HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-05-21, Page 1THE LYTH STANDAR
VOLUME 19 - NO. 11,
BLYTI-I, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2.1, 19'11, Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance: $2M0 to U.S.A.
OBITUARY I)ecoration Sun(lay, Pilot -Officer I)unald K. Sun- Ilonotll• hull [lnveile(I P,•0.
MRS. FRANK B. HALL June 'loll (lercocl( Killed In Plane At Burns' Church BURIED ON SATURDAY
The death occurred quite suddenly on hecor:ltion Service \till be held in LI'i1511 111 I . C. The fine ron;regation attending; Arrangements for the funeral
Monday evenin)11, \lay "old, of \Irs, the 111)111 l'11'u t'tnlclely at ,i p,nl• \Ir. and \Ir,. l'!I:IrI', Snnderc'ei. Burns' ('Hued church, llullett,ton tine service of Pilot -Officer Donald
Prank B. hall, resident of I on,le,borti, un Stnulay alttrnuon, Inst' •1111, with rcicirtd the ,ad ut\t, on moodily 11,1,t ntoruing, \la) 'I,I, appro.( Ill' Sunderc"ck have been completed.
itt her 74th year, The late \h',, the r 11, Street" as spe'ial morning that their only soon, Pilot Oi Iwork of the ladle, oho hall ,n I;I,It•- A public torvice will be held from
Ilall had been in her Usual i putt health spteakcr, firer Donald Suralercork, had I t l his fulls \hoot\ {tctl it will( flat!,, hunting. ! the r;sidencc of his parents, Mr.
up until \Itpnday nmrnittg when she _y-__ Ilio in the ro!n•sc of lois (limy on Sun_;lu,tltle lea\'t',, and ,piing }(nier, \Ii•s and Mrs. Charles Sundtrcock, on
suffered a paralytic ,(rake, from wllitlt da), May 2111\. No other infortnatit tt ;l'h)Ili, Shepherd,
the organist, and the Saturday, May 27th, at 2.30 p,n1.
regarding the circumstances whit(\!choir rentleretl special music. 1 he pas -
she failed to tall)'. Cemetery L011ti'll)UtlOn3
Before her marriage \Irs. IlaO etas \posed his death had been received op 'tor, 1<(y..\. E. Menzies, con:Meted the
Conti illtl;ons to the I,I) th Cello( Ivry service and read the Hath of aIle i Ince.
1': it E. Spooner, daughter of Charles Imnd ,ince last published in the Blytlt t" ;I nr,day night. g
The nett; of Donald's death sail Ile spoke highly of the young 1)1(.11 of
Spooner and \lacy ha)'nnnul, Slot. was i Stand;u'd, January 1'1;11, ti1"-11 : the cuuunnnity who have enlisted in
horn in Clinton. In 18'11 she married' dined the %•holt community, where he
1r;utlj 11, hall, following \dole( the M r. Ted Uougan $21111 was respected and (,(&enter( pry oyer)'- iIt service of their cuuntly, Mr. Leo.
caapi tcs:ldel in Clink 11, Constance Nit's. la,nu', La;,l'aw .._ ..... 1.11) one. Ili•, Hole(, un;lssttming In:Inner, told \\'art, a veteran of the first \\'ori,(
andLttndeshuru. \Ivssrs. I, and I'. Laidlaw 2.1111 (inky served In endear hint to everyone, \\'at, and an elder of the ('botch, ha 1
Deceased will he greatly missed in \Its, \linnii \1'illianl, . ... 1!11) ant those oho knew hint hest, his for- the Privilege of unveiling the h•'nonr
Lundcshorti tvhere she took an active \lis, Olive McGill 1,1)1) !tier school Photos, and leacher;, held cull, which had been suitably (tanned
part in \1'unu'n's Organization of the 11 r, :\r1 Sims ._. '1O hint in tlli highest este(no,
bolo as toI') the yowl, pteldc's class.
Church, an was a faithful \vurkcr iu \Its. C.Rt.ntsc 1.1111 ability and character, Ile was a boy The following are the n;uncs of the
the Londcsburo hid Crus, Society, N11., Henry Sanderson ... 1.11) any parent would be proud to call son.
She is ,urviv;(l by a family of two \I r, \V. I. Suns 21111 Donald was born in Mullett Town -
solos, and one daughter, C. S. 1lall, of \Irs, R. \Vigltnuul 1.00 shill, un the 811 concession, on \la)• the
St, 1larys, Pic, Itt'rn;lr I hall, (()ver- \Its, (_'. (;rasbr (Cade) 1,0) 20th, 1023, Had he lived until next
seas), and \Its, Ian Smith, Toronto; Mr, Herman
Dace 1,111) \lontlav, \Ia) 20th, he would have cele -
one son, \\'illiant, gin'- It's lift in the NIT*. Sladcdick (l:, N1;11111'111021111 healed his _'1st bitiIt I l),
Iasi war. :\ wilt, \Ir),. martin Rich- \Irs, ,\(beet ('ole .. . ... ....... 2,11)
mond, and ;t brother, Elliott Spooner, \Its. Iol-tr Collinson .. 11)1)
Mrs. Gilbert Itcirncs
.\1 t•. 5, Creighton
1•s. Ily. Bowen .
\Irs, Harry \\'avnnnult
Rt'\. :\, I:, \lemic•,
pastor of the \liss .\. G. \Ie(;rcgur, California
Londeshoro United Church, conducted Mr. (;corgi Sloan
the services, Perpetual Care Fund
Pallbearers were, liclt;trd Ilall, Ross \Irv, lane \lutt-It ..--
NilleGitger, lames \Ic(:out, Frank \Irs, R. It. I:car
'I'atnbl)'n, \\tour Keyes, an I Bert ;\Irs. Henry Young ... _.
Shohhrook, George Cowan, Brothers and
Sisters . .. 25,011
Mrs. Leland Bergen (Calif.)
JOHN W. MASON ?25.110-18- (lied Ilaggitt) . 24,82
\I r. I?at•I and Mrs, Clara homey 25.09
The death of lobo \\'. Mason in Mr. Hugh Blair 25,00
Clinton hospital en Friday evening, lNll
av I')I i, was a gees(( shock to Its rtuy 1.. Sloan, Toronto 11.51)
neighbors and friendday,Is he was s tri \I r. \1'ni, Johnston --. - 25,1111
musty ill for just a da, \I r, \lason was •\I r,, \l stella Lyon 25.00
Mr. , George Sloan -- --...... 22.50
in his 74th year. Burn in Mullett
Tow•n,llip, the family move(', to Marti;
when he was 9 years old, but for 111,' FORMER MINISTER I'ASSES
past 52 years he has resided in East
\Vawatiosh. His wife was the former Rev, R. II, Barnby, of 1111 \\'indsor
Margaret Nicol of I?ast \\•a'anoslt, avenue, London, died on 'Tuesday in
;ll in July last year they celebrated Itis 8Ist year, Ile was a retired l'ni-
thcii (;olden \\'ed ling, Ile was a 'ted Church minister, an active member
member of Knox Prost) let iii church,
both of Saskatchewan, also survive.
Public funeral serv;ces \ver; held
from the Londe -limo 1'nitcd Church
this \\'cdnestlav, May 2•Ith, at 2.,311 p.m.
Ile received his high School ednca•
tion in the Blyth Continuation School
1.111) and at Clinton Collegiate, and ft'or a
2.0)1 year prior to enlistment in the h.0 A.
was employed ;It \\'intlsor. i lc en -
10)) tered the i\ir 1'nrec at \Tanning fool,
21)1) Toronto, in October, 10-12, and t•iai'vcd
2.0') his training at Ottawa, Vicloriavillt',
Cop -dc -Madeline, (,/toe., and fin -
$25 00 'ally at Dunnville, whir; he graduated
'5.1111 on November 12111, 10.13, and shortly al-
terry ird, received his Commission as a
Pilot -Officer, following w'hicl he was
u( \\'cslcy United Church, London,
young loco of the rolnntunity who hate
enlisted in the service of their cotln-
Rohcrt \f. Sntilh I. Leslie Ite;ttlic,
I.awtcnct I.. "Taylor, Keith 1.. II('s,rd-
wood, Alex, A. Kiley, \Vitt. L. 'Patio.,
I'i'lavard 1'. (fell, \1'illians Leiper, Ruht.
Leiper, (don A. L'art;.r, Robert 1;. I'ul-
fling -Of f icer lodge of Port Albert
Navigation School, gave ;1 very t'irtltst
and inspiring sermon on "Prater,"
The following are some of the visit -
'ors who attended the spacial servirt in
'Burns' ('bore(( on Sunday: Miss llai.el
Jamieson, (;ndcrirh, with her parents,
dor, and Mrs, Robert Jamieson; Mr.
Slctv;u•t Ileatlic, of \\'inghanl, with Ids
parents, \Ir, and \Irs. Rohcit l!rattie;
W. I. TO MEET .nal .,. i.'ui,:- br• nn bate
The regular utunthl) n reetiom of the 1ee11 I'l it 11, \t.l; 1:11tei',e11 11', `JI .
\\ olllcll , III,II!nl(
oil be held at it1t. Lima �aI1n i r• �•:'!:, t!n' 111111!1. r .•f n'u'
home tot \IIs, J•"ej111111e \\••1'"11,n 1, all "1 !111' I„1\ 1t Ie "I.
Thurlir d,ty, lune I.1, ;it 2.,1n, III. '!.' -c
NI( el int: \\ill he in dial go. ..f Mr- in how,. .'f t!,1 0.: t and el,,,r.
(hittic, Liddle. II,oste,se , Mr-, Soil It-t!t-r, \1:-. \I . , r,•1 .I',., t' •! 1i
Ktchnii, \Irs. lar(: \\',It„111, awl \ii - ;tri
to>cphire \\'oodvork, (' :'r"ll. •f lir t 11;}11„ l ,r'i" -.deo !.
:o .1 ;I voc.11 do.: 10. \l i 1. \\ ,Ill.tom
'and \h.-. \1•till-- r local I:
WALTON `.'1;n•, 1)'n,Jd :Intl 1:!tt;u''! >.tr`;, 1,
NIr. Ilugll ('a It !,' II p"ut ,e yet a! :Ind lone, her :'.1111 .U1 xandet \it -ti,.
day, at the house of \I r. and NI! Iteo, •a1lcd .I n Ler . \11'1 l t"-n!erl a t '."
' lull! "u L,11 -,!f of each nano,- on tl;'
(:atter, of I tulle -it.
.\ Idset. . o...l .il'r11'(i 1t '!t :Illy.
netlit ,1t "I. -. I yip ,. 1.0 !I:, II' oloo•
1' 11 ii1 I,.n11..11l,1 1 ui1.11 t Int1.11 on
tinnllat, '11)• ;•a t•.r. R v, .\ I . Noon
tt,1- in 1 !IaI't'•' of t i. •.'1 i 11 t .1 I'.•(
1- ).115, . 111' 11'.'nt, t 1f1i
1 11'.Ir a1iv.1!i"n
�11e1u1. Tilt' 11•.11 .r r•,li, t'.111,11 1• of
Ll';lnlli!11!'• vl;t;nt.l •11 ulli•!1 ill.`
Newly -Weds Honoured 111 the moth, r ..r neatest 1.i
I•in, 'The molts ••n the roll ore: C. T.
.\I1 (.\'nolo of interest t1" k pace r1- It;.11, 1. \f.
l cntl)• in the Communit 11,111, \\ ;tl:t'11t, ! \\', L. t';dlltte'.1. 1. 1' 1'I:0•1,.', 1'., '1.
when a large nuntbtr •'t }runt( nnd l othert'il!, 1': Gillet,. 1. 'I,
relatives g;ttllelctl to do I1 -'Hour to \It..\1, \\•, 11, l.iltll', 1\'. \\'. 1.1.'1 !,
and Mrs. (;Icon I'r)rr, rt tcoit utttl)- (' R. \l -t \\' f. Riley. 1Lul-
wtd,. 'he evening etas ,fent in dant ''ford. I., C. R,ltlftlrol. \\'. N. h..,•, '1.
ing and social chat. .\t hooch time the A. Rt \\'. I t. 5;lrnni„ 1. \\', 5;.rinl:
vultllg e"tild(' were called 111 t!ic 111;11- 1. C. Satondercncl,, R. I. Shell. R.
form and Mr, Pill Leenlinit !Ile-eute111tieott. \\ I.. \ "d11i n R..\, \''1,1,1111 a"al
the gifts consisting of alt oe•'a.ional E. 1'nnghlntl.
chair, Iwo small chairs, a tri-hc'it limn,
table lamp, two !lairs of silver •alt
\lr, and Mrs. Earl I,aw'son, \piss Dorisand l,e!1!1t r shakers. ;I silver tray, -ilter
posted to patrol duly on Sea I,hitttl
oft' \' iii tnn'er, B.('., w'lert after •t :and Reggie Lawson, with \1r, and NIrs. butler dish, a ,\Hokin\; cabin, t and
short period he was transfcrl'Cll to Pate IIlarvcy 'Taylor; Miss Jean Rapson, titan's leather travelling case, \I r. (;• The Council met 1'n \I:1)' 15111, in olio
(lin Innrsc-in-training, wills her parents, \I r, C. Grainger rt;td the :Idthc•s, Township 11;111 with ;111 the member;
riria B:1) not Vancouver Is'a•til,
\larch 1st he was granted a two -wet -Ks' and \I r,.:11be1'I Rapsutt• hear 1':11-1 and (;lenn; It i• always pres.•Ir1. The 1( eye (presided.
furlough, svtticlt he spent with his par- Missing Airman Is Safe At Home 1 pleasure to celebrate writ(\ a newly The nlinntts of the last meeting
cuts, following \'Mich he was a1 still The couunnuity rejoiced with Mr. married couple. Vow. friends anal trerr rest\( and adopted on motion of
posted to sea island, Ile was expect- and Mrs. Robert Beattie on oh -safe !neighbours have gathered here this tv Harvey Johnston and i;unes \1i -hie.
cd home again the latter port of 111111`;ll'I'I1'aI ht1I11C of their ,nl'1 1l',Ile, whit (Moog, lint t1'it!1 lrtuw'-shite- and hill((- \111v,•,1 bt• 1'. R, ('rndte,, second, ,l
un furlough, reported missing after flying ol'l't' Ince,, but ,viol( Hosie and dancing. Iah bt lame, \lirhir, that the h •ad Lia
Ile leave, to mourn their lo.s his MMus overenemy territory, Ile -et, wi feel in this crnlnntntity that )on Illus- Insurance he renewr,l \viol( the
parents, and \tui' sister, Elinor, at •
reached home on Salllyd;l)'• hire going to be greatly missed. Yon! !1;etteral .\\'Metol .\„ura11ce C11, 1'al'-
home. have entered into every phase of cont- 'trial.
v --
Morris Township Council
Final funeral at•rangcntcet, cannot
be nettle until further word is received
PLANE CRASHES nnntity lift, The 1'.I'•l'., the chair and
!the church have all benefited from
ht lane's \liclie, tial the x'1,!11 bill:
from headquarters,a but the remains are . yvut• 1 ,)•,div and leadership, four ex •las presented b) the load SuptH initn-
1lunday's "I'mronlu Daily SUu carried nn do of xif sacriliring ,tryity, has
being brought holm for interment, the following article: "'Their rhilrlrett I' I dent br ,ail 1n11 that from now on :Ill
The s)nnlalhy cif the entire (onnntttl_ rrtatcll for )jou an everla,tini; "'will' bilk must he pre tl!Ird monthly in n'
narrowly escaped death yesterday when ial in the nlin'Is and lc:uts (•i rhos,
B;Igravc• where he taught the Excelsior Bible
fly gots out to \I r. and \Irs. ;under an 11.1. \.1:, fi),tl0cr aircraft sheared der to be e'dleeled. Carried'
Surviving besides his wife, inc:two Class unotil the time of bis death. plc cork, ;n1d I?(foot', in their sad h'Iur of away part of a tree in which they were !who Know coos Many a one, both old \love', b\ 1111rr Tnhn-\epos sotmul•
sons and three datigllters, :\llen of was pastor of the Blyth church ahont bereavement. end young, have fell the soothing t1'ncll i'
i I playing, careened across ;t marl)). road !' . Cr! Ity \\ ll lint Sl nits \hal plc-T.3tc No,
Kitchen('r; Edwin, at home; tI':dna1 13 years ago, and will he remembered
-- 1' and crashed in }Louis against a stump, ul )mor hand. \I:ul) a weary midnight 3, authorizing the h.'rroning of �'(n,000
\Irs, Vouttg, of Itrusscls; (.\lulu•1 by many here, 1 holo' has been shortened, many a icy -
WAS ONLY SURVIVOR 1,111ing the pilot, \little girl (ell out he passed. (-arrie11,
\Irs. Henry :\rottitong, of \\'alto'\' I':nitring the \lc\lolli,t nlini,tt) in erod brow has been cooled, many a
and \li„ .\goes ;it loom. Two broth out of the lith in the excitement, loll !ere!. NI /wed 1,y lana. \ficltic, so -nulled
loot,, hi received must of Itis Iheologic- \Irs, Its• \i;ul:s Itis receivetd a lit' none of phi children \s is injur;d. :\n i (ped of pain It it been toad- -strict to
crs and a sister also survive, \\'illianl ,11 eduration in \IonUc;d, Ili, minis- to from her husband, Sgt. Marks, in btu by a word, a touch ur a glanr- by 1 ittIt, (-tunics. that Court of ht -
1,.C.:1,1:, inolnir)' is being ronlurti'I in- I yislon be (let-boredupon and r;train
;old Alex, of Seafurtit and \Irs, John was conducted largely in the Lau which he slated that he was the Holy from you .. ,not to mention the many)
to tic arcidcnt \\bleb urcurrrd durini' open until 4 ppm, on lune 12, Ca•-
(;, Ifill, (sigh Itluff, Mau" ;old eight don Cunfertnee, (of first, the \Iclhnd•s,t survivor of a bomber crew of 7, tyht'11 (ighltr pr;tctice over Cloverdale, which Irloscs of vile tasting nu'tlicine that you
grandstms, fire of wbunl are in the their plane recently crashed in i?ng-•., , I, have administered without nitrc). Let tied;
land after the talion the (coned choir- ► is 23 miles cast of Vancouver.,,
services. I Luld, Sgt. Marlis was vary fortunate us hope that now you are married, \ft'ed h)• Harvey Johnston, se-
clis, in the fact Plat he received "illy Iain- ittcs) Star announced the ft,llon-
1 ev, Samuel Ktrr, of brussels, conour husband will not be sirilltisly ill, t.,tttltd !t C'l:rrle; Coupes, that the.
:Mining his charges were \\'estlnin 11r injuries and cuts, ;old is again able Mg; "P.O.I OD, K. Sunderrntk, of Myth, tyc knowing how htaltll)' lc i, and �.\;,r<sntcnt 1 1111 be accepted, Carried.
\lotted the funeral service al the lain- 1
stet., when he resided iu Lambeth, Lu• Ont., was the airman killed when an
111' residence, Lot 3'1CuIICi,smll 7, • •• ill he out of horptt it, , that "ti \Colt(\( llml want to practice 'tl Moved by 1 tt:trle-i Coolies, second -
Call, Sarnia and Myth, Kc to nig in 1,.1_,.\,I:, fighter plane crashed during hint. So use in est ) nn need a little ed h) Tame: if irllir, that the 'I'otyn-
I',ast \\';twanuslt, on Monday niter- )
1928, he took up residcnt1 in London, a routine (light over (aovcrl1111 B.l'., it pr, ship noon, Luria) tool: place in Brandon NEW TELEPHONE OI );BATOR practice once in a while here is a mod hip hay fivo one thousand dollar
\1'll'I'C he :Il'll'd as i„blalll lu 1,11. 11'a; announced yesterday h)' western el for demonstration ,Ii I' n„C;, (;ie�tll, \ itlnry ilulld<. Carrion.
Cemetery, litlgravc, The p;dlbcar- !Basil APPOINTEDI I
basil 'I'hompsun at \Vr>I;y church. air cunnnand."
crs were Marshall Slonch'tuse,1 vttis Since his retirement from the assistant \lips lona Johnston las received the we feel that you are to be congratnl;{t- NIot•e11 by 1T. Johnston, 'seconded
Caul(, Harvey Mack, Albert Coultesl a , winUncnt o[ tcic,hnnc o \-talar utt V ell on choosing such a wife as Ethel, by \Viol. Speer, that By-T.aw• No, 4,
minister's position his \void: fur toe 11 I I
Chris. Nethcry, Joseph Dunbar, The the Blyth llttnici,al "Telephone Sys 1'ou have all the qualities of t good ;htlnrizinq floe borrowing' of ;5,01111,
church las continued. I I CONGRATULATIONS Christian character, \\'e 1:now you will for Victory Bonds he passed. Carried,
fluw•cncearcrs were, Orville Taylor, tern, to fill the vacancy caused by the
Itis wife, five nattghlcrs and a sun t cstahlish a hum': which will hr an a.- \fllyed ht Charles Cmultcs, sec11ndtd
Clarence halo, Stanley Cool:, I:red \\'• snr\i\t, The body is resting at the \\. resigun,ltion of Mrs, (;, R. Harris. The Congratulations to Nit-. and \Irs, Jas. I
Cool:, Mel, Bei Ibitrn, Telford ('oak. A. Hunt funeral honk, London, wlcrc appointment was trade at a Cuootnis_ Ruddill, of King, O'.nario, who on {s''t 111 the community hi whirl( you by 1Luyr) Johnston, that wage; of
V -t--- sinners meeting held on \}outlay night, Friday, May 19th, celebrated their first litre. You lost\•- given unstintingly of labour men he raised to -]Ill per hour,
funeral set vice will be held TIourstiay your time and talents to entertain nolle grader titan to 51)c per hour, and Road
._.___..--. . .. wedding anniversary.
at 2.30 o'clock, 1
T jT • * s itis with your music. it has been sail. Supt, to 55c per hour, Carried.
'�'I�j/ ,Cjl1 --Veer- NOTICE TO that "Love makes plc world go round Moved by Tame; Michie, sccunolo4
0 Congratulations to \Ir, and ',Ors.
s •and music keeps it [t•11in gelling noon(- by \\'illi:nn Speirs float Nye advertise
0i7NC s ,' Victory Bicycle OWIlers (;cot'gc Ch)tt'tcr who tciclratcd their
Final VICt01'•y LUall d)•." \\'illi Ethel to love and your nous- for tenders on tacit of the f.111owing
Figures„ 11'l'ddlllg all lltl'l'I's;n'1' m11 \Ie\' 1/111, it. (11 l`Illert;llll \'till, )m11 ;Irl` ;l pl'c'lt\ bridge,: 1'1.o -tient of 11ew• b\•idgt` •i.
*+► •
1 \1.1yed by Charles Coops, ;.•,o'ided
t- •
I:\I, E. \(1111.1', that under tnstrttc lurk)• fellow.foto• friends and neigh- Phclan's, and reinforcement of ibn'-
Quota Subscribed tions (roto the Council of the l'orp(11' Congratulations to Gordon Charter, burs take this opportunity of wishing mint. at 4th line bridge, Carried.
\\jest Wawanoso ........ Rev. P. H. Streeter, L. Th„ Rector $()7,110(1 $85 'r M1,850 Ilion of the Village o1 BI)th, Chief o[ talo celebrated his 2n1 birthday on you both a long, happy and prosperous 1. \(oyer( by :Harvey Johnston, se-
nckerstnito Twp. ... 98,0011 12.1,700 Police Cowan is inIstructcll to prose- may 1•Ith. married lift. together, .\s a rcptetit- /ronded by \Villium SI't'ir, that C01tn•il
\Vhitstutday, May :8th, 1944 Zurich, (lay \Vest__ 88,0110 101,800 cute any person or persons riding bi __ __ branrc from ns in the years to come !make 3 tom of the Township on May
Brussels .. 82,111)1) 85,;0) cycles 011 the B1201'HER•IN LAW KILLED we ffer tf y'ttlt ou thesehgotlrs andtoith'ittl� 22 1'141. Carrier(.
sidewalks within the
holy Conlutunion," 0„ill a,m, � , { g
(;odertch Twp, 5_,000 )1,050 Cor ,oration. 1 l �(ored by TTarrtt Tohn;inn, ccnnd
Annual Boy Scutt( anrl' \Volt Cul) •I'urnhcrrv' 'Twp, 74,1)110 81,100 ley -Law No. 8, i)(i, provides a, fol- ,
front \\'altmn and rontnnntily, k'•I ht• Charles Conllc:, t�l'I the Rood
Scr\ice 11.15 stint' Ilowick Twp. 220,I111O 2411,350 lows:- That any person or persons Mr. lames Armstrong received a .____.. i6Cu11t, he paid $10. per month int lt.111k•
Everyone welcome. Seaforth 103,000 170,1)11') found tiding his or her bicycle on any cable front Rainy River on 'Tuesday, SALVAGE COLLECTION ON' .keeping, Carried.
Suloisl: Mr. Stanley Sihthorl1e' lrshurne 'l'wp, _......---- 97,1)110 104651) •uf the sidewalks int the \'illag(' of stating that his Itrolltcr-in-law, Nit-. \f11crd bt \\'illiam C,eir, �ecnnded
Intercession Service, l:riday 1:15 p' '05'1 h'Iyllt l)1 o FRIDAY NIGHT • 1
('limon . . ......... 170,01)0 187, subject to a fine of from \\ tlliam Vonables, an employee of lit. bt Times \firhic, that Plot rale be �n-
nl., .at the Rectory.Hallett "Twp, t)8,0'i0 103,10'1 $1,00 to $5,00 upon conviction thereof, C.\,R,, had been 1•i,l I \o parti,cul- I1'•tncntbcr the Salyagc i tlleelion on r
1 I •-n ,.Hitt, ,,,ward; fixing 11311, Carried,
- V Godcriclo 'Town ..--..-- '1_'5,0110 -14050 before one or more Justices of the ars were given, Funeral arrangements rel ta.' nii;ht, \la) '(ich, Have all tont ,: lfnt'e(1 1,) Tamc: Michie, ;-condo 11
BLY1'll UNITED CHURCH Colborne Twp, 04,1)!10 (i7,150 l'eace in and for the County of Huron• were mark for this \\cdl;esday, \lay l' vett. crnn(nuntl) hod in handl` by TL Toln t(ttti that the meeting. ad -
Blyth 45,110,) 4t1,i)Yl)�and Province of Ontatio, and in de 24th. Ile leaves, besides Irs wile, a and placed as neat to the rurh as pus
imorn to meet again ort Tune 12, Car -
The special service fur Young 1'eu- Exeter , , 1.)7,(1')1) 1.10,l.) , fault of payment of such fine, to be family of eight chil(Ircit Bible, 1'aptr, iron, and robber tire, are ricirb.
roc last Sunda!'crinin Was well t 11)00\) 1(V),3511 imprisoned according to the lows laid
urgently needed. Stour the premises,
g ;r ctitanhv Twp ........ ... ) , I " The following. - r 1; accounts were paid:
'(curled. A large Toting People's choir \\'illoaatt , , 187,1)1111 18'1,350 down in the Statutes. 1 ' -- foul help the war -(fort h) digging tit' Advance -Times, 3d\ettttIii .. .$4.35
led the singing and contributed Iwo East \\'awanuslt ..-- 07,10;1 07,050 The highway 'Traffic Act provides MRS, G. R. HARRIS IS NEW BANK all article. of use foo salragi. Paper •1. \fasnn end Son, supplies__ '
splendid nkonbcrs, Mr, Benson Sutter, IAshficld Twp. 10031:R/ 100,700 3s follows: "Section 31), Sub -Suction is urgently needed.
I ' EMPLOYEE . 1\ . S. Gil,s(in, in�urancc _.. 140,eS
I'resi(Icnt of the Young Peoples' Un McKillop Twp, 90,111)0 98.550 113, which rinds as follows: "\u person \1rs. G. (Cross, relief ........ . _.._15.00
ion, gave at excellent address. \piss (;rev Twp. 114,000 1'4,x100 riding on a bicycle designed for curry- \Irs. Gerald R. Hawill shortly 24TH WAS A HOLIDAY ( P. C11ulirs, tram:pnrtafirnl __a.. 5,110
Elinor Sundcrcock, President of the \(orris Twp. 91,11)1) 91,1(11) ing one person 0111y, shall carry ai;.yItalie up her new duties at the local The '4th of May was observed as 3,l'.
Dr. Crawford. \L(1.H. __ .. _- 20.00
myth 1.i.[, presided.1lensall, Ilay East08,00) 80,050 other person thereon.' (branch of the Canadian hank of ('11111- holiday in Blyth, ho -oh Itr tilt mer- john Craig., hoard , f 5nigh . _-. 3,00
Stephen East ...- . -ri.t1110 57,3:;11 ,\nv person, or persons. violating lnu'rce, her duties to commence there chants and public and continuation
• Sunday, May 28111. Cecil \\'heeler, hoard of health... 3,00
Stephen \Vest 04,011(1 51,55;) Ithis provision of the Act shall be pen -as Soon as she can procure her release se'u,ol. There wa: nn cxCii itti til, and Goo, \fariitr, hoard of health _...- 3.00
10.15: Smithy School. Air Schools 100(1)0 2(1,90) lali•r.ed, on conviction, as sit forth in from the BI)tll 'Tcicphotne exchange c' tyro- tool, adeantaee of the by to 11.vlc Tim :pt', a -so-so\• _._. _______1(10.011
11.15 Subject: "Broken Ships." Total $3,(I011,000$3,31QR50'the IIigh\ea) :Prof fie Act. where she has been employed for the fi • sit up odd job, at home, or to gt' \\ n!. Brydgcs, t.'� cnlicetnr 1200)
1 7 p.m.: "lay the Covert of the Hill." Percentage of Quota -108.19 percent, 40.2, -BY ORDER OF COUNCIL. past eight months.fishing.Gcc,. C. \'.1 :in Clerk,
Get ready NOW
to protect your
Cure with Windsor Snit to
preserve lila( food 1 nine , ,
cheek tire Int /Am!
This year i'.",' r.:
livestock get tio'to, \....t f1, :a
your new 11,1•; cr:'1'. . urns wi•h
\\'ii iso., ‘C
heating --s,'.\ e> food odor ;'n rt scs
palatabiilt3- ..,.. 11'.(7'..,:r of
apuntancot,s c, I::ln:sco':.
:'prcr.d-i).:.1 7.h., of \V:nti-, r baa
per ton of }:a'• t\ 11,11 coor:nL in mow
or stacking, Il . , ,.,;:t the
/rat''., 7.L: 1: \o'... 't: {. � of
\\ inds.r nos. :
Future Aircraft
liri;ir'r 1
propelled sirs ,.`1 1111 .. ': (\i'e:-
knced ally, ;: Its. r}•.
they are r.
sive to cc r.:'(:• ti:r :
rotary pees e. .. are .,
and vibrant ,.., •- .. (, ..
they prefer ...( '. or'': ;es.
Their u1t•an•a1,(- arc r..c.. :.' .
lilg to the ..1(:. \'. c 'by '.
begin with, 1.'s' r r- ,. r ,. is
applied dirt,.,, . 'Ir'(r- ,,.:!-
mirsicn gear r cc;.' (.--•lam. Thus Thus ti:'e cr r
plified, weigh. is cc::: -re-
duced and ler' 1'': irr.r '.:•
ed. Then it d- c r re-- : r1 l big:1-
g1ade aviation go, as. hob Paraf-
fin, diesel or tar c :. car; he .. in
Its stead 81;(1 rO•Ca1:e.1 '•h'7, ;\'
feels eat: }•r „•C : 11';•11 r -r: ..:.• loss
of efficier,r•,. ; }1(171 is no coinp:i-
cated supe-, l.:9:g;r-, n i:': gear
shifts, clutches anti heirs' co::trrl,
Only & !irr:' le- fuel-lrie't:1 a sys-
tem Is requiaed. !Iso the vii. -,.tion
41 reduced, the :sere'• is rar-,inr11-
cd, saving fl:r:h.rr weight. eirri,ll-.
lying control Rod reelocioe rompli-
caticn. Pred:r'i,'-r.s are taa: with
the coming of t;::! British.. gal tur-
bir,e, the des:,.,. of fru:re aircraft
will be revrl'1i':'.11iL1•'.. '1 ::',:::'S Are
being kept in r,:. ,1 for 11.11':- ;.ced,
high altitude p,sslleper aircraft, and
fer the huge .-,.*.s;''r: p:c' 7,t r(\',
t'elrg plarr ed.
Mosaic of Photos
To Aid Invaders
The Britirl. hr..( a:tr.c•::r:se•i that
.Allied invasion p:;,. re-!: have had
the benefit el a m:;e-1:e dr tailed
mosaic of 1!,031( n::!Cs of c/1'"''-"ntol
Invasion cnas!..:10, pat t''g,-::Cr
from picture, ..lade h'. the P...., F.
Five ht:r,dr'(I t}:o1:-an•i pic•ures
were user. Ila t' e. were
faker, by Tri, :.i .,issrlrce Mita , fly-
fng ae\•en r.;i'c- t, 7.3';: at 11•' :r.; cs &
minute, tome'..'.41'6
an hour 7,a,(; r.: t':e •,rule:,
Pains! t WASH THEM
But a ,',.r:: rei:et from miser-
ht.i'.c r.•
17,1: l; I11:d
'.r'•:, I. WELL" i c:k.1
7..e '.:; tied
ae!d: n• n ae(.9r ; away - Pain
!1 ; set 1te.: 1 rer,v to tett
.,ler.: 7,1 7,`,r• ac:r, rrkr Mut.
veneys '13 1'. FL " t(t•Ca.ly be.
t're l.-' 1:r.; ai.d Ra'.:e p Tach
Fo!ri by
It you aro t.out11h1 tv:th ttchtr,g
ftlies or rectal aur er,esa, d1, not delay
eatment and run the risk of letting
his condition become Chrot.:.,. Any
!telling ) r acre:Ps's or painful pass -
ape of stool le nat'lre's warning and
proper treatment e!t',u:d be secured
t once.
For his par;,;.Tse c;et a package of
iletn•ltold frr.rd ar.y druggist and
%ase ns (lire'•'-rJ. Phis formula
which In uieJ it.trr:nlly Is a arrow,
easy to tike thIet, 31111' gvlckly
tehtv0 the It. Iii;:g et, -1 sorcuus and
tIId in healing :7,:e Fore tender tpote.
enl•Ro:d to Of nsnnt 7,O use, to
ghly recoulmrr,ded and It teeny
tho tie:t;ht of ')7,l„ for any ono to
trek a painf11 ant chronic pita
condition '.vh':n tu•'h it (13143 remedy
Tony be had at 7,u, ) a Rrnall co.=.:.
11 you try Here. -food and ere not
&nthely p;,, ,'$11 c.o 311 rho resuJte,
O s1'' ;. - . e o
:1 '.I:,.t'y iru
'y'1n11r '',•1 . .
If you suffer from Lot flashes, dizry
spells, lrreg.Ter periods, are weak,
nervous --clue to the "mlridle•ane"
period In a woolen's life, take Lydia
E. Plnkharn's Vegetable Compound.
It's helped Own:ands upon tho'r-
tanrls of wnra^n to relieve such
r.31.1. prom. Plr.hhaln'a Compound Is
i t:so n Ln,, stC.:r..ac!1 tur/1cl Worth
' ";r
g! Made !n C'anr da.
In an unusual division of duties,
Mai, -Gen J. C. Murchie, above,
has been appointed chief of staff
of the Canadian Army, with tem-
porary rank of lieutenant general.
He'll be responsible for Dominic:
forces in North America, while
Lt.-Gcn. Kenneth Stuart, whom he
succeeds, retains responsibility for
force's overseas.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lce
1! 1\'.•', 7•:-'r:' a:( 7711,,1 11e- ,!
and a:'C 11111'.}` :. 7,'1 :71(:', V. ...,1
be 1'117 1'.1777. u' 1 1' '' 7. .
no..:. is re .
emu ohlic';,tl,l :7.1 ;c::r. „c7.
it, 1. 1, t 3'l t'^r ,,11+1••1 ..
1.111 1:ar
4. >,I, (,,.(. 1• 1
for eating 1'•7'' 31':5': di:' ,:o
formal aff
G, )'_tore v..... ,'n,.
vileer of ref:3-:r.. to shal., 111;:,,'.-,
eve:: 1f tie p(: bit( 7,l er . e`.
0. If seach, :n: , , 11 1 .11 ,
name, w'r.ti:d i' '' e rigi.; t.: , -
rect him'?
I. Address Coe eI:\(lop 1,' tlir
Older sister, lite:; 13 131111 bctl: tile::'
names in the heading of the le :ter.
1. \'es; it imposed this old:oat:':l,
8, No; leave the nopkin lying I, us'( -
ly beside the platy, 4. No; less
ahouid siv avi fe take: w'lt'' 5':c
fork no matter !f 7,h^ affair it in-
formal or formol. No kind of food
la ever conveyed to the 013'13::1 57, 111'1
a knife. t. An: do not ref':.:sl 1.11
Offered halal. n. \'e7, hut It :i:,,:::7,l
be dont gro, iog
any resen.tilel:t,
Government Issues
Garden Pamphlet
Incidental to a::': \'cgeluNr
den are diseases ',s'hie'r affect Co;
crops, and insect pests, but the
methods cf control are not dif-
ficult. These are debcr'ibe'l in brief,
easily understood terms in tl:e ne",-
4dition of "The \\':Irtirnr Ga: deo".
This pamphlet ern be ohtaine'l by
writing to Dominion Department of
Agriculture, Ott;:". a. It ie not
useful to the recruit to P.;irti:::e
gardenir:g, but the experienced gar-
dent:- \rill also find it vaiu,l,le for
frequent reference-.
will also find it v i::3.b`.e for ftc-
quent reference.
Another feature of the ne'"
edition of "The \\'artin:e Garlic:'"
is A table Indic:;ting ti:e best kinds,
and varieties of vegetables to
Brow, the en:cll1t of seed cr
plant, required for garden rc,',' s
of t'o feet and the probable re-
turn obtainable. Another rabic
shc,'.ss the time to toots seed cr
set ot:t plants for eve-, ), 3 (Finn
in I. iira'1:..
Seaman Sabo
Officiate'; listed and dr.,;s s: , r,.
tions as Ordinary Seaman Sabo,
the cocker spank; mascot Of e Can-
adian destroyer, is so named 11 -
cause Of 3531 8111;...111g abili''; t1r rh!)-
otagr food and gear, Ordiear', Sea•
mean Sabo slel': serem i)- i.! }rs
11an;11c .1<, ail thro'rg.. t
ko: naval action.
Brigadier E. L. Booth, D.S.O. of
Toronto, who has been awarded the
Bar to the Dir.tinvuished Service
Order, for valor in the Italian cam-
Stalin Doesn't Want
'To Own Europe'
Fi'I rest Da\i', A rscciatc Editor
of the Sahlidav Evening
quote; Mai35i1rl Jose oh Stalin in a
Port article published not so long
ago as sa\ ing that the Soviet t'ni+,n
has no (lesitr for the lands of its
In the first of too articles, "\\'hat
Realm; Ilapentd at 'Teheran," Mr.
Davis !d V' NE-, Stalin made n
(115(1,ing declar,tti,'li at 'I'ehcraa 0f
"his desire to conciliate his Ile i3;'11 -
hors, saying flatly that he had no
desire to (.3Vtt ForoIll."
Mr. Daviss'1} • NI-. Stalin add, d
that :us r,lunu1is only 111111
111:3:(.1 anti ;la 1111'-ian, have pier. iv
10 11, 311 11o11;c, \\',1;:.'113 tln(1tr1ri 1:1s
gre,.. n(•,\ 1(e- . , ,.1 res; , lu .
'1r, 1)a\,. r.,' neo disclosed 111(
teme of his iri, rnla!i.1n.
`Floating Hedgehogs'
Aid Nazi Defenses
"F1('aliar; hedgehog,- i-'3ln3' are
antiaircl.'f; b,.tteri(r mounted on
naval unit• ha\e been added to
anti-inva,iva (Itffll3(3 111 the
English (11;131111 and the North
Sea, says the \\rekly \lilitaty R( -
view pubii;he(1 by the Groton Iliph:
Couuna3; 1,
"'phis inert.. -1 7.1: ti( t.,1 : has be-
come lie 1.1••.1:•,' lo.cdn-e (.f intent
fied air \v',(r:. re fr„m 1111 .iia," ti's'
Re \ 7.(v, s;.7.'!.
The "hedgehogs' dpi'.,: i nil)' arc
an adoptati.ln of the "I bating P-
lant!" f(1151, ,:1 - (•:ai!'i•l:rII off the
British 7, •crl`t as n Ill 1.33'' ail J'1:. (
earlier i:: tii(' 3', ar. L,:; art 1,15111 13 d
with sonic sort of m.o., , 7.1 1\111'.
rope 1:l
in;r, 1':.•
Few envy the RAF armorer in the photo above. Literally sitting
on sudden death, he's making adjustments inside 8000 -pound bomb,
BABY (:1111(;1(5
Easy to roll, delightful
to smoke
{.. ,..`1:xf
Have You Heard?
A "e,tIr .. Your - \\',t•Ic - Paper"
campaign It:itinll; one of the starry
of the fou: men 11110 died on the
sante day.
One 55.'' an author, Ii( i. ft w3.
The c(,r(,all Iva‘ a hroks(13r r, Ile-
left &5o.
The ti,iri: v., a poi'. '11•.. Iie
left 8,-,011.
Fourth v, as a \3,3.5,-l';.1 11:(1-
chan:, 111 left $.?noun.
One of our prominent Iden,
In an interview, was asked to
give his definition of an ex-
His answel' was SLICciIICt and
definite: "An expert is one who
can complicate simplicity,"
Hili: "1 +id you go to y, 7,:r lcdgr
meeting 11.1 night?'
Pat: "No, hill, e.c kitty :o rust -
pone it."
Pat: "11'1.11, you see, the (;rand
All I'owerful, .Invincible, Most Un-
conquerable. Potentate 'l'.7,m got
bent up by his wife."
Barred Rock 5.I1\r'1 lac
New )Inmpshire mixed ,tic
White Leghorn Id:xed 10c
Barred hock Pullets 17c
White Leghorn Pullets ..., 70(1
Der:'t '.05335. 71,01 books your order.
Carleton iln(ehrry,
Britannia llelrhty, "nlarin,
111)1' (1'Iv)C'I'I'Xl'I'Y OF' .A L1F1:-
thou (0 85,u5e Font., of these well
cert.(' 1C}IIIc 1.r•r110I'n puil(ti.
1', 4, 6 8101 17. t. 5 r•hs of (g, n7,
b,,ttotn pr I. es. Also other
17.,0 les, 0 r"l for sl:,; ted
pri• t ;;'.1 1„e-1 '3. Al-, day olds rind
1015(135 eight It (4AS
a!0 (;du. T,Vt1111I•Hat^h-
er:• • 1)013,-), re: sus•, Ontario.
Dfj`;';" 1' Ti 1' S 1' TO LUCK
tont Sri'11 have chicks lu1Pr on
fr,r d' Ilver 3. If you wish therm
fn- 11. 1:1 • 1 3' ,lune, July or 15 ( n
int' 1, Ile- shr,nid ):.ve Sour or(trr
r'P:, rr.tl ran 111530. your delivery
3e- t., i:'cht tow 7ei.soIUthl)' quick
0.ri3ri1.11•' with Leg -
ho! rs.
egho!r.s. }tray- Hatchery, 190 John
Handl ton, fin`.
or; '1'01' N0'1'r'11 (.'I11('KS FOIR
i. Trp N,.Irh Marks t. 1'1131(11
re Er. n, 111'" dr 110() 1 tot' cve'y
Tor, Not' h ('1(1.'15 you raise and
eV(53' egg your 1'"p Notch pullets
pro'tu.'r. And 1f they're as good
as torts. blood -tested Government
Apl'rnved brrr•drrs the broilers
and roasters will hove the weight
and (rnalit3' to do your hent
good end the loyrrs will he the
ktbd that keep!; the egg cases
full. IV) Ile for 1044 catalogue
and reduced ?1Ir.y prleellst, Also
starter! ( hicks, free range pullers
$ weeks of age and older. Top
N0 • L 0/ticker/es, Guelph, Ont.
.1 F 1"101 FR1f ES FOR CHICKS,
Barred Rocks and Leghorn, 111,
Lego.,, 31 pullets 225, Marred Rock
pullets 90c, Leghorn" are 13arrou
htr: 7.o. rocks arc 0.I3,P, breed_
frig. All breeders aro blood test-
ed. r1r,e doper hooks your order,
.1. 1'. Johnson, Fergus, Ont.
Snsuran•'5' for chicles to the name
of a reputable long-established
1latcl.n'y that, handles Government
p).r''ve,l 'hb kg from bloodtested
bard( r•, that made gond In their
own, right. Thin'F3')u'ance 19 yours
wh(n you buy 'I' v.-, (1'113' Chlcks-
pylus the ndvanintre of hatching',
Inst.!. tint: And shipping methods
pros•• d h(st 113' e generation of
esfc:llt,''c'. Already this reason
cur tut 11 1s tilled with grateful
tors! ages from eus:tnmers: "13e1t
1 stir had" --"hest T "vel' bought"
•"E' u3Li ((3) ;,uliest, las month,
etl;: ba\ r 6G4" . these RI( It
few of the rn'nnrlt' 1315 nrr get-
ttne. from rurt"m, re-. Tteducrd
1'I"rs for May. (0 t the Tit'5 d(1lr
1141 11-•tnlo3ue and redm'r,l 3(13'!-
Irt, 1'o:rddir ('hi.lr Batelle/des
L5(3 '. •i, I'5 rpm.. ('r:h rio.
R1•:l'1','t:1' i'1;11'35 \1:11" R 11'X1:
(5111('113)'. 1'1tn\t :1 ltl•;A!, IB11TSF:h-
1N(1 F.11151 14' 6"'''• nY1:1:1'J:I1S--
e\e .100 git e pr,•rnpt rh!pnter,t
111 1)•3.,•1,1 ('hik'. plc,' n I11n1trd
tlun;h'r of St1t13(.1 ('135,-05 3nll
jlr,3 -1,!11 l'.rkl rrls. (111- l,i}rlt punl!-
ft c•hi(ks Ale morlrr-.7,(1',' pi 105,1,
::kr char„ r on ordinary
Ar,,:r (,)(3' 1(53.1
to3''' 3 3' r wall )0,..1,
e-1 f' ( 55:3 i.- ',rot our' )1!:, . •:
e:' t.,.-1.1,:,),17 3,,.1 ll:r' 1,,%v,
(1:' l'cho•`. ,Suer h:'lelnd ('I,1'1:»
or 5:,''"1 ('h'•l,s 11111 rinhe 351.'1
r)' 11;1,1,, 1f 3•nl :1:' a 5th 5o,.1
('5. 1.. , r,,l nr:n. 1- :i.• 11) 1,!'..7.•.
ly. 11'11.'1: t1r:'_ "f .17,-t 1'tn' t••
571: •5, 1'Iutl.•, 11 111' ' 11,351
5;'1:•5,1•; C1,111.:.1 1'1-i:0 1:1:)0'
FI'�cl:':• cr�tii;�- x ,r:sC 1)s or-
sirI:I-: )i:;1:I;y 1:\I:I:I;o
1:1 73 .1 •: 1, 5 1:1; 0 ''' 1 1'0 t',' 11 ! I I.;
T,!:.:11.11:',O I:11'1;I:I,
11'11111:1, 11(1,1; 1,1:1;11..1:
}! 5"53'35331:1:r' '' .11 • 5., u, -0
1,.'1'• 11:, -,!'5-.,153'1,1,1••
itt t.
1, , I• ,, 1. ,.,
,! 1 3,`13'',''1!3\' i'rtl"I.
;F, r: 1.(1,t,
dyeing or cleaning? Write to ue
for Information. We arm glad to
answer your questions. Depart-
ment 11, Parker's Dye Works
Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To-
women, learn halydressl:.k: at Can -
do's finest and largest 35100013.
Raflhrll, dignified work. Splendid
pay, \)'rite or call for free liter-
ature. Marvel }Iairdrersing Schools,
4158 111001' Street, Toronto. Branches
4 King Street. Hainilt'un, and 74
Rideau Street, Ottawa.
Robertaon method, information
on request regarding Classes.
Robertson's Hai rdreesing Acad-
emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto,
ptlons, Switches, Cutis and all
typen of finest quality Hair
Goods, Write for illustrated cat-
alogue. 'Toronto Human Heir
Supply Co., 628 I3attlurst Street,
NAPUte :'S III:I.l'---U1\.?\'37, RIEtt-
dy for Rheumatic 1'a ins, Neur-
itis. P10513071118 pra!'i(0 11, Mun-
ro'e Drug; Scot 3. 333 1030n, Ot-
tawa. Pusttn)1d t1.l5(3,
often aro the cause of III -health
In humans all ages. No ono Int -
Mune! Why not find out 1f this
a your troublo7 Interesting par-
ticulars --Free! Write 1Tulveney's
Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8,
offensive odor Instantly, 45c
bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman
Drug Store, Ottawa.
aooD RE0OL1-TION--E:V1'.RY stir.
ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Near.
els 1001111 try Dixon's Remedy.
unro's Drug Store, 23L flight,
Wove. Postpaid $1303',
1'IIOl'OGHA 1'1I1'
Oat finer "snaps" et lower coat -
Prompt Mall Service. Send your
film rolls to Star Snapshot Service
to be developed end printed. 'L'his
Is Canada's largest finishing stu-
dio, Revving Ct('tomer9 all over
Canada. You'll like uur work, too.
Any Size Roll -0 or 8 Exposures.
Praising Star Snapshot Service, a
customer at Windsor, Ont., writes:
"1 suppose It's hard to give your
usual (11111( service with help eo
hard to g..t, but as long on you
turn out 8u'11 fine pictures, I'll
watt -)t 1 have to watt."
Size 4x G" 1n Beautiful Easel Mounts
Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tilted
mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Sitter, Cir-
cassian Walnut or 1111"1; Rbony
finish frames, fine each. It enlarge-
ment colored, 79e each,
Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto
Print Your Name nod Address
Plainly on All Orders,
1'uur nun 11,.!,0:'13 ;5' 3' !"I'• d s1:d
1. ()It sis\I'.r-l'l:l: 31'0.1 :'5c
11111 10 '. 3 .\ r.
FINEST 1`\'1,11:•;1`1'; e-3:3 3)1111:
S',1n n11y n..7, II .(r I'.:r.- .n
:111( 3hi• \,•.u. 11, u' 3.111 • 111 ,.! 011
the'(l'I'l'. "1;d -.•\" „•! ".�,e
111't (.',;'_ .
Ittl'lll{I,\1, 1'7,:(:1'3) ' •'11%1( 11
Patent Soiicitors, Established
1890; 14 Jiang WVeat, Toronto,
Booklet of Information on re.
GIONI'1NE 111 N 11 .A N 1thh1111E11S
Cul parts' for old -slyly 0::-!3 1)111
Imllkrrt', Service by G,
ltowe & (.'0031+3713' Limited, 1)1s.
trlhutorr, 47 C'rnng Ave., '1'.,ronto,
F32A1.:11 'Tit 0031, A1'I'L1'.S, PEA 111-1,
cherries, plumes, currants, 1.-1 apes,
asparagus, 1511SWhcrl3' plants,
raroberrier, Norfolk Nur"era,
81mcoc. ,
BURLINGTON, 6 ort 7,'n 1.'111'4;
apples aril pears, beating: 7;,'
blli1(11nw.. Ilox 141, 73 Ade .1515.•
West, 'F',: -,ole',
IL'AT15.(S lin: SAI.1:, 1:; T1:\11: i;--
aming district, "tort' to hli.l'. 1 y,
railwa3', not, i', brutinil,•, ll rite
rattle \1.-11)'.1, W lie:mr\t.,n•,, Ont,
IO ACRES (:8031 CLAY 1.0AM
farm, 111(5 4 roll e3,.:3,
act (0311, }:cod t.11111n^s (31:51) hy_
dro full both 01 house, good re. 0 •
Well tt313) 10r!'uln r3131o1: 1'11•33•
R 111ll''11 11,11 }•a•: n.
\Vita or 'rith,n)5 (11,1(1 '1111 1( and
t)11plen1.),I,,, 5:o11 t, .'.J -
Chester 11,, 1:: rc,. .'l
George S. 'fire, ('ntivn, 'r it, 2.
NEW 'Zh:AFANI) W1))'I'E Il,ll;lt)P3,
junior stork, 2 mon Do-, 5ve!00'
414 lbs, mature /It 12 lar nn.'''
trio, PedlFrted, (5unrnnil'.1 !ill,
delivery. \Ve buy nil yo'l rr'Oe.
Writ: IT)) :tett Rabbit) 3, nal t -
mouth, 1;
write: for 3(2!'es to 11u1 'r -u An -
gores, Pickering, Ont,
De)t'AL7.' SAlvs AND \VOOnll'(lltF.
1(3 1Sar,blt,c:. Nen'est t3')(v avail-
able frons (l;)r't 0,3tory rept e•
enitnll5'l f ('., 11'1'!'', 131)5'11oa9
gladly f(11'ol:'1(•7. on spoiler tion.
1)e-\t'a1t U1.bc,
col p0r3!ton Ltd.,
402 West i', rider 7,'t., Y,ln.'rluver,
A1(513' 1141(311'3
N131V1,V R1:1'.0:3'I'1'IONI:I1 Itul)'r5
of 0111 (uvea''1 foto .•', p,`;'((7, t ,•01.•
dlHnn, 215.3 delivered. 1,:'•iie,'
army 35)1'( ', peri„'tly reholit,
1135,, d.li\'cr,d. .",lou, v -h.;, 1: 1;u1u-
anter. Fintr ire, F(n'I
Order. T:rl' It'): A• •'o., 1'. t, : h
1.1 E: e-1 -- cttl.fl'J1:)) NFitS;?lel'
('stall':;u". I"Ill lino of Fruit
'I'ree35: 1.0', ' r t cent; E'Inw'eri (i:;
Sh) 11131; 1'cr..lnt;als; Shade Tree-!';
Tt o 1+ n r; Blno101),lc-Ring'F\vn3'
Nut 'u'In', rig wmanville, Ontario.
Fineet loather end harness pre-
servative. 8Iiplt also has many
houeehold uses £60 tip et Most
grocery, hardware end chain
stores. A product of Lloyd:; Lab-
oratories, Toronto,
bought, sold, rebuilt; bolt e,
pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric
Company Ltd., 2126 Dufterin St.,
J13'r''P 0I"I', 11,1.l'S'rltATI:l1 CAN-
adilttt .ntnloguo, 1944 edition. bow,
11neent'a St:Unp Shop. 211.1 St,
'.th(ri:,e \\csr, \toulrutl.
.1.11 31.11' 1,.11:1;.\IN. !, ; 00('1
u,t ,:ed )l.or,.or:hly ,, ndnl.le 1%nr
111'')1 -her, :'; dn1(d event°; 11 trap
e;',)31,31., siu•tt'11 3155(3. .\ limited
r..l•ol., t ,n:l)'. 0, 0'! 1:0'un•33, a3,•
'''r• 1',1,11 I'lur 3 )13)5Ing 1')0 -
in. "r., 219 !Jar Street, Toronto.
O{4' Ytl;'`'Yrw"k1F,Sib41
A milkman, inducted into the
army, wrote hack honk from
camp: "Bessie, I sure do like
this army life,. It's nice to lie
abed every, motnint; until five -
11:13..,. !'11;(. f:,.d 5,1. , ,n tion.
Arno- :i •,IIIc ..1,,;1 till.
aslu'5: 1\ ;,.:. •l.• >' 1! .,.. 'i tl:!
I nl,t\' iii,' is , .':' : .I •:1 re -
.11.1,c -.,
1, 1,( -,"hut 'n': a .',:' 1 think
th(r, ir11.:1 a:...,;'!; ,. .1 1117
tint.; , 1),.117, 1'. 5'.', .. a 1:;..11- •
114th 3)61 )-)
!(1':l\ 1 3''31:01.31 rl,l; \II:'. A`:1.
: 1 1 ,1, l 7. ra• s 1 1,. ,1, 1
1.1...i.• For •,t•.1,. ,1 ,u.l e. 1
Tor.. ',5` ;, ',... .1
)' .11, r' :,1 ,1 R rd. 3.• n I-: ( f
ri.l. r V. Loot. ,;., e-:,1, , .
SI:\\Io'; 3,1:\''111'•1', 1:1! ,11;1•;1:
Iva, ;\„ h:.' • I
2:35: 1,111:.1. 3e-. '1,11,111•,
N1115- I\\ I:\'1'1;11 '\ till: 'I 11.51'
]1' 11!1' .\1;1: IX'I'I:I:I:, .1.
•, !, -,
I'r. ur.,!rot .,.o1 v., .i, ' 1 e-
.,lir "1'1" i 1111,':', ,-.11.1•:. 1) -
i•t{ ,'r 5,' T:11 1. 3'11)1 ' nlnk•'
:11 1i1 111,1 • , 111.' , ft.
al,) `•1` r,:,
...11.'',1; 10'd.. f, -
p1n1, (11,.1 .1',111, 3101 !'• t\
\3; , • .•'L'r.•3,5
-7,.r ! 1., . L'
ovine to: 11,1]:,3 ('ill•
fvi l:. '11. . I,'I.i .t'1
bar:', .111 111 '1;', \''1 : ', Soy
rr,t,•11 • .,, (
3TI3' )`: Ill;l?n '•1 1')'1.1 (•4,
G5� 11,'In,iluter .351., '.) I4)(3 (3
11113.1' 5%' % TED
1:O 1'1•:11, I... 'i:1I 1'1,"''1;31.\:: .101'
1111 1,,0' ,I !,rn,'' , 7„ 1111 .11,
lion, aI1,1y I'yl 1177'111,
3'• 51\,' SC' t.rh 4/551 ,
THE, -,311!;‘,,-,‘T,7,
, :1: 1.511 \r, 11(131.
5'„1)13,:-5 , 111,5,, is r.,w `e-
nr(:II„1,1" (,1r ..Adore
t, ! 1' 1 1,
\'.1r•'rI:I' I' I. I, !, 1' Qt..\5.'1.1 01)
h . , it. -• f• r 3. I: • ,."(31. 3
nd 5. t • 1 1 ;-f1, r', " SP,1.11 -Inde
33•..11; in In 111 t,; .lc I..111',]'. \VI 530
1:3:3. 5111.•.
, 11. , 111 :5. 'o;, 1,,.11.
i•Irl 111111 13(1
s' 11 3, r, 1 0 1 , t..
ruL. „1
011\5.3'6 I., ill
n, n 13.5 5.1 1: 1 c, : h. ... .1 1 1 ;n•'.
C. H. :1.1 1 ,111:11•
13.1 .e-1:':•.
ll'...'.', : • I:' 1 .11 11 1'I:-': 031 "P
!,.r: ",•e f„ 11,1.,IAtills it: ti:elr
sl, 112,., ft.t• 3 .old •L1 !,', ,t'
a 1s'•31:1,7, 31,11, 1 oro• r.7,
14 .,17, 7.,i,:: 1!:.:; b'-13. \'') 1).
','-711.,I,7,, r,':ot&d. L11, I' ,,.111•
31,53.0' !, l7,' r,•,• for null 15 1•1:1.1
: •: ;'!de , , '3),''7,
'Pur' •;, t 1,.
11.1\1'1"•"1'1'111:1: (51' )J':Ii'I01IX')
1,.1' ,,.,.,1,111. L( '1, • i , 1.1'•..! 1 1'.
111 11 h.,' 7,::e-'-11Ir•i eels] : I), 1,ir.' h-
"1it (!h':, -in. Ill 31 3'in1 .,...,lint
rt 1111III` t , ,,utmi'. trot.. :313.13!3:' 11,
,5.711' I'. I'hiill; '..1ni':•I,3' 1. (11-
!tr d, _ " .:.1!11 F11, .-t, 't'3,r'-,I,I'
)'Itll'rl? l"I'li,lI'Iil•:Il
(13.:.1 1.1: 'our 1,•.1)e1. .,5I(. ,i , ,.1,3
!i 'IPIit1 '.:, ;41":11,• WIN Wi.•:I'1„e-,1
I tot ! '.Iltl' 333,1,' l(7, ),n:!' s
, nmol, 1,, 3.ti. ),rc,1,1„ r. 51:.:,, 5, Jul
Sc 0• g
!t le-. t. :'1 n'7,
,let:. ,
t (111)535 (1111) I. 413'1')) 1("1''IIl
lt',3 \')'1'13)
11'ANTI :I)_. r)i:1111'5 (1)N.1 1:•".•
tar in r1I1 a111 I.t(( nil : ''t\r ,•
('1 331 I,5.1.1 t nrds 1,5 tv'o"d III 11.:3i-
h:11'ton 7'1,11117y. ('1„>7. ,.l.
,0.1 t:111,r:Iy, 9='111 +1 cord. !
I'o1:13,''.-, 43 :\•I. 1111115 Vit. 1:0.
T(. or5,,
1•(1135 5114.11/sylty
W Y'.'1'I:I, 1 .'')',I I"1, 1.1:11
1,! 11,a,. ',1•• .! „ t, .' 3„
171111 11 '5• 1,7 1,, 0• 7,.,i c..lr.
11, ler nettle Ate., .L'otont(•.
hcrtcn:l,e:• the time 1vncr :`,1s• tll 1't a,,t:.t; t1 c! e con•idcred ;''rout
to most :!literate people on ear:1,!
, /ell, IIs t'Irrent i;-ue of the Ili -
nation. Bulletin of the .•, let
nilmssy in 11'ashingtor, carni:'; a
�fi trire of 1 group of 1' lie'tis e ;.1!'-
teri itt the Itogrod,k 'I!,',: fits
`hese p'' '; ,e sllb,':rite to :tr)li 'itt-
iktrcr,t II ' ,papers and t(':io'L •a.;.
--Brantford F:\;,'
IC! et., ., t' hen ;'opie io
+alk cont. ;'tlir�ll•l`.' allow', (, ,'I
v, ;
Ftilird tai's navy".
hike justifi, 1i',C pride in the fa. . that
Nass is in third
tn,eof :' e United Natio:1i:
- %Vinttrtar,
\I,t!or 1'.t:'i did;
Cha L'ri,l,h Prime ::\I it;:
t•J •nue a: a': id; f,rt;tcr, Ir;•' 'r•'r1
(Zy ; araihute into l u n•'t',:I, the
.uC ;fest . , it that i'. ,;.t; a
aire:e •e te,o !,in+i• r:,;e:
tthe Itl'.ei.';,etlt, N ho a.;:',..
�Ju; and ,.,L preilitlicc'I,
,Itascd, •in,lte, mere o-noi, le•i,
utub ei,:.:, ;1;10 \v.'n't ..•(e:: t•)
If you at tempted tv feel sr, tr-
waary thi'.:: of lite 1::;,r;e
hive beer; fighting th,s r`,. ::y
o!'.en yl',Itl ui their U.\;:
- LntIl10!1 1:'er i': e • t.
Maj. -Gen. R. G. Sturges, above,
of the Royal Marines, is the new
chief of British Conrnando forces.
The 52 -year-old veteran 01 30
years' Marine service directed the
assault on Diego Suarez naval
base, Madagascar, when Allies
occupied the island in 1912. He
was wounded in naval action off
Iceland in 1941.
A Poet's Prophecy
Thomas tit ay svho'tvtote "Elegy
\V nt ten In .1 Country Church-
yard" was a prophet as well as a
poet, couuncnts the Stratford
Beacon -Herald. For more t:':an two
centuries ago ---111 l7;I7, ;t; the re•
ands ,host -lie peened a !cutark-
ab!e prerlittion at Cambridge, (xray
called it "flout 1(abitahili,"--in the
light of today it could be termed
fulfilled prophecy' of .plied air su-
premacy in this year of ,r^icttdotte
climax in global warfare, Two
hundred and =even years ago,
Thomas linty wrote these secu•ls:
time. 1s ill cute ..het thou
shalt lift thine eye;
"1'0 (latch a lon,n, drawn battle is
the ,kie,,
\\MI:ile age'( ;'ea,:o.ts, t.'o rat ite,1
for wink,
State at the flying float; •)f won -
Titans birds.
England, su long the ;li,:,e,t of
the ;•sea,
\'("here winds and ','•:t';et curueas
heti s',lereiguty,
Iler ancient triumphs yet wit high
,hall bear;
Ind reign,, the Sore:': g;, of the
Conquered :\ it'."
Air Cadets To Get
Supervised Flights
:\era:.g'. nirr.rs are being ,.;ads to
give "familiarization" 1:iglhts in R.
C. .1. F. aircraft to senior 'adds
who qualify in accnrdan:e .vitt re-
quirements, the air Cadet To:ague
of Canada announced ;ecent:i,
Cadets \sill receive flights as e
reward for faithful attendance at
squadron parades and progress in
training. A waiver forst signed by
hie parents must he obtained by
e;cclt cadet who qualifies and !s r e-
C,'tlltlle!tderl for !lights by illi com-
manding off icer', Trips are expected
to be of ;N! minutes 'lll,atio+; or leis
and ;gill l,e carried out ,vithi t a
radius of 'In !Miles from the station.
11 tthritl: ;liaisi!I,g il!;I,'r, !il1l5C
about it, the \ir Cadet 1.rag(ie of
('•u:ari,1 lia5 Inc'„
fit Circe l,`.1 r9 ;iii"tit 't'i,ln)O ,\ir
Cadet; l:a1e been ei nl'e.l h. 370
situ:Aro 1 a: r1 this ''.t; i'1 beer.
rhino tl.. the entire•:i,.., of
,rich a;
s •!t .He i l:.'r- ,i• :1 '+ ,;
Battleship Can Feed
10,000 For 1 Month
The l tuftal :,tate; .\ vy h. is
enough f' ,.'i aboard a ,;tl•
lnp tr, ie:'r1 .1 city of 111,11011 t i'tnil.l
lion for :1 'lid nu'nttl .,nt1 icer(
t nest het te:• than t11ry'1 r' '.,':r berm
fed before, �aniplcIlrcai:-
ia•t: :,In dozen1fresh eggs; 1It
hound, chipped heel; (nut ,,owr,rls
bean.; ;aro pound, bacon; 00
pounds tented beef: phi, cereal;.
I /Miler and slipper: I're•t. r,r•,ts,
I,:Inrt pound canned .;eat•, l,rinrt
pound:- ; 1" tutor,, ;;.nut! 'otrod,;
frc•h tryetal,le I!sto r, 1itt', , i, -
tion pound•; canned 1e,getaidei,
000 potitirl : fresh fruits, ;Int
:relit i!ti(c,, i.'tnu to'Il l !' •Ir�,1t'.
gnu I'oolul-; butter, ,t;o ;,•r.tiolst
court. .'',n
SCHOOL WORK with this
Young folks burn up lots of
energy in a day. They .lust
have plenty of good nourish•
ing food. So give them n
better breakfast give
them Nabisco Shredded,
Wheat. Made from 100%
Canadian whole wheat it
contains the essential energy•
buitderst carbohydrates, pro.
teins, and the minerals iron
and phosphorus. Nabisco
Shredded Wheat Is ready•
cooked, ready to eat. Try
the tested, practical recipes
found in every package.
Niagara falls, Canada
THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current bv'ents
United Nations And Axis Struggle
For Supremacy In Southern Italy
P,oi ,t.
: 11
ROME , USTAV '' Roccor
. `iSORA 'c` Carl
y,'olmoNone L ' ,� t ., • SOn
Vet efd ..,.. ' Ilodeno d r
Nap shows where Allied 5th and 8th Armies in Italy have opened art
all-out offensive along an 85 -utile front from Casino to the Tyrrhe-
nian Sea. It is believed to be the first of coordinated blows from the
west, south and cast planned to squeeze Germany out of the war.
The mighty .\ Hied offensive,
ot,r!,ed in Southern. Italy two
irk; ago, differ; iron pre -
1 i '':i attacks of the I•.ighth,
.\.iny. ( lin. List: it 0 w is
to assault and brc:ilt through in
t•.r:ll 1 ,et ies of !iatltral Mete"1,11'e
;).,iitions strongly held and long
prepared, each of lvilirh tits Ger-
:inns n ill cling to until forced out,
! wit' immediate objective is the
G':;t,tv 1 ..!licit has been for -
ti'r'ed for inar,y months past, and
ul:i'.tdes modern tin, !rte defense
•rlcs in idiocy p;ace,.
:ehind this Iles the .1dolf Hit-
ler bine, another strong natural
defensive position, 1vlllih Ger-
man military engineers prepared
for months past, strengthened to
Cute utmost, and which 1hitler's
tr,),)ps will be ordered to h '1d to
the last tn:t, 'Hie defew,es we
maw are attaching are the strong -
eat the British .\rnty has encoun-
tered in the ;,rc,eut wi'.
The fact that Hitler gave his
own name to this second line be-
yond the Gustav defenses indicates
its strength, and Nazi belief ;'.tat
it will not be broken,
,lnticipatiug the onslaught, the
enemy has strengthened these de-
fenses, specially the Hitler Eine,
with steel and concrete, a-ing bit
own sten and thousands of Italian
l ore ( .et flans also cleared civil-
uviota ,ehin the
„c out of an I d
front at least 20 !wiles deep, which
Clow has become an arena of a
slugging match unrivaled in Ital-
ian history.
May Be Turning Point
"This battle may be as much 1.
turning point as was the Battle
of France. In 1940 disaster came
swiftly because one side had a
major superiority its weapons, in-
cluding the ;weapons of treachery
and ruthlessness,
The Germans won by their ex -
",!,e1 „!id (.,t.i:s, tniWIg
OTC' .;'+'n 1 'inleta: lie (i,ltille a tech -
•..•I'te ,f .r „,,l ,e ..atfa; e. I•hey
.tis, •1 ,II „', n'+,C ,i!t 1'trnCtl were
'1:1, Ir :, 'sits .:rC :1 ,11':es of the
:,,e 1'•;t and ..e e,trentt light
,.. os. g no „ 1;1 t,) ,:at.
r., 0!t .,all i'I;,!:lit ity
. r•,'w :n ltal'i :U!'1 every sr, i t'te
el•e, 1 •''!. r- of the
' .... , ; ', ,, • ,: , Ili are 11, ,'1
r:tits and
r ,,n
I +',•. , !;,isi'," ! ,.,es are r ;,rut,
1ititi.11 ..i•t ,fes are
rite `: 'ut .;ati at -
1. a11 1,,, t,.I .ei entil sly
,.I1C. ,'I n;1!1 fart"rit'i .incl sti;,ly
„'rte, er+ ” i,a ,':r' I: :!n.tultify,
For .,':, : orris t :, y have been
tinder art I' is awl for a t!1'rlitliu l-
th!. al. .,,, a•vl:i1 tit I:iI;,;P,'r,lrllte'1
!n.tgt,itodr• I;1 Italy it ,elf the rail-
\l1y9 :whist,' 1' , i1'' are reported
out rit
Variety Of 'i'roops
'111e ii••nt '1:;,rr •i1c' d•pett of rule
a hole o::rn,i.r i, fife r.!dt sariety
of troops part i;rtting in the strug-
gle. 1',ere are 'sine; ;chins, and
f t enciul '0 awl 1 ,lt ;t Ii,ul,, and
,.rations, anti \r..' /villa rider
and ,"tut!: .\ frit al;-, :111!1 eoies, and
Indian isostere U1 ;, , and Italian,
alid to t!ie north :hound Trieste
even ',":!h",i,1 t par; :,..tis. Awl
many f these tl:,1 "nal divisions
must again be all+,rl;l:der!, ire
t•1I'an tr, ,'c Inde lat'ane,C:
the I'r'',irh tr).e;o r.' hide both
eero;roi•t.ot Fret-, !morn :old Nott„
AItnean mitis e,, c British in-
ciude.. I•:i'g'.:.I,tndl .o:d \i'rl;huitn,
and S•c-r lime t and Irish volun-
teer,; acid the \fade"lar• partisans
include 1 : it, and 1" ,e es, and
tI I )t and otia'1 !1.,,!.,111 t!atto!.:Its.
True United Nations
a!I the turner; of the ea: tit
there !sive !wren gathered together
men .. many n'iu' .ns, of many
race;, '•f Il:.ltiy •ha'll's of color, and
of 111:1ily creed,, to form e true
United ,',.it,utti army llilich flat
flung down a challenge to the Ger-
man ' lIA,ter rase." .\uy army itt
which so Clang' different units can
fight as a single e;huie -in which
for in,:,nee, I Iench infantry can ad-
vance Ender cover of .1:nerican
artillery directed by British target-
spc'ttin,g planes- k a triumph of
military organiiatiun and com-
mand, But it is more than that.
"Celiac wav to stop
"Believe rue, you ,! lhri t:'. .11 1.-11ICAN
for con',ti;Ytl!otl -- if it !.;1, file sante
('itll}ie 11111W ),:Irl, l' Vr 1, ,f LEIg 1 tried
keeps nie ho re-
gular, so ',''•It"iy."
r.;l,ty I0 '11
r'alt\c . f
you 11r,
il,i 1.;
due 10 Ln l: „f
"bulk" intllediet .
Sitop!:' eat
KEL1x,1;'s •tIl.-
((ltlr, leg!o!, 1:,,
and drub: plenty
of yvater. Thisi nlltri'iol,s 1,•it•al helps
tol)tl tIurit =1:tooth-sot "hulk",and
prepare yi'astes for Ca,:' elltn!nat tort.
You'll lila' t he happy ; cher'' i much
you'll want to ,tier tegul:c. Eat tas(y•,
toasty' Ai.( lilt?'; daily. (,:overs have
it in ' handy ;ices. hide by Kellogg',
in lomdor., Lanada.
It is a t' " .. its spirit
'Allic! ;+:r li! i !1e. ar . . let•,toa
the . !sir ' i, n;,., , .i:, t! ese
Steed :!. .i . ,,. ,. : •y • :1'4:1 rl'-
a con',., .. ,, '.e:
a::'1 , • ,.
Spitfire Fighter
Has New Engine
new erg t'.e 1?..,;;, ; r.e
fin, t', heti; 1,., • '?i ;,r' :t greater
cal:a-:t than ;,;r i ▪ , the
Kr.wlis i"nr1' nis •,e 1itifoft
itas a speed, atticaL'
driven sup,- carger and perform;
equally as 11 ell at ! 11 I _ •cis as at
a height of ^.).woo feet, the height
at 'which :nos: :or 11.,'.,tai:. place,
Nothing is more depres-
sing titan headaches.,.
Why suffer?... Lambly'
will give instant relief.
Lambfy's isgood for ear• C
ache,toothache,pains in/
hack, stomach, bowels. ikaal
...the work of men who think of 1onioi'row
3-DIMENSIONAL MOVIES, they're called—so realistic that the characters seem to step from the screen and
pass beside you. Planes roar out of the sky and into the very theatre. Flowers in a garden seem to spill their petals right
into your lap. Every screen play is a vast and enthralling spectacle, so true to life you feel you ore one of
the actors I That's the movie of the future, being perfected now by Men Who Think of Tomorrow f
N0 continent in ,111 this \V0l'Id i.. more
fof't(111,1te 111 the tremendous impro1•('-
1n('nts in everyday living which await it.
'.('hat ii because we are les: -ed 11'itit ,1(•;N
IhtiU Ill 1\K O1' `l'OJtOli]iO11'!
• .tIow important it is, therefore, that
11'e Illi(k(' firmer our resolves and increase
our daily efforts to bring that Tomorrow
to pass. Reillelilbt'r, and enemy stands
between us and Tomorrow. H' is Making
his all On keeping it from us. Can we (10
't ;;s tlutti this to defeat his ptu't)n, t'?
• .Let us ('r(-utc Victory! .Let u3 lvrest it
from the very soil wt, till, tho very tools
We use ll1 0111' factories, the very dollars
we burn! beet) up production rates, yes,
exceed t!tein. But- more and more Victory
Bonds and War Savings Certificates.
Do anything ,111(1 everything to hell) \via
this war.
• L('t's cell be MEN- win), THINK Or
All teagt;tnt 11tt!ta inC:111:111:1 and the l:nite,l `tater nta engaged in the pt iIlee,nu of hq.:it-proof :tleoho!. filch -proof Ales:0,01
frrr\I';ir is used the! niatrll':1e( ovoid: dill, 1.• 1 s1','1ll ler,l'.'nae'tie(tillrhi: 11:151IP,i,1)I1:_�:Ilh(111!111)'Utiri0 '•S'IrtiI1101,I'1"41ne1.;.
Paas 4. '
t , , , , VIDENhcaata410(1 (; , , , ; r[a
Elliott insurance Agency
Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident.
J.N. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
Office Thune 101, Residence l'houe 12 or 110,
=191312.20112(1W731P+31313tAPIPii(i?t313t3rrnAN3t)u'313traNN)tdaa21313i213t313r3i313t313t1i11 s
Dead and Disabled Animals
Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Scaforth, 15, Collect.
sly Harry J. Boy'e.
Patricia Ann has been using scissor,
for quite •,•Hie time no\\, .\t first she
11,e(1 them for cutting lip the new sllap-
'cr, lust a, soon ,t, your back \\,1s
turned she would get the paper and the
.bears alma go t,. \\"ort., Thi, \\a, a bit
'difficult . , . bciau,e she al\\:t} s srrnl
cd to h,n"r a Ko"'1 fittt, ,ett,c awl
toil,i a:nosf ,+ht,t\- rut up Ih'' parti-
cular page that 41'11 wattle 1 l0
\\ c-t"pl'e I that.
Farm Help Problems Must
Be Solved By Students
ill \'ie\\• of the urgent dcntan'I for
hell, for Ontario farms during the busy
slirnntt'r season, :11rx \laclarcn, 1)ir-
ector of the Ontario Faint Service
Force, is appealing for the active co-
opctation of the }1tincipals and Tea-
chers of secondai v ,,(',outs throughout
the Novi. ie. The hulk of the he!p
ills, l'r;lrl lam'eson spent the wit.",
end !with friend, at I':xcler.
Horn--- In t lintl'n I iospi',tl on
nt','la\' \i,ty lith to \I r. ;t tl \It,, Ila
Gwyn, atilt bol,, t ungl;t;ttlati,•ns. '
I \
nul(th,r of the town.; people a' -
ler I 11 the \,'1111: People', 161 y ;t
1. Illltt'll
on \\ t'tilte,lla\' l'\•t•r111g. ! ,� sjii` 1 �•'
\Ir, ,Intl \Irs. N. (;. :\ nl,lir of (h-
Iambi, Florida, \Ir,. 1:. Stonehouse of 1
Clod., rich, ,isit tid Friday \,itll \it'. ;tnif A `111EEKL1' EJ)ITOII
\II,, \v. F. l'anlpbrlL
\ir. Robert \\';tiden i, isiting at tin
holm. of hi, brother, \i r. \\'In. \\'alit
\kiss 1tl,to•Ity (;.'vier of .\mh'mm
sprllt 1;1 .1 \t crit \t•ith her par, n s, \i r,
awl Mrs, \\'1n. 3 ;
\I r, ;11111 \l.r,. I, 1„ \i 3 Iowa , R c\',
Iola \Its. II. 511t11 visited last weed:
.tit 1 l itttiltolt tricot,.
\Ir. Harold Turner, of i)eg, ta, New BY JIM GREENi3L.AT
Jersey, visited on Saturday witit ND.
11. Campbell and ND', and \lt•s, flow is Canada food -faring: dui i•ig
\\'..\. Campbell. the \car )'ears; Not hatlly' at all, 11t' -
I \Ir John (;ear of Kitchener, sp,:'m' spite rationing and certain shortages
the \\ eek -send with ti's lit.:her, \1 s civilian consumption of principal fu (I.
T. (;car. is at a higher I0.1;1 than pre -\v tt'
\I r, Thomas of fort r\chert spent i•\r(ordiug to "Canada at \Var' for
Sunday tcillt ND. and \1t•s. \1' A, ;.Aril, in tont of nutrients our dict
Campbell. generally is better, and here is how the
Wrilt.n 'podgy
for Ih, w..Mty newipapor. of Corrode
\I r, Frank i arlittrti'of Ilcnsall, ti.- '1').13 constlmptt'on rnulp;u•r, "ill' the
itch I'm Sunday at the home of ND., !average for It)35-,19: 'Total meat plus
and Mrs. \\'alt. 1Valticn, \Irs. liar-_") percent, mill: products, excli'litt
burn and children, twit, had spelt the !butter, plus Iti percent, eggs phis 21
past \week with her parents, returned (percent, butter minus 'I percent
home \wit11 him, sugar minus 'll parent,
\I r, Norman \Icllo\wt 11 wls in Ln- *
(lett on Monday ..lith a hall of \Intl,
Wedfesdav, Mav 11, 19lif,
trained seamen is, of Course, moss-arw. needs. The House of t (minion,
;\, ;t special I itittrrtttr:tt its,•rtlt tl t 'lt to1 I t,l all agreement for a 11 tltllnl';try
twat so signing i‘ ill he 3dOlde 1 wireI I:01,11 omA diversion "f ,tater at Nia-
a year \villi .mond-trill trau,lt illation Igaras about III Ill cthie feet off watt'.
at ;t t•n,l to tic ,caincil of our"thild of l''r second, on Ibt' 1 itttdiatl ,Ido. hut'
the" single first class or coach fart, for \t;n'titne .,lily, Ibi• addiliorl,il t nrrgy e -
titin t'd at t,!(•tn0 I.\\.1;, pin. day, %i'll
their annual lease,
be rn;ttle nt'ailablt' for use in the
led `tate,. I':ng;ttt, t'- of bulb coml.
\Il elletlll' III 1u(•11 production ('1 "m1' tries arc mishit! all Ie;l'lbir `•Irl„ to
farms is the 1"\\ It' tt rt11, 'I'Iw' d p t1'- ttinlnlife ;Int itt „f !br di\ et sin t 1111
lucent of agr•itultlrt sculls what can Ibc ,semi' ',vault II( Ibr ba'I,,
\Ir, and \Irs. Jim (;Itll,lthcr of \\lith t',c eves of ('walla fo'ttsril um jiclppen if tt•cetl, art tell to go t.1 s, ed. * ,' .
fur itt swum"' ,t'�I,r,ll in certain part, .(;„detici, visited o111 Thursday with till' 1it'tiiit illsllf;l'a'l' bill bt•ittt•t d'at•- I'nr til •l;tttt't' ;l slllgi' platlt nl wad
of Ontario will have to come front Ott, Mr. ;lull Mrs, \\', A. Catiiiik il, i'br farmer, un !rr curial) condi
liaunent, a recent health strtitr >urvey nnl,tar I, ,Iinh\wertl, (oxtail or picwee I
sectmtiary schools Iitt su far the re- Iti', lanes I 1;on,, i fable to rxr' i r til. 1,1x,
\Icl'linlnn of 'I'inlntitls' is of imcrtst, !\Melt shows an itrqual- product., hula 11111'11 to _'111111 ,ertl•„•
Miss C 11c("intnn, \1 is. I;'a+lys Mc- lilt. 'Ilett i, li bis prom on :III bis farnlop
Itt• of d,,,,.,bmtlml 111, 1,,,,,t'Ip„111\, All\' shepherd., pill",l' 11111 1'1111 ',I, II pit t,'eI.III"II alllrl' tl1'd'It'IU1.; Illy pl'"pt'I' ;11
1)I,\ttil, \its, 1'r:{nk Kershat\• of (;ntle- i,icians. \\'.lilt urban areas anti Iti;,h 5(Him1l ;11111 tit,' tnnlll'n': n11'.stard ;Wont `rm'11 1'IS'lCd nit Slled;l\' ‘villi M r, ;oil al -
income It,C;IIIIIC, are not ,n bail'\' 1'31'' 3,5°°'(
,5110 (00, \\
bal child+1
a lit i I i''Itic'1; I"\\;Itlrt', f"1' t 1pcll •, t le„ ;t1'1u11mt In
Mrs, \tot'e'm \Iclluwcll and o'.1. 1'un'r1 tluln 5.11111, I:nl tll,re ,lir qn,I-
tl'cle are mane• rural occas twhirll hay. hill of Ibiln do: I ificaii ins. III' Is entitlrll in (' '1(10;0-
* * * i i'': Ili. t,l,, to &Awl firm his total
sponse has been ,i long tray slt'tt .11
rc,td.l the tlrinanti. \I r, \I ad:trut i, c ai-
1 that Principals and 'Tca''l'ers
Intl.. she tlltired into the stage of I"t these school, can Il'ilt!t'r a trlttltil-
1 ht n were I dom; service by using their influence
cntting rut .lois. dol ,.
dolls itt t'ari`'u, stages of tieing dresscdl 1 and knuw'ledgc of the critical foo i sit- \,
uativn to rnrourage their sW lents to hardship on I',c people, nla'nl1 affect
or undressed littered all oder the affect -
,,,,,tit • ;I itt ,Illow.lere for kith, h
'spend at Ica,! a part .,t their summer AUBURN i'1 health of "Ills. pcllpic and !Iti vert' Ikon, J. I.. Ilsley, minister of ti an( i .
house, 'flus \\ as a bit of a ,ruble..., 1 11,1' 1' dim' ;.',:ort ;Intl clot more
I 1 l' young, By the twat, Il'c 1)+'niini''ti hit the nail un the heal ititits.in:: a
lust a s soul. al, Volt teed to sit oil the vacatl"Il
period on (arm Il'urk, e,thCr r 111;111 :^?,'11U, if he t, ,1 lull time farmer,
Divine service itt St. Marl:', c',tlrcll l,llrt'atl of statistics t,,lunates that 1 C'1'-'gatit tttu ' f i.I•e,"It111s, or ttg:111lted
rocker, you dLe,wiertd that Pegg \• Ann "tl individual farms lir in tall.. service 1 i t "11'•1'. \ lolly el,Irit\ing statement
camps, next Sunday at, i„i(( p,ul, suns sixty .eau's and over will l'creaS:' \votnen's groups l'.'•1 in Opitta last .
.1:y1 her family hail set up light hoose Ptc. Harold and \ins, Nicholson in by 20 ,erten! in the next ten tear,. 1t; 1 lann;uy, when he said that the ho\ertl- in tin, conic(' i'11 1:I, be111 1• te'I by
School i'rin:ioa's and Teachers can 1 I' the Incl nn' 'falx 1),T:it twilit to the
ktcping on that chair, il,ik and Ile!- London, \larch, 1Vl,i ('anawla hat' 11,(11) phi' i- tnt';,t t'I'nlll mot have In;ule it, ,'alliliit-
t\ \!'ere 1111111\' In pn„t',,,loll of the a SsiSt b"t•S and girls to decide' to till- \ir,. i itiiitt i, iiI':i its )ch of St hitt ill l't ittc„i(lltl, of ttlltt''{ were 111 the armed lion p"bt\ \\"urn: without the co -opera- + t .Iti It I 1'I art ell in of :\:: I'1 til ill l',
t'"ltcb , . . dud „, 011, At „,,,, stage et dertake farm \\-ork bt• piatll'g before I •\\(u,.r adlbe-, I• iII. Spark,•• ~..loot,
them clearly and forcefully the imp'- 1 vlstetl over the w'• ek-end ttitit \1r, forces, 'Pitt ratio of ntrrt also nl 11111' lion ul tconlrn of llamado, I'rir.' r n 1(11!;1\;,t. 'I 11i be14 cotton Ins i•',u''I a
,the game thl'rc li .ti t t enough coo r., and Mrs. \\'csley Ilradnock, siri;rus Las not kept pace with p',pn'a Irnl world 11;I\c hrnken d''tt'n eit int t
so Patricia Ann had them land out oil talll'e nl tarlll SCr1'1Cl' a'nrk In I',C to ,i'' ,,. ,, •Alt al p'r•,• 1,11';1 e a1•I pr( -trite that
I \Ir, and \ins, Lot Craig; ;'n I Lltly tion as shovel{ by a comparison of the hit for their support, he said, ;11111 if
the floi,r, .\floc awhile she tired of situation and also the conditions uu'1't:!yisited un Suudly will \It, and \Ir., year 1'1111 when we hall ;1i5 for 5„ills they ball n”! Ieeu prcilaled g;luelallylrvtrrone Molested 1'111111 e11 W role',
this and the paper dolls \tet, put aw'aty which they can Into st•ht1.'i at once t( t It ,iu1p(ilie intoning out till .t i• Il,u,ld-
I \\ 11'i;llll 1 i ntuit at M ilc',c!I, •i15 population ; tit 1)-11 it teas 11,1:0 to erotiotuiie, to obstr\c price veidt'ut:s,
;in boxes for i- frequent reference. Ithey arc definitely going into Iarn11 .\t tour \'orit,ic't and flit.: I ;tytito (for 11,illoli50, or otc doctor for evert to 'ef••aan from 'martian;nIIt'I 111 l,r, t•. I\ a headache job.
work. A-4 the Department 111 F.dm'•a- 1 # * +
'1IIc nc.\t ticvcioputent with the leis- tion is supporting the Farm Sedviee of Detroit with Mr, and \Irs. 1 i' •g,' 1,0,34 of population. 111 the l'o't •' 1 ice cun',rvaaion, 'othi'q the govern-
15ors came when she st11ttd cutting; out \loeculent ter, strongly, \I r, \lac!;'- I, luutlgblut. ISatcs it was one for 704 The main mend ro'Id do could possibly have been iietlnr'ion of the lot» tali. 11 for
caresses for her dolls. Every scrap of en is confluent that he ‘.iii receive ,tic I Ptc, Roy \'urlricn is at present problem is one of di,titbmtiun it ap- effective, This t ming week: has been I';n1a11ian,, trnmp"ralilt in )1111., i. in -
...loth at•ai,ablc was used in dressntak- , spending; a ;ill -day hats with his par- pears. it is notable, hotwet•ir, that mt se1 at,itle in Canada to pat• 1, Hoye to t Canadians.
el► b\ the fool 111;(1 , n(pnt lbn in.
co-operation of Principals and "Teach•
Inv She .,•1111 started on the Iry of :1 along .,._ c...- suggested. opts, Mr. and \Inti, \\ Isn't' \ tnI den. 11'1-13 Canada had proidol '1,5 hl'l'sl the women I"1' the part they have plat.. crs Il',, first four months of this \wall ilr'-
edincd I_',•I per rent or lie irk t it;It ntil-
ll?, * * * hull pounds a, t'olllp;itld ll ltll tIu' ,;1111,'
• # * period a .'car alt:', .\s •1g.tin•I (1 i, mfr
:Approved by German alllthoritic,, vee"1'd of elle.,,, pl'"'lilrtloll f •1• the
though s' "le of her designs w'lre a bit .has bctn issued, \\lith prospects of 'rctwraud front I.ngland, Ile has set'e 1 1n engineering graduate of the L'ni- l,amphicl, have been for\v'irded to ie'samet period sl'ow'ed ;lit t',w'r, a„' of 'i ti
slartlin to say the hast. operationals, three of them over (;cr- t'crsit' of 'Tnron;o, .alt, I.ietlt. 1\'. 1.. I llernc, Swltierland Inc utsltlbul on lo' per cert. The ,ub,i'11 .•f .m e. nl a
b bumper crops of hay, g,rl'n, fruit ;t,d
Ivcgetables this year the demand for maul, to his
credit Ile was in t\\1o�Cm\ie of Ottawa is rc,pnnsiblc iur tit Canadian l'ri,"'-":-is o1 \\'v in t;eltnant'• hundred Iwinds has a Inc bc,itinit on
Yesterday 1 ttas startled. In fact 1 ' crashes, one after a bombing 11•ip over Subject, w1)11i1 1 weal \\itll ads;re toIb'' that, a Iii;tirull'.
was quite certain that my ,1c sight hal boys and girls for seasonal farm hep research which brought inti:! von,..nl
! 6 is far beyond what it was in 19.1.1 \viten Germany. Ile is the only surviving of Idle parachute to be m•c,I ih the 1 next-of-I:in, handling of the Nate pall *
gone back on nit.'. Standing, it the pas- member u( the Revs \CO. Brophy lrrcount; insui its i assignments, di
cro )i wcrc 1t,C,:\,F., w'llitit is orae', less "t'slit•,
sagenay of the stab., 1 felt the lam- 1 greatly ',clow normal, spent sei.eral months in hospitals in' •. poral rl credit halanecs; I'll' lit rt• \\'hen II"' teal and .Delve ralinn III)-
ihar rub of the old cat brushing tip I "•There will be t real trod crisis g nes greater case of movement and i
I a England with a (racturu•I leg anti tither ,completely (unl;uno(, It tial be u,ctl change; qtly;ll't'cs lit pay by the detain- poll .'(I inn -con rl'eently 0 is quite like-
agaia,t Inc. .\bselll-tl1indelly 1 real'..- next fall ..'•less \ve have lar more h \• injuries. (ill putt'el'; (1 spu,;d of p"'1',"11;11 el 1\' 111;1! Ie;l 1\'.1, mote ii (Iconic In 1;11'111
ed tlott'0 to pater on the back when and girl t'olunteers to hoc and Itirves( _ by fighter Allots, instructors and train-!
(11C htI1,Cr crops I 1 `~, '•� Ices ill (..:111 t�i t No longer \\'111 1',1'1' Ills I fit I,;
promotions; mail and r;n're's; tiorltet, than 111'1,:1!1 twi 1' r,, ;111.1 f '1•
I felt something, rather strange on my (' t that are expected," I
hand. 111 fart it felt something like a
(Ilcnds• no th,ctors at all, This tvorl:s a g. cat
Tim of clean overalls of mine that had \n urgeltt .all for 2JYak boys and a(h \1 r. (;enrge Ilrophry of St. Aligns- I ci;uts for every ll1(11 then an11 women ed,
been hanging un a nail on the balk oI least 33(K3 tine, has received word than his son, in the armed forces.
girls from the serosa°rt \1'0, Joseph Brophey is now an lu-
dic t\'ashruutlt dour. Outside of a few schools of Ontario to undertake farm I
scratches she managed very Hell al- nt•ork this summer, starting at once, 'tractor at Aylmer. Joseph recon^ly
DO'tNYI3I' 00K 'behind .hum the cumbersome parachute ldntalt'ul'M faciliIits and rtllald nation coffee view versa. \n mnol(iril rst .
said Mr. oducerth "our farmers a'1t 1 I benefits. The pamphlet will It'.Ip tht Irate i, tb;tt VII per rent nl LI nlcr:
willow -gad, Horror of horrors 0 was
able to produce the food that i, need- pack containing the caut'pv, 'Tits new j
(intended for last week) I device enables the man to carry only, Ionil' spokcsnma,lt lir emiur 1'anadiam In 'It ion. teal,
,the cats tail . . . and somebody had erg hitt unless we can provide the lash I ;advising the lads of arrang;rnx'nu, trait'
* • #
shorn the most of it s hair and had cv- our to take care of the crops and bar- I'hc St. Augustine 1\'ar 1\'urn:cr, lit, harness, while the pail: remains in
en taken ,t couple of patches of hair; ' highly hell their \lacy meeting at the home the roct:pit, Sgt, (;surge Beim:lt o(I 10 their behalf by the various depart -
1 t test them thousands of tuns of hi 1 t rr''''1,1 ,'•Inc em,Inwtrs tin not kec,
•, of Mrs. huhu 'Thompson, dm'in� the Chatham and lianit'llun, Ont., a veteran nlrn , of gowcrnnttnt tontcrne,l ail 1 I 1
off the hack. lust imagine what a cat essential foodstuffs iii'l go to wast:' I - [h"ir \eell';u•l,, a,!t Ilnati• bonl,ti anti rr,•orus some uif-
with a .,sake I tail !would look like,
and will rut in the fields aux. or- • aflrrnomt a quilt was competed kir ut1 1,300 parachute jumps 'lade the test ("badly i, arising in reeorti�„.Ili i' , -
.chards.” ;the ked Cross. jumps necessary. * * * the l'nelm arisincnl Insura ie Act, sal s
Fuming about anyone 0ito would du At (cast 1,511) boys are urgently I 'I'hc \V. M. S, met at the honk of such a trick 1 left the stable and start-
g ' * * * 1'rotessor> i,f (l oils and vegwlad,l,', a 11el.arUnenl t.l' Libor rel a e, owl
needed at once to work on sclectctl tit, President, \Irs, 11'. A. Canlpht I
ilhc csscutiatl kin111 arc moa Fein ;etronal t'msprr;n'> havr hct'n g.yc'
ed Ran„ the barnyard to 111 pig -pen. farmsall over 1111' Province, where
on '11111rsda\' ellcrtlontl. :\ Illl;lml'Ial+ '111cr1' aI3piI'itttlt is ;l 3tttssI'g Ill'C11'1 ;lull'"1'll\' to renn'dw Ihr ilu"flu'•.
The collie calm, into sight Ile looked report of the year thus far was 'igen tshetl by National Scic;tivc Service to
standar," wag's a'11 be poli and god g for officers and ,canal to sign agree- •
- t\'Ride they do not itamt t • fnlrt• tit; II
as if ht' hall 'Toll a week -end with by the Treasurer, Miss F.laiite Ilam_ produce in nmuinn in gtlm that
es tit's employers to have elaborate t ; h" ,I: kec, -
I living conditions provided in inspected nlcnts with Merchant Stamen's \Ian
'gigantic Wroth,. Patches of hair had faint homes, '.'hese o tonin .s are tail- ford. The meeting was in charge of g fools cslablisbed a Canada! to l scar with ' it irui atinn that cycr\ cl-
I ti min M.') systems, yet there are terrain Ic-
becn cut off from his tail and his body !. \Irs, It. C'hantcy, Miss Ilene Taylor fort will be made to tcc that labour i•
ah d now to boys who have the ueccs- engage for service for the duration in nu band when nccuc',1 aurin, the stili- •int'reinenls which 'must be met, mainly
and his cellar was ccltainll' a loess. sacs standing at school to hull f1 them gone a reading. :\ quilt which alis war, or for two years, which ever is g
Poor enll,l ala, its bail sh;l,e. 1f,donatui by Mrs. ilanitnrl Ras cum_ cal routing; seatso'; and (Itis even „Hie itc"rds gt'\'f ';unc, •an'I a'Illrtss nl
Ito go to work on (arms at UIItC awl the lesser period, on foreign, g i Ig earl1 cnlpluyre, w1"11"1”in,nrabl" rl
u:leakr1 art trend behind the strin•sta('k !detect (rr the Rcd Cross, 1
high priority Illdll>fIm', arc also look
still sccwrc cduca(ilmtal crc lits, In al -ships of C'a'nadian registry, The Cana- not, actual 'tats of worts dont' by cacti,
and Fill certain the •'lily thing that clition, 5IM) boys are rctptfrtd or the \I r. Gcorgc \1'a,llace has rcturt',d than government has arranged In open- Ing, fur additional hlb,r went, pas !triols, Kr, ss rrnnnu'ralion an
could dice! him u! would have been at Ontario Farm Service Cams in the home after spending the w''ntcr ate a number of ships cotstruttcll its * *
I I deductions for the pulp) se of to llriba-
look at the naked tail of the cat. 'market garden areas of (star o, suet months with Mr, and Mrs. J. i. Jultlts- �tllis country omni a c,,ntjitlti us flntt• of iica'lifnl Ni;lgara I all,, ;Intl tv;u'tinlr lions,
as Burlington, Itlt'nhcint, Ila' row', tun at Scaforth,
'1 he t• hole thing Ica, troubling; plc •I Sandal visitors at the hunts of \I r.
when 1 "cut t1, op, hnttsc. \1rs, Phil Leamington and 1iniland Mardi, l
Applications from any cullcgiate or and Mrs, J. C. Robinson included: Mr.was horrified when 1 told her. For at anti Mr'" (;undo' Robt'nsn'I of \\'it'g-
least ten minutes 1 fussed about the 'high school buts for these camps ; r.
requested at once. haat, Mr. 1111 Mrs. Charles Steven ml
tunl�e dirk and tried to pin uowlt
tiapt Mn, and \Irs, Gorge Stevenson
pnssibl- suspects. The 1Iiggiit chit- n, far as girl, are c m'rncd, en of
nlents are '1)) below last year', li't- and son o1 l 1'11'111.tlrcn were di'missed because tht y 11;1,1\f r. (Td tt 'I'honlpsmt of \1'inghanl,
indication of dunk tires at 'this date and this lei way must
!lever shown any it as home o\cr the week -end.
such thing,.
be made up at once if the farm s -r w
vice camps are to he filled. 'Cl'c gi is I Mr. \V. 11, Cantphcll spout last IVVCI:
•I he door t'. the bcdroo:W opt tied and nowin the camps are fulling the worl.'at the bona of his (laughter, Mr:.
l'atricia .\ tin walked out. \\'c were so both pleasa''t and profitable, wit'. Crnr.icr, at Crewe'
ben -y tit. ';lug ,!bout the cat and tht splendid living vols'':'tions and super- \Irs. Jefferson, Sr.,
ting that we rh ln't even look mp. 'I•iten wised recreational far l'tids for thei • hull' after a tw•u vel l:,' crit a1
Phil Lt out a terrific lxi:lamation. Ieacure time. \Inst of the gi'Is' camp Woodstock, with her haw:liter, NH,
I loot -(.1 ... ,,mid thea' was Patsy and arc in the Niagara Peninsula a1, 1 t c til;t'11s Je(fcrsnm, k,N,
the scis,t r• had br'ert ,n pilin; at her Kent County fruit artas,
hair too. The little girl \\ as quite (toys and girls can be plaerd Ilan"
proud of herself. The pieces of the ''iliatcly im tv'nrk that is vitt) to tit':
(Too late for Inst week)
pu.zle all fitted in together. 'country's war effort by staking appli-
I •, The Red Cross quilting was held un
Patricia Ann had beth at the scication tion to the Uun Llr;Farn1 Seryls+ \\'ertnesday at the home of \Irs, Le;-
'sons again. The results \tcrc a bit Furcc, IZ' mu 901-'i', Pariianlcttt ill'Ig,.,' g
hard to take. \\'hen I started to laugh by fetter or per.onal cllk Mien two quilts wcrc quiltc'I'. Tho
she started to cry, co we had to ex-
plain gently but firmly that such things
lucky draw was !won by Mrs, Kenneth
\Icthm,t'all. Proceeds from it were
New regulations now prrmit lfohit- $2.55. The eolle.('tiot amounted to Z1.,1t1
just can't be done indiscriminately. For iiation Boards to grant postponement ,The next tluiiting will be hell at the
some time nrnv We are going to look ,from iiii'itary training to .male scbo 1 "home of Mrs. Clarct'ce Johnston two
at bedraggled hair , , , just because the teachers for an unlimited time instead weeks from to'bay. The north side will TELEPHONE 24.
little girl was experimenting. of SIX months as has been the case, provide . .. - -'h-*"2.+:+'r-$c�2'@44.4'�a:'24+44i`•Af++.1ri"i•::44+++++++4,.+9
I g 1c tltc lunch.'��'S:'��'8't���i�����•:444i
Sold by C. T. Dobbyn, Hardware Merchant
Wednesday, May 21, 191(1•
AT Pmm5,
a - - - - �, _..,.t. _ ..•
LYCEUM ci'IIEA'i'ItI;1,1,,,L' luccial ((��,t'nls Ifo)
WINGHAM-ONTARIO, 4 I `Viii( At ��•:�,( ,
Sat. r• �l 1111 I„ hr eu4'u 1)r r' u,„', ,u\ Ib,o, ;, Ii, Ir,, ;Ir, 4414', 1 ,,,,II. and
.i1W0 SIi0l l S Milt. Night ,. 1 t ,
.1 1.14'1' in Nal-IIIIIr, he�'a,(' of ti' t , - 1,.'rin r� lige, ll, rib,' lief •1)l,,,- ,1 I!I'
'Phare,, Fti, Sal , May 't."r-Ili-27 .t•
I'iil'Inl'i''ti ;1gric111111re Price iveictetctcloctiettocteuctcztvetctottmcocbzictcbgutiticatcoctv idte4titictCtcctbtCk,"tCk.'tetttEtPkltG►GtG+;Immatoct4'tstQtctetEtetect 4
�1111)I)I11'iti and BonusesCLINTQN, GODERICH,
Iji NOW PLAYING: Abbott and Cos• NOW )'LAYING: A thrilling stury•
i( kilo in "111'1' THE ICL'" "JACK LONDON"
♦, Ray Millan(, Roo) Ijust cy, in i� 1'11 I'll 11;11111 Cowl p„nill r,,uu);Ii' am. 1,11 Il1,(1 ,,',I,,Illur,ll 1.,,durt.:
l• "'1'Iil: UNINVITED" it 'lion, the tilos II'„oIlrlll Mil Illi, n ''I
i'This i, a llisllrlyllkli.'1 t,'Ilill:t .,f ;I�` I :IrIner,' \\ (','h ,11 Illy 1 1•.\ 4 !.. "pi 1\ 111.11 - I..' i,u llrl t Ir \,,, I
,1,411 talc ,Iht,ut ;1 l'h„,I 111.11 lir, l t I I y I 1 'la; t, 1„ \'I,rlhrrll h,l l•,, 144 ,I„r, Ftr t \\illi IIn,
•.'e' to 1I';(\\' 1,11' (' 'l'1'\\f,
,1111 III 1111' tir1'111' 1,1 I1, II\'IIIL', 111111111+ I', 111 .\I 111111" ,11 \ all'rlllyet, t 314'1 14'
,,�th(' ill tiluli'nl al (;11011,11 11114'.11' till'
1.•4134,14 indnrinp (1 diai'li„u ,I a child
••(' .0I,1' 1 III 1111'. ,411 i 11 eel; ,hil
I i,' 1 2 1„ to, 111', (,, 1, tor v(111,1 111,1,, r o) 1'11.1 11 ri,,p ,a4' au/1
: AI.SO "SIIOlt7' SU1311:„C'I'S" 1. ('ht'i',tir, I'rr,:,11'n1 1• Ihr l'nllr't' Iluonitll„4)l I'll) I r44p �:,o. I';uf r.
Matinee Sat, Afternoal 2.30 p.m." ) 1 t l•,.
tt, p; 11,111 , rr.11lr;ll r.. {Ire I ,111'1 in 1,
:1 o ,a\', dial i uh'r(',I 111 the 31r,Itif,I,l'111'
IMon,, 'lues , Wod,, May 21!1.-w304;1311 , ' )lull, jS�r
. t, for that tvcrl; i, rrirhint' an all -tun,
Vii, Dorothy Lamour, Dick 1t.
ii Victor Mocr:, in 't• lugli ;11111 that the addition to the COI- I (),,i,(
,It, . , 111111', pl•Irr 1'I 31 1.2 ('4'113
t•. "RIDING HIGII•• '0 Ict' liv'r,lnrts of tap t•:Illkinu 11111,, �•,,
•• int ,al ha,l. C 1\ . ill ,talc 4)t
1'41111' hl' ,lilt~ ;a' defiv'rcd \lith ,1 Ira) 1. ;t, ,~wine and 'Iw'p recently import,'1 1'1,r1• \\'"tti;ll,l ,'r ►'art .\rlhnl, but slam'
;.1(4,441 of soaks, laughs, :111+1 tcellnir',1 +. from Great 13iltain k likely 1' dr4411 tir1'I('w3 'r 37. pill, \\.,u.Irin iarnu'r,'
'1'111' „en'r\" 4" ;111 .\t'1/nli'l d"rrl.t,.'grcatel• tilllltl('I', than t•t•ei- to the Co'-
't; 4141(1c ranch in !Ills Iatc,1 rhythm .t. sent! l; oar. rare 141' ;o1,101,,u;11 pay11n 4)t tJ
.• Icgt durieg the 11rcl: to hen Ili• -lc 1'I 111 rent p' r Ill,h, l ;r, ;t gu;u'anlr''I
Is 4l • )1'(r,, It r
Pt; ALSO "SI- TORI' SUBJECTS" •1. open Incl •, for Ih1 1,11 lot
•.••.0 1.1.•.••R• 41•.1••4I:1••.t44:41•4 .•.••• 4•4 1:4••1•.,•.••.04 ,. 1,1 .
.-•m wry'.
Sugar Policy On The
Ilonic (canning' Situation
11nrc honk r,nuli11}t i, 11,111' in 1;11111
hunt's 1)1;41 in Iht' m'o'or' 111 rr,i41rtil,
in 11rhan r'utrl•,, 1 Ole 31:')14'1' far 3111,
}Val. \yilll I•t',p'cl 4,t ,II};;(t• 1„r ('a• nine,
c, of 1111' ,initial allt,nn (' , n,lill:,l (NA,' I l- )ua)lzl- ir
� tion tel ., 'I h, minimum ,r (door uric'
111 ;Pith! /1.11 In Farmers' leek Ir, in 101' (,,11-, ha 1, \o. 2 C.\\", , at the 11('11')
.111444,II111' 12 111 1',, the mouth wilt tie,' rt'v- I:441 the Glum Lake,, is -15 '('1115 Per
cr,11 other special stm(, at thn' :Agri_ 101.1el.
Monday, '1 uesday, Wednesday
Maty Martin, Ftauchot 'Tune and
I)ick Powell
I 1+„ ,4, 1 bump' 'I 111,111's 11;1, 1, ,4 )cal
I'Ir !I„1111,1 In :, '.4),l;( 443,4'),1 ;old y,Hell
Ilk) 1114' 1l ,1111.
'I trues., Fri., Sal., Dual Features
\Itrulil'n, \t
or,, Illi, 4,
u i.t ln(R'
Helen Walker, James Brown and
Cecil Kellaway,
ALSO- Richard Arlen in the mag-
nificent drama of Ib° men who
lau'g'h and danger and flirt with
dl alb t" kr,eo the s'lpp'y Tines open
with Luise Rainer.
Mat,; Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday
.\ tint„tl, 14, 4)3('1' ((l lau:;h;. and I•o-
mate e plriratr( l ,l sit ll„r r,( 4,
Paulette Goddard, FredMac Murray
and Edward Arnold,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton and
Bill Dtanarest,
V'„11'11 }'ltt}',14'. Ihrll vT'i'll ytmlf,nv, a(
r;tll,l(Inll'ti„lir tull-i1..3
with Ida Lupino,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
J. (4,414) 1\r,lte 1141 1;1i!Iliu)
\\ CI-li '11,11 miners • ,1,111
Ill, it styli 'll for a better 311,,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Luise Ruiner, William Bendix and
Arturo de Cordova,
f, Ting :unarn,g tr!nl:. .,1 ,veal
1'Ilnljr;111 i!Pl' !01' ,4'(011.
with a alar cant.
Mat, Wed, Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at d P.M,
tL)mM191a atali$i�tsliii•1114'912121�7A)111dl°dtA),h'A,ID1731`dl•2i•2i`iiwyl�iDIDIDID1ri'1
'nitnral College. (h1 Julie 7 1ln 1'' schedule has been muumuu ell for I)'' SIX'T'H REDUCTION
\till he ;I I)t'afI Ilnt•,,, I"icid Ikly ;1,)41 11;u1r,--'I'll1' 14'1) 11}; I r:le for bar't'v ,
)1,451, \,,. ('.\\'. (I 1.1)%\1.1)%\ h'ol'y i; 1'111 19.11-45 sea.on, In )) 13 ;a holm. of I
on Inns ) t)1' annual 511,n'tll''rn 1!1'1'1
cent, pct• I. for 114'11 I1re31;Irc11 \\ " t,
1);aV•, in \\ck 3)14'4'4' is CW1,i1lrr;ahtl' in- ('('Ill, ;11 furl \\'illianl or fart .\rtlulr, 6 MALES 30 FEMALES
In addition, ,i'''e .\my;u,t 1, 19-1 1, \t,1, Paid in "' ((.4 411' 4)';t
teres) in view 4)l the addition .11 th(' bar"i 4'qu;IIIc by the I'4'„rinri,al au I will be held at the
or preserving i, of tl,lrtirnlu• intcr,st $1'01)1) inl)lnrlc(I hall I,) Ili,' ('1'14'gr \\'( 11crn farnl'r, 1111''nlill'd 11) an ad Oonliniun gnt'runn'nl'-. Ili' .a tI a1- ELMAN be
(shorthorn herd. (111 June ill the lel. (1111, nal a lysine' ' )ualttatl"n payment
to farm hnu„4viv1 .. ran};ement i, condoned for 1 )l 1 15, 'Three Miles From
sl'y ;11.1 Holstein Breeders from I'e1'l ,'I I� rent, per bushel, 11111, any Stice•ai
The \1';uliuu• I'rirr, and Trade
I'Ir'rs'on or .election whims. The
1 1 lalton (.'ouuti • n ill • •1'r '' 'l4)
11n;1rd has ;IIIn4)IIICI',1 That fIve 1)ollllllS ;1111 Iluur pl'It' ,l hal'll'\' I, t l) t't'llls pct'
of calming sitar can he secured 111131 (inclph for Ih1'ir annual 1;11•1/1 •iar at r
411' first ; "I;" coupons in Italimi 1h' (J,,\,(', 'I ('3'1111 arti4ilit, kv II inls11cl,
rook No. ,i stn 4)r ,411'4' \lar )5, ;Tall hl• clox'd on June 17 when 1hr ((,.\,(',
'\111111111 :\Sio('latIoll (('111 held 11, ;111 1'1;1x,c'd-Ills Ilutlllllt'II (,,1'('1'Il
allot1(t'I• 1 lminlll, 44111 hl' /1111;lill'(I 44110 1114111 II,I:+ guaranteed 1) pl'll'(' of ;"27l
"1;" coupon. after ill) 0, 11rlking 111 4111) 11(111 41;11' un 4111 campus of the
I per hnsh,l ler \o, 1 l •.\\'. flaxseed in
3(,1111,1, of ,11;,,11' per lel„11 a: ;a (4111 (''11('g(',
I I I ,11'4'4' burl \\'illianl 4)r Port :\rthur 4)r
minimum for canning, in a41d'tinn, 111 connection (('itll these '('('11)5, for No. 1 C.V. flaxseed in ,tore \Inn -
consumers have Ili'' alternative of Its- 1)1:1115 have been completed for exhibit, fr'al from the 19.).i crop. 'Thi, 1, sit
Illy; e;IC)) of the 1, prl'^el't4', onpoik 111 nl•gailizt•I group 1(11'111 in the 1':(1'- '('Ills III01'(' 111;111 tlil' l.!II;I';llllt'l')l price
in Ration !tool:, No. 3 811,1 \u. 1, 4)1( 11 ions buildings, to demolish -at, 4„ ('IS-
veh11, 1.(V' plll''111„' 01 half ;1 3'111111 1'1 (ll4)l', illi' 1\'344 4)l \4'01.1; 1\iII'li I, hying
FannitU; sugar, Ity mini; Ihr "44);') d1111' at the 1),:\.(', Ther'
alternative for 1'ar)) ((l the 1,1'1'i1'rt•ei a parade 1)l liv(',4)c3: from the College
coupon, ',i pound, of eau ill}. sin.4a •
11'1• pl'I',r111 11111'11IV 111l' ))';ll' 01111 111' (111-
+;1111'.1, '1.114, 1, 111 ,Ithlilioll 11, the ray'
�Il;u wc'l4) .4441;44• ration of half a is extended all farmers to ntt'n41 this
pound per 11'1'}1)11. .farmers' Mete('); ;ill I htt•tntl' ;IC(tlt;litll4'(I
with the members of the ,Taff and the
a consumer chooses to bay pre-
44'nrk they are tluing.
serves leather than p111 (,14)11 fruit the
I; 1•nu3'nr. can hr es,h,npn'd 1.'I
)lr',('l'\'(s coupon, at Local l 1Iiinll
I1„u'd, after they become valid 1'u
i;ly 25 and July
for till' 3';.),! 'roll.
(';tonin: Crop, ---T111, Agricultural
Food 11 114:(1 h;1, atulounce/I that sob -
hunk and Ilu'k, and nr4),l:lized (Il'lll- 14,1)11', 1,4' v' getable canning crop,
ot,ltttl'1115 in several branches, 1'3 ;lg- P,'''I\I'll III 1411 41111 bt' )';II') ;(, 3"3)„1":
rirullnral aclivit3. \ 1ta1.1,1 wetr)4tll,, Tomato',, `(( per ion; corn, I per loll;
peas, $14) per tan ,hell('( 4\'cighl, ((r
111\111' S'rtfrr next Sunday in 'I rin-
ity (church ,1t 2.311
fl' you want June -July 11ray chicks,
order then) now. For immediate de-
livery they 1:i'' flay -old, started, Le;;
horns„ It.\1x1\'.1.. Started )l':n'y breed
Pullets available June and later, .\gent
;\, 1.. 1:rrni(k, Myth.
1'' wh, ttould 4''4'1;,11 ttith 1':ul'.I„n,l-
\'e \tin \timid swrcp the seas
t)3 the flag that I6nd11sy nail( (I aloft
.11111 Nelsen flung to the breetc-
('u11n1 %veil 3•11111' ships ;11141 ppm. men,
('aunt ('tell t('ur horse ;11111
For they \t h, radon n'ith 1:14land
\lust reckon 1311)1 England's ,44115.
Ye \dm 141)411(1 chall('lgc England --
Ye 11)11' would brcal: du' might
DI the little isle in the foggy ,';l
.\4)d the lion -heart in the f'gllt --
Count 433'11 3otll• horse and your ,N'(,1'll,
\\'sigh NvII your \ah l4)' ,41141 guns,
For they who ride against Englandper ton straw \\Tight ; green ;old \lust sabre her million ,ells.
(tax bean., ;'7,511 11(`4' Ion, Canners 3vilt
continue to trey at h'l,t 1111' ,;1111' h;t5C \'' who would roll to \v'arfarc
prices they )laid i11 1'I-11, 1111' la ,t seas- four hordes of peasants and slaves,
nn when 111' growers' ,ub.,')lic, ;I),Ilhoch To crush the pride of an empire
A. -it sial; her fame i11 the \t;11•"-
\\'4,1--'1114' Canadian \\cool It' lard 1'e,t 0'('11 y,nn blood and your mettle,
44'11) p111''h;l,l the entire Noll clip fur,.
(ulltll 11.4.11 your troops and ynlll' g111I,,
Ill' duration of 111c war and ons y1'tr Foe they tell, )1;11411 4)4414 England
!her' after. 1')-r the 194' and 111)3
clips the price paid for military 53)11'
\tool in Ontario and On'hrc was ,30
cent; per Ib, (lith other }:rads in pro-
portion, Substantially 111' saln price
They're TALKING ABOUT ... a Ten -Cent Dollar!
They speak of it glibly,,.butwhat does itmean? 1+means that every pay-day if your
boss paid you in crisp new one•dollar bilis;: each of them would buy only a
measly ten-cents'worth of goods 1. All those savings you've made with ten dimes
to a dollaroo would shrink tothe size ohne That's inflation! So we're lucky in
Canada that price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures have kept our
dollar value H1GH, in fact, a dollar goes further to -day... buys more goods
than the dollarof (916, look at these prices, a pound of cocoa today
the 1':j it was than. Tele same quality towels now, were
Iple 9144
then. Yee, we get a
good dollar!• worth today, And remember -you protect your dollarvalue when you refuse
to pay more than the ceiling price...denounce black markets ...buy Victory Bonds
„save.. pay off debts =Q���K and help keep file cost of living down !
%moi %////,;'/�.�./U��//��/,/,'/� //r,��/,1,/W5. • 17v!), '�j7/
�✓/1 /7:// ///��"///���///, r/////////,�//////i
I promise to give my support to keeping the cost
of living down. I will buy only what I need. I
will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell-
ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts,
save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates. And I will support
taxes which help lower the cost of living.
/' /i/ /(✓i//i%i ii///��
to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation.
\lust (tar ttit1( ;1 \lnthrr', Sens.
--'11("'1)41'' hohcrls.
Plans To Relieve Farm
Labour Problem
Host of the agricultural workers
tutu) had been C11gag'd in cssenlial
off-season 004)1 sin'' the autumn of
194,3 had returned to their faun duties
113' the first of :\pril, 194.1. In certain
instances, permits were 'xt'ndr'i be-
yond that dais in districts 4\•hcrc the
farthing season (3;15 not sufficiently ad-
vanced to 111;114' the return of farm-
ers essential. Last fall ;t total of 73,-
1.)!) farm workers was granted special
Scicclivc Service permits to work in
the %roods, in packing plants or to en.
ler l.thsr essential 'tltpinvnlcnt I1.4' the
1\•11114'1' 11101116. 11) addition, several
thousand others wet•: able to engage
in off-scasont 3v1)rl: particularly in
\thud -'titling operation's, without per-
mits for periods not exceeding 111) days,
states the Current ltsv'iew of Agricul-
tural Conditions in l'anada, 1IUI'SI?1101,1) .\lt"i (l'1,1'•S; 114'4',41;
This year, truth the Dominion and
.i'rovincial governments are altl'lllpt-
ing to meet the tarn labour problem
along- the sales lines as last year, The
/program will prohahly include !.11e11 c111101: 1 Singel' sewing machine. itt
1-1, at 1.31 ,1''1444•1;.
Included i)1 the sale arc n hulls rang-
ing iron' calles to 't'rvirr,llll'' ail'
31) elm., and )aper,,
(',41313' arc all ini go''!
1)4') arc real fmmndatinn ''t- herd hc;(rlei•
material, 111'1'11 lull}' accredited an)
)114) 11)11' In h!nnd test.
.14ir1i14n'rrs : 1 /1111( ,n 111 41 1. 161'10
I'. .Moo,; ltin4nu•n: \\', \I, 11'\til
1)411,41'1 11)111',
\\•rift' CIliford 11, keys ;1)141 Sous
1111., for catalogue, plunk''Il,l•-1
\1'm, Johnston of the Shor,lu,rn
\\')44')11 trill he presun4.
Are your Ilot;s stir!, 5'114'1\, and
pale: (.,)' Ih,l;-I ix- it fixes 'cal, ,\,
I.. N':rtick, 1113th,
.\ knit 511 cord hard maple rit(Itka•
11,4''1 itt 1111e, ready 11) 1.111 ; :I)"411 11
cord 11:11•O maple, '111a1) poll's ,llllalle
for summer or fall use, ready t, burn.
•.\PPI} to 'Torrance Doukas, Moth. 13-
15, Lllyth, It, It. ?, 42-1
:Are your (•Irick, pale, ;Intacinie, or
weal:: test' 1'14''1 Blond 1 lllrl,lr 'Tah-
Iets. .\, I„ i:crtlll';, 1113111,
11, -Ii. hinder, ti-ft,rnt, first-class
condition; International cream 5spcl'-
ator, nearly Il('1t: .Ill'\ draw rope,,
slings and hay form:, 1h11 ft, .\pply to
Mrs, Diana Cowan, phone 84, Illyth.
Community Auction Sale
Of Implements and Various Household
on the Massey -Harris Lot, Queen St.,
Blyth, on Saturday, June 3rd,
commencing at 1.311 p.m., sharp:
( h 1
v t' II1 l I( 1,311 Ie,1 t
\)'11'11;3}, June 5th, to 4 3'.nl.,
4',l ;ttl +prll ,h!' Ih• o!1 Ill, 1)1.11
11„rt i,ul '4) the 1\ it -.11) I lr;ctn, ,1 ,1
1.1.1 Hon ,iuln'3 i(1' ;I'1 H4, -44,1
tie t., I)111v' 11 r344u(',''I t'' ;111
I' 4,l,'t•. must 14,• i!) a 1)1',);, •1:111 1.o••
Ibc (ig}',irut and ,, \Lu l.'d til„ 1. 1'•
1;1,,-01113),14)1' 1111'
1 h1'' 4)1 3411 and depth- )1111.4 i1, '11m,'
a� 441 tht' 'ban4e,l 114'3,,,3.1 ,41 111,•
4' l 1; in 1 11:11T1..
JAMES W. McCOOL, Cleric,
40.2. Township Of liullett.
'1 he 1'„ori of Revision ,13 the ,\>-
,e'.,nlrut 1.111 'If the Tnvv'nshi3) of 1':as'
\V•avtauosh, for tilt- yr;1r 11'-)l, ),ill
held in Forester's 11:113, 11eltriat', ,1,'
'Tues -1;43, Jinn- ''411, 19I -I, :11 2..i(4
.\]1 appeals urllsl hr in the han,l< ,11
flit' Chit: not later than Saturday, Ione
,31.11, 194-1
Clerk, East Wawanosh.
1lelgr•ays, Ontario, o.),
Corn Thier clean-up regulations are
ill force in this County i11 1944.
It is particularly in(pnrtant that all
torn griever, c'llllpt'it'iV' 1115010(' )41
their corn refuse either by ploughing
under or by burning, )14'11'4'' May 27th,
1941, The rle;0I-4)p is particularly im-
portant this you' since ;1 c,nsi'Icrahlr
increase of corn borer "''orad ill
Corn Borer Inspector.
1'1.1•::1S1•: 'T:\I:i: NO'TI('1 that flit,
ifullett 1lunirl3,al Council 1ti11 Intel as
a Court of itevisi„n on the .\s,essrllrot
1"11 of 1944 in the Community Hall,
Londcshlro, on lune .tit, at 2.30 p.m.
Anyone \Visllin4) 11' appeal auaiIlst
their .\ssessnn'nt or to have their do.(;
511'1(1; off the It,11 const have it re -
fast suite; one studio couch; 1 lounge; 1111.11'11 1(1 thl' l 13'1'1('', Office, at 1.011-•
1 carpet s44ce1141' 1 til,; 1 nkat grin(!- (k',b1'r,, on or before May ,31st, 194.4.
e11 1 Coleman iron; 1 Quebec rook .\II lntrrc,l((I parties ple;tse govern
,torr; 1 Eureka cool: stove; 1 daisy Ilcu4selecs aceurdiur;ly,
40-2. Township of Huilctt•
measures as recruiting City worker,
and students for holiday farm work, and mirror; 1 centre table; 1 'kc'a'l(
the movement of farm labour front lamp; 1 small tea I:ettle; 1 aluminum
1111e part of the country to another kettle; 3 good chairs; 3 rocking ('hall's;
(haring off-seasons, the 1454' of run- 20 large plates; half dozen dinner
s'i'nuous objectors and Japanese plates; 1 vegetable dish with covet', 1
workers, as well as many other steps platter to 111,41.11, \thitc 1011 gold trim;
good svorl:ing condition; 1 hall rack
already tried last year, In' addition, it
is expected that the number of giro
from the :\t•my and .Air Farre going
to the farms o11 special spring Iea4C
will he substantially higher than last
;year. 'These services have authorized
tip 11) t\\•1'-nlunlhs leave for num for
spring farm wort:, as lung as they can
be spared from their military duties.
2 vegetables dishes with rovers: 1
'gray} halt ; 10 soup plates; 8 porridge
dishes, 0•hltc with pink trim; 2 fruit
dishes, one glass; 1 fancy dish; 1 mug;
1 bouquet holder; 3 fruit dishes; 1
kitchen cabinet ; ' beds; 1 hospital lied;
1 kitchen cupboard; 1 garden cultiva-
tor; a untidier of silver forks ; 1 ham-
mock; 1 extension table; 1 (ay hr 1
Such an arrangement will help in couch; 8 chairs; 2 rocking. chairs; 1
meeting the labour problem in con-Isidshoard; 1 small stand; 1 child's go-
nertion \vitlt seeding, ,earl; 2 oil lamps; 2 frying pans; 1
The Department of 1,alnur i, also twat grinder; 1 toilet set ; small piece
1'xperintenting in Ontario with the of linoleum; tea 1'311'; wash stand:
;Placement of 300 German w';1)• prison- l Ir•'':il oil can; lvindo11 blinds and cur-
ers on farms in Kent (.o;;u'y. \Vurk taItr rods: gas lalllp; small healer,
parties \gill consist of 10 men and \\all i Ibll'L1•:\11?\•TS-1 seuftler1 1 steel
he taken out separately and \vill be wheel wagon: 1 8-31, `harps rake: 1
kept under constant guard. The far- h -ft. 11;1555} -Macri, binder, in gond
mer is required to pay the l)otIiiiil'n shape; 1 5' -fl, 1las51-3-ilarris mow -
Government on t)Ie basis of prevailing: 4r; 1'. 11,11. International gas engine,
'rates for the work that is clone, so almost nett•: 1 \hese}-ll;u•ris (?ache
that he dues net gel adyat(tag' of 51111} 3)100', 11111,sf 11(11: 1 Massey -
cheap labour. in addition to the (•anlp
project, a relatively small number of
prisoners of a non -belligerent type,
•,such as merchant seamen, are ht ing
assigned to individual farmers as hired
i)o your Calves scour : ltc(1 itlood
Quickly Tablets \vil1 stop them, .1. 1..
l t'ruiC14, Myth,
1 larris No. 1 Iia(' 1,,411'1', in goo,)
shape; 1 Large neatly hay fork: foil:<,
and shovels, and (numerous other art!' -
W. H, Morritt, Auctioneer.
4'-2. E. J. Cartwright, Clerk
\1)'I'1? -The next Connnm)it\Sale \viii
h(' I111(I around the 2.4th 1)t June.
Feed :inn's lllucr.)) For llraltlly
Con's and Hogs, A. 1.. l:rrnit'l:, Myth.
Associated with The Atlas insurance
Company, London, England,
Specializing in Farm and Ilonachollj
i.icen4cd for the Comity of Huron,
Reasonable Prices, and Satiefactiou
For itrfol•malion, etc„ write or; phone
W111i;1111 If, \iorrlt1, phone, 11esldeneo
93; Sh,np 4, Myth.
Licensed Auctioneer.
Specialist In Farnt and IIousoltold
Licensed In Nurun and Perth
(counties, Prtees )'ca-11111lo; sells
(let1014 guera. ('teed.
Fol' inf(';'tnn'ton, etc., write or pilon!
IJ. t'ol(1 ,lacl;Ron, 11.R. No. 4, Seafortk•
!'hone lirG61.
1 U. S. Secre-
tary of War,
Henry -.
7 Armament
13 Shaded bower
14 Finish.
16 Deliver o
(I7 Pedal
18 Noxious
20 Buok of the
'221 King (Latin). 36 Chri:,unas
22 Takes into
24 Printer's
25 Bone.
26 Animal.
27 Plural
29 Division of
time (coral!).
30 Doniestcateci
31 Males.
33 Failed to be
34 Most
tt1113N'el' to Previous Puzzle.
A'LAiB Adz A
N_ O
o L
P EA .
V14jL[E r1T RIY 1 R'U S
LEST .t' F. N 0
E Ri' 'Cl►('E T
37 Mi chievrnts
39 Exclamation,
11 Greek letter.
42 Suffix.
43 Musical note.
44 Foot -like part
46 Long range
51 Doctors
t'':'pa I tet hull
l2 fart of
e !U('ation.
18 Sport,
19 Street (abbr.)
22 Fitness.
23 Peaks.
26 Author of
28 Disreputable.
30 P,Ietall dish.
32 Small sip.
35 Jumped on
r,ne leg.
38 One who
59 Hat feather, passes.
60 Door 40 Greeting.
attendant. 43 Ornamental
61 One tvho enclosure.
trims. 45 Sing alone.
VERTICAL 47 Persia.
1 Poisonous 48 Legume.
chemical. 49 Opposite 01
2 Woody west.
plants. 50 Registered
3 Wild goat, nurse (abbr.)
4 Witticism. 51 Musical
(abbr,). 5 Senior (abbr.) instrument.
52 Walk heavily. 6 Never (poet.). 53 German for
54 Moaning 7 Sums up. "the."
sound. 8 Therefore, 55 Shade tree.
9 Period of 57 New Mexico
time. (abbr.),
10 Appellation. 59 Jumbled
11 Make type.
55 Ages.
56 Girl's name.
58 Paid pub-
licity (pl.).
That Temporary Reduction In
Butter Ration Is Necessary In
Order To Build Up Reserves.
,:aua1?a n but ;irt7rltli Ian in
the first .'cl:u nton:n4 of this year
Is nearly ci;;:?t :pillion ,.,otutds be-
1o'.v the output for the saute per -
c.Ind last ;ear, and reserves :nue'
Sit built up for winter months, ac-
oerding :o .K. If. Olive, dairy ad-
ministrator, `l: ar:ince Price, and
Trade Board. (Butter c:ttpatu M
ted 63 ,.ate valid on NI ay 19, but
d'e pound of 'Atter obtained with
.•.':st :alt for throe
e•ee'r!a erell i'.I„: S.
• • •
are :hat for the pre-
ss .t at .:a+t, Canlda las . _ached
1)`in Llai!,. �rDd7r.....,. .\t :he Same
ti•_.., cell:• . • 'tion of ass
snits still ..,,.ea; ',,. Int: et sup-
p.ies of e.'a,;_' she i :tai;;: 1: a ... _'led
fir :nfei is and ..rose l;'•j:)g slicer
'rata! :3 :c: bt•r..,.u,"s. Sub-
s::...ia1 qQ:t' :ILCI of milk )iiwder
a: _' rci..:.: ! :•�r :ha :)ound of this
.dura ;., it goes in every pri caner -
Ir ;;:'.:el a:',1 tun tequirement1
of our ac:, cd fur,:ei and ships'
0".itall:ed lrvSti t..all-
t,'.'t!; in addition, Mr.
poials out, Canada has so
tit') :cq'i:renteut1 of the new
. .lied ..:ns -tom ccauact fir 124
r!licu p:nd.s of cheese as 'cell
a3 pro vdie Cheees: for the : •nit
iota: ..,r.... or dairy
s+:e,:eds ,:apply, and it is the
Job of this Board to ,ducats avail-
d.,ie ;:;,:f :3 in the 'say '+:''ti,:h `,rill
6.st :nee: mitriti'):tal ..':.arts,' kir.
k • • *
t:.a. )r the
.>( ,1'1 ;,: .'�•::1: t'a.tal,!ar fear :eta;
a )tiro vx,,,i,rts to hrencn
'.t .e 5.'.3,1 7,6.00) as aea,')at
Holy ?'it:000 it the 3trperiod
in 1943. (•, u;:'rjes to rtit-it t9 3e
t' 'a slu;,ped ii ;hided
k."ger La, .'^1; a 11:d 1 a t.5. I :..
France, ,:pr,t.Cll:eel b'. tj'a
t.' '[1''17,•,.:�: '.I !.air. r.�:,,:a :i ?'.'. '.Irl•
ia Its: :irt:c :1'CIl'i 1Ci,i''i. 1 1-
:1'Ia sig'ied revel+'; ir, .:j_)n
granting of :Tutt!. !kid I, r c;a-
'.t,id1 to the .1
• • • •
Jot be will : !:'l while. 1941
tuc;tic .stork r,f grol ';tint.. is
1 V;1,11:1,'.e, lite ,'.;Irtin'..! I':".i t :am!
Trade Poarcl ')as rut;t,.,nccd. 'Gial
,sr,rage '_!t+r <s .:',lis n u.av ,c add -
td file the ;,er'i_,d no .May ;t1 are
to rc'Ita ;ter .', til, s_•:.ntil::t: 5th
:etas per !no 1.6. inr.antr, t!te
!a;4 storages t ;rrea:e ,..i,:. tsi:l be
.p,'ctire tune 1, 3:t1 ,1?ntS to a to-
ts; of 50 cel-ts per 5-th. cr':,raiser
sr 1 65 cents ;)''r 100 1,, .'t t'lxr.
• • • •
tut:itary r!,•f,•-'ttent4 for ail i:'dits-
triPs have ')Gen imide to :at til
ers, l ht:e j, t':e:tage red; . •nos
:12,100 iudviduals, ac )ming to Na-
tional Selective* S+:race officials.
• • • •
:t4 pii•.ation of )ar.uatiou, iaola-
tlon of diseased '.liras, and general
gaud management will result in I,-
v;er !oi:w from b:acklicad in young
turkeys says H. I. JfacGregor,
Poultry Division, Central Experl-
mental Farm, Ht advisee that all
sickiy turkeys should be removed
from the flock as soon as signs
of disorder appear. If they remover,
they should not be returned to the
flock :)ut kept aeQarate and fatten-
ed for market.
• • • •
Any farmer whose profits during
the :car on all his farm operations,
after deducting the proper allow-
ances for expenses, amount to mare
than $.000 Is subje:t to an excess
profit tax, acording to a statement
issued by the in:..)ate 'fax Depart-
ment to the Canadian Federation
of .-Agriculture. Such 1 farmer ts
entitled, in calculating his tax, to
dedu.t front total profits a salary
allowance for himself of not less
than $2500 and not more than
55000, if he works fall time oa his
farm, The exact amount he will be
permitted to ded'ict is at the dis-
cretion of the Minister of ?1ationai
Pevel:ue, who Is guided generally
the recommendations of the lo-
cal i!i'.•')nle tax ins;)cctr)rs, In the
ease of a partnership, the partners
are permitted to deduct a salary
allowance for ea.h of diem, aeeord-
ing :O ,vhat the 'Minister i:ems
5 Great Qualities
Make John Bull
l{ar laanrld i:.,i: _.,,'at
:r.'::i:`)er of the i'''i:iat Parhicrent
c, in a slitter i. :alt il'e'a; ;ail
3:it :n during the :as: tine
hal :s.cniplhfied ..;r,,at qualities:
,\- 1 u:!terr.r.u: :Irage; the
hila? . nduranc•'.
for the in. , let• , , a•
t::u!: stc.r. the
lie said "tie' , ar
ac ie: 4 John fit:);sco,sit :so she
Acs 19:t--20:1: 1''pliesians,
PR1NTE1) TEXT, Acts 19: 9-10:
1:1;11. 9:1.10, 11:1-1-19.
GO1 Pt.N 'TEXT—We are his
worinr to hip, created in Christ
Jesus for g,'od woe ;s, which God
afore prepared that we should
walk it; than
Memory Verse: i I' i made
everyt':'il' 'fcautiitt: . • :lute. 1
clusut les .: 1l.
Time. Idle tkit t•1 1'.:1 to .\tj'
about \.I i, ur 1. I :Ie ! pis:le
t',lnch '!e 't rote to '.:n r'ott'en at
h:phc•;'. Itas t•'... .I',ou: tel
year's later.
Place. I'.Itt. it:
to the I•:'pliesians trim : ':'i< jutpris•
oilmen: a: home, i j,'.I ,u, hije4
one of the great ,'its, , .0 what
was the;, called v kt:..'' ..
as .\3ia \Dein.
Labor In Ephesus
".\nal he entered in: ,' .:e syn,•
Bogue, :1 td snake hold'; for the
space of three months, reasoning
and persuading as t } the thing,
concerning the kilt d',itt of Cod."
The . u',icct of P:,:,.'s t':'eachirig
was all that related to ::, kingdom
of God, tris new diipcn,ation, the
doctrine and chars': of Christ. 11:
'perstnidieg' is mean: 'en le 1vo:.'tg
to cot:viecc.'
Summary of Work
"lint '', u'.1 some .',e:- .tar,!enel
and di' 'i„•rtieut, 1t',i',,.!tg evil of
the t':.t' heiore ti,,. :u:t:,..:rie,
departed from thea., and ,e;carate i
the disci;,:e-, reasonho,2 the
schoo: t.f "I yrant:tis.
The :arta, ;t:on of the
hardeuea heart is to speak evil of
the Christian faith. i ): three
months )'trot conttnae,l i:it exhor-
tations to stoner -hearts hearer.,
but when their obsti::a,y turned to
hostility, he left ti'r::t. Paid 3e:;-
arated his disciples, '.tr there could
be no frl:o'vship between believers
and unbelievers and continued reas-
oning ,halt” its the le;titre ;tall o:
All Ileard The Word
"And this continued :or the space
of two :ears; so that a9 they that
dwelt in .\ sia heard the word of
the Lord, both Jews and Greeks."
The result of this prolonged labor
was that all who inhabited Asia
heard the tvord of the Lord. Pau;
le at the height of his Areat miss-
ionary activity.
"But t sod, being rick in mercy,
for his great love wherewith he
loved us.” In the previous verses
Paul has described the dark and
hopeless state of the Gentiles --
'dead in trespasses and sins', the
children of 'disobedience and of
wrath'. \','hat a contrast is intro-
duced by the little 'cord 'but'.
Darkness gives way to light, des-
pair to hope, wrath to mercy, Sin-
ners though we were by untrue
and practice, God loved u3.
Saved By Grace
'Even when ': e n : e deal
through our trespiissee :cads .13
alive together with t'Mist I u': g:acc
have ye been save'd'." God in his
grace has quickened, has saved
those who have truly believed,
"And raised us up with hint, and
made us to sit with him in the
heavenly places, its Christ Jestli.'
The true Christian as a member
of Christ's mystical holy, thougit
toiling and suffering on earth
the body, is, in the lite of Spirit
with Christ in Ileacs.
"That in the ages to come its
might show the exceeding riches of
his grace in kindness tu'': trd us in
Christ Jesus." Throughout eternity-
ternitywe shall ever be tuakiag new dis-
cot'eries of hod's love and .;race.
The Gift of God
"For by grace have ye been
sated through fait':, and that not
of yourselves, it k the gift of God;
not of works, that n': :min should
glory." .Paul states ci.'.tr;n, and coir•
sisteuti; that by work, :,,, roan caa
be strrc,l, therefore, since saltation
cannot be of merit is :mist be cif
grace, It lilli'•t be a so:':_ :i..:t whitn:
God in r''crrt' pro•i,l..,
Daily Obedience
'Por •ace are his it,i
creakil in t. itrist de -.t, ;..r good
that 0.e ,Ishii Ui wall: l:i 1•I. 11 ' Ut::
lite ti to i:Ie
:,>r,a. d„i:;g of a gr..,t; .',.':'lc h'.,
(3Al'l)I:N 1)1s:a7•:;
1 oiler
gal den-
! oc, the:0 the:.i, ,!!oust
.c'. t,,' plana
l .,c.nl.,, _1, a rule,
tare , . ,,,trda't:
:.;ii tug -
n ..tarn ,.,-es the
to u,;01 : i heavy
...y tic , ,e :nn'cictsc
.,., I:.ntorlais. I , airport•
• i- tic: t , -e applied
1, d.,:a,gc nr pelts
'I i:t .:n,,ll .;:Inlet:, bo::t flower
a tl cc, ru,'r, but more especially
the !arts:, ii very
.ul,ject pest
damage. Sparrows
:oar pounce on the
lettuce, cart wor1113
girdle the tomatoes,
grubs ,Alicia the
carrots or beets,
(Int rims' be on
:tatted cu:itinuuusly
because if we are
not realy to go
into action the in
strntt the attack oc-
curs, it will be too
'ate. indeed with
ct'rtaiu pests like
sparrow,, starlings
it is hes: to !,e pre-
pared in advance.
tite!t a srarcrrn'r or a fe•v bits
of ilutterittg rags, or a tittle brush
s,read over ;:artier, or lawn will
ire melte birds. 1:t s',me casts
`e:::tr, :u?.I u; ll tempting lines are
groitli under a 'vire netting, which
is remineilrlr for cultivation,
Paper c„llars around the sterns
of toniatoes and cabbage just above.
:utd below the surface of the soil
will protect a:,ainst crit worms, but
;))i;on mixture secured from any
ie(•d store is better. S;ictial dusts
can also lie purchased for protect-
ing cabbage, celery, cucun:hors and
tu:•!o: s.
\ ,good general guard against
pe.13 it cultivation. Cut leornts and
many other grubs don't like to be
siirred tip.
and there, hitt is to be a course of
daily obedience.
Prayer For Power
"For this rause 1 how my knees
unto the l'atilc1, ,,.. that ye may
be filled :pito all the fulness of
Paul !,rays that believers may he
strengthened in the inner matt—in
heart, mind, and soul. The idea is
that spiritual firmness and vigor
may be given, that we may with-
stand all evil, bear trials cheerfully.
.\s the body needs to be strength-
ened every day tcitlt nourishing
food, so the soul needs to be
strengthened by supplies of Divine
grace. `)-his strength is given to
us through the Holy Spirit who
dwells within u3 and i3 to us as
Christ Himself. .Paul's prayer is
that his converts may be 'filled'
with all moral and spiritual quali-
ties t,'lljch God designs Itis people
to possess. Ile desires that we may
be frill of I lis love, joy, grace, wis•
dont, power and glory.
China has ,-000,000 atra:ed sol-
diers, i!tcluding 800,000 guerillas
and G00,000 regular troops, operat-
ing in supposedly enemy occupied
in London, Ontario, there is tate grave of an unknown woman) who
claimed the rights of a princess of the British Royal family? No re-
records exist to prove or disprove her claims, yet it is clearly stated on
her grave stone that she is the daughter of George 4tlt as pictured in
an Associated Screen movie short.
Gwendollne P. Clarke
• • • •
1.Iiit0llragcitieut over our preietrt
unsettled weather led the to look
up last year's seeding dates and
find we sowed our iirst spring
grain on lune 1.1. This is ',lay 15,
:tnd ire have one field sown and
at,out two acres in autotltet' field .4o
I guess there i3 :till hope - ex -
CCP: that it is raining ,;;:tin! It is
nom bad the tt(:tther doesn't stay
tine long enough for the farmers
to finish seeding because the nun
say the land is in ideal condition
and any grain that itas been sown
is grorvin.g splendidly, It is diffi-
cult for farmers to know !:033 to
work to the best advantage, In
some cases where neighbours have
agreed to work together one ratan
!t15 itis seeding dors while the other
hasn't started. That is likely to
!happen any time and the one who
is left has to be a pretty good sport
to take it, Co-operative farming la
a fine thing in principle but if the
',y-eathermau doesn't co-operate too
there is just a chance the scheme
may create a little bad feeling. It
just depends on what plans have
been made beforehand an;l hots
trilling each ratan is to take cil3 ices
--- and accept the result!
• • • *
The country ii really lovely these
days, Of course it is always lovely
its the spring but this year I ho-
nestly believe it is the best yet, I
don't think there was ever a year
when the grass, the trees, and the
shrubs looked so fresh and green,
Nor was there ever a year when
the grass grew so fast. Or do I.
just notice it because 1 have it to
cut? It takes about three lr,urs to
snow all the grass around here ---
and that is without clipping the
edges. Saturday I had it about (half
done and then had to leave it to go
to town. \V hen I came back Part,
her had finished it. After al!, a
shower of rain has its :aiv'antages.
• • h t
Do you mind if I say a word or
two about chickens in general au:d
:nine its particular? You d'in't think
I had better? \Yell, perhaps not,
because what I might say wouldn't
be fit for publication any'vay. You
see my chickens are now seven
weeks old and high time they were
roosting. To encourage thein 1
took away their first low roots and
ree)laced then) \\ hit the p:• ••
ones, slanting thein its tae al, ,a', esti
fashion and placing trire- 1','ttita{
underneath to in:.'c
to peri tt on 11.,: ,-•:o,ti
going tlitJ a 1t:! I,!Ie on til; no, en
\\'iter; it t'.rls :net v
IWC clucks 1 ',t;.... ,art t,) s,•'
hr, We!e d)ir, 1 ,•ai yr;;
?ilii -Ilett be;.,thC ;Iln)tlt hair.
them tare r,',,•,:hrg and I :'h:
that yeas pretty good is;r a st:c!..t,
little later 1 tt,'nt back t':, itis
thea' tip for the night ane! r ;es/
last c'.nncet: tans on Lir floor! e!aa
of tue:!t treee ever under tii' a ire•
netting. llo',r t'ac't ever go: ,: c
i3 1111)1C than 1 1 .; i, It rt.!?
chickens c'ot:i .'e trais:e,j
• 0 • •
Anil that brie,:a :tic
the sttl,jett of 'l'ii ny - - and l.'•' !,.
ens. The other day 1 t!t,,..,'.. -
l:card a sus;ail:inns noise g.uin.; on
outside, list in-,e>:lg,ttion 1
'1ispy stretched ,•11 on the eiast
:with a chicken bele sen his pellet:
:1',:3. 1 noticed he !rcpt fit„ , it
a wee bite as if is:Imused !.:,t')
.ear it yip. To lny surpri•e the
chicken v .asn't hurt at all and
jt:n:;led up and r:t11 off as a' "r. as
as released, .1:n1 the:? it ,'. at
turn to yip and yelp.
then he has left the chickens al -Its
although I often see hint watc!ti
them with longing eyes. I'm n )l
taking any chair es,
• • •
'i'f;lpy loves to be with me ,;:let
1 ant working in the garden --- and
1 have been out q:lite a bit !atcly,
tyi:at ')'ilii rl:;:l:'g gratis and sett:
:::g r, n'. shrubs. 1 tRitight a fete nes*
o::ei .last week ,esti trattspis t^1
sant:e of the others. One of lite warn
ones is y:itch ha,•:l, which acc"tit•
ing to tate cat:d"0i.13 bloom.; out,
side in January and l cbruau'r. '1 tO
soands too good to lit true -- hal
it will Ire iutere,;ting to set '„hal
happens, lint oh dear, if otic c.)uli
only he ht two places at cue ling,
roe more I w0t1: rl:initis the nr:,ri
stn• v:ork in the hot„e gets behind,
I he paper in the dittiug•roien is
half o11 and icoki a3vful. It is e
terrible 1va11 to 3:''ape — I don't
scent to make tory headway a: aft
\\'„uldn't somebody like a job'
ie wort the Preakuess, just as he won the. Kentucky Derby, he became the year's top money
winner, with earnings above $140,000. With Conn McCreary up, he outraced Platter, who won second
place, and Stir Up, who came in third. Pensive's triumph added $60,701 to his winnings.
POP ---Pop Must Have Used Cut Plug
THiS MESS .....
0.10601ft Thi
Booms And Nets
To Guard Harbors
Chieii of liritain's 110.111
Service today are [mowed L-
ing out detailed phnis for orotect-
ing, the European harliar, they es. -
pact the Allies to he ti,in_. shortly.
Theirs is the job of erecting stet:
booms and nets across ceattifibtl
harbots to keep oat enemy sul,-
marines and torpedoes, ol the.
Boom Defence Scr‘ice
Invading armies in ships sae;
built to maintain ncfs •-ba \\.;
from three to 30 tons.
A slip that you can trust under
your smartest dresses is Pattern
4498, Well thought-out to the last
team. it caresses your figure just
where it should, and stays in place'
You couldn't ask for a better fit.
A transfer pattern from which you
Play select your" initials is included
.. . also a step-by-step Sew Chart.
Pattern 4498 is available in
women's sizes 34, 80, 38, 40, 42, 44,
6 and 48, Size 36, 2,:iat' yards 30 -inch.
Send twenty cents t20c) in coins
iis.tamps cannot be accepted) for
is pattern to Room 421, 73 Ade-
ide St. West, Toronto. Write
plainly size, name, address, style
A Daily Diet For
Expectant Mother
Crolighout prtjtiaincv should
sufficit :it, l.
;old natrifitob,. 1: is a la c. •-
op rot • "las -to-
,141,?„ amonats of food,
'271 •t•
avat'itt totaiiavflit!
;ea -aria ltlatural
food., or, 1 aaia, 'affie
bus! a- :ice; ,s;i: ara ssoaciel,
A dal..- ;lit! -a aaaai :11,;lipli :
fruit, Had, • ,
••• , "-
I:Iiit, , • --
atItleti oat,
pint at lea•t of fr...b, m.;17,
lulu( u„i11:,
1,•••t ;1
. • ' ‘,1-,11V.•.• 'or .
dic,-.• and co.1 lik
sugar 1N.1,
At lea -; ! \vo foaart,- att nois:
shoidd hot he1.al-
ly ;1;1\ aoal.
Fairly ba, pia •• r
should deans!, as ti ;tit
ten df durint ;at aratio-y oral
catat •incaa fah, :ad salts
and \-itairlits an, so that
;he \\ bat it
- a.•!,,;:t. d;!....aira the
Make This Receipe
a "Regular"
'Iii , v. etaa's des.cribes
hot,1ciiis dish
that lf:.e,1 C c "reatilar"
Corn En Casserole
2 laid' spoons chopped ;reel
s tal)le.p.)ont fiilely chopped
8 tabit.,-poons butt(
al tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
Vt. teaspoon paprika
U. teaspoon dry 11111 lard
Is4 cups mill:
114 cups Bran flakes, finely crushed
2 cups canned whole kernel corn,
1 rgg, beaten
Place green pepper, onion, and
2 tablespoons butter in saucepan
and cook gently until tender, Add
flour and seasonings and stir until
smooth. Atld milk and cook until
thickened, stirring constantly, Add
•Lit cup (lakes, corn, and egg. Turn
into greased 114 quart casserole,
l‘lelt remaining 1 tablespoon but-
ter and pour over remaining )fit cup
flakes. Toss lightly to mix. Sprin-
kle over top of corn. Bake in hot
oven (400° F,) 30 minutes, Makes
6 servings.
Busy housewives appreciate
Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals
more and more every day.
Kellogg's are a satisfying
dish anytime—for breakfast,
lunch, odd -hour snacks.
Ready its 30 seconds.
When a man's shirt is so worn at the neck and cuffs that it can't
be worn, there is sill plenty of material to make a cotton dress or
apron. Where possible, use the buttons or button boles down the
front—it saves an hour's work. Two worn shirts of contrasting color
can oft an he combined to make a smart cotton frock for your eight
' year old daughter,
Murder on the Boardwalk
Last week: Chandra learns Chris-
tine to be on her guard, urges her
to conte to him for advice. Chris-
tine believes that he is a fake, Af-
ter the show ends, she remains.
Chandra comes to her at once,
11 1-11
'1 ani alad \tan; dat
dra Inaan ;1:NJ sin:phony
Christi:id' had Ifof
"No doia.:," slit! said
'.vas at faa: dt you
drink adain have lef file in on
the pito:-
"Nliss was,.
tired--almo•t, if scented to Chri,-
tine, worried --"I suppose there's
no tvay ykui ;hat I
really 1.) help
"So you (10 nor; my name'. „
But then, of course, youve had nie
followed by some of your
ever sin- I got off that train---
perhaps even before And if
you're a Hindu, Fin the 1/uchess
of Windsor. . . . I'm fed up
on theatrhatl tricks. 1Vhat I'd like
is some re.d triple•threat
you've got any."
"Then, 1 is Thorenson," the
"swami" told her with a gentleness
so persuasive that, for the moment,
Christine's stern young skeptieism
was almost broken down, "you were
very unwise to register at your new
address under an assumed name. I
tee for you a very real clanger."
"Well, 111r. Chandra ---or tvhat-
ever your real name is," Christine
said, "since I seem to have no se-
crets front you, you couldn't sug-
gest, I suppose, exactly what it is
I ought to do --aside front inspect-
ing my baggage for an unmention-
able object presumably placed there
by a person or persons unktiO
"I could suggest—but it Nrvittla
do no good," he told her Nvearily,
"that if you find ---what I have rea-
son to thiuk you will—you coon-
municate with me at once, by
messenger I will gladly place at
your disposal, I shall then be in a
position to ads ise yo(,"
"Thanks a lot," Christine flash -
id, "I'l take my chances on the
persons unkifirwn."
* *
As she marched out, she glanced
at her watch.... After 11, and she
was a good two miles from home.
idol a :oil.: walk to
bar her
i.oca 5,
:0 .311-1
The v,.). • as
tele -
V(1, io ph' her heat ado,
\viler. a voice said
at her shooldca, "it \you'd he you.
1)on't you that 17,, with
eyes and hair 1,I,c yours is safe front
ff\velconnt affentions oil this
Ilriardtvrilk at night l!"
"So it stma" Christine said when
she could ,:onfrol ir voice, "No
doubt if yol hall your ;airless,
toroulal ring a: •urlset for e try 1VO-
n:afi undo: am-
The barineadol young ohm must
have run up the stairway from the
beach, for he !was breathing quick -
i3. and his hair was rumpled.
"Well," li V Went On Witli
infectious pleasure that Christine
found herself feeling for the first
time that day that it was marvel-
ous to be young and alive, "may-
be 111 be able to enjoy my IllfalS
railed the cetstview
this afternoon, they told me. yeiu'd
checked out. , , Bat let's get out
of this nioh''
They hail been standing. just in
front of Christine's "studio" As
they moved on under the lights of
the Twentieth Century Pier, Chris -
line mopped short in the midst of
the crow 'hal, noisy Boardwalk.
cried—"v13 you're
The sire\ es and front of his coat
and shirt ;vete dripping, tricklcs.
of water ran down his light trous-
ers, and his shoes w ere stablon and
caked with 'wet sand.
"Oh, that?" He glanced down
with some embarrassment. ''1 got
pretty clotto the surf -line, and a
big one cattalo me amidships."
ChriStia\',t not an introspec-
tive young 1,cron, She was no
more capable of analyzing her sud-
den lift of spirit than she had been
of understanding that her restless-
ness and 1o:illness of the earlier
evening had not been entirely iPc to
worry about Cousin Finina's
Season's Special — Rhubarb Pan Dowdy
lives t;lere a homemaker who doesn't enjoy the thrill of aimaa zing
something "different".
So here's a puddin'—especially spring -timed, and easv to make be-
sides, It's a delightful combination of mouth-watering fresh rhubarb
with a crunchy topping of whole bran, designed to do wondtrs kr a
dessert course. And don't overlook the color—why spring pink, of course,
12 'hie as your new spring bonnet.
4 cups diced fresh rhubarb
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon butter
cup All -Bran 1 tablespoon baking pow Cor
1 teaspoon salt
3,./. cup milk
3cups flour t: tablespoons sugar
13 cup shortening
Arrange rhubarb in baking pan; sprinkle with suaar and dot \tith
butter. Soak All-laran in milk. Sift flour, baking powder, salt ai,:f1 sugar
together, tut in shortening until mixture is like coarse cora:pi-al. Add
leaked All -Bran and mix until all dry iitgritlieuts are moisa ucd. 1trop
by large Eiwoniuls onto rhubaub and spread ig1iil to ,.1.;.; 1.1.1H: b.
Bake in moderate tool taaa'F.) ;.tiotti saiaaftes,
Yield; b ativings.
hese days, when tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is of supreme importance. Ask for..
strahae deo She 1.bety
no,' hat slit itit more at indre
tail:, this I stranjfer she
had met ti 1 urs
aasiata 1;11-
1(1.! an (,l
)th(I n :tot 41:;It her
tilt.a are :a,1 :g with bin, again
4!:It L;t111:j 11:t!
C1( 1,Ftt ,it
" hit 1,e
thing hot to cat
would 1,:.1•1 !1 at this. ialatao
;he 11:-daalla
:lia ",.-c t
that dot sa ata fvoli flied
toe- . . . 1;A I eatiaa
Com, aa,1 bortasi
VcIa'l )11 rHi;
a e.or,i1
tia first time tam day
en: fiait tio fellers
'Pill: 1 110:,a loaav your :iiia
more da alola tet.
'13i,,,' 1ut if 1 forgot to intaaao if.
the rest af ' rdlc, it tab'
her. hca It added ail". saa.., !a -
ins: 1,e1ihnl la, -odic in his tyc- that
ntado nor :or hroatia ".
you're g, :au to liae it."
N'valale Cary wore waiting ht 11.1e:
151,1 ltLi had fcr.,1 l.•
that (..ver1e,01.:,,1 the sea, Bin !Aid.
"It (,c1,.-, to me that there's a lot
about me besides my name that yen
don't know. 1 raise horses for a hy-
ing-- finality Life horses. Ent the
market taasn't to Rood this year:
so I took over the riding !chord
herr. 'Von scc, I've had a hall -
cap over you all along, When I
beard you say you were If 'Tal-
bert's cousin. I knew you wo,ilda't
be interested in lifting my wafeh."
"11 you'd bnonn t?..t whole truth."
Christine said V,iy1y, "you'd pro-
bably have kept you hand or that
watch, . Not that I'm th-.4
Tat l'S bot there've been
occasions-- not 0 long ago—:hen
A nice 1Z-1ewelt aratch ;vou'al have
made my fingers itch."
inc lie said arm':,
utomel'airiat's wor:ying you. Why
not get it out of yoor systeml"
"You'll probably laugh," Chris-
tine hesitated, "1 liaae you ail'.
I've had a feeling all along that
I ought to; but somehow my sense
of homes doesn't scent to be w. ;k-
ing this weslaual."
• •
Yet did tell him the
whole story of that preposo:ous
day, he did not Lilian.
Instead, he freoa ayel over his eig•
hitt, "So Chainlia took a liat,d1
• . 'flat bird ems a pretty wide
swathe. People come hoe to con-
sult him abotif to cavilling from the
baby's. first tooth to the outc.mle of
the pl-c!,h1cmi,11 financiers,
succesiful wtitms and artists and
actors; political bosses, social reg-
iateritcs. They say he used to be
an actor. He's probably part
etiologist, part mystic, part shrewd
business man. anti part stage'
agto I've never heard of his being
involved anything really shady.
In fact, if Chatolla told me to go
look ran r ;a; at -11 : r
It:ism:in', ell-alai:it, an, !,-; T
would::: 1oa! ;
'1 hey had left !he a.
liad ftt-ail! had, to !
alentart la; told; • ' • P..,1 brad.e
arn, !"
ro, the
croa.1 sta.- 1:,,! d. ;a.
sp. oial f:oure
1ft: ...HI, -
el • L. :117.!
durn 1,,;,.1) 11,
. ..t
t el
CIo Be Contintitai)
Who Wouldn't
1lf • ,.
15 . , to
nai-o t 11
pe '
by staying at
losy Padang
as low as
no higher
per person
1055 HOIIU (0.
For Eczema --
Skin Troubles
Mai, ! up your
You are )..•.00lt..;. to 5
1. rt•;:i I I:CV 10 dot cr.!C(
any good tirug...-tort:
oli41nal bottle
Ein(.1a1(1 On—It Ina
The very trsl 1::.r.,n SA. ":1
iiivo you elier—O!.! of
1 Ione dry up alai s. :Jo off :0 0 a:a::
few The ,s 'vuo ,,f
I tchilw, Tot, :ot rf-t,
11.11), t.zi it lilicum and r5110
1.,:l a!l1
1:S a -kat), pa1,1:111 PVT, t1.1t11-..:;
Antilo!..: Oo. does (:cf.
5:! -1 money 112,1;,
ISSUE 22-1944
The new Hi -
moved wartime
models cm -
bine smart ao-
'pearance with
the Famous
efficiency anti
long 1114,
1..0r11',1 St, I
5,,:-, 1):, 1 .1
11. 15 -
to an,
'.;Ll 1.4 1 iiii hs 7
HEREThas been no change in the fine quality and
advanced features of the famous Clare HECLA furnace
and Clare JEWEL Range. True, there are fewer being
built (due to necessary wartime rest.ictions) but the ex -
elusive "Steel -Ribbed Firer ot with the 20 -Year Guarantee
— the patented Fused Joint Construction and other
Clare HECLA advantages are still being built into war-
time HECLA furnaces . the time -tested features of the
Clare JEWEL Range remain unchanged. See your Clare
dealer if you really need a new furnace or ranpe.
rage 8.
Wednes(hay, Nfay 24, 1914,
KNltat(tot(eRKt4tfiltal*Xtat(t['•tti KIMIII1
$2,95 AND $5,00
• BOYS' WORK BOOTS, Leather Soles, Pasco Soles ... $2.75, $3,25
Is -
NI \larNeill of Toronto, i, y siting
$1.98, $7,00
S Gm. 1{d. Rouse of Cape !Ireton I.-
'•S WOMEN'S SHOES AND SANDALS land, i, spending a fnrl(ouglt with hi,
�' CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES, another, Nits. Annie Rouse,
ts• ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. A Mrs. S. Taylor attended the fun -
'rt' cral of her aunt, Mrs.EdwardMedd,rt
_ �ll h uf I.istotecl, gni Nlunday.
Mrs, Dunglas Smith and children of
South Porcupine, visited with her
,t,o:R:*** f�eMc i tol aunt, alts, Brasov, during the geek.
eAltolt2IANIrOt ti;t?oliokp;?atoNN;sfN11» hNPoiloPor4r)iatt3tNtialDoklotAt9tlttDtKin'APtMt MD1 NI r. and \I rs. lienee of \I itncdl were
— _-. callers on Sunday tyitln Nlrs. Nlctta1',
tel4141tC1'4tgtettittter04fetetC14s6tat Kali te•at&reICIC tEtatE IClataICtlIa:latatatttRMC'd and mi,,, Eila \icicalltc.
Ren'nlber the Salvage Cullccti,,n un
Friday night,
NIrs. \IcI'hail of Goderich strut t'u•
tt-cek-rnd wits! 'lrs. 1'. 'Taylor. and
Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Nits. S. Traylor.
Please Phone Delivery Orders Early.
Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street.
Afternoon Delivery, South of llinsley Street.
llelivery Orders - $1♦00 or Over.
PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES .. _-.....___ .. . _ _. PER PKG, 15c
BAKER'S COCOA . _ ...-. - .....___-_ HALF LB. 20c; 1 LB, 35c
SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots,
Radishes and Tomatoes.
NI r. and NIrs. George Cowan, of
I:ni>turk were recent visitors lath
relatives in Blyth.
NIrs. \1'illialn C'ockerlinc visited Iasi
aveek with relatives at St. Thomas and
APort Stanley.
A('.lel. John 1lardisty of 'Toronto spent
ithe weer: -incl v th his wife, who has
unite ill,
Mrs, George Ilcsll of Toronto, i,
4 visiting her ncicc, NIrs. Charles Sun-
dcrt ock.
16I Lieut, Leis I:ubin,•'n, of 1�itchencr,
Xis slitn(ling a few days with her par -
ems, NIr. a'4l NIrs, 1:. 11. Robinson.
top,11)1114►tbt)011)titIarlt ;i DINDt9t1.9tDtkpaIDINDINNDINDIZDtDIDIDttOiDtDiDt8t2t9tP DiND /
EveryDay Requirements
BATS FROM 60c To $1.25; BALLS $1,90 EACH,
INK—WATERMAN'S AND SKRIP, All Colours, _ per bottle 15c
BLUE BIRD INK, Black and Red .. 10c
LePAGE'S and CARTER'S GLUE and MUCILAGE . 15c and 1Oc
THUMB TACKS, plain and coloured .._ ....._ ........_- -. Per Pkg. 5c
PHOTO ALBUMS ranging in price from IOc TO $2,00
L'H^TO CORNERS PKG, 1Oc and 15c
BABY'S OWN STORY, year by year. A book that will he treasured
in years to conte, beautifully arranged, and ready to fill in
day•by•day events PRICE 75c
ARMY SCRAP BOOKS—Scrap Book and Photo Album combined,
suitable for keeping souvineers of your boy in uniform - 51.25
SNAP SHOT FOLDERS ler Army and Air Force Photos 10c Ea.
DRINKING CUPS, for picnic occasions .. EACH lc
WAXED PAPER -40 sheets 10c; In Handy Rolls, 50 ft. 20c; 100 ft, 35c
2c, 3c, and 2 for 5c
EACH 15c
_... 5c EACH, 2 FOR 5c
LEAD REFILLS, black and coloured -5c pkg. Extta Thin, 15c Pkg.
LETTER CLIPS and MAGAZINE HANGERS ..__.........._5c, TO 20c
PAPER CLIPS ....... ...._. PER BOX 10c
WRITING PAPER ._ 10c, 15c, 25c AND 35c
SHOPPING BAGS—strong material . _ 5c
The Standard Book Store
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG -- Proprietor
NIrs. Freeman Tonne.;, and baby
daughter, have returned home from the
Clinton Hospital.
Nliss Eileen Somers of \Vinnipcg,
stet Tuesday with her aunt, Nliss J.
St niers,
Mrs. \\'clling'on :\urs, of .\Il:ulford,
visited at the home of Eva Taman
this week.
Nlessrs. :\tthnr and Loren Tyndall,
of Clinton, visited at the horse of their
cousin, \Irs. I:ohcrt \\'ightnn:un to
Thur ;lay last,
NH.. and NIrs. Frank Fangrad and
daughter, Catharine, of Clinton, v's-
itcd on Sunday with NIrs. Nletc if and
Nl its Ella.
Cpl, and Mrs. George \\'egg and
daughter, Sandra, of Clinton, spent the
week -end with Nlr. and NIrs. Jo.,cpin
NIr. and NIrs. J. H. Leith of llatn-
ilton and NIr. and NIrs. G. D. Leith,
of Listowel, were recent visitors Ay th
\1r, and Mrs. 11. NlcE!roy and Mrs.
Leith Sr.
Nliss Ella Nletcalfe was called home
from Ottawa on Friday due to the ill-
ness of her another, NIrs, F. Nlctca'f.
\\'c are pleased to report that NIrs,
Metcalfe is now showing steady im-
Mr. and NIrs. Frank Elliott have re-
turned too T'ceronto folloayi •g a (vcck,'
vacation with the fortner's parents, \Ir.
and \Irs. J. 11. R. Elliott, of Blyth,
and with the latter's parents, NI r. and
Nlrs. Peck, of Stanley 'Township.
Nlr, and \Irs. \\'. G. Leith and Nliss
(;lades Leith, at:!:l NI-rs. I)can of Strat-
ford, visited on Sunday with NIrs.
Leith Sr. and Nlr, and NIrs. 11. NIc-
Mrs, Root, AV'ightntan, accompanied
NH.. and N1rs. Earl laithby of Antonin
to Toronto on Sunday, and spent a
couple of days with her sisters, NIrs.
Alberta Bender and Nliss Lillie M.
Doherty Bros.
Acetylene and Electric
Welding A Specialty.
Agents For International-
Ilarvester Parts & Supplies
White Rose Gas and Oil.
Cal' Painting and Repairing.
Confectionery and Tobaccos,
The ceiling, which is moonily
larger Than any single wall, should
he considered as a fifth wall. 'Thus
when planning the decoration for a
room it it; just as Important to se-
lect n (orree1 ceiling ptcper as it is
to choose the proper wall deem'''.
lion, Your preference may fa your
one of eontrastiug colour. Don't
he afraid that tl "Colour -Planned"
roots will extend your Itndgrt. 'I'o
renlir,e Lids you eat t'etidily do so
by seeing my samples -.--over 500
are pick front.
25c AND 50c
51.35 AND 52.25
59c AND 98c
17c, 39c AND 59c
50c, 75c AND 51.00
R. D. PHILP, Phm. B.
Xtetatatatatatetetat00CietetatetetdttlKiCie+atstewieletetetIOE ettitetao,1tata il.11tetatatat0081 t
Home furnishings
You will find us at the Old Stand with a
hull Stock of
Attractive New Bedroom Suites.
Newest Styles in Dining -Room and Dinette Suites.
Living -Room Suites and Odd Pieces.
Ne\v Designs in Tri -light and Table Lamps, Floor
Coverings in endless variety. A nice selection of
Walnut -Finished Steel Bells, Spring -Filled, and
Layer F'e'lt Mattresses and Saltless Pied Springs,
We will he pleased to have you call and inspect
our offerings,
J. S. Chellew
Home Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, a
D)t2t11?M:Ant)INDIDIDtatPtNlr IDIiB1a3t81BtPs?t3r2t?19t tPIMIDINDI 2t ,NDaiDiVINPaiNDtlhDi
Sirry to say, there are NO N I'.\\ 11.0♦.+00♦ 0.. 0.0 •♦. •I • •.1. .• + . •.0•r.. ••.•. ••.• OPO..00,d.0.0•,Od•.00••00. Ou•••O i.• 0.�. •0 •�. d.•O P: O. O •• !
P:\1'!I'.1:N5 tilts ytat•, lectin! tile,♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦+•♦•.+0.•.•♦•♦•••.♦•••••••••.00♦•
saint' the last three -cars. Every- . :1: p' 3:
thing in the line of Decorating, No •2• '_'
a yetth tr
,per.al time for appointments, — 'i: a 'i'
and remember, I specialize in that t•
tough job of laking off \1'allpaper, i y 1
: t Aka) plc oat '_;
1. 3:
i , kffod
.1• st 4 ft 2t < ,�C r ky rti
i '1'
O 't� , r c ':
t e.j,
;i: Its;) 1 SYh' J4 Y 1 1 J ' t '] •;•
t, '1j t sY m ,r3�'/ t V' tp ''
a 1 T.
WREN IN NEED OF i' a �� i .i. :1:
'1• R , Mss �t�
BREAD,BUNS,PIES,'• 1i >" -' a•
+_' � :<"'� ! 4t'�i }fit` � "^ . . ;,, , , .' �. _:
OR COOKIES •1• +'' r` "
3 art d 1•
REMEMBER : "t'''t4.1.'',:1:
•.s: •(k as
11. T. VODDEN. .,:
:_: WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M. TO 10 P.M. •_•
:= SATURDAY, 1 P.M. TO 10 P.M. ;t;
:i: I.
.1. i
31 1
The nun, travelling in a 1928 Chcv- iy. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE •_•
car ran into headlight trouble, an:t: Located Opposite Kernick's Grt.aery, Phone 158, Blyth. :_:
when they approached a point just t p- •1t •_.
ieosttc the former Austin farm, their ,:i+.1.ti•♦i•♦,14•;••;••i•r•,;4•i;•Mi•7•00•CVOW •;•+.;••4,;......•♦,.j'4.•.0••.• •.••04,+l•4•444••ti4
Phone 37.26,
Accident Victims Not
Seriously Injured
Five Nit Albert ,tit turn fi;4u o 1 in
a motor accident on the Auburn road
about a mile (vest of Myth on Friday
•---`---- lights want out, and the car carccnd
LIE IN THE DARK AND LISTEN over a rather sharp ditch on the road
NIr. and \Irs, I. M, Cuullcs attended
side, NIrs. Stuart Rubinson, ,e:f Myth,
I.ic in the dark and listen. ; was the first on the funeral of \\'ilf;un Paton, Toronto,
the scene, and lour-. .
It's clear tonight, sit they're flying high, ried to Rlylh, where she notified 1)r. till \\'nighann Saturday,
Hundreds of them, thousands pc haps, \'Ickes, It was first thought Illy uc- I Nliss Pearl Paton, 'Toronto, Nliss Ir-
: Reding the icy, nnoe.nlit sky, cupanls were seriously injured, but Or. enc Paton, Nl-inti-o, \Irs, Stanley \Ic-
\Icn, machinery, hentbs and maps, •\'ukcs rushed therm to fort Albert 1.aughkut, 'Toronto, Mr, and \Irs. Rtts-
:\hiutetcrs and guns and charts, xvhere their injuries were found not to sell \\'alker and fancily and Nliss i\I•
Coffee, sandwiches, fleece -lined hoots, be of a serious nature. :\ (151 ecatcd bcrta \\'alket•, \\'ingltant, NH. and \Irs.
Rennes and muscles and minds and elbow was the worst injury, and all George Gullies, with NH-. and Mrs. 3.
hearts, suffered bruises and lacerations. The N1. Cutltes.
111 English saplirgs tvi!h 1•;tiglish roots tar was considerably damaged, w:tlt I
the roof being completely shorn off, It Mrs. Herbert \\'heeler, with her son,
Deep in the earth they've left below. I (;oldie, and Mrs. \1'hccicr, London.
1.ic in the dark and Id them go; was a miracle that nine of the occu-
Lie in the dark and listen. ' rants were not seri--u,ly injured. lie- Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hutton, \\'ing-
t sides the valuable aid rcmd.red by Mrs. haul, with her parents, Mr, and NIrs.
ILie in the dark and listen, Ruh;tts•vt, Rey. 1'. II. Streeter, and two lances r.ci:ch,
1Tht'', re going over itt waves an•1 taa\c5 of the Rlyth L'oy Scouts, also render- .
1 High
e rider-
llligh above villages, stills and streattc, rd invaluable service in the enncrgcn-
Country churches and litre graves cy. 1)r, \'ekes seen the boys satire aridI:\nd little citizens' worried dreams; comfortably
comfortablyputt lit hid at Port .\Ibet1.
Very soon they'll have reached the sea
And far below them will lie
And cliffs and sands where they usy'I
to he
Taken (nt summer holidays.
BOWLING GREEN READY the Club should get in touch will the l l.ie itt the dark and let them go;
The local Bowling Green is in) I ) 'Theirs is a world we'll never know,
rood • Secretary, Mr. P,^rt Gray. :An en'oy-
I Lk in the (hark and listen.
shape, and ready fc.r the opening oft able summer is anticipated by bowlim; —Noel Ca, -ted.
the season. Anyone wishing to join 1enthusiasts.
ll;lould the 1'ishcrttrun—
Ile :u•iseth early in the morning
BEL(1RAVE \n•tl d ' tcn•bcth tLc wlt cic huuscholl,
\light:. are his preparation,
Nlr,, (;t'o•ge Cook l: and naught, t•, 1 u' ''td he goeth forth fall of pep.
with \Ir. and NIrs. Albert Ncthcry, . \\'hen the day is far spent,
I bouillon. Ile rctttrnctlt home;
Mr. James McCrea, Toronto, with his Smelling of strong drink,
parents. Mr, and M rs. R. McCrea, 1 And the truth is not in him.
Nursery Supplies
I ant taking (orders Nt)\\' for all
Nursery Stock for Fall Delivery.
Get your order in early. Nlalny
kinds are scarce.
Phone 179x2, lrlytlt, Ontario,
Mrs. James Armstrong
Representative For
Winona, Ontario.
Nliss Velma Nichol -on has taken a
position' iu Vodden's Rake Shop.
NIrs. George Johnston, who is con-
fined to hospital in London, is int-
Mrs. Gordon Elliott and sons, John
and Donald, returned home Sunday tv-
ening, after spending a weeks' holiday
with her parents, Mr, at -..l ' Irs, R.
Johnston, of Godcrich,