The Blyth Standard, 1943-06-09, Page 1TH LYTH DAR VOLUME 17 - NO, 11, BLYT1I, ONTARIO, WEDNESI)AY, JUNE 9, 1913. YOUR LOCAL PAPER Blyth Municipal Council • WEI)I)INCS Cemetery Itepol't ' 1'1arnl Forums clear A(I(lress' Religious .I(nowledge Test I'11e r1.,ulor :1101.1 lily meeting of the Vincent - Leatlierlan(1 tit:ltrnit'nts of Ite('einl:; and Itis- BV Niltionttl Secretary Result In Senior Room Aluuicip:,► ('4)11u-il 4)1 the ('ornurntioa of the B1).1h ('(.meted• 01 the Villar.(. 1: 111)111, \':t: held in \ pretty weddin;; li 11.1: ,;o11'nuicll ill 111m1'1 (rout Noy ::=411), llii.', to AI(1y Saturday, June :1t11, ;It "_ p.m,, by thl';,t1), 1111x: the Memorial Hall on June illi, \\'ton Rev, lir. :\. 0, 'Thomson, of .\nbarn, Breve \Iurritl ;111i1 1'11 uu'ililrs \\'ril;hl, \ter, Baintull Ind Sl'riwi;c0tlr pr"cul. \linutl's of loot regular meeting of .Ally 31.11, and Special meeting, of 11ay 1 01 11, read ...Ind 1' ol1ir3lyd, on nmliun of ('uuncillul'; 1\'11;'111 and Itcxlcr. carrn Bills and Accounts J)uht'l ly I1ros., 11111 0',:11. g 1' 311.111) Illylh '.Aladdin. ;'111;;,. labour.... 01.1111 F. .1. ;;Inrac ll. taller pipe E., Bentley, haiiiiir4 stout' 1.51) A. \\'. 1'. Smith, hauling wood I .11; J)r, McFarlane, le ilrllt ')Ill .. , , 11.1111 \Olen :Annie 1.;11111;1 Lcalherltlllli, Rec:jpLs 'youngest daughter 01 Al's;, \\.1 110'10111.1 1.1'ut11rrl111111. 01111 Ilio late l' (1g11l• Bal. (%1'.11 (111 hand, .\lay 3:,11), 1.1alllerl;n11, 4)l' I':3: -t \\'uwunl,h, Iva:) 1 11 12 $=11.1.1'1 united 111 n0arti,.,;;1 In NormanEUwar11 I'.:ulc 1111"1.'tI.a.� I111e1'e,l (' 111th.; I..,I:llu I; •;,n Tho Feder:lieu of :lcricninue Vr111 (1 raid Augustine 11111 1'i111itt :tion 4)l' \I1 1 1 11 Vincent, and ; a very 1110011: fiat and sort(.; lit) 1:01111111 Alt•\,111 11'0 the (ale AIN. A'inernt, alai of East Intl+I'1,,) l'11111°''1 rtt:;I)'l I:-..,•) Annual dues p,,i,I 04.00 meeting, in the \ihnlnriul 11:111 ht't .\nu Jeanuc;t'• \\':uson ln1 11'awauo1;11, Thur 'day cv, ;ling. itepre,eutat i4,•., Join Philp ',0Sale of Lob; ,1'.1111 The ceremony \\;c; performed 1)11 op,liu:; (have•; 1111. :, I'ronl 11;:110 dilfcreul I arm Forum Het( 11111-:• `11 •,n._,:, ; cru\tdrll the hall. .\11 entrrl:l1l)IIl , Pere:; Storaell 111 1.00'prowom, ran (l 4)u pis and danein., 1 nib- Johnston 111 GRADE ( The fnllulvino is the result of a Ics1 Leonard Harman, National Secretary i4) Itc lin,u; KumAlt t;i , given \I r. in of Farm Radio Forums addresses room on Monday morning. 'filo' Large Gathering In Memorial Hall test\Vac. has, .! on IVe Ton Comm gull On Thursday Evening. ulenl,;• Itrv, A. Sinclair 1., the teach - On GRADE 5 11)(' 11111.0, al the 1111)11's 1)0110•, ('1111- r1.1 11%1 , leesstun :1, I?a..l \\'a\v:nn,sh. in front of nenulvlvi g railing 1111( y) on 3rc'lll1'0y 4)l' 1)11.1)1)1 ;)I,)1 whale lilac:; Itepincin0; 111ut11nttul 011)1 evergreens. The bride looked (\\'1 ttivlfer) lovoly in 1) 1404411rc 11110 ('rep)' gn\vn, \\ 1011 Matching 3ccr,,: url)',:, Alts.; \Ii;, Al, .Url'I ILnt11, re indigent 1)1.:111'Ma I,lalhcrl:unl, skier 4)l' the hrhl;. 11lr1.;, Allay h.Ilh•Il. in1ltgrnl., 51.1)11 go11'nrd 111 rose ('rt n,, will matching A1.Isou \'tdla Private hospital a('er.,odes. acted us her siq;ler':; re tn11114' nl I''"�'''; ;;rill(.: lu0tid. Bulli Ivnrc a 1111 1 e of \VIII. .1 111111S(1:11, re 11rah' ...... aa. 111 1.1111e .Miss .lune Lratherlula, (1. Doherty, lerty, salary for May.... 15.01) p • ie c1, of 0111' 11rld,', 4)11.- J. \u:J. ('u\van, r'alary 1'4) \lay 510,1111 Ilarnld Vine„4)l. runsiu 4)l' IVe lir. \lac)':lis rc 01111);1111 ;lrnuul, (Vas f11.00w''Inll L. I,iyin."sl 1)1. r1 'rot vier., 1•lerk tont 'I'rr;l,nrel' Inn ,tat following the rl r1 n11 ,u3, a \Voiding I'' .Iln diner ryas served at the hri,ll•': home, Itch \Villi \11;44 NO1•1l1t1 I•,u'r :11111 Alrs. T. 1'1101, re indigent . , , . 111.1111 Lloyd Aline'', friend,: of the 1)11110, \l)1.0(1 !1y ('o1)111 tiler:: Ilainlon 1.11111 serving. Scr111111 11111• 11131 \VIII. J)ba,lun's ac' 1 '1'110 I'),ppy couple 1111 4)11 a honey. count re (train he laid over, Carried, Imuran trip 10 Il:uutllun 111111 other (Alma :1 113' l'0u'rilluls Dexter 44114 points. 111e (ride (Miming. it I:)vy 11110' W -i;:ht, 11) 11 ace :)wt ; 1)11111111 ex I ),oil n'il It nl11lchiu 11cres: aril s fur ceptIo11 nl \\'nl. J::hn,tu11', account) a;,(ravelling, read, be plod. (' laird. \loved by t'uunrtll0r; Baiuton tort I On 11)cit' 1.1'1111'11 111ey will reside 011 \1'ri0;hl. (hal by 1,1 \v No, 't, a, real) i the gloom'.; farm in East 31',4\Vanul;h, 1111, e Hines in op( 11 Council be finally, I •\ hos! of friends will ,juin \villi The Slaud•u11 I4) \\'1slll)l, the couple Many passel, Cart i. '1, (' happy years of m1u'ri' 11 lite together. 310vr)1 by Conn, )riot., Dexter and \\'riga( that 4V1, a:,\\• Minoru, ('11'- rich, 111)114)11 Elliott. ('lett,. Wagner - 1\IIIIer \\'hale lilac, 111,11 tulip.; dc'cul''al.'d Lettel's 11'1'(1111 Stihset'ihers \'t. icy \\'illi.; twit, d Church, Clinton l ,r the pretty June \veddtmg 01' Helen The editor adillowiedge.s with 110- marguerite, (laughter I)1 county/pled( Pie(oli, ;, IIn' 1nl11.s111Ig reload); \Aril \. \A', Miller :a1.1 \1 r.;. 111111'1 4)l' ten to n• by sib , )hers, with a re- 1 111'\\'al 01,11) for IVelr ;n'hscripllou: ((Tinton, :lila Pilot 1:11','1 \'erno11 Ito' \\'l IIor. It.C.,\,I ., sun 4)l' Alro. Iierlh:t PI, a (e til, 1 l nrlo o:11 a money under \\'a„uer, Preston, 11114 the bite John to c)V1 r rens \vat to the Standard. \\''_n,r. which \1.11.; uleultiied 11t 051(1 1 Innis 1111\1;1111 l4) Ih1' paper, al.a 11'('11).:; last Salulday .J1).1 10un. Rev. thuu;'.h 11 1:, ,4) d:lt, 11111. l -'u many V Alrs. 'I'• l'111suu fi \\'m. (low :; 25.1111 A. 1.,111(', Pltslu!lure'', r of the 111'11- ncty people l4) Ileo: :,u many dear ulll ('ialcd. The 1111110, 0.1\'('11 111 nuurt11414 1111,6(1 Richmond Estate 1s.;:1 pt.:1111e pa; td rn. I, 11, Voting 11.25 ! y 111 r lather, looked ch•min;; i4) (1 1 Yuan• 1lady, :u\Its. S. Rnddcl ..,,.1111 Mrs. Aland(' Mc\'illi1,, , 111. 1r 1, nl111 0;111\11 4)l' blocadl'll 4/111114 111.. Il3ryey MOIT1S 12.511 s.:1in made on prince „ line., \\ 0th lung 1 Alr;. II. Morris l,l. Brown Lot) 7.1','i lle.;leler. 1)111., ,lune :led, :de( vv., and s\VeelItl.1't ul'ckliue. Ilex IAhS ,1, I), I'I'i011y In,n(1 cnlbrutderrd veil 1 '. Ila Total It1 (1101:4 11;71 1 .`ll Disbursements (1, T. 1)ohhyn, oil .311 C. T. Bul byn, 1)111111, 1 .15 Painting gales 2. .1. ('I'ei;tllull. gravel .\:, It, .1. I Iuw:1'1l, raise I .2'; II, el), (loushrr, graVcl II. Pail, gra-) seed "."-:, Planing Al ill, (a vu'111 A. 'I'1ti1tt1', shut,; '1 .(111 S. ICerhnil', caretaking -, WALLET SAVES HIM FROM AP BULLET easseeedei A�.gYul'rR.c. J Ple, John V.. Terknett, of Eastland, Tex., holds up a air of Attu Island otc i»ent•oes he'll long cherish—his notebook anti wallet. Carried in his shirt pocket during Attu fighting, they put the brakes on a Jap sniper's bullet. Pte. Terknett is pictured recuperating from a chest around at an army hospital in the Pacific Northwest, one of the filet wounded to return from the Aleutian battle. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON June 20 JOHN DESCRIBES TRUE CHRISTIANS. -1 John PRINTED TEXT, 1 John 2: 1.6; 3 : 13.18; 4 ; 15.17. GOLDEN TEXT—But If we walk In the light. as he le In the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us frcm all sin. J John 1 : 7. Memory Versc: f w>II sing unto Jell/web. Exodl;e lb : 1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. --\4'e dp not know exactly when ,10110 wrote th1, rti.ctle, but probably between) A.D. 55 and Illi, Place. No doubt this epistle NV 111 wr111ot1 from I')phesne. Fellowship With God "My ': 1; o children, these things wiite i ul;tn you that ye may not NI11. Anil if any 11tH( fi11, we have an Advoente with The father, Jtt'u' ('hriet the righteous. And he le the propitiation for our sins; aitd not for pure mrl;y, but also for the, u hole warid." it is lin- poitant to bear in mired that pro- pitiation means the remove! or End's righteous ju(lg111c•ut ag:+Inst sin by weans of sacrifice. Objects Of Love "And hereby we knot) that we know hits, if we keep his com- mandments. Ile t hat salts, I know hhn, and keepetil not his corn• Innndmenis, 1e a Liar, and the truth is nut In him. But whoso !mavel.h his word, fn him verily )lath the love of God been perfect- ed. Hereby we know that we are to him." Having assured his read - ere that God has made every pro- vision !or cleansing from sin, and that there is a divine way of per - (telly restoring the child of God who sae committed the sin, the Al) 0(tle Irmmediateiy proceeds to show his readers how absolutely' n8sential it is for believers to keep Oad's cominar,d lneni r. The Words 'love of God' may f11clntlr ills love 10 us and ours to 111111, he- oan)e our lore le always inspired and i onlplc•d by II'.m, 011(1 the pottee lion of love inverts fie com- pletion; in life; 1t has reached its goal 1n the one who is then obedi- ent to the Werel of God. Love Our Brethren "1)e that sailh hr al,ideth in t►Im ought himself a;tu to wall( even a: he walked," F., ow a gem erel admonition to ober' the cow- renndments of God, the apostle be-conle s specific, in (shine us 10 t i3 .� 11.1' 1411t'J :a 11 lrlel:� to jf1\'Q 7 • t,"r Gi'r�,,,iil. ,,ate is the derlre on the pa'•t of the Erre 101ing to do everything possihie for the good of the One soled et wbete) cr cost or 1a('r:ri: r, joyf::fly 1,1,(1 volun- ta.rtly. . Ways of Death and Life —.Marvel not, 0)1111ren, if the world boleti) you. We know that we have past:-) out of loath Iwo lite,, bc(anse we :ove '!,r I0eti 1-(11. He that h,vett' not abidet h 111 death. \Clulsoevcr hat(ih his broth- er i8 8 u llFdPr -r: and ye know that no nnilde:'(-r instil eternal life abiding In h;1n." I1c ! e we hat 1 - in broad 1(ultra '-t the way of the vaorld which is death. and the war of (:rad which is life. It it, the w,.l of the world to hate; and so to liatre ns to uiut'drir. It is the way f 44 God lie 101 e, 1(1111 (1 to ove tib to lay )own fife to sale. The wicked one, in whom the world lies, hate. o�e hret,bren. Ills hall tl fa�ten.F the );idly. "!he Nuly' fins 11)88. Ills love 1,' I(ns on the lost. Who- ever beard of the 1%:,•ked one 1/ty- ing down his life to B1•1111•0 11,( Ni ornpl''.ltlw•mt of hit Abject? Test of Brother -love "Iltr, by hniw 171 love, because he NM down his life (01 us: and we' emelt Ir, lay doers (lir lit SS tor 1111, het thli-n." \1't- 1,:tl e oh - twined the knowledge of what love Is fn the concrete example of Christ's vleariouw death. "But whose hntn the world's goodi, and heholdet.h hie brother In need, and ehutleth up hie comp8sllou from hint, how 1101 11 the love of God abide In him? My little children, lot us not love in word, neither with the tongue-; but in deed and truth." if wo ere unwilling to help our brother in his steed It is int - possible chuff God's lot'e'ls dwelling 1n us, It is not the utterance of some great or profound truth or the accomplishment of some won - 1/0111/1 deed, but the Quiet, simple help of a needy itrotlter that be- yond all etre demonstrates our possession of the love of God. Not what we say, however, true; not what we fee); not what we think; but what we (10 in gamine, prac- tfoal, self•eaerificing activity, Is the sole proof and t1 -lo of our brother -lot c. Victory Over The World "Whosover shall confess that Jesus Is the Son of God abideth in hint, and he in God. And we know and have believed the love which God hath in us, herein Is love made perfect with us, that we may have boldnbs1 in the day of judgments; because as he is, oven eo are Ivo in the world." 'fhts love la that which God and wo may have in common, that there may be mutual indwelling of us in God old of Cod, in u8. Previously the Apostle has told to we aro not to love the world, that the world passes away, that tit* world wi11 hato us, Now he cancludeg with a bold declaration concerning the secret of victory OM the world. The world Is simp. ly humanity without God, and all that humanity does and thinks without God. The workl Is given to pleasure, thoughts of self, the acquisition of wealth and power, of doing all things for one's own advancement. The world may be attractive and alluring and will appeal, certainly, to unregenerat- e() human nature, but the world never satisfies. The world can only bring death, and, generally, disllluslollllleut, and a sense of wasted effete Now, Bays the Apostle, victory over the world Is to be found in faith In Jesus Christ. Faith in eh i$t delivers us from the fascination and the deceptions end the false teachings of the world, centering our life in Him 108te,, 1 of in Ft ll, le spirit- ual things teat abide 11)8tead of eiaible things the: pass rower, How Would You Solve This One? "We are a;luwee.. to r11ieo ahlc.k- ens but the problem Is to feed them," said Leslie limlard on a RDC broadcast. "The ration Is al- most nothtt,g and is based on the number of people In the household, who have to give up their normal egg rations In order to feed the chickens to produce the eggs that they were points t0 --you )(now." 'RADIO REPORTER "Will bt; ry elope with her friend Alice's husband? . . , Wi11 Dr. Jonas save the life of 1'llyllis's six wcoke old baby? . • , \1/4'111 Vert Snti(lters find lite wife's lovo let- tere? 'runt' to 0)10in tomorrow nftornoon et this 8:1110 line for 0)1(1lier episode (or as an 01i1101010- er mire raid by mistake, 'epl- leneil;') 1n the thrilling serial "Lime ('an De Lovely" Anil re - reuniter the: you 0r111 81)11 1)11111 1110 dishes :,rad baro pini( finger• 111I 11S by 11- l:t "Sunnyside" the w of id's rope, I (Misty wonderful soap 1"akes." • • • 10:11.. ENery ods 111 801118 •time or other has become herlg- mei with what have bee(tme cone motile limon n 0.9 "soap operlis", thpeo five n week 011)0110111(1 dram- as of lira In the city or the great open spaces . . , Dished rap over a network of stations every nfter- 00011 or early evening to intrigue Inadaino with domestic love, trait- ody, 611E14 -1i Be, spec111ati0 0 1111d soap. Nearly everyone criticises the "soap oporas,'' Nearly every- one listens to thein. 1' 10) Done pokes fun at them, liecenily a sur- vey Wes made 1n the Stale of Iowa, U.S.A. to find out who lis- tens to this type of program, Ap- parenily the "soap opera" is more listened lo lu the rural sections than the cities end towns. The majority of women who listen are in the age group from 21 to 35. The survey In one city indicated that 53 el, of h0trHewives Inter- viewed tune ie to these serial pro. granules with 11(1018 degree of regularity". Nearly one-half of these ladies expressed the opinion that there ere Iwo nu(uy ,'soap operas" on the eh', 'i'hore'e one thing about it . , , with some elaly different 80('111 stories on the sir in North America, a large pro• portion of them sponsored by soap manufacturers, there's a ll n it g h Fuddle propitgandn going out on the short waves to get the goat of the enemy countries of Europe. In Germany, Rally, and the occu- p!etl zones of the continent , . • to get a piece of soap you've :rot to bare an AAAAA priority. It Wright be a good idea to (cart beaming "Life can be beant:ful" etc. etc, etc. across the Ati,intle in German (111(1 Italian. Between blitzes of enemy cities. a iittle soft soap of this kind alight have quire psychological effect. . • Everyone likes rl military hand. One of the hardy petellliiltlS of martial music node its customary summer lime d0bu1 last Sunday across tho 11.lENT VeS of alto CBC national network, The bond of His Majesty's C 1)311) d 1 a n Grear,idier Guards under the baton of ('apt, J. J. Gagnier hue always hemp cheered along the elm ay', by thousands of band muolc lav, rs. The tunes chosen by Capt. Gels- nter seeal to cover a vel')' wide range in form and mood to o-ult every taste 10 the wide coverage of his audience. The Guards hand- stand w111 come to your 11I ing room every Sunday avenin'; :,t 7.30 during the summer months. • • • An example of Oa power of lee dio. So Impressed was a listener with Watson Thomson's dlecusslon of the plight of the Jews In Eur- ope given Easter Sunday over the 0130 national network that he for- warded Mr. Thomson a chequo for $1,000. The donor's letter remark- ed that never before In his whole life had be donated money to nuoh a charitable cause, but that he was so impressed by the talk that he could not help himself. The don- ation has been turned over to the Canadian Jewish Refugee Com- mittee, 1- •-•-•-•-•-• By - By REX FROST 1 Here are (thee 1,1ograulnoo which will be of particular appeal to nembere of the imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Monday Jurat+ 7th, \\'edneeday eine, tide and Friday .luno 11th, 6.05 p.111., station CiIY Toronto. These pro. grammes will bring brief previews of what the 1.0.1).K, hope 10 realise when the little. pint( Hose Day tags 11.8e fluttering in eery hut- 1010/ole on llore 1)ay, Saturday-, Juno 12th. Its Interesting to re- call that 11 was Alexandra, Prin- cess of Denmark, and the very mush beloved consort of lidward VII who firel established Haze Day in Great Britain. Quern Alexandra lent her nano 10 OH day 1n Juno upon which the pretty little pink hlotsonls made by the crippled children of the London Hospital Orphanage wero Feld to raise funds, for their needle Today the inspiring project est graciously in- itiated by Queen Alexandria is re- flected in the ('hill Welfare. Ser- vices of the LO,1)J0, Radio 1s proud to piny Ice part in broad. carting 0. aeries of messages which It is hoped will inspire warm hearted citiiene to giro gen- erously, emerously, Met 'sloppiness end health may be brought to many Canadian children. New Automatic Pilot Developed Device Operates Under Any Conditions of Flight A new form of nutonatic pilot, consisting of a series of hydraulic servo -motors which. can operate the flying (0(110(11 sur:aces of an aircraft, has recently been devel- oped in Britain, to Save pilots from craohiug through loss of con- eclousnee>e. The device operates on the aileron., elevator and rudder of a mech)110 so as to bring it out on en even keel from it dive, steep turn or any high-speed mnneuvre which might cau80 8 pilot to lose consciousness. The great difference between this de- vice and the 110100)1 automatic pilot is that the latter only func- tions+ when the ai10011ft is flying straight and level, while the form- er operates under any C00111 1014 of flight. 11 can be switched on or off by means of n ring rit- tl.ched to the control column. When the pilot's hands are on the control column it is automatically ewiched off; when his gray ie relaxed it atttomat.ically taros con- trol and brings the aircraft to a level position. To Repair Engines In S. Pacific Zone Engine overhaul bases eoonal In oapaetty to any naval plane repair stations In the United States aro being established by the South Pactfto Force. The program, directed by Roar Admiral Osborne B. Hardison, is designed to eliminate the time - costly shipment of engines from South Pacific combat erects back to the United States or Pearl Harbor for overhaul and major re- pair. Tele bases will take care of ap- proximately 76 per cont. of all Navy and Marine plane engine overhauls in this area. t4' e8" Or "No" It's Still Resistance A Swedish correspondent who hoe recently been in Copenhagen speaks o(f the great attraction wthiceh this city still posseoees even O U R RADIO LOG TOIIONTO S'Et'1'lt \1r Jz'RJ3 860k CBL 73sOlc 1C('l, bank, (`BY 101Ok IA. nCrW111t8 Ilea k WJZ,kc.n 77WAI3f.13.9.) 7p}�cc WOR (M.13.S.) 710 t1) AN y`j�.1,,'A'1'10 � ,. wen f 1. GO kk �1 MG Hamilton 900. Iels13 tat. Cath. 1650k FCF Montreal 600k C1I North Bay 1280k J('S Stratford 1 40k W11 Iingeton 60k r(rOf. IJentdonm 1 70k POP—Won't Need Pop's I COULbN' T GET LEAVL TO GO TO THE WEDDING ((('-11irri by Tqe Ben 8yn(I,atr. 1r' 1 'NAC eIontreal 7801( I CI Waterleb 11 O 1 00 Ottawa 191(k 1 11 Timmins 147 Ok I610 Sudbury '1 Ok I PC llrantford 13 Ole I,W \Vindeor 802 11 NX Wtngham 9 Olt IEX Peterboro 1490k V.S. TA'I'IONii WIi,11I1 Buffalo 1340k WIIAM Rochester 1180k Wl,iV Cincinnati 700k WI Y Schenectady SIOk 1f)1CA ittsburgh 1020k WBBhi Chicago 90k lNIIyyl°dkWOR >uffeo330 1( eielR Detrot60k SliOWr RA\lil GSB England 9.61m GSC Itngiand 9,68rn GSI) lenient -id 11.76m GSI: England 11.8G,n 0S0 England 17.79m G81' Englund 15.81m I51AIt Seals 9.4Em RAN Tl0Fsia 9.66111 ANE RuvIdit 12.00m PIIP'6 Brazil 96.00rn WGEIA Scheno'lndy 10.83m \WAR 1'hiln. 16.k7m WC/3X N, York 11,b3m Banton 16.16m YOU LL HAVE TO SEND THEM YOUR REGRETS f;' 1 THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson VOL) DON'T SLEEP LIKE ,A LOG/ YOU CHANGE SLI3F_PINF� POSIT(( NS FROM 20 To Cos TIMES EACH NIGHT icor! isuiiNYHEAstayrer,ill? �.✓ T, M. RIG. u.e.01%OFF. DEMO( IN THE AAVERICAN eASEi3ALI.. t�EAG—�?Er HAp• NEVE fz F!NiSHCD IN LAST PLACE, If YOU META LION AND A LIONE'SS', AND HAD ONLY ONE BULLET, WHICH r WOULD y0U SHOOT ANSWER: It would be safer to shoot the lioness, for the male probably would then flee. II you shot the lion, the lioness most Melt' would charge. NEXT: ttnllevel sea ievcf. though the tuuile is now only a musk under which grief and die - quiet can he traced. He :speaks also of the tough diameter of Danish retsietal1)0e 8nd ndds the following compari- son between Norwegia,t and Da1l- 1orh character: "The Norw'cgian lay's No, rind doesn't do it. The Ikine say's Yes, and doesn't do it either." 1 t Nazi Shaves Up A I1ute1. tndt-rg,o0,,(1 0cwa- inper reports 111111 liollnnd Dar- i}( rs are charging fixe c'enis Above the normal price to eimee Nazis "i,1c,'nev thiee fare., roe longer fleet d:e' ." 1';c N(.a.hc1'- )nndI )1e11'Y agency -111(1 1t.' 0 . OPERA STAR JJORIZON'TAL Answer to Previous Punic I Pictured opera .MART I N V A N E U''N star'--- EVENT SIRE TERLE'A 12 Dina, ESTER T -it lf`l l T 13 Organ of T hearing. ENT '; REPASTS A_ !D A 14 Elongated fish. R U,E srt_ E VA R I 1E,S 35 Spain (abbr.), SERE)' ENi--NS EjN101S 17 Forging block. OQN='rr E F T 18 Any. B.5L 50M'E 191'Iindu B ;`TREAD R (TA gatlf mo • MARTIN C A T E C H U A 22 Golf mound. VAN LEA S T A N C'E 23 Be sometimes BUREN ARCH C,A_ G E'R sings E 48- T, S H RtE.DIS voice. 26 Prayers. 49 Disencumber, 4 And (Lal.). 27 Brighter. 46 Place among 5 Pennies. 291{ingdom other things. G Proiecang forming part 48 Clips. roof edge. (abbr.). of Ethiopia, 50 Behold! 7 Attempts, 45 Twice 30 Storm, 511c1 est (abbr.), 8Exist. (prefix). 31 Myself. 52 Exclamation. 9 Be a part of, 47 Neg:livo. 82 Three (prefix) 54 Sing with 11) Cloth measure 4)J11n,blrO ty1lC4 84 Sturdy tree.closed lips. 11 Male singer:, 52 Altern:,ting 351herefore' 56 Speeders. 16Established current 37 Chinese river. 57 Slope. standard. (Tiber.) 88African tree. VERTICAL 18 Dined, (3 Land 1neaski1 8913everages. 1 An exercise. 20 Stand Op. 59 High : (:haat (1 Music note. 2Us. 21 One who (abbr.), d3 Part of "be." 3 Vegetable, quietens. 55 Mother. • A 23 Those who skid logs 2'1 Binds. 26 Yugoslavian river. 28 13 mom -dews, 31 A1nete (rote, 331nd11)' 11101y (abbi.). 34 On evcotrtlt of (abbr.). 3G Oil (1're1Ji ), 37 Seamen. 311 Boil. 40 Wicked. 42 Approval. 43 Bachelor of Science Wo FEAR ! By J. MILLAR WATT THEY'LL HAVE ENOUGH OP Tl-IEl12 OWN SOON Balloon Train I4,".k. Vbtif Lined up like a train in a station, these Royal Navy balloons are awaiting duty in the Inflation shed that is their "hangar." They protect small vessels from air attack. Have You Heard? lilt: had found a new pet name •(n t,;; wife, 110 called her "My !het ,t." en often that at lust the ihdy . \'fettle. suspicious and asked vet. L0 used that particular form of 11,:,'a.rin'nt, Itit: looked rather unconlfort- .Jp1)1( for al moment, and theft de - (inlet, to put a 111.1(11 f110.1 on it, "It's like illi.. ," ho said, "you toyer .scion to have any clothes, you le ol',1ays up in the air, nn( 1,011 keep on harpilit'" "I wish 1 knew who put that joke in the paper about grots being so tight." "Why don't you phone the editor and ask?" "What! And who'd pay for the phone call?" A Sulall buy returned horse Irntr, school and told his father that ho was ser.oad 1n 1li class, 'Pop place leas held by a girl. "Surely, John," said the father, "you're not going to he beaten Ire n mere girl," "Well, you see, father," ex• pinhled John, "girls are not nearly k mere as they used to he." Hs: "You understand, dear, that for business reasons our engagement must he kept a secret." She: "Oh, yes, I tell every• body that." After exactly a week of mar- Aitt, life Illy wife said to inet "1f I had only known marriage would be like this I might have TIM rrit'd several other people e(71P time ago!" I'm still trying to work that one out! Tribunal Chairman (to C.O,): "And what would you do if a German attacked your mother?" Conscientious Objectors "i'd lay three to one on mens." Three tramps 11041 boiled a •hittiton and were arguing how to (il'ide it. Ono suggested they Should toss a coin. "Head," called Stun. "'fail," called '1'0111, "I'll lake what's left," sadi Pat. Sergeant: "What's the. you said?" Rookie (trembling): "1-- 1 don't know, Sergeant ---1 wasn't listening," Groundhog Has Expensive Taste -- Walter 1111) ')1, of Hepworth, Ont., lost a wallet containing $80 cit) May it, the purse dropping from his pocket as he picked up a lead of lumber ordered from n J vppei1 1'o\vn;hip farm. '"ext (1113' Brown returned to look for his wallet and found a small leather stamp container which had been inside. Further search revealed a k.I0 hill under some rucks null $51 and the wat- tle( nee rby, leaving a demi, of 819, Police liquidated the debit hal- time al- tu te by locating a groundhog. He avian shot and police pieced to- gether $1 9 which the animal had chr wed up tend swallowed. Brown took itis shredded money ts:. a Ilepworth bank mid was assured the remnants can be re - pieced. MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operator,;' and Con1- positors apply to your nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER 1'O hILE No. 801175. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING IM\IE'RSION FOOT ti'Icce;.,ful methods of prevent- ing' and treating a serious war ailment of shipwreck victims, int• mt'rsi1)1 foot, havO b0011 developed by throe Royal Canadian naval medical uil'i''ers, the War Infor- mation Board of Canada an - tom l)f 1511 survivors of torpedoed 1.01,;014 they treated at 811 East- ern Canadian port, only seven re- quired amputation of the affected foot. Ry c0ntral, nearly all sur- 011'O1'S picked up by trawlers from one internationally k,town ship which was, sulk in Europeal11 wa- ters hail to have their feet am- putated. Caused by Exposure 1lmmersion font is caused uyu- ally by exposure in life rafts or boatel for long periods and if not properly treated Is likely to re- sult in gangrene, requiring alllpu- tetiun to /MVO the vietint's life. The rules .for prevention of the condition are: 1. Gover legs and feet with a thick coating of );reuse as long-distance swimmers do; 2. Reuwve any constricting clothing tach 1(41 tight bo013 hieh are In u;o for warmth if the feet etre in water anyway; 3, Exercise the filet as :ouch as possible, bo keep the blood circulating, as long as they are healthy. Tho great tragedy of many Im- mersion foot victims ie that res- cuers in giving treatment to sur- vivor) of ship slnkings usually give the wrong treatment which causes the patient Intense suffer- ing and even loss of ono or both feet. Rubbing the Peet and apply- ing hot water bottles and blan- kets is exactly the wrong treat- ment. First Aid Rules First aid rules for this condi- tion are: 1, Keep the patient dry and wares except for his feet; 2. Lightly dust sulfan'lamitlo powder on any wound:, cute or sores; 3. Wrap the leg's in 601110 soft 010011 material and elevate 011 pillows; •1, i,eave further treatment for a doctor who Should be seen as soon as poeeible. No wasl►ing, soaking, antiseptics, lotions or ointments, except the sulfanilamide powder, ehotel be used. The Patient /lust trot stand or walk, and his feet and legs must bo handled gently, Survivors treated In the port had their feet wrapped in sterile towls to keep them dry, and pack- ed in ice, or kept under a blast of cool Dir front a fan, because the succe.ss of the treatment of itn- (11ereion foot depend/ 00 bringing the affected parts back to normal temperature very slowly, over a period of weeks. Fabrics From Milk A fibre it; now being made from milk casein. 1t is warm, soft, resilient and will drape well. 1t can bo added to rayon and cotton to imprnVo their adaptability, Most of the important use's of the now fibre /lade (rem milk are be- ing elnply0ed in women's dress fabrics, shirt.ings, sweaters and ((ten's hosiery. How Can I ? ? 13y Anne Ashley By Anne Ashley Q. )lo',v ...an 1 clean steel knives? .1. 'i'o clean bha A101 blades ru), them vigorously with ashes dampened with water. Q. Hew can 1 iumpreve the flavor 11 lemon pie" .1, !'lace the rind into the fill- ing mixture for It l'ew ntinutee, and than 0111(ove with a spoon. The flavor will let improved but it Will tint have that bitter titrate that grater( lemon rind often !>re- (lueee. Q. How can l keep the floor mop clean', A, Instead of trying to „hake the dirt out of a new floor trop after starting t1() use it, hrttsit it v ith a whisk 11roonl, 'rho loop will always bo fluffy and clean. Q. How can 1 easily remove ick upotn front the fingers? A, Rub the inside of a banana peeling over the fingers, Q. flow can 1 keep •bee rain front injuring porch pillow's'; A. Outdoor pillows should hate an inter 0( \Trine; of ollcioth, and an outer covering of some attrec- tivo wo,hable material. Then bhero will be no worry about bhetn on a wet ,lay, as hint rain will not injure them. Carrier Pigeons Given Parachutes Birds would not normally he expected to have parachutes, but the army i11 providing 301110 for its carrier pigeons, 'fila pigeons are u.'lod with para- troopers who alight land behind enemy lines and be unable W use radio to get necessary Informa- tion back to their baao+. The birds are dropped either to special containers strapped bo the soldiers' chests, or In caged at- tached to parachutes. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled with Itching piles or rectal soreness, do Bot de- lay treatment and run the risk of lotting this condition become chron- ic. Any Itching or soreness or manful passage of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at ouca. For tills purpose got a package of 11em-)told from any druggist and use as directed. Tltts formula which is used Internally in a email, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve mho itching and soreness and aid in heating the sore tender spots. Itcin•ltohl in pleasant to use, le highly recommended and 1t seems the height of folly for any one to rink 11 palnrul and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy Inlay be had at such a small cost. If you try Hem -!told and are not entirely pleased tvlth the resulte, your druggist will gladly return spur money. ,Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly func- tional disturbancee.It helps buildup resistance against distress Of "diffi- cult days." Made In Canada. TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 years and over; Married; Physically fit; at least 5' t1" i11 stocking feet; 160 lbs.;, of good chartteler and fait' cane:!tion. 1'o be available for appointment immediately. Uniform clothing tUI)l)h0(t. Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to File RO.391 A Strength From Beyond Our Limits (An Editorial In The Chris- tian Science Monitor) 1",r II'ualrtjlt of Volt-, (11' groat 8)1111auy mid naval 1.'.1,1.)014 of the 14ug1i;h spmtking 1d.••' 111;0 bonn devout 11(01, wit.tt a mobil/lie f"1(11 Itt (J'"I tool It film belief in ultimruo triumph of light es the fulfilment or (Ili will. !' I on, ,Is nu grew ,1)1(0 4rl, 1.11101, ',vh,'❑ 1(1711. K. A. N. Antier.,ou ordore'I a hp'1a- I,it sop, leo of t11ani,,4Pritig tit l•+ bold Sunday, )1 1v ; 1 1801004 British First. .\rtuy in T'In- tsin, (.x10;01604. "When •,'n'( is con("1 ,tor we ;11'e inclined 10 11;,1,... Inn emphasis uu our o',vu skill and power ,tad tet •+nut411 nn 1110 etrenl 111 .\etre comes fruit beyond human limits." 'l'hoie aro words \hull alight hove Been utlored by :hat fighting ratan of Clod, (tont Sir lhanard haw Mont,gant••ry oP the 11fill,ll Eighth Arnty, or by that other Covenant- er, Gen. Thomas dun:l.l.han ,f,tck• 8..1., who lived according to the Now '1'r.at;tn,'ut -incl fought according to the Old. Nelson knelt int tllo deck 0f Ilia Victory on the eve of 'Trafalgar, and l'arragm1 contrail led his 1101140 to Cod 83 110 6:1l1e41 hlto 1.1,101/1 10 Boy. Washington and i,ee hnnlbiw' asked fur divine at:Hamra on ev. ery occasion, "Stun'''wall" ,Jack.O/I ordered thanksgiving terlices aft• er victory and never f tllt'd to give (loci the credit for his seeresses, On out of lila Inst (lays il') recunt- ntended the Bible lea a model for generals' official reports, and c!t- od the narrative of Joslula's battle with the .lmslel(il(0il "It has clear• Doss, brevity, fairness, Inudn,ty; and it !races the victory to ata right source,, the !!''~ting of Go.1," That this remark,(ble quality of true butnilily is common to many great !Military men it emphasized by Ci'ne.rel Anderson's soden. SAFES t'roleet your I1001i1 /Intl 1;.1..631 from FIRE mid THIEVES. 15'e franc a nice and type of safe, nr Cnolnet, for any purpose. VIrI1 un, or write for taker, ere. to Dept, 1V. J.b(j.TAYLCIR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 130 Front St. P;., Termite 3'',)nblished I87,/1 CLASSIFIE t. peters %eet"erba) W1; I1.11'1; SUBSTANTIAL, IOARN- Ing opportunity for housowlvo4 and other women who want. to earn but unable to devote time to office or factory work, Avon Products of Canada Limited, 1015 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. .(L't'OHOII1,1:5--USI11) U51;1) 1'.111,5 \VIT11 COO]) TiItRS, Soo uy first, Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 3010 \'range Street; !lead Office, 012 Mount Pleasant !toad, To - 1110. 'rclephone 11V. 2101. ,11'1'1) I'-1It'I'S NJ4W AND CS130 PAR'I'S FOIL ALL 1)111kes of ears (1(Id trucks. (:0111• ple.te automobile machine shop service. General ,tram Supply, 1e Frederick Si., Kitchener, Ontario, BART OIIICICS I{YBIG I)S FOR 13XTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Conlplets list, all ages, Fairview Farms, St, Marys, Ontario. CU1d, YO11it FLOCKS; ItATIONEt) meat creates good markets for bpllore or broilers. (lot young stock to meet egg. demands this winter. Taking Orders for pull- ets and 4lunuter chicks now, Bray Hatchet y, 130 John, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1103. Y131,1e-1e1:I;DEIt BENI) b'OR 1'l)AMPLi;TE DETAILS on now 1913 Victory hog nett - feeder, big enough to teed 60 plats. Write F. A. Pntrlck, Kel- vin'tou, Sask., or R. J. 1losle, 163 Jlaple Ave., Y"Acton, flank. • I111S1GN1':I(. WANTED LEARN DRAFTING, ('.INADIAN Industry needs d,sicners for war and postwar planning. Write Guild of Mechanical I)eslgn, 71 iCtng St, \V., Toronto. 111'I;ING & CL1LtNl'iO HAVI, VOU ANY'I'l(1t 1 NR11DS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to 3)1141000 )'0111' atm"st 1,11(A. 1)epal•t- nmont 1(, Parte"r's Dyl \Vorka Limited, 701 Ton4e ;;U'eet 9'o• roma. ELECTRIC 111Lli ('01►Li•llt't I;I,ht':"I'Cli' Arlld( ('t)O1,1r,ItS, mid used. wholesale or retail. 1t. Adams, 215 Kennedy Road, To- ronto 1:1. i'!?.t'l Il1(104 WANTED PAY THE 1111,1.0 WING prices for Goose nod Duck tenth - era: (loose feathers, 66,' Ib.: thiel: feathers, 48e ib. Cen'ttla U,,rnfort- er Co. Limited, 731 Dundee Pt. 1.111s1. 'rnrtntn. Ont. I'Olt !+.51,11 10(1R 5.11,1:---2 SPLEN11111 PA WAS, rld.tolnint', about 1;5 neves; earn. 140'.1 building'+. ('Sly Style hue's, bath, electric, wond'•rfut hart and silo wills hall equipment, combine, ttricto ,, .111 slo.'h etc. Hanlhurah 18,•1,1. sp(,ly l„ .1,1,7 11'il on, Napalm,. Ont. V11111 Plitt 1.11,10 1''.11:5I, :, .1('111:5 1'1.1; 11(111', 21( bush, piactira11Is. no stump., of stile-, solid bricl, house, ((1411 1,11-11, 11101.11 runt, dl iv.' S111•,1, (:11(1(1 well, (root 111(a"n, ru!a1 m;tl. TO tln;e estate. Ahs. 5(rnh 1;t - vu 1<x1ctttlix, Victot'.a 11•sthew. Ont trio. Modern Etiquette Ry Roberta Lee By Robert• 1-ee I. Ho .11 r11,1 the napkins for a luncheon tarty he folded! 2, Whi'. 1:1:1:4ic s)vniId 1)1,1 bride select for il, r .1'eddin ' a, Is It co. r ,ct English to '1.50 111'1 phra;,l -As fat' as i know'1'' 4, \!'11,'n a guea.t drops a hullo r fork ;'l;;ie .0ltulg, a+(.! there la no r,rr.,(n', tylia. .,11•1lir the g'(,'11 5, :-.t:01 id one npul'1,:/.•1 when 0)14 111 1' 111111 It, a 11.3(11e here 0116 has not h,•,'n for .1 long tone? 8, \\'!uv ars ,wine 11 tele /matt 1:s"nti'll reeui:,i1''s in oiler to he !O. t''4.4 i Answers 1. '1'i1 ; are folded (Ike a hand- kerchief i11 four folds, 01 in any dimple way with the n10t10i;rl11n ill (.110 tooter. 2. She may .sol.,ct any nlu,ic .she n'ir,l;I's, but ti„, :lcddiuh 103(0(14 front the opera 1.ohougriu 14 the mita pop'dal. ,i, ".ti.) lar a.5" is the ror•to._1 phrlt.11 to expresx liu(iL11 ion. 1. Say it quietly to the 1,0stess, "flay 1 have 1110111-r fork, please? 1 •un ,,orry that. 1 dropped amine." 5. No; make no reference. 11)it. 6, .1 hospil.;tirle t'eleetne tA, her guest,, .strict attention to their comfort., and entertainment. Huns Admit Fewer Allied Ships Sunk 'I`ha Tran.;i,cenn News Sorvi,:o said in a Berlin broadcast that Cermet) stlbtnarines had sunk fewer Allied hips this month than during the same period of AIay, 191'2, Axis propit andiute (ould find no way to explain the decline other than to 1:!x101 that Ailiel convoy traffic bird dtnmin- islted. Roll your owners! Go for Ogden's Old-tinlors in ten West oftee took in their essential suppllos by mule team , .. Many included Ogden's for they had discovered it to bo a distinctive blend of rnildor, riper tobaccos ... Follow the trail of tiro old -tamers to "melee a strike" of p')rf• et smoking satlstact;on, Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug Poultices of Mecca relieve peen, briny out tots% heats quickly, no tear. 250, 35e, 50e, $1.00, "MECCAPINTMENT OPPORTUNITY Our War Effort For Girls and Women to Hein , Waitresses •— Cafeteria 4Vcr1.1ers — Dish• washer's wan ,.eel Good living accornlllodat:cns under proper supery:si28. Apply with Medical C artif icate nearest Employment & Selective Service Office REFER H.O. 27 1 ADVERT FOOT BALM BA.UAIEI4KA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 46c, bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman 1)rug Store, Ottawa. HAIIIIIIII:SSING SCI1001, L 10 A 1t N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding claeecr. Robertson'/ Elalydtaisetng Aoad• only, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto 11.1111 GOODS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write uv for oration - WHITE'S 111111 (3ODDS SSN Yonge St., Toronto, Onlarlo LIVESTOCK it1:11I3D110S RIID BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS stop White diarrhoea In chlcke, Turkey poult8, also calf scours and pig scours, costa le chick 1e poult, lee pig, 50e calf, Trial sample $1,00; guaranteed results or money back. 11, A, Finn t Co. Limited, London, Ontario. ;11.11,10 11101,1' W AN'I'1Cl) I1IXPERII':N('ED MAN, Ai.90 BOY for modern equipped farm. Good home and wages, steady employ- ment. Apply stating wages, all particulars. Howard Davldeon, ilritannia 131()•, Ont, MACHINERY SEVEN -FOOT 1)1111;("1'- ATTACHED farm -all mower, fits it Pwenty and 1'' thirty, (mod condition cut hundred scree, $125. Richardson, Mount /tope. 3IEDICAL NATI'11)4'S 13141,l'—DIXON'S .RI.M- edy for Rheumatic Paine, Nsur- Itls. Thousands praising 1t. Mun- ro'a 'Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. TAPEWORM STOMACH AND TI(I11;A1) WORMS often are the cattle of III -health In humans all ages. No one Im- mune! \Vhy not find out It thin Is your trouble? Intet'e.ting par. ticulsrs--Free! Write Ahtiveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 1, Ont. PATENTS FIITHEIWTONILAUGl1 tfc COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Illstabllehed 1880; 14 King West, Toronte Booklet of lntorntatlon on re• (Welt. P6:1110YAL VIe'T0111'. WAR I; N 1) S JUNE. roue not pet manent. ,V)ridwide .Arula1edde.n soon. repels free. Jle(1llun 1)1)14 paper. Associated Bible Students, Kearney, Nebrae- Ica, 1'.14 .1. I'DIYI'OGRA1'1111 DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Ileal, (tnln, or 11811 HAVE YOUR SNAPS twittered by Mall Any 0 or S exposure film perfectly d•1v'•:loped and printed for only 25c Supremo quality and fast service gild:tweed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Statton J. Tor: nto ^r� MENTS 1 FILMS DEVELOPED 25c CO14 '('e.,, e' ((tv teem each negative. Ito - o;;;1; each, Montreal Pho14, 1'4,. lloc "Doi, Station F, 1inntre 031,.. .LN)) Itltl:.lY•11 TRACTOR OWNERS SI.NI' mol; urn NI',\\' 1943 1'TtIC11 I ,r on oils and grease. ('o-Oyere. .1. 7.' til Company, 9570 Dundee al t\'., Toronto, l'llrl'1'o(11tAPII3 MAIL SNAPSHOTS TO MEN IN SERVICE St,Is Snapshot Service operate' ('ansda's largest photo finishing studio. Volume business enables uk to operate at lowest cost. Our cue• (toilers get the benefit of lower prices. And they get photos them! are proud of. Try us with your neat! flint toll. Any Size Roll -8 or 8 Exposure.. DEV1l1,0PLED AND P11114l'ED) 180 Free Souvenir with Each Order, A cut.tulner at (:aupbellton, N.I3 writes: "We tried a number o places before trying Star Suap8ho Service. We recommend your work and have given your name to number of people, You will be got• hog orders from them." You'll lilts our quality work and prompt 8011 vice, tot. 3 MOIINTI3D 11141111(1149(1r4NT9 110 Sixe 4x0" in Beautiful Easel MountO Enlargements coloured by hand foe a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders, \t'ltSING COURSE t APPLICATIONS .11111 INVITED Ed 00lee hospital School of Nun,. lug, 31 months' course, For fur thnr information, apply Superitt• tendent of Nurses, Grace Husplt,. a1, Ottawa. 1111E111L1'I'IC PAINS GOOD RESOLUTION — 13 V E R d sufferer of Rheumatic P1111111 or Neuritis should Uy Dixon's Rears ed3. )lunrn's Mug Store, 311 I;It tn, Ottawa. l'nstpr'1.1 51.00. 5:11I\(. 1)1%'1('10 (1.45141,)7414 S.1VINO Dl9Vl('I3, 1 'lents, State year and make 0 Go car and carburetor. h11k0 lgnatsh, 31t Gladstone Ave„ To- ront.o, Out. 'rlRACl'Olt PARTS TRACTOR PARTS N Er, tV AND used, for nl1 makes of tractors, General Auto end 'Tractor Supply. 13 Frederick St.. Kitchener tent. • TEACHER K',i1'J'I41) • ENIDasll-51'1:AKINI) P1t00T 1,8 - tint teacher, male or female, tor (ir,"k.s 1 1.. Grades 8, qualified Ipso to leach Freneh. Sal,arr 81250.00 per school year plus fur- nished private relden''e. Apply In Allan 11'. Perkins, Sec. -Trees., 1'1lsealls Protestant Sellout Board, Peton. Quebec, 11' 1 ,1,1 Qlt'.11,11. 11:13 I IOM O 14('ON• emirs teacher for Fifth Claes. \\'rile Statine, (4(1)0y, 1ertificrttete and !..,1•1 de subjects prcpnled 10 teach in morning periods. to A. 3'olehourne, Seel etary-Treasurer, Rivet -Ode, I)nts(io, ISSUE No. 24--43 Page 4. THE STANDARD Wednes(lay, June 9, 1913. - P4140 0411 fe104lktCtq10C111tefdlCICIqktIGe41GICIGtE1C411C1IG'GIGtOCII IICIetCWCICGICtC14fit tdrawn wagon, :1 wheel passed over his loll crop acreage' and live ,;tu,'h nnit• 'Church \vas held on 'I'nr.a1:ty alter-. gshuui(1,v'. hers \vtll he motet 10 the laliner 110011, June alb, the pri.;i11ent, \Irs. AMiss Nancy hose, daughter of Itev• its well a; to the I;,Ivt rn+u,'nt. 11lavoid Phillips, I'veittl,',1. Nice( in . At \\', G. hose and \1(11:1 Rose, has leen I'ivtel:; tvho halve sol 11'1•1'ivtil opened I)y rt11•..;i0,; He Lord's pruy'„r All ttIt i' tied front U lllwi to shpt.- Ihr se 1•,11,1. by tlo middle 1.t' Jane u1•,' lo suis n. \111:'(1 , I11e form( Elliott 1Irlok. final ec, under the Itritish .\d' 1Vshc11 to apply' tnf (1101( iilhir 111 the meeting were; read and 11 pro\ ed, .\ Gordon Elliott nitrally 'I't'rhuiiil 1I1ksioo 115 heat1 leacher of their ho'iI •;iloul, or to IIs.' 1(111(11 was 1)1.;1:1 to pay the commit I INSURE NO�V! ANI) BE ASSUItliI). A in;peetttr.'county agricultural 1•01)1•(.-1 I1lllv,, 1)r tet' for flo\vcr; 1)111•111 in Iron! u1. 111: CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. A � \l1•, and \Ir,;. John IIustnn, Pr. It. 'tlitect to the provincial Ilrparlutent church. li,A J', 1\10(1• and \list; Josephine \\'eir of Agri( 111111r1',I'.Irlialn, 111 1:111111111',' <, \les, (;rushy, c•nvcnor ul Flower Ili ; were butt;(. al gradllallmn exol'ciseti ut 'Turunlu. 11111 vfitling, gave 1111! It.port for April Offico l'hone 104, llesidelleo 1'hono 1:.' or 110, A hitchencr•\\'ulcrlu(1 hospital when 1.h) 11•114 \lily. \1)1•11 toilrcli,l 11., (1(111. fi'' 311 s hranci,; Ilutilon was one of\' "COURTESY AND SERVICE" _______v_____ 1 plant, howniel,; of f'low'ers gVad i:1(W ; nurse;. . I . Frei'�1./ 1`Dihl3(`,:iiDt1`. airtils"iii i:`,i�l` (211'il'dtINIV. i.`%td(DID(1'`c7int2.,1`XiiI.1i::',a,'.34'2ts,ai::,d,9i2.21:V..:M3t I ,John h 1 ((tier t \ ili11aI'lly' (11111 congratulation l'il't. 1'11111111 1'1111161(1 111,'1. with a painful 'accident III the Mihail' public school 3Ir, John Fru:•(r an old and highly '`‘I'''• out , Slay cmllcl•tiln 4-11', 1 b,' ,. - \Olen b: was allentpting to catch the respected resident of this community ;: douatiol:s, branlh of a tree Inuit a teeter. Ile (Hod to I''dntnnton and was buried call:, made; They ,-ay that tobacco ;intuit();intuit()Will 1'111 to the :ground, breaking one armthere tot \Iontlay, .lune ;Ih. ile canto int; .011 nut I c p mostluttoe; away. I've ,..at on Isere child Elliott insurance Agency J. H. R. Elliott. BLYTII-- ONT. , NHL OSIFER OF LAZY MEAi)OWS 1by' Harry J. Ruylt) it tieellts ;Is if tilt' l'ouln 1u1er4n- ('hief of 1.l1:' unto,pttto force,: bold hitt honn'. and :;prahtiug the other. Asa 1•c,;1ll \1'1111 hi; 1.tnttly 11'11o1 a the 1((011 vet an,;a tt'ilh it pipe and sintpty 1 echtrldc,t the night ab' with suu)ke. The nlotttltIitue,; didn't ,:eem to to the 11 1.•I bit It,'I'llll'1 cti Ily 1110 per;Icy hcnl'hie•11 to all go to Lazy vile Le!chini; ke 11 may hill,' '\Icado\v., Illi, yclr. Nm utallllr ('hot',I math' dizzy but son0'how Hwy you iso o11 the farts there are simply could coast through and laud on the clouds of these biting creatures. They enincrablr 1)1•:10 in a;'it0 0l' it, alio scout to lie much hungrier than I \\'llhout !ling 100 p)ssiuti;lie I I t I t sympathy' cards and I "_ roll.; ul' Sunday remi- t() el i<.hut•in. 11 r, tins; was brought to 1a close ley Bray Chicles are real money. makers, I can prove it. Place your order here. 10O live de. livery guaranteed. A. L. Ki-tiNICK +!`BLY1'H, ONTARIO. .Attends Graduation 11•<. hi, it; 1.'r `;; 1'141 \i1•<. ',1IIl.lr .1)110 (111(1 i; iu 1.t tact :Ind the uth.•r achut I�;,"_ fi't:iu `': of:.wd. The). set' rept:Hing the \Iiz,;lith Benediction'. Richmond, not 31i .11 ..ie Iticl,uuntl in i sling. 'tical on 1.l farm jn;t ea.t of 111yi11. nllt 111011 I110 (11•1((1' .,I'un I':z, 11•1,1, ; 111 1'vcnsong and sermon in St. \11n'I;'.; father w:l; ':t master \baton and \:)rte• — 11 `11,1111',1(1 Co 1.1 rat {;.• Pilid on 1\'111• Church next Sunday at 7.JO. ;011 part time al his La:h . In Ixi:1 • t)i;trit'': Forum Meeting' I,Jnbn \\1'ut 1\'(';i 1.m Iho I't,rl:lg(' where( ht' homesteaded. .\ Her roar years he I Was Well Attended ' 1: t 1. t ,l 1;tr,,ttgll (Ile Slate i a; lar fly 1 Farmers Asked llor '1'110 un•eltng )4 bile 1.100 Forums of talil',uuia. After this h0 claw I,ac'c'thi.; 11(:11•1.1 on Thur buy uigltt. ,lune Assistance Ili t1111,Iriu and settled on a lurid nen :11•11. in bile Mentor(;l hall. Itlyth, Annual Atiricultural E.tatiaics of by. ill \lorri,;, II.married 3t1- :\lacy gi3ugutg a an, 1 ra\•tti. ,c would say Ihat uta;, Itlors 11'11 one '•' 11. roil .111•0>; ._u were hi aOou 1111 until they I,ule fit to burst. Ittf nal tire's IR ,ti,-; Iliat slut simply' Great Importance in War Effort 31111 tw'an whose two .(;lees, lora;. 1 see by the paler that the .:.lout- catl'1 strut to do much about. \\'orlciui; in cm -1111 11 ion with the Shipley a11(1 \II•s. de:11,111.,. are now, .sts hilt)) it reason For the extra big lr0111i101)n Bureau of tit. tistic';. the 1 .;111t a1s el the \'IRay,.'. Ile. Ilk:, all , :\ 11 (1 1lug[•a1n was rnjoyrd 1111 crap of uwstluitor,:. They have 11. \' 1'nblicallun.s and Statistics Branch of hi; family, was very ( t 111 to SI. \l1•. 1la1 (nan, the Wirt! 1,p,111leer, 1-1111e theory Metall 1.1111012111(ithe (1111011111 1)l' the 0111 :11.11) Itcp: 11111, 111 of A;;t'icaltnre :\ndr1w•'s l'hur•h, and for some time a vory tlt1oresltng add r,1),1' latnc11 rainfall this year dull them the sudden A1..)_' ZN is at pec.;cla 111'11'11)11(111g raid; to t,'u•i was leader of the chute, 111'•'�� .)well, auto dancing 1.v 1s enjoyed heat. The rails just cudldn't get away' '1'110 \VI;m1'n'„ Mt:;ioulu•y Society of of thousands or ()Mario farmer.; a:'k- 10 1.h) excellent 11(!1.(1 snp1)liod by vt'ry quickly 'bcrans) lire ground was Knox I'mbe'd church wet in the Sun 1 10 1�t'_ he moved west again w';UI 1111-uw'0l1's Orchestra. inial fur c0mpl11r un(1 accuratt' iuful'• his Iunily', No; ;11(111 in I'.luull�nl. saturated ab•cady, Thi; ult,ant that ,1,iy ; rhool room \illi blit' pec;(dent.,nuiliott one t'arut prubliwtiott. its view the nu)s, nits,,; h: (1 very for(((t' whom he was very ullv). Ile hail I 11 r;. .I•:nt's Woods, in the chair, The `of the importance of read in the 1)•t ground for laying their cg;s and the scripture 111; read lend the 1.01•(1'.; flour and saw mill:;, (1n(1 a'as a builder tinoal war e.fl'urt, Ill',,, 'gin i; ul' r0a11s, c1)) of width was 111) I'cac:' hat,'hillg was ('Roll fief( of by 11 (11(0'. 111.1y4't' t\'••;0 1)caled, The minutes essential in order that the present 111(11 It sounds rra';ouahlt', \01•11 reel Ip' the .oeleLu'V, ili>,, River Itr:nl, 1 There passed ow,ty at her home in Ileliel't' It Or Notfuture foot) problems of the country 1 Il) tray.; to 111,1111'11 111; my sing. 11111114.11., \I us. l'hrisliutl Yuji' 311' \\'e \),'a, i11t111•i not to :,, the, floe 1)t•. •q!iito (HI11 be as hat1 111; :t \lar(safe( Icing. cin 110 .Indi)d :m'1 dc.tlt with. 'ThusO0u 1111, wild its '1 Iii ti 1s 31c!'uunld in dozen ora Ikon. and at limes fake I I IhrOo dun:;'itr1•.. 11x1';:;11.01 1', ; It, :In•I Itr l ripe t111ato td 111, ..,:1,111 this 1 \11-, \\'Gets 11,purIed •thal a 11ti.• every 1'arnu'r who (ill; in un,l itturl''; her 1'hti 1t.u', (floe a I:,1) illno:' ler In:! 1.1•,' the "I{; \\then yin are' •.0\luny, the f'n•luor 11I" sa;n'rtutcn 1\VcdlicHlay , v1 .lima. Chi, f i! folio), inai1 hale v i nr,1 at ;} 1 '� had horn the card will b) .cilli;; his country lust 111111• ; 1111 to sloe p amt yon It, a1• dont of the I ,10miltoil 1111;1)1( 1L dull ; 1' ,1•u in \!orris '1,,wn.1'.Iip, 111•' .1. .\, Cott ,1 into)in 11 lima \.Ir.;. hirpe•I from 1hi: "oliety, ,\ letter in an iutporL•11l I:hasc u1.' it.; wul:c 'Cowanh',; mater a ; he lid,,, (town to attack 0110 c;1111 Ilan, a f:1'11101' near 1'`1111011• (1(111(.11101' of the Isle \Vatter ..Hid Airs.' pick! (1 it 11 d,y (\\', 1111;'. I iv), \\,,„ 1,0.111 front Mrs. J rme•; Slnt' ll, tasks, '('hat one n0).;gnilm can I,e+,p yon! sou. 1'1(11, she ha11 lived hl Ihi1; vicinity all ,and anyone who doe 1)'t 1101(, \e II eau thanking1.h) society fol 11 'get \ve'1' I In rending out Ihr;) cards, the pnit l h)1• til'). Silo Irav): ht's hushau unl 1ci+11 al bis 110(11 \vlu'r1 it \viH ; 1 oily nerve.; eel a frazzlo. If you gel up and 1 I III. live I a busy toll u;, :'M life, and d t Ince 411 i' r+'rci\ell 1.y h)1• \(holt she licatfuus and .l•ati.;t'ir •• bran,'I puiut. light the lamp he'll be no\vher, in 's loved and homoired by all \v.ho .(( ('4 a patient in Clintonl'hu;plt111' loin that (Ito individual returns made hac.w hint, sight but just' as semi •t the darllu'; 1 Thr program ryas in ell u' c 1111 111•;• Ill f:11"11; \viii 1101 1,e divulged in „1n1e's again \Ir. \losllnilo will James Itohvrlutt, Prayer was ()Herm 1 ally' \lay', rand alt tuisurance is also given that they will not he used in ifo.iiptilon4 always sc'a'nt to do Their Ernest I''.Illersun responded on 'fent•' my Au), for purposes of taxation, hest 1,y m ' \vhen 1 go to a Merry' peranee and 3trs, \fond. 1 101111'1', l'I'ho et' nprrnliun of all f(1rmer; is i;atch. 1 ran i- vat and .\w'e'ar anti "'1'h0 \\1131.S. Serve; in 11'1.1)11 its.' sought b,'c.nise acenlate intoralatinu daub':' -V-- Fl!t JERAL AT BRUSSELS Its': day tot : do ,n. NI': 1 -110.1 I trig• 111.111, (1am,11111 ui .111• .\l'','rl 1:1i.'illlnt 1)a, une• or I!1, ;;;.u;u:l 1, 111•1•,. 111•,.1•:, I''red ,I, IIIIIIII('I':111, 111 1111111'1, Ill `,I11111. 111111 1,J1un1,.; 11ur111ttiw,'r. \Vv.1.1nin ter 1111 s• Ipita]. ',onion. „1e \i ilio ; will! \Ir. 11111 \Irs, ,\, .1. (;l•.1,., al the t', nt- 'ulereill Hotel. Mr. 11 • i:'11,'wet' i:; a Sarnia buy, and' a r, Honed veteran of the 1)1't,;,'111 \v:'. Ile 1.r; .I p tiLott. al \\'I,.-inti(tst) 1 lin-MIA amt!•, 'wing Ir'111111rn1 for a "\t're on'.10 injury s1).:dained \vhen 11e 111 I IISati•uu \\ilk an army motor ti Melo, its I':r.''l be baric for hln 11111. by \lest \\'n()(.:. The hOr:Ild \11•;11 thresh 1( 011(1 lit,,' 1 hull in a brill rte but they ,iu,;t hover around in a cloud. swarming in to c\cit ate on 111y hilae as •soott n.; t start (tack into the pick- :\ r,010 by \i1•;. Gurdon '31 el'liuchey; a readitl:c by Mrs, Fred Seers, and a reading by 31rs. Harry 11tug'hlut \yore included on the program. After the Illi. \\'hall !italics me Iliad is t0 50(114 singing of the national 011110111, 311.5. t••inteoue else calmly picking awoy Ifoberlon closed the meeting with without ever being bothered by a prayer. ;;Itecler.' Sl r, anti Mss;. William Slab' and • \ly nitre was up from the city one Erma \lair, 11111111 township, with summer anti she hada L'ottle of some 361•,1 Thomas Doyle, and Miss Afar - kind of preparation Cor keeping 1(x1(4• gavel King. quiloes 11,1y. flue tlay when we were 311x; Mae It ngItsotl wa:; called to S1 gc;ttg to a church picnic down on the George on account of the death of river flats and 1 wa',.; complaining her brother-in-law, (buy Durham, has bitterly titian it, she gave me the Ixtnd of the former Cora Bell Fur- 1:)ttie 1.1 I told 11x, to rub it all over guson. the !lido that was exglo,'cd. 1 didn't I Mrs. George F. \'nngllint bar, re• pay, notch Attention to it at first but ceivcd a cattle from her (;on. Private 1 began to notice that the mosquito(:; Karl 11ngford, stating that he had at• \vel') certainly not bothering me. There was something strange' bout the fact Iasi) that the people seenu,I to ho shying away from ate. Airs. Phil rived safely overseas. Mr, and 31rs, \Villianl. lL't,nrnt, Janet anti I'I:1'1 I 11111111. Evelyn Paris, 31 1•r,. tier'•:.,•, 3IeNnll, '\litcholl, Sergeant finally told me th'It I duelled 11s if 'Samuel and Mrs. \IcNall, Loch \Ic- I had tripped nn alt angry skunk. '1'1111 Nall, (;,nderich and Mrs. Thomas 31c- o1,1y' thing 1 could (Io then wan to get Nall, Polity ;11d \Velliugton \ItlN.tll, over behind a grove of willow Irtu;li:•'s Colborne township, with 11r. and 311':;, and 11•y to wash away' the nasty stuff. Rost Craig, Ily the line I got the preparation off, 1 Gordon Foagatt, sou of George Feti- dly picnic wis over. The uwsgoitoer; gun, utel with n painful accident Multi tnado 1)p for lost time on the way the (;lipped and fell larder a horse- , 1. Everyday Necessities Everyday Necessities Photograph Albums, Variety of Styles, 20c to :�'L.50 Greetings Cards for All Occasions,.... 5c and �n�. Albums, of Styles, $2.50 Greetings An Occasions,. , , . 10c' Cartons, for Overseas Shipping 10c Waterman's and Skrip Ink (the best) 15c Writing Tablets from 10c to 25c Eltvelopes, Kid and Linen Finish Blue Lined Envelopes 10c 5c Blank Counter Check Books 10c, 3 for 25c Mucilage, Glue, Airplane Glue, andAirplanes. Juvenile Novels, a good variety 48e We have a beautiful line of Watermen's Pen and Pencil Sets, guaranteed, Also Eclipse Pens and Pencil' . A splendid Pen for School Chil- dren at $1.15. Also Airflow and Eclipse Pencils' !sit; Little Books for boys and girls 25c FATHERS' DAY, JUNE 20th. Don't forget Dad on Father's Day. We have Father's Day Cards on Display. Nothing expresses sentiment like a suitable greeting card. The Standard Book Store W. A. MEET 1\vo it ntghlt'rs, Je:tn :111 Rill, ,tntl 1'0 displayed. two brothers Jules of \Iml ris 'I'owi ship, 11'11(.: c. 1.1 1i1(1y i .. a 11 ,'nrd Ior this ;alai Sam of (trey 'I'otvnnblp and t1 ytor. \11. , t or 0' hate 1.e, n ail AM to twin sis:t'r, \les•. Jahn Ito\vtn:ll of sot out the plant Ior 11.11. '.1' aro;1, Moil is in\vn•'hip. Tho fnnt'rltl tool, The rip,, iout:ilo Ineol no011 teas place 111•111( her limn,. in Ileus: ole; 11111 1)rnbahl)' well atle..t.r, 1 i lfnt'o i1 was '1'111' 1'1'1111;1' monthly Inel'liug 0r Ill.' •atlrrnoni, with iotc'ruleol to Iti issel.; (glut in t'1,' :' it' b It. 'I 1, ," ,•1 •1 ;oral \\'cnrul's Atestcialion t'0 lila' t'tlitetl 1,('cnlelt'rv. itlh:'r.' formed on Iho vine, -' 1 . ST ftKE A 1442 i C, E TAX RETUR- NOT LATE?, T81 JUNE 3OTH :.4 ;7 SINGLE and your net income exceeded $66004 o • . MARRIED and your net income exceeded $12000 For incomes not over $3000 get two (2) copies of simplified Form T. 1 Special. For incomes over $3000 get three (3) copies of Form T. 1 General, Income Tax dollars are not ordinary dollars ... they are Victory dollars . necessary dollars to help win the war. Income Tax is fair to all. All are taxed in proportion to their ability to pay. Under the new system. introduced this year, Income Tax is now on ,1. pay -as - you -earn basis. The reduction of the 1942 Tax made this possible. In most cases the larger part of the reduced tax will have been paid by the 1942 tax deductions or instalment pay- ments. One-third of any balance must be paid by 30th June and the remainder on or before 31st December, 1943. You IIIUSt file an Income Tax return and pay any balance to establish your right, after the war, to the refund of the Savings Portion of your tax. If you are a salary or a wage earner, your employer can probably supply you with Income Tax Forms—otherwise, they are available at your local Post Office or the office of your District Inspector of Income Tax, Over 2,000,000 Canadians will be Tiling returns and paying taxes . . avoid the last minute rush. If you wait, illness or other unforeseen circumstances may prevent you from getting your return in on time. Avoid penalties by sending in your return NOW! FARMERS You must attach to your return on Form T. 1 Special or Forts T. 1 General either a statement of your gross 11(0tillle and expenses, or completed Farmers T. 1 Supple- mental. The T. 1 Supplemental itemizes all forms of farm receipts and expenses, and is a guide for determining your actual net income. Fortes may be secured from your local Post Office or District Inspector of Income Tax. To help you fill out your Income Tax forms a booklet ("Farmers' Incontc Tax Guide, 1942") has been prepared to Co':cr the special conditions which apply to farm operations. It can he obtained free on request from your District Inspector. If you don't know his address, just mail your letter to "District Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." /make gout tetutni NOW� — {avoid Panache 0 DOMINION OF CANADA — DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE COLIN GIBSON, Minister of Natic•ta1 Revenue C. FRASER ELLIOTT, Commissioner of Income Tax t. it. 1I 1.7. W. !,Vednes(lay, ,Tune 9, 1913, ` THE STANDARD .Pu0drr4J00,r0,•,'.i.i,:,,..nSO.:.,,Pu4 u•,i..'! ! I 1 , 2t o, h'4'4"hl Lor r t t t t t t f !II ! t t t tQ F`-.-. r , r r r . , , • , . , . r , r , r • t ;1 I I (Ile, h a v i I I ., ,I 11 t t 1, • I 1 : t ., i ) 1 , l� I('a'i'.''::�t%'%'�'''' :'�' « 41.•, •. v,mrv, ,,n,n,n,+ �,.. ,. •GtCIGICIC CIGIC�f tQICICtCrGICIG GICI£IGIGIG C GIG CIG GICtC � *r GIC P.�I(n'IGtG CIC GIGIGiG ,, t' " J �l11it,111: \wil11 Ali i.. ,:,111,,,.1 I,LI,(tlt.1VL 11., lt(1X1"1'111:�1'!'ltl:, CA!'I'1'AL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE 1 L1 t,tLlJ111 1 IIIA I . =', \I;.lulu: I'1 ,1y r ;ul;l r1.1u;l:n in '1 CLINTON, I GODERICH. SEAFORrri. WINGHAM—ONTARIO. 'I LONDESBOFIO PE_ CR')S, NEWS 'Trinity Theis It 111 xi timidly 11,.11. 1i.i — --" x' 1\'0 Sh(n15's -ate 1' igh( ; I i;. NOW PLAYING: Grant Taylor and NOW PLAYING: Richard Dix in: NOW PLAYING: Broderick Craw. t \I I'.\;1 0i, ; •I,I 1 .ill ; u:,llu 11;1 i.1 L'ctty Eilyant in AMERICAN EMPIRE, ford in: MEN OF TEXAS, '1',11 n' Al 1!y ill, , : Il! I. 111 11, , 11 1 :1,,0.,, 1 In I :1,01 ill :, . Nu. '. ti '' Thur ,, Fri,, sats June 1011 12t,, FORTY THOUS,t1JD HORSEMEN -- --- 1'r for() R, Oro, \t;, h, 11 111 the Lill Wed. Technicolor Wednesday t (II•.:1 ! 1\ ;ht..l,,, h. I o' I o, , on iii.: year' " Mon,. Tues„ . mutiny 11;111 011 Anne "nl, v,ilh ;b1.; ! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, _• Pat O'Brien,0 BiBrian Donlcvy, in t 11 r. \I win 11;,1, }, 111', and .111':. ,!� Claude Rains, Brian Aherne and (� ;1;1 I'I( •td1 ut, Ill It, rult1 duo. Ili• i,l (Icoipe ,1Llrlill, awl Air. an,l 111 ,I i'1 ' �' ,, r , ! r, Mary Martin, Rudy Vallee Ida Lu ino »: a III 11,1,1 S (IIILI)l(L1 Dick Powell p T• 111'O 1 i111IC;i in 1 1'llll(lil(I it, :, and ;ill nit.nd,lur+• of _!I, it. I'i111t, + 1., ..,,,, ,iuy 1'.Ith m,'• lq i'I ti elaigll( stars and the greatest ;• 'i'I I' '•y 1 I:,le Iron in.+l" 1lcrul,uly, 1 .!.I I'I, -"ill :, Bell, 111.;11'11'(1 musical I g An Action Picture, •i•1 It 111 1,.1.111,"1 to hull :I Hine() in ;11.1. \II (•,1,' .\lill.inoi., 0' '1'!iult ' ;,111!11!'II \\i!II !u'illi:u,t comedy. technical staff in Hollywood offer r : (• ;::I 1.1•;,!I,!n' it 1;,111' I:, 111., 'A lite Community II 1 on \1'e.ln' ',I;ly 1:1 the uul'urgellnlde 01'nsuliat. 1. ALSO tH-IURT SULIJLeTS, .1-' (:111', w I' 1'',;'111 111 nl iii, 1111'',' ytla';I „ , . , n, ,r 1, , 1. nit;lll. Jt1n1. .1111. T11(' I'ri1.e+.I.. 111 Ihi.� „ I1;1I 11' (O I ll(,l{l 1 orc� 1'r And A Day', 1, Hier+"u nt. i.Matinco Sat, afternoon at 2,30 p. nt."_ , Ilio};o are 10 be u'-1.11 to :•"1111 bu\1 ., In ,• Tiro Holt, Bo'tita Granville, ';; I -' our I(:,y; 11wer<e.1-:. 1'01111(1111'1' 1•, I�JBL=IIT E. McKENZIE �i1 Kent Smith and Otto Kruger, Mon., Tues., Wed. .lune 11.15-1 1i �' part b',.te.,: \11' If. 1'nn;'binl. .\i1': i,i No children tinder 1C1 admitted. ..i' 11111• it 111;•,1,111': uldl"1 1"-ill1 1 a ij •• \011, 11 r,, I;adl0l,l, Iter. 11'at. 011 11111 i/ Thursday, Friday. Saturday :. Spc cer Troccy, Katharine Hep• rte � • pa '1.11 ;11~',11 un friday in 111.' pendia 1't 1'1 Ito' 1 it I.. .111.KK+ '1,•i •, tth•, 11.211 11,"•11 i,' 1'e The , „ „ in I Hoe it, 1t 1 lar sum(' tint-. NI r. i .('t j)er OI 1 Il(' I' i;Isle :' 01-1'1'1. 1'1.1(1. f pnll+,t+'r : 111•,12 1'. t1+, 11, i:, a%1 test in 111; +1111 \I or oil 1 ij I u}.:; I 1 girl.•' :,tt1 .t!1 r. ; 1, I.uli i' AN UNUSUAL. DRAMA, .i,' t\;.., Illi ._o!, 111 I:0. 11111• .111', un+1 .111 . l i COMING; They Got Me Covered, ^— .i. •� : 0'' it t 11 Bib Hoe and DorothyLamour. AlAO CARTOON, ,I, (:1 1',l:,' 1'l;, 111.11' and 111: born in . I I COMING: Simone Simon in: r,,,,r,,;,,,,,,.!,;;,,,,,,•,,,,,,;,,;,,;,,,,,;,r;,,,,,o,,1',,,,,,,,,; i1', ,,,Tule; 11'11•"II 11'111' dun:ttl't In (;,;,,it'll, 1'0111:;1; 1, \\'itu;itt 1 olllti';; Flea_c Note: Fciture shown twice CAT PEOPLE. COMING: You Can't Escape For- t) hi,ill lrlinrinl 111'1'1' 01 ,0 =1111) . ,. i:) each e'.enin0, conmenctng at 7,30. ever, with George Brent, ,I yeses; toy. 11, recciwl 11 Ili ducn- ; ;, ___ (��f ` )) ) It '1• iltun in \1 iu_'tvu ;11,11 \t.'• ill hn-iul•.;.-1'1M M� • M'ttinecs Sat. & Hclidays at 3 P,M. tr1at, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M, Mztt;nees Sat. & Holid;,y:�3 P,M. to I.ON 1)1+.SIiOIto 'i'h1' T11 ., :itt''i' 11 i111 11 1, i1;111(,' tit 1 w til ill, i t'ii', fur ;i (11111', 111• \t':b: ,,,'2", ' ,-'-' a1u, 2', �„% ia;:Ji:),`D, 1`D•t:.i l' ==1243171',�t.FJ213i21biDrr✓ac 9iallw,D,✓4 41:11, OidlCiiui :ADiDIZiNdi.c419;9791))aa) $ 1111 i' 1 . I S , mr"r,owvan°n.+emruo•aomR.�r�w it: irii,.1l 1 I ;.', :r , ;1':11 li Meier 1', I s.___-_.---- -,�-----.� •-- -------------.___ _ _ —__.-i,.__,._ I I,, kill, III .I 1 1, day -4 1111 - \\'.:;'L Commit for .duly: \I r;• iii -wart it \\in;,laot. 111, nursed 10 1,y tittl.'iii': of 1111• I.i',I• ; tie'; 12r:nlcll I ' '' CourtRevision Mr, x1111 \I,';. 1'11:111+'.. 1!1',+;•., of � Gard Of lhanlcs 1 Of R�� inion Stt.ttfurrl, hers.,, \I1'.;. Nott. ylr:. ,I, tihu'.,hrl:.,k, 1:111:r11.1' with Ili.: ml'., and ttto small ',111 lit'• 1!,',;n!III'::1 111 -\:•i1'.'.11! u,• 1,1'' 11, :=nlit21 111' 111•)'111, wi il1.,l otltt lir,, C. \\'a1son. 1 'I'tt 1'auttty o1' the itt 11,111' 1'1 i •\ 1' Hirt of RevI,ln;1 of the Assess- , roll: , „Id 1'1111111111t'll sl('1l\'I' III bll;llll iS (111!;I;'in, 'I'!li•� 1)l „1',.II 1!1;11 A L 1111 - + Nils, I''1,t1 I'rt ! 100\wt1.',, I Two doilies 1\'11.0 dnn'lled by\Ir+• lut:lil a 11„:.1 tiro' a;: u. hit (u moon, 1,4 lour „Ht., ;I 1,„'11,,,1 trill '1. p.ti+l 111. ',\'ilMitan omit to thank their 1'rit.ot(4; tte111 HMI for 1:11:1, will be held in the \Ir;. J. I!, \I, tulle i . withher ,-it- H, Henn. -dun. The Luc' y ti"1,1 1 gain:'' hi , d, illi ;u'i iti; ttife, Tito' :';t:,;, I'o0 1111,' (tnt.trio i', t„rtim !1: on all \tn ;t andn1'il:hl our1; for ;h1' hindtti' and • tit it :i:'.1Ir:. It, I:r1tu.'11un. I -I 'I'1t1' hi11 ei:l:, '1111'11:111' ','1', 1111 Rcbei t Stack. (.trod Crawford, Jackie Cooper rind Ann Gwynne. ''i1I';N O1' '1'I;XAS" Thursday, Friday. Saturday Thurs., Fri,, Sat, Two Features William Gargan and Irene Hervey John Clements, Leslie Banks and ,„ 1111111 11111 with the adventurous Jane Baxter. y,itl.tl Tel; Ho, :tory of pioneers who 111,•11' trails ;units the stars. "BOMBAY CLIPPER" Harry James and his music makers "SHIPS \VII!I WINGS" heady ca,itin the merry slit. `PIUVATE BUCKAItOO' t 1'1', .\1 r .1. C Olin, In, ill 1111'' , In .\Ir::., ti, ;.you, Prom 1',l' $1 . 1't. Lunch colt( ctiotl tFL.In(. ('()Ilift0 11 1 11:0 ;it 11 \\cm, II. I.y1 n 11 I Himmel! 1111111,,The follutwittr (Immorri Ile •I oleo 111 a rul,,l;, nl ttl , k, at the home of 111'1' 12.In;;h;, r, \ii ;. t;. (;tidal, 111`;11' ('utluunuity 11;111, 1.4)111csboru, un ;1011 of ('lilford; UI ,1';:e iu \\'111(1;111: \11111211 nl, "I; til,' 11'11 t1 'i i t t • of the 'yillpatly rhu\tu 111' In in their recent Atom! ty, June 7tlt, at „ u't jttt t p.m, Ih,'r:t ill I!,•Iluil, and .lulus, \121111 the policy, 11•;;11 1!11' I .I.. tl dl;rrinl,o. I, ;1'1111111 11.,1'11 tri!,ule0 null t0 Ilium' Ail111)1)+•:111; 11111,1 he ill writing uutl \, rise-\rnl;; ;Ih I'eltu\tau';t, ;Ind un,' 1'r ul!,ur-ia ;l1' 10.,\•incial 11 ;Hanot, nt lc:uuifttl floral tt•i:lutrl; •:uud to iho:•e in the hatltts of the ('Teel; by .1111112 4. lciudly lu:utt d cars.1'1:' 1;1, Nlt' It, \1'i'iht.nl;ut. JAMES W, McCOOL, Clerk. :ate each: Mrs. 11:111,lir.;• .1.d;all;hll'r, Luni'1', of sndbnry. A to til • I itt of itt (TIC' a ! tan,l.'ttl:;t 'I'autblyu. Nlr.;. lti,,, 111';. Ntili, 1'i- brother, lir. A. 1', .\ItK,nzil', \l',';t \\'o:,l from Ontario l,!ut1100,..•4 only, tali :112,1111, �,\I,illlit!I;I1, '.11111 t 14•te1, \ttn, I'.. Sp,"t- ot',1,!, t1 at ;I glt'vi i-tilll, III 1•t'ci'1 :\ b it1 i 11;11; i tt i iY1 1 Trent 111' (lin:, ill 't'orinlu, ;Ind four gi ttt lrllil- , 11;111 tun r lblritt the s, •I In in \vhield 111'x, I':Ii1 AI"' i• ,tilt b"t• 11 11 It1 'r.'1,,:II1'ellur ill the .Luo (',,111111111""' Mrs. .1uni1• holhl !rill. Mr, :\111.11 11'1 n. 1':11' fnn''r;l 1. held on tin11rla} 111, I\ ":')1 i; .I'orl,, i; i'11211111' 1.01' nu 111;ulhing Ihr' `'uciely fur 1111'11' 111)11:1•111.1( rnoou, ora: 10 'l,v ;Oh nd-•tt. The il:. -\11 ruin gr10l111' rt:Itc!nt•rtt., Will 01)12111 I'll 111'1 h 11111 IVII li 1111'111•11t u ', t\1t, v;:1 in c 111':.,' of ill v, ti, 11, Ib,'-i,tinp.II a; to N,'111 tier s' w()(:1w()(:1t Iluilt Al";' N1,11411 nt' I trl I'll ;1 I QDonations: F(.111111..! a1 . L11 nt \t ILII, 1)l 1111'; bull ,II liunlop of Know Ironed ('hnrrh. Tin) is or 1: 1,0! 1'c:•omtnl'ulieli for 1);;1111,,,,,I'unl Ihnn : (I'tillr: Ionllis,,llbl';o'er.; \tort•, '1', It, Jolo;1011, c,1 and on the-.' 1','rinrii"titattnn:: pity 1111111 1,1-i 'Thor '1,1y tight. he 1,eing ('Ia.,: I.1' I'nitell 1'lnu:11,, III. \1' ole, :\le\. it, ol;, II . Kiehl ly !no nt trill h:' made diel ;t ti the two. the .Ion,' t t dtite.,, Cash Dcr,at ons: II 1'111,'111 tool, place in lirandnn l'enl.'• The 111;0it' \vitt 1 e p.li,1 only on wool I''t:vs of Con. 1", proceed, trent tory, g'tading tine and trine In•'rliuul military lance. $10,00, s1)le, felting ;Tyle, ':,nthdutvn style \1'1' hate a I111;'.1' h iltiu:; ;111111;1. ordinary ly'I' or :'peciul 0elr;tion of A ,sunt of nto11cy, either in Ulytl. u1' (1uo1❑ for ;ulyin,' Witof 1oh) cv vi",y rho() f!t':t•,' ',, and \Olen, the (in tb Ow road ,'ttt•ten Myth,Kiubtu•n Bonus \virile ,tip is ulurlel,(1 to generally and Seaforth. Finder plea:, Ica\', al 1)etttils 1A11h1011llce(I nl totrlitinu, t,tlil:utl ()flier. 11101. Ite\t;u'd nf- ''',d, quilt; 1'ri^n,11y accitl ti!!y :.111112', tti!l a h,tt, itt tlle'llnihell al ht 111, t\ a + hunt I 'I nn"ole-rte!' 111' \t•110 111-hr;l io 111,' C111111 ,11 110:1111.11 1V111.1*' 11111 1 n ,111,111, tv , pill in 111; 1.01'1'21,,1,1 ti elu r Ihr' col, Ile rrnl:ltlt- ell in Ilse {10:pi1:ll 11111 11 S111;11ay :0 ;t lunge sr\wing ing tvh''ll he \v'it; rein„tei1 111 his home tit ';ting to burl of sett. Ile is 2, :•''•Neem ; hent 111., painl'111 i,1'. 1111'1ing (.10.'1'11by nit.1,1118 Ih'1l *IVO l'tdrltt \t 1'11 ;I; I•.1n be t'.tl)ec!ett. Ire Ilse 1,1 the 'c tort : un ';f RI v, .\, 1';, unit \' \Ins. 11,'nri1.-. .Ir. I1111 \I t' John Not( \tore in EAS'1� WAWANOSli (Ind, rt1 b 011 `• relay it being Ihr bili, lh ;Innivt'r.lr'y 111 her I, r; lli<:< :\toy 'Toll II;t; itt:'n 1'11};n:;".I 1\rddin,;• in tem!) in S,2. No, in for the cowing !'Tout ih'ydgl'; ;111;1 ,10=r111 NIillcr. lie diner \\iUln':t :11111111-.11 1{)11 on 111; part. Card Of ';'hanks \\ t' talc(' this opportunity to thank our friends and neighbours for the state utlk, and 111.1,•c.:\'pply to llox floral 1ributr.; said oth''1' expressions ;,x Myth, 43• l' 0yn:1::11111 shown in the dolt!' of ('Ir sister. PIANO WANTED 1 Airs, Young. Miss 1lt'111ne•;. NOTICE '1'O CREDITORS LOST \\'. T. 1run 'don >:111'11i tion• 31 ;r'. day ':11 i he 11 'Tut' of 11,11' 1f;lr111er, \Ir. and \II'>. I;i,'l1;u 11 N', ;Idea. lli's. \\'nt. Ita+lford Sr. has return - 444 It i; ;tlnt:r,lncell that helots will nit Bonus of Four Cents a Pound is Now lee Dahl on wool grading 'rejrets,' outlt Available for Ontario Wool. a, lra\tt and harry, seedy and 1!tttfy, grey and Tilade. dead, kvnrpy. •. lithely. 1011113', (lama {ed, cot led or I'et;til'; of Hie liularit wool Lunn:, 11 I: ;, NN';;,led \enol;, 11„trl Berl \with pulley inattitln';tte,l to 1'n,'uura e Nude:' 1twitte. and wools ;u'liting at a .\ number Irmo til!.; Srrlinn aiteull greater call' in the prudul'tt it and Hvgist red \w;u'etiu"' In generally 1'11 the I'':l'lation Picnic held in Sea- Tr'ip'e pntp;lr;Alun for the tll,trkel of !p(ir condition tt'itl i!. i not (Nalil'y Torii on Jluuday. (Antall() wool, have leen ;ut'tuuuecd for bonus payments. I 1 , II 1 I . 11,1 II 1,,. Y .11111 ..1,11 1 I 1 1 . 1 .1 1 1 . 1 ...I I I l 1 w..15, .1.. .11 111,.1.. 1..11 .I 41 I . 1. 1, 1 . Ili I I,a III ll . 111 .1 1 1,. Y1. 1 T IS AM I.;1'c.. Fat and bone conservation begins at home and ends in the firing Zine - DO YOU KNOW - One pound of fat supplies Two pounds of fat will fire a enough glycerine to fire burst of 20 cannon shells 150 bullets from a Bren from a Spitfire or 10 anti- gun, aircraft shells. Bones produce fat and aircraft glue. If we saved fat at the rate of one ounce per person per week this would mean 36,000,000 pounds per year, enough to produce 3,600,000 pounds of glycerine for explosives. OUR FIGHTERS DEPEND ON YOU ' "Every householder who delivers to a retail butcher, collector, or Salvage Committee, any rendered or unrendered fats or bones shall be entitled to receive from the person to whom they are delivered 4 cents per pound net weight for rendered fats, and 1 cent per pound for unrendered fats." The obove paragraph is a direct quotation from Order A-642 of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. "Rendered fat" means fat melted down and strained to remove solid matter. It includes drippings and strained pan grease resulting from the cooking of meat. "Unrendered fat" means raw or partially cooked fat free from lean meat and bone, but not fully rendered. "Bones" means raw or cooked bones of cattle, sheep and hogs. EVERY OUNCE COUNTS ! SAVE AND STRAIN EVERY DROP TO SPEED VICTORY. SELL IT TO YOUR BUTCHER OR GIVE IT TO YOUR SALVAGE COMMITTEE. NOTICE TO BUTCHERS, HOTELS, ETC. You hove been mailed a copy of Order A-642. This Order affects operators of hotels, restaurants and other establishments where meals are served. It is of immediate importance to butchers and slaugh- terers. If your copy has been lost, you can obtain another fi,-)m the nearest office of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Ir e i1 1 lu making the 1'nn'rint'e:nent, the (Tena •uw'nt P'Ighr i t11at all \wool sinulll lir Tree of se, '1 ra'tl'I'. 011.atw, I,'1'o-' and uttrq• t1n•ei^n nl;Iteriai. and ;til trawy 1;112 Toric/ .:110111t1 he renu,wed at the time of -Ott''trtnI: ;:1111 not rolled in tt•IiIt the fleece;. The short fibred. hairy leg ;u:tl face riippirt''s sh(ltlll not be shipp,'!1 al all, at ;hey :1'•e of little value, Il1ti 'It fl,+'er; or th,t;e cuutatning d:1''k 11111'1: should I'1' kept holo t'omti't 111111 white fL'cc•: hitt h0nld be ';hipped st parately anti all 111 et',,; shoot(' lie i'011F1 anti folded with the 1'le;l or shorn side out. .1111 enquiries 1'r•::11 ding. the %mot boar,.; stundd he made to ih" \\reel 1t0t1ts Iasi , (lul'int t {','pnt'tnu'ut nt' ,\gricnlUn'e. I'ullianleut 11:lildin�, Toronto, In the Estate of Isabelle Johnston, also known as Isabella Johnston, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All person' hawing claitnr against the Estate of the above deceased ars BULi.. FOR nALE rctlltirod to 1111' the saute with the un- 1'ca1'littg Hereford hall. Apply to (1(064;1te1 solicitor fur the said Ji Ciltert Neticry, phone III.O, Myth. tate 011 or before the 21st day of •11•,11), !.lune, A,It, 111.1:1, after which date the 'ad,.;ets twill he distributed aauougst (11e -Ipartie0 entitled thereto, hating regard FOR SALE !only to the claim; of which notice Two good oo\ws, one fresh, and one shall have Leen given. to freshen in 3 \\'eet;ri; ;1100 good 1)tn'- ha11t calf. Apply to (;Forge ('olelough. 11.11. 1, Clinton, Iwo miles north of Clinton oil No. 1 llightway) -Il-it'. FOR SALE 600 year-old Laying Hens. Barred Rocks and hybrids. APPLY TO W. V. ROY . Phone 2SrG, Blyth' up into a septi -circular attitude. feign - May ing innocence anti demonstrating that `-'ICI) Attacked it wen a \worn' min.y tura, ('ut\V0r1110 can be destroyed 111001 By B. Leslie Emslie, rl'1'cct.lwely by means of a poison haltThe victor} is lowly to (ltrr,paretl by mixing thoroughly one 'quart of bran \with a teaspoonful of improve his Innt\Olc•1 e r. l' rafulnology Park Green or sodium I'luosilic(tte and h(dor, Ihr spasm, is far advanced and' til n adding about a pint of \wa4et 11':11'11 111t1 1 warfare roust he waged again :I ins( els which il,ttuci( his tstt(2etcu,d with two ta!hlespoouiftti of 011 111) 0r molasses to make a Moist plants, if the fruits of itis toil are to Trot not 0liclty mixture. '1'1110 should 11- realized 1.111(1 1110 f, 12111 ('1'(:104 0111(2(1 for human1111consumption, ,111) scattered lightly around or near 1s in land. 012'.1 and a(21'612 t 0ufllrl, 'the plants shortly before the worms emerge to feed. Since these baits are I11e 1111111011 of al 1111'1: Oil insect pest.; Inco according to the dt'cnrl'0 of the rusty an 1 his tulnrrat 11' points. The life history of insects geni't'ally is tilt id; d into four >•tnges. n +mel3': 1;:g, I;n'va. pupa ;1111 ;tdult. L'iiiu; a1:d chr\\'iug iusecIs;, Duch as certain 11eet1e0, eat'rpill;r';. gra';s- hoppers ;m,l ;;lugs. can be controlled Ity stomach poisons it 11lctt include ;n•;,mate.; of lead and lint,• 1't y'olite. Pati; (;rrrn and niUniinP. \whereon sucking ins,ct0 hove f0 b1' 011 01(ed by contact poisons such ::1; nicotine sul- phate. (lords. pyrethrum, oil sprays. 11010 R111p11111' and thiocyanates. 'These act on the r,rltirF'm•y 1'O -tem or by flu it caustic effect, OIw of rite most troublesome and lelt,,ive pests in the garden is the vitt wolm, a eotetpillar that buries it- -self during the (lay and 'cuts 1111' at night during warm weather. (riven freedom or action. these insects may mow down cab')age. coin, 1101101a0,= ;Intl other yunt:g ph tits as fast a0 11101 cr:nt' ui, 01 ;11'1' 01'! 0111, 01'1•r1'aucc y being 11 411a11y at ground level, Cutworms are pl'ttttp. =nut,,tit•I'odietl, 12,11ey' to brownish c:ltcrpillart. hilly' ono and a half inch-, in leie.th when frill grmt-n. They uol't:lly hide in the by (lay and d0 their dirty work 113' night. When distu0 ted, they coil poisonous, they sttoul(1 be used with due caution ;tad stored beyond the !reach of children, poultry (even your 11:\TED) at Clinton Thin 29th (bay of lfay A.I), 1:193. 1'IN(1',1,.1N1), K.C., Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. •13-3, WANTED A11 kinds of feathers and feather 1ic1;'0 wanted. Alco raga, Call liobt. NosbiIt's, 1110110 S3, Myth, ,lake Leihel, '13=t', Huron County Council June Session The next iueeting of the Huron County Council will be held in tho Council Chambers, Court !louse, (lode - rich, convn1011Ciu'g 'I'nes'd•sy. June Loth, at 2 pan, A11 accmtntn, notices of deputations .utd other bushiest; requiring the at- tention of council should be in the hands 0f the County Clerk not later than Sitturday, June 1",1.11, 1`113. .N. W. MILLER. County Clerk, Goderich, Ont., WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in l''arut nod 1louseholt Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. neighbour's) and domestic tutilnal:s. 1teascnulblc Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ent;'azed AS leacher For information, etc., write or 1)110110 William Il. Mort'itt, phone, Residence 111/1: \laureen 3lurritt, daughter of 92; Shop 4, Myth. Reeve anti Nil's. W. i1. Moffitt, of Myth. ilii; secured a. teaching position at B.S, No. 21, Elam, near �lonktott• HAROLD .JACKSON Tilos llorritt i•< 0 graduate of Stratford Licensed Auctioneer. Normal School. _ Specialist in Tarot and household �— sales. Mfission Band To I1ICCt Lic•(2nsed iu Moron and Perth 'I'Ite 3t11;01011 Bawd of Lo','ing Service Counties. Prices reasonable; satin will hold their regular meeting on fiction guaranteed. Saturday. Juno 12tll, at 3 o'clock. For information, etc.. (write or pltono Children please bring work hook and Harold Jackson, 11,11. No, 4, Seaforth, scia6or0. Phone 141.1161. t`:tCtgtoIG1MetoICIP,IC101~tCt0C1C1CICICKICICttClftoo VCICtEtCtftelBtg$'Cg'tF K I ICIGtGIR•I SCK u 11 ii !'G9191929191919'ilt91919191911MDt ADt919iAt91Dt917.'.)is19191919.)s).19t9iit`itADMINV1t Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. f I'M GOING ON A FARM TN " SUMMER TO HELP THE WAR EFFORT SO AM I, CiIRIS. SUE AND I ARE GOING PICK FRiir .a YOU'RE LEARNING TO HANDLE THAT TRACTOR PREifv wELL,CHRIS-BurMAK f EASY GOING THROUGH THE GATE .y 4av wr.W CTdari nicC,SUE, N MING Fal: ;S NO SOFtJOB,BUT 'ao••+'+..1;i0NER wE d.1uF A LOT OF FUN,TOO uv;e,:a3,1iCS1Vr DJFA1E THIS IS THC BEST SUMMER 1 CAN REMEMBER coria r^'\ 1iANCE f;44,- 0 E ARE REALLY ELPING TO WIN THE WAR 1f R .44 ORE OF IHE OURISHING FO THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events Air Power To Play Key Part In Future Operations Of War 111 11 111;w oil, ! I,1 ',veyic was e v''Ic ur lone, -!..ince planning, says ;Ito New fork 'I'iwes, In Ewan' ;I ,t as a week of lung• tar;lis huu111!n„ ain't its the, Ill• t1il!rial !Wart at Germany and set,: fed 41v 011 an enpreeedented stale. In North Africa it wits it tv, ck of chipping end blasting at the south !tn wall of 11ltler's for- t re,e. or•tree. fn all rllo i'ullel Nations It was a '.seek of rising hope, has• ed on the, anticipation of new bl..ws flit were oIivJol:sly In the masking. And lu the :.xis --it seotu• e(! :err it must bsvo Lem a week of enc•-u",aln sli- ni1atIon about we're the Culled Nations ',you'd et: Ilse nex', Complete Agreement That mist. step }itis been decld• ad. In 11':1411in:00n, whole) Ilse high. est ranh•ine .]!Inv, N.tvy and alr off'., •rs of Britain and tho United States have been conferring with President. ItoueeV''It and Prim,, lain: -ter ('ilurchill, the PrNsid•'nt isHosi his staaenn,snt: Tito con fereUCC of lite Combined Staffs In 1Vasilln?1ni hats ended in cempi''I't itgreemen1 on future operations 111 all theatres of the war. There could 1, little doubt that in those "future operations" ab' power is ,going to play a key role, The evidence Wag to he found in last week's record of bombing at• tacks on J:nrope and 1n the Int est analysis of Axis and Allied alr etreu,Gt11. fn figures, which tell only part. of the dors, the analyst; goes I!k'+ this: America it produc- ing 11,2O4 aircraft monthly, pos. sibly a third of them transports, trainers, etc.; 13ritabt Iv produc- ing not less than 2,000; Russia at leant 1,Rt0, The Allied total of all types is 14,000 pia nes a month, of fighting craft well over 5,000 a month. In the Axis, (Lerman pro. duction Is ostiutated at about 1,500 a mouth of all types, i1aly'e 400- (100. Japan's pe+rhapa 1,200—a total of 3,1001,3011 a month, Allied pro. duction to stili Ftxpaildltlg; Axls production hate reached its tweak. Nature of Planes The other part of the air -power story llns in the stature of the ptittu a, Britain and America are bunting large numbers of impiety - ed bombers; Germany has 110 new types and has converted a large part of lir bomber production to tighter planes, If Gorman fighters w"ro ,good enough, they would he able In stop A111Fw1 bumbere and allow Gelman bomber's to operate In any chnten theatre. But Eng- lish nxperlt say (lerutuny's hest tl; ltr'r, the Focku•1Vulf 190, has airenrly been beaten by the new Spltfirt's and 'Typhoons, and the new• Must:utgt and Thunderbolts are also expected t0 rousts trouble for the FW190. in such a 'tibia. Hon, thorofore, the Germane must rely on tt•,,igitt of numbers for de- feuso in a given sector, is 1art Ica! rather than a sirstegle Ilse of the Left waite. against the F'urLr's.a of h;nrope, Lite AI!It's have already la (inched both a tactical and strategical air offensive, Haring two objectives: (I) heel -whine the fortress wall of Italy Hill Its islands; Ce) destroy- ing In the (lr'rntaut 'matt of l iitrpe the ability and perhaps the w-lll to Debt. Assault on the Wall 'lira tactical offensive In We eolith was last week bringing a startling; phase of war home to the moots) of Italy-, To hent the med'tev rarean had long been Mare Nostrum—"Our Sea"—with Impar• lal outposts end military conquests oetending art'oae most of the south- ern shore~, Now, as the people felt the weight of the alr attack, they knew Horse shores were gone, control of the sea was gone. The AWed roil -back seemed about to renrlt tate homeland. Ito preface was :he borlbor .assault, it;vory day and stv(,raI tltnea u day talus bomb - 11I3 cattle) over, ie) tleots that seUttt• od Imlporvlot!s 1e) the fightor planes aud the (”ploeivet the antl•alr• craft guns hurled into the sky, The effActt of tabid Intend/0 at- tack are clear, The civilian popu• lotions aro fbetitie northward. Alr and ground de fen so$ have boon reinforced but :lee caueiug llttln damage. Tho farther the zone of alr superiority can be rxteudsel tho larger the field the Allies will have for surface operations in alto Mollllerrane;ut, P. la a step In rl3arlug the approaches to the Balkan Penins'•Ila, where ulauy oh- servere expect an important Allied iuvaelun thrust to bo made, 'rho great Vardar River valley, leading up through (irooce and Yugoslavia' to the Danube, hat uutuy Butes boon a military highway. Further- more, the neutralization of main- land Italy and Sardinia would pro - r, rL the flank of any ulnen; Into Silo! horn 1''Pan1Ce, The Siege In tho North The assault on the Innor ko(tp of Fol tress Europe reaclle(1 now lev- els last week, i)asptte the belt of searehllghts, detectors, gime and interceptor (folds wh1Alt has been taking a he)avlor toll of bombers, the R, A. P. mealiest ]lard at Ger- many's industrial Itlwr. Acres of dusty rubble and tires that burn- ed unchecked for two days lay Ln the wake of the big British bomb - These raids In strength, ropeat- ed at much ahortor Intervale than was possible a year ago, are seem- ingly alined at epesely prosecution of Prime Minister Winston Chure- 11lll'9 Idea that "there Is no harm ID finding out" It Germany can ha Brought to stibi tlestoll by bomb- ing, providing other tnolhode are not neglected. There are sonde who hold that the effect le (narked II - rosily; that Germany has had to change front a "military economy of plenty" to a polity of conserva- tion. Resources, production and transportation hate suffered heav- ily, and London obsorvere predict that the month of ,lune will see the blows greatly stepped lip In frequency and welght, The Next Steps All these things must have been In the minds of the Alllwl Ic stars In Washington last week. On two points relating to the air off++nslve NIT.. Churchill was emphatic: (1) the United Nations now have air superiority over their en - 'mules and have a far superior re- placement rat''; I?') Italy would be well advleed to discard Its pre- sent rulers and throw Itself on the Juatice of the Allies. In the face of these statements, hammered home by the destruction that rained down en Plump°, the people of the Axle 'oat week could only wonder what their h)Ilil't Is to be like. Not the tenet of their OTTAWA REPORTS That ''Little Blue Book" Will Aid Women in Checking Prices and Quality of Pur:hases, 1',1(,141'1 IIII,'rlla! 'Nil' against int la: ion ii terhnl„I ad sorotld Duly !n lilt ,ulI';all'•• 1•t !L) task "l h,311a.; l;+' ern'any in Patient() and on fit', 1st uses of the Vieille. !•.,! a..1 .1' 11 ' i ' t wilt I!Io II'u;• of ulainI lith !: ;a wartlulo economy ,t IJ':11 wit; ;1'': mil of r,'t- ion.i'ti,t comfort, se'; bits ,Intl h•tp• ih' Inuit 1'a:11,1itn9 allot "1'!, sort” ;HA 4'0111 nuay cont• b,lllin:; I.If;'.1,'nr, ; ,•aln!,t:,+t to disrupt 1!),' :I,I 1U1.-dn ti ly anreu;a• fill "+ outset t,,, 11'la1) 110!1,11,1 C•trdou, 1'hairnlan of til,) Prices and Trail) hoard, w:1' Issuing w,u•n!nn h,'toro the National Labor Hoard uh•tin.st waeo Jed contntt li:y priest !ri I!I'e;l:b3, 11 la I11•4atllfl•IiI11 w'aS Illld• IIy ;trilling- the w'outcn of Canada tv(th in my thou lots of now "litlio !deo Irolit" x'illl which wont''a are Inttl,,l to fight rl'tlnK pt•(11 tendencies. A now edition of tails "litho blue hook" Is now•ty oft Iltt prods and ready for +Iistribut!un ammugst l';uladi:11 women t('ho ;ask tor 11 Tho "Iltt1 blue book" had ttovor IleFnu (1lslributed promiscuously; It has been sent only to those who requested it. It can !te obtained from Wutncu'a Regional Adrisory Cununitteee or local offices of the Wartime Prices and 'Trade Board, "l'Ite little Blue Book" k lu• teudod an an aid to wolltetl 1n chocking on prices and quality, Bearing on Its blue trout cover the cap! km, "Aly Prlce Coillttg itec• ord," IL pro vMem writing spare Ie) dosignato+d colt' mnt for Jotting down the welch) bought, stzo, brand, quality, date purchased, last prlce paid, nano) of Ilio atort whore purchased, and prlee ln• crease it their, has boon auy price Increase, Should Aire. X fool on cinching lire blue book notations that the prlco of article A had lne.ro-tsed over the price prevailing say last month, sho 'way' ask the stone keeper about it, If iia axplauatlnu does 1101 satisfy elm may telopltnuo or write a report to hot' Wotnon'i Itoglunal Advisory Comm' (lee, or the nearest regional or aub•roglon• al office of the \Vart(uto Prlcee and 'Trade Boa rd. Ilr+r sopors le absolutely confidenlia1. 'l'ito Pau. forcemeat Administration takes up the inquiry and has the at11torlty to ntaku the fullest inyes ligation, :1 form has even boot) prepared upon which Canadian wonimi stay report price increases which come to their attention by reason of the chock kept Its their "little blue books." 'I'It0 form, obtainable at the same sources, concludes with the notallou; "Inforutallon given on tills torn will bo treated In confidence, In alto event of pruee- eutiott tto unwilling witness will be cohost." And that. Is one way the author - Rios Mend to keep a. tight, rein on forces which would precipitate 1p1(ate the Canadian people on a toboggan rldo to Inflation. Only the small- est percentage of morchautts re- quire watching, say tho Board ex- ports, but with 3,IiO11,01)f1 (taumdian women warned and equipped to guard Canada's price levels, the belief le that nothing can remain out of lino and un,leteeled for very l)IIg, Germany's Barter System Failing Germany L7 searching Europe for gold. All her allies Have (leen tusked about their reserves, The Nazis nee! this gold because their barter sytter itt breaking down. This gold -hunt follows the fail- ure of Clodius, Hitler's No. 1 nomrnercial traveler, to bring off a new ileal with Turkey. It was revealed recently that negotia- tions for it renewal of the trade deal hail been deferred because Germany had been unable bo con vinee the 'Turks that she could deliver the barter goods, Turkey bus now asked for pay- ment 1n gold 0s ail alternative, Germany has little gold left. (Iifficulties, most ollservert felt, was tho realization that tho roles In Igo war have been revcr$0l, that tho flame) is tieing decided, not In Berlin or Rome or at the Brenner P)138, 115 It ilS1111 tit be, but In Washington and l.on'lon. REG'LAR FELLERS—A Smash Hit 1% isun, i' fiat, MARSHAL, I lolOW '(btl BuILT TrtIS HtRe roxT But wcpe OCC V PYa+' IT, . .fifty AN' DRIVE US ©UTA -s--- Canadian Gold Mining Securities luring the haat year ''i'ttezittg unless" by the Metol.+ t'ontrol- ler's l►ffloe huge caul;ed consider- able IIILynrtd•'I''talldlltg among in- vestors in Canadian told mining securities, The original order wise inteepeated to mean that all new development work fist gold proper(',., would tla Itadted, :111 al':Ir!L in the "Pin:llll'lltl Post„ point; oat that preliminary do- v<'lUlllllcit:+, surface w'or'k attd dial - mond drilling may ho carried on at gold properties, as .ninon oyer• aliens du not requite) large Iluan- titit:, of materials and manpower. (1101 of tho most recent do- velupntcnl.a now before the in- vesting public in the :lbautet 1'rospeeting• Syndicuto, formed to explore and develop its holdings which are known to indicate copper and gold deposits, The lot'ali0t1 Id nllt.alllndlllg anti is itt close proximity to Canada's great- est producer of copper, Nor•uuda Jliues Ltd, 'l'ha adj0initig prop- erty, Adnaton Copper Corpor- ation Limited, is carrying on an exlensi('0 drilling programme and reports released indicate tho de- velopment. is (if major import- ance, The A.bantet Syndicate have made arrangements to cart their dinnton(' drilling cam- paign at the property concur• really with the adjoining. oper- ation of Admat•un and Noranda, Tho management of this syndi- eate la composed of the sante group responsible for sho progress of the Admu'on Copper Corpor- ation ltd., which company was brought Into being through an Offering' of units in the original Adnaron Pro:meeting Syndicate, each unit containing 501) aliarea of stuck, This stock at the pres- ent writing is actively quoted on the 'Toronto market, Abamet Syn- dicate will lie developed along tho sante lines nod it is believed should meet with tate same !Ilea - MI re of suceoss, Clever Strategy Outwitted Nazis Sth Army's Reputation Alone Frightened Tito Enemy (!'!neral 1)iviglt 1) IStsenhuwor, reviewing his six•nnuttit campaign le) North Africa, sold the final blow was struck In a clever move by winch the bulk of the enemy traop9 W 3t'o held on the Eighth Army front wino the 1''irrit Army got in tilt) knockout punch, "The reputation of lite Eighth Army alone was enough to hold powerful ontniy tutees In front of it," tho eontntandor•ht•chief sultl. "']'hero was a peculiar circuit - stance at the end witch Gonorul Str Harold Alexander (deputy contutauder•iu•rhle,f ht charge of ground forces) look advantage of. in malty punebos the Eighth Army delivered 'hammer blow's while the other oohs served as the anvil. Because of Its effielency, the Eighth Army got. an 01101.1110119 repulatluu, with everyone, Includ• Ing Igo Germans, expecting the killing punch to 'some from It, Unified Command "Gen(ste! Alexander counted on that. Ile built up the First Army and, to make Its (western) trout still stronger. brought around some of the I'lighlh Army to the First Army front, The Germano thought the real tight was cont• in from On son lb," Reno! al Eisenhower clhttl the success of this ntovo as another (proof of 1Ise advattas os of a tint - fled command. All indicallions wore that the, (sermons were greatly surprised by the thrust from the, west and this It'd to Hod.: dieor.ganizallon and roll:ipse. Tho Allied chieftain said tits governments of boas llrlhtn and the Dolled Stales and the local French "halve a real reason for oneoura,+•rtlt'itt and hope as a re• cult of this eaulpatgn," 40,000,000 Slaves novo aro now 40,000,000 workers, including .10,000,000 for- eigners and prisoners of war, em- ployed in German factories, ac - coring to a hrtxttkitst by Hennes radio, f Trtor,z (, ; .'t:rl-.,,,.. MAIttt4' l4C CAProRL MY OWN roRT! °KAY! IF TNt-Y WANT WAR T rtit. GET t! 1 THIS rAPCR BAG tt) lA WATL0. Wltl. Do -l-tIe-Woad or TWO ARMY CORPS VOICE OF TI -IF PRESS IDEAL FOR SHEEP ('illtadat Itut.-1'4-10 L',I'r' t1 Ira els of open country which should make Ideal erilzing laud for sheep. Alar• nulling dogs have rinsed serious Ioasee, hut lho answer to Itt:lt eouhl bo found in ;Minable effective moot• sores 1)f control. No Ilrtlor F'if'th at Imam:H it for sit 'p Iles ever been devised time a site;tile:•d and his collie, Moro of them shonll be employe(' In this work !m Camilla; flocks could then b,t tattier, and what Is 110'W loll 01'1011 110 tai ate than a itak countryslle would have a pastoral homit - Il:unll+on tipucutor• FOR TIMID FOLK Tho;,) timid tolls who would tea. strict Moro hatred for Germans to 111e l"adors only might do well to heed the words of Alr 1lnrahnll IVIIIIant A, Bishop who sold In New York: "A good healthy hale for the Axis Is 110(1, assts In Ilia war." Itnfe.rring to recent A11bn1 bombings hit ridded that he didn't earn "If Moro Isn't olio house left standing In (iltl'tltalllt'•„ 'Thomas '1'In1'W •.I ((soul. BUT BEE GETS IT . It Is estlutnled that ti boo travels 43,711 miles in gathering a pound of honey --a1 tlltilauro only oultimo by tho consumer In his search from store to sloru for the same pound, ---til rat ford Ileacoi.11eraid, EQUINE INEQUALITY it Is odd that all 111110 should bit born (goal when rar,horse.a obvi- ously' are not. - l'; t,'rborough Plxantbter. HARDLY POSSIBLE Ottawa says 1 110 now Income tax forutt are r,ttua i k itt1y nilt11p1o, which le simply rtruiu'kchlo, - Brandon Sun. WELCOMED IIItIer to Stalin: "1 ant crusting," Slalln to Antler; "11'o :ve,irrn m you with tunk9," --•Itonlre!! Shin. TAKE A PEEK If you sell a sloth sporting a fur coal, look In IIID closet., It might Ito yours! 0 1.1,,va (;Mizen, How Old Is Anne? I'ho villa(;u doctur an,' law- yer wcro spending a convivial evening with the economist from tho hig city and eventually sho discussion C41i110 round to which represented the oldest profession, "Well!" said the doctor, "Eve wits made from Adam's rib. ']'hat ntnkes tiro medical profession the oldest on record," "Not at all," said the lawyor, "Before Adana—if you will search the record—order was created out of chaos, '1'o get order there hied to be low and that makes my lion - ovoids) profession the oldest," "And," asked the economist. "Who do you thiol: created alto chaos?" —Tho Printed World, "BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGIQMI", "MACDONAID'S MENTHOL'', "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT"' Cigarettes 'Jr t Its. Tobacco -• DRIER 50.0', MACDONALD'S FINE CL IS (w31 DAIlY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO 1, Soldiers in rho Cana Sae Army 0('rt",- a n 1 '. CANADIANS Itt Uell110 KINGDOM F!'!Cr5 Mall Order and Ranlinanee to:— TNt00artubhttta)'f:httlttaDortramtatRsitle nc A Song In Praise Of 'The Lowly Spud Thu potato, now scarce lotto about, itae inspired our i'rofo•ssur P.nsyka to resua rch and sung, a rya the Now York Times ilial:,zine, 11 !s at Homo, he finds, "down wI:'!ru It's hilly In far -away (Milo." 'Thena) It rovud to Peru, way •:.tar• rind by ntottks to Spain, and spread to Indy stud Itelgtom. 1I 'an• whtlo, "the ocean was squally when Slr %Val ter italeigh" dtn- covorod It near :tlbeuutrle Sunurl and transported It to Cork, (shorn the Irish made It aunt own• ll'tw It got to Carolina from lite tion 0111Ainks, Dr, E. doesn't know. lie confeti,es a fondneus tor looking Into Ind eyes, Ile d•)G'ndtt it n;ainsl all Hlthalllttlnt. "To inn, nt;t':uronl Is se) much beloll Sy,'' and ";pag'heltl fa peaty,' walla "aa ro;arda !leo, my rookie; le colder than leo." ife concluder, "So, tttort'fure, by Plato! 1'It sing Om potato, talo great Itttli:ttionsthio Head! 1Vho love:i not Ili Lub,tr Is uithur a huub or un absoluto ati,'.!c• !tt•tb ':nod!" 'Tho professor Is now haunting Tin Pan Alloy with Iia pot''nllal song bit, So Inc, u" Of. reed, Green Pastures There is nothing ao refreshing to horses' Tues as the damp cool - nom of ._,rays into which they are turned in 3lay; and nothing .r. calculator) to remove every en. Iaigettlettt Itlt(1 sprain as the gent to exorcise which the animal volun- tarily takes while Itis legs are ex- posed to the cooling process of evaporation, wlticit is laking plates from this It e bilge 1111 treads, The experience of ages :las shown that it is superior to all (Ito entbruca- Liomw and buudugtte of the ekill'ut veterinarian, 11 k, the renovating process of naturo, whore the art Of than fails, FUNNY BUSINESS rocs. row NV Fara 11,11 ME. wC. "lf it's a mermaid. ask her if sale's got a friend I" By GENE BYRNES 111 _ - n 1 Vt- • uality counts most— for that W rich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use . . Pr Tn TE HIT T:y )'errivsl Christopher Wren ('iIAr'fhilt VIII 'It a H later , • . There Was a 1.0 1111 of eV4iiy by night, and Engla111PH capita) had gathered brigilt, her be:ull3 and ht•r chivalry, at the 14 1188i4111 hare isasisy Where 1hit (er}' pupa hu' lit; ulo 01 I,clnd0n s•I11•iel), the Passion Ambassador, $sador, Was plying a dance In honor 0f the birthday and pro. (((0) )(141 01 his uelhew and military altlu'he, Prince N1kolas Hll)lifziu, h'tlliant ymnlg ornament of dip- lulna tic society, (Viler of vas) eH- taleH, and pl0tO( and favorite of the Tsar. S.(41r(ely a Fumesly ntal•rou 1114'18• t'1) with a marriageable (laughter viewed the handsome, gifted and a4'<'omplix'ht•<I Prin(o Nikolas HaII• Itzli with anything but 'narked approval, '[11044, who had no d:alghters weirs likely' to be 1esH an)husiaHtic and Were. promo 10 ubHOrvo that he appealed 10 be an extremely dissipa1(41 young Luau. AId h? many castes their 1,0118 and 11)0b4111H agreed, for undeniably young lia.ilitzin Want the pare, Poetised to forget that l.0uduu was 14441 S4, 1'eleesb1141!, and alley red guile anxious to ten his hest to /dank ((ellthe must Inlellwt elides' 01' London society. Time titter lisle, the Ambassador adnumiahtvl him, frequently 441u'n- Id him, and ()evasioually threat• r lied. ()no more scandal and back to Russia he should g4), I'ul Prince Nlkola'' !Milk 4'.i( hill) • eel taken his uncle's threats too HersouslY, for 11e had not the Owl:test doubt that they were 1 triply inasmuch as till :Meal to I he Tsar, 48(1)11)1 1+51111 in 4) petite 14(4 (41 and 1111s1 satisfactory host ahold the ('4)4111 of St. I'eI '''S erg, and no regimental duty, either. No, riot while his father, General Piney Alexieff lfailifzim, 11111, ('01- 0114.1 of the imperial bodyguard, was, chief 1)l' the I?mperur'8 Inili- boy hun441•ludd. Still, ho didn't want 10 go hack 111 Russia just y1 t 111 cants(' if he did 'he'd have to go alone, and that he had no intention of doing, \\'glen ho did go, Sybil I'foulkes ah1nld go Willi him. It. Was not II 14! habit 10 tithe no for an ans- wer, our lila rasion' to accept de- feat and humiliation, For That was: refusal, repeated flat recusal 114 1111 that lit', Prinee Nikohls Hail- tlziu had to oiler, hit galling hu- miliation? Ile had done thin girl the honor of asking het' 10 marry Ishii and marry 111111 elle should, tittle as she deser\441 such an hon• or if she were fool enough to 1u'o- flr) a WrOt(hed, undistinguished, unimportant. subaltern, If only he 4.110111 get her ()I'll t0 St, 1'1'te•4.44. but): and give her sonic Idcvt of what elle was missing by 11(4)1111- tmg 10 herome 1.110 princess Halt 11zin! And according to her own lather whole he had approached, ISSUE No. 24-43 G usimse W.41YWt .(v 11, 115 I:1.14 Welcome Relief for SHARP, SEARING STOMACH PAINS •i)i you suffer dist less after 448 .1' indig(atiurl, dy5pels143, hc:uthuln, sour stomach, gas, excessive :(rid? I)un't wait for 11.1in to strike again. 'fake PAL -0-111 I NE immediate! Y sifter eating to help pmvrut food 11 imentatiuu, sweeten the stomach, neutm02e the acid and aid natural (hp :dive processes. .lust send your aline and address with 25 cent sand a hill size package will be :nailed post paid. Or take advantage of our rt,rial offer—)1)r a limited thee only --of live packages for SI'(1U. 3611 =Jar. - ALOMINE COMPANY • 1(t pt. '('1,, 1111 Itroudstn} ` t., Ilut l(tun, 11,11. - • •-1044.il i4 1111 I1,114•J,Y11. 11 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH tb (4 lin.. 1, .:II ((111,144 5114 111111 ais:,:1r1.11t 114110'1 aPpear t1' ILII' lulu.' 1.11 1,1(0111 111 x. . )1 IhIs 01'1' 0411, 1-y1111. 1 V,1.41: 111 !Ali 114.80(1 f01' Stell' goof. " sl,i'11(1 Prince Nil'ol:r1 li:lilltrin its 11.s miss -1l' 111'144111 :1448,11. ""1y )'null u1' \n141.!.3" i111,11)1e11 Sy 1,1.) 1'lunlln s, la;:ily 1:1181044' bl (- self. "Ilett;, (tel, definite 4y Loth. 1 feel 14110,13 disposed tul8rd4 411411 elb- 1 r. No, each of us, is4n') It? I want to make you a prioress and a sain- ta14 light 01 the Imperial Court, 1111• most brilliant 111 Europe, and I Mut I1) 1na1<4' you the mistress 01 11 huge 0111 house, n chateau. -- a castle, y144 ----end 01 enormous 4'H• 11114'44." "Arid you?" K m i 1 t>d Sybil i fonikes, 481111 a faint edge 01 1114185111 144 her deep 101(4'. 1? O14, yes. 1 want to make my- self lyself the h:4ppils+t man In the world.,, "\)kolas, it 1111 44(48 upon (14' that you are proposing once again." "I hate the honor to ask you to be toy wife," "And I have t'he deep regret to "Hut w ill you tell me why "Lets of 1e1s011s, I"irst 01 au, 1 don't love yeti." "And you only marry where Sou love" ".,:very time. Always," replied 53 611 I'fuullces languidly as she Ti15r to her feet. "Good," laughed It: ililzin tri- umphantly (144 he sprang 1)l•. "I'!) yen love ate," • • • 1,11(1 with a swift :no) prart)ced gym e he flung his right arm 1111081 lire seized her right wrist, crush - Id her lot's 18'441 to hits Su that she 44:48 llelplu:s, wed With 11143 left h:nul beneath her chin, rai'•ed hl r face and 1<i'sed her savagely upon the mouth, And again ---811 118:111!--- a1111 again. 531111 I'for,llte;: klilt perfl•(lly still. "Done?" she inquired as the itussi,nt released her with a harsh laugh, and raising her right hand struck him with 1111 her strength across 111(1 face. And the hands of Sybil I'foulkrs, 444)11'er, hockey player, fisherwolnuu, swimmer and horsewoman, could be extremely hard and heavy its Well as soft and light. So unexpected) and sudden was the 441)18 that the man staggered hack, stepped upon a small rug that slid on the highly polish( -11 fluor and measured ills la(g)s up- on his hack. "Our dance, I think, S31111'" a voice 118 the head of the un- fortunate Itussia30 smote the pat- quer With a resounding thump. Richard \I'endover held the eal'- fatin of the alcove 011 one side RE the 44)11 walked out into till cor- ridor and, With a 11001 eyebrow raising glance at Igoe l(ussine, he dropped the curtain. "Illy God, i shouldn't care to be your husband, Sybil!" 110 said. "\flat has I110 wild Cossack to o1) doing now? Propu?ing?" "Just IhaL'1 "And do you knock him Out every time he does It?" "Practically." "1,0044)11 a 14)t - 4'r-1ltact14)1 1. AS I say. 1 shouldn't care i(4 be your hu441141111!.'' "You'll bee it." "I'm no hero, Sybil." "You are 444)84', II)4kie.'' Alter the (lance, 115 they Kai the 11411184) n bank 4)t' (towers on vast 11unrlle-paved lauding: "About this lla1111ziu (eller?" said 1t1ch1rd \Vendover. ''1)ors he need c1' slapping or anything?" "Ile 1))d. Di(k)e, and he got )t," "1\411, 110 I have to go and push ids hat. down over his 14114443(1)) run away. or snatch his 118)1(:11• hole or suniethi1g?" "N0, Not 081-111 10 flap y(1.1r hauadke:'1hief at. 111111, After all, he did ask me to marry him. 1)11.1,:e." ''Rewe. :111 those Itu44i1:uls alt' mud." 3:118net1 Richard \I'eudoV(•r. • • 1., a 11 y Phmlkl s studied her dallghli•r's: facts. 1lad she pot a IONORROWl NAIL VW OWN SENT BY TCA' EXTRA MILD little tllinucr 1•1844' tills 1( r( 1014'11 I)irkie 1\'rsndoler held gone leak le 1(111)8? It n(Ighl hr lite Shadow limn the reading lamp that wade her cher l,h(nes x1111) is little h g4• (.r, ht r 10 lit chin a little 11111x1• 1)140}, 11'11111. :1 slr01444 4,41.1 it las: Al. noel iniesculine i1) Hs (1,1(1 Erol )nn•1o"1'Hl Il(ss Aui:811441y like het Wiwi's fare :1t that age. "1)044) stare, 3,14.1)1(1' Ye'.' rode, 1) a:," t•,,i,l Sy hit, look• tug up soddenly. ' I >i1 )1hulg ;118181 yn,1. Sy'• lel. 11.( Soil 4444414. 1'111 a14:sill you 181 ,14811 thin," "411? No, 4481 tide yet. if a 141111 I llineer. St'':rn4ely cm0ugh 'tike' 4)' thinner thins 'tllir(II(•r,' !f 3)1t 144184( 4(11111 1 Iro:1n. ..‘v,11, I don't 111:11. 1111? :,1)y 4('8y, yon :1144 thinner.,, "1.08 54'(/1(111 14)1 11 tut better. It's a snaffle." "And lnudher 1)1)1144', 53 WI, 3011 1411:11 :dill I1 1 slly ? I don't know' how 10 put it. May I sal yon brood 1.441) nut•h?" "Ifrondy (11(1 ]len." "\f(ll, toy dean, 1 111)11'1 want you 40 he a broody oid hon. I 44 ant yon 10 he 1)1 cheerful told 111erry and lalght told happy as you were then—" 1 1''1 l•u Nell), fur at 110101.3" 'Yes. "('onnstls: of p(a'fe(tloI, da1114. R'hen hichie 41 as :11, hump the sun 111111(4' all day. I was al)81' in those. days. Life was utterly lovely" 1011Esmt 1444 girl. "Hun be•11rab13' happy. 1 1118 al14 e." (Continued Next Week) Farmers Realize Inflation Danger Market gardener/4 in the Grims- by district show 8 sane nppre. cjation of economic fact., claims The 11'ind;'or Star. A representa- tive number of them, when in- terviewed, made it plain that they do not expect, or desire, extraor- dinarily high prices for their produce. They realize the dare gets of in(11111on, They know what troubles follow the tempor- ary advantages of fanta'4tic 181101 placed 011 food. 11.0bably a general Survey of iltrwels throughout. Canada 4(01111) reveal suh5tantially the same .4'ir1: 'I`hrsrrs arca 1'4)11•, of eonr444), who arcs all for inflated prices, and these, unfortunately, are the most vocal. They caul create the impression that. 11l1 farmers 1<m peeking the immediate benefit -1 of inflation, and are unable t0 see the perils of such a develop - But that. Is not a true picture. The ae('rage ('ltnadi:1(1 feu nu'r iv 5.084411. 114' Pants, of c(1114he, n fair price for his pro- duce, but. 11e docs 1101 seek to fatten on human suffering. PLAYTIME WARDROBE Ey ANNE ADAMS - Your squall '`play -girl" can romp in perfe'c't comfort in this complete and varied wai drobr. Ante Adams has included romp- ers or overalls with flared 0r pttffc(I sleeves, and a 0001 sunsuit —all jn One simple -to -use pattern, lle:1)'t. pockets ire (un! Pattern 4366 is available only in children's sizes 2, •1, O, S. Sire 6, rompers, takes 1 yards 35 - inch, 1z yard c'ontr'ast: overalls. 211/ yards 35-inc11; sunsuit, I'i surds 35 -inch. Send T1VEN'I'Y ('1•;STS (20c) in ('814144 ((tamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this Anne Adanls pat- tern to Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West., Toronto. \\'rite plainly' SIZE. N/44411'', ADDRESS, STYLE N1'`111Eli. Death Beetle Worst Enemy of `Victory' Weed -nibbling I n s e c t At- tFc1s6 Nelson's Flagship The 841) 143111 of N(lsou's (4)11 Ilo)431 ))' Victory 1411/.1(1 into n hulrlll holt char lhiou)11 the how of duo famous fr)t•:rlt• aril coon - 111(.1111•U: "It's Ione 1)talhlalth bindle chit 1. is t tie 111(1.441 evenly, Ihoug'11. I'hl5 1114U,>'(4II,bl,11)' 111 (Ct. has at•iur44t I! parts of the 10141.1' decks 01 this ship 0)4 11 hid, Nrl: on died 1(1 1.114' Battle of 'trafal, I1)• in 18115, Guerin)' and his I.u1)e:1fe come definitely second to Ill( termites, alth(ug'I new Victor:: relics of this 181)1', hl<1' the deep patterns 11)ade en the 1luarterd.'('k by Nazi in(end11414(s, are proudly stolen by the ship's officers with the red 4414 Of '1'1'11 fsl lgsu•. Rotolo (lot -wage i1( almost the only change to ht found in the Victory Since Nelson first sailed her. The Victory now houses 714 cadets, the overflow front the 'thousand or more enlisted ,nen training to he officers in hayracks in Portsmouth. Old Guns Missing Thr; cadets sleep 1)1(1) eat un hoard There ,Nelson's sailors ate and slept before Trafalgar --only the 0111 guns are missin4. 1 et the 70 cadets and 37 crewmen today seen? (•rote(led in gtlartent which in Nelsons time accommodated 800 in hammocks slung 17 inches apart, 811(1 in g4141)1rs shared by Pie live stock. The neem still stand their watches to the bell which rang the watches in Nelson's day. There Is till the daily ration of grog— pure runs diluted with 48ater— end the cook of the day still sticks his Hound) inside rho measure 4(114111 he 114'4418 it Out and Share( liquor saved by this displa((- lnenT 1fefore the ear many sailors preferred to take their rum - money instead of the ration, but. since whisky is now 01 et• }`(i a bottle, and hard to get, roost everyone tales his half hill. An Old Churchill Wish Comes True Ten•Yenr-Old Dream of Pre- miership Is Realized Only 1118 ('1(444(1 friends know 1t, but the lour differeet1 trans:Allan- tic conferences which \I'instou Churchill has held lith 11(anseeelt. are the fruition of a Iell-ylar•old (1(1.11111. In 14:13, 4'Ine'c11)ll, then not in the cabinet, in fact :n frequent thorn in the side of the cabinet, was spending an 1'eel<eud :It his (midt'3' hone•, Meeh -end visitors included .Benny Roosevelt, son of the newly -elected President of the United Slatt4, and Kay Italie, Cleveland 'radio commentator. Aller dinner the Churchill fam- ily and gut st44 play()1 the gale( of asking 4.1)11) ('431)4 pl rs(n.would liko most to (10 in the lured If he 81)11111 have 14)s 13441). Younger nteut- hers of the 1'an1113' were being cross-examined by Churchill when Huddlnly' \li54 Ilolle turned t.h0 tables and asked hint 11 hat lie 4401(1(1 18001. 1)1114 4)) d0. Without a 4nnuent'4. hesitation, (`)nlrelill flashed (lack: "1 should like to he p:11110 (8)44' later of England." At that ,line he had I0 Id most 01 the important jobs in the cab - MO. ll' had hem; minister of war, first lord of the admiralty, minister 1)r ( olonios, (hiinuillot' of rho exchequer, minister of inuel- tt0ns, home secretary and head of 1111'' Hoard of 'fend(. Hut he bud never h1111 pl'41114' 411111)stel'. "And i1 1 lone Prime 311114101'," ('herch1ll c0111inued, "and t had the right luau in the \\'hnne House to work W1111. one thing I should do would be to hold regnler Uaus- Atlauiic run( r1alion( 4)it11 the President of the United 5'1110s. 1 Would fur:: t. lit t we(u t4:e 1'11ited States ;int' the Hriti411 Eiup1re a rt al 11111;n(re, :rn insep;l'',hle p:u1- 1)1r44h1p,•, The Sterling Dollar Later Churchill 001(.10 11 en It piece 11f pap(':' picture' of Has Atte er1canl dnll:n' hill Inter: t1'melt lytt11 She 11)111slt pound 441( ('1)(444 note. "Bite that 10 30le' ratite'," ho s1(1 lo Jimmy Iioonevell. ".\ :el tell 114111 that .l(irking loge) her we ''an make the pound st(r)ing and the 11011er rule the world. \\'4' ( 4441 1 s- 11)bl)5h 11 14) 14' ('>110 (113 ." "1Yha; 14'111,1 y4':, )1111 )t?' (441(- t4) Ji1111113'. "1 144;111! call it." 11.11;1.1 the 1(14(0 1hn leu ;sears lata• 14,14) 10 se0 a 14rr141 d' al of Jimmy 1)00s1 - visit's Loh( 1. "1 10111(1 e411! 1t, the Sterling 141,1!111." Battleship Cities Each battleship is as complete :15 1t modern city. It generates it: own electricity, has a complete telephone and telegraphic ex- change. radio and mechanical sig- naling devices. It has a print shop and prints a daily newspaper. There's a movie theatre, :( library, rccreal'011 1'00103. post office, jail, h04pltal and school`. 7 Cme a reed else kwagsts y _ 4o/ddo'/1 Cr 7 W " "My wile knows what's good for me and the children, I get two Nabisco Shredded Wheot biscuits with plenty of milk every morn- ing—ond ifs o mighty Tasty dish." Whole grain (ereoh are one of 1ho "protective" energy foods our Nutrition Authorities advise us to eat daily, Eut Nabisco Shredded Wheot and enjoy 100% whole wheat in o most delicious form, THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, 343)1 Niafaro Eolls, Canada MADI,IN CANADA Oi: CANADIAN WHFATI' TABLE TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBERS RAMBLINGS ABOUT NEW RATIONS No doubt most of you have been listening daily to the twiny help- ful talks given by Canada's lead. Ing 11010,0110111 ec01111)115is, (3(141 or the !alis 14hi8)1 inlpre14- ed me With the most truths, re- minded us that, though in the past lye 141144' had 11111114' Kupl)it'S 0f every kind or Ili(,, Ave lia84 not (04 a nation learned to make 111e very best of every eel of Meat, 'l'his particular adviser lent on to tell ns. that 1144 a 44:,11011 14' )111 I4 1101 tanked very high, Thea it vane 10 prep:lliug teal dishes, Si10 12 4180 5et(•1'111 examlples of Of. feront meal dishes, 1'114411 gave fame to different countries. All of these her ine popular, nut be - rause 4)1 greet quantities of nt(at. but because they trade the best of shall amounts, using attractive seasoning, Nal uury flatorilgs and presented them i1) an unique foitn. Now 115 ('44111111(4111 480111 tl Ivo must make amends for the past and 01018 Dur 1181111$ and our e01111ry Iltat 440 111'11 (e1.((1(1 11) Mille i1) 44344:'' (41 emergency, This s('areily of potatoes is 4auS- 14(14 41 tut 444 "ho:1dach0h" 1(111 it is 1w'prisieg 14441 satisfying the stile s.tilutvs can le it 44'e 8440 caro and Judgment in their preparation, !fill, 4p:1011111 and tacitron I fill help 111 5(11(1' the problem. An. other very helpful and popular substitute i5 toast. Many moat dishes 0r rho savoury nature. are made taro attr:lcfi14) and 111p(otiz- 111g when 44(141(1 on toast. To help 4-18(14)4 that pound of mimed steak try this, — 1 11). of ground round steak cup soft pi .11141 broad et (onto; cup ilncoo)ed 'is is •1 small onion 1 piece of lay leaf (lash 0f 11111.8 salt Salt and pa otter Combine all ingredients. Form into rather swan halls and arraugo in a deep halting dish. four Over en0ng11 sie4 (d eanne(1 tomato(s to almost rover the meat halls. Hake in moderate neer for 1hour's 104eled; then 1ale08ered fist this last 20 minutes. SPAGHETTI WITH HAMBURGER 1 rite of sp4;,betli 1 111. h:u1hnr):er 1 I all 10)11,148 4410111 1 1 111 1Hi°lin:: 11:11( )' Salt rr,4) I., 'i:1 r ('uok the spaghetti until t ;rehir In boiling salted water, thou •4.1:11 (1111) et•t wII(•I'e 11 NI t it table44po0n of fat t1' e001<ing 0i) 111 frying pan and. ''11' in the steak. Sent' and brown, itir• ring constantly. Add am 8444'11• .11' tWu, 1111210 parsley (((1d green '.•1;4' per, if you have It. Add the 1"1;)1111 of boiling Water, coyer and :1 W. neer for 15 minutes. Add the '.•,it• ed spaghetti salt, pepper an I -n• Ina to Hnttp. TOMATO JELLY WITH CABBAGE 1 Binet 10111:11(1 juice 1 package lemon jelly 1).• ed -se Ile ceps: d)(1.11 celery 111, (lilts 1141'4'11 cool<od ((.1'x01,, 112 ('((1144 canned 11(':14 14 cupful ('111111p)(i 111111-1;1 .,1' 71111P4.1' Shl•eddrd 11 like Ia),L:Ig'e Salad dressing Heat ,Olin:du juice to lenitri.; point, and pour over jelly 1o' i'•1', Stir until thoroughly dis."1.-d. 1,et 4001 and When beg )uni144 `() thicken foil, in vegclables, :'•set' into largo flat pan and ('hill. Arrangt• is flat Iioap 44f sell'..) i's•t white cablage slightly, 441.•113 s1) 11th french dressing, on a i,- 1 .lt cress. Sprinkle tv 1 f h pap.:4411. Plat e it rolIlIded serving of '.ha jelly- mixture 044 trauk( '5, het Iris111i144 Str:IWs. 11 Ism ('llsunhrrn 44eloomt• per•otnt tellers front Iulere4led render,' She is pletmed to reeelle scrag itterts on tepees for her column, (1111) 11 n144t3'4 ready to lintel' to dour ''pet nee4 ch." M44110.04 for reel n4'• or 4peelal (((cuts are 1n order, Addrene Four let tern to "Mss .4 Jr 11. rho lithe rx, 7:1 444,'st Adeftllde s4„ '1'oronio." "end r11an(ped •elt-ud- dreseed envelope If .nu 4441.6 is rep13. 1)81'8,11 canoes, lashed tog'c;adr and bearin;, a single plat form:. '1x,1 used to ferry freight and sup.,,:l•!4 across Wust Afl 4('1:11 ri414)44. - Canada's Hauscl(iicr:s know that cu;-tards and 111:ne- ir. t'gcs, (quickly and easily made v.'ith 1`184, 1)1;11 L411:11ty Canada Corn Starch, are a delight with ;illy h::i'.heon or dinner menu. Atthis time when C:.iud)ans are urged to '14,11 R1:.1it to Fecl Right'', these deiicious desserts a til rove a ecicesne addition to the nutrition fond; featured by the National Food for Fitness C:unpaig:.. Folic1' Canada's Food Rules ter Health and 1:4,:c:e. CORN STARCH A product of the CANADA STARCH COMPANY, timiled .'4 mm., i., "V44.M .it4lilla .-".•r, 1J,'', ,0 bJ0®•N4.*4$-%4,.'W i. ,,..11:•"sarl:.41 y 1 • pet g. it. Q8'D01%)1DiltiNN2-1 tri?,31'ir3lar?1 a212(304,4 tN Id )11121A241.4-A8tda?iDM13181T3121?12; 11 111.1' 11141000A•1111 CIVOC` ` KIVI VOCI 'll•{`VVVOCtetCeg`U'Ogtt`etinlett(t{ iVe Dresses and Blouses Ladies Crepe Dresses $2,95 to $6,00 11'Iartha Washington Prints $1.98 to $2,49 Children's Print Dresses $1.00 to $'3,00 Misses' Print Victory Blouses $1.00 Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) $2,05 Olive McGill TIIE STANDARD Mrs. S. 'Taylor hi visiting her sun. 11 r, (.11(.;11.1. 'Taylor, of tit. Helen:,. A afiA. \Irs. John McGee of Ihmgannou spent soli• days this \\Teti tv!tli Airs. 1'uune and Altss Nlchtnes, Alt':;. 11'illiuni \lurilPnnery, of Ilrnat• fold >peut I'tit tl ty \with her parents, 6, .111: and Alt's. .bones Richmond. Alt's. It. .\I. \Iel<a)' is Visiting this \\tc;, "illi Alr. and Nit's. _\ihtrt hull, nof London. Alrs. J. .\. Gray spent al fete day.; 1,1 last w'uiIt w'ilh her friend. Alia; Ethel A Traylor, at Kitchener. of HURON GRILL BLYT1T --- ONTARIO. Mrs. 'Trotter, of Aylmer, i; visiting at the Rectory, \vitli the Rev. P. II, and Alis. Streeter. Private JTr01c I'iifllipt, of London. spent the w''e'i•cu1l with her ptu•Tuls, • Alr. and Mrs, (Harold Phillip:, EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG — Proprietor • Laii.re Crow(' Attend Federa A.,st"litbly [ur Sualh Ilnroa; cool L. E. tloll 1'l('li1C At Seaforth Caudill', un'mher of Parliament for Hu- ron North inturotittoel Nit', R itclhtn. :\ Iargc crutvl, iu.lndiIi l u sly I The chit f of the l;utuiniun 111.1 Hod - from chi; district, alt udcl the Vett' ink branch, \\'. A, lirut\u, cu11pli (ration of Agriculture first Annual mental II'truu county 00 iils cuntribu- Field 1'ay and Picnic, held at Seatortlt .Lions Park. on Monday afternoon. Present for the occasion was Mr. Lieutenant Luis Ituhin tin, of 'Toron- to spent the \vecic-Toll with her par. cuts, Nit.. and Nin;. It, 11. Robinson, Al rd, l'aslle of (Milton. spent tht' tvoch•-enud \vitt' her sister, Airs, A, Fa vicett, 11rs. \\'an. Jenkins and Alt's. Slllp- ley, are visiting -Alr. and Airs, George Hetherington this wecli, '.\Ir. Grant Io1iu tun, of Gnderich, t;pent sanii days (hiring the \\Teti \villi lhi1; sister, Nit's, Ourtuu Mliutt. Nit's. Cnlhherl returns d Iu 'Toronto after visiting her norther, \Irs. •\. Fawcett, Pon toward.> filling egg contract::. •-.\lr. \\'. J. SMI-; o; Seafurth, and "Huron has done more than any sins- \liras ('at't'ic Sint;, el' Toronto, \\ere iI'ii area ill ('annda, and the quality visitors in Iilyth on Sattu'dtty, John Ilrackun, leader of the ling\:•s• of eggs prodnectl \va; equal to the :Ave Conservative platy in ('anada, mid quantity,' he said, The large sale> Mrs. Ed. 'I' lylur is visiting her cl the lion, Farquhtu• Oli•er, minister of ,),Burt coni+ I:bated on eggs thi; year I'laughlers, Mrs. ('aiupbell, \yhucr. and Mrs, Taylor, of 1`tt'tli ;ter, public welfare for Ontario, 'fhcy hos resulted in limy c gs being calor were the principal speakers of the ell Immo which should have gone to Alr. and Al r6. Harry 11'ayntouth, of afternoon. Ili ittli Pointing out that "t;rhino Niagara falls visited here on Akin. In his address Alr. Bracken said. capes of eggs were shipped to Britain "\\'c arc living in the most challeng• last year three Bone.> that number at' MISS ('Iola \\'at•son, R.N., of 'l'oron- Jug days; of any generation, and we needed this year to complete the con- 1.,.:ow better how to lay the baais for a tract. 11e tu'gea the county to ❑dent herr, to spent the \weeloeud at her hone.. now world than ever Lctore. Aly hope tis its slog•u "Ower the top with the is that we may be able to meet this iegg contract in IllGi.' I. Ales,;rs, Garan and It.ly Imbhyn. of challenge. l'anadiaas are faced with tipcahing of military progress in 'London, spent t1c wcck•end \vitt' 0 war to win, a peace to make cnrlur 'ole last three years, (', ('. Lysto: of their parents, Air. and Mrs,(', T. ini, and a postwar world to build, Not'the llopartnicnt of Agriculture, 'l'0 I:obl)yn. Che least of Canada's problems will be 1oiltu, reminded the audience that its .11r, and 111•,. (c -urge I,, Shipley. sent ;a per teat. of her population, food situation detcrio'ata,. This sit Aly, and Mrs. T. L. Shipley, and to slake titt'l'e that farmers, 11 who i'cpt'e the military situation improves. the 3' rite more than Onesixih of the lualiun result.; Halon lift' fast lhcll e:lcll dna, spent \\'TdnTsday last week. \with counh•y's income, 'Phis is a problem, prisoner captured is another mouth to I Alt's. Shipley and Alt's. Jenkins. which can be solved bettor in the fad fepd and cath co litry til crated has a Pr, ,old Alt's. .\to;s tad tlaugllletk eral thin the provincial field, and civilian population to feed. ('ranida \larion inti Eleanor of 1. bnuolon, \ is- (•.uuurt be met by Hie it:dividual farm' has undertaken to sdiip I;;a oun,npp cr alone, pounds of bacon to [ttritain this year,kind tlurlt.g the past week, The itap ,i lake of the Federation of the e.:ptiv,Ilent of I IIt,l1111) Inogs it week. Agriculture as "an avuuie through If this quantity is slopped, it 1111 as w.aich limners can place their idea's I sure the British people of for ounces bclore the federal and provincial par- ut' bacon per pc0ton a Week, Other• Jiamer.ts,' was stte.;:;ed by the lion. \vimse, some of the population \will go Farquhar Oliver, .\grinulttie In tlfd shun. M. l.ysle'. stressed the int - war has Lein called on tj shoulder portauce not ;lapping the bort q':talily r(: pun;i':lilities to a much greater ex- products to Britain. "If we continue t,hTir tent that; ever before. and tinder dif- our effort, to produce, and ship the Nlrs, ficult condition, he said. Stressing 11 right kind of protbiet, we have a right the grave lab)\ problem. he declared to rxprcl that We Will be granted a place in the pusttetu mot•• filed Willi :it's, Shipley and .\Ir6• Jen• Sgt. Jac and Airs. Alarli,.;. and intuit daughter, \Iargarct ('arose, of l'ort Dower. ,;peal the week.end \vdlln 11r, and Airs. Lorne Scrinigeoir. Mr, and Airs. J. C. (;G111)1I int, of xloilg►�a an's BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Bread, Pies, Cakes and Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Accetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- 11arvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting, and Repairing Anti -Freeze. Vo?i den's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, .TIES, IIO11'IE-111ADE CAKE OR COOKIES. Wednesday, Stine 9, 10111, 1 --1 1 iii.,, Ili, 1n A.A. .r: L I I 1 ,I! ,li.• 1 1.111 h-ii,1 1 III ,. 11 1 II,.1YL111 J6.I1.W. i .11 1111.41 1 "Wheel the Lights Go On Again All Over the World" ... We will he pleased to sell ,you all the merchandise that is now in short supply or entirely discontinued, r1'Ile ]flannel' 111 which \'O(1 have icceptC(l these in- conveniences has been most a;ratli'N'ii-t1;'' 1,1 the meantime you may I)e assured that we are con- stantly striving to secure 0u1' share of a\llilahle nlercliun(1ise. 1Ve would ask for ,your continued patronage of the merchandise that i;; readily pro- curable. In order to conserve present stocks of short sup_ .ply items, \VU juin the other Blyth Merchants in ul)scl'\'11JL Thursday afternoons, ('ltllllll('li('llltr; •]Mile lith, as a half holiday, and remaining Odea all day ,'Ve(Inesd11y, 111ternoUn5 1111(1 evenings. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNi)111 '';S, WALLI'AI'ER—I'IIONE 2P. Neuman i7 .. . .� �,.' .,. . „;,, ,-\:.,.r r*•�a11t�',is'!^'fl1m+.Rt71.l�E7ffi,'... ill n1 6p not il np (, 1, ti tt, in • RE11�1(1!1113E1t .. "'1'Illi1 l-IOME 13.t ,KI;RY"id ., t i'r4`':•, i IIT'. 1'O1)DEN. „ ti. • _,,, ,, i,y t. n/ nom, t";rnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, r :P i1 c,.„,:,�,..ia,_,.:,o.,:.ai,d,..,r,..,,:.v,.?,.......,...;.•_ I';,o,..,_.,r...1...,.,,:;_I.2,,.,�,:;::;�,.:,_,,..,.;,.;;3,21`d1at .. sernmeemvosanevaritaaarzsmemome 11.1.IIP.. Brighten Your Home With Little Expense \\'illi ono lir more of the Ictledl 1, pallet 'll in ('ntl;'rtelllll \Ct hal, IIIell 1 Ill 111,1' I of the pnp'II'n' :rive.. 11 \\ill pay yott to in l cl our nllel ince• helure huyil, t 1:111 It' 1'uv' tin d See My Large Display 4. Siinwortky . 1.1 • allpapei ,t, liea'ail'y y t n' hnnit' Int'' IRT dura -4. .t,l:on. No other Illrnisliu_,; in yoa',t, ='home espial the villa(' of \\'allpapers.,, ' .t. Pa le 1.s [nuked d So nworlliy a•e.t>hat, I);st Itis Blip unit 1110 1,10 flew in ) due 1(: 1 I'I .1. It Thom ,o Pall - Pa cart 1 ; w re. ,I olid I I,. lop. IIuhe• I. /t t•9eclatly II'e,lh.'d to i't',<tst fattllig,,.l lilt' :lir: striking 111” aortal lull tow(' ,, . iu IRT fir( i'(!deet 1. I'he Rlu\t realL rt„I I In tl nim Italy I Ir, I +:I I .I. \I' ',lill.,� 1. t Ai ly I supgc.,t a complete clangs' ' rt, 11. .\it in y and .11;1+ !'I It hili toed' 1)11,11• ry fur Hie house throughhim once!! ! n• . :lull opened ,I co' �t'Ihc medium of pleasing \\'allpapers, ,' that required 1'5 :till !ie.,. tie \wll < I II illicit ::E1)1111 ._,pp� aa r� gp p �(tl j� �'• I r lsh, tl to Clinton 110.;pit;ll, Where he erv. G1�.11\.il cll���llr9d1iJ remei,led Ilnlil i Itntl,ly evening, Ile c nll'il,ed In Ili; tonne in I.en >, 1)ec(Iratol•'5 ;lull w:' au'e gin' In say i+ Toronto, are \•i-sfting at the hum), of ),Located Opporit. Kernick's Grocery>t•' h) ,4. PI-ION155, BLYTH. 1.()ll(1('iI)OIl) Boy 111.itired On 14();;a113,t11 1; iallloild ands 11, r limn:. nl illylh tat AI a June Mrs. .\. E. Aletzi. , (Jr I.nude.'1t11'r, illi. Nva • the vii tilt of :un tutlurUnl:tI, ae 1 I• str\i\oil Icy i:i,.oi lla C11' I ',cal hull di ,.nood lit. t 1111'ulut:'. an].\Iris .\I ny Thu. ;I.ty' night. \Own 01,; of Iht' Lon' 1.',111e! . t l \ it, \\ rt':' t ul Margaret McInnes in I m,.; n1 -amt.; dtra- Ilon. Ali ; \I;I. 111 i .',!Tlnn +sled nl (10>b uu play, i'.•, 'ililr s\\i tong the \\', :Ine•ti:ly. June ''111. \It - nt I1 1;J on al 1 he t'1 'det I, that "we canto.' I':J 00 draining melt off the farms ant c.pect to increase protlucticn. un tin se farms. \1'c should slake every effort to elle ate manpow- er to the relatively importatt positions ps we see them and as they are.' Alr. (Ai\er telt that the end of a).silk.; had net, bent -reached, and Ftre'.;.-.1 that. if agriculture has to compete with Inlust'y for labor, far- mers must have increased subsidica on their product:s to enable them to pay higher wages, Special Attractions ''Special exhibits which proved tt great interest to the funnelswere altangctl by the Federation in the grounds of the park. An exhibit of labor•s,t'i:tg devices drew large crowd, ''bile many saw a display in the veterinary tent and those at't'une' -1 by the Ontario .b;;riculture ('ollege and tine l.(,)ttrtitt'tit of1\grictiltiire, \\'. 1,. \\'kyle, president of the Hit. run l'ounty Federation of Agriculture. 'vi -,s chairman for the program. In addition to Al. Brack:Ai and Alr. Oli- ver, special speakers for the day in- cluded\V, A. 13rowt, chief of the marketing branch.I'omitiun Depart- ment of 1 a:..tllure, Ottawa, Who sirrdstd tau need for increased egg production to provide dried eggs for liritain; c.C.Ly ter of the Depart• meat c' Agriculture, 'Toronto. who urged production cf 1101'' h•Icon; Dr. A. it, Campbell, Mensal). who. on be - favorable het.' The Federation of :\gric•.ulturc was congratulated on its organization by Dr, A. R. Campbell, who spoke on behalf of the veterinary surgeons, "Now as never before o'Ianization is nc-•:essary among faranc'rs, he said, Ph.-,! to h'1e vigihttti ' of the veterinary prr'fe:•siut, under the guidance of the veterina'icd' bratieli at Ottawa, this c:;.,ntry is now freer front animal dis• ease than any other in the world. Great progres, has been trade in son, Alr. "S. C. Galbraith, (ialbraillt, and .t. E 'f t, o' The ;+.'cident occnrved during the ✓,..;.,;. ,. ,.., .;..;.,;..;.,;,,;. ,,.;,,,,,;, .0 , ,0 ,. ,. ,;,.;,.;..;..;. t ror�l ionic_ n1' a : ul'thall gamy. Rriu.� Alt', aid Air,, I't+ter Douglas tit .\n• caster aid Nil's. Stewart of \\'ii ghain attended the funeral of the late Aiiss Alargaret Alclnnes. 011 \lontItty. Mr. and Mrs, George lrr'-tzlty and son, Ronald, Dlr. (`alvlu Howden. of mitten]. visited with Airs. AI, Fritz• ley over the week•cud. Alt.. and Nit's. Ituhtrt Make of ('u1 - borne :;pent the Weeli•tntl at Ili,: Immo of their daughter, Alt: and Airs. K. \\'hiUuorc. Adds; li anche \\'11fse of huger::-nll, and :lir, and Airs. Clarence Ilugill, 1i•o:cling and preventing various kinds I Itoaald, of Clinton, visited at the of diseases, he said. bonne of \I r, and Mrs, George Rad• \\', II. Goldin•', said that lie \vita forts 011 Sunday. more than pleased 'with II Iron ('ontu�I ly's c• intributiuu to all War s cflor'Alr E. I'o'la'd, Aft.;. irilr•ley, Alr. and war service.;. hurl Ales, George Fritzley, Ronald. and rllT the labor , porta;;t' and tlif' .AI r, (';tivhn 1I'tw l n visited in Ila:<h ficnity its getting machinery. ('ratadi:n 1wood 00 Sunday, with Alr. and Nhit;, agricultural production at tli. (cid of tied (lentt net'. p•12 stood at the higrhtut point in his- tory', he said. The ag:' tiUntll pro - Ali', and Nlrs. Leslie 11llhorn. and glom tor this year has hero clearly Ivcu, JIr, and NH's. Nt'+:plan 'Taylor, outlined Iry the government, and calls Alrk. ,I. A, (fray, of Illyt11, and 'Albs.; for htcrev<Ts in all food crops except 'Taylor of Kitchener, .spent the wheat and rye. Higher production I: week -end tvltlt \In and Alt's. E. J. required fu oats, barley, hay. clover'Taylor, of Stratford. alfalfa, potatoes and other grain::. LA('. Clifford Gullehemn, ut the • Victory gardens and their impar. R.A.F. Radio Sehoal, (Tinton, spent lance were discustt tl brit fly by I.. E. ;last week at the home of Mr. and Cardiff, AIM'. Ile al;u referred to Alt';;, Janet, Itichinond, prior to return - the rationing system, ennphasi'r,iti:, big 10 Ilk ditties at the airport. Ile the need tor cocperalion with the au• had beet convalescing following a thorilies in ,complying With Its rules. period Itr, A. It. ('amp' ell, II'_nscnll, was half of the veterinary clinic discus.,e'I Irhairunat In barge r>f the veterinary the importance of healthy animals to Jn nc'<'yl Production; and Allss Edith lilac arra tipmen hi, turd discussed P:Iliutt, of the consumer branch of the poultry ills; ises. Ill•, h', Ilarburn, of I'ontiaf,u Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. wino tallied on canning w•itlt- Se;tft) rtII, dist•IIt,.ell tw.:u•hie s and x - of confinement in \\' I tiitinster hospital, London, due to an attack of Scarlet Fever. t 1 r \1• tinder 1( I t . was told 1 the chairmanship ternal ir;lrasite;; lir, Jackson, Myth, of (;otdou .let;avis, \\'ttltnn. This in - out sugar. linternal parasites and diseases of eluded a display of tractor with dna, swine; 1)t'. 1'1liotl, ('liatt;n. eontlnclf•tl W. lie Golding, member of Parlia sans and circular saw attached; stock- post-morteminenl for Ilurau,I'crlh, spoke brietty.•(01 swine; and Dr. S. I loader; mower with attachment for 111\. ()liver was introduced by James Murray, 1►nblin, discussed hento•agic Ballantyne, member of the Legislative septicemia (shipping fever). windrowing, (t corn binder and a (tuck The demonstration of labor-saving rake. Local Beekeeper Gets Good ltepport 11 r. Gui dru Seribbii s, of Clinton, ir.spt clue Lf 1 c.,s sur North Huron, was in It,\wa on Friday, and uncle a visit to the Apiary of Alr. E. .1, Cart- wright, ui r local Al r. Ser; 1:a \•aas well pie•.,<ed with the I'Irl\wricht 'Apiary, stating that 11 ';,; uu'• of the I e,l kept in Illy en• tire di..ti'i(•I. and entirely tree Flop dist:,;, . :1l the pre amt time Al r. l'a't''right 1,:; hiwrv.. and 1!s intention is to hicre:l'e Iltt tl i;raIRrllly. until 11!•; \I;Ilaly 11111 I: • tit i•n;ill 111 Hone in the district. eer Sales Books are the bcst CounteCheck inader ,Canada, They cyst no morethan 'ordinary books ends elwsya Wye WilarewY1�i ��� yotiYontanYT Sa_row.FIn Piltatn_Ftnm: '1'IIE BLY'1'II STANI)ARI) Local Agent Pleated al the school grounds, w, • Moet( it I'ninn rem '• I`Rt -e. ding ❑nil gal III have letcn (alelliIII: tl Ilii' \errt,. The \•t.tth'i• has in [ n ideal sur I ,ti lin;; Ills sc: l- ilt:, ,dud 51' III\ ' ie•inv rt i, lets itt I;u'mrl ; w Ru have ,I; -1 lini,ite,l. The World's News Seen Through TI -IE CI-IRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An InIt rnalioual Daily News ptrper is Truthful—Constructive—tJtlbiascd•—Fret' front Sensational- ism — 1 dicot ials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Maga/hie Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Ilona. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachu-.ntts P' -ice $12.00 Yearly, or $1.1)0 .t Mouth. Saturday issue, including Mae.witte Section, y$2.60 ,t Year. • Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Nater Address _____ ---- --.-- ? SAMPLE COPY ON REQUIS"I' t,'!�I�,u ,. Ir.,r+, :•)m1r. ,,�y . r`.,^,1cr-rp,w'n, ync•..,,.•,Tice^,cr.,,yr.:n�,.,n •, �•..•, ., v, 'q.•,(.,Nr.r.,,:.,1 r•+'�° "� . •.... .. y .. �;1 .:U y`V•U •.1 W'., •.. la'v'e....i -•.a w .i v .. 11 i .� s . .. •i ., rt tD STUART RO IN ON i1 a+ np u c 1•t liar is i; tj iy t.v lv tit it ;;7042 0119t2t2i13./.71'at2iY'17t?1.3.2iil2tit i20It21"dra J;',A?iN2t3i.D(2;?4-0t't::.2.?;`o`t li21rh1;-ti2td:c?17 ii Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery, I9 9 d9 dv Rice2 lbs. for 25c a : ec(llc;;s Raisins per lb. 15c Tomato Juice 20 oz. lOc Peas ? tins for 25c Shredded Wheat 2 Pkgs. for 25c Super Suds large package 22c 1'. and G. Soap, Comfort Soap, ('earl Soap 5c Bon Alai cake or powder 15c Audi Hush Tin 27c Castle and Johnstons Floor Wax Iris Bract Flakes 1;c C'►__.rnl Castile Soap 5c, 6 for 25c Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons Celery, New Carrots, Radishes Store Open, Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday.Nb,:.: ; d9 f3 i di 1.1