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The Blyth Standard, 1944-06-21, Page 1
THE VOLUMh. 5'1 - NO. 55. 'r• ('h ;' tit';1ti11 Nl ay LYTH STANDARD BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 191.1. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2M0 to U.S.A. OBITUARY Archbishop Of Huron Enthusiastic Crowds At- Red Cross Planning James T. Wilson :\ life-long Il'sitlullt of East \\'aw'a- nosh Township, Jane's T. \\'ilsl 11, pas- sed on at his home, lot 311, (,onees..ion 3, on Friday, 'Juni' lith, in his 71,th year, following an illness of six wcehs' duration with pleurisy. The late '.Ir. \\'ilson was the eldest of six members of the family of the late \I., and \Irs, Johne \\'ilon. 1lis father, \vltu carne to this count; y front Ireland, took up Irl) acre, of hand from the Crown in I{;1st \\'a \'tIIuh, and later many more acres were added to the property. \Ir. \\'il>t :l followed the occupation of farmer all his life. On 'l'arch ?1,111, 189I, he married Priscilla Sotvler„ daughter of the late JI r. ;and \Irs. George So\\ ler, \\ lin sur- vives, \vitt' the exception of six years following sided on Visits Trinity Church tend Federation Picnic 13i>.r Night On Iariday Lot, 1 lis Grace, the Arch- Farmers dirt ugh„ut this district at- '1111• tt1y111 Ire I Cross Society ale ill tcticicd the Second .\nnual Field Day ,,laking arrul).'ements for a "Pig and Picnic of tete Marin Federation tt( \'il1ht" t5'llirh 1‘111 111 ht 111 nn the \Tarin Agriculture, held in the 1.11111,' ['ark, Street on the (la ming of August 111111. bishop of 1 furan, visited Trinity Church lilyth, and (_'onfirnied a class of eleven candidates, presented by the Rector, Rev, P. II. Streeter, "['hose Confirmed were: Robert \'ekes, Richard Glass, John Ncthcry, Robert Leggett, Edward \Vatson, and Jean Streeter, of the Myth congrcg;tion, and Donna Van Camp, Joan Brydges, Fern Nethery, Muriel Brydges and Irene Logan, from Belgrave, The Rev. E. O. Gallagher, Rector of Wingham, was present, and acted ati Archbishop's Chaplain, and also pres- ented one candidate for Confirmation from his Parish. The :\rchbishop's sermon, based on the text, "Let your loins be girded about and your lights burning, and ye their marriage (hey have 1.r- yourselves like unto men that wait for the farm on the third con- their Lord wiu'n he will return from 'cession ever since they were married. the 5ved,ling: that then Ile cometh ncsidc, hi, widow•, he i, deceived b}• and knocked' they may open unto him two sos, Itis;ell Iran, III}'ill; (;eurg(' immediately": St. Luke 12:35-36. Emerson, Myth; and two daughters' The nu'ssage was helpful to old and (\Iarthit \lae) \Irs, Fred \lac;e•thllr, young alike, '(here was a good-sized \larlcdale; (Luella L'cll) \Irs. \\'iilian congregation present at this service, Gow, li'lyth. One sister, \Irs, Jitlles which was very impressive, Crerar, of Shakespeare, also survives, The remains were laid to rest in l'n- ion Cemetery, on Stinda}' afternoon. following ;a pt;blit service at his late 1 ;\ quit'1 June wedding took place on residence, at 2.39, which were largt'ly Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the attended. l 1'v, r\. Si'ncl;lir, pastor of manse of Knox Unicd church, Auburn, the Blyth United Church officiated. \when Elsie Evangeline, youngest During the service Misses ('(arc a,!t !laughter of ND-, and Mrs. Percy Vin- Ida McGowan sang a lovely duet unlit- cent, Auburn, Was united in marriage ltd : "'I'hcre'll Inc No Dark Valley to John Alexander 1lttrclt, son of Mr. \\'hen Jesus Conies. and Mrs, Lorne Murch, Clinton. Rev, The pallbearers were, Albert \lend- Harold Snell officiated. The bride lough, \\'illians Dalrymple, I':dward 11.11„st' a two-piece turquoise blue en• Oniltn, 1;eurge \lt'( an, Thomas' rumble \viler white accessories and she Taylor and \\';deur \it bill, The flow- !carried a bouquet of pink carnations ers were carried by Jansen \111,111, \\il- I;ul'I fern. Mrs. Lloyd \filler, Blyth, lianl Nahrgann, Colin \lacarthnr, Ito- was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a hurt Leggett, Robert Charter, and It' (rune: of brig.: with brown accessories bort Marshall, land a corsage of roses. Lloyd Miller Friends frons a distance attending was hest agar. After the ceremony the the funeral were, ND. ;and \Irs. Luca, I bridal party motored to the bride's of Atwood; \f1.. and \irs. James Crcr_ home where \irs. Vincent received ar, and daughter, \Irs. George \Ic-Iw(aring an ensemble of pink crepe Milian, and \Ir. McMillan, of Shake- with blue trim and white accessories, spear,,, and many other fricn Is frons I The house was beautifully decorated \\'ingliant, ltetgravc, Illyth, and other and after the dinner was served Mr, points. ;and Mrs, \Inrch left for a wedding trip V to London. For travelling the bride v r MURCII - VINCENT Invasion Prayer Repeated Daily In All Schools wore a sill: jcrFey frock, On their re- turn They \vill reside on the bride- groom's farm, base line road, near 'Clinton, The following player, issued by the V ---- Premier George :\. Dr'\\•, \l inisier of Education for Ontario, is being repeal- Congratulations to June Richmond ed daily in all Ontario schools: who will ''clebrate her 5th birthday on "t) (;"11, ern• rrfu•g(' ;111'1 sl ren);tl'' Saturday, June ''nth, hear our prayer for tho''e Thy ser- Congratulations to \1r, vants w•'tm '111nu has( called 1" lain \\'i Guw, w•ho celebrated of i;re'lt peril and of rich lin ttP'(' 11! i \\'elding :\ii ivcrsat•y on mankind. Grant 111 them, kyr I+esec(:II ,June 20111, '['bee, courag,•, sluadfastness ;[ltd ill' ai snranve that Thy Spirit in than is stronger than steel or flame. l'et them in life and death, shclierc't \vith- in 'I bloc arms, Peep ns faithful to our ab>ull o""s, and worthy of the sacri- fices \yhirh they arc making on land, on seal and ill the air. To those charg- e I with responsibility for the nations' guidance, grant \vis'Iont of leadership 10 ach.evt, 'otnplctc vic:o:}• acd 111.'s- tabl'sl, peace and righteousness, truth and justice throt'ghout 'lie world, 'l'td \ye ask, II -11,4'1g in 'I'lline infinite mercy a id ct'tt'p•Issitu. Amen, CONGRATULATIONS --P Iced Cross News The ladies of the \\'est llotindary IkcII' Cross met at the hunk of \Irs. :\1111'1 Mittman. 'IIt1'Ic were t,0 mem- bers aril tri ,11'11 s present. Two I,ree quills \\•ire quilled. \Irs. Machan donated a top, ball, and lining for a ,Tui t. \Irs. Chat les Machan \vas the \vin - tier of the lucky dray. The hostess served a dainty lunch. \Irs. Calvert laale +tier ctlte i:MI it the ladies of the \\'est Boundary Rcll Cres 011 'I'ht1rs11ay alt'rnuon, \vitli a good attendance. Two large (ttti't i \vcre quilted. \irs. Dong'as \lorrison donated two wilt tops ;and \l is. Char- les Fast I'ona'cd one top. Mrs. John Creighton read an interesting letter re - evict d from lar„ II: \yhu is serving in Italy, thanking them for their box that ha I been scot to him. Fta:k aunt an i'It1'rtsti'tg I,1'm \exit ten by another Canadian soldier, on the people in Italy. \Irs, \\'i'fre;l Plunkett was the \t•:n- ner of the early draw, and \I r,. Fal- coner served a dainty Inc!.n Pilot-Officer Vern Rutherford Saw Action Over Germany, the Middle East, and India Seaford], on \\'cdncsdav of last week, It i:' hoped lu I!;tv1 ;t, felt t, at' ;\ I,Ir;e ;;;ttherinp of ritiiuns n:lih '1 it Lein'.' plt'int f,,t ti,, oIeuin:; Seaford], the 'Vas \\'as iircalcnint to Irarti1,11, the Pipe band t,f the (t it It Ted at Thr i',t'.R. talion o" ~,11111 lav 1 et''nl'r'ue' t1' It'. Ile w"nn'I nl. In, start off with, it cleared tip, ;11!!1 a most 11';11 C1 .\II' Pul'!, nm• „) Thr ,hn55' b;l Ills ,11:::1:11:..:,:),11,1:::,:\.,, . I.; I Doul, 1,r• to t5clennu h,nnc 111111 1 111"'1'! \ t 1.n t' ,n!ul:; nl I ! nu'• . enjoyable and instructive time \vas of the 'Dante;'. Also a huge open-air luthetiird, \Om left (;Imola for FIT- f„,r )Dins.' t" I':u(rland in lust, Till. spent, with an attcndauu'e figure varyn- i;our t. ill Ire ayailaii', iland in Ione, :'ill, and who ...10,-,. t1u11 ~lose ohoIone bt II,I, e"nl;'11te,1 'III ing in calculation from $,alt;U to 1_',(Ytll. nt it Lein),' Lein),' tv the l 11,1\1\1.11,1'1itithe 1t.I, seen ;I'iI"Ih:ts ;t Pilot all Ow';I''I,Iti.'nt! 111' alt o\c' (.e1n.a'..\'. 111' The Governor General, the h:au'l D( laulio School iii 1 irit 'sera. Added to this tyav from Legl;tial, through the NI i l'tl, \I "HI, 1.;!'I, ;,:11 o\, r Poo He,. Athlone, honoured the county tvitll hl, will Irl' Itlttltl'tol's booths of ;111111,1I11t'llt., 1'..14, ii eruct':;1. pilot t 11111','1• kiiiii I'„I ,I \,;ll' 1, N,1, mot Inn' II,II!ILrI' presence, Ile tv;ts accompanied b}• 1 further announcements will be heady 1,,'riird 1, In fin'' ht illi. and y, t, 1;,1,1,t t "nou:o'I in 1•.11'-'!aln'I, 'hone, \\111 11 Princess Alice, Ile addressed the hu;e later, hut in the nn'aultinu' di all pm I rice u', iter (,, lu.,ul\. to be noshes I•:H.6,111mb' ,o --ince it em, he ile\\ .,. crowd in the ;Wei -noon and expressed .t ;1 In bowl illi, rennin;; ''yeti, ;o!'t was III";its! time be had seed hl, !tin , \\'tu'i ,,•t,',t II ht b;t'1 ;alt Ilan 11,11 1>. his confidence that 1111' N';II' 1\'ollld ,Doll the num of the. village ;ti't' asked to he 1111' Teller d;ell"Inlet', .\1111, Nen tv;l 111' I„ 1,1'''1„ , hi. r'1't\ \\;!- n1',';11111', "11' - be over and that our dear ones wotiltl read} to ltd n, and help wall the soon return to tis. ' Itltltlut't.,ll, lobs that such a velltlll'(' ell- 'l lis ‘‘11.01110!:1111 III T11.1111111, and a1.• 1,111111 1'1!1•!1, ' 111' 'X111 \1,11 11,,,e,..111,.At a dinner held in Ills honour ;it tail. the noon hour and at This gathering, V Inc said, 1 feel the curl will net he 11,11;; Stl'lll{1(11,1' Mlle '1\o Be IIeId delayed now lint of course I ant not holding out the hope that the war will OIl i\1asSev-11ai'rIS Lot of the lura h' greet Ilio! ;It the station, 'r That, 11,0 r1,ulpa';r11 hon bark 1" I:Iy111.in ter'.'• earl\ ,1a: filet-(ihirer It other ford, wlite•e 1,111;„Nin); th, -, 1ligLl, , •,., r;, rnl;oie bilin, k in \ t'rlllitti,ll It;l, 1 telt;tyle,, 1,11it ( )ll!"t'I• (lit 111 ['lull -p' "' „11, enlisted .t \\'iln'iprg in June, Piens Ile , union- doing Icrryin: Tri;,, irlau I'.'1 , was sell( to NI ;inning Pool, I„i, mt.,, t"I' \1 ,,' II I'.,1•I. 11 11;1 ll !,' ,' be over trnuoPar or the day after. The I„c;ltiin Inc the .Auction Sac hoe' tot l '1hC Lions Palk int I-icalnrlh h",,'eI tel(' holisell'dd fllrttiiiire of Gorge 1"'`t'llg, '11111 it' tout"t 15r -t 1u Ills' deet- on bele of rhes tali,- Oho III Islay' dal '1 1 itttnlg S.'huil, at ht F 111;1. Front proved an ideal selling fur this yearn}"'Ind 1'.1111111'1111:1 Steinhoff, whi(-li will he ,\\a, 11U,• 1 d„..n in III, \It''litti!.u1',1 1 outing ;111(1 the town 1\';1, in gall Iituotl ;heal 1111, Sal11rtt'}• at 2 p.m., has been .11"'I'e Ile t1 a, •'"I had"" 011t;,rlo, ;11111 ;111(1 Int', \\ill, other "„.obey- of lel" was one '-'1 the 1it•,t ('lass at SI,\ liar- t cert, , 11, - ml" an lou ,,ulittt ittl i ui:'h1 in festooned with flags and bunting, changed anal their residence on Mins I The proceedings gni under way at ley street, to that of the Massey -Ilan , 'lin: 1,tt Le!"r' I,1'in: Irl L' d up L', ,, 11 o'clock in the morning when Short. ris Lot on Main Street. Billl(1 Concert AIl(l Dallce '•"„,tal I,;1trn1 Ln;,t. Irlonl Ib' \liddi • horn breeders' of Muton and feeler -'-V /, I:.I 1 b nu de 1111' trip i,t India, ail l (;recltlti' Aupreciated there II,' :.,p• 111 th1 L;Il,ulee '.i In. titin held their field day and judging coin Ned `1\hO/npsoit's Citatloll \)null 'ruw,l 111';1.'( ant for the petition. 111th the reek' Command. I'he fnllmying letter, Icicived freln [,and Conrerl ;Incl Dance, spun,„rt'11 Ly • tII 1!il'I IIo'n', a'l anmil il\ing time, Following the luncheon at whieh ;III the link Commitee of the Ill)lh \Tun-' \II's. NA Thompson, fel'lllel'I}' \IUs 111 ane of I'd ,t -t tillrel Penne flood , the Reeves and Nlayors of the county iri11al.l'u'nlcil on lariday nigtlt. were present the vice regal party ttettl Ituris \Icicnnan, of Lln'yate, rc(tr> tinitl. 1\ .re e\perl' ue„1 tesla: in and !10 thecitation of filar-t)fficer Ned ( Tee Band of the Clinton kali„ Srhrv,! ''' to the (.ions ['ark, \vhcn 1(N) soldiers ,'at of the volley. „f holm, \kith a 'front Camp Ippertvash acted as a guard of honour. They were inspect -C11 by the Govcrnorl-Genre;tl and Martial music w'as played by the band of the hand, Pilot -Officer Edward (. "Ihitnf, hall grounds. .1s ever o"t knows, the '• Ier,ILly in bad Ne;lther, for thea there A choir of school childl•en :;Ing "O instrnntrnts used by this hand ;u'1' the j Canada" and "The Maple Leaf For- sou, furuu'rly of Illyth, had rcrcivcd [was le., chane of Lein; slotted Ly „ the Distinguished Hying Cross. 'I'he'o11 Myth Bawl instruments, and ow i , !rap iigll!1 r , l I,,I,. Ill the ,t;1''I Ihe,c ever. I I I ' citation un "'hire' the ;[ward \vas mule husk was stlpu•b, 1. I'hc le deeply indebted Governor-General in his address ( t;u'sp„rt 111.111', carrl,d n" armament, '-, hole -'-_-'-- -. , reads ;is follows: 'Phis :\irnnan hasl'oni• Inunedi'Itcl} allowing the conclusion !and later had lwn 1'1111, instull,,l that, of the l'oncerl, the Clinton Nadi., \1'ay illi' f;ll'Ille'I'ti base UPCrrt,lll' 111'1('(1 111.111' ti111'C'S,flll np1'I'atntts 'moil -dint; to Rtitheri,,rd, 11,1,1 .1111,1 against the elms in \\'hicll Inc has Scht'ol Drehest'a commenced inns,c for' \1'r to t fl the their difficulties in the war. Short- the dancing, vhich ‘VII, 1 ,'... ,enough tiring 1 \ slit,,, 1111 of ureic „tin plane. 'I'It, re i" L "\ a, pre - 'I'holllpsoll, \11Lr recently was ttvarile,l l•ollsislitl, HI st'lltt' thirty -11\t• I ttCIIII'e". the 1),Ia.C.: Canadian and l'nited Stades men, platy- tr,nl pu+l Hit fit Int• \\;t- „n1' ui ter I 111111, tal,in(; ammunition, food and (( to a ver}' appmcialtiv'c audience from j "Mrs, I?reward ('. Thompson, of 'fo- (ansa troop, to ronto, receival tvurd from Ottawa can- until t) o'clock. 'lite concert rias 111111, 1,:11tling '11' •1;111•. It n',Int d,ly Iy in Jute to the effect that her Iles- held in the (pen, on the \lcnlerial Royal Canadian Itcginient, London. and mem ti)i't : in all( \ye,tther, I,re- the ages of labour and machinery laid a idispL•tyed high skill, (irtitudc and le. heavy burden on the shon'ilcrs if the vt,tion It) duty. farmers, but they have colic through Ned ,received his Conu11ission the end of \larch, and has been instructing .a fine crowd \t'as present, ;ld the net Dul ti gel Illy i. 'id t" the 11'11111(; these trothles with enterprise and de• ! :\II' Gunners Sllll'e' the b('glllltlllg of tin, 1,prtteca•l; amounted to $1,5,01, out of "11. 111 11`.1 I ' ,! olir 1 t. , „It It to r effort to play their part in the scar, when he finished his first tour 'which the \\'illiug \\'Driers oi'ihr lith; ! war effort des lilt tltcse ob>laclrs, \\'t a dri\•in;; tali!!, fly through tl,nul al t 'of opera:iuits," Line, Morris, were given $11),1111, as a' haunt he more vigilant then ever he the tray', and 1.11111 in Itnrnta i the rain v_. - ,so i,, piel, in, , 1'.„1111(1 ,! 1111'11 .1111 Ja1, pi 1, - said, we !Wrist go on to the bitter end, I' ' I The \\'filling \\'1n•krr, catered 111 the ' so that our children and their rlrlthelt Large Gathering I1011oul• dance crew d, serving delirious sant!- 1''1111.x," \ 1'rn ,,lid. may reap the full benefit of our• ('(fort. i Armstron teiches and rif4'c, Inc which they 1.r;l1-' lrlkict' a [t,!1,,,tn, Ile deli,,r1'd the Mr. And Mrs... r M. Easton kCe,rdiff, \I.I'., fur North On \\'ednesday (Iv(ning, June I4tlt,lired the net stun of $13.1111. They alt, 111,.1 lee;( 1„ iLe t'iti ttt11",;ti fire`' in a, thanked the Earl for his t'o jungle, (!lien Li, de.tinalion N‘ wild the beautiful farm home of Mr, and wish to express their appreciation to splendid \I1•s, JII11 : \r111511-ong. of itl•1's,l't •, \5•;Is I\it•. .t J. Iiia•; sol• a cake, d,ltla!II„II of take hull \\tlbin 11111111,, of ,lap le Id.. Nlenu,rial Hall, Although the crowd I essentially to 1•eep 1,111 of 11.,,,11,1,,, w'as late in assembling for the dance. three tint, s a day ;Iirrraft hall 1„ io 'file other speaker for the afternoon 1tne setting of a happy gathering when $'.(III, and to \lis. Franklin Itatinton for I "On ""einht' ll nl_hl, N w„"1d xj11 was R. S. Kennedy, \Ionlrcal, editor- Tot\' the yalle', s down and fly In and about two hundred of their fr'ends her contriboti, n of a loaf of bread l in -chief of the Faiitil} herald anfl and neighbours met to celebrate their final' u11 into >;utdwiches, and ala to out if the bill,. \\e olid tlult run \Veeidy Star. ile urged the farmers 1 often 11111 i1 tyals like wallkin(, ar.'ua'1 silver w'c•Idint• anniversary. Their "the rink committee for their donation and Mrs, to cooperate hi building a new richer daughter, \lis'; Itorotlly, and son, jint,'of $10.0(1. c„nr own ho"•1 with tl'e lithe, mit. their 16th farm life for the future. \Inst farmers, yYouou owl wearer cyeryl1,, l \\ a.." i, \\ present, but their younger d;nlgll I I'.yrryollc hope, th.lt 111', Isle cf„II;, . Tttestlay,lhe said, (lo,not realize the advantages [ler, Miss preen, was unable to attend' of musicians will slake many more In- I len o'Ir 'tip a, he 1'i!' Intl it'et nit •!tending a life in a rural area. I1 all 'destination t1,.' crew Nere -I,,,ging "nl I' the celebration. I al appearance-, ;sol) Inc understand 1 farmers in the comity !whiney.' to the ,\ I u11,1i1, to troops on a hillside. ( Inc splendid program of speeches and that they will, daring the coning .' Federation and tank all active interest I 'chute (men, 1'I the kite awl t'll pound. music \\'as enjoyed. After an address sumincr thee 25th. and presentation of beautiful silver Sunda}' 'perotts cotuuy in a few yeas, 1' here were exhibits of I Ibour ;ayinti made a very will}• rcpt}•, devices, Iivestucl:, military display, The nl'un\ hcallifnl gilt, received •ill b Committee. li lrc, an. spoken words ( all rt11a I , t and\I I \I 1'u I \\11 ul ret 1.n good wishes lel the future, testified to ing the control,. Loitnna111y I 5: Ret•, 11. J. \'kinesin of Otm• ,l h ed a cable tln< \yuck ntornnng thele' e, 1 1'1 int•' l y,lllek ;I' V BLYTH UNITED CHURCH this would be a better and more pros - 111,15: 'There will he an open scss•On gifts, from th,' neighbours, the host of the 'Sunday' School, The program oto'•, !of ,11pplie, anal parachute fl:l,hcd Larh ( nr. Arnold Bowes Missini, In Action along, the fn.elaee. The tie in(; t-,sutht on the It,il.nl;t', 1ll,linpllne, the container loupe,! wide' the lin, t'ra,hc'1 ' 'un(lucicll b} the \llssl0ltary !own an I 0,t 'hcd int the t le\"to,, races and games, exhibits by the de 'I . 1 ,f ' , t'o ! I tartnlcnts of agriculture car. 'I'hc vast I r, ant 1.s. , s,c. ,t - nrlrh I,I. throng took keen Interest in all the tet pl,ult wa h t I I the esteem e( the conunn'itc for \I r.' 'anion, will conduct the service. Rev. That \Irs. \\ 11„11', s„n, (i!!1.• .\enol'') !, I 1 Thr limn or they N,,nl,l h., \.,, rlashel, program as (lid the vire legal pail}• and \Irs, Armstrong. A. Sinclair will take the Anniversary Bowes, w;ls II11>,Illg in aetull a, of 11114' ' I Scaled on the platform, in addition ---c against a hill•hle bel"re 1 .O, h"Ihr+- 1, l' particulars ;1\1' 111 ('t Irl 1111 ' United Church, Myth, will be withdrawn in ncd}•, were Mr. and \Ir>; Harry War Auxiliary Meeting it'll• iin,llly not the n,..1' 111', !hell r„111(11'1 Arnold. who is well Ln"wn in the 11'\1'1 ,off. I h! \\ ,i.. dour Ly nl,,\nu; favour of the :\nnieersary Services in Sturdy, \Irti \\ i \1'Ityte Nit.. and I he I,I\ th (1.n I, \\ t1. \ux II n \ ,,not Satires at Dungannon. 1111 Nofurther ween "i\ Ir r i i !tl! I! i II 1 I t II . The evening service in the Unit to Their Lxccllcnru's and \I r, Igen• 'Trinity Anglican Church. V \Vatson, \1 r, and \Irs, Archie \I"rt'a!n, TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Miss \'era Grenfell, lady-in-watiti!g, Major \lark ('hyla., aide -de -vamp; Rev, P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector. Col. and Mrs, \\'. \I. Ding, ley. and lime 25th, 1944, I Mrs. R. P, D. l lurford, Dr. and \I 1.s, Anniversary Services Hobbs Taylor, and Mr. and \Ins. Ju'nl • II am.: Rev. NI. Ii. ll. Farr, of St. Hanna, Paul's, Stratford, will officiate and preach, 7.311 pan.: The Rector. FORMER WALTON BOY All welcome. MISSING IN FRANCE Sec advertisement for particulars of Anniversary Supper. Mr. and \Irs. James Nirh"I, of Ext- of helping the led Cross with their W. community, enlisted in \lay, 1'i 11. Ile for\t,t,l in the plane. ;Intl 111 Mrs, W. ]l, Goldin)„ \I r, u 1 \Irs, at the home of \Irs. Gordon [':Ili"It on Elston Cardiff, Mn, and \I1>. Ih-e(Iwent Oversea., in \""'"1"''' ..f It"'Iu."!e the rotten hip ;Woo.' entirety Tuesday evening, with eleven members .nanny year \\ here he le, been "Here..,i in 111 :In'otl l' , \\ ben he I cart' d present. '111' minutes recce reale and ing adyaurcd tr,!intite It is Thr sol iii( i,I,o!1 up on lel Inn - adopted. ,lean Gray gave the lrcasur- er's report Shr reported a balance of cern hope of evcl'\onc III.it later it t k1,1\:i t' 11 tui'!, „ut, and mall the X5,1,03 in the t(asurv. s'n,d5 (vas feat- may hear Thr titling that hr t, ,,it' ,I,uulil _ ON. again, or at the worst, is a nls,ml!.' I l'llrl ma,. Illy „f I'll b1. ,t,cnt will! iced (roto the sale of tickets on the Arnold is 21 old. 'afghan. \loved by Natalie licrntts, scowl- ed by Gcrtftol,' \\'cttLuifcr, that $15,111 be given to the local branch of the Red Cross. Carried. Dorothy Stewart stressed the need V (arida}, lntcr:c:aiun Service in tete ter._ formerly of \\'alto", r'ev'ved of l'i 'quota of hospital supplies, Church at 4,45 11.111. cial word on 'Tuesday that their son, I \loved by \'. Sines, s(1' n !'• t h}• 1). Trooper Gordon Nichol, was report,. 1 I lbplestonc, that the business part of ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN missing in action in France lime 11. the meeting adjourn. 1'pr. Nichol was horn in Brussels, re- I The remainder of the evening was No service in St. dark's Church next .ceived lits ed,ication there, and went very pleasantly spent in playing bridge Sunday on account of Anniversary ser- overseas November, 1')41. Ile is 24 after which a delicious lunch was ,erv- \ires in ]Myth. years of age and has three brothfrs, cd by the hostess, her mother and G. TRINITY CHURCH, DELGRAVE \Vilfred anid Lloyd, serving in England, t\\'eitl;infer. The coHecti' i amounted to $3.25. Jeal Cook moved a vote of thanks to \)rs. Elliott, and the met tine.: adj'tern rd, V Dr. •11. A. S. \-nit's k a patient in the - - UP TOWN AGAIN Clinton Hospital, where he undera'nt \br. William ;tftnstoa was up town ,an operation 011 'Tuesday morning-, \\'r this week after a period of many are very ;leased to report that his pr,- The Red Dross (lingo will be he'd weeks during which Ile was confined ,grecs toward recovery is quite sati..fac- the \Irr,, 'ria! t Lill this Saturday even - to his honor through illness. j'tory. ling, June :Atli, instead of July 1st. and Alvia in Italy. No service in Trinity Church, Bel- v grave next Sunday on account oS Att. DR. VOKES IN HOSPITAL nivcrsar}• services in Blyth. Bingo Saturday Night }caws o 1 . [thy, .„.10,0,10,1of lotll,nr, \\ Ito inv'l'•d ;[Lout 75 iiirmen for 1'111i,linits dinner. JAMES PHELAN ELECTED 1'RESi-I 111, first roar \vas 11111}1' in a \\'1 DEN'[' OF THE INDEPENDENT ;lutglo" I olnLr' 1.1 TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION l';''•'!tal" ru'g' I'• \ t•r'tl +',,ren 1'1 iii, I ,,"unl,sioll a. ,I \Ir. lames Phelan was clectctl I'rrsi- I'il"t-tlfficcr in lime, 11143 dealt if the Independent 'telephone .\,- j t111 Ili, ryas Linn, in eintpaul\' with soeiation ati tlhcii• 341 11 Annual c"ntrn other airnu ", i,1' Irfl I':!Icl,tn,l jti.l one tell held iii London on i IIIII-,d,ly. \11'. 11;'y before the illy;Liner of France wan, • Phelan 1; chairman of the Myth 'fele- la"nrhr'I. punier Commission, and 1"l, gl\'t II ' 111, Stitt• \'t'r'y highly of the work Really \'r;ll•s of valuable „t'1'tict• to tell' Teeing done for Thr boys (-)t'l't•,t';ts by lural Company, gaining know'ictlgt' 'Thr Red Cres, Society, and c\pressed which should ,neve him in good stead Ilinl,elf as deeply erltrfnl to the local in filling this '('i'\' important po>t. 'led f ort•, for tart't'l,, and also 1" the He ova, acc'mlp.mittl to 1 o11'1o11 Ly ,Clinton liranrh of the Canadian 1 en - \Ir. \lar,h,lll, NIr. \\',Il,h, NIr. 11"c(r ion fur tacarctcs. son, and Mr. 11i!I,t,rn, WIN THIRD PRIZE Pilot Atfficer 1tutlerhtr'1 has a month', leave part of which will 1)1' ,pent herr' \t int his v;." ' ''•"plc, Ni r. Messrs. lac.; Cowan and l;ordo" FI- ,and Mt,. Thomas Tak'lor, and part of lit tt upheld t!'1' honour of Illyth on 1ttltich he will trend with (tic parent. \1'•Itday night, 1'}' c;n'rsi"g off third I \Ir• and \I' 1;1,rdon Rolherfo,-d. of pt i •c at a himl'ne tournament in Sc.t- Vet »1111;mi I;at, 1,efor' rc'•''rti hack Ifgrth, with 2 wins and a pin; 01 1;. Ifni further (11 1.,,,,...: t, Ili tel, Ail Force. X01 0 kt tot„ `N 3VtiOC 11t�tt'�b s�ttl� t N CC �1�1Q°,1,t�\tt1 1l S t1,, �,o`tC; `,ttA 11t>hota�,1�. 0\v 1>>itt�� . 01,4. a � R}j tC � U it�'`1�1�`,ttt 1�tt`vov�;a ' ��ttia't�'c1`ot1t� '� tv�t', ,Y , shtl stt11 `' L1)' . y°uCCe NC.c01: `tory, t, St.k\.'' y �1 1t 0 iq ,' (o1 orbs c�•3‘,;i1.1,74:01 3,)r • �Cs1i t1,-ot`C t,�t>:'�'11 VI Co E'''1 0� N1.1 tti,,`'CC tt��cc:Vt,°L15 ate ‘00\C cOV a,a �`�vU` C1,°tt,,t 1v C1i`✓'`I` lCt°t, Lt}a. t� c 1>>a i il``N , E Chi' '` `tot ' yUtY�t��ct t‘�,Cr. 5Ej0cC ,� 5 y°v,�,� Co p�' 1jaY it'�t�C� cttl'Cty� t,s t1, p C, t 11.01 t� • t�OC t0 G`L�tot toy Cot: �a ,�1 tt1 sr, Y • shot,`' 4 tt�,a2 , vitc C LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "What am 1 gonna do about Rags, Mom? ... 1 can't break him of the habit of hoarding." C.. ARMY EXPANSION Probably the United States' hesv- leat draft registrant is Robert (-loges, above, of Mt. Sterling, Itt, fficials took no risk of being false prophets when they said hid weight would probably keep hirh 3,ut of the Army. SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith' COPR. 1011 IIY NEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REO.11. 11. PAT. 011. "You ought to smile instead of crying, Mother—with Junior graduating, maybe we can .start saving a little something!" PGP --He Took Pop's Bait Neatly HE 1lD1 "" THE :aLORE CAVING SWIMMING / ExHIgtrIONS . '-��_ _ -^-• �vr.-' /vH0 DOE`S �s 1 REG'LAR FELLERS—Dugan Rides Again! IT SAYS HERE THAT CAVALRY IS OECOMIN' MORE IMPORTANT I /I WAR. ON ACGOUNTA Th'GASOLINEr SITVATION` SO WHAT? WELL, THAT'S A 5RANCH OP OUR, ARMY WE'VE. NEGLECTED, IP YA A5T me.! QUITE i RIGHT • THIS CURIOUS WORLD r . V.SOME. SPECIES OF FISH TASTE WITH THEIR PIM; By William Ferguson SAN ARCHAEOLOGIST SHAVED HIMSELF WITH A zRAZOk' THAT HAD BEEN uNEARrNED IN AUUST' RIA. 00 'Id, / CAN 8e AWAY FROM PI°1UN6 FINE AND 3.. BE MDMESICK7 $bfv elOUTILIER. 10.14 - , /r1, ;I !, Nova Sc»t"4 FUNNY BUSINESS • _STABLE I 704 • 1/,I.. ';,UI kilt/Ill/,, •• • 11/,,I., 011/8,11 .. .1".0111•/1111,1,,'" • COM 15411Y H!A SlAYdl, t„C T, Al RN U S OMR hit• ., .,,... • .T 0, "He's been wearing the outfit ever since that new shipment of mules arrived!" 'Constipation goiie -- this easy 1 a)" "I'm delighted I found out about ALL -BRAN, for it ended my constipa- tion woes, It rid me of taking nasty harsh purgatives—which never helped more than a day or so. Now, thank: goodness, I'm an ALL-nitnrt 'reg. ular'.I wouldn't miss eating this gentle -act- ing cereal for worlds." It's natural, if MY PE -r GOLDFISH you suffer from cnnstipatx,n cu..: to lack of "bull:" in the diet, that you''i cheer for ALL -BRAN. It's SO gentle anti simple. All you do is cat hEt.uxa.•.. ALL•nRAN — as a cereal or in sever:,i muffins every day—and drini: plenty of water. This famous ce,:atl helps to produce smooth-v:orking "bull:", an prepare wastes for easy eliminat And once you know ALL-HR\N's re- lief, you'll want to eat it every dao to stay regular. Remember, it's a well —not a medicine. Get ALL -BRAN to- day, at your grocer's. 2 handy sire,. Made by Kellogg's in Lmden, C n. By J. MILLAR WATT ti_ /DRILL START CAVALRY ! DRILL T'OAY/ CORP'Rlt_-- HOWEVEIt, WE'LL HAVE 'T'5OLVE TA' PROBLEM OP HORSES 1N OUR. / OWN WAY •••; By GENE BYRNES .51.411013 DEFENSE THAT FLOPPED Not only did the Allies take beachheads in Normandy, but they oh- 4/Aimed the Nazi defense plans as well. Here two Canadians inspect the' sandbox layout at Nazi headquarters, 1 THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events Combined Operation or Task Force Wins Battle of The Beachheads Tilt ground soldier unay nay, with some justice, that 1.11 the hOnitlt, dtnj,ptd on German, in tilt Iasi four )ears have tt(,l rhalr(n tilt. Nazi tyranny is dl ( ply ut hovel the last eight da) 3 of hand- to-hand fighting un the soil of 1hance, comment,. the A(w York Tlrr+ts, The airman can re lily that without the long prtliutin.ii \ "so(- (euiph up," without the mat ti t Air rover of 1) -Day, 1\idiom the quick tut tical support from Ile( air and flit intense strategic ht tubing whirl) has hampered every Get - Man effoit to bring up re servo, lilt hcaches could never hate been taken, much less held, :\ml e\ ut ►he Leant:ll) c;+n at1d that iith(iIt the blasting fits of naval artillery the infantry divisions (night nt Ver hays fought their way beyond the 0Ouslel wall, But inch -- if he had himself palticipatcd in the Blunt operation -- would probable' B tulge his point with n 'ober huin- fitly and ;In understanding of the other's c, nt iinnti0n not Always ancoiutered au1(Ug the theorists, Pre -Invasion Pounding •) he Normandy landing r(j;tc wells the "combined operation.' or the "task force" idea in its most utar.sil'e and most cone hieing brrn. While the reports have 1111ded to throw the desperate heroism of the infantry and air -borne divisions into the highest relief, it is impos- sible to read the story withtnit seeing 111( role of air poicr in its flus proportions, The ta'k was bard enough us it was;without Air power, both on Ilse see n( and through the long preparatory Peppermint Grown For Commercial Use Mast p(up!t \till Ic.trn \\ill! sur- prisc that peppermint has hrctlnn an imputtont commercial crop in She,; ares, lays the \\'indsor Star. 'Hite, plant is usually loohtd on as N weed that grows w tld, and has I\nly a lilt minor uses a' a flavor- ing material. Actually, it is badly heeded for tilt' manufacture of pep - Headache Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches... (Why suffer?... Lambly's will give instant relief, 1141=1141=6'0 isgood for ear. ©h 6'0". ache,toorhache,pains in fly 11)ark, stomach, bowels. ykw:// riteulhs and yen's, it would tltarly 1,:111 brrn ilnpussihic', (;urinal) alrltion 11.0 remarkable by its iib - 1e11.1 ; 1111 t 11 1a't leas 01( con- cr(I,• r(.iard 'our hy' tilt 111111 lvho L:,11 die11 ioug lit fore in the 1-an- eii ii ' oltr Iitrlin or the Fori- nt '-'t' over Seim tint urt (r Brun - s11 it h or in A hundred otht r air 1,4114'. 'I In re Inas het n mo one. c3Ii-I i :gr counter-attack; the (;er• •re', 1 31' have but it so skive In tarn kip that it has been necessary tt• thro11 them mors or its' piece- meal into the action. Isere is the result of the prolonged strate- gic pounding of all communications in 1tstrr1n France both, ltcfor( D. flaynod rime. Unity Of Services 1t v.( 31111 ht Ca..): 10 ctmtmine the demonstration. Air power has brilliantly justified itself; hitt so has n:(\ al gun poi c r and so has tilt ground army — each, how - • (1, (urly in (onjunctiuu with the S11h 1 . Some air officers still be- lievt that the i'ar might have heeq \eon by the total concentration of All energies upon the air alone. The: argunnc nt can never be disproved, since the evperiuteut has not been nlad(; but the ''hole weight of exp(ricncc in the present war lies he:uily Against it, The great suc- ces•es have all ho won, not by in - el( pl ndl'nt at 331, not on the gi mond or on tllc sea or in the air alone, but by the judicious combination of c\try available dement upon ''hat - t\ ( r specific task presented itself, 'rhe greatest, most intricate com- bination of all has been adopted for the greatest single t:l'k the 1\rsttrll Allies have adtnilpted. p1 rinint oil, ' 1114l1 has 111,111) im- portant nndicin,ll prop(rtit '. the d(\(lopulent of this crop is ;moth(r indication of tilt almost unlimlitcd fit l(1 for a!4ricnitur.l1 dt- \eiuillut nt in chi- cou3lr, HEADACHE POWDERS is 'KILLS MOSQUITOES AND -'ALL OTHER INSECT PESTS RHEUMATIC Pains! AWAYTHEM DOES ES YOUR BODY ACHE? Here's eulek relief from miser. able neuritis, rheumatic, ar- thritic and lumbago pains — Drink water abundantly and rely upon "H'\VELL" herbal remedy as an Internal cleanser, As pain and fever producing acids are washed away — Pain must sol Relief may be felt right at the start. Take Mul. vene,y's "a'\1'ELT. regularly be. fore retiring and wake up each morning feeling fine( Sold by over 2,000 druggist'. caNS f RT PR MUL Li XP 11V1: TABLETS tt1 Hit 1.1 RI;Iii: l7 C U \ b'1'I 1'A'l'I tl \ :f J 111 suit(r 11'0111 Il,m011•olds (Pili') Icy g1 ttiig relief through r'oll'ing ((310': action of 1''ELLDIUL 1.A\ATtV1: '1' \iii l'L'S w h i.1 tl so many hale found effective for this condition. )lu to your drug store and (+fain l'Llt\1UI. LAXATIVE 'VAR- LETS—two mouths attp)Iy for SIN, or write direct L'l;l1\101, t)1S'1'111130. ',-ORS, LONDON, Ontario. ,YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM HOT If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzy spells, Irregular periods, aro weak, nervous—duo to the "middle -age" period in a woman's life, take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It's helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham's Compound Is also n fine stomach tonics Worth trying! Made in Canada, Modern Etiquette by VOA 1.1e 1 1') i•,,' 1 1 1, 1 11: it 1 1 hil11,11, 1,110 1. 1' 1.1, ..1 1 1 10 1 10'1,1,1'11 ,1 Ili r 1. 11111;'0' 111. • 111 111• :01 fa, 1 I 1111,1,1 1 1,, 131 111 11) „'I 'r,ltr,' 4 ,1 1,t 1' , .3 1' U I 7! 1 1, 11':1: I,,'..1 1. I. t t.:. 1, 1.1 (11.1,:,. t1 (: 1' it 1..1•' I' 111 'i,,,1 r 111 111 ; 1 11 1'1}", t r .1 1 11 v 11d:113' (,.t 1' ANSWERS 1: 111,1' I• ,.1,\„t \ • 3'!'1'. •!1 rl 1,. )1 1',1 '11:, I', ,I ,, I'.;lr 3111 -(II 1' 1°'1 snit 0 (01 \l'lc, 1' 1. t, -1d'' per ',-:'tr,1 I„ 31.:.11 11'-13111111 ,'.l pc stew , 11,1 (111 11,,'3 it is rr,lit4l1 it 111 ",311/, 1 i 1111 !113111 \\ i'1 di, frons (13); to flat, 'hl' 1,111 nee: 1.1 C\vanlpcd 111111 01)l4::It:, 11' tilt 11'1 1111111g d,l',' 1333,1'. :! h et 1..1 sldc di' h, or rr li'!1 1 hors trot 113 o 1. 4. 11 3'011111 I r hl thr 10 31 it 1, 1Lt 11101:(1 for general s111ok,111'. Otter, the cil;arettes are ,.lrr,11 on 1h0 table, or thr hosts it see that they are passer! at 11t yr( - pet lune. 5. Yes as this is inlire1c optional. She has a ri1'ht to \51 at. the rings if she wishes to do lo, 110.; telephone numbers are u- Yerved for business card', 11 r 1 Canadian Flag Carried Into Battle 1' 1 r 11, 1 (1111 t '.,11,1111:111 r it: thin I H I:1(1r !'3131131 .1,1r 1( . 1.11 1';r 1)r- 1"1 AMEREMEMENIMINIINIMEIMIIIIIMIL Easy to roll, delightful — to smoke FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO 1 r1)gunionnamismammassamisme ---tea We All Want To Be Our 'Own Boss' e 11'13.3 pri- 13.11 1 3,31 31.11.` 1, ini1i:l!i1 0 1.111! corn - pt tit '1111 11:.11,1 for greater pr(. - 1'11' • )13?,,;f • \\east , l,rt•1111cti(,tl all'i 1 ".• cr.l,lt WOO for the )1i1I'' (3 the j((,331 \1 ho 1'rratiy 0113111 ie he *wig 111.1118 art -wild l,v an 100 1' of hue( 1131 rate, says the Lethbridl'I Il( raid. \\ e' still hanker to be our "(,1\)1 31(3,6", 1,1th the 113/111 10 do to, v, f like t\ ithin the 1811 8)1,' tl711i3' rfa'11i i,id ,-3')001. THINGS ARE LOOKING UP Even the well-known statue "Physical Energy" in London's Hyde Park seems to be looking up as Allied bombers roar over the city on their way to bomb German targets in Europe. Other up -look- ers are, left to ,right, Sgt. Wm. Hewitt, Bridgetown, N. J.; Store- keeper Jessie Watkins, USN, of. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Muriel Canepa, and her friend, RCAF Flight Sgt. J. Ainsworth, of Montreal. IIA III' CiIICKS 11.Ail)IIIES'INI: P11011 1"f SI 11P\tEN'I' 01"F \ '0 wet I: old chides In breeds as hal- ed lm our day old ad In this pn- prr. Semi for p1 ire'-, Also day old Heavy Cockerels as lu\v r1 r1 1,7.95 per hundred. Non -Sexed at 18.95. Pull( Is $1:.95, Fre. cir- cular. Top Not. h Chl,'l• t 1 (1111.1 'h, Ont, IIAN'I'A\iS, 12 °) I':\lit Ili: 2 I':1111 \\'lite I'Ilnl:ons. I1l:0'1c 31'e ('i 11114., 1111(f I'u(hln. $31.1011 h•,l'', ea'll 11" 1%11,1'. 11'11 rrnl - 3, \ 1 1 - 1 (1'. :41,31111 1'3111'1. 1 )111. )NAIt'1'tXllal,I'': ,11'N1 ('Hil l('! }iAIOIWI•;I) It1a'ES,11:1\tl'- rlul's, 1.31.31 SI)'. \ and th,I Ito. l: ii) holds, II Imo 11,1 140. Ali )t1•, I( ('ill'' l ,ml .\)pant', d :1011 1'1r, rl-t. st' 11. \n w:nti11 , .a'1 111411, oily 33l1l;!.. \la Ftmldrl,'4, Fat ni It t) ') 'y' 11:(11 i;'1'A)1TI:I1 r'llll'I(S 'I'\\'( \5I:);3( (111, I;:m•r)13 li", k, New 11,:40,• , 55'11)10 13,).)„ 55'1111, I.";. - het (, Hybrids in Nott -S, 1. 1 011, 1" ,'1111 ,'0okrI, 3- .,t 1,:'11.11:13 i'1,, t'. .53. , Ili) 11111 111.13, r•1rl•- 11, )' Ino :ry :15.115 111 1' Int'. 111111. ('1111114 Fl I.11:,. N1.G-51 ,.II Icy 31 ( t:llugu,. I'1y•u111( 4'a.' I, 11:,1,'11, I I'' 1.113111, ,1 1' 10c BARRED ROCKS 10c 0131,3:13 N3. 5' C(I1 JI .\l: A\I) Jul) '•loch', 1'331 ,„m1', I'ir't se: (I. It',3'rlrl Ruck' mike)! 111 I d II"cl; full l” 17'', 3, .'- 31,.1 l,'. 14113,111 '1,• 1.cc1101'll 41111111', :'1,1 Tutu. d Incl( 1 ,.1•l.' r' Is S l0,00 In, r 13.3,3 )1 1' loll. .511 ,gg rt 1'131111 heel',- :,011 frin' WI- it p143. inn 'toes(, "u:u':'rtr, e 11'0',, 111 3 liver)', SLan 111'113.4 yew' (n11rr, 1!43.1!•'0 1'.11,1), St\m'c; RI ((1, 1:11a ih;o.1, 1)111a1•i0, 11ON'T 1(11:5 THESE 1'111,'1: I: 31i1II,'. :\1l popular heed'. a 1111'' 1.43.Ito. 7', Harr, d Ruch, N'' 1)'101'Ilill,, '1V Ili 31' Ruck, N lyse 55':.ttdult,., light tiny -4 \, Ily- Lr10' rind ,llor 11"4 d•, \,:• 13 3.11 (.1' 11:11 114 $s.1': pt 3 imp_ dlr0. 11.::1) cockerels 11) 4:). )1(ne3 punt 1,.,, $11.95. Shipp.'1 ::1' 111131, (13\1 second Ih(lre', 1111141 ,11111,10 3 (33 13'. 'I'lt(•i- dlc chi, I: Ilalch( ries 1''tI)1(I , ((3)3 i.1, 151':'131? 1'1.0141SO EAltl,));Ii '('11(5 14113'11, hilt skive (111010, 11115 11101; and 311.1"), '1'1'11 114 1s hat 9011 lit rd 111 herr 11 and (3. '; pullets or (.0,'14- 4.104. 5C(' 0.30 Mites) give 30.1 whet '''1l 333111) - sigh; 1,03(', 11ra; hatchet y, 1'3. John N., 11:.n1lt- too, Ont, 1.A)OI: .\•I' '1'11ES1•3 PitIt'ES. Linty - GI nnient Apoi 03 1.11 1'hi011s, 10 0. led (tock, New 111uupshir) s, \\bite Poch, Light. Sussex, New Ilini - ehila X Barred ltock, light Sus - ex X Ne w il; ;llpslllre. Whiteeghorn, Blick ;•ilnorca X White Leghorn, Non -sexed na low as, 18.95 per hundred. Pullets 112.96. Leavy Cockerels 17.95, No de• posit required. Shipped C.01). Give second choice, Top Notch Chick eries, Guelph, Ont. • UI'LRN4i & CLEANING kAVD }'0U ANYTHING NEICDH dyeing or cleaning? Write to us fos Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart - 'teat K, Parker's hyo Works rotted, 791 Tonge Street. To. fouto. AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE wools n, barn halt dresstng nt Cnn- lyda'r. till) st and largest schools, Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. 3lnrtel }Tairdressing Schools, 958 11loor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 1:1ng Street, Hamilton, and 74 1(14(41 Street, Ottnia. LLi A 1t N HAI 1t1)It1551SIN0 Robertson method Information on request regarding classes, )tonertsnn'e hairdressing Acad- emy, 117 Avenue !toad, Toronto. )tl•:IliCA1, 1:X --I:\'1:1:\' SI'11'Is1T- 4 1 1.3 til' moan, 1',1103• or 3-11)1'- 13'' •/mulls try IIIson's It' turd}. 1.4» 1,3 '' 33 3sumo'. 111313 Store, 1)ll:t(1:r. l'n'tprud $1,0,'. `iTl(MA, Al f\\U I.3) 11153) 5V(i11315 oft a are the cause of III -health In hunt'lus all ages. No one Im• mune! Why' not fled out If 3133) I8 ynl,) trouble:' Inlere'ling unr• Uculloe-_gree! 55'1.11e \tulteney'I' Itrmc111rc, ;:pcclllists Toronto 3, ')nf. RAI'\1I'l'hq 1(3.1'1' RAI \t destroys offensive odor instantly, 4bc 1;0111) Oltaw(t e.:ent, Denman I11'n(2 'lore. I)tI( wll }.ATI, U' \03135I'1,l — 1:\'1•:UV ,oft, ,' 1 4i 111 miotic 131(11" mr 3;..131it1), 'huuld cry 1'1\011') 11(111- 1 (('. 51.111 "111) 51 1111 0's !nun, . 3:31, 131):131, 1te1'O:1, reSt • 11,-11 I '.I 11, t'Itll'1'lllat.t 1'111' DON'T RiS1K' LOSING "SNAPS" THEY t':1\"1' tie; TAkl':N At AIN (let 111101 "rnap3" lel Ioncr cost — I'rlonpt Mail Service, Send your flint rill', to Ste' Snapshot ticrvice to he Wit eloped and printed. 'L'hts 3t, c'a)1,41131 Inrgest finishing stu- dio. s,tl'1 inn customers all over Canada. 1well like our norlt, too. Ally 5i 0 110)1—(j 01 9 Ex PU.SII)'t''a, DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED '201 1'ralsiuh Star .,Sn)ps;lot Service, a l'IISYOOIyr nt Windsor, Ont., writes: "1 suppose it's hard to hive your usual 'lui;k cer33ce pith help no Mad t0 get, but as son); as you turn 001 811011 fine pictures, 1'11 (1)lit—if 1 have to wait." a MUUN'I'EI? ENL.ALtu1'MEN'rS 25e Fixe Esti" im Beautiful Ilusel Mounts Enlargements Est'," on ivory tinted moults; 719" in Gold S(l1 er, Clr- c1180in11 W11111ut or Much Ebony (111101 h'nnle)), 59e en,11, 13 enlarge- ment colored, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 124, Postal Terminal A, 'Toronto Print four :;ams and Address fishily 011 All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 4 011 8 EXPOSURi': ROL1S 26e REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGINU SERVICE Toll !illy not get all the films you Want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'EIIIAi, I'IIUTO f4[-ItViCI11 Station J. Toronto. PATENTS I'ETllERSl'0N11AUGH & COMPANY I'ateut Solicitors. Established 1890; 11 King West, Toronto. Booklet et Information on re. aueet.. e FIRST IN FRANCE If Only I Had A Garden 11 rail) 1 Lt.: garden, Aglow i ItI' Irag'rant flue, e r. A rosy nook, ;1 /fir 111111 b•1„11, \\ hvnn to 1.13131 the I'd s;t there in the garden, 1\'hlle prt;:l snowfl.t1' 3,:i: Ant! 1)(331 Il Ot ler 1!001' 'tat, lt', Arriiii't at. 1.1.1 ;( 111 31'.11!1 1'd paint thlrt. in reit 1;.,11;(71, A pat( hu ork t,tuit of l e'plt n(Ient \( 3113 the love linr,s, field in Bath «1-1o! hod t11011, 1'd rest there 0) my garde n, Betide n ss ,And \, isle such i' ,r for ' 1 (1 3 011 3, \\lien 0\'e Mug 1-1i::(1031' I'd dream t)u rt 111 til( garden of 311i01 ' 10,,g 1'"t el r.(! w:,teh the 114\111 l'ro:1,1;1:1::8: A brighter, Io3(her Iia(; 1'd pray there to the garden, Lt. -Col. Mike C. Murphy, above, A pra}er that ,1011111 nut .1,,-', former Lafayette, Ind., stunt flyer, piloted the first glider — the Fighting Falcon — to land on French foil in the Allied inva- sion of wt stern Europe. 'Zittermokka' Good For Nazi 'Jitters' ',I he (.;I rnlans, 13;th len assist Born Allied bombs, have coined an0lhtr word to join blitzkrieg And ersatz in the interlintiorall \otahulary. 11's "zitt1r101'idea" (jitter et (fee +, Zittermokka !e the German cord for the extra ration of coffee given to inhahitante of heavily -bombed cities. Literally "7liter' toeatir "tremble” and "niokl.a" is a 00031111 n terns for 1.111)3g Matk refftt. I'(llt SALE 160 A,'1:ES. ,At NY FA 1151. 1111101: 111:311.', tight rcum-, bank barn. Hopi. molt shed, gt,r0311. ices of eh:,d). 1101'1, ortolan well, water in hluw' and harm+, 1131111,, close Ir, Ftht'r,i, tat paved read, seven- teen nil,', front Toronto, Apply: 1t E. ' liatenian, 1'1110)13 (lie, A!'I1I.5—UNI: MILE 1•'1(0)1 1'( rill. Mr, E. J. L,. iih, P.R. No, 1 I.( 1 111. it's, A 'I:Ls --0I Ru13:55, h MILES 11, 1 P,,th, 1131„ \Ltthc1tn:, Teeth i10 Ii1:1'IS':'I.lil':1' 1'U1.1.1':I( 11E111: - fold ,'attic 1,1 au(11(111 ,duly' 9111. 1 or info) ont130.1. :'1111 r:'t:.logtie \teII,. 31:,3 (dm Met.lt(g,1, 1"1 an - del), 31„11,104,1. lu ''1AISI' 1ii'I'ATE 15(' Al'l)I:S 103 :1111, 1: 1111'1.30, 31 1031'13 bush 1131') ' 33,11)0 lore. (tort hist, )u a' turn0. e, 31:03e h:,ole barn, 11111 n'll ;mot( (3; !act urtsum; 10- , a, son on ...notify stone lead 3 two nil) f;Idu Al ten: Prier, $7,003.11('. AI 1.!) ';a.,!',.•) .•,•nuc; Viii(, At ten, ('1't, 3 (3,4— ('111;SG\'03- 1:(01,1- (3 3.',','( 1;3, flit',e ,:- rt, . ha fhy1t1 ', telt r, It :cur, 0131111 flint telt-, rt,It:lbil f(r r,tn'1d 4,11x•'. 11 1.1.1,e-10111 1. N.10. .,111 1,0110,11 11:' 1.1,11 s. Aptly !if morn tu 1$radrota lel \ll;l.\ I'iI,-!'1 1.!. 'rl:Ar"rlilt 21• \ 4' 1, ,ed •13111)111, 'head, I it . 1• )I: l.r of la 3. Il 1)is, 30 55 ,' 1111-0, la! 11 Ant Tor, 1110, ,11:11"1:1 ” lk 1'' 3 )111 N.155' (11 1'11113N0 it,' 11031 n tete n,'rl,'' mid to 1,1111!,', .:hl1 3314', 1,y „ut' 11,1'1 30•1, e011 11111. 11 1'1, 0 1,10,111''101-, 1111'11 l,!- ,l dam-. 'Phe best strums ter I\pr 3. /al odln. 13111 001 I,p- Ir" 1111 d. I'l Ir„ abs, I",\ 11)351 1AIt\IS. 111r_ I)- Al(i\ i, 1111.1„ 1 t\ r,\ 1:13 3. 1'I-!C\lISll ';iANTs. ..5 1.1. (icl • d 5'1131: 1111' 10 111 1)111 10- 1:,,e1 N ,,•1" ,.. 1:. I.. I, t 1.1:,1', :, )92). IN'rl:1:\.1'rltnN.\1. ; 1' 'S \ ('1taii ,•;1;,, (3:: tilt', glad 1,"!",,V,1,1 11 r, til 1('A LT -1:\(VS AND 1V1_IUI)15'011 • Ing Machines. Newest types avail- able .`rout direct factory ec•ple- senl,ttives for '_a nada, Quotation. g•Indl) furnished on application. Pc\\'ant L'i'htr ,,;urpor.ticn Ltd., 402 %fest folder 8t., Vance'.ne0, Nt':\\ 1`,1'C\'CIU\ -- 1 '1'x31,. 1. a)lI 1,1114101 1.1,, -h.,1111 • 11111- 1,1 1-1-1011, u1-1,(11-1-,011, 0113 t' 1-111-1 1111•, 0:,1- at11 11ra11---'Pe1l,1, qu(kly. rh111- 11,11 11-i14, 111011110 1 1'1, 1 111 111- ( 10-1 11111011 l-('10-1111111'11 1,Il3 3.,Irl Ih'll'Il. 11 5711'1'13. 3.','., It: 1301011.1. '0„- rout4. E1,1P1T 11.51(Nh35 DRESSING — Phu 3t ltathtr and 1011133 pre- ter(a(ive. 5111)11 also 11,.' 1110W' )10111shold 00,31 251 01) lit 1110,1 141 out ry, hardware and chain stores. A product of 1,1015 Lnb- orlltories, 'Toronto, ELliI"TRIC :MOTORS, ;\1:11', 1'303.311, bought, sold, renot: h e I t t, pulleys, bruolies. Allen Eltctric Company Ltd„ 2320 1iu11c'In SL, Toronto, 111111' E."PION 3111.11:1;:-.• i.liel', F. IIona l,l•. Out. 3-)'1'- ,1, 3„ 4111,, Tina eac11 niail !,:.11 his 1:;(111( n. 111 u grand 1,urk'. .II p1a1t. t,lt.a1•e Discovers Home Skin Remedy This (1(31)1 1 t„finless ant ar'yld known all (\(r Canada 1,11 \1'. :;•;' Elner'ttld 011, to such a fine hes.':rig agent. that Eczema, 13arbcr'31 itch( Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and 1'r•et and other inflammatory thin er't1 thins at often Ielleved :11 a :-ter, days. Moone's Emerald Oil 19 plc: '•:q1 to use and It Is to nntl3.) col penetrating that many” old stub(}' born cases of Inn.; standing 1••,•,' yielded to Its Influence, htooit 's Emerald Oil 19 sc.: 1 by, Mood drugstores everywhera tO help red you of stubborn phut' la and unsightly skin trouble': --:,,':v. faction or musty back. 4 11131.1' IVAN'PEll TEM PORAR\ CONS TABLi:: WANTED Ages 31 Years and Over 111.%111'11•;1)! 1.111 Sl('A1,1,1 AT 1,11,15')' t1' 11" iN S'l'tlUItl.VI. 1'Ie1S'l't 100 1115.) ell' 4.(1(111 CIIAUAt'1'10It A\t) 1'.(11) t:lel - t1A'I'ION, '1'(1 111•: .i 5 .511, 5 ))) 01 111rt At'1'(tl\'1'Hr:N'I' 1.51S11:- 1111,1'1'1,:1.1. ,5)911:1)IA'1'1':1.1. 1'\ 11'011)1 ('LO'I'lI),\le s1'I'i'I.II•:1). Apply 111 e( 131.) 10 E1ur,1:1\ EMI Silt. to't 3(1tlrr;,,., :74 ppaIII,'t .\1,-. )L1•:1'EU 1111 1211.11 II -73::3f $1)5.0(3 1101,l1l13 Farmer and '3''re, l, (hilditu, 'moi farm 00111), 55;tto,. cool( ,113 :,d 10164 t1(, 1.111 house. Milk-. ▪ -p err. supplu,l. ,1041 ,ppur(l: 1(11' ambitious, '403,14, 1(I !1 1-.1. O. Lop", .''2 1:.). ru STUDENT NURSES Nu333'0('Ur'l- I?\L:R.\1. 11 ' rut :,t School for \'u vsm'g ';11 5(111111 e . las- .•f •n1d3111 nu, -•,v 31' Ilm'la y11,1' 11.11430 in • 3,. tl113(31:144. Stu'l 'I 0 b111 ',r: H. .011;,1) 1-,' 11..1,1 g ra d u:, t 11,1. 111 t, pirmu. 31 Edon!: to , ut 01 in -IR.( , las' l.i'idl'' 1.11111'= al'1'I1r, to t hr Sum! tut,',lent of \-u' --s, h"'I; :, m•r,tl 111'! 1, EXPERIENCED PIA.(01i5)A:\ .\`;D all round pt inter, p(101W1.3t 1' tion, Apply ('y le 117?15I, \t,r• t't selc,'tlte Slice OlRec. Police (;duets Wanted Age 151. To 1714 Ye,."s Edo. ;010., I.10,3r11e.) to tet„ }, .r4 11!111 . 1411 111 I' n, :'. iCi;..31 ,.t 311 '31.,ttI'nd :1•,! '3)3.\11 1 (c •:3 a(13 3)3,34. (;ood 3')'-.:1 (1:1'11.' 11'11 31'Ih \ itl.r 1110 111 11 ill , 11111, f.,ll1, • 1 101111111(10 ,ll): 11(1,':4:I1(' 1.0 :, t• 11,E ;I }:, 1f : 1 1 r: . Il, .0 hr 1.11xhe leo p11:1.d 01311:1,1 5'11: \1'1`,Iix'r:,) l:\'•• 51.1'1,5 i\ ('(01(5+,\ T,1 I:n.t.l'n) )u, 1,r .:1,: , i. ,•hyr t'ffnc, 114 Soadm.1 lento 11i.1 1:1:1 :11 To 1'11.1: lr'(1\1 t'E.%. 111:11' 1\ .31'1'1111 335\1')'1,1 1.1\ Irl,\\14, "1:(13' '.11 3, 1.1111•I N','. 4. ••!- n• 11. \I 1 111111 1':,/1111. ! -y "inn., n, , <, ),3. l: A•, (1;,11114 , III'lilrl, ..t'nl"- Ind ' 3) . ••), 11 311)111 \t,•,t,!) 13 11 N,,, 3. \1.,01), 11.1,1' g, it ..;t ,31,11'11:1' '1'1:\''1ll:1: \5'.\.,'':' :'31 „ V 5, :Co , 11'•4.1.11' 1,1111' . 1 •.r 111,,.1 10 :,11,.1.. .^d -.13.1 1'.,11. 1 1.14,1.:11, '1'1:.\1'111:1: 35 \\'I'rl, E, (I. It'.Il, p. 13,1, 11. nr.,) 3,• ' r 3,' .3. 1.1.1 1., 5111, S,,mot, S,, 'I' , . I; 4;. - \`. 1,03, (I1„ (5 5 \'1111) (511.). I'5\ ,•51!3 1.111: 1111','':; 1,1111, ?1'0,1 '111 1:;0111' 1 t'att,, uL1l' . ~a 1,1113.1111. 11;;1 31'1y 53.Inl,, \5-,;;:. let 55 5\11'1:)'-- 11.11 i'(l5't' \l;): ``1' 11 >t ' 1'11 411:.')' ('.13,1., 1111 141 1, ,\. 51 elt 2011 `S'. •':th▪ - 1,' 1? 51..1'11':: 3tt:111t• it 3 p: ) t1!Ui„lr. Pan I, • TIIE STANDARD I [11110 10041bC1114 401911104111 KK+(KKKICKtClIKIKICKtf0C1C1tItCl(iC1C1C1M0(41C'CKIQK2i V1,11ll;ll•, '1'111 !„Il . ;I , 11 if I �, t 111 1. 111stirtrice �1genc t 1 • BLYTII-- ONT. slat •h,,, 1.,...111x11 'It ab Ittot Hwy 1, 1.-4,1,,, •.11 n K A INSURE NOW AND BE ASSURED.si ra11,11It\ 'in\ u, ,\. i1p I.II!!rr 01,1: • 1, Car - Fire - Llfe - Sickness - 11cclflent. Jo ;1111,1111. .`'!1: A ,111'1'. .1 \,11;•t, 1,1 ,,I. 111 di A r„ul,l 4.I 11 .,..'11 \\ : i `111111,1 , ! I' 1 111,11,. :I .:r .1' •i, .. ;n. !.1 r .1- �u , 1l 111114' I, r .1, ,,• I,J', i „".1! , '. a r., 43/1241)11 31312rr3t3t2tl1/ Di2r3rD121,111)1)iDr3laa21D3t3a72f.,11.1ka DID*1nr:at31DI t3tyi inOIDtSi:41 .1. II. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott Office 1'hono 1114, Residence Thune( 12. or 14u, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" 11rESr1'I't1ELI) 1 11'cdnesdat, June 21, 19,1411 \1'A l,rl'ON 1, i 11„LI l 1 111,. (!, \1, 11111 Mr;. ! .,'I I `•.11 \I\ lit \I,'Ihrlt 1 „'ll ':t:, shone e. • 1I 1 lig I0n .\I ul t Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones; Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. I)ARL,ING and CO. of CANADA, 1:111). G. R. At1GUSTINE la:l'RESEN TING t111IE MONTREAL LII1'E "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY' Associated with The Atlas insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS - ANNUITIES rias 1)11,1 11• 1y t', 1,..11 , 11 1,• ,'!- 11' It 111 1!.. 1111 1 1...1, al .1 ,1'„.,t r, ! ,1 Iltir 1111,1 1,' . , .., n 1111'' . „ !1„1 :I htr that :11 111,1441 i 1111 r ,111' 1'111•, „111 '!4 ,r, , ',11 111, 1 11 111 ' ,11...!11, 11.1 1'' 1,11 ! ,,,III, 1111111,•.. - t' lilfir 1,111 • . 1 I; , 1111'ht ! !1 11,4., i 1'n nut.t cool. -. )1,.): 1 I, :.. ,I! I1,41 n.' 11..11.,,'. pate') ul !.I!1: ,11. 1,' .11 I 11. ( \\;, 11 II I " lienor tlt;ul de 1,;,11 .. 11 III,' 111.1• 1 i1'' 1'„ . .111( nature. \'1, I'.I' 1' n r 1', 1 ' ,t "4.l'. I Il4., 11 11, .I!;'.', . 1 1.\ ,I, ! .\1 • ( 11 1.1 , 1.1 •!,rin6l:n,; of '11"r 11"11 1rt, of ; 11 i, al Ilt,• (1111((!1. .1 1I .! !,, 11'1 - ", t Ilc�ll r":1;111! 111'1'\ 11.14' ,1111 "f 1111- 1 1"I1g1'1i; 1114,11 1,''I .' , I' 1 ,11.1,411 111,1 1111. first 1IuIi•ar•es of illi ;r•un, 1 4.'a' t 11(,11 tlllil.us 111 ,lis 4.I .111 1' 111 ' I, • 1,0 o, ,,I 1 .1 , 1 '11,I alum u'itll Ili: t'r1<'n uni,.11s ;11111 it' -1' !Iruducr 11'1•1• •! j 111 I' ,r \ 1, r l,i,lt,i R', that (.'" e 11!"" 111111e 1111' lars shoo I'Ifl' 4'i ret r 1111,14. 1„-!I f ., :, '111 1 1• ,I' 111,' '1 1 tint ago, the it1•h st'1 III1:1 s ,t"d .111111 \!! \\ . 1 trsr x(111101 . the e,,ur•'11 II;)t „ 1111 pair of 1uels:Ica trout th,lt a i.i'I,1 \, iuu h 11111 the ,t,.1,ll,r , .1';1.,'11 •'1 :1111) J'' I ,(t Il (-,4111111t x1111 tiU;i\\berrie• x1111 cream 111,11:4' a 1'11•'1 thcu). fit for it to t4. 111 al)..o: v. I:ir•t •111 •ill the verb' ,•ikht 1,11 tln,st• i t i "1)j4.1 ' \VILLI.IM H/ 1IORRITr1' \,iter their ,11111:1111-1,i1r. Iv it 1111 ,t WIT`i'1111It()11' \`' l 'I' I.. •1 11. ,, ',, , .14 ; 1. is I, \! r-..1;111 1.1 1 , \! I - \. 1 \', .1!'111 11, ,',11 LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Specializing In Farm end Ho tsehole Sales. \I,Itili. 1 I Lu'11'1, ii, 1,1 v•:1 1.1.. 1•, ),,111 l :11111,14'!! , I •1,' 11 \11 ho\\I k l'Il,II1,L'!t to 111x1)1' you 11,1111 (111 \\ 1'111 I, •• 1.), I, 1 . l'I!1 1 1 11, 1(111. 11. \! \ '1:1• , pinch a fete 1),, fore the weal Pio, 111: '1 \Ir. ati 1 \Ir I'H 1., 1,4. ,1 ,1 \i4., 1111 i ," .r 1„1,. 1, ' , 1.11, ; d I! . the 1;1.14'. •11)1 \'': c n' t >14., it and , \!r,. 'f"ul 11' a • u. 4.I ,1111' n', t' 1 `,111 1 11111. there's .1 tan \v1. 11 u; .„runs -• 111 it ,guests ;rt 11:1 • I.cr ,le !'1111 :' 11';1111, r- 1•1'. ,In 1 \Ir 1;,'1).'11 11 Licensed for the l ounty of Intron. "rt of •4'(s v„Ile t i-11 „ ,rhinL' IC, 1 sae11;,111. „1 \' Reasonal'le Prices, and Satisfaction ;1 vett,azc:uu•e. The >r,L;n' ;1':11 rr,,1'II .,i Iirtt .11 , Crtaranleod' ,givies the ,v1I01 • shim a 11rt „f rnl Ii:. Por information, etc., write or phone Ilea, 1\'illiam 11. 1lorritt, phone, Residence \\'hen 1 \las a 1)u • 1 11.1,1 to 11111 513; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4-t1. I e ;no t 1 my orin,Ii -rr nts a et, .I1 IIi1R•OLI) .IACIISON ,l't'lll('II ill hut",' 1111(", Lid Licensed Auctioneer, hungry. \\11th 1)14',1'1 111,.'1 11(11;11 1' 1 Ogen anti a rat of hotter hr.,0e!it Specialiot to I"arnt and Household 1,1111 ,111 the ci•„1 (lentil, .li the -IOue 1, Sales. lar she wild 1 l): 4'';11'.' 14re;l41 ,111 1 1)"t Licensed in Huron and Perth t, r .'ire., Theft >h,' 11' 4.I ,1 tar:,' i 1 • Counties. Prlees reasonable; sails Irel'rie, iron 'r 111) Ir „I ;1114'1' r eau n 1 scoot guaranteed, I thlnl tho roughly) of all .,11111 \\ ilIr 1 1 For information, etc., write or phn), (111'1 hater 1.4."111 tit,. .11,•11• u. \\ill, Harold Jaekc;on, ft.lt. No, 4, Seafortr 11111(1: ,1)c 1\"111(1 111;1,1) the 1)1 iii' • n ?hone t Ir�61, '10,1 .,;u'ea,l their t•, I, � ;111 .,vier t1).• hr, a'I. (her 11111• • I;, Mirinl,le.l sugar, 1 'ts 1,f set!;t•, 1)111 ill' (vas u • (x114,11:11. 110 Ill, s,• ,osis. 11 11.1 a treat that I'll newer f.lrc t. In 1!(11,4' ,III', 11)"re \lv 4.r "".- "1 ,,.I .11;114'1 en , :111,1 11, ' 111.1 1 ' 1,1111 1 \\'c 1) ',I • t -t\\ l crnc • f r ,t !, ,• • tru ,14,ui 1 In 10', ,,, I ;0'1t r i4. ' i ' ti 1 r,tl r 1•.en 11 r"I I• re 1, i ^s1) herr'(', int tititil i1'r• ,111,1 ,t4.;tllh,'rr1' jam -m.11, -tor: 4',l ' t' 1 rive• i 1 t'rel' , tell i I I:. 1 I ust t •01.; , . t!s:: , I , !, a I 1,4hilrl oil" t 1(11!'11. \\-i h jti.t of faint if 11), lilt'( h'rt'HI'• 14, 01,11.'• vie v u r, PIIIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS ialry J, Boy'e. 111 ,,. .110 Si, 111...x•111, 11 1 111 1 II t 11.11 111 11I L.- ,11111.1/k l/ 11 ,. ,.,.,I 11 S -.h 11.,ym%td-..[..Y,.'µMrw EveryDay Requirements REGULATION SOFTBALL BATS AND BALLS - BATS FROM 60c TO $1.25; BALLS $1.90 EACH. BLANK COUNTER CHECK BOOKS,...-- . 10c EACH, 3 FOR 25c INQUIRE ABOUT PRICES ON PRINTED CHECK BOOKS. INK-WATERMAN'S AND SKRiP, All Colours, - per bottle 15e BLUE BIRD iNK, Black and Red _. ., 10c LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE 15c and 10c THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured ..... Per Pkg. Se DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS ...- Per Pkg. 15c PHOTO ALBUMS ......-. ranging in price from iOc TO $2.00 PHOTO CORNERS ....................................... PKG. 10c and 15c BABY'S OWN STORY, year by year. A book that will he treasured in years to come, beautifully arranged, and ready to fill in day•by•day events .... ..... ........ . . PRICE 75c ARMY SCRAP BOOKS -Scrap Book and Photo Album combined, suitable for keeping souvineers of your boy in uniform $1.25 SNAP SHOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos 10c Ea, DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions ...... ..... .. . EACH lc WAXED PAPER -40 sheets 10c; In Handy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft. 35c SICRATCH PADS - .......... 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLIP, Soft Lead EACH 15c OTHER LEAD Pi'NCILS 5c EACH, 2 FOR 5c LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extra Thin, 15c Pkg. LARGE ECONOMY -SIZE CICO PASTE - . _. __-... BOTTLE 45c SMALLER BOTTLES, IOc. LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS ... . - 5c, TO 20c PAPER CLIPS •---.. PEI( BOX 1Oc PASSE PARTOUT PICTURE BINDING ROLL 20c WRITING PAPER ............._.......- -.- 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c ENVELOPES TO MATCH PKG 10 . c •DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, l5c SHOPPING BAGS -strong material - - - 5c COMPLETE LINE SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TEXT BOOKS. WE SPECIALIZE IN FiNE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL. The Standard Book Store soma owi wwwwi siwb,,ft. 111. r. 11,1 i 11,11•. \'. 1\, .111 , ., '\.1 !' 1 . \I I,\ 11 1, :1 r"nunis�i.ln. or \1 ' 1,11 1 \1) 11.',1'.,1 `,'1.11 1.1 1:11•- 1 1, 1 \11 1 111 , •' \V.41, 11 11i \\i11'.,lt,nl! 111 til;t,oIi 1;,,11 11:, 'dr '1 \! . f . ;1 .111 ! '.I I . ! I t1 ."111'1.• t 1:;t1. 11111, • . ' , ,11„11, 1 , .:11111,11 1\1111 11, `n "I,n' 111,1 till 'I• 1 \I; 11,11','(•11 1.1.4. . 1 „hill , • ."11;,- :111.1 ,11„1 11111'111:' 1111' 1'111, 11, 4.1 11 II'• 1 llll,Jrl .I', 1, 1...111:' 111111111,1 4.s, • .lit. .• •r. `.\ 1" 1:11:1'11, lolt'u'u, , .,' I', . 1) •1111' In ie. 1'', )4'', \\.. I per,1 ,1,11, \\ 11th Ili. ilii, 1 .Isle \1! (1111 \Ir . :, 1 i`1,.i1i1It1son ;1'11 i.In1'1l, .1„1 '11.• .I,Iuil'(r-ary -1 I 1 ie,' ;11 \\ ,'• 111, 1,1 L.11, 41 011111'1 11 4111 -4,1111;11 1 111101:' I111,e \1, 1'.40/),', 1!1111 tile, \I.Ilit., \1.114',1 \II. ,:'IJ \II•. 1:. .\nll.t- ;! ,11,1 `1'. ,III,! \l• . 1.1'1 \till<. \I r, :111•! \I I 1. 1-.1 11;111' 5"I11 1•.111 1111.• ,111; 1, 1,;11'1' \It'•. 1 1!,11 111,!1.,11 .n,t ft t'S/11';111.411'tl, 111 1,111! 11.1*' 1 \` 11'4111, . \ : e 11 1 n i 11, of 11.1,'1 n4' I 1,, \'1 I:r ,,1111 \11,,,1111\ . , ,111 1.1:1. 1•1 I1I 1 1, 1.,.111 ;11111•' . "! „,:1 •II 1. .;1 •1111,1.1. ,I \!'1. .1 ,! "1111" "I,•'.1 I':'1, . \11. 1'1'-11 ('I 'I', : 1. ..t'1'111.111 1.1 11, ,1:1,1 ;1 11 1 „1.11:'1 I I 1 \\ -' 111, \I, - • '111 1.1 --.....a _ NAM 11:........... 1,! :1' 11, .1 1!., i , ' ,,, :1 111'1' 4111, r' .,1 1 111, 41',.11,111` 11:1':1 11, 111 111 ;.11' . r , 111 1/1 ar1';t. \f,, r 11, .1 1,11, .. 1,11":, 11,1, rli,rns- .,,1, \1 ' 1' ,1u1111•i•1n 1111 ,'\e 'li I1.' ,.,''r :' 11 \1 1111111 44 as •111 , :I'! 1!11' ,,;I •!, 1-. si 4.'• E•-•... ».• 11 {.(1! Canada and tlic United Nations had depended upon "Armchair Soldiers" to fight this war, the Nazis and Japs would have l;rahhed this country lung alto. There is no "Royal Road" to Berlin. It's fighting all the way and Canada's Army needs every y D mat it (x111 get. '.'hat's why, today, O you should volunteer fur overseas 0 WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM service. You'll need months of intensive training to make you fighting -fit. I)un't he a stay-at•liotnc and let the other fellow do it. Get into a man's uniiorin with the G.S. badge of honour on your sleeve. If we're going to win this war, wc'11 have to do more than just read about it in the papers. So, come on you fellows; the good old army has got to finish the job! 6 Wedneiday, .lune 21, 1911. THE STANDARD .j_,lrq.-,,♦•.111.1,,,.. ,.,.. ;,, •: , ,.•_ ,.:.,, ;.; 1 Ali1;(.11tN 1111. IrY•C!EUM K'11I411 I'ltl; �•! WINGHAM—ONTARIO. s 1 and 1"16,,61 1\hrrt. ,he 11,111 r\\1 :,! I i 111.1 , ,1. f. \\,t, 1111' t• .1' n) .1 Ic11i,y 1 : atil,n. 7lwu Sh&vs _at, 1�i1!�,lt. I II', '•II `)1111 it heist the � `1111 i I•:. :1„111 1 1, \I I I1, - -. , 1 1';e tort' LI\ f I\;Irell • Vlore., Fr,,, Sal,, .tun,' 2! 2;1' 1�• .1111,, 1,rUc J, 11\-',T1.1:1,111\. I I .11. n111y dul;llll r hi J'tc. (lar li1', I':. \ '1':11. Don Aincchl`, I' 1'1111 C','s t), 1•, 111 •1• 11„ ., 1 . 11 11. t ' I I II.I ,, who that day \l (-h:ulc, tillau:'lI,11 ,1' ILL' "HAPPY LAfdlt”1; •t \•..1 I.I. 1 11111. I,ilnl( r \\a, say - . 11111. Pave 5. k.'( �!y `,Cry's C!C•!r.,,�rv,P.!C'P,ICIGrE�tC� Z�r(.tzk °u! tcrCtC CtCww!v,e�ro,C�r�!C { u":;!P!( rF;,ti,L �,�! t�,� r ! n!rta!a!Cf1� ltOXY'111I11REf , CAPITAL llllA'I'ltl RE(.a.n't 111aALltlf, 1. t SEAFGItTr!. • - 111 P 1 bs \h'Ninl:ly K:tilli,r... ! 11 ''1 1•1 I. L\' h.-. Ilt:ldind. The tabic was 1,1waII I.I''. ,•, t .\Ir'. an) \11'•, .I„1111 't 111•,,., .I ,,1 • :t, .1,, ,1 u, .1 1\ IIli ,1 hcioniiul birthday cake i I ,n, i ll,lf:ui'I, 1)1 I'm 111"-1” t' ' 1 ALSO ''SIIOR'1' SU13.11;1:'l S" �t� ';I 6111 1 1 til ''III ,. I're,t'nl Teem and Air,. \1•, J. •Iln,lnl,.,,n. R'' \1 \Alun :.nil \h,. Nichhl,on, Bar - Sat, A(tGr11GGt1•l-'..10 h I11•.j� I,,,In 111'1 \I ILII':!\', ul �l'111,11'Ih; Mr. t'� 1 MRS, MARTIN ARMS'i'RONG t1 ��;t; :n1'I \II I. ,i. 11'11 lin, .11111111,; I'te. 41 Mon„ 'fuer., Wcd., June , i f t '1' 1!.1 ''.f .`,i111111.mn of LhniIUi, Mrs' \Ir,. \I:train \rnl•tr• n1. 111,'11 .it 1' i1 ,Jaen l;law(urd, (�rt d I\'la'1'turrity i 1.;. • 1= N 1111.,I,101 m1 :\.111,11111. 'Illi guest mi 11111111' Nllnola\' ;incl \\:i, 111111 1 4j I. I \'. I . I ,\n11er,1'n ml I)runlhn, On_ \Ihc11 NII, and Nip,. ,I. 1 , . t• .t, t.-1'' n, ..l\ nichi1iraiii;1 ;11,11111 -',i,' ,11.'1 in, n..:• t,, •• lit n,, 11'11 ;t ce1,1711 a !':Ill fritin the Au- inn,. I(1, It;lll), ; 1111 11,111 - „ tit Ira t ..h ! i attrowl to ac,luirr ;1 '1'11 I I s:,'111,6 ,t. I 4 Hurn :11111 1'1in11nl II;lllli,t rhtirchcs, I It. girlhood day, in Ih1• ,\111,1• n \ , 11'' , ;') .• ALSO "SHOR'T SUBJECTS" •1• j • s, \\ III ;I„111111' Ili, tie\\ charge Un Silnday SI' 1caS the tl;tu_!iier IIi 1I'nr\ 1.,\, ir, ♦tt 0140♦11141C”:":":".♦,4rSh,O:":"::,i,i.• 1111\' ' I\1'\' \16111'1' till 1, filing all" + I r {••• ♦•♦ ••♦• r♦ 1.r♦:4' ! I (I I tl ., 11 I' "ABOVE SUSPICION" :� I'1 it 1,16'111I many t-'ift,, neil',hhlur,, She \\,I, 11.0x11 ,01 111 1.11' CLINTON. _GODERICH. NOW I'I1 . LNG: "Andy 'hotly's NOW PLAYING: � °I'.ts>.,:;, To I',i.,tlt' : e. r.tary" with Mickey NIa,,,'llleb, viIt.l Iluwpuey 1.(1!11111. Mo:,., 'I u1 ' , Wed. I)u,ll features 11',1" .1 ' 1 1!'. 1..1 t H \11!i L! n • ,l.. , I' . tain.neel. ' AN.1( ON NvY KNEE" Bat Isar .. S anwyci, .J' , 1 McCrea. "IN 01.1) CIIICAGO" A it 1'ay.', Tyro;•e Power and Don Alnrch.'. 'TI ors I'ii.Juy, Salurd.iy Cieud• 11,• (:• I1,.•rt, fled MacMurray 1:d Inti( Chi's' , 11,111', 1'i e, in. 1 M fluky, '1uesd.:y, Wednesday Micltey Rt ol,cy, C:''ceIi,l 1'.+1. k r aot! Lewis Stone 1111 II ! 1, I' •I ,t 1 1 1." ' .,'"I 11. 1 III.,)1.'•.! 1'I:.I�I..! "ANDY IIARDY MEETS A DEB." ( liars., I'll , S,,t,---in '1 et'hn'coll,r Martha R: yr, John Miry. y. 111. I. 1''. ,.. 1 NOW I'I.A1'I.''G. "1'111 CnllrthIti't '! t,f Audy 11..1dy'. 1',1 city Ruun1•y, M•.ild.ty, I uchday, V1'ednrhday Chat ie•,1 B,,yr 1, 13d1'I!d1,1 SI,11wyel', iiid Fdw .rd (;. RIII1lIIht111 t1., "FLESH ANI) FAN"! AS1"' ( 11111 hd,ly, Et icily, Saturday N.udrtlr (;t rhlard, Fred 1Vi.0 Mum./ .1116! 16,1,11) 1 1111,6' "PIN UP GIRL" "SUANIWJN(; ROOM ONLY" �- ' C011IN(;: ''In O.'d C'hir'ay"" w 111 . "NO '1'1111E FOR LOVE", COM 1.11;: Maria hlontct in "Ali 'f;,r,jcl On My Knee." - ul and lilt u c ea\', and n r 11.11.,1 i,� 13,th,i aril the Forty 'Thieves•" 1 s -....-.,e \:Ir:itt It'll e ht's 1 1.1'. A. I':, SiIT'cr T\';I, inrluct'I�' 1'.,11116 ;1116 I.;It\II,r, I it i;. Mitt,: Sat. 1111) Iloiiditys it 2 30 0.111 Mat.: S It. and H,,I'dayr. at ' :10 p fn. Mat.: Sat. and I II,IitLtvI. :'I :' :SO p.111.:1 1 111';1, calls',' tit ti tiitil 11111th 1 �'X.,�iJrv,.7a.:,,. ,�, di.>1.J,Dr3;;;, ,i),:3,J,dlc'.' :All.•i7�Ji`. 2,J' '- •. :',. „ a 11 611' 1 IIIU'nt115 Il'-1e1'l'll 1'(';11'1 atm ,111 :IIUI 11,,'11! a'3i�il' 3;d.c."3,"a t.iD,J13i'n-,�, , , u,w ..., „>.di i:. ,..,, d. ,.:. ,.. ;''.) ,v7 a` h .\) Inst runt; \fere manic.' ;I'! h• t I, 111, , i.;ut ttcrl\ Air,. J. (ill 611 . '',\ I \h. ;Intl \h':, Thomas \fcNali ;66611 after %,-));,.1) (het' 1-,,,,.,,,,.,1 ,arc, •1!1'11 Illus :'1;II,.It'Ill:tlr,ti. of tilt. ,til ('i'nrr.-i• n '1 II"Il '1 1" ' 11 r,. Ilt•ri Craig attended Itis func'r;ll %,'here \Ir. ani) \Ir,. Ilali\ Y. nl"'lt',!' I'll 1 .1 '"',it, • \\ 1-1 ,' n 1!1111.11 I.\ ,1f NI 1-,, Smith in (in It'rith on Friday. !luny re, ' I: • 1 !,,,1,1'! .- n' II 1111 'I Ills • •Lt :1111 rril'cd a heantilul h 1,11,1 1 ,.1 n 1 'Il.' i It.. They retir„I 1„ 111' C ! 1)1', 11. Nel• 111 111 (,11111111, \\ill' Mr. �!' 1.11, ill• 11,11" • 1111' (,',.I'.', 1111 (1'11111 her 6,1111, 1\1'•111, \t n , wllrre \l;i rt 111 :\t'lll,l t'umt• di, -.I I,i i,: 1' l n' , ',!, !lt I,tn I \h',. I'aeLiel Phillips. lath, ;1111) Ian tears a m 161.1 .\ru•,ll,•n' 1.,11',11'•, 1,,.,,1..'1 1 r\' ,i, 1;,,11,11 It \1'111 \Ir-. Hugh 11t'nnctl has at•centcrl a ,limit, ,1!1! 1.0' '111 11111. r1'I111'tleti 11 .\Ilhlll'It, ti!ri' tt;t 1011'11; I' \\ I'1 ., I' 1l 1.1 .n, X. 1.,•11 \I'I 11'11 11 r 1,1,:;11,11 1, leather al l'etlar Valley 1 - 11 i,/111', I, r •'u, fail \Pith the 6.11111•'1 1'1',1. 11 ti -r, iv- 11 li,11' . 1 .\ ,;!1'611. 1111,• I1"\\1i_ 'AIn1I1 •111111,1 :,1'I Mr, ilarnld Nitln'kiln will tll,it,r ,11„:•'I ''!,1.„1 int, ;Irl' three ,mils, \\'illi;nn 1 i •1'•eu,i' ,; 1111, xi-. ,111-1 Ir.:coifed, \\ ;e t,I•r, 1 ,,, 1,,,lii ,'' ',1'.11. .1' 11 ,, .,, leach :It 5.ti. Nh. J, l'mlhhl''ne, al the i,.:'inuina ..i the loll tern(. \Vilfred of \Ihu,e Riitire, ti,t,I,.; '1. 1,', \li•. \\;I'Alts \rn,,',h't', 111-. \I.IIt"n.' 11r. 11,1111: 1';u'rt11, of kit'h'nt.t' pn- nut, of C'aiifornia; tmtmt. •l;Iitnllirr, l'Jh;1, \tn,•lr1,,1:'. 11,1•',1 I:111,1'1, \h'-. 1;. \ fold \I r,. 1I ti aril :1rn1 '1.'•n', ..\1' NI r,, Russell Ilentle�' mf 111Ili. •Ir.,, 1','1111e+. 1pi- rm. nt 61;1• ,1.111,' in 11.'11. Genrl�t. l 11.1(1, \II., 1':1!., t .1x'11,',1 :,'1,1 li. r f,.1-,..- with \I r, and \I r,, Joseph1, 1.! i; II'I, illus :, li,t,lur, ( :11'1'1,11. ,ills, II;ti 'ey a1111 16,,,t.11,•II, 1txrtli'' :1 t' 1 � ' ,11111. Miss \lark l'orh'11. :"'1'" \Ir. Sl1\t':a't I•:ing, 'l'Irunlo, with her. \tt 1,• Mr, ;111'1 '.Ii \\'illi,(,( \rin••Ir n:' Ilii` ptlt',I, at the , I'.1.' e, .1'1.11. .1, !t'i ' 1.I 1..'I:di\'e, in .\churn. I SIR' has one hrllher, .Ni thin I a\\',, 1, 1 DI•11111. (, II -I1 1 :1It1 611 I Ieit '1.l'; v(1.'")'v 1i \II'. 11.1) \i'• '• -Ili, \'I1'- I, 111'. :11161 \Ir.. ,It,el,li Stmt of Tor. of \Vinehaoi, and ttlm ,i,t'r•, \Ir,. `., I \I r., \I. .\xln,!r,'itH, !lai.rl II, HIIH\, ti ,,cttitg 'f 111,,,,-1, "n \\ .-ilii: 'I.t\ , ,'n ',.11i.1, \I r. and \I r,. \l(.1 Jewell, Cml_ son Nlcl.arty, of .\,l1111, an I \11 , ::'+, :1 ''I \Ir . I..\ I1'111l'' , 1,,.11,111, ing, June Nth 1,,,i fly Itnr'i,,hijt, \Milli \I r,, C', ,\, Iiuw'- ('attic Ilt.nry 1f (hull Litt;', tial.,, .111,1 and .\rihiir I..•\\I'•r 11 \\iindiaul. Ht1I,Lli'1°1' Card Of Thanks `t+, .1 "1 \.)t- 1 1.1 IID ,'•''!11 1, ed fur \Inlht'I'', II,n, 1111' had litho rleLiv'etl. Nfr. and Mr,. \I''II!t1 \\ ,Nit. and \11",. II hu .\!1., Past wars have ,(ways brought some (11' l'cc of inflal ion. Scarcity prices could no longer be demanded Goods were scarce... Prices and wages sky rockettcd to unnatural heights. Then one day the war stopped . • . ill due time ttnods be- came plentiful again. • ( :and "spiralling" prices went "pop” and came down with (1 bang. 11,\ •-•1, yT ;11:4f?;. people stopped buying be- cause they thought prices would go still (ower Wr merchandise dropped In value- retailers went bankrupt factories closed and urctllploynteut followed That is why In this war prices are con- trolled --so that they will not ruin buyers in a rise or sellers In a slump. farms were foreclosed distress was general ;1'• ! (fell;:tion was In the saddle. .420.01,71 11.17112!. Price ceilings wage :111(1 salary controls ration- ing—Victory Bonds—increased taxation are all part of a grand strategy to head 011 Inflation -- thus preventing Deflation. PREVEN d': C 1 :' MIFLATION IS THE BEST PROTECTION AGAINST DEFLATION This advertisement Is one of a series being issued by the Government of Canada to emphasize the importance of preventing further ,Increases in the cosi of living now and deflation later. LISTEN TO "IN THE ErOli;GI'T" CA!!IO FROGRAMME EVERY SUNDAY NICHT 7.,30 p.m., E. D. T. • 4..11111 ('.ard or 'Thanks f WOOD FOR SAi.F. \11 ,. I .11 \\ II .I' i I d1,I1I' 1.1 !Apr! • 1!11 II :11,: I,, fl n till, ,ol'i 11 1'-11111 .ill . f„I ! ,• 1.,111'11 1', 11111 1 11111 1 ,1i1. •.)11111,1111\ 11'1',,11 '1111.11.' \I• \', 111111'• ;I .,( 11 .11 II, '`I., 1 LIi Its. 11, l . \\'e;•', „I 110110, .m!•! 1. ' :'1 I b 1'' 1t- .I t ' III , M11.LER, County Irr11 who „Ili 11,1x,1! !ri!,'1!t ! 1ij1 Strawberry Sacral .,' 1:. II •1'11 111 MR. CLAIU-NCE & NORMAN BALL SUMMERIIII.L. ON Card Ot 'Thanks \I i 1. M. \I, ! 11',111,1. •1 „1 111.10., 1., Ih;n11 111,' I!1,1n\ I:;. 1111 ,1'.11 Fri., June 23rd nu i�lll, ,n1., ..1 I 1 r t' n • n, Illy 1,1!, \I Su;.1;er servrci from li to K p.m. \iar;:11't \I, LI. I1.1n1. t'•1 Ili. i! ill n IrI , ill !,,6'111' 111.1 i 1„1.1 „i 1, 1 n, , , Under ,ulhpices of Sunrrnerllill I Itt11 Bd, 11111 ill!; 'ft; 1•11 1 111 11111, . :Intl I' I„';'e with part of pi oeveds for the Local :111,I\'. Blanch ,f Illy Red Cross. Card Of 'Thanks 1 \1 i'•II 111 1 ?,,.1.1,. Int :11.1•1' 1 1.110,11 111 III' 111\111 lie'! 1 111-• , 1.1161, ,1,11 1 the l 11111•,0 111,1t,r11, t:,, 1',1 11,111 1.1'.'1'• 1, fur parcel, awl ,n, •L', ill 1111' 11,11 , _ __-'--_____--_.-. -- 111\' term of „':\ it,- 1 )i 1 r 1 ,1•, -- t'i!h I -I1' It1't' 1'111 IS Ili ft•i,.'.1 • GOOD PROGRAMME 'VILL BE 1'ROVIi)ED. ,!n'! . "11 , 1,1!,11.11 _n. , EVERYBODY WELCOME. FOR SALE 11.1111 11.11'!6 \V” "I. I".I•'1I II\ HAY FOR SALE \\.,1,•I, ill.,''\ I II1. \;1',.I'. I'n' 11 •!'1 It.l. 1 III -1 .' 111 I'1"r.! ILII\' •i tl.•i \• '!1 I' . 1111; •-11 , t1 1 tell( `'lclllrl, I,heop ,;-t I. IU\ I1'. I,• 1. :1t'("I'ltIN SALE (l f 1 t(niseh(�id 1:1'1'ects II'crt.iliicr 1f1i\l I4l'es 'SVill 1;t. (In1111' 1,(}t1.1\'ai1ahle '1'111~ hall Street 1;10h 1117 I'crliliirt, \1hnil,,tr.lt 'r 11., :r, SA J URUAY, JUNE 24TH 1,1'11) ill 111, I•.11111\nl_' I, IIi!in r t.• ' "'1111'. 11. 1. - ;•.u' . '1!. f,.'' \'•i'!.. hr r aluilar111t',tl ,111.1 .„Id !u 111111!1,• `;'t,!.: Ir,l, 1'i 'ill ill 1111,11. 1u1- 1ir1 Illy 1',111 „:!-„ ! ,.i 1'111: _' 11 1.; ul ' I,e4.:11 , 11 '11! ..I'! ; t 1001 11 1 1 ; : 1 12 2,1 t tit n•it1„ r 1'll,n I 1 , 1't 1 ,,',11 -t,• 111 111n"11h;u r, 1'• I l iI,lrl !!1.1111 1.11 1'I .'i h '111,,1. , 1''I i 1.1 1,' • _' .Dodoot, ;1 \\111 tn.tI.r 11• ,III\ ..I 111; ., • , _' I .1.'11.' 1!..: 1 I•'.,II,.t• 11111 ill'', n,.!\ ,,1 , 111' II 1,I, I: 1',I 11.' •'I i1 , I'\ 11„ ••i11', 111 II' 1""I, I!';' n'IrI Ih,It 1111 '-I-'1', \\1,111111,1,' r1,1111 e,1 ,I _' 1 ' 1, !I;I, 11'111,,1'1.,'; 1-• 110 ht 711 rel•lnrrd. •1 Ili, i, 1iti' 1,, It, 1 111 Thi.; is an e ct;:tiunillly 17,1(0 line of Ilnu')old Effects. TERi\1S c'hSII--NO RESERVE 1.1••1ir11 ,II1 Alit.(( \\1!11 r' ,I",11 111 11..1., 11 111,111',. 11.1'111ln,11 i'.•1.1,11 111,1v 111 In'11111.e1111 1",1t11n'' i, 1'x11\1111.! 116 •i. 1'•" •"'•I ,''' ^'.'II' ,1 1, 111..11. It,l 1.1 Ili' r't'1'ntnt'ntlali'•n ui :I 111111- 1\1"1 i, \1:• 61.1 111, 1. 1.117111 (;hi'ru1 11111 nitiri,tl 116 61 all 1-. ,I 1 .m 111I,:'11!, t ' 11, ',1.1.1'11.11' ,mil ml' 11'1.11 1, in ht- 1 ,.f : 11.11 11. ann'un1, of 11.11;1,11 111,,'6 i• 1.1.0\ 61..1 in an\ of Ills' ,'1,111.1\'11 uli\!iv 1 ,, liniorii,tli!ro slum(,( 111' Ht.\t,nd1''! t'. Illi ''Ifite ,1f til' !ht -.i111,,1 'nIti'rc'I,t I,' 1!'t 11i!i'r" ;..it 1';Tit i `I I1lt, -I "1•'111.' :. 1 )ill:h'i1 \\ 1110 ri,i ti ,t 1'1'1 111i1 ill n Lt cured fur 1117 :'II'1111,•it,61 i"tia-h x1'1,1' t'ci. I rel 111111 illi\' ill t , ,11.11111\'11 1, in the tint i•"' \\ 111 In ,r,m•'1111. 1.1 i,Itt in the ,r;t>111i. HOR1ICULTURAL SOCIE'i'Y Annual Supper •11 2. Radios Repaired 1 CAN REPAIR YOUR RADIOS. 'PUBES AND BATTERIES ON BAND. Bert i t"t.1nsd()n Plums! 2:'i -I9 Myth, 1.011deh1,01-o, •11-, Notice To ('re,1;tOrs en the United Church Lawn 00 \ 11 It. Ila, t -!.It •I I,, . '„I '11 1;61161, \, Fri., June 310th ', I, 111 \ ' 1.1, :1. In 11 ..111\ .I IIIn,1,1, I.t'..'!,, \\?• .111.1 1,..,111 .,'li 1,. /..i,t 6.111. It II :1 .1' .il, ,I.. •,1!1!11 i, , i 1111',, \.11. t1' 'ti .!I1' ti..,,,,..1 1'' ",1 1•' 1, 11. j 1 1 l\i l„! ,t, \\ !', : i,,1'I., 1 1„1,:1 !..• . n, ..t I., - '1 , , 1, ,,,!I .,.i ..1 I,!'t, \ 1'. 1'111, I,,il 1,.1.1 ';1.!1.. "1 ', • 11 1 i,,i11, n! i\ 1 II 1' , 11, .I 1. .i'.. 1 110 ..11,1 .`" iI 1I 1'111. 11' ,•f 11- .,'..I '111. -1.11. i. ,'1 1„ ,1..11!'•'11• 1 :!'1'i-, '1. ,'111 •. 1'0 i.'1 1 .'1.1 `I, .1! 111 .,I 1;1,1, 1.1. `•6'.1111.''1\ .` I I',1 ,1._. II nn11't'50.11.1, 11 .ttlt.I. it 1' I.. 11'1 Itt iii, , 11111.'1. \ 1'11.1 :' .\ !Lit. 11 11 M.! ' 1!' , „11 1 1,1611!_ 1,! 61'11- Ir.* 1 •1,111 1111'6 it01( 11..' I'\i' II ,1, i. • •11, \.1'. 1'111. I. 1i \\\ row). 11' 1 , The llorIicuhut a1 Sacicty By Lir,- Vending This Annual Function \1'iu_'ham, On- .\d1!"Iti 41.0,1 . hese days, 4uhen tea til lest yield the utmost In flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Ask for(, Fr TEA TASLE TALKS Meat Varieties '4 oast Kidney Loaf J pti,liti ('tee, veal, pork '.' 14111)6 kldr.t'. J cur h slices hrta,: (Up'. t ..ti 1 ti ipt':• }•s or ').utter Y tggl 3 grctl• 1'1;'1.11; tt,illit(1 a 1* tta'1 or ns salt teaspoon pepper ta}'.it•pe,oir grated out t(aspt.on powdered sage Wash kidney in cold w, ter, Utain W ell and grind, including 1111 initrnal fat. Pour milk over bread and soak. Combine all in- tditnts and mix thoroughly, rude fin -My in r, loaf pan, Rake in A moderate tVthi i:''1' deg.res1 for 5er2t• 4. en( of the most difficult tasks that facts t1/4c he.ustwife is that of getting variety into the meat dish. Meat, In itst If, is delic- ious, but if 5c11- vetl 117 the Same way, with the sable vegetables or without con- g.no ;•. -'.,,.:•.11.:1111 it smacks e', or u.,•t4ess Time .re n,.ly 1\b(. will aliy,ns bake }„1m v ithout varying the glaze to i.lfd interesting flavor to the meat. There are others who don't rt:Il:rc that a bit of naturril home-grown herbs \sill pep up the pool, ,.(t -f ashil.ned pot roast. its ':1111 ft to sew , t it fun tc run in. 1'att(-rn 47t) shakes a dash - hip playsuit. You'll leant the trim jacket and Tutton -front skirt, too. Pattern 479te comes in misses' ilius: 12, l4, 10, 1F, and 20, Size lei takes 1%> yds ail -in material for the britt top of playsuit and s}lett:. !`(1111 1w1nty cents (20c) in coins. ((itanilts cannot be arc( pttd I for this pattern tr Room 421, 73 Ade- laide .t. \Vest, Toronto. \\'rite plainly- 1 11/V address, tiyle member. rt .'\e :Ge .'.(, 1, ?1 (bps Cl it , Ia slab of 1 :cad , r •,5 air pol;al :;11,141, tit', S, (1. 1-1 r 01;Ct lel s try lion ts r(\. 14!4,1 :1 1(1- rt•f'. Liver l.t}uset. t table •l.".1,ns bac( +. dript'r,gs 1 largo onion, thinly slice .1 ( (ups skirt tided 1 teaspo.vl at 1:1 tca'pooa 11( H.t 1 poilntl Clllltd bee- t,` cup 11r.ttr t tablespoon 5, y ray' Frew ti onion in 4 i,ibltspc.ons drippings. Add tallage and Feh- tC'il 11 g' Cove r ant' co,•k t v tr logy heat for 15 minute., 1 tinc,ve from pan. Roll liver in sease.ne 11 flour and brown in l(ntaining drippings. Add water 111(1 rinuntr h minutes, Add sew sauce S.el t'.l ,•),t. MOTHERCRAFT HEALTH NOTES Natural Feeding ".ltu:;ll feeding. that 1`'. 1•R ase le(•l!tng. i, hest for the mother anti l.tst fc.r the 'shy, 111 .fft Itre,.•t fee ding is r( 1 1, ,ct, ing. and 10-.. dc1 ar- 7'1111!iy (lir( 'roll. It should 40 11),lye<<y� he 7-(1.:;1! (led as an 7,11( bi ht4o r1nality. The failure of so many mothers now at}ay s to muse the it h;,l.'c` often arises through Iii k of knl ii I, dt'( and -,vro,114 advice. Why Baby Should Be Breast Fed 1. The breast milk i• or(ate(1 fcr the bah ter`:, fort it is the Lib -'s pe rte. t .`r,,.,l ala' 1:is hirth- brigll1. 2. it is 15,).1 61)2'1 ,1.1 f'i,in geln;y 1:611 s ,.,ilk has re- go through neat:\ 521.te1 • 1.1 torr it 7(rtC11(•' the 1):.1.C. :(, lhtast milk is n l,rr (h-i:t• di- gtst(1 than any (.t!1( lily food. Also it may he called the (lige sti) e of IC11'ti milk. lia'1 v. 111 digest row's. milk hotter i1 g?I1 n I ye.;I a sn'irli} tlu;ultily e.1 1.rt.,•1 n ilk l,rt- VifI)1 Iy. 4. A h„fr 1• ', It, ; ti .:ri,ioi. if he ]las been retort t'' 'ell. liaby tends 1•' }'lair h, nu - teeth as hr g( is nadir;,} e:,( 1 cine for his mouth 1 an(' jaws, b, 7 hurt is a 'ow. :nottalit' late it }.,roast -feel hieldes. c. ml ,lee,} with those 1,1)5, aro liolt'.t-ft el. 5. 'I -lie mother has 1,ttt(: i'tulth, (1l(1 filen too there is 1. ononl) in time 41111 1111,;11 2. K \VC 51t: that the •,anlr;ll fool product a y,r 11 11, ilr1.11(4 ;diel de- veloped child, :.tic. should Mra toy and cedniort in the hc1:111 not fretful. weak, sickly }.a:1(, `,',Ito i5 is constant worry tr, his pare tits. lis p( rti, si t f tiir '•;(tv /t;ii, 1111 'Mother; 7,:1; ...•, 1) Dodo as Food 11,11' i!:gililt•• d, dl lord ..f '.1,111- ritius island. ne ar scar, became urine brio!, lion :1• f•t, less than a t( ntnn' ;:iter it, dis- ce'1.1 ., 11causl three or (tilt of the birds fnrli'lii (' a lie al for 221,0le 111151'5 ore Iv. iter I1'c.•-t. )o</�YnpanioN4sf NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT with �iesh5/rawberries Serve this delightful breakfast treat to your family often. It's good -and it's good for them! Nabisco Shredded Wheat is made from 100% Canadian whole wheat - contains energy -building Car- bohydrates, proteins, and the minerals, iron and phosphorus. Ready -cooked, ready to eat. Try the tested, practical re- cipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls, Canada a► SERIAL STORY Murder on the Boardwalk BY ELINORE COWAN STONE Last Wet lc As questioning pro- ceeds, it ie revealed that Mrs. Tal- bert was Yardley's silent partner. Christint's identity is also made known. Then the inspector hands her a letter written by her cousin. She h,ts been (tut out of Cousin L'n:ma's will. t 1'11.1 I:\ Sine( e In:stint had first caught sip 11: e,f that t:Uio1 body on the coacrt t( ', :,ch, 5111 hal know 0 bort.- ro 1 tem.., s( Noe, 'he k1(,w tette,:. set for y.11 a vtry re .11 dai- /it a \rice (,14•,11 in het 111(h.- ory. '11111," 5111 fate re d, "Cousin Pnihn;. kit \\ 16,11 I ani nut txtr2v- agaLt--silt 1(c\ (.r II1gglsteel 111141 eht thought rt \1111 $he has 111\(1 in( 1)11'It1 her 11111 to OIC. • . , I can't iinapin( that the wrote ibis ltittr, But-- viio "Jf i'5 Thortnson," the inspector Asked softly, "could you identify �onl cousin's w'riting?" "f--1 don't knot'., This certainly looks like hers,' "isn't there any tiling you can tell net," the inspector went on 111 - most gently, "that might throw some light on this business'" ( hristint thought, I ought to tell hint t1(rything-about Jas. par, for instance-;Ihc'ut that tele- phone. girl, and about the stliimi'2 wearing that dagger. But all iliaill] his int\itai'le question' --'a told tiht lime. :\ltd if the clairvoyant had had any part in this, w ley should he hat e tried to 12 1 n ilt r: \111`. she wanttd only to gtt to lilt 1.1.11 rind satisfy her - roil that the 11 11 a', alllC)i1 her belongings, not:ring sinister --like this letter-- to complicate the in - et edible posits, 1, in t)hi( b she fcul..l iu1511f. "Nothing." slit sai.!, "that I cal: think of " Tile inst.(i tor's fa.l hardlltcd; sod hr st•:nt:g upon the disrepu- t;lble figure fu wading boot, t1ht, whit hill had lust returned from the next room and had resumed 112• seat in the corner by the door. "Thuile- you," the inspeetol hark - cd, "suppose you tell me just 251111 a1;41 1t here 7.111 11;ye kn,•121: Chic (mho palls.' • •41•1,t( colt--II11'Istllle tl,llgill it \v;1• Bill --Ariel mit. "\\'atcll him'.' 'I ill rl :111 :111 lights wt it out, and a chair f1. 1 with a crash. , , , A11e r tilat the re l\a, in the room nothing but Cie s.111nel of scuffling feet and heavy breathing until the door optmel--;1141 slammed shut, , . . Later, sounds of shouts anti 1ui.ning came from tier da:'l.rnld corridor ti:silil. \\iten the lig;his flashed on lignin. the re 12 ere it ft in the room only tlhc in•pcctor. r, ho stood 1'.11:1 111, hand on the light switch. Mr, \\ 111111'1, colt t ring 'chin(' a chair, and Christine. . . :\lnlost at once 11111 \•ar11l1 y opt n«1 the floor and ca1111 in. "\\-ell, 11('1or," Said Bill, "fuss-in-P.,ots p1111«1 a fast one, didn't In? 1 think tour nun have hest :hint all the dart:, I've boil wollelcrii'g just h. w lung it 2vould lake 2('n to notice that the gas right hr side his chair." 11111 1'in 1t one!, ring"- the ni- speetor's (yrs welt far from frit nilly-'•jnsi hos; much y 021 11111.111 1111.1, • i • The ithp:uni. rang, inspector 1'.,rsol,' pi,kr(l up the instrument and lis to t.1 el, '1 1,(; , r., 1.f 11.1 t .al had belt ri 5 gna.l 11 r. 401-, 11( sll}')'t sIt 11 ;!ilii-, t !(„•„I : 1y, "fort uli.''i,t 1' '1111 4..i g, get some sleet. ' Hardly elating to he la that they \,t re lite, lIiri•llt,( it 11.11 herself, 111111 I' li and !)T. \\'ti!1!'t, gt.il.12 tit 2.11 1,111'• 2,1) 11.1, 1f1 1111'(1. As :ht Irld 11•]1 111 rt t 1ng ;.why tow ,oel l l:.!,stine's 1. el}1- ing. !ill], \\ilnut et-audit,l grtir;411y. "\li•' Thor( 11:•'111,lit said. "of cow •1 1)1 woul1111'1 (145( IC go on akt -Bing in that booth 114 w--}•111 euppost 1 111111 1. 11111(1(1 plait Could lou meet rot tomorrow morning -say at that drugstore in the l rest%itly -- and talk things over? . . , \Vorking t',it}l you 14.5 betn 5uc31 i, --h plta5urt " \Vh1" Christint hesitat(11-- "Irankly 1 sh;,11 hal r to can t,nu,t money sort( how, Mr. \\'timet." "lentil 111,,11) ti 1"l(rro%%. 111(01 ' the !ittt 1)20 }(none(l. "4;r -oil t)ight.'. 41. "List( 0, Christine." Rill shill 1.5 bir. \\'timet patt(rtd off into the darkia'' '1 wish yon wouldn't. 1)idn'1 you std those flashlights going of all around you loon oft the• Boardwalk? After tonight you're a narked we loam" 4,hristfnt stopped short. "Was that t1 }tat those nit 1. 251(11' doin).!'' she demanded, "It hadn't ocrin'reel to Mt th:,t 111111 N(Jr sniping hi nil," „\\'111. it hal} to }(, 'I 1•:11,:r•,y your picture• Hill 'e ..11 over the front page. . , 1 i y on're rc.Ill:, hard 1(p, 22111 net 11 t nit i4(1), i11. stead e.1 a (o,nple t( 1 inside (' .\ 1(y• holy, 1 let,) 41121.1 \•-,'. funny little h.' " (.t 11111'1 1111, , , , '1-11.,t 11( 11 - les 1,)11 1.a11l-i11•11.4t-110t'(1.' "1-,111: 1It1S 1.rr,1,011y not g1 t much on nil, lots e f 111(1. ;,r) 1.2111 at 30, Ar;(' hr may 1,e l:r 1)11'S. 1011 he doesn't hand?( elf, tnitl.l any too ruefully." "1111:0 1,t (41 int,., • Ile didn't 1'( to ;:1(y nice, Mg picture tonight--orif ht dill it Ivies ruenr(r Hi ih;411 1:11:1 ..' he '.:111. "I kw do you kmow: "i Say: him low I1 ell 161 11(,:111 14 ft( 9.3). You set ;eft( r Labor 1 -ay, 1'111 51(mitt( (1 to 1111(1 1111' hc'r•(' to the beach. The bitching posts ;)c light 6(1111,11 that studio. Tonight T wont dolt to see v. hat condition they 2) (re in --aid tie re was sour iittit. h;,br-in-tile-wrlod, polling ar,•110,] la hind that hottlt." "Itching around," "1)1• se mit (1 t. 1:'1 t 011111111t1) 1111 10111111.11k :15 of his 1 1t' lust be fort: I came along, he `.;tut off tip t, the Boat dv,.hil:. 1 elou't thunk hr (2(11 ' 122 11,(," The were strolting prom) nsdt• t o start. ilri•tine said sueleltnls, "'Von 411,1'1 '11111i,,4 ;.1(y oil x11111 -hear 11', do you:' .11at:g tilt 1 l rstin,'S • • , "\ot •role's 11:1 in-plti.., 2o,1" - ape el to o, ire urs for sound 0 2x11 the 114.1 4• '2 ere. out " 11;11 said with $ •hurt la11.11. "But it's .1 sure het they're giving ns lire tic short rope. \ve'll stick 10 the 15 id.....a.11 sp;Ace' in ;hft middle of tl' '.tat: to dis- courage (.12'•elrr.;lpt1', .111} hoe,.,, "Lill," 4 lid, tine hnrrit.1 on, gut to l.now----52 its \;ere 5(11 bea1111g lip fns -t to 1 11011 (1,) on the hI.:cl) tonight''; 11111 .1115 silent for a 1111( '112 - ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF' CHRIST, SCIENTIST, BOSTON, MASS., JUNE 5, 1944 • Headquarters of The Christian Science. Publishing Society \',Mile holding military' might 1551 ntial t, Iit \i(tory 41 a'lild nations oler the anti -Christ claims of injustice and into!.ranrt, 'fat Christian Sri) Oce Board of 1)1rectors told the annual n:( (ling •'f 11)11 Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scie mist, in Boston, 1\lassaclni4etts, that freedom is essentially a spiritual gift "to lit re::1'/lel only through spiritual understanding and attainnl,nt." f)irect,rs cited the universal determination to 1211) the place as advance evidence of a world-v,i(e realization that "right( 11' \2ctory 11n11t r arms 21 ill 1101 suffice to guarantee frl'1 (1(nl to nlankin,l." Freedom front want and fear, freedom in worship .1111) twin the I)irect•,ts stated, constitute notch mot-, than .1 poliulal slogan or governmental ideology, "Gtr our great \\a.-•II„w(r, (114i -t J(•us, proclaimed c(murk s, ago that ire ((loin at cords .111 i1 (e.. is ill and law; furthermore he gine simple, clear ditecti.•ll for liar' ;'1:1 ,.in 1•t of full fr1r•l•n for the iri'liii.inal, .•1(•l 1141, .-!; 1:,• huu.:'ity. OF BUSY CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES Kellogg's cereals have an important place in Canada's kitchens --now, more than eler. Appetizing anytinle-- lor breakfast, lunch, between me11I snacks. Add flavour to 'Id toyer' dishes, too! 111(111 before. ht replied, "1 r,ln pr - iug 11 't( H soil 11(caw. t-- 111 i', yon ]hale got to 1111 15•-- for yn1:r rv, 1: 51,1,1v, ('kris;i''r, he 1. 1.• 1, 111:.. i110 err. Ir w;,' 5kulkilig in ;1 •.1a01(.12 ' Pill said, "iy 1,1 n you ca'l,c out of that r}ait2,tant's lon.t: ;.1.11 he slink along 1!1c Ittn,lnlw 31)11, 1') 1111 11115 1l aiti11).' 1..•t ;, 1 11211 , l 4( 51,151 you 0,111'1 lilt It ('1(e 11'5 11(.11'. y.„ is tine 5.).1211 tr.le i ''1 ) i tllr( 1112 111,rf1` i .,0111(141. "( )i rcurst," kill vie 1(t 1 , •11,f, reason I k1 \V 15 that 1 121 1r,1;lillg )•611, kr. \\ 3111( f 11...• .1l i1 :1 4':' the heath, 1 • saw 1 tat 'radii 210 211(111,' a light (.n the 1}o,1't11', 1) , reading' sow( thing. 1 U11' Irving to eaten lop \1 it11 21 on ,'.11, 2. "1 went Into that "11(01)11 e..1 place. and well, 1 y,„ite1) in :1 J'ark111 (141 .111't off th, Bo,u1111.:11:. . . , Anil now lot }'1(t sonil1Linr to 11•14 you, ('hri•tin(. .Inst 1,11. you started to call Pus -rd. by 11.1010, (11(11'1 you: "Bill." 1 liristint said, harliir 1- - litving it 3(1 ]i rsclf, "h('' la'p.n- )'1-,11'111 Tannin's butler.... At 1(;.'t Lc as. ':1(11 huller the 1,1,: 1 1;.0 ,'.. . , Tt's ince( (kid( , lmt sl:i'i'..'( i 1 dill kit) 1i( r''' "1 ..111 411ppnsin):, it, P411 shortly. "1101 22 11111's 41 1,1 trio r vital to 1l( is that lir v. ;Isn't fr 1 - lowing on for 1210 good.' "lint, Bill (2(11 if 111 st,tbi,n? (...00, in 1.Irl)na--0111' hoold lit 22.171t to Ind in i,1('" "(3 ] kno'r•--hill(ssill ` :1141 tae \rd only wilt r( '4e'• skulking 11.'22 . . ( hrl•ttln , \011 rec11.1101 1 ili,'1 at 01.. (. (11,61'1 20'.1' 1 ';,1' a(, 1:1,.1 } on ilad." I l rirlitt•.'- lil1od 'hil},,I. 12 (1(11 11111 had he. it s, 'ort, 11'5)111'14 2 !'arsons hal •(-1. ; s'r honed, her 1, 1111 42') ••1'l:. . . Ile (Continued Nest Week) Rabbie Would Hate Been More Sensible ''1.1 thick a gine lot of '`flake s - re are"? 1 de, sir," "An' y think 111 11 ;1, (111)) r1(2VI' than k,h'ie Binns" ' \\Ihv iht•r('i 1l. compar- ison let 15`;(•1(2 1111111." "N1al but y( t, 11 its it 2 2• Shah( sl 1 ,111( w'lw 2.rote, ')-11(;•11 lies the liend that 511;1'- 1t .'('11.214• N1.2`, )\•111- ide wlntl4l 1(l( r hat 1l riot te sic non•1n` 1 .Is that " "\,1,•e 1(•r, "Aye, just nonsense. h,h- i i1 25on1,) 1101 Lent tint that a k:nlg e•1 tin( e11 11111(1 (11511;, ,1211: t,) 'r 11 2', I' ;l •'roti on 161 fr lit 11(1 11('11 11:1 bier th.y 11;!114 It "5(11 the 1•;115 o' a tit;( it ." Has No Chance For Promotion -Poor 'Ike' .1., (:1,1(11;.1 1)0ig31 1). 1 ,sen• 1,21(1, commit:meltr of tale Ci('I fel\:1.1.1'1 )',r• i ,,,is 11,1, ..1; 1-, a:1 1'. n,1\ 1 1.11): ] in h:• 1 •til, 11111 its 1.1115 •;.l.s .1111 at 21 at tit, girl .iri\l r, 0.1: 1'f 411,, soleher 1' 20 1.1' };( 32 Pointed to it, "( "1.11, Ile till•) ire 111f t -',11(111,"I :ON ,1,11d iil.t that guy's 1..o3 .,t that 1,10, 1.1v and all to itHite 'ugs ' The other (oldie 1.N(., (1'. 1 t1. ,01,111't Mkt' 11121: • 111 ol, ., 1,11,' ;,( :.,1111 ;0112 111 .1, .11111 11)11)ly lit' i 1 ,111 ; .0 ,I,ke.l wiry he ,21211. .•'rf t..ke 'he ye 111 tai's 1,•11. "\1'l il. ''1:1 •1( 1i4(`t's 1!) chance 1,,r )r .•;,• 1j..1 v ,111 r,';'iy, (;el .,} 1' I•( 1111,11( '11,) 1,} 1root 5 161• `t••.'\' 1 (1 11111,1', •11 'sited iIie 1'a:1,111','I' sl: . i, "1).11,.\ Hatching Eggs Stand Test Of Long Flig; :t 121 e ,,te 1(1 1, curie (I row ' 2', ill 1 ,int t'„1',Illt' 111111:1!' t,' ,4• 51111' 41••1,, .11111 11 II:0,'11ing 1425;• r•,1,. 1., lie 1111 t•' the 111 'lost, ,,,1 ea1, tie re 11111 1"' 111211)2 (lin 11th • i ,1 sir Iv; hint 1 )1) 111(0 1 : 0 •.'l 1', it 1,21(1 tin ui..11 ',, of 1,1111 alio har1,11't ll 1t p; ( •sui, e its, ' • It t, flight. the l`n,versity • t \' 1 ; liet,r! and Aincrila 1 .\irlints c 111ly :it iv i:. dozen t g• . •.1) \\•;0Ihii1g I,I. l•. I.,, .\11gt 11 s .. i, 1 l•a,11, .'011 (111 ,1 put 1111111 in) (U11111 011, 26)11 1111 11511111 1111" , Is 111.0 111111 111.! 11, 111 11011 I1, 115 1'. a. li, s1111s 15; , hit les from the 4),s Chit flet\, and 16:! from, 1 •,,1 ,1.1.11 a 1111',3, (',mein 1 Ilat. him, 1gg) 11111 ht 21,111 t. ::1 111,1 Perk Up Your Veil 11, he se day., when g,',•.. 111;. is •(are(, it rl 1,r `211at one has, .1 we..; �. 11 ,,111,11: 2 t it 5;01 be rt-tort.l 10 •'I 1(t 1(t •s i,y pr. s,in,g unrlt r tt,. •.t 1•.1111 '' ith .1 wal'lll iron. You Will Enjoy Staying A; The ST. REGIS HOTEL VOININTO i I:\ery 1111111 w(th 1111)1,, Shoe. er- rued 'Telephone, 6 "iii21I0, $2.7241 1111- I 111111111'. x3,7111 1(11, e 2111111 1'111111, 4)4niug (od MI II • mt): 12 MO. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4135 Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piln Hr•lo i'+ the chonee for r5ny 4. 1'- (.-)1 in ''.,n2dn suffering (1•,311) i:.•hi11g•, painful piles 10 try •1 -111'; 15 I,.,In1 e.-loc. with the Iu•,0111•42 1(f. A 14.!2:•11)1, firm I,1 11:11111,1 ear e)1(4• (.l t'„ !1•1-:: 111 , 1 If you arc not 1:.,1 t1 itit the 11411)1',, ...Haply ❑o to any druggist 1101 F 1 11„fur ,f Item-Itnid .,id 11111 ll1•0'.111.. III.nt-It1id is ,111 5111• '11 u'. 1001.•111, ,511 y ;end pil•,15.t1t to el,e and plel,si)l)l results are .115:12• 4}' ,1..] ie. !telling and •.orlr;.sa 111'' r'ilry(,), 1101)1 tiuhsidos and 51v .11,: i 'I Mtn( is eontinn1d the s' n, r'i111'll pill tnhu,rs lint) 01,1 11ay • reC(;)1 (11211111f•'( HCS •1.II 1111 11•:Ii(442, lee( a bottle •1 11.1)- 11.1)11 34:• y 1(111 4e.1 (ol• 5111 -c'; f ,1 5,,')', 1112.1int w;1�• Ihi1 ht :) 1'11 )111111144 or your pile 111)5.''•)', \NTP.: The sponsor of 1111s 1(11(70•) is n relinhle firm, doing Iuf*in•ai( i1, lnoruln for 112er 211 yeoly, If you ore tr'uhted 2211111 sore, Iteltitl4r, I•nioftel (111(9, Nem -Hold must hr's yen galr(,ly or the (:11(44 imrrho',o prior 22111 he glnd4y refunded, ISSUE 2G-1944 CANADIAN TANK ADVANCES ON ST. ANGELO, ITALY 1 4 t ,err. k N. • -se This Canadian manned tank racing along an Italian road was one of the artnoured units which took part itt the attack on St. Angelo in Italy as Allied armies moved to smash away the German defences guarding Rotno. The driver is Tpr, C. W. Stewart of 13eaton, Ont.; the co-driver is Tpr. B P. Johnson of Calgary. Alta.; and the Crew Commander is Cpl, W. Duffield, of Oshawa, Ont. Canadian armoured units played a magnificent part itt the advance on this and other German -held Italian towns. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON July 2 ENTERING THE PROMISE!) LAND Joshua 1-6, 23, '24 PRINTED TEXT, Joshut l: 1-9; 23:1-5. GOLDEN TEXT.—Be strong and of good courage; be not af- fr:ghted, neither be thou dismay- ed: for Jehovah thy God is with bre whithersoever thou goest a^,:1aa 1:9, Memory Verse: lit ye !tint'. :17.j ;,esians 1:33. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. --'the chronology of this r•tr:od of Israel's history has al - ss Lye been exceedingly difficult, 1.): it is now almost unanimously r..t,irved that the fall of Jericho :•- a place approximately 1100 B.C. cforc, the events o this book be roughly doted as from IIm) tr. 1376 lt,C., with a vat cation in r :i er way of perhaps ten or tnelye Place.—The first events r tete •,-ci: are located nn the east side cf the Jordan, opposite Jericho. r.it rest of the events took place or the west side of the Jordan, himself dying at Shecheut. Joshua's Commission ":pow it carte to pass after the of Aloscs the servant of Je- :'t•wah, that JC!lovait spike unto Jc'tiuta the sun of Nun, Moses' r.,a,ister, saying, ?closes my servant It ',;cad; now therefore arise, go o -•e: this Jordan, thou, and all this echle, unto the land which I do give to thein, even to the children of rsrael," 'A hen they crossed the Jordan ar.d filtered the promised land, it Wall as though they were going cat of an antagonistic: world where ttsy did not belong into a land f4lYitig with milk ant hoses, Nktich was promised to them of Gc d. God's Gift To Israel ' Every place that the sok of yew: foot shall tread upon, tis you have I given it, as I spake unto ) oses." Hundreds of tinges in the \\ mrd of 1 )d i'alestl:tc is dt',hgll.lt• ed a3 the land "that I It ire given ',tato you." It is the un!y land that toil ever .;,eve any it.lrllfnlir people ln,l that gitt trti (te'; er been withdrawn. "Front tit,; wilderness, to 1 Chit Lebanon, even unto the el eat river, tike river Euphrates, all the laud of the Hittites, and mitt) the great set toward the Going down of t;te ,un, shall he your border." The bo,mdatiei here designated for 1;• merits land were nee er t e:twlt:d evert its the most glorious period .)f Israel's history under ',o!„ln,,u, Promise of Victory "There shall rot lay man he able tt) stand before thee all the days :)t my lite: as I was with AlPses, so I will be with thee; 1 a twill not fail thee, nor forsake Glee." ilere is a glorious in oink,: of the presence, of God, and because of His presence, of continual victory. God promised victory, but the vic- tory trust be preceded by obedience and faits. As it was in a physical realm, so trust it be in our spiritual conflict now, Secret of Strength Be strung and of good r•,.te• ,toe; . . that thou utayest lease Good ;troll w:itittS)lver till);! guest."• The secret of strength and the guarantee of courage; will 4e found in 'observing to do accord - in){ to all the law,' turning not front it to the right !find it ) the lett. 'Ibis book of the: lac' ,I, t!1 tt tt depart out of they mouth . . . far Jehuya!t thy (god is with thee twhithersoeyer thou guest." Medi. tation, the familiarizing ourselves with the ethics of Scripture, so that when crises or dangers come, perhaps unexpectedly, we shall be able t') decide our conduct •-- that 1i essential to all successful t :,rit- tiau lilt`. Joshua's Last Word•! ".111.1 it canto t'.) pass af1t:: tlal.t, when Jehovah had gleet! reit unto Israel front all their enemies round about and 1'e shall pnsSCsS their laud, ai Jehovah your Clod spake unto you” Joshua in his last words under- ta!Ces a dna! task, first 1:) e:il•ollfl age the Israelites to Ro an tait't al it:ev the trot,: ',which lead been so mightily begun under itis own rader;hi;), ante then ti %warn ttteut not to depart front t w law of God, for it tiny did, (god twoultl surely brine; defeat ;Intl disaster ',you thein, la He hid lol'I \1•);es Ling before Ile ;was re tis- to go; he, had .Lone his sw"ri:. Ile Irttl righty en. ' ow•age'h the Israelites to Plied• i'•nct: to the 'lit. itte lass, and he had set before '.bolt t perfect •t sample at his o1:''t ',tie. Photographs Taken Via Sub Periscope perntited Af,ry .:1 ',lis- t to;,are of a hitherto secret carttrra by \%Lich steady and act. orate. 'fi,h-eye" Pict;;t es may l' - titlsen through the perise rpt' ,)4'l1 sub- merged submarine. l'pr camera, mtatufactt ed for the Navy b; 1: t, tntat Ketdak Company, provides a t.,ntt ilete pic- ture. ',ecoid of (tits attd sinking of c•n,:nty ,pippin); by ;uhrtarine•s. Roth ,ti'( and motion picture; aro passible. Thele is no focu,iu', of setting of the diaphragm. Variance its light is compensated by clt•ittgins; that shutter sp,'c'1. (;':wets of stili -canter,', shots art immediately available to the ,ub- mariue commander by means of a portable darkroom outfit and special photographic paper, 'level• (site'I by the .titnpany. Red Cross Storing Parcels In Geneva \a extra ,;0,000 tons ot. parcels for British prisoner, of ',war in Germany is to be store'! in Geneva under arrangements just concluded by the International Red Cross Committee. The committee feared that, with the gradtta! breakdown of com- munications throughout Europe and the possibility of a general up- heaval when the Second front op- ens, feeding ,lr•ratigetllethta for Bri- tish captives might be seriously atfeete 1. Consequently the' !ted (110,3 111_ accumulating huge st )i ks of par- r's at places inhere they stn be rushed to Gcructny. FIRST CANADIAN PRISONERS ON BEACH OF FRANCE OTTAWA REPORTS Tim- New Farre Loan Improve - merit Bill Would Provide C_trdit Up To $3,000 \i't•r its , •uht touting, tete new 1.',11 tet I. t ut Ingo t.,'t,hcnt hill, a .lied tit pr).t'tl;;.t r' 1 t fat. tithes st ."is'liable :meted It'', for 11111.in.; ;r 't tN tel •'!!1 Milt,; tweltlt•ilti, wet t t , Gtr !t tul.itl:{ vol ( nu- tilr;t r l ,t"tltitr,}• 'tt 'its ctt t ,o 1110 I l e pl r.t,,,e 1 i •., ,lar:.r,t s rdd !min He for (relit oi t,, i, t, 101), oI1- tinable from c!t,ittttie1 b:Ill.i it 't !nolo tel l'1 cal!;de 111101e,l, 3114 t t•It.iy Itlt,• 'I;, 1'1 1 1111\111111111 ')f 111 ,t'il'l, alt III.' , 1,e if itt Illi, It \••%tint 1111.14e 1:1't gtit lit ',serif !•)•ills Mist, tinder the Fa•ut ( ,t.itt Board itt i ort tem,. I tans for .red, i•rrtl, cte., awl i3 tL ,i);nrd f.'r the purpose ni nt.ik'ng in,in,i e• ahem t ,nc!( is purest;t e .,i attr.anl- tnr,tl implement ur liwe,tofk; pnr- t b.i,a or in tall ition of sat icuitnrtl r'tui;intent or a farm t'we, tris ,y;. tent, or alteration or improvement of :t system alre r ly in,talle.l, au'I for fent hug, drainage Jr b oddinG. I t'r these loans, it is proposed to r.Initre the t lt.trterell banks to n r, the kind of iicurity available to anent under tete Bank it et, tits Minister of Finance explained, ex• rept in the cash of larger I 'ails for ',chid', sieri it iu•"vis'on will be c1e in the bill. 'I hos a lout for Cie purchase of a binder ',trill :,e ',trit' 0 by .t rhac,4c on the hinder shelf, :and .1 loan for tint iii•t;all- tt: tit of a faros electric system by :t charge of both the uto•:abl, iad aft xed parts of the system ( he Government would guarantee each bank loss up to 10'., of the a^;'!, -gate amount of I,)lltt betide by it under the pre;criite.l con- dition,, lutes guarantee to be ef- fective for a m a\immnu of rt,a00,01t0 of lases nettle a itilin a period of 1tree years, • ) « t onditions f tr the rcitneetting of bee colonies .are ideal d raring the train honey flow:, cspitria!ly to- tt:tnl; the latter part of it Mien the lee; are busy in the field and will accept nets queen, nt.ire readily than .it any other time, ac- vot ding t') (', lin Gortderhant, 1)0- ntitnit ti apiarist. Ile says that Jtt!t anti early .lugust is ais•) got tt! tittle t) reyueen, Uerauie y Hing, vigorous; queens introduced th ten will he, in their prime for Tini'rling up the. colon; for hinter ;and will still lie prolific for the build-up period .of the following ttprl,•g. « • ., Sl'eal:inr; of ;tnnntt_r gre•,tt feed for poultry, 11. s. (iutteritlge Cen- tral Experimental Farm, entpha• sizes that the important point in connection with pasture in sparing high-priced protein and vitamin feed; is that the chicken, a grazing and foraging animal, will footle out its a superior rendition, with the saying of feed an important sec- ondary consideration. i.adino clover, Iv: says, is the most satisfactory forage on all scores. Other plants that rate as good ail -routed forage int hide, Kentucky blue grass, brottze grass and twliite clover. Nearby experimental stations will advise on crops most suitable for tilt, sods in the districts in sehich they ate locate'(. R.A.F. Statement --- LAI inc.; wet laid hi enemy wat- er;" is 1 frequent line its !t..1.F, statements. .1 dangerous opera- tion, but the result; are excellent. The ,►titer day, for ;eatuple, a big German freight:' loaded with S\\e- dish iron ore struck 3 mina outside Narvik and 51ttk in a few tltitllaes. Loony looking lot are these Nazi prisoners captured by Canadian cleared their beaches and made their way inland. • Inv t: -i: ti ": ten the beaches of France. In short ,rater C.1 a sliane CHRONICLES of CINCER FARM a trietures 'n t think we have t.,, mitt is t'. ,rl( 1') '1) — and no ,Iouht uto,t of u; have these days - lilt It ',dere w.ii e5 er a tiltte wih•n r.s ,honed ;te ill,al!cful for ',sort.; std the ait.ittw to tsolk --- it li lit 1 t ).1 imagine any- thing :t "t',C til in 1 , have time on your h.ui•l, - :n± t t it tea to the !flop; tient• 'o ,r1 ul'.I think; to let ;one :cit.ig!natt-r.i 1,ot 1iut, ionjtlr- int; up all tate ;t.);,t!,le and impos- sible bunt;; that ru n': he tcittl,etling on the :„•.frit,•; :,t 114 and the itatthetteiti, t.i!k(if curse the all like to It to the news soave. tole ,!'',ring the d•Is• . in frit I emelt ',,,mess that v.ht n It 111y (mall} tt:1 i ail larged itt). tt:nrk 3o til it I r ,hell ,:I: .it.(l 111;t .11 too. 1 1;1,1 tilt t It tit e of several jobs tit.it '1 t I c eti'I r:ork in the garden, •', itt or paint tits p.nttry. 1 , il't',e to print the pan- try and i•t that ,) 1 ‘vat ab'' to lintel', t.) :I;.• I i l , neon! of the day V:itltnut e.'1,e1114 :its , ',tart. l he rd were s e ry te'y bulletins that I mis- sed nuts I ',:,,; i's.ty; ready and e tger 1') rr hay the latent ttCt:•i t3 frit titer illy time he c tine near the house. Incidentally, the hand nni;ic xhifll tnter,perseil the arts ( fo11'1 to be a ;p1•'nt1iil at' ontpani- Illfll: to p;1111111114 1 ry it ,uiurtiine our m ill he. shpt ,.:ti hots %veil your paint br:tslt Still, 31,11; to tip! ',late of inlet (tint; ntu,ic, • • that ,tate night 1 %tint dose to the 'pedal 1) -Day service. it was good to gee hots many people re'ipoltded to the call for .special prayers. l thank, too, it filled a need for serf -expression for In'trty persons --it was something 1'111•.1' could do --- a definite link be- tween the totes and the home front. and ;low ttntc matches an. \Ve have more or less trot over the in- itial excitement of the invasion with most of us making some attempt to carry on as normally as possible — it,)ping and praying for maximum t•e;tllti ',',till', a mini- mum Loss of life. • • • Well, as 1 was saying 1 started t to paint the pantry on D -Day -- took the rest of the ',seek 19 fin- ish it. You know; how it is -- you can't paint the woodwork until the walls are dry; you can't do tits "trim” until the woodwork i, dry: you can't enamel the shelves until the trite la dry; and you can't get things back on the shelves until the enamel is dry — four hour ettatnel which took longer than overnight to harden: I tried to create some sort of a colour scheme and yet use ',what paint I had in the house. So, 10 do the walls I put a very little shutter paint into a quart of white and that gave ant a hecto green tint. • • • • I suppose ail yt)tt good people are busy in your Victory gardens? Ours is coating along fine — what there is of it. ‘Vs nearly always 1 ■ HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured state flower of Rhode island, 6 Alcoholic beverage. 9 Put down. 10 Single. 12 Behold! 14 Send. 17 Japanese sash. 19 Unit of energy 20 Dined. 21 Writes. 23 City in Tunisia. 25 Expired. 27 Eternity 28 Snare. 32 Roman highway (1>l•). 34 Comfort. 35 Hawaiian garland 53 Friendly. 36 Electrified 55 Sun god. particle. 56 \Vorry. 37 .Animal, 57 Marrow 38 Tear. (comb. form). 40 Gloss; surface 53 Inside. A C By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • s have Itt•ire titrt!ttt stoat than we cam use ur gtya i.'iy, so, with futurib hoeing in mind •-- t'.e put In leas this year thtit us nal. after •►fl, there ate only two of us most ui the tone, and we are neither of W t.iLbtts. ‘V lit. h ',',_mill is ms • - 41w two rabbits in the field q0110 elus, to the gat tlf t If they had it . svel!, there will ;r. th.rbly be evert iris !t)•'Ithg tiiitt '.51 114r- OIL,E OF THE PRESS ANI) NOT ALWAYS TIiATI t Itti'.1'1 1!:ithg (,',liter 1143 tent $100, :tone his mi ,v❑ catty in Gtii•tmalty, to the (. Inailian fled (gross. Plat tells the real story of what our i:ed (rt)s, means, telt tlivies it pretty k.,»1 'r,s:trattce that it ii ,d o 3 t!lllt{ tilt the N IUM t'ts e, t. -- .a'. l t:ca it li •'i : )tads l.il AGREED ON IT The rider Generation thought nothing of getting up at 3 o'clock in the utortlin{ and the youugri gener.)t•)•1 I,' lift thick much u4 it rt'll••r. - Lm Sun. TEAM WORDC joint bank arcaunt is whelu the itu,band shakes tite Jeposlist and tial to ift the t': ithdr:twals. London I'ree Pretir, ' A MERE TRIFLE Don't feel too sorry fur your- self. In Iatrt), a it's bombs that ',sake 'enc ill,. i)t:r !cere it's the. 1t1ntittt0,'.'',' — Windsor Star. IT COULDNA' BE S'_otland reports a shortage of bag,)ipee1. t\'e don': !telieve it. Ws have heard false reports ort the 11 0l ',alum before. A. Ringtton Whig-Standlirit. COSTLIEST, YET CHEAPEST 1'h: clleaoeest toting you buy that costa the. most to produce Is it :ti,:'Sptu.rr. it — 11i andon Soca, Tea From Tablets Made By Russian If Moscow l; niter>ity investiga- tors' vie ;vi prevail, tea a la Ru930 will !, brewed from tablets that when diso!ved produce a 'ruby red beverage like aged trine with tt slight flavor." Red tea was produced by hfo- chemists ',working ott coarse leaf and bush prunings who Ilat'e dis- covered a catalyst that transforms the extract frotn these waste pro' duct -t into s liquid comprising poi•• feet tea. STATE FLOWER Answer to Previous Puzzle HOWARDLJ ONE p HSGs tiLMS —• A-© MW UT❑VI (• tIONfS . 7111311111111 (] A ES SR IP 18 Starts. 22 Observe. 24 Negation. T 26 One who driest 26 Robbery. 29 Musical note. 30 Pertaining to aircraft (pl.), 31 Member of royal family, 33 Sun, 34 Accountant's! degree (init.).' 35 Conductor, 2 Suffix. 39 Head of Vichy 3 A grain. government. 4 Musical 41 Implement for, instrument, washing Bourg, 5 Language. 42 Incursion. t3 Stay. 44 Brother. 7 Silent. 40 Dapper. 8 Spill. 47 Neat. 11 Nova Scotia 50 Farming (abbr.). Implement. 13 Compliance. 51 Assert. 15 Skill. 53 Credit (abbr.),. 10 It Is (contr.). 54 French article. s T 0 5 E 43 Kinsman. 45 Thespian, 46 Tap. 48 Expanse. 49 Far down, 50 Inheritors 52 Greek tnytlto• logical figure, VERTICAL Pit. 8. 1 t MEN'S WORK BOOTS ._._ . ... $2.95 AND $5,00 BOYS' WORK BOOTS, Leather Soles, Panco Soles .. _ $2,75, $3.25 , MEN'S AND BOYS FINE SHOES AND OXFORDS A GOOD ASSORTMENT -. $1.98, $7.00 Tj7Y s♦ M' IllIDV)tail,r3tBto.,,,,,,o,z;.=;,=71St;,,D,z»N.NAmm,2aDglot21Hi218t8a.D.N3t2mpiDot31 I:., tit, lluhert, (lucheei st,eut the week -end at his home herr. SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES AND SANDALS CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. Olive McGill fa /R Ali fling list Itat• been collected up to g'1 ttcsd.t\ night, and your advanced date ill K should lie Mill: tech if ) nu ha\ t' paid. AI r, and AIrs, A. F.. Bender of 'fo- rnntu spent ill,. 1% cel:-rntl here. Mr. and \II,. \\'itlt,tut \\'hill., anti A Alat•is \Acre !ii tit and \1'f11ghanl visit. firs u\•cr the \\eci:-end. Mrs, Ianu's T. \\'ikon is visiting will t. Air. and \Irs. Jam's Crcrar of Shake- sprare. \Irs. Streeter was called to the bed - R' • side of her ;hint, \i iss K, F. tiadleir, in Hamilton, on Moodily last. to ii Hight -Sgt. Norman Sinclair of I.C.A. THE STANDARD Wednesday', June 21, 194' '1 eartfOlhtlb ,04)l: :it )olit• 1:11,1'11111 the tl;lpel', lilt' telCtC14ACtYtCtCtetQtCtCICKletCtC4tCtCtCtEtCl{tCtetCtCACtC1CtCICt@tCttlelCc''tCtEtOtCt@tgl.CtsitetePetCKdtY Ni r, ()\wen I'Ilillil,>, 1,f \a11rouwer, i sprn ling a tic\\ days \with Nil'. 1111(1 1R`>t Il, \Ic.\rter, if town, • \1r. :Albert Cole of lttantford i• fi \•iitittg his gr;oldnu,thcr, \It's, .\. '1'. A (Ade, Alrs, Jessie Aloofly of Kitchener, is fi Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. writing relative, and friends in Illyth this tweet:. STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. I Iorning Delivery. North of I)insley Street. R 1 \Irs. I':rir I, Afternoon ()f Winds, r \ait- Afternoon Delivery, South of I)1nSley Street. II ell ,with her mother, \les, Iran Craw - Deliver) Orders - . ford, ,,wet the week -end, .:.1111111 11.111. .I ._1 r110 II,.,., ' ► ' $100 or Over. h d S I Airs, John (laruisly spent the ,week - TOMATO JUICE, SALAD DRESSING, SANDWICH SPREAD liant in Toronto visiting her husband in PORK and BEANS. MAPLE SYRUP ' Chrfstic Sweet linsf+it;tl. BROOMS 65c, $1,00 and $1.25gl \Irs. it. hall attended Vile funeral of i CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE Ilicr aunt, \Irs, William Robertson, 4)l (baton, on Friday, J THE FIFTH WALL CHICKEN RICE AND CELERY SOUP ( tip,, (it' n)c Ilaggitt of I'cttawinw,l, OF EVERY ROOM. 1CUT GOLDEN WAX BEANS. A t )(lit the week -end with his parents, e ' PUMPKIN, SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO JUICE R's The ceiling, twhieh Is u'Inally R AI r, and Mrs, .\b, Ilat;gitt. largl'r Than any single volt, should SWEET MIXED PICKLES. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE Alis. Veronica Alums, of Kitchener, 11.e eon:thievetl as it fifth wall. 'Thus ORANGE AND GRAPE FRUIT MARMALADE % visited ower dn. nrrk-cn+l with her ;whim pi:undue the tircoratiin for a , GRAPE FRUIT JUICE ._......... PER TIN 18c and 35: parents. Mr. and Alrs, Alums. _room it its ,lust its Imtt,rtaul to se-' is Ii.,1 a cmm1,1 veiling patpet as it k BAKER'S COCOA...-..-.._ _ HALF LB. 20c; 1 LB, 35c !g Mrs. I. II. Ilrinw 1 1.f Toronto, is :to chun'+' the gtroper watt decor:- '• ;114)11, Thur pr:forence may favour e ; I Doherty Bros. GARAGE. 101 Acetylene and Electric Welding .A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. __ _• Hoilyman's BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, ALWAYS ON 1-1'AN1). Confectionery and Tobaccos. PI-IONE 38 - BLYTH. A t•isitin?; iter sister, Airs, lanes Logan, SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, R and nephew, AI r, (icorge Sloan, and • Radishes and Tomatoes. A other relatives in the community, aiAattX)tiNN)VitatMrDtMaiDatt717t2t;»N,INDlDDMND IDIDMIDINI MDIIDIZINDigaDt3tPt2:l Alt., tallith Lockhart has accepted the position au teacher at S.S, No. I, NI orris. NI is, Catherine NIel)(maid Cigarette ` of e'garetles in the NIediterraneat' New Cil;arette System To Wilt) \was the tcancer, has resigned. Benefit Overseas Boys theatre. l'ndrr the nen a r;tn; cntcn', Alis, I Inch Ilotwa't, daughter of \Ir% the possibilities of loss to the indiwiri ;ate( Mrs, 1\'ilnler (Iowa((, has arr;pt :\ new system has been drwelnl't'el nal by enemy action at sea :4)•e climb:- cel a position teacher at S,S. No, ', for the sending of cigarette from Cansated, and delivery time 1,f orders w I1 (shorn, 'I'nwnsbip, ala to members of the Armed Forces he apl,reriatt,l)• si,rcrled up. \i r. and \Irs. (i, 11. hare, of Toronto, in [lily, 1iatcr in the United Ding- Front the slanrlppint of the ntati'int: rcumncd home on Sunda} atllcr sprn I dont) which twill bring into operation tttthlic, there i< Ito rh:ulgc in proccd the equivalent of air mail service, ar- I mg a twccl:s' It'lid:ty in I,I)Ill and ore. Orders will he placed in the sante I C'onion. cording to a joint statement from the manner as at present, either ,with the \I r, awl Ales, \1'cslct Farrow, 4)t 'fo • 1'ostntastcr G1'neral, The Minister of tobacconist, or direct twilit the 0'111• rnnto, ,cent the tweck-end with Mr, National Defence and the \lltttstcr of pally, \\hen the Cuntpary "Cern."' land Ales. Robert Julmtstnn, and ulh, r National I)cfcuce for air). Next to the order, a label covering each ;111 relatives. letters, ciarcttcs are highly regarded as cigau•ettcs ordered will be prepared. � I AI r:. \\'4)l, \'ender, 4)1 Marl :1xc, Alicb, a direct contribution to the well h:ing complete with postage and particular:. is visiting her ,nn, \1r. \1'illianl henry; and hap: Mess tq the .\rnte'I Forces. Then the Post Office lakes ower• Tin' 1 Simply described, the new system, 'lahcls are recorded and sent overseas ,Also Bill Henry, Royal Canadian Navy, which will ,spent the week -ctrl at his home, he go into effect as far as men by air transpt:rt. Upon arrival at the lure leaving Jur I?aste;n Canada. e in the ...aiterranc:tn theatre are con—Tobacco Depot, the labels arc attach- Airs. itch' I'1\Ior is holidaying with cerncd, on June 19th, involves the ed by members of the Postal Corps t , t' Iter d:ulghtcns, \Irs, John 'Taylor, of sending by .lir Mail of addressed lab- parcels of the particular brand of cig- Ingersoll, and Mrs. II. Ir, Short, of els, representing cigarettes ordered as arettes Ardcred, and then despatches( 11, r, sun, Al ( ;knit Too - at present it Canada, to a Mu(Ilterrat- the addressee. tit rathrny, and her can Depot, tvh.ere they will he drawn The scheme will operate first to sup- nee, '1114 Mrs. 'I'tmrcy, of Ingersoll, 1)r. and \Irs, •I, C. NUN!, of hail' m against a huge consignment reserve of ply cigarettes to the Armed Foru-'s ,lad tea with \1r. and \Irs. I. S. Chci cigarettes already built tip by balk now engaged in fighting in the Bali:i't l\\'cducsna) cw.ni":• shipment, arca, Subsequently a similar plan willetw ,flipped off briefly on their \vat Realizing the value of "smokes" to be established in the United l\i'ig't1'•n, the men. the three Departments for when the necessary stocks have been through ' town. sono: lime past have been working out built up. Airs. )lire .'J' int- ie of Sault St, details of this vastly improved plait to :\n outstanding feature' of the sys- Alalic is wi,iti^g her e.m>,'ns. A11 •sr 'enable the .\rnty anal :Air Force over- teat is the fact that there will ht' no J• oon and \l 111;4)11 seas to obtain faster and safer deliveryloss to the individual between the fo hasn't seen for 48 wcaus, tit- cele of their cigarettes, The preliminary bacco Companies in Canaria ;old Ow to leave next wee!: to Nisi' h r 'laugh '.ask has already been carried out of Rase Post Office in Italy, Under the ter in Saskatchewan, rri Alts, Alorris was a visitor in Lon !o dile building up of a necessary reserve new arrangement the labels will be tile first of the week with h1 r son, N11 flown to the Tobacco Reserve Dept Ra• y Morris, and Airs. \l, E. Gillen an _ — overseas where the order is filled. Lath- RCrossels twill hr dupliracrl if lust. Replace- family, and with All•' 'Mahoney, an Ai1n r �d lalel in the wecl: visited frith her tt' `;`'��rs�B y �� .,tent stocks are forwarded in hulk Tees - shipments, The Post 011tce Depart - BINGO! NITS, Anthony JlcUlynn, of Tees- , r .,tent assumes any Inns, in hulk ship- water, ment of the cigarettes, through enemy BIItTIIS action nr other cause, between Canada PIERCI?—in I;lyth on Saturday, June and the Overseas Depots.17, to Mr. imd Mrs, All' Pierce, a IN MEMORIAL HALL. Efficient ()potation of the plant stakes daughter. SSc it necessary to adopt a standard sirs aturday Evening June 24th parcel of 300 cigarettes for the tent- overseas. \\"tilt the ivattguratiun of ' Note Change Of Date hers of the Canadian Army or R.CA.F. the new scheme the standardization of all cigarette shipments front any Cutu- - pally for the Armed Forces in the 301) sirs parcel will become effective. The WYNGCHAM LIONS CLUB ' venientlyofhandle �" be especially con - 131.Y11 PublicNotice HI) `y't, w= GRILL troops on the move - than can the 13LY'I'II --- UN'I'A1tIU. S'IREET ii. bo sire' pacictges. 'Tile ccntraiizaliun!elf all these toharcu parcels addressed Iact•ordance with the pro\i,'ons ' fC _D „ Ito individuals tinder the one agency The \A'c'ed control :Act, pnblir n ti the Canadian Postal Corps - will tend is hereby given l4) all occupants and to facilitate delivery. , owners of property within the Mintiet- "The plan will not atfft;ct the present patlity of ]tlyth, that noxious weed • practice of certain auxiliaries, assncia most he destroyed on their property on p FRA1 .401 ,�p �},� FEATURING CENTRALIA R.C.A.F, PIPE BAND, j1r Uutt or other agencies sending bull: for h: fore June 26111, 1'11-I,.and than s4)!,- G was Proprietor shipments of cigarette; for impersonalisr,tucnt to the above date the \\'cc 1 V 41 I'IRST PARIDE AT 7,3(' P.\1, distribution Cn units ' nr gcncralit• Inspector shall .pracce 1 to have the �..,....:„L....•,..::1e...1 ,W.,, ..a.. •.I,. JUNE 28 thronghr tit the Forces. Consideration l ,work d•'ties tltc costs of which will he • is being g,iven, however, to this phase ,charged against the property and col- ;work ot- , , ; Wednesday, 1 1 BI'Cth(I ht I3�1 I)ZlT1Ii;ietl in hc;i nal l'etnctcry,(()f cigaretir avpply to ;IscerLlin if an)'ittler! in the same ma er as taxes as .-rl.,I i r, I anttan t. 'improvements can be made in delivery littler! by The \A'c'ed Control Act. ::�11' C{!C1'af 1L':1t; methods. . • ' — a.r..-.l'f-s�.�-- 1. ' - a--+>ia.u+asallraJ $U2,MER SUPPLIES ARRID CREAM DEODORANT - IIINDS HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM CAMPANA'S CREAM BALM IIAVOK MOTH CRYSTALS LARVEX MOTH SPRAY THERMOS BOTTLES 2 -WAY FLY REPELLANT ... NOXZEMA CREAM ANTI -MOSQUITO CREAM EAUDE COLOGNE.... 39c 25c AND 511c 45c 49c 85c $1.35 AND $2.25 59c AND 98c 17c, 39c AND 59c .. 35c 50c, 75c AND $1,00 R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. 'unc of e'mtrastiug colour. l'ou't -he ;tfraftl that ;t "('olnur•I'lauute•t„ -rcotn will extend your Budget. To "realize this you eau readily du so =by set'm, my samples - over 5O1) to pick from. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 1VALLI'Ai'ER—PRONE 20. , ti... I'i: , ti. . 1, , ..1 LACK OF SLEEP MAY BE THE FAULT OF YOUR BED THE NOR\I:11, III':\1.'1'11\' I''I':RSON SHOULD NI':\'I•:R Il:\\'E ANY 'I'ROC'Itl.l': IN SI,E1.!'INtl SOUNDLY, NEITHER WORK NOR WORRY CAN KEEP YOU AWAKE NIGHT AFTER NIGHT IF YOUR BED INVITES COMPLETE REPOSE, Now k the time to dl•C;II'11 those tverll-ont ,lalttresse, :11111 Sal;'gw Springs \with New Ones from Our ('otufllete Linc 4)1 SANITARY LUXURIOUS MATTRESSES, SAGLESS BED SPRINGS and LASTING STEEL BEDS that are so constructed and designed to Intitc Sleep. WE ARE OFFERING THESE GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES. I5 -�4 e THE OLD SUNWORTIIY LINE i home lurnisher — Phonee 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, . 4t t tiorry to ,ay, Iherc are NO NI':\\' F.t�l3tat3tD1�'i2= 131NDIDiah1�,g��7 t21d1:7�I2t%21A�15121Dt�i212tw'121:isYmt3iVast�`i"vtSiJt�I�t21:h2t2t -I':\'I"II'.ICNtithis year, bring the _ _.. -----, • •-- -. --,--- :.-_...-_ .- '----.._..__._.._.. I -santc the last three yr:4)'s, Every- i " • 1•.,•.o..•N•.,o••,o..♦.••..•..••,•,.•..o.•Ho.•♦.o.•..o,o.•.o„ ,•..•..e,o•o.o,•..•..•..•.o.o,.•.o.,•..**.".•.,o. ':" 44.•.o« lilting til Iftt' line of Decorating, No ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • . • ♦ • ` ♦ ♦ ♦ • ` ♦ . ♦ • , ♦ • . ♦ ♦ • . • ♦ • ♦ • . • ♦ • • • • • • ♦ ♦ . ♦ 1'♦ ♦ ♦ ., :special time fur alppointnu•nts, 1 •i X11 ;and n.111(.11161-, 1 spccialiie in that ; / tough j'1b 4)l laking 1,11 Wallpaper, ;:. '_' / efip�ffj:-.,. :; :, i ,• 't • .. 2` al : F III CI PREST 7:: , , to 4 AD t v plc ow& Od 1... Phone 37.2G, LOHDESBORO - 3' y,. '',,.x"' I: M1.. - , 1, 11 .. I 11.1 ... .,L id,. 1' '1, . �e}• ._• ell Vodden's BAKERY. WREN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IICME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER 411111 11OJ.1E BAKERY" 11. T. \D1)l.)EN. TR'N:TY ANGLICAN CHURCH .t. • 1` 1' .,1 411 a;+Ir ' '� •pti�o,�?y1 SHOPPE OPEN -- WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M. To 10 P.M. SA'T'URDAY, 1 P.M. To 10 P.M. AT '1')111 RECTORY ON t• O'T1IER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT. Mon., elute ; entll ie:a'e nt: alt .1 p.m. ;_: EDITH Lo CfIEK HHT.ON. M GNU: Salads, 1'1.111 Al cat. 1'11!,! t? t Lucatld Oppo:i.e Kernick's Grc sty, Phone IT!, 11'01, Itrl'nd awl Itlrtt t, ,t♦ a, Cake and \1 1111,pe'd Cream. I l' t. «,♦.t :' .t, g.,t,.t.,Ey„�..t. y„0.�..�..,O.t, .:•::••:: : •:•:•.�r �..:•:• .rt••�u�r i:.:.:•.:.:.':, Admission, 25c, Childrt n tr d r ill, El!. DECORAT'OR'fi 5110:".);?, :, 't' ,..",..loom_.........1..,...orb ,..,.•• . 1 11 ,a..1 .. ,J4, -I.1 1. 1....4.1. 11..,1d1 J, .. . 1 .. & CARNIVAL EXCELLENT N'1' 11'001). GOOD SERVICE. Meals at Ail Hours. SUPER BINGO GAMES — SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Also Chuck-a•Luck, Over and Under, Ham Wheel, Hit Hitler, Coin Toss -- Games Of Skill. ,'- If' DANCE TO TIIE MUSIC OF ;;;l;1gn_ AAA_ CARRUTHER'S SIX PIECE BAND, A FULL EVENING OF, ENTERTAINMENT! r1-4lttstr- FO, .\ 1‘1,1 1 '!,war l 1:11 i' n i"111 i.l'. ()niers for delivery tinder the new_ t) 3, A. COWAN \.la., sr i f \!r, and Mrs. l.;.;a•d 1,i;,- 111-:itlly; 1't::' Ci2'atettes plat,, will be accepted for Stvect Caper- West! Inspector for the tlenficl'I, I':x. I: r and II Ies;l , a'I'! ` I a' "'''t' ; 1: Icr 10 in, mother. P r- ails and \\'inchcstcrs of ,the imperial •ci rt., IVlunicipality of Blyth, blot' 1 r of 11r . `: r::; n Ito d;, nj I'crty Ila'rilig'on c:.prc s •d iii, dc.,tc Tobacco Company; British Clmsnls \\'in.' , \was 1.;1'„1 lhnin-: inwa,'ott :lie to thank the milli). e: +1f the Illst`t and Exports of \\'. C. MacDonald Inc.; operation, on !tone ,ta. Ili. will .\w i 'Turnip Plant for t1 it gift of ciitor- and Bt,ckitghatns and \\'ings of Tuck- those mentioned above may continue the former Ruth Johnsto -, 7.nrit it, Iii Mr.; which were st it: 'Dine tittle a ,,,. cit "Limited. to do so but in these cases the inrlivid- brother. I.1());d, t\ith the :Air Force in They were much appreciated, an I be Persons wishing+ to 'o'rd'er cigarettes nal parcels twill continue to be hau'dled Italy. According to inft rt) alien re'- says, fortunate in arritin; as many icon tobacco companies., other than as at present, ceiwed by his w:le. FU. Litdenfirtd bare been lost lately,