HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1943-06-23, Page 1VOLUME 17 - NO. !Ms North Huron Liberals ..,, ,i ,.,:. • YT ARD 111X1111, ONTARIO, 'WEI) v, ESDAY, JUNE 23, 1913. YOUR LOCAL PAPER . • . _ .0MME10.1.11■1111 New Books In The 141 J)rary 1 lol mesvifle Couple Mark I Te lie Quoted On Tile Air •_1)cho()!14 fitly S16,576 In Wari('anadia.n Blood In My Veins Savings Stamps „to,' fur Mme. Chiang Glad to Viis)i,tilyCat:„aiditar: or of a highiy Act( .s.411 campaign T(Tmlo 1,1 mow it the stile of \Val. S ivings -11111e lit111; Stamps anion, (;:tilliren of Ila.; 11,11 ('lily, Mr, It. 1<, "1 ha\' tiwaY, (01:1. \l'ar Sa Sta in;) .1nada• 1. 1'()st 1)()Ile (_"()11 Veil t• i()I1 nit! The. following is a list of the last ,)1,1,11 IVecicling Anniversary „, (01 St1:111:ty. lune :ft II, The S WI .10 11'10101 MI 1 hp ;Ili' 1 1'0111 11 11 11 111' 11001(8, W111011 11:0') 1/0011 111111011 Atr. owl yrattic \vhittnore. Radio station (T1111 Tit Hilo. ;41 to the 6heives of the 1,1brarY. hy Ill" teemed 1'4 41(10 , of I 1 1 minesville, and The moo llwt\\ ill hav; tele: 1111' 1 1:1.1111 (011114Y 1,11)1..irY .,Jvialinn• 'for many yciii• residents of Godcrich rel.' 11 arti( 1;; \\dile!' ;1; (I:ti)ld('rs Searelt, 1); Ili T. Lutes; ,Towittdiip, tele', 1 a led In ir tll1t vett. a rip), ;011,1,H,)tiu',ity4 ;111, I J. A. letter N or NI, Agatha Christie; The king ding iinniverary 31onday, June 21st. t'owan, yfflo. 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 I.) Was r111 1)1101 1,i1)01-,11 lirmItiliar101•;; 'or the hash, 11'11114111 11eLetal Rainer; 'Due to Ili,' Ma1 ility of no inners of the to this programme, it, 1,1 , at Toronto urging th it o convention ;Com king of Melted Rocks, IIt1ily to be pr1 en! 104 that, (lay, the 'Country News', and ha, it, them date he n1 itilil fill Hier 11011('l. 1 I a le: APPIO I11' 11 I t IC! 11 ildr 1 '001'101101) WIN III 11 Wit 11 11 111011 11! '04111 j! .1 WI 01 1101' 1 II I pi., , 11 4V114 11111101'.-10011 1 111 S1111 1101. not 11 11110 51111, 11'41 1'44'101i to The weather tfth11 0,0111v''Iy11, , lind ::ent to other ridings in 1 'welting; Sick !Hirt River, John was itle,d, nil itt angers of the family pro;.; rdmine g;; on the .'ir the provinci.,. illochan; 1\ly Friend 1011clia, 31ary \+ ho %vela' pia sent, along with the sunday (r,..1. T11 '00 00:I.:Hilo 11111 1111'0 i for North 0'1 lara; Itculless ar: the sails, Ey- bride and enroll of fifty yearis ago, Intuit ;II o 31 in (loch 11 it heson, former elYn Eaton; JosselYn's wife, .51001 a tuo,1 enjoyahli, afttl.rnoon. P EltS()N L I N'IlE 111, VI' Uf A.111110111 T.1‘4'11.4.1 111 1 Hugh NArris; Soret volt; y„jaekson Greg- I. and Mrs. \\111tinure were mar - I ill, protninett 11 IS' farmer and way ory; Forgive us our lrespasm,s, Lloyd rii (I at liruerl'iehl on June 2 1st, IS1i:1 mond Ni of 1.',A4 I \1'';i I Douglas; '1'111. Black lolemIng.4, 1 1,y the It v. 11r, Slinp4on, Per some no.di Town 1lIJ4, Th.. seat has been 1<tithlovit Norris; Early simino I., El- year.; follusving their marriage they vacant for four or li\ y y; ars, izaheth Corbett; The Virginian, Owen lived in different localities tiurround- \Ir. ;11.(1 ( Gilt are tVister; Invitation to live, Lloyd C. ling Varna, and years ago purchas- ‘Isiting with the Int:;.r's ;;1•t; r. .V1H Donglai; flighwaY to valour, Nlar- ed tic !Loan on the llnyfhld Itottd, .losephin; \\';;/),:coe';, haying 11 ;en itt Sr. MICHAEL'S CHURCH gavel Intley 1 Spriag 1Iagle, Ste‘'• where they rcsided until nine years iattondatice al the of ihe late enstet; Bright to the wanth,rer, Bruce ago, when they sold the old Itonve 1.0 Mrs. D. A. Smith of 4 ,y1,,rich Tcwit The1•0 will be a 31 l';'1011 Prcac1,14"I 1,„1„.„,t,,r; The new !mop. J. 1'. kite A. E. Townsliend, and moved to their '1,1111), by a Itedemptorkt Either in 1.:+1.; present hu:ation liolinciville. (.1)111 and Fro ;man Lincoln; Dri‘.(11' 3and . 1Slichael ; ( atholie ( leirch, Myth, ‘vonitin, Elizabeth Pickett ('J';ali"r; Belot• hem r arriage, 31 rs, \\1itinorMr, 11 1 Frank 1 noictI of t,a ginning on Sunday. June 27, al lo.:10 eto.,11114. ,11; \\;,•,111,; :day evening. Services \Oil he 10;111 each morning and evening durit14. the 1011 r (lays. The executive of the North Huron 1,11a;i:(1 :\s,ociation mot in \\Ingham to ma lie arr,ing( for a convention to 5C11.1.1 11 1..1 101 111 110, hid (101111 110 I/11111.i \V0111 1111:1 101010 1 when a 11r. 1111 1''. 1{1011;1 1(1; '.'ii' r( 1 11 v -; in Toronto r,o, a Irw d Id Agminst 4 darloming sky. .hill Lew- was ls.thell Reid, (laughter of the late is; Border breed, William 31cLeod Itobert til Jane Reid, of Ashfield Rain?, Blue mask (Mikes ;wain, An- Township, Hinny 31orton; \Vide is 11), g'al', \\'hittnor,; is a kv ting service \vitt he al 7.1111. The , ton inclair; White orchids. Grace ,john \minion; and public are cordislly invited to It- : S ' 1.;1vingst0n 1 1 III; S\veet Thames run told ‘v,14 horn in' York 1(1111. softly, Robert flibldligs: ('01111113' til' Toronto, Inc came to this district iter, Henry Iluelle Hough; The art of rovii11 a lad or twi• lye, all by himself. selfi;sliness, 1)11\1(1 Seabitry; He can relat,, many interesting ex• Contrail l'o; Pomins; 3lission to 311):4 periences of the earlier (lays both in '0w, Joseldt E. 1)4 \ it's; The 'davit 1111..4 district and In the Toronto area. T711111.il Church al 11'vst field were 11,-1,1 hook of Poland; A prophet at home. .;ven chidden were horn to the on Stunt:1y, at 2 ('cloth, and 7.11. I Douglas ltemll lins"ia and ;lalmn; 01 f1° Year'i ago, and all are living. There \vas Ini.ge p„agi.,,gation Hindus; Tip; unknown They are, Frank mid Harold or liam• hoth soryn.,,s, 1;,,v, 1,. ro;, ,country, lirtuT Mitchinson; illon; Mrs. John Young Mose) of To - of Varna w,e, Hp; gue.:1 sp,,ahoi.. tit II() .1rras, Antoine (le Saint. Exupery; Iloilo; Mrs. \\Ilin' \Vedsli (Flossie) the afternoon she spoke from the Guadale.inal diary, Itichard l'regas tor Stanley TownshiP; Ilaymond, of tr:xt, 'Jesus ,phis; silo said his; \\'in,w.; ‘‘,0111,4. Dough" C. (:011eli1.11 TO \VIHIll1); MI's, Carl Cu in 111111 worlds 110115 19(141y, :110A1 111'1 1'10 1 Mcrry 110artS and 1/0111, f(ia,Ynell) of codr.r1(111; and livnllPth, is W11.1 1 1 he C1111 11 1100(15, What We, Parhara Nolen; \Vhat's in the shy, 1°I. itlYlib All all' married, 111(1 tiler° 'as pc.)ple eil 10 know, that Divine 31irlant Phillips Dunham: From inre (1011 grandchildren. 1.1r,'sclice of Jesus Himself, the Greut ter to money, Flor,1 C. Itne; Tonds 31r. ond Airs. \\11 11 1110r2 vitro CO1111011 all Oar HIS anti 14 1100 and frogli, Bertha 3Iorris Tho recipients of many gifts and congrat- comings, or sin. \Ve must seek Jesus :zoo book; 13uilding and flying model .nlatory messages, and flowers, l'hollgit alone for fergivei0.-4, and for wild- airplanes, Air youth of Amorint; Joan both are :itIvaneing in years they 61111 111110. 1Vi. must recognize on the Foster, freshman, Alice It. Colv,r„ 1.01S1)11'.1 ii) 1 degree or good road of ff.-. \Vo 1111'11 buata 'HIM The prince and the pauper, Stinitrd ;health. 3!i'. NVItil more is 7(1, Mrs, beside its, tool we Recti Itt hiimy Him. 1,, (lemons; Quest In 11r., North land, 1 \Vilitlaure is 7:1, 11 \\tits regrettiddy The ‘vorlil never lie ally hymyr Elizabeth Yates: High atirdies, Fran noted 011 S1111(hly 1 11 111 11101111101'S Of the. 11 11 1 11 .1 l',11S 1 1 1110:01 I. 14 1 11 101.4 an 103(1 (1'4 D111100111 1101 .1 1111 1 14141.•4, .101111 Alase family front distant points were not yr; 11111 il peoples YiAl themselves field; Beautiful Joe, 31arsliall Salm able to be present for the occasion. son of tlw late 31ary 011, TONV111.1 I I), 11011r wEsTFIELD The Anniversary seroei-, or Hie to 1 1 1`; 44111 11 101 1104V(11', 1111 1 1 1 inn' 11(tr!4; 31011Y Herman hearts are open to r reive the great.. c,st gift to mankii01, .1''':s himself, In 11,,, „„,,,,;(nitint• „in, (.110m, for inn. text, —1)1,0 evenin4!. the morning of the Die same day."I'llis she said was (1.11,1's greatest niieacle. text Is 1 !ken l'i'on Genesi:4. The story of Creation, when God made the in all it's homily and glory, and then sin came, 01111 it was evening ale1 ille darkness covered the earth. Then God inado the morning of the 6111110 day, the glorious morning of hope and new le;;;Anning,. In our me wi,timat c.:trist, we too are In (lark poss. Hut thank. (loll for this even - big Inn in:, whim \\•,, turn to jest's 4Ind in oar heart and life we have Oat mornitig' full of nov and IH"111k1'. Ill`W begin- ning a 111'W h1.1 1.1 all in the bank) daY, and the run will 11111;111pr and all will 1'1' \\*ill a we surrender ottr- selve.4 to .1,.;-;;:•. \\lint the world needs is 10 1 11 111 10 J0.4 11S, Today we have forgulleti God, 440 g0 011 1011' ror- getting tint we must all face God and 'without Jese; we stand :done. She; urp,;(1 everyone lo yield their will to God 811(1 enjoy the morning of for- givenc;ss and fullit ,ss of lire, The I3lyth Coiled l'hurch choir, itmler 111(1 direction of 31 A, E. furnish- ed speeial maid(' al both services, which xva; very mu( 11 enjo,yed and apt)r.,;ialt 11 by all. 111r. 11'111 Mcnowo11 wos a 1..ondon Visitor on 31 on(la,'. .31r. John (leer or K111(1101101., w1th register, Miss Gwendolyn Treleaven, sutler of 111)1; brido, sang '0 Perfect ,AIrs. 11, and Jimmy, Se:I- hove.' A wedding (linnet. was served forth and PL.. AI. London liner the ce.0,111011y with forty goosto With 31r. and AIrs. A. Nit:Dowell. s, Hu' home of 31r0. present. The dining room was decor Kpointio; 311', Boy Alcritt le ripen! the week- a 1 001 011111 1111)14 111111, white giro:utters A good program is being prepared end in St. l'atharines and Toronto, and white wedding Wis. Six cousin's and a demonstration of making bias Calif:11in( s were vi-itoes 1413tel on \\'(;(110,4(lay. l'hey were here 1() 11 1 fiineral 3!r. 1"( 100 IC; si,ter, !late Mrs. Donald A. fie inerly tii,, ;s12,1111) out the C.11(nit' campaign. GladYs Holm( 1!. 1' " ^I" ;it, ;n1.1 cliaree; (n) ;i1lo and Huron (le;1111 11 1 111 11' in County is asl«1 to bay ;11 least sixty 1,,,v(,), ()I. !hell). The I County C11111011 1A11 41111 he S11 111)(01(.11 by Ilio ef the \\tar Savings Stamp 'ittinintitt 1, for your lecality. In ile; -0,1011s yon will 14111 rind a 314 ;lam' Phelan. :\!'' Ft \Vals11, hoard poster di\ Med into ninety Frank Al:tr.-holt Leslie 11 and „111;i1;;;s, each swim., representing 011;;; Frani( Fl()gcrson ;111"11 led II"' \V"1 ce the '.$!,1 1.equir«1 t'or on,. depth t'ounth 4 Teleph•ole C01151411 i in, \vith iti,. smi, of tour \\...11. 11 the Hotel London. 1111; \\*(.1110‘1.4Y; I-:,tvite,;;; St imps 1'.0; The.y 44 el- NT/ 111panii 11 to London hy I purchaser may a 'Stamp 0 1.1rain' niessage to Iluron 1111 l''. 1. 41 HI ill 1 1111 1 1.110 11(1011 1 44101; (1 to 001110 10 .\ rt '1' all. 1 linve 1' inadia!). 1111 1111 to my ' The 0)1.115 are of a 11 wooed 10 11;.: 1,1 lin awl -ecoullitry selmois 1 in .1 1 total (it $1 Soft .11 11,12 1,, April " \1.0 are very pr old of them. 1 kvi 11 tilt, opportunity of 1,1111, ;11.,4 1 110 In :P)','1 r. t11k1 1+: 111 '. Mr. 1;onti, and 3Ir. 'arrY, Ho' 1. a;1111 and P111);1' who 11;;%, , hit in 111,. i \vorl, It-ath doe; 10:1 tato. a 11,)111lay on the 11.1111, 1110X 411111 55111)111 cliild, \'.111) today • ;•,-1(01,- the ;-:(11,1;,; and lb, 11011::, \1:;(lanie ];hy hid a tvvinlile ner (;).(•, 4511011 011. iwade this idaint alio 11 her 'Canadian blood,' but .1. S. 31aeliiiitnet St. George SI., \vim 1,dd th, s'ory to The says it is '11ot II, *Madame Chiang', he twat.; 1'011 1)011 01'01'y 0110 of 11.-; 11111:11 III 1 111- 1). to.t1111'1: P.. "1 11 :le( Hein/ soy - titin and redouble our efforts to lend 1.1 Ye"1' "r"• t- • 1:`'n 10 8 Itt11 thm wt, C;i11111111 11 111 1 1011 110.111111 1 10 (11(11 )4111)5' I 0.• E. C. V.11101.11 110(1(1.11 0 \\''11.1"1" ditli11.1(1.'11'111.1;:1\"\.111., 1.1.V.:111'401 11 10(111114 June 2111 and until the 0101 Of .1 111V. 'proper Howl type for the distim the on\ ernment 1-'"011:4 lo 11'1 4•1'11' v,11i, 111,11 piiii lit, hut finally a 1111 1-1.1 ,iit wa, selected. Sono; time later 31adame Chiang return( (I to the hospital with For Inzel. She extol- sed the \visit that she !night ;some (lay visit Canada, :Ind said. '111 never forget that I have Canadian blood in my veins, and 1 do want to 11111 11 41 first hand inore the great Dontinlim.' Alr. 31totKinnon sir/s that, on an- other occasion, ladrone (Ili:mg. rig - heti the lio,,pital in her own plane, 10(1 generously gave the missMnaries' children their first plant, ride.' Editor's Note: \'.1, are informed 11111 NI Clare 1(;(1owan of 'Myth, supplied the information regarding fhb, interesting story, which arpeared in the Toronto ktily Star, as well as practically' every Daily paper in Can. and (1 synliyaled Prer.-(- in the Claire \Vail:tee try,(1 the story in sliplitly different form in her three 'Canada -wide' broatleask June 171h, from Ottawa, on About Blyth? Canadian put his or 111.1. skimp money' int 1b (11:1 1'140.4. 11 \VIII 1 0 1,1 11.'11 C.0111 111.11 TOW1ISII:4), (in SUE F.1Y, itt 14. ATiErID CONVENTION Aliss 31argaret Marshall, ' Hitler. Admiral l'oenitz, or to one of 'our own boys In ill(' Royal C41110(1 i4111 .1trvis Station 1)011 ale 1119()cl Navy ;ittil It \vitt he stlicl«in one a silimi,,. \viwn v14,1y To the No. 1 Bombing 1i1111 Gunnery Ihe 1'11111Y square MK been filled, the boar(1 will School it Jarvis. Ontario 1„1Is the lion lor of 1:1-ing the first I 1.1'. 'CI'. st ttion 1 1, '`,( 111 In a Calia(E111 Ship nsing ilypth charges and \vitt be tied to an in Ontario to have its ewit Il..d Cros4 act.; 11 tic101) (lunge. Yotn. message Illood Donors clink% 1.;\ .,, y 1 i., 4111014 4 111 1! boys and gii 16.111 Air 1 iryi, Blue 'Ili ho "'ail \\in' interest hY "I' hill line up at I he comi) lies ,i1 la 1 ;in 1 do- in the Navy anti undoubtedly many letters \rill be written hy Nivy men nale their bluoil In be 1.- :I 1 , th;; hat Ile fronts. In the four elini(,; tint la 111".'" whose """0"'i 1110 addr(''''"s 1,WItztt 111ive ht) 11 held Hort, Aloe 1- Ar.1111..v. lappear on :owl' myssages. till, 111.1,11 and 451,1111,11 1.1. th„ JarviA I, -Lei ' give 1115111 ever)'Illing we've 3Ielvill.,4, school 11 Ave re4Fonded 11111y, In the'g')I. '.1 NI 1% \\.1111Ply in (doting. 'Dm' \vonten.s ith.j.,10,1 utto, tbutt 1„ 1 iing Ilk. holiday season sellool children cumuli:in girls tat, 811.1.,1:v : tveti ;s101111(1 continue buying \\'a' Sa 41(145 their blood- 111.1n3' of Com beily2, re ; SI unl". Pot; in this period the war pealtal donons---;and the nuitil 1.;,......aw4 'will he 11re6ee11Ied 1°111 even 'mere:Ise° Beal Itlp for Ontario farmons who with each clinic held. 111001154.* is in sight, zind while it may not be are suffe,ring from a labour shortage To Chum (.'apt)in A.D. l'ell.H.ving --r -- fully experienced help and is availa.ble (111'fieer in l'onintaint of th- 5 11001 ado.; hi: ; v CIIVIICII ;very decid 4.(I factor iti gat1Hring in 11n, hay and grain crops and doing °tit , only for part time periods, it can be a goys mach ot th ' cry lit 1 1 :. nest ,-.1ty. cossful clinics, 1.'1.1)111 the very lir.s1 1 „ , 1911:1\-C11. , 01' seasonal farm work. P85111 Com Cwoup Captain l',..11 1 i eldhuslastic ;thout !hi' clinic and the (1111011) Ilrigades 81l' 11044' organized and \von( it is doing and is himself i 1"g 1 lar TRINITY q\1GLICAN CHURCH in operation in over 1:;0 cities, Mwns :Mrs. 54111111 operated what is conceited "proud to 1)- part or ;1 ,erviclut ,‘ 11ev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th. Rector. and villoge,4, in Ontario. 110 Idst year Myth led the way for The cerl.;moity was mu -formed on ho ont, of the finest fruit farms ht may mean Go, saving of live; \viten .1tine 27111, 111 13. First Sunday after many of the larger munleipalititus in. the lawn witit viner$ and a decorated • Huron'. The (arm was established by the boys get ower therc;. Farm f'oniniando \vorli, A gang 'was 1 i :mile servilarl,'1.1iiiini(ilYsei 111)11 lo atm arch as a haelcgrotinti. Rev, II, r 1 the late ' • 1 31dor Sloan ;Ind after Ilia 11111:1‘s•e111?:0(1)11x;em‘tv).,.(i,iliosittilliti,,,(1;niti)r1(1,0s5.t.: 11'11(1;LE Ti.u: , I{ ev . E . O. (.;a1LIgher mi. out from the l'Illage nearly every I \lclier!-on, pastor of Dungannon and ;death \vas carried 011 I'Y Ills ‘‘i1 " moves into lite Janis c •1111) 110, p al--• of \vitigh„to will offiehitt, „tot or„ach. night during much of the grain liar t'i ewe rolled clitirclIths, officiated :Ind nyll° afterward 11111.1.1ed 1), A. Sill"' vest. Thro,, is 110 doub.1 that the , the wedding music, 1111, 'Bridal chorus 1 She \vas greatly inlYmted 111 1(111! 110)11' than 0 score of doom ;. 0 iv:, . swot ty st,1001 tin ,t, the 5, nice. 1 1 ',Mpg 118101 was approciated by our Ho, growing and was for three years In and voluntary \vorkers, Evor . 111,i, farmer friends. That the need is even 11:1triti..t:Itlit.1.,sid(51113Ptielgri:11Ntli':,,;.w.;11:1111:h(IN:::{1,11.:11111Y. Te,, succe.4s ion president of the Huron the tirst clinic, the re-ror •1, 11.1., hetet BLYTH UNITED CHURCH 1, gie,ater this 11»,)' lo readily apparent. In ile given in triarringe hy her father, Fruit (lro‘verst Aspoelation, she \rat; exci. Ilent, 810 (Ito ail 45) nal. 11, in pro - I Th.., editor put himself on the spot wore 8 street luaAlt (111.;sis of silk itiso t imember of the Provincial As pottion 10 their 1:11100r4, are g: V1114 I - . S . n.I.0: unliav School. 'inalmtisePte over pini( 1:11'fe1o, 10,111 sociation, 'formal). title men a mark to aim at. ()wile; to 1 ins ‘‘ Ili 1 ..„ ,,, 1 1 11 0„( I,.l,.,t c. of the last year by undertaking to :16.i:01111)h) ...... 1, 1t .., t II gangs for as many nights as possible. tlie rigorou6 standurit of fitut.ss 11 .....s. sehee.1 shoulder length veil of pink net le_1(1 !Besides her Iiit6hand there survive under 110' directilm of the , lie spent as much time essemliling a of si.; sary in Hight training, on. 1,1,1 (Vo are , \vitt' n coronet of pink 10403. 5110 rill' 0(1° 1)1011101'. Frank eirn C12,,ii , ,11k,,Ionary Committee. 1(..n w for each night as It, did 111 the 'Hod a bouquet of \vIlite Bridal roses Catharines, and two sisteri, mrs, Herb. not allowt 0 to (1010)', but the ;,,l ion 1 1 .1,11,,-, subject: .1,‘veh.tt (taws: harvest new. Till,: should not hay() Tremaine - Treleaven The home of Alt'. and 3Irs. Trelcavon. concession 7, A;;Illield, 'was 110; scpu; of a pretty wedding ;11 (waer14.11 To‘vntillitt to 3111".1, Gladys ennett' Smith, 4511'1, of I l(mald Saturday 1.1,1.1.110011 when B ; 1. Smith, and formerly widow of third ilaugliter, Eliza Beatrice, was , Alajor Itubert Sloan, First Cereot \\'ity unit( a in marriage to 3!i'. liawrenetil Trentultie,.Toranto, c!iluit son of ;31r. and Airs. 11'illiant .1'rent.iine, Am thin% Sloan -Smith Dies Suddenly Death came suddenly Sunday at her home, Sloanyrest Fruit Farm, Vt 011111. SIit' Wa 9, a daughter (if tin., late John 11Iinell and 11111'y Mulch Bennett, former residt.ntm ote Blyth. Farm Commando Brigades are Organized In Over 150 Urban Centres. 1)111 smilax. 311:s. 1'ernon Hunter \vas "minis, "I (111"11'11; and Mrs. Dail, resident Fttm.ral services xvere 10.;141 Prom din lica.vett shect., with a COrallel Or (111;1001M, S110 carricil a sheaf of pint: carnations. Little Freida Tre inaim,, only sister of the bridegroom, \\Taring a dr,Liss of orchid organdie and carrying a nosegay of roses and (onto! was 11(111)1(011114 flower girl. 1Ir. lvan 'I'rentaine was his brother's 11 sI min. 1)nring the signing of Hy., his inonner over the weekend. crews an., making up for them. 1. ol 7 p.m. Saha' lowing the opening of 1 111' 01 11! 10 41 1111 \vaves. proxing that it coyll lie 11(1 11013' Anglica1,11111h1' Clink 4 lta11)4'' 1)1 At St. Nur.; n t'llitreit, Clinton,' "ccer this \\,p(hipsday at p.in. sorvice opened in 11111W' 4)1!! 1' 1 1,1%,\ (11111 , • . 111)5 cold twivti by Rev. 0. \\'. more, stations through nit ()Mai io. rector or the 14art011. Inh,rnwilt was made in Myth ('111011 Cemetery. W. I. TO MEET Owing to the holiday falling on their regular day of meoling the W. 1, will hold their meeting one week later 11r, and Mrs. Sid. MeClinchey and of the bride assi4ted in serving. Ali 1 , 1, ----% oduong will ho Oven by Mrs, lechuie family of Althorn, with 1Ir. (111(1 'Mrs. and NIrs. Titemaine left by motor for a and Mrs. Rutledge, 11'. Walden. short honeymoon in Arthur and other Iloste45es are 3Ii's, S. Keelinie, Mrs, 1 1,rry Hyde, \Vesdloylc Sask. places bc.fore leaving for their home Mrs. Colelough and Airs, 11, Phillips, with 31r. and 31rs. (1)')) '(1;' 1Vig1411111(n. at (17 Pauline avenue, Toronto. ;Mr. and 311"• 14.111 NieVillie, Gad" , bride wore for travelling It navy 5110141. eriell 5115111 a flw days 311'. and with white accessories, 'Flip date and Al 14. Wm. McVittie, chosen for the wedding IVa)) the 2)1111 Mr. and Mrs. S. leclinie, 1113'111 wedding anniversary of the bride Ivith 31r. and AIrs. It. 3' (((110111, groom's lutrents and was a 1,4 0 11111 wed :Mr. and Mrs Norman AleDowell (ling anniversory date of his grand 'Fere Cloderielt visitors on Saturday, parents, MOVES TO NEW QUARTERS The Elliott 1(14)11') 111')' .1gency bait moved to irs new quarters in the 11r. J. A. Gray will oct 84 presiding apHication.4 through the (lolly press. AN ERROI? Recently in reporting the Eolith's. biro Red Cross News, 410 made an Trot' in the contribution of the boys of the Pat concession of nutlet!. The amount Oven by this group '411011111 !inp11. lyt.111511111lay 7.n Successful On Year's Worlii, ,\ h.s.ipty 10 all. Dr. A. 0. Thomson, Minister. Ilmve rend $70.011 iirstuad • :z•11 \\*tithing in the it° he. W.0 would suggest that some •orgonization tak;e hold of the matter and get it going in plenty of time for PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the harvect. Perhaps the town court IN CANADA. eil would intlertako it. All the help 10111111b!('10111111b!('10111111b!('vklil he needed, (1rallt .1011 1W10'11 ;Ind 'Miss Peggy Biephey of tioileriell. 5115111a few days week; with 31r. and Auburn, Blyth and Smith's Hill Charge. service; 10.41 Lord's pay. Auburn Sunday School 10 am. 3Vorship 1! a.m. Alemorial servic:. at- l'01111.11,1:11,ery, 2 p.m. Smith's Hill Sunday Schoolpm ;I .. Worship 4 school 7 ',An. \Vorship James llowatt and Clayton Circ.,,s, of ,S.S. No, 1 1, East \Va\vitti,%4 11 and 1 1 M. lett were suocessful 1n pissing their Entrancte Examinations en their yoar': work, 31is Anty Toll I‘as er. Presiding Officer Teacher Resiglis 3liss Margery George. who for the three years has be n 11,4"istant c ;cher in the Myth Continuation •Craig who celebrated his lith birthday School. has ri igneil her position, 00 Tuesday. June Lnd, The School Beard hay,. been seeking Elliott. Irks. Gordon CONGIZATULATIONS Congraltdations to .111110 Richmond who celebrat-s 110r birthday on Thurs ,(lay„lune 24th. 144704.4 Congratulations to Mrs. Gordon Aug tis.tini. who celebrates her birthday en Stitiday„1 nne 27tr. Congratulations to Master Bodle Milne Block, the bulking formerly OC lofficer at Entrance Examination,: to It 'lay be quite a problem to fill the Congratto 1110-s o Joan Philp who eupled by Earl Willows, one door north 140 Mil in Dungannon Centrt. Thu,- 44. 81(3'. \\'e understand that Miss eel: her 1 1th birthday rn Sat 1(11(;:.g? Ills already secured a position. Imlay, June 111th, of (he Commercial Hotel. day ;Ind Friday of this Farm Tractor Tire Made From Corn '1'11e to ❑+;tilt. 1.,ois for tm, covet! bia hot, i„ . wheu, ft:! lee fiat time. _,:ar 1•.,.• r11 f;r3 fatl,(r 1 ._ the L'ru) e;: (110,1,( t , doycloiaaa the fir:, 1;:ar:ant pneumatic limier I!'',•, Fent to .:,';reef the first Of the new thea as it ca»)„ icor:: the mold 8.t the F' . :eu( para. The his- toric lira is one of a rr,l 1 (In}' cot(tplrtrd for tooMr. en the I'r'e• stone Fianna Nearly 111 1 } (—l' or 1,i,t) l sands How Can 1?? By Anne AzhIey Q. Hl•w can I make linoleum' Iasi. longer A. It will Iact longer if one is ear( fug to wipe it airy after w'::: ii - Ing. This prevents water front getting mitllrneath It and into the seams. Q. How can I get rood result:, when shellacking hardwood floors? A. Beiort shella(ltinn or tvttaing be surf t;pat the 110ui,, me clean. The stains will shat} up plainly tonic( the polish if the stains are not remo':i 1. Q. How tan 1 facilitate the pmssing , f a pleated skirt? A. \\ hen pressing a )')catch skirt use needles to pin down the pleats. They will leave no marits w'h( 11 they are removed. Q. 1-fow can I avoid haying cloudy jay A. As soon as :ell3 has cooked sufficiently pour it into the glass- es. It will he cloudy if allowed tc congeal before pouring. Q. }low can I make a good rake frosting .' A. A delicious frosting for cake can be made during the summer mopthe by using crushed berries and mixing with confectioner'f1 suerand milk. 140w' OASt I remote iron rust from white goods? A. This may be removed by using a little sour milk. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING All From Coal Probably roost )f us are familiar with the fact that through coal tar dyes, coal gives 110', a whole rainbow of gorgeous colors, but not. iso many persons realize that Goal is potentially richer in rub- bert than all the Wanda of the East, more bountiful in fibres than all the silkworms, and In general provides a storehouse of chemicals from which may be procured ninny mat(rial% essential berth in peace and in war, '1'o accomplish the,ae wonders of transformation, coal is not dump- ed into some gigantic bobbling report over a roaring fire by a hawk -visaged chemist in a white smock who hovers over the mess awaiting the particular product desired. writes W. P. Keashey in 'Tlh Christian Science 11o•,itor. • • "](lade from coal." according to du Pont chemists, \rho gave us nylon from cent, air, and )cater, really means that oae of several tolcrrn(•diatls use.; In linthir,g a product 15, in 1'1.1:, made from o' @ or ;10:e of the 5(\era, de•r;'- Iitiv(•c of Coal. Bitu:lln."us Cala!, heated in an srulosl:l that11ber, gives,off 101a - tile product'' sm.!. i'i coal gas, ammonia, ('maul, and toluol, and la('v(-s roue as a residue. These Pubstane(s are Gen peal!'; for ):c i❑ mak:.;: suCl• )widely diverse 111011 ria.•' :,' 111;-ft,•(/1 compounds fora'lplane. tank, truck and auto- mobile :It :nes; felti1;:)rs: ins(c- Utidrs: ' : nartl,••s snap'." 1.0(1 lit- erally 1 marc is of oft, r prod - Lula. For about 1.1 pounds of coal :(re chemically utilized in the 1i ins o!' oat pound Of the ay -Abell(' r•16her-10100 neopren(1. '•L 1( 1) •" t!)(, crystal-clear p'astie of )111)111 ,„! )1i .1 t' 13 to »lake tl, Lot,:d 1 tot the fest rot of :1.r., til ,1f tL1 Lla,,'us }:r0t)1)c1 l;r;p \1i1i,•l,, The 11, i .::1 1 :oaf's id t:.,mi.:ate grain In i 1,1a. t;; 1,1 r 1 e1,1-JIs of frFIIO r!'1 g ti:i• 1::;,011 to par• deco ):,sin a!r„0ol, 111(1 tram - forming the alcohol !Ian haste hl"e11'.ti t , f s�ntin,'ir nul•- bor, thronal) a 1 Manta:)) : t art;(:,. Synth. li,': 111:,11,. f:ein )rain alit'. nen-oh-aim bases )1a\1 an Ir:11w! by I'!r('s:nite lose:i2 1) men! 0)01 tlhuw• no 35111 r( err, in ga:Illt1. l':•4d In tires', 1':1..112 srn'l:etlrr. wear sat- lsfarforay. for bomber )nose:, 11111 blisters, comes from black coal, and this is only one of )many light and strong idastics to rem. from ec'al ant) its derivat:\es. • • • Toluol and methanol, used 30 military explosives, such tl. '1'NT, come from coal, as a]:•'0 doe. trt- chlorethylene, whirl) is an odor- less, non-inflairunable dry clean- ing fluid which has now "gone to war" to 1110he smoke scrcen9 (,1100 to clean metal part, of ordnance quickly and efficiently. Even acetate rayon may I1O11' derive its vital acetic acid from coal. • And out of the continuing in- tensive research carried on under stress of war there doubtless will come many new things made from coal which will be eagerly wel- comed by the peacetime world. 2nd Russ War Loan Is Oversubscribed Soviet Russia's Second war loan of 12,000,000,000 rubles was oversubscribed by 2,561,000,000 rubles in the first 24 hours, it was announced recently, and sub- ger)ptlonwere raid to he mount- ing steadily. (In foreign trade the ruble has lead a nominal value of 19 cents but conditions governing Russla'e eoonomic contacts with the out- xlde world ntnke accurate conver- sion into the dollar impossible. (On the basis of a 19 -cent fig- ure, however, 12,000,000,000 rubles wouM be $2,280,000,000.) Gardeners TO FEED is as important as TO SEED Remember Ihls If you Want ma II - mum results from ')'our garden, I'ianta feed only through solu- tion. Old Gardener, the complete plant food, Aril bnlnnced, highly eonventrnted, Ir :Dun's npplled In solation . . the food goes strnight to the roots. Add ooe 1e1eI ten. spoonful to a quart of nater tlnd apply the solution around the plants and tilting the runs, 1 ou ren ferlllire little nod often throughout Ihe griming period. TREMENDOUS ECONOMY $1.(44) l'.0I Ai I:'1' 11 A I\ 1:N •1211 1.11s. ( 1(04 (t'I'ti.1 I.IIt 1 111 FERTILIZED. PEEll'. nn 111-F(l0'1' ItoR' tut 1•;Ql:lt'.tl,l:\'1' :1 '1.1111:'.. nee Pa'l's MARKS 13I1 (3'1''.,, 2.110,' Phi'. 4IAR(11 11),' 1'12'1'. 11Ak1?, i ItTS. Ilirer:ions In et rry picket FOR BUMPER CROPS USE THERE IS NC SUBSTITUTE Obtainable from: Tour denier or nearest V.uolnorlh, Itresar or Sle(ropoliton More or ',end ('14511 for puei.el, ptislpnid. to On,lern Itepre•''entntte a—it. 11. Loins, 111 eillegt"n S1, 1% est. 'Toronto. 4)ntnrio. Have You Heard? Those who h:a'e seen the, free- dom 1'.1111 which American troops I•)a1,1! moo...V will enjoy this ato]')' from India. An Alto...eon, 11114ing hired a t+,1:-0 for a 110 -tante the ordinary 1:.8) for w, 11 w'ould be half a rot .1. u.;,: 1:.;;1.n:ou:-3 handed the (111'.11 r t, U rap,. nate, The 01,1', shook his 12(:1(3 vio- lent)" 00d li,'n1:,nd1(1 60, " 1111' s'1i1! the American, "10,.,1)t•nol:dl. I shan't pay any The 1111,.0:.:. the ('upon accepted the. m„18: a0„1 waned aw'ny, leav- ior tl,.• t1•:l . buil pony with the )1)1)1'.:.•rr. "With your every breath, the Got( rnment spends $1,000." But don't let this affect your breathing. It is the tame if you don't. lir 1:111. (..41. of l,is ''locked car 1.. ai 1111 rr,•d to a de'ter's of- fice. "1 ,al.': do It:1\thing for him," 611 .4: ti'.( G,'(!1.., "1'11: 1) letc rinary 1,11 (itis!," replies! tato 1410,11.;. "1 1.:,: a inch:.sr to think 1 conic; di. an on rho' -r firer. She: "Now that we're en- gaged, dear, you'll give me a rim?, won't you?" He: "Why, certainly, dar. tir,c 1 What's your number?" "bay," said lihoinson, "you know that pull near the airfield? Well. 1 reckon I had n couple of drinks too many there last night." "What makes you htink so"tr "Well, after closing time 1 went 001 and ,iunlped on the first bus 1 (maid find. 1 went to sleep 091 t'h( bUs .. , 11(2(3 when 1 woke up t1e 110 rt. dropping bombs on Ber- lin!" At the last roll call of a Russian regiment, the officer sneezed and six men stepped forward, answered "Here!" )'OU tell 11110 the way to the church?" asked the stranger in the village. "t•1 rtainly, sir," replied the chi. ! inhabitant, obligingly. "Go up the down, keep straight along the crooked lane, then round the F.tuare, and when you turn left, you're right!" Oswald: "Pop, 1 need an encyclopedia for school." Pop: "N'othing doing; you osn walk to school like I ddi." Women In Crews According to word reaching London, German women now aro being employed among crewe of ships that have to run tho gaunt, let of British mines and bombing along tho North Sen coast from Kiel to the mouth of the Rhine. All the best men from the German merchant service, as 'frons the navy, have reportedly been drift- ed to help man the U-hoat fleet. STOPeolTC of/.sec! Bites— lleatflash For quick roller from Itching of Insect bites, beat rest, athlete's foot, oczclna and other externally caused skin troubles, use feet-actlog, cooling, anti. septic, liquid D, D, D. Prescription, Greaseless, stainless. Rooth es !triton on end qulekly store intense Itching.360 trial bottle prove 14, or money back. Aak your druggist todsy tor D. D, D. PRESCRIPTION. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY 11 ,OU are tl'oul);Cd with itching plies ur Ie':tal soreness, do not de. guy tre,ttnteut and run tho risk of letting this condition become chron- ic. Any Itching or soreness or palnlul passage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once, For this purpose get a package of Beni -Rohl from any druggist and use a9 directed. '1'1214 formula which is used internally is u small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and sureness and aid in Haling tho sure tender spots. Item -)tali is pleasant 10 use, Is highly : c anninended and It seems Die (eight or lolly for any one to rrr0 a painful and chrunt': pile ton• •.lit,u1 14((n SUC31 It line remedy m: y be had ut such a small cosi. If you (ty liono Ito id and arc not et: sly )'!eased with the resnlls, yew. 'llucgist will gladly return MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operator; aid Com - p051101.8 apply to your nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER TO FiLE No, 80675. 'RElieves distress from MONTHLY'. FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia 1:. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve - monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings -due to monthly func- tional dl.'.turbances.it helps build up resistance 11;'::inst dl4tress of "diffi- cult clays." M :cis In Canada, Aircraft To Carry 60 -Ton Cargo Load The giant experimental flying boat which Henry 3. Kaiser and Ilow:u•d Hughe, are building on the 1'uitcd States West Coast will be an all -01}000(, craft powered by eig'M. engines and capable of carrying 31(3 tons of (argo, The plane is reputed to be the largest aircraft wider const roc - tion tulyw'hcre. Officially th.sigilated 85 1010 IIK-1, the flying 1,0:11 11011 ])alt' a gross weight of 4(1(,0)3(1 petunia. Other detail: fuel ('npal:ty, 8.0U(1 )•:,110115'; average cruising sp(t d, 171 (tiles nn hour; w:01.! spread. 820 feel; length, 218 feet, By way of contrast, the la0-c er- gine I)C-;t, widely instil by the United Stater air lines 11101 the 111ilit41 has a wing spread of 1'23 feel, length 641/2 feet. alone 11:tn i,8,000 t(„515 404(6• dnnwged and 3,:'(0 (It woli!'htd as a 805u11 of t1.ena- air r:tha on Ile•lfast (101'1)1g 1911. in 1819 1( a1'. r)0 whale attack- ed an(i 5221:1•: n 11..11 (-11,:0141'. ship in the Pacific, Modern Etiquette By Roberta 1.10 1, Should ono make a cull aft. r boing entertained at dinner? 2. \Phot are cunridelyd the two nt,Ust important tl,ln):0 when wilt- ing a businel:,', letter': 3. At what kind of ('111.1, are pl(kleh served? 4. 1\'121 n 14)114ing of s"rneone 14, a friend is it proper t9 say, "Are you acquainted witi, hill,':" l , 1\ hat is the proper time t.(1 make tut 11nnounc(!u,,: of an en- gngerllerd :' 6. What le the h.: t. '.0(1y k' ex- tend 111614ti(l)h 1(1 n 111e:112f:1,-1? ANS\WI•:L'� 1. Yo:,; and if a woman hole obligated She may lake her host- e:a n few floweis or some little gift a:+ n token of np)trceiftiun. 2. lireyit.y and lucidity, The Sho)ter the letter, if exprc'y:sed clearly, the lretter, 3, At lunch - suppers, buffet and pic- nics, 1No; it is In 13,•2' to Ray, "flo fell 10141'w 12;m':'' h, (111 the dnv that the f!rhn'e bride to wean' her engaa.,met rin;: pall - Hely. 6, They may he ):i1en by telephone, or by informal, hand- written persona) noir', TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Agt', i!' ;'tsar:' 1021. (1\(1'; Physe•alily f11; at least h' 9" in stocking feet: 11,0 lbs.; of gum) character and fair ethic:imn. !b he available fol' appointment immedia:lly. Uniform clothing ul11liec, Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to File RO.591 CL SSIFIE AGENTS IN'A\TuIl it Yot:lt Iit'SI:AND is Cl1N'1J(111- uting 1011 of h3r saltily for bonds and you want to h(lp with the family budget 1,1'I (tn devot( n fete spare hu(n's daily to It puri - tion with good pay, w'llte Avt,» Products of Canada, ):,mit( 1, 1010 St. Alexander St., 314001 cal, QUI:. r< Al:'1'0)1(1111I.ES—t'SE•:D tYSEI) CARS 11'ITI1 GOOD TI HES. Bee us first. 11ount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. t2i ed Car Let at 8040 Yoage street; )lend Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Read, ront�, Telephone lip'. 1101. AC'1'0 PARTS '3 W AND USED P.A.R'ra )'Olt ALL makes of curs and trucks. C't0n- ,pleta automobile machine shop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Onturiu. RAIIY CHICK'S HYIIRIDt3 FOR EXTRA l'IG01:11 also popular purebreds, Complete Ulet, all ages. Fairview harims, t. Marys, Ontario. MORE TIJAN 1:\'1 I1 \V11,1, FAf.1. and winter mai acts depend 3•11 high production from the hone' front, We have ch3(3(14 -- pu131'18, 14�onto cockerels — light breeds 11nnledlnte shipment: lir Irv 1 0 1 breeds July and later. Order loon, Dray Ha 11181 y, 130 John N., Hamilton Ont. 'I'HERE'R NO SK('H '1'111NG AS luck! Not luck, but 01)ed mita- agement Is what mitts profits in the chicken burin( ss, and good management b( gins 11 it( in - Vesting only In dependable chocks. For 19 )'ears Tw•t idle Hatchet km faye been making more nod mole riendly customers by supplying then) with chicks they can 0t• pend on, Space 1n your chicle( n house 1s valuable. Don't waste it On chicks but those that aro W. I3 - bred and healthy. We cal give immediate delivery in White Legh01115, 13ro11'11 1.('2110((1", Marl( Minorca X White 1.1 ghornsN, w' 11a.nlpsblre X Whirr 1.et;horus, White hock X White Lo):.hurns and many other hurt pre•: ds and h11'brid rl'O8H,r, Writ., for ':,t- aFogue and pure list, 'I'w'cdie Chick liat''hell(r L!nlif0, Fer- gus, Ontario. DYEING .l CLEANING IIAV1t Y0(2 ANYTHING N1:I DS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Inforn:nfical. 11'8 ore 011,1 to answer 3 our 101(.11(.11s. 11rp01't- mrnt H, fork( is Dye t\'arks Limited, 791 1""nr•c Stctt, To- ronto. 1't•:a'rfll:►HS tt a N•r'I:D W I I.I. 1'A S Till: l'nLL.V \t' 1 NG prices for 'More end Duel( feat 11- : rr: Does0 fooll:8 •', 63': 312,; utl. It feather-, I5.• lb.'}•mf0rt- • 1211. Unfired, 741; Dur1'l:44: St. 1::I: t. '3'111.)11) n, 111". I'.tlllt tt'ANTED \1'.\\'1'1:111, e\t.\l,1, 1''.I;\: 1,w 1J IiJ': f •,1'. : ui ::I,,e (,1r• •noun, r l;b.,nt !,1,•:',1 ,1,:12.:11. 4111). 101.11, 11, , :11 1,, ::.11 1'0181' I1A1,11 ISA' 'JI':I:K1 I'(1n'I' ):,11.:,0 .2, sD'•oy's, „Ila n'iy„ 11:1,1' 1.'1:1!,1'', 112',,8:: eft, 1!, engin 111'(11: ,.'.Ire. Ott 11•:•1. 11.4111 (.000k. Only Li 111 .n ' •!ad: rn:,nuL"•(»ting I001,, ,' lt1,1 . ,,ral. 11111'' 111.1(.• ea•d" .111.11 14 1)1)04 11.4111 1.(I0i)ti 111.ti l tinge '.L, Toronto, Ontario '1')110' I nut `.40f TIRES TIRES TIRES ‘vi: 11.14'0: :1 1,11:':1: oi:4,IC'"I'14r. 0! :,.'1 u , 0 1.1.: 1 :n 1•),1 11 11. l; 1:„ , .`.2. 1 • .2, ('111, ,.,,t ,- 1.041 41,1: 111:1.1' 4t 11 l 1:1) 51'`1'.11:1; III:' I;I'I; titial,g112 3.0- Pai: • ' 1•, , „ 01'11 lama ,I.. 1,1'0_ ...abr. 1 r•. (2 1, i! i:, ,!, e , - 11" 1 1 c1 r I•,. 3', 1. 11 ,•11-. 211.1 3.,1 3 : 1./';I', , 1 .,.2 2 : 1,. 31, 3. Roil your ov,irierti Go for Og,cl'ni':3 (4d -tenors in the \'1'cst ofast look In their 05.1 atad ! uppl.let by 111u10loam ... Many mated -al Ogden 'i3 for they Ilia! (lstrt'et,l.t it io boa (liStU1Ot.\•u l 10.11(3 X11 11101(30(, riper toba..i cr ... Fol fa/ tiro trail of rho el( -I rocas to ";nako n strike" of pei`1•.t 1:41.! 13) saiis(ai61 1''. Oodc•)'s quality for p.rc lmok>it, Seo, in Ogden's Ces Plcg SPOT CASH 11 for aur l,u of 1r'. 'I1' 1111 I,. 11rt\e In 141 u`1 -- 111 1 :1,1,1' !.11.,11 — no milting. TRAIN MOTCP CO. 579 Yonge Si. 'Cur"ul( HAIRDRESSING SCIt(0I, 1. Id A 1t N HAIRDRESSING '1'1111 Robertson method, Info! mallet, on request regarding classes, ftohertson'e hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue )tout), I'ot'onto. 1,11'I':2'J'l1Clt REM 1111195 RED 111,)01) 121:ICK1,1' '1',1;1,1:'1'8 atop \1'illte (111:r)1"tu In chicks, Turkey poults, 111:0 calf na "0814 and pig 8'euurs, costs ?„ e II 0.0, is pool), 101 pip;, 601: calf. 'Trial sample $1.00; guaranteed results or money ('(41:11, It, A. Finn .' Co. Limited, London, Ont:21.11., i'I',t'rIoNI:R 1' CANA DA'S 01.:'J'S'I'AN DI NO STA - Rom ry otter. 110 sheets (01414 0 notepaper and lair e•nyelep(s. Trunk'-l'1nndu Mail 01 der, Ilex 263, Station H., Montreal, Post- paid Clic boa. 111':1)1CAl, A TilIAi.--u1'Eltl' SC1'FP:Itls1) or Rheumatic Pains or Nell:1 1M should try Dixon's 11t104(ly, atun- ro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, 01- 10.04'41, NURSES W.tN'PED (HAI)t1A'rE NURSES FOR 'I'l'- berculosis sanatorium of 700 buds, (pond salary with full mainten- ance. Excellent ))Ginn 1 11.21'0 rs. State previous experience, age, etc. Address Application to 11114s 11. )':wart, Superintendent of Nurses, Mountain Sanatorium, iianilton, Ontario, TAPEWORM STOMACH ANiJ 'IIIltEAD \VO11318 often are the enure of 111 -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! 4\'hy not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting pnr- ticuh,rl•:—Free! \trite, hfulv'eney'n :Remedies, Specialists, 'Perot -flu 8, Ont. PATENTS P'LTH 1SItS'l'ONIIA UGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. EelubItehed 1890; 14 Ring West, Toronto, Booklet of Informatlou on re- quest, ('110'r0G1(A11111' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I'he (lent, Milo, or 111111 HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mull Any C or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25c. Supremo Quality and fust service go11(uul eed, IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Tot; oto FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN 'J'w,l p(m)ts noun melt negative. 1tc• pr int, 1: 1 ach. 11ont'taI flint°, I:115 lee, Station F, \lontr(al, Illr.� AND I1RI A'I' TRACTOR OWNERS (-ENI' 001( 44(211 NE1\' 11.1;1 11110'0` I13t ell oils and gr, a•(•, Co -Direr - 111:44; Oil Company, 10,30 Dundas , T0lauto. 1'0\113` 14.4\'1'12 ) N'AN141:11, 1'11:;1320 11 ITU 1•111:,1V ul:ul,' ;0,11 1a31s, \\ 1'11 44', 11, 1, \\ 11 too I;rel c, RHEUMATIC I'.11 \' 11,1\22 y' )1 111O1141) .41.(11'1' DIN - o:; • N. 1111113 ::410 1111 11100'' 1':.111 r.111. 2: ,' It ,.it. ,L1111.1 1• •111;:., '0111"4 11111;:' E111111,, )'a' It... d 5.1,011 11 411111'1', 1:ai.11r:a N' 0 14' %041.:\X11 4', l i(1 ( import.41, Dior ou011b1, 13 41, ; I.. All •'40 11 :l,,,,)d. a, r :Ili, - v.. 3(.1. 1,"i"1'014'r, 312 1(01, 1(1818, I2:, I id, •1",r:,ri1., 111'1 til Is 1, , (0 1.1,C("I't)00 0\VAI'- 11, '. anew,. and 812 th„•u 22(0 e all I,, „0, I1I' 1.111 Iii{_: '.I ,33 1 11.1. \1::'1 ,.n' 1',.•0,;:10 8. i ;l I•: In,- 1001 1•11.11. r: t,,; .),311,'s 0l rt ice, (0,'. (1-11,4, a (.1111;(':'. ''r ntl•r. tl (':3, Ou'3.1e, UHF'S sl 1111Eli 101 •r !i'1' 11111,,:re• ., II• r:' 1', 1.,1, 11' 111 I'1111'I'(1111111 t!', "ALWAYS SENT? MY ROMA TO STAR SNAPS•riCT SERVICE:...'' 1'' w ll:, t :, , I,.) :,•r ' A' 1111', rnell f, , 111 iI i1' 1:,i ' of (13' ti ode ,•!,11 1 • 1.4 11 (2114 e1, 1 11r • 11. I ( ,2,(3 tnil 1'r111 Id. I 11.0,1 tr. ' i. 3 11 111i( (ells 10 501( tiunp.ho( ', rt Ire,' '111(3 play 001. '('0 '., 1. a reg. »ler ru.loltl, 4 ! 50, '.n1(p"htit )seri ler," 4r, y00:'1' 511.22- i 1'8 '4 L'. sloe:), 1101,'I•:Llti'I:II AN U ('lu ti•11011 2lte )(ors 1,111 ,:Irt• . '., •,•IVI'0 411,11,)' 101, I':+ IF,1„ I. 1,., 11111,'1) 'glia Pl." air (1111,•,1.. 311:, i! }'1,111' 11••\t ,11. tr 1.111r 4u11p• slim Fer411,e t'0r a ., 1 ; 2 : V will g,! quality 1.:,111 til:, iit1,1 dotal 2,1 ),0,sl ,1,•t i• y''2 will fret th, 11o') 010111! r 11.,1Ii 4••1 viva obtainable 1)I Im, !dot' 0 :)12 1'14111.}, 11'01'3(. '.t(tr Soupt.bor 'ert3er 0p,•r- egl'll'p40 photo I,,.i'm1 r .1 41011 4101 N'I'ED 1:\'I..t111.l'.tt1;\ 1',. 2510 Dia,' 4 a ii" 1)1 114: ,(:,•, , 1:', •••1 Yen can (nye 0110.r04 1.11 cd (y 14:,r10 f':0• 1: r1,: I. +,d,! load charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ilox 1213, I'oeUtl 'fennio143 R, 'I'0rnnlo )'l ill 31,11' n:nor 11110 011(11, r.s •,,..0111)', on 4123 ur(1( f.( t.1 TEACHERS V7 TED 20AIIT034 -- 44'AN'81.,1', 1 RI )111,141`. do ant ti ocher for \Lu Ie1' pear1:nl;lehnrt, 15 truulls, ,sl' J 31,0004 Apply 1.. 11114•111.ot- aIy 11.11. No, 1, Mar 01 TEA('Itl<it FOR l; it n111,31-1 1, 2 AT ('a hist! 11' School 1,1 ll 4,l0''ly t. butte, H1118'.' ( 5)111, I' (I Apply 'I!, I. 1(irpin, 412 Culbero, sI, :irrint. ford, 1311AN'I'l0Ultl) —'1,1,1' '81;.\,'111111 '.color grades, 3 'k: lir r.1.0414141 Frhu01, Anencam Si 141( 1,b„r 1st; $3:0.111) plus I e14I0, ...m lural Innndry. -11'14 It, 4. H. W. Surll, \loliaw'Ic 11:011111., 401d, unlnrio, Y0111i ('111'\'1'1', 5,133'','1, SE' '('11111 .N44. 1, Ring Tow e'.�I,I• 1,•'t,(ires 1 first (lass Prot/ rtont teacher, I+I1111 s 341 corium ra c 411 St !r,..othe • firm. N,'1)' school, 0,11 11 ie, ,'1 n• Dal hastily, 44.44).13 A111,13', 6.'45111: Dili I':,t111 u; u'.. of quallfir:ttime. : ,1 t' ,.111,•11. u S(.ele 'I,, ,11,,\i,I 11,111ler, li.lt. 2 11310, I'It0'UIS0T,i.: 1' 'I'I' \''(101( .' 01 31 «. Co. :l I'sr"n11r , 0, tifl4'y CO, 11(1'. to eauunl w e 0. 1'1, 1. 1144 ply Hal 11,4 exit);' 1., e :,1111 e> pr1 t1 d l o 11. I1, 1'. '1, 1•1`11 ti1.ey, 11.11. N',, 1, Dour. 1. 111.+1, '. 4\ III'('\'01': 44'AN'01:D 4,I,Al.:1 3)1)) Ir:r(r r, 1'1111'.I:,it, for 1'.0 '10. Airy, 0:,1;10 5),,)'. .1 i',I105 n,nu.n,-e 0, 1,1, ):I 1''I' .1141.10, II St 1110,s, Sect I::, :, \\'I:tlt•,•y, (t1:1, 10'1,1.1' (il'.11,IKIE11 13 '5 -ti: 1.4)44- 1.11111 h. 24••1'11111,0 11:1.1114 4.1' ('111111 1'111.4: 11112. '1:22)0 s'•(2'•'' '1 114`, '2'•,3 111.11 ).11111( .,u11,j''18 pro l'or ,I lo I,,:1 h ill t:)"mill'2 31, I” O'.. :r, A, 11)111.11nrlle, Seer 1 .'•. •'1'14 ''121,.1•, I'..t(: 3110, 'Int 1201., TRACTOR PARTS 'ril.11^('slut 1,Alt't'0 0 1'2, tt ANO 11Fed, 101 1111 I11:1k.: ,r IIs, !•Inl'H, 11 .4111" 11110 I'':,.01", tia),ltly', 1.", I'trdrf,ek tit.. IC 110 h, her (hit, tt (10111:\ 11 4(1 N1:''- 1'.4111'-' 1'.1II:0I:1'0 — 111: 31,3'.41'A''.'! 1211 h' nr (':111111:111'1 11:.;.1, 11.1 (1. .',•,u 1- 1t,1 • 1::r of Nee;.: ),r' (a,''t 6) ' 1V1.11itr '1'1, 1'1, . 10 11 11. 1' 11 1'to 1 4..., .:'eh 11. '! tt.' I,:;. 1 1:- 0034., 0 0 2, 22-„‘i112, IU;,• •Ily Ireht,:'I :ung 11:0'.re.: till blit w•i111- .1111 3,::r,le.al',, ()1'11x:'- 1st n Irve 11,:'n y5.4a, `1111.1,..1 111::'11.11,.:(,3 It ,''))fats .\ I ,1 3.''' .1":- 0.:111, (hut, ISSUE No. 26 43 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON .luny 4 I\ rEOPLE 1N DISTRESS -- E.otlu•I l • 1 22; 2 : 1.2i PRINTED TEXT, Exodus 1 t n•11; : 23.25. (-,OLDEN TEXT -They cried, and their cc, come up unta God rt r,soct of 1;11 bondage. 1.130.11H Peltr''ory 'i:rte; (int In !leo, 3 Joh,. 4 : i THF_' LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tura., Th., Hrs, , of our les - nen r t.-'tnsid,'rable period 01 loft,. nn ,letuliielr marked off, hni i1 ':le 1':le;',uh hl'rf' \ehn It110 1"n ti; -,•i ,, I. T111)1111111ni 111, ilii cell;( '••!1 ,." •, .0 1:111 and 1 117 lie(' Place. I'n' hied of Ceishen : en• o;,11', ;ld '11' (tiles of i'illlont unll Ii )me,,, ie• t irul:'ly. God's Blessing "An.' ,I,11epli llir,fl, and ..if has Ltiohi,::, and 'Ill that generation. ..Uta Herr• colic n of ',Mil.' 4ver'1 Iruiltil:. ;ural !nrrea,ed abundantly, tool u, •lliplied, .end waxed exeen•d- 11u' to:.'fly; Intl the land was till, est \t h . them." titers blessing wile Ment' '111) nennIe, w11101 he had prot111c(11 to intik,: 'as the star~ of hl.;lvlr, ;Ind tti thf) ~and \4htt•h Is aper ':.e s(;a;hn e, rot' itlultitude.' re Affliction of Egypt the+re acme a sew kioti over e'. t n1, Who knew not Joseph. t, nil , VIII') his lieu n10,, I1•. )(oli, 'a1) pe1)11!e of the children of L••'; .1 aro more and mightier that v.': come, let us deal wisely ley they multiply, end 11 e n,,.1 to pass. IL`at. when there fem.!' ,,ul any war, they also john theme' \1)W mato our enemies, and fl;iht : Lniiisl 111, and :;et Ilteill 1I ) (lit'it! -Hu; lana." Ir 'sue., -.(with the oilier Can- fe;ailo r :talion,. 'vith the Hillis - time. ell even with the 13 11 "iter tire heard stn invas• inn „! 1 -:gyp(, which, it was felt, mien! • atve the most disastrous coiefflenvoi. \\'Ila,, It HO,: 1'011• rine, I y J('l11,111t' nee1111,0,1, (cord,( bt. 'Ill part taken hr the Israel• tten': '•! cite it not be that they tt lfll ll; -.dill themselves to (:,swat's 1 nnnH1,. and fight against Ilse l:? It :f 1, , 1141 tie either help to LUMP 1.1.'1(1 III) leer silbjeetlott 10 the l;';tites, or else 'get Ihent• s i -or p out of the land'? Tho ;t+Iae•ri:e-s (weenie'' the portion of I:g^�pl (visci fife 1titfitcs would fust en'er; 1f they ,joined the en - ow!. 1 eey w•iul1 deliver Into iia taeatb 1< large tract of most \;Ila 51(11 ,:'itery, nntl put him in a lec,r.i1lir. from whiell iii+ \vuui'1 threntrl: the most important of the 1!llt\ali;,;: rihes Tante, Ileliopntis, Rnh;,i:.•, \letuphis. God's Will Triumphs "'1'he,1Jore they did set over (Leal skllt i ter•( to afflict them wiih !1.1'11' burdens, t\tld they Ilitllt tut i- .r,raoatl s(ore-rtlles, I'ithonl nue l;r,:futs,s. Ilut the more 'they alt l e e: 1) 1 111un1, the more they uel,llia:fd and the (ori, they veriaii abroad, :1 nil they \vera gr it%r 1: her;tit.ie ur the Children 01 11n';:r:.Anti the Egyptians nettle tit !tiltireu of Israel to servo with t:(; sled they !natio Ihelr l)t'et' '.Iter Witt) hard service, in nu,rl;u ;old in brick, and In all memo'' of slrvlee !u the field, all thf•i1 et•rvice, wherein they mado ib(e ,r•t've vitt rigor." l(auteties wttn r,rted far his vast building enter(• :pis, and just at s the thug WLln; ,, needed thousands of melt to ' c.;: trlu't new public works hiuonr.tout. Egypt, ha found 11 op• portinic and possible to force these ht 11,1(e I; Hebrews to work mac - Menlo. as slaves in the nuking of lire h aid lahnriug on the walls Of th+'rr building.i miller the !dist- inc •';ut of North Africa, Tio- attempt to reduce the popn- Iatimee of Ilse ilehrews by hard A ori .`:tiled, so the Pharaoh of Egypt proposed a Hutch more drat-- tii' i, `:,•me, ile issued an order Boal ....Pry baby boy born of it Iir•.t,rel'' mother should Ito kilted eel vitt u. This order w•as not nhty. 1'har,tnh charger, his ge••opll, F•1ty'ing, ',ivory son that is bort. 'e shrill east Into the rivet•, end e :cry daughter )'e shall Sana al v1'No 411)1111 for several years 1:i ii! 7:;uusfin(k or imtoreat liver Iver) ,arrific('d. tit ill, the king's perpoe, \vas not afforded. in one 1)r ;utuihet' (:1111'4 will 11'1• 11:1 l,lle d over man's anti the 1,,iyte. doomed to extinction by tho i,I_he'sl human power withal 1)n iti'th ;It the time, \v;t'1 presli4(.11 by Uod's pt'ovideiti' ti ,ug'1 all tho perils \\'itirh throat - i;, to h,tt only, according to fl 1 1•'ontise twi(((t to .laroh', ':t tee 11 it, ,Inti it roulpeny of nation,.' Payer For Deliverance 'ere it cant, to pass it1 1!,n C(ei,'5e of thine many (lay,, that lift'• I, file of Egypt died: anti Ilse ,');il,irvn of Israel sighed by r,:1 - sure o! the. boudaee, and they ere 0, rind their cry came tip alto COI uy If . (111 of the bondage, And God heard their ,groaning. and Mai membered Ills covenant i111 Alirehant, 14.111 itiaac, and u int 1aeoh. And (lid sate tho ele; 1., a of Israel, and God took }thee 'f (ago of thein." When it says Cad lt'lueithertetl his Covenant. it memo: that Cod is about to bring into reality that covenant wide]) Int Or. ist'nal'z going hltrk rap PREPARED 1\','ll-protvet ed soldier fills a cylinder with freshly combined war gas at an eastern arsenal - additional warning to the Axis, into Palestine to dwell there In the land which the Lord God would givo to her. Of the phrase 'Cod saw' It might be said: 'The eyoa of the Lord aro toward Lhu right- eous and his oars ars open to their cry; ;end Ihough Israel will not righ1eons for their owtt sake, thoy were Itoluved for theft' father's as 11,'. A Tented Kirk In The Desert Scottish Regiments Take Part in Dedication of Church in a camp somewhere: in Egypt, an officer, an N.l',0,, and 10 nen i'ront each of the Scottish regi- ments, to,;ether with e. pipe band and a 1101 it n of kilted Ilighland- e's, tool, part in a ceremony, unique in the history of the wat• in the .li,ldle East. It was tho dedication of a tem - vas church called St. :\ndre•,v'r (:hunch of Scull:nal, Curry Rifle,' .horse among the regiments of the Itritish Army, the Cameron - ions 1 Scottish Rifles) aro privi- leged to carry their loaded rifles into church and to mount a guard for the protection of tho wor- shippers, 1)t•to'l'11deel (rola the (:ovti'lallt- et;i of Scotititt!, who had to pro- tect their minister 401 the hills and in the glens, this rcgit0 ant hill adheres to the old customs, Each maul carries a Bible in his pack and the youngest officer on parade carries the Bible for pub- lic worship tto church. Over this 1o0tci1 church, the C'•ameronians posted their ;ward, owl when Ow 4'ot. }tippers wet'o assembled, the officer of the guard, in Lime old formula, en- tered the church and informed the preacher that the guard had been posted and that public worship could proceed. In Memory of Friend. 'I'lle church has a pulpit, Com- munion table and other furnish- ings just as ice to he found in any church in Scotland, but they en- shrine intemories in the padre, Roy, '1'. L. Low (Church of Scot- land), who ministers there, for the Communion table and the pul- pit aro each in memory of a friend. Two years ago, d'Uritt4 the uatn- paign in Eritrea, Pedro Low buried a coml'ttdu who had re- signed his commission in the chaplains' department in order to become a combatant officer. 'Ib his memory the Communion table 1. dedicated. Later, Padre Low lost another friend, known for 118 fearless - 111%3 as "the man who had won a thousand \',C,'s," and the Scots Guards felt that when he was with then( all was well. 'Pilo pulpit Le dedicated to id,' Mentot'y• R.A.F. To Blaine Gerinati coal deliveries t44 ILily "have ceased as a result ut the intensified hoathing of the Ruhr," the liritisIi Radio said, quoting a Bettie 1•i'p01'.. -r.•4•+-s-►rH++•-++a--•••-•-.-•-•-.+H+•4 r+-ria-lir+++�rrra+ RADIO REPORTERwE. FROST And s)iil they conte . . radln tiIlill llh'1'l111141 casualt.los. '1'1118 time tl'a radia'-+ most listened to pro- gram in North America. . . the [au It:ultra 'Theatre, :111 VIi'Sey8 m+tdo re4'e1111y indicate that. (11l8 fico iertOs of ptayit prtsluced by C. 11 bi 1ille top ell others In audience. The show braves ties air for tho anutnl''r, Monday, July 12111, but will ba hack Seplemher 131h. And whiles wo'rti on Isle sub• ler(, or play'(, If you're a tato over ning ll-derrer you'll .gel qutie a thrill from tho midnight dranl- titi ttiuui currently baitig broad- ca31. over the Columbia Syslom and (1119{13 fivo nights a weak .. ,tilt• forma types of playa . , . t'xi'el• lottiy aided and producod. 11.30 to midnight Is this tlmo. 'Those playa aro re'pLtcing the dance hawk w'hlett formerly 'Neat',' a tonin eh lr•u'terislic of late ova - nine{ refit.) programs. • • • And routing back for Just a few moment; to Iho 9I111Ject of ills- appe';tranriti from olio air, many of the well known voices and per- 5t/llalllios of the ether waves hav9 lately becntuo mostly a memory. Moreovor, in many rases they are not merely summertime dl,appoar• anew. 'rimy V represont radio's con- tribution to ibis fighting forces. Prnmtnently among Out w911 known vnit•es to b'avo Iho air ((smutty was that of Loran Greene, Chief ttnnnitneer of ON (!,ii.( Lorne (lri.ato has gone "fictive." Fred Ulrlin:;, who was on the annotmo- latg staff of the ('.It.('. at 'l'oruttto Is now tr;tittlug witit the Royal 1eas..( I ,tn Air Voris). ,favor Moore, known for his flno \yuck 11.1 it 1'4410 ;triol' Ifl ('llli;lfla, has joined ftln I.t113 in tihtaki. Even the girls etre' ger! ing in step, Tho popular talo coinnri=ed or :Marie Elder, \Lu lee Crinin :ani 4'Ivleine Bent- son hare pill 1111 the navy bluo of itie \\'RI,:\S. • hn; Just lost lin services of popular ar)nnulcer Jack. l►aw• son who goes into traiihtg for air - err\, this week with 1111) itoyal Canadian Air ('olive,. ('hltli's well known mu.siral director )lily Lock- ;10.,- 1; itoty nearing the insignia of tt lieutenant of the Royal Navy • . a11,1 will ito fitenlif(ed w'!ilt the production of the Navy Show. • . • Not se very lung ago girls and boy.( found Ihelr heroes in the pa•;es of ;t'Ivcrtrttrti and pillory honk I, In the ;Inchon folic talcs and oftener than not In fairy stor- ied, 111 I11n4ti muter( day3 nr \t•ar 111,1 smug CA11:1,linn 40110,11 Ion is finding; that there ;rt' many heroes anlnn4 their own brothers and cousins . , , school children their own age have boon called upon fo sho\v courage that no story hook ha:i ever matched. Under the Mlle, "Courage, 11)13 Pattern." Mrs. 1'ierro ('asgfain will speak to her afternoon audience of the C.13.(', nal tonal network Friday, .Tune 25th at •1.13 p.m. In recent weeks Mrs. Casgrain lune present- ed sumo of the most. Inspiring discussions offered by any woman over the Canadian ntr. • • • it has long been 1.04.00 1;e/1 that ntiuly of radio's finest programmes aro presenter) at hours of rho day when It 19 Inconvenient for many members of the household to lis- ten In. C10R11 Toronto, recogult• Ing that daytime programmes fre- quently have a limited audience, duo to the activities of household and war work duties on rho part of tho women, and because a large proportion of the men aro at 'work, has undertaken the policy of re- hroadc,t.stittg during the evening horn's certain programmes origin- ally heard earlier In the day. The Columbia preion iatIon 1"11rane- r Atlantic (',Ill" Is on, ex unple. !hie to (hit fart thaw ;Ilk prn.;r.unnt•i originates on alternate iutt+l.tye In the 1111113 it Isl.'s a:+b rho lee Rod Sillies, It has h'lifr up a very t,xlon ;ire. listening andienr,s, 11 toy church goers however, have found that, they aro not hark fr un church 0 Ilote to hear 'he i-114 noon Sunday tt 'oade, ,t, In order Hunt "I'r.tns.\tlantic 1'.111" I111y he brought 1n 1 he ? u': •'' "1 ret audiences, lite original et 44Fl(t0tt'3 18 holt' ; ret'ar'ded for d•,1 broadcieo every Smote: .-•alit{ at R n'r!uelt over crit 11 Toronto. • Couuiaudos who r ti 1 hr al• nary held roasts of h.nro) u'•1 currently being ntal,'h•'d it to for elan and girl for lean it (Ito 1.'10 this summer by the ('omo...HJ•ti of the Farm, To help f lrlueri r'I th .)tore foot, to 1lin ha true and fronts, ('arm Couuu;wdo lirl;a.ln.t are being organised III oro(.' en,pil• fated centro of Ontario. !Indio la playing a pronthosnt part In tills battle of the harts Commandos All radio stations in Ontario, hath pubiiely and privately awned, are providing their fnrilil1)1 to rally more Commandos to the '.114), Don't Feel Sorry For `Poor' Boche Germans Brought Bombe On Themselves, Says Windsor Star Have you noticed haw many people aro talking of rho poor Ger- Malts, who aro unfortunate enough to het living In the. bombed ('ideas of the Ruhr? Already ihero 18 i1t9 beginning of a wave of sympathy for tin ltoc:he. The sucgeitIon is that the punishment bel14 meted out to the Reich Is severe, A reef should he taken to that sort of talk, The Cernruts brought every bomb on themselves. They set out to destroy Great Britain block by block. 'Tito Iden was to halter London and the other clues Into masses of rubble and pulp. Tia peoplo (vera to he sLutoitt:td until tho survivors quit, ratloir than carry on the strnt;eta. • • • bout gu feeling sorry for the Germans. ,,'They would misunder- stand It, If you dill. They \voted take It as a siege or weakness, be- hoving that our silo was begin- ning to falter, right at the mo- ment when more and Moro pres- sure should he Inflicted on rho enemy, War Is cruel, make no mistake about that. The Germans knew 11, when they dragged the world into this combat. Tho 1.3oche was will- ing to bomb and hill men, women and children In tete mad greed for power. Now, when our shin In do- ing the bombing, the Germans squeal for sympathy. It 1s not sympathy the (iel'lltatte teed; It 18 more and more. bomb - Ina. Churchill's Speech Without Affectation According to a reporter, listen- ing to a broadcast by Mr. Chur- chill, the latter hits "no pu'blie school accent," This is correct In a sense, though Mr, Churchill wont to Barrow. His pronunci- ation is substantially that of the educated classes; of the public schools, of the universities at none of which he was a student; of the law courts and Parliament. There is no standard English pronunci- ation, any more than there is hero. 'Pheee classes have a coltttnon habit OUR RADIO LOG Tl4IIl)1'l'l) STA'l71)NS (Tint 86Ok, ('.BL 7400 etC)'t 500k, CBY 1010k Ues, ettle %%'Olt,\S tv3;AG' N.R.C. )led GGOk \v'JZ, !(,R.('. Blue 770k WA BC ((7.11.9.) R3O0 Wil (A1,T1.3.) 710k ICA NA t) I I N S'I' ,l'I' I CNN CI''rt t Owen 3,1 1400k Mira' Munition 11500 CH(:\l1 Munition :10011 UK's t St. Cath. 15500 ewt'11' Montreal 0600 Cle'i 71 North ,hey 1230k C•11":; Stratford 14011 CIC\\•9 Kingston 9600 '10 ('t) c•lulthluu 11300 l''['1. ',option 15700 CKAC Montreal 7301. CKCii Waterloo 14900 ercco Ottawa 13100 CKG13 Timmins 14700 CKSO Sudbury 790It CKPC Brantford 13300 c'1C1.1v Windsor 8000 C1 NX Winggh��a�m 9201c CTIEX PeterpCf'o 11300 1'.8. 4TATIONS WEr.13it 'Buffalo 13100 WHAM ltocheater 1180k WLW Cincinnati 7000 1VGY Schenectady 8100 Kll1C:\ Pittsburgh 1112011 WBilet Chicago 7000 WREN Buffalo 9301( WGH Buffalo 550k WKUW Buffalo 16:101. \VJII Detroit 7000 POP -Perhaps Pop's a Little Hoarse SMMORRT W1'-ll'111 0811 I;ttg'land 9.51111 GSC England 081) England (ISI -1 England 080 England (?Sl' England NAIL Spain RAN Bessie 9.58in 11,75m 11.96m 17.79m 15.31( 9.18in 9.60m BNB Husain 12.00m PRJt'6 liraz i 95.04( 1Y(}EA $chen:)ctudy 15.3Jnt woAB 1'h1la. 13.27m 1VC11X N. fork 11.03m WIWU1. Boston 16.15( ARMLVT QNZTX 1 YQDPC¢A tint (P 4JY "u r5. r o ti ale n,.en• .....t.. (ilelna.ed by 1•ae Hell SVlltcat THIS CURIOUS WORLD 1 By 'William Ferguson t fit ti an.,ms✓rmrua••..sn.....vea•• JOHN ON a - 1 THEATER MANAGi ?. AT AI.EeION, NEBR., /1' TA-/ 1:14AIT'' - 1HE DAY THAT THE PICTURE: E;/ THAT NAME OPE/VEC> A7" • X-4 /J/-M-ANYX 15 MADE UP ENTIRELY QI= co/t3INArtONS OP 1)'/S5ES AN) Buzzes. rear e , "WHEN YOU RAZE - A BUILDING, YOU TE.AR. it DOWN;' sA,,s s.w. WHITNEY, DENVER? COLJJ. , NEXTt fienorinx tie toad. of pronunciation, but this Cotner about by intercourse and a•36ocI- allot' and youthful practice in the family rather than by any school - masterly orders or prohibitions. Mr. Churchill has seen many varieties of sten and life in peace and war. 'There is no affectation in 111s Speech, Ila (alts very much lit. • an educated American, the igtt he may treat the leder "1" in a utttnnt'r difficult 1,► the former. r M 3 Mother Goose Revised Thee was a crooltctl ratan ate! las hall a crooked style; 11 raised a crooked uul,ta.'he ,uu1 .,mile,, a crooked s i:iI,, 11 - flag a crooked (roes, he pad)'• li.sited crooked fac:s, And leen( a crooked Europa with crooked little pacts - ''; iw York lleraltl Tribute). WORLD WAR PRESIDENT HORIZONTAL Answer to I'reviulI: Puzzle 1 Pictured World War president of U. S,, ---. .JMUR_1-7UA'Y�hi1 iL :11 FR A : S E E Irl nl. FAT E. IAM K C R E P T TIC!OiN4I.P.1;N II L E _ I N D I A_INIAP IA!R jS L E Y 11c'm. form, DR I ).- NE E 12 Within. 5 "` L QN D auPiE 15 S E 13 Letter of .J 0 R MURAY : `Is r1 alphabet. E Kj��� C A'T 14 Fuss. LE .::;•EPI A L A 10 Cloth measure E -1-- t7 I N E IN T H IH'AAR M 0 N 18 Finish, MUD 1 R ;OGRE TON I 20 Offer. 1-- ! O.N T 22 Likc, Q L'E D C 101NV 0 R 33 Clip oft 24 Sorrowful. suddenly. 26 Piece of 44 And (Latin). G•I Symbol bol for 39 Liquefy; furniture, 46 Nova Scotia 1'rhiuut' 41 Upon. 27 Toward. (abbe.). (i5 Accomplish. 42•13one. 28btsencumbet', 48 \Vo. Gd in:•cct. 43 Smell. 30 Withdraws, 40 Paid publicity VERTICAL 45 Weary. 33 Be seated. 50 Cover. 1 You and 1. 47 -Location. 34 He helped 52 Prefix. 2 Mineral rock. 48 On, found tllo 54 Self, 3 Lubricates, 49 Representa. e--- . of 55 He participat• ,4 Rhode Island tive. R i 17 Big. 19 Born. 20 Defeat:I, 21 Obtained. 23 Window ledge 25 Two in card 26 Wager, D 27 Current. 29 Transaction. 31 Symbol fol' cerium, 32 District attorney (abbr.), 0 E Nations. ed in signing 85 Be present. the Versailloe 36 Music note. •3ti;0ut of 66 Command. (prefix). 57 Each (abbr.). 88 Id est. (abbr.). 58 Corrosion. 40B•eliold! 62 Half an em. 42 Opera (abbr.). 63 Arid, (abbr,). 5 Individual. 6 Marry, 7 Provided. 8 Stated. 9 Unusual. 10 Negative. 15 Combat. 51 Darling. 53 Musical instrument. 54 Paradise. 59 Either. 60 Hypothetical structural to* 81 Hawaiian bled 8 9 10 - 39 44 50 51 55 "e`S7 63 By J. MILLAR WATT WHY? TRE YOU ? tee 1 NO, tEXIcicala`NICIEWtQiEatKICII:a lCurCI NIAI SICIRKatatlCtaliCICtltaKat►CatKiaictctctoct : 1 Elliott 1iisuiance Agency J. H. R. Elliott, Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. CAR—FIRE–.LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. I3L1"1'II — ONT. Orrice Phone 101. Residence Phone 11 or 110. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" ate' II al lloderieh last week. 1 mks Je 111 Canlp11,11, of Sky Har- bour Air Tort. epeut the week -end gwith her parents, 1Il,, and Ales. N'. ii A. Cant loll. Ila:tic Ilydc 1';l Il•; 1\'c. -4t v 'at}li. ;tt.:( 01ltei' frieIIIL(, \1r. \\'tu, 11i'l•,;`yell art.; In London on Monday with a load of \void. 1Ir. and \Irs. Leslie Vincent and THE STANDARD recti 1\' , babe of Help; a\)., were \\'c;;lfield Os. re2i�,2t21?,213(..2, 212.?.e12t 2.�71�ra.:1'21?.a(a1a,.�,a,a1:,17t2; � a(a(31 e,3,aia'ia+�, 2(2(ai9r2.a,2,aata,?t.:. DONNYBROOK 'Pitt \1',\I.`. 001 10 11', ,111, •day ai tt rni:cut at the h. m: fl'nylor. \i; . Nit 1 end in l,;;u(1 :t 1'raig. Air. ai.il NI... t:. 11. ily ]lav, :1 1 i1 it, 11 !,, ;l. Ni„ it 1 .lis a tat, ►1': 't 111'1' 1' lreais. \I1. at I Ales. Chalon( ; at;.l who ,• 11 ienl' :. NIL au Airs. J1. '1.:.unl son, Ilarv(;. and Alia Ityet..tu l'1 lin trey of I.i •ttatt !, tr'e'e`' Stu,tlty 111' li'I; ('11.11_ •:1.:1: ia: W1') tci; ll 11• ; Ir n I.. 1 • \Irs. .1, Nether) and family. .41111e; \It'•'ioit, of 'Toronto, sp •11 .'i,• wet k end ttith ids par. 11' . 11, ,1 anti \Irs. (toss .Anti ;son, 1{.('.:A.4'., Handl, ton, spent the w 1'i r, 1'1111 at ll,.• 11(1111" IU1.1., \IILIte1 niy ('hutch at I I•:;,1 a.m. next Rev. I:, t 1. UMW.; 11" r M.A.. of \\'Ingham will o'firil:':e and servic,.,; Sunday. The lire;:•• prcat'h. 111 Weit'01110, \\TEW1 FIEI.,I) Reim, I(a)monil Redmond att ;tt the home of \1 r. and \Ii;, 11,ivi I the Jur.' s. ;:ion cf 41111' C,rauly 1,'hannte)•. Pte. `'alto 'I'homp'otl has reportlii at I! i!ticfield otter a f1 tv days visit with his parch,, Mr. and Mts. '.\. 'Thou`') eon !pun n.nipletton nt a special course at fort ICnox, Kentucky. 1..11'. Irvin:; Maine; ;mil \Irs. Ilstine= and I..1t'. (Pert ('.nnpbell a1' Dart: mouth. a few clays at 1 home of hi: aunt , \lr;..sa;. Craig, an 1 :1101' friend.:. \11'. Evt!n.; Haines or sh(pntan, Sade., who ilas spent the Past min:!t ciatini; relatives in this lut;ality. acecnipanh; then` on their return trip. AUBURN davensbng and S.-'rnton next Sunday in St. \(arc;'.: ('hutch at ::I t p. 111. The Rector will officiate, (pl. It..1. (.Tale- of Si. Thomas. \liss 11a ('raig of \\'inghain visited over the week -end with 11r. and Mrs. W. J. Craig, 11estirs, flonalil (toss. Jima Patterson and Frank \lustard of Brucefield vis- ited over tat" week end with the formers moldier, Mrs. Erred Rost;, \fes. frank Sturdy and daughter, 'Helen, of 1\'ingham with \Ir. and Mrs. Harvey NleG'ee, -Mr. and Mrs. 0. Neill of Parkhill) tt'ith Mr. and \Its. A. .1, Iergur;on. Nit's. William Watson of Nile is (1 patient in Clinton hospital having uu• dergone a s?rious operation. Word ha; been receiv,:d by E -ph - ria -m P.1ii, that his grandson Pilot Of. (icer Myron Reid was r'Torted nits• sing after operations on June 11. He was Olt eldest son of Mrs. Dot Reid of Toronto. Mrs. Reld's only otdtcr son, Sp P. Observer Riisse)l Reid war; reported missing July 4, 11,1.1 1, On; f''ritlay evening euchre was play cd in the Orange Hall after which a dance war; held in the Foresters' hall with Monk's orehesti i, Godericii. pro- viding the music. Special feature of the evening was t411,e draw for the utedicii.e cabinet made and donated by William .1. Craig. \lass Viola Thump, -on of Auburn held the lucky ticket. 'i':ie proceeds of the sale of tickets on th.p cabinet was and the (loci' recoipt1' were $111._'11, v BELCRAVE The June meeting of the iielgrat'o \\'mnen'1 Institute was 'held lit tin how of Mrs. Rae Crawford on Tiles - (lay afternoon. Nips. .I. M. ('oult'r.:' and Airs. N,I6ao Higgins, convenors of the Standing l'nnnnllte(• on Agricu1. lure, nrrange(I the program. Mrs. 1•:. .Andel =on, the pre=!dent. conducted Ilse n' 'ling 0:iir11 wn; opened ]n Fie o,ual manner. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted and are;':111' is report received. It ‘s -os (1('cid(•d to glt'• ?-lu,cu to Cie Central fund for :ug.n• for jam for Itritnin. lrran'nients will bo merle iii the near future for the annual memorial !•vie•.. a! Itrandon Cemetery. The i oil call tern; well ITApini,led to with hint. crania:: and sunin.; ve:ct:•l,l; : f (1' ,,i11),:.. \' .(. 11. 1 'pin1,•,, gav;, •t 1.1,tort .11 the. I islrirt :1111111;`1 int in hill in Clinton. An inter. e -air.: ; 1111'•:; ons git1•n by Alis. .1. .111. .. lrs. N. 11"ggins rnnduct:' 1 a ,4,1 14, r' 11.1'1'11! e0.11,': `tete in n' \I'.;. ,\, K, 1ti11 •. Limo!!! l 11y ;'.le i1', ! '' ass';`. -.I by \Ir' N. IIiegir:. Mr,. G. Iligg'ins. \It:. .1. I. Gully 1 ; i'rcetf-r, s'cn off 1lr. and Mrs 1 ' I'rt.••ter, Iris f1 ft to join tite ft.('..► . i:; nest 11'11` l r. I.t'Ihbrirlge. Alta.. it sp. luting a short time with rr'In- tites ]tete. Ir. and \Irs. George Cook, Mildred hlorence, Evelyn and Lois, spent the weekend In fiau(ilton with Mr, and .11.,. i, 1 ,I 11 . 11 tided i•tors on Sunday. \liss \101 el I�illough. (',1\V..\,('., 0 Loudon, Mts. 1\'m. I(elly and Jim o Seaforrll vi:itcd on Sunday wit(` Air and Nit's. Alva \Icl;owell, .11r. aur; lies. )toy .\',chic. ll r, raid Mrs, N.i'ti it \1ul`owell, were tli Iph tit: 1 l It 'lt •111 r visitors on 'Tuesday. \\'tile ht G.Ielph they visited thc0,.1.C. \Ir;. .11.it : 'I'yer.n.in Is visiting at tate 1101110 of \i r. and 11'.5. l'en't 'I'0111111y'tl of 1.011 lesbm'o, Mrs. A;,ufe \\'alp` r of A11nu'11 spent Sunday with \11'. and \Ira. 1'ougla:; ('a 111pbell. AIr. and Mrs. No; 1110 \4 't';nvell visited with \11'.•;, 0s1 ;Weston of (1.114` tit t 011 .'i t i ;,l y. 1'I„_ friend:; will he sorry In heir Ih;!!Os- 1 aide, -tun fell atal will be. laid 1141 for l'oa11a few weeks. .._"'.1'..Y WeditesiIay, Julie 23, 1941 OTHERS! YOU CAN HELP! Join "Nutrition for Victory" Drivel Learn EASY way to improve your family's health .. . with meals they'll enjoy! Canada needs us strong, to win this war. And family health is in your hands. You can help build stamina .. , resistance , , , vitality ... by serving proper food. Perhaps you recognize the need for well- balanced meals, but you find meal -planning a difficult job. If so—here's help! A TREE new booklet, "Eat-to•Work-to•Win"... the EASY way to good nutrition. No need to be a student of dietetics! The careful planning has all been done for you, You have simply to follow menus provided. So do your part! Learn how to feed your family wisely! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat•to-Work•to•Win" today! Sponsored by iiE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health is an aid to Victory. .x —..% •. ONARIO 'i1_ Send for you copy today! To gat yourFREF copy of "Eet•to• Work•to• Win",• Just mond year name and ad. dress, clearly printed, to "Nutrition for Victory" Box 600, Toronto, Canada. *(Thr nutritional tb1tnrnlr in "F.at.to•Ir'ork.to•ir'in",n•t •errp/able to Nutrition Serrirn Department of Pru(iomr and National ileaNb, Ottawa, forlbe Canadian Nutrition Programer./ MAINTAINS PAY -AS -YOU - GA - POLICY AT the time of bringing down the Provincial Budget on March 19th, 1943, it was indicated that the figures were Interim figures and that definite and final figures would be supplied as soon as the accounting of the Treasury Department was complete for the year. These are the, final figures for the twelve months ended March 31st, 1943. Certi• fied correct by 1I. A. Cowan', Chartered Accountant, Provincial Auditor. They speak for themselves. Combined surplus on Ordinary and Capital- Account Reduction in the Gross Debt Reduction in the Net Debt Reduction in Contingent Liabilities ........................ ... Reduction in the Funded Dcbt........................... Reduction in the Treasury Bill Debt .... $27,766,504.72 19,906,519.85 11,686,815.15 2,505,441.37 7,868,100.00 6,500,000.00 A bank overdraft left ore r front. the previous fiscal year of $5,793,286.92 was paid off. There teas added to the Provincial Sinking Funds the sunt o/ $1,196,805,66. Every tax -payer in every Ontario city, town, village and township has benefited from tho Provincial Government's PayAs•You-Go Policy. For as a direct result of this Policy, the Provin. tial Government has passed on the following actual financial benefits to Ontario municipalities between April 1, 1935, and March 31, 1913, amounting to over seventy millions, five hundred and forty.thrce thousand dollars. 1. Municipal Subsidy 2. Maintenance of Indigent Patients in Sanatoria...* 3, Township Itond Subsidy 4. king's highways 5, County Roads 6. Old Age Pensions $21,561,14.1.90 7,288,509.00 2,000,640.00 17,192,059,00 1,249,442,50 7,007,948.00 7. Pensions for the Blind.,....., 145,580.00 8. Mothers' Allowances,....,,.., 12,724,438,00 9. Municipal hydro Rrid inl Relief 1,2.16,622.82 10. Training Schools 123,657.83 TOTAL 870,543,033.05 *Cumulative to December 31, 1912, end of Sanatoria fear. the Provnce of Ontario Further information gladly supplied upon request to TREASURY DEPARTMENT, PARLIAMENT BJ DGS., TORONTO HON. A. ST. CLAIR GORDON, Provincial Treti3urer • PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO a 014 y Wednesday, ;Tune 23, 1943, TIIE STANDARD R...,_+.40•:..:0,.4.0." “:“.:.+4. .4.4.44+.4..•.00ii Vodden; S. Y0111101)1111 I; N, Radford; 19,, quills, the small grout) on the ` - } ( '•( I. Nothergtll; ('. Sunder- 11th 1111(1 Nil have pieced and quilted i LYCEUM i IIE 1 DRE a. 1'. Brown; ' WINGHAM—ONTARIO. •_' cork; (:, Conn; N. Carrel(; \V, 101 the Red Cro•x Unit. •t• I,H,tle; S. "my. 1,\t this meeting the lucky 11(ke1 for a j TWO Shows Sia. Night t TUT' — "lit'(David .\II'\ uglier who Ilah 41 Thurs, FI•i. Sat, June -24-2.7)--26 '� Fay Bainter, Hugh Herbert becu laid up with th.' nleaslcls is now J Carolyn Lee in ; • able to he (round again, "Mrs. Wiggs Of The Cabbage Patch" fAllce Megan Itdc.'M story of mit tilde M rs. Wiggs. 41 ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS Its r( , ci' \yho are now serving King and School Scetlous N'a. 9 and 111 spent a pleasant time pirnihIng at Coderich tt� on Saturday' afternoon last, the*The Red ('ros- pack,^d I7 boxes ro- t:: ce11tiy for 1hw hoys of our community i:Matinco Sat. aftornoon at 2.30 p, m. Colltllly Mon, Tues. Wed, June 28 29 30 t=`, Mr, II'owaid ll'unsdon of Clinton, 3: Mr, and A111;, David Ewan have had (VAL11 13EACI1 STORY'= �theirniece fromNInnt,,:al visiting A rollicking cotniedy. !hem for e few days, ('Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea in.". visited with his (not11 on Sunday, I 1 ALSO CANADA CARRIES ON t= Mr, and Mrs. E. Dewar of Ottawa. AND SHORT SUBJECTS ;t: spoilt the lvr_1(crd with Airs, 1)rw'ar's by _: W+44:8.0 , 4,4:4.4:4:4.,1:4$4:414:4.;:4,11' I,ONDESB()R0 At•. 1 rnt.sl A(lams has sold ills farm to Mr. John Armstrong who gels pos- eessiou inuuediately, Mrs. \\'. T. Ibvnsdon, Air, and Mrs, Iticlutl•d \'o(hleu spend Saturday with Ala', 811(1 Mts. Jack 11100r, Mt. Forest. Airs, Lillie \VIebsler has had a new chimney built it having been damaged J,y Ilghtening, A very successful Mingo was held last week 111 Community hall reallz- mother, \1rs, E. Lyon, Rev. Slathers of Fullerton gave a very file sermon itere on Sunday morning. Itov, A. E. Nlenzl05 taking the Anniversary Services at Fullerton \irs. Alr11zics, Beecher, Alex and Marge accompanied hint, Fullerton was a former rhtu'go of Rev, Menzies. Airs. Fred :'rest spent. several clays with Stratford friends recently, IIULLETT on friday afternoon the ladies of (:roup No. 2 oI' Burns' Church, and ing over $••111.110 which was used for some neighbouring ('onstolce ladies packing (loxes I'or the following boys nlel at the home of Mrs. ,Iaclk and oy.crseas: \\'. Koss; K. Scott; II. Rous Mrs. 1{efih 1le-se.lwood, and fluflted 1), Sprung .1, Sprung; I,. \'olden; ]L four Rod Cross quilt;. This make;; I u. towel, donated by \Irl. Ilos'•elw•ood, wits (fawn; George 1'at•sorvico being the lucky %%inne.r. The sale of the tioltots by Airs. Ilesselwood, Helen and Lois, am(.unted to $11,SJ \\ditch Is to he used hy the group for the Pur• ohaso of supplies. 4:) vont., was realized 011 a box of berries donated by Mrs. (ieorge Curter, This same group mot last \yeelt at the Home of \Irs. Berl 1(oggart, and quilted four Ited Cross quilts, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riley have move.(: to their new home south of Clinton, On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George (''aster visited at the home of At', and Mrs. Harold Jackson, of Seaforih, Airs, \\'m. Carter visited with her ('align, Alia. Sproat., of Egmondvilie, WARNING A.s 1 hale purchased the Alciuuis Farm, any person I hear of cutting wood in the bush as heforc, or cutting wire fences, \vitt be prosecuted, ac- cording to law. P, H. DOUGLAS, Hamilton. STRAYED '1':tm and York sow, strayed to no preniWs of \lervin Cooler, on Sat- urday 0Igh1. Owner may llal•e same hy paying for the expenses, phone 13-S Blyth. 46.1, CANADIANS TPLLOW ,, two million _--ri ind the file a -I Would like th it obligation t0 IV' _....� of of June t x11 payers of Canada bef oro the 30th alto 1g42 Income Tax Return have been simply jThis Y°ar+1 the forms with a minimum be completed -that they can fied 'i0 and effort•", ^.- Canadians ofytime come Tax dollars that lee They The Income resent strugg __ our p and'. pay are necessary in our future peace Victory are all investment in i hung dollar f They are fighting securitY��j. ....11 11`3 0aoh� dollars.+('' fair to a his ability Income Tax is accordance with person is taxed in { t win a war • 1 person paY; re is n° easy way war must be paid Tho this the costs of Tax is not a 'Almost half that the Income the 1 know know that t0 win by taxes.g, but I also their 1, pleasant burden, to fulfil Canadians aro willing to shoulder their war, Cana the price and to paY same unbeatable obligations....to with the from our onStb who have gone from resp those_- ---_- ---- - spirit ars shown by -� (to right. . W. ,, `shore, \\ r)t -I P1 Minister_of National Rename. All INCOME TAX RETURNS MUST BE MADE BY JUNE3O°" • COLIN GIBSON,, ' . Minister of National Revtnue- Viii_ '(,,,, dam' 1. 'g111= -i'ii'1'il�ll.T1lil:.t=_'1;tti10 1 „ ,1 ,vel!1., -v �.-. ��: 4�( lis l ' ti ma'�.�y}\:+ • :iia:0::1•.1:4:,:i'N....:1.:r'y.:: •'i''i"t 711' CANADA DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE INCOME TAX: DIVISION C. FRASER ELLIOTT, d Commissioner of Income Tax I,T.6. Pagt 5, ICccictateoc etetetatCocctclovoctetGccomieteletcRte!cw!.ctxtrwete!Gexlvte.tctet4lelc tcte!clt.vc c,y.,f;; tCtCtctvvvezict,tet is ROXY'111EA'I'1tE, CAPITA], I EGI(:N'i''1'IIEATRE CLINTON, GODERICH, SEAFORT-rt. NOW PLAYING, Alan Ladd as: NOW PLAYING: 1'1 TURNED OUT LUCKY JORDAN. NICE AGAIN. Now Playinn: Ida Lupino and Joan Leslie in THE HARD WAY. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday "Priorities On Parade" :\ mralty pnckage.1 parcel of song - dance. comedy add a I,.n'I(groun 1 of war production. Ann Miller, ZaSu Pitts Aline MacMahon and Susan Peters Thursday Friday Saturday Franchot Tone, Ann Baxter Akim Tamiroff Eric VonStroheim. Rommel t ll?(s, 11(1 lover:; li,tet The fate of a campaign i, decided. .\ love 5'Ory \yo\ 11 i11to the retry it of the Crib ',h Eighth Alloy to I'.l \I:Inm'in. "Five Graves '1'o Cairo" Monday Tuesday Wednesday PAUL MUNI, Ann Lee and Lillian Gish, with Cedric Hardwicke in a Fred Astaire, with Rita Hayworth, ti mcly and enthralling action -story "r(..oII1111:111d0S Strike At i)awn" Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thureday Friday Saturday Errol Flynn, Ann Sheridan and Walter Huston All 11(If::1•e1'1ta',II• .tur)V, gaged by : III 011:;1i11111- 1110 It''(I(I1ll Il' 1.1 i1, "I(d9;e or Darkness" 1\'tll enloy every initiate of this I'uII .Itt dance moshcal. You Were Never Lovelier Thursday Friday Saturday Carole Landis, Anne Shirley and Goetge Murphy. Ili oty of Alii t1 Illy 1:1 0f t\vo C:1 11111 1 11(11' 1115'1e \\111, 1,,\I'. "'The Powers Girl" ''t, COMING: Edge of Darknesa, with COMING: Betty Grarle in: Errol Flynn, Sec' how Norway14 o COMING: Sonja Henle in; PRANG: Bc IN THE ROCKIES. ICE'! -AND. tiryhts aneinst Nazi oppressors. I ` dl y Matinees aa �tineespSt�a4t,p&q lyHolidays yyl�gF qat w3 PI,�M♦.y Mat , Wed , Sat &Holidays atn3 P.M. Matinees Sat. & Holiday.. 3 P.M. u�1y �NNIZIOI CI21Di Di J1ltDik t?a,D101 V,21G11iNOtOlOADf'4,:zZ.,J..:.c;;.,,F~xIJ,n;:) .:?,D,2.Zin:.:1.:,J•✓'IG',''' .,c:c'l:2,:,"ii,61C',2.; i2n1::.:'.4,Gifrt:taiDi Clearintr Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Some Household Effects. At Lot •I I, C'onees;ion 1, East \\'a wanosh, on the Auburn itoad, adj 1j» Ing the Village of lllyth on FRIDAY, JULY 2ND, commening at 1.30 p.m., the •llllowInj iHOR,S.ES; Mar(', 7 years old; Aged horse. IMPI,T:MItN'1'S: AI. -1I. hinder, f ft. cut; Deering mower, 6 foot rut; Hum., rake; 'Massey -Harris 1:1 tooth 011111- vaier; Ilaytedder (good as new:; 3leCormick seed drill, l;; snout; \las• stay-llarris manure spreader; Steel land roller; Scufl'Ior•; Set iron har- rows; ryteel drum; Slush scraper; Disk harrow; \\'agon; Bob sleighs; (travel sox; flay Rack; 510011 rack; ,Sot of sling ropes (new); 20-fcot lad- der; Step ladder; Work bench and vice; Set of team harness; 5e1 of mingle harness; 2 Bride's; 2.2o inch horse collars; 100 bushels of mixed grain; 12 acres of mixed hay to be sold in the field; a quantity of tim- othy hay, also to be sold In the field; \Vhlfflet'ers.; Neckyokes; tools; harrow sulky. il01'SEIiI0LD F1'llr\I'i'l'Jll;: Que- bec heater; \\rood healer: ('o(11 oil rook stove and oven, 3 -burner; \Vood- en bed; Set of bed springs; Iron pot; Set household scales, 2,") II). rapacity; ('ouch; 2 feather beds; 2 large stone jugs; Small creat( seper11 (1'; Cream can; Tin churn; Large strainer; Milk pail, new, 1'.yerythiug 10 he 5(11(1 115 Prnprl(atnl' in giving up faenliug flue to 1i1 health. TERMS: CASH. ,Tames Cueing, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, .\notioneer. 46.2. Congratulations to Alrs. R. iI. Robinson, who ('0101)001 s her hirth- day on 'Thursday, .tole 211h. AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE, FINE CHINA, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, ETC. M1'. Harold Jackson has been In- structed to sell by public auction at THE PALACE RINK, SEAFORTH ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1111•11.1.1111•17•4••,. 119=11111110.1!••1•111111111111=1,!71101■1..• POULTRY WANTED ' All I;jnd> of live poultry wanted. Ili;:hl'5t Toronto 1':1 - - Pohl. hatter tics-; alt Iit!H; Oalt•d. .1. Liebe', phone : III 5e1'\ ice, 111 for tmtit,' i••1.1 f TIME 'II: /'�AB1 CHANGES Effccti've Sunday, .Ione 'lith, 191 1'1114 1111%111111111 111 1 1(1 :1 t;' 111 CANADIAN PACIFIC AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. At'. I lar!'111 .lacl•..;en h.:; 0l cel\•, ;1 instruction: to s111 1t\' p ,' It acrd 111 at Lot '::1. ('o1). 11), Null tt '4'o\yn=hip. on Ifighway, lirsl farm (1)1111 of 1.011- desboro, 011 \Iouday..!opt 2\, al I ptn. Mor a Y. I Illi(';; I'r; clo'ron mare, iI; year!: old, I:au' I!,:. ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Isabelle Johnston, also known as Isabella Johnston, late of the Village of Blyth, In the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. Ali per,ons rlafms ng:Bust Ibe Estate of til' aloe 1, ' 1,((1 11'2 're'I'Ilt.1'd to file the . 111 \vi1!tun- 1 S4dieitor for Hie said I,s- 'Iate on 111' hef,lne the _1st day (cf Hone, .\,4,. 191;1, after \\Melt date iho a' --et= will 11e di:t•i'111e11 :un(,agst the p:1:'ttes entitled 1ttt to, h:t':inee rrt!artl inly to the claim,. of «•Rich nose• love Lean ✓ 1 (11. I/.\ TED at Clinton this 29tH (lay of May .\.1), F. I'IN(rl.:\Nn, R,C„ Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 43 ('(taIe: 6 Durham emll.• in calf and 'W milltag well; I Itlll•I1:11l1 ro\y, tarro\v, fat; 1 1(11(11 '(10 lng, \\jib calf at fool; 1 I)m'hant cow, fresh 1; ninths with call': 1 Maid; boiler Int ' .I;tly 1:0ll; Ihirhain 2 year old heifers. t Son I1;.; ;I bahy heel', 71111 lis„ I I10r- halo bill, IS tuouthis old. Pigs: 1 sow with 1I pigs, 1 week's old; 1 sole 11'ith I'1 pig.:, :1 \v-oeks old. Poultry: 1;:( Leghorn 1( 115. lnlpll-uneub,: 1 7 fivIt, :.114.y Mira.; binder, like new, also 1',11e carnia':' trucks for binder; 1 Massey Harris Mow( r, :114 fool cut, gond; I Ala.;'='y Ilarrk hay Tedder, like new: I lo foal sulky rag(('; 1 I:I tooth spring tooth cultivator, AlaSsey Harris; 1 di a, harrow; 16 section diamond harrow.,: root politer; wheel harrow; I 12.2'1 \Vallis f'ac'tor, reconditioned; 12Int• row Massey Ilarris 11 actor plow; 2 wall.ing plows: 1:1 hoe Massey 1;arri 4 '0(1ti'1 (1•i11; 12 hue drill; I Ala.,,s:'y Hat manure ':pr, tiler :',0. 7 1!1,,.'!I I s' -'I toiler: I scufflcr; ': C•m wt;'• 01: •; 2 hay r:;rlvs: 2 gravel tuxes: 1 i wagon Lox and 510:•1( vac•..; circular � s'awa; 1 truck wagon; sloop sleighs at 12.30 oclock p.m , the following: 1 good; 1 cutler; 200 Ib. scales; f 1a1- 5lplrlan refrigerator; AicC?:try circ Hing Mill; several pie(,5 of drive Further particntal• may 1)0 poen trio rangctle; ".'burner hot plate; belting; nil drums; quantity of bon- elnriralux; Hoover cleaner; AIrC'lat•y her; 7 1(n-. 01' timothy seed; 2 1,1he C'lerk's. Office. Laude;born. Scythes; I set of slim;'s: ch•ai», :0111 ,(Itchen range, like new; Empire washer, Electric,; Singer sewing iia• hay fork; grain bags; 1 ('yc'lone chine, liko new; Quebec heater•; gray, sredrr; ll logging chains: hag' Majasllc Cabinet radio; Philo() table truck; stone fact; taw'1•mo\yer; forks radio, electric applian':zs; trier$.\. 5hovelh, w•hiftletrees, ((ergo yol<eq :ld 1:1 little pis, 0.-013' to wean. Apply Cough There is an effective vaccine which can definitely alleviate at any stage of the infection. All suspected cases must be report• ed to the local M.O.H. 50 percent, of Tuberculosis cases have had Whooping Cough previously, There is an epidemic at present which will soon be out of control un• less we have the intelligent coopers• tion of everyone, M.O.H. 'TENI)ERS WANTED 'I'hNovit!s \Fill b( received 0p to 3 p.m.. .Illy :Its, 1:1.11. for the digging of Hoo tench. laying and covering talo on 111( 1111111 11'0,1011 of the Taylor Drain,and alt) the branch. There k 1'27 fro of let lung life and 1137 feet: of twelve inch tile on 111e 1111111 drain, and on the branch Paco feet of ten MTh. tile. Contractors lender, will lie oeceple(1 \y1 11 or \yilhun! ft:rnishing the tile. PIGS FOR SALE at 16.1. a lm51 of other article;. ,t1) .\IPrr(i )1 ((haul, phone 1.s-6 Blyth,cui board, glass; several large mit, ( 46,1. cors; oval glass china 01110:t; (ural -I I1orncss: lift'' ltlolltlted hr0c()1f»1 tr.' malt; cherry china cabinet; yuan•• Iharnesr:, good; 7 hors,colli';: 1 seg ter oak wardrobe; sido''oard: cherry 1111' Single bar»r-s; 1 sot of plu\y fall leaf table; Mahogany book case, harnc55. sectional; Alarshall spring mattress; spring ntattreslses; electric table lamps, modern mid antique; travelling hags; \Wilton rug, 9x42; Axminster rug, 0x112; 2 pair scatter rllg.s, large, matched; large quantity bed clothing and linen, ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND CHINA Full dinner set linloges china, bridal 10008111; full lea set, gold I an,1 1i111- ogcs; writing desk; quantity of cut glass and liaury china: walnnl bed and springs; mahogany 1' •d and kprillgs; 2 mahogany hi;;hboys; ma- hogany wash stand; six W'11ut 00• casioual chairs; set lady and gent chair's; number of small 111)1001 tall. I( ;, different size : " ''^;, ('loth reek - 015, occas1o1111; 3• toot stools, 11.1111'1; )fall reek; sets of Sll1l1 egvarc; 11111 wet' and Hawthorn' wink:: number of 0100115: curtains; drapes; pictures, and other articles loo 111111u'rous to nienH011, All antique furniture las bora re' furnishe(i an(i is i1) .\.I conditlon. 11'11 1'1'ytllimg will he sold without re- serve Io close lie estate of Miss Tillie Alae \VigbIman, deceased. TERMS: CASH, 'Phos. It. Baird, Helmut. Snell, colors, E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 1larotd Jackson, Auctioneer. TERMS: CASH. 1Iarnld ,lock' -'o». Auctio»rcr. Edict;l :\. .\d.unt, I'roprirlOr. W1LI,1 �.M IT. ioRRUTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. S1ociall7illg ill Farm (111(1 Ttousehohs Sales. 11;1. l,irrn,nd for the County of itut'on. Re:15Ol!lii 1(' ,'rices, ;Intl Satisfaction Guarana 1,0(1. 1',1r information, ole., write or phone \Villiam 1I. Morrill, phone, Residence 93; Shop 1. Myth. 4.4-tf, ¶he BRAYCN/[K Does tlfeTriek! Bray Chicks are real money, makers. 1 can prove it. Place your order here. 100% live de• livery guaranteed. A. L. KGRNICK BLYTH, ONTARIO, I-IAROL1) JAChSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm Sales. 1,10(11 oil 111 Huron and ('0'.101 it' 1'01005 1' 01. 0nal,lo; f 101 01111'111 teed. for information, clr,, write or phone 'Harold arold .larhson, 11.11. No, 4, Seaforth, ,'bone 111(ldl. and household Perth sans ,r , ,c, ,^ mro•� s,y,4t�;'€tC to'�'-Y^,tl.':'a v �"!�' ;!° - ^ "�'Ij' � .... ''o'U"�•�+o'otn 6 !g•'vteteb8te.r.=etet�~a �. ., �'�'.;:, �_' Dead and Disabled Animals ri Exe- .fl L ADIAXIIDM (144th IDIAIINMa****n:,:?•idnWnNAD :1DMDMIt41B'. `.■�rst)tIa> IM REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31: Scaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. CLARK GABLE, MOVIE PRODUCER fait. Claris Gable, C.S..\..\,1 „Is pictured tiiluve, seated :u t 10 gut of a ht) ing 1''urtre: s, chatting with a couple of soidie urtvhert' iii h.ttt;'!n111l." :1n aerial : unnery specialist, the former ife1: star h:t; floe:: oe one eontbat uliesiol, and now is engaged in ne,ty 1 g au ertey training film :m air gunnery. OTTAWA REPORTS That the General Safety of the Canadian Nation Ha.., Been Well Served by Parliament prmi+Uhly r.r.1.t• has been it :session of I':tl l0ent during which the institution which has beer constituted the democratic netc!ul:ery !'or ront'nt of national a,'.11: r:,tration ha, sot barn ;ub- )1.•:e1. 20 criticise. for tal+lltess an.: t'rlo-ity. The present ees- on !. 1 f Parliament, opening Janu- ar'. S last, and just recently deze.t,g. with its \\a' Alpt•0pri- at1,e, ;''.ea.-,ut'e, is no exeelttion. .\t'ei yet, impatiently .tt 'h'e nus'. ;..:' or read lengthy die- ct.:.s:ens on this or that 11.1.111 of atin;.r,S;ration -- 5)1141 of theta adir.iat•Iiiy of no general import- ance -et .t will be well for ntenthers of :t democratic a')cirty to remem- ber :i:itt all of the :tdt:int:tette of the it'itiSlt Parliamentary system are '.t'' scrapped up its its legi;- lat:' 1 deliveries ----the number of new !toys that are passed or old lee's emended; or even in the de'>rlet' M detailed attention given Lo :a;ft!: Of 11113t and proposed ext" !Hit ure. • • 1•'et• Parliament's biggest single atiya:.tage to the people of Can- ada at large lien in its fulfilment of :he function of a safely salve agail,st simmering discontents, misconceptions and ntisun'dor• stand:rtes, as wolf as political aberrations of one kind and an- other-- some of which, after all, may he accepted as orthodoe in the tomorrow. In other words, even •,tThee Parliament is not tick - In;_• elf actual leegi)lati e accom- plienteents, it Is providing to every eletlent et 'group which feels itself at odds with things as they exist ill,: 11!',)11; of 101:- t1 111,2" ref f ";t e'a m.,' • • • .\ it's' 111,'1110,r.; il:ay 1)41' C11d1•4'- 841 with talking too much, turd undealatetily there :u•e those ',elm take ;:p a relatively largo portion of l' erliament'.4 time; .1,elle, pat•- tie'tito. item or measure u,av bO (11'1a:tte'at and lIi cit 5 l at a 11'112111 that a majority of Canadian. .yili rtmette as totally IIIIJII1tilied its• Its 4( al impertattce: sense at11- tutf'. :nay be atljudeed to he dic- tx:ett sty "politic;." And yet it seem. to tl1i, observer, after 14,11:4:::: at Parliament for a :;ooti tsuan' 'eears, that it all routes out t•itl'a 511 ileo "wa?it" of dchat.t and :!: l.l." ultimate oxer ie. of til' :.ae:e • edg moll! of idle t'1 tet:, '.1r1t0 are !4,111 t'el to pass on the !air -tinted of h.:ir r.at tonal ides'. 11.'11'.'. .\ 111 it has `('1'11'1',1 o,e.'r a long distan:e that the erne eras ,a'cty :11141 well lte'irlg of the ('tu,:,eran nation 1 as !leen pretty well .1 I red in all the 1!11!4. 41..5 that ;Gate (It'' t') sill the pages of i1 t'ts:•d. • • • '1',,: r4!+1110 11, nut for it I)tolr,r:,' 41111rittit the view that lilt! electe.rate in the (.'anadi;ttl +1emi- 4•r;l •; ran sat rely i' hack un•! fail !o Sct0 and s.t'I fy the dvittr; atn.l re, 1. -;(yin;) of Li nte'mllo.11 anti t.0 111:i.st.rWhich h:aple.o,, 11 1:1. 'n power; indteel its ergo ie in t ie opposite direction. Only electorate IIli14V411ln ld thine, can a democratic society fuer•; le e well. ineteael of accept- ing dogmatic denunciations of the instil ut ion which is hie safeguard agan:et tyranny the democratic 0144 ter should be prepared to In his nen thinking and arrive at his own conclusions. • • • Et t•ry ono of the 215 members who constitute the House of C'orn- nlons is sent there by s majority vote of the people in the con- Stituency which he represents, The member Gantlet help bet have intimate knowledge of the inter- ests and the wivhes of the par- ticular group of people for whom he speaks. The degree of inde- pendence of party which bo should or should not exhibit its the Clouse of Commons is another 50hject altogether, and worth consider- ing, but from the standpoint of time taken to discuss local mat- ters in I'lu liamcnt, if easterners are to become impatient and in- tolerant of time taken by west- erners, or urban dwellers critical of time taken to discuss items of peculiarly rural interest, or in- deed If there is any con.,iderahle intolerance by the 111ajority against time taken by minorities, then an t'xtrtntely Important function of Parliament nay suf- fer, THE BOOK SHELF CAPRICOP,NIA By Xavier Herbert T:1- hovel of life in Northern \ : •: .11fa won the Commonwealth Literary Prize ('ompetition on the m+(I len of Australia's 150t.h An- ni,esrsary. The author must now e0uuted amongst the great. nae 1.11f 11 3101•y-IelleTS of our time, Tee story is built :wound the efforts of n 11alfeaste, the son of ,t white man and a bush woman, to win a place for himself. it le intensely interesting, bursting with life, tough, full of humor and vlo- 1 ace, :and provides as authentic a picture of .\nstrali:ut frontier ilfe as has e' ver peen mil lei avatl- ahle. Of itis book 11r. Herbert writes: "My 'f:apricornia' is a hymn book written in adoration Of Australia, . . . The Land of the Unshackled Southern Cross, the .1n.strallrtn earth Itself, oat of a 1143,ii1113te luxe of which 3101111 ra. t s triter AItslralan Nation grew." Caprtcor'nia , . . By Xavier bert . . . The Ryerson Press Price 1;3.75. Her - Token Of Gratitude To Gen. Montgomery In "use world." \1'1111114'11 \\"iilk1 reports that request] 1lenlgmm•'r•y's lihr:tl•y, the collection of t tile• teas 11,'.,Iroycd 34 lig. in• 111! of a (;411 wan nil ,r;,'; tau:l. .\ Innt�nm;n' 11), h„en itez,l t In Ne'w York, 141.11,•; '1'11” 'I'ulmnt0 Telegram, to ra,(tlaee the library 3S a loke•tt or deer ;,Iii; t l and admiration of tho ,\uteric:nl 1111)- ple. 10 addition to findone depth calf's or the 141111114'5 de.,!ruy„411, 1! 15 planned to inehtile a t'olll'(•Ilou of Americana, with the books autographed by tlee tttiuus, the ;e'IPellon of these 1)011114 Is re's! with a Committer of repro;•en!a- wive !nteltersa! !ninth. Great Britain's Forestry Plans 2,500,C00 Acres To Bs Added To Forestry Resour-es ltietlsh timber Imports before the tvdr c0,1 o':4r $:1011,00111 +Piot a Par, 111010 c,ut,ual'tfmn 1111'.: r,n1- lrihn!!ng four 't'r vont of 111.1 +lo. 111'',!1.: la1,11111 incnt<, 5',11!4 1 11 Sl '1'honl,1, T101e, Iso: Ital. Str \\'Illjoin .144\1': !ea; nnneunl'' 1 in 1JI0 Vol' .• +,i 1 :11'1111':, 1 (101.11, :111, •n' .t :. . ell 11'. tlgur0u, it,:• u pull'•,. ,,111+'11 Will 0110 11:1;; ~111!1) 0110 :1111 ! of 11.1: i,)nal regnire•n1e'ttf.a. The Porosity ('tlutlui.;!on t pro- poses, with the ad;ielallt'ie of a eonunittee which will Invest ealt 1111,1 relate—rani tvtlh private wood - hook, In 111111 2.500,00 ae•re.e to the, national toresiry resources. '1'i14 will 1:114 a long time, Iho plan b'!in lu brio 1) producliotl 6111144)0 acre, during the first decade tift,'r the wear. al a coat Ir $200.000,000, a1111 1,5011,0011 ael'e 11111'11111 111'1 Ili' 1,1 ten years, the State bearing one•fourlh of tho cost of !hutting :Ind tn:tinten:tuce ualt! 111.1 areas ho 1011 se) t•supporlMg. Al the present moment the ('om- mission has some ,100,000,000 young trets4 its 1':11'141ni Stage' er g rtlwt h. Tree Seeds Collected 1'o copO with a vastly inure:teed planting campaign, preparations aro hong ❑lade for a large increase of cursory stocks. The Commislon during the winter organized a eolloctiott throughout the cotlutry of last year's tree seeds. 1t now holds adequate stocks of Norway spruce. Scots pine and hard- wood seeds, as well as considerable quantities of larch. Suptllas of, Shiite spruce and Douglas fir seeds have been obtained from the 11n - Rod Slates. Britain will still hoed, In spite of that vast program, to Import two-thirds of her lumber require- ments, and we trust the 1)otnlnton and provinces will 1)111 themselves In a position to secure the hulk of that market. VOICE OF THE PRESS VICTORY GARDEN ETIQUETTE Assuming' that conte of our Victory (gardeners may not be familiar with the dictates of eti- quette in certain eventualities, we pass this along from it correspon- dent of Ilio Kansas ('ity Star: "Our neighbor's rooster was over this morning for a lettuce break- fast, and w'e're having him stay this evening for a chicken din- ner."—Ot.tewn Citizen. POST-WAR PROBLEM Sir (lerald Campbell, British Minister in Washington, recently spoke thus on the prospects in the post-war world: "Disagreements tnay arise from time to time, There is nothing so terrifying in that ---provided we learn how to disagree without being,* disagree- itblte"—St. Thomas 'Time,-.Iour- nel. "KAMERAD” IN ITALIAN Rome reports have Mussolini trying to figure out a formula for peace. No use struggling, Benito, The only way is t( e011143 in like all other gangsters d'a-- wtih your hands up, ---Stratford Beacon -Hermit, EXPLOSIVE VEGETABLES AApal'tglli left its the' oven tool long in a Kansas City home ex- ploded and ilt'•,v out the kitchen wittelow•s. Boy: Think what might have happened if it had been spinach:--Wi11ds•ur Star. HE'S EARNED IT Coal miners in the Veiled States are ag ei11 on strike, and almost. any day to w John Lewis should be receiving itis Iron ('rums from Hitler. --Hamilton milton Snectt- tor. WEEK OF SUNDAYS Housing conditions are se bad that people are sleeping in the churches on week clays, toe. \\'innipe 'I'ribi 4:', 1)ute-li bulb growver.s have given the: Haute "Spitfire" to a new tulip, and the. Naxi authorities are incensed. REG'LAR FELLERS --Seeing Double I▪ 'D CERTAIN'Y (LOVE TO SEE MPACTrr THEM! or MUSEUM 4. \ .+ e - lie C:=317.7._ g KASTA& EMIL nnG�ENUIt TWINS ON EXHIBITION 11, ttglir y v ei. 142-12 TI -IE WAR • WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events Anything Short Of All -Out Victory Will Bring Another War Upon Us ,:;I tn,d ,it,. toe. this svtr J.Ipin w 111 le':;in tl plot for timelier con- flict, 11.•11+'1+ .\!I'tt t, far Eastern core esi b tit amt observer o1' .It• pen.. ri , 1.1 111111 :sty ultl:ht, said 'Et t woo :ld.t . "the rally t'ticulaliolls et the le ele 111 'I'uk}u," (teetered '1r. .\11 •n+l 'err 1') the effect Itt:tt :tiler I:le I'ni:,'I loons have finally brought Ilij1.'. to unconditiunol 510 lIder, the American people awl t,l+'ir allies Will ho so War w,'.try Chat they Will insist noon t colllhl'Imlli)4) peal'e III Illt+ 1'ttr E;1,1 a compromise leaving J:Ip:w in possession of at least h:llf of her present gafus." .\n incen('lusive pcacu of this I:lu(I. 110, .\b enol added, would ite- b he a viclury for Japan. would prepare and wait for a new opportunity and attack' us again al some period whoa, in slack limes of peace, the wonted 10 ha VI. 1es1 urea of sur 00.40111. allies," IIt1 ween! on, "A113'1 i 11 spurt of all all-out victory ht this war will hriug nn• other upon 115 --probably within lose 11011 1\'4111)' years. "If the 1101111 the .111 pa 10 keep bait Or what they 1111541 151)11, If w'ts !erten. 110111 to remain the r11b'rs ur pert of East Asia and to brutalize 200,000,000 subject human beings, they will eonirive to 1144 Ihn resources of that area, and that brutalized manpower, In a tear of revenge against us. There will he no security for the Four I''reedoms 1111th the Jitck•tltlt- Ripper, among nations are dis- armed told punished.,' Turn In The Pacific Until a month ago Australian leant r1) and spokesmen at General 1)ouglls 11ac:1rlhur's headquarters we're e\Pt'essing 111 1'111 at the pros- pect of an !tuntinettt invasion of .lnstralia by the Japanese. Official reports spoke of the establshtneut of Nipponese :airfields capable of hasiug 1.500 airplanes In the Is- had--; curve:; north of the cun- t lneut. As 1f to 'mint up the threat, Port 1):n'tvin sufferesI an air raid by :It least fifty Japanese photos oa ly 111 May, not long after set'• only to 1110 planes struck hard at the Allied base at Milne Bay, New Guinea. Last week, by contrast, the of- tieL'tl tune In .lusiralla was 11110 of ututoat confidence, Prise Min- ister Curtin said in Canberra: The pressure on this e )tittlry is to be thrown hack on the enemy. fate+ holding war that was imposed on 113 under c(rcumslanrrs of great diffficulty has boon All ob- ligation tinder :Ishan strategy wh11'h 11:14 been discharged. Australia as a Base The Prime \linfster went on to say not only that he did not. think cite .Iapauose rottl(I now 111411114 the country hilt also that Austra- lia eould be used its u hose: huts whirlt le !:lunch "bout limited :and major offensives" against Japan. lit \veshing;ttn Secretary of the Navy Prank itnsx sponte of steady additions to the American sea strett til in the Pacific --a strength which already commands the sea, teetotaling to Printer Jltnister Cur - .1.1i0 Artily announced that new (metes or :\nter!c:u1 troops lead In'- rive'+I in New',,oabtud, and in Aus- tr:ta,t it 1:ls announced that lite It. A. .t. tc. had been built up to :t point where it 4x!44(15 .\ulerican sir '•tieugtit quantitatively though Ilett qualitatively. Action Impending •1'11 these factors great syei4ht w gitell by nhseryer:s 11'111) 'MVO fur :;,nor, lisle cXpected au Allied ewe to break the Ion; period of (thiel in the Southwest Pacif- ic. only in the int' lets action b11(en pu,i,e•'l r,rt'ntly. Americans are (•st:411i:hetl in Northeast New' iss'u'e :111'1 un (;11:111; Ir.:ln:a1 11.1111 the it 11 1,1:11u1s ill the Sol• mulou; :11111 front 1111•.!! ab' 11:1..45 111••)• I t o 11'4411 pounding steadily at 1,liane::e Ito ;aHal ions. Last. oel; (heir big planes rained forty 10114 of iontbs on Rabaul. on the /tottlie•ru tip of New Britain, key 1111,11 it' 1Ve whole Japanese slra• 1.4_11 ti s!rnettue tlorlla of ,\nair,r 11.). The first such heavy attack since "larch 2'1. this, tee, seemed a no'..1111' portent of 11111111'31.'11i ac• tiatle., WHAT KIND OFA L CAT 15 THAT MISTER? 0-117 gko, /0/, A/ , , THAT'S A SIAMESE CAT! lo Russian Skit '1'110 w:lr in 11+1„i t 1.t,t was pr,donlinanl l'. ,I tV tr In 111:1 nir. Ilolh Iho I,I:ft w .life :1111 1110 Roil :1It' I'urrt' t :1.11"I 0e'ivy hLtos by d:ty 1111 by Nail fliers seree11 teen m.t„ ed raids on Gorki, upper \'ol;t city noltll for its auttenteiso end noon!• tions plant;. .1 fleet of 500 tie, let bombers suur:h+' i 11:1 'It at 11 junctions behind the ,'!lenty linos in the vicinity of Urol, Nazi strong• point linking ohm central and southern fronts. Colman -4 lot 1'i• sled by ridding Yar t l,lv, 1511 wiles 110rlh•east of llusrm,e. Russian ;t1• lots countered with a 54:105 0r nllgitly hluw•s at Nazi titr+lrotn"s and rintnlunic:tt!on;. lhta of 104sm, 011 Thursday tit :011, ontpinycd 701) Soviet planry in What was called the greatest It :ian anti+ll attacic of the meet'. 1 t tailed In the de• sI ruction of 150 (lorin:1h pL11105 and numerous ground installattunS. The scope and fero0ity of the air battles were Indio:tied by a 11 Is• row summary covering the first wrok In Juno. This claimed n 11.11; of 752 Nazi planes to a lois of only 212 Soviet aircraft. The Edge In Battle '1'o foreign correspondents In the Russian capitol it se11ttlt..d clear that. tho ,Soviot air force held the odge over the once might)' Luft• watt's. In a recent IIIs03 101, The New York Times correspondent (1. I,. Sulzberger thus summed up his impression of Ills waning posy• or of the Nazis In that ait': The eve of what 1.; it\peeled to be (iernt:uly's tit ltd effort at a crushing offensive i :ttinst the Sov- iet Union finds iteich Jlat•shul Iter - !Ilan tisering's vaunted Luftwaffe gradually changing front an of- fensive to a defensive force In its essentials. 'Pima, although tile, ma- jor part of the German air Strl'ntith Is still concoutraterl on :Adolf i a- Iet''s most vital front - that. is to the east -it would appear to be a virtual certainty that unless the ltoich;fuein'er has a iriek left In Ills hag that no one has heard Wheat. his aerial striking; fewer will he relatively weaker than in either 1912 or 1911. New Soviet Planes 'Phis 19 what the sauto corres- pondent loud to say In a later dt;• patch ,beet the Sovlet n I r strength: The Red .11r 1'tlrce. . , . is prop• ith!y mere dynamic than In 1941, when it was untried, or in 1912, when 1t was outnumbered and the partly evacuated Soviet aircraft In- dustry was not yet In full produt'•• tion :Ind Allied supplies were not yet important. Already this Spring aIle Russians have 1111 V011011 two brand new Iltodols null Ihrown theta Into action , , This in Itself may bo sinu'wbat significant, since until the present stoniest not a single ttew Gel 111110 typo has Itp- pe:lred here In 1912. Problem of Caring For War Captives Must Be Fed, Clothed, Hous• ed and Carefully Guarded 'Think '•11114 fl 11111.111; -115,11011 (11et•nl: 11 ;1 11,1 Ib:tllan smldierd 1aktln 111115011;''; in ten tl:ys or 110, for Ihn reul:tfn'l1'r of 1 11 war in bo Qepinli"nl 1111011 till! 1'11il011 Nt• tions for food, clothing, gnartere, says the (Wawa. Journal. Hero is a cepti;e> teeny of sten equal In numbers to the coinhlut,l population of Hull and (Plate 1., mon, \ ont 'u tool children. 11 is equal perhaps to the tel:il Minn bodied nlal e Impute( ion of 'Termi- te. aril 1 ili,000 Vitally, hungry teen to ho fed, to .he clothed, to get medical service \ellen they ant 111, to bo pre'VIded with decent live lig :,rrntntuoJ,tinn -- ahoy() ell, Int bo gu ii i I, 'l'hoy eminot he t'dt. In it military zone, whore an ra• caped prisoner might do Creat harm. Ships aro notdotl to supply Own! witit the necessities, and 1t considera1110 military force for guard duty. 'These now c:tpliv'•i augment (nornlnusly the problems of the vast numbers of the hen• drops of Ihousande previously 110.- Vtt in .1frlea--because most '.tf limn are Commies. Shipping Problem Tho disposition of these enernl• nus masses of men must be the rause of Noncore to Allied author. Idose llanv prisoners of tear into been sent to prison e:unpa its S0111 11 :\fries, let. 1111'1'0 Unlit hn 11111115 10 this movement, The wig. gest ion has been made Thal Ihit Mimi hatch he brought to Canadat ted the United Stales, but her+ tho problem of shipping rellla'e 111) again. :11 ready ht this country wit hazy() ramps of prisoners of w.tr, and the occasional one esrapid \Yltetl that Impprns wo all der( re angrily that these utett should be kept more seettroly, Are we shoo tt'e 401101 manage perhaps another 100,000 of them'' Some would have them went on ('anadi:ttt farted. That tnieht do with i1allans, but perhaps net so Sal 1:4111110111Y In I.I111 case of HHitler's f:ulalics, Soviet Optimism Thus 1t appeared that in the great b:tt 105 expected on the Ions• shin trout this Summer Hitler will lark at least ono of the potent weapons that brought the fall of France in 1910 nevi enabled 1114 at'tllle.a to sweep deep into the Russian homeland In 1911. In ill visions the \VohrnlMAIL IS null mighty. It Is believed still capable of massing powerful tank forma But tvithont control of the nir, at least "locally, military experts giv1+ 1t but an outside chance to repeat past victories on tho eastern front„ In such evaluation of the pens• pect5 le believed to Iie one of this chief 1'ea3011A for the pronent So- viet optimism an the hour of de- cision drawn near. FUNNY BUSINESS 9'2 - COM 4.40 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. "I've got tt husband that whistles, a dog that barks and a parrot that screeches—now I wan something that stomps!" By GENE BYRNES 1KI GWAN DON'T D ME! 1 KNOW WHAT A SIAMESE CAT LOOKS LIKE! .t.L—vu..ra.ra+rsamuar.+•t N'S SER RUSH OF NEW BUSINESS for blacksmiths like Fred Ficgcl lately. "Been telling cm for 'its to 'etahorse," c \111.1(:.'1 k Fred. "Maybe they'll believme now." Nothing old fashioned about Fred's breakfast, though. Kellogg's Corn Flakes in his favourite. "Taste i nghty good," he says. "The Mrs. likes 'em too. Says they only take 30 seconds to get ready, and no pots and pans to wash." You'll like Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Get some tomorrow. 1'wo convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada, 3Q '2H EILT 11y Percival Christopher Wren 11 had ' ('ltd list to CI n, cal 1'(,111110': to sI nil for Sybil, ;:700 11(1 11e 11 me, 11'I1•1111( (')11111111 111 and 1, \t' 71 ;:)ere !u the Ii11 try 111 )1 ad f;. "1'()11' tire." r1(1('leI I(11• f1t1101al 10 himself. She lied evidently been vett' fund of the fellow, Net WO II01111,l11\', a• till y 1,111 ;inion 1111 tog. '11(1 . lint en 111• \\ hole. sHu(,e (0) terrihit' it thing had happened lo the 111;111. 1114. 11;1'; p) 1-11;,[1:' the lir-1,t way out of 7t. In point of Intl. 7t might 111)00 111011 ;1 )'10\41- 101 sui1'ld(, the roil 1I' think that Itfrh;u•d \1'l'nd- ((el' \vas (.11th(, of doing if he derided t0 cutnIII lt 11)1) 011 1111(1 leas 1101 11111I111 d that 114' 1110 11011111 110 awar11 Of 111e fact. (suit possible, ter he was mlt. 0lably a tough lad. Poor little Sybil, Mill, she'd get over it, and this \vould put an end Io all 11111 Ionseiso about believ- ing 11im innocent laid \venting to Lind hilt. A tutee of "prier little tiyhil'' in. deed, with her double burden In 11~11, Ihy loss of the It o itd \1111111 idle hull Iov,d all her life, 101(1 the carrying u( of the 10rnm1 (oily 11)1111(1 -- hiding 114'111 relations and friends, 1111111 01411111 10111:0S and cupmles, the fact that she had receive,! an all but mortal blow, Iter father, tvho probably both loved and understood her better thrift did her mother, realize( nontething of what shy, (vas suf. fering and admired the stoicism time certitude wllh 1\11(1 she was belie vIng. e As 1111 watched het carrying ell (1111 the common task, the trivial bund, tatting her share in thy itochtl lifo of the bons0 and of their circle, helping het• mother to onterlain guests, apparently (1104)'• fol, light-hearted and carefree, in' 1111 11 tribute Io her courage. A somewhat unusually imagin- ative and luldcstaudiug typo Of man for it soldier, he was able to some extent to do 11101'1' than sympathize and offer empty consol'ltion, R'isv- ly ho foryhm'e 10 ridicule her re- fusal, oven now, 11) believe in 110 ISSUE No. 26-43 O MACDONALS F e a§a aalz&Z 41''•.1-;11 0 1111)1 (1( 8111 of the maul 1011111 she 10) (d, 1111d he eucourag- I d the 10a171 1.110 Ovals fin ming of , unlit!. and sitting )1n a fireside 1,1001 in the 1!1)';11}, a room sail.. d to 10 0 !1)(1101', (01 1101' way 1)1) 10 b. II. lush ;id of tlu'rely looking 1(1 t" (1)y 1)111': uit:llt els 117111 ilei Il 111, 1•11,1 (1)11 1,(;11111172. 71710u't bi chair, she 1''1111111 1111h or 1110 1uhject 1'1'('1' ate• perutu 7 ill her 1111)1( and he would "1)1ody " said tiyId1 one ev(11- In1:. "I don't 101,)'00 (((( (1,1781." "I don't belit.)•(' 11111110100 my dear, , 111101. :1 rf1 a ret t', ' '1'111' gill tool( one front the prof- fered 1 ase. 7111. lieu( cal lit 7t, say- ing as he did SO, "1 1111(1(' \chat you 1111:111. 1'011 don't 1017000 the find- ing of the court martial (vats just, awl you don't hell) 01' he's dead.,• "I'111 perfectly certain, ILuldy " "\1'eil, sly (eau', as I've said be- rm, . the cyidente points 1() ilia 11) Ai 111) by 114' ilea Ili( 1)1'000s eto "No, of yours(' it doesn't, 1 wn thinking only last night that sup- posing et, gave it 11 old shirt of yours 10 tt 1)111111, and months and months later 110 fell into Iho river (0hilo (raring 11 and his body ('atm round. the polka. \youldn't lural (1 - lately decide that it was you, would thoy? 'There wouldn't be u notice 711 the newspapers 1ha1 you had 101'1) 11110141 "No. of course not. And If there wire, I'd stoutly deny it. and 00 net 111'1 give 1111)10 weigh! 10 Ihn fart Iluat \Vendor( 0 hadn't denied that the shirt (111)1 11(1. Ifec:tlls(1. 1), is entirely possible, ft fact very probably, that he'd he only too glad for people 01 suppose that that \ens 1ht4 011(1 of him. - exactly what, i am building on. 1)7011,0 wouldn't stoutly deny if. Naturally he wutlldu't if IR, had planlcd 110 shirt with the intention of creat- ing the b(litf that 110 (;t(4 dyad. And if there uas nothing of that soul, he wouldn't contradict the rumor of his dt alb because he'd be only loo glad for everyone 001111 1111111• him to imagine that he was (1ead. 'Then he could really start afresh sonu'e here else ;nue build up his life again. That's what think he'd try to do," she con- tinued. "lint what sort of new career would 1e try to start and whcro )00111(1 he go? If ono could only guet-s that, one ((multi have some idea as to What to do." r• The (1:11(1 and weeks and the months rolled by ;ld the light of Sybil Ffuulkes's faith began In burn a little dins, her Ropy to grow fainter. The :Ulseers 10 her f'ath- er's ):'Iters (''1'111(711 to each mem- ber of the court martial, 11:171 011010 7t perfectly clear that no shadow of 'doubt remained iu the minds of the wt'iters about thy guilt of Richard 11'011d0ycr, and as to 1114 ultimate fate none could give any other information than that ho 110001' occupied the berth that he had taken on the. ship that should have borne flint iron' K7lindini, the port of ylou1balsa. and that by had simply vanished. (Gradually ((metal 1'I'oulk('s ad- opted the line that ev01'y'tlii)g pos- sible had been done. n0 14)0(0 left ' tint11t•11 (1, 11111) ih:('•rtlllr'I1 in, no 114((1 (11)!) lorlhrnluin;: lila! x;111) ih1( l•Iil'htcrt 1 e1)son for 1,01.1., the. wily thine? I0 (111 II((t' 1(as to ;i1'. 10pt 101:11 (a- 1'1 i'll tuiy Ih4 !,1' I, 111111 IIi('Il:lyd 11'(n4111v1. (';:'4 (11•1,11. "\1'4' 11111`111'1 11-! It 1,, )'tall)' 1110 011'1 'don, 11': d',,, 1( . '1 1,70• n it'11! :I'• l.\ 1111 '-;11 11 1 1,11' 1',,1)1 1,1'_1 7•',1111!" I (411„1101'1 1 - 1111 111 hi 11.11', :,:'III I'. 1.1 "11;01',',' I !1 t 1111 • 11 ., ",,11 (''1111 rte! 111 11' . i! : 1111 , .1177 is til ('77)) 77.777 ' ('al it in 111 11107(1. III' i' 10' 11, 7,,1 1 111,','I 1)7 (11) 1-,f IIiIu. 11,- is I ,, (1 , .1111 110 7i' 111, -11", 11y ill,', 111 ('1, .111,1 I'\:, !11 )111 1.1.: 0.1', And 1'11 1111 1(111 1111711'4 71 funny thine. I feel pi'.! tl;-i 1 Inn n( (1'1- (('8110 1,1,11", '•111,ettt,,11✓ 11' al"'0 kd!011 ;11111 111,(,1 in I?:!t Alrica. 1)11 you und0r(1„lett 10.,1,1 1 1111•:1113" 4 . 1(11114' 111111)'41 11;111 1, 1 7, )'4 .1 In slunk, Ibo Cet,01:11 v. 1', t,1•11 his d;nlghlIr's should. 0. "1 know, my d4 a''. NriIrnly 1010 ('1(0 knew lulu 11,1': ',pen hilt (11 :�11 and therefore 1110:0 (1i11 114.1'), lie any proof 111;11 110 !s d) ,111. (I1 :' :11.11 so 3(111 can go on honing. tient he isn't. Ihlt I don't \0;111( 37111 114 1'11 on hoping 100 limp, hoping :,1) }o;.!• life ,,u that it `1111. by 10,1)1 Linc morning you Ilk, n\ „ ..lt you 1)r)') In (MI 111)',,1 (',I ) ) :•- lilro'ah ly wasted 17(1- 1171'. t'vrul(11 fl away (111777 _' (( 1 a 8(1 ..; 10 )1)•:)11." "y1y (eau•, if Ili, kb. 0- :'1000. 1 shall get in touch 1071)1 hint ('111, - how. II I11(11it, is dead, thin I shall du just 1)111)) you 1,4741. Wait. Wail- for 111(' rest of my 1711'. lint 1'11 tell you raime lt::u1' y''11 7'11' losing sight 111', Ihullly. ;11711 I7,171 i7 the 111111IIluti, Ill4:lllrl, 101.11,'('011' you 17111 it. that I 11:1)1' :Mout it. It. 18 11 certainty in my mind, at any fate. that h. 7s no: 117',;(1." The. General sighed heavily. Tho library door open. 71. "1'en are 11al001 on Ilu' te!epl i', sir," 510111 the footman. '.Excuse um' a moment sy'bfl." "I'll l'01111.' 100--111 t 7151'," For (owadays she haunt( 11 111e nl iclthurhond of 111). telephoto( .8111,0( u'11'noyer 1111 re \vasa 1.111 ---only to depart eh in.:icing the first 1'1'10 (•orris' --fro) that (1111' silo a(1u111•1cdg'11. What did she ('Xperl. 11) hear? Someone 1111140 rr- In;' 111 I)10lif11's 1'1111'1' 11'1!0'1 10:14 saying !hill lu' 11:7(1 (0104' 1101(1. alive :11) 1 00011? "01 1, Indio! That yeti, !tarring. 1on•Spens" . , . Very )rood of you to trouble . . . I'll lake fl down Yes. '\\re1d00tr alive :)0)1 107,11. S. en Persian coast 1111111th ago. Write, Thorburn, Napiers. horse, Signed Ganesh". (Continued Next Week) Camouflage Paint Fools Foe's Camera Camouflage paint that, ('ill fool enemy cameras Is now being tiro - (hived hy the Hu font Company. While ordinary camouflage will fool the naked eye of a pilon, this nen' dant green paint applied to material that is to act 1).14 a dis- guising subject will shote up on n camera plate •as a light rather 111811 a 111))1( value. 1101101', it. re- .i'lectS the infra -red rays which, including the ultraviolet rays, t0nlps0S three-fifths of sunlight. Ordinary green paints, which ah - sorb sunlight, show up its dark values on camera plates disclosing to photographic experts that their use is in c:mlouflege purpesee 1:Uher than genuine \ey,1tation or foliage. Cani(1a1'111;1'), 4'f ('11(11.1., (1i=:lo(1415 to the 011(1113' the location of vari- ous installations. He Way not he able to detect it himselt• but his • cameras can. Hewer., military tar- gets blended into the landscape by the use of orthodox green pint may not escape len;_ disclosure. Use of the new paint, however, now puts American cannot Henri; 11111' ,lump ahead. Air Attack Termed Wedge Of Invasion Allied flit' )(11(101' ha, begun the invasion of 1.0(0pe on a schedule planned months ago aitd "thy next phase will he the filial phase --land, sea and )lir power com- bined," Brig. -Gen. Pattie! Noce, United Stales staff ofreer in the 1';uropean theatre, 5.1 ill 10 a r1 - cent rad'10.11(. "Item in this thea1re," he said, "thy invasion of fonsive hay le en under tray for some time. In this coin:ined oeration, l\'0 are lea(1- ing off quite obviously with air (0capon,s. 1'.1)01 stele of everything that has happened and is happen- ing was planned months ag'o... * ''The next. phase ('ill ht' the final .phase -bund, seri, and air power combined, 'There (0'111 he complete unity of our arm- and OW! AMPS and the yid 11 ill hl' 1111('011Ilit1O1u1I Cttrren,lol•." Farmer -Airmen Tho Air Ministry has com: t(1 the rescue of con\1its.cnt 1:it- itten who feel the; arc 110) t ling enoup'h towards the war of fort. It has asked the National Farm(rs' Union if farmers are willil1L1 to take then( nn the land for three- month work period:,. TRUE TAIRS SADIE B. CHAMBERS TI -IE PROLIFIC RHUBAfiU 11 1-1arl) Unsldrdo',vn Cake - I;144! akeI;1o,"r ;'1:1111 1;,440 11.111:1• 11:01'1 1 ,71 I; r;,I1.101 )11111' 111:'. 1, 1'' I 111` , t� ,1 1;11:11 (11( o( l' t I' 1'111 1,1 I.,I"1 ' ill 11"111.1 Of 1 .'1 11, I Ilii t" ,l 1',41'41 I.: 1) 1 I ' I . ; 411\ I I ' 11' ,1 ' ,,1 , ' ;,,1 11 11,;1 1 id:, n; 1 , ',.:11 11 )'will 1 1'.. 11)1 1 . 7(. ! :11111 100111 1111 1' 1' . 1.' .l ll ll 1 .I •' It'll; 1 ,! 11,111 11,' 11; 1,;1, 1 1'.,.t' 1.71 II•,' 1! 1.,061- 111ii. I, 8t914• 11:11 4,' 1'.'• ''1.11 7''111 11' 11') 7,111 ftt'ub.lrh Dehlght 1, 1,1,111.1, It 771,(1 , Itt it. • 1 1,1 1 „ .'1 1) a 1.1'11 1\'.' :1 (011 7:•1(1 il: ❑' 111 II" 14• 1;".1 Hill' I!'0 a '\1', 1, 11':,1 7(114! 1,,)11 1 it. 1:11'1" 11(1(11:' :4 1.,7,111' 111. 11, ha" ht 1•li 1-11:1111 11 III 1,, yup 11! 1 \1 al e!• 1'111 0 in 7.11-17;) 1,:1( 7' ; „l (1( 11 1, 1,:7,)1.4 111 (l1 Ia! '1' Ifl liPlll :11:11 1lufly. 1''4.111 in 11'70, of 117)1 1',.0 1114111 lot)e 111,11 belt( 11 1:171!1 s1.11, chill lbw o,,; ',• 1y. 1'(1 :10' 3(11711 10 till, (11*) 111 n.;Iho i! custard •,1101', 11 .11 (7. 11 1 ,11,- 1.116, I; cup 1'711(7' :.aid ,. t• I Il.'• I , I 1' 11, 7171 nl' ,,, a I t , Illy 70 ;0'o (0.'.Int' ('1, !11• !,411';,1'" '1)10", St "price Rhin:` ;rt1 Pie 1 117 .1.1:1',, 1-h lee, II 1 1-,,1' 7.)1',11' tab!. -noon, flu (r 1171'), ',u .11? 3 11-1 }uli:s ,t 1 (0.. - tit( 1!( •.1.110111 11.1-7,)' 1111\ t!i" y11;11421.0 3,1'11', . 4.:71 1111d 111.11. 1'001; 1111 ,' Inn' (10:11 ;114'171.. 911 miuu!0':, 7111)',)'. e((.Islenr,l!). Pour till hot 1),,\(11,1' .evadittil. liito the h, .10(1 egg, y 1,111s'. 11100 to the heat ;;ill cool( 111,7,1 Ihn luixtnrl' 10:',81 to thiri;( 11, ('uol ;old plate in a 1;111111 pie );hell. ('over 11 it h 1) un 1711:;10' muni: from Ho( t 11g 40)1,(014 7111(1 r, Ia1',0• spoons 111=11' 81141 piare 111 .I (11011 10 1*) 1e intim:, '. I'r'il e 4101,)';1(0 Limn. Rhubarb Bet'.y I )',)(1011 rhubarb 1'.14 n 1 ,i1 111111 U., 7(11001 010.10,) 111 10:1110: . cups. )1(1111 and 1077(71 0, .'117) I.! 111111))' 111171 It (11),11 of rinnam,'tl nutmeg 711(1 still, 17iv(r 7ngiel• 11111(4 In greased pudding 11. first 11)1, erluuhi:, 'hen 1.1111 u'h awl 18,1111, Ho 11 rugal mixture until all Is used, halving crumb(. 011 toe,. (lot with a 1!! He butter. I'4'\• 1'1. and hake fu moderato (,)01) fur 30 minutes. Remove cover and fake 11 111i1 cremh'1 1::0 11!11 1y All -Bran Cherry Party Bread 3 ;.,1.11'-1.((,11 11,11:(, 1, reit li:'111. 1'11,: 7i !_ 1111,4 1(1! 111• I ' , 4'1: 1' , ' )1,,,_ I:,e1(- ,1111'1 1, 1 'i(', "'Ill?''', ' 1 i',1' ,• I' ••;1 r I up ' 1-;,r ,:, 1(. , .,ait 11110' 1 r u1'I!. .l ..' t ,t 11 I ,.. I , 1 .I Of Pill.. i i... :I ,i. I ,:,o; I ;.I 1•:' 1711•, 7:111'. ,.'117 • /111. .111.1;1,(1, 710 1„1, ,1)171 P.(ililt :1l ( 1'_., ttecr a 0' ID,:<' „ 1'11.1 l .,1,1' II it 11e'll' l i'11. 11'111 (0�,!) 1 ) : Lt, il', 1,, '4( •'( :Il ,• 111.,1 11.0. Cool 11, 711,'1' 111:'!!.1'. (!1!: ! 17.7.! I1)', `. . 111'11 . 11.11:'' :i,;... I , t J1.( 4! I, ',111.1,: ' :I (,f I1. 11-1+111'„ , •e 1'„Ill ;.,,) (1')',.111) ;14 1,01 101111 7 7. 0;011' :u (1.1111 '7'" '11 11.01. '! !'e ).! Meal Loaf ill .l' .( 1'1 ('T i'1' ill: ;(17777111 1111:., ::!' i 1 111 11•Il,l, 111'111414 41, 1':. 114, 4,441,41 1l. t 11 ,,,1I 111 f;,7 -.11: ; .•I N. 1 u,l'11n1t' z.(.! :'t! L ' I :. t ( I'!1- 11.7 11'.,11 c f ""11 1 tai.!( sl'en!1 non. (,t 1 I.i red:' p0oos '•;41 1-y II7, ;'o1'1, 111 I,;1, . 1.1,11,1 I:.,1'7.1',71 1111t i,1' \t,t1 i'oi'' 1,611 peck terriegh (11,' loud 1!wept t, add the union :.1d 1,t 1'11 In 111,11 (lilt ly clown( 4i; lits( 11it, 1,0;11011 ) gl , bl(ad 01'0111111, lttillr(-(I 1:(1•1113' and sensonfnr1' 'il•y a 41;:11) of 1111)., 1011. 311(4 v(ly Ihoroaphly, Ihee Item into a loaf. Place iu as' ti pan 1)111 haute for 45 717 ii ii ('(1. 11,.11) 1'1,,. 1( y ■ ■III1 1 MEI 111•11111 ■ t i _- II IPI r1llll'\ a IMI •1I■ 1. Nll�■ MIS' 'l .4 POMPPII�ui P !•r .Ir�/1,.l MI 141•1111111.■ ' I1L AI'11 1' I_II .■hr . 1 ' 1 ‘111111111111116il ill- t:-. x..11_.11■ l 1 111)'11 a Smatters wet, moos p(r'tonnl letters from interel.ted reader... 'lie iv pleased 111 reecho' stmgert ions un (miles for her enlmmn, 11"11 Is :thin! s ready 04 listen to 1'(1111' -fie( peel e1''." Itequesty ler recipes or tpeel:el 111eaav are to order. ,1i1.ire�e 7nur letters Io "1Siss ';ante 11, ( (•((4(( es, S') 44 cif Adelaide "1„ 'l'oronlo." Send stamped sea- :7d- dres'.rd air Mae 11 ,au 111111 n 11 ply, Big Mailing job I'ist, li"IIi011 1.y 1,071 oI .''ll,• 00ll,0(41 r77iLes. 1 f 1\;el' !tool{ '1'1)'01', \`••11 , appli,'o'-i'n1 ':11'ir, "ill ill toe\( the 11',':1',t '-,0(471. 111n1}II i? lot, (' Pr }I,::'•lk' i i., 1111 L'!,itcd S1:,14' }'est i0 Martinique 11: lite )170' ,00 1.07,), there have 11'1 n 33 71'at'ri- canes, 0(11 of:1110 4,1;es, 11 '1101 10:11Cs, two 7:,1'•7'(" and one (rellt'1t. III I*INJl rail■ AII/ 1 11111 MIMI 'MIN 41/11 / I.1Uul1► \I■ NI MIS 1-I! lUU 1• NMI IAN 11110s '111111 )')')'1111 11111 rt Like all other Canadian provinces, Quebec has loyally geared her energies and resources to furthering Canada's war effort; she plays a vital part in the United Nations' momentous fight fc•r freedom. Quebec "delivers the goods," in quality and quantity. Her sons and daughters distinguish themselves in all blenches of combat, and in the production of munitions, foodstuffs ood wor equipment. We cordially greet o!1 visitors to the Province of Q.ebcc, Though our people are busy day and night on war wore,, the quaint chain, scenic beeuty, romantic atmosphere and rrc.- ditional Gallic hospitobty cf old Quebec to visitors rcolo,1 unchanged. Our friends in Ontario and clsewheie in Canada will find a hearty wcicerne whenever they visit French Canada, whether ci business, war duty cr vocation. As wertime restticlions curia(' pleasure driving end (revel, it is suggested that vacalonists select some particular district cf Quebec Province end spend all their holidoy there. Literature on request. 77 THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC TOURIST & PUBLICITY BUREAU 01) It 200 Bev St., 'Toronto or Quebec City. . 1,i1.I ..nut KEE---c-V*P -7 • Pal V. —1 , I eY 1 M E t$1i1iii12a2,?i re al hr3l lat, lat3t lr;3rsr tp1 , 1 ,<, a,a;: l , r l.,i*, lat ;araAar r , lmac Dresses and Blouses Ladies Crepe Dresses $2,95 to $6.00 Martha Washington Prints ,$I.98 to $2.19 Children's Print Dresses .$1.00 to 1$3.00 11'Iisses' Print Victory Blouses $1.00 Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) $2,95 Olive McGjgI THE STANDARD Rev, lir. It. \V. Ito.; spt'nt the \\1• ,, sial iu 'Tomtit.), Ali-;, \\'111, J. 'Tough visited l:I.t well, at the Houle of'ller • E. Dixon Slal;;er. fi I ('pl. and Mrs, S. I ; gt'It ul 1lcuiltnn Alure \ i.,iI iu ‘with his brother, \I r. A Eras:t Legge'I this we,k. A Lorne I'.tle, and 11'..1. Slim of ,• ,tfulllt Ncrr 111,111 visitors A day. AI \Ir. Ct .re 1'. Cancan of lei 'kilo has 11:.:11 ill at his et pneumonia, i4 improving. Mrs. EAST 1i'AWANOSU1 wady: ('..a Awa; s .r t jot in ors •in;: 91 r 1•'1'1::100 e P,..;min,ttiunc: for Linn Ie.Iwr at Faster. Nilo:g0 1 Alar .hill ha; n eta. ,.I Ili.alt School I?ntl;un•e s' iridin 1.11 ►t r year' \work. 110:11 1'r p toil; o1' N.S. No. 1o, Kos: l'onzr.:4111 S s. :gin. to, 1'0-t \\'a\vannsh 210'1' holding their 001,1 -al picnic at Ih" School 'grounds on r riday afternoon. Races hc_in at '' n'clocl(. >Irs I1. Wal -h an 1 children of Illyth. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE iniM)rtant Notice TO CERTAIN InIPIAD 'B:IIS AND ESI I'i.OYF.ES T(1 al.\ta•: available for essential employment the services of men in classes already de- signated o-signated as callable for Militia' Training under National Selective Service \lohilizalioit Regu- lations, two Orders \were i'I:nc(I (luring \Iay. It it noir illegal for any employer to continua to employ or to enrage any man affected by these Orders. except under special per►rtit from National Selective Service. Employees Affected must report to the nearest Employment a►ul Selective Service (Wire., and be available for transfer to more important work, If you as an employer o^ as an employee, haws not complied \\ith these Orders, do so immediately. Get. in 1011,.} \will) 1111' near''I I;Iupinylncnt and `;clrcliwc Service Office either personally or by writing. Further (Islay will involve penalties. Compliance \villi the law in wartime is the minimum duty of every citizen. Tin: age and marital classes of turn cowered by these Orders are as follows: lot Every Iran horn in any ).car from 1917 to 19.21 i i0('hb I\ e) n ho has reached age 19, (h) hurry maul bort) from 1!10'' 10 1916 (inclusive) who. at July 1.1111. 1910, was: (i) unmarried: or (ii) divorced or judicially separated; or (iii) a widower twilhont chill or children. (c) Every elan horn front 190'1 l0 1!111; (inclusive) who ha;, since July 1,;, 1!110. heilime a widower with- out child or children tom living. (dl I:wery 111101 horn frons 190,!1„ 11)16 {inclusiwc) who. !•11114' ,101\' 13, 111(1), hats been divorced or judici- ally keparaled. \Ica a. described above arc 1111'.1' 1'nlployt1)uts: (1) Any occupation in retail store.: (2) 'Taverns or other establishments selling Illllll►1', Nine 01• firer; (3) Barber shun; and beauty parlours; (1) \1.11olesale florists; (5) Gasoline filling and ser\ive stations; (()) Retail sale of motor vehicle. and acres• Furies; (7) :tiiv occupation in or directly associated \rich entertainment including Im11 not restricted to theatres. filet agencies. motion picture cum• parties, clubs, howling alleys, pool rooms; (8) .toy occupation in or directly associated –with dyeing. cleaning and pressing (not includ- ing laundry work); 1►aths; guide service; shoo shining; (9) Any occupation in or directly associated with the manufacturing of feathers. plumes and artificial flowers; clewing guns; wine; lace goods; greeting cards; jewelry; (10) Any occupation in or directly associated with distilling alcohol for I►ewerage; (11) :any occupation in or directly as.ociatcd with the factory production of statuary and art goodk; (12) Any occupation in the operation of ice cream parlours and soda fountain.; (13) Any of the following occupations: I►us boys; charmer" and cleaners; custom furriers; dancing teachers; dish washers: domestic serv- ant; doormen and starters; elevator operator; greens keepers; grounds keepers; hotel hell hoy; porters (other than in railway traits ser- vice); private chauffeurs; taxi driver; waiter. 1/ in doubt as to the application of these orders, consult the nearest Lmpleyment and Selective Service Office. lint once attain; if you have not already complier', do so without further delay. cowered if in any of or associated la) Dp AR gaumnu HUMPt1REY MITCHELL, M/iniatcr of Labour LA DO UR A. MACNAMARA, Dirrrtor, National Setrr)it'e Serrire W.7 011 A1wl 13111!);' 111111)0, ham, with \Ir. an.1 Alt 4, G. .1. Bailin of North I1.1y w is►11' l last wee'( 11 the Muni( of Ih1 1:(111 is uin:h r, Alts. .1, It, 'Tier• nay, I'Ir. Il.treltl 1', \\'igh'.Ilan si.. 11! Snuday au h►s hnule here. Ilarol6, Wilt) 11:IS t tla n Ilk basic U'ainilll; at 11111.1:th 9l, has horn trat,ferred to Ilanlill(u 11'90:1' he \will take a 1'0111' fnonths' ti (tl'0%11 course. Litt: 111 ; Judith 11116 0011111/ ('o\w• an retln•Ittll home to Stratford Sunday :iter speudill•g ..rate time \with their I i;raudparenl.', Air. and lir:s. George 'Cowan, o\wing t0 titserious illness of 11111'';' mother, Airs. Benson ('o\van wvlio has I ern a patient 111 the Ito: pital \with Scarlet Dever. spent It f1 w d'ys \\1:11 Airs. G. C'han't I:s [hi.; \1r. and Mts. Proper ,A1 rclroit \'i; 111:1 Mr. :11111 \I r:. \vitt, I'ah•ylnple. 'Their daugihl, r, AI t..s. I'ah'ynlple, 1111,1 1,\largaret, returned \w1::1 them l'or a visit, vI Ali: = \Cilnut Fri! ;)he;'d of Hallett k 1 -.pending a ft \w days with her aunt, r.:. 1'. Alai shall, Mr. Lank Alarshall and \Ir. :1'.Ihct•t \\'alsh at:ended the .\uuttal ('i:tcenlinn of the (tell 'Tela phone Co., in London on \\'0.111:'. day. DOMINION DAY PROCLAMATION 6 wt..l.'in Ho11yan's « liA1' J It,Y AND CONFEO;TIONERY. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat _ and White Bread. Also Buns, Bread, Pies, Cakes and Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Accctylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- I-Iarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting, and Repairing Anti -Freeze. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, I-IOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES. REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. J,. 4 44.••.•1. P,+.,..4 0, •..0 •• 4 0,0:4,4.,4., +44 •4 .OJ, 4 T >, T. See My Large Display IIk Wednesday, June 23, 1913. 121„1 , 11 411 MI n 1 .1 2114210400 When the Lights Go On Again ;,t,' All Over the World" .. I We will be please(' to sell you all the merchil(lise I;. - that is now in short supply or entirely discontinue(', The manner in which you have accepted these in- conveniences has been most gratifying' 111 the ?1- meantime you may be assured that we are con- stantly striving to secure our share of available merchandise. We would ask for your cOiltilluC(l patronage of the merchandise that is readily pro- curable. In order to conserve present stocks of short sup- ply items, we join the other Blyth merchants in observing Thursdav afternoons, commencing June 17th, as a half holiday, and remaining open all day Wednesday, afternoons and evenings. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PRONE 211. WM(0W{1C1Ct ttklEt. lie iClCit ,Wat•ClC 1141 gt4lY1\'gKiA.1•H1'gtiY'll414'• 4:1•C'i.%"?..6t^al.. ;1414;k:.X fl Brighten Your Hoine With Little Expense Ili // ^+;1'M:.,, . if: [( t.` f Gq:•y„.b yi CNcl u 1 1', . (4 .. ; T wOji?IIjItSW r 1 buying a Fluor Covering. 11'1111 one or more of the 101mt patterns In ('(llt(e1..11111 (tugs, \Vo have thele in 110.1 of Iho . J,A".! popular titres. 11 \x111 pay you to Ilt'Sl:eet our offerings hetero • se Cheflew 9.1 • Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, FIEIDI2t DiNDIDIDaiDIDIDI t2.VID121)11PID* 1420iaNAP-44:.:7 MDIDbi$'51. zirA .` ISiGldJw11,ia•+io.21 .A- w1,II the autlun•itysse nu' u: ClhieF.xccntive 0C Ill'•, I : unworthy .. _ ). WaIIpaper c;)nn all (iii'/011' I^ c' rvo it 11s such. .: Ilca• til'y your home for the diva,W. H. MORRITT, Reeve. , ';on. No other furnishings In your'` 'home ((;un1 the vain(' of \1•allpapet'I..: .,"ail is rt1019(d Sanworthy are".w especially tIC)t.,l to re(;ist fading.;, 111 compliance ofI1lyth. 1 heir: y pec(:aiat •: llcuday, July ;5111, 11 a holiday, In 1.: of 1'11111111011 11,1}•, 11111 can j .: IIOIt'I'ICULTURAL Supper et' iri Park Ai 1y 1 suggest a complete change• ' '0' (;emery for the home through); \\' "(he medium of pleltsiag allpapers..=. 'flair Annual Supper s•l.or.:nrcd by •• i, 1e I►nitictlttra► Foclety will be held ;°ED1T I in the Park on li'nsley Street, n1' xl CRTIGHTON'S wrE1)NESI)AY, JUNE 30th Decorator's Shoppe. g from 5 to 7.30 p.m, ;:located Opposite Kernick's Grocery i; 11' the wvel:''i r is anl'avolu:Itble it will PHONE 158, BLYTH, ._. he hell! i.1 Co, h( 1)10 of Al..;, \\'illi'Iat •• • 1: thePark. 4•.:4144 440141+ 1,. 4141 4..:•.1444.':'41.84+44 .. MENU: 1. -at I o 1'f. 11111:ls and Tomato:: 'tread, hatter Sin) \\hero' Silo:d;•t1te Ten, .\drills, _'71'. C':Iildren 111111.0' PERSONAL INTEREST Mr. and \Ira. Dennis ILlllahnn and 12. 1,5I family of :Aldershot were week -end 113 .1,.11 Iq 1 pm .1. 1,11. YI I . 1 1 1 . 11 1 11. 1 i .J. 1101,1 11 . n ... 1. 1 . „1, .1 , , ..1,.1 011. HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG — Proprietor r... 11 I ,.11 1 1 14..I , 1. .. 111 .1 11 0 11, .41.4 . ,r \isitors w'i'lt \1i', and Mlo, \1', 1lalhthart. lir. and \les. Clete Stefl'ller Auburn 1l(tertatliued fatally on Sund:13, rho Including J. (toss, It,('..\Y., stationed in \'a11r011wrr, \who will ha, a patirrtl iu the h :.soil 11 of Iht','e 101' aaut:ler \week. llullaluttt 1 all, \l'. and Mrs, \\'ou. 1 11' in visit:' 11 there wCre 27 PI't:>eut; alioJlr• for se\'yeral days last wee:( ;It Maga.., Jeronur 1.1114111 of 11'atcrloo. on the Lake with their daughter, .11N. I)1'. John Ito=s left 011 Ing dor Vancouver and Edmonton. Ile Gue:pit and v'iail:cd wilt -.Mrs. Dune !ti visiting 11 son. Corporal 1:vuglall I:aldlaa\w, and \it,s. Janie 1.1161 (0', 1:Nattel and IVIlghl Lieut. N'aftel, at. \lun(lay even their cottage, '1111,3, went by way of Everyday Necessities ) Phctograph Albums, Variety of Styles, 20c to $2.50 Greetings Cards for All Occasions,.... 5c and 10c' Cartons, for Overseas Shipping 10c Waterman's and Skrip Ink (the best) 15c Writing 'Tablets from 10c to 25c Envelopes, Kid and Linen Finish 101' Blue Lined Envelopes 5c Blank Ccunter Check Books 10c, 3 for 25c Mucilage, Glue, Airplane Glue, antlAirplanes. Juvenile Novels, a good variety '18c We have a beautiful line of Walermen's Pen and Pencil Sets, guarantee('. Also Pc'ipse Pens and Pencils• . A splendid Fen for School Chil- dren at ;+:1.15. Also Airflow awl Eclipse Pencils' Big Little Books for l'oys and girl:, 25c The Standard Book Store J 1 1 ..1• . 111 1 1 . A 1J 11 1 1, 11 111. 411 1401.., 11 11'•.,..s.stJ, , 1111111. Y.a . 1 , 1 . . 1 .1 1 1 .11.1. . , . A , . 101 .. NOTICE A change will be made in Passenger Troll' Schedule;; on SUNDAY, JUNE 271111, 1913. AND OTHER SPECIFIC DATES, Pursuant to Instructions oil the Transport Controller certain o,rvices which it was propo!ed would operate durinn tin. claimer months will be withdrawn. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO TICKET AGENT CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS 1 .14 4.11 . 1 11 1 .14,1 1 II..11.10 044 11 ..11114.114o •.-.. _ p1-a_'s__,O—p .y— p- -p- p-y-1-121- p--a_ .y /` -p /— -r-1a-1- .m1n—.n p_ W p_ p_p' o p p- I p-- --=-- - --._ µ `` `.l'b'q`4"11`taK '•OM1)O`VM21'.i IYW'11WAti"CW W'U'h ,hY.`M'A`GIV'4'UYga4'1.'Altl` A)%. .yfy A?ty1y,E+1 .' A,, ; . i tt STUART ROBIINS ti it 1'J ii tj gPhone 156 for Prompt Delivery. ei r 1 ii t1 i w ii ti OXO CUBES and OXO FLUID 4 OVALTINE 40c and (iOc a KING BUG KILLERU'° 213 11 II I JUNKET TABLETS and JUNKET POWDER 25c and "e I; BABY FOODS per tin 51' THRIFT SOAP FLAKES :',91'e ii ei t SALAD DRESSING 12c and 23c OI,D DUTCH CLEANSER 12c, 2 for 23c 4 CORN STARCH llc a .• OF &NGES per dozen, 40c and 50c GRAPE FRUIT large, 10c OPEN WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY EVENING (1 ti ti t'1 it itis ariil1,131)?li rkd11)aDitilD lit i`dADI