HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1943-05-12, Page 1VOLUME 17 - NO. 40.
Examination Results, Sr. Room, Blyth Public School
'Following is the Secom(1 Terns 1' xaminalion Results In tire Senior
Itoo►n of the Myth Public School.
a—donotes 715 and over,
ib—i;tWl; c -409-G5; d-4v05S; f—Ibalow (0.
Caulpbedl, Clare , u a i) c rb a a a b
It a 1592 78,0
Doherty, Lois , .a c b a c a b a a 6) a 540 70
Doherty, Marjorie a a' a 8 'a tt a a a a a 653 87.1
1lollymatt, I rancor c a a c f c b t b a b 478 68,9'
'McNeil, Delores , 1► c J) d d u b f f e a 468 &2.4
Morris, Itobert , f l a a t( d d lb f f 345 49.3
Nesbitt, Frances b a c (I c 1) c t (1 d c 450 60,
Nethery, Jack' , bat d a a d d b d a 50;) 72.'1
Tasker, Ross c f c d c d c c c 4 a 45660.8
Watson, Edward , b c e d b b c b b c a u'Y28 70.4
Bray, Lorna a (1 1) c
Cartwright, Jean „... d f 1) (1
Johnston, Donald 1) f c d
,lohnston, 1111110 a a 1) b
1'hUlihs, Shirley , a b b d
Streeter, Jean '1) a Ib d
Thuo 1, Isabel 1) a b 41
Wallace, lnna . n '1) a c
White, 11arvls , a c a b
Augustine, Gerald b a a
(linos, ,Dick a a b
Jc.hnaton, Doris , til b c
McNali, 1)01181(1 a a b
Philp, Joan b c b
Slorach, 1)orelu b (1 d
Watson, Anne Jeanettea a a
Boys Swine Club Is
Being Organized
A Boys' Swine Club is 111 the proses(
of being organized int this community,
with Dr, Kon Jackson and Mr, Stenon
IfaIIahan in charge, The Club is be-
ing organized under the auspices of
tho Il1ytl1 Agricultural Society, and
the Swine Show will be an added at-
traction in• connection with. the Annual
Blyth I'1u11 Fair, to be held to Septem-
The purebred weanling sows have
been purchased from tiro following
bre0(lete: Huron County home, Clin-
ton; John Powell, Jr., Seaforth; W, 1..
Whyte, S(aforth, RIR, 2; \Vat. J.
Turnbull, Brussels, and Wallace Pow•
el;l, litppen.
Arrangements for their distribution
will be made early in June. The dis-
tributing centre will be Blyth.
Several Swine Clubs have been in.
operation throughout Huron County,
staring the past few years, and they
are, considered a splendid organization
for the boy's of the farm, who will bo
our farmers of tomorrow.
To date, tl►e following members
have enrolled in the Blyth Club:
Archin Whitt, Blyth R 1; Donald
Watt, Blyth R 1; Ray 'braking, Mai -
urn 11', 1; John Crawford, Auburn It 1';
Gordon Carter. Blyth It 3; Maurice K.
ilallad1511, Belgiave R 1; Roy Buchan- was filled, In the absence of Mr. 1111 -
an, Blyth R 3; John 11, Taylor, Bel- 'born, the superintendent of the Sun -
grave It 1; Murray MCDowell, Bed- ,day School, through illness, Miss M,
grave It 1•; llarry Lear, Myth II 1; George vory ably presided. A choir of
Ken Drigham, Myth It 1; Ken' Mac- girls and boys gave three numbers in
Donald, Blyth R 1; Donald McNeil, the morning and one in the evening,
Blyth It 1; Alvin Plunkett, Auburn Ml of which wero greatly enjoyed. The
It 1; Ilarold Gross, Auburn R 1; Ar- 'Scripture Lessons were read by Mar.
11014 f'a'lconer, Auburn It 1; Bruce garet Marshall, Biliy Johnston, and
Falconer, Auburn R 1. Alice McKenzie. A story. 'A IlappY
blindly,' was road by Shirley Wallace.
and a recitation given by Elinor Sun-
dercock, An exercise, a tribute to
Mothers, wets given by ten children,
under the direction of Mrs. Frank
Marshall. Two children wore baptiz•
tt d a
c a a
d d a
0 a a
(1 d a
0 a a
b b a
J, A. Gray, Principal.
Servioes Next Lord's Day.
Blyth Sunday School 10 5.m.
\Vorebip lit a.m.
Smiths Hill Sunday School 2 pmt'.
'Worship 3 p.m.
Auburn Sunday School 10 am.
Worship 7.30 p.m,
A hearty welcome to all,
Dr. A, 0, Thomson,'Mlnister.
Rev. P. H. Sreeter, L.Th., Rector
'May 1113th, 1043.
Sunday School 10,30 a.m.
Evensong and scr.nton 7.30 p.m.
The Rev. 13, M. Caldwell of Gerrie
will officiate.
Intercession Service in the Church
friday at 4.45 pm.
Last Sunday the Mothers Day Ser-
vices were especially well attended,
At the morning service the church
Miss Baechler Honoured
By Hotel Management
and Staff
The Management and Staff of The ed, Thomas Gordon Charter, and John
1Co11)mercial Hotel held a little party 1 Murray Govier.
Mn the nature of a surprise for Miss 'Next Stinday, May 16th, the regulra
Clara Baechler, who has been the very services will be held,
efficient Cook for s'oime time past. 10.16: Sunday Se .hoof,
A very enjoyable time was spent, 11.15 Subject: The Discouraged Eli -
and Miss Baechler was the recipient $ah.
of a lovely Hassock and Wall Mirror. 7 pm' S'ubje'ct: Is It Right? J. It
Mix's Buechler has resigned her Wrong?
position at the hotel, and is at present •
with her parents in Tavistock.
v . Farm Forum To Meet
The 5S. No. 10 Farah Forum will
Son Cables Congratulations meet at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
Calvert Falconer on Monday evening,
Mr. and MTS. Lath Bentley received
a cable from their son, Pte. Walter
Bentley. Overseas, extending con-
gratu'L•t'ttoas to them on the occasion
of their 24th wedding anniversary,
Which occurred on Friday, May 7th.
Horticultural Society Meet
leathers of the Horticultural So-
ciety met at the home of the Presi-
dent, Mrs. Annie Lyddiatt last 'Tuesday
evening. liev. A, Sinclair, \'Ice•I'resl•
dent, presided and places were spade
for more plants to 1)0 planted in the
park told on the boulevards.
A 00101111ttee was 118111ed for this
l)UrIXoe, airs, N. 1', Garrett, Mr's, It.
Johnston. 11rs. A, Taylor, 11rs1 A,
Lyddintt, and Mrs. Soi'Iingeour,
It was unanimously decided to hold
our annual lea in the patio early in
June. Arrangements will be camp -tot-
ed at the monthly meeting to be held
Tuesday evening. ,lune lest.
The Secretary read the report of
11r, 3, A. Carroll, 'Toronto, Superin-
tendent of 1borticultural Societies,
In 19412 the British \Var iteller So-
ciety of America sent 1.50,000 collec-
tions of vegetable seeds ( 100 ton:+►• to
Brilains \Var Hardeners. and 11(1 ('1
eultural S'ocietie's contributed $Sa16,85,
It Is comforting to know that our
gifts of seeds are reaching prisoners
of war, The following extract 16 front
a letter front a British man of confi-
dence: 'The consignment of seeds
sent to this station has arrived and I
hB(ten to thank you cordially for the
gift. I shall be glad If you will com-
municate our sentiments to the °alar -1 ing 15'113 interesting and educational.
11 r. ,1. It. Davison, Field Secretary
A Message From The
Victory Loan Chairman
Our County of Huron has always
reached its Victory Loan quota,
Thia Fourth Victory Loan objec-
tive of $3,010,000 is large but the
money is I ere and with serious
thought and the rc4olute deter-
mination of every cit zen to do his
or her part we can again show our
Fighting Services that we in Hu-
ron County are solidly behind
Some districts have alrenuy
reached their objective but other
districts are holding back the
general total for the county.
As your Chairman f o r the
Fourth Victory Lo: n, I would ask
that you give your careful con-
s'dct ation as to whether you have
done all you possibly can.
Huron County National War
Finance Committee,
The May meeting of the, \l'umen's
Institute \''.Is held at the house of
Mrs, Lorne Scrimgeour and while the
8ll('11(1111(•('' \vat1 not large, 11(0 meet -
to no1•ticulm'al Society. The fr(,511
vegetables will be particularly appre-
ciated by men In hospital and on my
visit there yesterday I was delighted
to find the crops promising.'
Additional evidence is a letter lcj
Mrs, Morley Jackson, President of St,
George Society, received front her son
Sgt. 1), C. Jael(son, who has been a
prisoner of war for over a year. lie
states that the boys at his 05111(1 had
gardon plods and were then enjoying
tomatoeci, radish and lettuce. Su isn't
It very much worth while?
Mr. Sinclair then read the following
address, and Mrs. Robert Johnston
presented Mrs, Annie Lyddiatt with 'a
Service Diploma:
Blyth. 111ty 411), 19.13
11rs, A, Ilyddiatt, Myth,
of 1110 'Sa\'y 1.4.11 0(1 of 1'.luada );t,
pr(r,(nt and appealed to the Inslllute
for ('10th1i; 90' 190x0 who are ship-
w•rccicc(1 and brought to the hostel(;
which are kept up by the Navy League
all slung our !n)res where a lerrut
clean 1(011 may he s(7ared for the
S.tu'af1 411101 of :lc.. per ni;;ht,
Mr. tavi;on ;(1,11 asked the Instituto
to 3(7000 reading material. mal(u
All 't'og'ether, And Over
The 'Too «`e (►o.
Jest taeein(I;t half more tidy- 1e ,lu
I1, but w( dill h lit,. 1t call 1 4 d,1t1 '.
I111ylh 11;1s Doer ;(I,uuu,uu Ia 11:111' ;n 111'1'
I(h i+•(' far I':t' :;.1,unl,.(':' 111 1.111'11 10
la11111 \•4 the objert(y1' t f,r 1114 1111
\'Ictory 1,4;n. It.iv' yu) h night yu'1T
Pond yet. Have you bought to the
1'n1it, If you ha+ei't, N'I\1' I; the
time In 410 it. :Niftily of the Mullet -
1)11) 1-
p Ilit it.; in tit ' Co Inty are litcc,in ,.
The ('aunty >l ill net 1:; :Illus 1 a mil-
lion dc2.1ars. It's going lu inc in a rF•.(1
sa41111r)' if ((4' :II'' to 1'1'1(•(1 1111' ahl4e'
tier, both in Myth ant the ('anity.
Clinton Over Theis Objective
The L.\+n of ('Iiiton \\t ui "ler their
quota on 5,turday 11141)1. anti now are
credit' d +kith I 1.910.1,11. \1'e hail ;1
:chat (vial Ilill .It +0171 of Hallett Ilu-
\\'edn( 41ay allernuon, and 11e i0:.or0,eel
that 111(19tt ++';,; s 1 tor) oyer their
$Ittn,ann.o11 (,hje•'f1e. The tntensllil,
Council lno't'llao(:1 ;I111')0I( \ot•tl1 of
\\'o swami
A Message Ft'om Your
Victory Loan Canvasser
Due to the large number of last -
day calls that are to be made in
the present Victory Loan Cam-
paign, it is absolutely essential
that I commence these calls on
Thursday afternoon. Please have
your mind made up as to the
amount you wish to so
that I can fill out your application.
This measure ie necessary if we
are to complete our local canvass
by Saturday right, the closing date
of the Loan,
Thanking you in advance for
your co-operation.
Local Canvasser.
What 11)out .4 ?Ioliday
(111 flay 'The 2.1th.
decided 111 pro.
claim 0)) :list a iluliel.,y. 11'hal :,bout
direr! the attention of it to l;lyt9. Sone' (loci=ion should lie
rc:o•h('d at 011;14, ;a tl1.(t the public
and husiu(, peaple ++ ill luuny what
iii (1 ('1•lall 9 to 1)e.
.1 nice 11011) ;1). about that time will
pis' ably conic in 1711Il y for gardening.
111)19 cilfiln$ to an advertisement on
page 1 of this i• ;u(, 111 west by the
local Victory i.u:1n ('onunitt(''•,
Railway 'Tracks Suffer
From Heavy Rainfall
1\`finning \rictory Loan Essay
Many Cellars Flooded - But No Serious \\1l.ittell ]3y ])ollilld CowanDamage Reported From Tuesday's \ Victory 1.71,111 1•:,3ay t'onle>t. held
Rain. Water Covers its (h. 9..lyt Coot Mao lion School,
Sideroade. 'and competed for 1'y all the students,
i\as won by 1)snalll Cowan. Natty
won, you one of 1 110 4 unfuriul,clte(; tine ell'urts r',=1)114(1 trout the (01110.4,
who aw•(ke this \Vedne3d:ly morning but 1‘'n1 1(1.'• n;l> 11d.ludged the best
'1'110 winning )(;say
only to gt) down i1 111(. eel 1.(1 and1 final by the stud: its.
the pickles huh -nothing with ih' follow":
scr,Ip hunks and 1ion(;(°\114(3 also sll.asvherr30s, According to report's 1 THE FOURTH VICTORY LOAN
which have come lo the ears of the i\1'r, 1104 citizens of Myth ,11'7 riled
editor throughout the (lay, there wore to raise 9),00I((n, Can we do it ?
many t;uc•I) in,;tancx'5' ('Thal i., th.(1111.-11ui or challenge
twill hr. 111025''0 la rc(eIye clull11"g' 01'The cause was the steady downpour !ntu;;azin(-s. .\ list ((1 l',.','"4:+table 1111(9' that i, 111111\\11 out lu 0110 and all of
of rain \which couun(nce(i TlIeSday u
azhle4 i'; will the 5c:'rnt )'y, 1113, .1.: morning, and never irs up 1111111 supp4l '
'1'aylor. Mr. Davison is ;In :(bis chant- lilac, II' mid-afternoon the situation I \1'e have head trout the radio com-
piuu for a worthy c I I! :(• in many homes, a1(1 hu;ine..; places. ' 1111111 les, that the battle is raging
Places for mettl11 ; 5'):•e nffercd
(roch(t nlitl�.4 out 18' strong twine,
warntlry lineal, and the 10altute glad-'
ly c'u opelated lido \Ir. 1''It•; •an and
r(cluirccl 110 1(11 by th0 u\vu4rs, a:; was• 11 rr( y at th4 pre<rtt, and 1(1110541 the
)ear Mrs, Lyddiatt 1\'0, your for the balsa(( of the ya(r• 1(r kept pouring into the cellars, at a :111 i.; want 10 00014' 0111 01) 1011 We
friends and aseociatos of the Myth heti, l'0171unglt gave a r(:'di11,, en mttcl, realer roto than the drain i moat t) ly '1irtary 1 0111) " '!lack the
Horticultural Society are indeed pleas ,
ed tonight In presenting' you with this
Award of Merit. '1'hie honor is for
those who contribute outstanding sac-
rificial service. We feel that you are
deserving of this award because of
your faithful and untiring efforts in
the work of the Society in lhisVillage.
Visitors coifing here have been at-
tracted to the beauty of the flowers
in the I'au'k and ,street corners which lour most valuable weeds, The stalks I(ouliliued right 1111 to the bas( of Bax- sacrificed hrruu„' there was "Tu 1.11
add 80 much to t.ho attractiveness hi make a tough fibre i01' use 1n air- It' r NIoArt(r's dee fling which i.; next ' 11), Ton I,ut(' Nu words could be
the Viilwge. You have clone 11111011 to planes. The r,,ap may he used into 110. ll(fl('011(1, and continued right moret(1)9ic. They must out bo leant
encourage the caro of gardens and m;19109 syulh(li( rubber, and the in.
t 1(111 until it flooded the bowling greets. now,
flowers, and these things have touch 'side of the pod utak(; a very light,
�'1'ho water then 11ru7e7Qe0( acrn:S the
Isere are of the equipments
to do with living and character blind. fluffy lce.lp(9. (Ther parts may b(
ing. Jesus said long ago, "Consider eaten, so every hit of the mil,street. into the low ground on the op -that our 10010:y hay.;:
milk weed (103310 stir. There were nu)iy other y-,u,rn, ;t fiv: hundred
proud 51(151
the lilies of the field bow they grow', Is valuable. ::)w places which were also completely "no,.
Gossip, As Hit; nn cling was 011 Gar- i .001d carry it a\;I)'. • 1111091' and (lice till it hurts.
(letting the 11011 Call was steswer:'(l by ` .\i 'oat the worst 1)1)1.4' brought to : .\hwy o1 us say that we can't afford
How and \\'hen to Prune Shrul l and 'out, attention was at lbs rear of )9e to !'ay a bond, kit we still caul afford
'Tiers and Vines. Ipcsl off(ce and the Elliott Insurance to buy 1111) (((0 suit in some store
110^1, felts 91)00 a resiling on (1:1'- 1 i\g(nc•y building, ( 111914' ,,,,,,,t,,,. from the \vilduw, That t> no attitude to tuk0.
denin9, 5110 Mfrs. I.yddialt contributed hi9hcr ground formed a little lake, 11,11' :fildi4rs 040(1 Ile -,-1111Y (vitt the
a splendid address on :Edible \Cec(l3 The next \'oast place \:I Olt tile pyo• 91."1battle Without materials to do
and Iln\y t0 Prepare Them. such a(; 1I)c'rly of Jaine.s Ileffron of Linsley it with.
dandelions, dudes, marsh 1)18)I;o1(1,
1(.11(1 1111114 weed. The litter 1,4 one of
strict The \vases. ('0411' u(1C{I it (int- i Many 110(1.1 in the 'ally days of this
plctely surrounded) the dwelling, and \oar, battle; (yen, lost and lives \veru
By your service and example you have 'Nil's. felt.; conducted the (question
(31)1(1 "'Consider all the flotwe1'tl and the drawer, and 1u:(ny sple11c14 ((((0,1100.5
gardens, cultivate and care for thein, Iwere d(:=cissed.
and your lives ami the livers of others Try June meeting will be held at
will be happier by so doing.' the home of 'Airs. John Cole. ami the
We ask! you to accept thin tribute of hosl(33)5 \'ill he-, Nies. ('01e, 2)1111,
our esteem and appreciation, and with. Petts, and N1rs. knllrQ;0.
It go our vory best wishes,
Signed on behalf of 111e Illyth Horti-
cultural Society, Mrs. L. M. Scrim- Wet Weather Seriously
•geour, A, Sinclair, 11138 A. Gillespie, IIanwe'ring Seeding
Mrs, A. Taylor, Mr. Samuel Kechuie,
i r's. 1VI1n, i ognn, Mfrs, W. J. Pelle
are tatting a Serio;• ; view
and Mrs, Cttrolhte Kcchnbe. of weather conditions in this district.
'lies. Lyddiatt was completely taken Continued wet 10(aiher bus brOughl
by surprise and thanked the Society seeding operations to a complete stand
for their thoughtfulness, still, and very little grain 1(:3 been
sow1. Following 'T'uesday's downpour
Mrs, Garrett and Mrs. It, Johnston' 1118113' fields are completely covered.
nerved a very dainty 1)111011 and every It is cuu';id0red highly improbable that
one who attended thought Monthly any great amount of se(dltg will be
'Meetings of the Horticultural Society clone within a\001(, it will take most
would stimulate interest, of the land that long to soak up the
May 17th. Mr. James Shearer, Agri-
cultural Representative from Clinton.
will be the guest speaker. Mr, Lorne
Webb will ,show pictures. Everybody
SH,ADD'ICK: In Clinton hospital, on
May 7111, to 111x, and dins. Joe Shad -
dick, thio gut of a son, William
CRIA'WFORD:In Clinton hospital, en'
May 8(11, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Crawford, of Ilullett, the gift of a
WAIiJLIS: In Clinton -Hospital, on
'11ay 7111, to Mr. and 1trs. Charles
Wallis, of Bayfield (nee Mary Ad-
dison, of Hallett), a daughter.
IIATUt1AIMAI(N: in Clinton Public Hos-
pital, oe Tuesday, May 1)1th to, Mt'. The infant son of Mir. and 2)1rs. \Vin.
and Mrs. \Villi'ain J. 11nilahnu, J. 111111ah)lu (meets) away on 'Tuesday.
twines, a boy and girl, Nlay 1119 in the Clinton hospital,
excevis moisture.
Seeding \•as all 0uutpleted by lee
end of (ho fir'a week in 2)lay last year,
'many Partners were
tit u,,;,'.t h 'ore 11)1
submerged.i nn.p".
In the country, wherever there was i ,u,un,
a low place In a co1107,,,.;1011, the water machine guns.
('ud( until it covered the road bed. 10 11)1,11II,II (,19101 paraclttics.
many places to a depth, of two loci. I thu boys must have a1111:11.1' these
Considerthle damage was done to cal-
(crts and bridges. The Myth cre(O1 1 thing; to emotion' the enemand so
111(1 \'c may
w•01('On10 1101110
was an the rampage, mud damage was ,
done to the railway 11 )19a at the Arch.' twain 30011.The bridge crr.�:;htg the creek on the i TOO 1111111>' of our Canadian boys;
lancway to Robert Newc(119l s hunt(', have paid the supreme s icrifi00, and
just ubowe the Arch, gave waymud ''11 that w'( 1u:)y' prew0n1 this "(lig( 1111
(was washed down to the railway tit harts' and 1uy Victory 1101103.
bridge. Haulage to the tract( was re-
paired in time to let the noon baht
cross on Wednesday.
It was 0110 of the 1101V1 11.41 'sins in
many years. 0)\l vane' at a time \Olen
odd mother earth was 00erte\rd, try-
ing to soak up previous trio. 'novoi Our local Massey -Harris agent, Mr.
just 10(15111 roam for this la -t, one in \\ illia.ut Morin!, stairs that Selling
the ground. n' w machinery i4 really a 011109 now•.
\ll l9' n(5' neelenery he c•..nt get this
91 steel helmets.
cult browning aircraft
1k)nald Cu\a11.
&Hinz New Machinery
Is A Cinch, Now!
year is a hay loader and a hinder, and
he didn't hays t0 leave the promises
4 f0 (11,;„0,,,(11,;„0,,,11' eith(r im'1lines. \lr.
Thu Nlis41011 110)041 of Loving Servi('o l'(l ilc('lin(hey of Auburn has left
M15510i1 Band To 1!"Il'l'.t
oast of .1110 i1. liulras conditions he W.hold a 't'hauk-t)'bi(ritr� 1110(1111(1 fill hi, 01.111,1 for 111'' new hay- (05)1)x. and
come more favourable, and at 01100, Friday (00)ing. may 21st, al' o'clock. lir. John Neill,. of Itlyth, Inas purchased
predictions ane for a short, light. crop.' 1134' 1(1.1 McKenzie, who w'rai1 the the new hinder,
7'he lural Flax 11111, with an approx- Mission Maud Study 110014, '\\'e \\'or
intale 8(rrt9( of 300 acre;, i.; having
daintily getting help to plow the laud.
very little of the land secured is piow•-
ed. lir. \V)n. Merritt and lir. 110:)1.
\\'apace are busy plsw^11g for the
Company whenever the weather is fit,
ship Together, will be the Sur"t
:Weaker. Nils; Mckenzie is also tray -
tiling secretary for the \V.241.S., and
3YIISSion Band Rally
To Be Held
has seen maty 11(0 : 0f work acre,«
Canada. Her ma110.1 is very bright
A\ Mission stand Rally of all bands
aned euth1131('lir, and 41110 lakes (t in the Huron Presbyterial, will be
k(n inierest 241
ti) 1-'-1011 11an W
1 1'041. 1(1yt1t l'uifcd Church 011 Satur
(';'0101; art (=prcially in+i1e .L 59,4 (I !y'• May 221°, at t"0 °clock, Mrs.
V.1'.U.. ('.11.1'1', 4(101 Sull•ty. Ki)•ichy. l'rc•,''yterial Seel ctary, will he
5.9001. ii climate. MacKenzie, who wrote
\, the Nli -i ) " It:: Study Peek, will bo
gu, 1 sp(c('cer, All interested arc
Lizzie in the Nless
'l'Ite story is told of the former
µ'1t(1 went to the 1111• station and
enquiring Icor his daughter wa+
informed that She W39 in the
mess, "'That could he Lizzie,"
he said, ".he was always in n mrSa
around Monte," but to offset that,
it girl calve out of the city to
help ori the farm and she was
taken into the cow !lyre to hu
shown how to milk a cow. She
looked the big cult' over tvtth mind'
trepidation and then turning to
ilio fanner will, "Could 1 not
start on 0 little calf first?"
—Trenton ('ollrier-.1!11'01';Ili,
fviahe It Unanimous
The putting into circulation of
the new five -cent piece with its
12 sides has allowed the Govern-
ment to rave (ill ton.; of nickel
a year, an api/reelable .saving.
Now if, for their part, the citi-
zens Will save the five cents,
uver'ybody twill be hctl:r off.
Lr I'rot;•rea de Bull.
How Rumors Grow
The trouble with rtinior; ii
!lull ins-tead of goiuL in one ear
and out the other, they .o in
both ears ;tial out the mouth, and
shortness of the journey does not
prevent then( growing en route.
Slak and Slacks
"Don't, ('all 'h:m 'factory
F:;ngineer Told; They're
'1udnstrinl 11'orkers' 1Vhn (:ry for
More Work," There's nothing'
slack about 'mil but the stooks,
:t.(d sometimes even the slacks
:U'cn t so slack. --Windsor Star.
Be Careful, Girls
A well-known writer of things
for the lovelorn tells her clients
that it's "a uti: fortune to marry
an Icicle," That's right, girls;
he's almost sure to become a drip.
—Ottawa Citizen.
Britain's Preference
it's said people in Poston pre-
fer brown -shelled eggs; people in
New York white, In 13rilain they
prefer egg,—if they can get them.
—Owen Sound Sun -Times,
Personal Item
Field \Iarsllal Erwin Rommel,
who has been spending the •Nin•
ter on the south shore of ;he
Mediterranean, is expected soon
to leave for home,
—Christian Seienco Monitor.
Make Ice Cream
In Flying Fort
American Fliers' Method )f
Making Their Favorite
V II'.;t ile walks, thou ho talks,
awl the Il rat rive words he :nit4
together fie Ice cream. That Is,
11. Ile'; an .1111P1'Ieall yunll;i..1,11',
Jiro then on, It's Ilii fa vorItI
d,'s.;crt. .1nd now Ila Illiult.; of it
--- I11r11il1tains of it ---
i14.11 (Mg
-Il h((ing In :Ifrit a, or Imi! 1Ini; a!1.•
fields in 1 h jungl, ,.
i'ho :;tory Is 101/1 of :1 Marine In
Guadalcanal info di rnrivvd ;tat Ica
cr.rltu ter, z 1. Piero was 11;.414
exeitetrlelll in the camp, $ )1119•
on rushed for Ire 411 P) the Comic!
in ;U) ire•hl' 1.40 uha:Honed b4' ':hd
,f:lpauese, ;Meryon' fought
chance to turn tlhn freezer.
'I'hern Was a gallon and ft
to 1)e divided bet wpm' Sn 11(rinls.
It wn.sn't much. It w•a:;u't t•ru.:•.rn
very s'ifr, „hut 11 was I hA best
thing twit ate on the i;I.Inll " v.I,4,>•1
ern,+ Jlari4',
American tli"rs in ftritain novo
(ti -twee red an Ingenious ',gay to
mike their favorite de.ayrt. '1'h.,y
!nix the ice: cr"uin to a lar>;a
can and anchor It In the gnuih"r'r
compartment of a 1•'lying 114)11eis.
Soaring high over enemy territory,
1t its well shaken and frozen to
porfrrtinn. ;.'pun rL'u.rn
a successf, 1 rail! 1.4 celele:,t'ed !n
tole American style.
The Flowers Bloom
Where Women Work
diriti�ll Ieo11161h may not
tor soldier; than Wren; but thoy
are bt'yund (4545lion tidier in anew
regard,. Their greatest tri 1111jeil
Was sere!) Irl tilde taking over of
a'iirchli:hL stations. .1 goo,! Mini:./
ow.o. are ser in iiim•ly and
muddy fields; but sine.) 11(' wawl,n
were installed those pnlcirt4(( (
drt.orts Levy he:gun to 1110::=,fat
111111 tile' IU,9, 'i'lre paths gr,rw molt
and tidy; and besides Ill., 110 -ager
Prone'', 'Allele v('getalll('s are b(
great' iie;rre,�aflllif small (•ntIlige-
lllte flower gardens eull,raee the
army bots.
CWARE1TES,:;' •4.,.
Jive Sung In Old
Castle In Scotland
Whist; It's Coast Guards
Entertaining The Duke
Four fatted St,rtc; (: II s s t
Gu:ud;nu u, who 11;1.1g,'11 1111 III rt
British castle owl knueko..I all ilia
door. not only were invited in Int
al -u ,aur; jive songs for a 1>uk,1
and got to blow a horn iheir host
toll them started the Itall1' or
'rho story of their visit 1,1 the
Stultisit castle of the nuke of .1r•
tub, at !overall' was told liy Ino•
nliuick 1'ilardi, Now Turk City,
00 his return front the North :1f•
dean campaign•
lie said the four slipped past
tnemhera of the ticutlisll ltlark
Witte!! Regtllioat on guard at rho
castle anti were latitl'li 11) by the
lfiko himself, ('oast Guard ("Imp -
lain Paul Townsend !tall ruslosl
after the four to halt them but
trent along when they were he
vile(' 111.
Toast. Guardsman \•ilardi said
that, after a lunch of fish and
/hip.;, the 1)u1i0 „ulna 111.)11 p0110
arias front Italian opN1i and )1514
ed thoun lu sing.
141,1 we sing:"' 1.� rontiulit'd.
"1Ye 4x10 !tint a )3111 .40sSiuu like
he never had heard and 1e 14•ai
tickled pink, 11'hcn Ore loft 1474
seemed sorry to s"I) us go."
The Hurricanes
Saved Britain
Let .r to [rondo!) I>aily 'Tela•
Sir:—Duriing dm Haiti'. of [tri.
talo there ware five IIurricaiio9
for esvo.ry Spitfire, and the 1hurrl•
rani 9 shot down more enemy air-
craft than did all the other fight-
ers our own and the t'1I0111P's ;Int
This is due. not only to Mr.
Minim, the desigucr, but to ''Ir. T.
0. M. Sopwill who, while the Air
Ministry were w'ondcring w•heth(+r
to order a couple of dozen nor.
ricaues or a couple of hundred,
signed an order to the stork, to
produce 1,0011 hurricanes.
I believe the ]lurric.uho save!
Britain h1 her darkest !lour and
not the Spitfire,
1(0(411 Jll'1(.1I
200,000 Muskrats
Are Sold As Food
Uffieia1i of the (Ontario Depart,
meat of (halo and 1" ishe:rlos sold
recently that about 200,000 of the
700,000 muskrats caught lo Ontario
annually aro sold for use as 1'uo(i.
Thera has been no appreciable
In reaao iu rho demand for the
t(Ilhitals despite approaching limit
rationing, these officials said as
they commented on an Ottawa de•
spate 1.1 witich 111nnitonPel rho use)
ut tnnskrttt fur food.
♦ -
t `1• , frf'rti� i
.t w• ry•
1 f ✓
A.1, 4.'', 141 '..Mi,,',.,.• 1e/4
}erpppt i Nunn ori 1• r. 111 4•0.111:44
90e aeldfkfi;17 au2 cireaind Aiwa
The architect has submitted plans and
we spend many an hour staking little
changes itt order w have everything
just as we always wanted it.
Perhaps you will say 11e are dreaming
but 1vu ktiow that Iva are not. George
and 1, like thousands of newly married
couples, always wanted a home of our
own, but it scented to get farther and
farther away. Our bank account ower
seemed to grew --now we know' why.
It Wits too easy to write a cheque for
all the things we desired.
Hui Since We have been investing in.
Victory ]fond, and War Savings l'er-
til'icates our savings have gro4vu with
renlurkable speed. The reason of
(51115;. in that We think twice heforu
we "cash in" a hundred dollar 1'ictory
Mond fur some small purchase, because
we knorr that the rest. of the money
will be wasted on things we do not
really nee(!.
That is why we will be able to build our
dream -house right after Victory is
achieved. •
—This 1s What Victory Bond. Mean:
A Victory Bond is a promise of better
times. 14 means buying power .for you
aftea thu war . , . real cash to I:peu(l
• . . for things you tiro now doing
without, 11 nlealld a nest-eg,g for asi
at any lime to tide you over ricknet;
or other emergency. It is the best se•
rarity for ;I loan. Any hank will acc'.'pt
ll Il)e:t11S Capital to Marla busintts of
your own, money to learn a new trade,
to send your child to University, la►
buy the modern things designers ars
preparing for you . , . plastic carry ..
television . . frequency Inoli.l.
1:11100 radios , , air conditioning . .
or to buy anything you desire, hut
ahocu 'all, it means that your heart is
in the right place in I•Ili.s grim struggle,
and that .you are behind our men
11ACKLNG 1'111: A'1"l'AC'E.
'10 CANA1)A a 1'ietory h'ond nlea03
the pledge of your wholehearted sup.
port in the nation's all•out offensive.
It is your personal order to Canada
to go ahead on all fronts. So !told on
to your Victory l.iond,s, Keep your
dollars fighting until Victory i9 Wo11t,
Et WO.'TS, Limied
G"ey`- die°,"•;pc::�a;,�.a. :
$Rgn*w I
Imok t
'r .>••.
Youngsters and grown•ups, too, love
Nabisco Shredded Wheat and :haw -
berries! And it's right in line with what
our Nutrition Authorities advise us to eat
—whole groin cereals and fresh fruits.
Serve Nabisco Shredded Wheat -100%
whole wheat in its tastiest form—its nut-
like flevcr bl(nds delightfully with milk
and most of our Canadian fruits.
Niagara Fulls, Cuticula
5 'Al
Percival Christopher Wren
Fuddeuly 1( ride icult'evi and a
t'11if1 81)•1111 fell upol the u)isy
arseushly. 'Turning sharply, !'ere•
\':111:11,111 sate that :, man ,t:lielin4;
behind 1110 11f1lk had fired the
hhol doubtless by his order. and
l,rl'J)bly a Variation of the idea of
lin;;Ine n bull for silence.
The 71:8114. was on 1148 feet,
"II'•:aheu, 4'l( )n( 1 of Kuru:si. The
1'i.• Sahib has said his 841.(, and to
the welds 01 so holy a Mnilalt 4111
must }rive e:1.
"'Phe !Iullah bub saId 1hill 1110
prisnnrr unlit die; his throat nmst
he rut RH 1.1111 Of :) sheep or goat,
malting hitt an acceptable r' icri•
rice at the yIuliuh's shrine and in
the sight of Allah,
"11 we 011.3 the 11ill lath, w0 haVo
This blessing and the favor of the
light of his holy and lovely (01)0'
lenance. If we disobey hint, we.
have ten thousand rupees.
\!'ilei i4 11 CO he? Are ''C to
lose Oda great sunt al the vile
Sahib's whim? Or are We to show
Jilin that though he he a judge
ho 1H not a ruler? 1'o1' who ninth.)
"him a ruler and a judge over tis?
Are we to lose our Money—or Fur
favor in the sight of the one eye
111 our 1411111 l?"
• • v
Applause and laughter from lewd
tclluw i of the baser sort.
"suppose 111 do neither?" he
1(8144 41.
,•Ami total," ht added, leering
round. "Suppoee 1, In council with
the other leaders Who forever
wdt('.h 011.8 your interests and con.
rider What is hest for you—sup-
pose, we use our brains while you
118x4 your 11r((ng, right arms and
the keen sigsh1. that Allah gave you
for tho true aiming of your rifles.
And suppose we think of a plan
'whereby we lose not iIits great.
8441)1 of 11101118 tont yet retain the
favor and the bleseiug Of our holy
l i1..'
"Upon every problem the wise
114:11 8lccpcill. 'I'onigttt the prison-
er will io closely guarded and to-
annrrnw we Will deride his fate•
I have spoken, The durbar is (108 -
chi." It
"('01)10 011 1111i0kly," said Wail
Dad, seizing; Vere-\'anghlnl'H arm
and pulling hint to his Bet. "Fol -
101 the .. , ('lose round him. my
111 01 10rs,"
$245° SENDS 1,400
10 any single Military Address Overseas
ScIdins M the Canadian Army OVERSEEP$
FORCES (Postpaid).
Mail Order and Remittance lot—'
P.O. Ilex 1929, Mace d'Armes;
Montreal, Canada
Ted Ora sublet Nay dude In Caratnment lieluM11118
ISSUE No. 20-43
41111 \V11'1e babble of :,.'_tine ut
and 10'-1 of wrangling arose about
!Item, \1111 hall and his fnll0wrrs
41its l'' 11. 1',Ingll:1n in 11111' lulu 1,
t!Irn-t 114''18 Illy through tits• l':')w'(l
ill 11 tell• Mull) 0f "i'('ahlill;
and t'\hill(, svioni')I, 1111 of tele'
compound. 1108n the 8111)1,
the 81.11'8 of 1111 Millar' tnd 10
1111111 1-111111'W11 11 hi1:141r 111(1 linens
strongly fortified That the rest.
"';'his is the 1111111'8 house," said
\Vali Il.I(I. "l'nu will be safe here,
Sahib. !Until the 11nllah'i men
81rn'nl it 11111 eft you oat," he add -
1,1 wish it malicious grin.
A real Pathan humorist.
I'nIikely as 1i seen]111, ho 1014:4
have sle'ill, for In the small hours
of the morning he was waken; d
by the 81)1111(1 0f rifle fire, fuel he
Irnndr'red what 181(8 happening.
:\ few minutes 1111er the 1100r of
his ce11 0p(101 and 111'0 nun en-
tered, One of whorl) carried a.
small crude oil lamp telt felt grave
forth more smoke fad smell than
Hy the flickering yellow flame
of this miserable vessel he saw
that one of Ids Visitors was !Vali
Dad. 8011-in-lalW of the Malik and
prominent member of the anti -
:Mullah patty. The other was a
than lie had not seen before, or
at any rate had not noticed --a
rather good type Pathan, with
something clean-cut and smart
about hint.
t 4 •
Pridueing a 1lddi from his ellan-
u1'rbuud, \Vali lend 1ft it, puffed
forth a cloud of slinking sn101te,
eyed \'ere-\'alghal lazily t.h'ougit
hilly -closed eyes and remarked in
"';'hie nun) talks Hindustani.
1'011'11 be able to understand ev-
erything now. Ile learned in speak
11 in India."
'f 441rlpose he (11(1,'' replied \'erl-
Vaughanl in Hindustani, a tang -
tinge Which he 1111118810011 and
spoke far better than the more
diffi('nit Puslitu. "Learnt it, no
doubt, lehcn his battalion was sta-
tioned in Karachi. Bombay and
Poona, eh?"
The mnu grinned disarmingly.
"What is yam' mune and regi-
ment?" asked Vere -Vaughan.
"I<hoda Khan Abazai," was lite
reply. "1 was sergeant in the Pa-
than Company of Sandeman'H
"Oh? flow is it you are here,
then, at your age?"
"I 11l5frt441, Sahib," smiled the
"Oh! One of that sort are yon?"
'No, no, Sahib! It 1885)11 toy
fault. 1 didn't want to go, I loved
the regiment. But lihawas Rhiul
of hhairaslan shot my brother,
and (hero was 110 0110 14' carry 041
the fond," replied file matt, as if
that naturally ay/amine(' for every-
thing as indeed it 1111 from the
Pathan point of View.
Vere-\'aug!unc had been low! HI.
()ugh on the Border to know- that
it was as imperative and e:n'red
a trust for the Palhan to avenge
the death of a 'relative who died
doing his duty in the matter of
carrying on the fancily tend/AL1,
as 11 was the imperative find sari -
red duty of an Euglishmvi 10 feed,
clot 10 and educate his own chil-
And there sat Khoda 1<han Ab-
azdi, defaulter•, deserter, rifle thief
and 11:11 of sirictest honor, 'who
had done his hounder duly as he
saw it at the, risk of his life and
the loss of career, comrades, pro-
motion. success and pension.
Presumably his present task was
to talk clear and simple Hindu -
Mani to the slahib. make all things
plain unto hem, and sec to it that
there was no misunderstanding
between hint and his captors on
the subject of his position, pros-
pects and chances of ransom.
And as Vcre•\'aughan str41 ('(1
the matt he \vas amazed to see
that his right eye slowly closed
:1111 11111'11.11 nga>n !n iL most In-
duhiIabie 411111, and r tern as lie
lunlcrd seterllil'ely ;.1 141• ('11011'8
fare Ilie 1,11118 };11111;1. 111t his
hand up to 1118 111111'1), mu!nl'lH',i
>1(1(1e :';)i quotation 0- 1;11 :IIEEElila)
#J11l:1111(' 10 11;1' 14" (' 1)-'111 111 3;41141'
111, tool 111 hl' (1'11 res 1,11''111 111.8
1110111 1)1''11111. , .el' t I .' 811E
of hr.; 14)1) :11(1 11 ::161.11
eosin//, mine'1:11..11111' in
11'11 til
}111(11' 11 1111-1.::=4' :11111 11, ;:111 11,1(1 1,1
Tho 11.18111,
, •
Til" 'I, ant of 11(41' h: 4(.l 11'"1
11)1'1 ' 40140 (((411 111.0):)l1>. '1'111), Pd.
iii .v1,t:'.11l in hr \1',11! I (.ld 141111.
r'tf, 1-0rre'I3 ' 4 u:,liu}; 10 bin),
111'11.111:' rot,:1 III)• ; ,11 11 171
"N0\V," 81111 111411 11.oI. h;(vIn1
gal lib. tinb:inc 11111,:1 s,(li-•1'a'IIo''
Ely hurni41)', "flit }:n 111 t0 10.11 3 )1
what I 1: 11'0' toils; ,. 'out. 1)'8 lits
11111;. !V4' 11111 4104 1118 t!I:, f tip
out of the, broken 113 ill devil Iaf-
t Mgt, and (4'1.) 11:n11 10 know how
to use it. No 3111 ands "stand \':Ila!
have 81111 :'"
"Nu," :tidier! Vera•\aI)410:u1.
"(111, 41011'1 you:' \11'il thl•1, 111,11'81
1(10 re 11148 111:1), I<hn,1;; 10,01) 1111•
mill, 11111 1'((1111 in n -4>4l. I1r'11
Tall( t0 you in 11!udostatti. 4!1•'11
111;11,1• you uud, .'stand all 818'.11."
\\11/1111111 Poll 14) ' '),.,, 110M 11.11 11•
'd 1140) \1':4;l1 Had 11:111 1.1)111. 11111 1i•
Ing 811'118 11171 whi 11 1171 already
abundantly view.. 8,,11ail:ilc 11111},
carefully 111(1 patiently t1:;1t \'1'r'•
Vaughan Iv181 ';pI•,'Ieu 111 c, I 111
41)III 8a118'f,ll'i11I'C !(,,,1 I,I, d 1111(1
fully In demon,: 1.4114, ill '401111141
4)1111 4180, (110)' 1(1(11 114,4 11;113, 10 1418
capiorI \1111, 1'1 01'Y nut' of Ihon1,
loved w'0upo)4, 4441ure41 81!'11•". :111
41(10 III'1•1):)l'1.11 1(1110481 01 4(0:•711111
u 41'411 I11100Ip u' nnll.l h 1111;' 11;41
Was a gl•1u]n1 and going 0unrI'rn.
"11'cli, 1)o you Innl(•:8I:11l new?"
18141)1 \Vali Dad n ail, the nth.-„
hall finished.
"No," said '418-\'ll11 11:111.
"Vuu don't?" exclaimed \Vali
!WI, "I s' e, slut 1 think you'd bet•
ter understand bef):e su;Eris', he.
rause If you Nye 1)01 going 10 s11111‘'
11H 110W 10 11101 and use the, 14)1-
1011 rifle te0 aro going 10 1)1(4(41 yon
river fu the 11)dbill ,0ot hefui'I• lune
you 1111 wish you had (lone as \ 0
r.sked. Ila! it w''.11 he too late
then," 110 1(1418)] grIm13.
1(')111innel1 NeN1 11'104)
Not A Picnic
British bomber's were over
lin, the sirens were screaming and
JE'oplo were, racing for the shel-
"Flurry up!" cried the house-
wife to her spouse.
"1 can't find my false 10eth,"
called the befuddled and tardy
"False teeth!" returned the ex.
aHperated Wife. "What 110 you
think they're dropping? Sand-
Sinning' .';;14.1 1111'flll'lulpor )-00;11.-;
4)0110 nndi:.l)ay)ll ht' i,i. 'aplure
by Allies in Tunisia.
Queen Just Like
Any Other Person
('111. l\ iiliam C1,Id11,•111 ,,f the
1'11111!1 51 .11 8 :111.1\' i•• 11. eIl I,1.
meeting a int of Piup'.e 11181118•,1
he 41'148 t') :I-`i',111n1 II1'1"44., ' (4l'
01118 :•1188 hal 111111;11 14.e the
Qt111'1'II 1.1 11 111'1111111.11 111 1111 H/11.
At 1(1>1' 1110 1111111 1hi' 0111(-1' day
41111.11 eh,• ', '•41811 n texoetirdlV an
0•.r'hIlnll'u in 1.111(1111 1444, :4' 101d-
001 11,
uil;'0011, of ;tall;pure, 1111, ;11"1 Ihro-e
other .\In'Heal) 8)11)14'8 :.lin were
"1 11;1^ 148114-1,1 (111 n 110
014'11 su1•Ird 1;114.1)141 Io ole 1111
1 }'111 Vl'I'V ))1'1'1'11144, 'tat :flat soon
Ela; sill Inieii118,' she Iva- s4( ...write
;1e}: 111:11 1 11.)8 leo r)l(iplet'ly at
ease," 4iuld`'1'in Said.
"\Vhai amaze() 1111•. tills; 's1(% I1),•
111'1. she 1!:11] no retinue and n4)
011(4 standing around to te•ni('ct
her. She .lust walked it; 1 ;,+' any
1111'8 lady visitor,"
A Soup Discussion
This week 1 base hall two 1.1•
quests for toy method of making
tomato soup. Maybe I have 111.
glected this topic for w'o all do
use a certain amount of 11.1111111
soup. Ilow'eVer, always remember
that whcnelet' po4sibie, soup
should be 101111 up specially, if we
are watching closely the budget
Cream of Tomato Soup
Strain canned tomatoes; place
A :t� 1
all GO
-y(1,1)4141 itROOM FOR DOTH14 WAG'S;
F 1011AGS 841701 }__
1. 411: , 18;1
044 eta V.; (OUD(Rrul:1 ...0
N M)SS egotist 1
1 0�
.. ,111
' (15N'r IT NIcI To RE DOING
4-4-'1. > SOMF(MING 704)113,TN0(4
11L,1 :i4.,,111r11 CHILDRENINENGLAND?
"« ht
I^ CHRISSIF! ',''.•�'.' •_(;'
en neat 111! 1,..11; 101 hoi!. 51',1`111
lotion' .1111 ;;net :loot a little
sura:'. II .111 11(10 411Millg; the am -
welts 1111' .141 '1>''i f0)' S'id'')llillg
a.1 differ, l)1 11(11 me ter tin
meas reineles ., should be 1 ;':\'l
/aid. 7p0101 10 1 ;1,':1 ,'C1) of to 4(a
141'81. To 4 1,11 /abbe -peon 0f melt -
e d 11118.• slid a t:!hitspouu
or now. 1. 1111 not ccurful)y 4411(1
odd to 14(8 how. to, 8, as it 1.4'411.11(•;
do, h)iliulr 4m,111. the 14111 for 1111
(4(111' 11)1.111))'', stir Coll• )4141)43 '111-
141 it 1111'1((-'', 1h'n 1111uw8 to conk
1141 ,1)11' 1)'411 until 10) !pile u'
1,1:1'c'h 8(.11)11111:•, Now ,1111 a clinch
of 4411,1. Stir 1111 11 'fflt'Vesoing
),8'7.17', t4)) a 1,11(1 1114' 1111141, 11 Melt
has liven 11'.1'1'1 hut nut boiled.
Stir 11111 and serve When 1.1 al kat
but 1 y in 8lni'i boiling.
Cream of Corn Syrup
1 ml'lilnu sized oa4ont
1 'a1 'urn
3 011 lis 4841101'
ta)1leepoo17; ;)utter
3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
ly 1018/1001 pepper
3 lupe 1111114
Finely chopped parsley
Combine the chopped oplon,
corn and water, Cover and cook
gently for 311 minutes. Press
through a. coars0 sieve. Melt but-
ter and blend In the flour, salt
and pepper. Stir and cook until
thick. Add the corn mixture and
1(1111 well. sprinkle each serV•
ill}; wil)1 ••:In;,;11 (1 par'!, 1 1:111
1)al•!li•. �:8 •,.!1111 L'
Cream of Ca, rot and Pea Soup
sly e„titeiii,
1 (.ed 110>441'1 4''• ,, ti
1 tilt';, .,. 'i'1 1.1,1111
r.a1': 411).1'1.1' ,,11.1'
f Hur
1 t.'sl,p)on roll
s, 101 o1)140a repte.q.
1'1HIIhIl1,: 41.e 1'41811418 41)111 0111"11
1111!! t14/• 1)'illu4 wdm. and cook
fur ...tie :1111/te r0M„ 1(l. .1(111 the
peas 1)11') 11)410 for 11\e! 11lj''Ut4S.
Press all t.11'ougil ,I sieve. Melt tho
hurter and nett in flour. add milk
and '18801. oda 111'0, 1'(1041 stirring.
constantly :41'';1 thick. season to
taste, 1teserte t 4(48 slices of car-
rots and peas for garnish.
.1111138 renlollker 1 1111 1 the water
in 1811 it'll yell have cooked your
vegetables should never be thrown
14413 — it i8 it splendid founda•
Hon for creamed soups. '!'hen with
mike soups the homemaker has a
splendid opportunity 10 Vary the
milk budget. Remember each adult
should have one pint of milk n day
and 01011 child one quart.
Mee Chamber/4 rreleumee pereonal
lettere from In(creeled renders. hie
le pleneed to reecho eugg:eetlun•
on (olden for her column, and h
alsray* ready to Iieteu to your "pet
peel re." Requeete for reelpee ,r
Npeelui nu•nue are In order. Addrear
your letter/. to ',Mee Sadie R.
Chamber/, 73 Weet Adelnlde 441"
Toronto." Seed *tamped aelf-ud-
drraeed ern clove If you riled a
pin 3 CENT
,.,,114.1/ 0141'111',•: tot
.1101 ,7 •.4VI 11 11.1'1+,•1
1,..1.," V 4410 0.4 4.11111.11.
1,.1.116,4•4111 .1,.1 • •-
b,,,, v. 4, 1 111'M awe
11040 IV111•,•1 rt 114 PI( •
'1,11 41'r.u.. •141„0-,
810E BY Si
• . , for a New World free from fear of war and want. He and hundreds of
thousands of other fine Canadian men and woolen are daily giving and risking
life and limb for our great cause. All Fre are asked to do is to work, save, do
'without what we don't actually need, and to LEND our money to back then up.
Let's fight side by side with them --with Victory Bonds . . • for our sacrifice
can never match theirs.
This Advertisement is sponsored by
Where Will You Stand
In the Victory Celebration?
WILL YOU SKULK on the sidelines or be one
of the carefree, cheering crowd, welcoming the
boys Avith a clear conscience knowing well you've
had a stake in victory? Where you'll stand de-
pends on what ,you do NOW, on how you re-
spond to their call to Back the Attack ! Back
them with your dollars. Lend for Victory. Ev-
ery cent you save now, every needless pui'cllase
you pass up in favor of War Bonds, puts ,just
that lurch more steam behind the knockout
.hunch our boys are all set to deliver. Lend to-
day for Victory tomorrow!
The Little Fellow Has Done His Share
LOW - and by that we mean the chat) who has
subscribed $50.00, $100.00, or $200.00 - who has
carried the full share of our Local Loan Drive.
Their willingness to subscribe 115 niucll as they
can - even in the face of sacr'i'fice - has been an
inspiration to the Canvasser, atul the Local
Victory I.,oan Committee. It has shown that
they are "Backing The Attack" to the limit of
their financial resources. Small subscriptions
have brought our total to over $30,000.00. Ex-
cept in a very few eases, these small subscribers
have all been written up.
s Up To The Big Fellow Now
WE STILL NEED $9000,00 to achieve our local
objective. That is a Large sum of money, BUT
If you have a large bank balance it is your pat-
riotic duty to consider yourself partly respon-
sible for the balance of this quota. INI('ORMA-
SHOULD NOT EXCEED 1'l' H E $40,000.00
if We Should Lose This War
POISED FOR ACTION, and it is at this time
that our dollars are going to count most. Our
boys are waiting over there for the opportulie
moment to strike. Let it not be said that any
one particular person in Blyth failed to respond
to "Back The Attack". If we lose this war we
lose our all - Freedom of Worship - Freedom of
Speech - Freedom from Fear - and Freedom
from Want,
What Will You Pay For Victory
I1'OR VICTORY! The price we are asked to
pay involves no peril or pain. We are not ex-
pected to leave home or family. We will have
food and think and comfort, enough for any
man. Just Buy Victory Bonds -- that's all Ave
are asked to do. Nothing to lose, all to gain. So
let us Buy Victory Bonds with Every Dollar we
have available, While our fighting men wrest
victory through attack, let us keep the life lines
of supply well-filled. Can we do better than
match their valour with our savings - even our
last dollars to speed the attack, No price is too
high to pay for freedom, "Back the Attack with
Victory Bonds." Our armed forces have
plc'lged their all until victory is won. They are
offering their lives - surely we can lend our
it of our ability? The security is the best and
the interest rate is attractive. THERE HAS
This advertisement inserted by
The Local Victory Loan Committee.
Last Wawanosh Council
11 r. Frank lnl'lli( and .0 !, t 11 l family of Council met 011 111(3' Ith 10111 all the
(llintou and 11i's, t'Ittu'les Meyers and mctn1;1er8 pet:1'111, the tt(cve prt:3iti
Jarl(Ie twilit mist 11. Iiirk 1011',, the
gu(t;ts of ')11'. and .\Ir;. John Cingland
(111 \Itlt1111S 111(3'.
11r. lite an 1 I, -rank (lilts have moved
to the GII!1'.; bottle by the river,
miss 11:(11( \\'nl lm and friend 01
((oderich, ~pent Su11da). 11'101 31r5,
\\'1114-1011 1111(1
31 Jejune I,yult 1010 10th 1101 11(1(.11
801111 11100 was 1111(00 10
11'111.0 110.v)1101, \\'meson', 00 'Tuesday,
Ing, 1111IIlll.3 of I;II,t IIIeetiII,R 1w1'I•.'
read anti ;Ipl1ruw1'11. :1 couununlrarlon
(1.1;111 1114' A„sol'taIi11) of .1.(4(41'(,(()); cf.
I'irerti, giwing
mulct' of 0 meeting (u
be held in 'Toronto in Julie and n.,hing'
Mr membership and a1I('nd'(lu'c of the
A,-(es:sor, rucelvcd and filed.
Farmers Field Day anti
l'icnicTo lie On ,lune 7th
.Ir, 11'. 1.. 11'113'11', Se;Ilurlh, bird
1'iee,Pre-edea\ 1',1' Isle Huron Federa-
tion 01' :1 ;rl'ullnrc nn 11 ,1,,111 of the
l:xeeulive, announce.; the 1'I1.+t Annual
Field nay and Picnic 10 he hold ;II the
Lions Park, 51aforth, un 311n1lay.
June ith. The 1101111 0111alOr will he
J01(11 111%1(.11('ll, (111;111'11, 1'tti'nli'1`
Daly one lender lwae rerelvrll tur the I'remicr of 11;tnhoha. 11 ii; 11180
('rtlsiting and gravelling on ,1,1(1:1 1 peeled that Mr, Harry Nlx(m,
11411..;011, (11(11 01 Jett. Kerr. 111 57 1'1'111; 01' ((rant County will be present.
up to ;1 miles being aceepletl. I The 1(1)11 (lay and Nettie will h:' as
1l here she twill be tre;lard. Iter son, 1 The ('olle1lor returned ills I(IIII and i'ullolvs:
or, .\rthur (,yon is 011 Init'rne lu 1\'Cud 11 ad ,(.Hewed 01 any ftlrIher duties In I 1 I:nu .\.3I., Spurts
tot' 11(h,pll;tl. with (Itti 01'11(10. '1'1413 bail 0111.
All huei'esllug Uollers Llay Sc3rvlee alive of faxes remaining unpaid b1int; 1_':^11 Noon, Nettie l,uuch.
,llnhIa3' null'nitlg In the returned to the (''(1)nty 'I'rea1nrer in
Service of Fong was led by 1) 110111ers
1111(1 d;uighterti Choir, lvho rendered
exeel'lent serl'113e. 'Three basItels of
(len'ent were placed at the alter In
memory 1)1 friends 4110 lead paa8111 on
There were (1181)
sluing flowers and It bouquet of Its' .;
from a son 04(.,8101; for 111s )noth31
Mrs. T.. 11('Nali c;lntribut..1 the Story
Nev. ,1. I':. llenrie,; delivered 1111 111-
spiring message in het pin;; of Moth-
ers Itay.
due 11111e for v0111(111011, ;227, Pill was
'ming and
1::111, 5 pe'.11i 1'1'4.
3:1111 11.31., Educational (Ikplays feat
401111 as a donations to life Myth 1'1)11 wring dried eggs for (1,111(111, ,'xpot•I
Pair. 1:01304), +4011 testing. labour having ma -
(10 motion of ('ouncill•u'; (Hari( ;;1111 ('Mines and nn'lhcll.:, elf.
llcl)owell, Council at this time 1113111' I l'ttuuflllees have 1101'11 1111111111111(I Io
10 111 1.0$1 $:',1l1lo,uu in lbs preseiil 10111( alter the de11(1S 0ti f01111WS1
1'i '1'.:i'%' 1.11.111, I 111'111'1';11 ('h 111'101111, \V, I,, \1'hyle,
The following ateotint,; were paid: Se0101'lh; \'lee Chairman, harry
.1, llclilu'ney, balance of salary as Sturdy, :1nbn4lt; 5,111-('Untnlittee
Collector $15.00; C.O.C. Ilan rent, man--Prot;r;uu, Hugh 11111, (uderielt;
$40.110; S. 11c1'rttrney, salary and Spurts, Hobert Archibald, S(afurlh,
lelerhonc $411.40; T. 11, 11'118011, lout- Lnehy Number Draw, 11(131( Jacob, ('Ian
loom 3Iollters look up the PisLEation fns, I'ull('y' $51).1;11; Iie111ov• tots; I'arl(Ing, limen ll Holton, Seafurlh
offering, The Service throughout Was 11rg snow, 11, Blah' $1 .i''), '1'. ('ook 1?1101allonal I)Isplay;, (toss McGregor, -
s'rry' (appropriate. 111 thought and 1(p• $LI);,, 5. Black $1.0), A. 11tl)uwwell, Seaforlll; I'trblility, lames 11, Scop,
predation of all ulothcn;. $11.115; A. Robertson, dismantling slum Sea.furth; Membership (tooth, \1'. .1.
31,11. Isaac Alarwooll has gone to fence $;:,�'S; (1. 11c(1e0, di,:anantlinl:411:a1e, Clinton; 1.111'11 and Refre4h-
I'lorida 11) llwe with her daughl)r turd sn1111' fence $5_95; ,I. II. Irsvin, (1!I s- monis, R(rberl 3Ir11111an, 5eaforlh; La
on 111•(1(11', she having rented her farm mantling' snow fence $7,011, \hour Saving .\Iuultinl'r, Conlon 311•
11 i'. Raysou, I ('011111311 will hold their next meeting Gavin, \1'n'llon; 11:'e1'plIon, \1', 11.
'11 and 111'8. I'rauk \rood ;nnil \\'. 011 'Tnesdny, ,11111) sill, as 11 ('111(,1 of (lidding, 5(.31'0,11; 1,. I?'. ('lydlff, Brun
I:'. 1lnnnhlli':$ 11811(.(1 (Bends at. :111- Revision, on the Alssesslnlent (loll tuneIso.Is; ames ISall;unty'ne, 1h'ii u1I; \Val'
burn on Sunday. general 'ruwtl€'li1p bu.;imsa, !dell Itenson'I'rlclu'y, I';xelrr; Mayor J. -
A. i'orterfield, Clerk. .1. fluff, Seal'orlh: Reeve Morlon Reid 11r. and
5e;1f)rllt; Dr. N. A. Jlt^.11!osler, Sea•
,Mr. Arthur 5t.lplelon, Emit 11';awuuoslt
!forth ; ,\. 11', \!organ, 11distill ; ('red have uw1c(1 into their house lu liel.
1Vcdnesilay, May 12, 1N3.
�±*r*i1' r�..�r r�. r�. r�. r� r�. •�r r�. r�. r�• r�. r�r r�..�r �. r� r�• r�� II, 1'4%. i"t�
>; Two Shows Sat._Night
Tours., 111'1,, 'sat, May 13.14.111
;;Greer Garcon, Ronald Coleman,
'''('11.11(.11 Crum James IIIltort'i' navel.-.,
leo. Is a I'letare you rave been;;
waiting to ,See, !•
;Matinee Sat, afternoon at 2.30 p. m.n�
.(This Thursday, Friday, Saturday'
3; the Show will start at 7.00 Pall.:,r4.
,(,For your convenience come early,:.
IMon., Tues„ Wed, \.lay 17.18.19 .;
Sonia Hcnlc, Jack Oakle,
John Payne In
%.'('lie skating 51'1110''1(011 aro stimulr
with soloIle11ie al 11111 hest, '1'
Also Miniature and March of Time
��••�• r�r r�r r�r r�r r�,.�. r�• r�r •�r ire r�• r�. r�• r�r r�rr�r r�r r�r •lir�rr�rr�rrlr��
'Tillie 1111118, R. N., and 11135
Nellie 'I'honl)1130n R. N., of Loudon,
visited with itlIss E. 310111s on Sunday.
Airs, Iters 1)aer and children of All.
barn 11'1111 iter parents, :11r, and Alt's.
1'', \'udder,
111'1;, Chandler of 1'1(,1(1(11 with her
daughter, Mrs. .Alexander.
Londesboro Red Cross
The monthly meeting of the Iced
(Toss was held In the (kill on Thurs.-
('hurs•lay, May lith, with the ('resident,
Mrs. 11, 1lruusdou presiding,
The attendance was '24,
The Salvage 1,4 to be left in the
church shed, but no tin or glass is
Tilde was a nice shower of loilct
articles for 0111' W0111111 i❑ 111111.01'111
(,seas. 1Frtt. 1'uttghlut and Mrd.
0 pact (hese,
11 The (lingo was postponed until of.
ter seeding.
0111' 11(111' hospital sewing- quota con.
i 814;1#• of 100 1((1811 llandk)rchiels; 11)0
lurldslt bath towels; 120 maltresa .
'1'111 treasurer reported a balance of
Work Committee for Jute: Airs.
Bert ShtMhrooh, Mrs, Clark, 1111'0, Ed -
Win 11'0011, Urs. J, Snell and Airs, G.
The following have been slapped
since last (Meeting: 6 girls coals; 5
shirts; 4 Jacke11,; 9 bedspreads; :-'2
quilts; 7 girls dre ses; 7 ladies
bloltScis; 13 girls. slips; S carts; 19
pair gloves; 2 alternative caps; 4
turtle -neck sweaters; 2' roundmeek
long sleeve sweaters; 5' 1' -neck sleeve•
less .sweaters; 1 pair sucks; 11 toques;
1:1 pair sockees; 5 pair hatchet's,
'Pickets were sold on 1. WO (1181105
! donated by Miss 11, Slraddld(. The
lucky ticket going to 11m, 11. Brunn.
don. Proceeds $1.10. Lunch collec-
tion' $3,60,
The following donated 1ioostelas
Money, 50 cents melt, Miss 1, Young,
Al ns, 1). Ewalt, 31rs, J. Manning, Mru,
10, ('rest, AL's, Sloan, Mrs. W. ICHux,
Urs. J. Melville, ,AL's. 11, Ih'tur;tlou,
Mrs. It. Townsend, Mee, 1"i'cd Shoh-
11roolc; Airs. A, 11'c'b;Slcr, Mrs, 0.
i1:ulfoiil, 101rs, J, Lyon, '
Cash Donations:
Grant from County of Huron $0.00;
1 !toys of ('onccr1,ion 13, Proceeds from
Idance $1',00;,
Quilt Donations:
quills from (croup No. 4, 1311rnrt
W.11.S.; 1 quilt from 111's. \1'in, Bell;
4 quilts from Alm, George Carter
Ill -urns Iced C'roso Quilting Group of
Concession S and 9, llnllelt.
Two (1111118 were quilted at meeting,
one top donated by Mrs. Charlie 1'od-
den, the other lop pieced from Red
(.Toss l'at'hes by Mrs. Wm.) 'risk.
•_ Alerting closed by singing, God "ave
the IC1tt,g.
v=- .
31iss slaty Corley R. N., of Toronto.
spent a few Clays with 31r. and 3it's.
A. 111, Coultes and other friends,
31r, It. I.. 11eKe nzle svlto has Hot
been (40 1x111 spent n few days 10
\1''11iglulnl General lkoslllto1.
111's. N. Keating, 31rs. Carl Procter
and Urs. Earle Anderson attended a
db./filet executive Htcetittg of the We:;l
1Ltrlin Institute at \1'Inghaut
i'',vensong and sermon at 2.30 In
Tritilly Church Sunday next, The
Iter, h), AI, ('a4dwelt will officiate.
12 pure breeds and several crosses.
"Xtra•Prolit" and Standard
grades. See me for full particulars.
Place your order here.
Stapleton and
1\'.I1,s1/11, 1I yfirltl. grave.
Food is a weapon of war, and we must share our supplies with those who
arc fighting to keep the war from our shores. After all special wartime
demands arc taken care of, only one half of the meat produced in
Canada will be available for ordinary domestic consumption at home.
Meat supplies for our Armed Forces must be
maintained at all costs.
Great Britain Inas to depend more and more
on Canada for supplies to maintain even its
present low ration tate of 211 cents worth of
meat per person, per (week,
Since the war started the consumption of
meat by civilians has increased in Canada.
Great defense projects such as the Alcan
Highway and the 5hipsll,nv Power Develop-
ment have created new 311(1 large demands
for meat in areas where practically no demand
existed before.
Canned meat is required in large quantities
by the Red Cross to send to our boy's who
are prisoners of war,
Places like Newfoundland and the West Indies,
which previously secured their meat from
other sources—must now depend to a great
extent on Catlada.
The many extra ships of the United Nations
now calling at Canadian ports, must be
furnished with meat,
Coupon rationing is the only way of ensuring equal sharing of the pleat available
for civilian consumption in Canada, Those lvith lots of money will not get more
than their share—and those with less money will be assured of getting
their fair share.
Rationing will help prevent local meat shortages such as occurred last year from
becoming widespread and continuous throughout the whole Dominion. The
incentive for panic -buying lvhich empties butcher shops early in the day,
will be eliminated.
Fortunately, our meat production in Canada has increased. So, although only
half our production will be available for civilian use, it wiI mean a reduction
of only about 15% to 207o in the average household consumption.
The proposed ration of 2 Ibs. (carcass weight) per person, per week, has been
approved by the country's leading food and nutrition authorities, as ample for
the health and nutrition standards of everyone—regardless of age or occupation.
Wednesday, May 12, 1943.
his usual ready smile, even when he got
telling nye how hard up he was.
"SEEMS FUNNY," he said, "I'M EARN-
'faxes, Victory Bonds, and all those other
things coming off niy pay."
He paused, then went on slowly.
"Actually, of course, those war bonds
are my savings. I'm glad I've salted
away a few of them.
And you can count me in on the
Fourth Victory Loan Too!"
This advertisement contributed to the Fourth Victory Loan
Campaign by Dominion Textile Company Limited, Montreal,
Morris Council Meeting'
.N Officers
by .lames Middy, seconded
The Nlorrls' 'Township Council met I by \1''m. Spetr, that Walton hihrary seeding operations and
is causing uni-
on Ably 10, in the Township ball with be given a grant of $5.00.:—Carried.icly among the farmers.
all the members present. The Reeve Moved by ,lames Aikido, seconded NIL 1111(1 Mrs. William Niutch and
presided,!hy \1'tu. Spell, that the Assessment Mists Dorothy Mulch, Clinton. with
The minutes of the last meeting Mrs, John Arthur,
Roll be accepted. Carried.
were read and adopted on motion of Corporal and Mrs. Me1a1n McIntyre,
C. It. Coult01 and lharvey Johnston, ( 'Moved by C. R. C'oulles, seconded 'I'eeswater, with Mr. and MN. Sanford
Moved by C. R. Coulees, seconded by James. Alichic, that the Towus1tip I:a\\'Ie),
by Harvey J�oha�slon, that the Clerk Morrie Join the A scssoi'& Asaoel Robert Asquith has returned to his
tion. Carried.
be Instructed to prepare a Ily•IktW ;summer home at 5 (Ilford allot huv11)
llnlhorlrInu tele municipality
to collect I M OVC(j hy Harvey Johnston, second- I spent the whiter with his daughter,
for the l ocie•alion of Agriculture one- ed by 1Ven• Sped r, that the Assessor 'Mrs, \VILiiam Mains, '1'1 )tiiy,
fifth of one 111111 on all signers. --Car- be sent to the meeting of Alssessing I .\1r. and Miu, \\'illianu Letup and
and his eup, aces be paid Car- Ietetel,1Z,tete.'?t>cN,., ,Zh:ICICtCt4t„tC'rt1M1C10etCtCtete1-CICIVCKtC1COTIKRIIftCICKI NtKKatKK441141 1MblIVICKIS14OCtEtCtCtttOCICt4""
NOW PLAYING: The Bin Street, NOW PLAYING: Henry Fonda &
with Ht my Fonda and Luella Ball. Lucille Ball in: BIG STREET.
Mcn.;,ty. Tuesday, Wednesday 1
Mcn.,Tucs., Wed. Two Features
George Brent Brenda Marshall
:\loved by (', It. ('.0ulles, ncconde'l
by Harvey Johnston, that 111eI y malt '
P11 l;ll;; 1111P0 111 la\lis 1,1• t111•g'e (') tlt•t' hl
cent from Jammu I:,t. 1911 and on,
half of one percent. lie add( II each
month until the tuxes are paid. Car -
Moved by Harvey Johnston, second.
ed by \I'an. Speir, that the 'I'owuship
of harr
triies buy a f210/0.1.0 Victory Bowl. 4
('al ed,
'I'11( Council plans on in thing a tour u
of tiro Township in regard to road;
and appeals on ,lune s, 191;.
NI'oved by 11, Johnston, second) 11 1
by James )Mettle, that the sleeting
adjourn to meet again on June 11111. e�
19.13. (.'arrlel. 111
'I'Ihe following bills were paid:
11wiicilxtl \1'orld, supplies ;;s
I'Iyth Standard, advcrtiring 3.11 'P
Advanc'•'Ti1ns, adw(.rllsiug „
1pt. el Health. insulin ;.19
I, H. M, and G. Tot, Co. tolls,, I,!;:0
\I'nt. Itrydg'es, salary fill IN)
kit's, Geo. (irons. relief 1.;,00
lFred Logan, aft( -retire 7.00
!)r, Crawford, N1(1,1 1. 20.00
Jolla Craig, li(H1. '1.00
Cecil 11'hcelcr, 11011. ;1,00
'George Martin, I1(NII. '1.00
Lyle hopper, salary 100.00
Fre tv,'tatie, iv,ta Haywortn.tf LIr,nd Gene
Acidotic Menjou, Leslie Brooks. ;piccd with fou Lockhartconie:t newnewI''r1:11 n1 111. \way 1)1)4 �outII 1.0111/111,11Cyur►1.
niel ici1 ;u .I into Ih.• heart of ht I
hilly, hi tete year's You ('Stn't I:SCaI)e Forever
lr;_11t, 1 all 11•:11 cuwe,ly. Richard Greene. Betty Stockfield,
Yoti were Ne'\'cr Lovelier •r,ul.nt t,, cloak lIIIi for an exciting
8 Thursday, Friday, Saturday
":11R 1'OltCli" Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Pat O'Brien, Glen Ford and
.\ iu',\, rlidl Ili Ina of air action 111 Evelyn Keyes,
the 111111 I dcili'', 1)1' '''ala 01 the I'ranl,l hL'Izing 11'oi11 \war-torn sky -
11 ) i r; i'oitr, 11aiy Ana. way ; au01 Iove-torn hc.iris.
John Garfield, Gig Young
Harry C:o'cy and George Tobias.
"Flight Lieutenant"
COMING: Ge::rrie Brent in: COMING: Forever and a Day.
You Cant Escape Forever. an all-star cast,
NOW PLAYING: Humphrey Bo.
gart In Across The Pacific.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Ann Miller, Betty Rhodes and
Jerry Colonna.
'fell 0 swift -moving, musically.
treated story of the aircraft
production line.
"Priorities On Parade"
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Henry Vanda, Lucille wall
Pilsen! Damon Itunyons first love -
story about a gal with her mind
on a million
COMING: Star Spangled Rhythm.
All-Star Cast,
' Matincc Sat, &Holidays at 3 P.M Mat, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 3 P.M.
",2t�t2c 31212 ;-c�i�c�,'1di�c i at3i21�2 �/3r3i 3i2c�t2 2g�l�c�,"ac312t2iat2i21�t 012a➢t2191"111121717!i'ilhillni1101iiiikDi)i912iai,`t1')4011lirZtb 11ii911,111i11
ays ,j,%i,ed,#e/s a
Now you can be sure
milt,. Library (;1•ant ;.00 your family gets good nutrition. Follow
Victory Bond . 2000.011
(1u,iige C. Ninth', Cleric.
iloly ('omntunion and Sermon lit St,
Niarlcl',s Church next Sunday al 10.30
a.111. Rev, 1.. M, Caldwell will offi-
Bev. W. (;. Rose hors accepted n call
to C'ourtright Milted church, subJeel
to the approval of the united Church
Ninny farmers of this district have
had to turn their cattle out on pasture
on account of the scarcity of feed.
Continued wet w•c,tllier has delayed
iF VIS .000 EAT!
YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN from Ontario High Schools and
Collegiates are making one of the greatest contributions of all to
the Allied War Effort by serving as Farm Cadets and Farmerettes. The
production of food is so vital to the success of the campaign against
the axis that It's an important job for everyone. By spending your
holidays as a Farm Cadet or Farmcrette, you'll not only make a
valuable and patriotic contribution to the war effort, but you'll do
your health a world of good and extend your knowledge. For full
information concerning housing, supervision, rates of pay, hours of
work, etc., see your principal or write Ontario Farm Service Force,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto, NOW.
the 63 varied menus in this Free booklet,
Ilere's the hook you have been waiting for... the practical way
to good nutrition. No need to be a student of dietetics! You
simply follow the menus planned for you, confident that you
are serving meals as healthful as they are appealing.
This is an important part of your war
effort! For proper food is vital to health,
and therefor to all-out production. Yet
Government surveys show that 60 per
cent of Canadians fall short of good nu-
trition, even though seemingly well-fed.
So learn the way to meals that arc as
healthful as they arc ap-
petizing! Send for your
copy of "Eat -to -Work -
to -Win" now/
Juit, send your name and address,
clearly printed, to "Nutrition
for Victory", Box 600,
Toronto, Canada
Sponsored by
in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory.
' .._
\1'uilrl '; t\anle:l for res:ouraul in 7 wcauling pigs for sale. Apply to
Octlericll. l:xperi0nce not necessary. Clinics Machan, phone 39.7, I3Iy'th.
elppdy Selcvlive Scr\'ic, 1',:'.cc, (1'4110-
)ich, Ontario, 40.1.
A satchel, containing ga; ration book,
thenluos bottle, and dhnn r, finder
40-1 p.
('ar license plate round \1'0(1110sday
please ('onset Jake ',ethyl, tool re. morning, on Myth -Auburn road. No.
ceive reward. or leave al S1;Iudtu•d 059:1 I. Apply to 'Phomas ltoberton,
Office, 401-p. phone 20.11) 131ytlt. •50-1.
family, Hamilton. Nlr. and Mrs, lied
1Cc1;,ncr, Mr, and Mrs. James Jackson,
Hallett township, With .lr. told N101..
Ilarry \Vaguer.
Nin;. Eckert \'ounhblut is a patient
in (;olericll ho'-pital .m1'1. 1.110_4 from
(blood poisoning ill her right hard.
Airs, Lloyd 11. Itaithly and sons,
Paul and Gordon, have returned to
their home. hi London and were ac-
companied by Mrs. Jeremiah 'Taylor.
who will visit the Railhl y horse,
Mothers D.ay \w.a., 0114. roved In the
United Church on Sunday with Mr.
Norman Ait,luwcll 111 charge. Those
taking earl were Misses Dorothy and
Roberta .ie.\'line, .liidred tarter,
.Jr Iuuctle Stoll 1111 Al array Mc!)owell
NI14..\Iberl ('atuphell \was guest s41-0014
NI1�:; 111111110 Sneil spent the weelc-
end in Toronto where site attended
the Snell and Jtu•din wedding on Sat-
Nlrs. Gordon Smith and Barbara
Juan of Ooderich, w'itlt Mr. and NIrs.
J. 1.. Nli1)owell. .
111ss Kerne McPo\wcll has returned
110111e after spending the winter in
I la11111to11,
Miss r\nine ('lark of Saskatoon viu-
itvd villi Mr. 111111 Nlrs. Nlarv'itt Ale -
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Campbell and
Nliss 11'innio and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Alui;o\weil, \vele Stratford visit-
ors on Monday.
'Miss .TcxutNlcl'..41 a 1: 1q rclurnel
home atter spending the winter in
Mrs. .1. E. 1?I1is of Listowel, with
Alr. and \irs. \\'alte r Nlrson.
Nlis,; lava Stacichclttsc of Ilruccfield,
was to recent visitor with MI'. and
Nlrs. \Vill Merowell.
Lance ('1)1. Norman Rodgers of
Camp Mullin with Nlr. and Mrs. Ent-
Mrs. \\'ab0r ('41014 \wa'4 the holler of
the i110;4y helm on a quilt \\!holt was
displayed in Illyth Standard window.
A nuuiih ar from here attended the
Blood Boners ('linic in \1'ingllant last
A son of stoney, Owner may have
::!me by proving property. and paying
1',11 th'a advertisement, Inquire at
The Standard Office, Myth. 40.1.
Harold .Ictchoon, Auctioneer. has re -
1 ce`vt11 instructions from the I:xectitor
of the Estate of the Iat e Isabella
Johnston, to sell by public auction at
the prcnti.,a;, corner of Dinsley and
Maori.. Streets, 1llyth, on 'Thursday,
May 27tH, commencing at 2 oelocl(.
the following:
3 single stool bids; double bed;
steel couch; 2 covered couches; 4
dre.sscrs; dreptsiug table; 2 wash
stands; 2 sets bedroom dishes; exten-
sion table; kitchen table; 3 tables; 5
rockers; wicker arm chair; arm chair;
I kitchen ciia1rs; kitchen stove; 3 mir-
rors; whatnot; radio; large linoleum
rug; copper troller; cools stove, Prin-
cess Pat; large coal stove; Quebec
heater; summer cook stove; electric
sewing machine; electric cook stove,
Moffat; electric wartier; electric
vacuum cleaner; electric iron; electric
heater; electric lamps; clothes
dryer; dishes; glassware; sealers;
crocics; pot;, 1a101 other numerous at'
Jame, ('alning, Executor.
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
*The nutrliional
statements in "Pat-
io- Work-to-Il"in"
are acceptable lo
Nutrition Services,
Department of Pen -
lions and National
Health, Ottawa, for
the Canadian Nutri-
tion Programme.
The undersigned auctioneer has re
ceived nstructions from the executors
of the Estate of Harriett Mason, to
sell by public auction at her late rest
,deuce. !Insley Street, Illyth, at 1.30
p.m., on Saturday, May Z'nd, 19.13, tho
following. that 1.5 to say:
Kitchen range; 6 kitchen chairs;
2 extension tables; sideboard; small
taLble; couch; clock; sewing machine;
medicine cabinet; 2 mirrors; pantry
cupboard; 6 rocking chairs; 2 leather
rockers; day bed; china cabinet;
small parlor tables; rugs; curtains;
hall stand; iron bed; wash stand;
2 bedroom suites; 3 toilet Bels; com-
mode; bedroom boxes; carpets; coal
oil heater; dishes; kitchen utensils,
and olhor articles too numerous to
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
11. Mason. Ed. Mason, Executors.
Specializing In Farm and Household
Licensed for the County of ihu•on.
Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction
For information, etc., write or phone
William 11. Atorritt, phone, Reside•ttce
93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4-tf.
Licensed Auctioneer.
Specialist in Farm andHousehold
Licensed in lluron and Pertlt
40-''_ Counties, Prices reasonable; satin
1101 Ion guaranteed.
USE THE STANDARD TO ADVER• FOE information, etc., write or phone
TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, Harold Jaoklson, lt.11. No. 4, Seaforth,
OR FOR SALE. Phone 14r661.
14'cleletetrlel4/CMCWICVetetetCtC410ClICKx VCCI tOCKIIVOZIKVERMelltIKKICtete,
Dead and Disabled Animals
Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect.
Bombs Away!
Have You Heard?
It's teaduaLion day for bombardiers at San Angelo, T1s., Army air
Field, and big demolition missiles come pouring out of open bomb
bay doors of training planes. 'Their targets included battleships,
aircraft tarriere. oil storages and docks (nil con:,lructed on the 'Texas
prairie) and the three sad -faced guys below,
Smokeless Powder
The shells that .americans and
their Al;ies are firing all over
the world are propelled by hard
perforated, gray and taffy color-
ed grains of smokeless powder.
Aa a relative ur friend of a fight-
ing (Jan, you niay take comfort
in the knowledge that it is the
hest military explosive ever de-
vised, as superior to the powder
used in other \wal.s as electric
lighting is to kerosene.
Used only as a propellant —
which gleans it carries the shell
where it has been aimed at—it
In actually neither smokeless nor
a powder, but it has two essen-
tial virtues. It becomes wholly
gaseous nad burns at. almost, any
desired speed, and it leaves the
gun barrel free of corrosive Dirt,
the combustion residue that for
years restricted the successful use
of longe range, rapid fire rifled
• •
Smokeless powder is used in 811
rifle, machine guns, anti-arieraft
send land and naval cannon. To
powdermen it is known its single
base explosive because it is made
of ether and alcohol, wood or cot-
ton fibres, plus certain acids,
Nitroglycerin, the essential ingre-
dient of double base powder, is
not, present, The substances that
snake up smokeless powder are in-
g.niously mixed and subjected to
pleat pressure.
Jt is not truly F1uokt'leSs be-
t/701H it leaves a :light haze on
firing, but this haze is much less
than that: formed by old types
of black powder. The merit in a
powder deficient in smoke is ap-
preciated by coast guard and
Other land gunners, who do not
wish the location of their em-
placements revealed to aircraft
Roll your owners!
go for Ogden's
Cow -catchers cleared the way
tor rolling stock in the old days
of tho West ... Ogden's clears
the tracks for rolling•your•own to
complete satisfaction. It's a long-
lamous brand with a long -famous
name—a blend of choicer, riper
tobaccos— it's Ogden's l
Ogden's quality for pipe smokers,
too, in Ogden's Cut Plug
on which t';ir;. lieve ,1'a :ie•i their
guns, :lad :ince it leaves 110
gl01vill !'e 111111, in the e.Iln bar-
rel, smokvihes i u\vde:' Is of midi-
t!onid benefit imeause it Induces
the danger of :1 premature' explo-
In seeki!!g. poeiie;' of a l'e1'tain
strength, the rate of burning in
all-important, In smokeless pow-
der, this acceleration k governed
by the miaute perforations that
run the length of the grains.
Known as pin holes they are in-
troduced into the grain in its
last formative pressing under
3,000 pounds pressure, from
which the powder emerges in long
strands resembling macaroni,
After pressing, powder is cut
into exact segments before the
ether and wood alcohol, which
matte it semi -plastic, are extracted
with heat.
the base of whose powder is
neither wood nor cotton. but oat-
meal, does not have time to re-
move the slovent from his pow-
t • •
in ,30 end .50 calibre and in
165 millimeter howitzer charges
the grains have only a single hole
of extremely small Diameter.
Larger cannon varieties have
seven holes, not much huger, but
all accurately spaced.
"Green" powder becomes fin-
ished powder niter the solvents
have been extracted with heat.
The future; of the solvents are
condensed, collected and stored
for re -use. After this process a
negligible amount of ether and
Alcohol remaining is washed away
with hot water. The powder has
been reduced 25 per cent, in size.
Finally it is dried in hot air,
blended in huge Jots to insure a
product of great. uniformity, and
packed in zinc lined cans which
have been tested with a pressure
of several atmospheres to show
that they are air and water tight.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
1. If an engagement ilas been
announced in the newspapers, and
is then broken, is it all right to
send an announcement of its ter-
mination to the paper`?
2. Should a dinner guest push
his chair back under the table
when leaving it?
3. When writing 8 note to de-
cline an invitation, should one
make it formai''
4. What should two pepole ,)u
if introduced to each other for
the second time'.'
5, 1s it neceesary to eyed a gift
when one it invited to a church
wedding, but not to the reception?
6. lfow• many \egctables is it
necessary to serve at a dinner?
1. Yes, if desired; this is some-
times done. 2. Not unless it is
necessary for others to \valk by.
3. Yes, if the invitation is formal,
Otherwise, not. The form of the
invitation should be followed. 4.
If the occasion is a formal one,
they should both acknowledge the
introduction and not attempt any
explanations that would be em-
barrassing to the person slaking
the introduction. however, if the
occasion is an informal one, it is
all right to recall the previous
meeting. 5. No; only invitations
to the reception require gifts. 6.
Two vegetaoles are sufficient.
liras to fields recently told of
the dif'1'ieulties of Henry }libido,
a train conductor, \elm \'luted
01 110 vaccinated, Ile couldn't be
v:u'iinated in the arm because 110
had to punch tickets, he explain-
ed to the di;lor. And the leg
ei uuldu'1 d" lie(:11{se he had a lot
1,1 \valhlll);.
1'inallw the do11((1 demanded
\with exasperation: "\\Torre do you
want to be vaccinated?"
"\Dell, doctor, I don't sit down
ml.rh," Ilenry replied,
"\Vhy is it that so many
women will persist in mal(•
ing themselves five years
younger Than they really
arc?" asks a playwright.
Perhaps it's because they
didn't learn to count until
they were five.
lu a r'ru\0ded Area ear, a eery
thin lady \va; greatly diseoilifiled
by the pressure of an extremely
int I;.rly' 1,11 sat next 10 her,
Turuin:' to her other neighbor,
tLc t!lin lady remarked: "'They
r,;ul' : h(luld
charge by \\'eight."
1'21 which 1!:1, fat Ludy replied,
"But if they did, dearie, they
eouldn'1 afford to stop for :01110
Father—"No, i won't do
your sum for you. It wouldn't
be right."
Bobby—"1 don't suppose
it would, but you might have
a try,"
"1.1,,11: 111,11,, \Ir , 1I« rp11 , why, •
ha \ e you .,.•1'11 flitting my little
1i ill w':
"I only ;til liiai because he \021.
rail,' :1 lid called me It fat old pi;;',"
"Hut good gracious, )1re, Mur-
phy, you oug'lit to know Letter
than that. Hitting my son won't
do you any good; you'll have to
start dieting!',
He—"1 admit, my dear, the
women are more beautiful
than men."
He—"No, artificially."
Ted had just returned 11 (11
church and his wife asked him:
"What was the text of the set' -
mon today?" „Ile giv'eth His be-
loved deep," was the reply, ";laity
people there?" she infuired. "All
the beloved," carte the answer.
"Are these eggs strictly
"Fresh? Feel 'em and sre
if they're cool enough to han•
dle yet."
"Pop, if 1 saved you a dollar
would you give ole fifty cents of
"Yes, I guess so, son."
"\Ve11, I saved it for you, You
told me you would give me n dol-
lar if I passed in arithmetic, and
I didn't pass,"
What is a. budget?
Well, it is a method of
worrying before you spend,
instead of afterward,
Record of the United States
Patent Office show that the first
patent was granted to a \•0111811
on May 6, 1S09,
It you ere troubled with •Itching
piles ur rectal aureaear, av hat delay,
treatment and run the tisk of IettinI,
this condition become chronic. Any,
itching ur sureness or painful pass-
age u1' stool Is nature's tvarning and
pruner treatment should be secured
ut once.
for this purpose get a package of
llenl•ltuld frwu any druggist and
use us directed, This formula
\\loch Is used internally is a small,
easy to take tablet, will quickly
lellevo the itching uud sureness and
aid it healing tho sore tender spots,
Hem -Reid la pleasant to use, la
highly recommended and It seems
Wu height of folly for any one to
risk a painful and chronic pile
condition when such a fine remedy,
may be had at such a small cost.
It you try Item -Raid and are not
ttutitely pleased with the results,
your druggist will gladly returu
your money,
,Relieves distress from MONTHLY.
Lydia E. Plnkhans's Vegetable
Compound not only helps relteve
monthly pain but also weak, nerv-
ous feelings—due to monthly func-
tional disturb( nccs.It helps build up
resistance against distress of "diffi-
cult days." Made In Canada.
How Can I??
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can 1 0112111 leather fur-
liiture that is ; oiled?
A, Illy applying warm mill;
with Il 501'1 clout :old Horn rub -
bin); 1horong'}iIy until dry,
Q. Should IleNV rubber Tint::= al-
ways be well when emoting?
A, 1'cs, as it is false economy
to use old ones. blubber rings,,
deteriorate, so new ones should
be purchased :11 the rmluieg sea -
21011, even though some were left
over from last. :mason,
Q, clow van 1 remove stains
from a mattress''
A. Apply it thick paste of
starch and water. Place in the
Sun, and \\'ben dry, rah off the
paste.. Uepeat this process it'
Q. Door can 1 avoid stains on
the hands when peeling 00(0015?
A, ('arrots \will not stair( the
hands if they are peeled in hot
(1, 1Iu\\' can 1 :t\ old the rods,
of an umbrella t;ltchinl; 021 other
people's he1011011 ::s wllen • Tilling•
021 :1 01011'11' street vor?
A. This hill not happen if n
rubber Land is \'rapped 10'0und
the lower part of the handle and
then slipped 001,1' the tips of the
Q. Ilto.v can I prevent 0 steam-
ed finislr when drying glassware''
, Aft er drying and polishing
articles of glnss\ior, do not turn
them upside down, This k likely
10 steam them and spoil the pol-
The housewives of Canada, ever
anxious to provide attractive and
nourishing meals for their families,
are "I-Iousoldicrs".
They have learned that delightful desserts,
made easily and at little cost with Canada Corn
Starch, are a welcome addition to meals pre.
pared in accordance with Canada's Food Rules,
They know the high quality of Canada Corn
Starch ensures fine, smooth results,
Follow Canada's Food Rules for Health and Fitness,
A product of the CANADA STARCH COMPANY, limited
Paying The Doctor
One )lair of shoe, 's the prier
of a major operation in occupied
(;reeve; one egg T"I'- I'ur a doe.
1oce 11511 Iu 1 house.
(;1'e, h medical hudie, Irive ruled
physicians and sure, oils may ac-
cept p;i}1111 uts•in kind hl rause :1�•
la forges Dace :'vv;tgl d 'ho inunlry
or fund and s 1pplio•s.
At 'I'OIl0111 I,1:5-1 51:1)
US18. 1':\tIS \\'1'00 0002 '1'11iES.
Ser: us ltrsb. Jluunt 1'Itus:ult 31u -
torr Limited, Creel Car Lot at
2040 1'unpu Sietl; 11(30 llffioe,
(J2 Moult Pleasant (toad, '1'u-
rnt1to, 't'cicphonc IIT. 21121,
.1 l '1'U I'.111'TS
1\1:10 .\NJJ USED 1'\It'I'S Toll Am,
Makes of cars and trurltr,, (:nm -
plate automobile machine shoo
service. (;eneral auto :;11111/1Y, 12
Frederic': S1., 11It,•hemr, ilnl:u'{u.
HYLi1t1US FUR 1:\T1tA vtuuutt
also popular purebreds. Complete
list, all ages, Fairview !'arms,
St. Marys, Ontario.
CASH 1S ON '!'HIS 1'1.,11('5
market." Gel Tn'edd10 l:hiel(H
now. The bull market. is on—for
broilers — roasters —eggs. Here's
your chance to prove the profit -
malting possibilities of '1'weddln
(2000rnmcnt Approved c h lc km
front blood -tested breeders — nn
thousands have done in the past
19 years. '!'Meddle Chicks offer
you a chance to cash In on your
Investment in time, work and
money — a real cash crop, Act
now, gel. in on the bull market.
Sento for tho 'l'wedrlle catalogue
and price list. Book your order
11011' for June and July. AsIc for
our low prices on 1Jgh1 breed
cockerels. We have several breeds,
Twcddie Chick 1f)1Icheries Limit-
ed, Fergus, Ontario,
late June, early July chicks, pul-
Iets, If you send your order now,
Uuod all year round markets de-
mand all you can pruduce, So If
you've the equipment don't hesi-
ate to order, Bray lialrhu'y, 130
John N., Hamilton, Ont.
111: V 1511 A 1211
TEA BEVEll,l,.:1:, I)E-
llelous hot or cold, requires no
ration coupons, excellent added
to your rationed lea, Slakes your
tett go twice us far. Looks, Iaste.i
111(0 tea. No sugar required.
701: 10. postpaid. 1'. L. 1110.1 co,
Ltd„ 705 !dL Plc:is:,lit R11., To-
HIMALAYAN 1:V1111I322A1(1 N(;
Black berries. 1'rolif{,' and hardy.
4 for $Leo prepaid, A. Klein,
CAN 1)11::5
Overseas direct from factory,
lbs. $1..11 and 1 1b, hoc, tach post-
paid. Want postal nuts with
name, regiment somber and Ind 1.
. tlii e Lour{u ,'11(105 Shul,s Ll d.,
765 11t. Pleasant Road, 'Toronto,
sub'. 128 Nelson Sti.ct, Kiugstuo,
U 1:'1' 111"1' I V I: (: 01 1 t S I:
Bl:r'OM 11 :\ DIST1:1'TR'h. AMEN
over 1G wanted everywhere in
Canada to learn detective work.
Practical (0(5y 1'( 11'FI; by 1..01 (•F•
pondrn,:e. 1(1f ran:,tine 01 (..r. C. Al.
Julien, Pox T,, `talion '1', \fou•
U1'15IN(4 & ct,t•;AN'Nti
dyeing or cleaning/ Write to us
tor .information. We are glad to
answer your questions, Uepurt•
(tent H, Parker's Dye Works
Limited, 79) Vulige Street, To.
l onto.
1\S'I'It1'\)1;1''1'5 11A\I'5U
ments not In usu only he turned
Into rash. Send full particulars
W 10haley Boyce & ('nn) 1(113,
310 Yung'o Street, 'Toronto, Ont.
IV11,1, 1':11' '11122 FOI,LOIVING
prices for (louse gu4 !m•It 11:11h-
ers: !;nose feathers, (1(e Ib.; Duct.
2(31.111 r5, 25' Ih. I.:Inadn 1'r,mfnrl-
rr Co. Limited, 73(1 D1n!ri:ls Sl.
East. i'orolll", (1211,
l'ou'r 1111,11
[1.11'\II':1:K.% F1 10'1' PALM ,Irsiuys
( 12,111'111 odor instantly, 45c
Millie. Ottawa 1 001)1, I1el1001)
Drilg Slur', Dlt:l\ca.
FENCE C1: 1105'1'5 1s .1 \'1'I:I)
iv \ NTED 101,01.11 N0lt'I'ill:IIN
wilt.. „,{;,l• (roe(• {.n=t5. 1C(•{h'
j r!nolu,ti {,tiro {.. 55'. !ullcu un
tint! R„Il '.'1+ i:tr 5111
The chief producers of antli a-
('11(, 111 the (world are linear Ib'i'alu
;,all the 1'21111,11 States,
1'1111 %.t {.I;
TEAM (11•' I'I:Rt'll)5I{ON
lu);:1 rising •I years. Broken, quiet;
weight about :Gan Ips, \\', I:eyeh
11.11. No, 2 trill{11', 4 miles frau
Orilll:i un ('olrlwnle1' Ruud.
LA'TES'T 11'Ulil,ll \1' A 11 IIAI',
beautifully coloured. Just send
25e, 11', I'etrlrrn, 1'.0, Mix 4C3,
WAN'1'1:11 1'1;11' 111E1,1.1111,15 ('AitM-
urn who have good Pasture mill
lteenlllniodat loll In p:,rt lll'e and
look after bunches of yming cat-
tle for summer, for cash. Auld
monthly, Also fur keeping sheep,
the year round, on percentages
of increase. write fully: lost
Office Box 57 ti Toronto.
IIA11(1)11l5SSI1G S(111001.
itohcrtson method, Information
011 request regarding classes.
Robertson's hairdressing Rad-
on -1y, 137 Avenue (load, Toronto,
11Allt 12001)5
Only first In '':ulada manufacturing
ladies' and gentlemen's 11)111' goods
exclusively. Write us fur particu-
1 a rs.
IVIIII'hr; IIA IR (1(101)S
2M18 Tonle St., 'Toronto, 11111arin
stop White diarrhoea. in chicks,
Turkey ponits, also calf scours
and pig scum's, costs 1,‘,:01110k,
1c pou11, 1110 pig, 5110 calf, 'Trial
sample $1.110; guaranteed results
or looney buck. 11. A. Finn & Co,
Limited, London, Ontario.
NA'1'L'1tls'S 1(5Mt:Dll5S—l',.LUVA
Balsam for !'lags, $1.01) with
money brick. guarantee and Ih'cun-
alone for Arthritis and 101eunl-
atlenl. Months supply 11.00, 111-
dian Remedios, Pox 118, Van-
IJON"r 111'1,:10! 3501:110 SU1'F1:1t-
er of Rheumatic Pains or Nu110-
2tl8 should try 1)1X01'8 Remedy,
hlt,uru's 13ru(; Store, 335 !;Iglu,
Ottawa. Postpaid 11.110.
ULCERS, S0111:S, 1:1:/,!:MMA, 511:1N
aliments. yfy ointments toed nu0-
ce59f11Ry (0001 coast 10 coast.
'trial treatment 11.00 postpaid
will convince you. Special Prices
to physicians and institutions.
Write Nurse R. 'Porker, Birks
l)ldg., 1\'hmipeg.
STOSIAC11 AND '1'1110':A1) 50010015
often are the cause of ill -health
10 hUill:lllS all ages. No 011e Mil
mune; 1011y out find out If This
Is your t'vu11111' 1111, resting par-
Ileulnrs—•)'reg•: \V1'{lt Atulveney''s
Remedies, Specialists, 'Toronto 3,
51.1151'}Il1 S'I'OCIA
Tim.; AN1) BUSH 1 21)221'S, I:VI:R•
greens, Shade '1'rca,z, Shrubs,
Vines, 1'erenninls, (tock Plants,
Free catalogue and fruit list.
Niagara Nurseries, Sl. Catharines,
1'1:'1'11L1t51'UNIIA UU11 & I:UM1'AN Y
Patent 'Solicitors. isstabllshell
1890; 14 IOIig Went, Toronto.
Booklet of luremia lion un re•
PATI':N'1'S A2 1) '1'lt.\Ill: MAIMS
INVEN'T'ORS 1,'111:1:1.0 :\1)01S1D
now lu protect inventions. Eger-
ton 11. (:ase, 82 Balsam owe.,
Toronto. Established 0011' forty
'!'RAIN FOR N)22(51:5
for girls who desire to train for
nurses, September 11213. Cornwall
General Hospital, Cornwall, Ont.
WORLD'S UIt1:A'I'1.S'I' Dlsl'O1'-
ery In Spiritual 5,'irnce, 5,'1111
lfirthdatc and $1 to P.O. 111ux 1201,
Ottawa, I2apad:l,
YOUR 1. Q.?
SELI'•ADMINIS't'1:I115D 1N'11:LL1-
geliee Test, 122.0(1 pus)pald. Free
counsel. 55111ium Foster, late
Super icor \'u'':((011:11 Ser\iet',
4117 11rarn115f1r1d :\w1'., .l1 n( re:11.
112.5(211)2).1. 51.1151 \ l;
1112 A I'I1At2'1'1C.\I. NI;11515. (1.5013
steady' (mpluynitut tit good pay
now and after war. \\'rile for
free IarOrul:urs of our 11(0 price
101ar' Study (,worse. Dominion
School u1' Nursing 1 ished
1908), Vorunlu 12, llrpuriuent C.
1.1111101:11 A 1,111*
I'hc 110111, 01111, or Dull
U011v'etid by 31ulI
Any t; or 8 exposuro ion) perfectly,
duvolupeu and pruned our only 25e.
Supreme quality and fust be(Yles
5luUon J, 001,1110
Two ),rials Iruln each nreatiwe. Re-
prints 2c ,:1011. Aluni'':al Phut%
lli,\ 11;0, Silken 1', \luatrcah
Save di ;dere' profits. Al:til your.
films direct, to Canada's 1:11 gest
photo finishing studio fur develop -
111g lind PI luting. 1'ohlnle business
enables us to du quality wort( at
loured rust, You'll 5:100 money.
More intpurt:nit, you'll be better
pl0nsul w 1111 3 our pictures,
Any Size {toll -5 or 8 Extiosures
1)}:1'JSL.JI'ID AND P1111515D 2fio
Free :-.:011 voila with Each Order.
A customer 01 South Durham, Que.,
writes ns; "I have been sending lay;
(huts to you fur 5,1111 lime. 1 ap-
pre:ial,: y our excellent work and
promptness, I 11:150 recommended
your \\'uric to several ftiend13 who
nun- ate 3(.(11' '1-11113' 1111:1,,we.rn,,,
Send your nest film roll to Star
Snapshot 510010,
3 M0L•N'1'ED ENLAItGLM1:N'1'51 25e
Sise 4x0" in Beautiful 1:1511 801111
12nh0'gt 10(11 1:i 0010l1'0d hy haul fur
11 euuill a,ldiliunul 1;harFc.
STA L' SN:11'S110'1' SI?11\'11.1?
JJox 1::', 1'01 :0 '1'trmival a, '1'.,ruato
1'01111 your 131(11, and addr,.e plain-
ly on lilt orders.
01:11011'11':D RAS I'I11';ItItV I'LAN'I'S,
Straw's, airs, g00:11 1101- Val' -
110115; lilnek
and Red 1,'u rl;uil`;
Catalogut, Prices tree. 15es103;
w'. fisher, 1;udericl(,
11111:1 31ATIC 1'.11\ti
NEAII5I)1'-1;\'1':1(1' SUF.
fear of Jtimuntatle l':(iu:; or.
Neuritis should lry Dixon's Rem-
edy, )1unio's Drug Shure, :;33
gill, ('11:0(
01:1X'1' \,I'Iailll.,';-•,.;IIU11'N
Nu, 1, p•'1' 10, Ube:.
Spe, n,i {,rice le the Irc,de u1• alt
quantity ul :5 II:,, and Mi. Flu”
pail), 1 111. 0,o; 2 11(1•. $L21,: 5 no,.
`dean'., S;lder, 1;..; 1:Imir•t,
t Hero: 0l: l'll1. 1151:
.5111: IN01'rI0( 1;0
';rig,',• Ilo,tilol School „1 Nlit .
11 110i1111(:-' !',!III','. 1'01' 1111 -
11{(1.1' I1111ornlal2011, apply ,•111101'111-
I, u,leul „I Nur" s, I;I:u e Ilusl'il-
51,532 t'S
1121(1015111 1201,UN1lis AN 11 1'01t.
clgll aplgr,rVal::. J wall.: Nen.
)otimil lnil Royal !':only, o -ed, to
upph{c:,niti sending 4c. l;crd, 30
0.11t 511, 'Toronto.
S'T.\MI' ('t(LLI:t''I'1UNS w'.1N'11:11:
Big or 511):111 we buy (3111 ,,11.
11.11110"11, );1111; Sherbr'u„hs
Tit M'l 011"t':1WI'S
TI1AU'1'1.)11 PARTS N 19 50 AND
used, lot 1111 nl,Utes tit tractura,
(12(1"1 al Auto and '10110(11 Supply,
13 Ft 0(100101: St., Kltclimier, Ont.
TRACTORS 1\ .5 \'1'151)
51'.i1501 11 — '1'' It .1 t:'1' 11 11 S FUII
Wrecking, 11 ,
11 lour Uu I r noel•
els mutt r (11:'00 ton. Ivan :Icnna,
N'rudu,(I, Ont.
11A\'I'I{11 TO 111 1
11-.1NTED--51;01;11:\1, (*MOD I:I:I;-
i&tered 1111r4r in 0:,1111 n1' ye.ul•
111(25. aeLlalt\1 to blood 1,-I. alt,hn
J. .Inulxi, lY(Itest(•y, Uul.
ISSUE No. 20-43
Proverbs 20:1; 23:29.35;
Matthew 2.1:45.51
GOLDEN TEXT—At the last it
Iriteth like a serpent, and sting•
eth like an adder. — Proverbs
Memory Vers—Children, ()hey
our parents.--('ulos.ii.in.i 3:20,
The Lesson In Its Setting
Time—The hook of Provurbs
was written somewhere between
1000 B.C. :ad IO2' 11.(', Our
I.ord'., words on the Mount of
Olives were (menet Tuesday,
.April 1, .1.1). 31),
Place—'I'1c bird: of Proverbs
:nay have been t\ritten in the ('ity
of Jerusalem; the pat able taken
:ron1 our Lard's If iseour:.e was
atter-it on the 1lnnnt of ()lives
spp0iite tool east of Jerusalem.
Sorrows of the Heart
"Who hath woe'. \','h, both
sorrow': Who hath contentions
11'ho hath complaining'' \\'ho
;atll wounds without c;tuse?r\\1h0
hath redress of eye;': They that
tarry long til the wine; they that
4'0 to seek out mixed \vine," The
:rouble here spoken of strictly
anxious care, complaint; the
wounds at'e wounds 1e('elweei I(1
,'auseless or wholly unprofitable
disputes such as collie of the
h1'a11.1s of drunken men. llixeil
wine is that V1licll ii ftltvored with
aromatic spices that increase its
stimulating properties.
It Brings a Sting
„Look thou not upon the wino
when it i; red, when it sparkleth
in the cup,w•hel it ';uetll down
smoothly." The whole sentence
:)iends the attractiveness to the
sense, of the twine in color, effer-
%escence 811(1 taste.
".\t the last it bitctll 1J t' a
serpent, 811(1 stingetll like an ad-
der. 'Thine eye; shall behold
strange things." Did wine bite
first, who would touch it? Did
Satan present thee cu) 10 his O 11
naked 1'0111, who w0ul)1 that) to
tithe it? if poison was sect) in
the cup, who would venture upon
it Yet is the poison leis dan-
gerous, because it i; unseen', The
adder's sting is concealed, yet
most fatal.
The Senses Stupificd
" 1nd thy heart :;hall tetter per -
Norse things, Yea, thou shalt be
as he that. lieth down in the midst
of the sea, or as he that lictIi
.lpo(1 the top of a mast," When
a mal i; intoxicated his swords
Often become benstful, arrogant,
)rural and sometimes false. This
verse stresses the drunken mn's
of Pitile:; end complete in-
capacity to take care of himself,
He cannot estimate dangers, The
ver;: instinct of self-preservation
'nits for'sak'en him.
The Tyranny of Desire
"'they have .stricken n o, shalt
thou : uy, and I was not hurl;
•'u,,. !sive heats11 rite, .4111 I ila\e
tilt it not: \when s1:111 i awake?
1 rill seek it yet .glia." The
1,•ratuty of a desire which awake;
into full capacity before Ih) reit
u1' the 10:10 does, :11111 the ioewit-
:1;11.. ,will which in spite of all
,,raises and discomforts yield. at
once to the overmastering desire,
r1i;d:c flu' tragedy of tt drunk-
ard's life. 'There come, a point
in indulgence when the crayiug
Seeml.i to escape from ;he control
of the will al too9t ho r.
Two Kinds of Seraants
"11'10 then is the faithful :and
wise servant, whom his lord hath
set over his household, to give
them their food in due season
Blessed is that servant, whom his
lord when he cometh shall find
so ddillg. \'oily 1 say unto you,.
that he will set hint over all that
he hath. But if that evil servant
shall say iu his heart, 1Iy lord
ttu'rieth; and shall begin to beat
his fellow -servants, and shall eat
811d drink with the drunken; the
lord of that servant shall mono
in a day when lin expccteth not,
and in an hour when he know-
etl not, and shall cut him asun-
der, and appoint his portion with
the hypocrites; there shall be rho
weeping and the gnashing of
The word household suggests
the picture of a great house, and
one Lord; and of all those in the
house under Ills control, as think-
ing of His interests, while serv-
ing under Itis command. Ile used
the word that indicated the love
principle in service, the tender
healing ministry that only grows
out of love.
Now, in the parable we see
two attitudes. First that of the
faithful and wise servant, 11 is
attitude is simply that of bring-
ing forth meat to due season,
aid feeding the rest.; the attitudo
of caring for all the other ntetn-
lters of the household during the
lord's absence, for the sake of
the absent lord. But there in
another servant here, and Jesus
speaks of hint as "that evil serv-
ant." lie say's, "Sly lord tar-
rcith." 11(4 is not returning yet;
and with that sense of the Mite-
tel•'s1 absence, he turns to evil
course: within the household,
heating his fellow servants In-
stead of feeding and eating for
:11r0oled for 10 1Ulnth.; 011 ,lap -held Nett' Britain island, three
1-', S. airmen and all Australian volunteer I'it'lelUtl(l they met in the
jungle have been returned to an Allied hose after an epic rescue.
They built a camp at the edge of the jungle, top, and Were ntakiul:
a boat for escape when 0 U. S. bomber flew over, discovered them
and look this picture. A few nights later an :Australian flying boat
landed l'y flares and picked tip the four men,
t'cw of us in ('nn:tda appre-
ciate the significant p811 that
radio has played in Europe to•
wards moulding the fortunes (or
should wu more properly call
then misfortunes:') of that un-
happy continent in the years
prior to the outbreak of the war.
Commencing in I92:1 the Italian
radio has been blasting out propa-
ganda against the democracies
for home and foreign consump-
tion. In I 911 Genitally follow-
ed suit. Immediately upon the
coaling to power of i1itler a most
elaborate S\'.0'n1 was set tip for
broadcasting the principles of the,
Nazi creed. '1'housaud5 upon
thoWit1013 "f l01111s0ealier sys-
'1.e1115 bud been erected iu Ger-
man cities and towns whereby
100p10 would be regaled with
Foetus.). worship as they passed
along the streets. This radio
and public address; system sup-
plemented the networks of Ger-
man station: which hourly ham-
mered the supposed glories of
German National Socialism into
the home. Regimentation 'by
radio played a part no less im-
portant than that imposed upon
the people of Germany by the
Gestapo, the military and other
implements of the Nazi machine.
—o --
What of the post-war 55011d?
Can this vest enemy radio nnech-
anism be turned to good account.
in consolidating• the peace': Po-
litical leaders of the United
,Nations believe it can, and so
them; turning aside to the com-
panionship of drunken men, in-
stead of standing. in the place of
loyalty to the absent lord, in tho
parilbic we have two results.
\\'hen the ford returns, the serv-
ant v.hu has liven loyal to the
service of his fellow servants,
f01' the sat,)) of his absent lord,
is promoted 811(1 put illtu the place
of a now au111011t.y; while the evil
servant i5 elft It;1.11111eI' and cast
The Very Ilev. John Ili:;:) t.
\l.:\„ 1).1)., who was conseeratc(
as Anglican Bishop of 1loutreal
last wreck.
they are panning to use this
elaborate System when the lour
is oyer to sell back to lite Get' -
1011(4 people their own( souls :tnd
their own freedom.
Airs. II. JI. Aitken, the familiar
('hltlt personility, who for so
Wooly years now has brought
nsurnila4 listeners new., 110111s
culled from the world 01 wom-
en'; activities, recently dropped
buck into 'Toronto, llct' Wartime
Conservation Program dealing
with every branch 0, household
affairs, from wartime cooking
economies tc the revamping of
the WO 1011'011e, is taking her fur
and wide across the Dominion,
11r;. Aitken says that one of the
most inspiring angles of herr spe-
cial wartime assignment is the
tremendous enthusiasm she meets
everywhere, The women of Can-
ada are anxious to do their pati
within the home its well as 011
the war production line. Mrs.
Aitken told 11.s that in (luchec
Province s0 Wooly wor ell flociced
to ss•veral of the ha engaged
for her demonstrati0::) of war-
time food and clothing economy
that it was necessary often to
have • police on hand to marshal
the crowds. In spite of her trav-
els Jlrs. -Aitken still maintains
her link with her many radio
friends . . . you cart hear her
discus., the international svol•k in
which she i.; now engaged by
tunings in the program "Soldier's
Wife." It's heard over the nation-
al 'networl: of CB(' aid also
Toronto, .Monday through
hrielays 1 Litt a.m.
—0 --
l''ollo'.wing• along the theme of
wartime interest and tletivity i1
a special progrvtt in patriotic
motif broadcast every Sattll'day
morning 12 noun until 1'2.11)
from ('I•'IM known as Stell, White
and Blue. Bringing sparkle and
a humorous and human angle st
the various topics of discussion
is your old friend Maurice Itod-
iugtol• Each week "Bud" wad -
comes a guest to his Red, Whits
and Blue microphone and in this
way war workers in the house,
in industry laid agriculture aro
able to exchange and glean new
idea; for the furthering of their
11'ill' services awl nllln'it 1e5.
There's music, ton --"110(1" ..po-
(iallzes in the songs and melo-
dies the boys in the argued forces
say they like to he:u'. Audience
surveys reveal that this is One of
('I''ItIt's most popular daytime
Summertime usually sees many
popular radio favorites taking a
vacation. Of programs which
have left the air in recent weeks
hardly any has found I1101'e ex-
pressions of regret than Amos
'0' Andy. 'Cllr latest news, hb'r,-
ever, is that i''reeman Go5den
and Charles Correll, originators
of the famed radio hlack-fared
team, will be back in the fall.
Apparently they've signed up
for a weekly half Stour program
in which they will 3130 make lib-
eral use of guest stars. Trull
particulars have not yet heen
revealed hut it looks as though
the Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
tem will carry the series, 11
goes without ,saying that they'll
receive a warm welcoiu'.
Whale Meat Tastes
Like Tender Beef
Large Supply Available May
Solve Meat Shortages
Tutalouk, filo Eskimo, 11)1111';
his chops over a whale steak. is
muttering. something about he who
laughs last laughs best.
'('Ile pale•faccd Kahloona, who
has sneered tit his northern 00113-
111'3 eating habits. appears on 111,1
point of becoming• a convert to
whale meat,
1t (11 started • in 1\'ashington,
where the office of the m0.0rdin-
:Our of fisheries of the department
of the interior revealed it had
32 ('hoice recipes for Irausf,'rriIli
whale to the fancily dinner table.
Tho Canadian fisheries depart•
meat recalled that Canadians :rte
11'llale Meat In th First Great 1\'a•.
Rich in Vitamins
Tal:alook and his races are a liv-
ing idvortisemc'nf. of the virtue,•
of inhale, seal, walrus and kindred
meat, They eat no green food
from one generation to another and
spinach i; as remote as Zanzibar.
Iiut They prosper with prosperity
at ill zenith when a whale is talc -
en or drifts ashore. Eskimo teeth.
Plultlrauce and good nature are
something to marvel at. The seieo-
lists say the whale, pact: r1(1)
stores of vitamin.
.1s ;u1 indication of the almost
limill'5.5 1.11001y or w1(1110 nowt
(A Leaflet on The Loan, by Stephen Leacock)
f .(01 afr•1id well h:n, to let
Boo) Smith out of the loin. It
looks like it. :1t any rate that's
tilts 15113 he 1)401(5 St it himself.
You know. 110011, and you know
ho's all r1810: wouldn't mart ft
fly; in fact he Ileyer has. Out, you
)4Pe, 1119 1)311 slttfr is out er the
glie .lion. for 1(1111 heelless he's
down already--he''a explained 11
to )ne himself—to reel. bottom.
'1'ak t the question of cigars.
Boob smokes three cigars a day;
:tlwttya has; 1(01 then those threw
ct)•8rs are "lis one luxury," that's
the way he put It himself—his one
luxury. 110 smokes good cigars
because a poor cigar, says Boob,
15 poor economy: weakens the
system and weakens rho taste for
the next one. if a man smoked
cheap cigars, he'd soon quit, snook-
ing. .1{ a matter of filet yott can't
loll what you're getting 1111 you
pay fi 11 f' en cents for n cigar, and
if you want really to know, you
have to pay twenty c0uts, or for
dead cerlellty, twenty•fivo. But
anyway where it is a natter of a
man's one luxury, that keeps hint
w'orkhtg, there's ao sense lit cut-
ting it out.
Boob goes to moving pictures
three limes a week. Hitt that again
I4 "his one diverliou," Ale has no
POP—That's All They Spoil
TiaEI 1
(:10 )•. Il,' doesn't go four times
11,‘,..ai1•,o if lie (lid he thinks he'd
tel sick of thein. Mil three lino',
.1 week to a good movie and 3 fel-
1-1, needs no other diversion till
tie' Itr'xt time. tin 11•e 0811'1 100011
fhnl. II's MCP 13101 all 1115) 141(7
r01111. Tali° the gllesl1011 of Pooh'i.
spring. suit. ito talked to ale about
that. I•:very' year about this 1101..
110011 gets a spying suit - a .03rd
one. something pretty classy. \\'her•
Ito gets a suit he 1\011113 11 to leak
pretty slick because that is --he
admits It—'his nue exU'ayaganre.
Ile gels no other suit !III they fall.
''Phis year he may either get a light
pepper and salt tweed :u111 wear
It with a geranium or it soft blue
serge to wear with a 1011110 daisy.
110 doesn't. know: 11 keeps a feller
thinking, And in any case Alis
friends have groin to expect it of
him --so there you are.
11114 you, as 1 '1(y. Rout' Smith
has cut everything else to rock
bottom. Ile's cut off 1113 subscrip-
tion to the Boy Scouts and the
Children's Hospital, and the Deaf
and Duncb, and he's not sending
his niece to school any more. lr,
fact he's made all the sacrifices
he can.
Kell have to let Boob out, Ret
you'll see llltic in the parade 11) his
spring snit.
1 Insensible,
5 Depicted
9 Jail,
13 Sufficient.
15 Age.
16 Island.
17 Shop.
18 Becomes dull.
20 Toward,
21 Angry.
23 International
24 Cereal grain,
25 Dry,
27 Dryer.
30 Far away,
33 Snare.
35 Opinions.
36 Song.
38 Neither,
40 Erbium
(t ynlbol ).
41 Yes.
43 Seize.
45 Caper.
47 Nothing,
49 Below
52 Steamship
54 Compass point
1 '.2 3 4
20 1 zl
30 31 3233
:36 37
40 -""4I 142
....�.` 45 1 46
55 56 57
58 59
65 66
Answer to Previous Puzzle 22 Noise,
26 Lair
VIA S E; i C
TiA 1
55 Active.
56 Three threes.
59 Selected
(abbr.) .
00 It is an —
65 Let it stand.
66 Its capital
is .
67 Minute
10 i tide.
1 Bin'd's home,
2'Io, 4
3 Low,
411 threaten:
China's life-
line, the
5 Junior high
6 Fruit.
7 Barbed
0 Girl's
20 That thing.
29 Half an cm.
30 Aviator..
31 Distant,
32 Measure
of area,
342000 pounds,
37 Reclining.
39 Raced.
42 Editor (abbr.),
44 Receptacle.
46 Bone (comb.
48 Camera's eye.
49 Coins of
50 One.
51 W.
531ts chief
56 Soak (lax,
571s (Latin),
60 Exclamation
of joy.
9 Uatb61 Note of scale.
10 011 lite :shute. 62 Near.
11 Genu: of tree3 63 Negative.
12 For fear that. 64 Doctor of
11 Equipu-,eni. Medicine
19 Force.
available it' wanted, officials
that 1113 whales wore taken by
13'itisil Columbia whalers 1.1
year—one of the poorest :waste: -
un record. In 1941, 32g were tat, h.
'I'the whales may raft to 111 Son
or higher, and most of this weird!
is good meat.
Last year's whale catch yield(.1
::55.501( gallons of oil, 130 tone 1.i
meal and 205 tuns of fertilizer.
Aad as for the taste—Tukalo !.
has a friend in one fisheries al
Imrtnten1 official who reports the
whale 111eat "tastes more like In.
than like fish, although slight!
more coarse In texture. It le vol;
Thu u.11110 of Alaska was dark ,
frolu an Aleut word meaning "1:•,,
f' I
A "Howler"
'1 lis is claimed 10 be an acthea-
ti• ".schoolboy howler" from (A110 -
:o. 'Sir \\'alter Italeig!I, walk.
11:4 one day through Ila) slreet3)
of Coventry, was surprised to see
1 naked lady
Ile ran to see
i 11,' lady, and
, e1 this hatter.
;11,:a (Queen
1:,rowing his
riding oa a hors*.
both the horse and
suddenly recognis-
It was 110110 (thea
Elizabeth. Quickly
richly embrotderelt
:0.)k :around her, he said, 'Bout
qui mut y pease', which meads*,
ou need this Queenie, a lot 01001
118)1 1 do'. ']lieu 50 mon droit',
t,'u,niur'ed 1110 Queen, which w84
14987' of saying, 'JIB Gu 1, yours
By Fred Nether
"His father's a movie usher."
Pap t.
Dresses and Blouses
Ladies Crepe Dresses $2.95 to $6,00
Martha Washington Prints $1.98 to $2,49
Children's Print Dresses $1.00 to $3,00
Misses' Print Victory Blouses 1$1.00
Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) ,$2.95
Store Open Tuesday and Saturday Evenings Only
During the Stunner Months.
Olive McGill
THE STANDARD • 1Vednes(Ytty, May 12, 1913.
?r sol
Miss(' liiieh1'r of 'Tavistock vis-
ited here this tweed;.
Mr, George Harrington of I+lllllit's•
hero, sprttl Sunday with his mother.
pt liras \1el1hatl of lloderieh visited
A 1.1:;1 heck with Mrs. Ed. 'I'aytur.
Mt'. and \Iv,;, Ed, 'Taylor of Strat-
O ford, visitt'd with (heir' piu'enln, (lV'r
1 the week ed,
hi \I5, Huth Legigett of 'Toronto is
ft home for sometime, Clue to her moth -
Aers Illness.
\Ii.ves 'Tillie Atoll's 11. N., Nellie
}Thompson It. N., of London, vk;itell
eNli91D1)1111thatot2li DiDa,,2t3tNN` i,torDiki i �l4,l1212i14i2 ,2,r1%.t7t3i%?i onaik•,1421Pai. over the weelt•enll with the former',;
= parents, t1r. and Mrs. George \Inhus.
t&ICI&ICICI uitteGI&t&VCKI&t&teltCl6tMtCtOIOCIwtCtet4V&VCCIICiealCWtC'taWAtZrE;ttt(V
Elliott insurance Agency
A Mrs. Margaret Harrington recelvc,l
A ;t ('odic on Saturday ft•oiu ht't' ;ion, Pte.
AND SERVICE" I. 11aI.riw: ton, with the R.C,A.M.C.,
b2t3t2t210211)124;12t2rStalltiWi311~t3i$•/31212iD";a12r2'11.1 r212►2t";al2t2tut2ra121Jc!=t2iat2t2191"e12h ()verse.ls, t;ceding her love and greet•
lug.; on Mother's Day.
J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
Office Phone 104,
Irv. \\'dlltaot 'Thuell, \ir. and \1114.
Ru.•sell Ibagherly, and son, gam,
Hell WWI with \Ir. \\'chitin 'I'hucll at Both-
well on Monday,
We are glad to report Thal \Irs. E.
Leggett who has been confined to
Toronto General Hospital for lite past
1svo weeks after undergoing a serious
operation is doing well,
Residence Phone 12 or
':.'his Space donated by --
A. J. GLASS, Proprietor.
M1 4i ,il 1. Y.a 1111 1,i1 n I.,. iii p
First Compulsory Employment
Transfer Order
that men in specified lines of civilian employment, in
classes already designated under National Selective
Seryice Mobilization 11egtdations, must report for
interview not Inter than May 19th, 1913, at an Employ.
tocol and Selective Service Office.
A. Objective: The Order makes available
for essential employments the services of men
in clastics already designated under National
Selective Service ,\lobiliz.uion Regulations,
who are now employed in specified nun -
essential employments.
ORDER: Men, of the specified categories,
are covered if now employed at: (1) ta•
verts or liquor, wine and Leer stores;
(2) retail sale of candy, von feetiont'ry,
tobacco, books, stationery, news; (:1) bar.
her shops and beauty parlours; (1) retail
and twholesole florists; (5) service station.
(gasoline -filling stations); (6) retail sale
of motor vehicles or accessories; (7) retail
sale of sporting goods or musical instru-
ments; (8) wailer, taxi driver, elevator
operator, hotel bell boy, domestic servant:
(9) any occupation itt or (brevity associated
with entertainment, including bat not
restricted to theatres, filen ap'nrivs, motion
picture companies, chubs, 1iowliug nllcys,
pool roosts; (10) any occupation in or
directly associated with tl+eing, cleaning,
and pressing (not including laundry
work); baths; guide service; shoe shining.
(a) Every man horn in any year from
1917 10 1924 (inclusive) %Ito has reached
age 19; (b) every ratan born front 1902 to
1"16 (inclusive), who, at July 15, 1910,
was unmarried, or divorced or jud'ciall
separated, or a widower without child or
children; (r) every man born from 1902
to 1916 (inclusive) who has heroine a
widower since July 15, 1910, and is
withot►t cbild or children now living;
(d) every non born from 1902 to 1916
(inclusive) who, since ,July 15, 19.10, has
keen divorced or judicially separated,
1). Procedure to be Followed: All ten as
defined .tbuye nIlist report to an Employment
and Selective Service Office not later than
Alas' 19, Illi. Alen resident outside a city
or town having an Employment and Selective
Service Office, too far removed to call per-
sonally, may write to the nearest office, and
await further directions.
When direeted 10 nevelt: employment, Wren
referred to in Paragraphs 11 and C above
are required by the Regulations to follow
the direction.
F. ol1LICA'I'IONS of El1l'LOYE11S: It
will be illegal for an employer to retain in
his employ after May 1901, 1943, tory sten
referred to in Paragraphs 11 and C above,
unless a : pecial permit Inas been obtained
from Selective Service.
G. '1'r:imi ,tabun: Provision will be made
for transportation of sten moved to a new
place of rr•idence.
II. Appeals: If objecting to transfer to other
employment when directed, a ratan may
enter appeal with a Court of Referees within
7 days.
1. Penalties: Penalties arc provided for
either employer or employees failing to
comply with this Order.
J. Authority: This Order is issued by the
Minister of Labour under National Selective
Service Civilian Regulations (1'.C. 246 of
January 19th, 1943, and amending Orders in
Alen referred to above mist present documents at the employment office,
indicating compliance with Mobilization Regulations.
Alinister of Labour
A. ,11ACNAMAa.A, Director
National Selective Service
Soy Bean, Whole Wheat
and White Bread.
Also Buns, Bread,
Pies, Cakes and
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Doherty Bros.
Accetylcne and Electric
Welding A Specialty.
Agents For International-
IIarvester Parts & Supplies
White Rose Gas and Oil
Car Painting, and Repairing
Anti -Freeze.
Yi i ■ 1 1.11
Now is the time to overcome that "tired spring
feeling" by taking one of the following tonics;
Burdock Blood Bitters, Davis & Lawrence Tonic,
Nyal Blood Purifier, 1Vampole's Extract Cod Liv-
er, Nyil ,Celery Nervine, Wampole's Phospho-Leci-
thin or Creophos each $1,00 Bottle
Brighten the home with new Wallpaper. Full
range of papers at Various 1)l'ices and large variety
of patterns. Buy early while stocks are complete.
Now is the time to buy NIothocides and Disin-
fectants for Spring "House Cleaning." We have in
stock sloth Halls, Moth Hake;, Paracide, Sapho,
1ai'vex, Lysol, Creoline, Chloride of Lime, Etc,
Store Open Tuesday an(1 Saturday Evenings
During the Sumner Months.
R, D. PHiLP, Phm. B.
.•.IPd ,',i d-Wi.b.il u..W...:Ji ..,.a, 1.11 Jit I, • '. i
•'* • 1,. , ill
,7,, totv,troz-st=t �,�:,.r tztztz.zt„ztAt,orct^,a.cletctzt t�. ', ext�tgtztctetoctt'ttcwctcctocitin
a \1 Yl U"u tah.`V 1, 'w' 7 N a l U d U �l•,i U
j ��n •oomFurniture•
New Styles in Chesterfield Suites, upholstered
in high grade, (lurahle fabrics, Spring -filled
throughout, at Attractive Prices.
Spring -filled Sofa Beds and Studio Lounges,
tailored in Attractitve Coverings, at Moderate
Prices, E11(1 ,fables, Book Cases, Coffee Tables,
I,a:nl)l•l, Magazine Racks and Other Odd Living -
Room Pieces, help to make your hone more com-
i'(irtable and enjoyable.
A call will convince you of the many excellent
Values \VC are offering.
�.; none t'''arnisher -- t'honca 7 and 8 — Funerat Director.
iL.1.4:..0.. J.,.,.4.,.4,...$.*.1.4/*..* **..o...*......6 t,. 1..*.,.*11
•!. Sec My Large Display .1.
.. .1/
•1, .1
,t, Beautify your home fur the dura•,=.
=.11on. No other l'urnisii1ii .•i 1n y'out'a.
:home meal the value of \\'allpaperc;.,i,
„Papers marked Sunw•orllly area:
,.espeetally to•atcd to rodst fading. ,x,
Ally 1 sttgge..st ;t complete change.,
..of accnery for the home tln'ongh;:
"the 'medium of pleltsiag \\':tllpupers.;.
Ir.nt...6.-1011 ill .*...41.111.-.1.1.11 111 IL! Ydi, 1-1 n . i .alit 1i u
!U";. 0 GRILL
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG Proprietor
t• er',1i1!1.J.i1..!& hl,k. ..1 .w1 Ii1....di 1i ., . 1.i, • . ^' 1• +1a
::ED1TII CIIEIGIlTt)N'S:t._.; ....
; ,. t th, nu'etiu;, :ld during the pre
l hands around the Rolling 1\'orid. and
DC.orator S Sllo1)1)
,_ 1 u.•01"u for \\'ur,;hiP, told a .Stury'''ropeating \\'orad Friendship Prayer.
:t, Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery? 'ih1111 t.,,1EA to sharp,. \lass McCuw-
•1• PHONE 158, BLYTH, ;)n :II a conducted the 1\'on,lrip Ser
•••••4:••4.4:••4.4d•d••••6• .,,,, +d^4.4.,,.,,441q••:^:.d• \ 1ce, \\dull' hillil'l music w'1(5 playeel
(l't rale! placed the \\rut• 'hip Pentre.
,rad 1111. S:•ripture, Itoughas, 1).
'I're ,lunar it ;Ai (.11)Flu Sueiely of :\., and .\lice govt' 1111 1,1'0,0111g' PIN -
S..5, NU. .•1, \lol'ris, will present a 1 ,' ' , tier! S!tirll'y Radford offered
ttvu part programme wi(It 1 Toyer. The hirlhtl:ly song s leg,
cc , , +► 111 1t .1lildrea drpusilyd her 11I1thday
A IlIOIIC Of S{)1'lllo't1111C I, once The pre-icicitt and secretary
IN FORESTERS' HALL, BELGRAVE, mouth ago had been removed to the
1 1fink Their pia :'e;. The inmates of
on the evening of 1, April nn' flu;; were rota and appro1.• home of Mrs. Elliott for uun;iug eta?.
FRIDAY, MAY 14T1-1 AT 8 P.M,c 1. IrrrnrRelote coming to Myth the Me
};ave the 'Treasurers report.
under the direction of Dorothy Colley, 1 \nu aeaa' iIi a herald of Canadian 'Fur litany scan; prior to coming to
teacher, and Elizabeth Mills, MYIh, the \IcCloll:tds lived In ilei
halal;, gave nrtvs. 11rs. Falconer
Admission, Adults 25c;
Music Supervisor. `grave, Where they operated a general
churen loc. Ir•Id :t slurs ou .1apauo w C.ouedt;tn
1 Whir 11. The P..111,1 are holding thr'ir Istoie.
'I'lltout-ul.eric?; on friday evening, She is snrt•Ivetl ouc one strike, M1' IA
;Jay 2',-1. \11', Ida \Io,Ken'Ale, who \largaret \Ic('llellantl, of lllytlt.
3-iket ,'tl ay e. rule the \li<>:int I';uul lady 110011, utenth:t' of Trinity Anglican
\''e 1\'nrr.ltip 'I'th iii r, is to bo gnc:;t ('hureh, and a faithful attendant, the
l e;ticrr. \ (laity ul' ;ill \l it;cion Ititteral servicer, which were private
I' ,not; in Hiroo 1-t to he held nn sot- were conducted by the Rev. 1'. 11.
0i day oft( ruuull, May' .:''ad, The Streeter at 2 0010(111 on 'l'ucuday aftcr-
111e^1!ug c10 1111 hy all Joining hands to noon. Interment was made in Bran -
1•111 111
lt ttt-
11 1111 Friendship Circle, singing, '!'ouch dun Ceutoc'ry, Itelgrave.
\liss \lotilda \Iv(''4etlaud, for atony
Sear“ a resident of lllyth, died at the
home of \Irs, Thomalr, Elliott, on'
Sunday evening, \lay Tial, in her SStlt
The late Hiss \1eCo,ellaud had been
in poor health for some years, and a
Sponsored by No. 1 Group of the
Woman's Association of the
Blyth United Church.
the Memorial 11:111. Myth t(;'Y'S ,"' "tyt o'Zr'7: y' Zly.ty�, . �a "'tw,o,PZt4tCw *&tCtZtae+"ICICCe)
at 8.15 p.m., on of
Pree.ented by talent from Chiselhurst
in the pattor.ate of Rev. R. A, Brook.
\droll viou :Me Children 20e.
J avex, per bottle 17c Bleach, per bottle 10c
Wheat Gerin 2 lbs 15c
Spaghetti per box 13c, 2 for 25c
Locke Macaroni per
lb. 10c
Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery.
Hiss Plod 'T'ayl'or of K!Icheaer,
visilod with iter 1r,u'enl.v,
lies. A. 'Taylor. over 1hi'
R.9lt i', \i r, and Mrs.
(11,51 y .
twat 111 (1
A. (', 1\', Ilan 12
3131!..;ss .Iu.•rphine• \\'lom!'•ot'lc
Gall on \\'edno,doy attending the
4''th 1\'edding Amnitervru'y o!' ht 1'
Servicttes, White or Assorted Colors 15c
CoAing Bran 3 lb. bags 20c
Free Pkg. Kofy Sub with 1 Package Roman Meal
Dutch Set Onions
Sani Flush Tin 27c
Castle and .lohnstons Floor Wax
1'' -(s Bran Flakes 13c
ti C_ .11'111 Castile Soap 5c, 6 for 25c
Orange., Grape Fruit, Lemons
Celery, New Carrots, Radishes
Mission Band Meeting
The :)tis ion Il;nxl of liming Sur- l•/
vice held their regular tot ^ting on ,
W 2Saturday'. May Sth, with an alt^n- is Stole Oj;ern, Tuesday Thursday,& Saturday Ni:.;:-�s
■ dance of 4;1. 'II' Clare \lc•Gutvau u011-i� +
�Wt2t2,lst;~tat2t2.2n;ri:,rn lit:.^ni.3i2t$1Rlr"'1°sitiit°di?r;;<12t21i)tat;at81?iDt2t2titt2t91At21:?titi'1Dthlbitill