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The Blyth Standard, 1944-05-10, Page 1
THE LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 19 - NO. 39. •i 1.Y,,, §JI 11 II 11 ., ,I II NOTICE! TO LOT MOLDERS IN THE' BLYTII UNION CEMETERY. AS THE TRUSTEES OF TIIE CEMETERY iIAVE EXTRA EXPENSES TO MEET, IT IS IIOPEI) THAT ALL TiiOSE IN ARREARS WILL I'AY THEIR DUES PROMPTLY, CEMETERY 'YEAR ENDS MAY 211T1. \\'. N. \\'.\TsON, chairman, J(11I)4I'1II, Sr,, Trustee, 1.1.( )1'I) \I I1.1.I:R, Caretaker, LESLIE Sce'y-'I'rea,llrcr. h■ 1, 1 •.l r,.,a,. r...a ,...ar...-rw uv .111. 014,4 li I;l1Y, 11.11E1 1 I u MR. AND MRS. G. HEFFRON GIVEN RECEPTION .\ large gathering ;assembled in the \Ietnorial 1l;all on \Ionday night In lionour \I r. and \Irs, Gerald Ilel'fron, recent newly-weds. The evening's proceedings tool: the forst ,0f a dance to the music of Rai- son's (orchestra, • ND. ;Intl \Irs. 1lcffrnn were the rc- ripienls of ;1 11111. of uhun'y, and re- ceived many verbal cungr1(l(l1ti-,ns. \Ir. Louis Phelan read the follow- ing address, and \1r, Sart() Mealy L CINCH TOuNC BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1914. Subscription Rates $1R O in Advance; $2.00 to U.S.A. 4 Il Results '1'O MOTI-Ihlt ;4.4.4., 41 , ...; .. , : Music Festival �, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,.,;.•.. ,,;,,,;,,.,,,•.•,••.,..,. .....,,.,. J. Of Local Interest I'11e loll„w int; po,•ut, dcdicaled to ali ;If � CITIZENS OF HURON ..„., ;_.. ..' Pupils who entered the I;II,I(rich '\I1ltber•", \,t, \rittrm by \lis, Sllir- ,t, 2; Music Festival, NI ay end, 3rd and •1tll,'JO' \Vallacc, of Tort 9 n, daughter of 3, �_' sunder the direction of Elizabeth \lids, •\I r, and Mrs. Irvine \1'allact, of Illyth, t.: I anal 11 a, sent ;dont to us for piih1ica-'" COUNTY 4'0 obtained aIle following standing: >: tion, Shirley info( els us that she jot • > •t GIrIS \'Ileal Sulu, 8 years and under: • ;� 'I: "The Little Lust Killen Rltc;t Hall, .1(11 t11i, down while in one of Iter pen .:S siwc moods, We think the effort is ;1 811, iris \leant, Here Are The Vita Fat; ,°11 I yey tvnrtlty Ili Publication: (;iris Vocal Sulo, 8 years and under, 1 >: "tiprillg Barbara l' hiratricl;, 79; Janis Osie again this Mother's i)ay \Iurritt, 77; Elva Gross, S.S, No. 11 I11as brought to one's recall Mullett and \Vawanosh, 76; Marion I;\ love, far \v;u•ntcr Ileac a ray TayIur, Auburn, 76. Of that hug sphere called Sal, In finals, Eleanor i;rutvnc, 161); third tvinner certificate. A\ love of one, tt•ho through the Boys vocal solo, 8 years and under, \Viten everything scented dint Bobby \'unghlutt, 77, :\churn. Girls vocal solo, 11 and under, sIar- Igucritc ilail, 79; Shirley Falconer, 79; Ann Jeanette \Vatson, 77; Evelyn \lor- I HURON COUNTY QUOTA years :i;' 4 AMOUNT' RAISTD TO DATE $3,060,000 $2,056,250 'i res ;; AMOUNT STILL TO BE RAISED $1,003,750 .: ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT. 1:cpt back from all, her worries ;and 3.. her fears, ,t, IIURON COUNTY MUST RAISE $1,003,750 '•I And never once looked grits. '. OR A DAILY AVERAGE OF $ 334,5F3 This one, ribose name is I:notvn to all, '• cis, 77; Loraine Hamilton, 76; Eileen Regardless of race )r colors•, -• 'Holmes, 7(1, front S.S. No, 5, Morris. \fill 1, rrincnlbcred both by great and Boys vocal solo, 11 years and under, •Mac 'Taylor, 77, from U,S,S. No, 12, Mullett and \lorris; Johnnie Seers, 75, Auburn; Ronald King, 71, Auburn; Ilrock \'redden, (17. fn finals Dick . small, -:• )ler tante will always be "\IOTIiEIR". .. :\lld, Though her hair has turned to :_; gray, ' ::. 'Glass 163, receiving silver• medal and That'll never be another, ;. five dollar 1\'; Savings Certificate. S'1 now, dear God, to 'Thee tic pray, >. life:he hle55 and care for \1O'1'hfEI ," >. Jack Kyle in finals 159 third,certiii- __Sl,;rinr \\'•III... •' sale. • - (;iris vocal solo, 14 and under: ".\ii- ril Goes :\ \Valking,” \larir ILtil11hy' ` GEORGE McNALL ADDRESSES •_•, 77, second, Auburn, LUCKNOW TOWN COUNCIL -t- Girls vocal solo, 1.4 and under, "Now' • is the Month of \laying", 1)1)ri,s N1 e-. '1'. George \Ic\all, who was recent- ;. Knight, Auburn, 79; Marie haithl)y, ly honourably discharged from the Auburn, 79, lu finals Irina \\'allace, Canadian Armed Forces, whore he held first 162, Five dollar \\'ar Savings the rank of Company Sergeant-Major, .; Ccrlificatc. Jcan Kirl:conncll, .\ubmu, leas beth getting around cunsidlcrably !459, second, cert Neale ; Shirley Phil- since his discharge. Besides attend- . TRINI'T'Y ANGLICAN CHURCH lips, 158, third, certificate. hum different Masonic functions in >• Rcv. 1'. 1-1. Streeter, L,T11., Rector. Boys vocal solo, 1.4 rears :and under, the district, \•here he has been called >. \lay 1.1111, 19.14 Jack McKnight, Auburn, 79, second. on to address the gathering, \I r. \ic- Sunllay School: 111„01 a.m. Girls vocal duct, 12 years and under, Nall recently paid n visit to his oat I?yensung :old Sermon: 7.311 p. ll. "Sant;( Lucia," Shirley Phillips, so- ire village of Lucl:nntt, \fierc he \as Intercession Service, Friday, at the pram); Tama \Vannes alto, 80; first an unexpected visitor at the 1.ucl:now _— Rcetory at .1,45 p.m. certificate, 5 dollar \far Savings Ccr- Village Council \Iccting, and where he lificatc; .loan Kcrnick, -soprano, \far- was called on for a short address. The TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE 1,ucknow scribe in last week's issue, guctilc Ball, alto, 77. -of the "Sentinel, Inas the following to made the presentation; Evensong ;Intl Sermon in Trinity Girls vocal duct: "The Rainbow" say about the genial George; Dear Marie and Jerry: \\'c your Church next Sunday at 2.30 11.111, Loraine 1laiuilton, soprano, Mary Mor - friends and nci);hbours have .gathered",\n unexpected visitor at Tuesday rill,alto, 78. •night's council meeting .was George ST, MARK'S CI-IURCI-1, AUBURNt,' here to -night to honour tlic lltaptvt• are „ ,•• • • 1)uublc 'Trio, Blyth, Lois 11(111er- I \IeNall of Blytlt. Ile dropped in 'to Casino of your marriage, J ) NI "riling I taytr :Ind Sermon al ty, Frances 1lollyuan, \lartmerite ist'e \fes I wilt',• and was welcomed plat' you are re11laining among us, 1(1,311 i til, next Sunday ill Si. \lark's 11;111, tensa Wallace, Ann Jeanette i by members of the Beard and on the \Iaric, tat \•eleoine you to our Incroom-' chtirdi, \Vatson, Shirley Phillips, 79. iinvitation of the IZeeve spoke briefly. iiilntily. \\'e wish you many yea's ui 1 DURING THE NEXT 3 [JAYS All of us CAN and MUST buy MORE VICTORY BONUS IF YOU HAVE NOT PURCHASED—ACT NOW IF YOU FIAVE PURCHASED RECONSIDER—BUY MORE ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT. WE CANNOT LET HURON DOWN 1111: l'l 1,(AVINC, 1S .\ LiS•I' OE Ill)\I)S \V1114-11 . \ R I'. BEING PAID O I' 1 • — 1—Tran, Nat, Railway ---5 perc( nt clue July, 1''rl)-._( allcd July 1, 1'1-11 at (.7',1115 l'.5. I nu0!>—r.'l151 Can. bund,, Pacific Railway -5 percrn! 'Inc 1)1 c. I, 1')5'1—callable June 1, 1'14I at 111111 C.S. Funds- -5114,40 Can, funds, 3—I)uluinion Woolens -6 1)c1 ''11 due 1'(5.1•—c;llcl Italy 1, 1')44 at :^11111. 4--(.1e 1er:it Steel \\'arcs—I' percent due 1952—called Juno 1, 19.1.1, Dom. Gas and Electric (rt_ percent due 1'(45—called \lay 15, 19-11 at 511)1, if you own any of the above Bonds, consult your banker and re•invcat in Dom. of Canada Sixth Victory Loan Bonds. ._. (Inserted by Huron County National \\';n• Fimotee Committee) rooVo.1 /14++.1.•.. ,•, .... ,�. ,•..1,•1.11.1 I.1 ,•�.,,•,.,., I•.,•, ••1 i ..•.•, i 11•..11••...•..• i . i •.. i ,.. i 11.1.. 1.1 I,, I�I.1 ,•, .11•, •1 ____ \r— Auburn: Doris \Icl'niglli, Jean Kirk- George was reeve of Illyth for eight success and happiness and hope our ,connell, \Iaric Raithby, 1)olly Beadle, years, resigning the office to don the present 1111 ions will continue :IS good BLYTII UNITED CFIURCFI Glenn' \'ungblutt, Garth NIcClinchcy, 'army uniform fora second lints, and d neighbours, Asa Interns of 7(1, 'George served overseas for more than shnwilt our esteem and gond wishes \ext Sunday, \lay 1.1111, is \lothe s we axle you to accept this gift as a i Day. There be a joint service of Chorus Unison .:\u1mrn 77. theca years in 111' (;rear \\';u. and was the Sunday School and congregation (:burns, 2 part with descant, Illyth, over here fur a year and 8 months of token of the esteem in whirl) ,1,u are i' this one. held. \Vi,hin0 you every success and held it 11.15. The Sunday School trill 78, second, meet al 111,45 in (11' ghoul Room to 11e was hoping to go to Italy with ;all the prosperity that eau conic your Girls Chorus, Illyth, 80, certificate, the boys, but after suffering injuries way, mach tilt attendance, and distribute Piano solo, age 12 and under, \Ia•- in ;t motor cycle accident, was sent \Ve remain your friends and neigh- the papers, Mclllbrrs of the School . garct Jackson, Auburn, 83, first, silver 1101110. "Its a young roan's war", bnurs, AlICharf Mealy, J;uurs Kelly , will take part in the service, :\ huge •utedal, .George emphasized. choir of youth, people will snag, Sari() I Italy and Louis 1 hatch, Piano Solo, 10 and under, Evelyn "\\'hat I'm worritkl' abqut is the \n n11rortunity for 11,Iplisnl will be 1tithby, Auburn, 83, first, silver tiled- -complacency in this country", he said, ---V arranged at the morning service, al. Trite bard part is ahead ;and he's pcssi- WHAT DID YOU DO TODAY? I'11r sermon subjects will bre , nlistic about the war being over ill a 11,15: "Thr Ideal \Vuntat., Piano Solo, 8 years and node, Lar b•tl•a Kilpatrick, 79, second, year, He supported his contention by Written by Lieut, Dean Shatlain, 7 p.m.: "Ilannalt, the Old -Time the fact we haven't yet sat foot on A 'Pack Commander in Africa, \lotl)cr," V-- the \Vcstern front, and credited the Lieut. Slcttlain amputated hi's own The evening service will he lu'ld ill Gentian retreat in Russia, to sone ex - foot with ;t jack-knife and thought he the slouch auditorium, \ gaud al- ANGLICAN MINISTER INDUCTED lent as strategy in shortening their was dying when 110 wrote this poen!, tcud:tncc is urged. AT CLINTON liars to fight 011 two fronts. Ile was rescued after two hour's hid- ing, and now is in hospital in England,Rev, R. \I, P. Bulled, newly ap- George put in a wort) in support of pointed rector of the Anglican parish the Victory 1111. Ile recalled the What did ycu do today, my friend, W. A. MEET of St, Paul's Church, Clinton, was iw•t0rlhlrssncss of the German mark aF- From morning till the dark?111e regular ut n1111y orating of the 11ffficially placed in charge of the par- iter the last \'at•, if Hitler should win How many times did you complain \\'(,Marl's Association of the unite,'iish in accordance \tilt the rites of the; (1111• dollars won't be worth any more. The rationing is too tight? church 1vas held on 'lltr,day, \I ay church at an induction service on Fri- Tin really serious about bonds', he con - When arc you going to start to do 9111. The president, \Irs, Harold Phil-iday cvcniug when the Veit':\rchdca- eluded. All of the thingsY 1,u say? Iles, presided. con Doherty of Loudon presided. 'The (;corgi was born and raised in Luck- . it soldier would like to know my frie,cd induitinu sermon .was preached he now, where he was one of 'l'eek's had \Iccting opened by :III repeating the I boys'. In rrfering to his reran on L What d:d you do today? Rev. 3. k. 'Chonlps)n, rector of 'frimord's Prayer in unison, Mrs. \\Aiam 1 Jenkins acted as Secretary, \Irs, Les - try church, 5L Thomas a former l'li t. 1luron County Council, he paid high We met the enemy today, tic 1hilhurn rcpurletl on sllttths for the ton boy, second son of \lr. and \It's. iributt' to the late Bobcat Johnston," And look the town by storm' harry Thompson, and brother of Rcv. ----V —,--- Harpy reading it will make for you I Church lawn. It was decided 11' pro - Thompson a 50 doll;) bond for the 1\'nnl;at'S'IGcurge R. 'Thompson of the Anglican WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS tomorrow morn. the brief �':\ssucialirnt, The "treasurer, \Irs, \V, diocese of \'ova Scolia, 01hcr .\tgli- •You'll ,.cad with satisfaction 1 to can ministers participating in the set.. \Irs, 'I'huntas Roberton entertained communique, J. Pats, to tool: after saute. , We fought,but are you fighting? The Flower and \'isiting Report wag vice were Rat, Canon 'Townsend, l.um the ladies of the \\'est Boundary Red don; Rcv, E. O. (:;all;tghet, \\'iugltuta, Cross with a gond attendance at their What d:d you do today? given by Airs. 11. \IelElru‘•, April collection 8'0 carts. 3 buses, 3 dung- rural dean of Huron; Rcv. 1)r. lam'- last meeting, 3 quilts were quilted, My gunner died in my arms today; 'tions, I flower, 5 boullucts, 0 parcels fed, Scafnrllt; Rcv. 1'. 11, Streeter, Mrs. Falconer read ,1 1 iter from Frank feel his warm blood yet, Isnf Sunday Reading sent nut during the Illyth; Rev, John Graham, Bayfield iKechnic, who is serving in limy, thank - Your neighbour's dying boy gave out month, and 111 calls trade.land \liddletnus; Rcv. G. K. Nobes,lulg them for the box sent to him. Mrs. A scream I can't forget. \Iccting was broilgllt to a close by Gort•ic, and 111. Lt., the Rev. French, riolat Doerr was the winner of the On my right a tank was hit, repeating the \lizpalt Benediction. Padre of No. 5 R,C,A,F. Station, Klin- ducky draw. \Irs. Roberton served a A flash and then a fire; 1011, Rcv, A. 1.11110 and Rcv G. G. Bur- Mainly Itttelt. The stench of burning flesh "--\' tort, United church ministers, recce Still rises from the pyre. SALVAGE COLLECTION WAS present, the former extending greet- ings front the local ministerial assoc- iation. 'There was a good attendance of -members of the church and of sis- ter churches. After the impressive service, a soc- ial hour was spent in the parish hall affording an opportunity for the rec- tor and people to become acquainted. The ladies of the church served re- freshments. What did you do, my friend, today To help us with the task? Did you work harder and longer for 'car, Or is that too much to ask? What right have i to ask you this? You probably will say. Maybe now you'll understand. You see, I died today. QUITE SUCCESSFUL The Blyth Fire Department mem- I crs were quite satisfied with their Salvage Collection 011 Saturday. An estimated 2 'lons of paper vas collect- ed. 1/tie to the inclemency of the weath- er, the collection had to be postponed from Friday until Saturday, COME AN LYTH l'p until \\'cdncshI tv :thern''on the Victory Loan Figure for Illyth stood at $33,000.110. This leael' ;'1 x,01111, to be still raised if wr are lo (Attain ow- objective of $-151011, 'There f, 11111• litre,. days left, ;is the C:anlp:tit;tt closes 1,11 Saturday. It is nll0,t imperative that 11.011 meet it's objective in this 11th, and nn1,t int,lurtant Victory 1,1,:311, .\ +,lance at the Blanes, hcb,tt• will Provo Thi,, Mealy ttlttnicitl;tlilic; are lal;ginc bcllioit, and the figure it require, daily 10 pm Huron over the top Ilc)ncndnns. Realize your rc;l.ou,ibility NO\\', :tad (0ntact your local Salesman, Ray Hubby'', or in:tl,e ;u1 ;Iplu,hittlrmt tvittt N, \\•, kyle, local ba11< manager, Either gentlemen t\ ill shut\ you 11)0v you ran afford to purchase Victory 111,101., Canvassing SUBSCRIPTIONS District QUOTA TO DATE P.C. F1russels Zurich and Hay \\'est Scaforlh . - C'nlhnrnc 'Township Clinton , l'sborrte '1'ow•tt,11in Goderich Tim11,111p .. \Vest \Vaw:mo,h Stanley Township Tlckcr,lnitIt 'Tett lisllip \I orris 'Township .. - Godet'iclt 'T0,011 .._ \\'in,gbat i . . Ashfield Tnwn,Itip llensall and Hay East Blyth,. 1luwiel: 'I'ownsltip ..-. Stephen 1':east Tresham•\ Township Rxeter .. . (.ray 'I'nw•n,hip .. St crib( \\'c,1 linllrtt Tornvii,hip .. East \\'atvasn,li .. \Ickillnp '1'n11ship Air School, ... . :=7-1,01)0 `8,0911 1113,11111) (0-,01111 1711,0111) 97,000 8',(11(0 67,000 1)1,1!0(1 0810(11) ')1,(1)11) .1' 5000 187,000 1)10,111111 05,010 45,00'1 210,000 1,4 1)111) 74,0011 147,(100 114,0101 (11,1101) 1'\,111(1) 1,7 0011 o8,000 111(1001) 561,500 87.16 _ 04,51111 73,2') 11)0,7100 71,50 -14,150 0.15 110,'111) f ,S,2 ) 61,8(1(1 63.71 5-1,-1(1(1 66.34 41,101) (4,26 5900 1,(1,21 58,700 50,89 54,1(,(1 59,50 5',350 59.37 1118,1101) 58?3 56.400 56,41) 55,2(10 51,3? '5,'51) 56.11 113,550 51.61 31.850 4'1.76 iir,7}(1 40,1,6 72,751) 49.48 55,250 48,46 111550 46.17 420'1 43,(07 ?8,700 42.83 33„151) .15.)15 158,'5)1 X18,9(1 TOTAL . .. - ...- . .119 1,11(10 1,545,3(9) 6(1.30 SGT. JOE MARKS OUT OF Ladies' Guild Meeting HOSPITAL The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church Mrs, Joe Marks 1015 rewired t\ni'd bald their riga lir meeting ;tt the Rcc- 'frutlt her husband, Sgt. \tart.,, stating tory wth \Tis, .\utn,tine in charge. that he has been released from bo,1'il- \irs. Streeter opened the meeting with al Overseas, following an air accident 1)i101r re;lin�Y and brayer, l nllotc int \•hick the houhcr to 101):011 he w;ta 'attached crashed into a hiilsi;ll', SSI. inc the report, of the 5 r)e(ary and Marls was Mot fortunate to come Dirt Treasurer, routine business \va' di, - with ;t 50311) W4Mil1, sonic facial larcr,l- c11—t:1. The meeting was closed with Colts, and aspinal iujnry,none of 11it'll l'raYcr by \t05. Streeter, 'le;I 1)115 are belin'el to be of :1 st'1'iolt, nature. served by the iii„ toss, W. I. 11IEETING BLYTII RED CROSS DONATIONS '1'hc regular meeting of the \Vontan's ; "1111' follulliug donatinne have been institute was held at the hots .11 \irs.'receive/1 tiring the month of April: Y' A. 'Taylor. \Iccting was opened by 'Mrs. \Marra\ and hill Murray . - $2.0 MISSION BAND TO MEET the President, followed by the 1161111trs of the last stetting, ;and ether bn,i- 'I'he Mission Ball of Loving Service •ncss. The subject, "Flowers and 'Their MORRIS RESIDENT DIES will hold their regular attesting 011 Origin', was taken by several mein- SIJDDENLY Saturday, \lay Lith, at 3 o'clock, Chit- hers, Tills was followed by a rnntc,t dl•en bring (work books, scissors, ;and 011 flowers, with \lie, Io,cphine The contimmity was ,hocked on a ruler, \\'oodcocl: att.] \frs, 'Harold l'ttillii,s, bearing of the death Mr. Peter winners, Mealy, at his home in Morris Town - Congratulations to Eleanor Browne, Refreshments wore served by the ilit,, nn `''i•'li r, \1 -ay 7111. 1944. who celebrates her 9th birthday on h.'stesses, Mrs. .1, Taylor, \Irs, Script- 1 nether t0.lrth.tlar of his r?,alt will Sunday, \lay 14th, gtour and \Irs. Liddle, .'l0r'eat in next t1t.k' is SENDS TELEGRAM TO 94,000 WORKERS i - ift,;(1,1 1 th • 1. Jilt ;a ,,loutr,',".1 4:. n:1 of the 1. s, 13,1 klf :lie NI.: :;a' 1 N 1. ; the were I:. coa-t to roast to receive the pre•idents teleeratn The Book Shelf The Curtain Rises By Quentin Reynolds ---- Quentlit Rey .lie!"e:i 'war corresp-.0,1 sper, spri'•g, all .soitimer j.I',,art of the fall Var- it.113 Tilt! C1.111.101 lises covers iri:iicut 111 such tvidely seHirated places as Teini• dad, Cork, Palestine and Inissia, From leynolels hurried to North Af: i,:a :015t l tiUe tO join the Siciliae, Irviilcu, Itt Siciy /Zvi., no'ds, wl", in five foe oor books, has lcati tlie draws for tlso F., the British .k3itly and the PROMOTED Brigadier W. J. Magill, 3G, of Ot- tawa, who has been promoted from the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. le -pa• ft,,i." '1 : ! ,1i 1 .111t1 :i1! ;he and 1 1; high the ; iiti: the :tnicicot Nation 3: e:egraphs \vatk.in:ig Illi form t:tyl,.-.• the deft oil -.11,:e of Nliss Ileatrice 1 ne oi the tuost expert of the auto- matic telog.i.raidt operate,rs. can It first time he had seen them in combat, In faet, says lie seems to have dis- covered in the -ear 7,-eit a great .1nieritet v:hich he never knew existed before. tlenn R.cynoldsl last hook was Dres; Rehearsal. The Curtain Rises is the story of the beginning of the real show for tile tnericatt The Curtain Rises , .. By Quentin Reynolds. . . . .The Macmillan Company of Canada , • , Price $3,50. Germany's Shadow War Plant System Taylor Henry, Associated Press correspondent recently returned from internment in Germany, said last week repeated bombings of German cities "have not yet done the damage to German industrial production we would like to be- lieve." Mr, Henry, formerly chid oi tht _\ssociated Press staff at Vichy, told the annual meeting of the Associa- tion of the Bar of the City of New York that "the reason for this lies in the German shadow plant sys- tem, under which the Germano built enough factories 30 that, using. their total manpower, no German factory would have to work more than une eight-:mur shift daily, 'TC"LtYi when ;ye tOtl:b a Ger- man plant, the workers arc moved to another plant iuc1i, then, is placed on two eight-hour Shifts. 1 third plant is bombed and the pro- : s repeated, putting the original plant oit three eight-hour shifts.' RADIO REPORTER 1,:Y, LEARY Otte .""e. most1:r flU of k:h.! well the , of ..-1111, ar,,‘, :;ut ',..1411 i!;clio 1,1ilk;ite *,,) 11; 111',.! 444, j.1. H,:111111 1 ,.1 the '1,m ;a1,:.,!..;4 1.;ick At !ht ,J1 %.111';'•.11'iy be - 0;111 44, l•i 1t1;4';, : 1 : .j..C1 ,c11 • ng 11lJI in 14 ;, •'10 a!- ' 1:• : 4:14:11 1.411 41 1:1 •,;:;1 1•••,4. c1ke i,,r ' • ..;, 4:1 t11 41411 1;, 11 '.11,{' !.1..; I;:11 Jeallio not ric• •,, "' .\ Int 41is go et iof 1, pretty . e of t"oe ef,pecnormill 4;',! ;r1"171 1<a1io at the p, e-ent twee 1,11 l I Itt • :0t1lKe ty \yie.:‘,11,11 plavers attri cf ,....:troe troe are reaellitns a very h;g1t point and eAcilly on the top of the intertrati,)nal list. Von -an carat the CKCL'S l'layers :lilt station LION CLARK ‘S ITASTER. SLEUTH "NI(:K CARTER" SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON May 21 PAUL IN CORINTH Acts 18: 1-18; 1 Corinthians 12-14, ITINTE1) TEXT, Acts 18: 1-1; I Corinthians 13, GOLDEN TEX'/' - Rut no%v abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love. I Corinthians Illemory Vert; : t Iiivc all,,C101, 1 r'h11 I• TIll.: LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. - •; ..1,11. 1,1 the city in .1 ). h. Fi,i;00 11) 111C 01 41., 11 1101111e:0 of the c•cile o,:rbl at that time. 144 ,4; doparted Paul In Corinth Hi44 fro °V, .44-, ;111 14110 1-4 . . 1.,;• they v,ere i; rea4)11 to 14'1,-,v; had raised a tumult 111-! preaching of the Gospel in llotne, whereupon Claudius, v,it liceat troebling him. self 1.) inquire into Cie merit, of the case, banished them all, linih Jew, and (lir', tiick. .1quila and Priscilla, banished from the city, became o of l' teV4 ee,,•4 valued 'helpers." l.e re.,,,,eo1 in the syn.). g,ogne ery 3,1,1 11(4 411 441 and Greelk,” i'au; quietly re:I.-oiled with hit l.,...trect show- ing, 10 cei other nee:0'nm, from the Scrip:tiros tlia' Jesus 1'. 40411 the Jews 113(1 cru:ified Ivit their 041 lltIc-'SililI, ie tO per- stiade them to believe the troth in Christ. The Ciri,tian worker nutit 11:"e thc ge1110 art of per- suasion when dealleg it!' SOLI! 3, Great Hymn of Love "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, . . and if 1 eiet lily body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth UIC notliii'.g." Six great thing i are here de- clared to be practkally worthies -4, unless they' ;ire accomilanied by love -the po%ver to speak as the angels, the gift of preeiliecy, the under- standing of religious mysteries, faith to remove mountains, a spirit of benevolence that leads to the bestowal of all one's goods upon the poor, and a willingness to be burned to death, .\ 11 th:se, unless they are, exercised in a spirit of love, are nothing, "Love 5ufferctli long, and ie kind, I.ove en%•ietli no:: Love vaun- teth not itself; is not puffed up." 1 fere \ye see how love Ivories in the heart of tile believer. Endowed with the grace of charity, and therefore full of the Love of God, he will bear long and :iatiently with those who try kiln, Ile will not compare himself 441111 others, and thus be led to feelings of envy, of pride, of sell-exaltaticin. Love 13 humble, it thinks little of itself, and much of others. "Doth not behave it ,elf unseemly, seeketli not it; own. 13 not pro- voked, Wool' not actimut of evil," Jove keeps lo,veet, calm and r.ontrollecl. It does not its own things, hat is constaeCy 3,•eking the highest welfare 01 Jove does not take offeree at little things, it makes alloe:ances for others' weaknesses and failings, I.ove dors no; dwell the evil done to her, but is a',1*4 to forgive and also to completely forget. 'Rejoiceth not in tuirighteous- ness, but rejoiceth truth,' 're oho love; (Thrist and 111; cause cannot lie rioatheti,', Ca ring rot 3vliether iniqui:y or eightoottine33 prevails, lie nokt 1 rind'e when lie see; rigliteonoiers :col truth (le- feating the pe,wer4 '110;tre111 all 11ii;4;z, !ie;io.elii all thing), hopeth all 14111, erdureth all things". Love sdeeitl,y endures whatever it has to seffee. Jove be- lieves the 10'e llopoi in God At a!: tittle.i. L.04't entlorct:1 all 1 :L 1 maintains an unshaken confidence irt God. never faileth ,bit that shall I know fully oven as 3130 I was folly linowm." paid ispeak. ing here of the thing; that 11111 pass away,4,11*41 11(011.141(5 0) a man he pin; away ciii:11:,,!! 1.,;",:i11114`:11'; ht. cause ',hey wili gifts of knot% lodge led peoplivey play their part not.," in 0m:forting and enlightenin,c; God' pe 13111 tend a Helping Hand 11020,44144‘422,00[1.6,1,12,64.1;s., *at. There is no easy road to Victory, but your help NOW will bring them home sooner. BUY VICTORY BONDS adverlitement contributed to the Eth Victory loan by BLUE TOP BREWING COMPANY, LIMITED IIITCHENER, ONTARIO CANADA at best the knowledge given us ie partial, we wait for the fuller light of Heaven, \Vhen our knowledge is perfected in Heaven all we thought we knew will sink into in- significance. "But noW abidcth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest oi these is love," Prophecies, ton- gues, knowledge may pass away, but faith, hope and love remain, of wIlicit the greatest is love, l'aul does not Say why love i3 the great- est of the three. lie only makes the declaration, Faith saves our- selves, but love benefits others, Garden Notes TRANSPLANTING Successful transplanting depends on two factors (1) the purchase of good, healthy, stout stock, and (2) exposing the roots as little as pos- sible to the air, Set out stork DE 3 thin day or in the evellint!, say the experts, Finn down the earth well around the plant, tree or what- ever is being 1,3444111011 :d, and \valet. yell, \Vail big trec,---six 1*4 SeVell feet high-thi; may mean pai! of water cad], and .'*'c;' kw days if possible, \Vith sinall things like tomatoes or COS11103, a pint or 30 around each plant will be suf- ficient, Earth around the roots should be fine and of good fertility, and it should be kept well cultivat- ed while the plant 13 getting es- tablished. There is a lot of transplanting connected with gardening. In vege- tables a great many things such as cabbage, celery, tomatoes and pep- pers are usually bought as started plants front seedsmen or green- houses and sot out in permanent qtr14rter3, while almost any flower - perennial 33 well 34 annuid--can he purchased ia this way, The same, of comic, applies to all nursery stock, fruit timl ornamental trees, shrubbery, ro,es, 1111e9, el D -Day For Date: H -Hour For Time -1).. -11-i334'" staml, for /ate" -the date 1414111 even the highest authorities never mention needlessly among themselves \t'llen Won: plans for an important military InolL,, here Ls ai,o tLer on..., not so popularily !moon., It i, the "1 1-1 lour" which to those in :lie hilow ,,tatob. for 1' %ery inimne of come! ted movement. VIVO .1.••••••1.1••••=1"....•• POP' -'--Pop's Chapeau Makes an Ideal Home THERE'S A GUARDS- MAN OUTGIDG, SIR - WANTS' TO fr." KNOW IF YOU GOULD LEND HIM YOUR 'BEE'S HIVE! .0•111Immai BERIBBONED Cpl, R. Foley of No. 33 Company, Veterans Guard of Canada, Ottawa. who wears the ribbons of eight awards won on active service with the Canadian and United Statee armies. 1fe's been a soldier since 11)08,, [le has three other medals for which he )133 /10 ribbon% By J. MILLAR WATT :-...0111.•`,11111{" Modern Etiquette 13' Rc:bcrla Lee ! f: 1`. sh( .LS; C man Atli! 1!;s wife proceed down the aisle when they enter the (Lurch nt s wrddicg? 2, From which side of the chair ahonl,l one Take Lis sent s.t the table? S. If a mar, is wail5ir.) n, i' the titre( t with A \ti niao ;,l,d sl r• 'peal: to rnntcone be riot'. not low's, should he speak T.:so? 4. After making :. call, would it be all right to snv, "1 Ant afraid I have stayed too long" % 6. is It all right for r. hostess to arrange that a nu:t: take A certain woman in to dinner if he is not to be seated next tc her? n, What is t1't meaning (! R.S.V. P,1 Answers 1. An usher offer' his left Aral to the tvontan, and the star. follows them down the aisle. P. 'file chair Should be drawn back with the right hand. This, of course, makes It convenient to take the chair from the left side. F. No, It is not neces- sary for him to speak, but he should lift his hat. 4. No; do not stay over the required period and it will not be necessary to even think of an apology, 6, Yes: ► hostess some- times finds this necessary. 6, "An- breviation of the French phrase breve tion of the French phrase respondez s'il Vous plait. Banta Accounts One reason for the trust the de- positors have in the bankers lies in the fart that the Lankers keep thr depositors' business in strictest confidence, sans the Ottawa Tour - nal. We have heard of ambitious canvassers for bonds endeavoring to get some idea cif the size of in- dividual deposttc re,' hank accounts, but we have yet to hear of a banker giving as much As a slight hint about such information. Call it ethics or what you like, but that Is something that Inst isn't done in banking circles, Headache Nothing is more depres• sing than headaches.,. Why suffer?... will give instant relief. Lambfy'sisgoodfor eat. vL' ache,toothache, pains in riuf back, stomach, bowels. Z'ad/ s'Ioto . 3qID p person, erson '' ll nn, No higher! 400 lovely rooms with radial HEADACHE POWDERS 14 Modern, Fireproof, (enrenlentll locoed, 1e11 Parkins st is IOW us $150 no higher thanSA S0 per person FOS MAP sr POLO'S. wrae IOID NOTII3 (0. Montreal }[T •W' ��O-MEDAL MAN aa 1,54}.. -, Just before leaving Honolulu re- cently to take command of all land- based air units in the forward areas of the central Pacific, Maj, -Gen. Willis II, Hale, above, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. General Hale for- merly commanded the 7th Army Air Force, Sugar From Sap Of Birch Trees Canarhan Research cep( riin nts have shown that white and vrlio\v birch trees produced an LLundance of sap lint the yield c•f sugar was on average only about one-third that of the sugar maple, Results of the experiments indicate tliat yel- low birch sap contain' invert sugar with small amounts of Int -rose, and that white birch sap ro•ntains n mix- ture of fructose and invert sugar. Syrups prepared from white and yellow birch saps by concentrating 100 times were similar in taste and Appearance to comr-r reit! corn ayrup, Disillusioning Fancy, picking up a last year's Volkisrher Beohachter in the (;er- man dentist's waiting room and coaling on this: The absolute stt- periorit\' of the Japanese fleet in South Pacific waters is miquestion- ed,"--\\'innipeg Tribune. /YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM HOT Fl SES If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzy spells, Irregular periods, are weak, nervous --due to the "middle -age" period in n woman's life, take Lydia E. Phnkham'e Vegetable Compound, It's helped thousands upon thou - sande of women to relieve such symptoms. Plnkhnnn's Compound tc also n fine stomach tonic) Worth frying/ Made 10 Canada. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It yeti ere troubled with itching piles or rectal surcaess, do nut de- lay treatment and run the risk ut letting tills condition become chron- ic. Any Itching or soreness or pallltul passage of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. 1"or this purpose get a package of ,lent -!told from any druggist and use as directed. 'Tills formula which Is used Internally is n email, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve tho Itching and soreness and old In healing the euro tender spots. Henn-ltotd Is pleasant to use, Is Highly recommended find It seems the height of folly tar any one to 1'telt a paintu1 and Chfollte pile con- dition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. If you try Henn•Itold aid are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your )Motley. Itching scalp A Simple Home Treatment If your s,'alp Iles broken out with ugly surface rushes or Irri- tations - DON("1' DIG with !Inger• nails as that 01(11' Et lyes to make 1t \verse -end spreads It, Go to your druggist today -Est a bottle of Ttonne's Emerald (.'it and use this mixed with an equal quantity of olive oll. It's easy to use -all you do Is apply to the scalp with your finger tips gently rubbing In- to the roots of the hail'. ho this at least 0100 n day aud I,hout every fourth day shampoo using a good seep. Soots you'll find th'.s combin- ation start right In -promoting faster healing. Continue the treat- ment until relieved end the loose, floating dandruff has disapt•e:u'ed. Continue for 2 week', and if then you are dissatisfied get your money hack. Druggists tit er> tell( re eel! Emerald 011. 'SCARECROW' OF THE SKIES The spectacular fireworks (ii',play l,itturerl above ise new type German flare, which the RAF calls "The Sc1,l(row'," exploding (luring raids over Magdeburg, Gcrm:ny. Flare bunts with sheet of orange flame, followed by wily black smoke. A'- explosion sulsldes, showers of ccIored fragments shoot out. Japan Has Plenty Of Reserve Forces ]h.,•e t'.f:,' lo.,:: for the c;,1..r collapse of Japan \tui be inter - tested ii; the statrtnr 1..t of l ,.:' ; r: Warren, Clear, r, o, the 1 \V;,r I ((. pertinent, staff, wIto dada')-: "I.;. the end of the year Japan will have a strrl) ''t1s in or: -,lair div '•::: equal t', net ot,ly onr pl::l'r.r«`. atrrngt:i in I':ur1 pr, lint in the Asiatic tis acre as \r( it pa'. 1 take t1 t '1. tic \ i( t3' c f this war, s,t' the 1 hatham VVishinl thinking w ill not win it, tinder( ctiniating the strength of the earl::; \vould be fatal, iat an Is the nation we nut defeat :.ftrr BARI' CHICKS lll'F.f'iA1 11)i('1:� I'011 JUNE AND .113,1" Herrn dock MI sof 1 New Nnutpstilre elixed ,.,, 11c White Leghorn T11\ed .,,, 10c ITarrrd ltorlc Pullets 17c White Leghorn Pullets ,,,, 2or Don't deli:y. 11.00 hooks your order. Carleton lln(rhery, 11rltennle Heights, Onteri°. RIVERSIDE GOVEIINM1EN'1' AP - proved Baby Chicks from hug type blondtestell Breeders, noth- ing but 14 oz, Eggs and over e.re set, ensures you big, vlgorotte, fait maturing ('hicks, Barred Rock, \Vhlte 'I,e(horne, Light auseexe. Write for folder, River- side Poultry Farm, Hickson, Ont. T0R\11'i,A FOR 6tCt'ES5 IVITII chlcl(s: Start with vlguruus, bright, true -to -type from Top Notch C'hIelcerles, They're Gov- erumr nt Approved from blood - tested hree(lera. ,lay old aid old- er, pullets, coekerels, non -sexed, All the popular breeds. And every chick 11 Oyes T'p Nolrls ('hlrk- erles with n clean hill of hteltl. No Iv(nklings to cut down your profits. Strut all the Top Notch Chicks you ran fis early As. you Cno. 1411 II fu' rntnlopur and re - duct d prices for May. Also straf- ed 1)11;'1;s 2, 1, 4 end 8 works of age. Top N n t e h f'hl'k(r're, Guelph. ()Mario, CIIII'liN 1'11011 4. 11111:ht1\/. ('A1t11 (1)' r000 1,A V1:114; ' 1'It11111' Fllll'111ti\'1'" DET):1`: r, 11111 LAKE \'l1:\t' ,'l1J('1{s has hN5: en great Iliac WA have lnereas' d nth' en 10161y end are able to Rive you pro\npt ship- ment or, day-old chicks and 11m- ited r,ulnhrr of Eh,rled chicks If you e.'t quickly, Sussr \, Suss, \ x Nott' ilnmpshire, Suss, x X 1.tp- host,, Leeliorn, Patrol ltneks, Ne IV lfnntp'I:irrs, rind Rode x 1,r0h',rn ('hiok', Pullets or c'otk(•r.Is. tt}' your chicks from n 11(.5.1 Brae t s,r' Earle, end ho n'snrrd Of succi Send for Price hist and hoed: your clilek5 N(111' for Ding or ,Tun(, 3nrEU T.A1 1 \'ir:\\' C h I e k' weekly. T,AI E\'lE\V TOl'1:i'It1' 1'.11121, 11'cin liras., Pxr',r, Ont,u•lo. IN AP1.1'I'Ir)X Tel SI'I'Pl,l'IYr, high quo;lltt• chicks that live find grow, Twrddle ilat,'herlr' can eut'I,lw n wide variety of pure breeds And hybrid erns'•es. In pure her, ds w•1. (10 supply White I nRhnt n'. Brown 1,eehorns, Bleck D1lncrr:'. itnrrr-,1 110',1(8. White Reeks. \1.w TL•.nipsllires, Rhode. Ia1n?d R. ds. \V11 Ito \\ynndott(5. Rllvrr T.acr11 \Vynndottr., T,P'ht PU155'(., 133,1 .3list r;,lnrns, i,5nl- nnns. 1'115( ()millet ons, J, rs( y Black (1i:,1,ls, Jersey \1'hltr (ilai 1.s. In hyh•id' w-1. hn1r' Ttlach 'Min- orca S White T,rchnrn', \1"Lttr !Alvan] n X Ilnrrrd Tt„rlcs. Ttnrrrd Rork X 1Vhitr Lrchorns, 1\'lutr 1'VVAnd„tte \ \flits Roeii, White Rnrk X 1\'hof.' l,rghorn', .`it' w iintinp'hirr X \V11111.. T,rc110111s. New 1t:.htpsltlrr X P•n•re.l itn.1 Bnrrr 1 Rook X \rte llamp'bir, �. Nen- lis nlpshlrr X 1,1011 1,15115 Sus'(•\ X New ]lan5p'11irr'. We '•1111 (1111 p1'nmpt (15'3lvrr•y nn prnrtl, •tits• All the Ahove hrrr,l'. elan r, ((cat number of the (shot' breed, '11 m"t1-sexed pnik i' '.r rorkrr,I'. 2, 3, 4. and 5 scut; 1.l': etnrtrd rho, k'. 13 ,9ilr our ru'- tnnnri': ',erne 1111' 1 for 9'wrQ,il, chicks vrrlr atter yrnr wt hiott- thnt ':itl'fird hu1r•rs arc 001. hr't ederrti'rr Send f,.1. the Teo dill( 1P4l ,: talncur ;,rd 'p155 1 (.5•,er- 1181. 'rt5' ado, r'hirk TTnrc1'r!r5' 1,Imi1e,). 1'r•1cns, Dula 10. N1'P1:111o11 C11I('KS, A1,T, itR1:1:P- trs 110"11 tested. 1\'ri1e for our special low priers for end of tiny. ',limn end ,Tuly chicks. Leto - horns, 1,arrrd P.urks, Tlunnt„hirr', 11 n r 1: ll col', Sus'ex, Sussr\ Tlantps. ml\cd '•hide i'ullr 1s, eo ltcl.ls. f -S -la -1" (5(11 old Pul- lets (.,1 tminrdiatr, dclivrly• Fop( 1.i„r 1L•ih'ltery, 1,111w'.e.1, , 51,1. 111.1,1.1 :TS: ANI) ('.11'11\S I'D() \I 11•,c •;m.1 .Tune 11n1, hell . b;• 6' ()lir New ll: meOli5' 1,1e111 R'-, • hybrid 111,11.• \,•5111 nt I •y, e. aid ' boh•r4 of meat \1'ebrr's Pettit! c 1'•1151 •1n11 ita:- (hery, 11rte 2, Tii''IS nor, On'. t , t l:,a!t' hi :i p,ii (.:t of the alar. 1)i. tat, r' have 11e' putter to call u,illira.s to their c, I,r', and the Japan' 'r ,...Llan}' 1,.rl5 appar- ently La- l,1. I:t: of 11'3 i \ es after the ter Ode I,:;' 1, "( f tLe last fe'w 111('5;1:` Ifow.ry, 5, 1'.':1 penc:,a picture is 111 t di'., 3111 „1:ir, )!, l'ndonbtcdly dal,;,n is i' ' ;.c; sire moth in the sir w 11i( f(w rt. 1 :5: 3' 111111 1(' rxperi- 10 rsl pit„t', Her (lett declines the b:tllent'e t;' 1'rl•,t sea li,,tt:es, be- ing rtir:r5.tly ronse•rwcd p1 defend the islat:d i'.'ne'innl it's:f. The \('ay to Alli5r1 silt„1.r in the Pacific- is still long an'1 hard, but the task IS not 1111 r'<'il it', prat if 1 the Na- tions ren.:: united, at home as well as. abroad. IIA111" CIIl('IZS WE ARE 1lI'I:l1lNt; A Ll;.tateD 1;urnbr r ,•3 5t(.rtr.l chicks 2, t, 4 (rks old in non -sexed, inlets ami rocicetels in plar.tleal- ly ell of the popular prrebreeds and hybrid crosses.. While they last we ere relling these nt re - Mired prlr cs. Send for apeclal pricellet. Also day olds for Im- medlete delivery end older pul- lets 8 reeks of age and older. Twaddle 5'hlrk Ile ieheriest T,Im- 1trd, l'erptts, onterne tO CHN'1 ENS FOR SALE, RED Hampshire, Plymouths. 10 weelcs old. hire. Campbell, 2352 Out !elle'. Toronto, WE HAVE TSA11GAINS IN START - ed chlrki', prompt delivery. You can Save S-4 weeks growing time nn these W.L. and heavy breed pullets. order what you need now. 1;r1) Hatchery, 1161 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. nl'EING R CLP:AXING HAVE VOU ANYTHINi1 NEEDS dyeing or cleanine? Write to us for tntnrmatton. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye 3Vorka Llnmited, 701 Yong/ Street. To- ronto, I1 %IIIDIt1?"SING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women. ;,.::n ha!rdre's!ng at Can- ada's (io st rind largest schools. Reflncd, d11'uifrd work. Splendid pay. \\'rite or 'all for free liter - entre. Marv' 1 Hairdressing Scllo018, 888 Tiloo:• Strew, 'Toronto. ilranches 44 King Str, et. Hamilton, and 74 ]l)deau Street, Ottawa, L to A 11 N HAIR DR15AS1NO '1'H11 Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Rohortaon's tlalydieeslug Acad• CITY, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 1V 1 (3 5, ,'.1'0l'l'ES, TIIANSF(IIIM- attons, Swis'dhes, Curls and ell types of finest quality Ilalr Goods, Writs fur Illustrated cut - 110(10e. 'Toronto llum: n ,fair Supply Co., 528 L'nthurst Street, Torun I o. 11E1)1t.'AL (30011 Itl•:SI t:l'S--1:\'1:RV SI'FFEu- er from kheuuintic Pains or Neuritis should 31'3' 1(ixot,' neul- edy. Munro's Drug Star,. 3:15 E1- gfn, ;Imo, DEAF THE NEW S'I'11ISA511,1N(50 COM - pact Pot 11' '1'ele'phone is the smallest hearing aid available. It 1s clear, powerful, makes cont. vereation l ('3' Ony \vhrrc 111111 to moat reu'eral ly prim' d. Try It, 1\'rito Lott, r Earphone l'uuipany, 1211\V 1'unge St., Toronto, Istab- ltahrrl for hoer Inarin;; for a quarter of h cf.nttly, 2011 tll:'T '.0 I,'K I!EI.1151' 1'11021 Eczema 111.11 ,'sorutsis by using 1'etso.'s l:, z, 1:a Ointment. Stops but Ding hail it, ling; sour hes end heals cut-, burns nnil pili s. Hun- dreds of snit 1 cu:theme's, tiOc and 81 p„`tp::.d, 1'8ts(n health Product', 21:1 St. Call!, r:nc \Vest, Montreal. ST(1MMA1:11 ANL) THREAD \VOl1MS often aro the cause of 111 -health In humans all ages. No ono im- mumet 1Vhy not find out It this le your trouble? interesting par- tculnr5-Free! Write Tluiveney'e Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 8. Ont.. TRV 1'1': EVI:I;Y 53'1'1 1311311 OF Ith(uma: I ;lis:' r Neuritis iheuld t r) 1'3\,n's 10;nutty. M11111'„'s 1 •1 ug stare, 33,, 1•::g111, tat%(5. Pest paid 1 1.5'0. I1,\1:MMEEKA FUUT RA1.51 destroys nffellslve odor Instnnlly, 45c hottlt. Ottawa agent, Itenmen Drug Store, Ottawa. Have You Heard? Sandy for fi bit tweetbeart to ► charity bazaar. Presently they tame to ► booth s'L(re in assortment of lovely charms were offered for sale. "Uh, 5and5• she exili,inted, "bur nye A ri.;r.i1 "Al., lassie" Iry aI(SW(((,! adn,ir- inpi} r 1 : 11 (; 1111,\' r {,;,:1.,s alrr. ; o - "V5 hat did your father say about you smashing np his cat;' "SLS(: I have out the swear WO1,IS; 'Cr rG,iniy 1" "Tilt n he didn't say anyth- ing." t1.( , i'i'1 r w'a' slu-tt r, in- to 11, :.) r. l,ril'alt rel ir 1,e "'l Li Lr " (:r 1}< of \'('t1r5 !x511,1 ► 1;;I:H., 1` "}'(, ;,l i,rr: 111e ctl,tt "11,51 s 111'5 'j r,.:,.:'•' \' r 1 ,..5,p 1.111,i?" t, 1'c,i:.3.' Ir,," "I hope, bear ,that you get up when you are called," wrote the fond mother to her boy In the Army, "and don't keep the regiment waiting breakfast, for you " -CP- A 1,u, '•1;:,:, thougl.: sir staff rather L•'zt' a! 1.l indifferent. so 1:e pito;'(! 115 tl r fl:1GWing n.;;irr' "1',:C:,11 i' 11.e staff of life, but that .. r(, static. why the life of onr staff 'i r .: 1 Le cue co'.urnal loaf " The mar. who pokes fun at a woman trying to drive through a 12 -foot garage door usually sobers up when he tries to thread it needle. As :t s'ohilc htim('ers wort intro - Allred in :Vie. P'un'T31(:ItAI'Itl" PROMPT MAIL SERVICE send your film rolls to Canada's lnrgrs( piu'to finishing etttdlo, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Sias RrI1--6 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e A. customer at Berwick, N.B., writes "1 wt,nt you to know how pleased 1 lint with your wonder- ful work er,(1 prompt service." \3'e have ouch letters from alt over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 1 for 28c 0,6" In Easel Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Eninrgements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- elan Walnut or Black Enemy finish trance, 89e each. if enlargement coloured, 730 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Boy 129, Postta 'Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Addreea Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Yuur films properly developed and planted 6 Olt £ 1':XPOSt'111: IROLiS 25e 1tEl'1RIN'1'S 8 for 25c PINEsT ENLARGING SE11\'IC1: You may not to.t all the filers yuu want this yeer, but you can get all the quality- end service you dcs:re by s.'iditlg your (1111(8 to 1\11'1:111 A 1. I'lI4J'1'O SEItt'IC'I7 tate l; J. Toronto. I'A'1'1•: N'I'S 1'E'1'111;RS'1'1N 11A 115;11 & t2UMI'AN 1' Patent Solicitors. Established 1830; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest. 1'055 !,51,17 731 AC1tl1 l'AIt11 and rtucic fur bait, Appy to Mit:. 0. 11. Graham, 11.11. 2, Mono ,toad, Ont. 1'AIIM 1(512 5.11,1:, 3!3' miles r,;1u TJlnllllli[, 1C1 neves, new 1101111(0155', 22 cow born, stable, etc., 1 i lmilch flows, mach - y, 3 1 t s; with or without sto. k; ii,iuu r further R"x 4J;,, Timmins, ()((,,rio, 1 \lot: t;t..\!'1 (I.L'S L'L'LItS, RAIN - bow e111'''!i„m of outstanding 3'a;:tile:, '1 1,,:1.11 11.10 ell5tsted. 11113' p' I'n 1:1116.', llatztc, I1,,', \\'e £ro0 the b''t en11. 1'J':.\,'ll TRI;I:S, ('11'111(5,• ,tll'llal1,, ahparnl.a-, rtrcu0h(rr3 1,1;.1,115, raspbenrrts. Norfullc N,us.13, tiUneut. 100 ,11'5:E5 ",'i111'I:It, II.\til'w',"•I', fur sal,. It, hl. Jaclisen, Not br1 ole, t(a)re tel 1114A 11.1 •'OI'\''1'111' lb DIE 15' the Tay 15:5 t r, six unl(s hum 1'mill, 5t i5h small farm in „•n- ne,'tl1,t:. 15'.31 sn,'t'fice. i:. 51'ils•': It, 'tt,. 4, Perth. 1'011 ANt;I'It 1 I1111•:I:D1Nl1 write 1 r )':':, . s to 111(13110 A5- t:ola-. 1',, IS i r, g_ rut.-`----., De\\'Ai.'1' S:\\VS •3N3) 3300I)3VI((11i itng Mire'hirc'. Newest types ;loath ah!e item 'timet factory rept ('- se/it 0tlt(5 for Canada. Quota) o.es gladly furn:,heti on nppheat,on. De 11-a". I.K'h.r Corporation Lod., 4112 \i'1. t. 1'5-5.0.5 SL, Va ncnitt (r, p.1. - D11. J. 11. i:N1;I:I.S \tl\1313.\1.1'!,1•:1' 111,155 11. ' 1.5, 51 ht Ipful 'n the Prot, 6151 en. \lar)' l;ni'n1'I;. 1''(l1 •:y it, (aloe. ',n1 fl;. II, 1 55' '. \1.\.,11.,1 f.. .. '1..' ;', go.; 1< 1111.1 sw'i0' , \\ ( • ,. 111 , 51- 51in, Lit ;, 1,0 11: . ,. t,1, r„r /OS 5•... ,, ,. „ ..1,1 111'' 5!: 51,15 . on 1.111 t In } 1n"' r 51:3.1 p: ` •r h, e11'e15.' in 5t'4 w51,, '15••1' :11 1'n,1.r.•1,,0' 111. .1. 11. 1:::15151. vat t'. .n,1 1', .1„t'" W:,•,:le.• •,•.' 11'sae 5,1 hitoltlet. thanks to "REX 011" ••ff 11. 515br11nd of Tinto, Il 1'. writ,*: Tl.r t (1111 1 Iw1 i r,,,t: 1,,,:I;ir.t (•,1111 colt, ala, h t .rly 1113,, Lal 1(t' wont 51111 (urn,,•,:, 11,1'1!115 111 A(1❑Hra11g t„t•,. 511,,11 r.,,edhrd, u, 0.111 (1..1 nn.3 (111, 11111 11n55i t:311, 1...,,l I., L:.3 7 heli. 1.s s hu n he cuuldu'1 p1 t in 11,11 Ila it'll 51511 111 11'1(115 (11.111, (',11,111.11/'1' '1'11):':1 ALI. 15 I'.111 1 I ohm me 1,o easmetien, 1 us,d Jt.: old Lt.,' )(,:1 the Aunn' 1, r", msnit:. 1 w;11 sada Lr 11rx 1111141 „1.w U,1, 11 euro 6111.0 Ill c (111111110, orlranirnlly 1Sr1,' 11,111,111' ht 511,,'1141 6113' 14.11113W, t1(1\\111-`81,/ ak..11.15 0( 11.111 1:1111 at1,1 r 1111, daoe 11.,111.11h h(, •, 1•t' it 1 J5(lir e, l8 t1 r•ntn, rn!11t,d e. d 52,111' 11.011, 11.1. 111, toll I1141,1111y for eUct1',1.111l, pro/5111.111 her.,hr,g. T11(1, 11)1'1 boanlera 1110 iA1,t1111 ;,',red n(, 11 start 1eed11( 151;X ((11. A (1.w dreg n day doers the trick, 4oz. -11.26 20 oz. - 15.00 Violin (Canada) Limited 837 Craig St. W. Montreal Girls Will Never Know -We Hope A cruor it: HI( 51;;1;:'1 1'aufic was crcdu((: will; this L:, o1 i',,1.{ •t5 i ping: On the company Kalil tin 11,.,5.1 was posted a notice.: "Piivrite Blank, I.eticr at :1:.i1 desk. Name on rn1 clot(, Dorotil\ ; moue on letter, Betty, C' rrlr, and if r, t- ree!, notal." sou SALE ELECTRIC M0'l'UItS, N1:1V, 135112), bought, sold, rebuilt; bet t e, • pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufree' n St.. Toronto, FREE- COIOl(El) NURSERY entnlogue'. Full line of 1011,!t Trees; Evergreens; Flower n:3' Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Rose e;ltruokdnlc-1{Ingsw,ly, Nurseries, fluwmanvlllc, Unterlu. SLTI'1T TIAIINESS DIIIJSSIN( - 1,'Inest leather and harness pre - servo dye. Sliptt ills° has many, houesheld uses 25e up at most groc1 I'3', hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- otaturies, Toronto. T 11 It (1 w' GASOLINE AGAINST sturnt, t'etulns vapor. That's haw ST0I2.21O, 3'1,pot izt1' produces more mhos. Build 3'•.t:reel(, It's elmple. Results good, 1'L.ns bole, J. A. Friesen, Lox GS, \\INKI.1111, Tlnnitvbn, NEWLY of our dltio1, ARMY 1t((311'S 11E5'ONI41'1'1545E1, 11U0TS firmed rot r, 5, 1.1'•1'11 et 0n11- 13.25 dtllr, t, .1. 1,ridr'.' urtuy Sing s, p,iftrtly rcl,ullt. $2,2;' all .5(1. Moo. y -1,:,r le g,nir- antt,, Stulu35.e, 15,.1.) man, y, Uldt r. Rush ill (L`1.'", I', i' lttI114E ill Ont, on', 11.1,1'STi1211'51' • AN- ud5:un 35111 i:tie, 1:,44 (tiltioo, our. \'th, (r , Stanlp Sh"I' 23,4 St. th. , 111• Wesi, 'Mono...,. /11E1V i\11;\'I'151) sN.31111 '1,0111' I1'' \'1 sl' 0151': IN'I'1:I;I'S'I'I'I' 1Y mitelnn✓' beers, woo'' -, fax, grnuudhoz s 150.1 w.:,'. 1, Ilk,,'t your „I'I"°!unity, a swim. 3• U,• expn'1tr 'I'ril'g r 3'111 ':,t( u1:,I5e In is Ia100).15 Is a stn. catch for any (m'1'i, i, us animal, 1 i.ha f.•1. plan :sI,d ( t: 5 mei,. 1't' t, r ''111,1,;~, \(al11),03, 1;11. ht.'. s't'(1('li FOR 't1 (1 SEi)\'11'1.3:\Ill.,: A,;1; AXI( 1'OI'N1;- er du,:l-plitpo,e 1.11„511„111 bills (rola 13,11,1', 1:1(1 ., 1.2(1 p. 11),,'35, ('r a), •. ail hr.•11', Ts. ...iv. :\roti .111.'; ,'S, ltou:e 4, Ea nil: t''(5, IIE1.1' 11 32'1101 1•:15 I''Lt'(>I;`1.'t\ :151) (111 1t,urd pi int. 5'. 1„;u'a11tit p.,!-i- tlon. :\3103 I'3 I. 1173 131. r- es) 131,;315 14111", 1,;Ine. -. THE 1'I11;N\V.\L1, 1;1•:\EIIA1, 1!•IS- p11a1, .'orI O:11. Ont.. is I,ot•. 'm- 10, tint` a1,Pliru5ls f,.r imp .`+ Aug°'t 1, 1!OI. 1t .t\'1'I:1( \V:\N'i'I•:I' 15 1'u5'15 1,1`'TI:'4"11 sem„ t.' to lobo ':,!, r. n 1! 1.,r Spat. lona fur 11x5 1 ,,1 , I:'. t , Il !a1:.,• Canadian d'',5! 1,, t.!1 ''lt \I„1„5,d ''11,ic 11j1I.,iy 11. v, 5111,tt t'1(11115'. 11. 1,ih,1.1 ,15. 11."i ,ft \\rot,• f,,,• full 11 ...1 , 1'•.\ , 73 ',11 •.',i,, ;;t. \' \'1'111:115. (1:.\'!'111:11 1.1:1(5 or all ,b',tiplil.l". 1111,ct 1.1 .es paid Ih r (.:u•5'.111;15.' virile to QI..;! I3' I',alhir t'o.. ::; 51;1.1- 15 in 55., 'I'r'r1;o'o. I'AS'I'I')5I \\' \\1'1:15. 52' •5':'1'1:1( 111'- 11:,1.11 111.11arr' 5th„ 1: /. (.Ira s:e,:d 1'1.1 t i' 5'01 1.. l'ast'Ir, 11, 'al, ,S' taOle f(1. `!I 111,,o1 1) 1';•0re n, r 'l, ,, ;.1,. 5.\ ' . !,i,'! , Oft, . 1' .:c. 'I'. FI I:1. 11 (3311) W 1 \ 11'D 51.21,1:. 1 .1 in')1 A 111 XTri „.!,1.5„'d I'.• -I 1: • (.055'5. An' is ,,,,:'. , r V ;:v., ,one 12:1 1,1 1 115 '1'' '. 1 'A . 1 .11 \\ a' h 1 \1, MR. WOOL GROWER :) 1 ---t'1 ,: , 11.1' \ 1 .'.=1' I .' t t ' 55 , .,1., 1 , ,, 1 :•1, 15..:.1 11 ., , .,. l : i . ,I pt. �, i•1 oil, IJ, . , `5, ,;,1.l '1• ud:,,1'1' t , 1(•55 .3 1 '1'1(1: Sil:\'3(11:' 5 til „� I,1\SITI'i,, S','li-•'l'Itl,'V, Page 4. NIL c ; , 11, r V11, 1KKKKKK. II' r 1 . 14101KI[KIRKIit(WINVINVOCKICKKtCOLICKVIE5 • Elliott Iii sti ra i e i,ge11Cy Ilrn,l,pint Inn urrl,rn1111u1n Ili, \IT1:S'1'1''I11:141) TILE STANDARD • 13LYTII -- ONI IIII ,t-,11,1 r„ nn:;. II, relit. 1 \1;11 FS \Ir. and \IIs Iitoalon Snell. \II,•r,. 21 bi Savin t l rtlticat( ((1114 t 11;111 b1', n INSURE NOW' ANI) I3E :1SSUN1:1). R II1an,ell1 ,11111 .v\in til',n \l.11,'tl on •' wven Ilius a ,hurt lime heiurw, and Illy ti Car �. Snd,lp 1:111 \II. and \Irv. I, \Ielllicti 1 - - Fire - bile - Sickness - .Accident. lwtiwl'. III' had r,cwn,wll. .\ km,. i Ili t,1llrrirli, Ii1.YTI-1 --- ONTAItIo. 1•.11 Iw,ld 1001111 I'Iw. l liill,rd (,10111, t$ \I r. ,11111 \I 111 IN.,.) and 11;1110 1•i Ili! i,i ILII%, fair the gilt In. hall !I.%eke 1 R. Elliott.'11, \:•:4411 on Simnel\ ffith lir, anal • 3. H. (. iott. ('ordoit Elliott JIr, •11(11, l'oh.h:u;,u1 -111,1,1 1111 Ili.. 11111 i _• \I 1's. I 1 I1n.0 11 (�, 11 h, Office Phone 404. Residence Phone I:' or I•IU, 1'i\Iio% 1.,11(.1, Lunch u;ls ,i.1.4 rd. I is k0t, \ILi11,om of krurciitld nal "COURTESY AND SERVICE" \I r,, II Inn )14111, `,11s'.r,. 1;11111111 null !n Ilia gr I,f the ti,.%ice at \Vesta'', 1.1 '1(11 ratmalaik10,itaINDI2atalitat,3tatatatals,1(11(1131,a1a Ima,atllala,),atalatala,3talalatalgta,a,a, n ; .,11„,I,1, a„11 , Is,, fr111u N. \!atlhl•\� �Ir„.III Nei 1 of .\,hlirltl, \Ir,. JI IUIi' 11 Filit:l rlld of 141n11;,Inuult, \411'1• t'•,,c,'., I,':IVe• 1111 \\'1111,1',II1y Ill :will Ili, ',hip at \'anlomvwr. 11. Snell •;I,Il,, fw,% ,,11;111111 late 11a111-,, and 1.I%in (.111,,.' I. ,11111 \Ir,..\, I', \\';ILII, 1111,nIL,11 tI,I Ile lfnll ilienll, Tor tin ,.I %,.I , w1, ....Y, 1 ..I .II I 1.1 , 11.1111. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVE%) PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Culled. I)ARLING and CO. of CANADA, 131). I'111L OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boy'c. tinlllc little ;Ig,t 1 rea11 :III articlt' 811,1111 educalinn, This fellow said that all schools should 111' held Illlt:dile just :1s soon as fine %%Tatter came along, That sounds like an interesting idea al- though at tion'. it \,011111 he a little difficult for .\nci(mt history to run l'I'1l11.l'1lli,111 \vitll 1111;11 :.toes lin in the ):relit nWllonr, during ih< spring se:l• Pupils „on' 1 I(,lrn a I, 1 I \Vo'111,r 1101% many pco111' ever tat e into ac- count the reason fair all those ,,trim ltonfirc,, 1111st folks .a\' 1Ii'v Irate bratfir1, in the >;1ri'g ,:11111'1 to get ''nal 111 all 4hr. rI,I'!' !I around 111, That sounds like a pretty 0011111::01 14 ;IV Of dt'.,-r,I(111'.; it. There inu.4 he a better reason f •r a than that. 11'c have a ,Irl\ stack h"Iliad the barn. It', just a small one that the stock Ila. been using lu rustle Illron,h during Illy late fall and call). wim'er bcillre 411,4 want into the •tabic, 1 came out 1,1 the house ;II't4' 'lillncr -c'tcr(l,Iv it was s11111 a 11111' day that 1 pulled some clean straw out of the centre of the stack anal sat down in the 41111 for 11 e111111 .1110)14, It sccnled to 1114' :e, it ever body in Mir lllll:lllnll'llo,ul 11.1'1 a bonfire. 11rr.. 1liggins and the oldest girl %very out in the orchard burning some brush and 1 could see smudges away off down the coney, -ion 1111 practically every -farm. 'There was a slnokcy smell in the air along %vitt the new fregrancl of spring. i could sec %%omen leaning out of till, story \viil'111fvs ,baking rug, and men ' at in the fields scaling , . . disking, harrowing or following a .ccd (!rill ... combing the fertile cartel, There's something fascinating ;(bout this idea of (laving fires in the spring They tell m4 that in olden day, our ancestors used to have fires for cere- monial purposes. I'ettr \I( -Arthur tell. 11f the day, when the Druids used to have great bonfires every atria: 111 honor of some ,!city, T11i, wh'de bus- iness of having great fires may be a sort of hangover from the early days. Folks don't figure much about gel ling rid of rubbish in the \tinter -tinny When a pair of boot; wear out or a basket all gn4, 111111 pll'I',, 111' 11 1':14111' box disintegrate, 11n the cellar floor the usual thing is to heavy it out into the woodshed. Everything of 1111 more practical or s111V11ge use i; heaved on; anlnllgsl the chills ;11111 Ihe'%%oodpilys 1'111411 11;114 tottered over into :1 juttthl'` because somebody kept fishing for :1 beech or maple knot to Alit in the ,Hive overnight. \\'lien Spring conics atom: all this rabbi. -,b host tc rrsortrd and put out for a bonfire. .111 1'41 Hair of ror.rts that sa'nmln111v ion111 in a trunk up- atlirs. a pair 111 .1n11t 11804', high. herb, 1 hr',, out 1''f the attic, the over- alls, you wore 111, day you tool: the battery out of the car 1111011 the acid ate ahem to ribbons in the most vul- ncraIlr aloes, a worn -oat ICllr of baby shoes which 11 ere kill for t10 springs for sentimental reason,; . , , an old umbrella covering . . , and '1'1 1,11 , . , and all are cosigned to the fire. \1111.111' wt. have these fires in the spring !weans,- Mother Nature in her array of gr;''' I'•'Ir puts :11l to shame. i had alrllo,t 1' ",rel off to '.10(141 111111 1 'want .1'nlcl„'d, calling. :qrs. Phil. out 111101- g a bonfire in the backyard sae' 1111 'I, 11 standing idle and had ycues,cd the rest, --V War Auxiliary Met The (girls' War :lflxili:iry held a very Illf',I4;1111 ,'1111(1 evening al the 11111111 ,1f \la i'.Iii,lhrtll Mills oft Tnr,rlal- 44- uling. .\ g^,.,grap!ly match, contest• and several games of bingo were 1111X11 enjoyed ley members and guests. After a delicious lunch serve;( by the 110:4- 154 assisted by - Dorothy Stewart and Jean Cook, a few words of apprecia- tion sere cxpre;sed by Miss Grieve 1 and the meeting adjourned, The }text tlleyting will by held 111 1\%11 1\441,, the 1101114 111 Dorothy Stewart. - i-I,.1.'f•Il.ill; a. his 11%1 "I1 i, \\'linen". 11 . 4v, 1 1..` III 11 ILI 1 011',101:1. 111 1 111' 1'111111 I'r11IIlr,..1nnitcr'arr tier%ir1 . ;11 lira.. 110111. \1x1 Sin lay twin;.' tidy" 111'v, timed \,i!1 ,pc,Ils 1'11 that ,iihje t, ;11111 l het c \\ 111 ;II 1 by a 11.,p- I1,111a1 service, 1h. ):Io -ii I1:11i1,u, i, spending a fl 11n tiu11ilay at the 111,1114 of \Ir. ;n1'! I NI'', \1', .\, (';11u11tw!I. j11i, I :rents, ',Ir. and \Ir-. 'I'In iia, Ila 1, I L ('. :11111 1411,», \\ 11.1111, lot:, :1"11 11'1111 tri lt:tl,scl•, ,lair ':111•.• Irl i :`,llllrll,l(' 111 I1,' 1;11110 ,1i mi.. :01111 \11•. NI 1,, :11111 \I1,, 111110y NI milers, 111•', Camp Ilord61 %%as 11un1, fair the \1 lid, - 1;., \\i:htnr,111, II,lllit' (i,1ll;;::h1I, \Il''. 1(111 \I1,. 111411' cud, 1 NIL ;11111 \Ir,, (sol soli smith n11 i. \1;111100 and kik , 1'1 I.u, 1,11110, Vis. i ha', 1';. 1 )1111' L',11 har;l, of 1;Halerirh, Vi'i14ll tinud8V i11•I 1111 ~11111!1(_. \,iib NII, 11111 \I r.,. \1 w11,-41111 N illi 11 r, ;11111 \I l ., (i, Me- hl, aids, until I':;Irl \\o:1111001. 11 r, and \II,, II, (:1111:111. pa, em s, \I r, and \Ins. 1•::11 l \1':,;111. \\lilt \I r. 1(11'1 Mrs, I, I.. 110110%%' ll, NI,. ;111'1 \Ir,, (1;110: 1,• t,,,,, „f 141144111., ;11.6 Fe111, r1!nt; for sonic lime. i 1!i„ Thelma Caitiff ell 4\,1.• 1,1110' for man, helot joining, his shit' at Van- ., \I I., I, an \11 1111„1 .I of \\ 1111 01.'11 the wcwl, wn1L 111 .Illi 1 nur111, weir purcb;lsrll 'Ina• I r runver, 1 pent 1110 ,\4011 0111 \1i,ll bre parents. 1 \Ir. I. 1'. .\I6liln\ann i \11,:1:11:; 11f y1: t,. 111 mi., \\'illi,,,,, Awit,;',1111 „II t n' .\ .1,ri;ll cveninl; 41111,11 look t!1 Ith ('1111,1 ,,1,111 11f rasa \\';r,4au1,.!1 .\Ir.:1n11 NH'''. I. 1.• .\111' 41(11, 101111 111 a ('rokinulc 11;u'ty 11.1, hub! in ` 11110 II their tum 1 1 Wednesday, MaY 10, 1011'1. 1EE'I'IN('1 IN WINGIIAM 'TOWN HALT, SA'T'URDAY NIGHT • MAY 43 • !I P.M. SPEAKERS: E, It, JOLLiFFE, I\1,I',I',, cold 13. E. LEAVENS, M.P.P. Ali. ARE 1VI:LCOME --- PLEASE COME EARLY. MR. ,IOI.I.1FFE ALSO SPEAKS AT 7.30 P.M, OVER CKNX, Atu4nccs Witn;bala C.C.F. Club. 11. NIergarth, Pia -1.1E411, Winghnnl. Y r 11,11, 1414,,-"-1YYY.,,-"«' •.,,11,1111.1.11111 , i 1.1,11 1111:11 II ,1 ,I 1I 11 '1,11.441.111,, , Y1, 11, .,.i. .111 Ilan 1111i -t1 EAS'%' 1VA1i'ANOS11 1.;11116-('orpor:11 Clifford Walsh of spell! Illi' ;It the tas6uu'11t of the (1Inrrll IIn \Ion \10111!1(6, day evening in 10 door of All, I ,,i 1 \Ir. \1'1114611 \1'igllluIn11, 4,11,1 i. 1l 111' Int !6;166 ;Ina! 11;11, a 110011.611 1 11 1 1 1111 { 1 ,c4o!d ie. is 081 1..\1'. VI ("I Il;u•111,% 11f fort .1111('01 is I1t 8 110 (4tt s la -1 ((411; :11 the 14, iI(urd (if I'r6.!on !Inoue of 11i'. and \Ir.•, 1•:;'01 \\'i4;ltt- gawst (i the 11of In;ul, 1 I I. 111.1,11 , .16 1 . 1 . 11 , 1 , 1 111 1 11 .1,1 .11. 111- .Y„1 1 11 11.14 1 1 .I 1 \I1., I1r'rn,'lll Jackson r' a patient in the l'lillton hospital II,I, ant: tinder - 'gone :111 opera11utt t �- = 1.1 . ,, SERVING CA" -'A in -WAR, and 'TA /'he 63rd annual Meeting op (:unu(lian 1'uci/ie Shure - holders teas held int tllurtfreul on :I/uy •?rel, 191-1. 1(emclnber how. pleasant it used to he to (ravel utt Canadian Pacific trains and strips ... to stag at Canadian Pacific hotels and resorts? 'flint was before Miller unleashed his mad munitions. It's different now. It has to be -for the World's Greatest Travel System has a big warjut lu du-und i, duiIl; it will( characteristic efficiency. When that job is dune --tulle Treace returns -Canadian I'uci(ie will he ready to serve y'ott as before ... and even more completely. Already phots are being made for the construction of new, improved l4r011110li4'(''I and coaches .. , sleeping ears ... parlor ears .. , diners; for the improvement of road- bed anti tracks; for the renovation of stations and hotels; for the building of a new fleet of ocean vessels to replace those list in war service. This post-war program means much more than the mere restoration of pre-war travel facilities, it means the introduction of travel ell a new scale of comfort, con- venience and !peed! And more than that. It means a substantial amount of frust -war employment and prosperity all over the 1)oni Ilion, because the program itself will provide years of stead' work at good wages for tells of 4111)1)51111(is of Canadians. This is one way in which Canadian Pacific is planning to meet the challenge of peace -while continuing to do 0 vital war job at home and abroad. THE WORLD'S (;III:A'1'11;S"1. TRAVEL SYS'T'EM C.%. :QDDI:t\ .IPM 'l11'1C PRODUCT ID F S� 6 I, ENTERPRISE, 111)1 \11111 ANI) LEVI( :11'tN'I'.LY serving (.81181111 4111' (hl 4('iII's, the (.:111:111i:111 Pacific e..enll,lilies Ow initiative and resource of free (,ilnaili;ul enterprise, The Dominion's fir,t tt'atIsl'nllliII('Iltal rail44a4, it was pushed to completion hV a group of farseeing ('ilizeus 441111 barked their faille in (;amula's future 441114 Ih, h' I,er:nn141 fortunes. Thus, Canadian Nellie has inlayed a major role in the devclul►lucat of the I)onlinion. '1111', \\'1fill \iI'a 1'11'1 HS of (.inuuliao Parini. have been indispensable Io Canada's e4)ntrilitiliun to 4ietor4. Rail fI'cighl traffic has doubled and passenger (raffle has increased threefold compared44itIi 1►ellcelitne. (;anadilln I'aeilie's(wean fleets on 111(4 ,'l !!itlIjj(4 :11111 Ihr Pacific have here al the service of the foiled Nations shire the oulh:cak of the teat', ['rout (:a11allilul 1'114:1:4 shops have conic I8IIIs, guns 81111 other unuliliuns of War to a (4)1144 484111' nl' I'_',i,1111O,III)11. 'I'ulla�' allla•Ilg. iiva1,'I4 111.4)11(1 Canadian 1'114:1:4 employees are rrr4ing in the Armed Forces. (:1:N' •1 111,1 .N I'.1(; 111'I (: is rightly proud of these t'1'I'llrlll, IIIi11I1' IIII'F1111(: 114 Hie free assn. riatil:tt of Three intlmrla►nl groups, carp (ontri- huling vilail4 10 11111I nal Canadian iatcresls: ITS I'.1'I'11(J ''S -throughout Canada and many niter pawls of the %,ni•I11. 11'., 1.4111'1,111 El';ti_te1tallin;; over 75,(I((), If hose wages and lurking runditiun5 lice a high :A11111,011 1111,011 fur Canadian 1abur. 1I'S Sl;( t444l'I'1' .1N I) STOCK III)I,llI';I(S- nunlberin more (haul :'(10,111111, Zhu 111(164 riNked their callings as evidence of their faith ill the l;aul,alian system of free enterprise. • ,I VedllesdaY, May 10, 10\11. I\+T:111+4:1 1 1 11'. IIC NII'•. 1', IXYCIEU111 THEATRE ,1, 11. Ott e''tel'. III+' 1'1,1, , Illi limen WINGHAM—ONTARIO, I.lii,lht III in War 'I nn+" ',..I- .',i\1 n tiv TWO SI1tNvs Sat. Night : Thurs., Fri„ Sat., May 11.12.13 :. Laird Cregar, Merle Oberon and George Sanders in "THE LODGER" • I hi, k a thriller compounded of :• ' 111111'1(\ I,+,Iltlltll • ,ireaui, at Ilit'llt and a luauiarhl t j I Ile pre'•idcnt, \Ir., Lelherkiul, • murderer. , :hell t111I1, t'II,iri t' Int the liminess pet'- : ALSO SHORT SUI3JEC'i'Sio'I. '1.111' nlinnle, of OW previous . Matinee Sat, Afternoon -2,30 p.,n,>.I , :4 ttll'ettIll; \ t r,' rem' h\' tit's, Allred Mcn., Tues., Wed., May 15.16.17 Nesbitt, The treasurer, \Ir,, 'Phomas SI'ECIAI. 1lagRilt, 1(1,1(1101 ilia( III, (Mild hall ALL STAR CAST _.I,; in the Ire,i,ur\. I he roll call Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelly in ; . • "'THOUSANDS CHEER" ;•Itch, answered by each member moiling '.\n unn,ualIv rolonriul and e\Ii,n'-;, her latnril,• Spring ilm\cr, .igant,hu\v, filmed in the Iecllnict+l.;' \ Hier of applrri,tli"n \was lead our Ihdt dot•, full justice In the " ;• from the Sister, of tit. \I,•:;;u'et at • htillianl costumes and unusual ,1't decorations, !trat't'Iii'iiIgt' for ;I hale ,1 III I;I,t Illulltil. ' ALSO SIIOR'I' SUI3JEC11'S \Ir. Streeter gai+• an interesting out• n..;4 r;4 r00 r;. r;. 1..:I it r;, r;, r... r, r.0 r;..;..;..;. r;.,;..;. r;..;..;. 4111.•4, T. S, John -ton. \ •.'llo, "'The Totter of 11111," I+, NI: '1!ntnla• I,Ir- lin, \\a remit HAL III+ -+ti! II,I\init 1)een compact! Its Nt1•, \loltilture, a former .\nhnl nite. .\ r, ading Its' \I r,, Lethell,uld jolt +ttell, AUBURN Mr. and NI r,, \Vi'lianl \Veber „f Au - hum celebrated then 51) tt'etltlino anni- versary un 'llu•,dat'. Ntany friend, offered t'„Ill-;titttl,llinll,, liiel<Ie Seagram Company of \Vtod- line of the uii•,i"n,,ry \\milt (lone at Iliac( bridge ht tlli. olganitation, \Irs, Thomas I t;i t 'itt I hankr',t the Guild for t;i',I, and ft,\\tr, sent 14) her and her husband (Miring illness. It \\ as derided to purchase ;1 t';1) Victory 1!(11111 dol iii; the ctrl ,t id drive, NIr,. I.rthrrlautl hell) a t:ie"int( (•mi- le,' and \Ir,, '1 hl+nla, I;u'1Iin received stock deliver\ I to Auburn mi \'wines- the pri,t donated II\' \Ir,, Letherl:intl. day a fuer-c\ limier pumper and ,iii 1.1n auction s;llt' \v.!, hell( and NI r. P. feet of ne\\ hose for fire protection.III. Strerler proved a very efficient ' iuu 11 neer The equipment tv;l, dt nn nsll alcd , n . \\'ednetd;ly thein"on by NI t•. Ilitkle alml NII•. Nlrhnwlit of \\'mot1,l(1t'k, to many interested titiirn, mI :\ ultra. Person, front \\•inghanl, Itltlh and The battle against inflation oust he 1.n1ldt',Itnru \\ ere also present to tvhit'Ii the operation,. The pumper i, tonal- I 'the black liarkel nn'I such seemingly ;tweed to pump Nailer 11111nulli 1101 intangible subjects, ver)' driinit+ nn a, feet of hose at lllt' Pante of 2.1111 t!,Illmll, tlt'l', ll,l\'l' 111 1)l' taken, It i, not e,',Ilgll per it Mate \t hill] ,It"nlll nn'an e,cel I (u ,hp, "•There i� no ,nrll tluu: a- r.n- lellt 111'161( 11111i 1"I' \111)111'!1 it. ;1 01t1-I11*mtit,1 III11;111,11" ,r that ''',.(,t1111.1' 1.1. siderhhle ,III,IIIy of \tater i, hlu';I„ latter the great class of the ileolllc std. - available Irotn the three undertr,uln'I ler," Those statements are ;Ill light I ,I1ppl\' tilllk,, Each hold, -1111 i, It'rt•ts tlt those \\1)m tll:tlrl',i;111d, hilt the Iltttl- nt \vdtt'r. lull\' i,, so It'ty understand. ------------- DOLLARS sold to the luthlie. 'T1 ,ell the t'\iIt. of SI, \lark', (hulch 1 itilll r THE STANDARD tI4h PUT tiCTORY FIRST .•� Pale 5. tctet4 e!c!oeg!G!Greet!Gtoct4rCt4114 CIGGI! 1104 K!CRKICIR!G!CICIGtitiX1CtttctdtG!M4tG!CICKIG!Gle!C!eXClete..toIta!CIZtf,te!Gt4gte,!GtnlftG'G�� Ed U NOW I'I.AYING: Jean Arthur and NOW PLAYING: Pal O'Brien illi: Y "'I'IIE IRON MAJOR" NOW PLAYING: ''The Iron Major' It/ luhn Wayne in: btarring Pat O'Brien, "A I.AUY 'FAKES A CHANCE"Mon., Tues., Wed. Two Features it Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce and Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Mary Gordon. i "GOVERNMENT GIRL" 'I't'llinr' III+' e-t,t!+.tilt . Ili ,l tt:,„1, 1' II'nl1 4 \ i nn, It t "ite'It drama, 1)a,ed t,n "SHERLOCK HOLMES '' the lion shot tam. an,l ten -girls- FACES DEATH” I 1', +'\til nt 111 ,illl,lli,,, itni'v tteiit ii ('lits the .\'tin il,-irr ttlt!I a , \\.,rl,tu \\';I,hit,itiiti• i.,•uh.n, r ,1 Oliva de 1laviland, Sonny Tufts "MIS'T'ER BIG" and Anne Shirley, Gloria Jean, Donald O'Connor Ij and Peggy Ryan 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday 'I'IIIJATRE1 CLINTPN. CAPI'T'AL THEATRE REGENT rPII-EATRE GODERICH. SEAFORT'r+, Pat O'Brien, Ruth Warrick and Thursday, Friday, Saturday Robert Ryan. Kay Kyser, Mischa Auer and Joan Davis. '1 141, tilt Ili) ,f Plant. l",\wan;ul::l'' (,1, I.lut\Iliug \\i'L I;,iw 1. 1:,,t - oil I,ul liuv .\trt'rie,ln football en,ltII int \Vull'I War IIrr,I r,vle 1•.relt in 11,, hostel • !1'„t "'I'IIE IRON MAJOR” "AROUND THE WORLD" COMING: Phil Spitalny'a Ork. in: 1 COMING: "hold I3ack The Dawn" "Johnny Comes Marching llone" 1:).1, Mat,: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.nl, Mats Wed. Sat & Hot�lilydays at 3 .1:i7tA7 Matinees Sat, & Holidays at 3 P.M, u A ��•.;rxl�ldiatatatalata,grata'Iatatatrtatalatatatatat�+a+atatatata,elataiatat� I�al ., a• .. z ' a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Olivia de 11•villand, Sonny 'Tufts and Anne Shirley, tt.,rinu \\.'-hi1t'1(111 n'..i .1 . ,;I 1'.11 iu..,.:;• ' nared lit r nl i11 "GOVERNMENT GIRL" 'I bursday, Friday, Saturday Frank Sinatra, Michele Morgan and Jack Maley, r 1,, ,i ,. tilt II, et ,. "HIGHER AND HIGHER" COMING: "HERS TO HOLD" An ail \.lar cast. • int: ati.1 after the last tvau•. Prices rose lanuhoriled to tiny a S,(1,11!t bowl in Ike I 144 height, ilt it insole the value mf the current Vit tut Loan. '1 h'' „if,.4 ills' i \I r..,1;+I \I I r ! ('1;,11: tl i I, t41 Idoll;n , 11..111, to half its value and Icss. eta, Itetivc,l ;opt the nl,'etit' el,,,i'!' •i ..II,,:,1, the :+i' 'le :,.-. 1.i. 1.d.' liy any :'tile of mathematics or ('Cull• '\\ lilt a hymn and the hem -diction, mottles )(in\\,Int to the dui, fact rl'• I NII„ .\eallt,l 1 "Ilhei, It.\,. , I;1,1,'i1, I \\..,1'.,11 . . "1' le'':i t 11 C"'"'. '''ll, 1'1,'. 1 ; maim that h dollar i, \cord\ old). as ter of NI r. and\tr,, 1641.4( it ( "Mlle- , I tl• t .l Cool., I,,1" t•1' III re, It ed. i----"- much a, it r,ut 1)n'. Itsheepint, prices I I I , ,I aIrirrririli ri I CARD OF APPRECIATION j do\\II, Illlst'I'\'Ill.! ceiling rl't<tliaii"tis, 1, the' CopsItlllt Illy Ilo-;,,t:ll, NIdtlll"h ,LI staving out of black markets atitl lltt\ - It)' the I i ititiitii tt I;o,lr'I. \\ "foil • t 1 11,:•11 1." 111.,'.l, :'r\' .11,1.. II'Ir'.'!' 111,++ 1 mg only \\Il,lt Is actually Ilt'etlt'd we NIissionat'\' Sot Ire\' I,f the Culled ' I•n'th.i r• 111, 4141,,,e4 tt ; ,• 1!!11ll,_', ill have a chance of frustrating inflation,ICht(' u•ell in ,hada. '11it' ;iu,"nite-'I l,. 1 \\,,- „ p'itn:. r' !ton Ito'. line of the Ilrttving Industry's an- !lent \tcit. made lit \tilt I're-i'Ictli, \I:",, l'll,,l, "the leu 11+1 ','slit \1-,,, . , ,II" itiitttn'l'tilvt, repeats the truth that dm- I'ratik J. tial', \viten ,ix Ill ti 4114....;,04. so theleltt'I•,, card-,n-,1(111),,',;III'' I i::t.; Illy last \v;tr ewe paid ,15 cents ;1 ;tries \1'l'rt' appointed t, Ihtll' It spy,- -Ill. 11+1, .'I,.E'. ,,;,;'!,','.;Llc+i• pound for 1)1ltit'r and I(Itl;i)' alter more, Live Ilt'I'i. of settle+', I-'1111 \\. I';tll't. Ilcul foto' ye;i', of wait' it i, only a- \Irs. John Cuulte, tial Rion:, '1 I it+I I itis'- \li I' ',1 for lIttlttl\' !mind .,I1-1 rent,, Eggs during the 1')I4-�hnnu' from ,pentlttt' itis' pal 111\' (,,,\" 1 11 '.' \. I.. I;+'rnit'h, I;I,til. 18 struggle \\ int to `I. a (1117.C11; 111/- 1111111th, \\ 'oh her ,iter, Nits. '1!1"nl.l, lames \v'ere a hag and sugar sold I'a,kcn, 1.:1,4ra. Card Of 'Thanks as, high as $20 ;t hundredweight. Shuts were $15, a :„lir and now for the sante 1ttu;llit� tt•c pity but $1'i. Instance, such as (1)(''e are almost ti idiom limit, COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE t Nlrs, hull;ud 1'nle, 1„,1111,04, \lull friends, Ant, ^e ,II-iriu:' to tli,!,oie „i ar- r. and \Irs, John Mc( ti l mill NI 1.4:. till+, ,II 41:1' t4+?1 t'o'tulln'titl• .\ut'liutl Joseph Nte(,ill atl,'ledt'tl the III' + 1;11 t t , 'i I'e ,1-i' I !+' t'"tllllllllll, lilt \\Illi :'rice, ire under control today to a101 \Ir,. John NI(.1till's tttpli \\ in To. \\'. 11. Nlor:itisso th.tt a conn,,lete 1i-1 flet on Intlati„n 1);L, d dnerl liti tt:' ,n t1),' It i, a Tridil to the lirr\\ing lidos- very lan'gc extent, The inti•inllatit„c- ionto on "hut ,da>• ,1 i!I nl- 11'„1 1, :tilt n the ;n”„filer tulle \Vidne,day et't'nnit in the Oratt.'t kill cost of living; on tuft 1 oni'tt in the try of 1intario that in a srrii, 4,1 pub- art• nita,ttre'( have kept the value of Mrs. ho\' \Iaeti\\ern, Iain,, t"n, t\ith fot Ir Ili.in'.. (lit,' \' "n 14,t it hill\ Nlar•1!,Ircl Nesbitt in charge. :\f- post \tar peri"tl; oil the time it \\ ill lie announcements it i, helping 1" rt'- your dollar' high, It is up In the pc i- her parents, Nlr, and Nlr•. .\. Vin- \I„alit -mon ;I„ illi 1,1. a hymn, Balser, titre led by hl'\', bike it ;1„tote \ict'n'y' in the ‘\ dr and teal the d;utgir; that inflation re;'rt'- plc to keep that value tvhtre it is. cent, I'. 11. Sineeter. The rriptnrl' t\,r' to provide a foundation on \illicit to sent, for all of ti . ':'here k nu gain_ 1, It, value can be kept high liy using Nit's. Earl .\nderon ;ohm le'! tttn -- read by \li„ Ne,hilt, follo\\cd by a ,build a greater al:'1 better Canada. saying the fact We hail hi l'lati In rlur- .nn,niy ‘wisely, "YOU protect your dol ',a nnlal convention of the Lowlou Coll- \re Your f l": - ills scurf, and tar's \voriit ever)' time ,you Imy a bund; ftrerlit \Votnen', \it 1on.lr1 Society pain [,r' 11"e -Fig - it lois eln. pal„ up some needles, luxury; pay off of the United Church in Struthrov'1., ltd.111e1, I1t It. a debt ; refuse to hoard goods, refuse on \Vcdnttday and '1'hur,dav a, al t(1 frctluiltt black tnarkets," says lite delegate front North Huron. TEACHER WANTED annotntcentcnt, tthich conclules \vith a t' ' For S.S. No. l lnllett Township. pledge that it would (Io everyone goodCUT DOWN ON BUTTER (;moil 1"ration on \". I llieh\t'ti to ob,rrt't: "1 promise to give my sup poet to keeping the cost of living(Itt\\•il, Butter coupons that \\'til l ht' \';Ilt'I iildt', "I';1) ,1 t Itlll,ll, 111111\', 1, l'"ill- I \will buy unl\• what i need. i will enc Jun,' 1,4 \will not her,+nn' valid Int- uu'nre S, ple11lhtr 5th. .1ppls' to F. Nf, Aitk\lva st�1a'hU%k% A ('FICC ' nor MIN/3111f CANADA OEPARTMCNr OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES To my fellow Canadians: - You the citizons of Canada and membors of the Voluntary Salvage Committees and many othor Voluntary War Workers have done an excellent war job. Canada, in doing hor part to help win tho war, has been greatly assisted by your voluntary and unselfish devotion to rho important duty of saving and turning in the essential war materials, You have backed up tho boys overseas and your activities hava boon a material factor in turning the tide of battle against tho enemy. When Canada's stock pilus have been dangerously low, you have discovered, saved, and salvaged waste material which has boon turned into weapons, ammunition, explosives and containers, Your Salvage Cam- paigns have boon Nation-Wido and of National importance. Your job has boon a big ono which you have nobly performed. When at war tho past is tho past and wo must look to the future. Again I appeal to you( Thorn is another National war emergency which must be met and overcome. Exports on tho matter have assured me that there is a critical shortage of Waste Paper and that the situation is desperate. War supplies must reach our Fighting Forces who will use tion ag,inst the enemy. War supplies must bo safely packed. As we march on nearer to the enemy more supplies aro required by our Fighting Molt, More - much moro Waste Paper is wanted now. Paperboard mills aro working on a day -to -da some aro facing shut -downs because reserve stock supplies Waste Paper aro critical( y basis and waste paper is to be saved and turned iFrom nwtot hoer 011of through regular Waste Paper channels, the Nation of Fellow Canadians please help) Yours sincorel Y, MinisL. R. LaFl©che ter, National War Services. �--�. CANADA A ��s '2000 0 0 TONS o w s N *MOE PAPER AVERY MONTH WHAT 1S WANTED: You i remedy this HOW 70 DO TT; Tie in separate critical paper shortage saving every sera, of inmates, (The little time You take will save \Vast° paper, namely: raper—store thousandsalrs.Jycrdispose 0 of it hags—cardboard—cartons—corrugated curru ued hoard thn,uSh)curInclvulvoluntary Commit• old magazinesand books—envelopes and tee or other \ar Voluntary Organization, or letters—newspapers. etters—ocwspt[rs. These represent c'rescthe sell it through any known trade raw materialfoc making vitally needed pedlar or othr'1 he important thing is get Paper containers. your Waste Paper moving to the mills. • DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES 111 Itt!tl' tith. nutter coupon: N",, t42 1nckltt. Sy,•ret;lt'1'-Treasurer, 1-Wltlt's- uh,rrwe the ceiling whether buying or �' silting goods of services. 1'will pay aux( (13 become valid \lay 1'8 and thtlh"r", Ont;u'I". ,tatir: >;t1,u'y expected hltttet' which may be receiver! al that t ti t iin,llifit,i'on-. \i'i,healioll, re- ceived debts, save for ht. !p to \lac _Silt, 1 tot, F. M. PECKITT, tier, rotary -'Fr ' usurer, S.S. No. 5, 1lullett vest in Victory Bonds and \\tar Sav- in;.;; Certificates. r\utl I till support taxes, which help lower the cost of living." LONDESBORO 'I'hl' Lon'leshoro United Church and Sunday School will hold their annual Mother's Oav and Flower Service next Sunday morning at 111 o'clock. :\ splendid Nlutlltr's Day program will be given, also an address by the pastor. 'I'Ilc Sacrament of Baptism will also hr administered. Special music by a father and sun choir, This promises to he an outstanding service. Every- one w'ticonu', ' 110, 'flours :\, hobs, 1.C.:\.F„ and Mrs. tins:, Parry Sound, tt'ith the former's parents, Nic•, and Nlrs. hu>s, NI r. and Mrs. \vitt, \\'all, Kincardine. with Mrs. Lee ;end fancily, \Irs. Knox \Villiants and children, and Miss Fern 1'ungblntt with N1 r, find \Irs, rd, Ynugblutt. BELGRAVE ':'Ile United Church \\'onion's Nlis- sienary Society and \\'omen's Asso- ciation Inst in the church basement on \\'tduesday afternoon, May 31. The missionary meeting opened with the president, NI rs, J. NI ichie, in the chair, The business session followed the opening exercises \t'hi'n minutes and treasurer's report were read. Visits to the sick were reported and thanks expressed for cards and flowers re- ceived (luring illness. Plains were trade for at special meeting in June for all the ladies of the congregation. It \\tali decided to order three cop- ies of the `blue hook' An excellent report of the llttron 1'resit t'.1ial held ,. iu Clinton ted. t,iwttt I \ Mrs. I. Dunlop reporting on the morning ses- sion and NIr,, R. Chanute). for the af- ternoon session. The worship service was conducted by \Irs. 11. Campbell assisted in the reading by \Irs. John Anderson. Mrs. 11. \\'hecicr led in prayer. :\ question- naire to complete the study hook "For All of Life", was led by NIrs. N. 1Keat- ing. 'I'hc \'omen's .\ssociatiou meeting followed with Mrs. J. NI. ("oldies, vice-president, in charge. The min- utes and financial statement were beard after which the treasurer \vas tint,' \\•W have iu last until Ilnte lith, C'nupon, will continue to hecutte valid in pairs. This reduction, equal to 1; pound 39-2 per person, was ani(1nnced 'Tuesday evening and it \\•as sL•itrd that 111.1, action( \vas i;tk,'ll ;tS the production mi .\re ),nlr ('lltt'!., pale, ,111aet11it', ret• butter is behind that of last year.1\\ndh' t',e heti 11144,1 (uiehly )lets. .1. .1. 1.. I,el': ici:, Iitvitt, Ito your Calve, scour: Rid 111.1(1 GIRLS! trhl�' nhle, \\'ill stoil theta, A, L. ('I�ernicl:, Ills 11), S TEN i)ERS \V:1NTEI) and WOMEN 1 for \\irittg the Public and Continuation si 1)o) Irl til\ 111, 1 Iuron County, tip to S,' Nlat' .;0th, Pill, according to Hydro yla,otcati"ns, \\ 11( Ilay be scnu in the'eeret;i'\'s office, by appointment, at any time. .\tt 'e \wort: tm he roto pitted by .\ugtl,l IStlt, 1rl-I-1, j Tin, tuwn,t mn' any 'I'Pntlet' not ilet'c'.- WA_NT,,E_ i'sal ily accepted. ( LESLIE HiLBORN, Secretary Blyth Sshoitl llu;i'd, 3\-3, The undersigned \t ill accept 7'en1i1's 16 to 35 also s G. R. AUGUSTINE High School Students ' l:l?I'lt1:51':N'1'I\G ':till; MONTREALLIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" (Girls) Associated with The Atlas Insurance for summer work Company, London, England. 16 years and over, LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNlilliES for light work in textile factory in } Central Ontario town. I'I„nt en- s gaged on \\'au• contracts. Previous experience not necessary. S Transporlalion ■ 'r; Pr0 vided S,i Board arranged in honulikr (fills Residence at Re,nona hle h; tis. Represcnlaiive t\ ill he in the Ein- ti l Irloyntent and St'Iccl It'r tit wive ; Office, Gudtticll, Nl;n 11ttt and \ morning of Nlav I'th to inlet \ic\\ applicants. ti Apply National Selective Service Office, (inderich, 1 t'ftr to hitter , u, $tin. WILLIAM 11.11IOItRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm n11(I Ilottseltolrl Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For in'forntation, etc., write or phone W\'illiam iT. Niorrill, phone, Residence fila; Shop '1, RMyt.lt, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctl Trer. Specialitst in Farm and household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth. Counties. Prices le.1 '111-11,1o; sails fiction guaranteed. For inf^t•mntinn. rte., writo or phone ITaruld Jackson, IL.R. No. 4, Pcafortk. )'hone 11r(if1.- - ,'z9tki THE FINEST FURNACE FOR THE FARM HOME! emmai ofite S•AlF�i% o Ecst .. , i:crave it is designed c eecially fel rural homes ... dchscrs an octroi ti'olt:rnc cf health• fol heat (rem any kind of fuel , , , f ons 24" weed, Pard or sch coal, without any trouble el e,Fcr!c of "chancecver," Fer year,. of comfort, muc!I th's CLARE HECLA "23" Fornacc. SAVES 1 TON IN 7 clot! 'lb,d (:tett Its th'ee t the hcat- ted,at'' c ,:,Jecc . . welt tt:c Feat uric !kc house ,r,ttcad et .r tic Pu. Mete toot t•c,-: tour Found cl ft.c!. '44 Patented FIREPOT light share for „cod ci toil. Guaranteed fol 40 peals Su Deur CLARE- HECLA dealcl now es quant,t,ts ale 17mitcd, ss e SERIAL STORY Murder on the Boardwalk BY ELINORE COWAN STONE last Week: Unable to locate her cousin, Christine moves to the ho- tel named ir- her mysterious tele- phone conversation. Almost down to her last ctnt, Christine accepts Wilmct's offer, agrees to do sket- ches at his )3cardwalk concession.. CHAPTER III Christine 'r:ur::t•. hack to nit be- tel to user. -2:e -:r: shet.it::g ma - She w,. ;c' n:ec; ,;C r,tw• en:r'kk':er by the i ':e:.ti, Ce'. - pray Pr,,..';!:r .;1'.1' c::; noir r. he ha,i :t,..:''., 11 a' -t:ecrge When it hili! ':.'t• tc (;it:::g i'.er t"r:.. Y.r ,,:.d It( s:rated with an tli:;':e, t,.c::tcr, :,:(::cc. Th( : , almost a' .. .:.:.tt:le e,sc had lipoi,rn, she i:e;.t'i .:else'., b::::..:g co'. " \ 1! 111 a :'; et ... ' lit:Frying A''C :} the crowded Boaar1alk, a",:,t1::[.- the rer.1 •,Teel -chair , ,.!c ic•i:c:,:g ;.e- desirr,ns, soli the pigeons tlhLt swarmed uudcr fc l: eager for the grain thrown 11•.1:"1 from the Le::- Ihes that lined she promenade, Christine tried to explain her squeamishness afro:;t giving her same. Evel;tui,;:y tiie ext::'et: it on the grounds that Cousin F.rantr. would be embarrassed to fi::d that Thorenson w';,F work:;:g cr: the Surf City Br:r?":,';. • • She found her sori:sihcrp tc Le a 'pall booth next door to the T1\en- fleth Century Pier -cite of the Lol£iest amusement centres along fr :Nr be,.:tas,.;k. It o, as several feet And yes, \se:.. dont: :c it be A one side, The 7.71.:0" W;,..s frt:d- ailr f::..,, hed v,:,., anc •f' A car:;) st['t':,,:L a: the rear, -•n the hearth titre, '.'Gail a start toast eight feet :on}, has ir.g a I; ,l [ f r'h:r:-ete for & top. The place hat: ,rte, !y tarsen a bta:ilig Iron: dal:l;'::r:s .:nd frost, for tie walls were cracked and crn: i ing: and ecooto!:e had re- cent'.?' mended the :op of the bench ala: the flocs :heat it with fresh cei11c::t, into w' 117'111 (:7r.'1i11e's heel tank and stuck. If r, \1•iinlet, ccs i•:g to her res- cue, was nervously h; alogctic: "l'nl o fei:y, !firs T:r'rensou, 1 had to do some rep:.iries " Cl.ristine got c'tlt her sketching maser.;'s end peau, for a chance to use thein, When, after 3 minutes, no ct:s- 10it:C1' appeared, CI1fl5t111t', Ellg- gested, "Nothing draw's a crow d like the sight of scotc'nt working at an easel. Why don't I begin with the }vta'itar;.+a1: of Balia\vitipur -or wha:ever hie :Janie it:1" She indicated a fis,':;re that stood by one of the pillars of :he pier. • a Et w'a'sinii- mated, 1 magnificent spectacle --his warm brown skin let off by a robe of tome rich 01 -kola! material and belted with a golden cord, through which was thrust a:; exquisitely chased drigger, ALcut the ahead of TSA CREAMED MEAT A LA PREMIUM White Sauce Cools': Meat„kers Premium Soda Cr• t_i',tistie's Fr k" testate with the ,',r.miuful flay t [bice sauce:, hes[ add to 1'7igl)l}- SCa50ne[ r serve Cube mc.l'. ,fC' ,fes tasty fled,.. thorouf-'11l1' sults for an easy -to-} r' Because these Premum Sob's Crackers. on Christie s e fall of rich flavor, they rbringcrisp, flaky crackers arc - c'ihglw',hvs keep out all the goodness (t favorite shes. , a I`zekats cit two en hon,:, Christie's Biscuits . 7/levet d tooth:no duly for every Canadian CqttISTIE, BROWN AND COMPANY LIMITED 9olviso; TORONTO a WINNIPEG the "Ith•lhal„n0" ss (1,,,;'ed a tur- ba! of !'1.ght <_::: , .,.s:: t d 11 ith Ein);:e olio Hand l.: sit:mita brown lett \Illi Lu[d ,,.lu :C\\t ctl ran - dais. lit 0111, ,1 lihe a statue, his ail:' 11!1,1, ::?' 1':014 1, gluing with In, „1!:110• !'ro1,. c,., to sea. :11rt1'I\ Ch:,•tion w,,s at work: and alio,: :ntioed:„'ela curious ci,.,.,1 tits•.,;. :o }„ll.t: alt7il): tht• } ul CA' 14o;t:AI's ,•.n '11 s,l) :: t',i",I sttnIt [i.l .',I t:., t_ 1711 .. 1, ,,. ,., ., ,, :I.1 0% 17 t : (', 11. t r, ilk itis ,, ,'. ..„. ltfill. t i:, ,\,: ft.. and: itc•od, l!, tet•, t \Itrc tine 71 a• ,,:pHs,:: .• ing thr and ishi.,r1' let;; 1 ':.: In .:i lt: Lit• 1 17'.11 ,. t' r 177. "It it sketch he shit; cit 171:.: t "I have said :i:..: ,t ,- nerd," l;e resin :'soil ,asks 'lei dr E\\ L\•, A tviatran ',.:'', "t'f course ,,.,.. was .':,Lr'!. .';t se pt"1.i( ,,;\r: ,.sC : ,.'t,.' • • It 1:111 ;-, r,'\ e t0 ' t. : a(i\ (nibs- ing. Soon l ....0 7\;. busy, For a \lime Mr, i', il:i:t t .."steed oil the NAVY GETS A `JAP' That. bayonet -jabbing Jap sol- dier at top is a tough -looking hombre whom you've probably seen a number of times. He's actually Antipas C. Cobalis, 43 -year-old Los Angeles Filipino, pictured in one of many Jap parts he has played on the screen. Below, he's shown in his latest -and real -role, as Ap- prentice Seaman Cobalis, USN. Stationed at San Diego for train- ing, he hopes to he assigned. to Pacific theater of war, where he can help liberate his homeland from the Nips. outskirts of the bow:!:; blit even- tually he n:cltcd assay into the crowd, and Christine did not see hint again that (hI.. Ile had been snr;•:i i;lg;v gener- ous about her ccalimissit.n, Al- though she had lvor:ud only a little over half a day, it [,•tilel he almost 34. Sia must, however, ; •• '. :. r chea- per quarters, She four,(: a nom on a side sir) et, and having aire;,dy cont- strlct, and flavin, :t;(,t,1': com- mitted her r1i as "I,ra'e she regi,,tcrred mole: that name, tool nurrl''rl back :o Cie I_:csl\iuv to retrieve her beim; and sec If (,)11.111 Emma !; l :ht t sent some Int ssage. But t:hr re 11 a• !l,t :o - • '.. Chris tins tvt ;1t u;,•taire, ;''v::'' (! and un- easy, She :-:(1 herself that it was this mitaciner`; which ,: :rnintc,l for iter st::thor fail:!: th;1; osis ami, in lit; , .,Ul'7, • Sio. ':ad night it fore. titH.'s: rt :013' 10 ah(,\'( :tr'tl!'1 tietli'tfn-'t> rite 5:.: , .. '',\ 1 bctwcrn 1'.r l fie grin! .l;„1 . , ,l be; !leer 1", the 1•,"t;1 ...0 b:7::, .!i all' !', t' (n ,::t 1-1 .,. , . , 1•ry of I ail • I)t': t•;. i I,g 111 the cru .,dtd TO MEND A THREE CORNERED TEAR Use ::n „ler!'":n . i.'r a tc:. fi;,r ti., is i• m t „ stn .,) a• a hem:nl,i pat, fl ir:t nnspi,'la.:, 1.0tl,e ,..;r 'n ti'_ I„br: • t square t•r l•, hr •f::rn 1'a:k thl coir -. e'ut 117 i :tl'it `lic'i't 1,:ry, r. Fit the patch c:.,,:!is 10177 1111' holt! Rjilt Its cul_'• tarot,! ita,'l:.t'• hl the 10%1 el' skct7'!1, .1:1 11,•• e77,ing i done ' ., the ,'.r,'!t: >i,a ,'i the ;;;;:meat. U1'u'han,l the pat,!; in ,'t.1,1 \Pith ti :\' sut,:t•, -it"u. t'n side. 11C1rc,1 i raw t•1}',• :l,tt ;'ie'•s \\e1!. If ilio p,.i+l ni; 1'• ca:tl„:ly done if thrtail and ':' o of the pats'!: „!'e u, (lt ...,.!' f \t:t'1 the }'•,1'i'.1t IVt, it is st,:rct:t t., ,..,(,.'it'. att,r, s„1' ll ,ice so:::i. taile, e. her preoccupation by ..,..,..:''cd cone( r• !!('hint! "It eottlthl't have happened if Ein:na Talbert had been there," .. , "She's bet: fi,...:ti::g this mer- ger tooth and nail --;.':d she ow'itetl enough shares 10 „,'k a single -hand - cd, \','h1• in God's l:an:c dc you suppose she didn't CCoihh' • r The. n111r111nrs :.sided (:::reason- ably t0 Christine': unt.s•iness, f-.vcil if Cousin Enuna did no: take her responsibility as ho':c_s in A life and death w'at•, it 11';tY Got of char- acter for her to ;day 100 :1 when money was c,,::rc:::ell. Once established in her nese lodgings, Christine's resilcscncss made the indoors [!edit:arable, Go- ing down t0 the street, she turned without conscious \'011th.!! toward the brilliant lights of the Board- walk, climbed the stair ray that led from the street, and canis out near the 'i'wentieth Century Pier, The blare of A band and tiie shirks of the crowd told her the shows must be in full swing, A little forlorn- ly she stepped down into her own booth, next door, to listen to the band, The booth was in &hilust total darkness; it gleam of white drew Christine's attention, It proved to be a sheet of paper fastened to her easel. Carrying it to the light- ed Boardwalk, she read: "If you are worried --if you are unhappy --consult Chandra. Free public readings at the Temple of Truth every evening at 10," * • • Christine crossed the Boardwalk and sauntered along. A doorman, resplendent as a rear admiral, stood in front of the hotel just opposite her booth. '\'hen came a shooting gallery - to poorly patronized that the pro- prietor had leisure to follow Chris- tine with an appraising stare. 'Af- terwards: the window of the Paris Smart Shop, featuring one jade green hat and a cluster of violets; a small, glass -enclosed stage on whir , tioy 1111, ildr.i0ell al,. .,.1 gllins (hs;- ,Pc,! the „ hbri , i . n.aintfac- t11:'tr of synthetic clot!{; a cosine- .. ld: ra!ibil, Ill I hiae'1 red :1111! £ii\(r _ iu:w!i",g :nilly; all atic- tit., ro,l;l:, .n ' O'.iln1 s ssindow, with ;. ani\:1:.tt,l rl plica of 1. ;.;ir of 111110011 Cyr,:. At last e:,c i,tli:t :0:ul ei'lt-:,Gt'e tl'J,t 1t '01,01 like !lit facade of 077 1 )lir 1 :,11 ilhi- i,(.hoer this 0,.0)!'! rsi,'0 1. l:r:f tine rend the word', "'l'.'nm;'it: of 'Truth," (To Be Continued) All Farm People Asked To Support 6th Victory Loan Ct;;::0':]' ,1,,11 wa? s hent 51r„lug \'ic:cry Loan eilpp0'::tr , says Alt ir, f'resi,t,u;t, 10.16, 120(1)ration of Agri:it:tore. Tic?' see in thea loans all opportunity to accomplish two things. 13y lending money to the g0\'(1mitt :11 they bceome, pow- etha supl'o.tcr'_ of the IN ;•.1' effort; and these bonds may contribute to better honks and buildings, nese machinery, drained land and gcner- sllr in:pro\eti farms when the things their 111)7!)y Hitt Lily will be as-al:able in the peace to come, The Ontario Federation of Agri- cuiture appeals to all farm people to sup, ort the Sixth `'ictory Loan errs more folly than, a0,' pre\ 'tolls loan. "Spoonerisms" -- AnthonyBlount heard a lecturer say 1puinc•agigs" for "guinea pigs" and "thecdles and nimbles" for "necles a I: d thimbles"; Emily \\-edge, of Baltimore's famous Enoch Pratt Library, quotes a gentleman who ileclarcd "My ss 'de says I've haul toe than? :uartounis, but I'm not 10 1(1117'h mid(r the al - fluence of int0001 as some pinkie thecp-1 "lean thinkic peep"' -Bennett Ccri, ISSUE 20-1944 Baking Day Tip II' 11;7 .7,:11, tl:IC -1'x61.11 -:t', „r; I:0t' trf .\il-!ll::'1 fir,,. ! it s '., 711(1"ri,01 \\1111 1 ,7;1,1 tho,io•, titg:nt 7.,7101 NN ! 1t••, - ,t 1'7,•, 0"1 1:1at •LI\- 171,7:71 f,': 1:so Chances are th7:::::1 ;hat ('.'r0 :,lull) t,tni•he' the \urs' ir•t ,.;:v! 011.' ..QTS: !ILL -BRAN BREAD • ,,lt,l 11' 7r:10::): j77,' 1 1'.f:•.1 ,., Clip tt, 1' ., ,. , „1,111; j" I,,le, 111''!1, •, '.r: , ' " -;,.1...;; rind 111,11 t . .,lir, ; 'I jai,' awl 77at; 1'i , ;'11'11 la CI,' ,.,al 17 (.7:- Yield: .7:.. \ielrl: 11'•11 I• :+ II,, 77,1 ,0111 77. u, 77.7111 7.',{7.0(1 1 .''r. 7;1 l hoor • mot MOT ERCRAFT HEALTH NONE`;' The Expectant Motht-r '1 he E:,;:,_::,tn1 to ,:' . have phnlr of fresh r d,r. ;iv:i]t, A . 1, .a all,! hal.:, ' 0 ( 1 lul' 1: a the 1,1; o, t :I ,1 .' ,,,n, ::c fres . a; sun-hine. lis., ventil. tt:l „ : i}ss :'re „ doses ojs „ .,:r: ,,:I,l .\ 1'1';1,1 11:.;' :t ::1110111,: • ' 77, I • , ever!' day is ;env'>;,, ti. 1vall( for ::n :,,'nr "r ... si'' be taken 'sur::,; :'.n' 1 1 p1 „ of pl'e;t,n,h:: 11) l'I•l l:' ' :1 . : 15 t• ,elltt,:i; 77 :Isis, gull : 11 ti I, : sling tnao !'e i:.,1ut,.ed dancing it: 111,.1, :,{tion r e . .. iblc up to the ,''tlh nt' t.: SI.,' exercise t,. !11' of the b,7,1'; ';.,.111(1 Le ' rt 0,• ar15' ss ittt ,,,e doctor..., ': ,0. ;t .7 A rest :,f s'r t,it:, ' r. h 'l,, after the oo,1 :.11;11 , r t n, s - tired, Sound sit t i, i, nu • • „•'v f , 1111' soothing of ;lis` 111 :;0 : a(11" 1 awl for the ;,uiidiu;; (,i :. ' I.„h':. sty perm:+•ion of t:•l. . "t 1, i','. • land \Iodine,.::,:t AGREED ON STAIiLINGS :No matter o. hat 1::1. • ; rf ii' t nearly everyanr tiln,u: I t.,,' province 00011:0 1'7 be 1. •' 117 117.:7 something 5116.11111 i,1' 11,11,, " lit 11.'! starlings. -St. 1,, in,,; '1', :1,' • urn:,: Phonograph Records i'hou•:ulds r'r 'llchtl)' n', 7707'77. Int• dan':u Lt111:77tit7ua t lt:o,•••1• trout, Also Anlnnlatio 1111r„Peal'.(. tt\;lilailt( for ll'rItc• for I'nrlleulurot VIG.NCUX BROS, Auloulnllc I'I,onogrltiIr 011(1 Ila\' S'1'„ 'cl(Ht)N'I't) Get ready NOW to protect your NEW HAY CRO Cure S'ith Windsor Slit 1,1' preserve -'ital food \':tluc . check lire hazard ! This crsrau'Ir,al n;;d.r:.,., ets't lis &stock ger ((1 the tool! t , 7,7 t,' 71 your itch hay cr)ep. Cur,:,, 1:,!l \\'indult• Salt 1,6'\ents 'tea tint savk'sfti,:,lluC 1` rc,.•: palatability --reduces In:.:;e ''f spontaneous combustion, Spread 20.30 lbs, of \\'ic,i', : 5.11 pct' toll of hay 5011th stnnlea.: ;:: 70' v or stacking. !)o';'! ,:alt 0. :;1 i to led;'S chi .,'tt yr ;01- :d'; i "'..nds,'r Salt nosy! • � .. t twin. r,. L 61 i sa ri eer � 1 n rew away ID s/ harsh laxatives" es "Our t 1111..1:011t, 1111 ll;srsh c111; purga Lives. For out to be clue: to !:till of "I •::i: ill the dict. So gentle A1.1,11U sN the:IIIS\'VCi' forme- Yes, orl11e'\"es, A1.1. -1;1(\N: is for ,v:(, if trouble is due. 1 ) 1001c of "bush" in the dirt. Ilere's \';hat you do, l:;'i1 1 EI.1.ot:G's 1(0:\N I'ej;ulirrit'. and drink p!(nty of water. 'Ink pleasant ct r) :1i ihel i,s to 1 .) smooth-tsotl,lih "hulk," :Intl _ wastes for (0 ',' tltminal1''1 .•„ I vont this re:,l:1 i'it':. 511 v)•'; 1) l . eat lug :1Li.-htt it'S :t ('CI'e'11--no a 1'OCIh i:tit. :71 , l' }1))7 ('6'S..', 10.7)1(:1' sizes. 1S.' • . , lic•llot't''1 in 1 „Ihrinn 7)'x1. TRIQUET POSTER BOOSTS ARMY BOND SALES The above Victory Loan poster featuring Major Triquet, V.C,, of Cabano, Que., was produced at Canadian Military Heaedquarters in England to boost the Sixth Loan among troops overseas. Thousands of the posters were distributed in the United Kingdom and in the Mediterranean area. The drawing and layout was done by Capt, E. T. Ileathcote, M,M,, Canadian war artist, Overseas soldiers have broken their Fifth Loan bond -buying record so decisively that it has spurred the current campaign in Canada, OTTAWA REPORTS That 1944 Dominion - Provincial Farm Labor Agreement Will Be Similar to Those of 1943 Return :') :.e farm of some 3.1,- 000 agricultural tvorkert, to %yhonm permits were granted since last fall to help out in other essential in- dustries, wit practically completed at the cod ,)f, April, Iron. Ilunt- phrcy IM it,:h.H, \Iinistcr of Labour, tole[ the noose of Commons the other day. Mobility in reverse will be the order for the seeding and harvest months 'st'lteu Wren in uniform, stu- dents, townspeople, a large percen- tage of conseicntiou3 objectors, Treaty Indians, and prisoners of war autl Japanese moved from the coastal regions of Bciti3h Columbia will be directed farnttvard to help Ma in taiu i)13 farm production quotas. Ai last year alto, large *rate traufer of agricultural workers during the .tarvest period it an- ticipated, Dominion -provincial farts labor Agreement; a`'out to be signed, and outlined by \[r, \[it,:lie![ in the 1 -louse, will largely follow those carried out in 1913, * Amended Arnw Order; will al- low certain classes of 3oldier3 who can be spar:I a maximum of two months' sprieg and harvest leave to work on farms, The maximum last years «'as six weeks during each season. Provision Las also been made for granting s, ring leave up WOULD I DO? 1' OF coarse, I'm buying Vic. tory Bonds. --trouble !chat 1 bought last year. Anil that doesn't make me any hero., either. '!'here will he lots of time to buy the things llotltcr and 1 are doing without, once we lick Hitler, and Hill's hack Ihotne again— if he comes back! Until then, Tett putting Victory first, \Vlhat else would, Ido? Keep on buying VICTORY BONDS to two tnontht to men in the Air Force to work on their own or their parents' farms, and they will again be encouraged to devote short leaves to helping farmers in areas adjacent to their camp., Selective Service officers station- ed at :military reception centres now interview all men rejected or dis- charged from the armed services with a view to referring suitable men to farms, and itt industrial plants where lay-offs are occurring; those experienced in agriculture are, as a matter of policy, being laid off second only to those suitable for the army, the :Minister stated, • • • Under the Dominion -provincial arrangements, provision is trade for united action by the Dominion and each province in transporting and placing farm workers, together with measures designed to utilize existing lab(); in agriculture to the best advantage, Under Dominion and provincial directors, provincial agricultural fleldmen and local farm production committees, in coopera- tion with local employment and Selective Service officers, carry out the details of the farm labor pro- gram, Agricultural youth training plans have been developed between the Federal Department of Labour and most of the provinces under tate aegis of the Youth Training Plan. Other courses in agricultural work are being financed under the Labour Department's War Emer- gency Training Plan. • • • Important in regard to postwar planning ii the Prime .lfinister's re- solution introduced in the IIouse of Commons for a Canadian Depart- ment of Reconstruction, with auth- ority to formulate and coordinate reconst'uciort plans and to carry these out follntying the ceasation of hostilities. 1Vhile as much of the work as possible tuust be carried nn by the departments already es- tablished, this agency must coord- inate all reconstruction work. The new Department, which is to be pre,i'Ied over by a minister, note holdleg a portfolio in the present cableet, would coordinate plans of the Dominion Goverment, pro - 1 iltfi:,i ooverl:lncl:ti and municipal: - ties the pl'.>vinee4. The Ilttr:It111i1 of the thea -tire k to lie for four yea!'; after the end of ill)>tilitiet wall t,c:nane and japan, The oat nematode, a tine' cel -like 'Iworni', has been tuttltd 1tt want' gr,t n fields in Ontario, %there it rttt'tc':s ,sats, `''arie,' and wheat but principally at. It !las not !teen re• ported ai yet from any other pro- vince. If four!! in areas not pre- yinu,!,. ill on'1 to he it:shed, the laivi,i„u of Entomology, Dominion Drpfuncl:t cls .\r,iricttltcre, Clttatva, a<k= cistip,rati,on o farmers in trut- ify it” tl„ a in nrdet• to :1<<ist int c' l''at.nt; the stir,iail oil this para - sit,. in 1',.oreI t. RAF Now Using , New Type Spitfire 11 :tett' Spitfire fighter plane tvitlt outstanding perfornhance a t lora altitudes i3 now in use by the RAF, is was disclosed recenily, '1'he changes from the previous models include clipped wings and a heavier engine, giving improved maneuverability, greater speed and rate of climb at low altitudes. The new type obviously was de- veloped for nese in the invasion of Europe front the west, when tac- tical air units will be called upon to do much !ow -level work in sup- port of troops, THE WAR • WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events Spanish Agreement Plugs One More Hole In Allied Blockade of Germany :I :,: :I,01 t• c ell\I'"lig 1. ,•;:II',Ilnh, ,' fj this tree ..• lcr 1, iiia;.! 1, I , nt ''Ilii'• I II 11 ilk :til • HO ..I, t!t''r I:I .Ili I 'n,;': ; Glitz:l:I!:! III i:'r ., ,I V; t' ,.,CII. i'�� ''II'. • 11- i n:'c t :1h''1'. Etat:, t'. ::lI! .:.1'. I' .,. 1 ti:U1Cr their ;Int', I',li, a',,'.II:.,, , ,) ttitll- dra',. C', L,tar,.tl.iIa III: 1 force; Fri u! ,'I'' 1; u, :In ,;t' to release all Italian ti',ior ,u!unit di31 i te] cases to arhitr.l:t:)il, and, above all, to oust all .\xis :i.„ncies Front 'Talc _:'r and :tri .1llird-de;i- gnr,ted .\ xis :Il;c:t'.i .,"Int all ler tel'1'It"I'It'i, "Strict Neutrality'' in '[r, I':Ilen't ‘set;, this repre- sents a notable step to,vard iutflll- ment of the ";tr: t rc::trality" which Franco has proclaimed. Hut in the dery of .\dull !litter, oho nut so long ago expected t'ramo to join hitt in the war with no fewer than 3,000,U0O Wren, this kind of neutrali- ty will appear less than "strict," and more friendly to the .\tlie3 than to himself. For, coating on top of Turkey's suspension of all chrome exports to Germany, the Spanish cut in tungsten ore shipments re- presents a new body ibiw to the German armament industry, in urgent need of both. '['his blow must be all the more painful be- cause, while Turkey is an ally of Great Britain, Spain has always been regarded as an ally of Ger- many. But the difference between Franco's original stand and his new undertaking is a measure of the distance he has traveled, Growing Conviction It was by no meant a voluntary Journey, Even the present agree- ment was obtained only after the United States and Great Britain had imposed on Spain a complete oil embargo which has now been lifted, But the decisive factor in the situation is the growing cott- viction throughout Europe that Germany has lost the war and that att Allied victory is inevitable, It is this conviction which induced Franco not only to drop out of 1"fit- ler's self-proclaimed crusade against bolshevism but also to defy the threat of the German legion; sta- tioned along the Spanish border, Once again it has been dentonstra- ed that power k its own best pro- paganda, able to overcome many HIGH JINKS z�eAv,wb.+�N.xk.rl.+.<>:,, i iN•x+ 413Vs Walter Carpenter, candidate in Minnesota University election, had co-eds shrieking and squeal- ing with the campaign stunt pictured above. As seen, top photo, he teetered along edge of four-story building's roof, carrying parasol and sign "I'd Jump at the Chance to Vote for Carpenter." Then he disappeared and a body (bottom photo) canoe floating down by "par ;c!utts". Watcliime, crowds vellsd, but it wa's only a dummy. p,ot,'nt Fa,. tors ,i1:', 1 • +, l l ., 0,101., on I::lII'tllt J!.t',. ,J.ti ,;ever bas's! al:'. I! 1'Ibt l', ,,,';e t•oaot,krt's sy'tnpathici lar, but ,i:e i, not only .tlrrntlit'1:: 1 h'; tie!:ttany s armed might but It .11so It l!nl.v de;,endent all (•rllt lily For , ppliC; t'1 keep her C „'I'.I: .'ly, These are pot- ent factor, ., ..,'i, i! the :\l!ics will have to taltit into c on.ider:nion until such time r: they itt 1 tat:ie them, VOICE E PRESS HOPEFUL HITLER Hitler it having his portrait pain- ted, "to be lung Int a Berlin art gallery." The fellow is optimistic about Berlin having a gallery left —and that's not where his hanging will take place any,' ay. —Ottawa Citizen —0— HOW THEY LOOKED "Our grandparents got along without paying any attention to vitamins," asserts a writer, Well, yes, they got along, In a way, but did you ever dig up an old album and see how they looked? —Kitchener Record, Asiziamiamanammiamm. Easy to roll, delightful to smoke FINE CST (ICARETTE TOBACCO virem -•, Something About A Farm dIl :1.. a :.11111 \!i1'cal, tr' ' !,x( 1 to L"t :I 11,.' .: ti ,,,iiia: .reel .\ ,.1 Canute t: ,I{,:1 II lttn ,le .ane; \t,ll I,I';tiul. birds y.iti lti the tvood, rioening trans. 'Fie painted ,reel 1:1 .1t1:'.h:t.,, glow lainlis that gait:i,l>: Ai they 111.1%', The .;nx:!rd oal:i ani yin: •t, :rail, harvest :unto, tilt ,...i! ' f slat•. 1'he eery tuucii of Mother !:.lith Of which we really are a part Makes us mos: humble and afraid, Yet, .fills a very gratef:ti heart, The mystery of it all apai!s, \\'e plant, we 30W, we pro):' the sod, \Ve reap the harvest, eat the bread, But how things grow heioegs to God. —'1', R. Gteave "Canada At War" Canada, with 1 -14th of the world's area and 1 -118tH of the world's pop- ulation ranks first in the production of nickel, newsprint, asbestos, plat- inum and radium, according to "Canada at War," an official pub- lication. • tyu'.:•1;'11!1) :1:''11 .,.::Il in alutllt:tttnl, and silver. She ,.as " o.ut ...'"It and lead, said 11: . ' l\:, ,!•'! "i '.. :i. e of the retell itae'1 one tvuutat? in (ill •..I:.,r• ,roup; have etl- ter: l 'I: .::1"! 1 Ines. of the population is in ,r ' ..: 't ,l; t,r.e-quarter of these (_•'t:..id:1 is t! e : 't::•t1 largest ::'J- dL:C:' u, 1 „ttcd .Minns' war sap - Coe a;t- :Ile :'hird osis✓: l trading nation, ti.e iuth .,.':;'I air ::ver, the fourt:t in air p-ilt er aratut:. the !.Hite✓! :\1- tioas, „le third au:ong the C:na''1 :fan Vni int sea power and has t;te sec.n!:d :a:'gest liri:i,h dip!otlt !tie corps, 1. at'la's hydro productive ca, - acity itas been ittsrea.ed 23 percent in war. CARS WANTED WE PAY ABSOLUTE TOP PRICES Ask For Art. Ramsay Ontario Automobile CO. LTD. 1001 Bay St, ; Toronto KI. 6161 Evenings - HY. 8068 • It takes 750 bullets to destroy one of the enemy. Hitler's remaining fighting forces are estimated at flve million men. Therefore ..t to wipe out the ruthless Hun will take 3,750,000,000 bullets. It has taken almost five years and nine - tenths of the world to force the criminal into the corner. Every week of this war costs humanity iwo billion, six hundred million dollars. Its real cost, however, can be measured only in human suffering. The time to finish this is at hand, Busy helping to pile up the production of weapons, dreaming about peacetime recon- struction, we and our fellow -workers feel that every dollar lent now is ten times more valuable than in ten months from now. The hour of reckoning is at hand --invest in your share of bullets for the final blow: Buit VICTORY LOAN BONDS NOW SHOE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Batawa, Ontario 1 Page 8. lad ... \ • �.�ra..�•.. �.. 1....... ♦ t 1.••••••-- i,i1001011EMIWOCKWOCKWOCCKICtetettetertOCCOICKICVVOMMICCIOCCICKIVitettliCV 1 vol CoMsbyearin:. s• Good ootwear WE CAN SUPPLY ALL TI -IE I`':1MILY WITII •S SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBER BOOTS, ANI) GALOSIIES, OliveMeGill A r(i R ri A IIot,.tll\ \\ dike of I mid; ;11, A ,pent flit \\ell,-trld 111l11\li:., Iran 1 ollr,ton. As As NIT.. Stuart I611,in,r,tl, 1,f til.\ I iar- Abut• .\irlloel, i'. enjo\ in a \\ ech', \;L- A& ealiou al hi. hnluc !WIT. .\. II. 'Iitrnay returned h' nlr Inst \\0th th after ,pendinti e \\111..1' \\1111 Iter (lau;,llter, \Ir>. I. II.:\inion, rsi ti of 'I•oronto. A \I r, (i1nd1,'I Irnhiu; arid Ili, 11'110 ti ,I:ulLhtrr, 1.11'1,1, sl,ertl Ihr \Vtch-end al THE STANDARD \Ir. \\dliant 1 111‘ i' ,Hent the \\ ell. t u11 41i hi' h111nr herr. 011/AMM.r212tInal'ad r317,,,2iND1 t213,t1'g•a1DIDt:,d,3♦�117,4Di ?,:.,, 13;9.0121?l2,`?rNINP1/114 iAtnt , ., . _ . tgotvtCtC♦dt6rBt�t�t�t2t�t�r tC�CtC tCt�tl:tCtwr�tQtC-.',tC'�t...!.,3 r.1,,.. 4!U*,: .,,,�..,.ty,...',,,,, , STUART ROBINSON iiii YPhone 156 for Prompt Delivery. 1 1 Please Phone .Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of 1)insley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of 1)insley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. GRAPE FRUIT JUICE ith \Ir, and \I1,. Jenkins:, and \Ir, Shipley. i \Hs, lane ,\rtiedrout,, of ltelarave, I rs. (harlr•, 1 ira,l,v, an11 nephew, \Ir. \larlin (ira,by, visited \I r, and Nit's, Cecil .\ri tstron); of 'I•horndale 111 d8 Sunday. \I r,. Charles (ira,bv etrertained tern girl, and bo\•, of the Continua- tion tirit„ol un I'ursdar cccnino A(;ante, and contests were r1jn\e,1 ;111,1 the holes, served a ,Irliri,lit lunch, fi V. I\uht. \Irl'nttnt'll, of 1.n d:limy, !3 had charge of the service, in Si. A11re\\', Prc,hylerian Church ow Snn- 48 oz, tin 35c (l,lt•. Mr. \Icl'onncll i, ,I ((inner Blyth • di boy, and he vas listened t„ \vith inter - F( 1,,t by the audience. A HOME FROM HOSPITAL isNIT, lnitn 1'aice returned holm on do 'flntr,dav front illy (Tinton Hosl,ital, 30c a \\heir he ha, brim rnnfine,I the past �= lice \Neth, \vitt' a broken jrc 15c A NEW LOW PRiCE ON PAULA (SUGAR SUB) 39c INSTEAD OF 59c. HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE NEILSON'S COCOA 1 LB, 29c, IIF. 1,13. WHEAT FLAKES, BRAN FLAKES and CORN F1,AlES, 3 FOR APPLE JELLY, PLUM JELLY, GRAPE JAM WELSH'S GRAPE JUICE . APPLE JUICE, 15c. LEMON OiL, 15c and O'CEDAR OiL, 25c. PRINCESS FLAKES, 18c 190. 25c. V.M.S. MLETIN(>< SATU1?,DAY --- Celery, Lettuce, ('ah1mgre, Carrots, r I'hc \1'lnluut'> \lis,ionary Society of Radishes and 'Tomatoes.ti 1111\•11 hilted(•Inn'rh nlet on Tuesday, d j \lay 'illi, with the first \'ire-I'resi- 1021-J1, MD1);NDt3tat21115t9*t2tr atN2raaati'rr2t2a),NDID, 2t212ts`t2i2t2t' Di2t2t2 21212(312 212 / dent, Jlrs, Sinrlail•, Uresiditl>;. Various report, \et•re }given 11101 fell, gave a rtadine, "Iluildiit; Temperance in the Home." 1I tit l it Iden took Charge of the 1)evntilntal l:xcrei;es. The (Call to \Vor,bip was I,ivrn follimcd by the ln•atnt, "From .UI That Dwell Ilei' 1\V the Shies." Serilnn . 1. ti \efts read followed by the Cord's Prayer in uni- son. \ars, leukin, grave a splendid re- i,1n•t of the morning set,,iolt of the llurl,n Presbyterial. \Irs. Philp read an interesting Ichor from I)r, E. C, \\'illfnr(I. The 1,1st chapter 111' the Study pool: \vas given by \I rs. Pollard. The S1•rvice of 1)edir,ttion In the (treat Commission \vas repeated re- sponsively. "Ilail to the Lord's An- ointed'', was sung awl the last t\en verses of hymn 38.2 were used as a tleneiliction. Mother's Day SUNDAY, MAY 14th Select your Cards NOW. A brand New Stock to Choose From. Pin Cushion Novelty 48c Rubber Bands Again In Stock WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PEN—THE WORLD'S FINEST— We have received part of a brand New Stock of these Pens, and we consider ourselves very fortunate to have these fine Pen and Pen- cil Sets to offer. IN A'T'TRACTIVE RANGE OF PRICES. CORD—We also have a few halls of cord, suitable for tying parcels, selling at 15c. This has been very hard to get. HANDY-PAK TAPE AND OVERSEAS BOXES Tape suitable for Taping Boxes, 15c Pkg. BOX ES 08c and 10c WE HAVE REPLENISHED OUR STOCK OF PUBLIC SCII00/. TEXT BOOKS—All Grades of Readers, Spellers, a'td Arithmetics. WEDDING GIFT WRAPS, SHOWER NAPKINS, SIIOWER CARDS,•ALL 1NL OVELY DESIGNS. A LOVELY AND NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOXED STA'T'IONERY Be sure to see our boxes which are crpccially gotten up for Air Force. Also we have something new and novel for writing to those in the Service. '1'hc complete address syst:n is on the envelope. All you have to do is fill in the different Tines. HAN-DEE EMBOSSED TOWELS 18e WRITING PAPER Pads, IOC, 15c, 25e, :15c Envelopes, Linen and hid Finish pkg. 10c The Standard Book Store 1. ,t 1111 1 I 1.5 . .,1 ! . 1.. .. L . . 11 1 I. 1 1 HURON GRILL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor n 1 BLUEVALE loo!:cd. She \\ ill run the meat Rlnc\•alit' \\a. \•i,ifell on Saturday cry truck for a \\'int;hant morning he its first botcher girl, Tics chose help have one Helen Lockridgc, and veru trim sltc 1,3• nuc THE LOAN RANGER • !2 I LOTSA KIDS WHO HOPPED TH' CRI K ARE GONNA CROSS TH'CHANNEL— HOL P EM OVER! Buy Vtt14y apnea L.O.L. NO. 903, BLYTII are Sina o1'i tit, ,t PLAY IN BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL ern the e% ening of Friday, May 2b THIS PLAY, E\'1'1'I'l.El} "JIMMY JOIINSTON'S JOB" \tiit In riven b\' the 1'otttt;; People', l'nion of the United Church of L.!- ' I ntondville, '. t- ntondville, under the guidance of UN.. deli\- bold \Ir;, t i,urdincr. This play is be lint; put on b\ the same group that butcher. rendered the play given last year en- dcpartcd ttlld, "Civil Service" for service in air force, army or nav\. Watch for Further Particulars, Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding..A Spet:'ialty. Agents For 1utcrnational- 11arYcster Parts & Supplies White Rose (Kari and Oil, Car fainting and Repairing. Hoflye>. BAKERY f7S BREAD, CAKES, P1ES and BUNS, ALWAYS ON IIANI) Confectionery and Tobaccos. PHONE :38 - lll,i''i'lI. 1 11 I,. . x..11 11 1VedneS(1aY, MO' 10, 19,11, 111111.1 „1 Iill{W i.1 - AI, 1 0141 I 1114141 NYAL VITA -VIM MUL'f'IPLl: CAPSULES—contain Vitamin A, Vita- min 13, Vitamin C, Vitamin D with Riboflavin, Iron Liver Concentrate find Vvhcat Germ Oil. When you take Vita -Vila Multiple Caputtles, you ;supplement the Vitamins recited for normal health. 100 CAPSULES $3,00, FOUR VITAMINS WITH IRON—Vitamins A, 13, D and G, with Iron and Ammonium Citrate in a palatable flavoured Malt Syrup, cxc_I• lent for children and convalescents. PER BOTTLE $1.19 NYAL VITAMIN TABLETS are Mull potency Ll complex factors, nat- ural to pure Brewer's Yeast, furnishing these t' cessary health ele- ments in cases of diet deficiency. All all -year-round vitamin requirement. '100 TABLETS $1.25 CREOPHOS—The tonic to use during and after the attacks of flu, colds, etc. Excellent for deep-seated coughs, Bronchitis and Asth- matic Conditions. PER BOTTLE $1.00 R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. 1)11UGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 2P. 1 1.11/41011•111111 MN!. • Hitt: 4taz.-e.,:::;:tvzkvckuhf!'l.'11zzkve,1,7„4,\,izie-.t.,14'UW'Y^.T.,:,, ztcv]icic''U'u`4'U'Nwctpt,itctf,i4 "i r4 ii 11 la De LI V You will find us at the Ohl Stand with a ..n. ...1 41 ... W 1:d.. warzanceamorraamoraam n.1 ;, ;,i( i i. i' tkltraCtll'e New liedl'01)Ill Suites. ! CEIL1 ; , ' wt%� � Nc11'cst Styles in Dining' -Room and Dinette Suites. ' W hiving'-Itooln Suites slid Odd Pieces. o THE FIFTH WALL i ap r, rt ` 1 OF EVERY ROOM, NLV Designs in Tri -light ht and 1 altle Lamps, Fluor ' il >, iy (OV('rin1 S in endless \'ai iet \r. I\. IliCC ; l'1('ct ion of The r 111)1. which 1 • ti "..,11.,. 1 lr 14 �lillllit-i'']lllshe(1 Steel Beds, i�lll'Inti-1' Spring -Filled, 11111 Iter er IIt:t any .;thele \roll. sbonlll ns 1 .1e gilts idered it n 1'11'1,11 \call. '!'hitt: Iib 1ia1'el' 11elt 11iattresses and Saltless lied Springs. ;whim plannin:: the dep:,r,Ilton Cora Ftp 1'Ve 1\'111 11e pleased to have \'till 1'1111 11111 inspect .0.(,),11 it ih .111~1 ms imp.rt,lnl to r. id =feel a et rrerl ceiling !,aprr a, it i; '4 111 0111' offerings. oto 'hon t' the Itrnper wail d1 c;,rt- ' t{, :limn. four pr01'ereul e may favour ntte 1 f contrast lite eolith'. Lull ;I•e It''rtill that a "Colle-11I,Inee1” !rr tout 1'•11 , ,1e;11 y1r':1. !;:t117et, '1': =r( nlize t.lti; you ran r .1 1 1\ do 1,•o illy tu'(.'n'! my r,lttll111'•; -u;r1' ann + 11, pled flout. 'I'IIE OL.I) SUNWOR-I HY LiNE I Home Furnishings 11'u11 Stock of So:TY to -ay, there art' N1 I I'.\•1•'II'.h\'- illi. y1, Ir, Lein:; the „aloe the I;1,,l duce \1st;',. F.\t1.t._ - thin+; in file line of Itee,.l,a,ilt'r. ..\'1 it poral ti'11e fist 11111i11tu1elli .._ ° :and renictob,•r, I ,e1 -i i i. ' Ib„I tou.tlt j 11 1.f ttI let:t 111 i \\ ail! alio-. * F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LOiJDESBORO: , n I J, JJ,:.,j 1..1.11,1141Q L .11,16 h. en's BAKERY, WHEN IN NEE1) OF BREAD, BUNS, PIPS, IIOmE-i1I DE ('1KE OR COOKIES REMEMBER IIO11.1E BAKERY” II. T. VODDEN, WILLING WORKERS MET h 11 i, 1r 1.1 1a , , 1 . ... r� 1,j h.ti. t. r...� n a. .+. n..,. •.,, n• t• n •l la Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 — 1 Funeral Director, i3 el 1l (�,1,.lul� ♦;♦.;, r� rl, r�♦ ♦C r�r rl♦ rh rl,,b r�r rl, �,,1, rl♦ �, rl, .�„� r;� rl, �. r;, •, ,;♦,;u;..;, •♦ r;. r;. it r;♦j•, ,$„;, r;♦ ♦• .;, r;..;, r;, r0.;uh 0•�,;�.;w ♦ r=. :i: ;; r;. .1.11"11'111in> \\'orlu r, of the 1111 Line :; 1,11ort•is, nut al the home of Cock�'lline on ''Ti-\'•'edn, \lad• .;rd. .,r link \\er1' IIIIl•111'11. It \\ Its Ill 011 t_• t to Sentl ,r,.(III 111 the (Ilinest Keflet '`: EDITH L. C t`= E!GHTON I „Ind, au11 .�'n.ntl to \lilt. Tor Ilrit;t 11 2: DECORA'1'Olt'S SI-1OPPI: ♦_♦ Fund. 4 \\oollt'tt lit mho e.er1' ,al '1 to 4• , ,• r .S, Located Opl:osile Kernich s Grurtry. Phone 10'3, IS ylh. _, be sent to the l;buthets for Illil,tin •_• I mn11, 1 I I ,,'. •;. ;♦ .;. ,;♦ ,;, r;, r:.:":4';":":”, r;, ;.4;4 •;,.;,,;♦,;♦ ;,,,;, ,; .,, r;.,;♦ 1::"...':":...:":":..:":44'.:":"1.4"40.+4":":":"1":.;:i, 1♦.1, 1; it .fryOioi •tip >f.;{:. 11101• }r f0i }3 ...,; . ,•, r " SIIOPPE OPEN -- WEDNESDAY, P.M. 'I'O 10 P.M. SATURDAY, 1 P.M. TO 10 P.M. OTHER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT. • Sold by C. T. bi bbyn, Hardware Merchant TELEPHONE 24. BLYTIT, ONTARIO. .; ., .• . • .......•.9x...0..0...0.•..•, P..; ,•. �„•. • •, •..•♦,•,...+..c.9.0 D. d. d..l, ;•....�.... d -...•: •:d.,+. . ;..; o„r - •.0. 0 • .•..+. • ...o.. • .0 •,.;1 •.:.: '+++4J 00 0 MM • ♦ • + 4 •_... • • . • ♦ r . ♦_':"• :". �, • . • • ♦ + ...' .. •_ ♦ •!,!P.C.• • 4 ,.+.4 . 04 ._4.0'...0' • + • 0'•1• + 0 . . r .