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The Blyth Standard, 1944-02-09, Page 1
THE VOLUME 19 • NO. 26. . _ _ Red Cross Carnival Was Splendid Success LYTH NANDA Blyth United Church Has Splendid Year The Rod Crose Carnlval held at the Tho annual congregational meeting local arena on Friday night was well of the Blyth United Church was held Wendell, In spite of the mild weath- this Wednesday evening, The pr•o- er a fairly docent sheet of ice was ceedlnas of this meeting will be pub - available, and mtuny fine costumes, lishcd in next wee'k's Standard. • some humorous, and others of varied The flnoncea of the church for 1043 ntl(,o•up were displayed by young and chow excellent preerees in all the old. organizations. Tho officials of the The Carnlval was opened with an Church are very grateful to the con- Intcrosting little ceremony which grey,^ation for the splendid support and Involved three notabllo figures in the cooperation. Special mention' Is made world to -clay. namely, "Uncle Stun" of n bequest of $140 front the R. 11. "John Bull", and "Canada". The McGowan Estate. three figurers assembled on the ice, The new furnace in the church was and, surrounded by the school child- all paid for in 1013, $550,60 being paid. ren, sang foatr songs "'The Star Also hard and soft water has been put Spangled Banner", "There'll Always in the church which will be a great Be An I?ngland," "0 Canada", and advantage, "It's A hong Way To Tipperary," Mr, The \V,M1S. had an excellent year, A, W. P. Smith represented "Uncle 'raising $4112.50. which Is considerably Sant", Company •Sergeant-Major Geo, ' above their objective, The Mleshon IteNa.11 represented "Canada', and Band continues to hold first place in Mr, Ken, Whitmore represented "John , the Presbytery of Huron, This report Bull." All were suitably dressed. ifs the beet yet, $::137.115 being raised. Miss 'Elizabeth Mills led in the sing. The Alissionary and ,Matntenance Fund ing, and Mr. \\', 'N Watson was mase reached it's objective of $S'50.00. Th1- ter of ceremonies for the evening. a total of $1,161,00 raised for Judges for the owning were, 111(, lett Missionary purposes, The Board and Airs, \Vellhlgtan McGill, miss of Stewards show a balance of $229,7,1. Lena Livingston, and Rev. A. Sinclair. The following is the complete 110 - The following is the list of prize ancial report: winners: hoard of Stewards $3,258.95 ladies' Fancy: Mis, llaintou', Airs, AHssionnry & Maintenance „ 854.7,1 Garrett, Women's Missionary Society •112,:10 Gents' Pettey: Mrs. Glass, Pau] Mission Blind 2t7,f5 Watson, Woman's Association 2144,64 Ladies' Comic: Miss Olive McGill, Sunday School 235.51 V Airs, L. Taman, Trusted Board 1412,S4 C. G. 1. T. "11,20 East Wawanosh Couple • BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 19.11. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance: $'2.00 to U.S.A. OBITUARY Mrs. J. E. Charlesworth The funeral of Nellie C. Claxton Charlesworth, wife of 1)r, ,1. E. Charlesw•onth of 1Iarrlston, took place from tli home to the Anglican Church In Stratford, where she attend - public school and collogiatt'e, after which she taught school in I1espeler and Stratford, After her mlu•ria;',,• to I)r. Charleslvol'in, they resided in Metered', Blyth and i:elwood. In Decemnber, 1''16, they moved to II u'. riston where Dr, Chq•leewort'1 tea over the medical practice of Ur. lfenry' Mrs, Charlesworth was a member of 5t, George's Chinch ant 'served several years on the Ilarrleto' Library Board, :She also took an activo part in the General Wolfe 'Chapter, 1.0,!.11. and in the heal Red Cross Society and other organ- izations. I3av!des her hucl.'and, she is survived by a daughter, Miss Josie Charlesworth, science teacher In the liurston High Scheel; and a son, Mr. 1)r, E. Harold Charlesworth, ass`.s'tant \Ir and professor in chemistry of Manitoba University, Winnipeg; a sister, )1 les Lousla Claxton of, 1lnrriston. Pro. fessor Harold Charl(rW0rth paid a last visit to his mother during the Chill - !mai holidays and was also present at the funeral, having made pant of the journey by plane from \Vin11ipeg to Toronto. derv, lir. illg ison. rector of St. George's Church, concluded the service, 1Var Auxiliary 1'Ieeting !Red Cross Carnivai Iteeeiotsi Blyth i�7!.nliciisal C'ot.11cil Airs, Jean Cook entertained the Receipts treat the (:arnaval bold es ' The r,'� lee 44 . tI!::f or til 11y ii members ul the \Var Auxiliary Feb- ruary FObruau'y 4!11, una r the auspic,'r \IOuicipal (++ nl, „ ,+! .+' runty :lid. alis, 1):n'othy StesVart, the Red C'ros8 110 4' $i,t+ - I'' iIffl l Hail "!I \I •:t L, ',in.... \'Ice President, presided durhtg Ihu toile 1:,4:, f''e' 191an'y 7th 1+111 I:'' 1 F!'I, cold iIIIolttl'ss llll'('tilig. tIis,i (il'll'1'e, See• Net proeee.-', $'I).,,II ('! IIIo!!11+1:; II1il.' U, 1\.'.1(1+'., :+I++l \'.)+I• rota y, read 11uu e letters front Service 'Phe proceeds Wer,' divided, Ute den 1 111. men In Canada who had roc, ived a Council and the lied Cro;, reeeiviu_ Aliuul4•.; of III,• i,'-' r1 ,,111,1 « '11'•1 :in ',' Christmas gift from the Au\ilafry. $15,2:, cache of January ::r.I 1'' "• 1 +,1 ua c(4!:• After the work period alts Cook 1{, Philp, 'I'reasurr•r, fli'no''l uu ujHC!ol "! ! Kc1- served lovely refreshments. 1441•!! :Ind \' I.1,' . tri, i. Ales. J nit Kecltnlc e ill I e hosti s., --^V----• :\ aep:�ta'i..0 4!(104 Co. ('44::1',0 I:.C, for the next meeting 'Thursday even- \.t'. 1'1 4.1.'41 \`,'Ir I till ,I W site,, Ing, Fo'aruary lith• Injured At Rink t.� Alis,: .10:111 Streeter, daughter of 1+•r 4,1 110 i:1', 1 i . . ' 1: ++! :.,t;til+iu" `�j �1 the Rev. 1', 11, and alts. Streeter had HI,- (;•' of I:;,'ll I'..1:, 1 In -oilmen n. 1'Y E'JS'1I('IELD the 11!';fortune to tall off the huar!ls \i.Ir1.+1 1+1• (',+ : ,'l:10;.,- \ .,1(1, II 1(1! ! 13orn--(On Thursday, February 3rd, at at the rink on Alouday nicht. 114 I� rni,,: 11,,. 1:; 110'1 in>trum.•uts their ltoune, to Mr. 4111(1 )its, Robert fall rend( red her unconsehe ; e • vh ;n„1 01.1 IH. ; I :(4 111 ('lint H Coater, a lraby boy. slrncl( her htoti on the ice, Itl. V0!)', It 1' .\ 1'. r� 4,'; I, u!, IH .1u o -1e" - was called. aid she was taken home n„'!!) ( arri d. Air, 1\larvin ,McDowell attended tho where it was learned !1111! Wa:: not „ , annual meeting of the \Vest \Vaw.a(- :1 .1, 1, „':; , .I,i !:a Al l; seriously injured. 1;! ; ., I.,1'iyl'1 nosh fire Insurance at Dungannon on Hull! Air, .1. iridal, V • sidled L' ' t,,! ,.:::I, .I n III,' 1'''"ilt it i'4 r1 -: 1',•1 to i::'1:1:1111.; 1'=!I'• in lilt 1111 J. L. McDowell visited with Attended Turkey �Iectli1Q r 1 11,,' 1. `1 1 I '.• (' , n., 441„ . Airs. J. liilluugh of Dungan- non on Friday, Air. Robert \\•ailace was in 1.:nd0n tn11 ;11(1 l{'''''!i,'1 111,0 t1!e ('onn••k1 r:tt,• on Thursday. February 3rd, alt:'n•Iin,g the Sch'1u! 110;1(11 )4 11't(' of ('O!:fil('11r,' The Y,l,i', was held 011 Wednesday in th' unacr:nlli' i Ill'' in 10)140 the annual meeting of the Turkey evening With .'S present, '1'hv Uevo- Breeders' A•suciaUou, Over °ou tin'- Ibe li:htiu^ .-:, t!•:n in the .<,ch0c:. Donal program was in charge of Mil ('91'1'1!'!1. (heed Thornton. The Scripture Lennon 1(ey breeders Were Io attendanel•. Mr. Wallace is successfully 0!'11140 a •\ 11!•101.10!! f:.,:n the itlytlt ('itiz- was rend by )Hurray Ale'llowell. Prayer opera • ! by Eleanor Taylor. A poem, "The' turkey business in connection with ens' (omni:o..1• u:('t'•(1 011 the (•untie: his farming operations. 1as1 yea!'' ill 111" 111:1! "'1• (1 ,t f ,!•o(1a111'44) '"f a,4 'Power" by Margaret \i'ightmuu, :1 he had a flock of 2('0 blrcis. 'Tilt, yi'al' "1'rIt!lli 1',•141 4 ,:tii' 11- 11141 :' '11' Belle quiz was conducted by Rev, hl, : Council lu form :! 1(! 110uuu_ co:nlni;. Snell, It was decided to have a sec- he hop -:s to raise thc. number to :,(10, lee f;r rcturniu; :•!'r,i'e p :r 1;011.. int evening on \Vednesday evening, \,� ! ' \Imre 1 by couileillei•s 1::!!0:0:1 0^:I fcinuary Pt11. The meeting closed \'Hilden that the C'! ululI notify all Gents' Comic: Harvey McCallum, JBuried On Monday Ja1m Singles, Young Peoples' inion 22',05 Children up to 9 years, Comic: dilly Choir • , .77 The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Janus - Faster, Annie Alen rit.t,-T---•- Scott of East Wawanosh, who died in Total raised for all purposes $5,454.12 The \Vinghtun Hospital within a few 'Fancy: Kathryn Liddle, Rhea hall. • hours of each other was held from Children, 10, 11l and 12: Comic: Ann their late home at lot 38, couccssio11 Jeanette 'Mason, Vary kyle, Attended Uncle's Funeral 9, Monday afternoon at 2,30 followed Fancy: Lorna Bray, Marguerite Icy burial in the Brandon cemetery. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie I[ilborn and They had been in failing health for 3 to 17 years: Edward Watson, Airs, Cliff. Cardiff 'a Retitled the tun- 1several years and had spent t11e last oral of Mr, William Detwiler of Rose - ,Patriotic: Isabel Thuell, Katln'yn vino on Tuesday, February 8th, few weeks in the hospital. Liddle, Tho deceased gentleman, who was The service was conducted by Special: "Uncle Sam", "John Bull," in his 69tH year, was an uncle of Mr, Rev, Samuel Kerr of Brussels, pastor Oldest Soldier 111 Uniform on ililbot'n and Mrs, Cardiff, Thl'o funrral of Knox Presbyterian church, 11x1• was very largely attended• rave of which theywere members. Skates: Co'm'pany Sergeant-Major p_. George McNeil,James Alexander Scott was a. son The Ilett Cross Society operated a Rents Prouertv of the late Robert Scott and Mary Ann L'arb:u'ee and was born on the refreshment 'booth which was well Mr. and Mrs. ]Iulley have rented 9•tlt concession near his late home and patronized, the James Scott pn'operty, and will was in 1116 74th year. i1l'S, Scott The net proceeds for the evening take posse,sion March 1st. Mr, Hulley who was in her 69th year, 11'415 for - was $30,50, ,50 percent of the net has secured a. position at the Flax fmerly Elizabeth Dalgarno, daughter of proceeds went to the Village Council, 'Mill. the lade George Dalgarno and Grace who are responsible for the operation V- , Caanoron of Belgrave. They were of the rink. That left each organize RADIO FARM FORUMS married, at Bolgrave on March 7111, bort a net of $15,2';1, 4900, after which they took tip resi- illett Boundary Radio Farm For- Idenco on the farm where they spent -Mullett was held at Harvey and Dorothy 'all of their married life,' W.M.S. MEETING McCbnre'ra on Monday n'ght, There! They are survived by two daugh- The \1'otnati s Missionary Society were present. After the broadcast I ten's, Grace, Mrs. Athol Bruce on the en Phe Rural Church in the Corm 1'111111 adjoining the home and Doris, of the Blyth United Church met on ntuuhty," a lively discussion' was held, !Mrs. Arthur Scott, on the home farm; Tuesday, Felraury SPh' followed by progressive euchre after, also ,.even grandchildren. )i r. Scott Airs, Milani Logan had charge of which •there was lunch served. :is also survived by two brothers, the Devotional Exorcises, the theme INext meeting will be held at the ,John and Walter, and two sk ters. being "'Phe! Church Woman's ResTon'home of Mr, and Mrs, Archie Young. Elizabeth and Agnes, on the hon1e- $ibhlity to the Honte and Children of I7verybb(ly welcome. stead, Two brothers, Allan and the Comnt!nnity," "Tell Me the Stories Robert, predeceased him, Mrs. Scott of Jesus" was sung and the Scripture * * * W118 the last surviving member of a was taken Gout Deuteronomy 13: and The Radio 11'arnt Forum of S.S. No. fancily of 616, One brother and foe - Matt. 10, lairs, W. Mille ,hod in player 1 Morris nut at the home of air. and eiders predeceased her, Dinette the and Mrs, Philp read the "Meditation Mrs, James Phalen with 18 present. early years of their married lire they on. the Scrt; -tu e, Prayer, was offered After the Brca'lcast, on Tile Church were members of Calvin Presbyterian by \its. 1\ ightman, Ates. Jenkins ,of the Comanunity a discus-shon follow- chinch, Fast Wawanosh, and later of gave a "Christian Stewardship" read 'ed after whish 'progressive euchre Belgrave. Mr, Scott was an cider of ing' Iw•as played. h.unchl was serve;!. the church for I:0 years. Tho I'ay of Prayer will bo held in Next. meeting will be held at the home 'rhe pallbearers were William N, the United Chinch on February 25th, of Mr, and Mrs. Jack ,McNichol• Ev- Robinson, John E. McCallum, .\that The Secretary read an appeal for eryone welcome, !Vincent, James Anderson, Adapt Rob - the famine victims of China and India.* * ertson, John McGee, John 1•'. Mc('al- Airs. Bradley favoured us with the lune, John McBurney, Edwin Walsh solo, "Jesus Never Fails," I The 5,S, No, l0 E•lst \Vawanosh (toss Anderson, ,lanes Millis and Tho Chapter of the Study Book en- Farm Forum met on Monday night at Alex, )lclluiuey, flower bearers in. titled "Tho Grace of Living and the home of Mr. and Airs, Frank Mar- eluded Kenneth Scot!, Leslie Vince:et \\'iol'king Together In the Monte, vil- shall with an atendance of 311, The James .ilcC;tllum, C'liff'ord Lagan, 'lap and fellowship of the World 113roadcast diacuesion was on "The Kenuctlli Leitch, Walter 1I. Scott, Ed - Church", was ably taken by Mrs. Church and the Comntunity." We win Mason and ('lar!! .1ohn;'ton. Falconer, Hymn "Coale let us sing bf were eepeoially favoured with having a wonderful love", was sang and the the Rev, A. Sinclair with us. Ile gave meeting was closed with the Mizpnh a short talk in which lie expressed Presbyterial Executive Benediction, some very sound views 0n the subject. Flet At Clinton The five minute topic was taken by The Executive of Huron l'rc' bytel•- V airs, N. Radford in the form of a read• ial of the United Church met nt. the New Township Clerk ing which told of the experiences of home of Mrs, Frank 1111518181 in Rlckenbacker when he was afloat on Clinton on February SI h, will Alr.1. 'We understand that Mr, Raymond the Pacific. It was very appropriate It. G. Nay. the President in charge. Iteduuond has received the appoint -land very fin'. The recreation hour Very encouraging reports were' ntent to the position' of Clerk and 1 was under the direction of 01vn1 )1(• given by the Secretaries, showing a Treasurer of East Wawanosh Town- Gowan and Simon 1Ia11.,1ut1, after year of advance. An increase of five ship to fill the vacancy caused by tine which lunch was served. 'hundred and eighty-five dollars was untimely death of the late Alex Por- I The meeting next Monday will he sent to the Conference Branch Treas- lerficld. The appontment was made at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence'urer. Arrangements were made for at Tuesday's Council meeting at Bel- Johnston. 'Mr. Dict: Leggett will be the annual meeting of the Presbyterial grave. !Convenor for the next three meetings.' which will be lbe4t in the . Ontario Mr. Redmond, who has served the The five minute topic will be taken Street Church, Clinton, en April 2). Township well for many years as by Mr. Bert Fear, Mr. Albert Walsh Mies M. Milne, Mrs. J. Colclough of Reeve, only retiring this year, should and Mr. D. McKenzie will have charge Blyth and Mrs. II. Kirkby of Walton Make a very able man,. I of the recreation, Everyone come,, attended this meeting, with the. Mlzpaln Benediction. Mision Band To Meet I, (2aaizaliol;r ;,.due; -line n r, ;0.1•-w1ta- Mr, Edgar Howatt Was a Toronto'the Alissiun Band Of Luring Si"eI the t0 a u!eet:I! f", (lie 1'.11 lr 0f visitor over the W00:(•end. vice will hold their regular me:'ting i Hf 1u'C,,nizIn); a r „•014 '0 c0nunilt+.., \lis, \\'illitun \I 'den is visiting at on Saturday, February 12 11 at 3 101' r(rurilitoc personnel. the home of her dltug'.Iter. \Ira. Frank o'clock. C'ltildren bring a \'aletltine ((';('41 .I. ilarburn, and Mr. Harburn of Hensel'. with no nam; on it. A depnl;l ion ir0;11 th • Dlylb Vnlun Mr. 111111 Mre. \V, A. Campbell vis \, !trot fire Ih'i,:ate Naito). on the ited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs, (',nlncii iu r+-p!','I Io the pleader:hie Richard Gardiner of I:11tk1o11•. CONGRATULATIONS 1 of File 1141-e. \1,1•,1'11 by ('unncillur.; )Its. Mansel Cook and children of1e1•11e•ic. and 1i:teem! 11:11 the councilCongratulations to )1r. A. \I'. P. Colborne Township 1'isit.ed recently pinches 10 e 1 welt of fire hose, 1 Squint who celebrates itis birthday on with Air, and Airs, Emerson It)dger. Carried. 5:ntday, February Ieth, 1•ir, Robert \\'alder of Blyth is spending some time el the home of his brother. )1r. \Vi;llain Walden, Mr. Warren Bamford of Preston was a week -end guest at the home of her paa'entrs, Air. and Airs. 'Phomas Ihpnford. L;:\('. Leslie dodger ul' I)nnnville spent Sunday at the 11011141 or his ( 'I'lu' tad 104; 0f the \Vest, Bo•.ultitny brother, Alr, Emerson Rodger (111(1 lied ('foss met 'Thursday afternoon at * 1 * Congratulations to Reeve Alone! who celebrated his on Ft ictal. February 4th. Mr, Inert (:ray, secretary -treasurer of the 111y111 F!1.• I'1'i' wI 0.0-e 1b,' \\'111. 11. i i' kl'lgllen',' ltepn:•l t,1 11!e ('nitron 01 Lirtht! lyI 10e' hurl, of 111'' Fir)' 101(ade for lb,: !Past year. 11H1, +1 by (' ,l:lleilim(-; \ 1:(1!1!'0 and Fair.:,111 flat thle ('0:111,:l ac1o1') 1Ile tcp11'4 ()l' (0,• fire Dept, Carried. West Boundary Red Cross Communications Airs. i{odg(.t, AN'e extend congrutula• the home of Ales. Alfred Machan., •\ communication 44 •,), read front tions to l eslie,11 'ho will receive his 'Three quilts Were quilted and Mrs. (The Salvation .Army tonne:til:, n Wings on friday, I'alcoiter moron the lucky draw. airs, I grout. )1m-1 41 0y ('ouncillur,, \',,ld. n M1ss Mae Mason of London visited \lachau drna.te(I a pall' of pillow• slips land Ke(nic!! that t!1,' Council give th,' and Mrs. Gro,,n was the lucky Winner. Salvat.iu11 .\luny II"' ns.❑tl Tu'Ill3' !::nut with her parents, and ales, \\alter 11 Was the annual mreting and the, f $1:1,x0. ('acct, 11. Alasolt, Mr. and Mrs, Hoary Mullen's, Miss Secretary, Airs, Jack Creighton gave! Moved by Councillors Rainton a11,1 e Hattie Gallagher. Mr. and 1alTs. flares a splendid report of the year's work. 1 Kcrnicic that I! resolution re the re - forty -four quilts were Made and,dnction in l(y1LH rale- 10, sent 3o''11 Mailers and babe. of Lue'anow, visited i on Sunday 1001 Air and \Irs I''arl quilled by the ladies of the Section, Hanna, M.I'.!'., :1101 1)r, I1• Taylo^ 11'[i;htutau, J besi,es other sewing. 41.1'.1', 1141114!)ir their intineure in Master 'Ronald Campbell haul. the ( The officers for the new year were misfortune of hrearang a bone in tlto re-elected as follows: arm just above the elbow. 'The acci- 1 President: Mrs. Calvert Falconer. dent being caused by the wheel on Secratary: Mrs. Jack Creighton. which he was riding slipping on the, ih'ess Correspondent: Mors, Wilmer ice which had a light covcri:'5 of snow over It, Miss ,lean McP:oweli of Waterloo spent Sunday with her parents. Jnr. and Mrs. .1. L. McDowell. )1r. and Mrs. Robert Riley and babe of 1Ittllelt Township, Mr. and airs. Harold Cook of Behave vi iced on Sunday with Mr, and Jigs, Lenard Cook, Mr. Leonard Cook is the successful winner of a blanket won from the Hut - lett Red Cross, I10Watt, obtaining a hyllrc' reduction for Itl3th. C•:u•ri. (1. alo\ed by councillor-, 1101111„n and \'uadcn that the ('uun1'11 a'l'e a. grant of $11u.e8 to Cie rink fund ho' 10' op'.'i'I(ti. n or 1'1 ' (Ion! ' illi tantlinl: 111:11 a!1 surplus funds from ihr (Pollution of I!H' rink b', returl,e,l to the ('orl',,rao((n, ('411 10.1, Bills and Acocurts: opc. Myth Ily,lr) ('rulmis<iun, street • TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. H. Streeter, L. Th., Rector February 1 :;t 0, 1:1. 1, Sunday School 11 a.m. 11 r. and ,lits. Earl ('atl(1, 11 and Divine Service 12 noun. III>th lly,lro Commis -ion, t'n it'l ('lunch Slic'I Illyth Hydro ('oluHll-t i"n. Bl 111 1'1111111 11011:10 Doherty Bros,. repairs and ((111 - idle, 10 pump 1!,11 1 Jack, MiGs Llerotlly Goyim of Blyth, hltercesclon Service hrid)y or, t'. E. al0rri o0, 1"" :•..11 Li.1. weiv guests oil Sunday at the home of 1111E at the lit' tol'y. L1. 11. Phillips, !'!'fair - 111310 'I'clephn11e Sy: -'01(i. Phalle Alt, and Mrs. \\'illiant Gov:.;.'. \�„ rentals and c;'I', Mi', and Airs. Norman \Icl)oiell;' BLYTH UNITED CHURCH 1'1•lvp, Hullctt. It13'lh s'. visited 011 Sunday with Mr. and airs. hnoW fence Carl Ik'aus of \\'inghiiu, Sunday, Fr''ruary 1:1, Dr. h , c•noNVilenslcy,en rr 4044 ,'nt Airs. Berl Taylor. Ei►ceu and Ron 10.15; Sunday School. 1rt Barr. labour 1 = aid visited on Saturday at the home 11,15: Miss W,'llw•0o11. retnrn.'ti (:,.'u, L:1Wr1'n,•c, 111',)1111' 1.!'-, of Mr. and MI.i. N'1'.nnn ('atter of Missionary from China Wilt el\e 1, Ort. S:ubbs. lir'' of bot-+'... . Sea en th. address. This Will 1) ;! gyral l privi s', , e � JOhII .\, Ct1Wan. Ja111. salary The Farm Forum uu.linK was held leg(+ and app0rtunil3, UI are 01)114(1 (:, ihlherty, .I;uulaly 1(11(3 1-'., , at the hots 0f Mr. aqui \Irs• \\'illiani 1) he present. !hitt, \Voft, 401.(1 we! 0 ,),4110-.' . Carter on ,Atonally evening With 431 7 I'.M.: Jesus at the \Voll. 11. .t, Iyat y, coal 4Iintp 1(411-•' Iid presea4. After the Radio broad('ast r DI3th Standard, 1)1'! !)14 and groups Were formed and interfstltic ---\-- aavertisinl c) discussions were tela 011 The Church LONDf:�r30R0 Relief . 4•' in the l'omlnuitnttt3', Mier Which 1l1-11 fine Inept., filth::else' n= .Air. Marvht A1eDolvcll gave au inter-, it has been deckled t0 have a pp111yth Fire I1 1'I , 1-:1141'!'; .. 1 '4,4( toting -talk on ('oat Syrup and how it selvage drive. the paper to he 1010-151-1; is made. Th(' social activities WI'1,' in this coming 'Thursday. February' IA ()veil by C-,!;11(.111::1.5 V;;;1,14,11 411,! led by Eileen and Ronald Taylor. Ilotlr to .Alis. Mol'ille'4 1)1(11). Kernicli that the ;lemon!, a- 1.....,.1, After Wh1ch 11111(•11 w•as'''servcd. 'Ile The Londesboro Red Cross are ibe pain, t'1111", ':n lit d. next meeting will be at the home f.\Incl by l`uncill(4rs Rainton an 1 ' It 1lding a Bingo on Friday, Maty, I•'. � 0.040.3 ' , )Ir, and Airs. \\'m. McV[ttie. Tho l th in the Coulnlunitc H011. .all c'.u1e ..510.4 c,,(1. that we do now 40,0'0.0. Social activities will be under the aril enjoy an evening of fun. 'There,('a! ;ed. leadership of 11ev. 11. Snell, 111:11 be good prizes, also a door prize, -(;erten i":',111, Clerk, -11.i+1 :,! Tuis CURIOUS WOPLD F.rgu on CAPE ALAVA, WASHINGTON, is ME MOST WESTERLY PO/NT IN THE CT. S. L tOTI'EIRIUA tl A SHINE -LIKE ANIMAL THAT LIVED ON EARTH MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO, HAD A SKULL MORE THAN THREE,: FEET /N LENGTH. ONLY TWON! ©`,1, NORTH AMERICA METEORJTES o HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO STRIKE 8 J/LD%NGS. COPP twig PY NE., SERNa,esL TILE Elothares were not true pigs, nor even related to them, although the resemblance to wild hogs living in Europe today is striking Little is known of their habits. They had very powerful cutting teeth and two heavy -clawed toes on each foot. They have no direct descendants living at the present tune. NEXT: What Is the fastest fish? CIIRONICLES of GINGER FARM Well, here Nye are again—hack to ordinary everyday life after a busy week -end with visitors from the city staying here—that is, a long tveck-end, from early Satur- day to Monday afternoon. And you know how it is, don't you? You icurry around with the idea of getting as ntuclt of your work done as you can while your visitors are Sleeping and then before you are properly through, one or more of hent conies to life and you set about getting a belated breakfast. And then you naturally like to visit for awhile—but oh dear, when you do that the time just slips tstong until first thing you know it nearly time for dinner and you haven't got the last of the break- fast dishes out of the .vay. But tate at night—that's when things really get under ;.ay. The sten ptart talki:ig politics, or discussing the war, and events, past, pre - Pent and future. The womenfolk add their small csntribution— 'Whether It it appreciated or not is beside the point. Eventually some- one says something about it get- ting late bat sanlebody else sug- 4ests another angle to the Subject tender disct:s,ion and away you go lsgain for ar.:,tiicr hoe:. Finally a Cup of co' :a and a trite to eat tounds out t.:re .'ve!:iiig. and at long last each pers-•n ambles off to his or her bed. Ti,e vi.i:-'r; we hope, to sound, eseeh'ee sl:itobcr, while Partner a:;4 1 lay car heads on our respec:i';i conscious that sittima Il,; to t:'e twee sola' hours isn't : r o't f.'s a 'a orking t::an 3lul his 'r i;, Celess the morn - Ing and o‘o aee noaee than ever 'eoninced a itana'':e: from late hour; a r! tao n :u::: talking Isn't the hes'. loting `,?:tri \vbiCh to mart anotia ..,iw , ■ a -But tr. ar^ t to milk, R+,tilts 1) c;; f ;ire for and eggs .. .;at.. _ a:•'I as the day pr':.e ... of fa- ow:,lir4UC gr:r.... i ..-II off. You reds: ..nnis't alai'. se_ Led in good ths e :i tc. 9rlp' ..1'' .t lie- :gi::s agaii. _ , -t . ; know: tat is Illldt : ;'I; •- :il' t . - sunlit( F3'01 11.111g i3 1 "ee;iii,.: r . ±first, f'. iit'ly yo _rt bid RESIGNED i.ieet.A..lera.ral E. W. Sail 50111, 1).S,0., 5 ::as r,'iinquitilied By Gwendollne P. Clarke • * • • • • goodbye to your friends, You no- tice they look ntgre rested and re- freshed than when they cattle, And then you settle down to your work and to catch up on your arrears of sleep how and when you can. 1 1 • One of oltt' visitors was a titan who had never stayed on a farm before, \\'e found his comments very amusing. 1 -le couldn't think what Partner did outside all the time. He knew that cows were milked night and 1110111ing and that a farther had some work to do which he referred to as "chores" but he thought any farmer was through by noon and that winter was really a slack time. "I'm com- ing down to the barn to see where you find all this work," he said, Well, he went to the barn—but it was after the stables had been cleaned and the cattle watered and bedding put down. On hi; return I asked him if he had really been to the barn. "Yves," he answered, "and I still can't see where all the work collies in." Partner laughed. "Conte down a little earlier to- morrow, fellow:. and you '.rill soon find out'." * * + Another of otir visitors was hardly a "Visitor"—since siie \vas our own ,laughter—home to cele- brate her birthday, One of the first things 1 asked her was Love long she could stat'. "Sunday night— quarter to ten train," was the ans- wer, Carrie nine o'clock Sunday night and I suggested to Daugh- ter that she get her things togeth- er, She did sn--very leisurely, :\id at that time I began to have an un- easy feeling about the time of the train, I looked tip the paper. Nine twenty-two!! "1 Larry" I said to Daughter. But instead of hurrying alie had to see the 'caps:' for her- self as she v; uldu't he coa'.uhceel she was wrong. ''lout ,t:e"d there talking about it," I :irked. "The train may be late and we may catch it after all." So I !eft. In r to collect her ! elea ai' ss vitae ran for the car, "They:old lea ' i took the corner on t:':ai soheels-- which 1 don't believe. 1 laaseeer, whether on too 0..heci, or vole, tie got to the stationof a; train was pulling out. .f is haainrd the car was as Inuall 1 ' (0 :..:, h 1 was so v:c ail;! :ed laaoe at a !L;'.urcly tt; ,tt' l + t:alder went pal the tor-ial'; r Till aiter- Iv,on. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON JESUS TEACHES TRUE GREATNESS February 20 Mark 9. 30-10: 45. PRNTED TEXT,—Marl: 9: 33- 39; 10: 13-16, 42-45, GOLDEN TEXT,—The son of man also came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give his life ransom for many. 1l;u':: 10:15 Memory Verse: 1 love tl.;e, 0 Jehovah. Psalm 1S: 1, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTNG Time—( our Lord's teachings to 1-1is 05.11 disciples, as recorded in chapter nine, were uttered in Au- tumn, A.D, 29. ,111 the teachings and events of the remaining part of the lesson took place in Feb- ruary and March, A.D. 30, ,,Place—Ou: Lord's announcement about His forthcoming death took place in Galilee. 1 lis discourse concerning greatness was uttered in Capernaum, All the rest of the material assigned to our lesson falls in that period of IIis life which was spent in Peraea. Greatness In Men "And they carte to Capernaunt: and when he was in the house ire asked them, what were ye rea- soning on the way? But they held their peace: for they had disputed one with another on the way, who was the greatest and he sat down and called the twelve; and he saith unto them, If any slaw t:ould be first, he -hall be last of all, and servant of all." They were ashamed to tell the Lord the subject of their disput- ation—who should be chief min- ister, In the presence ed Jesus We are all put to silence when we babe been proud, ambitious, full of controversial spirit. The thought of the love and humility of our Saviour shames its into silence, \Vhat is meant by being great? Jesus answered that greatness lies in character, in service --to love and serve all for Christ's sai:e. In The Name Of Christ "And he took a little child, and set him in the midst of thein, and taking him in his arms, he saitit unto thein, whosoever shall re- ceive one of such little children in my name, received' me: and whosoever receiveth me, received' not me, but hint that sent the," Christ favors and honors those ALLIED TANKS LIE IN WAIT FOR NAZIS Ncai' the Mussolini Canal, south of Rome, tank:nen of the Allied Fifth Army found a shallow ravine and puked their vehicles while they scanned the plains hack of Nettuuu, Italy, for signs of the enemy, "!Ivor forces are now on the way to Ronle, who receive people who are of sma!l account in the eyes of men, We learn that the will of hint who receives Christ is in harmony with the o ill of God, '1'o sec Christ is to see the Father. (John 14:91, •to receive 1'Iiri:t is to receive the Father 1 \f,lt. 10:101, Not to re- ceive Christ is to reject God him- self, I Jahn 1:::45-I8). For Or Against Christ "Jahn said uuta him, Teacher, v.e saw one casting out demons in thy name; and the forbade hint, bl'ca':se he followed not tis, Itut jes'.I; said, forbid hint out: for there is 00 pian who shall do a mighty stork in my name, and be able qui.'kly to speak evil of Inc.'' Christ's word: con(lentti all who are actuated by party -spirit, envy, enmity, uncharitableness. In verse 410 5 c sec that all sten must range themselves on one side or the other ---with Christ or against bin:. i bore is no neutral ground Christ regarded this ratan as being with hint, and we must regard as fellow laborer; all Wren who are doing Christ's 5rrk ill a spirit of love and not of enmity, although they have different modes of working, Disciples Rebuke Christ "And they were bringing unto hint little children, that he should touch there: and the disciples re- buked them." The apostles regarded their neuter as a teacher and a RADIO REPORTER tt,e,„. Radio is a very weird business for the people that are in it. There is an old saying that in radio if you don't find a crisis on your desk in the morning, you have to start looking for it before noun. It's a business in which strange things happen. Take the case of Iiert i\forri<on, star of the veteran spine-chiller "The Shadow” heard Tuesday nights S,30.9,(I0 over CNCI., 'Toronto. Morri:on read a recent news despatch stating that posters have been appearing over- night in Merlin, on the ruins of bombed building:, walls, pillars and on 11(5' simper front i':egea. These poster; show The Sh•adenv a man in a .louch hat w ith big question mark, which is the tilta- (low's trade mark, No explanation was given but .\ftonbladet's Perlin correspondent suggested It was the opening slut in an anti -spy (aut- paign, :Morrison i, 11050 wondering whether tl;e Gestapo is after the Dr. Frank Black POP --Constructive Criticism Shadow, or the Shadow after the Gestapo, 1 1 * . Radio can bring the people not only the music they knots and love, but also the new vital musical ore:1 tIs of contemporary compos- er, whatever their nationality, says Dr, Frank Black, guest conductor of tie Cleveland Symphony Or- chestra heard Sundays 9.00-1(1,00 I'.M 1':\\•T,, over the Mutual Net- work and CKC1., Toronto. Dr, lilac'; says ''I believe that the most vital music production today is taint; !dace in the Colyer! States and Russia. 'There is a reason for this. Ptah groups write with an audience in mind because they Iciiow that the people are the final judge- of their anisic," * * * Radio's people are all heading toward: the Chateau Frontenac ill (, nebec for the middle part of this month, tvhcn all the radio stations from coast to coast gather at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Association ui 1iroadrtstet's. Ra- dio, with the terrific job it has (lune of assisting in the tear effort, i; continually meeting new war- time problem, and the get-togeth- er oil the "1'Iains of Abraham" is to solve some of its herr' •prob- lem=, to reed\e information from hearts of governmental dcpart- ::icai ;ii Iry how radio. can best ( l'pei ate with the 5'ar effort and to plan for the forthcoming year. The re.ults of the decisions arriv- ed at in the Quebec meetings will have to large effect un Radio in 1911. You can rest assured how- ever, that tvhatcvct' decisions are ar;i'.0! :lt, radio's people fighting 011 the home front will continue their outstanding contribution to your entertainment and information as well a; to our war effort. healer and these children required hint i11 neither capacity. But Jesus is more than that, lie is essentially the Illesser, whatever form the blessing may take, The Childlike Spirit "But when Jesus saw it he shall in no wise enter therein," Our Saviour is referring to the spirit of a little child, the spirit of h utility, the spirit tvllich was mis- sing in his disciples, Every gentle modest child is lowly in thought, ready to be taught. Unless we are humble and receptive like a child we cannot enter the Kingdom, "And he took thein in his arms and blessed them, laying hands upon them," The true disciple must welcome children, serve them, learn from them, and catch their humble, trustful, loving, receptive spirit. The Servant Of All "And Jesus called them to him shall be servant of all," The ruling class of that day held their inferior's in subjection and denlan• ded obedience from them on the ground of their superior rank and power, Greatness in the Kingdom of God consists not in arbitrary rule, but in voluntary service. It is the christian who is ready to sloop to serve the lowest of Cod's children who is the greatest in God's sight. Chirst's Life a Ransom "For the sun of elan also came nut to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for nuul}." The purpose of our Lord's advent wa: to minister, All Ilis past ministry was but a leading up to the supreme service Ile was to render to mankind, and 1 r which Ile carne into the world 'to give His life a ransom for many? By ,means of a radio method, scientists have nlciatu,d the cicc• tricity in the atmosphere 100 atilt, above the earth, ■ AMBASSADOR TO U. S, ■ HORIZONTAL 1,7 Depicted ambassador to the U, S., 14 Engaged in driving a team 16 He is ambassador from --. 17 Pertaining to the Iroquoian language, 18 Vigor, 20 Morning song (poet,). 21 Near, 22 Rows, 23 Symbol for iron. Answer to Previous Puzzle TH OR TON WI L DEER P; I .© • NO1 SE E'GY ROD Mit HI S R OIN D A G, SHE S A S E RAM EYE A B E R WILDER IPPS_ BALA ROE E L T 0 S NU IS ET T E R STR A 40 That thing. 41 Steamship (abbr.). 43 Tone B (music). E NER VERTICAL 1 Type of jacket. 2 Thing in law, ■ 12 Measure. 13 Cynocephalus, or dog -headed ape (Egypt.). 15 Golf mound, 18 Jumbled type. 19 Pair (abbr,). 22 Pertaining to a clan symbol. 24 Couples. 25 Deprives of sharpness. 20 Provide food. 28 Teach, 29 Body part. 30 Open (poet.). 32 Ignited, 34 Social insect. 42 Compact. 44 Musteline mammal, 24 Plural (abbr.), 44 Upon, 3 British 45 Type of gull. 25 Accomplish. 46 Violent province in 47 Within (comb. 27 Thoroughfare whirlwind. South Africa. form), (abbr.), 48 Coffeehouses. 4 Eject. 49 The heart 29 Rough lava. 52 Lieutenant 5 Dry. (myth.). 30 Not in. (abbr.). 6 Kind of clay 50 Boggy land. 31 Symbol for 54 Large stoves. pipe, 51 Cloth measure aluminum. 57 God of the 8 Not down. 52 Openwork 33 Radium earth (myth.). 9 Dutch fabric, (symbol). 58 Father measure. 53 Gaelic. 35 Undulation. (Latin). 10 Royal 55 Hostelry. 36 Sun 60 Combined. Netherlands 56 Weight of personified, 62 Those who Air Force India, 37 Written form pace, (abbr,), 58 Light tap. of mister. 63 Tiny European 11 Fruit of the 59 Silkworm, 38 Tree, republic. palm tree 61 Doctor (abbr.) 39 And (Latin), 64 Clique. (pl.), 62 Italian river. 35 37 341 42 45 54 55 NE GAYS --- " IT'S LOVELY OUT HERE INGYPT- -i VEN THE PYRAMIU� ARE COVERED WIT" HIEROGLYPH IGS." 1-..-.3..:..a..ti. By J. MILLAR WATT H ESS SPELLED " LOVELY lI WRONG '—.�,.........,....,.,,,� •-->_ Nazis Plundering Occupied Lands ----- The t;tnnan people have been ablu to live better daring this war than during the last one because they have o. el:pied the great'cr part of Europe :nol p:andt red the countries of tl:sir !irtstoei;, foods and econolni': resou. ts, :nit as this is a l rest that 1,,. ,got he con- tinued it.t:cfil;;t,i to ;.r.ytIlmg like the same c>.tc1:t, ani s; t1c1 have already ;est the },rest v;hcatiitlds of the Ukraine and (':ill soon bet out of Russia ;dtogethet, the future outlook for fool is black, continents the St, 'hhcnta: Tim "-journal, Norway, Holland ;:rod I)rntuatk have been plundered t:otil the na- tives live iu a chronic state of hunger. The French ):oveunilont In London is in a po•iti :.t haws almost exact ' figur, cf tltfrCt levies of food by the Gc•mans in ante since Tune, 1910, ,,,vhich re- veal the extent of merman( reliance o'i looting in one country alone to feed their own armies mid people, The Nazis have also "bought„ great quantities by meats of paper marks In spite of the dislocation, re- moval and appropriation of French industries, Germany imposed a cost - of -occupation bill of $10,000,000 a day based on a figure of 1,000,000 occupation troops, Noty: ithsL•unl- ing the fact that there are r.rohably not more than 1,000,001) German soldiers In France today, the Nazis still demand their $10,000,000 a day for their nta:.ntcnar,'e, the bal- ance bring clew fins . .: prr,iit Supply Of Butter Slim In Britain Britain is Fe( Ling to increase her butter supplies whish have been sufficient only to maintain the weekly two -ounce ration, 'fhc bfini!try of Food said Jlri- SAFES Protect your itoolis and CASK from 6'11114 and '19111:1'1,, 1\'e have • else and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit tu, or write for priers, etc. to Dept. W. 0.&j.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 148 front St PL, 1 (rout, Established IS HARNESS & COLLARS - Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through -- your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. Tho goods aro right, and so are aur prices. We munufacturo in our lac. toriea — Harness, 'torso Col. largo Sweat fads, Horse !Ban. kets, and Leather Travelling . Goods. Insist on Staco Brand • Trade Marked Goods, and you • get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto Foot Itch Stopped in 1 Minutes Does Athlete's Foot mnke your skin peel, 1ack and blister? Does the Itching nearly rive you mad? No natter how long you ave suffered or what you have tried, there new hope for you in a new treatment Balled Nixoderm. In 7 minutes Nixoderm stops the itching and starts combating the terms that cause Athlete's Foot. You will probably see a big improvement the very Oren day or so. It not completely satisfied Nixoderm costs nothing because you get lour money back on return of the empty Jar. (tet Nixoderm from your druggist today— the money -back trial offer protects you. v Asthma Mucus Loosened 1st Day Choking, (. ,.t'iltg, whet zing Asti'. von and lirouchitis ruin your health. The prescription Azole -'Pubs quick- ly circulates through the blood, at - Er helping' to curb these at- tackss and usually the first day the tit us le loosened, thue giving free ey breathing. and restful sleep. ort tend your name, card will do,nr or 11.00 Aao.1'nhs free. No cost, r o obligation. Just tell others it 1 t tops your Asthma attacks. Knox empany, 761) Knox Bldg., Fort e North, rl urn Ontario. ISSUE 7-1944 Iain is pressing hotter-hr,'iltcing countries to act her have more but ivould not indicate if any specific request has vt t been made to Can- ada. 1 i the present slim supply in Pri- tain is pressing butter -producing 5ibilily is semi that the bhttcr ra- tion ;11:11' it;.l he re":ietw, d with a v iety to reducing it. A !rood of- ici,tl sai11 "twt•'il du our best to ktrlt it at tv, o (unrr5 but w e can't afford to too• !ops btint'ing but- ter" Japan Has Great Naval Base At Truk Ti oh, the r':,,,t 1;ipart•e .oawal i.; -c, is at o1';' ti'.c oaf the .\ cans ;n the ',,tit I',! iii', telates the \',•;'cl-,'1 •r. The Mand }.,,1-111) i, tort', - 1)00 toile•, iron: Vol,,,11a11 ,., orad ;I tam utiles 1, ,;u Truk is a ,_r,''tp of (midi sing a l:!i•,td' that 1:ica••ures 1;11) mile arttun,l. 'There are four Int;111 gap'; ac entrances to this great harbor arta, which is large enough to accommodate the entire Tall ,rllc'e fleet. Th,: islands vary in size from a few; square yard; to a few square mile-, But, even the small islands pro\ ids emplacements icor anti-aircraft puns or l,eavie. artillery. (iceman\• 1, nt%:itt Truk. from Spain for .:.1,010.01)) in isotl, 'Clic .1nIcriraus had' t.tl:rn the i -lands from Spavin it: the Spanish-.'vueri- ca war, but ,t t\ t then( hack be- came they hal no use for (tent. The 1-n;l,d State, little thought torn that Trek , 014,1 he a formid- able ;meal 11.;-. to 111• est ,l ;tt„ut•I the :lnter;catt ;n 1 v I L 1ap;ut got the island, roll,v, in.' the last war. It is going to take skill and dar- in to capture Trak. But, it is one of the ol,•.1;lo'o's to '':t rioter on the twat' to Tokio, Trapped Mink Keeps On Fighting For Life :\ fink -life, to a mink, is a good and glad thing, .Ilan Devoe writes in The American Mercury, Its wild freedom, its stealth and strength, its lusting and exulting, are not lightly to he surrendered. And so, when the hidden trap -jaws clang together on the leg of a plink, what happens is in the nature of a (earful thing. The mink, if it can, will gnaw off its leg in order to to go free. If it cannot free itself, there wells up in it such a fury, such a surging compound of rage and hate and terror and malignance and despair, that many a trapper could wish that lie hail never watched it. .1 trapped mink snarls, screams, scheeohcs, froths and spits. It louses front its ntu-act' glan,ly a stench that is suldler but more sickening than the oder of a skunk, and it fouls the trap and all the sur- rounding tarth with as thorou;ph a pollution as it can. Until the minute of death, a trappt 1 mink battles to withhold, from an un- known woman in a far ImetroPolis, the pelt which she will scarcely re- alize rants from an animal, and the life which she will scarcely know was ever lived. PROMOTED Major-General G. G. Simonds, C.B.E., D.S.O., 40, has been pro- moted to the acting rank of lieu- tenant -general and to 00:111!1:111/1 of a Canadian corps. fay VICTOR ROSSEAU CHAPTER XV' They were almost Itt the button( of the ravine, for beyond it :Ito cliffs towered up to Inca. tine , 011:• black sky. 'flu're 10118 green mast; underfoot, and the sound of 11 raid let falling front the roclie. above, l clis reined in Black 1)awn, Is the place, Dave,” she acid, and slid from her saddle, to fall ir, a crumple heap upon the gra; Dave flung; himself :pot 1 is knee;, beside iter, The n;'l ''t' part of the overalls, ala ': 1. rtifl'encil with blood, 10as wet with a new 110)0 from the wv,onnl. Lois was breathing gently, but the had dropped nurunseiuu . 1n the face of the rocks. :,n- meillately to the (loin of hits Dave stns' the enlr;ntre to n ea 0e. lle gathered the girl into his art:., and staggel'ed Into if, Thr t1 lU' laid the girl down 0t .t:t l,elii,i;• floor. 1)ave tore eft' his 1earl" ..oil made a pail of lt, contort s-ing :1;, wound and holding It there for minutes, \\'lieu he gently remo.• cd It, there mime another soort of blood, :\t;ah1, this Rano f, r La.1f nn horn', Rave held the co!n(':' -a In pesltiou, and when he ve•n:'mrt ri to remove it (Ile flows 111111 dtw:tttlit,! to a r•nl;ill tri• hl,'. .1• lie 1'c;ulj',t.,le,l the hatch:etc, went ottt=ido, unsaddled th.' acts and left them to araz... 1i•r tools a tin cup from his toll and felt his way foot by foot ',,.t.::',: the sound of running. ;':11o.. 1tc found a little 1001 (hal split-h,:d down into the ravine, filled the cup, carried it Intel; to Lei= and forced the cotton(~ (10wt l,or throat. Spreading his blanket in Circ care, he picked the girl up and Placed her upon it, :1 Pier :'.tat there was nothing to tin :nit ',vain fat' 11111511. i1 ('111110 after an intttle;t<;,rIi,le time, stealing (10)011 the ra''ine ;101 glowing rosy upon the mountain tops, Now it began 10 grow light Inside the cave, and 1 hive e0ahl SCO Ihat. this extende(( barhtva:•d for a considerable distance. 'I'h,y scented secure enough. s1) I,111g as their food lasted, As he bent over the gi;l. !tor lips moved; ho could jo—; , a',•lt Today's Pattern 30.4? Look cheerful as a sunbeam in this light-hearted deep -yoked frock, Pattern 41St) coutcs in masse(,' put together as a glance at the diagram will prove. Make it with contrast trim or iu one fabric. 1'etttern •lasso conies in misses' and women's sizes 12, 1 I, 16, 1;1, 20: BO, 32, 34, 36, 88, 90 and 12. Size 10 takes 2 r yards 35-inces and :t yard contrast, Send '1'\VLN'1'Y CENTS (20) in coins' (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Anne Adapts, Room 4111, ;;t Adelaide St., West, 'Toronto. \\'rite plainly Size, Name, Address, Style, Number. the fraguu u:ary muttt•rint,: "\\e'll race him, ltln :k It,twn, Ile-- didn't do it, ' ilt'tt not the nnu•d.•r!ug kind." Tai n thn slip• pWl 111(111 intro) 1111,'1)1; rir,ilhllt'S3, A sudden feeling of tc ndc'rness swept over hint. Why, this was his girl—he'd known it from the first moment he haul seen her. « « « « 5fe cul War. se,'tltilig 11:111 rxclte- tuett 1I(,. following intuiting when l', rte3 l(d,; 111. Curran Ind true.~ 'd the raucluu;w tit dawn and Informed Ulm of the events of the night, and tate futile attempt to follow the trail of the fugitives. Judge l.onergan's house was the substantial one. Lonergan's 11ezi• can servant ad1)1!)1t1 Perris Into a r:utnfurrably funds' 0 living -room where Lonerg:nt was 'caned tit Ills breakfast table, "\loruing, Ferris." Lunergan greeted h's visitor, "Sit down and nave a idte, won't you? i've gut a quarter of an hunt' In fore hold- ing the inquest over old hooker" $ « lie wiped bis mouth with n napkin, leaned hack, and surveyed Perris w!lit 1 sardonic look that was nu• lost on the ranchttt;ut, Wilbur Perris sand; !warily Into a ionic. "What the devil's all this ittn.,s ,,h11.'' iso demanded fiercely. "I./mutt you, l.on1'rg.tn, I believe you hroueht that ntufdorittg cow- poke into this district for sumo Infernal reasons of your OW11," "NOW that dtt'stt't du credit 10 your intulli::euce, 1'01.ris," respon- ded Loner_an, after draining his eoffeo, "fact is, I never set eyes on hint till he came Into the Wayside host, day before ytster• day, and paid off old hooker's morlgago interest" "I want to know what that girl, Luis Hooker, is to you," said Per- ris. "\\'hat did you bring the !limiters hero for, and wby ha re you kept them here these twelve years past? :Ind why dict you de - elite that the time had conte to get rid of thein?" "Co easy, l' erris," L)nergnn ad- vised hint, "Volt don't want to worry shunt my business. I've stood by yon it good while now, w hen you'd have heron down and out, and--" "Yep, you're about drove 711(1 to my limit, I.onergau," answered Ferris. "You put that Haut Cur- ran in charge of the Cross -liar, and you sent away my gond cow- hands and brought in it gang of Mexicans. "And now this ]Truce feller comes along and plays hell generally, and, after his murdering old Hooker, that girl, Lois, stages a rescue from the lynching party. 1 tell you, it don't look straight to ate, I want to know what's be- hind it." * « * Lonergat bit off the end of a cigar and lighted 1t, Ito emitted a puff or two of smoke before re- plying. "So you think I've ridden yon too hard, Perris?" he asked. "Well, maybe I have seen my adra.ntago and talon it when It come along, Lennie see, Perris," he continued In an irrelevant manner, "you must bo close to sixty, If 110 not mis- taken." "\\'hat's That got to do with it?" demanded the ranchnlan. "Quito a lot," said Lonergam, „Why go on w'orry'ing, and nnld- dling your head with things that bother you? Ever think of a little place in California to end your clays in peacefully? A place where you won't have to think o t —well, of ate? 1'0 never trouble you, Perris, if you should decide to sell ot:t to me. "0f course, prices having drop- ped so low, I couldn't make you a very advantageous offer, lett if you lilted to consider eight or nine thousand dollars—why, yea could go it long trays with tliat in (Cali- fornia." "You devil!" shouted Ferris, springing to his feet. "So that's what y'ou'rs had In mind, getting me out of the district! I guessed It!" "Yon guessed right, Perris," an- swered Lonergan, 'There was a steely glitter in the judge's eyes now, in place of the sardonic look, "After all. Perris, you. owe Inc everything you've been, don't you? No, I'm not going hack over old times, But there's my offer." '"l'ho Cross -Bar's worth forty thousand, if it's worth a penny!" Ferris shouted. "I'd say it will be nearer fifty, when prices 11f1," responded the Victory Chop Suey a tablespoons fat 34 teaspoon salt 1 cup sliced onion 1 cup green pepper strips X pound fresh pork cut into strips 1 cup celery strips stip uncooked rice 1?,; teaspoons Soy Sauce 4 bouillon cubes 2eups owed -popped rice cereal 4 cups hot water tablespoon butter Heat fat in heavy fry int: pan; add onions and neat; cook until lightly browned. Add rice and stock n:;.de by dissolving bouillon cubes in hot water. Add salt, green pepper and celery strips, and soy sauce; cover and simmer about 20 minutes ioni.er. Serve at once w'itlt crisp rice cereal which has been buttered an ! toasted. Yield: 4 sersiuss \l cup 1'u- sersutb). ti V'INO'S COUGH SYRUP Invaluable for COUGHS—COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTH MA WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT ildren love Veno's other, "I'll Inako it nine thousand clear, if you accept my offer and quit within the next two weeks." « « to Ferris was standing like a statue, host slowly Ili he:ul and shoulders bowed, A look of utter misery Calm.? over tris faro, "listen. Lon,'rpan," he pleaded, "You know flow 1 carte into this district years ago ---" "With inane 11)11land, your partner. 11 ho ran off with that check for the: ''3itle," inh•rposed Lonerg;tlt, "Ire 111a0''. my home here. It's hard to have to pull stakes and start afresh, if you'd make It twenty thousand I'd feel it plight bo done. But can't this business be settled somehow else?" „Nope," answered 1.01ergan de- cisively. 'My offer's nine thou- sand, and it's got to be accepted or rejected within the next couple of days. And two weeks to vacate, You'll have to excuse mo now, Ferris, because they'll bo walling for me to Impanel the jury " Ile walked past the ranchnlan, took down Ills hat from a stag's cutler In the hall, and clapped It 1 on his head. Wilbur Ferris, who had been watching hint in dumb despair, moved slowly toward the door. /Continued Next Week) TABLE TALKS Your War Saving Stamp Recipe The Food industry of Canada has undertaken the Mtge task of selling 2 million dollars worth of War Saving Stamps during the month of February. This column presents a penny saving recipe, which will help you buy your \Vas Saving Stamps. Here it is: FROSTED MEAT LOAF 2 tablespoons fat 1 onion, chopped 1?, lbs. chuck beef, ground ?.4 1b. pork shoulder, ground 23/2 cup: corn flakes. rolled 1 cgg, unbeate, 1 tablespoon cornstarch teaspoon salt dash of pepper and paprika ?; teaspoon poultry spice cup milk 1 teaspoon grated lemon(' rind 1 teaspoon lemon juice 4 steamed « eincrs 2 cups fluffy stashed potatoes 2 medium carrots, cookcc! whole Heat thc fat and add thc chop- ped onion. Cook and stir till the onion is tender and golden brown; add all remaining ingredients ex- cept the w eincrs, potatoes and car- rots; sptoult half the mixture into an oiled loaf pan b" x 3" x 8'. Press the weincr; into the meat mixture, laying then( end to end and touching. Cover with all re- maining mixture, pressing firmly. Bake in a moderate oven: after the first half hour drain cif the liquid. \Vhel the meat loaf is cooked, invert on a hot platter. Frost all over with mashed po- tatoes, Score the cooked carrots with a fork and cut in thin slices. Decorate the sides and top of the treat loaf w ith the carrot slices, Heat again in the oven till the po- tatoes are slighty browned. 'Temperature: 11:40° F. Time: 1' ; hours. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS HASTEN ['HEIR VICTOR- IOUS HOMECOMING HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment \teen I'ilr Hrnudc No. 1 is f ,r 1': ,tnrtiug Bietvliug 1'i!r.+, and is, sold in Tulip, n:th pita, for internal nphli,:ition. Prior 73,•, .l,"•ra Pile Iten,tdy No.' 1: for 1Citcrtai tt•bing l':': . 5,11 in Jur, anti i° for vstcn,el n r cute, i':, c .5ne. Older ht me ;her fr,•iii your P: i:nu-.t. U. S. War Casualties Latest available figure on .1in- erican war casualties t,'tal 112.2.), including 32,60:1 killed in acti, n, The I;nit(.d States Office of \\'ar Information anuounct 1 the figures last week. They cuter the navy casualties through I:u:u,tn 22, :u1t1 army losses through December :t1, Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KIDNEYS Try the Original "Dutch Drops" It le poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache, dizzy spells, leg cramps, restless, sleep -broken nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has tion the grateful thanks of thousands for many years—GOLD MEDAL IIaarlem Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. It works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your kidneys to purify the blood. Be sure you get the original and genuine- - packed in Canada. Insist on getting GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. 40c at your druggists. 1 Ilow in the a odd can a woman have chart( and pulse if she feels "all wound up" with nervous tension? On the other hand ... calor, strong nerves actually give it woman poise and qluiet ner\'es take the hard, tense look from her facial muscles. If nerves bother, treat then with rest, ttholesonte food, fewer activities, plenty of sunshine and fresh air. In the meantime take a nerve sedative ... Dr. Miles Nervine. Nervine has helped scores of women who suffered from overtaxed nerves. Take Nervine according to directions to help relieve genual nervousness. sleeplessness, nervous fears :i id ner- vous headache. Effervescing Nervint Tablet, are 115c and ;3t'. Nervine Liquid: 25c anti SI.01). MIDDLEAGE WOMEN (,i': a) HELD 1 HIS ADVICE!! t (..otos l' 's it you're .t, tc Ur . \E R� L 'U r5— sailer hot 11.01A,. c11'.r. ins,,_ caused Lv 5itis petlod m •1 ttom,tn'.. Iife— tiv Lydia L Ptu nun', \'tuxtab1 Compound Made especially M• 3101'!. liunduvis of thousands re- ut;trl:nhlt helped. Follow label direc- tions. pude in ennatln. Pae 4. KK R aiK►QWKIVeReCKIdt41INKI4IMItIPCk{t61fCKtNE14141141M111C4041410411 E 411 I Elliott Iiisuraiie Agency BLYTII-- ONT. INSURE NOW: AND BE ASSURE(). (lar - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. BLYTII --- ONTARIO. J. B. R. Elliott. Office Phone lot. "COURTESY AND Gordon Elliott Residence l'hono 12 or 14u, SERVICE" I - TALC STANDARD MY SELF h (From a Seaf)rth Scrap Bcok)�, ; -111-1 n t,1 m'11I Ins: ,1\'3'', 75,-..T: I -1111 11) live with nly' Srll' 111111 311 Army, ,. l',..'l; ,lir forst :.1 I,:•1;, • 1 45:t.t 1': 1111 fit fur my .:If to hien--1 4 _ 1 1 W11111 10 Id' 111/14' 11, day, go -y, I gAhv,iys to holt my .ell Stlalght lit 1113 have to consider dA :1101'1)' p: n:•lon• Cis, 14asualtlt1 1 to. 'I1I0 1'.'141 intake f5 t3�t)121112a?)�r?I>131342110.1S1NAD,9(a(a,?\21x1?t$Is'h?1ct�1a;34nih}c131 ?t31'043r:h 13024;1;4?r�t7^4c1 PHIL OSIFE1 OF -LAZY MEA )011 (lly harry J. flet' le) I1)'xt, r, Air, \I'm. .It:'.rift awl Air. lien Riley twinning, 'I'lle ulhrr I't,rum. farther \vest au Mlle "111., w0..; Held at lit hu.n:e r -f 31r. an,\ Airs, ('li :')ci Sti v: rt. 1140. \tan. 'Taylor who has ret rne.i I've often rrun4lered \Chen (.'nntl y from (Ct r:els has F. )110 10 Tll1'011t0 pe°1110 will 11 4144 1);l 01'011) un p,linl. to:' an ol:,'1•ati:n, 111, many 1'0X);1; ll;lst of es believe that tiling in 1.). Ill;llc' he 111.13' rJuu 110 1101140 11,111:1 '.1141 1'0111111}• Ilse; 11111113' 11:11111'01 ,Id C:in:ag0S. rontp1C('..1)' rrr0C1.red. 711 sPilts + I;. Ia.) :11::, t 11/. pl :e1's of 1,11!11 ))'odea. 11 t ' !1 I always brought in };o:;d returns — )hat Out: rystcnt 1)t' f.trm crt :it is: uct 1111 it ,1 \1r, 1=110011 Lr--ti,at \11.• in.d many things sae11 as rural 11 dro--f:lrm:II4 stili !I0; 4141'" ti,n(lay visit 11s in:uty advantages' Mrs. tl:'urre (;11'400. Itcllirilg that (.canto* life i, healthy 3l r. and .110,. Oliver spiritually and physically, We .•till g,l 10;11411 Ihe ',arm Pore!) groat) 011 telling our chiltlr n Cm) if they're : \1Ill1( l3' night. 11110 lit lo 4111111.1 they shu0111 go ;\Cay 1., 114 14(11io lo'tnitl"ast city. 11'0 lean( Thom to 11.11'.' w11;t'-was led by 31 r. (',thus ,1 .11 ..el. 111 53',' lor;fy 1114' : the r1'n1";::del' ntrt:patios. 4;1:1: 1)141)3' 111 ID'' an ;111:114. 1 \tnnde1' hu''r Alis. :Austin 1'14x11 r entorl tined Ihe )11:1113'• p ' .pie ha.'" e3', : !14;11 nts11 144 1011;0:. of tho and :1111 on Tuesday t<4'11001 01 Prujll: 15 .!I iIr: spent tl ar„1'1:':111 4!'71 IWI) Rei' ('1'1)4114 11'111:1 11)11)'nled far la t w', 1'k l I'ri5t11: Glen (')1441' of Chatham, hill l'ol'ard of ;;:;forth and Air. ' \Its. \\'at,on Reid t.i lla11uc:<. don't 55.0)11 to ;),11111 11) the .ell sun And hate inyleif 410)1', 1 don't 14;W1 to keep on a cl3s:1 .1 lot of secrets ;'lout Illy;;:ll'. 1.1nd fool myself as 1 come and go, ,11" It to t11;11kting; that Dolt^dy will 1411,1`,5' The kind of a 111:111 I really •.'1)1; I don't want to dricis myself Cil !11 u 1 shawl. and for the things FIREMEN'S ANNUAL OLD TIME DANCE In Memorial Hall, Blyth 1 olll. !;:1It 11111.; :I:. Slit"�tl.l''.�1' 1i 1113ItU11RY 18111for Ilt.;c:; \';ct, ry. '1'1, :;Penial I'rn• ; ' (1114.1;-i hoard 1,1';; 1,s 1' ey')1 141c'.:)) 1'; (1114 l':pUa'I 14) 11300111 141014 ;1= 11::11,' Music By !1 44:4,4 .. , 4'11 a/)1'1! Illi.i 1141,1. 1,1.,1 ,'.':11'.('I11? HURON RAIIIBLIt';RS burin;; t y Ibr I: 1;111 'wily, "? 1 4 ;)'11,1111, to ,)al.t.o'y ..1. I ast Lunch Free, Adillission 50c year, .ante p4'.1111, 1.1 cal ; and 4 my ! I_'I in 1;2I. AI,.;t 1)i 1:11.; ;)1400;143 l):1neiug, 9 p.m. to 1.30 a.Ill. (':111141::411 \Vi Whleh over Ingg...I f .101111 1:,1311)11 all:ldit in , 1'I'I)II1, 1 g'.3'. 1\','s'1'')) , )1.100 ( oine and Ilring the Family, with Ah'. anti nn the tiro 11.seu4 lint period ; t'l:t'cnce \1'alden and 1f the t',enillg w0.; 1' Half proceeds for the Legion 1111111 114 41113 1;110 a year 011. 1))4:1011 Quobce are ('.; car:u00:1 11-eal. 4. i Farly ;n the \Car the henfruit 501.14 111E M 3'l IILR Ihe ',hen, 1 al s)0)1 04 in 1111'1 (From a Seaf:r:h Scrap Book) .1104-1114 are 11/:' gne1re,l things, 1 'w- .11:01,1' 4 : u"; •1 ,!;.lin 551711 4)54;3', ':111 L :I 310thrr rr,c 1 and rrl:d \\lien the; said g.m.l•byt Iliat day, ,inea, 1,:1';tsd and :r^`nc,1 to he Nal the 11 ISI 1 it 111131t— \1'as Ilio 0013' on- Stlio Smiled, Olhtsr's tyi , 4410" slr4an11114 41; 1, ItUI \Chen ,I.':1) came 11:14 a'' Ila 1 10.i' 1 11111)41; 44111 1'11111.(.1 1.11 by 41)111111:11'3' l:1Illln1:(1",'; Ili Cll.', c:1:.11 Irrin ,\lily I, LI I to 1:14•:. 'I'1 at I:1;0s 11) pat plenty of a11mu)111'e'l muscle Ilehind 111.' 1•11.112 1 Notion"; 1..1'ct,, ami Pa:41,'1)1111' y 11)1' own b.';; o\ c3' 1 ;_ t I wlul to g) ult 41'i 1 my head 10-01, 1 )'lull In 014111441 all nu'n's re•peet, 1)1:4 here in the struggle fur fame and (:elf want 11) Lc able to llkc myself. 1 11:0.1'1 45'ant I,1 1014, 111 1411051' '\'hat I 00 ,.luster and bluff and empty show, I never can hide 1))y:'11f from nits: i see \41)01 others 11:143' novo r se... 1 I1now' whet 01-10.; may never know, I never can foot 1113:self a111 s1) 1Vlialever happens I Wtuu 14) 4 `ell' i 1. pr ring and cons( ienre filet. sllccessftl. Ile spelled 11 bridge 1)u al pos11'ard Ivhith ht recalled as I ,'!Dg 1) vital transportation link, That In- n Iligene1 54, 111 to 11;, superiors, the 1:1.10.20. 1141„ spotted 011 Air 1'01'c0 maps luel'.me ;n 1.3'11., 11 b 4'110 r rid 1:i.)n.; \Vere Ila(;},. 1. '1'::1: 0.'1101 1.1:::01 mot 111111 in iii' 10110.3'. )low 11) 11.3' til. 0I ' un \Cecil'':lav 111'1 ':)11)11 111 1111 1c• 014 1 hook, g:vt' '1111'11141 1 4.1.1tFo In Illy, of .lir,, 11 ;') Ito gar) Dud 1lul;l,':1 1 N) ! 1401 a h."! I'nr story of Int':) 44'1/1 PI 'hl'l'.'lI 11.5 1.}1111 qui! )million, Figures show that 1'rnnl Ili. method, of p:' 111 ;0!1.111 1111 the fat:1)l., .'hoot (l,.sict,c ;13'.' 1\111'11 ) ac',e; '41ltatever s.; alr,nll' els:'s 111. he- 111 fu: the c1111t1ren 111 the wit; 111 011:11%1ti•m. .110113. of these l.u.Irv; 11.1rs1 1t -01113;;' 1.1x1 Iht y are t ha;necl 11) 1;10 111::0 ',: 1010 1:14: Irl g1'1 illlo :111 144114. Th -y cel t:linly d realize tll:lt 14111111 the " i.1)'( nn lei canlp.1n;on;hip 111 plo\•ing on a hoelt fifty, :it the 1411111) time II' )hey 4001' ,Curbing 111 a 11.11c11 in a 11(7t 1' (''01';. L.; 4'3. \4,1:1111:1'1 IIa4e lunch chance 1',,r 1011<1101 to 1.1114 next 1:1,04 1111111•. Farming i; dcVc'npiug out of the 1 0.r:: '4 ,11 ng pot ;o1 into anoiher era. ('3'I 4.4;1113'. ;t'; :1 w•hilt-e5.1.Ir ,1,1!1 hal 1t 11 1:;;2144 It1, .1 brains. If wt keep 1)l} ' 1.11014.:hill'" our 11 Iy4 and 1,11141 away ; ,10 11;1 (1411'.;, 1111 n 541'1, 1)011114! to ' 0' ht1pl the ('0010ry, fine that 1111 farms . . . one 1)1' tlo. ,1111;; 4111 he ;:on'.., A! least flit' I31•111 h0111o4 141111 he ;:enc 011(1 111 t111' pace of Ihe:) Iln•1'' I111y ilwvclop '1 '11111)44 1lIa will he In1Sinr 1 enc-; it's old fashion) 41 but I rather 1110 10 thD11C 111411 (';);dial 1111.14 l'anllli0S 51'1111 1/1.1 111. 114i11g 011 their 011') farm, will I` '111 1111.,'' 1 exit), 1 411111 1 11011 ltt 1i01110',1l 1104. 1'40, 1 11'0111'1 1111" 111 See 1111' 3'r•111;;- str.r; gl'0U' 1)P 51.1111 an 0.i n:viali'l) for living 14n Ihe 1:11111. It', n 1i a 1.11se (1l' persuarling 1111 young pt:ople UI 11 1193• Should 3'l main 1)11 the land. 'Chat'; fiillc (live I',Irming [lie saute chatte„ a, other 0(''!Ipaliull;. Show 1114 ad. val'.ta8"i 111' all 011)11' j0le; 4)11(1 111-•0 lot flit' y'ouug ! t nple make op I11:'11 my') n'1n41;. It's disheartening l)) hol' a parent tiny, "I 54.1111 1114 Loy to got a good joh in til( ci:3. 811 ho 411)1( 1111)')' to g1) through ,1/c 411:111': I Ears'." 1''3 a bit disht.11')('ni11g I:1 find a 1•.,3' wan 4111114' 0 lar:) 1'1'111,1{ 111!I'l'llad!'ll 10 i. ) 1111113' foul kart, to be 1) 11)1 lnbrr of an•I11l 'r ! profession, C'hanee, are hell 1•p131d his whale III': trying to make enough} to r / 1., 11 1111: 11.13' a farm. lot's ati;c11 1.un:1/e; ; did 11/.' rest, 1 a 111(11111 1\'14 111'1' s Cry' 114 hell' .11rs. 110:•'4 beginning 1)t' Ihe 4'111' l) Ibr rad of 114.;.elwuu+I i, 411 slug filo 11 plelu'!sy `('pl(nlb, r last, s' I,;;"I cn:4141 the and Pnioun u1L0, arm1'1 forces of ('an::da, ;110114 3.+,1 1 14(1`11 V. EEKL1' El11TOIt LOOKS AT Ottawa Wrillen Imlay for the weekly newlpoperi of Cenedo BY JIM GREENBLAT 1Cart11111' cul Ills' pomp and circa 1 tattoo in the 441:: 1111 mouu'hvi gnarl of honour 410 til 54i1en the 3'ieo•11egal party (1'•11•1' 10 11ay' 1) •iiamont 11 ill; onli torcycle po- lice putridri.:; 541'13 with I1/" car, 311 i\ in;, and leaving 11;1113' font- s 1141 AIemI1+'1.14 of I'orllatncnt and t't nol(1! 5144'1(1 11'1110 c'lI }'!01111111g a ('0.011 a n d peace time ;n lilts like ordir.a'y mortals waiting for rooms at the Chateau Laurier and Luo: I{1.'114 hotels. 'i'hc opening of the 4'4511111 Prchllhly didn't have a11ylhiug do with it but a slight ('arlh tremor 1!g six 111111ilteS 514!5 1'1';1811'1'411 at ;he I'om'nion 1ci.nt.l;1';!'h the p1'e- (14113g Saturday, . . . 11141'1.111 1n•r:Ca'o; 4114114;, .\l;chtl 1Liniout and his 51!fe anid child from A1Icre, to ieconl^ cl::ct of lh:' -}for kation !21.VICe fn' Ctw 1'rei1h Committee of National 1.111eralion, .4• malt" f:u'nlin:4 1( prole ;slim. I. i The hereat 1)t' tatisties now gi4,a rt'lllea:'le}' 11014 if 14'1' 01 r ,; '111 11) inlpr: 4.1' f:arin;u' atl 11111'1)' II 11 pre• ft =Sio11 \411 11044 to take cats tnnnlci(I gia'3rs off. i. ''2 1'01 around our 1151411 t'1'1l11'30 1'0' llw'.d4 anti 54•; tit' the n}o'lll):011. 1It1LLETT A tilt• 11.1 ties: quilting 1.04 1144. 1logart, the lucky tl'kct 1)u the Red i 7 ('1034 i:'nk1) Ort, 11r1(,\'n. AIC, Loon- 'Chore 15 Still time for you to send 1,11.1 . 1(.11. 3, 11)•11 w0..; the along those books f•:r the Imperial Itc 13 n' 11 11111 1 1.f t1/1' g1',"p Ord, I'aughler4 of lin' Empire' ''31nre had Irl S-2.711 1'1 1141•.11; "11 Ibr Islan1,-1 . f 1,. rnks fur the :erlice<" clutpl(;;n four r:1st ol;fr hr: a bag f n• 3'•o •r 1)t a :11'11 44341 h 1' 114:10.0 contri'lIt;on. i',3' :,:,,, nor quilting 1.. p 0111 \111,1)";• u e * 1135' 3',f ::lis W: -tv-i 11110" I .11:s1 a rctl'n•Il r fur victory. If you 11)1.: 0' -'1' (•' 1 llf1i1.1 Iinvo ally half (01.4;..1(01 sI1.'11 311"/L; (l1) 'I';'' ,day 14ftt,rn,on, Air.. f,ep, •, and postcards fr1,n1 a holiday j111111 in ;1r:.113nn ralerlained the 1a11ie1 of her 011001)0, 01' f40111) 141111 1111)0:; 1:y frii110it, 1'11111.1, 1:1'0:111 at n (uil:inc. Igrt 'cul out, package and 14' 1l 111om to ;n Aionday I5eni!g the Ihirlio I'arnl "T'b,tu ..;1)1110 I.ibrnry, NlIv'II tier\;,'r Furan groap on the `lit met at the iLl1., Ottawa(". O11'. or More of thein -111111' (l 31r. and Alrs. Gcorr." ('after 111:'3' help t7) spell x111(14 s to the with an atte)'ance of sixteen. After \\'ester) invasion. Sounds Filly? 1V-11. the ulcus 130 period led by .111•, listc•11 to this: ]{cn1Cn1-03' 110\41 the Clarence Walden, the remainder of city of Trieste, Italy, was po':110 d the lime was spr'}it, at a contest and :before A1uesolinl cried "uncle" A progreaolve guinea, with 3Itss Norma !Canadian lielpcd to snake those raids 141, third 1.'0111};4( of ('anal';'! wheat 1)1)1'44 sl fly I II 1:1 as '.'44,01.)),(-u 11011;0 - (Is, 1110 5141111'11 101'11141; 1'0(11411 11101'0 Man 1111( (10).1111' a hesi14'l. T11111 Iot'll t'1lnp111{ ; 44'!111 ,",:,'1,1:11,000 101' 1:42, 41111 11 1'111'111 value of 1)`I 1.1`11 1.i 11 hu4h1- '1. 41 total gross farm 4aluo of 1:11,1:110. (tats for 1:141 111•, at w r=t!- mated 0) I`-11110,110 and barley 2I5,• 1111: •h(Is, 1 011/ cur '+Inrahly du44n from 11/" pro; ions your, but the eight - held 1,11 milliuu hlls!lel eslhuate f!' flax w"( ft Ihz hl:me of Ale;. next i4 1)P by three million. IS 1''r(': 111 and 13. cf the }Hales This Is not the actual thing F: 1') 1.5•. 111 the Ilril;:h :.I;:(;:.try 1)l food In 11/:' form of 11414' 1 43g der, t 4 , 340 :1113' not hove Il:1111th'. '4 1<41 1):') y11111' 4aly \Gere -_'Illi:.}; 1:14, 0 n' 141 .1411 11) Ihe 44,13' 111 :•mea l', 1 1) \.::ti1u1.II Salva: e lArcc.lar (fharles I.nl'erie 1:11,4 nal e.alva',c materia! tot:illa1,4 1'r;c. L'o:1111 it c 01F you 111113' 11111" 11)14'.01; : 'I'1/" 1)104'1(." 1/y mills',- u; ; Ir;0+' 1' 11' 11(11)14 caning in 1 ;II I will luipoo! 1 Inndi'1un111 0;! s 1' 1"1 1,11• he 1514 l o 1 Ihrrn,n 11) of hie W;1lt s..1.,; (i 141!! 1't :I upon dl'al''rs coupons ;n the pr('se11t Tali 01 -'1111, 13) t•.i1`al.'l': t"151 .1)11:: ;t, 1'4 II:' 4 p7. 11;0• 111;11 I0IVII:f'11 :ill;;l l' 1111r1'lla!I l' til' 1111' . .11',11 1 0)111 11110' ))'Is a : 1 41'1 "11' P,1) 1 .5 "4• (01111011$, 'I'I"y 111:11 01 1:pID'nu, )•'1111- i 1:1014 Still to t'','11:t)':3'.t;';r, t1/" Ital1:01 A11• 11 ;1'c ;1 will 141 bie'Cr. nli' pule 1 4.111, :Mil 111;.; 11}1'1118 11111011x1;1'11 , I • ilo t:, 1:\14 .. is, }ull,.',C rases, 111,1P1.'. 1 ,5 ( 4 11 t:,;+' -r Inad1' f1„1)l 1:0:1 Slrl'.,}ig e1)::^ 3'i:1 1)u .On 1( l'l'le:'gh. •;Cr 14:31 sound, \1'illl a 1)l, 1111 for ha 110••0; Am; 44i.hcal \11-;10 111” 1' 11 single 41141101, (.f us Ilurr1110 1 1 1)11111'(1 and joked and danced a,' A1etlior 1:!<110 11!x1, then She cried. ('rind and (-Ai ,1 1;l c all e. 1 out. - 1':1\4111 I., .•a' .J1. 111 11,1.1,11 MI , 1 1.. i1 11.11 .1,41 ..I.G 1.11.1 16 1,444.1.• 11111 hr;I:r'lw'lves 54111 put 11115411 their ow11 p :'.:41.411 t'an use 'both, \\lire those 450,1 &Pell;: 00 ;lore itre-iel'4rtl 4111 he 1:11. 1't ex'hall e their "1':0• .41...,II.V..IMe.. Wednesday, Feb, 9, 1041, w Red Cross BINGO AND DANCE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY llth Muhic by the Rhythmaires General Admission, 35c and 5 Bingo Tickets Admission to Dance 25c PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AND DANCE under auspices of L.O.L. 963 in Orange I-Iall, Blyth, WEDNESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 16TH Adul's 25c. Children 15c EUCHRE - (R' (INALF Ing McGnwfi,t'G S "Jinni i1"us' 1 IIU1? P' Y. FEB. 10Ti! S11O11S01`f'(1 1)4) f1/,, Rnrl 3''i'O''S Lidinsn'FSS,Nn,10, W'111/nllr1Ch PROGRAM: Et,e1,Nn an'1 Crrlk;no. I,ttnn'i Server(. Admiss!cion : 25P and 155 EVEP.Y'NT(I WEI1C'`ME. ning S'iY'.u'" co'Ipnn I for preset l'0. coupons, ;1 much happ'er nrr0n4emeat 1(11 round. The 1 pccl;l coupon gives 1) 11'14, of sugar pet' person 1.,1' 110111e c11101111g, and fol Ihe present the alter- native' value of "I)", a half pound, is 111 he cu11tinut.l. It won't he !woes - 1401'y for you t') apply to local ration -0111'tls for canning sugar 11114 yw((lr, and the c0)11)0ns become valid about Jam. I. Irl .,,i114h4.1404/ 1111111 e 1 i 111 d,.Y11,1. . y 1 ,ll a w, , A Chirtered Brnk is Al W11= VITM AlA2 212 for your business These te>'z competing b<iJ1 ks are: Bank of Montreal The Bank of Toronto The Canadian Bank of Commerce The Dominion Bank Imperial Bank of Canada The Bank of Nova Scotia The Provincial Bank of Canada The Royal Bank of Canada Banque Canadienne Nationale Barclays Bank (Canada) A chartered bank is the custodian not only of your money on deposit but also of your secrets concerning that money. CHARTERED bank is an institution where the details of your bank account arc kept secret. It is called "chartered" because its permission to do husiucss and the conditions and restrictions under which it may do business, are contained in a chnrfer granted and kept up-to•date by parliament, the (nest democratic free institution of government that man has yet devised. This charter is an Act of Parliament laying down all of the conditions which safeguard your money. Ten competing chartered banks are the \'cry opposite of a State Monopoly such as would come about if all the banks were rolled into one by nation- alization. Under State Monopoly, if you failed to get accommodation at the one bank, you could not go to any one of nine others to seek it. You can today. Wednesday. Feb. 0. 1944. '�.•.�._..,._. L..1.•:.• • TIE STANDARD rwarl,i��l!.+'�=.+ ' - i-I�•L - 'I11i41wZ - 1.J . 1 25 •• �"�"Ll'.'�!9•Sb•�'�'Q!9•i•++44.84+0•'I"i•'0'i"t'1i The mall Hel'1'I('P has 1'1'ell 1'01'' good !sending 118 U\'l'l' here such it useful LYCEUM I M THEi AT E ,1J up won two wi.,i;.; boron' c'hristmns, land slid' iuodfnl Ih1ii s, we look for 1 W1hNCtHAM-ONTARib. t„ 1 'w'as g'i'nning all lily airmail letters these gifts, and we always r,'r'eive 3 %WO Shows Sat• Night about ten days. I got some tot ly t'h0in. We who are in the N: rvices =• that were pe 'tett on the 12tH of I)1.- _rya II/0,, just what the It ell crc;s aro -4, Thurs. Frl. Sat,, Feb, 10 11 12 so they toult over twicz as doing to mil:ce the boy'd fo.l happy is Jimmy Lydon, Charlie Smith in lung, land cheerful, try sl'ndhlg these gill ,r• Ile sure to thank the ladies of the! 'Phis is 'Int) sccoull year over here, V Henry Aldrich Swings Ity; 11,0(1 ('roes for line, hand we have had our tip's and down's :•Ilenry Aldriah, that perennial juv. ' 'enlle, is in, the groove again, 10,-; ;,afford you 010ch amusement. and:+; some nostalgic moments t4, P.S. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" ti Matinee Sat, Afternoon -2.30 p,m, Mon, Tues, Wed., Feb, 14 15 16 , r4Martha Scott, Adolphe MenJou inM "Hi Diddle Diddle rr >a A comedy satire with numerous '=' individual gag sequences ;, t ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" Sincerely but 1('e have made nrany friend's and FO Ken Lyon, we are looking forward, probably to Ilttppy New Year! an uncertain future 1(111 we are ready . + • for wliat may clime. On behalf of England, J,•unuarry ll, 19.1.1. myself, and lay follow comrades, we Jest a isle 10 thankyoufor the Ili(!r, do sincerely give the Ned Cron; and Christmas parcel which you sent nu,, its ivor1a01''5 our 11e11 11 0;1 'I'h:utks, It got to me to -day. 1 have been fours 'Truly, moved around at lot lately so it was A 41;031 'Tpr. ,lila Thompson a bit lade fon' Cill'hImas but appreciat No. C.:1,C.I(,\', "Elgin R," ed 'just as much. 1 will close by Canadian Army Overseas, wishing you all a ilappy New Year * * * and heq)1ng this finds you all as well Bear hiss \Voodcoek: and happy as it loaves me and thanks 1 would like' to thank the Myth Red again for your lovely parcel. Cl'0F8 once again, for the Christmas Letters To The Red Cross lours truly, ;gift sox this year, I sincerely hope IA 32053 Gnr, 11, 'T, Young. that. this Is the last time, -that this From Boys Overseas Canadian School of Arty, (0) tis then last. Christmas, that you will Scotland, January 1, 19.4.1, Canadian Army Oversew, 1pack boxes for the Blyth Boys over- Uear Jo.: •Received the grand parcel that Blyth Red Cress sent on New Year's Day and would like y.)1( ,to convey 111)' Qhillll(s 1.0 010 ladies, As there was 111 card with the parcel I had no id'e'a who to write to, so thought '1011 would 9r1'oba•bly know who to give this to, 1 was eel:.::sally pleased at having been rentemhered s`ile° 1 have been * * * deals, 1 would like to think that w0 shall all be with our loved oases, for our next Christmas dinner, 6o with every hope for a quick re - England, 29 Doronlbet• 19-1:3. Blyth Red Cross Society, 1113111h, Ontario, Dear friends: ,lust a note to say hello and to thank yott for the Christmas lbox which arrived on December 2 1111, It arrived in good condition and certainly 0ontained a very welcome away from Blyth since 19311. rand 11140[ul assortment of articles. 1 I have had a prc:ty fair time sive I calve over here and have met a lot of Canadian boy:;. 1 ata going' to look alp Ken ilrook and Henry Young when I get any leave at. the end of this 'mottle, 1 have been writing to thele that Chrisbnlas 1941 will see the war (11111.0 often but have not been able to over and that we will be able to (Tie - arrange a meeting yet . Have had 'orate it in Canada, a couple of letters from Gerd(' Brad,- All best wishes for :1944, Sincerely, (2, D. Kilpatrick, * * * don't think 1 need to tell you how much we ap11'ceiata the good work you are doing for us. Everyone is' in good Spirits over dere and of course we are all hop:]; ley but he left England 9,c fore 1 Fit 'a Chance to see hint. We were both in Edinburgh last .1lIly at the 1111110 lime and neither of us knew the other December 30, 1943, 'was thea'e. Dear Miss Woodcock: There are five 1L:1,10. boys in my (Once again i received the annual crew. 1 would have preferred Cana- Red Cross parcel which makes the se- tlian3 but 1 can't kick very much ns l coed one for me over here. And 1 (10 1Ile fellows with lee ere s1'Ivell chaps. iwant to say al real "Th81)11 You", for Id I 11� turn -1 wish you all, 1lealtln (111(1 pinc'35 for the New Year, Yours Sincerely, I1 tildSS4, ('p1, .1, II. 1lw'disty C.I,R.U, C,A.O, V Page 5. teieicikteleicigic tg ICC tete 14i'icieicictectsp Gil.' to t6t(CtxtetGt4RQ tGttibile0fil4tCleltitldltlCls, y,:.,,r,..rl:•'rt.!,.lr�ty.;lntr.'F.'Z'�re'..:1 ROX HF RE, CAC I. TH�FA'1'ItE ItEGEN-T '-� IWATit -1., CLrr "rpN, GODERI'CR. sEAI;I ft "rr�. 01 /1tipt NOW PLAYING: ' Ap;.;,Il,tnitni In '3 in "RIDING HIGH" Bertin- (,'id • L . r / L e_ ; '' ly .tVl NOW PLAYING: "Yount) and Wil - In,;" & "The Falcon Strikes Back" Mon. Tues. Wed. -Two Features Richard Greene, Carla Lehmann and Betty Stockfield A(1 authl•❑tic ;rel aunt of Britain's Inas:, ;lir raids on (i,'I'lllally. "FLYING FOR'T'RESS" John Loder, Eleanor Parker and Bruce Lester Into flydl';kths of a tin Irvine wall - der the ghost hinters in the mystery drama Mysterious Doctor" Thursday, hridaay, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday f Dorothy Lamour, Richard Denning Bob Hope, Betty Hutton and and Jack Haley Dona Drake Out. 1,1. 111S world to the trop:cs I ep eft' a ctat of fan-makerfu 111 ' `Beyond the Blue Horizon' 11(111 love 11(111 noel. rib roc: fn:, 10:14; 0' merriment, „ , , ,,1.4, IN TECHNICOLOR LE'1 S I'A( F. I 1 14 COMING: "First Comes Courage u� and "I Married A Witch" COMING: "Old Acquaintance". t;.. Mat,: Sat. and 'Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M Matinees Sat. &. :fti'Al=4,f ` r42tX)1eM-,,=./D117121`.7i:?1D1a a,% iDlar`tal3iyihiM21120:i NOW PLAYING: Dorothy Lamour • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday RICHARD TREGASKI'S "(inadaCanhl I)iilry" one at' the war's groat 001 loci' metes brought to the screen in startling realisal Richard Foster, Lloyd Nolan and Richard Bendix, Monday. Tuesday, N',.:r.,ri.:.- Dorothy r.1,.Gu!r:, and RL'Jln''rf G,),d)ce, 'f'I li Ill' mimic 01).; :,f n 4,-0 I) id ! ,. (, ! ;Lk" From 8CGrand 1t:rrlr Su=ccc.M Thursday, Frid,-y, G. tt:rdrly Edward G. Rohimon 1. Glenn Ford Take u•- t'1 :--",Tali 1' ;I citric': ;i', 1: ';1 ., r•' c1 'i,' " COMING: Monty VJoolley in: "H0'..Y r- A1'1:1°,11' 'I H31id lye at o 1',41 It, J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs, M. Alliston of Park- hill, spent the week -end with 11r. and 1'. \'i', 11 'miles]. The 31is5lon Band sleeting was held on ; .In Lay afternoon at the Baptist Ilap• church with .10:10 iCillaugh in charge, •'Tile Lo'd'r$ Prayer wad repeated in unison anti a reading was given by Shirley Ite?;'neon. '1'lie roll call was answered with a verse of sculpture beginning with the totter "l"' 'l'lo' Scripture was read by Robert 11c'Nall, I'll» 1-0911', "The Life of 31ary Iteid, 111;sioiary in India, was given by Joan Kiliough, A reading followed by Wellington McNeil, .loan IClllough ('1080(1 the meeting with prayer. hriends and relative; in Auburn learned with regret of the death of a marched inb MIli,lla January ". P42: iia ;ren .l former rel-ideu-t, John 11. EdmeSton at 1110' prct'1atn1(v1 11111 ")'leant)" ,•il'iI• :\I,:11 11111; the home of his daughter, 'Airs, .1. K. tans, including 1110, wore to I t' !len 1';'1''1;, Mss ilio "protccti('' cu5tu11y•' I'L' nal'! Edwards of Maple Creek, Sash., in ills � Stock. 82nd year. Ile was born on thv farm I \\'c lived to lean) the Jap definition 111 East. \Vawa1(losh \•herr Mr. and Buffalo, va;incl with lira, Robert of protective custody. They meant Plunlcet., .\Ir14, \Milliani AicVit.tie re4idle now g11(1 that 110 would 110 sah.jecl0l t 1 the was the sort of the late John Edm0slon Anahl;'ly Webster with Jia, anal MN. was penalty in some cases anti to (and ht'e11a itnpson, Ile attended No. i Clifford 13 t A101011011. t ill living death-insanity-ina rather: I AUBURN Divine service next Sunday in S1., 3lal'k'8 Church at 10.30 a.m. ,\ins, \\'B1ian .1. Craig had the mie fortune to fall on the ley walks 011 Sunday. Site sprained her left wrist. Mr, and 11rs. \\'1111am Watson of Nile. were recent visitors with Sadie Carter. Mr. and 11rs. George Rutledge of FOR SALE spring-toat.h011 culliva'nr and 11c•('o'mici( lk'r'rilg No. 1 cr1'um s'•p- ('rator, hobs 111 good working order. h; 1 :ll -'h circular saw. Apply to `'a:t''1' Medlin, Phone 11.10, lli;th. FOR SALE 11ern: lllaliress; dresser: desk 1'1;1,'; caairs; hall rack: t^nall wood 'and extension dining table with chair,. Apply, 11rs. V. M. Pray. 21,-1 p. the Philippines. \\'lien the triumphant Japanese 1 ;j i 1 ,1 3 1 So. dird•Yeeeldd Cf Farm, f ,.rr;. Stock and III;I;I, alta: \\'ill1rAm 11, :\I"rritl. 11;' Il:.nl ;!; 1(,l:!, 0' 1 a Irl ill.l 11''1 1' i,� ! „ l'. `'r1( .r:•. 1'i" 0.1' 1. a'1 '4''1111 t1 11';111 111 • 1,, ',.,• 1;11'111 ;11.11' 1' ,-. commencing at. I p.m, Sha' 11111t;1:'•: 1 1 Moro, 1,1 . .•r.l'.. 11111 ('.\'I"I'I.t:: 1'',,; 11 ,, in 1111.,11; 11111' ill .Ions. ('�,w Ill. in :111!."; ('"r 1 i1( 1'11 ti; l l,•.l 1.. 1 'i:. I :r', i'., r..,,. II' if . 11;1 yI .l. 11111; DENS: ''1 ore rote(' at on Ion. Harris t ra' I"; Miss Jean A. Scott of l'arl(hill,,:4 school, 111111^It tuiinahip. Aft01 his The military police w'er: ruthless in spent the week -end with Mr, and lire. marriage to Ellen :\scluith, the couple to111 : i:i 111„1 i, handling Americans. scans, resider) in this district for some time and thou they moved to Jluple ('reek A 1'!S. woman upon whom 1111.y used where the family have since re.;ided. certant Persuasions to discl.•I-1. mini• They were members 0l' the lh191101 (nary Information, which she most church. lie is sluviled by his wire, likely did 10)1opoises, was driven 1.i L e ■ IC .1 1 1 I 111.. 4,1 , HIRE YOUR CHOICE READING ATNEWLOWPRICES This Newspaper 1 Yr., And Any Magazine Listed Both for Price Shown •. All Magazines Aro for One Year 1 • [1 Maclean's (24 issues) $2,25 [] Canadian Homo Journal 2.00 ()Chatelaine 2,00 [1 National Home Monthly2.00 [] Family Herald & Weekly 2,00 Star [] New World (Illustrated) 2,00 El*The Farmer's Magazine (4 yrs.)* [] Rod & Gun [] The Farmer's Advocate (3 yrs.) [] Canadian Poultry Review 2.00 2,00 2,00 2,00 [] Canada Poultryman .......... 2.00 [] True Story 2,25 (1 American Home 2.25 [] Sports Afield 2,60 [1 Outdoors 2.60 [1 Magazine Digest 3.50 [] Red Book 4.00 [] Open Road for Boys 2.50 [1 American Girl 2,50 [] Parent's Magazine 3.00 [] Christian Herald 3.00 [] Popular Mechanics 3.60 [] Popular Science 3.40 [1 Etude (Music) 3.50 [] Science Digest 3.95 [1 Child Life 3.50 [1 Better Cooking & Homemaking 4.00 () The Woman 2,60 [] Outdoor Life 2.75 Due to existing conditions subscrib- ers should allow eight weeks before expecting first copies of magazines. Offers Fully Guaranteed Through special arrangements with the magazine publishers we offer the finest farm and fiction magazines -in combination with our newspaper -at prices that simply cannot be dupli- cated elsewhere! Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today! This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Three Famous MagaZiiges For both newspaper $2.75 and magazines . [1 Maclean's (24 issues) 1 yr. 1] "Farmer's Magazine* 4lv's [] Canadian Home [] Rod & Gun Journal 1 yr. [] The Farmer's [1 Chatelaine 1 yr, Advocate .. 2 yrs. [] National Home [] Canadian Poultry Monthly 1 yr. Review . 1 yr. [] Family Herald & [1 Canada Poultryman 1 yr Weekly Star 1 yr. [] American Fruit [] New World (Illust'd) 1 yr. Grower 1 yr Y.:.S&t' This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Three Famous Magazines For both newspaper $ .25 and magazines . GROUP "A" -SELECT ONE GROUP "B" -SELECT TWO [] Amerioan Home 1 yr. [1 True Story 1 yr. [] Magazine Digest .,., 6 mos. [] Photoplay-Movie Mirror 1 yr. [1 Christian Herald .... 9 mos. [] American Girl 1 yr. [1 Sports Afield 1 yr• [] Parent's Msgazine .. 9 mos. [] Maclean's (24 issues) 1 yr. (1 Canadian Horne Journal 1 yr, [1 Chatelaine 1 yr. [] National Home 1 yr. Monthly . [] Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 yr, [] New World (Ilitist'd) 1 vr, El*Farmer's Magazine* 4 yrs. [] Rod & Gun .,.... 1 yr. (] The Farmer's Advocate 2 yrs, [1 Canadian Poultry [] Outdoors 1 yr. Review 1 yr, ['Canada Poultryman1 yr. [] Open Road for Boys, 1 yr. [] American Fruit [] Flower Grower 1 yr. Grower 1 yr. *NOTE. Farmer's Magazine sent to farm addresses In Eastern Canada ONLY, Check magazines desired and enclose with coupon. Gentlemen: 1 enclose S I have marked the I offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper. i NAME I POST OFFICE 1 STREET OR R.R. PROV. _ MINN ..A MOP 14/./No MIND ammo =Me 1•11414 NNW one one sol, and three 11lu hter5, and crazy. She had spent a year and a brother,:\10'10 I{dnu'st'n of Edition - up in a psychopathic hospital i' 1l ton, Alberta.1111 to t.h0 time 1 left 3181118, Mr. George But10t1g0 1(l' I:PI'l';tu with S.nn0 Briton, andt'.S, citizens wore his sister, Mrs, Robert I'I'ulk0tt and held in vervain -ridden. ht-dl"ss cells a! brother, Robert Ja'IlIOs Rutledge. bort Santiago 1111111 they were cies to de:1th front disease or stiu•aaft tn. \Milliam .l. Craig has been confined to his home with 11 sev01'e attack of the '111. Mrs. Nelson hill tloderich, with Sadie and Jo0'a1)h Carter. Mrs. Fred Ross and Mrs, Herbert 31ogridg(1 at 1)antg:1111011. 11r, and Mrs, John :Armstrong with 11r, and Mrs, Harry Jackson, (lode - rich. 1liss Josephine \\'cin at 'Toronto a11(1 W'•pithy, `IT�r BELGRAVE A. very successful Euchre and Dance was held in the Foresters hall on ,Thursday night i1 aid of the O\•crseas Cigarette and Chocolate fund. I'rizu; I were won by Airs. .1. Al, Coupes and ' Marlin Gra:=by. 1410113' prize draws were won by Mrs, Oscar I1 -011110S and Harvey Black. Dancing was enjoyed with music by the Iiurou ltauu tiers, There was a lunch counter, 11. C. McGowan of ltlytll spent a few clays with lt•s. C. It Co'lltes. Airs, Albert Coultes returned from Toronto on Thursd', y after leaving undergone an operation in the General 1!. s,pitatl there. 'l'iin Young People's Society of Knox United Church held 0 social time on Friday night in the Church. The program consisted of a 1iock Trial and several contests and games and the evening was brought to a close with 11111011 o1' sandwiches and tarts and coffee. C. R, Cottlte8 has been a patient Its the \\'ingham General Hospital suffering from an aho)ess on his iland. HAROI,ll JACKSON Divine Service in 'Trinity Churoh Licensed Auctioneer. next Sunday at 2.30 p.m, (officers, using piaols of small calibr:', Tired round after round. 11 err ''0 ,114 were fired into the 1111811 but the three ('ict4nls still \x01'1' i 101411lg and making unearthly sound, when the Japanese shovelled in the earth. 'I'll0n th0y wer0 l'l'IRascd all leo-''ita1S. The ((1111 look of [0111' in 1 told us more than 1110rt. words. The most vicious atrocity against civilians involved the burial alis•« of three Britons -one ltomiliun citiz:(1 and two Englishmen. 'I'lle h.0iiish' Innen w't'I'0 young seamen named hlvtchel' and \Merles. They won, hitter ('orri"r. in ably nevi ; '.t r' - 'beaten by Japanese officers and non•,.ing bar,: file of 1::ni01-r. ("tn). with the buckle end of belts. j 1;'1= of !:;';. ; :'.'"' 11'I'10' \\'lic'It i saw 1110m leave the camp an in 1,11,10,1s hal ; ': le al ; 01'1 14101' how' later they could hardly be _loran ih, capacity: recognized as human beings. • In:Fee collars; Set double har'n• -s: Th:' Do,inlllioll citizen t'efllSe'tl to rdt 11,11.,' 1111:1" `1'0 1 11:111! `•• dally other orticies too llum.'notk to mention. At the 011(11 time aril i'l:''e i' farm, w11lch can<,i,l:, . f 10' ;,,•rI-, • " land, 111 acre, of w'hi'ch k : ' • 1 h will be offered for saa10. 'i'he 1111111:• ' co;',aist of 1a ::: "-1 II❑::11 size, w•itlt Ilril'r '-11e'i att:cll''11. lu.'l good frame 11well u:; 1 I' 0!1.,'1, 11, ., i l' 1. . . I,, .y ;L.!' 1. lc 31:t )' , \•,:1; 1111111; I i'leury 1I 11:, !,,''. I,i, ,, . 01l,,,,t;:ill:' rol!er: llar.l c 1':. 1' arty 1('-+t : .mac ,f' r. .\I:,. n, r I Lir. i L•:-1'1111 0-r '!r111 ,l i 1 );. U,( 31o1'1)111110.. I'1 'Massey Ilau'ri N,'. 10:1r1"1', Ilrull 11eck, scally 11'''1: d imp ritt,l', 0 ca . ,31•.ts-oy 11:u'ri•: 'dude", itrt'; \\':•".II' 01)t1 wagon !''':,. b:r. i.l''. .all lot' ('o l(; S,.t .III ,1 .., 11 i; ,l ,,f,, , .. ('undo,' cleaner: 1)41 drum: i' ;.,1 .11 Nn. 1 ('Team , :tll','.al"1'. 1 Cir 111:4 '111\t' •. Slc;a ladder; 1:x' n . 'll I;e; i' a . 1':1:1 en crat-' If;l . i I r ard C11;0110111 f,lnnin:: l!l0; I'.14 •Ip pipe wr' nl.l,,.:; ;,1111 !: (I lr' . :1 - I! Ili ' ell!. take it. 11e butted one Japan, s;' ofticer to the floor and amputated with his teeth the soft part. of his torturer's right hand. The Japanese then announced that the men had been tying to transmit military intelligence lo- the 01001y and had been. )$'entunccd to death. Oa' exceutive committee o f internees proteisted the death sentences to the Japanese high command, but to no The next day the three were taken to ctmt0lcl'y Del Notre. 'i'he 1`,111iu- ion• Hunt ]lade a hitter ;perch of pro - The J11011esr moony Sinned. The men nv0re 111011 ird to a shal- low trench. how' young Japanese EAST IVAWAi;aiII 131 r, and Mrs. P. Gibbings of Iiu1144t Spent Saturday e\0'lliing with 111', and 111.8. Norman Radford. Richard Bale and John Klein spent the wcelo-end in Toronto, Specialist in Farm and household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Licensed for ill.' county of i111"t'1. Counties. Prices reasonable; sans Reasonable Print'.:, toll s;:tirfactt'11 f1(•tfon guaranteed. Gua 1'anteed. For information, etc., write of pllo'lr- Fel• iirfel'niation, eta'.. write or 90e11', Harold Jackson, 11.11. No, 4, Seaforth 1\'intima 11. Merritt, ph":le, Ite;!'len,''' Phone 14E661. 93; Shop -1, lllyth. 1-4If, I'I{1111 �: Pam s '1.1 11 iect t , r:. - sei•('e Did, Id' (t"1'l ''111 1111.,1 1'1 11;Ir iii balance in :'(1 11.13':. p.ir.t 11.'1: • to get pm•--:,; - :'0 .'.1":1 I . 1 I, 1 1 . '1't'I'1115 ''1l 1'1(1'1)! ;l -':'it ,0111 I:10;.•'a1"'I; • 10.0 Cash. r•'nuu,'l 11'1111'411, i'n'p'•i :tl \\'illiaun 11. )1:'i:rill .\urn 01 1 r • 11-11+"1[v, ...tw•..,el"1.••Ir USE THE STANDARD TO ALVE'.l, TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, OR FOR SALE. WILLIAM. 11.' LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and Iloss•'lo' 1 Sales. 31iss Thelma Caldwell wa:, home II(tetEtgtetg.g:, f.: a'1"'"' . w.'Z�t�atytC'gtEte'gti.�!t;(F'GzFiie'G�tPq t ,�' .::tom" �' _' .. .., .......1_, p..�r.+ frau Lochalsh for the ,c eek end. Dead and Dlsalbled Animal's 1 Jan Atrocities Told REAIOYED PROlIP'l'l,l', Gf it DARLING and CO. of C:1' 'Lt, LTD. C?t`IttathtDi`dr`eiDt'JiDt`a1ir,?,:':�;^;" :5:....�'b�u�2�t`ila"•til) v By Raymond P. Cronin in Toronto Star 1.os Angeles. hcb. 1 -Some British and 'United Nations civilians. a; well as soldiers, were victims of .iatpanese army and military police atrocities in Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seafol'th, t:r, ;'.,ji,,t. ammiamminazionamesomm Easy to roll, delightful to smoke FINE [UT CIGARETTE TOME° 'immisswasesemeststammariew Have You Heard? A young sir corps officer sta- tioned somewhere in Egypt was hying near the Great Pyramid, tarrying out exercises in naviga- tion and discovt 1'11;g his gegrapil- kal position wit:: a sextant. After a series of involved end sonfused calculations, he turned suddenly to hi, pilot and said, "Take off your hat,' "Why?'" asked the pilct, "Because, according to my cal- eulations we arc now. hidc t. Paul's Cathedral." "Your wife is a very syste- made woman, isn't she?" ask- ed Robinson. "Yes, very,' replied Smith. "She works on the theory that You can find whatever you want when you don't want it by looking where it wouldn't be if you did want it." At the end of the first week away from home on a new. job, the young husband wrote to his wife: blade foreman—feather ill my sap." After the second week he rote 'Made manager — another feather lit my cap," After the third week he w ired: "Sacked — send money." His wife telegraphed back: "Use feathers. Fly home," "Where (lid Mabel get that awful hat ?" "She won't tell. I think it's a millinery secret." ,.., HANG.0 11-.N.4„ DO MIS) To relieve discomforts, one of the best things you can do is put a good spoonful of home - tested Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Then feel welcome relief come as you breathe in the steaming medicated vapors that penetrate to the cold -congested upper breathing passages 1 See how this soothes irritation, quiets cough- ing, and helps clear the head- nging grand comfort. FOR ADDED RELIEF,. rub throat, chest and back with VapoRub at bedtime. Vicks VapoRub works for hours -2 ways at once -to bring relief from distress. Remember, it's VicksVICKS VapoRub you want. Viksouue First Sailor ion first convoy duty): "Did you ever see so much water in all your life Second Sailor ta veteran) : "You haven't seen tied:ie.'. That's wily the top." Midge: ''Jim's prcposal was so sudden it made me jump," Madge: "At it?" How Can I ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. can seat of a A. iJ cane a chair tit is slightly sagg«1 L.ti,;1; ed 1.1 a- 1,ing it v, \vatc,., then ,11::ng: it i:: a flus itt have arrivid a :on: - they have 1,e, :1 1i..1 A. The sv.-cetm s canlc re.:t,r- ed by adding a link sitg..: to the water •,\ bile boiling - Q. 1 lov.' can 1 c1:1 rajidty 1. B: washing thcin vIt chamois w rung out of ,A ;1r:A \va- ter, the chamois and Nyrine out as dry as pos sible thea rub ovt r the 1% Q. II)\‘. can I ron.ovc from Ivalls and ccil.ie4.-; v,itli dit making too much A. To reinove kalso".!!le, wash walk and citin.ter and a large sp, ng e if you lucky enough 1, liavt Cr11or an 01(1 Foft bath tow mttl: :he 'N ing water is (.1c...r. Q. .11(.0.,.. c;iii 1 .% covered rfiel I •;. vacuum A. To clean a re!olir coy, / chesterfield, lem•11 the ,1•1,t out of the covering •.‘, it 1.1 st:ft: bru-11 or Ivhisk, and sponge .,vitl; a non- inflammable cleaning fluid such as carbon-tetrachicTide, itOPPEO QUICKLY lonetattitat e °1 4s 14:1111110441: 11lat 132113:111:6:111611:1:::11 or trona y hack Modern Etiquette By RoLerta Lee 1, \\ one on a friend, oily apologize for staying to long, or for talk- ing too tutyli, or fur hurrying lova!' 2. What color in candlc,. should be used for the dinner table? 3. Is nn office employee expect- ed to give Christmas gifts 10 the other employees with 55110111 she ttOI ks? 4. If a 111.111 and a woman are entering a street car or bus, which one of them should enter first? S. If two business women are. lunching together, what size tip 11“ y lea \ e on the bible 6. 1 s it the usual procedure for the bride to ruui.> e her be- fore being seated at the breakfast table? Answers 1. Yci; expressions of this kind are self-conscious and stupid, 2. The color of the candles should harmonize with the bowl or vase that contain,. the flow er4 for the certcrpkc 3. No; this is not at all nee( ssdi y. 4. The wonian should go first w heti entering but the man should precede when !cat ing the streetcar or bus, t, cuts is sufficient for both, or if they prefer, fifteen cents each. 6, '>-; F he retains her For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH PRICE 30c and 50c at ALL Druggists 11 You Gel Up %his Yoti Can't Feel Right If you have to get Op 3 or more mug n night your rest Is broken and It's no wonder 11 you feel 14d and run down before your time. Kidney mid Bindder troubles often may be the cause of many pains and symp- toms simply because the Kidney's mar be tired and not working fast enough In filter - Mg and removing irritating excess acids, poisons and wastes from your blood. So if you get up nights or suffer front burning, scanty or frequent passages, leg pains, back- ache, or nervousness, due to Kidney and Bladder troubles, you'll make no mistake In trying Uystev. Because ft has given such loyous, happy results in SO high a per- centage of cases, Cystex Is sold under an agreement of money hack on return of empty pachago unless completely satisfactory to CYstilw l'irt'ie ft:MIR gsst`,8, v., La and the money back 11101 twat otlit offer protects you. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY 1 you are troubled with itching piles or rectal sureness, do not de• lay treatment and run the risk ot letting this condition become chron- ic, Any Itching or soreness or paint ui passage of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should bo secured at once. For this purpose get u package of Item -Rola from any druggist and use as directed. Thts fortnula which Is used internally Is a small, easy to take tablet, u'tII quickly relieve the itehIng and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots, liein-Ituid Is pleasant to Use, Is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly fur any one to risk a painful and chronic pilo con- dition when such a Bile remedy tnay bo had at such a small cost. It you try llent-ltuid and aro not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money, HELPLESS CAPTIVES OF THE JAPS Ulm - e are ,:-,-,nte of the Americans of Corregid,:T. lie. -, ielded to lapan's supt.rior frees in ,A hat they thou :lit -....is Lon,ral.10 surrcnder. They are being marched (,ff to captil ity, lint many of them died on the Wicii'. and more d,«1 in ;it ison camp, 1 ifitillii fir 11,e jai's* inhuman treatment, t.,lioe revelation through the I.:S. . 1 rm.,- and '.\„1; y Diliort iiikcil ill'Ai. i 'clliAl NiiiiiiH. 11;ti ICIl I illirlf.;11tifi that, tlir melt star- 1:I1ion and toi-tiu. c, at li to t .: third of ..,.m.erl, it fichtem, captured in fur Pliillipine Islands ‘,, ere killed, How To Protect Egg's For Hatching It i CjCcIit iinport.int that eggs li.itching sholdd le co... lected se \ er,d time, a (1,1y itt \ ter weather, says the ( ttt,D,‘ a Farm Journal. 'Idle ba..ktts or pails in which they are collected should be lined w ith sw, material as, a protection against frost. It iun,t be remembered 'hat in a fertilized egg the cull division begins to take place before the egg leaves the hen's body, If the egg is left ex- posed to intense frost this process may be mo effectuall) checked at the outset that the germ will not develop when the egg is raised to Incubating titnpurature. l'c v. hich an' to Le int:1111,0(.1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BARI' (,'HICK'S LAYINO ANI) ltEAOY TO LAY White Leghorn ptillets at IT.114- 01111 Ihu prIat ti for immediate de- livery, Also litart d Rooks and hybrids. free catalogue, Also day oid 4:1(klig for inimotiis 1e, '1'we(1,1112 Limited, Fergus, untr,v10, SPIII IT:LEIGH %1'1IITE 111G11 l'A Y .%1IILIT I 11.1 II 1' CRICK.; T111S STRAIN 114 A 1'ItAt2T1t....\ 1,, Provull eag-brodfoing ‘s-lth yvart3 1stoady Pro,111,:tion back of them. pay tvell for good keep aiii care. This le certain, hiiii,111;:i; they 010 tIno thila on not' own farm— one of c amola's largest erg-pro. duiig farms. You get t-xactly the !-;11110 bre. :Arvin and grade raise for (Jul -selves, Poul- try tminattement handbook 'Melt i'y.,‘hility" v.! PREY on II - quest, (let our priou 1:-'. ‘Vit io1- rise 1A1(51 1,1 51 ITED, DN 3511, Jti'ili>tf)il, Ontitrio. FELL HEN 11)I'SE sihii.I 111: the glut or all. begin nit re :Mil Will be lin U: 11 cienr,mi 11 oni In fur >11 th•-: we can turn out. And be - floor prices. tot v. outran- ked iii rlict hay.: a 11 the risk out of the PoullrY lugdnes.,. Tito nth n \rill' a rum next fall can't help cashing' in. And tate only Avay to ha ve that full hen house Is to order lhitc now, Tio re is .ltn.t. a possibility that there won't be enough to go around. So niti lie sure that you :won't go short. Send for catal- ogue and pvi, list, Also laying' and ready to lay pullets( for lin- inedio te delivery. Tweddle Ili( tcherles Limited, Fergus, ont. STARTED 1111,1,ETS, BARRED 11,,c1,.A., 1 week old, 23 cents; 2 'nee ks, 26 cents, 55'1111 e Logliorns, 1 Ivet.lc old, 26 cents; 2 week ltd, so cents. February and Itaroli pullets only. t'a nieto tla t.liery, 111'11 nnia Heights, tint. G E I; N 51 1,1 N T .1 l'I'llO5'1•11 blood- t tell (Alleles from 1 1ig 11 I'Do111,' kat siva ins. Ten 'Clion•rand eidoles tveekly. lnciiit- tat' delivery on day -obi and slat ohioks, Goy We.,.1 Facia, 111..1110 11:111111„n, '1,',)1,1.:‘1 I: (1' EIll /I PI .1"1'1I /N 1. 1:: ely 1,11 poullrylfeeperst 1 hitile,1 1 f you a rri 0110, have y,--dir order s„m„ ,.'„;•„•,1 1>0111 nVit- it. Di ordei tin wha !ever you ,aye time g !vim; second ehoic.• as hook 'Nies ore 11(-,1 vy. 111tii rnt.111(1,11t11 ,11(111t41.t.r.Yt 1” 1)>>> 1;" POYETRY-11.11,11'1,11IS. BE S111tI-1 of a gond healthy bunch of baby chicks his coining season. 1 ',owl chicks 1110a11 good 11( its and more eggs. Immetilitte delivery on doy- en' chicks. It'rito for Poi 4 oaf alogu,fillfl 'lilacs on our noe. orriment Approved ehlelcs, Mi )N 1,01111111: FARMS, Monlc- ton, Ontario. 'TOO GATE — TOO GATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price trot and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont, IJAPLECRES'r QUALITY CHICKS, guaranteed p ro 115 producers, popular breeds, prices. Maple - crest Fart», Route 2, Copetuwn, Ontario, DON'T GAMBLE pr,DIGHEE S I 11 E I) 1-1,\ rtitrtn Rock1 \VIdle Leghorns and l'ure Christie Nov llamphires re- moves 011 citation. OOP prices 8 very low. Speeial disoount until Feb, 1 5th. Kt: t tletvell Ord, ArrENTIoN 1itAvt.cits1 woi,v - 1'()x cuyirrE 'r it A pery, with present and natty., Wall fur priee.4 01111 10>17' 311 reaW.• have a ‘vontb,rful chance, Pistol's ,-eientifil: 011.1 gland (0)1>4 Will !each you all you v ill ever ne, (1 to know te, bovonn, i> itccessf til tripper. All trap') today. iise this cyst en). 1 low 1 o I reit t olid trap: 1 11:1 t 1> inililiol call del Cali 11LIiid s..,111,-• 1>118 1 10 111 With - 1.1,1.11. !ter liebIt Limy I. 111,11 Stallip 1. I 1.11'lialllitl's. ri 1)1)311TIC (mu. %v.% 7,11:11 IVANTI:Ir. 1! I:i 1 >15 11'(INIAN tnothet's holp who 1s, inter( st, 111 a geed pIenli 11111110. Stale Pala! y '8 1'> I di 71 1111 Mel 0 Ave., EYEING ,t CLEANING RAVE YOU AN \'I'1 1151; NEEDS dyeing or cleaning'? Write to us for Information. 1Ve are glad to answer your utiestions. Dept, It - 100111 11, Parker's I)yo Works Limited, 791 Yong, e Street, To - Tonto. ELECTRUM!, EQUIP3IENT ILLECT RIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. 11 11 COLIMItS FUR COLLARS 7,'Aitim.5 1:IN DS FOR ci.fyrit couts—votir own (.1,) Itis twith, 1111 C 1110i -t (.0.11110 Ivrit,- or 1. 1,, she 11. Scott, 16 51a3 or Sty et._:\lontical. GRAIN 11111 '.tll ASSORTED 1 'A11IA).5 11111' 107' Med, gOIlit Wil(Zit, 1% 111,1,, 001P f:ild 1)1 lir I 't AIN for gale. culots onlY. Tio. 511•i'- Comp..ity,11>1 ,1 Ing, Montreal. NI list:Ill •tocli El,. 1:01.1)1:1:1, VIM 1 Tne.'; El' 1 , i9}11111-: XOnaty Spec/all Fe AR ST at' par GROCER:9 TEA 1 Inc bol roared in bran in a rontll 511011141 be allowed to lie for 24 not lower than 50 degrees, Those hours iii a temperature of from !id which have come from a di•datice 1) a in...chine foe incubating', CLASSIFIE1) ADVERTISEMENTS nomEsTic 11E1,1' I3.1 NIT!) CO01C GENERAL, EXCELIXNT wage., experienced or inexpert- eneed, Modern country home near Oakville. cliff Trait Farm, 11.11. Ni. 1, 4 )1,lieme, E1)I:C.5'1'10NA I, FASIIIDN DESIGNING, A PRAC- Beal and thorough course, easy to I0art1 bY c0rvespondotice. To- ronto Soload of 1)csign, 1 1 3 9 3 110y St., Toronto, HAIRDRESSING 141:11001, Lie A 11 N lIAIRDRESSINU 11112 Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Itobert,m's Hairdressing Actid• caw, 1 9 7 Avenue 'toad. Toronto 1It11SlO'S EssINt: 5111111' HARNESS lillESSING— Elhe-t 108 11141' !HA 11:1 1.11,“-S I Cl". ' SljlI 18 ills many 11011,, tmld us, -427 up at must h d‘ya mill eimin ste«-:. A peedliet of Hoy ds; ora holes. F00.1 05 131 OA U71 11:14.5 t"( 10'!' [111) .71 destroys offensive odor Instantly, 4 5e bottle. Ottawa ngent. hioninun ling store, Ottawa, EA HMS SALE FARM Eolz 8111,E--CDNSISTING of 1 99i acres, with or without titoelc and 111)117'10 3, Iv. prasr, ont, ONE .5:1111 LAND, GOOD Titit'sE. barn. garage, Oreenhouse And equipment. llov 1112 \Vingliain. VALDAHLE FA 11 71 IN IV.ATERLOO county for sale, consisting of 214 Inc. including 12 acres cedar 00 111)1), 12 acres hardwood bush. 3 >1 1T11111'll, balance all under cultivation. Situated 2 miles !pito aterloo, 3 miles front litchoto,r; 1 1 -room brick house, large bank barn, 2 1111- p1enn.nt sheds, also equipped with by -tiro. Yor full puri loula rs apply to Hark y C. Stauf ft r, 11,11. No. 3, \t'a terleo, Ont. Tom( -,), (Ai iiy 15:\15, 1,1-)Ny priel 11--,11,:, 11 down 1YlnYnts. 4.21.14 1:n111).1)4.11, 101. FARMS suramp,.\N Pit()PERTIEs, Noran or T.r.,nto. Apply It. 11. Icane, itichniond i 1 in, Did a Ho. 11'11,1,1 NGTON COUNTY !MUMS (11010E 111113815 15 :1TTIZACTIVE locations, several on highway, and hydro equipped. Convc }tient to Ontario Agrieultura1 College, Ranging" 111 size front '0 up to 200 aeros, with excellent buildings, at reasonable prices end good erins. If. J. 31eCAIIE REALTY AGENCY, GUELPH HAIR GOODS HAIR GOODS We 111aneactilro 1)10 finest hair goods over produced for men and women. Natural in appearance. Toupees for Men $4 0.0 0 up, Pull transformations fur ladles $6 5,0 0 11p. T1111 W, T. PEMBER STORES 1.17111110 129 Yong() St., Toronto, Ontario 51,113 FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS Pizomirr MAIL SERVICE Sonic pletures can neeer he Laken again. Don't risk losing yours. lictid your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printing. 1;ana 'la's ree,A finishing studio dots the fintfd. ‘vork 1033er 120St. AW' Sie 13lI—t3 or 8 Expo:‘411 eS, DEVELOPED ANL) PIZINTEI) 25c "Your prices for such quality work are really ecoliolilica I," 11' ril es a 0118lt1l1er at Peterborough, Ont. "1 ant particillarly 119' tI>c coleared 1 le prellipt and relia1,11, sorvico and future will send all my rolls to you." 3 5101.*NTEI) 11(.11,1 5IENTS 21)(1 Size 4x6" Lleautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements ix,;'' on ivory tinted mounts 787'' in t;j,i, siteer, cireas• sian Walnut or lilaek Ebony 1.1)11511 frunics, each, If enlargement coloured, 71: STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 123, Postal Terminal A, Tot onto Niftnn ;Ind 11410 '313 Plainly no .511 MAIL YOUR FILMS TO I3I1'E111.1 qt:ALITY, F V1110u anti aul nil act iuli. 1, ur 8 expoure 1111115 27, repritit:5 S for Itopvri'll Photo Set 3 Ice, Sta- tion J, Toronto. LEA 5"1111111110 113)3 1'orN118 5115(1151,5 .5X1.) Jin> 17 Lcitt for tope 2.%H1. Five 10,atia4 01341,5 V 1 htinia 1,1:11 101 Lon, 151>1> wit 11 1>14 (1034, ;dint' al Beat l'ulitteco :, ming ton,_Utit. OMER '1'0 IN ENTOIIS 011,1.:11 Tu 05'E15 1 IN VEXitiit 1.1:.:t 01 III% 01110)08 and lull Pilot - 111.1“.1011 ',All !tee. Thu I-tutu:.1y itegistei eft Patent Attu' neys, 0s18oll'Ut.t. Ottawa, Canada, ENT!! 1 1.t tiLits roNtlA LAU] & CUM1'AN1 WiSheti 33:lh, 14 h log 35451, Tut unto, of 1 it rut ;nation un re- CLASSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS AltTIIIETIS 14181'11 51.31,\' 11E1,1 I - ed with Bret:11;0one Crystah,, 11111 month's supply $1.1)0. Indian Ilex 116, 5'101,20115.cl% 131151511 T111.3 T(11(51 ENT OP IT, 'II • 11144 10:110 p1011,1, 4 NC/A.111a S I k Will 1.1'1)1011C4 re,p(ant readily to fhb; stainless odourless (dm 111( nt re- gardless of !mt.,' stubborn 110111.1t 110' 111113' lot -i ill 0, 1,1' 559 Qucen Tt - ronto, 1V11NTED 11516111' of Rio:moat ic l'ains 5,11, -,ti; to try 11 .1>1 ken, 1: ,Alnrs Drug Store. 7:15 Ele , Wily, .1. 31.51711EssEs Volt • 11,E 51:\V siTING 71.1'1"1111:*0 81,11 td free 1 y 11, 311'1 \3 1>It 1>:t 1' 1 1 VIII ill 4* 1,0% Th„1.,,,Juhly “f total- ity ,.1 1.13 1,1 del.\ el', I I>: 1111 Dill le.•,1 !Heavy •lei.dc Veal) :•. 117' s:, 1 e ra I del Id I,. very one, Shipmort in about I weele i r 1 11 (111.1"r ilinIP,11,11‘.1Y. .311 1:113' 11' ::: 010 Old 1.,•1 }di. :I nv.. I., \VI 11 /1.,ES.A1.1•:11111.'::. 111113, Di NI a 1130 SI., .5 11E1.1. lt •1 II A 1), • EXPERIENCED, good 111 ill(el' a101 le8M:D.1', 34 >10 ag)', Ha I y, r,•feraliveii. Apply J. 1:113), I hila 55.5351111) (IEN El t .51, 11)1 1,31,111111 1'>>:> 1>''. 111 "ELL) A 1 1 Christ", 5logiddo N.‘'. itt'TY 51'11S1-15, 377,63 salary, >illi loll Ina - Apply reel 51, morki 118:11111(1011, 4>1' ii 3. PERSONAL (3 0 M I N 11DEFult wonderful it 1(,11 (rec. 51isition, Ilocliei,tet 11, • E.51 I 51: 31 A CIII ES SEWING MACHINES $8,95 51,155' \\•11,f,i.k7is nit 1: ,,,,314)51)....,. upright moth h draw- ers, 731,37 1l': -L !nod,' 1 1.31 }minds, 13:11,'> dropheadr, tvith 2 tIra., : Later models Nvith it , • . singel's t 1 3.5 later }molt Is, 311.37. r With 31 1i'avers, you/. •11oico round or long ((loath e, 9 2.s.36; later models with 4 di awera, $32.3 5. VelY latest, $3 9., Singor Hand 'AI:whines, without cover $1 1.315; with t:over and lock 316.95. t'rating extra 71.0. All abovementioned machim 4 n r )'P-,'Ofldilhated in our 1011(1110e shop find a 10 guaranteed to be 10 hest Nvorliing condition. Seh1 money order in full or 73..7(1 do - posit, balance payable on deliv- ery. ('115,5 1)1115 5E531511 MA - CFI ltiE CO., 1 1 7 Elm St., Toronto. 'TAPEWORM STONIAC1 1 115!) 1'HREA1) 3\'OR513 often aro tho cause of El -health In humans all ages, No one Itis. 10111101 Why not fInd out 11 Oita is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write 51tilveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 1, 045. TIIIN 31)115 RAGS INTO cAsil HIGHEST PRICES 1'111l) E013 used into and iqd.ton feed and mash bag', cte, W'e also buy bags with holes, Write Immediately for 1,11513(45 11.1'.1 COM - 1.553,1,(1 \ 16)5 ONT 1.1)1,1,TH A GI( 11' POULTRY GRIT ,r Insoluble nalyis 411 ratitettl ly 03i51..1 blla 11:1111.1' "41 Mike 141111 l'y arils fw• 11,mi r birds and 111,Q' lily 14 lbo bags 11 '1>7 quantity, WI lie for :111'1'11EnXd,ErIgl'WANTED 3'T1 "rN 0E1,10 , (.0. LIMITED Delorhelcr Al('., 11,,,,Ireo) QUILTING P.1'111116• QUILTING PATCHES F111)11 111(211 1311.51)13 1,35' 'V 10)'- :1':: :1>11 i; 2,71) .,.111 - ings 6 I; N 1. 1111 301*.1 1.1114 1,4 r.q. boys' 11oa• 'pants. Ana( remnants for (10,11,8, child> oir's oho 1,0s. 1,0115 111116, 3 6 I Spadini( A ve„ Toronto. _ - 11 111.1 31.1TIc 11111' )Iltl14: THE P1115,'IP11 ingr,.di, tit, in 1138,10 /..tm.,ty 1111. 1>11):>) 3' pains, Sold only Itturtt's 1 ni- :237 Olgiii, (btt,ova. Post) sT 11 Ps 11' 310 35 AV.r 1 IIITI.-;11 "0 !rola or [nit... eri stainitod Dt one, ontai 3 !' Sil'11111.. \ cot 1,5 :11.511.10.0 '34 105 spoil:did, molt •t i-111111 I Ili -3)4 iii?11 Stamp co., al _Kum:- c: •(- oottt, Toronto 11, T1 It It El 7. (.; E N I. I N I-1 1111(1.51, 'Curls ey Toms, 111,,,olie•:, .1 bind, 5v(•1‘,.;111 37, 11. El 3.! 5 11.111'110n, P(1,1,11111 to.r ti 315IIELP %VIED 71.5 1111 1 131 71.15, 115101:105,...•5, nuit 101)10 molt ,111,o11,0 1-.1-1111 bi— ':50. :-41 1, 113, 00.•.. lily.: lel, t, 113 '4'. ;*1,1,418.11, 110. 2•,„ !tics. eir Muffins call help keep) youeiegulai' 33y eating several every day, and drinking plenty of water, you can get at constipation clue to lack of dietary "bulk"I If this Is your trouble, try, Kellogg's All•Bran Muffins 2 tnblespooui 1' cull millc shortening 1 c.up sifted flour ?,+ cup sugar t teaspoon salt 1 egg 2 V teaspoons h1Ildnx 1 cup KelingK'. powder A11.11run Blend shortening and sugar thorough- ly; add egg and beat well, Stir in All -Bran and milk; let soak until most of moisture is taken up, Sift flour with malt and baking powder. Add to first mixture and stir only until flour dis- appears, Fill greased muffin pans two- thirds full and bake in moderately hot oven (400°F.) about 30 minutes,Yield; 8 large muffins, /44,11 Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada ALL -BRAN Sich Of It So y'ou'rs sick of the way the coun- try's run, 'And you're sick of the \say the rationing's dune, And you're sick of standing around in line. 5rou're sick, you say, \\'ell, ain't that fine? For I ant sick of the sun and the heat, And I ant sick of the feel of my aching feet, And sick of the siren's \wailing shriek, And I'm sick of the groans of the wounded and weak, I'm sick of the slaughter, I'm sick tomy soul, sick of playing time Killer's role, Ar " I'm sick of the groans of death and the smell. 'And I'm sick, damned sick, of my- self as well, But I'm sicker still of a tyrant's rale 'And conquered lands where the wild beasts drool; And I'm cured damned quick when I think of the day When all this hell will be out of time tvay; When none of this mess will have been in vain And the lights of the world will blaze again, And the Axis flags will be dipped and furled And God looks (1,1%11 on a perfect world, —Sgt, Craig Heath Here's a QUICK WAY to Curb BRONCHIAL COUGHS•COLDS ASTHMA Relief Comes While You Sleep If you have a cough or cold that hangs on in spite of everything — just try Buckley's Mixture, Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. This grand prescription really cracks down fast— brings blessed relief while you sleep. A few sips clears stuffed -up head passages, loosens the toug cough, soothes the rasp in your throat, Always tops — Buckley's Mixture is now better than ever, The new ins. proved formula is all medication—no syrup—acts faster—gots farther—and being highly alkaline more quickly corrects the over acid condition that makes coughs and colds hang on, Still sells for only 40c and 75c. Get a Bottle TODAY, BUTT DEFINITELY Looks as though Adonis, wild Grecian goat at London zoo, got pretty ambitious and tried to butt I barrage balloon, I .t it's just the tricky Ca Cr't angle that caught goat and 1:1111 11 together. OTTAWA REPORTS That In Parliament Last Week A Price Floor Was Proposed For Staple Farm Products Cheering news f o r Canada's farming community rune last weelc in the Speech from the 'throne at the opening of the fifth session of Canada's la's 10tH Parlia- ment. Proposal to introduce pt'o- \ i iotl for a price floor for staple farm products to cnsnrc Stability for agriculture iollo\\ s an anno'mce- n!l.nt nook some time ago by the Prime Minister that this measure was dill •1' consideration. .\o gt'inlp in the Dolllilli,ll has contlil,'ltcd lllut'e in hard :\-orl: and human en- durance to the i inning of the wvar than the farmer and Ili; fancily, The corning season will call for 110 less effort than in the previous war years, .1 floor on farm pro- ducts in the future world be an in- centive to meet this call, * * * If you are tempted to use feed grain from the 1\'cst for seed this year, the advice of Experimental Farm experts is "Don't." \\'Mile there are several varieties of wheat, oats and barley that do equally well in both Eastern and \Vestcrn Canada, 113 proven in tests made by the Cereal Division, Experimental Faros Service, Ot- tawa, the only safe seed to buy is Registered seed, Owing to the pos- sibility of a shortage of seed grain this spring, farmers are urged to order now, 1n addition to the pos- sibility of \western feed grain being unsuitable to various localities in the East, attention i, called to the danger of wild oats and ether !lox- ious weeds Iv!!ICh re-clea ping is not guaranteed to remove, * * The farmer who has his own seed and who is doubtful about its germinating qualities (Inc to ill - jury by bad harvest conditions, heating or other factors, is advised to test it. 1\1ake the test by count- ing out 100 kernels and placing thele in a saucer of moist sand with another saucer turned over it to help hold the moisture. (It may be necessary to add a very small amount of water each day to keep the sand moist). In a few days sprouts will begin to show and it is then easy to determine what percentage of the seeds will grow, « * * Farnmers should place orders for fertilizer not later than March 15 to avoid (1isappol,)1111e111, according to the fertilizer administrator, \Var- time Prices and 'Trade Board, Re- garding mixtures containing pot- ash which is in shorter supply than last Fear, retail distributors have been directed to see that all reg- ular farmer customers are supplied before accepting new accounts. New customers who are bona fide farmers may he taken 011 if addi- tional supplies are available, Need for potash supplies has led to re- duction of potash content in sev- eral mixtures and a consequent re- duction in the ceiling price. A more liberal supply of nitrogen and phosphate has led to the approval of mixtures containing only these two elements, A. substantial reduc- tion in price has been obtained to encourage the production of am- monium nitrate, a new wartime chenlieal with "3 percent nitrogen content. :\ minimum of (10 lbs, of this is now bring used in every ton of mixed fertilizer produced. * 4 * The total gross faros value of all the field crops produced on 60,:t -I3,000 acres in 1913 was $1,- 101,06;,uto compared with $1,17tl,- 073,0uU, the (timatcd value of crops produced on tt0,suti,20U acres in 1912 according to the latest Canadian Bureau of Statistics fig- ures. 'l'he search for new outlets fol• farm products is of primary int- portance, says the report of the sub -committee of the .\,1w inry Committee on lecon.,truction ap- pointed to study agricultural pol- icy, hided 1x51 1 cel: its the 1 louse of Commons, .\ research pro- gramme inclttdint; such experi- )nents acs ase of plasties from farm waste, paper manufacture from straw, processing of oil seeds, grain alcohol production in lural plants and food dehydrators for each farm is seg(;e..tcd. \lotlut 1'olii al, \leei3O, i, tiv ll; he 1 .Ictiw,' \oleano in N.trth \'ncrira. VOICE PRESS SAVINGS BANKS IN RUSSIA Itussia thought it could wipe out the savings banks and did so by closing 15,000 branches of sa';ings bank, ,Inning the revolution. Now, hove.cr, there rue more than 100, - Ono say 11,gs hank in IN, ,ia. '1 he Pussians found a lot of fancy ideas did not \\0rk, but there are pc„l,l,: in l ,n•a Lt ulu.I peep ad- v, :;Ilio.; —1.1, of t",,,,e ti , orics still \\'i id,,•r :metal', ANF) TIIEY'RE NOT 100 E:..:Ii-li\':olo,nm has iu-t (lied at the age of toll without C\ll' lav- ing beet, told about the war. 'There are not a few people on this side wwlto have been toll all about it but don't seem to knew about it just the stone. ----Ottawa Citizen - - PAIR OF THIEVES .\fter .stealing iris third car, a Kansas City felon told police It was a habit he couldn't break. 'There's a fellow over in Europe who has the sante habit with coun- tries, but ht's losing it. --Christian Science Ai (suitor. STRAW NEEDLES Owing to the shortage of steel, needles are being made from pres- sed straw, say.; 0 science item. 1'Ittd- iug them in Ilay.,tacks will be more difficult than ewer. —Port Arthur Yew s- (.'liriniile, - -- ANTI-SKID DEVICE Too many persons discover that one sure thing to stop an auto from skidding is a lamp post. --l:itcbettcr Record, SOMETHING MISSING .\ more efficient windshield wiper has been invented—and now all it need., is a new car to go with it. Orphans Of Blitz Start New Life Nine orphan, of the blitz have started a new life with a new "at -titer" at her spacious home in a i.ondotl suburb, Their identity and their past is her secret. She has had therm rechristened in her private chapel, all with the same surname--1ei'in. That is the "mother's' name, Miss Dorothy Kerin of Chapel Ilottse, Fading. Of the children whom she has legally adopted she says: "I believe that God sent them to me,,, CLIP JOINT • ("or!). ltalo 1)1 Cicco of \\'orces- ter, Mass., h:!, gut his (lands full if he expect to clip this New (ininea "Fuzzy-1\'uz•r.y''s kinks to •Aortae .\ barber for :15 \(OrS Corporal 1)1 Cicco i, sta- tioned ata South Pacific be -c. DURING BUY WAR STAMPS tFROM YOUR he Nazis Remember, every War Savings Stamp you purchase helps to hasten the hour of Victory. So buy as many as you possibly • can, when you are buying food this month. .41Y FEBRUARY BER +60 CHRISTIE, BROWN & COMPANY, LIMITED Bakeries; TORONTO and WINNIPEG THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events Why The R.A.F. Bomber Command Is Destroying Capital of Germany The attack upon Berlin harks the highest point yet reached in the bomber offensive, say's Squad- ron Leader iultn Strachey in Lon- don Calling. This attack is a deliberate at- tempt to deprive the enemy of the use of his capital city, 1'...\.F. Bom- ber Command has set out to make it impossible for the Nazis to use Berlin, For remember, Berlin is today the capital, nut simply of Germany, but of Hitler's whole slave empire. Berlin is a city in a totally different class to Essen, Dusseldorf, or even Hamburg—or any other of the cities which Bom- ber Command has so far attacked. Berlin is the fourth largest city ht the world. It is one of the half dozen or so world capitals round which the life not only of one na- tion but of a whole area of the world revolves, Berlin contains factories of the highest importance; but its unique significance is that the economic life of Central Europe as a whole has been carried on by means of the financial, marketing, administrative, and transportation facilities of Berlin. Berlin Not Yet Destroyed 11'e don't know what the effect of the paralysis of such a centre will be, For such a thing has never yet happened. If, however, Bomber Command can effect its purpose, we shall know , , and within the next few weeks, It may be that the Nazi empire can be caned on without Berlin, I daresay it can be. But the ruin of Berlin ---if it can be effected -- will take us a long step towards the weakening of Germany to a point where she will not be able to resist the final attack, "If it car be effected" — for don't let-. us deceive ourselves for a umonent into supposing that Berlin has already been destroyed, Enemy Kept 3uessing You can get some idea of the size of the task which Bomber Command has set itself by com- paring Berlin with I-Iamburg, Hamburg teas itself a vast city — gettiug on for twice the size of any city in Britain outside Loudon, Hamburg had 1,800,000 inhabit- ants and a fully built-up area of 5,35:: acres. It is taking a whole series of attacks to render such a city as this useless to the Nazis, Moreover, it will, of course, be impossible for Bomber Command to peg away at Berlin without interruption. The enemy must be kept guessing as to where we are going ln'st, Counter -Counter Measures It isn't loo much to saw that the bomber offensive is today the joint l)t'olhtek of the brains, the courage, and the grinding Hard work of this entire nation. The vert' success \vhlcls Itas been achieved may tend to make some pc Iple think that the b,ubcr offensive has just been a matter of building a sufficient number of bombers, flying thein over Germany, dropping the bombs, and coining Wine again The fact is that the bomber offensive has only been carried forward I,y keeping one stop al vat] of the enemy's continually improving defences It would have been REG'LAR FELLERS --A Bargain WHAT'S THE BOYMATTER, LITTLE '?rr- �-1� ., OLEE CRYBABY./ HE'S CRYIN' JU5' CAUSE HE FELL DOWN' IT DON'T HURT HIM AT ALL! IT DOES 50'� B00 -H00,1 NEARLY f GOT KILLED » �/ LNEARLY! CRY- BABY.' utt fatal even to pause 'lite counter- measure -- 1IIC new method of fighter attack against the new form of bomber defence — has newer been long in cooling \\'e have had to le be re:ulw 11111 the counter -- coulter 1n,',,,ure and we have been. Pathfinders Maris Targets 1f, for example we were to at- tack Berlin today with the same aircraft and wing the sante methods which we employed only two years ago our bomber force would be massacred in one or two operations. But, equally, if today our Lrcasters, 11 Iifaxcs, Stir- lings had to meet no mole than the defences which existed in 19.12 they could destroy every industrial centre in Germany with negligible losses to tlleumselves. Recently, we have been given an account of the work of our Pathfinder Force. The need for someone to find the path to the target is obvious — for naturally that same darkness which hides the bomber from the defending fighter also tends to hide the tar- get front the bomber. -The Pathfinders are marking the target so that intensely concentrated bombing- is being achieved. For Germany that's perhaps the most ominous de- velopment of all. For it is the concentration in both time and space that counts — the tons per minute per acre! Personal discharged front the forces after November 1, 19.43, are entitled to a clothing allowance of $65 as part of their discharge grant, SIDE GLANCES Army Beauty Shops Help Men's Morale Applied psychology is being used in the "beauty shops" which are im,intained by the American Fifth Army in Italy, says the \\'ildsor Star. The establishment of these depots shows the genius ‘':hick is going into effort to main- -in the morale and efficiency of fighting itletl. Much of the soldier's fork stakes it neccssat w for hint, at tines, to be flirty and bedraggled, lint the ln;ijc.rity of the -c leen du not enjoy being in that condition. They are wiling to wade and crawl through mud to twin a battle, but once it is over, they watit to get cleaned up as quickly as possible, The "revival tents" give them that opportunity• There they arc showered, shaved and outfitted with clean new uniforms. in a very real sense, they emerge as new men, The "beauty shops" are to be counted anmnl; the most valuable agencie for keeping the Wren in fighting trim. Hevea Tree Main Source Of Rubber From IIevea seeds taken from the Western Hemisphere itt 1876 grew the fields on which the world has depended for ninety percent of its rubber since 1920, says Middle America Bureau, Replanted in Calcutta, Singapore and other posts in time Far East, these wild seed. Hags because nine million acres of rubber -producing trees, Today the Hevea tree, the stats source of natural rubber, has re- turned -turned to the American tropic'. iillions of seeds are being planted in three Middle American count- ries, Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama, to become our rubber plantations of totnorow, By Galbraith Cors. 1041 nv NIA 9EIIV)Ct. FEC. T. M. RE6. U. 5, t'AT• OFF. low can I ,tell my kind-hearted aunt that she's wonder- ful and I need ucw school supplies and that my father's turned crabby, alt in 10 words?" STOP CRYING AND THE LADY WILL GIVE YOU A �!y PENNY ALL FOR YOURSELF. it;' By GENE BYRNES \, GETTIN' IT CHEAP I AW RIGHT, BUT YOU'RE BECAUSE I CRIED MORE'N A NICKEL'S WORTH AWREADY ' 1 Pae, 8, ge e[.eaten�a�c� ....atw�a+au�e�c+a +a,,,... e�e�a'�tatel�te�eeeteut�cld�a�ut�eec�c�a�r►c . .„.... ®s ) earing s; 3,Goodiii Judith, l'umst:uacr and Jci,utc;; retrain.. t♦Aholm.. to SdratC(•d on Frluly afte kir',;(n•ling the I).tst 1u.)nth tt ith he - h.� mother, \Irs. R. \1'ighl.ut:u1 and 11r WE ('AN SUPPLY .\1414 11-1F1 FAM11.Y' WITH i1 I;utd Mrs. ti,'t)rg, Cowan. Sit: w•:tl .. ti , aet•:)t.p.u,it do by 11r. and 11r: fie.( %' SHOES, Ii I113I3ERS, RUI3Elt BOOTS, �i• ' (',;twin, .1I'. of I'm:gallium, who attend •1. ki . ;I tit. �'urma! .\1 1l.'nt1 :Irl u' :) b; •_• AND (� t1.O�IIFti ,� ..\I1,. I,e.)r:;e ('attain Sr. who s,p,ln l I: I 1.. J1_ r ,:. 07 `:;iill•(1.iy in the Tay. Via• pi I ".', ti ' 11r. and Airs. (ie0rg.' (';;\v:ut Jr., ;aa '_' 4 ' Io .\li .\I:ll:v :\IId1'1';On of I)unca31nol _: ?i el `I'1'l Sllllda\' ittternco11 at lh�' 1:::11 ♦ ive �teGill tl 11 r. an l AIN, (.icor; Cowan. :t: - r3 ,;j ; r1 1 t'' - M A ., rt. ;lllt'i' Arnold lilouslit r left fit C'ri'dais' lii: rD.:.c`.7.4rter`0,1).1, 0:.>i 1:tais.Ji.'.?, ...i.,::.:.. .10::.01.:.. .i�..:iD1.�..�;ter �l ,43.1n)"XiZI;(..�1 \'rrnon, B.C. on 11on:lay eta sl•. 11(1 inn title;' w.cl'; with 111:1 iiut1'er lrs. Bernice I_1 111 r. THE STANDARD air! Bel:4011 l7u11'a11 and rh'I ;rt 'G: P , ll, '444:74,➢r:i,V lit illi"•C ' +•'' w:f:✓`^,.�,,;'r� 1,(�''r :��•`'*"f L+µ 't'I�'A"'i3 • ,r,.'1.:,.• t\:: Valentine ay$eb 14 We have a full stock of Valentines --- lc each for the Kiddies, and Beautiful Cards at 5c and 10c each for Adults. Call At Once While You Have The Choice. We also have a lovely 'wok containing 26 Valentines all ready to cut out and make up. This ,'ells at 25c, PANDA PADS ---We have again be al)le to secure a limited quantity of the Popular Panda Pads. This pad coilsiits of 200 pages, letter size, and a splendid quality paper. Same Price - 29c. PICTURES—APICTURES—A lovely assortment of Pictures - 35c. GREETING CARDS --- For All Occasions - Get Well, Sympathy, Baby Congratulation, Wedding Anniversary, Wedding Congratulation, Wedding (;ift. and Shower Gift Cards, Always on hand, HAN-I)EE EMBOSSED TOWVELS 18e WRITING PAPER Pads, 10c, 15c, 25c, 351 Envelopes, Linen and Kid Finish pkg. 10c Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 5c ASplendid Assortment of (_,tames, and a Few Toys, Suitable for Gifts for Children. Paint Books, Story Books, and Cut -Outs. Fine AssortInent. of Photograph Albums. Also Your headquarters for Magazines. The Standard Book Store 1. .11 I, 1 411 11.i, 1141 01111,141, ..111...1. r 4-1 i• `!E •t� •t =t, ,rf 1±f 4 11 r I inio 111elau \\•,t; 111 011•'1.(1 once 01 1h.' esrc::tivr mer in:; ( f 'I'3( \\ e1'term (nun:L ; Tel ;)11 :c :\:'socia tio:. met ling hold in 1..)11(1011 Inst 'Tltur-da}. firs. A. I10ll (11 is vi,lt.ing in (kderich with h r d.ulght.r, Mrs. Kos,. .\liss Maureen Morriss of llnttict0n pent the wPe11•end with her pare(::;. It:eve 011(1 Mrs, \V, 11. Merritt. 11is ; F.11 11i( Itiy It11.1 her bret'i.':. Druce Hoy, 01' I011(l)' ;:::n \i+ltetl 011 sand ty will 1{ct've an(; Mrs. \\ , ll. 11nrrit1• Airs, 111 u. 111 u. trelclo r of Cre,litun vi, ited a 1'rty days with kses Sarah and Ella (1 1`(011. lir. and :Mrs. 'Vito:n3( liut1 spen'. Sunday wi:h .1. \\'. I'. 011(1 S11tilli. 11rs. .)nlrn 11ci'arlau 01 cisitiu with her (taught:t, Mrs, 1<en. net 11 'I'aylcn•, and 11r. Taylor. presiding and an attendance of 1'. The ml^:,ting Opencil i }• ,10:1;1„ "'I'll :) Ibl;uw•; ;l by the Lures'. n1 m'' ma !e t .d 'y by 7'.01. 1 l::utp!I; (y . ,.,;01211`;' d,i;a".4.));r1Dtiara`.812;Di3tD0,742MMX.7tba2tiDiNt.L'ilItaiDiDiDa iDiDtbliDtrtlitTaitaDtDtiktlft14 Prayer. The 11)111 '.e; of the las; llitchrll, .\1•11: 1••3. 0f Li' (;•n•. ( nitt'mi'tl e \ is t '0')11 '1, (1 )•t'• itawiin_', wore r•ea'I and ad:;, 1 1.order eeutly to a lv,`,e Cie :in, ie: on Cie I..1.;•rs \Vere road trent \lel• ,.ft,,,•tive us, ((3 Ile 1(,0:.:11:. 1:0fe ih•mm>dcn ani; :':ull SI/Hirer, 11(3(11 13(.: 1;:t.u's lino.r. 1 1111-11)11.1 .11. I'r.,r: (:;Pre' 1 the 5•u'1ety for 1 lrx:s reeei\ o(1.. It 11 t,.-; 1 cru 0 111 i :i., ut l h 1! +'•;1'• 11(.'1(10(1 I') sell' a ('' r II:aeher; mute roittil: a :11"i;11 1,rr.11E ctt(; to c:(:lt..uf 1h,' I:•11.0VerseaS• 11 include 11::3s Beryl 'Truax of \lonlrcal; Al; Conan 3111(1 Mrs. It. \'rn;-Mutt were to leo'; after lhc". It was moved by firs. haul. se- Doherty e- Dohert y 141 G:11tAGE. Wednesday, Fob. 9, 1941, Acetylene and Electric Welding A Slluiulty. Agents For international- tlarvestcr Part. l`.•L Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. 'ill' Painting and R'O .il'ia). .• dnr1III4 1..1 1.1,.1...1: .._!•... ,r. \ t,r \, ,J ._ • y + • 1 1* IIVI• CLEARANCE SALE Of Discontinued and Discoulored Packages AT I-IALF PRICE OR LESS. Twink Dyes 5c per package Bon Kora Regular $1.00, Clearing 500 GaIIa•nher's Kidney Remedy Regular 1.25, Clearing 50c Gallagher's Couch Syrup Regular 50c, Clearing 250 Merciton Mouth Wash Regular $1.00, Clearing 500 Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup 35c Me•Me•Cho Regular $1.00, Clearing 50c Nuxated Iron Regular $1.00, Clearing 50c Cascarets Regular 50c, Clearing 25c Inner'•Clean Herb Laxative Regular 50c, Clearirg 26c Crouchman's Fungo Salve Regular 50c, Clearing 25c Crouchman's Cough Syrup 25c Ferl'orone Tonic Tabs Regular 50c, Clearing 25c R. U. PHILR, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, IVALLYAl'LR--PHONE 2P. ip 129 :s: BLUE SKIES AND ;�♦ BLUE C,E2 3 GS .?: t t ;ttie'OICI,;'1.t •01 l4tt;t,:tCui;tCKIltit.:lein.tZetCtittOCI 11CPCItChltOA?ldt£tekilt44144104eReC+li 3:..Nave y:u ev::r t' ied a Elul Cal •('int!? If not, you have lis^eda.t• ( r ;,most pleasing ar.-1 decor)tive effect 3;1 %•Not only (Iu:, but yellow. :;1re-n or ivauve. may be vs.(' with' i 1I/ cual cffact when cc:d a:( a con'' o3( rasti7;1 chafe t' your vr.:ll. You.t .t: clel'ghted with (h: char,n'i' 34 s .� •t• •his •idea prcd ccs. t I:24., V " fd'lh Cre'c('-.t3n will be only too•'• to ♦L to ..'.appy to chow you the:e effects, ♦s. is .t. ii, 1:ED1TII CliElli;Till) ;' F,_: 141 .1 1: Decorator's Shlopp�:. ;_; 4 ;t; ,_, ..ocated Opposite. Kernick's Grocery+ ie t: PHONE 153, BLYTH. •t, Gp t• 11 cd -Room Suites Several Beautiful Suites in the lates Styles are displayed on our floors and are being offered at Money -Saving Prices. An attractive Walnut Suite in the Popular Water- ial.1 Si:tile, is displayed in our Window this week. Our line of Simmons Steel Beds, Marshall Spring Filled Sleep Units, Layer Felt Mattresses and Sta- Young Sagless Bed Springs, is Complete. You must call and i11spect this display to realize the moderation of our prices. a a hellew Bottle 1''lrltisher -- i'honers 7 and $ — Funeral Director, 0 to le.t,e 1110 prol'P ,(1011. • .\l'Ili ' .1. 11.u•N.tinar11, f irecl,r of 1'r, C. i''1i 11s; hl".1114. N. Crutchfield of It. E, Shaul of Patten of Ottawa; \nliot.al SPlec1Ivt' S0'.VTee, is chair- 'Miller of Montreal. 11'vt ( f 1. " 1 um mittee. Other uu'.1)II 'rs \' 0.011;10(1 by .'ii;, .fit ('ravel.:r(l, tri:tt 0 1111.;:o Le held on Friday, Ev1u.oary 11111. M . 11 a l Ir donated some 1(•;313 an 1 0 cake knife, 'Pickets were r; (111 1131 there, the lucky ticker stain;; 10 111+. J:1' (.yon. I'roc('eds 'Following donated hosts=s money, for l'ebruary, :We uach: 11r.., Drank' I:au .man, 'Irs, llert flunking, 11.s. II Ilau'\•ey hulking. ')Irs. Lorne 1I1111'Ang 1Irr. Ilcn:•y I1I:n't`.tig owl Mrs. \Cil• limn Ilun::ing. There t';::; 0110 quilt donatwl by i Mrs, 1..ats;'.11,;'s Sui:day 5: h tel c'ln 3, ... .n,:14.11i.144*..Y I. 1-111 ill 1111 ..iI .1 h.i,.. 1lcetin: C10.`.':i 1)y Singing t:o No - HURON GRILL. BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG cial Proprietor 11.1111,. llm114, 11111 I. ..1 1, II ,VI 111.1.11101 ul i. I. 1 .I11..-11111.IW„ . 117101.11.41 4,d,. .1 - .,GI.1(41.111,/yll t�lp>�:; I�r/nr v-,�,q.a.pa...•.-.le,at-,>.�� 1�1>.�t�to.$'��a�,to'v,•eZ��'t.;o%1Ntr."'':��'o�t�'atmitG.0 Y-'^o'^1i''c. `''ai`•.�.�4`U-a '•'4. V`u V'Li4 OV.O X1,4 to �,e if 11 tvl STUART ROBI4N61 ei Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. 61144,1 lir A N Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. p; Morning (Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. 14 ii it Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. hi 11 Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. E e ri N Dill 1 ickles, 32 oz., 35c. Tea Bisk isCreamCelery, Chicken Noodle, Vegetable Soup a vPORI( AND BEANS ., herring in T„ rlato Sauce 18c di r Champion and Ivleaties 13c, 2 for 25c r l;+ a er Gro -Pun 1;Otr BiselIiia 2 lb. u1u . 25c ri "' Ox0 and Oxo l' luid. Shell Maker. n RI 0 o/ SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes. a fyR►11mariam1100 .This aii)amIzibh1"i )'>3)Bt$a`yt s+`a:a)T;Nraaeet2l`datra`Idwitm-D.bli f Londesboro Red Cross boro Bid Cru -;s \cos )held in the Community }fall on Fcfiraary 11rd, Thr' regular 'fleeting of the Londcut• with the i'resitiont. Mrs. 13. 13ruusilon tir,uul A1.then1, after \vhicil n balc'ng :,ale was held by the ladies of the t1n1h which was very succ.:..fur. Advisory Committee Named On Teaching Profession I.,u Cnim1',un, of 1101.I1cal, ha; 1T -it allpuinled to the ;idyl- ;)ry c0:n'mi 1`c on the employment of trackers (luring the wai', a ac,-ording to an anmF )II.(- Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR, COOKIES REMENIBER "THE HOME BAKERY" r H. T. VODDEN. Oliratan9S BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, ALWAYS ON HAND Confectionery and Tobaccos. PHONE 38 - BLYTH. Not: 1:,til :'1'1 ..•ii;r 3i'aawinigan Edmonton; and ()N.B. Classified Advt. Pay. �� ' IT-,.+Lukr+.4..✓JIIuYY.a�11'aS..i i � ``1 1,, 13 L4.*. 1• 1 II III 4. I. 1 4 1 -' 1 I ,I I I. 4 .1 .. • Ikw kich is a Dollar Worth? dollar is Worth as much as it can buy world war people paid i fi5 for a pound of butter..while you pay around ts(°. For instance, during the last today, li' is the same with shoes and the other necessities of life. In 1917, they paid p0 7 and you now pay \ forthe same quality. This means your dollar is worth more than the dollar of 191416. You get more 1918 1944 for your money --because price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures have kept the value of your dollar HIGH! And you will keep your dollar high in value by using money wiseQ, You protect your dollar's worth every time you buy a bond [!}..Passupsomencedksluxur9 /Pay off a debt . /Refuse to !maid goods "_� _![� • 1 And refuse to frequent black markets. That's how to make \ . money with your present dollars! Remember, dollars arewortli less if they buy less, % a57,'NF,//% ;N"i//%%iii//f/ j�///til,/��///l'd 0 i 1 promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will.buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- 1 in& goods or services. I will pay off old debts, l save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and 0 Y'/ \:'ar Savings Certificates. And I will support tars which help lower the cost of living. 4,70A4 bao liake10/ • ... .,.1.11....1 dj... /,,i•,,;)-," • 73, r /. 1'u',i'i(Fcrl by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help 101(1:11 (h! d.(nger: that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation.