HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1943-11-03, Page 1THE LYTH STANDARD
VOLUME 19 - NO. 12,
Citizens of Blyth:
I am glad to know that in this last week of the
loan campaign you are really getting down to
busyness. I know you have adequate resources to
raise your full quota. Your record in the 4th loan
gives me confidence that you can muster the deter-
mination to dig out those dormant I;eisources and
turn them into Victory Bonds.
I trust that everyone of us is ready to acknow-
ledge that no Canadian citizen has the right to leave
his money lying idle in the bank while his neighbors
boy is risking his life in a bomber or in a corvette or
in a fighting regiment to maintain the sanctities of
cur citizenship. If our boys are to offer their lives
then we must offer our money ---with this consider-
able advantage in our favour that While we will get
our money back with good interest added ---all they
may get is a grave beside a wrecked bomber or some
ilerinament war disability.
I aid glad that a drive is on in Blyth this week to
enlist the money of the community in Victory Bonds.
I am sure that it is a matter of pride with the citizens
of Blyth that they should reach their objective ---Put
a full measure of earnestness and determination into
your effort and you cannot fail.
Red Cross Donations
1)onat101hs for boxes forthe boys
on Active Service:
Anonymous .. 5.00
Mrs. llc Her . 0.00
Mrs. It. Hall 1.00
Airs. (I:'orge 110\all 1.00
Airs, .1nhn M(Nall I.00
Mrs. Ulousher . 1.00
'Mrs, E. Voiles, 1(iiisvls, No, 4 3.00
Mrs, ll. \Vatt 1.00
Airs, Harold Phillips 1.00
Airs. Phelan 1.00
Mrs. W. Moffitt 1.00
Airs, ,lean Young .23
Anonymous .. 1.00
Mrs. Streeter . 2.00
Mrs. T. Colson 2.00
Airs. H. Itchinsou .50
Donations for the Convalescent Bags
For Sailors:
\\ Thing \\'orkors, (91li Lite)10.00
linllctl and ilorris Boundary 6.00
\ifs. J. \Vat.>on • 1.00
Mrs. \\'m, Bryant 1.25
Auonyunuus 1.00
Airs. B. hell 1.00
Airs. A. 'Taylor 1.00
'I'h; rc(;•ipl:; loin Bingo for Octo-
ber $65,12.
The CX (' cs for the Christmas
]lox(.; amounted to $220:2,
\Ve wish to thank tho merchants
for No getteruns discounts given to
us on the purchases for these boxes.
'I). Philp, Treasurer
Willing Workers Stage
Successful Event
The \Vining Workers of rho 9th
Line, 1Iorl•is. staged a very success-
ful social evening in the Memorial
hall on ht iday evening.
The 1c t proceeds for the evening
was $15.1 ,,
First prize winner int curds was firs.
.lasprr Cook, playing as a gent, and for
to ladies Mrs._Kyle was high. Low
scuts for 111011 tient to Leslie Fear, and
for ladie.; to Airs. Jack Creighton.
Salvage Collection On
November 13th
Tho Blyth Fire I)eparttnent have
arranged for another Salvage Colley
tion, which will be made on Saturday,
-November 10th,
Citizens are asked to search the
premises for any of the following items
which aro useful for salvage purposes:
Paper, Rubber, Scrap Iron, or Fats.
Bottles or bottle• top, or any kind of
glassware 18 useiess,
It is hoped that everyone will co-
operate, as has been the case In the
past, by having paper tied In bundles.
and any other contribution, placed
011 the sidewalk so that they may be
' Calvert Falconer's Duck
Flock Shot On Creek
The merchants of Blyth are co-
operating with the Victory Loan POLICE WILL INVESTIGATE,
Committee this week, by sponsor -
ing special Victory Loan advertis• 1Vith the present Victory Loan Campaign near
ing In the columns of The Stand- One of the meanest acts to be re- it's end, and Blyth so far from reaching it's objec-
ard in the hope that It will have ported to us in a long, long time, oc•
the desired effect of making cit'. carred on the farm of Mr. Calvert rive, we wonder if we are all doing our best. Will
zens Loan -conscious, and perhaps Falconer, Auburn 'toad, sometime Mir.the boys "over there" 1)e justified in looking with
make them feel a little more the fog daylight, Sunday.
responsibility which is ours In Mr. Falconer had a flock of eleven reproach at any of us because we have not loaned
Canada's home•fror.t battle. ducks, and following the dally routine. our idle dollars to help supply the needed implements
Read all eight pages of the Stan• the flock was turned out of the pen
dard this week, . Every page car- on Sunday morning, About forty rods of war.
ries Items of local interest, and from the house there Is an enticing
every sponsored message should (itl'etln1, and the flock made daily vis•
appeal to pata1otic citizens, its tht're, anti always returned bonne
Also give special attention to safely. Sunday night wa:, a different
the appeals on this page contribut• story, however. Just before dark tour
ed by the County Chairman, Rev, of the eleven crone home, and when
W. A, Beecroft, of Wingham, and the other seven failed to show up, Air.
our local Chairman, Mr, Leslie H{I• Falconer Invest Igo led, 11e discovered
born. the seven (lucks all (lead, strewn along
the banks of the stream,
-v••-•-- investigo1lon 5110wed that they had
OBITUARY been shot, and lir. Falconer foetid
two shotgun shells that had apparent
ly been used, A hill obstructs the
view of the creek from the house,
William D. McLean and the shooting could easly have
The community was shocked Sunday happened without being seen from the
morning to learn of the death of Wit- hoose,
Rant I), McLean, well-known citizen Prov{llcial Constable Fox of Moder
of Myth. DU. AlcLean passed away at rich has been notified, and the matter ..
Ills home on Dinsley Street, following II,-
win be left to him to solve -...---4-
a week's illness, Ile was In his 031d Whoever committed the sneaky' Hallowe'en Pranks Blyth Municipal Council
year, deed might at least taken the birds
'1'h, regular meeting of the ',Minitel.
It was not generally known that Al r, home, and disposed of them as all Saturday night was 1klllowe'cn--at pal Council of the Corporation of the
McLean was seriously 111. lie had good (lucks should be in these needy, least that was the night, designated Village of Illyth, was held 011 Novetll•
spent a very Hay suninter at his trade Mutes, when food production is needed for pranks by most citizens of the vii• her Inl, in the ,Memorial hall, with
of cement contracting, working for so badly. The act looks like an ab- logo. However, nothing happened i Reeve \Inrritf, 1111(1 Coun(11)ors
a considerable part of the time 011 solute cape of wilful destruction. It i that evening except that a few of fie Wright. Dexter and Sc'ritlgeour pre*
bridge work for the 'Township of 11u1• is hardly possible that the seven birds smaller children salted at door., 1111(1 ''til.
lett, A week ago on Saturday lie be. were killed with one shot, and ibis I solicited such items as (rainy, apples lltlute; of last regular meeting of
0011(0 111 while building iv -chimney; for rules out the argument that they could for coohics, or whatever the hind lady
of the house had to offer•. October It 14, read and confirmed on
,lir, Earl Amis. Ile- eanie hOnte�'lhat have been mistaken for wild ducks, motion of Councillors Dexter and
night and when a doctor was consult• for if they had the survivors would 5uuday night was also the 3V;t of Wright. Carried.
ell it was found his condition was quite have flown away at the crack of the (October, and some of the older boys
serious, During last week he failed first shot, lin the community took advantage of
to tlnprove, and he passed on ecu'IY Let's ]tope the police can discover . the occasion. The evening was perfect , Doherty Biros., repair scales .. '2.15
Sunday morning. tho guilty person, or persons, as the for the work at hand, A uti;ty rain It. U. Philp. filling extinguishers 50
Tho late Mr, McLean was born o11 case may be. and that they will be / was falling• and hardly a householder firs. 'l'. Il. 1 d( arils, 101)0111'
the 5th lien of Morris Township, a made to pay for their act of des11110' suspected acts of deviltry to be per- 1 and grate -,.10
son of Donald McLean and Jeannet lion, formed on 8 rainy. sabbath night.. Airs. '1'. Elliott, re indigent ,,,,18.00
Indignation was at ft's peak on 11on- A. \V. 1'. Smith. set. of jurors,. 2.00
Citizens of Blyth:
This Loan is "Speed The Victory Loan" and if
we can shorten the time by one month, one week,
or one day, thereby saving the lives of perhaps even
some of our boys, we should feel proud,
Last May we won our battle on the home front
by going well over the top. Are we going to lose
this one?
Let's prove our loyalty by loaning all we can!
LESLIE HILI3ORN, Local Chairman
Bills and Accounts:
Hogg. Iie was married to Pearl
Plactzer, daughter of 11r. and Mrs.
Henry Plaelzer, thirty years ago. For
four years following their marriage
they lived on the Brussels gravel road,
following which they moved to Blyth,
where they have since resided.
Mr, McLean was an efficient and
Industrious workman, and highly re-
spected by all who knew trim.
Surviving, besides bus sorrowing
readily available when the truck calls. widow, aro one daughter (Marcella)
The proceeds of the Salvage will go Mrs. Wellington McNall, and one
towards patriotic purposes. grandson, Donald MeNall. Also sur-
viving are, one sister, Mrs. George
Machan, of Monkton, and two broth-
ers. David and Roderick of Morris
Township, One brother predeceased
Mr. \William Hailaban reported cont•
plet{on of filling-in operations on the Funeral services were conducted on
large cavo -h( which occurred on the Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock,
9111 Concession of Vilest \Vawauosh from the Blyth United Clared, of
over two weeks ago, Mr, llallahan which deceased was a member. Rev.
has Leen busily engaged for the past A, Sinclair conducted the service, and
two weeks grading and filling in. tie spoke words of comfort to the family.
estimates that it took 1S,C00 yards of Mrs. Harold Phillips sang "The 01(1
dirt to full the cave-in, but cars were Rugged Cross," one of deceased fav -
passing over it Saturday night. ourite hymns. The service was large -
Mr. llallahan reports that it was 000 )y attended,
of his strangest experiences in road Pallbearers were, Absolam Taylor,
work for the county. The cat'edn was /Thomas Taylor, Fred Argent, John
50 yards long, and extended from fence Fal•service, Edward McMillan and
to fence. On the start it seemed Harold Beacom, F'lowerbearers were,
bottomless, and long poles which wore Donald McLean, Donald Currie, Carl
shoved down failed to reach any solid ;Yager, Paul Watson, Earl Mills, and
bottom. Over the fence on both sides William Blake. Interment was trade
of the road bed the trees and ground in Union Cemetery.
heaved to a height of ten feet.
Many people cattle to see the strange The sympathy of the community is
sight, Mr. )i'allaha11 behaves that it extended to the bereft family, who
is quite sate again now, although the have had a great deal of sickness dur-
road bed is expected to settle again, Ing this summer. Mrs. Plaelzer, Mrs.
but to no great oxteut. McLean's mother, is in a serious con -
V dition, and is confined to bed at the
Large Hole In Road
Was Filled.Saturday Night
day morning when it was discovered I \V. 11. llorritt, sol jurors ".00
A Mistakethat "many small buildings" 1111(1 been 1'. Argent, •refund overpaid taxes 1.55
torn from their foundations. C'hief Vit;, Doherty, sal, for October 4:,.00
"e regret an error In last week's Police 1 olive Cowan received so many .,1.:\. ('owtlu, salary for October ,sO.UU
Issue which has apparently caused complaints that he finally made r;uc
considerable confusion. 111 the last Ab. o';, lMagabour
labour 1.55
cessful effort to round up the guilty 0. Cou'tlabour
ininte rush we composed 0 small item parties. Sunday night they were 1110 A. \V. P. Smith. blowing drain 22.50x,811
which stated that the stores In Blyth destruction gang, but during Monday ; A. \V.1'. Smith, labCtu '1.50
would commence closing every night night they were compelled to change A. Barr, labour 6.00
in the week beginning this week. \'e their name to the "con'5I11 (tion gang" I. Laurence. tabula 20..4605should have staled that the stored
would close every night but Saturday, \---- fell. !Whitt, file 40
We regret the error, and any alkali 11 r5. T. Elliott, re indigent „ • ,10.110
derstanchng it may have caused.
Earl McElroy Dies In ; Belief . 12.00
Mich. Blyth Standard, printing
Until further notice the stores will Grand Rapids, A. W. i'. Smith, assessing, los-
close every week night, except. Satur• Word was received by Mr. Herbert lags and envelopesi .00
day. McElroy on Saturday, stating that \loved by Councillors Dexter and
Earl McElroy, former Myth resident,
V Wright that accounts as read he paid.
1(11(1 90)1 of the late lir, 01111 Airs. Thos.
"Buy Another Blind" Is New McElroy, had passed away very sud-
Idenly in 0 (Grand Rapids hospital. lir.
Victory Loan Slogan
\\'ith sales throughout the Dominion
tapering off slightly during the past
two days in Canada's Fifth Victory
Loral, Dominion Headquarters have
designated Friday as Bank Victory
Loan Day, Friday is the second last
last of the Loan drive, and it i; hoped
1 that the objective will be well exceed -
,ed by Saturday night,
Moved by Councillors Wright and
Council purchase a
1.0gion for Bement -
former years. Car-
IllcKl•oy was stricken with a heart Dexter that the
seizure while driving its itis car, and I ("path from the
he wos rushed to the hospital where bronco Day as in
he died shortly after being admitted. 'med.
Ile was forty-three years old.
Moved by Councillors Dexter and
Although lie had been lovas' from Wright that the Corporation -sell Pt.
Myth for many' years, ll', MrEltoy
.l.ol 1;1. formerly the sight of Monroe's
was well-krow11 and tentcuhlerctl ity Hardware. to Harold Caddell, for sunt
old school -mate; and friends. who Ion' $Lau, he to pay cost of conveyance.
have expressed keen regret at his ear- Carried.
A. now slogan has been adopted fon' f ly demise, Ile received This education
the remaining few days of the Lotus here, and grew tip t0 t'al'ly 111111111ee11 t Gordan Elliott, Clerk,
Drive. It is''13uy Another 13ont1." Of -
before departing for the United States C w
facials slope that It will have the effect 1100,1.0 he 1111,; 1101(1 1.,,51,0050,1t, 1,051.
of spurring those who have already liens with the Kruger Stores. $2.1,000. Subscribed In Blyth
purchased bonds to again examine I
!their savings accounts, and to pm.-ile is survived by his wife, formerly $22,500. Still Needed
,leant Robinson, of Mitchell, and one
chase another bond if at all possible, ('11izens of 131yth have just three
Icon, Ronald. Also surviving are n
Ihrother, Bert, of Logansport, Indiana, jmore days in which to ran $22,500.00.
ted a sister. firs, Ann, l'ampl)ell, oft That is the amount still needed to
C.G.I.T. MEET 'Toronto. meet our objective its the Fifth Victory
Loan. \l•. Ray Dobbyn reports his
sties up to this \We(Tnesday night at
McLean home. and recently Donald The C. G. I. T. met in the basement
BIRTHS McNeil fell from a beam in Edward 101 the United Church en October 27. $�,1,j111Ui1,1,
NiCHOLSO 1u' Brussels. on Satur• Mc111111an's barn, and was under the The meeting was opened t,y „ing`.tt
Miss Shiley Phillips wog the prize clay, October i:Jrd, to Mr. and Mits, doctor's care, Ile is recovering nice- 11ymn 110. The aim was repeated hl V The village of Brussels was well
Tues -
.for high score to erahfuole, Charles Nicholson, of Morris, a IY. unison. Jeanette (Boucher tread the over it's objective of $76,500 on Tues -
'The Junior Red Cross of t1.S,S, No, daughter, opening prayer. 'i'he scripture was CONGRATULATIONS day night. There sales lip to that
12, Morris and ilultctt, raffled of a Y V--,-.
then read by Shirley Phillips. The Congratulation; t o Miss Myrtle date totalled $&2.05(0. There surely
duck, which was donated by Charlie minutes were rants and approved. \\'bite, of Galt, who celebrates her can't he that much difference betwecm
Brigham. It was wets by Mr. Jack I arm Forum To Meet Condition Not Improved
Christmas cards were given out. 'l'htf birthday on Thursday, November Illyth and Brussels. We are just IN
Taylor of the Min Line. The proceeds The S.B. No. 10 Last \Vawanosh The condition of Air, Benj. Taylor roll call was ausivered by a favourite 4th. /Patriotic. and wo hope as full of chic
frnnl this venture netted the tidy sum Farm Porton will Meet at the home is not Improving, we regret to report. spo).t. The chapter ,front the study 1Prido, as Brussels. Let's probe it in
of $i;I.ttl. of Mr. and Mrs. Simon llallahan on Also we regret to report no lin- hook was read by Margaret Marshall. jibe next three days, by putting every -
The l"h Linc ladies are to be coin- Monday evening, November 8th, The proventent in the condition of Mr. Lid- ilynuh 2139 was sung. 'Thr•, meeting Congratulations to Mr. Leslie 1111- bit of loose cash we have into this
mended for their splendid efforts to do tbroadcast starts at 8.30. Everybody ridge Johnston, who Is also confined was closets by repeating lite Lord's burn, who celebrates his birthday on Loan. It can he done. The money is
their bit for patriotic purposes. !welcome. to his bed, and is seriously •111. Prayer, Wednesday, November 31d. invailahle. IT Ml'S'1' L'Li.: 1''NE
Buythe"SpeedThe ictioty aauBonds
P111111'111 'cr111.0s were held for the
deceased in Grand Rapids. on Monday.
Space Contributed By ---
J. H. Phillips
Blacksmith - General Repair
Space Contributed By ---
E. S. Robinson
of the
Victory Loan
\\illy are the people of Canada —
im.rchauts, tanners. manufacturers
w•ape•eu•n(rs, everybody—hcing asked
to Invest In war bonds?
\Val' always Ilan been cin oxp.n�ive
un(1.:laking. Jlodor11 war, will) its
requirements of mechanized equip-
ment for vast armies, is infinitely
more expensive than wars of the past.
)'here 0 I two Maio methods of meet-
ing. Ihis espouse—luxes and
iug. 1;
WV till hnuw, taxes 1011'r it
really been increased 1111111 they have
trached what Is coisidereil the high-
est possible 'wait, 'There remains
borrowing—and this is the reason for
the sncces site \'Iclory Loans, Jlor•
rowing can he a dangerous expedient
__ rev 111e coa(u•y as a lvhole as well
as for an individual—and to maintain
0 sound financial structure for our
country it is imperative that as large
0 proportion as possible of then ,es•
sal'y borrolving curie from our owls
people, and be spread as widely as
possible among all our peoole, lip to
the present time ('sands has made an
tuviobl? record—one of the best, If
not the best in the world—in maintain -
log a stabilized ecotl(nlic position, and
Ihis has I''.e11 made possible by the
illagllific('lll response of our people t0
the several %vial• 10x1(1(4 ,
\ 6'
r (iug. Any loan %vho has served nail'
well, has 11 c1n1111 on this
fund. The ' Poppies and \\'rcalhs
which you will he asked to buy tiro
tootle by an Organization of Ols1Illed
ex -i$ rvIce num. 'Those stem are ah•
so1(111'ly incapable of earning 0 living
in any ol11.'r way, Ind hal for 1his in•
411.. -dry, w'oalil be n charge on the p11 I).
Ile funds. If Poppy Pay did nothing
bat keep these met) self-supporting
and self -rt speeting cl;dztem, 11 would
I still he lvorth while,
TIm Organization of Poppy Pay, the
sales cf wreaths and poppies, Ilio
handling of monies collected, the
vestig:tlion aml relief of all applicant;
are done by voluntary workers, No -
i man or woman connected in any way
Space Contributed By ---
Lorne Scrimgeour
& Son
Builders - Contractors.
minium and child wear a Puppy from
Saturday, Noveinner GII1, to Thurs.
da)', Nnven141' II 1.11, in 'memory of
tl►o1e who laid down 111 111• lives in the
Great War and of (hose (leu and wo-
men 11'11( have 1110111 the supreme sac-
rifice In 111? present conl'1101.
!'ailing this support thus given, our This appeal is not made on behalf'
(lovernlnont would have had to resort of the i t.' ion or of its member;, but.
to other means of raising the 1110110y on behalf 01' all ex -Service )nen wino
to Meet its financial ne:d.s, and s11011 ure• In nerd. 'I'hw colloctioi and ad- ilio)' have always received (roil the
1111)11 lull general public to stake the lot of the
(01 11 this receives 000 cent its
looms. commission 111' allow.
once fon' expenses. All monies (.0110(1.
ed are placed 111 it spevial account
which i; controlled) by a Board of
j'I'ruslec; of this Branch. 1:�ery ex
pendilitre mode Is approved and vv.'
cry aeeua nt checked by 111e Iloard.
I s 13' applicant for relies' 1.; iirrsll-
sued carefully but sympalh011r01ly.
IBelief may tante the (01111 of food,
clothing, fuel, rent or medic all a.ssisl•
mice, It is practically never is;uad
in cash. ,
•Over a 1111111on citizens of Ontario
1(ore a Poppy in 'ltonleul.brance 111;1'
November, ',01'11 \\'tenths Iver', pin;••
ed 111 ('hutches 111111 al 110nlorfals, 111
110110111' of the (10(11.
Should any of our friends desire
further information on tiny point in
connection it'llh Poppy ("mid sepal•
ties. our 1(11111111 Sec1'c1ary (illi 110
glad to supply 11. 'I'11e Canadian 1.4e
glen is grateful for the hearty srlpport
methods atmos( certainly would have mlil:istration
result:; in inflation—which 111111111 that been ctttltsled 10 Isle ('attadiall i.. distressed ex Service men Ouster, and
your dollar next year might be world pion, This, hc'wever, docs not mean
It Is our hope lilat there will he no
only fifty cents, that the value of your I Ilial the 'Poppy Fond is part of the 1)0.1111 01 permanent black -nil for
wug_s, your insurance or other lnvesl'1 fund; of the 'Legion. It is kept en- them. &l 1'E AXI) GIVE 1 1IEELI',
meats, or your income (00111 any lively separate and 0s not even treated"
would fall to 0 fraction of their
as 0 part of the relief fund. It 141 1' K, furnish," Branch President.
as 11 ')'rust fund,
10011111 value. rather considered
To avert. such a situation, there-
fore, 11 is absolutely Imperative that
Every person with an Merest in our
cuunt'y'5 welfare should • 110 every-
thing in his power to assure the suc-
cess of 111e Victory IMan9.
For those who have not the stoney
ou hand to pay casit Its full for a bond,
\'anions plans have been worsted out.
'ncere is the official instalment plan.
under which you pay down ten per
cent of the amount of the bond aid
your hauls will carry the remaining
1111101)' per cent for six 1110(1ths at all
IL:tvI'es,L rate of three per cent, As
you get three per cent on your bond
from the Government during the same
time you are not anything out of pock-
et; in fact, you have something t0 tie
good, especially if you can make fur-
ther payments within the term of six
mouths, Another instalment plan
calls for payments at the first of each
month; and for farmers or others
whose money (toes not conte in at
regular intervals there Is still anoth-
er plan called the rural deferred pay -
GROCER --- BLYTHONT. limit method. There may be some
• special circumstances not covered by
,lany one of these plans. In this case,
you are advised to consult the loan
canvasser or your banker, either of
whom will explain how terms of pay-
ityAnent may be arranged to meet your
convenience. Remember, $;, down
will put you on the way to the own
ershlp of a $50 bond.
Patriotism and sound business sense
both urge that every Canadian suite
Ills utmost effort at this time to put
11101103' in bonds that will be a secur•
11y for the future, The Government
urges everybody to keep his bonds
until th110 maturity, but 1f for ally.
reason you should need the stoney yoti
can at any time turn your bonds into
cash at a good price.
Above all, we must not forget that
in supporting the Victory loam we aro
backing; up the boys In the armed ser•
vices—the boy's of 0111' owm towns told
townships who are giving their best
years—perhaps life itself—ht our be-
half, is order that despotism and
cruelly may he put down, and that
liberty and decency may survive In
this world.
10u1' boys are rislIng everything.
Can we at home do leas than 01(1' N•ery
utmost towards matching their sort -
(Ice by providing thein wllh the equip-
ment for a complete and, please God,
a speedy victory?
Space Contributed Contributed By ---
Watson Bros.
Open Letter To Editors:
* **
* **
Dear Chisel's:—
This year, as in other years. the
Canadian Legion, through Its 1694
Branches and Auxiliaries in Canada,
Is calling to the people of the 1k,mhr•
ion that they should observe 1nor0
than ever in solemn remembrance the
symbolism which has become an In-
tegral part of Remembrance Pay ob-
servances, and asks that every loan,
which the 1,eg;ion administers for the
benefit of all ex -Service mea. 1n
granting relief, members of the Le-
gion receive no preference but all ex -
Service (len stand on an equal foot•
Pear Sir: I and enclosing (I.0, for
$1::111 which i believe Is right for a
year's :.ubscriplion to The Standard,
\\'e HIT ill enjoying good health
That boy of yours has been gone a long time. He and his
fighting comrades arc now surging forward to Victory.
Help speed that Victory' and his return to his place in your
heart and home, !:very dollar counts. Buy Victory Bonds.
Buy, them for your absent boy; buy them for your future.
Lend , . . to restore the family circle,
Duron Grill -F. Gong, Prop.
BLYTH ... nNr,una,
er day
job for
the boss; informed sue the nth• • be i11 Londbm for 901110 time.
that I had been frozen to sly
the duration, so 1 guess 1 will
'!'rust everyone is well, yours truly,
Action is the word today!. The boys overseas arc
giving us plenty of it as they smash to attack on
land, sea and air. Let's give //Jest action in return;
action they'll appreciate; autographs on 5th Vic-
tory Loan applications. That'll tell 'em where we
stand, how anxious we arc to speed the Victory
and bring then home again. They're surging for-
ward on every front. Spur them on with the added
momentum of overwhelming power. Speed the
collapse of the Axis beneath an irresistible weight
of tanks, guns, ships and planes bought with our
money. That's what our fighters want. That's what
your signature on a Victory Bond application
Commercial Hotel- A. J. Glass, Proprietor
Speed the Victory
Back our gallant fighters. 'I'hey'ra
smashing the pill boxes and clear-
ing the way. Buy 5th Victory
Loan Bonds to give them the tools
to finish the job. They're counting
on you: don't !et them down.
Buy and speed their Victory!
Olive McGill
\Vith the enemy reeling back on all fronts now is the time
to plant the finishing punch ... with 5th Victory Loan
Bonds. Sign up NOW, Sign up for all you can carry.
Sign up to bring the boys back home in triumph , .
soon, Every dollar, every bond, counts in this great forward
surge of our fighting forces. And remember, Victory Bonds
are Canada's finest investment.
Edith L. Creighton
11'corator's Shoppe --- Blyth, Ontario.
" Speed the Victory "
The Auburn pubIie sehool seholara
enjoyed a Hallowe'en party with Dolly
i3eadle in charge. The program was
as follows: reading, Pauline King; a
short play by Glenn Yungblut and
Betty Ann Yungblut; solo, Marlon
Taylor; duet, Doris McKnight and
Dolly Beadle,
The prizes for the costume parade
was as follows: grade 3.8, John Seer'H,
comic, Joan Klllough; fancy (1rei s,
grade 1-1, Carol Beadle, fancy dress,
Lloyd McClinchey, connia
The school room was decorated for
the occasion by the committee, Dolly
Beadle, Marie Raithby, Jtick Ladd,
.lune 'Beadle, Jean Itir•lecouuell and
Glen Ytrngbint, Ilot clogs were en-
joyed by the scholars,
The B,Y,1',15, held its annual Hal-
lowe'en party in the church basement.
The president, William Raithby, was
in charge. The judges for the cos -
hones, which were weird and beauti-
ful, were George Italthby and Nor-
man Yungblut. Prize winners \eeru,
Ladies' fancy dress, Shirley Robert-
son; men's fancy dress, George
Wright; ladies' comic, 1\iis,Itt,.1. Phil-
lips;, boys' comic, John eers. The
best dressed child under 12 years of
age was John Raithby, A sing song'
and contests were enjoyed, Lunch
was served. •
A Hallow'e'en party was held at
the Base Line school on Friday after-
noon. John Crawford was in charge
and Ross Patterson acted as seem -
tory. The program was as follows:
Tongue tavisteas by Marion Bogie,
readings by Keultc1h Turner and 13ob
Stnnbury, solo by 1)alpltino Honking,
duet by Evelyn Raithby and Christine
Cunningham, duet by Brian Hallam The following articles were shipped
and Allan Raithby. Prizes were given I by the local ]ted Cross for their
by Teddy Turner. hutch wits server!, monthly bale to headquarters: J9
a negro woman, and Morcott 11ailam, quilts, chiltlreni pyjamas and mitts,
who was attired in a ghost costume. 2 boxes of toys, wash cloths. soap, etc.
for the British Children; scarves and
The Red Cross offering was received
by Teddy Turner, Lnch was served,
,A1r. and Mrs, Charles Million have
moved to (loderich where Mr, Million
has a position In the (ioderich Flour
11IIll, ,
A veteran railroad man of the C,I'.
Il„ John I), Youngblut was honored
on Friday evening 111 the Forester's
flail by his foreman. Maitland Allen,
fellow workers and a host of friends;
at a party, The music was supplied
by Monk's orchestra, Goderieh, Wil-
liam Watson of Nile as master of
ceremonies and floor manager kept
the large crowd entertained and ex-
pressed the goodwill of all presnt to
\Ir, Youngblut.
Clifford Brown read an address and
Andrew KIrkconnell presented a
beautiful mantel chime clock from
the C.P.R. employees and n leather
Billfold, which was well, fillet!, from
the community,
Tito recipient expressed Ills :wive -
elation and this was followed by HU'
singing; of "For He's a Jolly Good
Fellow," Dancing was then resumed.
An appropriate gift book with the
complete list of names of those LIR-
Ing part was also given to Mr. \'oung-
blut as a souvenir of the occasion,
Mr. Young!blut recently retired af-
ter 33 years of servtee on the rail-
Special service to the iuleresle of
the Thole Society in the Anglican
Church next Sunday at S p.m. Note
the time. This is a service for the
whole community. local ministers
will attend, Address by Rector, ltev.
P. i1, Streeter.
R. J. Powell, Grocer • Phone 9.
BLYTH ••• ONTARIO. _._.-..--
'Yanks and more tanks! ''hat's the
only' talk the Naris understand. So
lot them have it with both barrels.
Boy 5th Victory Loan !fonds and
speed the tanks ahead -- driving to
Victory. Every dollar c:".utts. Every
bond brings Victory that
nearer. Go all-out for Victory.
--,JI ,still, 14
7 4T2. ➢
t4;.>a'.ifi1:i;:lCri�•';!rti :h''t.r.o:,.,.»
Doherty Bros. Garage
I,I ,i.IIY. I�I�W.. .a-Illil ••, Y.i IY. 11 ill,I
... to supply
Send our troops storming to crush the tottering Nazis.
Armed to the teeth by your 5th Victory Loan purchases,
they'll sweep all before them; stove the Victory hour
ahead. Then, the home coming! Can't you picture it?
That's what 'ou're asked to invest in: a speedy Victory,
a speedy, triumphant return. Lend now to bring the
boys home.
C- T. Dobbyn & Son -Howe
stt'eaters for 1111' :\rifled farces; and of the \'oared Church of wiriclt 'Mrs
pair pyjamas, 31t pillow slips, '' l'nlclnngh is supply secretary.
Turkish 'Towels, and 3n handkerchief.:
for the Hospitals, Three of the squills
and the boxes for the Il.111611 children 1ls'ly l'onununien ins' Sermon
were gifts from Huron I'rosbyt :r'ial Trinity Church next Sur,'. }
Page 4.
Elliott lnsuraiice Agency
J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
Office Thune 1114.
■le1441DlatatateiD(iti41DIDiettelei?a aeei%lsireet3(NXII;'ai/NDIDiDta'ail $litaiD1D,Dailia/ital
Residence Phone 12 or 1.40.
Specializing in Farm and llotsehoLI
Licensed for the County of Huron
Reasonable Prices, and Satit;faetion
Guaranteed. The party. \wlhich arrived in tit'
For information, etc.. write or phone Empress of 9tuesi:1, and the Swedish
1\'illianl H. \io'ritt, phone, Residence, liner Urottl:ingholin with thousands
:1 ; Shop I, Myth. 4.4•tf. of British Tonllnivs. included two :1111- or Gen nal'; pct hull terrier• "I11'(lilx"
• cricans who fought at., Dieppe with the is an Ottawa prominent. Recently
Essex Scutti.;h of \\indsor, :101. Otte when the Earl of Athlone was tour -
Licensed Auctioneer. er Canadians arrived later al an Eat ' ing the \\'est, "Itl•ullx" I; 11 ,1101110 811(1
Specialist In Farm and household ern British port aboard the hospital was listed sun(((g the M': •"lull . . •
Sales, ship Atlantis,, 1 "lilaciced out" last September to con
Licensed in Huron and Perth ( The Canadian soidiefs came frons serve powilr the Board of Control has (1))'
ewers regiment which \wont to I)l9ppe asked the 1 pulu('ut nil' I't(hlic 1Wo1- d-pth by the I readthl, anti the weight
Counties. Prices reasonable; salts
fore('." grtat'st affphibious operation
el the twa' 011 to then, awl 2.1;17 were
uli.,sing or prisoner. 'I'luse returuin.a
iCalladia115 are part of a group eirlg
repatriated under an international ex-
change agreement.
Written rpetteny
for the weekly newspapers of Canada
Ity ,lila llreeublal
Capital gossip: Like President
loo swell': dor "Tata". the Govern -
lel(. (This is our weekly
ll: in from Thelma (Tail of
,puler, 1tranrh, \\','I'.I'.'l',11.,
the Con- '
"�Victory �e e
t 1'11 Italy civet:u'l tl war
r.l( rael l , �
again;( Germany now will have little _ y
('flies( upon ti,(.s!Inat!u11 in Canada j fl .1i17( '%S of�1ii1ho11 Colll�iV:---
respecting enemy all n:, it is puled, I
1:0011 Ilse scarceO hall a (102011 I1aliaiu !
hationa!; aro interned in the Conlin- '
!on at present. Th,. Canadian govern•
meth, Prime Minister King said, is In
general agreement with the govern- ;
ine;;ts of the 1.K., N.S.A. incl
i I i( with respect =
Wednesday, Nov, 3, 1943. ),
I lid POI i Yp,Iif.Z.•❑ "1111 .1 ,IIVS),II,, IJ Y Y, YY, 1, l,d II„Yil 1. __-•
11 e 1 r atul0ancetnen \\ c.
to the dcilaralion,
:\4licullure Department n01c
\Iaiuly be( apse honey in northern
countries i< gathered from (lovers, it
is liar_ \\hulrsoule for wintering 1100;'
than honey from the south, Dandelion
honey I'as proved fatal to ices. I Ian-
cy flout hard maple or from pure ale
alfa, and honey from white ;oldeursol.
granulates so har(i in tt _ combs that
twittering bee; are unable to use It,
• .. • \\'eight of grain in a bin? Sure,
fir.'t 1'ill(1 out the cubical contents
htllliplyiag the length by the
i of one Inedeel of the ,:articular grain
the Royal Regiment of Canada, the to relight all the \whit(' way (loopy in i ee rr,art;1. 1s one cubic foot meas
Forguaranteed, Royal Hamilton Light Infantry. the'Ottawa', b; siue•i,; section. ;Ile) along
Por information, etc., \write or phone 'tire; ;Roost. ") quarts the weight 01'
Harold Jaeheon, R.R. No. 4, Seaforne
Essex Scott' II, the Camerons of the Federal 1 l',t'ict driwewuys, . , . Ot---_---"-
('anada, the I'usill:rs llonl Royal, the Utaw;t ,ie\v1110rs report bustuess hcltcr one rabic fool will he : t :;"ud; of the `�••'"••". _ - "`�"�M`•E°�'
('hone 141-661. i , weight of one bushel. Thus 00. 1111;11' of Kill ie n: r. They were act:untpan•
tiuuth ea';h;Itehewall Regiment, and 111;111 could lie expected in a place 1 \try. II, Lind ay.
el oats weighs ; I pounds. 011e cubic I led by \I r;. l';uu hell's sisters, Alva,
the 1-Ith Canadian .\1'111y 'lank Biat- where girls outnumber leen five to one foot of oats uquels "i. a°ods of ;11 J11 and elle,. \\'. I', t'aulph)'ll, Jnr. 1'
PHIL OSIFER talion, ('algary, tncanse of a roViVal of the Did cuylonl\1'. II. ('amp!c'll, wi�itcd \with Jnr. ;111,1 Fitzgerald. i'1.10 1:u told Airs. It.
OF -LAZY MEk)OWS pounds or "Int , pound' C•.Irdincr,
tit I.nricu.;\\.
Urs• \\C1.1
. h. Crozier ul' ('r we on
Citizens of iluron County have raised to date
t$2,060,000 with 15 days of the campaign gone.
We stil have t$1,065,000 to raise in days.
The committee is placing the plali' truth before the people of
Huron County realizing that there is not one patriotic citizen who
would not do HIS or HER lull share if advised of the facts,
We ungeuttionably have the savings in cash and in the bank
acccunts necessary to do the job, hut early action, is essential if Hu -
ren County is not to fall chort, We therefore appeal to each citizen
to act at once. To purchase a Victory Bond is vitally important no
platter how small, provided it is as large as your can undertake.
you haven't bought see your banker or Victory Loan Sales.
If you have bouUht reconsider your purchase are try to in.
re . stxs r .7 ,. ,
\\'Rile they were reluctant to dis• of bride., ringing the fingers of bride• -
toy tiat•ry d. LU) eel cuss what they had gone through in grooms, , , . Total registration at pub. « * *
,a... 0 ,. wtre cagey to 11e schools in Ottawa for 10011111 of
The (Attlee .li,url,ai publishe.; (-0111c,
\1'0((11 is:a y' I I r. and \Its• Norman Itadfurd, Ross
\ praise the courage of the men still September \was 11,71'2, whi,h do0slt'l Mr.. ;and Mr.=. \\'. A. Campbell, \l•. ,1101 "ilirle)'. \i.<it(,1 on Sunday \witlt
• 1'11080 are fall plowing (toys! A.t 1 iuterosling l'igur0s in connection with \\'. II, Ciente-all, visited on Thursday \1te ;pal \Ir.;• II. Shubhrook of Lou•
isouers, seem ranch ill proporliaul to 101111 Ito w•artiul restrictions on the sale 01" '
\with \Ir, and etre Arthur' Speigelberg ; d(': kuru.
alcoholic beverages, saying it is c;•
* * * 1ilnuted unofficially that there are
etielt;u permit holders 111 Ontario
That sentence May not mean very a^
"'Choy ;re well and their spirit h:•a pulatiou,
much to a city bred 111811 our to a 1
townsman but it 1111'it115 a lot to a newer dropped ;old it's going higher
farther. When You say that to a man Jerry's goes IOW$1• with the x011'
of the country he c" ll se0 a picture ization rtes lust the twin',' said I'te' Uoet 9tor1• of food het 1 in (.0110(18 0111y about b5,1,l"10 more than in 11ri1-
... and that go. s for the loan who bloc Brenner of \\'indsor, UuL, one of as of October I, 1111;1, were Cousidcl'• islt Columbia., although the population
hut; lived on a farm and has in the ,t group of Essex Scottish aboard the ably lower as compared with the stone of Ontario is labour ,757,1'410 colnp:tr.
meantime been Intel away by the 1?Impr0ss' date a year ago, \with lh exreptl:)tl Cd mate li,C.'s Si5,C00. 1lanitaha Wilh
There N1,•; -.,rt. two Americans ill the 0f meal --both Canadian 811(1 inpnrte;l ;l. population of 73u,r•ii0 ha; l.."t,Cr.0 prr
party, Sgt, Everett Ogleby nt \laniilah' I'or 105(81:08: Cull( storage eggs 011 111it holdol'S. Oularlo allowance.; ter
Ark., told Pte. John Fleming, a tool haul( were less than halt' a Million spirits is 40 outic..4 monthly, iLC.'a
shaker in a Detroit automobile plluntdozen as compared with G,9 million only I;1 ounces,
before joinhhg the Essex Scottish. dozen last year; cheese held by tear
UoSt Of theCall/(lurks waitingIll ((Ousel and dairy factories, li!i.,!;1,11 t
leave the Empress 011 8 leader which l ~(x1'011 millions;
bright lights of the city.
If you're a farmer th!uk for a min-
ute on what that uentellce means. 1
always 111111:; of grey, gloomy ;ides
with rain 1 trtatenC:i. I, can feel the
ting' of the l)ctobel' wind (rutting
across the f1:Id and slashing at my
pant legs \\lien I get to the top of the
little grade in the east field. 'I'hl'
horse stand twin their head bowed
to the wind. re -t111 for a moment
and then ready to start knifing the
hr1Wn emelt up. The plowed field
Stands in drab brown contrast to the
dead tall surroundings,
Down in ill: barnyard the chickens
go around mournfully With their tail
feathers riffled up like shield;. 'I'lle
pigs root around in the muddy pools
at the lo\ 'r enol of the yard and the
c•aire; (0 ,t wool ,: the straw r,tack
Waiting to get back into the barn.
'Wl.n can 111.1r the Mull stamping
around inside the barn and the dog
as if to warm up is chasing the Cat
around the driving shed.
Over the whole atmosphere there
is a qhi: t greyness. The, color of au-
tumn is falling into the drahheei of
fail the transformation from
summer to winter. The apple trees
are beginning to look naked and
Wisps of 1 eves still cling to the
muappee and heeehe 011ly the ('1) 1' -
green Wel; staunchly to their color
and it afford; 0 welcome r:lief from
the leaden color of the world. The
world Icor•; as if it Were in a de•le;t
ed M00d. In fact there is very ittle
action left.
On numberless h`Is plowmen With
horses are winding al:nig their lonely
Ways, slicing up the tired etubbled
earth. They are tending to their
(eerie . , . inahing ready for the spring
that will bring it life again. 'clic
earth 1111:1 he tucked under .... put
to 41011) so 11101 it will he ('1 41 1 rap
again for the grrwing season.
Rain comes. chilly and persistently
pateriu•; on your cheeks and clothes.
lint it's 1!;ly a fall fain and th- plow-
ing must 1 e don' and you kw p on go-
ing un'il it gets heavier'. 'Then you
must unhitch and head for the barn.
The hnrees hid -4 steam in the wet -
come v;utn'r f the stable 1
lnrry with
in the chis':')' Icitih:h
pounds, less ,y s•
\Vat( to take 11101111 to laud, a half-lllll2 cleats amounted to il7,4U:�,`�1;7 pound;.
atway, agreed with Nickerson who said ower a: million wore than on the
it Was "almost impossible t0 believe 481111 dale last year. Hut the figures
\\e are really here." \werC Mostly up from the hunch pr
Nick 1501'4 aircraft was shot down
ceding by cor,iideraule, ;as lake pont-
in .\ugust. 1941. and he spent nine Uy (dressed) w' th over 1 Million
months in ho•pital with a sprue ill pounds, as against 2.') million the
jury, but lie is looking fine now, is mouth before. -
rcd•chceked and playing baseball and
volleyball. He Wore tin A111;ri:a't
airman's leather windbreaker, and
United State; .\ems' Issue t'ou;eee For some time now the authorities
explaining the cramp where he had have been etreeslug the serious 110ns-
been held had been given over reeled- ing shortage in St. John',;, Nfld., as a
ly to .\Mexican officer, \Yarning to troops \Vlio may be poste;(
;icic e -son had g uerous make for du Ilse area to dissuade relal1ve;
Ited ('rocs parcels, but was contemn. 'from joining 1110111 there unless they
tuolts of 001Man rations for pr!$Duel's. have secured n place to live 111 1)e.fo'C'
"German rations!" he salt:. iudicat• hand. The population has incretts'Al
Ing his di.;gust with a sweep of his from 20,000 to ;)0,000 and at time
hand. "If it hadn't been for the Iced new ar'ivaks have laid to be sheltered
in the City' jail. \\'110 says that W011 1(1 * * •
Cross w( W0111(1 Ill be alive nu\v,.,
Pte. I)Ilwid Ito'u'rtson of 'Toronto, he a nice welcome for mother and the ('toured Vegetables frozen in pack -
who went into Dieppe with the ltuyal kids:' ccs' and wholesalers' hands lust ,Idly
Regiul.ut of Canada, told ('p1. Harold * * * will be showing on your shelv:+; soon
Jon('< of Brantford, 'Ont., a Member with 111e movement to retail outlets
01' the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry i ('auuda has bit the lowest figure ill through the new system of "controlled
agre,d with other.; that the treatment maternal Illol•lalily rate to date, with distribution" recently' 'announced by
of Allied prisoners had changed for 2,9 per Wu live births, the Director lh,, Prices Board. It does not appear
the better in the last nine months. of Mat real and C'hRd Ilygien', 11e- that formal rationing of canned vege-
Rut the treatment of the 1111441811 prt4- pertinent of Pensions and National tables 0 in prospect, judging by the
Deer, Wag 11'1 so good. they 'said, and a Health, tole] a Convention in 'Toronto, statement issued. \Vithholding of the
Ilritish Tommy with the Canadians ad- A steady decrease has been shown current pack to ensure supplies for
ded: "\\'hen the Russians undress you since 19,;11 When the rate was •1.); p_r winter scene; to htlwe worked out okay
can count the welts on their hacks." i3O(0 live 1.inthe, This le Very en•
'file Tommy said many Russians in a s our•agiug, considering the stresse s
nearby 1111111) died swiftly of a typhu.; and strains of the wan',
The tr. nd c:1' ('cull:)talc
conditions ill
Canada nvt'raged higher in the first
'eight month of 194;; than ill the sante
period in the prec:ding year. The
hulex of the physical volume of bust -
nes,.; lased on five main components
OhoWciI a gain of 1 7.t per cent, \lauu•
factul'Illg increase was 23."1 per cent;
Mineral production. _'I per cent; Con•
'st'uctiou slipped With $'142 Millions a•;
against 1}499 millions; wholesale and
retail sales recorded gain; of 7.3 and
.) per cent resp:ctively. Our external
trade, reflecting heavy production
and flow of war material;, showed a
gain of 27 per cent, Due to scarcity
of additional lu;utpower, the numb: .
of persons employed in productive
enterprise showed only a moderate
gain, the geu:ral index of cnlployII1CIl.
a gain of 7.,t per cent.
ReV, 1iaz0l\'oud of \\'altoo was ha
It ruucr a ;Iced ul \v 4111011 to "rail Another instance of the war fore- charge of the services at Westfield
111y wit(' hl \\rind: or I'll be home ing us to overcome our own (Bilked- of Sunday nod spoke in the interests
soon,'' ties: In rotary oil drilling operation; of Temperance.
I inutile; slichtly' from shrapnel in Saskatchewan they had used as a , Mr. \\'tu•ren l;anlf'n'd, 11.A., of Pr_ ;-
woulds ill the groin, Spr. Norman drilling mud "bentonite". now (lard 10 ton spent the week -end under the
obtain from the Statue A I'utver.;lly' parental ran',
of Saskatch_\wa) professor, W. f1.1 and \Ins. Norman 11c0owell
Worcester, developed the use of 'a Als. Oshaldcslotl visited on Saturday
substitute clay found in large (luau' with Mi', and firs. Ctrl Dean, Wing -
titles around Estewau. nearby to the ham.
illienfait lignite coal fields. and they're Mr, and Mrs, i ouglas ('amp1b011 and
in the jaw. Ile said: ' i:'s a little ushlg about 511 10116 a week 111 dr1111111 4011. John, Were l.ttc:know and (.lode•
I q to 9 tt , e all( y0)1
lough rating, but it's okay now," Mc- operation; 110w•. rich Visito.s 011 Sunday.
y(1 1 .101.
:Milian, suffering from similar wounds. 1 The 8)111111111 bazaar sea ion 14 upon Mr. and llrs. Cordon Smith and
had been in hospital since he was sus all through the "hy\ways and by'•'llarbara. of (loderich, visited with Air,
captured at I;ieppe• ways" of ['amnia. Church group; ,and Mt's..1. L, Jlcl)owell on Sunday.
The senior Canadian officer aboard have heeu busy planning (heir 11001114.1 Airs. Ernest Crawford is visiting her
the 1.111'u•ess Was ('apt. 11. 11. I aird of ,with one eye 011 cons:rwatiut and the parents, Mr. and Airs. 1'. W. Cook. be.
Oliver, II.C.. and \'ahcouV:r. ire wit; other on the returns. Aprons, col fore joilihr; her 1101411and who has been
Repatriated Canadians
Arrive In Scotland anxious to see ('sutura but more mix- our Cul as ever, will likely be glad_ moved to 1legi rst isle.
illus to get Cock "doing the job" and from housedresses; that have shrunk 1 A n.indier from this vicinity attend-
, No (:.. many citizen heard the said "the loss of this he; Won't bother or split at the shoulders. ,Some enter- ed the anniversary services at Lon -
broadcast 00 r the CIIC Let week. 111e any.'' prising women will Make them with desbofo on Sunday.
(which was 10 broadcast flout ilritain, Laird. a medical officer with the gay prints. \\'iti delicate shades of fie 1'.i'. U, Ilad o Ilallowe'0u SOC -
111 Which S01.00111 Canadian soldic:* Royals at Dieppe. was wounded early wool not so .asy to get, the gal'Iio'ut; fat on 'Thursday. Miss Pearl Jalulee.
jut:t tr•ri\lug buck from Germany in in the fright.. in the baby booth Will be Made from on Won the prize for best costume, :1
all exchange of prisoners, were inter- "ICs going to he interesting to read re -worked material and you'll newer short programme was given. The CV•
Viewed. L'c:u•iag 1114 60ar4 of Dieppe, stories of what happened there," he know it from the branil new. so ex- enil:g Was spent in playing gables.
these boys were among those who said wryly. "I really don'( know, 1 pertly Can it Le ravelled and launder- Lunch was served.
Pto'nled the beaches at Dieppe on that 'war knocked off too early." ed. .Of cou190, with preserves ration- 1 ll'. and Mr;. Alva lir0o\ve11, Mur
fateful horning of August 99th, 1912. He brought bac•,`, a message for re- ed. they will no longer app-lr among ray and I.luyd, visited with lt'. awl
They were captured and had .,pent the latives and friends of Lieut. .hack the delectable array of liathe-cookecl Mrs. K. Cameron of Lurknuw on Sun-
Iutervening time in a German prison Thompson. formerly of the \Vinoipeg good4. No preserves may be bought day.
Camp. •Trlbune. Ile said "Jack Is doing fine without surrendkriug a ration coupon; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Il. Nunn. of Guelph
Five thousand Canadian participated ;8nd wanted his folks to know he 16 in and no sales of any rationed 0011111101• visited over Sunday with the l atter's
In the Dieppe "reconnaissance in great spirits," !ties betwec. • consumers are per uluth0r, Urs. Clark, at the hone of
Scully of 19., Jarvis St.. 'Toronto. cafe
off the Ehnpr0ss with 'two \\ Theism.
leen. i'te. Bill Fraser and Cpl. Iatric
1,1 trier had been 11 months :11 hos
111tai! I'e00wel'llhg fi'1)111 shrapnel wound.;
glowing fire
. . . and the
pr tension 01 fall plowing days.
-- --A---
If Your Farm Work has Slackened
for the Winter, You Are Needed
Elsewhere in Essential Employment
Highly essential work—very important
in Canada's \'car, effort and for the
welfare of the Nation—is threatened
with shortages of workers. One of the
few sources of men available for other
high priority jobs is those men on the
farm who will not be needed at home
during the Fall and Winter, Heavy
needs must be met in many lines—
producing fuel wood and other neces-
sary forest products; in base metal
mines, in food processing, in railway
track maintenance. If you live on a
farm and arc not needed at home
during the Fall and Winter, you are
urged to answer this national appeal.
Fanners engaged 111 essential work
during the off season will be allowed
to return Ilonle when needed. Also,
those on postponement under A'[obili-
zatiou Regulations will continue on
postponement while in approved essen-
tial work during the slack. on the farm.
PIease answer this vital call NOW.
hor full information please apply to
one of the following:
Minister of Labour
Director, National Selective Service 1
Wednesday, Nov, 3,195, Tin STANDARD
Page 5,
c.,:y:;.,.,,.:i;,;-4.4:.,.,+?..,.4.,.,444 +:44.4•1 Jlnplo Leaf". toll('«",( by the Lord's WICKIC310(VIKIG144t4I1461410414414VClCKWICICICKWICIGI(ItCtC1CttiVEIIt41CKICKGtC0MCtCKICI CICKICtr tC1 tit@le,'CCKWI1C1C1CI3lCK1004td
LYCEUM THEATRE Prayer. The minutes of t e last
WINGHAM—ON1'ARI4. 11. James 1I Hselaood I, quite illmeeting were read and approved as
at the home of his sister. Aim J, 1). .' NOW PLAYING; "CHINA"
NightI'caci• ' NOW PLAYING: "IT'S A GREAT. NOW PLAYING: George Raft In:
(. Two S1lo0vs Sat. •_ \leIrIIIv. I , With Alan Ladd,
t;—__ II was deck! ,I that the Society pa ; LIFE" and "STAND BY ALL NET- "BACKGROUND TO WINGER"
�- Mrs. James h'aIt'il'I'vIel) underwent i
Thurs., Fri., Sat. November 4.5.6 =• on the (loner for the Banquet for ', WORKS."y Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
.. an operation on 1101' eye in the Strut- r Monde
-. f the Federation of Agriculture on No- ; Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday ,
• Randolph Scott, Claire Trevor f ,ford Hospital last week. She Is get -'God -
ss to �%wilier Ith. Commit lees; wee" op- ; Claudette Colbert, Paulette God• 'Hie Powers
Glenn Ford In ccs . + +�
r t.ing along fine and is expected home "THE MOON IS DOWN dard,Veronica Lake, +n.
ccs t , ." .1. palated to tu'rungt, Ibis. ,Carole Landis, Anne Shirley and
I h(v l)esper(ldoe5 �f (he end of 11118 week, Anyone having papers for Salvage, with Slr Cedric Hardwicke, Henry cc + „ George Murphy
:1 western picture in Ieclutrolor. 3.I Mr. Jack Snell who Is In tr0thlug' please pock in boxes ready for colh:c- , Travers, Lee J. Cobb and So Proudly WC I•Iiill _
Also Short Subjects '' and has a months le(lVe Is with his y Doris Bowden,
'�Matlneo Sat, afternoon at 2.30 p. m.+! parents, tion later. ! Thurs., Fri., Sat. Two Features
11 r, and Mrs, John Snell. There will Lo a towel, apron and 'Thurs.,
L. I I Thurs., Fri., Sat. Double Feature Fri., Sat, Two Features Robert PI•estor. Ellen Drew
1111'.;; Kilda. Watson and Mr. Riley of pillow cane, shower al our December g Chester Morris, Jean Parker and
Mon Tues., Wed. (November 8.9.10' (Iodericlt, spent Sunday with Mi'll' "Cinderella Swings It" Barry Sullivan In Night ('lane from
• !'meting. 'Everyone please bring a
SPECIAL y� Nellie Wulsol'•donation and route prepared to buy. GuyKibbee. Gloria Warren and cc Explosive" ." (�hlllllilll};"
Walter Huston, Ann Harding, In z, "High I'���)losl\
111'8. Ilarris, London, visited with ,
("Mission To Moscow" " Shower Committee: Airs, A, Radford. , Helen Parrish
�� ALSO:
•,, 11188 L. Young a fete days recently. Airs, S. Lyon. '/ cc +
4'Al isslon to Moscow" 1r)vk(tes t.(( Airs, Lillie Webster 18 011 the stoic , ALSO: henry Aldrich, Edito1' 'Henry Aldrich Swings It'
;the screen rho hook by Joss pl► I':, Nominating Committee to r: Airs.
; ' '
1'8V108, fern)('(' ombassndor to ;', list. at present. \Ve wish her a speedy T i' Ofl'Icers for Ihu New Year: At s, ; ccrl'he I'�illcon's Brother" with Jimmy Lydon, Rita Quigley Y Y
_' and Charles Smith. Jimmy Lydon, John Litel.
� it. 'Townsend, Airs. 'S. Lansing,
Itn;eia, l= g. !
c� Hiss Dorothy 1 Ittle 0f Toronto, \Vo'h Coin urge for 11ecelnber: ' with Geo, Sanders and Tom Conway
wy.,..y.,..,.q..,.4..,.4..y.,..,.., .y 4..1.4..,..y.;. ,.qy., . ,COMING: Barbara S to n w y c k i n :
spent. the week.end at her home here. Airs. 11, Rhobbrooti, Mrs. W. 1leslt, '' COM:NGI "So PROUDLY WE COMING: Maureen O'Hara in:
—_--_-- _-- -- ___-_—_— Airs. Norman f " ''THIS LAND IS MINE" „LADY OF BURLESQUE"
111'8. V. 9toy. T HAIL,
,� 41
Seaforth Teacher Heads daughters spent Sunday at Mr. W. The I (ill shipping receipts were 1'l' liilit�c�t 2t7t9151?tBtht��t2t8tDl2t;u21D1�t�1912t)t2t312t&12tDVIC-1- �iD+,F-7.. B �i3i� VICTORY
,•+eidot3+k�12,0, 12,e�:�,c�•,�5,3�,iy i»�
ceived: ;, alI'W0l1Ian's 8',etlId's, 4 Ch11-
dren's ('tweeters, •1 (1011(8, 1 011+1('8 - -- �_---•--� --- `.:----_ •-- '- -- -- -
dress, 35 ribbed helmets; 1'9 scarves, Dear 111,4, Colclongh: We received ielh Barkley Campbell; George Mel C
Treasurer reported 8 balance of to the vacation, which is just 001108(1. (;Barge Rutledge; Elvin Henry \\'Cain' Of Thanks pair socks, 2 pPairseaman's long the nine bales of Quills and blaatr.t.; ville Slraughan; 1h'i ry Russell Thmlil, I '1'bc fatuity ()I
e late \\'dliam D.
stockings. which you scut. sin good order. Dar nun; 11. W111111111'I'heurpsnu; I.lighLori ,Mul.+';ut (desire to expre-; sincere ap-
lu'eit:01 nt for the 1: 1};.arts of 1,111)1-
')lal)nce In Oversew Fluids ing, we did not unpack the 40 until a man; Nelson Wilbert Lawlor; Joltn'u,'s,; extended in (heir recent sit( ln'
Christnr.la boxes were sent couple of days ago, \\'e are delight 'd StewartFerguson; hilly I ran:cliu 11111 t,,':t1,. r.ent, Special th:unks to the ltev
'with the contents as it is some year; William Clifford ('tu'ter;'John Doug.A. Sinclair, it's. Harold Phillips, awl
lhuusdon moved vote of%luce we received a shipment, and our las hurl Robert -mil; \\'illuou 1l'ur5'Atli those who kindly loaned car-, and
to Airs. Roy for her donation' beds will look much neuter, as well as Arthur. 'to thine Wilt)seal flowers.
being warmer, (luring the cooling term. i Miss Ill tit}' Craig gate a reading.
1 would have acknowledged your',le: honor roll was donated by the ,;n•
shipment sooner. but we have been FOR SALE
1 criuteudeit, Charles Scott.
very short-staffed during the vacation. _ _ 1_ pig'<, ready 10 wean. 1111}' to
In fact, IIs the interests of war-time
AUCTION SALE c'harles Nichol: ant phone ",1.14, lllyth.
economy, I permitted all my staff to 1'2.;,'•
leave, thinking that Mrs, Caldwell and Clearing Auction Sale of farm
1 could nutnage for the summer in tine Stock, Feed and implements, 00 1.0t FOR SALE
care of the several children left in the !.,., concession 7, milieu Township,
',;.. mile east of
I)istrict Federation Campbell's,
In spite 01 the restrictions on Iran.;- Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Manning, Clinton
and Mrs. M. Manning wero Sunday
pot•tatlon one of the i:u'gc:;t (Mega -
lions In years 1100811(10(1 the annual glints at Air, and \Ars, Frank Tomb -
'meeting. Of District No, four Ontario lyn's.
Secondary 'I'racher.;' he(erutlotn al 11r. and Ars. Frank Little, 13tH
Stratford col Saturday. '1'0:10'1131'8 from0oncession, and Mrs, llonthem, C11n•
1; of 17 school; hn the area, tvhlch ex• ton. wero the guests of their sister.
tends fromKitchener t0 Underfelt, Mrs, R. Townsend, Sunday.
were 11'08010 to lake pant in 1110 dirt - Mrs. Lawson of Constance, Mr, and
cussion. Mrs, I3ert Lobb, Goderich Township,
The prc;'c:cnt. \V. 1. carrot' prineip- were with Mrs, W. Lyon on Sunday.
al of the high school in Mitchell op-
The Anniversary Services of the
ened the buslnr;s se,(si0n in the lib- hailed Church was held on Sunday
ray of the St•atft:rd ('oliegiate•1'o- when a large congregation assembled
atonal to brute with an address of which filled the church to its cape -
welcome, Following the reading of , city. An ideal Autumn day bright
the !nitrates and financial report by with sunshine made it bright within.
A. U. morn 8, secretu•ytrea.;m'er, and ((iso with its bouquets of yellow and
the report of the publicity director, bronze mums for decoration, One pot
:Newman O'Leary, a question hour woe of yellow mums were placed there by
held. 'luring this time the committee Mrs. .John Scott in 'memory of her
chairmen In charge of such matte's mother and father. One bouquet of
as superannuation, (';ick benefit, char- cut flowers was in memory of the late
it y 1'nu,18 1111(1 nu'11141'S010 led the Edmond Crawford, from Mrs, E.
cliscusslons, 'Crawford and his daughter, Mrs, Kun-
hullutwing tie adjournment of the kel, Niagara Falls, The guest speak-
busiues.$ weelii,g, the delegates went e1' was Rev, Dr, Ross of Blyth, who
to the Y.\I.('.:A, for 1111d•tiay luncheo11- delivered very touching and inspiring
The guest speaker was Dr. J. A, sermons both morning and evening
Boyd who delivered an eloquent ad• .he being listened to with great atten-
dress 0n: the life of•Col0nei John mac. tion. The choir rendered special num-
rite, 400 physician and poet w'11e crew• hers assisted by the quartette from
tell that poetic work 0f art "111 Flan- tlhe Radio School, Clinton, which was
(101.8 Field: " during the last war. much appreciated, The services
At the close of the lunclheon, the re• throughout VMS 0110 of the best,
port of the nominating committee was Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Manning enter -
read and Miss Rena. Fennell o f (wined part of the quartette front the
Seaforth, was elected pi•CSIent. Radio School with their wives on
Sunday, Also did Rev. and 'Mrs. Men -
1 ^ L1CS,
EAST WAWANOSII The Church Service will commence
lir. A. Zinn Of lunellp spout the
at. 10.31/ o'clock beginning next Sun-
weelt cud al his tunic's, \V111, (low. flay, November ?th, and will continue
\I iss 'I'hchno Caldwell was 11011110 for the winter mouths,
trona Lochalsh for the weekend.
sAlasler Carman Guinn spent the
weekend at \\4alloi,
To -night (Thursday.) is the night
10e Chivied gang of last \Vatvaunosh
and Morris 'I'o vnshipi tt•III stage the
reception In the 131yth :Memorial Ilan
in honour of \1r, and Mrs. George
Fear. Don't forget to attend. A good
time Is assured,
of $r:';;.00 Made from social evenings
for Overiseas (loxes, Mrs. Roy sold
tickets on a game. 'Lucky ticket went
to -MIS. Warren 01bb01gs, Proceeds
A pair of stockings was donated by
Miss 11. Shaddick, Lucky ticket going
'to Mrs. F. Woods. Proceeds $2.20.
Lunch collection $3,011,
school, However, the staff had hardly•I;,i miles north and
The following donated 1108(056 mon-
gone when a measles epidemic broke • Clinton on
'ey, 50c each: Mrs. Charlie Vodden, 0(11 111111 we had them all lu bed. Thus
C. \\'arson, Mrs. J. Snell, All's. J. ett'e have had a very beetle summerTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH
(Vodden, 11188 M, Harvey, Miss P.: The measle, were, and still are. pre -
Jamieson, Mrs. \V, Manning, Mrs, :1. 1valant throughout the North. The
'stIee 10'(1, Airs, George Cowan. Ih'o' children ore now coming hack to
nceeds $1,,0. school from distant. Reserves and it
A quilt donated by Airs. A..111111108011 is altogether likely that those of them
('Mrs, P. Wood and Mrs. .1. Woodman who have not already 1111d the measles
quilted at meeting.
Meeting closed by singing "God
Good conk stole, Imperial Oxford.
Burns wood or coal, Apply to Thomas
Colson, phone 1,11, Itlytti.
at 1,311 p,m, Harold Jackson will sell
by Public Auction the following:
1 mare and colt; I three-year-old
gelding; 1 roan cow, fresh, 4 year's to
old; 1 1'Oan cow, fresh, ;, }•cm's old; 1
1 red cow, fresh, 6 years old; 1 blue
wet get them here, However, we have cote, fresh, 0 years old; 1 blaClc cos'. 4
had no deaths and no apparent after
Su.te The King., effects, years old, due January 30111; 1 Gue•11- FOR SALE
sey eery, 6 year's old, due January `''r' (;il'l's winterc coat, site 12, good 118
1\'e aro still sadly hutting 1111 staff, 1 Jersey cote, 3 years old, clue April
This i8 note usual in most 8000018, 10th; 1 Hereford heifer, fresh; 1 'Doi• 11(11' $7.11'0, tl(Iuirr at 'Tile Standard,
Certified Potato Seed but we are ratter more handicapped stien con', 4 years old, due in May;
Supply Now Available .by reason of or isolation, I am expect -I1 '.ell heifer, 3 years old, due in De- FOR SALE
Ing to manage with more native Ind1an I(ember; 10 yearling cattle; 2 part Jer-
According to a summary of field help. Such as we have trained arc A heater draw, to good condition,
sey slut, (in goo( shape for relater
doing very well indeed. but, of course. mea; i(1 fll h•es; 1 8111101)1( for wood or ('0111. P110110121.71,32):
they ere still not as responsible as Ln'ootid salt10; sprng 1111100 Barred fall
pullets; Myth.
while staff would he. 6 gees(; 15 loads hay; Quantity of ,
However, these are strenuous limes, t'rban 0816; 26 bushels Spy and mix -
and we are glad to be at such coin- ell apples; 1929 h'ol'd coupe in good FOR SALE
partitively little disadvantage when running shape, good tires; Also num-
hand cool( stove. Apply,
we can contemplate a lasting Peace bet' of harm Implements. ?I'he 1(•:nd-ha, Blyth.1f-)p,
to which we may, in a small tvoy, I JA\11':S Jilal:'U will offer for sale ut
contribute. sante t'me:
'Pleatse extend our thanks to you'd 10 heard Hereford and Durham cal• PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT
Presbyterial, and assure the members yes; 1 purebrt1 Hereford hull, about h( proper} known as the Elder
of our special appreciation in these '100 lbs.; 1 Purebred Durham bull, I T
property, for sale or real. Very reas-
times when there must be greatly in- ready for service. ovable, :Apply to Leslie Unborn.
creased demand on their' time and TERMS; CASH. ,it1y111, 1='21)•
labour. We can also assure their (hot Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. • .
The 1011001g variety 16 the Katandin, their time an(1 labour 11n furnishing Raymund hitch, Proprietor.
with Sr:,', acres pa5•scd. '1'110 C1►+1lpewn us (00111 these necessities has been I2 1
November Sessionvariety is in second place with the extremely well spent. -- HuronCounty Council
'h'ielt. Cobbler and \\'anba as leaders With kindest regards, r
for the early varieties. The Mural Yours sincerely,
Mortgage SaleThe next meeting Of the 'Huron
y 1'\I:I)It ANI) BY V11tT1'E of the County Council will be held in the
crease while.
New Porker variety is on the de A. E. Caldwell, 1 rhu'Ipall' Council Chambers, ('purl (louse, God -
Houma and I:arlaine are p01t(rs of sale contained in a certain.
•••',-` mortgag(, which will h( produced al (rich, commencing 'Tuesday, :•loVeal•
Poplar River, flan., Oct. 9, 1943 the time of sal('. there hill be ofter-ibcr Ira at 2.09 p.m.
Dear Madam: I all' herewith act(- ed for sale by public auction, on A11 account,. notices of deputations
nowledging the receipt of used cloth- Wednesday, the 24th Day of November and other bltsili(s; rertlliring the at•
ing which 1006 scut through you to A.D., 1943, at 1.30 o'clock in the 1'nlion Of Council should be in the.
one Palled Church -Mission at Poplarafternoon ('nutty Clerk not later than Saler-
River. At the sante time I (00(11(1 also day, November 13th,
like to express not only my apprecia lU the preiulses, her(inafler mentioned
tion, but also that of our Indians, for Lthe following lands, namely,
th16 kindness which you have Shown ( A.(A, ANA) SING1'4A.L) that certain
towards the Indians. The clothing 'Parcel or tract of bard and premi';1s
w•av; much needed and greatly appre. situate lying and heiug'ii the Town -
elated. Stich endeavours 011 your part ship of Morris 111 the County of ilu-
give us courage and joy in carrying jun. and Province of Ontario, and
Six. in the
011 0111 11'01'1( among 000 Indians.Indians.being ('01111(05041 of Vann 1.111 the West-
truly,0r1y, half of Lot Number
Sixth Coltcession. of the said Township
Jacob Loews' of Morris, and containing fifty acres
V be the saute More or les,:.
The said land.; are of good clay
AUBURNloam, and well situated. being on a
A very impressive dedication 51'rvice County ilighw•ay. 80 rods from a
of the Sunday School and cougrego school and close to market centre4,
ttiot of Knox United Church was 11001IErec'te1 thereon there is said to hi a
Sunday evening when the hong' rolllgood barn and a comfortable house,
1 of 19 young men who attended this' also a drilled well.
Sunday School and are 11011' in the s(1'- '1'ht+ lands will' be offered for sale
11001(r. horns coal or wood. Apply
Mrs. ,lames Watt, phone 127, Myth.
Inspections, recently compiled by J,
\V. ('Scannell, District inspector, .Dom-
inion Seed Potato Certification Sen' -
vice, Ontario Agricultural College,
Guelph, 1,89.1 acres of potatoes were
altered for field inspection in Ontar-
io (luring the 1940 sea8011, Of this
number .031 acres met With the stan-
dards adopted for certified 500(1, 01'
Londesboro Red Cross News 70 percent of the total. 'This is a.
'The November meeting of the Lou. !slight increase In the numbry of tic.
desboro Red Cross was held on' Octo-,i'es over recent previous years, 'l'lte
ber 28111, in the Community Hall, Lon -1 total acreage of commercial potatoes
(lesboro, with the President, Mrs, D. for Ontario this year is e,stiirated at
I3runsdon, presiding, with an alien- 110,000, or a decrease of more than
(lance of 32, 6 per cent
The meeting opened by singing "Tho
new introductions.
ttiction presence of leaf roll disease (0111011
Sale Chief cause for rejections watts the
was found in 39 fields in excess of
—OF— standard, 'Other 00080118 for rejections
were presence of bacterial, fungus and
virus diseases, 111:0 foreign varieties;
fields adjacent to disease and lack
of t•lguor.
Yields from certified (10106 are re-
ported as favourable and good 6111) -
plies of Feed are 110.(0 available. Lists
of growers may now be obtained from
County Agricultural Repr\.s•ntatives
and information as to guilty and
quantities may also be obtained from
officials of We 'Department of Agri-
IR. B. 'Goodin, of the Crops, Seeds
Pair 11.001 blankets; 3 1)ai1' wool :Nickel copper kettle, and Weeds Branch, 'Ontario Depart -
blankets; 9 pillows; 2 bolsters; 1 1 churn. 'ment of Agriculture, states that many
quilt top; 8 print quilts; 4 heavy Air -tight heater, largo size; 1 60 -egg Luye•s, both farmers and dealers, are
quilts; 4 extra heavy quilts; 1 tout- incubator. now making of their seed supplies for
folder; •1 pair sheets; 7 pair pillow One battery radio. next year and repots indicate that
cases; 1 knitted spread; 4 bolster coy Red Cross Donations: 1 Victrola, they are ,exceptionally well pleased
e's; 1 white table cloth and serviette; with 20 records; 1 large wash stand; avith the quality, The demand has
3 coloured table clothes; quantity of 1 3 -deck server. .been brisk, an unusually large ant- I vice, was dedicated,
lace; 00(1 dishes; oil lamp, I,l glass; 1 Princess Pat range, like new. ount of seed from inspected fields' 'Rev, Harold Snell the minister. was
having changed hands during recent I in change and welcomed 1;;; :'. Gordon
picture frames; foot stool; wash 1 Quebec heater.
stand. 1 bed stead, wooden; 1 bed stead, weeks. The, movement is likely to I Ilazel.wood of \\Tallon, who assisted its
Bedroom suite. including bed, iron', green; Springs; Mattress; tab• continue active during the coming the service. 'The young people's choir
springs, mattress; dresser and stand; le; chair. weeks as several seed gro•s Itavo ! was assited by the Lobb Quartette of
1 second-hand Root pulpa';
4 good chairs; coal oil lamp; clock. I Quebec not suftIelent suitabl0 stoweage to' Clinton who favored with several well
carry over their• clops, rendered and tilting selections.
Ilcatc r with oven; rocking, chairs; heater, in good condition.
wringer; baby's play pen; kitchen Stewart Toll fittingly paid tribute
table; baht' sled; 1'a., rug, large. 'Other articles too numerous to mien- - —V with a reading. The names of the l0
,12 ('hall's and other articles. lion. W.M.S. Receive Letters young men were read while the con -
Various Household Articles
on Massey -Harris Lot, BLYTH,
Sat., Nov. 6th
commencing at 1.30 P.M. Sharp:
W. H. Morritt, Auctioneer
Of Acknowledgement pregaton stool with bowed heads as
onl ytlte minister's voice broke the
AL's-'. J. Colclongh, supply secretaryhupressive silence.
forthe West Section Branch of the The names: John Keith Arthur: Missionary Society 1106 re- Stewart henry Auieut; ,1001'11 Thomas
ceived the following letters of ack- gennette; Reid Burst Sheppard;
t for work carried ou by Lloyd Theodore 11cLarty; Stanley
thhee BBrrannch;ch: Dawson Bali; Robert John Craig; Ken
subject to a reserve bid and other
any errors or omissions corrected ac -
conditions of sale. c('('(log to law.
For further particulars apply to the
undersigned.Dated a1 my office this 26th day of
William Morritt, Actioneer, October, 1943.
F. Finglar,d, K.C., Clinton. Ontario,
Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 12-3.
tvt4104t4tetC3CICIVCCVEtttOCIffICICKIICtg14ta441C141C141C'€'4+.C1 CC1glblgtClC`.C1g1C 00111KE1
I 11
Dead and Disabled Animals
N. W. MILLER, County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
Voters' List, 1943, Municipality of
the Village of Blyth,
County of Huron,
NOTICE is hereby given 111111 1 111103
complied Wit 11 Section 8 of the Voters'
Lists :Act, and that 1 have posted up
at my office, in the Village of Myth,
on the 26(11 day of October, 1943, Ih.!
list of all persons entitled to vote in
the said Municipality, at municipal
elections, raid that such list remains
f:ncrc for 1116pcction.
And 1 hereby call 11p011 all voters to
take immediate proceedings to have
Gordon Elliott, Clerk.
1:4;111141lAlo-)s304tNDiMilkallamDaitlfaMIDilltatk 1z.7.1iN tittD120lia.3rADlDraalk3p 014110008141
Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect.
Philp's Drug Store
131,YTI-I --- ONTARIO.
Bishop Fleming Of Arctic
Addresses Aaron I)eanery
fall meeting of Huron Deanery
was held in St. Thomas Church, Sea -
forth, on friday, October I,:th, Th'
meeting was Upell('rl by' the ('eleltra-
1ion of the Iloly ('onllnuuion at lit
o'clock, by the 1 1u1.111 Dean, Itty. E.
U. (A111:her, of \\Ingham.
! .\t the eonclasiom of Illi,, set'\ice.
'the member.; of the \\', A. convened
i in the church. \I's, E. U. Gallagher
!of \\ Ingham led in the prayers. \Irs.
:'l,ulilorth, of GoderI(h, read the min-
ule, of the Spring meeting. JI r;,
Burford of Scalorth, brought gr„'t-
0ngs trout the Seaforth \\'. :\., awl
welcom"d the I:u'go gathering.
11.11 ('all revealed members pr 'sent
from I:,tylield, Blyth, Brussels, ('lin-
ton, Exeter, Barrie. (loderich, Ilens:tll.
\liddh'Ion, Seoforlh, \'Fnan, \\'inghanl
Fund \Talton.
'I'Ite secretary read letters concern-
ing the clothing and gifts for the In -
(Hans on the res.rcatiol,.
\lrs. C0stun. London, Dioses:l0 su-
pcl'1111c11(1('lll of Juniors, :..pl1::e int t'r-
estingly of her work among the jun-
Hors, saying that all those who or.
liconnected with juniors should see that
1 their program is carried out under
i1these headings, prayer, Nara, work,
give, tell. Airs. (',,tail told hots' her
ow'n group carried out a meeting and
,it revealed her outstanding personal-
ity and understanding of children.
The afternoon nlee'iing was opened
,by \Irs, Gallagher, \Vho introduced,
Mrs. Fleming as guest speaker, who
10111 of her trip to the .\relic with llte
Bishop, \Irs, Fleming gave a graphic
account of the trip, the serviue,i for
the I:sl(intos, the cagrness of the Eli -
Hums to learn the gospel story. The
pligan Esl(lmo has terrific struggle to
free himself from taboos and fears
to accept th Freedom of Clni,tianity.
('anon 'l'ow1)seln(1 brought g1'eetingri
Trout the M,S,(.'.('., and told of the
Vast work accomplished by the W.A.
-- throughout the Dominion. Ile also
mentioned that. the Church would
hu VV a 11'.'11c11d011s work lu c0pe \Vitl1
the post tsar problems,
Venerable Arch Deacon Doherty of
V ••'
Lundc(1 introduced Bishop bleating.
' who. in his own vigorous style, told
an adventure story, that has feu'
equals, of his diocese of the Arctic,
which is approximately one-third of
the area of Canada, His few and sca1-
terd 1.'o1(10s with th-, Eskimos, the
nomads of the north, are not now his
only concern, as Canada's northland
is opening up very rapidly and haw,
numbers of airfields bring many
white people as well as his Eskimos
laud Indians under his spiritual guld- 1
In conclusion, the 131ahop describe,l
the raroly beautiful Altar piece in the -
little Cathedral in Aklavik. It is a
work of art eight feet by five feet,
On the ca(1Vas is the Christ Child's
'birthday portrayed in a w'ay that the
children of th , north would readily
understand. The madonna and child
lore clothed in rich erulitl', The north
west 1i11)11rte(1 Police and Hudson's
13ay, II'actor and an Ungava Indian
oft, ring their gift of protection, fox
.skins, a braver skin, a sledge (log
in harness, reindeers. symbolic of the
herds brought from Russia to prevent
starvation and above the snow Village
shim's a star. Each and 0Voryon
brings what gift 11e has to the Christ
('hild, and it should inspire all mem-
hers of the W.A. to be more diligent
in their prayers for those. who have
not heard the gospel story, for the
1111951011111.1es w'110 take it to faraway
places, and their parochial work In
Sunday Schools and nociol work.
Federation President Urges School Board was held in the 'fele-
phone UI'lire October 291h, with the I
following 'l'ru,tees pre eat: W. Mills. BEL(1RAVE
S. Creighton and lib
Elliott Insurance Agency
E. J. Cartwright
Farmers To Buy Bonds
Alex. MuKcimr'y, ('resident of i11
Ontatto federation of Agriculture. has
is:ttLd the following statement in sap -
port of the Fifth Victory Loan:
"Subscriptions by farmers to forth r
loan; have demonstrated there is no
body c citi'ren: snare concerned in
the victory of the AllLs or more d .,
voted to the .;i(ec,zs of the present
loan than the Parsers of Illi; proviI(l'
011d the f rieratIou of Agric'.tltln•:' op•
peal( to all farm people to support
thi= 1 ;Fl ''',''n mo1'i: fully thin they
have 111 the
School Board Meeting
The regal, r
II, \Icl'aroy,
AA -minion,
Mrs, George Johnston and Allis
Nora Van Camp spent the week -end
The minutes of th ' lastreguhu' tt'ith friends hl London.
were (11)1)101 ed as read 011 '1'IIe funeral of the late \VilIhInl (-'ole
war, held from his late residence on
Saturday t}i'te('11oolt and was attended
by a large number of friends, 'I'hc
of service 111)5 18 charge Of Rev, Sireetoi
1 recllor of 'Trht'..ty Anglican Church.
L'elgt'ave, \I•. Cole was the only
child of the late Air, and Jars. John
Cole and resided in this community
all his life, Ile is survived by his wife
formerly, Lillian Scandrett, and two
daughters, Mrs, \\', Smith of i\itchell•
cr ('Sara(: and \Irs, Neil Montgomery
'(Ituthi) of London. Internment me;
1(110011 of 'Trustees Creighton and
'I'Ite following accounts were pres-
ented 11(1(1 ordered
J) i(l on motion
and Creigh,ou:
A. Tasker, ins, stamp3'.1'.�
A. 'rasher. 011,4. damps '',1),)
.1, S. Cheilew, blonds 21,00
Miss Grieve, supplies 1,S(I
Blyth Standard, ;upplios 0:1
Alvin Vorlden, repairing (.10:'1('- 11,25
J1(etimg adjourned on motion of
Trustees McElroy and Creighton. matj in Brandon cemetery. The pall
meeting of the L'lylh 1 Leslie Hilburn. Secretary. 1bearers were, Edgar \Vighlnan, Gor-
1- i
1111.01. Jit
Space Contributed By ---
don Walsh. Joe 'Al Hier,
('1 (('ence
\\rade. ,lames .\Iders 011 and ('ecil
\\'heeler. \luny 1eau111111 floral t'ih•
hath)' from many relatives and friends
Kenneth I.ellch son of Mr. and \ir1.
James 1:111(11 is n patient in \\'Ingham)
Ilospital where he underwent an opera -
Hon for appl'ullicll'; 011 Saturday.
Airs. .1, :\, Brandon is a patient In
\\'ingham 110510101,
RrV, (ieorge and Ml's. Dunlop 111-
tende,l the funeral of the former's
norther,' \i's. Dunlop, at St, Thomas
1.1 on Saturday,
AI', ,ferry Burl( of 'Toronto, was a
Visitor tt'ilh .I. 11. and Jlrs. Anderson,
last 1t'eolc,
The regular meeting of the I(:d
cross Society IVa.: held on friday af-
ternoon with the President, C. R.
Coolies, in charge, Owing to the 111).
stomp of the Secrelary, Iter. Dunlop,
'Airs. .1. Anderson acted as secretary,
The )meeting \Vas opened in the usual
\VIy, It was ('('ported that the boxy
for the boys (V(rsears had been sent
01111 arrangements W.:1'1' made for Bond
1Ing the Christmas boxes 10 the boys
still in training in Canada. The pro -
due(' sale w'011 he held on \\'ednesday.
Novenlh:r In. in the Ilall in the -after-
noon. The Salvage which was collect•
ed hn,s also 109,11 disposed ol'. It was
decided to hold the work meetings in
the homes (luring the cold winter
months. The sleeting v:ts closed
10111 the Nal i011111 :\111helu,
1.or1 U) 13rav Represents
Blyth In Huron Quiz
mi.=s Lorna Bray, daughter of lir,
and 'AI's, V. M. Bray, of Myth, repre-
sented I'lyth School in the Huron
(';runty Victory Loan (2uiz, held in the
town hall. Clinton, 011 \Vednc,s(1ay ev-
ening, October 271 h. Although she
failed to conte 0111 winner in the ('011•
11' t x111' 0)11(113 8 splendid showing as
she competed with twenty-one other
"quiz kids” 11'\)0 were representing
all the other municipalities throughout
the County,
\\'in'te'rs Il: the contest were, fir:I,
Jimmy Flanagan, of McKillop town-
ship; second, Ilelen LnVe, Stanley
'I'ow'rsh'.p, and third, Janne, Ilan, of
Various tyles of tlu('4110ns. 50111e
Very difficult, other, Very easy, were
asked. The questions took in a. wide
Jnr,1ely .1,f .\s, Cracls,y, principal of the
Public School, was present, as well
ales carried their message of syut- 11,4 A1isses Lois Doherty and Jean
.1 1,1 I , 1.II I ii.i LYu JI Y . , 1 •1.,
Space Contributed By ---
A. L. Kernick
:\ fairly large crowd was present
to Lulu' the contest,
-----'V ------
.1,411 1 1.
Put your money on the favourite ... to win!
Victory is in the making and every dollar invested
in 5th Victory Loan Bonds will help to speed it.
Our sailors, soldiers, airmen are doing their part.
Give them an irresistible weight of armament
bought with your Victory Loan dollars. See that
they have the ships, guns, tanks anti planes to
make "unconditional surrender" a fact instead of
a figure of speech. No matter where you are or
what you're doing, get }'ourself a stake in the
Victory and speed it along!
F. T. Bainton
vor the protection of trees against.
the depredations of rabbits In winter
lune, the Dominion Experimental Ski-
doo, Scott, Saskatchewan, has tested
many repellents, the beet of wide!) i.;
a mixture 01' resin and alcohol, slates
11, 1), 1lalthcwM, the superintendent.
'l1IIs repellent. Is easy to prepare; the
rabbits do nut eat the bark o1' trees
where the r: pausal Is npplled, 1111(1 (1
dues not Injure the trees. Like most
Ihi ngs around the farm, the molting of
the repellent calls for attention 10 8
few details whish must he followed to
obtain the do:;h'cvI results. The alcoh-
ol used must be denatured ethyl
((Irene 21) under wartime regulations)
available through hardware or paint
stores. Lump resin is used but 11 must
ire finely powdered before dissolving.
The lumps can be crashed by placing
them 111 a 8111(1 and wing Il wuuden
11111110. The resin can then ho sifted
.. ,1,,.,,,,.1, .,t„ ..r ri ~erten. The
proportions are eight pounds of pow -
dl1 (1 resin in ti. gallon of denatured
Vodden's fakery
ethyl alcohol, I1 i.; preferable to mix Iticulul! ore
1.11'n pounds to a quart and use it right'
away as it mast be kept. in an airtight. }
1'tuler m1
container after mixing, The resit and , lution be heated
stirred until dissolved. ' in wind size til' container when mix-
ing, a,; the addition of the resin in
circumstances lutist the so- Ihese proportions practically tlunbles
keep the 'atonia of alcohol.
;\ small Paint bruab in used 10 app(Y
_this repellent to the trees. If it, be-
comes gummy wile esiu r, a small n•
Iltu8n1 of 111(0111)1 cern he add .1 to re.
;tore the original condition. \Viten
applying the repellent, the bark must.
be ah,;oltitely dry, Without Mist or
falling snow being present at the
time. All p'u'ts of the trees which can
or niay be reached by the rabbits
during the {tinter are treated, 11 is
otivisirl)11 to treat the trees as eiu'ly
as 101881111e in the fall or protection
during the winter.
I 1
is well
\Vith Victory in the making, this is
no time to haggle or hold back.
The enemy is cracking on every front.
The heat of the United Nations'
all-out offensive is on him, Hot up the
fire and keep it hot by buying 5th
Yictory Loan Bonds. Furnish the tools that
our men may finish the job without
working overtime. They're doing their part
by fighting. Let's do ours by lending.
That's all we're asked to do—lend to speed
Yictory. Money talks — and fights —
whcn you invest it in 5th Victory Loan Bonds,
The west section of Huron Presby.
terial of the Women's 11Issiouary So•
ciety of the United Church of Canada
amt in Nile Church with M1148 Minute
('11103', of (Nile, presiding,
'Morning tvorahlp service wa s colt•
ducted by l eeburn Auxiliary with
Miss Clark and hiss Horton in charge,
Mrs. 11elliwatn. of Nile, welcomed
the delegates Including representa-
tives of 12 auxiliaries and seven MIs-
siun Reacts.
Mrs, 1-i. Snell, of Auburn, replied ou
behalf of the delegates,
North Street Church, Gode►'ich, re-
ported a large and enthusiastic Even.
lug Auxiliary and n Mission Circle.
Reports were given from C. G. I, T.
groups at Blyth and 'Victoria Street
Church. Goderich, Of special inter.
est was the ►report of the excellent
{wort( being done by Blyth 1111ssion.
Band, Reports were presented from
Baby (iambi.
An encouraging report was given by
the treasurer, Miss M. \Viltse, of
Clinton, Mrs, ,1, C, Brltton's report
on "Christian Stewardship" was read
by it's, James \funds, llrs. Colclough,
enliply secretary, read grateful letters
acknowledging bales. 'irs, Birkby,
Mission Band secretary, reported that
eight auxiliaries were still without a
'Mission eland, A report of "Temper.
Ince" was sent 111 by Miss Sterling,
emphasizing the existing dangers to
youth and the added responsibility
plale(I 011 the more Mature for their
\try. Air\'it.tie, of 1\'oltfield, con•
dueled the afternoon worship service,
The study book, "For All of Life,"
was introduced by Mrs, 13. Markel.
- Mrs. Lorne Eedy, of St, Aiarys, gave
a message on "Prayer." Sl►o pointed
out that the motto was ''Pray, study,
give" but that often prayer was neg.
11'11011. "Our trust. in God must bo tho
foundation of our prayer," she said,
"old the 1111181 co-operate and com-
oal•une with Ilhn. \\'e. 1111181 use 0111'
own intelligence. \Ve must work and
we mustlearn to listen for Clotl
speaking to us In quiet tines,"
Soloists were Miss i1elen Willis and
Miss Hilda Finnigan.
Literary Society Met
The re -organization sleeting of the
1.Ilerary Society took place ou
October :"nd, The following officers
were elected:
President: Ivan 1111born,
\'Ice -President: Laurel Iktughlht,
tiecretary: Jeanette Glousher.
Treasurer: Arnold Falconer.
Editor of Paper: Paul Watson.
Assistant Editor: 1.aurel Laughlin.
1'iani8t: Irma Watt.
A8si last l'innist: laurel Laughlin.
Form Represeulatit•es;
Grade 1\; AlargaroL :,;.1 .hall, Irapa
Grade X: 13o1) Vckes, Joyce Rath,
Crede X1 ((11(1 XII: Ivan 1-I1lhorn,
Auditors: Donald Merrl"_
Press Secretary: Lady 11w\all,
Page 8.
Dresses and Blouses
Ladies Crepe Dresses $2,95 to $6.00
Martha Washington Prints $1.98 to $2.19
Children's Print Dresses $1.00 to $3.00
Misses' Print Victory Blouses $1,00
Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve)
Olive McGill
Waterman's Sets
For Style, Beauty, and Lasting Service.
We have them in Sets at $5,06 (tax included).
Also a full line of Eclipse Pens and Pencils.
Individual, or in Sets. Sets •$1.75. Pencils (i0c.
Pens $1.15 (Guaranteed).
Mechanical Pencils as low as 29c.
TAPE FOR SEALING BOXES, handy rolls , , 15c
Flags, Union Jacks 5e, 10c, 15c, 25c
Ink --- Waterman's, Skrip, 1loodys, Blue Bird.
Writing Paper --- 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c Pads
Panda Pads --- 200 sheets --- Splendid Value 29c
Headquarters For
All School Supplies and Public School Text Books.
The Best in Loose Leaf Note Books, Refills, Etc.
The Standard Book Store
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG -- Proprietor
11 i
Federation To Hear Talk Auburn Soldier in Patrcl
.fes. -..r.•...
(thief of Police .I, A. Cowan \vas a
gCodcrlch Visitor 011 t1'edn'sdn>•.
\Ir. liurth I'obbyn ut London. sp'a!
A the \reek -end at 1(:n home here,
Pt e. Jessie Phillips, of London,
spent the week•eud with her parent:,,
\Ir. and Airs, Harold Phillips,
1 Ali 'se:" \Iau'ga ret Crawford and Max.
lie [hill Irl'[ for Ilespeler 011 lluudily
whole they have secured positions,
Doherty Bros.
Accetylene and Electric
Welding A Specialty.
Agents For Llternational-
ITarvester Parts & Supplies
White Rose Gas and Oil
Car Painting, and Repairing
Mrs. William Adams, of Clinton, is UNDER TWINE
(visiting at the house of A1r. and Airs. _.__.____--
Taylor, 0:•0:1i4x•.00•••0•,0.♦,44.00u0040400.044 :•J•P••
Flt. -Sgt, Norman Sinclair was pst. •t• See My Large .Display ::
1 e last. week to Lachine, IMontreal) ,i, o'
for sp1c•ia1 temporary duties, y ._.
._: tinwor
Ali;.; I:dilh I.urhh;ut of Ifautip(1u, ;t;
• Beautify your home for the Sora•,.
•:lion. No other furnishing:; in your"
'home equal the value of \vlIIItitper:;... c1
;:Papers nlcuked smtworthy are' E
• especially treated to re,;tsl fading... u�
Ally I suggest a complete change.: fit
•trot scenery for the bout( ihrungh::el
1:the medium of plefl.siug \\'alipapers.•, iP
SI", Ill the \veek•entl \\itli her sister, °•'
.Miss Mary Lockhart,
Mrs. Gordon Macdonald of 1iailey
Ihury and Alis Alaugaret Iliruucs visit•
ed in London last Thursday.
Airs. Peter Ilrow'i visited \v!Ih her
t.cousius, \I r. and Mrs, Al, Allen, of
.\ulnru. on Sunday,
.lack Mc.lroy of II.ALC',S, York,
Toronto, has been enjoying a furlough
with his parents, Air, and Mrs. Herb
I Air. and Airs. Donald Jenkins and
baby, Itarlara, of 51. l'atharines, are
spending a few days with Donald's
mother and aunt,
Mr, and Airs. Clarence Johnston,
Iona and Kenneth, visited with Alr.
and 'Airs, James Aloses. of Itrustsels. on
Airs, Kitchener Finnigan and tlangh
ter, Sandra, spent a few days this
week at the home of her parent;, Air.
and Mrs, A. Harr,
.lir;, A. (', \\', 1 aidisty and :Ir•
George Il;u•di:ty of Galt, visited with
the former's sister, Aliss J. \1'oocleock,
on \loilay,
Airs, Win, .1. 'Tough and .hiss Annie
I.aidlalw, or Clinton, are visiting at the `;,1'1 -IE H0111E B.AI(ERY"
]tome of their si.;ler, Mrs, 1', Dixon
Wednesday, Nov, ;,19111.
UMMOMMUR-,:rlu,.1•JAW. f a.:. ILI.,.1, I.attut.10kk u•.r.. yul:JSaPLdLDLffi'k+14.
a tINa'•t.
Your good health is vital to Canada's War Effort.
11eh' the list a few of the important Vitamin
Products We have in Stock:
Neo Chemical Food S1 1'), $2.15 and $1.15
Wampolc''s; Extract Clod Liver 81.01)
A. B. 1). and Riboflavin Capsules $1.10, $2.00, $:1.50
Vita -Vint Multiple Capsules (100's) $3.00
Cod Liver Oil Capsules; 98c
Cod Liver Oil Tablets 98c
Vitamin 13 Complex 'Tablets .$1.25
Vitamin 1;-1 'Tablet:; (i9c
(Peoples 81.00
R. D. PHILR, Phm. 13,
..J.,• • 4,.44.0:4i ... 1r�' ra,as:ss>ars�^r,•:: iT�r�� s1
-..,f•11AAllV1lYWflalunN.MM. •04.09 .•.AM.....116a1.,.1401pa wanaTe . 2,,mnannMp.
G"af 1. Yf' 4 .�� .O li,'t, v •..l'vt'4 .. w`w�4'"'4 .- ,:1-. a, \'4'99.0. a, .• -• ..., ca ., 4 ♦..• a u ., • n , •f�4(�•a, ��
1)ecorator's Shoppt'!.
;:Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery•' 4f
Vo ' de 's
' A.'M•-. tf, 1(h,•• �.h h.rs tY a-. b.'.
t' ,'virtu,..,u,cWi1.+7,�,ui.a,r,,a,J,.�,a`�uoa�,.h'.,iii.".1,r:,�w-,o,<f�•.�.a,.'�..'u,a1�,:.,�,�,o-.�,:�,r.,..', �a:.,s.'. ,. •. „ai:'i:�l.:•, >„
Living Roonlil Furniture
Nov styles in (nester -fled Suites, u1)hulstere(1 in
high grade (durable Dile fabrics, spring -filled
throughout, at attractive prices.
Spiting -filled Sola Beds, tatiloT'ct1 in attrac-
tive Coverings at \1utlel'ate Fri( t, .
Coffee 7'at))lc:;, book Cal: -,('1;, 1':nd Tables, 1,anl s
Hassocks, Magazine Racks a11l(1 other odd 1,ivillg-
ro:)nl Pieces. help to Make your home alt,re comfort-
able and enjoyable.
A call \will convince you of the many excellent
vc. lues \1'e are offel'illa:•
I1(•. J. T. and Alrs.:\nnis anti little
daughter. returned to Vancouver last
week atter visiting relatives anti
friends here and In Mitchell,
1frs, Harold Grigg, and daughter,
:lass Doreen Grigg, of \loose Jaw,
Sade., are visiting the former's moth-
er, Airs. Itohert Johnston, and
Johnston. It is fifteen yearn;
.it's, Grigg lat;t visited ]Here,
[Operations have once again coil-
nienccd at the flax mill, where 11('
men are busily engaged working up
— tine 1941 crop, which was reported a;
a splendid one-,
Health Nurses For County That Has Brush With Nazis
The Huron Federation of .\gricul• Pk.. l'I!rr (tarter, 01Auburn, second
lure has arranged a meuling to he son of Mr. and \Ins, John Carter, fig-
.teid in the Agricultural I:oard Room, tired in a n.'w•s despatch recently
f'linlott. 00 'I'hau,da) No\enmber -Ith, \\1(1(11 W115 datelined in Italy. PC.t.
ttoday1 commencing at p.m., 00 t1(': Carter. who was Bonn in Saskatrhe•
subject of llcalth Nurses for the wan. is in his 2Ist year, Ile came
County of 1lur0n. east to Ontario six years ago. etil!.ited
We have been very fortunate in se• 1 years ago in Ht. 4.1th 1!ighlinderr,
curing the I,eputy 2Itltt;t •r of Health, Iawl w•.,ut. 0\crseas one year ago.
Toronto, and M1iss Alirgaret Grieve. frier to going Overseas h,- was ,ttnt-
It.N•, Woodstock, to di.,cuss this int• toned at several training centres in
portals subject a; to organization, ('autada. Ile served in North .1frica.
:-mace, and results Iv date. '1;ti- a:nd t; now in Italy. The encounter
laeh'ane hats ul.:•rated 1n Oxford Coot\-I\with tli Nazi s Wry took place as
ty for same tint.. and Jlts.t Gr:eyt' is the Canadians advanced to take a
in charge of the work there. southern hill town on a vital road
The Huron I•ea. 180011 of Agrtcul-'.iinictiuu. Eutt•y alto this town of with'
MIT is inviting the following person, 1s(reel< and well-dreised people cum•
to he present: I'nhl'r t,c•hool Insp c• pier._;; a 411•ntile push by the Cana- —_—\'
furs. Public ;111 ;ul 'Trustees, ('hair• ' dians throaigh to mt•ainous country in
mei: of Health and Welfare Commit- had weather. The last stage of their
1\'1'5 11 County [.ion; (Tubs. 2lember.t tw•o•weel‘i' drive too:( them less than
of the ('otlt) council, .Mayors at all "1 hours.
the town<. Member, of Pard,:ment at 1
Troops from Ontario moved to
Ottawa, and :Members the Legisla\\ithina a mile of the town \1'Ieduesrlay
live Assembly, 'Toronto, [(ural Iteerc•,a
and sent midnight. patrol; to its out-
seItatives, \Ienibers of the Countyj,kirfs, and then, after ❑heavy until•
Poartl and 'Township 1'nit; of the F•d-
levy barrage, marched in, ilii-o),posr:l,
nation of :\gricullure, County Editors ! tle.15, Sunday School.
early '1'hursdcty. The Germans bud
and CI(�:\. 11.1:1 un1Ject: "'fire Path of Pro..;- Aliss Ruth :lucre played M'nacl•
lett only No hours b. fore.
This Aieeiing should be a worth- purity,"
while one and you are cordially invit• 1 alive Corporal Edsel Allen of st. 7 p.m.: -The Human Fare,"
ed to be pr; .sent. Don't forget the (a,`01g1'. (Jut., who led a three•maun pat. i ,V
Place. Pat End time. Agricultural re1 to the edge of the town late \V.(1-1
Hoard Item::`, Clinton, November Ph. • nesday night• had a broth witha Ger- TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH
at S p.m. [stat. sentry and blazed al him with it Rev, P. H, Streeter, L,Th., Rector,
toulnly-gun. Pte.,. Cliff Carle'. of . November 7th, I 91
:Auburn. Ant., and Johnny ('ox of Long 1 snuday Schoe1. la
lh•anch, Out.. said :Allen put the sentry
Officer 'out of business. Holy
Communion and Sermon II the front to the long torso waistline
[a1n. and a long full skirt, lung sleeves end -
ling in lily points over her hands. Iler
linger -tip (;;Ik net veil was held in
So heavy ha; been the flow of tui••
nips to the local turnip waxing plant
operated and owned by :t'. Itu hell
Dougherty, that two shifts have been
working in order to turn 1Iirm out so
that space may be available for the
ones coming in. Several people from
the surrounding territory are benefit•
lug. Farmers who were fortunate
enough to have a turnip acreage ore
getting splendid prices for theh• crop,
while others are reaping the benefit
In the form of good wages,
Alc:Kay of Southampton, Ont., kept lis
nmchiue•gun going, and prey Med the
capture of himself and 1 lirco pniwatet
111 0 surrounded outhouse.
Sunday November
H. T. 'i'ODDEN.
Hollyia s
Soy Bean, Whole Wheat
and White Bread.
Also Buns, Bread,
Pies, Cakes and
Home 1.%rnisher — Phones 7 and 8
- Funeral I)ir;'tor,
Yea ..... .. . a -l4 ... V.1144:4116.1.•• 1.....04•1.4101.00.4
am and Teo
Under the auspices of the W.A. and W,M.S, of Blyth Unitcd Cll, 1 c
Aye hi 77' ;71 �, • �
Bazaar opens al.:1.;0. Tea from 1.:10 iO 6.10
MENU: Scalloped Potatoes, Turnips. Meat Lo,tr,
Biscuit-, Bread and Huller, Pie a,n,l Ti.a.
Admission 2540:; Children t oder 10. 15c,
p!n!c rose.: and tulle autl carried a v(11-
.0111;11 bouquet of pink roes and batty
Welding Cakes a Specialty.' mum; with 1111,, F(iward .I, 11yo1:;,
'I'oruutu, (1'; greomsnuul.
I'n;R.!n; He, sit:u!uq of the regi -ler.
Miss Alout•e played. "On the \\"iage; et'
.The liridegroeai's gift to the brides-
LoIldeSboro Community Hall maid, was a ril\t r ('u:nlat t; as ; ;a
1'ulrl to the best than. au�l 4040 idrufi-
FRILAY, NOVEi!Ij3EIt 5th t!eatien bracelet to ole I`!.alii•:I, Fel-
M:'I)olvell's Orclle5tii'a. ,niiig the c:,ea,ualy I iii 'i \efts
I ri'rvt'tl to tho 1111'111111",; UI' Ilse hoot -
New and Old Time Dancing, «late cumin, = at the 1(oyal hotel, the
table; b:_in,g attractive with pin'; and 1
white clu ysiultheunnns. I'ht 111!11(''.;
'tattle 'wits centred w',1 It a lore!` v,•ed'
1iditg 4011.0, Airs, 1'a Hint re1•,'irt•ti her
guests in •a black crepe does-, with
\\mile sit'; braid trim and black acres -
1 py attnn\\c.ldiulook place curie.;. she wa t a' ,i ,1e« by Ibe
at theretthome oflAunto. and Airs.g \\'ill!ann 11'itb ru(1ul'r: into he; \\paring a 1)
I, Hamm, Victoria steel, Al itch 1•roralla chitfuu dro,s tv!II blue% a1r-
\londay morning at I I::;u o'clock wlo,n '` Pries. 1:arre a (")1'.'"1-''
lel et' 'I'ilues
thcir only daughter, \\ ilniii Janet,
1Imeame t1(• bride of .\ira•raotnlan Ito• 1 1 ales ,Aircraft -man and .\ti,•. (am,it .
bcrt .I. .tunny Caur:by, Aiount Juli,
v I, 1 Il•r n 'li 40 1 le,n, } Ieuu,• I o '1',1•
lento, the br!u, 00,:tniu: a I \.1,11
drr.s, sand polo 'nal, tvitlt 1, a rn ae-
e:::;nt ie; 0(1 \veu in.', a 0 r age of
:male 94040 ro•:..,.
The lir ide„is :r furtucr 0—"dent of
111y111, \\here she li3O(1 t\i(1( lo 11•
.tort moil they mired to ;.litt'I:'.'ll a
ft w' yt':1!; :I•'u. I'1!, ud' Ilett• R'll! •It�ll
with The :•-I e 1:.1.1 i 1 eeI lin ; I'1
111,, yu:nl;-: > 1111,
law 1 and hap; y to lr,•b ,l due.
Cancing from 9.30 to 1.30.
Gatenby - I-Ialnnl
Quebec, 1lr,er son of Alt. and Mrs,
10': Xie Gatenby. aitellell, Itev. A.
II. Johnston, pastor of :lain street
t'nitt:I Church was the officiating
S..e Son Graduate As
ssohn'; \Vedding Mareh. as the bride.
leaning on the arm of her farther. 'n•
tered i1( living 1(1:111 and took' her
1( 1-e bc,math « pin% and white arch,
liecoratt,1 wills pia; and white badly
ulu111:s and ferns. Ilex bridal gown
was of ivory satin with sweet liearl
neckline, tiny covered 1; :icons down
11r. al:al Airs. .lames Morritt spent Earlier a company of Highlanders
last %veil; in Ottawa visiting their;commanded by Captain J. Eardly
sons, Sig. Carman .1, \lorritt, of Halt- 1 Wright of 'Toronto, advancing along
fax. and Pilot•Otfieer Garth It. Moo- la gravid road within a mile of the
tilt, of Uplands Airport. While there 'town, rain into a German infantry
Ihcy ntturded the Wings Parade at force supported by tanks. As the Can-
1'pland s. where P.O. Garth Morritt. arlian section marched around tho
and P:(1. Gordon McManus, of God'• ( corner of a road bordered with lhirh
rich. received their Wings and their t- es, Sergeant Jack Cooney of Tor -
Commissions. P.O. Gordon McManus onto spotted a German machine -gun -
is a nephew of Mrs. Wm. Watson and Her and put him out of action with a
Mrs. Walter McGill, of Blyth, loamy -gun. Lance Corporal (Norman
__ .—._\.
Myth Sunday ateloul II amt.
\Vursiip 12 noon.
Auburn Slntday
School 4.::t /1.111.
Worship at 1(1:111.
Smith's Hill Sunday school 2.30
Worship :1.311 p.m.
dace by a sweetheart halo and Tiny
itin bows, She carried a cascade
I unonet of Briart'liffe roses, bouv:,:•
dia and tern. and her only ornament 0
• was the gift of the bridegroom, a gold F,
locket sit with mother of pmol an' ';
,the It,('.A.F. crest. \li4s Drn•it c?
Aloofly of liitrh'ner. a5 bl:idesnnaid o
wore a pinlre blue wool dress. pink V
Dr, A. 0. Thomson. Mfr. st_r, lace mittens and a floral headdress of
m•- •..•,...•v air r. y
iv al
m_ '•a.i l•>�• Cel)
;r 'g'EIRIMY N'T
1'' i() Vt,,:`11(}1''(i (1'F'11
IN irfftJ:t1()RIA1. .IALi,.
.aV.00...Wlff!'0a0MAW *Mr VRaO••.'I--Mlw,tiL•f•LS-....reraMaN..v.-Y,sfa.Y•.•r.-• .CR1:W.F.
• tit
.. v 0000., 0000 4' : ,•... _..., ... _, .
Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery.
Blue Ribbon Tea, black or mixed :18c
Blue Ribbon Cocoa, . half lb. 15e, 2 lbs. rhSc
I3luc Ribbon Coffee, hall' Ib. 'tie, 1 lb. 51c
Rhubarb Jam, (crape Jam, and Marmalade ....:15c
Sardines, per tin 10c, 13c and 15e
Crab Apple Jelly 35c
Maple Leaf Canadian Cilcese, 2 MF,.. 75c
Water Glass 18c. Pallia' ; i.t ;a r Snb 59c
Custard, Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch, 10c
".it. \Vi':ed Peel. Cranberri''s.
Apples, (i qt. bashers or 1 I)lp ihcl. .
Sani Flush, Stove Polish, Stove Pipe Varit►ish.
Whole or•Groun(1 Nut Meg.
ticalevO)Dt$i:iiDlylil's''fllktr . list 4.N r D ;t.e-1(.o-, ...F,Dir•• . •mob,•., Jf a1
,,�1/1�ie'�s'�i�,did.IGlGif.Y'field(Cta�..ael..fu.✓1✓7..:efQa.✓:c fel✓' r�iFic,!