HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1943-05-26, Page 1VOLUME 17 - NO. 42.
Georg H. White
George H. White, who for more thou
50 year, has been a continuous rest•
tl'anl of Blyth, passed away at his
home 011 Queen S1tec)l, on Friday,
'May 21st, In his S3e81 yeu,r.
A son of the Tate John White and
MarY Simmons, dib'. White \'1111 born
on line `;!til Zine of MOrris Township,
WI Clue farm now occupied by Robert
Wallace. J)uting his ea:Hy years Ite
wonted about the fawn(, but for
Rhe pal fifty yeare he has been a resi-
dent of Blyth. For many yearn Ile
was a teamster and local d•aymat.
b'ifty-CJve yaws ago ho married
;'followed by the serving of refresh- AU's;s Mary Fear, sister of the bride,
T[v.ggle .lane Cunningham, daughter ',moots.
}vas bridesmaid, wearing a Meige
of 41r. and firs. flIttt9rew Cunning-
Following Is the address whiclh wars ;alpnea ceelnnc41 wilt brown, with hat
hien, also rcttiden18 of Mtarr1s Town- read: told other accessories to match, :11111
ship, She predeceased tllm in 1'9311• Dead• Alaltel: We are gathered hero wore tho grooms gift, n lapel locket.
111 0I s more active dells, the late 1oitiglltd, a number of your felen 18, yotlr .,
1111, White had taken a keen intereot neighThe groom'', blether, ,,\I\'. (1101111
dlours on this,
1111" eve of your Smith -was the groomsman. The
ill the affairs of the Municipality. Ile
served as a member of the Village
Council, was also a member of the
Fire Dopa'rtment, and held the position
orf- Vire ('(lief for several yeani, 11e
also held' a position as County Con-
stable for Horny years,
In November, 194'1, he married
1:ll»abet11 Ctinnialtham, who survives,
Popular Bride Showered
WEDDINGS I A Message 01 rI I11Ilis
A shower of interest took place at Smith - I!'ear 1'I'ho Editor, The Myth Standard, I A1r. Italy I:o hyn 1,• in ree,'jp1 , i a
the honie of I1l'r. and Airs. Lente 111}t h, unllu'i0. 1011'1 of cougralnl.tti,,ns 11)111 11. .1,
Fear at eight -thirty on 'Thursday A lev'ely wedding' was solemnized old ' V t1(l1'\\i1 r, limon i'nluttf Orth 1111/.0,
evening, when the Oldies of the;SlaUU•day, Jlary 91 nd, at the t'niledl I:oar tier: 1'11' p1l:p1. of Huron
'Church Al„rause, Myth, at two 0,,,meit, County hove shown that through lino iia 111' h„urih \'ici(r). 1,,11• \'troll
8th lino !;lateral in honour of Miss ha, .i,t,l (1°-d.
Saddle Ahdbel Fear, and la, exletic _toilwhen Roy. A. Slnclatr united in mor• co•operattwe effort a tad, Can he done.
The i, Iter infor11led bin, ti, 1I Ito
\•befit wishes. The address was read by,triege,Sadie Mallet, youngest daughter The Fuuri111'ictory Loan was nuc \\a'; 111' \141101 )I the n:"''1"1pure
Niles Jessie Richmond. Two prolllly ;d)f Ali, a'nd MI's 14'6110 I..011 l', of \born,.) (r,;sfal I)("1"(' or the ext t'l11'nt 11.111
blued %voile of the (bail -man, the meal• gi\•'n to t11e 1':1":1-.•e1' wi'll the Ito::•
:decorated baskets of gifts were oar-Il'ownslhi1), and (111114'.1 11,avid Ulu4o 4.;I n11nrtt•i of Iran'al•tioti in 1'11,::1
Iilried In and preiettell by school day 'Smith' sou of Air, 1141 \Ire, Itaviti tern of the Various runlaitir'° and \Ituli;•ip:t•liti,.=. Iley t,;peed them 1111
Stnit11, tat. of 'Morris '1'ottln(;hilt. the canvassers :old tlnuugh the fin.
friends, Alisses Vary Phelan, Mary with a to1111 of l-,, Iglu- :1''1 ::'.
(Laidlaw, and Katherine Atcl)0nal(l. The bridle wore a street length dregs reet't'1in11 by the citizen, of the
('on'nly. \')11 have ,;111'4 u; splendidPoll 1\111.1 is a ('11 a 1,1 I:le 1 .le:'
'A'fter Um opening of gifts, the bride- 'of A,I1e'4 of Rccyc,:t Mpaca, with 11110'11' •
tlo4)e thanked, her usury Mends in the Ing accessories, and wore the (rid('' assisinn” III"' gh the 1':111111118 of sent I;,by .11'\I It.lr, i}•. IIdl.t.t';t1111}r: 1.ratu
!usual cuanrner. 'Then Aliso Near dis-Igroont's gift, a gold necklace aid your paper, •
It hat; Peen a plr:tat4e to work in
'played hn.<. c a lace won -I, I! .1 we.'Ic you
'Trat e:semi', which ureas ,brtcelot to match. I:'.IVe dote, ter the Vi, 1e'ry beau( in
this C'oun'ty and to all those who alit ',I
in this Loan we s':0}'. 'I'haldc You. the \.II f''''',)":
)f I:Iwth, 1 1 haus-
11, .1. \'aulewat-v,
Wills Victor}' Loan Prize,
ais well as three sons, harry, of 'Till-
sonburg; 1Vd1111am and Stephen, of
Illyll.h, Also surviving are two sisters,
Mary, of London'; anti Mrs. Dalg, of
'Winnipeg, and one brother, Janes, of
d)aulphin, Alam,
Eu110ra1 services, which wore pri-
vate, were held from his late resi-
dence, on Sunday, Moy :.';te(1, at 2 p.m.
Jtev, A. Sinclair, conducted the 1401
vices. Interment was made in Union
,Ceuwtery, /
'l'Ialillc,'au•end were: 11• Mdl h•oy, Ar•
t(otitr Barr, Alonzo Sanded, John, Cowan, 1111 won1au1's Missionary Society of
no,he-i t Ndrsbilt• alai John Watson, the Illyth United Church tact 014 Wed -
;Floral brlbules were receival from uesdny, May 19th.
(the follow'iag: 1"amily wreath, Goo, "Canada's Youth h0 the forces and
W. \1'hilte, ItrC.N.V.41., IlalIfax; Dusl- the h'ctctories,' was the theme of the
toss Aim's Assola•tlou; 'lllytl a''Jre (Worship Service, the prayers being
Department; hell 'T•elephono 'Co., dalnen by Mrs, McElroy.' Mrs, Coming
Woodstock Wench; Frank (long, 11111(1 Mrs. Sinclair, "0 Bort( of hosts,
'Myth. ;who didst upraise,' was sung. Mrs.
V„ \V. Jenkins read "Could This Lie 'Mut,'
and "A Message For 'Today, was read(
BIRTHS i)y MTh. \V, Mitts,
Nt,AI11---In Clinton ('ublic Hospital, on Baby Pond meeting will be held in
Mlouda-y, May 17th, 10 Trooper land (July. IA1en'bea•s are asked( to make a
1l1.1. Gordon Craig, of Clinton, the special offering' in June to meet out'
gift of a son, (1)onadd Ivan.) 11110041(1011 for the first half of the
year, Mrs. Marshall spoke in the in-
terests of the Alission Band, and Mrs.
W. Logan gave a report of the morn-
ing session of the Presbyterial' held at
Brussels. "hift up Your 1learts in
Faith' was the topic of tho \Vorship
Service, Mrs, Ililborn gave the report
of the afternoon session at which the
Topic of the Worship S'er'vice was "Lift
Rev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector. Up Your Hearts in 1101)0•' Al 188 Ida
Itoe::Uttoe Sunday, May 30, 1913, 1lceKenzie \vas Ute' Special Speaker.
'Sunday School, 10.30 at.tn. Sire Jo the 'Travelling Secretary for
'19veu1tong 1'11(1 Scrmou', 7.30' p.m. the Atissio11 Ilau'd and the author of
Intercession Se.rvlco, 1''rlda.y at the Mission hand Study Book. \Ve
-4.45 p.m. in the C'hurclt, unlet be sure to put the emphasis in
Special 'Scout and 'Cub Service next alio right place. Church work is a
Sunday at 1(1,11) a.m. in the United( (positive problem. The Camps and \Var
Clu•c-r, 'Produotlon Clomnuunities Committee
marriage, to express our good WAWA
to you.
You have lived- your life so far in
par midst land have Leele11.0(1 yourself
1.4) us all. We realize that 10 every one
there condos that time when changes
must lake place, and ;o1, we look for-
ward to the days to be wftlh anticiptt-
Hon and hope.
We cask you now to accept these
gl-fes as a token of our 08(00111, trust-
ing that they may prove of value to
you, and tluut as you use then(, they
may bring 'batik pl'e'asant 111 01110110 of
the days' ileal were.
Sigu►ed on behalf of the neighbours,
Jessie Richmond, Katherine Atcdl)on-
itlrl, Mary Phelan, Mary 1.ari'dlaw,
Services next Lord's Day
Blyth Sunday School and Bible
Class 10 A. M. 1Vol'ship ht A. M.
Smith'(; 11111 Sunday School 2 P, M.
,\\'c1:•'ship 3 P. Al.
Auburn Sunday School 10 A. M.
Worship 7.30 P. M.
,A hearty welcome to all.
Dr. A. 0. Thomson, Minister
The Service lest Sunday Evening
was very well attended. Sixty-seven
'names of men and women who are to
has been organized and RCN. W. Fing-
land appointed director with Miss
Verda Ullman of th'e Woman's Mls-
(liouau'y Socially assisting to keep our
'young people in touch with the
Church. It will be of no use to build a
New Order if our childrelt are not
Itaught. 'rho W.M.S'. must be In syn(•
,patty with total abstintente.
'Airs. Jenkins moved, and Mrs. Sin-
clair seconded, a hearty vote of thnnits
to the ladies for their splendid re-
ports. The meeting closed by repeat-
ing the Lord's Prayer to unison,
Purchase Business Property
The Elliott Insurance Agency have
purchased the building formerly oc•
lcupied by AIr. I9at1 Willows 'as a drug
Service were read by Mr, Leslie 1111 (store and will move their insurance
born 11111 \Rev. A. Sinclair unveiled
the Ilono•r (loll. One Minute's Silence
was observed in hettor of P.O. Bertram
)JUii'ttl, a'Iter whprrtt a: brief tribute
,was paid by the minister. The names•
were beautifully placed on the Roll
in odd English type by Miss Jessie
Ilfclnnon'cl. The church was nicely
decorated for the occasion by Mrs. C.
Next Sunday morning the Boy Shout
organirr tbons will !Mend service at
1.1.15. The Scouts will have the front
scats in the 111110110 row reserved.
Rev. P. 11. Streeter will assist in
the service.
' The e'c'nirng subject at 7 o'clock will
be: A Stlrceesful Service,
'equipment 'there shortly. Al r, 5, N.
Slbthorpe, of \Vittgtba.ul, formerly of
Myth, will rote n to our village early
next month and occupy tide stand now
used by Elliott Insurance Agency, as
a barber 'shop.
Donald Ross And Pupils
To Broadcast
Donald Ross
pupils from School Section Number
)0, Stanley Township, are arranging a Mrs. Leslie Reid was the lucky
progranun'e for Friday, May 28t11, at winner of the quilt which was on die -
7:30 P, M. over CKNY, WIng'Jta,n1, ,Inlay let AIr, C'hellcrw's, window and
in tho Intereiit of War Swinge. Stomps w111c11 Was tnatle by the ladies of S.S.
and Certificutea. Nb. 3. Morris,
and a group
gmoul's gift to the grooutsuueu was (1
IIt11I1e41lately after 1blef'cel•el,letly the
(bridal' couple 14+ft on a honeymoon,
trip to Sarnia, 11'bt100!' and other
Rudell - Plowman
on Wednesday, May ISM. at
rli.m., the marriage of Edna Rut
Plowman, daughter of the Otte AI
,lames Plowman, and Mrs. Plowman, t
West Wawauosh, to Janes Mittel!, so
of 1110 tato Samuel 11ud011, and 314
ltudell, of I1411id 1 'T'own'ship, \x1114 s0
omnized by Itev. 11. Vlckcrson, in 111
,tinlle'il Church Parsonage, I)ungauuo1
The bridle looked lovely in her Wee
length dress of duly rose crape wit
lace, with rose hat and veil and beig
accessories and carried a bouquet t
talisman rosee and fern.
Miss Pearl 1''inigrn as her cousin
beldosmaid, wore lu1(10111;e crepe wit
,corsage of pink roses and while ecce
smiles, 311r, Reece Ferris was bell
A reception was held at the Moan
of the bride's aunt, Airs, Ikonor (toss
(for immediate relatives.
Mt'. and Mrs, J;nntes Itudcll loft 01
1',t 'short honeymoon trip to 'l'orofl
and other points, the bride (11140llin
In a blue printed crepe dress, now
Ibhle emit 11114 flat with blac1l aeons
)sales, On' their return they will re
side on the 1,2th conce's'loi of liullel
J. .1. Lent. -den.
Horticultural Society
'1G 1Ylcet
The 1lurtir!Iltllrtil 'Society twill hold
th4ir WWI Ilily MPH 111'4 at 1110 11(1110'
Of Alrs.:\. 'Taylor the eVrnilg of J1111!'
1st al s 11,1n. \leinlier.; pl4ase 101(4
this date in mind.
,11'HMO iii co GI Vel I•: and
11)1( y,1u }Like 111adtt• get
1.:1!1+ elided Ly 4 1or),:ne.
Will Marry In ,Ione
-) d ri;f11! 1,, 111.1'1)1111111W 1111' 11,3111,
Weekly hall Iloliday
Changed '1'o Thursday
d'.111111''lle'11:g '111 til.• o,•1'!: 111 ,111111'
I I111•I''t:h• I:to wet'• .iy (,alt holiday ler
110-!u,: - plan'- ill Myth, ‘Vi!! hl'
Cha11ged Irien \1'01140 day 111 '1'iI u1,da}.
',1 '.;11. 'Pili- w 411 alt,au 111111 1111
14:-1 Thur -411y luck 11140414.ty +ill he 011
.eine 17111. I'i!il hilt: tiille the
11 ii! 1%1:11:! ,e 1e 1'11,-1. 1,11 \\'1.,In'•.•d;t1':.
1.\11). 11111'11 1110 'Thur -11,1y 11:111 ilo!itla}'
I l .1.111 lir -Iuro- wl!! 11.111:1111 oll-
1 =o1,,y :,41.': 1144'111 0:141 e, elllll..
Al 1111' 1111 _1141 time ,1,l :;1011'- art'
4114.11 on 'lett4.-414.1y oi-h!-,, and ::01111.
I,u r1'ma::l open 'I'tarsll,ty night.
i, 1l 1 0411tH :,t !u:l on June 1 7110 til
11;1•, will rottlallt upon \Vedite: day
.;11•I'Il." It 111111 el ri,iL, '! tellr1' lel
'i'11111' -140y 111h lll.nn.
1 .11 111 lne-- .111'1.': .\r '11'iL1l 11 :t
1.11 en=aagrno•nt of 10(11 1114,-r,' '•
:e 1'1'05(1- 1 : I.II' y' 11'. OIlt1'1' IeNnr
which was recently announced in Ill.' 111 •0"41144 of 1111! 11 eatarday night
\'1ur1ou144 p:11u'1s. 1111 Ih;11 1.l (4 ,!t •tttl1'11 :, la ye,(r, amt ii 41 (cit
11411 13111`4;;, Ltn4ll:cr u!' \!r. ;1111 .11. lila( it 1011!41 111• di -1,1'11.1",i with until
Gordon Dart:l e, to F.O. II. 1.:1y:1'a ,:011,,1 1110 15•.)!
Ih'1y, ;.:0 (f 11 r. (111(1 .\ir \'. NI. ( 'f ! , ,11.1 i i. n were r, ached at a
Pray of itiyth, ()melee.
of the I,I}'th Pu lues, \Ira':'
The f.1',wine t; iter el:1;;,:112 ;1• it \-;1101:41011, }cid .1,l
appeared in Vancouver 1:4per friday evening,
The \Vont4n:; It,nlitul4 \VIII 1101t1 "\\encu 4i is; Kalhl-en Yarling. --\.
It1101r June Milling 01 the it of o ol''d'auchi r of \Ir. 1111 \!1's. 1104:1111
\Ire. I o 111 11 (014 )11 Thursday Parting, lcoolnc; e101)10 1111 ,;40tt7,
, R' T 1-114 IN'1'hltl'ST
,at'tertoon, .luny :'181, at 2.110, (11(1 will lel 1), I1alrry I.ayto'n Ilya}', Rc'\I' 411 — (ll:lclys Fawcett of Toronto
tit charge of \I1,i. R. hear, ('on- 1140 (ou44it1. Airs. Ilu!;lt \\', Gordon, s11111t 1114 week -4441 111111 her uu,ther,
!velem' of Agriculture, 110) a d!scus;!111 \will be her mallow of to nor and 111 \les. .\. F1o('ii. \V' 14! 80)03' lu
t11111 addrra (1n pultln0 IrIhil and V(4z4•, \larory \\'1'i'='ht, a 11-1'111 Canon:) se- l 10 411 ' FInw1''1l has b4e11 lat(1 111)
table; in the cold aural',. Ilostesss'4 rority sister, \will ho her trid4.:u1,:lie(. With a son It11" .
41r;. ('1114, AIN, Pelts and Airs. Fear. 'I'h' be:1 1110.11 \will he FO. Prue, Tin- .\Ir, tl.,l \11•,..\. 11411•. 114(1 \1r. 1111)1
II':\t:0'00)1y wodcc'111', sky, of Ilanlilteu, 1111. 11rs. (i'ngc \Vikoll and 8011. Joni,
1110. Bray is Ih4 only 4400 e!' A1'. visited with Mr, and .3111. Kitchener
anal .\Ir4. \'' \I, 11r11y of myth, Ont. Finnigan of \Vest \Vawallesh on sine
St. Helen's Ale -ligan ('ll Irch will 11e day.
the setting for the 1 )'0 -ml: eerie I I'I' I I1n1o1d ('. \\'i.ghtinan 0f Parri('-
mon}. l'i41d Camp, Kill Ston. spent the vec0
\._ 4m1 \t•it1 his parents. Mr. and Ales.
Itc;'1,•rt \i'lghitnan.
Mission Band IIekl 1001101)144. amt Mre.
'11111111c-0ftering 11'Iceting'.It1ehard.;, of T01.o010, sprue last \w4al(
'I'le \lis.;ton L';uul of 1.0 n4i•• with Ih4 t'oluler's IlIl t is. :4 Ir. lull
Vico h •Id their 'eliiin'.'.sffering meet 01.4 •41N. Fred Richards,
on lriilay night. 3(1y 2Is1. 'Tile 111' rt- I \14'44. hre,l ('11a)pl4 1111 44014. \Vayno.
tug (tinned \vitt) (01111 music, and the '01' Kitchener spent the weeli-cul \Vial
children singing, '•Cdlildr(11 w•110 walk 111'1' Ira 1'4'11 .,
\\'ay. The hymn, ".04410; kec ni).
41.1'. and
Guest Speaker
s Airs. Fred toter I.; In atten'lance at
11 ;the District Attttla) 11101ines df the
`)'`1')a44t 31hddlesex \\'otuea.; Institute,
t held in Loudon on \Vu;ln '•'111,3' o!' this
I4(0)11, and of South Perth, 11(40 in St.
e (\lacy.; 011 'Thursday, as Troylnciel
Beard \Iii celor and guest Qi Aker.
McDowell - McDowell
The house of ,\(r. aind Ales. Alva Mc-
Dowell, of Leet \Vuw'anosh, was the
scene of a quiet, but predty w'e(iding,
on Saturday, May 22u(1; at •I pan.,
when' Itev, W, Cl, Rose, itiitvl int
marriage, Fern), Only daughter of Ail.
and Mrs, Alva McDowell, to 114114'ey
eldest 80(11 of Air. and Mrs. Marvin
The bride was becomingly attired in
a street length dress of two pl('ec en-
semble of princess bine silk crepe,
with white accessories, with corsage
of red roses. Miss Solana Nethery, of
bkuitilton, friend of the bride was
bridesmaid, dressed( in pink silk jolt-
soy, with 'white accessories, with
corsage of Ptak roses,
Gsuelne McDowell, the groom's
brother was best 1111111. Tho bride and
groom were married before a bank of
fermi, pink and white sdecaaucss and
sluing flowers. The bride's mother
received her guests. gowned in a two
Piece blue flowered. cape. The
groom's mother wore navy sheer. The
wedding march was played by \1 iss
Phyllis Cook. Following the ceremony
si'xt,•eon guests sat do -wit to the wed-
ding supper, served by Mtn Mildred
Thornton, The eliding room was
beautifully decorated. with pink and
white sU'eamers and lenge while we:l-
dingt bell and spring flowers. The
br'ide's table was centred with a love-
ly wedding cake. The couple left for
a we<lcl.ing trip to Mager' and dis-
tricst, the bride travelling in a costume
of flowered sille jersey with tweed
)oat and matching accessories. On
their return they will 1•61410 0n the
groom's fmavu, 010 concession of East
\\'a'wanosh. The grooau1s giflt to the
bride was a walnut con►bination mng-
azine rack' and eutl table.
War Auxiliary Ii'Iet
The Girls' \Va.r Auxiliary held their
last tweeting, .)(ay 111, h, a1 the tom'.'
of Aire:. II.:ile\Vlu•t, with 41,;1., pr1 <enl.
('Iter Irc:lstn•cr, Mrs. I,. \Vetr.tufai'
rcporlctl ; e::u1' $111.111 414:4.5 III 11,11 1110
Ounce 114111 on Alary 7111, 1111 $-:1.u»
'100111 t:tffl4 011 cushion 11111011 was 4(1)11
by Alrs. 1'o!u ;. I'ilr gill.; art, plan -
10 have. another
-11(8111' 11(111re,
'Pasty refreshment
;he (toeless.
The Mixt tinseling
June 111, al 4I1s, I,.
in the
were served by
will he held on
\\'olllanfer'n. .
good attendance is re:iut sled.
Dungannon Friends Honour
Teacher And IIis Bride
111wrs the 111111' children, 41.11s Bung :n:l
Alice read the Scripture. Rev. 41r.
Sinclair 1181 in prayer. France; No.,- \\Alt) the 1:141x; parents,
.hill reci(cd ":\ Icing of Love' 1!! n Airs. Jainos itichmond.
j1)ys' chorus followed, "'1''114 \I! <>i.ut 1, '1'411 many friends of \I.r. \Van. J.
nate! Ilrigad4. '1'1)4 offering wit` r‘•• K411y Sr.. will he glad to Inlow he is
(Thal; and dedicated, and the eche,! 1'1•,; reeevt'rillg droll) 0 1414' eevere 01)10a -
()l' S.S, No, to, East \Vawa10 1l, sang, tion in Victoria 11 espied, London.
'.(;ad's children live in uta-ny 1a11(1s.1 \less Loren anti Arthur Tyndall
;like Iola meki.ttzie, gu4sl 4410alt01' 111s0 Air. 111(1 \11'44. 11)\•11(1 'I'oenwartha
for the ('Veniug. g'lve n Very fine ad- of Clinton, were guest: at 1111 home of
dress. Sh4 explained 010 S4)e:1411 00- Ale :il 4(1s, Robert \\'ighlmalt on
.iecis of the Spring 'Thank offering--- 1'rld•1y.
Itur.11 Ccanau'mily
Mission, Sm.,ky Miss (Teta \Vat.;on, of Toronto,
Late, Alberta $1100, and (idle's() l'ni•,sp('11t the \Veek•oud at her home here.
led ('hui•ch, \'ancouvcr, It.('„ $1:,40„ 1 .Itch McElroy of the Royal Canadian
:\ re,am1er of coloured slides 1(411 ;Navy. 1, spending o furlough al his
shown and explained by Miss 3101<1-11- 111';111e 111 10011.
Verse'., were sung from the I. 411'. Coelho' lali:11, Secretary -
hymns, "Tell me the (4)ries of .11441144. 'I'r'11' 'rt' 41' 1114 tknu4slir Gas stud
11141 "I lhialh wh4n 11'141 that 0\181 1(011 ('u.. I.itnited, and ihr let''- Ideal,
11x, :4. II. Erskine, 0f C)(1orich. (is•
Pour 110)1the oil fields ,car Potlnwoll 011
Who w'ee'd recently initialed. .1Ali:;sir-n 1''11111 Roily of the Ponds
I'a14elItg and 4414(1al time was ('111 Iin Boron Presbyterial wa^ held in the Ct'illld OI1 Injured
joy^441, and 1111(1 lum0h \li11s \111111 rennet ('buret on Saturday. May "'ed. ICuecleet down ly a e•.1' near his
Audersou, junior t(14d11er of I)ttl'1,lnt-Ieedititg 110110. wer4 present free) 11011•theme in Ailsa Craig'. five year old
non school, \•here Mr. (''owatl is I'rht- 111i1101% :\nhur11, ('bolero, Londcshol;),0•re)1e'r'lck 'Paddy' Dodds. grandson of
AIs. antl Airs, \4',
Aly,. \\'m• \lont(gonn'ry.
111111/11 :•d. Visited ever the
AI r. and
Around two i1111tdrrd friends 111111 '
relatives met. In the l'ctrixli 111)11, thin. story of old.
galnnoiI, \V'eduusday night. to honourI \hr. Sinclair closed with the
iof \I r. loud AI s. (1004400 E. l'; \•alt, (io!ion .
leiptl, road 1111 add,r(.'t:. (11111 fornllt Purrs', 111u4V:1e, \\'altoa and Roy,•: 11 r. and Ale:. Fred 11attor. formerly
'Rutledge presented the couple With a ('bore(. Airs. Kirlc:hy of \\'altos, lire•1of 111).1}. NN us atinlitirtl to Si. Joseph's
'handsome purse of 01'1114}'. All: -s :\I b}14ri-al Serretltry of Mission Bonds.; hospital. London, on Monday- aller-
tlona pr4;4ut4d 31rs, ('00.4111 \\•i'h a \vi ; in charge. The meeting p
oehuzi 11'x,'11, sufferine from a Proctored arm
lovely bouquet of ('aruatinals 04,1 4411111•.with (01101 inesic. All joined in sing -
,:old a0 pu ,=il,l' fractured lip. Paddy
d.raen:. Mr.('ow•1ni replied euilahly• it:g, "children411) 1\;0111 in .l', is \Vey. 11,01 visited his gral(ll'arottls here on
cul 'behalf of his bride. ''h sus los-C,; the litho Children. and all 'several occasions, and nta11y friends
1011eated the 31011111 I1;u(1 \lenl!lors' will tarn of IIis u)isforluur Willi re -
Purpose, •"I4i1rlt'y Falconer read the terve
d` i S,•r1plul•o and 311 Mar:hall led in 1 \'---
Moving Family Here T
t•: tyre. :\ girls' chorus was sunt;. "1 CONGRATULATIONS
Mr. ('bald044 1:14111Ir, foreman n1, will he a light -hearer, and I). A. 11e-
the Gordon Flax \lith;, bets eras"'i Kerrie rceiled. "Life's Itat!inll; : I
the \\'ilitin:.on pr)!; I, on the corner('o1:1 1 ttulat111ls to Ala;ter Rodney
nI \1'cllingfon and Milltill . and I'hh(:';, \fter (114 offering 55 ,is Ft -
55110 't rah. ((14h1a1411 111; sib 1irliday.
(.(:V) a Al 1'n. Alc'uxICS and Thei nn
hope, I) 111)1(1' his family Iron 1tlpleyhah'''reok of 111)' Lou)1rs)ro ylil -i01t )11 \VedMe>day. \hay'
to our will.((;(' next month. Niel, sang 1 duet.
('otherat)1;010ns to Doris 3011 11,4011
3-fe; \IOKruz'id', dreserd in a "ran- w''llo celebrated her birth(lay 011 \IaV
11111 ('r:;dune, that c ntert:incd the 1:1111.
ReturIl1g'10I31yth ichildreu with 81,,111.;. from her ,x1,41•! —
\Vorn re4ej50d ilrtu Alr. harry irncos at the ('1101011 01 .41) Nations• t`ongralulatious lu \Ire. ('red Hat.
\'1u1lr1al• A. hymn was sung, after tor, of Hs., l'r1ig, who c4le'ltrnted
\\'u.ynuntih intint'.:Ic(1 that b4 11 el 8,11.1 '
'winch all enjoyed a cefrr;!ting lunch 111 r hiri0 114 on Friday, \111}' 21st.
his property in N141,44011 \'alis anal 4x
: 'basement 1f tit ' church. 'fie I
p(cle)1 0) return to 1,111} with ha, 0! the
( ( ,,
family next 01o1011. 4V1' V, 414;••)):' tit
0)11111411 assembled on the church lawn ('on0ra (11111 its to 'Mildred Charter
of the \VayOnuul11': 144 our \il- for game: and recreation, under t11,' who er!e' rate 1 her 1210 birthday (11
Ic'Itler4hip of 3ls -'1s t'I:1•0 Al:t1'.1war Tuesday, 41a}• 21110.
at• 1 4laretrio G4org(, w•hilr 1140 grown•
I11;; were led in )1j'cttedell by 310:' Colter it ''1'r•laArr.Normanlied-
Alis'; Cdith I0e0110441 of i'lmira. \i iCtalr.ir and 3lrs. I<irlcl,y. .4 profit• fu„i who ce11'hl.'t(d 1111 birllt'ay 011
spent the week -end at iter home here. ;lee' afternoon w:(:: spent. `4'11 'Inc day, May 1h.
Ontario's Quiz Kids
More than half a million On-
tario school Children in 7,52.1
Ontario schools took part in a
province -wide Quiz Contest Spon-
stred by the Ontario Committee
during the fourth Victory Loan
and here are the 13 provincial
finalist.; on the steps of Toronto
city hall. Standing. in front of
the officials in the background
are Harry "Iced" foster, master
of ceremonies, and the Quiz kids
from left to right, are as follows:
Thomas Russell, Englehart; Stan-
ley Iwan, I3rantford; Claude Arn-
old, Windsor (over Iwan's shoul-
der) ; lan Smith, Brampton; Ron-
ald Boyce, North Fredrick: burg
(over shoulder); William Ander-
son, Fort William; John Thom-
son, 1)ownio Township, the win-
ner; Neil Stiver, Markham; Earl
Livingston, Renfrew; Betty Fos'
ter, Grey County; Mary Cunning -
THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events
if Britain Could Take Blitz
Bombing Why Can't Germany?
The ]loyal Air Force, which
saved Great Britain from inva-
sion tund which together with the
growing American Air Force ham
been waging a nonstop air offen-
sive against Germany, has scored
another triumph, says '1'lte New
York Times. With unexampled
daring, skill and ingenuity it haa
blasted two of Germany's most
important water darts which a e
vital parts of the whole industrial
and transportation system of
Western Germany and has there-
by delivered the moat devastat-
ing single blow dealt front the air
ao far. Large sections of the In-
dustrial Ruhr, already crippled by
continuous area bombing, are
completely paralyzed today by
lack of water or electric power;
and while an intricate canal ,ys-
tent carrying the hulk of Ger-
many's war traffic i3 running Ory
destructive floods are rusting
dawn the Ruhr. sweeping aw•av
power houses and raillvay and
road bridges, and inflicting heavy
eauaslties. In thus spreading- the
effect of their effort way beyond
the bombed area, the R..A.F, has
found one of those ideal targets
air sten are looking for. .And in
dealint,• a crippling blow to Ger-
num war production it has pro-
vided tel impressive overture for
the invasion of the European
Plants Ata Standstill
One of the dame blasted is the
Eder dam, near Ilemfurth, which
held hack a lake of foto' and a
half square miles and a depth of
161 feet with an estimated 202,-
000,000 tons of water. The other
is the llohne dam nen. Soest,
backing up 0 lake of four square
miles and a depth of 125 feet
with an estimated 1 3-1,000,000
tons of water. Between them they
controlled two-thirds of the whole
water storage capacity of the
Ruhr. The': provided innumer-
able plants in the ituhr with water
and hydro electric power; they
regulated the voter levels of the
Ruhr, Weser and Fulda Rivers
and the whole canal s '.tens which
cunner.ts the Ruhr with the North
Sea ports and the hllbc, and be-
yond it with Berlin and the Hal -
tic. Both have Leen breached,
and plants depending on their
power are at a standstill.
A Nev.; Enterprise
b'la:.tuii water dawn.) i; a com-
pletely new cnlet•pl'ise for an ail'
force, But once the target had
been picked, the RAY. found the
best way of tieing the job. it could
have beer, dolls perhaps by day-
light p►'c;ision• bombing. in !which
the AuIrrie:ln .Air Force special-
ize;. But inasmuch as such vital
targets are heavily defended, the
cost would 1101" been heavy too.
The U.A.1". cane at night and
dropped mine, into the lake which
the current -wept against the
?deice gates. The results demon-
atr1Ite the efficacy of this method,
whi,•h will probably he repeated
elsewhere until the Germans find
A Way to meet it.
The Gernuul., may contemplate
the teeny, but also the justice,
of history wh.i: h brought it about
that this palttcnllu' target wits
suggested to this R.A.F. by a
refugee from Berlin whom the
Nazis had driven from the coun-
The Blockade Principle
The current ;Teat offensive of
the British and American air
forces, according to The Chris-
tian Science Alonitol', is more than
a "softening up" process, as the
familiar phrase has it, for the
putting ashore of tanks and foot
soldiers. It is more than an effort
to reduce the output of German
war industry, 1t is the effective
application of the historic block-
ade principle to a new element—
the air.
By striking almost incessantly
with overwhelming force at trans-
portation and industrial centres,
Allied air power ie now doing in
the heart of Europe what Allied
sea power did 50 successfully on
the continent's periphery in tiw
last war, i.e,, retarding or halt-
ing the swift flow of men and
materiel to the points where they
are needed most urgently.
Militarily speaking, 0 fortress
or an army is only as strong as
its links with the sources of its
strength. The knowledge of this
has long been one of the key-
stones of German military and
naval policy.
Aerial Blockade
One reason the Poli311 armies
were destroyed in .1939 WAS be-
cause Poland was unable to get
men and planes to the front clue
to the Luftwaffe's depredations
in the rear. And the capitulation
of french amts appeared to he
necessary after the break -through
at Sedan largely because France
could not prevent German air
bonlhs from choking her highways
and her railroads.
But vastly more significant
than these examples, it was the
use of aerial blockade by the
Allies that resulted in the dra-
matically swift collapse of Ger-
man and Italian resistance in
Tunisia. The last fight was over
ht Tunisia as 50011 as the Allies
penetrated the outer German for-
tifications because Allied bomb-
ing hall made it impossible for
the foe to obtain fresh strength
or to shift what strength 110 1)1) 1
[t 1.3 eouekulel that a similar
result awaits the .\xis in Europe.
11001, Peteolia; Ruth Bleza'd, Lon-
don; Angela Morrisey, Downey-
ville. John Thomson, a farmer's
son, got a $50 bond for his vic-
tory in the contest which was
held in Simpson's Arcadian Court,
and four others—Ian Smith, Wil'
lianl Anderson, Thomas Russel!
and Stanley 1wan--tied for sec-
ond place with $25 worth of Wal'
Savings Certificates each.
Unless the Germans find some
010111) of drastically reducing' the
effectiveness of the present aerial
assaults, they can hardly e.;cape
a similar collapse. .And thus fat'
they have given no indication that
they will find suelt means as long
as they are engaged up to bile
atilt in Russia.
Morale and Economics
The question i; often a.')ked:
"If Britain could tyke it, why
can't Germany?"
It is not 90 much a question of
morale as it is of economics.
Germany is approaching the
bottom of the barrel in manpower,
production, resources, and stocks,
Anything taken to replace losses
caused by bombing' must inevit'
ably be at a sacrifice of war pro-
duction. For this reason a ton
of bombe on Essen today is worth
far more to the United Nations
than a ton of bombs on Birming-
ham was to the Germans in 1041),
The naval blockade restricts
Germany's access to many vital
raw materials. The air raids make
bhe shortage worse by bombing oil
stocks and refineries.
The Naval Blockade
The naval blockade has forced
Germany to divert nearly 36 per
cent, of its electric power supply
to synthetic plants. The air raids
make things 1001'e difficult by
bombing huge power stations.
The natal blockade added to
Gormany's transport difficulties
by driving its coastwise traffic off
the seas. The air raids reinforce
these efforts by attacking loco-
motive and railway wagon fee -
twice, and rail junctions.
In sum, the air offensive is to
be seen as an ally, not only of the
army, hut of the navy. And while
Britain proved it could, with dif-
ficulty, take less, there are solid
reasons why Germany may prove
to he unable to take more,
U.S. War Loan Goes
5 Billion Over Top
The United States Treasury
announced last week that It grand
total of $18,5:13,000,000 in secuf•
ities were sold in the second war
loan drive, $5,533,000,000 more
tb.ul teas originally sought in
the greatest Government financ•
1118 campaign 111 histol';'.
:1s a rseult of the success of
the second war loan, Under-
Secretary 1)nniel Bell said that
plats for another campaign in
August have been postponed until
HEAD y 5 "l."
That Canada's 1943 Food Pro.
duction Drive Will Be Greatest
in Our History.
Thr;'. More Sugar For Canning
Will Be Allotted To Rural Than
To Urban Residents
111 + ill est session of Partin
1115111 i, ltl(ely to keep the people's
replr.,''lllaliv, 4 111 (11111111 11111i1
nlin -uuuer, hilt 111 01111 out of par-
liament,tr_ rece,1,1 mill after Par -
tumuli! ti ,h:uul', the 1)x;1 exports
dull (',lnalta's ('telt Sret i(0 and
prilat5 industry 01111 pruvint, (0)0
Iinne 10 w•re,tl,k with the 1111011 of
11.1111:10 um) 1'015 511011 1Iti riV1117.•
alien 11;1,1 never hi -fore attempted,
I'h . yrollleins of the rural rest.
(1,(115 are being kept in mind in
the development of all ration pro.
gr.nn�, In Tho matter of the pro•
lishul of surer for canning, for
example. the foods -\llnlinistrr-
tiuu, \\'artinu• !'rice, and '!'rade,
Board. recommended that houso•
wives in the /enmity should be al-
lotted more than those who (lwel!
in 011011 errata. The policy of
granting sightly more to rural
dwellers than urb1n residents was
adopted by the Board's Ration Ad•
ministration, and with it both
urban 1111(1 1)1.31 housewives will
g.•nerally agree.
Preserve Wild Fruits
There are certain obvious rims.
0115 for this poltcy. For one thing,
rural housewives have always bean
in the 110101 of "putting down"
more fruit. Not only is this cos•
titulary but in most turas in Caw
;lila necessary, Farm women for
the limit part must "preserve" a
very considerllble supply of fruit
;Hill stns) it i11 111011' Ow'11 cellars,
otherw'is0 their cupboards would
lie pretty bare in winter time
when roll and ice and snow pre•
vent them front going far afield
for provisions, It is generally res•
o.gnized that the city housewife
las muster ;recess to industrial
supplies of commercially dueled
goods 1(1111 11309 1110111 to a 1)11011
greater extent than the country
Poi. another thing, the rural
housewife has, ten chances to one,
berry bushes In her own garden
and fruit trees in her own orchard.
She has about her, more than
likely, vast open spates whm',,
berries of one sort or another
grow, sometimes on bushes along
the roadside, sometimes on plants
like the wild strawberry, on other
times on trees like the wild plum.
All of these fruits are tasty and
should he picked and used as far
as possible,
Local Ration Boards
The Ration Administration has
set up some 521 local ration
boards. The distribution of sugar
for canning is being left in their
hands, as it is felt that they are
more fully cognizant of local ecus.
ditious and local needs than auy•
one sitting in Montreal or Ottawa
could he. To them 1111s been lett
the task of sorting out applications
for canning sugar and forwarding
to the housewives the coupons for
the maximum amount of sugar
thal 11. 1s possible to provide for
canning purposes. These coupons
will be delivered by June 1st when
the canning season opens.
Citizens' Responsibility
Rural dwellers are urged to re-
member that all rationed con1111011.
sties are provided them 111 trust,
Tea, coffee and sugar come to this
('01111try at the risk of sailors' lives,
1'01(0 1110 case of sugar alone, for
example. Some of North .lmerica's
largest sources of sugar supply
are now in enemy hands, and war
on the high setts hag greatly cur-
tailed our imports from remaining
sources of supply. Imports (1110 be
brought 111 only at great danger to
sailors and ships. In the rase of
meat, we must help to feed those
who are keeping the war from our
own shores, It Is the patriotic re-
sponsibility of every citizen to use
these rationed commodities wisely
anti well.
Mass Transport
Flight To India
The longest and largest mass
transport flight in history has
been completed by American
commercial pilots flying Amer-
ica's newest and biggest cargo
They flew from the United
States to India in .1!:.! days with-
out. Toss, carrying 90 tons of cargo
15,000 utiles,
It's No Longer
A Man's World
•'Newsgirls" Solve Problem
of Carrier Boy Shortage
Wartime brings all kinds of
change.; in industry. The call to
turns has even been felt in the
delivery end of the newspaper
business.A shortage of good car-
rier boys luta arisen through the
older boys moving into jobs left
vacant by young men who have
enlisted. '1'o fill the gap The
Toronto Star has turned to car-
rier girls and with hardly an ex-
ception they have proved to be
excellent business people,
in adopting the role of carriers,
many young ladies have assumed
a new air of independence But
what girl wouldn't want to turn
to something in her spare time
that offers x profit of several
dollars 0 keel(?
Carrier salesmanship standards
have definitely been improved
with the advent of girls to this
important phase of newspaper
distribution work. The contact
with the public and the general
all-round business experience of-
fered to Carri0111 has, on the other
hand, greatly repaid the young
ladies who have ventured into this
Ae in other forms of industry
that have turned to girls nitd
woolen to fill the thinning ranks
of available male workers, carrier
boys will now have to he on their
toes to meet this new competi-
tion. There is one thing certain,
though, The end of the tea' will
not see the end of the cat'rior
girls. Now that they have estab-
lished themselves as good, con-
scientious newspaper carriers,
they should go on filling this tole
for feat's to tonne.
We have not been su sure we
wanted to "get down to brass
tacks" snce we learned that et -
pression origivaled from an old
custom of putting the initials of
the deceased on the+ lid of his
coffin with a set of brass tacks.
'!'hat's too far down by some 1111(
feet to 110111 any attraction.
---(Kitchener Record)
nif !AM WAY io
Stalingrad Rises
From Her Ruins
Civilians Spend Sundays Rs -
pairing Roads and blouses
1:'.er3' Sunday since the :tion of Stalingrad the 0011r,,
able-bodied population has tv"rkf
ed on the repair of road, and
houses. (ter a million sii Etta
yard; of (kiwi; has been clewed,
50,000 otare yards of hot;,in(;
rebuilt on the plain road 11N he,x(
restored completely.
Photographs published rec •ntl.Y
shote neat single -story house, of
brick and plmter among ground
stilt churned up aid littered. Uul;-
outs where men of the Sixty -5c•;•
and Army a few months ago took:
shelter on the Volga batt( haves
been converted into publio 11011)1,
while restored apartment house.,
now hear the names of individual
Russian soldier.; who (listiugarihed
themselves among 11(0 ruin.; der•
ing the battle for the city.
The Moscow radio reported thlal,
Stalingrad had reopened twenty
schools. Other accomplishments
of the Stalingrad population were
"111 alt districts baths, 5hol(t,
dining roosts, medical and chil-
dren's help centres, con'munic.t•
_tions and stores fur the supply of
the population are in operation.
The first section of the wavier
stain:( is ready for .low."
The Great Lakes
High This Year
The delayed spring has held
up lake navigation, but the re -
porta on lake levels may be s
pnrital compensation before tial
season is over. IL is at it, high-
ost point since 1860 and Atkin -
gun and Huron were nearly 1.31i
feet above the 10 -year average in
This nowt; gives promise Ot
floating room for deep -load lines,
and a few extra inches of water
underneath the keel of a hig
freighter Cal meats hundreds of
tons more cargo above it. i'h.i
snowy, rainy winter and spring
haven't been completely detri-
By Fred Nether
Ill •T . •1 a, ,n,I IldnM N.•. re.41•.1
/7-I/ 6?LJ.i4c;5 .
"'Butterworth never takes 'No' for an answer."
)4 I
zw%a?w�i'w Watt
The lion, 1 t:. Nixon is shown here with Iii; is lily. (Left to right): Mr. Nixon, son, Holt; daughters Mrs. Farrel) and \11•s.
Brume Forbes, and 11rs. Nixon. The Nixon; lost their eldest son, Lien t. John Corwin Nixon, serving with the 11,1'.A.P. oversea,. :qrs. 1'or!r1:'
is serving on the cast roast \\ith tho I1.C,:1,h. W.D.). )lr husband is overseas with the Canadian Army.
,If:I;NTS 83.1\"1'1:11
1;V1, iHAVI: SU11�'I\,''1'1:11, 1•:,5
.1)1)001 111111‘ f 1' tun
111.•1 ot11/r )•)1,111. \ell„ 1,; 1,t 1.1
4:1111 but uu:llll, It Vote 1'1410
11. ,,(!ire or lac 11.1}" wrr!c, ,\\on
1'1 e111) 111 1)P 1';lll.,,1.1 1.1)1)ll, 11,
St. .1','\:I 11111'1' f`Il'„ 1, \ImoI.. 211.
.11.11/311/1111,E5-1 S I: I)
t11-4):1) VA1)H \VII'll ,.;111)4,
t 11'4 first. 11„001. 1'14 1)0,:1,14. :d•, -
(c:' I.nuitr,d. Ls, 1) ,',• 1,01 at
2tele \'011ge St r,r1; lit :111 to
.\bunt I'li:l.:,nt Hoa(J, ,1,,,•
t.o;t,,. T4'111014111, 1 S. 21 ht.
y 1,1,'1'1 )'.t It'I'S
1'ii:55' A.,:1) 1'81:1 1':51;'1 ~ 1'' lit .51,1,
nr 4.:)08 •11t1 I
:,' 111,0:111114‘ -Lop
4, re. (;(111111 \alto ' ltl,l'IIL'
'• , 1111 Ir is SI., lt�<i111 11, r, 0"1„t 10,
11,8111' CIIU;ks
11\ 1:1:11 is FUIl I:N'i'l;:\ 1'l0)1:Il
dl-” popular purehr,ds, Complete
I•t,t, all ngus, 1' (Il t 14:1v Vat n:s,
11:uys, Ontario.
Si1l;Ni'I:CT .1\11'1,1; .;) l i l,\ nl
nn Its for delis, x00111; a fl, r
ally 1st, Pullet' and 1,,8het n
eke' I Is for (Inlet 1 y e11 I% ,111111 .
Den 1 leave y out st i r short for
1,111 :Intl w•inlrl nu,rlsetll. 1,11 -
h: to your 0rdfr now, Iil•:t5' Hat, 11-
e13, 134, John N., II,Iuiltell, out.
11);!.1' PEED l'.1 NADA. LIAISE
more poultry- -:I nil sinshtl1ze on
1'tleddle (0110x1 I y 'perull!zulg
011 'I'tvrddle 1'hi,•Ls >oil et%e
out s,1f a chance to gel the hest
results with no pr, titer int,.,.t-
1114nt and oilNO lu,,re tt11k
Hiatt ttlth ordinal% "11111-0f•ihe-
will" stack, 'I'wt 0010 4'0)001 Ire
(1010 blood -tested brei dl•rs, I;0v-
41011i0nt Aplum ed -- tInc-to-01m
- lit:llthy, sttn•ily birds. Poultry
old eggn will hen sure-fire each
mop all year. Decide now to pio-
die your share of this essential
fold ---and send for the Tic, (Idle
catalogue and pi ler list, (hilt r
your .luno anti July chicks not\.
Tn011010 l'hltic Ii:lrherlee Limit -
Id, 1" rg119, OIlial Ie.
111,ACK 111:111)11.:5
111MAL.\VAN 11VI:ItItElAlt1N0
IilaclthcrriCS. Prolific tout hardy,
4 for $1.01) prepaid. A. Klein,
A)rt's:1z, II,I'.
• 1)F,SiGNI:IIS \V.4 \'1'LI)
LEA 11N ))I AI"I'AN(;, ('.SN:\DI:\N
Industry needy designers for war
and Postwar I,lnnnuu;'. Write
Guild 0f Mechanical 1)tsign, i
1ting St, \V., '1'„1"010.
DI:'I'I:C'1'llld 1API:1151:
1211:1'u111: A Jinn I1)"I`IVE, MEN
over 1G wattled 4'reyw'llere i1)
Canada to learn d,:teetiv'1 worts.
I'laclical easy emo.se by ^orr11-
pomlence. J41forma 1i0n free. 1', 81.
Julien, )lox 25, Station '1', lfra-
11 al
D\'EIN(: .% CI,1 ANI\1:
I./AVE 1'011 ANVT)IIN11 NEI:1,14
dyeing or (•Ieal,inp:' 1\'rite 1.1 ,1y
for infornnttioa. We :11c (:Ltd 111
answer yollr questions. 11)1ta i t-
n10it 11, Parker's 1tye \Sotlts
Limited, 791 Vwn-e Street, Tu•
h ill).
I:LEC'171IC 1(111,1i C'11111,1:1t 5
in,I:I:Titie M11I( 01(1I,E11S, NEW
rind used, wholesale or retail. It.
Adams, 245 Kennedy Road, To -
1011tH 13.
INS'17LIUMEN'I'S 11'Awin)
nuwts not In use may he turned
Into cash. Send full particulars
to Whaley Royce & Company,
310 Yong() Street, Toronto. Ont.
1'I')A'171I.11S \\'AN'L'HD
W11.1. )'AY 'Tib: FOLLOW INU
prices for (loose and Duck feath-
ers: hoose fent hers, i;Se lb.; Durk
feathers, 48c lb. remota Comfort-
er Co. Limited, 731; Dundas 5t.
East, Toronto, 11nt,
PADA'I:EKA FOOT 11:1),81 destroys
offensive odor instantly, 450
bottle. Ottawa gent, Dcnmun
Drug Store, Ottawa.
white cedar feure posts.. Write
quoting' pricer, L. W. Johnson
041d tion, Cedar Springs, 1ti'h.
110:1,1' \VA\'1'141)
krb:itl:O'rYrl,tt \WITH SOM14 Ex-
perience as helper in weekly
newspaper and Joh office, open
ohne. Apply Employ mens wad
Selective Service Office, 174 Spe-
yy��dlaa Avenue. Refer to File C74614.lyAN9'ED 1'Ot1NG MARRIE1)
couple of English, Irish, Scotch
extraction for modern farming.
Will pay veer illy per month
yrnrly, with fuel, lights, 111111:
• and separate house. Write Pert y
McK,•e, Paquette, Ont.
ISSUE No. 22-43
I'.1 It II \1 .1.\'1'1:11
N -A:,'1'1.111,11 \1,1, VAI;\i 11.\ I,:1I(I:
from,111 t Il, 11 r -1101111, r , 0111,
about items •1,l 11„11:, 1. 15 111,
(':Itl),Il,ll. 11'i I,OIL ; II .(11•, Tli-
I• t1111 1.1)11 5.%LI':
1•'A1t11, „ 51'1;1':: Tial:\111:U, :5
111`11, 1o:0'll,:Illy 110 s.IIII11p0 1'r
rani n, 111 111 h 11011.4, %%:, 11
halo, ,1, 1:1I roof, 4111\ r 11,11, good
0' i1, I;,,1)( 11 ,.' 1)1, 1111•:11 111:111,
To ',:I• 1x1:,14.. >t's. S )1111 14t-
nr, ,x, \'n t4,11a 1l:n'h1.'01,
1'A110) 1'1(1; 5.11,1: -- 1:01 At'1011,
011:11 ': 011, Mick Iodise 111!1)
slat, 01 and rut too e, good*
land. nit t• hush, 1,11 111 % of 10:14 - -
7:44.0 1'1,0110 ,•;I h, L:, I,+111,1 ','_',.
- 11 01 11111 r, 1; It. ;i, 'rhornll:lir,
11)11 5.( 1,1:
'1'1:,5\1 11' I'I:Itt'III:RV\ lll•:I,11-
10a_1' 1'1' into 4 years. Itrolcrn, quiet;
0011;111 11,011 201,11 iii, 51', lil•yr1,
'Ht. No. urlllin, 4 mil, s frehl
01110:1 o) t'oldt\:Itre 'load,
FO)) SALE-- 157 AcilE14 Volt (;I:N-
(11;) purpns,• (:111111114 -)n pool)
,.late of cultiy:Ilion. Immediate
par. -1 -x)011. one guile south of
811. 1101,, 1,11 No. ( Highway. .101111
Brooks, 1;lauful4.1 Station, 11.1). ,,.
1'011 S.\I,l1, 'rllltl:SIIIN(1 e)1•'I'I'I'I',
30-50 kulueley' tractor, :'8-•l5 Fay-
tohe 11)11 with straty 1'11(14 1., chaff
)lIotyrr, clovar nilnchnlent. ,roc
Slat 1,ry, k.IL l;, Peterborough.
also see:loiter oil and F11•ases•
A. 1•:. Robinson, 12'1) S11uttrTot lotto,
FOIt 5.51,1: \1'A'I'I':111,(1() 'I'IIRI:Sil-
big nla,•llinl•, 33 x 4:,. New feeder.
grit in weigher. chaff Mow 1•1• 81111
E10 sol shredder last year, In
first class condition. Elvin (tall,
11.)1. 1. ,nil.
I'.%S'L'1:11l: 1\'A\'I'I:D
%VA N'1'I:1 ) J'I:\V 11191.1:111119 FARA1-
ers 10110 have good I'listin'0 end
aecom(uodation to pasture end
look after hunlhts of young cat-
tle for summer, for cash, paid
monthly. Also for 'seeping sheep,
the y'ttie round, 0n p, reentag'es
of increase. \'rile fully: l'ost
()Mee 110o 57(1 Toronto.
11AIItl)11E5SIN( SCiI00L
L 19 A 11 N HAII1l)ll)4SSIN(1 TIM
Robertson method, Information
on request regarding classes,
]toberts0n'e hairdressing Acad-
emy, 137 Avenue Road, 'Toronto,
1!Alit (400DS
Only firm 1n Canada manufacturing
ladies' 11)11) )e•ntienlfu's hair goods
exclusively. \Vrite 08 for part Mu -
1V111'I'1:'S trADt 1:001)5
2514 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario
1101 Si•:hlil•,I'1•:It \1 A\'l'I•:I)
wispily; Iil)\I1:31-\lil:l1s' 5ssot'-
01(100, ;11 Huron SI., Toronto,
Serial 11'4.1fare organization needs
Moist hitep1' for motherless fam-
ily. Applicants should be exper-
ienced in housohr ping and cart
0f Chihlren, but cannot have their
own children with them. Apply
In p, 1,011 or by Irlir r, including.
1,1111 11) SI (.8)1
L1(1I'll1 SE(SI'I1S'I'I'I'I•'r1: FOR
rants, pies, plltld!Ilgs, coffee, etc.
Four ounee bottle equals eight.
pounds sugar, ler postpaid. Sat-
lsfectiun elm r:nt„l. 141. llutrh-
Iho11 :\):en, les, Box role, Spalding.,
1,11 I:S'I'Ol'IC 111:111:1)11':5
11194, 111,1 1OD QI:ICKLy TABLETS
atop White diarrhoea in chicks,
'l'urkc3 poult4, alto calf scours
and pit, scouts, costs 1:, chick,
]e poult, 10c plg, 50e calf. Trial
sample 1100; guaranteed results
or 01oney buck. 1t. A. Finn & Co.
Limned, London, Ontario,
11.11114 1•'011 SAI.14
FO It 5.51,1: — SADDLE: MAItle,
four-year-old, Marl(, appruxint-
11tely sixteen hands high, seed
by I'tlhrpldes. _Apply- to 'William
Preis, Tavistock, Ont, Itotlte
No, 7.
11110'1 111' S 1:1:1)
(1(1\'1•:l:XM1:\ I' ilBADE: NO. 1,
tIIilIlt)(3 )) 4) $D1 per ret.
1lat-Andrew, 11. IL No. 1, 1Vin-
chests r, Ont.
Goon I11:Sl:ll'S—):VERY SIIFE'':1t-
er from ltl(eumetie Pains or Neur-
itis ohoultl Icy Dixon's Reuedy.
Munrn's Drug Store, :135 Elgin,
Ottawn. Postpaid 11.00.
'I'A 1'1:1\' I I I I M
often are the cause of 111 -health
In humane all ages. No one im-
mune! \\'hy not find out if this
is your trouble? Interesting par-
Heelers—Free! \Vrite Mulveney''s
Remedies, Specialists, 'Toronto 3,
311'II'81, )5),)))) 111•:.\'I''.
111(111l143 l'.5511 1'11)1'I'.14 1'.1111
for 3 ow. 11x,•11 1':Ix phot, , 1'1:1 1. -
Met, Ti ulup,1, etc. }11),1 pal i bu-
llus or Int11111nrn1- 111 for 1:alil-
ulion. National Ain -11:11 1411!,111
111.,1 )441:,
1E 411111'1's
1'1111(;Itl:hl l 5N(;OIL1 1L\11)11)'4
for 111, . .t':,.UO 111111 up. I,:Iu)-(0-
I.lil:es I;ahlatry, 1(1111113. 1 Int.
'I')U4I: ANL) 01'41) J'It'1'I'S, 1:\'I:lt-
greens, Shade 'Trees, Shrubs,
Vines, i'1rO17111 1, Ruch Plants.
Free r:lt:llogu1+ and fruit list,
Niagara :xurseric'• rl, t:athariuts,
I'`E'r)l)4115'I'UNHAIJI;II ,L 0u\11'ANY
Patent Solicitors, Estab119tled
1890; 19 [ting \Vest, Toronto.
Booklet of Information on re -
('AT1:\'t'S AND T111, DE 31,8111(5
how to protect inventions. 1'.e,cr-
ton It. ('ase, 82 Balsam Ave.,
Toronto. Established over forty
A 1) VA N (: 1:11 1tN1151'LIN Ittf: ON
Spiritual Science. Knott ledge is:
Power. Particulars, i1. ('. ,lohu-
son, Smith (Building, Toronto.
The Ileac, (talo, or Ilull
Delivered by Alan
Any 0 or 8 exposure film perfectly
developed and printed for only 26e,
Supreme quality and fust service
Station J, Tui; uta
'T1vo 1)1111ts from each negative. Re-
prints 20 each. Idontea1 Photo,
P.O. Box 1(0, Station N, \l ntrea1.
Send 301u1' 1i1110) direct to (':Inada'e
hugest photo finishing studio for
developing 1111(1 printing. Savo dcal-
,v''a profit::. 5o1111 11)\ a muucy.
Quality work 111141 prompt service 14
assured you. Scud us u lull for trial.
Arty Size )toll --6 or 8 Exposures,
1/I9VE:LO1'1?I( ANI) 1'IUNTEll :5c
Free Sou%enir with Each Order,
Sall: fled customers will tell 3011
that Star Snapshot Serriee floes
w'url. 1)l the finest quality. A new
customer 01 \Vinic IsIdmd. Ilnt:t1io,
writes: "1 was so 11)1 ±10 1 t%ittl
results, 1 will 14.11 guy 1014 11(1, about
the good it oil: Star Snapshot. Ser-
vice dots." 1 o will like our wo1k,
3 MOI:N'ri:D ENL,AittlEM1:NTS 25c
Sixu 4x0" i1) Jirautiful 1:astl \Iuunte
l:nlargemi nts colour, (I by hand for
u email additional 1.h:r1t,
Ilex 129, 1'usl ll '1'ernlia:ll A, '1'eruuto
Print your name and addrl.11 pluiu-
ly 011 1111 orders.
A1.IISINI: (a01.11S14
Bruce hospital Scheel of Nurs-
ing,21 months' course. For fur-
ther infultu:tttun, apply Superin-
tendent of Nurses, Urace lluspit-
1, Ottawa.
1111E1!IIA'1'1C PAINS
'I'I(V 1'I'! 19VEIt\' St FFJ':IlLL' OI'
ltheutuetle )'nine or Neuritis
4huuld try Dixon's Remedy. dy. \Dn1-
00'l1 Di ug Store 335 Elgin, Ot-
tawa. Postpaid $1.00.
5't'RA11'IIE11It 1195
THIt1414 l)1"I'S'rANDINi; S'I'11A\1'-
berry Varieties, Fairfax, 1(.110,
1000. l'remier $5,00, 1000. )'ltr-
eo11'e Beauty $4.110, lope, choice
plants w4.11 packed. Grant Logan,
Scotland, Ont.
SVGA It 1tE@:'J'S
1)EA'r 51'11A11 IIA'l'ION!NO! GROW
sugar beets. Mllke your own sug-
ar and sy1'11)1. 51111/)111 4(4 ARC.
Complete Instructions, 25e. 1.
Neige', 5'ibauk, Sask.
GASOi.IN11 SAW !NO 1045'I('14, 25
tents. Stale year and make of
the ear and catbuleter. Hike
Doltish. 344 Gladstone Ayr., To-
ronto, Ont.
TRACTOR l'A1)1'8 N le \V ANL)
used, for ell makes of (raders.
general Auto and 'rrnetoi Supply,
13 1"iederlck St., Kitchener, Uhl
TE11. 11 I :11 51 .1 \' 1' I :1)
1.:I'I::\ link; 1' 11 ('1' I: S-
I,IIt tea,h, 1, mai, 0r female, for
(il:ule' 1 t,. ,;rad, 1 h. qualifrd
also to 11,,11 1'1r11,h. Salary
I1:::,0.1,11 1,11' ., no,) 11,1' 11111 ftlr-
111111111 4,210:.11 1)1111, 1.r,•, .Apply
1)o Allan N. l'1ihnl�, tie _'1'0010,
Pascal's I'1o1, •1:111. Scheel 13„1011,
1', non, too 1„ ,.
A 11155 p1111der, S0 fine Blot the
total surface of the grains of the
few hundred pounds in !Ise 00011111
equal1 the 4111120 area nl' the i'nited
aICS, is: 111)' ral:,lyst 111110 114
much of Ah1t:ica'H 1)5111'1011 gaso-
Tho powdt r flow's like water. it
literally boils at time. Although
u solid, it is officially 11011/41 a
fluid catalyse.
The amount of powder is 1011111,
Hough to keep three new gasoline
plaints 1n Operation, hat a little
does a powerful lot of boosting
of (implicit] vett( 1ion1) )making mho
55)11' fuel.
The powder is so ;114111 114111
that after it Iris 110110tilcd inn
chemical cracking job, it rise11 like
41110k0 in a column of gas vapor.
in the rise the powder particles
carry on their hacks the precious
gasoline base they have helped to
This base is separated from the
powder, the )atte)! is cleauell and
then It flows, as easy- as water,
II:Lck to the reaction cham11erS 10
repeat its catalytic: job, 'Time after
time, almost without end, the sante
powder is )silo to repeat.
Great Advantage
Chemists here generally soy that
mho American aviation gasoline,
1% Web is 1fI1•octa11c, is 0110 of the
Allies' highest advantages i1) the
air over Ute ANIS. Neither )Germ-
any not' Japan has 101) 01:1110.
They have lathed the raw mater-
ials. Ilut they ltlow one of the
older process) and this J apan
might 11S0 111fo241 11111 oat' cads to
convert some of her newly -con-
quered oil into 1110-oet:nuy tiVialion
The powder catalyst is exclusive
to the United Nations. Its secrete
aro not hinny!' 0) the Axis, It will
produce the high power gasoline
more continuously, from a wider
range of materials, and will, 1t
necessary. carry the ga5nl n4. up
beyond 10)) octane.
Abraham Wiser
Than Army Censor
An army chaplain wrote 00)110
that ho could not give his where-
abouts, but quoted the remark
of one of ]tis men:
"Padre, I reckon Abraham
was a wise guy to get out of this
place as 80011 148 he could, even
it he didn't know where he was
This was passed by the cen-
sor, who ob\'iuot:ly did not recall
the passage in Genesis and He-
brews which say that Abraham
left Ur of Citaldces to go into
tine land of Cannan. Ur is in
Have You Heard?
A ;1.11:51 huustwile oslu:d t)v
Irl 1(1'1:1, for ;1 pe11; 14 ('(tll potato, it.
An lour last r br 1e11111)4l1 w'ill1
)t Hatter of them all orally elle-
''5411 ,1, 40,11), :i Initilahe." hli'
"I'tr , 111 ail ,,1 111, se 1111,1104.8
apt a,ad 1',11, • 1:1,1 ;, 11'141 iR filly
Of 111,'111
4,- -
"Ho'.'. much are these col-
"Two for 25 Cents."
'How much is one?"
"Fifteen cents."
"Here's a dime—gimme the
other one."
"A ',1r 11.1:111,11, or Mai nuln—
ralleJ 1,111) 01,11 yun're to sleet.
flint 1),ll:(11'0w' 01) 1)0' enl'Ite1' 0f
Emil. 1 10in11 114 .8,011, alpl \\'est,
01. NII') it 51.1 1 !.1 believe, about
(117111. 1)r 11100, 1 11nk It 10118, and
that if :4111 4.110'1 ro1114' you're to
',Mono Ilial. S3) More 0.49 401110-
th?n4. :1, tis 1'' te:y important."
Tommy: My teacher's got
the worst memory In the
Father: So he forgets every-
thing, does he?
Tommy: No: he remembers
- n--
i'olit r- "1 y„,1) 'o 4.(0 the 011,11-
1():1•". 1 41111 '1) •. Ciliates ('r) -!Iaml
of 1'hirlo lel."
Mee Boy Inl:0 dusters badly)
":11r. 1'41 ,}l oh-t:I r1) 10.1.11 bolt en't
y(1)1 ,. 1 11241, sit? it P01111d`; 114
101)11)-!1 1 1t:,s 111;1},1.14 11111,01'.
"No, Dick, I fear we could
never be happy: you know I
always want my own way in
"But, darling, you could go
on wanting It after we are
"Sorry to put you to the trouble
of fetching rater specially for
111e," said ;(11 1•:0)41011 tourist, who
had ordered ed w l!sift) in a 1 1101110n
"Nat 1rnu00( 1,1 ,411," replied the
11081. "1 always l,)) p a drop on the
p00111 of fire.,'
Husband: "As I contemplate
the wonders of nature, I realize
ho.o insignificant Is man."
Wife: "Any woman knows
that without contemplating.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
1. Is it come,:I to coil on new
neighbors as soon 2s they ale set-
tled in their 11) w home?
2. Should 0110 eefllbo a cigarette
if someone otters 0114', but you pre-
fer your Olen brand?
3. Should a woman take her
partner's arm Wien entering the
dining room, at an informal din-
4, Should 11 man's wife ever give
him direetitfs while ho in carving?
5, should one select n wedding
gift that is something only the
bride can use, if one doesn't know
the groom?
0. 1t a woman is taking a group
of her friends to a theatre, who
should enter first?
1. Yes, anti t!1' 1 e calls must he
ret 11111011, 2. 1'es, merely 'ay,
Tk:ulh you, 1 hare. nom." 3. No;
she should 1111''y walk at his
side. 4, Not unless she wishes in
encourage a dark look from 110r
husband. The majority of 111011
heartily dislike interference of 11)18
kind. 5. No; select something that
can he used and enjoyed by both
tho bride and froom. 0, The hos.
fess should I 11(0 first with the
ticket 1.
llrar.il has a billion nrrcc of
Valuable woodland, coy( ring
nearly one-half of i1e total land
For Girls and Women to Help Our War Effort
Waitresses -- Cafeteria Workers — Dish-
washers wanted.
Good living accommodations under proper
Apply with Medical Certificate nearest
Employment & Selective Service Office
REFER H.O. 274
Roll your owners!
go for Ogden's
Cow -catchers cleared mho way
for rolling stock in tho old days
of tho West ... 091)00 8 clears
the tracks for rolling -your -own to
complete satisfaction. It's a long -
famous brand with a long•famous
name —a blond of choicer, riper
tobaccos—it's Ogdon's1
Ogden'I quality for pipe smokers,
too, in Ogden's Cut Plug
R.A.F. `Train -Buster'
Warfare Effective
t 11:00)1,4.11 hit,\t 1) of the
:111 1 Atlm rico) "11 ;ti: -
buster" :lir Sleet against Hitler's
rail tl•,u15p01t arc sma-hing his
dwindling supply of lucun:otiVes
at the )rate of .1.10 a mond;.
At this rate, the Allies are de-
1tI01 illg 54, more !uculn,,ti\11; i15
month than the Fives-l.ill0
plant. in toothy] 11 France, the
Iargl•81 in 1'.urcjn, alt produce
in 11 year - told the Fi\e;;-Liar.
n01,1101 production of 100 a year
is believed to have been eirt ap-
preciably by per: i'terit
\lai'c•h was a iarti)ulatly di1-
aotrous month for German rail
transport. righter planes 11101105
hnoclted cut 00)111 1110 locomo-
1.'\'e5, and railway targets , were
lilt 011 ''1 of the 31 days.
'l'hc shortage in loronloticest
and railway nt:tterial is making
itself felt in the heart of Ger-
many as 50ell its in the East and
111 the Balkans,
14.C.:1.1'', fighter pilots have
)Wade many forays :n recent
months against transport facili-
ties in France and Holland. As
many as foto' locomotives have
boon reported knocked out by the
Canadians on a single day.
Women are replacing' 500 men
who formerly took care of Lon-
don's parks, (8)082es and gar-
Linotype Operators and Com-
positors apply to your nearest
Employment and Selective_ Ser-
vice Office. REFER TO FiLE
No. ROG7S.
It Sou are t•otlolcs with lt.:ht a
piles 1)i metal )ul•enecu, Ito 11ut delay
514,ttnitut and run the I,sk of 10151 l:4
this condition 004101110 chronic. Any
11'111111 or 1:o1•e1)S1 of WW1 111 ptls
ago 1)l' stul-' iS ilattire') tV:11'lltllg 1l'1t1
prup:'1 treatment ehuuad be •coin,,d
1)T once.
Fur lila purpose get n 1100ka50 of
I1en1-Bold 100111 any druggist and
use as directed. This rut ensue
1% Inch Is used Intel Wally Is a 8101111,
easy to [11111) 1110105, 1(1)1 quickly
rellc0o the Belong mid sululc08 and
aid 11) bit)Ing the sure tender :vote.
lleni-ltottl is pleasant to use, 15
highly recommended and It seems
the height 1)t toil). ler any one to
risk 0 1:11111111 and chrunie pole
condition tette!) such a tine remedy.
may he had at sot O a slllall cost.
It you try Ileus -Dolt and ere not
entirely pleased with the results,
your druggist will eladly 1(111:4,
your 01011cy•
2 Special Remedies
by the Makers of Mecca Ointment
Mecca file Remedy No, 1 is for Protruding
Bleeding files, and is sold in Tube, v fa pipe
for interum) appliention. Price 711c. nieces 1 i)t
Remedy No. 2 is for External itching Pilex. Seid
in Jnr, and is for extrrnal me only, Price 6011
Order by number frunm your Druggist.
./Relieves distress from WitNTH1Y�
Lydia E. Plnkhatn's Vefsetoble
Compound not oniy helps, relieve
monthly pain but also weal:, nerv-
ous feelings -clue to monthly func-
tional disturbances. It helps build tip
resistance against distress of "d:JS-
cult clay)." Made In Canadc.
Page 4.
►�1'�A�1`�'A�'Y11'{�1`�1'g1`t11A`�AA'N`q V ��`M1`4 `Y `L���'N�'Y'Ot4'�`Y`C��'4��� "Y
Elliott liisuraiice Agency
J. II. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
Office Phone 101, Residence Phone 12 or 110,
61,11i2ti 44a4t21DcDIANDr4aDiNDiR,Na,21Dt2rI3ta12tDt2t IDiTh21�i M,3r2,3idr212tD- t212,Di?t?:r
1't ace. hull fall oras tu;sweretl by the
BEL(ItAVE word -Courage'. The word fur the
'hullos l). \let'l'ca i '1'nreu'i spent Juno meeting to h' "Comfort'. AI13'
1110 evio'nd with 111' Ialrculs, Robs• one who have good used cl.:llin,; I,ar
;and Mrs. \Icl're'1• the \lissinna'y (kale plea: e leave it ,it
\(rs, Neil \loutgoincry and twins, \it's. \1'. '1'. itrIlll Toll's as soon a:,
Jack and .1lli, woiilt Mr. out Mrs. \\', J. rossilrle, \Ii s, 1'. thobl,rook, gave it
splendid reading on Community
Ibuss Antlerrfin, 1i,t'.A ., I1.uuill,:I' hiieutl:'lip and \Irs. S. 1,3 on nue. ou
!with Ili; I•arents. I(llri-ti;ul St •ward slap. \Ii>1; htrl;
Jack Ai lIsi1oug, Brampton, with his gave the report of the morning session
gltu•ents. !of the \V. \I, S. l'onventien held re
Elaine \\';Il:.h, of"Toronto, ;pen( the'cently al It11lssel,;. The thence, "1.i11
Iveck-end Nidi her p.11'cnt.,, \II'. and up y"nnr hearts in faith'.
:11r 4. S. 1.ynh
llrs. C. \\'alai.
gave the report of the afternoon nes..
('harles (c,trduer of tho R.l.:1.1., sine. (croup tNo. 2 then took charge
Clinton, with \Ir, and Mrs. 11. \1'Itee1'withMissL. Young as leader, .1
er' hymn. was sung followed by prayer.,
\►r. \i'cN'ieol of \Patton has boon en-,hy Air,. .1. \Ir('001 and Ni I'. Shoo
gaged to teach in S.S. No. :t morels, hrv,rlc. miss Yolwg gave an iuspirin
4or the cumin;; year. lad tress. The '1'heute being \Pkat to
The May nutting of the 11'omen':: the ('•hunch doing for our Sons and
institute war; held on 'Tuesday after- 1 I'alrghtc.rs ht \\'al. \\'uric. '1',rvv11s-
noon at the home of Mrs. ISarle An- cud also spoke 011 the haute subject.
(lerson, the prcsfdcut cond110lcd the \Ce cannot do enough for our sons
loci:Hug w•hiclt was t",leitcd with the Iapl. dallghlul'; in uniform. Entertain
,National .luthcttt. \linutas of the
them in your huuu•s, many of them
prcviuus meeting were adopted and 11•tla far from their bunko; and loved
Mile treasurer's report received. 1'helones and alt' very lane;ono. \la's. ,I.
roll call w•as respou(lcd 10 by naming! and \Irs. 'I'uvvnseaul contributed
a mechanical devise used in the war.'
1' ittal arrangements were made for
catering for a banquet in the 1•'ures-
a duet. Prayers were offered by \Irs.
Butch 411111 \Irs. 1'aiascrvi.c, \11.Wiii
0105011 wi111 prayer by .\11,<s Young.
Itc1.1; 114141 on May 21th• Next Sunday evening, May 23rd the
Delegates were a1)130 IIted to atletrd 1 \lissinn hand will hold lhetr mee.ling
he Uistrict Animal \Feting in (lin-
On 011 June 1st, and were as follows:
Mrs. ('. It. ('a>ultr±, \lar<. ('. Proctor,
It's. J. \1. ('oultcs and \Irs. S Proc•
Donna \'.In('amp and \!uviol :lndea•.
;son sang two duets. Mrs. Alex, \la.ts-
ining, vice president of the Itelgrave
Red ('ross Society, gave a report of
the ihovincial Red Cross Convention
hold in Toronto in' A,i l'iI. The meet-
ing closed with the institute Ode.
'Lunch was served by the hos1e;o,;.
ossistc'd by \lard, C. \Vls,celer and Mrs',
11. Proctor.
Mrs. D;a.vid Armstrong has returned
stone from Auburn.
in the t'harclt basement where slide.;
will be shown on the Evacuation of
the Japattt' e children inland. Spcchal
music will be pro\ ided. .111 are wel-
Word has been received from \irs
Henderson, Codcrich, District ('resi-
dent of the \Vousetss mutilate, extend -
',lig an invitation to any who are. or,
'who have been interested in Insti'tuIe
\•trek to meet with then[ at their Dis-
trict Annual to be held at Clinton 011
June 1st.
Inspectorl' lltha.icl visited S.S. NO.
AC., Ktnnteth• \V110010', 11.C.1.1". 10 011 Thursday afternoon.
who has spent the pa';t month at Mrs. John Ellis vini'ted a few days
1)escront'o, spent the weekend at his with Mr. and'Airs. \V. Near.
horse here,- and returns to 1'ot'kloa \Ir. Milliard McCowan of Hamilton
Il;'; week, spent the weel'1-end with his parents.
,lir. and Alm. J. L. Stewart of The children[ entertained the ladies
4.andon have been viLsltng 13elp;rave 'and children' at the school on 'Tuesday
friends. ,af1ornoon• with alt Empire Day pro•
Evensong and Sermon next Sunday groin.
in Trinity Church at 2.110. \I r. and Mrs. \V. Neat' visited \\'a.l-
V ton friends; on Tuesday.
(too late for last week)
The W. \t, S. held their regular
!meetin,, lH the Church basement out
fl'hursday, May I:I, with the president
Mrs. R. C. McCowan visi'led friends
in Blyth a few days last week,
morning Prayer and Sermon at
in the chair. \tenting opened by singln,l , a.m. next Sunday in St. \Ia rli'o
Ing three ver.seti of God Save 'rho King, ('church. Note change In hour for this
followed by the Daily Prayer for ''service.
Everyday Necessities
Photograph Albums, Variety of Styles, 20c to $2,50
Greetings Cards for All Occasions,.. , , 5c and 10c.
Cartons, for Overseas Shipping 10c
Waterman's and Skrip Ink (the best) 15c
Writing Tablets from 10c to 25c
Envelopes, Kid and Linen Finish 10c
Blue Lined Envelopes 5c
Blank Counter Check Books 10c, 3 for 25c
Mucilage, Glue, Airplane Glue, andAirplanes.
Juvenile Novels, a good variety 48c
We have a beautiful line of Watermen's Pen and
Pencil Sets, guaranteed. Also Eclipse Pens and
Pencils' . A splendid Pen for School Chil-
dren at $1.15. Also Airflow and Eclipse Pencils
Big Little Books for boys and girls 25c
Don't forget Dad on Father's Day. We have
Father's Day Cards on Display. Nothing expresses
sentiment like a suitable greeting card'
The Standard Book Store
311;s Bertha Itrogden of tiondon w"as
the guest of her sister, Mrs. It. bloody
over the holiday.
Pie. Bert hcchnit' of Ipl'erwaslt
-Ill-nl the past week with his w'il'e and
\lits \iargorel 31e\lurchie of Rip-
ley visited for a few days with Mist!
31aorcen \Iorrilt.
1 were guests of 'Airs. 11. 31. \IclCity on
\Irs. M.
11, "11"m'11'unt \\'olseley,
S,tsII., has I:•en visiting her friend,
' Mei. J01111 Mills.
ilu 1'lrelor (till h.,•t,nlier of an 1'.,S,
'I'mining School, lotm,•rly of Brussels,
vi;t(t J will) Miss Elizabeth \l'Ills on
\lay 2,l1h.
11r, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, and
\Ir. Leslie Rutledge of Toronto, via- \(aster John, spent over the weekend
i9 rd uvor the
encs, 31I•. and
MN. Lorne
her daughter, 'Ali's..1.
rover this week,
\Ir. cud \Irs.:\. '1'. (lull of Loudon,
weelt•end with his par- with Mrs, Valitm:,; parents, Mr. and
Airs. P. Rutledge. Mrs. R. Johnston. of ((oderich,
Serinigevnn' Is visiting 3Ir, and \Irs, %Ic Cowan and
\larks, in Part danghltr,; of \\'ingham. visited on
Suudoy with the formers 'brother, \Ir.
John A. ('ow'ttn, and 'Airs. C'o\van,
Wednesday, May 26,19'13,
Mr. and Dors. A. 19, (lender of To-
ronto vi,;ited over the w'oeloend with
the former's mother, .\Irs. 11.N111 It Bell,
and sister, 31h,s. Jamie Situs,
311'. and Mrs. Brenton llodkin and
111.1Ie soli, spt'llt• 1.110 wie'k.L'ttil w1111
Hie former's mother, \11:5. Robert
Friends w'iII be shocked to hear of
serious Illneos of Mrs. James Laid-
law al the home of lief niece, Mr.
Harvey Zeigler, Guelph,
131r, and ND's. Ell, 'Taylor of Strat-
ford spent the weekend with Dlr. and
\hrs, Leslie Ililborn and \1r. told
Mrs, Ab. 'Taylor,
12 pure breeds and several crosses.
"Xtra -Profit" and Standard
grades. See me for full particulars.
Place your order here.
After midnight May 26th, it is unlawful for a consumer to buy rationed moats and for
anyone to sell rationed meats to a consumer except on surrender of valid ration coupons.
Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton and Lamb,
Poultry and Fish arc not rationed. "Fancy" meats such as heart,
Tongue, Liver, Kidneys, Brains, Swccthreads, and cooked sausages
such as Wieners and Bologna arc nut rationed. Meat cuts con-
taining 50¶';, or more of bonc such as spate -ribs, oxtails, and
pigs' feet arc not rationed.
An average of two pounds per week per person. You get less of
meats containing no hone and more of meats containing con-
siderable hone. Scc the chart of coupon values below.
The brown Sparc "A" coupons from your No. 2 ration hook—the
hook you arc now using to buy tea, coffee, sugar, and butter.
Two coupons become good each Thursday. The first pair of No. 1
coupons become good May 27th. Each coupon is good for ;i
of one week's ration.
Coupons becoming good before the 15th of a month are Rood until
the end of that month. Coupons becominggood on or after the
15th of a month are good until the end of ttc following month.
No. lou can use a coupon at any time during the period in which
it is valid, and in any store you wish,
\enc A COUPON?
No. Von can buy whatever rationed man is available and as many
kinds as taut want providing the coupon value is not exceeded.
Back Bacon (Sliced and Kindless)
Side Bacon (Sliced and Rindless)
Side Bacon (Sliced Rind on)
Chuck Roast or Steak
Flank Steak (Boneless)
Hind Shank Meat (Boneless)
Minute Steaks and Cube
Steaks (Boneless)
Neck (Boneless)
Rolled Rib (Boneless)
Round Steak or Roast
(Bone in)
Sirloin Tip (Boneless)
Stewing Beef (Boneless)
Brisket Point (Boneless)
Flank (Boneless)
Front Shank Meat (Boneless)
Front Shank (Centre Cut,
Bone in)
Plate (Boneless)
Porterhouse Steak or Roast
.(Rome in)
Rib Roast or Steak (Bone in)
Rump (hound and Square
Lind, I3one in)
Sirloin Steak or Roast
(Bone in)
Short Rib Roast (Bone in)
T•Bone Steak or Roast
(Bone in)
Wing Steak or Roast
(Bone in)
Blade Roast (13one in)
Brisket Point (ilone in)
Chuck Roast (I3one in)
Front Shank, Whole or
Knuckle End (Bone in)
Neck (Bone in)
Plate, Brisket (Bone in)
Round Bone Shoulder Roast
(Bone in)
Sausage, Fresh
Short Ribs (Braising, Bone
Boneless (lack (Sliced,
Not Smoked or Cooked)
Butt (Boneless)
Ilam (Boneless)
Any Uncooked Group "13"
Cuts—when Cooked
aimaicffa:f! iilW
Frontquarter (Boneless)
Cutlets and Fillets (Bone in)
Front Roll (Caul Wrapped,
Leg Roll (Caul Wrapped,
Round (Bone in)
Stewing Veal (Boneless)
Back (Boneless)
Belly (Boneless)
i3utt (Bone in)
Ham (Boneless)
Ilam, Centre Cuts (Bone in)
Picnic (Boneless)
Picnic Skinless (Boneless)
(Not Smoked or Cooked)
Back (Boneless)
Belly (Boneless)
Cottage Roll (Boneless)
Ilam Butt Roll (Boneless)
Ilam Centre Slices (Bone in)
Pork Roll (Boneless)
Shoulder Roll (Boneless)
fats will ice= B Of:1l* >f jssislill ;41.1+'110
Centre Loin Chops (Bone in)
Loin (Flank off, Kidney and
Suet out, I3one in)
Patties (made front Necks
and Flanks, Boneless)
Blade (Ilone in and Neck off,
Shoulder Knuckle out)
Loin Chops (Centre Cut,
Bone in) '
Patties (Boneless, made from
Shanks, Necks, Flanks)
Round Bone Shoulder
(Bone in)
Rump (Ilone in)
Sirloin Roast or Cutlet
(I3onc in)
Belly Pork (Bone in)
Ham, Butt End (Bone in)
Ilam, Shank land (Bone in)
Ilam Trimmed (I3one in)
Loin, Centre Cut Chops
(Bone in)
Loin, Centre Cut (13one in)
Loin, End Cuts (Bone in)
Loin, Whole (Bone in)
Picnic, Ilock On or Ilock Off
(Bone in)
Flank (Bone in)
Front (Bone in)
Hind (Bone in)
Leg (Bone in)
Loin, Flank on (Bone in)
Rack (Bone in)
Rib Chops (Bone in)
Breast (Bone in)
Flank (Bone in)
Front Shank (Bone in)
Ilind Shank (Bone in)
Leg, Shank half (Bone in)
Leg, Whole (lione in)
Loin, [lank on (Bone in)
Neck (Bone in)
Rack (Bone in)
Rib Chops (13one in)
Back Bacon (in the piece,
Cottage Roll (Boneless)
Ilam (except Shank End,
Bone in)
Ilam, Skinless (Boneless)
Picnic (Boneless) ,
Pork Roll (Boneless)
Side Bacon (in the piece)
Any .Uncooked Gi 3Up
Cuts—when Cooked
Ilam, Butt End (Bone in)
Ilam, Shank Lind (Bone in)
Ham, Whole (Bone in)
Picnic, Hock On or liock Off
(Bone in)
Ilam, Shank End (Bone in)
Ilam, Whole (Bone in)
Picnic, Hock On or hock Off
(Bone in)
Any Uncooked Group "D"
Cuts — when Cooked
Hock (Bone in)
Hock (Bone in)
Mess (Bone in)
Short Cut Back (Bone in)
Hock (Bone in)
Farmers may slaughter their livestock for their own consumption—but must turn in to the Local Ration Board at the end of each,
month, 1 coupon for each two pounds of their own slaughtered meat consumed on thcir.own premises. Farmers need in no case
surrender more than half the number of each month's valid coupons for such home slaughtered meat.
The remaining hall of farmers' meat coupons may be used for ordinary retail purchases of meat, on the basis of coupon values
as shown on the chart above.
Farmers may supply meat from their own slaughterings to other farmers for consurnption on their own farm prernises. Local
farmer "Beef Rings" arc also permitted. Farmers providing meat to other farmers, or "Beef Rings", must collect meat coupons
on the basis of 1 coupon for each two pounds of (neat, gross weight. Self-addressed and stamped envelopes for mailing in coupons
can be secured at your Local Ration Board.
Before June 30th all consumers (including farmers) who store meat in lockers must
declare in writing to the nearest Branch of the Ration Administration, the quantity
of rationed tucat they have in storage over and above tight pounds per person in the
household. Declarations must be accompanied by sufficient coupons from the ration
hooks of the locker holder and This household, to cover the quantity of declared stored
meat at the rate of 1 coupon fur each two pounds of any meat in the above groups.
The number of coupons to he detached by the locker uscr need not exceed more
than 50% of the total meat coupons in the possession of himself and bit household.
Locker users may retain for retail purchasing one of each similarly numbered pair
of coupons.
Retailers of meat must collect coupons
for any rationed meats sold on or after
May 27th. They need not turn in cou-
pons to their suppliers for meat pur-
chased up until June 10th. This arrange-
ment is made to enable thcm to build up
stocks. A Special Food Bulletin Flying
complete details of meat rationing is
being mailcd to all food stores.
Wednesday, May 26, 1043.
4"41r;r4rr;rrr4.I:4444rrrr;era;rru;u;rr0rrrrrrpr'4.4.i•!. �firot.3 Vera 1logarth and jean I')\'a111A,1'tI011 ill the \\ringhalll hospital 011 Mon- (C,IC,tGt C1{te'e..tt'r11t�r�.''C'rvtct'e- 1."Cid"uta,„sty;C'4I'Z,ClC�,1,y1eiC1C1Cl.0ICI,',�tC,t♦;1C1C!(;lPlears,T.•tvPletE!:"X'Off.'er�retCt r�,X17.,Hrf.tvtektICrpl,!rew,CIVti[iel
LYCEUM THEATRE 1,, st. (ta1J1'ill'llleS, 811(1 10l0thy M(XIttio, Clay. \\'o trust her recovery will be ltOtYl"1,11EA'I'ltli,
WINGHAM—ONTARIO. ,:IAuburn. speedy and complete, CLINTON.
►1 Mr. and Mr. -1. 0111;1111 \inane Were
Two Shows Silt. Nl�ht ('Idblun visitors on Wednesday.
Thurs., Fri., Sat. May 27.23.29 ; congratulations I111d brit Wishes to
Lana Turner, Rohcrt Young, in AI r. and Nr.;. Ilarvey MdDuweli, who
"Slightly Dangerous" here nlarrle(I S,Iturday.
tis A large ni irher from hero attended
the Banquet at Ilclgrave on Jloncltly
Comedy and Romana'ts as Lana
plays Cinderella night,
ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS ti111r, and \It's, ('• Lee and family of
.,Matinee Sat, afternoon at 2,30 p. m,;:
w Cllnhoi, with Air, and 'Airs. S. John-
-.Mon., Tues., Wed. May 31 -June 1.2>•, stun on Sunday.
The tvealhermrtn Is still a bit
Cary Grant, Jean Arthur and Y;
Ronald Coleman In to
along very fast with he seeding, They I'foots of the 111e Mas, Ilei1, Maim',
1"The alk Of he Town"-
-A l'Ildenl story with 11 trI(1,e4
1118(10 (1P of Citvourite Hollywood
4 1411r5. »
ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS. children visited o1, Sunday with AI r. realized were only bait.
0.44,00:00,:„:,4,44,8,44,8,4,004,44.,..,0_,. ..a
'weepy', and fill-Inal'r, are not getting
cud N11'a• I,Inyll I and of
daughter, Doreen, of (lull, visited on
Sunday with Air, and JIrs. Earl Itet1-
Mrs, Houghton, %vim has spent 011 4
twitter w•lth her daughters in 'Toronto,
arrived in Myth on Saturday for au of
extended vksil will) her (laughter, \l rs.: tiP
A. Rogerson. .AIrs, Houghton is in 9
her 911111 you' and we welcome iter !
:Welt to 011'1 village agaln. 1 V
1'Iie auction side of 1)0100,11 ld ('f• 1 °9f
tart still three weeks lade, 1lowover, held on Saturday, was not largely al•
they are still hopeful that 1913 will •teudcd, no doubt many 'being busy w1
not be ,so plod' when harvest cornets, Idle laud, taking 1( vital l(;P of th'.1
Mr, and NH's, Norman Aiclknvell and ►tcllglllfill day. As a result prices
Teiiiprlalive Sunday ryas ol•served
in Phe Tolled ('hlntih 011 Sunday, Rev.
inose preached a stirring 'Temperance
sermon. 110 said we need to abSta►u
from the use of aniy'Ih111)0 which will
be h-I11nful to our body, mind trod
soul In Peirce 0010. 'How much more
careful should w0 he in wartime' lie
called on every true chritdian to do
lihelr 1)1'11 to stamp out this great
intemperance, which is such a hinder.
(nice In mankind, and so danmging to
our youth.
\1'e are very sorry to report that
1111014 A113110 ('l;irk, w'Iho has belie vis•
11Ing her sister,
a I' h- ti In Clinton
undergone 1) serious
('lark's many friends
speedy recovery.
NI. Alc1)owell, is
Ilos pll«1, Lavin(;
operation, •111 los
are hoping for a
and Ntrs. \VI1fted Jervis of Clinton,
Cpl. Norman ]lodgers Lae returii'ed
to Camp Morden after two weeks' fano
Air. and )lrs. \\'. 10. Canigihell, Alis's
\winnlfrad, Were Ijondon visitors on
'I'un:1day. They were accompanied
home by N1rs, Alice Tyermau of LC(till•
Mr, and Mrs, ,1(usk McGill of
Morris T4 WllShip 1111l (I r. Herbert Wi1-
lia,mSou of 'Pootido' were guests on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
1(. Vincent.
Miss -Ine Mason of Ilespeler spent
the week -lard 1)11(11.8' 1110 Ix(1•011itt1 roof,
Mr, and 31rs. W. A. Campbell vis-
ited on Friday with MIY4, J. F►tzger•
old, of I)ongannon.
air. and AIrs, Elwin Taylor and
family visited on Sunday with Mr,
lord Mrs. Jlnt Wilson, 3rd Concessilon
East \Vawomx-di,
M'r. and Airs, Iknngl(is Campbell (old
Mr. and Airs. \Peasley Keehnle, Aero, baths, Jan) visite] (81 Sottas- with
Fred ('i11,mpple and son, of near Myth, Rev. II. C. Wilson and Mrs, Wilson
visited with Mr. and Mrs, \V«iter of Brussels,
Cook on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Reg, Carter. Mr. anal
3114s Mt(1•joile MoVittie visited \til'h
friends in \'arta on Sunday,
31r. Thomas ,lerdine was a Loudon
visitor on Saturday.
'Mise; Norma Nt'4Ilery, of Hamilton,
wIlh friends over the week -end.
]"lying OI'fled. Iugotle 1)o11e, lon-
don, turd \Its. 31. 1)ohle, Illuev(►le,
04(114(1 on friends one Clay last week.
31r. and 31rs• .1, 1,, M.eDoweli visit-
ed with 11101004 in Imeklow on I''riday.
\liss Doreen Vincent of Myth spelllt
the week -end at her home here.
'Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Airs. \V. \Ic\'idle on t3'uuday were:
Airs. Derwin Curter oatd 1tobby, of
Woodstock, visited on Monday with
Mr. and 31rs. I''rcd ,1. Cook.
\ir. twit Mrs, Clifford Crozier of
Crewe, visited on Friday with Mr. and
JII \w. 1''. ('nnlq>7)ell,
Mr, W. 11, Campbell is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. \V, P, Crozier and Mr.
Crozier, of C'rew'e.
Mrs. Moody returned to Kitchener
on Tuesday after spending. the )Kist
week with friends here,
Mas, \1''11,. (IOW underwent all opera.
Atva -25w4r
NIT, you put
1 the home-
pu know
spun bits of chit-chat y and in it
he wants to hear ur heart. You
you also p prayer that it
mailed it with a pret y
m Well.
might find hill safe and
Look—it's alreadya5 fast as
Way • • ' speeding carry it.
railway wheels can
much more for your
ore carry food
tens. Tli(.Y furnace'
coal for your
pantry, tirelessly that y°
,they roll
Miss Anne Phillips, school leacher
W Gadsblll, spernl over the holiday
'wit.h Jiel' parents, All'. 1111(1 Airs, Mar-
iar ol(1 Phillips, Miss Phillips has alre ids
secured a position as teacher in one
of O(01)'1's schoc)Is and. will begin
her duties following the midsummer
Mr, and
Airs. Kari willows and
lio y daughter, of London, were guests
Of Mists Al(lry Milne over the, week',
end. 111r. \Pillow's returned to 1.)11-
(1011 on Monday evening, but 31 vs.
11'illows and the 'baby. remained for u
longer visit. Old friends were very
glad to see then] again.
Mr. and AB's. \Vin. G. 14'1111, Mr,
and 311's, 1Vmn, .1. Leith of 5lrotford,
and 11irs. J. 11. With of Hamilton,
Mr, «1,d Mrs. George Leith and faintly.
A1'rs. ltehrwold of Listowel, were
ISunday vi'siloru with Ali.. and Mrs.
1I. \1cElroy.
311•, and 3I s. 1t. ,1, \Viggl'ns and
dbughter, \'a.lcri'e, of Brantford, vis -
fled with Airs \1'iggilns' paa'cills, 31r.
and \lilt,: Thomas INIlile, over the
\vecic end, Al r, anti• AIi's, \Viggins al:
'tended the 51't31 wedding anniversary
of Ihe'fornu'1•'s p.11))(1s, held lit Dun-
gannon-, ,Air, and \irs. \Viiggins were
married fifty year0 in' Alareh, but the
00101)1111on was postponed until Ia,;I
wcelc to enable their Son to be pres-
ent. The (l'ay on which the 11)1)1ver-
nary w«u marked IVOS «iso 31r, \1'11 -
gins' Aird blrlhdtly• A feature (I' line
gathering) was the presem'0 of five
guttsln all past the age of eighty. Alr.
'Phos. Culbert who is eighty-eight,
walked (1 utile 1(11(1 a half to be pres-
♦ ♦ •
They race<e� ns
comfort. 13t'r
live in co of ��;���4
may great stretches rod I,
the g the men I"-
across With ,x- til'
this Dominion so that L�1•?�rs,Ay,
of war, 4Y .. -il,
and materials live in freedom.
f us may (.1z.z ty
al e.
singing wheels let-
ours a day our
Twenty-four h rolling,
wheels are o over
railway army
driven by an ens $erring two
150,000 workers
home front
major fronts •' � front.
and the fighting
'eta rolling" is their
hock whether it's food
Watchword, >
or fuel, tanks or troops'
Or just your letter to your
u boy •..
•PAar, ,. .
NOW PLAYING: The Commando,
.'.rike Al, f);,wn, with Paul Muni,
Mon„ Tuet., Wed. Doulbe B111
I ;('n' . I; Indra \11.11, - 11 1'111.1k -h.
I.iIY y 11 11 .1i in; ;I oil -hearted
11 r-.'1 11'1•.
"Mulch Minds The Baby
Groc1;9 ick Crawford, Dick Foran
and Virginia Bruce.
NOW PLAYING: Tice; F est Com:
mando, Coni-tanccCummings,
Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday
"i1iller's Children”
,\ Irir;llll{ r11) of 1u'rv..1.1ell
+► Irinl . hurl their i tri el trout the•
i•r,lrll:- to I'm
Tiro Holt, Bonita Granville and
Kent Smith.
ALSO Edmund Losse and William
Garr, 1n in
"Flying (.'adels"
Tht'r5day, Fr'd ty, Saturday
Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor,
Sydney Green: rcet, Kcye Luke,
"ACI'O;•,ti The Pacific"
COMING: Forcvci And A Day, Ser:
what we are lighting for. .Faith,
Love, Home, Id2815, .They must
Thu•rday, Friday. Saturday
George Brent, Pr'ecilla Lane and
Bruce Calot.
Til, II collie',
Ilii' flay- win t ti, n n,l,l•':l Ilil•ir
Ilv1 ; 1111 the \\ him i1 tl 11' akin.
",''1\'er Queen"
COMING: They Got Me Covered.
with John Garfield,
Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday
Erlol Flynn, Alexis Smith
I''•'1 1:11' 1i( null ullvi at oro.1
Ilii• 0111 Idle champ,
line 1'Ur1 ell.
"(GentleIllilll .11111 "
Thur;'„ Fri., Sat. Two
Penny S,n,:le ton, Arthur
Larry Stems.
It!I,.il 1, III' I: ;at -trill
;ill 1 'ail 1111
Lake and
"1tl0lldie 1''ot' Victory
Tex Hitter, Bill Elliott and
Luang Walters,
1'1'il 11 11111. 1,l' 1:11. 11111 1111\-`111-1111'
„Lent Stat' 1Tir,ilantes"
Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 3 P.M, Mat, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M. Matincer Sat. & Huila.., . 3 P.M. Ci
Soaeo1141 Compulsory Erooployment,
Transfer Order
Notice 10 Certain. l:uil)loyers (111(1 Lllil)1Oye('s
that tnrrl in nper9(ird lin•• of civilian condo) 1111'111. in rlu..r. 1141'34
de.ignulyd under National Seleelivr• 'artier 11ohi►i,:iinn IG•gula)iun., notal
report for Inlet -flew not burr 111,111 June 13111, 1913, at 1(11 I•:mpin)un-1,1 and
Selective Serirr Office,
A. O),Jerdvry Thi; Second Order unlet
avail.nlde for c::ental eniplo) in -nn the %cr•
vie es of to00 in classes abouts de.agitted
under National S'Itttier SCI .11oh1lv.umn
It,er,latio11s, v. hn .1,c nosy cnipl:)ed i1, speci-
fied non-e,:mini tmplmnunn.
11, F:111'Lo1'111:NIS (:111'1':Ill:) 111' '11115
0!)101:: 1),,,, of the •pr,ifi-I rategorie.,
are covered If now entpto)rll tits
( I) -toy occupation in or iv..pelmet' tclilt
retail .Inr.•.; (2) 11111' occupation lit or
ns•nriard uilh the manufacturing of
feathers, plume-, and artificial flower.;
elir::ing gum; nine' larr gond.; greeting
clad,; jeuelr, ; (3) any occupation in 1,r
a..orial. d t.ith di.ttlltag alcohol for
1rrcrr.o:rt (1) nor ocimputinn 111 or tis•:•
elated nit) 16r Lienor)' production of
tI:tu,tr' and ort gnurl•t (5) any nreupn•
tio.1 in Om operation of ire errant parlours
snot soda fountains; (4) any of the fullo,.-
rrrupatiun•; bus In.'s; charmer;
mid cleaur1'1 cm.tom furrier.; (lancing
tenrhrt•; dish u,nhers; doormen mull
',tatter,; green. keeper.; ground. keeper.
porters (other than In railway train ter•
vire); print,• chant!, urn,
V., ICF: ANIt 11.)111'1,1 (:LASSES 01,
111:N t:11';1 11):14 111 '11115 011111•:1(1
(n) 1'.,.. mon boot in any year from
1917 11, 1'121 (inrhl.itr) olio ha. rrarLrd
age 19; 1L) 1::,, nun born from 19112 to
1914 (ineheite), oho, at July 15, 1910,
wn Iruuarri,d, or di,nrred or Judicial!)
•epurelyd, or n uidouer utthuul child or
children; Irl e:er: man burn from 1902
11, 1914 (intlu•i,e) ,.ho Ito, brconte ti
,Ideon since July 15, 1910, nod 1.
t,ilhuul child or children 'mu 11, ing1
('1) r cr.) own horn (runt 19112 to 1914
(inrbn.hr) uhu, dim, July 15, 191(1, 11:1
been (thin -cell or judicially separated.
1). I'ruer•lure. to Inr Pnlloued: .111 111.11 as
dclined ,:ho: c mint rrj,nn 111 111 1 ::1:0::i nt
and Srluti:'e Srr:'ue (lib,: n.'t Luer than
June 11,1,, 1''11. \Inn re.:d,lt '.111,1.1, 1 tats
at ur,yn hiving an lmjdoyni.nt and S.1, int
Serf ICC ()it'll', lou far tr11ncd ,o tall pit -
sootily, mt)• 11 rin• to the nearo,t olliu, and
await fnnhu d0e,tl'n,.
lie OI1IIt;ATIIINS I)1' 1:111'1•1111:1,!::
w'hrn dirt -Hell to turret rtuplo)tue,u, loco
referred to in I'nr,,gntph• II and 0 abut•
err required by the Regulations 1,, lotion
the direction.
la. OnLiO.1'I'I(1NS O1 IS111'L()1'1:11S; 11
ui11 be illegal for an r•utpl.)er to retain in
hi• employ after June 15th, 1913, nn) men
referred to in I'nragraph. II and 0 al,,,:
unless a • iecial permit has been obtained
from Selerll:1 Sen ice.
C. '1'ran•portations I'rn:i:inn ufll tet: tindr
for trampntuonn of men tuuv,d to a 'h.:,plaice of residcnec.
II. Appeals; If ohjetting to 1:V1:(ter to other
employment alien directed, a man July
enter appeal with a (:Hurt of R, fees, o ithin
7 days.
1, peonitie.s Penalties arc pro: id:d (tit
either employer or employees (ailing to
comply with this ()tiler.
J. lulbnrit) 1 1 his Order r, mord I:5 the
\iniac of 1.Ihnn: un,l,t N.111,11111 5ch01tr
5-!) , ( 11,11.+n It,',:r „m, 11'):. :I' of
Iry „n' lea. 1'11..111,1 .uutn'hm.; ((:2,,, in
h. 'I hi, Second ))rder i• Additional to
I ir.t (triter: I n:p,o: mew. In:, d w Para•
ni,i I{ af„„ d,:in„0 11..1,,,,ntnl m tier,
+, •.' ,I l );Ju, .nt .1,1L'WI 11 to tic 11,,11-
t . f.11'
ett•t.1,r 1! un5 1:11i:11 , t „1'I:n,d 1,1 the 1111
11:3 11„ 111 .1 (11,31. 1, 1,„I +,11
11, ruluut,l 1,1 mil:.ln,t Ly .',I ty I'Ih on
t!.,. put of tui,;,.: tit i -;l 1ft Wulf r
\1'',;Lar'on I;L,,eda'a 11+! .,i o of their
+ 1,,5'1„:,1:, 1:1 Ili .I 2 ,, 11.' toric, „f
1, „r /1,5-0,,, ,1,;1 1•„r u,0,0
:,,.,1 ,.s.':' rl ,.: 1:. ,'.1:,'H' , ,- t..-
,.5-,: '0, 10•,.1}, 001 'a':, 1) l,sl,,,
.1,5.. and Inco larh,rr; t1 ,,rad ,cud
;,ho;,•ak 11070:'; ) I ,:r,r:r agonal Iga'o-
hu. -1,110,c +1,00.00r: 1 , r,r.0! +.d, e1 /rotor
;'Outlet 1,r .a,,,o0 ! ' record
y.'"note; a,•n.i, „r oar,:.11 i3O!)1,0510:; 1; )
;:anter, nnr ,5,,; :, ,1,;r,.r ,.p,ru0r, 5,',!
Fell 1'11), toms,, .:r:,carr; 11'1 .'e: „up,r-
1inll r! 51 ,bar, rl)' m,,,,, ;,,!, ! 1.0l+10 ,01, in,'la,lur; 1'.11 t, -,t r,:rr,,,,l to 11 our, t,
frim a r1,, ire,
11,'") iron ler, roto rnu;p.unr.,
lube, Ihnshu.; :0,1,, 1.0,1 1„0') 11"i ,rut
o, rulovu0) ret 1,r ,ler:, t5) .urn,:::,,l wuh
au.! pato:. 1115 11,lmhn;
1'al•,; c:udr , rrci,i; true
Men rr/errrd to above must present defilements at the entpluyntenl office,
indicating compliance with Mobilization Regulations
1 lemeiirry Nitre -tot t.,
Miniver of 1,71'orrr •
Card Of Thanks
\\'0 acknowledge w•ilh sine:•ro lip- The animal meeting. (i11 the 1411,
predation the lovely (lural tribute,-; Holders in the Nth t'uiun Cemetery
and exPrI SI0'n 1,t' sympathy extended 14.111 be 11,'ltl in the .\lemorial Hall, 1,u
daring 0111 sad berceavruu'n1 : 11 11t1 111S4) ' I'ur�diiy evoathrg. ,luno t.;1, al 5 p. nn,
the lulling of car;,
Airs, \V1i11)', alit) IranIil3'•
The Orangemen of this Com-
munity are sponsoring
"Civil Service"
Next 'Tuesday evening
r1t1NE 1ST
Myth it emorial Hall
This play is 1111114 p1)1 0)1 by I!1,' 1'oullg
People's t'illun of I'':,uiontivtl'e United
Church, tnr,lcn• -he direction t t' Rev.
41)1(1 Airs. Gtu•duer, I(on't fall to set,
this splendid pini' ;r4 II is out of the
besI the season. Fgrtu•ial 11111: era, be-
tween. .\cl: ,
\dinksion: Adults :1,"ie;
Children under 1.2, :at..
50 percent of the Proceeds gees to
The Red Cross.
10o TEA
'The \\'piing \Vorktrs will Hold a iee
tea al the 100010ry on Saturday, May
:'1(111, from 3 until 11 o'clm'k, Also a
sale of useful tu•tibies and hoiuo-ni,ade
baking. -1 .
'I".1\II!l'iI0S will 110 1'et'1'iC('ll 111) to
:11:1. ter the ('lean-
ing out a.nd Iulpro•:lltg a-; of the P:41-
'4111001'14 Aw•o:1,•d.; ori 11e \w11.4011 Almni•
(11(81 Itl•ain ;Intl 111.:0 o11 1110 Taylor
31(1)1j0jp'lI Irra!n.
1'111.11,= and S1';'eifirati0n,.4 11(1y h0
seen al 1110 ('look's Otfi00. i und0s-
1oro, .\ marked] check for 10 pon'enl
Of 110 ('01111;101 frill to accompany
emit Tender,
Court Of Revision
A ('',tire of ltevlsirns of the Assess -
30)30 Roll for 1'1'111, will he held in the
Community Itall, lA0010shoro, un
Alo1d.ny, .1 tine i'tit, 1st :i o'clock' pu1, ' .\ll accin1115 owing
All appeal; trust be in writing toil -Boil al once. ('all at
in the hands of the Clerk I:y June I, Myth,
A. AIV'Na iSHS, 1)irrrmr
,\'.uiun.d selective Ser; lee
11.111' .lersey, doe to freshen.
to .1. It. Ne;Ilill, Phone Irl•:,, Myth.
Hi,. nuns( he set
my residence ht
In The Estate of Margaret Jane Cow. Specializing in farm (11(11 liollscholl
in Sales.
Licensed for the (burly of Huron.
Rta;nmtll!t' i'rices, and Salinfaclion
NO'I'I('i', l5 HEREBY (ll\'I•:N that Guaranteed.
an, late of the Village of Blyth,
the County of Huron, Deceased.
all persons having (1(11)1.; against the
I'ur I)(lOrnitt1ion, 011., writs or phone
Estate of 111e said Alargarot Jane ('mv• \\'illiaut II. Alnrritt, phone, R0sideneo
«1, ore required to send them to J. 1', :1,1; Shop 1, Itlylh. 1 d-tC
It, Elliott, Myth, 000 of the I?xectti,n•t;
of the 1'/slat1 of the deceased, on or
before the ath day of ,lune, A,1). 19.1:1,
after which time the l':\cerslors will
prococd to distribute the 1?gate hay•
.ing regard only In and being respell
sihl for the claim; of which they
shall then have had notice.
1)A'l'I'JD this 141h day of May, .\.l1
1.()11'115 ti, 11,\N('I':1', Solicitor for
Licensed Auctioneer.
Specialist in harm and household
Licensed in 11000)) and Perth
Counties. Prices n-auona.hle;
fiction guarantee.
Poi' information. etc., tvril0 or pin0no
lltrol(1 Jackson, R.R. No, 4, Seaforth,
-1 •rl. l'houe 111-1;1;1.
.'$'F,tP�'1FF�1�(F.a'Fottilct�^S't::i�14'�ty'' '^ty —,a1—• -'saute, .. a n.r y.>,,+.m ,. v:e;�,�, er—,.. t
.Fi'q Iw' S:a n`Ut..'atr.•�! .,u..�'�".'�i'V•..—�t�,�_GhiwtP.'a)
Dead and Disabled Animals
Telephones: Atwood, 50x11; Seafortli, 15, Collect.
24911)11) 19t)a)))21))DdIDI)bila/`Jt MD1'3111).;:,3aaW,t:121":•7.091212+I'X Pt911.:-VAltl>i
June 8
1 Pt -ter 3 : 13.17; 4 : 12.16;
6 : 8.10
GOLDEN TEXT—For It is bet-
ter it the will of God should so
will that ye suffer for well•doing
than for evIl•doing, 1 Peter 3 : 17.
Memory Verse: Thou art night,
0 Jehovah. Psalm 119: 151.
Time' The exact iIInt' fir: the
writing of this Epistle cat:1u' 1'
dettrinble4J, but it was 1'rol.;+bly
not Lir from A.11.
Pfice. in the last ('tllpic'' of
Itair Epistle. the writer titters 10
"Sib r' that is in Babylon." which
has 14)11 some to believe that First
Pete,: \t`9 written from the i4reil'
City on till) Euphrates Rift•: bear-
ing that name; others 1:a1, sag-
ew1et1 that because the city now,
knows: as Cairo, i{;;)p1, was anc-
iently called Babylon, tie Epistle
Was w'4Bell from there, A umjnr•
owof scholars, howl err,
plht [1 ( c
4wt Ptfl'1• used 1)1e wont] Hal';1„II
it'' 411 s 'nate 111e 014)' of Mottle.
Principles of Conduct
'Anil who is he that will hariu
fou, It )e lie zealots of that whirl:
good'!" If w1' ;to aloof duo
good we need 001 be 4 !ra1(1 of
those 151(0, 1n n nit it ntirar'1).
( 4 • 'i4 "Hot el en if )e 4i1e,u,?
Notre,' for riglteoustoss'
1110-44-(1 are ye: at:il fear no their
INC'. neither be troubled." Blessed -
loss is a higher thine that, bap -
and i4 ('0114:sl(•I41 w1111 :1(P
most trying circumstances.
A Reasoning Faith
"Hut sanctify !u )u111'
Din Sat ,(s Lord." lie sure that ) 0u
p.hr )lin( 1('.I that is 11f4 dun, a4
fa the love of your hearts. 1(1) tell
sir in the thoughts of your hearts,
r(•cug11,io )nim fu: what Ile is, The
Lord. "Being really always to give
.answer to every :hall that ask. tit
yin at 1'4174'011 (•41((4 i'Wllg the !;op4
that i4- in yoll. )(•', with lllt-t•k1e«
and tear.' Let us have ,'7 1'aso4
11.r our faith and let us :,over
Tibor, Loin stating it when aokt4
511,(1 let 11'; give 0111• ;',arms :0 1'
11'4(1)1•" %Odell 414(;1 b0- tile• 114st
rvid, 1;1 e of 1114' 111) 1114 , 0,011) 10- ur
011. fat].
A Heart at Peace
11„\ nig 11 ,217(1(1 (1114, 11:1;1 e;
Stolt. wherein )e 1):e sent,( I1
►(gain44. they may he put 10 shame
who t exile your goo) manner of
lit( in l'hrist. For it is 1(44(4. if
the will of God should so will. that
y( suffer for 44 111uing iha4 for
e'v'ildoing.” If we s'Iffe;' 1,0-0-04(540-
441 ;as faithful to Christ, 1114-1 we
fan still rejoice, (•)e11 though wit
(suffer. for our hearts are at p(u(e
Wath (1411 and w'0- know 1\'e :;'e it
His will.
Comforting Truths
' 111 lo\ed, think 11 not strange
.'t.,cerning the fiery trial among
'you. \Chic] cometh upon you to
Jn'OV4 )'011, as though a strange
idling happened unto you." \\unat is
the purpose of the fiery trial? It
1(4 to text character. it unfolds
Oar strengths and Weaknesses.
now often 1t happens, that man
-wh('. in soft circumstances, have
li('tt weak and Irresolute. are
halller,ed into fruitful decision by
the ministry of antagonism 1.nd
Glory, Not Dishonor
"Bid. ;oaf11111011 as ye a1'4- pa:'-
t4t iers Or 0111'141'5 S(ffe1 !lip,., l e•
jotc(; that at Ilse revelation of lis
R'iory. ye (nay rejui1 e with excel .1.
11ny jeev." Mel are io rejoice in
'proportion as they are shiners In
the sufferings of ''lois:, "If yl• are
top,n1l(';(4-(1 for the name of ('twist,
blessed are ye; because the Spirit
et glory and the Sp!lh of (:1,'I rest•
etll upon you." The outward re-
viling to w'llicll the disciples were
expu4'41 1(1'0111411 glory and mit dis-
12(1, 0t.
"For let none of you suffer as a
ana((4(rer, 01' a. ih'.4f. or an ,)il-
• 41e,1, or 8S a 1111•11111,i' 14( other
14(1.4(''- matters: bol if a loan stiffer
4p r, (1014tial, ir•t hill) not he
but :et 1114(1 glorify- (Hod
111 this name." That fiery 4, pa' -
*lion f:•om 474-11 which stirred tin -
rutty In the hearts of men a 11'nst
Chis) iv the condition of 'die
1q'ilkh creates reproach for the
A Life of Humility
"110mh1e yourselves therefore
11ud(1' the mighty hand of (o(1,
that he may exalt )0u in due
Ohne." The mighty hand of Clod
I4 rot to he regarded as that \\1,1(11
1st ebastising its, hill as the pro-
iesrting sholtr•r wh!rb we 1)r(
lE(10lbly to SPPk.
Victory Through Faith
"Pour adversary the 4)0-141, as a
)oaring Zion, walket) about, seek-
ing whom he may d(40ur: Whom
withstand Stedfast in your faith,
knowing that the same sufferings
Are aecomp)ishe(l in volt' leesti r4n
who arP in the world." llesist the
tlfgin(1ing4 of evil: a Inert rent
rely 4 :111 too late. 1-r you hale
not rtsist(11 at the stage of
illought, then summon every pmw-
'r of your soul to resist at the
()tape of the act. But hear in mind
that l(u'h stage of the losing battle
Ir more perilous. more Milken
than ;She last. it is a very !weeps!)
log point that whenever Satan i''
intridu('ul irt The Now Test ono('
1)r an enemy of the followers of
('hl -1541. a victory is spoken of, and
Thrilled 11u`tro!lan 1(Ss bit ;,•is into 11;1,:,U4' 4'' :.i\-0 in r nr,lu a
h1i4. :,(I11 a Iii`. :1114>:1' l., 1-1 1 1lrl',V,S ;n \Ie1l00l4441- t('ou' 1)ie
�t •tele Fast
4-••-•-rpt•+•++r-r4•r-*-*-4-+r•-r•er-•-s+-. re 4--0-
�• K--��-o-s+t++1)-+�+
1 I4.r I;nw 11,54 I 10-111 Itt 1.y
(1.1,1161.111-d 1)S 14 tar :,,r 14( 4veer prn-
(1111',01;. Ite(('llllc ,r,= ((11:101 I1,•
p.0 110,,01 of 1,4,1014- 5404(04(1);'1=r•il
4110- . Cpel'lellel-4 04 rt I'1;t,ll
tat: 141,1' plains 11'1,0 .1;t'••' 111,1.1)
)(ru4 ding !;1(110 1,:;11 ' ' I(4d(''1 poo
g,riumes f1,'4 1h,' .4:1u1,l'itioll 1,('
ible4- '5,1;'i:elrS. .1 numb, I' to. !obis -
411:,1 'F4;luisali011: 1,, eati) 11,11'0
fo!lolle11 ileo lead of lititish
0( 1454 engaged on \la lc/alio lion
an,i ,-quipped their pima- 01111
e,•ntea.l ,actio rece'1in. ;tits and
lend 4)1, alio: systems 4(11 t 1(111(11
1'01e 1',110 Ilroed('a-ts 1,1.'! photo.
14114) 0'1 Or is 1)1'1';,)4 exp!rsse)
as obtained through
Increasing Strength
" •\1,11 t.)lc (loll of all 1 -rare, 141,11
calls :I you unto his (lrr1al g:ur)'
it ('l4(1st, after that ye have suf-
ft Intl it littlo \\'hilt-, shall himself
perfect, establish, strengthen you."
Col is the author 104(1 giver of all
grave that the child of (God n(-eds.
In r win,'(;iion with this attribute
of (.:4(d, ).here follows the fact that.
H4' had culled I110Se 10 1010111 1110
apostle Writes to inotlillg less than
a share in 11151 'eternal glory'. .
This calling Is 'in ]'twist,' 1,e., not
m( -rely by flim as the instrument
through w'il0nl the (:all ('1(nte, hut.
(4S tieing 'in him,' i.e., by virtue
of 44(4' union with Slim.
This young Yupo,-liv partisan
lighter, wounded battling' the
Nazis, Was photographed after
capture. Captive guerrillas get
short shrift from Nazis.
}::11)')) loose. ;:I'. 1,e p' -0-1,1,11
'lie elit'-'t111lllnt! , (4f 111,11' staffs
. ('.r.:1'di.,n pl:n is using this
method o1' ill,),ru)In:: wul4)118 roil•
ditirills i11 11,111 factories have le•
1,01.4 4)11 404-4141.4' in production
and eifi,'i' ler), 11 ,1'lllction 1n el'.
un tie• prod,0'I loll 11(11, a de-
c;ease !II :014i -no '0.1)1, 41r/(111•4S
:1111)1 11('4 ;1'1•::14', a !'I (jilt ;Ion 111 14-11•
11(1 11)1110, 1,4,11 :,u unpro(ewetli in
n0)11(1r, :1 r(utplele 1111 Retailed
4.1(1'1,'1 ''0l111;1)11 Sly 1'llnadian ('X•
peel.; 111)4 nd1,111I11 Thal ra11io
111'0ndr;1414 0-i ili tl'i(',Ii
all(1 ))hullo l,lpb l'.-rni11411g1 dis-
persed (41, r luuhlspe;lk(4' s)s1en(54
in w1(r plants resu111-d in 11n (1•
cr1 tt: , n!' :runt 14 to 22', in pro.
dnoliun, :1 54111(llal' 4114'5,1' 111 GI'ea1
Hri111in showed 114'('r44e produc-
tion to b, !t1("ea'Ie(1 from 121.., to
)5',; when title;' 1)as played front
an loon 1 all' hnu:' 14(111 a 001,
hut. 111(•10- were ('xr('pli0nal cases
4.14(4o tarlur) increases 1)8 high
4(a °:1'; 01 -re lr•cui'd41,
1)iffe4'41, 4)pes of music
1000(1 desirable to:cording to the
work behig dune in the plant, For
example. at the John 1114lis f'0. hl
'1'oront(, ext ensi))' expet'iment
Iva); made. As a res(1lt, because or
the idyll noise) level of the ln1l-
('hi11e4, 1t, Was decided to use
string music exclusively. The
:waltzes of ,1011alnl Strauss proved
the most popular. in the Small
Fl(741i'ic 'Motors p144.n1 at Leaside
military matches and brisk 11111sic
seemed better suited to loyal eon-
(tilintls. All 0f which suggests ihllt
Wo may be entering an era of ra-
dio broadcasting: in Which planned
programmes will be sent out over
the air calculated to reli(Vo the
0on01on) of household routine, or
to get junior in a suitable frame
or 1171114 40 110 1(154 140111 -work.
Sounds (al' retched perhaps, but
Chore's 00 111,0 1044 w'ilat research
and progress will evolve in the
super)sc:en'!fi( world that 11(•4'
• ,
in '41' you enjoy .ioiuing, in the
1 ingiug }u11rst 1f, the open ah'
enlullllllll:y 4)1140-01)4 which has
been so nobility a feature of
('Fun's S,o lay ('venin...- i,rogram-
l4's 1'o' ;: number of years, will
he broadcast ago in (luring the
'aiming to moor. The series will
ho 111,0 d `•;unday e\ ening x,30 to
9 1) 1111 14 ,414( to ((-0(1 Id4 ore 4111/10541
•t • •
fhc 11;1111. of Ho .\H;111( 11' began
In September 19311. It has since
risen) 10 furious and destructive
heights, Early in the war Ilse !loy-
al Canadian Navy had thele to
throw into the struggle, but dur-
ing the last throe years it has
heel) ral'l'ying the 11aju1' convoy
burden of the North Atlantic. i'rl-
day, May 2811(, at 10.15 p.nl. will
find the ('HI' feature "Comrades
111 Arms" telling the 41104'y of Can-
POP—Like Most Big Bosses
cloy Scout training Ir; so Val1-
,,hlo for hoys later ming into mili-
tary service, that ('o). (I. 1' 111,
111 ire, head of Canada's Aim) Ca-
dets has urged boys who join the
Cadets In retain their membership
In the Ito)' Scouts. Su Much of the
'14ining 111 the Scouts, he `aid,
what w(4 want to have the Cadets
Ievoive, Col. (:tier, incidentally,
154(14 (4,11e of the fl('41 Ito) Scouts
in Canada, living a menthe:: of one
1,1 iho earliest Scout Troops in
Toronto. 11e is a son 44f Sir \\'ylie
Color, the eminent ('aulldi;,n art-
• 54
:\ \\'iu(1ipeg \\'ulf ('u1(, (inrdull
1,.14,0)4 (01111( ,h 1111 in nhirl WW2
sniffed $-)lIU.' I (0 turned it (iv, : to
Ilse police \\hu !moiled 11(1 Owner.
?'leased to find 4 110 lust 11011'•) 1110
o14ne:' turned Id per eeut or 41.10
tiler to (1(c finder 151(0 when ask -
'11 what he was going to do 151111
his Windfall replied: "1 ant going
to toy a \volt' cub 4\vea(I'r. row,.
,1:,11or•, running 41104)). 01,11 w;0'
4.\!414-4 ('r:"tllratl'4."
• V 4
Bowls)) -i,'o11111(44 11811 door- so
10,014 for hint as a lin), 11,, late
Pilot Officer 1<ennr t ll Pro:son,
11,1•'.('., of Neo' Zealand. in 1(.4 1)111
provided a bequest of $2110 40:' the
\Cellingtou. N.'L., Boy Scouts As.
sorption, and $125 to 1()s old Troop,
the 1st. i<Ilion n. NI., Tr001 .
\\'hen tlue1 11 Elizabeth )i)-0141
Calgary in 1939 she prl :-( nice)
Scout. 11. R. Itastnnsson with his
1iing's Scout badge and remarked,
"yo�n-'!) be a great mile 54(41)1 1 11,1)'."
'nil 11.11545(11) 141 doing 1(14 111 st to
fulfil the (luero's prediction now
that he is in the 1(.I'.A.F. 1J( ob-
tained highest marks in all Can-
ada in his ground school class,
the highest 14(1('434 in his (lass In
his wireless course. 10111 was
11.v.,0:41 et) the Herald Murphy award
(14 the Most promising pilot i1 u
specially (0-10-(10-11 class,
Britain Training
Future Farmers
Over 20,000 Children Belong
To Young Farmers' Clubs
);very count)' in Great Britain
1(0)V has it: Wal' agricultural c'U111-
illitt('es, Which sees that the 10l'tll
farmerS are getting the best. out
of their land, ']'hese committees
111'e t1'a)11i11g. the boys a0d f'il'18
who live in the e01111 1'S and W110
\1 111 hec04(1e the future farmers
of Britain through the medium of
Young Farmers' Clubs.
Over 20,000 children, aged he_
tweet) 10 and 21, w110 are inter-
ested in farming' — either as a
),art -time interest or full-time in-
terest -- now belong to Yount.
Farmers' Clubs, which were first.
started over 20 years alae.
They keep calves, pigs, sheep,
goats, poultry. rabbits and Ices,
:null learn such things as sh4-111-
411oaring, milking, butter and
chc(',sc - malting, poultry • dressing,
ear:xlntry, repair of harness,
maintenance of machinery, for-
esil',', ditching, collectins' and
drying medicinal herbs, h0eint_r,
thatching, and concrete work.
There are now 5450 Young
Farmers' Clubs In the 1:0011try.
In many cases their 10'IIViiies are
financed by neighboring: fa::'mels.
\1any of them are run Ly ( ") 1111ry
ada'n increasing role 1(n the 11)1t!lo
of iho Atlantic. Arm in :1.'10 \(iib
the sailors is the hroadeas1. 111,
khaki clad men or 11(4- ('.,0allian
army Will brha,). listeners a pl.'tnl:','
of the turghost soldiers in tiny -
army division , . . the Shy i'oml-
mand0s, the Well of the ('nt,:uliau
Paratroops. To round 0111 1',t 0.0.
1..'1'1101 the Royal ('llnrlii,,:i :\ir
1'nr(0 will 1e94.Hhe (Ile t,::hnir;ll
side of the ail fight 101 ihr' bene-
fit of radio aud)enees, with n 4ra-
maatir shele ( ".1s)-4) tidily Lint." It
promises Io h' a 4-1101V \501;1 11:-
t4ning to.
'4 $ 4
Quiz programme nay come. 1)011
quiz prn411111001's may go, hut
somebody always 14 (4114- capable
of thinking tip another kind of
quiz. 'I'lle Inimitable Red Foster
claims he has something "t:,tra"
in quiz programmes, Thursday
Piening, R.30 to 9 is the time. The
station ('F1111 'Toronto,
3 h. S. Army
Corps weal'ing
insignia, ----
12 P. cify.
33 '). hams.
15 Rhode Island
17 Sidewise.
18 Music note.
39 Hotel.
21 Tone E
( music).
22 Bright color.
23 Prohibit,
25 South African
27 Come back.
28 Head cover.
29 Russian
:30 Iniquity.
33 Music note.
34 implement.
35 Springy.
39 Indications.
42 Chum.
g:1 fieparatc Iron)
'J5 Place.
Answer to Previous
D I .IV I NG SW1111111 INjG
ROANS.:A ' 1_TE_.
E -'TENS I ON 17l
EDij:ERA'] EO!;`E 140
c_62_,IA A R D R E E_il_ E D
47 Advertisement
48 Attorney
49 Beverage.
51 Therefore.
52 Upper part of
54 Assists.
56 Imagine.
57 Malicious
1 Samarium
2 Sick.
3 Charm.
4 Pertaining 10
a nationalist.
5 Affirmative.
6 Certified
18 Turkish cap,
2(I Not artificial.
22 Allowances of
24 Passenger
Fell ides.
26 Lose bulk.
31 Organs of
32 Pay back.
36 130y.
37 Giant (rnyth,)•1
38 Company
39 Symbol for
40 Animal.
41 Parts of boats.
41 Music note.
41i 2000 pounds..
48 Constellation.
50 Away from
7 Lubricant. ( prefix),
8 Condiment, 52 13rought
9 Insp( rt closely forward
11) Slca 01hill (abbe'.),
(abbr.). 53 New Fork
11 Sill( worm. (abbr,).
14 Yield --- sets 54 Exclamation.
:0'e it ed in its 55 Tin (symbol).
52 53
Finland Is Vassal
State Of Germany
Inc story of the relations l,c-
tween Finland and America is the
,tory of a frustrated love affair,
Dorothy 'Thompson, EV Pr
Fina Hie 11(st war we have adored
hinland as the little country
1'.hich always paid its debts, But
w'r quickly forgot that Finland
had altother deht --' n debt to
(;ermmny, a military and political
I4; .
debt, f1(, 01141114'; dcn'!ni0mel,t
of Finland was nlnde by Germany,
(Firman encineels l,uilt Ih1 JIan1-
nclh('inl Line, and Conlon get:•
ends instructed the Finnish army
and for 14(0 gent ('111101141 ]'inland
was ;1 military ontpo;t for Ger.
111in)'. In other O'(rds, (il;land s
t1. (1t'1'11ialI 1'8454:11 411110 a11d, like it
or not, those are tlo' fact:.
Approximately 12 pounds of
manganese go into each 1011 of
Steel 10 give it strewth' 1111d
By William
4/Gh'TY.41,4.4e POC/NDS.
COM<, 19.4) 61' 4'U SERVICE, INC. 1, N. 1.CC. 11 41 4 (1 44 F. •' -'
ve/J 7;4 L-
/0 TC' /2. /7' -'.e.4" -T.
l ,i / ,/
--- t t
/ /
r/ /t
.. ,
NEXT: The tail of a st(•cr.
Reed 4, TI r POI pend,; p,, It1
hese days, when tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is of supreme importance. Ask fore
E Fa
Percival Christopher Wren
The Velem emile•I
"\'en ,ay there (s 1 diiiele11 '.?
betWeoli It MO enna and .1 r".(,n,I,
P,t41t1I. t1y .1 Heil, there is'. Needy
nine Valente t r1 pee, difference'
Oh, 11 is not tar wy:,eii, S tllih, I'm
gn:t(4 entitle to 11,k my life, tot'
the tiullih "
"And for e thou:elm' rap ,•, an I
a pension." nlln•muro,1 1'ei r l'au�ie
bei there are the other,.
11'hat vn I to weenie', them'.' You
nae, if you could Have guaranteed
that the - ichor would pay ue
transom of len Demean(' rupees,
Otero would have been a 1heu4atel
for each of 114,"
"Ten of your?" telte11 1'ereNetigh•
"Yes. 11'e shall have to b•) ;a
party of at least ten if we are to
hope to make our way sagely and
ruceeesfully-- or, rattler, with the
slightest chance of surer.!;-; Pints
hart+ to (fittraza I ort, \1'e shall
hove In ho a band of good fight•
lug 11101, well armed and ready to
fight like devils. You ser!, nut only
shall we be pursued by the Ma.
Ilk's and the JiuIllih'i nom and
have to keep (hem off If sso can-
not elude them, but We Shal1 have
Stop right here for style and
flattery in a houso1'rock, Pattern
4346 by Anne Adtfnus does won-
ders for your tigt•tll'o, especially
through the buslline and hips,
bong-wrtieted side -front bodice
t►eetiong button at the neck, and
are effective cut on the bias,
when checked fabric is used,
Pattern 43.16 is available only
In women's sizes 36, 3S, 40, 12,
44 46, 48 and 50, Size 36 takes
3% yards 35 -inch; 2's yards lie -
Send TWI'.N'l'V ('1';NTS (20e)
in coins (stamps cannot I):! ac•
Deleted) for this Anne Adams pat•
tern to Roost 42I, 73 Adelaide.
R. %\'est, Toronto. Write plainly
Farmers Attention — Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Staco (farness Supplies,
We sell our goods only through
your local Staco Leather
Goods (10111er, The goods are
right, alta so are our prices.
We manufacture In our fac•
torics -- Harness, Horse Col -
len, Sweat Pacts, Horse Alan•
kets, and Leather Travelling
Goods, insist on Staco Brand
Trade Marked Goods, and you
get satisfaction. Made only by:
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
ISSUE No. 22-43
to li1111 the Singu:g ltntljl',1 men
and any outlive' hands who eon
lee I lino'. See holy we could port•
silly do with L•,) 1 1141 ton It wt.)
tare 10 leave a nett glulrll to fight
while you and 1 continuo our
illeht. 'These mem thin 1) they :u4)
going In It, five hundred ropes'(
ash, the silly fool,."
".Incl you hien l;41it,2, t1) give thaut
ot if 1 r•.W help it, Sahib, Not
an aura. Don't you worry about
Hem. tiuhth nor about me. Lola
get you safely 110 1) (filtraz1L Fort
and I'll nud0i t (ke to got safely
acro„ the Bonier. We'll turret Itt
Peellavvlu', and Vol twill give nt
one thousand rupees and a draft
on your haute for guy p,1uslon, paid
moulhiy, ell
".You can roue( on that. I cue
give you my worry for that part of
".Incl you'll get the Court martial
to Imede11 Ire and to 3„Ild 111e took
10 m)' regiment''"
"I can't prolniso that, 'Chole
IC.Man. 1'0) knew i can't. But 1
faithfully pten nice i'!! to any heat,
and 1 hone5l.ly brli,:vu that yon
WOO . h„ punish(.1l !f through yes'.
1 escape,"
Next day \1'ati 1)a,i returned ae,•
rumpal(ed by Khoda 1(.11an
and his grim silent friend of 404.
terda,v. Apparently the three Mei
come to an understanding, wend in
complete agreement, and thele
yfsit teas In the nature of n +•e-
a(sei ranee and confirmation of
Khoda Khan's arrangement •with
1)11(',1 seals they went 0vr.4t1))
Whole 111141110,s trout beginntne i4)
end, talked it hack. and forth,
made frequent reference to tate
ran4010, and finally leit Ivore.
Vaughan strongly under the int.
press(011 that Khoda Khan tv.44
honest. so far as he, \'ere•1'allglrl41,
W113 concerned.
Gut there he wee inc'linet..1 1')
think that Khoda Khan's honesty
ended, andel() doubt that ilia iron)•
pinions world got anything at all.
However, that wa8 their hos-
mess; the arrangement was 1(1)0119.
Khan's, and with Rhoda Khan they
must work It out,
This i4 the end Wall Dud ac•
coined, a1141 solemnly and voluu•
tartly took Lite sante binding and
unbreakable oath khat Khoda
Khan had 101.41)3, sw0arieg ttutt he
would honestly do 1114 utmost to
get the Sahib, alive and well, jute
RIO sound, into Gillman Fort.
"11'e understand (molt othlir,
the), Sahib," concluded Wall Dad,
"\'(.s, But look, Come tomorrow
bringing with port a copy of the
iloran and take that oath again
with the Koran In your hand."
"Do you not. treat 1141, 9611114
"Of (et11'441 I don't."
• • •
Wali Dall laughed, iu no wise
ottoudeil. "Shall I bring.se. copy
of your holy hook also, that you
may swear to 11:1 upon it?" he
grinned as ho rose to his feet.
"Ily all means," replied Yore.
Vaughan, "It you ran tied a copy,
And 1 will swear that, as 801)0
as 1 get to Peshawar T will pay
1CI1ofa Khan—what I hive prom -
hied 11101,"
"Rhoda 1Chau and no one 0140,"
he added distinctly and deliberate.
"No 11eed to swear au oath, See
11(1.4, no need," laughed \\'all i1_ut,
amt departed followed by lCloda
I(11a11, who at the door turned,
s111 i led anal 110.1(1141 encourage-
ten the following day, visiting
his charge, 11'a11 144(1 brought with
hint a small, ancient, and evident-
ly much revered copy of the l(or•
(4(1 1(1)11nd in green leather, enrich.
ed by a green ribbon marker and
kept itt a close -fitting geeen vol.
tet case eloped like alt envelope,
111 flap being led down with Il
green cord.
On this 1\'a11 Dad once more
swore the great oath by his Ilio
and his head, by his son's litre
ft 1111 hitt Son's heed, by the: Ninety.
and -Nine Sacred Name, of Allah
and by the Beard of Prophet, that
114e world faithfully 410 his ut1110s1
114 4101i1er \'ere-\'angh:ut tote,
sound and 0ninjtu•ed into the
hand, of the Commandant of Gilt•
1'147,0 Fort as quickly 148 it wa3
possible for hint to (10 so.
The same oath Khoda Khan Ah -
anti took and. although 1'1 se -
Vaughan assured hint 1 101 I it. Was
quite unnecessary, he p(•1(ed 114
sacred book upon his lead au 1
repeated 11e oath a sieceu 1 time.
.1nd that 81111e night, in 01141
and twos and ihr(.r.•, 11'ali intro.
dio.td the: rest, lull 4 Veli Hutu et
thorn took the O'tlh nn the Kra !!1.
• . •
:11141 on ills 10,..,4 111:11 1(1,
livity in the sf cons:toe! of Nun( 1'
Wlten(e (.,rale' 11!141 . t,t,•'1
co)Yirnmltion of Ole belief and
For to lila prison cell lehods
Khan mid 11'all lead brought yet
another recruit to the escaping
party, Inlrndeed as liuseeln All
Shah i'rv11elah,
".Salam t111'ikum." said the man,
touching; his forehead with bin
hand end hawing. ''flay )'eu nos or
be tired."
'fired; \[y (god! tae sight the me
furtuuato \'rr,,1'au ltau. "S;tla.un"
he replied "M;(y you always be
'Ind has Ihit Maul also mads
errulg+:m+•nt with you " %ewe -
Vaughan x';1(4141 IUloda (Chan.
"1114 understands ,•vl'•rylhittt;,
S,tllil," Khoda Khan assured hint.
''114,111k. That le so. Very clev-
er," aere(+i 11;.11 Dad, nodding 11143
heal. "if it be the will of Allalt
that i of node Khan shall be
shill ill 01(1' 111'a4e attempt 10 Have
Your honor's valuable life," he
added, ''Ifusee(11 :all Shah Powis.
(fah will tante (Margo of you and
guide, yon, Ile 1 now•s 1.1(0 tracks;
and not only ie he a great hero to
fight, hut ho has a longue of silver.
leo tibould 1111 ;old you fall Into
the hands of evil men, without
41(1111)1 ha will perenade thong to
let you go, or induce them to come
with you to tf(itraea Fort and
elial•41 the reward."
• • •
Presently Wall Dad, yawlltlg,
(leering 1114 throat and epttting
with abandon, arose and departed
and 1(110(10 Khali, after some more
desultory conversation, departed
In search of nmatehe( or other light
for his bill 411,
If was after he had closed the
door that 1lusse(n .111 Shah Pow.
10411111 provided \'4'erNel(ehan with
ai ment01'11bde Shock.,
"Well?" lie said softly In Eng -
Bele "i)o y011 recognize Idle,?"
For a few second4 Vere-Vaaghan
was too astnui,hed to reply, has
mouth oponine as widely as 1113
"Hood Well" he breathed. "Aro
You all Englishman? Who are
"Ener heard of Major Rattly).
lonlew 1Iazoli•igg, disrespectfully
known as '(Llnesh' iu certain mss.
"Why . . . Yes , . , Of course,
Are y011 lie, sir?„
"I)otl't yon remember me?"
"No, sir, 1 !nue never had the
pleasure of seeing. you before.
Pleasure' (food Lord above ns' 1
wonder whether one matt ever
gave another greater pleasure."
Hussein .111 Shah I'owiuda.h
suliled, showing excellent teeth.
"flood. I somehow didn't think
we'd met before, though I know
your ('.0, and one or two of the
poor fellows who were killed On
that ghastly raid over the Suited
Not. country. You are the sol, sur•
vivor, you know."
"I wall afraid 1 way."
• •
"Well, you aro all right, any-
nyway, and ought to be safe hook
pretty .soon, Why T called upon
you tonight was to cheer you up.
And to tell you to trust absolute-
ly to nada 1(1101) --anti Wali Dad
and the rest of thein, ns far as
that goes. They'll got you theta
all right, U.\'., and robber betide
permitting, But be careful to (10
exactly what Khoda 1(11011 tette
you. T want you to give tt Message
to the Couu11audaod and take a
confirmatory note in writing, Do
you read Russian?"
",No, Sir. Not a word. 1 ha04 n't
been out here very long and my
language study has been v01)1hu'd
to Hindustani and I'ushtu. Later
on, T hope."
"Yes, yes, All right, It doesn't
mailer. But 1 must give you a
llttlo sign -and -token scribble that
Gersten will understand anti that'll
prove that you and your talo of
having come front ate are genuine.
'Phen he'll bo able to believe the
message—which he'll find a bit of
an eye opener• 11 yott are wonder-
ing why I'm going to write It In
Russian, it's because I and not ab.
4r4 -
Ily Gordon L. Smith
10 1no,l p.1013 of (',111.t 1, t10
average gu•leu will now he plaided
with t1)•, eu•11er typ"i ut 4cget•
ablee and 110vver1. Thin Mee( not
moan, Mosvever, that it ii 100 11110
10 (113.110 +t .I•drt. .1♦ a (11111100 of
g'ai't, most. attheritiee :gree, the
overage beginner uuakve a mistake
in reusing planting too .,non. if
0 II e de.0 es t Untinuous bloom
throughout the ;ra,on or a con•
liming supply of really fresh vege-
tables, planting 5110111(1 he continu-
ed right up to the 1st. of July.
This Is especially true of iegs•
tables, particularly the semi•teudor
things like beans, carrots, Imola,
corn, cabbage, etc. Most vegetublee
are hest. when they first maturity,
anti if one wants to continue eat -
lug the finest carrots, corn, beets,
beans, peas, etc., all through the
season then planting should be
continued at (u(erval4 of from two
to three weeps right from the time
Ilio soil is first redly up to about
the first week in July. in practic-
ally every line it is now possible
to get an early, medium and late
maturing sort. Hy sowing all three,
one automatically extends the liar•
vesting s41a4(111.
\Pith flowers, it is still not lou
late in moat parts of Canada, and
only early enough in the colder
sections U) plant nasturtiums, gla-
dioli, dahlias, and to set out wall -
started bedding plants of co(100(,
zinnias, alyssum, etc. obtainable
from the nearest seed Melee, liurs-
eryntau or grePuh0115e. 'Those
started plants iu bout vegetablor
and flowers will allow ono to have
blooming flowers lir 1)1(11111 111 g
vegetable gardens in a few weeks,
Huns As Monsters
Of Scientific Looting
According to talo Board of
Economic Warfare, the Germans,
up to the end of 194.1, looted
Europe of no less than $36,000,-
000,000, and are now looting at
the rate of tens of billions of
dollar's a year. They have stolen
and shipped to Germany' indus-
trial machinery, raw materials,
scientific equipment, horses, cat-
tle, sheep and pigs; they have
stripped public and private art
collections of their treasures t,0
adorn their palaces; they have
filched office furniture, park
benches and garden tools, food,
soup, clothing and shoos; they
have oven pilfered the hinges
from doors and windows,
"For magnitudo and ruthless,
nese'," says the REW, "the Ger.
man looting of occupied Europe
surpasses all pt'avioue conquest®
in history.
And indeed, Attila was a piker
by comparison. For the Germane
have developed looting to a sci•
Ince and an art,` They have not
only seized everything they could
moe; they have likewise seized
vreything they could not move
by simply taking over title to the
solulely certain as to how Much
English our friend 1hoda Khan
"You don't trust him, sir?"
"1 don't trust anybody, my sort,
First rule of the game, So 1f by
any sad chance the message telt
into the wrong hands, there is
11111011 less possibility of its being
read and understood If it's in Rue.
(Continued Next Week)
A Baked Apple Served With Bran
A Breakfast Treat For Any Man
'Tl::: e busy days it takes a bit of planning, to he sure that every.
one 1:l::'s the time to oat a substantial breakfast, We know that
a skimpy m0luing• mead means a less efficient day, but sometimes w4)
sleep late and there doesn't seem time to prepare or even to
cat the fruit, cereal, toast and beverage (10 really need,
Here is a solution: Raked Apple with 1.31:11( ---two breakfast re-
qs (reirenls in a single dish and tasting simply fine' It is only en
a 11asotfut twosome for the breakfast table but it saves time both
in preparation and eating. Of course, you hake the apples ai night
(elide them in the oven %viten you are preparing dinner) and come
motnine you sl+rieklc on the nerving (f lean and breakfast is Well
on its stay!
A daily Star Carrier
in Port Hope
Georgina Freematl, tate Pert Hope girl w'h'ile picture
appears above, started carrying u Star route in June of
la,t year, Georgina, who k 14 years of age, carries 60
Daily Stars and 27 Stir Weeklies, which earns her a
tidy weekly income for a little work after school
1) 1(1). Some Star carrier girls earn up to 55.04 a week,
Gills . . and Boys . , le towns, cities and viliagea
. outside of Totems) , , , may apply for rotates by
filling In and mailing the coupon below.
0 ,CUT :%LONG D07YI'E1) LINE ige
CIRCULATION DEPT. --• 80 King St. W., Toronto.
I would be Interested to k::ew; If you require a carrier in
this community, Floe, •.4,1 me information about the
work and how carrier:, i,lid,
lu spite of all the a414(1" a'(1
headquarters in Ottawa in
ing menus, I find it a ver, ,ItIf•
cult problem to plan a lin 1,1a,':s1
varied and appetizing diet. 1\".' are
just beginning to learn w•. cava•
not have everything we tv 1114 r+•
eat. however here are 11 -' 1
changes I think you may
4 eggs slightly beaten
1 cup milk
2lei tablespoons molted butter
lee cup grated cheese
ee teaspo011 salt
IA teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon grated 001011
1 teaspoon chopped pimento
(May be otnilted if out of 4ete
Combine ingredients In ordor
given. Pour lido mould or ring
set lu a pan of hot water and bake
in a slow oven, Allow about 30
minutes for baking. Turn into x
hot dish and serve with hot corn,
peas or stowed tomatoes.
1 letn011 (Juice azul grated rind)
iv cup sugar
1 tsp. cornstarch
1 cup milk
2 eggs separated
4 or 6 thin slices bread
few grains salt
Add 10111011 juice and rind to
sugar and let stand until sugar Is
partly dissolved. Add salt. Mix
cornstarch with 1 t.ableepoon cold
III 11k. Scald remaining 100k, add
cornstarch, stir and cook until it
thickens. Slowly stir into the beat.
eu egg yolks. Butter a baking
dish and put in a layer of broad
with crusts removed. Spread with
one-half the lemon mixture. Add
another layer of bread and the
rust of bread mixture. Set In a
pan of water and bake iu a slow
oven. Cover with 0 meringue made
of the egg whites and 1 table.
spoon sugar. Return to oven to
brown. Cool and serve.
1 ,j cups of broken uncooked
1114001 ori
Salt and pepper
1. cup of fresh broad crumbs
2 eggs
1 cup of grated eheeso
4 tablespoons sliced onion
1 cu(yful of 11(.
gook t(10 11111('(11131(101 to boiling
Rater until tender. i)rain, rinse,
and season w'itll salt and 11119ler.
Com 111110 with the fresh i0Aa1
crumbs and slightly beaten eggs.
Add parsley, grated cheese and
minted onion and combine thor-
oug lily, 'furs into and oiled baiting
diet and pour milk over the top,
Ita(1te at slow (teat until mixteue
t: tirtu.
Yield: six sort tugs.
3 cupfuls of :livered or sliced
cup of boiling water
2 tablespoons sugar
tablespoons corn syrup
tablespoons mint 1004es
2 tablespoons butter, or cookfug
?; cupful of water
(rook carrots In the boiling
(cater 1111111 tender and tiro Iiqutd
is absorbed. Make a syrup of the
remaining ingredients, four over
the carrots and cook unco'ret'od
for ten to twelve nuluut0s.
2 unbeaten egg whites
cup granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons water
Few drops of flavoring
Mix all the ingredient's except
the flavoring in the double holler
and beat until thoroughly mixed.
Place over boiling water, and beat
for one minute. Remove from heat
and boat for two ln11110es, or until
mixture will stand int peaks. Add
the flavoring and spread In smooth
swirls over the Surface of toe plc,
silos ('handlers neleoniei personal
letters from Interested readers, Shi
Is pleased to receive nuggettlonn
on topics for her column, and Is
always ready to listen to your "pet
peeves." Requests for recipes MP
'peelt', menus are In order. Address
your letters to "►Ilse' Sndle 11.
Chambers, 73 'Went Adelaide 3t"
Toronto," Send Kt limped self-nd•
dressed etielope If Fou VII/111 1
Grapes ('0nslilule one of tits
staple products of Sicily. When the
Allies take the Island, Mosso will
he the first to say they wore sour
--(1((telienor Record)
$1,00 SENDS 300
or 1 Ib. Tobacco -- BRIER SMOKING or any I
MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (with papers) also
eetereet ie the Canadian Army OVERSEAS and
Mail Order and Remittance tot—
Tilt0Atrsubp elItanychaneeIn Government Reptilians
Pae S.
4 (r
Olive McGill
Dresses and Blouses
Ladies Crepe Dresses $2.95 to ,$(1.00
Martha Washington Prints .$1.95 to $2,'U)
Children's Print Dresses , ... , .......1.00 to 1$3,00
Misses' Print Victory Blouses .`1.00
Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) $2.95 A
Store Open 'Tuesday and Saturday hive ings Only
During the Summer Months,
THE STANDARD WednesMay 2G, 1941
11 r. ;nil lir... I), J. O'J1tlllly of hall -
Sit t
\Ir. Ih'. 111ar1t'ttn :;prat a. Icw' tltt'
in London !his
AIr. It(1' +'rl 5unlers, of Lund'011, spvill
I,II w'eil. t'ial al hits hull l` holy.
r'•. harry Ittolvn+' un11 II:Ielulur
ot'+ r Illy holiday tvt'+'d;•+,il+l itt
:\('. 1,,enson Cowan of Ilr,uulon, Dian.
ht'.I Nliln lay twill Itln paronls, \I r.
and \Irs. (;surge ('ow•an, Sr,
Mr. Ila\ler 1Ic',\rler. It'll() has been
tt1fi11+ I tt1
Ids hrqnle hIii' ighi Illne: s
'1'' for slime +I +).<, i; iittpt•uvi
ri 1 \lr. and Nh1's. ('Malates ('ole and
d,)7)4i--221,413131'nloaaa3131`3.:autV2,121V.+ :et; tri+31,h«Idle:.ioty,:.y'12l:a+21:)•YtDtX7, (1111^13a`;,1u•DIPI:N.
a•:ulghtor spent tht• w'ee1;-end
- ' 11r::. :1. '1', Pole,
2 AIN, R. C. Alt Cowan ;pent It few Aceetyl('I1C :incl 1';it'('tFIC
day, Ilii, tweeh tw(111 tier friend, .11rs,
A. T. Toho.
11r. told Airs. Roti Johnston and Fol:,
- (;Plant, of (;11(11'1'11.11. b'p+`Ilt 511'11(i•:it' With
NIr. 111111 Airs, (Jordon 111)11,
.\hiss I':dhel Taylor t,I' Iilrhener
l . 1 III I I
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG saw Proprietor
Alta. Stuart Rohinson of S11+)' Harbour 111'x.
Airport spent the w'eek•cnd tvllh hi,
Itarents, lir, and \irs. It, 11, i(obinson, i 11 is; !'i!• 1 :1 Robin -44)n of the Hanklhu
of l'rlttlltt+ :'t'1' l`.1tf. (; xlot'Ich, spew
11r1r:.hvillo, ii; spend* the we: 1;-I nd with her pua'1,1:5, Nlr.
with hire daughter, and AIN,. It. II. Itri,inson,
It. .1. Towel!,
Soy Bean, Whole Wheat
and 1Vhite Bread.
Also Buns, 1 read,
Pies, Cakes and
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Doherty Bros.
;spent. Ihr week -end with her parrots,
NIr, and Alrs. A. 'Taylor,
\\ t i-k•en'd visitors %vith 1trs, \\'1441.
Jenkhti, were: Ntlr. \\'in. .)I`nliln,; of
- Call, Al r. and 111rs. Gordon ,Irukln'i
and family of SI. (lalharhl(ns, NIr. 110(1
1 .\irs, l;, Ilrlheriutr;lotr of 11'iugiia ii.
JI I s. 1'ocock elf
ing a few weeks
Injured Overseas
11'(01 has been )((swell Lhal (;nr.
h:.trl l'rui ,
Overseas, sou 111 \irs. 1\'tn,
Craig, o-1' .\goals, ih eoullinetl to hu:ti•
pit,11 with a frut•lurcd leg. The in-
forutal`on does out e:• plain how the
acelllent ore n'red,
Freedom's Fires Must Be
Fed Our COAL!
ANAI)iANS must dig and deliver coal that we may sail
convoys, power vital war plants, keep our railroads
rolling, preserve the nation's health!
The coal mining industry—miners and management alike—
have done wonders to provide cool, but they need help.
More workers must be provided, or we faller—possibly
fail—in this grim hour, Nature has been generous but we
must help ourselves. Our mines are rich, hal undermanned.
13y Proclamation, Itis Excellency the Governor General in
Council has declared that labour supply for coal alines ranks
as a national emergency, Further, in oilier l0 provide elan.
power for cool, the Governor in Council has issued am Order
in Connell aimed at swelling the flow of coal from mine to
This Order is of vital interest 10 everyone in Canada, Every
Canadian should read and study its provisions, to see
whether it demands any action on his part:
OF ills INDUSTRY, must advise his
employees of these Regulations, and
he must assist in discovering whether
any of his employees have had previ.
otos experience as cont urine workers,
OF IIIS INi)US'1'I(1', who has load
previous experience ns n coal mine
worker, must report that fact to his
employer not Inter than 'Tuesday,
May 25th, 1913,
Tl1ESE PURPOSES is anyone who,
since January 1st, 1935, bus worked
ander provincial certificate or license
In or around n coal mine, or who,
since the mens date, has been em-
ployed for n 1111111 Id 111 least 2.1 months
In the production of cool (except at
office work).
MINE OP'EI(A'I'011, must report in
writing to a Selective Service Officer
not Inter than 'Tuesday, June 1st, 19.13,
fall details on arty of his rmpluvees
who are ex•conl mine workers.
ARE AUTHORIZED to require ex -cool
mine workers to report for interview
and to accept work at n coal mine.
MAY REQUIRE any man in any rm.
piovmrnt, If subject to Mobil1Z1111on
Regulations but rejected for Military
Training, and certain others excuse,'
from Military Training, Io accept em-
ployment nl n coal mine,
terminate the services of any colas aline
worker wiihonl written permission
iron' a Selertive Service Officer.
NO COAT, 111NI \\'Oltl111 may leave
employment 111 n coal mine without
written permission from n Selective
Service Officer.
returning to the Industry under these.
Regulations, will In' paid wages at the
established rate for the job at which
he is placed; and the Government
will pay wages of 110 reins an hour, 8
hours a day and •111 hours a week, to
any ex -coal mine worker require(' to
(cave his present employment under
these provisions, but not plowed 1111-
ntt'dintely at coal mining.
A 1104111) AI,LOV'AN(.L of n11I mitre
than $7.50 a week may be paid an
ex•conl mine worker now returning
to 11 coal mini., if required to live away
from the residence of his dependents.
\VOi1KEIRS will be granted postpone•
mem from Military Training 10
February 1st, 191,1, by virtue of their
occupation; and 1111 coal mine worker
will be nrceprrd fur voluntary 41111141•
meat 111 Ihr Armed Forces of Canada,
prior to February 1s1, 19'11, except
under permit 10 enlist from' n Selective
Se: ire Ofiir.•r.
may solicit for employment or hire
any ex -rent mine worker,
011 PHO1'INCIAI, LAWN', male persons
11 least 16 years old may be employed
as coal mine workers, 441111 female per.
sons at least Ili years old may be em•
ployed as surface coal mine workers.
(:LASSES will be available for training
men as coal mine workers,
Such i.v the substance of the Weir regulations. Pull details may be had
at any Employment mill Selective Serrire (///ire. 1/ there provisions
require action an your parr, you are urged in the national interest to
art immediately. ,Surra penalties are prnl'ided for nrrrt•crrnt/rlirnrre,
but the Government relies ret the co-operation of the citizens of
Canada to Winks prosecution unnecessary by prompt nctinn as required.
This is a grare emergency. ,leeisI i/ you can.
Minister of Labour
Director, National Selective Service
Welding; A Specialty.
Agents For Intei•national-
Ilarvestcr Parts & Supplies
White Rose (was and Oil
Car Painting, and Repairing
Anti -Freeze.
11'IIEN IN NE1141) OF
\tis. 11', .1. 1lallahlin 11x+1 inl'1ul
tla,tghler orrlt l .l home fr+.:o Hi- Clin-
ton Il11;:ltilal 1111 5u11d;1t•.
11'I. J1Wars ('1111 of I'11was::a11 .-;11,111
tips tvtt'i 1 4411 will( 1.1.ii•inIs iu 1111' vi
Air, 11
1 Airs. Chester \hl ''lnl and
11 '114 I. II IIIY ..1;.111. i,III, J•l,.., 4IY 1.401011 J II1,01101011114. '
• ` .1 I I ,1 .1.I
11 1
Now 1.1 I he time to overcome that "tired spring
1(i('llnt," by taking. one of the following tonics:
Burdock Blood Bitters, Davis & Lawrence Tonic,
i' y,tl 1 1 )1)11 Purifier, Ilranlpulc's Extract Cod Liv-
er, Nyil Celery Nervine, 1Vampolc's Phospho-Leei-
thin or Creophos each $1.00 Bottle L'1'iL;111en the home with new Wallpaper. Full
range of papers at various prices and large variety
of patterns. iiuy ('arl,y while stocks arc complete.
i►1O'I'l1O('I1)1t;S and 1)ISIN1t'1(;C'TANTS---
Now is the time to hay \IOthocides and 1)ism-
((((ants for Spring "1 -loose Cleaning'," We have in
stock; I10t11 halls, Moth I+'lakcs, Paracide, Sapho,
1 tl'y(.'., Lysol, Creolinc, Chloride of 1,i)nc, Etc,
Store Open 'Tuesday and Saturday it:venings
i)ui'ing the Su111nier Months.
R. D. PHILP, Phm. B.
•.:.,d...h..4•,s.•1..•11.1 sr ,..4...11
• •i-4�J'.,.. • ..�. y�y�r'�-,l4��.M'•I*\.�,- 1i:,'','Gr„iti WrLIVI�Ii.V'4''V'•iY1h111'v��'V't,r41.O'Cre±ICIC+CIRIRRJ
righten Tour Home
With Little Expense
111i 11 one or Wore of the Iola'%it
pallrru.; In ('on ulelII Rugs.
\\'e have theta In most of the
p. Tatar sire.;, II will pay you
In in1,1'1ec1 our ol'ferhlgs heron!
1)11) iiag 11 Floor ('overing,
glome i” . rnisher -- i'honee 7 and 8 — Funeral Director.
, . _.r,� I,i ,...r.� i�, l �', r -,.-1i. I.�,C,✓•�klr�)v�,.•t! I!•'iwv,Cl {+G 141GIui/.✓1 V101�GIP1�31�P1CIi1�131��V1/1����
, 1 o +hi:+lren 2111 \1i. A Morel.;;+,n 11111. past twerp tt'Ith her parents, Nil..
tt+rl' 1:;,nal '11 ..1 vi'ill'i,
on 5 inlay. hand .11r,s. IloLel•t
Nhrl:. I!;. Ih):1:11. I'urunlu, wisil• \Ir. and .11)8.:\11'. ('0111oimo. of lav•
rli la •I lyre!, wino her lr,n'enls, Air, don, twer'. vlsilors ower 1111' 1t'1.1,1(•('1111
;:Nd .11)4. hrI'l Iii: hank., will( Ih1, l'orn is hrn'he1', Nhr, .tutor
Collinson, (1111 SIl Ili, Mrs. It. 511111)
\I'is• .1+1'1 ('l';; 41, I.istuttel -sp.ol land Alr.;, I1.ixlrr Nlc,\rtes,
111 MtW-li•,Ywn,•1•••l• L. s 1.11 ■ ., •1 ,Iy
.11 :11 1 WI
Nutrition made easy! A "can't -go -wrong" guide
to healthful family meals
It's here at last! A really /,r,rc•l/ci/ guide to meal.
planning. All you meed to know about nutrition,
to 1111 eaSy•tO•folloii', interesting, ituthoi•itit(tt'e book.
This is important to you; for recent Government
surveys show sixty percent of Canadians Lill short
of good nutrition, even though seemingly well-fed.
Perhaps your flintily lacks proper food for vital
seed health stamina ... high tm)rrale.
So get in line with the ";Nutrition for Victory"
rOl drive, Send for your copy of "Eitt-
(o-\\'orL-to-\lain", NOW. follow
the new EASY plan for serving
delicious, v.1:11—balanced meals.
I'ItE 11RI:\VIN(;1N1)l'S'l.'Rl' (()N'1'AR10)
in the intcresa "i nv•rition and health
as au tad to.\airing.
�L.4 .,.;,.;, ., .;..;,.;..;,.;.i;,;,i;,.;. r;, .;, .;e.;. ;, i;. ;i .;•y, 4.4.1 o.
See My Large I)isplay
. , Rea'ltify' your home I'or the (limi-
.oetion, cio other ruruishim,- in yu l '='
:t.hnntr equal Igoe vahle of 1\'allpape•r::.1.
.1.1'llt+rs n1").1"d S'inwnrlhy ln+'•
'_ especilllly IrraL''tl to r"",i.s1 failing. •
t• Ntay I suege.a a complete change
•= of (,,•'cit 'ry I o r the hone` torough .>
-;t'Ihc uaedin11t of p1sa.5ia1); \\'idlest"ors
1• •r
I)e:.orator's Shoppr.
r Located Opposite Kernick's Grocer
f PHONE 156, BLYTH. ,.
1\'e tore glial to 11 port that ,M1;
Olive ('raig is able to Ile nal,
follc,w'iug her rc+'cnl
1 11
ISend for
ELyour copY
To get your FREE copy of "Eat.to-
Work-to-WIni'I* lust send your
namq and address, clearly printed,
to "Nutrition for Victory", Box 600,
1i:('1•Ge nutritional.
llatenrellhin "fat•
to• II'brk•to-H'in"
arc ncc' ialle to
Nutrition, Ser.
owes, Department
of Pension; and
National f leehb,
Ottawa, for the
Canadian Nii$r•/-
lion Programme,)
atyts{q'tg(�" ytala �
Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery.
2 lbs. for 25c
per lb. 15c
Tomato ,mice ............ .. 20 oz. 10c
Peas ,............................. 2 tins for 25c
Shredded I heat
2 Pkgs. for 25c
Super Suds large package 22c
P. and G. Soap, Comfort Soap, Pearl Soap 5c
Hon iii i cake or powder 15c
Sari Flush Tin 27c
Castle and .JOhnstons Floor Wax
'is Br(ui Flakes -
arm Castile Soap 5c, 6 for 25c
Orange,, Grape Fruit, Lemons
(Celery, New Carrots, Radishes
Store Opr'i,'I'uesday, Thursday, & Saturday Ni,;::'s
;! d;;01'.DiD4r.;in:.')ta.:;t:(."1:•" 2aaa2121otDal'trADt:,IX 212111'.)t,?t2124aDidc312i ?,Hall dill.\].\
:,ec(lless Raisins