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The Blyth Standard, 1944-07-05, Page 1
.. VOLUME 5'1 - NO17. LYTH STANDAR Examinations In "I'1u►rtl I4O1'lle Voddeil Ilume h'rum Newfoundland Various Schools Cr1or11 I,,,t•nt' \•+IIIIlUll, Nt'v- iumndian'I, 1)jot'ing4 ;i furlough at the huhu' of his brother, \11-, Harold PROMOTION RESUL1S.A'1' U.S.S, \'olden, and Mrs, \dice, , and with NO. 12, MORRIS AND NULLETT mitt members of his family atrutind F.11,13\ mg alt the result, 1.f 1 Ethyl. \I.Iny ,Id •friends welcomed promo - thy '11,'11(41411y ,f a chat with ',Untie, tion maniiiialions at l'niun S.S. No. 12, who 1111- 3cyer:It \car, assisted heti lirut�l- Hullett and \arra,, I loose with "I' l'1- in the balker) here, prior to his en - after their name have been proof"loll IisUueu!, to the next 1.'r;t+le • 11,11 the past 11 mouths Lorne has Grad,' \ II-- au'i le, Ih it;ll,nn• I'. ; stationed ala remote coastal nut • (;rade \'I Jan h 111-,11 n, P. n 110,1 in \0w 1011ndl;u,1. II is against I;radl I\'- 11.,\ II 'fa\lur, 1', Military regulations to state the exact (;lade 1i1--I)ol1tla Ririnu"11,1, 1'; \lar ;Ilion or the nature (1 of l,orllie's Taylor, l'; I lomlld I lrou u, P. 11,1-:. (rade II -lona Griffith,. 1'; I14I'n Ile 111111• ollt to \Io11kton by plane, l'; 1 it) i;l;l, I lr,w n, and he stated that it was a grand feel - Grade 1-11111 Griffith., 1'; Arlene inti t, i;.'t hark to civilization. About 1(irhuton,l, I', Clare Taylor, 1'; \(Ili` Iwo \xieh, ago he wiulc>.cd a real 111.11e, 1'; Ileus Young, I'; Denny hall hlu,lery snow storm, and on the trip Icy, I', year Ilio 1'11'il, 1un'ehas,'"1 out 11y plane, snow was evident at many During( the ;joint., 1111 art iced at \I'ukton, \\'c;tr- \\ar Savings Stamps 1„ the amount 411 in'_; hi., 33 inter clothing-, underwear $1'5,75, -Ni. Luella 111th, Trach. r. * FINAL EXAMINATION REPORT Of U.S.S. No, 11, E. WAWANOSII AND l-IULLETT hollo'.cing is al list of l'r'mloli'1) Examination Results ;11 l'.1.'. No, 11, Fast \\'•t vainl'.II and I lnllrtt, "I'" in- dicate, Promotion; "I'•' Iail)rv; "('.I'." Cunditio'1'll Promotion and all, and the summer \viather near - "4,..1 1111)) o14,‘\ ti" until lie gout into „1111' lighter clothing. I I i 'll I, are }!lad to see hint looking well, and ;liter his furlough he expects to a,:ain return to \t\\fouidland, V ELYTII, ONTARIO, IVEI)NESI):1Y, JULY 5, 191.1. Subscription Rates .$1.50 in Advance: $2.00 to U.S.A. Blyth Municipal Council 1,etter 'I'oThe I(�ditor: Coinmcreial Iio1e1 'Hie ieg;uLo• month') mewing •'i 111.. the 1"i1111i„4, letter front Nit', »tt•'a'- \I)l) ,l'I ell (1'111 I'll of the C 11111,1 1 ;111 NII:I'iletnll, R.R. \1.l, .3, 1'1111'111, of Itlytll \sats hell on 1111' ,111-'1, 31)1!) 11 ill hr read sr.inpIlhelivaily by imam-, Mr. 1< 1311,'111 S. I',j"II•, 1.'I I„ruin", 13,31".0 11 ,'. \' "!',, '1,1\. has purchased Thr Cori a -1.m,' ma,1 111 -,111'.1 ;0,.1 t ,!. , ,,, c I'1( u Reeve \I,rritl, and Comte -11.a1 l;, r- !apple I:ro\\ers in Ihi, ruunnnnil)'. \I r. „ ' ! I �.. t'! \\ ' 111' '1.'' nick ;111,1 \'041,14.11 present. 1 .\Itt!,Ilt'oit l`' t'llt' 111 the g'x J l ie I l:ulll \t r, .\. I, 1 "'a,,, \111' hal • Ho, ),1.'''I 11, r'' ' Ali( !' 1, 1 lar(!,,•,1 ,I .I I 1 1 ! i , , ! �'I„! .t' I lu. �.Iintitc Ci the last 1'1'1,111:' ntet•;1.t" Ii1l'I'Stu'r, 3)1 1113' (-trtWh', trod 31,!';Ili, IIII. 1111,1.11',• , Ile) I'1 hl11,11-y 'I I,It. \ 1 11,1 1, \1, r. and \In. Poole 111,1!. 1,,,,,-,,.,1„•1 4,0 fI"Iw' „t Ni.„, 11'-. \\ ll! ai•, how.e . (11 Ione :III, 11,11. ,,ad ;11111 ,'t Hi; in, ,1111 illi ,tnthorlty on the aPI1' silo.1ti„II: \I , I 11 \I!. ,,!1(l \11 _ 1,14 lin motion of Conl.cilll 0, I.( '!,3"l, and NIont.lay Morning:, \ii. 1,,,,,I, 1;;• Ilad 1'.' 1-, a w'i'le r'.\llrtil'1) r ill Iht• 1101( 1 !111 3l, 1..r,`,!i I1 \I,'1-!) ' ,)„! '.I!, 11, I 1'nlrl(n, Cafr;1.'d. Clinton, 1hit„ Jul). ,3x31, 1,1 11: 1 I Il,n,li-1.l, I .' n' \I!. 3,11'1 \II I', \ 1111"111 It of NI r-.. Itl.l,lltt 1111 111 the 1':11111 r:- ;11)11 lief 1:',• nl"\i!I, to '1"1""w , h' ;40'. NII's, Pirtle "I,' la! 4,1 the 1'liflun III ,, ;t! 11 \, ' :,1! 1. I1,1I \3 ,, \h- I.li,l \I,„' 5frs. Silo, ,\ :the.' 011 the t •I,e,'.I re \1;1\ 1 thrunplt the medium of ymir \iagtar;l Dail,, \1'1- 3(4 Lome tl Ill . Ii,"At . ;II• UI .tr1'I Nh-\1-, Int I ;, )JltCStiIll4 :^I':'.} 1.1, I ht' `Ili'11,III, I. 1111' lrallt'I' hl' ;1111,1\ I'll Irl ask for licit. ;Is all II ,ii ' I ,'ii'I'1\l �1!I' 1. .\. I11111;J,!1!11 •, our t'lliat;e. corner of I\IIl'; ;111,1 \1,11'1, ,11'l'rl,, Ia1111111' g; I'"1t1'I'.' b\' s1( doing I \l amt to ,l,,l \11. 1.1,!. 11"1\i , \lov('d b\• (.'ulnit'ill"r, \''1J 11 1, ' 1g;ive all the other r0lnnn'rt iad II!lrin.! their thiel .':.,111-0 in '..w.11 1',,:,:,,,1-, \!1,, a• ;1111111' I • \Ir. and \Irs. (Ila„ Iliad.. ti)a") "1 lily, II. hcruick that 1111, 111"11 1'11 h',' 1"11 3\11.1) erotvcrs reached by your paper 1 the Street (:ni:i uitte,•, with Co- re;'ool- :ham,• 1 t ap!tr•) for help and 1111 ul,- 3\ trill fri'u,l, \\h" 5+ '111 le..'n i 111,'11- I!1, I( 1', I.. \I. 1111,tt,l, 1;., 1,,, "1 1 !;',!,111. 4'.ili „111,'1,1!1 at I,1(,; \ 1 11,1-1-!. tucndttiult lint this repair i t ru.nl,O' - departure 1\11!1 1"0)"). NI r. (1.,1.: n:, l 1.'I'\\ 1, ' been Lee lly i' iere-ted in local a" fair .. l;el:r,l\e, 113>.I '71111'14\ "rt 7-111 Pin. Al cd Carried, \\ e h;lxe in our ulid,t a ser) ,er- autl it Is 1111,1\, read 1,1 (''33)' 11(',' \',(11-„111". :\ dC;gllallnll f ,III 1111- \\ !'I(;II;II11 11111, enemy \\'lllcll I. threatening 111 1-11111 I1 ent'ruu-ly to any word, 3.111-e. Ili- It--. 1. I. 1111'111!:1• 1, 11111, loom" nSp11;11 13n71'd bailed oil ll, l' 11111 Hill' 111'14CI',li ;11131 therefore 111131- departure 0 11 1rt';Ihe ;1 1,1 tlII'l' "11 11,11 '0 I Itt'"!' \ ,11 1 r 1' 1',!3, I''I 111,' 13,1' cil r(0piesting4 1 grant, to vii..., ;i1. in lit•„ Ind,'„ 11 • gel hos)' as a 4.0.411110 to, local .111"111 1,...11,1, I'1 w1i,'11 1011\ h. i' !'' 11' .,1 11,•,11„1-,l. tin the building; of :1 in -3y a1111li1'oll to 1.1, i defeat 'i1i, corms. This k not fifth waeleci.-I ha s st I1, rend.. r. '1 h, Ir NII,- ! or.., l;!.!' 111 t,,,, `'n, r 1., \1'111} haul Hospital rnluunli,; w hi, h has slimy!' u r Since • 1 i' ))tuft 'ltt), Hi, 1,, 1\,t,tlnnt l'o•,nlar',3011 110):3.' 01!11 !'.! .'11, 111,1,11 \II 1 , Navel► 1)y (,unerillor, I:ernt"I; 31111 we \\roil to war, allhoug;h the rl,,,,h_ Ilse lucid bo), and cal! ,111,) \\,1• ;I, \lar),.:ie and I"i- I!,Ltr1\, Vwlden that this matt i 1,' I` i "1', I' i1j1111. I't',ttitin'{ 1)'))! 11'11' hal 111.1 hClpt',! ,'\' lll'llt ,l ll, 11'111 in 1111 }111111, I! ",' !''•1111'" \\ 11111-1- "f 'I orolit to the next re0•01:ir mulling. i.,)10'tei! Iltl, 0110111)' Cntl,lder;this, This ('01)10' I,,,L,!,j', :ll-' l'. I?��1 1,,1- J1,lItiii -, \11', Bills and Accounts i, ;ill insect \3'111111 breeds in large nun)_ :1111: old,': un, (till, i, 11-11, ! 1,1-11\\ II g thH'mg;hom )II • district dire to hi, t oil- .001 \II -. I!'ti;1, \\,311.00. \Vitt. 'Illllell, sahtny for ,11)11,' '1''.111 ht'I', in 111r community and Is I ion(' '1.l. ;,,,!!I, I1, .I, ,!,, II, "I 1,, ,'� 1-1'11. J. A. Cowa4), salary for Iu11' .9 III; iurrliou t\ilh l lK\\, \\in(.1anl, 0101:1'' other III ill 1111 apple maggot ill u1. fail- ,,, 11„ , , 1 , 1(d 111111 Ili, parent , John Foster, It,l'utu• 1.110'mall \vornl, Thi, is the pest that 'hi' w'at't' II"' 1e.'1 hu,tt I r, .!':,,Irl\. \Ir. ;11111 \IO5, (11,1„ ata t 111'1. "Ill l' ,4\,, '111, .,u I \II 4 1131 'f, 1I„ 11\ 0. A. 13111-, laboltt' -!',i'1- ntahc, the I,t'uwn streah5 through Ihcl' \li \\, m 1,,,11."n. •'f t)tt,l\,,i, i- 13lyth Standard, ping., advt. . 20 131 1kc,11 of 111tH•: and thus InakC, thou shortly for t!leir home in Sarnia. r--,-_ 0-01 110.! 1\11!1 ,'.,r - •tet'. NI 1- I„s.11hin'. \Ictnurial hall !bran', relit to url.tUart,l';c and unp;(atal,le„ \\'llt:1-c ;11.1.11 it doe, not completely)I( 1l(y thele. 1 011'11111; (.11.11) Putting ()ti mi.. \I ,n:'! i, 1.!I 1;i, h!, „i ('fin("n. =;1) 'I hu, it 11e1u'ixe, the public of a very '1'0U1'lllllllt'llt Ill (i( let'lch 11,,,1 ih, 1\'','1 e;:'! al 1.1 ' t• , ,' 11nII Alrartixr ;illicl0 (1 fond ;Ind al the ; \Ir, ;cid \1 r,. 'I. 1 ,u\?.uie. 1.;11 saint. time rot„ u. of a living. r1'ldlly Night \I r, 01'1 \1r- 1.110, ILII{;itt, and PERSONAL INTEREST ('hailas hands• x,, .33 '1,11 1'1:. in 11,1 ', 11 .,ill". East 1Vawa110s11 School June 30th, 1011 . Enjoys Picnic Doherty Bros., repairs Leslie ililborn, re C. V, Cool;e t toile ,1 large crowd of children and flowers , .... Promoted t., (;rade \'I itrure Fal-,aulults were present Friday afternoon (0)11), P Shirley FalconerI' Ir;u) ;at the anneal 'Chou( picnic, of S.S. No. 111, I':;Ist \\'awanosh, which \vas held on I( \•- Keithh \'onng;- the school grounds, 'I'I1e committee in charge included Ella Caldwell, 11rs. 1;Itnshrr, P. Promoted to Gra blot, P. i'ronl,tell t, cassis 1\' 11111111e kw,. George Fear, \Irs, Kenneth \Icl)ou- rI:Ix,i Gross, I', Gordon I to atl, I' • ');all. \I l,s Amy Tull, Orval \IcGow- I; i' 1'uungbll,l I', all, 1 3(1 (Gorge Fear. :\n interesting I'run1.1!(d, to Grade III -1'11-1 1,..:11_ hall :ant: •Iuu,, place before the usltatl inner, I' Ronald 1;loush1'.I',; Jim- rare, and relays, The \\•inners of the 1011, (ilo4tshrr, P.race, \\ere ;1.s fnllu\vs: Prays, 7 ant! Promoted In Grade II Edith Ita'1, nosier, 8011-1-1 Chal'l1ts, all childrelt Of .IUIy 111 i,ISto11'('l apple tree, and hawthorns w•ithiii 5(1!1 hiulvling enthu"ia,ts were in ;Iltendanet• wOel, en,! ;It t!•,' 1,,,,,,,.,f \I1, 1,0,100 • 1'111 r4u1V'; L'm's, 11) ;Ind u11dc1•, Robert yards of c,nunrtcial orchards. \Ian>' ata Tournament in Gndcrirh on In!1' Ili:"n,, I'; 1 )111cial 1'I ling'hlnt, 1'.I', \l;u',h;ill; (;irlx, 1(i and tinder, Shirley I.,O.I.,.NI) 9113 31)11 rc111 ,. 1111 Grade I-I';xult' Creig;hllm, 1':dgarI,eople owning snrll old trees claim Isl, and 4hc g:lllns were then uiielr'I \I r. 1111 \I1, 1lreut"n Gudhin, and Ilaer, Lila I)acr, I( rnnclh (;lunshl.t, Radf"r,l; 11,t' , 16 and under, Stuart !Glorious 12th of 1111)' nest \\'c,lnesd;,'11)03 rananl 1111 5pr;lycd. This nlay he to the 1113th C111I. It i, holed that Zoll; Young ladies race, Mildred Char- in Litowel, in full strength. .\II mens "1,, 11'..4'11,, 1'i I.o' d'n1, visited o\'(1. Ronllrl Gross, lark !Iowan. 5 1-r Ross Radford; ,bets urgently rerguc5tcd Io lacer in thcitrue but they most certainty can 1e 11\•01-\• lord b"w ler available \\ill at- iube .shoe) ba, 11,11};111 '."'l 1)1 in \\';n' Irl , loon} nun race, burned and apple wood is unc 01 the fend Friday1111111's Mill's I)"nitle Irl \(`I,,„ f\Il1el(1 55 Ib itlll)) l(tt1111'tan"1 1\111-, Sayings Stamps ;11111 ('1)1 1)ir{It(3. \larrlyd 11111) 5 race,. Clarence John.:morning at 8 o'cturh .harp, 1e,t foci; w1 can secure. 1 il(rcforc 'Ivurna11cn1, and inxitali'n: ha\e bel n I!11 ;Intl Norman Radford; Grand The Royal 1)istriit OringLI 1•t,tI4e ,f lulnl,ton. I'hrrC Ila, born 1 guilt and 0 1111111- I in view of the present loci shortage scot to the different flubs in Illi, di,- I \Ir. ami \I'' I:,uI \I ill \I i„ lean 010111er's nice, \lt's, \\'111, Radford; 3- Morris, cOI11prl510g4 11(11de,bol'n, 111x1,1, 5 kerchiefs made besides r' 111-1-111(1;; \eby nal rut d,\\1( the l 0111 tries and 1U'irL, fhc money thus realized 111 I n\I 111,1- Ltd. AIL and \IN. \\illi; I.g,1;rd rare, Kenneth Johnston, Stuart I3clgra\c, and :\churn, will attend Iti i• I ' l 1 ,if( 1.t to some extent the he lull I 1 good use by improving the 1,IIIi,las, "I NI, blit"1,, were g1111•,t, „v- oid111ra1 gre''ns, Jr S1111(1 IV 36111 111,1 +"1-1111'1-' 11,11.1.11t,,,Those attending the First "f hill' '\I r. and \i1-- 1. \\, \lilt,, George Radford, gravel .19.11') 1)tu'ing the sea40)1 just passed, 11)-13, the ul.nthtrs of the Myth 1101\);n:; \Ir x11,1 \II•. t llarle, Moved by Councillors I:etni't and the combined( conditions of \\'el weath-1(-'luh are ypotl,cring; a Donal(, T"110!3,)- It,lr"11, \111-!1., \ir., e1-, pool' spraying andneglected apple 11)1'111 101 Iltt' (,.01t'1'It'11 1.x1111 11"1111118, \I 1.. .\111,11'11\ 11a:'oitI,'1 1rel, 1111'11, and hawthorn" trees in the neighbour- 111-(10. this friday nicht, 1u1) i)!,• i1e11'1n 111,„11\ wi!h \Ir. ;nal \II,, 'I'. \loved by Councillors IKerni''k and !hood of commercial orchards permit- '11)110 111-e11d games 33 ill ron.litmte 1.h'' I.awr4 111 , ;111,1 \I1. 'Hill 1111,..\I,. 1 Vodllen 1.h;1.t 13C lu 110w adjourn• ted this insert to infest (!!t percent of ,Tournament, :old good prizes 1\il) 1,' cite. NIL f,n1e'. 00,01 of II;Ir1u)Ir, Voddcn that accounts as read be paid. Carried. Carried, all commercial .1pp(c orchard. in Om- awarded the winner,, 111-1,. \\•c all 13111(13' that 31.0 0;011101 The "1•uln•nan'ent i, tilt. imtruur,' ,i \I, 1'"I 111:. "i Ajax, \Irs. 1'. 1011, uurs0lves and each by cotwell• friendly gesture on the hart of the „f" NI, Cafir..5, \Ir ;11111 \Irs. 1\'. Straiton, -Gurdon I'.Ili,11, -- trating upon proper spraying, and lira; 1111 ulc11l11(rO ,f hill' (;odiri'll and )"11,1_' ,"n 1-1 , 11,11-, NI r. and \Irs. L.Q.L. Viii (lelel)rate 12111 spraximg or dcstroyiug old 11 cglcett.)I 1.;11x11 Itu111111g: (11111, Srvcr;tl lural '\, l;nl,litI0 , "i I1etroit, -.gent \','r the. amounting to ljl0,'41, \I,1( ' Ilyeiseas 1111 tum full ; wheelha :row• race, truss Radford, vine Sel•\'ice next Swill) 13:'n)n 111 boxes, arrnnl;,anird by 1010111' Rc'I ';Attbm•n United Church al i„31) 1 114(31;, shortage of coal: Clifford \1'11511; 'l'y'ing nun's tic, Ella onunercilI )rower i hive to ('Hiss don't} hill 31'111111011 teacher. . Re\', 11at'01)1 S11(11, \1 ill 110 the „ `' ' l'ald\erll, (latency Johnston; hitting, uesl ' ' Hitler, Edna \\'alsh, C'liffor'd \Valsh, speaker•, A ,splendid service is expect- !';I) out 111,g "n1) fur spray "Id" - 'fours;unrnt were, Jame., Uenholnl ;cal I \I r 1' 1,1111, 11,1\ 1! un ;In') tlancht3 r, * * , ed. Everyone w'l'iCmIIC. , 1 )13 ;111(1 1111'11 11111'1' putting 011 IhP '1'1';1111: Elliott, 1 It I, (u\1';1)1 ;14d Gu; 31")1 1 31!) ,I I.", \It 113 ,, I ,ll., 11141 \,)11)111 l 01(old; 1?gag, :clay, Albert necessary ,sprays (;4(11)113 throughout Elliott,Rol Doherty and 1 1 11111111 PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS AT \\ a(,h's train; hiving nail, George V. �' \I r. ;111'1 \Ir�. I "1111,• 1';11.Inir1';;;41,1 111 Ihu�- MISSION BAND 1110 MEET 1.h( season, I find that apple maggot ltaitltun, IL•Irtr)' Ru'l'ilr,u and 11.iI',el,, w,1-. xisit"rs wi111 \I r, and 11<. S.S. N0, 7, IIULLE'l"1' ( tHtOrt(r, Frank \lat'slt tli +flit'. hate( s ,r(ad l0 my orchard and (;ray, Norman (iai'rett and Ken. \\•lilt \ picnic .upper \\'aril tcc creast was I'lu' mission 11;11111 itl hiving service I , Io141 NI1,1 , during the 1\1.11, IICII 1111' Crop 1, not marketable. L. II - 1 Sorry IU report no pr./.... l\iii' \II. ;111,1 \I! .\It'\ i!I\I"I' ,1-1 Port I'ullnv,ing' i, Ihi list ,I pr"nulliun, greatly enjuyrd by cxer)one, will hold their regular meeting 113 tial der ,such ''incttinstances I consider I a4)1 brought ilol4r. Iti I ! I,n11ey, .1'.111 111- past 11((1, at the at ticht,I S1,'liom NO. i, I1111101, In V all rastt pupil were smi'e,rfill int passing: into '1 higher Grade: I'c•t'nl,lcd to Grade \ 11 --Irene 110w- I - alt. Promoted to (;rade \'I-111.11 111.0\0)1, Mrs. Harvey Morris tun( LC'u'• Thr death (recul'red 011 Thursday Promoted' to Grade \'•-I.Ityd 1101' Ili ht, lune 29th, at \\'estcrn hospital, alt, Ianet I'ttl!ard, ,lean NII'llttit'• i'loronto, of \les, Harvey 1), \(orris, Prom...b• t t0 Grad( III--11er)1 1)"1. in her 11211(1 year, follu\viug an illness lard, 1111-1111 \I r\ "it tie, Chark:` SItu t- i,f some duration, the last to•o months brook, Douglas shihbru01;. 11 which had confined her to hospital. To Gr'tde i --Carinae 1luw;lit. 1 Illi late NI r.;. NI orris )vas well - The purchase of \\'a, timing.; knt'\tn l:1. 1111; vicinity, being; the only Swops during; the year amounted to lt•IIild of the talc \V'illia4u 1, Newcombe 11nd \1,1••y E. Brown, former' residents (lm \\'Cdn :,day afternoon, lune 2S'1, OBITUARY• x'1415,511, l Myth. In 19112 sltc \vas married to a picnic was held, 30111) races' and a 1 lareee 1), \I,I I•is, and fully\\ 'lowing their hall gam", !rear -mil. 11111, and at the marriage litre foul: tip residence in coirchr iom, lunch \3'a. served. .VI 111'1 "Toronto, \\here they have resided ever 1111 enjoyable 111(I'm,t,ll' smut', 30,111 the exception of twelve Isabel McGill, Teacher. xuars .1,111 in the \\'c5t. Sin viy'ug, Resides her bereft htts- PROMOTION RESULTS AT S. S. ('111111 a1'' two daughters, Mrs. j. C NO. 10, EAST' WAWANOSII \Imllin 1.\I\e)'n), and \Irs. L, F. Ins - NO. \'(11);1), 10111 01 Toronto, and two 1'1110%611g a1.0 1111' 1•(•'%dl, o1 promo- 311'0lllil'hiltll•t'll. tion 0xaminal'ons geld a1 S.S. N0. 10,; 'Ho' remains were brought to 111yt11, I?1st \\•;toa wsll. ".\" indicate, i; to \I herr' funeral services \voce held from el 1 ('went; "It" 70 til, 75, and "C" 115 the United 1 Church on Sunday abet- tor 70; Introit, at 8 o'c0113, Interment was 1'1.11' 7 to 11 0hirtey I- It,rll 11 made in Union Cemetery. urday, July 8th, at 3 O'rlo(l:, I'.arll child is asked to bring a visitor or a not heing treated fairly and so l am' )bringing my problem to the ;Mention of my neighbours because togclher we Can defeat this enemy. Unless I call get help front toy neighbours, how- ever, I can do little or nothing in the line ,f control \0 one would in- tentionally roll hitt neighbour, hilt the presence of thl'se old apple trees or unsprayed apple or hawthorn(' grecs RED CROSS CONTRIBUTIONS over the fence gives exactly the same results as 11)1411th my orchard %Vere The following; contributions to the lu- raided at night and uty crop stolen. cal Ihcd Cross Society, a4•( a(know- ' • . 1 hey ;110 the Cans( 0f apples bring ,ledged with thanks; (useless, thus robbing the public of food lI. 1111%1, n. Ircnten tSalyag c) `,15_1.'1(►, les acted in the rapacity of flour 111.111- H111 1111 of 1051 1-C n11s. 1101 \I l s. Fe,lic 1.1111'11-11'n'' 'Contributed from Si. loin's Am_ ag e,ri, .\I 1)11131 enjoyable time was Icnl 1 \I r. ;( , 1111,\1' ),\' ilnlltl,t,' 1110 iasis bl'luI•c II\' all( prC,ellt. �(Ieratld 11111 111;11), 1,101,1011, 511001 1.h., ltdallHome \1l)(ll . Class 1'" )Il' \•,til 111 1111, 31 ;1\' 1'1'11 will 111111, Im( t, 80,111 1, Public School -. :Iti -• \Ircl;-end with \11.1'. ti. A. I'"g11r,1onr. " :\11x. donation 151)11 help myself. 1f you help 111( 1,)' cut 1111�'fllti 1 \I r:, G. \\'. l airley and \Irs. Frani: !Girls' \\',1.r 1111'1.du\yn 1111,1' 01d trees 1 hist. } 111 1111?.\'I"fl 11, PI Nlr, anti \Irs. Kenneth Janie-, ..i Tol,.r1", art' x1. Po at the -R. Philp, '1 reasmer. All put 011 110 right spray'; at the right C. Rc.1tlie Neu \lar) Itenholntl at II"n u' of \lis. \1;11'3 NI '1'111. V tune alt! control every apple maggot \\'00dst.xh (iCnrtai Ifospilal, on 1 I. \C. 11• . 111-. • •who hal, 1.rn First -Hand Infortruition On fly on n1y 03111 property too, Cyon in Imus '�tll, t" -i1, a dauthtlt', statl"nr'1 at \, 111,Inlhiut and l;mn- �I'he Old Rllhbl'1' II0rse-Shoe years when 01y Crop is light. \ nerx tirhl, 11, I.n'xi,, for the 11,1,1 I \111th ''efcrcncc t0 a brief 11-111-1( 111 In these tine's we have g:ot to as - not) -attendant, RELIEVING AT THE BANK \ir, NI. \I. MCKcnr.ic, of "Toronto, is relieving manager ;at the lural branch of the Canadian (tank of Commerce, during the absence of \, \\', K) le, V- -`--t'�- �Ilulut• of \I!. and \Ir,. \\'. ('ur13irl,nc. Biebl I? -Union Held On 11,11 1 hahnt r. ",i Itaj tial,., 1'idal' 1, !limed 1' the \\'c,l tlli, 35 eel,, Pk' animal annual gatheringof the Riel!1 1''\1311(: a britt •1111 leave 3‘.11 11 111., \\4t. Clan \4"15 held at the loon' of \Ir. ;4111 and fant:l), ill 111)111. \Iis \lar) et NI1-0111 of Tog onto 'lent the peri, -end 1+1111 her Parents, \I r, and NI r,. \\',Ther NI(l;i11. :\I 1-s, 'l ho10 15 Lax\ rcnce on Friday, Ione 30111, \111!1 -II in attendance. tillpper was "l•1'\'l'd 111 7 u't'tx''ls, log- hwing' which °'}'ort, of a xariou, n,11 i \tis, I laiuc Inrlg; an11 \lis, nr1 were participate,( in, j'rir gun a, of Itelroil, Nlirh., ,}lent The feature attraction of the over the h"lid.1) \Veil,-enll \\itll \lis, ing 31 as ;1 (lance, featuring 111. 11013ic i \(1.111;1 of NI r. and NI rs. \1 itt'n) Ilruce, and \I r, \\'1',le)' 11'110!!, of Ru)',11 011., Nil's, II(;btrt lh'xter. \Ir. lark Stall- \lichica.l, is \i,itMe his mother, \Ir's. CONGRATULATIONS enlnths, has lit on posted to NIomn ,lin last wok's Standard regarding ;41. 3111111. 0111. Ow11 tui' pl113)bl hl 11s awl w1t '\11'w ,m li)1111u1'all'\' 11111\' for ;111 11)11- • 01(1 hlirs1)shoe fllwtd \\111e dieein'; lip dep(Ild on some law e111nro(inent hod\' C, n111'altllatlnll, In 111111- 111,1 111;111'" 111411- 1,1"'111. Ithc C.N.R. (racks 50)111 11. town, \\', to protect ms. 11 is for that reason that 1tadfurd, who celebrate,' her 211.1 hi,th- I \Ir, ;111,1 \Ir,. \\•111ii111) 1 yens of J. Situs, of Seaford), \bites a, fol - 1 1111 alsiing (11 \'111111 11cig l)hiltrl)' hell'. day 00 '1 u0sday, July 4th. l'I'hornd,ut', ani' 1311 It, : '1a 11r4'11rn, lows: Viols'ineer(l)•, COtlgr:4nl,)I'1). to Ronald \\'a\ 1 ,11 1,u'lon, !1x111 the 5311 e,1(! with "The old' horse .hoc you referred to -ST F.\\'. NIII)PI,F'TON. \\•wish, who rcicbriltrd hi, 1s1 '101141,13 \Irs. 0. 1:10"to, 11 ttxir 1x11111) tlhey Glade l -. last \xeek would be from 4'1 to i5 t, 011 1\'rdnesda),Jul)*5111• 'w, -1t. at."mlllauit',I 11) \Irs. H.,,,,lv, Grath' 3 to .1 -Robert \1ar31a111, It. Pal bearers were, \Icssts. Harvey years 0111. \\e put 011 a 101 .,3 0)311111-1 Clngr,tt111;Iti"n, 1" Mr'. l ra111. \\'lug -,who will visit )'1-:I tin!: in Lyndon .1),! Grade 2 to 3-0i11ie \altr;g rug, it, and \\'illiatu Jtr0\vn, Herbert Morris, shoes for the Luta 110), about forty 1)(0108 (y1'a111;es mote, of 1luln,es\illr, who rOlrht 111 ' '11,„1.11,1,1t,..1)un08 (;11\\• It l'er0)' \lanningt, \111111- Richmond, years ago. There Isere no rul'IL'r NIr. 1;corgi• \ii\alt recently par- he r birthday 011 Tuesday, Inly 11111. 1 \Irs. Frani, '131,'11.111, ,1'11 and d.uu!h- Grade 1 10 _'-Rolcrl Ch80111 \;,and Robert Nowco)llllc' shoes G(1 or 70 Ili ag;o," chased from the Estate of the late, l'ong,r.1lnlati„n, to NI 111,1.Y 1;rra!'ll'ter of Sta)n'.'r, are lisiling5 for two Stanley Glntl,hcr, C. Many old hinds of the fatuity will lint" sauuld huo v 0h0rcof he Niary -Pastor, tht 0rfrh dwelling.; on llradlt)', who celebr,ltes her birthday o11 well„ with hxr 1n1,1and, a1 the 11'110' Printer to (;talc 1 --- Betty Ilu•;'_t'r- sympathize sincerely with the faintly speaks, as h( was in the �h011111 llh'unug)0;1,1 Street. \I r. and \Irs. \I c- ti;Itu111)1 1111\' SI h,staff, (dowdier, Poris (douslier, ill \I r. 'In,1 \I r-. Samuel Keelr'i''. in their sad hcrcavcnlcl)(, huhiness here in the early da)s, 'The'Nail haxc bel)) occupying it for sonte1 Comera'uLlli 111•+ to ('1 ;11111 \I1,. l; ! \Ir. au,! NII,, 0 11. 1h'w(n, 1011• '•-"V only rca;nu for assuming that the. a;;1l1i1111, having; ranted it prior t, pttr- R, 1fa'ri,, wit, 0(•!1111,110 11111 1N11'1Irl„n, \Ir. and Nir, \\'ili,+rtl \lete,llfe, was considered 00 or 70 year, 1101), \3;1; cl1a'ing. 1weddim3: a4nliver3aly ,0 '1hln'-Il,ty. :111 (1,0i ,...10,1; I"\O1.', of 1'1nig''n, NI1s. TH UNITED CHURCH because a wat5 fount al the 11111,111 0( lily hth. I'. 11. 1310) 010', "f 1011 \\ Ohm)), wt.rr \I r. 8111111-1 \\inter has porcha,rtl Imigr.unbitions t' \Irs. I1.1nice Sunday, July 9th. 1.h( tracks which w'cre laid about i0 \i ?1011, Tt,t I t da\ with \I r,, la. \let - tri the Estate 01 the talc Elizabeth (;Ili. 31111 \111 I•-111, TRINI'T'Y ANGLICAN CHURCH (ileo>hcr, 01 G;011, who rc101talc, 1111 11!.15: Sunday School, years ago, -I (l. Note. Owens, the dwrl'ing rn1 OII.i'n SII101, Rev. P. H. Streeter, L,Th,, Rector 11,15: • Rey, l)1•, 1:. \\r. Ross, will \' birthday 011 Thursday, )u!1.' 11'!11. NI t'4. "11 (11) and lean, are i!1. Mon. at 1)11 1 :,1 occupied 1y \1 r. and \ft's.) 1 ,11)111111.1113'!0' 1' ('.Irl Falcon, r, wlt'' 111,)1 Ihi, wee!, 0.1 „int 0f the ,(1• - July 9th, 1041 v0ndurt the service. There will be no UNDERWENT OPERATION \00)11111 Hamilton and family. f Sunday School, 10.30 14,111, ! evening service. Mr. 811(1 \Irs. -l. 11. 1'111111,5 1rr,'ivctl ,(41ohna'cd itis 8th birthday '0 111•.3' 1,111; illn;;� of Hiss F. t. s1(11Ic0, 1.\h, Ni other ser\•l:c 011 account of .\n -i Last Sunday morning, July 2nd, Ser- word oil- Tuesday that 111(01' daughter, \I r. Norman Hamilton has purchased 31111. is \Ir,. Sires+.re's aunt. ttiversu'v Service; at flclgravo, (iiaut Push, of Vernon, 11,1-'., sang a Cpl. Jessie Phillips under\\(•nt ;01 op- from the Estate of the late l'tter1 ('unor;,!•lLltLos to 1, Ie "1'.tn,.tn, \1 h'' \I r..1 '•I 11 lt!nl Krnln''lyt,f North Friday, Tntercessi0u Serviie in thy H.,11.1 in the church, which was very eration for appendi0itis in Kingston Mealy, .110 dwelline on the crnucr il11r4''hra?elf i1i, .'1(d birthday on 1111)' 1;;11 11-,11"! „1 \\'e.10, ,11.13• y. !, Nit, appreciated. Military 1-Ios ltal, queen and Victoria Streets, '1(,l, and NI::. Joh,' 1 I tf?I. 3, Church at 4.45 p.nl, l much P- �- Itillic Itig;g4crsta,U. -.\my Tull, Teacher, V BLY' Women! -Why not help your mon to better health by recommending this Vitamin B1 Tonic which has Fo greatly bene- fited you. I\lost women know about Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD from ex- perience or the report (f friends, hinny have learned to depeed on it when loss of elecp, fatigue or indiges- tion warns them of nervous ex- haustion. Why not see that the man in whom you are moat interested Iles the benefit of this proven tonic when troubled with similar ailments. ,ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food OOs,—G0ets. 1SOa—$1.50 OTTAWA REPORTS That, Because of War's Demands, Canadian Gasoline Ration Will Probably Be Cut If the invasion develops into a long, drawn-out struggle, it is like- ly that Canadians will have to get along with less gasoline, Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions, told the House of Commons re- cently, Referring to the demands made by war on gasoline produc- tion, Mr. Howe said it required 2,000 gallons of fuel to move an armored division one mile. A fleet of 6,000 bombers and escort fight- ers raiding Germany uses up sonic 6,250,000 gallons of aviation gaso- line. • • Richmond Hill, 15 miles from Ottawa, and Vankleek Hill, On- tario, are among centres holding centenary celebrations of agricul- tural fairs this year. The Vankleek hill Fair started in 1844 under the name of the County of Prescott Agricultural Society when English currency was still in use in Can- ada. The first feature of the cen- tenary program took place recent- ly with the planting of evergreen trees in the fair grounds. The first organized agricultural fair in Canada was held at Wind- sor, N.S., in 1015, and at Pictou, N.S., the first fair was held 127 years ago. * • • Because of reduced supplies of steel available for civilian use, Wartime Prices a 1 Trade Board has prohibited the use of metal eavestrough and conductor 'pipe except for repair and maintenance. Sales of hot ,air furnaces have been frozen and these can be obtained only through applications approv- Fanious Sister Ships in Invasion Hoot ) 1 • y.. „, • z i ro , r / scI3 t� »'"t',.5 ""s1dt=wgtlalf"tn!,0 amty ( t r*liv'aagkio tte Photos show the PRINCE DAM (top), the PRINCE ROBERT (centre), and the PRINCE HENRY (bottom) photographed before her conversion for war service 1 11UtEE Canadian ships in the armada carrying allied troops to breach Hitler's Atlantic wall were originally deigned for holiday traffic with no thought of grins business on the Normandy Coast. The Prince Ilertry, Prince David and Prince Robert were built for the Canadian National Steamships nt Birkenhead, England. In the Pacific Coast service and in Atlantic waters each of these three sister ships covered great dis- tances and carried many holiday travellers until 1030 when taken over by the Iloval Canadian Navy. The II,M,C.S, Prince Robert became nn anti-aircraft cruiser while the other two were redesigned es combined operations cruisers. Press despatches from the front reported that the Prince Henry was ono of the first ships to land troops in France while the Prince David also launched her landing craft in the early stages of the attack, and the Prince Robert was an important unit of the protective fleet, While Canadian National Steam- ships officers had no thought of war when specifying the type of ship ed by Board representatives, Be- cause of fir shortages, sale of wood- en extension ladders over 7 feet in height are prohibited except under permit. Board officers explain that fruit growers and other farmers who need ladders will be given the utmost consideration when they apply for a purchase permit. • • • Ceiling prices for honey in a new WP'1'B order gives producers a higher return for No, 1 white honey than for other grades. In sales of bulk honey at wholesale price, the difference is one cent a pound, with No, 1 white honey priced half s. cent higher than last year's maxi- mum price for non -pasteurized honey. Canadian -grown cherries have been put under a price ceil- ing for the first time. • • * The Chemistry Division of the THORNTON PURKIS AGENCY NEW PARTNERS W. THORNTON PURKIS New partners in the advertising agency of Thornton Purkis are , Gladys ace and William Thorn- Purkis, Miss Race has been associated wtih 'Mr. Purkis for many years first as secretary, then as space buyer, and for the last few years u account executive. She is the first woman admited to partnership in a Canadian agency. The other 'inv cion Bank' Taicen To France ,.. The Lane took it; own mphi- lIous "invasion bank" to France. h came in waterproofed rash box - MISS GLADYS RACE partners, Mr. Parkis' son, is a lleutenant with the Third Can- adian Anti -Tank Regiment Over- seas. Bill has been associated with the agency since his gradu- ation from Upper Canada College and the University of Toronto until four years ago when he en- listed. Prior to the war he was executive assistant in the agency's Montreal office. es filled with 4,750,000 francs (ap- proximately $95,000), a lorry, two tents and three men. A spokesman talc "this is real, genuine French money brought from the Bank of France before the collapse we are circulating again." Just off the press — New, Large, Colored, European INVASION MAP r•1 Oily Ten Cents In Coin or Stamps to C,,.rr 1 • Thic Offer for a Limited '1 MI, CLASSIC PUBLISHERS—DEPT. W. %OC 7 ADELAIDE W. — TORONTC 1 of lla,,,lnn;, 10c required, they did ask for power and speed and thus, unknowingly, pro- vided the basis for useful cruisers, The builders installed high pressure boilers feeding steam turbines to develop 10,000 horsepower and a top speed of 23 knots. The purpose was to main- tain an exacting schednlc, The Prince ships were designed for 334 first cabin passengers with deck apace for 1,500 day passengers. When launched these ships were each of 8,000 tons. In war dress their top decks, which carried much of the cabin accommodation, were dis- mantled. II.M.C,S. Prince Robert has been more frequently in the news than her Canadian National sisters, early capturing n rich prize in the Pacific, and afterwards staging n fierce battle against enemy aircraft while guarding a convoy in the Atlantic. These 811ips Failed to the Land of the Midnight Sun but no Alaskan adventure imagined by Jack London, Robert Service or Rex Beach ap- proached that recent action off the Coast of Normandy, Dominion Department of Agricul- ture has made exacting tests to prove that hay cut early is much more nutritious than when cut late. Red clover cut when 60% in bloom was found to contain 26% more protein, 7% more calcium and 4% more phosphorous than red clover with 80% of the heads turn- ed brown. Timothy well headed out had 45cc more protein, 8% more calcium and 40% more phos- phorous than timothy in full bloom. Alfalfa when 5% in bloom con- tained 10(,''e more protein, about the same amount of calcium, and 2% more phosphorous than alf- alfa cut when just past full bloom. Dr, T. M. Stevenson, head of the Forage Crops Division, Central Experimental Farm, says that when alfalfa Is eta at the right time the steals make up about half the weight of the hay and the leaves the other half, but about 70% of the protein in alfalfa is in the leaves. 'To save the leaves, he says, "Don't let the sun go down on the hay in the swath , . . get it into windrows." * 4 • Total tonnage of Canadian coins struck in 1941 amounted to more than 1,050 tons, an increase of 900 tons over any previous year, ac- cording to the 11193 report of the Royal Mint tabled in the House of Commons by lion. J. L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance. Average out- put was three n 11110nl coins a week, The coining division operated on a 24-hour day, seven-day week schedule for the major part of the year. Headache Nothing is more depress I sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relief, Lambly'sisgood for ear- vit. ache,toothache,painsin 1119 back, stomach, bowels. /ka &! rel AMBLY''S HEADACHE POWDERS- is /It H CHECKED y Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritchin a.IngmaslfofDDD conditions, medicated, liquid e stainless. Soothes, comforts end quickly calms intense itching. Don't suffer, Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. � It you suffer MONTHLY 6\ FEMALE PAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous irritable weak feelings—due to functional monthly disturbances —should try Lydia E. Plnkharn's Vegetable cern pr,or, d to raalr:ve. such symptoms. oiekhara's Corn pound HU Ps n•rcr:r.. Th,,T.ar,'1.^. upor, thour;ands b' -'.e reported benefit Fu11ow h:h':1 dlr'.ttl',ns LYDIA E. PINKNAM'S COMPou►` How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Iiotw ea:1 1 tiaslh Rather pll- lows? A. foil for 15 minutes in a boiler of water softened with one- third cupful borax and one table- spoonful ammonia. Do not Ilse soap nc•r soda. lift tut, lay on the washboard and scrub with a stiff brush dipped in heavy suds. Rinse In two waters, squeeze as dry as possible, shake thoroughly and pin 10 a line in the shade. Shake and turn sr vend tiulcs daily. it tray take a few days to dry theta thor- ouglhly. Q. liege can 1 rcmowc rust from White nhatcrials? A. Ruh the juice of a freshly cut lemon on the stain, hold the material over a steaming kettle, and repeat until the stains dis- appear. Q. How can 1 get rid of ant hills in nhy lawn? A. These are usually black ants, If you can reach the ant hill dir- ectly, saturate it with kerosene or boiling water. Q. lime can I remove coffee stailIS from fabric? A. When the stains are fresh pour bailing water through theta, or rub with glycerin and wash in lukewarm water. if the stains are old and dry, apply javclle water and as soon as the stain disappears soak the place in am- monia and \eater to prevent dam- age to the material, Q. Ifow can 1 wash gloves so that the akin will not harden? A. Wash in lukswarm soapsuds and rinse in the sank temperature water. Dry on glove stretchers, pulling and stretching the gloves as they begin to dry, The word "curfew" conics from the French couvre-feu, meaning 11put out the fire," IIAiIY CHICKS STARTED CHICK IIARGAINS TWO and three week olds: Barred Rocics, New Ilampshlres, Light Sussex, White Rocks, White Leg - horns, Hybrids In non -sexed, pul- let and cockerels at bargain prices, Send for price ]let. Day old non -sexed as low as $8,96 per hundred, pullets 310,96, heavy, Oockerels $7.95, Flee catalogue. Also eight week old and older pullets. Tweddlo Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, SPECIAL I'IIICES FOR JULY arred Rock Mixed 9c White Leghorn Mixed 9c Barred Rock Pullets 16c White Leghorn Pullets 16c Don't delay. $1,00 books your order, Carleton Hatchery Britannia heights, Ontario 2ND OF SEASON SALE OP TOP Notch Government .Approved chicks from bloodtestcd breed- ers, Barred IRocks, \'hlto Leg - horns, New Hampshtres, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Aus- tralorps, Hybrids non -sexed as low as $7.95 per hundred, Pullets 10.95, Heavy Cockerels $6.95, hipped C.O.D. Give second choice. rompt delivery. T o p Notch Ch lekerles, Guelph, Ontario, STAR BOARDERS II A V E NO place In the poultry house. Older birds eat your Profits, \Ve have an ample supply of started pul- lets and chicks. Dayold pullets, • chicks, cockerels. Imnmediate de- livery. Look ahead to winter markets. Bray hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, BARGAIN SALE GOVERNMENT Approved Chicks from blood tested breeders. White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, New Iiampshires, White Rocks, Light Sussex, lIy- brids and other popular breeds non -sexed as lou' us $8.95 per hundred, heavy breed pallets $10.95, heavy breed cockerels 37.95. Shipped C.O.D. Give second choice, Immediate delivery, Last hatch July 14th. Tsveddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. STARTED PULLET C III C K S— Ready for shipment, Barred Rocks and New Ilampshlres. 3 weeks old 30e, 4 weeks old 36c. All from Canadian Approved Blood -tested etocic, Tar(Intlate's Farm I-Iatc)ery, Caledonia, Ont. PROMPT DEL1\'Eft Y OF TR'0 and three week old started chicks, Barred Rocks, New II amp - shires, White Leghorns, White Rocks, hybrids. Send for prices. Also day old non -sexed as low as 37.95 per hundred, heavy cocker- els $6,95, pullets $10.96. Shipped C.O,1). Give second choice. Prompt delivery. Also eight week old and older pullets, Top Notch Chlelt- eries, Guelph, Ontario. COLLECTION AGENCIES WE COLLECT ACCOUN'T'S AND NOTES RECEIV- able everywhere. Use Canada's largest agency for best results. Financial Collection Agencies, Federal Bldg., Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE MD ANY'I'HINt; NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ue for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment h, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto, HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE • AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free llter- t ure. Marvel hairdressing Schools, ,68 Dloor Street, Toronto. Branches 4 King Street Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LILA RN HAI11DItIrr4SINO 111E Robertson method. information On request regarding claseee. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL. DON'T DELAY! 1':1'1:ItY SI]F1"E11- I er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dlxun's Remedy. hfunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottrtva, Postpaid $1.00. -;'TUMAt'll AND TIIIOI:Alt sy11RMt- 0511.11 are the rause of ill -health In gurus tiII ape- No nue Im mune! Why not find out if this is your 5t,nlh'r° Intel, titi:, nit titular• --Prez' \gilts !tuleearc Remedies. Ft'rl i..11 -t; 'r .ons. . Ont. /1sMeqma'am The Pick of Tobacco kirice.1.1,16 11111 YY W111114171,6 vuti.1.I,iY••••••••dS •••1Y1111r11111111,.1ni W 61.1111116111111•41111116 • Y 11, 11 .i)9 British Bakery Unit Praised By Yanks Front-line American Arnly bak- ers, armed with bazookas and .50 caliber machine guns, are ready to produce 80,000 pounds of bread n day for the invasion armies, using British mobile bakery units given them under reverse Lcnd-i.case, "When we cants off the ship we were presnted right away with this unit," said the officer in charge of SAFES Protect your 11001(5 nod CASII from 11111; and THIEVES. We have n Mize and ty'pt' of Safe, or Cnhlnet, for any purpoNC. I'IaIt ne, or write for vrleeN, ere, to Dept. W. 1.45 Front St. i.., Toronto IEstihIl Nhetl le.55 J.&J.TAVLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS \IfDICAI, PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SUP - fere'. of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid 31.00, BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 450 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. I'11O'TOGRRAi'lll' PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Canada's largest . photo finishing studio, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes "I want you to know how pleased I am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service." Wo have such letters from all over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 3 for 25c 4x6" In Ease, Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on leery tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Sliver, Circas- elan Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Addresa Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c IIEPItINTS 8 for 15c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL 1'1111TO SEi1VICIE Station J. Toronto. I'ATEN'I'ts FETUE1tS'I'UNIIA tJl111 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Estubllahed 1890; 14 King \Volt, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest. 1•'Olt SALE 62 ACILES, SANDWICH EAST, near Windsor City limits, 3rd. Concession ltd. Inunedlately ad- joining Improved Walker Home - sites Subdivision, Contains about alx acres good standing timber. Iilack loam. Also 120 lots, corner $rd. Concession and Plllettd Rd, Owner. Box 143, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 36,300-100 ACHES GOOD CLAY loam, creek through pasture field, good fences, 2 bank barns, driving shed, hen house, lovely 11 -room modern briefs house, double garage' public school on property. In Clarke Township. Apply to Owner, Milton Robin- son, Kendal P.O., Ont, COM\ME1ICIAL ICI; 11E1•'IIIGER- ator, excellent condition, 326,00. A. J. Brady, I1.11. 1, Whitby, RUMELI' OIL -PULL TRACTOR 26 x 40, good condition, spade cleats. Make offer. I•'erris, 66 Westmoreland Ave., Toronto. NEW INVENTION — PORTABLE Tacker, automatic one -hand com- pression, drives self-feeding Ilan - sen Brad—Tncks, quickly. Elim- inates using hammer. Free dem- onstration literature, Dominion Supply Co., 183 Bathurst, To- ronto. FOIL SALE, 11115II SETTER, FE - male, 4 months, Reg., Irick of litter, 325. h'. Robertson, Hornby. SLI PIT ILALtNI:SS DRESSING — 1''luest leather and harness pre- serve live. Sliplt also has many houesbold uses 26c up at most grocery, hardware and chnln stores A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronto. a company biggest U, pots in the of bakers at one of the S. Army ordnance de. United l\MediuIl, "The ilriti;h said; 'You're a baking company; here's your equipment.' \\'o soon found the British equipment would hake as much bread as the equipment we had trained on in the States, and with half the manpower. It could be set up and dismantled quicker, too," There is only one FLY-TOX Lott SALE ELECTRIC \IU'I'URS, NEW, 11SI':D, bought, sold, rebuilt: belt at pulleys, brushes.Allen illoetrio Company Ltd., 2326 Duffcrin St., Toronto. PI':IIFE(!7'ION 5111.1 ERS AND 5111'- plics, J. 1'', Donaldson, Juycet'illo, Ont. WANTED QIIAN'I'1'1'Y 01' LARGE WILLOW trees, hanger Limb Company, 85 Hing Street West, 'Toronto, Ont0Ho. HELP WANTED WAN'I'JED AT ONCE, \VO\iAN TO take fall charge In farm home. One adult to cook for. Widow preferred, respectable place. Good wages, Permanent home If satis- fied, state ago. Pare advanced, Thonuas Armour, l'ort Burwell, R.R. 2, Ont. TEMPORARY CONSI'A131. S WA N'1' ED Ages 31 Years and Over I11 IltItIIEnl I'll\'Sit'.\1,1,Y purl AT LEAST 5' 11" IN S'1'Ol'l<ING FIEI1'I't 160 1,1IS.1 (►F (:11(11) CIIAlt:1C'I'IEIt AND P.\Ilt IEDI'- (A'I'I0N, To III, a\'.tll,.tltl,l'1 PIM .11'Il)IN'rtttlN'r 11111l:- I1A'I'iELY, u:s1EoIt.H C1,11'I'Ill\(; st;PPI iI:D, Apply In person to Ener'!.') ment and Selective Service Office, 174 Spadina Ave. 11E1'IER TO PILE 11.78351 STUDENT NURSES \Vonr's'I'OC14 (1ENIEIt.\1. 11 t1 5- pitnl School fir Nursing will adroit a clears of student aur -c5 for three years training In Sep- tember 19.14. Students holding secondary school graduation di- ploma swishing to enrol in this (lass, kindly nddrss epithet' Gott to the Suite! intend ent of Nurses, \V, 1st"(k 1irnr'ral iic=pi Lal, \\'o"dstucic, Ontario. EXPERIENCED FLUUitStAN ANI) all round printer, permanent posi- tron. Apply Pyle 11791\I, Near- est selective Service Office. Police Cadets Wanted Age i5y 'I'n 17j! Years Education equivalent to two years high s, hoot 01' better, Knowledge of shorthand and typewriting Fut ndvtmloge. Good physical condition with every likelihood of meeting following mfnimurn qualifications on (tttafu- ing ago of 21 years: height 5' 10", weight 160 pounds,• IMMEDIATE AI'I'OIN'I'MEN'1' APPLY IN PERSON To Employment and Selective Ser- vice Of flee, 174 Spadina Ave., To- ronto, Ont. REFER TO b'11.E II -781\1 'rl,.tcil Eits w'AN'I'IED 'MANITOU1,IN ISLAND; PItU'I'l;S- tant teacher for S.S. No. 4, Ilid- well, Manitoulin Island, Duties to comment.° Sept. 1st, Apply staling qualifications and salary, expected to John \Islay. Sec., 11.11, No, 1, \lanituwturrng, Ont, QUALIFIED TEACH 1:11 IVAN't'III) for S.S. No. 8 Raglan, Duties to commence Sept. 1. Apply stating qualifications and salary to spaniel iluderick, Palmer isopids. DOER/CES: TEACHER. FOR DEB. lie school, grades 1 to 0). State age, salary, experience and refer- ences 111 0usu•er. Secretary - Treasurer, l'.S.S. No. 1, 'Italia and \talsuuville 'reps., Buurkcs, Ontario. 'I'EA('I11111 WANTED — IIXI'IEIt- iotl'ed, Protestant, teathur for school sc (tion No. 1 North Sher- brooke, Duties to begin Sept. 1. Apply stating salary, qualifica- tions :and experic n((. 0. .f, Nishet, Se(.-Trr,:s., Elphin, (pet. RETURN OF THE NATIVE Bo.i: to l;:e.r Lotttes, from which they fled daring fighting between Allied invaeion troop;; .tad G f• man forces; trudge French peasants in photo above, Along with them march American reinforcements for frontline units, Millittii11113 fa7D1211 FAB Ilow is %our head feeling these (lays? le it -!ittihtli addled sold have you been ttietilerinte other triol;s the goternnlent inay h;n'tt ftp its let!/-l:t(ite ,best• for your particul tl' ehljo:cinent: UI' ate you one of Cie let': ,the have tett yet been melt//-tl- l to file income tax return-: If that i; so don't tvurry about it --- ewe' teen will coma', .\nd don't - ty 1 didn't t'..n•n you. i't'nn'ullt t' -- I told \ on ;tome time ago that fernier, would be rc(inircd to fill tout some kind of income t.tx form >ometi!nc in tlhe mete future ;111(1 that it might be a 1;oud idea t.; get elite aceeent; in order. Apparently some fainters hate been retlut>tetl t., Send in rctern,, (':bile other; have not. If you leave reel 0 (1 emelt It retlnt•,t for to odncss rake do •iimething. aleiet it. Don't put it on ane side ul t thiulc it '1 -it's the )ioternnttlit Iris y:stn' !loather you c to Ia\ u: Ictud 1, your heart it l;l. \int r:u•nt::!led antl pigeon -holed :Intl tot ill iIIgi!Ie into voter movement' a.i ag an anNiotl-, 1,111P r foil ve the modem, Int, of an t•rrtlii ,tor ieerIne. And ,;iter ,ill, What hate t'. e to JAPINAZI The young jap, above, in Nazi uniform, pictured as he was in. terrogated after his capture in France, looks none too happy at being one of Hitler's "honorary Aryans," Ely Gwendolinc P. Clarke • • • • • complain about suppo,!ng \' e do have to file returns every year? Darning i; a besiness just as is !Illy ulllt'r 1111.'a1I,; Of earning a livelihood. The hltttilt'., lite baker and the Ii,u'(Ite:u•e metchant all !lave to keep some lint! ,,f bu,i- ne-s record -- then why not the farmer? After all if a nett rigid loan on a firm het, ;1 net income of Ie••s than •rl't00 --and 1 venture to site' that up to ;1111 hicluiling int:.' there \\ ere mealy ',vitlt less than that amount — then he has nothing to pay, if !1e has more, then Ile niu,t pay just the same as any other bit-ine,; It, in. * t :\s for the forte, :hem -elves they are surprisingly cast to ttltde'r- stand--or at least they =cent so compared with what 1 remember of the illte,tions that w ere a:.lied farmers in the 1911 ren -'i,, Hut it doe n't do to read the entire i form and try to remember every- thing at once, 'Chat \teat madness lies. ('t)ncentt•,tte on eine etueetiun at a time and tint, atoid confusion of thought, Incidentally, you alight keep trat•k of the aspirin • ou use and ,Notre& it up its it farm c'.ttend- iturc. Hid you get any of that nice little wind-,t.,rnt that swept through Ontario last eel:' We thought when we heard that ter- rible v; im( that there toast he an awfn! gale blowing et.,711ceberc so we were not surprised \viten we heard of the damage that hall been done in some dn,tricts, A. wind- storm is etch a frightening thing, \\•e have experienced tv,o in our time ---- and that was enough. After this wind we looked around next morning hat could nit see that any damage had been clone, lint then Partner went over to the driving -shell and got ittlite a sur- prise, The outside was all right but the inside was a shambles, i-Ialf the driving -shed has timber; across the top tike the straw loft in a barn, .\cross these timbers l'art- ner has been in the habit of storing used lubber, odds and ends of machinery, spare tongues and other stuff that scents to accumu- late around a farm and is generally used for repair \vied: some time. Imagine Partner's surprise to find this grand collection scattered all over the driving -sited floor, One of the timbers had broken in the middle and let everything clown. \\'e suppose the wind rucked the butbhng and the timber, which al- tltottelt it looked all right on the t,utside must have heel rotten through and through lust gave 'WELCOME TO FRANCE' owering over them, six-foot, three-inch Gen. Charles De Gaulle is greeted by citizens of Bayeux, first French town to be liberated by Allied invasion forces in Normandy, Girl he's shaking hands with wears brassard with Cross of Lorraine, symbol of De Gaulle's Fighting French, • ftp the ',tette le and coil:tp;etl. And Partin; \Vas ,tailing int top of it the other day' • • \\"ell it's nice lea) ing «either v.e're having Hilt it? Is your hay cut and still out in the field? Ours it in that centlitittn but we are hoping to get stile in 00 Mon- day its the itcather really does ,hoar sign, of beim; :t little mare etttd, Shona -;w et llt•Ip ns hast cite:n 11 hitt add t.t that unsettled weather in Iniyitu; time :Int'l it real- ly put; one on lite. pot, And du you know the barley is to head ahreatlt•--- that : there ;ire a iew• heads here :111,1 there, proof that the whole fi'.Itl .,ill he Masted out in less than a etede I have just conte up front }setting the ntail and did I \eis!t I lied had a camera with ate, :\ hole -n -link and a nleadott larl; w ere perched on two separate stalks of chicory for a friendly chat and sing -song, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON July 10. SUCCESSES AND FAILURES OF ISRAEL Judges 2:I — 3:7, PRINTED TEXT, Judges 111:6-14, GOLDEN TEXT. — Righteous- ness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people, Proverbs 11:31. Memory Verse: t)h give thanks unto Jehovah; far he is good, Psalm I:u):i, TI -IE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time, — '1'lte events of otter les- son occurred subsequently to the death of iosluna, approximately, 1:;73-I35o 11, C. Place, — The narrative of our lesson is not centered in any one later, vitit the single exception of !lurttitlt, 011 a 111otttttain west of (iilgal — the exact location has not yet been definitely ascertained, Successes of Israel ''Now ellen Joshua had seat the people away, the children of Israel went, every man unto his inherit- ance to possess the lana" The peo- ple entered into a covenant with Joshua to be true to God and Itis contntandntettts, and departed to possess the inheritance allotted to them. "And the people served Jehovah all the days of Joshua... and they buried hint in the border of his inheritance in Tinutttth-hoes, in the (till -country of Ephraim, on the north of the mountain of Gnash." 'Che people remained true to their covenant not only daring the remainder of •luslnta's life, but during the lifetime of all the elders who mindere! hits. 'l'Ite' faithfulness and Godliness of 10.1111,1 left their mark on the Children of Israel, The New Generation "And ako aii that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation alter then!, that knew not Jehovah, nor tet the stork which he had wrutteht for l,rtel." Unless there is a strung spiritual movement in the laud throtnh preachers and holy men, a spiritual decline always follows, .\ftcr the death of loslpta no one seemed to bin able to keep the people together it; :in earnest worship of God, and 10 inspire theta to ober the law of Failures of Israel "And the children of Israel did that which teas evil in the sight of lehovah, and served 1 : aline." Fearful licentiou;ne,s in the wor- ship of this deity wit= not only sanctioned by its follower's, hitt formed part of the worship. "And they forsook Jehovah, the (sod of their fathers, who brought then( out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the peoples that were round about thcut, and bowed themselves down unto Ihcni: and they provoked Je- hovah to anger. And they forsook Jehovah, and served Vaal and the A lit trot ti," 'Alan Hurst follow some god and when he forsakes the true God he follows atter false gods, gods tvho rat profit hint no- thing. The Anger of Jehovah "And the anger of Jeltot.th was THE WAR • WEEK -- Conunentary on Current f vents How Long Will Final Phase Of War Against Germany Last? \ V t' hI ie its -are /lot .\/Bell plans flu the /nest, .n jet :tilted ample sell til! etons 0tr titan, to Chet h it leer, facilities, , tyS titre l !n i- !tall 1,'11'e \l ,bats,,, (uta( ct,ntot, utttt he nnl•t."ltd dare in as little a, two qtr dace days. 'Chen the bhcrition ,t I.lu one :till 1,7.1- I it'd :11 ;ft t e!,'1,1:� ,1 pal it, 't lilt the Itrithit, .1ne e u! :001 Rio -eta )p-t;(•t:ii, lt.,‘ 1,1,,t!ne•,! a loll/ ,esus~ c i It i. t'tl hr tie i t e!: '-, ut the ,tta',tt t0 (twit' ,,t :at h. It i i:l'ere '.i ,; til,it the .\tr,:i- shout be s ,it t.itet'nenlit I a -t they -nipped it, ,//pale' last , t!n tli'v 1nett-! :t, Ica'ting Ilse In'I- tllh., to dell'Ilt1 a !.1>tltrll 1 tit (tit Irct!il 1 :'ll!Ittt, e:Je.Int., altd tial 1, was the -trout try int :-,:.tlut ;rttl, .sorb i, 1:ie pettier of \'iteh,h, 1lr,ll:t, iio i:tet, Yee,- hie, Bohrut-1.. Strategy Itt Pacific it i, the ,tt.tte,•, in :ix l'acifie, too, whet it 'irides :tt the Ileum; isolated the 1l: t i:ut is ti -,It tint sea and :lir lane loan the j-!al:,l tin from 1 tp-tn, .1t l her!, tlrg, air po- wer vets used to blest roils ;alt! !littlrw.r':, and cote en'..ttiott, of ' tramp, !t:::}4 lht•I:t'tl :0 It 0 ./telt , att:t k. In t:te \(,u ,ut1-, air ;t tt';cr, too, blasted the lana:, •t: e.,t:rt at comet reit 1, le :trend:,,t, a. col ding to the latest o-tttl from .ltlntir•Il \intiti, tiie ire ::ie,t air I:t,s et sttitered in tl -in::c operation by any lt:u-ticipant Ill this ;':aro Indeed, .\tlnula! .,: uitr.'s s:tt t:u,t ry of 717 I tt.l:n i plane.; trt i cd, ::n 1:5 ,uul:, ,tall 31 dam- a,tc.! Iti.., , .1 ,,: tt pi: nn'e of the frantic Jatteet. c'fort to ,;t1c the 11 trimeo. It t'.,tl;'.! almost ;n. -:e t that the .1'In', ,tie ; of t!U'I' all l'.olt ell in the i'nific tMttt eot hat hereto - tore •t!p;t„ , 1,' Supply Line Battles Vet cathd e -,r --:lent tells its that the situation in tile 1',t:'tfic is in a broad en! ieiteerel %tele jute wheat its it tvan iii t:te European tear when the Bettie of the .itlultic era; at it; ,Ieit;ht. That Was a sup- ply line battle, too. 11'jthout it, the .\!ilei could not have mounted the stteneth that is being puttee,l into this final pulse of the \Car a etill-t Germany. \\ itit- otlt secure supply lines to the Far blast, the .\Ibes ,./allot 'hope to ntunnt ;lie ,,,,tier that ,:ill sheep over Javanese land /gene;. \\•c hate: ;tt,dsen of a blitz :nttl of lile final phase of the wear a:.;,tittst Gerttlall)', 110(0 hong wi!: this phase hist? Che :utsw•er to that is only part- ly physical. \\'ar is shade ,t:;:tittst the troop: and sometimes they may fight, as malty did in Cherbourg, until their annit lnitioi is gone. fiat in a larger sense the war i; waged against the will to resist, kindled against i srael. , , and they were sore distressed," Israel was completely humiliated, for alter conquering the stoutc,t of their foes they were defeated rut,l be- cause completely subject to their enemies. God had warned Israel of their clanger, and they went into sin with fall knowledge of the cala- mities which would follow, 1 f loan sins persistently he can no longer stand tip against it; it becomes Itis master and he its abject slave, The Lord I-Iears Israel "And Jehovah raised up judges, w'ho saved thein nut of the hand of those that despoiled then!." In their distress they sought the lord and Ile heard them, and raised up men who became their SM./0r5 and de- liverers. find dealt graciously with the Children of Israel for through them His Divine and eternal pur- poses were to be fulfilled. VOICE OF THE PRESS CONSIDER VICTIMS FIRST \1'c arc br;inning again to mear reference 1' the -poor German potpie." Let tt, 1 ettteltlhcr first of all the Ito -r people of all the tun!; which they have.. enslaved, it ho hate been murder, I, tortured. de- spoiled, i.po: ,t'- -d. Let n.; etet- sider the victim11- before we pre - pate to ,: r: p t,tr the matt der,. --Niateire P.tils ]:whew FOR BETTER IIEALTH Ultra-tGt(ct ray t litIs in;tai(cd in Niagara loll, schools are said to have reduced sickness among pupils by til.:: percent, The idea would scan to he well worth the attention of educational and pub - lie tcaltft authorities clsew here, —Brockville 1 reorder and Times A MENTION ANYWAY Those .\tete ricau radio war com- mentators cannot be accused of dis- loyalty to their own country. Ilut they might give the Ilritieh, the Canadian, and other, Met it rtee tint• bit of credit for w hat they are doing in the fi^htiu': Gar. - 5t. 'l'Io:t is 'film,- Journal !utility of German Position it,titie Ia.; this til',' hopelessness and ttitti!ity of the (,i•t MLitt ,,",Ilium will ! len upon t! a til meta of the (irl llet!' I,oItil!t i\ ;tit tt Iitay (lute a 1 . ,t.l!iiatiott of honest dutP,t; :dealt the timerdec- u•iite ;. i!h it, d, h:ia1 of t!tc bl of er- hoetl of man, and its taut itis tl les - 11h :doh;. \\ Ertl that )It ine—ttt 1 (tit'-, and the , t:ft'IWI; In!,to t'd Inan w:the11t i; it, ,. to IIOttt t!1.1I ,'.;;ill) a fro ,., 1 leader ;It home can whip u;,,, the I„ t:ttita ,t ,hr 1 I ' ()ver. it •ti!I lt• oceh „ if Ili, ir trtioes in the field •ill lee tee it , ,ter( es t,) ..Incl i lilt . e `o ;ttt-1t i tr.- ureter he it:tud :t! nn', TH, i, I , hi t...r t! .tI a' azi5 h::'..• 'i:,,tl.':, up..tl t,;.Lenint, :ultl ti. ,, :t.;r , it 1, . t,':ed et the ire :',' t'ite behind it, .i, •.veil es at dile It i!I le „e it. We'll 'Let' Fanners Keep Their Farms! So said a C.C.F. Broadcaster Recently to the Farmers of South Alberta \\ r ;.i!1 i.!.1 tee oc r, deep their luta A I i feu -:,1t , , . i ('.c the that as- -hit else': . . t -r et Mee over all .\:. ., 1 1 ,-I' •1 ,'i : , -tet the Le . •1. 1-...1r1, .,,!-::': .t? t. ,t',1'. int e.:ru 'tt inb ei' ,l. else, t:,. :,t: ileirue to be , , I, ,'rt their fa: els. It teti•t Irate sunt, 1, farm listen- er; :t, t !tit -:ranee. t!t.tt, in this day t'.1!:., tt-'re fighting dictator- ship, tt arrioitl at a ;taint in rat• politirll thini.inq that there should lie any tltlt•-ti',:t ;'.heater or net :ambers should Le allots e l to keep their farms. \\:t''Ie ,alt 30 veer the tittle sten we :acre appealing to the far:tiers of the world to eine to the ;tr':ieies and the, ti i;ernnl:•rt wield give them a .. -tet l iter fn. The C.C.F. et:itugly protests that this whole (lilt•=ti ,n tit \iheth- er the C.C.F. \t ill ' let" :tete fainters ian their own farms has !weft i:rea'ctl by their politica! opponents. '1 het tell the !antler; the braitt trust never even th-nght of it, \\'ell, if the fartmcrs will dig back into the files of the summer of 1:);;:: when the preliminary C.C, E. platform was drawn up they will iind that it was the iull inten- tion of the: belittlers, iu,'lutljng the late I, S. 11'ood,worth, to socialize the /neat:. The third plank of the provisional platform tlrairn up at ('apiary at the convention where r a HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted insignia of the U. S. Army -- Corps, 7 Bodies, 14 Implant deep, 16 Pass up, 17 Residents of Aran (Bib,), 18 Immerse, 20 Stupid person 21 Biting remarks. 22 Send money SMOKE, SIR! Believe it o; tot, this cute little number is a hard-working war worker. She's Jean Mutch and she works at MacDonald Brothers, Winnipeg, helping to make aircraft on which men train for battle. This picture was taken when she and the other members of the plant concert party, tip "Alisottc•ttes", tool, time out to stage a big show in aid of the Red Cross, seen by thousands of citi- zens, Vital statistics about Jean: --- Aged 19, blonde, brown eyes. five feet seven inches tall. 1-1er uncle, Capt, Leslie Match, in England with the Cameron I li tblanders, . is hederal Member for Winnipeg South. ;he (.I' name ',Vas adapted was e ;:! ity of ten:u: e of the farmer 011 his I•3E 1..\ND" The C,C,F,- er; thentsel%es started all the row about eocializati:nl of land, They )Wade the first threat. :\nd a great :natty of the industrial workers in :lie lit it:nen: ;till think that far- tucrs sli' :tid be told what to do on collective iarm,' owned by the ,tate:. U. S. ARMY INSIGNIA Auswcr to Previous Puzzle H,A L L OIWIEtEIN TORO-_ R .EIR'OS SEA ST •ILL RED SCARCE::T ENT.EIRS PA DOR : E RIA H :'AD EN4IINRE DR RR A OP TA OA R P Li M PUMONIN u A AI P© GOBL I N K- ©OTIC 11 0 M— U�O� AM D OP A in payment, 41 Color. 24 Most 43 Suffix. important. 45 Lair, 25 Frozen water, 46 Out of. 26 Argues. 28 Suilix, 47 Division of 29 New Kamp- geologic time shire (abbr,). (comb. form). 30 Set up. 48 Beverage. 31 Exclamation, 50 Adorned with 33 Mountain stars. (abbe'.). 55 Sutil.x. 3.1 Surrealist 56 Island, painter, 58 Fallow land. 35 Finish. 59 South African 37 Fatty platter, plant. 38 Revise for 60 Failure, publication. 61 Mussolini's 40 Location, dogma. 14 17 121 ON W 15 Capital of Peru. 18 Debutante (abbe',), 19 IIole. 22 Pertaining to a U. S. Army. group. 23 Tellurium (symbol). 26 Weakens, 27 Swerved, 30 Violent. 32 Guide to VERTICAL• contents. 1 Interpretation. 34 Of the (Fr.), 2 Make 36 Accomplished. wealthy. 39 Cloth pattern. 3 Decorate. 42 Clan symbol. 4 Electrified 44 Otherwise. particles. 47 Son of Seth 5 Kind of (Bib,). lettuce. 49 Sprite, 6 Preposition. 51 Skill. 8 Pertaining to. 52 Road (abbr,l. 9Roman 53 Reference (abbr.). (abbe'.). 10 A dance 54 Age, (abbr.), 55 Yale, 11 Rest house. 57 Each (abbr.). 12 Self love. 59 Alternating 13 Verse form current (p1.), (abbr,). 3 -4. 5... 6 I �, I6 9 10 II -12. 13 60 Pam 4. THE STANDARD ' Wednosdav, July 5, IOLltl, r414t4K44X44444t4t4t 461111 411114t4t44441414 t4414414t4Nf41414144141C1(1(1C1CV K4i Thevoting fellow 1\;1, taking it ;111 Milian, former mini,ter of .\nlllu•n, i, I mi., J ;ul l',tnl1Jlrl1 1,1 Shy I1;u"II'.mr, c,„1.'1l1n Anderson Of Weston \\';t.s ;l ht. \'4.111 .111111 imagined he \1';I, soak- 'spending the ttnlllm'r vacation ;11 the Coidi1'Iril, \II• I'oniltll, ul Ctot'tit 'll, holiday 1I,11ir \\ illi I'eli1tvi', hurt', ging it up, 'I'la,e were 10 lir his last honk. of air. and \Ir,, \V..\, Campbell. the \\t'rl.-end \1iIh Mr, and \Iii•• Miss Dorothy \Vatic returned from fi tilled nll'nlnries of home and he \piss hill carne from Lindon, I'.n(Iand, \\', :\. ('autpbt•i!. 111\ie an Friday after spending 2 \\anted ihrnl to hr tuchi' I ;1\1'0\' 111 til Onuu"o ftt'n' \ears 0(0. The hall game between Nile and IU,,,ni tin Parol Scr\irc \Noel. and left 'ii 1oo11 or (kr ,o that he multi Take them 1 \Ir. \\'..1. 'fanlbi\n, of Toronto, Mrs, \\'estfiell boy was played on 'fines- on Sunday' 111 attend the short coutsc fi l ,1 out for ,.,ling t�\'eI'1 Mien t'111 he need -l- t, Iallibl111, of I.t'Ildc,bui"1, \'I,Ilyd oil 11;11 evening t 11 Illi' diamond all \I I'. 11 bull lull \11'111111 'ttl1 t l 1111' the 11a1.1 1t.. ...,.I 11,. \\••1: I'•,,:,p,.1I', 1, g'ook's, The \\'' hied boys were the 16n1e' .. f\I r. an'1 \Ir... \I. I'carcn of Toron- \Ir. \fancier' h i.ii an \'i,iltll receltt t1, with \Iur, unci \Irs. C. I. (: i:tc,. it' 11"itll hi, ion ibrr, \I r, Rd'brrt It'p> '1111 outal \Ienn'ri;11 Service Ica; elan and his daughter-in-lanv, \1rs. l'II at the Itr;;orlon Cemetery on Sun - V1"11.1 1ull'1 1'''"11, 1\1u 11'0, Shi'l'l'„1111 III jack I;o.li0il1, of 1.eitinililllln' I;;I\' afternoon 1111111 111(11' ,vas ;I (tp1(1 1\1,,1110 !it'I' 1'.1111';Ilil'l' 111 her \'Pali', \ir, \I BosIil; It \\ads a guest 1 isi • It I1,1'Iilet• . , ,. Kar tri till' Ir't',- u"orh. i • '4 "if ''f Cf Alliott Insurance Agency BLYTH-- ONT. INSURE NOW ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. .1 �T R Elliott Gordon Elliott gI ..i'llll•' hr ,anti \\11hr,tll tll15 14 III 1111' it'll ;Iti'l ,'11111' 11 lend,. gdirrrtil,l, "I1 ha, jn,t ,n11,Icnlr conn' 1 \ycll,lin� hell, are ringing in this fto Ire, 1 ktio,. 111,11' why pot fighting, lrcinit\', Oftico t'houe/ 101. Residence 1'lwuo 12 or 140, A \ot this ,tory hook ,tuff that a lot of i ('on0ratn.tlion, are extended to \Iiss E) "COURTESY AND SERVICE" A 1111411 11111%crt.(l guys Ireton tip, but �� 4 �Inetllin,, ((1,1'. I didn't join 1111 for p)tNDMIANN-..iNdi2tdtdididial121IND-t�1%%DiDai3131,,i1D/ND'13tiIIIMIDIDIDlDIDA212i2iDiDiDt honor or anything. 1 just elsli,tell ht.- -. e - -rause III•'rc leas 5onu'tlung going 1111 anti Ib" \,q11,( fc11111, 11 ere going. \\ Mile 1 "t ;ts k rising around this coml. tri I nr1:r tbol,,ght much about it, but 1111 111'It I'nd',;oin( over there, it ,milt, NI r. ;Ind \Irs, John Freeman ands I'te. it,u"oI11 it u,nl;ul of I.undon spent int; s;ul( a solo. 1 choir led in the different.' family of Brantford are spending this the 1\t'rt-end „inky IIIc l,arr,itat root, singing Id Lunili;n hymns, Nola Van Ill' stopped alllrl lhell w'C11( all "ay- \1'el'' \\Illi I',;fill I',, nu';Itd ,alillp- \I I', silt ..'I',. ulil 'uI'd a d 1. tulip acted al, organist. lugs "I'm fighting for people like \piss hell, 01111 other friend,. little Salty, of Comber, are spending \Irs, Annie I It my Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMP'T'LY. 'Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, lin). G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE - PENSIONS • ANNUITIES WILLIAM H. MOICRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In Farm and household Files, Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone i\VIlliam H. Moffitt, phone, Residence El; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4•tf. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist In Farm and Household Bales. Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reamonable; Batts fiction guaranteed. 1'br Information, etc., write or plto�e Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, Seafortt. ,[Phony 14r661. PHIL OSiPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle. ..: ' ill( at a l';tll11 ,"11111liere rft•t of here. it \1'11, r ho; July \ieekend. :Now ib It 11('1.e hada faun\ ' It t amount of rain this bot •tnl s. ems to be sending ev- erything •ro'tting up t"1lards the sky. On the other hand the crops that cit; their' .er•t'.\tit in lune are starti':g t,t edge to\1,n•d harvest. .\II in ;Ill it \\{ls a perfect summer Sunday. \\e sac out on the front veranda and snlokr11 .nil witched the eau's gong hy. I)(mil in the It .fare field most of the cattle .100(1 att'Inld under tit' lweepi"g \1 i1111\'s ;ttld the sad old elms \pith their' feet in the much around the sprint;. They 11'1'e the smart ones hitt the younl:er caitl", still not 11i,r t1 the 1\a y, 1t rite Merl -ft\' \ot•rr no\v 01111 again zipping around the field \Coll their tail', in the air a, if the dei it himself lovas nipping at their heels. Patricia Ann \vas playing in the or- chard with stun_' of the 1lil:gins young- . sten, and the cat and dog had forgot- ten their feral ;1111 were dining on the far end of the parch. The pigs in the barnyard had routed a nest on the shady side of the stra\v-,tacl: and the geese were enjoying the pond with \Irs. !hick and her brood. :\n occa- sional chicken 'trolled ;tern,, the front Lawn, stopping to perk not\ and again but with a sort of lazy air. \Irs, Phil 1115 hawing a nap. Fol _' Higgins strolled by on his way tuna's, to the other fifty acres to salt the - cattle and check them , , . a regular Sunday jai for hint, I':verything was peaceful anti quiet. Now and again ;1 car 1\a,tl'I rattlt oyer the planks of the \\'e had a young felloly staying with river bridge, (lure an airplane droned pts this week -end who is going over- across, ,1 speck in a clear blue sky. I':v- ;tcas in a f a' weeks. Ile left on \lost- erything seemed to be in tune for clay to take the last part of his train- once. EveryDay Requirements REGULATION SOFTBALL BATS AND BALLS - BATS FROM 60c TO $1.25; BALLS $1.90 EACH, BLANK COUNTER CHECK BOOKS,_____ 10c EACH, 3 FOR 25c INQUIRE ABOUT PRICES ON PRINTED CHECK BOOKS. iNK-WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, per bottle 15c BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red 10c LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE _ 15c and 10c ,THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS ..._ PHOTO ALBUMS PHOTO CORNERS . Per Pkg, 5c Per Pkg, 15c ranging in pricy from 10c TO $2,00 PKG. 10c and 15c BABY'S OWN STORY, year by year. A book that will be treasured in years to come, beautifully arranged, and ready to fill in PRICE 75c day-by-day events ARMY SCRAP BOOKS -Scrap Book and Photo Album combined, suitable for keeping souvineers of your boy in uniform..... $1.25 SNAP SHOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos -.. 10c Ea. DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions EACH lc WAXED PAPER -40 sheets 10c; in Handy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft. 35c SCRATCH PADS VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLIP, Soft Lead - OTHER LEAD P>uNCILS 1 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c EACH 15c 5c EACH, 2 FOR 5c LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg, LARGE ECONOMY -SIZE CICO PASTE SMALLER BOTTLES, 10c, LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS ... .._ Sc, TO 20c PAPER CLIPS ....-...._...._ ...... --........... - ----- - ......•• PEI3. BOX IOc ROLL 20c 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c PKG. I0c BOTTLE 45c PASSE PARTOU'r PICTURE BINDING WRiTING PAPER - ._._ ENVELOPES TO MATCH . DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, 15c SHOPPING BAGS -strong material ....._-..-_._... -_ Sc COMPLETE LINE SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TEXT BOOKS. WE SPECIALIZE IN FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIP• TION. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL. The Standard Book Store ,1 t I11eek ;11 the Mule ul her difliglittr, ilvtl''i;nl Church \1';l, in charge of the \\.e are "11.1..1'11 hear that NII.''..I. I•. \Irs, litricit \IcNichol, of \\•altnn. ,rewire, and 11.1', Streeter of 'I'linity \Iel)o\\'!II i, under the Ihi'tot•'s rare. tile, Carina,: \Iorri•h of Toronto ,\n1liraol l'hurcb, gale the address. I ,ler 11 t I\ friends 1Nish her a speedy .,,.bent a tc\1• da\', \\ith Nit, and \Ir,' Ih1'ing to ill hca1111 Leo. G. II, Ihnll'Ip rcro\cr\". 1\l aul'in \Ic!hllocll• \1a, unable 111 attend, Norman I\ral- of k ' \I l \I ll I l' I 1 1' 1 1 1' I• I: and \'thou, She \1;tlked into the orphans- School closed on '1'linsdav ii hen this \1e.''; 11it!1 \Ir. an 1!! \Irs, \\. 1'. visiting \\'ith \Irs. II, 11'hrcicr, age and sa\1 un' 01111 sir 1va,il t like Miss Pearl Jamieson returned! 1,1 her (';unpbe 1, t I the pupil, 1 .\round Ill t'rit'nd, and ri'iativrs Hirt . :;un11a', next, Anniversary Services 1111' 11hP!',, `til' 1111111'1 11,t' Itltl'rl'tit h1111e III '\,11111'1,1, \I (),..,t n hen •11c f I litlt that nn' parents were ul'essful in passing their exam- at the river, It \Ir, and Mrs. \Iselin in ' [Finny l'hl:rrh al I1.3(1 a.nl, 'I he ilal'I been foreigners. fill fighting for ICallnlll,. I \Irl)o1\rll's n S t d;l\ e\rnin,, in lector will officiate and in the even- ing at i.,;ll, thy kc\, R. \I. Ihlltccl, you Phil and the \\ if,. because you've' \I r. 11',uarn Bamford, It..\., of I're, honour of lief aunt, \I r,. \\'nl, \'en I t nu •Ill Illi place home I'm fi"h' ton t, home f i• til .11111111 r ya'ati n dor of ,lad .\\e, \lien„ and Niissi' lector of Clinton. t ., !, ' n r t u. • in•g it for Patricia .Inn because sone -1 Nit. and Th.,. O• \pillar, \Ir, ;old I{dlitll, \lar\' and \I;Irjltr\ \lorri•h. day 1 hope to have kitl, like her, ;purl I \IrS. \ViCianl \tiller ;Ind I:n:II, of (de- !aot'l \11•. ( aunl•ul \lorrish, 1I '1•oroetl, i hues, I'm fighting it because 1 Irrl rich, urrr (ne,i, on Salnrda\• at the ,Other Iri,'nds la'ese!;t \neer Iron) (i�'de- that tll.'rc's enough in the 1\tirld for mule of \ir, ;!nil \Ir,, I)ougtas t_;onit•'rich, It!\•tll and Itelgral'. The evening e\etybl.ly and liver's ;1 gold chance heli 1\1as ,hent in social chat, 1111' 11 getting each person a 'ilia'''. 1 Jlaster John \\'ilsou of Brussels is I'nl fish;in( it fat• "nada too brcattse spending his vacation with \Ir, and think it's a (:resit place," \les. R. \'int:ent. \\'e jn•t slit 1f salt there after that 1 \lisses Nor,t.a'. and Dorothy Nithery• 1\011.11. and didn't say much until supper -time I..\l'. i,enneth \\'hteler 1111 k.t',.\,P., \la•to 1)Inl;dol and I>oitl1 t• I'.raan I I ai'l' 1'1<Iltllg II' etl(i, in 1111, vicinity, \ iirici111, sa,k,,, 1, ,pt'llliiiig hi, fur_ f NI 'er I nalare \'I,Illlll! 111x11 rroNtlt btrt 1\: thought a lot. Misses Edna and Audrey\Vallsll !ou(h ,ll bis 11 nue here. were week -end guests at the home of , p'iren1•, \;1 and Mrs. \V, i'^.I., \1r, and \Ir:..\. E. \\'alsll, 1 NIistir• Martha and (ierlit' An"- Pte. N. 1'a e spent the \ldel; end Sergeant \\'illiam Hush of Vernon. strong ;pent the week -in 11 with their 1\wtti1 \II'. alit \!1s. lis \Ir(it,,,,.; 11, II.l'., assisted in the service of 5111( at het thee•, \\ Misted, and \Ir,, .\rnlstrolt(r '1 be iluiltin,o, iter' \\ ill he at Nirs, K, the \\'rstfield Church on Sunday, and and ►i',• ! \Irl)1n:alll', on Friday, duly 1-1111. his solos were touch enjoyed, hili was ! \piss I•aaine \\'apish of 'Toronto, 11ith1 Mr. and NI..., Finlay \letiowaut and formerly 1f Toronto, and spent scweral her parents, \Ir. and Mrs. (ittrdon children 11 o,ha\wa nitb Mr, and \Irs, summers in tlli• vicinity. 1 \\'at,b. I .\It'\ Niet t \\;ul. BELGItAVE EAST WAIVANOSII i..l, Clifford \\';11,11 returned to ('amp 11'1,'de!• on Sunday after tion i• t't'f. ,' II11•Ionstli at his home. \I isses Edna and :\u1 reg \\'al,ll of I Ieus;Ill spent a ;et\ days 11ith \I:•, and Mts. WESTFIEI,D Miss 'I'hrinri Snell 1f 1 ioderich, stint over the holiday with her cousin, \lis, Norma "Taylor. \piss Joyeelin 11111 of Toronto, grand- daughter of I:cv. Ih•, :\rxandcr \lac - w Mt • !IA . p p;,t'.;r 1,,t,rr1:1, • Now that I can iso I'm not going to stick around and let the other fellows coo it. Bill and Jack went over last week, and Fred's been over there a year. Now it's Illy chance. It's going to take months of training before get fighting -fit, so I'd better get moving today; Yes sirl l'ul going now, to tell Dad and Mole that I'm on Illy way to sign lip.. ,..:.;i:::;:.rw:::::.:.: . • I can WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM FOR OVERSEAS SERVICE Wednesday, ,Jule 5, 1911, THE STANDARD Pane 5. ♦p Jrdi ri•4 i♦i,•: 1'•i ••••'�i.P •. •'•1'',P •:1,0•:•10 • •�♦�, ♦-♦,♦-♦ • ♦ , r • i •• • • .'i . r • • i'i'i' Il - III charge of \I f4, Brig. i'ltr;1) ;III! � t •. '1••" Olatva, Nit-. and \tl \110. I ' 11'1, Thorndale, \I,', .\u!' \\.t, "u, I,nl Ilan, and Mr. and "I,. I'!„I It' Il,,r+l , Illylh, ft etc l;il, 1, the \'\,,1 "u Riley \wcddin); tu, S.11 11.1y. \TIM. Fred I1,. t ,peal 111.11 I. T111, ro,u11nu,ity \t•as htr(aved by Ilse last fveeli at the home of her ,1'1'1e', 'death of \less Ilarvt'y 11c(tt,!Nins, I':, J. (r;lttfoltl and broth y.11't b or argil at her home, o111' utile Johnston (_ra\\ tart- 111, lit, 1,1111 , "II s 111 \Miur;a, early Sunday morning, 'cession, 1 Billet', \I 1 \I eCiec, the former \l is.5 Sarah Mr. and M r ,. I 1,0 r\ Todd, I t, t 1'''i' I1,1, 11 Kennedy, teas in her (,Iso year are \viol \lis; Jennie and had been ill for the past month.Iserionsly ill. ' LYCIEU1\I 1'' !"1111 .\I111,1r,1nq• 1 WINGHAM-ONTARIO. kr‘ and MI,. S,lieini,In of Sparta, Two Sho5vs, Sat. Night 1t it11 '"• and \Its. I•.at 1 Railhtiy, - I:. \.,1111111 t f 1\ 111C111111, with Mr. -•Thurs,, Fri., Sal., July ti4•8;' and \I i t', I';, .\ sttuith. ,Arthur Lake, Larry Simms, MRS. IIARVEY McGEE Penny Singleton in "IT'S A GREAT LIFE" Ii; gotool, Itlor,'lit.:nnl 1t,11,, 111,111, •lin); ;•1' on III,•(rt en ,1-.1'! ul ,1'l s• ALSO "SIIORT SUBJEC'T'S" Matinee Sat. Afternoon -2.30 p.m.>• ,, i. Mon., Tues., \Ved., ,Illy 10.11.12' :, \ii -lin, ail„ 1 1 Ij She 11:11 a i;,ii iter of the Lite Daniell A load of 11 oront11 friend, spent the ``; Ke!i'etl\ owl I':lir.ahi'th Anderson, of fveck-coil nilh \I r. and Mr, 11,'nu;e ti Pierre Admen►, Gene Kelly intale. Following her marriage l0 Fairservne, • "'TILE CROSS OF LOI(ItAINE" >• \I1. \I, ',ye in 111118 they moved to 1,\1t, and \I r,. John \,•1I ,elebr,lted \Ve-tern Canada, \viten! they resided the forti"th anniver-,lry „1 their mar ,; drama til a wrinan pi, or. r Ilei'.;• moil ,ill \'car, ago when they returned dart. on SIltttlay. Several friend, 1\, re 2 .'present. \tics Mildred Hollinger, Toronto,' \with \li;i I)o:othy Little. I \I r. Loris Fini;land, Totonto, and . ? 'Miss Ruth I'i11)lland, Detroit, are ft -41 ilio); twilit \Ir. and Nies. John Fin';- ..-.' -'--- •- hintl. -. ill pil'ils. In,trn!nental, were render - \1r. anti \Ir', \\'illianl Ilt.i, ;tie 1 h} \lis,' I;,lil \lannin�, I.11i> \\'e 111,1, t" 1'xl'res. our a1'pt,,i,l spending a fete da\ s t'. i',ii \I r. and \'f t osis '' Io In1;t ti'1lbbrool: and Marie lion I" r'I,stl;,' ;Ind flu'utl fie tlu '\Irs, Merl), \loeridtte, .\ntlnt11, \M oire , \ \"nal dnet uta, given b\' r, and \Ir,, l'cril (;riflilll Itr,oup ton, spent the fveek-end \\'11, 'be ..••r••••OrGOu40..•....i..4.•.•••P•.�,.,.�u..,.,. �.• . 'h•pr-,'Ilion ;111'1 cheerful manner won d.,.•♦1.11.1, ,,. • „ 1,''r Iuu;lny friends, She \t•as a mem- ber of Knox Presbyterian Church and ft a, president of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety ;toll a lite member of the \1'o- Inin', \I is,ionary Society. Besides her intere•t ;n church \cors: she was active ill all benevolent \vt i k in lite cottt- nnn,il\'. Surviving arc her husband; ;1 broth( r, Jail: Icenncrly, North Ilay; lour ,i-ters, I:lizabcllt. \Irs. Van Nor- ;nl:ul, \\'.dtl\t(od; and \lay, \1rs, \loon. ; Bertha, Nil's. I'ofvell ; J can, l'er.•y (;i'1,;, ;III of I)ctroit, 'I'Itc funeral \was held from her loam. on Tne,d.ty ;iftrrnoon at 2,1)1) o'clock. In - r1111'111 t\as to;ole in Ball's cemetery. \Tac .\I1:`ton ,•f I',i1i.11i!I. I S,'rvice in Sl, Mark's Church \Irl, \\'Illi 1111 1l,o1 ('t 11!11 \,d,-, next S'111;I;iy at 111 ;tont, \lith \1n,, I1,11r\ (;'•lire, \Ir. Bernard 1,\1111 ,of I \toll \1r,, 1. \\ 11.'111. lite. 1'allta •'1 \till, r, I "n 11o11, ;cid \D». \Tiller of \\inti -„r \\i+il \I!. a'.'1 Mrs. in,eloll \I T1er. hill Fast of London \\ill! \I r. and \I r5. ('Iu,srlt', I' ;i -1. :\ large erof\d attend, d an open air (Loire on the viILtne Ill;l\ _ rouu,l I:ri• day night. \1,11 /oft ell's of (Ile.t 1'a 1'I ,- \'i(l.d Ito' I1111,1C fol. 11:1111'111", 1'. 1111.0 Iobcrt '1 urns -r \1;I, floor u1;1' al.', r. ;;111115 AVI-1.- in r11,u1ur of I Lo r\ I.. Sturdy, ,N no, .1 .\n'Ire\t, \\ bill' the 11• • AUT RN I r i tier. ,t1 111, i' I' nl, ' is \III inelude: \lis, \I.tlj li• \rilar II''ll of 'I'ee,tvat:•r, 111 II\ ,1. .1,;111'11 11 I1(n- nliller, 1).,11,1111 I„'.. of I;,;it, :1 ..1 1\,:r It'll Ii;Il111uId 1'I fl'1 -Ishii. \Ire. I.lo\ I I ,1111Th\ ,In i I',Inl and (,(;duli e1 1.1111,1"!I \ I i+1 ,1 111111 \Ir. and Mr,. .1, 'L,' 1 I. \Ir, (;.ore:. Thong • 'II of I,..,1 ;i,', ttitll \Ir. and \IIs. \\. .1. il:'Ii'oto r. and \I r,, 1;1 rd"n I a\ for and \lazier, vi•iled till \Ir. and Ni„. 11 hlr:e V LONIESI ORO \Ii-, h'u'la (; icier, London, and I. -errs Spence Hamm, (handl Borden, ft ill) the former's parents, Mr, and \I r1,. \\V. l i, l\•ier. F:, I ;turn, I.uchno\v, with her itOX Y '1'11 EA'1'ItE, CLINTON. NOW i'I.AYING: "Ali Baba and 'T•Lc Forty 'Thieves" In 'Technicolor. Monday, 'Tu(.sday, Wednesday Q' "JANL EYRE" it loved novel b' , 'I,,, .1 1 teen 1'1,1' 1,,e. Olson Wells and Joan Fonta'ne. CAPITAL, '1IIEATRE REGENT t 111•EATItE GODERICH, _ _ SEAFORTii. NOW PLAYING: Anne Baxter in: NOW PLAYING: "Ilenry Aldrich "THE SULLIVANS" Plays Cupid" rfith "'Tornado,. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ann Syh(.ridan Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson. IC, a t,l,t of t„p Ili)'.In I.I\ .1 II'II of tun and not 1' . "SHINE ON HARVEST MOON" Monday, i Ilcbdily, Wednesday Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre and Michele Morgan. y. II, Lain t'. bo ,Ii,'„l\ lea, hell Ili '-11n.111,'t1 '1 hurs(Iily, Friday, Saturday _PASSAGE_ '1'0 MARSEILLES" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Maria Memel., Jon Hall and Andy Devine „L.I1 ,, ,1. .,.1 nl ,1 t , „I )!,, lir.,. 010 1!,111111 "ALI BA lIZA ANI) '1.1 IL FOR'T'Y 'THIEVES" COMING: "STANDING ROOM COMING: John Steinbacll'a Roralind Russell in ONLY". "LI FE BOAT'" "WHAT A WOMAN" COMING: Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m, Mat.: Sat, and Holidays at 2 30 pont, Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Martha Rayc, Mitzi Mayfair. I I' a 111 111.1 i'n'ulanre (-,11- idea ,1 i'Ir 11,1 "„tel there" and \t ill I eterl,Iill )+111 11)',1, "POUR JILLS IN A JEEP" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Kay Francis, Carole Landir, Martha Rayc, Alice Faye, Betty Grable and Carmen Miranda. Briny ,111 1+! II.11,11 It ear i!' Oil 110e') Itli111' „1n:, t!\ 1!11. "FOUR JILLS AND A JEEP" Card Of Thanks \lis, I':,I Ire-. Lyon and sister, \'era 'I he we -t ,If honour fta, pre,entcd former..., parents, \Ir. and NIL,. \\ ul. \tih ;1 uiHu ell-rlleoll, shutter of tl,clnl Griffiths, I;gill,, ;liter \\air' a deliui'n, Iu:cheon Mrs, Kelly, \\'arlime, Sas"-, i• vi -o- \,,,I, d I,\ the 'rides,, \lig, int; her brother, \Ir, Mord suis I;, \\ ;Monti II:(• 1 ren a most sure,.s,flll A reunion of relative, met at theI ` \rnl,tr, '„t, 111 n r I! ti, � for Thr p;i,l four home of \Ir, and \Trio \\ill„t\, \l ton trosin; ,lit• of >cl,ol,) Thr neighbour, ,Intl frien'I- t'lin on :,:uuud;i,', 11 1111'11 ;11'1'the - I,tllo',1Ihintlne,s during their re, 1111 1 re,111----...- Ihc 1�u11i1•, extle•:ol their appreciation ing: Ur, :old \I",. 1. \\Ilial,\, 1 u -i -i,- in the pr•,cn'ati'n of ;t very hand- "lit' FOR SALE Mr. and \Ir,. \Vitt, Ferguson. I':d erre rlainct. The school has attain ��-- Ill 1i'Ie111()rian1 I,u my ,,,,,rt, i l -\t1'; '111 1„ II in sine 11 theirt s.ol bereavement. --Il. 1). \lotri, and I ;ul ills Mal.: Slit. and llolid: , - .'t 30 p.m. \VAN'I'ED 1 I, II " 11.1.0, I I' 1,1," ul ""1 , on - \,1,1,1,, ,tl 11'' I')1%1.11,1 -17 111. FOR SALE 3 11 Card Of Thanks I 'I I: te•I"I. r I he fanlil\ .of the Late \Il-•. I-. I l,, t o that I, 1, . 1 !, 'l. .;1 I... ". d. 111. 11.1 1I11•11' menton, .lila.; \Ir. .\1'l, r''''•:'1..".' ;"1`1i til notable success in the sale of \\'a1' 'ride, Londiet; \I r. null \II,. R. sa\ino, 1 ell if',ale,, 11 he total for t1,.t \(11 I.I': -In 1.,1wnl); \I,'n1"Ic 111o01 \Ir \I. �I.u'lut.'! n, Itl\t!I .li 11'. \'oung'h!'ot, I.ondesborl; \Ir, an I \Irl. 1,;t,1 \•,'.1•• \\;I, s-1'8.50, front 'tn average ' de;u• nlollu•u, \Ir,, .I ones \11!'le, • all,'' 1:. loslin,t,, EH( en and Nisei., \ very umohnent of 10 pupils. I'1 friend 11a, 1''I a\ta\ three Veto', „coos Jut \• I------�- pleasant lints teas Spent t11)te11,ei. 4 FOR SALE , Pad. o i„ ,...I , "n,h1!. \II 111 .o:id shnl'o 'skit(- to Miss \Valle- i0tJh, 10a1: Miss Wrlkom Honouredtint theirhest fvi,'es for her future Last week, \Irl, \lunzie, entertain - 11 a tie 1•0.1l .; II P. up! 1.,11' 11;111111111':, She i, )•.I,1', 1,111 not for),'tt,•I1, 1,0 •1.111 I lo, rn.'i1'1 1\,1- re, entry And, as lotto, ;another yea', rb1 rl.,'1 „tet' ,end tight, n, d 111', and i In our lonely hour, of thinl,i'l.' 'I'iiuig111 of her ;111 al\t,I\, near. moth, t', \11•,, II. Lyon, ed •in honour of \liss [tuft \\•alkoul, i ', Entertains At Trousseau Tea \Ins, 11;u\•e\• Collison, Toronto, with bride -elect of this month. 'T1,,' } u.s15 VI r-, -„heft Teck:. of the reception \t'el•e the mother, of \11•,. Poll.,, \\itsltt entertained at a NII'. ;and \I1•':, I'o,s Johnston, Nia- past and present pupils, ;11111 friends 111 i 1 1'1'11„u,l'1 Tea o11 \V t'tltlt'stl;ly of last Tara Fads, is visiting at the home of !\liss'\Valkom, to the number of fort \- Iweek, in the ;afternoon and evening, \I r, hurt Slnlbbrook, two. A program ryas given by ,ev'er11 1 for iter daughter, Vida Ruth, \whose ONE N'S INCOME 15 ANOTHER MAN'S Teo... 'r i.. .R...�_R,,... _.•. IF rising prices and costs were allowed to keep pushing each other up, inflation would be un- avoidable. That's what inflation is --a panic rise in prices -with money losing its value and confusion everywhere. '1'o prevent inflation, a ceiling has been set on prices and profits, - wages and salaries have been controlled. 50 WZ vol r if one person demands higher prices ---another higher profits - another a higher wage or salary --soon everybody would be mak- ing the same (remands -demands on everyone else. Then costs of production could not be controlled. The ceiling could no longer be held. Living costs would go up - Q INFO" "e up- 0/4 Otago and It+lcome begin their frantic rise. ECONOMIC STABILITY IS NECESSARY TO MEET THE PRESENT OF WAR AND TO PROVIDE A BASIS FOR PEACE roc LISTEN TO "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" RADIO PROGRAMME EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT 7.30 p.m„ E.D.T. PROBLEMS Thls Is one of a series being issued by the Government of Canada to emphasize the importance of prcvenling further Increases in the cost of living now and deflation Tater. ill .\-1-Il,lpe- 1 111ni1'1„'1 1tlit '11'\1' ar',Ir1; 1'!'I_', ;Ii:'I"•t 11, 11 hot -!i aI bolt.. Days of sarin:,, \till conic o'tr n,, tory and i .\-I ,"il, and neo 1'x::'1' ,\\ itch 1 1 -tart and ,top it. .\ new (ort11'1 y,;l; put 111 the got el nor, It'. renlll 111 rontr"1 and cite diff(rl111 Frieud, Ina;• thiol the wound Ila, hc;ticJ, Ilett they little I:m,w• 111. purr"ft' •o That 1n'S \1!111111 lhl' licarl t1,Il.calc,L ,pled, 'I,' II,''1, 1 III, c,,gine prii ell to1- -Sadly :nissc(1 by her daughter and immediate sale, ,i, ,t 111'1' 101 in -hired sun; 11.\ 111.1 (I [1'1 r di 11,•! 1. Fol 11,Irti0 nl,lr, phone 15-0, 111\ 111. -17 I, IN nhIEi\IIORIAII 1'111':I..\N-In loving memory of lo,- eph 1''c1,u1, 11110 p;t,sed awayone Year ago, July 3rd, 1013. 1'ou are not forgotten, loved one, Nor twill you cvcr be, .\s lona as Jif: and memory last, \\'c shall remember 'Thee, -Sadl1 missed by \lether, Sisters and Brothers. -17-1p. STARTED CHICKENS \\'Idle they last, per 100---1 weeks old Barrett Rock Pullets, $26.110; 2 \vel:, -old \\'bite Leghorn Pullets, S2I.011; 2 ftl:.- old 11•u'r:tl Rork Pullets, S1').'ll), Neff low prir:, on all breeds, ;lame, Arm- strong, phone 171.4-' Ii-th. Notice To Contractors 'I he Contract for the cleaning and repairing of the southern portion of the Ilallah;ut Drain, ft ill be let on \Ion- tia\' evening, July 11)11,, at 8.3o, at t1,,. location of the Drain, Lot 30, Concu'- siUll 5, East \\'awannsll, R. R. REDMOND, Clerk, 17-1, Township, 1:alt \\'a\tanos', BABY CHICKS Bray list regular hatch is 171 It. '1 Ilcy •Ilavc plenty started chicks, pullets, corken:1s, immediate delivery. Its );0o•1 advice to cull your older birds now ;11111 'stork frith these at special summer prices. :\. I.. Is'ernicl:, Blyth, nt;u'rial;e toll, place on Red Cross BI GO: IN 11'IEMORIAL HALL. SATURDAY EVENING, 1 JULY S'I'II, NOTICE Of\ -lilt to ,111;1\- 111 receiving plan; and specifications of bridge., that were f•1rluerl\ ad\erli,etl to be lei by 'Ten- der iii \Torr-, '1'nttusllil', the 'fennel, for these contract, \till now b. re(eiv- td up until 3 pan., July lllth, 10-1-I, GEORGE MARTIN, Clerk. 2. NO'T'ICE TO CREi)1TORS In the matter of the Estate of Peter Healy, Late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. 1.111C!•: i, Ilene',\' 1.11 V011 to all per- 5o115h,l\1.1'.4 'Inv , 1,1111 ac,iill,l Thr 1'a I;ttr of Peter 11,alw, late 1'1 the Tot\!I- sllii, of .l orris I -\timer, alio died on the 7tit day of \li\, .\.D., 1014, to send sante to 11,e tinllersi;ne,l ,111 or before tut 15th (1a\ of Irl\, 1'11.1, a, on S;Iturda\, and after that (late the 1•:\centrix of Idly ills to \I r. \\'illianl Riley, 11f i the sat I estate 511a11 proctor to di,trl- (;odcriril, in the Lndc1,born Unitedbite tear asset•, thereof, bating regard Church. \Irs, \\'atson and \Irl. hilly �tvlly to toe 1'1.ittn, then iiltd, welcomed the tine' 11, and \yore assist- � 11 ),alc11 11 Ili' 111 his 21111 .lay ,11 Ione ell by \I rs, lack Sinclair and \I i„ 1.•\•1)., 1014, Fern \V;oson, sisters of the bride, and alt,, A1111 heal.\, F\tv'utri\, Mrs. \\•III \\ ells, of Clinton. The R. R. No, 2, 111t1i, i torso 111. -lb 3. dining roost \was prettily decorated with blue and yellnlw streamers and flotvt'r,, \Irs, Stone, of Godtrich, ;111111 Of the groom, poured tui,' \Iis:cS Betel Gnvier and Helen Radford, is- sistcd f\ith tett' dainty refreshments to the 75 ;;rte- is fwho were present. Notice To Creditors \ll p11sous 11,,\inti tl,iinu :11:lin-t the estate of ( teem e \trier It, tarry, Late of the \'il!;I t 11f Bluth, in t1,. County of Huron, 1.,,11,,nrer, \ H, (hid PERSONAL INTEREST ell 111 ;d"'"t t'( 11111, d::\ of Jtine, \,D. 10211. arc notified to 1,11111 111 .1. 1I. r. and M r ;. l:, 11. 1.. R„l,in,11n, :11111 Craw ford, \Yin:,11,lnl, 1)111til 111, on or br- I"re tin' `oil dal of July. .\ D, 11'11, 1111 p,ttt'rlll.Irs of their cl,(inl, in crit• i'I Innned!,ite11 at1(.1 Ihc s,itd �lh Ju11, \.D 1")1. .he a„1'l, of saol nit(,tatt ft ill h1 di,trilnoc'l daughters. Ann raise ;sod 1;\tltd111\11, 'Of fort Colhotne, ire \i,ilin>; \fit' the brrnu'r's parents, \Ir. and Mrs. R. I1. Roll li (,51111, Mrs. \lar)a*I t (;nos., of \\V,Ittl l ,o, is vi,itinti her brother, \I r. Jack Cole, 1',Irtie, entitled Ile!rio, our\ 1.1 1'1;lino, of 011X'1 and Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Pearl Crawford visited the past t!n' ;I,illnt!i-trat',r ,hall 11111 have no' wheel: ailh \It'. and \Irl, \\.111. 1l,ullln, ire. of \litrh:ll. I1.\-I'I:I) this 15th daf ,1, June, A.1 I., tor. i,ul \1r,. N. \\'. Kyle, \fart and 10 -II. 1; , k, are holi''ayinp in Midland ND. 1. H. l'l' \\f F')ifD,(311- l' I" 1, also ,1,t'ttiiuie .-01111' 111111' 111 t,i: i , '"ll 11111 1"r 1111 \11!111!11 '• i! 'r. trailing with hi, ('nit near Niagara. •d' ', Sterling Silver Service Buttons For Relatives of Men and Women in Armed Forces! \1't tr t ntt•rllny t I 1 v hutt,,u ./iii R tllu uunl• Iirr 4 N .1 11 d, Ll u,:httr., t,•ry hr,ol r, 1111' 1,.t,', SII! Il ttlr.t 11'•'v9: 1,p-1- .•ylo hu't,uls !. r men, 111 n s fur wont, n. rullul.11,. t ut thin p,I;! (lie eed, t,hltr smi i0[1 , :Hull. 125 boring (now to five 1 I 'i'n%t'N !nt'ludvd SIMPLAY INSIGNIAS 311 Yonge St., Toronto, Out. LED PARATROOPERS Lieut. S. W. McGowan, Winnipeg, Man., the first Canadian Paratroop assault infantry officer to drop down through the roof of France near Caen, (ruling t he way for the now famous 13th Airborne Division in opening the Allied invasion of Europe. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson i THERE IS ONE DAY IN EVERY MONTH N - WHICH THE MOON DOES NOT RISE:, AND ONE IN WHICH IT DOES NOT SET IN ANCIENT TIMES, CATS I WERE TRA/NED TO CATCH BIRDS/ NOW WE TRY TO TRAIN THEA\ /VO7 TO,/ CORR 1942 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. T st PER.U. B. P4T. OFF 4 t1 7-1 WISE GIRL_ NEVER. BLOWS HER. KNOWS;'..*$ ,3 JEAN CHAMBERLIN, 4o C/inc/rrk7t'V:, Oh/b. 10.23 NEXT: Twenty-five thousand mites an hour. and no tires needed! FUNNY BUSINESS "It's his first jump!" Tells How REX Oil EA496 REtoto '� TORLe5 This valuable booklet "How Rex Oil Feeding Aids Better Breeding Results" contains actual case histories showing how 50 Canadian Farmers, Government Institutions and Agri• cultural Colleges Increased profits through the use of Rex Oil. It explains how Rex Oil provides the nutri. tional factors so essential to proper function- ing of the reproduction system. Every cattle, horse, swine or sheep breeder will be interested in learning how many common breeding problems tan he solved. Write for your copy today. 1 4 oz. $1.25 20 oz. $5.00 — a - VIOBIN (CANADA) LIMITED N.D.G. Post Office Box 50 Manua'(, Que. -.. .— VIOBIN (CANADA) LIMITED, N.D.G. Post Office Box 50; Montreal, Oue. Please send me free copy of your Looldet "How Res Oil Feeding Aids Better Breeding Results". N>ME ADDRESS SIDE GLANCES • 3";,'.1 , f • 1, :fs4% ..r v By George Clark `w 1 . ,) (1 • t.dd -'i'P NtA CINICE 'W. PER U tTATOU ",1 IS( (n(di! And 1 101(1 that camp counselor not to let you gel a StIlgIe fl'eek1e 011 \'0111' IIOSe this SUU1Illel' I,. Today's t.1 versatile __fast ntovin rtK I� ) )) • - C.!• .Zz :aj _xr"1t,�r 'Lt 1%,E, THE LITTLE GIANT 'd//s TANKEIUSTER THE NEW "PIAT" ANTI-TANK WEAPON 4, CAN ALSO BE. USW AS A MORTAR wait PIAT GUN Newest addition to the Canadian infantryman's arsenal is the Piat anti- tank weapon, the unorthodox but simple bomb -thrower that makes the lone soldier more than a match for the heavily armoured tanks being thrown against him by the enemy in Italy. Called for official purposes a "projector, infantry and anti-tank," and derving its name from tate first letters of those four words, the Piet throws a bomb that explodes on impact and will penetrate four inches of the finest armour -plate. It spells death to tank crews and concrete pillboxes are no defence against its powerful blast: also it may be readily used as a mortar and in a house -breaking role. The Piat weighs only 34 pounds and can be handled easily by one man. Canadian soldiers overseas are already well trained in its use, while here in Canada most of the infantry train- ing centres have courses on the Piat in full swing. POP—Now They Fit to a "T" HOW DO YOU GET r A PMY Tt70U S ER5' TC► FIT HIM FAMILY LIKENESS G s,A4 wtuan •p 1 Ii PLAYINti CONTENTEDLY WITH FINGERS L')HEN MOTHER BRNNO'S VISI- TORS IN sf) J AND DnDDY c ou51tI JANE SAYS "NONE ENSE, HE FAV025 HIS FA- THER':; ,IDE OF 111E F(,MILY 1 COUSIN JANE NAYS SHE HAS HIS FATHER'S MB,/ PICTURE, AND THE LIt<ENLSS IS KNOWS THEY'RE RELA- TIVES BECAUSE '111EY BE GIN DISCUSSING WIIOM HE LOOKS LIKG TO WHICH COUSIN ELLA POINTS OUT THAT I -E OBVIOUSLY HAS HIS MOTHERN3 NOSE Br GLUYAS WILUAM!y u.0 ONE: OF THEM REMARKS ' HE'S CERTAINLY THE LIVING IMAGE OF Mil 1 MOTHER GETS RESTLESS UNDER THIS SCRUTINY. WHAT DO THEY THINK HE IS, SOME1HIN(s IN THE Z00 COUSIN FILA SNIFFS DECIDES 10 GIVE THEM AND 12.EMARKS HE NOT THE WORKS. MAYBE ONLY HAS HIS MOTHER+ HOW NEITHER SIDE WILL NOSE ItUT HER HAIR WANT TO CLAIM A ASTONItiN11Jti (o.,ry110,1,1ea3, by Ta. Nu Byuda,tt4 Tx.f LIKENESS THE SPORTING THING 1 BY LANG ARMSTRONG v:,.0 (r 1 � !'c I \I, l , 1 I � �flit'A'. at f,t\t,)t(,A,T-fl (=J/ vt, , 01 Ste. - . ) f: I I _.. _ = ----- - 1 �( s5.a,oYIwl so "1 told yo.► not to play LIFE'S LIKE THAT lior tll4C 1V N i, so close to the net!" ' By Fred Neher "Look at your fathc': reading that 1940 auto catalogue he found when he searched the attic for scrap ... You'd think it was the latest best seller." WG' LET A V INTO THEM! By J. MILLAR WATT REG'LAR FELLERS—His Sea Legs LOOKIT THE SWELL ( SAILOR SUIT MY MOM BOUGHT ME! IT SURE IS A BEAUT, PINHEAD, BUT WHY DONTCNA PUT IT ON RIGHT? SURE! YOU'D BE ABLE TO 1 WALK EVER SO MUCH FASTER IF YA DID By GENE BYRNES 50 THAT'S THE OTHER PANTS' LEGE 1 WUZ WONDERIN' WI -IAT THAT THING WUZ r.. AT ANY MEAL, ANYTIME Busy housewives all over the country have learned the wisdom of serving Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals often. Nothing to mix or cook. Appetizing anytime of day. 7asy-to-digest, too! • SERIAL STORY Murder on the Boardwalk BY ELINORE COWAN STONE Last Week; Newspapers brand Christine "Mystery Girl" of the Talbert murder. At her room she finds a sheaf of $1000 bonds hid- den in her suitcase. She tries to tell Bill. He cuts her off with, "Bill Yardley's shoes fit the prints found by the police." CHAPTER YI "Oh, Bill — no!" Christine cried miserably. "And then some." Ilis voice was a little grins. "glut at any rate, I'm still in circulation. And I've got a little sleuthing of my own to do while I ant. I'll be sewed up tight 1111 noon; but how about meeting me for lunch about 12:30 at the same place where we ate last night?" Christine said, "I'11 be there, Bill," and hung up, trembling a good deal. But Inspector Parsons, she re- membered after a moment, did not arrest people for murder until he was sure they would stay arrested. ,..And she hail business with In- s. :It tat tiltys ,'; 'tl;.:i�lt�ss. 1..' ait�asit • I, 1.. *1 I ' �7 e:ie1� 1/./S� •'..� :...'or...,l •ei :i�!iisi��694 g � :Air' .I,• :• ...t• Sijai:wi�I flet%?•',ido, I . ). "ii.%iiii1. rya 4,71.',ittt!jl .)i; k1fe viii!•,Nhooe�; 1;- 4,4•1s. % ii ..). 1.6 0_�i iii Simple crochet that pays big div- idends itt beauty—these pineapple - design doilies. Done in string they cost little in time or money, Combine the two sizes in lunch- eon, buffet or dresser sets. Pattern 85o contains directions for doilies; stitches; list of materials. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St., West, Toronto. Write plainly pat- tern number, your name and address. SERVICE FLAGS lime you n member of your family In the Nall. Army. or Air Forcer Be proud to show it with a flag in your window. One Maple Leaf represents each member in the Service. Silk flags with one, two, three, four or e lennes, See. Postage, lie It.C.N.V.1L At; \ILI.URV 1462 Yonpe Street - Toronto ISSUE 28-1:344 spec tor Parsons herself, as soon as she could find him. Just outside her own front door she had to snub three reporters. She was not sufficiently experi- enced to dodge the news cameras. * * * She was admitted to Inspector Parson's office at once. He looked, Christine thought, as 1f he had hardly slept; but he was as cool and alert as ever, "I've come to tell you," she be- gan, "that I've been a good deal of a fool." "You — and several others," he agreed pleasantly. "Last evening," Christine hur- ried on, "I went to a public read- ing by a clairvoyant called Chan- dra—" "And he told you," the inspec- tor put in with a tired smile, "among a lot of other things you didn't believe any one but your- self could possibly know, that you were going under an assumed name?" "\Vhy — yes," Christine ad- mitted; "but he also told me some- thing that may surprise even you, Inspector — that someone had dis- turbed my things at the Crest- view." qo you have called to tell me that it was Chandra's dagger you found so opportunely last night, A little late, isn't it?" After a startled breath, Chris- tine asked, "iiow do you know that it Is his?" + * * "Practically every one in Surf City has seen that dagger, You drew his picture yesterday. Art- ists don't miss picturesque details like that. , , I wonder if you would be interested if I told you that two hours after that merger between Amalgamated and Na- tional went through yesterday, this Chandra sold a piece of land he's been paying ruinous taxes on for years to the reorganized com- pany, for a new plant they're planning." 'Then you've arrested hint?" "Not yet ... That dagger was a little too obviously a planted clew." Christine thought in sudden pa- nic, Can he imagine that I put It there? "It didn't occur to you, I sup- pose," she said, "that as shrewd a mean as he might have planted it himself — guessing that the police would reason that way?" "It did," the inspector told her wearily, "even after our medical officer told us that Mrs. Talbert was not stabbed in that booth at all, but was brought there after the murder." "Oh!" Christine said blankly, Then she rushed on in her eager- ness to get on with her own er- rand, "But what I really came to tell you is that, when 1 did exam- ine my things, 1 found these hid- den away among them." * * * She pushed the envelope across his desk. Ile opened it, riffled through the contents; then looked up, a frown between his brows. "And," Christine finished hast- ily, "I haven't any idea who put them there or whose they are, if that's what you're going to ask." Ile glanced from her to the pa- pers and back again with such cool, mirthless amusement that Christine thought in sudden panic, Iie's found something I ntisscil. I should have looked more care- fully. "\ on mean," the inspector de- nrutded, "that you don't know that these bond were the property of lar echevitt?" It's Victory Canning Time Again! '!'here's one rule about canning that you'd best remember when you put up those jar of fruits and vegetables: "Two hours from gar- den to kettle." That means using only foods at the peak of con- dition, for yott get out of your can only what you put into it, If vegetables turn brown In their jars and look unattractive as com- pared with the fresh produce, it's probably because of overprocessing (overcooking) or lack of fresh vegetables when you started can- ning. When you overcook those bright red berries, they can't possibly be fresh looking or taste like a reason- able facsimile of the original prod- uct. Follow directions and cook just long enough, and the result will be well worth the effort, Ripe Sour Cherry and Currant Jelly 4% cups juice 7 cups sugar bottle fruit pectin To prepare juice stem, but do not pit, and crush about 14 quarts fully ripe cherries. Crush about 1/ quarts fully ripe currants. Combine fruits; add )4 cup water, bring to a boil, cover and simpler 10 ntin- n'es. Place fruit in jelly bag and squeeze out juice.. Measure sugar and juice into a large saucepan and mix. Bring to a boil over the hottest fire and at once add After a moment's blank conster- nation, Christine shook her head wordlessly. "Well, now that I have told you, does k suggest anything to you that you had not thought of be- fore?" '4But," Christine hazarded, "if someone killed her for those, why wouldn't he keep them?" "There are other reasons for murder besides robbery, Miss Thorenson, Suppose Mrs, Talbert was not killed for the bonds after a11, but from any one of a num- ber of other motives, .. In s.such a case, mightn't the guilty person reason that the smart thing to do was to make it seen) as if she had been robbed by someone else — especially someone who might be thought to have a motive for the murder , , , You, for instance, Miss Thorenson — with a fortune at stake if that will is authentic." * ♦ * When she only stared at him without speaking, he went on, "Or supposing the bonds do explain Mrs, Talberth's death, perhaps the murderer thought that, after the first shouting was over, he could get them front you as easily as he left than with you... Perhaps," he added softly, "it was even some- one who counted on your keeping therm safely for hien." "You — you can't believe that, Inspector Parsons." "Frankly, I don't know what I believe except that finding these has completely changed the cont- plexion of this whole business, I have been supposing that your cousin's death was tied up with her opposition to the Amalgamat- ed -National merger. Now it be- gins to look as if it had only been very neatly tinted to look that way — or planned to suggest anything You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL I'nitON'I'O • Every Room %%lth Huth, Shomw- cr and Telephone, • Shim•, 62.60 up— Uouble, s:i..60 up. O flood Food. Dining and Danc- ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4135 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather 'Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto bottled fruit pectin, stirring con- stantly. 'Then bring to a full, rolling boil and boil hard 'S min- ute. Remove from fire, skim and pour quickly, Paraffin while hot. Raspberry -Cherry Conserve cups cherries a cups red raspberries 4/ cups sugar Cook cherries in very little water until skins are tender. Add rasp- berries and sugar. Cook until thick and clear. Pour into ster- ilized jars and seal while hot. Commercial pectin shortens the jelly -making process cotisiderably and preserves the fresh fruit color and flavor in the finished product. Three -Fruit Preserves 2 pints raspberries 2 pints strawberries 1 to t?,; pounds cherries Equal amount of sugar by weight, of all fruits Combine all ingredients and boil 2 minutes. Add % cup lemon juice and boil 2 min- utes longer. Re- move front fire and allow to cool. When cool, pour into sterilized jars and seal, Al- though the pre- serves look thin when you finish cooking, they will thicken upon standing. except what's really back of It. Have you read the papers, Miss Thorenson?" "Yes," Christine told him, dread- ing she hardly knew what. "That Is — the extra, after I left here early this morning," "Then perhaps you saw that your cousin's shoes had been found to fit one pair of those foot- prints leading from that stranded rowboat toward the booth where she was found?" "Yes." And Bill's shoes, Christine was remembering, fitted the other pair. "That story happened to be true, except," Inspector Parsons was going on, "that they weren't made by the shoes she was wearing; but another pair, identical in meas- uretttetnt with one slightly broken heel, \\'e haven't found those shoes yet; but we are reasonably stere that they were taken from your cousin's house by someone who entered it after it was closed the other evening — taken for the express purpose of making that false trail," "You ]glean that Illy cousin's house has hem broken into?" "I didn't say that. It was entered by someone who had a key." When Christine did not speak, he demanded, "Do you happen to have a key to Mrs, 'Talbert's house, Miss Thorenson?" Christine moistened her dry lips and said, "No," hating the wood- enness of her own voice as site spoke, * * * When she began to think he would never go on, he asked, "Do you know anyone else who has one?" "No," Christine said woodenly again, Then she thought, But of course — Jaspar, The inspector shrugged and de- manded with one of his disconcert- ing shifts of subject, "\Vas your cousin's vision particularly poor?" "I don't know, .• Of course she wore glasses." "I)o you know who her optician was?" "i don't, but Jaspar would, of course, Ile knows more about her affairs than anyone else." "Jaspar?" Ile glanced at some notes on his desk. "Oh, yes, That's the name of Alrs. Talbert's butler. British Consols Export & Legion Cigarettes PP .114111. The Quality Tea We haven't been able to get In There are as many as 70,000 dif- touch with him yet." "Oh, yes you have," Christine drew a deep breath, Now she was in for it. (Continued Next Week) craft. !trent pieces and shapes of fabri- cated materials in a single ait- JENSEN YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES LIMITED A low priced Yellowknife speculation of outstanding merit MARKET 280 PER SHARE $54.00 ASSAYS ALREADY TAKEN! Editorially, The Northern Miner said this of the Yellowknife outlook: "He would be a very heedless man who would lightly cast away his equities in this potent field—History may be repeating itself and history doesn't repeat very often in a lifetime". Why this Great Excitement in Yellowknife? Because Yellowknife looks like it will become the richest Gold Camp in Canada—reminiscent of the old Yukon Gold Rush days! What is the Recent Market Record of Yellowknife Shares? Giant Y.W. was 40¢ in Jan'y. Negus was 59¢ in Jan'y. Bryhern Y.K. was ? In Jan'y. B.E.A.R. Y.K. was 38¢ in Jan'y. Kamlac was 15¢ in Jan'y. Jensen was 15¢ in June Now $8.10 Now 1.62 Now 1.00 Now 1.79 Now 1.50 Now .28 What are the Profit Possibilities of "Jensen Yellowknife"? Present price approximately 28¢ per share—Located in the heart of the Camp and surrounded by Bryhern (2 properties) and Negus (2 properties) as well as adjoining Consolidated Smelters. Property is well located. $54.00 Assays just reported. One Zone traced for at least 1500 ft, on strike. Work already under way. Additional development reports will be made public as received from the property. Where is Jensen Yellowknife Located? See Map below—Note relationship to Negus, Bry- hern, Giant Yellowknife, B.E,A,R., and Kamlac. I* OM.1.0 Mr -w-.1.01.• ATA?MIalrf MINd roNJ. M. a e) .00 roe., M,4.4 FILCRAI (0r'Jy) JENSEN YELLOWKNIFE Who is Buying Jensen? New Financial interests—From Calgary, Edmon- ton, Vancouver, Montreal, have recently come into "Jensen". Who are the Officers? President—E, A. R. NEWSON Vice-President—ROSS H. FAWCETT Director —EARL S. MURPHY, Phm.13. We recommend the Immediole purchase of JENSEN YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES LIMITED at 28fi per share 0 W. D. LATIMER & CO. 244 Bay Street 1 - - Toronto , Ont. Use this coupon to buy direct or place your order through your own bank or broker. W. D. Latimer & Co. 244 Bay Street, Toronto. AD. SS91 Please purchase for ire shares Jensen Yellowknife Gold Mines Limited at 2hi per share. Name Address OVERSE S THE MACDONALD TOBACCO COMPANY wish to announce that new Government regula- tions, effective immediately, restrict the sending of cigarettes to the Boys overseas to the 300 size only. REMEMBER — 300 size parcels only with a limit of 900 cigarettes per initivitlual per month. 2(t . pre 8. ;1 , 4 a .1 In 1J-_. ..-� __-.-c'...1 y. •...� _ ..�^'• Uwcwas c;teecc+ixivocgt omsc► eacartcuncsieafamistioetescsccKscsocscscsctctct SHOES A MEN'S WORK BOOTS ..$2.95 AND $5.00 A id BOYS' WORK BOOTS, Leather Soles, Panco Solea 52.75, $3.25 A ib Av Ili J6 sue McGill MEN'S AND BOYS FINE SHOES AND OXFORDS A GOOD ASSORTMENT WOMEN'S SHOES AND SANDALS CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. $1.98, $7.00 D111t.N2i1t?t2INN;Mikr-D,11at21d1NAD)?170idiNDl^,I)iN ViaiN11.44'/1?13t1Mi..i2a?aDs2t?19t71 tetlete CC4tattEttMCCtC OCCICUCWCCV4tak4VCt&Ic"tC CCIV4ICIVdt tCtit'itVCLVVV4PCA.V :C o STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of 1)insley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - •$1.00 or Over. CHICKEN HADDIE PILCHARDS is A fi 27c A PER TIN 18c A A tAd A CORN SYRUP, 2 AND 5 LB TINS, PUMPKIN . . PER TiN, l5c DEHYDRATED APPLES (for Pie and Apple Sauce), TIN lac SARDINES - PER TIN 10c, 15c, 18c, 2 FOR 35c KRAFT DINNER 20c PAULA (Sugar Sub) NEW PRICE 39c GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, Sweetened, . _ 48.Oz, Tin 35c GRAPE FRUiT JUiCE, Unsweetened 18c, 2 FOR 35c ZINC RINGS AND JAR RUBBERS. SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes. tont INN)1)1AMINstili1)1i121)IN9iND1)41MMD/DINDINNDi3i2i31°aiDl 212iDaiSaDIDWID19 PERSONAL INTEREST TIIE STANDARD emons \l i,s i:Ikcl '1 a\ Jur, III Iilchcntr, ;teat ming N‘ 11 her parent., Mr, and \irs. .\II,IIL•un \lister I'crcr \;tllrcang ,;,4111 Tue.— N1 ith Ili, In I,tltl r, Itillr, :Ii tltc Il. 111,1 I,i (heir uncle, \I r. \\ nt, 1 iou. Miss \\ i!lna \\'at , n huts re hired Ior another •411(4(11 terns at S.S. No, ', near ke\. and \I r, I\ellllclll \Ineltell, and tllillhen, of (i,,odell,. \lith., are vi,itin:t \\ill \I1". \litllrl'11's parents, \1r, ;1,111 \Ir,.:\, 'Taylor. (1:11\'. and I)o1111:I (Io\v :1111! 11i!I\ Naltrg:rt,q spent the \\cel; -4411 with th,'ir 1111(14, Nil., lll„eII !and \Ir. and \Ir, \\int. Goyand \'inlet. \Ir.. 1, T. \\*ikon, and \lr, and \Ir- kn„ell \Vika'. attended the IIIIII I ll of Nit., J. So\41cr, 1111 Friday, at iu rrs',II \\•il,ni .!lent 1111, \4cc1:-end \\ills her llru!hel', NH., I. Slmlcr, of Inger- soll, L', and Mrs. \\',u, I i\\ spiv, the wee( end \\lilt relatives :1t \\'ood- turl:, 1.111111, loucrkill :4111 f:nnhr:l. \Ir. and \Ire, 11:1r1'e\• Zeigler and three ,011,, 1)I:nc:ut, (icorue and I I:'- 4e\- 1111'.X(1, of (itn'Iph, are holidaying with \I r, and Mrs. Jautes I�irhllunnl :rail frit Itis. \1r, :11111 Mrs. Jannis Scott and t\\o children, 111 Toronto, visited \kith Scott'` parent(, \Ir. and \Ir., Simon \I1,\'ittic, over the \Vcrl:-end. \II•,. \1111111 and cull, and ht.() neph- ew,. Ali Stevensville, visited over the \\cel; -en 1 \\ith Mr. and \Yrs, S. \Ic\'il- lie. I NH. and \Ir . Bernard Smith visited 'toyer \Vednesd:l\' and 'Thursday \with \l r, an'I \Yrs. 1\ell;lnd \Ic\'ittic, 1, \I r. a n 1 \I rs. Chopp and son, of 14•- Ilrllil, \lick., 4i-ilcd unit Air. and \1r.. i\1'illi;uu 1141► 11V•ct• the holiday. \1rs, \VIiitnun•e, :1111 Doug- las, ,(lent the \Vick -1111 at the holm• 1 the iornler't parents, \Ir. and \Yrs. 1obl'rt Make, Colborne Township, Mr. and \ir':, \Vard Buchanan and• Thr 111yt11 Horticultural S,ric'y hc111 ; children, Jo\•c,' :14'1 \\•ar,l h 111 I)1 Ia 111,,,1 ,11((.1•,,,•11! 14a en the 11\\•11 of 'I'IIE OLE) SUNWORTI-IY LiNI i1) lio►ne l'%(Wisher \1 r>. (lli4c (ii1'kas of 11ttn1it, \I irh.' tr11it. .Ni ich., m i,s ifeirencc Guinan:4'l, = i1 . the ('niiYd ('lurch, 1'rid:l)• cvruil •-••ne 1 •,• u••.•,� h hrc ^„ , l ”, I i s,l' , and ti'lirl' to ';i\•, 11;1,,,,•r;.;.;;111.1.,,, \11 \I•:\\' t t,..A.:)i4'-14'.,✓,r-,<,'.tl., .% ;;G .as...:.il,,,,e L. zs..;N*.i si::1.•..T1s,:i1'0,2,)i,c4a,ai2into,at�ioui.aeai'si`laiDID1`); rwawu.ra,4ay.•rrwr....,.. and \Ir:,. , t4'.. I);han, I t 1 4'u L, Iht supper \\,1s \\ill patronized, ,11111 I':\'I'I I?I \S t 114111'.1 thcl — __ . - _. ' _,:1111( the );I,( 111144 411:1•. I•:\et'\-, _ski:.tt in th:• !ilk' of 11 I,Irltiie_i. \1,5 ]Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding. .A Specialty. Agents For International- harvester Parts & Supplies 1i'llite Rose (Ras and Oil. Cat' Painting and Repail'Ing'. Hdlly. anis BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PAY'S and BUNS, ALWAYS ON HAND Confectionery and Tobaccos. PHONE :Is - BLY 1'11• 11 •, 11 i...•.1 .I 1 M• i,�. dl- • Inui ..1111 \Vednesday, July 5, 19,14, -f 1 I I41 1! I . . 1. 1 .114 Chocolates For Overseas \VE AR E ONCE MORE AISLE TO TAKE ORDERS FOR cuocoLA'T1::S FOR SHIPMENT OVERSEAS, SMILES'N CHUCKLES WiLL BE SENT POSTPAID. 1 L13. 5 0/5, OF CHOCOLATES TO ANY SOLDIER OVERSEAS FOR 99e, Wrigley's Gum for Overseas YOU CAN NOW SENT) WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM TO MEM- BERS OF ALL CANADIAN ARMED FORCES OVERSEAS e ' AT $1.00 PER BOX OF 20 PACKAGES, 130T11 THESE OFFERS SUBJECT' '1'O CHANGE OR CANCELLATION AT ANY '('IME. ORDER NOW WHILE BO'T'H OFFERS ARE AVAILABLE. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNI)itl ;S, WALLPAPER—PHONE 2(i. • � s ... ....,,,�" .. u4' ..11 ..v ,a'I�t'.,,.I`:'._ ..:': '+:I;;'^t ::.':: �4'•'., ., .....''.'•t,�..'�'u'':,�:it:.''�:l�l^y�utlitv,taAi':iG'."i �lutt�tCil4'iGtu'iit.'i'aw.�tEitw'k tei lei iii It/ 1.4 W 1 �IItyl l01 The ceiling, which is u-uall\• .f !larger than an} ,iu±tic 141111, rhovld 1141 t' u,;i(lerell :1:: a fifth \\•,1L 'I'hn1� = 14111111 plannitl Ila' 111 ;'nr;u Inn 1'or a ; (1111111 it 16 ,(41,1 a, 11111) Ilan) I n -1ect a lnri•e,'I cciliIi paper as it i<d. tIn ehou•e the proper wall di Puru- =HJoil. Y'nlll' )n141,1,1111 1, pla)' 1'.141141• 1 THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM, .ono of c'n1r441ing cnlo:t•. 1'01'1 lu' t -rail) That a "('uln n•-I'laune'1"r "r:•ont will extcull von Ilndgei. To, realize t.hf4 you can readily du do :by seeing illy samples - over :,U) Ito pith ftunl, \,1;1I 111,111 11 ;.1.1\4 , ,111 1,111• 4'l :tont• II .,I 11111 SiT t;ITES and I )1111 Piece, in the Lucid .tyle, are ;,re hrinu 11111(4(1 at \II)\I'%Y'-S.\\'I\(i AN A'('1•RAC'!'IVE WALNUT' -FINISHED SUITE hi the popular Waterfall Siylr is displayed in our Window this week, C. ;1(,11'1, I in:' I,j ; 111111; 111• Teel ,111.1 ''I,I 4 ti .' ;,I;;II•-•• 1111 Stu 441:,4.4, I'4,1 , `!,lin:'. 1-111(1 Y II 11111 •i I dl .1.t.1 `1111 II11'• 11 1,1,11 to 1' ail/e the inotlrl ati 'tl of our i,4'"i e`. te Chellew -- Phones 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director, 4'3 pi spent the holiday \rick-en'I \\ith \Yrs. h. Hall, and family. Nils. Olive \14(1111, were \'i 1111(, 1111 ttnu•h rnj,1)rd, Mr.. •1. \I. l�irkc IIF \\•hitechnrcll i,'Snnda\ \\ith \Ir. and Mrs, \\'alter \Ir -I \lis, mammy \\'ih oI Ineer,oll, '1 lel .,11 11:1'1 1,11 1 „ 11,111;1'111,, J visiting her niece, Mrs, It. Ila(!, •111•(1 the \4141. -end with her `istcr. '',1 iI .... ,Ind rent ;11.1,•,•, I , ,cri:1'i;r 111 1.1,11 \irs. J, I. Sinus, and little daughter, \i4', Stank\• Ito.• of E'Inu'nton, i'; Mrs. Geon e i�adford, ' t• ), 11111:6 j .k I.I al.in;� 1111 1\';ill(1a(,rr,: Linda, are visiting'with \Ir. W. J. \i.iting the ,letio\vau-Io,s family at 1 Mr, (X11'144 \14'\:111 addrts,ed the Sinn,, ;till Mr and Nil -,Lorne Dale (heir home un f)in,le\• street ,illi, local bra,n•h of the Red Cross at their ** and family of Seaforth, ;week. regular meeting on Tuesday cvenin.;. 54.4.411 4••4 •'.' •:•'4 4• i .;,... ++ + +++.;4 44 .•0.4 .;4.;, 4, ,,.;..;41,..4+4:4•It ti •; •0.;. •.0.;•.;..••• ;”It+•lt••% tie tat.;. •;..0 •;..lt tlt •O s;. d•.O ,:t tle.;4.;• .•0.;4 •;. ,. ••O •;. ,;. •i..;. ,;• re Can Buy Our Way Into a Breadlioe! History SOUP is a meek little word that covers a multitude of suffering \\'?/((''-f '\ '.And only through profiting by past mistakes...will we suffer less) Remember how in the last war folks'blew their money. Needless spending caused prices to rise so that by 1918,the 2,1,1,°,ajoubuytodoyfov89CcostI.85tken; while baby's coat was ,fQ compared to a similar coat at Q;• today. This was inflation and all 4 w•-.4• I too soon it wos.followed by the inevitable,depression I, That's why 1 our government is determined to,prevent inflotion-now._,-.,why there ore price ceilings and other anti•inf lationary measures to hold the cost of living down and keep our dollar value high, And YOU help prevent a future depression and keep your , 4'R3. • , dollars high in value...ever time you pass up a needless edless luxus y r invest your money wisely AfeJeAA eve y1CTOt1Y,l BOND__,, and dve'id black'marketspending,. • /�r 4,kr0;dei7 tiV/4 14/ .%' I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. "'Ziff�����/j////%r�i�/i/i%i�//viii/iiii�/%/����/�� /;niiii��i /////j,////%//.%%/.%i,'i//%//,/%//�;.i/r/�,x Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help reveal the claimers that Inflation represents for all the people of the Nation F.C. Phone 37.26, II. a IYI,.ii 11 ; 11.4.11 PREST LOrJDEseoRo Vode s BAKERY. WHEN IN NEE') OF BREAD, BUNS, 1.'IES, 11011IE-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE I1Oi1E BAKERY” II. T. 1'ODDEN• •:• p, :1 11111.11/101.101111111,14/11.481MR1111* 41111111114114.2111111104111111011411111011911011111111.11 JitE!ey Daiiein iN TI -IE COMMUNI'T'Y ;-TALL. GROUNDS, LONDL5BOR0, ON Fridy -thily = cont! lentis}: at 11.,11 1'.111. Music will he Supplied by WILBEES' ORCHESTRA. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Sot:cty. If 11tat11c1 i:trlctuent 1a"e1, \\i11 114111 in the 11;111. Conic and Enjoy Out -Doer Dancing On A Good Floor. RED CROSS Entertainment ,i •, 11.4 J.:•.0,4J .•,,:,•, .•,,,.::•0. ••. • • ,•, J„•..; li:•••,.•••:.•. •,:. OP•0.:..•..•..•..:.•. �. •::. P. P. •••:,.�. ••, r..•„•,. .li •t' otth to 4t�rDtioit out 14)1 '1 _.....: h WAG::Sn:.�,•I{MV gp>agtt?;,..nw.,.,q, e%F SHOPPE OPEN— WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M. 'I'0 10 P.M. SATURDAY, 1 P.M. TO 10 P.M. O'T'HER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT. IE ID TH I,. CREIGHITON DECORATOR'S Si-lOPPE Lccal..-d Opl;o;i:e 1K:0rnick's Grt,zcry, Phone 153, C'yth. •,. •;• 1;• 1.1 ;..:.:l.:.,;. 4, 4..;.,4,.•': •:,.4.;..;•,;.•;..;..;..;•.;..;,.;. ,..41;..;••4•;.•4.;.4,.4.;•,;,.;•,;..;: •,fir . .1 i -.1.4I. 1:11,11 31. ,k„ . . 11„1 , . 1 1.inti RON, GRILL BLYTI1 --- ONTARIO. EXCl',I,LEN'1' I'OO1). GOOD SERVICE. raaAL at All Hours. DN ' Proprietor '1'111• .\nnilal Ont -door 1:0tertainnll111 of the lil'lgrave I\1'11 l 4'o,, \1111 he h'1! curs a-er+ a an sAu,..,..1._'� Llw.,;. •.._ At The. Home of John McGill, 4th Concession of Morris, on Tlittr day Eve., July 20th. ''here \4111 Ile 1111:;11, 11:1nein . ;1111 a (fond Program, put on h\• The Miss McGregor Concert Company consisting of Music and Comedy. The dra'.v for the lucky ticket on 0 yearling heifer \vill he held during the evening. (Keep this date open and en- jl'\ :111 crinin:' with the 'lel rave kill ('rocs. •17-2. .., n.. . 1 . 1 1 Whir. 15171Y4a':, «S:I.::.i::-Li 7t,A.4=11' kT ILIZM _•^� pLIIMISiaIQii r i Northiatmon liberal Assoc. litter vruce'Liberal Assoc. \ -I, , i;ll i ,•11 11u•etul' 11f tie :'il,'1;,• :\l ')' 1tions \4111 he head in \\'11111; I ',\n 1i:IL I,n 141.1;4. Irl. I ith, :tl 44?U o'c!I1,i. I'..U. I'hr t ;Ilse( .sail k; Ube Ile,lt. `;-,r+ito I.. \Icl.arty, S,cret:r\• of to. ("•1' . 't. 1' ,,.1 1! I . • I:i the ntnl I.n1 It,lnee \4i1i 6e•1t:,11n;kt 6efnrr the In•rlI'.'e, r, e'.•. 11•\\11, 411:11,;' ;,111( tl,\\n'll'p is tt•g.i1 to he ',resent. Murdoch fiiat'`,..scr1, Ptr..idcnt, i1, C. MacLean, Prc°id•nt, 11!11111 ltl nl t 1 ib' 11;11 .\•`ov. \girth -I 0)(1111 I.ibetal t I'r11\ iuei,111 (Federal I , 1,1,1 In..1 44I. 4...