HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1943-09-08, Page 1TH•Er VOLUME 18 - NO. fll F LYTH NAND R BLYTI-I, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1913. YOUR LOCAL PAPER Ei SEPT. 1401 N Grandmothers Day Enjoyed Remains of Miss Wilson WEDDINGS harry Wettlaufer I)ies 'Willing Workers Active At Burgessville By Blyth Women's Institute Buried in Blyth Cemetery *** 'I'11 11111 bine \\'lain(; 11'urkr met SEP'TEMBEIt 1.1111 -Lith BI.Y'1'11 FALL FAIR Mrs. 11'illhun 11'hitc was hoslesH last The. remains of Alis Aarl11a 11'ilsou i On Friday evening, Harry .lhrhtuvlt four times durit,g ,lily and August, 0t Medd - I h llip5 Thursday 10 •b'! friends and members who was su(Idculy st'h'k0n en tb° :1l high noon on Friday, September 11', ItL•utl'er, died in his Iltth yelp•, ut the f011un•inR honn•S: :qrs. Kenn1'11t h l PRIZES AND SPECIAL ATTRACTION of ow \Yemen's Inintmt(, who 1111,( street in Stratford, were brought by his home in Ihu'ges:;wille. at, ryas the 'Taylor, at s. {lorwc> lir0w'u, 1111+. \1'nl. ::rd, al the Myth United Church EVENTS SHOULD INTEREST for the regular month) nee ling, motor to the Myth 1'nion Cemetery, Youngest sun of air, and Airs, ,I. 11'. (.m.10'1'1010. and Ail''.. .I,Inter I;ib�on. Y NI, at'. Jahn 1\ illiiiiu 11((1(1, yuuug EVERYONE, where burial service.; \\ ore. conducted I well 'w rt% mull caner to aurgo,oieiae I:urimg 1:11• m1'clings eight quilts w. re It twaH a special meeting, with 1.11(3 l st son of Jir. and Ars. James Mudd, Ccuw'enor of Ilist0ri1111 Research, Miss by the 'toy, A. Sinclair, on Friday of- .01 1 0ndesboro, and Miss Dor(ne 101.with them three years :Igo, when they icuniplete(1• lernoou, at •1 p.m, I purchased the general store in the ail- it __..1'�_ Gillespie, and the Grandmothers, Roseolhers, fu else Phillips, daughter of NB'. and MrB, tine week (,'nee. 5, member 15th, charge, Previously, services wore hr id ul ,I, 111101(1 1'hlllips, of 131ylli were um' 'Inge and started b.ls{nes1 there. i is the hit day for the Myth Fall 1''ulr. the home of het' sister, 1lrs, James ' lawn hl 1Nheatley, he lived there and 'Mission Band 1 U Meet Alis, Bisset!, Uoderirh, Convenor of led in marriage, Itev, Arthur Sinclair I I if y"u have net secured a Prize List ('•(rear, Shakespeare, al 1.30, Those...in Iflucvule, whore he attended lila( The MLoving Raul of n'iu 5r rwicr (:1ltlaled. t !do Su .it "tree, tied k1' 1 your entries in iflisloriwal Research for the District, attending the services in Shakespeare vale Public School toed later \Vingham will hold their regular rue,ling "n Sal sent greetings for h(rself' and also I'11c 101(11. wore 0 white wool dress•' It> the I Ith. '1'In ;du. from her wore, Airs. J. 14. 11'cttsun, High Sull"I' II( ryas 100,(1 of spurt; urday. September 1I, at :: "'cluck. from the G0deri1 1 Iiraseh, a1(1 W. Mrs. Charles (ras'n', Mrs, Robert maker soil with matching JuIILII cath mtook part in the school athlith �1 culture!' ,lease brim work11o"1;S 1111 Iie,id, the r, gnlar 1.0.1 cf prizes J. Henderson, District President, was Wells, 1t', George \1'ilscm, and Air, and white acccasorles, She wore aloud program. Ile had been In ill health for seissors. I '1'111 band uu~is also rcnlind,,,l,eUllt;illlr(1 in the prOtI list, them aro corsage of red roses. The only jewel- .nl;11ty added atiractiuu8. The race 1'w. and Jlrs, James Wilson. 'try the bride wore was a rope Of pearl,; about throe years, though only in b d of the bale to he sem t" the refugee tees consist of the ':_,s face, mud the I'allhcarers at the cemetery were, the gill of the groom, the lust few days. Deshler; his father children in England, censi„liug 01 1r,eu timer. Goad prizes are ol'fercd Jlessrs. Gordon 11'ulsln, Norman She was attlnd(d by her sister, 1'te, .and mother, there s Drive tour 11roth• trash cloths, huudk rc.hicl's 011(1 toilet {n 110th ew•enis, 111111 0 large entry is \\rats'', George \Nilson and Russell (.'',I's' Curl, Of Jlapletwoud, Ilouter, in su;lp, Jessie Phillips, C,11',.1,C., of lltteeuti Park, London. 1 l'ormito, two in the R.C.A.h„ AC Lloyd, of Manning fool, 'Toronto, and The hest man was Mr, Glean Carter, ISet'ge ittt Jock \1'etilaufer, who recent. of Lundcr,oru, i ly retuned to England where he was At the reception twhlcll was held at in service for two years before cont• the home of the bride, Mrs, Phillips I Ing to Canada fur further training; received the guests In a \\'edgt;wuo(1 Idiot printed stile dress, with white tee• and,nue sic+ter, 'Marie, at home`, cnssorios, Ialrs, Medd was gownc(l in int! funeral was held on \touchy. 1111(r1100u at 2 o'clock from the fautllY Navy Blue S.hcut'' residence in the village, with inter. After the reception, 1110 young con - mem in Itnt'gessvila cemetery. pre left by ultra for Slogan and (lis - present and breath( greetings and congratulations front Ih^ District, Mrs. Harley Crawfm71, ('resident of 11'Ingham Branch, brought greetings from \\'ingrain, and read it letter she 1111(1 just reiitdt'ed front 0 friend, who is a nurse, and presumably in Sicily which was very interesting, A card 0I' appreciation was read hY the Secretary front Pte. Bert Elliott, Overseas, for smokes he had received from the 1\'1 The Society expressed thanks for 11te gill of betnntiful quill -top froirt '\Irs. Peter Iiroit'li, and also the gift (if lining for the quilt from 1111's, Enuner• 6011 \fright, and the batting front Mrs. Colclough. Airs, Fawcett gave a reading emit-• led 11 1 Mot' Amts Newer \\'on iato tvhiclt w•as Inlersprrsed laughable incident; about cacti Grandmother member, There was a Grandmothers' chorus, "When you and 1 were young ,Maggie" as an encore, "The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be." Alts Eleanor Sundercock led in \Mon. Barn and Crows 1)estroyed By Fire A large barn 011 the farm of Johtt Pitblado of Colborne township tw1I3 barncd to the ground 011 friday night, with the year's crop. 'Threshing op- erations had Just het n completed tet nine o'clock, 08(1 the family had rvltr• (d. Mrs, Pithludo saw the reflection at 11 o'clock and the building was all in flumes then. Seven pigs were burned, but the calves anti some young pigs were sawed, The 1083 13 partly covered by insurance. The reflection was distinctly seen by litany Iilyth rc.;ideuly, and it was 111:night the blaze could nut be so far away. Tho farm is located on the road which wends it's tray past the little lakes, just off tine (lase kine. 1)Vel'a8(d w116 favotn•ably known trice, they bride w'eadng an Old Rose Iilyth, where he. visited from Hine Crepe dress with brown accessories, On their return, the bride and groom will reside in titillate, Guests were present from Brock- ville, Ottawa, Loudon and Clinton, Auburn Resident Dies in to lino with ills brother, Mr. Lloyd \fetl- latlfer, when the latter was in busi- ness here, Other members of the font - By, particularly 31arie, are tweli known 11, re, and friends tt-III extend sincere sytnpltlhy to then in their sad bereave- ment. Charles M. Strattghat died at his P home in Auburn on Sunday following r 0 lengthy illness. .J�r, S1 aug'ha11 was New telephone Operator bora in 1' ('t 1\'aw wosh 011 September Hired a1111('flr,ttcd. 1i1's1111'S 1111' 1•111.1', th,'re 16 the Myth BIRTIriS District 5twi1,,' club Exhibition, which consists of almost 2u members. 'C1tey AhI,EAN---fit \lurris 'I'ottu5111) 001\vill all ex;l{hil Ilio pair o1' thorough - Saturday, September ItII, to 'Mr. broil pig,. width they purchus(d Iasi rand Mrs, lluelerick McLean, it dough- spring. ler. (food prizes are offered in the lhoof- ing ('unte81, *.G, for first, $4. for se - Successful ilIusic Student 1'1)11(1, and $2. for third. if you have Miss Irina \\'alt is to be congral.ul• it team you think can pull, (ring then cticd on having passed the tirade \'elf. in and prove it. t Piano Evan, Grade If 'Theory exam, :1 now feature this year is the prize 1 •, with first class honors, wvith the 'lo.ifor the best School I.onuer. $_0.00 runt() Conservatory, and Grade V11I at has been allocated for this purpose, School, all in the one year. She Is a split up as follows, first $S., second $ti, pupil oI albs Elizaielh Mills. third $1., and fourth $2, 'Teachers . w' are urged to enter their schools in this contest. :111 school children in Friends Reported Killed the parade will be admitted to the. and Missing grounds free. Splendid prizes are being offered for 31k; Ella Ilet'fron received the sad tu'w•8 011 Saturday that Dr. Grant Mac -!the baby. showw, and bicycle races. he bicycle rnceS rayl been split up Krnr,ie, R.C.A.F. Medical Corps, Neww• into age groups, 60 that all will have community Singing of a few of the. I, I SI on bhe farm viler( Jt, and Al a'intim; of the Myth 'I'ci(pl►one Brunswick, was listed on I't•(day as I Miming. u fair chance of in old songs. \Irs, Colclough read a. GllClpll Altman Gets SUCKS Airs. 'Pion.„ Ja•din now reside, Iiia ;t'ommisslon on Saturday night, Alt's, killed in action, and Pilot Officer Al-( Any dart moments will be taken up poem "alemories". A quartette corn• From Mrs. Duncan Laidlil1V parents were the late Thomas SUluugh Jean Harris was engaged to lake the ex AlacKenzie, was reported missing by a turn', softball game at •1 p.m., posed of arra. Jenkins, airs. EI, John- Myth and district treaders will read out and Margaret Young and on Jan- place of Jlius Alyrtic \\'bite on the the. pr"vious (My, Thursday, The'l,cttv(cn llunlcton and the combined Ston, arcs. Il, I'hitlips, mull \irs, Pelts, the following article. taken Guu1 the nary IG, .3 Ito he was married t0 ;11a Switchb0lud, alis \I'hilr'm s(rwices two taro were brothers, and former e force, 0f Myth and l.oudes,uro. Atonic - accompanied by .11rs. Gerald 11111 is, Guelph alercury, with interest, The IP�ei h:rrat1 of Auburn, 1'ret•iuus 14) (I tse at the end of the month and she �Luchnew residentsY lou u( league champions aro 0 snap• sang "Dema ley Ile( Old A111 Stream" It• o lady referred to is Airs. Iklttcao Laid- this Air, Slt'aughau spent some yca'A g wills 1110 family to Gait where py outfit. The local spores leaf( and responded to an (Weare ley last', tvelll(uowti 11crc, 1\'e are inform- �ht the Caiiullnu 1\'est. I''olloalitg the 11113 will make their new h0ntc' It1(1 C10S I3111];'(I� their hands full if they beat flit t•?t1 , "There's a Rose tial. (bows in No -ed that (t is three years since rhe , •••• ., — '1'111. Lucknow Pipers will fu nide! r•' m; l (n,ll,e the couple moved to elle 'hie Red Cross Sucfety will hold a Alan':; Laud." knit 140121(6: - (I'orut(r I':Ikit► homestead where Air.Presbyterial , , r nusir for the parade, and liven up AItB (lillr•,a+i( gaw'(n 8mntntllr 1)1' 1VIeetinf,• On - Bingo 111 the Memorial Ilan (very Sat• 1 Y"Believe IL or not" stories such as Stranghatt was 0 successful former, r t ,. the afternoon at the Show Grotto Iltu'ou Township, (L's settlers, and how ' I ttesday. Sept. 1,1th. urday night, front now on, until Purr No 'sotnetimes corse out of a war zone, laking a deep interest in community The i'reshytcry of Ilaron 1'rea,yter• Iglu 110160, 000(1 prizes will always with their nulaic. r" the Townships derived thrix names, acre broug1111 incl( to Gur10h by l.:\�. Dud churcl► welfare, Ile served 118 iu1 Two ilea• events that 8110111(1 inter-. ial will meet in the Presbyterian h( av;tilll''lr, and You are invited to and a fewer high light:, of the Allautie 1'hotnns Aliller, who has served wills cider of Knox United church. Sar- I . est the ladies is the presentation of a " Charter. 1 ('h11rch, Iilyth, 011 TtlesduY, septan drop into the Bingo game on Saturday , la medical section of the R03'lt Cana' riving are Itis wife Due. sou, 11n,tle' fancy sewing box for a display of Miss Mavis \\.1116 110Yel 0 very t, bet' kith, at 10 0.111, uighl, whenever you are in town, 1 1than Ah Force oversees for two year" l;e0r�r. St'augha11, overseas, and ono ,, — V ('(11(( by a new oxllihilur. '111('14( is 110 The presbytery sbytery of ma wwal pretty piano solo, Iincludin one your in the thiel; 01' Ih( entry fee. Also for the hest (stilt g (laltghtet, Vivian al home; three Mrs, meet at 10 a.m. in the Trinity :1ng11 I Airs, 111uu1d lltllli0,; sung, "Sntilh►' North A6lcan campaign. Ila has been brothers, George. o[ Idaho, William of I�(111dC5bU1'0 Red Cross News shown the prize will he the Bank of can Church, Blyth, on 'Tuesday, Sept. Tlncut't." Invalided home to Canada. •Goderich tend Frank of California; hyo I•ith. The monthly meeting of Londesboro Commerce Silver Bowl, 'There is no' 'Dr. A11nio 110118 was guest speaker One of these stories concerns t'e• sislrr8, alts, James Mayhew, of Red Cross Society was held in ('ern (cuty fee for this either, and gave a delightrul addrevs on a 'flee two Preshylerials will meet 1n' y cclp of a box of comforts front the Conference in the afternoon in '1'rin uuutily Hall on September 2, with The evening111(' )1 1.1t matte, consisting Trill - cruise she had taken five years ago Red Cross Society, "And they surely President, 11x8, Ll, 1h'uusdon, presdcd of a. Dance and the Splendid stage ity Anglican Church, to Russia. Ilei route lank 1110 through tore appreciated - I never imagined ing with an altoudtuur of IS, (show by the Tom Hamilton Variety Finland, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, r—v____ how cold it gels tet night on the des 1'111 Treasurer reported o barna( ,how, will unquestiotrnblY fill the Stockholm. Dr, Boss surd, at that , • , , s, socks and scarves Joins Active Army 0f $3(1,.05, I Hall. Mr. I lamilton's talent its a cour- t t t Those, s(0 a 1101 v time 'u'J members of the Finnish nu.- were nighty handy," I.:\C 11{Iler ob. al r. Jural( Sims h1(s juine;d the Can• t •; I,ecelp(s of our Inst Bingo, t„ xl' edian is the first, and his assisting 'lament were women. She had a beatk'served.. adia11 Active Army, and Is now stat•1?5)11(5rs, $411,1:,; Profit of $-:1.Gtl, artists are always outstanding, as past tiful little copper kettle from Fin- Comforts lu this box hod cows I'roltt ion(d al ('hathtuu, I'rrrciomsty Jami( L tlrrs were read from P. Browns, I performances have proved. This time land, and silver coffee spoons, each ltrd Cross branches in almost every held a good p08111011 with the ('.N.II' It. hall, C, Sundercoek, thauhtig the' h( has a brand new .supporting caste. at Kitchener. r•o(iety for the boxes. Also from M. i it's a Show that is well \\Intl! twice Fingiattd and Russel Scott for sweater the admissiutn price of 35c, and socks. , \' FARM SOLD CIIVTICIIfONC. arr. Torrance Dundas, Itth concession Tlanu'sville, and Mrs. C, W. 1\11- 1(ants, Goderich township. 'I'Ite funeral service w•111 be held lo - lay at 2 p,►n„ from Knox ('uile1 church. Auburn. Red Cross Society Almealilur For 'Snifters There is 011 urgent need for knitters for the Iced CrostSociety, as a large number of Christmas Bags for Serviee men in Ilktspital In Newfoundland aro 4tced((1. flags should ho urate of one colour with contrasting colour for ties. Red, blue and green ttmaterials are tie suggested colours, Articles to go itt the bags are suggested by Red Cross 1 iacdquarters. Air Force and Nary and Grey Tur- tle -neck sweaters alb also grcally needed, as cath; for them are over - With a differtot filagree tuutdle from part 'of Canada. Miller drew a pair Russia. 1)1, Ross also spoke of the of 50(2118. In the toe was 11 slip of pa. delicious food served in each County, pow with tree nano) of the hnliter • heel even then the 8111t1oww 01: war seem' airs, Duncan Laidlaw, of King Street, ed to be lurking, as 0 German flag !Guelph. "They were the very hest, ,wets hung 'In a nubile building 111 lien' hand -made Roches," said the airman. mark and when King Christian ordet'•tj And wh1lo Ire's on 11(6 30 -day leave ed it down he was told, "Ute soldier here, he intends to pay Airs, I.oidlnw that. takes it dawn will be shot. Theft a personal visit and express Itis 80 - said die, "I well be that soldier," and predation. he hin:tell tool( It down, •.•__(7 ,Al's, Ben. 'Taylor and Mrs, Sadie Cloning each played Harmonica sel- ections, and graciously responded to encores. They were each accompan- ied by Mrs, Fred Somers, of 'l'hnntitts. Grandmothers in old time costumes Paraded 111141 a prize was given to \t•s. A. 'l'oylor for the oldest cotttme, the shawl she wore was known to he Ower 11'0 years 01(1. Alt's. Wm, Johnston re- ceived a prize for the best costume, and airs, Fred Rutledge for the pret- tiest costume. ;alis. Fawcett won the prize for casting on the most stitches in three minutes. She cast on 89, Mrs, Sadie Cloning was given a prize for being the newest grandmother. The ne_d meeting will be one week earlier than usual at the home of Airs. Fred Rutledge, September 30th. Red Cross Donations For Chinese Relief from the Girls' War Auxiliary . $25.59 This has been sent to headquarters. R. Philp, Treasurer, Mrs. Robt. McGee Buried ;Mt'H, 11obert AieOeo was laid to rest on hriday afternoon in the family plot at Ball's cemetery. The service was conducted by itev. A. 0. Thomson, of Knox Presbyterian Murch, who paid fitting 1tibute to the departed woman. IThe pallibearers were: Edgar Lawson, ir, iI, C. Weir, 1. Phillips, John Huston, Lewis Muddy and Raymond Redmond, and the molly beautiful flor- ral tributes were carried by George Y(u11gblut, harry 1'oangblut, George 1tamilton, Janos Stalker, J. C. Stoltz, William Craig, Moitluud ;Men and Kenneth McDougal. Among those attcndiug front out of to,vu were, 31r. and all's. P. W. Gibbs, Detroit, Ali. and Mrs. George Harper, Kitchener, Mr. Dud 11rs. ,i, \'a'din, London. Airs. John Stalker and Miss Lorna Hannah, \\'ashada, Manitoba, Miss 31innie Young, London, 1lerber1 Thomas, London, Airs. Jessie alci)on- ald and daughter, Donna, Detroit, whelming, Eery woman is urged 10 lake on the task of knitting at least ono turtleneck sweater, and are asked to get in touch with the Loral Red Cross Society at once, when material will be supplied. An epees' to citizens fgt' scraps of u(w•print and materials left over froi't summer clothing to he used for their `quilt making pis also suggested by Red Cross headquarters, and. anyone (x1111 tnalerin1 of this nature is asked to donate. it to the local Society. V Bouquet Appreciated The following card, with a be11utitul bouquet of• 0111dio1(ts, ww118 received by the local Telephone Staff, from Mr. /and Mrs E. J. Cartwright: "To each on Cental: Just a wee bouquet to say thanks for the kiml- ness, patience and all, of everyone all the year,—T110 L, J. Cartwrights. -V, Tho following have been shipped: I2 pair seamen's long stockings, u tanto neck sweaters; 0 civilian Sweat• •3lorris, has sold his farm to Mt'. Stov- ers; S pair service socks; 1 round.' art alcl'ail. This is accepted as being neck sweaters; 1 \'-neck sweater; 2Ione of lh, best fames in this section. alternative caps; 1 quilts; 59 bed ' Mr. 11ut1d•a8 will retain possession. 01 pads; tin handkerchiefs. the dwelling until next Spring, I3LYTH UNITED CHURCH Next Sunday, September tale, the services will be': 10.15: Sunday School. 11.1.0. Subject: "The Ilidden 'l'retts- tu•e , " 7 0.111. Subject: "Drifting." TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev, P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector. September kith, Sunday School, 10.::0 am, l'3wensottg and Sermon: 7.30 p.1(1. Intercession Service FriQay at 1.15 p.m. in the church. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Services Next Lord's Day. Illylit: Sunday School 111 a.1, Worship: 11 a.m. Smith's 11111: Sunday School 2 p.m. Worship 3 1.111, Auburn: Sunday School IO a.m. \\'ohsltip: 7,20 p.m. The 111iui8ter will preach. Rev, A. 0. Thomson, Minister, There was a general discussion 011 ways 0f marking money. 11 was left CONGRATULATIONS with cin' advisory board to raise mon- Congratulation's to Helen Young, cy for our Xmas Overseas boxes. who rllebrated her birthday on Mon - \Vert( committee for October, 't•8. dcty, September 21111. E. \foods, airs. ,1. Shulr'm•v0k, 'Mrs. Hall, Jlrs• \\'arson. , * * * Itfrtltday congratulations to mfr. 'Pickets were sold on a iliscuit jar Thomas i\r'i'llfelr, who celebrated itis donated by Miss E. Rimieruu, the birthday on \1'ednosday, September 1, itIOkry ticket going to airs. G. 3lcVit- * * * tie. Proceeds $1.30. lunch collection Congratulation.; to Lois Augustine, $^,at), w'Ito celebrates her ;1th birthday on Hostess money, 50c each, was du- 'Tuesday, September T11t, haled by airs. 0. hairserwice, Mrs. 0, 310011, Airs. 0, flesh, Mrs. It. Caldwell, Mrs. ,1. Shaddick, Mrs, It. Shaddick. $1.110. 'Total $3.50. Quilt Donations: 1 top from airs. M. Hos,: and Mrs. J. Nott, quilted at Septenter meeting; 1 top. pieced by lIrs, \\'. Hest:. from 1114 Cross patches, quilted at Seitene• ber tweeting. 1'ohutleers are still needed for both sc•••ing and knitting. The meeting closed by singing, "God Sat c the King." CongraIulations I o little llruce ltichutonet, son of arr. and Mrs. Alillar 1111 11 mond. (Om cel(bratd1 eels 31-41 l'irihday en \\'edm•,alay, Sept. Sth. * * * t'enuratulabhts to ,llr. and t\Irs. Ernest Noble, who celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary on Sunday. September 1_'111. * * * Congrat'•'i 'tz to Jimmy Tatman, who 1 lebratcd his 0111 bit•ilu? :y 011 fhursd'y. Sept, telt 1 OTTAWA REPORTS That Rationing & War Restrio• acus in Canada as In England are not likely to be lifted soon ane'. that subsidies have been of great benefit to the ordinary criticism. i.t \v it situation In Inftnllely lost :t , t ll, lho triumvirate of dlc- t:ttc.i5 has cl:u'ked wall the crash of '.i:t;snliui, and the 4!thmariuo 11.e e i, stotvly but surely being from North alutuic.tn \et the lime has not ar- t . • v ,i,at Canadians may look tc 1, )lute of rationing and • ::triton.. ,-in; of the :,hipping .,iul• free' illg of -.onto t(:iVI t- 1:inti pt,rh:( V. Illol'0 11,1t•. the lifting', or tof!'t•e r.t- l:! the I:nil 11 States has He to ;onto hopes in ('111• effluvium., amelioration; of re- . es, and :n occasional ex• of opinion that those re• :t cure tardy :Mout acting. h - :e word front those at the i•—nut yet. Canadian,;, ter slat ii:nc being, ire to remain fully "a: ear." on the home front as W. :' o11 tho war 1(1)11t.. * • cted to restrictions 011 a scale for tho first limo It. nate it history, Canadians have it t remarkahl7 well to official nim;a:•auus anti "don'ts." Not by tin ?',:gest stretch of imagination ht.= :,,stoning i❑ (':nada meant ~111; 0(1 in any commodity, nev- e I•:fat;ess it is recognized by the aut!.e :tie's that it took consider- s'':, 01f discipline for a nation of ::, a and hitherto unrestricted e to don quiescently and pa- 1ire.. war•tinln's restrirtivt' "har- m'., ' .\nd there is 00 grumbling tn.. 11,.eu,hottl the nation. in press conference with newspaper"len in the p;; y ,:anent huildiugs at Ott:rya a IEP' hays ago. Sir John .\nderson, Lt:n: President of llritaiu's Privy and charged particularly vitt respolnsibilities romceruing hent.:e's home front, said that the pr.er.'r. 0f 13ritain, touch more heav• il" 'esrl'lrted in their personal e:t1u: and pleasure habits, re- rla:r.td patient, with no signs wht.:4 \t•(' of restiveness tender thFr: heavier burdens. The only reaction to recent victories notice - at -1E in the old land, he said, was a ttr.dency to take a holiday, a day ,It the sea shore—a Int of travel which Is not encouraged by the British authoritios because of 1ts utilization of needed transport 11 was unofficially estimated herfi over the weekend that Call- a -rte.:. effort to protect her pelt,, 00111.' through subsidization of cep isle commodities would cost the federal treasury this fiscal year $200,400,000 instead of the $120.• 00(afieft which Finance ,Minister .1. L. P.siey got from Parliament in nonce vote. The \\'arthro Prices and Trade Board had no figures ready which would support or cnn- tradit1 that estimate ba about the aarr,c. time Finance Minister )Isley announced In Saskatchewan Mat the irire ceiling on the necessi- ties et lifo had saved the people of Canada approximately $1,150,• OfO.r'r.t• during the last two years. • • • So that tho fact would seem to be that the ordinary man's home, the home of the worker with a group of children to feed and clothe, in materially benefitting from Canada's price ceiling and sub-ldization policies•. let the lat- tE•r test be the $12_0,000,000 estim- ated or the $200.000,000 which more recently has been unofficial- ly cis!med, Axis Plane Output Doubled By U. S. United Nations aircraft pro- 1luction now is about three times .Axis cyttput, by the estimate of some United Staten Government officials, with American producers alone putting out nearly double the combined Axis total, The United States in May produced between 7,100 and 7,200 planes, with June production figures ex- pected to show another increase. By comparison, about 2,200 planes a m(nth are estimated to be com- ing florn planta in Germany, in Nazi -occupied countries and in Hitle-r's satellite nations. Japan is tnoutrht to he producing about 1,200 aircraft monthly and Italy arnur-t! 000. Speed of Animals Clocked on Road L.. - rabbits under the stimulus of hest g chased by an automobile, bare teen clocked at 45 miles per bout. say's the Calgary Herald, Under the same conditions a young bu 1 deer reached 49 miles. Prcr,_hnrn antelope have frequent- ly 'r•e-r, measured In full flight from. automobiles and airplanes at a tette speed of 60 miles an hour. Thu, the antelope 1s a mile away by the time that the rattlesnake has just started. However, the rattler relies on poison rather than speed to save himself. HISTORIC CHATEAU FRONTENAC MAKES HISTORY AGAIN The startling: appearance of Mr. Churchill at (2uebec told the conference of the RriLislt and (':ulatlia:t War Cabinets in the Midori: C11:ae:111 hrontcnne will hp followed later by a nleetllig with Mr. I,uosevelt. The hotel 11:1-; been taken °ver by he Government for see•;r:l' VOICE or THE PRESS BOMBING OF ROI\1E Protest (agclimst the homhitlg of ]fount) wunl(1 be nnheconlhie; 1 those who trailed to raise their voices against the 1)0111ling or \ver• saw, l{utt(rdant :mil London and of cathedrals like Coventry. C'.ln- terbury and \\'c'stminster. \Vuuld that the t,nenty 1(111• taken a hun- dredth part of the rare display- ed isplayed by the .1 Hied .11r Force in this military honlhiug of Isom'. —\\"11111ipeg 'Tribune. NO NUTS FOR JAPAN Japan in pre•\var days, lived on exports of sill:. 'Ibieti she stole the rubber producing ',trees of the ()dont. Nov the rest of the world Is learning how to inal1e and use rayon and other synthetic textiles as substitutes for silk, and, also, how to make rubber. Japan tory repeat the story of the hoy and the tilberts. —Port :Arthur N,'4s (itrulicle. FIRST PRIZE We still think the funniest re• mirk about a Victory Garden is the one credited to Jack ]fenny, who said: "ply potato crop turned nut well, Some are as big as marbles. :•unto as big as peas, and, of course, there are quite a few little ones." —11anlc in 5t. 'Phomas Tilney• Journal. -O— PROPAGANDA FOOD Goebbels Is telling Itis country- men tho British never attack on $1e22 SENDS 300 "BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGION", - "MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" Cigarettes or 1 Ib. Tobacco — BRIER SMOKING or any MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (with papers/ alto DAILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Postpaid to Soldiers in the Canadian Army OVERSEAS and CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES. Mall Order and Remittance lot— TNsOBersublecttoanychtnteln Gorornment Rttulatlonl an empty stomach, \Vhich may halve the olid rc ult of 11)::1;i11.; the (iceman; h11ng(r Inv i444:1 lou. - I:•1:rinn!ua Ji1;lI tl. - n- - SADDER AND \VISE^ The claim has h:•ru 1,4...!' tear not (non"It attel;thot is p.:1-1 t0 ,'Ilucatitt^_ the pedrr'tri.Iu. So a Int of Dem eke) out 1111 tie, :ire bump.-, nl kr,ovideilee —1The stOn \\'hi : >' III -I, - WI -{AT SETTLE3 IT II Isn't \vino a man , I ; Celt count,. It's his wile's r "1\. Canadian Corn Needed I7nn-le li 'F_'ly Its an inf, yir41 !tial) t 1.. L'. ienwtn Jr., I'resiilieir of t (ti, ado Starch Company }.ion+ ' I, •lis• Ottawa which said t:: t i l el.ly of the fart that of corn hail not be, :! I!ta1414 4 ',, 1 !'V tits: Canadian I'armu'r>. were il\ inilli... that the slll'at!rn 1"'t': 1 to corn simply i; one o` urn.•ncy to i1,' , .. i•: 1 :r The industry p 1"i 1, - - seulial t:4:,! I starches and rdhl . tVt .e in till' nttuntfarture 01 1.::r :... - :11 The Canadian Gn',,'rioner.t nn',r ir•r- 111111111,'11 the 1111;Ini•tioi 441 (ii ie e,'tl from the I'nit d Stag's. :n1 r•t•.tl• izing the imp'rative re i1 for 1'li.; grain ill viral w,tr iII ,,l.IH i; providing 5.1111 -id'• , f"' r':i pI!r• puss. Mr. Penson ,ai.i that •!I•• Si tech iuduslry for some yt:;r- !I,; herrn encouraging Canadian I'.0 tt, r.; to grow inure hybrid roan. 11 • tout• cat011 !Ito ('.ntadian 1'rh-e C"iliog was extremely fair aril e.'en high in comparison with mile:. trains, bit urged the Canadian Furrier 11 nt:tli(+ deity rigs regularly of reas- onable quantities of corn in order that they may retain the f'.Ie Hiatt market, for their corn. Atlantic Round Trip Made in Fast Time 'Irks) increasing speed of air sorvice is indicated by the fast time made on the round trip of a big plane operated by TransCan- ada Air Lines crews in the newly Isstablislted Canadian Government wartime tratls•Atiantie service. The plane which took off front Montreal Airport late on a 'I'hurs• day afternoon, reached the British Isles in the record time of 12 hours, 26 minutes, landing early Friday morning. \Vith just over 21 hours 00 land, the same plane started off for Canada on Satur- day afternoon and arrived in Montreal Airport early Sunday 15 lours and six minutes after take- off, having faced rainstorms throughout the entire crossing. Thus, loss than 72 hours, or three days as Canadians usually mark time, wen) required to tra- REG'LAR FELLERS --Spells Trouble i!1 GOSH, THIS 15 DEEP STUFF! BUT I'LL HAM STUDY IT IF 1M GONNA JOIN THE NAW.' ver. -0 a'li ro• initiely 1;,11114 miles, lith I let of 1 14411h"r In bit- The .,-!Mattel thin Item Mont- le, :1 41.44 t 1''cord. clip;Iins: off 25 11110111 , from the previous hest liner -lois !'1_'141 rein: 51ol:treal 10 (1'I kith trips lace con. .ittnenI. of army Incl 1V01'0 cat•• ri •,I Otl til•' ret'nr I Lrt:tlsing east• !10,11.•1 1r1:1 t1 pl:me \y::.; iu (':. , I,f 1 ,1;:1 11011;.:d 1'. Gt•oI'gp, n ,'1'!1i114 111.*nseer of '1'ran,4'mi. :«11 .\i: 1.11 .':Milo nn the return :igen 1 joiii•r'y the pla11e oras i:4 r': •I u; t''1•It. M. 11. ..11)011" I:It I'! 11 11-1 of 114' '1' 1' \. ;^rv• L . 0 Jack and Pals \ '0: 'nt Lirepc 41.1; plowing i•'I I ,\ it.1 etre 11 feast,, but 110 was i; "l:i'LI_ir1, .hell. Giddap, ,l,',.y. (1!! 1'p, C.ts'y. (:ilidap ('rom\•oII.' \ ,t1.111.10' pa44ing by asked: -Dow 111 flay 1I 44I'.1 I0e4 your '.1111'• t'1 ;h•' farmer, "itis nam," is Jack, lilt he doesn't know ;ternith. 50, I put blind• 11.4 11.111 :!'•I yell all the„' other I:.1^1 11.' I!:1; other S{;iphuilr;ing In U.S. Shows Remarkable Growth The - ori of shipbuilding in the riffled . ':t1'" : la 19;19, one ship (.1 era 1! '1ay1, in 1941, ono ship r e•1'; eel; n 'I Cys, in 1911, one ship every three anti a half days; in April. 19 12. oto ship a day; In Juni!, 1:111, r'xo ;hist.; ,t day; In Sept,'l'I!;•'r, 101". three shill.; a Ily; l'I Der',em!•'r, 1!112, !'our ships :t day; '1111 Mt Marche, 1'112, five ;ill; t elan'. SCOUTING . • • T1 -.spite the great shortage 01 le:ul'•1: for Scout Troops iu Can - ad: clue to enlistments in the fortress Scouting at Truro, N.S., c':trric; au witit plenty of vigor. The secret is that from the near- by Royal Air Force station at Whore British Stouts have taken up the work and aro running or assisting with 19 \\'olt Cub Packs and Roy Siena. 'Proops. The sta- tion also has its own Rover Scout Crew with 21 members, and Group Captain \Voodin. station O.C., en• courages the work yo that the men might he proficient Scout leadors on their return to Great Britain, • • • h:levttii year•obd Donald Penrose, of Winnipeg, has the highest rec• ort) for ',ver service of any 110)' Scout In Manitoba, ltecently Don• ald was presented with his 700• Motu' \\':u' Service Madge, His work has ringed from collecting magazines, )caper and fats, to sew- ing quilts and mal:ing doughnuts. 1to 1'4 a Wolf Cub, and his mother THE TROUBLE 15 WE DON'T OWN ANY COLORED FLAGS, 50 I'LL NAFTA DOPE OUT SOMETHIN' DIFFRUNT,' UNLI$TED STOCKS Bought - Sold Quoted Our Unlisted Department will supply latest infor- mation and quotations on all Canadian companies. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED C. R FEE il'1e,nllers Toronto a cit Stock Ex'.harc:e 200 FAY ST. TORONTO WA. 473 Is Itegitll of .ol 1.11.1),I•l, in tln' city. Short:leo of manpower lett Cho caretaker of St. plary's Church, \fine lsor with more work than he could possibly accomplish with the church, parish hall, cemetery, and large gl'(nuid4 to l'isl'e for. Hearing of his plight, the 27th 1Vindsor 110y Scent 9'roop, al - Cached 10 the church, have solved the problem by allotting it Patrol each week to assist the caretaker le his wok. ( 11 I1ll,•1• The award or the \'iclori t Prose to \\'ing Commander Guy 1'. Gibson, horn of the Ilalll•bllstitlg raid on Crt'ntany, brings to live the number of Pay Spouts who have been :Warded the vie/mitt tree: in Ihls war. F R Ten of the honour itl:uluales at the t'miled 5talcs Military .\cadc• my at \\'est Point were former 11 (1' i''Illli i. :11 1\111I:I,I0IIs :1.1 ill III'', 51 411 VIII Uc; were :ir01114, 'II the 11.:;. Nle II .\'rail':113, IK of the 1`1 )untrue siwtoot.4 worn Sroula, ,111,1 a { of tit:, 72 graduates at the (et I tl Guard Ac 'Minty 4vere also Scouts. r • • Tito Baden-Powell Meruol i.tt 1t"end, raised by tho )toy Scouts of Groat Britain :Is a memorial to (Ito founder of 1he Scout p(r)veo muni has now reaches) the $500,11110 mark. The looney has all been is vosted In war bonds, amu) al Ilett close of the war a memorial Moil l Mg will ho erected in i,ondon :1 r a centro for ',.lei y001.11 of Ihit world, Not only :1)'u wanleu hieing; 1)11 many Incu',t task,; to wartime, lint. they :I 15f becoming very :dive ;rt \Volt' 1'uh leaders. in a recent leadors' training course unto' ll:tl- lfax, N.S., of the 17 taking Lilo coned, 11 were. Ludy Cnbma:,)erns. FUNNY BUSINESS i. COMPANY MESS 9. -- 411- 4., lt- CO}R 1942 BY NIA /iI rl rri I,l1i„1//(1/1//(r . 1 �I//,1,/ ill,%tl/I//,r� ..rrinii.,r.• 1 I/l/,,. ,,,., t//,1 I//, RVIC� 124C"4..4.4 RSG U S. 'PAT 011. "We were going to 1)11"e roast beef and boiled )potatoes, but n rookie (Trove his tank through the kitcheul" LIFE'S LIKE THAT •By Fred Neher ."7.•1):.`i7 �1G.'J� 9 ,••,,I•ar.,',-,,,et.v. •4 • ,:1..:u,r., mss.., • .,_1-•--'z- - • -- W _, "You both had serious operations . • , but let ole tell you About the time 1 had to lake castor oil 1!" 014, THROCKMORTON JEST A MINUTE! c ti. 1101•00.01.0 By GENE BYRNrI S BUT t IIETCHA MOTHER WON'T BE MAD WHEN 514E HEARS 1 MADE YOU A GENAWINE ADMIRAL IN MY NAVY. etk E M, 11 R r., n... ,,,, RITTWR hese days, when tea ~must yield iDthe utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Aslc for,. !P SO TH IIIILT Hy Percival Ch: it tophcr Wren CIIAI''I'I?It XVIII Memories twain sur,. it thieneh 111)0ud Wendorer's nlinll. (;ittraza bort! Iiy the lime he hail reached) (l;lar :.I1 half its de- fenders were de;;d, iat.]WI Iiy 1\la• jor lleuhoronu!l, Captain Scott, 11011 Ileulenant Henderson, hav- ing 110 1)110, in r1) )I t of lily 1111 live el'firc•r$ except ('apla01 All .ander Brer.itings, 1 'Al S, the I?nlasian doctor. And then l)•ec6jIge's ;urn:,zing (11111. No one would ere( I((111\w whether 111 %vent wad, beral•rk; whether he hoped Io rehabilitate blmn;ele, or whether 10 tilos, IN,. tremulous moments, the spirit o1' his grautlll'athr r, Hener:ll Sir i'lrcy Vereker 1beet )U )', haul :8:,•111 up within hint and seized the (att)• lahley of his soul. l'rohably all three motives had contributed, with the last-mtin'd most power - /111, 114 his dying words had lo en, "I ant a Heuera1's grandson." Yes, and when the relieving Porro had marched 111 and (;anesh bad ('one to his 1)181111 overllo\e- Jng with joy, congratulations 1111 triumph, how the gond chap's face had fallen %viten he had Inld1 11i111 that. ho %vasn't going to use Ilr'•ck- 1ng:e's confession. Nor get 11:108(11 reinstated in It blaze of glory :1's the innocenthero of a sluuuolul miscarriage of justice and the heeds hero nt the dofcn$e and sal- vation of the Fort that iivv•itin(1' bad wished to surrender to 1110_ :1;• ging 1lnllji. Nor had he been quite honest w.'h ((;mesh. 1lo had )pretended that his wain reason' had been that lie really couldn't use the con- f(:•ison and blacken and damn for- ev, r the memory of the Iran who had died hl the act (11 Salving 1118 1111. In 1 11 first place, he shrank: floor the Idea of more 10)1)1(113, emit her court martial. And again, e:,pl'l'i;tlly after the horrible cou- feu•nu'nt of the siege. he 1onaad for the mountains. No, \vimtevor it 0103' halve been at first, life as a Pathan was now better than existence as an i:ng- lishman. • . • ale was a hillulan now, a11d- So ;Old 110 otherwise --so ;n111 111) otherwise, hillnlau desire their Inds. And then there was Shore. Ishan, Could lie turn 10 hint after nil they had seen and 110110 to. gother, dared and suffered to- gether, after each saving the life of the other at the risk of 11 18 own; could lie turn to Shore Khan end say, "\Nell, 1'111 off. I'm going 'hail( to India and the regiment," knowing that there was no return to the regiment for Slu'rc' Khan? )10 110(1 deserted when \1'eu(11)1(1 W118 cashiered and kicked out, had N10011 by 111111 an shown hint how to make a new adjustment to life. Anil lastly, what was possibly the strongest motive, probably the real motive had been his consum- ing hat.r041 of llailitzin, his insati- able yearning to deai faithfully with ltallitzfu, to cut mut the cank- er that corroded his soul far Mere than hail the injury which Breck- inge had done hint. Anyway, he had 81111((4 to his point. Ile had gone his own way and, In spite of what the Brigadier and (infield) had said to him after the relict of G'itr'aza, he had slip- ped quietly away from the fort with Shero Rhan. Ile had retired Get the "BLACK LEAF 40" Don't worry about lice and feather mites. "black Leaf 40" controls them. "Cap Brush" Saves Money Our "Cap Brush" spreads "Black Leal 40"evenlyon the roost and does an ef$ dent job.Saves money.Ask your tippler foe the"Cap Brush"and full directions, Insist on Original Factory Sealed ` Packages tor Full Strength nu geld by Drug, Ilardnatre, Feed and Need Stores ISSUE No. 34-43 C tri tih11'1 Kh:1u'e toil and 81II1111 (1)1))1 Io the IlIolul Ijfo of 0 isorml 11011,10011 wlu,re 1 1110 is 111'1Al 1;)1' 11'0111 his 11;11111. \ml ;I:•,,iiu Sheri. 1:11)11 11;111 111 Iped him, hull ;18 1;11 him, re - sterol! his al me of proportion and In Mal lads/ice '11101 %\jelly) 111 ,1')1:0):. (1)0)) as Hoy :.al sunning themselves inion the full wall, suddenly as if read - nig I1(5 eery Ihunttll ;;111 re Gino] 111111• said: "Iluanor. the ham has struck, 111• himself has conte smith and is veil Imo in Knhnl .. ' 1 (1lj10j)1 "None nlhcr. Last I1le,ilt ore lye 1(1 01(0) from halt 1111)0 owe (,nue %Pith n 111,8,0:0, left it and 1111.:;;1(1 on in haste, lay the description of Iho mall ;(11d what ho said, 'Iwas ti1:11 ,11;tllhuh Ali Ilazelrit:: sahib's 1)111(1, who \1'115 151111 IIs at. (liltl•nza before 180 pot into Ills V((1'l." "llahbuh Ali? And 1111:11 was the lue•:enge" The Bear leas come 001 of his forest; seek for line i11 his dew, in the bazaar ill the gunsmiths \Theelin Is Illi hose of IldI•:'lnl 11111 (11111.11unuor, 1ud he haul lineal) :it once that liailil;:in 1',1s i(1 Kahn) 10111, prole ally in the rause of a prospelmet Afghan merchant, \vats staving in the house of Iho Itne';opllle alu.nl, the good llderjn the .lfghau), \vilh whom he himself had (mei, cross- ed 1(1)11 (1uscat to 1'088::. s Al last In K ha'k:old they had found 1hOISelwes 11111 1\ 1 days behind hien as he role to Samar - rand, mounted (l) a pure bred iia• dalcah;uli Mare. a hay with three while socks; his servant riding 0 half bred Bohol: mare, ❑ Plea• hitter grey, long -tared, etved(1pcked ;Ind 81)110.1.11111 goose ramped, fol• lowed by four well•laden donkeys looked after by an Afghan and three 'I'ttugans, themselves 10011• after by Iwo Ttlriti•('hjnese half- castes, So Mus and 1)1(18 (lug 1la11ouuw 11, the 1'athau. who had liven Itlehard W4 the 1)•1118111 offic:'r, 1'11111' to he sitting raking over his Hit- ler memories, huddled i11 1)js posh - 11111 beside the cullers of the fire. n 4 1 Suddenly he hoard a 800111, 511)101101 1111 his rifle :11111 sprang to his feel. A1 most as quickly as Shore l ha ll, wrapped from head to foot in a dirty sheet. sprang from the Stark stiffness of his corpselike rigidity' and knelt beside him, rifle ;at the ready. "M'ho's. there?" cried \\'end. over. And a cracked and quaw(rjng voice roplicd 11'001 the darkness, "Only 1111 and another ass," ars into the light cast by the Fire upon 18)11011 Shore Khan threw a hand- ful of dry grass and twigs rode the cherry -colored sills -capped beg- gar bazaar. 'MI. 15 blew in just after you left," he said. "110's 011 his way to sec the British Resident at Kasligar-on a rather nlhro im- portant matter. Russo -Chinese ('hing•Kiann sluff. 'fold me that your man is for ,lalalabad and the Border, Ile's meeting a ('ar:t\':un from Tashkent there, and there are going 10, he great doings In the Singing Ilndji's country agalu. Apparently' they aro not going to Kabul for fear the bullion that is going south Pith them stays there for good, f should think your hest plan would he to get straight down into the Singing Iladjl's country, Get there before he does and hay for him there. Von can get word to (1.6,11 .S, from there and he'll got a move on, I should think 0 few of these bombing planes Ihey'we sent to India would make the Singing 1ladji sing a dlfferpnt 111110 if they could hover over his home town occasionally - if they could 11111l«) it from Hun- mina, u -mina, that is, Auy\'a3', you'd have earned your corn for the rest of your life if you could put Halllitziu out of business." "Yes. Nothing like combining business with pleasure," growled Wendover. "What about a pot of good loot tea?" "hor the love of God!" shivered the cherry -capped beggar mean, who spoke such admirable Eng- lish and knew so mucin of the af• fairs of Conu'aule-colonel Nikolaa Bailitzin, Richard Wendover and Ganesh Hazelrigg of the Intent. genie De lartn lttt, 1 he looul Anglo -1 tissian-Chtilese situation, • • • Majoa1'ploutlw Hmzelr wilt could ;flail ne confessions, freely admitted tt the I-Iadjt of Turangzat war oqe of the people whom be did not un• del'Stand, 1\'heli that notorious and potent ecrles:iastle had been a Mullah In BLITZ VETERAN IN ACTION AGAIN :\ veterul of the Battle of ilritaia 11uri1)) v:11irh he maintained 11 constant stream of vocal 0pporj:inn to the (ilei((011)1 raiders, "Hob," a terrier twit)) :1 rather dubious parcnt4.e, is at wag' olein, Servikg this lime with the Canadian troops in the )iediter)':uncan, "I lob" now ree(gni cs Pte, Peter Ileoss, 111' Ft. ltonif::c•e. Man., as his mas- ter and (8118 smuggled aboard a troopship i,1 11 kit lag by four of Gross' cunlrallc5, "Bolt" 800018 to be t); jnp! to slake 011 his hind between seasickness and a good 1nmoop. Iglu ('h;U'saddat 1t;shire ) t 1''"- awar he 11,1:1 l•'a 111111 ,Vnrely Ill respected lar his jn..lice, natio (101)1y, tool in1•orr110;i;':lily judge :Min inj,teri:o: Aluhaoune 1i; law awl 1(181)111. And talking 110'' 1183 18,1(4 the Commission( 1• 111 1'10 Ilii Ila,. driaa ;emoted Ilan t 1;11 1)t• firer, a wan ininsually 11)11 11) formed, considered 1')1 1111:1;)! nl ('hv'sadda to hr an admirable ;Incl %:dualde friend of the (love"00)1 nt, it' only because Inn was a 8;nul 111,. ):older of a)(ho,'j18 ond the scour:e of all 11:)11 defied it and broke its i;1wa• What. thew. was .Major lln2el- rig 'S surprise to linin on lila IV. 1)11)1 to Pella \\';u anter ell ab;:, nee i1) :\fw11a1list;1)i and Turkestan, that Ilio Mullah nt ('I(ars,:oldaa hail fallow Irons grate. had - 1•1111nge(1 (OM11lotely, acid 11'0111 bring a pillar of soeiely, :1 111'011 111' all! 110111y, an impartial jud^e and loyal subject of the 141)1: Emperor, hall (1 )1110 a violent agitator against the Gov- ernment, an embittered 8(1 11un- ist and an active and dung) runs enemy of the British. \\'hall has so changed the ad- mirably 'Mullah of ('harsadda that from a firm friend he hal lie - come 0 bitter foe? '1910 Commissioner could not 1, 11 11111) No one ('00111 loll him and Ilazelrigg determined to find out for hinsell. Sojourning in the houses of the hooris of the Peshawar 1iazaar, loafing and slcypiug in the lodging where caravans 1(111 the journeys begun i(1 Khivat and Bukhara, Tashkent and Sanuu•cand, 81noh- ing his hookah aboul the camel - dung fires, dipping Into file sooty fleshpots Ivlierein bullhled the lus- cious slow of the tails of fat - tailed sheep 18)1:10 he exchanged the net's of the day, he 10114(1 of this and of that, of kings and khans, of sneers and emperors - and of the Mullah of ('llars0dda who, formerly 00 upright judge, was now as fugitive in the :doh - !nand ('()unary; a firebrand, a(gj- tat(11' 111111 10011(4) of rPh01)ion. who had given his (laughter to t h e notorious Abdul Ghafl;u' Khan, mil law and 1error's!. (Continued Next Week) Fatal Sound Sound waves in water, such as those caused by depth bombs, (11a1y kill up to eighty feet, navy medi- cal reports show, says Pathfinder. The waves, traveling front mole- cule to molecule, have a speed of 4,078 feet per second, about four times that of sound in air. At dlstnnees up to 160 feet they dam. age tato small blood vessels In the abdomen and affect the flow of blood to the viscera. A Record Harvest Expected in China ', The harvest in the parts of china, under Generalissimo Chiang .Kai-shek "le ealpected to be of recorduantity thin yet}(," The British fadlo said recentlj'. "Seasonable rain have already ie ulted in the reaping of lame lts, and the autu>n prospet,t desorlbed as ins 1'abile,a ad. the broadcast. Defence sandbags are being made from domestic fibre in Brit- ish East Africa. (. ( �1 �1,'{ TLS )f SAUB. CHAMBERS Some Tasty Desserts '' or Early Autumn 1 is he , 01,11(4(1'8 mind can he at lest for the day from the ( lief an::ieties of menu -planning, if she Mans the moat and vege- table cnu(808 early and then the dever1. h:tory wise woman rcal- i'cs 11 ra\es time :and strength to au'ra:nse her meals early in the day. And oiew as the Inst fresh fruits are 00 the market and the e\eni'lp8 are chilly, we like to turn our attention to the types of (1(5';11'1 which have been neg- lected during the hotter months. Apples, pears 0)0! peaches, are now at their best.. In all baked fruit puddings 0 long, :low bak- ing ;;C1.01!-- 1)) produce 0 superior flavor. It' baking 0 deep apple pie, the filling of apples and sugar should he baked slowly for about one and one-quarter horn's until apples have that reddish brown color, before placing the cover on the top. 'fills type of pie chilled and served wit li ,shipped cl0alll is dessert fit for royalty. 11aked pears makes a lovely seasonal dessert. I( you are fortunate enough to have maple syrup. place pears in casserole, haste with the syrup. 'These may be s(11til hot or 001d, A flavor of ginger 10 pears is always re- freshing. This may be added to a sauce or chopped candied gin- ger added to whipped cream. Try these peach desserts for so.,1011)1I, : different; Peach Surprise Cook large extra fine whole peach (pitted) in a sugar syrup (1 cup sugar to 1 cup water). Cook until soft but not broken, Gt`O®MY BREAK 1 / 1)R �,RISPN\ -s- RAW - >iu'. t A/ Pop/l // r e1' w ✓- •' ' ,`s /�, ('one. 3 pre til your favorite light cake ice cream. ('1)t in Sg1111l'0; and 011 1::ch prow 011 0110 of the p(•, ch halves. S.'rvo with a thick raspl'erry syrup. Cantaloupe and Peach a la Mode rut small, very ripe, chilled eantal.)upes in half, sprinkle with fruit sngiu'. Fill centres with suited sweetema peaches, top with whipped or ice cream. Pear Tapioca cup quick tapioca cup boiling \vote) teaspoon salt tahlespons lemon juice 1 tahlespoon orange juice 2 tablespoons syrup from maraschino cherries 1i: cop corn syrup f t ipe large pears Cook tapioca in double boiler with \vafer and salt until clear. Add lemon and orange juice, Syrup from cherries, sugar and corn syrup. feel and core pears, place in baking dish with cavity up. Place cherry in each cavity. %'our over tapioca mixture, hake until pears 1)1e tender, Serve cold with 18hipped cream, Pear Conserve )'eel and pare one peel; pears, 11111 through food chopper, \veigh, :111d for each pound of pears add (4 1b. sugar. Put. fruit sugar and cup water in preser.ing kettle. Lets cook to a good boil; add grated rinds and strained juice of two lemons and 1 can grated pineapple; h5a cup chopped can- died ginger. Cook two )tours, stirring occasionally; then pour into jars 1(11d seal. 1/4 Mess Chamber/. o ele01111. liersonal lett 1'1.01 from Interested readers. She Is pleased Io receive muggestlo1* on loplrs for her column, and In 1(1 ((3* ready to listen to your '(pet peeves." Requests for redoes or mpe1111I memos tare In order, Address your letters to "Mss Sadie 11, Chambers, 73 (West Adelaide St„ Toronto," send stamped melt-ad. dres�cd cal clone I1 Toll lvisb a reply, Animal Hair Used By Aviation Industry Another role in Thiele f:u'm pro• ducts arc helping fight the war was rereal(d 101111y by 'The' Fire- stone 'Tire & Rubber Company, Animal hair is being used in Matey important aviation products, cone Plum And Apple Butter MET1-101)-Wash fruit. Remove stems and blossom ends from tipples, cut in pieces and leave skins on. Cut plums, pit, and measure. Place 111) in kettle, add water, boil until tender (10 to 15 minutes). Put, mixture through a coarse sieve, add sugar, Corn Syrup, lemon jwee and rind. Bring to a boil; boil gently until thick and clear (35 to 40 minutes) stirring often, (7'his recipe thickens considerably when cold.) \'LI:LI)-Approximately 2 pints (Wine measure). 2 lbs. tart. apples (!I cups, cut) 1 ',a cups ,sugar 1 1b. green plants (2 cups, pitted ?a cup ('Town Brand Corn Syrup loud 1.011 packed) Juice and coarsely -grated rind of 11,4 caps water 1 lemon (optional) I071SPIES \�tt\% err pop "1'r ("11,111 Mix . pony officials said, wit)) a a::.ttly expanded post/war market !t: arus- p1.1't for the 1111lel'ial. Providing continued conit,o.: for allied fliers and a slash of oval' 7G per cent in cost to tho K•,vssrn• nett, bound hair was Fires:one's answer to Army and Navy :0118 for a material to replace ';carte 101,11er i)1 aviation cushions. Hound hair is composed c'tiafly of hog hair, nlixc'd with smaller ;amounts of cattle tail hair sad reclaimed rubber. Used it ;,ora• chute back fillers, parachute seats, pilot seats, bombardier paces and many 511101ar products, tete alar feria! also promises lntport0::: 1,C• u0onli08 to civilian buyers. During the spring of 1:'1:, the use of foamed latex was re :t::,ted to such an extent that '1'11•: Fire- stone Tire & )tubber ('018(any was forced to seek a suitable sub- stitute to fill war needs. V,"(thin Il few )weeks, the company -vas producing a Material that ;':.:,.;ed ;111 military specification;, The material also contri'0l',•; to the war effort by CouserviOS :net - al. Bound hair cushions 1'.,a be Made 11111 depth, thus elialiav_ing springs. If springs are requir8d, the bound hair can be use 1 as a pad over the springs. hirestono was able to c•,::.•art rapidly to virtually any c::,;::ion required in the aviation lint, ;,eco it had built up large and :11)1!''1'11 Sewing facilities In the pe:,c•t'.inle manufacture of its foam''.! Latex mattresses, The lower price of the 1r,i:ud hair is expected to lead to it; aide use in furniture, automobile 5 ats and other cushions after 1!:-' war, tmrif.n.v.ivioct&tdCY>ritl5h'pA{Mt'`"',rwm,for':71,.,,Alla.,,•.4:!rftetiert(1'Se,kcip.ayo,))rs. tt70.1..:1N 11aya- 1 OE )W/R ees'ue «/07 Az-assiluvyotf,mor x1tM1".nidi'i��'�''�a'aiiiiatitP'U'!� o•Ysit:eti:41, 1• You can toll 44 mild, smooth, standard Cigarettes from a package of MACDONALD'S FINE CUT TOBACCO. The cost Is only 19¢ plus papers. Start today to smoke this economy way. '91" (INC1UDING TAX) /114CDONAEDY. 1 kt, 1W ►{ Xi �v O Us' E 4\4'. F N.-. 4.1'A T( 's J1'.V.t N G_S Page 4. THE STANDARD tcaf m tuts eaaata icier ictiltateutc metimatoeanc c WESTFIELD Elliott Insurance Agency J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS--ACCIDENT. BLYTH — ONT. Residence Phone 12 or 140, Office Phone 104, Miss Florence Cook of lielgrave, vis - 11(,(1 her cousin!;, A1lsses Violet and Phyllis (rook, Alias Minnie Snell of London, is 'visiting her sister, Airs. J. L.:\fcl)owell and Alva. Elwin 'Taylor, 1 I.ieut.»egt. Earl ('raw•tord and Airs, ('rawtord returned to \louctott, N,il„ lost week after n two•weelts leave with the hatter's parents, Mr, and .Airs. hied W. Cook, and other friends, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" Miss Mae Mason of llespeler sprat! ONI 1APtN2rNDID434 •,2'cDOeND+DaDiDl&taadDiXaViD N ila;ot21M72aDia DiN21%11 over Labour pay with her parals, (Mt. at,cl Airs, Walter Nation. the Bulb of a plum tree. They sgnawlt I The ;yulpalhy of this community Is in indignation as you jam them wits.extend; d to Mrs, Charles SU'aughan out ceremony into the Sachs and go and family of Auburn, in the death of Air. Stra.ughan who passed away on Specializing in Farm and llousehoW on to the next tree. One thing about day, Sales. them, they aro too sleepy or stupid Sun - I i11 r, Emmerson Roti& er is giving his Licensed for the County of Huron to pay any attention to the �;cluaw'Itittg house a fresh cult of paint, Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction of the distuehed ones, You feel a M r, and Airs, Fred .1, ('ooh yi:ited Guaranteed. ;Utile Tike a thief vs the bens perst;l For information, etc'., write or phone In squawking and stop to listen. on Sunday at the home of Air, and William 11. Alorritt, phone, Itesidencz I .\ hound hays on a far off ridge , , , Mrs, Gorge (rook of lield;rave. 113; Shop 4, Myth. 4 411n horn heats solemnly on the road Mr. anti Mrs. \V, A, Ca11111' ll, Don- • across the river and then you see a;aid, Air, and Mrs. Arthur Speigelbnrg and children, were guests on Sunday yHAROLD JACKSON (glimmer of Wit in the s nglthotu':, al the 110810 of Mrs,,I, Fitzgerald, of •orchard. You hear helm raising a ftws Licensed Auctioneer. lal:1)ttrig(nitrrotl, 1 it ease; your Lash to know that Specialist in Farm and household NeighbourBiggins is probably cussing I Mr. Warren Bamford returned to as he gens about the aster job, aux• his school at Preston on Monday, Sales, l'te. Harold Bosnian of London Licensed in harem and Perth ions to get hack to the comfort of the WILLIAM H.1\TORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Counties. Prices reasonable; Batts faction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, ll,lt. No. 4, Seaforth, Phone 1401111. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS (by Harry J. Boyle) 1\'e are n ',v coaling into the season kitchen on such a chilly evening, spent the week -end with Mr, and The hen; and pully!; are dumped Mrs. Maurice Bosman, Without ceremony in on the henhouse! Mr, Lloyd Walden motored to Lon - Boer, They mope around for awhile ' don on Sunday. Walden and (a..,(1straggle elf to the roosts. Some ;Baum returned brae with him, 1 of theca struggle around and don't \1r. and 11rs. I1, 11aPhrrs, 11 r, and von bother to get on the roosts, 1 Mrs. Phials Mathers and babe, 113,s Hattie Gallagher, of [mallow, visit- ed on Sunday with 11r, and Mrs. Raila Phe time Wight man, Airs, \\'m. Anderson is visiting Airs, Albert Shackleton of Toronto. (Miss Ala rgaret \\'ighl.man Was at when the hens begin to be a sort of ' A. 11, Lyon of Windsor, visited their guest on omit) 3, at the wedding of nuisance. Ileus are for the nto;t pari mother 101•e last w•eelc, Miss Madeline Vickers, of Goderich, workers but they lack the brains of Air, 'Area Inch, I onlom, visited over snaky other creatures on the farm. A . the wool! -end and holiday with the LAC, Leslie Rodger of St, Cathay hen can work like a trooper all day ,, lines spent the wrelt•end With Alt'. I tests alai lir. and Ales. E. J. Craw' land Airs, fiananerson Rodger. or food 'ford of the 13th concession, digging worms, scratching f and trying to pick hold in all the ltev, 11, C. and Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wm. Lyon announces the )talar' Iohn, of ilrusscls, visited on Satan' • ripe tomatoes batt she doesn't know riage of her daughter, Marjory Gray, i' what to do when night conies. to Jack 1!o•osso, of Copper Cliff. The day with Mr. and Airs, Karl Wight- The older hens are of course train- wedding took place sat Copper Cliff Man, ed to go into the hen-ho/.e but the on September lst, 1943. The beide I Mr. and Airs. W. F, C'a'mpbell, young fowls and the pullets take a lot and groom visited for a few (lays at l\11ys Winifred, Messrs. i'onglas and of persuasion. They will seek out as the home of her another, Airs. W. l,)'on [Victor Campbell, were London visit - cold, windy branch of a tree in the Their maty friends jolts in wishing ors on Saturday. LONDESBORO I:r, E. K. Lyon, Leamington, and Br, orchard or along the lane fence in them Mauch happiness as they journey preference to the clean safetyof at through life. roost in the hen•11o:rse. I'm certain Mr. Jack Webster has taken a post• it's not adventure In their blood be- tion in the Clinton Knitting factory. cause hens haven't even the sense to AI r, and Alrs. frank Tamlblyn, ,Jack be adventurous. and Margaret, Mrs. John Tamhlyn The evenings are, rapidly getting and Airs. 11argau'e1 Manning (pent a shorter no,w and the hens in the first I few days with Toronto friends re - dusk wander around vainly looking for turning Monday night. a place to . leep. The older ones will pick through the chaff in the barnyard and the wheat sprinkled on the gang- way and 'hen sedately walk into the \llss Amy Toll, commenced her dn- henho::_.t. The younger ones head for ties at S.S. No. 10 on Tuesday. the trees however and there's no 1 Misses Margaret Marshall and sense in trying to head them off. If Gladys Gow have started to high y'ou do, they'll run squawking all over school in Blyth, the front of the farm taking a lot of ; .\Ir. Edward Quinn had the nt'.sfor- tlle more sensible ones with them. tune to be kicked on the face with a After supper when you've settled colt on Saturday morning, when he down to your pipe, newspaper and went. to the pasture. Ile was knocked stockinged feet warmth and comfort onto tine ground, fortunately no bones from the fire in the kitchen range, were broken. somebody brings in the alarm. 1 feel 11lss Thelma Caldwell left on Mon - almost like a sailor snuggling into Ails (lay for her new position ars teacher bunk just as somebody shoats the in the Lochalsh school. alarm that a sub Is 1n the vicinity. I Mr, and \Ir:,. Walton and son of There's no etfhmarrnes on our farm d:nlbro, visited 11r, and Mrs, W. Gow but a vagrant fall breeze often brings len Sunday, a suspicious hint of a skunk in the 11r. and Mrs, Ken. A1 0Dougall at - neighbourhood, Mrs. flail may recall !tended his Grandfathers funeral the having seen an evil weasel slinking late Mr. 11cEarchern, of M4. Forest on EAST WAWANOSH I 1 AUBURN :Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10,30 a,m, nest Sunday in St. 111ar1(8' Church. lltss Isobel Rollinson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson, • Airs. Tidcrntan and daughter, Hiss Ruth 13011(1, 'Detroit, Airs. College and Margaret, London, with ,11r, and Airs, Bert Craig. 11r, and Mrs, Maitland Allen with relatives In Flint, 11dch. 111', ar:cl Airs, W. A. Campbell motored to Kitchener on Mondav,'Alr. and Mrs. Arthur Speigelburg returned to Kitchener with !neon. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup. per was administered on Sunday. Rev, Harold Snell took as his sub- ject: "Follow Me," taking his text fro,nl St. John 21:19, 1Ir. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, ,Alias C. 11cClinton, attended the fun- eral on Friday of Mss 1larlha Wilson,- of Shakespeare. 4(-11 111 r, and Airs. Emmerson Rodger and '�nishings and lot was held 011 Saturday Rotation for $";'.'.1, and the Myth house family, LAC Leslie Rodger, visited 011'aat the home of the laic John Sym• and lot Ivy; purchased by Bert Craig, Sunday with \lr. and Airs. \lansel inglon, Exceptionally good price: Tai= is the lirr,:ferry now occupied by were realized. The house and lot in Mr, and Airs, ;':uulY Ramon, Cook, Colborne Township, V Auburn was 4)urchased 1;y Nelson 'Phar I:jptist Church commemorated en for Sugar South a71 Wednesday, Sept, 8,1943, ' efitery at Mario. J ao Good ' - ages, Full Cost og Luring onus. Board a Lodging avail- able at Company tt, carding ing House at VIA per week. Apply your nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Refer to C.R. 50. glikatiftift around n stonepile sometime during Saturday.E. A, Kellar, who has been relieving the lacy. I 111, and APs. lien Quinn of Guelph, at Brighton C.P,11„ and leading Ah'• Then you have to light the lantern ,are visiting Airs, A. Quinn and Ed- craftsman Fred Thtu'good of Port Al- and gather up a pair of bran sacks ward, that, with Airs, Elmer Kellar and Lu - and strike for the orchard. A halt i Mrs, Ilasford of Guelph, is visiting cillo Kellar. dozen sleepy pullet„ blink at you fromher brother, Walter McGowan. I he traction sato of household fur u 1.i, i. • Loll. 1 u1 . 1 11 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES. COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. To Wit: •11V VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the County of Huron bearing (latae the 11th July, 19.13, and to Ane directed commanding me to levy upon the land", mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxers t.hLreon together with all costs Incurred, I hereby give notice that unless the arrears and cosLs are sooner paid, 1 shall proceed to sell 1110 said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficflent to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at the office in the Court house In the Town o: Goder`.ch by public auction on November 9th, 1943, at the hour of two o'clock in tits afternoon in compliance with the statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the said lands remain unsold an adjourned sale will be held on November 16th, 1943, at the same time and place at w 111011 the llunicipalltiecs may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands VILLAGE OF BLYTH Ellen Relly Lcst. • 3,01 11I, Mdllonald Sys 1910-I 69,24 Rebecca 1toit Est. • Lot GI ;McCaughey Survey 191-0-1.2 0.13 Fd. IMa•'tt hast. - Lot 1.4, 11eCaugitey Survey 11140-1.2 10,'55 Cassie : - 1.1s Est. • I.ot 114 1101)01181(1 19•I0-1-:; 1115.211 Cassie Lodds Est, - Lot 110 McDonald 51.22 MI of the above lots are patented, Dated July 10th, 1943. Goderich, Ontario, July 10th, 1949. Published in Tho Ontario 3.7:3 2.25 2.25 4.70 3.55 72.97 . 12.51) 112.91 04.77 A. 11. h'lISKIINd), County T1oasurev. Gazette, August 7tli, 1.943 (one insertion/. 14N1D FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that it is the intention of the corporation of the Village of Blyth to pur- chase these lands at the time of the Tax Salo, unless all costs are paid by the respective owners. MRS. LOUISE DURWARD, Treasurer, Village of Dlyth, 1 1 J..1114,11y.M. I.; 7:ta a)n111(elsaary 011 Sumday. The anditoc'3u::c of the ch;arc1c was dr1'orat• Li; tyi11) scnlnnaf-r 11.nvers cued fore, r1..:1re1 by a silver lettered "i-:." and "\' for V:ct,ary" sign in rcd,white, blue .. , i., 1.1L•W..�-,aL4 -�..: a--_ _ N.-..__ _ r y-p�,,yL•-+�'-�-� ��rwl'L:r lYt. i all II IIP ll, k -- qrr- rM2 to choose the services of cin y of these ten Chartered Banks a . Bank of Montreal The Bank of Toronto The Canadian Bank of Commerce The Dominion Bank Imperial Bank of Canada .am The Bank of Nova Scotia The Provincial Bank of Canada The Royal Bank of Canada Banque Canadienne Nationale Barclays Bank (Canada) r-irr'> These banks are constituted under the Bank Act— an act of the Parliament of Canada. They .rLa fi a d - eompctc with each other for your bus flANK compete business: This makes for fair and efficient operation and for quality of service. Enterprises and individuals inay go to any or all of them to deposit money, obtain loans and transact any other banking business. Security and privacy are two fundamentals which the Cana- dian people have always de- manded of their banks. They maintain more than 4,350,000 deposit accounts, knowing that their money is available when they want it. In thousands of daily contacts with bank man- agers and staffs, they know that their private affairs will be held strictly confidential. In every sense of the word, the banks are servants of the people. Lord Macmillan wrote in the ).loyal Commission report of 1933:"Themechanism of finance is a delicate one; the confidence upon which it is based is a slow growth, but it may be destroyed over -night, and those to whom is elltrksted responsibility for the wel- fare of the people must proceed with caution in the adoption of changes.". In any of more than 3,000 branches and sub -agencies of the Chartered Banks across Canada you can entrust your savings and discuss your financial affairs with assurance that privacy will be maintained. Wethnesiiay, Sent. 8, 19,13. TATE STANDARD *44 1.+4.1'I•r.••�e.e.e.e.,•.e.00,...:.:.:'::'' eY visit to the capitalital will he pro• I .(ito name of your office('. At presentLYCLYCEUM c1'IIEATItE !Ihi, roundly embedded in the Bands of theca are 13,000 active officers glt'ing WINGHAM—ONTARIO. ,• IIIIngs l0 conal, Ilca(1(rshlp to the w'ouhrn of ('unuda In Two Shoovs Sat. Night •_,* 'fill' gri.al l'I'uwd um I'lu'II (IiI nl Hifi, rho Tight (against Inflation. rt•ryas a right. to b,, rem mitered, The * + + Thugs,, FrI„ Sat, Sept, 9.10.11 �., picture, the reaction was best summed Snappiest parade (of ninny) even In Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter, f;' up by that famous internationally Ottama was un a post Sunday when van Strohelln, in t' known writer, I'htil Ludwig, who was the girls of the (',\C,A,C, put on a pee• 1 tp 'Five Graves 'I'0 (iilll'()" P present. "What ort impressed ' most rude on the nulla lhoroii lifare, (hi h'Ive persons marl a tense l'nnut':' ,%was the gamy withoutIlyrsleria. 1h( lily, but. really good, wits the girls' i iii t;;;)'pt. ;• friendliness, the serenity' and the own 11111e band, 'Illi Iho pipers (((111•. �p ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS. e*hearty welcome wlthont noise. The Ing Tam u' Shtutlers. The girls cl111 ' £p gr pl(tur0 Kao like a No festival • runt• sure mato; those bags bulge with Matinee Sat, afternoon at 2.30 p, m...1' p1c1(ly peaceful u8 II' theca could he 1lnuslc, :rt op t'. no war in the world." * r r Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept, 13.14.16 'tS. Rita Hayworth, Fred Astaire, In t:' I thought I1 a fine gesture that of here's a 114 dollar question, is (.here _. Ike luncheon at Government 1lou1,u any (Ince In the I1111lab Empire where •1Yoll Were,Never I,o1'llel'')• invited to meet \ir, ltoosevell. were 1110 flag Is never lowered, flies con - ,1. Gordon Graydon, OPposllion header st:ull•ly only one, nt 1,1101 now in A IItedcal coaled)•. t. �t� in the (louse, \t', ,1, Coldwell, Cl',(',,', India, Ilas !limn ever since the ALSO ,'SCREEN SNAPSHOTS" '_. leader and ,1. II. Illtu'lu11ore, Soclul 1 Siege of Lncl(now by royal decree, 1 4,44...0+9:00:4•1:911:t .4 001140••• 0.0.0.•"4.•44.•••••••• a . Credit 1etndei', among others (chilli. (1111 told, Page 5. KKK1411CiCIMCKKKKIERICiEKKKlel•C CI[KKKKICK CCIVC 4Ktg CI';llCKl[K1Ct4tClal6KKKIC CICI€Kr4KKKK'411T',1KKleKtEIGKttlCl4((r416111 ROXY THEATRE, - CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE t! CLINTON. GODERICH. SEAFORT', NOW PLAYING; Roddy McDowall in: "MY FRIEND FLICKA" )NOW PLAYING: 'Orchestra Wives' NOW PLAYING; "The Desperad• Carole Landis. u acs" In Technicolor. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday eII In Dur political life, * • + Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea, Charles Coburn, Richard Gaines, 5ce what happens when a ion(, name 01111 worker SU 11111S half het 1111;11.11(11 (1 111 101.1'i01110 hillh(Iul'N. "The More The Merrier" Thursday, Friday, Saturday "Mission TO Moscow" Tenet), runlpclling, thoughtful. The tremendous story of a prelude to twirl'. Walter Huston, Ann Harding, George Tobias, Oscar Homoloka, COMING; "Happy Go Lucky" After 40 e' In Technicolor. years of Pxj'(lIen('I1 In Cqt Mat,; Sat. and Holidays at 3 llecarse slnllsllrs show lacr(asoil growing bees on the I'rniria�, Norman '� y p.m.Mat, Wed, Sat & Holidays at 3 P.N,Matinees Sat. & Holiday., ..t 3 P.M. impel Ilr()duct!(nn )ii Cama11a, there are (toss, former superintend(-nt of the, Ilti)Mft178'rtSlitD12121�211DD1312o131212,D12►D121:)tD12n2t2t9121DiD'i312t2aolal2nDi.1,212;�i:maeki2,�i'ZISiaa,✓.e;r,2;e; 1; �42rr1.41Z;fia.�;L'tY,B;.;:,2IS1311it sant: who c0mpinin about the ration Nursery Stollen) at. Indian __� -_:..e._•__1'..._: allowance. Quito approprlal(ly this 4 lead, Sack„ gives out that in his op. line are Included farm products, fund 1 Keel( one of the local papers dealt 111)011 gl'a'ss growing In sheller•helts product;, fuel, ice, gas, all, grease, dllorlally with ills mailer pointing has Killed more frees Than drought 11- 1uul;mr, building mal: rialh, 8111(11 , 1'y., Of Farm, Farm Stock, and Imple• ments, and Household Effects, In the Estate of John Irwin Cowan, AI I1,1 1, ('on. 6, Ilulictl Two,, Late of the Township of East Wawa. Charles Boyer, Joan Fontaine, Alexis Smith, with n nperlative comporting rail in a (lith( and entertaining roiii ly. `The Constant Nymph' Thurs., Fri„ Sat, Two Features John Loder, Eleanor Parker and ' Bruce Lester Present a chilly, !loin)', spine - tingling mystery "The Mysterious 1)oetor" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Betty Grable, George Montgomery and Cesar Romero. Sizzling ieetaele, suites, dancing and romance, io Il,, grcwde.;l 1111101101 tope, "CONEY ISLAND" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Loretta Young, Brian Aherne and Jeff Donnell, If you're looking tar a I;11 or simply LAUREL and HARDY with Vivian sins of w!1r1Ie-l1' dried 1'un, Blaine. Fundom's clown princes in $,,,• a zoot suit riot, ".1I'I"FERBUGS" t "A Night To Remember" COMING: Betty Grable "CONEY ISLAND" COMING: Jean Arthur in: "THE MORE THE MERRIER" AUCTION SALE NOTICE TO CI{EDITORS out eove08(as n(ede," is Lilo atc;wer. self. Ile see,; the time conte to make ,1111d 11111(11 et1111pnlent, Employers One Ilan, for instance, the food pair.greater use of longer lived lreee than wmlld Ila well to ace that they 11(11111• nes)), in the Countyof Huron, Farmer. eme, eels going lee our prisoners of war poplar and Alnnilobo ample, hirire themselves with the urde,r,'- tnill,r; urea of Kinl1urn, oil wedu(s. • * * * which goes into detail, ,clay, September _''.1111 at 12_,30 o'clock, I:'!'ll•;� Id)U,1:00 oil them weekly • each Includes , a pound of butler, pound of dried The modern age of transportation. y 1 horse,— 1 gray horse 1 04'008 old; I'ltEl'IT(OH a n d others having whole mine. (11181'100 pound of cheese. 1.00kiig out of my window in the New PERSONAL 1NTLREST i 1 black driving horse 10 year, old. c•lahn4 1ig.,ias1 111 • above '5101" arc That's only a part of tin overseas 0u. 8111p0(91w Court Building at the l'ea'f :hiss I)1,111h Lockhart left for Ilam- , work ; single or double; I bay glare required to sen,( (lu) -11'1111108 of ‘pllrenle)ls from Canada, s'l'ower f see In one glance a big trans- Mon the past w•eck•(nd, \•here she 7 yea's old, * * * port plane overhead; on 1110 Ottawa is a member of the Ilaiii Won Pub -- Piddle ('I,t'1' 1 re River below a d cow 10 y 8111 old, due In ow ul'flas eel' J, \\', G. nark,nark,(1I. tug pulling n lig boom school FL1fl'. in ,'els; 1 rasa coy ii year.; old. duce `rector in chief of Inform:Illun for the i11 logy, to 1110 pulp hill on the Hall, 1,Miss Isobel McGill has taken up iter In Apr.; 1 roan curt• 7 year(:, due in armed services, the other day 1 wits (211ebee, side; 11 speedboat 111(1 0 row" teaching duties at S,S. No. 7, Mullet, 1 Mar.; 1 biac•1( cow 7 years incl, dee H'1CWl something which your 11oy8 10 1/0111; 011 the bridge c'ross'ing to (lull 1'I'own,thip, In sacs; 11'(d (ow' s )curs old due in the forces at house and overseas win can be seen' at ono and the slime time 1 1\liss Mary Lockhart has commenced Feb.; I gray cow, 4 years old, due in really 011juy—a 001100 of paintings 11( passenger train, a street car. a load her teaching duties at Mains' school oil mar,;1 ;,111(k steer 3(810 114; ,) depleting scenes 18 various earls of of hay, cars and Mins passing to and the Auburn (toad, black letters _' 3.810 old; I llacl( Several of the 10(01 Iiawn howling 510(1. 1 year 0111; 1 black heifer 1 year sports tool( In the Labour Day 'Poona- 0111; ` red steers 1 yea(• old; 1 red weekly readers have already heard or d)ao arlk;ls and then reproduced in A111101ilnCe100Ii1 here of the new Joint meat at Go(leriah, ouch brought home heifer 1 year old; 7 block calves; 1 real of President Roosevelt's visit to !silk screen, framed ;;0 by 40 Inchch, \\'u1' Aid Committee, United Stales- a 5.111, bag of floor' 119 a 8011\1110(1'• 4'oII Angus conning a years. Ottltwa. A few personal (urpressfols with the cost being borne by well. C'a,ilitdit, is Important. its decisions Miss Edell 'l'ay1ur of Kitchener , I will 1 Pigs-- eluates. Ilru.�—I:,m tellers 1;111 acres good faun land for sale. might hemore appreprlat( eves at known Canadian business and Indus. I rdbl(bly 1)8vo notch to do 1n dl• spent. the week -cal al her home here, 1 1 25 reeling (Grad( :1 Stolt. br((dl, Cool building,. water in hotHe anti this dale, After a clo,;e-up view (torr trial 111111,,, 'There 1'c subjects, g the course of action 01 Cline lilyt}t schools reopened on Tae8day. n Grain ---Quantity of wheat and oats, lao•u, nae 11""r1e0 mil" w•c .;t of l'1)11. lug his addre is under Iho Peace Tow'• I anging from a ftshlug scene in the Ilial and Anlorican c0bhlet directin • " ' er I lou willing In "siring along with Maritimes to a winter panorama oil bodies in the disposition among United Roosevelt" as 1 ons with, Churchill, 1 the Prairies, and there will be ,1110 re- Nations of vast quonllties of war Ile Is the typical happy \\'errior; he il prodnctiois of each, 7500 In all. Every simply radiates greatness, leadership, �"man's" mess (not officers') will get lusplres confidence, You can sec his ;11. set or portion to snit space avail - face for hours afterward;. here Is a fable. A swell Idea, and while it will malt In whom un( Teel; on( can trust. create Postflight on the port of the our d151iny. that of ole' children, boys, \rill they ever enjoy the home - You should have seen his face when spun scenes. The artistry In each Is Making that stateulcnt about heing superb. "everlastingly angry" at those who think the Pour Freedoms of the At- lantic Charier are unattainable. And A WEEKLYLDITOR LOOKS AT ,. 4 Ottawa Wrlrren rpeciolly '""" for Iii weekly newrpapin of Conoda • By Jim Greenblat, Il would make (X((5,11 reading for me Canada. 'They( were done In 0i18 1,0I• fro, es well as boys on bicycles, to oilkrge 11 length on the things nntarlly through m committee of Cana- * * * Such eh, s lee the undersigned d ahm% (111111 '11 or before 1111 F••1- 1•atec•ntI 1(11) 1f.S1•ptol,'" r, 191", ;tite1' which data the ' ,tate'; 8,5'10 will b1 cit; ;ribuled, Moine regard only to .taro,.., Ileo ti:t 1'e been rereieed, hated til 131y111, September Ist, int, J. H. R. ELLIOTT, Agent for Executrix, Ila•;), FARM FOR SALE * • * Summer holidays are on the wane load %'wont be long before Ladies Aids, his broad shoulder(; si eared to reach Church Associations, etc., gel down to tip into his tanned, healthy face nncl the serious h114111ess 0f orgo111%Ing ;tut - jutting jaw line when lie mold, "\\'o unm and winter programs, Is your The 0,111 Compulsory Employment are going to get rid of these outlaws ,organization represented on the wo• 'Transfer Order issued by National this time", I11(01)'s regional advisory con01111100 to'Selective Sert'ien ont,braces men Who You felt really to kick off the 0a -title Consumers Branch, Wartime lite- have reached their Ritit birthday, and Mutat sidewalk ;111y selfish political es fled 'trade hoard? 'Ladies' groups have not passed their 4Is1, 1)1x -service individuals or Interests when he de- ) should have 0 definite period for (110•; men Illus(. register but are not compel- olalnd tale g(X1tI ldd 118)'0 were nol.lc1'(slun of wartime clvi111111 regulations led to accept other jobs, After Sept. ('0088a1'y for Grades 9 and 10 of 1 l ' ' urn. Apply to John Harvey, the Continuation School to attend, but Implements—I (leering binder; I (hums 21.111, 1113111. 01.1. higher grades uuty remain away forDeering mower; 1 ('orn King manure hnpplles, running into loamy billions of another Iwo weeks it they so Rehire. spreader; 1 Kcyslone side delivery dollars. If any of the United Nations rake; I dntup rake; 1 cultivator; 1 asks for tanks, plumes, Funs or wheat, —• Deering I;; lioe disc drill; 0 sections the question of where that supply is BELGRAVE harrows; 1 blizzard cutting box; l Io come from 1s, of course, unit im Lister grinder; 1 Coleman crusher portant. ll Is a possibility that the (:otnuillteo might be CXlhiln(ICd and continued into the post -w(' era when hungry nations of Europe wIlI seek sustenance from the two greatest food storehouses of the world 4 Canada and the U.S.A. *** that in, every sense 1111(1 he rather be- lieved "w, 01111 1101 101.0 now 1(11(1 bet- ter day;," Mier seeing Jilin I believe the saying that men make history, not history make's uteri. The Imprint of 11110 your nelson officer, Who repro S en14)10Yel's in the named list of oc- seats you on the advisory committee (upatotrs who retain men in the cate- will have tip•10-th0.111fuut( information gorses without N,S;S.permit are of new regulations. 131ake sure your breaking the law. Among the ex - local corresponding member 1(uuw80ntple(1 occupations in the wholesale HW1 SCH:tOL EDUCATION NHER REQL:IRED to join the VOU don't need a high school 1 education to win your wings now. The R.C.A.F. is prepared to provide you with the education necessary to make you eligible for aircrew. This is your chance to team - up with the !card -hitting comrades of the skies in the big drive (or Victory. Yes! . • . you can be in a fighting man's uniform at once. Make your decision right now! Enlist, for aircrew, today! Planes and Schools are Ready to Train You . Quickly No more delay getting into aircrew. Basic training begins at once. Skilled instructors arc waiting. Fast planes arc ready. If you are phys?tally fit, mentally alert, over 17 and not yet 33, you aft eligible. Join the Fighting Comrades of the Skies Recruiting Centras are located In the principal cities of Canada. Mobile recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly. AC -9W ,3l'. and Mrs, Albert Nelhery and I Massey Harris lay loader; 1 land \IIs;, Norma, of Hamilton, were visit- roller; I wagon; 1 movable hay rack; ors with relatives in the community, 1 gravel box; I stuck rook and wagon :11Fs Elaine Walsh of 'Toronto, (pent box; 1 circular saw, 2 saws; I small I Drive; single ill nec(s?ary. Apply lho weekend with her parents, 'l•, ',01(110n; I set sleighs; 1 tractor 3 • , WANTED Woman to help with house work for 2 or hours a week, Apply to Mrs. Streeter, the Rectory. 01.1, GOOD WORK HORSE FOR SALE and Mrs. 0. Walsh, furrow Thus. A. (ra1.v, 1)111)11(1 1-1, Vieth furrow plough; I farrow plough; 1 0 „11, :I r, \\'illkam :111(11305011 (11 Pembroke, 1 drill; I rip saw and a emery s u visitor with hit nePtlewm, John ,,stones; I iron vice; 2 steel barrels; Anderson, Uelgrave, and Earle Ander- 1 bean boiling outfit; 1 pile lumber; 8011, 5th line Morris, and other re111• 1 scufiler; 1 hay fork, slings, hay 1 years old, good size, well broken, lives, fork rope and car; ,-c pulleys; I Iter and right in every way. Apply lknmld '3110, W. Messer of 14000011, :Miss frew cream separator; I clover and Mcleeuzic, phone 11.12, Blyth, 01.11. \laitha Armstrong of \\'iudsor, 011(1 1111101 Ity seed mill; I harrowing cont; Lawrence Armstrong also o1' \\'Incisor, : 1 wheelbarrow; 1 bag truck; I clip- HEIFER STRAYED spent the Labor Day weekend with ping machine; 1 set discs; I set -'-year-old Hereford Heifer, w•1111 111', and Mrs. 11'1111ard Armstrong, 5th seal(; 2090 lbs.; 1 root pulp((; 1 ,horns, stayed to the furor of Al - Morris. boggy; 1 Putter; 1 sed double horn- feed liachan. Owner may have sauo (toss Anderson, It.C.A,F. spent the 015; I set single harness; 3 horse col. Illy paying expenses of this adv(. weekend \vitt' 11 1:4 (sweets, 311'. 11 11 1 hart; 1 drive belt; 1 colony house Mrs, J, G•, Anderson, Ile has been' Bryn; 1 colony house 0x7; chicken at Hamilton but will report to 'Torr feeders and water fountains; 1 brood. onto 'Manning Pool on Monday.1 r Stove; I cyclone seeder. e :1 r, poll 3108, (:oldie Wheeler who Ilousel1old Effects: 3 -wash stands; / have spent the summer vacation with I hanging lamp, 4 lamps, 1 lantern; (belt respective parents here null In I toilet set; 2 pieces linoleum; 1l1n- Ashflel(1 have, returned to their (tome 0100.111 rug 128131/2; 1 small table; 1 lm London, 11111'fet; 1 1011811 111g machine; I da(011' MISS 14118 McGuire of London, with port in good condlilou; 1 willing (((sl(; her pnrynts, Mr, and \Irs, 11, tier .I oak Michell cabinet; I extension Gulro' table; (1 good kitchen chairs; 2 odd :l•, and Mrs, George Jolun.5lon spelt( chairs; 3 rocking chairs; 1 settee and Sunday 11'1111 relatives at Illnevallh' ehith•s to Match; I tapestry rut; 311ss Velma \\'heeler spent a couple :1 number of tools. Small nrti of (lays In London. eles too numerous to mention, John Armstrong R,C.A.P. ((rand TERMS: CASH. Bend, at hone for the weekend. No reserve as lite Proprietor Is girl- .lanes McCrea of Toronto, with his Ing up farming on account of ill health, parents, :l'. and Mrs. Robert 31cCrea. Plum; 100 acres, Brick house, (lank :firs Janet Murray .of \1'hl ham' learn. Drive. shed, 1'' acres of hush. with Mr. and 3h•s. Howard Wilkinson. ('lay 1011111. Well drained, Farm of• lliaro1(1 Vhiccut, Gordon RosmanClay subject to reserve 1111. and Ronald Coultes have gone 11'cst Terris on sale, 10 percent down, hal- where they w111 assist with harvest 014,0 in 30 days. work, John Ferguson, Proprietor, Miss Agatha Coultes, .I1,N., resident 1larold Jackson, Auctioneer, nurse of Alma College has returned after spending a couple of weeks with -• her parents, Mr, and 'l's. Hobert visited friends In the roulnuuify. Site Coolies, will teach in 1lanulltoi, for the coming Miss Louise Coupes has left for year, Statfod where she will attend the ;Anniversary Services will be held Normal School for the conning year, HORSE FOR SALE As elsewhere In the province the September 1 110 when Rev. \\'m. Russ in 1(1()x United Church on Sunday, schools opened Tuesday Morning and of UIV(h, w•Ill be th0 guest speaker. in this dIstrIt't many new teachers are assuming their Hall, :1 r. and 3118. :Albert Cannes aid Brussels, in S!S, Xo, 3, .Norris; '31r, family spent Sunday With :11•. and McNIcol, of Walton, is S.S, No, G, Mr's. Walter Woods in Turnherry• Ssle&.BooIg' -.ihe l�ore�b ardfnry We inigentsjend 441 (towed to tom any till 111111 SOLD AT THE STANDARD OFFICE winter with her son, George, and \Irs, i' lcrenzie. \Ir, and Mrs, .iames Coupes spent Sunday with 'Mrs. l'harlee Grasby in Myth. hr 11(1411•ave School Fad will 1)0 held on 'Tuesday. September 11111, Concert will follow on Sept, 21th,'P't•i- day. Morris; Mrs, Margaret Grain, Wing- 13Irs, R. E. McKenzie left on Friday Divine Serf ice next Sunday ill ham,'In 5,5. No. 13, East \Vnwanosl; 'for NVIndsor where she will spend the 'Trinity ('101.011 at 2.31( p.m, Miss Twnntbly, of Dungannon, at S.S. - No, s, 1''tst Wawanish; 'Miss Cllire -'— - rmeaow•al, of Blyth, at S.S. No. 11, 14tR'161616161(1)111aKIH1.11411041GKl61b1£IdKIE16Kle1€1£161<'4tGrGu:IH'CICItit41GK1ettgtN6t6Kl61ete 1 agitle!' \Y i S.S. 11 Miss lelgr Ml'C1eII. Dead and Disabled Animals nghan iu� S.S. No, lis Belgrit(e. 'rencltcrs leaving the community v are :1100 Perrot Higgins to Galt; :Its, ' REMOVED PROMPTLY. Myrtle 1'u111 to Ita'rist.on; Miss 'r Louise McKenzie to Hamilton; Diiss Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. Mabel Coultes to llluevalo; Miss Isar• balk Mieliio to the Nicol school in Morris. Miss Edith Beacom of Londe boyo, XII I�I'l+ '"I% AIRMAN'S VIEW OF NAPLES The airvie\V ,hove short's part of Naples, faluotl for its magnificent harbor, now the target of Allis d bombs. Noted structures indicated are (1) The Hoyal Palace, begun in 1000, which contains the important National Library; (2) Park opposite Palace's SOO-foot sea frontage; (3) Plebiscite Square; (4) the recently -restore(! 13th Century Castel Nuovo, long a royal residence; (5) :%nolo San Vin- cenzo. huge breakwater over 5,000 feet lone. where the greatest liners once were moored, Italian submarines can be seen in the photo, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. May the bridal patty stop and linger 111 the V(•stibulc 01 the church, following the ceremony, to receive bust wishes 101(1 con' grid Illations? 14 it correct 10 holtl n sandwich In the fingers while eating it? 3. I4 it necessary that a bereav- ed iamily reply to letters of con- dolence? 4. Is it cnlr4(1 to phrase an iu- EMI Het la11 in the 10110wing 1111111• our: "Airs. I1'ow 11, may 1 pct sent Mr. Martin"? 5. 1s it prom r to I,1:itd out wed• ding invitations told ;1InuaItl- me11ts in the tonne of the In other of the bride if Iht it l.arenls are dead? 6. if !nen are hitting near, should It woman eller her seat 111 an old woman, when on a 51(0 or street e;1)'? Answers 1. No; it is not rood term 10 410 so, 2. Yes, but sumclin,es a lura ]ief:utiful Montmorency Falls are over 100 feet higher than Niagara. Teacher and Pupi I Work Together A .month ago she was his English leacher at an Akron high school. !Now Miriam Diehl and Donald Parker find themselves teamed ipp making airplane wings at Firestone plant, where manpower short age has left summer jobs open to teachers and students..' 01' s knife are needed if 1t 14 a large ehirken sandwich or chub sandwich. ;t. 1'cs; send 0 brief note of thanioi to everyone who has 40.1'011011 or stout flowers. 4, alis is the correct form. 5. 'fell!, 11. if one of the leen does not offer his seat, the W011mn1 should. HONEY Prompt payment for shipments of Tight honey. Send samples and estimate of quantity to MacFEETERS CREAMERY 52 Jarvis St, - Toronto HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather (pods dc4ler. The goods are righht, and 8o ACC our prices, We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto Sold by est Druggists -250, 35c (tube), 50c and $1.00 Ii11011i18iylael:sousrra�i�.l— +%�'•'tirni —+� LADY HUNTER FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) ToitoN'ro cl 1YII,W,1I r1 liJJY.:61I1JLI dJlil'cll(YIY,iu,IYIdL (ldlu., li MIDDLEAGE WOMEN (� °.�(1) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period In a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Made especially /or women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label (Bret- . Mits. Made in Canada. Don't Be Afraid Of That Big Dog He It pic10u5 Of You Until He 11nc1',: Who You Ate 1'05:' ;111 011II 111( hort'111 Lr In: o. ;11,(1 1 1 `1 , t( 1(: he, teal(,! 1)'ll11 ( o11`1111 111111 11':'111 •I'I. F1 \V do; ) 1 1 el 4t 111 i1' 4\;10' 11) 15000 1rolIl i4 1,11) the lu'inn iu• SIim'l 1,1 1,10' 11(1: 1, In 11rut'rl 1110 !11110!01' 41' hi n 14' II , s 111'11111'!!)'. A 1+':11111 11'110'1;. butt lu apnio:0th and 11;011114 (1l Liu- 1 1 1.0 11 I( as. 411 113' the industrial Act ,d+ 1(l Pre- vention .'‘,sol Y 411110 I'in 'vatic, rsa 111( I+;:1+ 11 li3' „ no!, d do:: fan• (der, '1'111. 1111(0 he 0\4)114 r hull!!! be \,1111;,! h• Ili 4,111 Inlsinesses as (Mira s h;!ken i1 r, 111111114 ies and gas eua1P0110:•, lint ale the rules: Always let ;t dug lihn\V you ;lie appI (1141 144111 by rot 1•0iny 11(0 q 11141. C1(44]' ;.1111 1;1(11- ;,14 „ chat ' :•4 ,.. )1 u i lr'.a.,?! 'ii11''t(:..1 .1.".(1114, ,1 t ci m ld.. coo/.. sweet smoke I'rlgr aeeepl them 1: such and t hots no 111;11'111. Sudden 111' uncXpl ('1111 11100(0 1110 li10'ly 111 he n(isande1'st0od 113' 11 dog. Hp(4114 111 slrlln1r 0(110 in a (•nu• fWont, friendly 4(ice, 1101 sharply 00 seuldin1:1y. Altsays allow a 'i(:: 111 appina( 101(1 let his nose ail! him 111 tome. The Army's 1'ersatik• Duck speeded the advance in Sicily by rushing gasoline and oil direct from tankers off shore to our planes at newly captured airfields. Here one of the amphibious trucks refuels a Spitfire with American insignia at a Sicilian air base. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMEN'T'S AU'1'0310I4L1 I S—IJSED OSED CARS 1ViT1.1 GOOD 'rlld':S, See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited, Used Car Lot (It 2040 Yong° Street; Head Office, 532 Mount Pleasant (toad; To- ronto, Telephone IIY. 2181. Il:1Ili' ('IIIl'1:5 BIGHT NIM' 11'1: IIAI'E D.11'- 01(10 ay:lilah)c In most bre. ds. 41100 sonic 2 and 3 tceel1 (11111, 1:+ 10 White and ]frown l,erhurlls and 11.31. x 11'.I,. 111(11 •1 few heavy ,otartc(1 cucic(•rt,ls. Also Tet us loww what 301'11 11, ne(IM.: sur fell! shipment. Ilrny Ills eln•ry, 130 John N., Hamilton. (hit. (1014i(SiIII1J's ('011 SALE AD\'ANClst itl';GIS'l'IIV It 14: 11 1: - attires, three to five months, f, tV older; excellent type, some (04111 shote qualities, 1t. 111 31ac(r( p- ow, Amhersthurg, Ontario. II1'1,IIS LARGE BULBS 1'Olt FALL. I'LAN'I'- ing. 11001111040 Collection '.Tulips 2 doz. $1.1(1. Mixed Daffodil Bulbs 2 doz, $1.111, Delivered. KUlyper's Bulbs, 411(0zlc, 1(.C. We grow the hest only. DYEING A CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to Its for Information. \Ve are glad to answer your questi0110. Depart- ment 11, I'nrkcr's Dye Works Limited, 791 Vonge Street, To- ronto. VARY' FOR SALE $8,500.-100 ACHES, 25 MI0I45 To- ronto, 1.1(14(1 buildings, stork, crap and eitnipnu al. It. It. ICanc, Jtieh- mond 11111. 100 AC1114S ('1,:11' IMAM, ALL der omitiV:ltion, 300111 (rcht11'd. 1(11, 11 house wilt modern ruln'en- IrOets. I;:1111( b7( 1'u, \\5101' 111 11111'11, I\40 silos, drh'r 01104, 1'111'1.011!)'. (the 01111' from Church. Village Schou). 81.‘ en milts front Strat- ford. 1\'otdd sell stool:, feed, itn- pll:nllois ,ills farm. \Yin. 1(001; - las, St. I'auls, Ontario, tan .\('111:5, ('LAY LOAM SOIL, good 1:1'(11 lanldl)gs, 0111 I roofs, good \\ supply, 04(0111 IYush, f'Iose to :own ul' (1511)0::old high - 4003. 1V1(11 ul (01)111111 stuck and lmpl( melds. Soo; 11, 73 Adelaide S1. \V., 'rurento 1'11!1 SA1,11 DUE TO I,ABOIt ('ONDITIONS \1'kl are t'orer_d lu dispose of 1113 or inure of our registered Palomino and Tennessee %Valking horses Including pleasure horses, brood (nares, sinllious, ycarllogs and stickling colts of grand champion 11100(1 111109. S0111l fin• ou' descrip- tive prier list.—Flslil:ll 1'AL0,1f. (N 1 1'•111\15, Souderton, I'0nnsyl• Va00a. 505114 ('VOICE YOUNG REGI: I'E11- ed Toil:shi11 ,sows Just 11r:,1, :11111 some 01!011.0 young Registered boars about ready for so.rvlee, Edgar Ileums, 1(.11. 2, Aurora, Ont. I'.4 NI",li 11111, F.1NI:IN'I; 3111,1. t Kline) l'R0Y14U hest 0, 11 grad( r. Set et niing re- pairs. !:line Manufacturing, 4 2 1Yillnrd Ave., l'oruutu. FOOT 11A4,51 IIAUMEL•'I:A FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 450 kettle. Ottawa agent, !Roman 1I:'ug Stul'e, Ottawa. 111:L1' K':1\'ria) WANTED -- CAI'AHL14 IOA111111:1) fa rnhand for gtn'r11 (arta work, must 110 01, 503' :411d relic' Ie. All year round position. Ho, 11111'0 to !louse. .lppl3 "YeliutV JO f:11'", Thine .211Its, Onlnrlo. HAIRDRESSING SC111101, Lam A 11 N iHAIRI)RESSING 'rI113 Robertson method. information on request regarding classes, Robertson's hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue (load, Toronto, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the 'torment of Dry Eczema, Rashes and Weeping' Skin Troubles, Post's Eczema Salvo %VIII Not Disappoint You. Itching, Scaling, Burning Ec- zema, Acne, Ringworm, Pimples and Athlete's 11'oot will respond readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they (nay se0m, PRICE $•1,00, PER ,TAR Sent post free on receipt of price POST'S REMEDIES 689 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan TORONTO MI:IIICAL NA'I'('itl.'S llELl'-1)1S((N'S 11431- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- itis. '1'housands p raising it. MuIro's !)rug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. I'ostpaid $1.110. 1'A'I'I;N'I'S FE't'IIERSTON1EAUU11 d'•. ('1)31l'ANY I'olcnt Solicitors. Eotnhlished 1890; 14 Kine' \Vest, Toronto. llouklet of Information on re guys). PHOT ()GI(AI'JI1' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Ilellt, Ruin, lir IIaII HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered bj MuII Any 6 or 8 exposure film pertectly developed and printed for only 26c. Supreme quallly and fust service guar:111000, IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE StaLion J. 'rel `1110 ('110'1'0(3 IIAI'll1' "WORK IS UNEXCELLED" SAYS BRITISH AIRMAN "Your work Is unexcelled by any I have . yet tried, and before the war 1 toured guile a lot i11 Great !hit:lin and on the Continent, Your talus, too, is unbeatable." This complimentary letter to Star Snap - allot Service comes from a British Airman training in Canada, Any Sizo Ra1I-5 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 20e Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so 1111011 more when „snaps" are unclosed. You will get snapshots that will please 3'011 better—at lowest cost —it' you nail your film rolls to Star Snapebot Sero Ie for develop- ing :1111! printing, ,111d you trill get the: promptest service obtainable in keeping with quality work. Send pun' next toll to Star Snapshot Seri lee fur Ia trial, :{ MOUN't'1:1) ENLAIt(E341•:N'rS 250 Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed b3' band for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE no,: 1211, Postai Terminal A, 'L'oro840 Print your name and address plainly on all orders, FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints from 011:5 tiegatte. Re- prints 2e each, Montreal Photo, P.U. Hex 160, Station 1'', Montreal, hip IYIs itnprcn.:.i1•n•. :1 lin): should 011 1.1 int d 111111:5 1011 hate loll 10:.1 (01111 41)01511 10 (01;!11!0 11 :I 1111.1:'' A (lop stoupd pc t'J':(n ,., 1111• 10'1.•,:1011 111;11 \ lila \,• ,5 . , ;'"1'• It1113' (0opc1. Tin Can YS u>ree O A 1;11 1'110 is (,((l)' ; 1.11 , hl: II (r 1011113' tnad4 (If 1011,1:11 •, '.411(11 is /'heel 01011 I11a1 100' h,••' ;40('1)1 a thin coating 111 1 i 40 I;,: • ..id(0 to pr(•V('nt 1'001011};. \\ !len :I' 11111 is collected as 0;',1);151' 1.; • caul• ing of 111 can 114 I (gnu', • I ;11 it (le-titnling factgr3', and ti:.• :5001 11(411 goes to a 51) (I wink: for inciting (10\1'0, The ,'ons 0..4. 'IoW• ever, often sent Hirt et to :'1.111('00 which boil the liltot 15 1111;(', in It lenlperaturo rising to 11111'1' „11(10 ilogrees ('4ntlgrad4. Nearly hall' 0t ;;II 11(4' 4.011(1) metal salvaged Ions lions 410.451t. in Cre:ll Britain 1s 1,1 1111' 10'111 01' tin cans, and the 1(114011!0 115 441)4 Is ((11e of the most ralnahi? 101'1118 of molal "scrap" that can '," :,al• 0:4 (d. It 000 nal only pro':''i • :011)' et for 1150 111 a (('al' 1001007 -\hunt 1)1(51) parts have to 54joined, but it can also 1(0001'1, pail of :111 '.111;01 411 solid steel, to he used in the con0t'u41iu11 of of 40i0sIti'' (r it lank. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS S l'IaU"N.A1. SI,Estiolt 'r:\Itl,l_'I'r, (1.4i':'It.lolA (000 effective. $1 41400 (4'''' ,' I,up- at drui:(irls, 01 ;1,.Ipnid 11(11(Y1:11 35,1(;(1163• lir'or., 5 L'motto, lint, 1'11'1':Its, 501105. I'0 Zl: l.\, AN1) other skin 7(11111, 1110 ,u • ...:•111111; 1)1)1) Od by 103' 1,1111111,•1 hr :(1. Ing 4011110 you work. 5;1.•::'1 hot weather trl':tnu 111 -- •x1'0, cost. $ 1.1111 11'101 11111 v101 11'110: Nurse I1. 'ruck tta'ItB I'110pE11'1'l I4S 11 .1\'1'1:11 1,4 11Ui' 11'1, IIAVI4 El' 1'I';ltS '''''.1t'1'IN0 fur 12hi1ken 1'5(1(0, \in::..•( (ln,'- dens and (OW u 11' V111:14 • 'louse. in :111 parts of Province. -i•ud 1WI, particulars in confideac' N' %peri, —400 (01!40 uo eh4rgn uni,sa, w'o hell. Po) t'I'll amd t'IIIIp:1:1,', :1 St, choir least, 'Toronto. 41.411(4L')'S 10 PI':D1(11t1411I) AN410I1.1 11111'I(8 for sale. $3,00 (Nell. l:l:: t Tale, Aylmer, 11,(1. 2, 'lloarlo. '1'A1'14%4)11M $TOAlAC1I ANI) 'I'IIilEAI) \VOI1MS often are the cause of 111-11001th In humins all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out If this 18 your trouble? interesting Par- ticulars—free! Write Ntulveney'a Remedies, Speclallet:', Toronto 3, Ont. It 1I11I31.1'l'tC 1',11 \ o ((0)0 ftLsoId"I'IGN--I':vI:,":' :-:111('- fey( r of Rheumatic 1' loo,., 1)r Neuritis should t 1 v 11:;1.11') Itr1e'413•. Munro'• !nue .4 , 335 11!1011, (111:144 11. 1'001(1,1i11 '%'!RACY:O 6 -POUND SA AlI'LI: 1.\('KAG1; 1'111• ginia, Burley, 14inlml r :111 Prior leaf tobacco, With rcrlp'•1 ((1111 Ii:u•o•ing, $3 postpaid, 1(4111Von Tobacco Exchaogc, Ruth('(•:,, Ont, TEACHERS WANTED QUA 1,T1'IEl) 'L'1•:A1_11LR 1V0:; S.S. No 12 Lancaster, cap:+l,i. of teaching English and ic,'' loch, salary $1,000. ,I. 1'. 11111;••(, Sec.- Treas., Dalhousie 'Mills, t):.;. \V:1N'I'14I) A 11h,1E4.111AL 1')1::::C'IJ- 1:ngllsh male Icaeher fol 1'rales- L'Iut chttrel' sehuot. Apply 11ev, Allan S. Iteld, 3485. 511:'1'4; Ish S1., JI out'0R1. LI1.'.OIIIVIC—TEA1'H1':R \'1'.\`:'11:11 for 5.5. No. 1, Suuth4Vvrt:l and Hartman district of 5:11101'4, :date solar' espectI'd; duties I:, eo11- nlc0ce Sept. forst, App:3 4co 11. Zoceole, Secretary, 110810 01 T1 us- tecs, 1)1110E4010. On 1. III:DD1TT, ON's'. 1'51;1.,12 ~1.11001: I'kgllil'es (00('1,'1' for Jllllol,l' 10(14(1, grades 1 to 5, r'on11mencit:it :ten. Lumber. Salary ..510 0.00 ;11:,1 ',001!0 $(((0,00, IL 44'. I;uudfcllvr', ticc,- ('rcas. (IPA L1F1111) I'I11yrE5TAN'L' 'Pc(eh- 1'r fol S.S. ,NO. 5. Cnlab -;1.•, :ail - :try $1150. Apply t0 Mr.,. Go: don Stoughton, Calalow,;io, 01,,. w':\N'J'110—TEA('tll;lt P':,1' S.S. N41. 2 Aubrey. 04.l1r gua111; (+loos, SalN1'' 1!0)11 for •(!'!Mite•% : ,'4141', IS. 1'. Griffiths. O:;(h'Itt. OI.1. 11.\NOJt01"I' 1;11:\110 11 • :10 FIN - too Hon School requires , ...,IhI- ant teacher, SoI::I3 $11' \1,- 013' stul))g (xperiene,, 1.11,;11ca- IlollS els., 10 Normon 'il. 11010, Seem m'y-'I'r•raeur,r of 1'; • 1t311- ('1 oft School Board. 'i'h.\CliElt, 1'11(('l'115'IAN;', 01119- licc Int., 'Diploma, (trod • • 5- I, for Joliette English 14(1101;:. :,(1.0.3 1100 plus 71•.15 bonus. .\:1;1:3• im- mediately to \1': 1lug4, TrrNs., .10110114', Q114'•1545) I' 1' 111415 511 5.1. No. 15, Ken- .'11113', sa1a1.0 11,100.00. apply 11 •Intd '1'011 atilt, 11. 2, 1t,:11 1.111 •, '101, Tb1ACRl;1t FOR Pi:111,11' <• 11'1(1), No, 4 1!)!1:0)1'. Apply . I 'ring qualifications. Sn181y :11. 0 00, ('(•4(1111 Sand:1s, e• .-'1'1 aN,, (.'h01(ii0(urd, Ont. MS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson OSINIOGIUM: IN THE HIMALAYAS, 15 CoNsiDERE-.0 MOST CLIMBERS To Be BY FAR THE wORLD'S OST BEACIT/A7.14. MOttl/WAVA4 ; (.1;w r' Of g. • 00 V TV! AV. Gs!, 04'17‘ 4,4 CUR. 1941 HY (4EA I: RVICE: T. M. ACC, 11. 9. PAT. OFf. PERSISTENC), A WHITE LEGHORN HEN OWNED BY DR. PETER. 1 %SIMPSON/ 1:100PER, NEBR., , LAID G25 E'S IN' TWO Y.eARS. ." ,C)U WALK/ON ONE FOOT ALL THE TIME; SAYs TEN- VE.Atz LOIS PLAIN, OcONTo FALLS, WISCONSIN. NEXT: The swot! limit a century ago. A FAHM WIFE CHATS TO WOMEN tried to make a widow p1't wPek! How? Ile Irioued And mid whore he fell was nom ::€ 1' than the bull -pen, It, Ina knt; 1/100(1 1(111 COM When think 1,! it—hy might have been trampled to death before I lcnew anylliii.g about It. As it was, to sa vi I.lieself from gutting mixed up with ii.00Veii and horns, ho gave himself sharp twist and tvrench. 1(11;,':-.oulder pretty badly, For two th he was unable to work -- awl the wheat already to draw In! There le I•((Ch a small grain crop tutu year that we were hoping to gol. In 'vi. at we have in pretty fair shape% 1 ,it of course by the limo l'oritier was able to wield a fork the whrat was soaking wot again. However, that's the way things go end we !est have 10 make up our !nluiI 11 alto It on the 011111, haHt eek•end, being a holiday, we hat: visitors from the eit y -- and 1 did enjoy the clean, fresh alr, v,i.e though it was hot. Yon luinnsin always very interested In peop:v's reactions — of city people in the country, and vice versa. I like a chance to soo our- selves m. others see us — that is, 10so101' t.s ordinary politeness will allow 1,4 4.1 le to express their 01)10 - lo 1)1. Ho I was naturally interosted to two .1k -cent but contrary opin- ions rt.gi...-ding our farm and 1101110. llniI t.ry. are. A business man &me (1:110 went out of his way to !It 119 1(11(1(1 1110 a 1111011 1.- 41000 of our place from tho road. 'Thew !s something very nice shout t:,;:t phaco of yours,' he Bak], "1 111' 1111'..'7 has gond lines and Otero is so much green around It 118I, hi :fiS Ile among the trees." 71(c•ti canto my sister from the l'11!- :Aid after a close-up tour DI tuella:Hon these were her re. marks. "Ynu know, Gwen, 1 was just tlilci,1:ng what a nice place this ttotral have been had the house h811 gardens been properly 01range4:. It is stlelt it hit and miss affair tv!th no real shade where you want it!" To tell yeti the truth 1 \' IS rather taken abut( because 1 always thought what- ever el-tt we lacked we did have plenty of 5,hade. However, her re- marks t me thinking, and any criticism :hat does that Is worth- while, That same evening we went for a el.,,rt drive and took Pat'. 1(08)11' autice of farm houses clong 30 way, And do you know most or :110111 10000 "hit mut miss." Suddenly I realised why, and 1 trivil to esplain it to in3. sister. ItIan:, of the farms around here are the (::-iginal family homesteads -where pioneers ma(h) 0 clearing and built their houses or log cab- ins. The old homes have since heml roplitted by 1001.0 modern dtvi 'Huns hut practically on tho same s;lo. Trees that were allow- ed to remain wore naturally old 1.100E. Nature took Its course and tris died one by one. TIIUS 'we find go ps in evergreens; and ilitt shade where obviously a shade Itte would be most wet - :come, And yet on Dia whole, 1 the general elfect of most old num houses is pleasing. Synt- 311.•,..icill e_Tangement is all right. 1l' ('1,11 1)' estates but it doesn't ilsca to the average farm itemw, 1 Imre III miml one place 101. re there Is a low cedar wind- break completely surrounding the Louse. Back of the windbreak there are Manitoba maples spaced - By Gwendoline P. Clarke et regular distancos. 1 don't Ilk• that place at all, It Is too Hut— to() precise to suit the surround- ing country. 'Po aim at too much precision In tho country is to at- tempt to paint tho lily. A tree Is a beautiful thing. It Ahould not be destroyed if it ha 1)- 110118 to be two feet out of lino with another tree, for "only God ean make a tree." And don't de- stroy the little saplings around your farm. Thin them out for pro- per growth—or hotter still trans- plant them, Take a long viow of your homo—try to seo it as others seta It, and then you may think twice about urging John to cut down that wild apple trot) In the back yard. 1. am reminded of an old estate in England that dated back hun- dreds or. years. The property was entailed and it condition Of the heritage tvas that for overy tree that died or was cut down anoth- er should bo planted in its place. That estate was ono of the beauty spots of the countryside, Mrs. W.S.—Thank you so much for your kind lejter. I think my little chat on trees will make you think of your old home. It Is still as beautiful as over—no lack of green in that district, is there? 1 ant glad this column comes to you liko a totter from an old friend. That is what I want it to be to everyone. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON August 29 ISRAEL'S SIN AND RESTOR- ATION—Exodus 32-34. PRINTED TEXT, Exodus 32; 7.10; 34: 4.9, 27, 28, GOLDEN TEXT — Jehovah Is slow to anger, and abundant In loving kindness, forgiving Iniquity and transgression. Numbers 14:18, Memory Verse: 1 was glad when they said unto are, Let its go into the house of Jehovah. Psalm 122: 1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. -1445-1444 B.C. Place.—At the foot of Sinal. God's Intentions 'And Jehovah spoke unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, that thou broughtest up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves: they have turned aside quickly out of tho way which 1 commanded them: they haYo made them a 111(131 (11 van', and have wor• shipped it, and have s8crIficed 1111- 111 11, RIM 1:1 111, .1.11091) 1/111 thy gods, 0 Israel, which brought thee tip out of the land of Egypt." No mat - ler what exeuse tonto might offer for this crime the sinfulness of ;let in clearly revealed in what God •,.tys about it, Dur acts must be judged not by custom, nor by mere exterthd circumstances, nor hy what i.o.„„ti 1111.1.1 say is right and wtone„ het by the law or ciod, ;4 03 111 Ills \\'ord to iva II said Wan NI ,,,4`11 ((it)nenide, and, be - it I St ifukodnennie," TIM ward ‘.; necked' i general. ly Ida :1 011S1 11111 I'd I 1111' 1111.,111:4 '110I'VPI'S(',. (11(1 111011- 111101' 1101114 1 ,1 (18(11 III. horse that stiffens Ilk not 4 agaiitht. the pull el' the rein, and will not he guided hy the etihe Moses Pleads With God 'Now Ilierefore tot toe alone, that my ‘vrat It Illay MIX 1101 against them, and that I may con - slime them: and I tvill make of thee it great nation." What the Lord told \1o1to do Moses did not do; tho Lord told hint to lot Him alono that. Ile might destroy these poople, though he would preserve Moses and make of hint s. great nation. It is 111 an hour like this that Moses' undying love, true compassionate love for Israel, bursts forth in ono of the greatest intercessory episodes to be found anywhere 111 the Word of God, The offer to make of Moans a great nation Wi13 immediately, without hesitation, put aside by the great lawgivor; instead, he pleads that God might refrain from destroy- ing these people in his wrath, God's Glory "Am( he hewed two tables of stone liko unto the first; and Moses rose up early in the morn - and went up unto mount Sin- ai, as Jehovah had commanded him, and took in his hand two 1101109 01' 1110110, A 11(1 J0110V1111 (10. seceded in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of Jehovah. And Jehovah passed by before him, and pro- claimed, Jehovah, jelifivali, a God merciful and gracious, slow to ang- er, and abundant in lovingltind- 111:84 1111(1 1.11 keeping loving - kindness for thousands, forgiving Iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth gen- oration." • In this brief phrase we have the entire historical narrative of the niaulfestation to Moses of God's glory. For details we must refer to the 1011118 of the promise (33: 21-23). NI OSOS was, 110 doubt, hid- den and protected by God'a hand in a 'cleft of the rock' while God's glory passed by. Ile was only al- lowed to look out from his hiding - place after the glory had passed. In the act of pardoning His people and taking them once more into favor, God made known Ills attribute of mercy. Still, to prevent the fatal misapprehension that I{e Is a Being of pure and mere beim. volenee Ito added a reference to His justice. Ife. 'will by no means clear tho guilty' (cf, Nahum 1: 3), and will 'visit iniquity to the third and fourth generation.' And Moses made haste, and bow- ed his head toward the earth, and worshipped. And he said, If now I have found favor in thy sight, 0 Lord, let the Lord, 1 pray thee, go in the midst ot us; for it is a stiff- necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our slit, and take us for thine Inheritance. Once again . Moses pleads for tho presenee and mercy of God, a prayer which God does not at this time directly ans- wer in so many words or promises, but indirectly answers by Ills re - newel of His covenant with Israel. The Final Word "And Jehovah said unto Moses, \With thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have mado a covenant with thee and with Israel. And he was there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; he dld neither eat bread, nor drink water. And ho wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments." Ou this second occasion of going forty days into seclusion with God it Is said that Moses fasted; and it may perhaps be presumed that Ito fasted on tho first occasion. The writer of the ten words is shown to have been the Lord by Exodus 31 verso 1. POP—But They Didn't Land! WOUNDED SCOTS IN MIDDLE EAST BUILD MEMORIAL CHURCH ' * • • • ''. , 1 ,4414400S013..iNg _fol. • • t•APA 1 ,44-4.e4,tww "Mt .4. ' • .•, • a•• ,*•• ,',4; • 4.* Aye__ • • •r'•- - • *wr--.• •••:• • ••• • •. ..... As a permanent, memorial to Scottish soldiers who have fallen in action in the Middle East. wounded Scots in a rest camp near Geneifa are building a reduced -scale reproduction of famed St. Allill'eWP3 Church of Scotland. Every stone is he ing quarried and laid hy volunteer workers. As the church nears completion, the soldiers estimate that the total cost in 01(511 viIl he only about $g(). Only tile and hardware have been purchased. Nearly all the lumber has been salvaged from largo war material crates and packing cases. RADIO REPORTER F! RB_X FROST Conducted by Flight Lieutenant Gladstone 11111, the Royal New Zealand Air Force Band contains sixty of our sister Commonwealth's most talented musicians. Tins One Band has arranged two concerts for Canadian listeners. It seems particularly appropriate t hat the 'loyal New Zealand Air Force Band should give a musical greet- ing to the people of Canada. The concerts will feature 'Maori music, native to Now Zealand, 84 well as band selections familiar to all, In- asmuch as the New Zealand Air Force Band is, at the moment, lo- cated In Great. Britain, the two special programmes have been recorded, The discs were flown over the Atlantic by bomber, and will be presented over the C130 lit twe weekly broadcasts. '1'llo first will bo heard 'Saturday, August 2ist at 7.45 p,111. * .* An interesting illustration of the uso of radio was provided recently on the occasion of the Race Riots ht Harlem, New York. It provided proof of tho efficiency and speed with whieh this modern means of communication could be mobilized to inoet a somewhat distressing emergency. Shortly after the light - leg commenced between Negroes and Whites, special appeals were mado over a number of radio sta- tions by Mayor LaGuardia and Harlem spokesmen. A few hours later special line connections hav- ing been made from ono of the New York Police stations, similar appeals for order Were broadcast, and these were repeated at sev- eral intervals. As a matter of in- terest, the plan put into 0111101 on this occasion gave an opportunity or providing practical experience for a scheme worked out many months ago for using radio to handle any difficult situation which might result trout enemy action over Now York ur along the nearby Atlantic Seaboard. $ As well as providing all the fun of out door life, camping, swim- ming, boating and picnicing, sum- mer time also provides many a headache for Mother. The young. er members of the family have a way of unwittingly bringing the occasional cloud Into the sunny family vacation sky , . , after a day in the woods, they come Immo with a ease of poison ivy, or ir- ritating mosquito bites, t 11 e y tumble down and get a bad cut or maybe develop a light summer cold 1011 1011 should not be ignored. Well Mother, radio is stretching out a helping hand to enable you to easily cope with summertime health problems among the junior members of the family, Just make a 1)01111 (11 tuning in 1)r. Gwen Mu - lock, health authority, every Mon- day at 4.13 p.m. Over Um CRC net- work, Dr. Mulock, in her health talks, entitled The Perils of Jun- ior, will give you helpful and vain - able advice with which to arm yourself against unnecessary wor• ry and health troubles. TODAY OUR FIGHTERS PLE-.W OVER THE CHANNEL AMP OCCUPIED FRANGE 1 Friday, August 1 3th, 911W the 0011 Illg Of Ole big Evening Tele- gram British War Victims Fund Fair at Riverdale Park In Toron• to, and Its proving the happy 1011 to rendezvous for many rural folk who seek the change of city life for a vacation with just a.9 much joy and interest as city folk seek the beauties of the country. Innumerable items of full and lu- terest fill each fair day for its fortnight 41UratiOn, and those of you who have been wanting to see some of your favourite radio per- sonalities in the flesh, will have just that opportunity at Riverdale HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured. Russian com- poser, Nikolay Andreevich 11 Dined, 12 Fastener. 13 Winglike part. 14 Golf device. 15 Paid notices. 16 Pronoun, 17 South Amer- ica (abbr.)., 19 Work diligently. 21 Place. 23 Noun suffix. 25 Tavern. 27 Observe. 29 Three (prefix) 3 1 Symbol of indebtedness (abbr.). 33 Entrance. 34 Exist, 36 Constellation. 38 Prefix. 39 Doctor (abbr.) 40 Decoration. Park, because many radio pro- grammes are going to originate front the Fun Howl . . Just to mention a few well known names, then) will he Woodhouse & Hawk- ins, John Collingwood Reed, Al Savage, Pat Bailey, Wally Arm- our, 1110 gang from Treasure Trail, the Pun Parade with Roy Ward Dickson and many other Cana41 las and American personalities who headline popular audience shows. Thursday, August 1 9111, i Radio Day, and from 1 o'clock until add - night a succession of popular pro. grammes will be broadcast frotii the Fair For Britain grounds. '!'Iia final hour of broadcasting from 11 to midnight will he an out- standing variety show combining the talents of a large group or 0.n1i0 stars. RUSSIAN COMPOSER Answer to Previous Puzzle 22 Route of JGAIT I N StE MAPS PT TR L_ ETA TE TF. M 6AR RN j_ 111_11 A 1.1. OPINES Abr.RIS 96 Dessert. 47 Scottish sheep inclosUre. 48 Board (abbr.). 49 Head Covering 50 Glass container; 51 Dressed animal pelt, 52 Salary. 55 Einploy, 57 Insect. AISAziz A' AD;EjE M 0 E ORS A! C 04, ppio ia s pApN LOAIT C R 0 T R N AY ag passe. s 24 More Fs youthful, 26 Nickel ,74t (symbol), DI1 N T 28 Symbol for ARE NA erbium. 30 Angry. U 32 Unfasten. Ch10 Al; 35 Eternity. GATTI- P A — 37 Feminine CASAM R name. .E 39 Sprinkles. L'42 Hypothetical force. 46 Body of 2 Interweave. partisans.. 3 Stair. 47 Glossy ,flberk 4 Ship bottom. resembling silk 5 Young goats. 6 Assault, 49 Search. 7 A..sert. 50 East Indian'. 8 Genus of island. plants. 51 Musical not% 9 New Zealand 52 Sharp, quick tree. sound. VERTICAL 1 His native land, 41 Soon. 58 Ovum (comb. 10 Vigor. 53 Cured hog 43 Pig pen. form), 12 Father. thigh, 44 Gill (abbr.). 59 Lay open to 18 Also, 54 You and 1. 45 Article of attack. 20 Desired 55 Above. •furniture. 60 Middle ear. longingly. 56 Therefore. By J. MILLAR WATT WELL! WEIAT ARE W WAITING FOR • ! Page 8. 0e 01(1041 114b114ICKKICiQ t4tGICICKKECIClaIOCKICKIEIGKKiGKICEMCIGtC1Et41CICIIGtCtGKTI t• •L •i' , Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) •$2•,)5 Dresses and Blouses adios Crepe Dresses $2.95 to $6.00 , $1,98 to $2.19 $1.00 to ,$3,00 •$1,00 Martha Washington Pr Children's Print Dresses Misses' Print Victory Blouses •i' :r. G;R21312121 �121.�1'c�t'rl.'.'1'.i1�13.1. chi."d1 i•.:•1 "s,ni:li1ii471«:r7i �l'3, Olive McGill THE STANDARD g, \lis; S111111')' \1'ullact' `spent the weclt•enti at of 'Toronto, her home. ` I \1r, and \Ir;. Spence Chapple of A ;T(' '1w;1111' visited with \Irs. )Ietcall (tu Monday. 1 j \Ir. and \Irs. .Ian, lt, (loupes, of • Itclgrn•e vi,ittd on suaday with their Hutu!, \lrs, ('has. (trashy, ;qr.,. l;tytom, who has spent several • weeks with \Ir. and \Irs. \'. \I. !tray, ghas ((turned to her home 111 Pars. A1 \1r. tout \ti's, (leorge trotter of Slur- fd stat arc visiting with their daughter c'r \Irs. Albert Nesbitt, anti \Ir. Ne=hitt. 12 ;411a 12,dl2inalD121'ti'WV.;, ;3iNJ1=;iN \Ir. ami \Irs, It, E, `haw of Allis. '10l1 f4 Of nt the weekend as guests of \I r, and \Irs. V. \I. Bray, art:.rs F S WOOL OPENING to every Child Purchasing A 'SU # ` PPING BAG FREE All School Supplies • Cash TEXT OOKS & School Supplies The Standard Book Store rims SATURDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 11TII IN MEMORIAL HALL. PERSONAL INTEREST PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Accetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents For International- Ilarvesler Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting, and Repairing BENDER TWINE .:•.1 /1, �••1 .1',1,..•.••.. ,.. 1••. ,;. .,+•.•..••••. 4,4 •, .•„•,; • •' :_: See My Large Display :: j!Spnworthy .t• ,1. i •t; ,_. ,, Waltp p a er ` 111=, \laureen llmritl left on ',Ion- •�• da•: to take up her teaching dutic.: In :1. '1.:11110 Township, near \lonliton. t, '1•'Iteantify' your home for tl e Hurt••: Mrs, Lloyd \Vigilante'. is spending a ;S:IInu, Nn other furntstiinp.s to your" 1• tv day; in 'Toronto with her husband j'timte equal the vale, of Wallpapers., tvho is stationed at \limning Uepot. :!'apers marked S inworlliy especially trc'al.r.'d to r'sist fading..: Wednesday, Sent. 8, 1913. - �a_...>.,..- v .. I I II. 1,. 1 11 V -M.11 Insecticides and Sprays 1Vc list, below some oC the Sprays and 1nsccti- eides needled now to combat the insects, flies, Etc. Barley's Shoo -Fly Cattle Spray per gal. ,'1.00 Sapho for Moths , bottle, 35c Fly -O -Gide, for Ilouschold Flies, 8 oz. 20c, 16 oz. 35c Lilrvcx, for Moths . . . . ...... . . . . . . per bottle 85c Paris Creon half Ib. 29c, 1 lb, 50c Arsenate of Lead 1 Ib. 20c, 5 lbs. 90o Wood's Moth Blocks 10c and 25c Ilavok Moth Crystals .. . ............. . . 1 lb. 119c R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER ---PHONE 20. r -MI:, . ., .. II:1,,.1. 1 ll.I.. w 1 . . 1'. J 1 10 ....• \liss Iteltle (';11111:, ell and \Ir. Clare 'anlp'1e11, ul' 'I'orul;to, spent the Neel;• enol with friends in IIIytII, Arthur and Loren 'Tyndall 'I' C11110111, were gee:Is of their cots - \Ir=. It, \\'ighuuan nn 11'cdne:al;l y. 11rs, (1. .1. It;tllin, of North !lay, i, of her mother, \Irs. Itr:tert Saintly ut' Smith's Falls visiting with her cousin, \Irs. Robl. Is', and other relatives. Mr. and \Irs, John Nottingham of barn, spent the wools -iii t will) Mr. 1 \Irs, .Jaunt : Richmond. , Ili : Jessie Richmond i'; spending ft.'. week with her cousins, :111., and Armand \tc•t'ont, of \VinH,nr. '1r. Arthur \Ittrch, and Miss \lar- u;w.ot Mart in. of 'Toronto, visited on 11lond;ty wills Itcv. \1rs, Sin- 1:Ir. \irs, !'red .('!:.apple and Alaslor \\';t:t nes of Kltch0ncr, vt .itttl nv, r the week -end with 11"1' parents, :\11', and \urs. \Vestey 1{1ciwic, \1t', (1,.are Kcchnie, of Kitchener, Ulr� a,ud Mrs. John Goodall, and lir. acconlp.wica by Mr. and Mrs, \Vestey and \Irs. Juan \Vit 0n, of fort Huron. I{tchnit, spent Sunday with relatives are visiling with Reeve anti :\11 •6. \\', in Iincardine, II. \it;1't'Itt. Rev. Austin Budge. of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Earle \Villutvs, and and \lis; Agnes \lasou, Belgrave, little (la.l,hter, of Elmdon, were re- were recent visitors with Mi'. and 111 wing old iftnnaintancos in town over \Irs. Edwards. 1111 \P I'eh ('IIsi. \liss Lorna 'troy ha.; retarned alter \1r, and \Irs. .lames 1),acroff and having spent the slimmer Mill her family, of Toronto, were guests over aunt, Mrs, Abbott, at her cottage on the wee';•enol at the humor of .\Ir, and the Ottawa River, \it's, KKennet11 Taylor, \Irs, 1{enucth Rutledge and Evelyn. returned to 'Toronto last \veldt, after \I r. tlo:'a, �'mi1h, and grand;nn, two we its' vl,<i1 with \lr. Ratledge's Ronald ('\vats visited with the soother and father, at the C.P.R. aler's niece and nephew, Mr. and Jim Crawford. list week, -Air. and \1r-, Jinn Nottingham and \Ir. .\rlhttr Nicholson, of Egmoad- villc, and :qr. and 1\11,6, John \\'atron. 1\'item, visitrd with Ise:ve and \Irs. for - \\'. II, \lorritt on Sunday. \It':. \le.:r;l's;. Horace and Leslie Rutledge of 'Toronto, spent lit" holiday al their family, also !urs. )lacy �me11, 01 Mil \H.'s Margaret Smith, (10111 nem' home herr, w1111 Mr, and \Irs. 1'. 1). 5:11,1.ly with Mrl. I1. Pru-stIs, :;r 01 the cveeh-end with Mr. I Rutledge. and Mr:. \li!lar iti,rnnuulH, unit other friend She is a ((i(het' neat' Lis- \It'. and Mr.:. J. \V. Lane of Toronto, fnwci, als'.l Mr. and \Irs. Roe, of \1'111 l ot', were visitors with \Ir. and alt's, Ital. \Ir. Elliott Richmond, who has been ledge ova the wcclt•end, ht 1 n visitit,g with Mr..0101 Mrs. Jas. Richmond for the past two mounts,; \1 r. and Mrs. L. \iel?Irby, nt' Tor - Mrs. .\. \I, ('nll•lo I ll. ;1,r•0n11111111cd ro111 lo III ford on Sunt111y with 01110, (:pent the, wee'( -olid wild lir I y )Ir. and \Irs. I,, 0, \tiller, ut 'tir. and \Irs. \VIII, \Ionlgon cry, whero and stirs, 1Ie0h, \lcl'.Iroy. They were i;orlerich. wore ti=il.or.: witli Mr, and he will visit befit',_ going on to 4th; tit-tnnlp;wiet haelt to 'Toronto by \Irs \[r;. U. Il, 1'olcbmgh rf Palmerston, honk in Toronto, ;II, \icI':Iroy, t+hu will visit there. nota'. sp nt 1Vightmaa. \Ir. 'I'I ren"r Tlt rn;1) of Toronto has been sl,l n:ling hi, holiday at the hour. 1;1 his tit,;thor, \Ir:, E. 11, 'nu- llity. EI NUTRITION BOOKLET! Nutrition made easy! A "can't -go -wrong" guide to healthful family meals - It's here at last! A really practical guide to meal - planning. All you need to know about nutrition, in an easy -to -follow, interesting, authoritative book. 's is important to you; for recent Government surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fall short of good nutrition, even though seemingly well-fed. 1' ..:haps }'ovr family lacks proper food for vital good health r . , stamina ... high morale. So get in line with the "Nutrition for Victory" ,;,; drive. Send for your cony of "Eat - to -Work -to -Win", NOW. hollow the new EASY flan for serving delicious, well-balanced meals. Sponsored by TILE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. -1 Send for your COPY FREE! today To get your FREE copy of "Eat -lo - Work -to -Win",* lust send your name and address, clearly printed, to "Nutrition for Victory", Box 600, Toronto, Canada. t a *(Thr nutritional ttatrmenAin 'Lal - lo• Ir'ork-to-Ir•im" are acceptable to !Nutrition Ser. fifer, Department of Penimu nod National Health, Ottawa, for Mt Canadian Nutri- tion Programme.) • )1.ty I sugge•t 0 complete change= talon l'y lar the home llo'otgt.), :,:the medium of pleasing \\'alipapir: _• IA. rt' 1 1 11.4v ..4. 4 M .n. I:I�, r,,e,T.CICteel:Ick:te'y'CIZtatetZKINTKICtei;lCiteIftatelGlete4"-sli iClatiVANilust For Library or Living Room tl f 6f Of 4111 T 1I dREIGIITON'S'f• •.51 _' Decorator's Shope( . %Located Opposite Kernick's Grocer •. Ff • PHONE 155, i3LYTH. 1 . : IV i'f to VO n's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEE!) OF BREAD, BUNS. PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES. REMEMBER "THE IIOME B.i1KERY" H. T. VODDEN. PO We offer Furniture that combines comfort, beauty and enduring quality. It is furniture fit for the finest home, filet priced so moderitely that no home need he without it, A call will convince you o f the many excellent values we are offering, +'y x'he1ie Ilornc Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 - P'uncrat Director. ?� iris7.1t- lown1n12121Dtra,21Dta121n12r712t2'1111rOratAiit2r212tta121ati1318;2171DIE1fha19taiPli3DaiDiNE12r East `Vawanosh Council council ole! it ^t;lleulhel' 7111 with on Ih" IIc nlher; pro se111, \Ilunle; ul' i last 11nvtttti; were read loud uppruvell, w,,,, , , ,.,:,,,u ,;.,,,,,.e..,.,..o.L.,.. eremi 11 , .l 011:1 SO n, \\' 111!;11;1111. v 1' t I e u s k l n g the Cussed to ass11n1e 1.0111111i 0l I'ot- Hoilyi• �a�},�j;s s is Celuclery ad;:lcent Iu my„,, j�� 1111: in a dilnpil;tled tun" BAKERY (1 11:3.1. 1 w;t, Pointed but however, AND CONFECTIONERY, that a; this burying ground 11; owned and c mlr .111 tl Ly 1:te Anglican Church Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Bread, Pies, Cakes and Wedding Cakes a Specialty PERSONAL INTEREST Itev, I', I1. Streeter, It, 1), Philp, nn Lot :11, ('on.:1, repaired, The clerk and (iordt.0 hlliotl attended \1;tsoIle was Instt'11el"t1 to v.ritr oho l:nglucer Lodge lo Carlow \\`edno„day night, W110 it is esprcl: H 11111 he un 1-':n ; !another survey in the township short - \H..; 11,.1eu tl:m'disty of Galt spent • IN ' lu invc.;ll";ole Ih15 complaint. the wc.l;•coli with .N1 186 Jo.:,oilhllle \\ .tolleocli. Misses .1os001i10 \V0o1100c1;, 11olen 111'liisty.old Ulive \Ic'(t1II. spent the we( ;i•'nt at the latter'; cottage «t • t lilt tib Plyt'I, Ihl ('emetel'y Act .lot 3 not ci alply with cemeteries 11011 as this one, the Council Jho.. fart has no Jtn'- i:ultcliol In tht: lusher( !Amor; wore also rt'coived front the It.('..\.'. 1 ottdon, regarding tion of recrmillilc, literature by the Collector. and '1', II. \\'llsou as to Ilremhln;r., etr., on Road \lot'hinery an I lied t lit urtit cc I'oliciec , \\', \Ie\'ut0 made application to have a portion of the \Ic\'ittie 1)raiu 1+4 II !4!+C Y11 Mr \Irs. (It irgc ('unlr.f,liti m and stun, <cnneth, of Itelurave, were \Ioiday d;ilor(; \villi \lr. and \lrs. .\rthu Harr, `.Ir. and \Irs. Phillip Roberts of 1)rltytun vai!ed their cuusim,t, .lir. and \Irs, Ja,ul't; lti(Intind, over the week- end, \Ir. and \Irs..Il'•erl Rowell, of I',xe- t' r, and little s in, \Vayne, has Leen vt.:Ilin1 their mother, \Irs. II. ltowel. over the Ilnliday. \Irs. \\';m. Venables and daughters, .lean and Patricia, nl' Rainy River, are vi:iliug with th. farmer's i,rol11er, \Ir. ,b:now..; ,U'ul.;u•nug and \Irs. ,\ruistrnttg. \1r,s. Henry Carey and son, John, \H Audi ey 1'( r,tt•.ou, of Toronto, u•e. I' riled 1 'Toronto 1111 Monday salol' visilh.: tl:t' past Iwo weeks with \Ir, and 211,4. .lames C1%0\1.110'11. Visitors ,yids \II', and \Ir I.; lova its this we: h were, MI'. sill ,Airs, !toy hr,x ata. I' dgar, of Bt": t:hville, anti \Irs, Lhltt :\run ;trunk, of Slecwan, and daughter and two grandchildren. \Irs. \Vm. Venable,. J.au antl fussy, of Rainey River. \\'ord received from Psis I'. \V. Phil- lips this week say; that some great Move Is in the malting untl the boys in England ;;re ready for whatever luny ('once. Phil Is auumg Iho first from Blyth to go f)verseas, and his many experiencc3 are most intertaliug, I. \i'. lttlyhftol(1, barrislt•r, \i ingliau), wrote staling !hit ;seting 011 behalf tf of III; ell,.nt, he had entered action ug;tinsl the )1unic'palily for d,mu;tg, .1 sivtait;ed to 0 cur o, the re., lit of ;Ill accidOltt on the n1)11l nt' Aal;n;;t on the road at the 1,1111 line Itiv, r ltrttlgc, I'hls has ahr:uly roes t'n•acd (,.er 1,1 NI, insurance cualpany for a )•Till '• 1110111, :\, \lollarney will attain hr, 1'uBecl u' of Taxes al a slight increase In salary while the road superintendent wa t ;I1 voted all Increase of tell vents :in Roan' over hit, former 'paym)II. The (oil .)w.1 neuonnl.: were pal,.: (.rant to Itilgrave School Pair, uo h trash ' nt' $'`l.t 1; . S,(troGibstIon, prcmItlytimms 0I11 rand ins:lrtn\\•", and road ul;tchll tr policies, $;' l.u1; S. 11cliorney, roast .:utertnlendtnl, '1,1,115; \Irs. it, Currie, 2111 ytl., gray• el, $lIC!'I,.li; Joe Kerr, ern -hint: and !ruching gravel $1,1.'1_''1.117; Norman P.1- coeli, ckinel $'2.SI:I, Connellhecwillg mgraveet ngala1on Tae; day. October 5111; A, Porterfield, ('lerk. , w IL 14 'o. ,. , , . , C1.1141110 1,1 514111104 .11. 1 , r 1111111 .1 ,.1.1 1 I , 16 r l r 11.1,11 , 11 URON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. MANIC GONG Proprietor i�+,I,Qv'✓sia+,�./r.AkIrsI.11I ,.i1 . r 1c 1.1 ., rl. .I 1 I I.I.1. doIPe 1, , ., 04.1I ,u 41.1 !1.1 It 0! 1/ Gt (1 E STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. STUFFED OLIVES ............ . . . .30c and 115c LEMON PIE I1'1LLER, makes 4 pts, 10c BLUE !RIBBON COFFEE, -quart sealers - 51c JAVEX per bottle 17e P. 1). SAUCE ................... . per bottle 15c Cross and Blackwell Thick Sauce, bottle 25c Tomato Soup, Chicken and Rice, Chicken Noodle SARDINES per tin 10c, 13c, 15c SEALER RUBBERS AND RINGS. G' •tri Castile Soap . . . . . I . . . . . . . 5c, 6 for 25c Pi , AS per tin 10c and 13c FLUFF0 .............1 , ...19c, 25c and 39c LEMON OIL per bottle 15c and 2c 1( an11 t stili iaPt iitBl