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The Blyth Standard, 1943-06-30, Page 1
VOLUME 17 - NO, 47. H STANDAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WED NIt,SDAY, JUNE 30, 19'13. YOUR LOCAI. ('APER Public School Promotions Firemen Called Out, J 1School113oard M fetin�,r \.fll • r;(A Cold Night I Send A Message To Hitler1Board Of '('rade It'ormcd. r.----- I The Illyth Fire Brignlle war; called �' 6" I" ' Ib o l]1' lllylh I (tlltling 111 a heat Of urluu,l' Via I)lI)th Charge School hoard was held on ,lune °( Ih, :10 rl)grr((s fur most of a week, Hr.! The "Shins' (hill the I'•1)al" cunt• at 1 pan., with Trustees, Mills, llc,hl• lweather look n decided change on roy, Creighton and \Viiltmore present, !Tuesday, and by ((vetting a light top- The minutes of the Inst regular coat, with a sweater untlern,r,lth was and special meetings we'(. approved !quite comfortaiilde. The (dd spell as read on motion of 'Trustees Mc.' followed a1 most welcome rain, which 1)iroy and \\'iiltnol'e, was needed, Several citizen', covered PROMOTION RESULTS IN SENIOR Inl)4 action 'Tuesday uturnittg, whet an alarm was turned in from Ilse resl- tlence of Mrs, Edith 'I', hell, By tate. Gine the 1'liremen, and 11 goodly repro - ROOM, BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL The 1piiles luade, on the y(ar'5 w001(, A: 75 and over, 11: till to 74. 0: GO to 115. letter following each mu00 sig - 1111' standing dna each pupil tsettl.i(Ion of citizens, both young and old, hail arrived, the blaze 11nd been extinguished by members of Ili c household, The following 00001111114 were pre - Airs, 1lel1 was busy preparing some rented and, on motion of Trus lees pnriffin ws'x for preserving purpose(., Cre-ighton and McElroy, were ordered and it set fire to the window curtaltls. '01(1, Apart from the burnt curtains, we undersla'n(I that no 0(h((r damage re. sulled, Ivhich was very fortluide. it wart the [irst. time the Brigade had been called mut since September 12th, 19,11, when the granary at the flax mills on 1)htsley Street, wero burned, PROMOTED TO GRADE VIII, Doherty, Lois, 11, Iktheriy, llarjoril, A, Iflullynrn, h itnees, C. L\leNal1, Delores, (1, Nesbitt, Frances, D, I\ethery, .Bade, 11, '\\triter, Ross, (:, !1\'atson. N1%1t' ), 13, Not Promoted: Morris, Robert, PROMOTED TO GRADE VI 14 Bray, Lorna, A. Johnston, 11111)e, r\, Johnston, Donald, II, Phillips, 'Virley, A, Streeter, Jean, 11, 'nitwit, Isabel, A, �1'cillac0, Irma, A. 1\'9111:, lla(I-. A, On 'trial: V1'Jfi- °artw'rlgh1, ,1elJr, PROMOTED TO GRADE VI, u\ugustin', Gerald, A, (:lass, luck, A, 1\I00N;1Il, Donald, A, -- +5101'ach, Derek, A, 1\'arson, Anne Jeanette, 13, Oil trial: Philp, ,Toon, ' 1'ot Promoted: Johnston, Doris. 1. A. Gray, Principal. REPORT OF JUNE TESTS iN ROOM 1, BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL, Mrs. Anna Mustard Dies • In Detroit, The death occurred in Detroit on Thin,;day, June 24th, of Mrs. Anna Mustard, in her 14th year, The late 11rs. Mustard was formerly, Anita Gray, and was horn on the Gray homestead, Erik concession oC Willett, She had ll•cd in the United Slates for over GO years, Surviving are two sons, Lloyd, of Detroit, Mich., and 'Jerry, of Dallas, Texas; also one sister, lits, S. Moth- ers, of Palmerston, and one brother, I I, S, Gray, of Dorton Harbour, \lith, 'I'Iie rennins were brought to the Home of \[I's, \\'JIIIam Gray, 011d lender plants in the golden on 'Pair:;• day night, in anticipation of frost, but according 10 any reports we have reveived, none wit; r•(idenl. Educational Publishing Co,, Ltd, The weather Is w inning up the ly balance on books ,7G nt;aiu, 111(1 by 1110 011)1 0f I.he (seek, w(( S, Kecltnle, repairs to mower, ,75t(ill tuOIab.IY Iii ug'.aln Globo awl !Mail, advertising.,, 3.22 about the heal, Mrs, V, 13alndon, Domestic Sel• euce Instruction ,,,,,,,,,,, 11d,00 On motion of 'Trustees McElroy and \\'llitn11n•0, the correspondence from Miss Milds was tabled for Ilte present, Moved by Trustees \Vliltntore and lc11lroy, and carried, that Mr. Gnt'• tett be authorized to proceed to '1'o. rent() to interview the 1)epartufent of Ldneatlon re engaging an Assistant Continuation School Teacher, maxi - alum salrey $1,1100,00 per annum, On Motion of Trustees Creighton and Whitmore, Carel(akei' was Instruct.• cd to 1.eep Toilet doors at the school ,Iockctl t'xcopt during school hours, V--- contpl:ainb1 ; Auburn Continuation School Closes. All Citizens Interested In The Bet - paten for 111 • 1((1ioll Jn;1• ''IIi 1) ,lily lcrntcnt of the Town Invited to Join„ :list, will be the fist eppurtuuity given IIID 4'l(. '111 population to Iltrl'et' 13' participate in the specific purcll,fe .t Itteelint; ul Ile Itlylh \lurchaltts of a particular war ((0ap)n, (moire)•\,o i-iattoo w'as 11=111 In .1, S. ('hellew's i., b_ ing asked to buy 1,4111 iteptl clear- -11,01. on .\lnduy )(cuing, with la good gr; ((111011 will 1,1' l;thein 11 whit 0!1,• lepresellaion present, of III(( purrh.l :4'r.; b1 tar: ' The ;repose 11' Ile. nicotine ine (('aS 10 Ile} ;u e he.lyed nv,'r-hIr:111 10 i t;,,t ;111 furor ;1 Ih;urd of 'trade, and I1 ittotuu ritrnly :41114111;011w.In that 1171'1'1 (cirri itoanbnnusly Dar• tied. Digo 11 ((barges ('1St $00 each owl I'll' , t't'i1' -r; nf' i h.• 11 o ly-form the Intal 1 for the 1'1,117° w111 he'h;nlizatinns are as lellu(ys: $iteo,3eit, linnet t' i ltuy's ynola will i I lun)r;u}'•I'r4 T. A, be I17.11eplh eli:1•gt',-, or $1l,u;u, duo. 1 ( .' I:1up•(1-(rut Ine.;-ag s address -:t I'ideut: (lordcl Elliott, to (tiller, Admiral Do)nitz 01. (en. ()%t1 v, crec,ry'11'easurl'r: 1icu0etlh 11'1111• Ise'; in ih(( Navy will he )11 x:111' ala range, M n••••••••••. lior• -'- Got• nunrbrr of storm and other suitable Ex. eiltive: I(;Itepayer.; and truste.-.t of S.S. No, ! la a es ditrittg the next five (1(14x. f Durward, and 5, Mullett, had a meeting 111 the school \Vith 1110' pur0hos' (11 four Wm' Say• t'n";iderahi di;cnssiun took place, 1'00111 on ,liond(ty night, Sidney \lc- ting; Stamp:; the t uycr may (11)4();0 Iris a01 there wits a strong fu:Iittg that I:. ::-age which Ile will sig" with his the forming of a !toted of Trade wets u Whirrs.; and 'Milo 011 an of the all a sl1-p tit the right dlr)ctio", s'ti errs. When Ihr :'11 5111114500' i ,111 ctl!zens who arc desirous of a filled, the card on which (ley are llruga 1 <, .1. 11, \\'ttson, Stuart 111.ss Clblchoy was chab'man, itlspector( Kinkead and JlcKutte were present. The purpose of the meeting was In decide the future of the Continuation school. d will go directly to the Nuvy and join the organization, and can do so Harry 4. 5lnrdy made a 111011011 to wit be ;1111)1 led to an actual (1c11111 1I( ratting at the Sr•cr1 iary•'I're;t.surers close the school and the vote was lu cli urge "1111 will go uy((r•bn;u''I (vile" office, and Paying the 101110111 foo, to 1:2 in favor of closing the school. I the deign charge t; used. The ttl s• which was set at .111e, it wa; decided that the trustee:; sage, will Ile rca,l with 'merest by.; 'Phar,• pr), -eat al the meeting were :Nleelitto arliourned on motion of -should arrange tilnsporta(IOIt to '"111' 1(03`• 51011) of wham 11 -ay l,1' yam' ,1. It. \Valsoi, A. L. Ifc•r0ich, 1i. Mc - Trustees \llilili7l ;u and Creighton, Goderich ('ollrgiIfe for Grades 0 an:1 0011 (4011.;. 11 l; expe1lcd (hal ntairy Elroy, I;, •1, Cartwright, 11, P111111ns, Leslie 1Tdlbo'n, S'ecrelnry, 10 A good representation was Pres. 111tet'estitg Ict.ters will b) 00001(, 1 ,1, S. (•hellew•, Olive \\((Dill, R. J. Pow - Kennedy - Rea, On Monday, 'May 3.1x1, 19 L'f, al th'c funeral services were held on Salta'- 11o01e of 1110 groom's mother, in Ali - (lay, Juno Nth. 11ev, A, E, Menzies, botsford, B.C., by the Rev. P. 'renal, pastor of the Londosboro \Jaited Jack Waiter Kennedy, only son of Churuh officiated, at the service, 111. :11 I'S, \Vat, Keuuctly, of Abbotsford, torment was matte in the Union Caul- 13,C., to Florence Ms y Rea, wIdew of elegy, the irate George Rea, of 7:11) \\'est 17111 Avenue, Vancouver, ILC„ and (laughter of Mr. 'rhos, C, Rogerson, of Illyth, Ontario, V BIRTHS PROMOTED TO GRADE V. IIALLAI)A11-In \\'ingliant ]Itlspllal, '-----V Marguerite Hall, pl. on Saturday, June 21111i, to 31 r, and .311ry llorrit1, :1:1, 31rs, 1)11, Ilallah;n, of East 1\'nwa- Ston, filthy, 92, nosh, a girl, -Stillborn, The following contributions havo Douglas Kilpatrick, 1S,been received during the month of Loraine Ihamiltel, 87, June: J)ot Blas Whitmore, S3.1, � Greek Relief: Gerald I,yddlall, 53.2, 1 T_1■. ( �i William Govier ,,,,,,,,,,,,, $1,04) Reel Cross Donations Donald cart w'rIghl, 1d, Evelyn haggis, 79, George 111011111, 75, ,Icon I(L'rttiok, 71, ,1:'I'I;1 Nelhery, 72, Recommended In (irate V. :Rhea \IcN:all, Ill, 1101utr(( 3h->, tri, 110, PROMOTED TO GRADE IV. 111.01.11 \r 41d'Il, 1'7, E':1 'alar Browne, SC), ('•arniati MacDonald, 52, 1''Ivill Sim•:\:'h, 711, 111rvr1.0), \\'tillage, 66, 1(niteth Hamm-, 68. Recommended to (:'rade iV. Lois i\ugostl ,+-, 53, PROMOTED TO GRADE Ilii Rhea 11111), 95, Aamle 31orrill, 92, 'Howard 'Tall, 90. Barbara ICllpatrlcl(, SS, :I''oug'a•1 tic\all, 71;, iI'an.t1(1 Armstrong, 7'5, (Rodney Cook, 75, Belly '('nit, 71. Raymond Ala -Glum will remain I11 Grade 11I I. PROMOTED TO GRADE I1, Jan( ; 5101.0111, 90, Bally 311(01)on'ald, 94. ( )t'tlolt I,yditltt, 79, Earl Bentley, 77, Murray Hamm, not proinoOed, Margaret Grieve, Teacher, V William Tanney Active Toronto A.R.P. 'Mrs. IJenJ. Taylor furnlslted us with members of the Loyal Orange Asso- tire followIvig '1lppl11g front Tato ToI% elation will attend the service in a onto (Daily) Star, which) has reference body, ,Scxtts in the inkklie row will toiler son, William TnlIey, who 14 tin be reserved for the Order. air-raid Warden la Toronto: 7 p.m.: "God's• Call to Joshua.' 1A.11,1', officials were placed on guard when two 4,1'00 volt cables on: C()wan avenue, fell to the wet eldewa'it. Deputy DfslrIct War- den, William Goddard stood near the wiOcs while \Verden W. Tun - hey notified the hydro and called up sc(oal A.11.1', workers to pat- rol the area. .. • TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev, P, H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector. July 1, 1943. 2114 Sunday after Trinity,, Sunday School: 10,30 a,t1t, 'Holy Communion and Sermon, 7,30' 11.m, Notecllalge in hour, .During July tors for the Greek Kellet h'uud. the service each Sunday will be at R. 1'1111', Treasurer. Rev, P. 1I, aid 31rs. Streeter 1.00 An'on'ymous , „1, , ,,, , , , , , , , , 20.00 Chinese Relief: Bloom 1, Public School 1,13 Prisoner's of War: U.S.-S, No. 13 ' 10,00 General Fund: 11.15,5, No. 1:1 1,.0.1,, 963, Proceeds front Play „ We are sending $(2.00 to llcadquar- eat. Record Production. t•cnt these buys when they see 1101114'5 011- Shari Durward, 11, D, Philp, Ind towns that they 1111'(('• i(lonion Elliott, and K. \\'illitnar0, II Is tomeeeSSa'y In point out That the l' -(tush menace is baking ;I Ker- (val. "ulteriills Dr, Kett. Jackson, \'.S„ ((nates rot, 'and fl is our first Joh to bring; (his ward this week with an itottt on pro \under 0)1111)41. Tin, 67 depths charge; ductIon which Is well worth reeur111111;, lassigned to Huron County are your Ile has In his 110614eSSlon a Cow'.chullctt; 1' and it intra be met. ('iliz• Mitch Is raising him twin calves. The ens 000 asked to support those finer• set of twirls Is no new wa1'Iime hobby 'chants (1110 will handle tills salt', nod for this; industrious ;Hint:'!, 0.; during to 111140 an interest in the completion the past eight y((a•s 0"u Inns raised II of 11`4 many depth ch:ucgs as '().;slide. calves. The twelfth on.. (lieal. The present twins, according to I)r, 'I'11e Stamps, of course, become the property of the purcha:-1'r 111111 shoal:1 Jackson, are as Targe as any s{agle Abe accumulated against the purchase calf their age. it Is tin:wec;s:try to say of 11'ar S.1vings C'etilflc.ates w•h1u11 that he Is limiting for 1"o1 ' cows witJh 'Income rl,payuble with litter((; -1 at the end of seven nn,l a half years, The (hide), Is between lending yon• money, or addhlg 10 the unnecessary 1):set of nth• own then and materials. '(''herr should be no ((110100. and let the enthusiasm of (hose who realize this Ito a •;9110 to (int rest. this same industrious spirit. Engagement Announced. 'I'Ite engagement is annanneed of Edna ll, 51e1Cinnon, I'nw;ls:nr, Ont., younger dnngthter of the late 31r. and Mrs, John Mrl(innun, Orlllfa, one, In Joules R. Cull. H'nw;)ssal, (Int., sol of the Tale lir. and Jars. ,1, (.lull, of G0de1'ich, ChM., the marriage to lake 15,00 place in SI. Andrew I'i esbyt 'Tian Church, Orlllla, the middle of .1(1y. 8.00 - 7,30 1)1n, Intercession Service I ridgy in the Church at 4,15 p.m, V - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA, School Report Of S.S. No. 10 East Wawanosh I'roitloled to (:rade 8: Ai11dI4a1 Char- ters, with first class honours; Bobby Auburn, Smith's Hill, Blyth Charges. Leggett, Services Next Lord's Day. '1'o Grade 7: Shirley 11ns1ford, 1st Illyth Sunday School, 10 a,nn, class (honons. NN',..s.rsiiip 14 a.m. 'l'o Grade, 4: Kellllletdt Johnston, �rtul tS1md'llt's 11111 Sunday School, 2 p.m, class' 1101101ms. \\'ottshiit, 3 part, To Grade. 3: Robert Marshall, 1st,eary, on )1o11alny, July Glh, t Atter studying the situation in all I I \liss 11, ((irk, lir.;, J, Ragland. Total Auburn Suitday School, 10 a,tn, class honours, ,('ongt'i111,111ot' to lire;. UcrtMce, its asp((cls, the Ih'obtrn has now de t1d0(1 10 allow til Ile. (1-1 uuuk;'d $2'0II' Worship, 7,30 p.m, Grade 2: lacuna Gale. (lions -her, who celebrates her 1,i01hday. `; I t�nidt inn❑tions: .I quilts front llev. W, 0, Rhoad, Th,1),, of Ash.- Grade LA: Robert Charter. on Tite,4(lay, ,ruly 0(h. gaso11110 (I.e. gisoliie marked p0rplo in accordance with the ()rites of the \tarns' Quilling Giotto on St.h and 9411 field, guest spealect', (Beginner's: I9e'lly liiggeret'aff; B111y Congratulations to Carl Fal:milt'(•' of Ilnllclt sent, in by Dr, A. O. Thomson l Minister, 11Iggeasta[1, ((hu celdi inter lis 7th birthd;iy. 00 Oil Controller of Canada) free from \\'edn'zsday, Jane :;(Illi. IIhe 0111:0'10 Gasoline Tax to tanners. Congratulations to Linda Kathleen Iicen.sect commercial fishermen, lic- ensed guides or other Kona fide tour - Sims, birthday on friday, ,hilly 211(1, 1st outfitters, commencing July 1st, C''otgratulations ' to ('p1. Edward 1114::, Charles Brig, Johnston, overseas, whose birthday 'I'h0 new sysl)nt wit{ elin1111114' tis1' (('04 oil Sunday, June 2-71 h. ecce;-sily of sitlmtlll111g clonus for Ire- lies, Jennie Lyon t'clal'neal 1101110 0n Congratulations to kyle 'Taman who fund o4' the lax, as Ile OW"( l'10 G;tso- Saturday last after spending the post celebrates his 1st birthday on hrida,v, line Tux will now be exempted at the two months in Windsor and 1.eamiug• time of purchase, 011 Prescntat1o11 by ton, where she has been undergoing 'tic purchaser of his purt•hatse permit treatment for ler health. \\'e are glad and exemption sfadem:els will he to report her coudilion is notch int- Grade 3: Mac Taylor, "vmn,a together in book form nail proved. .91; Donna Richmond, 90; Donald. 97 ON SATURDAY lunailnd directly to the purchaser from \lire Iliva Ki011 spent Mouday at Brown, 78, hearty congratulations are ext('udcd the Department, on 191t0(al of his Exeter at the home of 1)r, and \Its. Promoted to- Grade 2: Iota Griffiths, to llt•s, Ilang1tton, mother of Mrs. ;1111)14.11i ion. Attierson. Helen Young, Douglas Brow", Palk Rogt•rsol. of Illyth. who cele- Thr, purchaser FlouIc1 sevure itis 311)411- 11obby Lyon of Leantingion, Mrs. D. hall, Teacher. Legates her 97th birthday on �.lurday, ":\ppllcaliott for Purchase I'eru111" is spending' a coupl0 o[ weeks with July' 3rd, from his retail dealer in marked his glesnilmuller, \Its, Jennie, Lyon. g:suline. any Division Office of the A number from here atteii ed the 51STER DIES I'cparlment of Highways 1'r the (1aso• i31cntorfal Service held at Balla cetne- The Trinity Church Ladies Guild lin: Tax Branch of the Department of tory', last Sunday. was, held on Thursday, June `24tit, nt ADlcli sympathy' is oxtendcd to 31r. highways at Toronto. 311•x. J. Taulhlyn has returned hav- the hone' of Mrs. llarry Browne, with j, C. Stoltz, of AuLuru, in thr less of - It i�; auticip.lted that if the ca -ort- ing spent Iwo weeks at the house of a good attendance, A1rs. Streeter had his sister. the late 'Airs. Alfred 11er--t'IX'tion of sellers and pur(ba.;ets is her ser, l'rauk T(ttubl,,t, 4'f tho 13th charge of Ute De(btlonal Period. rill, who dled al. her home in Ilatnil- ,I•eceived that This new procedure will conce5slon, hollowing the dtusinese, refros'h. ton. Al r. Stoltz received word of the' be of considerable benefit to the 101 (laying bac commenced in the com- ments were served. . death on Satul'tlay. 'Sons involved, 11100'ly and is quite a heavy crop, CONGRATULATIONS 'Congratulations to Mrs. 11. n.iatufn Taylor ((ho celebrate; 111'0 birthday on Farmers, Commercial Fishermen, 'Thursday, July 1st. Guides, Tourist Outfitters, Benefit ` The problems gelatin to the salt of 1 Pair 9:mtics, 141 pal• bootees, 1 Congratulations to Donald MONall I • g �gnilts, I hien'((, who celebrates his lids birthday on marked gasoline Incl refund of llie (`0'larto Gasoline. Tox thereon, have dross, Saturday, July :led. I ,. , 25 1'ic„1 I. w 're sold on Ib. bag of Congratulations to Ale John Doerr.,brcu under investigation by the U(( .tion, doltllyd by lies. `. Lyou, Ile. Jr., who celebrates 'his birthday oat Partuenl of \lig iwa;ys of the Proven( Tuesday. of Ontario for some time. Numerous 11(014} 1101101 going to Nil's, 3. Crawford. Tuesday, July 61)1. Proceeds $1.40. Lunch collection $1.10. C-ongratlllttoni; to ('�p1. and Mrs. requeets have been received 101' sum,' , G•. R. Harris, of L1-roekvlHlr, who code. •Oban;;(( in Ihu 11 -sent 5351cu1 of rte ('h' following donated hostess mon - G. funding the Ontario Casnliue lax. :Mc each: .\Ill;. Elizabeth Lyon, brute (heir second wed,llug miniver. \les \1'nt. 1 -yon, lies, Ilarry Lyon v . ES IN CLINTON \rte Relieving At Bank. 31r. S. It, ('larks of Toronto is re- lieving at the lural (Branch of the (Dame of ('omntcrce, (\bite \It'. 1100)- 111.103110; 100)'111.10311 ; Ills holidays, Lolldesboro Red Cross News The regular nleellug of title Lon- destoro Red Cross Whir -held in tho ('omiminity Hall on Jnue 21th, with the I'l' sldent. Nies. 11. 1lrunsdon, pre- siding, with an ettendanc•e of 17. \It:,. 1'. \\'ah,ol moved a vote of th81114-4 to )i r. and 31rs, ,l, McCool for their help in packing the Overseas (loxes, also for Iho use of their store and equipment. The 'treasurer report- ed a balance of $t111I.S3, 11 wits (kettle(' to send 0 donation of *leo, In the l'hi"c'+e Relied', It was also 41,4'141e1 to send our boys Over- sea.( boxes every three months. 31r. Frank Howil((n, of ('Rulon, died \\'ork committee for Att' st.: girt-*. on \\'ellnesd;ty morning. Ile formerly 1(. 1'Hngblut, Mrs, '('owns td, Mrs. II( ed In Illyth, "tatty year;: ago, \\'atson, Urs. Hall. Coloured Gasoline Freed Of Tax The following s111Ppintg r,'r)ipts havo brat recei(ctl: 91 toilet articles 011(1 •I sewing arlleles for woti : i int uniform, ladies seaters, 1 pal' gloves. 4 rbildrru's sweal'to, I baby's slip, 4 guilts. 4 bonnet:;, 1 shirts, 1-1 sweaters, 1 sheets, 1 house • A BLYTH UINITEID CHURCH 1.4151 Sunday a good program was given in the Sunday school, tinder the direction of the 31loslona'y Commit- tee. !lir, A. E. Conic presided. Shit'. ley Falconer contributed a retuning. A story, "Joe Won ]lis Game," was given by Mrs, Ph11b, Next Sunday morning nt 11.1 5, the The Perfect Platform. lit our estimation, the perfect plat- form for any aspir:nnls anlxions to re- present the people in Parliament, would be the abolishment of all in- home tax papers, We can imagine Mr. Goddard and ML'. Tunuey aro that the would get a warm vote trout brothers iu ]mv, _-_-l_i the people, Clare McGowan, Teacher, Examination Results Of S.S. No. 12, Morris & Hullett (Promoted to Grade 7: hath 73.9. Promoted to 70.8, 'Promoted to Grade 4: 7.9,1, I'ronoted to Grade 6: ('oder. Mcoling;' closed Save the ling." Airs. Geo'go by singing "God LONDESBORO Jack 13t'own, Boyd Taylor, July Lad, Ladies' Guild Meeting VOICE OF THE PRESS DRIED APPLES Owing to .s't r conditions It is an- p.ounce 1 that dried apples may ho111e into popularity again. 1\'1111e is his may nut usher in rho Old -baro Oaring' hive, it will recall to old- timers the delirious aroma eman- ating from quartered apples strung In many a kitchen for drying par. poses. Dried apples have a spacial flavor of their- own, and require ilo 1 tntaifors, either metal or --Iteefrew Mercury. WE PAY OFF R1a:lzation must. be dawning :Dyes on the Axis that we pay our debts with interest. For Dunkirk, we paid off at Itizerte, \Vu took our Coventry, and came right back at 1'010g11o, Nov, for Malta, there le Pantelloria, - Windsor Star. --0- FAST TRIP BACK "It took millions of years for monkeys to become men,," says a sciontist. Sovorttl teen we know can do tho return trip to a split second. -Peterborough I'.'xaininor, -0- THE ANSWER Anybody wondering what bo. came of the canned salmon we used to enjoy? Well, last year wo shipped to the United Kinyloul 73,S51.40 pounds of It. •-•Otta\va Journal WORKS BOTH WAYS No fewer than 101 (':ul:uliau girls have married British airmen at one Alberta centre, Good going! Those British girls can't grab off our fellows overseas and get away without retaliation. -Ottawa Citizen, WHAT'S UP? WEEDS! if anyone should give tri tite friendly old salutation, "What's t110--- -we think we'd say, "Weeds, nerals'" --(it ta's,t ('it sees. SAFETY HINT 'mi'l'e mora likely to get there safe and sound if you limit your speed rather that speed your lim- it. tchener Resord. THE ROOK &REF DRESS REHEARSAL (The Story of Dieppe) By Quentin Reynolds \t';!. a Quentin Reynolds was in• v'Iter! to breakfast at 111 o'efurk Otte file I:ut;lish morning by 1lajor Jock Lawrence, aide to the ('0111- ltI1t l ,,'•in•('hief of Combined Op- era'fo:s, Lord Loris JTounilatten, hit refused bluntly. But when :tit. jor Lawrance quietly ordered >Ir. Reyn,o!ils to report for breahiast witl: his war-correspnudenl's ant• form park' d in a bite;, Ito reacted ilh0 a racehorse at the barrier. The casual but persistent invit:tlinu to breal,fa.t turned out 10 be the pre- lude t., the hI eat scour) in (?'len. tin R.:y.11041s' antazine caret's. \-"t until he was on altiptesird, beim: inh'odnc,vti to the Canadian Central Itnhnrts, did Reynolds know that he was to he an eye. w'1!II• r.i to tilt, Maruti' raft1 on Dieppe. \Viti his great ability to trausferm a mathematically cal. cullte'l military operation into a vivid '.human Shama, the battle fur Dieppe. as recoiled in these pa{' -es. beeoeso •t stn nl:fui'_ett:th'' at'ifnn picture. 11 r. Reynold. plot, ; i❑ this, buolc that the: Dieppe raid wax, In every saws,, a dress rehearsal tor the grant; invasion of ever:: Nazi st iate:sold. It autirip:,t(• 1 the Notelt African campaign au:! ate tahffsitell the patt••tn for the ul- timate inrs-den ur the u;writ con' hien t. (arcs; Rehearsal .. , by Quentin Reynolds . . . The MacMillan Co. of Canada ... Price $2.75, A Field Marshal Without A Baton 1. i al Govt, trots !1 icl: in Taira, is a I':el(1 `,1:'shal without a [,atoll, ,l,',pi`.e the fact that entre his p1't11001!u11 he has ht en received [iy the liin, ile ha; dispense:I tvith the latton in „rder to say:. I:a11ar tical material:. The baton of a British field bI^rsLa( is a choirs: work of :arts one of the finest expressions of th,''uI,1.11:ith's ':rnft. In OW •`•.• tiny:• «nils (tit be tifc"ru,ai'ded. and ::o it tea.= (feci'le(I to llol,i o':' r abet (tot'1a! f':I .hi-!nin.' of the tette'. :trail afire' 11,e war. 'lore_ must ' 1' the expert 'sol(! anti:I", ;arc' 1'resessad in the: fm•••e ''1' in ,':nr fa"tr,ri(-: 0101 , befit!! reeita.... .:e pet -swill Ot:11 prep: l' y of the owner, and is :. Hit„r'. to:e �y-m1nlically decor- ated in ;{old, and surtn'Iitnted with an effi' y of St. George ahlmt t•., slay the dragon. Batas, of ileesal Pield Marshals down the ae n have been carefully pre- serve,l, and in the ermary of \%'tiliser Castle. the visitor can still sere the batons carried by the Dukes of York and Cambridge, when they were commanders -in - chief In the 19th century, I-IIRAM' WALKER 600DERIIAM & WORTS LIMITED THE WAR • WEEK - Commentary on Current Events After Two Years of War With Soviet' Huns Can't Start Summer Offensive 'Phis is the second anniversary of one of the greatest and most fatoful miscalculations In the his• torr of warfare, says the New York Noraid 1'ribuue. '1'io year ago Hitler and his generals launched their "cataract of horrors," as Churchill called It, upon Soviet Russia, Now, two years later, though they have looted and slaughtered their tray across an Immense territory stud piled an in- calculable toll of cruelty and 11115• ery upon that of which they were already guilty, they find theut- selves defeated and stalled by 0110 of that greatest, most. heroic de• feasos ever Made by •t determined people. Given Six Weeks in Hulse two years they have lost the tear. \\'ilia the tne_ulutn- tutia of their previous successes, they planned in 111•' Sault' stroke to crush the Ked .\rmy and to di• vide and paralyse iII, tl'nu'r.:r'fes while they were diitI i so; then, vvitlt their battik 1'r.•'11 and vvitlh unlimited essence, = at their dis• tussal they \yea 1'1 1is:1!, destroy their last 0ttitnl:eitts ,t :d achieve their mastery of tl'o v':nrl'L ('oa- 0t•ivalily they might hay" done: sit. Even suppn:_ittlt ' e::!,' rt opfnti a in the de:nocr.'f'• i,,nll}' t!, :',,i', • ed :ts Hitler ilia. st save lees..., six wteelts at the tau,, to !:o1.1 out. \'any. I!linicd 11 t':. traditional fear of ('nntluult .:a. could se,' ttefllt"r alto 1'10 t.; 111 (Ile peril if 11itl01' ;err. ,';'. 1 1011' Ill(' :;r0a1- 110ss of 1 11 up!1)1',11:.'ti hill':I I'1- hu'I,. run; g:ttal l;' t^ :!.•.1 Crises of War I' it . Ili iu " .I 1stet Itt't' e 1 .. • it yes. 1111 i it was t,1:. n' I.'.essets. ''1 sci'efc'e I(l 1 t•:1,. of fr, edeul ,r:t::• eti t!!" .,.it.' ,'.on in• .,t• 11(1y. T110 ai ('.(t y,... 10 :It" ht ;nr• (Ian' Oil .!ane '2'2., it v..1s I':e eyeltlil(1 1!10,1 1!,1' I':int-' ?tit - a.; •r 111o,1e Itis, 1. „':!,t ,stair' d • .':I. ;)11011 lo Parli;unt' t• "\\'e 0 (0' R'!l:II •'•t'I I' 1:e10 1.0 ran to 1:t: Sia :Intl the itilss..nt It u: le. 11IIc• 101'':;1 illy;(.=1a!t n( 11:;,-r1 i:; 111 more th:i i ti 11:'e'L0., I0 '!I ;L11e'1:,1- e0 invasins of The HU -Sian d. n. ,:r i COI ;01'0 uta d:ur(1"r (1111 1 11 ,!.':n_or Of the 1?nil0'1 itiatr:., jt'' fh'e ('alt.'' of ttny Iiia-0,1at1 1'" ,fins; for hi hearth end roma i• I'.:' r:l'' of free meta in every 11 •;,: ter rt the ,lube." Ott The. Defensive Two ye:'.-; ;Ise. \trite•..\, 1'. (';uu• urines. Londe, ' tall'(' -.10111:10.111 ni the Oitawo ('i:iz"n, Idler launch• ed the v, itol., 1111. h' of fie (;, "Itrut army mune i.futt utii -s of the eastern front. earei n I1,' v:unl,l tlr- fe:tt the Soviet I sen in three mmltlis and Bit tt ti ro :u; l sem it Britain. 'Today he time eyed launch hit Imre panned :mintier all n. rte in limeda bee lusot.. :Mlles, already f.0 mothewer;rtl than the (:'•ritt.uls, sue \vattitu: to break in al Any po!!it on the (liner Il in' -e 't1 Ili, to toile, of I':1n'nln ; tort ;fit l n;;!IftO Thus, contrary to all t!:enrie,t of the prat ifct s of ::arf•u'•'. (1„rin•I:iy Inn; to pass 1(1 the Ih''it'll'-ire. The wor',i binn'h'r In (0 rul,tn Stalin r;ui, 1'otia.. all that Ilse Nazi comic-ntatur.; cin off'r h:: Iva; Ilf t•xrtise is '''ill!' 1IIIIil 1! `: eClt•'I't ., had no Inu1w!cdee of 1111 enmity's real Battling strent:lh.'' Lose 4 Millions in Russia The t;erltt,ttt bay,- in -I nearly 1,900,11nn rte theft. Is -_e troop; in Itussda. Theis rya'' +' leas' in the east Is not halt what it was. Thole satellite armies aro desert Ing thorn. The thought of another win- ter of Isar in the Russian snows fills them with gloom. At the front Itself desortious aro ntounfing and Nazi military prisons are said to he full of recaptured soldiers awaiting punishment Not a drop of n111cli-needed oil has rewarded the costly cantpaign, whereas the Soviet armies are as strong as ever and the Red air force holds local air supreutacy and bombs German cnnn ienicatinns 111 o r a heavily than before, Think Only of Victory indeed, the Itussians thittic only of victory this year. (ii1'e•lt sixty British, Canadian and .\merican divisions fi_',hline in ive.,tevn Eur opt', they say, and the Red .\rnty twill do all that is rtitilted of it in the east. is not basso::,. Tho FuviLt army atlas• has been re'•nnstftited and re-elufpped. is y: 11 supplied %vita nee: :and lort't! bail,' treats ons, nl:nly of tilrut Ib'iti;L. and abov'n till. t'e-'is it is lion.' tlihle. '1'i:e Iasi air forte h:t.; re:'ilterl thous.des. of may !n'te'tiee; and I!ttl!'!tltl, tomtit itit: ; of Hill rgtlit:ut :!. '11 r :'nvi t t it' !n In.;• try has !:I:':1, !y rt':•u•:,'l'ed from Ih„ s,:Int:.t tine to it, hi2.-.,-.01; re',:;n', I it. rind tit' (''•a1 ttwutt• 1.1!0 visa i!!:? -t -;l the otll:: vvteuc• !,t.;; is t!. lu„ i .,,tor .. , (1.tt lu the f':t1 ,.'t• G -r::0•,. • :iii hull the rf:'l (-' '.!i!: ' v i:r' 1- it; f-. Tr c•front Str'!:•,'II. I'Itu>, !'.,, 505 u' v: '.t t',tat was to yield v i.'tery a.,'.1 1 ::'t4': , loot in Liss ..r ut.Is, i- .tis -tit to he• whish r': • (1 ....• ;I military writer lar t le ea 1i .:air c:00lil'y 11:'; 1':W1', ! A'.1 hill 1,::1 1'11 rny:. ,I, lnili- Itt ' ' i', i.; to i"1;. L: t. . ,'n 1,)H, nu) frost r ;t'.'. a 1!11::1:1 it of cl'.; i- siu:t:;. !:!:':tt n not ..l I;1::: • t , lit si til!il; t';t' I: '! ,\1'11:. ,:tf;l t.1: tc t;1- r•:ttl hr ,;;:.rtt1 to rei'tt,11 1':nrn; , to h. I;1'01 •:s re> i•\ to he 1 •tit ; I i if !:!i•: 1 , bails kid ! : tas :trier Taal', of (.' ,.'t:111;, ., t1 `. .:e. - and in 'is: :I rt:•u':,...:e : :,1, tail the, . NC.: -•.:1 20D Divisions Tu L'ulii the ru.:.•1 (.,1.'.I .\:or ay to (1st 0- . Il ti 1;r 0 i1ivi- Siur.s'. i:t itt ..:; 1, l li Lufl- wi:fie 1:; 't-t-l;;rin:t. 1 f' 11''.-1 :a1,1 Ilial 111' !,In-.•,>liai 110 (nn',..' cu Ilia in couhl':!rL•un \•: iia t11'1t tin':;. .11111 10011 v': h:ts • t: iii.: (1 Hat 1,.11' to Iho r'10:.. - its u. utii:iu:r; tit (3 'r• ltU,: is up;ei ❑:1 our c',tiyut.t• tinny.." utu:'1,:. 1:11' 11 'lilt radio Lean years aft r i::I:'i' had rl:tiit: 1 the lied .\rti1y vas ':ntri:,llei: I.' Th, ni.tjn:'ity intisott 14 of ',war in ('au::tla :are (le: titans, The. Italian: were found sali=!artery. for farm ours: fu (Intal I;riiuin. The (b't utas:; were not .-aa. in f;nellld, i,'.r:utse they arms! I h,tve betel Fre, d to fi;;ht, if tat,' Nazi:; had Made :t lantline in the Ilritf':h 'I'hnit-auris of Gerrtt:t 1 fotk- itt ' s in the fust";l I:iut'iunl would be potential Ifcht'.il ; op• punents, if ihrir ((((0 s:1'' had Siena their prison (soups. :end opened the ,gates, OTTAWA REPORTS That Canadian War•Tinto Co. operation Is Based On Ogdens- burg Agreement of 1940 Recent discussions regarding future relations between Canada and the United States recall the amazing degree of co-operation and accord reached by these two war -tinge allies, 'motivated by good will and considerations of mutual aid and protection. Long the world-wide example of neighborly understanding and amity, the peoples of the United States and t'anada have even teamed up in a Special Service Force, and this group of Cana- dian and American fighters will Torsi the nucleus of a force for unified operation in any defen- sive or offensive operation. y 1. The slain machinery for Cana- dian -American war -time ('o-oper- at'uu is provided in five commit- tees on w'hic'h sit representatives Of both countries. They are: 1 i'':•anent Joint hoard on 11e- 1I:ttcrials Co-ordinating Committee, Joint I?cononlic Com- mittee, Joint IWar Production ('nmmittc: :and Joint Agricultural ('ot'.'ntittee. In addition, Canada i; :I member of the Combined I'rn:luction Board with Great Britain and the United States. It vias on August 7, 1940, at O!::Ai. 'tures New• fork, that Calf- a::t and the l'nited States sitt'ned the 1t 'rcc:,'cnL 011 which 00 -01101' - Si loll js ha.a'!I. T11 IS CO -operation I1as 1.0.111 t.(01 in North :\nu'rican plei,;;t;';nr.s 1110V0; of tvhicb few (0'110d'::ns :tnll .\nu'ricans are fully at :are, and the complete ''tory of which may not ire fully tent! until after the war. part of this vast program of (left ace, Canada has con eruct - (el a ch::jn of air base; between I'':.'o!:ton and Alaska and the The aur bases vat t :' upc ue'j to traffic in Scp10lu- 1 . , i!!.! 1, an,l proved of great 'ace in the construction of Cas: :'(lnlljahway by tite United : iu ern -operation with the l'r.n'rian (Io'ernnlcnt. Th' n (Itc Materials ('o-ordinat- jn 1'unesittee was established, tells torn: -all sub -committees 011 forest prot::cts, copper, zinc and ft rvo ellnv;, the movement of ' 1; " er' s between e ltt'. 111.1 .'nry ..t.!itd, tt cc 1 t t'':o eoentries is promoted, :tvail- a''le Q.uit!tll:'s increased, turd in- i('!""Titin e:.t'lta!iit'('d on t'a'i ma- ic''ial :;me1s?, product. ion and ruin. t'ntntinn itt the United States n!:.1 (':tn:nda..Ioint l' c,lnolnic ('om- mjt:ecs were fnt';netl in June, 11! ! I, 1_, net in an advisory capac- ity to the governments at Ottawa end \';:u'ain':'tnn on foreign ex- ch:tnge control, economic con- trol price policies, t.:u'iffe and (Niles ani tsar planniut". The 1'r me 'liui ter of Canada end the President of the 'United ;'otos, at Hyde Park, New York, en April 211, 1941, agreed "as a ':t't,i'ral principal that in mobil- i./.0t4 the re:'nut'ces of this con- tinent, each country should pro- vide the other with the defence article; w'hic'h it i; be.,t able to pre lute, and, shove all, produce quickly and that programs should be cu-ordiratcd to this end." Itis United States has agreed to buy enough Canadian teal' gonds to enable Canada to pay for e:-settt'al wtt' materials from the ['sited Stales. Canada does not et'' le:t e -lend accommodation utili::ed by other United Natio!t'i, :\ detailed list of ('anarli:ut- "` eit Rate of Wages Paid Farm Laborers By Day and Month In All Provinces Tho Dominion Bureau of Statistic; reports a sharp increase in the roto of wages paid to farm help at May 15, 19.13, as comparted with the same (late of 19.11 and 1942, The increase, the bureau said, occurred in all provinces, and for the country as a whole the average rate of wages paid to far'nt labor• ers where the farmer provided the board was $2.39 per day at May 15, 1943, as compared with $1.91 a year previously. Where the employee provided itis own board, the average rate of wages for clay help was $3,15 per day, compared with $2.57 at May 15, .1942. For men hired by the month, with board provided, the average rate of wages in 1943 was $51.16, against $12.49 in 1942. When no board was provided, rho average monthly rate was $71.78 in 1943, as compared with $58.80 in the previous year. Wagu rates for clay help was "uniformly high," but reached tato highest intuit in Alberta, where the rate with board provided was 1$2.81) per day. Por help paid by the month, with board, the highest rate also was paid in Alberta, where it stood at $61,8.1 per month. Where no board was provided, the daily average rate was highest in British Columbia, the bureau said, Figures inclutled in the report, the bureau said, were provided by farm correspondents in till provinces of Canada. Since collection of this data was begun in 19.10, no comparable figures for previous years erre available. DAY AND MONTHLY RATES The first of the following tables list; wage rates paid farm labor- ers by the dity in all Canadian provinces, with and without board, and the second lists the wages paid per month to farm laborers, with and without hoard, as at May 15, 19.11, 1112 and 19.13. Prince Edward Is, $ Novtt Scotja New Ilrtut wick Quebec .. Ontario .- Manitoba .. Saskatc'hew'an .. Alberta .. British Columbia Canada .. $ With Board Without Board 19.11 19.12 1993 1941 19.12 19.13 1.2.1 $ 1.56 $ 1.83 $ 1.70 $ 2.08 $ 2.36 1.38 1.79 2,23 1,95 2,46 2,91) 1.14 .1,98 2.27 1.91 2,59 2.92 1,31 1.66 2,11 1,84 2.26 2,82 1.75 2.18 2.55 2,35 2.89 3,13' 1.32 1.82 2.28 1.8.1 2.50 3.0.1 1.39 1,86 2.43 1,99 2.49 3.30 1.5.1 2,03 2.89 2,20 2,79 3,67 1.115 2.09 2.72 2,48 2.92 3.81 1,-15 $ 1,91 $ 2,39 $ 2.06 $ 2.57 $ 3.15 1941 Prince Edward Is, $25,19 Nova Scotia 30,57 New Brunswick 33.2(1 .13.48 Quebec .- 28,67 38,2.1 O!Itat'i!' .. 31.81 '1.1.08 Manitoba .. 30.24 42.01 Saskatchewan 31.17 42,83 Alberta 35.-12 40,38 British Columbia21,97 4.1.01) Canada .. 831,90 $12.'l9 With Board Without Board 19.12 19.13 1941 1942 1913 $35,00 $38.'15 $31).64 $19.6.1 $53.86 12.38 10.48 43.90 61.06 64,81 56.62 45,06 57.73 73.92 •17.88 41.80 5.1,44 67,27 50.09 50.03 59,91 71,10 45,58 43.64 57.71 72.38 55,52 45.00 58.51 7(1.11 01,8.1 52,18 117.19 ‘1 7,90 57.20 50,46 68.57 79,98 $51.16 $46.45 $58,80 $71.78 American joint activities to speed the Victory would be lengthy, told, indeed, unending; the net total and scope of the interna- tional co-operative effort is t un - approached in all world history. And it all has been accomplished in an atmosphere of respective independence, with the United States recognizing complete Can. aria's part in and Canada's devo- tion to the British Empire. -i:. G. SMI'T'H. LI'E'S LIKE THAT .i///2/! 5wGA a 4N0 SPICF,rz 2:'7•/,. .: / e %% % //r 1 n //• f- /� ////% By Fred Nel :r fit /if' / c\ • • 1 1•I l 'i/.l 1Il'i II 1;'d: „ 1 (I,!! _ 1' l %f i %' I, I I (tt ,,,',t'. �7 / 11,1.., l:', ,, t1,,1iN"1,- J 1 11J' , ,• 1 • ,,, 11111 13, ,,.. T t4 r'' cw t!' ,� ,,, ,rl.tt, tl,', {(':; 5 . •"`•4,-t ' t' I,r 1 ' (t' , '11111 1, 1' 1�'.V,', i{{ll ,1. r)1- tz-,4.1,• '1i I' 01,11,:,,,''!')r; tIIt1',�:.p.6" 1• j"-�•r . L� h11:1.c ?k.v. vi;,.,11.,,..1.11,,.11111'',1(11,)(1' (,:'t, !.3.1,1''2.1"1, ..'.i.I-_ . fl('d- 41 is. ;t,r;.;lt, -• , ()']arras, '1' ' j' t,o; 1 T,. "Ci., e any report Lar;l to 1-11,:. . . . i 11 be in lite vI'.ollshc:l." •-maT emelt-.....a,a...,,.a ," . ,.r -,.nom . <,,..,,,a. .. ' . , .._,� R.EG16R FELLERS -Allen Oop COCKERS ARE SWELL, DOGS BUT THEIR EARS ARE 30 LONG THEY DRAG 118 THC MUD 1 ORTER Lai: )'OU HOME BUT `SOOI I" ED THE EXERCISE! - �� By GENE BYRNES M + •�,n essaa o ,_r J,..;t J•'i: :%r••.'tril[t nl(n r., 1 7o.clay, as always, the `Saluda' label is your guarantee of a uniform blench of fine quality teas. ,11 TO TiSIIILT By Percival Christopher Wren CHAI''FiI1 1N -- "Yes, Jrve got it. \\'ell, most awfully good of you. 1 don't know how to thank you. Good - Ile. And 1hatilts ttgttin. Good- byc" General Ffoulkcs flame open the door of Hie telephone cabi- net, his eyes nide and 111'111!!, his face flushed. „Sybil!" he culled. Oh, there she was in the hull. Good Cod! In her Whit(' dress elm looked like a marble figure, a corpse. "Sybil, he's alive!" There war; no reply. The General strode forward urisi touched her, "Sybil darling, 114''s alive." "i heard, Daddy. 1 hl•ard," she whispered. And for the first time in the General's memory she suddenly. burnt into a flood of tears, shaken from head to foot by violent :.obs. "'There, there, toy dear. Ile's alive. Ilea been seen. nets nil right. Don't cry." The girl sprang to her feet and fled up the broad staircase. well, wow, sighed the Gen_ krill as he returned to the library. "KitUe cattle, wonmcn.' And now Icy nest. morning Sybil Pfoulkes ao: a different girl. A crushing Neigh , of grief had fallen from hl r ati(Itil11(rs ahs if she had tir"p- 1•ed a load of lead. Grief, mis- t ry, Itching despair had turned 1o1 joy, delirious happiness, Ile was alive. What else nmal- 141111? \\'hut. if he had been 0urt-nutrtialed and cashiered, Ilmsnni�ed from the artily with it: o miny, publicly proclaimed as unfit. ever again to serve the „trite in any (rapacity 1vhtltso- eler. Ito was alive. And then one day that d;n\'u- ed ju:4 like any ordinucy (I;n', there came n {cher enclosing one ',Addressed to Colonel Harrington - Spells 1111) sent 1111 for General .iioulkes Lo read, a letter bear- ing an Indian stamp with the J't..hauwa' postmark, and in it \vas fresh inf0rnullion. ISSUE No. 27-43 C 1 Welcome Relief for _, SHARP, SEARING STOMACH PAINS 1)o you suffer distress after meals— indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, sour stomach, gas, excessive acid? Don't wait for pain to strike again. 'Fake FAL-U-MINE immediately atter eating to help prevent ford fermentation, sweeten the stomach. neutralize the acid and nld'neural digestive processes. Just send your name and address with 25 cents and it full size package will be mailed post-paid. Or take ndvantage of our Fttecinl offer—for n !united Ince only—of five packages for $1.00. 111:111•11 The 16112213171 PA LCA MINE COMPANY nevi. Tih. 101 nroud"ii) 51.. ■ muumuu, on". Attu;lllyllajor Ilazelrigg had semi Itichtu•d Wendover in u Pathan village beyond Lie North- west Frontier, and although he had liven linable to communicate with him had had no Sheilow of doubt shat it ass really be, alive and hell, )iajur Ilazeirigg, himself in dis- gui-e, held had to go oil his way to India, but his immediate job being completed, he had spent his ensuing (cave in trying to get to the bottom of Ilse truth of the matter of \Vcndover's disgrace anti degradation — now that be knew for certain that l'endover was alive, Ile bad found Wend- over living as n Pathan in the retinue of the Khan of Ihairas- tan, whose son, Shcre Khan, had been a trooper in Napier's Horse mad had always followed the for- tunes of Cnptttin Richard \Vcnd- ovcr, to 11•hom he was devoted. • In the rote of lnnyalullah Hus- sein, Afghan horse -dealer, lee had visited the house of She re K which was neap' the K han's fort of Khairabaul, and had on his departure induced Richard 11'end- over, alias Gut Mahommell, the Pathan soldier of fortune, to ride out with hint a short dis- tance 1111(1 put hint 014 his way. \Then they Were alone he had suddenly addressed Wendover by name, told him who he iminmself eas, and forced hint to drop his pretense of being as genuine Pathan who understood 0o Eng- lish, Gradually \1'endover Lad thaw- ed to his friend, had expressed his g'ratitld( to hint for devoting a lvitole leave to !ming into his CaF( with ;1 Vi(11• 111 Proving,his innocence, but had added that in point of fact he really tvnsn't interested nolvadtty-. Ile hadn't the slightest desire to go hack to India, or to have anything 111111e to 1111 with the people 11.10 hntl s41 easily believed in his guilt. The Army had kirk• ed hien out, and out he would stay. Besides, he loved his present way of lift. rind far preferred it to that of "civilization," that &( a European in India. As Ilazelrigg said good -lye to \Vcndovcr he had begged (tint not to disappear front Khtairabaul, hue to wait, just to wail a Little longer, Io which Wen duvet, had nils a sarcastic hiugh replied only "\Vail!" • . , And again the brilliant hues of happiness and )lupe restored, beautified the thoughts and soul and life of Sybil 1''foullces. He was live, he way well, ho ,vas hIIIt Vel 111 h, Ifvhll;' in Kh;lir• alai, and she had t1 link with him in Major flazeh'igg. .\nd now what was the best thing to do? Obviously t h, must go to India and to the town or other inhabitable plaice that was near- est 10 lihttirasinn. "where is I+hoireslau, Daddy ?'' she asked that night when site went for her usual session in time library before going to bed. "Northwest Frunl.ier. I'm not absolutely certain as to whether it Is on the 'Toch! River in \Vizi•- asltum, or the kutranm River farther north, 1 rnlhtr fancy it is that way, betwaen Safe(' Koh and Jalalabad, I'll look it up." "Which would he the nearest town in India? (biettt?" "Oh, dear no! I'm quite sure that Peshawar is tine nearest point in Itritisll !0111)1, J'11 alum you a map 111 the nmol'ning. Itut you 11111 take it for certain that Peshawar it i1," "ilight, Daddy. 'Then it in 1'(•sh- mem. for nu'. \\'horn du w( know there?" "Oh, lots of people. I'm not certain \vim is Commissioner of l'eShatlor, or who 15 Governor of Phe Northwest Frontier Province tet the moment; but Archie \'ere- Vitughan commends the Peshawar Brigade, Ile's un old friend of mine. Coming 11001e next year, as a mallet' -of fact. 1 itade a 11.0,e to ask him to conn and shut•;..,, "V(•t'v.V;uighail. Is there u Airs. or Lady?" "No, Ile's n widower. Got a son and daughter out there. Son in the Flying Corps. 1 think Liv boy went out with the first flight or squadron that went east," i "Ito you know the General \y(•ll enough to tell him I ani coming out 1.0 lndin and 11'11111 10 see Pes1t- 11001' and the I\hyher 1'1414)4 told all that, and could he—you know --smooth toy way, give Inc a help- ing hand and a leg up? I sup- pose he has got the keys of the Khyber in his pocket." "Write like that with a view to his replying that he holies you'll conte find stay with hint and his daughter, eh?" "'That's the mea." Yes, .Archie \'ere.\'nughtut would be delighted, I'm sure. An;l i've not the slightest doubt that, his dtu:ghter would be very glad of a •gb•I visitor. I remeur bet' her its at toddler when 1 11115 11p 111 !lessee one time after yotr and your mother had gone home, I went to see her at scimtlol, 1410, in England, when she was It long- legged flapper, at \'ere-Vaugh- 1111'8 request. Looked alter her a bit, Oh, yes, they'd be delighted to See you. And what d'you think you're going to do when you get there "Don't know, 1)a414ly, But I've got all sorts of plaits and wild ideas, end 1 shan't came hack 8'1)11 indict until I've seen Uickie." .And I hen once again the long weeks of waiting and hoping, i.lmis time for an answ(ning Tetter from Jlaior Ilazelt'ig'i'. The one from Sir .Archibald \'ere-1'aughtttl came quite quickly in little more than six weeks, and contained a warm and kindly in- vitation for Sybil to visit them at Pcshaestr las soon as the Gen- eral returned to his headquarters then,. Enclosed was at equally cordial invitation front his daugh- ter, t'htu•nlial, hoping that Sybil \would ,01114' as soon as they were in Peshawar again, and that she would stay as long as she coup!, (('ontinued Nest week) THAT NEAT, TR!M LOOK Not a sign of fuss or feather, just '1 good down-to-earth style; and the truth is there's nothing really smarter for summer wear. Make it of a frosty white, or a rayon sharkskin; or rayon shan- tung, in a pretty pastel; or in chambray or other washable; and oee what a cool, resilient person you feel when, you wear it—no mutter whet the thermometer may register, Style number :3579 is designed for sizes 12 to 20, 36 to 48. Size 36 requires Mir yards 39 -inch fabric or 311s yards 35-nich fabric, Pattern is hand -cut to United States standard nieasurentents find includes chart with step-by- step instructions. Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) Bor pattern to Louise Lennox, oons 121, 73 Adelaide St, Wrest, Toronto, Write your name, nd- dreRs anti style number. Be sure to slate size you wish. TABLE TALKS Stretching Your Meat Ration Don't worry shout those little contlolle. Stret'Ji your local Into delicious, main -course dishes by combining it will other healthful fonds 111111 nuc Arlt Ell liuulvl. Dern tore some swell suggestions right off our sizzling war.tintu griddle: I(iney Stew with Cereal Dumplings 1 puuull Imo!, veal, Iamb, or port( kidneys 2 tablespoons butter or other fat 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups nater 1/3 cup minced onions 1 teaspoon salt (lash of pepper ?q teaspoon ll'orcestershire 10111C0 I recipe 1'ercal I)wapltngs 11'iislt kidneys thoroughly, Split In 111111es lengthwise, and remove fat mill lubes, Soak In cold salted water I!. to 2 hours; rinse, drain, end dry thoroughly. if kidneys aro old or large, corer \1'llh cold war, et, bring slowly to a boll, and drain. Cut kidneys In ti -inch 1411cea, Saute kidney slices In fat !t min- utes. Add floor' and cook 3 minutes longer, stirring constantly, Adt1 water, onions, turd seasonings and bring In slnnuering point. Add Cer- eal Dumplings. Corot. and shunter 15 minutes, Serve immediately, Serves 5 111 li, Cereal Dumplings >,, crop utilk 1 tablespoon shortening 14• teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 egg, well 110x1011 2I<, cops 401; Bran flakes, finely crushed 1 tablespoon minced onion Sealii milk and add shortening. (14 stove from fire, .141d salt, pop- per, and egg, mixing well. Add bran (lakes and onion, ;(fid nix thoroughly. Shape into 1 -inch bulls. Drop dunmplings into simmering, meat stet', cov(I', 01111 sinlnlcr 15 lniottles. \lakes 15 dumplings. Baked Heart beef hero! fallout 2 pounds) 2 tablespoons butter or other fol 1 cup sliced onions tr, 4.1111 finely cut celery i cull Grape -Nuts u, teaspoon salt 1 /1 11 aspoon, pepper 2 tvhnlc clover: Pew drops 'Tabasco sauce \\'r'sii heart thoroughly. Remove. veins ;led arteries. rut in oleot 6 pit ccs, Simmer in salted water 1 to 116 hours, or until tender. Drain and measure 11.;; cups stock, Rrnmve LII from heart and cul In tort in I.a-iuch slices. ?telt huller in skillet; add on• inns and ,1 )1 .1' and saute until tender, .\dtl el cull (irapc•Nuls. 4'041t16n . with hears stock, and seasonings. Turn into halting dish orad tprinl.le hits remaining ver- tu]. 1If desired, garnish with thin 11011111 rims 11!1ich II1IV0 h1'011 10-1114 11141 1111 11 111elic0 hill ler and paprika. lined) rings au•iin during halting.) Italic lu model.t{t ov(0 13511° l'.) 411 minutes. Serves 4 to ft, Post Toasties Meat Loaf 1 cops corn flakes ay, cup milk 1 egg, unbeaten 1 cup ground rooked teal 1 cup ground cooked pork (fat removed) l I,aapnou salt 1 talmlesponu minced onion 14 teaspoon stage '';i cup diced celery 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1/4 teaspoon pepper 2 ttthiespuotts ketchup !'rush cereal slightly; add milk and egg. Add remaining ingred- ients in order given; unix well. Pack into greased S x 4 x 3 -Inch loaf pan. (fake In moderate 1)1(11 1375' I''.t 1 hour. ;Hakes 12 slices. All -Negro Air Unit In Action 't.'he only American Negro aerial unit ill foreign SI'M•il'e was among' the Allied forces that bombed 1'antelleria. They flew 9-40 \\'arhavks and were under the command of Lieut. -Col. Benjamin 0. Davis, Jr., son of Brig, -Gen. 0. ])avis, a noted cavalry officer, 'I'he all Negro squadron trained at Tusktgcv Institute, Ala., be- fore going overseas. 500,000th Vehicle Off Assembly Line The 500,000th unit of mechan- ized transport produced by the automotive industry of Canada since elle outbreak of war was driven off the assembly line of Ihu General :Motors of Cnttadn plant in Oshawa last tveek by Munitions Minister hole. The unit, at battery -charging truck, evidenced the incredible changes that had been worked in the most highly competitive in, dnstry in the world. 'there \were parts in that truck made by Ford, Chrysler and General Motors, workmen, officials of the in- dustry,- Government representa- tives and 11 manlier of invited guests were present when the truek, one of more than 100 dif- ferent types of motorized military STORY BOOK BIRD HE TALKS, Joan, just like birds in story books. Joan s mother promised her two goldfish if site got to school every day on time. "Bot that's easy 1" says Joan. "Mummy always has my breakfast early because we have Kellogg's Corn Flakes at our house, She gives 'em to me after school, too. I love Kellogg's!" Yes, Kellogg's are ideal for odd -hour snacks ... ready in 30 seconds, leave no pots and pans to wash, easy to digest and economical. Get some tomorrow. Two convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. 01v Pe, JA�� equipment rhmpr off Canadian nisenmbly lines, reached t•he end of the line. The vehicle is a portable bat- tery room with facilities for charging 50 1'2 -volt ,ir 1(10 sir. - volt bnt.terics simultaneously. The ;ruck bears the triple name plate of the uon)anics that helped in its Making. Matched "Units" Vary Wardrobe Jumpers. Blouses, Skirts, Jackets Alt Interchangeable Aiatchcd separate units of the wardrobe are ;in old story, hue one that Is ever neer, thanks In the practically rntl!r•ss Nays in Ivliich they ,til ho achieved. There is 111! jumper•, for instance, ns 0 chance from the jat•liet \kith shyers. The jumper, according 114 reports from all ovl r the country, Is gaining 111 favor, R is 11u1'll over It blouse, much 11s one wears a sleeveless sweater, and is either septn;lte or matched 10 some, oh - 11 part of the t•ostuhle. Then there aro blouses and shirts, never better and bigger than now. Stripes, florets, ehcelcs suit plain with, of c(nrsr, dots of va'dans sizes. There are novelties too numerous to mention. Everyone agrees it is it banner season for cotton separates and most agree that this fad is not con- fined to cottons. Here area few notes made from A 1T USAND AND QNE*, 04 8,w/F o}t9et'ta(1011 of whip women are hearing shout town: Sows, jabots, rucltinge, ruffles and short frills tore conspicuous, 1111ite, preferably sheer white, \tBh frothy bits of lace at the neck- line., ruffles of self fabric, short frills rind jabots, are prominent in keeping with the popularity of n•bil0 flats. ! >. t 11 • TORONTO STAR HOLIDAY GUM. ,THQUSANDE MORE HoLiDAY ADS •1t4 THE DAILY ETAR E.YERY YEAR +• It's Yours for the Asking! Write for a FEE Copy "A Thousand And Ono Vacations" You will find this 'l0 -page Holiday Guide most helpful in planning a delightful vacatic•n. It contains ever a thousand list- ings of hotels, lodges, camps and cabins in Ontario and in the Laurentian districts of Quebec, giving number of rooms and rates by day and week. Mail the coupon tod ter 'cur FREE cope. Clip and Mail This Coupon TO THE TORONTO STAR, 80 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, 2 Please mail me a FREE copy of "A THOUSAND AND ONE VACATIONS" Name Address • . M. THE STANDARD .,. ,! ins FARME Fl HER GUIri' 7� ES T URIS Fi Wednesday, June 30, 1941 Take notice that on and after July 1, 19 you may buy MARK 3 Free from the Ontario Tax at time of Purchase Commencing July 1, 1943, the Ontario Gasoline Tax on MARKED gasoline will be exempted at the time of purchase, to those engaged in Farming, Licensed Commercial Fishermen, Licensed Guides, Licensed or bona fide Tourist Outfitters, upon presentation to the retailer of a Purchase Permit and correctly filled out Exemption Statement. If you are included in one of the above classifications you should make applica- tion immediately for your Purchase Permit, issued free by the Depart- ment of Highways. HOW TO SECURE PURCHASE PERMIT and EXEMPTION STATEMENT HOOK Applications for Purchase Permits may be secured from: Your local Retailer of MARKED Gasoline; Department of Highways, Division Offices; or Gasoline Tax Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto; APPLICATION FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Purchase Permit, with a supply of Exemption Statements, bound in book form, will be forwarded by the Department as soon as application has been approved. TO PURCHASE MARKED GASOLINE UNDER THE NEW SYSTEM, permit holder must show retailer his Purchase Permit, and both permit -holder or his authorized agent and retailer or his agent must sign correctly filled out Exemption Statement before sale is made. NOTICE TO ALL VENDORS OF MARKED GASOLINE: Aii vendors of MARKED gasoline will be required to obtain a special license to allow them to sell MARKED gasoline free from the Ontario Gasolhie Tax. License may be secured from the,Gasoline Tax Branch, Department of Iiighways, Toronto. INSTRUC1IONS TO RETAILERS 1. Retailer or his agent ri! st exarntne Purchase Permit and sign Exemption Statement before sale is made, 2. Original of Exemption Statement must not be detached until It has been signed by both retailer or his agent, and permit - holder or his authorized agent. Statements will be listed on an Application for Credit Form supplied by the Department of highways. This Application for Credit, with Original Exemption Statements attached; will be handed to distributor for credit of the amount of tax allowed to permit holders. 3. Periodically, information contained on these Exemption 4. Secure your Application for Credit Forms from your d istributor. The co-operation of Purchasers and Vendors alike is urged so that the change -over to the New System will be as effective as possible. T. B. McQUESTEN Minister of Highways GASOLINE TAX BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO t. D. E. STRONG Chi©f Inspector of Gasoline Tax iWei1liesilaY, Juile 30, 19'13, rftr THE STANDARD d l . .1,0:4t4...., ,6.: •f••:••:•,o•;, ;:d••;••; •:t ( :\I 1'.;. Seel'h bad 111 ell in 1141!' Usual i+'1'114)()11, (.4lteilN 15 'ere pretient fl•ami wvativocacctGgoortitocittetalcietIR81egooctCtdtdtetR'�tQtQICtC►CICIEt�Il 'lvetvCtateteitCLO VVCCttttylGtGUl�eItttGIVCCtet$t4k."Ititictgtetra LYCEUM`�'IIEA'PRIS J?'11ealt.►r amt the pr(.\'14)118 e ping hell Seaforth, G01101101, Itelgral'e, 1104)(1(5• ROXY THEATRE CAPIT I. TII'Ez1TItE • REGENT THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. ,t, been 4)(11. ;11'0111111 her 111)111(, challin;; 111111), I)ehv)it, 31on1(lou, Ilderlon, and CLINTQN. ODER3CH. SEAFOR7H. Pee d, . t�o Shrn��ti Sit. Night �I! •��wtihu(1,lhlu;,,1110' •u4enm0ed10th,surrounding commutity, .�., ;t --_ .. h(• at ntt;(ck 01 :..1111 a.111. �.ItliIilay The service. which wits h(1(1 in the , Thur(,, Fri., Sat., July 1•..•3 SPECIAL ;:.: I . fere 1)1(01(0! aid (00111 be summon- church, was in charge of the Presby- i 1 James Cagney, Joan Leslie, ;t; A'lI. 1(1!011 congregation, Rev. Dr, A. 0. A Walter Huston, in ,t; she was formerly \label \lur11pl N111, 'rhwurpnon was the speaker and his cc Valll(C'C` i)o(1(l�(! IZandy" .�1 and wos born in i.nmdnll. ()mark), 1IRSSoge was taken from Hebrews, „;The lite -Ivry of George \I. ('0h;tn.=.' morel, 'I fisted iier nlarrlat•e to ''hapt(•i 8: 1G, "The Power of all 1:n11- ' .: Frederick beer(' Inn!( plIc � June 111 h. �. ) 4' h, go4±s 4•Thic Thursday. Friday & Saturday.=. 1;1:1'9. Itel'Ire moving here two ye;u•;; 111)r the milieu]) of the groands, watt re• W the show will start at 7,30 p,nl. 'tt ago iii( (drolly resided in 4;0(11 1'1(11, ('''1v((i by I(aJore1' K, 1)a vson and -.Matlneo Sat, afternoon at 2.30 p. m.: Daring her residence ,;h( acquired ;l 110111• ,I, Phillips. .1 Salo 11'.18 rendered if tj Mon., Tues., Wecl. July 5.6-7 ,�.' 110.;1 of 1'X1 ki who will de(piy mourn ItY Miss J4),;ephinc \Vei1', ",f 3 Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, ;t; ill'. l0:'s of a deal' fried and neigh- ^J! _; Ethel Waters in :.: ,hate', I (.,pi st •sympathy i; fell for V •• V ;J cc�,:un l in ',line I,l{y" :t. her bereft husband and two young; V ).An all N !.1.11 nr. iral from 11w.:, son;: 11'iilhun Lindsay Seers, I yt••.tr: V =t; 111'03 % ,y : 1•aee 1111 el' the :;lure •_• old and John K'yl'e 51 ,•r:;, in years old. 'V ;; name. :t. One brother, John Niel, \\'oodsto -k, V ?' Also Traveltalk and Cartoon. •t• V s x14) 110'41res. 111'.~1 Se(ts was 1('414) 'lifted with the 1 0111 i1 Church awl If look an acti',e interest in Sunday X Sehon1 Svork, as well as lied (.'1'o :s Is tn111 in the r; r, ices1 r:hnw' 1)l' �f le S I if(." Th l 4 ft' rin g wl 1 the year, t Ilranlifnl flowers were plat((' at the graver; 1)l' the departed which ad• Mal greatly to the appcaranco of this well-kepl i onn'tery. The cemetery board is George Itolthby, Charles 1;, Asquith, 11.-.1. Phillips and K. K. Daw- son, The (•aretal(ing is done by Antoci Iran of Mullett township, The Live \Vire Class of Knox United Church Sunday school presented a AUBURN u\Iorning Prayer and S.'rtllon Sunday in tit. \l (rk's (':lurch at. 11,nl, Note change in hour, ilcxt wort(, she wan also a member of themember of the class, Hugh Inose who 10,16 \\'uln'',n'o IrsUUttc, is laving for Itis new 110•1110 at Cor - MRS. F. SEERS IResidenl; of .\4)114)1'4) \sere saddened Saturday lit ie. nit of the sudden death of 311 I' t'e:ltricl( Thomas Seers, rs, The funeral was hell! on AI(nday ;t1) p.m. al the family residence \villi interment in Ball"n c•enl(t,'ry, The annual memorial s(rvic'o was held at li•alt's cenlet •'y on Sunday off- s • ; ritiblg ttelC'C:,'G:'MetCt nte,tettletCt AtCVCtri'Vf.tCtetClC'.4tg1C1 ICKtal'Ett ltPtCirtCetCle'Cl+:pd Elliott histiraiice Agency g y� J. II. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED, CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. BLYTII — ON T, ' t Office Phone .101, Resl\lenco Phone 12 or 1.10, ! "COURTESY AND SERVICE" 1141142Da<,:Z.o124:12,;,..n:),2/L'.'A 124` ID121y111a. 201,WriDiui`oiDIV12im1=DiPiDin212t`td;o1Dt 1)4)1)0, An address was read by Donald \'tingbhlt and a hatrdsonto pencil, suit- ably engraved, was presented by How- ard Atueut, 11'ugili replied, thanking hi.; young; friends for their gift and kind \vords, Lightning damaged the electric wir- ing on the farm of Stewart Plunkett of West 1Vawanosh, burning the st ielt and meter box, thus crippling the water system, and the lighting on the farm, Repah's were immediately made by Hydro men from Clinton. Robert 'Turner, farmer of Ilullelt, 110(1 the misfortune to lose a horse \with blood poison', a. calf with con- vnlsions, and nine hogs, tO (1 A I• .i,/1W-1 Lit 1 til 1 1.111 111 ""•••""ts:rw WESTFIELI) . 111', Warren Bamford, 13.A., of Pres• 1011, is 1ro1110 for the summer vacation. 11 1 111 k .1 . . 1 IL. I�Il, n, 11,1 , :>.:. , s,;;•1'•,.. TlLE WATCHERS on the cliffs cheer their going and coaling Os— night after night—RCM!. bombers deliver shattering blows, getting 'elf twilight"' . Canadian attack teams are famous for their skill and daring. As raw recruits, they entered R.C.A.T. Training Schools. They emerged within a few happy and exciting months as trained specialists — clear-eyed and competent. • Every member of a bomber crew is an expert at his own job, yet at the same time part of a closely -knit, smooth -working teats. I-Iappily, too, the air training and technical knowledge possessed by these fighting comrades of the skies will open up golden opportunities to them later in civil life. More men than ever are needed for Aircrew.... join note/ Apply at nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre. • 1i you arc physically fit, mentally alert, orcr 171/2 and not yet 33, you are eligible. Thu do not need a Iligh Scbool education. PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AiR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS (Air Gunners) Needed for immediate Enlistmenil OYALCANADIAN IR ORCE AIR-,ACREW FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES For illustrated booklet giving full information, write: Director of Manning, R.C.A.P., Jackson Building, Ottawa, or the nearest of these R.C,A.T. Recruiting Centres: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, North Bay, \Windsor, London, IIamilton, Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Moncton, Saint John, Halifax. NOW PLAYING: Five Graves To Cairo," with Franchot Tone and Ann Baxter. Morlay, Tuesday, Wednesday Errol Flynn, Ann Sheridan, Walter Hut ton and Nancy Coleman, '1'11(.11' right to lov. , their right to live, hangs 113' a hangman's wilhn. 1'l dory of Ntr\vay'i underground tight 0 gain 0 the Nazis. "EDGE OF DARKNESS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday "TI -IE BLACK SWAN" In Technicolor n or I'rreho:,tors of the Spanish Main, driven fre.•n the ('aribb •.nn by the Greatest pirate of them all. Tyrone Power, Maureen O'Hara Laird Cregar,-Thomas Mitchell. COMING: THE POWERS GIRL, with Benny Goodman &. Orchestra, NOTE: Aeaturo picture Is showr. twice each night, commencing, 7.30, Mat, Wed, Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 3 P.M. 1.)1N2t2(=M2t2 IDIDt3tat,t)inta1B1NI1dMItOMbiltDiiatB121:;`12MNDIN Frit2213i9aa*D22i21DIZMD. .`; 21 .x.11212,o1;.:.—. m,AZI2trai`cia)MDlsD NOW PLAYING: Walter Huston in NOW PLAYING: Anne Shirley In: EDGE OF DARKNESS, THE POWERS GIRL. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Springtime in the Rockies Harry James and his music•makers aer featured in !his '1'eelulfetlor fun -hit. Hefty (irnlhle, John Payne and Carmen Miranda. Thursday, Friday, Saturday "TIIE PIEi) PIPER" N( yll Shunt's mighty story of 'I'4)• Day In '1)lll(i a4 picture you will l'(ltleatbol'. Monty Wooley, Roddy McDowall, and Ann Baxter. COMING: ICELAND, with Sonja Henle, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "ICEI,A N I)" The wio;nul( ' of \3'(1'11;1)t flashes her blades to the mu:lc (11' S.intnty Kaye's (h'eheAra. Sonja Henie, John Payne, and Jack Oakle. Thursday, Friday, Saturday CRYSTAL BALI Rated a' on,. 4)l' the 3(01'0 beast cul()( Ivy ('1',:1)1)1: is Iiiti iridian! adventure yarn, Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland. Coming; Springtime in the Rockies, 31t'. and 3Ira. Douglas ('anlilboli and John, visited on Sunday \witil 31r. awl Sirs. \\'. Good of Auburn. 3Ir. Gordon Snell had the misfortune to have a cattle boast killed \t'itll lightning on Sunday night. \ford halt been received that 31 1's. J. P). Ellis, a former resident orf this district 1e on an extended visit to her daughters, \Ins, Bob Brown aitd 31 I's. F'l'ank Nitehe, of Seattle, 1Vashington, Site, had 0 fine trip out, and say's the scenery Is wonderful. 31 t' , J, 1,, 110)owel1 vls,ited last week with her sister, hiss \11114)10 Snell, and 01!i(1' friends of 'Coronto. 31Iso Jamison of Asliflield has been secured as teacher for S.S. No, 0, (Westfield School) for the fall term, 'Phis is Miss Jamison's first school and we wish her every success. Air. A. E. \i'alsh was recent /ma. don visitor. 311'. and Mrs, John Vincent of (lode. rich, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and 311.5, 1t. Vincent, Rev. and 3118. IL C. 11'iloon. Ruth and John, of Brussels, were guests on Tuesday at the home of 31r. and Airs, W. F. Campbell. Nil'. \\'..1. ('arks attended the Tele- phone (-'on\'entlon at London on \\'ed• nesday, Sane ch11(11011 in Ilse vicinity aro suffering froth \whooping cough. 3lr. and Mrs. W. A. Canr'pbell mot. - 01.011 to Kitchener on Saturday. Ml'. Campbell returned on Sunday, Mrs. Campbell is remaining a couple of weeks at the home of her daughter, 311's. Arthur Spelgclberg. and 31r. Speigeibei g, Air. and 311's, Harry .\rill 1rong, and Bab, Mr. and 31r8. Ja01( Armstrong and Children, attended the Armstrong. re -union 4)t Arthur, on Saturday. There were about 00 person; present. Next year it is expected the gathering will be held at the home Of 31r. and and Alt's. harry Armstrong. lies. J. Fitzgerald of 1)ungan91on is spending, a couple of Week at the home of 311: W, A. Campbell. 31 r. and Mrs. Earl \\'ightuan and family visited one day last week with ,lbcn', and Mrs, 1!, C. Wilson of Brus- sels, Master John \Vinson' of 131.115 ;els Is spending his vacation at the home of Ml'. ;tad 311.s. It, Vincent. 311.. and Airs. Frank 'i'laulhlyn, Jack and Margaret, airs. J Tanhly11 of I,olpdeslboro, visited on Thursday with 31 r. and 31rs. 1V, b`, Calllpbell. The Junior quartet, Messrs. Douglas Campbell, Norman Mel)owel1, ITnrvey 31cDowoll, Lloyd \\'aided, with \Vin - 511(10d Campbell as accompanist, as- sisted ht the anniversary SCl'VIces at ltricl( church Sunday evening'. EAST WAWANOSIt An enjoy'tlble time was spent at S.S. No. 10 School grounds- on Friday, when the S1&ction held their annual picnic It opened 4)t three oclock with races and games. The winners were ns follows: Juniors: 0 to 10: Kenneth Johnston. Seniors, 10 to 13: Mildred. Charter, Single idans race: Boss Radford, rti Ainell plans race: Norman Rad- ford, \\'onlems itace: Mrs. Ken. McDoug- Mrs, J. IIui-k'e, of Toronto, 3[r. and Specialist all. - Mrs. Ray Mundy of W'inghaul, withSales. Three -logged race: Cliff. Walsh 011(1I Thewoe Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Anderson. Licensed in 1[1)1'04) and Perth Russel Cook, re as nsrvice int Knox 1'111- Counties. Prices reasonable; setts Booby Prize: Dfrs, P. a\larshall antl t (Nowell 011 Sunday as anniversary fiction guaranteed. Ulla Caldwell, services were held In Brick Church. For inforiiintion, etc., write or phone Clothespin reply: dobby Leggett, • Holy Communion and Sermon next ,Harold Jackson, R.11. No. 4, Seafortll, Airs. C. McGowan, George Charter. Sunday in Trinity Church at 11.30 a.m. 1Phone 14r6111. • Paper t,lce: 'Cement Johnston. Wheel barrow race: Russell Cook M'4ttlIt4tttetgtelelelCt(IgtCtillteat;gteletill.CtgtgtE tgretgtgrCtg;t014gtgtOCIMC--1CMIgteretetdty r' and Clifford Walsh. 1 Kicking Slipper: Mrs. Norman Rad,' Dead and Disabled Animals ford. Driving nails: Frank MattshaB, = REMOVED PROMPTLY. STRAYED 'Paul and 1'01'!1' saw, strayed to the pr(mio.,s of Mervin (fovier, on Sat. nrd(cy !night. Owner 111113' h;tvo Sante by paying for the expenses, 13•,S Myth. STOVE FOR SALE Clearing; Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Some Household Effects. :11 Lot tl• (')aressinn I, i:ast \Va' phut( w;nt06l, on the .\)burn Read, a(Ijoin filg the \'IIIoge of 1313'111 FRIDAY, JULY 2ND, commening at 1.30 p.m., the thllowing - HOUSES: lore, 7 years old; Aged Kitchen range, with reservoir and bol:0e. oven, wood or coal burner, in good 1\11'1.1•:111?NTS: 1f.-11. binder, 0 ft. condition, apply to I're(1 (ister, ilhotill tut; Ueerilig 11(010r. 1 foist cul; 11(118(1 11;01 Myth. 17.1 rat '; 31assey-liarris 13 tooth culli- vater: ii;tyiedder igood as new); \Ie•('ornliel( seed dr111, 1:3 spout; Alzts- 80y-1larri.; manure spreader; Ste(•i laud nolle!•; Scufflor; Set Iron ba' - A purebred blade heifer, strayed to row,; !ttcel druid; Slush scraper the farm of Cal'In in \\'alsh last Fri- I Disk harrow; \Vagon; Rob sleighs; day night. O\w1101' 1111(3' have sane hy(;rav(l box; flay Hack; Stock rack; paying for this advt. 17-1. Set of sling ropes (new) ; 20 -foot lad- der; Stop ladder; Work bench and vice; Set of tenni harness; Set, • of single 110111080; 2 11rid(ls; :a 20 inch 13 sucking big,, 1(11dy to w'(oll; 2 horse collars; 1110 bushels of mixed on STRAYED PIGS FOR SALE churl((; of pigs. Apply t0 Cho s. Nk:lr grain; 12 acres of 111iX((1 ]lay to be Jolson, phone :1l•1-1, Myth. -17.1, sold In the field; a quantity of tim- otlty hay, also to be sold In tha field ; \\'ltit'f1(t11 1,8; Neckyokes; tools; ILu'rm\' sulky, AB newly 1ROi'SE•I10141) 1'1'11\1'1'1']11: Quo - both. [bee heater; wood heater: Co(11 oil all i cook stove and o\'ell, 3.1,1)01100; \Vood- 107,1e11 bed; Set Of bed springs; iron pot; 17.1 ,I household scales, :.'1, lb, capacity; :('ouch; 2 Feather beds; 2 large stone lugs; Small cream 8(perator; Cream can; Tin (.1111011; large strainer; Milk pail, new. Everything to be sold as proprietor HOUSE TO RENT On Queen Street, Myth. decorated and in good repair. rroom and water system. furnace. ply io Miss McClelland, phone Blyth. their teacher and 11011)3' Leggett then presented her with a gold initialled locket from her pupils, Hiss 310 - Gowan thanked them and \VI.1l011 lis giving up farming due to ill health. them continued success in their stud- TERMS: CASH. I(1'; and lives In future day's. Janie: ('unling, Proprietor, Gift.; were then distributed to eaeh Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. pupil In ItI 11 ory of Gordon Ross, 40.2, Gilts Were, then distributed to eacil Congratt1ations to Mrs. R, H. ( in memory of Gordan Rosa, Robinson, who(elebrates her birth - pupil Alis 3t000lan, 011 behalf of 111(1 cloy on Thursday, June 1th, Section, welcomed the \\''alslt family to the community. Lunch was then served. Dr, William ]toss asked a blessing, Airs. W. Dalrymple. Jr„ and Mar- garet. returned 'Tuesday after visiting relatives in Detroit.1 11 !las been brought to the attention of the Trustees of the Blyth Cemetery BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE ,lpply to J. 11. Nesbitt, Myth. NOTICE 1)110110 13.5, 47 Ip. 311', and 31rs, Read of 'Toronto, are Board that some p(trou or person's visiting their son, Kenneth, al the hove been cutting slips from gena.0 ilomle of Mr. George 'McGowan. Miss Thelma Caldwell has accepted a school at Lochalsh, BELCIRAVE 'i'hc regular monthly meeting of the 13elgrave Red ('Toss 5oei(ty 1008 held In 1110 work rooms 011 Friday after- noon, with the President. C. R. Cont. les, In the chair. The meeting \vas opened with a hymn and prayer, The minutes of the Iwo previous meetings were read by Secretary, Rev. G. 11. Dunlop, and adopted. The chief business of the meeting was the making of final arrangements for the annual entertainment to be held Monday night, July ;Illi, at the home 0.f John 31c(1111, 1111 line, \lorry. Mrs. Win, Bryant of Blyth, and Airs. Ray' Bryant, of Toronto, \veno visitors with 31rs. J. A. Brandon. Miss Dorothy Anderson, of \\cston, buns and also removing flowering bor. d1'rs from graves. As this Is n form of vandalism it is reque tow[ that such pract1o4's yeah( forthwith aid the properly of the 1.01 "Holders be re- spected. BLYTH CEMETERY BOARD. WILLIAM IL MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In Farm and Household Sales, Licensed for 1110 County of Huron, lleasonnble Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1`or 1n'fornlalion, etc., write or phone \\'illianl 1i, Morritt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, 131yth. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. in Farm and household Hitting bag on tree: Mrs, Geo. Mc- Gowan. Shoe race: Ross Radford. After the games all present joined in a circle with the teacher and plrpiie in the centre, Miss 'Margaret Mar- shall then read n fat'ernetl letter to Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seafortll, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. aD011 Drla)a 0111a1t1401,10t1tDA8h;h INADt923ko.:4)aha)1)t1Ait21ftftlt; �aDtlo�+t'.":Xlilidi a I.1.1 ...II I I..I. 1.. I ' -.--._ _•N,i,.. 1e , HOW TO BUY TIRES Under Wartime Regulations FARMERS - - - Tires on farm tractors, combines, and trucks are eligible for replacement provided they cannot be repaired or retreaded. Furthermore, any farmer not owning a truck may replace the tires on his passenger car and trailer. For further information see the nearest Firestone Dealer. FiRST go to your nearest Firestone Dealer who has the official information and can advise you if you are eligible and in which class you arc included. He has the application forms and will help you fill them in, will furnish the Inspec- tion Report and do every- thing verything he can to help you obtain a Tire Ration Per- mit necessary to buy a new tire ... See him today. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING FLYING MINESWEEPER Early in World War 1' the Nazis almost literally filled the waters of the English channel with a nt:w type of aline, writes 1V. P. Keas- bey to the Christian Science Muu6 tor. 'Phis mine, desigm.1 for use 1n shallop' waters, was.. made of non-magnetic materials and ell'• played a detonating device so cOu- trlved that the mine wit, exploded when the steel hull of a ship pass - ted over the aline, deflecting a delicate magnetic ncedie. Various suggestions were made; for combating this inanetic type Of mine. The British considered towing largo sheet= of metal through the mined 'enters by means of non -in a g netle wooden - bulled ships, The wooden ships Would not affect the mines hue the metal plate would activate the magnetic detonating mechanism e.tploding the mine. • • • Anothor suggestion lin ulved tow - Ing a cable equipped with mag• net,ic devices and sound makers (the latter to explode any mines which happened to be of the aeons• tical' type). Tho electromagnets on the cable would set up an elec- trical barrage that would detonate the magnetic mines, etdll a third means of detonat- ing magnetic mines harmlessly wan by means of aerial mine- sweepers. The British used \\•ell• tington bombers for this purpose. The bombers were equipped with huge rings which had R i Teter almost equal to the 1en1' the bomber. installed henent the plane, the ring could be ciargud with electricity, transforming It in- to a POW el'fe1 magnet, • r The electricity required to ener- gize the magnetic ring lea gen• erated by no •ins of auxili.n'y mo- tors, It being impractical to clic' :•t sufficient power from the plane'': regular Motors to run the enera- tors. Thus equipped a.t•l with 1\V0 sets of gasoline (n:_ani s ::oillg full blast, the pilot would ta',e his t•ly• mincsw. (:;,(:r on viia1 often proved a tno.d. exciting Iili5 ;un, Flying close Ti lite \VlIh is sur• tare, the magnetic field of the ring would deflect the ne• deo in he Magnetic mine, causing it to ex- plode. And since the carne.; would let go practieally beneath the bomber, the ride was likely to he humpy, to say the least. Later, ships wire equipped with degaussing girdles which neutral- Ize(1 their nrlenetie fields, thus protecting them from magnetic 1111009. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. \Vhen unfolding a napkin nt the dinner table should it, ho done above or below' the edge of the table? 2. Is it all right to flatter a per- son when in conversation with her? 3. It one is not familiar with a dish when eating In a restaurant, is it all right to ask the waiter to (leacribe it? 4. \Vhy isn't it proper to use ab- breviations when writing a aortal letter or note? 6. What is the correct way to in• troduce one's father to a woman? • Have You Heard?' .A nlnn consulted a real estate agent for a write-up of the prop- erty he wanted 10 sell. When the agent submitted his description of the property, the owner exclaimed: "Rend that. again." After the sec - end goading, the owner said: "f don't think I'll sell. I've been looking for that kind of place all my life, but until you read that description 1 didn't know 1 had 11," Six -Year -Old: "I wonder why so many babies get borned at night?" Seven -Year -Old: "Why, don't you know that? It le because they want to be sure of fl"ding their mothers at home." -o- 'l'ho pastor was examining one of the younger classes, and asked the question: "What aro the sine of omission?-- After a little silence one young lady offered: "Please sir, they're sins we eight to have committed and ]:a\ en'L" Patient -"Doctor, can you cure ale of snoring? I snore so loud that I awaken myself" Doctor -"Well, In that case I would certainly advise you to sleep In another room." "llt•forc the days of ration stamps we used to make imitation chlclieu sandwiches out of roast "Yes, and now Nye must make the imitation teal asndu'iches out of roast Cliiclu'n." "Do you mean to say your husband beat you when you arrived home clf:er midnight?" "Yes -hut only by 20 min- utes:" --n- \•itiiiUl': "'1'o whom are you 1tr1t- ing that letter?" Lunatic; "'10 myself." Visitor: "What are you telling yourself?" Lunatic: "ilow do 1 know? 1 wont get the leiter ninil tomor- row." -(- Women, remarks a wise- cracking contemporary, are not what they were 20 years ago. Some of them are from five to ten yei rs older. G, is it perm ssible to lean one (•11.olt on the !aide 11'!Ille e;lllllg? Answers 1, Ii, low the table. 2. Most peo- ple, .oth then and women, are sus• 'el•til,le to and enjoy flattery, but the well-bred person is tactful en. each not to overdo it. 3. Yes. 4. Be;'auso it implies haste, giving the impression that the writer wishes to hurry through the work, 5. The propra• form Would lie "Mrs Drown, this is my father." 6. No; though it is all right to loan be - 1 WC e•1\VC 11 courses. STOPPED in a t!/fq •or Money Back For quick relief from Itching ofmoms, pimples,sill. !rte',' f.x,t, scales, scabie*, raebea and other eatrrnally caused akin troubles, use fast•acting, cooling, anti. peptic, liquid 1). 1). 1). Prescription. Greaseless, stain less. 8onthrs irritation and quickly atom intros° Itching. 35c trial bottle proses i t, or moneyback. Ark tour druggist today for D•D.I1. PRESCRIPTION. MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $4.00 PHONE Ll., 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner, Uxbridge Ave.) TORONTO ,r C.P.R. AIR -MINDED OFFICIALS ON TOUR Visiting Canadian Pacific Aii- Tines western headquarters at Edmonton during his recent Western tour, 1). C. Coleman, chairman and president, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with some of the compan}•'s directors, inspected facilities with Grant AlcConachie, western general manager of the air lines. In the above group beside one of the company's aircraft are, left to right: Grant McConachie, 1.. J. Belnap, director: Alt. Coleman, S. G. Blaylock, director, and W. A. Mather, vice-president of west( 1'11 lines. QUEENS KISS With handshake and kiss, Queen Elizabeth of England, left, greets Queen Marie Of Yugoslavia at Red Cross garden fete in London. How Can l ? ? By Anna Ashley Q, flow cnn I renovate hat bands? A, Brush with a sponge or small bruit, with a aohition made by dissolving 1-1,¢ oz. of white cnstlle soap In 1 oz. of alcohol, to which is added 1 oz. each of sulphuric other and water of ammonia. Rinse In clear rain water. Q. llow cnn 1 remedy an oily skin? A. Wash daily 151111 hot caslllo soap suds. Follow this by rinsing in hot then In cold water. Q. How cnn I remove frult stains? A, Sprinkle some dry salt immediately on a fruit stain and It will seldom become permanent, Q. '-Low cnn I remove warts from the ekln? A, Wash in water, in which has been dissolved a quantity of wash- ing soda. Let the hands dry with- out wiping. Repeat thio bathing frequently, or until the warts dis- appear. Q, Ilow cnn I fertilize potted plants? A, Take tea leaves that have boon used and put theta around potted plants. It is an excellent fertilizer n n d stimulates the growth. Most of the camphor now used in North America comes from Southern pine treas. $1.00 SENDS 30Oih "BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGION", ,!" "MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", !h "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPOR1f"-i Cigarettes or 1 Ib. Tobacco - DRIER SMOKING or any • MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (with paper') alto ll DAILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Postpaid lo ,Soldiers In the Canadian Army QVERSVS nail CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES, Mall Order and Remittance lot-. TNsORerlubptltolnythtntole Gorettnnentfetul)donl • South American co1nt4'iea arta salvaging sunken vctiscls along the coasts to provide scrap ,heel and iron' for domestic n(e(1e, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED 11' YOUR 1(ii1}IAND 1S ('ON'I'11111- uling' l0';, of his salary for boucle and you want to help with the family budget and can devote a few Spare hours dally to a posi- tion with good pay, 'trite Avon Products of ('anada, Limited, 1010 St. Alexander St., 11ontreal, Que, Ai'rO110111LES-USED USED CARS WITH L:OOD 'I'IllES, See us first. Mount Pleasant 1fo- turs Limited. Used Car Lot at 21140 Vonge Street; head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto, Telephone 111'. 2181, .tI11) I'.%1(1'5 NE\V ANI) I:SEi) t'.\It'l'S 1'OIt ALL makes of cars end trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop service, c1entral Auto Supply, .12 Frederick S1., Kilchenrr, Ontario, 11A111' CIIICICS 111'1311105 FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, :ill age's. Fairview berms, 5t. ylarys, Ontario. CIIICIC1:SS \111•. "big business" now. Outside of malting muni- tions the biggest business' in 1': it t today is the prn1111(1 ion of fund, both for the armed forces and civilians, for export and do- mestic vensunlplion. Chickens and eggs rank hieh In the scale. 'I'tted111c chicks a r 0 healthy chicks - from Government Ap- proved bloodtcslcd ancestors that w 0 t• it sturtty, fast -developing, heavy-m'oducing birds. 'They're the kind of chicks on \Vhtch it is safe ti) found a big business. Get your share of the profit In the current and corning big mark- et. Prompt shipment on many purebreede find hybrid crosses. Free catalogue and prlcu list. Tweddle (.'hlrlc Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. Go THE 1,1 MIT 01' YOUR CAI'AC- 1ty to handle then) seems good advice to summer chicle buyers. Mairkets demand unlimited sup- plies, Hatching till late July to talce cane of your needs, so 1f you want summer chicks, pullets, cockerels or started chicks, or- der now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. DOGS st FERRETS GREYHOUNDS, TRAINED, RACING or hunting. Beagles. Ferrets. Write Al Schacht, 4736 Riverside Drive, Riverside, Ontario. i)1'I:ING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Worke Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, FEATHERS WANTED WILL PAY THE FOLLO\VING prices for Goose and Duck feath- ers: (loose Leathers, G8c ib.; Duck feathers, 48c lb. Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundas St. Nast, Toronto, Ont. 1'aItMS I'Oit SA/..13 d'\VI) FARMS FOR SALE, 0001) land, gond buildings, well water- ed, sonic wend on both. Close to town, Each 200 acres. W. IT. Mill- ing, Nominee, Ontario, 11.11. 6. 1'.111M WANTED WANTED, SMALL, FAiRM ON T.AICE front, suitable for summer cramp, about thousand dollars. Wm. Campbell, 119 Logan Ave., To- ronto. PAW! 11 I.111'1,1•:MI:N'1'S DE LAVAL 11A'1N1:T1C MILKER 2 units $305, ?h 11.1'. Motor, $55. Toronto itadio & Sports, 241 Yonge Street, Toronto, 1 McCORMIIC'IC MOWER, No. "nig 6" In either 6 or 7 ft. cut; 1 t -it, Dump Rake; 1 2 -furrow Tractor Plow. W. J. Ferric, H.R. No. 8, Brussels, Ont. I'AiIM E(111I1'MENT tOR SALE T1IRDSELT. CLOVER Huller No, 1, in Al condition, run only n few serious, boll bearings. 10(1. Ewart, Bolton, Ont. FOOT (BALM BAIJMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, ITAIIt GOODS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods 4xclusively. Write us tor particu- lars. WiIi'I'1:'S IIAiit GOODS 1513 Vonge St., Toronto, Ontnrin ISSUE No. 27-43 '('111 ES FOR SALE TIRES TIRES TIRES WI) HAVE .A LARGE', SELECTION of good used passenger car end truck tires. Available to eligible buyers. 11ost stow. Mount Pleas- ant \to'ut's, 632 111, Pleasant 11t1., Toronto, HAIRDRESSING 5(11001, LE A It N HAIRDRESSING 'PI1Ln Robertson method, information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad• env, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, HEREFORDS 13 51ON'I'iIS OLD Itl:(;ISTERE1) heretics hull, 1)0011nn breeding. Prlecd reasonable. herd fully no- eredttcd, Herd sire, \\',1T.R. Ideal 1)onlittu 125630, quality plus breeding. 111(11210 Pres., Cttledon, Ont. 1,1tl S'1'OCIC REMEDIES Rl!:D BLOOD QUICKLY 'rAl1LETS stop White diarrhoea In chicks, Turkey poults, also calf scours and Pig scours, costs 1%e chick lc paint, 10c pig, 50e calf. 'Trial sample $1.110; guaranteed results or money bark, 1t. A, Finn -to Co, Limited, London, Ontario. MEDICAL IT'S 1;\l'1:LLENT, lt1:A1, RESULTS after taking 1)ixon'a'Itemedy for lthuunuttio Pains and Neuritis. Ttunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. • YARNS AND WOOLi.I:N RAGS fifACIIINE AND HAND ICNITTING Yarns $1,35 1b., poetpald, We ac- cept woollen rags, Flesherton Woollen,lulls, Flesherton, Ont. NURSE'S R'AN'TED GRADUATE NURSES FOR 'PU- homiliosls sanatorium of 700 beds, Good salary with full malnten- 4nee. Excellent living quarters. State previous experience, Age, etc. Address Application to Mins 111, Ewart, Superintendent of Nurses, Mountain Sanatorium, Hamilton, Ontario. TAPEWORM BTOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 11I -health In humane all ages. No one tm- munel Why not find out it this le your trouble? Interesting Par- ticulars -Free! Write Mulvoney'n Remedlee, Specialiste, Toronto 1, Ont. PATENTS 1e'IOTHE1tSTONHADOH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. 1Oetabllebed 1810; 14 Sing West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re- quest. 1'110TOGRAPIlY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The heat, (lain, or ' hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 26c, Supremo quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, 'Pot into FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prluta from each negatit'e. Re- prints 2c each. Montreal Photo, P.O. Box 160, Station F, Montreal, 1'ERISONAi, PENCILS • NAM IN GOLD ON PULT. LENGTH medium lead pencils. 12 all one, name 75c, 6 all ono name 50c, postpaid. Trans -Canada Mail Or- der, Box 253, Station H, Montreal. 011,5 ANI) GIt1:.tsn TRACTOR OWNERS SEND 1'OIt OUR NEW 194:1 PRICE list on oils and grease. Co -Oper- ative 011 Company, 3570 Dundas St. W., Toronto. RABBITS RABBITS, N E W ZEALAND Whl(es, Imported, thot•oughbred stock. All correspondence ans- wered. Robinson's, 312 Riverdale, Riverside, Ontario. STAMPS HOBBYISTS, COLLECTORS, SWA1'- pers, Agents, and all those who wish to receive our BIR Hail Free, Mail one Postcard with your mune a nd address to: John's Mai Service, Box 0-38, Arcade Building, Comeau 131ty, Quebec, Canada. RHEUMATIC 1'AL\S I'EOl'1,15 ARE 'J'A LKI NG A1:Ot.U'l' the good results from taking Uix- on's Remedy for lthl uulatic Pains nod \(uritis.-llnnro's 1>rug Store, 33o Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,(0. SCRAP WAN'T'ED W14 11111' AL1. GRAiIIes (0' 5, PAP metals, rug 5, mngnzinei had waste paper. Consolidated Den Metal company, 61-S4 N11gara Street, 'Toronto, AD. 3121, SI-M111•:It ionsoiIT ORAN INN - NiAG,AIRA-ON-filE Lake, Ontario: good room.., r,;• cellent food, Ideal l0,111i 11. dw•tm, gulf, Vide or just loaf. 'fele:'hone 205. PEiRSON.11. "Do You hili)\W") T)EA't' 11is;sing Persnnl. ''' rtif 'visa, Family Records are found aid of Enron-Vatigh:t,,. 11 ".(1.5i. Standard Genealoglct of Int.:; e't• perlenee, 'Thousands ..f r, col 1. on filo at Studio, 1189 Mallen Windsor, (int, Frnnc:'i1, , Aln(•rlcan. Satisfied .1i' lit, ':Ir tl.• 11104 all' 1•efel'1•lt,'e, I'll0'I'0( ItAI'l'l' "I AM VERY PLEASED Vb7.'rr1 YOUR PROMPT SERVICE .." writes a ('osteon' at .'•olt:b Water, N.S., who add:: "1 bac • told many friends about } our , o ; ic,• and 1 know that from now '(111 will get films Trot) them I . 41N• voloping and printing:." 1.'.ttcr. :ih4 this from all palls of ca nal.. toll how well pleased customer l ran with star Snapshot Seri ice, Any SIxe 'to11-6 or 0 L:\p . D17VE1,ol'LD AND fill \'1'1.1) 2tie Boys and girls on active 1111''tt enjoy letters so 111o.:11 lour.: 1•:)1011 "snaps" aro enclosed. You, too, will get ht•tt r ••alt+ pawn your camera if you Huai: .rung flint rolls to Star Slurps hos Sertdoe to be developed and mint, d. 7nu'll got finer quality, sharper psi 1.1 nt lowest cost. .And you will g the promptest service ()Walnut); b,v mall In keeping with ((ti lity ‘eii Itlull its a roll for trial, 11101'N'l'19D 1:Ni.AUGI:1i I:N'r'+ ::tie Size 4 x 6" in licuutilul 1:,.01 Mounts, You can have enllrg(mct.1s eI by hand for a small i.dd,l .ant charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERV,r.CE Dux 129, Postal 'Terminal A, 'Toronto Print your name and cute( ss p'a'nty 011 all orders. TEACHERS WANTED MARTER - WANTED, \'ROT lif1T- ant teacher for 5,5, No. 1 Jl•u Ice, 110111' Englehart, 18 pupils, 5'1115 $1,000. Apply I. Wright, S_•etct•• ary 11,11. No. 1, Marto'. TEACHER FOR (1IIA DES 1, 2 .\T Cainsville School o11 I Ug hw• : r 3. State salary expected, App' • 'I' T, Rispin, 832 Colborne St. !Pant - ford. FULLY Q11A1.11'IE1) 110:,11.1 1: 'ON - oinks teacher for Fit th class. \\'rite stating salary, • (Mire r•Ie:. and grade subJeets Pr. Parc 1 10 teach in morning Period', A. ('nlebourne, Sect et any -'lira -;u er. ltiversidc, Ontauiu. I'liO'I'b:ST:\N'I' TIS.\1'111•;11 W.. ,tett for S.S. No. 13, 5IeNab. (1uh. In cowmen( 1. Septentb''', S,t:.1( y $1,000. Apply stltinp, 'lu:l',lii,' Ilona to Soo rut ary-'l'r1 ''hristina .1, ('au•sll' II. '11 • ;ova Station, OII111•io, 1'IiOTI45'J':\N'I' '1'15 \''lit:it Fr.; S. No, 2 Gotllbllt'll. I'utie: ur: luencing Septembl r 1. Store l- acy, Pert Garland, ;asks, ltd, Ont. 11.11, No. 1. \V:\NTI41), (BUA1,11,11:11 PIPel'P:S• Mutt lc/teller for Sand(ir 111 ;call, duties to enlllltlellee S' pt 1.11(1 first, 1943, ':Ilse. i1':,0, stating' qualifieatinns and perieuce to \\', J. 11uu11' , . •1 .•t. ary-trcasnrcr, Sa i,lfi.l'1 loll 1 flip school area, 111g 1.:1.1, Oil. 'I'It A ('Irl l It I':t It'1'5 Ti1AC'I't)R 1'Alt'I't; N E W AND used, for n11 ion ices 'tf 1r-t'tnl !. General Auto n 'i'r:actor So Poly, 13 I'Iederictc St., ICltchen''r Ont. WOODEN HARNESS 1'.111'1'( P.:11111EIN -- W1: M.\Nt'1'A('9III from Canadian hardwood, aid size of Necicynkes, each ('Se.; Whiffle 'trees, Noel (10e: It glide 'frees, each 70e; '1'w rem. .1r• yokes, each 25e. 1'henl`rally treated and painted red but wvilh- 1111t hardware. Orders or 11(1 ; than $5.011, shipped anywlt(••,• 1.y I:1 eight collect. .\ l'i'kes, 'Cvi• inns, Ont. 1 SUNDAY. SCHOOL LESSON July 11 CLOD CALLS A LEADER— Exodus 2 , 1--3 , 12. PF ''ED TEXT, Exodus 3: 1.12, GULDEN TEXT—C o nr e now tiler(1(re, and I will sent) theo unit Pharaoh, that thou mayest brine forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. Exodus : II THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING i a'nt 171!11.1 I11i It.(', Phare, --'1'1! ;'r,'nt:c blow tried will. II.e birth ')1' \lits,':; tool( place., prol'a.l',y, noir the ('ily nt' 't'anla, on( el :!to royal residences iu ilia ue111.',1•: of the 1),•11(, a"u• Iho moral: of the Ianitir Iii tush of 1111. 1':t . The Pall nl' \lases loot( pi:llt ,1: \Iiiti,ul, near 11uurtt Sin;ti, The Call of Moiies !vra 1111.,1'; was IOepini-i the flock. "f Jethro his 1'alhlr•in•lltw, the i,r;(,1 nt 1l idian: and ho led the fl(•tk to the back of the w(ld• err' t, . :ind canto to the mnlnttttin of (ern,. unto (Bond).: Ild the angel Of Jehovah appeared Indo hint in a fainle of fire out of fife midst of 1, I',: 11: and he looked, and. be. 11(1hi, :l,e hush burned with ih'1', ani: I.1& bush was not cun,mned, llmi 1\10: )s said, f will turn aside 11(14' ;rad 54)0 this great sight, wily the bonll is not burned." What Moses Saw 'H.( hush whish Moses behold bur;)':I. leas probably Some ;pet•. 1t'F e1 liltn'n. 'Tho th'n was super- nalu:-,'. and (1111 not affect. Ilse vccr';,:iVe life of the hush. This It wt.; that arrested the atle11tion of 111,-, Q. The m)(10 of the ddv'ino 111)1 I ;,:Imre is 1101 \vilho111 desf.gu, '1'li . 1•.t,,-1.1 that 11405 unscathed by 1110 )lambast flame that \vinds route ;1 ifs leaves and braWrh', 1s :,1 . mhl'tn of that which is 111111 ,a'.: holy, s(1d lhet'ef01.0 of the trot .' lltreb of gad in tin 10(0111.1' of :.•i:, tion. 'I'ln) flans' ut tire vet..., :ends t•ith the fiery Iria l 1h:1 11.1. 01111'1 Ilio people of (4111 h,t.e !,,:d to pa::;, that (lie 111.1•; Of ':.' fresh which had gr0t%11 1111 III 14111 he 1'ousunud. 111111 4111: ;01 its i(1101n.11 striae.; b•1 11'f' H!.:101 !.:ud in :III their (•Low and \^/hat Moses Heard • ttiora ,11'hn4all saw that he tori et; 't•ids to see, god called to ]tin. '-.11 of the midst of Ike hui'h, and • ..,1, 'loses, 11nse.s, And he trait. 111•;0 ani I. .\ 11(1 ho said, 11rh,t I.ot nigh hither: put off tilt' Abe, t '.um off thy feel, kir the )1,' 1- whereon Ilion : t;ntttetit is holy , ,onllrl." Egypt inns, beton' 111 1:Ti' or noses, and 011+,111 010 ge1:,';..h•, roiunved their san1111; or '1'.1 shoes all eltlel'111t1 ;Illy PIM 1 In which respect (4a N. 11110. It t v 0rthy of notice IIIat (lull 1(11; orders this marls of le- sp., to he shown 10 the hi:1(.0 all, 1• Ili; pre;enve hits 1uil1uwel. "My People" we, ureic" Ira said, "I am the gr«1 thy father, the god of Ale r(L:,rn, the god of 1::x04', and Ilio (inti e' ,me0h. ,11111 \10,;os 1114 iia fat r : aria• Ila was afraid to look up.et. ' 1,.1,1." ')'hese yards aro u;011 by r or 1.0111 in prove in the S'111• 'Inc , 1 s, 'situ clung In tine Ictt1'r of they :,: \, the Truth of the, resin. - re( lt,lu of the d0nd. ".',111". Jehovah said, 1 have nurl• ly -' 1, the affliction of my propin that ;.re in Playpt and have Beard the:: try by n'.l,un of their 111s11- te:,; fat' I )mote limn so'• row••" NOW far tin first Iltue, gad ca1I', 1'1.1101 ''1y People" Minis tea;, rar-: himself their law and the champion of their eau:; Principle of Mediation I ant calm' down In deliver then) oat nt the land of iii 1il;y1)• time-, and to bring them tip out of 11.:,' 11(1(1 auto 0 good laud and a 1;1.;:'x, outs a land flowing with mil :rad honey; unto the place of the '':,natulite, and the Ililtite, and the .11t orite, and the Perizzite, end :he Ilivite, and iho Johnsito, And now, behold, the cry of !he chl.11al a of I4ra01 is cuule unto m(' lar,;e0V0r I alts) seen the up• pre, -tion wherewith Lite Egyptians opio 111001. ('ante now !here• fotc. :rad I will sent thee unto that Thou Mayr;t luring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt." If (;0d has Himself (ou10 dawn to fn the work of retleutptiun lvh,.: need of Hoses? 'I'hroughout the entire scheme o1' divine goy- claim, nvsmart 111 IV(' Meet With the prim cil'il 0f mediation. (Ind ever 5(1 1L. to men ,nal tvori(a for 11(1-111 tlu'1 ,a:'. the 11Nirt. mental' ty of rate:,. Moses' Humility l \tusos said (into lime, who am 1. ''!at 1 ;dirndl' go unto ['h:tr- anL. ,,11,1 that I should bring 1',)11411 the children of i5(11(1 out of The men most fil for go at missions aro apt to doom the nsei4Os unfit. lu allose~' forty: yt ors )f dile and of a shop. hero'', life hail unfitted hint for deaiing with a court and mantle hint a stranger to his brethren. Flitch !xis ago of eighty Btighl will 11114!' 'eem)d to hint unsuit;lhl''. God's Promise To Moses "And he said, Certainly 1 will be with thee: and this 5111111 be the 1414 11 unto thee, that I have. sent 1111,•: when Eton h:1141 brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye 0111111 ,servo (int upon this moan - (On," BEANS FOR BUTCH Butch, the 1',11g'1i.,lt hull mascot of a buttery at .Camp Callan, Calif., has his 04511 private mess kit, and is 11 hit irritated here as 5erg1, Andy Yuhas pretends to steal n bite. Nod never asks any of ua to nndertako a great task Instil ile Himself has fh'st doternclnrd that this aorlc must be done, that the hoar 1s ripe for 11s 10(010piish• twat, and at Ilio sa1n time, that 110 will supply the strength, the wisdom, the .guidance, :111d If neon IN., 1110 III 11'1101110113 11ih'1'vI'II t 1011 for the glorious 110111evo!lI 'nt of that lvhieh Ile undertakes, wanted to do this Kind of work roily yea's hororn, hut. 1111' lour had 1101 conte for such ( dlli4ey. anon, \\'e often nilly (\•(111 10 du null \(•Mich (I(d t', ish1"; lu h.' Bene heron) the hour that god has :tp- pointcd for the doint: of 11, In the d0: ire we ace at one 011111 C al; WO lun:.t (11)1(11 that lei moult. ti, tion of the d1-- ire Is :(1:;11 .11 lino• Cod Ii: -s , SCOUTING .. COI' the fir.:i line" i11 1 h 11., +try of Scoul.T.ti in ('.nt.eIa ;: tit Buy Scouts ca!'.!, '1 nv''rtti'tItl elf .Ino,' 11111 on tht' !:,)tnc'l.-4 of Ilid'.ui hall, ut'I'ia ia11 rr: i11c'n1 0 01 the 1:114• ( i I floral t 111 1'. ,., in- 4ilutiuu (if Ills 1;r:'ll'nr;: v,!t,t i, the Chief Seotii for ('.Ili i Pt. tin tin fnllntsing )lay Iic ('blot 'raa11 attended a nilly of r:e(' r.tl iiia• droll \\.1) If ('ul,v a„ I r ally nn 111" tarn; nd : ;t;:'l brit-l':y ;Plitt' , "I I hrtn. t R The ynuo.!e•.t t inner of III,' Bri• lis:h iam!Iirc 11011,1 1.; a Ililti:;h Bow Scm11 from \or(\ leis .I i.l ut 11,1114 (Iris, ;I:',, -1 15, V. 1' rata. \4,1G x01 air r.t!,t 1110+.:',I'P2,''t' :11:11 fur hon tin! t:( lo' r401,. 1111 Ihrougli heat's homhina to 1.a'ry out his d1'I'ei-'o Julie.;, was Im1110 for -courage ;ilrrl Ile. II'•rluinafion darts•1 Ii'avy rat is on Nnr(wirh." Hoy Scuilti of Itirnting:lain. I':n;• laud, as a t;oo:l 101.1 meet ewe(} Italia costing Ill 10 the city each Saturday and deliver Idlh:l.s for :se'rvic'emen 1(1111 14''t•4i(eaolllen, Teams of six word; In relays, with four boys delivering hots, ono act. ing as n gold'', and another t•e• int1t111g at the ;talion a.; ea:Bart man. • * * :111 unique 1111)1110 to Ho. 1315' Snout Movement is paint by f,nrd \Vedgrwoocl, British labour p001', in has recently published hoot(, "'Testament to 1)0nlucracy." In it hu says: "Ilet'I'ction leads me to the queer conclusion that of all the inventions of my age the Hiroo of real utility have heeu hicyrh'•a, iloy Scouts and the cinema. :\s far HaJen•I'nwcll's 110y Scants, 1 hope they are still doing 1ltoir daily good deed. 'There, iulaglu• alien has its fling as newer before for the working class. The disci- pline and adventure of camping out, rho (amnion work and com- radeship, di'1 as much to change ilio youth of Britain as did flit• let's training 111 brutality and vin - buten to cll:ucgn No youth of (ler- many." A1110 Idea (uns the longest con- tinuous footpath in the world, Known 0.4 the Appttlacician Way, it measures 2,18:3 allies. •4-•-H••-S+•-•-• ••rN-N•s . , • 4 4 4- T•••-•tI-4-•-f1�-H-*••'•'-1i• RADIO REPORTER wX mos. Would you like a recipe for one hour of cool refreshment. during a want A111111110 aftornoon7 it's net it hard recipe, to follow, In fact, Romnx)lto els) OWatlna and mixes all tltn ingedlents tor you, all you have to do Is sit back, relax and listen , , . or if you have chores that must ho dune, keep plugging away, but. Drop Ilstoning too, our refreshment recipe will help those chores along. Here's all you do , tun) in radio station C101(11 tiny or evory afternoon bot(v0alt 4.30 and '5.30 and you'll get a sparkling mixture of entertainment that will put now Ili) Into you, You really should, for good 'results, use all the intlr)dlenls available In Lids ono hour . , , here they are. CI01(Il's ltcfreshnrent )lour, Com - mewing at 1,30 Perry Como, easy to•listr'(1•lo singer of popular songs, hriugs latest song lilts, 1"roll C45 to 5 o'clock Mountain 1lfuslc, as sparkling and refreshing as its title, At 5 o'clock Madeleine Car. roll Reads — a quiet 15 minutes luterludo of favourite pros o. "Mother and load" tako over tato uiicrupliouu at 5.15 and recount the cheery everyday happenings in an average fancily, 13y 5,30 you've relaxed enough to feel rar• ht' to go, and will tackle with vigor the bruin leasers offered In one of th0 newest types quiz shows entitled "Are \oit a genius?" * 4 /. I''ur the benefit of war workers and those people who turn to their radius for entertainment in the Mlle evening, CPI 1 3 (1.)\v cru' - ries a special series of program- me; 111_11113' from 11.30 10 12 mid• night, '1'10 ((cock's lineup niters a variety of entl•t'tllinment to suit every tante, Briefly, here it is. Mum,lay, a drauultis titin' hour on• tWed "Romance," Tuesday, "In- tl! 'tion to Music" featuring (':11.1• ou, hell bars tt'n :11'1111111U1Iy erchos- tr,l•; (1111 singers. \\'ethics:slay, "(h I'1 Listening'', the new, typo of (pliz show. Thursday, Mare,'ry I.'.n:rOnl'e. favourite 111'tropolillll SOirnln. friday, "Itroadw;ay. B 1:1 i 0''," that cur- r,'n1 voice "1 u:'itiou of 1110 air- \\ a.,es, it'•ta',en, youthful frank Sinatra, ,,rd Siutird ly the invitation In 111''re 1(':eels with a clilierent 'aur:land ing dance urch=Ira. 0 , I1 the e( summer I .,,L II intoe' months 111;0 two popular radt0 comedi,[its and arch enemies of coo air(cawes, b'r,•-:I .11 Ion and ,1at'k Boyo' will bout ho on vacation . 111 1110 511111)' 14111(1(1' 1411(11 . . ,al IIIc `;'1110 (1111'. 'I'I:r' story goes that daring 1111; period of close fll'rl\illtity they fl'ou't he crossing !;sword; 11ith (111)' unMbel', instead !WV Will hr crns:-iug pens. Jack Benny has lost his two script and 4111; writers lu the IJnitrl States 1111.1, anti its ,1t:1 boon noised abroad 1;110 )'11..1 .\lila has (011ed It) help plan :11111 (write the Jac(: 11,.IInv prn.'r:ll;llltI's when (104 r•1'• turn to rho 1111' next fall. .\s both ("ditto baits ,t1cC•:e ung, another of ,t lack of good laughs tin thou' re• ,peclive :;ltuw:5, it should he inter- esting 111:11•dnr; (vigil happens when they pool idea;, lied Allen has 'ren hoard muttering the (word "tunrdcr" rel'ently. \\•i'Iler he means to nnn'dca' the Jltcic Bonny show, or Jack, or whether he ex• ports to he murdered himself, tint) (lune gill tell, 'Many followers of that whi111- sical microphone family, Vie and wade, have been \wundertng (luring r'icc•ut weeks what has happened to young Itesic, who Iias brt'n con- spicuous by his absence from the radio gatherin-r:;, hero's tlto ans- wer. May I,ulsou, "(tush" to his Indio l'I'louds, has cx)hanged the .tirwal(e:1 for the seawaves and Is now in training with the United States Navy, Iluw'over, there will still be an entertaining youthful member of the Vie 11 11(1 80110 g1001), 'Phtrter.n year old David White- house, an eighih•grador school hoy, 11(s been chosen to portray the newly created part of Hassell Miller. Young David, new to radio, Is a Star Scout, a keno basketball fan and a gifted violinist . . he's also the youngest of 9 children and four of Ills brothers aro In the Borviau. \'uu'r) going to enjoy thin bright (1045 radio star. • • • With events in Europe gather- ing daily Impetus, ovoryono la watching for word of llnite(1 Na- tions Invasion, ‘Vo know exacting preparations aro being made, that ltnportunt moves are Imminent, hut the hour has not sot struck. It Is tin hour before the dawn .. . a period w11011 there 114 time to reminisce 00 past 'v4thl5, heforo plunging forward into tho battle for final victory, On Sunday last, Juno 27th, the (1li(' network in. augural('( n now 51'1'1e 1 or 511e01111 brondc'a;ts hoard between 8 and 8.:30 p.m, entitled "Sonu!wliIle Ro- tor the Dawn" . . , each feature broadcast will recall a story of the heroism which has brought the op• pressed peoples of Europe to the threshold of deliverance. * • • Ilegiuting Sunday, ,holo 2711, and each Sunday thereafter, all (1110 owned radio stations will commence operations at 9 a.m. This new sign on time has been adopted In the, Interests of con- servation of equipment and 1111111. power. Britain Does Not Want Fat Bacon b5tccd with the uet:c1,it3' o4 filling the large Macon orders placed in Canada by Britain, liog growers 11111}• be 1.01111) tell to 1110e1 the requirement: by following the line of least resistance, says The \Vindsln' Star, This would he to increase the unit wei!.:'ht by fat- tening hogs more than usual. This, however, (v01.1l1 be short- sighted policy. Such animals \vitt not till the bill. The Old .(.and wants lean Imcu11, and that dots not costo from flat hogs, Dominion h' 0 n The 1 aunt 11 1. IarUn nt P 1 Agriculture advkes farmers that 0 220 -pound maximum nunfor hog,s should Pe observed. The breeders should do everything possible 14) comply. Little is gained by rais- ing huge animals which yield a product not of the quality de- r'1tndcd, in fact, this could Pe tl sc'rinus factor in destroying. British confidence in us and dam- aging a),urg' our chances for retauliny, a rich market after the war. Spotlight To Aid In Sea Rescues Dat:tli of la tiny spotlight scarcely larger tints a walnut but powerful enough to have a theo- retical tango of 70 miles, were disclosed recently by the West- inghouse Electric 011(1 (I1nufac- turing Com:Iny's lamp division, Ralph II. Brady, manager of commercial engineel'ing at the hump plant in Bloomfield, N. J„ said 1110 lamps are packed in the rubber lite rafts "with which all ocean -flying military aircraft aro now equipped." hafts aro also be- ing radio -equipped and Brady said fliers adrift might call for help over a distance of about 400 Writes, then lead rescue ships the Inst few utiles by using the light. Thu six -watt lamps operate from a small hand -cranked gen- erator included in the radio equip - OUR RADIO LOG T(lltONTO STATIONS Cb'RIt 36011, (11(1, 74014 C1(01. 551114, (•114 1010k 11,5, NET%V0l11(V 45(1 (1' N.B.C.(led 6601c \JZ, 4,B.C., itllie 7701c \v.% EC (0,11.S.) RS01( WOlt (MITS.) 710k CAN.IDiAN (('1'A'('IONS (Tits Owen Sd. 140014 CKO(' ilamilton 1150k 011511, llnn(Ilton 3001( (')CTB St. t'ath, 155014 ('(`r'1+' Montreal 66011 CI (111 North Zany 1:3111c (MI'S Stratford 1240k CIMS Ktngstou 9110k ('6'''0 Chatham 03011 CNOL London 157011 ('K50 Montreal . 711011 ('i(011 \Vittorino 119014 ('K('O Ottawa 131014 01(4111 Timmins 117014 ('1(80 Sudbury 7001c ('1(14' Brantford 1)1011 C1(L\\' Windsor 511011 c'KNX \Vinultam 93014 CHIEX Teterboro 113014 1•.14, s'i'ATIor s \V1:0it Buffalo 131011 \VITAM itocheatcr 115014 \VIM Cincinnati 70011 \\'(11' Schenectady 510k 1'IDK.\ Pittsburgh tank 451111\1 Chicago 7.)411 \1'1tEN Buffalo '1:1014 WOE Buffalo 5501( WI(I(W Buffalo 152011 \\'J11 Detroit 76011 POP—They Were Only Playing Leapfrog SHORT W.tl'1: GS11 Eng land 9.51m (a(_' England 9.58m (1;i1) England 11.75111 (181•: England 11.36m GSO England 17.7 Stn 0SI' England 11.31) 1':511 Spain 9.4 Sin IL't.N Russia 9.60m 11Nl11 ltussla 12.011m 1'11106 Brazil 95.00m \VGEA SI'ltceclady 16.33m \VC.111 Phila. 11.271)1 WEB": N. York 11.53111 1V11111. Roston 15.15m AIN'T v�NAt YOU DO. (ttelo;rN1 ty ?6' Flc11 Fyn.11rar•, THIS CURIOUS WORLD IN WAYCROSSe GEORGIA, "PRIG rEcr 7HE TOO IS CELEBRATED EACH 'MAR - AND CITIZENS EXTOL THE VIRTUES OF, THE COMMON TOAD THi?OUGHOUV THI� NATION BY MEANS OF PRESS, , RAD/O, POSTAWM AND WOh,'P OP ivlourH. cOPR, 1941 PY NEA SERVICE, INC. j By William Ferguson T. M. REO. e, 9. PAT. OFF. FOLWWING TERMS REFER. To WHAT S/NGLpt or6.E'S .,. 004.46LE .ST.4 es... TR/PL•E T r'REATL RS. AMERICAN BREntD' Bur LAYS AS MANY A`5 TEN A'1//-2 /O/V EGGS. 9.3 ANSWER: Single footers, ,horses; double stars, stars; triple threatens, football players. NEXT: 1)e all animals swim naturally? nlcut, Brady said, With a 1,500 - candlepower beam, the lights could burn 1(1 nights and be visible 111a11y 111111'x, The lights fit 011 a hand around Ulu head, like a miner's cap, so the man can have both hands froo to hold on in rough weather. War Record British railway (vorkers have a 14:11• record of which they (nay ho ju..tly proud: 95,000 are in the armed forces, and 90,000 have WI - rolled in the Home Guard. EAST INDIAN ISLAND a ' HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle three -banded 1 island in WOO D RIO;WWi 1 ;L'SIO N armadillo, island in the 18 Symbol. for ERI I N( k' F Fia6ID 0 East Indies, _ i '� selenium. •LL CND,,.f3 IiD.. Latin Additional, 0 New ails 7 1 AS SADk BEID 9aountai __ abbr.. nymph. n R I D RIE C EID E�S 21 It beton rs tO 12 Change L E TjTIE n, L A ' : EAIGU C ?S 13 positioAllotment 01 M lana. 15 Portico. 17 Black bird of the cuckoo (zanily. 18 Portable chair borne on poles 37 The soul 20 Spinning toy. (Lgypt;). 1 Female saint 21 Doctors 38 Successful (zbbr•)• . play or song. (abbr.). 22 Sells again, 40 God of flocks2 Chaldean 24 Strike against and pastures, :5.13 3 (len. violently, 41 EfPecttvo 4 :\bsolute, 26 \Ve• energy. 5 iftailroad 27 International 43 N'rigllten. (abbr,). language, 47 Through. 6 fironze, 28 Tellurium 48 F11U into error, 7 Ages. (symb, 50 Au 30 Music nota. ratite birdstralian , 8 Sixteen (Roman). 31 Reverent( . 10 A (abbr.)•ol)• 5521.Coral island. (abbr,).ttorney 32 Entirely. 54 Inactive, 11 Portal. 33 Court (abbr.), 56 It is one Wile 12 Planet. 35 Down (prefix) larger ..---- Ito 1.4 Lyric poen(. (abbr.). 36 T ouisiana the East 16 South 55 North Dakota (abbr.). Indies, American (abbr.), LID'SL'WIUSON PS AD EGIO TREATY ORDER EA_EROS_IAIN iEN DR'Y R DDig ANT VERTICAL the --. 22 Rambler. 23 Approach under cover of a screen, 25 -- is one of its principal cities. 27 Color. 29 Highest not@ in Guido's scale. 34 Tilts. city. 37 Nude, 39 Tissue (anat.). 40 Saucy, 42 Abyss, 44 Hermit's hut,, 45 Part of "be." 46 Destruction. 47 Established value. 49 Hawaiian food, 51 Footlike part. 53 Lone' Scout - -IT'S THE WAY — By J. MILLAR WATT c Dresses and Blouses 1. THE STANDARD Ladies Crepe Dresses $2.95 to $6,00 Martha Washington Prints $1,98 to $2.19 Children's Print Dresses $1.00 to $3.00 Misses' Print Victory Blouses $1.00 Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) Olive McGill $2.95 Air. and Nil's. V. M. IW'ay, and Lorna, left on Monday for Ottawa, where they tviil (;pend their vacation. They will lie joined there by their son and his bi ids, Flight>I.teutenant Layton, and \Irs, liray, who were married In Brit- ish Columbia Ia;t wee((, and arc eu• .toying their honeymoon In 1')astern Canada. 'Their daughter, Miss Phyllis Bray, Is also in Ottawa, where she 1.; li employed. fiI \Irs, \Vestey' ('art. std son, Alan, of lI :\t1'•:'11, Sask., is spent( g a few (lays with \Ir. and JIrs. H. \iclillroy. 'They ,e-1tended the nurses' graduation at el 'Toronto, where the formier's daughter C7()t)tit)(]r21NPro,?()1)(24,41 DtXttMrir%),IpI,(1)()))9rlt?tin'rt2t)(1h)at)i)iD'iNNDiDtDtlhAat was one of the graduates. Everyday Necessities Photograph Albums, Variety of Styles, 20c to $2.50 Greetings Cards for All Occasions,.... 5c and 10c. Cartons, for Overseas Shipping 10c Waterman's and Skrip Ink (the best) 15c Writing Tablets from 10c to 25c Envelopes, Kid and Linen Finish 10c Blue Lined Envelopes 5c Blank Counter Check Books 10c, 3 for 25c Mucilage, Glue, Airplane Glue, andAirplanes. Juvenile Novels, a good variety 48c We have a beautiful line of Watermen's Pen and Pencil Sets, guaranteed. Also Eclipse Pens and Pencils . A splendid Pen for School Chil- dren at .$1.1.5, Also Airflow and Eclipse Pencils' Big Little Books for boys and girls 25c ' I Jaclt McElroy, of II.\I,C',S•, York, Toronto, 6p:nt the week -cud al hl• hone' here. Nit'. Alex. Taylor, of fort Stanley. was a vt;itor in Blyth on 'Tuesday. Air, Hugh lull of Benmii r was a Itly'th visitor oil Tuesday. Mr, arta Mrs. James Doherty of fort Albert, visited In Myth on 'ruesday and were accompanied home by their son. John, who Iris '1)ecu attending school here. Mr, and Mrs. \V 11latii Boss, of 11111• lel( 'Township, have received word that (heir _;on, Pte. \\', N. Ross, hits be:tt admitted to a hospital in (2mebLc on his arrival from Ove:•setts, \Ir, James Neweolil'je, of Newark, N.J., is spending his summer vacation 4%1fh lis hi •,flier, Mr. aria \Irs, R. J. Newcombe, and u:(act' l'0:drives it tilt. vicinity. The Standard Book Store • PERSONAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Adams, 1.)11. 111 =hero, .tsar S .nday with NH.. and Airs. K1 Mr. ani \I: + F.. a 'Poll, .1i•., Amy '1'011. and Mrs. Ke.ineth \lol'ougall, cit - tended 111' galea' i.w exercises in Clinton for \1: \larlon Stewart, who gradu..ted !rem Clinton hospital. \Ir, and \It \\'illtan' \\'bite are visiting with \ir. and NI 's. harry \White at 'fills:on turg, Mr. and Mos, Earl Mills and Miss Jean and \laster Murray and \liss leery Fells, of Milverton, were guests of the forut:r's parents, Mr, and Mrs, \\', J, Mills, on Sunday. Mr, ltcihert McM'ill,tu, of Scaforlh. visited ills old friend, .lir. \\'tlllani ,Mills, (u'a clay last wee!(, Mr. Alillian has just returned from Flor- ida, where lie 'vent the winter, and loops hale and hearty. \tests. 'Thomas Millen Jr., and 1)ou.tld Dolman of Saginaw, .Mich., are visiting with the fornter's grand- mother, \irs, \hnry I'httlen, and, unci? and aunt, Mr, and \Irs, Jame.; 1'iialen, anti• cousin,;, Nlciry E. and Louis. f,lc.nil.,r 13ro vur. is visiting with her grandparents, \la'. and NI1.. Harry Browne, of \VInghant, NIr. and Mrs. Eclntuud Godkin and family of McKillop, spent Sunday with Miss Mavis White Is visiting with the former's mother, Airs. Robert Mt.. and \I r;. ,fames Norman of Wing- Johnston, and Ito cit Johnson, (tam, • - I ;ON. Metcalf received word that \Ir, hian 1li1'. ern has win 0 post, \L's. McEoug,tll, formerly Annie Wolk, tion with the C.N.R. for the mann,(, 1'1', (lid in I )s Angeles on June 1Id11. mouths, and is working out of St'al- She was a daughter of Jaber \V;tllter, fora. and at one time operated a wllliu,ry NIt•s, Grashy visited with her niece, shop here. \irs, ('cell :\rn,zdoug, of Thormiah.1 We are ,:lorry to report that Nils., 'during the past week, Ella Nletcalfe is ..t patient in the Civic Flight•srt. Merton Golley and wife, IloslpItal, at Ottawa, ,She has been of Toronto, formerly of Iiritieh Colum- there for two weeks. \Ve trust 6h1' Ha. visited with their aunt, \1rs. \1'Il- 11'ill soots he w;ll again. (lams, on Saturday. I \\'e are sorry to report that \I r. James \Vatt and Mr, Benj, Lockhart are both quite 111, and cont:nett 0) bed, Cho,. (':tui' sell was s'u•cessl'nl in pal;s1Ig his entrance examinations on 11'1: ycv,s work. Ile was the only pupil In the Entrance ('-1 45 in Ih? !Myth Public School. Congratulation ;. Mr, •a:ll Mrs. IL C. Slack of Sarnia tpcnt last week, the guest ad \It'. tura Mrs, A. J. (Ilass, On their return they were accompanied by ,11 •511: r flick Glass, who will spied his holidays 111 Sarnia. It's Time For ' A Change T John \\', Minna, I'rogrr:4- a've • Con;ervatire candidate for ilurott43ruce, h:•.i thus far in his caret followed the footsteps of his father. His father served as councillor and 111a.yor of \\',ingham and John has had a similar ex- perience, having been on the couneil for eight ye'n's— fi'4'e ac. mayor. Like his father his whole Ilse has ken lived in til'; disti:et and for sixty- three year:; the 'tune Hanna has been s y•n'i •olle cif nnea•eh- andlstnl'g inn \Viiingh'aiii, 1111. 1- fleF., has Clanged much since t,;,.early days, but John went Ihry, -gli the i'utter and egg rt age e.t the general store. I1) r' 1)111110 0 111 this rural MINI 11014. well eunipped hlut fo 11:•lerst nd the probtenis f the farmer !aid lir is well a•`•tai•c that we iiittdt have a m'ospctoas 1)gt'iettli u'e to have .t al pt asperity in this district I or throughout Ontario. WORTHWHILE OBJECTIVES I. \ .astir Aril fat• the fanua•a, who e ne. 2. .t• ••on-t•uction pro -;ram fallowing the war to Include equal (!sits for the farmer. Eft -tri' L!ghts and t'ow'er en ('very farm at IT:1591iable rata;. .\ live )c -.al') 4tat!•,n policy fir Ontario. :t' it( f of farm labour shortage. ('('ling on farm pre:lace rat=ed to a level that will give p .. -perity. elected 1 promh;e to the b" st of my ability to carry out the above pledges. in my opinion, have never (1, JOHN W. HANNA DONNYBROOK 'I'hotnl,so'n of \Vingbaw spent the week -cud at his house here, Mlle( (''erlrude I). 1«01 01'foram:o is a -guest this week at the home of Mr, and Jlrs, Ceoil ('I'tanlnuy. Nil'. amt Alt..;. Gordon It31;111 nn at' \\'ingliam were Stunt !y visitors al the Louie of hi.; parents, Nir. and Airs, .1. C. Robinson. I' t'. (lialaru (::unite, of ('halham. and Mrs. Chaniney, oI' 'I'orouto, (vent the weIt-end with their little son, 1306by, at the former's'tonic here. — v . WESTFIELD The Auburn, Bonny' rook and \'. st• field congregations suet on Wednesday tight in the Westfield ('hold' for a social evening in bottom. of It: n'. Mr. who i; leaving this charge. A.f- fine prcglam of readings unit s,or.;s, \Ir. Itose was called to the platform and Mr. Frank ('ant.pb_;1 read an addresr, and Mr. W. 'I'hompsola presented hint with a purse of over $E'U.O(t, as a token of esteem and -mot with w'.l h His friend•; held him. Mt'. Rose made a fitting reply. The following address was react: To Rev. and Mrs. \\'. G. 110140., Dear M.. Rose: On this, the eve of your departure from aanong us to 'take up your work in another section lef the Conference, we the members and adherents of Auburn, It ter 0 Hollyman's BAKERY AND CONIrEOt'1'IONERY. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Bread, Pies, Cakes and Wedding Cakes a Specialty. . Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Accetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- I-Iarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas 1111(1 011 Car Painting, and Repairing Anti -Freeze. Vodden's BAI{CRY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES. REMEMBER `"11IIE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. a 'Wednesday, •Tune 30, 1911+ 1 1 I ,I 1 1 W 1 11 -I. .LJ 1 11 IIYI. I I. WI Insecticides and Sprays ‘Ve list hclo\v some of the Sprays a(1 Insecti- cides needed now to combat the insects, flies, Me, Darley's Shoo-it'Iy Cattle Spray per gal. $1.00 Sapho for Moths bottle, 35c Fly-O-Cide, for I-Iousehold Flies, 8 oz. 20(x, 16 oz. 35c Larvex, for Moths per bottle 85c Paris Green. hall' lb, 2',c, 1 Ib. 50c Arsenate of Lead 1 Ib. 20c, 5 lbs. 90c Wood's Moth Blocks 10c and 25c I-Iavok Moth Crystals 1 lb. 49c R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—i'IIONE 2P. 1 1 t"1MCVC1C(VC1„kity1Ct4tC'0.1�k1IVCICIC1C' :'•411:t4tC1C1GINIG'v,',1'1V- t;tZ,,I'et ;'u1-= 1Z 7414k't141e4 14 61 V !til °f Guuurl - -r.' 1 °' V V 01 V il J. S. Chell ,,, na home Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 ;1 vai2t( nc',:trtut2t2::31o,Jt:%D.2.0a.Da.-iiMt1'IbttAXN'dl:1it1'.thtr`(:;4).Z: rez:M 1l' of Vzill'2i'.I2titM Brighten Your Hone With Little Expense L�U11 .117 19),1d \Vitt' one or more of the ktlet;t patients 111 Cungoleum (tugs, \\'e Ita4'' Ihent in 111051 of Ilio popular sizes. 1l will pay you to ins rot our offerings before buying 1) Irlot' ('uvc•ring% 1 1 1'- — P'unerat Director. .£., ,..,..,M•40.,•:••:•.:44.4.040.. I t ' . I1 III :t: See 1♦Iy Large Display :� ; m j'Sunworthy .,. • , :_: WaIIoaner- Bctt'ltify your hunt' for the dura-•. it ..'!on. No other fuu1'llisliillg;; in y'0lll•:t. '110111e 0(1ua1 1110 4111110 of \\'a1lp;tpev4s., .1.apl l's ni n•hed Sanworthy art :: especially treated to resist fading.., M ty I suggr:,t a complete change•• .t.•tlt;eencry for the home through::: ... 1... ,.....lint. .' mails),,,, 11'11((pa11, 1') ., 1110 11„ 110.._1.64 ., 1 • 1.11 1 1.1 .11 • 1 1 44 . ..A 1.1 l'1 11W 1 . 114 1 . HURON GIULL BLYTIT --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG i� Proprietor 1YIM 1a. MAB&41 11.1-1. 1..11 , 1 . .1.1 1.111411, 1 II 11..141 .1 1141.1dd,.1...,.6111CAA .! • l 1.4 4I 1 .I ..d CREIGHTON'S t: t Decorator's Show. '4 x'.ocated Opposite Ket'tiick's Gt•ocery•Z �_� PHONE 15S, BLYTH. X ••• �•�,,„„„,„,„,1,..„, 4•.i•.l••0•,0..•.,4 4 4 •,••;•.4..4..,0.,0...++ •.:• 4:•.+..4•.,0 and \\'estficld United' Churches, to. gethei 44' Ia t: -t ly friends in the com- munity •c;: other (1en0minaf lots, 1ta41' a,;sellt:)Ir•1 la give 04111 14Ye cit oar regard for you, our ap;'rcci :tion 0" your services in the past year, and to offer you our v, ry hest wi ;te i in your new field of endeavour, he expI( ;sed til wish Brat they show 1 Mr, and \Irs. Jae14 1.011h11a•t, 11, 1nur11 10 a:11'lat ton to Ih: new pa,;. I I. \C. Ray \'il:cent, l'alga'y, with tor. After the sinking of lite National Alt., a1d Mts. Itolatd Vincent, anthem and lien diction by the p14lar. S.S. No. 1 t hell a Retie ::1 11811)1) u' 1.mt.h was served and so:Li1 tits" Park un 'I'ur'day 04cn:n; . an:I el• wi)s :l;u'nl, +tliougli the evening1 WAS '11iher co01, a t'1lutlay NIL lin. e 11rcach.11 his 141 ly gca.l tint 44111 ett;131 1 try 1)1!, f:r•nwell sermon, Ile said it will take with races, a lively g(1110 01' hall, 0'1'yeas to dr, ie Ih' ttemary ,,;r 11,,„iai intercnnrse, 1)11i1 a good .(111111 1' k)0:1104s 111111 111a:l;;buttress he )tail provided 1(3' the 10110.4, alter which 1,5 r) 140(1 1.10:)1 till' 111 ('(( l's of -1111' the ehIldr, 11 were ta14en to the show \\'c :tic:a crwntinrty. Ile 1lt(1t'ied the 11:4 a .11;•1'1.)1 1(081. Scs',)on, and 10. (141'1:rent org:urirrt• I The !drillers 1)1•0 0 ry `nrsy the -e for theft c00t)0'abet and sus!)„ days harve: ti)g the 11;y eru;t, with h port. at.(1 wis.bc I the dune (Import- is a 0013' 11(843' one. tion Ie to given to Rev. Ilaruid YO'.1 VI O. bred faith'. I and diligent who 1,; following hint. as a pastor, your inn•; :1,gc.s bay. hien 'I'hc' 1 ;t wishes of this 00 11utttnity challcngh:g and Inspiring, and your got with \l.. Rose to hi; 11144 Bell kindltt( Las 1)011 n:(ted hy Horny of of work. e,;. In (:::ur)111ttity afl'ah's 3011 have 1 A 0:•10001 from this vlel nit y attend. rill'play(;( 1.0(11 1111): 11.1.1 a ..len 011 the \it11101ial crVlce.i at 11111':) did spirit el' 1'0-over:Mian and this is Cemetery, on �nnth'y. gratefully acklow•lellg(d. In the :short \Ir. J. I,. Mcl'940011 ter111 you have h,',11 with us, you and days last 01) :c with friends in Torun - :11 us. Rose and m( labels of yo:' fain- to, ily have endeared your selves to our 1 1..111;, 1.0 ).; oar 1)1coo 111 it the health f NI r4. 1' : e will c:mllitue 10 ituprav' (111,1 11111 the C1111111:11 \VIII find 1111 11 11144' l'1:4:ret:an'ut c(111:1'1VP 10 1110i1' growth and adSancew nt. 110'111 a few Mr Roy \I I'l'ra)1•tl, (Io;I: 11111, will' Re Cross 0 SATURDAY NIGHT JULY 3R1). 0 IN MEMORIAL HALL. i„talctoC' 'Ct•.,t4-.Mt:t tzt.,••,'gtzt:1;tgttidCt6'oixtF,1ccte tr.'4'v'i,•4',",rz..'•>':icCi u'ot6', icztztvgi:c1 �1 1 Fy \\'r 11111y Thal (':1;1'.- hlc ing maty h" ° upon you as you lake up yo:' work in 1 the G.n't'.vri;hl•('oratua ch.u'ge, and that he 4;111 aluoul:n'Iy 0 •0 you, and that in ble-sing you may be 1(1044.1, in .el vin;; you may be served, 0011 11':,1 In giving you may receive 'P. -yin. you to know Brat 0111' pray. ((1101 lov', anti interest W111 090• 1111114 to follow you, \1'e as' y:,.; Iltelr'11e to accept this \\'t' 45'x111 purse a:; predation lttr 0dy e„I)I.essc11 and oar p:1'.i 401 '1e; fur y0 it future wt Signed on behalf of the (itl'ir:lio; and the the(” c,: nnlnnili s, \\'nn, .I, Thomp+on, 'Phomas .1. Bamford, 31.11•. vin Niel'•.:w—:t. Mr. It 1 e Ili lulu 1 the matt) f1 i:'na; for their 1111(1nc'.; and g nertsity 1 ) a t lligihlc 101n'11 of the op - Himself, \Irs. said he would Rose, and family. 111' long rcnteneier and ap- predate how so molly of the people !had been ready and willing to accept. Donnybrook.' bis leadership, and co-operation, and STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. OXO CUBES and OXO FLUID 1 OVAL:PINE 40c and 60c KING BUG KILLER 25c and 50c ri JUNKET TABLETS and JUNKET POWDER' S9 d; i3 (:9 b4 1 d• 1 BABY FOODS per tin 5c 'I'IIRIFT SOAP FLAKES 39c SALAD IDRESSING 12c and 23c OI,I) i)UTCI-I CLEANSER 12e, 2 for 23c CORN STARCII 11c C t? ANGES per dozen, 40c and 50c (;.:A PE FRUIT large, 10c OPEN 'WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY EVENING sfiiaiit$ttaaivtil(2i alt:1Zh'ktibl'iti)t:Mimutr� ivaiBtitawi°pi21wtadviDaiD at$aani4i:aat