HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1944-02-23, Page 1Advocate Theisalon, Ont.
VOLUME 19 - NO. 28.
Gunner Craig and Trooper Blake
Tell Experiences
As anuouncod briefly last week, we \,erre mined to different parts and
two mare local boys arrived home made friends and acquaintances In the
from Overoeas. A file crowd was on population, and e1al ted to get, as we
hand to greet Gunner Earl Craig and say, '•I.ituil'icd"--Farted to understand
Trooper Jack Blake as they arrived the people a bit Letter,
on the bus on Tuesday evening, lust 1.arly last y',(ar I was picked with a
week, Fet'lruury 1, -,the number of boys, and sent to a special
Since that time 'I'ht' Standard has camp on hardening up, etc., and after
had a visit from both boys, and the au month of that we found ourselves on
following little el•:etch of their expert- 0 boat without the faintest idea of
onces will prove interesting to all where We weri. going.. Ell h day we
those who know 11)1.11. \Ve interview- watched the sun for directions, and
ca) (sur. Craig, but. Tpr, Blake set found our course was mostly south
his own experiences clown In writing. and east. As the sun became hotter,
and our skin browner, or (redder), to
Gunner Kai'I Craig, is a son of:Mrs. anybody that fell asleep in the sun,
William ('ruig, Morris 'l'ownshfp. Ile rumours started to g;) around as to
enlisted in Load,:n during the Spring where our destination would be, and
of 19'42, following which he trahle:l bets Were placed on different port.,.
at Pettawawa before proceeding Ov- Atter threo weeks of h'av,c'lliug we
eraeas in I'ectenher, 1912. Following lauded 11t Sicily, io. t after the lnvas-
his arrival in England he was attach- Ion force, had a bridgehead ready'•
ed to tine :+th Canadian Division, and I cannot say anything on that, but
dur11ig mast of his tine, 111010, was some people have aslt,e'cl how the
an Instructor in Motor 'l'ransport. people over there live. \Nell, there are
'1'his work enabled 111111 to see a great 1111410'';, but line majority of people
deal of the country, and he enjoyed We cause across were poor,- but hard
h15 work, very much. I1 was While on workers.
one of these maneouvre.s that lie stet \\'e found it rather peenitau' to see
with an accident, the effects of which :noses and donkeys on the road, mostly
still bother (lar. Craig. His hams- the ulcus of the house would he riding
port vethicIe ran into 0 bridge during 111 the cur(, and 1110 family auditing
a black -out, and an injury to his knee behind. They used us very good and
confined 111111 to hoiepital for five, gave us all kinds of fruit, which was
months. a treat after being without it so long.
(111111101' Craig, 111 speaking of 1118 'Then ('84111' the rest period after the
furloughs, 1)10) t oned the fact that he fighting was over, and we had 0 visit
favoured Scotland, and he Visited that
from General I1014)gomery and Gen -
country at every opportunity. !eras \ICYauglltou, and started prepar-
+Speaking of air raids, he 1110111 1011,11 Ing again.
the (1101 that he had a few narrow \\'e hail swimming partied and
escapca, not due to the fact that there scrounging parties, going out each clay
was lack of protection, but more so ' which made life a little More pleasant
to the fact that when 041 air raid was ;and also made our rations better.
on, Canadians \were noted for Iheh' After six weeks of this life, 1 was
desire t,o see the fireworks. 'They evacuated to N,arth Africa, and from
wanted to be outside, and the I':u';lis11 there to England on the Canadian
people couldn't understand them. II'ospital ship "lady Nelson", where
'l'Ite only 1\\•q 100411 hoys 110 saw 'We had every convenience, and all we
was \Ve111hton 1Ic\all and Jack Mc -
Nall. This Was last summer, and both
boys were 111 good health.
',One point that Dar, Craig desired
The Standard to convey to it's reader:
\was the appr0Chit ioll hy' the boys
of the splendid Work being clone by
the Red ('1'04.8 sickly. "Yea want
letters, and lot's of them, but boy,
there's nothing like a parcel-"
Also lie mentioned the splendid
work being carried on by the Clinton
Branch of the Canadian Legion who
are re_.'clarly sending smokes to our
could eat of the bct$t of food.
After being in hospital for four
months, 1 was returned to Canada,
,enjoying a good trip back.
\\lien I landed i11 Myth last Tues-
day, (L, -,til I there WaS it crowd of
citizens to meet the hu;, and the
11'1(405 Wert' N111111.11', hilt 1 couldn't
think of 1111llles "to save my neck",
s,) it' I couldn't name y'ou I hope to lie
able to hi the near lulure, when 1 get
acquainted again.
I wish to take this minor( unity to
thank the Myth lied l'r0ss for Christ -
110)14 O,veryeas, Ile Wished 1)10(1 to nulls Boxes which I received,
convey his sincere thanks to them. the ('•.tuadien Legion. for
Gunner Craig will be house until smokes.
\larch 7111, when lie reports to Lon-
_ \,
BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEI3, 2:1, 1911. Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advalley ; s2.00 to ('.'A.:1.
BUY FERTILIZER NOW! Wireless School Orchestra 1 Committee Formed To elc'onle
Feature .Dance
I'11e Clinton \\'11'lless 5011001 I:..
Piece Orche$lra will he the 10atur4
attraction at a ('uncerl and 1 ta11c1
to be held inthe \Iemuriai Hali, Myth, A group of citizens, rl,pre..,:ntative 1''11011
on Friday evening, \larch 31.11, of all Societies and Orgeulizatiunr
During the first part of the evening the town, assembled in the council , key
the Clinton Radio School Band will Chambers. at the request of the \ I:
be a feature at a Concert to 10 held loge Council on Monday tight, I0 11
,tip stairs In the (Tall, The hand and cuss plans, and 10 organize 0 c'itiz 1,
the orche.;tl'a are two separate organ- Welcoming ('onilnittoe, for members
Izatiotts, and the affair promises to of the Armed Services, who clay be
he the event of the season. Acisistiug returning home from time to time,
111 Ilse concert program 14111 be a var. Then! Was a splendid turnout, and
,lett' of local talent, The Rink caul- following a few opening r,'lullr; , -by
111111(!0 of the town council are spelt- 111"ve \\'. 11 , M01'ritt, Ill \vhic'!! le'
Sorin; the evening, For further explained the purpose of the go!h
pal'ticulal's see the advertisement on ing, the business of appointing uffi-
page 1. cern Mali attended to.
I The following appoint mew
jmade 1,y snot ion, which to all 1as1. -
carried unanimously:
Secretary: Hiss Mary Milne, by
1notlou of A. ,1, (;lass and .1. 11, R.
President: i11401d T. \',ol'11•u. by
minion of Harold "h:llip; and J. 1
\''at soli.
1st ice Pre Id II.:
011 !'1111 :i 1 ai t
:::d \'i• e 1're A len': J. I i . I'h'llip 1.
"'roan the fertilizer manufacturers
('011)48 a warning that 111110ss i'1011ler:;
will order and take delivery of their
fertilizer early', they may not get it
in time for u.:e. This is due to labour
problems and to the fact that more
farmers are buying more fertilizers
than formerly',
If the spring season Is ,short one,
a situation will confront the fertilizer
manufacturers With respect to lall.our
and transportation, which may be be -
yowl their overtaxed capacity to han-
dle, The Wise farmer will see to it
that his fertilizer supply Is safely
stored In his barn before this spring
rue;h begins.
Of course, care must he exercised
In storing 11 , Bags (should be placed
on either a thick layer of straw or a
false bottom floor 1111(1 piled a:4 one
piles cordwood, thus leaving plenty
of air space between the bags, it
81101)111 be stored 111 a dry place and in
reasonably small piles, if possible. The Rev P 11 Streeter of Blyth,
Parnlel'S will safeguard their own aceompluliod the Rev, E. 0, Gallag-
Interests and help the general sltu,- her of \\Ingham, to 1.011(1011, 011 1'`I•i-
tiou greatly if they Will buy and take tay lust to 811011(1 the funeral of the
delivery of their fertilizer require. Very Rev. 1'. N. Harding, 1).1), Ree -
melds 111 the very near future, for of St, Paul's Cathedral, and Peon
of Huron. 'There was a large atten-
dance of robed clergy in procession
'and the Cathedral was filled to capac-
ity, 'l'lle service was most innpre•s
Service Men Home
MI -ended Funeral Services
Of Rev. P. N. Hardin., D.D,
v --
Mr. And Mrs. Samuel Daer
Married 38 Years
Mr, and 111(3, Samuel Daer, Auburn
Road, Mullett 'Township, quietly cele'
brated 38 years of happy Wedded life
al their house on Sunday, February
Mrs, Datil' Was formerly Mary Tub-
(11411le, (laughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. Tullerville of Parkhill where she
spent iter girlhood days. Mr, lacer is
a son of the late Mr, and Ifs. John
1)8el• of East \\awant/sit . 'Ti11-' mar-
riage took. plaice at the bride's home
and was performed by Rev. Mr.
Newton, The attendants at the mar-
riage wore 11€1•man User, brother of
AC2 ,lack 'Taylor, son of 1f, and
the bridegroom and Nelly Tihervtlle' 1h'S, Orval 'Taylor. of Belgruvt', Was
now Mrs, Flinton of Detroit, sister the guest of honour at a Lathering on
1)e,'u1 !larding was only fifty-seven
years old when he died, Ile Was
ordained 111 11)1'2 to the Assistant Cur-
acy of All Saint's Parish, \\Incisor.
Ile was subsequently 1(01(04' of \Vat-
erloo, St. John's, St, Thomas, All
Saints', \\'incisor, and then Rector of
the Cathedral and 1)01111. 110 Was
11111011 beloved 11 his Parishes and Was
11 great worker.
AC2 Jack Taylor Honoured
By Belgrave Friends
of the bride.
The couple have resided on their
present farm since their marriage.
They have a family of three, Eliza-
beth, Mrs, Andrew K11•kconn 'll, Au-
burn; John, 11ui1ett, and Bert at
home, They also have len grand-
A host of friends remembered the
couple by telephoning and sending
messages of congratulations, 111 which
The Standard heartily joins,
and also
"'mil"' Pancake Social Fine Success
'Trooper 13111110 enlisted at LondonA meeting of the Myth (Girls' War
in June 1910, attached to the First , Auxiliary was held at the 110111e of
1lus:nrs, ile trained at London and firs, Merl Ke'. tufo 0❑ Thursday,
Cantu Borden before going Overseas 1''0bruary 1i, With the 12 members
in Nov'e,:Fiber, 1941. Fullowieg is his Present. At this meeting it was de.
own story: I tided to hold Severin social evenings
On Friday last 1 happened to g')' in order to 111n1(et settle stoney. 1
into The Standard Office to put a twellty-fivo cent collection \\'ill be
card of thanks in the paper to the taken at each of these meetings. The
fir..t 8oc1a1 evening Will be held at
the Monte of Mrd, Bert Gray on March
It was also agreed to help lice Sen-
ior Red Cross with their quota of
turtle -neck sweaters,
Irene Rutherford offered to attend
Use meeting of the council on Monday
night to discuss the formation of a
welcoming committed'.
Work continued on the afghan
which is nearing completion. Seven
quilt blocks have been finished,
Mrs, Kec.hnie e;0rved a delicious
Red C'ro:',i for sending Christmas
boxes to m,_', and have been asked to
write a little on my experiences ov-
erseas. 1 don't know just. what to
say but will give a brief summary, as
well as I can remember.
After training in Camp Borden
(Canada) for eighteen -months, I pro-
ceeded ov^rsea; with the 1st Ilussa rs
the end of 19.11. I could say plenty on
the trip over but circumstances will
not p, hilt (3o wail say we had at
uneventful crossing, without seeing
any action.
The Pancake Social, sponsored by
the ladies of Trinity
Guild, laid held In the
Friday slight in lielgrave Forester's
Hall, \lien about 1:10 friends end
neihhours gathere(i to spend 1a social
hour, i11 his honour,
An enjoyable time was spent in
dancing to the music of h'Win's Or-
c'hcstra, and during the lunch period,
Jack \vas called to the platform by
Councillor Harvey Black. Mr, Gor-
don Bosnian made the presentation' necessary to carry on the project was
discussed, and it Was suggested that
of al signet I'illg, dressing ('ass.', and a .
purse of money. I representation watt en the town
ic0011011 at it's next regular meeting,
Jack for the p1l4' 0$o of sockhig a grunt.
hind lit the event of any boys conning
I, II ''0',4 n'
n a':d \\''ll 0,..,
'notlotl .1, 11. it. I lltitt and Finerson
I Wright,
3411 Vice P10si10111: \ir.. J.:\, ('u\w-
an, motion J. 11. Watson and A. J.
Treasurer: Miss Alice
motion of .1. 11. It, Elliott and .\. \V.
P. Smith,
Publicity Man: K. \\'hitmore. mo-
tion .1. II. Phillips and J. (1. It. 1:1-
A motion by 11040111 Phillips and
A. 14, Kerliclt appoit.ted tit; town
('logy to act in the capacity of mating
the speech of welcome to the r, turning;
boys, they to arrange Who will lake
charge a; each occasion arises.
The 1)181.ter of having a suitable
banner, Whiclt is to he placed aril,;.;
the sheet, close to the bus station.
Was discussed. It was decided to
have the Words "\Vciconl1' home"
hlscril ed thereon, 11111 the Fanner to
hr put up "'he11evt r a boy from Blyth
or the vicinity is to be wcl,'onlell
honer. .1 motion by 1\lrs. Blanchard
Herrington and ,1. Ii, It. Elliott, left
the arranging of this detail in the
hands of the Executive.
I !;
1. ,.1'11,: 11,
111;1( n,
b„ r''I O; ni., . \' :!I !„ 111,;0 111.
1'1', 11411, r . :1)111
shits' of II! (., i, } t:,,,'. It,
I;lyth le u; 1. , 1'I,; Ill •h'
t:utb!in,.. 111 1.. I i ,'nui,n 10' ,
right flion y
fur 001111' (::11, Th,
�,'• _"ill'. 11' ..
r�t1'1'1, 11 on ;1 01 1,,11 (11 K., \\'11.1-
ut'mr'' and 1ti: .\1..c,
.1 1: !a..: an]
\\,(1800 4) ..,, .111. l 10' 'a uta 111,'
(''onn1!I 1'.1;14.!1. '111
111,11.1„11 0( .\ lit i; !11111• '011,1 ,I, II
:1)111 111:',,,' - „f r,,i•in:' fun,1`4
fel' i1, 11:11, :'!'; ' ,I,a,t 11 .'Its- 1"i•
Myth boy, \'.,. 1 -,1. b1;1 no 11,'-
linit,' a1 1i 10 101 •
, •1 "I,, 1 011-
p0 111 0f !I. T. \, ' ',HI. 11, . u;u'y
\Blue, 111<. 110.:0 ('",)a1(, \1i ' .\111'1'
ltee,'I'sull, .1, la• \\1:,)-''111, 111111
\\1111 111111',.
T4I. 1111,0,141: ,1,1 I .11 n1,!i,1111
0f i' . \\'hiluo'''1 ...11 !I.
meet ;1111'!! .1! ie , 1,1 „( !111' ,!tis!.
11el?',' O!'1'ic,'r Itohert ,1.
AIacC'crhillda!(! 11i�lsint;'
'I'h 111[111(1' of 11111(18 \ehicll 14'011111 he �1(('\\s th'11 !11'1' I,:,, r, 1', Ity 11'1',,c.•1'
I1(,er( ,I. \',,.t' 11,1,1 , is 1'
i+ r1110,rt ,l 1(l'.- in;, "11'I„ 0n
In a few well-chosen w•urd8,
thanked the gathering for their
110511 in remembering hint,
Following is a copy of the address:
Church Ladies "Pear Jack:—• We, your oldest
memorial 11all , friends, the neighbours of your school
on 'Tlle-(lacy' evening, was a splendid (10)'S, have gathered to d0 homage to
success. A large crowd partook of,y'ou another of the many' of our group
who have joined the 11.('.A,I ,
which, as the name would empty, \vas You were always one to enter into
, pancakes, 'There's always a sort of social aac'(1111ies, and you work with
!competition amongst the youngsters at an earnest. %s'itl, and we feel satisfied
!Chris annual affair, the purp)30 of that the branch of the Armed Forces
'(1vh1011 Is to see who can eat the most wlliell you have chosen has uc'luired
,pancakes. We were told that the a very trustworthy recruit.
a bounteous repast, the feature of
we believe
twenty-three, 'rite go od-iiat 11)011
we would
of the pride We
like yott to accept
ladies of the, Guild, always tate the gifts, \Ve hope you will often
best of care of everyone. and the slip- of us, and that your task may soon he
per was delieious. The net proceeds fin Ished, s0 (11111 you may return to
amounted to $,32.00, 1your 1101110, community, and 11'icnds.
take in you.
tate:=e I Mr, A, ,I, Glass and J. 11, 11 Elliott
moved the adjournment,
The following delegates were pres-
Fire Deparittlent: A. \\'. P.
Trinity .\uglican ('fiords:
Rehabilitation ('ommittee: J. I I , It.
Elliott, J. 1I. Phillips,
Legion: A, it, 'Tastier.
i.oyal Orange Lodge: 1. 5, \\apace.
Horticultural Society, illyth fust ti
(Murch, and Citizens' t'uurnittrr:
Ise\•, A, Sinclair,
'I'Ite ('ouncil: Reeve )1erritt. Come
West Boundary Red Crosst'illurs, Baiutuu. KH niclt, Wright and
The \\'est iloundary stets C1 „;: hi l independent Order of Odd
it's regular meeting at the 110(110 of Ray robhyn,
\Irv. John Creighton on 'Thursday lilylh School Board: A.
afternoon, 'There were Ill members 51,
and guests pres1111, Mrs. \\'tuner Kelly,
Howatt was the winner of the lucky
draw, a loaf 01 graham bread,
home in the (attire, word will he sent
to 1,011(1011 140)11 Ottawa, and this in-
formation in turn Will be transmitted
to a local liason officer, who i)) turn
will notify the Secretary, )i{;s llihne,
So far 0 Mason officer has sol been
appointed, but this appointment will
10 made in the near future, we nu-
'I'In' matter of preseetting local boys
with gifts was discussed, but 11:-) de-
finite action was taken, It 1V118 111040(1
by Gordon Elliott. and Armand Kor-
nick, Mat all finaal arrangements be
left \with the Executive, Carried,
—Sign(11 on
ity, Bill Henry, Gordon Ilosluus,
(rook, Graeme McDowell.
Attend Installation Services' Jacit \\.(11 and fuw0u4ably known
of the common -
On Monday of this week the Rev. 'in Myth where he attended High
E. 0, Gallagher, of \Vinghalll, accent- School up until recently. ile is now
paui2(1 the Re\', and 11rs, 1'. 11,'Station(;l at No. 1 Wireless School,
Streeter of Myth, to London to at- Guelph.
Rend the Installation of the Rt. Rev,
C. A. Seager, 1),1)., Bishop of Huron
The trip from the boat to our first 11( sell. MIS, Rutherford expressed as Arr:hb{=hc.p of the Ecclesiastical
camping grounds was interesting to the 11-ks of the
anybody that likes scenery, and to meeting a)ljourned.
see the difference in houses, and to
see greet, grass Instead of snow, \\'e
landed at our destination in the small
hours of the morning and 44001. glad
to halve al. bell, to lay clown.
From then on started our training
in, Etiglanl, which at dines \was tough
and at times boring. For while we
had In'pectIons and Blanco parades,
but that seems to ,be all in t1i,c' army
1 can't say 11111011 on the training,
but after we had our tanks and equip-
ment issued to us, w•e putt in long
hours and saw a good bit of the
country. and after some, time at that,
Group and the
Pte. 111gh 1lacCroftle of the Pic -
ten highlanders, St, John's, N.13,,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kell, McDougall during. the week.
Miss Amy Toll hpeut the W,'ek-cul
with friends at St Helens.
The Woman's Day of Prayer will
observed in the suited Church
Friday afternoon at 3 o'c'lock,
Province of Ontario, In 5l. Paul's
There Was
a large attendance,
of the Clergy acid the 1811y.
The Prhnate of all Canada. the
Most Rev. Dr. 014'00, Aroltbislicp of
Toronto, was the 51)001411 preacher.
'lite following Bishops were present
also, The ill. ltev, Dr. Beverley (.lent of
Suffragon, Bishop of Toronto. theiw'as the goes( speaker, taking up the
Rt. iter•. 1)r. Fleming, I3°sllop of theIgcneral work of the Iced (Toss, and
Arctic, the Rt. Rev. Dr, i'ingston, the coating Red Cross
Bishop of Algoma, the Its. Ilev, Dr,
118118111, Bishop of Saskaltoonn, and the
be Rt, Rev. Dr, Broughail, Bishop of
011 Ntag'ara,
1 111 0 1111 4 1' d I1, 4:, , ,111 .\lurt,l,y,
r11ary _ I -1, I y !: "'!';1!11. 011,1
4408 nu it, t',,1'l:0':''II 1011 the t;e'; 111:11
he (vas 1)110 in
ty s)1,lit, 0 11 !r'',n1'!u11'slr 11;,11
t•isit d "1111 111 ;!11,1 MI'S, 1 11'Ip '•n
several 01(00,1un=, ,1(111 w.: I n,'0n 10\
11) uty, 0011 c, nT.:I 1,''•114 \1a° 1.8')'. �-
01(1 54 111'11 ih'' !'•"- \v; !sad,' public.
Ile \\ate ;s. ,l, 11. \!.10-
('0rl'in,1011', 0101 111 • 1st,' .\l1',
'01'101111;1 it', 1.1. Il'\0:1 '10,11. 111 ':1'i
110 101111 :1 ill. 1:01:11 ( 41),[1':111 \as v.
and rine' 1!-.11 loto
active sl'rvicl , \\''.tilt' visltin:: lure
10,1 5pl'ill1, he 1':,t:' n 11'1'1,^1 1 (t 1t:,
I1ih, 1!1,1:1, to ',I.s.s "1:,ry \Val' ,•'•. 11
N., of furs i:!','n. I1, . 1'. II-
I'. el 'Trinity Arel :nt ('Int41 h. 11101''.
pt )'t'urml-)l the yet., !Inst\',
Petty (Vice,. 11 ,
11)10)1(1 it lurk( \ 1114 \' 1111 his 01
Stllith. and other tn"I(.!,o':' 011' 1'),'
J, B. 'ttoc41 Sontel lass \,': nth,r.
-Michael's Church:
Lieut. lt()s Tllli( 11 li�llll'l".'
\Ir. and \10;, \\111',1411 'I'l•,'ll
evivt'd a 1 Her (1'''') 11,
I IiO.. '"knell, O 11' 11'1-. in wIr1
;iltfet'In'el them that 110' \via+ •'.'f ;
,flout inluri'.; 1.,1110:11 11',1\c!. 1^
an accident. ❑('nit \411',41 1,1' r 11,d 1 ,
lelab'.'atr, It, 11:111 n1i,1"1'r 'u,
Fellows:'ha\r Itis foot nl It ',1, 141)1! t 'e to.,
broken. Ile a1 11(1 It ;oiled I1) is
1. (1180'• that lie bail yet to 1•t',',':vie sushi `1001'
'Phomas itis arrival O\,
Masonic Lodge: Robert Newcombe.
\\'omen's institute: \1's Scrim -
Mists Josephine \\'ood00ek, 1'rosi- geom..
the Myth Ited ('ross 500iety.1 Presbyterian ('hurch: Mrs, I1.
Myth Rea ('ross: 111•s. John A.
('owan, Miss Alice llogerso11.
The service was most int-
('lrnpaign for
The Standard \Itdlinw: Lis'
1 11!15 been C'O{'I'c'Cte(1 11D t0
Tuesday 111(,'11. Examine
your label and se(' that it
checks with CUL. 1'
Ae'ain a \V011)l to tll()re in
�l.l'1'C'al'fi. W" al'(' still \\'ait-
ins:' for you to Straii?'ht .) tit)
your account :
1''tnuls. c;irls' \\'a' Auxiliary: hiss )11ils.
Three large (milds were quilted.
Mrs. Creighton 8('1\'0(1 a daint3' weight.
lunch at the conclusion of the after- 1' )ard of 'Trade: Gordon Elliott.
i'usine,ss Mens' Association: R, 1).
community Hall hoard: l'.4ruerson
uoou's proceedings,
r -
Storm aftermath. Mr. Churchill has commented on the bad weath•
er expetienced on the Eighth Army front, Here is one evidence of it,
Storm that swept the eastern coast destroyed large supply dumps
along the shore. Hundreds of petrol tins were at the mercy of the
, • se e'ebt eel.. used
! is es 1,1444d5
':41'1 44.4C4. of an
hes. ,1:«I'sesisnt is
I• ,r
• :: .. a
s to
y ihoy
- ma-
• , •::;.: heck.
. ceedee,
Ilitier is
.e ::• ,,ehi be
eee. flee:H.
ellesee Pceord.
• . •: • whe- simply
•;,are t: -e time
to er-gage in foem of se:'sen.
tary war serviee seem to have
plenty of it at then dieposel to
haunt the food s: se's and up
nic,re than t:: -1e Shale of
scarce items.
--Itreekville Re. and T:eles.
1 1i::er Re;11.,:ins are ayggest-
ing tlIat if F. 1 velt is elect-
ed for a fourth tern; the 1: altgur-
ati,•,1 might j1.15! ltS Cle t ned
into a--..aronatiot
Fx H-er.
differencr hrt;ecen ",1:n"
am! "damn" is that the fatter re-
tains •ire.,:tre: 1 itter relieves
A Dangerous War
rt jr good to he • trong and v:ise.
It is good to be lucky. And Mr.
Churchill's humet is always with
him. In the First World War his
headquarters were in a farmhouse
continually subject to shelling. A
fidgety general warned him against
subjecting himself and his officers
to such constant danger, "I tell you
i's very dangerous," says Fuss
and Feathers. "Yes," nays Lieuten-
ant-Colonel Churchill, "but after
all this i3 a very dangerous war."
—New York Times.
• t: tesee of Liola
of'Tlie Treasure
riser of heard every
"Ler,d,y (1•1,-,.00 FAVT,
* •
Liola Albanese
• • •
:a. a:. 1.*Ki:L, Toronto,
rigs to lyse fact that Ill-
1.011!Irl a sew out-
let for tisse !e.sic ability be-
es,He t:,e ae. Radio drama has
ess a•cd e A peeeent since
odt. aeadian radio
has made cet ,..lig ceettriliu-
these tel tbe e;iort in the dra-
re. is •)ibly the larg-
•et k the
rileel ,,:: "The Army
Spie les,
It strua, , be -
the v. ar
firnry S„ 40,14 President of
:echo statio • fa. ec,,I,r,,ach-
eil ,L"'a. T).•trict .l;u, 2 to
see vile! aut ,k radio itation
g in obtain-
it,g it, ess foe t'e Ai my. "The
.1:any t ceis ed
and the s'e :Tex
end t 1 'fake and 1:att, AC -
training to be
thed d et The program
itirteil oa live static:us.
ft aa is•at • -u-.cess and Is'a-
`d,,,,a; c 1ie:olyrirters in
a i--,••• led the series could
a,lyeenese lo:r.ss the
:he re -'1 lt tbst. Cap-
Heepeeder, Radio
'•-•ker for the Army,
r •-• •:on of Cat
! yeae tbe piogeam is
1 earl stations in
.a• . anal
0: NCT.. It now
his a natio:, -.• :de audicui e, You
r.a: it 'al g
of .017 statliir nr.•
its or•gii!al title C:1 \t toy
St,eahs," oarried by CI:Cf.,
Vied r esday s ti p.m. 11 ajor
l•••.; .jlt•t rel•Jrne:1 front
overseas where Ile has been gath-
ering new material for the series.
r 1 •
Canadian radia stations have
also on occasion been requested
by the United States Government
to do production on some of their
war effort programs. When the
Dionne quintuplets appeared at
Maple Leaf Gardens in aid of the
third War Loan, they vere picked
up and broadcast to the United
States network. The United States
Treasury weekly show, "T h e
Bond Wagon", did a pick-up from
Little Norway rin the occasion of
the preview of John Steinheck's
"The Moon Is Down". Sir • Cedric
and Lady Hardwicke came from
New York to play the lead in a
drama that was produced depicting
exploits of the :Corwegians, in
which the actual characters de-
picted were played by the heroes
themselves. This particular drama
created quite a sensation is the
United States anti as a result radio
station C1( C I v. Idi h did production
and the pick-up received a citation
front the United States Govern-
ment 'for distinguished service to
the United State; war effort,"
• 1 •
Regular listeners to "Soldier's
\Vife" will he glad to hear that the
program contract has been renewed
for another twenty,ix weeks, It
will continue to be. heard over the
Canadian Broadcasting Corpor-
ation network including CKCI.
fron-. 1 Nfeeiday
through Friday,
Bob Hope, is a favoured
comedian of ti,e. United States
Army, pulled cute of radio's classic
borers on a reumt iii•ogrant,
casting from a 'United States Army
camp, he finished his hronteast,
thought that he was oil, the air,
turned around to the etidier.ce and
!laid, "well, that was it, didn't it
stink", there' treating such a
coast to coat latigh that the net-
work aritiouhcers 'v -re hardly able
ta sign the itvigra:-, of,
March 5
Mark 13:1.37
PRINTED TEXT—Mark 13: 3-
10, 31-37.
GOLDEN TEXT. — W a t c
therefore: tot ye know not when
the lord of the 1
aouse cometh.
Memory Verse: • . e
• le. le, • i,,,. \\*eel
Apri" A 1 ),
Place - 1 :.e 'Yr, e
dircetl: of, ain't •i:e to, ti•r
city 4 1.4'.:•:LICI!'
Questions Asked of Jesus
•,•1 -,s sat '1.1, or: o•
ter a: .! :;t,11(.
clre.. ,1 t • 'Fell
\slm the,-• t:-•! .t
ivhaz ;•i.• thr
thing, :L.,: all a",e a«.con-
plishe I- Their •lion rfivilje;
itself 1'..Ft`e t":• \\let
shall t, •• oi temylr
tal,e .1. -i'• he
sign -.• t e- ,n
shall ',.• the --.il of :re
Christ's Firs: Warning
sa•: tit
them, ahe inan
you ay Mat"; ••••-
nam. in.:, 1 a • e and
lead t' ,• :«tra- fir,t
tera:;, 1, A
.varni" ei "ion, aer! I
deceptior. ••". tile •,••• ":-: hind, r, -
tainhoo to Like
who v, 11 r 4: : i,f
to deceive
v.hen ye ii•-•ar r,Z eaes
and rim:ors or wars, e not tres'',
led: f -s -e things :mt.: 'c1d3 et no:.
to pas.: hut the end is hot yet, For
nation shall ri,e
and l:i:oi n ag.ii•i•t
there cI:,11 he eattl,,,eal.e-, in divers
places; there shall 1 e , ines:
thing, ,.re the 1rin? of ve..
Olr first wdes
among then caltlicluakes, then
famines and then d:,:1 -1,s. lost r.
all Ile seems to emphasize the
tnultiplication of military conflicts.
\vill le ty(ir,,, ra:
One ruti u shall Ike in its anger
to come upon nniglier. hit: -
dons will rise up to put do.% ti
Ifni."' true this 1..s beeu in our
age, .1; (Ale 1;ingitzet. is put ilio 11
so another Fisc 4 strength tili
that in due time is to ercome. Put
He lids His di-cipies not to lir
troubled, and IIi. also applii
to believer, to -day, Stich condi.
tions etc only the rn,tdra1
of thine, that le the Dish
purpose !lave 1 ':4.
Christ's Second Warning
'Tint take ve Iwo', y oursel.e,.
for they shall deli. er ou up to
council,: and in symigoeties shali
3'e he b, men: and governor,
and king, shall c -hind fe lay
sake, 1,-.• a te,tina---.):: 00 4) thcm."
Christ:, fir,t warning ..as against
deception i•nd error in regard to
the ap;-roach of OW ti The i.eC-
011d 11;11'11;1X, is again -t in itual
Giant portrait of 11 ex -Duce, re-
moved from Facist headquarters in
Anzio, Italy, to the sidewalk, made
a swell target for passing Allied
soldiers, Above, one of them looks
over mussed -up Mussy.
POP—And Some Differently Shaped
• 11, a • enge.c•ce, ,.e have
• Vestertlay
t v 1.1,1, cour-e
• rot!, n." Iitt
1, 41`H.
c•• po- til the end
• •: the •',. it is -on:tithing
-; , in! don't 1,i the:- t .1)11o:hug
•ur thi, and that
•' the c. eeseee you
s s ere ts theni 00
,,li; c-, illi4 lt.1411 011
i•:44 lO-titiltili---
tc,1 and early
it son,ider-
•i:y thing• remain
• .n.1. the . . lghbour
eia- there are too
lhe tire t'',11 flight;
•-Pe:: aft: :einin and
• .,1 ,lcp.irtment
t.i.,..1,1e11, its it tits bar -
,ti ii ;try time there
tion ,.Ile (-in almost
riput .t4 : the chance
it lir Sap; day. :\
v. (701: 1 arrived
:iet Crioyd-
r ' 4*( Ling room
iee—nelde tlis-
,t,,re, Cars were
, but yet few people
-tifie.1 .
ard Can :omen:be:el Of course
a:: arn •-.11:cl. included
e (1 t•,01 1,1,:n syss
4' -'4 a farnl,
••••:,1 ..tripo•e. tho,e ...hi, usually
o ch -e. at 04.401 had. come ti:is week
in the atternn And 1
1104 v.ent just
liut it is really- yesterday I
'-'anted t: tell you about. Not only
••as there shopping to du, but
rncre was al -0 a matir.ce. For v,eeks
liad been longing to •ee "Lassie
(n•me 11 me", • Now it was here—
but o z..as the worst storm
-if the v, inter, Frankly I was
deldolts al -set ont at all. It
15 so cold, and the larie looked
7..s if it might fill it: any time. How-
e zer Partner assured me the snow
vas too light to give any trouble.
Finally I decided to try my luck.
I got through the lane all right,
failure in view of what v, ill happen
to the iples personally, and
withht the Christian «•mmunity.
They would first he persecuted by
the les, beaten in their syn.-
asues, end then later, as Chris-
tianity manifested increa•ing power,
Ole:' would lie persecuted by the
gro-ertior, of the provinces and the
Emperor of Nome himself,
The Divine Purpose
"And the gospel eili•t first he
;ireacheil unto all nation-." The
Gospel tain-t be preached through-
out the ..iirld as a preparation for
:lie end. This is in the 1'1: inc pur-
4,, ise. The Gospel has a world-wide
timl until that destiny' is
'11 lel, the 'end' not he.
Christ's Third Warning
'Heaven and earth shall pass
a:vay...Atill what I say unto you I
say unto all, watch,'No tine knows
..hen Chri,t vill renten. 111en who
set dates for the end of this age
and for the day of our Lord's return
are assuming to have svi,dom be-
yond the wisdom of Jesus.
I fere we have Christ's third
\yarning. The first against de-
ception: the second against spirit-
ual failure: the third against neg-
ligence. It is the\v,.. O. f God
llis people should always live in
readiness for the coming of the
Lord, The Saviour realized His
words were not for the Apostles
alone. He was speaking, through
them, to the people of every gen-
eration .and age. Every believer,
however humble his place in the
church, however untalented he may
be, is included in the Master's call
to svatch.
Third Party
Two twenty -year-old Canadian
airmen in Britain whi have flown
in raids on Berlin applied for a
third -party insurance to ride a
They Isere told that as they
were under tlselltY-011e they Would
have to get a letter from a re-
sponsible person before they could
be allowedto ride their own mo-
G\Acncloline P. Clarke
• • • •
tti‘ i.C.1
:11,1 1-, the
4-44 T44,4:14:" 0,411
011 111(1 I-4.4 ,141(1* 1,14 lit'r •:',4\VS
I:noy, it 1, about a ho4. Anil
hi; dog. -I here ntech that
I.e i.;in add to Ihnt, Le under-
lying initho- the 1- more
in the tbii Li- it 11,,esn't toll than
e. hat it thus, 114. little Hy's
!Is 'reef. son:rte.:es beid
sed unfeelisee a
004.01144:ot. the ,:y•
:1 4 to a
the Intrilne•; tat rely a
.! •alt to hide ihielier (moo
1.lci41't !nisi "1.a• -ie (oil: [Line"
—it is worth seeing. 'ies, 1
4.4.0 totnalit that \viten I :ante
Inc and ski:v./A
sut. The v. incl had 4 Inime.el, The
we; all ight, blit oh dear,
our lane , 1 er. fu: t the ilri.e
and 1 stuck, I
knew shovellim, ss,
There :::is only -0;i• thine for it ---
the tetinh
Pint Pa: tner ...as at the ',arm
u go after :dm nit alit facir.4 the
gale and v. adine through deep
snow, 1 i1ual1cd at the thought.
Happily a r.c:O.liour came ing
:ld offered to i;,.1 Pa: tiler i..or
i accepted the :-1h ahicrity.
But it titlie• -Lome time to 1 44 Hiss
a team and liy the Mite Pnr:ner
anie to the : es -au: 1 wa, half
frozen. 11:1 ever,
added to lit- itor pe\ver •,,,.,n made
tl:e grade,--er (I it felt mighty eood
to he back ie. the house
That night the news =pike
of Allied lot ces in Italy !icing
hampered by gales and liliyzards,
I felt ashanitd to think the dis•
tanee front the road to the house
had seemed more titan 1 could
tackle. If only we could realize
what bad .Yeather means to Gur
boys at the front and on the sea
perhaps it might result in our
Cut -sway jacket and crisp white
pique trim edgin4 pockets and
curved lapels, give this grey wool
herringbone suit dress an air of
softness typical of this spring's
:::]:Mg a little
fiche is a j,e against myself.
1 -0. ant,:! to tell a friend about a
re 'be, 4,7 -gratitito that 1 thought
Lke. So 1 went to the
teleadione arid sehen the feierator
asked fur 111)' number 1 answered
HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle
1 PiCtured late
U, S. Supreme
Court Justice,
11 2000 lbs,
12 Born.
13 Automobile.
14 Gain.
-16 Near.
47 At one time,
18 Australian
20 Symbol for
'21 Harass,
'23 Ebony,
25 Fruit,
26 Dine.
28 Ice crystals,
30 Lath.
31 Lion's heavy
neck hair.
32 Him.
34 Places on
35 Iridium
36 Commotion.
37 Require.
39 Tantalum
Y I 71EL DC -D
M E ',',,D
OS Si.
• NW.''5-L SARA
INA, L1-
0 0
T 0
IE le A SS.,,
E5 --(C I TED
TORT +`•-:AB
-A R Algra 1 p
40 C1'p off 60 Resident of
suddenly. Washington,
42 Call for help D, C.
at sea.
44 Precious metal
47 Measure of
49 Asks judgment
in court.
51 Despise.
54 Accomplish.
55 Male sheep,
57 His Imperial
Majesty (Fr.
59 Mouth part,
15 Attempt,
17 Sacred
10 Male offspring
21 Dreading,
22 Is able.
24 Negative,
25 Charts.
26 Relieves.
27 Takes care of,
29 Color of milk,
N 30 Legal term
issue" (abbr.).
31 Males.
33 Period of time,
38 Age.
41 Rich material,
43 EstablLshed
2 Upon. value.
3 Inside. 45 Half (prefix).
4 Religious body 46 Jump.
5 Honey 48 Uncooked,
producer. 50 Iniquity.
6 High card. 51 Head covering,
7 Designate, 52 Past.
8 Cudgels, 53 Number,
9 Within. 54 Noise.
10 Observe. 56 Mother.
11 Light brown, 59 Music note.
1 Plot of land,
9 10
14 15
18 19 20
Invaluable for
"Speed -Cop"
An interesting int cation has
been developed to act as an auto-
matic "speed cop" to et,iercc traf-
fic regulations.
A special indicator is muunteil
just above the instrument panel
1111(1 a dial and a hand ',5hick tells
kow fast the car is woe ing, The
Indicator also is equipped with
lights. At normal cruising speeds,
a white light !'hints on the dial
lace, but \what the car's speed ea -
Steeds the city limit, the light
changes to red.
This alight prove sufficient pro -
'cation against speeding ill popu-
lated sections if all motorists kept
East London fireman, taking tough
Commando course at Chigwell, has
his hands -and feet -full as he
makes 40 -foot crossing clI tight-
rope, carrying four reels of hose.
their attention 011 the indicator
constantly, and if the all would
voluntarily ease up 1,11 their too -
heavy throttle foot and reduce
their speed to snfo and proper
llinits as 50011 as the t.aiming r_l
light flashed on.
But because there seems to he
Amine drivers who don't 1tu0\w how
last they arc going or don't care
about where they do their speed-
ing, ;t special atlll!Ill:!ti goy, How
has been devised,
The •lliVelltult is It diked out in-
geniously so that speeding on the
open highway, while it lights the
red lamp on the speed indicator,
does not otherwise interfir: 5litli
the car's operation.
* * *
But ill build-up 0111,111 sections
where there is likely to he heavy
cross -traffic and possibly persons
ere,: incl ex children play inµ' in the
streets, the device takes positive
and atl\C :11IIt,I11:1tic steps t0 cut
to it that the car reduces speed.
\1 itll the hand 011 the indicator
beyond the city speed limit, e
switch i; closed making current
available to a special relay. Then
when the speeding auto passes owe:
a magnetized rail laid in the high-
way, the magnetism (loses. the re-
lay, thus actuating an electric de-
vice 10(110(1 automatically throttles
Dow 11 the motor, whether the
motorist takes his foot off ti:e sc-
ccicrator or not.
To be generally effective, it
would be necessary to imbed lnaji-
netixed rails in all ,sectiubs neec'-
Ing speed. control, and to acquire
every motorist to install the auto-
matic go,l'ruor in his car.
Have You Heard?
Hallf-11 ay down the quict inky
black and narrow street Paddy twat'
suddenly pounced upon by a burly
indie ideal, wearing a mase:, Thrust-
ing a rel elver into the Irishrnan'a
ribs, he snapped out:
"(dome on! Money or ycr life:"
"Faith:" cried Paddy, "You can
take m;- iuife, Ui'nl sa\iug up all
me money 111'. fur Ole uld age."
Myrtle:, "John's, got. h 1 s
Home Guard uniform now, and
he's dying for a parachute
jumper to conte along."
Phyllis: "Well. why don't
you knit him one?"
Tca1,:'r •,5,' l;i. in,: 0a l 1;
the 11(1'1 .,"t,111r, „1 :Hark!,.
11'15: i, it" she
(01111 S 111 11:" a 111'11 ,it'd eves Olt;
like a iainh.:"
A;;,l lilt; Julia h1 11;e
replicI!: I athrr,"
"So you're a young man
with both feet on the ground,
eh? What do you do for a
"1 take orders from a man
with both feet on the desk,"
'1 •
'he ;.u!', ,,,t�
the (0 , !:1,1'1,1!;1• In 11,1- 1;1'0', :.
":11111" .11e \V(1't 111. "l,l0t \C('t.
1)11e Cg}; 11':1 :•1'115 illy \\:1, had. 1
demand ',Ind you inal,e' it good 1"
„1;51),' said he, ''!'::1 ;t groicr
Ilot :1 magician!"
IIe-' Wonsan is nothing but
a rag, a bone, and a hank of
She -''Man is nothing but a
brag, a groan, and talk of air."
Britash Transport
Doing Huge Task
lIl1!511 h,l org:lni; ctl "11).12 wav-
time transport to such an extent
that We are now dowing one and
a gnat ter million tons of freight
every day of the year," the Lou-
don Radio said,
"This is being doll( with fewer
ships, rail wagons, trucks and
canal barge; than Britain 1wou1,1
have , l't e ' 1 for adequate han-
drug by '•eacctiu,e Ser\ ice a'l'l
with less manpower," con t'i111C(l
the broadcast.
"The railways alone for ex-
ample, have lost 110,000 employees
to the forces, but they arc moving
twice as much merchandise as (they
did before the war, 11 bile through
trains for troops and other t;ov-
erllhll•nt traffic average 2,000 a
week. .111 this is being dome by
cutting out all waste time and us-
ing every available means of trans-
port. EI e1 horses have been mob-
ilized. `1 -en thousand are in use at
one British port atone. No wagon
or truck can be allowed to stand
still for longer than it takes to
load or unload it.
"America is helping by sending
prefabricated wagons for British
r. ilways. They arrive lit elgitt
parts and as they are unloadc'i
they are pat together, then leaded
with 11(1112 in11'S'rts 511'1 dicpatc!:ed
011 tl 1.lil5\;ay•
Red Cross Head
A1111 011 0 1 ;10011 01 1111 ,11'lhems
meut of 11rb, A. 1), MC kilVeY as
Supervisor t•1 the \'l••1111l IC' War
Work of Ontario io 11111>:1.0 of the
Red Cross is made I'v :1i rs. lobo
C. Fraser, 1Y1;,1iru5.ul 01 that Com-
Because of her splendid back-
ground of lied Cross volunteer
service of three years, in close
touch with all lir:utchcs w Wo-
men's War Work, 0001) 0(1 v, it!1
her office training and executive
ability, Mrs, \Ict<clvey is especial-
ly well fitted to fill this position,
A son and daughter are in the
Service, Dr, A. 1), McKelvey in
tits Army Medical Corps at Bord-
en, and \Vren Peggy McKelvey a
W.T. stationed at Uttawa,
"They March
Better On Teal,
Commandos march better un tea
than on water. This fact has been
demonstrated by au official test re•
sently carried out in Great Britain,
A Canadian battalion was under-
going a 12 -day course of battle
training, The last six da)s were
devoted Mainly to marching, and
during the period the foot -sloggers
covered more than 280 miles. As
511 experiment, three out of four
platoons were allowed to get all
the water they wanted, 'file 111010-
bers of the fourth platoon were
kept entirely off water and were
set ved only with tea, The "water
platoons" made good use of their
water bottle's, but tile "tea pla-
toon" was the only one to finish the
course intact. Which only goes; to
/how that there must be some-
thing in the soldier's trad0itlnal
liking for a rue, of r11ie lee,"
Improve Your Health
by Correcting Sluggish
This Way is Swift, Economical
Pew conditions cm tv eek your health
faster than •!i>ul0irnd kidney.; anti
11!!5,!12.1 11111' r. Your 11ur11 aims
Miserably. You have restless nights. \'o1)
sutler leg (!:Imps and thcunlati'� pains,
Whet, these things happen your kidneys
need help in tittering out 50111:1 and
puisonutl4 n,l•'tcs that are undeitllillin.l.'
your health.
Give then( this help IluiO_kl) -150th
(.01,1) NI 11).1,1. 11,,5(1:1)i 5111 Cop:ales.
001.1) N11'DAL t'atlsnl(•5 co:ltai11
accurately t5c,oitie t amounts of the
otigiti.tl and geuuinu 11;0110111 (Cil (hutch
plops). \'u1) will bk. gratefully 51111111::t'd
at the way they telicw0 cIogr:ed 1 idne5s
and irritated bladder.
Go to your druggist now and a t ,1 ;IN
box. lee slue you ask for GOLD N11:11)A1.,
Haarlem Oil oai,o1lIr, 1
11 ),II tl10 1I.l11,1,1, '1,11, ....51,11;.;
p1)1 "1 110!,1, .",enc-.,, d 1'.,1 de
Iuy UcntlH1l i 1)(1,11 11111 the 11)+1, 01
,•:1!111,; 11115-,nu,ll.n nluul5l. 1t11'o11-
Any I:1:n r.. 1'I out cue: 01
!1110110 pit 5'I 1 .i tool is 11 11011
11111'111 ill; and p I J p e 1 1 I 1.111111111
ultuuld Oe 512(,10!1 at ,1100.
1''111 1111s uurp5;ae gel a p,1";1;;u
01 110111 -thin' 111)111 UW diagglal
anti use 1 1(1t enle l 1'115, turluulu
5511101 1s u: cd Iutcl a lm, 15 u ,unitl,
easy to 11111) tablet, 55(11 yulcltlS
relieve the ItchWg and dol 011058 111(1
att1 Irl IJea11113; 1!,11 211!1 10!11)01 : put).
11010-1(,01 Is plcusIut to use, 15
1,51115 t ecutlu11u udct1 and It 500.1115
Mu height ul Cully cul any nue to
11511 el pIo11111I and Chi -utile pile tun•
dttuu when su011 Jt Ilio remedy
may no had at such a rlllall eclat.
It you try 111tt1•10)1d 11110 urn nue
can ely pleated with the results,
your druggist win gladly return
your Illulle'y.
WOMEN (yrs Id)
If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS -
suffer hot flashes, diz2Iness-(.Used
by this period In a woman's life -
try Lydia E. Pinkhanl's Vegetable
Compound, Made especially for
Wooten. Hundreds of thousands re-
. markably helped. Follow label direr -
nous. blade In Canada.
up, !, ,,, I : \', �',l' 1' I
11 1•.i', 1. 1 1 i 11 '. I' 1' 1' 1 S
11'1).',! ' 11 11 .1t 1
()!,;! I''1l l 1 1) 11' '.III)I IY
1';t, 1 '.l l',: I'VI'1i 11LAI'
I\' I \I 1 I I" II)g'1'
FA( ! 111\ ''!111'1 1 1 1111-
1'1 I ! I I'I.'1'\' 01 • 1 l'\111
1;1 1' : 1 1 !' '•I
gl,nu \i.-11 \I \{•,I .`\!'
\c, Fr)},,, I'1 II!.Itti,
11'RI±1 111' 1'! 11(1. Ili `'1 \N1)
I)h111 !1(1'.11 1'\1115
1 .11''5. LN 11 11 1' 1.1)1.-
,1.1f1. I-I.I \ I'.`,t.!:.1.I':1t
1Nit \\1I !11 x!11`., !id
1 11 111 I.� �!. 12 1' Ii'' I'•: I U.
tt 111, 1.1111 15 •
111.5,1. +\.!51.11:10',
01151,1 it no 1.01101:, 1:. Jt„ a:•, ito,
I''. : Ilrutp 13, 1.h' 11 • keLt-
Ct \, 511 1)l., let l'h 1,1'\'' 111111'11!
U .1101 (1111.1 !112!121). \\:1)''4
114!,1+!., Str:'-!1,1111, Un!
A•1 11,1lir ..1INlt1)\i I1l.,n)1J-
1trta,l f1:''6�. I,u'md 11„1,., large
1,5 Pe 501111. 1.,401.1 11,t. 1:erl ed
It "115 '. 15'11 'e Leg hot Sussex
X. Ns \\ 11.1111 hill•, lied N ltd•• kH.
.,r j1',ee list 1" A, 11.
tic!), "1'51111,)11, 1)11 1,
)I1(;tl I„21'01,1'1'0 11111':,:)1:1: 11AT.
c11 n k:, 111,111-I1-'111, Ur-
dlna; pr:. 1 - 1'opuhu breeds,
Nett oh 11;11, 11:1), 1,e- !ware,
)!)1' h No55 StJ\1' 1511.1'1'
11t)• I,1A 1)l ••'•d ,t 0(111.11 } 0. 1 '1 nut.
It n1l,5 be 111 curl give y011 just
101;1! ) 1U 0 wet, :1 nut ex"rpllvuul
returah Num hit,•hlug sots will
enable un to 01.1111 trt•ctly 120,0 to
11— 1)'1' vrd,.1 um\ t1 115 ,'1,1
£pp,ultutunI, 10!5,5 11:1 1,',111 , 133
Joint N., 11 nolton, Un t.
1tAlt11E1) 11 11'1'.0 A\0 1..01!)11
1':ulnen 11 bite Etilmi ns. 011 mut-
ing: blood tested, bred to la)' and
*52!:15 guano' hock. Waxed 14!40.
IA' !lite Legllorl:5 mixed 12e. Ful-
)ett1 26c, !tock O'w•ket els 1'eb, 4c,
March :r C, l',n)hl'alm's Poultry,
ltdget1 iv 11, 01,5,
Mom: PAY 1•'Olt Till: 104111
tv'.111,—thut'P what you should Let
11•(105 you stunt 3 our 00,501 with
2.111,kJ1 of 111,1011 breeding backed
by 11. hatchery that keeps lie
, IlStumers---and gets new 01105--
ycar titter 3 cul'. That. kind of a
start len!-1.118 (kit, 5:101:' waste
of feed and work, gives 3 1)U a
butler chance to gut gaud pay
for your labour and 5 Just profit
un ,5(UI Investment, \Vs offer all
the beet-l!hs I breeds and excel-
lent 21'(155,-hrced:. Ifatehea five
dt13n a week. Send fur catalogue
and ehlppiug tIJtte., Also luring
and ready to lay pullets for lin-
nitwits to dl'Itt'ery. 'l'tweddle Chick
linttherie5 Limited, Fergus, Ont.
Sl'lt I C'1':LEI(:Il 55 1I1'1'1: I,I.Iallllt Y
II flat 1'.11' .111(1.1'1'1' IIA111' C'IIILlsS
Tins a'L'IIOIN 154 A L'1bAl.'L'02AL,
(('oven 0)g'-prudu0i11g type, with
twenty-thr'i' )'ears or steady
pr -“luction hack of then!, They
Jvill pay well for good Ite.p and
cute. This :s certain, because they
tiro d•'1)::; this o11 our own fat11-
une of 05115.15'6 largest uci4-pru-
duciul; 15:111)'. You (401 2111015'
tho `: 11)0 I,rc1.11, 1,101111 111101 0151113
Its IL e 1':71 �.• I'•'1' Illi l'.ti .11 e:-. t''llil-
try m;Ll1 4:I)1'titIlIl1Il1I5 "High
1 '.y Ahil; ,5'" .. n/ 1'1;1':E 00 re -
Go our trice list. \1,. 1)d_
„1 1, 1•. --• `1'131'!:E -
1.l':!1.11 1 -1t;\1 Li\II'I't:ll, UI,x
,i;, Ill, I:5 01.1i•It d, 1)115:'11.
I;1:,1111- 'r1' 1.11'
11 i..5'• L.,,!'"r:, pnl11l- lr I
uhl'• tir initutolotte ,I' 1.1-
'(5 .10 '
' 1:0:1.11 I1 ,'1:- .11,'1 Ily-
br 51-. 1': : •1•.:11 \I•,1 'I::•
111.,1 0
I, a :!I', ', ,( J-
1 11 •
1.'1'.111.11: It 1'1 1.1,1-110,,1:.11:1;1;1)
11,0 'I,'n,'•1, 101. ;1.. 2
55 „ , 1;1, 1\\ (1.,, ' 1. .11;, ,!is,
!:1215 1_'1;:., II, i::h!: 0J)'-----
11311 1:11\1111•;1"i I'-\\11)1'54
,A s'rnii.I ti \\diito LOrh„rn i,1hy
red I; 1.14 11111 1.0 1
then. 1. co r 1 i5:. 0, 1,.,-. \\ 'I,I's
5. 1,1 - 1 1 1;lil,'11
1•, r 11 0 0
011 L, :, r1,0r'I 15 1)l ,10 6•,
1; 15 1012 101, 01.13 511111
II (11 r : ' 1.15,, ,12111'! - last
512.11 11,1 1,.1111'11 01, ,..111 to5d. :\
I) ,11!'•,.11 1\ii! 601,15 5"I1)• „12-
`11 1 1!, '!is, 1) 1115' .1 1\ 11111,1,
1'.'i'•, 1611 U:,nk 11., ( 1,0\\:,.
5; 1) \' 1: I; N \1 1: \ 'I' \ 1'' 110\' \Tit,
141„1)d -it' t1 01 , hlo-Is trunl 115:1)
Prtahictive 1-1!:1!1,. T, n Tlool '1)id
chock.. :10:!11 11)10 w1,'0l,5. 1uun,''I-
I:Itr ,11111,•.') ,n da) -1,101 anti
5)111124 ! ''It it Its, ';:1)'1)11.1 F.:11 111,
110,1111 II(nutt,111.
I'tll 1:1'I;1' -K 131:1'1;111. 1114 41'Itll
,f a 051,1 h.:why hunch of h!hv
(111153 1(11 12"11'10 . 11=11!1. 1;0• ,1
1(1:11 good le n- ar 01 n1„ 0
121:2•. 111!,0.01' 1!,' delis;-; 'n J•I5.-
"111 ,'ll!rIi5. 111'1,0 1'112 1:1 1 I 0'al-
n1,1In• and 110,1'1+ 171 sur I1\\•-
erII(u"1't \1050!"\„1 "11, I:.. \II1\li-
'1'11N 1'111 1,'11;1 I'.\i;\li. \l•,nk-
1"11, Ila:: I„
11111 1,.1'1'1: — 1.1111 1,.51112
NEvr it'l(I\(; 01(Ni.LIST I'(1 til:
511d "too It111•.” Send for 111 1.5 lee
11,t and ord0r yule kitty chicks
now' one 01111:1) ( ki ) 1(112 0"!1"12,
Goddard ('(111211 1111t1h"I}' Ot 0 n-
rli•, 11,•!:'111 1111)
151, 5((1111:1t 1111:1,
111N(1 111,,t''Iil1l:l;t;tt?5,
01.)) hard). 115,5'o 11215-u'•,0':,,-
fJllly trati-pl:ullelll'r,lir;•;--
tcell p,q.,.1 in inn lice 5) el
• fruit, 1:111:1, '501 1 :I!Id in
luF't, l'
Order h. f„re Opt'!! t,lth,
4 vine: for 1Leo Er, p 12,1.
1111211, .112'1<-17., 1521',
)12121311 01'1) I\1'I.NTuit'l
AN Uhl•'lat 'I'0 1:1'1:111' IN\'t:N't'U!t
1.,ist of inventions and full ?Our -
minion sent 1121,' 'rhe ltamsny
51)20 itegiateled latent At!orncyo,
273 1!51115 "1, -et Ottawa, 1i:) ,1d4,
a')4TIIINIS t1N11:1UU11 K. Cl)MI'.1N1'
latent Solicitors. Established
18:10; 14 ('1515 \Vest, 'Toronto.
Booklet of information on re -
1)11'11\1: ,h 01,1:A\'IN(i
11A\'1: 1'UU AN VTI 1St; NEEDS
dy'eit:g or clowning? \Trite to us
ler iltormation, Wo are glad to
ahlsWer your questions. Depart-
ment 11, Parker's Dye 1Vorke
Llmlted, 791 Yong° Street, To -
4,LCC"('RICA1, tatUlI'M (05 1'
bn'.:1:'I:t, told, rebuilt; belt s,
tulle} e, brushes, Allen Electric
20111,11,5' Ltd., .226 Duftctin St.,
1')111' 11A1.S1
'•11•:1_(1,1 112)11'1 HALM dcstr5'}s
. ; IUvu odor illettultly, 45c
ter ' lta wa !:hent- hchtli:t;
,0(1 0,Ure, Otta wa.
FARM 114:1.1' IVAN(13O MA( 111\'I:111' .1N►) 1:1.1:C'1'I1IU
1:, 1'l:1:111:\'.:1.1) \101(1111:) MAN, 1111'1'11115
1.1); t 101211, ) 1 1 ly sine',, ; mem, 1:1,1:1 "1'111'' )IIITOIti 01,1, 01Z1:6
Il,Uce, 110,151 pt lvlleges. :tutu 23, e: e" 1,51101111, 1.3: , utlipl, l
Law. 1, , ag, , 51 ages rate• I, d, s,le , 'I 11,;1 h,,, 11 1::, 11,1111,,.'.
101, 2 ..!..‘.1,!. 11. J. 51. 1 .5:1, Nilo 5 • t':;11'1' . , i.1,: }1.11.; ;'1.
11,1:. i, S!, , II' 1,1;1.1.— — 10:1;5 , 1', 111)'
1'51111). NIM SAL.i:
1)341: 0,'I:1; 1,0: 1', 0111)11 li')I
b.1•, ,4111 avt. t;lcelhuu '; ar.d
44') ptl .115. Pox 1:12 11'1111;h'.u!.
\'.111 :11:1,1. 1''01,'.1 14'1 NA'1'1':1J P)
•,:.'} 11,1 • !;' 0111131: ti:l i Vf
:11 ,, :' , ... , 01;1,1; 1: a 1 :1
. 11111•, ,- •.' 1l” 1,11'111 IV)
111 1 . ,1 11'50 11111111•' .,;I
'11.,!, .' 1 ,11;1.1',1,11. ilt(llltt'tl 2
11) 1 111'111 11 tll•tluu, 111;141
I1, ,n 1051, Indter, 1l•ruunl 1)11'.1(
1)011 ,, 1.(1,'. hank barn, 2 ur1-
t1.,'l11',,t :111,1.• aI"U 0,105 pp,
1v.'1, 11_.111' 1•r Lull partit:unit,
11 t•t r I., Il;!ley 0. itauffer, 1(.11-
\N ,11 15, n,, (Aut,
1 .10 'III.. ,-11,0)M 111
Uv 01:51, , 1 10 I..el flew epace,
111!11., 1,1,01 \y•,tt:4 111 all hu110-
111) 10; 111115\ a) 51d011), '101•,11.
It; '1''.vcnt) .\111e1, 111 (1151714 reo-
*01 Cur :1111•. 11. 11. lia:e,
mood 1111!.
1111 -.1' 1 : L 1 .51:'1, 500)1/ 1).1:5 ),
1)11„11 nu„d;;; i-, 3 (1!11111 11,111
htlalluld, Jul 4:, 12,11, 41, b, 11:1Iet-
hI'p0. 01,(1i)' 1'0111p Petrie, 11.11. J,
7 aI 1:,tl,L0.
!SU -1( 1(1 , GRA IN AND
111,0.1 1'heaII. ad,•Ilaato We lel and
buildings, 11,11120 av'ulluble, Ni.ur
v111a511 and etatlun. Set's, 011:tIits
1ui,u111, 11111! n
1CU Att:151':i 01,.51 1.IJAM, 0510 1,14
hu -h,
1)tt11d111..r, lluldunand ;.:•0110-
5)'; 3201)) tel (115. 13U -Acre 151III,
11',1 I:,unt), Loud building:,
51'11 105, 1:1 ales wheal, 110`.11),
111111.0 1\ ell int Lon 1-ill11l,I e, (7
E.:I. a1u114 .Teel, IVullu:'11.
TOl30(0(20, 11.111:1' 1011511', LU\V
prleed-61111111 00'3,11
Pulnu b,tlllj'1""1, e;1.13 1:a111j.'bc:l,
Mt, lir) dges.
1.011 S.iLL
L'Alt 1,U'1'i l'(1U1':ls, wit. ND,
/Weight, cellar 1101.13 pull, 5155,,
poet and telephony pule+. l'hu11u
er write E. A, Edwards, It. 2,
1:1101\' 1'011 50(11:
AiUlt'iL) 0 111.1o1LS1101t-
ley mual, 50luuud lwheut, wlluIu
51114 and uther 112551► sur Pula.
Carlota 011(5. '1'1e Atlas '1U•0
Company, 1'11,12.1 0t Truth' llulld-
1ng, Montreal.
11131.1' 11'AN1'131)
MAID UL\li1101, \VAN'fEL', 1'Ull
111 01. .111 modern eonveui1100I,
wages $30 per month, Mrs. Clower
lfeary,_L3ritunnla Buy, ant. -
UA11t1J1t1tSS1AU *U11UUL
L 111 A it P1 11A1)t1)1tJCbJ1Ntr 1'109
ltobert.un me thud. Information
00 request regarding claims,
ltubel'tsuu'n rlulydteasing Acud•
*my, 581 AVUlIU° Road, 1 ()runt°.
((.51tAEss 1)111:S51N1:
1.11.11'1'1' 11AIINEiS L1t1:li 1'11,-
k'll:est leather 111!11 harness pre-
aer\'ttti\•b. Slipit also hes many
household use11 :5e Up tit must
grocery, hardware and chain
inures. A product of Lloyd', Lab-
oratories, Toronto.
1E1111 'PRE :1'12)1I3N'1'
may be "Rased by look 0i
IF '0 11'11 I1.111; 1i 1011\,: 1T
color it 11110)' 1„• I,,.'11W'7 y•.1) 5153
nt.1 g5ttior ' I:,Ilt;h of • et 1 1:.
1 151,: ' } 1)u art'•':,!'1:
IIIIe11w1I• uu,101..3:11.-;,111,0f111,311)1.0-50,001,
111)11' � .,1.'
(11•3 ;1":,1)i!'''': no- t,l.:,ltu
and. ;01 1.501- limn 0 ‘;1' )'000 113 t,:
In..1thy, 1112!51 hair. 11 rte
halt 0 t o rd.nl:!!511,:5' 1!111, 1, or
I1, 1 ;!f; I, Iii j; t,1 1'1:'11 (5151 , y0.11
.11 •11,01 1,11,•' 11„, IIAN i a 11,1'11
F•1 1'111; 9'.51:1.!:15 to aid :n
1.1, 1p :0 i1 .501!. 11
0 0• „ p :• 1 !, a FI.
Cul;, 11:.1 11,1 _6111 111th 1112
14,,.,1,':' "111.1 !!.1112. ,:,d 11'0:'(1',
55 1, oh 11„\\ a 5,0. 5 111 11111 1' .: I
y1,,. w., 1, 2 eti lot lith at I
It, '1• ,i 1s , -lv't It
,`.1"1!. 'll 0 ' 8.11.1:8 111:1 T.
,Ihi IOi, to i,., ,: 11.5: ,,Soot
15(1 ,,i7 12
11 0,'! ' ..1,1 511. 1',
1\31:1"I' Is 11,1.1:11
I•'It;li'i' 1'l;l: \\'.11;1'1,13 11,0 11!'111
51, 5 , I \\ a r61• ill l I.,,,,.:•
liti !• 1. :\ 01:5 t"''.1,1,•12, 1,11,1- 11:,
1''u'• 1:,1,.1.1 ; 1:1 guar: ,•01,
1 ilt. 105 rlw1- p1'I
p;1011 \112!'1, \„''11,11 \II'\'el I ',
11, -','111,. 11)11
1' 1111 1 111.11 11' 11 1
Qua!"•. l:wart:, 111, tits 4x1" 1)l (t.'::u-
[11111 e 0s-1 mounts„; 111• 21o. 1 t. 00.
ed ;'1 t;a10.1, 34) 121, c.'irc01o.,i'I1;
\VaInu' 112 111.!0 k Ebony I1)05111
(flint - ''11 5'.12,5 101:5 ;xi", 14:'11
click Jur, 01 l'!•i owl).
:\\1' til'/,i'; Ii01.1.
U ! 1' 5 5 \' ,11)
C .i
I)1:\'I:1.1.)1'I•:II .\.\ h I'Itt.\1'1':11 '';','
Oct j': •11'11,( 111:1,1 ., 11. .'ll •0111,1)'
\Voll( it 1,1w c,1 I. i .l5-IIC'1 01) 1 ')-
cra 1011 •0\,r !..5)01,1., ,,1;1 510!! )011
that 0'•55 2.113(-1i0. 12),12, 1 11:•:
l 1215,
DON "I.' •1'.11. RlSl\!
\I'1'1'11 YOUR 1ILM'1
sihip,h0 :; 1211 1:1'51) !0' 1010„11 t=r 111.
Sunni .fur 011, 10, 'a'11d;t'5 '1.
1 ; •t
au,1 ,,.. .5't huuhlt' atudG)--1
Jinx 1:'), 1'15)11 'I'11uun.11 0, 0)1 )
Print 1000 Nano, and -.0.,1: css
nu); 1'. .055 .ill ('1 1. r•,,
1211 11(1.1:1:! 11, 11'l: 5;, \01'11.
ren) 5101 - •t 0 i 1. 11. ,. ,n 5
551'.,'i1,'" 111111' 5 :5p1110' 5 `•'1'
11 tp1 :1111 1'1:,,', 0555, ! . -
11e ,1, •L', .,1111' .
111•:1)11' 51,
n t ,.' 111,, ' H : 11'•:11 , 1
p'1Lp;, 1' 1 51
',_5: i,n1.;.111 '1,.
51!11 11,1 01,;1pp.,'1i }•'II. .4 in
t1,)t) I •:. Ie'p1n,l It tdily t1 :I:ia
*1115 10115510.10,12 5111301.. ! :t
5t:id1, „f h..,) 1!111.)'. ') '
hotl'L rti th"y )! 1511!+. 5 5!1.
post r .l.''' h'•'. ar. i,
gen("d:1 d. 55:1 ':'10.0 (1 i:. 1: , t .
i\ AIF- I:\'1015 54)
of 1151! luul,ltic Pres s: •,,
fltou:1 U)' 11:x•':1112
)11111.10e I'1 ug Ste' c. .a2 '.' 61.
Ot i 1, w ,.. 1', 5' p.1 el 1 :. . .
F1/4,111 1 \11.1 I;! I1
411,•: (11.11!11. 0512
te10•c s 1)t 50!11 !1'1;; ,l
4415'.1 1:.• 111(1-;.;1'.1 51:11)
111 1.1,. - 11,0(;-1, .1, 1 1 :1':,),0
dre .,;•^t .til
1)1" 0 ' 01,112,
11(•,.0' . t ;1
1Ju:s • .11' 'P, 1.'l .0.1., 5',.,..
51 51,1: 111:1,1' 55 5 \'rl al
51.11:1:11:11 \1.1;, 11:- :'I 1'11,'.''1,),
1115 fly.' lane, I,1'u•1, U; hid,
111,1' t01101,10,5 1111,1-
1(11,1, . :I, P,10, 1. 111 ;11'' , 1 111.-
11)', 150,1', III•,, 1 7 , 1. • ,11,
5015 \\ . 1 i., 11 1;. „ `1
NI 11•1:1 I 1 x'1'01 le
L' 11 1: 1': t 1)1,111;1,) ..1 tesrit0
1•(15! 1,10u 01 1 s int.
1:0•1., 12121.:, 55 :5)t;'11F
ill:'511 l'1j1:11111;11: ; t!1-"111 '111
It u 11 , 4, 1;111001,1 i.,it-11,111', '.•,V,
Nuf('111r I:, 51 not 11, 1111', 01,11.1 tu.
1'4:ItsoN. AL
"Fs1,13A11 1 ,.11 1 \ U 111:1'01thl
taunt", womb_ 11u1 1,uu11 free.
:deg tddo \l.1):.,"n, I: whit.0cl 11,
1'U 1 1.1 it 1 4.111'1'
.51 1:1b,,:.,1,1u
01,11;:15 );I,„l,,lll5. tl
E.;tn,l,d:b 5'-`1:, 5{. .:112 :1,u1;. -
Um; 11
llc:0:U4;11 I:. v' whltu p,u0Uy (412,11'
fur mall1,11 10111.: ;AM WW1. 1
A1ull.uiu J11,ulcdl,,1, 1,5 111 Ivo :b.
bind 111 )l) yS.31,1,. 1\1„e 1,15;
401151,0., 1.1.11 p1 '
),1't\amu\ 111:121' -I ('('I,1 00,
11)11'1 1.1)
6(,b!5 lielociulter Ase., :gent l'eul
1(1 11,1135(1 1'.1'1(. I ll,5
1111,1 t.,,� .,•,UL a .1 !n,' t,v
j...'') j” :•lag( 11''-1,1.1„1, Au -u .eu•I
114;4 e 1 5 5, 1 1. „ 51.111 l au d
1511E 5151 101: 1 c'; s' ante j' 1),P.
Aic1 t .1,1:,115 1,1 tad, -, 11111 0,
4;h10U;0110 11,555•.. 111101) 1(11-1i,
11(1 l':1v.)1,( .1511 111•:1.
11Silljl'1'1 1'011
1'11;11';)11:1;) .15 ,1J0,1r, i-0,1tL-
tattd 1,11,..1s1 111,1 d111.s, 1,110:U111i
5110 1''1111'SL 101.,.11 ;111• Ht1,•1 ono
41111,0, ,1.
ill o. 1:. .11vub'.•:, 1.1)10 '.)11'tilt,
F'E1)1(.;ttl':la) N L•' 50 ZI.Al.AN11
White ,r red 1110 10) Cur 541e,
(.11111.5 lI1Ve„pJ 111 01t•t' 51101 C ur
producers. Lei out 1. 1'us:ry, 114
AYhlund 0wunue, Tur,nl,„
11111:1 )1.1'1' 1 C 1'A L\ S
HD.4111.l 151:':'1\1 \IP:\1'1:) — 1':\'-
•r) eumrer 1l 1(h0u1rLtie faint
or N.oirltto Phuludl 711'
1tem5dy. "Iurlrat h 1 1 dg Otl,t o, 3;15
11115511, Ottawa, 1',0it,itoi 311'1,
WV, 01;1: .1;1;(111'1:1;8 ,1\1) 51.1111i-
•lalr et the tit 110111: 101.lt Lead
1251' 1::'1 ,111 need "': 15, Ord„r 1.5115
and 3'0.1 11,1:1}. 155110: 101500
UrSn. 50 ;stud
uu,p1'1 +, 11111•
Ftltal, ll 1. t.
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Elliott insurance Agency
Car - Fire • Life - Sickness • Accident.
J. 11. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
ResIdeneu l'hontt 1 2 or 111i.
Office Phone 104.
• ' •• •••• .•
It iooh '40111 1(I11( 1 0 it W WI
I(XtII 1111."11114 l'aCli l) 010 ir 1
Nine(' it over to sei. 'what hail happen -
1 ed to the t1.11 01 it. One spring hy
1,t lis tittle had bored Mt th; augh the
upholstery and it looked not unlike
a worm e tilting out of an apple. There
was rush and a (dotter and :\Irs. Phil
Ic..)ked horrified. Springs, 1 url p
straw and all had fallen out of the
,ofa on to the floor. It \vv.( ind. • 11
a sad loiking picture.
I took the whole thing into Pet.m.
Sm,ythe's vvotlsvorking shop Cai
morning to get fixed up. 11 didn't
a hard s+ even bother to ask what had happen
Th, ,pills lUttd (iel;ing 01) ell. I suppose ltt gets a lot of things
through the tabrie aed chaff or i‘traw in that conditi ot. l'se lyarnotl a les•
ytarted falling out thr,umh the bottund son and the cows are being milked
When You rested on it, it took sots with one hand for the next week or
of the imalities of a contortionist to so,
escape the strange Jje. , that prod -
(ny Harry J. l')0lt1
Our sofa has weathered a deal.
Over the years Many 0X1latist..,t1 hu
)080 frames ha we t. 11 1 hrovit 00 it
I must say it ha: re. minded quite
comfortably. I :rely howe\ er the sofa
111 1( lit 11 presenting a more or less
(I.jected at dearance. \\*here it once
looked fat tint comfot table it 'tabled
to look more like a skinny horse after
d up front 111 mysterious in:ide.;
of the s:ffa . Mrs. Phil threat( nod to
either throw it out or el :e Putall Out :
0.111Iain MCPCM411 Vi1('te(1 1)11
Of Order"sign on it if I didn't take Friday with my, and -.41 0,i, Wesley
it into the village fo,. repairs. \\Ilea S•ttelthouse of Brueofield.
company came she 11. 11 Id have 10 go several IIOIII the vicinity attend-il
around warning pinpl to take other the Blood Clinic at \\Ingham on \Ved•
chairs. If hty 011 happen to sit aesday.
(Iown on it. you would ihem squirm t Alva and :\turray MeBow•
in disc( it '01 1l1 if they were ell wet' fortunate in securing another will 11-Vor cease troubling
411 a nest of 'fees. ' faX on Saturda)•, Listracting world troubles are up -
Yesterday it was 1)11),(440111g 0 .1 11 Mr. John Gear of lilt:duller ,pont lin its to -day, This is a day of
late F(1,,t.atay f)shion and I was en- lite week -end with his mother, .\Irs, judgennnt for our erring way's.
joying the contfo:t. of th- IiitrIrm Thomas Gear. NVItat nation can point to history
range, Mrs. Phil was sweeping and Pay Vincent of Calgary is and say • "Seel The record is
came upon a pie of straw out of ti' 11,;(10on furlough, with his paritrIs. clean". \\ hat 1111111 can say, "I have
interior of the .40f8, neatly piled in a 'Alr. and ..11r4. Roland Vincent. 11) ole Illy heart C.0811, I am pule
mound on the floor. 1 had no exea 1, Pilot -Officer I r slip Rodger is home from Illy sin!" 1; titer. to 1):.' na
um even an ailment or a job on a few day, hi fore joining his penalat. for our clal \vrong 4, for
that had to be (lone. 1 s'mply had ) 11111 at Nuva Sectia• man's inhumanity to man? Are
do something ahout the seta. Mrs. ! Miss .14. In Ah.1),Iwell of Waterlo-) there to he no broken and contrite
Fhil want. I nip to (8140 0 into tirwn spent the week -end 11n0e0 the parental 10 arts for the sin of war, that
but I it •isted un seeing what 11)1' Not., desolates Ilio trill and leav ;
troubl. (185. 1 The Young Peoples' 111141.111g was giutrIty trail of 111cd and tears
held on \Vednesila v. with twenty-five on land and sea? Is there to 11'
present, The program was prepared no repentance for our race hat-
hy Marjorie AlcVittie. Tht• meeting reds, and bigotry that blies 010
was led i\lildred ("arbor. S•aiptirt ey-s to brotherhoid and (112 gold -
on was read by Illa Taylor: Pian ) en rule? Is there to be no 5•10'.-
S010, Pahl Ilh011; P00111, 010th a 101 ashes for our ulnolete
Prayer, Janetto seotarianism, that. 10) longer ex: -
Stoll; Topic 011 Alisdons of the riffled presses the relig';in of our lin?
t'hurch was taken by Itev, Harold There is not a sect whe,3e original
The meeting elused with the reason for existence is valid bo-
Mizpah day. '1:10 (lifferen.':es that (livid,- I
Mr, and Mrs, Bert Taylor entor. our father , aro 1. trgotten. TIPv
mined a number of the Young People Cl l:;t s:gnify. What doe' signify?
A sprit) ; snapp, I at me tapping me on Thursilay evening in honour of 1ton- this! "Let the wicked forsake his
quite soundly on the end ot an inquisi- ald's birthday. way: and let him return unto
live not:e. It brought the .tears and .
'I he annual meeting of the \\ estfield the Lord, and 11: will have mercy
it 1110(11 ile:1) J11:11tP" 1(1 1:1)11 Airs• ['tilted Was hold in the has upon him". That is the purpose
ail samiitering a laugh.
"'mem on \\!tm.day v.
of Lent. It is a time for slun
I (:14:141:1:1 the Wita Ia
1)1111)' 1'1 11, Will Ilin l'aFlOr, ilar•
tleal‘" in I -start- told ityll. presiding.
The meeting opentI by singing the fol financial year, and a surplu 011
!-1 tO ShiP nle SPritl'IS that S01.111011 ) !
nano all gene into a strange yari"IY Ow:. "Take Time to be Holy," Th, I11(01(1. The Ste \vard raport showed
of ways. I gra) on and turned perilitir,, 1, son ‘e,ts rra,,i, after 1 over $S00,011 rat 10 and over 1I1);,111)
it back 11111-1 0111)1 1 111001110 wa-; the whi.11 Bev. Snell HI in prayer. I of a balance on hand, The Mission
proper waY and stortAl to withdraw '.\1r. Alarvin Mcl)owell \Vas elected 1 Band raised $1 r'2. The \V.M,S.
my band, It anapped at me and the Seeretlry for the meeting. ,mitinte, 'sent $179.00 to Presbyterial Treasu.er
pointed tial of the roil gouged into of last year's annual inceting was read which was *31.01) over the al13:Ition
Illy Glum). Blood spurt,,.d all over ;010 approvcd. Itep-xts from the 1 'rift Supply wurii 111 1110 W•M.S. "13
and Mrs. Phil ran for the iodine and 1 varions organizations Were received. second-hand clothing and one quilt.
The Lenten Season
BY R. W. R.
The word "Lout" is Anglo-Saxon
and means "Spring" porhat $ it is
ri tared to the word "Lingthen"
since the days get long, 0 in
Snringtim. It is a spi....dal !it ason
for meditation and tself-denial,
lasting .10 iiays, and oh erveil in
memory ‘',1 the testing and fasting
of in the \Vilderness. It
begins on .1sh \VetInesilay, so cal -
1 1 frb in the o1,1 Symbolle rite.
The faded palm loaves that 111
011 the triumph of Palm Sunday
are reduced 10 a 410 with 10:SO
ash's Cmsign of the l'ross 1.3
made on tli f!rt.hettil of the \Vor-
shipper. This reminds us of our
mortality. 1)1 Atli alone ha fes
the in 20 nuity or nu(11. 114 111)5
owan, 01 1,1.1110 from 11. rm.;
faet hug'( s humility. Easter --
I he 1 :tiVIll of 1-,1ring—hrings 11-.0
lenten Season to a trimnplutilt
(.1.)'e. It is the sym"a)I of tile's
Victory over the grave.
Lunt is also the season for self
examination; 101 taking stock of
what Ave hold ill our 11 .irts; to
what We are, and what we
ought to be, "Search me, 1) God,
and 1,110‘v my heart, try me and
know my thoughts. \iiil st-e11
there be any 'wicked way in me,
and I ad me in the way everlast-
It is 11 time for confessing
our sin: and 311011 comings of
which wo lishaMed 111:0 Firry.
S;1110;110 lent. us tliab people in
oar day Were not troubling about
their sins. That 1)1i4-'11 lie very
well, hut for this, that 0111. sins
It's quite interestimA . . this basi-
noH Of saing how a sofa is mad.e
Fast 1 all on the underside they.'
(01)' a (din liyer Gf 1)11)114 01104 se -cloth
. . . all malty talied into place but
with a gaping hole in the middle.
Next off th-,,r? W11.1 1(01110 heavy burlap
. . . als 4 1811(0.1 in:o place. I started
tc lift the tacks and this proved a
quite cII,Y 1:14• 111 fact 11 was :n
1.15Y 111111 11' 11«1 up a eurnur cf the
burlap dad peered 111510 '.
the bandages,
Every organization reported a success- 31 quilts wEre 1111100 far the Ited Cron ;
at Auburn, also considerable sewing
and knitting. The Ladies Aid nave
to I.:dance cf o'er $1'.1 .00, The Sun 'ay I
School raised $.2f1,2...00 with a balance
of over $10,00. The Baby Band sent
$11I1.40 to PrestpyterIal treasure.
$151.00 waii raised for the M. and M.
fund. Jack Buchanan and Norman 1
Radford were elected to the Board of
Sowards and Mr. N1'111.
((11.) elet ted la the S?s3ion. Mr, Mel.•
vin Taylor V .11( ele:te.1 a; a Sti, ward '
to finisIl the term of M1tltIltIld Healy.
, Organist, \Vinnifred Campbell, asst'
art, G14a.1110 111crowell. Auditors, A.
1'. \\'alsh and Norman Itadtord. Tke
!fleeting wa.3 dismissed with the betui-
1 diction.
It was a great shock 011 Monday to
hear of the sudden passing of :\lr.
Itay Stonehouse of Goderich after a
very short ilInt,.-s. lie is survive hy
hls wife and one son, LAC Ponald
IEtonehorse, who is at present Inme
It 11 sick leave, and one hrothto., 41;11'-
511M, Coneession \Va•
v ..0os11. Tha sympathy of the t' .111 -
!nullity is exttlided to the tereavcd
family and friends.
Mr. and Mts. lio' err Snell of Gad
visited 111 the home of Mr. aid
INit. Elwin Taylor on Sunday.
I Mr, and Mrs. .1. Crok and family
vitt; 1.11 Sunday at the home of Mr.
Airs. George Cook, Belgian v.
Pte. Russel Cook of Ipvrwasid
spent Sunday with his parcuts, Mr.
a nil ;11 rs . Leonard Ci,olt
1I\lrs. Alice Tyernian is visiting at
Ihn home of :41r. and Mris.
(sri tupbell,
Incorporation of Cost of Living
Bonus into Wage Rates
JIIE AlTENTION of all employers in Canada, subject to
the Wartime Wages Control Order 19-13 (P.C. 9384), is
directed to the provisions of the Order requiring them to
establish for each of their occupational classifications, not
above the rank of foreman, a single wage rate or range of wage
rates .1,-, prescribed by the rules set out in Schedule "A" of the
Order by adding to the previous authothed single wage rate or
previous authorized range of wage rates the amount of previous
authorized cost of living bonus, and that such established single
....:-.e rate or range of wage rates shall he effective for the first
1 „iron period beginning on or after February 15, 1944.
Employers who may not he paying previous authorized cost of
living bonus as required by General Orders of the National War
Labour Board, issued under dates of August 4, 1942, and Novem-
ber 3, 1943, pursuant to the provisions of the Wartime Wages
Control Order, P.C. 5963, are required to include such amounts
of tost of living bonus in the establishment of wage rates of their
rmployees under P.C. 9384 effective for the first payroll period
beginning on or after February 15, 1944, as stated.
Ottawa, Canadi
fi)r rutin'', of 014 r
life: Icr p10,1ing, wir-rI\
lift,' 1 ty
(11111 134115 (lll0:l:l
and •.,,
nelocc that ;114 1)) 1:111. ..1- ,*
front 11)05410 of 1 1--): ).0.1 11 ..-
(11.11gt 11:0,
11,1 CH' 1o1:11 1 :.0 •,,11
Mr. t,
Or IlinOlIs (11(1 .1
\1 11(1' 1
11011 1111:1 (14111 :1 01:11 (111
10Ve and ma(s,:, 41),)
s01111 1 11 MI,
.1 0 s )
my out my 1.:
this s ;ason tr
len celr.;“ 1 1 111,:,
Lord "If a..:;• nula w:i1 ),)11
mc," ) w,,;(1)1 1 1 I 111,. •.14
they 110:101, hint c,1 1 1?
TO 101 O ir,'11: • 1.11 1
1'01::1 )1.0. To 111 all 14. 1' .1'
just 10 do ear 11,(I'
111011 1(11).1\\*0 tons; 1,1:
win) 11 1') 1) •
thl. I 11,10, hill Of 1h: ••1•14 'I i
all'i !...' h'",11 :
Of 1,11' I t: Th.. ;;;ly Cal
titup- call .1 thein-el,i- Mr.;
10111 ". lil old, ,i.1
plea -aro, ri::1:1 r t ;
his mu r,,• ,
firm to (1.11 I h.. '14
\Ve 4 nun: 1.tv 0
(Irony, , and ()al' :1 a
I.,rget the i111.
attil 14! 1) \Olt ,-.1( n
race sit hcfor 1, 1ti*
surely io ,10.10 of Ili l0
man dops not lio 14v 1' 11:)! 11110-
0111.0 a Vi:n81 1(.11. 1 a (11.1)1
.11onid 1 s amine 11) 1:01/
llca 11. and )-• \Out 10h' 1 0. ;:i ).
31401 Itt.00--1:11)1 110'
(,f 1., 1, \v,. 1.1111:1 •
1118 -1', of prel: !we 401 1'
in 1 11 1,
if11 1.111105 its 1lint1(1,:r.
eildine L.; rim; for r- 1
8.; ((.1, if V: 1 1.” I
Wednesday, Feb, 23, 19-1,i,
1 ....111•Www1,14.4..i.,11,47277.120q==.•1..i.......1.1a6.! a,Ik
I hi' 1.,ivent of the Sers n
'1'41 `4,Y tie 11
L18 1,8
aid Bane!
1'4,ns:116;11AL IIA1.!,,111,11111
on Hie evening of
LAS tti
Sp:m Ity The Rink Committe of 1118 Blyth Cour.; I.
WIltELESS, S1,11()()I,
0to enjoy (lan-im to the
13.:1-0:1 or The Clint1-.1
Par: Of t11'.' Concert 1\11 i I 1 \ill 1)1,TCeed
\":1`". The Pinnd and OrCI:V•',0 II 11.! 1 WO i?n-
iir±,- (1;rfereni. erganizaticins. 1?) i feat -
1)rogran' will. he iWersner.- (1 l', it: lther
n.umhers ct high-ela:-;':
Concert, Silver (.'cPcetion; Pance 50c
.1; " tHci t: 1)14' 4. 1 1011111 40"' 011 11, 11' 'al.
10;d 41:1')n). 1 1 the
\\ )1'1 a sHr
I r. ttlel Mrs. I.: \vitt \V el I ois
and 11101 14C.-.1 :1 110:1- 1111114
;.01 \l1,a 111 41; , .ho,0 !toll-
, A ;•-•
1' Air, 1. ...,,0
Town 11 I and r luVlllI
11.1\11:1,)4.;)xf..,\I 141
1 111.
.4ft • 1 1. 131, - of 1:1141. 1,
\snit 1':11:414nr(ioi{.
\V,. 141;,i1 1) s1; inaeit
;v 1 i'llosvin_ t- nit ;he
rPri \oil while I a I, t.1,, of boil -
1: g s... 101 tint 11,"de 11.
It b; ..11- I to Nvaielt an I to iirav:
111. -:it I ath 110141' 1) gaddly
1, : I
4) a a 4011 81 (11 1' 1
, y se ; ‘ 1,
IL y 4 1 11 1
s sw
! !.
ly. .41:- as 03110. 0
a very hist'. 1e11va
Thi; .1 1. laa 1801 in in 1411
(",100(.11 4,15i 1111 51111,1 iy
lip \v: 1 rs. ri •' 'ir,
11e4 tir (llIrselVes to bt. 111100 ;11111 :., • .4 I\ 0'.i• all
,\ ;it, .
'1* letZr. 111.m,r4,411k"
$10,000,060 needed FIN,7!
This is the year of supreme effort, the year lied
Cross will he 11(011 (.111(5 11011er before. And as our
all-out victory chive yajos momentum, as casualty
list11100111, a., tlw l)),ror5 of war sprea,.1 wider
and sink deeper, this 110..d will grow.
We most see them through: the lighting men on
every 101)01, 1111 pliant 70..i•chant Navy. the wound-
ed and maimed in British anti Canittli,in hospitals,
Prisoners of War, .the hoioeless war orphans of
Britain and the :Ailkrinj millions of Lumpy.
Only the Red Cross meets this call for vital life
saving food for Prkoners of Warparce ines,
comforts, blood sCrtilil 11101 nursin,t4 that spell
survival for so many. There is no one else to do
the job.
That is why we cannot fail: why we as14
you to open your hearts and purscS,
giving to the limit of your ability.
ltemember, Victory will not b1 cheap;
the real need lies ahead,
Loa Chttl man.
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1941, TEE STANDARD
.".:44:4"-0:44:+:4******'''''.,•.r.o..•,o.'''''''44. or
.. 4 o.i. t.
. • • '1117rs. Frank 1\'Iarhhali
p LYCEUM TIIEA'I'RE ; Addresses Farm Forum
Two Shows Sat. Night :t:
: Thurs., Fri., Sat. Feb. 24 25 26 f •t.
Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter in '
'A thrilling su intrIne ;tory Blued;;
In tk(hnicolur,
'?', ALSO "NEWS"
:Matinee Sat, Afternoon•2.30 p.m to
::Mon, Tues. Wed. Feb.22.29 Mar, 1;,
Luise Rainer, William Bendix In '•
•'A story of the (.'ze:•h underground),
i:. Rent the he;t•sellin. n net by ,.
T. Stt'falt II1yin. !=
='Tues,day, February 29th is Red;:
:s: Cross Night and tickets are being,
.sold by the Winghan Branch of':
Xthe Red Cross. . Unsold tickets, if,
!.any, may be purchased Tuesday ev,.
.ening at the theatre. There will be:,
.,!.two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m.
4,4 4,'114,•.0•.4444.0.0..4.4.00.' Ju4400..'.040, •..
Thu February sleeting of the Bei.
'1'h') S.S, No. I.1 East \Va((•anosh
Farm Forum suet on AI' nday ni hI,
+vitlt an atlendanc. of :f;;, Til;,
Broadcast and discussion w'as on
Mrs. Robert Stewart
Thr' death occurred in Scott Mem-
orial hospital, Sealorth, on Friday
morning, February Itith, of \ir.. hurl•
Pit Stewat t, wile of the late 11 ern
Stewart of Seuforth, and In 11ee of
Page 5.
KICKtCtQt WW1CtCWW4ttlt'liCtCt(.' tEIOCtGWWCtEtHtQk:tGKtCt4tCtQ tltCRIX4XtRtG'tltGtCt4tEWKWKtC(Ct!tf•,tGtC,c,K. ,,,..,,,,,,tr,,,.>,y,or,•:. • , rr"
Airs, PrankAlar, ball gave a very Trooper I`ous
glas Stewart, ('ap I'ur-
dc'n, and well-known Itlyth boy, Mrs e,
fine five-minute Lath on "Our (roil•
Intro ty." A very enjoyable poria Stewart had been In failing health t„
for the past Three months, and pas <r '
)tour we.; spent afterwards, with lunch
bring srrv,(l, away in her With year. Prior to he. e:
confinement to hospital she had Ile n'
Thr next 111trting: will be held aria month In Blyth with her daught„
the bouts of Mr. and 'Airs, I', lien I
11n1•law', i Is
The late M1'.;. Stewart was a dada''
ter of At•, told Mrs. \\'illiam Ale
('ulloch, of Alchillop 'Ib011ship. I'n
til her marriage thirty-five years ;t:')
Following is the text of the address ishe resided with her wnts,
ringer. Orval AI('t.low•Rut will have
the five minute topic, and the recrea-
tion is in charge of :Miert Walsh and
i), McKenzie. I vtt'y:.ody welconi'r.
Elven by \lis, \1arshall:
had parents.
She ma ri.1(al Hobert Steuart of
OUR COMMUNITY Ilensatll in I9011, and they resided en -
a farm near i lens ill for nine y,'a•s 1'r
".\ community is a Societyof per- bafore taking up residence in Swl y
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
"1)estivation 'Tokyo"
Co to feu in al sdbnlarine. I,i+'r•
Leith sort who are heroes and don')
huow it, Leat'tt the true meaning of
loyally, teml''rnc's; and courage un-
der strait, w•tth Cary (;Hint, John
.tan Reale. turd Pane Clerk
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Bob Hope, Betty Hutton ZaSu Pitts
and Phyllis Povah.
i)on't miss this hilarious comedy
hit In %vide)) itob (lope breaks out
1)1 the gnaudhor,' and captures
a sul,lttat'ine
COMING: Nelson Eddy and Susan- COMING: "HAPPY LAND"
na Foster in, Phantom of the Opera Starring Don Ameche.
sun'; having "mama interest. WO y w, Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P P.M. Matinees Sat c3 ti. l '
forth, (('il'l's they residedresidedl' ((.('111}' mNNelk AZIDIDa w .d,wilil a, 71`21Dblal:?il iit'dldt Dt'%Dt `d 1111s`'tf `dt$t .•li`cli Te.`Di'd.:T,t'Y<,'oi4C5.S .a;...._.. . .
represent n community—ye are Furinl'ane years. Mr, Stewart died three
Now Playing:
It" and "The
"Cinderella Swings
Falcon's Brother".
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Dennis Morgan, Irene Manning
and John Cabot,
.1 fatuous musical romance c0111e-
tu the screed in illll•U,W'd
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray
and Ilka Chase.
In a springtime tale of nue ynu111'
1111111 whose fancy turned to (011,1
NOW PL/+', 1N(1: J lin; W, i:.mrl
ler in: ' T',)12/'ra
Nelson Edd,, and
"Phaniopi Ot Th- (late•
Thursday, rr d' i.
Abbott and Co°.tel!', v,,th
"\S' I i' ') i ; ` + ' I 1 :.._---
COM1`iG: "Tr, N'., '.l-,
Forum attt nderi, and farmers, so our
grave NV0111cn'6 Institute w•.as hell at desires and aims are tutward 000 goal.
the home of Airs. C. Logan on 'rues- We all wish to live comfortably and
day afternomi with a goon attendant, happily, we are striving alter wealth
years ago this coming \Iay, and since •
that time .\Ir.=, Stewart had 51)001
much of het' time in. Stratford.
In Memoriam I CONCERT
PIIi1ALIP.S-1n memory of W, R, Sponsnrr d by Igyth continuation .\ m,w(. luI
The late Mrs, Stewart was a Pres- 1'hlllips, who passed (lw'ay I'ehruuy Reboot Literary Society. in AI(du,i;l h:aw.
2.7th, 1928,
ll.tll, friday, .\L•'cll 1, lit at .I , 1).111. 11111, I ".
You are not forgotten, Father dear, flays, ttnl.:ical a;lnl'.r'c ear 1r1 ))iti Me! "''''l
Nor ever shall you be. )1 n rc and 20;),
FC i
present, The I'residei.t, Airs. E. Am., to a certain extent, we wish the best byterian in religion, and wit,, a 1'ait.h•
Berson, pre.;ldcd and the sleeting wit ; pt .,stile chases; for our children, and fat attendant until falling health inter -
the usual way. The min- we hope to live honest, upright, uscf.11 veiled,
rtes were Rd:;ptcd as t'e,111. The roll lives. In oer community we have Surviving are an only .on, Troops•
opened in
call was
for local
answered with suggestiolis'several vicinities, and in our vicinities ikniglas Sewart, with the Canadian
IntprevI souls. Thr snot of , we have nefghhourhouds, Which are l Army, and until Teen tly, stationer)
$ ) the National \\omen'.; !more immediate vicinities, 111 0111' at Camp Borden, and one brother,
neighbourhoods are families a n d John McCulloch, of Shell Lake, Sask.
homes, and in the homes, 110110du_tlr4, who was called home due to hc'r set. -
Red Cross Society for two blankets So a community, after 011, is main: up sous illness, and w'as present for the
of individuals. A chain is nl stronger I fulieril, it was extremely uufortun•
than it's weariest. link, eo a community ate that her 8011, Douglas, could not
Is no stronger than it's weakest 111(1h -(be located, and cons('quently was 1111-
vidual, ify the wc,tkc'st, we do not able to be home for the funeral Ile
refer to ,;Irength or stature, but "111 -,did, however, have the privilcg,) of
Genf ss" of heart and soul, None a' spending part of Itis furlough with her
lncetiui; was re;wt•ted. The menrbel's ids are born "little" \\'e grow either a few weeks ago.
were asked not to use flauelete for "little" or "great" with the years. 1 Funeral servIcei were held frail
lining Iced Cavlss quilts from now' 011 TWO thing;, f believe, would event
• the G. \\'ltitney 1'`unet ti Chapel, Sea -
owing to a (scarcity of that material. tally prove ht'nefieial to our 001111n111- forth, 011 Sunday afternoon, February
'I'Ite paper on "Tae duties of a citizen icy. 10 hart) jwire use made of our ,2011), at 2 o'clock, llev, 1lugh Jack.
schoolhouses, Iiy the installation of pastor of tate first Presbyterian
it3'dro, our schools could be used Church, officiated, Interment was
manly punka for business or sociability,'
was voted
Institute emergency fund. A letter
of thanks (esus re.td 1'r,tm Thu lIiIgrave
dolt ted for use in th ' I'ii ,t Aid e111-
crgeney units. Letters were read
from Ross Audersun, l euneth \\'hes l-
er and 'ferry Gallagher (Limiting the
Institute for (.`ii'is)utu gifts. Red
(Toss w,ih completed since the last
to his own community was give.; by
AIt•s, Norman Keating. :1 reading
was given by Airs. .\Ih(rt \'intent,
made in Maltlandbank Cemetery,
As long a.; life and memory facts,
\\'e shall remember thee.
—Wife and Daughters.
Card Of Thanks
1 wish to ).hank the Myth lied
('foss for the Christmas parcel they
sent die,
Trooper Jack 1lfakd,.
Bray Chicks, started ('hicks, pul-
lets, Leghorn pullets, and selected
groupi of heavy breids, immediatet
delivery, For the latter give second
choice breed, I.et us know your
needs—soon. lira}' Agent, A, h.
Kc'1'nicit, Itlyth
Lunch (vas served by the hostess
(2) Could we not hve 11 reading room Seafortlt, i
assisted by .l Irs, \\'. AlcAlw•rtty and add rc:l room in our Community hall, Pallbearers w'er'e: Messrs. Mex
and Alis. R. McCrea.The next mu`rt ,(with an open door? IGordon, Burl Sage, manes Ih'oadir tthe home
Ing will he tit Id at the h,:ine of Airs, \\'iiliam mini, Jahn Stewart and John ;B.
1Lry Campl:ell, Our studutts and readers couldAteadle•, Lloyd 11, liaithby, of London.
!derive great pleasure and benefit, Flnla} sou,
,lack Armstrong, It.(',:1,F., of Con- ';spent the w•eelt-end with Air, and
! This old F.cotch verse would be a Those attending the fluent] wee !Mrs. Janco; ltaithby.
for each clay; sirs. Douglas Stewart, Mr, alai Alt'),. I Mr, Russell Ring has rtturne.tl to
Frank llollyman, and redone).i, Blyth; i I-ondoat,
i\h•. and Mrs. Vert Sage, Stratford;
When ,leremiah Taylor was return
Mrs, \Vlndebank, Lmmiat; \t'. Alex ing after visiting a friend west of
Gordon, Stratford; '31r, and Mrs, Jolla 1 MOM l'n, he slippet1l
.c.'dew•art, Mr, 1)u1101111 Ste %cat1, 811.1 an1110,
\t', Stewart 11e11, Ilensall.
of Alts and Mrs, George
Balla spent the
week -end at his honk splendid thought
Sae 111001
guid, and
returned to his station :Mir 0 100011 bad in they best 0' us,
furlough at his home,
The Euchre and lance in the For- To talk abcot the rest o' us."
(net's Hall on Thursday night .wa'
well attended. Prizes for e:tchre wort, "Friendship i; a chain of gold,
Shaped In God's ail -perfect mould,
That it 111 behooves any o' u,;,
won by Mrs. ,1, M. Coultes and Geo,
Jordan. Lunch was supplied by a ; Each 111112 a smile, a laugh, a tear,
lunch counter, A clasp of hand, 0 word of cheer.
A Homier of friends and relatives . As steadfast as the ages roll,
gathered together on Friday night in Binding closer soul on soul,
the Forester's Hall in honour of JackNo matter how hard or how heavy the
Taylor, lt.C.A.F., Guelph. The o('- load,
ening was spent in inuring. :1l much Swe0t is the journey on Friendship's
time Jack was 011110(1 to the platform
w11011 1\'Illiast henry of the It,('.N.V. If each individual strives to he truly'
R. read an address 011 C01(1011 ito1- great, thele great neighbourhoods,
maul pl'esellted Mak W1411 a gold signet communities, countries, and nations
ring and service. kit. .I:t.:k replied in rise. By the 111Ue every (lay deeds of
a few• (ward:s) thanking ;II fur 1111' gift i love and khutleis, do we attaint (rte
and also the Red Cross Society and greatles'
\\'omen's institute for gifts at ('heist•
Lloyd Taylor, 'fo10110, al•.,•0 .tacit
Taylor, 11.C.A.1'. spcvt the week -end
with their parents, Ali.. and Alt's, 0.
E. Taylor.
Miss lieat•ice 'wade spent the w'ee'.t-
cnd with Mr, and Mrs. 0, 11, Wade.
Special hay of Prayer rot' the \\'o-
men cf the community in Trinity
Church this i''riday at 3 p. m,
Sunday next Fi('ine Service in Trio
ity Church at 1:-.30 p.m,
Monday evening the Farm For-
um cf the Sth Concession tact at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles i`ex-
A Letter From Ceylon
Clearing Auction Sale 2 'I'I'%:;
hl I!u:.•
Mr, Harold Jaeh,;on, has he, n id- scat' 1s
'st•ucted to tell by pubiie auction on 1.,,nds 0:
i,ot, 42. Concession 1, I?a',t \VItW 1 )lslt,
2 utiles North of Myth. on Numb r 1 1,, '
lligh(way, on '1'!1 •
at 1 I'.A1. Sharp, the following:
1101{Sp::4: Black Percher/fro Mara.,
S year's o1(1; grey i'ereli'ron Mare, 9
'1' rel,.,•.
years old; ('lyd'o (killing, 1 years olrl.
(l:\'I"1'1,1':: :.' Durham caw:, with calf
at foot; 1 1)urliant cows, due to fresh-
en in April; '_' I)ltl'haltt cows, due 10
freshen 1,:t .lune; 2 two-year Old
heif:t's, in calf; Hereford st )er-
WHO to 11of) pounds; 2 steers, 1 y( :Jr
old; heifers, 1 year old; 1 Ilex, facet
hull, ,, years old,
1'i(IS: York S',1w, bred on month; I'1',aus (1 ' t f
Tender; F' 1' (l-?.-l)!Iie,-
'1'O\\'lts:-.ii) {.; ii!die!t
TEN I,l:ltd
York Sow, bred (t weeks: 11 chunks. i •\I' udlrr, .\i,,, h '12111?NS: 120 Darrell rock htr:lit,
(S0ott'r Special A ('lass t, I gro\) 1 w h
HARNESS: Set of breeching bar "f the '1'11.2.1 !I
Hess; set of plow harness; Set of All mal—!al
light harness, ! i ,fort lou
IMI'I.E\IEN'I'S: Al. 11. Binder. I; foot (•h;u')'e 1111)1
cut; herring Mower, it foal cut :.31. I I . quarter ill, Is
side rake; 31, 11. hay loader; \(w-- ,Illult'd al a tl.
ideal nmlllll'e spreader, ne,lrly new.: I'"r (:,2;i, i:,
Alc('ot•nliek 11 disc fertilizer clrfll; \V Hiatt
disc harrow; ', section diamond hat, .\ lnnr;.i .l
row; (•aping plow; scuffler; IhI.aval act. .wp;ll1 '!
JAMES W. ('vir.000L,
1„ h
cream separator, No, 12; :1 11.1', gaso-
Following is a letter from henry line engine; grain roll) r; New -Ideal
Ui('iue Service, text Sunday in St. Rutlt w•ho is with the R.C•A.F, In steel truck wagon; farm wagon; set
Mark's Church at 10:30 a. in. Ceylon, and this is what' he tells Itis of bench sleighs; fiat rack; Ie foot
Mrs. Vivian Wagner and daughter, , Grandma, Mrs. Thomas 11, Edwards, hay rack; cutter; hum ilig mill; st 'ne
Marjorie, of Toronto visaed with .of Myth, about his leave: boat; set of scales, mat1)11111(1s; 2
friends here on Thursday,
1 Just got back from 1.1 days leave. wheel trailer, with stock rack; 1)-20
(Miss ;Madeline Caesar, teacher at I Had a grand time stayed at a Plant- llcCot•utick Deering tractor; 310('ur-
Auburnt public school, is at her home I ers bungalow the first wcele. A ('apt 11111'1{ )leering 2 furrow plow: 7 foot
near Dungannon where her brother i; 1Im Owen was the planter in charge spring tooth cultivator; hay fork and
Mrs, Harold Nicholson, 11:0 Beryl of the 1,000 acre tea estate. 11( made
\Vinson, is substituting until Miss tutu feel right at. bout'. For 0X(10Ise
Caesar return'' we had deck courts, lawn howl, table
Pte, Hatrold Nichol:,on left. for Par -
tennis and could go for long walks
ryfleld Camp on Thursday after a around the estate, TIle Che courts here
TOO TIRED TO PRAY leave with itis wife and family here a little too wet for t'. lir had
and his parents'in Sea.forth,
;lies laugh Bennett, teacher of S. an assortment off•books and maga-
zines second only to the library.
She thought, when night had finally S. No. 9, Mullett, is quite ill and her \\'hat a collection, tont Golly Lochs,
ended clay, duties are being filled by Mrs. Georgi to "Gook With the Wind" and from
"Ilett' Lord, tonight 1 am too tired to Cowan of 1.oncles4orp, t to,
Alen Only" to National Ceogra
11r. and Airs. James Craig visited
Lich son Cpl, Craig in London at a
And wearily she 01050(1 her eyes in These btnlgalo(s at' like gorgeoussleep, military harpttal where he is recover
lag from pneumonia. summer hooka. 11e1 two Wrens also
Slipping far into the shadowed deep. In houlor duel bis fe were there for
;Ir. ,10neph Carter and \liss Sadie
11p in IIeitve.n the dear Lord heard Curter visited in (10(1erich with Sher- at ('oup1u of days.\fiI'It0 weather up
and smiled. iff 'Nelson 11111 and 1t•s, 11111. I connt'y was not so good front t ur
"'Today she soothed a 1lttle,crying AI18. Mark Arnistoug bas returned
little,:viewpoint. but. the planters were glad
child, hone after visiting Cpl. Mel and Airs. to set the rapt—the o11 proerh—it',
She stopped her work to take old Ella craig at. London, 1111 111 wind etc, Clear mornings with
Kloop 31r, and Alt's. Lloyd Ferguson, I ois. 1'8iny a110rn01n::, Arad bow• 11 1100.i
A fragrant, warming bowl of her good and Clifford lingill of (.'Buten with rain. Seven inches one afternoon.
1)\irs. John McKnight who returned to ,:1 few years ago They had 11. 11 inches
orderly, her g.u•duii Clinton (vita the Ferguson family,of rainfall in four days. 'Phis spring
\irs, Whiter 'turas i; visiting
her family..
had 17 inches one day. When
clothes all brother, 1\lr, Frank Carroll, of Kit- walking along the paths through the
tea bushes you had to be on a con-
stant lookout, for leeches on your
legs. if you stop along a 14tmun
where there's a hit of grass you can
watch them ('1)1110 squirming along
the ground and usually unless you're
dear Lord smiled again, "'1'0o very careful leave ((•1111 0110 01' 1(w0.
..y Jane
ter with an attendance of twenly011e 11t't' hoose was
adults. A lively discussion period tended,
led by All.. Clarence \Valdon followed lien children fed, their
the broadcast. The remainder of Meiclean and mended,
evening was enjoyably spent in con- choler,
Ilex hu:band. home from work, found Air, and Airs, Win, J. l'hom anon
tests and games.
1.11.1 week's forum stet at the home happttISS received word from their son, '1'r.
of Air. and Airs. Austin Pexter when And quiet peace in her deep gentle -Russell 'I'houtpsmi who is serving in
Italy. lie enclosed some French
money fon' his parents, 1.30ra Phil-
lips received a letter from Pte. Edwin
of Lee who Is also serving in Italy and !Salt or tobacco will make thele fold
be enclosed !tallith money. Ile es• up and drop off. They leave a lid -
phoned that it w•ae worth ,-,1 001115 angular Hank where ever they (lig in.
in Canadian money.This resembled 1'ttlling thorn Off is rut advisable,.
V . the one-time old shin plaster. , Tl's surprising. how fact 1:. ;• maw".
all reported a good trots,
Pte, (Ilett Caerter of
11)1)01' (V asit The
spent the (ve01t-end with his 'friends) tired to pray?
Bob and 13111 Pollard of Myth and at Ilcr hands have offered prayers
the home of his parents. Ilt'. and' love all clay!"
Airs, George Carter. _ _ l•_.
C.G.I.T. Meeting
On February 2'2(1(1, the C.G.1.T.
Tae March meeting of the Women's oponed their meeting in the basement
lnJtltute will be held at the home oat of the United Church with the Call to
Mrs. F. Osler test 'Thursday after Worship. 0 followed with Psalm
nor,n, Marc:t "nd, at 2.:1)), 17.24, Myst ;171 was snug, The
The guest, rspeaker will be 311'. Scripture, Mark 12: 41-11 tray 1021(1 by
Lorne Webb, Laurel Laughlin. The Ili:mites wore
The hostesses will be Mrs. Oster, tread and the business was disc"tssed,
,is. It, Fear and Mrs. John Cole. 'The 1:,:'1 (:all was answered by "\\')tat
The Roll will be answered with you want 10 bc." A story was read
"Why 1 tlltl proud of Canada". .by Shirley Phillips, and 'Mrs. Ilaintou
.read the topic. Delores MlcNall read
USE THE STAP.D'ARD TO ADVEst. is prayer. Hymn uGS was; sting. The
TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, ttteclttg was closed with the 1lizpah
OR FOR 8ALO, Itienediction.
Mrs. Herbert \logri,lgo, president i If wanting along in a line the first
of the ;Winn( Red (110ss 5042 illy, 11115 person won't pick up any the second
announced that the quota for tltis a few the third gets the works. On
year will be $75u from this branch. our way hack we stopped at 1a11dy.
'Pile cam asSe1.i will Ire calling c'at'ty \1'ent through the 'Temple of the
in Miu•cit, •
A meeting of the .1u'.)uru Library
bowed was held on Monday evening
in the public library with Rev. Tlar.
c chair. 's Fred
th .h'. Mrs. old Stell in
Ross read the nihtutes of the previous
meeting. 1liss Margaret King was
appointed librarian, her duties to com
mence Dlarch 1,
141r. and Airs, Clifford Brown and
fancily of Monkton spent Sunday at
1 Tooth, luso went nut to Paradeniya
Gardens. \What 11 (allot of (revs,
sltt•ubs and flowers they 1111(.1( there.
From the el;)vv. nutmeg, cinnamon.
t r"; ,
to the tree; the • Luce the ton
y 1
front for pole() it arrows and ,:peau••:.
The leaves of guile a few bushels
iwent for the making of perfumes and
medicines. 'The orange. cannon hall.
,Australian fir. the sacred bite, the
;prickly palm (that even tnoukeys
sling ropes; 130 feet snow fence;
all drums; cyclone grass seeder; I.ec
Vice; forks; shovels; whif'flot't',':
1ecl<yokes; hags and twits.
10 ton timothy hay.
GRAIN; :110 bushels of 19.122 :\last<a
Oats for seed; 2011 bushels of 1912
Alaska Oats for seed; 11'0 bushel: nt'
\\'estcrtt (`ars; 1;01) bushels nli(ed
grain; 40 bushels wheat; 150 hush('1-
nlangels; 7 bushels timothy seed
cleaned; SO pounds of hinder twine.
No Reserve As Farm Is Sold
John 12. Johnston, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
under auspices of L.O.L. 96:;
in Orange Hall, Blyth,
Adults 25c. Children 15c
can't climb) were just a few of the
hundreds of specie;. Baioou s1,019
gra((• along the river's edge, The
flowers Nage from "the fly catcher" SpOe1:11iyin in I'.)) m 11 1 1 lin :: L,
to orchids. !Sales.
'file train juuruey was not su good I l,icen-ell 1, r
05 usual, eighteen hours one way. 0.0.lsena• 1' :',l 5:
.\ni rleamt 111111 could make it in 'Guar:tett ed.
Por infor 11:l1 ,e,,
\Villiast 11. \l 0/Tit'. P110:11', lf, <i,l•'i., :v
9:1; Shop 1. lllyth
,MtID&,.1sS a. _ --der.- v: t. urt!:Yti.SM"R.fYJM.'W
Licensed Aucticneer.
Specialist in Fare. ,Ira I101,':110 ,1
licensed in 1i
Counties. I't•ie'- red-otti`'1"; r:1'1.;
1)0)2011 =tra01ee,1.
For ttlform;lt`en, et
Barn1,1 ,1ac•l;con, half
Phone 1 1.661.
wriie ill• p11•1"..,
No. 4, ` c l,fortll,
YOUR Estate
is Different
from every olh'>r. Many prob-
lems are involved — family and
financial conr2)lons, requirements
and objectives aro difierent, No
one persan could be expeef.•d
to effectively deal with the many
duties required of on executor,
'The Sterling Trusts Corporolicn
brings to these problrris the
combined experience of a Aaff
fully qualified to odministct sour
estate promptly and efficiently.
Name as yo:, Executor
ry9 4 'p'Ews." ra''R
TEi4. U!2 R a S
372 BAY ST., "`ii?TC
CSTAtiI_t:-);L_L, 1911
two boars.
Lots of love.
From Ilorry.
rI„, rI '11
h°(ftCtCKt4tC(C(C(EK(CKKK'Ck' te 'Ct Kv'CK'CtCKd'tU';:t" ;" ' ;' :':;' '
Dead and Disabled Artii23tals3
• D it t tat s9t9tat tdd9l n irs :c'a:,'`,':',' ".W'.,:,, ,:+I;,c7•t3tl
Telephones::1t-rood, 50r31; Scafol'til, ..,
DARLING and CO. of CA":.'''l i, LTD.
In the .fr.‘ that ;Al
Lois regal:nal i.Unt :lei rapidly,
Apart from 4.l.t c,thottity :i blood
the had los:, the ..t..eund ts...s. a su-
perficial onc. and v-:11 and the
pure inountaH a'r e,ar ed alike
to a quici. tey.
lure, It :o botli
of thetn ,,,tifer.t com-
radeship l.ad speun4 .ip be-
tween tht.n, ori:y
over the git:'s 1 to Ile
tier inahilfte to 'a
funeral in M
"Of ,eotne,..e, s l<new I
wasn't dang'ite7 - - Et leit5l, I
knew Wes, Hooker v, as no: my
mother, afite : foeml
She dratelted a little, batiteed
Has a Cold
Don't take needless chances
with untried. remedies. Relieve
- miseries this home -
proved, double -action
2 wos AT ONet
4003 .
1 to tn3per Ineath1ng-.4'-
pa:.1 With Int:W-
C:IL:1 VapCr,
i • ,
..‘ entet el.(' back Eur-
. s4, lueeslike a warm-
fieb,, ing poultice.
" itt Rattso roa 80061_ ..,
'Sere to Ft .iI the benefits of
this combined PENE1 RATING.
STIMULATING ft etIon as shown
above, just rib throat, chest ant/
back Mill VielesN'apoRub at hal-
time, 'rhea . , . see how this fam-
lly ntancilty 1;:-,cs to v,torle Instantly
-2 nays at once -10 F:1!eve courtli-
ing spasms, eftee muscular sore-
ness or tightness -bring grand
relief from. distress! Its soothing
medication invites restful, com-
forting Eleep-and of ten by morn-
ingmotof theinis-
ery of the cold isVICKS
ne,Try It tontel•.t, V000Rue
Skin Itch
Sionned in 7 Minutes
Your1:as nearly 50 million tiny
End inet,,, where ger:r.1 nide and cattle
Rah, Peeling,
hurntre Sein Bloffte,. Pimplm Ringworm,
Foot it, t. and other e.:In 1,1,11th11,4. The new
treater:, Nixodet,o ,tom; the ltd,ing in
r 4,1 WOrt: ‘"Irbing the
ern, e, -.e., eat ,,..e,tete mai:9 your
skin Z,Inr! more et-
trrictl, •... t Nizoderm :'Jr- ,..oth,ty you
eon:p•-.-r m -rev hack GI1
teturr. o! (iet Nixodernt
from r time It
I vier !ou loOt. 'rho
money t.rotecta
--.• •
MUCUS Sleep Fine
•,000. 4
,7 I': • 9-n, your
,n zmo'1'ottin
nuwk t.• t h....mg)) the
the firtt:
day , r tlp,n;
reefu! 0.,,ur mine.
! •r $1.,o Aerntr-'1'sstire
tell .• • r • tr :‘ fir
oft I.! (<.t4oE
t 411, i).
if You
Gel Up Nights
HelpYour Kidneys
Do yr,2 frr'. 91(lAr than ,vei are or /Suffer
from riettir.r Ilacl:afthe, Nervous-
ness, Leo P4 ‘..elimatie Pains, Burning,
stant.y or ft. ';.1 pasagee? It Fo, remern.
ber thht .-rr Kutne.-,, ere 19 yQ117
health ,I)d4 444 t III s may b. dur,
to Kidr,ey :n:r1 Stith
ca!CS C)ster trurlly (4.'4443 prompt nod joy.
tus rel,pf by 11.1p1r4,, the Kidrees clean
not poleand WEVAFS.
t,Rve €7er“1,I4e 4444l ar.d r.,thing to lone
In trying Eyster. 1.4iron fl4401 money -back
egreerne:d. ae, o re.f!thd of your money
MI return of empty pa,kw unieRs rutty
at:stled Dont de-
lay. eiet y•tet
gold locl,e t fee,m, a coed abo'.:: l.er
neck, opened it. and hando,1 it to
Dave. Inside w es the ',Mid II.. to-
grill.,11 of a yo4n,g woman. It was
a pretty faet, ratite; a hard
one, and ;hue et ae. a /1:, :•••,,1 7e•
semblanee to
rernentltkrea after, 1 La' -1
this locket,- said girl.
"Van say eye. found this?" eeked
Dave, hand:: her ',tack the lor'-t,
"Where did yn..1 fied it?"
"Not a
htre, lyieg on a ledge under E.
of dead :rat. ts,"
"It's cm( er," ;said have, "Yoh
gut n,') c.0111,1 got
e raelted ttly brains treH.:. to
imagine. Unless my mother st its
some relative of Mr, Lonergan'e,
and gave him the lockei„...nd he
dropped it here, You see, M r, Lori-
ergan made the Hookers adopt me
and bring me here. But why .thould
he have COIlle hem.? He's never
been here since, nor anyone. I'm
aure nobody in Mescel knee., of
Its existence."
"Weil," said Dale, "filings .:1;,vo
a way of con; :n to light, Sonte
day we'll knot'. Yon sue: Ilad a
tough break, girl, not even
yho yore (1)1,1 and livin' in
thete teonnta:ns. Did yuli eve:
nre on what teel., goit' I do
in lift ?"
'I neve- figet 4.te'
Dave, till ?Air11 ':.-r died,
till you catilt,"
ed the (004 44 used to corele
areeind v 1
* • •
liave t. to ',tot
Spotr:ire 1: :
before Al-, died.
rne 1.,,t .
yull. 1 vd(1 00f .
VI'Len I s,
eeetel;rd et) et o ..„ ol
tradd, e Ine 4, :
• ,
girl I'd
Embroider a Frock
,\ 44d,142,'" thi.t
111411 1;. it
in the
'round 1.•.,•,
tctu ,4(14 dt.,:„n placed on straps,
pot -kr'.- and ',and: dress catteen in
le co 4. 6,
Str,,; •-t-;
t 444 a,:n.f.4.1cd; for
this 1,;t0, Ne'dIcetat
1 1, Ade..:Ii,!tt St.,
u, . VVrite p..a;;C:y
ter:1 i non sd-
•^ .
ISSUE 1944
N\ :11.1C,1 10 4 fide 440 4 ss ith
\\ 1(11 I1I f -r the rest
of ..".... 1 think --
t171 1,1e ,t
Ole f, •!.: :It
- 1,,
and th,
le tv
thce, n,7 hat tr.„ik
Stir, ',it.' ahead
111' detea. 0:4' ;1:141
she ',aid l.re heed up.'; his s.houl-
del , 4.1ct upetreed to his,
ein't -- ain't eryin. 1041,"
"I (_4 414 1 ani," 441444 an•e,
"I'm ,-‘) Intmo•, did;Ct
I could he 14:111 y thic. I neve:-
for at,‘ t, -t , and 1';e
cricd f
ittlie? I no:!,' III3t ere
1!;: iirst 44 114011 Iv
ame you liadnr killed \fr. Hooker.
Anti bell( tin), have' made Inc
happy. 1 don't \sant to leave you
* '
After a while he heard her
brute:ling deeply and regularly, and
found that she hail fallen asleep.
He sat theee, liedding her tightly,
till the pait light of da \s n came
ceeeping into the 44044 44.
". here's a mesa in the inoun-
taine altont n a.,vay, that I
don': think one except myself
has es tr seen," said Lois that it f-
tc-n.,vn. "I think wt'll take the
there, 'lite grass is pretty
well gone front here, and they'll
nted some g,.to.I grazing before we
Le able to rid, in alma
4( '1111C Of days more, honey,"
Dave, "Is there a trail througb
the mountains to the other aide?"
[0, !laded, "I found it, too,"
she said. "It runs right through
across the Border, Dave. AA'e'll
reser have to go back to Mescal,
141,1 mr11,7,,1,, dream txttee conic
thrt-,11g11 the (noel:tains.
• •
Das e didn't relish the idea of
But for Lois, he would pro -
biddy have scouted 400111 the
cal ;Iktriet by nielit, in the hope of
unearthing the clue to Booker's
murder, He \'.',1S pretty well con-
vinced that whoever had killed the
01,1 loan wonld rettirn to the cabin
or betray himself in some manner,
And he had more than a suspicion
that Sheriff Cosgav, ell \VaS
vine 'I of his ov. n innoccnc.
But Lois' welfaee came first, and
Dave realized lliat the chief task
which lay bt. 1'' till 45 as to get
her ;hr. orgli the tronntairs. 1' some
plata- ,aCrty.
F01-.11111, rIkf fr,(11 ,f ''on. pir114414 4, ail,.
Itte't real/ ollirr r‘vnially
ra,;tr.1 .1.4.1 ble•c v.tt•
14. D. 14, Grem.clot,
etairdor,!,,,thr,:riii.di d1•1•111i, 0, etop0ntruke
ir;a11•Aile rk h1.1114% had:. Aek
)1: tmlay Ir U. l'11121.C1111911)1
me ',le
ing to the git sueet-tom. and
they I0. n.u!, d the fe.,,
the 4414 11
!MI!,1 i ,-,1 I 1,0
I 11C . te
it tat; .14,,Mr: t., a I, en.: ,r1 0,11 ‘,1
eied .*t teu the 1,1-
„,n1 1l lo
et) tir 'til •*,1-.1. z•eat.
eel1,, sidt lit 11:1 kuinin Hitt -
1111 •.,iy to
111 ,fficr /Hr., , hono
411.1/ d 1
,,It, Roe, .to-', 11 the
gil ,d,:\
"Am! iwirry 1,0, sovu 10.
w*, lut : the into111.
1111,1 1111
Lois ittal.h.11, her face aglow, then
Ind it in Dave', ehotilder, '1 he gol-
den ininntes I.y unheeded. At
taste 11011 the sun 11045 dipping to-
seard the we,e, they rust: 1441 get the
Ptah came I•antcrilig to
Lois at her 'whistle, and the two
remounted and rode hack ot their
''11' 4544 4.' teun,rrow, \slim
yult think of resin'. up today an
11144 take the horees to the
mesa? asked 1)1)444 next morning.
' Maybe i'll leave them there over-
night and tvalk back :his even'.
There's no place they could stray
to, is there?”
''Is'o., they'll be quite safe there,'
ans.tverd Lois, "I'll be back around
midday to see hoe: you're gettin'
along," he told her, and then rode
away on Hooker's horse.
.Arriving at the grazing ground
Dave flung himself down, toile,1 and
lit a cigarette and lost himself in
roseat dreamt; of the future.
Vol. 41 half hour after his depar-
ture Curran, lying behind a boul-
der watched 1)ave's course through
the pair of field glasses that he
had slung about his neck. Ile
guessed prettly ahrevally the pur-
pose of Dave's departure, but he
wasn't coming hack immediately.
(Continued Next Week)
50 -Passenger Plane
Planned By Britain
is designing a 50-pas-
aenger trans-Atlantic transport
plane to carry the nation's colors
in the postwar race for civil air
141prul11ary, Lord Bea verbrook,
loed Privy Seal, told the Douse
of Lords recently,
he new plane, to be ranted
"Eralrazon," will 11'' :fan milean
hour, '.4440 (411 more than 100 tons,
and te1 ill he able to span the At-
lantic in lh hours, said Lord
ileaverbeeab, in charge of cooer-
dinatinet civil air policy for peace-
titne, It \sill be able to carry t15,.
tore, of 101(11 in addition to 50
'141,111141 1',
Help The
Red Cross
Some Mid -Winter
.M id -winter meats always seem
just a bit difficult, \\'e are be...ton-
ing tired of the 44104 vel -tip vege-
tables, longing for the spring
g re.114.
Here are a fCW 54011i4411
you might like to try, when your
mean ideas are found wanting,
Lamb and Vetegtable Casserole
lbs, lamb (cheaper cul,.)
cup flout.
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons fat
1 -' cuPs boiling nater
2 cups canned tomatoes 4thick
portion drained of juice)
; cups beans ()oaked over night
and partially cooked a n d
Cut the lemb in neat cubes and
roll in the flour, seasoned with
talt and paiter. Brown in hot fat.
Add water and simmer for about
two hours or until meat is tender,
adding more water if necessary,
Pour into casserole, .'old the to-
matoes anti beaus: cover and hake
one-lialf hone until beans are
'Phis dish is especially good in
the summer with fresh lima beans,
but the dried beans answer the
purpose at this season.
Stuffed Liver Rolls
1 lb, beef livee finely sliced
Tr; cups cooked rice
green peppt r (chopped)
IV, cups canned tomatoes
1 onion (Minced)
1 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
ilour for dredging
a tablespoons fat
Al'ipe t,vith dry cloth. Id ix
rico, chopped (4150 41 pepper, wive('
onion and hair clip canned to-
niato(s toter:het., seas.oning \skid
5144 and lit rn,er, Soi:le 4)1
Slice. 01 liVer, roll
up and tie, rirt dge with flour and
',yell rat 10111 side.; in hot
fat. 11, :v11;611;11 g cr,() oi to -
to. ti' hake
1! i0,00; 10
Nest Egg Supper Plate '
14 slice, bread ra .4. d one
'41,144 1
4'11,1,1-1f,0 'i It
00 the lW,I•trd IdC j .:1C11 511441
of bread place a slice of el4ee1e.
!teat the whites of the '(4(45 very
stiff. Add the salt and heap in
fluffy mound on each piece of
cheese. Drop all unbroken egg yolk
in the centre of each mound of
white. Place on a baking sheet
and bake in a moderate ovens until
the yolk are set, !Ile hel.ge 1114411.
Cl) ;111I1 the kVIIIII`S 511(414114' tinged
551111 brcos 0. Y.erve inte,ediately,
intattiner• itelootof
lel 40-P4 from In (ere,((',) rentlern. Sho
In pleased III receive moggentliono
on widen for her column, and lo
nln 444* reolly lo (o 'our "net
neevem." Itequents for recipes or
itneelal 11111110 are In order. Aoldreno
your let term to Inn Sadie
clitimlwrA, 7:1 I'Veml Adelaide Si„
Toronto." Send %tamped nelf•oil..
'fll('lfl(, 44 )(10 wkili
New Improved Prescription
quickly relieves distressing
Just a few sips and
like a flash — RELIEF
Nov you can get amazingly fast relief
from the strangling cough tintl clogged
bronchial tubes. Just get alter than
with new improved liockley's 11 ix -
euro, Canada's largest selling cough
and cold remedy, This grand pre-
scription is all medication—no syrup
and really does crack down fast:You'll
feel your cough loosening, the tough
choking phlegm heginning to come
up easily after the very first sip. So
don't suffer coughing distress another
day. Buckley's gives relief—fast.
bless the SLEEP th
• Many a soldier owes his life
to the mitacie of ether. A few
deep b; eaths in the I ough shelter
of a field hospital . . then
gentle, blessed sleep, while the
sure hands of the surgeon work
their wonders of surgical skill.
In his fight against pain and
death on the battlefield, the
Doctor's unseen partner is Alcohol
for alcohol is a basic ingre-
dient in making ether for the
anaesthetics. As a practical anti.
septic, pure alcohol is in constant
use by Doctors and nurses in hos-
pilots, in dressing stations, on the
field of battle itself. This same
versatile product has an essential
function in the manufacture of
countless tools of war ... plastics,
explosives, propellants, naviga-
tional instruments. So many and
Various are ifs uses that without
it our whole war of production
Would be seriously handicapped.
The demand for pure alcohol by
a nation at war is stupendous
and insatiable. Our function is
to produce it to the full extent
of our capacity.
LIMITED • 1-9.;:-
a 44 .0 el,
,.... - ...,---...„-,..-_-.
- (1.)771--v,f41-
FIG -14
\Vhy go on dosing another (lay
latish, unpleasant purgatives ?
Discover, ns thousands Ilnve, that
KUi1,1.000'S AI.L•I3RAN is a far better,
far gent ler way tohelp correct. mist ip-
ntion (Inc to lack of dietary "hulk"!
hlif.i,nGG'ti AT.[,43RAN rt ally
"acts at" this common cause of eon.
rtipation—supplies "bulk" needed
fur easy, natural elimination! If this
i9 your trouble—dry eating an ounce
of A1.1.•f3RAN daily, or several
411.1-•fRAN muffins, Dl ink plenty of
((rater. Al your grocer's, in 2 con-
venient sizes, Made by Kellogg's in
London, Canada,
THE WAR WEEK -- Commentary on Current b1'ents
Allies' Anzio Beachhead Withstands
Repeated Heavy German Attacks
„Two Allied battlefields in the maps above are separated by 50 miles,
varying front the mountainous terrain near Cassino to the swamp-
land south of Rome. Nazi legions are attacking the Anzio-Nettuno
beachhead in force, while Allied armies aru seeking a breakthrough
In the Cassino bulge. Lower map shows locations in Italy of close-ups
shown at top,
Thank., t!lc talar and deter-
mination of the :\Illcrii an an1! !ki-
lls!! soldier the immediate danger to
the .\IG('l lu'ac,Jlc:ld at \uzio ap-
pears to have passed, \\'ith the
return of Is cattier \\:u' it permit,
the rc•sti:n!'li' 11 of air nper:Itions the
Allies have renewsd their rffen.il'e.
The fittliI i i.; still indeterminate,
but the (nit seen!; to be running
in attr favor, ;had if this view i3
correct the \nziu haul': has already
achieved one important result. 1t
has rubbed Hitler of a quid; and
impressive victory for which he
tried hard ---a. victory whiill %vas to
demonstrate his continued strir
potter for talc benefit of Germany's
own (serape and that of her satel-
lites, and to impress both Ilns,ia
and the Western Allies with the
hopelessness of any new ini'a,ir111
and a new front in hurupc. \\'le,t-
et•er further result, the .\nzio battle
may prodtnx, the fauslr;ltion of
1litler's calculations will ;lune jus•
tify it.; tool, says The New York
Pat the stubborn resistance \Milch
the Germans are patting rep, hot!(
around :\(halo and at Cassino, f; a
renewed tvarning that even after
entre than four years of war Ger-
many is still a prayerful enemy.
Neither defeats in the field nor tite
wholesale tiontbings of German cities
and war factories have. hccn able
thus far to break German fighting
morale. Nor, fudging from report.-
eport.front the front, have German arms
diminished either in quantity or in
quality, deep( for the relative de-
crease of German ;lir power. ii
fact some German a u:lpon: a1 e dc-
clat'ed to he even superior t1, our
myth :\red \lith the approach of
spring, which promises at lead
temporary surcease fro'0 Ras ian
pressure Naz; hopes fol. •t,rolong-
iug the war are rising again,
Fight from Roost to Roots
The it;tiian campaign cahoot be
considered \'holly typical of (shat
Allied illy:!shin furces would face
in Prance. 1'nr in Italy the .\Ili^s
have been ;onfroitc'I t'.i1 i ills a;ne
difficulties a ilei( the German. iacc(1
in the mountains of the Catttasu:
and about outlta:lt;
are (natural f,?rth'l'rtie, 1\!11('!1 ;IlsVaVs
Favor tete '(tense, and (-ilia which
the dcfellll'!!' ia willing to sacrifice
can be converted into similar
string hart-. 'Chat %vas show it b
Madrid is the Spanish civil
shot( 11 tih Leningrad, and in sii-
ttrcnie iiti ,01'e by Stalingra(1,
I•Ifoti1;11 on ,c smaller scale, it k
;(gain being ,lio VII by Cassino,
For here, a, ;1t Stalingrad, the fight
js I'rolt[Ih ill from building t„
buiiding and fritu Tenni to r.utu.
Lesson Of Campaign
Tse ertileless., the lessens "f the
Italian campaign and the ascertain-
at.'1e results of the bnntliuga have
been such that a good deal of the
unwarranted optisisnt of a few
:dolttlhi ago, about the svar hl
1:!mope being "all Litt lover," has
di,athpearcd, f-:ven ulil;t:try quar-
ter.: are beginning to revise their
timetable of victory, .\ id this
adds new emphasis to the qualifi-
cation whish General Eisenhower
attached to his faunal prediction;
Vicl(Iry is possible II(is year, but
only li "every man and lyonlau,
all the ivay from the front to the
remotest hamlet, dot's his or her
fur, duty."
British Warships
Rehearse Battle
.\ little glimpse of the l:oy'aI
Navy at its deadly games is given
in a London despatch tvhich tells
of the careful plans made for tis•
}casing of the Gernsa 1 battleship
`chiarnhurst should she cone out
of !aiding and give battle. says the
Ottawa Journal.
Several times the lirilislt war-
ships in Northern water; rehearsed
for the big day they hoped would
conte. :\ Uritish ship represented
the Sclharultorst, went through
the motions of attacking a convoy,
of running for safety, using every -
protective and defensive del ice the
enemy might be expected to bring
into play. \lust of the ships
aetnally. engaged when the Schein•
bora dirt finally come Out took
paint in the manoeuvres, and we are
told there was ;u1 mincing simi-
larity between the at anal action
;,nil the rehearsals.
This s as intelligent ;o:!iti}'a#iott
„r thing., to i•utne, and Ha for
1111 :e careful prcp;n•atir'uc the
Stb;,ruln'rst' slight hart' escaped.
Mustang Is Answer
To New Nazi Plane
[he trill -ti Ile igiie J, :\mcricaa,
!wilt \tl,st;ulg plane apparently
i; more than the anvv:er It, the new
(,rr;tlan i-t'ckc'(-bomb pl
The Kansa; City 'hetes. In then
first fifteen missions the \Iust;m:gs
have destroyed u1' d;mraget! eight: .
;r(cu Hernias planes i-itli the lo,.
only six taut i1gs. The -
fighter planes have suclh a 1,0:1,
ratite; of nper,ttirtls that 11
leave I'ten :INC to r (':-t
bomber,. t., sa'
British Do Real
Job of Salvage
"All Sorts of Weird Things"
Handled In Twelve Huge
t):e f
i:iit 1311•.~ aru tsv tvt: tin;': +aro•
imus":( tilled with .1rwy, Navy and
:111' furl t' 1 lot Ilius and ((flier 11111•
terinla, rrlaI1.3 IIIe St. 1111)1nas
I'inu'. j til a:11. S
III :, of tb,'sn
goods fill shelves of an office of
Hili,try of I:ti;';Ily b1' London
u•be1•1 experts 'letlde what ran bo
01/110 tttllh ell the skiff, They Ian -
1111( r•t'I'rytllllltt In the li xlllc Ilan,
also old lel'r'. front Illy :‘,';1vy, boos
pipes, camouflage nets, 11sed pant -
chit les, (1111 1,1' obsolete tolvlig 1;11'•
get i far till' ft.a.l'and, ns n N.
rant -t :dire on the 11.11.f'. -fated,
"all sorts of weird thitnts."
In one month, 1,11tn,n00 Ileitis of
outer clothing; (yore sorted turd
graded 1)1 these ,ll'11111V. A. vast
amount or r'•pall, %work Is 'lose, but
‘s bat it nut repairable Is used
mull inide of ‘rays. :1 great dell
of Ilse slutf (tttl he converted to
relief of the p(mulatlons \viten the
occupied tow ri('3 ore. Monied.
\'uru)ul LatIle 11ri•„ev 111'0 re-
paired, dyed hromvn and become
sults for prism -0-1s of Slat', or they
may be ,lye(! green for agricultural
workers, or for svol•Iters in vitl'-
iol'3 will' IIIIIhI Cl'ie ,
Use intl''srlant seal'lillle 'P." overy
h,ts been bun' 1) laL•o the •lu'iolt•
age ow of (it 1; 4, 'I'119 \(!lust ry
Of Supply has u1111inn1 ret ;';urs of
suets; tuul 'Ioeiiie; uhie!' !tall
been \cont by tueulb,'rs of 1:1, 1Vo•
men's tiisi:•ious. ley ;t pror•'ss
hilmvn ;1.i ' defh'llin:," Illy shrink -
ago is reinor•'•11, and the ,orlix :1mi
Ft,•i:Illit; are repaired :11:'I g'a'le as
good ;1? new.
' *
From old hoso pipes overshoes
aro ((lade for lttetl loading tankt'rs
so that Hwy will not male() sparks
with Their feet. 'These plpce are
also made. tut, snowshoes and In-
to mittens fur women handling
i;t0e1 sheets with sharp edges, The
cotton fruut 1L:1.L', towing trawls
114 intuit into ratn•tvater catching
shells and tin netting from the
end of the large( is made i;.to
vegetable hags for the Navy and
for ice hags, 'I'Ite cotton fabric
of anti—gas rapes 13 rtt'•nitit aid
used fur Sipill uu tvtphlg rags,
Parlous kinds of cotton fabric,
ti.;t'less for nothing up, go lack 'to
ihl, services i3 wviping roe:(, 'fhreo
thousand tons of \vltliug rags a
year aro supplied by the disposal
department. 011y rues are do -oil-
ed and elefined until they fall to
pieces and then they :tie pulped
for paper,
U11 it'ulage is used for staking a
new type of !cit bag for the A.T.
S. silt' the 11'.:1.:1,1";. The old type
is awkward for a girl to handle,
it 14 I to heavy to sling unto her
shoulder aid too long to carry by
the string, So many of Ike girls
got, the habit of dragging them
along the ground, 'lila new typo
is shaped like a sports hag with
two canvas rope handles. 11 opens
lengthways and is fastened by
press studs,
The ship's topes have the scorn
niter fibro removed and the inner
('!lilies lure resputr, 'l'ho worn fibres
go to paper mauuf,tcturc'rs for
special kind of paper used In plas-
iits, '1'111 :1.T.S, gh is luau n
shoulder brag when walking out,
and theso are now made front the
sleeves of firemen's ('oats, with a
zip fastener from a bomber pilot's
harness, Glider tow ropes aro re-
modeled to make ropes for boxing
rings and for tug-of-war contests.
1''ronl old charts of blue -prints very
fino linen handkerchiefs aro made.
Many prewar Army uniforms aro
sent ht, and one of the uses to
which they are 11111 Is to sell them
to filar companies for old bottle
Another extraordinary job of
salvage has been No canvas from
blitzed premises and asbestos
wool from gas respirators which
111111 been converted into heavily
padded sults for the omen who train
the Isull-mastiffs that guard air -
"Waste not, want nut," Is an
old motto, Ihdt;ttn has learned
lessons that will be most valuable
after the war.
.\n estimate that Japanese fac-
tories are turning out aircraft at a
rate of ],:'00 or more a rllontlt came
from High quarters, coupled with a
report that the Tapatiese--like the
Gernuohs--are conccntraliug sigtti-
fictntly on defcnsis.c tykes.
For Faster Relief of
Aches & Pains
Tired Burning Feet
PRICE in.: and 60e at ALL Orugnfsfs
That Discharged Servicemen Are
Advised to Take Jobs Now
And Save For llacrnlent
on Farms Later
111 ',ie',. of ',slut I.:(;;'r:.a,l last
time, the '1itmii":, 1',f r•Iti't7 i73Ctl
going farming after the .:ar is ;rpt
1,1 Lc 1"ol.ed on ,.:01 ;a , it big
gu'•v,'.,I: lo;u
1'1 ::u„ ,rnlrnll•
.1s far b,1rh a, 1111 r.J:'1: the
I )(Tartulcnt of I', n,iott, :,1:11 iaa-
ti'.Inal I re ,',t, ,rc,1 the. 1 11'Irr-
ilt-t', anvil l,:;a,'sit as "1 t e I'"31-
11i-' 11.Ir;'e 1!' u:ihi![t,11, ,It l iih!tr,"
to fat tit ;1•1ti'n''llt ;as 10 "tiler
;(:,1'1 tl,t
t'iala jet ttp wile :o :it 'id pitfalls
of the t,U'iod 1' Ilvt', My;
\\'Hike culpl'-'yno'nt i, at it, peak
men interc,le(1 in farll:i:lg t':t'1 :tie
tieing currently ti,('cart,' t a7r ad -
Vi ed to take jobs ;old 11, save fr.;
later i;tvcstment iii ;Igri, allure, ac-
cording to (official,. in eluirge of re•
11:11,il;t;ht;ur., 'I'u date Very fess
have rein set up und':r the Pt-
e 1 !leder.
• ► ►
'nose llglhle li:ll31 !:at had
1lrcvioui Satisfactory practical ex-
perirnce in f.lrtning, or (11:1y quali-
fy after :crying apprenticeship
14111: a vui'el farmer in addi-
tion to having served in ;t theatre
UI ear, i'r IGitt not :ess than 12
.'r', ice, "r Le .n receipt
of a
I hr \ et''ra:l,' i,:'t,(1 .1st t1tt
prosules a !lt:,'.;o tuts Of ;St,` -op 011
:11.a',il:111111 ('f ,`l,:Ull (m
Ic!.,11 of I!, i.tlt:e of
the '•,C'!, fin lite (.';e. of I,slt(I,
the an:'Itttlt 1sh'01'1 be `I'It'I, must
be t'au't for in cash ;oil t aro thirds
of 111e prop( rty value es er ;1 ('err
!hal ea y.ears s'.'ilh ait['rr,t et
The colt of 1'r;Mita:(Il`. It
not rrl,:ti'I, and no ;Malinl instal-
ment is over t tll,1, I:I'-1lbllag in-
terest, .1 Veteran 11 ho has a job
and ,1;u:ls U, i'11y ;t small farming
property nearby conies within the
sante-lit itts as t'1 almrent: ;Cts '30-
di:ions of payment,
. ►
veteran who 04111s a fano BLit/
scc;tre through elle Veterans' (.and
Act funds to pay off a mortgage,
stn,ke necessary improvements, Or
but_' idttition;tl stock and equip-
ment. lie may harrow up to 93,-
:tuu (but not ut)re than 607o of
the islue of his property), to pay
off ;a tnu:lgage, or up h) $:.',3(1u (but
nut more thin Gu'.v of the value),
to ('ay fur equipment, The lean ii
secure(! by mortgage at 1.,!:`,/e pay-
able °Net *25 years,
Available to those baying farms
are properties bought lay the Coy -
aliment for sttltlic, rehabilitation,
ur properties chosen in(li\idnally
so lung as these are at'prt'vcd and
coins within the price limits set
by tite Veterans' Land Act,
l`ur sever' ttt'el;s t•urt:haoea of
bacon fur the hilted l+ingdunt
have averaged over ::0,(ttI0,01t0
pounds, an average of which If
kelt up for fifty (reeks out of the
Easy to roll, delightful
to smoke
yt:cr :': : lean 1 0(i0,0un,000
prceuds b,(, on. I f o t..1, Cr. Gar -
direr, 11il,i,tcr of .1;til itttnre told
the 11 ,"i-'' t : t' .P..l„= us recently,
\Ir, t,..” I: r i i:ole v;cine
shoe: ! it: .,..s''1'•,, 1:3 rats', ,r; of
a ice (t ' .. ,'„ n repty iug to
Ci relit
:'a..... 1, be a beef
The \1,,,.
1'c•;'- 'e.
. ;tr},1.',
Ih,tt:'! el
1' tic-,
111:11(.,0 a tet „1: i .
for ia
1 1 • nett
1'•,t tri
1,1;,1!:( 11!
V. ill he
flail to ex -
1:5 nt'
The Reason Why
Malta Is British
:Vali,: luta a . ,'rtin,e Iii -tory that
goes kick 1'' the time of the great
l'hocni'.f,ut t: ader:, says the Ot-
nye h ili/vu, .\; tate island of Mal-
ta, ['i course, it 110; its pace to
f;l.'le history, for it is the island
converted to Christianity by St.
Paul, who Wa5 •hilt',( reeked upon
it while a 1,! i -inter of the Ro-
t)nring the lir,: idea the Knights
of St, John \sere gra:tied Malta
and they !Ica,( it t!trot:g'ti nt the
great Sice,e a,4ail',t the Turks.
:\s the centarie, passed, the
knightly order fell into disrepute,
the costing of the French
1 et 'luti'tt, by which time the pre -
pools rio e o: the Pone!( 1' nights
;thin the order hal upset the in-
ternational cg ti!i!'r;ntn, conditions
became 11" pelf -<la di;r;:l,tcd,
Later :alien :.,:tp,'!t''n set out to
conquer Fur,- (1': he took posses-
sion if the isl;o''1, Native \fallese
patriots, 11;'r, rc,i,tctl the
French, attd i1', the Imes:ledge of
the presence of the i•:nGliih fleet
under :Cel -,on i1'. the Mediterran-
ean, the NIrlltcse, ttn,lcr ('anon
Caruana, appeared to the admiral
to take pU:.session of the island in
the u;uuc 1''i 11 i; :this;(},
The ]tritish Empire has grown in
many strange nays, L'ut \(alta is
British because it wanted to be.
And now, as Malta, G.C,, the
George Cross having been award-
ed by the King in recognition of
the stun! of the ;shout against an-
other enemy, it is doubtless still
content to remain so.
• •,'L 41„1'1'' ••
!!I ';1arid ta, Georgia, Rotary
(.lob 1 :l,il,bcs a V;celly newspaper
talk'! e'otalighl. '1 he following
appeared in a recent is,ue:
11 1'. 1\'t 11l IC I :i ALTS.
1, -.(liar-\l;,c 1rt!mtr appeals
fc r :rte t1,ts.
1' --- 1',c!t and
, ,•i n l„ rt•t'thlritt9,
i .. , in .1ustralia.
9f 0,H/hie Digest
yloo worth
1,1 a ( tibia
There's plenty these days to slake
people nervous. Arid overtaxed
nerve, can tarn nights and days into
ini;ery! if you suffer in this way,
try the soothing, quieting effect of
1)r, stiles Nervine which contains
(tett-known nerve sedatives. 'fake
Nervi( e according to directions for
help in general nervousness, sleep-
lessncs, hysterical conditions, ner-
vous fears: also to help headache
and irritability due to nervousness.
In the meantime, eat more natural
food ... get your vitamins and take
sufficient rest. Effervescing Nervino
Tablets are 33c and 1'5c, Nervine
Liquid: 25c and 51.00.
1h: a '.., u;;c nsl Cola:: p
and bronchitis is to build Immunity with
VitaVax—a small tasteless capsule combining
If catching cold, take VitaVox to reduce
severity and speed recovery.
If you've just hod a cold, tole VitaVart t•
overcome fatigue and increase vitality,
For scientific precautions against future colds,
grippe and bronchitis, protect all the family
with Vitavox Capsules. Only $2.50 for
one to two months average requirements,
Ask your druggist, or for details write to—
Roberti Biological Laboratory, Toronto
What a Prompt Return of
Empty Bottles Means to Us
• A normal turnover enables a brewer to re -use small
standard domestic beer bottles 8 times a year.
• A carton containing 24 small bottles remaining in a
residence for three months means a loss to a brewer
of 2 x 24, or 48 small bottles, and in 12 months' time
a loss of 8 x 24, or 192 small bottles.
• It is difficult to secure new bottles to replace those
which consumers do not return prompty.
• Our pick-up system for recovering empties is re-
stricted. Please help us maintain a steady volume
of return by taking your empties, in the original
container, to the nearest Brewers' Retail Store.
16d h1.11161111 I Olin JuVl
POO 84
:: ••••••14•••••••••• •
�+. :, r 101/4 nWlti140Q(Q1004W(Q(Qe4MP((IMPM( INS 4tI Va
.gAvoid Colds by Wearing
Good ootwear
Dna9•r�tDt D)Dit-Nh lfZrPtd,ND,WatDattiKilDiD4,1- 4.1191)iND,'..411)/Xtrlt)1101DAN2MDIDA21 vention in Toronto.
Olive McGill
1,:1('. Glen 'l'nskcr of Jarvis, spent
the tveek•'td lvith his parents, \Ir.
and Mrs. A. R. Ta3hor.
Mr. \1'illiain Howatt of \Westfield,
is visiting at the home of :11r. and
Mrs. Itohert Johnston.
Acetylene and Electric
Welding A Stie:;ia1 ty.
Agents For Inter:la:ional-
lir. Charles Pole of London 'pent Harvester Parts & S applies
Tt1'sday with itis ninhtty, \11s.
(.01... White Rose. Gas and Oil.
ri Airs. Gordon Elliott and Son, 1)on
uld, are visiting her mother, Mrs. It.
AJohnston, of Godcrich, who is ill,
\liss Alice (lilltepie and Mrs, Kyle
el are attending the Horticultural Con.
— — —" — — Miss Eileen Rabin.=,•m of Coderlh
o sp:nt the we ti': -end with iter parea•:s
I \Ir. and Mrs. it. II. Robinson,
"Johnny Has The 'FIu"
Remember that we have a fine Assortment
of Games that will help to while away the hours
while "Johnny" is sick with the 'flu.
Waxed Paper handy -package 10c
Waxed Paper in rolls, boxed for handiness
tear off what ycu want, 50 feet 20c; 100 feet :35c
These are complete books with 250 and 300 pages,
by popular authors, splendid for sending Overseas.
PANDA PADS ---We have again be able to secure
a limited quantity of the Popular Panda Pads.
This pad consists of 200 pages, letter size, and a
splendid quality paper. Same Price - 29c.
PICTURES ---A lovely assortment of Pictures - 35c.
GREETING CARDS --- For All Occasions - Get
Well, Sympathy, Baby Congratulation, Wedding
Anniversary, Wedding Congratulation, Wedding
Gift and Shower Gift Cards, Always on Hand.
WRITING PAPER Pads, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c
Envelopes, Linen and Kid Finish pkg. 10c
Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 5c
ASplendid Assortment of Games, and a Few Toys,
Suitable for Gifts for Children.
Paint Books, Story Books, and Cut -Outs.
A Fine Assortment +of Photograph Albums.
Also Your Headquarters for Magazines.
The Standard Book Store
1..,.I 11 II 11.i 1i.
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG Proprietor
01 1 IJ 111 . I. 111 111 1 I1 I .11.a 1 1
Sorry to report that Alis, Olic•
McGill has been on the sick list this
Cpl. Ldwnrd Jolmtsdon of London
j •:pent, the we'e:(•end tit'ife an :
I family,
Pte, Harold \\'ightntar, of Barrie
field is rpending his furlough with hi
1)): then. Ales. Robert \\ iglttntan,
II:I1 Henry, It.('.N.\'.It., sntmt the
we k end
with his parents, Air, anti
Mrs. Unitland Henry.
Mrs. Maitland Bell of Hamilton
spent the w1'0k-(Id with her mother,
\I';, Putter.
Trinity Church Sunday School ett-
joyc(; a sit igh rime out to Knnnetit
l'a�lm's fault on Saturday afterto-,n.
\Irs• Boot. \Vig''ttn:an and son
i'te. Halved \\'t-•htman, visited 01
\\'e;lnr•;day with air. and Mr;. Earl
Itaith';y, of .10aurn.
Twenty-throti members of the \u1':-
ing Class, wrote the first examination
of thea 1101110 Nursing Courts( oft
Tuesday night.
lir;. ('alvert Falconer is
hitting for .\Ir. falconer as until crone•
ler, while the latter is on the sick
liryant, \V, 11,, of Jal'Vi+,
I entario, spent the wet.?t-cud with his
parents, Air, and Mrs. 1\111iant I)ry.
All'. and .Urs, Percy \letcalfe and
daughter, spent tit;' welt -end with
the Cornier', sister,\Irs. 11. C. John
Pte. Jamie Sims of ('amp Iprcr-
wash, spent the week -end with his
father. \V..1. Sims, and \Ir. 811(1 "AIN.
Lorne• Pale, of Senforth,
llr, and \Irs. \\'ray Ilryant of
Coderich visited
over the w(ek•(nd
with their parents, Mr. and Ales.
Fred Richard; and \Il'. and Ml's. \Van.
Bryant .
A(!1 1.100 \Wrtllaufer is spending
a furlough with his wife, and other
relatives in lilytlt, and with itis par-
ents, at Ilurgessville. Ile will report
at Centralia Airport itt the concl;tslon BREAD,
of has furlough, PIES and
Car Painting and Repairing.
Nave ycu ever tied a Blue Cel
'inr!? If nct, you have missed �c•
,_Most pleasing ari dccor.nti:c effect -:
• Not only I;lue, but yellow, pink >.
::ireen or mauve may be t sed w;th.-•
• ^nal cffeal when us -d an a con."
:_'•r•asting shade to ycur writ. You.
III be delighted with the charm;:
'= his Idea prcd..ces.
Edith Cre.g''t:n viii I:e only toc;�
':'tippy tD skew +"ou the_c effects,
,1, a
.r�i (TE1(elir�1�:��i�.1:
_ 1?ecoratnr's Shoplr. :
ocated Opposite Keriiick's Grocery%
:'. PHONE 'NS, BLYTH. •=+
H. T. \'ODDEN.
"4111101191111!2r!!n-.715:1'..-81141111111 1.4 IN
ay,1 eb. 23, 1944,
11..1111e1„1,': ,. . 1,_, ..,.I
NYAL ` ITA -`.!M ,111l.TIPLE CAPSULES—coli,lalrt Vitamin A, Vita•
n ita In E v ith Ribo'I''.In, I en I Iver Concentrate
l'c• ,t Gil. When you ta'.c Vita -Vim Multiple Capsules,
;,;,! ...,1. the Vitamins ruecded for normal health.
100 CAPSULES $3.00.
FOUR VITAMINS WITH IRON—Vitamins A,, B, D and G, with Iron
and Ammonium Citrate in a palate:le flavoured Malt Syrup, exc;I-
lent for children and convalescents. PER BOTTLE $1.•13
NYAL VITAMIN TABLETS are high potency 13 complex factors, nat•
ural to Pura Brewer's Yeast, furnishing these roceseary health ele-
ments in cases of diet deficiency. All all -year-round vitamin
requirement. 100 TABLETS $1.25
CREOPHOS—The tonic to use during and after the attacks of flu,
crlrir Ftr, Excellent for deep-seated coughs, Bronchitis and Asth-
matic Conditions. PER BOTTLE $1.00
R. u. PHILP, Phm. B.
JA:a:, ,.r„W. � .•
ed® Yoom Suites
Several Beautiful Suites in the lates Styles are
displayed on our floors and are beim' offered at
Money -Saving Prices.
An attractive Walnut Suite in the Popular Water-
fall Style, is displayed in our Window this week.
(Yue line of Simmons Steel Beds, Marshall Spring
Filled Sleeps Units, Layer Felt ]('aittre,ses and Sta-
Youn2' Sagless Bed Springs, is Comi)lete,
You must call and inSpe('t this display to realize
tele moderation of our prices.
liouu r'•.rnishcr — I'honcn 7 and Y
irunertti 1)it•ec10r
J""3amt:il.�.-,-,...ru,'�,c.'.J,�.�1'dt`3,chin'•t�ml."'•io•1'r?iuw'�i✓iu,'�1o.o1�..f1s 1'i},:.7ci.�lt.. u,u.l.r...c.r�tH,.i1`o�'1.j. e
Ilona' and ;:.:aunt Club, a b(al)er of 3ACT COMEDY PLAY
the executive of filo (odeti(+11 H;tt'ti "READY-MAI)E FAMILY"
cull:n'ul F.:t leis, and wit.; first 1 ice.
I,rIsidt'ut (f tae Goderich branch of Sponsored by Group 3of the W.A.
Ute Be.l ('10.;: t 11't1'fy, and 01 the cf b11th United Chur.h, and put
on by the Watton Yo.:ng Fe:plea
(lotlericli I'n; lie Library hoard. Ile
r:u'rt,tl hi; inter(,:, in the childran's Iii 1)1yt11 1\Ieillorial 1`Iilll
11rlf.lre 1;1(' beyond the bound.; of the FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25
and was a Icadpi. in children's
, ports ala,1 in all that p:.rtained to
their welfare, 1I:s death \rill Le wide-
ly regretted by hundreds who were
his pup'1 daring the pit: t I.—) yen's.
at 8,15 p.m.
Adn•,irsion 3Fc; Ch:ldren 27c.
!aI stn. 1 1l'. I`nn•11:1 5ton1'hous:, �--------_---------
It.('.:1.1'., •t ittoned at ninon it,
• with i; haat;' 011 Ac!( leave:
C;n02., a tultitior,i to 1Lts::'r Ito' :..rt
and a('won't., Marshall, on the 11:eue-
Henry Parr, who ccl(1n•utc,: his lith
mead 11(1(1' B0lgrav('. 11olher hrot1 I,itUul.(y on February ",,-th.
ifilellyimatt9e t Ln'ne,diellast A'L'ecemher +\\In;;ham. l';u ratula:i.,ns to Ali'. anal Airs.
I'nllelsint ;( private scrvic0 ait I'1.' ti.,,nt Baer, tvho celebrated their ti Olt
residence, Hein aVenue, 01, \\ edn•. s lsrdrling anniversary on Su utas, FA
I1 ehruary :),:,,,,11, 11 p(( li( 1' moralwedding.
service was hell in Nortel Str, :l
Piffled church at 2.:10 pant., conduct- ---------
Ie(; by Rev It. II, 'Turnbull, IutN.- Suffers Brckcn Bones
1(101(1 took pla.•e in \Iaitla nd ((1111'.1 \I r, Sam hear had the iii fortune
Ivry, ', 10 fracture scale bones In his firm
I 'tt 11 :t the 01 •+:.; of \ir. Fh,tc'hnus,,',-; last wee'c, when at :.ad of hay, 'll:oa
Confectionery andr.lObaCC()S, duat.h 11•at; 1'c:•(ive(1 at the school just which he was riding, ttpsct, Ile 0130
suffered 11111101' inj(n'ic�i.
1 utter one o'clock on \Iondtty, more�^
PHONE 38 - BLYTI-I. alkali 3011pupils marched to )h1' tl1g- \
1'011' On the 12 1.01111‘16 and Floud al at The 111111dt Boundary Farnt 1�01'tl111
• -- ! 10111011 as (In' flat; Wit Iuwer('1l 111 111(1 at the 110:1(e of \11', J.(ltn ay-
Foriiier `Vestfield Re-ldent, half -inti, tvhel1' it rentain1''I un1'1 101' 011 :\lo11d.ty 11i;ht, Will :1i prcrcot.
after Ole E:t:1e21(1 \\'ll(Inesday allot.- After the b.:ado..:t 1f the 'ie.' .2w
I'toy Stoflel'.)ti!ie, I'1':,:.seo 110011, r. t' Past 11(ctlii s, there lion a l:v 1
T:t he sad I i'as, int; cf \• r, it.,} 1' di.cussiun, after wl'cli th recr;a:'on
\irs. Jamie Sims, and (laughter
Linda, have returned home after a
visit with Mr. and i\lrs, A. E. Ben-
der of Toronto, She Tris acc011111111-
icd 1101111• by her mother, Mrs. EU1th
T. Bell, who has heen visiting with
members of her family.
i.\lis, ()stip him! \V°tic;co;'t, \Ir;• S.
Creighton, AB's. \Villiam ('r:1ght'01
Mrs. Eva Taman, Airs. Jack ('olv in,
Airs, II:)'ry ilrcwne, lir;. (':le.;t:r
' t Sto11(hu,l-e, I'u;tonin: au ul, 1 troa
— — — — \lorrisnn, and Mrs, Alalllaud Henry .
ter (Louise), Mrs. \\*Whim Porter. attended a meeting of the \\'F';l 1(l Alexandra \la'iL" ; n l tient Fal
There are two grau.lcilildren. 5hei1•t 11..11ndory it( d (et1Ilg at the horn, of Ilr,spifal, Goti:'deli, on Sunday. .un0
\i1'. and .\1:.. \lilliuut l:uata 1( 1(t' .and B,lntela Porter. Airs. .toric ('rei'hlun total Thursday.
ars a ,.dere ,knell to ;( ��•i�t;' circle c;
Utt2w.t. (ht::II i'(• wish t i announce j g ^;
1'110 funeral was h,'Id op T'tesday ;
the t ngaht'ment of ihlar only da'agh i Ilan his late resin! tu'e with lute'-
ter. 1,Ara f: t: 1'':u(, to (:pl. John Bob- Hunt in Brussel, ccI11 tory.
err \Veit'. 11.('.:\.1•'.. only son of 1)r. j
B. 1'. \\ eir and the late Mrs. Weir I ~�—r-----
of Auburn, (;1(t.; Hie marriage to take TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH
plaice shortly. Rev. P. H. Streeter L.T:t., Rector
P'omi'ient Brussels titan
Fib, 27, 1941. 1st Sunday in Lent
Sundry School: 11 A.\I .
I'ivine Service: 12 noon.
Friday, Spezial Pay 01 Prayer
Walter Rose, Passes the Women of the community in
The : I I : death of \Vatter ito, a' )'nit .d (' larch at :1 I'.M.
t c1 urre l 1 !ti.' it:nue on Fat:nrlay of
terna511 after a heart attar':(. Born , BLYTH UNITED CHURCH
in 117:,, he w•as a son of Next Sunday 1 Pcb, t_7) at th'•
tht 1.. Mr. and 11i:i, John Rose. mat ning s::vk'', Miss \Wellwood, 1':'-
1-11ti1 191 ire 1- i i'tl i:t Te ew.tlar• turned Missionary from Chin.), w'll
where he operated thc Teesw•ater give an atddres' en \ilii: ionary word;
t'lt 1t1te ii2,h1 Want. Sin;'e thin lie in China, This will be a very hat:,
had 'raided in Mussels and had been 1'sting add ec's and it i„ hoped that
in tate poultry basin(33, 8-3 proprietor evtryone will make a special effort
f the Walter idose poultry farm. to he l.:'esent.
The 1'i,•^arced man was a melnhc'r of Last Sunday night. Rev. Harold
the Hydro commission for the Past Snell gale a very fine address which
period, cin:,;:slim; (t vnrio 13 1(111),
,iACKi't)N---lit ('Paton Ilospital on was cnio3cd. 1(11) w.(5 se: vl 1.
Tuesday. I-ch:uary ::'11d, to Pr. and The nv:t meeting will L1' at the
Airs, Ket.n;;'I Jack :on, of Flyllt, home of Mrs. William :hot :)•':.d
Everyone welcome.
. Cie gift of a son,
V--„- -.• 1 Ftuul house Int .1 at noon (u .\l it'l.ty. ,........c•.„,...„...„...,......, . .
It 1('ar 0.1 gene. ally known I:ta'
S+iC1Ct4iCtF2CiZ.' VT,I4'G 1.1ZtZ.tMIZI tCiZtVar." •!vittleiGt°111V4,'b1E,' ' 'y'3'€;t1' 43fr4.VGIC1VV4kr
uealcino' Of Cows As Air, til.,neaoe.e w•a., ill. e; he
keen in hi.; usual pin.: auet li.ti1 hisPdnlVictoria
{• t , i ; Ty� �,3 _.�_AO 4
0s a ; prh'i;'al' \'
l 1(ictal int r v' 'p !3
here's a Irue story 01( dyne prodtic Public ghoul 1(p until t!(' en.I 1(l' the ea Jz
tion from "[lassie's" angle: I V Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery.Id
During the 1 a;t o'x Years Mi. Irina• j mi. Ft0;,ehotre was 1, 011 i'l ye.:1'.3 ^'
1111 Leg g1 '( 11('I•d of cow, ltaV(' )t'0 1'I
1 ngn i❑ the lnwn�hip r, t' h-( t Wawa II
War Workers---
due111 four sets of twin calves. I nosh. I t :u It(.1-'at • , s :u 1(t' lb"
ta1' The first set were born in .1•Ily, Jose,'( 1.. and Annie 11'n';v :'at n:-' i1
1."17 to pair of girl,) then in he'••
,se. I I,' r' cit ed , e;, i(' 1' � .11( in
j i j
t oar)' 191(1, another crow pre -rimed ,4 he di tilt t school, \'•'ii,"iI rt., 1'i
\i1'. Legg':t with a boy and girl: t:t a S(•hr 1, 1111 tae F:inti ;1''l N .ratai
again in February. 1913, still autoth''
Please Phone Delivery Orders Early.
Morning Delivery, North or Dinsley Street.
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Sl•hoy(1. Ile taught f"r two year:='."' i3
int :ulcer of the herd got the produc•ti n at 1'.:;.;t. N ire, I'(.t \,. ', '1 .,!(, he- ii 1'Cgetllble, Beets, Spinach, Carrots, Chicken Vege-
taug, and tot:tiler sit of twins wit; fnl0 i'o:(!>_• t•) I; ,ie1i in 11_0. Li'i.i till; C, iarccn Beans, Tomato, Beef and Liver Soap.
again a l;oy and girl. \\1' rt' 11.1he m.tt•'it I11l1:t1! r'.reir.I1, ;I �� Strained Peachesand Apple Saturn 11
�)�.rttit.t:d Plums,
ti's{ctal)lc Beef, Celery, Vegetable, Asparagus,
ported this particular inc`(lent 1:2c11• '11 \Vestfiel I. nail 1 est y1' t1' !hi't• ' e'
of the fact that tate female was Mort, •
In•ahvl the:r silver t', w.lur; annite'- h
tailless. Again this February, 1.'12 , A1.3, e:
sante cow produced a perfectly normal I c1'
set of twits (probably f1' liiig ;t'r i \Ir. 5a ant ho(: w.(:: Ver: a 11V.' ' n 0
neck because of the t.ailess off-- prirg (•11(1(011, riv:c r lt:oral, aL1'•I
last y(ar). club 011'0101 in Garielit!t. He i.,a. a es
•was greatly appreciated by a god faithful me:n!ie' of \ : th F: (: (t t't,'
Mr. I.rg,iett reivirts that in all
in 1905 he married Catherine \Ic• congregation. ted Church and cleric of the 51501111 i;
caees he has suffered 1011111/' loss nor pj
Tavish, who died in 1932. Two years! This coming' Sunday the evening at the time 1'f hi .l Uh 1' ' was n C1
later he married Mary Davidson, who service will be as usual, opening with . sickness. Truly a remarkable record 1(1
Ifor a very patriotic herd of cow's, least president of the 1lnaeri:h I Inns ti
survive(. Also surviving is hie daugii. a Song Service, Chit), a hast president of Victoria G?
Mushroom, Tomato.
1. ,ttersrotch, Chocolate, Carmel, Tapioca Custard. tt
Whcat Germ, pkg. 15c. Cracked Wheat, pkg. 202
S^'E'1.11',IyAY --. r'�1�,•� T,ctt~„nn_ enhl.no'e. Carrots
Radishes and Tomatoes. g
74.DtP1 zNkr+rv1,D1'd'.-Ar.)t),Diaztkp1Bt?ta•+rii)adt)p imiD19'cl3iiAa'ool7tbtBt2ai t aixt ipa