HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-03-22, Page 1TH VOLUME 19 - NO. 32, LYTH STANDAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCI-I 22, 1944 SLEET STORM CRIPPLES Red Cross Contributions LOCAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 'El' BREAK MAY COST $1,000.00 AS ALMOST MILE OF' MAIN LINE TOTALLY WRECKED. *** As a result of last week's sleet storm many subscribers of the Itlyth \lunici- pal 'Telephone System have heel) %vith- out telephone service for a \veeti, and probably will be for several days yet. On Thursday afternoon the \wtight of 1he ice 011 the wires became so heavy that the heavy lead, consisting of 44 wires, and 24 poles, stretched out from the outskirts of Illvth to Chester \lor- rison's corner, on the Auburn road, collapsed. This was the plain line leading out to the south, and as a result all lines in llullclt 'Township, and services to Auh- tirn were cut off, The problenm of supplies has held the work of repairing the line up until today (Wednesday). The tcleplumne commissioners have met several times, and much time has been spent in con- sidering the (rest way to repair the line, A cable system was considced, and the thought of re-routing the ,line so that it would rut out the highway instead of taking the detour along the old road- to Chester Morrison's corner and down past the Union Cemetery, vas also discussed. 1)ue to the incon- venience it was causing ratepayers, • it was decided to erect the old line in the shortest possible time. All neces- sary supplies have been -ordered. All together 19 circuits have affected, and in addition the line to Dungannon and Carlow arc also out of commission. The break may Know). It is about 18 or 20 years since the last severe sleet storm put the same stretch of line out of commission, been cost upwards to Party Held At The Home Of Mr. And Mrs. W. Mason About seventy friends and neigh- bours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \\'alter Mason, East \\'awa- nosh, on Friday night, to enjoy a so- ••. ••• ••• ••• .•• ••• .•..•• .•. ••* ••• .•. ••....•• • . ••• .•• ••* ••• .•• ••• •• .•• * 0 * $ A Sliding Good Time A sliding good time was had by all during last week's sleet storm, Rain which immediately turned to ice the Iltollmellt it touched anything, continue(' to fall most of Wednesday and, Thurs• day, and it was as much as your life %vas worth to venture out on the streets. In spite of the very icy Con- dition of the toads, no serious motor accident have been reported in this iocality, Miss Alice Rogerson New Telephone Operator At a meeting of the Itlyth Municipal Telephone Commission held on Monday night, AI iss Alice Rogerson, daughter of AI r. and Mrs. Frank I:ogerson, of Blyth, received' the appointment as Junior Operator, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of \Irs. Ber- nice Glonsher• v. Letters To The Red Cross Italy, March I, 19.1.1. Dear Friends: May I gratefully ack- nowledge receipt of your parcel which was sent during the latter part of Oc- tober. It arrived several days ago and was very surprised and pleased to re- ceive it. Using airforce slang, 1 may say that you really have the "gen" on packing parcels, or in other words you seem to know just what we like. Thank you very much indeed, and it was most appreciated. The food we get is quite substantial but very monotonous with little var• ict)'. The old reliable is bully beef which we get at least once a day for about four days of each week. I nev- er realized before how many different ways it was possible to cook the stuff without repeating themselves. life is treating us very well and, considering the conditions, we are be- ing well looked after, and I have no complaints at all, Of course we all get - homesicl< and fed up occasionally, but we are living in hopes that the time cial evening prior to their departure isn't far distant when we will be see_ for their new• home on No. 4 highway 1 ing the shores of Canada again, Never just north of Blyth. again will I be fooled by reading tray - The evening \'as spent pleasantly in el advertisements of "Sunny Italy" -I cards and dancing. 3.Iusic was fur- ha%e never 5111111 SO much rain in my Dished by Mr. NIhton itruce, Jim He as during our four and a half Pierce, Airs. Herbert Dexter and Mrs. I months in this country, and it has been Bruce. very cold and damp, and extremely During the evening Mr. Jack lou )paddy, The days are becoming %warnt- chauan spoke a few words, expressing er now, a11(1 when the weather settles regret at the departure of the Mas- down it will be very pleasant, on's front the neighbourhood, but also it was a real treat to see the or. expressing the satisfaction of all, that Icharas, yellow with ripe oranges anal the family was not moving Lu' away. I tangerines at Christmas time. Fruit A delicious lunch was served, and nuts arc very plentiful and I'm Mr. and \Irs. Alasnn and family generally stuffing myself with therm. will move shortly to their new farum, I Many thanks again, my regards and which they purchased front Mr. John hest wishes to you all. Johnston. Very (,ry si.nccrcly, --• v . - CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mrs. James Wil- son, of East \Vawacosh, who will cele- brate her 77th birthday on Saturday, March 25th, 'JERRY BRADLEY. * * * The following letter was received by Mrs. Sam Kechnie: Dear Mrs. ICcchnic-Just a couple of lines to let you know that I am the Congratulations to Irene Lawrence, boy that got your Sunday School pap= (laughter of Al r. and Mrs. 'I'onutmy!ers in the Red Cross parcel from Lawrence, who celebrates her 3rd Myth. They sure were nice to read birthday on Thursday, March 23rd. lin my spare tinme. And i want to thank the Red Cross of Blyth for the wonderful parcel they sent Inc. I and now, at a rest camp in Italy. 1 sure see a lot of strong folks but very seldom sec anyone I know from home. It Horst be pretty quiet around Blyth Congratulations to Miss Margaret Cowan, of Brandon, Alan., who cele- brated her birthday on Sunday, March 19th. Congratulations to Mrs. Ann Camp- bell of Toronto, who celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, ;March 22nd. Congratulations to Master Leonard ' now with all the, boys away. Kelly, who celebrated his 4th birthday Sorry I must cose, for we can't say on Wednesday, \larch 22nd. ton much. Once again I thank you people of The Red Cross for the gifts Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. received. James Wilson, of East \Vawanosh, who will celebrate their 50th wedding au• niversary on Saturday, March 25th. V-•r--- ELM ER SCIIULTZ. --v RED CROSS SOCIETY Relieving At No. 16 School SAYS, THANK YOU Miss Edith Lockhart has been re- The President of the Myth Red lieving for Mrs. Laughlin at No. 16 Cross, o1 behalf of the Society wishes School, East \Vawanosh, this week.'to thank all dose who so generously Mrs. Lockhart was involved in a minor gave, and helped to put the recent accident recently when she was thrown Campaign for funds so successfully from a vehicle by an unruly horse. lover the top. Special thanks to all the She received no injuries other than a Canvassers, the Local Chairman, and - shaking up. 1A[r. Whitmore, for his publicity. UP TO NOON ON TUESDAY. Charles Liddle ... .......... ti 5,011 agues Radford 5,00 Josephine Woodcock ... ..... 2.09 Harold and \frs. Foster .... 1.09 11'n1, and Alrs. Itotvcs .......... 1.11(1 \Irs. Jack 1lardisty ...._.. 1.11(1 Miss Mary Lockie _2,))) Mrs. Albert Iirigllatil 1.01) Jack and ,\Irs. Bailey 1.09 firs. Margaret Ilarringtun 1.11() Mrs. Alary Phillips Orton Stubbs 1.011 Ilarvcy McCallum ,. 2.00 Dorothy Stewart 3.110 C. T. Dobbyn 5.09 Olive ,McGill . 6.00 Robert Powell , 5.00 Frances lfullyntan .50 Frank and Mrs. I hollynaun 5.01 Frank Gong 5.00 Maitland and Mrs. Henry 5.011 I)r. ;1114 3.1rs. Nukes 2(1.1)0 Alrs. Annie Rouse 2.00 Mr. and Mrs, James Davis ..__ 2.00 Alrs. Annie Gidlcy 2.00 Afr. and Mrs, herb Dexter 2.00 Mrs. George Leith, Sr. 1,00 Mr, and Mrs. Orval Cook .50 Mrs, Richard Sanderson 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. James Morrill 2.110 Mrs, G. Bradley 10.00 Mrs, J. R. Bell 1.00 ,\Irs. Alice Fawcett 2.01) \Irs. Fred Fawcett _........._1.1)0 Mrs. AI, Fritzlcy 2.00 Mrs, A.'Cole 1.01) Mr. and Alrs. C. Rhicl 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colson 5.00 Alrs• Elizabeth Pollard 1,00 Mr. Alfred Cook 10,00 Mr. Robert Baird .50 Mrs. Sadie Cunning 5.00 Mary Alice Taylor 20,00 Ross Tasker 1.00 Mrs. John McGuire 2.00 Miss Ida McGowan 2.00 Mr, and Mrs. K. Whitmore10.00 Mrs, D. Floody 1.5(1 Miss N. Hermans 5.00 Mrs. C. Grasby 3.0(1 Mrs. F. Metcalf 1.00 Miss Ada Stackhouse 5.00 Gcorgc I-Iammm .50 Rev. P. H. Streeter 10.00 Mrs. If. Phillips 1.00' Mrs, J. Potts 1.0() Al iss Lena Livingston 5.00 Miss Myrtle Livingston 5.00 Mr. Fred Oster 2.00 Robert Nesbitt 2.00 Ilarold Phillips 1.00 Mrs. Edith Creighton 2.00 William Alorritt 2.50 William Logan , 2.01) Mrs. Bert Kechnie 1.00 Mrs. A. Lyddiatt 25.00 Misses E. and S. Gibson 1.01) A. \V. Robinson 1.00 3.Irs. \V. Potter 100 Mrs, W. Tasman 1.09 William dills 3.00 Chester Morrison 5,00 A. Tasker 5.1)0 N. P. Garrett 20.01) Douglas Morrison 1.50 Mrs. R. AI, McKay 2.00 Mrs, Ruby Johnston 2.09 F. A. Rogerson 5.00 Miss Al, Grieve 5.00 Miss Edith Lockhart 1.50 \Irs. Bowen 3.00 J. S. Chellcw 15.00 F. Slorach 1.01) E. J. Cartwright 2.09 A. Smith . 2.1)0 Freeman Tanney ....t 1.11(1 IL Robinson 1.011 N. \V. Kyle 25.00 Betty Fairscrv'ice 1.00 Mrs. Phocbc 'Taylor 1(1.110 AI r. and \Irs. George Radford 7.00 Stewart Durward 10.00 Alrs, James Logan 3.00 \Vm, Johnston 10.00 J. He f f rot 2.0(1 Mrs. Jean HIarris 1.00 11, McElroy. 5.00 \Irs. Ii. Browne 5.00 Mrs. Diana Cowan) 1.00 Mr, and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon 25.(K) Mr. and Mrs. L. Hilborn 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rutledge 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thucll 2.00 Mrs. Nora E. Bray 3.00 Mr and Mrs. Franklin Bainton 5.00 Mr, and Mrs. A. Kernick 5.01' Doherty Bros. 5.00 AI r, and Alrs. Lorlme 'Webb _ _5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Wallace 5.00 Mr. and Alrs. Karold Vodden 5.01) Elliott Insurance Agency 25.00 Corporation Blyth Rink Committee 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Taylor 2.00 Mr, and Mrs. 'Jack Cole __ 2.00 Airs. Fred Crawford . .. 2.1.11 Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Sinclair 1)).))') AIrs, Annie Colclough .-. ..-. 1.1)1) \Irs, Henry Young ... .. -. 2,1111 \Irs, Borden Caul:.. 1.111) AI r. and Mrs. 1'. Kelly .... 2.1)0 Airs. James Laidlaw 1.00 \frs. 1'. Poplestone ...... .. 15.11(1 Alrs, Daniel AIcG(m%w;uu ...... 2.11) \Irs. Irene 1.uthcrford 5.00 \Wnt, Jenkins . ............. 5,00 Esther 11. II. Ross ._.. 1)1.00 \ors. Helen Shipley _ ...... . 5.11) Mr. am! Mrs. 1V. N. \1'alson 15,1:0 Al rs. 11. 1 hall ._ .... 10.01 Miss AI. A1cCoulell 1.09R. 1), Quance ........ ..... ..... _'.011 .\ Friend .. __ ...._ 1:11 3.1 rs. \V. Al cNall 1.0) \Irs, \V. McLean 1.1)0 AI r.'and \Irs. M. 1Ioltzhaucr 211.1111 AI r. ;1114 \Irs. John Doerr 2.111101 Miss Mary Watt .. 101)0 Jaunes Denholm .. 1.110 \ir. and \irs, I. 1). Philp .... 25.110 James 1kffrnn 1.00 \l iss Kate Heffron 1.011 Mr. and Mrs. B. AicArter 22. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray 2.50 .1 r. and Mrs. G. Augustine 1.15(1 Mr. and \irs, John Mills ._._5.00 Alrs, L. \Villianns 15.(1)1 AI r, auul AI rs. \V. Gibson 1.1)1) Mr. and ,\irs. Silib 2.0(1 AI r. and Alrs, B. I lerrington 2.00 Alr, John Ross 20,11(1 Miss Margaret Ilirons 2.01) Robert \Vatt ..- .- 6.00 AIr. and Alrs. S. Kechnie 2.11(1 3.!r, Norman Manan .50 AI r. and Al rs. S. Creighton ._2.00 Af rs. C. I). Kilpatrick 25.00 3.!rs. Laura 1Vightnmum 2,00 O. E. Augustine .50 bliss A. \Vatson ............ .50 Mrs. \Val. Craig 5.110 Mrs• Michael 1lcaly .3.110 Air. and 3.1rs. A. Barr 1.110 AI iss Jessie Somers 2,01) Mr. and \Irs. Ruin. Johnston 3.00 A Friend 3.1111 Mrs. Jamie Sinus 1.1)0 Mrs. Ed. Johnston 1.00 A Friend .25 1)r. K. Jackson 4.09 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Nether)2.1111 Mr. and Mrs. 11. \Walsh 1.00 3.[r. and Mrs. John \I. Craig 10.01 Miss Iva Switzer 4.1)0 Glen Gibson 1.00 George Johnston 5.110 Lorne Badley' 1,00 John and Finlay I.att(Ilaw 10.00 Robert McDonald ._. 5.00 David \\'ells 1.00 Ilarvcy Brown '2.00 Mervin Richmond 2.00 Kenneth 'Taylor .....10,110 Robert Newcombe_ 1,0i) Alfred 11aggitt 5.00 John Fairservicc 1)1.1)0 \Villiant Blake ....................... 1.00 \Vat. Cockerline ...-•4.011 Ed. 3.1cA[illan 2.(10 Mrs. Joseph Marks .._ ._.._1,00 AI rs• Lorne Scrimgeour ... 1,110 Mrs. Lilian Cook 1.0(1 NIrs. J. Armstrong . .25 Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvcy Dulle). 1,00 \1 r. Harry Combs . 2,01) Mr, and Mrs. Eli Iloltzhaucr 2.01) Mrs. Christine Schaus .50 Mrs. Peter Brown 5,1)0 Alrs. E. Dennis .50 Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright 2.))0 Mrs. Eva 'Taman 2.10 Earl Noble 2.1)0 Mrs. Eris Kelsey 1.0)) Alrs. George Lawrence.-1.1)1) Raymond Griffiths 2.00 Russel McDonald 5.0)) Gcorgc Sloan 1,51) Charles Sundcrcock 1.50 John Blake 2.511 Russel Wilson 2.5(1 Harvey \Neils .... 1.00 Mrs. Sam Patterson ...•----... 25 Al r• and firs. 1 . R. Mongan 5.)10 3.1r. and Mrs. \Vat. Bryant ... 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Young .... 1.00 1[r. and Mrs. George \\'alt . 5.0'1 3.1r.•and \Irs. 'Thomas Pate 2.00 John Sanderson ... .-.. _ _..... 2.11(1 \Villiant Watson, R.R.1 ....... 1.0) Archie 1'omug ... 4.1)0 Colin 3.!cDonald _.......... 5.(1(1 May \Vightman 5.00 J. l laggitl 2.00 Mr .E. Ilageitt ._... 2.11) ('ccil 1.vddiatt .--- -.-- -.. _-2.011 \Nam. 1leffron .... 2.00 George 11u%%a11 1.011 \Irs. Elsie Brigham 3.00 Gerald 1!effron 2.00 (Continued on page 5) Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 to 1J.S.A. • RED CROSS DRIVE $400.00 OVER OBJECTIVE .:• ••. ••• •'. •:•.. 1. • •; • • •• ••• ••• ••..•... ••• ••. •:• ••• .•. •••: • •:• Thursday Ilali' I-Ioliday PEOPLE REALi EI) '1'I -IE NEED Commences In April WAS GltEA'1', ANI) (:AVE As has been the custom in the past, W1'IO1.E-111.1 '.' '.Y. the merchants of Blyth %\•ill begin the * " A' 'observance o1 the weekly h:lli hnli>ay I Le re ), 11 11:' I:: 11 (no. ,!I:I1eal the lira 'I'hurs(lay in :\p.11. The half for fund, %this II 11a jr t rl I, :.i:1.I• holiday will continue until the end of depot the be:o•! of .1!: 11c:11 \''iron•. November. Also commencing 1111' same \Gila \Gere ('!1-11`' r nllrrted 1111!1 11!e wl'(')i, places of business %I'll) remain %1uI'k nl lllc y'Tlelt. open \Wednesday t evenings or the cop \\'ithlntt r\1' 1111 'n, r'!';t:e,� ; rc- veniellet' of the public. portal et e1 t' �111r 1 The first half-h`4iday ‘till be oh,crv- uper:Itc to the fo111 1 e',t'u1. \lar cd on Thursday, April 6th. official eleu renl,u!.1 d 111;t tin ohi, - 'I'he only two open nights will be live alight have Hoop (:Ir!.:i11e;! ,qu! \1'cdncsdays and Saturday,. :the neves ,art' cmo,„ ' ' X11•' •DJ•••••.O, *•• • J••., •, •* ,•• • • •••.• • •. (111u 11'- h cart w.l� 11(: .l' , puh!ic, Nephe\W Missing i Iayth ;0111 1li•trie : !. 11,1 :'1u'LIn. \, I.. Kornis): hats received w•or(I Up until 'I'tt !.Iy .1 1ot;11 .1f .:1,..1,11.1 that his nephew•, Flight -Lieutenant had been received, :u d there 1111' !.1111 Blake Fyfe, son of NIT.. and \Irs. J.:\. -Fyfe, of 'Toronto, is reported missing after ;lir operations over mealy terra- include the :will c: Ior%'. flight -Lieutenant 1'y'fe %vas a ,is over alt! member of a Pathfinder Squadron. 1fe in i'vl ntiu:; tl':ei1 t I:1 111 had visited his uncle here on different supply r;ult. 'occasions. The yol4lg 111a11 i, III 1111 + (.1'112,1%11111-1..1' II . 1" 114e ;'eo11!v "t 1111 ! early twenties. Ilis father is also al lli'.trict for ;11, 11;1 r 11!:11 11 t'.e!l >1,,1! . the R.C.:\.11% more return, to eon:, \\'c point Hit 111;11 11 1 1;11 1L 1. 1111 member of 'frees May Be Secured Free Of Charge The Iloron County Council have made it possible for the citizens of the County to secure shall trees, except fruit trees, suitable for planting. A11.,lt any kind of tree can be obtained. The teachers in the various selnwls are acting as agents in this platter. Anyone in Myth w'ho wishes to get any of these trees, may order then) from the local Public School teachers. These trees are absolutely free of cost. ---V In a troatll we !.;!1 h.t1( ;I n:ncll I,ir 'ger task on 1a1' I.;"1d`--1llr 141-11!.' X11 our (1u11ta ill ('an:t'L1', Sisill Victor, I,n,ut, which cononen's, :writ An Omission \\"e regrcl 111 n i'! relnu'tin'' the manes of the IIon1'nr Roll which uta; unveiled in '1 rind t .\n:'Lranl c'l,ttrc!I recently, the !mine- ti 0ce...\Inset) awl Alrs. 1\'tn. Timed, were onlitt(d. Chait'inan Of The Sixth Victory Loan It wits anttlnunl4 11. -day by tle 1111 - run County \'ict ry 1,.. ,ill I leadlo a - tors that Rev. \V. .\. I'cecroft T \\ in,¢haul hat, attain herd naoued (har- 1Viil Marl: 50th `� edding ,11(an of this loamy 1,11. the Sixth\ -ic- Anniversary (tory Loan, which Hari,. on April 'lab. Mr. and \Irs. Janes \Wilson, es -1 'l'hc initial un etintt was II'1,) in teemed residents of East \\'aw•anosh Ifs -Ilium' on \l on(:at•, 11:11 '.11 211J1, and Township, vilI celebrate their 50th plans were \\reading Anniversary this Saturday, �canlpaign. Marcum 25tlu. :\ celebration, befitting to the occasion, is planned by members of the family, roads and %vcather per- mitting, Keeps In Touch With Ontario :\ letter from \ors. \Villiant Slorach 'of Rockglen, Sask., renewing her sub scription to The Standard, informs is that they are all well, and that they had good crops, with good prices last year. Of The Standard she writes, "1 look 'forward to it so patch. It keeps me in touch with good old Ontario," V • OBITUARY ,1 aures G. Cartwright An esteemed a114 lifelong resident of ' llullclt 'Township in the person of James G. Cartwright passed away in Huron County ileadlluarlcrs will Ise Clinton hospital, un Sunday, \larch located in (io4erirh and the Urg;uti,: 910, after an illness of several %%ticks' fors will again be Mr. ll. I. \ ,lndcwat- 3.lr. Cttt'tvriglit \vas horn in .\must, cl', AI r, I.:\. I.nnls4en, and 11r, It. I. 1571, a sou of the late lames and Ilan- Ala•shall. l'rrliniinary oraaui�4tional nab Cartwright, and had resided on the wort( is now• proceeding and the none, ltontestcad all his life, of the General l'onuuitl:u will be an - In January, \'1()l, deceased \rtD1ar- nouncei at a later date. ricd to 11art•ict 1lo%vat4. of Itlyth, who Among those altendit the first predeceased hint in December, 10711. meeting weer. }he%. W. \. I)ce1'rofl, I'hcre aIcft to uunun tluir 1os�\\'ingh,un, \\'. C, Attridge. (iodcrieh, one daughterrc (Mary') Mrs. Lennard, 111, `lone Pryde• Exeter, Alr. I. N. Boyce, of Brockville; and four sons. : reech, Exeter, \1r. Kobelt Itow Iran, Cecil II., who reside: ohe lumte Brussels, AIr. C. K. Samplers, Cr, de- 116.tstead; Edwin J.. of 111;t11(;) lyth; ILtynu,tl+1 rich, Ah. lams I�inhca`l, ti,`4erieh, of Clinton; A. Eal, of Sudbury. Two Alr. Ross Scott, I)rueefield, Nit., 11. C. ;sisters also survive, (Etta) Mrs. \\'. J. McLean, \\'inghanl, NI r. George .1 et- ' Andfew", of Goilerich, and 11.011e) Mrs. ferson, Clinton. ),till for the f• .r111 -coming REV. W. A. BEECROFT ]lett Gibbings, of Clinton. 'I -here are nine grandchildren. The funeral on Tuesday, took place from his late residence. Concession 0, An organizational nleetine of the following counties, \Valerluo Nortll, \\'aterloo South, \\-cllington North, \\'clliugton South, Perth and lluron, i Hallett Township, with internment in being held in the Offices of the \luttcll . Cilnton cemetery. Rev. P. 11. Streeter, Life Assurance C0inpany in \\'atertlo,, of Blyth Anglican Church, (:f wh c't on Thursday. \larch 231(1, at which re• :deceased was a member, officiated, presctttativcs of Huron Cou tis• %%i11 at - assisted by Rcv. A, 1':. Menzies, of tend. This put;'1•sc ^1 Ili'' It) sting i, 1."11deshoro United Church. to lay ),lams for the The pallbearers were, Al essrs. \\•m. Eater, Charles Stewart, AI. Lloyd, T. :Adapts, V. Kennedy, Charles \\'ey- : mouth. attd to eoti i h'l' %%'a\''i and means of improving `h tion, itt order to raise the lar_ )`os - 1 iblc amount of tt EDUCATION ON WHEELS When Johnny has thrilled to the last lines of Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn and when Jane has lived through exciting experiences of Anne of Green Gables, all they need do to get more literature is stroll down to the corner, take a street car, return their books and select others as they ride back home, This is the system which has proven such a profitable and popular innovation in the city of Edmonton, Al- berta. Thousands of books are thus circulated weekly among young, and sometimes older, Edmontonians. At left a group of youngsters are seen inside the ambulating library exchanging books. Another group at right is boarding the "educated street car." WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Plasma Miracles Blood the 1G:(IL' .Ife- saver of \vcun.leti nun '.:: this war, has been split into a number of fractions, ea, -11 c'i v.tt c'' is as mir- aculous as hiasn:a itself. Some of the new devcl, l-'inents wt re de- scribed to the .\nlcric,:rt Chemical Society at New worts a few weeks ago by Dr, Edwin J. Coin (.i Har- vard Cniwersi;' , One fractio::, athartin, docs all the work of plasma and only cne- lifth the volume is ru(iuirt A second, one of the ,giohu'Iins which protect malt from many dis- eases, is the hest pre\t;ltive and treatment for measles yet found and is in large scale production for the armed forces. A third, made of two of the blood's clotting elements, is a new plastic, \which looks like a cross be- tween nylon and rubber, and is in use in surgery \where sheets of it have been substituted for lost lay- ers of lining over the brain. Two others are new substances that quickly stop bleeding in wounds. A sixth is the substance which defines the different types of blood, and is in use in military blood typ- ing. And these are only Eonc of the discoveries made. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What should one Fay if it is necessary to be excused from the table before the others have fin- ished eating? 2. \Vho should be asked to give the bride away if she has no par- ents or near relatives: 8. How can children be taught to he socially s stall ' at ease? 4. Wouldn't it he better to have a home wedding if the invtiations are to be sent only to the immediate families and closest, friends? 6, 'What is the correct Itt'iTt of tie for a man to wear with evening clothes? 6. \Vhat is the correct way to serve and remove dishes front the table? Answers 1. "\\'ill vnu dolts me. plea 1. She may ase: an old friend of the family. :t. it can can be. done by allotsing then to .single v ith adult guests whenever puc.ible. 4. This is a matter cif per, nal pre- ference, but a cliurr'i ',voiding is preferable 1\ icll „-tarty invitations are issuc,l, 5.:1 ',tiara linen er pique bon' tie, to mate': hip skirt and waistcuat. 0. Tl.' 1;r:tl'l be served from the left side and re- moved from the richt. Have You Heard? Docor: ''I'll have to twenty shillings for intedrilvini,e hearing." Aberdonian: ' \\'hat:'. Doctor: "I say .:our bili is t:\"e_ shillings." Aberdonian: ".1 raw;,, hear ye," Doctor. ''Then I wort charge you anything," Aberdonian: "Than: _:e, doo'tor," Mulligan (to grocer)—"If Oi lave yez security equal to what 01 take away, will yez trust me till next wake?" Grocer—"Certainly." Mulligan — "Well, thin, sell me two o' them hams an' kape wan o' them till Oi call agin." The Old Bromide, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" was amended by one of the contributors to F,P,A.'s column in the New York World to: "All work and no play makes Jack." Ile one. of thou tail! ser- geant, v\h" slake basic trainees quake in their (.ii ttroga:ls, One day be infotvtd to his i:iLht: "1':we• right.' Frvitl the rear r,inl;; cont' an unid entiiicd dr v.1, "1'o x1:,1 i. , soft; you're a serge;:r,t. First Cannibal (running into camp): "Is I late fo' dinna'?" Second Cannibal: "You is; everybody's eaten." Don't Blame Your DRUGGIST! BLAME THESE 2 ✓ THUGS ( \ —plus INCREASED DEMAND for Any Shortage of BUCKLEY'S REMEDIES When you ask for a Buckley Remedy and your druggist says, "Sorry, l'nt temporarily out of stock",don't blame him. The ingredients that have made Buckley's cough and cold remedies famous, come from all over the world, and Ilitler and Tojo sometimes delay their arrival,so that you cannot always get the Buckley remedy you want just when you want it. So, don't wait until a bronchial cough,chest cold orgripppe strikes you, Get your Iluckley's Mix- ture, White Rub Cinnamated Cap- sules, Throat Aids or Cough Drops at the first opportunity and bare them on hand to nip oncoming coughs or colds' in the bud. See your druggist at once! Skin Itch Stopped int Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams and pores where germs hide and cause Itch - Ing, Cracking, Eczema -like Rash, Peeling, Burning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, Foot Itch and other skin blemishes. The new treatment Nixoderm stops the itching in minutes and goes right to work eutbing the germs and should quickly help make your skin clearer, softer. smoother and more at- tractive—in fact Nixoderm must satisfy you completely or you get your money back on return of empty package, Get Nixoderm from your druggist today—see how fast it works and how tench better you look, The money back trial offer protects you. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED it you are troubled with ttchtug plies or rectal sureness, du not delay treatment and run the risk of lettinn this condition become chronic Any itching or soreuwss or painful past• age of stool Is nature'e warning and proper treatment should he secured at once For this purpose get a package of Ilent-RO;d from any druggist and use os directed. This formula which Is used Internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid 1n healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Itotd is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. !t you try Hem-Rold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your ennner If You Gel UNights p HelpYour Kidneys Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Pairs, Burning. scanty er frequent passages? If so, remem- nie i )1<uu ",n,t, ::1? \fin- ber that Solt Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to Kidney and Bladder troubles—in such cases 4'rstec Ovally gives prompt andoy- ous relief by helping the Kidneys clean out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose In trying Cyetee. The iron clad money -back agreernent assures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don't de- lay. Geta Cyate* Y (SIss-rex' from your •I!,lei tine ;!1111' ciregelet tndey nesot:l at a drug 't',r! if 4tie:, ital any_ 'squirrel" 1\hl•hr 1. "No," said the , iI rk. t I can flip you 0 little "Aye don't t:u't t•i ;it." said the Swede, '.\tn around a little" stex .11 t.'1'11I\ 5.11,17 AI't"TION SA1.1; 7 llh.1D til' Itill. I1 ,I: tt tits :o111, 1 wised and blood le�r,.n 1111 ;,loft ., hl VRr 11'(1 n, k st ,I„hu \V. l;rt It( trrt-\';, (tt,t. 1101 I,I':It FOR S.tl,l: (Ni: 11.11.':'. 1..11 1; 1., ,'otul'Iit,. Lout+, hhn end ' it• .. oldie, !oral Co n1 . siu0, Lr:(n 11.11 t,'!. 11.1111' tit ll'lee 11.5115 1'111e:tie P.\ 1:1:1111 1;111.1' EIA tin) TESTED 1,,. 1.1 day utt'•'e'ted 017.1;1 J'i ll to :'u'. No wai;- it:c, E. J. 11:..•.•, 220 l;ri,i_,' .1v.., ea) \fl','ll' DEPENDS e1N 'alit; 11. Io sort• you're _f,i! :4`02 r ;with Fit Not''lt 11;.-60. 'Top N,o1 eh , hiI'l:s Cir hnleiled Dori flocks ear.folly s.•It, tot for liigll product inn 440.11 1 i2:11 1igor, ea refidly pulled, r:n-t- inliy 111oodtc.1.1. '1211' tleina nil 1or Top N„i -h clucks is Or -.iter• that; y v,r lu•forc. 11'0 fere•:ttw title d' ntalel and prepared our- rrt.. to 1:,0,- care of tho (1I10:.mt, 11''1 rant eiye prompt deliver) on ell the po,ul:I• pur,breeis and by Lrid .cos<,-' tit nun-�• Sed, pul- 1, 1s or ro -121 ret chicks. Ater] Own - a ds :,vaiL:J)In for L•,tet' In- lit•11Y. I'I'`, ant: i, tt r. 'I') No1.II hL•Ict tin:, t;tielph, (intario, 19.1.1's 1:1•:5'1' CASH l'RI)P 'WILY. TIT: poultry :Intl egg-, Neither (trout 14 nor flood c:(1 bring disaster to the man 111144 successfully !'Mises put ;try (o;tl produces , aI-s to Meet 1111' t,('0l'S \erld-wide de- mand. Vette main responsibility of tours.•, is to start :with the tight etude. Tw•ed,ile has Leen supplying tate richt stock for nineteen yeas. All eluates are Gov.-(111e0t A p p r n v e d trent bloodlust, d breeders, Juin the thous:Weds of successful ehtrken raiser, :who stat't tvIth TW( (Idle 1'hteks year after year. We can give yeti hntnediate delivery on day told and started ,'hicks, \Ve will 11x0 leave thousands of dry nids available for April, May and Jun.. delivery. T'reo rnlnlncn.'. 9'svt,i 11(. f'htrk llntehct•les Limit- ed, Tereus, Ontario. 111(111 I;It:\ell: BLOOD '1'ES'11:1) Barred and White Rocks. Tied and Leghorn Chicks Immediate deiivery, Eleven other breeds for later deliveries. Order at once. 1tfferin Hatcheries, 2045 Iluffer- ht, Toronto 11), I'f.N'I'V OI' 1112A1- CIfTi'K9, SO don't hold bark, send your orders anti we'll fill then; with breed and deliver)- to the hest of our Ability. Bray Hatcher•, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, POI 'rlTltY-K1:i•:I't•:Its, RE SURE: of a good healthy bunch of haby chicles this renting season. Good cheeks mean gond hens and more ee'e•s. Immediate delivery on dny- nld ehieks. \Vrite for 19.14 eat - Hogue and prior.; on our (Tnv- erltnu nt Apt -o - -d ehleks. :1it)Nh- TON 1(1'i'rrt5 I':\1;115, llottk- ton. Ontario. 15 FREE CHICKS itT'P S0'I'i:I1101t QUALIT\' CntCICS "1:S'I'RA PROFIT” All from inspected approved or certified brood testu1 breeders, P.arred Rock Price Per 100 Mixed 9f''o Cockerels Pullets Day old 1.1.00 2.4,00 0.00 1 week old 17.00 27.00 9.00- 2 weeks old 22.00 32.00 12.00 5 weeks old 20.00 37,00 15.00 To all who will buy chicles and take immediate delivery. Wo will give thron 15 free chicks per 100. Send order with deposit. Will ship C.O.D. by Express Aelc for oar !'rice List for 20 other bre-eds. \51LFltl:n LEFEitl'R1: 2025 .1nlherst Street . Menlrenl P.Q. LiciI'I'I'S 10.1.1 C111C1KS FIRST ll.\TC'II FEB, 1. PRICE LIST supplied, All birds for our 1944 hatlhing season have tha Inter- esting O.B.S. Government Band. Culled and blood tested by De- partment inspectors. SOLOMON LICH'I'i MIli-crton, ILII. 1. Phone 1)0-24 13:181 ('iITCKS AND POULTS, Barred (tock and White Leghorns from (;r,vt•rument approved and hleedtested stock, all eggs set front our own stuck. Also White t.1 and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey !'emits. Send for peke list. The Wright Farin, Brockville, Ont. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS for immediate delivery, Loghnrns, Pere, .1 Royle, Nrw IInmpshire, Ru- •.\ and J1 brids. Write for 11144 1'ntalogne rind price list. 34ONKTUN POI•LTRY FARMS, 'Mont:tom Ontario. R.O.P. AND R.O.P. SIRED BLA('IC AI'STRALOltI'S AND BAR - red Rr.cks. Donley Poultry !'arm, R.H. It, London, Ont. IIh.tC'IC111?Itltll E5'I,RIDEARING 131 ACK131:RRIE5, very hardy. Ilave been suecess- fu;ly transplanted on Prairies— peeked to moss. heavy rrop- prr fruit, large, sweet end in 1tts'r•rc, Ord( • he fore April 10th. 4 vines for 11.00 Prepaid. A. Klein, AgnssiZ, B.C. How Can l ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. 1I,,t. eau 1 store an iron so that it w ill not r::st A. l'li ll it w Ith a little fat t'it,it dos not contain salt, \\'r,lp it in brut 22 hatter, au,l it 1\ ill not rust. Q. 11 ow can 1 cut hot cake, and shortcakes without crumbling? A. Make a slight start acru>s the top lvith a sharp knife; then fin- ish the cut by 'working a thread back and forth in a see :iv: man- ner, Q, tiara can 1 rutin -we the nti+ r from a medicine h'ittt,. :1, Fill it half roll of cold \:,,t, t and alld tine t;ll:lt •piien 1 1 icy mustard. Shake tt•oriinehly, itt stand for halt d ll: 1111d 1 11, 11 ,'iL•,' carefully in rt.id watt r, Q. 1 lot: c:211 1 r1 stall; ' A, Onion nice 0. \''r,' (0 rive: in rel::t \'in) eco:''h st,li:t' train 15111;1 material,. 11 Tlov: ea:: 1 renutvt. \5;:itt spot` on furniture c,tlied 1,y 11( at? A. By 4:111,1) a '' :t :Intl and th,.21 rubbing the spr,t• with furnilt:re hoiis!:. Ifo m:• CV( r .. 211,2 1']' 2 ::r,' tic, 11 tLe ,.nly curt fc•- then rtalt isilin ( 11111'IJ:'I'II l)I !'I:It 5.1 I, 5.11.1: 411 DEAD EEI,I,IN'; (IN Tr ESD.\1', JI.\1:t'1.1 2911;, le 11. .\crceelit•d IIe:'d s' t, h Sh, '.'horn: ll, -ed, -ti I:y Ply. he 11,1 Ales!. r `.lint, 1. 'i'ho tit- le 1'In :Ile Itidt • 11 tt,tt .SIL:ilt fe- rmi]. s tend 7 re:ail)' , hut, on01 Trill -it..1 by :he Int ernaii,.0r.1 Ul eel l ''h:Im11ivn ,':(1112(11 its t,'o11'1- 011,11,t 111)p,,rt(el: and l(1yth\eood 11;,. t.'• 11.91.1. 4 Gra II I'l tuc}l . rs \lili,lll'• 0: ora 1.041 2 4;tul,i. t'nllytie 11'•y.11 I1ar- 1;{;e.',I.• 0' 1:I1111i11' 1':r.u1 rrtn: 2, ,1 1.1tt,,.tt t'11.'.•1"y :•110 u.- w"rlto t.' 11. i':ut, 1, De hula, unt:tri•', 1't, In t' r. \u.•ilou' . r Robert T. .\In.:'. J, 1-2. Muhl. 1;••1 t'r,o•s s. ilii e into h.-- a1 1':41m. DYEING ,C CLEANIN(. HAVE Ynit ANYTHING NI:EUt4 dycinn or cleaning? Write to us tor Intomtit fon. We ore glad to answer )'ollr questions, 1)eptlt't• mens it Parker's Dye works Limited. 791 1'onge Sheet, To. f'I1in 111;1:S W.t\'1'1;I) 1111:III:e'1' I'I111'Re PAW U 2'01; 1:11;5 LIVE AND DRESSEDpoultry. Payments tonne prompt- ly. leo:-t. rn !'arm t'raduets Co., 42:1 St. I'titll T:ast, 1ltirit:•' :11. (!tit. 1:1,1:(:'I'Itll'A1, I:(tl:ll'.111•:\'1' LLEC'1'I;IU MUTUIt4, NEW, USED, bought, seld, rebuilt: hell s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric company 1,1,1., 2:120 I)nffcritt St., Tneento 11141'1' I)AI.M 13AU11I:1:KA let)u'T BALM destroys offensive odor Instnutly, 45c bottle. Uttawet (gent, Denman f)rtn; Store. Ottawa. 1.'.tit11 I-(tl 11'111:x'' FOR SAL!: USED 'l'II1th:SIIERS AND '1'ItAC- tors of various sizes and 111111(:s for sale, ;wholesale and retail. Fut• particulars write. Bugg tads' Sales and Service, \\'ilson :\venue, Essex, n11111rio. PAINS FOR S.t 1.1'7 1'11L'I'T AND I'UULTRV 10,111MS for stile, 5 to 50 acres In Niagara district, Easily financed, ll. (2. McGhee, 90 Jackson St. \Vest, Hamilton, Ontario. FOlt SALE, NINE Al LES 1'1(01[ Galt, one-third utile from 97 highway, \'glens. F11111t of 112 acres, ' eighty acrestc.cleared, b,ti - anon bush 1111(1 1ul of good cedar. Good buildings, land in high state of cultivation, Fort' acres In hay and wheat, remainder 1)1c0cd, close to school and store, gid lige reason for selling. G. \5', Idutbter, KIT. 3, I'usltuch, Ont, tO-A('IlI 1':11111, G0u11 111:11.D - twee, hater • in burn, lforning'tnn Tolwuship. false only $2,800. Id, J. lofty fi Co., 108 Downie street, Stratford, Ont, 100 Al'11T1 2'.1I111, NO, 8 111E111\'.Il', close to Sea forth, gond building's end land, 1 ;yells. Apply to E. C. Chnnietlain, Sen forth, Ont, FARM, CO A('I(1:�, \\`1:IJ, 1{1'11:1', with or :without sleek, one hall' mile school, willar.• 1111 toile', Tlox 12e, 73 Adelaide 55'., 'Toronto, \\'1:ell:IUN LINO 160 ACHES IN NOR'I'HEleN S,\S1:- 010020an, all tinder good Nil lh'a- lion, good mixed farming- district, 3 toll -s from t trt'( \t it it 5 elc•- vator,, on gond high n'ny: pate(' $25 per acre, $18 per :fere rash. balance arranged. Pox 1111, 71 Adrinidr 1V.. 'I'ornnto, 1'Alt3f 111;1.1' \5',0N'1'r:1) RESPECTABLE, TIICST\\'01('1'111', men without children to opr•1•ate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries, otchard. On main highway, 9 );tilts west of 'I'nt'onto. Separate house This would suit active re- tired falvnc.r, \Vrite fully statins; lowest ;wage wan: ed. 'lox 122, 73 Adelaide St. \Vest, Toronto. FA111niAND, SINGLE, ESl'I'11t- lenced mixed farming, milking' machine, good twlth stook, 41ond Job for right man. A. 0. 1lalst, Ridgeville. MATcitlED 11AN !'Olt 1' R 1" T'' farts, sopnrate house, hydro, yearly engngemcnt, Stet(' number of family and wages, J. It. Stork, 11.11. 3. Sl, Catharine -F. FAit11 MACHINERY WANTED WANTED. JOHN DEERE POTATO Seed Cutter. Will pay sante pried es nr•w ono. Alco 1110 row T'nt::to Planter, furl Bizet. attachment. Dntnld Cameron, 31, 2, it:trrie. Ont, 110111; iiINIH:It1:11t'I'I:\ Mi)'rlll:11S! Vt1: ,'.\N .510 Title early IPiratinn of your pre- school chill with our Yrnntite hntt'lwnrk nisplac' no11' arattnhlr' for 110110 114 21(•11 as 'el) ,1 ase. They i0clude rue-oms-, silhouctt,s 1,o1 drrs, 1y0O102; 111rnrnlions. (•tr. trin-i ions f"t' oII tI'lleti„Il \nth 010111, r1 1, ,or rs et"I2.,2 etr. 'Thus. it re Itrl,i c—I by t,:•tett rtt11 :,tlnn••1 id( .'. T. ti • .,n t Wink 111 the r(!•i, :"_ . l - fo+ , r••"•It loom h. eor'tnle.tn •, i• its „ ;,t•h I,,,,.,•I,'. T. • ,.1,, t, Sergi' e, :'3 Serio :;t 'l', ono°. Easy to roll, delightful -- to smoke FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO r� h t - v V t X11• +d. �;, ��'�,, Gets $2,000 Bath Every 20 Years Ne.1 .111 ::1141 hie' 1;4111(tto l (111111:1 in 'fraf.4',1: Slinarc got a good hath and overhaul norn1a1l'; about ever: 20 Scars, at a o -t ni be- tween £ Mil and.L, ad, 'I•'u.rc aro'. Usually s 'a:r repairs to lie done, On (-:;e of these, occasiri:'' ImAe crack in \el•on's arm, ;.s 1;'t;,t; as 111110.11s 1'O11 5.51,1: 10:1;. 1`.\LII\1IN11 i;l'.\1;'1'1:1( 110118 - es 110'1 reg, 1'al„ntinn 'l','nner'1' :0 \\'nikint: !(axes of grind ct tti- pl"n Leo,: i lines, Stallions from 2Vr:401in'• reit- 10 5(220t tlgio: mere:; from lr•e:tillillg to bro.91 n1ar'-° 111 fu:.1 10 ,fir net-- st:unlir.c' stallions: 3 )0e44'1 I'sl- ulnfi: t •toe': hors. -0 of /(:writ• h,:r; 1,r• ,.din 5 r1 p', r':tlnntinu g11.100t 11;11 p!,asttl'•' burse`', \cry gtu;l••, x•,121; fur Ialt:-', rhi!- dr. ..0 Ll•'x11eri. it d tillers: '1 VV.411e.ing shoo' bur c. 1.et nu 01•,11' your rryulrnn,n''', Send for our lat- est d. s• 1 iptiwe price list. 11'ol'!d':, btu:. t I,rt dere of Palomino hut' • r 1'I;:111.11t 1':1Lt1\IINu Suudel ton, 1'a, 11A1111th12551NO S131001, • L In A It N 11A1ItlJlti5!PStNU 1111: Robertson method. Information on request 1'egttr'dlleg cin see, Robertson'e Ilalydreseing Acad- emy, 13? Avenue Road. 'Toronto. 11,5115 (OHMS \V I (l �, .'['01'1'118, 'J'1t.\NS1'Olt\l- ntiols, St\aches, Crlr)s and all type: t' finest quality Mur Goods. \Vrite for lllustr:,ted ea1- aiogue. '1:0(01to lluntan Hair Supp!y Co., 525 L'athurst Street, Toronto. H.t 1110 11V1:ED� GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS AND 4 1'.\1;t) ENDS AT £2,(0 1'.I:1t yard. High tirade half yard Sttit- ings or Gabardines, suitable for children's rluthes, 00,: each, Post- age extra. Louis Rice, 301 $pndina Avenue, 'Toronto, 11.1\1)1YIRIl'I\(.. DISCOVER YO1'It 111DI)EN TAL- ents, Complete handwriting all - 0. Use Ink, untitled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Sines, (41' Burnaby Pled., Toronto, HARNESS DRESSING 3141'11' HARNESS DRESSING — 1.9nest leather lend harness prc- her\vuiwe. Slipit also has ninny houeshold Maes 25c up at most grocer)', hardware and chain stores. :1 product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, 'rul'on10. iHOIRSI:S FOR 5,11.1: • FOR SALT; 0,11t1.0AD 0000 horses, fourteen to eighteen cert, (nrreeponnenoe Invited, '1', 2:. .Murphy, 1'hnplitl, Sask. (11'VIM '1'0 INVENTORS AN 0PrL11 TO EV111111' INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Pnfor- nuttion sent free. The Ranlsny Co., itegistered Patent Attorneys, 279 honk Street, ()rawn, ('north. 5101'0115 FOR 5.11.1: NE\V 11O'I'l)!t$ hunt 111111:DIAT1: delivery, all sizes and Ott'I(irnl spoolfleatien.e. 111I'Oe sleek of re- built motors, maellinc shop equip- ment and wood -working m:tuhht- pry, Macy llmilli nery ('o., 1(14 Kirtc East, 'Toronto, :MEDICAL 00014 ADVICE! 1:\'1':111' SI'h1'1•:li- er of Iih,•unt;i!t' Pains or Neur- itis should try 1)isun', lb inedy, Munro's Drug Stow 1135 Elg'hl, 0ttntvn. Postpaid $100, \1'1151;115' S''0016 1' it l; h: — C(tl,Oitl':D NI '1150115' Catalogue. full Zine of 101 tit Trees; l;vcrgrcens; I'InwerIng Shrubs; I'ol'chni:IIs: Shade 'frees: R o s e s: ilroolednie-lel005 2!' Xmsnrinp. Rmvnv+ut'tIl01.1111otitt I' I l O'1' O C l t A 1' 11 5' SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED ANI) FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x0" In Hean- tlful easel mounts, :t for 25e. Pr'ttn- et1 to _ Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black !':bony finish frames, on Ivory mats 759", Ole each. If coloured 79c each. ANY SIZE ROLL 0 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED .AND PRINTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality 'Work nt low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell you that Star Slapshut Service docs the best work. DON'T TANI. RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots cnn never be tnlcen again. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, I'os.tel Terminal A, Toronto Print !'our Nellie, end Address Plainly un Ail Orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS To I\II'EI;I.\i. 141; Qi'•tl.l'I'V. service and s:rtitifactinn 0 or 8 I:I—ltI(• film., no: reprints 8 for 210. in) +er;nl !'holo Snrvh'e, Sta- tion J. Toronto. tight ill, lir- .121'1 Ioir inch( , t:' r1r, ila,l 10 be Iliied III 111111 .l f;tl era!rll1, 1 lie 'niclta••, ,r,!iiir and tiLl',I:1"II l:',':0 Cie I:11,r0 \vcrc u'1t ,tipp.1-cd, Low ;Ix t :I,'0 of 11 012, pert,, t,+ I:0 41••1111' t'ie coililt!11 :,0w good, a1:d •11Ir111:; telt' :lir raid-. 'i that e ear, g0 it . , 111t\'e 11,01 .1 (111th, r sil,li;in.. tll,ln 111,0011 1r,.,ninr ;1t0- crait ;t0 in 11-e by 'he l;riti•h 1'unun,.liv. (,11th .lir 1 :..irin02 I'L•11), I'I:r5 5VA\'1'0.1) 11'.\\'1'111 i t'.\N.\I;I Ps PI1'10010, lent' -i; 1'11' 0'11• . ' ctr rl d,..,•rl . 1.11 ire ...,I & Bird, .' I2;) .'t, 1 rn: }'1:'1'111:IiS'1'4NIIAI:Gil & U1)Otl'ANY 1'atee I Sullrihit;. Estahl;:hcd 199e; 14 le 1111: 11'e-1, 'l'u1,.ntu. Puoklet of 11( 1111,11,1 on to• wrest, I1:It".05.0 I, ;.\IN \vieleo1 - 1121 1,)01 12111'1'11 :,t t i, , d. 5 dueler:, dom. 1,, n", 1'.t). ll,.\ yo 1)tta\1a, (I 1 11 I'I \ 1; I'-1'1'1 I I l ie QUILTING PATCHES 1'.\N''S' 'I'ul't'll.51121ti.10 .5ND 111(111 totgo,h,uiin.t h „t.,' S' (tell 6.; 19, i;1 1, c 8:511 pe -1111'•• !to hid, d. t..•Ii: ll.ee, Spotlit, 1 .1t. t,1:•, Tot lb.- . 1)11111 H.t'rIc 1, me 12('10 1\I 1' 1)1:'I'.\N'I'--1:5'1:1:1 SI'1'- ft r. r f I;ht tnn:,t.•' 1' lilts or 2:i In it i• -hook! try 1,.'.•.:;',, L'rw- ,•,l>'. 1011 \101114,'' 1 ,lg Store, 1-110,11, 41t1t1w1I. I' .;T,id $I.OIt. 511\1: 1'01:114 1VAN'T1:11 TO 1111 51:'1' T. 11t'SIte sent) pe.eul ler immediate o'on- snlerat'u. lelvo Sier lila•,.' \List- ers, 511 L;eacen P;ti:.., Postutt, \lass SE111) ('(Ile.\ \VI': 15111: ..;ROWERS AXIL IlA!Di- eters of the famous 'Truck I.ntnl leer Brand seed en111. ,)rdu' rally end wave mon,: y. P.11,, River Grain ,SI Seed Company, Relit River, Ont. SEEDS FOR S 51.0 '1'l1,)ROl'(;I11.1' 111':C1,1•:.\N1:D (101': eminent printed Clover SI e11s, I'inutihy ;tint \\'rite for price', J, 11. Mud., ('ey- lun, Ontario. SI:l:IIS 1944 FLOWER NOVELTIES '111(8 5'1:.511 );11415' .5 1.1111+0.\1'11. of rainbow col"ur', Ili,•ic's 194.1 Introductions --- 1'..111111; I'tt 2" hll, 11 tree-1lo\verimt ,'1,•;11 S,init h,auty; llarietdd 1L•(n Beth Alum t 'th huge, blooms; 1'inwhtcl I L'til1:, edit, :1 I•iet to 0 in velour tint:: Dom inteesc 1\ red to cherry pink, send co. to- day for 3 plet'. of tit.', 511 .\ui- erice \!'inn, rs I Value 7;'1'1 to Dept. 55'. 51'. 55', I1i.•1c and Sons Limited,l,it"isay, unterio, '22.11 til Mei it." 51:111)5 111,11. ,e 1'11)55'1111 ei:1-:1 end I'1:lino. 1111,..' for : Help 1p ,,nd swell for ns. ,i st:(ip. .21,-. ,. i'I:nit ('n., leal':nutzte. 51. I'lllt 5 01.51 .\.\illt:it'.\N 1'111':.\\1 Stll'.\I; 1'1'1)11 Fth' and: twice re1v :Intl (1(111 ince lin •.\Ile: t i4'ait III :I •:le: )I,t h'I'Ir 11, 1411. t'0lt " 51,11 NI'1"1'1`:1;, \V11.\1'1X(1 55' e I. y'; r0. Iwo 111\, t\1i1. Moe, 1 khaki, I.I:,rf;. :'t, eel, I re0 0. per puunrl. (;uaI"int.l1 1;• Ion.I. 1, c.2.01: .ir1',411t,. 1)11' S1'11111:it 111.:'(Pool' 51\\`1'1111 '0'5N'11:D '1'4 PI'5' I:)e rli 1'.55'1\1l Sununlr I1er•ort or Ilnl, i ,,t1 r)l'll 1411"Itletl1. Ian(: i t \irl'ht , ' 4 .larksnn Street 55'e..1, II•otUll•�e, Ontario. '1'11.17"1'1111\ 11)11 '1 51,1; 11'c1'(11;1111'1: III:I;tltN ; 'I'1t.%i"ri:It, (in, on thirty, nets vines 11' "1 pins, radia 14,1'. I:\rr11 01 rend!. Itun, �t.nt: 2 holt-hors,• Itlntut's, 3 phase 2211 volt r:i tt 925, in .51 shape. Peed I;ohin 411. 1'or•hyville, Ont. '1'11 111'015 I5'.5 \'1' 1:1) 1V.1N'I'I:I1-1..1'1'1': \I0D1:1. l-1'11)\\' 'I'r wtor on rubber fur ,",sh. Dox 1), 11r. no n, Sask. l'.11'1.111-111111 STl)11At•I1 AND '1'11111::51) 55'11115!et often ale the ":tore of .tl•lu•allh in humat,s 911 'WO. No •r+n im- mune! \\illy toot 221,21 1:11 2e 'Sita is )•nor 11'ollhle9 1ntet t,;llto e9 r• ticttlar,t—hrrn! 1t'(tie \,111,.: Remedies, Speolllisls 'i'.,.,,1,, 3, not .1'1"1'1:\Toll!\! 550111, 1.1tn55171t' MR. WOOL GROWER '!'Ills 11.11 Es'I'.\PI.Isl11:I, 51 • 1(10- 1. t1 \I ill is (lull t' (2'•11 !It.tIa•,1.- 111"111. . opll a to ; I;•.. -',led •;oyo rn,tn'nt \1'1101 55.21110,•, '• Ind '(•e pr. i'aI.'41 Ili pnr..h:i , 11118 10 : "1/1)'s 11001 11111 1111 •0a1-, 1(1- 101 'teaming si11 11:''1-. u.l 1t ';nierpnu•n( TIM.: STI; \T11141 \\'unl.l.l:': 1111.1.5 1,1\11'1'1;D, s'I'1:1l'1l1t,V, ,) N'T.11110, HE'S DOiNG BETTER SCHOOL WORK with this BETTER BREAKFAST JiiI11ULl.Ihaicialastra:1!tli,,rriu°rr+ILYmalatn etngo oar N ��•`, ll 1 `111111�1�) ��r t: Young folks burn up Tots of energy in a day. They must have plenty of good nourish- ing food. So give them a better breakfast • . . give then\ Nabisco Shredded Wheat. Made from 100% Canadian whole wheat it Contains the essential energy• builders: carbohydrates, pros teins, and the minerals iron and phosphorus. Nabisco Shredded Wheat is ready• cooked, ready to eat. Try tho tested, practical recipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. 2449 Niagara talk, Canada TABLE TALUS SADIE B, CHAMBERS Once more i am goi.lg to give you a few meat recipes. I believe we all have the habit of neglecting something "ilc\v' in meat dishes, possibly because n e feel that a neat disli of any kind satisfies the appetite and eye just adhere to a daily or weekiy tontine. I'll begin with a few hunts about the storing of meat, which w e would all do well to study, These are given out by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and a:c most helpful. Propos Storing 1. Unwrap at once, Wrapping paper draws juices from the neat, 2. Wipe with a damp cloth, Place on a dry plate and cover loosely, preferably with waxed paper. 3, Store in the coldest place av- aif9ble. 4. Ground meat should be used promptly lvhether raw or cooked; For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH PRICE 30c and 50c at ALL Druggists MIDDLE -AGE` WOMEN (yrs o d) -HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— sutler hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especiallyg /or women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made in Canada. BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With -Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sun sign that your kidneys are not fully lidding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys Blow up, wasted collect. Backache, dizzy spells, ,puffy eyesand rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need lielp—and there is n tlme-tried, proven way to help titenr known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You Brill find their action fast and effective. Score you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed its Canada. Get a islc package from your druggist. it spoils more quickly than un - ground !mat. Cooked spent sliou 11 be allow- ed to co,.l, uurotcrul, then cuVer- ed tightly and is:pt cold, 0. Steers, ntc;,t soups, etc., cook- ed with potatoes or thickened tvitlt flour should be used promptly; they spoil quickly, Spicy Pot Roast Combine cup swates. cup vinegar 4 clots Small bay leaf 1; teaspoon salt 1 snail onion ,,cut fine) Place nkat in a bowl. Pour over it the spiced liquid. Let stand at least 3 hours, turning meat several times. Remove meat; prepare and cook as Pot Roast, using strained liquid in place of water in cooking. Liver Patties 1 lb. liver (ground) 3 cups soft bread crumbs ?:j cup grated onion 1 egg 4 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Pepper ltix all ingredients together and shape to fit muffin tins. Roll in ad- ditional flour. Place in greased muffin tins and brush tops with melted fat. Bake in a hot oven, 400°F, 10 minutes. Serve with Sun- shine Sauce, Sunshine Sauce 1 tablespoon fat 2 tablespoons flour 1J' cups milk Salt and pcpi)er 1;; cups grated raw rarrots !fake as cream sauce, adding carrots just before serving. Sausage Strudel 12 sausages 1 apple 1 tablespoon 1)rttt'n sugar Biscuit dough !fake biscuit dough from 2 cups flour. Roll in a rectangle }S inch thick and 10 inches long. Parboil sausages 5 minutes. Wash, core and cut apple in 12 wedges, do not peel. Dip in brown sugar. Press sausages into dough in pairs with 2 w'e'dges of apple between saus- ages. Leave a small space between each pair of sausages. Bake in a hot oath, 400`,, :,bout 25 ntin- ides. 511,'4 Chnmbern t‘elcnntrs pernonnl letter,' from Interc.tcd renders, She In pleased to recelse nuggestlons on 101001 for her eolntnn. and 1s always reedy to listen to your "pet pcevca," ttequestn for recipe,' or epeclnl avenue are In order. Address your letters to "Miss Smile 11. r'Ilnmberu. 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto." Send ntnmped self-ad- dressed envelope if you Itheb e reply. Bank Staff Makes [ Rivets At Night A miniature munition factory has been opened in a Birmingham, Eng- land, balk. After closing their ledgers and locking up cash boxes, sten and women clerks return at night as war workers. The bank is helping a big muni- tion factory to double its output of rivets. The factory takes the work to and from the bank. The bank staff is paid trade union rates. ley VICTOR ��tt��,, BOSSf All it: C1fAI''J'ER XXIJ 1)av'' }irli1'111 iurlt;l!,I aCd re- licved \,, t'll „f iii• gu1,• "l t111 ;in lntt \Ire teem, duan ansa the said, 'lint }u'rc gain' t., tall; in., and straight, if } nit grant to get back to \1 es, al tt itlout a oast; rues. 011 Cure Shlnli!dct \1 Lal halt. yuh Mone with I.oi,:" "Bruce" answered 1 ogg.nrll, uI ain't ret et es on Mks she rode int) tuna the n, loin' ul 11ool:cr's murder, i.ecin' 1 \\ as knocked cold 11 in' t taut h rt you," The declining sun ,inane straight into Dave's eyes, sliot\in'. t!Ie hag- gard line, )f hi, tare. Ile ,tared into ('o,y,tt 1 11', tt'\ ;ole t„ real that truth. "You sn,'.1: that,'• Il;t.c cried suddenly, "I'm t,llkiu' trai_!„ " answered the sheriff. "1 rode up here t'.ith the id, a of c;ltnl,in' ow. and ;tarns' on a hunt foe yore trail in the t:'oi in', If someone nail: 'alio; Lois. away selien yntl Pads gone, it wasn't me. \Vhy, I don't know tv'.;ere you two been hitlin' up. She ;.i::'t hurt bad, is she:" "She was gettin' 'soli. \\'e etas goi11' to start out tomorr,,o." And suddenly the Mask of hate vanished from Dave's face, "1'm belicvin' gull, sheriff," he sail. "tint ii is wasn't you 1\10 look !ler awa.., who \vas it?" Y • * Sheriff Coggswell \\ as silent. Dave Met the keen scrutim\ of his eyes, then suddenly handed him back his gun anti thrust his as.n into his holster. "You got the drop nil 1110 ne.tr, Coggswell," he said. "I'm trustin' you. You can take me into Mescal if vult want to. lint I ala ass felt yule hots• 1 didn't !:ill old Jlrn.ker. And I'm asl:in' cub 1,1 shalt my word sante as I trusted gores, and ride. 11ith 111e to find the skunk th.tt took her away. :'after that, 1'11 he ready to place myself in yo...e hand." Coggswell holstered lei- t�ttn gnn in turn and gave 1),t\e itis 11:111(1. "'That goes with nu,' 1e sa''d gravely. "Y)'re right, !inlet:. i t t party sure volt didn't kill ,:311,1 11 n k• cr. 1 been n'orkin' on a line .:f my own, and I think l'nl on the trail. I'm ace:cptiu' them terms of yores. And in a few Minutes I think I'll hate some evidence. It's in that cabin. Nope, not 51 i Lois. I just trussed up and gagged a hombre who was actin' suspicious, after hat'iu' to kill his horse" Ile led the way into the cabin. Trussed and gagged \cry effective- ly upon the floor was the Mexican, Pedro, tvhout Curran had sent back to the Cross -liar, "Ain't had time to question hint yet," the sheriff expl;tined. "Ile was sorter stunned when his horse dropped under !tint. Now we'll sec." * Ile pulled the gag out of the mouth of the helpless ratan, Pedro, who recognized Dave, glared in snit , d , . , '.•1 fury at 11:111 and at "Vol, fir - !1.', 1'1 11: , i,l the shclir, p un' 1.) uu ,: �' tjlC,'{�, lir yore life ain't vt . . ill a ',i, l,(l. I'd just a0, •oou 'i:1 h situ -e 11, 1'11 5110,)1 a tt Oleg :: ,Ih r. 11 here', litotes.'" "1 d , n..l hnhon, St sell," t rola that the 51 11,u1. "1 ride jus' ;1 t1 bari; 11, tl: range, alter l..„1.:1;' for s,t;,, )ou shoot nr, ,, and tic Inc up.” list, i, Pedro, it ain't a bit of tt>c lain' to n., " replied the sheriff, "he.an•c 1 gut the, ynds on }ub, 1 hues ‘luin' solo,: W11 Myself i111 1110. fcty das s, and t scut) }nn and (.event, l'e)wl111' around these Nat, 1'»» 11i1' for someone, "It :,alciud you this nlortun , ride out into the hills, and I w'atebo1 you ride hack, \\ !len I allr•d 1311, \ 1111 tried to git atvay, Now I'm putting it up to 31111, Cur- ran hila' ;.1 :Ie. 1 • -1{; r. \\'here :s he'' "1 s,,, '.iul last night. 1 do rut know toda , Nle and hint we look for titiF :;.:uh." Pedro jerked his head in Date's direction. "Today I look--- "I'nn ptltt:n' the question in an- other ',rat's" islet the sheriff pa- tiently, "\\'11re's Curran got Miss 1 -ohs'" "Scor, 1 110 bare see iter iince that (3501: s'tc fide assay with this man Ir,. !!' \I(••C:11--„ • • (egos, c'i Oren' lite 1115 11(1' t, : ali(I 51)i111 six•gnn front the cylinder. Ile 1111014 to 11::ve. "\tat• as well take this feller v.liere v.1 aisle 10 bury hint," he said. "No iniac i'l Illtlssllt' up this floor. There's a place at the edge of the mesa allure the ground's soft." Inc t'ici, d up the end of the rope that boon,! the Mexican and began drag>,ir.:: 1L% man 1'0011(1 the door. =en,. ,' ehatieled Pedro, "you Cannot 1111:dee Inc. 1 diel ret take tie pi...! ,:oat'," "N'oe'l e had your chance, Pedro, Conic' on, l3l'Itce, let's get !lint over the sill and finish him," he added. 'I'Ile six -glut jerked uptt;u•d, P scream lanky from the Mexican's lips. "Senor. 1 tell---dun't shoot—I tell, chattered Pedro. "Curran bring the girl this nlvrnin' to the cabin that the gold prospector built many years ago in the blind can- yon." "l Tenon' where it is," answered Coggswell. "All right, Pedro, quit saved yore life. 1't guiu' to leave yuh tied up here, for which I reck- on you'll he grateful to Inc after- ward. I'll get rub a drink of wa- ter." ('og'gswell filled a pitcher and held it to Pedro's lips, setting it dow n beside him when he was th„tugh. Ile turned to Dave. "Rediae tvc better ride," he said. "I got uhy four men waitin' down helots' the mesa, but I don't ;rim to waste no more time with Miss Lois in the hands of that feller." DEADLY NEW 'WATER BUFFALO' Photos above show the Navy's deadly new amphibious tank, the LVT (A)-1 "Water Buffalo," whose improved features include a 3i -men. cannon, two 50 -cal, machine guns and a turret "super -structure" to protect the crew. Because of its ability to travel on water, as pictured at top, it is doubly formidable. The center photo shows it splitting the nighttime darkness with a stream of death. At bottom a "Water Buffalo" backstops, with its heavy fire power, marines it brought ashore on Parry Island, Eniwetok Atoll, as they take cover behind Band dune. waag ENO'S COUGH SYRUP .014°— s P t�,P„ I Invaluable for o �tps' t i? 03ucdtot'y f0oNdl ra COUGHS—COLDS ?l'ta10,0 - '' `l,!' BRONCHITIS 1ttGIDLa (""44) ASTHMA WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT Children love Veno's Dave only spukc once during the ride. "Sheriff," he said, "you hived in this district quite 50111e time, ain't yuh? 1''.'er her' of a waddy disappearin' mysteriously- Course he didn't have to be a tt.tddy, May have been a prospector." Ile describe,! his discovery of the skeleton in the rat ine. 'Shot through the back ui the head," he said. "teller had fractured his seg at some time. up near the thigh. 1t was all healed up rough." "Yult fourd him:" shouted Coggswell, turning round in the saddle. "Well, that clears up con- eid'rable more along the i:ncs I was 1(311' ' " • • • "It's all right, judge," cadet! Cur- ran, ;ts Lnnu'gan dray rein suspi- ciously, in the tray Ferris had done, "Here's Mr. Ferris, and fust Ile, and we're mitis' to tall: things over pleasant -lila. title," grumbled 1,oncrgan, titie,' grumbled Loncrgan, dis- mounting and stalking into the shack, Ile nodded curtly to the ranchuuul and seated hints( If upon one of the three stumps, waving away Curran's offer of a drink. Louergan's manner was still that of a judge, a elan condescending to meet those socially beneath hint, "\\hat's that noise in there?" de- manded Loncrgan suspiciously, as Lois, hearing the voice of the new arrival, made a desperate attempt to free herself. "Yoh can go in and look if yuh watt to, lir, Lanergan,'' grinned the foreman. "But that's strictly a private matter." Loncrgan strode to the entrance of the smaller roost. Ile could just stake out Lois fastened on the bunk, and her eyes turned implor- ingly upon his. Ile hesitated, then swung back angrily. "\\'bat's that mean, Curran'" he demanded, "Got on Bruce's trail this morn - in'," answered Curran. "Ile made his getaway, but I nabbed the girl, \Vas waitin' for }'uh to examine her, after this other business is set- tled." (Continued Next \\'col) Super -Super Bomb's Blast Rocks Aircraft 1 ne blast from Britain's "saps: - super blockbusters" ---a 12,000 -pouted bomb—is so great that it rocl.s an. aircraft several thousand feet i;l Iht sky, an R,A.F, pilot related rye en:- Iy. That was his experience after dropping one oil 11113 (;Monte-l:i,011C engine works at l.in1ag(o, 1'sme- ary b, "Ecce at the lieieht of 111.01)" thousands of feet the blast is suf- ficient to rock aircraft," he said. "The '.\ hose sky is lit up as thong 1 you have created a nen' Sun, The blast seems to linger for a whlit and spread out. "After 1 hail dropped a 12,000 - pounder on the (;11011113-I:hoee works, 1 went out to reconnoitre and take photographs, All 1 Call say is that the damage from one of these new bombs looks like a concentrated attack on a number of aircraft with the small type bombs we used in the early days of the \var." When To Dry Hybrid Seed Corn. In view of the fact that practic- ally all hybrid seed corn is dried artificially, the findings on this sub- ject of the Forage Crops Division, Dominion Experimental Farms Ser- vice, are important. Further research studies on the effect of ar- tificial drying of seed corn harves- ted at different stages of maturity have served to confirm previous results which showed that Ow! 'ptL ' ruination of Ct.541 L'011talilitlg 40 per cent or more of moisture is so Fer• iously injured by drying of the tars at 110 degrees F., that it is :en- dered unsatisfactory for seed :Ise. Similar drying had no effect ::port the germination of seed front tars which contained 20 to 30 per .en' of moisture. An appreciable r.linf.01 only once every few years in the Egyptian desert. 'o -day, as always, the `Salada' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas. TEA I've found I eon give up dosing!" "I've found a far letter way to correct: constipation! One that gives me the kind of lasting relief I've always wanted, and never got, from harsh pills and purga- tives. I've tried ever somany,but it's KEi.t.mii.5 ALL -BRAN regu- larly for me front I10\' 011." Such a happy experienceisius1. ,'neat thousand. among people who have tried KELLIXIG's ALL. IIR1N for constipa- tion due to lack of "bulk" in the diet! ALL-IIR'1N c('rretls the cause of such trouble, by supplying "bulk -forming" material needed for easy, natural elim- ination. Ii ibis kind of constipation hasnlagued you. tryeating I:max ;G'S A1.1. -BRAN regularly, IT several gall. - • IMAM every day. IJ.Inntiinseveryday. Drink plenty cm water. See if you don 1. oraise its welc)mo r list: lit'! ALL suety( at \Usti' r, gel's. . 0ve.:niettt C1 es. Nlade o\ t',il tn,' in L'nclvu, r. Pate 4. ' •.1•ww[`MICKVIXtw1A114•4040CAittCtIMIt(1` 1C1C(QWtg0104tQ111 !Elliott lnsurane Agency BLYTH -- ONT. 1 IlA1atklaMt 41)1=2at2t7tMOINDWIDIDIIMMI2iNDiDt"at2t2)DtDiDIDaiDIDi?iDADaDaiDt INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. BLYTII --- ONTARIO. J. H. R. Elliott. R Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Residence Phone l: or 1.10, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" DO YOU NEED WIRE ? A. GOOD QUANTITY OF WIRE ON IIANI) AT THE PRESENT TIME. SUPPLY LYMITED J. H. Brunsdon CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 15. • • - . • 041.14,4•1 AUBURN , DON NYBL,OOK The distribution of the ration boo!;;; \I r. and \Irs. Arnold Craig entertain. will be 111 charge of Miss Amelia \I c • (NI a number of ft lends frons \\'inghant IIw•ain. The Ora gc hall will be the and vicinity on Friday evening, centre and iia March 311 and 31 from i The St. Augustine \Var \\'orker. 19:0( to 12:1)) a, in. and I.t'O to 5:1,1) net on 'Tuesday afternoon at the home p. m. \1 rs. l'red Ross, \Irs. Karl \l c- l of \1 t's. R. Channlcy, a (milt \\ as cunu- ]�night, \Irs. 'Tlentas Johnston a'tl'pletetl for the lrd Cross, a number o1 Laura I'hilt:ps will assist at the distri- articles were donated by members for tuition. the boy's boxes. .\ bazaar )tat, 11rl1 Mr. Stephen Medd of Elderton visit. ;and a urn cent lea scrvrd• cd with friends in .\ubnrn on \Ionday.I The \\'. \I. S. nut on 'Thursday af- 'fhe neighbors and friends number_ tet'noon at the home of \Irs. Norman ing 18, met at the borne of \lrs. Sant -('Thompson, a (milt \vas completed for uel I)acr and trade two Rcd Cross the Rcd Crss and lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. quilts \thick had been patched and donated by Mrs. 1)acr and ht r daugh- ter-in-law. \Irs, Bert Dacr. The col- lection will be given to the Overseas Pox fund. Mr. R. Brown of \lorris, spent the \Irs. William Hamm, of \litchcll, \(cel: -cud \vith Mr. and \Irs. \yon. Fear and Miss Irene (role, of 1''1.th, \lith I \Ir. \\'nal. Dalrymple Jr., is a pati- nt \1r. and \Irs. Ilcrt Craig, in Victoria Hospital, London, \frs. l:nidd 'Taylor, Thomas, David! Mr. and Mrs. \\rut, Morris, of \Vin - and Laurence, of Owen Sound, with nipeg, visited the latter's cousin, Mrs. Mrs. 13. \Vright. R. C. \lcGowatn, EASTV WANOSH THE STANDARD Wednesday, March 22, 1944. PIE IN THE SKY BY R. W. R. The spacious tit tn.tntcnt on high, \\•itl all the blue ethereal sky, .\nd spangled heavens a shining Frame, Their great Original Proclaim. Addison is face to face tvith the immensities. \\ Irat colossal noun, he uses! \\•hat glittering adjec- tiye,! Firmament, heavens, and sky, are varied terms for the same thing. The ancients thought the sky was a solid vault, firm, resting on the distant hills. If you \vete there, you could touch it. 'I'Ite heavens is just the expanse spread over the earth. The sky is becom- ing lore wonderful to each gen- ertti m. \\'c speak of the open sky, the sky line, the sky is the limit, pie in the sky, sky high, sl:y blue, sky rockets, shy scrapers, skylark and skypilnt—It is the Bigg\ st thing \vc know; bigger than the oceans, bigger than the continents. It is the inc object in nature that every eve can see. \lultitudes never sec the Atlantic, nor the Rockies, \\'1; all carry the sight of the sky from childhood through to old age. It is c\cryhody's sky. sly brother bought the old home farm, chiefly for recreation. Ile likes its looks: it is beautiful for situation. It has family traditions. His decd describes its location, size and limits. Ile paid for what is inside these limits, for nothing more. Now he discovers he is pos- essor of external things that cling to it. Ile can't disentangle it from its surrounding landscapes with houses and barns, highlands and lowlands, fields and trees, gardens and steams owned by the Ilalla- han's the McGill's the F.11ises tlnc l arlferd's and Fars. This pleasant outlook is not mentioned in the title. It is a free gift but not from the sellers. Ile owns the 1(1(1 acres of land he paid for; and the 100 acres of sky above it that he did nut pay for; they belong together. There is pie in the sky. It's clouds water his fields, no \tater rates, It's '.nn lights his pastures, no hydro fees. It also stakes every- thing live and grow and produce, no charges. Elis eyes have the right to range the \thole panorama .1x•17+- 00.•0.••`++++.♦0.4•.0.44 4.4•.b.4 .4.•0.4•.4••.4•.•• 4•.40.4•.4 $•.4, 4 $•.•• 4 •• d••.$•.4•.0.••,•..4•.•0.•..••./0...4.••.,0 ••.*...,•t, •0.•044++ When is a Dollar Not a Dollar? When it won't buy a dollar's worth of goods! For instance, compared top resent -day standards, your dollar of the last war was worth, nota dollar ♦ . • but sometimes less filen O.. Housewives, who went marketing in 1917, had to part with fora four --pound jar of jam which you buy to -day for . set him back ¢�` then,as compared tothe C . dad's winter underwear he could buy itforto-day, You get a lot more for your money NOW s .. ♦ because price ceilings and (4? 1 a other anti.inflationary measures have kept the value of your dollar HIGH! That's why it will pay youtosee that selfish spending never undermines price control in Canada. Remember, you protect your dollar's worth when you use your money wisely . when you pay off debts ... refuse to buy needless luxuries... give black markets a wide berth .. and don't hoard goods. /%//%%%%%/%%///%/'i///%///y/////r�9////%%%/r%�%�///%7///��/4 /n. I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell - 7 / ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation. of the sky \vitlt it's many moving coloured pictures of sunrises and sunsets, It's dazzling displays of electric fireworks in the crashing thunderstorms, The show is free, There is nothing on earth the shy docs not reproduce, cloud, contin- ents and islands, cloud, lakes and forests; cloud cities, Nyilh totters and spires; halls of crystal; gates of pearl; streets of gold. \\'h() Neill sat that in this old world we never get something for nothing? \\'e du! 'hlavish luxury! 'hat pricel\\essat trcasul'es arc for ns, Nt\\itlt- out stoney and without price! The sky too is a faithful sampan- ion, Whither shall we flee from it's presence? If we take the \tit,g- cd airship and fly to far off lands and strange people. 'I'Ihc fannliar sky goes along with us, carrying our trusty friends, sun, moon and stars giving a touch of (Ionic Sweet (lame, lI'he beasts of the field knots nothing of the sky. They use the light that falls from tt. They don't look up. \\'bile man gazes in rapture at the majestic beauty of the sky, his horse indifferent, gins on eating grass, The tragedy of life is in what we amiss.. "No day" said Jean Pant "should close, without a look at the sky," '('here is no excuse for being ignorant of the loveliness of the sky. To de- vote oneself solely to bodily needs a:'d pleasures; and neglect the sky is to drift to the plane where the animals live; and sell our birthright for a mess of pottage. To miss the beauty of the sky that stirs the souls' admiration and reverence is to al'ow God to hrcal: one of his alabaster boxes on our head, in vain. All good things coons down, (lack of the loaf is the snotty flour, :\nd back of the flour is the mill. :\nd bark of the mill is the sun and the shower, And the lather's Mill. Everything is sky born, Every- thing, day by day, is fed by the sky. There is pie in the slay. Without the sky, we perish. 111,1, 1,1 I 1 1.1,x., Y, 11. r..t- 4. 4......+..8.4.0oru0.Or04. 00•:• .:rrr,O. Ad•r:•:• 00rr/r0 •:::r•44r4• Ar/ •♦ Or0u00u♦,y • •4 it i• • .:• i• •• • Z• r *..,• p•.ti •4 r4• r4•.•..•,.., .4..•• ,,. •,..�. ,n,..•. ,4.,4.4,•,4• •�•,•• 0� 4 •4.•• r4u4 4 4 .. r+•.4 ••.� .�•.+• •,,.0.1..0.1•. r��.0.�•.'•.�.0: 39th Annual Spring Show CLINTON Thursday, April 6th, 1944 FEATURING HORSES, BEEF CAT" I1I,E, and BACON HOGS $1250:00 PRIZE MONEY. Exhibit of Dressed Bacon Ilog Carcasses, Junior Fanners Judging Competition. Loud Speaking System. THE FAIR WILL BE OFFICIALLY OPENED BY THE LIEUT- ENANT -GOVERNOR OF ONTARIO, THE HONOURABLE AL- BERT MATTHEWS, WHO WILL ARRIVE AT CLINTON, 12.03 NOON. MRS. MATTHEWS WILL ACCOMPANY HIS HONOUR. Middlcaex-l;uroo Regiment will furnish Guard of Honour. NO. 5 R.C.A.F., STATION BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE, ACCOMPANIED BY DIFFERENT R,C,A.F, UNITS FOR THE OPENING CEREMONIES, WHICH WILL BE BROADCAST OVER C.K,N.X„ WINGHAM. This promises to be an outstanding stock show. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL CITIZENS. JOHN INNES, A. J. McMURRAY, President. General Manager, BIRTHS s'I'I?RI,1' (i—.\t Pontiac, 11ich., on \la'c!h -Ith, to Mr. and \Irs, 11. F. Sterling (nee P.leanor Jackson), gift of ;t son, I )avid \Valters. the ttl \lrs, Traylor rut' the very enjoyable evening spent in her home, which was seconded by Mrs. II. Phillips. Farm Forum Meeting The U.S.S. No. 111, East \\'awvatush and Mullett harm Forum Incl (in mon- \11. A. Grout) Si)elld day night at the hone of \I r. and \Irs: E.lic:yilble Evening l eau, 1lallahan, with an attendance of The !numbers of Group No. -I of the ,30.- .\fuer the discussion period, Miss \\'. .\, of the United ('hotel held a Mora Coulter gave a very fine five. social evening at the Itonlc of \Irs, :\II, /minute talk on "The Red Cross, it's 'faylor on Monday night. origin and work." :\ social hour was The cveeing \vas spent in flaying spent in contests, and lunch was serv- ganns, and quiz contests, and \Irs. \\'ni. 'e 1. The next meeting, the last weekly \I ills gate a reading. The lucky nun -'one of the season, will be livid at the .her prize \vas won by \I rs, .\. Sinclair. home of \I r. and \I rs. \\'. I. Manahan, .\ delicious lunch was served. The five minute topic will be takcu by \Irs, Grtsby moved a vote of than(:s Dan, Ilallallan, I?veryleely welcome. I i4 i.. 1.1,1,,,J 1..1 .11 1A I. i This is one in a series of advertisements explaining problems of electric supply to fain and handct consumers served direct by the hydro-I?Iatric Power Conuui.,sion of Ontario, .New Hydro Rural Rates Reduce Your Bilis Note the saving you will obtain under the new rate of 4c,16110c, and :I is in the following examples show- ing comparative quarterly Dills for several common- ly used quantities of energy: Where Old Rate Was 4c, 2c, 3I,1c STANDARD FARM SERVICE HAMLET 2 -WIRE SERVICE 3 Months' Kilowatt Hours YOUR BILL A'I' Old New Rate Rate 150 $8.60 300 11.52 600 17.35 5 $6.56 8.86 13.53 3 Months' Kilowatt Flours YOUR BILL AT Old New Rate Rate 100 $6.93 200 8.87 ;00 10.82 $5.52 7.54 9.10 '(These examples illustrate the savings you \gill sccnrc in your hydro bill in lural districts where the old rate was as shown above. The amounts shown are for quarterly net bills, including Dominion Govern- ment \\'a' Tax. The reduction in your hill in a district having a higher old rate (such as (ic, 2c, it', or 5c, 2c, -i:je) will be proportionately greater than the examples shown above. Please note that the service charge for farms is discontinued, but the minimum bill for such consumer is $;1.5() per quarter, for which amount up to 1(43 kw,-hrs. can be used. In a district having a former rate of 4c and ?c, this same ant,.mnt would have cost the consumer $8.29. ((armlet coesnnurs have the srt'vic. charge cut in half, but the minimum hill is *1.87 per quarter, for which they can use an aliment of 83 kw. -Em's. In a district haying a former rate of 4c and 2c, this amount would have cost the consumer $6.1(1, These explanations are given to help you mid( rstand the new rate. In our next advertisement, we \gill discuss for your benefit, the l.rNl- FOIt1f RA'I'1;. In the meantime, if you need further information, please ask your Rural District Superintendent. THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Weiinesiia!V, Mardi . 1044, r THE STANDARD ,ji4.84440.0•.••On♦u00♦+ 440•4O4144444d4; i Nit', and NIrs• (.(tarp's Smith, NILS. J, LYCEUM TI-IEATRE 1, I„ NIl•I)I,ttrll, wVete Lom111tt dtsitm's 1 WINQHAM-ONTARIO. 'Tuesday. 1 Two Sh9(11'S Sat. Night : The Darn( Forum un t on AIIn day evening at the hour Irl Mr. and \Irs. jThurs., Fri., Sal., Mar, 23.24.25 -. llntdard ('anll,hcil, pith a punt atten- :Charles Coburn, Marguerite Chap• (lance. The irrugrani etas in the f,rrnt man in of a musical ewcnin 1, which consisted '"MY KINGDOM FOR A IiORSE ) ♦ • of choruses, readings, sulns, quartettes, �.('harles ('nhtn•n brings you an even-„ orchestranumbers, the ladies having iii III); of hilarious comedy in on, (: (III il• part of the program first, after story of life and its problems (.. (chit(( thealts performed, lunch 1, ' I nt :: ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" is was served. =: Matinee Sat, Afternoon -2.30 p•m.'• r :. P. Mon., Tues,, Wed„ Mar, 27.28;29 •,. i3ELGRAVI; DOUBLE BILI.3.4 ;, Ellen Drew, Robert Preston, in . Alts, G. II. Dunlop returned home "NIGHT PLANE FROM "la( Wilt after Visiting with her par - :4, CiiUNKING" • '' rills at Ottawa, ,;'and Eddie Albert, Anne Shirley in:; Inc Ilcll .grave Farmer's Club held LADY BODYGUARD";�I r' ..• +4.4. ♦ • +4. ♦ ♦ 44+44 ♦ • • • •4;4 ♦ .. V. their March meeting at the home of a. IAIr. and ,Airs, John AI, ("unites with a - . good attendance. The President, Lyle WES'pI+'IEI,D Hopper, conducted the meeting (which was opened with community singing. AI iss Eileen \\'alsli of \\'ingllaii' Air. Itobcrt tirI rrher of Seaford], 1lospital visited one day I;Ist \\•cel: with was Present and addressed the Club. her parents, AI r. and \Ire..\. E. \\'wish \I r. hunt of Scafurth also spoke. Mr, Elitier 'lason of Leamington Alts. lac(: \1'ickslcad favoured with a spent the wccl:-incl under the parental solo, At the close of the meeting roof, pinch was served by the ladies, The Aliss fierce, of Illytlt, ttas a guest next meeting will be held at the home at the home of her friend, Atiss Aril- of \Ir. and Mrs. J. \Vickstcad. dred Carter, C. R. Coupes spent a few days in 1,:\C. Clifford \\'alsh of Camp llor• 'Torun(() last week, (len is spending a few holidays with The Euchre and 1):ct:cc held 011 his parents, ,Air. and Airs. .1. E. \Valsll,'Thursday night was well attended. Owing to the illness of the pastor,1'rir•es for high score were tion by het'. If. Snell, who was suffering from Airs. C. R. Cnultrs and Robert 1'nill, flit last week, there were no services The music for dancing was supplied by at \Vestficld on Sunday, I'il'fin's Orchestra. lunch was stip - Pte. Harold llustnan of Lund•UI plied at a lunch counter. spent Sunday twit(( his parents, Alt, and Airs. slauricc Bosnian.MRS. ROBERT OWENS Air, and Mrs, Howard Campbell Vis- :Another of the older residents of fled on Sunday with AIr.:incl Airs .\• the community died on Sunday after - E. Johnston, \\'est \Vaw'anoslt. noun when Airs. Robed Owens Passed \Irs, Bert 'Taylor spent aver the ;away at the home of her sister, Mrs. (Neck -end with her sister, Mrs, N.1 John \'anC:uup. Mrs, own had suf-Ito rally, The funeral was held Tues- Stonchouse, of (Acrid]. fered a stroke sonic time ago, but was clay afternoon fruln Trinity AngCcatt Airs, Mary Grasp}•, Sr. ..__... 4.00 11 r, and Mrs, Norman AIcb)uvclt, able to be up and about, but Friday Church. Thomas A. Grasby . 5,(10 i4.4�••;•74.••4.(1.04..0.;••.,♦.;•.;•.b.�•.I+4..b.8..•4..,..:44.4.;.+4.•;a0♦..0•;++,...♦O4.4.;•i4.40�••;•.0. X4,,..:4 ♦•..�••0. 0♦I♦•;♦•;♦44+4u;••I.++4:4r�44+4 44; Albert !\('sitit1 r 1.00 Torrance Dundas 2•011 Mervyn Govier 1(11) Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan5,(11) John Nesbitt 100 Air. and Airs. George \\Filson 10.00 Millar Richmond 1.1)1) Laurie Scott 1.00 John Collinson 5.00 • Wesley Kechnie ...................- 1•00 Major 1'nngltlutt ......--......._ 35 \Villianl Gross .75 Alfred 7lachan 2.00 Mrs. J. '1'iernay 1,01) John Creighton 2.00 - (ins, Bishack 2.00 George Cowan .50 Calvert Falconer 2,1)0 John Daer, Jr. 1.(11) Herb. Gloushcr .5(1 Thomas Roberton 3.00 George Maines 1,00 Robert Patterson .15 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kelly1.)0 Cameron Walsh 2,00 Nora Kelly .50 \V. G. Nether), 1.00 Air. and Mrs. J. it, Johnston 1,00 Ile sure to PRIN'C clearly, accurately OT WA 71rs. Dlary A. Kelly 1(1(1 and completely all information re• ""' T DEI .: Jack Kelly 1.00 (pared on the card -including the Allen Pease ..... 1.00 COUNTY in which you live. Mr, and Airs. Sinton Ilallahan 1.00 Sign at the bottom with your usual Archie Montgomery 2.00 signature. Persons of 16 years or over n Mr. and Airs. E. Cumming2.00 must sign their own cards. Cards of 1`T1 A. II. Jackson 2.00 persons under 1 ti years s must be signed T. AOC UNDER Is . Flora Coulter .--_-... 5.00 1 '' h 1oE,'St MOMS OE I. ANS M r, and Mrs, D• McKenzie5.00 S I DCCIAR[ I AM THE "OLDER er TH[ RATION 600N '1 - by parents or guardians. FROM WNICN THIS CARD NAS aLt, TANLN, O" TNATI AM SIGNING IN GOOD FAIT" ON at4ALF Or TN[ 11;trry Grasby - 3.00 HOLDER. WHOSE NAME AND ADDRESS APP[AR Appy[ 4 Applicants must bring their Ration /E DiCL ARf. iTRE LE biTENTEUR DU CARNFKr bf R[t. Quitters, T } 1OUlt!,-ARE NEEUR FRLDEESNNFFOI POUR I`E ETPUNOAI U.S.S. Ni.N3, 1\I<)r- Ilouk$ with (lien to the Distributing DUD FI INTFUR OON I'LCS NON ET ADRf.S7E APFARAIS. cls and East \V;Iwt anllsh.__. 1(1.(1(1 SENT ('I DESSUS Centre. "Children under 16 may not Airs, R. and (lett Fear ........_. 111.1)0 apply for Ration (looks for themselves ( I, or for 'other member's of the family. 1\ Illiam and Leo Kelly 10•(10 Mrs, Albert, and Edw. Quinn 2.00 Do not detach application card from ;sass i. ' Ill r. and Mrs. K. McDougall 1.00 your Ration Book. This must be done \Vatter McGowan 1.00 by an official at the Distributing Centre. ; AI r. and Mrs, \Vit. Gow 5.(x1 If accidentally detached, bring the Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell 5.011 application card along with your Air• and Mrs. Geo. Caldwell 5,01) Ration Book: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall 5.(10 ARMED FORCES: All members of the \f r. and \f rs. C. Johnston 2.00 Armed Forces, whether on permanent 7I r. and Mrs. \Vit, Fear 5.01) subsistence or not, will obtain their 11 r. and Mrs. Albert \Valsh3,00 Ration Cards from their own Units. Ur. and Mrs. George Charter 3.01) Mr. and 71rs. Leslie Johnston 5.01) On presentation at a Distributing Centre of your Ration Book 3, with 71 iss Tltelnta Callwclt ..._.....-. 5.(x1 properly completed application card, you will be issued your new Ration Mr. and Mrs. E. Leggett 4.00 Book 4; and your Ration Book 3 will be returned to you. Att. Roy 'Poll 3,00 (,((woad Shortrccd 2.0)) Mr. and Airs. R. Caldwell2.011 Mr. and Mrs. A. McGowan 2.01) Orval McGowan 1,.0(1 \I r. and Mrs, George Fear1.00 Mr. and Mrs. G. McGowan.._ 5.00 Mrs. James Wilson _ 2.110 A Friend _-----.._._...... 1.00 Mr. and Airs. R. C. McGowan 2.110 Mr. and Airs. Ii. Gloushcr_.. 1.00 Miss Amy Toll 1.0)) William Dalrymple LCO Norman Radford --_-...........__-2.00 Elmer Pollard 5.00 Airs. Mac Mc\all ............._1.00 Earl Caldwell 1.03 Pte. Tctl Fear 1,1x1 Sam Fes_ .50 Airs. W. G. Bell 2.1x1 Earl ._.._. 1.00 Pete Ileal}' 1.00 • • '� raze 5. •-- CICKWICt WWKICI414/40l4410011 t4t614400RtKt(t6MICIVOCCillP OC C4tC4(4tC4wtGIGtCtCt�V"'.:tC,>•,,,PrPIPVV ICKtrrVVe.f'pl�,4 ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE Ib +'(:LN'1' TIII+:A'1'.Iti: CLINTPN. GODERICH. SEAFORTi{. as NOW PLA''1N(:: Sherlock Holmes '3 in "The Vt i:e c. Terror" with q� "Middle Watch." i5 Red Cross Contributions (Continued from page 1) AI itis Ella \I etcalf 1.011 I:silt}' ParrOit 1,11)) I )avid Craig 5,(11) \\'alter McGill 5.00 Alf Pierce _ .. .. 2.1)0 Jack 11, \Vat sin 111.11'1 Airs. 'l'hotn:ti Elliott _-. 5.00 Mrs, James Collinson 3.00 Mrs. Al abet :Armstrong .. 21)1) Ait•s, E. Johnston ............. 1,00) 5)mart Johnston . 1,011 Airs. Howard 'Tait ._. 1(,1 AI rs, Charles I;eII . .. .- . . 1,01) 7) iss NI c('11118 1(1 ...... 1,1)1) A Friend .25 Allan Grant .. 1.00 Thomas Edwards .. 5.0(1 Thomas 1<t rnicl: 2.5(1 George Bailey . .. .- .25 \Irs, N. 1 t slit 2.1(0 7)rs. \V. F .Ai orris ... 1.00 Rtissc)I Dougherty ... 3.00 C. Galbraith ............ 1,00 \\', J. 1lallahan ......_ 1,01) Norman Hamilton 1.00 Louis Hollinger 1.IY1 Clarence Hollinger ... 1,(111 Sant Appleby ...__...-._-.-.. 2.00 Earl Kelly ................. .25 Al rs, I?lijah Pease ........ 1.1)0 George Noble . 1A0 Albert Sanderson .._. 1,(10 A. Glass 5.0(1 Independent Order of Oddfelluws .. 5,00 Thomas 'Taylor 10,0(1 Girls' War Auxiliary, Myth.. 15.00 John 7)eNichol 3.00 'Thomas Laidlaw 3.00 l.co J. Cronyn 2.00 Mrs, P. J. Kelly 1.00 AI r• and Airs. Leslie Fear 3.00 Mrs, Bruce Smith 2.00 afternoon she took another, and failed I NOW PLAYING: Deanna Durbin NOW PLAYING: Robert Donat n, "'fllc Amazing Mrs. Holliday." "THE YOUNG MR. PITT" i E Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'i Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda, Cary Grant, John Garfield and r, Phil Baker and Alan Hale , Benny Goodman and his Orchestra. A briny tale of the hien aboard a Jap -hunting batik -swaglrti, t Pack your cares away (while you sec this 'I'cchni:olor tunefilnl that "DESTINATION TOKYO" Monday, Tuesday, WLdaced.ly John Garfield, Maureen O'Hara 'Tell ;t story of frit ill -11i) ;u,,l r( - tril Iiliull against ;111 Iltlt. ra,(!!�i b;lcl.g(l,un01. tops thein all. "THE FALLEN SPARROW" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 mMatinees Sat. & Hcli:l:ty:.: 3 P.M. Y P• Mat, Wed. Sat &Holidays at 3 P.M. at�)074/013iDiNit+)iliibt919tDikkDigaliDat/tDiDi tLtDINN9t`atWADtDiktitDIDINDMD121)rPt2t21,4,i�7, adat)l%:e,:�l:i42; li::,- ,:r,�,:24'2,:,'::>t9;:41 1 "THE GANG'S ALL HERE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland and Brian Aherne• \\'ere (inter pastures greener? Claudette Colbert faced the ques- tion, \'ott will know how site de- cided when you sec "SKYLARK" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Paul Lukas, Luise Rainer and William Bendix. :\ hest seller conies to the screen with superb fidelity of cast and production. "HOSTAGES" COMING: A. J. Cronin's: "THE STARS LOOK DOWN" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bob Hope and Betty Hutton, (lead a Iasi of polwl.t • f lnnu,ll:� r, iu at cyclone of laughs lu Hull tun I. "LET'S FACE IT" COMING: "Caudalcanal Diary." IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE SEED GRAiN FOR SALE llnantitt• mixed :.',rain. Manner 'at4 (;b .\51)1'-1n loving ntctnory of Char- Chesterfield Suite, in good condition, i:ul h;lr}•, ;Il,o .Vasl:a oats ;old \'cl- lie, who passed away \larch 24th, priced reasonably. :Apply to Alts. L vet barley; :\Iso onantite Red Clover 1937. llardisty, phone 85, Illytlt. '-' 1 1' seed. 1'rire, teat,( n;thlc. Apply hi I often sit and think of him, when 1 - -- -- --- Nlar1in \IeD •11(11, 111 ill 111-1;, L'lytll. ant all alone, • .1.... -'-----------------'------ -' For memory is the only Friend, grief can call it's own. FOR SALE -Ever remembered by Al aria, Robert Wallace 3,)10 James Richmond .............._2.00 John T. McCaughey 1.(11) 7)rs. John T. AlcCaughcy 1.00 Norman Nicholson 1.1(0 Charles Nicholson .75 Air. and Mrs. Archie Scott _1.00 .lantcs Scott 1.00 Quitters from S.S. No. 1, Morris, R.R. No. 2 ..... :.. 2)1.00 CLIP THIS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE RATION BOOK 4 -WHEN AND WHERE YOU GET IT Distributing Centres will not be open on all days of next week. Make sure that you know exactly what days and hours the Distributing Centre you intend to go to will be open. Help the volunteer workers by following instructions carefully. RATION B00K•S WILL 'NOT, BE•,.AIAIL •D;'OR DELIVERED -THEY MUST BE CALLED .FOR 0 , HERE IS WHAT YOU DO TO GET YOUR NEW BOOK 1 2 3 Fill in the application card -the first post -card in your Ration (look 3, Do this at home. I'hc application card is printed in red and is numbered 811.99. 1)O NOT USE ANY O'1'IIER CARD, Follow the method shown. II I PRINT IM slot RB -99 (icRIRC A L'E,TCRt FN LETTRE'N INN• ( BA a NOUL[FSl ILAST NAME -NON DE FAMILLE) _JOHN WILLIAM I FIRST NAMusI--PRiNOMIS) 3.39'5 REGAL RD. (ADDRESS OR N.R. NO.-ADRESSE OU R R NO, "'- TA OWN OR VILLAGE-VILLE OU VILLA'" t.CARLErON ONTARIO COUNTY- COMT1) ,PROVINCE -PROVINCE,• S SAMCASrRONT or DODMI NU L'Ro bF siR/t "•z (LE MENF D(rE 407 LA rAcIQIA Ig167_AE LANNrr) 5 6 S. SIGNATURE 1 APPLYING FOR BOOKS FOR O'l'IIERS: Any responsible member of a household may apply for Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household, or for neighbours un- able to apply in person, providing Ration Book 3 with properly filled in application card is presented, WARNING: Be sure you get your new book while your Distributing Centre is open next week. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain your new book until April 17. RATION BOOK •3.CONTAINS.UNUSED`.COUPONS YOU WILL NEED. DON'T DESTROY IT. LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRES Addresses MEMORIAL HALL BLYTII. Dates Wednesday, March 29th. Saturday, April 1st. RATION ADMINISTRATION Hours 3 p.m. until 9 p•I11. 3 p.m. until 9 p.m. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD 1 Scotch Shorthorn hull, 15 iuo'Iths 0(11 Also sonic heifers, :Apply, Melvin II. Taylor, Belgrade, Phone 6241.12, \\'inghant, 32-1p, FOR SALE AUCTION SALE Implements and 1Ioubc1,.1, Effects. Con. 9, Morris, 3 utiles cast of Blyth WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH commencing at 1 p.m., the follo win•.: I \11'1.1'.11FATS --. !.1.-I I. hinder, 7- A- A gtctntity of choice Seed Ilarll'y, fust cut; \1. -II. cultivator; 1 grain ()...1.1C1 Nu, 21, :Apply to J. C. Stoltz, drill; I reaper; ?vection sptin,t{-too;11 Auburn• 32-3p. harrow . ; • 1 1; t l roller; 1 2 -fm row d v ti(in ( Oho% ; 1 di nlocrati ; 1 I road cart ; 1 turnip drill; I hart'( ; ; I set of sleigh„; t hitt lit' ..f Ilres-cel .:\II wuu have to do is lc) tell us, as \la tle and I1as,tw, o l it tin;-: ( luau(• !it•;ty agt•Ili, \dial you need (I.N1 ill III\' UI Pllll' Ittlllht•r ;Ind pl,llli:; 1 later, of Bray chicks dal- old or start- 1101'SE11(11.1) I:III;t "IS - Cool. (late that shits you -but please do so stove; Iron, bed and sprin mann-; Extension table and 5 chairs; ba tile--; nowv• A. L. KERNICK, BLYTH. Puts; fans; I-itelien ni(n,il.,; Lanterns; Nunoher of other ;illicit-. TERMS -CASH. Finlay and John Laidlaw, Props. 'FENDERS WAN'ITEi) Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 2. Township of Morris asks for Ten- i' dors for sale of South half lot 26, Con- cession 7, winch consists of 100 acres, AUCTION S1+ I/E more or Icss. Considerable hush. Of Faris Stock, and Implements, and Highest or any tender not neccssar Some Household Effects ily accepted. , at Part lot 1;-i8. Couee,sion 8, Ilullett Tenders must be in not later than ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28TH 2 p.m., April 10111, 104.4, BABY CHICKS crate; number of sheep crate-. t'd, the breed you prefer, the delivery GEORGE MARTIN, Clerk. commencing at 1 o'clock, the foliotwin 32-3. 11ORSI':5 - 'ream horses, nicely matched, hay lit•ts:, 12 years oil, 1•.(y mare, 12 years old. AUCTION SALE CATTLE -Jersey cow, ri ye 0 old. OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS to freshen in April. (F.\1\1 1\11'1.1:AI1 NTS - \\'aeon; buggy; cutter; set holo sieitll,; 11 -litre drill, with cultivator teeth at- tachment, nearly nett•; Tnternatiin;rl walking plough, nearly new ; Kidd I1wo- Scttffler; Turnip , drill ; fnt•ruw Plough ; Set iron harrows, 4 sections; Stock tack and 16nut 1)1,N l'nllll,lll('11: 8:1: truck; 'I\went)•-Iwo foist ladder: Set 10110-I1). scales; Canine 1)0%, hand or Poty t': horse take, 10 -ft.; Sling ropes; Trip rope; Sling chain; (rt,ss-rill saw; i)itching scoop; (iril,din t tle 1 ;1114 roller l'tlltvi'_.tt Ill' . `=el smile h,trl,l•., nearly new; Set ti 1!,' Maroc,'; 11,11)' set double harness with weld, ((earl}' new ;'Tm•nip pulp(r ; Somc 1 i i t Some \Iangolds; Large sugar tile; Some gratin bags; t)nantity of (umbel ; horse blanket, all tvoo1; III:NS-13 Roc(: hens, Iwtr year, dd; 40 White Leghorn hens, 1 and 2 year', old, A yuitntity of 1942 I'rhan oats, fit for seed. Also a gnantity of 1'113 1'rh:l oats; 1511 ins. Al ixed Grain, 19.12 1'rb;ut Oats and Barley. iIOt'SI:1IOI•I) l t'RNI'Tl hl?-1'ar- lor suite, 4 pieces; lone bench; i.arge stove pot ; 1(i -gal. stone churn; Stll,ill glass churn. TERMS -CASH. No reserve as the farm is sold. \1'illianl 1lcsl:, Proprietor. \\'illiatu 11. Alorritt, .\uctioitct•r. 31-2. \\'illiant 11. Alorritt, .'Auctioneer, has received instructions from the under- signed Proprietress, to sell by pnlolic auction on the premises, Queen Street, 'Myth, on Saturday, :April 1st, com- mencing at 2 p.m., the following: 2 bedroom suites; dining roost table; extension table; 4 small tables; kit- chen table and chairs; 4 rocking chairs; porch chair; chesterfield suite; couch; Quebec heater, with heat pro- tector; Victor victrolia; Perfection 3 -burner coal oil stove; electric floor lamp; electric table lamp; electric radio lamp; electric but plate; ('tngt,l- cunt rug, 9x12; kitchen clock; toilet set ; dishes; kitchen utensils; :\ nuns • her of fruit jars; galvanized trash tub; and other articles. TERMS -CASH. Mrs. B, Cloudier, Proprietress. William H. Morritt, Auctioneer 37.2. AMONG TI -IE CHURCHES BLYTH UNITED CHURCH AI ARCI I tri. There will he an open session of the Sunday School. The Temperance Com- mittee will have charge of the program. 11.15: "The Distant 1)csci1lc." 7 p.m.:"The Two Roads..' TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. H. Streeter, L,Th., Rector, March 26th, 1944. Sunday School, 11 a.m. WILLIAM II. MC RiUTT Divine Service, 12 noon. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. intercession Service, Friday, at Specializing in harm told llousehob! 4.45 p.m. Sales. St. Mark's Church, Auburn. Licensed for the County of 1ltn'oa. Divine Service in St. \lark's Church Reasonable Prices, and Salic;faction next Sunday, at 10.31) a.m. Guaranteed. Trinity Church, Belgrave 1•'or iufm•ntation, etc., write or phony . Divine Service in 'Trinity ('parch 1\'illiaut 1-I, Alorritt, phone, Ttesiticnen next Sunday, at 2.3(1 p.nl. 93; Shop 4, lllyth. 'R [KK11111 1111 19914 011MCICIOCICI:;CtCtC Elft.Z4VQKtCtetatVf Ci te,CVCIt:tCtCWICICI¢ttte Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. Total up to Tuesday _.$11,331.00 �;• •aiDtDt.')t3tiiDt3iDtDiFti`?:� ^�:ar..�tDt `.>t46 EDUCATION ON WHEELS a+'i"'»,�:.wo3"'rd r:g7t• y °?ba.eeee ''a31pyK When Johnny has thrilled to the last lines of Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn and when Jane has lived through exciting experiences of Anne of Green Gables, all they need do to get more literature is stroll down to the corner, take a street car, return their books and select others as they ride back home. This is the system which has proven such a profitable and popular innovation in the city of Edmonton, Al- berta, Thousands of books are thus circulated weekly among young, and sometimes older, Edmontonians, At left a group of youngsters are seen inside the ambulating library exchanging hooks, Another group at right is boarding the "educated street car." WHAT SCIENCE iS DOING Plasma Miracles Blood pia•:tta, the foremost iifc- laver Of WCtnl,l('+1 I'tClt :!i this war, has beta sl.:: it:t,1 a number of fractions, each of P:1711:: i• as mir- aculous as plasma itelf. Seine of the new developu:en;e were de- scribed to the :'Imcrit,,n lhemical Society at Ne'.': York a few weeks ago by Dr. Edwin . Colin of Har- vard University. One fraction, albumin, (does all the work of plasma and only one- fifth the volume is required. A second, o:te of the .globulins which protect man from many dis- eases, is the hes; preventi\t• and treatment fo:- t:tcaslts yet found and is in lari.'e Scd': production for the annul fnrcec. A third, mad'_ of two of the blood's clottins. (deny:its. is a new plastic, which lo:As like a crt,,s• be- tween nylon and r1:hber, and is hi Use in surg(:'V «!:(r( streets 0: it have been s ksti:ated for lost lay- trs of lining , V(r' he brain. Two oti:r:; are new ntbstances that quickly s:oa bleeding in wounds. A sixth is the suilstance «•high defines the different types of blood, and is in use in military blood typ- ing. And there are ,only tome of the discoveries made. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What should one say if it is necessary to be excused from the table before the others have fin- ished eating? 2, Who should be asked to give the bride away if site has no par- ents or )tear relatives? 8. How can children be taught o be socially at ease? 4. Wouldn't it be better to have a home wedding if the invtiatians are to be sent only to tite immediate families and closest friends? 6, What is the correct kind of tie for a man to wear with evening clothes? 6. What k the correct way to serve and remove dishes from the table? Answers 1. "\\'i:l yon excuse me, please?" 1. She may ask an old friend of the family. 3. It can can be done by allowing then: to mingle with adult guests y,lienev€r po,sib'e. 4. This is a :;ta'trr of prrecnal pre- ference, hut a ch n,_lt \\ (.'iding is preferabie nate inany invitations are issued. s, .\ t i '' linen or pique bov, tic, to match his shirt and waistcoat. (1. They should be served front the left si'le anri re- moved from the right. Have You Heard? Docur: ''1'11 have to charge von twenty shillings for „ nc -'o';. Ataring." Aberdonian: 'V•, a.1? Doctor: "I s n:r bi;, , t vel'; shillings." Aberdoni:,c: ".\ ;,,nu,t ho.:r yc," Doctor, ''7 ret, 1 \ot't charge. you anything." Aberdoniat.. ''Tits., . ye, du,:tor," Mulligan (to grocer)—"If Oi lave yez security equal to what Oi take away, will yez trust me till next wake?" Grocer—"Certainly," Mulligan — "Well. thin, sell me two o' them hams an' kape wan o' them till Oi call agin." ncs')ta rills; ' ,'," ,!a ; ;1•.;,1, inepure,l at a Tena if th : I.:'l any `squirrel" .',it -1,,} 'Nn, ,1,'1 i. 11 rl., 'intt i ran slip til11 :t litt'r • )lr1 I' a ":�1•r .i„u•t ,:•tit !n ;I\''” said the. ,.,.yr turf around a Et)'(." , 111;:1; The Old Bromide, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" was amended by one of the contributors to F,P,A,'s column in the New York World to: "All work and no play makes Jack." Ile n;, t. „r t'7,,.( 't.: 'i sc"- gcantwho n::tl:e basic trainees quake in tl:':ir (;I hr, , 'n:e, line day be lull ned't,i his ilii lt;: "Eyes right," Front tht rear rank, cant,. an unidentified drawl, "1' . sh,t :. suit: yours ;' ,'ri:( mit. First Cannibal (running into camp): "Is I late fo' dinra'?" Second Cannibal: "You is; everybody's eaten." Don't Blame Your DRUGGIST! BLAME THESE 2 THUGS 1 -plus INCREASED DEMAND for Any Shortage of BUCKIEY'S REMEDIES When you ask for a Buckley Remedy and your druggist says, "Sorry, I'm temporarily out of stock",don't blame him. The ingredients that have made Buckley's cough and cold remedies famous, come from all over the world, and Hitler and Tojo sometimes delay theirarrival,so that you cannot always get the Buckley remedy you svant just when you want it, So, don't wait until a bronchial cough,chest coldorgripppc strikes you. Get yam' Buckley's Mix- ture, White Rub Cinnamated Cap- sules, Throat Aids or Cough Drops at the first opportunity and bate then is band to nip oncoming coughs or colds in the bud, See your druggist at onccl Skin Itch SIoDDed in 1 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams and pores where germs hide and cause Itch- ing, Cracking, Eczema -like Resit, Peeling, Burning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, Foot Itch and other skin blemishes. The new treatment Nixoderm stops the itching In 7 minutes and goes right to work curbing the germs and should quickl • help 'mike your skin clearer, softer, smoother and more at- tractive—in feet Nixoderm must satisfy you completely or you get your money back ors return of empty package. Get Nixoderm from your druggist today—see how fast 1t: works and how much better you leek. The money back trial offer protects you. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED 11 you are troubled with itching plies or rectal soreness, du not delay treatment and run the rill( of letting this cond1tlun become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature'¢ warning and proper treatment ehou:d be secured at Once, For this purpose get a package of hem -gold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve tho Itching and soreness and aid to healing the sore tender spots, liens -Raid is pleasant to use, is highly recotnme-nded and It scents the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. 1f you try liens-Il.old and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money If You Get Up HelpYour Kidneys Do you feel older than you are or curter from Getting Up Nights. Backache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pttins, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, eternity or frequent passages? If so, remem- ber that vont Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to Kidney and Bladder trouble;—in such cases ('yetez usually gives prompt andoy- ous relief by helping the Kidneys clean out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You have everything to gain end nothing to lore :n trying eyelet. The iron clad money -back agreement essures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don't de- Iey. Get Centex isir:-tex, from year f:,ilt 0,,, {titre GNgi:iht t`,tti'i. stex .1 r("1'loN S.11,1.1 Art"t'ION S.\1,1: :3 1111.\1) ltt' ]U :t;. 1I leitiu.. trop, reined t(t,,l blood t, sled on April G it. l,t ,)uhtl 1\'. 111'1i, 1100te\v, 01,;. I1niJ,1:R 1'llit 5:51,1: Eolt S:\I,l: itr_Ill.l:l;, ONE. 11.1:,'1. lee h,p. 1'etupp te. i:(t, I l<,• tui! lt,rsehlu, 1'eret 'e n,'.e ion, 1.1-1111- f 10:1"11. 111111' t'I111'k. Itt111' 1'llll'h' jet pit 111) 1t) 1e 111,)01) 'i'11S'I'1'.D t'{u( ke, 1-0 itt)' wt -1.x1. 1 117.E Hundred, Tull:, e'er, en. No we It - Mee 1:..1. \1:...., eel'. I:Fel:e Ave, 11'eldeor, (tett. Su 1tt't'IT ltl:l'1CN1tS ON '1'111: I'd.: lit start. Alelee elle, more lit : Start tl'illl 'I,1p ,\„teh ehieies. Top Notch eh!elee are he tidied (tont !Iger, ear, fully eitl ted for high eeiti 'tion and 1L:'h vitnir, vele folly tulle), r lre- f ully I,Ie ilte,t, d. The dene, foe• '1'r!I' Nets h ,•hick, ie urr:,ter tluut tier 1„•fc,1 . \\',• for,•: -a l: 11"s dt ire' ,t11 end hpar, d our- s, ',see; to tee, f,, •e of the ,i,•mo d. ll',: ,rte t ice 1,1(,(711 delft, ry on the It I iil:,r par, i, , ed. and hcl'rid 10 os>, 7.rn ' 1 l,nl- lets or cork, tel leirlte, Aire th,ntserile et:HI:,i,le for I:,:er (I,- ;it•(1 s', 1' , , ,•etel„e.ue, Top !Cot' h chlek(ri,'•, Guelph, Ono elle, 1101's 1:11S'1' ('ASIi )'ROI' 11'11,1, 111: poultrc end ,rr=. Neither dime t et. (Inuti eon lo list. (Iis:ester• to the men wit sureestfnlly rnle,s poultry ei,,l produces eggs to 11(•1 t thio• ye:u•'s world-wide de- mand. !'our main respnesil,ilil of „e firer, ie 'n shut with the right stuck. 'I'tveddlc has been eupplyine' the right stork for nineteen y, tors. :1l1 rhi,•h., etre Government A p pr o t e d from blood tvet ell breeders. Join tib( thous,' tut of cin (•css(ul ehielcen re Isere who strt. tvhh 'I'weddle Chicks year after yei,r, \1'e can five you immediate d' livery on des old enol started 'hicks, «ill n)5,0 have thuusends of day obis 11v:111011, for April, \ilny and Tune delivery, free catelegn, TteT(141le C',hlelc Tlnl(•het•ies Llmit- erl, •'rrtru +)ntt mio. 111011 01t:lrtle 1tlMO1) TESTED farted and WVhite )locks. lied end Leghorn (`hicks Domed inte delivery, 111(•) en other breeds for inter deliveries. order et once, 1)ufferin Ttnteheries, 20.10 Duffer - in, 7'orontn 10, PLENTY 00' BRAY' ('lTlt'KS, SO don't hold Miele, send your orders end we'll fill these with hreerl and delivery to the hest of 01114$ ability, )tray Hatchery, tan John N.. Hamilton, Ont. P01'I,TRY-KEEPERS, 1:T•; 5111111 of n gond heelthy Minh of baby chiebe this ortuing season, C1nod chieks menu good hens and more eggs. Timone te delivery on day- old eldelce, 1Vrlte for 194.1 rat- aingut' and pileup on our Gnv. ernotrnt Approved ehtrks, MONK - TON 1'nrr:rItt” FARMS, Monk - ton, On 1' rlo, 15 FREE CHICKS 111'\' SUPERIOR (31,11,1'1'1' CIIICh5 "t:X'i'iOA PROFIT" All from inspected approved or certified blood tested hrecders. lbnrre' Reek Price per 100 Mixed 915rt Cockerels Pullets Day - old 14.00 24.00 0.00 1 week old 17.00 27,00 9.00 2 weeks old 22,00 32,00 12.00 9 weeks old 2t;,00 37.00 15.00 To ell who will buy chicks and take Immediate delivery. \Ve will give them 15 free chicks per 100, Send order with deposit. Will ship C.O.D. by Express. Ark for our thrice List for 20 other breeds, WILF1t1a) LErrn\'llI 2025 Amherst Street - Montreal P.Q. IICIITI'S IULt CIIIChS FIRST HATCH FEB, 1. PRICE LiST supplied. All birds for our 1944 he telling' season have the inter- esting 0.13.5. Government Band. Culled nod blood tested by De- partment inspect.ol's. SoLOIIO.N 1.((211'1.'! MIlverinn, i1.11. 1. !'hone 1111-24 BABY' CIIiCIiS AND 1'Ol'LTS, Barred hock and White Legherns fa,nt Government approved and bloodtested stock, all eggs ret from our own stock. Also White Holland and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkee' foul's, Send for price list. The Wright Farm, Ilrockville, Ont. CANADIAN AllI.lW ' (' IIICSS for immediate deiivery, Leghnrns, Perrot Rrn:lc. New Hampshire, :: cx not hybrids. \%'rite for 1. 41 CninloE rrind prire tlst. :1k)NTi'l'ON pot ' 1.'1111 FARMS, Ainnicton, (nit: t:.., R.O.P. AND R.O,P. SIRED BLACK AUS1'ItA1.0111'5 AND 11Art- re•1 Itoeke. Donley Poultry Farm, 71.11. G, Loreto/1, Ont. 1t1.A1:ICIlI:Il1f1GS 1;vEItIJI:A1t1NG BLAClC1:1•:fruits', very )lardy, H: ve been sdcces- .'ully trnnepint,'ed' on Prairies— well parked in 11,00. I(r avy crop- per fruit, istr'r, s«vert Anil in ,•171• tt1 . Order hr f'.r(. April 10'11. 4 t•Ine., for I1.(0 J're:of:id. A. 1Cieln, AFeeelz, 111.1`. HowCanl?? By Anne Ashley I. How e,i t 1 tyre ir(n fn that it will not (..,(((i- A, 'n,1:A, i ub it ssitli a little ::,t dos not contain salt, wrap is them%11 paht1 and it «i11 not rust( Q. Ilo\v can 1 cut Ind ''ai,e• and shortcakes 'without crnntb!iite? A, \lake a slight start acre's, t1:e 101) with a sharp knife; then fin- ish the cut by working a thread hock and forth in a tter. Q, Ilu\V can I rentoic the od. r from a medicine loath A, Fill it half frill of cold r,,,t'r and ;old uni 1;11111',1)i.,11 of dry mustard, Shake tht'r,.n:,h!t, hit stand for half a day, acd tire:: rias': carefully itt coli \',atee, (ti1, llo\t can 1 r( ilh'tit stain,? A, Union juice ie ter'; r'ffc, tiye in removing sc,(rc!t (iI;:in- 0 :11 white material, 1,) 1 io\\• can 1 t emove spots on iurnituro cenee0 by holt? A. lly applying \\ 0(4 alcohol on a soft cloth and titin rubbing the spots with furniture, polish. ;foe; - ever, 1l the spots arc (10th t!7(_ ord curt: for them is refinishing, (.:u111'i,1:'1'1: 3)I51'11115.11, 5.11,1: 11) 111111) SI1I,1,1Nt; ON '1'1'1151':\1', \1Ala'Ii 28th. 1941, .\rrredited 11 c d Sent, 11 Sher' horns: ll, ride,' by Jtlythtveed Master Model, The "r - tering inert it•s 11 top (tu:tlty 0 - ntttlrs end 7 really eholcc \, tn,r ]lulls, Ariel by the Inhrnittl ee:el Grand champion ''anlpbt•ipt cern. roam! imported; :inil 111::ilia''''' -\in.,t,r Model. 4 fir,101- Ieue,P,:, -\Ii1h111's Itensein end e fl ed. thole lot re t'o113 nie H„> ni per - rnt',. 1.:111, 1111, 1.'111111 sinenitd kettle, n ('h' -1, \• 01.4 10.;40,ro. ger :t c:,rlh•f u, et,',, to ii. S. i:,lel, it shoe,,, T'roprietor. .\11011,01, T. ;\nips. ,I. I?. Kuhl. Red ('rte, lunches a1 I'•ernt, DYEING & CLEANING HAVI': 1tilt ANYTHING NEEDS (veinft or cleaning? Write to us for InhirntnHon. 11'e are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment 11. Parker's Dye Works Unified, 791 1'onge Street, To - noon t•:1:1:5 11..1 N'I' 1i 1) 111(,IIES'i' PRICES 1'.111) ' FOR EGGS, Id N'11 AND DRESSED poultry. Payments made prututlt- 1y. I::Itl,•rn Farm l'r"dttcts 4'22 St. foul hast, \lontrcal, Qui, EI,EI•'I'RIU,1I, Ell1JII'3111N'I' ELECTRIC MOTORS. NI; \V. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric d„ Company Ll320 Dufferin SL, Termite 1'4101' HALM BALI\{EI:KA I''L)uT IJALAI destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle, Uttawa agent. Denman Drug Store, 'Ottawa. F':51131 11II 1 1I'3111NP !'Olt SALE USED '111It155111';1tS ANI) T'1tAC- tors of various sizes and 110111•1'14 fur rale, «•huleuale and re tail. For particulars write 1111ggtu•ds' sales and Ser1•ire, \\'ikon Avenue: le,eev. Ontario, t'.11t31 S FOR 5:11,1: FRUIT AND 1'Oh1;PR1' FAiRMS for stele, 5 to 50 acres In Niagara district. Emelly financed. 11. C. McGhee, 90 Jackson St, West, Hamilton, Ontario, FOB. SAL!';, NINE MILES FROM Gait, one-third mile from 97 highway, Valens, !'arm of 112 acres, eighty notes cleared, bal- ance bush and lot of good cedar. Good buildings, lend in high state of cultivation, Forty acres in hay and wheat, rente'ruler plowed, close to school and store. 010 age reason for selling. G. tV, Lanbier, ft,lt. 3, 1'uslinch, Ont, 60-ACIt10 FAUX!, 0001) 1t1'Il,n- Ings, water itt barn, 11m•ningtnn Township. Price only $2,800, 11, .7. Cotty & Co„ 108 Downie Street, Stratford, Ont. 100 AC11i'; FARM, NO, 8 i111;1I\VAY, close to Senfot'th, good buildings and Lund, 4 wells, Apply to I;, C. Chnntberiain, Sen forth, Ont. FARM, 60 ACRES, WEI,T, 0riLT, with or witbnut stock, one half mile sehnol, village two utiles. Box 121', 73 Adelaide \\'„ 'Toronto, 1\'i•1S'I'ERN !AND 1 G 0 ACRES IN NOIYI'11E11N SAS1C- atchcwnn, all under gaud rultivrl- tlon, good mixed terming (Hendee 3 miles front town \V ill] 7 ele- vators, on gond highway; price $25 per neve, $10 per acre cash, he hove arranged. ltnx 101, 73 Adelaide 11'.. Toronto. 1',511.11 111,J,l' WANTED RESI'RCTA13LE, Tit l'S'T1V0ICI' 111'. man without children to operate 10 acres nspuragus, tetenbetu•lee, orchard, On rutin highway, 9 miles west of 'Toronto. Separal” house. This would suit netiVe re- tired farmer, \\'rite fully staling lowest tvage «vtuelyd. I111x 122, 73 Adi'laide St, \Vest, 'Toronto, FAI1MIIAND, SINGtd:, l';XPlelt- feneed mixed forming., milking machine, good with stork. Gond yob for right elan. A. 0. Ilaist, Ridgeville. 1tfAR}tll:ll \iAN FOR 1' It C 1 T farm, separate h005e, hydro. yearly engagement. State numb' r of family and lenges. .T. 11. Stork, 11.71. 3, St. Catharines. !'ARM 91,1('111X1:111' WANTED WANTED J)iIN T ,l.l1, POTATO Seed (utter,. 1111 y same pl e ns Alen f,au rnio retetn 'Planter, trrl;1izer :Mailmen'. T)nnall Cent( ren, 11. 2, iIa;rie, Ont. 1111/11/ ICINI)I;Il(IA lt'I'I1\ 1)1)1'111:1:5: Y121- r.1N .111) Tilt.: early eduoat en „f your pro- srho,•I r•hild with our tree (lite ben/hyoid; 'lyalin He. for home 11.5 «veil at' '''heel n:e, 'they inr'1n11e cut -tole, ,ilhor•tl(e, berdrr<, 11prto. tth'n•-. ir,crru, tions f ,r 1,11.-11.110:110i ty11b coloured pellet-, er,coe• 'i'tt :11'r 11,• pi', d by 1,.0..11 COTO-W.0rd 10, tithe !n 1 h eir'- oar roe 1•'(11 reoe,!h, , 1oent, 1.• e,.. `Cc 7; r,,,h 1, Irl•. •, 'f,•"b,: Serv!ee. :3 5' ort r r , Easy to roll, delightful to smoke FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOMO Gets $2,000 Bath Every 20 Years Nelson and his famous Column in 'Trafalgar Square get a good bath and overhaul normally about every 21) year:, at a co.t of be- tween .L 100 anc112;.00, '1•Itere are usually tome repairs to lie done. tin one. of these: tw ;tsi.(ns ilttgr clacks in Nelson's ;mil, as long as eight incite- ,uni i+ler incite, deep, had to 10 iill(d iu with a •l,rrial cement, The increase of heavy traffic and tibration hoot the ttlbr9 were not supposed, by the +iii'e of work., experts, to be doing; the column any good, and daring the air raids of three years ago it nil -t have had a further shaking, Moro th,lit 111,10111 training air- craft are in use by the I1riti ?t Commonwealth .lir 'Training l'lan, 11(IItellS 1'O11 S:t1,11 l't:'I'S 11'AS'I'11O I11:11, 1'11 L0\i1Nll Q1'A1t'1'1.11 110115- ce end reg, 1'eluntino 'Tennessee Walking horse of gram] cham- pion bl('od lines, St tilione from «•ranting roll, tc, servo"able vires; owns front weanling to brood mares in feel to our out- sL'tding sinlliens: 3 good Pal - 11111t1) tioelt her>ra of (mauler here,, breeding; 5 meg, 1'al"milt, geldings, teal pl,:hurt• horses, very gro:le, sato for lattice, Oren or ine xp' ri, need riders; snvenii reg, teeneeeeo \1';Ukinr; rite«• horses, Let nt,• knew your : cquir, 101, Send for "u:• lat- est tit et Rohe, pricelit,), \\'nrld's leri:est breeder,: „f, 1,,I,Inlinn h o r s e s 1'ISIJI:It 1'ALU11iso 1•'.111AiS, Solid,) tun, 1'11, iHAIRDRESSING SCHOOL L 1'. A it N HAI Itiel1Llt SING '1'1110 ltoberteun method. Information on request regarding classes,. llobortson'e Hairdressing Acad• «m)•, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, 11.5111 GOODS \V 1 (1 S ,'l'rll'1'11S, 'I'll.\NSI'Ort\1- a.tiens, ' So itches, Curls a:td ell types or lir,r't ,finality holt Goode, Write for Illustt•at,(1 cat- ulogttr, 'Toronto 'lumen limit' Supply Ce., e25 L'athurst Street, Toronto. 11A RI 'I'wl•:11115 GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 YARD ENDS AT £2.t'r! PER yet el. 11it: h (lr:,de. half yard Suit- ings or Gabel dines, suitable for chil,.ircn's clttlie:'. 8i5: each, Post- age exist, Louie Mice, 3111 Spadtna Avenue, Toronto, 11:1NI)11'111'11NC, DISCOVER YOE1t iti1)D1;N TAT, ents. Complete handwriting an- alysis, $J. Deo ink, unrnled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Silos, +140 Itwnnhy Itivd,. 'Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING SI,I1'IT HARNESS DRESSING --- Finest )(ather and harness pre- servatite. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto, HORSES iO(( 5.11,11 FOR SALE ('ARLOAT) e; (10 11 horses, fourteen to eighteen ewt, Correspnnrl.ncr. invited, T. 1;. Ninrphy, i'henille Sask, ()PEER '1'(1 1\\'1;\'l'fltS AN 0P1'ETl TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full tnfor- mallnn sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Potent Attorneys, 273 Ilnnic Street. Ottawa, Canada. 11IO'1'OltS f(►It SALE • N1';11' MOTORS FOR IAIMI;I)IA'rl: delivery, all sizes and electrical speei0'.'thins. Large stock or re• huilt motors, nuu'iiiue shop egnill- mont and wood -working nutchim roe 91ery Machinery Co,, ley King Eris!, Toronto. 3iEn1(',11, 001)11 ADV11'E! i':VEit1' St:l'I'EI;- 11. of ith,•uinntil' faint' or Neur- itis should Uy 1)ixnu', Remedy. Munro's Drltg Store 335 Elgin, tlft:etee, itneteeld 01 ill, NURS11)t\' STOCK le it te 1; -- COLORED NI'It11101' catalogue. Full lite of Ft MI Trees; tivergterns: 1''lowerole Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees: R o s r it; Rrnnkdale-kings«•:n' Nnrerrte». l:mym:enville On berm 1'110'1 tiet 10 A1'11\ SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x0" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25e, Prun- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Mack !'.bony (inlet) frames, on ivory stats 7a9", 59c tacit. 1f coloured 72e each. ANY SIZE ROLL G or 8 exposures DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 25e Get prompt mall service on quality work at lots cost. Sa defi1 custom- ers nil over Canada will tell you Hint Stor Snapshot .tt\e .e does s lite best work, DON'T TANI. RISKS \fell YOUR FILMS S;apthnts eau never be taken again. Send your roil:, to Callao -Cs largest end tints) finishing; studio— . STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1211, foetal TcrnlinxI .9, Toronto Print Your Name and Address n )' on .111 Ordeie. MAIL YOUR FILMS I'll iMl'I:ul.\I. fell: ;i: \Lae, r•rt'lre end •etisfeetien 1; or 8 e.p(Hute thio, r•; 1, I'1111ts 5 fpr . linnet ial Phot" S( ryi,_r, Str,- en J. Toronto. N'AN'1'111) 1'r\N.11tl1'i1, l't;l'1'lES, J'er=ion J;ittens, l'igcnus, 11th+. Pots. Send dcs(•ripihnts i,rivy to Sot,; k 14(18 Co„ 1230 St, t:atll- 'mine 91'„ Jinntrrn1. I'A'1.I'N'I'5 F1':'l'll t,itS'rON IIA UI I1 & CU\11'AN Y Patent SuHcitore. I:shlbltshed 1890; 11 Bing \Vest, '1'orunt0, booklet of !mut l:ttlun Lai re- ediest. I'latsoN.tl, (.GAIN 1\'Istatei EN('L,OSR Itllt'I'li dile, SL•tnlps :iecepte0. \'oluutar': donations, 1',O, ltex 8„1, Otta%re, eel mole. 111 11,11:s.“ 1'.t'r (.11 E % QUILTING PATCHES 1''ANt:V Torre t.1'l'INGS .\N11 111(;11 grid,. Sin tinge, 1,1,010 ;::'“1, 11 'r«•, i ,l t, (x 18, 11) pie,•cs $2,1',11 postage itic'ltlded. !.on: Wee, 161 Sp:ldin•t .\11 nu,, 'I'oroe:to, It I I1:I'.11.t'I'I l' 11%1V4 l'I'S I111'llll't' \N'I'-1:\'i1It1' 101 1'- f1.rr: f Ith, unlit:0 !'min, or N( ue ;t i`•• should 1 ry 1 ti\,,tl•a I:,•nt- edy. Sold Homo's Irma son,. aa.' I:igin, (1llatva, 1'o,tl,ai,l c1•10”. SONG litileU11 11'1?:'1'l:p To D1: St:'i' 'I'0 a11•511'. Send p,,,'nl for inl(to,li lt' rnn- sid'.r: tio, five Ste r Nmol' Aiast- res, 311 Rescan 1011:., Pete! on. Alnss S11111) CORN 11'11 ARE G1t01V111:S AND .919 11e - eters of the famous '!'ruck Lund Ear Brand seed cure, Order early MA save money, 11,110 }fiver Grain .1 Seed Compat:y, hello River, Ont. SIIIOIIS 1011 5.11,0 TIIOltOCI;11b1' 11EcI,1':.\NI•:D I;UV- 111 Ment graded +lover 501 ds, Timothy tool ($nssnrle .\If•117',. Write for prices. J, E. Muir, Cey- lon, Unterio. SEEDS 1944 FLOWER NOVELTIES 1'111+ vE.\lt (;R0\\' :1 0.1ltl'ENI'I'L of rainbow colours, Melee 19x1 Introductions --- Petunia cheer- ful, :t fret -flowering clear pink henuty; Marigold Meinmeth Alum with it 'e Iel e -t, 11eblooms;n pinwheel a picture 111 colour lint, from int, ur c n ine- re(1 to cherry pink, Solid (7' to- day for 3 phis, of hos 1P :\11 .1(t- et'f+a 59't1111els 1\'nluc 77,1 to Dept. \1', \\', \V, (lick and Sons Limited, I,ludsii7, Ontario, "1,41,43 of 71+rit." 51:111)5 .t: 5:1..515 I'S \'1:1;1:'1'.\Iti,bl & 1'1.011'1:11 51:1:11 nod I'Iaal•, pek, fur etentp: eiel swap for need s•Iamite lee. Mil h, Pin til co., 1ia1:,111:1%1,1 ;,4. 1'(111 5.5L11 AAIE111('-\N 1'1011.\\1 SI:I'.\I:.\'I'Olt Sn1r0 1ti t SerVieo ne10 mud re - h1111 lett t in'o. \en, t 1,':111 <, 11- '1 1•111' aai, t;e(brirli• (ne, 1:(111 .11,1: KNITTING, \\'11.1\'INI; 91'O11I. e aro. 11111 ply, 0111 , Hee, red, kleilci, Meek, per pound. rinae:e0ll1.11 1:,111t111, '1, 111.11'/, 101. .11 runt:, 1:111 5111811':11 1111"O11'I' 1\ TED \1' \NT1:11 '11)111'1• 0 )1+11 I'.\1'I\,; Stnnnu'r R, •ort m• I lotl. oft rash to. 3 went. I;, b, : 1 *.d.,;105 lnrlcron :11x,(1 1yi,l. II: null ma t tnt:u i,, '('11.51"1'1111 Y I'11I1 . 51,11 Mct'llltAll1li 1 1I:I1I1IN0 'fit \i"I'I lit fifll, 11 thirty, now ria_ r:1 el pills, radiator. I1lrrdt•ut ro(dl• tion, S71111: 2 he IIIbore, , le, t • r motors, 3 phase 2;,11 vet, (eel 525, in .91 chine., Friel Beide ,07, ('nl'0) t iib', lint, =_TRR 11"1'011 11'.1\'1'111) -- \\'.\N'I'1/1)--1,.\'i'tl Altlrila, 'I'i:t tee• all Illi l ' fon , eehh, pee to, Ile, men. 10') 1 " '1',11'1111 111131 STO11A1'l1 .9110 'riled;,\11 \Vitu'ds 7flell 'e e 1 n' r: ., n 1 of iI ul'( f 11 h, .1 I h 111 11111tt'1o, 1111 •u'rt No eke 11)1• ionto:'! 9\'Its !'„i bit , )ml 1f !Itis is your tremble" Inlnre=line uar- ticnl:ns—I'ror1 t\'rhe \Inlvtrlev'a ltrml'dirs, 5t1e'( lits I'• 1.,nln 3, all 1'1"1'11\'1'111\1 9\ 11111, 1:11111‘1:1t MR. WOOL GROWER ('1115 1'1.1+ I:S'1'.\111.IS11PI1 1\tiri1.- 1, it 11:11 i- under h..e. hrulaue- (u ot. \\'e tpr1:11r :, Do- • 1, 1,1 Got 01Iwo 111 \Tied 91',!iltou nn,l err 111' (81+(1 to i,ur,•h:,<,• this Sr a•:,11'0 tt oo1 clip n( r;or, 1 ; ' rl,ni 111n1i,t0 o101a1'i,, Ind ,t ';t, l r un nl etipn1:11, In ir, '1'111: S'I'I; \'Pili;O1 \V10t1.I,Il\ )Iii,t,S t.tMiTt:ii, S'i'111'll1l:111', 7 +7 1 .\ 110 U. HE'S DOING BETTER SCHOOL WORK with this BETTER BREAKFAST 7YIWYini►:,e, Young folks burn up lots of energy in a day. They must have plenty of good nourish- ing food, So give them a better breakfast . . give them Nabisco Shredded Wheat, Mode dont 100% Canadian whole wheat it contains the essential energy• buildelc: co,bohydrates, pro• tcins, and the minerals iron and phosphorus. Nabisco Shredded Wheat is ready• cooked, ready to eat. Try the tested, practical recipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. 214E Niagara Fulls, Canasta TABLE TALKS SADIE 13. CHAMBERS Once more I am going to give you a fete meat recipes. I believe we all have the habit of neglecting something "nest" in meat dishes, possibly because we feel that a meat dish of any kind satisfies the appetite and we just adhere to a daily or weekly routine. I'll begin with a few hints about the storing 01 meat, which we would all do well to study. 'These are given out by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and arc most helpful. Proper Storing 1. Unwrap at once. Wrapping paper draws juices from the (teat. 2. \Vipe with a damp cloth. Place on a dry plate and cover loosely, preferably with waxed paper, 3. Store in the coldest place av- ailable. 4. Ground meat should be used promptly whether raw or cooked; For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH PRiCE 30c and 50c at ALL Druggists MIDDLE -AGE WOMEN (yrs.old) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for Women, Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made In Canada. BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS II your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a stns. sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there Is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care. fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will and their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. it f prllS mete 'llni:1 U l' then 11:: - ground meat, 5. Cooked nolt should be all„':: - ed to cool, uncovered, then culer- ed tightly an+l kept cob.(. o, Stewo Neat soups, etc., cook- ed wjth potatoes or thickened Leith flour should be used promptly; they spoil quickly. Spicy Pot Roast Combine '2' cup (pater 2 cup vine;:a 4 cloves Small bay leaf r.l teaspoon salt 1 small onion (cut fine) ]'lace meat in a bowl. Pour over it the spiced liquid, Let stand at least 3 hours, turning meat several times. Remove meat; prepare and cook as Pot Roast, using strained liquid in place of \eater in cooking. Liver Patties 1 lb. liver (ground) 3 cups soft bread crumbs I:j cep grated onion 1 egg 4 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Pepper Mix all ingredients together and shape to fit muffin tins. Roll in ad- ditional flour, Place in greased muffin tins and brush tops with melted fat. Bake in a hot oven, 4000F, 10 minutes. Serve 1pitll Sun- shine Sauce, Sunshine Sauce 1 tablespoon fat 2 tablespoons four 11,2 cups milk Salt and pepper 13 cups grated raw carrots Make as creast sauce, adding carrots just before serving. Sausage Strudel 12 sausages 1 apple :1 tablespoon brown sugar Biscuit dough .(fake biscuit dough from 2 caps flour. Dull in a rectangle Li inch thick and 10 inches long. Parboil sausage.: ; minutes, Wash, core and cut apple in 12 wedges, do not peel. Dip in brown sugar. Press sausages into dough in pairs with 2 wedges of apple between saus- ages. Leave a small space between each pair of sausage, Bake in a hot oven, 400°F, about 25 !Me- ttles. Mit,, Chambers neleonus personal letters from Interested renders. She Is ',lensed to receive suggestions on loples for her column, and i► always ready to listen 10 your "pet peeves." Requests for recipes or special menus nre In order. Address your letters to n3llss Sadie 11, Chambers. 73 'West Adelaide Sf., Toronto." Send stamped self-ad- dressed envelope If you wish • reply. Bank Staff Makes Rivets At Night A miniature munition factory has been opened in a Birmingham, Eng- land, bank. After closing their ledgers and locking up cash boxes, men and women clerks return at night as war workers. The bank is helping a big muni- tion factory to double its output of rivets. The factory takes the work to and from the bank. The bank staff k paid trade union rates. _ By VICTOR ROSSEAU t CIIAI'Ti:R XXII ria (,• stei+ptd ,tial 111• liet•c,l t ,+t;};-tetll o1 Ili' gun. "1 ou out sore haler dote a 1111,' " ;02. said. ,112 \','er g"iu' t+' 1,111, Ilse' '•. :111x1 stotositt, if 1'1111 1l ail( 21 i!r! 6x111: to M's,..1 ttitlluut Twos un yore shoulder-, 11.11,x1 hale yuh (lolls "111102." an, llerld 1 opg•,tell, "I ain't set eyes o2. is, Lois sines she lode Int" hien :11, iti rein' 1111 111 s's ,s, 'll' 1 nllnl'I,t'11 � rill Till' tier:in;np :n1, ,;i,., ,ttaip1:. mill 1l,ltt'. ct, •11'ntlaa the hay Bard ,Ills, nl hi- foe II,- ,tar, Into (- •t'.- lt, Il . no "se . , : cad to . truth. "You sec.,: ,a cried suddenly, "1 111 talkie' : tr.'i. ;•! " .111,11 eetsi the sheriff. "I r'+Ih' •ip here 111121 the 1111,1 of ea:npi 1• and s.t2:tie' on a hunt for yore tr„i! in the re, r'•• In', If soIncune 11,11: \I1' awiit• 11'!1e'lt 12(11 gn'le, ?t '1`:.': etc. \\'hy, 1 don't left''' v. here 1 two been 111(101' up. :eht ain't !met bad, is she?" "She was settle' ',11'11. \1'e t'.:.'. goiu' to start out to:m.getw . 2.11.11 Stuldcnly the mask of hate l.ulisiutl from Dave's face, ''I'1:: htlie'.ill' yuh, sheriff," he sail!, "But ii .. 1va!It t 1'01 21111 %,s, • Y,'lltl 2',;t' 1t:" • . a Sheriff lo::gsp, el: ',2 silt et. Dave 111et 111(1 1,111::1 scrutiny of 111` Cyt', thea s:uld'nly' ll,tn h' l back his gun and thou'.: ill. ,'s :. into his hurter, "You ere)) the. drop 11:1 nn' noon Coges«'ell," he 5x111, "1'01 fru tin' y'Ott. You can take 1111 into Mescal if snit hunt to. But I always felt yule knell' 1 didn't kill old 1looker. And I'm ;Klein' yuh t') trust no: word sank as I trusted yore,, and ride frith me to final tilt skunk that took her away. After that, 1'11 ie ready 10 plac'• 20:. -cif in , ,:•t 1',ands." Cot:goes:II holstered !lis nn a c,•.r.: in 11111:1 and gave Dave itis. hand. "That goes svith nre." ;le sv l gravely. "1'0'110 right, Bruen, I'1l purly sure yuh didn't kill old Hook- er. I been •,vorkjn' c':1 a line of my otpu, and 1 thing: I'ni on the trail, I'm aceeptil;' thele terms ui )'ores. And in it few minutes I think I'll have some elidenre. It's In that cabin. Nope', not Miss i.oi:. 1 just trussed up and gagged a hombre wig) \vas actin' suspicious. after havin' to kill his horse." Ile led the way into the cable. Trussed and gagged very effective- ly upon the Iloor \vas the \lexical, ,Pedro, whom Curran had sent hash to the Cross -liar. "Ain't had time to question '.din yet," the sheriff explained. "Ile vas sorter stunned when hi; horse dropped tinder him, Now we'll tic," 1, * Ile pulled the gag out of the mouth of the helpless man, Pedro, who recognized Dave, glared in nlistd I,,0 ,I. l fury ,at Lim and at ( toe -ern, "Vole c jet up, 1', dr ' 'hid 1.211 `•h('I'll i. ', ', re town' to r111„ acne, Ind 'u;2 (pea, or • ort life ain't „ol t!1 a nickel. 1''l just as s(em s:.1, t nh ;Imo .1, l'd shunt t 1'. dee. 01,1( le \\'pert', 1'1111.211'" „I 112' not Leine, 11211," protested the \l '22ran. "1 ride jus' 1) 1l, Ino 11 to tit 12112)211, afar i " I,,;1' 1 „ stray. .1:!d yet: :!luta n,, ,• ,11111 t: no- !Ip.,, "Noss li-t: 11, 1'2111',, i. ,1,11't I, bit of use ly'!) to 0:e,' r, plied the shertif, :like I trot Oft .1"2'11., on ytlll, 1 bt'':1 1100 h.12110 ,tdlelilil' :uysclf the 1,I•1 fr;': (1•1 'I :,::11 1 :0011 y111 ;11111 1:nr:lug 1,1.1:11:1' art':111,1 there part- look0l' 1'10' „ 120 0.2.. "It 1'.21, 4'1 you this ride out i1!tr' the dill-, and 1 atrbcd } on 11210 bark. 11'!1211 I 11!1'1 still, sell tried to go 03'. 1'21) p111;i11g it up t" : uh. Cur - :,u1 ain't ;,t t1.,: I;.tr. \\'iO'I'. "1 s2t 111111 la"t bight. 1 do ::u`, I:nuw today, \1c and !lila nre 1, irk for this man." Pedro jt•rlu'd his head in 11x11,•0 direction, 1 look for-ir)y,---" puttln' the qui -tion in a:1- cthcr nap," said the 5h1t'rl?f pa- :itllt!1•, "1\ l•ere's Curran got Miss Los:' "Senor, 1 .'10 !late see Ile'r `ince that Mein x110 ride alga'. 1pitll 21:is nom fn':n r ■ toga,-1'el! drew the -i.'gme from his 11(1,!111• and spun the cylinder, llc turned to !nave, "\Lay as well take this fells': ':here ne ainl to bury hili(," he said, "No 2e1ke 11) IIIIISSUI' up 11115 floor, '1'ltcre's a place at the cdoe of the mesal '1 here the ground's soft." Ile picked uta the end of the rope that hound the Mexican and began dragging the nine toward the door. "1cncr," chattered 1'etlro, "con 2annut murder Inc. 1 did nut take: the girl assay,•, "1'uu'te had your chance, Pedro. ('Quit, on, Bruce, let's get hint over the sill and finish hint," he added. The six-gun jerked upward. A scream leed.e from the \iexican's lips, "Senor, I tell—don't shout—I tell," chattered Pedro. "Curran bring the girl this nto•nin' to the rabin, that the gold prospector built uOtIV years ago in the blind tele - "I know n here it is," answered Coggswell, ":111 right, Pedro, yu;1 saved yore life. I'm guilt' to leave yule tied up here, for which 1 reck- on 301)'11 be grateful to 1112 after- ward, 1'11 get ytth a drink of wa- ter." Coggswell filled a pitcher and held it to 1'edro's lips, setting it (luwll beside him when iie svas 111ough. ile turned to 1/ave. "Reckon nye better ride," he sahl. "1 gut my, four 111(111 waitin' down benne the esa, but I don't :tins to (paste no more time 'pith Alms I.ois in the hands of that feller." DEADLY NEW 'WATER BUFFALO' 0+2. ilrfLsa`� '' 11,11(.:.1-.'»tila� Iry-rxa.<xand'.'",4 "^,:... ,.:.� .. �•� Photos above show the Navy's deadly new amphibious tank, the I.VT (A)-1 "Water Buffalo," whose improved features include a 37 -mm. cannon, two 60 -cal. nmachine guns and a turret "super -structure" to protect the crew, Because of its ability to travel on water, as pictured at top, it is doubly formidable. The center photo shows it splitting the nighttime darkness with a stream of death. At bottom a "Water Buffalo" backstops, with its heavy fire power, marines it brought ashore on Parry Island, Eniwetok Atoll, as they take cover behind sand dune. VNO'S •tgtit capd fd0 1 �C t ' 431101-°.604.?:! t1' b `P'1 Ni r; dHtd ri Dto ae act.,•••• - COUGH SYRUP Invaluable for COUGHS—COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA n1 WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT Children love Veno's 1.1xve only spoke once during time ride, "Sheriff," he said, "2.0 lived in this district quite some time, ain't yuh: 1•.ver hear 01 a waddy dlSappc:ll'lll' Illy steriously• Course he didn't have to be a a add . May have been a prospector, lie described his discove.:'y of the skeleton in the rapine. "Shot through the back of the head," he said, "teller had fractured his leg at some time, up near the thigh. 1t was all healed up rough." "Yuh found him?" shouted Coggswell, turning round in the saddle. "Well, that clears up con- si(l'rable more along the !at.s I was ipurkin' " K * • "It's all right, judge," called Cur- ran, as Loncrgan drew rein suspi- ciously, 10 the way Ferris had ,!one. "Here's \lr, Ferris, and just nee, and we're waitin' to talk things over pleasant -like." title," grumbled l.unergan, dis- title,' 'grumbled Loncrgan. dis- mounting and stalking into the shack. 110 nodded curtly to the rancIt11tvl and seated himself upon one of the three stumps, waving away Curran's offer of a drink. Loncrgau's manner was still that of a judge, a titan condescending to meet those socially beneath him, "\\'hat's that noise in there.'" de- manded Loncrgan suspiciously, as Lois, hearing the twice of the 11CW arrival, made a desperate attempt to free herself. "Tull can go in and look if y'tth want to, Mr. Lonergan," grinned the foreman. "But that's strictly a private matter." Lanergan strode to the entrance of the smaller room, Ile could just stake out lois fastened on the bunk, and her eyes turned implor- ingly upon his. Ile hesitated, then swung back angrily. "\\That's that mean, Curran;" he demanded, "Got on Bruce's trail this morn - answered Curran. "Ile (lade his getaway, but l nabbed the girl. Was waitin' for ytth to examine her, after this other business is set- tled." (Continued ":;ext \\'cel) Super -Super Bombs Blast Rocks Aircraft '1'hc blast from Britain's "super - super blockbusters" --a 12,000-pint:d bonth--is so great that it rocks en, aircraft several thousand feet in the sky, an RAJ'. pilot related recent- ly. That was his experience ;ate. dropping one on the t;flonle-Rho::t engine works at Limoges, Ftbre- ary "1vee at the height of many thousands of feet the blast is sut- ficieut to rock aircraft," he said. "The ss hole sky is lit up as thoug's you have created a new stat, The blast seems to linger for a while and spread out. "After 1 had dropped a 12,000- poundcr on the Gnome-1:hot:e works, I went out to reconnoitre and take photographs, All 1 can say is that the damage from one of these new bombs looks like z concentrated attack on a nuntbe. of aircraft with the snlail type bombs we used in the early days of the (var." When To Dry Hybrid Seed Corn. 10 view of the fact that practic- ally all hybrid seed corn is dries artificially, the findings on this sub- ject of the Forage Crops Division, Dominion Experimental Farms Ser- vice, are important, Further research studies on the effect of ar- tificial drying of seed corn harves- ted at different stages of maturit'- httt'e served +tet `'" 'on prc1Iuue results which shone at the ger- mination of corn containing 40 pc: cent or More of Moisture is so ser- iously injured by drying of the ears at 110 degree F., that it is ren- dered unsatisfactory for seed use. Similar drying 11110 no effect upon the germination of seed front sari which contained .11 to 30 per c0:11 of moisture. An appreciable rainfall occur - 0n1y once every fele years in the hgy plian desert. o -day, cis always, the `Salacla' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas. E A "I've found T can give up dosing!" "I've found a far better way to correct constipation! One. that gives nre the kind of lasting relief I've always wanted, and never got, from harsh pills and purga- tives. I've tried eversoinanv,but it's KEI.I.O(:G'S ALL -BRAN regu- larly for nre from now on." Such a happy eetperienre is just on0of thousand. among people who have tried KELLOGG', ALL -BRAN for constipa- tion due to lack of "bulk" in the diet! ALL•11R.\\ corrects the cause of such trouble, by supplying "bulk -forming" material needed for easy-, natural el ittatiun. Ii this kind of constipation has t )lamed you, try eat ing IcFJ,R)CG'S A1.1: 11R.\N regularly, or several ALL - 111t:\ '. tnutlins every clay. Prink plenty of water. See if you don 1. u aisa its w•ticonlu r lief: Get ALL -BRAN at your racer s: . e• )venient si Made b 1 Ks 11 gg' in Umlaut', n. -t Page 8. THE STANDARD .�._• ..mectivesoctoottetwatctoctomottomtctoctomatcloctmutoctottocits hj Avoid Colds yWearing ootwear Good c. r_• 1x4 :t: It2s/0t2tWr9r2blaiai2ta,? X17•2inaMIDA2iNDI:N Hilt)t2t2+`r'ti3 N2nDiDtVatt'aiDiD a iDalit2M 1 WE CAN SUPPLY ALL THE FAMILY IVIrTwI-I SHOES, RUBBERS, RUI3ER BOOTS, ANI) GALOSHES. Olive McGill .-111•1.1_.,.._._. &kiwon ei \l rs. Alice Fa\wct tt and \Irs. Fred AI'a\w•iett spent Sunday in London. NI iss Velma Naylor of •1',rolllu, spa 111 the \week -roll at her hunk here, \liss \Vilma \\'atsnn, of I\ippcn, spent the \rock -cod at her Moore here. \Ir, G. R..\ugustine spent hast \Veelt in London. hi \I r. 1 Limy \iet:idiom has moved lois butcher business into the Ite\w' premises. 14 11 JS A Lovely Assortment Easter Cards on Dispay Waxed Paper handy -package 10c Waxed Paper in rolls, boxed for handiness tear off what you want, 50 feet 20c; 100 feet 35c POCKET-SIZE MAGAZINES 25c and 39c These are complete books with 250 and 300 pages, by popular authors, splendid for sending Overseas. PANDA PADS ---We have again be able to secure a limited quantity of the Popular Panda Pads. This pad consists of 200 pages, letter size, and a splendid quality paper. Same Price - 29c. PICTURES ---A love'y assortment of Pictures - 35c. GREETING CARDS --- For All Occasions - Get Well, Sympathy, Baby Congratulation, Wedding Anniversary, Wedding Congratulation, Wedding Gift and Shower Gift Cards, Always on Hand. H AN -DEE EMBOSSED TOWELS 1Sc WRITING PAPER Pads, IOc, 15c, 25c, 35c Envelopes, Linen and Kid Finish pkg. 10c Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 5c ASplendid Assortment of Gaines, and a Few Toys, Suitable for Gifts for Children. Paint Books, Story Books, and Cut -Outs. A Fine Assortment of Photograph Albums. Also Your Headquarters for Magazines. The Standard Book Store HURON GRILL --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. 1 \lis; Prances Johnston returned to Toronto on Monday after spending the past two %\'ccks %•illi her mother, \Irs. 11. C. Johnston. \I r. Elmer Pollard and airs. AI, hritilr} \\rrc London visitors on Sun- day. \Irs. harry \\'est and sons, Boger and Eric, Ili 'I'ecs\vater, spent Friday with \1r. and \Irs. J. U. \\'arson. \Irs. Chester \lorrison and children returned home on \londav from a it \\ jilt relatives in \lonnt Forest. \Irs. Clarence Johnston and Miss lona, visited on \londay with \I r. and airs lailhhy, of London, 1.. -Cpl, Jessie Phillips of Ilarricficld spent the \week-cntl \with iter parents, Mr. and Airs, J. 11. Phillips, \I iss Bertha llrogdcn of London spent a few days last wc;k with her sister, all's. David Floody. Mrs. \V. P. \lorris spent the %week- end \with het• nmthe'•., Mrs, Anthony leCilynn, of 'I'crswater, is. (alive \Ic(;ill, spent a few days in 'Toronto this week, visiting with \I r. and \Irs. \Vcllington \Ic(iill, Doherty Bros. - GARAGE. Acclylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White hose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Wednesday, March 22, 1944# 1 1. .1 .4.111..1 _1 L • NYAL VITA -VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES -contain Vitamin A, Vita. min B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D with Riboflavin, Iron Liver Concentrate and Wheat Germ Oil. When you take Vita -Vint Multiple Capsules, you ttipplenicnt the Vitamins r.ecded for normal health. 100 CAPSULES $3.00, FOUR VITAMINS WITH IRON -Vitamins A, D, D and 0, with Iron - and Ammonium Citrate in a palatable flavoured Malt Syrup, excel- ' lent for children and convalescents, PER BOTTLE $1,19 NYAL VITAMIN TABLETS are high potency B complex factors, nat• ural to pure Brewer's Yeast, furnishing these r.ecessary health cle• meats in cases of dict deficiency, All all -year-round vitamin ▪ requirement. 100 TABLETS $1.25 CREOPHOS-The tonic to use during and after the attacks of flu, colds, etc, Excellent for decp•seated coughs, Bronchitis and Asth• uratic Conditions. PER BOTTLE $1.00 R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 1VALLPAPFR-P-1f110NEsastsolguememmunagaimmor 2P• t, ."tr. ;sr / v.. rwingssawrresramor 141C1P.tOetttar.ti ! tl,MtitIVCISI;W4lCTit"CIVI'd;1'\rG'C,ts:=lC'Zi giti'41fir. tCtZitrA iC444.444Itt{tKtlif \lisses Laura Bruce and \Iara;arcl >• Decorator's ShoppE. 1�: • Crawford, of l l(''. ler, spent the week- .=Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery'? Incl \lit) airs, D. Crayford. PHONE 153, BLYTH. 0.44. f Y� 44, .44 ••04• 4• .:• •:• •:. 1.0 4• r0 •• •�.:, •�•4:1 4. \1r. Scott :\ntcnt of 'Fronton, and \I r. Harry :\aunt of Sioux Lookout, visited at the home of tate fornier's father-in-law, \I r. George 1lirons. \Irs. NV. .1.Armstrong. accompanied by \Ir, and airs. James Gipson, visited last week with friends in St. Cathar- ines and Port Erie. Misses \laurcen \Iorr•itt and Dor- othy Redding of \Ionkton, spent the week -end with the forncer's parents, Reeve \\', 11. and \Irs, \lorritt. airs, Freeman 7'unncy returned home after visiting her parents, \(r. and Mrs. Thomas 'tiller. 1ler father, \\ho has heen quite ill, is now a patient in the \\'inghant hospital. \I r, Stanley Sibthorpe has moved his barbering equipment into the building recently vacated by the Elliott Insur- ance Agency, and is now open for busi- ness. 1!c has rented his barbering business in \\'inghain, and expects to shortly move his fancily herr, 11 1 /Y..1 1.1111.I_I1 RJ ...1..1. 1111..1/ 11111 IA 11..1 1.1 = THE BLYTH ::Horticultural Society= FRANK GONG Proprietor i will hold an I J . • 1 � tetC404t{t0Cftetg1414•L OCCI OCICi1etVggitel1�'.t$'•'1O:1tPRtP.1 IC ofPRiPa'R.tgttCatMPstGCb',AC 4 STUART ROBINSON d Id I i Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Strut. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. Neilson's Cocoa 1 lb. 29c; half lb, 1.0c Jiffy Whip, flakes Whipped Cream Blueberries .. 20 oz. tin 30c Sardines .. Tin, 10c, Lk and 15c Kippered Snacks . Tin, 15c TOILET SOAP SPECIAL 7c CAKE OR 4 FOR 25c Paulding Powders Each, 5c to 12c 111.• New 0 Cedar Furniture Polish Bottle, 25c Hawes Lemon Oil Pottle, 15s, 25c GARDEN SEEDS SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes. 07/4-dt2t2t217k7s'aatThM t.1120XBiart`rt9tDtba r`r X)i2t)aii►a&DI:ADIDtallorMINDI 1Dt?Wibta EVENINGS ENTERTAINMENT IN THE SCHOOL ROOM of St. Andrew's United Church FRIDAY EVENING 1' _I MARCH 24TI-I - 8 P.M. So!oists: Mts. Gcra'd Brailey, and Miss Luella Taylor. Reports by the de'e3ates to the Ontario Hor'icultural Convention. Mowing Pictures by Court:sy Mr. Lorne Webb. ' The Popular Play n ="THE NINE LIVES OF EMILY" by Senior High School Students - will be repeated. AAdmission, 25c and 15c. Y�v "COVERALLS" da RSponsored by Group No. 4 of the ■ W.A. of the Blyth United Church In Blyth Memorial Hail PLAY ENTITLED put on by North Strect United Church, Gedcrich Girls' War Auxiliary rents. Mrs. J. Silas and Mrs. It. 'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 The War Auxiliary met MarcllWalsh1ilthl alsh poured tea. at the honk of Mrs. George Radford The next meeting will be a social Mrs. Rutherford presided for a short evening with a 25e c:dlection, and will business meeting, followed by the he held' at the home of \liss Dorothy work period, directed by llrs. D. Pnplestone, Thursday evening. March Stewart. The hostess served refresh- ,30th. This plat• conics highly recommended having been put on a number of ties in (;ncicrich and Dungannon, to full houses. Admission, Adults, 35c, Children, 20c. urniture Living -Room New styles in Chesterfield Suites, upholstered in high grade, pile fabrics, spring -filled throughout, at Attractive Prices, Spring -filled Sofa Beds and Studio `Lounges, tailored In Attractive, (lura i)lc Covering's, at Mod- erate Prices, End Tables, Book Cases, Coffee Tables, La111ps, Kneehole Desks and Other, Living -Room Pieces help to make your home more comfortable and en- joyable.. Every War Savings Stamp You hick, helps to Lick The Enemy. s 014 ilew 1.1 1y/, Phone, 7 and 8 - Funeraltar Furnisher tiaiDoiLaOaa.y10yMD,q Yaivar ksztD,.7 aat'gzineiraV ki:?2mlo0yDiDa(Re tX Ho111ya BAKERY 9 r•1' PERSONAL INTEREST I \vel e \ cry Vlach appreciated. BREAD, CAKES, \I r. N. \V. Kyle, manager of the \lass \laxine hail returned to Ilcs- PIES and BUNS lural branch of the Canadian !lank of pcler NIond,ly ;a(ter spending a fc\w Commerce, teas present, and spoke AL,dVA'YS ON 1-IANI).'days at her hone near :\uht'11' briefly. 1 l was accompanied by Mrs. Mr. and \Irs. Maitland Henry, and Kyle. sun, \\'illianc, td the R.C.\.\',h., off The balance of the c\'c;•in}; \vas London, spe!:l the twcel;-end with the spell) Ill pl;l\'1111; Iilllltn, formers mother, \lr, \Vin, Vender, I'hcre %were SII errs{nl. and \h•. Vender, of Ilad .\xe, Mich. The last meeting of the season \\•i'I be held on Monday night, at the lo me of \Ir. and \Irs. I{d, I1oug;ul. \Ir. and rs. 11arvcy \Vells will have charge of the Recreation period. 4 :> 4. S.S. N. 1 Rallio T'a'i I orunl tnet al the hl'nit of \Ir. and \Irs. Robert \\'apace, with 25 present. :after 'the broadcast a lively discussion followed, after \vlich games %were played and lunch was served. The last meeting of thr season \vial be held next 3100day night at the school house. A wciner Seaforth, anal roast \\•ill be a feature, Confectionery and Tobaccos. PHONE 38 - BLYTI-I. 11 I110I.111.. 1.a.J3 1.1111161 111.11. 1 7-1 THE FIFTH WALL ()F EVERY ROOM. Forum Groups Join Hands It'or 1i'Ieeting The Farm 11,'111 Groups of l lar • lock and 1lnllctt Boundary nut togeth- er at the hook of \I r. and \I rs. l itorge \Vatt on Monday night. The feature ;attraction of the evt n • The ct Ming, wltlett is usually' ;f int \y -1s the showing of a group of very 1larger than any single wall, should ' e ecnsiderrll as ;t 1•:flh wall. Tins interesting slide., by Mr. Lorne \lcbb when plannin.. Iho decoration for a'• thc pictures \\crt' shown through the remit it Ira Just as im))aa'laul 10 tie- = courtesy of 1. \1. Scott, deet a correct ceiling paper ass 11 1:4 to chop o the Trotter wall dccora- 'tion, Your preference may, favour :one el contrasting colour. l'o,t't j ': be ;u"1•aial that a "Colour-I'launte•l„ - 'c:ent wall extend your Budget. To realize .t:lis you ran readily do 10 i by tjcein;; my natople:0'--over 500 _ •:lo pic•'c from. .\ nal remember, 1 i 'rperialdze In that toug;t j:.lr of talc - !Ing of,' \\'allpaper. * :k * F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LONDESBORO . , .1 Vodden's BAKERY, WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "TIHE HOME BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN, PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AND DANCE ander auspices of L.O.L. 963 in Oraltge Hall, Myth, WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 29TH Adults 25c. Children 17c 1 1 L 81.11.. .. /.I Y.. llll 4...1.1 I.I.. . rY..l .. `...k;: `:•:;' ,,�..�•..!'tib. ,'.,,�•, y�T, ,fduu"Y.aRt`c`': -� Hold on, Little Fella - , • i Were rung. No, the stores not be bulge with diapers happen net the war's Yes, babies have felt the impa aaaa have to temem• of war lust okb the rest o th tog shortage.It's been dl(11- allover, And y Their big trouble has been the iter daathat 'tasawe produce more cut fo I emand, belet-up in were busy there will likely a cult for them their Mothers,i ictutewill making our looms tart' jie The general supply phut more hundreds of vital mill- importations. iut we to items. adua ly back beginning some only change alightly. to=li'It hFrY and diaper of those long-time favourite a ou ite civilian production, our list of Canadian -made goods goods. available. cloth is high ed g LIMITED rl;cntly DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY L •'Colonior Sheets, Towels and Pillow Slips and Magog Fastest Fabrics