The Blyth Standard, 1944-03-01, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDAR VOLUME 19 - NO. 29, BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1911,,Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance: S2,00 to U.S.A. Meat Rationing Suspended James Shearer, Agricultural Engagement Announced ! The Need Is Greater Now I, Fred Fawcett lIome If rom ' 11axonic A t• fl;m Was An "Temporarily', !lepresentative Leaving l'ost i I Tin, pugagemen:. I; anossineed of ! Than Ever I °vet seas Enio1;ic 1,-,vcitt James C. F.i:Icarer, r:miar Huron :11‘i'T E. l'we'tharl' dallghter "1' Ele County Agricultural Representative Isle Mr. and M". 11, J. of 131y111, t 1 Aw11.1.1.111.;1; 0„0((;),11tittyltiliii,litit;y11;)e' 01,1111.(1',11.1fflr 11,,,111,1.1‘1,1illi fitttti.,titt(n.1.1:ist,;! ghARlirstitild‘nighi;e011i\o";itoty, 11(111 (1 si,,i., Ti lute Paid To 0:bort Newsselbe for OIC past six years, Is giving 01) hi:t° E. tort Itur1" 8..) "" r 01i ur Mi, u t,.m m,,, , it, 1 1, Jecityn of $1 0,000,M. 1 -imAley 11.0 Is '('1)1. Frei' Vaweett' II" ""ived .1 "1.1). Phe m.o.. urgently needed if 11118 Society, of Mei'. back i 11 Canada 11 mu 1 h , rseclo. Esteesned Sessetsry, Co mari•imj His c2.1:1, Le tedsy , work, in which 110 Ir..; he011 engaged younger for the past fifteen years, and 18 going it°Iiins°11, 8180 of 'Will. Housewives, butchers, and restaur- ant owners, learned with satisfacJoii an Wednesday morning of the tem- porary suspension of meat rat:oning, (Iasi the discontinuance of meatie,33 Tueftdays throughout Canada, farming on his own. prom now rlage tu take place early in March, No coupons will be needed for meat 00 Ain will be able to 'luu-lice what , or canned s:alinon bought 1.10111 110W ile 11" 80 fluently 1"'"ached" 110'. mull further actlee. The liBing of farmers of Huron (ounty, and e), Escorts King And Queen the restriction became effective at 01.02 will wish hint the best of stiere:.s. Bcaver Club Midnight TlIC.ithly, Mr, Hlearer tentImusi 111,. resign:a:on lent rat:offing was introduced as a to the lion. T. L. Ktnnely iini to Lance -Corporal Stewart Scott re- , c.f Agriculture for Ontaiio, to ta centlY had the hobour of escorting mcans of building up surpluses oi Iffl Their AlaJecties the King; and Queen meat for export to Ilr:tain, and the 00I'e1 Milrell prcsent surplus position 1(1 Canada 13 Since coming ot illtron County six 011 a tour of the lieaVer nub, lii 1,30' (1011, 1.:ngland, due, to. a Lottleneck in transportation years (....sa Mr, Shearer 1103 Is.en tuts r encl slopping, 5.1111 Ihe Pr:ce3 Board Ing In 1118 ell'cr18 111 Pr01"tint; the Lance -Corporal Scott and another lu " n 111'11:1'( -its tesriculture in all of 11-• statemeat, member of his; C.:company were sum - branches throughout the county. Ile "As soon as Ouse conditions tire molted to appear at the Beaver Club organized Junior farmerscluba, In (:18.11and 111ea1 supplies ()air move , for special cervices, When they a1'- SW1 110, (11(111, 1101'Se, and poultry rived they were given their instrue- s..:re freely Int expsrt channels, II management. Ile has beim greAl e nesc.ssary to use rationing dons, and told that they w011111 be ob- Interc:steil in fruit calture, aml has ilged 10 escort 801110 VO .y inssortust again to erasstre an equal supply of the introduerd alumni fruit exhlilliobs reduced domestic allowance for con- guests on a tour of the Club. \\ he Ile lent his fine organizing ability to the guests arrived, low and lrhold, it simnel's." lachittery for meat rationing the establishment of Federation.; cf will be retained, Itatisn hook hold- ;was the lliig and (tieen. 11'e c ,1griettiture in the townships and as a el';1 wcre instresIed to Ice; p meal imagine with what pride the two vomit), organization, and estald'sleal young C11110(1 11S' latille11«1 011 their coupons that have not expired. Tilt: farm occolinung systtAns Iu each tour. The occasion was in the f irsn, meal trade was asked to retain coupon lownslilp. As secretary of Hie Clinton valae charts and other meat-ration:11g , of the Clubs annrsry ivea, ;oa till large :spring Stock Show he is entitled to osstnents. cake was provided for the affair, The ninth of 1110 credit, fel' its ex:pan:ion Under meat rationing in Canada, Queen cut the cake, and its «oilfired success. Individual consomers 11.1V11 !Won ill - Mr, Shearer received 'ids IIS. A. 1 Lance-(erporal Scott is connert:..1 lowed two poutok of !neat u weelc. • clegreisal Ontario Agricultural College to the Provost Corps, and Is we'l- Mr, Abbott said that suspension It , I:1211. and m cae to In I 908 known In Illyth, being a brother of rationing would continue until OXI 1• from the Kellum -111e having :111.6. John; Fairservice, Ing congestion In both storage and previously brim in charge of agrieul- exansportation of moat products Is tural ofilpes in Es....wx aml Peel coml., cleared up, tips. Other nsprosentative.s, in the llowover, the Is fumy Clinisti office since its establishment determined that to the extent of out" at Clinton have I 0011 S. 11, Stothers, sillily the essential requirements of the United ICingdom and our overseas forces shall be met and it ts, there- fore, intended that meat rationing be resumed as soon as such a course 1)11) be helpful, "I want to make 11 perfectly clear Out meat rationing Is being "sus pended, and not abandoned," said Mr. Athol, t The Home Front Are we backing the boys over there. No 110;01)1. you will say ")'es," Got now 1Vellington county; George It. have you bought your share of \Var Paterson, now in 1.-oition, Englund, in 10 Calmat] 11 °wee ex ch.say, and Savings Stamps. If not, do so this year. 1Ve ntust not let our boys clown. Commerce; and Ian MacLeod, now in And don't forget Canada want.c more the Brut county offiee, than her Loys and girls In this effoot. 111.. Shearer has made many warm 411 She wants YOU to buy Stampss awell. friend:4 111 the Myth district, who wiii rsgrist, exceedingly to hear of 1113 de- This past year there 1133 been over $2,000.00 Stamps sold through the parture, but will realize more 1111111 ever 111,„ Mi., stlyaryt, 11/01 tit; nyai./ in his local Port Office In th's Village. This nu. t thtd he is taking an Is not enough for a Plane or 0 Tonk, So; let us all buyr .S111111)3 a Ini:-..111 farming its a profr,36:on is proof cof or more. this. A suce;r3S01' to fill 11ss office has not Mucli of this $2006.00 sale Is due to vet boon appointed. iley" Is to C11.1Ty 00 1111:11' goeat 'avoid; ' Ile 1010, exiko.ted to eon hi- wit:. tn ow presynt. w01,4td.wia0 struggle, and sisters in Toronto about the mid. Att,rtit v ' Atilt, any of our local boys %vim have di" "f 111" "1.04. 1*"'l vill l'r{d'al'IY ""' crosn „unites Incite( 10 thew. \\,t, week. Ered ealled his moileo. 10.0:11 and In\ 11d , • ; ; •0:,,, :returned frean ()verse...ix what. the 11ed rive In 111)111 1 lie kliter Part o1' nie 'At '1.:1:: '1 1.- ; '1 have heard them, to a man, very sin- :Tereni" 111;'8 111'111: ;11' •11)):1)- '1; 1.•.' ()Islet). thank the Red f'ross, In be will arrive in ii1)1 11 en 1 11" 11""'" .:1 ; . • %%Tiling up little stories about them. ; train !') they have always Incisted that we benefit of El:: . so, w.; give their thanks to the !led (hales. That tes'timony is alt any of us shotild Mtisic Exants t eft Tie 2‘Ir. N. need to spur us to greater giving 0181 N"r1113 1)0!, ms- 1.. t.. (ho present Ilrive. Think of the Elizabeth 11ill was sue- , great Jny that 110/81,8,03 01(1' pri..11111(.1'S ersI-'1111 In passing Crude Ill Ilarn1011' sows lit., of war in some remote part of Ger-1,:11111 Grad" Ill 1 11'1"0. with ""s' iss;einic, 1,;,..1):;;;;-, inetiy, %ellen the news "read through llonours at the midovinter 1:x00:Ma the 0111111) that Red Cross periods (00)1 'lions of the Toronto Con,erva.ry Canada are a'.:out to be distrihne • 114-)11:: Tile local (stire was held a! You undoubtedly have read artieles ;Rev, A. Sinclair's, in papers and magazines to this effect. Saver in history has soul) o pseat challenge had to be met by you and ! me, Think of 11 , thousands of Blyth School Board war prisoners, urgently needing food, „ The, r,',."1“,1. in"IIM4 (If 11w . • . of oppressed and stars... (.111101 !War(' WilS 10,1(1 10 1111* Al lug men., women aud children In °cell - moat Imo on Tuesday eveniths. re • pied territories , a gveat army • • :roary seath at, p.111., WW1 .31 1' W. where moubting casualties are a eel% ",in...1,11."ell; James tainiy victims or war In every 11' so, Cre.guion present. • As me: minute 1,e112 was in :h.: part of the world. hands of tlw Auditor no 111 11111 wri'p However small your local Society read, may appear in this great sslieme of 'I' lie worming :1(1)0111:i 110I0Y, is 110.Porialii 011 11100011 Of THISliTS Creighton and 111).1116 quota In Ilils 1/rIve Is the same Armstrong: (1-s in the last PrIve-$9e0.00, This Alunicipal World is certainly »ot a high quota, It A, Tasker, Insurance should be oversulespribed by a consid- usable amount -and it will be if every one contributes as they should, Canvassers for Myth and I)istrict will 1101 commove their eanvassing until next Mciolay, Plan ti- '0, not to gdve what You cam -but all you ran. Here are t he names of 3.our can - stamps 1,72 ilermans, supplies , . 1: •:: Elliott Ins, Agency, Bond .a.111) I 1, 10111111)6, repairs ;Nliss 31111s, music boolcm Geo. Garniss, repairs to steps .o:: Ed, Pult. Co, 1.4(1., bosks .011 motion of Trustees Thuell 1111:1 .rntstrong Board granted request of Prill!.re- clositede e ere ; ;;11-, 1!!\ o'cIor;\. !!' L.11" ;;111' 111.• ;•!!!!•' • -• 1!: ...;;!!! -- ;;• ; 5.• • 1, ;!;•;118, • 1•\•, \ ;1•;.• 1 !. ; ! I, •.• ,•."!:!; liy /1 t r1(1.-0 T''•• 1110 j' /Anil 1' ss + !'" !!;;;;!;;- :;; I ;11•;\\•;. 1•:;11•11!;•. 111- I .'„ 111;!.1 11; 111.11 •..!,111. .\r". 1!;:' w11. Cr; 2:11;11f,. ! 1-t•, i ;1', 1:V1p, \V1::1-;;, pri/- \Vor Si Vil1 51.11ilio,. -',11•.:11!, Iii! !•V:q1- '!;*:.• 51;i, :1 ' !• • 1,:t1 1,1 y.;•, of 1111.• Soeiety, mr, R !!.! •• pi! \\ (-) wo.: ;11, in•••;!!!!.. 1,;!.. 1. • •1!! ';!•;'!olay. in (;:!s!) 111.•;,.;! 1\ Ito 1cl! \v 11" Noweoli114.! 1n1511t. (11,1)1111! 1111- !.•!. i:1;11 110 50•!!;; ;! 11.1 )'; 11' 1111 ye, an:1 hirtlehl‘: f :01 reary 25th. Aitholish he 1,.! ti.,Hqi:/!1-1 Only ::.t) 1)HtlifillY!.'• 1.• r :tilts, four 000)1 !leo o'd, Mr, 0. 1) Phil!: ei'd 0 brief 0.1 "Ito vossors and the districts that have ; Nlills f°1' 1,, air, N. w,. • 1:„ 05'11. t101 MUSIC 1)001i8. otcfrp f,5 111p 10)1 brew aSsfall!Ol • to the:n: Meeting adjorned on 11101 (11 of l':-plr!!!lon!! 11! ; and who Tinsley Street, itlyttit sirs. J. A. :Trustees Creighton and Thuell. has ri toior: I IS:PI:fel .111,1 ;Nilsen: set. - Cowan, ;Nit's, Harry Brown:). Leslie Hilburn, see'y, eiee (-e. sio;". All that part of the villa -,e north of Bride -To -Be Showered home of 1 r. and Mts. Arthur Barr on , Is' Angilcan Couch mel a1 the 0C11 i wor.:y real thirly ladies of our local teachers, keeping it before Garretc Miss Alice ilsgerson, 11'rat el' Quern Sifteet: 11.)4, N. P. Red Cross Shit)r.tent Was ,i:::,:l.,,,,,,,,..1;.::,:,..yi:i. !.•!,,,....,., ,,,,,,i...,;,.,1..13,,,'„1::.y yee.;:enbs01 s lit Ode imel the Myth Creek: Mrs. J. 11. 11';;Itson. South and oast of Pinsley and Queen One Of Largu4t Ever Made i : , their pupils, shoitly Leconte the bride of Air, E. 1;3;s:di:art, pispalar bride-to:be, who wIl Opening Insurance Agency 1........111101r...1,....... sley: Mrs. Leslie Ilillorn. Radford. 1Iiss Jossphine \Voodcoek, Mrs. Agnes myth oed cross was ono s,f the hire - North and 04151 of Queen and 0111- 1.3t ever made by the Society, who rv"11i1 2 1-1111:'1' '1 ‘`;11 11 III ' '.'Ill:11::: "f 1111s month's shipme»t, made by lin' K illy:, A imot profite" lo and enjoyable Tu....Jo:ay evening, to honour Aliss Mao EScw..1.1 Robinson, cin be justly proud of their F1)1011(011 “.‘111.1 1 to sy:-. sed -Got ;;;;Iy.• ;se The evening was tutost eijoysibl) '.11r. Ray 1)obbyu has been officially \Vest Boundary Section: Mrs, Cal- The homing; -.....................• fpen.., In playing game 001110815, 'Mrs 1:saluted as local reprosentative for veld. Euh•sater, items 10001. shipped: TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH The Csoferlerat1on 1,1fe Assosiation, 17•Ist Boundary Ssellon: 1:1.)c. Russel ;1st te girls dresses; i girls cop; 1 : :::: quills; 1 11 pair children's pyjam• (1, 11, Augandine an:1 .11'..s Maly Losk hart '15 1. win:tors, and wort! give: NIel:enald. CONG1', ,‘TI'T,ATIONS and has already launched Upon hie ley. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector. hill woollen set; 11.1 pair pyjama 4: : coner:11111.11;101- ts: Mr,, Frod 71) sallmble DrIZel, aew carcer. Ray lois been vrry HOC . 9(11 11)1(1 of 'Alo)ris: Mrs. John i 1 '\l 1(1)1 T th, I 11.1,1. :. extra pair pyjama pants; 1 1 nav)' Glue of ()wen st ord. who relehrites This) haste ;1, assisted by Al 1 is Alci -..essful tts casiVasser in the paot two rairFlu'vice• , Sonday School: 1 1 it,m, 1 turtle -neck sweaters: 2 leather 10.11" , , , ,„ ner oirinuay on Th:11"liv. :\larell ant Aliss Jesephine 11130d- lloly Con:01union and Sermon, 12 Victory 1.0:air Campaigns, and should Sill Concession of lorris: Mrs. sweeper jackets; 2 ptiir iclutici gloves; I noon. 2 pair sockees for i1Vrens); ! ..- ., sssrved dainty ree'relune.1Is. tual'e a good repress:Wally(' for the James 1111°11111. i * * " l'i'',-,; 0'11 c -vnl-g 111' S. tisr:elar Company. No. 4 Highway, norlh ot Ithill: I 1 sc31.1.; :10:4, Ititsst)11 Fear, -.: - •;•••• ,31.) pair service sock.i; 1 large bale : 1 : CongTo I tila : i -Its t si 11 rt . Jo cpe r rcall the following address, and li.s. —._v_ Mr. Gordon Augustine loss been Cook, who ce!,:!;;;;-s b .r birthday el! :scar 1.1.e..11111,.:, the gue..... of hem) r lth Concession of l'ast Wawanosh: 1:10t1 clothing' for Russia, BLYTH UNITED CHURCH offie!.ally app.ruted 113 local aaen: for wish a lovely 00C:181011M Chair alld 'Mrs. George i\Ictiowan, ____N ___ ;:1"oursd ly, Maret, sed, Last Sunray morning .11iss \Veil. the Montreal Life Insurance Company, 1 from aud has been attending a School of Hears From Nephew a Pyrex utility dish: _-v._ 1 "Dear 111:ory-113.m. many friends ti "I1(1' Retuned MissinliarY Chiba, gave a very evcelleat toldscss. Instruction in Insurance at. London. ,i sirs, 1), !goody received a letter : 1:011yrtitatit.i,ty.,, 1,1 •111,. nol,,,,,,t N,,,. it 51 1", educational and inspiring and \1'e oh%) WIS11 alla. g...01.1 Nei( ill 11 IS Airs. J. S. Cliellew Enter- ' from II" "Phew. 1)11"1-Wrim. K11. 1111 ; who : ..1 ;:...11 si hi- 11011:10y sli Trinity Church have learned of your aporoachlieg marriage. We wish to honourable discharge from C311;1(1;1'3 tains In Mrs. Bray's Honour. ,i!loth 1,yoli, sou of lir, and Mrs. W.; , Tuc•alay, 1-11:-.;;;-‘ :::, profession, Gordon \vas recently given r..rtti. eongratulatio143 and exItend to "'"'s a 111"181°11 u'i 111° great w;:ll'k. Armed Forces, li. Lyon, of Thormlalo, who is sta• ' you our very best wishes for every that has been done, and is being done. li's. Stanley Cheney entertained at •tioneci lo Scotland, and in the letter 1; 'bits:33.11g anti happ'ness, \Ve have al- 1in that gnat nation, a most enjoyable bridge party last he disclosed the fact that he hail re- ' 1:,14S1 way) found ..-su willing to help In the 1 Neost S,..ne.1, , larcli 7.411, the set.- —......v__ Thursday in honour of :Mrs, \', M. 00150(1eivecl his prm ootiono El tying131Z.11 -Otfi- 011 :rch in any way. ; vices will be: Bray, Prizes were won Ity Mrs. eto., Ken had recent1). enjoYl cl a 511', :eel \11.- 's:' -!..! 'alii :).; ro: er.:y Ii'arm Ii'orum Meets We have gathered together (his vv..' 10.1 -1; Sunday School, Frankliu Minton and :Mrs, It, 11. :furlough to L'itgland and while th 're r ref) ell 1'vo oire ail 2 Her, 5;soi eking to have a social time, hid wo I I . Di St.hjeel: -1Ise Great Outlaw." The 5,5 . Na. 10 Kum ‘vawattash Ittlia), A special gift for the guest had the pleasure of visiting with their son, sot 1 ;01 : E 71,-; sr 1 s. 1 cannot let 11 lunclude ‘1'4110111 exPres` 7 p.m. Subjeet: "Some Attrilirtes Farm Forum 11'116 bold al 1 Ilv 110m? a Of 11011011r Was a halal -1111 111 led Ohl WT.:01101h 1.11' 1011111,11' Myth boy. Kenneth who is now it: i ....1:.;e1:1.1 ... ::::;'; 111' sing In a Vetrayn' gSibinl ecerealyy oYourgso,od wih- wofiflu odse."rvice, Come and enjoy)the 31r , dea"n, d Cirtvsa, l hA'liscaGnok ,valin ngnsaigvee r, anwiitnh-:iii"Mrsn, Ttleskd Brook. son f he _Rvev, 0..1 t 11sitl iE:itela:snd. ellinoc-f C towards you, ai so. e sk yoto evening service will be 111111 in an attendance of 3S. The broad ; Franlin Baboon dl 00 Brookhe re. .v1 iItly ;;; extra table to her bridge club nivel_____ e1accept this gift, the basementnd will begin with a and discussion was on i,cii\vat.tdYnghtilhef m111v11irI 1)11.•, ..- :- rieht eye, hi. 1: f; : al. :1-11;11 k mos - singing of some of the ohl familiar (cresting five•minute Milk cu 'Worm 1 ' Arest Boundary Red Cross Airs, Bray. Tulips and daffodils Trinity Church Friends." tored ;11111 111-; fsee :., fell of ooseple I Costs niter which the progrossivo, were used as decoration. The prizes Alr. and 31's, George Cosvall ..51• ,, hymns. ! "lie wet' toot has 11 , sweet cos: 5 i III' •1111'11 111;1! 110 V;111 1' ';111 1111,1 11.11! esenry 0(18 iati).yd. 1,01101 wa, spi v. WOW W011 11;1' ..‘1 1'8. J. 11. \Vats.:11 imul tertained the ladies tind their hus- . Property Changes Hands ___-,,,____. eil, 1 iband, 1)1. Ili:' \Vt'l 11°1111darY 110i:14.1 1(in.osnlIci.)),.11:1.10i1 110;01litilie„;:: that he 1- 1.1 ' Y ;Cross on Thursday evenitig 'Mrs. Armstrong. COMMISSIONED, PILOT•OFFICER Next weelt the meeting will Le held —..... 4.1*...0m.o. nt the home of Alr, and AIrs. Dan.: Progressive enehre was play1.1. \\in- tialittilit 11. Tho C011 V(11101' fOr the RON' Re(1 Cross Donations i.,., ,,,,,, ;,, follow,: Ladii.,. high. 2k leCer front M t . ancl .11 rs. 11 1113 ,, , 3IeCool of ilrocNyo informs its that 111.•:. 'Aldo'. Yunghlutt. Coll, (dill three meeting3 will lie Simon ilalla- The following donations bate beenrill'111 F0111 111 31C(.1.ill'..I.S han, The recrettlIon will be in clialgo reccive.1 during Felireary: Vera Tiernay: Gents. high .11f. 11 1. I their sow, Donald, tvlio has been Over- bf Mrs, 1)an, 31cIcenzie and Mrs. SI- 0.(2.:Al. S. Geo. 1,:.Nt..ii• p I -o chan; Airs, Falconer played as a num . Tit, 111111,11 it;,111,,i:try 11,1,1 i„ 1.-,,,..,„, seas for '101110 time, has been comm's- and won the consolation. met a! the 1101110 of Mr:. \Vitt! Mon Ilallahan for the neve throe money from Carnival ...... $2.110. Tickets were sold ou ci satin cull's Shorn:tool ou 11,111.1 ,y ev, n'ne, W:ii weeks. The five-minute topic will !Illicit Vedden and llob 1'okes 1.00 1. , with 'Mrs, Ittjor Yung111HG thi, 01 pr..sent. .k 1 ery lively liven het he taken by Ill(s. Clarence Johnston. Room 1, Friendship 1.'airies l Everybody welcome. Myth Public: School 1)1.3' winner. $4.'1:, was realized. Was held 011 tile so's'eet of the 1)1.0.01- —v S.S. No. 10. Ettst \Vawanosli2-:!..1111) i - ;sir, John Taylor AU'S, Cowan served a dainty lum:11, east. Royal Black 1(111glik , „„ ••••••• —v— C WWI OEJNC l', J41 111C;i (n8011 aIld 5011, (1101111, 9111 concosmon, of the Township or mori...s, have purchased the 81)11111 half of lot number 9, in the 9111 Concession of that l'ownship, consdrising one hunslred ac1.03 of principally pasture land. ,sistied a PilolDfficer. 1)011 has finish- ed his tour of operations, and is 110:15' This land was first taken up from 'irstructing at an 11.A,F, School in the Crown on the 17th day of 11Iorch, INgland. A host of old friends will 1 S.73, by Charles McClelland, of Um jrftt with The Standard In cougratalat- Township of Esquesing, in the County ing 111111 on his promotion, of IlaRon, merchant, and the title remained in his name until the land purchased by WItite Bros, olt Moving Into Toivn March 3.1:st 1934, :111., Gibson becomes Mr, and Mrs, Robert Newcombe w•the third owner of this land, ill move into the village this spring, v_ where they have purchased the late In. Clinton Hospital George White property, on Queen Mr, James Cartwright, is a patient Street. Alio Newcombe has disposed in the Clinton Hospital, after suffering of him farm on the 9th concession of a stroke of paralysis on Sunday Morris Township to Alt', John Doerr 1.1101'11111g, of DIAL. BIRTHS SPARFORD-At Asquith, Sask., nn January 19111, to Mr. and Mrs, 0. A, Spaffe,rd, formerly of Myth, the gift of a daughter -Jane Stinson. In .Clinton Hospital Mr. S. W. S:lithorpe. wear CARTWRIGHT-In Sudbury, on 'flies- IMm. F. 1). Stalker, who has been In to Illyth, Prom now 011 bus patrons rembers of the Forum, day, February 1iith, to Mr. and Mrs.wil e hel51111, or sti)11 at, The to- ; .. 0 ' '.is: h(0failing health for some time, is now ' v..11 communicate wat Earl Cartwright, a daughter -Tam- a patient in Clinton Hospital, where Yolden's Rake Shop wheu desiring lie Immo of 1jr. and Mrs. ‘.. i. orge elo Maron. 1 slio was taken ou Tuesday. 1111.5 infomati, or tickets, Eox, .01.3.:In0 11.t, R.outtly ("hapter) ...,..., Donation. K. 11:Minion) 14 .00 11, Philp. Treasurer. and 31r3. Pale were leaders of the rpereation 1)1111 Takes Over BUS Station ----- 'and held a Ilium; in aid nf th;: It, 1 311., 111101(1 l'oddeu has taken t'ross, the re•0111 of which. was a 011 over the local Bus Station from 11r. !profit of $1 1.00, Mr, Toylor and 0, .1. Cartwright, who will shortly be 'l'ale were 1511111 enough to supply the handing over his loarherng 211511108:: to 1 'lingo prizes, )0 '!'P17' '11-11211 was is is turniol' ;gtly ap1i'0ciatyti i 1.11\.! EATING HIS WAY OUT Mr. Polar Bear of the Bronx zoo, New York, is evidently anxious to leave his quarters. It looks like a good romp in the snow on the other side, but bars make awfully tough eating. CIIONICLES of G1NR FRAM "taunt: , ...J t"mc t• c.tthe; I ;till hent t fee' n2, tiltt spring is ":ling :•t}n r here !est a:'Duni the eller. I thin!: that, beeatu',e, in spite of tl.•' . C,'\ercti ground, case bili)-, ..e' t:t1 Psi-er tidal lye are ,c tii.g ttuitc differently -e da \ ! lit eln,tter allay and . e• ,. ;t tot -re a''ti, t: they tlul a .,.;e :, , little hit':-I;r, act!; o:. tie iron: inter, , trell.c!'•, iy. I is a ha: • little tel: '". :'sane- •• • it n t'.:e for I.', v: t'• , tai c: a r.'• and !,.e',l it. - ,,_lass. Nt'.. et• hint huts +. ,.:eat .. ;,, the 1': tae ;,o1U1; : tree, P.a.: tree is r ,l,+:e b_ 11, ionise 1 1.' ft't'nl ti.inder'., I t.r, ti.titch t',c antics the nuti ' . . tL '... his !Ting a: are of i;. ,ud of t :here alas .;n ty a sparrows an odd starling two — ;+:, , ! file to watch dicot :o, Thestarlings seem t) he yatllering t: stint, materdtl, It seems a little early for t! -at but Coon,. Maybe tier.; have heard of the at.ate hou,ia._; shortage and it r,tay be that they think that even the birds of the air should take some thought for the morrow;. Yes, Mrs. Starling, it might be rt good idea to lo:,:: around because, if :•;'u should ft:: down to the read, you will find that the mailbox in which you so t,ersisteutly took up 11\ ing quarters last year has been removed. A. bigge. and better box has been installed instead, and one to w'.uch you, Mrs. Star- ling, will find it impossible to get foto. * It would .,tem the horses and other livest.,_'; have also a feeling of spring. 'i i'e cows and heifers are gambolling about in the sttn like young things. Yes, even nineteen -year-old Cicely was kick- ing up her keels this morning, And thee, v, hen T sat down to write jut now, I i_'uked across the front field and there was our neighbour's three year o!d colt leading its owner a u:erry chase across our field, 1 watched to se, what would happen and it wasn't long before the colt took the teuce like a hunter. Well, maybe not quite like a hun- ter because Le mus: have touched the top wire, as I notice one fence - post is leaning towards the Iane at a drunken angle. e ,, * The squirrel; have been hawing quite a time to:,. The other day vheu there was so much fresh, Soft snow, i thought I saw some- thing dark :coving in the snow— you know l:oty you sort of see thing; out of the corner of your eye --and thea I looked again and :+at': nothing. lint I kept watching a.nd presently out of the deep ,;nw jumped a little back squirrel. TITO TODAY Rarely photographed Marshal Posip ("Tito") Broz, Yugoslav artisan guerrilla leader, is shown above in his latest picture. By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • • And did he eve, have a time get- ting where he wante.i to go. We, too, have been having a time getting where we wanted to go— and there were times when we were nes: so successful as the squirrel, Nearly every afternoon Partne_ would hitch the team to the car and we would open up the Lille that way read;; for the :horning. And then in the night the wind would.' 1,' -i•„—or there would come more sn'.'tw—and our newly :made traria \would be all filled in again, Finally Daine Nature relented and gave us a partial thaw, so noon with reason- able care, we can get in and out with out too much trouble. Fall Fairs Restored To Original Purpose Sheak:,,c; at the al.::'.nal conver.- tlon of the Class ''8' Fairs As- sociation in 'Toronto, Dr. G. 1, Christie, president of the O,A,C., Guelph, emphasized the necessity of keeping Fall fairs active dur- ing the war, "It would have been a great calamity to discontinue these fairs", staid Dr, Christie. "The people wanted them, the war ef- fort needed then: and war pro- duction has increased because of them," Dr. Christie expressed the view that \•wartime conditions have pro- duced a great mprovement in these fairs from an agricultural standpoint and Have restored them to their original purpose. He also referred to the effect of rural fairs on the improvement of live stock and particularly to the growing interest of f.rm youth in them. He hoped the Canadian National Exhibition, the Royal Winter Fair, Ottawa Exhibition, and other large shows would be resumed as soon as pos• slble because they were neeied. In his address, Dr, Chtistie drmntd the prat: be of show herds travelling all over the province winning the prizes at every fair, and urged the fair di- tectors to concentrate on bring- ing out the best live stock in their own neighborhoods. Tomorrow He was going to be all that x mortal shoed be Tomorrow; Nu one would be better than he Tomorrow. Each morning he stacked up the letters he'd write Tomorrow, It was too bad indeed he was too htuy to see 11111. but lie prom- ised to do it Tomorrow. The greatest of worker? this Ioan would have Leen Tom'arrnw•. The ^;orld would Lave knot,,, him had he ever seen Toivorrow. ilut the fact is tine. he die') and faded front view, And all that was Lift t',” en living t\'as a littiuntain -if 11:i'+g; he iti- te::'Ie.l to 11•, 'f .+:u+ 1 ne. -- T•r.,; Jta1 Cn•tere ss RADIO REPORTER 71!rer dre'' .e sail, Senting the broad:industr of Ca: .+'I,t e,iill t;, from, t'" 1'nited le, dater r.! in a • • Glen Bannerman day conference at the t bateau hr,m- tenac, Quebec 30.: o'n of it may come a new deal of freedom fo; Cauadian 1roadcastiO4. In his opening 'Perri., which keynoted) the aloft: ecce, Gleu Bannerinar, \\'ho \';;,, re-elected President of the Canadian .\ssoc- latiot, of lh•oadcat,ter, :odd, betor,t presenting his plan for th:Pec-n'a!t SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON MARCH 12 JESUS BETRAYED, DENIED AND CONDEMNED Mark 14:10-15: 20 PRINTED 'TEXT, Mark 14: 104 11, 53, 5.4, 08-772; 15: 12-15 GOLDEN TEXT — He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, I saiah MEMORY VERSE: 1 love thee. 0 Jchotall. 1's:chit 13; I. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time, — Judas entored into a covenant with the chief priests mt Tuesday, April 4, A.D. :io. The remaining events tool: place on Thursday evening, and carp• Fri- day morning, .lpril e and 7, A,D, 30. Place. — The Lord'. Supper was observed in ah tipper room in the mouse of an unknown person in Jerusalem; the Garden of Geth- semane was on the lower ),art of the western slope of the Mount of Olives, directly opppo;ite the city of Jerusalem. The trial before the Jewish authorities \vas held in the building w here the Sanhedrin met, though what building this was we do not know. The trial before Pontius Pilate was held in the palace of the Governer in the city of Jerusalem,, Judas, The Betrayer "And ludas Iscariot, he that was one of the twelve, went away unto the chief priests, that he Wright deliver flim limo them, And they, when they heard it, were glad, and promised to give him money. And lie sought how 1:e might con- veniently deliver him unto them," Observe the awful wickedness of the traitor. It is no sudden temp- tation under which he falls. lie deliberately seeks the opportunity first of selling, and then of betray - I Tokyo 7100 Mi. By Al LEARY 1 + r. „++ ton - I l'., + ,el.1 1t II: lin, I, + o\ e! 1•IH,e,l .t trrr,tl +Li,:.,t: 1., the r,h rr•f, ,1 tae ,Th,•r.,, n1 tet I'I,+,,+i. a -t ,.,; Chale it lit'. 'Lu ,' l th,+t u+' being ur 1 ill ,t ;' t`iiiHt I ;, it 1, nhl,illr Lr, :,unit in';'+ 0:1e for 10 10 P. Ir11+.i, , 111/, n= 111 air cum - s. I (bete i, a distinct d,ttlger t 11'erdo!It of the ;lir, to irt'l'deltll 'pre, li and to the t \r!c,nge of I he sten( i, l+cro ;: ng 100 11alize+1 --- 10o JCoilot,oll,ill' allll rapllt 3 :d developn1,•1.1, in o:tdrsting. There o. mulch :+:++ hioert to the s;, stt•In that it :.Ja, Lu' too I' ug to ,linea ueccs- .,,rt deo:,., and ;,djust:,leets, '1'0 - da'• there „ :t continua!struggle e itfg on, not o:Ily on your pati, 11; a1,t' w. it!,:,, the CPC it•clf to ietcut the I'Iesent system front eecenine too rigid and 1, cunl- wribed. l ole,, change- in the —o—tent are made in the near future, ' + liete the •%niggle w:ill•t+e lost". It is iee1 that the >truggle .:.1i;Ln am! 1 ;,+\ erntr,c;.t t'\wncd :t•I;:r. \•. i11 eventually lou:e to a Lut in file opinion • i those :piing the. convention the day !..;,t the ;:il,ltelyoidia.) ,t;,tion is o ill be the dor. that the death I;ucil o: lar. - ,I':", r,riio, iii• Master, This is the • . .'. tiill4 act of a course Uf (UPe• tool :Begone: oe. Plans Aro Made ".1J:t1 the'. led- Iesus away to the ,b:-;1.: priest: end there come tu• stabler with hint all the chief priests ,cid the elder., and the s.rihes. d -Peter had followed lain: afar even w ithirl, into the court of • high J'rje t: and lie v,as sitting \art the officers, and tt :,rntiilg imll,Clf in tic light of the fire." !tow carefully everything :was ;'1:,:,regi! Although it is night the Jett i•h council is already assembled •'. e.tiut; to receive their prisoner. The object of the Meeting :was to inn! legal ground for putting Jesus t., death and justify them before the Peter's Dental of Christ •.\ut1 as Peter \vas beneath in ti,c (curt and \viten he uu,uglet thereon, he wept," \\ lute Peter v. arms himself, he is sudden- ly challenged by the maid 33 being a di.eij ie of (esus. )Peter disowns all knowledge of the Nazarene, all C ,nsriunsncss even of what tile rl alga meant. Then i?eler heard the cork crov;, but it did not suc- cud in touching his h".ait Another r,.airl accused hint, and then a third. Peter's second (tenial \(a, uttered with an o:dtll; he blasphemed Uilcing the name of (Goo in wain From a deceitful evasive tnlSwer tl',r apostle goes on to denial with eo oath, and then to cursing and +\caring )Peter loved the Lord, but in this hour fear dominate::: leve was put aside. When the cock crow twice, the :warning of Jesus, the love and compassion of his I.ord, came flooding into his heart, The Lord has oven beaten; Peter had not been touched. 'f'he Lord had been betrayed; Peter was .aft. He realized that lie was an unworthy follower of tlic Master and, with a broken heart, went out weeping, Pilate's Act of Injustice ".\ud Pilate again answered, and said unto then:, what then shall I do unto hint whom ye call the YANKS PUSH TOWARD TRUK 4148 ENI 0TOK BIKKIIN NGEIAP sh�4( S o i w0T1t0o 11.1,110' A'0N WAN, 011E ti NAMU o rJ�O AILINGLAPALAI4 ii,� (JALUIT©MILLE UIELANG TRUK IS. CAR0 L • PONAPE% 1yE IS p404414,p404414, iINGELAP .KUSA►E Map shows where American assault forces, having taken Kwjalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, are pushing on toward the major Japan- ese naval base at Truk by capturing important islands in Eniwetok Atoll. Seventh Army Air Force planes also have attacked Ponape, larg- est enemy base east of Truk, POP ----'Pott Wiggles Out WHEN WE JUDGE THE RANGE WE HAVE TO ALLOW FOR THE ATTRACTION OP THE EARTH WHAT 1t= YOU'RE FIRING A CROSS WATER 2 RECEIVES LONG -SERVICE PASS .\Iffrcd .\IIard, 70, \who vat, en employee ee of the (.'anadian Pacific Railttey Company in elo0- trc:tl during the Kiel Rebellion of isee, when t'ir 11'ilii:um Van Ilorne :'roved the \clue of the Can- e.di,;:: 1'ariiit.'s transcontinental line Kine- t t the Jews' And they cried on::+,.tain, Crucify hint, :\mel Pilate said unto thrid, why, what evil bath he clone' l't!t they (Tied out .,'Jingly, Crucify him," ask the accu. int; party w'Itat ,..:,:d Ire lute to :Christ was a ;:'tie injustice to 11in1. 1'ilale ',t :t, deciding :lgait,51 ChrLt w hen he tried to titre • the iesl•ot!,lbility OA others. 1laving appealed in \„in In their Perry he not': appeals to tdeir ju;titc. Rut equally. in :slim They: only cried out more !:is death, \Yc find from John's g.,,;'e1, 119:1.'+ that the Jove threa- tened )Pilate with the Emperor's di -pleasure if lc let Jesus go. Had lost !Teo a just rule, he would have co:,c i:l,tice.. to the innocent 1,1 twhat- etc'r ride to himself, In hie search for a d(111CstiC r:d 1.+erproducing plant, Thomas Edison grey,- a 1`: -iota gol'!curod at Fort lyes,, Fla. • IIORIIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured Scottish- American philanthropist. 13 Approaches, 14 Sheltered side, 15 Paid publicity 16 Pig pen, 17 Behold! 19 I'findu god, 20 Entangle, 21 Weight (abbr.). 22 Romantics. 23 North America (abbr'.), 25 Tree. 26 Interest (abbr.), 27 Before. 28 Attorney (abbr,). 29 ]Music note, 30 Cuckoo. 32 Feminine undergarment (abbr,), 34 Symbol for selenium, 35 Cloth measure by trau,l,ortin; hoop. by rail for the first time trniu Montreal to \\'inuipeg, i; still on the company pay roll, plying his trade as a ma- chinist ;it Angus Shop ,, !Montreal, 11r, Allard is pictured above at hit with 11, R. Naylor, \Yorks Manager of Angus Shops who pre- sented the \ etd•ran railroader \vitlt the tli,tn,rtive 50 -Neat•, all -lines :Pass in rccognitio':..f his long and value ed service. The pass eritft1t .1174”: Allard :till his wife 'e travel on company rail lima anywhere, at any time. 1>uring \1r .1l!,rd's service with the t';wadiau: Pacific, which, he says !lagan 1s,a when he was ill ,.t d until hi- retirement in 1(102, lie e,'.,tl,li icd Ler i,inl,clf a brace or "tiro,". ile \:a one of the fir,: "t,ou(y butchers" or "newsie," to ..or;: on the first Canadian Paid'i'. .'.lontre:u-\ au:cou\er trains, and e as clic first "red cap" to be - en1p1"yed at \\ i:,dsor Station, Mon- treal, Ile retired from company, servae in 1:'111 after ,many years at Ait4t:s Shops a, machinist and as- sist:l:'t f eoenatt, and returned to work again as a temporary cut, ploy ce in January, nil:: to lend his skii! as a machinist to the ce,u- strut lion of war int; lenient.; being 1 roduced by the Canadian Pacific, DONOR OF LIBRARIES Answer to Previous Paulo name, 8 Echo. 9 Closer: 10 Herd of whales. 11 Structural, units, 12 He endowed many libraries through his 18 Ubiquitous, 19 Symbol for tin 23 Near, 30 Entirely, 31 Amid, 54 East. Indian 33 High (abbr.). mountain, 55 Scottish river. 35 Note In 56 English Guido's scale, (abbr.), 38 Sloth, 57 Stopped. 39 Chinese 58 Whirlwind, memorial, VERTICAL 40 One who currents. 1 Reply, presses clotho 44 Constellation, 2 To irritate. 41 Fruit (pl.): 45 Footlike part, 3 Part of week. 43 Colorless gas, 47 Blemish, 4 Railroad 46 Theater 48 Leave, (abbr.), platform. 49 Parvenu (p1.), J Withdraw 47 Mister (abbr.) 51 Individual, (law), 50 Any, 53 Incline, 7.)! eminIne 52 Ever (poet,), T 0 N NT UI SBR NEE ONCE F RET �P E,A R 51_A'T y . PAROL_ STIR NIP E N GOLD 5 U S H M 36 Et rly American political writer, 37 Louisiana (abbr.), 39 Post. 42 Swift river AND AR', T E N M S E SN N S R 5 H ■ 1 2 3 4 5 16 (7 8 9 i3 14 39 40 • 44 4-E 51 55 57 By J. MILLAR WATT OH YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND ! BESIDES, I'M NOT IN Ti -I C— NAVY j .114,J49Ji The Pick of Tobacco \1405MIMMISIIMM01111Mall=121111MINIMINPIMW „I; ,! w _r ,I1101 f Have You Heard. 11;.1 been workittg fur trying to pc: - feet the storage I ittttir,y, reitorter managed to breai: 2',1 the barrirrc and at -t: With 'tt 111e0,i,u1, 'Do &fly 1thos',1 Toll a Toll 011 replltd, ntalortt ,.•• rat., 1iicticry that til't t ti Insurance Examiner: "Were you ever In the hospital?" Applicant: "Yes, once," Insurance Examiner: "What for?" Applicant: To hCt; my aunt," AR officer in a busy ei.,ft. the North of England \v.inted to get his bill, tried to ratrt,.it the it. iv -Ilion of the 1\ 1e vao had ierved She ealled "Gilt cle, tit?" "No, Poe, Al.,41, pleat e ivc me my bill. in Mr. 'Thompson: "I'm con- vinced that China needs firm hand," Mrs, Thompson: "I've told the new maid that, but it's no use," 1'So you're tat a 111.111t.,4,.C, asked titrie tit enlist he 111e, - you sweep the mines's' "Oh, Just around il 1 Sides," answered her tailor Lep/it:it ay,m t'it tbnt _ . "Why do they call it a 'ental parlor-" Parlor is another nmc for draytting•rooni." • • - Nazi Gives Self Up To Aid Allies A •_:/iT.11iii the Nali- 110 Who \ 11 11IM'qii up to the Priti,h a 1ioil tillie ,ign \vas officittily identified by Allied spokes- men ai Erich Vertu( ken, clerk to the mary attache in the German embassy at 11411110)111 and n1044 of the German atithot e,s, Petra Veit snehren. The 24 -year -a attache and his wife declared they deserted he Ger- mans because they were disgusted with Nazi brutality. Ile is said to possess detailed information of greatest value. At the German embassy he served directly under Dr. Pr,u1 Leverkuchn, assistant military attache in Turkey. Vermehren said he and his tvife reached Allied controlled territory despite every effort by Germans In Turkey to apprehend hini, l;tider Investigation by the Gestapo, he disappeared several days ago. Ger- man Ambassador Franz von Papcn Interrupted it vacation in the Bursa Mountains to rush hack to Istan- bul in order to direct sat investiga- tion of his disappearance, TO HEAR FINN OFFER Mine. Alexandra Nollomay, above, Russian minister at Stock- holm, is expected to receive Fin- tich peace terms from 3. K. Paasik- bl. now in the Swedisit es Finn ptace envoy. Modern Etiquette 13y Raerta Let 1,\\ bat, arc iripttaitaitt tbings renn y. ben tt halt: it 2, ;sit ric.a r :it tel A ...ptit it if 01.C, trtr tittr,1 1111( 3. I, it it. -u'; that a1;11'1 ciiL Ler %%tap tt ditting is a ix ttl, Awl itte t;tettel, 4. \VJuIlliCt it Lr. ail ti61t.t. to 11.C11/1 1•:1‘ ri ctIofo ih if the ttatiblingt t t.Indrit I,. I s there a Cf rcti,totht It altvai. t; correct ',tiltt tredltirtcl to 50111C 6, lc it 110,1-s`,.1::, t11.4t ont t Iva v..,0-11 clidti; eirop» Answers t. Remember 1 ris1dis lettitr immediately mon. tau ening Second in importaittat is a sikccre. ence,..don oi V. Ge.r• tainit , It viraid rude not to thank him, tt, No; she leave it 0)) the b0c1, of hilt chair. 4. The bride should 'toothier it %North her time and effttrt to ‘Yrite per- sonal loos of appreciation to tht.ite. who lcre hind and tlmitglitinl (nigh to give gifts. Cr, do ;wit do." n, but ic riot oblieal,e...\., Tokyo Said Ready For Air Attacks A 1) I 1 raditictittt (row. (.(r- nittLy ittioted the li,tyttt Of 1.11 1.• City -,ttilicipatc for ttst\,'e e L td.ly 11if. exit( It1:gainti thrtotgla 14111116.in; of Ilcrint and t:the' man r tie, hilt above all or t,e, prat...Ltd lt:stotot, Icannd from th greid Girtliquitlot f t::," tipttiteti 1'. \ Ionit tvith tt'ot airraid pro tcction 1l there 01:o is a Syi-tik di -Tel -sill of the port tt tit !nit cit:i of tt..,tatti,tittit." The IN teal "commuui,m" t Va C,Ji7h't1 in the secret revoln- titulary ,ocictics of Park between 1831 :mil 18311. oRelieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Plnkham'n Vegetable Compound not ratty helps relieve monthly pain but niso weak, nerv- ous feelinp-clue to monthly func- tional disturbances, It helps bad up rcePitnnco against d(stress of "diffi- cult days." Made In Canada, / PILES Sutterors of bleeding tint protr 'Wing 14103 should know [Junkers Dubai Pills treat tho cause at Its source. MOliey back if tlie first bottle does not satisfy. Buy front your druggist, Itching Scalp A Simple Home Treatment If your twitlp has broken out With 41(1y surface rill' s or lerl- tattoos; — DUNI' Did with finger- nails] ns !hat uffly scrve.4 to matte it worhe -din) stirred» it. On to 3't11-11' 1111112,441:I. dl)—get El bottle olonn)' Enteral,' Oil and use Oils mixed with an equal quantity, of olive oil, easy te; use—all you do Is linty to the soalp with 3.0111' tifill gently rubbing In - 10 the, roots of the 1101r. Do this at least oneit it 11/1' n14,1 4414001. every 10411'111 thy 1,1111111010 using IL god soap, Soon you'll find Oil» oombin. allot) s(ily) right In—promoting' faster hooting, Continuo the treat- ment untit relieved and thq loose, nolting dandruff ?lac riisapp,1,721.1d, continue for 2 we trtul If then you tiro kited g1 041P 11101,1y hark. 1,1•14,4,kk , 4,, ,•.% 4\ 1i, 1•110, d 11 2- - ,r,ares.loexer,111.1....1111.• Pimples Curbed 1st Day Are you etobarrassed by ugly, disfiguring pimples and skin blemishes? No matter how long you have sullerrd or wiint you have t.rled you can now start curbing Pimples, Itching, Eczema -like rash, Ringworm, and other skin id nations with the very first ap- plication of a new treatment called Rise - dorm, 11 slops the Itching in 7 minutes and should help make your akin clearer, softer, smoother the very first few days -In fart It Must satisfy you completely or cost, nothitir, Just Fel Nixoderm from your druggist today ender thc money -hart: 1r1r41 0f1rr, Re(' Poi.: ntat tt works and hew much 1.1.11cF 31 0: FUNNY BUSINESS • • 1, 1 ,.., (4, ' 1 . •"' •* '1.,,ri • . , ,v50l' -,-• .4 ,--,r,, ..,• , ,1+ ,? . , re 1 ' ,,,,,,, ,..1.7. ' • '0, ,) )., , 1.4,, • ir• • .1., •• . „ 1111,(11:, 140:1; • " • •n• (051 1741 41 ht4 1151/71 l.0 1 M "My idea is to shoot the eimhy full of splinters.- Sel)(1 0112I' itliinct»diary bomb!" AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES MAKE ANY AlTTir\l' F.. As Hwy /IER. FFAV CHEAP S 1160.1 (JIM AUTOS. CONHAZ.1.17.1.iii) HUM 1111 1"1. TO Ali, THE Aft FNTE1t1- 1 ING C.1 rd. ET OR, INSTA I. A 'If ,oST GIVES l'FR NEN I: S.1T1 FM: HON. 1.( 111 11..:1.1.w,; .\L\ 1 1. [Hi,: k Mo. ALS() MA Is: 1.1'; INS1A 1.1.1Ni; 1,*(.W fIrIMV DE,\IAN1.) EoL'IRED SCA k4; b. I N tt.- ALITY. FLEX ]xi;i I' 11 1N( AND DESIGN, nu cuA Ft, str. E., TO 1.tONTU, 111111 11114 CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS ;71,‘Ittio, d end 11, lto; 14. , ; 1, , btittitt, Lao 21o. 11'. I horuN 1:1o, :No. A breedr.,. 11:1 con: Ri1 oe. banded o,r111 1110,H1 11,1, /1. 11":4; (Int, 15 FREE CHICKS III \ Si V1011011 41 1..411.11'1 Cilit 1.S moi WIT" All !rein 1111a:1od anpri.c. er if 01i te!-1,'11 it.).l l'rioe r )1 111 P, 1_41 y t...1 11,1Lott 1 Ice( It old 17,0o It 7.00 1.,o4 2 wt -t0 v 22.4,141 32.011 1 2.i-1 3 weeks cid 20;.101 174t I 0..tot 1.4) /It ho \rill buy pnit take InititioL,t,. deify, ey, 17',. 111)1 give tit) 7) 1, -ee p,.;. 1, 0, Send 1 1 11 (1 4.pwt. \V :11 Alin CM. 3. by F.\ prei- Ask for our l'tioe l.) 12t; other 1tre,-,1,-. WILFRED 1.1(01(tt 24123 .intherst Street - Monti:col 11.\ 10-1 N; a.:(11,1 1 t ;CT rib' Chicks. 7Ve ;ow r;itie you 110111,01. fate ;I; li; ; o• en ell the 1' 3')!' breed» Hod 1,3 hrid 7 f4_i;11 eto.- Foxed,jIlillor oli/Iti•r,1 .41 lls., tali/ /mi. of your ratter for .11;111, dune iinti latei 11, 07 ere, 3. 111:111 1 Ids year met In- stalled t-Atra toes 1,.1 tithe cite(' of Ili/ ..loolaml. $ilo) 3'0U oil/r for 134, good '10700111e chicks lied 7ve 11.111 tithe enre or 15 to.mutty, A Ise laying tilid ready 1.; lay pullets for Winne& lode b'ree ealitlogue and Tivedtile 0111e11 11(11e/t- ortes Limited, 1:'eratis, ()Waldo, 1,11111T1'5 101.1 121111:155 IIATC11 1,1J), 1. Plfit 111 LIST supplied, All hit ds for our jti 1; hlLt'tIlp' 1150 31', 1101 1141,.r. eating4 /,11.S, 1;04'1'1'1110e/it 1101. CU11141 141141 1,100,1 leSttql by De- Ptirtmen 1 initp/1,1 SOI,011 ON LICIITI .11111ertuti, 1111. 1. ('hone 1111-21 331515V 11,15 ST -1 1710:11 1.1•71 II1N pullets, Ittel lintite•il lino. itle» el honvicr lirceds. Ask us ahem these, Taking orders (411' ritiyuIrl chirps also. 12 ;anyone et«) satisfy Tou as to lircicl, quantity, de- IlverY, 11 will hill,r lie llrity, llray tchery, 7 Jelin (ow A-1 BAII 1'33IC1iS 101Z011 IlLOOD- 11'ested Hoch», Barred llocks, large type 11'!)' J.) horn», Barred Rod) X 1Allito Legliorns, f• -fusses X New ilitninshire, Red X Rocks, Writo for price 11s5 to -;t. 11. SivItier Ilan:het y, (int, 111)11) Q(*.k Lin: ) 0/1-0-0 'NI) 31.5')'- (.11(7)' Wood -tested. Or- dinary priee». l'opultir breeds. Nelson I teheo, Ont. ANO 1„1 553, I.; gherns. .111 Rigs blootite»tell, toed to lay Ulla ;extra quality Rocks mixed 1-117;e. White Let,thorns mixed 12o. Put - feta 240'. 111,14 coelterelc 110re31 Coch 1'00171%1 1i'a cm, IlIdgetion 11, ON!. 11A.1'1:: 11111,0 7 Tr, 1.13' 3)5 1iltEl Rucks, end ;4.1%11'. 1,e017o1 its 1)::i - r011 11r0i11 Al»rrli 1)10,11. 11:lVt• brit.ling and 111 1.,1111132: 38 years 7i ith 0300a testing and culling. 1(411 an I spell s'. I tor, price lici oo request. J. I). 1011, I' 1011,, 1110„. 11(41115 1.1I6/1 1'A Y A1111,11'5' IIA 115,1,11(11(4 T (LIS STRA IN IS A proven egg'-proilueing type. with tIvetity-thrce yeztrs Ur at, ittly 1 production hail: of them. The:. will pay well for good keen ;Ind core. This is relit:tin, beoittise they Are doing this en our own (anti 1:114)4`,1 docIng farms, 1 ou get eve tie rhe snnic) bre. il, Stl'1,1114 and 42.1',04- ,,1 140 ralgo for nurse! v; try nutirin omen handbook '11 lie 1i l'ity Ability.' sent 1,11E17 on 1t •'- 4:11:1: 4,3151, ..01,10 •4144,st, GO oar nt ice .0 .1 /tolid'et;:. 3 !oiler- 1: 011/ eurly 3;:i 412, ...e, 1.1-117711 1'15 11 11 1,1 111'1'1111 I' A 1 i' 5 „. „id, 23 P1.11,; 1.1,, 1 4V, 1, :4; O4/11 2 11,"1:4“4444 1., 11: 1, • (1117'. ,41 ittt:tiery, 111-11 et ' 1, ()et. titi.i: S .1 .1 11. Ifer :. • I:, ; 11 ! 7 4004 to 1!:, 1: 0t '1,i1gis 55'.4r01.14 1411 40 1 ,11.1111,1, It1,111,1e1.1 fl, .11 1.... 1.1.1: 1-1 This •11 .11 11 / 1., 01: ..11 3:r14,,0 4' 0, .1f i.\ • 44" '.13(11 , 1 1,td, irit, •t• oii niur 11. 1 1',. 1' . 1..,' v. lo '‚.4 0553. 55-, L., it e l't ;1021 1:10'101»,, 1:11 0)1(31 tt 1 .if 137 /141/1.., r 11' 41- 1, nil noire t.t.,,t;s. 114 .3 (Itli‘ ; 1 td01 4'1)0 f.o. lit 14 cat - entli ne 1. le. I ,ttes tar Gov• tAllor'„' -5 1 1» •,. 'TON 1" 11 1,I1; 1. 1 '1 TOO LA 10 -- *4-4444 1. N3'X.11,' 41ION 1 I.n.t.N"l' 1'1' 111.; vttlft +1,4," Scud for cair price 1111 rt:,t1 wider our ohielio 0040 41:e (11 ltr. 110 catery. Lritet)- +pa 16,1W,, 4, 4041, lit, 51 k MAI/1W% .71..1'1::111;1, 1 1.1.'‘0 111,.1c1,1111:1:1;11:S, y ;I!„ cf. eb1.- 10113 511 1 '4 1,4 r 1, t 111 1 111.111..n, (3, 4- 1, -Ole ,511.11 nth. 4 eine- 1.4 51,, 1' 1'.!. 1,...4,•T1‘.4. 1)1'01. 1.4114 S.11„1,4 1 ',ksTiNr; 11003, 1 i,.•. ,1, • • ‘, 4) 01-11 1.11 1 IN 1 l -. \'t Mrs v.:1( 5 .\ 101( 1.11, 1,11.1 (1114.4/• 212,t1p,22 :4,1,1 1 1 1.'4% 4'1.4.: 1:4111z,lr3' Rer 51 el 14-11111,12 12ab, imuLy, 1.‘0, 31155)1, !0!j :5215 1..74 1 011.140 (.1) 1111211 1,1 CII.,1111116.; 55 1(11' 4111 ful )141,J140:11%,14, 41 aro 141440 4t, 1411011, 01 3 0,44 1144051.14.911, 4-144141.11.• 1110115 11, Varner 8 1_1414.) 45 01 1(1 1.11111404, 1111 1 wigs 4,114U. ('.5 1 L.'. h FET 11.ER:i'll..INU4SL till it k...UMVAN Valeta et..11cItu. 3411, tLI)lilI1 40 1 2 , 1 King 11 et,l, l,J1u111,4.4 1100101'1 01 11,1,44114,111,A, 014 re - 4)414S1. 1. El/ 11.:111...V1 13000T11 1.. 30.1111i1,, 01., I_ SL1.), bought., sold, rebuilt, t puileys, 61•10,1Jus. 11.11111 0i4:12 1,41h company Ltd., 2325 Duch:1.0 St.. roi outo. VIM I 11,101 LiA LL1t_d L'Ait 11A1.,11 i0 v) oll'orstva odor 11,10.11(13, 44)1 01)041, leI1, 114.141110 14 111'u 6lure, 10700 , • 1.05(133 111:1, I.' 51 .1..\ TRI) Ex ',ERIE:No i)•;.1, .)3,111,141L1, 1)13)1 1:111,1, .‘ went, 11041*.e4 111107 ;711.014.4 1.4111ily, aigc, wages 1 x peeled, II, .1. M. I.„'01 11.11. 11 1; 0, EN 1111133:2: 00!, 1(1;017dt-tine id heel tow), 1,111 sheep, married wan, lotus, 21 1I.11. 4,10y 4, „tow 10011 .1' ;inn, Menu Mill,. 11.4 1 11 ('311)1 Viiet • 1,0 112:321)/1111 1 1",4l;33 130o .pcieNs, 21 at re» inopie 10'.!,, 0,:' heuse, 1e41 haul, build lop., 44(13 )'aitit/A1, 1 Intl, .u,1,0 I 15. n 17 in, 1..11t31 01 lltt4,44 it, Apply ‘Vii„,,,ti/i,t/r, 1%111111S ('4111 1.1:: 0,01 A (2t 0 3,A 's 111 hin harp, reenhete,e and equipment, 10''. 012 rA 701 IN Iv .ATEIN.,,i c..1t1W'1054,1. 0'.''.li14) of 2 1 1 t.i/rics, 12 not 4.7 '4 4!,1 r 1151)', 111 l't.S hard ‘\ 11,14 '11111, 11,145 40 4'1141d, 11,111120.4' 101 1111.11.1* 011414.01' 10, Sallittt'd 2 ;noes front 15 .itt 0'o, 2 In lies (V.:11 i(.0..hcrier; It -room 0100 04011/, la bank barn, 14 itu- 3)111114 F-11, .1s, .141 ,3tiript‘,1 ,th hyilt o. For fall partHulars t.pply 1,, 4/1/:, ii•zmutti r, 12,11, :•••,. A, 11' •I /: 1111 • ; 3,1 lt'Sil, lt•I•144,131.-, 4,i 1..01 30 ,14-' titot ‘vot, 1t1 art on tor- tt, t„, i Tor*,33- 1,, '11)41)1III 31, :0)11 I 1.1). Britain to Reduce Output of Aircraft t.irtr.(.'. 1,r 00 (len, .1; L.mte 1),e tally the war bad prior;t: Ilritith I, 0 3t,011 wit1 oridcriio a reduction in its pet sound tar -e the "provrton 1s tate,” ti,e Daily Mail Said Ind 1 atrt 111111 ,;1•, I, 1114 r (301,1 .1 ,o the 7,1:3 •• „ !./ i:m•. • 1,10,i pd.I1' 0t11111 /00 flit Se) - 1;,' (.1"1...1; )ritusfirrirt d 11,,11.1 wort-, 'I he production pro - 1, it: healthy Ittte hrol ptt•it.on has ho 1, so sue- t., tlt 3 \,it}1 that e 1- (1 .112; Gic ;Mord to dispeht illi t, Int 14, 11 1 11:`, S 41,C 14314,-, ythr 111 1',4".11;" 11 craft r(,1 oli(1!) New Use Found For Chewing Gum .1.Lit3)4t American qual- ity n' 11 emerges frc,": the ttIefror,t, 0. !IT nsc ct the fine :r and ).•,' w('apor. •.vith 4,.1;;.. ',I v.0 1.7 tilt1c to 10,1:0) 7..)1 4.\ I I 1r 3',,\ It 530% 3,1455' -}1 !I 1 1111:),' 1, , -3, rrti!! 1E1,1' IS A N'11:11 1334 1,i; Ili 57•A311i dtiiy, 11,111; .77 c 1., 31,7'y V 4. 11 1..1 111,11,1 'E. 1,, 1144,.. 1'4111 5.11,1; 51,51.0 101, 711 hed, It ISIY pet lo•dl- i O. 7 JIA illintESSI NG SCHOOL II 1r HAIM/11E1481M; 1'110 Jeoberlbon inettwil, Information reque:A Clat110 a. itonsrtson.a Duirdreseing Acud• emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. IRA 111 1.1tV '1111115'1' GRAY HAIR 1(1113 04' t.ato../il Ittek sit VITAMINS 11. 1 1.5 1 1 117 oit It 1,,,11000 ; tiot 0:1.1.114. of Il1:111 : • tr1r 11r, 4,'.t! •4l)1 '41111(7 Lot. 111.11 tior I./ mir 1, irt 11111y 1,o ,./1,•10111 lit .6111,1, I ql 100 1! :; 11,:r1 t,t, 4;4,1, Lc.'• t 1 101:2 3.,11 14-01 *,!:u •,v,..!') T.\ 11,ETS 1711:/,111114 lip lilt tt,l,!4' t..r‘i 1' 4, 1 I,.. 1./1 a 1 II )10 1,14 1.(,11 "1 214 1, I 111.N.• 34111 111 3.!!1' . 443 3; 1*,,, oir, 1 011,30i 1,4:: 3,0 mont:y ,` ..1 tit. 1' 11,1 ',1( t•ry 11 W 1 t; lt 1 T11152:-1-'' '101- 0:4,0, 0451' 01 quolity 11 i;oods, 150.11, a lot: to•, 1t mirth II, .1' l'„dhur:-, sit '1'' 11 Is 11 011,N4i 1,I74051-111 Volt, 111 LibiEN '12,1 I. - vide. t'ontniet 1 11,tildwri tint: A11- (41) $ 22144, mauled nitnor, 1-1)40 1l1) 1211) 11 1.1118 to 1111021110 71111S, 340 110 ,11,1' 104,4., Teron to, 111SEC1' 1411,1,1414 11.1611T '11111 55.21I111012 FLY IviTa Meveety's \viable and 1,0015 Killer, A do powder, needs no water. Satistaction guaranteed, l'rice per 10. sixty eenta 4)011.• Apply Norman McNeely, liestoule, 1)01, 101111111,11A1011 ------.---------. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY 5.'\N"1 10, AKEN AGAIN (lot liner "eilan» itt lower coot — Promo) 1.2c, Send your 111812 lo Stiir Snapshot 7(1 11,0 1,1 be 0,11-11,p. d and printed. T114 374 1,..11,111,1111,41 targe -t hnishing sue. dio, serving customers all over caned:L. I cull lilt/ our work. Lou, Any Sixo 13,, !-'-G or 1 ENLiu,l111d, DEVI,A,D1'Elt AND l'IUNTLID 26e Praising Itlf Silitoshyt Service, a ciietortier ni 11 intisot, Ont., writes. '1 111/1/poi,-42 il's hard 10 love out 11 4 ); (trdu° 0 E,4 41111c1"1, i eel "I L1.14; 1 1111 111.') rk";1114 turn eta Knell hie- pictures, 111 wait—if 1 have: to 7%itit." 3 A14_'L:N.1'1:D ENI.AittillX11:11\ Tti 23c Size (4.5- 1/1 10 -Dutiful E)teel Mount's Eniaigt,ments 4.Nti ' 011 ivory 1111 4,0 nipfloos) 7x11" in 0014, Silver, 1211. ettesimi 551111111t of 111nol1 Ebony ittone,, 1431 04.11. It enlarpo- 10/111 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 141,1k 1 1, 1111,11;11 15, 1'O111111, Print 5141 too and ...11 MAIL YOUR FILMS T41 51, ,iit 3{..51,1T}. :,(.1.11 0 0:14i ,:01:70,:1 4! 111111, 'or titie: r.tcr% ice. Stst- ttok T,aittit•o. 1111111C tf. 0000 4j,",S1'1,TS : S 1 1' - fere:* 11 oil, 1:1,1 10,2 :f SOH • O. 51 111.1' 12, St,1"4 .." F.11. ' $ 1. CONSTIPATION rot: ',It 1:1:tH t - .1,, ,1rt .1!, - 41 1,, .4 - I; do; ;;,, • AI 41 . 11111121,4,1,, , 1,4. our fiyl.tecti 1,,f thr !:r1V York tan,. 'Ellis 1, .1 e a13i ' to imp! i 1, tn titt. tt-i (it if ti—t spot ltti 31,1: thit cf to talte Moly -.it of th, y oi' 3e Pool ; 1 1. 01 of 1., ,,t , the V. ,, 1,It;io 11ottitt %'.'!1, a M'! 1,1'!' r 11:, fil1 1/y (101.: 0101 lite liquid tic( -itry ;or c,tir 1I)) itt.lr .011 Ir :tit 1 t :;„t, 0„1i tt'li'l t111 11C+1 :t for tit Htir. 'I pplit ti et. ,,; 14 um (1.11iot d tape 1,1 tl rapped bolt: ititith / 14131 J3 tni, 03,3 11,..P..0- 1', 3 1111 1.;%1 3.1,01 pr. chi tit) bite to 1,;:t. tlei t fcir po abitit it g ;: 1101 1- 03 tbt sin-) tiort.ct 1.3 1: - MA f III \ 111 11 AN/1 1300 0 tot 510144815 .N14a4311S 75 4.1 - 1...1 11:aIth./ E. 1 1 tA )1 10'11 S1111111 1'.1 1 , :11(15E815. .l.'11)1.1( F 111: 11011)11:1-11) :0'0-1.4)\* 1,0111 i to if I•1 1.7 1,0,vt., 1,-; 1'. s .1,1 ‘,1 1,1 ('4)1 1;1111' 01111'1' POULTRY GRIT 0,013)0 L.1' 1 V,' 4,1113.10 E01».1-,:ttO 1/,.11 prI,M for morii Arkillo 011111..0ml/1y 1 IL. bltpl 11 iitty 4)'':! 73, 5Slte f•, stoop,- pr:o. DEALERS WANTED 345.115 4415 (1 1007 51 tn. 1.131(110) VW, Deloritilier iltiuttela 1/1 11:11,41, ('51(1) 125 100.01 littIli Ill.:AAA.: 1 .52: 1 1'01'- 1"M '11,-W 1 ',., (- 3254 - 13, 4.1)'.4)t!..11 1 ,.,, .0 .1 1,11,1 3E1 1 ',1, 02. 1.1 '1 IS 1:11T, .1 • 11 111.1 51 1 l'IL l'A I,'45 '1'1:1 IT: 1..V.3:13! 1 t)1' j1!0:,1,;!,- 1 - I 1. '1. !•t:1 4,111115 \NA: A111: c,r0)V,1:1,:', 11,1, (-1 th. 11 it‘q h. :41 11') , ,) 1 • 'H 11 t • r A 1:1 117 sTit V: IOTA II( I" ill's STCVE REPAIR PARTS 551: .1 1. 1- I .1 Ill. Iminto 2 4,•,1 11,,, ,••t, ,f.52 1,,'', 1111k1 111 t: 3;- 1 3, 554,41, STO1 Es STOVES §12.1/1) CLEARANCE .2:1L.,14tit.t. t....N1OTO).-,,P,14 4.11 .51 1- 01'''.'! cod (17 1.1440 hto‘L•14. 4-1111, 04 1 (31101.'e cook it"ri.ijo,o, cast, 1.1,0,1•4, 5-1111, 0141nulitki 15 tinning 05t,11 04' 31",./'10.51141. Late 1011,4)4', 4..u1 country coal 44 15.424411, 1:1 4)0 tiro box mot ''‚.111 fi E;t; t.ody. tinatmi- lad \varmint; oven and r4.51:11 8p4:44101 sena notticti 0141e2. $.21 14 4,4.12,12•4; 4131, tjtivetr l'e:routo. TO.171 514)11'. TOMATOES FROM SEED 1,0.5 '1 I.\ 040.“1.0 4,00,04- 01 .5,1.1,, 4, s 010-4 4,, ; 1 ly torto,,t I 70 11-, to 5,„.1!..113, 111.11:1 rc, , '.311110-1,3 ,'f tiiii .4114111 Alitihii.o/ 'room 3 110.1,, i‘ /ono. di rail _5 1,/ IL- L 1 oOltcl55. 55 1.iimT, 1), 1,1 1 it, 1'i.ti/1 1“1 S1W,..,:FLi 1,61, L'1' ',, s(1,1t, 0,1' it) 1:1-1 .511 1-(-11,1 14+111; 1,-, 11441 1..1 +.14. 1., , 1 4,t 1,14 -I-. - Aiti,;‘,,01431 t .v.m.) 1 1111E-1 12 11 U1)''ll alt: 1.1114 111 1111111 ." 01:0 on. 1111111+,:: '5 10 ;MO wit 11 (11111 414 31.(11) LI 01)0;0 • RA 15114, :lotto e :la, 141 11.1-1.t 1.01011 I ti 3. Ont. .51 1 144 \ 111 'r A p. •,1 '1,1 1'1 141 . 1'11 HI:111 ill( :11.0 1.1 t 4. ....O. -.7,1/, 1 . 1 ,11111 141,'1,1/ •- • 1;1, 11-'1 „. 111/1 1 140 /11 1., 1,11,,14- 11, 1..1,11 "11, 11 Is 1. p, 11-1, 1,, 11 206-, 1 1141 4," !:,01. -1 . .h.t. ..1, 311- 4- Or oll1 , 1, '3. 1 II ,t- 111, 4 4 - ,,L1H tit 4) '11 13''. 31-- :- 00, (84 t \ ,tok. 1,. - 0, ,„ . • i 11,,5 .01 1 1, : 1' I 1 ,1 1‘1,0, 1 13 57 volt Al %ATLI) r I, • 01.'1: 55 \ Vp; 1. , ti it e, '' lit Id 7 3 it, tato ti et. No A 7R 1,��-.,., .. ......... THE STANDARD ICUIIICCOMMCWAVOC1414tC41000414C(CAKILKICA i (14:1.14KKKOCK(C111.0 0000QY6 1 (1f frozen pond gracefully i 1t 1'l d en ice. AUBURN ‘ Elliott 111sural'1ce Agency '1'111,• 11l•re 1111.111►>' skimming ;1)u{ 11',' 4'1.1'7) clasp 1.nuagil 11) net' 1111111` i I happy fact .71y companion Hail' d Air, ,,,,,i .117,. It. J. I'llillii.,:+ ,Intl • ii I1) I•erall his l.uyhoml 111 )h1' country ,111'.,. I'• .1, 11Ulttiull „Ili 1't110le(I al 1 `` ) K awl with ;1 I,I'rt:111( ;mown of pr111' (linul•r 011 solidity evening on the o;• I INSU1tE N011'' ANI) 1)I+i ASSURED, 1'I,t,feSSei: ()Ell he h:td WI)11 I'ertllin (•;1Siou of the I,IIh Whiling a1111i,•.1'- i - ; • , , ,• , ,.. , A nistinction i(, it figure skater . . . 1(:u y of 111. and I\1r,. E. 1'11111:7);. Car 111'0 - Life - Sitl(ness - Accident, 111(1 he 1111{ : I:u'tal 1)u I 1111((1 hehfod 4 „ t ii t 1 ms.) pr1'senl Wen! ,I881(s W. AleilI, , BLl I II --- ON1 AItIO• F the Tarn ()t II(• cola., farm. l'uthcr 1)l Nlr=. i:, Phillips, told titch .. It. Elliott, Ill,..110 ' w1, I'Illilt(t it w;1, I'll! to Iwo IIItlglltl,l•„, 111'x. 't'. ti. ,loll.' roll � {�, Elliott.+� Gordon(,,01'(1011 I.O� ' Office Thune 104. Residence ',none) I. or i-iu. J( \Notch the changing scenes )hal f1111I'll 111111 miss Laura Phillips, many m s ii by (111' 1+inauws. So11u't(ntL w•I''kid• rages of geed 11•(~111.; were le(.e(vr'I WED 49 YEARS BLYTH -- ONT, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" tt dwl ;tion through Balk 1\1(1(111 of f9)t)41)1 ;2, 11(9())rola;3l:rdir "1?:o, (1/3(;,D;?1,•�r oiltn1213121,1ZIP/Ad121D7AD.14,((i2Pt from (M(11'1.1011, lilenit(.inl, 11n11tn,1n':i. irks a 111 a 1'I11111 ,1111.'.1 and Ft, llelrns, 1(1111 a telrphotie 7.111 PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS toy harry J. llu)lu) 1 114I' , 1; ( l alt, ,jp,l ::),It 1: ii tat' 1,r, .,-111 , t .;),• 11•.,:•11. %:(+•'r .11)1 1'11,1: l' i f ,lilt ,:1 !:.-:1' I11 11)1, :.Ire, HI i,l la •01 )•,,i,• 111V a lici, :,Id. I 'o 117..111,1 il11e to gj) 111111 III" .nytfr I, , I ,::r, l', y; a and !roll, of :l:ll-ieul Indian 7)111,11.' : 0.11((111 Bong the cold sii :, - i l f „hull frith Tittle 11111} 11111 al Il, 11'11111 a tllieliet, (lilt'' tildes of i'(1(g1'111(INiu115 1111111 1111'11• s(111.111 - hi, Illy. I'ilrel' S, 11111 „ were a:lel') we I urs) aNU11:l 11 Alitr,) coruel' ae,I 114, '1'11011:1(: d. Julul,t:n, 11'1111 Is va and a (0111(1 nue wa" rl':nling a 1ll11 ,.;rial,cd al'rus; ;I I':al valley villi icing i1) 'I'In•uulu. 11(1(1. 1 girl across 1111 aisle 111;11 huus1'; null barna padlOI'iit(l 11)' 011 Saturday 1111 (on;de 11'1'17 picas trying to het him into 1' wiute'. \1'1 Itul a stratlgl' 11'711^g ;Is ;Indy surprised by ;I vita from lhelr 11117 hl• waa 11(1111' interested in 111 , gi11 the 11'1411 ' -11':1 111:)11g Over a 1)1.1(1^'' nephew, harry E. 11111117) , 11.1111 111;11 111 the ,tory than lie was in the real- that we 191(111111'1 sec. 1.0(17111;11 (1311.1 recently rrturncd 1x)1) O\'nrsl'1:, Ac. lift' _ill a 1:11 the 1.111 lip; an.l (u Y- itt the frozen river Mill it's inn." conl7)any(i.g him 4111. lir. 1111(1 111'3. ,-r ;y chi,,;:.;, I1l(11uc1 11' 110711(14 "WI' iii Thr ( 11 1'1' Iluvolo I'hill(ps, til. (tt'Icns, nl1h:ten' 1'111'11 4.'1.11'1 any;oil1' pa11•:111; :1111' III;1t Trust ('11:)11111'7 ?1(111 II .''1112;1 .'1111 Irl C! , :I1t.:Won to lie' if the train hall intldenly taken i,' tart' It i))til)1e i I111' 11:1in. '1' r w•(17•. 11111 It;l; flr(ng 11•:.1(1 11,1:1:7 1 1 111•. (10.1.:=,. .Ull:row, Sli, uIa, wish gnarl 51it1111 ill the scat h1sitll' 1(1', kink. Soon the trip \vu, over ;And we hi; cousins, .111.:. James Mulch and Ions. d hilt“ If from :a sort of stu;u: thanked each other I'or pleasant cunt• Miss Elizah:lh \iclt,:lson. ,111(1 salt!, "1'ret7y 1:(411 travelling on pa1(ul.ship and yet ca011 of us I(1ew ,.111. •:11111 AIN, 111'11111 1'11111.7)s, St. these c:uut•y train; isn't 11?'' That Ilial the 1111(7 had passed because WO Il1.Ien1, and Ilan.). P11II1i;48, 'Toronto sort of rot: ell my ire and 1 ashy(' hint had 11.. n illterested in 1hi' e11.tngh7g with Mr, anti 111s. lige!;fa1 i'hilllps. to Ivplant hilt,elf. 11 . grab' ed for landscape and the memories and im• 111. (11ul .7115. \\'i1104111 liedd of Prince wh) I t 1 hue utnips for words iisip a ilrewair g 111,11 gl ), O ,..; uginatiou it 11a11 stirred. (leder:111 wi711. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred nu' in sae ,.atlnll'I••til1'. The 1,apelIlullin;on, wreckage and c1dt'a up, '•\fell, there's - V -- t.-114 1It' t!ta1 111,' L•.tn';I'1', F011 I; 011 ;tp 1 111`5, 1'11;11.'1.5 M, 511.'11711.'11 11:19 0011 111g 10 110." 1 sucgcst0d Illat ht' I ONDESBURO special Ines=1,'11 1,.nta;ting a guerrill.t try looking out the 411(11111\' and 117 rented her farm to \11 11ul 111;, It:1) i11 7'1)04 10441 :1::11 T11,' loll; 1):17):,1• Congratulations, 1,1 1(1', and Miss s;.u't; d with Ii'.tl;hlcr, ell 'Turner, who will 1:1 he 7),),:70::fon 118c, a ;i,•:1(.,• , f 111• I :111,; lad ta111'77 1'1.'1(17 \\.0(1, who colt -tanned chair ell it a palm... i1; It.,iy 1'1'11. 1 would ii':,. Till { stn11011 (10 011ug things out \1'elldiat; :\nnivcrsary 011 11u1day, I I i 1 to 11:11). \V1' wrr&n'I travelling 1''11 Mr. \VIII.red ('I.Ilhtsmt li:s I.. .;.I t.^I 1.• lasso d.>,:;Ii:t ,I,Irei 1;t„ February =�Ih. - the tum 1)l vll nod 11 u, t 1 1:111 and .-0 1 01110 11 out when.' Ilse lie r•',t;fy for the C:)Iloclur, of the e farm ', ;. : t',:1:� >, .111 •. l:ng t, ,' '•aitl .I 1):t l '11(.1 Irk" whorl' 111" '1':1(.1(71 1 1vc1!1'.: ,.i„...,,,, ,:• re In cin' , ,1(117)•. 1.'.11 line ! i1n 7';111 to he and 1'al'th.•1 to l I'ru : 1'riv1 when they rail on 111111;; 111 ' (4.0 l' Ills' 1`111 4VI) lI11.n 111111 }oil this 11'(11.'7. ., 6....+,.. .I •1111 I, .1 .I 1(l, , • I,1,.,. 1.11 41.1.4 t ,,'.,1:'.t• 1 Iwo til,' 0111 i!1 1 Iv,4 • 1,.I7,• (11 1110, and pct t 111111 and the (byte !lousy; I lir. \\'(Ilia (41 Ile.:'i h:'.; Sohl 11(.; farmAll s Stella Hutlydgc tut; ro111111 11 I \\'alsh, Thr 7)ruc1.1 ds r,1( this were SI. (I a. it :1:111r.10 ' , f tll_n1 that are all 1emaining 7t what was to lir. (1117)11 .1(1.'44, to Auburn 11011( 110'us.;1.1s' }.\ 1'(117,.''. 1 vv.'s 1 ski, 1 ;unuuulian l ) \( 7)111. tilt y didn't unr1, :a pr0,per0u5 70711 1 vi1! (4 111(11 'l'he ladies of the 111t:1 are Mahn; I liter 1'41(1 77 whit ills .;h:(11', :1-'.11(, llr:-. 111r'411a(1 Ivan 1111' 1`';''1''.- : \i, .ltlu r with a around lite river and it., source of 1 salsa 1(l' llomc•ltad1' 1(81;11 on Nil's, 11:111/111ine1. 1(l' 1!1}111• li rl0 prise. 711'5. 1\'1111.'1() Ilcll 1:0:1- ) tall' h. I I • ;I' 11),y ;I'l1i1 1 t'1" tykl•', 1( Iwi•r tor small Intlas11•tes. 11'1 lite '1'(7111'>(1 1 ;1(101,1. 1.~.1 (71ned{1111y cal: 1 .1111. Robert '71111111 hey i5 ill at 711 „ir•d .j,,.,.11 111 11'11' with unr w,a.4, 1(l 1., :l: II lin'(; '11(11. a Thal ah..at the dislppeur:Alt l' 1114)1(: 1111• I(eiI ('ro'`5 01(4711(;;. 11home of 111. and Mrs. Oliver .\t l?t, I '('111 nr'sl 1(lil:ing will he lipid at Cf co1111714 ;dace.; in favor of the city 51111, t I :ter : . Jr :I 11 '11 - 111:11 0,', 0. cut hood as. w•1' 1111 know what gaud :.«. 1 4 :1• 1'... •,1.1 11 ',1'ul_: le.o•1; cnnunnniti'' c(u175 these ladies 7)' , 1 Mr. arta Mrs. ,1)u 01,'ry len t': 1 i,t4 (11111 111;::1'1 7 ~)1d 1114:1'.Ws'' SI)1"ing nnmt he .Int 111 111(1 Ili.: St, Ilclens, \71111 11.'1(1 .1, 'flit.;1(l:;an. ill London. Lillian Stewart, daughter of Mr. ! :1101 \Irs. \\'lilillm 3. 'Stewart. cel ,- .,,, ..•...♦•t•.♦♦ ♦• ••♦•, •l.0:1 :r;�• .:•.:* :. �•.� .�..�, •�••�. •,•.� �.•4:.•'••}.� ••.••4J. r0•.•u.. aSI+4+-r ♦♦�♦�.. ♦♦4••e..� r•..♦.••♦•.... P�•.♦..•..•♦�r..•♦...♦.. •..♦•.��i•♦♦r•r01•d•P. d.♦.��♦..I)1'all'll 11('1' '.1)1.11 111}(11(1 1 ,. • .,. • • • ♦ • • • • . ♦ .. ♦ ♦• ♦ ., ♦ ♦ e • ♦ . • ♦ ♦ • M • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ r • • • ♦ • ♦ • • • • ♦ • . ♦ ♦. ;I (Il 'I'll L'5!l tl}'. Itivi111' service in SI. ?.IIu'1c's ehtn'clt '11051 Snuday at 111.2'1 a.m. have lived for the past yo:', rented 1 Ulil or 1 181101} Wednesday, March 1, 1914,( III io 14 II 10111.1,11.1 i MA*, 1 1 1 1 • 1 i,,. I 1 t i i V The Event the Season Monster Concert and Dance ! I li 1 .III II• �. , , Ill. da 1 • .I . .1 •d V MAal. WhI l l I, .Y♦ .1 IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, .BLYTH on the evening of FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd Sponsored by The Rink Committe of the Myth Municipal Council. ,FEATURING TI -II CLINTON WIRELESS SCIIOOL l:; -PIECE ORCHESTRA. This is your opportunity to enjoy [lancing to the music [lt) a high-class orchestra at moderate prices, The Splendid Band of The Clinton Wireless School will provide part of the Concert which will preceed the Dance. The Band and Orchestra are two en- tirely different organizations. Added to this feat- ure the program will be interspersed with other numbers of high-class calibre. Admission -To Concert, Silver Collection; Dance 50c ]FURTHER PARTICULARS NEXT WEER. 41 .II.11,11 Am L.• , itl4e 101, ., A,,.,II, 4.:nu,.4.11 1,,1.11 a.1)+ , 1.1 t.1, 1• ;!1111111' I5 ; .11'1.'':1' :l,1 ,:t,:;1) 6',1111 11 1ou11rd oat the wliilow •. :\ 1)0y :Incl ('111.11'('. 0 robin \vas .,e'l'l! her!' (11 1-.0.11e -1''1.11:i:,t 1, ' iv:: • YarrYing un 1 111 Ivith bright cap; were k.tling °'today. lir., 1;7)/1-g1' f'ear's, Hark A:nl,h•O11g, ! Nis. and 115s. 77:1(511, al -a 711, tool Nil. mid 111:. \\'ll L itis, riot ter, ,-1.117 1' 1111(} il.t Qo Apply NOW for your New Gasoline Licenses and Ration Coupon Books On March 31, the present gasoline licenses and ration coupon bunks will expire. After that (laze no gasoline will be sold except on the presentation 1)t at 194+45 ration hook. In his own interests, even' vehicle owner is asked to apply at uitCC 111' al 1(,•11' license and ration coupon look for each of his vehicles. Application 1011115 must he C1nlplctCd in detail. l.onuncncinti April 1, under the 1944-45 rationing plan, the upcl:a• tial of which will he hasic,llly the same as that now in effect, all nun-CUn)n(CrCial rch,11c (11vncrs again he allowed 1 basic -AA" gasoline license auld rarion coopcn hook, containing 40 units for a pac,4enger c,11', or 1(( fur ;1 inotol'C\ CIG Sim iLu'll owners of \'chicles eligible fur a"Special" category, 74111) can prove their aced, vw•ill be granted an extra vocational allowance, lixc(I in advance ln' the vIor ending Mardi 31,1945. In determining the extra allowance - which will be measured to individual needs - the previous category and mileage of the car will nut necessarily be an important consideration. The extra vocational coupons will again be issued in books labelled "Special", and 0,1011 hook will contain not more than 60 units, To permit constant review of the needs of each Category applicant, only one "Special" book, 1)r portion thereof, will be issued at a time, The Oil Controller also has the right to refuse ally application for a "Special" category, or to suspend any ration coupon book fur an infraction of the regulations. 'i'hc shortage of gasoline is still acute. Do not apply for a "Special" categor0 unless your need is urgent, Gasoline for commercial vehicles Will again he rationed. To assure themselves sufficient gasoline to cam' on normal business activi- tloS after Nlarch 31, operators of commercial v'chicles are urged to complete at once and in (1111111 the required application for each of rh(ir vehicles, (hl and after April 1, scrvicc station attendants will not accept ,14 040linc ration Coupons unless the 11:'07157) plate number of the motor vehicle: for vvhich they were issued is turtctl•n in ink o1 each coupon, motor vehicle must also display on its windshield a 1944-45 sulker indicating the Category of the coupon book subnlittcd at the time of the purchase. If the owner of a motor vehicle sells, transfers or disposes of it in olid' vl•.17', it is his obligation to see that the gasoline license and ration coupon book for than vehicle is returned immediately to the nearest Regional Oil Control Office. '1-o obtain a gasoline license and ration coupon book, secure an application form at your nearest Post Office, Study the forth and follow carefully the instructions contained therein, When you receive your 1944-45 gasoline ration book, guard it carefully. Do not leave it in your car. If, because of your negligence, it is loss or stolen, i1 may not be replaced, THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY CANADA Honourable C. D. HOWE, Minister GR•W 5 SNORT OF. GASOLINE USE YOUR;COUPDNS SPAR NGLY Wed 60 Years DON N YI3ROOK MR. GEORGE ALEXANDER Y I I I .1 1 i -u • •,,., . I 11.1, • ..1 .1 , • • 711411011 l l 011(114 11 1 1. A crC\1 palhctcd al 111;0 bait In Au. 111141 011 \1'ed1:'.,1111)' 11i14111 111 1101101' 1'f HIM (lificer I:cslie 1(c.111er who w:0; leat'int un Ther:•;lay for Ilal1:x. 'I'ifiit's ('rchest'a of \\'hlternat.:'h wile; in attendance. 'i h1' tu1dresS wa; g(v, n by 111, 1rt 111 rgO: I :l 11.11118 nay Vino( 1(i pre,; LII d Lcslio 41111 a purse of 1)1111I,y, (,1'111, very ub:y ihanked those 7)40sc:.t for their 111.11• Vaster 1, lin \Vi(•u1 of Ilrussek, spent 1110 weel.•end with h:.; friend, .Dior an i1ll1(5 cf several months, I.,AG Ray \'iuce1.1, who Is Mune un furlough, 111. tleorg' Alexander, of the 'Ah l'ancos.dEn of 11'1.s.t 1V.twaulo:l1, pa s.'ll '(:t Saturday ;titular:011 :uta evening ,117':)) un Saaday, ho:14u:1)•y '(,111, in 111107 I'ri' 1111.5, 1101;2,11 1)CI'S 11 1'e111l(1.1', 11'11(; :snot 11 11;.'1111, in 111.; 711?I y, - co11ed c1 t'Iu ,Men hope in Colborne 111' n 701(11,) of 704:4 sons and f sur (1)540 .. 1 to ul',t'r fclicit It(0115 to 1111 aangllter.;, 411.1 can,' 01 this e.111,nn1at• 1 ,1111. a111: grblogroom of 110 years tit icy 11111(1 \ap,nlrc, 417'11 th(y 4(1:1 the "els :110 et' 70', and \Irs. Ju Iota )011111;, a sill.4, )Iiss Matilda, survive.;, 1111;1(, parent.; of .11r. Nlaitlaud :111811 i 111, marl; .1l'm)l:rOng of \\'c.;t \1'itwa- 'ol' :111b'!I'n. They greeted everyone 110:11, 811,1 .lir. 'rlIO 0115 Armstrong of it) 1!1"11 usual (01111e,lns manner. 'f i)c The \1'1,•1(1 1'111 ,1'f Pray anll , London, 11.1'0 11cphclrs, and oro the 0111)' guests 01'14 received by Ihcir dangii• r1'lallves living (u the=e parts, 01111.1 ter•(n •18\•, Airs, \al'll1011 .\licit, 81((1 nophnws 1110 I.I1ce5 111'e In Manitoba r1'frls1):1'e1•1 4.14'1' 5ervl,11 h) (11''11' and in 14111h3l:1, \Va'ii. '('111' funeral granddaughters, Nuri''.' and I'.I:Iia" \vas held O(7 'I':t,•.;dily al1r.'moon front :111(:1 Of ((udUrleh. 'I'(1), hone Walt the old 110:111. to llrrcuh(11 l'en1_'Icry, heal:Iifully decorated for the cc(0.14Ian The p;1111.1,'arcr.., were: (;us, ICMohan, 411-11 1'0`l'S and carnations, being the 7lichael ('Imnn'u;s, I.:aac 1{111(', 1 :a n( 1:17 l;rand,llildl(n. (l1( Fal 111' Murray, JIII11I'5 ('141 11 ;old George I'lltl• day evt 11111,, cards told games_ 41'1'1' lips, ;Enjoyed. 7laliy messages were re., 7'. 01111 111.. Arnold('raig Spilll u c0 (7)11 111 utclfl un(1 telephone inchttl• fele days 10,37 ((' \'1111 friends i11 Ng, a m(:;5tt u Of congratulation from Louden, l'rlule Minister 11nc17rnzie Kin;;, The lliss Doreen \'iticcnt of 111)1;11, rpe:.t the Iver:; -('1)d Inkier the parental roof. 11r, and Airs, I1'.,11,gl,Is ('1111!'+'.11 and John, v1.111.0 r•_ tilunl(y with lir, and 7): <. 3. NI 1011 1(i 11 del ich. I \1r. and Airs. 0„ ,Ilr(lul of 'Toron'o, were woe:; -end 1471 its at Ill_ (10.1(e 7( and 711,4. 'I':.1).n:(; ,lar .111 11111111',1:tc f:1111i1y, 1 71r, 147(1 }'.'111011.(1 with lir. and 714:4. Allen ((u recent vi:; Ilea. Naylor. 1.11c1;.i :1(v, :'lunl'ay and a Iln'ec•c•::n'se dinner (va.: served on Sunday afternoon (roll Ph1. 111.=1s Irene Itol'iuxon, (';:1:11 a 111111' curerr(1 with ':I beautiful Alec I'cddy, and Mary :1ritist'nng, of \ving- c1o(h 1(1d (1,n(r01 0ith the lhr.e• 11. S. service was held on 1' 11(1.1} with Telt present, Ars, Alva Mel u',':• ell mwdtl'd al. 1114 11(11:1, 111'.;, It, \'inc'nt. was in charge of the I).0• gramme and was one of 1lr) l 101(1•3, 1114, Alarvin 11111`41w1(1 was the ,'.1d 11,;.0.r, '('he progr.un g1( en was full:.wed: Prayer.; Here 0170.1 ;1 , y Mrs. 11'. 1'. Canto ell, Nlrs. 30:111 1111ch:In:l. Tho tieYul(uual 11111'751 0,1 Prayer was given by lir.'. 111w1ud ('unll)bel{. The, 1117er:11g $1.';.) 10 b.' sent to the '11.1 ;Nitre:. of the 1V, 71. S. ,1115. It,''; 'I'II,Imp:on wc,e 1,1' Canada. '('hl: part of U!1' 00eet:al; Drs 1('111( 111. a 111 lir.;. 01104111 \rich prayl'r by :Jrs, It. 1'11(7':11 1)11 1(t( 1ing1( 1(l' the Na 1-11-I :\n• I1: 1(l. The President, \14:, 7a\'1711e, was in 0118)141 117 the husin; ;s. '1'11 !toll ('all w•.as allsWered by a 5(0 a (Il prayer. The t.' :dies 1(t the :'.1•: tn10(111g were road and. iv'p.'ove I. was deckled to have 41 141:11 l' -14 11 11 7llu'ch invent:4. It was (1.1 11 (1 1•' (;end hexes In the six Loy.; f:oil r community who ;11e Oversea', a 11 al 5o to two of the boys on the \\', ('01st. The 1.0d(es :kid donated 1f(0.7') 10, the 1tec1 Cross ;(t Ar'Inru :''1 110)4 o(0(140as hoxes, 'I'•:Ic 111' 11 closed with prayer by Ili? In rsl.!e: ' Nios5r5. .1. I„ NIcl'awell, I\ Ir '1' 11811 1111411 : 04 01 n. '1c 1101110 over Ili1' stere' e-,.(111 cake. The tutt:31 I0 1vc1.:i•cud. the bride was given by her Son, ;"c-, A large num,ic:r Clam this vicin'ty (curd, of (1''derich, and Airs, Allen re• altel,d(il the f11neral c.1( 'Ittoiday al% !plied, lhiriug Sunday evening 1Ito ("11"1' (il' 1111' Llle lir. (;(arse .117:x - group 1'.n ::yed singing' old songs cull ander, 11'1. 1•51k11,1 ..141!”1.0 sympathy cunciudctl the even(t.g I)) 510010 to his sister. Me; ,Matilda, 4.110 L; the \tld Lang Syne" and "11111' Thr) only nue living of a f!ultly of eight. Aro Jull; (lend1'cllons," ,lmuug the NI_,,srs. ' hmias ltohiman, John gifts rec•,iveri wo 1 0 parse of utom'y. Mason, 1';11 id Catonney', 111(1 on [loh(n- thc':1).n, tool 171r. 1:.,1 71rs. 1(oLcrt ('h:1:7 g!rt of Ilse {';111(11} and friends. Thu c0••7)!e wore hies:ed with a ninny o1',4cven children, 1.0m, of whom Iglu Tunical of the late Mrs, I:avi:l ore sl ill livhtl;, e• \Vali:Ice i:l Turuh2rry 014 oe:iday see^1d, and Sgl.11itior 11aro'd, (;orlerich; Ala ltland, of ,11112. ite"',, 11 , , tiro, and \1(7 oral, at home; Lorne,'Th ' (7:iRrc ;1:1` ):I 01* I'0nuybrou!t paid the 51';)renu' (0-prince(01overseasl'niled (hulrh held (heft animal hey were ammo; I:n':c who t011eilrlo,11 in 11111; lied, Wel in I!ll`, and ('lit- me1111.,, with the pa;l0r, Itev, Harold furl! dL'd 111 I!I_'. , There are 14711'7 Sael1, prrt:i11i:7g. Th miu.11c:s O1' (1st i;retil•1.•.' and• child,grandchildren,and oneyeer'1 atuual 111uctiag wore appruvi(l 111(11, ).: re.111 (:y Il..' Ssrtt' .try, 111. Nola' in 1 ITh,:rlt;ls -:1. 'I'h+' retiring nl,1l711Ir ((i --•1'----- Hie S7s:;iu1, 71r. 11', 11, (':111rpi):'ll, 11 rt-4lec:111. All'. ,I. i', lilhinFle EAST WAWANOSH and •Ilt% Ililli:ll'11 Jefferson were 111'(1• Airs, (;, 1:11h'3, 01111 children r1di1,'d el la the 11(111(1 of Flew391s and '1'111:- 7Irs. (17'(111 un Friday when rhe had 1:05, 115pc.•livlly. \11'. Snell gale a a 1'I ;1 nci,l')o:,rs In to 811111. 5'ah11401al summary which showed 2'2 ;111'1;. (' '(:,;t' 1.''.1)' is Spending a households In:licr pastoral nver.dghl. while wit11 hc;• s(5;ir at ('(lotus, with a 1•esi111'•:I i':c-:l';,r.111(1 (1 711, (' I'll', !Nisei' ['11117 visited 011 Sal:(•- :\ vote 1'7 01)prer(:11X11 17115 glren Itte. Hay a( Inc barna 1'i 'Ir. and Mrs.;m1 llr.s. well. The 07(111ng classed George Charier. with the 1)00(1icti1:I. 71r, and Airs. II):Ir) Illulkir1 %:1)41 - - r-.._- l•:Thy =pont Monday w'itli Mrs. Quinn and 1•:0wao11. WVESTII'IELI) (07.\v(I1 and Nnrm:u)7101k)well 111 'Toronto over the wee11-end :•1.ivIn,_; shipped 11 lend of call110 demi, The members of the 1'1.'1'111 Fordo 11101 o11 Monday c r(0,ltig at the home of 11r, 31111 Mrs. .111014 Badman 1''lh over 51) press:al, Aller the 110-.(107'51 over ('ll;(, on "t'u:ted N-,Iticni Pc2.1 Conference'', groups were [:,tllied and the snbjl'ol was discussed 11) Some (01114111. 111. I've:l 3, Cnu'.7 gr,ve n five minute tali on Fertilizer. The 501111 8cdivi;1014 were rattan -1-•11 by 71 vs. 11nw8rd Campbell and 11110. (107glas ('any; bell. 'I'h 7 Forum 1?e\t w'ee1( \•Ill he held at the home of 111r, and Mrs, .i. 1.. 7lt.11uo'cll, 1,:111;1 was served. Soviet Women ti(nc( the war, thousands of Soviet women have 101118e:etl nn'n in 111•.) '71 r. Itichnsd Pale, who is employe.' The 1'111117', I'c•Iple held Mel:. 1111111- alines in Russia. The wife of a l(Nd r Ali Mr, (;e;rge NIe(lu',van. was caller ll.g un \\'canes:L'ly l vetting 0(111 1'11)1- Army officer sent a leper 11 all the lis Ce:)',i in 1+11;11.. The welling op- women of the Karaganda coal 1110;(7) Air, 11(1 ,11 11'l'llington 111 ';ill co011 'iu;(ng a Iiv,iw. Scripture urging 1111'n1 I0 c 11.5 into the in111:s spent Tun:(tay ereni1 vlt'a Mr, 111.1 ]714801) 'cos read 1;y I?ddle 'Taylor. to take the place of their mea at t•te NIrs, R. C. li00owinl. r••:Iy(' by (1(17 Buchanan. A bible front. Asa re;'.111, 10,ite'l \vCnleu are The 1(1':l Cross quilting was held 0:l 31.1 0 was conducted by Rev. 11. 51(011 now working In the Ka-ra1.11(11 coal \Ved7csday at the 11011('! of Mrs. L.1',, with ('11llis (''ok and 11argarct alines, and the officer's wifa 118,3 been Ile Johnston. A 'draw was made nn i 11'ighln)au aq Captains of the Iwo I;Iwarded the (haler of Clic 11 ' :;.miler an articl donated by Mrs. Albert (11.10(7, 1'111 media; closed with the t0[ Labour', Wednesday, March 1, 1911. ►"; .1 01.1'4Ui\1 '1'11 E.'a'I'RE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. ?. .111vo S11tr11'ti Sal.4-4 I'h' rs., Fri. tea' 41'01 ,`,13 4 yy >. S?ECI•\L s. Joan L esl•e, George Murphy „ Stage Cast in • . "TI -IIS IS TI1 I; :` 1;iVli.Y " ;• ( n col CI15tI'Ileted fl' II :'n,• it' i " t• i'I• :.Stage 1-',1(`111•, tvhirh h c ,nt:un °i'tt:ally 11111111. This i:; 1001' Army pie ,t,"(11!� it 111.1( '110(1 p,!4111 ,' 1 LitII .• t* 44 ihn;llin: 1,1111!;,..\--1 6.4 11 MI t\11Ity 11:11, s; '.: 4.110„ni'1111 1, Matlnce Sat, Aft'rnoo,4•'1.30 p.m.'. 4 Mon., Tues. Wed., Mar., 6.7•S i,Gene Tierr,ay, Gorge Montgomery., In Romance in \(ami:Ilor :4 "CHINA GIRL" HINA IRL. Also "CINADA CARRIES ON” .? IIUi,LET 1, On 1:11o1lay evenil:g lit,' f:.n of the &t.1( CG 01!(4'.0( m ; at the brine of 111r, and )Irs. ('l:urns' 1\'0!11, n \with an attend IIl1 n of twenty-eight 0013.11 and six Children. After the 1.4(lio broadcnnt and 11`(4'0-(411111 peril) I, 1' i \\'alder t;\.' sl• r, tart', :\It 1,e.10.er InvOtt \!r. ,1'1(1 an(1 daughter, .1uui,,ri', 1 1 t:1( • a! ; while Jir.s. Ju:ul Sand r:.111 read the following nd,:1'1 is; fear Air. awl \i1'.:. and Marj;:r'ie: lief have gather; (1 her' to n11CIt n1'; yon• fri• lids and n 1'!)14 r:. 11'e are sorry to 11 1 w0', leaving our m.110114:011 ho 111 \\',, will miss y1.ur n'ig:;;'nnrly kir.11n4:+<. 1'., were always 0.111}:l t 4 h i;4 u, v: 1 11 1(11 opportunity erose to do t ', in many local un'1..'I.ticin:r; y., 1 4; a fine exannple f n• n< 1 , 1' 411 •w. I •:'e (dally do we me:;lion oto' 1.11'111 10:';::;1 and Red C'rws. \\ e will also Iui ;< y ' :' 1: ! : (11': happy smiles, 1larjorie 0011 \'i.:,•1'. \\'•e all (lecply r; .•i 1 11,11 y 11 hare t decided t0 leave our (ontnluni y. 1, it we hope you will 0111., y(01 111 \\ h \lay God grant that y.,u may h,. 1 n1( THE STANDARD Page 5.' }0(0'(1 111 enjoy it. , 1 III ((,l 1) • i 1wly b 1'11(1.1. g ;11,\ 11; ., 'e 1110,1 r l' have ❑ 111. t :tray, y;u'd and it 1; t1( It 1'.,1 fri, nil • in *alio b..ir. I ,, .1' II1.1: h` 1.1•,1'1' ;111 1140 1 tun ly 1111(1!'.; '.1) .,1 I.4 'i :.I a-, t ,1 s i 1 11 ,. \\ r 11 .. 11 I 4 e .p. .4 .I' ,' , ! 1, i u (41' a „ 1 1.) :(, . rpt 111. • .11, n ., for :1 \11:,4, hill i .Ile ;'. 1(1 1'11.0 II 4.. pre 41 nn !stat, 1,t yo .r to 111( au ; .411:. \.tn. ,11 1111 1,. 0 ,! d 111 :I1 \wlfll int 1•I, •II!r 1.01:1' lnulp. .\II'. and Jit:. \\ Mira 11 'igIIl..;u: ; for 1i1, it I 1:,1 1.11!0 their 1,11111 \vor,l.; itio1 e-1: ! .ily 1 their Ir igl bourline is ;111,1 (u ;11 during; t1(, )teal:, Iaey ha\4, 114,.1 in Jo, 1':,:u1o'tttsly. . ' r..O,.sL.,!, • ill 1111' 1 \ 11i1r-1 11'.14 ..!:0111 111(4(111(4 :11111 the la .1 . 11111:11 ('..Il '.a+, 1(I afnrtii 10 11.11.; hat pros, o f t1(:' II, ring. Mr, ,,,,'1 \Ir:', \\';'1.11^4 „1(11 i.tll,ily intend In .11:: t„ S,,,1 i11 in 1 Spring, 1011 .\1.1111.4) Air. ,bon .; ('1 I\w ig,' d .t ;!!'1...4, all - 1111,1'1 1, Clinton I10;p!I:11. ,'1:0 1Icr;:,art, Puler 0111 .I ,01(1(' , .111'1 ,. and t:1'.. 111 :11;1 rs 4.l' 1(,o ri10 .:1 .. 1p 1! (1 quilting. 113,01r1..\11I'1'':•, Mitt (.: () d ,;, t is;l,vl (til :;un,l;ty \\ 1(11 \I: , 0:01 �! 11.111. l'art1'v, I1MM:U )11 t'e.t ,iJ..ts' Die 1I'llk Year 0111(.'00(4; .,Gnute that 101':- t? I,:,, IA of ;I41g (11(1'4 1);1,I1a i'n y the , .111 11' ! , , y of 1!14 children alone Ihi n: t1' t4:' ('1 1.,111 n nlilli,ln d., J. 1I1.1 y \\ 111 (1:4 of .,:;1ry„1'.,111 ;qt.( Liu it p..r r u1( l r nrn ::11 ”! '(.dl, : will b.• too \\,•"!; to re .:t 11.s' 1.: I:!':. t :J.it:sn ill 101'1; ).cul s : vy, tyh,cls. Tit' 1 r1•..11,) has in. 1.1.0..••! .1134 tt lye , .1 peri. 0' .11:1 (1101'0 114 ,• 110 1001111:lI : ;•pGe; \\ 1111 r 1!11! ,11 11, 011((1;-1 as tad a4 11 in (11•1.04.4,. .\, t ,',lin;; In 4(11,10(1 r., i ) 1' 1,,+11:;: art 11)) ,.I1 15:11 ,t..: 111;11; ilei, 1,01' p (' (((1 11 ,1 .y, „I1 1 rotb4:linri i; 1)11 .0 ':i1'a) and I?4 man, admit it. 'I'1(•• minimum unn0b,'r r, l' 1,104!14; 1111 b,,t,t., I.) ❑...,11 I`,:�lr, •,...c:'f": l!;'w'`:'iw'. '''.+i::++:'{acSSi 1P.tCitPik°0111+$(!a1Qt:ICtQt%G'il��'il(isriRtl(CsCtCtelGttt4tltettnGtdtel IC41041C1C1Ct1114".:..,,,:.,,..,i,y�,a,4.,y,-'._in., 10';'In''.: 01(1` 1' '1'1-I 1',ATRE, v CLINTON, P' '.YIt4G' Bob Hope in: "1. FT'S FACE IT" t 1:1ml:ink i; 41' 1.1 I'1) 1(411' I , lin,• 1'.11 3111; K'i111 (•',1.1 in 011 1(1 a'. ho.!r !a of the dearly utnrr.:a ; i not ,(11 4 11 91 viable 1 ;t, hilt 1(4 1(.l, (nal:\'' f 1 • 11 1. ;'ion women is no I'(4 (I at situation =) :', (inns. 111(1 in 411 p1.n In;44 C,'I 1(.,u wo1111 a 11(411 d :1111 1'1 raft'} i1(,• .1111•: fl.;e :,i' 11'1 11 the "tl'1. (i 011 1111'00' r,liIi, \'103(11'1;: 4D to 11 '1111:'1 :'pmt 1, this ir.(,;n':1' ^? : ituatiun \w 111 I,' dc1411 Leith. I•:v, ala the winter of 1:+11 the 4.0,00 ;) : porta ;e 45'11= 1; ) 011 1:101 in 11(( p0 dirtrit•ts of lir:' 1; \10111'11 w1 re " I'1,r4411 i(1 44' tho`.r chll(Ir41I (lie o 11114 a; \well as Mute"3. \t0ny tt• unen • (3(3e un111(4 to t 11(:4(11 eu0ul;h fuel 1'4 1 1' W1111 no 1(143' (1111-11 14 of fun 1 they 11:1 bn"n able to fi•:d. Scholl clns,, and ('11(1 l: n to (14.1:1 in Ili' i1 ;144.7 \\'0 (1 n have 1 en f ,t'' I I. send their children ()'11 to beg. T11 • t of ;t 11.4 111(11 1'1111' fir(' year o111 (3111( 23.';11 (4(01113 (y ,. 11 pin:• 1.01 bread at a r"111'':Iv 11':(11 11 4,1' eat', 1(111,1 indeed \('rin2 a mother's IT,or 11111 as well as 41':I71( h) 11un_'rr awl cold there 1(114 ;Ilse 11,-11 death by 4.01(1 steel for 114.1gion children. ('aces of delt11pra:' nl(Ivdl'l' 1,) (143(11 in (410hlirr. 1(rnn record, M -,...day, Tuesday, Wednesday 1.1 ,,.�'• •.� nt• 11(0,(1 m'i'tt" !,,(1 ' ,tele, bl 111 .d !.I., :I •;'1 p , '111(..1 rill, p•1'. t• 11 Tel lin' ((1o1' S'.•`-11-ni Foster and ('4a de Ra'ns •— Th' r(4(10v, Friday, Saturday 041' is rre Ha'4i'I•uul, Robert Cum• 111 0 ; '1110 Charles Coburn. .\ I.1.:1 1111 11 p; !Ise ,• -.',,1.,,, 1,1 001( u 11' 0111,0 0111 011(01110; love an 1 14,01,1.,. .14 Ile' :1:1(1` of a (lashing :\tu,'r',,•,to airman. "Princess O'Rourke" CAPITAL '1'IIEA''I'I{;E GOUERICH, "'ow: Claudette Colbert and Fred icMurray ir, "No Time For Love" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Don Ameche, Frances Dee and Ann Rutherford Pring In life Iht• lovanle elal•trl4'3s iu \Ia''Ki:;ley l\:uIt•,r'.( g're'at -1 1') "1-IA1'1'Y LAND" Thureday, Friday, Saturday Bud Abbott, Lou Costello and Grace MacDonald turn a 1:0(1(0(1 itunyon tab, Into a riot 41' (4 Seen hilarity REGENT THEATRE SEAF(jI1, r+, Nov:: Ahb1.t' ,: -:1 Costello +n 7 •'WHC L.;NE IT" 'WATCH on the Monday, Tuesday, Wedneb ;.my Paul Lukas and Bette [Jay.s 114,:01 a -'110114 1 L1.-1 111 ,,.t (11,1110(111' I,1' ,,loo'': Thursday, Friday, S;:turday Deanna Durban, Edmund 0'131 31' and Bari y Flt:ncr:.I-, In .4 14: .1111e beat ihu; I1(.• 13,04 . 'lite .1Rla%ilio;" "IT AIN"I' 11AY" Mrs. Holliday - Com n4.: 1)11111() U. Hughes' novel Cominc : Aliso Faye, '•OLD Ate DavisDaviNTANC.E' "THE FALLEN SPARROW" "The Gang's All Here" The Worit^of the• RED CROSS must go on. WILL YOU O `10UR SHARE? �1 FARM FOR SALE t hall' I of 3'+, ('4 n. S, I';4••1 \\'t)- 3,'114 <h; 14111 acres good clay 10:1111, 11).11.1.1 13011, I uil11tn s iu g''l0(1 r. pair; 7,1 1141' • : (edea. 1p;41y, (1:111,•(1 Me- t':ll, Clinton, Ontario, 30-2p, FOR SALE 1!4;1:, Oldsmobile ('oa'•h, by goad 4,11IGlion, llw mileage. Apply 11 (;t•0r,'e Fox, phone 103L2, Myth, 29 -Ip. TENI)ERS WANTED BICYCLE FOR SALE In good shape, one new Lire, 011(,'3 good. :Apply to (1. II. .\lgu-line, (14,111 p('ou0 l:i, it}yth, '='•111• TEN1(1:.:144 for the c:,ntrart of crush- ing, harming and spreading approx': maid ), 711 a yards of gravel on t111( 10(114 of 310(•31(1 Township as the Road 1u}'erintendent shall direct trill be 14,ired up t.11 2 p.m., \i:u'ch 13, 10.0 I. '1'11;4 4101 01' t-434(11 3.1:111 not. be larg- er than :(; 111:11. .\ c .rtift d cheque 1`11' i';.2.4.',11.110 mint (company each '(''oder. '111(' lo\vest or any lender not nec- essarily accepted. GEORGE MARTIN, CLERK. LOST AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS BABY CHiCKS 1114,1, (tray .3t• al ,1 (hi,I.:, continue Ilea \ y, derIng,-:vi:,g bri ens al;lil;l 1.. l}ray ((gent. .\. i. .111•, Harold Jack. on, has been in- -- structell to sell by pu11110 ((((71ian on Clearing A tiedon ;Mlle Lot 11,G, Cunces-ion 4, East \\410.1110•11.' FARM STOCK AN., "'"l.EMEiiTS 21_ miles North of 131yth and 1'111 111(10(4 \\'1st, 01( Mr. 11411.,0(1 Jar;.. -nu, :::1 b.• (( ii: IStl'itt'tltt 10 : c." • 4. CON -musts .t 4fl vivo" '• • •;•;)•2 ES5ENtiat. TABLE TALKS SADIE B CHAMBERS First And Second Class Protein Foods NI eat is and deser..e, aIdgh I -e •;,,, your diet, It's body tiss.,:t ar;.1 is t • —.y both chi: e- ;2; .1 s,1 Fish, ( , are "fir:: r, ' ; • : licv.- umes, in ,•s rough!y s, grow ••••• beans, .„. '. pin:. • beans, , ',.• lima drticki , • •, "ze- cla E •• taku •ntlreiy. r•-5 to thic are pea: -.1:1, of which are complete IN'hile is : e will have to a:I the proteins in c.::diet. tr riced cuts of meat. jus: as good fe)r you, nutrition,,Ily I-Iere's E ":et and also a reci,- r E $eC- 011d-C:2!`, Meat Casserole St7; 5:ler 1 ral\- 2 eut-•,,, 2 Cut,•s ef)-••:::,: beef , t,Ictinci) 1 cut. slicti. ).-fov 1 cup ;•el•per 2 C111' • • 2 tas; • •• • ,,;,•••• "I said good-bye / to tonstipation "I've given up pills and harIl ;at I found my consti- pation was due to lack of "hulk" in my. diet—and I discovered that K ELLOGG 'ti ORAN is a jx.rfectly grand way 10 get at the cause, and, help correct it If this is your trouble, stbp "dos- ing" with harsh pur- ratives—with their lack of lasting relief Try eating, 0 serving of ALL -BRAN iIy,WithInilk, or sprinIcledover other caeals. Or, eat several ALIAltAti 1111.1f - tins daily; Drink plenty of water. Get KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN at your grocer's today—in either of 2 conveni- snt sizes. Made by Kellogg's in Lon- don, Canada. Don't Blame Your DRUGGIST! 1THESE2 THUGS BLAME \j1 INCREASED DEMAND for Any Shortage of BUCKLEY'S REMEDIES When you ask for a Buckley Remedy and your druggist says. "'orrv, temporarily out of stock'', don't blame bim. "The ingredients that has e made Buckley's cough and cold remedies famous, come from all os cr the world, end Hitler and Tojo sometimes del,ty their arrivaLso that you cannot always get the Buckley remedy want just when you want it. So, don't At act until a bronchialcou gh,chest cold or grippe strikes you. (let your Iluckle!,'s Sure, White Ruh, Cinnamated Cap- sules, Throat Aids or Cough Drops thefirs/ opportunity and hat v1,1•SM Ml hand to nip oncoming coughs or colds in the bud, See our druggist at once! ISSUE 10-1944 in lays rias g-eas(d Seascn )a)ers .„'; „, 1))„jac grer• pel 1•• slick sgar- nish. Bake motif:rate ,";:'d) de- ,- cc ''.•,•5„),.' 5.. • • . n•d '•••litts thc ,:e :lave one ,.,f r,,w so CE:1 get El! :ne I.ong ••• • Country Baked Limas s 1 niedi).):. Place l'n ;011 111 :i•:.(1"- 10/10AvIl4:: 11; taldcsi•ocrs 2 teait,-...,• ns fait 1 tcast,c.,-;), int,),,tard 2 tablespcaTis saiice 1 cup ju'.ce Pour is !nix Pre c rr beans, Bake 4 ir. slow t degre.ve. !'inover hour. Miss Chambers is eleoint nersonal letters from Interested readers. Silo Is kileased lo receiie Raggerri Haar on futile,/ for her 81111 IN always ready to listen to your "pet peeves." Itequests for recipes or %pedal mellilt4 fire In order. Add reA* your letters to "Miss smile 11, Chambers, 7;1 %Veal Alleinble SI., Toronto." send stamped Ref f-nil- ilretocif • clone a y410 WIMII reply. Smart and New It's smart 55.1 CS new side -buttoning. And 'o very sens- ible. Iatten 44,',0 is a(1111';ti)ly !m - plc ar.d clitfoftable. And note this, too . . the diagram show•s you how easiiy it 2)05 be made, 1:,•r the house try chatoia.o.; a rit on fahr:c foi• better, Pattern 41-'; conies in misses' and w.-.111215'5 izcs 12, 34, :1'), 38, 20; 80, 44, ;iF :ill, and 40, Sim: 10 requires Send l'ivent-; cents • 20, - coins )stanij.s. cannot be accepted) for this pattern. to Anne A dami, P,00:1't 421, 7-, Aiciaide St, \Vest, TorontL. . By • '1 ;. ' I . c;4 ROSSEAU ,.474 VICTOR A T 1111 • •. SYNOPSIS linicc, out of a job, arrive - at \\'illitir l'erris' Cross -I If.t. ranch, Curran, the fOrcinan, promises him a jet.!‘ if Ile can break ;t hors,: Mick Haw r. 11 hen he stk-ceeik, he dj,e,svci, thiit Curran everted the 4-4. to !id! int, A pill 111 cd 1.,1f•-• rids- 0c, angry 1)5,5 e for !seakiig 'het- horse, •!le t'' - :ss speak to him et-eit when he 11.0, his saN'Ing‘. to pay off the mortgaise on the )5115,l! ranch she shares \NMI her foster father, a man named lir,ol,er, fiat when Hooker is shot and Dave is charged with murder, Lois saves hint from being lyncla 1. \Vounded, 5 li c guides hint to it inountain cave where she thii.ks di. il1 he safe !rot.: Curran the sh.sriff's posse, A quad re! betivee•i I'erris and l'Efsn'.;:ni• "(Litt 'Ferris Bins': 1;otv;i,nd, ear 'nor. Ferris takes: Curran into i is confidence, 1);iet, leaves I.ois alct.c for a 1,..11ile, not know is hiding r.earb: CHAPTER XIX \\licit Dave and Ilk horses had tinaly vanish(' lichind the skyline, • Curran jumped to-) his feet. Ile made his ii"olier the ledge trail, past 11ie pla.)1 el•cre his two hors•es ran grasped !»•••• ;11•11', ;:er,1 il huh:" jerr,d 1.11 raa, I'd 5;11 1. 1. ;t nionicnt ts\ o tde '.1:,•tt, .1 ropes, \chi, h Ile had al-, ad: ov,•,• Lols' arms .11 d t :,-s ::v thl 11-'11 . I le •1:t 155,..11 oi:e li.,• hors, s .111,1 sprat g upon the ,ll. 'Holding :ler • r•,, I 111s oacd. c11,1“..1 ;Mel lv ildt 5••••• ,•ry ont or e-ca.,,e, 1•;0'',1 :lir z•t';nt 11:1 - til ached the (11,1 ()': the raiine, ill -lead oi iaalsinc.; for the trail that tad); toivard 11oolicr'5 shac'a, ()in 11 (511,1ol the horses' head- 1,1, ,,s>1 11:e ino,mtains, li.ois, 5512 lit c the inonnt•ai•as :11(c kad guessol re 51551.,11 ta'sing her, anti as the route ....II:fru:ed. her liclict I:er heart satik eveil lois cr, Dave would nc et 5,e able to 'Jai! her "ie•ce, aro! n':11 ;.• ("iirr;111',. Ill, dr, 1I11;1 1I1.11 a st14,11 loin' ;no:, pc,'Ior 545554 11 itt fruitlf.-s srarch for gold in the tiounit.titis. .N.•,.11,(iy ever trace:ell in 111Rt 1i2c2I1011. v, 110 thr:0J1:11 the p(rpLili5ii.- 111ar cliffs that v. allot, 111 the hlind ror an instant the girl looked at the foreman, frozen with terror. '111, t11 of (.11;T:L•1 ateliCil ( t.rot.,) the little t:o,t r,d51. 1sve. 1,:20 he 1L111t1'1. 111.k.r :1c5, it v•a.: tilt ,Ii.olov,* of th,.• Inz;n, , Ike 51121 calved th.,n,tht it I o 1c1:1 -':ll. 1'61 :in in- Ihr fore- man, fr, \in!, 5, err. alleN, 41 her H,,l2I) 'Ilat 11-155111 •:erta;,;, 5. ('111 hall leaped 111,011 her. clappip.; ono 112111 tnilcr 112111111, :,11:•IlIng her cry hcf.ire she could utter it, In that hand was a gag, svhich he thrust down lois' throat. \Vith his other hand he brought the (trifles behind her head. !folding Inc to hint, so that leer attempts to free herself svelte futile, Curit;in quickly had the gag adjusted, She half ?woke free, Cur - ..:•;!•1•:,•1 4. 4 4 Tla; j,))1:11e,• v,as ncariy end, sinick can -A.• into si).),ht at the end of the canyon, down which thin .11i:,1111 \y,ttur trickled. A /ottieg cradle 'till lay on Ili,: m1(1 1,,1' it a .ola..1e of a s;)a41C pronalfleil 151 ,l:1 55 ntotind of earth eahn att-ay ru‘t, Cur- ran rcipn,,11 in and di-nnomted, Ile ,••,Iii}i.ed the rope ,rout ;irtn,F, and cariitd hir in-ide. eont;tincd a ,•inall room and an1,11,, s•n',aller or.e, with [11;i111,' door 1,1 Wren. In the first room wa:i lal)le ia.-1)iolie(I from packing ca-, and some tree stumps that had ht., is tt.zed for Feat S: In one corner 55 'S a bunk with a rotting inattr;css. In the smaller room was another bunk, and nothing more. ()lst of the first bunk staggered Carrots Dress For Dinner Th, 0,,Itte a thug during the year 011111 you may find yourself entertaining at a pretty special dinner party. 'Hien scrvk, carrots ac the piccr tie resistance, No, not just hoilcri- but in an extra delicious pudding made with shredded, nutlike bran, ott with ict!,I, n *duce, a mixture or orange and lemon juice, sugar, butter :151,1 (11,,rc grated carrot. Then unr top with Maraschino • rri,• . rivr*: pair sols carrotn call dress 101 dirtier, t, CARROT PUDDING ); cup sh,..,:teuing 1 cups lim- cup sm,„‘r 1 tablespoon liaijr.,.; 2 eggs, separated teaspoon salt 1 5'a cups grated raw 'carp.; j,1 cup mill, 1 teaspoon 1( 01,n, cup All-liran filend slmrtcning and sugar toeptlicr until ilNifr. .1 ,1.1 p).5 egg rs,ks one at 2 time, beating well allis cad) L111.1t1,11. carrots and All-liran. Gilt flour, baking der and 'alt th,r. Stir into first mixture alternately isith Add j'.; „J),1 in stiffly beaten ego whites. Turn iutj ,1 In tn, 01, 1,15. 1 11 rd.) 12.1 55555, wil)ute • • , 1 ,' ;1,111 Vir it 9 s.,,r;i•-•,;,,, Help The Red Cross nit tiot here, said Curran, "11141 u!) wain I'll -1i, to herc •;,ri )'.•or /ter H;nd,,P. ''Si, tt 110r, 1 tell him, but Ise soy he (1:ts hot !thow 1, the -ks ay, and 1 must 54) ba, `,.; for him." "Ile leas 1, it1'," sn..rlell Lturan. 'Ferris know s 55 lot more than portends to know, alai he don't know a whole lot of thinh. thinks he knows, However, if that's his ntessage, )11)',1 hest CHI! •and hring hint hack. l'ult ..1a1 1)&1: 111 5eVe1l pronto, 5...:0le2-1.11151:' "1 151,10,,2n,l," die Mex- ican. Ewi1111 C11-1:01 sciied I.s in lois Arms and piilled ler t() tis • ',Iota'. lit stood with his. hands opoll her tr. ho!ding her fast. "Are 31111 14))in' 11 10.11" 2 i• dona 11 51, 1.1155 stn ;,1 Iiiii, ;0',51 lit et!, sct valued- aril st•,alt illy, as if in ;n\51 1,) Inc cr., i) tlit)to he,ird •,„ pounding the ward the cath, chapped si hand to ots. ter and cr. itched, 11•:, nins. 51111 511- idrc.,ttly bchitul tht. 1 , 11:- : 511, th:rugh it yct s( ti;': %, 11 side ia,as '1 into a L54 ht 1.,.• as) instant c n the ....Hut of thr, 50 1: so 1nn 1151 1' ••'n• d he ,CIVE YOUR FAMILY A BETTER START wiih /his BETTER BREAKFAST Tasty Nabisco Shredc;ed Wheat is a breakfast they'll be glad to wake up to. Ar.d, along with that tempting flavor, they get a better breakfast! Why? Because Nabisco Shredded Wheot is made from 100% Canadian whole wheat with (Ill tha bran and whect gem. Ready -cooked, rend', to cat. Use the tested, practiced rcci- pes found in even/ Focke.cy:. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LID, Niagara Fails, ,,aller Few 1rops Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve Stuffiness of -7; ?VI rth Specialized Medication Works Fast Right Where Trouble Is! Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute (Ital.) h comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduct, swollen membranes—soothes irritation, relieves RCN congestion, helps flush out cold -clogged nasal passages, Makes breathing easier— VA-TR -N k try it! Follow directions in package. sefr .5 tile QUM-Jr onts coinpany 551 ..and You'll Choose Whole Grain Quaker Oats No other natural cereal is so rich in the I hal growth factor —protein—as whole grain oat- meal. Children can't grow without it — and without it adults lose their stamina, resistance to fatigue. Ile sure your family gets this growth and ener- gy element every day—by serv- ing them big, tempting bowls of delicious hot Quaker Oats. UAKE 0 rt. lassolutormansaumarissomi_ .• , Nravzsor411044.3104114 ENO 000GH SYRUP #NM Invaluable for ,COUGHS-COLDS , BRONCHITIS ;, 'N- ASTHMA WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT hildren love Veno's The Book Shelf OTTAWA REPORTS Modern Poultry Farming B;: Louis M. 'Hurd I ;lis h i, prepared as i•ractical for both large and sma►I pun:; ;' kecpc;, and those in- ::rl'`lc'd I;. •'I'llll�; ;l ;',111110' enlcr- Uo y'o'. ,.;1"\v which feed, to 'ate to tie a., your eltielt; into !iu�lry loo. ;inti heavy egg - producer.: .. �:Q .11ol'lc•t lu,: •11,IC tittle. \\ :...11 iced, eioit'lin the ssrnlfal ,: 1'',iii in their rhe:lpc,t • late -t r li;e++•,'t•ri('; 111 ;blip,• a ertiue: "!'lir newel -1 ,ud sin,lrl..•' methods of trap - I:( 1IIIg :,'. ' l'erligrc1'ing r!tich•: IOte to 11•' ,1'1111cial lih!:lllil. i':verylhi:,.; .cult heed to I:II,':'r in order , anthc money 'froom ,('I.,IIr hell, i, explained in rle:tr i;llll;ll'IgCi (lClltulrrlralei1 " ill inlplc ta',, and more than :!Illi clear -crit 'I•t! 'bonsI,bu11',- ,;ral,ll�, As a 11 . ,er of the I'Hihry !)(f),trtmc;l- ;,: Cornell I'niyer•ity, cxlcnsinu ,.,r':er, and poultry ')t\ tier, t11•: a !thaw has lobi :1 elIallr:(' t(1 t!cvcl"i :;••,d try ()lit the latest id; (rices 1 . (ii,rase controls, feed- ing, !t:(Irl i . , brooding, l';Ip('IIi7.ilig, marl:cling ;t ,1 So on, f'.ver\' reeolll- :it('tl,l,t(Ion .'is hal it-- \',lint' lrl'lrtt'll by actual ;`('1'il'll('('• There eomprehen.iye ,ser. - tions all .:alleys, guinea to\\ ls, peafowls, dileks, geese, swarm, Thr h." SO CIt1,11,it Ir that it i, \:tau;ILII. nlattcr \\lictlicr you tout to ;'.'t"i at the beginning or s:oltg the line, lii'i' you are :tn1a!eur or have a wealth o' ;', conal c ipct irnce, ur whether ya i plan to make it your idle bush..., or simply a side line, Modern Poultry Farming . By Louis M. Hurd , , The Mac- Millan Company of Canada , Price $'t,51) VOICE OF 1 FI E PRESS HE DOES THINGS Sir Riela''d .\churl, llriti.;h advo- cate of a share -the -wealth program, has just t::•';Icd over his million - dollar 17,(111'-:l re estate as a gift to the nation., 'There's a num who really practices what he (preaches. --•fal'lak) ('o11Picea':Cpre`; . WATCH YOUR AFFAIRS Don't a'L'ty your affairs Io be- come So in,oiycd that IN hen Oppor- tunity knocks you'll think it's the sheriff and ;:t;ak out the Wel; tta . -1<itehuler liyeord. UN -LINGUAL The abiii'. to slealc several 'lan- gUage'; i, ;u. as;el, but to he ahfe 10 hold 1' ll;ttI,' in one Ilial• !;nage i• It ,,, - •\fail tilrrrl Journal. Vigil Quality Razor Blades . aptln ed ill Indy Ilaye liven r'ilili, +'+ ti N Itll i :,(a" blade- ill Ills fin', .•c(I. \1'ia, ,aid t',e enemy :y..; i'il!Illiiig on: of step!? Star. DESCRI BEI) mailer 1' addition. tliyi,i"rr 1:dttiolflalion and mis- take,. NAZIS' SECRET There i• !;.:ginning to be a su:- I'icion t t'lc Gcrn+au s r!licf sec- pct is drat ;bey haven't any ;e'ret capon 1 '\t (11 Ft111t,t1 Sipa .'Min's. JUST A HABIT til",n ilio fellow tau grotl;ed al,o;if getting lip in the dark 11101't1- tn� fr: 11irfl'" \\al;l!1g 1:1!11 np, That Current Increased Egg Production Is Largely Due To Better Feeding Methods And Earlier Hatching alar!:III:I'. ;pl,,!! 'In( nal s' !! 11:: egg production lid. rt....mild deliveriei ,tl ilr, lar;lrt; 1(I l,uill inn alone t., Illy Sl„ri;1I I'r,d ml Il.;,1-,1 ac (;;liU•t '!II( car, in t!II• •,1!I: orrio(1 la,t year, an inerra•e; II';, ht addition ti, \•i,lnlnin„11• '1''•1.1,, („I1• •Illllpllull. Il.il r 111111 i';1 •,•, , I ':�� I ,I II111 1Ir,;'i; ,+1' :.' I.I,(111,111111 ,' 1i, • I!1 radar. that'. a 11+1 , 1'ett !,,•,,,,ler. 111 I'1! ', :1+,'l,rt!in_ 1, .1 :a, t, !11 eau.; 1111(1 l,utltlr'+ marl., 114' report i• •tic,1 by tine i l+m:iltit'r' i t1;1 •t- Ittrnt i is;1it lliiurr•, .t: tiloerittl Product; 11'r eft \11111'11 bit\ Britain. I1'!rtI1:1,e,l 1,'40 the 11 Olt', al''+ili',111"r'I( i,l pr, Itrili,il t uinl:,lpi;1 1lberta ,;(• iCa l t'li e:(;, I. 45:; \l;uiitol: '!11 ( Mufti, 1;2 whet. 515 11; i'ithin• 1'r,ttitu'e 11 Surplus egg producing provinces last year Warr: Car, \Iberia 1 ,.-ta,k;t1c1mt\;I1: 111111 111111111r114 +115 t 'Mario t „1111 I.riti-1: Columbia brought in SU eaN in Or; largely required for Northern project.. ( ill, bet' pro- vince iironglt it; .1\; ears, '., more ears than the pre, hap; year, The M'aritinu Province, imported `!1t cars from ( intario and 1 1 (lar, il•u111 other \\ e.;tern pro \ dirt's as against a total o: l,i'! ear, ill int!, Illi ear, in I'd 11 and lis errs in Ill111, 11'llilc ul+'(Icratc (,1;404(!• it r('n- ,iderc(1 the main reason for the current high production, earlier hatching :111(1 hrtler feeding methods have Leen primary rollri.ler;Ilions. It i; pointed alit that 1',it!I proper lousing, birds can be made com- fortable in any \, inter, The \vood block hem house s recommended as one of tic roost ('(11 iiic;d and serl'icc;lhle. that Call Lc mill il: %vat'- tinle, • \1e,sagc f„r tlir cirri: grotycr: 'Illy 1)tlminion l':xperiti ictal Station at 1 farrow, ( Int, in cooperation t\ ith the Central I ;xperimental Farm at ( Atli\\a and other ,rations, allll(ltlli'e', a> a 1'l•stllt. ' t five' year'; experiment. it. hybrid- added to the list recommended for (lutarit\, bringing to III reconuucl:dcd hy- brids ranging in maturity all the \ya( front the very early t_'anatll o1' \\'imet'11,i11 '.'tit to the vert' late Indiana (1111. 11'i.rou,in 11) ;n:,l \\ i•y„o•hl ,.,,.; are added to the very earl; group, rttitahle i1.1:• >;rahl in Ili,: eastern art!. rrlll''ai ;partof the Itr,1viree, The addition: to Ili'' early grad, are 1) I\allp ',r, Funic, (1;u and ott-a 1 \\ dile, ,;:.'L7, it Ile niedirtlll group. rt.! re •ente,i 415, the liyhirri• i'i,tlleel' .,,., and Fitlh. l;;i I' 1:t' bee, added, 1.1n- L i : t r I;t ii.IG heel, ttxtendeti to in,lthlr I Icl,alI •i.i 1'ionveI' :i4(), l r,nk; trItt, Illnu,i.ti(;_!, colli indian. aa i1to, The tied three of these art' 4•1 a little later maturing than Canada 1i:10 while the :e:11ai111tng o tole ' 1,t;-i,t 'r,1hl; I it,.'!'• Shakespeare Knew "Foolish curs! that run winking into the mouth of a Russian bear and have their heads crushed like rotten apples." Tito said It1 The Duke of Orleans. In "King Henry 1"'. If the (Germans had studied Shapcspeare instead of "Mein Kampf", it might lave Leen 1'111x' for them. hxpo.:it,+r, THE WAR • WEEK --- Commentary on Current Events Naval Action Against Japan To Be Supported By Land and Air Drive 11:d ,ut,;i t t itit(a r;,'t'al : 1'roni1.. Ute .. :ti,,t't`ti :l! 11,(' me:!'.,!11 l ilj 1 irter'1t'I ; :(+ t'o,i il:r i',1'-,,., . ,1!",1 '1 i11 l 1:!i riser ,,':+leer \I„I it+a. Fat ?eat hi perp.,: rt., are undo- +Iy for .11;';;ort (+- mtva1 ;4(;;;;r Loaf and air ,pei,,t'' In, ;r,;(ir1,: t ;;(1: it''0r. the (-blhe,e !nteti,1r, I'lu, i- t'1e'ir1'; tilt ,':r,,l;in of the •tatialtie t L1'.1; 1.1 111. (lett, it„r1111 titin': ,':i i.:., a -t i••ied il; thu;tl:l;iln(; '• \Moir,ll tiin,itr. La; -dated that the Nae.. iLtctitli (hiving across the 1'ar itis, Lri:il;i:ig the Japanese Ll+,ckade, landing gri„Ir,i1 and air Torres (,n CI,' 1 I,iu,ni• nrlaul:uul, 1 eite:'al titil'x'r:i (let icured, r,tn;til+': •nit! 1lti„)t $1 U;Sya! at 10 0 11t:1,t l:t' •ti;t;tttt'tt'tl by ;1.' J;re,siye Enol ;!n11 :lir of fen,iye {'re,iilrted from the ict,trior. " f iris t e 11 tetter to (1) 111 ,hate Of t':+! exi.tillg "Calmest' ;op! llurriian torCC, iighting througl', Iturnnt have at- ir:tilt' begun t'tnit' tr t a,•;hilt Crit "l he Ledo If",i11 i• I,r' ,:,r( -ting ,•ati,i,trt11ri1;; ,.,,;.It- of tAireriely ,infatoralde .,,:Illi r n(liti'tn:;, '. 11 pr( ,1 i:t, !n .' i",er, 1 !dna i- lal .. Itetitaide ,. or. :t!1' tl•an-pot1 .11111 Peed- an nl'!..:'llal: :11;,1 eon - tst01 11- lira t';i+, •!t;tiol:t•• 1tt;tl 1 ling lgi epetattiolp. cannot i! for penetration . Ihr. L1"el:- ;eh. by land er \;" tram -pot. :n, tLi• iln,alet• •tt lni.t• Ciel ,:'r. r,l•. itt12 far tiona1;41' ;1,11-1 lir arllit'y:'(1 (am aur pi c.eilt ;i+ roti,+!!, per- i +, ;1•', r+ii.;'Ehli tIi. idi tvt' 1\til list r• I!.r 1.(r,: -1 .Int] n+.,,',e•t (arri11, .,',ailaIde mid in ;Inti, i!rition „! -.mit en: !t c\rr\• tat it ty „n•1 a, ,t!itr,,dl,lt+ott i- ! e- 11!. i'r1•;':roe... An Outstanding Record •Ilira ha, ,111.t:ttly' atIi1'\cin out - ,tandin:; .erre,>r•. It It:l, brought in Ly air the 1t',rr l ..' n tree total tea. e, 111,111!.; ton, 1th the itil'n !my ai:thor• He. i, I as ,,.1st; tit t, d• r ,;eat immber :UI': i''Irf^ int rear at!d ar(,1, ! r', a ,tilt• :(Ii 1r\cr hrte. ( Lina 1' ]sent ,'rtl :iht':Irl of air tr:'„f:.,!;.,,.- tit kit... The Until (1y air•`.'I yl:led ltneri+ an lir N' Cee in china of moderate, dinien,i'ul, Ilan ti hieve(1 11t -landing ,u'+`r,.:,: Helped Chi- neie ;Ir1I:l• il. wardi:g ofi ',eteral :Colne Enda off !live., ,up- plrrled at I: ,t ore Chinese ei' t,dtll- llratt:ll::: in `:"Cllr 1Ittiit u1 till3 %%irlter, 1n'llllrr'(l Iap:Intoe i11.1.111,i• tion. 1,'.(1' the tremendous arc from Central ( Mina \i:t the China „oast Hong lio• 114 to french 1111(+• (`Irina and 11urn1;1, Int ,trrycd large nil .,trl,lily incr,t•inr; trooper, of Japanese ,hipping t'n 1. 1 111;1', river, :11:'t f:tr 011 ail part; of iii( l i„u;i tie;,, illili:(cd lo•avy i!'1• .I. ,,;1;1' .lir Force Kidneys Musi eau QufAcids L'! rss nerd;, poi:colt; and wastes In your moot ore removed cmc fly by your kidneys. (IPtll lir up Ntt;hl.t, murnin;, 1'nt'snt s, Dack• ache, Nervousness, I(hruuti tic Pains, fre• mien it'adnchee, and feeling worn out, often are r Insert by henry 011(1 Bladder troubles, Usually' in such eases, the very first dose of ('y,ies goes right to work helping the Kid- neys Ileal, out occas acids and wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney (Action, In Just n day or so, may easily make you feel ruunger, stronger and better than 111 years. Thr, troll clod llloney•back agreement nn (glee Insures no Immediate refund of the full cost unless completely satisfactory. You pace everytnitot to !;ata rind Clothing to lose und.r thts" iiorry back oiler so get iuyntei from your druggist today. x on pr. ;, (+ i r14 1I1e11 the 1,r:1! l 1 irr-i';atioi • the . II r 1, rtl; 1 t+l(lay, Tire Nazi War Workers Get Scanty Leave tree I t "+'+. .• 11, tv 14 .' . illi I•t111* '14w %VIM l.!} ,iui! 'iiI t'; d,r, (Jr atitit-d 10 ,'IJ1111.+ .t! '!'. r, ..+`!;+ V. illi 'II' , 1;:r1 '1 ..,;'ll r ilei;!':, 1It may Irate tr.', v.,, 'l,tj,a . 1 +,i,1",trout I•:u• i,, +,ditiiu; 1;r11 ritnge of rl!':ate 1',;i opt Iru;,11 ,1?. SWEET AND COOL In Anti Pipe fF€ck€ArBEtIm1 N YOU TRULY ARE • They have said she is isolated by the envel• oping sea. But she has used it to join the hands of millions. They have said she is fortified only by ships. They err. She is fortified by the strong hearts of her sons, Proud in arms, with a mighty heart, Great Britain has withstood a thousand storms and will again. For hers is the strength of millions whose valour springs from a birthright of freedom, Mother of parliaments, they call her , . . champion of justice and right. We of her soil and of her blood and of her tutelage say this today; the world is in her debt for the part she has played in yesterday's eras of peace and progress. It will be so in the peace and progress to conte. We of Canada salute the Gre,d Britain you truly are! THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM 1.'c of The Hiatt of J1ragraal arc proud cf tit: p\7: we are playing in supplying Grit n:i(dir, t'.itll ;irai a':ai>•Jh9 of t\'st, Every S:agrain plant in Canada and the t'tlited States is crFlgcd in the production of hi3h•rr,nci altct1Oi tot- stnal.elni pu'+.Jtr, s)•ota`:tic r:bl*;r sad tea.,; O:il"r art•:i; '1,I.fju:u. Pin $. 1 t - . .�.. _. reerfeeet="watetatatetimmitmatvvititetettatt: :4:Avoid Colds by Wearing sfin Mr. (:arch Iklhl1)11 of London ova! Go 0 Fo 0 twe a r erg n the it (')Georg with his 1'altl'ett • id ti Sp,, George Il;t; ;its of I'rll1(waw1( • ', k spending his furl ;ugh frith ilk Par- '* A cntl. \Ir, and Mrs, Alhert 11aggttt. WE CAN SUPPLY ALL THE FAMILY WITH g i• A lir. Ruln'rI 'Torrey of }tlnevale vis - ,t)1 + ♦ i0(I ih'for a feW )lays with his daugh1tri, SIIOES, RUBBERS, RU BER BOOTS, g llrs. I;onit'n (() k, Mrs, Harold ;`fod- ; AND GALOSHES, db den, and 11r. voddeu, d.\n Honour Roll is to he unveiled in 2 'Trinity Anglican Church, itlyth, till: Olive MoGill �z} i'coming Sunday, at the noon hour service, i5 I ,\Irs. c,I\d ,. Craig v-ited a wee]; ME STANDARD I,t . V. in :\ttlturn, with lir. and lIr',. Ch.ii'h s GitBt�t31]'i;9l�tstir3lota'hat9t9, fr,'r}t`r}19t�ti;"s; ltt.^�t7:t"d15:r`atm`Ii�rs.Dr@I �t �i3,srt�t.°�rAt,'bi �i�tBtRi�t�titiriT4r�rr�t� t 5.'olt, and cousins, Mr. anti Ill's, Bert Craig, ret u'I.;ng home last Thur. tiny, "Johnny Has The 'FIu" Remember that we have a fine Assortment of Gaines that will help to while away the hours while "Johnny" is sick with the 'flu. Waxed Paper handy -package 10c Waxed Paper in rolls, boxed for handiness tear off what you want, 50 feet 20c; 100 feet :35c POCKET-SIZE MAGAZINES 25c and 39c These are complete hooks with 250 and 300 pages, by popular authors, splendid for sending Overseas. PANDA PADS ---We have again be able to secure a limited quantity of the Popular Panda Pads. This pad consists of 200 pages, letter size, and a splendid quality paper. Same Price - 29c. PIC'l't'RES---A lovely assortment of Pictures - 35c. GREETING CARDS --- For All Occasions - Get Well, Sympathy, Baby Congratulation, Wedding Anniversary, Wedding Congratulation, Wedding Gift and Shower Gift Cards, Always on Hand. H AN-I)EE EMBOSSED TOWELS 1Sc WRITING PAPER Pads, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c Envelopes, Linen and Kid Finish pkg. 10c Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 5c ASplcndid Assortment cf Gaines, and a Few Toys, Suitable for Gifts for Children, Paint Books, Story Books, and Cut -Outs. A Fine Assortment of Photograph Albums. Also Your Headquarters for Magazines, The Standard Bok Store .1 1 14 i - I 11 1. , ., 1 e .1 .1 11 , 1 1 11 I I 1 I HURON GIULL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD, GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG a— Proprietor I„ Y 1, 1111,,11 1 11. 11 Mrs, Robert \\'ig'itntau and Pte. (tart '(I \\'ivhtntan vi'(ited a couple 01 (I:'y. thi: \veelt with 'Airs. Renott ('oW:l and fancily, of Stl'atf.n'd, )1l . Genrgo \\'hill' ttus a 111}'111 visitor on Saturdo ! viten she clkpo5ed of her property t.1 hie. anti Airs. It. .1. Newcombe. Air, \V. ,I. \\'bite of (i.tlL and lir. Stephen \\'hito of Loudon, vi(::t,'d in lllyth an Saturdoy, Mrs, titvplieu \\'bite, and children, anti Mrs, \\'bite's mother. 11`.5. 1.evers11ge, who have I'eim visiting in town, returned with 11r. Mr. and Alt's. favid ('rai, act•oul- 11u1:(d Mr. and Mrs, ('bodes Se;:tt to lilcbc110)' Ls. Thar -day, \Ir, an'I Urs, ;colt visiting friends in Kitchen- (`, curd Mr, and Ales. ('ra:g going 011 1.• llrutU:,rd to v1,11. the latter's si ter, ,11r, and .\l r: , llillialu Alco.; 01)1 110'. A('1 Bob Pollard of 'Toronto spent the w'eeli-011 w'ila Ili; patents, 11r. told Mr,. (leorge I olla'tl. COME ANI) ENJOY Blyth Continuation* School CONCERT THURSDAY, MARCH 10th IN T; -IE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Cons's`in j cf Flays, Chorus::, Pyram'ds ati 1 Musical Numbers. Admission: Kc and 2C�. Fr:ce-ds For PM i:t c Furfoic3 'I. 111.1. illi,d!,IJ_I • 0I, I 10 .1.01, 111.5. ,.0 �III,,.,...a.1• CEILINGS THE FIFTH WALL OF' EVERY ROOM, The t • ding, wh?ch i; a u.ill - 1'ger th n. any single %valt, 5110111)- ' - c ccn;irlcred as a fifth tvall. :hen planning the (le:ol'atioll for a - 11t1 it ' i ,fust as i10iJ1'ta111 to SP- Iect a correct telling paper 0-5 It 1 ' o choc 0 the '001)1')' Wall (L('ora - '1011, Y6111' 1refprence may t'nVour - one of carltrasting cubo`. f'oa'l , -'.c a'rahI that a "Colour-i'lant:eV el sv 11 sic ;d y,':1' 3Wgct. To 11(att'r/0 i''is y',nl can rc,dily do so by st'caig my samples—over ',",_O _'o pi:'t fl t::u. :And remember, 1 -rpuelaliZe 1n that touga j: b of Wt. ^ ' =Mg of, \fa11)'aper. • F. Phone 37.26, PREST LONDESBORO; . I i ,. 1. u.,1: II F�'etS'e'�'ere'$'e'a'.'s"'$!.'>e"�"��'et:'of?c'6".EitP.$ZN.+{'�"�'o'!e'�'w'tis,e'$'�G�','•u'•'�'rQ',�^;'�'.'z"ar.:tFi':k•� v ddetes STUART ROBINSON BAKERY oe 1 Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - S1.00 or Over. Maple Leaf Soap Chips 65c Champ, the Magical Cleaner, for Kitchen Bath Room, Floors and Walls 10c (arc -Pup Dog Cubes 2 lbs. 25c FRET ---1 pkg. Kellogg's Corn Flakes with 1 pkg. AH -Wheat, and 1 pkg. Bran Flakes .25c Cranular Gravy Powder .. ..... 31-2 oz. pkg. 25c (Makes Gravy Without Meat). SHELL MAKER ANI) GRIT. Johnston's Wax and Glo-Coat. 59c SWANSDOWN FLOUR. SATURDAY --- ('iYlkry, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes. A WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, ri HOME-MADE CAKE A OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN, Ho1'1yan's to se le BAKERY 3 g BREAD, CAKES, - 13,,04/1atatlialtataIatPat.7t1-NlaltatlWflitn1D1 ,:a.N2112,)lsl?1,;2fiatZtalDID intii. PIES and BUNS BEL('1RAVE lflritin), London. spent tho week•eni .James .\Jc('rea of Torcnto spent the !With lir. and 'Ales. 11. 1lcGuire. tveF'k-end at his borne here. Campaign plans for the Red C1'01.119 Iltrive were complet(',l on friday and Jirs. W. ,1• ('ole' is vkit.itt;g with ieattvassiuF will he CO1untene':d at once. het' daughter, Mrs. Smith. 1Je1grate's quota is $1,200 which iz MI13 Lol! McGuire and Me11m,4_nn•00 more than last year. ALWAYS ON HAND Confectionery and Tobaccos. PHONE 38 - BLYTH. Doher17 ITros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding ..k Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts t,(:. Supplies White Rose (;as and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing, 444..1•.•'..•.••.1.11•.:.1•,.•,1•,.•. 1.11 , • •„•, ,•,:..;,: :1.•.1 14 > , LET. 4 ,t.rAittP 1 Wednesday, March 1,1044, I . n n,l - ..4.1L1. 11 1411 ,. ,.,. i.,,. 1.11.01 .IJ .. NYAL VITA -VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES—contain Vitamin A, Vita• thin [1, \ i! onin C, Vitamin D vtilth R!bot1.1'vIr,, ',on ! Iver Ccncentratt and WI -eat Germ 011. When you take Vlta•Vint Multiple Capsules, you Luplolellient the Vitamins reeded for normal health, 100 CAPSULES $3,00, FOUR VITAMINS WITH IRON—Vitamins A, B, D and G, with Iron and Ammonium Citrate in a palatable flavoured Malt Syrup, excel• - lent for children and convalescents. PER BOTTLE $1,4 NYAL VITAMIN TABLETS are high potency B complex factors, nat• ural to pure Brewer's Yeast, furnishing these necessary health ele• rnertts in ca3es of diet deficiency. All all•year-round vitamin requirement. 100 TABLETS $1.25 CREOPHOS—The tonic to use during and after the attacks of flu, ccldt,, etc. Excellent for deep•seated coughs, Bronchitis and Asth• matic Conditions. PER BOTTLE $1.00 - R, u. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—(PRONE 20. ' . • '15 1 pp1,tCCI.Ct':.'.'I:•v+st., yty•t" talCtt.11ttltOtIC'tt°itel4tL+° IZtaCtilt3,{Nt4tgl: 4°.tCtutel131041C4144 ttitlld4 yr Rj t' 3ED1tl'H CREW ill 'rS rf :�r=: Decorator's Shopp:.t l. , r4 Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery s, i.j .t: PHONE 154, BLYTH, :?, I1 !:....•..•. •.0,.0.1„(..;..0.:..:,.; .•1:..:.:.:,..:.:.,'.:.1•. : . ' — - - 1 NI ii Mrs. 11V.,(.11 I11'1 of 1' I ru ' 1- I!4 sputlinp a h,•lid ty (1'1111 111 r el:ni:';ue'r. i ti; Mrs, ){euueth \\'tutor.)re, . P Id ::ialt1D;. 3 :;'.:."i7d.:=12121D121=D1 iDIX'' airi41124)1r1D gt`, 12121c`�t 1DIDtatDiXtDiDiWi taiDeil pi ' i3ELGItAVE Liviig-'oom Furniture_ Ne\v styles in Chesterfield Suites, upholstered in high grade, pile fabrics, spring -filled throughout, at Attractive Prices. Spring -filled Sofa Beds and Studio `Lounges, tailored in Attractive, dura ble Covering's, at Mod - c. ate Prices. Lr i '.fables, Book Cases, Coffee Tables, Lamps, h ne:,'zlole Desks and Other, Living -Room Pieces held to snake your home more comfortable and en - i' 211;1e., Every War Saving's Stalnir You Lick, Helps to Lick The Enemy. Home )''Jrni!;her e hellew -- Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral I),irectoc. 1 Divine Service 11'x: ''tonl.(y p,01. Misses Anna 1(1,11 It„lid I; it of f;u'- no were weekend v',itnrs with their cousin, Mabel ('Walt; The (lingo and 1 tn) ,'.: 11(11( Jr 11 1 ,r the ()verseas 1'01(1 nit l r!':.)y n:,;tl was well 1)! -t ded, The -Vic'tory Ur- ' graduated 1(5 a Wireless Air Gunnel' (ae5tra of I'ith 1 supplied thu loud('. 0n friday al Jarvis, and is spendit:g 1UCr1•y \I'(,::ire pent the wee:;-uul itis furlough at 11i:1 home here, and with f.'i(cncls 10 1.10.00, 101111 :A1111 51rong, R.('..1.P., Centralia, (;11,151,;) .\ 11;.1:. ng', It .('.A.1'.. W101 is ipso 011 f1111011'; 11 at ills 1111110. I11 , 1, 4.. ,..4.812.7. - yI ... ba\ . had oes Inflation Mean to You and Me ? %olive /'‘ sgorsEgl, we couldn't buy enough food to keep our families healthy under inflation. l'or wages and salaries never cinch up to prices when they start to soar! Flory would we like to pay $ 1.1(1 a (loicn for egg..? You sal it can't Ri happen? Don't forget it's already happened right here in this Domin- ion, during the last t\'ar. And it will happen again ... unless w'e're 00 our toes to keep the cost of living down. Every Canadian must face this challenge! It's our responsibility. Hut he of good heart. Living costs have risen LESS in Canada than anywhere else. Canada leads the world in the fight against inflation. HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE— In 191 I, Canada determined to rannh'ol the cost of living. Price ceilings were established on wages, rentals and commodities; subsidies were paid on essential foods; goods in short supply v'1_re rationed ... so that everyone could get their fair share ata price they could afford to pay! lint control of prices is a two-way responsibility. It needs your support 11•'ti 1 if it is to continhc working effectively. So make this Pledge Today! PROMISE to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need—I will observe the ceil- ing whether buying or selling goods or services. 1'11 pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates—and will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. % ZtVWlJig/e! eri Pniblisbed by 'I'11I2 BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) .:veal the danker n (tic!: inflation can mean to all the people of Canada.