The Blyth Standard, 1944-04-26, Page 1VOLUME 19 - NO. r'/7. LYTH STANDAR r:,:, * ' ',:u., r...., ....+,.. d+ r•+ r•, •t1)•„•, r4:+:+ J,,.. ,1.1:+01:, ••, r•„•„•12 1.•1:1:1: n++:�:, 0,.•,:,:,.4.0:„0 ' •t• t re; :t+ r;. ,• ;, t, •:. THIS IS THE JOB WE HAVE TO DO Huron County Must Invest $3,060,000 (HURON COUN'T'Y $2,900,000, AIR TRAINING SCHOOLS $160,000.) VICTORY BONDS THIS iS OUR SiIARE OF THE $1,200,000,000, OBJECTIVE SET FOR Ti'HE SiXTiI ViCTORY LOAN, WE MUST DO OUR SHARE Its a big Job. We've dune big jobs before. We've put five Vic• Ie.ry Loans over the top up to now. But just because we've put five Victory Loans over the lop is no reason why we can he indifferent about this Loan. We mt,st not assume that the job will be an easy r me, We must realize that it's a Ing job -and assume that it will be a hard job -and make sure that the job will be done: then it will be done, ALL MUST BUY BONDS AND ALL OF US MUST BUY ALL THE BONDS WE CAN "PUT ViCTORY FiRST" 1i erled by Huron County Victory Loan Committee. BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEINE,SD.1Y, APRIL 2(1,191'1. WEDDINGS • 1 I JIEFFRON . CRONiN Sacred I(cart ('hnrch, 'feest\aler, \vas the scene .)f a lovely wedding 1)11 Salnrtlay, April 15111, %then the Rev, Father Ila%vkin,, united in marriage Nlaric Cronin, daughter of \Ir, ;ulj NIrs. Thomas )'ronin of 'I'ce,%valter, and Gerald JI&'f((ron, sen of 1\'i11i;11) Ileffron, and the late Nlr,, I!citron, of Ilnllctt 'Ttw•uship, The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely i1) ;t floor -length gown of w•Ilitc s1i11er satin \t'ith I'nll- length veil, She carrier) red roses and fern. She entered the church to the strains of the %vcrlrlint; march, played by ,drs. Alex. I•;tnthertus, 11 is; Nlargeret lief iron, sister of the groom, %vas bridesmaid. She wore a • flour -length gown of heavenly blue, and + carried pink ruse,. s. Mr, James Cronin, brother of the gr'L oI11, acted as best !nail, During the ceremony NIrs. Joseph Scha'rhack, sang a lovely Sino, The groom's {sift to the bride was a locket, to the bridesmaid, a glamour pin, and I(1 the best man a tic pin, Following the ceremony the wedding i, :t +, ,t+ ,t, •t +2t tl• +I, 't •+:+•++•+f:1 ,+H• ,$*4 +b:,:t +, « + « t „ t « t ♦ t ,•+,:t,,:•:+t:+1) ++t :++ :+• : :1) • • • + ++++ :+::+:+++ 44 h: :+44+4:4+44+4 Letter To The Editor: :1s nu ),arty returned to the home of the bride's parents where a sumptuous dinner was served to immediate rela- tives of boll) fantilies, :1 reception was also held in ening at the bride's hunk, Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 to U.S,A, THE LOAN RANGER BACK EM WITH A BOND SO WE CAN MEET 'EM WITH A BAND/ &uq l224ij&ne4 MISSION BAND TO MEET 1)ig Down AJH I "I'ut Victory First" \N't• all want .1llr buys Inane ars soon a, possible, \\'t' all %vauti them Inane sound of IIIIIIII and body! \\ e know that everyone i, sincere %then they cx- Ilre„ such a sentiment. But, are you sincere cnull>.tll t„ these boys \with the filianci;tl aid nee - of I;I%th. \Ir, awl Mr. I 'Ii.''t 11,11I Frank E. Elliott It (Aires Pruni Office 4 r # Brother Of J, 11, It. Elliott Of Town 4 It. fl ,ll''\tjn;' ;veli, 11 , ,L ,1,>- i I.i t„w, 1 i,trtl" 14,1!4, r,'ier .I, 11. P. 4.111,ll!, Ie,s;ry II, ".Speed '111112 Victory", and as- . >villl !, 111)14 - Ile)' o" IIi;lIl ' oe- SItre their quick, and safe return. 1)„ Wt. ,1.1..1 I'ealizc %1112 sacrific4), our boys '1.;1,)10),,:1 ,tl ;u, I:II mn ' In;1.,y, v% 110 are III.1ICittg, 7111%1 the dangers 111%'1' are \\III I'e,ltl the lath it \'. I'II I'�Irrest, facing, If w'c cuttltl exchange place, l'flivi fll }'e,: ,e i r;r,,L I':,• I:IIi•'t \\'1111 thtan for (me dismal night, andC'.1;trc•r „} tin• nor 1''nit'111 :\'n dlttrst,L,;It•,c1 I;i;ln II then return to our normal peace ;old r) the (t11I81 l" PI'1,t f!I,'all Puht'l', I5•• quiet in this community', there \t'uultl ma,' on suss, roarimi'm Saturday alter be no necessity III tvi';Illgle and argue \ ears 1.: :c, 111 O0(arjo. over Victory loan sales, h:veryone the 'would bey to the 1111111, Itc feel seat', • quota for fitly lb i, 3�5,IH1'I, 1 I ( Int (at'- Rod:. 'f"r•att,,, II, t\:o accord- Thel'll ;I I,,I'1'\1, 11 1,\ III . 11) \\'e,Ine.lav night :5,70(1. of that quota Karl been suliscrilied, 1'11,11 \Ir.1) %1a^ I a'lln,inte'I im Itll', a, 11,'1'11 III`In't'I,11 1••.' Perth );unouut has heed raised in the iir,l %'onto %%ith he;ol'imurter, it Strllfurd, three ,Llys „i the C:umpak:u, but 111 lir- • der to reach the objective \%e mu -t later l,e"It ap;,l ;n ed I'r„viucial hi- Illallll;l l!! that rate right Illi'„11,11 11) the \I"•l';'ll• for 1111111 1•.;1.1 711111 \lest ()II - cud of the Canlpaigtl. fl,, \\il: ell:uat „i the ,rret.u,•at ;Clow.' the Niagara,1)•, \Vinds,,r It's goingto he a big job, and it, , and Sarnia h-'r'Irr In 102,1 h.' \r;ls going to take the best cvcryame caul ,Iransferr,•11 i•, lira quarter, in Toro!).du to put it over. 'to, in chrs, ,i li,ln lr 1844' euforeetue 1:u110%ving tcere the slan,litltt, of Ilse of ;III c 11,t;lrt , 1111%;1 hi, rctn'cnlenl 011 different Inunicil,alilies in the hi, 1,,:11, I,ir.'!„1,11" �al=.Ir'i;I\•. 11c t\;1, Hp to \\'ednesday: ' „11.1,1, rel .::1 all' ,, I ''Zurich am} I lay \Vest .. _ . _ itl.r,,ll 1.1'I'ior ('.1,:i' '1 %1' 1 t, 1lcltsall and Hay 1':ast .... . 11I,9l) The clr, 1' ; -',, , t"r 'cr\ 111 un1let' C'(ilhornc '1'u%vnsllil, ..... - 1,,.1111) :,.n,, .\t!,II rl•t •.1 o n,•r,ll ,unl 4\:1) ,':e VV- '1'111' NI issiun I;;Ind 1f Levin ■ Ser- ' Seafurtll 1 . ................ . .... 1-1,1,un � I - - -- „I 1111' most Ir.c.l:\ ((•,;nelerl puh,'r vice will hold (heir Spring 'Thank -Of- 1 \Vingha11n , , - l,',51) officials hi (..111a Ia. k'^_;Ir'le,l as ex- Fu11twimg a brief honeymoon, the luring on Friday, April 2801, at 8 (1,111. 131ytht .. _....-.. ... 3,5nit -( ,Ili„11;tllt , fii' i, 1 I, II,' 1\a, e'l,cci;1 1- 10•vnll \ 111;„1 h, Ili- ''fii, el-- i,,;• 1,i, w illi:,- '3.I,III) 1)1',- , ;1, .1:114 rr 4) 11-ihility ;11 all ' 5,31In 1iuies f"r act i''4)- carried '111 under 3,11iN1 his orh•r-. I'„I Ilan, ,'van•, he w';Is ;1 -''`I-II,u'lenlhrr 1)l 11r l!tief l'oust;thlcs •\s - young couple have taken up residence In the basement of the church. Lan- 1 C limon , i1) Voile%% 'T'ow'nship, A host (if friends ter" slides on China and Trinidad will 'Gt,tlerieh '1'uw'n 44111 juin \vith The Standard i1) extend- he shu\vn, ing hest \wishes, W.M.S. MEETING Nursing Class IIonour 1)r. Annie Ross The ?aster 'hattl:•Offcringmeeting •hlIIrule and frosty, cuersIINursing the rain is over, we (tv to figure it o the 11'.A1,S, of 111\%11 Uniltid l'hurcll Class took the opportunity on the oc- !I;rttssels , , ......... Frunl rcadiatg smut' of the articles all out, Just \what bad happened, 11 was held on Thursday, April 2,Ith, casiot of their last regular class meet- (;•rev 'Tlw•rtship . -- Total sales to (late $1011,05(I, Percentage of quota for County, 'I'uckersutith , .....-- .-. . NIclillu1, ..- Goderich Township ........ St;tnIcv T't)\%'11511111 2,l 1l • 't'I;Ili"'I ,11 1 811,1,1,1 ;lith tale folic%' 'Exeter ',17! ,1•"n'I;III ,n of r 111 l;lrh . Filo \\';, 'anosll ,ell 1'11 , i (",111;11.%1-•i,lner 1\'. 1L `.strin.ger, NI orris 'I'nwnship .. 1.11(1 ,III hrll;Ilf of his colica%1)e,, para%ulcrl 51)11 \h. I':Ilioll \\ith 8 chin,(' clock, ;t set of pipes, ;I humidor and tobacco stand, a p„lire honor ct'rtifiratt arid eulogized Itis collo';mlc,llilt and efficiency as an +'t!ieel", \1'. 11, (.',vmll,n, l '., of the 1.\)I,,rtiey-(;'live:l', offit'e, ex-I)epiny • \il 1'm'I'le, 'J'. ;~:all Inspector 1':. F, ,111>. Jac 11:111\ rcreivc,l Ilulal .\irhry al-„ ,polo•. NIT. and \I r,, %vord from 011awa, statim; that 11) I Gott t, ill reside at their hone at lach- ! •, rl l', P"."11'.hush;ctrl, 51;1, Inv \larks, a ulcrnher ..I ' !the R,:\.h. (Overseas) had been slight- i.I rien•ls herr Iy %vouit(led, 11,:1111 1-1': u•, „I 'to en io\' Iii- \+ askinIg 11s to support 1111• bol s over just was one 141 those Iltlllg■s Ilt,wever, there by buying' 1'jctory Blinds, the ('erciul examination into the faces re. Mrs. Sinclair presided. "Cru\It 1htit ing to honour their instructor, 1)r, An- w'llh Man) Crowns," oras 1110 ,Ipell1111-f Ill(' toss, ;It 11 llltllll'I', %1'llll'dl was sCr\'- hyntn, followed by (the Scripture Les- ed i1)the Rcd (,'res' rooms cm Ines - son from ,Matt. 28, and prayer, The day pin (sped. 1)1" IIonour were I)r. hymn, "Zion's King Shall Uejgn Vic- :Annie Russ, I)r, 11.:1. S. Pokes, NIrs, Lotions", %vas sung. NIrs, \V. Nlills 1,, \\'ebb, \1'rs, Rutherford, and NIrs. gave the reading, "The Nlaslcr is (:),nt" 1\'illiant \\'atsou. ing," and NIrs. Ilar4i5 rendered a'I'hjrly-lou call down h. a %cry lovely plcasiug piano solo, Nljss Sybil Cour- ,dinner, which was lollu%v(d by the Ires- lite, !Omenmissionary Irian Japan, entation to Dr, Ro's of a table 1;11111) gave a very instructive address, \lis- in recognition 1)l' her willing and Talu- ses Shirley Phillips and Erma \\';d- atllle services rendered the home nurs- lace favoured the meeting with a duet. int class, Miss \lar)■ares Grieve read "In Christ there is n1 East or \1'es(" the address, and Mrs, Jt, hall made the tragic thought came hack to me of %•c;he(i That fur some wlknu\vn reason, %vied the Zack of support in war really (1112 artillery hacking the attack' did not unans, \ly mind goes back to one have the necessary ammunition in cold, wet Illurnitte, October 25111, 11)111, (1811, In hiring fire of the German gun when our battalion 444)11( "over the Imp" el11l.lacclncnIs, nn Ile St/111111e. The ;Ihove a11d a few• unm•e experien- Going■ in the litre tau It man in the battalion r;uric~ I nulls bomb:, 2d I'rivale in the trenches of France dur- '„ imp; the 1st (treat \I'er, are some of the round of ammunition, ration.; for I,,, hums, a Dirk 1)r a shovel, all in solei- j reasons 1 buy Victory 11111(1;, not only it. Itis normal equipment. Loade(1 ; with the surplus cash I have but I an- lion(li s heavily, n1' march in, 11112 cvcllillp{ ticipate how much 1 can salve during ccs during Illy almost two \'Cars a5 al was the closing hymn, which %vat, (ol- 2311%1. 1'(1 the narrow gauge rail. the next six "lunch', vel kitty also alt lowed by the Benediction. :1 dainty presentation, way. aiming a Ina, .,f shell 1111112', down the official instalment plan or I some- Dr. Doss replied suitably, lhanlcing lengths of C. '1', we follow our tt111)11 1 tines 1)u to my hanker and borrow th1 nen was served at the close, e P_` the members of t_he class for their on the twisted runte. Ilam' after hour Thune\ ;Incl pay 11 off 11111111g'the six all night long \\e51,18,11, 110(1 an,d'no11101s. 1 figure 111;0 extra couple of bora{', maty Iltt4 auothct• nlachinc gnu, ,plow through nnml ;Ind %%mei.. It is' (he Blass a few words of encourage - New Ditching' Dredge ' gill, I)r, \'ukes also spoke briefly giving broad daylight when we struggle soak- 1) not t,n14' hill al 1141 o1 the cttt'n14' LI BCCA 111 OI)Cr'1t1011 went, ed and worn, into the front line temcil• lint may protect, smile one 1 know•, NI r. George Radford has commenced Thr regular instruct!'tt uuelings (,1' es, which are none 1)r It's', just muddy, when be goes over the top, ditching operations i1) the '1'144'1151111) 01 (1112 rl;la> are completed. 1 \ 111inalinns tliteles. half lillua 141111 %vauer, Here 1 also l,uy Victory Bonds because Hallett, The arrival of his nor dretig- \rill be held on Tuesdayuesday nigh) at 7.31). we are told we must wait until the fill- They ;re the safest investment in Can- Ing machine a week: ago, caused con- or. yokes will conduct the exatninal- luwing tuorning (o attack. :111 day we ads, as they are a first mortgage o1) siderable excilenten( around town. The tion, lust sit there in the Inu(1 and \Vasil, our County, If the need arises 1111(1 1 machine is of tremendous sirs, weigh - munching our ideals of ratio soaked need some extra stoney in a hurry, i ing 25 ton, 1t moves 011 caterpillar -V can take lily bond (o my hanker, and treads, and is propelled by a large BLYT'H SCHOOL BOARD either cash it, or borrow against it, at 1)eisel engine. 'The shovel which is 11 pct cost of / of 1 percent as Ile only suspended from the end of a lung steel The regular meeting u( the Myth charges 3' 1)11 Iuans secured by Vie- boon) weighs a lull, and every "swish" School Board %vas held in the bread awl bully. Everything, cheese, hisctiits, equipment and ('lathing are just plastered with mud. Zero hoar i ami. finally come; and "over" Ove go I fatally have we stepped 111, 1)u 1011 tory Bonds, and the Bonds hear 3 per- of that shovel "extracts" three -yuan• When we are met by a terrific conceit_ Irene Interest, 1 also have my flank Ict•s o( a yard of gravel. ND.. Radlforr lrali.nl of nl;nhinr gun ;11141 muriate fire ket•p my bunds i1) safe keeping IS the has considerable work contracted' fu front front and ow- both (lapis, num..cost i5 very small and they credit my in 1lttllett, Besides his ditching cum jug us down like ten pins, Tile entire account 'with the interest coupons when. tract, he was successful in security area is just plastered with bursting they hill due. i find this a lot more the crushing contract from that 'Town shells, as guns of all calibres 1(01111(1 us. convenient than keeping Thom at home, ship, and his crushing equipment n,4. 111 side of a few mitottes over 2•11) of Its and They ;re safe from fire and (heft, cd to one o1 the township pits the firs are either killed or wounded, over half HUSBAND WOUNDED 1 SALVAGE COLLECTION ON FRIDAY, MAY 5TH Paper Is Urgently Needed Gather Up All You Can. The 'manlier:, of ilii I(lyth parltnent %rill make a Salvage Collec- tion on Friday, \lay 51h, at tt I,.nl. In case of rain o1) that elate, the Fire 1)t %%ill coin - 1' %\1.111 \Ir, Elliott l l e:%Illi ATTEND BL00D• CLINIC AT WINGFIAM I'Ie 1.441'11111e Citi;:c:ts from Illvth and tlislt'irt a11, need tic 1,1“.111 %•lull%: ;ll 11 ingh;nn this \\,Horses\•. The tient •t'; f,ll''ttinIC the 1181114) signifies thee .' it'll person: George Hu( (3) , Mas. Gerald ;rih"tinns "lade !'y collection %vitt be made on the follow. 1 leffrt'n (1 1 : \I r:•. \1'csley 'I'atnl;ln (3) Ing (lay, Satul•day, \lay (dh. \Irs. J. SI ('helle,t- (,;); Miss Josephine All citizen' are rcllucstt'1 to have \\'o„dcocl, (5); F. J. ('8rkvright (n) their salvage in a conyenjenl place, :marded silver hu(ton ; pert deacon% preferably 011 the curb,. really for a ; (31; 11'illialu );ell 12); Bert Gray (21 ; quick pick-up, Papers and magazines \l ervyn (io% ler ( I) : Douglas t'anlphril Imus be tied in bundles, convenient to (3); 1toward Campbell (3); Mrs. IIow- haudle, 18111 l :ImphuIl ( ') ; Simon I LilLthan (3) ; iron, Paper, Rags and Rubber 'Tires thigh Blair 15) ; Norman \I 'l)uw•cll (31; Nit's. )Isar\ Ilro%%ite (4); 1;1y- iriffi(hs 13i; Leonard r tailor-, arae the types of Salvage requested, No - ial llatll at 8 !',NI., April 25tH, %%MI the I (allowing Trustees present: \V, \)ills, 1' S. Creighton, I'., Car(vright, and J. Armstrong. g The following art -omits %ver(' ordered \1'i people living in this district are 0f this week, bottles, (41' glass 0t ;111%' description be lifted, i'aaper is urgently needed, as l'vety- one knows. 1)ig up all the salvage you can, and help make the collection 1 real success. - paid on motion of Trustees Cartwright a and :Irnlstrong: A. 'I'askcr, Insurance stamps ...... $2.15 Mrs. William I.aidla\v is visiting \%jilt \liss I?, \)ills 1 Nlusica1,--I. 3.(.10 her uep1 lis \\', I'1)\\Ill, 1)l Stmt BLYT')l UNITED CHURCH of our s(la)king force is wiped out, very 11)1411;14 not \withsta"djng our Officers. \CO's and men drop 01) all hour crop of last year, \1'1111 the 12x- I'he services of Mr, Frank Tyrental],.11113111 Standard S1111,Ifes, Public ford. u( Stapler, Ontario, has helm procured School . . .... ....... ..... Lull V - sides, Nu control is (ossilde amid the. ;edition of the families where one of noise and carnage, Suddenly Ove, who their dear ones has paid the supreme are left, realize that something is . sacrifice by giving Ins life, That the - wrong , 11112 task is hopeless, n0 living • war he kept a4va1y from our land, the . -......r person can reach the German line. 11'1' 1 rest o1 115 are mut sacrificing anything drop into shell holes and 51(1116' of u; '11 ,npporlintr 1111(1 buying 1'Ic(or - GODERICH MUSICAL FESTIVAL crawl 1111.1, in 1111• front line to Try to I!onds. ,lust talk to some of the people MAY' 2ND, 3RD, 4TH prepare for the German counter-attack of Poland, \Oros\ and other invaded :1 music festival is not to win which fortunately did not take place countries, who have escaped from their prize, or (14)1181 a rival, but to pace one that des, for some unknown reason. homeland and arrived in Canada. You another on the road to success. :Ill through the day the German fire would then learn what, sacrifice, really Several girls and buys from Myth continues until about 5 in the after- "walls. ;"ml community are competing in the noon, thea we have the task of bring- That extra bond you hely may do the Godcrich Musical Festival, which will ing in our %rounded, and for the next trick, so let's show our hays over there be held o1) Alay 2nd, 3rd and 4111. Give 10 hours, we work frantically, carrying that Itlyth'district is behind them. They them a word of encouragement and then) hack to the dressing' slatjo11, are buy11g Pontis on their army pay, 11•tssist them in iransp0rlatioll, through the mud. Finally, we are re- -dust all old Soldier. - .P 1112\12(1 by another battalion 811(1 bar): __v__,_.-. CELEBRATES 79TH BIRTHDAY %lewd (he line to the reserve camp. 1\'111211 we finally slru ■ ■Ie in, field kit- BIRTHSMrs. 1 rail 'Poll, Sr., of East \\%tive- ehens 41jth steaming bol soup are wait- Cl' NI1NG-In Groves Memorial 11ts- nosh celebrated her 79th birthday on tu operate the dredging machine. NIT. opt'an is an expert at the jolt, and Cartwright al notion of sympathy was passed to \It•. :I, 1I, Kinkead in Viewof his recent loss in the death 0( NI; ',L; J;rue Gl;tss, widow• rl the his sun, late Capt. \1', :1, Glass, of Sarnia, and 10,15: Sunday Sclulol, mother of Austin I. Glass, of Myth. I1,15 Subject 7 "The \talking of at Tlee(ing adjourned on !notion of On "lotion of 'Trustees Creighton MOTHER PASSES AWAY' \Ir, J;u•h Cook of Clinton was guest soloist at the United ('hutch on Sum. 'day. 1ii5 c“ntrihnti,uts 44(1.4) grca.tly appreciated, Sunday, April 39111, Trustees Cartwright sold Cr' ightoll, paHospital, ,'11 Minister." •\fssed away in a Sarnia o %day, April _'Ill. p.m.: "Thr J:nl,rty 11;111,1." Leslie Hilburn, Secretary. i eeeased lady had liven in ill heahl, W,' I. TO MEET Alia 011 Wednesday, April .211th, Rev. P. H. Streeter, L,Th., Rector , The regular monthly Ineeling of the \Ir. and \Irs, Glass and family were Aril 30th, 1944. present for the funeral. Sunday School: 10.30 a.m. 1'- 'uuet•al Scr•jre; were held i1) s„, TRINIT'Y ANGLICAN CHURCH \l'etu'p', Inslitnte will be held at the -111tnc of Mrs. A. 'Traylor on Nlev 4th. at 1311 p.m. Subject, „Gardening' Exchange of plants and slips. Subject WILLING WORKERS MEET I aTit.one and Sermon; 7.3(1 p.m, I:Itercessinn Service at Feelers 011 I rid:lr at -1.-15 p.m, will he taken by different nlenlhci•s 01 The 1\'illing \Varkers of the 1111 ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN Ow institute, Coolest on flowers and Linc, \1orris, held two nurtings (Ina- Morning I'1;1ycr anti Sermon in til. vt,getahlcs 441(11 11 prize for the Win" ling the month, one at the home of 11r,, 1l:iihnext 'S•'n l•ly. at 10.31) Iters. ;1ny“me %ranting t0 cxc1r111g> 11'illiam Coe(erline, and the tither at '8.111. ing for us, hilt most (11 us, just sink' 1)11;%1, Fergus, ()Mario, 0n Thursday, Saturday, April 15th. The l)1(1 ion (Malts, bring then) to the meeting,' I'te lonte of \Irs. John Fairservicc.. TRIN'Tl'''IIIIRCIT 11[LGRAVE do%vn i1) the mud, lou utterly exhaust- .\pril I3tl1, l944, to NIrs and Mrs. 11'as fittingly marked by' a family gath- Hostesses, NIrs. I.iedle, \Irs, Scrim. ,Two quilts were quilted each x1141- 1:tuIi i t a ''1 Svrlti, t 1.1 Trinity, ttl to eat, until daylight. Ernest 1Z. (.unting, of 1'Crgus, a sun. (ring, in honour of the occasion, geuur, Mrs. A. Taylor, 1noon, ( burr -l1 Pot "tel tee RECORDS FOR PRISONERS The first shipment of phonograph records destined for German prison camps in which Canadian are interned was presented to Major General the Hon, L. R. LaFleche, Minister of National War Services, in Montreal, F. R. Deakins, President of RCA Victor, who officially turned the records over to the General, is seen here introducing him into the intricacies of a modern recording instrument. The shipment is the first of a regular monthly service to prisoners -of -war in Germany, WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Onions For Wounds The aroma of fresh onions and garlic is such a goad germ-ki11ee that the Russians are using on- ions as an aid in curing infected wounds The story is told in the Ameri- can Review cf Sot let Medicine, by B. Tokin, A Nova!tnr,k, 1, V. Toropt'ev nett A, G. Filar„\ a. They tested human n:c:utls and found that after three to eight minutes of cheeing fre'.; onions or garlic, and sometimes after one minute only, the mouths were found free of bacteria. The Russians say thc•3 don't know what the chenlica' is that makes the breath lethal. The killing effects disappear after about 16 minutes, but the punch, while it lasts, is tremen- dous, It kills not only the invis- ible germs, but the big visible protozoa, These arc one -cell ani - male, like paramecia The killing, or healing, aromas are not confined to onions and garlic, The Russians report then; In lesser degree in horeradish, radishes, peppers, and such fruits as lemons, oranges And tange- rines. The wound' treated with onion were all amputations, of Ari115 or legs. The onion was never placed In or on the wound. A container was made to fit the wound, and carrying the vapors to it for 10 minutes In each treatment. The Improvement was good enough that the Russians report they be- lieve the plan: fumes have a place in treatment. Hugh Try It A foreigner ince rashly asserted that he thor'olicitly mastered the English langu,'.gt. relate' the Shef- field (Engle::1•'. a T eleprai il. \\'here upon some, en.c :t•;:td hill t., tltite form dictation t','e is ilry.in,: As 'Hugh 1I':.,t:r- was hewing a Yule log fro: , ,. .. tee, , ,. leen in clothes of ., r: , to Hugh atilt 'Ha;e yeti seen any ewes' Seel !! :gh, "If :Joe wait until I hey: thi- tree• I \tilt go v:,.11 you anyvt heee i' F'1: pc t for yocr c ' t s '' PISTOL-PACKIN' PUP Lassie, a pup bought by Chlcae,c police captain Louis Capparelti sa a pet for his daughter, was kept in tilt re lice st tier to be housebroken. Site 'i :ed the place AO much she rcf'eeer1 later to live at home, wa;;r beats . •t) the cops, and, as pictured r.h::'e. proudly packs a rod and shield to I'r've she's no child's l''., but r-": • r t to 2C0 burly cops. Have You Heard? An officer had dict.,tt.l a letter to e. C.\\ .h 1', Fte:ogr;; her in which the \\ (ed., "int;lbeence of- fitc:'' \\ tee use,: toiee. 'flee steno- grapher, n(: scot to r,rmv titles typed "il,?,:liietet. officer '11,e e ifirer , i <, ha,! •l:.'t:acd the !tut: rt ,.'u: at the little steuogreplier. "i:,. F: et the,' 11-110- e\c. }'tan, 0: ,';t,'14,t .fel• cer:" A: 5)`p c.. t: t,rtit;' a tit 01 for coat after all. til. ilg;lr '.,,;1 said your Ilushen I'.(rl:c: eet ,.(f ,r'i it this year," E:"SoIdid. `e l y.e1;,, ,etc of luck. 1,1', lire -hand hr• i;r: his leg and the ,1;'u':'1'. ,'0:1 5':'11' lead him $300 " He: "Do you think I'm con- ceited?" She: "No, Why do you ask?" He: "Well, men as good looking as I am usually are." --0— This stcr3 ecenes from the .11ex- andria Army Air Base in 1.onisi- ana, 'l'W0 E01.i4re s.tfpp(d forth smartly when they heard the top - kick ask for a "postai detail." They e'ivisioned 6oft lobs. They learned quickly, \\ hen handed shovels, that he actually had raid "pos' hale detail,•. How Can 1? Q Hoy, cc': '_ relr•ove mak: of scorch? A Clothing; tlr.t is lce,rched while ironing should lee immediately plunged into cold water, Allow it to stand for twenty-four hours and by that time the marks \;ill have disappeared. This of course applies to material that is washable. Q How can 1 soften hard paint? A Paint that Is hard and 'ase- icss can be sof:(red by retiring an inch cf turpeetinc on top cf it and letting it mood for a fcty days. TI:t1: stir 11;111 r. stick until s•:ft. Q Hon' cr,'. : rel'': 1'e :test front st('1? A A stcoi artitic that lots be- come badly :sled sholtid be icitktti in to t(t oil for one 5r No dans and thee rul.herl tt 5th a fresh lime, C.5 How r.n g i, . \ ita;i , to n canary? A If the car, has lost t it.dity dtrinl.' the r:citire! period, piece a rusty rail in the ;drinking water. It will runty iron to the bird when he is not FO pct': e as usua.:. �1 What is e gr,:,d way to mail coin' A Mon tontiiete a cell; t;.th a letter. attach the coin to the note paper with s rtrir.. of adhesive tape, It ni:: held the (cin in piece until it :t..'llt• . -t tlnti•l, Headache Nothing is more depres• 'sing than headaches... Why suffer?.,,lambly's will give instant relief Lambly'sisgoodfor ear- tm' sche,toothache,painsin back, stomach, bowels, ibid./ • A.\ 1 '1\ 1 HEADACHE POWDERS_ tl MORE CASH ;1'H t . 't ST .11%1 3t1.t11:L 011 11:111 TRAIN MOTOR CO. r 1: I :111.1'.•I'O ALL TIRED OUT Comely workers at Air Service Command warehouse, Miami, Fla., display largest and smallest tires supplied to U.S. Army Air Forces, Georgie Stroud sits comfortably atop 56 -inch Flying Fortress tire as she and Jean Lineberger hold $-inch tires used on landing wheels of PT -17 training planes. Nazi Supply Lines Lead Through Rome The only \tray the (ierivans. can supply their defence lines at Anzio And 1:assino is thr• a li Route, All railway supply routes and all major roads lead through Rome to the south, and through Route only. Rorie is one large distribution center through which all things German flow. It will be an open city nisi \vlten and if the. German army stops using its stations, air- fields, roads, military depots, anis berr,:eks and ti,,t before. 11 1111' ( 111(1\" bl'RCl.t1 1'11I(.'1:S 1'1111 JI'NI. AND JULY' L'a:;ed Kori: Mixed 10e N. ,v llnnap>hile• Jlixcd lie 1Vh,i.• I..):Ii rn Mlx d ..,tee nal n .1 Rock Pulls t.<. 17c \1'hltc Leghorn 1.'ulltrs .. 2Uc D. ! it .irl.,y. ; 1,,',i (rooks your ord.: r. Carleton Ilalehery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. BABY I'llIs'KN, ?1 "silo I'1•:It 101. aft. r 51:1y 1, '11Leo. Thr:.'her'd Hatchery, Harrow, Uhtario. ]tli'I:RSII!1: Crt\'1:1:X51EN'r si'- prov. d Baby ;'tai. I;s from large type blo,,dtert. 1 Preeders, noth- ing kit 21 ui, Egg` and over are ret, as6111'e5 you hug vigorous, fast maturing 1'hicks, Barred }locks, 55111!,: g horns, Light S.ussexs. \\'rite for folder, River- side Poultry Farm, Hickson, Ont. Nr) \vAl'I'1Nr;. \Irl: ,'•1N trill, (Al- ders•for most breeds in dayulds end several lit evils in started pullet:, If you thin!( you haven't enough to eaten the good markets the fall -- rhos.. started pullets 15 ill likely he :he nnswir. But order now. (tray hatchery, 130 John ti„ 11. IIS 11 .11, Ont. 0. 11, S. R:1RBED 11OCK. CIIICICS from 1'ul lortnn• free, got'el'ntnent h i i roved breed; rs. ;end for prico list. Manes Poultry Farm, Jetscy- vIlle, Ont, QI:It'1CI.1' 11' 1'O1" \\'ANT some of these good 'muddle Sten Nod three weds old a•1:;I'tst1 chirps in non -sexed. pullets nt' co,l;ttr11. Epcci;,1 rrr!uecd price= whist Ih• y last. also day olds utol 1,141e5~ eight weeks of age anti .deter. 'writ., !or the new 1141 Tweddle catalogue, '1'wcddle r'hi. h Tlatch. ries Limited, i s'gus•, Ontario, CHICKEN ISAIS1\'G INN"T "ill'(' 055 miss" ;l ll\' nh.l't, \1❑1,! ng inoncy "Int .( eh'ickei i a, ltd r'ggs' iS e cult a: id Brit d proposition now- adays. The tt i" roan linftwt; there are detain lulus' in the game that must be observed If he's Rolm; in lo -e.1) hi= shirt find have enough left to buy n neohtte whet the season Is over. This ;non st'.t'If1 with ehicli.s of known hrt.rd;ng. Government Approved front bloodlestld 5,;5-I.rs. lie kn.,c.s chhks dole' "otter grow' they have to 1 1:,i col. This (Am:. usually makes money out of chit kens . . :old n whole lot of foil( start with Top Not. h chielcs bror,use they lei they're depend- able, We can Rive prompt de- Irrty on day old:', two, three and four week olds. Send for eataing'ue and special prI,•clat. 'fi,p Notch , `)aielier!es, Guelph, Ontario. SPECIAL SUSSEX Iia\IP. PUT.- 15ts, 9 weeks old, ready for range; Fred 'Henderson, 11.1 Sebringv'tlle, Lot 11 Con. 5, Ellice, ss'r'i;i;u 511 ('151 'KS, AL,l, 'BREI•:D- ers blood tested, Write for our special low prices for end of May, June and July chicks, Leg - horns, Barred 11oe5', Ila Onpshires. Rock Haim), Sussex, Sussex Hamps, mixed rhirks. pullets, cockerels. 6-5.15-12 week old pul- lets for immediate delivery, Superior Hatchery, Linwood, Ont. Plii.LE•:TS ANi) CAPONS FRO\( May and June hatched chicks. Ot;r Nen' Hampshire Light Sursex hyl.rids make; a'rcllel.t Layers Slid choicest of meat birds, 'Weber's Poultry P.m and Hat- chery, Route 2, Kit(heher, Ont. T111: 1:N1'T•:RI l•:N• -i: OF uT111•:Its Is !hr• cheapest trach;', 'I`wtddie cush,nuers conte hay I. 55) Tw. delle for chicks again and again. It's been going on for nett 1!' years. \\'r mention this now hrrause you'll nf:ree that there's no time for t.xp;t'ini'i t in :his 1914 mar- krt and also Ler;aunt' tyr tyonidri't 111111,1 up n busines the size of ours if the 410 not turn out hich- gtlality lltahlr rLie6'<. Tn•eddie Go\arnent .5;,;,•5)5..1 ehlehv frmn blmod-tes'••1 I.; errs $lye you 'h, right et.u't. \(`e nffrr all r•1,'1!':r 1,11a•tt•'r••1 rid hyl;, 4 er,irrs---rl`:t• rads• srt,rd -- nt•n- scx01 — c,,(•lo ' 1'lohtpt •.t- t(nti.n eft. n to '•11 0:',ie ;nn. live nrrl\ al flu :•':t::, rd. Send for '10 115' urn 1".11 t:.loglt, end -i( for 'pr' 1 l,:ie. c of 'ten 1.5.,1 three werlt ol,l st'.I ir.1 . hicks in 5011r.tr irot i 'r:d r.,r;:. t'.s'. 81st nide l' 1,1114'tt'r, 1:s' r. rl 514r•r. Tv: ,1415 ''11. 1c 11.5.11- r: - 1.`tut:rel. p.11..r, lilt' \V,\N'T 'I'i1 s sYl; mit:. r t •:i. 1 bn1L. r ur; ,1 f.,t'o-l;d; so. eiel 1, , r ii_ ea: it ' 11: , ;I dl tom ,. 1: old novo !. raw; t r.5 1 1;r,;,.1 '11!,"1" 5, 5, 171;,'1' 1,, .It Sha ;, , 1,•1ll0"r t, it 1'1 s.r; rrlr,h, On run. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is is proper to touch the lips with the tips of fingers that have been dipped into the finger bowl? 2 Is it all right for It 'woman to close a social letter pith "respect- fully"? 3 is it correct for a hn:•tecs to rise when greeting each guest? 4 May one ever interrupt a per- son who is speaking;? 6 If a woman dors nut observe A regular at-home day, \\ hat are the customary visiting hours? 6 1\'hat should he the minimum of space altotrd to each gnutst At the dinner table: Answers 1 11•hile often done, one should learn to eat without staking the lips grca-y. It should he sufficient to touch the lips 'lith the napkin, 3 No, 'Sincerely," "Sincerely yours," or, 'Very sincerely 3;015'," would be the bc•t t tidings. 3 'VC! regardle's of n babe• the guest is a man or a 1'0111811. It would be inhospitable if she didn't. 4 This would depend upon the reesnn for interrupting. 1t e.oulrl be rude to break into a convereati,n in order to introduce 1: person or just he - cause nuc is hared. 6 Between the ' eurs of three and five in the after- noon, b Twenty is the minimum. United States War Loan $16,000,000,000 Secretary ('f the ' rea'ur'• lIcur: Morgentiiate 'r., set lone 111-Tu'.3' 8 as the date' for the fifth I'nifed States tear loan ciril c in which that country still be asked 11) int(st $i6,- 000,0(I0,IIII0, 111I:t\G tt c1,1:1\1\(: HAVE )'ell! AI i'I'ILIN,i NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to tie for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart• ment H. Pariccf'N Dy'o Works Ltmfled, 1111 Yonge Street, To- ronto. 11 011{1)111:7.'1N5; AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE yeomen, learu 1;; i. es:ing lit Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified stork• Splendid pay. Write or call for frut. liter. attire. Martel ILairdressi11g S••hnols, 368 l{loor Street, Toronto. liraneite.v 44 King Street, Hnntiltun, and ; 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa, L IU A N N HA115D1tf:(S1NG Robertson method. Information On request regarding classes. Robertson's tialydreeeing Acad• emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. W 1 0 5, .'1'OUPES, TRANSFU1tM- attorns, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality (lair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hail' Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. MEDICAL PItO\'I;N ]{1:MEOW. 1:\1•:1{1` St'1'- ferer of Rheumatic trains or Neur- itis should try t)ixnn's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid "1.1?0. DEAF TIIL NEW' STREAMLINED COM - pact Putter 'Telephone is the smallest hearing aid available. It le clear, powerful, makes ron- versatlon easy anywhere and Is most reasonably priced. Try 1t Write ('otter Earphone Company, 22911' Yonge St., Toronto. Estab- lished for better hearing for u quarte of it century, YOH 01:1' QI'U'IC RELIEF' PROM Eczetnat and t'Sori;tsis by using Patron's Eczema Ointment, Stops burning and itching; soothes and heals cuts, burns and piles, Hun- dreds n1'' satisfied customers, bot; and ti po'ipaid, 1'ntson health Products, 261 St, Catherine West, Montreal. STOMACH ANI) TIIIIEAI) \VOltalti often oto the cause of 111 -health In humans all ages. No ono lm. mune! Why not find out 1f this is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write 51ulveney's Remedies, Specialists Toronto 3, Ont. DON'T DELAY! EVERY Sl'l'I'ER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, ltfunro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. BAI!MEEKA i111)'I' BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa ugent. Denman T)rne Store intawa, OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OPFEII To EVI'5!;t IN EN'I'OJt List of Inventions and hull throe- matlon Bent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street Ottawa. Canada. - I'iHO'I'OGRAI'lii' DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T 13E TAKEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" ps" 0.t lowerwer cost — Irompt Mall Service, Send your nns rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed, This Ie Canada's largest finishing 'au- to, serving customers all over anode. You'll like our work, too. Any Size Roll—G or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 25c Praising 'Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont., writes: "I suppose it's hard to give your usual quick service with help to hard to get, but as long as you turn out such fine pictures, 1'11 watt—if 1 have to 55111t." 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" nn Ivory tinted mounts; 7x1" in Gold, .niiltcr, Cir- cassian Walnut tr 15lacl; ]:bony finish frames, ;,''.: (Lodi II cola; _t:- ment euloro.d, 79rl each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1211. Postal 'I',:rhl`.r.,i A, 'Toronto Print Your X;;10,, and t addit:s Plainly on .5i; r.ltd•.r=. 1'1'11:N t'f'`I'l ERs'1'.0'.I! `.I ,'1! .'.1•,11'1'., l'ntent 15-1 .', •,1,., 18110; 14 ^ K s! , Booklet o.' quest. ammommimmaiRMEMEMISIER Easy to roll, delightful — to smoke FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Aircraft Designs In Post -War Houses A new British plan for post- war plass production of pre -fabri- cated houses will not only provide 4,000,000 extra homes for Britons but will aid aircraft firms, now turning out thousands of bombers fond fighters, in their conversion to peace -time manufacture. 131ue- printed by 1110 large firm, re- ptesentiug five major British in- dustries—aircraft plywood, steel tubing, light alloys, and iron and steel—the scheme will benefit from war -leaned lessons in aircraft con- struction and design. For example Britain, unused to central heating ''1l inive in its new houses heating and insulating' devices borrowed straight from its fighting planes. To avoid standardization, five or six basic design, have Lccn pre- pared. Pre -fabricated h,:,nse' ac- SEEDs W'!; ARE 0I10\v1:IlS AND \i.1I1K- ottrs of the fatuous 'Truck Lo:a,l Ear llraid seed corn. Order early and save money, Belle (liver (lraInSeed Company, Belle River, unt. 1.5)15 x,11,1; 75 ,1cItl:( 1'.11111 awl s1o.:15 for sale, -Apply to Mrs. 0. 11. Graham, 11.1i. 2, \Into !toad, Ont, FA 111 1'Ult SAI.(:, 31a m01• a frim Timmins, 160 acrd, 7. cleared, new :almlintse, 22 con' barn, tahlc. etc., 17 tnilrh cows, mach- inery, 3 horses; with or without sif,rk: inquire further Pox 455, Timmins, Out;u'lo. LA ROE 115.5DIOi,1.'S IICLIt5, 11.\1N - bow collection of outst:Inding varieties, 2 dozen 11.10 delivered. liuypel's Bulbs, 1Istzic, RC, \1'e grow the best only, NI:\\'LY RECONDITIONED 1100TS of our armed tomes in perfect conditton. Special f3,25 delivered. Money back. guarantee, State size, send money order. Ruskin & Co., Peterborough, Ont. EGG 13I1USHES — DIRTY EGGS Made clean with a few strokes. Inrushes, 5.c, Refills, Vic, post- paid. Special prices to Egg Sta• tion:. A. 1,. Reichmuth, March - well, Saskatchewan. De\\':11:1' SAW'S AND \VOOD\VORIi- ing Machines. Newest types avail- able front direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada, Quotations gladly furnished on application. De\Vnit Dlsher Corporation Ltd., 402 \Vest feeder St., Vancouver, B.C. GRINDI:II•—gree;', fifteen Inch, double action, bnhbit bearings, 55(111ab5: condition, Pulleys, shafting, hangers, belting elevat- ors. Cheap, ]3E1:1'—Nifty-clght tt. ttvo piece, extra heavy 8". Twenty Dollars, BLACESMITH'S ll'lIEEL 1'1..1'1.'1:— Eight dollars. JA11111NI: '1' 1 12 E L'1'SJITT'l:lt— Twelve dollars. Equipment In Orono. Contact Rowland Smith, 1G \Vre/Neter Ave., Toronto, lilt. J. 1l. ENGEL'S 11I2I;ILILWZED Yeast has been' helpful in the prevention of abortion. Many tes- timonials vet Hy its value. 100 lbs. 5;15,00 plus charges,. Nncxcelled fur cattle, sheep, goats, and swine. We claim our Mineral and Yeast Powders for all aninlais are not only corrective agents for analnut'ition but they more than pug for themselves 110 growth, vigor and production. Dr. J. I'1. Engel, corner Queen and Princess Sts., Wu.terloo, Ont, Write for booklet. SLII'IT HARNESS DRESSING — Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has Horny houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chaltl stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. T H 11 O 11' GASOLINE AGAINST storm, retul ns vapor. That's how ST011-:110, \'nporizer produce; more miles. Build yourself, it's simple. Results good. Plans 55', J. A. Friesen, Box 65, \l'INKLER, Manitoba. EI,EC'I'RIC 510TO11S, NE\V. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; be 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Du(terin St., Toronto. IrIl1:15 — COLORED NURSERY (.1atalogue. Full line of fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; shade 'frees; It o e e s; Ilrolt(InIe-liingswlly Nurseries, Cowmanviilc, Ontatiu, ACM:, l'ItA1111.1 IBAI1N 41) x G0. House 18 x 30, 1Voodshed l o x 1 In village of Egmnndville !Sb0.00. Also 55 ages cleared land, gond locality, 5 rods from buildings, edjoining Sen forth pot) per acre. bTrs. Craivlord Simpson, l:gmoud- yillr, ()tat.arlu. NEW' Z11.\1,.1N D \1'111'1'1: IIA 131:I'l'S, ;i nanhtiw old, 85 a pair. One obit Luck. 1'crcy ]lazi(tt'ood, 31 51:5';, (01.t. SIN .Nr;u11.5 iI 1;liI'C L't'tli5. 1.u11gt•t r 1, Snowdt if strain• three (VII:, in 0..11. Pox 255, fort r''I41;. %1:.\1, ND 11`III'I'i:s. SE\'EN_ ni fine I. from pi Ir. n'iunil:c nee, ;hit,, blurs, r. mr 3.755. VAMP?) S. Also a11g.1'- fr .ta p: ize sto. lc. (. 1:1 nit. 'n ,w,lr;ft Rabbitry, S.' :shot. 1. Ont. cording to cneinters, archit . is and housewives, will make pos- sible great advances in Inv cost housing, and less that 5,000 111,111 - hours v; ill he needed to build and assemble one of the ready-made homes. This compares s ith the average of 2,200 elan hour; now needed to twilit an ordinary do (ti- ling. ROOFING BARGAINS 1'.1("1'OIt1' MI1.!. (:NDS Act now -- get yowlhie it 511ndr asbestos 5,11 roofing at bare:1ln 50 ices while this offer lar 11111 ertdN 1111(1 factory nec'ndh— Nlnle r.urfaced and penin. Also regular red nod grcea Nlate sur- faced roofing—priced 10 rtenr, 11'r114. Natty: EASTERN FACTORIES OUTLET LTD. 1)(•pL 11'., Ilurllnrr(un, (lultn•lo S 11( 15' 1'011 11(11.S'1'I:IN P1'1.1,5. 1;1 11:.11tIJ front lolly are t.,l!t,d h, rd. .1pply r Ln: I;e, \1',11!am bur:, , 1111. 1'(111 S.\1,1:. 1).\ RE (;111':1' 1'15)5, 11 - el oh ,,,1111(,11 I ieSnF:' `'• r. n, c, sun'.. 1'i;r. d to :'. 11. .1r hit I. (hump on, Rowe 2, 1', Sl:li\'ll'I?.AI I,I; .5.115 .5011 to. dual -pin dual -pin no, 1410.1 noon hulls from lit i,1'. data .I.. p, alto k, type'. heir,/ c. e:115. :11:0; Alt.,,.', n, 11;;! ' 1, l l;unil'on. PI:Rt'itEkt'NS S'I'.11,IJuXS ,'1!, J - pin breeding: :old t!. pe :1, pr,n,- (A11 4 yc;,; old :Ind own y.•nllinc:. 11111re ;:o ,1 Itlacic, pus en-y111e, Ont, 11.1 LI: 111:1.1' \1 .1\'1'1:1) MAN, 24)1'N1; 'r) 5511)1'1.11 At,l:, married, wanted, exp( Ilene( In general farm work. \lust he t 1- flt:teht, reliable, good with lite- shlelc audi mach1nn•y, House, 1111115 and garden supplied, .lpply stat- ing nwnhr r In family, wages r x- pected, err. to Dodstrood Farms, Alton, Ont. 54.1\ TO iHANDI,i: f0 ACI;(: F:\1151 in ilnntilton district, This Is n, general farm. 'Married titan pre- ferred, cottage 10111 ele,hic lights supplied. 67(1.00 per month, Box 22, 73 .\delalde St, 11'.. T .- ronto, ]N'I'111,1.If;1:NT 35.1X, ate Li'I'.11IY exempt, as alppl'entiee, to 1.:!11, Nem Ing prowess l'revinus e\pt r• bene,. in tide line not eseenti;J, Apply rule No. 23, ti,•lertivr S'r- vlce, 1 ; 1 Spadini, :Ave., 'Toronto, h:NPER 1i•:Ni'I;D I;GG (It.\01•:11 for \\'carer Ontario egg btation and locker service. 1'rt 5, r one lith PUmo 111) 1,1 r\p.'I'I• IV'•'. (;"5)d tyagt°• Apply nenre'I I'11111ioy- 111e11' :111,1 501ietiye Seryiee, 11ef,r 1,1 5'!! 9211. 111:1.1' 11'.1 \'1'1;1) I,A111' Olt 31.12 ANTI \VIP(: TO work for it bachelor for farmer or shnee wool:, Pox 13S, 73 Adalnile 15'., 'Fortin to, W'.t N'l'ED GAl{III:N 'I'l{A("l'Olts, AI,5O LAT11 model ear: one hay pees:. Apply to Pox 138, 73 Adelaide \1'., To- ronto. WAN'1'la) IN YOUR DISTILit"C some one to take orders for day old chicks In spare time for It large ('anadlan (;uvernntent Ap• proved ('hide hatchery, No in- vestment I'equired. Liberal tont niisston paid. \1'rile for full de - trails. Box No. 130, 73 Adelaide 51'„ Toronto. TEACHERS 11'AN'l'I1n, I'ItO'l'I:S•f- ant, for school terra 19.15-45, with elementary or Intermediate 411- plonnls; salary 8600 to .90e; per school term, Send applications to School Board of Aylwin, No, 1; Leigh McConnell, Sec.-'l'I'eav,, Iiaz lI: t1i;t, Que., stating' quali- fications turd experience. IIIIAI:TT11' '1'(21'1'11:5 ALL ISt I:I:i,5 also l'erslnn Kittens, Canaries, ]'argots, Pigeons, Bantams, other pets, (2uot; lowest price to See,ts & ltlyds Cu., 1::15 \1', St. Catherine, Montreal, 1'1::1'l'lll•:I{S, l'1:AT111:11 all descriptions; high„+t orb es paid. For parlical: rs tyriae 10 ( ucen ! 1,'nt t'n 1 _ "i I d n•in St., '1ot'o11 tn. • 11'.\N'I'I:1) Irl: - 1501111 5.111101'S d ho h,.te .ell^t pond ),acture an.t ,1:11 jolt to paste,'.• )'.nits of gone: attic, for :.;h monthly. 1'',f.rably near '1'orol,l. 11'515, foil • L'ort llffi.'e .;.e, 'I',00ltl,.. 11'AN'I'I1I•. 'i'Itl;c15', 2-'1'11\ 5)'.\1415, real c..od, ciao all .let.: 51', P. 11 5-50n:tn, .1y Iwo r, 11.15, 5, 'hl'. W'I7.0'tll-:S'TI:1: \\'1:1.1`1:-•;.1I'r !; pinup wo' ,,"I 11ouo0chl) uair- ,.{ f,. hoon.1. full pa. ai 111',5s. ia:,. .541,•I,i.t,. \1'., '1'.00ut•. 1:I:N'1', '1 I'11141,1' Ntnrl.,,p.e 0 1') 5ioe. .5.,Ilu•:, onion, 101.1.. , 11'.s "I:. 7 Ad. 1,,,d. \\ 'I'.5). MR. WOOL GROWER 'I'i115 101,1,I•:;1'I'.\l:l,1S1il:l, v. ow.- 1,.a. 51.!1 ur.lo,,', .„ f.• •, 11.. ,1. 15..5.,ann,1 t\r:.1 15',(.Lor .I n, I•;,I.n r, 41 111 HO.5.:. , 0 y.. of .lip 5),t, , 0- t,u r11 r 11,. taro. ,1,115 ., ,i e'.• TI 1 1' .... 5: ''I) I Pt t 1 11'. 0 .1 ,' 11 I 5'.11 MI.. :If; \'I't! )I, IV, 5)\ i'.\1; ir), C. P. R. TRAINMAN HONORED Munitions Minister C. D. Howe, left, is photographed with C.P.R. trainman B. G. Burton of Schreiber, right and Jackie Moore, of Jack - fish, whom Mr. Burton saved from drowning, on July 29, 1942, from trainman 13, G. Burton saved front drowning, on Julyctaoinnetaoin s.13ip Hall recently, Mr. Ilowe presented 'Trainman Burton with the honorary testimonial, shown above, of the Canadian Ilumane Society. Mr, Burton saw the six-year-old boy struggling in the wat,r from a freight train as it pulled past the Jackfish dock, Running 400 yards to the edge of the dock, he plunged in and brought the boy to the shore in an uncon- scious condition. _ SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON PAUL CROSSES INTO EUROPE Acts 15: 3646: 40; Epistle to the Philippians, PRINTED TEXT—Acts 16: 13-15; Phil. 3:7-14, GOLDEN Text—I press on to- ward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Phil, 3 11, Memory Verse: God....l ovc11 tts, and sent his Son. 1 John •t: 10. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tinge --Th: gospel entered Eur- ope by the preaching of Paul at Philippi, Probably in the year 51, The Epistle of Paul to the .Philippians was written in 0.1). 61 or 111, Place—Tb: main event of our lesson occurred in the city of I'llil- ippI, a fatuous Roman : colony in northern Greece, the territory known :Is \1a,:edonia, Faithful to the Lord ".and on the Sabbath !lay we tecnt forth without the gate by a river side..... If ye have judged u c to he i:titltful to the ford, route into my house, and abide there. :and she constrained us." Lydia was not :nhanted to con- fess her Lord in baptism, Failure to confess Christ from the begin- ning has been the cats of many forsaking Christ or becoming mere nominal Christians, Lydia \vas anxious to know more of the truth of Christ and thus she offered hos- pitality' to Paul and his compan- ions, irow beautiful she expresses herself! If you have 'judged ale to he faithful to the Lord', that is, if you trust Inc as being a genuine believer, conte and have fellow- ship \vith my household. Gain In Christ 'Howbeit what things were gain to me, these have .I counted loss for Christ, \'ea, verily, and 1 count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus my Lord: for whom I suf- fered the lo:,s of all things, and do count thein but refuse, that I may gain Christ.'' .Anything that \could Coitpetc \with C'hr'ist as itis Sav- iour, Paul renonuc 's, counts it as loss, '1'o know Christ was far more excellent than to possess all his SWEET VENGEANCE \Vith his warships back in ntajot taction for the first time since the mark days of 1942, the sound of Meir guns scoring direct hits on tuerman vessels trying frantically go evacuate troops from Sevastopol was undoubtedly sweet music to the ears of Vice-Adml, Filip S. Okty, abrsky, above, tough chief of Rus- sia's Black Sea fleet. pa,( ;I'lartit IC! looked i ont them 111 ' •'Ilt, al lull :14 it',, than 11'016111,'. iii Ch; l.: "ii, gr',lt 1;,1111, iac.)utparal,le gain, for he found in (lint the things lie, had failed to find in Judaism. Righteousness Through Christ ".\ttd be fount' in hint, iv.: hav- ing a righteou,nc;; 'roil that \vltitil is of tic 'a\., but that NdliCh is through f tit!; in t;hti.,t, the rightcou,ne.; \.hied je from God by faith," •Ti'o pile up a righteousness by the ;celllntula- 11011 of individual ri;htcou, acts is hopeless, hilt to receive rlgliteout- Iless 'milli God ilirougi• Jesus Christ is the final dclj\era'tce of n man front .lepeudt'uce up.'11 his ot\n struggles, Paul's Earnest Desire "That [ may know hitt!, and the power of resurrection, and the fellowship of his suifering;, ha - coming crnlforlied unto hi; death," '.I'o know the risen Lord in all :Tis risen power was the earnest desire of Paul, He also desired to share the fellowship of His suf- ferings, to enter Into Ills sorrow it the great tvoelc of redeeming a lost \vorld, In hi; experiences the .Apostle hail the prospect of death continually before hint, 'Truly he Was being- made tnutforin Ode un- to Ili; death. Paul Presses Ott by any means I may attain unto the rc.;snreeti.•u from the dead, Nut that 1 have obtained, ur am already made perfect: but I press un, if so be that 1 may lay hold on that for \vhich also 1 was laid hold on by Christ esus." 1':ntl distinctly assert; he has not reach - e,' perfection, it i; a state that al- ts}•.; lie ahead, 1le yearns to ;gain . the glorious prize for t'hi'n Christ apprehended hitt on the 1.'ainaSCUS road, Ile knot\. that 1'y grace he will be fount' periect in Christ in the last day,. The High Calling of Goo 'Brethren, i count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one tiring [ do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to things w llich are before." bike the runner who looks not hack but keeps his eyes on the goal ahead, so [';tui forget, the things of the pat; and keeps his'sts on the goal ahead, Perfection, eternal fellow- ship with Christ, these lie before hint. "I pre.: on to•'tard the g: 1 tit:• to the prix' •i the high calling of God in Christ Jesus," The Prize of the racer v, a- a croy rt of olive or laurel. The i•rize of t!:. Chris - liar i; an incorruptible crop n I I Cor !I••f t I. 1;1.d halt calki the .apostle to (hi, i'iLh and !heavenly t!fort r,1';. ,t; he e'1!l, to t,, ;.'tk e.nl•:ova .l for 1:1e s,l\:„,, Garden Notes General Caro The mis=t illi;• rt:lnt lois, after A t1 (11.11 is phlntt'i, ii* culti\ution, 'There ;Ire „tht•r:, t and they i1i'tld n,.( he .,• t:le• ted but •,f all ti11'ilt, 1111: , \dells Aaree, timely altivati.,it heads the list. The major ..1,le, 1 i, Iii,! _'list to !:'-troy \.red,, llI lit:ll that i, :t valnahle l,\ -pnl•1i1, t, lint to -'1r tui' the -oil, t, (.leek \.illi r,t!i''n, 1e1 in air awl t" generally ;trainee a health; lejtatinitent for the gr.c.'.ii g plants, \iter Kofi\ laic-. t\hid; \sill po.uld the . .11 flit Aral enieterage l u II surf.!, ' !!:!ling v. heti the ,tut ,..111.•• out, 11 i, 1 i eially i ir- 111,1.: t" \ er the garden \'. itll a e'iltiv;th,r, 111 the small \ it tory plot or flu wt r be 1, t I:Iti\ atioil can be carried out 'r.ith a Ikon' tool. \\ here the est,lbiinlln',••nt i- larger, .1 rake, hand-•lr.l\\ 11 cultivator or a lett se or !Motor po\'.t'i• s. :tiller or eultkatoi• tail' do the voila:. \lost 1'r' It _,, ..11, tit:tl,.. :t :t 1.';:Illr Prat tie' t.' e:titi; to Marc a Ii;Iriti1 ,1:1;e and c:trly ittly, u, l e -peri,!''\ after tacit heavy r,1it;. I111e should let eatelul, tie': et er, not t ,...r!: the ,al \viten it i, still t\ et 2:II;1 This \111 dt• more 'lobo; ih•trt good as it it lll)IIIe to ;''ill, :!:., i.:rt t:Cd int() had Mail; v.111•'.1 \.i!1 bake in the root sun, it i, i:1,' :tint te Iit 1111! the 14:211! nt n 't 111',:.1.!',• Buying Plants For !!hit's re,nit tl'e tl,e of started or bedding ;'::nit, \till L•rlp, (bete may be .4ecure.I from the 1 •'at'C-t teed Brill tit' florist .,r pro- f'-,i•,nal 1 ard.nl,'r. They ;u'e plants 1ro111 seed -o\\'il usually in a bother' gl•e1'tlhou;e, and. are \tell gr••\vu \\hen ;et out- doors as dail•1C1: front trust is over. The:, now come in a ;;rent variety of both floe.c:, :tut! yeg':t- a1)le,, nib,: by the 1'' of certain started 'r'af'ts i, it pv-,ilio to get flue;e1's :toil vegetable maturity in some parts of (,:anada. 1'ettluia for in- stance, \'f'il'l hardly :'each bloilltling stage in most parts 1)f C,oiada if ,ow it from Seel[ outdoors, The :,ante is true of t•o:nat1.':'s, and pos- sibly of rabbaee and t tither tiling;, In transplanting those from the flat, of ha.L'cls in which we hu}, then', one should ',eater \cell, and if the sun is hot ;t is a good thing to provide a little :bade for a day of t\vo, .11,o, if these plants are in ilov;er or are very tall, it is advisable to snip oft flowers and pinch hauls main steers to encour- age stocky growth, HINT TO REDUCERS Elephants live touch longer than People, probably because they never worry about reducing their weight, —Chatham News RECEIVES D.S.O. Awarded the U.S.O. for br.nvery and leadership in action in the Italy campaign, Major R, L, Fraser, To- ronto, Ont., is shown here re - \\'c tI 11:1) 11, . 1''•' : 1', ceiving the ribbon front Lieut. -Gen, '"ore hick 111 t!: v.e d.'. sir Oliver Leese, commander of the I,t• tl ,•t 1 1 1,,, 1 r ;.I 1. '.. Eighth Army. It r BEARDS RESULT FROM WATER SHORTAGE Lilts the !earned prophets of old, these four Canadians on the battle front of Ita:y ti: wi:;i t.a211 other the growing of facial adorntncnt. Soldiers "in the line" are permitted to grow beards due to shortage of water. Reading front left to right; Pte. C. 11. Bowman, Ifamilton, Ont., Sgt. T. C, Gray, London, Ont„ Pte. I., Gibbins, London; and Pte, T. J. Blanchette, of Windsor, Ont. 1 Fili010 EFORTER !'Pitt cf the oat ' u; ... _ .; that li 111.11•' in Ca!, I:ha;: 1 1.1 ,• !:; :I 1 - ca -Ir „ i, the v..... : ,a, ...on - ;He, '1 1.,.:111 I:ru:ldra,ts. !'hese .:ave 11ttt'1: ;til nut•lao;t t1 ,;.rt of eye.' loan drive to (late, :1;;.1 the broad- casts for the sixth ','ict .re 1.r,.grc-; have ,uri5,,'d all the,.. \\•c have he. rd . , tin, _ tb Gv.y Herbert add spot of criticism about the cost of bringing American Fadi:) Screen and Stage stirs to Canada for these broadcast,. This criticism is entirely Without any back -ground because the only cost involver' is the actual travelling expenses of the artists tvho come here. Not one of these outstanding stats has ever been paid, In addition to the chore of coating to Canada and working on the broadcasts and toiling countless hours of rehearsal, long and ted- ious travelling ift .some cases, these American Stars stake personal ap- pearances, at no Bost to the gov- ernment, at our Naval, .\rely and airforce centres and our \Var plants, and take just as much in- terest in Canada's \Var effort as they do in their own. So in,teat' of any criticism there should be heartfelt gratitude to thcie Star, for their contribution to Canada's \\•a:' effort. :\s :t matter of fact it was a trip in aid of Canada's \\'ar Loan that nearly cost comedian Tack Benny Ids life. T -1e carte to Canada with a terrible colli but in spite of this insisted carrying on with hs sched- ule of engagements. Not only did he carry out his original schedule but he added a number of extra ones with the resul lie contracted pneumonia and was dangerously ill for some time in Chicago on t'is way back to Hollywood. The arrangements Ior securing the stars are in the hand, of a joint committee consisting of represen- tative; front Canadian .\ssociation o f Broadcasters, t h e Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and the \dvertising .\gcncies of Canada, \lost of the credit for securing the stars shook! go to Mr. (;uv lferbert of ,\II -Canada Broadcast- ing Facilities, who .pend; roan} w'ar} hears \yith the \ ' • , } Com- mittee of the United Mat's, in se- curing tile hest a• silahle hit lit for Canada's \Var Lu .i `bows. \:- '0 Hell with :NIT'. 1(orhert are Gletl Bannerman, \lr. li. S. (.-.d- erleitn, \fro roc ';c1:,ttich, \Ir. harnc-t ('rt.lit G'r the t.,o'ler:i.o; of hrt•..dca-t c.o.'s I;'', By AL L-EARY • 1 he ;an, ate:} 01'. ted :a:. .. ,,f the „ountry are going to Inti; t.... -ear local ...t:141 er of tl.. Federal. I -rouse in :1 series of bro.aleststs knoe,n a; hope is from 1'ml:et- ..:ea! hillirTranscriptioe01( 11 - lies arc bei •g ,et up t tt!aa.,1 ilt c ,:thin d :u r.ul1ente::ts .o u;: the ;•r:t a;•! it is flop t I the series \1 ill ;:a:': '.' Are not going 1" be 1 1 I'.,i;;,;,1 i1u' going to 1,•• re.;u.:• 1 r .1.1.1,1 radio broad - \'.u1; :.t't;I cr will 1:1st• .. ;Iur:: (Le people who elect ,:111C., are before t.ut 11-11 . 1':uiianient al at(;. 1 •tlum.r, :,n the start - He Thee ILi, til (l�CL, •I rot , ,u'ti. u: i .alio sta- t: 11 . Bridge In -'Italy Engineer's "Dream" l:ngh.c1 r, Dream" is :he 11 kname of a bridge, now be - in, used i;: rise fighting in Italy, which v:as iir:cnted i,v a British e::.:4i11•e:•, It Ian be lout together ie d iet\' 4el .L.1 i, flung over a river uI1i,ut. and ca:: •up;,ort the heav- iest attillrr}• and transport. Its sections are portable yet strong. Retails are still secret, and file lot ventor :anticipates its wide use in :,cacetintc in C:,nstrt!2ii n WO1 K. "OTTOMAN EMPIRE" HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Depicted country. 6 Its cepital. 12 Fruit, 14 Eared. 16 Part of "be," 18 Provided, 19 Hostelry. 21 Musical note. 22 Parent. 23 Two fives. 25 Electrified particle. 26 Money of .account. 28 Peri, 29 Boat paddle, 31 Completes. 33 Model. •35 Bones. 38 Astronomical' instrument, 39 Tear again, 40 Vegetable. 41 Poker stake, 42 Fiber knots. 44 Soft mineral, 46 Dance step, 48 Not high, 50 Compass point. R 5 ST PI E E LAB A L 1.. C0 S E R 1 ALS' B 0 E R 0 LEPH N E 0 T • PIE u SLI CAT S T;E E CI E S T'0 0 N • P NrEN DD E NT 51 Alwa) s (poet.), 54 That thing. 55 Each (abbr.), 56 Roof finial. 58 Sun god, 60 Pronoun, 61 Emmets, 63 Stack, 65 Commands. 66 Hardens. VERTICAL E 0 L R R E L N C R A R P A P ARE MAS SEL S L 1 S S AT NT E E R • A 5 A N H E. R R OE 3 Portuguese coin, 4 Mohammedan infidel. 5 Sufix, 7 N.orthcast (abbe'.). Sea' otter. 1 I A• 19 Within, 20 Negative. 22 Plural (abbr.) 24 Inhabitants of Normandy, '27 Rues. 28 Perfume, 30 Ammonia substance. 32 Pertaining to dower. 33 Seize, 34 Mineral rock. 36 Perched. 37 Exist. 43 Dish. 45 Eagle's nest 46 Stud. 4713y. 49 Plural pronoun. 50 Note in musio, 52 Type measure 53 Cereal grass. 55 Finale. 57 Italian river. 9 Constellation. 59 Beverage. 10 Railway 61 Land mcastu'e (abbr.). 62 Senior. 11 Pillar. (abbr.). 13 Upon. 63 Pint (abbr.). 2 Opposite of 15 Simpleton. 6.1 Cloth down, 17 Form of "L" measure. 1 16 17 18 -23 14 29 30 51 52 53 58 59 ,: 60 f;4 FOP ----How to Make Friends. Now GOING YD DEVELOP yOUR uiDIVIDUALIT'Y, IN[TIA1 iV� AND 1 LEADERSHIP. -GET OUT ON THE PARADE GROUND — -AND 170 EXACTLY A6 I TELL you ! •; ) 41.1eteu'd 1 Tte A01 Rye'lent4 1.• ! By J. MILLAR WATT page 4. '•t li ilbi)41 ;sl)h8)XDalDi)42 1%)tkiDINDIDIDM)11t21rh3M)1DIP*31D1D1)tDt2+ i1D1211Do%DiD)2121D1B1 i stvt1�•ters Auxiliary, rcllJenkling the _ 1 first aid quilts at three schools, The treasurer's report she\V(I receipts ler = year of .$152.48 and balance of $0.73. 1 "1'hc roll tall was responded to •by the payment of fees and suggestions for demonstrations to he included in next lac uc4C1C44 041100 coal 1MIKICUICKaalt►e14110 CK11(11(1C1I a(<ICICca x Alliott lnsurame Agency BLY;1'II -- ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. BLYTII --- ONTARIO. J. 11. R. Elliott, Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Resldeneu ('hone 12 or 110, I3ELGRAVE THE STANDARD WESTI('IELI) The April ineetieg of the \\'nlllen's Institute was held at the honor' of \Its, 4— The people of this community ex- tend (heir deepc.t s)ntpatily to he'. 'I'. II. Johnston %%ith the I'a'esidcnt, Harold and NIrs. Snell, in the death \Irs. l., ;\ndersun, presiding, of their young sun, Iodger, who pas - \Ir,. C. Procter, the Secretary, read sed away on Sunday, aftor a lengthy the minutes and gave a relit cit of tht'illness, 'years activities \vhich included cat-' Nlr. \', 'I'hutnas of fort Albert vi,- ering to a Banquet for the Prdct'ation iced on Sunday at the home of NI r, fi of Hast \\'atvanosh, donating a pair of and \Irs. \\'. F, Campbell. A:hlanl;et to the local Red Cross for \I r. and NI IS, Nnruiatl NIcDi\vell 1 the CHIC n•gr'ley units, donation of cash and children visited on Thursday 'till' "COURTESY AND SERVICE" to Mrd Cross, three quilts to the Mine- \I r, and Its ('til Deans u( \\'iu}; ham, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, L'I'D. HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG I- Proprietor FARMERS ATTENTION! WE CAN SUPPLY --- Hybrid Seed Corn Full Line of Grass Seeds Electric Fences Barbed Wire, Cedar Posts and Other Fence Supplies Alexander's General Store Phones -803r22, Clinton; 25r8, Blyth. LONDESBORO, ONT. Congratulations are extended to \lis, Minnie Snell 11 hit graduates from the hospital at Hamilton on 'Tuesday of this trek, \lis, Dorothy \It\'ittie is spending some time at 'fill onburg. year's prog.r:un, The branch has a Miss Jean Campbell of Sky Harbour membership of 28, Mrs. 11. Procter silent a few days last week under the gave the report of the auditor's and parental roof, \Irs, N, ':eating presented the report Nlr, and Mrs, \V, P. Campbell, NI is. fllr Alice 'I'ycrnlan, visited on \\'rdnr,day \vith NIr. and Mrs. Norman Cuter of Seaforth. The \'.I'.L'. ntet on \Vednesday ev- ening with 28 present The program was in ehar'gc nt Phyllis C uol:. l;1•arine of the nominating committee. f orlon Mg officer, were elected: President : \Irs. F.. Anderson, 1st Vice: \Irs. J. NI, undies, 'nd \'ice : it iss I':, Tenet et. Secretary ; \Irs. C. Procter. Assistant Secretary: \Irs, Clifford \lcIt,\vrll prusided at Thr piano. The Scripture Lesson was read by \I ildrrd Thornton. Prayer by Sri irley I:ad- lord. 'Topic on "Ily Products of the miulistry of healing," by \\'innifr'd Campbell. It was decided In hold the Logan, Treasurer: \Irs..1. \I, Cnultcs, I Pianists: \Irs. J, NI. Cuultes and Mrs. (i. 11. Dunlop, District rict I )irector ; \Irs. C. R. Coul- tl,y meeting c't'ry two weeks during the Branch 1)irc.turs: \Irs. (1c+.'dut I lig- summer, commencing the first of \lay, O;ins, \Irs, Roy Crawford, \Irs• James 'I'hc n uiting closed \twirl' the Ilcncdic- ! Michie. titl,t, Outlook Committee: \Irs, Armstrong, Nit's. T. U. Johnston, \Irs, R. •I, MacKenzie and Mr.,, II, \\'hcrt- ' errs l:cpresenlativcs lu Belgrave I:cd' (lite Jatc fur last \ecchl \Ir. and \Irs. Drank Marshall and (tCauns,: Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. II, Mc'family visited Centralia relatives on tee 1: ridgy EAST WAWANOSII Auditors: \I,t•s. 11, Procter and \Irs, N. 1 l iggiv s. Programs: \Irs. I. \V. Procter. Press I:cpurtrt•: \Irs. N. I:eating. Convenor of Standing Committees: \g^riculture and Canadian Industries' \Irs, G, Higgins; Citizenship: Airs, .1 \\'hrelcr; Social \\'elfare: Mrs. 11. Procter; historical I:escarch; \Irs. N. \\'alsh ; Home Economics: \Irs, I:, 1, NlacRrnzie; Publicity: \Irs. N. heat- ing; Convenor for additiona1 meet• Ings; Nil's. C. Logan, \Irs. T. 11, John - 1 shin, \Irs• S. Procter, \liss I':, Prot' - ter. \I I•. hiol;ly Mc(io\t•an \'isitt'd hi, pat- ents, \Ir, and \Irs, Alex, \IcGowau. \Ir. h, C. i\Ic(ictvau is visiting at Ilelgravc. 'flow Iai'l Cross group ghillie1 quilts at the home of \Irs, John three Cald- well on Wednesday, tvith a good at- tendance. Collection amounted to remained there for a time. • \I(•. and \Irs. Donald Nh'Kenzic III' Clifford, also \Irs• W, E. McKenzie, and Jack McKenzie, of I'ettaWbrVa Camp, \vire visitors in the village \I r, and \Irs. David :\'rinstrong, III- Monday. so LAC. Jack :\rntstrung and Jane,' Mrs. Stanley Black I spent the N'i'ck -end \vitIt Cecil Arm- have returned hone strong at "I'horndalc. \I rs, Armstrong I 1 luspital, ult and baby son, from \\'inghant M1 Wednesday, April 26, 1944. • ars. _SW _.a Distribution of Trees Through Schools B\' T CONS It;1tVA'I1ON AND REFOItEST A'I'ION CO1'111'll'I"FEE OI'' HURON COUNTY. DIREC'T'IONS FOR DISTRIBUTING 'I'IIE TREES. The runt, shunl•I it t be expo.e1l to the sun and \\ iud l'lliarh the trees in a bttifdin , or a shady I --ration. I hr Mee, nay Ile held for t er;ll day- ht : 1;11 let piim the tree, moist in the Iox. III) Iaelll:! III(' U'ees tit .1 ;(;III of lith ,111'1 toveritie the roots colll- Idelel) ttitll tater, (c) IIeelinl; the trees in the :lrllttnll. Di}; a tench roots t\cll ‘will) pact;cd soil. and co'i'l• the 'I'RANSPOIt'I'A'I'ION OF 'I'RI:ES FROM SCHOOL '1'O HOMES, (a) In a pail or tub preferably t\ith root, in water, (11 \\'itli roots 'wrapped in twit burlap, Irl Ina ho, or basket. (1) .\ small nt:nlbo- may be carried t\itll the loot, crapped in old newspapers. :\ dolllc 'elect Irl Ili'\\spnpcl' I, so;ll;etl in water, ;lll it is wrapped around the roots. Dry 'duets of nctvspaper should he \' rapped around the owe! sheets. PLAN'I'1NG. Plant ;I, ,I"nl ;I, pns,lhle, '1 net's can be held Int' sl'vcr l Hays ttitll the roots in tater, ur hill in the garden. The frees may be planted in their permanent location,, or placed in a lit -ity rots for several year5, h 1, usually a Ivisaldc to plant Il7t-ui ill Ihcir I't'r111;111Cll( It r;l!ion,, ;I, till I;1'cr 11,1 Ir,Ill;ulting entail. extra labor and the Iris are liable 111 the tvin'n Iransid;tnted. It is advisable to remove the sod \where the tree is planted be- cause the grass near the tree lakes the uloi,tn'e and sluuthers the t t t'. Plant the tree the sail': depth as it \\a., in the nursery, told he t' r the roots are not turned up, The soil should ht firtne:I \yell ;mound the tr:e. It is advisable to lt'ave a slight tlept•e-sttlll around the Irl''', 110 lid lit the soil bal•lt, unpin}! wound the tree dm'in:; the slum(r t\ih help give the tree .I11'1. \\;Itcring in periods of dronelit \\ ill insure that the tree \'ill not die. The Ince should be protected from ,toil;. Ileus a1111 chickens may cat off the ne\v fresh .;ro\wlh of t•wrigreens. Itulletins im Pores "'free • Planning", and "The I sent \1'nudlot„ may be secured by tippl'mg to the Ohl l'.\ NII':\'1' 1)I' L.\NI )8 AND 1.1) I I �'f;, GALT. ,1-.1.11 IIA ,I I.III,..11..111 II .III 1 IIS 1 ..1 41 10 I 1.,1, .I 1 A\ I. I 1 1 1 13.511. The Iltcl•:y licher on the Ilraty \'a s \V Olt by realized next 'at \Irs.:\Icx NIc(;m';ul, snul from dirt being $3.50. The tpt:lting twill be held ou \lay ,tr:I the hunk f \Irs, George NI c(; :wan. BABY CHICKS If yon be shirt of pul- let, next winter, I;ray (las them for IIII111rill,' t di 11\ cry. 1)r Chicks, Tell nu' ‘k 11,0 you'll he m eili );, :\. 1., 1:e.- Mrs. r,- Mrs. Jnitn Thi'mpsotl, \viola and NIr. dirk, I;Iytll, Percy \\warden, visited \I r, and \Irs. John Caldwell on Sunday. Put Vict•;ry Pira • Buy Victory Bonds ASK THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN FOR A COPY OF THIS LETTER - It enables you to buy Victory Bonds through your bank --on convenient deferred payments FILL OUT THE LETTER AND GIVE 11' TO THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN—IT IS AN ORDER ON YOUR BANK TO BUY BONDS FOR YOU You can buy Victory Bonds with cash which you have saved ... and you can buy more bonds with money as you get it, on convenient deferred payments. Every Victory Loan salesman has printed copies of the deferred payment letter at the right. (You can also get this form letter at any bank.) All you do is write in the name of your bank and the amount of the bonds you wish to buy and sign it. (DATE) Y/re clew/a; (BANK) (BRANCH) .94/414,. 9.Et'telorte, ?ycei �. 8/l?4 L .& .a/W r .cai aiteddc.pe /o -t. lzot. ,e;ta/4.draott 10' .9fi .;t /ay, ;you .tl<'tc Act uwe v/ ice las cease Mae `Jeer. 4CC leotiv Cdt 3% awfucon. evigit, 446 mcon sa, totn, 14 tl 2e 44, (/ Oyu we y biz#, *INITIAL PAYMENT SHOULD DE AT LEAST 10% 01 PAR VALUE (PURCHASER; ,IADORESSI 61.4 44e YOU HAVE SIX MONTHS TO PAY THE BANKFOR THE BONDS—THE INTEREST THE BONDS EARN, PAYS THE BANK INTEREST ON THE LOAN You make a first payment of at least 10% of the amount of the bonds you buy and pay the balance when it is convenient for you to do so, within the next six months. Bonds earn 3% for you and this income pays the interest on the loan during this period. Be sure to buy Victory Bonds on this plan as well as for cash. Canada needs more money to pay her enormous war bill. Let your country have the use of all the money you can save. 6.42 7?stBUYiCTWY B NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Wall ce ay, April 2(L 19111, • II • THE STANDARD Sold by C. T. Dobbyn, Hardware Merchant TELEPHONE 24. BLYTH, ONTARIO. X4 4 414:4. 4. 41,;• 1;, 4..;{4{414.014,1;.4.0, 4141 0{ ,•4. 4.414{4.41414{ 4..:;1004{4{414.4.4:4:1,:1, 4.41-4..1.11,++4.4{,001, 4. 4,4,4{ 4{0{ AUBURN Auburn and community iiuity mourns the death of Nil's, Russell King (formerly Anna Isabel Stewart I, who (died at the (iodcrich (hospital on Monday in her (I5th year. \Irs. Dint; had been ill with a heart condition for seven weeks and was taken to the hospital on Sunday. Site was the daughter of \Irs, Esther Stewart of Colborne and the 'lite I'cr- cy Stewart, and was born on April 19, 1900. She spent her early girlhood in Colborne lot\ nship and 2-I years ago was married to Russell King of Aub- urn where she had since resided, She 1.1411.i al — was a number of the United Church, 'after a visit with Mr, and 1'oungblut at Oakland. Hiss Vivian Strittwitan has returned to Stratford after practise teaching at the Londesboro school, \Irs, Harold Nicholson in London, llarry Dodd, Godcrich \vitt) ND.. and Irs. \\'illiatit Dodd, Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Stewart of Toronto; Donald of .\churn; two danghtcrs, \Irs, Harry Phalen of Godcrich, and Pauline of Auburn ; her mother, \I rs. Percy Slew - art of Colborne; one brother, \Vilbur Stewart, Cilhllnc; two sisters, \Irs, Lloyd Young (Etta), who \was ;t t\vin sister of Mrs, King's and. Mrs, Law- rence (ir;iv of Belleville. George Straughan \was recently pro- moted overseas to the rank of \Ir. Earl Craig has secured a posi- tion in Stratford, - Mrs, John E. \'ounghlut has returned 18 1. , 1 I L1 1 rs. Percy "fx Pape 5. r. .1 L ami_ ��___---.-.- =..ill ..--�-_ , e _ -. - - ! - - _ - WIC tC4101.41CtetC1CCICtCKKI44141004KNIKICWICIMCt4Kt4iCIVOCCICIATIOCK*10{141{ 41(K►EtC(CtCtGIMMOCV!IC rgtC4tetCCItMOCtA ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE REG'ENT THEATRE k CLINTPN. GODERICH. - 8EAFORT'ii. re NOW PLAYING: "AROUND NOW PLAYING: Nancy Kelly in: Li T'II1: WORLD" with Kay Kyser. "TORNADO" NOW PLAYING: W "AROUND HIE WORLD"64 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Deanna Durbin, Joseph Cotten and Charles Winninger. \ um, darling, dangerous, ikyna- !hie I ie.ulll, learning to live for the moment, too have and to hold now, III pUI hips never. "HERS TO HOLD" • t�f Thursday, Friday, Saturday "TEXAS TO TOKYO" n Kirin;;• thrilling, the story of how' (lege trains men for lords \\ar and peace. Richard Quine, Noah Beery Jr. and Anne Gwynne, COMING: Ginger Rogers in: "TENDER COMRADE" .\ ,tel•\• every woman :durst see. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Deanna Durbin, Franchot Tone and Pat O'Brien, With a grand supporting cast pres- ent ;i brand nr'\\• irll';t in screen full. "ITIS BUTLER'S SISTER" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Abbott and Costello with Ginny Simms 'aril fifty skating beauties offer :I carnival if riotous merriment. "HIT THE ICE" COMING: 'TENDER COMRADE' GINGER ROGERS. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dennis Morgan, Irene Manning and Bruce Cabot. Ti II a In, d l oiled 'I e, lulu .dor slim ,of the Rid Shadow ;o, 1 "TI -IE DESERT SONG" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bud Abbott and Lou Custello \1111 t,rlJr y1.nr fool,\ Ir ne \\i111 their it t -r;,1, 1.11;. n. l �,omin Run\ "11' AIN'T HAY" tl COMING: Leslie Howard in: "SPI'T'FIRE" 9 Mat,: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat, Wed, Sat &Holidays at 3 P.M. Matinees Sat, 84 Holidays at 3 P.M, Gf Put Victory 1st! Buy Victory Bonds Put Victory 1st! Buy Victory Bonds Put Victory 1st! Buy Vi ' . Bonds ti 1..\t', and \Irs. Nice and fancily have 111owed 11,011 fort .\ll,crt and ;ire li\•- ing in the .\(Iron,' house. \I r, and \Irs, \\'illi;int J. Thompson \\ it11 \Irs, \1 art) .\sin t ung, \\'est 11'a- 5( amish, Mrs, John Medd, 1 f \Voodstnck, \\ illi JI r. and Mrs. \\Witham T. Robison. 1larvcy \le(iit is ill al Itis home. is, Irene Burt, I:.N„ has returned to Stratford as NB's. \\•illiain T, Rob- LYCIEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. 3 r ': Two Shows Sat. Night Thurs., Fri., Sat„ Apr, 1'-28.29 1t. Dennis Morgan, Irene Manning, inf. "THE DESERT SONG" "Breathtaking tilvt'Ittitrt' set to tllt't, onnerfld music of Sigmund Ni,111-•• berg and filmed in glorious 12 tccltniriditr. 1t 1 ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" 16• SPECIAL t=' \Ir, and Mrs Harry \\';agner were I1i11 1' I1rti};I•e�altlt; Iry irthly. ;. recently called to Detroit on account I ;, of the serious illness of their (laughter, \\villins Buchanan lost his billfold \urs. Garfield Statibbns, lin Auburn on Saturday and after Hiss Jean A. Scott has returned to searching for several hours it was giv- Parkhi!I, len up as lost, Ilowevcr, \Irs. George "WATCH ON THE RHINE" Mrs. C. \V. I?Idkcrian, of \\Western Sturdy found the wallet and returned Canada, with 9l iss Susie Blair. it to (tint. ,• Matinee Sat. Afternoon -2.30 p.m.: 1, 44 Mon., Tues,, Wed., May 1.2.3 Bette Davis, Paul Lucas, in YI '\ story revealing the stout heart dull malt w•ho sacrifices self and fast-:. in the urgency of his impulse to" >.!1 fight Fascism to the death, i♦ ;: ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" t' -1 11 .1 .1I h. I. II 116.1,.I., . ZUlais4o PRIORITY WI-IPN a man is wounded in action or seriously ill, he is rushed through field and base hospitals with all possible speed, to the place where most effective treat- ment can be given. Because of this rapid movement, his mail may not "catch up" for some time, yet, if ever he longed for a letter from home, it is at such a time. To offset possible delays, a new "Short -Cut" mail service has been put into effect. A Priority Casualty Card is filled in and rushed by Air Mail to his friends or relatives with instructions to add the words "In Ilospital" to the unit address they usually use. Letters mailed from Canada bearing the words "In Hospital" are routed direct to the records office in the United Kingdom or the Central Mediterranean Force, as the case may be. They are given preference in transport, whether sent by Air Mail or regular mail. Thus they will reach the addressee faster than ever before. / It is inevitable that in tracing men who have been moved, or wounded, some delays occur. But you can rest assured everything that can mean speedier deliveries of letters to your men is being well and thoroughly done — and will be done, When you get a Priority CasualtyCard be sure the words "In Ilospital" are added to the regular unit address when writing overseas. Issued by the authority of HON. W. P. MULOCK, K.C., M.P., POSTMASTER GENERAL MARKET ASSURED FOR VIC- TORY BONDS AFTER WAR -Ilsley. :1t a recent meeting in Kitchener, the \linister• of Finance, the 1Iun, J. I.. Ilsley, prude the following state- 111(nl, "quo)e"- ":\t this point I should like to say a world about the Lost -war market for Victory Bonds themselves, because in- vestors are naturall\• interested in the liquidity of their securities and the price they can expect to get for thele. bol the normal course of events there \\•ill be some who will wish to sell their bonds after the war, and indeed one of the reasons we give for buying bonds no\\• is that they will provide funrls for ptn•chascs or investments ;if • tur the war. It will be of the great- est importance that we maintain, in- deed as sure, a ready and stable mar- ket for all those mullions of bonds that we have sold. \\'e have now the monetary ;tnd financial machinery and we have developed the methods for accomplishing this and we will there- fore be able to deal with any situation which may develop in a way which will keep faith with the millions of small investors who are supporting the ‘savings program in this national em- ergency. If there are any who fear that bond prices will fall as they (bill after the last war, let me say that this could nit happen only if we were to pormil interest rates to rise. Can there pos- sibly he any justification for allowing interest rates to rise after the war? Higher rates would only he justified if when the war shortages are over, txpetidi1ures on capital development and consumer outlays should become so large as to place a real strain on our TO RENT productive capacity. 1?ver)•one knows :\parlmunt in the 'T(((are to Rent.that there \vitt be no such strain and �:\I'ply for particulars at The Standard that the problem of Government \will OI f ice, or phone (1; r 2t', Brussels. FOR SALE ('. al-hnrril;� LI,,,1 11 r •1l v . llu; t' in g unl r, ndi!i nt. .Apply 1,, Lim nett) 'I a\ I,,r, t,I1,1 ;I I: I;It 111, Feed I i11u'- \Iii,er;tl l'or 11,,11'11, l n1 s and I I.„ A. I,. I:, r;:i, l., FOR SALE -\ -'ed -iv he;oi•..\pl,'r to \\'iil'1,Inl I\iii N, phone 27-12. I;lytll. 37 -2. :\rc your 1 ._- till, „ori\,;t1l.1 Dalt • l' -c IIIIg-I i, - II list - ', n1 .\. I.. kir nick, I;l\ th. FOR SALE ('Incar! rl,.. "Ins ion..." l ange, in good Culldlll• II. F it p lfllrt11a1' ,Ipply at The Standard t If Tice. Ire your (flit ks pale, anal uric, nr ;ye:11:: 1'st' Ned I;Ii1,I11 ()1tichl\' '11111- Iets. A. I.. th. FOR SALE fook stove, (;ucrnev--t word, in condition, oven 18":,20",8 gal. reser- voir. Apply, Janie; iivIttii tit!, pli nae 13-1 I, 111vt11. 37-1 p' COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Court ..f Rcwisi. ti for the To\\n-hip of \Morris \\ ill open IIti 'Monday, \lay 8t11, and close ort \lond.ly, Jane 12t11. .\ll ; ll.pt':ds 1111 ;1s>t•„Iliclit-. I11tl•t 1' in the haul!, of the Clerk not later than \la\- titlt, GEORGE C. MARTIN, Cleric. 37-2. NOTICE ! I )tiring thr summer titontli nn' shop will he open were 'Thursday af- ternoon, but patrons \\ ill please Ilett. that, rommnci t' i o. \I;ty 1st, toy shop will close every Saturday, at 12 Troon sharp. J. H. Phillips BLYTH BLACKSMITH. - • ONTARIO III be to stake use of the enormous pro- ductive capacity that has been devel- oped (luring the w•ar• and thereby pre-, vast unemployment. 1 agree with the Gowcrn,t' of the Bank of Canada , who stated in his Annual Report this year that he could sec ItO prospect of a strain on our pro- ductive capacity arising in a forst 'which would call for a policy if rais- ing interest n'atcs. I may add that official announce- ments in both Britain and the l'nitctl States have similarly indicated that the policy of the Government nt these two countries is to avoid higher interest rates after the war. These declared policies, coupled with the mechanisms 'of control \•hien have been developed \Ind the underlying economic situation. , should be sufficient assurance that bond prices will remain firm after the war, L' FIRST-DAY SALES IN LOAN VERY SATISFACTORY O -I” I'i\\V.-\. CP. Cable..\pr. '5— Standard, Myth, Ont.: The National 35 3. G. R. AUGUSTINE 1;I:I'RI•:SI':N'I'ING '1'1-11: MONTREAL, LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES 'WILLIAM II. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and ITotischobl Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For Information, etc., writs or phone William 11. \Torrid, phone, Residence 93; Shop •I, Myth. 4 -4 -If, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm and Household \\'ar Finance Committee announced Sales. today that purchases recorded on op - Licensed in Huron and Perth ceiling day of Canada's Sixth Victory , 1 an totalledSi-1,27(050, Officials Counties. 1 rices re;.. ?t.thln; satin halon guarante'etl. r Insidene1 this figure'very satisfactory as it was some $6,000,000 ahead of sales For inf ((oration, etc., write or phosm rt ported on the first day of the Fifth Harold Jackson, 11,11. No. 4, Seaford, \victory span, none. 1-1nGG1, ClifieNrES of GINGill FARM 1 !',;. „ .. ie . • !,.:,h fur T.'.1\ e it or ,', I ., • ..' t'.. i .rte \..t, the :1ti,e pas - C... ii... . ,., .:? , a.1,1ing cry :le., , ,,,,.Ards ti:;:.; :(rc re.steel nig;(t t:.: ,!,'.. i 1 found ;,lar. Tine e ',3 ere al•o 'I:, heal- c•,01,ing riniko r rr„1\:.. only rr \ye,e .e.r. , ,!h h- and here and the:, s,,,lit . ; vt bt17 ,1; a'. 1 , ;.. ( late -;'tin){ the v .'el• ae • :I:,.,,y 1 ith a:. tov, n at the hare. ::Iere :u e ,•t:lcr gn; of sprint!. I 11 .,'t have to look for then':, they :.stake their pre - :Settee 1:110))11 lr"t.' ;,;,1. i ::teas: the salves -there are f,:u: 'f theme and ail heifers, 1' r,.l:(y v,e :.-'peed -heir horn;, 'Farm pc"1'1C ',till ' taw what I mea;: b•; that h:r, for the ltellciit of tho-e \‘1: don't live on A farm perhaps I had 1,etter explain. C:a!',es are 1) rn 11 U.:l';t Itort:s just 3s haldes are !torn without teeth. But the root; are there -little hard -au'hs on either side (,f the bead lenolln as ''button,". They appear quite harmless and can hardly 1>e felt at all until the calves are about a week old. But leave theist alone and watch those i,ttttons develop foto murderous looking horns. It depends on the breed of cattle how murderous those horns are likely to be. Our cattle are Ayrshire and that breed has about the worst llorlu of any. So to keep the horns from growing we rut the buttons veith a caustic, pencil. If the job CARRIES TORCH The chap above literally "carries the torch" for the RAF. He's traffic director at RAF station in England, and is pictured using a pair of torches to signal landing directions to bombers returning after night raid over Europe, to done carefully • lite rx:t 'loose': es en feel it. But .. elle j3 clumsy and gets caul..- '-?,e. -!:,, aii(1- i.ug; flesh then t:te : r .,:tie, calf g i 1 ;uf- gets had burr' a:,'1 '.", t.r! f. r; ;,alit and (hserenfot r, 11th 1re- lieee nr•, it i; nett•' easy t ; !'lt: ;;ie til" ;.)1) as tae .,•;;li'l tJ t'; of ('k -old c„4 i, :n'.:tzi,'.; Irci• rdeatally It :s qmt•' as .':,• t) !!Eris -,t -self as tis. (a'r. 1 ,1i ,", id '.): .:r:' fled '" li 11Vy: r:+.": ,, tl I nai:le i',. I gat:1,;• r g. 1e'•. :i•, (;'If . tier ;!!:•til_ ;,,, e at ,fh'1, 1 that SERI .1i0115' ..:,. . s . - Lt.r.gs rn u:,g ':1.6 ,i i m••• • -t hod i ,:,1 heathy. � ,1• , ,,,d ;vomit!' ,'1 .::npi tic^ra are tiro 1'eh't, of T, , ,: '1', I, ri,l,. 1. i'ilnples { 'i:: :lp ((011 scale '' ) ie',v ii•,•. The same r t: r, his y I!,'h, Salt 11.-1H, I ,, Ln:_; '1• , ; rind 1'?'•t and I rnai.ltr,:y ,k1rt d a-,r,tere „bt:,.n yG„•ml's Emerald tilt 'tl., ;,rlell,!3 h:,t'.Ie at 00y g i.' ;k. t•_-r„I c. rut=r•:e.'ton gust'. By Gwendoline P, Clarke • . • • • then the slut bells ',. :, t'3 iiti and it v. ri.;gles :old it st,•i,s it, nose up in the air, Every time I get the eeiee : e Ill position a't ,thee g3 the cat gives a ii _!111' lurch and 1 have to back up u( i Itit the calf in the eye. Partner tt ie, to do my part as well as his o,3 n. "'I'l ie now, lie say's, "get her now.. , . oft, y'ou':e too late again." And then I start telling hint what to do .... 'Watch out...,huld her steady.... down -down ---how do you think I can \n'rk 'lith her nose in the air'" • • . And so the job goes on. If it is too prolonged we get ,tut of pat- ience ;vith each other, the calf ar,d the job in general, But we alwaya persevere and finally finish the job. The worst part is rubbing the buttons with the caustic pencil. This is dipped in water and rubbed very firstly on each button until the skin is rubbed off and pin- pricks of blood are showing, Cart has to be taken to see that both sides are done evenly, One time when we were dealing with a par- ticularly unruly calf 1 didn't make too good a Job of it. One horn grew and the other didn't. The horn that grew was stunted but It was still a horn and certainly )lade the heifer a queer looking animal, How- ever I think we made a pretty fair job of things yesterday and the calves are none the worst for their ordeal. We did only two -the others were not quite ready. English Train Escapes Blitz Courageous Action of Driver And Fireman Averts Danger To Passengers Few passengers, if any, on a Lon- don night express recently knew that only the prompt and courage - 0113 actions of the driver, 11 erber Blunt, and his fireman, \Villiam Page, saved talent from great dan- ger. An air raid was ill progress when the packed express entered a tun- nel, and Most of the passengers here asleep. \\'hen about half way through, 'Hunt saw that the end of the tunnel was silhouetted in a dazzling white glare and that in- cendiary bombs \v ere ;hovering down. Ile slammed on all his brakes and stopped his train just inside the tunnel. !'hen, with shovel; from the engine, Blunt and Page went out into the open and set :u'out extingui,hing tine bomb;, :some of 'ahich had already set fire to the \voodcn sleeper-. Despite the dagger mom p0; -ibis explosives they carried on and ex- tngti shed nearly 40 ine,.ndiartes lying on the tral n. C)t'!er incen- diaries or, either side , t the cm- '.a:'j:ni'. ,. •,ver(' '"'1: 7.!i I;ti 11.e r1'u:ar :'le atoms(l ilalin{ r•..11ple'te } ,.tele ta- Pare a 111;(•',41,1box to rt:,e .:C!±t 1.!y : it Cr:ithi, brief- ly erieily rr,'o7'.c'i the is ,'j l:'a: and said that a; ::o .tigi e: ' o, ;2' 'tad Inc" drops'd and lite. " safe )lir,: eall- 1 'il'. ' This 'il•1, , .l 1•,::,t titre io=; ('f ,;at . . had '1 ,'.r. ;1','! c _ .lay !.Iter ;roil ,I: •''1 they :lid not !,!'nt, 3' i i3 57 i, ', ,t;.( 't 1" h:.0121 Cat Vision :l .!(',i 'rt:,'l ,)f 'i .,•14 develope•1, il}.t.^.d v.,th .Ist.. ;0n.:("1 of a ,veep red color, . )e i ! 0. \ o,esd', try :lutea In i''h c '3. They are being ,torn by tlntl:a t is in t awned forces to adapt the men's eyes for exacting night (lat•v. After the war, this scientific short cue. far establishing night vision will be available everywhere to truck and bp drivers, railroad men, plan pilots, statues, asset automobile owners, and wi* tut down the high accident nate *ssacisted with (Iet%e!'4es. THE WAR • WEEK -- Comnlcnlary on Current Events Indian Army Of 2,000,000 Men Largest Volunteer Army In World Tnere.' mese calll;',i 'I ha; i'.":I, c'l attention 021 the 111,111.. ,.ens rl,,i!}, cum - meats .::e `,10;l;rr.t'. "•1:. It it llt)ttbtful 2311r'l:rr the :.. r 11 pub• lin, in this ' l:t;l ' o:• ht ,' United States, II,I- :oorc than :1 v,'';ne idea of the pa: t that 1:‘,11., :.,1, played and i, pa... is ,1 in the 3(7121•'' 't:f lict. Soule Ila;,, I e' it:til 1,•11,•,1 '1y the tiuvrrnn,:•rl ni lint' 1 1;1 rnlatiutt Ser1'icd, \\,I,dl'111:,'::' ,':1'e to sulpha -i/' in a :;ra!r:li, .,:1;111.2 lis• dja's many , people, 33 e n , . , realise that the 1 :(1L.': \fnl3 ., t'..' lies(',) 3 oluntrcr :11111y i 1 .:.e (.'"irl two nlilljon-:'•'l.g Che ::';aLt re cruitiug !I:,, a; en :•,l,u1 2 :.0 tt per month, ar.'1 3youl,l i:.23,' '-n finitely ix. ger foe :act that I,f lite ertujp12 melt. In,lia's Array at my has ,'... a,!11r the lo:t:,' 111'1::1: I':, ;:Zayed throw of .!ti ;ol,illl'i .1,.!:: Em- pire, du:..., v,hi h i', l ,one 13,000 ra,.,lid'-, or one it:IAred per cent of its s!rr:'c r. 2 captured , r, ('r I00,no , , : " 11! 'ant Italian pet•, .ers, Fie1,1-.l.tr,ilal Lord ',\.,1c.i has also gore on teen: i a1 saying: "\Vithont 1:1 asiiit:ul''e Indic, 1)0111 111 i!'",,;,i a11(1 in....,'.1';:,1:, ;1"` most c(I'ta't:i\ could ::(0, ., Ive held the Middle I':.2') . 11hje', ha; 'leen, 1 think I can claim, the ,:,':.t of our present suecesse Royal Indian Navy The Moya! Indian Navy !ters'ent- nel is today thirteer, Iin;ci geeatc,- than at the outbreak of the war. The Information Service; ,tate that ships of the Royal Indian Navy have played their par: 'et the Rattle of the Atlantic, in the otferatiou3 against the Italians in i'ht;t Africa, the caatpaitin in Iran, the alteration; in the hutch East 'r lj,'s w.ltere, the defence of Singapore, the Bit• 1Ie of llurula, and the 1,:\a;sun of Sicily. Today they are cnga ;cd in the duties of escort. patrol and mine -sweeping throughout the Eas- tern and !fiddle Easters Waters. Indian Air Force Ili .\ir Force has developed also its a phenomenal way, llavif!g ex- panded ten -fold since the hc'inning of the war, India was one of the first countries to estal,li-h a train- ing school for parachute troops. The response of volunteers to this extremely hazardous branch of the air services has been excellent, and it is stated that both 111(liane and Gurghas have been found to slake first-class parachutist;. '1 Le Force has played an important part in providing coverage for .\flied ship. ping both going ;ld (onl:n with troops and war supt'hn;.ir, ad- dition Indian 11r units have made many important rant- 1,11 ('Meloy ter- ritory. 3"n,e r'lea o1 the expanse of the Force nh:l1 be gain':'!. it poin- ted out, from the fart that during the pa,t y ear more tlt::n one mil- lion men have been ent..mged day and !light in the work of aerodrome c)ltstrlleti,.h;, Shipbuilding The 33,lr ha, bromlht :11 .0t the development of one inlport.,nt new industry to 1rdit - �hil,l,tli?ding. Before the war there na, none ill the indian 1'auyire. Today in(lian shipyards are blhjldlnit ship; for RECEIVES From the hands of Lt,Gett. Sit Oliver Leese, Eighth Army'Corn. mender, Capt. A. J. Charbot{ncat: of Ottawa, former star football player with Ottawa Rough Riders. receives the coveted Military Cro:,s Ent valor in action. 4 .:u Me end ,ee nrt':,I pati .'1 duties, motor I:!tn:nhee anti ',on over unto se;, -going e-„' of all type; 31cr1 repaired In,laitt ,hil'!'arrl; in the first two and :t i'.i!i yr:11, II1 th war, War Ltdustries Cho ,let elopineot of w,1' Indus- ,', has Kroll little short of anlaz- I:01111 the outset 1'1 h'r;tilities ;no 'o \I:u•clt, too!, India .supplied 'oink of war material int' the 111,hiie East. She produces the ,'t , ty pc, of artillery, and her or- ,illal.ee output lois grows) I)y leaps bounds, She {Hake; 03 et' 8,- nooe ou .7,,rnleitti per month for tt,r, x111 over I,0011,000 pairs a } cat• for the artily, .\!: tlh'' above figtu'cs are official, -1.,11,1 u•rve to eninvitice all •',,' He deliberately t'tu'l'lind that t : „:ihinrl the n:u' effort heart 1l, : f - ' ' ,, t i(c the lugubrious t iand!li and his :11 3V0111(1 1111 Irirlil prot)le 311)111(1 :e .\!L., unlit the liri- ru,lent lh.,d e. it:dr:lwtl • -:ll, continent, India has he proud of her war OTTAWA REPORTS That Problem Ahead of Canadian Poultrymen Is To Produce Eggs More Efficiently i Jrnl'It111 ahead of Canadian i5 not one of increas- :t:ti 1::•odttilion, but of producing :nor e efficiently, according to 1:3 of the Egg and Poultry I:',e!iet Service, Dominion De- tr'•l:d'C; of Agriculture, '1 OC :1111' contract between the "1 7111 Products Board . nd the \fiuietry of Food calls for s'rioment of a minimum of 8,400 1.11.') of dried egg powder a:101117 during 1944 and 1(115, the .,•1'tt 'alcnt of I:4,000,000 dozen eggs. With 0CI h 11 1 of 7119 ca .ses 1'•.111: the first of the year, as against .11:> :1:: ca -es in the sante period last :,ear, indications are that the ';.:ae,tit:e available for drying for Bc iti,h shipment in 1041 will great- ly exceed this amount, I':•clear egg exports to the 'United I:in;,fonl were around one million 'iozer, eggs a year. Shipments of tried eggs iu 1131 were the equi- v •lent of 31 011111on dozen eggs, ( mediae eggs sold for approxi- mately the same price as those from i loll,nld and 1)enmark on the Bri- tish market in prewar years. I11 eider to meet this competition, greater efficiency on the part of )',;1 111a:; poultrymen will be iteces- ,:t,y, ylarketiug Service officials :1 1. j•e. The premium of ?1.01) a carcass 1:•:1 tirade ".1" hogs !H,och packers ; ''ti:crk paid h, produces's. has been :,Il:lc,lored :titer negotiations lie- :\ en the packers an' the Meat L' 011!, i)1ttlitli„n 11cp:u'tment of Agriculture. Instead, as from .\ prig In, this j; now beim; paid .Is 111 ins ri':t, e in I he dreHccl \1cjs;ht peke (,I bill) ".\" and grade "I'1" ca(,:,• -e,, by the pact:crs. The inrrea in the (tressed 31ej':111 price of grade ".\" hogs amounts to 11;1,1!{ ,in (•el:t, a imn. tired, and on grade carcasses, to :.Mont 1(1 rent a hundred. .\p- proxint;Ild?y °. rent of hog; now 1,•'h:': {n;,)111,11 grade into the til, 2120.1 but the ptreentag:e of rho., '71' 2111nu int„ both ".\" :111(1 "111" i- es high a; 7.1 percent. 1)j•r.'htete pro i',us!y made for "h '13'1, , and other off -grade hugs 11131• al., been di.cnntinned, mid the t!Irce '(' erect' , and three '11" grade.; hale b;r'n tin=olid:,h'd in - 10 ins 1;rade each, with wcit111t range of ''he:.\i,•." being narrowed p'Iur!d,, and that of "(":tra 11('1311 ." 1'. ide0r)1 b the sante a moue 1. Federal premium, of g:t and tf:! t'e two top grubs are now be- ine paid in r,fficja1h'-:'earls,) hoes (lir, ct to pre..dll,'rr,. Susie provin- ce, are :li-i 1023 iso premiums en top !trade ho' s. .\ll of 1111: is ad- ditional 1 , tae inrrietee added to the b1 the prtekc: . ! ::','. '21 used 1)'117115, trail(')'; and indi31)1121') not in auto- . ..'. c •:tr: hn-ju(s; are 103v 1111- '!,'. •t ;,rice ceiling, aecor(lit t to the :in ....r vehicle controller. The nen' ,'• .1,'r eover5 Private 'Ica!:, sales 1.y e.r 1;1 411x:, „f prr.ntl:,l (Ir ( hold •0 fe;1, ll axit:{tttu )'rices e „hil!i-shed on t'ee 1(:3; of one i, l:' ;,rice, 1. lilt percet,t:trc') to ,.l'' ..• for ,l,'p;''viali'•n nece,r(ttl'O to the 111041. \ tincl ca. --7 uii-110:,97,9,015, or "1 ;,, '.'! ('n•t')i!1;, , 3:1-1 at:'i income • e. , tarn: for the year tooling la 1 1, ,!; cntll'Otrc'l 331:11 the ear c•,•tiug Yard!, 1!)171, iS tin- e .I!,:''r1 try 111c \1111' :t r 1'i t! - .:Ir, lion, C. \\. 1i i;i'aeull, :2 ":1:' t,'\ re:ttrtl- 1"17117(1 ",• ;OI, tut inrrea,•1 of •I'ta ;Ind 1,):11 cut-ttmis and 33,0'' i91 l,ia', , all roc of f4:t:1i,::);,131, .:03 of t.c 3 1,•: \V: l ti:nc I"'l1 •C, and Trade hoard Order ;ale and di;tt'ibutiott o1 care ,lues not apply to sales of corn to d farmer for use :ts feed otl Lis 07:1: '.irnl premises, the order points o'Ic The Book Shelf Bedford Village By Iiervey Allen Bndfur(t \'j:lags is a novel of high adventure, a story of people and events s0 real, :i0 eividl7 alive that you 201111ot help but become a part of their lives and fortunes. With it, Hervey :Men takes full stride as a storyteller in his por- trayal of American frontier life in 1181, While the story is centered in Ledford Village and I'endergasses' tavern, it also moves in the hle:dc lvddel'nes3 about, as Captain Jack and his Mountain Doxes stalls In- dians through the forest to a bloody climax of death at The Salt Ket- tle.;. 'Through it all runs the story of Salathicl :\Ibine and his fight for 1114 white heritage, and the com- plications of Iris search for a van - idled wife. 1 he,e people are not figures in an ell -1 costume piece of colonial life --they are the Americans of ye-t''r11ay, the 21170 and w0111711 and children who touched hands with our ttice;tOr3, fought 131111 theist. lived with thctlt, died with 1)7121 In the 1):11013)7 of a n00y coun- try. Bedford Village ... By Hdrvey Allen ... Oxford University Press ... Price $3.00. - /942; AMP WOULD I DO? 6 0i' course, 1'131 buying Vic.' tory Bonds- double what 1 bought last year. And that doesn't Make me any her), either, `!'here will he lois of time to buy the things t(ott)er and 1 are (going, without, once we lick Ilitler, and Bill's back Itomne again - if be conies back! Until then, I'm putting Victory first. \Vliat vise would 1 do? Keep on buying VICTORY BONDS Weight Of World .1s currently t: estimated by the U.S. Bureau of r:,n:•lards, and sub- ject to mere,':i,,t: if anyone Zvi3hes to cavil, the wei,eht (IT the world in tone. is Il followed by 111 ciphers, or in plain figures 0,Oo0,000,000,000,- 000,000,000, ,,lys the Ottawa zen. '!'hat seems to take it defini- tely out of the lightweight class, though in recent peeforulance we believe that if weighed in the bal- ance it still 37031'1 he found eealtt- is)7. /KEEP FITS "Give yourself a lift"I Increase vigor and vitality -build resis- tance to infections -by taking Vitavax, all the year 'round, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST vi Worm Trouble CHILDREN REALLY NEED 133 :L►'E.1'i.:i'1 Mother's Friend t he change• able thus! 11 h e I p n proleet 3heut from norm trouble, It 0 other ehiIdre'u'n 1114. IC c c p s t h e In renttlnr, So 'mottling too; Now try 11. Al n11 nr)Igg'I4t4 or H. I„ 11 niteney's Itemedlen 3,511„ Dept. :1, 211 t)ssIng- ton ,tte., 'Toronto 1, (tut. ',YOU WOMEN WNU SUFFER FROM N T RAS E If you suffer from hot flashes, dlxi:y spells, Irregular periods, are weal:, nervous -(hie to the "middle -age" period In a woman's life, take Ly din - E. I'lnkham'n Vegetable Compound, It's helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to lettere such symptoms. I'lnkhum's Compound I s also n 11110 stomach tonic! Worths trying! Made In Canada. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It you mu tt'uuhltd with Itchlurr piles ut Ieclat sulene.,t:, uu not delay tieetinent 11„1 1(232 1111: rat+!: of alis condo:on beemlte chronic Any Itclurl0 er s02e1';.^ ur p11u[ul puaa- age or stool 13 nature's warning and mope! treatment 102'111 d be secured tit WWI'. bur 1311: purpose slut ct p•tckaue of ileni•L'und Hutu 112 3' nt't gtsl use us direc'te'd. filly Cut Nona (vlueh la 0x1(3 1111111 dally 10 a en, 111, easy to tale titb:ei, 37233 (tna'tly it:ilc'ee the It,•h11,0 (1117 3,,.'4'1,,') .12111 aid In neali1) the '1,20 tender bp„te. liens-ltnd Is pleasoul to '1st:, 11 highly tecunlmentle I and ll se :ue the height of toll). tar any one t0 risk n mourn! and 7nru011 3 131 condition whet, snob 3 rine rem, dy may no 0:,13 111 `such 21 tr01a31 1! you try lltun•itold and ate not entirely 1'ir:,o-cd a t,l, the realms, your 11111;.;.9{ 23,11 ;l,tdly rctt!!'n your nu,ncy. TES SERIAL STORY Murder on the Boardwalk BY ELINORE COWAN STONE CI,APTE} A, the train pulled into the Surf City station, Christine 'Ihorenso;t was almost sure that the headed young young ratan across the aisle was on the point of offering take her bags, During the ride do;'.n IL( -e.,st she had been aware that i,;' twc: frequently strayed ill her i:rcc- tion..... Pleasantly aware. f u r Christine liked the abbe„odic« of the young man Eo nnull that tine did not even mind his wearing glasses. She liked his brood slnul- ders, his bronzed skin, and the sunburned look of his hair, if he never wore n hat. Christine who habitually went barehe;tried, cherish- ed a native belief that all people Who disliked hats ',were inter ready honest and hate to knr, v, f t But even if the barthtadtd yonE• than were Sir Galahad in per;•r., she could .ot be explaining str;:nge young nun to Cousin i:ours;: at the depot. Cousin Emma did not be- long to a school that welcome! chance scquaiutaliCCS. :',rad u great deal depended on tl:is visit Stop Dosing Constipation There Is a Bet ter Way to Correct n Common. Cnusc Yell, you can free yourself from slavery to "dosing"—with its griping unpleas- antness, its lack of lasting relief if your trouble is due to insufficient "bulk” in your diet! Do as thousands of others have donel Try the gentle -acting, ALL -BRAN way 1 KELLOGG'S ALL•BRJ.N really "gets at" this common cause of constipation by supplying the missing "bulk -producing" material needed for easy, natural elimination. Try eating a daily serving of ALL•BRAN, or several ALL -BRAN muffins. Drink plenty of water. Get ALL -BRAN at your grocer's. 9 convenient sizes. Made by KelloLg': ha London, Canada. 6y staying at FOR HOTELS Modern, Fireproof, Conveniently looted, tut, Pawing os flow as $ 50 no higher fhan$L50 per person iOA MAP to VOIDER, wrii. (QED ROTItf CO. MonlreRl I':0,0'.,', pleasant shore 1 ten's'e in excln•i\c ilcachmnt, a few miles dn'',n the Boardwalk from Snri City, If Cousin Emma 'honld suggest A loan to cover the last year at art school, life would be much less c1)1111 c;lel, A sear ago, Chri-tine would in- dignntly pate repudiated the idea of borrowing money, 'Him was because, (ntil the advertising firm for which she had been working during intervals of her life classes had folded up, she had nct•cr realiz- ed just how hard jobs were to find. At any rate, the young man did not offer to take her bags. \!'lien Christine looked about the depot platforms for Cousin Emina's plain, severely tailored figure, it was now here in sight, "She's probably sent fasp;:r to meet me," Christine thought, w f But ,jaspar•, Cousin Bound's but- ler --the punctilious kind of butler Cousin Emma would have --was notvhere in sigh t, No one on the platform seemed to be expecting her, Everyone seemed to be hur- rying off, except, perhaps, one man who lingered by ih newspaper stand, his face buried in a paper, And --- A voice said at Christine's side, "I suppose smneene will • be here to plot you?" Christine turned to find the bare- headed yonng pian standing beside her, Ile was older than she had supposed --JO or 32, perhaps --and his voice Was plea.ai t. "Oh, yes!" Christine said, with Just the right senile to suggest amused surprise ,hitt he should Imagine anything else. Yet even as she spoke, she knew her first qualm of uneasiness., , . . Suppose the message she had sent telling Cousin 1?tonna when she was corning had not been delivered? But the invitation hail sounded, as Cousin Ltitina's invitations ahvays did, like a royal summons; and Cousin Luinia was not used 10 hav- ing her commands disregarded, Telegram or not, Cousin Emma would expect her. The young man continued to stand ther;. "I only thought"—he went on— "it is late --hadn't I petttr wait till your friends conic?" "11''hv—" Christine found herself disarmed by the straight -forward tray he spoke, as if they had known each other for years, "thank you; but someone will be here any minute now." * That she saw an unuhlr•usive- looking, spectacled person in a neat gray snit conte from an entrance and move toward her, It wasn't Jaspar; but possibly' Cousin Emilia had a new bt,tler. :1s the pian cause up to her, Christine asked on a swift intpnlse, "1 \yonder it you're looking for somebody? 1 thought perhaps Airs. Talbert sent you to meet Int, I'm her tocsin, \liss—" The nun halted. "If there is anything 1 can do--" he began; but the bareheaded young; man e'ut in: "Are you, or are you not, here to meet this young lady:' "As it happens, no." The man's snit, was faintly ;unused, "I arm taking a train." Ile strolled off, his glance barely grazing Christine; but she had a feeling that his apparently incur- ious eyes had not missed a detail. As he crossed the platform and boarded a train which scented about to pull out, Christine. who was us- ed to conduetiug her own affairs turned hotly upon the young than. "Sorry," he said, "But do you usually run around telling your af- fair, to strangers? Surf City isn't the safest place for that sort of thing, 1n case you don't know, this town is a resort for shady characters of every variety—race- track touts, prize -ring followers, confidence sten--not to speak of honest -to -goodness thugs from the underworld,.... And now you're sy'ondering how you can be sure f tot not planning to grab your purse, myself. You can't, But you really do need somcout to look after you." pSSTIIschristine couisl u o t titles iron+ ib5urdl}% }'bung she boked, she was furious. "1f you will excuse toe," she said !lib what dignity she could Muster, think I will tall my cousin's house." 'TOJO' IN HAWAII Inspection holds no fears for "Tojo " tiny mascot pup of ' this U. S. Marine, standing in line for inspection following d'.'.raritation At Pearl Harbour from a Navy task force aircraft carrier, Cousin F.nuns' !,'; pont ',+, r e, a rural exchange, t,!o, (m i d to call !rang rli,tatce. "Iieacliniont 1::911,' she directed, "I (want to speak to \Ire. 1';0:nt,. Talbert." Sh waited -- interminably, it secured to her. :\t length the (,p- erati,r spoke: "!'lease excuse the delay, I'm ucw at this exp:hinge. but here's the other girl. She'll talk to yon." A second voice asked. "\1•::c• to- catnip(; sirs, 'Talbert, pleas, "'!'his is Mrs. 'I'albert's cousin --Miss 'Thorenson," Christine an- swered, surprised by the fine -lion. \('ell, the otl:t:• opt:- ator didn't know, Miss 'Thorcnsou, but Mrs. Talhcr''e sr'rvire has. :,ecu: discontinued," "Discontinued?" ("Itristi ed. "\!'hen" "But -there must he coin( t,,;, - take, i was to visit her." "There's no mistake. Mrs, Tal- bert has closed her horst. \Ve.. had notice two days ago," "I)o yon know where site I am scurry,, T cannot 1.c!, ye,; that." (-pristine, vito realized that in talking this much the girl had ex- ceeded her authority, said, "Thanmk you," ;011.1 was about to hang up when the operator called, "\\'sit It minute!. . , , II was to tell you," kite went on (tastily in a lowered tone, If you called the hoes . while 1 was on duty, that in case—sonmcone doesn't get in touch with you at once—" "Someone?" Christine interrupt- ed blankly. "\\'Irk' , Are you quite sure—" "Please don't talk " the girl's voice \t•as tense and hurried, "lust listen.... If anyone is listening, this may cost me rat) job," Christine, who ',mew only too well \wlutt it meant to lose your jnh, said Swiftly, "I'm listening." "I am to tell you," the girl hur- ried O0, "that if there's- any tron- ble—you're to call \Iain 20;a, any time before 5 p.m. :\sk for Lu- cille, "Trouble' \\'hu is Lucille?" "('lease! \!'rite it down!" Sonctliing in the fright( nc,I ur- gency of the other ,girl's voice scnl ; little chill down C•hri• til'e's back, "1 son writing it," ,he said. (Continued Neat \Veak) 'A Package of Seeds" 1 paid a hint' f,n• a p:tcl,;'g,' ' 1 S'ee And the i!crk t,- cd (lido out wit',' a flip. \l'e'er got 'cm a -'oiled for e\cry inial'.: nerd Ile said wish a smile on !'is lip 1'ansics and poppies and aster, and pests Ten alit' a I ash: gr'. ;uul pick ;u you ('lease! Nov seeds are lust ,littics to the man in the store And dines are the things that he needs And I've beet' to buy the rat hl sca- sons before But have thought of thein merely els Seeds Ilia it flashed through nip hind as 1 task then( this little You have purchased a 11 iraele here for a dime. You've a din'e's worth of power which no ratan can create You're a dime's worth of life in your hand You've a dime's worth of nystcr,', destiny, fate Which the wisest can't understand In this bright little package, nm': isn't it odd? You've a dime's worth of someth- ing known only to God. Huns Rush Tiny Subs To Black Sea The Germans have rushed A !circ of pocket submarines to Varna. Constanta, apparently to pre - tact convoys of small bent' e\acttatir.g straudeti Axis trr,-.rs from the Crimea, a traveller from **mania said recently. The travel- ler said he had been employed il: s elockyard assembling the sub- Nlarines, t+hicl were bre,ttght owct- idai to the Blaok Sea ports. * PLU SNOW WHITE CLOSET Snot !tint(,' 4111r,et, chrome Witted trlmnitog,, nett-brwtk- uhle hent, hewer and rubber (tour Moine. chits $29.95 tattle and hoer I, ... `4' BING & HEATING SUPPLIES Porcelain Enamelled BATH TUB I'oreetntn I:atuuelled liutbtub—S feet tons, $32.85 30 Isic he* nide II'ttOnset est ) JACKET HEATERS DOME TOP Used In bent tinter lu n range Boller (or boner mer5ler, oho, If i wired, cnn he con- nceted to ii radlnlor to hent wcvernl ru0t't4. 30 -gallon JACKET HEATER $10,95 40 -gallon JACKET HEATER $12,75 00 -gallon JACKET HEATER $22.50 00 -gallon JACKET HEATER $24.50 OPFN EVENINGS TILL 0 O'CLOCK We prepay freight on orders of $50.00 or more, immediate ship- ments guaranteed on any of your plumbing requirements. Mail orders a n d inquiries handled by return mail. 17" \ ID" I:NAJ1r:1.1.1:11 LIMN BASIN ms11b 111/2' buck 111111 4" apron. t: omen In letirten- 105( 5t bite 114recltttn enamel. price of bit"In un- $10.25 ly 'P SEPTIC TANK Se f-cot'tulned, "(eel mend e. tank, 34" x 40.t", fur 7 permit' Ituttwe- hald. godly In -$32.50 rt.rlletl. W BETTER PLUMBING CO. 2975 DUNDAS ST. (at Pacific) TORONTO, CANADA mum TABLE TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBERS Good Old Maple Syrup Days So maty suggestions crowd into one's n1(11115 with tlic pleasant odors of bubbling maple syrup over a hardwood fire. Not the least of these, and one of the unforgettable memories of childhood, is the driz- zling newly -made syrup to pour over mother's hot biscuits, muffins or homemade bread and butter. Maple Pie 1 cupful scraped maple sugar, 1 tablespnou flour 2 eggs 1 tablespoon melted butter dash of salt and nutmeg *.'t cups milk Combine and use as a filling for pie shell. Maple Icing Cook I cupful of maple sugar, until a firm ball is formed when dropped in cold water, not a hard brittle ball, Allow syrnl, to cool w bile heating the \undies of two eggs to \\ ;heli a dash'oi ,alt is ad - gecko(.' \ a a R4691 SIZES S.M.L. tum;tginc: 1E0 yard of 35 -inch cot- ton makes this smart beruffled apron, Pattern 401, It's a practical, comfortably fitting style that you'll adore In a bright print. The heart - Pockets lend a vivacious touch. Make several of them, for your spring cleaning! Pattern 9091 is available in sizes ntsll (12.9.1), Medium i 9G -M61„ rge (40-92). Small size takes 1 ysr-d 3¢ -inch. lend twenty cents 120c) in coins ;stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to R90111 421, 75 Ade- lnfde St, West, Toronto. Write plainly size, name, address, style number. ZSBUE 123-1944 CALL US AT LY. 0700 ded. \Vhen whites are stiff and not dry, slowly drizzle in the syrup beating continuously, Add vanilla for extra flavor and when i stands up in peaks, frost your cake, Maple Spanish Cream 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon gelatine 3 tablespoons maple syrup 1 egg dash of salt f.; teaspoon vanilla Add gelatine to milk, and heat in top of double boiler. heat syrup and egg yoke 'ogethcr and pour on milk gradually, Return to double boiler until mixture is thick- ened to a smooth custard, :\dd salt and v,Inill i. tool and fold in stif- fly beaten e;tg n bite, Chill and serve, My Favorite Wrffle:, cups flour :1 teaspoon, bah':Ig it' Ocr teaspoon 'a! 1 cup milk eggs 1 tablespoon melted butter \nix and sift dry ungrcdi':its. add null; gradu:ail', yoke of eggs Call beaten, butter ;nil whites of r,gs Stiffly Beate!!, (,sol svt.ffle iron, Serve \'stip \table Syr',tp. Virn rtootihern 55etcot'tt4 perennial letter, from interested render.. She In Weaned to towel%e Mtggentio14 on 1011104 for her eoluutn, rind in plowen ready to (Iden to your "pet 11eeees," lirtiuentn for reripen or 'peetnt arenas ore In order, Addrenn your lettere to "J►tan Savile 11, t'hauthern, 7:1 t\'e'w1 Adelnlde SI„ Toronto." 'ertd ,rtnotped metf-att- drrvred en%elope It you 551414 n reply. New Zealanders Earn Admiration Of United Nations The name of New Zealand is being kept before the eyes of the world these days as a result of the part which the soldiers of the great little Dominion are playing in the fighting for Cassino, says The Ottawa Citizen. The New Zealanders make up but a cont- paratively small force in the 5th Army, but they are the kind of fighters who keep finding their way into the noes. New Zealanders drove back the Gerin;ilts in the battered Italian town in hitter •hand-to-hand fight- ing. But they have been fighting a long time in the Mcditcrrcan campaign, They and the Indians flanked the Marelli Line under Montgomery when Rommel stopped to make a stand in his flight from Libya. 1'11(3- fought all the way fret El :\lanteln to l•apc C.tn. It is probable that alma'( all the orleinal members of this New Zealand force have become cas- ualties if: the last foil'. years, flat there Most be still a few (•eters;:; ',aft who feet'glit in the 1 .r5u1 iril action in the dramatic llriti-l1. rr (regi from t lessee. I x cept for two or three months in Syria after Crete, these N Zea- land( r, lime been fighting t 1 er since throngh long months of l:cat, cold, sand and mud, HER SCHOOL MAIM' ARE BETTER with this BETTER BREAKFAST Keep young minds alert — young bodies well nourished with tasty Nabisco Shredded Wheat. It's made from natural 100% whole wheat with all the bran and wheat germ. It's a better breakfast because it provides what cctive youngsters need: pro- teins, carbohydrates, iron and phosphorus. Use the recipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls, Canada $H ire Paas 8, V. -n •'� .—� . �. .t 110180111004'r'.'.',"\'.'.'Y`..`CI'iKKIM1R`•.`S`tQ`fi`4`MtQICIi1114116Kk1C1C10119111VCIQC1( 1) 'Avoid Colds by Wearing Good Footwear WE CAN SUPPLY ALL THE FAMILY WITH THE STANDARD ..41 41... et'. 4 0.# ° • • GARAGE. R \I i-, Ifetty Fairscrvicc spent her va- ration frons banking duties by visiting friends in Flint, \lith., and with her i sister, \liss It an Fairscrvicc, of Tor- onto. AcPr g, l icorge 1 Ltggitt of Pcttawaw•a 111 spent the Neer!: -roll at itis home herr. D oherty Bros. r i Mrs. Crawford has returned home :i - SHOES, RUBBERS, ItUIJER BOOTS, S, X ter -.pending tete winter t\itlt her s; AND GALOSHES. iilrl;iugltter, NI rs. Eric Bowyer, and fant- �• 1 ilk at Roseland, t: I NI rs. Fred Chapple and NIasiir rt �9 _; ive i A i Wayne, have returned to Kitchener uf- A ter spending a week with the former s �f. parents, \I r. and Mrs, Wesley Koch 1;t;. it hie, t• if1 Dt;�r� 24D12a)D�t2)Mr�aDai)a1"));Da�1:'aA,I)IX191'I.ND iN?)9.:;rDiDarN21112t3a*a)Dat8t% \I r,. 11. 'I'nvil,r has rctm'nriI hotuc after visiting with her son, Mr, \\'il- - `— " •- - ham 'Punncy, and Mrs. 'I'unncy, of 'Po- tete1C1C1C1(111 1C1y1CX1C1CIC1C141 1C1C1C1C14tg,CIG'etetl1 ICtt Clids' C1P.'CVA/111e1vpwtVCCleel :4,. �l(Irmo, for the past three weeks, \I r,. W. I. 1'ctls returned hunk nn STUART io ' INSON \'ctlnes'lu� frl1e a pleasant stair ASat Niagara balls, I1,ra::itlord and I.'. n- n don. A, Mr. and NI rs, 11, F. Quinn of (iticlph Aspent the week -end with Nit-. and Mrs. gticorg1 Brown. +� \I r. a' tl NI rs. Glenn Cuthill and fatn- ��¢ ily of Scafortll, \I r. ant! ih"s. 11, F. of Guelph, \Ir. and NI rs. 1lenr\• Dunking and baby, \I r. and Mrs, I. i1. i Nesbitt and family, \I rs. A. E. Quinn4 1 and Edward, spent Friday eve!. in;; witlt \Ir, and Ars, George !lathe. � \irs.:\nn Campbell and \Irs. Harold ld Campbell, who have been visiting wwith• \Ir, and \Irs. II. \Icl?h•ny, ;Ind other • friends during the past two weeks, rc- si turned to their Unties 111 'T01'0100 Iiia au \Vcdncs: lay. Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone .Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of 1)insley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. OAK LEAF SARDINES CHICKEN HADDIE GOLDEN WAX BEANS NEWPORT FLUFFS GREEN TOMATO PICKLES CANNED BEETS AND CANNED NEiLSON'S COCOA - THRIFT SOAP FLA:;,ES MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES DEHYDRATED APPLES TIN, KAM 30c SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cablliage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes. CARROTS 18c, 2 FOR 35c PER TIN 35c PER TIN 19c, 25c AND IIALFS 19c; l's, 15c 23c 29c 29c 39c (9c 10c \I rs. Robert Blake of Colborlic 1, §v ()•i,iting her (laughter, Mrs. Kcnnelli Atli! Thr following families have recent - Ile received cables from their sons, now ;srr\•iiig Overseas: \(r, and \irs, A. R. .syaithatk)mit213w19t21�tDIDID,+BtDtva,Dtmm%D.1;11x4221•InaiDImIDID12,,312;Di2! ,I':tskcr, Irl,ln licit' sort, filen), - -� -• - - - - Ia \Vircless Air Gunner: \li•. and Mrs. JOB PERMITS EASIER TO SE- nt, l -:nit Iovnlent and Selective Service James \lot•ritt, trot) their slur, Pilot - CURE UNDER NEW SYSTEM 'office. 'Phis ,peci;d procedure applies Officer Garth Morritt; and Mrs, Bow.- to wlii 1';ttn it be put In +en, froth her sort, Fred, with the Royal lirs'lll; Otto'r II .\rthnr \l o ititara, Itircc or of Na Canarli;rn \ayy, The twv, former )len than 'Uc ext e•'se in IraveIling to and 1 ,,. It the I p\••tl Canadian 11u11:11 Selective ``crepe, ;llllli't1ltl'e, re- ... are members )l s t e tl , from home to a lu.al enlploynunt of-�' IAir Force. visions to simplify the procedure for lief, the is,pr of perluit, to seek and enter cniPloynle:it, in the rase of \vt,.ker; living in a municipality where there is nu nt \ new form ha, now been devised, may, even without a prn•nlit sock t'111- tt11ith is ayailahle at all I"cal I:nlplo)- ployn:c ! 10 flit' nitntitiPality 111 \Viten ;111(1 Selective Service Offices, he res',:es, providing that he has :tl- •I•11411.... t.. .410.,111MINE4..14.e..,,44. CANADA Rural Service Extensions in Wartime War demands come first, Many of the !Materials needed in providing Hydro rural service, that are plentiful in peacetime, are now required in the man- ufacture of War weapons. Likewise, many trained Hydro men have taken up war duties in the Army, Navy and Air Force. This results in a shortage of manpower, materials and equipment. \I'1l'11 11 \\tt'I n}' under great difficulties, yr' sled by thcsc wartime i iutliti'Ins, I I\v(Irtt will contin11t to I ro\'i'le essential rural ser'v'er, a. I;1pi'lly a, po«,ible. l Iotvever, it ear: be readily realized that wwitli smaller r nsttnrtion crews, coupled nit! the •tai•tity of supplies, it 1', not lets- -Ode 1111' IIvili''t to eller! l'';It'n,lnit, nl 1,n11'er lutes :1n11 Services t14 farm- as promptly or o;l the sank ,Calc as in ipeac:tinie. II)dr't \vill make every effort to 1"'.\ ' service to the diol•(' essen- tial farm and other rural ti-ers ronncct"d with thy 1io'Iuttion and 1 !•ote,snit: n( food. '1 lope farther, and other 11s(cs requiring (let: - tries -ay in assist in 1111' production nt to, 1'1 and for the replacement of !4,1e mr It ill be given preference. Farmers located along cxistin', lines will be given priority over those in areas where lines enlist be eon- •truclid, In ails case. only extensions of limited 1•'n'tth can be eon - .141,,r, 41, :\11 other rut -al rt .ill, nt, on pew or existing lines \ill b: supplied )\itll 11)drn service :;, and when conditions Permit. Il\(Ivo trusts that 11,1,, ;dont: )villi the previous ntt•s"•Ittcs, will enable 111• al consumers to more readily nni!i'rstan I the nt\v mni11.'111 1lydr1 rural rales and the influlnte of w; ttinte shortages of maiilt wor an'i materials tell pl,\vel' t'Sfl'ii-i :1,. t pull your r•t11111'vt, further informa- tion 011 these matters will gladly be supplied by any hydro Intra! Dis- trict Superintendent. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO This complete: a ;cries of nies.ages explaining the new Rur it Rates' and the problem; of electric supply to fart) and hamlet consumers seresd ditch liy 'I'11c llv leo- I:Ieclric 1'tiwer Commission of Ontario. \\-c suggest you clip and keep thcsc explanations. Acetylene and Electric Welding. A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting aiul Repairing.. Ho11yan's BAKERY llltE111), CAKES, PIES an(1 BUNS, ALWAYS ON I IAN I) nP Confectionery an(1'I'obaccos. 9 119 1, LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL V Friday, Apr 2 PP t6 ready :1)111111 for :I Scicttive Serie(' (,f permit o11 the new form \,:;.5. 11/2';‘• .\n cntph;,cr ill bis nnnlicipalil\ nla> iP engage the \\'ttrkt•I' \1'11) (las alt'hed tut' a pur•ilit on tlris form fora Period of lY( np to 7 4141)s, hut after that time the to 1 lllt\te e,,111 Mlle int he )11Iltl,t h•:cY<b :i‘otc:< '!}im„eryi2Jn.'hlc%i�oi'y..;..m1s.. l,uii�itiiihlwhos...C.1✓, ,o- Jn"ih... `r.,,ti .w.: o::i',- uh__\__4p_IDr. have st cured his permit to work from . Selective Service in the t'cl;tll:lr 111;111- \,'lt at !Huy. Then we "ill ."1"1 Inst' tilts . noes \';u. •\nil w illi God's help we The new form, it, addition to being 1„11'11 In. home 111 IIt:1111: you 111 per,,t11, i Sou ,+: sly an application for a job permit, (-avers , Mom's, the standing, of )tale applicants Wednesday, April 26,161J1, 11 .1 11 1 11 1.11,. . ,, .hi.. -r..1,. 111 .1, i. NYAL VITA -VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES -contain Vitamin A, Vita- min 13, \'it;1:11 n C, Vitamin U With ftthotlavill, Iron Liver Concentrate and Wheat (ei m Oil. When you take Vitt -Vim Multiplt: Capsules, you :.upple:lien{ the Vitamin rcedcd for normal health. 100 CAPSULES $3.00. FOUR VITAMINS WITI-I IRON--Vilnmins A, D, D and G, with Iron and Ammonium Citrate in a palatable flavoured Malt tt4yrup, excel- lent tot' children and convalescents. PER po'rTLE $1,•19 NYAL VITAMIN TABLETS are high potency B complex factors, nat. ural to pur, Brewer's Yeast, furnishing these r.:cesr;,uy health tile• ments in cases of diet deficiency. All all -year-round vitamin requirement, 100 TABLETS 11,1.25 CREOPHOS-The tonic to user during and after the attacks of flu, colds, etc. Excellent for dccp•seated coughs, Bronchitis and Asth- matic Conditions. PEi1 BOTTLE $1,00 R. D. PHILP, Phm. Q. 1)itUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PHONE 2P. ,a.,,,.....,.,�.._.. • 17:1:1ClV'„yn, �,,:.,,,. :+,ml ,,. fir. ,n!••,r,. .,-,.,n. N1r.o,..r-...,,-„..1.,,�,r...m.,:.. :,,.no,n,..,.., H,,,i r.,ro,ntvlvl}�Ri .. , i 4 Y Y � 4 `.. t. U 1r1�i Y �. ' 1!t .a � u w Y H':l u a u .. . Y ., � •> L.' .i 4 e. Y .. �'^y Y'�a .l 1 PI -LONE 38 - 131,1'I1I. DANCE WILBEES' ORCHESTRA Dancing 9.30 p.m, to 2 tram, ADMISSION 35c There will also be a lunch counter. ome Furnshngs You \\'il! find us at the Old Stand with a Full Stock of Attractive New iiedroolli Suites. Newest Styles 111 1)111111!; -!loon! and Dinette Suites. Living-ltoonl Suites and Odd Pieces. 1)`tsi n.i in Tl'i-light and 'I'ab.)le Lamps, Floor Coverings i11 endless variety. 1A nice :,election Of 1Nal11111-Il'►nished Steel 1l('(Is, 511'in;;'-I''illed, and 1 'tye1' ('tit 11(1att1ess(s and 5 s, 1,ed sprins. 1ti'c \Vill 1)e pleased to have you call and inspect; our o('1'('ring ;. 9 Horne 1 ':rnishcr - Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. it A D9 4V fl of will PTV. 1'. rcg:tt•d to \lobilizati .ti Rca11latioils. 18Ili I li;'hl;tnllt i, of ('w ads. ▪ Mr. \It\anm•a 1„i' !ed tint That the , ('em'.r;ll \I1•Ilitcrrant;ut Fortes• ltnrl isc of the new• form i. to facilitate aeccpt:t.c of employment by cosi- dents of rural district, and stn;ill towns, tthilc till maintaining the tie- t•es'4ary trarlinte r'•t,It' l over appii Itirlh'i;ty (:rte(i:'t_t, to Doreen .\iti'.n• rants liting in such lor,ilitie•,. line, who r).t•Ilr;tall htr -Itll hir(lul,tt "n \\ edn' .,'la), .\(nil 2(1111. Con"roltil:11i.'ns t11 NI r,,, \\'t ley CON ( GIL'','!'U LA 'HON S (?RING OUR BOYS MACK HOME i,*etlniie, w!Io te.el)ra(t11 her lirllda- The nth;'r nigh! when 1 pot hams' I fell i' to my bed; i dreamed ;shout a Victory iton t And here is \hut it said ( "Hello there, fella\ \vorkcr Ienrt'ntber nu' hefore: 1 help your loyal one over there To put an end to \vat•. "I'd late lu tal:c you on my trips iOn subs, on planes, in tanks, �'I'o s(u,\t' yon 110\ Ihi ,e gallant i;IIIc .\ re sending you tit it thanks, ('On burning dcserls, icy wastes, \\'hcrevcr they may be They \•e )tot the hest of evcrythinl, (Because you're buying me”. \\'hen 1 aw•ol.e next rtlor111M; And jumped nnl on the (loot', 1 knew 1 !tall a joh to do \s Illy Pall in this \ear. li i know• you ton \ill .'lit that's ri;-t11l 'So heed this little poen! And buy Victory Bonds to -day " 1 .111"1!'"'1.1Y, .\pril _11(11, t'oni,r,itnl,lti ''.s to \l-1•, l'otyan t of \Iid!,n'I, Ilnt., who ed hi, 111111(4 t • .\pril -'11th. l-'omo-a:id:di in, to \Ir. and \its, (;e01.:c Co\t;(1, of I11)•t11, \vim celellrat- (all."' their .:8tli wedding anniversary oil \pril „nil. 1'4 nar.Ititl;ttion• In NI r. and \Irs, (icor,'(• lowall. of Itmng:innon, wit., ceicbrtted their first Melding ;uit'iver- -,ary (in .\pril ('on;tr;ituLilit,il•, 10 \'clic;t Nittlni:oti, (\via celebrate, her birthday on \lon- tl;it, Clln;'r;lull;!lion, to \Irs, I:tnte', .\rin- stront;, who tel;-bratt•s Ilei birthday oil .\pril ,i(iti, cpni tli cell b'at e BAKERY. 9s «'III;N IN NEED) OF 1'1tEt,A1), BUNS, 1'1E5, ii')i\-1F-i\1JSI)E (':IRIS, OR COOK I ES REME 'HE 1 I HOME I3A KR ERY" II, T. VODDEN. CELINGS THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM, The ceiling. \Mich i' 11'ti sty ~1;11.4,1' Iuau) nt•v 51)'•,11' tvnll, shmlld I 1 e c: n;itli'Icd 11s ;a II/III wall. 'I'tt IY, tyht'n /11/I 'Min", Ili' tIi-' titian 1'01' ;I ; 1"111 11 ',t .111i.1 11'.;1(1111 11 pant to r!•-' !eel a rm•re; 1 ceiling past r as it I.: /In chop e HIP 11111111' wall III cot's - lion. \'1111' 111'1401'1'Hk 1may I''lyotu' lotto el' coal;'aslin^ eolnrr, I'u.'1 i jj Lc )(roil! 'hal a "l'oliur-flaunt' I" 1CiiI4I'atll!;Itlull, to NI it,.. Leonard r'I,III )t'ilI :'`.It'!i11 your Bull:tad. '1'11 Co,.!: trio rciclu'att., her Ira'Ihday nn' rt alias 1111; ynti can rt.ol 1,; du tap • by seeln'2 my sampler 'Iver 4'41!11 to Pi -l: 11 nat. Anil rrnleuth•'r, I t:intciutize in that lit i It ,It,h of !ak- iit off \\'alliaper, \lay Ist, ('t tt'ratrllations 1,1 \Irs. 1:1. John- ston who et lehralcs her (birthday on \lay 1,1 h. Con:'r, Ittl:t flit In \Ir. Jack Voir- 1.eryicc who et!el reed his birthday on Jo bring 101. boy:, burl: home, 1\'ct!ncsday, :\p1 it 'i,tll. sly .\Ibert lash t Chili n tli l:ttiol's 10I.;tty- _rents, tylia telelnates bel• 'ntl day bit•ll1- LETTER OF THANKS IIon 'I'Iiitnity, .\Pril ?7th. 'I•hc f'tllot\•ing lett( rs of Iha'I:s have from from her son, I'Ie, L. Carter, now ,trying in the Central \Ieditr!..r- ;Heal Thi :ore of \\':u ! I)e;u' it itlit'r: Received your letter a fcwv days ago, also tlic one you sent •tt a. from the people of \Vcsick-1(1, It was •?, really nice til than, and I really ap- t! -eiate their gift. Ill at' Friend, of \Ve 1 field : Tt •d iy 1 ,i, rtceiyed a letter, II)' tentcnls Itf which t, \ill renta''t in my )mer: •• through In,. 3; long iia,,, and the iot,tiy n :ltts. The 3t 2 boys over here have a rather difficult .,; and dista,tt ftil task to ipee-form. Nat- ,t, mall). our thoughts are c\•cr wenlliiltt 'i' 3• their way homeward to our loved nuc, .. I 3. across the seas. Then we reeciyi .t. (utters (telt as I received today. I n- _, mediately you can sec I a spa sIt '.'.in •t` iiig in our eye., our shoulder.. come bark and heads are held high. 'Pre' Y., EIGHT lQ it is tie' people bark bona' oho art 1 EDITH L. C r EIG T ,tic hack -bone of the army, for it i your letters of appreciation, you- words ou•words of cheer, 1IIa0 ktcps 01) mil' 'morale.1 " \1'Ifile 111u�c are people filo: ' ii i. r•• �•::.i•:.J.P. � i• i,:'J ii3O GJ.,i-1.1.0•.4 �•.;.t,::•J••�•OJ�,O.O.O.Qi :••t.4•,4i ��:.,t�i•,• •:•iia E. C. PREST Photic 37.20. • LOf1DESf3ORO .wY.LY:..,1 J..n.... SIIOPPE OPEN - WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M. TO 10 P.M. SATURDAY, 1 P.M, TO 10 P.M. OTHER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT. DECORAT'OR'S SIIOPPE Located OI ; osile Kcrnick's Grocery. Phone 15:, . •• •. >. :. •