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The Blyth Standard, 1943-11-24, Page 1
Advocate T1lessalon, Ont• T LYTH STANDA VOLUME 19 - NO. 15, • ' WEDDINGS ' Webb - Holmes On November 1001 In St, Thomas Rectory, Seaforth, a very happy wed- ding was solemnized by the Rector, the Rev. R. P, I), Hurford, D,D„ be- tween John Lorno \Vellwood Webb B,S.A„ son of the late Mr, and Mrs, George Webb, M Lucknow, Ont„ and Celia Elizabeth (Boss) Ifolmes, daugh- ter of Mr. Uriah Holmes and the late Mrs. Holmes, of Lindsay, Out, Miss Holmes was a. 'rodent graduate of Scott Memorial Ilospital, Seaforth. At. tor the ceremony the bride and groom left for a trip to Toronto and Lind- say. For the present they will reside in Blyth, Pass St. John's Ambulance Couirse' Tho following citizens, who have been attending the St. John's' Ambul- ance. Course, which has been conduct- ed in Blyth during the past several weeks, were successful) in passing the necessary tests, and will be granted certificates: Mins Josephine Woodcock, Mies Natalie Hermans, Miss Margaret Grieve, Mrs, Elva Garrett, Miss Alice Rogerson, Miss Elizabeth Mills, Mrs. Luella Hall, Miss Ida McGowan, Mr, Norman Garrott, and Mr. Ivan Hilhorn. BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1943, YOUR LOCAL PAPER "Sunshine Sisters" To Hold 'Dr. Hobbs Taylor To Ad- Harry Sturdy heads Huron ' NOMINATIONS IN ,Annual Birthday Party dress Farm Forum Meeting. Federation Of Agriculture lil.l"1'II ON FRIDAY The "Sunshine Sisters of the Wo. M,P,P, For South Huron Will Speak men's Institute will hold their annual In Westft;eld Church Monday Night birthday party at the house f)f Airs. .A. Taylor un Alonday evening \oven) wood, will address a Joint meeting of •Ur, Hobbs 'Taylor, 11.P•1'., of Dash. bey 29t1!, the. \\lestfleld and 6th line, last ‘Va. ..* Gathering Addressed By Ontario Minister of Agriculture Y $ * Hullett and Enst Wawanosh Nomina- tions Also Or, Friday The annual sterling of the Huron I Nr�tllin8liu(I, will lie held to Blyth. This is the fourth get-together of , wttnosh Farm forums, in the \Vest- •County federation of Agriculture was en I•'riclny trout 12 n'cluc'( le,on until the Snnhine Sisters and is quite an field United Church [text 'Monday •:'v• held in the Town hall, Clinton, on 1 «lock, for tl,'• p.:•:n r nunlivat- event for at this meeting the Iden- ening, November 20th. Dr. 'Taylor 'Thursday afternoon. 'J'here w, re •ins ;, )teevt•, iu;u ('u:nu Mor::, and tity of "who Is who" Is revealed and will be introduced by Dr, I1. A. S. about 20u from all puts of the Count} three Seguin Tru -tees fur the owning names drawn for another year. It is Voices, of Myth, and the subject of in attendance. year, There is nothing &finite f:s the one occasion in the year that Is itis address will be "health Assur• lir. W, 1.. Whyte, president for ::o what will trill. •pi;e.. Ite,•se•\Villicun exclusively for Institute members and 'take." This is a very timely subject .1 943 presided and in itis opening ad. Jorritt will unl ,uhtelly seek re•ele,'- Sunshine Sisters. and everyone Is invited to hear this dress gave a review of the aetivitic.; tion. 'I'I,r• 'resent members of the --,--V VT_ • splendid addrenis, of the organization for the past year, c'uun, it ars , \11 rs. 1?nun taus ,nnhowing that much benefit has been \Vredit, 1 orae Seri1Io our, Herbert Huron Old Boys Hold C.GI,T. MEETING �`°�`" 1 derived by the federation in tit.' I:exter and rranl:lin Rainton, \\'e v__r__-- Annual Meeting township tniits and as a county organ. hear r ,muur that ()wry 10111 be neq- The meeting of the C,G,I,T, was Annual Meetin>; Of Holstein izallon. Ile referred to the flue re ales in the field this year, but only Ritchie - Lyddiatt held in the basement of the United I Breeders Held At Clinton ; eel tion given the delegation which at• nomination clay w•'ll transform rumour Church on Monday night, The rneet• ( A full turnout of iloIsteln breed:rs tended county condi to outline the Into fact. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Jug opened by repeating the aim in were present at the annual meeting county health nursing phut advottee(1 high noon on Wednesday, Novemberthe United Church Manse, Blyth, at unison. Hymn til was sung. The of the Huron Holstein Breeders Club by the Federation and thought t hat Georl;e Brown Will Stand For Scripture reading was read by 1':nid Reeveship In Hullett 24th, when the Rev. A, Sinclair mil- Brigham, The minutes of the lust I held ill Clinton on November 1'1h. 'organization and cooperation ++•ere ted in marriage Margery Ly'ddiatt, of sleeting were read and approved. Blyth, J. W, Vaul:gmonrl, Clinton, necessary to the hest farming results. :\ part front lite fact that Councillor Blyth, to Mr, Clifford 'Ritchie, of Wel- Lantern slides were shown by Miss presided with Hume Clutton, Goderich, The election of officers was next 11 ,George Brown, of Ilnilett Townehit+, )ton, Ontario. Ida McGowan, 171,." was then acting as Secretary. the list and 11omdnatl,,,t for the offiee will nlluw hi; name to g, hr•fore the The bride wore a street length dress .sung, and the meeting closed by re- The financial statement revealed of president \very called for. Mr. voters of Mullett for the 1teeves1tdp, of bronze green crepe with gold se- pealing the Lord's Prayer in unison, over $00,00 balance, A report on the Whyte stated that he would not be there is very little to report from our quin trimming, black hat, with black Black and White clay held at Seaforth 01)10 to accept the office for allot 0' ncighhouring tos.v1Hliip, Cotutclilar acceasories, V on September 2•Ith W104 given by year on account of nttmerotte other Ih•nwn Is the s.)11101' member of Mullett 'Following the wedding ceremony aLeonard Leeming, Walton; he men -'duties. Strong protests were voiced 'I'o\\•ns1119 Council, having given five aweddln'g dinner was served at the Gir1S War Auxiliaty boned that there Were over fifty head ?against his decision to retire but he years valuable service. When illness bride's home, Elect Officers of holstein exhibited by eight exhibl•iwould not alter it. The choice then maQh it lnlpossbble for Reeve Join 'Later the couple left for a shoattors. Mr. Inman Thcmlpson of St. , fell 00 harry 1.. Sturdy, of Auburn, Ferguson to carry on during the sum - honeymoon. The bride donned for The Girls' War Auxiliary met at the t• 3 hotno of Irene Rutherford on \Vednes• ;1 awls acted as Judge In n capable ice -president, three names Were put fuer months, Mr. Brown' was the un• travellinga cinnamon bride brown crepe manner, The Holstein calf cl lb of in nomination, 1(ugh 11111, ('olborne, auintous choice of the Ilnilett. Council P clay evening, November 17th, with ,eleven members had a 100 percent Russell Bolton, 1ntblin, and William It., act in the capacity of Acting Reaves liens, and black mink trimmed coat. fourteen present. Dorothy Stewart On their return they will live on r turn -out at Seat:0111 with W. D. Clue �Oestreic'her, Crediton, Mr. Bolton a (lnty he has fulfilled very carehly. 'presided. Election of officers for the )won on the first ballot. Ma or M0- Whether other ntenlbers of the Cour- the groom's farm near Walton. ton, Goderich, 115 winner of the, lure Y new terns are as follows: bred heifer class and Miss Betty Fear I ?hurray and J. C. Shearer Were solar oil have int(ution to aspire to tho V—+---- President: Irene Rutherford,gun, Goderich, as winner in the grade Jneors. M, T. Corless and J. C. sillily 1)001111)11, we eann01 say. Vice -President: Dorothy Stewart,heifer class. Shearer were reappointed as auditors. ' friday will also 1)0 nomination day Secretary: Margaret Grieve.The 01000011 of officers for 104:J-14 Hon, T. L. Kennedy Spoke 111 East\Vawanosh, where there are Asst Secy: Vivian Sinai, ` A po;hwar plan whereby agents for report; that Reeve Redmond may have resulted in the following: Treasurer: Jean Gray. Ontario products would be placed In1 eonshleruhle cppositi:m 1f he wh files P0088 Secretary: Elizabeth Mills. Hon. Presidents, Gordon Bisset,(treat Britain, United States and each 1 to contest the rceveship. Three mem- Cont'ettor of Conunittees: Audrey. Codeticlt; Colin C+uni:•bell, Hayfield; i Canadian province !which could use bet's of the present Council are men- Whtlsh, J. W , \'au'E'gtnond, Clhlton. isurplus commodities was outlined by Holed as likely candidate; for the Knitting Group: Vivian Sims, ?.ean • President, Leonard Leeming, Walton 'the Hon. T. L. Kennedy,. Ontario Min•, position. They are J. D. Beecroft, Cook, Mona Tunney, Dorothy Pople 1st Vice, W, I., \\'byte. 6etlforth• Islet of Agriculture. tender the Ilan Norman Alcl)oweli and Lewis Ruddy, 'stone, 2nd Vice, Win, Sparks, li4�yfield' the agents wo:11(1 assist in disposing of It' this he true there is bound to be Sewing Group: Ida'1cGowttn', Mary . Secretary -Treasurer, 11un10 Chilton, oxce63 Ontario production, and there new faces at East Wawanosh Co'ne'1 Loc.lthart, June Keclulie, mare In. id Goderich, .by keep prices on a ftvorabl( level. table nest year, m 1010Directors: North Huron, 1 r. Ken. ,Air. Kennedy said, ' 1 Other 0TlI 11 alit'0,. nnn(11111ing on fees were paid for the coming year, Jackson,Blytlt; NormanSclutde, \1'al 1"dt must be .renlenlbered that the friday will he Turnherry, Kinloss, and it was planned to hold the meet- tots. !suprIus left to glut the market is what t'nwlo'r, Carrie'., (''dross. M11fl,1'i, lugs Query other Tuesday evening, Cental Huron: Allen Betties, ling fixes the price of any commodity, even (othm•ne, Goderich Town, Goderich The next meeting Noveamb r 30th, field; ill, Treble, Goderich. 1 Jf that Win,surplus Is only one per cent of 'Township, I len-all, Walkerton ami will be ]tend at Dorothy Stewart's, and 1 South Huron: Milton \\'ilt"e, ClI11• 1 the total production," the minister Kincardine. each girl is asked to bring a crochet Jon, Nelson Stanlake, Exeter. said. , .. —\` hook, and scraps of wool, when an ef• 1 Auditor: \V, H, Lobb, Clinton, 7•i:;ttalizing a population of S,001-1,000 fort will be made to complete the af• Representative to I1in'011 Federation 111 on 111110 within the next 10 0r 1:, ghtur, of Agriculture, Leonard teeming.(years, with "Hundreds of thoustunds" The guest speaker, Mr, A. AI, Barr,, to settle hl Canada after the wins he Vivian Sluts offered her home for Holstein Fleld man from Guelph, won '' the first meeting in December, raid: Our agricultural economy must Hodgins, Mrs, McCreath,Mrs, Camp -introduced by J. C. Shearer, his sub• lit, t1k111ned in such a way that we will which the full skirt swept Into a train,The hostess, assisted by Dorothy jest was the growth and development be ;tole to expand and take full adcan Her full-length veil of Carriokcmaeross1hell, Atry, Ferguson, Ails. Buchanan, ..Stewart, served delicious refresh of the Holstein Breed in Ontario. ll'.tageolarger lace was caught to her head in man tAlrs. .1, G, Ferguson, Mrs, Prlugle,'melds, and a vote of tlltulks was ex• Byron Jenvey ilelstehl Field man of i e tl111(10 i0rallble 11fot,t0alt t lour i+ro' tills fashion with tiny clusters of flow- Airs, Moon, Mrs. Belden, Mrs. Wilson, tended to theta by Jliss Grieve, Ingersoll discussed registrations and ducts," yrs. She carried a cascade of 'mums, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Thompson, roses and orchids. She was attended I 'honorary Life Members: Mrs, Wm, V colour -markings, A vote, of thanks to ..vote of ,sanies to the speaker was McCreath, Mrs, J. A. McLaren Airs, the speakers was expressed by Colin I111oved by I)r. J. Hobbs Taylor, 31,P,P by her sister, Albs Kathleen MacEwan 1 and byAI1as'Mary Thorneloe, gowned:E• Floody, Mrs, 5, L. Scott, Mtn. Campbell, Bayfield. for South sures, who mimed him "tic I best choice rot' 0 minister of Agricud- aliko In frocks of autumn bronze tat• 'Mary McKenzio, Mrs, Zhner, l�cillalC11 -----V Tota with matching velvet Dutch hats, rust !'11' U1''l1G n, r, Athol .+tct�uar' %� Q Agricul- ture that could be found in the whole and carrying cascades of bronze 'mums rhe, V V C V Orangemen Meet I I'rowinc0 of Ontario." John W. Ilan• and golden roses.I'llat Officer Doug iPresident: Mr. 11. M. Jackson.} The 1,:0.1., district of Morris met '1a, of \\'ingham, M. t'. P. for North Rulon, seconded the motion. The las Middleton, Clinton, was best man, Vice -Presidents: Mr, Chesney, 1)]*. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH in Londesboro for the annual meet - and the ushers wore Pilot Officer. Campbell, Dr, Bryans, Mr, Manna,in;, 'l'he new officers were elected •1»otion, heartily, applauded was pip- ing, by the newlyeleeted' president. The Farm Forum Group of S.S. No Grant Jeffers, Orangeville, a%td Pilot Major Spriulas,\Ir, Isblster 1VIr, Greer Rev, P. H. Streeter LTh., Rector 1 ' 1 its follows: 1'le minister and members of the 1, Morris, met at the home of Air. Officer Garth Moffitt, Blyth, After- and Mr, Cantelon. November 28, 1943, Worshipful Master: Ernest Patter - ,federation enjoyed a banquet with the and Mrs. Jack McNichol on Monday wards a reception for sixty-five guests' IlonorarySeeretary: AI c, John Mac -Sunday 1School: 11 A,M, son, Auburn. ,, , .• Kinnon, Lions Club in St. 1 aui's I ari,h Hall night, with an attendance of 21. A was held at the •ionto of tho bride'sAlorning Prayer & Sermon: I2 noon. Deputy Master: Calvert Fah oiler. 1.1 the evening. splendid discussion was held 111101 the mother, who received la a. Havana! 'Secretary: Mr, R. S. Sheppard. Intercession Service Friday at the Chaplain: Thomas Adams.black mope gown with periwinkle blue i Assistant Secretary: Miss EVO BrY' Rectory at 4:45 P.11,Recording Secretary: Roy Toll. \+ Ilroadcast on "Pore Coutaoi."Ade tickets lunch we) served. yoke, with corsage of Talisman roses ales• secretary: Emmerson Ileslc, LITTLE LOCALS Next Monday night the farm Forum matching blue hat.'She was as- I 'Financial Secretary: Mr. John . - ' ' --- sdstodby the bridegroom's mother 'Moon. Treasurer: John Nott, of Button's School have accepted an PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1st L., Lewis Ruddy. Au uufortuuate accident ocrurr('d Invitation 10 meet \\•itll us at the gowned in mo s green with corsage of Treasurer: Dr. 11. J. Hodgins, 211(1 I ., Anthur W1 •mouth. at the home of Alr. told M1'. James link roses, and matching green hat, Chaplain: Rev. R, C. AlaDermid, IN CANADA `S home of .lir. and Mrs. Ah. Nesbitt. 1 110rshal, George M(1111s, Richmond when lis, henry Melt- Robert Wallace will be convenor, and For travelling+ the bride wore a suit Auditors: Mr, II, I. Morrish, Mr. 'Myth, Auburn, Smith's 11111 Charge. Lunch was served by the Lollies• •mond, who is in her 94t1 year, 8111)90(1 a special programme is being prepay of lipstick rod boucle with Persian George E. Ferguson, Services next Lord's Day: 101'O 111e111be1's, and fell, breaking her hip. lamb trim, a small matching hat and _ _ _ 0d. Everybody welcome. a of white gardenias,^V� corsage V \'cry few dc•: r were brought to 111}'111 Atter a short honeymoon trip to De- Infant Dies r LONDESBORO as the result of the recent open sea- troit and Chicago the young couple will eon in Bruce County. The only t:er- The infant son of Alr, and Mrs. ship 12 noon. l he Red Cu o h meeting will he 11t ld proceed to, an Eastern Canadian port, Jack Itallahan died in Clinton Ilospital I Smith's hill Sunday y S 1 l 2 30 i t Conunuuity Hall on 1luu�;dny, i ( s°" w e know of to secure one wets ll'. where Pilot Offices McManus will re- on Saturday. Funeral services were Robert Somers, who brought down a ort for duty. He received his wings cyan et n . 1 •held from ,the hove of W. J. Ii011a• A hearty welcome to •ill The Alin• l Articles 1 t t•c ,file buck. *1 * at Uplands, Ont„ on October 29(1h. •'han en Monday morning. His bride Is a member of the Goderich If, AI, "Brown" Jackson, formerly of Seaforth, was elected President of the Huron' Old Boys Association of 'Toronto at the 44tH Annual meeting held at Haddon Hall and attended by ono of the largest gatherings in re- cent years. In the absence of- Past President, Athol McQuarl•ie, Vice. President W, h. Hanna, Principal of 'Oakwood Collegiate, presided, Ten Past Presidents were present, John S. MadKinnon, the new Honor- ary Secretary, George If, Ferguson, John Moon, I3, R, McCreath, i., :1f, 'Pringle, If, M. Jackson, Dr, C. F. Bolden, Walter Buchanan, Dr, J. G. Ferguson and II. 13, Stowe, Two who were greatly missed were the late :E uality counts most —for that rich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use . . !! TEA Nelson's `Victory' Under Fire Again Admiral Lord Nelson's Flag- ship Hit by German Bomb But Not Badly Damaged It was reported some time ago, rays The St. Thomas Times -Jour- nal, that H.M.S. Victory, .admiral Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar, had been hit by a bomb in Portsmouth dock- yard, and we are glad to learn that the damage is not serious. This is surprising, because the Victory is one of "the wooden walls of England," and having been in dry dock since 1922, owing to deterioration of the hull which put her in danger of sink- ing, the wonder is she did not go up in flames, Fortunately, she was not hit by an incendiary bomb, Many of the ancient buildings and relics in the British Isles which have been damaged by CUDDLY TWINS Sister and brother dolls ... as auto a surprise on Christmas morning as any youngster could want. Two identical pieces of cloth make each soft, cuddly body; yarn makes the hair, You'll have the fun of your life sewing the dainty clothes to put on and take off. Use scraps! Pattern 472 has transfer pattern and directions for dolls and clothes. Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Write plainly pattern number, your name and address. IN Toronto It's The St. Regis Hotel • Every Room with Bath, Shower and Telephone. • Single, $2.50 up— Double, $3.50 up. • Good Food, Dining and Dancing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 4 ri bombs can be repaired and restor- ed to resemble the originals, but if the Viatory had been burned there would have been nothing left of her but ashes. And she is one of the grandest relics of the ancient glories of Britain, Lord Nelson selected her as his flagship when he was appointed commander-in-chief in the Med- iterranean in 1803, a position just vacated by Admiral Sir An- drew Browne Cunningham, Visitors to the ola ship find her in almost exactly the same condition as she was in Nelson's days, There are the old guns - 12 to 32-pounders—and the hand weapons used by the men. On the upper deck is a small brass tablet with the simple inscription, "Hero Nelson Fell." Below that heck Is Nelson's dining -room with his original furniture exactly as It had been on that fateful day of October 21, 1805', Lower down is the "cockpit" where the admiral was carried and died that after- noon, Nearby, is the surgeon's office, with the crude instruments of that period laid out, some of which, no doubt, were used on Lord Nelson. 69 Holstein Cattle Sell For $71,610 .Sixty-nine head of Holstein cattle brought $71,610 at the all - Canadian sale in Oakville. The average price of $1,037 repre- sented the highest attained at a Holstein consignment sale in Canada and the highest in North America since 1929. Top price of $5,100 was paid by Glenn L. Bancroft, of Flint, Mich,, for Meadowood Abberkerk Rag Apple, two-year-old heifer consigned by J. E. Chandler of Hudson Heights, Que. Sarah Van Hoosen Jones of Hochester, Mich. paid second highest price of $2,- 700 for a five-year-old cow of- fered by Iiays and Company of Calgary, which also received the highest price for a bull when H. J, McFarland of Picton, Ont., paid $2,000 for Ilays' Great Jour- ney, eight -month-old calf. Twenty-four animals sold for $1,000 or more, eight reaching the $2,000 mark, Other buyers paying $2,000 or more included Albert Sealing, Elmira, Ont„ who bought a two-year-old heifer f•onl Snaith Haven Farm, which paid $2,000 for a four-year-old heifer consigned by Hon. Walter J. Jones, premier of Prince Ed- ward Island; and H. L. Guilbert, Vercheres, Que., who paid $2,000 for a two-year-old heifer offer- ed by R. R. McLaughlin. Peat reserves near Rio de Jan- eiro, Brazil, will soon be produc- ing a thousand tons a day, it is planned. AWARDED D.F.M. P0, Bob Charters of Brantford Is a son of Mr, Clarence Charters, Manager of the C.W.N,A, Ho was 19 years of age when he joined t h e A 1 r Force and received t h e D.F.M. before he was 20. 'rhe decoration was awarded for a display of great for- titude when he remained P0, CHARTERS at his post although wounded in the chest, Ills bomber continued on its flight to Essen with one engine disabled. P0. Charters' 23 year•old brother has been overseas with the Lorne Scots since May 1992. sh MAKE YOUR OWN CIGARETTES .WITH _ MACDONALD'S Fine Cut r,t ,i . ira"t • t' A MILDER TASTIER TOBACCO , r4"4':- P 1jA:tUfs .1'1 i4t 13M as 13y VICTOR ROSSEAU CHAPTER V SYNOPSIS Dave 13ruce, out of a job, ar- rives at Wilbur Ferris' Cross-I3ar ranch. Curran,the foreman,promises hint a job if lie can break a horse called Black Dawn, n notorious killer. When Dave discovers Curran expected the horse to kill hila, they fight, Dave hits Curran just as n girl rides up. She is bitterly angry with Dave for breaking "her" horse. The girl, Lois, rides off on Black Dawn, and Dave follows, but she refuses to speak to him, Dave goes to a bar where he finds two men, Lonergan and Ilooker, quar- reling. "You put 010 off and you'll wish you'd never' been born, Lon- ergan," shouted old Hooker, IIe had picked himself tip and came tottering forward, a tragic fig- ure, with his educated speech and scarecrow clothes, "I've kept quiet long enough, I'nl warning you—" "Yep? And I warned you plenty that your sbindigs in town has got to stop," rasped a voice behind them, bills, which he proceeded r to count, The total sunt of Dave's remaining savings amounted to two hundred and sixty-five dol- lars, with some small change. "1'11 take this Lonergan's re- ceipt for that mortgage int'res1," said Dave, "And here's the n oney,' • • M Lonergan's eyes were popping. "Say, who sent you here?" he shouted, "Just what game do you think you're playing?" "Why, I'll tell you," answered Dave, leaning forward COnfidell- tin1ly, "1'211 figurin' that two hundred will buy me a job till I got time to look around some more, And I kind of hate to see an old feller like Mr, Hooker forced to pull up stages after 12 years because of two hundred and twelve dollars. So if you'll just fix up that receipt, Lonergan, ale and Mr, Ilooker will be rid - in' bonne," Hooker grasped Dave's hands in his. "It'll be pardnel's," ho shouted, "I never hired 'nobody in my life to work for ale, and I'm not going to start now. Pard- ners, fifty-fifty, and I won't take Th' p'r!, Lc:ls, stood in the entrance, Dave turned. A big man with a clipped black mustache and a star upon his coat was standing just behind hint, "Ile struck ale across the face, Coggswell, I want hint arrested for assault and battery," shout- ed old Hooker. "I've jot some rights, haven't I?" "You got no rights while you're drunk and incapacitated, except - in' n cell in the town lockup," answered the sheriff, "And how about you, stranger?" he demand- ed of Dave. "1 never seen you before that I know of. How conte you're interferin' in this matter? Beep yore hands away from yore belt and speak up quick." **• "Why, 1 was just ur'gin' this reverend, or whatever he calls hit.. self, to pick an extra heavy- weight of his own brand," an- swered Dave, jerking his head to indicate Lonergan's bulk of paunch. "1'ni just a harmless puncher, sheriff, ridin' in to get ale a job somewheres," "You seen Mr, Ferris?" "I seen him and 1 had a few words with him and Curran. Re- sult no job," said Dave. "Then you'd best ride on," said Coggswell, "As for you, Hooker," he add- ed to the of ! man, " y•ni fork yore cayuse and git lack to yore place pronto, Maybe you'll have time to saber up and make yore plans before the sale conies off." "Just a minute," said Dave. "How much is it Mr. sleeker owes this here Lone:gan for back int'rest on his mortgage's I thought I heard something said about two hundred dollars." • • • "Two hundred twelve dollars and fourteen cents, if it's any in- t'rest to you,'' the sheriff an- swered. "You was thinkin' of payin' it, huh?' "Well, 1 'Linn,' said Dave, "It seems kinder hard to put this old feller out of his ranch for two hundred and twelve dollars and fourteen cents after he's been there twelve ;ars—wasn't it 12? And that there notice on the wall, presumably referrin' to his ranch, describes it ns a valuable property of two thousand acres. "What you say to me lendin' you the money to s•ottle with this Lunerge.+, and then givin' ale a job as a puncher?" asked Dave, turning to Hooker. He opened the pocket in his belt and pulled out a sheaf of. the money no other way." Dave skrugged his shoulders, "Well if you feel that way about it, Mr. Hooker, I'm villin' to oblige," he answered. Sheriff Coggswell cut' short Lonergan's explosive oaths, "That is fair enough, lir. Lonergan," he said, "If them two wants to execute a decd of pardneiship, there ain't no way of stoppin' them, This is a sheriff's sale, and that's law. Heinle," he shouted to the barkeep, "just bring ale 8 sheet of paper and a pen and a bottle of ink, and come ]sere for a witless, will yllh?" * * Five minutes later, with the money transferred to Lonergan's pocket, less the sheriff's fees, and the decd of partnership, in his wallet, Dave was assisting old Hooker, who looked completely dazed, out of the saloon, "Didn't want your pardner- ship, Mr, Hooker," he said, as Hooker clung to his arm, voicing protestations of gratitude, "All I was looking for was a job, When we get to your house, and you've had a sleep, we'll go into de- tails. H' here's your cayuse?" "Over there," mumbled Hook- er, indicating a strawberry roan standing at the end of the hitch- ing -rack, • Dave unhitched the horse and helped Ilooker to mount, Once in the saddle the ono 1111111 seemed to regain control of his limos, Dave mounted his bay, and the two set off side ey side along the street, Beans From Garden On November Ist In a shall Victory Garden of Glen Ridge the lady of the house- hold went out and ;deiced n quart of climber bea..s, the vines of which, used to cover up a wire fence, had been prolific for many weeks past. '1'hc beans were partly consun'ed at lunch and with freshness had all the vita- I11i11s. Is there any other part of Can- ada where green beans for table use could have been picked on November 1? The. plant is one of the most susceptible of all to frost. Can Kent County, more south- erly than St. Catharines, equal the record? —St. Catharines Standard. Sausage Chowder This hearty soup, carried in a vacuum jar, makes an appetizing and satisfying "starter" for any lunch, Cut the sausages rather small, for convenience; anal send along a spool, as well as crisp crackers wrapped in waxed paper, to go with the Soup! i1 pound sausages 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Ready Nix tai cup chopped onion Soup (any flavour) b cups water or stock ?z teaspoon salt Cut up sausages and cook until crisp, Lift from pan and drain off some of the fat. In remaining fat, cook onion until tender. Add eater and bring to rapid boil. Shake and stir in Aunt Jeminna Ready ..ix Soup, heating until thickened. Add salt and sausages, and rc-1 eat. Fill into heated vacuum jar, for the carried lunch. Jta!;cs ti hc:u' y servings. Leftover soup may be re -heated for home lunches. Chas&s7Nerve Food The Vitamin' Bi 'Tonic Contains Vitamin Bt and Essential Food Minerals Ext ensivcly used for headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia, chronic fatigue, mid exhaustion of the nervous system. GO pills, GO cts. Economy slze, 180 pills, $1,50. 886E TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBERS Some Tempting Autumn Recipes A New Spanish Cream 1 pint of c.eann or rich milk 1 tablespoon of sugar 8 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla Scald the milk or cream over hot water. Beat egg yolks, sugar and vanilla, and mix thoroughly; Gradually add scalded cream and when mixture is well combined turn into a baking dish, Set in a pan of hot water and bake. in a slow oven until firm, Cool and chill thoroughly. Cover with faple sugar or brown sugar and place under the broiler, When the sugar is .;cite brown- and melted remove from the hent again, Serve very cold with caramel sauce or cream. Cauliflower surprise For those who think cauliflower la rather a flat -tasting vegetable I sta'ongly advise them to try this recipe and they will be using It often. 2 eggs 1/12 cup of milk Vs teaspoon salt ?a teaspoon nutmeg % grain of cayenne 2 tablespoons' lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter Mix all the ingredients together, in the order given, Cook in the top of a double boiler, until tlliclq pour over hot cooked cauliflower, %A • Apple Dream 2 lbs, of apples % cupful of sugar 3 tablespoons butter Juice and rind of one. lemon 3 egg yokes 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons of sugar ' Peel and core apples and' cam - bine with sugar, butter and lemon. Cook until tender then beat well. Cool slightly and stir in well beaten egg yolks. Put 111 a baking dish. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold in two tablespoons of sugar and pile on top of first mixture. heat in a moderate oven until the top is nicely browned, Serve hot or cold, Whipped Cream Substitute I heard this over the radio the other clay and hope it will meet \with your approval. 1 cup of ground apple ai cup white sugar 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Whites of two egg, whipped stiffly Mins Chitin hers neteonus pernonnl letters frum Inlerenleti renders. She 1* plenned to revel ce NUggentIons on tople% for her voltam, 1.11.1 In nitvuys rem!). to Osten to your "pet pee% es." Hewlett In for ' reelpes or Npeelnl menu* are In. order. AIdre,n your lel tern to "11Ins Salle 11. tatltltdlern, is N'cnt A delnIde S1.,' Toronto." Send *tamped Nelf-n.I- dre*Ned envelope 1f you t,IsI, o reply. Rural Hydro Rates Reduced In Ontario Reduction in rural power costs, merging of all 120 rural power districts into•onc district, and the setting up of a Hydro -Electric Advisory. Council, were .announc- ed last week by Premier• George A. Drew and the Proviiiial Hydro Commission. A sawing of approx- imately $500,0011 will be accom- plished for the rural consumers under the changed. cute.., - The present serf ice charge to 16.1 ary producers is to he tom pletety eliminated, and tiie serv- ice charge to other rural consum- ers reduced, the Premier said. It wits''1InpllaSize(1 that the new rates -will 'give the greatest reduc- tion where it is most needed, the districts where high rates pre- vail. "1 12111 convinced that the change in rates will greatly in- creas'e the use of electrical energy in the rural• areas, will improve conditions on the farms and make a large contribution to the gen- eral economic welfare of the, whole.. province," said the Pre - Mier. "1'an1 informed that with this change we Will now hale the lowest general basic rural rates in the whole world provided under similar conditions," The Government was anxious to make electric power available for every farmer, and "we arc do- ing everything possible to arrange for the connection of new farms at present restricted by nvaetinlo control." • l'rompt payment discount for all rural. consumers Was fixed at 10 per cent, Origin Of Term "Black Market" The black market got its mune from a development in Germany it 1017 which, with variations, is being repeated in the United States in 1943, Ethyl News ex- plains: "German . farmers, dissat- isfied nvith price ceilings set over their livestock, took to slaughter- ing thclr animals on moonless nights told' selling the pleat through illegal channels. Hence the terms 'black slaughtering,' and 'black market,' " CARD 5 each with matching envelops • and y4c8§rMAs191119 AND t DOX TOP FROM DELICIOUS QUAKER OATS THINK of it! 6 attractive Christmas cards and en- aelopcs to match and 24 gay, colourful Christmas seals in a wealth of different designs .. , are yours for a fraction of their regular cost! Go to your grocer, today, and obtain your special Quaker Christmas Offer order coupon when you pur'cha'se delicious Quaker Oats. HURRY! HURRY! SUPPLY LIMITED Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KI.DNEYS Try the Original"Dutch Drops" It is poisonous caste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache, dizzy spells, leg cramps, restless, steep -broken. nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has wort the grateful thanks of.• thousands for ninny years—GOLD MEDAL lluarlent Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney sti,uu• sant is the original and genuine Dutch . Drops in carefully nmat fired amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known, remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. it works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your kidneys to purify the blood. Be sure you get t he original and genuine -- packed in Canada. Insist un fretting 601.1) \lEIiAI. Maarten) oil Cap:;uies. 40c at your d tiggists. .1 ISSUE No. 48-43 This is Orel as the Russians found it when they returned to the Nazi -devastated city, One of the first cities rewon in the Soviet offensive that began last summer, Orel mourns the loss of her modern, beautiful buildings but looks to the day when they will be rebuilt, THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events The Master Plan For Greatest Military Operation Of All Time London publicly reports that a large area in southwestern Eng- lund is to bo evacuated by Dec, 20 to provide an invasion traiu- lt.g ground for American troops,; General Revers, the American commander, a11110U11Ces that the manouevr'es tiro necessary to de - clop "the Holster plan that will set in Motion what may be the greatest military operation of all time"; and as the correspondents aro allowed to speak with an in- creasing freedom of a gathering "second -front" army, tho Ger- mans show that they are impress- ed by the recent bombing of the southwestern British ports from which it will presumably be launched, says The New York Herald Tribune. Pattern Grows Clearer From all this ono gathers that a muster plait has actually been drawn to a major scalp and the date set; but that it certainly cannot be before Dec, 20 and probably will not conte for a con- siderably longer tinge, Thus the pattern, glimpsed through the Moscow communique and the subsequent speeches of Mr. Stalin and Mr. Churchill, begins to grow a little clearer, It was in May that the Prinle Minister said that while opinions differed as to whether "air )ower by itself" could "bring about the collapse of Germany," the "experiment is well worth trying." Probably neither Mr. Churchill nor his air advisers ever thought that Ger- many could bo knocked out from the air with no land invasion at all; but it is believed that they did have hopes that she could bo 30 "softened up" as to shake the ultimate invasion a relatively minor part of the total strategy. Results Negative? Throughout the summer the "experiment" has been made on ar. ascending scale of violence, and the results, on the whole, appear to have been negative, The devastation has been terrible; but the protective dispersal of Germany's war industries and the astonishing capacity of a modern industrial economy, to make re- pairs and develop makeshifts has rendered it less immediately de- cisive than alight have been ex- pected, While the air attack has severely hobbled Germany's ply sisal ability to make war, it has not directly destroyed it. The British are beginning to feel that the plain impact of air assault is on morale rather than on phy- sical potential. Co-ordinated Plan Developed Perhaps it was a recognition of this which lay behind the success of the Moscow conference. One can infer that the Western Allies came to the conference ready to grant that the air war would have to be backed up by massive ex- ploitation on the ground, however costly in life it alight be; that this made it possible for the first time to bring the land, sen and air strategy of Russia, Britain and the United States on to a common ground and from it to develop a genuinely co-ordinated plan, leading to the firm pledges of specific action which were ap- parently exchanged at Moscow, The Only Way This cannot mean that the sec- ond front has been substituted for the bombing. offensive, or that Italy is to he abandoned in favor of France. Rather, it sug- gests that all parts have been fitted into a whole which will per- mit each part to exert its maxi- mum -possible effect. In such a phos, idents of a ntajoe Balkan offensive would be dropped; in Italy, the plain objective would be simply to secure (and it has been dune at relatively small cost) the bases from which to step up the bombing offensive over all of Germany, while a major blow with land forces from the Nest would bo co-ordinated with the hammer strokes of the Itod Army and of the British- based strategic bombers. For the Western Allies it may mean a bill heavier than some may have hoped they would have to pay. But it Is the only way to get results. The Book Shelf WESTERN STAR By Stephen Vincent Benet Western Star Is the spirit and the beginnings of America, There is in It the essence of what Am• erica vis and the euro knowledge of what It will bo, "Americans are always moving on." This 1s the first lino of this great new nag. rativo poem, Western Star. The words Mr. Benet' used to describe America apply equally well to him, He Also was always moving on, Wilton the war came lie put aside Ills own Work, and without recompense, devoted ev- ery ounce of his energy and gen• lus to the service of Ills country, At the time of Itis recout death Mr. Benet held a position in the esteem of his fellow writers and fellow Ainerlcans probably never before achieved by an American writer. As truly as any soldier on the battlefield, he gave Ills lite for the country he loved, Western Star . . . By Stephen Vincent Benet . . . Oxford Unl. varsity Press ... Price $2,50, FREEDOM'S FARE Hungry repatriated Allied pris- oner grabs a thick sandwich be- fore int tit:g down his luget,ge, at Leith, Scotland, where soldiers returned from Germany landed. • British Miner's Amazing Record Cheerful Little Fellow Has Worked 7 Days A Week For 84 Weeks The battle of production, like tho clash of arms, has produced its heroes, but Lew wlto appear dough- tier than a British coal minor iden- tified only as Bart, Ills exploits aro reported In "Tho Listener," official organ of the British Broad- casting Company, as told over the air by the manager of the import- ant pit 1n the North Midlands whore he works. Telling English listeners how their minors are backing the attack, the manager said: ''There is 0110 man, known to his friends as Bart, who has pro- duced 21,611 tons of coal in 1,205 shifts; 84 of • these shifts being worked on Sundays. Bart is 46. He stands five feet, four inches high In his socks and weighs just over 9% st0110 (133 pounds). Ire's a cheerful little fellow, and full of the joy of lite. Every day this man has worked he has produced only a fraction below 18 tons, which is equal to 300 times his own weight. Let's look at it an- other way; in four years Bart has loaded the equivalent of 2,200 rail- way trucks of coal, or ono whole trainload every four weeks, The vast quantity of coal produced by this one malt is sufficient to pro- vide the finished steel for the pro- duction of one heavy cruiser and two desiroyors of the Tribal class. During the whole period of the war Bart has lost only ono shift voluntarily. Ile has worked seven clays a week for 84 weeks and his average for the whole war Is six (lays per week, Including holiday periods," The New York Sun points out how "pheuouenal'' Bart's record Is by comparison with the output in 133, bituminous mines in which, in 1941, the average per miner was 5.2 tons per day and in 1942 prob- ably nearer five tons, The Sun adds: "Yet in this country the output should be higher than in England clue to the fact that here a pro- portion of bituminous coni is gain- ed by strip mining and also be- cause American plt mines are more efficiently mechanized than those in England." Chrysanthemums Before the Sicilian campaign the Emperor of Japan undertook to encourage his illustrious fel- low -gangster, Jlussolini, by deco- rating hint tvillh the Imperial Order of the Chrysanthemum. The Italian press duly reported the bestowal of n most distin- guished honor, but kept muni on just tyhat the decoration was. In Italy the chrysanthemum is asso- ciated with funerals. —New York Times. REG'LAR FELLERS—A Smoothie 15111V RAKE UP THE �% ';l�1l s LCAVee ON THE iRONlr.' .`0 • LAWN AND twee 'EH ,I • THE PLACt is A .. y";y • MESS! DA.: HAD (Tl Ate' ME S'POSCD Tb PLAY IN MIS AFTCRNooteS BIG GAME VOICE OF THE PRESS OTTAWA REPORTS That In 1944 There Will Bs An Increase In Machinery to the Canadian Farmer With no possibility of a let- up in the demand for increased farm production and with the labor shortage becoming more and more acute, the farther is increasingly conscious of the need for the most modern, labor- saving farm machinery. The findings of tho farm -im- plements sub -committee of the House of Commons War Expendi- tures Committee made public re- cently, emphasized the "impera- tive necessity" of additional sui,plies of such labor-saving im- plements. Until May of this year, farm implements have been among the many commodities on the ra- tioned list. Since May the re- strictions guarding the sale of farm machinery have become less severe and gradually more and • more items have been added to t:. list exempted from rationing regulations. This has been made possible by increased manufacturing quotas which have come into effect since July. VICTOR EMMANUEL Isere, then, is the bleak future of the proud old monarch: A large part of his kingdom demands his drown, which has adorned his head for 43 years. And another large part demands his head, which he has worn for 74 years. Ho may lose both. All because he compromised with freedom way back In 1922. —Winnipeg Free Press, —0 -- GUESSERS Tho people who used to record their guesses on the number of beans In Hie pot. in the drug store window are now recording their guesses on when the war will end, They are probably as far wrong as they were on the number of beans, —Kiwanls Magazine, —0— MANY LIKE THIS Maybe that genius 1n the Navy Department who rearranged the typewriter keyboard in the inter- ests of simplicity could do some- thing for ours, The blamed thing can't spell. —Christen Science Monitor. --e— AHEAD OF HIS TIME Funny how some people live years ahead of their time, Take the num who wrote, "Yes, We IIave No Bananas." —Windsor Star, —0— LIFE IS FLEETING The good thing about a modern popular song is that it doesn't stay popular long. —Brandon Sun. —0— ELUSIVE INFLUENCE Influence is what you think you have, till you try to use it. —Kitchener Record. Banks Ready When C.C.F. Takes Over One of our banking friends has been telling us about the plans his bank is making for the day when the C.C.E. takes over the banks in Canada. That is go- ing to be a great day. There will no longer be any money troubles. At first, this particular bank thought it would keep the money in stacks behind the counter and hand it out, but they :lecided that would be too formal, So, they are just going to put the money in a huge pile in the middle of the floor, Then, people can conte in and take a handful whenever they need it. 'There is no taking two handsfu1, the C.C.P. beim; against gree.]. Only one handful at n time is tine limit; but of course, there is nothing to pre- vent anyo'lc taking a Lluldful, walking around the block, and coating in for another handful. The hank was going to have the line forst to the right, until someone thought that the C,C.F. leans to tie left, so the line for free money will form to the left. —Windsor Star, Lo0K,e0Pt 'rNt. WIND 15 IN -n-es DIRCCTiog AN' IPt V'*4 -rue. Le.mit9 foe& Tut. SetoKeLL Coe% 11 1E House. Y • Now the outlook becomes even brighter and it is expected that the cancellations of certain war contracts should cause an easing in the steel "bottle -neck," and factory facilities and labor short- age be made available for tho manufacture of more farm int. plements. This is the opinion of subcommittee. It was also pointed out that two other bottle -necks aro fac- tory labor and the limited supply of malleable castings, and it was stated that these factors are under "careful study" and may be alleviated, if not removed. Reviewing the situation for the coaling crop seaSot►, H. II, Bloom, Wartime Prices and Trade Board farm machinery administrator, has given the assurance that there will be a substantial in- crease in the machinery avail- able to Canadian farmers, So far no decision as to the alloca- tion of this supply of machinery has been announced, but the matter is being caiefully stud- ied, Mr. Bloom said. * In the meantime, it would be folly to neglect any ineasure that [This CURIOUS "CIV( CIVILIZED" BROUGHT ABOUT THE EXTINCTION Of; THE LABRADOR DL)CK IN JUST 87 YEARS AFTER HE KNEVV OF THEIR. EXISTENCE. THE LAST SPECIMEN WAS KILLED NEAR ' NEW YORK, IN 1875. - HONORED BY U.S. Major General George Iran• dolphe Peat•kes, 55, V.C., C.D., D.S.O., M.C., General Officer Commanding -in -Chief, Pacific Command, has been honored by the United States which zot.fer- red upon him the title of Com- mander of the Legion of Merit. The honor 13 one of the highest available to perso1.3 who are not citizens of the United States and ranks second only to the Distin- guished Service Medal. might lengthen the life of ma- chinery already in hand, Pre- cautions can be taken to protect it from rust and rot, W. S. Richardson, assistant supernitendent at the Dominion Experimental Station at Lennox- ville, Quebec, says that even an inexpensive shed will be a pro- tection against sun, rain and snow, But in addition he adds all metal parts of machines that are polished uy their contact with the soil, should be covered with oil to prevent rust. For this pur- pose he recommends crankcase oil, Before freeze-up, machines used to spread chenicial fertiliz- ers should be thoroughly washeL or brushed to rentov,t the fertil- izer, and their metal parts given a coating of oil. Some farmers remove the star wheels and soak thein in a Bucket of oil for a day or two. Without thesis precautions It is often difficult to get these machines started in the spring, WORLDBy William I Ferguson • 4 " , C•i lARL£S 44. MOWie BLIND AUTHOR OF NAPA, CALIFORNIA, 7 HAS' WRITTEN /00 BOOKS... AND ALL HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED. COPR.1931 SY NEA SERVICE, INC. • 1. 0 a.144 ▪ Its SOUND WAVES OF V/OLE/VT 4CPLO /ONS TRAVEL MUCH FASTER THAN NORMAL UNTiL. THEY REACH A CONSIDERABLE DISTANCE.. ,11 -EN THEY SLOW DOWN ID A CONSTANT SPEED 4.-t6 THE Labrador Duck was first made known to science in 1788, and little is known of its nesting habits. Not one egg was saved to science, and only a few specimens of the bird are in existence to• day. It is supposed to have bred in Labrador Feather hunters arc credited with its extinction. NEXT: Mice that live for menthe without watese By GENE BYRNES "Yt'-SSIl A smoorst HALP BACK 14 /7, Tr11N1t. PAs't Mott WAYS 1HA4 oNtl 1' N ►et ). 1. LL 01114 All ,I. I. rn.f.1 Page 4, r THE STANDARD ymt( t�e�e+a�c� ......e �ct....�e�l�e��ete�s�e �e�s�.,,,,'e'€',,,.,e„tete 1 ri November Session , Huron County Council) ,st n ii 1 \Varclen Tuc'cey's Address also, "w ,• r the bite rugine III)' holt.” A I, I 11; particular aversion at the time i; Warden Int :(sou W. 'I',u'Itt'y, in his iy I "It'hilird-, whish ❑rp'becu11ltmg UM ;1'1111 ,tt tilt' ii ll.11l; 5l':,Hh a (tt 1111• h nu tenons around Ib'assets. "They are it loll county Conned oil iht' t 11t'tlltt;i 14'a `atllil 10 10111( Ill 11111 are it pi' I" ei lily t'1 int \011 mooriLt4 lt11 or Itlt' Ai • • J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. BLY'I'II --- ON T. Office Phone 101, Itesidence 1'hone 1:.' or 110, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" .aGt C/dtS1�IC•.�1..'i„':• ••�I.v161..101,:•u•✓.�'I.J•r•�Ir•✓•�:�.•:,.-IrW'IJ.LI.••✓`IFIJIr•r••=1r'IFI UI•..•�1✓1.�••=I✓i:.[.I�Ir't 1v ii PI11L OSlF ER OF-L.14Y MFL\!)OWTS (my Barre .1. iill) I')i \\ally i- I. :1t,1; Iola' 1: !t p t' c:( h;t1,11; 1;11 Ilial:, ..0•1 i (null Ii:',' ;1140 :1111'11 , .1 \ i ;111 t( 11.. ,ail: "1.': to ta,;t , I titre it :'n I ; Ira pt' n;. 1 , r 'tt :.1 I ;t;' \\ It•'It it t1'as 11,1,'' '.tIv ' r r tot f y nt .111 pct,tly \c .hit.. I usually \ '. i.ii.tk .,' nut 11:1 hat my hair cut unlit 'lir.•. I'll:! r,inarl;• its flit b•:t\i:1'. lug' late v:li,lg.', "it \Vollid 'tit .1 _ a'h1 ill ;t 1 'ail iI 1,111 \eel'r lu Il;lwe y, U1' !fair e'it \1 unit y' i're 1:1 lenity". . .,:I,• t to t'. It i.te is bunc!t,n': t ti c y n, 'i, i I, i In .Litt .t I It1' iter tl:e I:y 1:, Dal: I _ !t true r i„ and lige n: -t a' til. :Rill and 1..tV,' a l'iltt 11°111 :t 1: .\ of '1l'.' I 'w• at 1!:' lil)It I inn ,tt int,, ua and I Ih, time .. II ❑ . n I a a.l 1411' a (()air in I .. 1 ai:I\w,ty'• ,hi it, ale's 11!1,t1' t.:)'.1 I..a b.,111 '1'uty cu-il .lint ;ole it the a:1' feta—. ,111 w, , . ha; \! •. 1'';1;1 :.1 "ts 1:1,41 ti litill: till' hat:'. II' e\ ;t (,it•15 t) ( lip lay 1, r:: 1.t,' , :vitt w',' lt,l', t• to go t 11 r t II!, Ii. ''1' 111 i,(1' ;1 ;in, ( . 1111.11S. 1 1 ' ,::t 1.) 1. 1 , , :I lam') %fatting t.) 1;1 ,=horn ! (exist, tag' is 111 city. tai,tIiv. In spit' of all tint' I can still find rca•tt,• far not go:lt,; to the 11.tl'Lci'•.'iltt, ,t man can ',vas'. that, hi.rs titkil:g la a ft IN, \v in the .•:.11'1:' a:.0at pul.1ics o,' Ira! ptac' el fr,(I but he ft= ore= that t'ttlferenee a: l; whet', turd it was giv- there's I.:tthing to compare to stay':m.• in ;t bat'ber-shop as fin' a, wa•t: title 11„rtit ('oust) l'uiuril, which emiveni Many Patriotic Grants ed at (ittlt't'Ii'h hast \1t','k• exitl't'sspil Ills pride in 1 0011's ;amazing war ei-' Itt'silles supporting the \'it'tury Loan ,11'1 drain;; Iby year in soh=criaiu' '„uupnig;a, tit,' (•0.111(111 spent $21,1Is to tilt' two \•i,'tory Lent:, In i,.t:rinti,• te.u' effort I)y douatiuus. .\fat 1' pi( -.ratting the titinm'ltl stale - int ;it tale•ut,;it from January 1 to Oetttbel• ii1, i r,ethl r 1\1111 t'.tinl;tt;s. for the hal \ i. I ,', Bunds iu t11c gl'la''r;11 u, cu'.n11 II, I:rstcane stated thatt it \vltult' op- o my hl.''Itvay rumnlitt. e hilt( not beau' that :11l account.* tvo'Ild h.tlance 1,1 t n abl•' to build Many neve grid;e.; i,lvora:l1,, "('(isid( ring Dial Otis \eft; hut bad I, at the wad; iu the best o; Pio' Mile after the intrehe 1' $:',0,1'n 1 (Kant. lir holt..! an txtvli 'un f0 li\1 ,11 faith(( iItch. e.',I!lu:ttt ', he ,;tits. ?•1•-.,i..1) of the hi„ltway;; tcc;;unL iii( nJ�•H i r.`�:}; Ih1 ('t.ult. Dom.: world . e p:,. •1111 an the n,.u' nut ore, Ile intl.' tribute l0 it lm; ht.tt ;t eery guu;l ye.u'," Mt. Ilse lint .1. f n 111:'01; 1:1' ;in. stated, \Inst commnaltt s Iutve 'Li \e of .1 hfielli, and hoped for a ion 1.0;U1 infra(' 4t hull airalwe a1'..' it, ' fur all' sistyt• of The atlnt!uisuation of justice, Bnmiu Gntleri:h. ion 1.L:lu intern:;l had insurance ore ±111\\ tt. There i; an is. t't';tst' in 1111' I The wa:'dl 11 Hatt tl tb tl h: would sea son tut' deer ('hildrt m's .\ill Stn"t'ty. toll in ho pi• •1. I 1 i ' it• l:u 'I .l dnelarl d in I lurnn c0nuly ;old t0 hale nal ;e ;'0unis, due It .nun } 1, the it, ttumult. un t of (Mute ;Intl l'ishet' number of county ptli(1115, Ws al point a fall -time taut' ()vet:seer; Wo.Vlcl Extend Selective Service it, !IL comity, .1 el',titse in tit,' rep,trl 01' the \vat ileo'.; et;!nutitic'.' 1'c td lat.'t' :\ res )1 ;from 111 1!11 aliei'tl1)Itit stated that ;l t'oltl• commends flat to nication received trent the I:epa't t'apital 'I'na-Iii;s: \\ ;ten (tail 1'.i:rich Ittrnt of (iatt' Lion s. trttll'.I in OI• fora three-day open season f(ir deer In\\'a t0 ',tri;( to III" 1'i1'I'"y I oat in the comity, but the r0ntulitlee had drive. sit' \vu;•' a I;li!ure,l blaeli tea 11 informed the department that tle,v \vt,ullen snit by Iren'. s 1 there. . • • fell ()('lige 1 to ;Mile fly the decision The I1"ii'ttg I:.nlyll 1` 11'tl�,' lo't:" ('1 the ('tllllt'al at Iha' 111111' session I'lrl' Duren t'tuniy ('u int 11 11a(1 t'.liliarized I, :111 1 Irl'1ta-e in E: 111 of ;; -,,u to, utii m n' hu' $: t in Victory 1.11ntis, Cr; 11,; i:) s111.1':tlle Of bihor Illtll 11111- i t. t tis, lir, \\'anion coutitt'tl, all' .i, WEEKLY El)L'FtD)Q LOOKS AT awa Written specially far the weekly newspapers of Canada BY JIM GREENBLAT 1:,1\1' Ittall eV, 1' :n Irlrt•. t '.I'1ei'.'15 ,:ly' a l•ltr,t'tt 5..i5titt. In :17 t'ama;li:tn t•eu:rt • \\lien: 1;t' the report. 1f1,:t!,1 N. x'.11'1' t pt 1::1' • t.lt•t't' al' \'tll'o ,5 t,i11111ttnF 11'1 .. , :One. brant . Or:teI;_h tit ' the • ult,ict'1 whet. the Eoard. . 1'110 the tial Il:ut rtp'e,l in 1\7:•, the hell, in Si. Intl• e'.' • (-mirth on Ken; Sit'. et \vi11 1 '•' 1.y 3':1 'alalic cit ttl'ietl tt,'1i,','. . 'Pitt' O,i . -13s ('i' art•.!' 1'001 of• Bills here say \lyre :.i:,1 t., Iron', cVt't'.1. in Sep• 11' tuber through this nn'llium alone I'I e,id( ml ItuO-eVell st at the (ttVt'rtor (iint'ritl a motion pa"tnre if Ihr• .\lliea ('0.111; )1 (.m111.111:21 is cutcrut 11. Finally I go t.1 the Liu' The hair is pretty It:n and >I:s. I'ltil is gi(tint; tire(( '1 seem,, it drutjtt'd 111tt' shy 10!lar. There's usually it arty ttlltws around the •hut, Old Alan daps in to r' .Id tate pa' et an 1 some t'' tit( yo„Ito lets from seatll:r: are reading the t':u,nies in the Stnulav paper. Jae': Ii:itder on the drove,' net\ ti' $1.1:1 in=lead of $111'. tit” latter• level having been held sine*: .\ugast. 1:11-, S:tbs'. talent e,1-1 am• creast' in li','iug index stumped 11'0111 117.11 to 11 .1 last mttsllh. tt first ;;huwtng to a i1.,:iueuishtvl temp;uty at lift\: rn)ment holt-e ('rice: Board olt'icials Say a sit 1tmt:ut Of 17111 tots 1'i' Pa tet' 11'11.; sent frim t'anada for tate Brilisll SIh ,\rnty for 1Se in prop;lgttncit w'ut'll ill lib:'rtt.11 1end Writ s. Total poll o1' tht' increase in cost of living i'(.ntt< effcttivl' Nt\'1'mtber 1:1111 is estimated at :7:;,u1),1,u. tI, It \Vial twill be i ; t1' r; getting a shave and t t ilio•, t ' .. y. ,;fly that t .tl 1 L pile( .; are due for at awful tumble. Tim 'Mur- phy \will :lip over from his st'.)r:' for u gams' of et ibbage .with anyone wit t Kapp: ns 1', \vont to play. Barba . Ed. I l:tt't:tw'ay will he teililt r athn ;1 lit" Will' 011 the' !Ill- staid t1'tt111 •lust as if h ' had come 1'i:lit 1».melt from there. (;tDad taIIS try alitple Sayers ;as 111- llaiat d by the flirt that si1Vin!_: 1)n da'pt:;it in ('asadtt'; chartered bank- at Srptetll.,'t• tin 111st tunonnttti t0 The chairs in the shop are l•ttmi'u1't- $1,loas.9l'4,o00, Rcmt'iiier, that's sav- able tt:d there's lots of tare gu'.ig ings alone, around. It's net su•h ;l !lad place to I i (item! a little taste at. \\hem \ly Inrn! 'I'ltis \v:11 snit•;•t sl house\t't',s who comes I can't deny that the ft 'I Allmon, or will it? • lth:.ugh the clippers anti the razor stakes lug _en,utu cases of British C'ol,mlbia'a feel a whole lot better. In fact when 11,1.; salmon latch' may be •ttvaitabli 1'l walk out of the:.., aft.'r ply''ng 1?1. for aha Canadian markt(, the greater his thirty five c,=mt..s I feel like ant w part wilt be eaten 1 y other .111:cd Na• man. I make id) my muni( that ilex: 'tions. We will be (lor,blitg our 19E1 lime I'll t : sty hair r tt on time and "hiptio nts of frozen fish to the Rol fool around until it starts drop iat:;:diml. and the etch.) exportable 1 ting 1'\t r may cellar. sitrid is cf dried, i:)tele ; and grat'It• 1111 ;I mail( ul' we( !t:; c 1 1 y in a ' •anted fish, s,;illy 27 million paumtl;. '1n0'ry and alt'• i'ar-1 I that'',y'0I hitt he it 11110u:11ml 10 t'nriou5 coin( ihy hilar I= long tic tin and I'm bap:: tries alder i, Era! tl Nations plan. iii'iiillg ('):faint.; alit:tt not it.Ittug tint - 4g. 5 to \va ,t,' in a tar:•et' shop. tv,' now have our. fir. -1 Cana - re expl'e •sod on rlau.'e wtt din Ccer Are Never Safe \\lard( it Tuckey reiterated lit; ()pin- ion that the appoii:ni,nt of a 1';111-Ifuo ;ince of the year. County 'Treasurer A. life. Lacer are fain( at all title.; in the year, and Ir(' favored alt' op:'n season. Reeve Percy 1'a shore tot» itt111 at would be fair: r if an open si:taot rm. tw'o days was alio\veil. it would t'md to help the Hatuttitn with- nl the law, I R( time i'. 1\ also», Stanley, :•witted he wawa not opposed, providing a full-time gam' war;l, :t were employed. 11': felt more deer are being hiIhli'd (lur- ing 111: year than \\'o'atl:l 1 :' if there wee e an up,`n season, Reeve; in shy aurihrl a part of the comity wa'n,'11 that this year ft \t•;'1' deer are being seen incl Rei'ye It, 80:•1111111 of Brus- sels said he liked to see the tI 11101, Jinn `:liti'ter lu I)r;r'il t•leat I>;'syn, it is ',yell to title Iha( lirttzil i; staking a big contri.'utits to the Allied cause, lite mimes and industries being virtu- ally turned over 111 wan' production. 'I'1) Canada ';he st tuns crystal rock, an county nl inic•ipttliti,'S• is:,coli::I material in the manufacture of optical instrunt; stn and :ata'-ilizcrs,1 * \\*Omen it, r,s'al ('iiitititti11ili..•;, ;1:; MIIIi4111111 Affairs contained a mint - well as iht:2 in Late Citic staml'to nlary at' slunicipal sod school.legt;ltt- te mtl'it from the price ceiling 1',n cab- lace recently ('trade.(, stunt, of which haggis beets, carrots and parsnips, If is glven below: The :\sscsslIeni :\cal as revised re- quires the assessor to add to the ac- tE:• sment roll the val'te of any htitid- ing whi(i, after the return of the roll, is everted, altered or enlarged, or which ct,sell to he cx,,,mpt. The (loud o1' Devi-do:1 may cancel or re• mice t,txc; Ie\ led again ;I a building Eno b; , hecs rayed i:y .'ire or (Altar. wise, front (trey comity r,'• the National Selective Service he so extended that al pulp': uintuits I c made (it' wren h•tow'iig facts about ;t;grit:tlttu'e and lit*' tnnu:tgelu_nt of various manufacturing industries in every comity and urban nluatcip:(lit• les; that they work its eaotettti it and m1i'ott with the I'tpar:intnl y: National I;. fend', and that a visit It ' made to every farm, factory and office at once; that ample ;tlilt.11t s of feed int;; grain he guaranteed li' an nal" t;nrplus of stored grain in Int ' \Vest, and supplied freight fray Dom 1 ,art \\'illla i or Port .\rthur, and that the pries of This grail, be iho•,' pr,'\ail- intg on G:tolie' 1:1, l9-12. '1'htt Ilett( l lion •:tl.a:t tis':.s Illat, 115 the im':1\tnr'ia1 p,lvtrltnll.:a has palled legislation ptlnlal[ing the asstattytt :.f un,,. fifth of a twill on all rural property. the fun '5 0111; collected he rated to 'finance the Federation of .\tar:''ult.tr:' Thin'c Hog Prices Fair Enough "\\'ill( the 1.tu'e 1(.1111 very piu\'ided in connection with i'et (1 costs and it view of the I'nt'o u':t'.)le relationship bettvecn I'e,:d costs and hug Jllice;, 11 :•(ants hardly IC;ily that any such action would 1):* tattoo at this tine," the Department of Agricult„1'c \\rote in an.,w'er to 0 ' tae»oIU11011 submitted by II.n'ot footle ('outcil at the June session in which a request was made for an adtlil'unttl prenliout of on.; cent per pound oil hogs, \Valerie() county in a resolution seeks to have ;hip10nt.; of western g;r•:tin speeded up; and \Venttvorth ('canny i.lvta'ate.i al reduction 111 etit'- Ical ittte; of hank interest on loans t') sni.5tant ial its ;is Wednesday, Nov. 24111, 194J. Huron ©1d Boys' Association of Toronto. • A Remarkable Organization Ncw Lejislation Summarized \ bulletin from the Department of they have Illi; produce iia thea tttit (:.11ats, they tui' assured a fair price t)1. 1111 ;e vegetable; when they or 'ti( it husi Intl; sill than on the mar - i• .\ 0111111 tncret.:e for storage costs will he allowed 1p to next \lay. It order 1 hill(' im•uVi'sl al;; 1111'•()11 trolled rise in the price of sioreabl' s, the t'on;utitrs Branch, or: asking all C'anaditin womtetl 11) ;omit ia'a'r.v themselves with pries 011 there vegetable*. ceiling The councils ttl' local ntmlicipalilie; IIIIL;I have the first mt'etillg not latter Ili 11,11.11..,. la l J, J., da,iN I L„IJILI, , I„J•.•.�-•,. SJ SSL, al II ,Sill di, bahodLII,J./+ 1\JJ ILf .I ., I. , i.Yala kit. W:/lli. sellhbI Wll.Sa l '- "• 4. 1. 4,st ss .L.hs . "Here's the New, Easy Healthtul Family WOMEN everywhere acclaim "L'at-to- Work-to-Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical ... time -saving ... easy to use ! And there's a copy for you P1;1'i-, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Vet .cent Govcrnment surveys show that the dict of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale—to help keep them fit, on the job! So learn the easy way to "good -to -c: t” meals that provide every food need it of the body. Send for your copy of"Eat-to-Work-to-Win" today! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid t0 victory. es Jr Menus for 21 breakfasts .. 21 luncheons ... 21 0 dinners. Balanced .. . delicious ... timely. The mttrltlttn-1 *tatrtt'rntr 1', "ISat-el-w''1N;-Ir1. win" :try urtr1t•I1,1r• to Nutrtll•at sercirt•,. n,.- htrtmrnt nt i''•tltl't' and National 11P811.11. tllau•a, for the (':,uadtttrt Nutrition Programme, MAIL THIS COUPON r "NUTRITION MOR VICTORY", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send Inc my FREE copy of"I1at•to•\X'ork-to-\Vin", Name . Adder•' City Prot% than the second \1onday In Jan;uu'y and ('(( 1ty councils nut later than tlw third 'Pitt' ti ty in January, :\ section of the \lunicipal Act provide.; 'that It ctuttty jail may he tai:ed for Ittt'1 np purposes by any in inicipality. A sec- tion is added to the stet giving town- ships the authority to add one -filth of 0111' 111i11 to the Iccx rate of certain ratepayers a'; membership fees in the Fidevotion of Agriculture. BY J. S, I\ticKINNC',J- In the t'I .,bl year. cl 11 ' i.l'.;l e' thole' the I, ",nl firm of Ituu('un .\• .\tilt' .' t1;)s formed to 'fere,(:' . '1 ie' itavut, is \yore \It'. E. J. II, Dun'. (all. tvh,) \\ as it 1'y \v.!! 1 11,1\10 in the t (Irri'•It district; 'Mr, ,I. It. \tiller w; ; a I' lrutt'r 1110;11, : for c: I't,''11,' ., :tools it, I l,n't„ t ('n;idly ;old hail Ili' ily I I',( WI: ill floe (',still' y, II \Vas Duly Mil tris( 111th 1\111.11 Irien,ls from 1110 (.01111ty \\Muhl h' ill Tortttttu lit::( III"y \1't,al,l tltup in lir n coil en I'.,,' lit'.wly-t'ortn('d 14,.:;11 taut, and it the on .Ili., I..;,is:ut.lre \\ a., in tit ion the nienlberst 1\t;lld 1 , 1 pay a 1. •ii. .'','L'1. I" III. •e Ito1'lllltl 1'S w', Ir ttl;' I!11t1. A. \1, LU- (11 ( Jeri 11, am, 'I ,10;11 i t i. ..,,II, .,i.l'.I'. 111 \\ t'oxelt'r. 1' t'll'lltlli living in 'I ohm', 1. fill:M 't'ly fl0Im 11111301. ;11.-u paid a tai: it us ticaiioth \Vat :WI 1. 'I am ! it en; t;t ' \v r • 1'.,1,11: 1 !' lu :tiv i1', Ill Myth nna (Title ,I. \',til' ...AI tail r Jy!tnl front `` 1100th uud 'I'ncker. •1. \I ' :hen, of tit,,i, licit, I t. \1 tti Myth, and '111(;111'; �( ill , v:; vt 11 a-: 1111 1 \I. 1\ itch. 1\'::t n 1iv t 0t' Iln'ye of (Iles ill ll 1' 11 ,1,1 Itlt' i ll 11Un111 be "+:}',1 1,`tl 111:11 ,(1l 1'.g:'.I;i/.ttf:olt 01' former ('oantty 1e:'idpt:'• u(„': hilt::: in 'faro,(,), wtustl 1,' a s: lulu;;, 11111 110i11!1.,; t1.1:11111. „',Is Mir, I, st il,li,t; a ;I it t \Ir, 1..1nl;tu ()111 :\Ir. tl',ttd ' (who 1\31l; 'a 111•:1- 111;1 (tett ..n:' nt (1,,1'i;lll ,.I 1'l• it i:;1.;t :'u ; nttu't0 :,nil found 111(911- c1:1\l', fellow 1 d ell::e, -. ttn I,n:m tnl.tmd 101' 'ful'ntl;u, Itefol'e 1110 110:11 ill'1'l\' d ill Tot', .tit) lit, y 11a11 t1, fitli',' plans re,..al'ttlll.; ilia ('Idling of : 11 itifto'll';t! tlit','i:il.; ;'..Is .1. e t t,tttlinh 111,• le\\ s ref thein' t'rie11116 Ile! aiding tht' lot 'nation el 01t .\: 'u•talioll ttt' '.1411 'I' 1'. shit tPs of Ih1; lil((((y of Boron 11110 wetly (rift' t',-illetl'< el '!'uryllln, 'Phil, mu•''t:ig was arral;:t:1 :it, l int,' outcome was the hinging i:;:n ...i 'ten( ' 111,4 Huron old I't,t••' .\ reatti'tl (if Tolouto. 'I'Las 1'„15 ill the Year 1': I1, ti :1 Sir John \1'illis'it \vas tilt "led the . Pre illt'Ill and \\ aril I' io'Idy \la , t It tell 1111' fit'::I ,.,'t•I'. nary. 'I`” fill -1 I'u(::Iitll , ” :1:1 31,=11t'I':' 11!' 1!11' It1',v a:'t•Iltl'l.aL011 110(5 1.,n0•;tel 1:e1.1 at It t:•ry \',' '11' ll: Lluran' on I...\'. r V0age Stre"t. 'l''le nrtla 'p1 alont iat , . n tt, ".1 • alt. Don. ,',, `,I. (toss, 1\1.1',1'. uta t' .,ir.it tl, til sir ,1.,1111 \1'a''!:: It ',int 111 t'11a11':,1::11. Thi; 005 in :11!1.'1' of I',::1 ;1',11 ti ' ,;11'1;tt II:11 Ila; 'tell int (11111111 tollti opt'I'a- t o:: , v( r •:11(10. The l Eh .tttn't'ai in''. nimn 1vn; itt'ItI is t brit;sty :yea- h.. yea- " . at Il.t•I,I,;,t E. 1:1. IItvect \t, I, and Inti .tit l by that nl(''tihl II , `let it.t t; .::Is in a na) Ilett:1-•11111: 1 olltt,ti, L alis( give) t i''1'y (.tnl )e 1.1 I1;:', `.n;; t i,1'' .It tt::.t; Ill r'• 01 It. f :Int It is a I' _I'. (, ':Il ,'I"_;Uii;. 1' II 1.:t1 tt 1.1 • esti , yea' • 1 , II', e':l;lenl" , Into', lilt loran of ::II ;oltaJal b.,nitl, t all ( (many d! hn••'ti'itetl 1.4t'.ata ,Itt, I lir Ills atl't ,.. ;IItt,111^ Ib1 sr %tele Gett't;e 'I:l l' IltaeltSltt•ti, h. l'„ \\ 111, w:et c:: nl the I,n' i ;':.talars (':ut',Itl Ill- prudut't(1, ohm Sir leba 1\;;:i •tat, \\ "to wa . ;II': ay- in t ' a' lenuu,! , ' 111 afta'r-;iinn; r 1)1. , i':, Some yi:t; late;' i1 w:ls 1':'u,d ativt't tl,' to ha ,e the la'liis itt's- e:it at;i the moil function tai til, y. ,n wit; a &mei. and c;u'tl 1:111005 1'.tt' 1111,1 dad itis I t ti' pari in Lite former, 110.' ;sumo ye:11*5 there w, 1'y 1!lr,.' loll:11011s 1101,1, Vii., 0 fancy, 11 I'iultt' - :Lull 1111 tml'or11tal curd 1101'. Ih Illy :;lace al the (111•itt.:;t1 of alt:.; ;:rltelt' it 1.; impossible 11) I.i1'1 t list cl'the official; \Vit'. Ilan' t•chUrihtteti sur I; ti( Wally to mal.- ilr_ iht ! iodation both a trittit:tt 't:cet' s, bun e;pr;; part of thu Comity 11':t; contributed, and has 1;it;'n a 1'1.t ideal ora Inynlhor mf the I;xcttli\': Committee, and ht 1'r:t is I,robably the ata lou (!' tb� \vei!•Iln'1'ilt'al s ,»et'.;5, It I5 a Ines( tlem a':';t.le institution, 'Pile('(' i4 1101; 1.1. that d:t1•aut; 1.11" yt';u'a iht:. Main (-piril ..or the :\s-orhttiun \\';,rd 1'lootly' awl 1111'' Ihit':y \•:ars hod plapsr,l t1.tI I,.,e el' the 1'110. 111)0; „v;:; i:,'ang ht Id, t "mttit k court ' w'•.t.S syi up. Thy ('hitt ,Justice mu* E. J. 11. Bunt.au Is; rntttl Ilan:dt'ul 1 ably a -: t. -ted i.y ,luta!; !. .\,' \it'l :u'rn, the pr.'s: ming allurmyy was; \'., l'tuudfont, and oho defending ('t..:0=t1 1':, \I. Ley, Thy ()file(, r;' the day \':a' U. II, ale. l'1',ash. Thr eumlpltt_ni leu s. laid l.y It. I\. \1'ilsun, I'ri idei.t 0f 111 11'5»tii,itioi, and \\a5 (I 1."\‘,11 up am Ilse nt 1 l''.ai (If t.hrasetltti; ural with a gin ,',t big red seal, In i alt the complaint was that \ir. Fit:sly hall dole evet'ytiting jn,Ss:;)1' to maul' a t;tt.'cis.; of the I!:n'uu Old 110'5 :\:nuc talion, land mtcnce w'at; to -s( d Itlit he 1'ecyiVe a "(1 1.111,1. ('111••1:" I:aQ Iha: he w'1d11t1 "s:'rw0 Iain•'" by' witttiug it \1111'11 Occaii(nt tc iuire,i, .\Its. 1'I Italy \;)4: presented \\dill a Lc:nitll'ul 110 1- 11:0 t of It t'tt, The w;hl,t' a.111.1r' w'e'; a rumple(FAITHS(' to 110- 1':uo,ly, hul Ile ceritlnly (;:',<er\,•tl tho 11'111 101 riled c•unlpltmu'nl, 11r, I1u111y's death 011 Jura: lith, i'.1(', \Vas a :evilly 1111.:11 to Iha :1s'ulciu- tion, encn:it•atgt'tI I?xxc::,:,;;;;, tit' :\ss' iatto0 spour'(tred ;several of the outing:; \\'hath ),:',e n ;l'l•rial opportunity to V:Sat ilio Old ('t;tally. 011 one oiittsaot the Executive ('otmuittee, and a fe',v to:'tl Iters went to Gt,d::rich, and lh'e.ttt Godericl were motored to Hayfield, 7111•. ic'It, la•,:c1', ileo=;111 Seal'orth, Brut ':i-, \\'inglmt;u, 1!elgr.tvi, Myth. I undo' oto and tilishinc al Clinton. At rae;t place a rccept'ou was • Held 11111 e;et'yome rel::rued It 'I'nf'o:;to after 110V:1g It wonderful time and ti ,:tin having had aha iri',elegt' of :eying the !':ratty of lltt• 1i.tt (.'o.Iuty. 'I'hrre are many other interesting c',rt:a, but :;para V. ill not permit recording' them here, O1' ;l::cia1 interest to the people of Itlylh 11111y he Igo fact that the o11y `:::;;ince cf as father and Hitt having heltl the office of Tryst• (11111, \Vats the tact that in 111' t u'ly period of the Orp.tuti'r.a'i;:n, Ih', \\;t1, shunt \v; ; ele(1::1 Preside:::, and at al tench la,:e1' date itis 0011, \1'. \V.::loan occupied the :sane tfliee, Any Organization that has had a eotlia loaf.; existence of over forty yi:u 5, must have considerable 1nt'rit in it, and judging by (h•'! nn .,ting hell( lad. week it. is good for another forty y'ea's, and under the gui(latr.' of 1112 presr.ni President, 11, M. Ja'';sou, and the abl.t iicr(.tm.y, It, 5, `ht ppu'd, and when these 1-.'molest:0 can always ('',11111 en the t'. ;ttta:'tce and advice of an able Executive and old tint• err; lake E. 1 I1. lawman, Inert \Ic('reath, ,1. ,1, \I:Laren, A, E. Ih'ad- w111, Er, C. F. Pclticn, Jolts \Itch Athol \IcQau'lde, and unary others, it is a sale st.tL_mm)nt to make thatt the 1itu'on Old Boys' 21s'3ociatiott hats 1111111)' 11,01'111 yea's ahead til' 11, and in view tf what 11 has dean., of „vital it is doing„ and what 11 will d() in Iha' Mum', it may well bo called, "A REMARKABLE ORGANIZATION." A new ;mi)•sri:tion in the i'amnloria civilians and post-war project for ('onslunptiwi's Act gives the min- Other legislation provides for the isn't' of health the p:nw,.r to direct payment of a subsidy to every person that a patient, who has been dis' tvtit produces snvl.u' beets 111 ('111:u'la that;ed 11111 a S:ui:Uuriunl but who t.i and conU'aeti; with a person etgag d (.till(" at(lrritiat(''y cared fol', shall iii the business Of itl'itt'P;Sill;; sugar be rt't rued Io the sanatorium, thio beets into sugar. ( \'p•'.1`;t'S of 111„ 1'('1111'11 all(1 treatment I to he Lorne by lite ul,t,t. 'lality liabh ( Open Season On Derr Voted Down enough. ale was not satisfied, he raid, .1'1111 Durum, was present at the al'- Itriooi session and was invited by the warden It address the council, I1jerring to the reduction of 50 per cent, 111 hydro rates to rural users and I the 8/)0111100 of the service charge, Br. 'Taylor deplored it 118„ all right Its hu' ars i1 went but it did not go fat for after -pate. fly a recorded vole 0f :'1 to [i, Ilt- :1t amendment to the Public School r1n County ('ouucil a1 the \\''tlnei- At't ruiSt'i 1110 mihinlant c;elary to l)e day morning session rated agatit i alt paid to leachers from. $'i(ttl 10 Open season tan' deer in 111)100 colony, a yy:u!. rejecting a motion recommending to 'I'Iii' mi'tintunl alge limit for opera- the Department of (fame ctnd.ht •het' 1( 1's of m etor vehicles is reduced from itis that a111 open season be _declared 11 to 1:7 yet()',. 111111 for drivers of lint) in 11tH'• '' totlmty for ttt'o (lays' shoot - lie vehicles from 21 to 18 years. dug, us'. shot gains only, providing al The Social Security and ltehabilita- . 111m0 game warden were appoint. don Act (new) as to provide for the 'ed. establ1 _ nneit of a committee to con- sider social security, the rehabilita- tion of men of the anted forces and Dr, R. Hobbs Taylor Speaks 1)r. 1t. Robbs 'Taylor, \1.1),1'. for and took occasion to diff.2r with the gtVtTwnt;t which he supports, Ino thought the Small towns and villages should hove had Stant; dclinlin consid- eration in the matter of a reduction in the w'hol2.-ale power fate. This would tend to 0 mulch desired equal- ization of cur population. 1)ecentral• izatioh of our industry would mean healthier children and do away with (continued from page 5) \' • Try a Classified Advt, — 25c, Wednesday, Nov, 24th, 1943, THE STANDARD Pare 5. .....w -.-K .....N rte....•,.,-•.wa.10n r.......ua. -r,. •••i -+4..i.+ •0.00•••.......•••0.0•.00.0... 00••00•II, r , I , ,-,�, .�+ ,- . --'I , , .(: • ti -, i t : •- . ?t' :''u7., >,r' ;'<" i ,�• •_• . •,♦ • • • . • • •• • • . • • • 0 • • • l(•,(Il 111111 il1i111eIlItltP action 1)P taken 111 Grand Bend, I.lillll'i111 , III ter•,." ,, 1'-4^ - F•+r.•rv. ••l r ,�•�,y t" yy•�(.'� t t t ,! tt+',"',•.7'C;r.' -,t,' ,.. , .. , •1130.11 i c, ., ti•V'. •H , c','• u t..�'�.'.. d;t.'(1 {t; t. C _ -, ,:,°', ' .: 1�.11'!,t .i 1. 1'1.11'.:'1'1'!t'1�: , 1ti':t; y',:'•'1 'j•:I I';:i'jtll.[ •1 GODERICH. S(-AFOf{Tr. ! i Now Playing: "heave:n Can Wait'; h!' VJ f'( F,'rl(JG: ' V ii eanr,c of -Ir T(chnleoloi ()Cele TiernaY• 'The We'.t ' k "1-oollight Clamour" 1 d 3 .. ,. " i 1''r r , l,' !t• LYCEUM 9\IIEATRE ,:f and not, lith off until after the war, Clinton, ti:,ilerir11, I)unr,aunun, I11yth, , lV IW JX l l I[ Ei111c,,, ; WINGHAM-ONTARIO, ,t, 11'1lh ih0 present seI-!p, the \Ird!,'al Ethel, Khtall, \\'roxr•tl1•, and 11':tlton.;;J CLINTON. y. Two shows Sat. Night :fe (lffirers of Health do lint and ealmot tir'e'd ,urtv'ys will be "10 11110'1. ! NOW PLAYING: 'Alan Ladd in: -. y- t','e at Moate atl.,Iiiil n ❑s many 111' 41 "CHINA" �- thrid are overwoike:i I❑ their 1'\'u Restrict County Police Badges i _ -__ - ':•Thurs., Fri., Sat. November 25.26.27,' f Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday r•.. Van Johnson, In" '� uritut.leey. I Thr 11)10 ' cuutmil11) reptirted at iu Pette Davis, Paul Lukas, Geraldine t ow delrgu• morning ses;h,n that 'Traffic Officer' y Fitzjerald and Lucile Watson, Norman Le\'1 tail been trnn;ferred 61 freta the Millie 1) the Ilio (lraide from the roads ei;nliui;sion lm the po• I (ale tit' 1'a(' o'' the itt'ivi,, gn;i,l•- i ing their way int , the hearts of lice committee, as recommended in l `v the )'roe June. In ,tuts (:Ricer Lever 5'a'+;G? "'1111e Watch on the Ithlile" , placed 011 I 114 slren>t1 til' the muni' '«; ---.'2..-__- - -___-_.._--_ constabulary at the same sal:u•y and!;} Thurs., Fri•, Sat. Two Features tF The tet tifyitt„ drab:tt of an It.:1.1'. itllult•ttn(•e as the other county cow Ace wit,, tan the gii:mill t of tenor stables, 'Clic motorcycle, which belting-; ti.:'; into Ihr it tt't of the lit slap() head. Glenn Ford, Ma•guerite Chapman }fenny Cake'', Patricia Morison cd lit the ()minty, was sold to hint for 1 hl and Edgar Buchanan and Bclita g11ar e1'; 'lin., ;t ,tory o. l t/aril ills ails' m I;;! and p'1 a inn inn 11;11 hit 1: 100, "Appciintment In Berlin" Il1urr o It on th pt ri!'I,I . ('al cin ;I,,:iti.- .-ten.;tllenal s:,ate--.lat, The conanine,' recommended "the l .; with George Sanders 1 collection of county h'ttigrs from non• l l 11150 ").011e I'1'tlll'le" county constable'; ;Is there ha; been '• 2-4 '' a !'den 'I'uei{ey Rt.ttn•,'d DR. GII,LESI IP S (r r �„ : tion that the council w'a.; happy 10 NEW ASSIS 1 AN [ basic 1101 1'edlvlti00 ill Agriculture ; Ann:her pi:'Iure in the famous ".Dv;' present the prohleltl as it exists in Gillespie" stili • Huron county, Ile was sure 11 W0111(1 ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS }, 1,0 given Ivt'ry, considrratlon ('ootid' r; l HORIZQNTAL 1 Pictured U. S. legislator, 11 Tiny.� 12 She voted against --- with Japan, 13 Female deer, 14 Fondle. 15 Foremost. 17 Lair, 19 Boy, 20 Advisor, 22 Loiter, 24 Land measure, 25 In favor of, 46 Attempt, 26 Print measure. 48 Is present. 23 Father. 53 Was seated. 29 Liquid 54 Affirmative. measure, 56 Refuge, 30 Body of tvater 57 Soar, 32 Behold! 58 Cover. 33 Thorium 60 Mexico (symbol). (abbr.), 34 Music note. 61 Age. bow. 53 Slavic. 36 Sketch. 62 She is a 10 Ship's bottom, 55.Courtesy 38 Born, member of 14 Equality. title. 41 Alleged force. the U. S. 15 Directly. 57 Friday 43 Cuckoo. House of ----, 16 Toward, U. S, CONGRESSWOMAN Answer to Previous Puzzle M -NUELC, MA HO L LG ARA S I RU STEP ®R E© R ENO D NT IN.M KO P ASS YI SN00•D N "-•- - TNT BATE MISER ECARTE LEG 0 X MAMIEI V I R ANI �� E E CHIC HON 1C H AIC O S ON E OR T El 0 A T: 01 L LE ELS UT AR D revere ice, 3 Open fabric, 4 Compass point. 5 Double. 1 ■ 20 She represents the state o! 21 Feels indignant. 23 Aeriform fluid 25 Falkland Is- lands (abbr.), 27 Pronoun. 20 Seed vessel. 31 Beverage. 35 Fate. 37 Egyptian sun god. 39 East Indies (abbr.). 40 Ignited. 42 Arid. 45 Compensate. 47 Sharp cry, 49 Domesticate, 6 Sicilian coins, 50 Level. 7 Formerly. 51 Nearest. 8 Paid notice. 52 Debit note 9 Make a slight (abbr,). (abbr.), 4.41bMasic note, VERTICAL 18 Short sleep, 59 Down (prefix). 45 Jumbled type. 2 Inspired 19 Place. 61 And (Latin). 18 21 •22. 123 26 27 . 26 30 CHRONICLES of GINGEN FARM I thought this week would be a quiet week—one in which 1 Gould get on with my work with- out too many interruptions. And was it? Well, Pll let you be the judge. You may recall that last Sun- day we had a chimney fire—that in itself was a bad beginning. Monday was more or less of a hub-bub—getting our son away again on his trip back to Van- couver Island, Tuesday I spent the whole afternoon getting a permanent— and I can't think of any job that I dislike more than that. Wednesday, after my ordinary work was done, I sorted wool, tied up parcels ana prepared my war work report ready for our Institute meeting the next day. 1 was determined that this time I would arrangc things so that I didn't have to rush around at the last minute. Alas for my plans! * • • Thursday—the day of the meet- ing—a visitor arrived before we had even finished breakfast. It was eleven -thirty before she left, I was just about frantic. There was I with never a dish or a milk pail washed, nothing ready for dinner, and two chickens to draw and pack so that I could leave them at the transport office on my way to the meeting at 2,30, I started in on the chickens— which Partner had picked that morning—and the grocer arrived with our weekly order. I got him attended to when another car drove in. This ime it was a man conic to borrow the institute chairs which we take charge of between meetings. Then I un- wrapped the fish that the grocer had brought, and which 1 wanted for dinner, and it was frozen solid. To cut a long story short I arrived at the meeting ten min- utes late, but how I ever got there at all is something I will never • • Friday — ah, that w,as the climax. It was a cold, dull day— the sort of day when you feel you must keep at some sort of active work otherwise the dreariness of the weather would get you down. So I started to houseclean the pantry. Now the pantry, I should tell you, opens off the dining - room and I knew I would be tracking in and out so I didn't bother to clean up the dining - room at all. Well, you know, what it is like to clean a pantry—dishes here and there all over the place. Tote and pans, cans and containers are put wherever you can find room for thein, just so long as you can get elbow room to work. I got along fine in the forenoon. After dinner I started in again end was busy on the second half By Gwendollne P. Clarke • • • • • of the ceiling when I heard a little tinkle on the doorbell. It took me so by surprise I nearly fell off the table. Well, there was only one thing to do—and 'hat was answer the door. So I did—and there was our minister! Ye gods! The fire was out in the living-room—there was only on,: place to receive him and that was in the dining -room with its overflow from the pantry! Well, of course I apologised for the disorder but I also said I was glad to see hits and If he could sit in a muddle and visit, then I could, too. So we sat, and in a little while Partner joined us, and believe it of not, we all three sat and talked for over two hours. And of course we had a cup of tea, but believe me, there was no style to that tea party. Tho minister has only been with us two years. I wonder what ho will think of some of his flock! After he had gone it was chore time and when Partner went to the barn he found Einer was missing. Who is Elmer? Of course you have heard of Elsie, the Cow, haven't you? Well, this isn't Elsie, it's Elmer, and he is not much more than a year- ling. Elsner, apparently, had seen some of his girl friends over on the next farm and had gone to visit then. It took Partner and two neighbour boys to bring Elmer hack to home pastures the next afternoon. And that was our week: Beautiful Spies Soviet Russia was reported by the Germans recently to be send- ing "beautiful and intelligent" women spies behind the German lines—parachuting them down at night, The Svenska Morgonbladet quoted a German war correspon- dent as saying the women carried radio transmitters, HOLDS IMPORTANT POST Lieut. -Col, Margaret Eaton, Assistant Adjutant -General (C. W.A.C.) is .how.n above. Col, Eaton's duties deal with the problems of organization, admin- istration, discipline and personal services of the Canadian \Vom- er's Army C3sni. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON -- December 5 THE SIN OF COVETOUSNESS Exodus 20:17; Luke 12:13.34 PRINTED TEXT Exodus 20:17; Luke 12:13.25 GOLDEN TEXT—Thou shalt not covet . . . anything that is thy neighbor's. Exodus 20:17. Memory Verse: God ... careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—The Ten Commandments were delivered in 1445 I3.C.; our Lord's teachings concerning cov- etousness in this lesson were uttered in December, A.D. 29. Place,—The Ten Command- ments were given on Mount Sinai; the passage taken from Luke is from a discourse delivered in Purace, on the east of the Jordan River. Sin of Covetousness "And one out of the multitude said unto him, Teacher, bid my brother divide the inheritance vith ane." The marc was not a disciple but someone who wished tc use God to further his own selfish interests. There are many who have no place in their lives for Christ, but are ready to en- list the support of His teaching when it is to their advantage to do so. "And he said unto hint, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?" Our Lord care not to act as an arbitrator, to inter- fere with the civil courts. He came to save men from their sins, to root out this spirit of covet- ousness. When a sinner is par- doned his motive then is to shore what the has and not to covet more. "And he said unto them, Take heed, and keep yourselves from all covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possess- eth." Men are to be aware not only of avarice, a greedy desire to possess what belongs to an- other; they are warned against selfish possession. Men lust for gold, possessions, and become so enslaved to therm that they be= come their very life, the things most dear to therm. This explains why covetousness is idolatry, The Foolish Rich Man "And he spalte a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he reasoned with himself, saying, What shall 1 do, because, 1 have not where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: 1 will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my grain and all my goods." There is an unpardonable selfishness in this man's plans, With more posses- sions that, he knows what to do with he does not say that he is going to help the poor or sharp what he has. 'There is no ex- pression of thanks to God for an abundant harvest. A Foolish Scheme "And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hest much goods laid POP ----Now, Pop's Sunk up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, be merry." Toll in getting and anxiety in keeping possessions for one's own self- ish indulgence is but a poor result of slaving for yours. End of Rich Man's Plans "But God said unto him, Thou foolish one, this night is thy soul required of thee; and the things which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be?" :. conn who lives as though he is only body is in- deed a fool, :Mit is soul as well as body. 'Man heapeth up rides and knoweth not who shall gather them.' Any night our soul may be required of us. ile who trusts and follows Christ and has his treasure laid up in heaven, will not be dismayed, however sud- den the call, "So is he that layeth up trea- sure for himself, Ind is not rich toward Cod," All amen who aro living only for themselves, for Dills world's treasure, are as this foolish farmer. flow much better to get joy out of wealth while we live by using it wisely to help others and to spread the Gospel. Victor] Over Covetousness "And he said unto his disciples, Therefore, I say unto you, lie not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat; not' yet for your body, what ye shall put on. For the life is more than the food, and the body than the raiment." Our .'-thly concerns are Ills care and ale will not fail to supply the essential needs of those who trust and obey, God's Care for Us ''Consider the rave.,s, that they sow not, neither neap; which have no store -chamber nor barn; and God feedeth then: of how much more value , are ye than the ;birds!" If God cares for the rav- ens in that he has divinely ar- ranged for their need to be met, ' will not do less, but more, for man—the crown of creation. Folly of Anx:ety "And which of you by being anxious can add n cubit unto the measure of his life? This re- veals the helplessness and the limitation of man. The cubit was originally the length of the elbow to the end of the middle finger. It is generally calculated to be a foot and a half, U. S. Chinese Air Units Now Ready Tho first units of,, a mixed Chinese-American bomber -fighter wing have arrived at China bases primed for deadly teamwork against the Japanese. Trained together, tho Chinese and Americans will go side by side into combat in American - built bombers and fighters using American tactics. Marking a new venture in the history of aerial combat, the mix- ed wing is officially called the Chinese - American Composite Wing of the Chinese Air Force. All -Chinese crews man most of the planes. American pilots aro sprinkled among the fighter squadrons. RADIO BEPORTEB�€X,RoS, I)Id you say "Information please"? Well, hero you have ,t in pictorial forst ... personalities of the most erudite of the "quiz" shows, The lady 13 Jan Strother, who created the illustrious "Mrs Miniver", heroine of that literary and screen masterpiece of the Battle of Britain. With the famous I?ngiish authoress aro the three regular "experts" of NBC's "In- formation Please" . , . the 10.30 to 11 o'clock Monday night spot which packs . an estimated listen- ing audience of around twenty millions ... Oscar Levant, music authority; John Kieran, former sports columnist; Franklin P. Adams, literary expert, * • • When Dan Golenpaul first got the Idea for "information Please" old timers in radio insisted that it the questions were to bo tough enough to stump tine experts, the whole program would bo away over the heads of the average audience, There was also the difficulty of getting men of science or letters who would bo willing to "stick their necks out". However they came along. 8o have the prominent guests of "Information Please" including Wendell Wilkie, Fred Allen, Lillian Gish, Gone Tunney, Raymond Gram Swing, and Jlnuny I)uranto .. to men- tion only a few. • • • Since the program has been on the air, it has become apparent that "stumping the exports" is not what appeals to the public most, The most astonishing thing is that most people love to listen and marvel at the manner in which the experts get almost all the answers to the difficult, tricky questions, From November 22, "Intortnatlon Please" will be brought into Canada over CBM, Montreal; CBCs Toronto; and an Ontario network. • • • We'd like you to know Cy Strange, recent addition to the announcing staff of CFRD. Son of a general storekeeper at Ailsa Craig, Cy lived for 15 years in Exeter, before breaking into radio as a tenor soloist over the London station. He sang also with Ron- nie Hart's orchestra and was parti- CANADIANS IN ITALY cularly active in musical and dramatic circles In Sarnia. His first experience as radio announcer clime with the northern broad- casting station at Titnt111113, Then he assumed similar duties at the new Kingston transmitter. C.y St•ange's friendly, quiet spoken voice has made many friends everywhere in Ontario, lie has ono great ambition In life, ho says to play a prominent part In stage and radio dramatics. Children Adopt Merchant Ships British school children have been sending Christmas parcels to the merchant ships of their adoption, and sono two hundred Allied as well as a thousand Brit- ish ships will get a present from the schools this winter, accord- ing to S. E. Britten, secretary of the Brtiish Ship Adoption So- ciety. He said that the children's parcels had gone to the Far East, the Aliddle East, Australia and South Africa. The adoption of ships by schools, which started three years before the war, has meant much to the foreign merchant captains and seamen who aro often "sign- ed on" by tho school children as an addition to their own British ship, Farmers In Need Of Fire Protection To the farmer has comp in recent years the telephone, the motor car, hydro -electric energy, the rural mail delivery and other conveniences to make his life len lonely and to remove many of the disadvantages of living is the country. Among many of the advantages that have not yet come his way, except in a four communities, is protection against fire. And we wish to point out that there Is no reason why this should be long delayed. Kent's examph, in providing rural fire protection should en- courage others to adopt similar measures.—Chatham Daily News, \Var correspondents in Italy have in recent days told how fighting there has involved hard climb. ing over hilly, rocky country by the infantry. These Canadians, under German mortar fire, aro here beginning to long march to the crest of a hill and new positions. DONT ARGUE YOU WERE SMOKING. S SAW YOU WITH MY OWN EYES ! WELL, ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE ME Ott YOUR OWN EYES r-4•rr..••;:T,.$Y0. s -•'.:::::::....::.:...L.:::...-'.. .: �I Ctrl-re•d hY Tho Bell dl ere, loci By J. MILLAR WATT SOGGY ITALY A couple of reasons the going's tough in Italy are the bridgeless rivers and muddy roads encou ntered in the chase sifter the Germans. But rugged jeeps manage to conquer each obstacle with their usual facility. Have You Heard? Simpson was relating hls experi- ences In Indio. "I was taking my usual morning dip when I spotted three gladiators making for me, so I had to swine for my dear Wei" "You mean navigators—some- thing like n crocodile?" interposed Johnson. "Well, what are gladiators?" "Gladiators? Why, they're a Fort of flower grown from bulbs." —0 -- Stern Parent: "Now, Willie, I'd like to go through a whole day without once scolding or punishing you." Willie: "Well, mummy, you h • 1....11 I IrlUi4a W. NEW RICHES from famous COBALT MINES d famous Cobalt mines now under the single central- ised control of $tlanco Mining & Smelling Corpor- ation. An effic- ient protlt-making m111, Now 1n pro- duction and mak- Ins money. head the amazing story why present offer et shares at only $1.10 represents rare epoculative opportunity to r today'. investor. No obltgatton. maseassagemsamasimaiii Q. E. Hepburn .\c Co., dit1 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1 Send me booklet giving inform- ation about Silence Mining & Smelt- ing Corporation, NAME ADDRESS have my consent," —0— Two modern little girls, on their way home from Sunday School, were solemnly discussing the les- son. "Do you believe there is a devil?" asked 000. "No," replied the other promptly. "it's like Santa Claus; it's your father." --0— Wife: "When I married you 1 didn't think you were a cow. ard. I thought you were a brave man." Husband: "So did everybody else." —0— Proprietor of Boardinghouse (at dinner table): "Remember, ladles and gentlemen, in these rationed times \we should put a bridle on our appetites." Voice from the End of the Table: "Id rather put a bit in my mouth." —0— "My husband says 1 look ten years younger In this hath" "How old are you?" "Thirty." "I mean without the hat." —0— A Quaker, whilst taking a walk, was accosted by a tramp. "'flu v'nor," said the wanderer, "This ain't the road to London, is it?" "Friend," quoth the Quaker, "first thou tellest a lie, and then thou asketh a question. This Is the road to London." —0— Wife: "How did you like the WAC parade, dear?" Colonel: "Marvelous. Five thousand woman and not a slip showing," Canada To Receive 19,565 U.S. Tractors Rep. 11, Carl Andersen, of Minnesotti has accused the war production board of'' allotting more farm tractors per capita to Canada for 1944 than to the U.S. W. K. Frank, of W.P.B., last week told a meeting of farm state congressmen that 156,700 farm tractors have been allocated to U.S. farmers for 1944 and 19,565 to Canada. FORTRESS FIREPOWER Fruit, Vegetable Supply Assured The Prices Board anilolulced recently 0 program aimed nt as- suring Canadian consumers of a "reasonable" supply of staple fresh fruits and vocetahles this winter, 1t said it was hoped the pro- gram, already under tvay in co- operation with all sections of the trade, would assure tut adotluttte supply, fair distribution and rea- sonable prices of all staple fruits and vegetables of both domestic and imported origin. The bntu'd noted that prices ceilings already have been an- nounced for potatoes, onions, turnips, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, citrus fruits and bananas. To cope with the problems in co-operation with the trade the board has reorganized the. War- time Food Corporation, a Crown INTELLIGENT INVESTING Requires Expert Advice Know when to buy stocks -- when to sell and take profits —what to buy—how to pro- tect your holdings—and what to hold for permanent invest- ment. Our weekly Market and News Commentary would help you to reach decisions satisfactorily, by keeping you constantly in- formed on market action and matters influencing share movements and prices. Mailed free on request. McMACKEN -& REID inventnu'nl Seeur111en Tenth Floor, Concourse Bldg. Toronto, Canada -- -- -- 1;S13 'l'IIIS COI PON — -- — eleMueken .0 held, 10th Floor, Coneourne 11Idg„ Toronto, Ont. Kindly enter my name en year mailing list to receive your regular Market and News Comment;ulce, without charge. Name Address SHIPPED QUICKLY � 111atRt,tlt6tt p�ljt6ettsttuosliltt1dh1" slresYht Sit bale, of dtuields prover her money batt RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you aro troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, du not delay treatment and run the del( of letting this condition become chronic. Any Itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool to nature's warning and proper treuhnent ehould be secured at once. For this purpose got a package of Hem-ltoid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which 1s used Internally le a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and eoreness and aid In healing the sora tender spots, Isom -!told Is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It booms the height of folly for any ono to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may bo had at such a small cost. It you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. /Relieves distress from MONTHIYk FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pink)tam's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against distress of "dltIl- ult clays." Made in Canada. , Here's why "13" is hard luck for the German Luftwaffe and other aerial enemies of the Allies. The photo -diagram above shows graphically, for the first time, the thirteen .50 -calibre machine guns which give the Boeing B -17G Flying Fortress its terrific firepower. Guns (1) and (2), in the new "chin" dier and navigator to ward off frontal attacks.turret, and guns (3) and (4) are used by bonlbar ser in the power -turret, against frontal, lateral andGuns (5) and (6) are manned by the first engin rear attacks. Gun (7) is mantled by the first radioriperator against enemies corning in from above. Guns (8) and (9), in the spectacular ball turret, are used by the second radio operator against at- tacks from underneath the plane, Waist guns (10) and (11) are served by the second engineer and first :adio operator to ward off lateral attacks while the photographer and tail gunner fight off rear attacks with guns (12) and (13). FLYING JEEP JUMPS LIBERATOR .�J Smallest and largest Army planes are caught in one camera shot as a Flying Jeep hedgehops over it four -motored Liberator at San Diego, Calif. Tiny I. -5's weigh 2,100 pounds, have 34 -foot wing- span and'are used in observation for artillery, tanks and infantry, company organizeo 18 months ago to handle any necessary Gov- ernment purchasing and distribu- tion of foods. It will deal espe- cially with problems of imported fruits and vegetables. As a first step, an Order -in - Council has been passed placing all imports of fresh fruits and vegetables under import permit. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AIt'll CL1;5 1VAN•1'1.11) HIGH EST 1'1t10ES \'AID FUrt Cornets, Trumpets, Clarinets, Saxophones, etc. Shelton -Sher- wood Cu, Ltd., 365A Yonge St„ Toronto, 0111, A U'1'0111)111 LES-- U S Itis) USED CARS WI'111 LRAM TIRES, See us first. Mount t'loueunt Mo. tore Limited. Used Car Lot at 2140 Yungo Street; head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. 'telephone 11Y. 2181. BAIIY CHICKS '1'00 I,A'l'U — TU0 LATE NEXT SPRING DUN"1' LET IT 13E said "too lite." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. C;oddard Chick hatchery, 13ritun- nia Heights, Ont. PULL,irrS FOR, 1MJIEDIA'1'E DE - livery 14 weeks up to laying, Ask for our specially low prices on 14, 16 and 18 week old White Leg- horn pullets. Also have Barred hocks, hybrids und other breeds. Also Fall hatched day old chicks, Free catalogue, 'Tweddle Chick Ilatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, ,I1AVE YOL' OUR P1t10EI.iS'1'; WE aro hatching' to order and if you want chicks for this year or early next, please let's have your order soon. We still have 0. fete laying pullets for immediate dulivtry, limy Htachery, 13U John St. N., Hamilton, 010. BULLS FOR SALE JERSEY BULLS READY FOR SER - vice. Two class "A" bulls, excel- lent pedigrees; price $100, Max- welton Tarot, St. Anne de Belle- Que. CA'1"1'119 FOR 5.41,E EHORTIIOIIN BULL 17 MONTIIS, yutmger bulls, cow 5 years, 2 year heifer. J. D. Jackson, 11a1•ristot, Ontario. (BULLS F011 SALE DUAL PURPOSE SIIORTIIOIRNS. Bulls fit for service, younger bulls and bull calves. 'Thrifty, good size and bone, high produc- tion, choice quality. ltoss Martin- dale, Caledonia, Ont. 11ULI' \\AN'TED W A N T E 1), IMMEDIATELY, A housekeeper for farm home. Apply 0. Pepper, Hensull, HERBS I11eR11AI, lti:MEIt1ES. WRITE: FOlt Free Catalog. Party years' exper- ience. Nowell's Herbal Labor- atory, 18 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. PULLETS PULLETS, 1; I (1 II T HUNDRED, bred to lay, %%'bile Leghorn pul- lets. June hatched, excellent lay- ing strain, $1.25. Hawkins' Feed Co„ Tillsouburg, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE' 1'l)U ANY'I'HINU NELDS dyeing or cleaning? %Vrite to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. ELI:CT1ttCAL 1:Qu11'MEN'r ELECTRIC i\tuTOitS NEW, USEll bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2126 Dufferin St., Toronto. FAIt11S Mill SALE TOWNSHIP OF WILLIAMSBURG— Concesslon 7, contains 200 acres about 170 cleared, 30 acres bush, mostly hardwood, stone house, frame tool eked, driving shed and implement house, stable, barn. Ap- ply Mrs. M. W. Locke, Williams- burg. $36,000 DAIRY FARM, OTTAWA district, fully equipped, large Jersey herd, two housed, year round water supply. P.O. Box 544, Ottawa. FARMS H'ANTED WILL MAKE SUBSTANTIAL CASH payment on suitable farm. ,Mod- ern buildings and conveniences preferred. Box 96, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada. FOR SALE REG. YORKSHIRE 2 BOARS AND several cows from prize-winning stock. Reg. Lincoln Ram and ewe Lambs. Write for prices to Ernest Ford, It. No. 3, Dutton, Ont. MACHINEiRY F011 SA1.1: ONE 20-25 GEORGE WHITE 'FRAC- tion Engine, high pressure boiler 1460. Also one sawframe and car- riage100. Perley Stratford, Oak- land. Ont. For the time being, a general per- mit is being issued authorizing the trade to carry on as usual and without the necessity of ob- taining specific permits for Indi- vidual shipments. You can obtain a divorce in Nevada, U. S. A,, after six weeks' residence, but it takes six months to get a fishing license. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1'W)'T HALM BAUMEEKA FUUT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46o bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. IL4111 GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods oxciuo.vely, Write us for particu- late. 1\"Ill'l'li'S 11.1111 GOODS 255) Yonge St., Toronto, Onterio HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL L 10 A 1t N LIAIIIDIIIOSSINO'THE Robertson method. Intorhtation on roqueat regarding classes. Itobertoon's Halydreaeing Acad- emy, 117 Avenue Road, 'Toronto, FOR SALE DAIRY EQUIPMENT, PASTEUItIZ- er, etc„ capacity four hundred quarts. Further particulars, Pat- terson Bros„ Lala, Ontario. QUILTING PATCHES PROM MEN'S e 1lungs and remnants for all t purposes, Ladles', Boys' and Men's Wear. Louis Rice, 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, It0M11 F011 ACEI) IO L D Ie It L I ES COMFORTABLIO Houle. Plenty home grown food, spring water, warns and cheer- ful, Hannigan Ilonto For The Aged, 11.11. No. 3, Woodbridge. HELI' WANTED MAItIRIED MAN FOIL U1' -TO -DATE fruit farm on Niagara River Boulevard, yearly employment, good separate house, free Ilydro, summer wood and garden spot. Please state nationality, age, farming experience, size of fam- ily and wages expected. C, How- ard Fisher & Sous, Qucenston, Ont. APPLICATIONS A R E INVITED from young women with good education, to enter the School for Nurses, Toronto East General Hospital. Limited vacancies in class now commencing, Apply Toronto East General Hospital, 'Coxwell at Sanunon Ave., To- ronto 6, Ontario. MIDDLE-AGED MAN, SINGLE OR widower, who requires a good home, to work on farm, Sox 98, 73 Adelaide St, \V., Toronto. HOUSES 1'011 SALE $20,000, FINE OLD OTTAWA RESI- deuce 18 rooms, easily converted, oil heated, exceptional. P.O. Box 644, Ottawa. MUSICAi. INS'1'iIUMIIN'l'S IVAN'CED BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTI1U- ments, Piano Accordions, etc., may be turned into ready cash, Send details and price to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., To- ronto 1,Ontario. PATENTS FETUERS'rONIIAW 11 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890, 14 King Neat, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PHOTOGRAPHY CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negatives make the Must dis- tinctive Christmas Cards you can get—cards that your friends will treasure — particularly friends on active service. Select your ftn'outite negatives and send to cls. %Ve'il return 12 attractive, embossed gicet- Ing cards with pictures printed ,on —told envelopes for mulling—all for 69e. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25e.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ilex 129, Poeta! 'reunion! A, 'Tortonl0 A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes us: "I received the beautiful Christ- mas cards which you printed from my own negatives, and I want you to know how pleased 1 stn with your wonderful work and prompt service. 1 will be a regular custom- er of Star Snnpnhot Service ft•otn now on." Any Size Itoii-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e s MOUNTE1) ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed Enlargement. 4" x 6", on Woo tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9", Burnished Ciold or Silver, Circassian \\'alnut or Black Ebony finish 59c; If enlurgentent coloured 79c. Print your tame uud address plain- ly on ell orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMP'EltlAI. 1OIt tit .\I.ITY, e:trvlee :lid s:, t' faction. t; ,o' 8 exposure films reprints 5 for 25c, Duey riot Photo Ser% ice, Sta- tion J, Toronto. Roll your owners! Go for Ogden's Snowshoes worn tho accepted winter footwear for old-tirnors in tiro West ... Ogden's was their accepted smoke all the year round. Follow • their example. You'll find it's not just another tobacco but a distinctive blond worthy of its famous namo. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DE'i'ISU'17 V E Co l) ItS11 BECO.ME A DETECTIVE — MEN and wotnen over 17, wanted to learn Detective work, secret serv- ice, Easy course by mail. Write for free information. M. Julien, Box 25, Station '1'., Montreal. LEARN '1'0 DANCE LEARN TO DANCE. WALTZ, FOX: Trot, Rhumba. Latest steps with Diagrams 35c. 1:, Lawrence, 71 West Street, llalifax, N.S. LIVESTOCK F0lt SALE GUERNSEY C 0 \V 5, HEIFERS, bulls, !LOT. tested by tested bulls, Pure bred, accredited, Bangs free. Foremost line stock, Glen- orchy Perot, Richmond 11111, Ont. MACHINERY WANTED ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING OUTFIT • Lathe 18" to 24" swung x 10' Bed. lir Drill and Hammer. Rotary, heet Metal Shears. Iron Planer. helper. A. Ebersol, Milverton, Ont. MEDICAL STOP ITCIIINU TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, rlugworli , ath- lete's foot and other shin irrita- tions with Ei)k'e Ointment No. 5, prescription of noted skin spec- ialist. Itch relieved promptly, skit healed quickly or money re- funded. $1,011, $2,00. Mail orders filled promptly. Order today front Elik's Medicine Co., Dept. 26, Box 234, Saskatoon. TOKOSAN TABLETS FOR VIM, Vigour, Vita10'. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. $1, International Drug Products, 7222 Birnant, Montreal, BIT1'Elt HERBS TONIC, CORRECTS disorders of stomach, liver, kid- ney's, bowels. One month treat- ment, Twu Dollars; three months, Five Dollars. Coopeltemedies, Yonge Street, Toronto. IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur. ltls should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.0d 1)i'1'ER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TU EVERY INVENTUa List of Inventions and full inror- mation sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL 120 \NAYS TO MAKE MONEY AT holo In spare time, 5 dollars a day, booklet of 124 pages one dollr postpaid. Mike Ig wish, 145 Margucrette Ave., Toronto 4, out. "ELIJAH COMING 13EFOIID Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. _. -- - ItIII'lt I.t'l'IC TAINS SATISFY YOURSELF — 1: V 11 11 Y sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should Uy Dixon's Rem- edy. Said only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1,00. RAW FIRS \'AN't'I:D ONE SKIN 011 THOUSANDS — IT will pay yott to ship to Ontario's 1•tua'ler-"tuned Fur Co-operative to receive the highest market price. write for shipping lags and advice forms. Ontario Fur Paint- ers' ('u -operative, Limited, 50 Yorkville Street, Toronto, PUPPIES FOR S.11,U FOR SAi,E — C'O('KEE1t SPANIEL poppies, two outstanding litters, males and females, reds end blacks, hest pedigreed stock, many` champion ancestors. .\pply to Keith \'a1 iltasen,`1'ieton, Out. 'I'It.1Cl'OttS 1011 SALE JOHN 1DEEIIII \101'E1 it 11 'I'ItAC- tor on rubber; John Deere Model I) on steel; Fordsnn Tractor on rubber; all first class condition, Anx'riean Separator Salts, Ooder- loh, Ontario. '1'A I'1:\\ 01111 STOMACH :\N1) THREAD \VO1tM:9 often are the cause of ill -health htnn ins an ages. No one im- mune; \\'Icy not find out if this is )our trouble? Interesting par- t1cul❑rs—free: Write \fulveney's lientedies, 'Specialists., To/oplo 3, Ont. llittlininous coal reserves ore s1-ffi:ient for 3,1100 years, it is claimed. Page 8. • .1.4.1 alto 4 KKtommt 4t4KaIUFtext.tto4touvitut.....i.v Dresses and Blouses P cf (f r-, c; .t. .tf ;•. if Ladies Crepe Dresses $2.95 to $6,00 Martha Washington Prints $1.98 to $2,49 Children's Print Dresses $1.00 to $3.00 Misses' Print Victory Blouses $1.00 Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) $2.95 Olive McGill THE STANDARD _ i 1 .I I. VENOM . ..� \Ir, Stanley Sibthcrpe of \\'inghant was in town on Wednesday, Air. \\':piano l'rciphton of London spent the week -end at his home here. 0.I ii"i! Mayor .I, Marley Crawford of Whig - haw was a \ idtor itt iJlylh this \\'cd - ii !i nesday. g' Ali:s Bertha urogden of London visited over the \veel:•end with hen• Car Painting, and Repairing Doherty Bros. GARAGE VITAMIN PRODUCTS . Wednesday, Nov, 24th, 1945. 10 Accetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For Llternational- Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil A slim., lir;, 11. 1'loody. i1BINDER TWINE Mrs. Vary lic(inire of Belgrave is gspending a few days with her (laugh. 4 ter, \1r.;• A. It. 'Tasker. t)*%)1aharar1n alita)-d;ata,e1: 2t2t:nD;N:51%D,%rfi`a, brat'+3t,falctDtatsiND A DMtt%MNDIWat Get Ready For Cosy Winier Nights at Nome 1:. f�H�H�1 f�,f�1/�,t♦,f�„�11�, 1,111,/, 1�, 1�, f�„�1,�, 1� f�, f�, l�f �H�f /�f1 4.. LAC Tastier, Olen, of the \\Theles.; )1% Sce My Large Display school, Guelph, spent over the \vee': ;2; at li 1 1 :; endhis home here. °' l Snnworth • I \Irs. Jack 1ilake 1111(1Jlr�. 1-Iosvn1•dl :• 'fait spent the week -end with 1\1r. ,t+ and :Nips. Fred Bowes in London. Miss Ivy Dwyer the week -end \with Creighton. ,tf Wallpaper of Wyoming, spcn'. ;t; '• t Beautify your home for the dura.” \ir, and Mrs. Sam ?tion, No other furnishingls in your;. e ■ t I With the approach of Winter and the long, cold evenings at hand, there's no place like home. Win- ter evenings can be enjoyable if you have on hand a variety of good indoor games. We have a brand new stock of these in a wide variety for 25c and 50c. Lost Heir, Dominoes, Parcheesi, Bingo, Ring Toss, Steeplechase, Horse Shoes, Snakes and Ladders. A Brand New Pass -time for the Smaller Children is THE NEW ANIMAL Z00 SETS. These consist of four different animal cut-outs, all highly col- oured, which will creae many hours of enjoyment for boys and girls, as they assemble them. The price is 335c for a box of four. Are you a Jig -Saw Fan? If so you will be interest- ed to learn that we have a brand new stock. 25c -50c. We 'are offering A new type of Picture, suitable for bedroom decorations. Ask about these. Price 19c Just received a brand new stock of Children's Paint Books, Story Books, and Cut Outs. OVERSEAS BOXES ALWAYS ON HAND. Headquarters for Stationery and School Supplies. S:e cur Stock of Boxed Stationery as low as 30c. The Standard Book Store wwwwwitiowwwwwwwww HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO, EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG t� Proprietor a. 1 .l , I.. WkSTFIELD Mr. and 'Ain, S cphen \\Tittle of, London were weekend visitors at the Ir s, of s, John Pelts, ;Lieut. Donald and Mrs. Itichard,s visited the former's parents, ;11r. and 'Alt's• Fred- Richards for a few days Mbit; week. ,lir, It, 1). Philp i, having a newfar- uace installed in his drug store this week. .lir. Fred Pe2l;it1 0t 1.0111128- born 1; dointh g e work. Pte. Darold C, \\'ightntan, who Is training at the Army Trade School, 'Hamilton, spent_the \reelt•end at home here. y.houle equal the value of \Vallpapem:, =,Papers marked are" are •:especially treated to midst. fading..:. M ly i suggest a complete change* =f +)f rcencry for the home through,:. ' lie medium • of pleleting wallpapers.t + ftf 1I)1TH CREIGHTON'S:= Decorator's Shopp. =+ ft, 1 '_ocated Opposits Kernick's Grocery+:' ♦f :: PHONE 158, BLYTH. +t, t+4'•'+* , 4+y111,111H;44..84.,4+1fr - 1 Your good health is vital to Canada's War Effort. Below we list a few of the important Vitamin Products we have in Stock: Neo Chemical Food - $1.15, $2.45 and $4,45 Wampole's Extract Cod Liver $1,00 A. B. I). and Riboflavin Capsules $1.10, $2,00, $3,50 Vita -Vim Multiple Capsules (100's) $3.00 Cod Liver Oil Capsules 98c Cod Liver Oil Tablets 98c Vitamin B Complex Tablets - $1.25 Vitamin B-1 Tablets 69c Creophos $1.00 R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PHONE 2Ik. 1 ■- n.i. i I. 1. tCIZtC141 VIVO CICIACICtgt%tetC1Ctslow"•&iratettkit4t414141C11141 1414:40(1411.14 4 lgti 8 Vo4'en's w A call will convince you of the many excellent Airs, Matgatct Barrington who has ° been a patient in Victoria hospital for a month has returned to her home in WHEN IN NEED OF1 BREAD, BUNS, PIES, a HOMh�-MADE CAKE . ® ; ' Chellew Ti.... Elliot,. lusurauce .\geucy have 5 at:;lc-J F.:cull y to the appearance of OR COOKIES. • °� I their state front by it.;talling venetian A,]yy, }}fi�n n eyb ryphp yeyggp qyb .yah p. .y �yq ��yp.�,� �.w ti VADMd'tikaill?II)at2 MDEANd101G/oliatAIL'I SI%)121//1q1DO/IXDINA Ii\ MBIlia BAKERY. Living Room Furniture 'New styles. in Chester -Bed Suites, upholstered in high grade durable pile fabrics, spring -filled throughout, at attractive prices. Spring -filled Sofa Beds, tailored in attrac- tive Coverings at iModerate Pricw, Coffee Tables, Book Cases, End Tables, Lamps, Hassocks, Magazine Racks and other oad room Pieces. Pieces. help to make your home more comfort- able and enjoyable. 131)1h. Her friends all wish her a speedy recovery. values we are offering. Home Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. hlud.: • No need to complain about 1113 weather this \wee:;, Our snow i; pract Cally all gone and the sunshine is again very much appreciated. An Auc.i:,n Sale of the property of the al.le George \\ (lite was held at the promises this Wednesday after- noon. The effects were sold, but the properly which was offered for r -ale, was not :old, beth, 2110. and Mrs, Stanley Siblhorpe of \\'inghaul, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. \\mt. U0Do\well and lir, land Airs, Norman Alei)owell, Mr. and Mrs, Frani: Kershaw, llit;s Gladys lc..Dowell of Godcrich, visited on Sunday with lir. and Airs, Marvin McDowell. 11iss Chris licClantony of visited on Sunday with 1\1 r. Emmerson Rodger. ,lir, V. I.. 'I'llontas, instructor of the lleteoroiogica1 Depar:ment at Port Albert, visited on Sunday with lir. and Mrs, \V, A, Campbell. Word was received on Monday of he passing of a former, and much es- teemed resident of this district, in the pe1`son of lir. Henry Morrish. Air. Morrish taught in the Westfield School for a number of years, and moved to 'foronto ::bout forty years ago. Ills wife, formerly Nettie Mc- - Clinton, predeceased hint 0 number of years ago. Also a dauEhhter, Eva. 11 a leaves a family of one son and three daughters. The sympathy is extendc.l \C1ghtnlan. The Scripture lesson was to the Gamily, rela1Ive3 out friends. read by 1•:ileen 'Taylor. Meditation by Godericih, ' and (ti's. i':e. Clifford \\'-.tl;h of Camp ' O'deIn Bill Buchuuttn, Donald Snell led spent ill week -end with his p,u•ents^ prayer which was followed by lards Prayer in unison. 'rho topic lir . F. .1. (Tool; spent a fe\w day; Hid (:::a Call Von" was ta'ten :211r. and Mrs, Harvey 11cUowell vis hl iced on ,Sunday with Mr. and lir:. Leslie Vincent of Ilelgrave. :\Ir. and Mrs. A. E, \Valsh. 11(3 0111. Mrs. .1. E. Ellis of Palmerston, by spent tt few clays with 11r. and Mrs. with 1(131' +istl•r, \I r==. Albert Ne.hery. \\'innifred Campbell, Rev. 1L Snell \1'ullcr Marion.am!Mr. Ni t1ery, of Hamilton. !gave a short sketch on the 1113 cf M. Alis Pru'1 Jamieson, leacher of 5, bort U'chweitcher, Missionary to Af• Air. and Mrs. Gurdon 5011111 and Bar- idea. The Meeting el fled with the S. 6, on 'Monday night attended the bars. of Castel ick, visited on Sundayt birthday party for her grandfather, Alizpah Let�lliction• 11r. John Cowan, of Ashfield, who \':ith Mr, at. 1 Mr:..I. 1.. 11ci'oweli. The Sacrameul, of the Lord's Sipper celebrated his 5'Jth birthday. Pie, Russel Cool: of Camp Borden,. 1 lir. null 11rs. \Vatter lltt on and spent the sveck-Bud :with his iparents, t\'til b1' administered at the \1'eatfield lily. ,I• 1?. 111is i \Ir, turd Leonard Cool:. Gaited Church on Sunday November M nth. V181 0)1 Sunday. lli;.ses F'u: and :1udr_y \1'alrh of I lir, Hobert 11011(1 has moved his I lcus,al, '-: ited over :1(c \v,ci:•end � 1' vela' of the fatfilers In the diet- household effects to his Lew house in wwi'h :lir. and 211x•;. .1. E. \Valsih. riot have been out hunting recently, myth. and were fortunate in getting some of 1•'orty one members of the viciuily. 111 "111 ('stn; tell of Sky Harbor, Cci,er . , \wax a w, - trend visitor at the foxes which were such a I) 8t tittr• inlet on \londay night at the: bane of ing the sltntmtr. \1'e hope they will 2111'. and 211(8. \v. I''. Campbe'1 where tit ionic of her parents, .sir. and llrs. all be captured before Spring. , tlne Radio Farm Forum was held. Af- \V..\. 11 r. \Varr;_n Bamford iI. A. of Pros- i The fanners are glad to see that the Itet the broadcast they divided into 11:0. was a week -end guest under the heavy snow, fall of last wee(: is almost groups and considerable discussion gate, so that they can restate their was heard on Price Control. It wwa'i were 1).1ltgatltt01) parental rOoC derided there should be a floor price Ali 1'oreeu \'i';c•eut of myth, ha'1• pim.tgh;10; and lif;iug their turnips. ion farm products as well as tt ceiling a lrr•• V (011on with iter parents. Mrs \Vestey Kechnle of BlythI , visit• price, A social time wa8 enjoyed un- \ir, and Mrs. It, Vincent. ell last week with her sister, 11I's. !der the leadership of Mrs, Albert 'I'h:_re were :t piesent at the 1•, I'. Walter Cook. IG:tulp'tell. after %which 11.111011 was mectin; on 'Wednesday night at which .\Iiss Dorothy llcVittie of (.Andes- served. .Arnold Cook was the leader. Violet boro, spent Sunday under the parental Messrs. Howard and Douglas Camp• ('ook presided at the piano. The Call 1 roof. bell attended the Federation meeting to Worship was given by I-Iattie Mr, and Mrs. Carl Deans and Eliza- and baa'luet held at. Clinton en REMEMBER "THE I-IOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. . Ho11yan's BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Bread, Pies, Cakes and Wedding Cakes a Specialty. BAZAAR AND CHICKEN -ON -A -BUN SUPPER In Memorial Hall, Blyth * SATURDAY, DEC. 4TH I co ngratalatora to 'under auspices of the Ladies' Guild Taylor twh() eclubrates of Trinity Church, Blyth November 20111, Supper and Bazaar to commence at 4 pm, Adudr.;ion: Adults 351'; Children 1(11(1.r 11), 20e. �. .� 4-4. .J Your Estate - An Asset or a Liability ? CHANGES in Succession Duties mid Income Taxes have created some real , problems in the adulinistration of estates. A revision of your will may be advisable. By muting The Sterling Trusts Corpora- tion as executor, you have the personal attention of a senior estate officer assisted by a staff familiar with current legislation and the rulings of the various taxing authorities, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 32 years In easiness ltroohliu who celebrates his birthday Thanks Red Cross For Box on December 2101, Thursday. *** 1 wish to thunk thio ladles of Blyth lied Cross for the tax I received re - 'Mr., Kenneth Gently, front yo.t. it was Very much am his birthday on predated, -Ger, D. Bruce Smith. ('or,gratadalions to 21argaret Dalrym- ple who celebrate.; her dtlt birthday on ,November 2;th, -;1 Falls From Ladder 211)3. (Marto~ Smith is visiting her While in the process of moving itis sister, Mrs. G. Smith of Godcrich. bake shop the first of lhl� weak, \Ir, Dal old Vodden had the misfortune 10 fall from the top of a step luckier, 1acturiug wane itis, CONGRATULATIONS Real Cross • NOVEMBER 27TH NOVEMBER 20TH IN MEMVIORIAL HALL. C'ongrathlanbenuey w•h_ L - celebl'atcd herttobsirttohday 0e))ilNollvember i t314tC1:wr,Ctgtgtatt;„4tC tg'.CIC:;,: ee,ntct4tgtgtcigt4141t1tivetetg-t4t t41l ttEtllt tgleiEtti o 2:,rd. 14 t 6f STUA:,T ROBINSON of i 1 V 411 ti I1 30c Di 1/ 5c, 6 for 25c !l 51b. bags 25c ROBINHOOD ANI) PURITY FLOUR. 1 iii Wheat Berries 25c. - Egg-Weat Noodles, pkg. 15c Di Di Cocdkics, Vanilla and Chocolate per lb. 26c Newport Fluffs 19c, 25c and 39c w 1' - ift Dinner 20c. White Beans, 2 lbs. 15c til Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour . •18c i Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Flour 20c . Cabbage, Celery, Cranberries, Carrots. * * *� Congratulations to lir. Frank Dolly - man who relebrales this birthday on 'November 30th. • •••••- - • ** I Cnngrrtulations to 11r. Darold \Vllit- mmorc of llanlilto0', who celebrated his i irlhday 011 Monday, November 22nd. ,C•,ngratulations to Iii;; Irma \Val- l...e who celebrates her Path birthday on .November .nth. Congratulations t'. 11i4s Loco', Bray who celebrates her 12th birthday on November :1Cth. Congratulat1(14 10 '1'rooper 1hnt^1118 Stewart, ww110 cclri)ra.t133 1118 bh'111?•.ty on November 27th * * * Congratulations to Mss Vera 1.yo:: of Ifttllett who cele:1'012s her 10th birthday on December 2101. * * * Cougtatulattone to Milt, 1lcCoo1 of otialBintathkraiktftili t$ Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Olives, / Stuffed 30c and 45c, Plain 30c Pimento per tin 15c New Price on Maxwell House Coffee 25c and 49c Bread and Butter Pickles Chocolate, Hot or Cold Robinhood Oats i