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The Blyth Standard, 1944-06-07, Page 1
,V01,3. Ali; 111 - NO. •1:3. 1'11414,f'F1r.ER DONALD UNItI:RCOCK Lori, 1 1,1 c.,, I, .'I 1 :I. 1'1 \\ars '(1, Sl 1111111,, 11i1c of Irttvh _• I laiutn Ileo,,, 1:a, an 1 oil - N. ll. Philp, 111114:! lire 9,,114. 4.1 2 Ihlhcll)' Ilru,,, 215' (,late ••',unity• I!1 I,1,cl' ('n\':•1:11,1•11 , 111.411119 1''4111 IJ,11114I1. III ;,II 11,1`4• 111• s• ' ltt• � :. :� ,.S t,,, nt<n all, 1\, n;cn to .r Il,u•,' ;1! 5 111:4. 1'1 been t\ai;in IIIc I) -Ila\, ;4141 :h' •i•\ 'widen that account. as real] bc paid. pr(..unting North and Smith I Ittron. - K. INN Standard, Iletowel, Ont. HLLt :I� 9.NDA B1,Y'I'II, ONTARIO, WEi?N1;1S1);1Y", .11 NE 7, 191.1. Subscription Rates ,` 1.50 in Advance; $2.00 to U.S.A. :11\1 I;I?W)R IUIv1h Municipal (',,unci( ' (;(il'ern()'-(�entAaal 'I'll Visit I I)-1)av (.Jhers In I)a' Of I I isll('rmcn• Please Note! \V, ,tau'( r4'rrt t 1'''1 on ,1I 1 nor i . ( I In 1 • 1;1,1 It in 1'1, I. !le 1 n i t'n' ; II1 Sei11 U1't11 Traver In Iilstrict the --- ,x I , 1.'i' ,,1 1, 1:1.1, 1 rate 1'ea14'I i. I'1'1 \\1' 1.'• 1,-1,.. In oil, ' 1 IIi'.I', \i,l II I! Inn 5: i', it' 14441"n- Jr, a 1111' !'I Well•Alltrdrd Service Held In Blyth 141-.1, ',Ir . 1+.111. 1";,\\141'!, Ili I 111,- tllll'ir ,cit.. I"'1.\'' \I, I r1tt 1 „ 1.114 11.1 I II,; n jt 1111, ;1411 1 I'!1.• 1 I I', Ui t:(1 Church i l Int!,'!' i' ,,!:.' r , t' II' n h, Luldl ,1 ;,1;11.1' \\ e 1.411,,1.1,' ! ti at.:Irl' al IP 4, I'.4 . ,I (1(1'(1 ;l 111 l,l:llltl'i., \ oil1!1:1 •Itr 1 \\ ,•'Il 1 r It!. 1 ,,, 1.h, III , 1 !1- i'..1 1 III . I, ,••-- ., 'I - i !' I: il'. i !11 ;111(1 I11'':1`lil 1411 I , .1 I � Ir i \I."1''• n' 1,1 ! I. ,--1.1' !1',1. Iittit DI 1'1!9'1. („ii'•I;il 1 t t ❑I,,I,!,,. ;illi 1!,'' ( I'1/, 'I\\"t;,' 411 1114•,'1;1\ 111,,111- ••''1 11:1!1- m .'"':''11. I.II'I, 11;1.11! 1;11(- 11 , \la\ 1 r, ad . ,:11 , ,,1114' n,, (1 ,,91 , k,-t,il 11 :11 !', I't HI, '•.I , , : i 1 '' til'.! hi li Aril tI : t till' i;l','tnl I) 11.1'. in.' ,lt:\ 1.1,,1'1, • . ''i h.t', to Ili' calr!t 111,11.11.:::111.1i i I„I' 1,1144'1 '.t ,,, 41 \', , .1.1.1t, 114,1` n! 941 I ,• �t . ,. 1,411 , .I H i I , , I t ,; !, !.;I , '1 +: ! ,4_111! ,. 'i' I ILl'i II'',. I I, ,III' l' 111:1,,, ' ' 1 ;1n,I I'I, : tc • ,,,'' .'I , .1 I,. ! n,' 11nr"n ,it i i\ 1.,l, 'Innen)' on Ill(• radio or,' Il,' ' .1•I'".11 ,,..„;;;',,),,;:1::,,,;,1."%,:11 II, an'1;1(1 \! , '1 1t'. l ,11.11:,,1. \,1(1,1,"1 ,1111 I•r(I, I;It I' ll , 1 .\.'1' 1', I!t:nt „1!11'1 II'at (('diol' list', ;1• .I\1, of lilt "!I'" l,l !, !,I 111 1„11:1 1. that \Ir. 1,.,'li I I 11'114:',.' , '1 In' (!.I'.' '1 \' i. 1:, ', i I ,11 It! III\a.Ittn tam! 11,I Ilii ;111' Aa\1.-. \ni-, l.,lit,lr, •11\1.1.•'' I "';,I !i•hu, 1x1 1.1(•, 1 ,'.!111 ;I` :1 rn'' l,,,\( 1:I 11.1. ill' ,'I;Llic I'n.,ii II I.' " II, r ,,I (lir 1'14 ; 1411, awl. .I! :114 t! IiI I.'1 II I'.1 1 ll 11 II !' t' (114 X111 111.111 oft„ t'1„1, jll'I ;I'I\'•I!1'. .1:'l' n' - 'I lit \I i -,i ,ti 114411,1 „( I."\;tit; `bel,' ;Ilion , 1 III\ Ill L, at, 4;a, ,I. Cal 1 i, --i. SI, rt1"'r 1 IIr, , ,!, : , 1 i'11 , u :,1141 114 44, r ion ;old rat, 4 1,•,1 ;111 (1,1!' r It.44 ' - .'"1. ,, ,','' '' til `4'\cr, itl- 'a ill le I 1 Ih1.11' 11.".'1 u• lu'', t;;i:; 14'1 11,'\,''1 i,\ i „,,'' j;-, I'.;I',,I 'n ;mil' 1',''iii l',,,niti, - 1' i ! ,:'c, . , r '1i it !'n I 1'''" I,I,', i(r,tt til .\:1 ''111,4:1 ,,I'1 all' 11.4 Ii, !I!. Satllydat', 1u 1'1'1, at .1 ,(',•tory. \1 r. \\1'11'!,1 111;11 1'-1;1\', , . ... I'll, t:l,,- 1t;l\ ;1'1:1.1411.6'. 1 14,;, '1! 11 lit 1' on..;II! he I,,II t'I"llt It, 1, ,!;,•4 ":, \\ ,'i,' I.c , 1'I.II 1!14' trout 1 of (', Iirai.,:.,4r, to. \\'.1:1„i, holly, to h,• (,„hilly. \\•II'i,uu-III!orlla•, 1.n^,inc)r f Isle,',' 4.1 Iri,- 41 '`!I.1.111,' - ','.1I 'I, - ,,'I,:•. -Hu \\111)' 411111( In t,'1,. - 4,I, .4 lit. 111i,11'1'!1 1111',' 111.1111! ;11' i•1t', the 1;1i:11,,r;ll 4 Il of 111\',!!) ;1-. II11,\ (',;III \1'!e int,,,, •11:,:,, 4 1.1. t' 1',III' !I ,'\( 1, , ,4:r.ltd'Iti-, ;I1t41 u\', I,';l, hr ;I''C,'•t , 1 l('1 1(1(1'' to 1'„ 1), I iii nil l• 111 ( I'll-. ,1!1'1.1' 11.1;c•, 1'1 „ ,'L ('-1;11,'1 1't' 1:11'11\' 1\•111 11;1;' Ill 1'1,'„ 1 illi., 10 ', 1: r 11111 ,,111-,0" , 1 the fart that t!1. 1.,�,',I .I 1. 1411 ill" Il1i'ti II I I!1t 4, :.1111,1'11 i\,I• tori(et In1"nn1 MISSION Ii/t1fl) '10 MEET I .11,4, ,\(ani; n!t;t ---.\r. i1 '(•, , 1 114)111i1i,ll' r I;i -, (1. ( •,r,';t'11. t. ,„:I 11,1,1 ill':'tlil, 111114!1 '1 Ow t"!i,:l ,'lit , I I, 114 �!' Ino,. , Il,:\, ,11 1,'141'111, " Chri-lnrl, t'i(t.. I Bills en:I Acc(nt-t; \fill (i;lall\ 1,11,i k. 'jt^ r,l1l , ,t'I,1 1!I,' \t;'' pm-, ,pt','nl;lti"n, a` til' \III" -1' I'li4`, n,,,n 11",! I,,'. Inru :4! in tl, I li:nll t ;Holland fail' 41 1" pi‘,, • ;o;', WILLING WO: -'1.1.45 MET \VIII. 'I 1141.11, solar (u; \la\ 111 41.1.4:1. ;1414 ,unr4iln'nt I„r t.. In t John .\, 1'11\\an!, 'al:ll'.\' 1„r lay tll.nl) hit;!It',t nunlhl'r •'i I i' t l r 1.l' \'t 11,1 \t, it iti 1,\ „1.1,41., t'1 ,,• 11th line 111'ir4'• 6,1'.X,1 b_, the ,`'4tajtrill \I et \\ “1.1; DI1. SERVING IN 1'1'ALY S. IIe't tinter, lab nu. t',7,, f \11,r;i mut on \I;t. 17111 at the Immo chant,. 1 ' 1,,1141 I�o,i4r, !ah,nn• ;,h) It \\.l, ;1 (Iv; , i inl;o:t,rlt •;141 ch". of \li" I':dn;l \.1,1,'Ilunaid, and Du \i:.p 1:11•,I on ` 144(1,1. 'I 11- t,;,n" (i;1-111,1; \1 r,. 1:1114,1 Chapple, of Ikilchener, I4" (icn• \it'\;tl!, 141,tir clay t,oic 1 1 ' cell l•it \v, Ir(l 1111, n 4t I, l!', •111 lift' 111!1," i It II, 1, 11111,11 mm, c,,r11 4t (1,111 11:"141 I�,, l 111111,, ;1. '1;'1i1 1, d ; hand, I., Pointy F14 I l lrlt,;'I4,, \chu i; I I. (ilo,t,hrr, 'a\liut! \10 4! 1 ' ul,'t' r'. , I !1,'I- ' Co\\ ,rr'Vin'.; in tit" Italian Tlll•atr, A. \\', 11, solid(, •;n\'in:; ,\,11111 I,1111I 1"1,11' -I1"t', III 511,11"111,111. \1111 he ,', II!Illt•I'ene,.; \\ilii l'I'1',101 !il 11„„•,'11. I' !.t .I! 1111' home „j \I r,, \\ 1(!I(ttii 1111!, 111, .\11'',1 111111-, (lull 1.a:\' 1 :1\', :,'1'11.4„ „n \1,14 9.44114•, ill t1h r.! IIr„\\n. 'l feu 1;411,- \f'et'e fini,b411 earl 3,1(1 ! 1'c:u'lin': I Iri1', r ; I It iit•r 1 ;the lit ,;,06,' ni thy Italian \ 14 tor., - tilt 'flay. It \\ as t!ri•itlt'(! (t. ,cn(I Scut 1,1'11 Thy sports ;1,'nt,, un ler the chair a;'turr ,1f I;t'nlc, 1)!trin' '1n',1!a-., F,4ir`cl•lirc ch1,t,1!atIi, .5I tn;tn,hitl , f 14rre I„lul .\rul,tr,mt! \\i 1 Iain:, li'Dr('4 \'t ,t'uhe t„ tllc 11 ,111`1 -v 2,25 ,ftun'tiun ,nhoothl)'. .\t 11 h ill, •1,11'1- (Pi ih4 (ttiltirr. lien. Charles 1 Ic' ani 11,17 ren'> ;11ort> of ;al 1,11.(1, trill he Ind off 111.1 adc;1`t ;t 414„;ole to 1!' French Ite�iult (►t� Rcll�;'iotls Tests ; ,,') 1 fur 111,`1, tn'iz'.> "'here \\ i ! 111. c'a",'` 114,11,!', 'out 11'1' head, of gi.v•: nt1U•nt ill'' i,1Co\', iu. i` the rc`!;It of a (1.,t II) 1'11• br1,:, ;H'i1 1,11'1, It' (1111• II \ca' ,, 11)1„( "(li 1''111' tttt•1'i(1 I'.11 l'„11.1:1 1.141111_ III 1111111' 1!1`1 ,1''" -11\,'11 til \lr (+ell\" , 21!911 yi•a , and 12 to I )4:11', of a1.,. uric; (1111Cdcd radio 1.4,,41 \i,luuac nr''rninl': �. Statement t int ,1 lin GRADE 5 „ Iii( \nnl_ I' ['C1"I "T' ' ANI) U" BURSEMEN I S h 1/11,11 ! I \ I t t it I1, 11'.'1.!;; 111.\;Ili 7(1 44 111;141 ll!h,,!;1l• I,;. 44 •I ,11,11 I,ll1. ,1,11 111 4 11, "1 Iain 11 4111 1,1111 . 44 i U l `I I I.I)L-7t.LIT 1 OF l.J'L 1 TH •S: \111nteith, \11,4,1 i,ll, :,41111 ;7,!„ nal t,l 1.119 n,, alt,( t!Irll\1 'iii \;Iri I,r;l!i. .I ,:I:1 s.h.,,,,., ;; unln`Iliti ,houlll ;11.,,19 inl4rr`inl:'. a, e, .�. n)', \c4r1. 1.;14,1,„ncd not to be 11rcn!a!nr,' \I.Ir_114rtt • Hall lull \i,,�id ht' ('tttl t l„t r, \1't l•, 11 ;14,11 tkt1 (1 n( u;1.' 11 tttt Il l,',inl. n - •''4:4 I:OR THF. PEAR FINDING 31ST' DECEM11E1( 1913 �' l 2 in their 1.114 'Ihr) 1\,,41,1 IIr o,iccu 1' 11a Nethury ]il l 1 arried. \1'x191 �tnnl, \111!1 be ;I i,a 11;'9 „i the 44 tLc 14;!1 it iht t,ru ,rt1..t. 1.,': (int' I Lllnilt,ln 44 44?+1 \\14,':14 Chip -c11111 •i,"Ise t\\ire to III, 111'!4'1,1, \\llitulAIn: 11111 ,2, •••t Moved h)• ('cnncillrn, Il;tinton and tl:l}'. '2 I(1:C 1:I PTS y I I,tl h it 1411 I t „n ut ,1 1!''a J:l, l':ililatricl: .. . -. 1)5 \\'111;111 that ab•trart ,t.n. mem ' ( ;Ind- I I1 \ I l nn Ib II 111 I I1•11,;111 �;• , •t� 1111 'IIII II1411 II \\ I 0l'''llll',1 111\1 Ibll' '„ :Mary \iurrift __ - . . IIII) `•' I"1'.111,, ,4• �1' 1 1 1,,1111.11'•, I i.' .. ''1"'!'- ', tl Dt',' NCI tell' I!le ('11'!'I'r;ll.1 •II x11(1 (lulu!II;III III clear... of t!14' \t ter l l l'll'\' , , , :, - :• r„4;1,11. Thr d;l\' 1.n .ctl \\ith I t4 i I1i1!9;11,1 Cart tt\\rtl;llt 1111 I, I 111,11' 'i r;. I' 1.� I � ^• Illrtlt NI 1.unn•ir.l II,III 11,,1411 h' t,nh- l•Iinlr;l! Ih'nlDn,tr;lli ln,. 'Iii:' r 1!1.14441- , nu 11,It 1. l l t d, tit o 1,4ct I' :tell u• .\ (•1 c ant int ;l \I \al (1) 44 i'( .l''. lilt. Il; I; ..1 :. \ II r;l','rll'' 14 the ni i r I ,,'! it I ,I I 'tl I''I., 1,' li,hed til (h1. 111\til tiuh (1141(1. 1 arrird. ,Irati4'n, will he n!,',t Intl 11 ,I tie 1 1 a o ll , , (t(1. 1111 , tit i1t tti Norman 1.illlllt' ')I1 „ „-111.11 I I I I 1 't� i1 ,, Moved h\' (•oun1l.1„r, \111;;1 1 and lice ,itcriult•n, v. ill he a-41 41 •,,4141 ( .,1 ! I:t,1. , 111', \\'` I1 t ! ,IIII\ - 'Iitt1lll,l ♦2+ 11 t1yn11\Illlll�l'11'cll 1111\Ill,'111! lel111j"11,\11.':1 I\nit, !„llll`oIi1 ... -._ tl.) ,', 1 �, ,(,tit Ilalltll 11 111;1( 111.91.1' \I 4111 lit ;1110 II'caS- l';I>l'�, 1111111' III tit ill'(', Ills ,!' 1111 •4'I I',• ' 1. t I tia!(i 1'!111;, . 140 j,"III1,1111 •'•' WTI., \11••, I)111. Ill' a!,111 ,rifc(I iD nil's 1 ri4oii•tir9(1 II•nlll I,;il'!.i!'t; ;I a .t, \\;tl !;, 1,1. I.l ill. 3., rallnll, :Intl \\ith the .\.lir,( 1,:1.1.1., (1,141.' r 11411141 �; 44 I)\i l n 1 n ! tt'• 114111 ell tiinhin;; 11414(1 Bon '•• to til'9t \'il hr un Idi,tlla), I\\1. \•;tri ,,,,i';.:;1.11,,,, 41;141, \\111 Piro((• c,ta!,li,lted nu (he htachesof ;Ih�u1 ; ,. GRADE G ' , 4 ,2, loge ,II'henturus. Cat ricd. i he 111 CI 1119 1'I `11, •,' 1, I;.1.,, \I;tS- ! "Iasi•,'' Donald \I \all 1(1(1 �, I'!,., ,'1 I ),�,',,' : !:, ,1111') 1't ,1I„ \\' 11.11,,1\al •I I,II_ ';' I \1141'1.(1 I,\' ( nllill'0!l, \\ I'I:,ht allll 11115 III ,1;111'\' rill\, ;11111 ul,a'r C IIIII!n!I ! - !t, ! 11,'11; 1 ,'1 i l ',.1.i„ i Vett r- S rvIcc �\'(Il Attcrdej 1lc e .\ nn 19ancttc \\'at „n 11 p,,II' •t• lodden that 1111. 1 or1,1l';Ition porchasy ths(4L•, o eali e \\'Ill 11;1\'1• ',iv.> .;. I'1 ,.1.1'. , 1f,',.;1';I':.1.1 111 11,',11111 I_,t 1,1 '' , , 1.4nn;lr(i I1t11!Ct' - .. ..-._ 1)11 •• a new uniform for 111e Chi, of 11411.•,., inarians in charge. I I'll li'\• di ca es I I I `1'1.1.111 111.;11.1.` \tilt (1licr11 11(4 ail 1;1'r,ih1 .\tti!u`tine ill ▪ 111:.1 :, 1 . !,, 111 .11 1.4 ! ' 141, 1 .\{ ,\•iii ;11;14 ha\'c t\\u \ r!rri9,i.1• ,ln• \till' '.' 1 tl 1i'I +• (�;II'I'll'll, through the (11•,1.X, a, people t';It,hl'1.1'1 11'1(•'1( \', t ;_ +b 1 I 1 I I 1 i `tot welt 101) I til.- I 2 I ;1.111 he !,rc!lared 111 ,give Iii,• 1a14,t in - i. '', '' 0• \111\'l''i i,l' ('1 ,IIn4111„1', 1`. ,'I'll lt'i, and ... 1111- - , - at lilt t IIIi'Cl.t,, Ill' I ",,1 tl f.lti Dick 1118„ 1111 ' I ' ', 'i Il\'I D t ! ful'lll;((loll ;tti(I tl'(';11141'I'l'•. ti,\141. 1111\'- •: i1 „ I ', ;n1. 1', ,',11. 1 ,,('Else '1'14 ht 111111 111'1•/') +i that "i.t(1 nil" ,i 114 1 I •' •I, I,i: L° i +2: Carried. h. raid!')( (,,Calle he Ihr ,„lung .If the tn.lti lilt, 70 II\,!' ,2, \',,1(11.4djol" I :2, !1\ !�,,, I;' �•`tt _ � , ! 1,11 R'hls ;111,1 ,llhrl' 111 ti; i1., ll'llll, \111! ' • 4+ 11',111 hill ;ll a.11l. II111111'dlall' a!' - %t• - -- ------i h;n1. (Itt and treatments. ln(11 t nnni•.r,hl, the GRADE 7 :'1,•175.11 �2•'i It Itt1ni_'n1 \1..111 11I dr for ;l church 1(1(1 i I !1,!,11 I1, "I:ti;rO for - - .2,„ (,1,1'11'11 I'.iholl, Clerk. 1';11111'., ;11111 ll'4alltit'Ill,, , \181"\' i\)'It' ..- _ - `crcicr in Iii:' t'nited Chnrch at S 11„nail lulu.. I'll DISBURSEMENTS 1,1; ___��. ,1-..........• 11144,1. cann!n i, again a f1.a'ur.' of o'rl„1.l: 111 the evening-, and ;t latt;r 1 . 2Irma \\"a Lu l• 111() the ti(iuii(I 1t'drt';l(iutt nI .\1'4111!11"' :=1 1 t\\ .. l„l1."11,11 �: , �, ! Illllllbl'r of 1'914,(19 11CI't' 1,1'l'`t'lll. Inc\'' .1 can Stia"ter .- ')5 +• I„1.11,17 Iailst 1\'al\';ulOsh 11 ctlel-;tt1()11 Fall Uat•, 1111,• 1,,,minion 1)4'; al 110410 !,1, tii:u'l;lir had charge (,( the `er\ic 1 ' , • 1 111'.n,l Isabel Thucll . -- hl ;(, t' of :\I i irulturr It;P1 itt ;11%41 ;111 rx- .!. \1 ., , 1 tt• ; 4. 1'. I,, noir, 1'r:u, 1.1;11 ;_, „, I.; o• IZC>;'U!;l l' l�'IcetlilQ' n h, ,I. , , t I \ I I a' I \\' i t 'tl be R9c P. 1 I �i'rc1 - 1�i �.; !. "I 11 1''11'1 \ I'•cl t '', I;,tt l4,l. ?l;h•li ,1111.;', ca114(1( !11111 i11 1111111C -Ca 111 Cu op-' 2 \\ •11 r\'.. ; I„ I I' 111 ionic ,2; ,"', \,'111, ••44'14, led i itt'.I11 ilr:iyer, fur Bill\' lolu!,Ion tall __N. The regular n4:nthlr tn.eting ul Ill: ;•ration with it I,' \shoos( 1:1141 511,11.1:i:1,1,1.. HI .?. t i'::nt \\'.nlauo;h 1niti ttiun of .\ 1.11.141 branrh9, of tin: .11.411.(1 1'„rrc,• • Shirley Phillips 111(1 I. I,1., t'1 .i t 14 ;ill I!1. 1'ou111;,n1 1,1111. ;2;1 This film \•ill hr ,I1o11'n 4 u. ,1414', •♦ 1 ,,il Ino,,,,,. :cent 1111/ 1 oni li 111.4;( +r: lure it 1, h41d on Frida)' ccrnio;',, 1144,' lino on f \It'. Sinclair ,11,,it of the large 1111111- GRADE 8 ,2, u!'huut the da), in a l;n::1. i.ul ,., I , II I1',1110111':'.II: Ittl,i 1 on „Ill, .. `1)'(1') .Z, 211 I, 111 ;he \\...,1 '(•111 Scllo14l, bl'1' Dl !1,1';11 il"\', ,1111\'lilt; overseas. N,1 num- Noss basher .. .._-- !1 ( t ;the ;;ronntls, \ ,lualifn'd (119:1;1 .:I \\ill •• 1•,0!1 1 In !'ti'1ti lel 111:,11,1 5.•10'.111 121 thee rolnnnitth(y, he said, ('(ltd boast I:!;11c.'. I1„111.141:14, 75 The 01:t ule, of the \la\' nn'ctim-r , be ,present to (Ikea., the (11111 x11,1 an, _. 1;,.11. 111.', .1 o 1.11,tll, i''I �2 I - - "--- (11 i I. .:'ell l 1:11'!!1• „''I, '„1111,1:1 ,; \\ :re read by the Sucrclary and a !opt- \\c1. the ea n 1142, ;111,1 cu'11,err Koh_ of a larc;rt• lu'rcentage than that from I:(I\rard \\';1t,on ••• I i„1 !,1,'1 •'• 1.d 1111 111„11„tl by (:11'1 ttttvit'1•, ,ri(,lllil'tl it'ttis, (;(Minh;lit (ann•r, \\"iii hay,. 11 i!\(tl a!Id \'icinIity. 11e a`i\t'tl (ho`9 !)1'1,11'(', \i(\llil - - .- t)ll 1i, "1111 1.l I..9 III 1 1- +• 1,1'•. 'lit t 411 I' till daily i•ra\ev. fur f.1'` Ih1h91•t\' 00 ••• t' ,i h ( 1`111 1, U:; !'lin(! \4'"4111, ... , i. , ? s'ro'(1.1vegetables.!Ihr ,;lir',\• of our trot', and coned,! \i;1r'I1It 1)nlu'rl1 1();1 til(,.Iln '.+ dn' I. I u'h;utan, dlsllla)' holcnit; the dehcd aU n t,i ,�. t ,.,::;, ,;1141 Ilo•;1!ullli;l;io4 1,114, 3• h\\IIa\rr.'lu\c 11!;nlln,Itllnt1 the ticrrct I'h1.()nl;trio I roculcl;l1 lioerrumrnt t>, ; 1' +2. \ _"/1.00 •?• cd h�' 1.•.1(114;; the l�in�', \Ir,,;l,:r. loch Neth(t).. .-- - (.111 I' til \,II(arl .\(.c,Itt1,' ._. :2• 1:,,:111 ,4111 !I;,(1't; 5,11!)1 't• ;111 l4itt11)1 to the 1',,144,) (1 t 1lr)', exhibit \\ill f•,htnrc 1 itiitlp, i'i I'II it 11a, a \c1.)' ,,,!cont s:r\'!r', br(i: �' • I ..4'..,14 , , 114,;t ;Ind I.i;!h( 'til.')Ii •2+. (in ,itch a solemn o(•l'P iotl, +� 53.31 't, Ilt'll" 1111D1;1 DI til,' 111,'llllll'I', 11111 f('1.,, 1 ills 11;IIIllr1" 81,11 ,`loll (• 111 II11, 11')', !herr + • \\,„:,,i, lt.,Annual Decoration Service 111,;,'1 i •2• \lured by U, 1';n illi, secnnllr'I h\' \11!1 be thre . (u;tlil let n, 1n f o:lt the I 111,............• +, \\tit' 111\1 I. .. - ,_ _• tint;trip Agricultural ('t- !1.';t' to 411.4, held At Union Cemetery 11, 141! '.I I14;,b;I 1 clic \\•ighttnam that ihn Fcdcrat'on •t „'.,t1 ;2, 1 ATTENDED BLOOD CLINIC ;2; 1'Inl;i!'.�, `t,lll„net'\ :111'1 \d:tl'!IStllt! ..-.• . `1nit,ul' an (laming ;0 \\liltecluirch,on tike lal'1 ere and (11`,'11„ then' problems ()It SlI!Ida\' hLt ;11 3 o'clock ]il the �t• 111'ul!, lt3'I,IIo :2, will' th:.i. AT WINGHAM afternoon the :\4414;(1 Service held in 2 ,_, lune 111th, spe...ker to be obtained to till l , I,•ll: 1411 the Ball ', (11,1'a>l' ,i (It t) 1 I.;1b1'1' ti;ll'il1,, Illal''''1 141'1' •\Illb I N' i. connection \C:III the 0t'Crn'at1Di1 of. the ._ ! !, ,•,;.,u ,1.1111 +?� � ! t! • TIN, follutcin,; ,,1.14,(11. (rola 11111th and h grace, at (hr 1111th t'nion Cemetery ,• i 105,08 •• Ind nn'la uls 1,1 rradiralit n 11f the ,rnru1,1 a large ,,sore ;1441 \\111 be un(1t'I',di,lrirt attrnd9d the \\'in�hant blood ,2, un,h t I l,,nn `4 'mot:, 2 \\a, 1141'1. •I'Lr lc\'. P. 11, Streeter, •t. ::1, nl,;:I a ILII( trental IIIIiI'l) 21,-102 2-1 ,S, same. The full cxiu'u,r 10 tl:i: Ince, the (1irrcti.,n of (1,,1.(11411 Mer,•1 t'f Clinic on \Vedn9,day, \la) 'St'I : ! 't' It lu f,e nlrt i t the 1ider:llion, 1\'allon, :\11 t) 4l's Df labor „ati)Il! Ma- - ` ' Rector of '1 i initl• ('hunch, officiated, . _ --------�-'-- ,_, 1 \Ir,. 1lunhing, \u Turn; ten;u'( •^' ll•,!!,I!'44 III Ila ill, 31st (lel', !Ilbl'I', l'I I,1 .- 1_.1,'/ •i. 'iitllltt l' ;IS \reit 11, ;t windier of t•\ Iel'i •1„1,(t•1 li\' a Pitot(' finder the direction For I'nrlh4r t,arlirn.;u', 11a'r't I,•1. al i ('hanulr), :\ubnrn; 1?d. Ilu:ll:intt, Alii,_ •i of NI r. Cool: the organist and choir .f• •: \'rli,rnl,nl in )on'lnc;ll papers. ,nlcchamcs \\ill he 1,1.9`1.41 Ilo:,r ant( urn; 11'1. 1lunkinl, .\nburlt; \\'til, I.o\'. ;i; :2, I In the recent \ i4iD11' 11:4141 I, 111' the tractor ploughing trlrinn!:,Iralilt: , feat: i'1., 1111!11, (1ra4n1e \Irl),I\1r11, ilr:>!:': ve, Director of the United Church. Ti' '•2• ABS'I'I(AC'I' STA 2 tollo1\tih� (,}null. \ecce ,ting: 'Torecer +2 ;2; ktti \\';t\‘;1110.11 Frd:'r;ltinn ilurrh;(sell tn'iti ('1'14.1: \'1.lut11 of \tillikt'n, (,,enter 141: t'vt'i' \Irl)un'1!, IIcI;pr;trt•: \I;Ir\• :11 olhrr otic bonne•,( dollar 1'.tud, in(rrn;t(ional ci ; 1014,,11 t,lnn lnn;ul, and \•,hitt, 1 ii til Alfred \:,hitt. Ill', tit ;' \\ i(it 1'hc ford "i t tt P•rfcrl :}, Ot/ RECEIPTS ANI) UlSBUI(SE)V1ENT'S OP 11111E Trace" and \61111. \till, me, fast (alis :(,••i \loc9d b)' 1)1.1,11 Taylor, seconded \\'. C. Ilarrie 1,f liah al„ a rh;4;!tn,,n 11 r,. mai, \Ir\all, 1111t1h;larl: 'Iii 4111 •I' ;; h)' 111.,119 \\'i'htncnt, that nlrctin'{ ad 111uutlnu;ul, \\ill ta!,c },lac4' ill the (11.1'1 ,�„n, liil'tlt; Rol \i1.\'ittic, 1111th: l:.,l tl!c c\'rntidc". 1'assa) ss of scrit\tttre 4. ',i• ,; 1)4111 It ID hC ttllc0 a:',;i111 at 111• (IU- ;i,ljnlnllth lhC 1';11'1. 11'l'I'c read 1:ti ttl 11'4,11 the 110,•1: of (\\;14'41 Fast. .\nbnrn ; Donald • 41..11, 1\ i„lone, St. Paul'; tir`t 4,,1,111. to the ,_, • 1.1.•,11414 of the FN. 41(1111 \ 111 IPt',tli( I(i\9 141 (h1. :cm; m;1i Sc. 1111th; �;nto lit,alk,‘,.. (111th. �:. \\. j ;t; :• I \. I ). ('.untlht'll, tier,-'I'r•;l,tu c1.. Inti\ r Service and l )14,;14'1 t I ,11.41 �c1 i\ Ir, myth : \c1. til, (.ears iil til ; 1:,01 1 he,•;lltit ttt, and the lin 1 of Ihr t Ilh,,l,,i ;; \• - vice Force \1111 be 1111 t ( and ale 1',11,111 t il, 11111th ; 1 t t Fc;u', 1 ht (11; I ),ln R4cclatt'11 The Rector in his add, r,� :i• 11(httit 4 ,it ;1 1,1 larlen'1'• 1't 1. 1114.111) I tca•d)' and 1\illi11t1; to belt, i;u'nu'r, •' ll,lllallan, 111)111; 1':11. l:ol, n,o",, .\nil- `; ']:r of \\hat an 'ancient cu,tunl it \Innil'i11.'lil\ ,tl !llttll , �� tc1; to lune sptttti 1dIte set aside ,• 1;941,11` _/_.III ,•I 13LL(IItA� I, 11:1.(' heli\, Il )ou t'cliiir• hc'1, t'1i.`'.i.- i nen; (1,,1.(1,,4 (.idle, Auburn .\11"14 ' •• ((slid, lutrrt'-1 I.'I 37,i?I 1rno opportunity. II'Innl t'I(, :\abmn; Robert l han!Itrf. and con„1.,,,11(1 for the burial of the '_' ; I \1 i.; .\> alba ('Dolle,. R.\„ t1;Iltl,h \ (1a1(11 in ihr evening in tad; tical. Death diel not end all; in the ( ter of \i r. and \I r:. Robcri Cu111te;: D \141141.4 ; \I 1.s. Robert l hanulcl", .\:Ib- , .t• 17)51 I'• :a,t \\':I\\anu,h, \ehu has rnn11,14ltd a Ball, \91,11 music ,111( 41 t i b'• 1:1.4 \\'i' :tiro. life helnnd, for the Christian, there bee and hi, orcht,tlit \\ill fitii•i1 o(f an nruld he a ftll opportunity for all of S lit'arnl^ NI and lar(: 'I'ho!utt +• nlissiooarr course ;1! I:Inann9l College, :t• cecntfnl (1a), l our iat:')1t; to he used. Ileacco and ‘..,1,..1.11i ,,, 4• Toronto. left 11 Ott' (111(1 of the \11.1.1: ,„11 rt'CrI\'r(1 lilt"r Sit\'CI' 111'1 Ill Ill'„i:- 1441 .. ;, ' �`� of this earth is the true and ever- ,•_• 35.•17 ;: to tale 1111 iter n1.\\' \cull: al \I;(\'no'It;l I This `9contl .\41111,)1 1:141Tali'11 of Clition of their sixth donation. 111 i. 1 �, !+;'!'!III" -- ;• .\1;1•tt'tlttltl•1' 1'1C"IC \1111 ,111.1.!\ b4 t 1 li;l,ltlt•L home of tilt' soul of ittttl. There 3. I 4'11,1 . , 3.141 • in the 11;114ci1!c I'r1.,h}ter}, \lis; Cou'-1 ' u,1.; a large al;cndanrr al the ccnlchrl '1• ;•on,ll\ IIiJ1it"•lnetil, (5.1.1 :I� (1.S \\as It flee( posted 1,1 (l).psttnt\•;1t••oul�t:utdint; c\rct. ! 1 Ind many 11C3111 1f111 Ilo\\crs were (sloe• Piano 111 ' . 10'lt 1 .�• , I (o,t'ital, \Iat,itob.t. lett the at,t o:ot- I (" -- I REI) CROSS CONTRIBUTIONS 1011.011 111,1-I1 t' Cvay.ABLED FLOWERS FROM ITALY 111! ou the (races• i'nrt fast• 1 1, of 1', 3 per( cot I',, .d.t• 411.1, \ca; rhao c(1. ! r _ _ i Coe (,,1111\\ In; vomition, have been t 1"' Ih,1„h ♦ Algoma, \\ills r(laticl,;• Mt.. 1larol'1 1'1•i11it,. 11',1 • 1!' 1.,•.•;1,_ 11.141 .1,1 (11111.11: ihr nun1. 1 t'( \I,t'i1 : BROTHER DIES 1N WEST \Ir. awl \lr;. ('t'i'll \rm`fron( sol itnt ihi, wed, of a',cant'Ifni h„,'ti"it 4 i R,,nnl 1 1'Ithiie St'hnnl . `I.;I) :: dattelit n•, Rrta .Mone, Tliortalaie, v, 'oh Catnatioo: caid,,,1 1,1' bee •,,•1 i l 111\.NI r.. Mete:01C 1,1! Mrs. i •hn ('oliincnn I,C,icrl a t(ir Rirh,n•d tient,, lal,nr . N. , , •t 1 1011.0 t, ('111' o11. i\i I' MEMORIAL HALL 1'(;(; TIT. YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER, 1913 RECEII'Tl'S DISBURSEMENTS �t. I;;Il.tlrr in Ilan(: 31:( Ih'ccnlbcr, 1'I-1,41 . \14(11,4(1, and Toff(, 1 ('orrcrt t \• +2, +:• i\4ONT'ElTH ned MONTEITH, Stratford. t 'lir. and �Irs. Da .\rnl.iron',. \I:Ir (Pl. (i, it. II•41'1',, i' I1:1i)'. 'I'h4 km- ,O1 Brun on'Nlowlay morning, \cluck in - .t ,, i \ Int nlnn. . ;2• (1;trtrti(1 Accountants, for the \(unicillalil)• of the '.•'fill (111 111, and other relative;. govt 14;1, int.n11c11 f„r \I' Itur'• II'). iI1 tit 111)11lrn (�,Ilt:i;;i) 5'•111 form, h,.:' 1';c sul;len passing 1.,l 1;cl:t'�c I'ict'ce, of (l :! my; Village of Idyll(, 1 \I r,. Ilclhrrl \\'11;•19, :141(1 daughter, but in „449\(.4" the rnb!r 11;1. 11 incl bu or„t't'r, '.�. '♦ 1.'I ll 111 tllr(1101. i I(. 111111,, I Il'a?nrt•1'. ' ;l`i:., 81..,41 .1 ill'art , ♦ ♦ 4"8' , ♦• ♦ . + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦ �♦ • + ♦-♦ a • I!\ l'llll;l, 111 fomIDIL L t , C41.0 • : ' : ,'. e• ,..i. r�uiniuf. riu}u;♦•,u,. �u;u�♦,,..,n1..'♦•r•4•��.��+f�♦♦�.i♦ � , •� ,.1.i i ♦ 1'.,1.. r Levels Covers of Ormstown, P.Q. swilcs:'1 have a herd of 20 cows or which a ,out half are registered, Prior to usin Rex Wheat Germ 01J 1 wa; having considerable trouble In get• Ing cows to come In heat after calving —one of Them would not come In hoot 6 months after calving! After one month's Treatment with Rex 011 this cow was successfully bred and lust freshened again a few days ago, have since used Rex Oil on eight or more cows and am extremely well pleased with the results," Rex Oil helps animals to overcome shy breeding, slowness to mate, absence of heat and other nee - organic breeding troubles because It supplies In a concentrated and stable form the factors necessary for suc• e;essful, profitable breeding, A few drops of Rex Oil a day will turn your "boarders" Into profitable prod cors. Stott NOWT 4 os, $1.25 20 et. $5,00 VIOBIN (CatudI) LIMITED VI CRAIG IT. MONTREAL AT LEADING FEED, SEED AND 'DRUG'STORES' HARNESS & COLLARS Farme1.3 Attention -- Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Slnco Leather Gods dealer. The goods aro right, and so are our prices, W manufacture in our file- terics — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan• !sets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Branch Trade larked Goods, and you - get satisfaction. Blade only by; ; SAMUEL TREES CO,, LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto 1 H. G. Wells, above, famed Brit• idlt novelist, is seriously ill et his London home. Long in E,Ai1. ing health, the 77 -year-old eu• thor has ben confided to hie hoose since February. DEEP SLEEP On the tough Italian front wise doughboys catch 40 winks when- ever and however they can, The Yank fighter above made himself snug in a deep foxhole —with Germans 4i)0 yards luny. HELP FOR AN INNOCENT VICTIM While her father and a group of her friends watch.;, an Americda medical corpsman tenderly dresses the leg of a little Italian girl, wounded during the fighting in Castellinorato area. HIS FUEHER'S FACE U. S. Army M. P. Wiliam Spalding of Dresden, t4. Y., ':e; . ; ; .t chuckle as he brings in a diminutive German prisoner veito Ir,: considerable resemblance to Der Fuehrer. If Heinle thought aping Adof'y mustache and forelock would hring hien luck he was wt u! g ASSEMBLY LINE ART Str;.r.;,e ,c. i amusng k the art of Dr, Bernie Cooper, dentist. and Steve Jenso, war worker, both of Cleveland, 0, When these statuettes were entered in the annual May Show at the Cleveland Museum of Art, Dr. Cooper listed "junit" as his medium. War plant workers bring oddly shaped bits of metal, faulty nuts and bolts, broken springs and rejected shells to Dr. Cooper. Jettso, one of his patients, watched the dentist welding, riveting, and ?sawing metal one day and feared that Dr, Csoper might iniucc hie fingers. Now he does the rough part of the work. t :,vorites al this museum are "Rid Crosti" (ton) and "0f the Tribe of Ham." Dr, Cocoer save fcnso has the soul of an artist. THEY SUB FOR THE GAS OF CHINA Vehicles for transport of goods are scarce in mach -bombed Gang• king. in addition to which the hillside city's sharp -slanting streets melte them impracticable. , But the Chinese capital inhabitants carry un their daily lives, resorting to human burden bearers like the old woman in the upper picture, who totes a .heavy bag, of flour up one of the many steep "stair -streets." Gas for civilian use being almost non• existent, when you hail a taxi, what you usually get is a rubber -tired jaunting cart drawn by tough, wiry Manchurian pony, as seen in lower photo. HE'LL GET OFF TO A BETTER START whth this BETTER BREAKFAST Nabisco Shredded Wheat, served with milk or cream, is a tasty energy breakfast. Gets your fancily off to a grand start. It's a boiler breakfast because It's made from 100% natural Canadian whole wheat — pro- vides proteins, carbohydrates, and the minerals Iron and phos- phorus. Use the tested, practical recipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls, Canada J SERV PLENTIjt LUL .FOODS) TO' SAVE;SCARCE•'FOODS NAZI PUP -TANK PROVES FLOPPEROO Members of a British tank recover+ unit on the Anzio beachhead look over another one of Hitler's secret weapons" that proved a flop in practice. This one's a pup•sized tank, 12 feet long, (1 feet wide, 4 feet liigh, which carries about 800 pounds of explosven. driver takes it as far as he dares, then leaps out, while unit pro- eeeds to objective under radio control. Allies captured large num- bers of them intact. PICTURE OF HEALTH Posing for his first picture since he returned from his vacation in tiles South, President Roosevelt looks hail and hearty and teady t -a meet the demands of another war summer, CANADIAN SNIPERS PREPARE Can eeElan tiuij:,.rs tca:n ♦i): t't_ .•I 'De". Ont,; W. 0. Bettridge, Brsr,l;t_n, Ont. G `, t . t in a practice shoot; Riflemen J. J. Showers, Montreal; C. H. Gerrard, Tottuiiirry 1.�:...s, Toronto, and L. 11. Oddy, Tnronlu, mous for flavour since 1892 - the `Salad,' name assures you cif a uniform blend of quality teas. TABLE TALKS sAOIE 13. CHAMBERS Some Desserts Art you Loom): it 011;,,,.11 Le- to!e the t a1.,,tii.:tl hail` i.ppea: on the mark( t to have r, i ;.lift' or, onr 11111,11 111 dessert,' II soli test having one of this(' early sum- mer vegetable dinner,: of, totally as appetizing„ a fish dine( r. 1111}1:( you will like ti try this eottapt pudding: Cottage Pudding (up Ih(rtu11111' 11111 sagas CRY cup rni)k 1A cups pastry flour H laps, baiting l.t 1!'der tsp. salt loS sap, vanilla Cteant short( ling until light find fluffy and gradually beat in the augur. Add well beaten egg and vanilla. Al ix find sift the dry" in- gredients and add to ihr mixt lire alternately with the utilk, 1 ,iv( pc baiter a good vigorous 1 ;ding. Poor into cit'td cup cake pain end bake fib minus,. Ser \ c 1,:1111 orange Panel. Orange Sauce ►gg yolks cup granuatt d Fugal eup strained orange 31111:1 cup hot \\atcr cup orange pin es, fret from eteds and membrane Beal egg, yolk until thic k rind lemon colour. Adel sugar, orange juice, pulp and lint water. Cook 9Qver hot \ltiter entil mivtint is thickened. Sour Cream R:,iain Pic A eggs 1 cup sugar (tempt) Dash of salt 1 tsp. cinnan;(al it tap. vanilla 1 cup sour ate ani Si cups sccdltss raisins (welshed and chopped line) Peat eggs and add other Ingred- ients.. four into unbaked pie Shell and bake to minutes its a bot oven 4M) F, then reduce heat and bake ','; hour longer or until set and nicely browned. Strawberry Rhubarb Conserve Waal) and hall enough htraw- bt•nies to make quart. Wipe eta Ilea of tendo, red rhubarb, and Cut up enough into ',4 inch pieces to maks 1 quart. Combine troll and C cups of sugar. Cook slowly With sugar melts and then aim - Mer until the mixture is thick and Olean. Four into sterile glasses and real. "fi Mims Chamber% ttctconhs nersoual sale,, from Intcrcnted renders. She 1 pleased to receive ruggeutlone u lopicr for her column, and Is ways reedy to Haien to your "pet eevea." Itegaeita for recipes or pedal menu* oro In order. Address iour letters to „Misr Smile 11. hauthers, 73 West Adelaide 8t., oroute n Send rinniped melt-nil- rented elt-nd-re ted envelope If you slob s reply. An African native in good phy- sical condition can run down n swill eland antelope, although the shear may exte:nd.90 utiles. KILLS'MOSQUITO,tsS; AND '441." OTHER.;INSECT, PEST.., fey Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles here Is the chance for every per - on In Canada surf/ ring from sore, tehing, painful plies to try a simple tante remedy with the promise of A teliable firm to refund the cost of the treatment If you arc not antisfled with the results. Muddy go to any druggist and get n bottle of Ilene-ltoid and are ler directed. dean -hold Is an Intern - el treatment. easy and pleasant to We and pleasing results aro gutetc- 1y noticed. Itching and soreness tto relieved, pain subsides and na he treatment Is enntInued the sore, painful pile tumors heal over leav- ing. the rectal membranes clean qi d healthy. Get a bottle of Hem - Bold today and see for yourself that an easy, pleasant way this is to rld yourself of your pile misery. ' )iOTbn The spottier of this notice to u reliable firm, doing bnslneav 11, Canada for over 20 years. If lou e troubled with sore, Itching, aluful piles. 11em-hoed must help ou quickly or the smolt plirchnr,c 'rite rail be glaelly refunded. ISSUE 24-1944 "Warriors of the Shy" 11!1,l, 1111111 11(1,,.:11111 It 11.1 !Icing teal cit l • l ! Il , Lori ,rl k Fail, 1\ ,1111 1 It (i b1,.t ( 104 ti - hit :1 1,11, 1,1, And 1 .n 11.e 1 rkl't 11 t...1' nil.t fl:dt 1't 111 1 NI (, 11'11. Ill; 1'. Ihr:,: 1 t(t its t1 1 ut .11.11 Iris 51111111 Hurl .1.;.1 11 t111,i(', lu,ite lo \\ 1 It111 111„1 1 11:.1; fill: 111)11 II t,(.1tl ti s\ It 111 And in st nit .,:11:1,11 b ilii!(? dins pt of 1,11111 The: praise of tLttt kt 11'111 (Allots Of the tk.w And uil11 a ,,p 11t1'u1t to Ihl it mime T111,1 (lent,, 1,,,li1„111 1;11115 - - Hien who 1!y --- \\its shill tt t I I1;111 lips and Lac al.'lt't; That on tool 1 ln.i1 h^ t to r.Irry on And 1,111111 a Its .;(1. tb;It they may lit l f t k1.. t1 'MS( t,n 11, w LI :•n !lir Ihr; •?told of full lift, For lttanl nn11 lI tr,1 i1,rs ;ilk Heir ;try all, 'That pelt( and jostler may fort ttr rrion And all w t hold 1111 r 1 tat rt 11 ntay, Mit hill. As Mild go. sr dithis Ily through tlatlit night In arrow thane, that forms a \'ictc'r; \••, Or, glide like slagmid, nn one ;ging \ting 1n out once aii] 14Id( h u'(r land hull! sea. They ri't these );pliant warriors of the sky, Into the very ti reaming jaws of hell Unheeding, bait their breast to meet the fire And ne'cr rotten milts they cry, "All's 'well". They do not gnrstitn as They soar on high But, of their very lest most freely give, That all that's trot and noble still tor\ivc Anil tlnivetsa1 broth( (hood may live. -- T. 13. Cleave. Fruit Trees Come Through Winter Well \Cita very little (l;nnagc done to trees by the winter \\gather, pro- spects for the 1944 fruit crop at the moment look veru pt011 king, ac- cording to E. E. Palmer, Director of the Horticultural Experimental Farm at Vineland. 111 an interview, Mr, Panner stated that the orch- ards had conte through the winter very well and that the budding on the trees was particularly heavy. kith refers nee to the peach stop prospects, Air. Palmer said that there was a very heavy bud- ding, to such an ext nt that some thinning out might be necessary. ile pointed out that. ;Is a result of the very unfasonrable weather of a year ago, the peach orchards had suffered (-onsidcrabic perman- ent damage and that abort 20% of the Irtes had het ti killed in the Niagara Peninsula. l;rolvtrs were finding great difficulty in souring Mocks •of young peach trees to re- place those killed and it would take at least four or five 'tats to make good the losses suffered last year. 1\'its continued favourable weather conditions however, he was confi- dent that the peach crop would be much better than in 1!t•13, ss hen it \was only 21/(;i• if n normal crop. Other fruits has t also n inti red well and budding is ( on'idt rt 11 sat- isfactory, Prospects For 1944 Apple Crop Good In the Georgian Pay apple grow- ing area the gr1.'1%1r' are looking forward to anothtr gond year, Last year's crop was exceptionally heavy and there had been some fears that this year there would be consider- able decline. The budding of apple trees in this section, however, in- dicates that another good crop is in sight if the weather remains fav- ourable. G. F. Mitchell, of Clarks- burg; one of the largest growers and packers of apples, stated that tete budding is far lievond expecta- tions and that if a satisfactory set of fruit results, the crop may be up to last year's standard. • SERIAL STORY Murder on the Boci dwoik F'( LL.Ii'1OR.L COWAN STOHL l.att week : l elite utvlstij'„tinl: the mord,, in (:bre.iin,'s be,o111. detain her for r,ut staining. 'lit'' victim had ll' t r, ugaed. 1 ill, •! with a dog) t r 1;,11 ids ntif it mmt:clt.11 \':otr;: ; hlr. 1:11;ut-1 '1•,l)})I tt, C1111:•111,1 • 11 CI!AFTl'R V1) 1'(1 a 0111 t + I 1.1,1 h1;ud t ,..., i 1 :11 1.1.1 that 11111,111. :.i1 .1,. I „'1d 1': hitt„ k, 11 ill 1' 1 . u the Lid Hi , , . 1 1 1 i.l" .' I. ill :1'1 It's tilt 1, ii,.. ;. 1 . i.,', ,tt.'. re'1'11'. .1 ,' i 11 t11, :1,1 115 1', 1; i1. reallt, t 111, I 1 t: ii. 1' 1 dl 1,'t 11( 11, t I 1 1, 1 \ I t s hnpt'y. , . 1 11, ... , I 1 , t t: , h niter t11 slap. \\heat s1.1 r 1 „I;. 1 : .,I rounding. `, IL, ,1.111;,, tt Inl; tits del ;mai. ' 11„'.t t.,n n11. thug] any thing 1 1 (1 1.1 ;tr, nod 1,•I re Iu tar la 1 1151 ileal "\1111 'ill( d"(•rrll;in 111 -Il,tt(Il -"about half after 11 I did ser this young; lad': n g, t Iasi v It inlli,at- ed (hri ti11c -„t (doe ;ill u}.' ;11111 '•t( p right herr; 114u her heti frit nil comes dunning up tilos( stairs from the heath, and they hatrry off to- gNhrr Iiut fit st, sbe sal»s hint under the 'I s' 1111, 111 t'l mare lights end -kind if 1e..1 • Li It ( 51 (lir.), tine flint 11«1 a, slu thought of that Tumult 1111111 the ;,n(1 (till *t od there, laughing, and tal;.ing -with (ousel, I:nuwi peb,lt• a'. - ready lying tat in "i:k1 1'1,11 ;t ft tv feet a'\'ay. ".Looks hila Get I'" the ;lisp( etor snapped. "\Chat do ye n ntt;ul:" "1 know ohat he »:» ins," the waitress slopped snapping iter gum long t Hough t( put in. "I set them, Ion; rind he 'was dripping wet." \5V1ty, Chris tine rt net niter t t d s era an unplvatant start, (till hail heels wet.... lie had said--- Say -inches!' 7'hl newsboy, \'lite had been staring at hill, pointed a gtirrty fort finger. "1 tic him be- fore all right. I told all my to- morrow morning's papers by 10:30; aril 1 was out along the llnardwalk, And I seen him in a parked car, Ile was leanin' out, ns if ht was wait - in' for tomethinp." 4 + * The inspector turned to Bill. "What's your nam('" be demand- ed. "William Wardley.' "Olt, yes -run the riding; school, don't yon? . . . And you say you knew Mrs, Talbert'" "1 did," The intpertor took a !null dark object from his pocket. "Recctt;nize this'," he asked. "1 ought to," hill said Ott r a brief Inspection. "It's my key hol- der." "1 wonder if you'd be interested 10 know where it was found:' "1 should, rather." Bill looked faintly sheepish. "I hadn't <scn missed it. Lucky it had trey name on 11," + 4 4 The inspector 5.111 V( hint kr a moment; then he cooly reclaimed the. keys and said, "It was found on the beach near a rtnwboat that hadn't any business to be where it was. That boat may have some connection with Atrs. '.1•albert's death." "1 sawat boahada c tun -in willsthat Itilot. w1 right aboulittlt there earlier in the evening." "You'd better explain." "Nothing to explain." Bill look- ed as if he could have kicked him- self for speaking. "I was doing my best to pits his tars back, but he showed more speed than I looked tor," 1, . 11- 11,.1 1 : 1 . 1,5 1. 11 11..; II1 t , 1 ,, it ;.1• 'I.' 1111 1 , ! , , ,:.1 "11' til isle 11 1,11,1;, ( ! :( 1 !l.t•e h 111 11.11; o.,, P., t 'i\,' .' 1111 1...1 .., 11 .1' 111, 111,111 1,1111 nlrlr•t 1.1 I:.. •111. •I1,;,11 Iltrn 111 1111,1.1 . l. .. !,:11` ;11f1)i1t ill IIu' I i I ! 11,it 11,11' 111111 rill'tillt.i'. ; 1.1 .111.1 ., .:'1 11.1;1; 111 1111 1.,1 11 11, 1,:'r'-ildtlt f'UnlilltI to Ir,' 1^ '1 1',11i11'4' 1111 ;u!d it. \1"h(t, 4.111 11„11 ;1.1_1,1 ."11 r. 1\ i1- tlllt )I 1!11'. is1r1' li':I i:ir, III' !lad mt'lil d, "\\ , 11 --in ;1 it al. 'I.ht v're ht arl111'11.! t 1, t.ilt(n titc_l• iintl reins, ;11111 s' I.,t Cie.( j, ttrlry. , n '1' '11 , lie • ;le:. 11 (t, .. - l:t;Ot 1,;). Pill i .111 u1 t confined his rif,,rt• t,' tier pinnint' back of ears, Om of the 1;1;111', rve•1 11•115 d. . . , \'tt Christine looks 11 its t.iu) 111 mehrlit t ing rc- cognitiiu, ;.,Irl found him staring at leer it11 a 1 ite11 of d;snl,1yt.1 plead - it'. The in•t.(Ptoe g,l):ltltrl sharply from our to the cola if them and drnland(d 1•.'. i r 't 11 1111': elan be - fort , e -fort, \ti 1.'10istiut hesitate d... 1,1f course it couldn't be --yet it w;t-. 10 spite of his gt,tttally disri;linable ap- pearance, the Ulan in hoots was un- mistakably Cousin Ei ntta's irre- proachable butler, ,impar She put tut a blind to stt;t,ly herself against Ihr 1`:111 of the broth. 4 At tat ',oltlt telt rt her hand rest- ed, the torlcretc was badly cracked, A Ir4;111tn1 inevtd under her ting- e -15 •1t Hast, she took it for a lragnrl ret (f the wall until she re- alized that it was smooth to her touch --as satiny smooth as silver that had he n polished. Aher war.1s, the remembered thinking that --neatly as it w'as fit- ted into the crevice between the blocks of concrete, no one could have hoped to hide a dagger there for long --11tH tach a tlen(Ier one. She heard herself saying small ,thi;t voice, "1 --think found some tiling, Inspector." Then at sight of the stain on the blade, she tried out and flung the weapon clattering to the floor. A man gathered it up in a clean handkerchief as tenderly as if it had heti] a new -horn babe. "1'11 look this ever, Chief," he !aid. "Although 1 (doubt if there are any finger -print. left." "Thor, 11 be hint'" Christine said faintly. e . * 'she inst'tint trtattd iter to a brief, sardonic grin, "\rayl so there will!" he .;greed, "So it 55;1,, just as sass its that. , . Alas Lc you boys had better have another look around before this yotmg lady finds the murderer under a pit ee of seaweed, with it signed con fts'.ion under his arm neatly tied up in pink ribbon," lie strung from his tubordinatcs to the othors. "i think." 1•,e. ;bot at thtnt, "that we'll run us er to my office to finish this tcssion---yon and you and you and you, I mean." .11c indicated Christine, Rid, Mr. \1•ilnlet, and the desreput.titlt object who couldn't believably be Cousin Ennna's int- macnite Jas pal and yet who was. in a 1've MAKE THAT DARN INVISIBLE \Chen the hole is large avoid stretching or lnitkering. 'tack a piece of net or i t fling of t r the hole and rite it as a foundation for darning.This also strengthens the darn. 1. egin darning !" beyond the holy and Hoke the first r'•tw tyn,tl to the length of the hole. 2, increase the length of the rows at cath cud until the urinal hole is reached; then kelp tttaight across the bole and (Ili rc;t•c at the sidle. 8, \Chen darning .,ter the hole, take the new tf'rt;141 thrl,ll::1t all the loops to prevent bald( es. 4. For cross darning bl gin ? 1" abm•c the hole and .1,11 u I Ittice fas111o11 user ;end wider Oatning threads. Use this method for rw,':'lltn stockings, cweau rs anti knits' -,1 artic- ieE• Min i')7rtway 1'I` d,tt11(d It; `tretl'ntheil. 11;;111 t11g 1h,i lel 1t iw only on the wrong talc except for tiny :littiicl. "Gentle keeps lilt' regular (.1i11 I I t)Iitnl•: hl.t. !ilea!: is ht 11)fttl frr tt•11 ;11';11iin, 11 t -tor. aril,ri !,;t, 'leu I r l'(1 Let t1 dosing, ru_.: If for tit;ut ,' Iii, ut,uty Jturg,ai',c: 1.1..ti 11t1j(r1 r my: haesti!}'. tied 1 1: 1 :1, Jt 1.1, • 1.14.1.' tltO Jit f n, lar - - 11.1.1"13 lit;..'., it yt,'1) '1 1.4 it 1,1 t I. .l t' 1:; h' ' der", I I. 1. ",11 I, a 1441, the (Ii t i 4,1 '.v:u t tl,;I;,i1111; 111;• A.. dr r ;.r.1 \\ 11111 I ;,i1r 1' 1( lot huhu?'; IIIc 11111 11 i1 ; 1 .1:' • 111 , t „t 1? it, 1 h; I.1 r 1;,1 l,r; ex;, ...111 ig ilii,. /11 IIIc !:r -I time. A od } t 1, 11;1111 ; 11a1,I,t1 !I:110 r', ,;,t hit Iii; , rill' )ikttl 1.1'11 !rt,,tri) hits. ill 55 at ill, rt'1 acts n, tarry Middle „gr, Stith a din tr or.,;.tit11- uutt;,l 1,1m gaoe, a11,1 a (fait by in- cisive yob,. Ile had the n11p titance of hhc lclit. ,highs L(' imps r•enallf fair sr leiter a' he knot' that you wore iptagi t v. .t.1, ),in,, lint implac- able to any ttlln he tin t rate .1 of ly'irig.' And airt,.tr•; s] c had dc, Min by hu ta. it .tsttuie st (nee tc the t,asne by is ilii 11 .41 r. \t'ilrut t hal 1011(41ottd hr r. Ii v:as yreing to lir difficult ti, 1 plain that under thosr untotnl,rernisint tycs. 1 must ttll hits V, lie .I really am Si (.nce, Chi -Hine thought. 1'rr- haps l can talk to hint alone. But talking to Inspector Parsons sham did not prove to be ca1). (ContinuedNext Week) - • Weeklies Ask New Division Of 48-hour Week Co•operatic'n of Publishers Urged To Further increased Immigration From Britain J he Ontarit-Quthec 1)tlis.ia11 of 011 Canadian Weekly J>ev:spapers' Astoriatien at the closing session yf Its conference at Niagara halls last week asked its executive to draw to the attention of the On- tario Labor Relations hoard the special cicunt'tancrs under 'thick wt ekly papers arc pi -tablet (1. Because of the piessurc of late news and advertising imnttdiately before publication, the most satis- factory division of the 48-hour week would be tt 13 -hour public- ation day, compensated by a Sat- urday half -holiday, the meeting de- cided. The board will he asked 111 sanction this arrangement in offices 'whore the 18 -hour week al- ready is ir, operation, and nitlt the consent of the employees inst.lved in an address to delegates, Rus- sell T. Kelly of Hamilton urged co-operation of the publishers in a movement to bring about increased immigration from Britain and cthtr countries. "I would like 10 see us get 2,000,- 000 people from the British Isles after the war," he said, C. B. Sadist of the Crcemore, Ont. Slat was clrettd presi- dent of the di%ision, John A. Marsh el the Anthcrstburg, Ont., Echo became honorary prrsi- denl. (user offish- eke ted wort: \1il- liant Ptylesnt'tth of the \Catft'rd, Ont, Guide Ad\otate, first vice- president; i.tut Corry, Tweed, Ont., Newt, second \ire• -pec •1111 nt .end R. A. Giles Lachntt•, (.ot , Watchman, If 011:11" -1s( wort r. 1)lreetort elected teen : C E. Bond, New Liskeard, Dalt., `1't.t- hot; 1-, 11, t'alnttn, Ptctrn. 1),11.1 Gazette, (`. Ansloty, Hondas, Ont., Star; l) .k, \Vitt n, Shaw,iuitrut, ()ire, St,tnt,lr,!, Ken \Valls, Barrie, Ont , Examiner; I . E. So ttlicott, Exeter, ;Ont., Hoes- Adv w•,ttt : Lain" miller, Jai s'', 1,tint , 0e - cord; lack Pal 11, I'ar s, (itt . Stat. Princesses Enjoy Their First Opera ----- Et uces• alit tit, trc\1 in line for the 'i"htt nt loll] hl tiste, 1'rtncc's \l,trr;artt h.t:5', s.iw: their first i 11er;t a fe\V 1st, the Sadler': 1\ t!1• t'onl;';ulr in "1.,1 111,11i Ike„ ;1' f " e\\ 1111 Hire, 1111 if your teoottpatue: is (111e to 1:711. 4f "itlh" 111 1111'1tl't. `S)n1,p'l.'rat 1(1.:.:1 ,t, !,11 11•^i, te):,;ht: and titer:;. p;, t,f y.,.111. '11.11 ypl.,;t,:) 1.(11,`!,11']t111,1,-:Il':u311- 't,t;:i;; , at:tl 1 'j,.:l .,. It•., fir rt;',:..:t, 11.1 id LH, \'1 ti:;.: 1 1 tl:l „I t ill M \ el:1l i.i : -I'1,;,'• ;1,11;.. [0.1. R1'111 r.'i t t, ALL 1:bt: is a (C. . 1 :,, i 11 n,i(t111111 (rt t i; Yt yet.' )•ro, 1 .. 2 h:;rite. sir'. s, 1,].i(, ' in 1,,.1,6,ti, I' 1' 1 , 1':11 I , e;(.1 .n,.' 1'1 .11 '1, 1 .. • ..:1' ,; t1,, .• ,..t(. 11; ;;t'l. ,ti 11 1 1'. Britain Cuts Age Of Army Service '11,r 1-r :;ti;1 Gottt„oi1: 3 third 1!11 minimum 111 1(5' 141 I1 Sert;np' in the arlt,•" LC rtt!u,ld frt:lil 11, par, 11 1- ; star.., the \Var V„ r( lay fir f;r, Grigg, informed t!'t House r Inc rt last y((it. n.11l,ilincing t):i` sits tc aim pow n' -,•,- power for the attack, tat 1'• it Secretary said "this critic; 1 in tin v:ar deniaails that eCnting months \+t ;lint irr.{•.r fullest use of all our trained mei. cuing that ;here is the pcs"lite Iv eight be!lind our and the the Unite', • of ma ; it. _k: Is ut::utt:unu . '1 his decision w111•11 n:;t ,es ;!.e age iintit Es it was ,luring the g;t, tet part of the First (,real ''tr no v,ay alters the policy that o'er, will not he sett 1ncr't'i.s nub ,s. they are fully trained. Sir James said the itdoi.tioll the !over Eger limit brings the army lino lint with the cxisling !tact::e in the athet int) (((5 ((s, Rrtal *Maly nun may serer at it) ships haled on both hc'u,t a; _t foreign stations 1.1 the lige of :a and k.:\,F, personnel art 4111 pc: - milted to scree tiler ;fa, at this age. 4736 !'' SIZES i 11.17 The clean-cut line if Patttern 4736(1clnpha'izc your rt ell -1,11111 11;1,•1. Easy to make. Novflattering t'atk- flounrc hat included, Pattern •Nati cones in sizes t 1, 13, 15, and 17. Size 13, dress re- quires 3 shrub 39 -inch fabric: bat require: ', yard. Sind tw enty cents 120e) (Stamps ,annus be ac opted t for this pattern to Anne Adauts, Koons 421, 73 Adelaide St, \Vest, Tc'r.mto. 1\'rite plainly size, n:,nu', atldrt stv lr ntnnhcr. Here's Speedy Relief For Tender, Achingp Burning Feet ,)111 to,t Hila Ile .n 't II.:n nr,t int tilttol salts sou shot^ sou i.n'"_ go ;,roth,•t• Qtcl'. \'our shots nt•ts' ntittutet, the pow and sot enc ss dis- 4. :INt tt,ttter hole d, -.v orated yea has,' 11,(11. if t.nt 4•i%e not ttie,s East raid 1)11 I h. n e, a have Ine- thint t•, learn. ilet n t,,,ttte t•,d;,r.- at ;,11 11rn1:•t•`rt f,,I~ 1r they 1r, ; u'1'n;- tic;., rl .• fir h. \',1u feel slot; ..11 t t,t' tv,:t, tar 111-.1t :111.1 torhue: )10'11 ,;iii stilt,❑ tit r:t i 14li"t. Pate 4. ' 4. . • �, ___-_ .— --__ _.___ ___ _._-- 1 __U._ THE STANDARD Wednesday, ,lune 7, 1011. 4%4411; tOligti�ttet(*WIbi� tttCiKt!ICKt414i41lC1C1CICIoKICt(t<itCKX1(g capable of milking cows ;11111 hoeing '1111 Tuesday tiitil Nils, 1, 1:iti,g.'I'altl i f'been l'11',agttl to tt'styli at I'It,tt,1,', �u4.14.40 .k.1:uuu:..0,;u:11111,1411;.•:14,.6.;r.:.•:.r;••�n.{ sehntd, her (hides t„ st11rt its Sel,telti- LY(J I..J �i Il'I11t:A'1'ItE !Elliott Insurance Agency ar BLYTII -- ONT, INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURE]). Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. TT, R. Elliott. Office Phone 101, ' Gordon Elliott Residence Phone 12 or 1.10, "COURTESY ANO SERVICE" A lAi A hi aim hat,t int; diem aloin; to weight vol making thing lit)) N2%Dt3t3tDaiD n2tDilsg.)1Dae,?D ,91DIDaa 3iDaiDt,,N2r2t2t2t2t�f'il'ar2r2tot)r)91 the ,i le, Ile Ira, ,turnip,, l ii, eyes are keen and he I tunc;ant,,r, longs f..r a chance to roast back AIr. and ilr,. \\'. 1'. Campbell, \li,s Iyer, through the woods ttith his pet doge;\\'inuiirrd, \isi:ed Iii, week with AI r.. \ fir,' .,f 1 ku,+t.' origin rout;,lrty Ile like, the Cool moistness of a sttantp'an,l \less I':, \\'. Itr,,ntt of St, '1 ;rinds ly destroyed {he large brie►, hott•e on on a hot (Ia.\ and ht' can entertain hint- and other friends. ,the farts of \\'nt, ('orlrtt, I.0 Salulday s(li i�'r doors mach along the river just Air, aril \I es• Alva \Icho',t)il v's-'alhout 7 p.m, Soul. of the content listening ;o the water as it sttirls anti itc(I on Stull:t� with AI r. and \Its. ii. were removed, The building rias par, - gushes along. Ile ran look a call(' [';ant eon of 1 nekrow, ly covered by insurance. beast ot(r and L ivt' \lost a go; d est.iitate All•. and 11r,, Poulos (;tit'lill II and Several families from \\ alt�'tl at of the ttt'1t;Ilt. Since' he was a litll�' .1„11n \ter(' guests or, Suil'l,ty of Air's, tended the aitttttltl (1tt'''r,tiol' seit'ier fclfott he has been cavieg the runt pig; Boyd of \\altos. in Blyth Union cemetery ort Sundae Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTI). G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESEN'T'ING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" ( \ boyInc )vitlt a new [,air of denim ov- eralls on ,tad a coat that was obviously part of his best suit came stt•oll:met along. Ilis face tt:t, tanned and his hair -cut out a bit brushy. The liquid polish had been applit (1 to 111, shoes in Associated with The Atlas Insurance ;t sI tehv sort of tray. Ile was h;1v'tt market i \!r. an i \Ir,. Stanley SiIth,'ri,r ti,• altrrsunn, Air, and Mrs, by Rev. P. 11. Strectcr, .\ Iaseuall (l;;umond on a I tile mon( y o I itctl , n been Ie:u'r'n; to Norman Snndat with \IeiiotsC11, condueti' the farm of stand on It's ()ten feet for a In^g time. I Mr. and Mrs. Georgy Cool; and fain- i1ertert Birkby in the village p:o\•i,le, Ile kn• ws tceath.'r sigh, and can till ily of ilei;;rat's tisited un Sunday a' ample space for the Young People's .t„n \then a storm is coming, the home of Mr. and Airs. Fri J. :ball teats, A schedule ha, been ar- A !('t n! 11),' tltitt,f;s ht' kltott 5 ' rt tusk, ranged tor the summer, '1 h,' It a;:ile till stand Bits troll in later year,, The NIr. and Alrs, \\'eslc\' Stackhouse of includes 1'allrl, Union, Jlonericii and chances ;,re he has a good Ippreciali.,tt llrucefield visited on Saturday with \\';tilos, for hi, fellow start and who knows he Mr, and \Irs. William Nicltow•cll. play remain fanner or go on to! 1-('l'L t':ifiorll \\;m) ni (;n;, .ontething cls•.'. Ile may crane his den spent the It't'ek-end 11i,h Ili, neck a little strollung down \lain street cut:, AIr, and Mrs. :\. F. \\'tlsh. t.'nngralsla;inns to .\.\\',1 Rutit Lt•g- I1,r- Iaa- v CONGRATULATIONS but not ;my more than a city lad is 1 \(r. and \ir•. Maitland Ilcnr�, gest, >latiuncd in Ncwloundland, who tvh el he finds hiatself itft in the nal- N.V. hill 1!11 r�•, \vtrc \\'estfielll visit- ccichrat,' I her birthday (a June 7th. tiral surroundings of the country I,tl ors on Sunday, \• Congr,tulati, its to Shills y 1'161711,s WESTFIELD IVAI.TON ttho w ill Celehr;te her bh thdav ou Snn• d;1\' Jsne 11th, \Ir. and AIrs. Norman Carter of Clarence Grainger has resigned as' * 4 Seaford), \Ir, J. 'I'arlblyu of I.undes- teacher of \\'.Ilton public scho.l and born, visited o:. Thursday at the home has accepted a position: as principal „f" (umgr,rtnatioIIs 1" (iclild .\n,'n,tine of Ali. and Airs. \V, 1', Canlphe I. 1 thi, court \\n;;ht two-ro'nnc(I school oho crick:'( I hi, 12th birthday ( n Company, London, England, the tittle of his life and Pm quite sure * * # itis, At, s. W. Stonehouse, of (ioderieh, splendid wort: in the school, Sunday LIFE - PENSIONS • ANNUITIES the court h 'use was about the tallest I g 1 building he had ever seen in Ili• life. NH' , and Air s, N, (;, .\ittsli• of 11•r•- 1Is \till hr grcatlt• tnisscll for It di! \1'cchttscl.I}, Juuc 7th. School and church and also for bis t'ono,r,lt ;thitity and \\ illingness to lit I'd in all \Deutan I spheres of community life, :wedding a dlc gazc'I at it in awe for awhile, Wall- . WILLIAM H. MORRITT tiered over in fascination and \,•etched LICENSED AUCTIONEER. a blinking nc'(n sign in the window of Specializing In Farm and IIousehoi� the Chinese Cafe and disappeared in side only to appear in a few minutes fiales. with an ice-cream cone. Ile ate it Licensed for the County of Huron. with the greatest relish. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Sccing the lad static nu think of my j<luaranteed, own first trips to town, .\ city's sight, For information, etc., write or phone tWIlliam H, Morritt, phone, Residence ©3; Shop 4, Blyth, 4.4•tf. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Bales. Licensed in Huron and Counties. Prices reasonable; faction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone +Harold Jackson, 11,R, No. 4, SeatortL. ,Phone 14r661. tvcrc something reserved for a much later pe:•io'i in life. The mysteries of town life \very plenty for the s,•slei;t .. for quite a felt years. \\'e ttstrllly managed to get in on the First of July and just before Christmas for shopping if the roads were open. Farm and Household I suppose that boy Wandering along absorbed in the sights of a town would Perth I be looked on by many people with a earls certain amount of amusement. Think- ing of how' their own children know so much about town living they might ev- en call the last a "hayseed" w•hirh is trate terns that snakes Inc absolutely see red when I hear it. ---- - — Let's just consider that. lad Ile ha, PHIL OSIPHER a vast fund of information stored away OF LAZY MEADOWS under that thatch of hair. He knows By Harry J. Boyle. the seasons and what they bring and the can call Mother Nature almost hi; \\'le" 1 was at the County town the 1 kith mil kin. He has watched tire other da.: I dropped in at the office of :mysteries of living and dying ever the treasurer to get my check for s•..ine'since he first started toddling around roadwork nhi•li we did on this roadlthe card of the farm -house on the farm early in the spring. The seeding carte where he was born. Somehow' 1 think along and 1 neglected to turn in the I pnssihl\' he has a better appreciation time with the result that the check for living than does Itis town -cousin was delayed. I had a chat with Jack ,who is so aware of the reasons for Harvey, the treasurer, for awhile and blinking neon signs. then went out on the front steps of [the court hou•.e to wait f, r Higgins. 1 trot to town with hint. Ile will know how to snare a big fish in the river and harness a team of horses, 1lis strong, sinewy arias arc TONS OF WASTE PAPER ARE NEEDED EVERY MONTH FOR MAKING T //1l E✓��ENl/�4LGY�IiPMAErP • The need is desperate! To help Canada meet the critical shortage, not a scrap of wanted paper should he burned or thrown away! WHAT IS WANTED You can remedy this critical paper shortage by saving every scrap of Waste Paper, namely: wrapping paper— store bags — cardboard --- cartons—corrugated board— old magazines and books -- envelopes and letters—news- papers. These represent the raw material for making; vit- ally needed Paper containers. HOW TO DO IT Tie securely in separate bundles: (The little time you take will save thousands of tw tnan hours.) Then dispose of it through your local volun• tary Salvage Committee or other War Voluntary Organ- ization, or sell it through any known trade channels, your pedlar, dealers or others. The important thing is to get your Waste Paper moving to the mills. Do Your Partl Salvage every Scrap of Paper you canl 4''ct'`t DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES ,tvcre guests of Friday at the holt. of Air. and Ars, Bert "Taylor, iliss Pearl Jamieson, Miss Phyllis Kook spent the tveck-el'd tv'th Air, and airs, I'., Jamieson, of Ashfield. Alps, 'lice 'I'ycrntan is visiting \villi „lir. and \irs, N. Carter of Seaforth. NH ;tint Airs. \V, A. Campbell visited 11 illations Io Air, and Airs, launn, Nth , et Ichr;ted th:i; :ulivtrs;a'y on June I,t. !1('ttgl;ts Lawless of Boundary School ; • * ,< No, 1.?, len been engaged to teach in i ('on,i;rnitllati :its to Master leo Inc( \\short sellout for dr: coming year. Cook, .r•'1 o1 Air.. and \1t•,. 1)1v \li,s \tarry :,Ici).ma' I. daughter of (look, of \Nicholl, who celebrated his Air. and \1r., James Niel/on:ll(1, has !Alli birthday •,n \la} lith, ., WINGHAM—ONTARIO, '1'Wo Shows Sat. Night 'l'hurs., Fri,, Sat, ,lune 8.9.19 .t, Red Shelton, Eleanor Powell, in •I; ,t; „1 1)001) Ili'„ .t. ti: ,t• f( •I• •yell :;Lr11' l �n(�plt, tine t •nor It,,I; ;I'.Ican r 14•t\rl! ll;o ,I;, , i )', ,111,0, 11,11 ire ,t; ALSO "SNOB';' SUI3JECTS” ref Matin:e Sat, Afternoon•2,30 p,m. Mon., Tu!s., Wed., June 12-13.14 Claitc Levin., Albert i)thker in THE WOMAN OF '1'11E TOWN":; >r 11.111(• !tory , f the sheriff e,to iu,iali-'• eel .:,tt and or,!er. in I t,. I.,e l ity. ;• • `i •_• ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" e. DANCE Snonsot'e(1 by the iradies o1' S. S. No. 10 East \'1'.l\\'an(1sh 'iTUESDDAY EV EN IN(; JUNE 13th In 131yth i1'letnorial Mull TIF F INS ORCIII:S'1'ItA (neo. Jordan Floor Manager Lucky Door i'rize Novelly Dances Proceeds for `liar Work The lucky ticket will be drawn on the built, I much Served .ltllnitsion, Popular Prices I'VIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Respecting further restrictions in the sale of Spirituous Liquors in the Province of Ontario IT has become necessary to reduce again the amount of spirits which can be purchased by individual permit holders in the Province of Ontario. This is something over which the Liquor Control Board of Ontario has no discretionary authority. Under P.C. 11374 the Dominion Govern- ment limited the amount of spirits which could be obtained for sale in the Province of Ontario to 70 percent of the amount obtained from November 1st, 1941, to October 31st, 1942. That means that by the order of the Dominion Government there became available in Ontario for annual sale 1,153,594 gallons of proof spirits. It is a problem in simple arithmetic. All that the Board can do is to adjust the quantity available to holders of permits so that the total amount procurable for wile under the Dominion Government Order P.C. 11374 can be distributed throughout the whole year. Due to the increase in the number of permits, and the extent to which the permit holders are purchasing spirits each month, it now becomes necessary to reduce the amount which can be purchased by individual permit holders or there will be no spirits available for sale during the closing months of the present year. The following; table shows in simple form exactly what has been taking place: January, 1943 January, 1944 March, 1944 • Number of Permits outstanding at month end 155,295 1,227,459 1,282,938 Monthly ration 160 oz. 26 oz. 26 oz. Aggregate to fill monthly ration 108,702 proof gals. 139,623 proof gals. 145,934 proof gals. A recent survey of the sales for the present year and the amount still available under the limits imposed by the Dominion Government make it necessary to limit purchases on the following basis as of the first ofJune. FROM THE FIRST OF JUNE UNTIL TI -IE END OF THE PRESENT OPERATING YEAR EACI-1 PERMIT HOLDER WILL BE PERb11TTED TO PURCiTASE ONE BOTTLE (25 or 26 ounce) OF SPIRI'T'S EVERY TWO IkIUNTHS OR TWO HALF -BOTTLES, WHEN AVAILABLE. JUNE 1, 1944 LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO Victor T. Goggin CHIEF COMMISSIONER SVeiinesiiay, ;lune 7, 19.111 " THE STANDARD - Pale 5. II YN., 1 1 11.1 1 .YI. 11 u...,11111,. 1..1 ILY.:I'1..11 II1I.k IYlI .1„ J 1 1+I .. .11.111 Huron Federation Of Agrku!ture SI1:CONi) ANNUAL FIELD SAY & PICNIC A'1' LIONS' PARK, SEA FORTH Wednesday, June 14th, 1944 ORDER ()11' PROGRAM 19.09 A.M.-IIuron-Perth Shorthorn Field Day and Judging Competition. 11.00A. M. ---Sports for the Children, 12.30 Noon -Picnic Lunch, 2,15 P.M. -SPEAKERS: itis Excellency, The Eat! of Athlone, Governor-General of Canada, • Mr. Rodrrich S, Kennedy, Editor -in -Chief of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, EDUCATIONAL FEATURES I i'.I ,tock Parade; Labour Saving Devices; \'cicrirta•y Clinic; 11i:Uary 1)klday: ('anali.tn 1'auner, Display; home (inin,, film; 1!I "11111111 14e1,;,r tinen1 111 \'•III. u)1iirl' 1' \1111111 PI'u\ instal I lepart- 1;,',t If :\"ricnitnrc 11'1111!1`}'; Field Iln,Iw'Iry; ("h.infdry) Pi.presenn,tive of the National Selective Farm( Service. Everyone Is Invited. Load up the car with the family and bring a Basket Lunch, PLAN To MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT SEAFORTH ON JUNE 14. t'ar 'Se (•IIII.I)kl':N I'lil':I': Adult!, 25t Your Federation Merits Your Support, hla)iy S?urdy, W. L. Whyte, W. J. Date, J. M. Scott, I'resittcnt. 11:12agcr, Secretary, Publicity Chaim o1 Y. Y•Y.iI1 '.I I. , .I11,1 I R I I I I: .II I„ul 11.- •I 111,. ,yI .1 .1 . 11.16 1 11 ,I .YJ • AUBURN \lis, i'.lizaheth \ichol,,,n has Ila,( IU ' 1 \I i ,. t I, of t., J'Inl,lon u, .lie, to id , I lit, 11. b,1'' its Inv 1111'111k 111 ir;11hou1., ? CLINTQN, u,i 1, It,, for their i:indnr to held NOW PLAYING; ROf't 11td Rusfcl! NOW PLAYING: James Carney in d i, l,. ni \ irt'•1 is III,>pital, for 1111,,) ' 1 In: "W1lA'T A WOMAN" "JOHNNY COME LATELY" NOW PLAYING: Abbott and Cos - \‘1, Y \ 1,,r,,,1 ( h, r, an 1 the Iii( 1 1 cane,. , tello in "1117 THE ICE" 1 Monday, l umday, Wednesd iy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ▪ lett' 1, ;IA y;ifi• %% ere gialeful y ;quire- 1 Dcau::a Cut bin, Franchot 'Tone Ginger Rogers, Ray Miaand and ▪ l i,: tut. -hf-111, 1 1 and tat O'Brien Warner Baxley J .f .\ ,mall t '\%it rnl with big c Iy „ill) Mi�cb•t .\u(r and Jon ilall in ! dream., t, lie, tint t'IIli;," ul fellntirulur (lance romance in tall, d in i i, house they are acro ,y. ' % I'al h ,1\emil II,rI u,'h the ,e,1',ult', • ,nlr.uuc hue lie lt+ntl- ,i 11111, the II "LADY IN THE DARK" ini;, Bic Ware being owhi'd le.' Ma•Iha 1 ht•4 to the troll( 11, or dud t„ h..r 1 ,\hams •tr lint latter. I ,$ boss' heart. "1115 BUTLER'S SISTER" •Thursday, Fr:day, Sato da PASSAGE TO MARSEILLES" 1",n'c i,1r their c' unto' and 111, it women hrir1:; Iki-e ;,re Fr,ncll mud; I,, t1r: it native laud. Humphrey Bogart, Michele Morgan and Cauda Rains. "WHAT A WOMAN" "SHADOW OF A DOUBT" COMING: ida Lul ino and Paul , Hcurcid in their greatest roles: 'COMING: Charles Boyer in: "IN OUR TIME" 'FLESH AND FANTASY" Card Of Thanks tatetetatctwtetctctetetcectare(ecce lte:��c�e�e��c(t(ctcletetetautetwsleex�uc�cicw uttetete(cte��c►e�c�(e��et+rtes-tetew(a(ontuitce�at¢teto �'° ItOXY'I'11I t'1'(?1 CAPITAL THEA'T'RE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH. 6EAF0RTH. J he. Iioy \ olden, of 1.111111,111, 111(11 i l 1 .\I r. all 1 \Ir.,. AM, os (;;ill awl family. ,p \I r. an,l \I r,. Ilarohi Kitchen and if, .kw,,, o1 ti;Irni;', 111th \Ir. and \Ir,. J. al I .1. Koh. I , u. 'l J1 \lr, ,,i 1 Mr, Bert \larch \villi their ..I • l•' 111Hlit r, \!i-, I ICI( rl Marsh, at . liI/ A\\",I,111I,t•k. \Ir. atm 11r,, koIl'rt 1IcA11i,icr and 1T �1 I\, nnelll, «ere recent I.,,ntl' n visit rs, SI \Ir. 1I;ory 1. tinnily, vi,:tcd in Tor- onto, \Ir, .ld Mrs. \\'ilbrr1 til, nvill, of 11 rtlnclriv ,;11.1.1 Sunday \(itti Fred FOR SALEt Contractors ('o scl"r and \I Seers, Village of I'4tl1 I'rollerty, coulp,'ed 'Inci:nr 'toht, crnn i, the first f rrti( of Park Lot \'o, (1_') in iHork litter TENDERS fur the Contract of Thursday, Friday, Saturday Itosulind Russell, Bran Alter.le and Ann Savage, 'Ihe talc of a 1;;11 who 14,•111 on a manhunt and caught something to hot to handle Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Deanna Durbin, Pat O'Brien and Francisca Tone. 1 four -:•,1.i• r' 1))1y hit that ‘'.ill please the 1110,1 critical "HIS BUTLER'S SISTER" Thursday, Friday, Saturday ATcresa Wright and Joseph Cotten The story of a hell ll,vcil 21.1.1) 11110 turns out 111 he pathological, COMING: "Destinaiicn Tokyo," �Maawt,: Sat. . and Hgolidalyys�hatt�p3 p.m. My agt.,y Wed, �SawtR,& yHolidayysgaet 3 p�,M. Matiitie.ese Sat. ec. Holidays at 3a P.M,�Wt' ii/St) t/inllJ; sh•IOIFtiDtV.3n 2aa'AnDNtOiYiA21212t2MGi **tt://k 7212)'1,`NA)))i IX%:9i Glail7i.Di21•Ji0•IC/t O1iic-4121i1017;�nt rJ4,4atlGW12126=40 in this district to commence haying building a ,stall cement bridge 1'11 cot - 1 I ('1') 111 .11r('aul Irl y', Survey, containing c.1.,sion 8 of \l orris 'Tmv11,hitt, r int,ct'a1ioIIS' 1 arse of 131"11' 1 hu or, 1 "r"' )1." a, the Phelan bridge, also the re -in- n \Ic,i,li r, of 11 I's. J,vut ,house, l poll 1\cll and cistern. 11,;11' ,lowing of abutments on the 1111 lint j I.nnily ,;alhcrcid to celebrate the arca• 11,1 Sid. \Ic('linchey, it.li. 1, .1th10r0, •.it n Iti ,ler hitthll;iy. \laity 1441, \\11(' I - ',ridge, will he received tett 1111111 lour I hone 1! II, Blyth. r,'rel41 ! ;11111 tb lieious meal, real, '.vii c . \I r, and \I I•,. .1 hula;l, I,, of ( .rlcrieh ; 11r, a'„1 Mrs, J'1 hauls, 1st 1'11.1•, fort Albert ; 11r. and Mrs, Charles Itcvitte and Mrs. Gordon liiII;i nI1 alt ,1,11, of Dungannon; \Ir. and 11r Lloyd Ferguson, 1,,4, Fcr- cn,ou, (liifor(1 ihigill, of Clinton; Pte, \\'illi;uil Fer'tn,,ut, Brantford; Mrs. 1,,,ve and him., of l;/Icricll; \Ir. and \I r4. t'h;u•cs Love and faulil\, rich; Mr, and Mrs, Earl 1Ickn:ght an 1 f;111111) of Auburn. 11avid i.ockhart, farmer east of .\u- hurn, i, displaying a stall: of barley .I. 0 1lytlru installed in her hone and Nein,' and \Ir, Ncice have had 1 ONTARIO I..\(•, '.': Mich g,t•ew front 4(14(1. It is perfectly headed ;util.u;caSures .i feet, 10 inches lytlr„ in height. The Effect of the "HOURS OF WORN AND VACATIONS WITH PAY ACT 1944" ON ROSINESS AND INDUSTRY IN ONTARIO ON JULY 1st, 1944, the "Hours of Work and Vacations With Pay Act, 1944" becomes effective in the Province of Ontario. While it is the purpose of this Act to provide improved conditions for all workers employed in industry in this Province, it will bo obvious that the provisions of the Act cannot be permitted, at this time, to interfere with the all-out capacity effort required in producing material for war. The Industry and Labour Board, which will administer the Act, therefore, considers, in viow of the present acute manpower shortage and the vital demands of war, that the application of the Act should be postponed and working conditions in force at present should not be arbitrarily changed. The Board therefore authorizes the continuance of Exist- ing Working Hours in all industries operating on priority War Material in the Province of Ontario. Industries engaged in Agriculture, Horticulture, Fishing and the Produc- tion of Foods and Farm Products; Dairying Industries including cheese and butter; Firms engaged in the building and upkeep of roads, con- struction, transportation, textiles and other undertakings which can bo considered essential to the full maintenance of the war effort, shall be considered in the category of War Industries insofar as their present working hours are concerned. Preparation of the groundwork for the operation and application of the Act will go forward immediately but the Industry and Labour Board wishes it to be understood that these preparations will not be permitted to inter- fere in any way with existing working conditions in vital industry as long as the present crisis exists. LION. CHARLES DALEY Minister of Labour i • s --1)* 211th, 1914. VI t• 1111111; au,l specificatlou, 41111 the FOR i3ALE head Superintendent, h, 11, t_urrtc, t1. il;u'd \laple \\'coil, ;tko'quantity of It, No. 5, Jlrn,uls. \I;ixcd Wood, mostly 1':bu. Apply to 1 Lowest or any tender not necessarily Jou 1lohnes, It.It, No. -1 1 russcl,, phone accepted, 15-5 Brussels, els, 43-3p. , GEORGE C. MARTIN, FOR SALE 37 shy:!, and laulb,; also Clyde mare, d years old. :apply to Fred L. Potter, BABY CHICKS , ,I Y I. u „ I .I, ., I,: .I 11.1.• 111 :Ili '11Y13RIll SEED CORN SILO and I -TUSKING REASONABLY PRICED. ELEC'T'RIC FENCES SEVERAL MAKES TO CHOOSE FROM. Alexander's GENEIZAI. S'1'6i E Telephone 25r8. LONDESBORO. Clerk. - 4.i-?. lilt, 2, '.:limon, phone 9III0,, 43-2p. Bray chick;, most breed,, and pill- ._ iets, avitilahk now. Cockerels later BICYCLES FOR SALE Inl(nth. June 25111 will have 2 \vc)k 2 Iiic';cl;s for sale. 1 ('.C.\l,; 1 pullets, i\'bite !.cghorns 529.9); heavy \\'indsur 11'1111 ne\t• Iirc,. \1,t(iy 111 breeds, first duality $25,1)(1. Order Keith 1)tuthar, phone 1122-5, 1\'ingh:alli quickly through agent, .1. 1„ Bernick, Illyth, PIGS FOR SALE II pi:;:, real'-Io-wcat. Apply to \\'u», 1'.. Brown, phone 15-18, Myth. 13-1p. Card Of Thanks \\'c wish to acl:no\1'1e,Igc with sin- cere thanks the many kind expression i of sympathy of friends and nei:;Ithunrs its our hour (11• bereavement, 1t is deeply appreciated by the family, Please accept 1111' 1ha1111S, -Moses 1foltzliattcr, and Jean. New BABY CHICKS 1oa• FOR SALE Residential property, situate on; th1' south sire of I)ruuunond street (11cnry 1'lactzer 1,ropery1. For particulars ap- ply to 1. 11. R. I'.11lutt, Myth. 42-31). .June Session Iluron County Council I"Tilt, next meeting of the Huron County Contiri1 will be hell in the Prices ctt day old chid:,, Council Chatnlcrs, Court house, (,ode- as7ort- 'rich, commencing Tuesday, June 13111, brad,, at 10 a.m. $14.95:1 :111 account';, notices of deputations Light Land other business requiring the atten- tion of Council should be in the hands cif the County Clerk not later than Sat- urday, June 10th. per hundred, after June 1111): ed Light breeds :8.95; heavy $9,95; heavy (,reed pullets, heavy breed cockerels, ;8.1)5; breed cockerel', 95c per 111). JAMES ARMSTRONG, BLYTI•I. Tweddle Chick Hatchereies, Limited. Government Approved Chicks front Mood -Tested Breeders. N. W. MILLER, County Cle.k. 42.2. Goderich, Ontario, ♦♦1♦OO♦1♦ ♦•1.11•• ♦••• * O•••H•• ••I i • P• •••i1OH•H•H•. ••• •••i1.O ♦•• • i ♦O• i • 11• •1{•i s•*• * **•11•NO .111• 4 it *, � ••1Ni i • f♦I f•N•U/11•1 i • •4 4 ONO •$ 4 4 •Hi1O•i OHO OH•1.O ••R ••••*♦•O •••J••0 ••i SALE! Dollars at Haif 'rice! Sounds like a sure•thing bargain. But how many of us realize that in Canada 1/ PRICE we're getting dollars at less than half the price of other years /�� EI .. • at a fraction the price in many other countries to day. Here's what we mean. A dollar' is worth as much fj}4`' as it will buy. And to day your dollar buys at leasttw,_ ice as much as it did in the last war ig . For instance, your buys o bar of 1919 Iva laundry soap thot cosi felt fedora for 35° that set you bock inthose days.To day, you can buy the same quality then. Truly yourdollaris half price since it buys twice as much. Price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures have kept its value HIGH! And you protect your dollars worth everytimeyou buya bond /o, a off° debt a"�, f pay of ..refuse to hoard goods or frequent black markets. That's howto make dollars count M ORE! /Yak Zia. 724e ti iii/%7/4'�����������%i //�y�/,j f���"�/�iY'/; ��' "it; I promise to give my support to keeping the cost ,, %3 of living down. I will buy only what I need. I %i' will observe the ceiling whether buying or sellYO - • ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, N4 save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and A A 'War Savings Certificates. And I will support4,3 taxes which help lower the cost of living. eepfo&*Pda1he#_ g/r: /��/,� , i•nm iir,•AV,'!//0M7ii%�i�/ �// /4/;e. / ///%r,1'irii /�lzeiiTO;; .�..,il'4.�.. //�/%/�% ,//�//J�ji/i//.;�1/i//i/,'.i%%,;;,'•:; ,;;i;i,%Z:, Published by TIIE MEWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation. 4 1 WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Poison Oak Poison C%ak, public enemy of the forest, is about really to start vain its diel•; to yodels -ata rate of perhaps $5,0011,000 a year, a scientist e'lirr:.etd. This bad hey of the plant king- dom, tormenter of picnickers and f•isherme11. has reformed under the benign guidance of clieinttrgv and la in t, 1)6,111;:; to tarn an honest living, said 1)r. A. C. Shead, 1.10- Rerslty of Clkl;ihoina chemistry pro- fts'rr 111 indful of the plait's painful rash, people have been busily ertantping cut the plant for years, hut Dr. Shead Tared a \yarning band. 1Vhat we should do, he Raid, is plant more poison oaks and thus Bite this country three Itnportant new commercial pro- ducts, The scienti•t said the same juice which has spread itchy rashes would, when oxidized to eliminate the irritant, make a lacquer of high quality, 20.0011,000 pounds of which Is at pre'e nt imported annually horn India, The r,oe-poise-nct berries, Shead e1,plained, arc rich in fat that could be used to make Japanese wax, large quantities of which tr'irc importul from Japan before Ithe tsar r:t 1''ri•"(s ranging to 25 cents Ft pound. The Japanese got it from a poison oak similar to the North American \ariety. The third product - and Shead ,raid it tr'r;s a rare plant which yielded as many as three useful substance s - is tannin for the leather trade, extracted from the leaves. The rrcfe'sor's estimate of the potential commercial worth of the plant wa'. he said, conservative. And The Farmer Bought The Bonds Herr'' an Example of teamwork In selling Victory bonds: "The oth- er evening I saw two Victory loan salesmen fir proach a man busily plowing a garden with a team of hams, They talked a few min- utes then one of the salesmen took over the team and continued the plowing while the other made out the loiid application." -- Winnipeg Tribune. The F.B.I. has employed 2,200 crucial investigators in an effort to stop black market gasoline buy- ing in the U. S. Headache Nothing is more dews- singthan headaches... 1 Whsuffer?.,.Lambly's loin give instant relief. 1 Lembfy's is good for ear- (7/.„L:uhe,toothache,painsin 710/ beck, stomach, bowels, %kud l .rt HEADACHE POWDERS_ is Worm Trouble CHILDREN REALLY NEED 1i9ULYBNGi'. Mother's Friend these clutnge• able dn),! 11 b e I pm protect Dorm from %corm *rouble. to n d ether children's Dir. IC tees * L e nt regtrinr, I►c, Loathing too! 19o1c Iry U. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM HOT FLASHES 11 you suffer from hot flashes, dizzy spells, irregular periods, are weak, nervous -due to the "middle -age" period In a woman's life, take Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound. It's helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound Is , also a fine stomach tonic) Worth ktrying! Made In Canada. THE WAR • WEEK - Commentary on Current Events British Navy Has Almost Stopped Essential Imports Reaching Reich Thele is one 11,0, 11,.111 last, of the war that the British N,.t . has almost completed; it has i1i,,tiral- iy stopped (;,!man ill;;,..,• (,f munitions it, : , t„ irsilh' 1 1:'1 ope, wt nes F. I L (i , in T I 1 V,,:,, t u\ - er Province. Re len ;les, t h e NavY has ti ii(r.f(1 iia gr ll' clout Gernuuty't 1111 4);t1, until 110 cnl,i.iy line after ;ntlth..r has red. I! l,a' 1111 n pie sem. as it vas in tl'r ..'t k;tl, ilut in the last two \e.1!: ci so the .'salt ht,� had t;11u,.1•'t aid frt.u: tile Air Fel cc. Now `pt ill}' i' here at'„in 2001 Gr` more Co.! man shins w11; try 10 reach I' mop( from the ,l;lr I':;,st. Illoclrole-tntt'linr; i; o\ et. for this season; it may 11 til be nt (r for the \var. in the \\'i1,1er tf 1940-41 t;cr- many \vas ;d,lc to in;pc.rt e.irgocs (roll French (5!r"(;is Itrli;-tics si:t i norini icd Frani •:'---c'peci;alJt' tul,ber from Saigon. 1'hc Royal Navy stoppl d that traffic. 'Mica and Inc at \V, rt i:ni',ort(d from Aladaga'rar. 1 he Royal Navy rtopi'e.1 that traibt by sicking time ship. Most Serious Blow During Iti41 and 1942 other routes thretteh the blockade n ere stopped, German ships etas, d to attempt to rro's the South Atlan- tic from neutral South Aim rican ports. But the most serious blow to German supplies w'as the Allied OCcupation of French North Africa In the Autumn of 1942. That stop- ped all import, into Europe by small vessels sailing from Mcrli- terranean ports. By the end of 1942 Germany was left with only one country outside Europe from lehiclt 10 ob- tain the rubber, tin and edible oils she needed -Japan. But Japan needed other things: machine tocols, hall -bearings, and especially ntod- ALTARBOUND Mary Rogers, above, daughter of famed comedian, the late Will Rogers, will be married soon to Victor Courtrier, Jr., Hollywood screen writer. Modern Etiquette 1lw Roberta Lec 1. In Whose Hanle shouid a girl's wedding invitations and announce- ments be issued if she has no parents nor close relatives? 2. Should one be embarrassed if It is necessary to ask a person his name in order to introduce him? 8. Isn't It proper for one to add a postscript to a letter? 4. At dinner, how and in which hand should a waitress hold the dish she is serving? 6. Is it all right to type:a rite an invitation, acceptance of 11)1 in- vitation, or regrets? 6. Is it good manners to use Mr, or ]Hiss when introducing mem- bers of one's family? ANSWERS 1. In this instance, the '•.\edding '\ootid probably be tan informal for her to need either invitations announcements. 1f determined or to send them, the only thing she Could do would be to send them In her own name or have her fian'e's family do so. 2, No; be courteous and natural, without offering an apology. 3. 11 is all right but one should trp to avoid pn';siriias exec pt when neit.-a- ry. 4. The dish should be held on a folded napkin in the left hand. Then, if necessary, the right hand can be use el to steady the dish. t. \'\'bite it is being done, the typewriter should be tisctl for busi- ness purposes! only, 6. it would be Letter to avoid the titles (f possi- ble. "Papabiiity" 1'1q,t,rrn soanttinii lo'tt its "pnllability•' dor 10 dovu ss; this (.'retial prnl,tl•ly may lo rt•tor(ti to the corn bV putting it in a fruit jar kith a tail(! l,o1 uinl or two of sat( r. 'hal ince ;1:'d 1( ti t,.t;'l •tc(k. els anti 1'1„11• t-1 ee,;liuul' that herd heti; Iesi,,; in the rin.olleatl thea- tre. 5t 111t' bllvl;0lr-rutting told to t v ;:I l..r.iu d on a sysImo of bt;'un in the \\•int(r of 11142-•i,1 ('f the ships that left the Far ha'1 for Europe, sitcn nett sunk. Othetwere dattaged so tilt V re11l,1 not stake the vtly- ag1 1 tn: tl,>' 1 \\dater fisc shitty lel! the 1 r:t Fast for Europe; four of lht to 1Vt''1 ttnk. Exrhange System Broken Down No shit's it ft Europe for •fai,an, St\tled w, e r, adt and loaded; t\':0 wort '! b;ulll• damaged in port they et.,ttld not have sailed; the rest hate t1(t(t seil(d for some un - announce 1 i't,i• on. The sysit in of exchange h;t- I roken d,ion. It may be that (i'1 many did not wish to risk the sltiil'; it may be that Ger- many could no longer spare hall- bcarinee anti machine tools for Ja- pan. 'i'oday, out of 30 vessel' that during the last two years were en- gagcd in running the blockade bet- ween Japan and Europe, only 10 are left, (tut of those 10 several Are badly damaged, and nearly all of them are in European ports tin- der the eyes of the RA,F, Only one or two are left in Japan, and it may be (noble( whether the Ja- pans'e 55 i11 he w illing to send any mare cargoes to Europe before they have poi 'Oitt(Illntg in ex- change. Allied Sea Power Grows Germany's need to import car- goe from ovcrteas was proof of her faihire to make Europe self-suffi- cient. Her attempt to import car- goes in unescorted merchantmen, relying, on speed and evasion, was a result of her lack of sea power. The fact that these supplies are coating to an end at the very time when Germany needs them most Is it result of the steady growth of Allied sea power. BBA111' CIIICKS AN' remelt 13 A 11 G A1 N OFFER while they last. Two week old npullets White Leghorns 129.20, Black Minorca X \Vhlte Leghorn pullets 130.1+0 per hundred, Act quickly these will noon go at these prIcl s. Also reduced prices for day old chicks in all popular breeds,, nun -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also free range Pill - lets eight weeks of age told old- er. Fred cntalnguc, Top Notch Chick cries, (,uclph, Ontario. REDUCED PRICES FOR CIIICKS, Barred Rocks rind Leghorns lle, Leghorn pullets 22c, 13a rred )lock pullets 20c, Leghorns are Marron Strain, Rocks are 0,13.8, breed. trig. All breeders are blood test- ed. One dollar books your order, J, D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. iVJ:I.L'OJ1E NEWS -PROMPT MAY and June delivery on Twe(ldle Chirks, Foreseeing another year of big demand fur poultry and eggs, everybody at '1'tweddle Hatcheries has been working hard sins e "away bacl( whew" That's why we can offer prompt June delivery of all the popular breeds of chicks - (fay olds and older pullets - cockerels -non-sexed. It's good judgment to order extra 'Meddle Chicks now because the grass ration dors it lot for ehlcks and lowers feed cattle, fuel costs etre lower Ino. Prices are reduced for June. Ask for special prices on two weelc old pullets 1n While Leghorns and lllnelc Minorca X White Leg horns. Also older free range pullets eight wecics of age and older•. Frye ratalogue. Trwed- dte Chick 11atelterles Limited, Fergus, Ontario, CHICKS IMMEDIATE SHii'MI:NT- arso btarted pullets -in some breeds. Contact its for breeds available now or Inter in June. Buy the right stock for the right ,(sults at the right time this frill and whiter. Bray Hatchery, 121) John N., Hamilton, Ont. t.'t'All'run (InCICS IIEU)?CEI I'Itlt'I i (IN STARTED chicks from n Real Breeding Farm of 50011 Ilrr•eders. 1, 2, 3, 4 w'ecics old. Prompt Activery, Don't take chnnees on ordinary chicks When you ran (Set these high quality chicks at. melt reasonable prices, \\'c do our hest to produce Nita- thy, well bred, "to produce , disease-free, chicks. Order yours now, . Send far Started T.1. t and \Ver•icly Specials. LAiCEVIr11V 1'OI'LTRl' FARM', Wein Bros., Ishak, ?fi, Exeter, Ontario, 13ARDA IN SALE OF DAY OLi) rhtr•ks for this week rind nett w r e k, (tore rnmr•nt Approved ehfeks frarn blown ester! breed- ers Non -sexed: White Leghorns, !Bared Rorks, 1Vhtte Leghorn X Barred Ho,kt 19,50 per 100, as- sorted breeds 50.95, Pullets: White T,ecf1urns, \\shite Leghorn X 11itrred itochs 519.90 Ilanett Hooks 113.90, Assorted 212.91), cc -wirer( Is (tarred locks 50.95, Assorted 1lrnwies .17.9:1. No de- pu'dt rrquirvd, ('hicks shipped C'.O.D. nnyshe e. Also two tv etc old stsrtrrl. This adtertisetlent must accompany your order 111 receive these sp„ Ial prints, l'Ir ase (hats. 'Top l;otlh ('hleltrriav, r;uelph, Ont. d1 Nit 1)Ai-1111) 1'lll('It'i 9'11 .11 1,1" 1st ANY i11!1:1:11 I Inl'Itl,l: :\:\ (:IIA )!t; mixers rhi,•h, 5122.00 pc t• 100: lietisy lilted pullets 110.110 per 100: Light rtid NI(itior0 bre.d. $24,an per 111. Ord( r f•mt, tit), ed, 10'1 d. pn''It. Also dny-old rely. Pure 1tr,(1 Suss! x, Suae• N .'i, n' ITanlp. SIVtste X Baird 1:.'•k. large 'I't'pr. \Vhilr JAI.. hot ns, Ilton,) Rocks, Ma era) }mole N Leghorn, Sus.rsStirs X Leg- horn, Nr n' 1L•unpshI•.Q, 1,:5ici:- \'iI:\' 1'(II'i:rl15' 1',11151, \V,in itl.s., I'l ti, 7N, Ex, tet, on, 10c .BARRED ROCKS 10c 0)Itt'I:i: Nott' Ft)i( ,11'NE .\ND July hirltx. Fir -t oral rust '0tved. 1 rr.11 1!,e1:, mixe,) 1tn•, PHI e( 11 1:"t Pull( 1, 171. L. g - horn'' (1115(') 9r, Leghorn pullets 200. Bart -ad Pock 1 ockerrlc ?in,t,tt per hundt1!. I,'chorn .,11.,•r(I $2,o0 p, 1 100. .111 eg. < w I f ons "" n•!,, cg_•. .:i taller :11111 f1011 Writ Mirth!, Okla :.:11,e tear: lite ,( Its, t y. S11,11 honL your ntmrl. 1:.11:12 1'.(1,1,. Ft 111.4 1,, 1101, 1'he0}ulnl, ()/ltariu. Paint Is Preservative Protector, Beautifier Among Yost -\1 ar l l;:nner', the Ctutadi,ut 1',iint, \ antis 11 anti l,ac- quer Aysia Talion, t\ ith b5 tree cent of the paint mann 1,,c1 nr, and dealers of Canada b;.cking the scheme, is unigl:(. Alt bough 11;111 11111e s111c' art hi;:1t,r than they have ever lii' n, the industry counts 1,11 a still fttrtht r t 51 au•ilvl when Ibe 55;11 is tit. t. An aggro -,sive and dtt1;,:.ir 5(f - ling policy is ht int' cnttlin, d to menthe's of the :\ 'i'runilat tit various city and iuutInc i;l) primp 'pectins by pointing out that a wide t,unit,tiitn of atlttrti-int a11t1 publicity ,could 011 11 ni t'; `1111r11-3 field, if ntannfacturtr• ;teal sup- pliers placed before (- ;madams all the hitherto little • ot(ttioned attributes of their product,. Por year, paint ha' b, en hrierwn chiefly as a hettlifitt, plot( cter and preservative. 11 also• has decided assets as a 1.roteetion against fire, as a figbttr against germs and disease. as an improver of health and vision, as a pro- duct that could lessen strain and fatigue, make work more Pleasant, living mot e enjoyable tint the world n brighter place in sthigh to live, In the eyes of the paint indus- try, Canada today is paint shabby, rural shabby, and urban shabby and industrial maintenance has suffered a letdown, Everylvhcre nitre i' n crying need for the npplica tion of the old eingan "Sate the euriacc and you bawd' all," Transport Barges Barges of from 000 ton: to 2,- 000 tons capacity have been com- mandeered by the Germans in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Poland and Yugoslavia. '1'heso boats have been taken to Germany, for transport service on the Rhine and side canals, to supplement the insufficient means of conveyance. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANY'rIl1Nu NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We ars glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. HAIIU)Il1 Ss1NG AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest ttchools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free Itter- ature. Marvel Ilairdressing Schools, 368 llloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LB A R N IIAlltDltitto3INU THU Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto, MEDICAL HAVE YOU 1I E A 11 D AJBOC'1' Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pahl Remedy? It gives good re- sults, Munro's Drug $tore, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. 8TOh1ACH AND TRI.tI:A0 W011.518 often are the causo of III -health In humans all ages. No ono 111• mune, Why not find out If this Is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars --Frees Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont. BALJh1E1'11CA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46e bottle. Ottawa agent, Detmnn Drug Store, Ottawa - A TRIAL -EVERY SUFFEitEll OF Rheumatic 1'nits 01 Neuritis should try Dixon's 1turl'�dy. Mutro'e 1)r11g Store, 333 1';igin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. PHOTOGRAPHY PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your filet rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any $i,Le Ro1l-6 or 8 EN taus, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 23e A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes "1 want you to know how pleased 1 am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service." We have nuch lettere from all over Cun• oda. ENLARGEMEN'T'S 3 for 25c 4x6" in Easel Vaunts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x0" 011 hors tinted mounts 750" It Ciuld, 811\cr, Citcas- elan Walnut or Black !;bony ituist! frames, 69c each. Ii' cn11rg Butt cotton ed, i tie each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE (lox 129, Postal l'crulinal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly de% eloped and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE NOELS 23c REPRINTS 8 for 23c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films Jun want this year, but you can get all the quality and service 5uu desire by sending your films to 1111PERIAI, 111111Th 5.1:111'ICE' Station J. 'I'1.ruutu. I' A'I' I': \"1' s Plat ll':I1S'rUN11A11;11 ,1, • •1.'•tr'ayt Patent Soliellur I:-Ienu: h•o 1050; 14 1; '111; 511.1 1..1 •21• Ilnoltlet ,:1 lr,I„•1 ..e t, guest. Easy to roll, de/ghtfu! - to smoke FINE CUT CIGARETTE T 0.4 Have You Heard? A typical example of the un- conquerable Cockney spirit. A fa- mous city tavern, w inflows shat- tered, has the following notice posted up where the window, once stood:--- OPEN tood:--- O1'EN AS USUAL The little 11 a and, col ft e shop next door, kindnws all shatteeed, has gone one hett,r and announces cheerily :-- MOi2E ()PEN 'FHA N liSf1:\L -t\--- Girl of eleven, asked what a peninsula was and what was a gulf, replied: "A peninsula is a piece of land with three sides SAFES Protect your 110010 and CASH tram 11151; anti 'I'IIIEI'1:S. lt:e hate n size and t3 pc of Saks or Cabinet, for nn)' purpose. 1'islt not, or write for prices, etc. to Dpt. W. 145 Front St. E„ 'Toronto Established It4ir. f).&;J,TAVLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS FOR SALT; 100 ACRES -ONE MILE, FROM Perth, sirs. 1. J. Leach, It,11. No. 1 Perth. 180 ACRES, DAIRY FARM, B1RICKC house, eight rooms, hank barn. Implement sited, garage, lots of ehado trees, artesian well, water In house and barns, hydro, taoso to CC11001, 011 pawed road, seven- teen notes from Toronto. Apply R. 19. Bateman, Unionville, 100 AC/UES C00D CLAY LOAM, luta of Water, hydro available, within 2U miles of 'Toronto, good buildings, stuck, fall lino of Im- plements, including nvty tractor; tell complete '.with stock ur sep- arate, Would consider small cot- tage with garden, nod (:/11;11, as part payment. Reason 111 -health. 0. lt, Lh'j'att, R,11, 2, Hornby. 200 ACRES-litiltUESS, 6 511LES from l'crth, \1'm. Matheson, Perth 3, BURLINGTON, 6 011. 20 ACRES; apples and pears, bearing; no buildings. Box 141, 't3 Adelaide West, Toronto. FARMS FOlt SALE, IN T1iMISIC- riming district, close to highway, railway, markets, bargains. Write Lalek \'ertlieb, \Vit wb ,wawa, Out, 2000 111111) NA'l'lt1051. I11LLY '1'UR- key Ttttnch equipped and stocked. Automatic 01 'Trout fonds, Fruit and fine furutehed home. It'll! coach buyer on operation, Whaling 'Turkey Rauch, Moore- field, Ontario. GOING FISH INt:? t'A'I'I'ii 1'ISll no matter where they are with magic lure. Particulars 25c and stamp. N.li., 320 Ave. 0. South, ,Saskatoon, $ns11 100 1111';IST1:ltl:IJ POLLED HERE - ford cattle nt auction July 3rd. For information and catalogue write IInlcolnt ,ltd(:rc•gor, Bran- don, irt-don, \Ltnituhn. 1'01t SA L11 -I t la 1 I S'L' l l l (I't) J E l t- st:y hull, 2 years old. Birt ilcauty's 9't iunlph--1ono 70-o'II 1'nlunlet Jane -1;!1.155 - Leu t'1 uickthanh, 1,ot5', (No, ANG01t AS "1'ASIIION I' 1, A 'I' 1: straits" Pedigreed, fairs 'Ten Dollars and 'Trios Fourteen )h,l- 1 ' lore. IV. . 1', Lynn r, 2 miles West on No. 2 Highway, P.m manvillis, Ontario, Route -3. '1'O CLOSE ESTATE150 ACRES for sale, 95 oh :trod, GU ;roti s bash and stamp; large stone house, new furtace, ltrt;n bank barn, both Well roofed; pi'ttlresyue ht- r•:tti(ttl ml (ntiltty stone' rand (55,1 mitre from Acton: privy, 87,000.00, Apply George Somerville, Acton, Out, l[•;It�1:15 IVI: RITE No'X ul'r'hitlNlt Til'1,1, t alVes (onto a few , 11111 lervlcenlle age, by our hell? sites rind mit of good producing, high classified dnin.. The herr strain. for type and production are rep- resented. ('rice, are most reason - i ((L\' 1)1':,511 )'.111115, Rlt'If- 151(1?:11 1111.1,, ON'I'.\1,11), Nli\i' Li'::\1,.\ND \\' int.: IL\CItI'I'S. Junior et1'k. 2 months, weight 414 lb.. 1)1a 1 ore at 12 IIs., 510.00 trio. Pedlar. ed. Goo 1 ;tweed live delivery. 15',• buy ;111 y"tl raise. ‘forte: united Itnhhilr)'. lt.lt't- moat b, N.S. De\\'A1.9' SAWS AN I) W001t11'UIt1C- Ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre. sentatiwes for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on applienLon. f)e\111111 I)i"her Corpora lion Ltd - 402 \Vest ['ender St., Vancouver, 11.1 11.11'1'1' 11.1I1NCSS Itltl:SSIN(! - t'inest leather and harpcss (ire- servnliye Slipil also has ninety boueshoid uses 21c up at mast grocery, hardwm•e and chain sloes r\ product of Lloyds 1.:, )1- ,;r: toiio Toronto, 1:Lt4('I'itIC V('I'Uitt, NO:tV USED. ham: ht, sold, rebuilt; belt at pulleys. brushes. Allen Electric 1'tlttli nS blot., 2121; tome, in 'f '1'nl.ttlh,. aes': 111, 10 t of water. A (gulf is three t idc* of land with one piece of wat- er," "11 illiaul I use (1 to have a hrs.- Lt,u'd like tours but 1I11tc. looked at myself in the miser( r, 1 tltl.itltd to shave it off," (,)dick as a flat 11, t\'iiii;',t,t :t- tortrd: "Sir, I once had a fact itis yours but wile I 4,4)4(1 at n"•.. self in the init.! er, 1 iti id(,) !e+ grow a beard.,, 1.AXA'1'I\rE TABLETS I t'll•KI,1 Itla,ii;'t i': 1:11 \'S'1'11'A'l'fOS 1f 3,•11 stiff(r from lieno-r, 11111, s) ter getting relief rhti'u-,t soothing pettit) ❑ctitn of 1'1:1191 ", LAN. A'l'l\'I': 'l'Alll.l�'1'S w• 11 1 V 11 t; many hayu fowl( efferliVe for tui tl 1iun, Gu to your drug 11011 obtain F1311Mu1, 1,AXA'TIl'1'. '!',i - LETS -two 11)101 )LI supply for 51.•:t, or Write direct JIIItMOL 1)1S'1 It11 1,1)9,1)031, Ontario. F01t SALE NI'15' 1t1('rl'I,I:S FOR MEN: A':'" boys, 142.50--741.06-$44.',1, a'. t 148.60. i'o' Women aril t -'it 1', c 1. h0--515,01,-._.140.60 and 1411.5('. 01 money order 'loll wtite height is t Idcr to \lclirbft- ', L Qat, r. J: , Toronto, HilSVlNtl 't1A1'IIINI?i 1Len, farts extra. 11' nti+nl •1, ('nets still avail thio. A. 1,111'1 "s 22:'9 Duutlas St., 'rurontt. ,VAR MAP 1LtIt0AIN. AN 10X1';.. - Ing and thoroughly readnhtt 5t' - map showing doted events: It 11.11' 15Ct9U110 should IrWn, A luui '11 W111110.'1' only, Send to Canadian 1•'1te 1'rtrttilt)' 1': durcrs, 319 Bay 5trett, 'ft .tor.- MILKING MACHINES GIIN1'INIi 11IN1,1AN 111'P111:-'3 and parts for old-stylo the,lt 1.'a milkers. Service by nail. t;, Rowe & company Llntitl,l, I' t. tributory, 17 ,'ran(; Are., Tv, et •'t Ont. DELI' WANTED EXI'1aiiliNCE11 11LOO1imAN ANi) all round printer, permanent p' :- 11011. Apply Pyle 1179151, New,. tet selective Semi':e (Jffice. \VAN'I'I:D 1' U I,1, 1' QI'AI.1Fl1;" bathers tar Bowe Ee01,, itti..t and General Shop, to tea:), grad.. work in morning period-, 1\'ri''1 giving qualifications and Fnlar.', e:cpcetul, to A. Culcbnurno, (:- retary, 111'. 'r-ido Public Soh, ituard, 315 F,(irticw Blvd., lint side, Ont. 200.00 MON'r'111,1-1VOVAN 1'(''t general 111,111 tole, PIN( hon; 1, AIrF, 1', 11, Dal', lturuh;unthur:l Park Rd., !'line ton. 17:..01) 'MONTHLY 1'011 1•:N 1 ten,.d single nt:til .1n 01111:. 1:,1:, C'I'taeto' and milting ur,11 hi' 1 1/'. 11). :5) )') -"it11 Il111'.c HI'• - ca r(lihv, Ora,. WA NTI:U 9iANI'1'.\1"E1'liIill Itt' 1,1011'INtN.4. red tr(nipuo at de,ir" s local :,;tit ,. roto sur part -tiler nook Ut'vopr- ont I lnturiu, Itfntt ing ro'.:ou' '. ; lf.:llmt eolllltl)s'lon. al';';'tigt 1, Apply 11, Philip•. I'umlt:uty it. ,t, :'11(1 Ala itl rt et, 55 11,1, I':\1' I ,\SII FuR 1'1'tv[11. t..11 9101' 1' ;old El. et 'fe le. f i,• 01111110. (lit. nit pat replying. 1131 \lav .\Venn,-, 11111'• For, Oat. I'osT.\r;l': S'1.5:11 1',,'t east, pol. paid. Nin( 3( 1 to!' l0 :\, Siert, 2Ir(tt 1.1111' I5 ,.1.1111.. al, t;tc„ 01 •,t ante roe 11:nr 11cut.ts, I'I:tt'I't:,:'I'.1.\'I' TI':AClll;lt AS I'lil:.:• l far foto 1.1'111 :•1•h"ti1, ii':.,irlin:item. S1:th .tit: lili :salt • i 'nl:t t , 1.4.1(11, Ituli,'s o.nn"ma' ,tr111111(111 r. JII lots., \\'l)11in^ K••I nh, 11.11. ' I. .�;�n11 sr r. i l;il . 1'.51111 \1.51 I'ARM TRACTORS 11'.1\111(:2 .5\'1 t',)\IIt'i'le.\. 1'1;"- I;,111•, (.16,111 11.0 s• t. 1.1 t'• - Inlilt P'nld-uu rl':,u,e11 Ilp 1.11 MR. WOOL GROWER '(Ills (11,11 EST.\I:IJslll;D \'"u),'_ leu .`.til! is under t, tr sm.t:,_ no ta. l\', operate a liegi•t, e d 0,, 'mrintenl 11'001 11'nr, hour : • •t ;.re 11111111'.11 In p11r1•hns, t1 8';I•ot's 11.01 clip' 1,11 1:1icr: oro tr (;radiag stead:tells t.nd t (;•1511nnutit stipnlntcd 1'1111 ti'l'l;.\'pilot' 5Vurt j,,, 1111,1,5 1,I\1l'r1lr, STltvet: t:ii,,, U \'t 51111). U. S. OFFICIAL. HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 16 Portentous. 1 U. S. Secre- tary of Agriculture, Claude 1t, t (3 Precious stone. U L C t 12 Over (poet,), L 0 13 Chant. 5 14 Land measure p 15 Negative. J7 Egyptian deity. 19 Lore (zoo.), 21 Printer's pleasure (pl,). 44 Satelli es. 23 Theater sign 15 Therefore. (init.), 46 k'ittis, 18 Never usa,.t before. 49 Sun, 50 Pint (abbr,), 52 Humor. 54 Bundle. 55 Organ of hearing, 57 Distributed. 59 Preparation made of fruits or vegetables. 60 Tracked clown. 61Opposite of south, 62 International language. _SH (RLEYTEMPL clIANOA TPUE NO CAKE _ A IRE RET LEER ,:SO ICJ 24 Like. 25 Location. 27 Electrical term. 28 Pronoun, 29 Require. 30 Inside. 32 Work, 33 Chinese measure, 34 Oath. 35 Go speedily. 36 Called before the bar. ,42 Plural pronoun. 43 One of a number. VERTICAL 1 Beverages mate frutn grapes. 2 Company (abbr.). 3 Large parrot. the sun. 4 Munitions. 47 Box of 5 Prehistoric, implement/ animal. 49 Salt. 6 Latin 51 Road surfac- 18 Mineral rock. 20 Bone, 22 Earthenware mug. 26 Snaky lisp. 31 Shake head approvingly, 32 Musical instrument. 33 Attempt. 313 Also. 37 Part of "be," 38 Electrified particle, 39 Moves on. 40 Compass point, 41 Ancient Spanish city, 43 Emmet. 95 Pertaining to conjunction. 7 Volume. 8 Printer's measure. 9 Of the same family. 10 I-Iousehulrl god. 11One who drapes. ing material. 52 Marry. 53 Five and five. 54 Derogatth•y exclamation. 56 Greek sun god, 57 Part of "1." 58 Accomplish. 59 Street (abbr.) 15 16 17 18 :z1 zz 23 25 26 Z j29 37. OTTAWA REPORTS That Adequate Physical Training Is Urged For Every Child of School Age In Canada t?pbui!diug of tate health •,f the nation the pleasant way, --through 'recreation, is the object of Can.. nctvly appointed National Cbunrjl of Physical Fitness tinder rite ' ati,uttl 1'Itysical Fitness .\ct rased some months ago. The (;otutcil which held its first conference last weep in Otl.tv:a, urges all communities to set tip their own physical fitness pro:;r.tnt Int ,',t•operatiott with provincial and Dominion Councils, .aril "realizing the lack of recreational opp, i tuni- tll'9 in rural areas," tlt'Ql'i that Provincial Council; give spot attention to this aepee, of physical finless, • ♦ r It further recommends tit tr 1(l school hoards considerpl,t, ing their facilities at the disposal of responsible conmm:mite organiza- tions in the interests of national physical fitness, and urges proviit- cial departments of education to protide adequate physical training for cvcry child of school age, The conference also endorsed the prin- ciple of more active home, fancily and neighbourhood recreational programs, and will work for the establishment of recreation leader- ship courses an,l expansion of physical education. * + 4 Major Ian 1..isenhardt, the Na- tional 1)irector of the program and eh:tirncut of the Council visualizes the program as including not only sports, calisthenics and gynnt:lstics but dancing, music, drama and kindred subject; in which ol,i anal young can take part. Major Eisenhardt, .t tirnluate in physical education front the 1.'ni• \'ersity of Copenhagen in Den - marl:, where foil: (high ;clued; play- ed an important role in rural life, also studied in France, Belgium and Germany. Coming to Canada in 1t12il, he wag apitoiiited director Of recreation for Vancouver after a short time in • playground w•otk there, and in 1U;11 became director of physical education for Ptitish Columbia, a post he held until his enlietmcnt in .illi"n, 11. fore hi.; pfe- sent . appointment Ile oas .\rote sport; officer, • r Price; of Can:t,li; eor,rnwn ,!;')W• 'berries and rasplrrties, now under A ceiling by order Of the Prices Iloard, are below the maximum prices of last year, hitt consider - higher than in 1912. Prices for sale by farmers and market gardeners ate set out in a schedule which places Ontario and Quebec in zone 1: Nova Scotia, Nov 1'rims- ivi,'k and Prince Edward Island in /our 2, and the rest of C:utada in rove ;t, In VAMPS 1 and 2 the high- est tuilttlg prices for straw'tietrle3 epply up to June 21. Rasi'!i,rry ceiling prices remain 'II ,Attic for the w'httle season. • • a Taxes collected on motion pic- ture theatres for admissions for the Federal and provincial got ern - meths amounted to :; I:t,:t:h,•173 d,t 191:1, according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Thi; amount was collected on 20.1,210,170 t.f- llll,ilnlli whlc n g'rn;;et( $1;:,,Si12,- t)4R. • t 9 The New itruuiw ick Govern- ment has :appointed a director of agricultural education tvho will have an advisory t•nttunitt^.e to w,.1( with stint in pl.tns to intro- duce merit -Mimed education into school; of that province ,>i1 a tvid- er scale. One of the results of the :!n -year development of junior farmer club work in the province. of Quebec is that more than nuc thousand buy's front Oleo; cltths •have completed a two-year course at an agricultural school, and, ac- cording to a Department of .\ culture statement, are now taking their place with the !refit t•truters in that provin:e. The Book Shell Under The Bridge By Ferris Greenslet l this Gretn,b t'; life !t.ti been and is a common ground where many worlds have met. Front the \Vasltitgion of 'Tile Education of Henry .\ dams' to the Europe of 'Mein Kamp). Itis shrewd and aniseed et e has found entertain- ment. 11 is iutuhiograp!ly gives speech to a familiar and fur.eottcn past The quality of 'Under the Bridge' lies in the amount of pithy continent cut melt and !looks and nature that lies h':ne:ttI; its wit and charm, its anecdote; of divergent per;unadities, it.; picture of the part that great hooks eau platy in today's war world. Under the Bridge . , . I3y. l'erris Greenslet . , .Thomas Allen Litnit- ed . . , Price $3.60. CHRONICLES of GINGER FAIIM some wee1:, go by and at the end of tht'nt Ails feel AS if yon had fkor: nothing, been nowhere, and seem Ilutling alto (tit) tine, Thi; definitely has not been one of thosecel:. Every day has been hull to Osclose-sandbeyond it. • r \\ edn ,slat 1 Luso just putting the iinl,htttg touches to the dining - room, o loch 1 hail hecn papering --t'.hen int walked one son again. Ile hart tnneeruptell his furlough at holm.) t 1 visit his girl friend. Nov. he ;:•t; bark again to ttiud up his Isaac. In the afternoon I'ar'.ner and t had to go away on business, so that teas one day gone. (.tn 'I'hin'oI:ty, if it rained, hull and I were going to 1lantillutt to get the tsar tvlteels straigtcned up. 1f it were tine, 11ub %vas going 'to tvorlt the Last of the land tvitlt the tractor. • 1'Ile day dawned and it tva, neither stet or fine—just foggy ln'i tlantlt, \\•,; went to 1lantillon, \\'heli I came It, k I hail all my work to It But .,till the trip %vas tyorthtvhil't became we got the cur wheels fixed although we almost had to go down 011 our knees to persuade the man to do it. Friday Bob finished working the land and Partner completed his long•de- 1 tyed spring seeding. f was washing nt::trl) all day --• for our- selves and for the .\ruty, That's what 1 titought any\v'ay from the -ttr•ty of khaki that got itself into toy At.istt1ng machine - - and a hand pottier machine :tt that, don't forget. 4 9 , L trey .Saturday morning Daugh- ter .urtl a friend arrived fur the tt,:o!:-roll. The hoose tvav s ,h;until,:;---but there seas nntlting 1 (.lid (lo thont it—at least, nut all tt once. However the weather tv t.; or mil and the whole family w t'; outside inure than it w'as in, itut not sitting :wound—dear nue, no -sour sisitors make themselves very •Isefttl, Daughter ,wept :ttul dusted the downstairs rooms for ole and then -rtrteil in to weed the ear'It'u. ,, . 4 \%title all this tvas g ting on, Partner, ;on Bob and friend Bert trent to work ,u a job that bad been \yore} ins; Partner for some times - mostly ticcausc he wasn't able to tackle it alone. Partner still d.> nearly anything but he does like to have bout feet on the ,gistowl, .\ nil this was one job where there wits no telling where your feet might be. It was trim - mita.; :1 tree --a very big tree --in the centre to the front lawn, and ,;very time there was a hit of v.inl tee have been afraid it would come ,1 nt n and wreck the root of the hoose. Hob did the climbing —and Lac: string--sld presently one great limb after another carte cradling to earth. .\ftcr (sinner chore Lusts the wreckage to clear away and alt three men were busy, choppil,g, sawing and carting. .:\n 1 now•, to look at the tree you would hardly know it had been trimmed at al!, there is so much of it left. 4 * i' Sunday afternoon Bob went oft to visit 1 favourite uncle in To- ronto—the rest of u, went for a short but lately drive through the country, \Ve might have been Brit ing around yet if Partner had- n't been there. tic was the only one who knew which way to go when \te got unto strange gr'.ltutd. O[ l:our-e I1•mtghtcr and I had to hate the c'tt• stop several tituei so suit ,:„ultl pick wild flow'crs. After all, who could drive by nodding columbines and sweet -scented phlox? .\iter supper there was the usual scramble to crow,( a lot plate into a little time, But at last cline that trip to the station -- mid Bert's face was so red, parti- cularly !tis noseo that Partner said he is aul'.l need an alibi to explain Itis seels:o it activities. 4 41 4 1 was 'sanity hack: from speeding the parting guests when Bob blew it) again--havitgf hitch -hiked trout 'I•cirontu. Theft a girl friend phoned to ask if she hail left her wallet itt our car. She had ---and w'c f_,ttml it. -\nd then tee turned round and found 1)augittcr's w• diet hail been left hchind tol Oh, these Nuty it is lfonday--and Pai tier and t hate said a final good-bye By Gwenwfotute P. Clarke • 4 to our son. 1 ht; latae ne i; goalie back to 11,1 one 1.O',rt't ,ay good-bye lightly these days—there j; to t notch at ,t skis. 1loe.ever, Ate Irate to tart, it old nrt!ce the best of It. After all "there's :1 job to be done , , and a Iver to he vow” tine h,tu;e is quiet now , . , ',1 vitt y quiet, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON JUNE 13 A GOOD SOLDIER OF CHRIST JESUS — 2 Titnotlty. PRINTED TEXT, 2 Timothy 2; 1-4, 8-12; 4: 5-8. GOLDEN TEXT, •— Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus, :. Timothy 2 ; 3. Memory Verse: 1.et us love cute another, I John 1 : 7, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time, — The Second I?pi,tle to 'I'intotlty was written at the end of the Apostle Paul's life, probably it :1. 1), (17, Place. •-- This Epistle w'.1;, of course, written from the city of Monte, and was sent to Ephesus, for 7'intotlty tv:t, Bust; int that city .tt this time. Enduring All Things "Thou therefore, my child, be strengthened in the trice that is in Christ Jests," Timothy is not to be ,troll{.; it his nwt1 ,t' eitgtt he is not charged to be .self-r(liant he is to realize his ,nun v.ctk:eess and draw upon 'The 4r u•': 'h•tt d; in Christ Jesus. ".% nil the thjn;i oddell thou hast heard fr:int 'me moons twiny %virnr,ses, the ;.one tom:net thou to faithful men, who shill he able to teach ethers also," fs it not a beautiful trait in Pal's character, that in the hour when martyrdom was near he WA; o:nncerntd not al>ont himself, but about the con- tinuance of the Word amt the Kingdom of Christ. Soldier of Christ "Stiffer hardship ttith nut, is a brood soldier of Jesus Christ. No soldier on service entatglett him- self itt the affairs of this life; that he may please hint who en- rolled hitt as a soldier." As soldiers of Jesus Christ we ale to endure. i'1'el1 unto the end and as we endure .;o we tiec,mtc strung', hardened, thle to face anything, l.vcrt a; soldiers going into battle, the Christian sv'u'f•tre de• mantis our entire thought and attention, Our ,u;tr,ane aim must he to ;de:.;, ton. IIcave::l (•.tit',tit in all thin;,. Christ, The Sinless Sufferer '•Iteinember t '., 4 Christ, risen from the (lead, of the seed of 'David, according to my gospel: wherein 1 suffer hardship unto tiond;, :t.; a malefactor; but the word of God is QUEEN MEETS A NEW FLAG OF ROYALCANADIAN ARMY CADET'S The new flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, shown above is of white silk representing the white field of Canada, with fringe, cord and tassels of red and white, the authorized Canadian colors. The size is the same as approved for Canadian infantry, In the centre is the official Royal Canadian Army Cadets red maple leaf, with the title "R,C.A.F." superimposed thereon, surmounted by the Imperial Crown, Directly below the maple leaf and rolled inwards is Lha scroll in gold, with the Cadet motto "Acer Acerpori". (As the Maple, So the Sapling) in green. Below the scroll is the number of the Cadet Corps in black Arabic numerals. not bound." Christ has not only endured every hind of suffering, including- its extreme forst, death, but Ile has conqurred it all by rising again. Ile is not only the sin- less sufferer, but also the trwuM- plctnt \'actor nttr death and hell, "Therefore 1 endure all things for the elect'; sake, that they also may obtain the salvation which Is in Christ Te.su, with eternal glory." Paul .endured many things that thou -ands of ,in -enslaved tarn and women int The Roman Empire honld lit lin sale tth nl by Jesus Christ. •t. Promise To Sinners "Faithful is the saying: For if Ave died with !Lim, we shall also live with Litt: if- ue endure, we ;hall Also reign with !lint: if we shall de- ny hint, he also will deny us," 'Phis verse affirms the eternal fact of itis life, 11 is indissoluble resurrec- dion --- life, :s t!te secret and strength of the life of His believ- ing followers. It fools upward and onward to Ills 'everlasting reign in glory, and• to the promise that the sinners Ile Iles saved shall actually share that glory with hint. Proof of Ministry "lint be Thou sober in all things, stiffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil thy ministry," '1'i• toothy %t:I; ever to he vigilant and sober, flit would have meed to watch in all tiring., and especially to watch his own moral and spirit- ual life. No opportunity is to be lust in I rt aching the glad tidings of the Gospel. .\s Timothy became au example to his flock, and This mi- nistry utas profitable to the cunver- sltll of sinners, so would he give full proof of his ministry. Ready to Depart "For 1 ant already being offered anti the time of my departure is conte" Paul feels The (tour of his martyrdom has rome.•'1'he shedd- ing of his blood w,1; to be an offer - `TREE' TALKING Looking more like a tree than a human being, a flaged British sniper stands at attention as Queen with hint during inspection tour of airborne units. is King George. POP—It's the Berries HOW' DO YOU SERVE GOQSE'Et2RIES • 7 ALWAYS' (r SHAVE ' . EAA is la. .:J b: 'i,:,rIt.,Ii )ttl,caie• tau heavily camou- Elizabeth chats Behind queen ing poured ant like nine upon thti altar, "I have fought tine gond tight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is Laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the lord, the righteous judge, shall give to inn at that clay; and not to me only, but also to all them that have loved Ili; appearing " 1'aul further Int- preses the fact that his earthly career is ended: and he refers to that career, not merely to express his rightful satisfaction, but to en- courage Timothy to follow his OK.. ample. Then as Paul turns fr•irn the past to the future, he does ,s.') With tike ttmtfidence of a victor and with the assurance. of one AVIIo I:uow's he has merited an award• VOICE OF THE PRESS RATS The \'ull:ischer Ileob_tchtcr, 1litler's ovrm newspaper, has just conic out with the statement that there are 80,000,000 rats in Greater Germany." It so happens that the Ger- man inhabitants uf Greater Ger- many oast to just about 3'I,nOU,- 000. Either this is just a c,>iuci•leucn, of the Iteobachter is getting un- cotuf, rtahly frank. 1, ilg.try Albertan, ADVERTISEMENT This cht,aafied advertisement at',peared in the Pentlieton (,I )re ) East Oregonian: Great i):ate dog for sale. Very gentle. Eat, :anything, Very fund of t:hildreu, --- Editor anti Publisher, VERY INTERESTING \V tr(1 from France is that los Aluiilcur, it Nazi -loving slices, mouth -piecing for Laval, is greatly interested in the Bloc 1'o- pttlajre (.,utailicn, \ try ialer:.t- itte. - i3tta%ta Gusted, - HARD TO GRASP '1•Ite war so far has cost the United States 175 billion; of dol. far;, It loot::: more imposing in figures — $17S,0011,000,000.00 -- lent either \vat' it's a ,tum of it magnitude one hardly t.tll grasp, Otrav,:t lstomal. -„- TRY IT You can save y,,orst.li touch trouble by not borrow ing any. The w,ty to sticccti; i; 10 Lerp your head tip and y (tor ut er!te-td &110!1, \I,"Itt-e.d Star, MA WEN'S PRAYER \\'itlt su "OW l:tu tillans bcimt ttlart•Itd int erect:ts, titans :titian girl prays: Please bring hitt ba,'', simnel toil single. \\ itis, r filar. 011e, By J. MILLAR WATT -AND SERVE 11 'FM LIjiE GRAPES r7-7 Page 8. .,....ayl.�l.K ,_u... • iatsoC [t[ IIIILVCKICCKKICICIG°EV{ICKKICC1.Q+f.A1+CKKKICICVCICK41410C9 SHOES ;' MEN'S WORK BOOTS .. $2.95 AND 55.00 t. BOYS' WORK BOOTS, Leather Solea, l'anco Soles $2.75, 53,25 ); R lir. ,1111 It.,, )it•phcn Whitt.. ;(nil MEN'S AND BOYS FINE SHOES AND OXFORDS A f:uully {.t11IJt'u \4cre t4eel, -cull vis - i: A GOOD ASSORTMENT SL98, 57.00 II"r, 3; K t g Nl i•. s .,. 1. t \v,d1aeC of Torun,,, y� liarVcSter i'i1i'IS �l tit() )liC:~ ,� sprnl IIIc 1.111.1: e11 (with her p,ltrnl••. t• °� 11 r. awl \I r,. I I MILL' \\ ;11!acc. A . ki Whit( Ito; -it! Gaff and Oil. +,: I \I r, I I�II\anl \\'aIL• 1.v of 'l, .lNii• . Pi pt iii 1111' t\e,I, yell \\ill, Iii. t',Irt'II, Gill' Painting 1111(1 Iter)<!ll'lllt;, Gtr i .11 r, ;111 1 .,\Ir , I I t inr \\ 21124".ve 6 ti, \Ir, ,..'ural,, \I4\;III ht- Corr,r,ll'11 - Pt 'i .111. I r,I T oil, Sr. ;(, "fl n I •t u.a Ills H iii r� to a1 � l;! til Lanett,e, � Ititartl. f THE STANDARD er&.. \I r. 1\ ;lii,tllt Ienhin, tt,ls hunk, WOMEN'S SHOES AND SANDALS CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. -41. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. -••""moi ...w Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For 1nternational- 'l' ©AD1912))12131x121;2191,3'9,?,74.71 Ft:a2t?1: hr.D,X..,...),3;2,.2,at a,.2213,;+,DrDr`ar';x?,31<h2;/NDP,D1 1! I• 1 Lao I•1 1enkiu:, ;Cul Ilerl' , -1 t lit L., It;rl, ni,h I landil', nio:11r icIeI@+CImetctetaiNL$IitC'C'Ctelclelc'Clmetz,tctzt Ic:ICIe 4,444 v ;'aletc!co:;t.vre. tlz::,: 1;111 11 I ;uln \Itl lrll;at,l uj 'Fow- 1 i' ei i, viii,; Ilex Cull till, 11i„ \lar.;ItII \J (Ti1la1l, t \l i., !hitt! I'1. lls tai I. n.lott ' Item A'y 1.111. tt.,;••rnl \\ '1,11 hyr mother, NII. I. lilts. ?if\Ir. Jack ILIw', of Inger I ll ,lull {il !ij the 41ce1;•C11111\ithhi, p;ucnts, \I', and {i' :11r,s.1r1\'rlli;un Ihltyc., • I 1 11rp11rll Jt' -sit' I'll i III, of liari'I.'- IiPltl, I, ,.,1,,t11,1"ng a 1\wo-11'eek,' Ilil•- ti' ti lou;h \wild pilient,, \Ir.:unl fi Harold I'1(fllips, li 11 r, ;Intl Nlrs. :\rch, ('ol inso1) of London, visited I1ver (ht' \leek -inti %villi fi mr. and Mr, John Collinson, ani Mr, f! and .,, 11'iili:on 11(,11e to� Ti N1 r. jaunts CIolweu and (laughter,, QIsalud ,If (•lin'nn, visited on Saturday Pb l 1.9 i tvitll NIC,. I'. ,I4tralf ". \\'c are plc lscd tut note that Airs, Alelralic's euntliti,,u Is sitglitIv iill'1r11t1 11. PI ttDti7DINDID1D7)4)INP;11Ni91ati1)1INDIDID411;01)tai2iNND13•IIPa)17:M21)IDIDIa,a,21DIN iDIDIM2,I 1 STUART ROBINSi.N Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone .Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dins1ey Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of [)insley Street. Delivery Orders • $1.00 or Over. TOMATO JUICE, SALAD DRESSING, SANDWICII SPREAD PORK and BEANS, MAPLE SYRUP BROOMS 65c, 51.00 and 51.23 CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP, CI•l1CKEN NOODLE CHICKEN RICE AND CELERY SOUP CUT GOLDEN WAX BEANS. PUMPKIN, SPAGHE'T'TI IN TOMATO JUICE SWEET MiXED PICKLES. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE ORANGE AND GRAPE FRUIT MARMALADE / GRAPE FRUIT JUICE -. PER TIN 18c and 35c i! BAKER'S COCOA ... HALF LB, 20c; 1 LB. 35c SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes. Every -Day Requirements REGULATION SOFTBALL BATS AND BALLS - BATS FROM 60c TO 51.25; BALLS $1.90 EACFI, BLANK COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, 1Uc EACH, 3 FOR 25c INQUIRE ABOUT PRICES ON PRINTED CHECK BOOKS. (NK-WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, .... BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red ...- LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured ......._ ......... . DENNISON'S TABLE NAPKINS ....... .......... per bottle 1Sc 10c .... 15c and 10c Pcr Pkg. 5c . Per Pkg. 15c PHOTO ALBUMS . _. ranging in price from 10c TO 52.00 PHC'TO CORNERS . . ..... PKG. 10c and 15c BABY'S OWN STORY, year by year, A book that will be treasured in years to conte, beautifully arranged, and ready to fill in day•by•day events .. PRICE 75c ARMY SCRAP BOOKS -Scrap Book and Photo Album combined, suitable for keeping souvinecre of your boy in uniform 51.25 SNAP SHOT FOLDERS for Army and Air Force Photos 10c Ea. DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions ... .- EACH lc WAXED PAPER -40 sheets 10c; In Flandy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft. 35c S,CRATCFI PADS .. VENUS PENCIL, WITH CLiP, Soft Lead OTfU.R LEAD PLINCILS LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. LARGE ECONOMY.SIZE CICO PASTE 2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c EACH 15c Sc EACH, 2 FOR 5c Extra 'Chiu, I5c Pkg. BOTTLE 45c SMALLER BOTTLES, 10c. LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS PAPER CLiPS PASSE PARTOUT PICTURE BINDING ... WRITING PAPER ENVELOPES TO MATCH Sc, TO 20c PEtt (SOX lbc ._ ROLL 20c 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c PKG. 10c DENNISON'S and BRUNSWICK CREPE PAPER, all shades 10c, 15c SiIOPPING BAGS -strong material - .. 51. COMPLETE LINE SCHO01. SUPPI.IES AND TEXT BOOKS. YE SPECIALIZE IN FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIP• TION. NO JOB T00 LARGE OR '1'00 SMALL. The Standard Book Sure I i .1 41 '. I nal .I 11 I. I I 1 Ili .1 HURON GRILL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOO() SIRVICE. Meals at All 1 -ours. FRANK GONG arni. Proprietor LOSS OF MAIL FOR ARMED FORCES information has been rrrrived that \Iasi"• John I'ull;tr'I, oho r( cent)). under\veto an operation for appcntli- ritis, Ila, rutin 111•(1 10 hi, holo, ;Hid i, proitressiu+•; \veil along the road to rct'vvery, The ,\11.,1 1',ey, :\rulIt,I ll11 S,a4rr 1.t it ntal;" a ri, 1.;t iu (u Trinity church Myth, (11 Friday, inn(' 11411,, al ti pan. Several rautli,l:tics \\111 he confirmed, .\11 ‘vele lin lion' _'Sth, .lnniy4r<ary Ser%ires vial he ;trill ?n T riuity Church, 'I'lte Re;. NI. II. II. Farr, Rector of St, I':oil's Ch(rrl, Stl'nlford, i, to (if- ficiafc. :111 a41ro1nr, 11 r, Farr is a sten 1.+f ,1 former I;eetnl• of this l':irisl,. I he Fr44 Al;(,ons of tl,e Iiistrirt \4111 attend Iliyine Scryic'c in frim!\• Murch, Myth, on Sunday, June IRIh, 1,:er;11r of the I'aris1(, \\Ito is Ihr )i.irict Chaplain, will officiate, P\II 11 cle°nle, IN SEAFORTFI HOSPITAL NI ;otter Ituhhv tir,41, ,on pi Air, aeiI Nlrs, Laurie Sulu, underwent ;in op- eration In Scott ,lcnn,rial Hospital, Seaforlh, on Tuesday. 11'e trust Ilii' Ude lad will hake ;1 speedy rccovcrl. r OBITUARY MRS, MOSES IIOLTZHAUER The death rn•ein•red suddenly at her luonc on I)fo,lcy street, in 'I hnrsl'ty, Jou,, 1,1, of Jane fallen I'attcrsnn, be - BAKERY Ei ;04A1), C:11K ES, PIES and BUNS, AI,1VAYS ON IIANI) Wednesday, June 7, 111.1.1. I , 1 ,„I nil, .11 , UN I li I Vl. I - SUM ER S PPLIES ARRID CREAM DEODORANT HINDS LIONEY AND ALMOND CREAM CAMPANA'S CREAM BALM iIAVOK MO'I'll CRYSTALS LARVEX MOTH SPRAY 'LHER MOS BOTTLES 2 -WAY FLY REPELLANT NOX.EMA CREAM AN'I'1•MOSQUI'l'O CREAM EAUDE COLOGNE RIDIF 39c 25c AND 5114 454 49c 85c $1,35 ANi) 52.225 59c AND Ilk 17c, 391.: AND 59;: 50t', 7:tc AND $1 ,'Ii HLP, Pim. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, %VAl,l,l'AI'1'.'R-PIN/NE 2P, • ('onfectionerV and Tobaccos. PIIONF 38 - Iil,l'`I'II, .16,1116.1'1 .1wiielI 1.I,M CEILINGS THE FiFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM, 'I'ht' reilili ;, tchirll is ti ii 111 largo!. Man ally s111:11, troll, should 1 e curisfll('1111 as a f:l'!h is:Ill. 11l'Is room it it, .111x1 as I;npt,rt iill In stt- Ir i'l ;1 t•ul'I'erl ceiling p;lpr,• ;Is it is Ito Proper Itall 1lreor:r lion, 1'llnr preference 111;1)' 1.I\'nlll' olio i f t'nntroslinl; colour, 1'ua't Le a.trail) Him ;I "t'oltoir•I'lanu,':1'' 4 „um v 11 ,'xll'ntl yunr 1111(1:2.11. 'I'n i,,, 1.1 aline NIA you can rt ;ulily do so . i". • seems my samples - (Iyer :too ' 6j i pial; flout. 1 V THE OLD SUN\VOR'I'F(Y LINE Sorry to ,ay, Ikea arc NI 1 NE \),' i'.\'I"II•.INS this year, 11einu• the smile the last dire,' 1e;ar,. I':yerr- !Itin' it, (1(c lint tit 111 rl,r;l!ilr_, ,\ll pcu ;Il tine for :Ilpp.tinit;4nts, •--• ;Intl romenilistr, I speri:t!iic f l Ilial 101, 111 I;Ii;ilil; Irl! 11;11;1, F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. LOiJDESBORO . 41,,.11 +1..1. a.,'.Il '.11 i I.1 a 41 .1.11.. ,,YN,I aawwd4g..Je1:I. v s BAKERY. WIIEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "'('III; HOME B &KFRY17 II. '1'. VODI)EN. William Vcnahles Meets 1,1,.114.1,.,i1.,-M4..11,I.., .1,1111•01111111111101.11,11.01 ;�!".1,' fir. '41,1! ...,-., suss!. , , �lyly,n. ,.. ,,: • .-.1 •.,ti ., ....t.•, •„-,., a; I'w ......t., .. ...+.aa :.x f.... .. ..,y -. ,�., 1'a•,.' w w C,�a y'�.,'. �..1'a-v v . ..t�..t....•, LACK OF SLEET' MAY BE THE FAULT OF YOUR BED Ph S(!t'\i!f.\", 1'111'; .'•ti1 Ll{\1 \I. 111:\1'1ill' i'(.It�t 1.N til;11('1.11 I'.\ i.1( II.\\ I.: NEI'i'HER WORK NOR WORRY CAN KEEP YOU AIVAKE NIGII'I' AF'T'ER NIGII'l' IF YOUR BED INVI'T'ES COMPLET'1: REPOSE. Nu\I i, Iht titer i,, I li.r,u"i 111u•4 Iw• rn "1 \Ian rt and •a;'t'v 1'94111:4, 1\1111 N1. ', 1111,', front (IIIc (•111itlllrtl 1 Ill" 1 ti l li SANITARY LUXURIOUS MATTRESSES, Try SAGLESS LIED SPRINGS told LASTING STEEL MEDS i➢ A't ry 1.11;11 are •o eUII, rtteltII ;tall tic:•ilintll to Inti;( Slet•I. WE LIRE O[FERING THESE GOODS AT MODERA'T'E PRICES. Ilomc Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8ry - n t.'. «'�iu~ir'-'J1�iD. 1Di�Y,c'f.3tut:tt:t.w,F,u r'�.'t:f{...c1..{a•i`�'r_:3 u,`d' i`,<pctm,c,u,a,d,..,,.:,.•r..•,.: r«�•`t.. r..rrrNz'i',VJI, rs 1) Irtuterai 1)ireclur. e a1 1.4 •,e...oC..�• 'T11!l1,11,1,wv1Lw,11.g1r.r� 1111 • • It t+f1 +4.44 „ m ceiling#.♦.4":...r.1i/, .f..;..fl a. 14 4 ,;e,;I s�, .fir r,r f.4 ,4 int o, .s sf..4 ,4 .�..�i.1, •s .•..•, t;, v,. 1 1 1 , ♦ + f . 1 ♦ , f , 4 + , , , , . , ♦ ,•I of Alosr; 11ollzhaocr, in Horrible DCath .I. 74111 year. She had 11ccn ill (14'11- The foilu\wim: account, taken fri 111 Z Cale health Jut s„toe Un„'. The ka'nr hit'er Rectn'd, tell, of the The kale Nii•s. Ilollr.1(;umr teas a ,bili of a hr,lther-in-l:nw of law, v i' t, daughter of \l r, and Airs. David Pat- ,\rnislro111;, of 1;11111, ullirlt n:Is biti1 'j; tri.'"" of 1Iullctt '1'n\vlship, Sli 1(as , Irputlyd in an caviler issue of The •'• i iarri -il to \I r. 1lnl!i.11;alt:. 47 yc;lr< Standard: ago last I1rr'.anher. Fol!uttint; Ili•ir ;t:' they t">ttll<I i'I :\ithur„ for Onc l,1 the I„ist gnu slunk. f;llali;ie, ,t, a fclw y ;Irs before moving 10 11(4 1,311) in 11(114 year:, tool; piaci,' al (tear's conurssi'nl of 1101101, '1'1t y It ft there J'ass, 1 bit., ;ikon 20 Iliacs cast of 1:011 SHOi'I'E OPEN - WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M. '1'O 10 1'.M, SATURDAY, 1 P.M, '1'0 10 P,M. OTHER HOURS BY APPOIN'T'MENT. 1:, 1:1 0.1 4,1 ,;1 .i, .i1 •t' t'• ,l/ l, 1:1 ;1 1:1 4;4 4;. •1, EDITH L. CREIGHTON :T+ f1 DECORATOR'S SIIOPPE Located Oppobiie Kernick'a Grwcry, Picone 153, Blyth. .+ *I. .;+,11;411,40 +.;..;i,;..;.•;++;.1;..;.1;1+;1 00 4 +.411;1 +;+.+1+;. ,1;11;11;+.;..;..;.1;.,;+1;.1.,,1;4,0 ,1 ,1,;++;11;1 1:1 ,1. ,I I;H;I ,,1,;41.4 to r4,ii14 for i year, iti \\'est \\'atwa• i'ranecs, on Alo::i1ty nttrnirt,g early, I), .\ndt'r'u11, \\'innipt ily ('luuu11 at 11.'1) nosh 'I'o,rttshi;i, ;u111 then riulwc l hack \yltct 1114 hotly of \\'11112th I{devill Yell- '1'he inucral look place oil \\'aIle~- S'1'. At,\IIK.'.S CiIURCH, AUBURN u Hullo t, ulte•re The\• r1•sitlrtl for 12 ;Il,lrs, .1", \4as see4rcul Ila ((Vo by ,11;11 at ' p.m., scr\'iec ficin:; held in I!:4 1tiviir.' Sery"Cr i''1. St. \lark's rh11relt y4;us, hrlurc ttlocinl; 1..1 1;11111 7 Years '1111 oyer I'Y ;111 "(1441114 :(1111 sryer,'I Unity(' Church by 11V, T. AI. IFuI;'c:-, nest Stntt!a • a` 7.,'u t;i s. J114 1(1141 111carralrnt 1(.Ipp;nc'1 lul"rutrnl tool: plan itt 111111441 Ilc,ide, her hnshand she i44 survival is nut l;11unn. 1.;1',411t'eluc:erg.' 1(Y out' ilallgfiler (Jean) 1Ir,. Joseph' "Al r. \411:11(''• had w:lrk.11 as a V I'o,tell, of (;u,lcrich, and seven grat.(1,- children. hrakenrut for shoot a year, after hay I'riy:ut' lumral s4rrirrs ecce 114111 inl� worbo1 for aboral 1) ,)ears us a section 111;111, 114 stunt to nel': in this Bt (ICT 1;114 IC.`.;"I ('111'4, nil Sa(III`Ilay ;if..a,fls on Satnrtl;I) night as a s\yilc•It• tcrnoon, itnte 3rtl, :1.l ?.')) o'clock, hey. nluruin,; t .\. Sinclair, pastor of 11(" 1'nite 1 utas, 2111 °11 Sunday 114 Was I(hurch, of which she 1Vas a (ley tut 1..211" 1 1u 11r,ILe a trill to .\til;ll6an as a i•rat;emau. 'member, conducted the service, - I Pallbearers were, Messrs, John Doerr I. Carlwrildit, Albert S:tuderso•1, Kohl rt \Vitt, \\'n', ,\rrh;antl;tu'I, and 1'.1')1(',1 Patterson. l'Ii)\Vei•he;firer, %ver' \cern', 1'01114. 1;ona111 11°,11.11, ;111r1 R,`, I'sllt'rson. - I Intcr,llcnl \\a... wally in l.'ni°n ('elle tory. V tle.palrhrrl (rlill,lhc East• rust ()flit.,, a con\ig11111 •n: ui parcel<. inc'n';it1c Canada, (lurin•, the period frl ul the tobarc( parcels and u411sp:1pers intcl:tl- i lllth In the 1_'1.11. April, 1044, c)nntctetl rd for 'octnhrr4 of the :\mud Puree ,wyitlt a steamer ‘which was ''subseilnunt- i 11, 44:1s looked( upon ;IS :t careful Ian11 pairl,lakitr; worknum, Holt) 'rt J11'is'e4:ai1,, \i;t he came 111 this •iistr'ic' in 1921, iota tn;lrrietl I1r1sell ;ti 11.15 :Ind 7 pull. Rev, \lis, Luis .\rui,lron;; of Slcr,n;n,, I )lit„ 1 SiucLur '4111 conulnrl :uinkrr>:Iry April 2(Illi, l'27. His mother, Airs. I?. yite` at \\'ltiler}tnrch, P. lord, now resi(h s in Ocl ro't, CHURCH' dNO'UNC BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 11t11, 111,15: Sunday Sc1(ou1. Rev. J. 11, \\'ar,l, of St, lltlen.. lle,i•lc< his twice, seven ellil,lr - t sur- viv(' hitt, dire,.h.,1s, \\'illi;anl, Ilonald and Aliltt n, (1 (1 four tl:iit(! tt•rs, \•4'w Airs. (':,rl Nordberg). Raul, Shirley and 1'at;'i.Mt, ;also three sisters, Mrs. Skcl,lii, I•oretl'. Alan.. Nlr,. 1r, .I In thi• (:iitr'1 kingdom, 11111(11 were ly 1o,t :1.t :,e:i through enemy ;: .iota, Peterson, Sheridan, Alan., and Mrs.)) 11 TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Re • H. Sire:;er, L.Th., Rector, Inn' Ilth, 194-1, !)iril, •' St'rwit•e at III ail, Smithy Sell •o! aftcrttards, TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE WASTE PAPER SAVED NOW WILL iIELP SAVE LIVES LATER ',id y 141 I;Iiutw 114(1 1111 p,luetL of (( i't4 1(14r \\ill ,n:(l t•: _(.11 t'VI,I;IIii.•'s for 1/1111,il r- 1,4711 c:u•loit it1r ctncr cuey life hoot ratin,ts--tIr--17 prolcrliye bold, fur 501) pottntl htnohs•-ur--I,llt Carlon, rad) e.lotainit;_; fiftc4n 5) c.lt 1414' c'en,li:t1 ;' Luke'---or-_=(11) ta11-ns cat It emitaillill;; (my lift )Ire•l•reel• 111:111-•o;• cal'toll, c'aril et nt;titrn:; one (Ott! poison .;;a, eiuuurnl or --I1)") carton (.1, 11 4outaii:in,..: 111 (1 .-4s ,.f fever y,1.. (inr. GOES TO I;OLMESViLLE Nett, Campbell T.tvt"•1.'r alit has h., n minister at Illlieyale for the last live 1•r;11 , 11:1, hitt n sl:ali 1114 1 at I l(tInlr.,- \ IIIc :nl'I 1\ ill 1•41 1 4 Ili:, lir'. "I.ii tom 1)i' inr rryil 4 'text Snuul,ly in 'frit- first S tn'Lty in Tule.