme Proposed '31 .1. ,1 4i 4�•I '_; :11 X4.1 ,:; .1, PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE 4: 4: 4: 4: 4i ,, ,1. ,1• The directorate of the Ontario Ilett) Cao \\rrs' .\.,,,tl•i,iti,,n have petitioned the (huario I;oyernment for a marketing sthenic Ifor \\hitt 11.;1 (leans an ( \'elln\v I:\e Ilc;u, 1 ulnlcr the l,roy>i„i1, .•i lite (tn- tariu I'arnl Product, C„ntt'o1 .nets .\ ropy of Ihl' l,ropo,ctt scheme is being mailed 111 all ltr..\NITS \shod names and adtlrc- c arc ere„r.!t'(1 \lit)/ the .A-"u'Wtiolt, Iitforl• the farm i't•odue't, Control hoard trill he ;1,I.I,I to t•cn,tlt- Inelltl lite ;Idnplloll of the pl'„poseil itiarketin:'-chewy, >;ro\tel s t'li- gagc(1 in the gro\\'lift: of 111111t, are hi III:' relitle,1011 10 ruuisit't' their opinion. :\ \•O.1'); \\ II.L Ill: •I'.\KV\ It\' I1.\1.1.(1'1', )'t'i,resettatiyes of the beast gro\\ er, \t ill distribute h,tli„t' ,iuri;,g the a ei h '1i .111.;11 t 2Ist, rite lie;tll (;t- \\-ers' .\„tleiatl,Itl has played ;I very tlt'liltite part in blinglllg about Illlpro\'l',I prices for \\hit(' the last 1\1,1 ye,lro Iitlt further organization i, e,,e ;tial if the in;ttl.l'tittt problems are to be stet itt the future, The proposed marketing plan ha` the so!,port Ind only of tll. (;rowers' Association but of the )lean Dealer,' .\rsociation. John Armstrong, /midi. Angus McLean, \\'ard,ville, 1). \I. ('mmlp- Ir.11, lilettheiut, \\1111..\Ie \ander, ibasalt, \\ m. Ctrneil„\11;11,ti- denliing, ilhnheim, Ito, ell )tii)rirk, Iler,;t I. (1itt , ll;unli•ter, .\Ils,l Craig, (;eorge \\'. Parry, fain Court, 1'-(-111.1 (;oi,lhne, Si, Thum;;.. \\'ttt J. Davis, Florence. 414 4":"V4V++.'44 + 444.1.4;444444•444.44.4444:44.'84;4'44444;1444' 44:44444 x•4;.,1..;..1. -A44:• 4.24.++;. 1( f/NAL PAYMENT of 1943 f: -a)( DUE 31ST AUGUST, 1944 • Inasmuch as the Income Tax pay- ments that fell due on 30th April last were postponed to 31st August, this will reznind you that any balance due must be remitted to your District Inspector of Income Tax on or before 31st August, 1944 to avoid penalty. To be sure that the payments are correctly credited to your account, your remittance should be accompanied by a letter showing clearly your full name and address and stat- ing that the payment is to be applied to your 1943 income tax. COLIN GIBSON C, FRASER ELLIOTT Minister of Deputy Minister of National Revenue National Revenue for Taxation "V" CAMPAIGN HIORIZON'1'IAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Prohibit, 2 V for R!E;_N ;C H I INDIOiC 'IHi.l_ N ,4 GCurLe. 9Fruit. A.CCIT$NATA., EARiNI)iRlES RIiGO.R E 11 13one (comb. LE0.;4U S N TIA M E!D 'i!' 0 0 P P"iiR O A^I AT "=a SIE A farm ). t1S1� .. 13 Metric ST ERE '1�CI(,)! , R E S T S measure. AVE ':;t1E3 AT 1.1 Bing. P. I ,EiT!A :.�E!RiS;HA'N11_ 15 Is (Latin'; 'E 1» NETRsr;' AIC 16 Bring forth APT E,��!RiGIS h T q,0 17 f am (cnntr ). Li i ,R'Al 1_.0,N fu[i�til I N N 19'1'elturiutn JTIA,L E.NITzt)f IKtii l Li -I- ._ T� (: itL!%o11. J IAP.A'N EIS E E E 20 Lite guar':1 (abbr ). 21 .Article. 22 Neither. .\br i'tn.iI dryness 30 Mineral rock. 45 Mud. 31 Stoneware 33 Sllmethinl; 39 Make beloved. 2 Beverage. 1 1 100 ccnR 3 Night. 43 Narrative 4 Apex. poem. (- ed. 3.1 Ah. ent 'sn- out official 35 l' e:11 r t ,s (pl.). 37 L.:11. 38 Fru.t. 46 Apartment. 48 Ho telry. 50 Dress. 52 Isolationist doctrine. VERTICAL 1'I'he RAF aids the V army Inr --- Berlin Iz 3 4 9 to 5 Plowboys. 6 Solar disk (Egypt). 7 Religion (abbr.). 8 British broadcaster who leads V campaign, — 13rittott. 10 Man's garment. 5 II 12 1'} 16 12 Obstacle. 18 Imbecile. 21 Fragrance, 23 Peruse. 25 Editor (abbr.) 26 Crimson. 27 Comply. 28 Transgression. 29 Neuter pronoun. 30 Awl. 32 Lofty. 34 Boy's name. 36 Ea,t Indian tree. 38 Skin opening, 39 Pertaining to elves. 40 Inlet. 41 Faint. 42 Govern. 44 Indian. 45 Merveillcux (abbr.). 46 Girl's name. 41 Three (prefix). 40 Negative reply. 50 Hawaiian hawk, 116 7 B LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "I think they're carrying this car pooling too HOLD EVERYTHING r• � r)(7, -) • 2.11 . t,a, fl'r,.i ^,lp1'rf t.C. r 11.ACr f P:t.^�, <'I-Iup, two, t!'rec, four, — two, three, four!" Hup, TI -IE SPORTING THING "We're having one of our hare - raising experiences!" far!!" THIS ARMY la, "Ring" Coughlin in Th: Afupla raal. Cona3lon Arra, n<.rp p<r ,n Ilal, C. .ap,r,ght I op 1' • -rat r air Thy �` l "And to think we paid good money to see this in the movies back hone." THE SPORTING 7'H'INO BY LAN6.ARMSTRON6 4")4.1-0sZ.11?:' le ; .7). 4,..1 'o'er • ' " 1 . rivr, �t�e a _ ` 1• rt0 �+t `' � ` '•4RT'"�„„, .tet' �,,►."� „..40u4C-0.%r, "This is a swell spot I'm taking you to, only half a mile from fish market!” MUTT AND JEFF — • •AND AFTER BEING 1 (CALL. THE MARRIED ONLY ONE POLICE!THEYLL WEEK My 4u BAND FIND YOUR RAN AWAY WITN ALL HUSBAND! MY MONEY AND JEWELS! _pi, y ., U FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger • r ,,.w r1,, ,t:C IA. 19:3IYNIA SIRVICt.IN SIG. U. 3 PAT. CO, "1 think he's out to make a perfect score!" MOPSY byGIADYS PARKER OKAY, 50 IT PROVES T LOVE YOUpT ALSO PROVES YOU OWE ME. TEN DOLLARS FOR THE DAISIES,' 4.I..44 Well, That's One Way To Keep The Loot In The Family By BUD FISHER I DONT WANT MY HUSBAND• WANT MY MONEY AND AMY JEWEiS1 HE MIGHT COME =;_ -- BACK! DID HE Love YoU? DID YOU LOVE HIM? THEN WHY DID YoU MARRY HIM? BECAUSE I WAS AFRAID OF BURGLARS! 1 I r • ©0 o O m® �•�!or• mn M.... _. _. _., .. n... REG'LAR FELLERS—A Fish Story YE.P! THEY'RE MINNOWS— AIN'T WUTtf NUTNIN; BUT THEY MAKE CLOOD BAIT! 1, J/ WHAT DID YOU TAKE 'F.M FOR.? YOU CAN'T eAT 'EM, AN' WE'RE NOT GOIN' FISHIN' Imes Amosno.na..aass.risrumounammaiummenormum. a- „`� Ili• Yi I, OKAY! LETS GET THIS ADVER.TISIN' DONE. AN' WE'LL / 6E ReADY FOR. BUSINESS! MOM MY. By GENE BYRNES Bur TREY\ COST MORE. THAN GOLDFISH! 1'4 ATC HCRLY, MADAM PLATINUM IS WOITH MUCH - MORE THAN /ii GOLD. ='" "II Iti 4.24 POP --Definitely WHEN 13 A MAN Ery rITL.Ef] TO A MI1.1 TAr ' P'JM►.Rn.l. ? 2 A 13y J. MILLAR WATT r) t• Pr Quality Guaranteed TEA • SERIAL STORY Murder on the Boardwalk BY ELINORE COWAN STONE Last Week: Inspector Parsons reveals that Mrs. Talbert was killed fit a wheel chair, on the Boardwalk, that the murderer had stolen the Chair, wheeled his victim to the studio, pushed the chair off the pro. lstenade. He made one Blip, the tide did not carry the chair out to sea, CHAPTER XVII "Does it occur to you, Inspect- or," Chandra went on — still very stiffly — "that there arc interest - lag similarities between Mrs. Tal- bert's abduction and that of her UephewP' 'I' nt ust what do you eani" n the case of Earl Talbert, ao, there were theatening notes, n that case, too, the victim was at first thought to have been kid- paped, and perhaps murdered, in }tie own car. In that case the vic- lime had been drugged — or so it was made to appear,,, And that lase was confused by misleading pttentpts to incriminate others — ns in this one, Captain King, Miss Thorenson and I have all been de- liberately involved." "Don't you think you're crowd- ing this hunch of yours about the $ephew's being alive? You would lot push It so far, I suppose, as to Suggest that Mrs. Talbert kidnaped •1crself?" s * * "Only far enough to suggest that the two abductions were planned by the same mind — ac- Oording to a similar pattern. . . I Ihlnk, inspector, that the time has come to confess that Mr. Jaspar has not been entirely frank with you. I happen to know" — the clairvoyant ignored the butler's startled outcry -- "that he has some evidence that ought to help," Christine was the only one in a position to watch the medium after he had stepped into the al- cove where his (desk stood. It seemed to her that he fumbled un- necessarily long in an upper draw- er before he came hat k and handed the Inspector a fooled sheet of pa- per. It seemed to her, too, that In- spector Parsons spent an inordinate tine over it; and that when he fi- nally raised his eyes to C handra's, A look of intelligence flashed like LH electric spark between the two. At length the inspector said, ('Perhaps we might pass this around. Someone might — have a suggestion," 11e handed the paper to hill, who read it anti passed i1 without comment to Jaspar., Jaspar adjusted his glasses and Headache Nothing Is more depres. sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambty's willive instant relief. Lambfy'sisgoodfor ear- 91 • achc,roothache,ppainsin 7119 back, stomach, bowels. .7kaeff HEADACHE POWDERS 14 There is only one WITH RHEUMATIC PAINS (Nash them aaa)! 11eree aulck relief from miser. Able neuritic, rheumatic, arthritic a n d lumbago pains ---Drink water abund• Intl, and r e 1 y upon herbal 'rowdy as an internal cleanser. As pain and fever•p:oduc- ing acids are washed away —rale must got Relief may be telt right at tht stat(, Oke !ttulceney's ELL regularly before retiring and wake up each morning feeling tine! Sold by over ^.000 drvgeists. 2 ISSUE 34-1914 scanned the paper with startled attention before he put It into Christine's hand, . v • Removing the sun glasses she still wore, Christine thought, after a first glance, This Is impossible.. Yet as she read on, fragments of conversation, strange encounters, bits of coincidence which had seemed entirely normal happenings tumbled about in the chaos of her memory, \Vith shaking fingers she passed the sheet to Mr, (Vilntet, The little ratan also adjusted his glasses, tilted the paper to a more favorable light, and perused it slow- ly, nodding once or twice as he did so. 4561 SIZES 6.14 She'll love this adorable dirndl, Pattern •Is01. Simple -to -stake, with becoming yoke and set -in -Elks I't•ctty in print or contrasting calors. Pattern 45+11 is available in girl's sizes; fi, }t, 111, 1:: and I•t. ;ii'c 10, frock, requires "! g yards 35 -incl( material. Send twenty cent; (20e) in coins (stamp: cannot he accepted) fur this pattern to Roont I21, 73 Ade- laide tit. \\'est, Toronto. \Vrile plainly size, name, address, style nunther. "I think Air. Chandra is right, inspector," he said. "This should have been handed to you at once." « « * Whatever Christine had expect- ed, it was anything but this. For the paper, written in a small, but clear script, with ink barely dry, had read: "You will find that one person in this roost will be unable to read this. Ile will pretend to, and may offer some harmless comment; be- cause of all those here, he cannot allow it to be guessed that his vi- sion is very bad. Ile will have no reason to suspect that this is not actually one of the messages he sent to Mrs. Talbert, The paper and the arrangement on the sheet are identical with those of one of the extortion notes Mrs. Talbert showed me. , . have you noticed that Mr. Wilmet stumbled in find- ing a chair, and almost fell over a footstool?" "You are right, Chandra," the in- spector said quietly. "The report that cants a few minutes ago from Airs. 'I'alhert's oculist makes it clear that the fragments of lens we found in that wheelchair diff not Color from her spectacles, _Yon are all wearing gla:scs or \liss 'Thorenson was. Ales \Vilmrt" — his mice dropped into a pool of silence — "we'll begin with you. Of course you won't mind giving us the name of your special- ist?" F « « "Why, of course•" \I r. \Vilntet looked startled but entirely confi- dent, "I've got my glasses from the .ams elan for year.," ' Buf not those glasses," the clair- voyant said softly, "Naturally, people with vision as poor as yottrs always carry an extra pair for emergencies. You had yours with you, if you recollect, when you Caine to my studio on the after- noon before Mrs. Talbert's murd- er, Probably, since you are above everything else an opportunist, It was pure inspiration that made you slip into your briefcase that dagger you had seen me wearing while GOOD NEIGHBORS FIGHT IN ITALY K I.r Swinging along in soldierly fashion, troops of the First Division, Brazilian Expeditionary Force, march through Naples shortly after debarking at the Italian port. Miss Thorenson drew my picture, and which you guessed hundreds of people would be ready to iden- tify." "Inspector," Mr. \Vilntet broke fn, "this ratan mast be crazy!" « « « "Perhaps," The inspector's tone was dry, "Let's see just how his madness will carry him." "I wear that dagger only on pa- rade," Chandra went on. "'When you cane, it was lying on a low table near the chair you took. I didn't miss it till some time after you went. , , No doubt I should have notified the police at once. But how could I guess that it would be used to commit a crime?" "I thought you called yourself a medium?" ;\Ir. \Vilntet looked to- ward the inspector for applause. "That's who the inspector calls me. I call myself a student of hu- man nature, You see, I make it my business to remember things other people hardly ;:otice, ...And among other things, Inspector, although 1 have seen Earl Talbert only twice, I recall certain peculiarities which were common to both hint and his aunt. They were both superstitious. « * * "The first time I saw I':arl 'Tal- bert, a few days before he — dis- appeared — he carne to consult rate because — he said, he had dreamed that he was in great danger. I saw no threat for hit» — he went away reassured that his scheme would work. "The second time 1 saw him( was yeett•rday, (when our \l r. net came here, also apparently to consult nue about his warning dreams. Perhaps that was (what he really wanted at first; but after I had :u;ain reassured hitt, and he hall gone, 1 formol my dagger gone, too. Nott'" -- "Just 1 tttittllte!" the inspector cut in. "Are you identifying this man as the person who stole your (tagger?" "1 don't think that will be nec- essary, 1nspertcr. 1h' ore we are through, he will identify himself. You see, Inspector, poor eye- sight was another peculiarity Com - 11)0n to Mrs, 'Talbert and her ne- phew. At 19, Earl Talbert had the vision of a man of 60," w * « "Inspector," Mfr. \Vilntet burst out, "this man's practically admit- ted that he doesn't know who took his knife. There were a dozen peo- ple here that afternoon," "That is true," Chandra said gently, "But only one of then( wore lenses like the pair you dropped from your pocket. No wonder you found it impossible to replace them immediately after you broke the others in that wheel chair." Ile took a spectacle case front his pocket and pased it to the in- spector. • "I think," be said, "that when you have these lenses compared with the fragments you took from the chair, you will find that they are identical." "Well, there won't be any ques- tion about whose these are when we get into touch with the opti- cian," the inspector said. Ile glanced at the label inside the case and scented about to add something. 'Then he broke off. (Continued Next Weck) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON August 27, ISRAEL'S FIRST KING. — I Samuel 9, 10, 11. PRINTED TEXT, I Samuel 9: 15-21; 10:25-27; 11:12-15, GOLDEN TEXT. — Honor all men, Love the brotherhood. Fear God, honor the king. 1 Peter 2:17, Memory Verse: tic y c kind. i pliesiaus •I::i,!, TIIE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. -- The call of Saul, and the bcginmitIA of his rci n, may he placed somewhere between 1000 aid (11171 l.(. Salads Make Menus Sparkle! 1 1 1 1 Garden Salad head lettuce or Chinese bilge onion, grated bunch chicory bunch t•adi'hcs cab - 3 tomatoes, sliced 3 carrots, grated 1 cucumber, chopped 2 hard -cooked- eggs Combine ingredients. When ready to serve, toss with French dress,ng. Tomato Surprise Salad 6 tomatoes y4 sup diced cucumber tz cup diced, cooked chicken 4 cup choppec1 nuts y, cup mayonnaise dressing Lettuce Parsley, cauliflower buds Select medium-sized smooth to- matoes. Scald, peel and chill. Care- fully scoop the inside out of the tomatoes, Remove the seeds from the pulp. Chill all ingredients, and when ready to serve, mix the chick- en, cucumber, tomato pulp, and puts with the mayonnaise dress - big. Add more salt if needed. Fill the tomatoes. Arrange on lettuce leaves, Garnish with mayonnaise and decorate each tomato top with parsley and cauliflower buds, Summer Caserole 6 hard -cooked eggs 3 ripe tomatoes 3 tablespoons butter or other fat 3 tablespoons flour teaspoons salt 14� caps milk l2 cup grated cheese Buttered crumbs Cut hard -cooked eggs in half and arrange around the edge of a greased casserole or baking dish. Slice peeled ripe tomatoes in the center of the dish. Make a white sauce of the milk, fat and flour. Add cheese, and stir over a very low fire until the cheese is well mixed and smooth. Pour over to- matoes and eggs. Cover with crumbs and bake twenty minutes in a modern oven (350 - 400°F.) The centers of the tomatoes may be scooped out, and a whole egg placed in each, if desired. 2 Not just for breakfast -but These (lays Kellogg's cereals aro more important in our Canadian diet than ever before. They're easy to digest, appetizing anytime! A satisfying main dish for breakfast, a welcome change for lunch, between -meal snacks. Add flavour to left -overs toot CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM A long distance call . . . and a voice I hadn't heard in twenty years said "Is that you, Gwen?" The voice belonged to another of • Partner's brothers—one front away up north. NOW he and his wife and daughter are staying with us for a sew days. It was milking time when their train was due so it was 1 who met them at the station, "Would I know theta ... would they know me. . what shall we discover the years have clone to all of us?" They were thoughts that rut through my mind as I waited. And then when the train pulled out 1 had no trouble at all in recogu:icing my in-I:uva— even niter tt rnty )cars. 4 * w Today we have been visiting places which Colin had known thirty-six years ago, You see, he and Partner both started farming in this district as boys. later they went their separate ways but dur- ing the lust war they were toe,erh(.r again in France. Then again in Canada, each with his wife and young 1)11111. 10,tt twat. when they, paid ms a shtvt isit so many long years ago, licfore our tiitors arrived on Saturday Partner and 1 were talk- ing :shout (,trashy ties, hour broth- ers and sister., apparently drift :mat:, each with his or her semis - Place. — 1C:tut,:1, by some, is identifier) with Neby Saint\il, five milts northwest t f Jerusalem, by others with k;un,tllali, eight utiles north of Jern..d rat. Juges(-(iicatl was n the cant suit of the Jordan. Saul Anointed By Samuel 'Now Jehovah had rt\calcd (un- to Samuel a day before Saul came, saying... lteitold the roan of whom I s;,oke to tire! this sante shall have authority oyer racy people." 1t wott'itl scant that at tits'. (snit' the 1'itilistines ‘s ere again 11,1r.• - ink the Israelites with their des- tructite raid,. The annoyance of these Philistine raid- ,mud incursion, were the immediate cause of the prayer for a king. Meeting of Samuel and Saul ,.Then Saul der sv near to Samuel in the gate... ,mid in the morning I will let titre go, and will tell thee all that is in nn' heart." It was probably in this !nigh place that Samuel built itis altar, A na- tural instinct among all nations chooses hilltop: as fitting places of tvorship, Samuel tu11s Saul to go before him as a stark of honor. Saul Pleads Unworthiness "And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on then(; for tit)' are found, . , .wherefore then spe:ikest thou to me after this manner?" Samuel tells Saul that from this time on he is not to centre his mind on property, or animals, or material possessions but to consider the wel- fare of the nation, for it would be to hint that Israel would now look for deliverance and leadership. In a spirit of humility Saul pled his By Gwendollne P. Clarke •. . . . ate life to live, and their way to snake in a competitive world. Each has his share of joy and disillus- ionment, his ups and downs, bring- ing in their wake tolerance, resig- nation or contentment. Then with our grown families, who, in their turn, are making their {way in life, we get a yen for our own folk, to sec them( once again, to visit and to remind 4each other of half for- gotten experiences. All this may be a sign that the years are creep- ing up on us but its a very pleas- ant compensation for the passing of time, dont you think so, friends? • • * 01 course, with all this coming and going, farming goes on as be- fore. The grain that is ready is all cut and stocked, the remainder of the crop is ripening fast. The cows broke out this morning and Partner and his brother spent most of the morning fixing ie11Ct's as a result. Now they arc away for a load of hay. The pullets are begin- ning to sing, sure sign that they will soon fulfill their mission in life, The roosters arc crowing lus- tily from dawn to dark—all that is, except those which have aiready gone the way of :111 good roosters. And the heat '.wave is definitely broknt. We h.,vc timet to be th:utkful for. unworthiness, the satIllness of the tribe of tvhich In was a mctrihct•, and the comp,tratit 0 misign:ficance of the family in wlii:!t 110 had been brought up Saul's Loyal Guard "Then caramel toll the 3,sr.;,;' the manner of tit Lined int, :seal svrotc it in a hook, ,inti l:u•1 it u;, 11)10 Jchov,i! . ,\ud Baden: salt all the pc, l lc a a a) • t ver) 11 11 to Itis house." I I.,t iit, a::; d (; tl's appointed I'l i;:. ;..11 0N; :rand bis dutic; 10 60(1.1 ! 01 I'i,,..1, *t- tliut 1 di'nti•se;l tit Int ,.3)1(.. ".\ (01 1".tiil also t,t1J1 111 hi• .. 11c 10 litltcah; tit ti;ere \\ ;id ,',i:h hint the lis,:, x!: t Era: 1;;113 had touchtd." \\itlt ,:'I t,t ;'i• batt) of turn. aat had been tont :Intl !:ii g t Saul in his Ilett '.lint certain ',t, .' i, u, said, 11(11 sli l! u,1: 11 .111 rte r•' .\ttd tliev de-; i r,i 11111, .:rtl ::''11 hint no p1055 0. hit „ !.. •.i he, peace." .They , 1 hies.( tl 1; pointed delisest' sed ,' nil :1,1 good in hilt. Fern; grow st• 1,11;2( in 1115 1'lul- ippiltcs that their tank, ;its i -tett for telegraph •post -. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL 1'ttnt); 34) • Ctcry ito"nr nfth 11;33,, 'h.ns- cr and Telephone. • SIng1', $2.5f1 up— llouhle, sa.se up. • Gond rood, tuning end 11au,- Ing Night ll. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA, 4136 PAdE 8. • lade +e+state►aaa atcatc ate c exuc trtvoctettorttectevoc etcw e> ata SHOES MEN'S WORK BOOTS rte, - $22.95 AND $5,00 BOYS' WORK BOOTS, Leather Soles, Panco Solea $2.75, $3.25 MEN'S AND BOYS FINE SHOES AND OXFORDS A GOOD ASSORTMENT WOMEN'S SHOES AND SANDALS $1.98, $7.00 1 a A g A CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES. i ,is yi,itiii4 t\itll her nt•Ilhrw and niece, lame, Stalker and Mr,, I', Ilro\N• 1, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES, iii • hr. and \Ira. Russell Pushing, and iiI'reddlc', of 1)etroit, \Ir, and \ors, 1'. I, Rt an, of (iollerit•h, spent Smutty AN 011■ Ye i ■ R t\itll \Ir, and airs. James Phelan, (.1.1 air, and al,', Stephen \\'bite and liollyman's kt3 Ilulh.en ci London, syer the i dYI\1et•Ic-rnrl „ii,,i alt•,. w, .1, o1, frit., In,l ,,,,,,...N....,,,,,,,,.......,...,.„,......,,,3/4....,„....., lett Tu'• (lay morning for a visit ill BAKERY Toronto, TIIE STANDARD \I is, Norah (fin,) It 1', of 'I ',root spent the fast t\10 ttrrlts \vith \lis, ;Ire Phelan. \Ir. and Mrs. \\'illi nu 'I•unuc\' and ,on;, Glenn and Bruce, of 'Toronto, art' -pendia;, their holidays 11ith the for - 's mother, airs. Iirnjauun 'I'L\lor. \1i„ .\noir 11, I.:udlat', of Ilint,ot, , Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric ' Welding A Specialty. Agents For Intei'national- Ilaryester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. HURON GRILL BLYTH •-- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG -- Proprietor \Iiss Ila/el I'ett, of Loudon spent - 1 the ,lith her mother, \1 r,, ► LREAI), CAKES, • \I rs t; I t t Nesbitt i, \ kiting ‘'t'1 PIES and BUNS, !her daughter at Fort Erie. ALWAYS ON 1-I'i1N]) Confectionery and 'Tobaccos, • Mrs. .oda Il, de, of Sti,ltffortl, vi.itcll 11itlt her son, Sinai t I)nrtvtril, and airs 1hint aril for a fete lac• last \Neel:. Saturday yl.ilors at Ilse hone of .11r, and \Ir,. Stuart 3)nrtvarll \were \Ir. and Nies. (1. 1., Ney, ani! \lir, Joyce Lange!, of (inrinnatti, Ohio, Ger;tll! Ney, h.1...\,I., \fount hili, Otte„ It. i land \Ira. Harold Ne,', and Ilnt l oc;- 1 ' 'hill of i\,teltencr, and \Ii" I':tlitlt Ney of "ebringvill.' •.••4.1:4•ill . • • •• ••,• • •. 0:4••. i. • 4, 41••y:• •0:1 ••• 0.4 • • •• all' 111,:nv .\ i t (,t t'illllatltl, ()Iii(), .`SCHOOL OF COMMERCE .?, ; r(.. \1 Joan 11 NI Armitage, „f \\'in,;haul, t •t• are yisit;n 111;1+ al r. and \Ire. Stu;'t _' CLINTON -•- ONTARIO.DurwardDurward this t+''•I I:. •t, ._. ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM—SEPTEMBER 11TH ;t, \1 r. !;corgi. ale\;111, Sr., t f (;'ulerich, '_' Be Ready in a Few Months to do Valuable anti Necessary Office Work .; w''' t;ll'•'t nt 11!itives in 11'.ytll clue;: g Vi'I• t, COURSES:—STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL, •, the tecck. tCLERICAL. ,: i Nies. \V. F. Morrisvisited friends ;t; M. A. STONE, Com. S;recialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., *.i: :111'1 rcl",i1r4 at Kitchener, Stratford ;2 Vice-principal. Phone 198. Principal •:• tool Lo11lon reccntl\', ,i• •:....:.:. p*•;••0:••4•;u0•: ••••:4:••0 4.:•:•• •:1•:•44;.44;4444.4.444.4.44. 444.;••4:.•.:•44444.444. 4. 4. 4..4....' \• ,•11('x'. I lttt•Il:g the past week at the . home u, \I r. '11111 al ra. George Cott a111 I stere I,. \I.'. llrnson Careen of I)art- alr, l\•il'iau'I Nesbitt and Maur;hte•', I \I1. and \Ira, ( 1""-':`:I' Ilv an'l mouth, N.S., and \It., l'otvnt and Francis, retnn,ed to Toronto t'11 Fti-;son. I)'',r,;1't', are visitirlg this acct children, Itt!it!I, Connie and lank,, of day. foll'.'t\ ing a visit It ith the former'' tt it ll \I r. tool NI its. Janie, Ooliert\', at , .Irattor,t,, \1 r. and \1 r'. I;rorg(, l'n1y- si-ter, \II .. liter L'o'an, and broth r, 1: ingsloi'Ige, last, of 1)t; It:to non; Mr, and \1r,, i:t n - \Ir. James St.'!ker. i Mrs. I tone Schenck itad d:mghttr, netlt Cowan. and Carol, of \lidlitt'I, \I is. 1 ',cirri \lonri< i, ho;ttla..in., alto•,, of \\',';Lesley, are 6,11 jug Ih , \Ir'. Ire.! .Nut;'t>tinr and \ladeline, of for hyo \t eels, ttith her frrother, Ray. \Neel, tvith \I t. and \Iv,. John Cole. Fort I:rir, \1r, ;lid airs. 1lotvard Aug - and other rtl.ttiv+'• in I.tot3'tt. : alis: I;ladts Leith :.til \liss :\ la/ tr'tint. and lame:, of hridce\Nay, Mr. \Ir . \\', 1a. \II+t•ri: reeeivt•l the sail ll o'er of Stratford, visited for a fviv and airs. \\. T. \I;line and rhi'dren, netts nt the ,I+•,•th of her aunt, Mrs. ta\'s \yit:l \! r, and Mr-. 11. i1 rlat off•. I':nid and Neil also aI r, :\Itgtts Ahern, I;,me' Mr( IN ti at T'ce water. \I r5, \Ir. Claire Campbell ' f Toronto i• and Tommy, of St, Lambert, Que., and Morris ;t'ttn'!Iti the funeral in Tues- visiting \'itlt friend, and re'ativts in Nies, Robert \\'iglltntan, t f !Hyrtl. day mornutt;, at Tiestyater. tot\;t. \Ira. .\lei '!'(i'n'atn i, spending a • 44 • .•..;..;..;.,• .4.4.4.;..;..;..4.4,; •;••4 ;. •. ••: , ♦•••;. •;.• 4 •;.: ♦ ;i:..•..•.:.: •:..•.: •••L .•,.;. •;. ;..•..•.:..4.;.::I•. 4.4.4. . • . ••• •;. •;, 4, ••, ••• ••• ••.4.4.: • •4.;. ••, 444.4. •as + 't rother, Should You Spend a Dime? dime is small change! But when a lot of dimes march out ofyourpocket the soon y 'become dollars that start to fight other dollars, for the new neckties, dresses 'or furniture left for us to buy. This battle of the dollars is called INFLATION because it starts prices rising ! s0'30' And the higher prices go ...the less your to, ^• dollar is worth! For instance, during the last war, people had to pay 1.I for sugar that you get for today, A voile night dress was compared to the .;?."- 8 you pay now. Your dollar buys more goods, is worth more than the dollar of !914-18. Price ceilings and other onti•inflationary measures have helped keep it's value high, And remember ! Every time you use your money wisely to pay off o debt or to increase your savings when you refuse to hoard goods or patronize black markets...it makes your dollars worth MORE ! I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. % 1/%k,//%i//ice%%'%%/4Y ii'%% 6,/i/% Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation. PHONE 38 - BI.Y'11I-I• . ,. 1 H1 , Wednesday, August 23, VA: SU ER SUP PIES THERMOS BOTTLES . WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE - MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE . NOXZEMA (FOR SUN BURN) SUN TAN OIL - DURATION LEG DO FLY SPRAY "IT" • WHITE SHOE POLISH MOTH BLOCKS . IIAVOK MOTH CRYSTALS 2 -WAY FLY REPELLANT $1.35 ANI) $2.35 35c .. _ .. ... 55c 17c, 39c, 59c 35c 49c 20c ANI) 35c 15c ANI) 25c . 10c AND 25c 49c 59c AND 98c R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 21). 11. 11 1 i , t ., I•' .L.1,1111a.1'I, Ili • 11 i, N,... • 14(t VA: (CM d. '(Ctit wti,tC(C yV3)Ct^.'G'C k IC\C"yw':;c tti>4t'„)Cta.k ;:t '411.11 1 Ct / hV 1't tf w 1.4 I '.II,II.1411. I ,n1 I. Ni •, Y 111 .1.11111 11. , 4 CEIL1 4f - r i. GS °Ri THE FIFTH WALLti n? OF EVERY ROOM, - i., The veiling, 'which is tt-wally :larger than any t!tttlo \roll, rhonld ';l o considered as ;t fifth Lyall. 'I'h ttt town pl:uuting Iht' Ileruration for a , ilroutn it 16 jnr•t ns lutp:'rta tit to tc-!I j.leet a enrreet ceiling paper :I.s it is 14 to chow e oho proper wall dtutit' •' FP lion. \'our preference tray f•.tvoitr pp luno of c,nitrastint. colour. I'oa't'71ES :1te atl•u'cl that a "('oloor-I'L'ulttt',3' I by lrcow 1\111 extt'ml your pulite., 'Ifo,; raw, l.hi:+ you can readily no so!: h by s1•eic , my samples --- over ;TUI) i j ' p I`? 'to i,il'l: from, iTHE OLD SUNWORTHY LINE ,1 : ti'tr} I'' sari', tllrrt' ;Ire N:\I'E\\ ' w .,.,. ..h,h .,. •,vim . .111,1,1 I ! I\\;' this ytatr, beiOng the n1. Living4loom Furniture NEW STYLES IN CHES'T'ERFIELD SUI'T'ES, Upholstered in Latest Pile Fabrics at Attractive Prices. S'I'l'I)lO )1,'N( ;FS, tailored in durable, attractive coverings at p13'tdalr prico, 0EOI' Il.\1.'I: s'I \'I.I•:.\ \ 3) I tMi' 111,!.: H.\\' 111:1) \I.\'I"I' I; I':: Sks, i,lao,'l'd III x•111;11'1, lil'Igllt (l+1'erlllt',, ti Lauf ,. .1 `:Il'I•; SI':I.l',l"ITON Or U('l'.\tilO\.\I, 1'11 \I{tti, u1 ,x;0011 Ilnalil,• royelings, I:`:I) 'I.\111.1':x, llOOl: l'.\til':. 'I.\Ill.l. I..\\iI'ti ;ulll A CALL 1•Vi1.L CONVINCE YOU OF THE MANY EXCELLENT VALUES WE ARE OFFERING. .0 i! 0 1 Horne Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, I1 1: sante the last three tears 7„.,,...ar. . . rva• .mwa:w.w......r.. thing in the lin' of I)ct'oxtttr11g. No 1I Ilc,l:, it Toronto, , special time for appointments, _ del \Ir. an 1 .,its. i;, I and renu'nt!ter, 1 ,pecialire in that 4 '•lint 111e n el ! en'I n ith N1 r. and Ni is: Stott tt j, -h if talking off \\'allpapet', (!tees 'Suntl:reorl<. 1 i'. F. C. PLEST r hone 37.26, v 1 1 SAIL/1.t , eoeI:. ! Mrs. ,\. ()kt, and al i„ .\ndree, re- turl.t. h.,nle "n 'I ur"ta,' after spend - int; a \Nt.".1: tt \1 r, and \Ira, ('baric, hve LOIIDESBO16.c,..111 gn'•;, lvith \Ira. I'InnhvTay• RO lot' halve bee 1 NI r. ,tint \Ira, J.J. Campbell and Donald., of Aylmer ; Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor and daughter-, Mar- ion and kathIeen, of Dorchester; Mrs, I. B. Pentland, and Pamela. of Detroit, ,tr,! Mrs. Gordon Miller, of St. Helens.-. en's BAKERY. I Mrs A. M. D bbyn of Newbury, i, iVIIEI'il IN NEE1) OF visiting with \,t'. and \l r,, C. T. Dab- byn this week: 1310 ;!\!), I3UPIS, PIES, I John Watson of 1, Ir!t,:t, i, in ; v IIU11E-i\IAI)E CALL+` tt1,y'I i„1 tt\\ day,, 1dine air. 1;'I, ,+;1``', ! . 0/0 COOKIES Hohh\n In hi, nstrance Lllsine:s. 'E, ..., OR CI air,. I, tt ins ;lot \11',. S til ie: 11a1•: 1 ",.y: RE 111:11'111; -It 1 etm•ne'l trtnn vis:! t,t,: friecds at .\i!si , l '` >. Craig, 1. trlisl,', and al;Iple Loll^e, "Tilli, 1101171: 13AlCERY” \I's, \lanae Audit'' of :\'.hnt•tt II'1, it'. % , • e».•'' Baa 11. T. V011I) i'N, throe:l Till•. t;!•i:ill" ill \ d:a'al fail. anld Ilufi;1.:u, bight-Sert:e,lt't Norman Sinclair ha. I'11 '!'I}' t1.' 11rt'!; ;,I (11;11111 !lend,1,1't'It ir,III,II'r"td flI+III It.(..\,I'., Vit. pith her t'i,•rc, \Ira. \\'illialn Skelton. moult, \1uch.r, to the staff u1. Ni. 1, 1 air. 1 ;hn 1',': foul '1 T•u:tetto ,pt tit \lannin,e Ih'pot, Toronto. the \Neel; -e n,! ; ; Ilse .\1eCe.tt;,n Irtut, airs, \I. Colfr\' and 1)arle'le, of 1':xr• a1r. and airs. i:rnnetll \\'I+itn ore, ter, :u. vi>ilin; \I r,. I.. I. 11'ilfi nus, 111!)1v- , c1 \lacier 1,1h'I S 1)1! a:I e• I)r. I. Maine and dau:'htrr, S:uaru 'spent la .t \vet I; in \liss ))lit•,' ale;;il.', eons u1. \Vinnilleg, visited \\i;lt his mi- . cottage at I•:int:til des, I„tin and 1\'i giant NI i I., Mr. a I I \1.r,. \Vt'•ley h'tlit ui 1I'r' 1 Mrs. C. I), Iil;'atrirl;, Ilarh'Ira and ruts, and \I rs, I ;lura I ): xter nt .` tr'It- I:eenct11, Maly” retarned 11' lit • a Ie • ford, spent tht ei I:-rr,d ttitlt Nit, spending ;I \Nc.'I: will Mr. an I NI s, and ir I'honol: al. 1V. N lie/trick, Si, Thome . I) u, alr. and \I,s. \\'. St:altl,u and s•ot, lass remained for at h neer ti i', lacl:ic, 'ii! 11r>, P. \I'(':Iffre,'' lit Mrs. I). Ilot+lly r.'tnrned Thursdty \Ir, and NIP,. \\'illiatu Lyon. fruit, spent a few days at the home if \It'. George 1 linins, • vr..,. ... .. . ... _ \I r, and alt--. R, II. I\Illlitl,t t1. ` 1. 111 1 t'o)'vtu'S a a, t r'' ,;t ,'" r^ "t• t t^4"„' !,y 1 '.:, ,' 4 C„'a..,•yt:,`.,•..wa „'P':,'£ ., u•y v`..•4 u•.,'.,.,t:. v-a1Vr 'C'€ .a +l'4`M1iM tv di I5c 19c da 11 tr r . tuttt"f)t3T/II iN,41.1144tH..j 4y . Vy,.714TP) .,'r 1. 41j4.. i EDITH (NIGHT ON'S DECORA'TOR'S SHOPPE Ligated Oppus'te K•_rnick's Gt ucery PHONE 158, BLYTH, from 'I•horn:la is \N'Ittt'r she tv i.. ti •it',,, last t e'tt with \Ir. turd \Ira, :\It. Pant r in the Renee's cottage, at hayfield, \Ira.? Paul is \I r, !;ohinson's si: ter, t Ir. and .`,Ire. hitrhertr Irileligrn ; incl daughter, Sandra, spent Sun/lat. is pith \I r, an'I stirs. Arthur Harr. I',:tr;•t tt left on \\•ednesiav 1u t't 1 a fel': day, \N'itll rel;llivcs :,' Eb ! Pp the tt ttte of G. h, awl ! air•. Atxt;u,t lie far the past fe',v day,if rc. \I r. auld \I rs, \\'. T. Maize, Enid enol Neil, also Mr, :\ncu: Ahern z,e,, !' ()n, 'I "rotor, of St. Lambert, One, ti The key. a:1,1 \Ir:-. I'. II. Streeter 6 and daut.diter, !earn, are spending; their ' i holidays at 'Id- - (hurclt lamp, big 11aa F9 Point, Lake Sience'c, alis, \I:trjoric Stepltutn of 't, Inter k \yitll then!, Mrs, Florence \It -Dona td ami laugh- `<I ter, \Eerie, ,1f Toronto, arc vi Ling with 'AIN. I (arced Tait. \Ir. ane! Mrs Hillier! \tc(;rnem) 1 : Toronto, :,Ir. and airs. l inlet\ \Ic(;mv- { awl, \lair ,trot and \lariannc, of T'crgus, >pent Sunday with air. and .Ir,. Alex t1cGo\watt and (trval. r. INS Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Blease Phone Delivery Orders Early. Mottling Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - 81.00 or Over. CHICK STARTER. 0 . C. GROWING MASII FULL -OF -PEP LAYING MASH. FRESH HONEY -- 4 -LB. PAILS TURNIP GREENS 20 OZ. TINS BLUE RIBBON PUDDING POWDERS . - 2 FOR (Vanilla, Chocclatc, Buttcrscatch, Carmel). BLUE BERRIES FOR PIES .. t "vNSUCI-1 SILVER CREAM . L .:NZ POR;: AND BEANS . POTATOES DUG DAILY. 30c 25c 18c SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettl.tce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and 'Potatoes. a 1L1,1.ADt:h"Ionotii,?t,Amt.`"idi:L?i2uviliha iit9i2 vainza CTI',alkimt2'ani`d,312tN:+r.orza