HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1942-08-26, Page 1THE LATH STA VOLUME; 17 - NO. IC;, BLYTII, ONTARIO, WED N I(aSD)A Y A 11(>< UST 26,19.1? Scrap Ituhher b; IJ1 enlly Dieppe Commander Ilas Appeal For Old Ituhhel' 'Somebody ;las Si, I!allahan'ti' y Needed line Military Record J11ade.:l1 Bank Nile Draw filch Fork \I ii''r (I''ur'ral .Inhn II IIuiU,nl Ito - 10„11( Rural People Asked To [3x11111 It To I'l 11:, Ihr ''I yr0rnld r11nrnginu'' 11 1111 10Ila 1.i>unrielnl illi0l r Ire 1(t Kingslun, 1 Mabel Fear Awarded $5,00 Prize Fol -1":111'11'1:'' Town, Or Leave It Out For The Mail. lowing Mfrtakc In Gathering Tick. Man, —Rubber Depot On Massey. clot„ \wiw led (';1ladian troop,; in I1(" JI nutl''ui 1,1 !dal commando x:11]1 on I litTM., 51;1 ; ct.. A Wcck Ago. Haute Lot, I I'I !aw,u•d1d 1111' \Itlitary friss for hru- I • Sinton 1I:Illith:to poli, High appm ally 14411 I'll' 111 il('llnll during IIU' 111°I 11'111' :111'1 It 1- going to he difficult ler 1!•{11'1' 1 111.11• in(ir1l'lu 11x(11 r, II 111 tllr Ill (10) ,11r(ign x1ul1(uri(t(s 1111.tell I!'I }. 1111;. II11411.; ;,, 1 ..... Oa Salurtlny_ ...•,,,.., ,•' ••„„•,'. n 'n,••:•. 111” 11,11Ihr. 11x11 , the fool;, iermisetlio., (( re 1.i how,. In lurid tiW0111111011 111 \larch ;+1111 110 1w 1)/07',.- ttllu (1441 111 Ills' :1'.1.101 winner R•;Is '111110Illtreil, The Iasi (('x411 when a go(trnmen( enl• ; ^i111'e Ili:; earl!' srhauld1l)''. he train' 1he h (uric lois a •hurl 111(1 Int ;1(!d 11;11:111 on the tirkil (1'1114 11 i. ; JI,111e1 . pIu)e,. (111r(I on I0e01 s,II(a;;p 0ulhot•• 1,1 to hen soldier. Ile entered 1(oyal I'isacs 4111(1 ((1141 she 1';41]441 10 app0;(1' Illi (1:10141]' i• I'1(=]44,41 to the Intl; le(• Illi.s. III all ef(oxl to el itllhhlu' Sill.' AII111,11•y (''1111 gi I11 :4 III tilllg-lIlt I11 Incl 1(l I II (]-;111 . 1 1.l. '11111 h;ll l;. 11( rullr0l the nnrn''y, II (vas leal'ne4.. vdgp \]reel, sLlrl411 here, I 'I:I. foxing; his entire vv1)• rater]' he 1 , 11]:(x;0] of the 11.11;11 igl be only Ilial sIii had 411 ((1411141 1(o I14oK (111(1 1(,1114 Io tl': (demi(( ntig11l be in the I'runlplly, fie 1114,01 ;'ire II. p Iuii(iil 'has speli01ir.,',i in ;u•lillery, and 1111`; ing the w(el;, and hall IuLon ariv;ullal;er . look 0x1'11, and 11;1(4 1 talelisll411 .1 in:lilted in his hien Ilial not one hit of 1,1 the occasion 111 tart Ihai Ili,' (1.(!t l 0114' 111ruig1l ga 'isithlg. '''hell Ilii :(x11114 101141 handle. 1041 con • u u, Itrt 5, 1. 1'1.I' Il 101 the \11(• 41.3-1111'1.is4 filfh•timf e'luipineto should h:e acre 14, il. ((a ; ie ivied that the 111 1 1 s 11111 Lot, I'll it aI all ItoTie. 10041 til. 11041 1101 a 110!1 1]101010 ll, t(il1( r. nil here 1111114.11411 1110 1'rr'k 1(411111(' An apps] w11:; loathe nn tialnrd'0), 1 In June 191 1, ;III n a I,iem;'1an1•Coi• Irina miss Olive Aletlill's sluice, and .nil on one cull. II' :ulynne llai• ;1 for' The bride, 1;11011 to narrinmp 10114.1, he 1•eluri411 from France through ) In•((erpti In ilii: 1!I•,rripliun, they 211,1+'r. (yore a full 11•ugl'I o Bite 1141 OItii classes nlentinnell are hunts, 111(;1(1 4111'111:; Illi 1',1111; \110 Itl'ntw, In Ilii.; 104]((;1 Ilii III '4111')' ( In how all rural till/Ails, asking flu ill l0 (n. Ih1 141 111111 1111• 1,l I'!ild Itel;ilnenl. I x0\\,] call S!„ :1011, no htn( n slily i!. 'Iris.. IIPH1'III'''h 11(111 whit,. -alta. TIIP 1'x1111, (;11:111. Dalry 1'ro41ncts, 'Diary, I \Its; 1'4,:10''14 10114 (11111 1l)(4;1' 011 a \\'r 110(1 in cur pug4es4!un 11111 x014 h( bringing ;heir scrap x;111. h(nyal 1'.1111111;11 •lrlillery, ;Ind his wit”. liekel. this reek. In vie(( of the Mr- I . • 0t 111]]1 fnl,e c I;p (iil ((;1, xaughi ((illi ruse'• I}1( oldie Silence, 1,,,... 'i•' \441114• 111 r In ;his 1'11110(, n1. .;i11!111,r X1111, lo the only artillery °roup In the 'frills~ (lunslanres, the 111 (' 4 'ler(limils I,utd:1('d ul'fiil', 1((11 10x1.: (t'Ilieh \(1 re 111011 and .Ili 1;10]1441 a ((bile' prayer lwurk, I,adi''s' Personal 11'4:1x, ,1rt. h'at'e it al Ihr road 1(hil'r II ran l:1. Arno'In 4011 ill of II;'tuts;. 1.\s4url;tll0ll 41x(141141 l" ;01(01'11 \I - hell ((ithoit nu owner one niol(I (t'hi'n I'Iolt \villi rosebuds allached 111 I'lo\t1.ns, a SPucial ladies' I ePo•I• MI the si,;Ilin); of Ilii .\rlulslir;' of (wl 1 1111ed 11) 1(1 1 ;Iuuhing „Id_Id 4'. sic' 1(114 I'll( only :010ndaut 111- 1111,111. and tirhiol Slu((1(1 class. easily picked up by \,111 car:Il 11111 11 1 1'1';01 Ihr 'f :',Ili, (11(1 in 1041(11(1011 to pill.! Ilii I'tr-1 Ur1'ul 1\';11, \I;(slur l;eier;ll \Ir. 11111,1han has hooked at tenth of 1!le hrtd1.'s (1111:10. (Midi, \4y, or I IIi1•y(1,' rales, s1w11111 he cue or the rarrl;'I'• 1 I 1111 ;1(l extra $:,.(111 Inc Iib; (aloin~ S;II lir,hl cls, 1(1110 ((IIs i•.liule4 111 t r;( I• (11444. hal 1(111101' hilum In Ilial. 1)11' \\'tad<ur, 4('n ((ore ;1 full 1,'11111 h, igr'nlain 1ill1 (41tun4 ('0' 1.y+lingutiuded. A1I4 ily ;his 11111401 11;114 tail ((illi ilidn)' n(hill, In 110 1111 (111 ((1U l 1 10104•1111111111.11 1'111;, and il14 ulher sh,•ex dr''ss. ((i!1( (,Il' ,l 4(1 sheer (•cote rr411nn ;e, hill 1111 nearly enough. 111111 in Ilii 1'1(111. sl :l yell t(tl tt 1111' 1111'' (could ordinarily have been an 1111•' ; 11 The )11nug folk will ((ant to gel 11 uum(nt jam, clain0'd prize. has n s11ar' i!undl''. 11' my one uhu Irilnlnin,s• tihe l'ur'ed a n4,:eg,ly of Ariz,', ;1111 read up on the different (Inv''rnnl1,ut ull'i,in1 estimate 11011 (was st0nktng, or any of the (11111 1.4 ]11114'10 1':lixaieeIli ro;4s• i'11,, 14x"411( ( In I:._ I he 1w,;; ;I 14]1110]1x)• instrurlol'' ('('''nes in this department. \1'10(110 ;hire is „mood, 14]'l;111 rahhir in coral; 011ier prize %vlune.'I's on SaUu'))ay (1 'i(( hall stunic!ig 114,111. by 1111, I0Wll4- ((;114 ;111,•id''ll 11y \Ir. CPC!) ilyd'' u'• 1 and ((as a nl,anhor of Ilii annuli 11 1111 Uri); ;u,• otYiriug iirizes ((ell worth in:trlrls to .;.Ip(,Iy :1 large porlinit 01' uitcht ((ere DAR 1VE1)I)INGS • YOUR LOCM 'APER. 1' all hair ]'rile Lists Out I'rizi 1,1,1, for 11)111'14 Annir,tl 1;111 1)t Itl%'.11t1) • - ;x'1+',1' I':l 1, ;14, prim '•d, and May b0 pro -mired 1y wrili lg. or calling at 1114 ti+'rrl't;'• Stan a d: 1(l rolull'l glullull 01041,•,• mi. Earl \I'1110w. 11101. 111•10x;.'• sI the 'Trinity ,logli, 111 001.411. ti'•''ri44.:011'•, 111 tintnrrlay,' This )•('i1''n t"(il' promises I0 he \i1•444.1 1:114, p al., for Ih1' bigger mid 10114r 11(01 ,,4 1.r., A splen• nunl!ag" of t'1'1.1•lill ]411]1-e, da lit rllll 1141 0) prizes should (1)11111 more I?41((110'41 \e \' ti'l 'lugs 11(;01 the usual number of exhibits, slums, 1404,tt0ltl. Irlrlirulorly nuts' 1101 so molly ;'airs run „f .111:1 IIy11,', s4 jai. 111 the district have been cancelled. The Ii>I eonsi.'l.- of good prizes for 41 11'. a111 \11 1i!le, l0 11 r. \1'illianl ford '1.114 sere' (0(1) (90" performed 13' II '1. John II. 'I'hoil11,ui. of Stratford. 11; Ju)1e \,'y furl tit:ulll y, nier0 ailthe 11(;411'. 111,1yerl [be ive:bling 11111/411 , horses. ;111 1 iisses, Cattle. tih44p, II0g4 ;Incl P0'rllxy. \lacy of the live1lorlc prize-, are restricted to entries from (1111411, \I,Irri14, 1'4(41 \I';1((;uwsll a11) til}I!I. '1'11114 should he 1111 Inrinrelnpul for Inial .,hu4(rnen 111 plar0 lh:'ir en• 1.i, ; 11 Ill( Show. (';ladn'; robber ri'Inircn0'nls for I1('' ; Ing ramp a(hninl;l alive staff al I'el- next tv,i) years. ' ts•o1';1 111 I:°21, 11111'1' in 1112 he tool( $''''I' 11'm. "011x. $2,00 --John Harris, '1 0111101'y stal1r0:lxsr in ':11 1/111 11Ile I''vcry(nu' 1(11 cors 1 11 11x1441] 1100)1 i 11014 Ile;] rstlensl'i(r 111 ]rami,., (;rill' 1 $1,1 n 011011 --0111(.0 lirnwm, 'I'helmul here. \\'1, ((ill he ,lad 10 1.01 111•11 1111'111' 101 :'.'x;111 ruhler, II is x;4,.11]10] in :t . 1;11]11(1) and the !led Sits. (aid 11'011, Iron, Cowin, Eleanor \\'ells. to their rightful owners. inic'Ilallizlrl army :mill :114 i, aqui'`'(] :1 n:rli11' ((l' pipe:tone, \I 11., \lajorI •11x. Robert Ne(1•conbe innde 11111 110 ;his war. Ali l';I everylln' has s(;enrral IGrhirls, is especially well Hisao ('0' 1111 Ih('(1 premise.:, such kno\vii Illi(01) 1lislri('I No. ;1, as ns ((1(1 lire;, "lid 111(1rrr 110140. 11111'hcr ! lie 1;(11 h•'cn sl;itinnl',I at Kiil;;sluu for overshoes, pt(',. in islet many things 111 ;l Inc I•i111old(O.Ilde time, 11111 0144 a which r;:h'rrr forms ;t I':ol, (;(lhel II 11''1!ucnl (1141] (r lo up Olid 1rin,; it to (111 I1ulhp' 1)11110( I'ronu}led l(4 1111' 10111( o(' n'igallii, 111 1('010 11 for Ihr mail 11111. 'I'Iio til July 111 1 1 lflrr 114sunting comimind (141'1; of :\ngu:I _1 141 S11)1'111114'1. Sill of a Canadian di'!sf11n. 111' (vas raised 11:ver) Int' has re:'ei'id '11ps Iln'ing10 to 111•; present putt 411' \lajJi' le1cral Ihr hall slrra-ing the argent need. 1 110 April (Il' ;his (lar ripply "I' "WWI' 11:15 141411 111111- i \I ijor 1;1110^.'.01 Ii(•h,rls 14 the father ally 4011 ol,,, '1'11 mala' our ;mpply 0f if 1'1g10ing fluuily. Ili has (1110 (rude 1111 44,' go as far 0s pussKIlO, t(1. sons; \lith l.';uiad;i'o armed forces, ill.; most ntix II 11'Ith ;cr(p, This 0111:(lion :1.yr.11.-01d 1(1in suns 1104 1)111 0101. 114 sn ,,erlu1ls Ilial you should nol 111)111 spas, 'I'hp)• are I (put. I(iohlyd I(0h4,rls, 11411, ;Ire' ]0111111x; ;1 Turk, ((1, ((1;11 1111')' I'1,lrnil. \1!'11 111' (11411.(14 04x1 II;u'- 111(1)4 for Ills• ((inners. ((111111 1•011 01 The SI'ii,l•ud office. ole; and Cordon N'y, brothers of Ihn ;lad have 0 loch at 1111411 (t1. have 11x141]. 1 Tal;lig a 11(4)x,• prominent part even Uric', and I11al( dvattlltge 1'l' 1:1111 op- 4'a141III i1 read 1111 111111n1111('lilll'lll re- garding the rural cipher drive ;hat Is now in progress. '1'10 Idyll( hire liepari,luenl 1111(0 set up a ituhhcr 1)e• Goderich Couple Wed 25 Years A I'..4i111I01 ((41, 411•!11 411 the the 1}ciders 1}011'11(14 ;It 11 II 111101 t, girls served, \Iisses, Ili;1(l I;(I ymir 44.111 he (11' 0o niers of holm, the Itlylh Ir!slrirl Ifeef (';III' ('lute. I the .1 full list of Hodx o(110e's 1111] nleni- 1I:i1.- hers. 111(1( !hey are jidged Io cell'O',' caret \)'utteitl}, Kay lean'. and \lar- awards, etc., at'e rintatned in the (411'(0 ('ruxall. Strafford, \I l's Iter! book, The ('11111 is 0110 111 Ilio 1111/1 ac - .\1111(011011, \+'(1 1i'1111/111'2, and \irs. 11(4 yet Inganizid, and all nt1'mhl'rs Stuart Jenkins. Ottawa. a11e expected to show the day of tlir 11101 on the \Lis;,.y ivy -Harris Int, and Mr. ;Ind \I 1.4. ''dull( -haw, 1(1x. 1141)11 14(x1;•t. Cudexicll, ((ee ;11 hutne' Following Ho. 14repliin, \Ir. ;11d rural (Wizens of 11(( community1 uare r\Irs. Domani lel'; 0n a moo,. ;rip 1 (44'1 a prize lis!. If you h;1(cn'I regm'sled lo bring 1101,' scrap rnitbet' I In (heir many friends 011 Friday ;'welt• (11x1010 h the >In4k0ka Itt4hiit, and deposit it 111 Illls Repo]. '(here it 111g whet 1114')' rpinhrated Ilii 2:1011 t(1' i - 11ill he 4111411114x41 1(l' by the 111311 hire ; nivexslily of Ihelr n,nrl•inge. The 0(.11:him:mt. house was d,.(n1111e;1 411txa(it(ily 1(it1(; G1,:1N1)S - i It:1i)WIN 1'11,.x4 will he $; 'Lon 111 Prizes I'((1 fln0(ers, unit many guests enjoyed , llwP 14)11( 14 ti} 41}t}\1', itnet'i' 11011,(' (1.0)14 la hetler ye;1' for veg01;h11's and !grains In resu'irting 1110 pxizes to the isnr'mm11ding lo1(nsltips 11nil Myth, the 4((11]10] limn In the i1)ireclors are endeavouring to malt,. it garden. 1{1114141,.4 ; The 0011(1x)- old til. (;00x1 (''; .111• dib.; coming Saturday nigh(. The 1011 I)nu' Show. 'fake advantage of 11. lhnir friends in I;oderirh, <11eral were •limn ('hnrr11 in Islington, was the . 1 large entry Ilse i4 what makes luny al $:'.11(1, $,f•Un and $'.1.m prizes, 'with an 14 e : additional five 1'1,1'11 prizes 04141('41 11) present from Itlylh, Wi'stiteld, (1111.4'41'.444r1(i a 1111141 and putty (4'1141 g 111 1 hall Fairs ;ntyonr, n1' inylhin.g, to InI(l'f'rewill' ((1'the Itnyot ('atr)dhin (101,150 Actinic)•, the regular (our, flu' patriotic r,.,solutlon you aro in111(• owl ('011(011 ll'illluul Ilautillun Itch- 1 ing now, so dig out )our nlll ru1h('I'irrl:, Rival ('1an:tdl0a :lrlillery, 5'x•1 find 0ant'lhmte if 10 your cumin') in igrtnt John 1;. it. Rr,'!prls, i'I, ((t' 1<hill" (lits hour of need,sten. another sun is also with the On Ihr hack 1(l' 111x1411 11]114 slips ]0x1110 I A 1ur1ey ((I' mil 1101('114 in 'Western 111(1 >i1'• John llprsh111v 111(1 Hiss of I'auhtrike, son of the late \I r. 01111 rdrd the, year. Prizes in this are, 1st. there 114 n list of nip different 0x11011-; Ontario is 1011114 conducted by the \'pro \Ic110n'ell, daughter 1(l' Hos 1011' ,\11.4. I:, I'. (;10114114 of tondo], I':ngl;uul,'$G.cI' _'1(d FL111n, and :1141. $2'011, I'he I'ighlin14 genual Is 11 14111 \1';u'tinn' 1'1'1('175 01141 'Ji (It no4111 11( \I r. and \I's. Robert \](Powell, were '110, 11x1114 11014 gi(1n in marriage 1})• Races ('011 :lining 'm,'hr'. (';11:;'111 111114 list. sport °11x11, and 111; t'n1'Io•f(t' gunt5' married 111 Ill( 1\'('4lfiild ]'oiled The Raves 1( polo, lug r), It nn s, cricket 10111]1 1111 her I'at11rr and the \(riding 0erenu,ny, • , hallminl'm. shins sue 11''4x( ]1(111 mod 41101' Inn run III Performed ., " . .. .00..14. ;'ace, t1'ith Intal prize mane Of h, -'u. shooting ;1111 fi.serilied the Itoard are posted in ), IVill'llllle 1)0 ti and 1)111]] is I b 1 (, nt, . 1 ' ll', O'Krlle. '1'114( 1110'11 Ilrrll in (;1141"- (rrinr ill' SI. (;pm',e'.':. in the 11x414• also 114(441 ant,nlg 1111, ,ports his x11)1)1 Irish •for the 11;114( fil'l,(1 years and ,"err ill' ani) 1110 inunr(li; 1' rrintivl's Added to ;his '(ill 110 this, $:1,1110 enlr)' ;old :1' 'Canton, Loudon, rrglnu11l cru fie, 1(1]1x11 14111011]41 run Ihr prizes 1111 1(0(0 1041 11111111111•11"1"1111 011 11114('1(111' and close 1'xi1'nds of 1 h ron1r(((tng 101.; ol'I'icrr of the 11100x(1 1un1'nln(cd ' lin engineering In St, Louts. 3110„ and £parols, 111 a fairly resperdable figure, ]lost '. IJ,.a1 at home. in 11 11 111111, bents. 1 The 1,11110 was attended by her sis• Ihr dales of Ihr fait' are Srptemhrr tor, ,hiss I,nan;u 111(110(1, ill' 1,1111(1(01' !t1( 01141 111th. On 11(( \I r, 1111(1 11 1.4. Krr h;til' (1.111 ;10'1' I ' eyrning ni the a(li11' nn'n)her, 1..l' N01.111 tilropl tat-,41'el \l'. 1. 31. Iira(1wwin, of '1•nr)nlu,'tuth. there tvlll 110 n'rill,. ('ing 1) and ;led church received many Imply brother 1(l' Ili) 11x1414 14n.ppnrlr(1 111' 1lance, Tom Hamilton lord his Con gifts from friends and neighbors,gruo111' r,.xt Company ((III again furnish ]1111 Mr. and Mrs. (:lands will reside in enlertainmeni They patted the ]lull 1a41 year, and n0 ]1011]4] Will b0 t'01- cntne(1 again this yea l•. site a booster f1}' the hat' and help make it the 14uceess it should be. Making Survey Of Hotel ton, hesid(s I1. I. Monis]) and \It14104 three n'elnrlc nn 1'olnrd01 aft:ruoin. Edith and \I:ii',Int'ie A1017 s1(, of '('nr- August I':Ilh, ((111111 Alter' \lop Edwina, Drawing Concest ((1110, second d:1t,Iter of \Ir. and \Ixs, :1. I1' )•0u hawt'n'I a shots leant. holy d':. L'rad\wlu, I'lrmu'rty of 111)'111, Ionia" 111, 1(111 110gs on the draw. A ;'rank Kershaw, son al' 11144 late 311', cern, the 1vtfe of :\1:111x] Victor 1;111nds,sp0111(1 drawing fe;011re has 11x14Il ad. I I • determine it' the special fnrm4 pre- 1 From The Kitchen Front About I 1-1 cop.; of 1410011 :51114 0• f:; , yestl'raa). 01111i5011 nt t0 1 4(111 of granulated Fertilizer Supplies , I'hcsr curds ntaxtntunt sugar by Price Stl( 1'1'llia1 dui 1110]4] Is permit till to lii,.'d h,,ney nrn)• hr' used 111s11•1111 t To rouser(( 14101111](1114 of ferlllizer charge for single or other ucrupaney, of sugar 1n cakes and quick breads. plpIi•mt;, a 1100' order Inas her1 issipd' If guests find that. the prices are Pse it ( a,) for cup in place of sugar, by (hp \PartinO Priers 1111;1 ';'rade cul posted o11 the \\'artlnu' ('rice:; and hill 111:1:10 the 111111/11 In (hp rrrf11e 11)' 1 101'] (('hint Itnlils 1Jlt' utlluhl'r of Jn• 'I'1.:(410 110111')) 4..11.41s prnvIdod for 111114 ane 11111u't('r, 11 (14111:; hall sugar 01.1 111(1110 111' mixed I'exlilizixs to he made 11urpu5r lhry 1(r,. rellnrslyd 10 cora., hall 101,0 du not reduce the liquid ami sold hi 1411'14(0. 1111), Intnllcatt with the noire;1 local or 1 In at:IL'tlon 10 the 1 m formulae for regional office of the tlsoar,. 11( adding chocolate to a recipe tell ,enc -111 use, Ilt('r1 are seven for ';pec. , Ilio 1100,01.114 11(1,1 the place 1(l' sante 1 Irn11llirs 1110 PIMI141 in iter It 1111 4,1,01) and 1410]] 1.o ullllul,4 41114 411,111• fat ai ;I I! 1010'. Ont. ounce 1)l' chuc0faltr Ia11uu4 for hotrllcrepers who fail to rrs are living advised lo it'll 1114:4e 1,0,41 theiris the equivalent of about I l.lblc,;i')uIl 1)111) 1011x11 ;hey ;1(r !Aldred to 111;1111. rales un 11(,. pres(rihed 4010'41, 1111 111111 1 1111110: 111011 110111'' 4pi1'1111 soil 01141 prep 10'01110111S.'ttts. Ki(lu''), brains, 1)1111 111141 livor '1'110 11111,101'113'of hotels In the \1'or41- should Ise 10n';tderc1 economy tic ;hal 1,4,14 1;1(1101' (('III 141111 he aalr hood- lo hone 1111x 1111; fertilizers, or apply nln't'o'Iucr and ('1nlr14.11o 410:1er In befig direele1 111 have 01 bast 111 per C'xaekeis cnii he 1•"1"1•1111 to 111(11 'veld or hie stock In Ihr form of (1111• original (x]14111(;14 by heating 1111:1) v1411101 fertilizer materials, 0'Iy In 101 uvea. 1 No in(relr;e in price is permitted \\'ltli every glass c° 111101e milli.- ;tad Ihr price ceilings must be main- 1114.re is protein, fat, calcimnl, 11110:4' Iain'4 (1111x11 existed In iter selling phnru;, 1111114 saga', and surae vita 4x05010 In Ihr spring of this year. alio:. 1(1(1(1 to the diet, ('aro in 10)1:.111, chresi, Is absolute- ly tic(1i.01u1•y. 'Pctnlprralml'c 11111;,1. 1)0 kept Inn- hr ('11114140 :alunld 1111141)' he 11(110(1 ('10ugll In 1u'll It. Over - healing lo Ighcus chest- 0104 11111(1:; it stringy. ern Ontario region have co-operated IIIII'10 h"' 11., ;e ]1(e) I'urniel Iso 10]011„ in this nlalto hitt it 0 pu14sihlc' that laud 4a1 le. .\11(•it,: sex(( 1)411.1( nr11.000keil, i(lglr e: m1.^Iv 14rpat'a!el) 14(11')• —v W. I. To Meet Thr 11'11 ' 4,I 's Iiislilllle will hold Ihei' September meeting 111 the home of 31's,.1, S, (:hello((, 'Thursday next Supinnl(ber 11x(1 at °:10. This meeting will be i11 charge of Mrs. .1. It. Watson, \Irs. A. \I. Moyle told NH's. 041ex, ('llll(elllll',S of Citizen- ship, who are preparing an excellent po•gro m. ---v A Record So Far Stores Being Painted 'I'Ihe \little ino(I; I.; receiving a 1:0111' 01 1110 hnl1lkeeprc14 have 1101 C11•11011 0111 the regulations to I11e I(t• lex, hoc this reason, 11.14 :11e making a close citc(h,' 140](1 \II'. 'I';ulon. S':pplio of the necessary form(4 may ho obtained from soh -regional Si 'at 11 )11(1 their new hums', a recently erected lt,0tg;tOw, In Royal York Road South. 1Var Sa1'iti 's St'itlslles Fol' 1'10biculte, and enter the sea of 111111x1• atony Pith (he I est \1114111, and con• 111ontli Of ,11111' 1grntulallons til' many friends. The following statistics 1'ur Ili( sale o1" \,' ii' savin s (-exllfieale. ail rt'le'lsed for lip month 101' ,lune: 111y111 „ Brussels , • 1.410.1 , , •••'.,,,.'..., 141ne('ale \1'a11 nn • ('liu1011 Hayfield Lnndeshlrl , Varna Pur the bench] oI' Ila' h)1I)Ilc(rprrs, 1':xrlrr , , the form is known a; 11,1', 1;11, ARRIVES OVERSEAS fresh coal of 'while paint, and lite Sits. \I:u';;:0•0l Harrington 1,141,14i‘.4.41 111 ort sive l'r)1prlIV has herr 141'1111 a In cable 1'x11111 her son, Pte, P. Ilarrlug• brightening 140111 by \1(:ss1s, ('art hill, \vim has been trailing in Sussox. 00righl 01041 'I'huell' N.Il„ with the 1:1th ('0uadian Light \I r, l'rluglr, the 1114(1• 1111W 1'14111111' ' 1'111]41 :1,nlbttl:wte, •rlltug of his sat:: ratan, h 1.; taken up 'esidenct' 111 the arrf(nl In ({real I{rllalu. 11'1. all join 4((11111 (('1(14 111 the 1 111'Iislr11 pru11rl'k)•, in wishing the hoys of this ]'nil a daft' and Is ready for 11041111114';. return bone again. Llcense No. 462I111 Found 14.114 011))110,. Inst 1t Motor License Number 11(•(x111, the figures Chief o' Police .1, A. ('onan left this Ikea 44, plate at The 1::'ndard 1(1101' 111114 (week, nod 11.4. would kindly a1414 the (:•vnPl', if lit' sees 1ItIs 11011(1(', to (call and gel 11. ';'here has also been in our wiuduw \I r. "red J. (:0uk, of \Veslflehl, 11115. for Severn weeks now, 1t license plate a Vegetable Marrow that weighs i:i bearing the 11 1110901• 1':;3;3, No one liauudt, l'p to the present this is a has claimed it. troth these ikons(' record weight for this district, iplalcs were lost in this co intinily. Out Of I-Iospital After Long Illness mi.. Gus. Ilisbuclt Is out of the Clin- ton 1bospilul fallowing a lung 10101 tedious confinement of four months, In ,)lay \Ir. Illsba(1( underwent all operation 11.0111 which he 1114 been Slow In 10(040)'. Ile Is at present at the haute of his brother. :lir. Victor Iilsbark. 011 the Ruse Line. 1l is hop• ed that he will enjoy a speedy and 111t.:1111'00d „",.,.,,,,, (;rand ih'nd 1(1114(01 , Crediton Hodurich 1101gan1un furl Alh111 , .. , , , Aubu'n•Iiinl4ii , of heaven blue and white t\Ifll m tcll• sinclai• will peak on the following Mensal] , , leg lung]] 111011 tursagt' of ptil, glad- snhiert"' ICippcm , . , 1011 aid snapdragon. I t.l e: 'rho Ambition,: Salome. Se"furlh• 1•,14 1 3Ir, 1 orae 1111517', Dungannon, cousin 4':11: .\ Itett•ild)ring Mixture. Ilrn(rl'lel(I 1,Ig wed - of 1014 11x14111, was hest man. 1 ` , - 1''gmnn(lv-ille , , , , , following the lereniouy the wed• The 50114/07 (lion] I'c alx^('ill hr `1 held; o(1 Ihr Church Lawn, \\'ellursda \1'ingh0m l nl ruing party returned to the home of 'Ihr hridr's aunt :1011 curl,., \I r. 11141 afternoon. Scptembex 21111. 1.1n•Iltwirh , , ! \11;, \\'illktmt Alton, concession n.---3'------- (iorrio . \shfir111, where 0 wedding drone( nae \I'ruxclel' I served, gne4t4 including' members oh' f Arrives Overseas I{eluore ......... Ili'' ilutnpolate fannilirs. The dining- \I'. and \1x14. \Vestry l echnie re - Zurich .... .. - I room (vas prettily devor;Illd in CROZIER - MAIZE A (Intel wedding; ((ns sllertutt'ell 111 0 p0r40nhgr ill' 1'irtoxin Street 1'ni- tid Church, (;oderirh, 011 Saturday. :\ugust 2221111, tt ll'11 Ile(. \\'. In, Stan - lake, Aylmer. nlifted 111 nnairifgo. t(1( \largar). N'lennnr, only daughter 0f r. and; hrs. Rol' I?. 31:01/), 11mtg0n• non, and \I'. Clifford Perry, elder sun •of \Ir. 1110(1 \Irs. \\'illiu.nt 11. Crozier. ;1]1411 of Hung: mon. I The bride was becomingly altir11 in a triple sheer redingote with (''Hite accessories, and a corsage of white glaelini• :nil orange bins:;ont.a, tib) tl:t4 :Mended by Miss Frances ('r1z ler. London. sister of tile bridegroom, 114 hritle maid, nearing an ensr,mh1) xexl tinnday. August 31111), Rev. A. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector, August 3001, 1114^_. Sunday School-- 111,4411 8.111. 31 111)lllg Prayer and Sermon — 11,11'' 1,11), lnlet•resstln Service. friday, P.m, f3LYTH UNITED CHURCH 11 :{'o I"_14 :ass Arrives In England 11x14. ('. 1). liilpatrick has received a cablegram from her husband, ('apt. C. liilpatxicit, telling of hi4 sale arrival complete recovery frutu 1)0(1• on, in Creat Britain, anll 'white with ,sweet peas in pastel shades. ;.ter, \Ir. and 3114. a 4'tnrl honeymoon, 1110 11(111' 1'uvrl•; ing in 11 two-piece gra)' wool suit Kith 4111 1. pink blouse anti hbu'I' noeessns- PLAY i.'s O11 11e11' return they tt•ill reside 0n Hie lith cunce'1sloa of Ashfield, ;}ink 1 teivv,l a cablegram from their son, :0111 glad" 1 Pte. Frank Kvrhnie, infornIIng them of 110 safe arrival i11 LItgluul. hind, i4 ;1 member 11 110 1•,:;.'11 it"•'morn(. BINGO SATURDAY NIGHT HELP THE REC CROSS. ALL'S WELL ON THE FARM FRONT These smiling farmerettes personify the spirit of the hundreds of girls who are serving on farms this summer to help relieve the situation caused by an acute shortage of manpower all over the country. Some live in Individual farms, others are quartered in camps located at central points in the various agricultural districts. On this farm in the Niagara Peninsula, dozens of farmerettes were busy picking plums. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 35 JACOB SEEKS GOD'S HELP. - Genesis 31-33. PRINTED TEXT, Genesis 32:2.12, 27.29. GOLDEN TEXT -God le our refuge and strength, A very pre- sent help In trouble. Psalm 46:1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time, -About 1790 B.C. Place,-Padan•ar'am, the hone of Laban in the IIarau, east of the upper Euphrates valley, pos- sibly near Damascus; Peniel, thus far unidentified, but certainly somewhere on the backs of the Jabbok In the northeastern part of Palestine in Gilead. Crisis of Jacob's Life 2. "And Jacob said when he saw them, This is God's host: and he called the name of that place Ma• hanaina. 3, And Jacob sent mess- engers before slim to Esau his brother unto the land of Sotr, the field of Edom, 4, And he command - ad them, saying, Thus shall ye say unto my lord Esau: Thus saith thy servant Jaoob, I have sojourned with•Laban, and stayed until now: 5. and I have oxen, and asses, and flocks, and men -sore - ants, and matdeservanta: and I have sent to tell my lord, that 1 may find favor In thy sight, $. And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and moreover he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him. 7. Thou Jacob was greatly afraid and was dietrested, and he divided the people that were with him, and the flocks, and the herds, and the camels, into two companies; I. and he Bald, if Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the company which is left shall escape." As Jacob comes near to Edom, the country in which his brother Esau with his family was living, he cannot help but be troubled in remembering, though twenty years have elapsed since it occurred, his deception of his father Isaac, his cheating of his brother Esau, and of Esau's intention at that time of killing the twin whom his moth- er loved. A sinful act has the power, after years, of rising up and confronting us in the most un- expected and undesired time. Our evil deeds are easily forgotten and our imagination of the past re- tains only the good; but Uod and conscience keep In reserve the evil. Twenty years had passed since ,Jacob did the evil. It stood before him now, just as It stood when he Plod from 1t twenty years botore Duly more formidable, grown in bulk and terror. It Is vain to think that you can do evil .and reap nu consequence's host it, Prayer For Deliverance 9. "And Jacob said, 0 God of ruy father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, 0 Jehovah, who saidst unto use, Return ant" thy c)�uut•y, 7)71)1 20 thy kindred, mid 1 will do thee good: 10. I ant not worthy of the least of all Oft lovin; kindne.,ses, and of all the truth, which thou bast showed onto tby servant; for with rn� start 1 passed over this Jordan; and now 1 arn become two com- panies, 11. Deliver me, 1 pray thee, from the hand of my hloth• er, from the hand of Esau: for 1 fear him, lest he (01110 and smite nae, the mother with the children. 12. And thou saidst, I will surely du thee goo(!, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which can- not be numbered for multitude." Though Jar'clb rU'fnt nlesSPflgere ahead with the hope that they would be able to appease Esau, he was soon doubly troubled be- cause when they came back to hint they could only report that Esau was also approaching with four hundred armed men. This sent Jacob to his knees to cry to God for deltesranee in what is generally recognized to be the first full prayer recorded in the word of God. The prayer was narked by true humility. Jacob acknowledged his own un'wortht- nesa of all that God had done for him, and with heartfelt gratitude he testifies be bhe way In which blessings had been showered on hint. 27, "And he meld unto him, What 1s they name? And ha eald, Jacob. 21, And he odd, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Is- rael: for thou haat striven with God and with mon, and hast pre- vailed. 29, Aad Jaoob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that Woti dont ask atter my name? And he blessed him there." It should be carefully noted that Jacob did not lay hold aQ thla visitor, but to Tleltor lay hold of him. This is not a picture of a man ooming to God, to wrestle with God in prayer, but a record of God ooming to man, to break the spirit of atu,bbornnosa and self- sufficiency whioh a particular man has for boo long a time habitually manifested. All night thee' two wrestled, the one from heaven and tele one of eerth, and when, at the dawn of day, Jacob saw that be could not prevail against the man, fa his exhaustion and wears• Dees, he suddenly felt the touch ot the hand of the stranger on his thigh. Immediately his thigh was out of joint, rendering him ab- solutely hetpleas. But now Jacob realises that the one with whom he has wrestled all night is a divine person, and, whereas early In the night he was held in the grip of the other, now he refuses to release his grasp ot the visitor until he reeelves a blessing from him, a blessing he did receive, In the new name, and the new honor and position, which God conferred upon him, changing the name of Jacob, which means supplanter, to Israel, whteh means, a prince with God, Russian Prisoners Inhumanly Treated Pt^sonerr of war in Gentler y now are guarded by cripples and old men ,and the ennnp? are admin- istered by women, I' once Forever said in a summary of information collected from liberated prisoners of war. Prisoner:; report that the in- human treatment prevalent early in the war has settled into what was described as "normal German callousness," said the organiza- tion, United States centre of the Free French movement. Guards, even thn.e elderly and crippled, were said to be threatened with being sent to the Russian front for lapse's in interment discipline. Rus -ions, most of there civilians, were said to be the greatest sufferers in (Lerman camps, Lib- erated prisoners said the interned Russians aged fr'oin 18 to 05 were brought across Germany in cattle cars opened only twice a week for hygienic purposeand to give the prisoners food. Among 2,800 who arrived alive at one camp, France Forever said, the majority weighed from 90 to 100 pounds. In each car, holding 50 men, 30 arrived dead. In camp. they died at the rate of 50 a day for the first eight days :and 20 daily thereafter. Thanksgiving Day 'I'hatksgiving Day will he observed throughout Canada Monday, October 12, it was an- - nounced in a proclamation pub- lished last week in a special edition of the Canada Gazette. 10,000 Jap Forces In Aleutian Islands ,lapaneso forces In the .!!Tarsen Islands area aro estimated by it Naval spokesman In 1t'rlahina-ton to be about 10,000, The three points new occupied by the ,Japanese aro ICiska, Attu, and Matto Islands. %bout 6,000 Japanese are ashore on thetso Is• lands and about 6,000 more are In the surrounding waters on trans- ports and naval vessoly, the .�pnlicw- rnan said, 'rhe Navy spokesman said not long ago that aerial rocounata• sauce 60 far had failed to disclose any enemy landings on the untie - fended Prihilofs, 250 miless north- west of Dnte.h harbor. A move by the Japanese tato the Pribllofs, reported for some time, not only would bring the enemy much closor to the Alaskan mainland but would put them In a strategic poeitiml for a flanking attack on Dutch Harbor. Navy officials questioned, how- ever, whether the I'ribilots could be used for very extensive sea and air operations. The four rug - god Bering Sett Islands --St. Paul, St. George, Otter, and Walrus -- have no harbors. Navigation ex- perts at the Navy Department said the Bering Sea waters afforded anchorage only when the wind la blowing from the land, Several hundred iubabitaute at the two main islands, St. Paul and St, George, were removed several weeks ago. To Draft Women As Tire Watchers Honio Security Minister Iier- bert Morrison announced plans to conscript British women from 20 to 45 years of age to serve as fire watchers, a job made more important by disclosure that Ger- man raiders are dropping a new type of phosphorous fire bomb. Morrison said incendiary bombs are "the greatest single menace of air attack," and that Britain was suffering from a serious shortage of men watchers. He eaid he hoped to speed con- scription of the women, who prob. ably will start registering within two weeks, The announcement carte after the Home Security Ministry warn- ed about incendiaries filled with phosphorous - a waxy substance, which, if dry, bursts into flames at room temperature. DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY FOR. INCOME TAX SHOWN :rho following table shows how muchmuchemployers will deduct from a •alas loatl,t' wuukly pay chc yueaN:rho for 'mount) IaX payments, starting with the first pay prriod in tieptemhrr. Deductions for :dtet'nativu Savings lila life itlsa)anca prenliunls and nlort4a7o principal payment/ may be noose from the Sayings Portion (ti,l',) of the Total Tax (1'.•!'.) but H. Ito cease may the dodo's• Dons be greater than the :amount of the savings portion. The deductions 120)11 the cheques of persons 1171 id ('very twU 0 t't k i will b.1 ;1011b1(1 t.bu amount of tbo • correslr„ndiflt' weekly deduction, Phase paid twice a 1)101712 0r 711o1)thly will 10210 ,11)an•nlent. eloduction*. 11,'.,111.1 13,00-1:1.21 13,25-13,49 13.50-13,71 13.75-13.917 11,00-11.19 l 1,50-11,91) 15.00-15,49 10.50-15,99 111,00-1(i.41) 16.50-111,99 17.00-17.49 17.511-17,917 18,00-18.49 18.50-18,99 19,00-19,411 19,50-19,99 2(1,00-20,49 20.50-20.99 21.00-21.49 21.50-21.99 22.00-22.19 22,50-22.99 23.00-23,49 23.50-23.99 21,00-24.49 24.50-24,99 25.00-25.41) 25.50-25,99 26,00-26.19 20.50-2(1.99 27.00-27.4!) 27.50-27.9!) 28.00-28.49 28.50-28.99 29,00-29.49 29.50-29.1)9 30.00-30,49 30,50-30.99 31.00-31.49 31.50-31,99 32.00-32.49 32,50-32.99 33,00-33,49 33,50-33,99 34.00-34.49 34.50-34.99 35.00-35.99 36,00-36,99 37.00-37.99 38,00-38,99 39.00-39,99 40.00-40,99 41,00-41,99 42.00-42,99 43,00-43,99 44,00-44,99 45.00-45,99 46.00-16,99 47.00-47.99 48.00-48.99 49.00-49.99 50,00-52,49 52.50-64.99 55,00-57,49 57.50-59.99 60,00-64,99 05.00-69,99 70.00-74.99 75.00-79.99 80,00-84,99 85,00-89.99 90.00-94.99 95,00-99,99 100,00 60141* No I,.•e,ovi.•111 1'.1'. .07 ,117 .13 .13 ,28 .28 .49 .18 .71 ,511 .92 .70 1.07 .78 1.'2'2 .87 1.37 .95 1,52 1.03 1.67 1,1'2 L.82 L,20 1.97 1,28 2.12 1.33 2.27 1,37 2.12 1,-11) 2.57 1,•1.1 2.72 1,48 2.87 1.51 3.02. 3.17 3,32 3,18 3.33 3.56 3.65 3.80 3,96 4,12 1.27 4,43 4,51) 4,74 4,90 5,06 5.21 5,37 5,52 5,67 5,84 (1,00 6,17 6.52 6,52 6,70 6.87 7,36 7.72 8,08 8,44 1,55, 1,58 1,02 1.6(1 1.69 1,73 1.76 1.80 1,8.1 1,87 1,91 1,94 1,1)8 2.02 2,05 2,09 2,12 2.16 2,20 2.23 2,27 2,30 2.34 2.28 2,41 2.45 2.48 2,52 2,51► 2,66 ,'a u 8,80 2,81 9,15 2,83 9,51 2,95 9,87 3,02 10.23 3.10 10.59 3.17 10.95 3,24 11,30 3,31 11,66 3,38 12.02 3,46 12,38 3.53 12.74 3,60 13,68 3,78 14,67 3,96 15.65 4.14 17,18 4,32 19,20 4,68 21,21 5,04 23,23 5,40 25.25 5.76 27,44 6,12 29.64 6,48 31,84 6,84 34.03 7.20 RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH DAVE: for war -time listening, of ',articu- lar help and interest to Canadian women, Give it a listen and bene- fit from and enjoy Claire Wal- lace! Another Monday through Fri- day quarter hour, dedicated to the Canadian war -time home, which has caught on like wild- fire through the summer months, and which promises continued en- joyment and benefit, is the War- time Prices and Trade Board's morning show "SOLDIER'S WIFE," broadcast at 11,30 a.m. 'rolling the story of Carry Mur- doch, a soldier's wife, and bring- ing into sharp focus the newest edicts and suggestions from the vital WPTI3, "Soldier's Wife" rates high with Canadian listen- ers. Bear the show daily from your nearest CBC station. For peninsula listeners, CiCOC and CBL carry the show! DURBIN AND McCARTHY '!'here's ONE fact we know for sure -- and that is, Charlie Me- Carthy returns to the Canadian air -lanes Sunday, September Oth, at 8.00 p.m. EDT, Whether, as in post years, Deanna Durbin will be the first guest of honor on the shote, is as yet a moot point. Something else we do know, and it's sensational news, is that Don Ameche will be Master of Cere- monies! Don's great vocal per- sonaiity will, we feel, bring Me- Carthy's most brilliant season to the air, Ray Noble's music will he there too, and a great parade of famous guests. So mark down the. date --- Sunday, September thth, for (.'harlie. McCarthy - 8.00 p.m. --- Ch0(', and ('B(' net- «•ntk' lite new voice being heard Trans -Canada these days on the early afternoon CBC' network at 1.15, is that of Claire Wallace, well - known 'Toronto woman, whose news 1111(1 radio features fur tt omen in the war -time Cana- dian home are veru \';ell known. With Claire Wallace in this new national daily program series, is Todd Russell, well-known net- work singing star. All in all. Claire Wallace and her program "THEY 7'El,l. \ii';" is deafened :iina;la 1 T.T. ti 1' .10 .17 .17 .18 .19 .20 .22 .23 .25 2(i .28 .291 .35 ,50 .65 .80 .96 1.10 1.25 1,40 1,55 1.71 1.87 1.72 2,06 2,03 2.25 2.35 2.61 2,66 2,82 2.97 3.14 3.29 3.44 3.60 3,7G 3.91 4.07 4.23 4.40 4,56 4,74 4,91 6,08 5.26 5,76 6.11 (1.47 6,88 7.18 7,65 7.90 8.26 .111 ,17 .17 ,18 .19 .20 .22 .23 ,25 .26. .28 29 .35 ,13. .52 .00 .68 ,77 .85 .93 1,01 1.10 1,19 1.28 1,37 1,4(1 1.56 1.64 1.73 1,82 1,91 2.00 2,10 2.18 2,27 2.36 2,43 2.47 2.51 2,65 2,59 2.63 2.67 2.71 2,75 2.79 2,84 2.92 3.00 3.08 3.16 3,24 3.32 3,40 8.62 3.48 8.97 3.66 9,84 3.64 9,69 3,73 10,05 3,81 10,41 3.89 10.77 3,97 11.18 4.05 12,07 4,251 13,06 4.46 14,04 4,60 15.57 4.86 17.69 5.26 19.60 5.67 21.62 6.07 23.63 6,48 25.88 6.88 28,03 7.20 30.22 7.70 32.42 8.10 The first week in September brings back many favorites to the air -lanes - September first and the Happy Gang - September 4th and Penny's Diary - Sep- tember 5th and Share the Wealth. Sunday the 6th and McCarthy -- and on the same day, CICOC in Hamilton, will usher in a new season of September on CKOC with a Kanner line-up of top- flite local shows, to supplement the new National headliners, to give an outstanding schedule of well-balanced fall listening for all those who listen to 1150 on their radio dials! W Everyone working in every ra(170 stators gets a bang out of the job they do -- and particu- larly those who work on the air and produce and present pro- grams for your enjoyment. Around CKOC the other day, the whole staff was 'tickled pink' with a complete library of the famous Boston `fops' Orchestra record- ings which the station acquired. Also in the same Int were a full roster of songs by James Melton, Richard ('rooks, John Charles Thomas and Lawrence 'Tibbett! YOU, the listener, will share in the enjoyment of this top -flits music, when you are in tune with ('!:OC1 WEEKLY PAYMENTS 1;1111...11 N„ (h•l"•r1t11.0)1 '1'.'t' '5 I' .l1 .11 .10 .10 .21 ,21 .46 .46 .90 .87 1.33 1.09 1.77 1.32 2.03 1.46 2,19 1,55 2.36 1,64 2,52 1,73 2,68 1.82 2,85 1.91 3.01 2.00 1.18 2,09 3.34 2,18 3,50 2,27 3,66 2,36 3.83 2.45 4,01 2.55 4.10 2.65 4,37 2.75 4,55 2.84 4,74 4,92 5,28 5.64 6.01 6,37 6,74 7.09 7.46 7,82 8,18 8.55 8.91 9.27 9.63 10.00 10,36 11.82 12,31 13,31 14,30 16,29 18,29 20,29 22.28 24,46 26,62 28.80 30.97 2,94 3.04 3,24 3,38 3,42 3.51 3.60 3.69 3.78 3.87 3.96 4,06 4,14 4,23 4.32 4.41 4,50 4.73 4,95 5.18 6,40 5.86 6.30 6,76 7.20 7,66 8,10 8.56 9,00 1 111•1).1 qt. 1.,1n•n,1i•111,1 .11 .11 .10 ,1(1 .29 .29 .50 .50 .51 .51 .53 .53 .54 ,54 .56 .56 .58 .58 .75 .70 .91 .91 1.07 .88 1,'24. 97 1.40 1,06 1.56 1.15 1,73 1,34 1,89 1,33 2,05 1.42 2,22 1,51 2.40 1.61 2.58 1.71 2,76 1.81 2.94 1,91 3,13 2,01 3.31 2.11 3.67 2,31 4,03 2.5(1 4,39 2.70 4,76 5.12 5,48 5,84 6,21 11,57 6,93 7,30 7.66 8.02 8.38 8,75 9,70 10,70 11.70 12,69 14,68 16.68 18,67 20.66 22.84 25.01 25.01 29,36 2.90 3.10 3,30 3.49 3.69 3,81► 4.09 4,29 4,48 4,68 4,85 4,95 5,20 5.4,4 6.59 5.94 51,43 6.93 7.42 7.92 8,41 8,91 8,91 9.90 ,I4. .11 .26 .27 .29 .30 .31 .33 .34 .361 .37 ,39 ,4U .42 .•13 .46 ,46 .48 .61 ,79 .97 1,16 1,33 1.51 1,69 2,06 2,42 2,78 3.14 3,51 3,87 1.'23 4.59 4,95 5.32 5,68 0.05 6,41 6.77 7.13 8.09 9.09 10.08 11,08 13,07 15,06 17.06 19,05 21,21 23,31 23,31 27,77 Children's Hotel Evacuee children, all of them under 16, are running a hotel in Cornwall, England, They call 1t Total War Seacroft Hotel and tread of the staff is 14 -year-old Connie Grant, HORIZONTAL 1 Commander of E H E British n African army. I P AN 14 Sentenced, 7,- E T S 15 To suck in again. H 18 Morsels. 20 Distinctive theory. 22 Musical note. 24 Feats, 26 Company, (abbr.). 27,Turkish coin. 29 You and me. 30 To endeavor. 46 Strip of 32 Frozen leather. desserts. 48 Whither, 33 Hawaiian food1 50 Preposition, 34 Native metal. 51 Egg-shaped, 35 Woods' spirit. 53 To drench, 36 Legumes. 54 Senior (abbr.) 37 Gold coins. 56 Musical 39 Fowl disease. tragedy. 40 Valuable 57 Dwellings. property. 59 He is an 41 Affirmative. experienced 42 Trappings for - fighter. a horse. 60 His military 45 Being. title l,t .11 .26 .27 .29 .30 .31 .33 .34 .3G .37 .39 .40 .42 .13 .45 .18 .48 .68 .68 .78 .88 .98 1,07 1.17 1.37 1.57 1,76 1.96 2.16 3.36 2,56 2.76 2.06 3,16 3,36 3,55 3.76 3,95 4.14 4,66 5.20 5,74 6,28 7.02 7.56 8,10 8,64 9.18 9.72 9,72 10.80 .A t .1 1 1 1 ,...1 ,f 1/ .1,01.1,.)11 1 I' I' , I'. .01 ,9B .04 .06 .07 .09 10 .12 .13 ,15 .16 .18 ,19 .21 .22 .24 .25 .26 .28 .29 .31 .32 .34 .35 .44 .81 1.17 1.53 1.80 2.26 2.(12 2.98 3.34 3,71 1.07 4,43 4,80 5,16 5,52 6.48 7.47 8,47 9.47 11.46 13.45 15.45 17,44 .01 .03 .04 .06 .07 .09 .10 .12 .18 l li .16 .l8 ,19 .21 .22 .24 .25 .26 ,28 29 .31 .32 ,34 .35 .44 .63 .83 1.03 1,23 1,43 1,62 1,82 2,02 2,2`2 2,42 2,61 2,8] 3,01 3,21 3.73 4,27 4,81 6.85 11,43 7,51 8,59 9.86 19,61 9.95 21,70 10,53 21.70 10,68 26.13 11.70 11 ere)4l 1,1.,1,0 t 0l 01111 1 'r .01 .01 .02 .04 .04 .05 .06 ,06 ,08 .08 .0R ,10 .10 ,11 .11 .18 .18 .16 .18 ,19 .19 .21 .21 24 ,24 .28 .28 .64 .49 1.01 .69 1,87 .89 1.78 1.09 2,10 1,2$ 2.46 1,48 2,82 1.08 3,18 1.88 3.66 2,08 3.91 2.27 4,86 2.79 5.86 3.88 6,86 3.87 7,86 4.41 9,86 5.40 11,84 6.67 18.88 7.80 15.83 8.78 18,00 9,8Q 20.17 11,07 20,17 11.91( 24.62 12.6 Rubber, when not in use, dries up and becomes brittle, Use og rubber keeps it lively and so j is with tires. They will actually be as valuable regardless of tha use they may receive when they finally reach the reclaiming giant. SOLDIER OF TODAY Answer to Previous Puzzle L R• IT T E A' :. • wl`i e- is AT E. E W 1 T T L s O• •fil© IDE ©a. A arsP In • R 0516M1 as 9r. M NU TS AT T s won a great -•-•-- in Atria*, 17 He received his -- once General Allenby. 19 Helps. 21 Gloomiest. 23 Evasion of harm. 25 Musical tenets; 28 To fondle. 31 Leavening agent. 33 Puzzler. 36 Postscript VERTICAL (abbr,), 2 Road (abbr.). 38 Barber. 3 Bulb. 39 Pair (abbr) 4 Exclamation, 40 To shame. , 5 I am (contr.), 43 Aside, 6 Common verb. 44 To faint. 7 Advertise- 47 Lasso. ment. 49 Water cress, 8 Doctor (abbr.) 50 To succor. 9 Spider's home. 52 Musical. note. 10 Side remarks, 53 Pronoun, 11 Elector. 55 Thing, 12 Irish, 56 Bone, 13 Pound (abbr,) 58 South Africa 16 His men have (abbr,), lot[" Eiiergy with Eeotioin.y l .tv h— d''1;uiN'1`1'i' 1111,1'.E'Es'Et. Q�11EtillE, .1E1.1,' hiAN( SPREAD Christie'' Graham Wafers !rave the true "Graham" flavor that makes you reach for another— noel another. In the Htoro or on the 'plinths always ask for hrilie's .,11.1141, • 111•. I.u1414161,1.111.1111., I 11601111 ,1,111 1u,.!!. 110 11Id ! 4!Il0I!. i. .1.1: .1. * SER i.AL STORY WANT -AD ROMANCE BY TOM HORNER THE STORY: Ted Andrews and Kay Donovan had shared a lot of uscitement together at sales manager And owner, respectively, of Wondrosoap, an Invention of Kay's late father's that had turn• ed out to be, not a cleaner at all, heat a powerful explosive. With Kay's factory leased to the goy. eramenl for the duration of the emergency, she and Ted, Joe Benton, chemist, Mary Marshall, her secretary, and Mike Flynn, lawyer, take a vacation. The last night at the resort Ted sees Kay Wes Joe, assumes they are in love, In reality, Joe has just told Kay that he and Mary Marshall plan to marry. Tcd assumes that his Interest In Kay is unreturned— Kay, the girl he had '(net over want ads on a park bench and /earned to love in the weeks they worked together. * • CIiAPTER X1 TED! Plea,se let us hear from you. Worried, Kay. Hay danced down the dock to the canoe. Joe and Mary were to be married! Tomon'ow, may- be, If Ted—they could make It a double wedding— Ted should be waiting for her. Nile had promised herself this last, moonlight canoe trip, planning an ideal setting for his proposal. There had been other opportuni- ties, she recalled, but Ted had evaded them, That last night In the plant—She was sure he in- tended asking her then, but she bad wanted a more romantic set- ting, She wondered when Joe had asked Mary. That first night at the lake, or at the dance. She decided It must have been at the dance. Mary had adored Joe ever wince ho came to the factory, she had confessed, but she was will- ing to turn hint in as a spy. Kay wondered if she would have pos- ttesaed ouch courage. And Joe, dear old Joe. if she had had a brother, Kay would have wanted him to be just like Joe Benton, Big, successful, un- derstanding. She owed everything to Joe. If he hadn't opitied that kid, they might never have known all about Wondrosoap. Where was Ted? Surely he wouldn't break their last dato at the lance. He might have been delayed in town, get- ting the car serviced for the trip home. She would wait. « • r Flynn called her outside early the next morning. "Just what did you say to that boy last. night, Kay?" he demanded, almost stern - "You've been leading him on, making hint think he had a' chance. There was no cause to hurt him that much." "\Vhat are you talking about, :Hike? f didn't see Ted last night, 1 waited on the dock until after midnight. }Ie didn't show up. He's the one who will do the apologizing." "You didn't see hint?" Flynn + was bewildered. "Ile stormed in the house 'bout 10, packed his things and left, before 1 knew what he was doing. He seemed sore about something." "He's gone? He didn't say goodly?" Kay could hardly he- lleve it. Not Ted. He couldn't leave her like this. Without a word of explanation, Without risking her— The final blow came later. A couple of youngsters, Swilllnling near the diving raft, saw a gleam of shining metal under water. But the treasure they retrieved was not the gold they had Imagined, but a shining doorknob. Kay heard them yelling outside the cottage, ran out to see for herself. She recognized it in- stantly. "He took it from the plant— he kept }t—now he's thrown It away." She ran back to her roost, threw herself on the bed. "I never want to see him, or that doorknob again," she sobbed. "Never!" But she took time to hunt up the youngsters and buy tile• door- knob for a dollar before she left the lake. * • a1 Mike Flynn paced the length of his office, turned, faced Kay. "Now stop your worrying, Katie girl," he said tenderly, "Tho lad will see this ad and come a - running. He should be telephon- ing any minute now," He bit down fiercely on a stub of a cigar, resumed his pacing. "The young idiot!" "Ted's no idiot!" Kay defended. "It was all my fault. He must have seen me kiss Joe, and then he thought—" The tears were Treed again, KfiI$PjEg t�. 1.)\.110 "Rice Krispies" is a regis- tered trade mark of Kellogg Company of' Canada Limi- ted, for its brand of oven - popped rice, Geteome today! "';o tr 11;11" Flynn dem:Hell d. "If 0 $'lrl Inked tau' Ike 1114 this Iht, I'd be willing to livid for LI I. 1 twonldn't 114'1 ll'gP 11(11((',111 11111 away 4411111 my girl " "1 11(4'1 r told Ted 1 loved lii:n. 1 [[anted everything to be 'strict• ly business'- -I've made hint think I rale for Joe.- " The telephone Jana led. troth crabbed for it. Alike tl r,k the call. It tt;t,-n't '1'4'11. II 1.;1s Mary. "WU'1''III ding," she -aid. ",toe is taltina' a 1:ave r f ahsenoe until yntl lucttte }'4'11. 1\'e'll au'rive on ihi. aft' (. noon. ll plat('." 1 . There were no (lett,, 'fed had simply dropped out of .sight. The telegrapher at bake Olivara had roll hila a ticket to Chicago, hut, there the trail ended, Alike (tired private de1(clives, even notified the police, but Ted could not Lr found. '1'o Kay, the days and nirbt" were torture. ;;h(' recalled every thing Ted had said. '('hat kiss at the plant, when Wondrosoap 1%as their 1111 dram, She couldn't even go hack 10 the plant. to recapture any no 111- orier. A high steel fence sur- rounded the factor[' now; soldier(+ guarded the gale. She didn't have a single can of Wondrosoap. A1) she had was a shininc door. knob. Joe and Mary tried to find new interests for her to help her for - gut Ted and failed utterly. Kay pretended to enjoy the parties and dinners they arranged, hut the foursome was not the mete with- out Ted. All the fun was gorse. Then the telegram came. It was brief, to the point: "Saw your ad in hometown paper. Am okay. Uncle Sam's Army turned me down. Burn ticker', Maybe Canada can use me." it was signed "Ted." "Ile might at least have added 'Love'," Flynn grumbled. "Would- n't have cost him much." "1f he goes to Canada—where will he cross the border?" Kay asked. "Any place in a couple or thou- sand miles," Flynn snorted. "But he'll probably go either to Detroit or Niagara Falls, Joe, you and Mary try Detroit. Kay, we'll take the plane to Buffalo." • 1 The big airliner seemed to crawl through the air. Kay's thoughts raced ahead, What if they were too late? What if Ted had already enlisted? She would wait, she knew, always. 1\'hat lP---'! The stewardess tapped her ehnulder. "Fasten your safety belt, please, we're landing." Mike hurried the remaining miles to Niagara, installed Kay In a hotel. "\Ve'l1 check in at the recruit- ing office first. Ask them to notify all other offices, Don't fret, Katie, we'll find the boy." She made Mike go alone, Some- thing—n hunch, perhaps — kept her from going with him, She walked from the hotel to the Falls, Even Niagara's magnifi- cence left her unmoved. Honeymooners come here, she thought. Happy brides and grooms. She was alone. She sat on a park bench. Across the walk a man glanced at her. He would speak to her in a minute, if she didn't stop staring, She picked up a newspaper, but she couldn't read the headlines. • She did not see hint conte down the walk, didn't notice him sit at the for end of the bench. The man across the walk shuffled his feet, Kay looked up. "TED!" "KAY!" His arms were around her, his kisses on her lips, "Ted! \Vhy? \Vhy did you leave?" she whispered, IIe kissed her again. There would be time for explanations later, The man across the walk left, abruptly. (Concluded Next Week) Moving In Britain Has Its Problems Finding a new home is only one of the worries for a housewife who has to change residence in Britain during wartime. Once the new hone is found there's the business of curtains for the windows, It will probably cost more clothing coupons to get new curtains than the housewife has to keep herself clad all year. Then conies the question of car- pets in case, as is likely, the old ant's won't fit the new house, Prices nee ski' high for carpeting. So to buy new ones is out of the question and cutting up of old but serviceable rugs is considered waste. Refrigerators 011(1 stOVcs add to the worry. You just c.(n't buy them though they (an be rented. But if all these diffi- culties are overcome (Lure's still one more left --the a:teb1 mov- ing. A "rush" job is tine t' ::t is done in si:; e e.bs. :'..<: t s, over! just aren't in the n:n' i'tt; h.esi- ness any mere. TAiE TALKS ,ADIE t3. CHAMBERS Substitutes For Meat A' pot riot i1' (1111y w1' 0It asked to eat Tess (neat- for finan- cial rea'.t,'t many will find this n( cr:'io•',. No has 111 will conte fn 1,11y"1,4• if the -e 1:111 pupa[( the nuts,.. ;u4' C:11ef111 111 'III/HI i- 1,011• 11111:1•'11. It. I`. the hent''(' 1(,1111111 r If 11111tein 111 our Viet that I WI 101 1111'.1' 111 81.11 Illl'at w(1 (1:1t 111 1111 not eat. ('Int( ut food(, :1, you know, 1111' Ili( at, , ga'`, [lett., lo -:1:1s and chew, Illlatine 111nleinx n little 1111111 111. :e :11'0 do1� uulk. Ilan are a fes 11 ri[los: which 'light h( 1[,. Casserole of Vegetables Ndnkc alternate layers in a car- r( toll of half it 4111xe11 l 1111 sliced raw potato( , a small turnip, cut in et 1.1'', half n pint of tinned peas and the •'(114' of tinned tu- I((11tu('', 11 'tired 111111(111 '(1(11 two 111111(1', 1111 Washed an'I uncoukud 1111'; 4(84(11 as you go with salt, pepper 111111 po,v(lercd allspice. Pout in a1 qu:u't of good vege- table ;+to(k, and l•n01( With n lid on in a slow oven until the rice is flout, about 3 h"w'>. Carrot Pic Cool, '1 large cal rots or their e(fuiva(I( ul into shall ones and while they are still hot cut them 111 slices and put in a greased pie - dish. Bring a pint of milk to the boil; stir into it a cup of bread crumbs sl asoned with pepper and salt 01111 1 ounces Of grated cheese. Mix with a swell -beaten egg. Por' this over the carrots rind brown in a moderate oven. Mould of Spinach ,Sieve a pound of cooked spin- ach and whip into a pint of limo or lemon jelly (prepared with Jolly powder), Turn into a round buttered mould, putting a t nob- ler down the middle. When the spinach is set, take out the tumb- ler, which will be easy to do if you pour a little hot water into it. Fill up the space with chopped hard boiled egg' (nixed with salad dressing and seasoned with a little onion and celery. Turn out when set and garnish with ring of hard boiled egg, Cheese 'fart bine a small pie ti.l with rich eruct and bake, \Vhe 1 It is cold prepare the following: One-half pound of gritted cheese, two well beaten egg yolks and three-quar- ters pint of cream or very rich milk. Season with salt, pepper and it touch of cayenne. Bake in oven for a quarter of all hour. The top will be a beautiful gold and the inside delicious. Cucumber Fritters Peel the cucumbers (large ones) and rut in one inch lengths. Remove the centre part and blanch the pieces in salted water. Drain then' well, and when they are cold stuff with a savoury stuffing, seasoned brcadcrumbs or cheese creamed. Dip the rounds In egg and then in bread crumbs and .fry in clarified butter. Serve with fried parsley rai'nish. t1INM Cluun'ae 44ekronac, personal letter', from Interested readers. she to pleased to receive suggestions on topics for her column, and Is vn ready to Listen to your :filet peeves." Requests tor recipes or 'meant menus are In order. Address your letters to walks ks Sadie 11. Cha'(. berm, 78 West Adelaide Street, To. ronto," Send stomped Nett -addressed envelope It you wish n resits. Tips For Care Of Rugs And Carpets When dirt is imbedded in rugs they wear out very quickly. Here are tips that will help those rugs and carpets last. Rather than going over a rug with the vacuum cleaner once a wreck for it long period, it is better to use it two or three times in the week for a shorter time. ]tugs and carpets should newer be beaten; small scatter rugs shouldn't even be shaken. In do- ing this the fibres in the back of the rugs are broken. Spots should be removed from rugs as soon as they are made. Rather than washing or shampoo- ing a valuable rug, it should be sent to a reliatble rug cleaning ex- pert who knows how to give it the proper attention. Hugs should never be laid on a rough uneven surface as it will cause them to wear out very quickly. A pad, or even news- paper, placed under a rug will lengthen its life. Fall Wheat Crop Best Since 1927 Cutting of ail wheat through- out the province ww',)S nearly corn- plet(d at the end of July, the On- tario Department of Agriculture said in its monthly crop report. '('his ye:tl's crop was estimated as the l.tt.:(st since 1!'27. '1''1' 1t nes so:01' 11 :l'''int'' of the wwha^;t ,..•1.p !;ut 1.•11.- t 1 n''ty pi( .t:;t tI (: 11.11>it't (' .'S a ll'-, .1 of (:; .e .111iF- t n: (. : 1 1'11 11, ,, 4'11! (1 .ins Endo 1ir!eis in !!cstern 0141 t.'c'n- INo Coupons Needed for Postum c�V TEA ;and coffee rationinp floes not ripply to Postum. No coupons are ncctltal tt) I,ny this grand 'mealtime be(rage. Conserve tea and coffee in your home by drinking Po7lunl. You'll 10r. surprised ;11111 delighted to learn hoc'' ha ti-fving Posture in, .A delirious beverage with a robust; invit- ing flavor. Pohtuu1 is quick and easy to ruakc, and economical to use. SAFE for the 'whole family—contains 00 caffein or tannin; )nothing to 1111t-4'1 nerves or elotllicla. 4,, SLEPT L/KE A BABY ' YES —SINCE AGAIN,JANE„ THAT SWITCHED To, CERTAINLY PROVES POSTUM, I AVE LOT . 711A7 CAFFE/N AND MY GRUMPINESS. TANNIN WERE I FEEL BETTER ANI; BOTHER/NG WORK BETTER -ITS MY NERVES e • A GRAND MEALTIME < BEVERAGE THAT _YOUkE WEARING LETS YOU RELAX.; A SMILE, T00, • J OS T UM AdtriAt POSTUIM 4k."D 4 C/11A1 It11V,lto440 7At:sa a lRu4e00 llf1ade instantly in the cup. 4ar.11ar,maks SO(ups--8 oz. size makes 100, tral Ontario suffered from lodg- ing, hut. wet weather was bene- ficial -to late crops and 0 second growth of alfalfa. Late crops throughout Ontario were below average ns wet wea- ther in late May and cool weather during June retarded growth. NEW SURPLICE, LINE 13y Anne Adams For clean-cut charm 'Near this slimming all -occasion (ars, Anne Adams Pattern, 4134. The sur- plice line with the waistline but- toning curves down to goe an in- teresting shape to the skirt pan- els. The pointed culler clay c'on- tr'ast. Pattern 4134 is 11' 1,:lt!e in 1)1147.5(7' a'( wv0111cn'S b 1's 1t', 1 S, 20, :td. 3f, 3S, 40 :old d:. Size 10 takes 4 }nrds 3b -inch fabric. Send t')(my cents 1"11c) in 1'1111111 1,11 utl,1, cann(t he accept- ed) for this Anne Ad::ms p:;[tern to '. 0-.1 Adelaide St. ( 1'rr;)nto. 11 rite plainly , name, a.idre#.s and st ar 111111111 1'l'. - Britain To A 1!1 of All Tea Supplies The British Fool Ministry plans to acquire all a';aileblp tea sup- plies and make distribution te Em- pire countries in ',unionism to their requirements, it wag announ- ced recently by H. Il. Meh' .nnon, president of the Commodity Prices Stabilization Cot I oration. Before the war 4.!iihada import- ed an average of 42,000,000 pounds of tea annually from Cey- lon, India, the Netherland; East Indies, China, Formosa and Japan. At present Canada's only sources of supply are Ceylon and India, which in normal tinges provided 70 per cent. of the world's ten— and both of these countries now are in war zona. West Will Harvest Double Size Crop Farmers of the Prairie Pro- vinces will this year harvest a crop of 550,000,000 bushels --twice as Targe as last year—the Winnipeg Alice Press said last week in its fourth crop report of 1992. Harvesting of some Manitoba fields of spring wheat has begun, but average dal ea for beginning wheat harvesting will begin Aug- ust 13 in Manitoba, August 20 in Saskatchewan and August 2C) in Alberta. 'lite newspaper es- timate:: yields will he high, in Manitoba 27 bushels, Saskat- chewan 26 and L.Weida 58 bushels an acre. Only a few points describe oats 1,1111 barley pros lccl:1 as other than ''good." UNIVERSII"I"Y OF TORONTO School of NElrsing For the 5(7.42('1 1!14:-43 the following course ,. ,.fiavit: A three-year Diploma courz.2t includes a geuc,al training in nursing and special prepara- tion for push( ilcalt1-, nursing. Note: In this ,arse pt'enit4.- tion is t wen fat' IlegisL'a: iota. w Scholarships a'It Virus are ;tow ale aiiablc. For further " !118110 ad- dress: The Secreta..:, t,chool 111 Noising, 111 Tot''.')to. ISSUE 35—'42 c Fagg 4. ' TEE SW ARD tocutet a tetcwo icatcts textaamtateae over tic itimetoccietlateteomettiocci J. 1I, R. Elliott. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Insurance Agency Elliott 1Vednesdav ,4& 1st 1r 1912, WESTFIELD Fractions I)on't Count 0.111.A. Seeks Action FALL FA H1)A'I'ES Gordon Elliott The heavy storm on Saturday ew- Because 111 the past tea has (eel' O11 Tax Exemptions Blyth A ening has held up btook threshing made up In one and une•qual't('1' nulla'(' t'onllnu,';I inrre;ls;' in the ;uunnul ,.i I'uluun loPeratiolls and the unfortunate ram- packages, retailers are being allowed {,rulterl)• exl' nlpt Irul,l iii Ieipal l;uu I:nlirn 10 sell theut for one Fa( (0up011. lion c'alt, for drastic action to have. Merges (rs are viewing the shy and hoping for line weather until after they too have threshed, but, many people were CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. I well pleased t%'Ith the rain, as the BLYtI1I1 ONT ground was a(, hair(' It Was almost hn- possible to plough and prepare the Offlco Phone 104. Resideuto Phone 12 or 110. R fall whoa( ground. kov. Rose had charge of the Service "COURTESY AND SERVICE" in the t'niled ('hutch, and prc*u'hed tii)i))).)ata)42 i1,1),ala.i,21211(,A4laca1IIMilin)iNN)livaialaiNata+NMtltaaiDIDINalatatalaiNN a splendid sermon on "Remorse Rod 1 _ _-- Iteptntance'. The choir sang an an - Right now 140%1c -ter the burning th('nl. The altar was very beautifully problem with her is the stories in.dccorall(I with large baskets of the boll;.;. It all started one day when I had occasion to go 10 the city on a trip. I was shopping aro Ind for some- thing to take horn' With un' and the clerk in the store suggested a hoots. 11 had lot.. of pictures and little nun;• cry rhymes ahout 'Indo .\ Pock Horse '1'o Banbury Cross' .... and writ Patricia .\un cottoned to the idea Immediately. She 0011 the book (lug• eared and our patience to a frazzle beeau.e no matter how often you re- cited the stork; to her, she wanted to (tear them once more. It was the first thing in the morning and all excellent excuse to u,,(' at night %•11en she wasn't fussy about hit% ing to go to hell. Grow'• ing rather tired of the rcpititlon Mr;. Phil %•a.s hl 40(111 (4441' day and brought home a mammoth edition filled with all kinds of rhyiiic' and little stories. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST \\ e c"'1111 then read a good (teal %tith- I out havin„ In read the sane thin, { j over u often. (Appointments with Mr, Willows.( The (bolls were deserted for the -_- _ stories. flaring tired us out site would wait at the door and whenever one of the netghbm'' came to her first greet• ing Was. 'Read me a ropy please.' They didn't se!'In to Illillll. In fact I rather „(used that for many of them 11 %%as hire laking all excur.lon hack \\'e had a letter in the mail the tato their nw'Tl happy chlldltnod to 'read the stol'Ie. once again. other day- limn a lady who asked wily ; 't te0ek 1 wandered 11110 the 'h`it1' there were 110 more yarns abient Pal• atsaw n(1 Ten' in the village and a w a 1m'• richt Ann, according to her we should id covered booklet called 'Peter Rale Write each Week gout the Wee lad) hit'. Noy, in m)' early clays Peter and forget all it 1)011 the other activ- ,ties at 1 ui.y Meadows. 1 comes::Rachhlt was one of the most fascinat• Ing characters I ever encountered. 1 that if I weren't afraid of geeing the confess that several of my neighbor; readers. I would be %vr,ting about t'1(• 'THE FINEST EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER HAD!( I N(4 hit and run methods hn.e. your eye: are thoroughly ('xanlin- yed and ye I are told the truth about them If gla'ses are nr'c••. is.ary, yon get the finest ,anality at the lowest prices. 'I'w'('nty•Cive, years experience in Optometry is your guarantee of Satisfaction In Willows Drug Store, Blyth. R. A. Reid,R.O. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS lay harry J. Boyle) Vicki Annall taie titre. 1 think how- I looked quite amused when they met ever about. the tooting parents Who gt• reading n1) on the adventures of (nominate a conversation with talking Plops), Mupsy and Cottontail, the good gout their own child . . , and write about something else. ,little rabbits and the little explorer, ;Peter, tell° managed to get himself in- Pat'iela Ann will be three yearn, to a peck of trouble by going I110 \ir. old during the first Week of October...I acGr1'gurs garden when 111' s11ouhl The tittle has gone around swiftly hate been picking blackberries. since then it certainly doesn't 1 I must confess thaat. Patricia Ann seen) like three years 'tad yet ,:hares my enthusiasm. in fact Iters Is when you loop at her playing with even 1110I•e avid anti 1 know that 1 ant her dolls and trying to mister the losing my taste for Peter. i am afraid (-furies in the pier°' hooks 1t isn't that after reading it aloud for anoth• hard to that she ,s growing up , er one hundred limes that 1 will grow . .. . halt way in fact to the point !very weary ... weary of heating about where she'll have to strike off fora a bad little rabbit. But there's a school to learn to live in this old sparkle in Patricia's eyes as she hug„ world of Our;. her chin on her knees and curled up \Val had .just started when ,<he was beside ole on the sofa gives a chore; horn, In fact we didn't pay mulch at- 'of 'Oats and .IIs' as we follow the path 4(utiou to it in those (lays but no(• it (tf adventure through the MacGregor dominates our lives. \\'e see the garden. young men of the neighborhood go• )rn ,;tt to the armed forces and 10011 down at the little golden haired lassie and wonder it' the struggle will he flattery to supply the lead needed for over 1)y the tivn' that she is gig !three thre1'.111ch 81(li•air(rlft guns, or enough to understand what it is all' three 7.5 -mm. howitzers, or J 37 -mut. about. alttt-ta11114 gilds. me idling along in the horse and bug- \' — Lead In Old Battery There's enough lead in one old WANTED MEN AHD WOMEN For Factory Work During TOMATO SEASON beginning About Au"gust 25 MAKE APPLICATION TO L1by, McNeill &Libby CHATHAM, ONTARIO Applications from those engaged in war work will not be considered. "Glaris'. ! \Ir. and \Irs. \\'m. St'alglial left on 'Tuesday for Copper (Tiff. Mrs. ,liars Johnston and daughter. of 14l0evale, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Dobie. Mr. 141111e Buchan -non %'as a Rel• gra%e visitor on Sunday. \iia Doreen Vincent and \D. limy Vincent spent the weekend with able supplies go round. Memlers of Brussels fraena)' . threshing gangs each have ration i Mr. and Jars, \\'alter took were card'; and these should be used, Men Goderich visitors 0u Saturday. %•orhing on neighboring I';n'ms sure ad. A nullifier 0f ladle; intend attend- vise(' to bringg along their own ration ling the special \V. \I. S. Service in'f (Ior tea coffee If 1110) want it )cried !Mich ('hutch on 'I'11nrs10)', where ((1 their llll'a11( set era! societies will be entertained i. by the Local :\uxiliary. 1 1 31r. and \D•). Jack Lockhart whin' 'friends in Goderich on Sunday, Sept, 9.10 '4,•111. 10 11 Sept 1-7 -;e111. 1 1.12 Similarly two•and•a-hall' ounce pack- lithe Ontario Asse:.;44n'nt :\rl amended 3111(1'1100 '4cllt. 1:1.1.1,..111 Iu lI ages 111a) bo sold for two c°111"16. let once, George 1111)1, ()I'' 'i'oronte'.; 'Neusla,ll epi. 1 This Is only bring permitted 10 ,\ssesemeet Department, loll) member; c'avi'l aria ' II 1 ' facilitate merchandising tu11i1 such 'of the ()warm Jluntl'ipa1 Aesorialion Acton tiepl(l,, :.-I1 ; time as present stork,;, packed 111 'attending the I tilt aauoal medial: of c'li(Iord ti( 1)1. Is -19 fractions of ounces , are oft store ' the :\ssucialion 'wing itch' in 'Toronto Kxel-I '401)1. I I; I 7 shelves, 1111,4 We0I1, A large 1)1(11 01' the f1(111'• 1I;luov; r ti,'pt. 17-14 -----\'_ --_ d1() meeting tau; decnlelj to nuuliripal kit :':u'dillc ::1"11111‘. i Ill. I •IS 'tax problems e,ith ) 91(111 1 )111)118)1) 00 , \I,trkdaln tiepl. IC -I i N() Extra rhea Or Coffee lax exemptions, 31ildnet '4I Int. I , I(; Threshing _ t Allowed (;dill,' 11 lamest slated ('hal following \bunt I'mr ,1 tiept. I; -I'; 'I'her1' %•(I1 he no extra Ira or coffee exte"sive s1)1)1)' the A')1(rintlmn 11;01 New 1I1(n 111re `O'pl. 1',-1'1 tttad,' excellent recomutdndaliun:, to Orangeville `ept. t:. -1i; ration allowed for threshing gang,;, I tie tl. Iz l:( according to 1he ('onsuuler ),ranch, I the Ontario Government tut that the , millid I \\amine Prices and 'Tracie Il Board, taller had not as yet taken t1)1itr I'ainlerst„11 '4cpl, 14-I.( Although a special ration of sofa' action to amend the Assessment :\et,',\yion wencher for l'1I• If u('('e;4;lr)• )hang): in the net Iia 110 , • `epi. '.1.:1 can be obtained by 1(x0 1101 made Mr. Hurst said 'the 1111- i('ulliii ,e0t ll Sept '2I "; au ial 411111111nrs 1(1' ':10 111110i1111,1111 10.; i I1Iayl„ll tiept. _',; will he weakened 811(1 a 1;11.g01' I'0rliun ' (1;111 tiept. ' I '- of the burden (if taxation still will ';(;18nd \'alley '401)1. have Io be e;u'ri(d fly 1110 small Inx' :I l;n ri wt„11 call..' I payer•; because of exemptions grana 'e1 ' 1.i. toel Ill. 'I 1muler the person! :tel. '1'11” small tax- I.ur1,u„%v `Mal. '"=_ 1 1 1. !I payer belay ,s seeking some definite .Owen Sonnei tiept. I; relief front the now high taxation 0f 4'ai :lt t' ;:'1)l. '24.21 land and buildings,' Port Elgin `1 '411, 711-21:' Listing of tax exempt preperl),'s'se;t'orth ti,pl. 9" 1 .'-i ,%vara recommended by Mr. 11111)1 sine' '41ra1fot•,j '4epl. _'I-''; lit 0ncourage4 re•examinalion of claims x'1'408 Sept. _2 I for exemptions all reveals the ('x10111 %u richtiepl. 2_1-1 of exemptions grated. "1','hen full i0- l'hesl,'y 1')•'1(2 3 formation and data respecting tax Arthur ((1'1. 1-'1 exemptions amade ade available to the Dundall, 1i1. -•1' members 1(1 ('ouneil, and I.1.111, pre y and 1)nngantion Ort. 1' 20 public, polici1.; 11111)' he I'0111nllat('d on poi-11\0dt Ocl. the soan(1 1)asis of 1;11,15 instead of 'I'(,,,sw•8trr nrl. 1; fancies', )1 r. lour -1 stated. Atwood Get, :Lau feeding threshing gangs, this will not 81)1)1) to lea and coft'ee, 11 is vitally important for Canadian; to stay 00 their rations in order to stake avail. EAST WAWANOSH \1r.:. James Taylor and daughter of , \\'Ingham spent a few days with her 'sister, Mrs. Alex McGowan. )I'. William Mills 01' Detroit visit• ed )lr. and Mrs. R. C. McGowan 0m AUBURN Divine Service in SI. \lark's Church at 10 a.m. 1114+. John 1ta1t1lb), (1110 is In her 7.-1111 year, suffered a fractured hip on Saturday evening when .she fell al her Moine during an electrical storm. A heavy clap of thunder caused h01' to turn and rush to another room and In so doing Mrs. Itaithby tripped and monthly 1't r'u'ng. fell to the floor where hIII` lay for )In;. Swallow of Saskatoon is vis- over all 110111' hefore a neighbor, )Irs. (III;; her Deice, NIrs. Leslie Johnston. Annie \Valper, heard her cry for help. \irs. N, Sheppard of Ilullett is %•is• The injured lady was removed to ,ting her sister, Mrs. F. Marshall. (111n1l'n hospital, Mr, and \ars, 14, C. 1lcG0wau left Nit'. and Mrs, Autos (tall received 1(m \\cdnesday for a months vacation a cable from their son, Stanley, on at the home of their daughter at Car- Saturday stating that he had arrived sonville, Michigan, safely oversea.). \' Private Charles Beadle of I' lichen. \•fsited with Mr. and Nit's. Harr) Beadle. Mr, Gilbert Mayes of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. \11.5, Peter Brown, tllyth, With 31r. and Mrs. \lafliand Allen. Ile recent• ly enlisted in the aa1'111)' and is at pres- ent station at Chatham. Mrs. Brown is making her home with her mother, Mrs. Stalker, at Myth, Nes. Lloyd Johnston and Jack Sprung, London, with their parents. Mr, and Mrs,, William Muich, Clin- ton, with Mrs, John Arthur. \I', and 311's. Robert Stalker have returned to their home in Flint after a week's visit ('il(h \I'. and Mrs. Maitland Allen, Misi; Laura Wagner, It.N., Syracuse, N,\'., with her parents, \I r. ;111(1 Mrs. Serve Peaches Often For 'Caste And Vitamin A This year an excellent crop of pe-achc:, 1:; expected in Moth Ontario and 13ritish Columbia. This fruit is not only delicious to eat but contains (considerable amounts of precious vitamin A. 'Serve them otter 111 their natural state ('while in season 11.111 call 11111111. titles for ('11111'1' months,' advises Con- sumer Section, Department of Agri - )culture. Peaches are a sweet fruit land 111 ay' be canned successfully In a :light syrup 1 1 cup sugar to 2 caps wat- erl. 1101110 economics experts of the department who have been testing and re -testing recipes in keeping with the ;mgar allowance, advise that if three- ' lions are followed accurately no one should lose a single jar. The recently developed 'V' peaches, —Vedette, Valiant, Viceroy and Veter- an, are now grown extensively in both east and west. The fruit is large, of good quality, septi -free t0 freestone, ion() largely replaces the Crawford. ('There Is practically a continuous sup- ply from the middle of August until J. Wagner. Miss Wagner has joined an army hospital unit in the United States. She is at graduate of the Stratford hospital and has spent sev- eral yea's in the United States. \I', and \f 1's. Gormley Thompson and 8011, ilohhy, 13rantpt(D, with rela- tives here, being accompanied 1101110 by :31r. and ND's. \Villiam J. Thomp- son, who will spend the week in 13ram pion. well Into September, the season fill- The majority of fanners have (.0111- ( fishing with Alberta, the latest rip- 'ploted threshing. The wort( war; 1';u (ening variety. int some dis-t'icts, par• fled on natal late every night, souse• ticularly in LLC'. the Vedette Is pre. times Iter than 9 p.m. Many storie-s fcrred for canning ptu'poses, while the !have boon told of the splendid spirit \'a11(i11 seems favored for canning un. 101 neighborly 1'0 -operation which Inas der Ontario conditions. prevailed during these trying tinges. Following are two methods found Reeve Thomas \\'ehster, of \Pest most satisfactory. in the oven meth. \\'aWanos11, experienced hard lttcic 01) 1l was found hest to precook the %'Iter 111 the middle of his ha•w(1't fruit before packing in jars. More t'uslt he became ill which prevented fruit can be pacleed in each jar and hint from acing other Ihan light work. 1t help'; to prevent darkening often 111, \V(1hrter farms • 200 acres, and found In the oven method. three teams of hor'ies work 1n relays, ICanned Peaches (Oven Method) Select firm, ripe peaches. Immerse in boiling water for 3 minnt.co. Cold dip, peel and remove pits. Pack hall/ - led or slice(( peaches into clean jars. Fill with boiling syrup (1 cup sugar to 2 cups water, boiled 3 minutes). . Pertially seal. With ('vire clamp jars adjust the top clamp but do not spring clown the lower one. With screw top ,jars screw tight—then unscrew half turn. On vacuum jars adjust metal clamps. Process in water bath for 20 minutes, couu'ting the time from when ('water begins to loin. Remove from water bath and tighten tops. Canned Peaches (Oven Method) S^leer firm, ripe leaches. Immerse hi boiling water for 3 minutes, Cold dip, peel and remove pits. Simmer in syrup (1 cup sugar to 2 cups water) 111 open kettle for it minutes. Pack 'tot fruit into clean, hot jars aid fill with syrup. Partially seal. \\'ith wire, clamp jars adjust the top clamp but ' do 1101 spring down the lower one. Willi screw top jars screw tight—then unscrew half turn. On vacuum) jars adjust metal clamps. /10ceas In 271'1 degree P. oven for 20 minutes. 14"” - move from oven and tighten tops. In Many cases the woolen folic have conte to the rescue. On the farm of J. J. ltobcrt;on, Colborne, a 12 -ace' field of oats yielded well over Ano bushels, or SO bushels lo the acre. A retired farmer in oar village, \\'II- lIani J. 'Thompson, wlio is It Itis 72r11 year, 11110 to his credal the building of a stack on the farm of Ills son-in-law, Mark Armstrong, \\'est \Vawanosh, while \d r, Armstrong and Clarence Gibbings hauled the wheat from the field. 31 's. A. McCool, Clinton, with 31 r. and Nits. \V, 'T. Robison. \U'. and MI's..101)11 Armstrong and daughter, Carol, have taken tip resi- dence in the village. Jack Harrison, Toronto, with Mr. and \f rs. Fred .1. 00014. Aged Woman Recovering Mr. and Mro, \V. Il. Sheppard and son, TIonla,s, have returned from a vacation at Toronto, Brampton 111111 Peterborough. Mr. S'heppard's 010th- er, who is in iter 83rd year, under- went a critical operation in a Toronto hospital last week and is making a remarkable recovery. She i(; well- known here, having visited with the Sheppard family on different occae- Ions, Empty Shells Enl!Ity shnlgwl shell; and rill" ('al•tridges '011tain 181111)1)10 ((.n' metal an 1 :bnu111 he horned in for sag age. There are very new, it' aan)', poor troops this year, m811) of 1110111 hying better than average. 'I'Iere .;gonad be Men, Woineii Over .40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality ?, 1) '-, uruk, n,ngnun, 1Jm04u'd rnndillnn mnko yon feel farKrdm,ddn•lrr, general u(( -n nf1l,r nalnl annsr 10. Supplies Iran, .1,01 1. phn.phnrn vitamin 111. 11- 1" 3.4)0.1 nurund pep, elm. canlll1'. In- t ruiners) nbr n -I n•1' '1'nn r 'I'nhh•t:+ only abn. I'"r n(lr at all glint) drug NI ,,res rt', ry a herr. 1' - 10 shot tage o1' feed this winter, as Ilio SAVE FOR YOURSELF—AND HELP WIN THE WAR hay crop a'a4 also a fine one, l: t tti`; 60-e "I tell my family that cis long as Jack is overseas, we'll eat hash and liko It." "W1: ARE at war. Itcosts lots to win. It would cost everything to lose. So 1 don't figure thatbecause we'll so(111 pa ' a small amountas compulsory savings, I can fold 111y hands and clay 'Ti1at's that P No sir ! Some ))e0P1e may need compulsory savings to save something for their own good. hitt that's the minimum. I'm out to salve all I can to buy Car Sittings Stamps and Certificates to hell) %viii the war and have something substantial prat by for the days when there won't he all this work and overtime," 'l've christened my garbage can 'Hitler' and believe me ho doesn't get anything that's worth anything." rt, Buy ir'ar Savings Stamps frons. druggists, banks, post. offices, telephone (ifjices, depart - men t stores, grocers, tobacconists and other retail stores. Certificates may be purchased for immediate (irlirery in denominations of $5, $10, $25 from banks, tryst companies and post (Wires. National \Var Finance C:ee ,•,ittre ,Vednescrlly August, 26, 1912, 11,,,41 :, I,1'CILI' UM 11i114'i1'I'R E WINGIIAM-ONTAIUIU. 4' '1.11l'0 Sliovti Sat, Night Thure.'-Fi i.. Sat. --Aug, J8 :17 Laraine Day, Barry Ne!s !n, "A YANK ON '1'111. ItURil1;1 ROAD" 11111,141';'1"I' 111 111,1 II Ilri;'.I;IIu .11:'1 I .ii'I, t;• ,I ill 1'111' 11'41 .I 1!,I :II poll lin'; Intl \\Irl ,it Illi• Ionil. in' .1: \VIII. 11111. JAM' a 11111} n, f l 11 1 111 1'\tl 1t1,' ••II 11';4 1I I.srI1alVI .11 u,' 11( \ I'I' rt. '1'111 or +vim i- ongri1�i +I by 1!11' I';uu •, Lei+ .11111 .I u h Ilrn'/ r.4ir TRE STANDARD 71 r Plage 6. MAR1 IA(,ES 11'liE1;i,1:R - I.AN1. \ Ilrl'll�' 01 ,Illi;, 1c r•. 4,110 :nuiJ4'11 III I.II,I(II(i\\ in 1In1It,'II 111111 11 ('ha ell, (u 1,Iniday rifliin uul. at aj 1'c'ct�'jr'!G1i''•'.'P', ! 0114'•"tl::l�lm 1`w{ ,w lvicra4�"Y!t!i4i,eS�. tii 1+{'i !�r(ee(t!) ! I ( .,. .��--..._•r e; +e a eicctc c ekccteietcteieret •atatcicictovatetotcietc(eta i'1 ROXYIII 1:A'1'It1'4, • CAPITAL 'PIIEA'1'RE REGENT THEATRE R y CLINTON. GODERICH,SEAFORTi(. ii Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mon„ Tues,, Wed. -Two Features ri Dorothy Lamour, William Holden Gloria Warren, Kay Francis r Now Nam(); 'htell1apoppin' with Now Playing: Jack Benny in id Olsrn and Johnson. NOW PLAYING: Bruce Cabot in: _ CHARLIE'S AUNT WILD BILL HICKOK RIDES Moa., Tier, , Wrtl.-N,,Two Features Lupe Ve,le', Loon Errol, Buddy Rogers and Zasu Pitts 1 , nn '1 ,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,ii In i iia -.1 and Jinlmy Dorsey's Orchestra and Walter Huston, ,1'\,,) !II j,lio - I' .\ iwn and I;IJ1111x11 ,i,,,,i,lg• ,t ll• 11 , r tl 14 itllll'1};:1111.1 1µ.711111i 1•III ,, ldllr,iiiniil ill til \ 1(1'1111 Spit f I I'(''ti Dill)}' ! I, hql in I4 nlu.jr:ll 1,11111111" . 1; 1,11111*'rnorl„ "Always In My Flcilrt.,, GrIACIE FIELDS IN ALSO: GORDON HARKER IN: j,, -.•„ n t-IU4•n 4 741';1 tt 1111111r'r'll \I„tills r W dai4'11I1 r ) 1' .\1 I' and 1I1 • 11"1111;. 611 1, ;I I'1`' 1111', 01' 1,11.11 II(IN, 1111:11111' 1141' 111'lIl �4i'.•1 111 pilot a 114'4'1 III II'11,''• 1111th,=, \II 'I'. til' "11 1/1 11;11'1111/11.1.1' illr'11111. ('I AJ I'. (ir01';;.' (1"1411\'111 \\'11ri•I,I 111 6( Itam!wi 111 I';uu4. Lin!; 4=4 Hi ,l l\I, r; nl nl Nil.' 111111 \Ir• II 'r W Inn1 ;114'1 ILu1y 111'111 lux' visiting in 'J og Also TravclLill( and News ,1, J I1'jlOInlnn. 0' 1 \\'111'1.1.' , 1 l 111.1}Ili\,•. pr 4Matjneo Sat, afternoon at 2.30 p, 111.4. t. \11. awl \Ii-'. ,11111'44 Scull and f a it1• (i, (i, 11144'51' Ufllrl;llxll .Il III t•1` ; 4J ;; Mon„ Tues., Wed Aug. 31, Sept, 1-2,t 1. AIL Tracy, Hedy '_111111111 •10 114 ;it1' 4i !;1111; 111leli\1" 1m11113'. Ill' 14 I- ;i'.*.1l•11 I,y 111.4•. .1. Cir John Garfield in 1' 11r. 4'111,1 .111 1•..11 111511111, 1111 I1;411111- IL I'u\4111<I'nll. rlln1'11 14;0-• 111,11• "' I'Olt11' 1 141,x'1 Ir I4Aril!! .1, Ii,ii 4 'l1 1111111'11' III N•I I''1)'. full.' II I'I'lll'lll' 11 \111 it. *'1:111 I'I 11 };1111110111 +Tho 511113' is;IIL111.1'11 111 1111 AIL' ,I:,lul,: .\ 11:111 ::.11111' 4111, 1)1 III .T- NIl.ly 111;:,1 ;Intl 01'111. ! QQ 1'111'111.1'';'1; 11111'4'1 '1 I 11'11; et 11,11 1','Ii ill II111'111;;,' 11 0'. III Lel) (1i \\;III � I ) ilrl' 111 1111' "Hall li lin:; 1 iIL41,)' in 4VIlir11,t, d 111111113'' i', 1111,, 1',1!111111 ;1111 1 144'1,11;111 .I ,1111•!011 0hn 11)0 1)11414' 0'144 111I'lhi n 4g' ;Hall µ,1r1; ;I IIrI'• ' I '-1111 •. 111141' \ 1;:11111 I'1'1,1111'r� Illi1•e rotlll'lll'll wiljli' r 11111 111141 lacy, 41, -1:111'41 1111 ALSO CANADA CARRIES ON, iljn, 111'/1 in la......on. (ilrThin r:lrrioa 5114'0-1'1 '..1 vi ;4 0;01;. 00.;..;..;.1141 •:.1:11r.;. J. J40 r', J.. 1111....4 yr. 404;u,..:1.;..0. lulpjll('1 of 14'11111 III• -I'+. \' I .\li;r, Itu1n1•lila 1.:110 ;111,1 \li-.; 11111111 BEI,(i1Zi V1; ('ANA1)A A'1' WAR I ane, 'nil h nI Iwo:slims. si,IIrr lit' t1),' 1)11411', 0'11 n' Illi' brill'. 'ma <. Tho '1'1)" ,\iglu -i nu -ling ,.f 1111' 110'L'I,I',o i . I lininilli11n of r'1`1;tin 1.1.11 111"'l f"111,r \V.I.'. I;0\1•111 1 111 1/1111; ,It.'',' 11."111111'1. III Aj11111' 14,1 • 111111 ;11 1111, 111.1 •rte l,Illw41' -, IIll•I4l liiI 4 :lipoid' alnl 4';i 1111111/ 141 All':•. 1'. \1', :;,'nil 111 \\•.t4Y;1- 1"n4'1'lllinli 1'•'.. atlnoalt4'i 41 tit' 11111E fltliV*'r' ;slid n\Y,xl pr 1440 '1'111 IIIII,'1' I,t+•11y!'.' n! 4 11.11 15;11' }' .. Ion -11 1111 '1'111 -11:11' ;1!!1'1'111, 111, ,\11 (1' 4 I1011'1'. ,\liiii-Irl' of 4111111111ill, Anil 11'011' 111111 4411141' 111111 I';II'1'i411 a ^11111\'1'r.)41 I'llll',i'I' ;011111-. I,:Ir!iiii 1'-in;Hla, 1'':1111 ,\nIJrI,,,,p 11i1 111•'7.1.11111. 0;1• jli lnpp!y awl ;o-ijn:; J!ini;1,'11 of 'I'1.a1;- hulljii'I 111' pin14 ruri.,. !i4Ilaj11l plans- ;!r1' -111..114 11 11111 1,11-h chart' 111111 opcni 11 1111' 111111 Ijl.:', 111 1111 111411 , I \Ili KI'11111'I11 1v4i '1'1(.1, 11.1',,\ 1''., i4' -mil Iliallllil' 1v11a• 111.' 111,1111111' ( 1111, ' "HUH I. 1 ill 11% I)111.:•rtnl' of 1 :Il'llilll', (Ilii11"-, 1'-, \V I'4 11)" 1/1.11)111:. I/ "'1'111; SII(>11' GOES ON", "TIM 1� 1414J4'1"S 1N" "SA LOON I3AR" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday I Ir ',• r .141,- 111„ 1'I', :II, ;,,111 Marlene Dietrich, Randolph Scott , Frances Farmer, Richard Dix and li' ,•.1 111 111,111 ;III in Int' 11111 and John Wayne. Brod Crawford 14,11,41 f,1l Ill- \'1'I!' 1x11111\ Ilii• iII11•h1111111r,I 1IIIII:411,'1-'.11'11,111 .-111ri'lIIIII',•' ill Ifo \ I;,;u'.I' mus! advi.ntllloil� Thrill- aring )' "1111(1 13111 I1iCk()1( hides" nl Ihi, Inr}' (1f i1)„ VIII roaring 3'11111. 11'1•,! e "Iiadlancls Of 1)akota" , Bruce Cabot, C7nta ice Bennett, Warren William and Betty Brewer "'I'11 _I: SPOILERS" Comjnrg- Henry Fonda and Olivia COMING: THIS ABOVE ALL de Hav'land in 'The Male Anima!' 1 A Zanuck Hit. Mat,: Sat, and Holidays, 3 p.m. 1 rT,f--117 yVed Sak H ' Holidays, 3 p.m, Mat,: Sat, and Holiday': at J Ja p.m. 411 ,. - ?1114?.<I/n,�i2icl�12r:11orFtr2r�;c,�,�4d.o',r,24vi�r<•1`i;�i�tdl�:�i�(�,:�12;a;a,3ieral%r8) COMING: Ann Sheridan in: 'JUKE GIRL' 111;1110 1'1 If.. 'I.,. 11 1111 III'llla- rd jnln !illy 111'''1". 'I'r.-111,) 411!11 ;i1• 14'11111 11111 l'hrrlllil'11:-. 1111' 1'11111)1 !' (-di N;Illnllal .1111111 :11 ;141.1 lilt' j„11'll'. Nlllnlla I 1111 :'1111 ti)I'\'11'1, 1111,'~ III 111;111. 11'4'1' 114411,'1'? 1,1.1'1 ill'. 11. I1n\4'• j 11141 1'i !1)1' +'1'111/ j- 1111^n' ,•!'1 ; It,.!i .-._.._- I'I,I\*'r. I"1)1 11111111!4'•. 1,f thx pl,'\jl II-.. 11mIII ':it. Ilial National rtgj:lralIOli ul '(111 ni' 11'11111;,nl :Intl 1'rn(1•.1lr I'. i,� 1H1V. r 11111)' ;11111 1'--''.-141 !11'11 114!„- NEW CORN BINDER FOR SALE 111'•111111; 0.4'11, ;1414,111. 1. '11111 roll 0;111 110111,11 14.111 :.41, 1 i':11.11 14 S,'pli'ulhul'. , '1'I 1'1111'' 1 NI 44 1'1111; 1143'. \j1 •, ' 01 1x4 1 .iii', 1111413' 1'11!• j,,.1,1.,,1.,'..11I \l;�',,.4' 11 iii- 4'4'111 I'' 1111+ 1111. pnn'.1r 1 to 41•It ll "11111' 41'414 111 1'1'11111 \\'II 1111',•, Ji11,1•a 1.1, 441-!.1' of jli!o 1':'111 41•,,1 pr,111:1 I. 11141"I'. 111111' I it t unHll'i;•1111 r-1 Hall 111111 c 1! 11'•1','.. ,\!,ply 10 ,I;ldi "\Val. \Ville)) 1 1,11 Mini 111, ll,ljl'i,' h, ',,,, \I'jviiii,,, 14 \v1;I TT) 4 11 la's IN. 4111 hrillog,roonl, plllc'11 Ilii 1V„Iliijn; I 4141 public,' .111 jll\':l lI! :4 14' 1'1.11 Ihr 11!11.4, .I 111111 w\Vl'!' 114.4.41 is :,n,' 1111 in -ii. 11"140 ,11011` I - \ \1'1'11'11. 1'11.111,• I.' I:I, I!1t'-1,, =h I I 11111111. 111'1 ,0011 IVa 4111'1 \\ 114)4 1 1110i11 l!rau,'li 011 Sr11101111111' I, 1'11444 nl 1110 I'tIlIdi 111 war•<hi 44 and .111' 0'111,' a rnr-411/)1 41f 'Palinuln! ' , ! Judice Of hent s Uealh Is ;1111'1!11 I! p:u'lull'ul „.1,;„,..,11111) 1'111 :1 Kir;41l111 Orriv ;11 I:Hi i•Jt 1 1'111' rrrr'pllnn 4V;1< 111'141 111 Ihi' 111,111,' Loss 'li I1iiite(I Nations FOR SALE - y11:111::. 1!"'',11 1)1,111:1111 ('1414' ''Il 1`l. \1 ,4 111111'-. .\; 1,13' 1„ 1; •4,._ ( 11,11 In :,II. It I; 1 1' r 1111 1111. 1111.)1 I. \ I,III' \Vas .t1.0 load (lo',•i)ti; Ihi ;\Ila 11111 41111,113' In 111, In, SCHOOL SUPPLIES Orr < 1):' laid 1,11 11)1 I'lII !iri-; it, of 11:1;1 and 11.1/1111 I"i 111111, 4411 14v,, 111!1 of Ihi 1)11411'5 Irlu'1'ul+ 0'1)111 AIr44, 1'111 114141)'11 11)'.1111 un 'I'nlsllay, nj \''rnrx \41111' -11111'11 ,11141!!'• ;II Ihi Lanr' rlrriv.II 1,1.41;11 11 :1 ,Ir' -s 01' ituvv ! Ihi 111111 of K, 1I, i- a ;;11111 j,1,' 1lnn41;ly 11011,1. \1'.• IIli11• a 11'1. 11 \val' 1aYlll:; I'illVfjla4'- ;lnt1)rig; 111.•11- Inal'i111 ;111,111;� 111 ronin. to 111'1' II1u1114'rl'V;11N"1111,' 111;11'141111.0.1.11111;11.11,1c111 1'11111/1 111 ;1•110(11 111•,x..; It . 111;'111) II 141 nor I'n'u II ;1;1,1111 411'Ir,all', In Ihi 1 \Ylth nwtclljng 1110 I11 151141.1) I':nlpirl', 111111 I.4 IIII Ihi 1':1, X111,1 1, 1!111:1 nn. 1'111j1illllo Int Ill.. 1111111,11• t ;unallian \\'11j:1V N4 0 414 ,i' .\ 51111 I• 111 t; Iri1' Thi' 1)ri41'g rwnu's 11111411• j l'niloil Nation,, Ili,; \Olio Ir1IV'lIj)i ELECTRIC r` TOASTERS i31T1' NOW WHILE Ili': LIST (no ino1'e available) PRICED F It011 $3.95 '1'0 $ 1.50 li r"1 '4 r 1n 1111:- III„ lino. it'll 111 4 11111',4' of III,' 111111 _,ilii ;\111111:1! I'nll\'111111111 rnll*'111414' ,'I' 11()11 IlllYy 111111 illi!! 41'1114 ' :1)11'1' j 1'S p) 1'11111.1. 111,1:1111 1111 III; I;11"1Vh'*Igx 111'--- ,:11 t C7 41':111 III'Ilxlllll ;11'11 -(111'1)`-. *"144111III44 x1111 11'IIIp1'I';Illli 111` ul (111111' 1)0oks iitI'i.11llil' In Mak.' x 111'111111 11)11' -' C, T. Dobbyn !i 1.; 1vi1II Alai- 1111. by a, rra4onin. cl 1!11.1•' day =1'<,j0i 111 1a44L'111"11. 1!11 I'n' li 1143' nlrul:ll, r•, J'1111s1' 0'1)11 a'- i-1"II \\'111 Alr:•. I?. 11111(15 Inn.. hurl 1)x1'11 1111 1111 401)1. ;I<• ;111 ,0ulpll'IP. II Iho 1)11111) cunt lin, hal?(?421?,2121?r913r2;�121r?121.21?(217117.?i?. 1111 girl- I'" ii vim, 11,.,, \11111-l.1 ,111111, ; i.. 114411\ II"1 h l�"1 11'1111 (i.lrllrll 1;111;1411' 11111.5 (i. /1inn, ,\!I•� \13'1.411• ,1111 )1 4),?, \Il �j,1 11,, jn Ihi tlill'1'!j;111 of 11)1 wor. „5!111 sh111,, 111111It •„11111 awl 14'1111.11 1"* 4;14'1 , 111 an income IIt\ 441.111111"111 1101 hall 1111'11 ,011111: 11':11 in IIHI11' Inii ra111p1)r11, \Ijs< 1,;11,1 1`.a Ai nu and III' 01144 a y'nnng 1111111, \'Ary acljV., 1111111 141 !lo' 111.;lrl,t 111:11,1 111'(1.1'. !1)1 111)1 t';III,l)II;III 11111'.1 ;141 ';4•, Hwy 1;111(1 ;I' 44114'11 011)1; a Vxl'y ilnJ441'Ia111 Ih'ii l i1111j:•,'4 11' 111,1', ;11'1'!1'1 111"1 ;in"' pr) in!. \li•' 1'1'4111 1 111 1 11- ' \Ifs- Iterna41in. :111011, 4}.1) 11, 4vo i,' 111'4, I' .<,14', 1! 1)11111'x' III Will 1!11' I'ol' 1)11' II',I\'1'11111} (')rllllllt' Ihi 1'11!1' in 1 h 11'3'111 1'4'11111 111' 1!11 111111~. .;1111144. 1;11;1 1111• honk In on. I'lllloll i' Alii' Il.lrtlln sial,:- "1 *•,lupi'. Nsorr r.1'Iyinv. ell Iho prolx(•!. Nh1' 1)11411 \Vero ;1 5111( ;toll 1111';411 of (4';11'11 I I';u'Iicu Luly 14 44 1)1 1111.11 11'11 in 4'001,1', al.n 4411, s111 1111' 11"0 of i1111ni114 ;11111 T. IL('.A.1'. h11ps to '1.4111 1111x.111• 1)111. Ilrilt:, jxrs,')' ;111)1 , rorsag;,, of Ihi d1'1.4'IOpuo'nt 11 ;lir li 4) 44pnrl;Ilj"II 4,104 lug 1egolI!, 1'44, She , 1 4, ,41n4ph'11' hank 44114111115 fi44' x01- 1 I Ill' al�ll gay). ;I 1'1111' Inl' !;1'1`;11 II}'1111/ I''}i'li'' -44144 N'lll,'h ',ink I'4'^)44. :11111' 111(111' 11`1 11 11 1 11 8 trill 1� iIII'ill, Ihr 1;1;1 I:I 3'1;11'5. and 44111,1 !111 111141 ,rl'Ir< (1I' 14111 a411�. 1111)*' 41,1111111 11114'41 nu 111111:11-; 111:11;1/11'-.'1111 1'11141:1 �''al(s ;1;113' ;i' r,n•0(' sxnll Ali', an41 Alrs, \\1,"111',. 1,.111 live ;II 1u'glnning t)0 tilt, %val. ha(' iaiwn an I Iir,•I 111 I 1 :111 11 ,1'111•, innlpl'is,' 11111' .111x! (I;; II \' 1 I' '`'11 I"111,!'1:'!1' :I 1)111'•'11111- "\i`I' !:1111111 1..1.:11". '1'll It"e 1:•1 11.'1111' SI l'''''1. 1.01111"11. I'1'I'1-!II('1'1n Sing 1,11)11•, .a ,114 ,.!,..,...,,,•...... ::14'rn 1111 II 11111 111111'1' 144'11 11111' u' 11111411 a Ihi 1111'. 1'!11 '4 inllplil'; l'loll r1111,'r ,\11111 Ii, i old Ihi p.m.! 11 \\•;Is playing in \1'innji4 0'0 lain 1 51)111' 1_'11 14'111/1111,4 1:11.1). h Ihi %var, ill ('1 l; r 4'55 \11111) 4vl111011ml 041,1 Williamsond1r'larus rihhor 441111;111011 Tho fiat .;hilt. rolnrerl 1111, is for ul ire 1!11 0111 ;11)11'11'4 411 ;ljhnlx,l fur 1:. 11111 inlpr)V'1 and 51111) s Ihnl Ina- „ , ' r r, 1 , syullalll\' 111' I,4' !111114'11 0'111 ,o INi•ell IVI;ti1 C011l'lei.s (!tithe!• m1'14141:4- 11)4 0'1111!14 ;111)1 111f141ri.1. 1111!1' ,ll�al'. Ihi .;11111111 ':;part :1,' I'(1r 4111 o', : • ',4'jll,. .1 Irl. 1)'Ill 1141 4'.;1'; SIT (r,1 1 111 11d x'1)11: 11 i It of 11.1. '))1 for 4 ')'la1 41rnl'Ir1, 11'1)1 4'11)11: iiug'e Sloelc Of Ri1l)I)el' ScI•11l) this 1Vi.rl( the 'I'urontu 11'x11;13' tar Pn11rg1nr}' i1`} t1): lir-tx as i+11'11 11}' 11 a+ I'ri:- pulpa x: is r'-11111111. luupwls in 1115. further rul!uning is 113'0 \`.'111111 1 (mil)44 p!etur,'s 111' OH' Il iytl family, n,c,ss;u'y in the 11151 six inunll1- '1101; and )liiril'I Hopp .r. ! !4. ('.una41ian slril,'n,; 011111 of 'von. \\'4th rural mail Iniri:'1`s ;)i ling ;IR 1!1!4-011 .\l111-tl'4111g n!' N,'4Y IIIIII1.)))44 44! dr:ihl1' 517,,1' 1111114'1' AI;Ii•11' 111'1111'11 111' 111 4Livag;l' I'l)ll*-'I:11'44, Ihr' 1.11111 as a gl'0110, .11111 01 hors (11 Ihi I)llI' IlliliIII ,molt.; do Ji01 Ilnrnnilly t•I - !Ions Iho \VI''I(•1n111 111 1)j= )tuna' 111'11:', .1. H. 11 '1111S Innployx41 ill 1'nj1111 Na` 1.111)1)1.1• Ih•ivr which open*J .1ngu:;t ;111,1 Iluch)',s hull their 1;1111113'. !hi. 40'• 11111 110.1o1'f1(` 1111444or for ren 11 I c htl(hanl Jam. JI,1'n'll ,'t Toronto, is ;lion - lion, smash holland 1111114 spearhead at 21 in outlY111, 111.11!; of 11111/1.•!0 null c;ls{on 0.4:44 Ihi. clu'islxuiu, mf I11°!r'undo). 12, and Ihr 1)11;1141 said Ih;lt if !n1`; ;t 1W0 11,11; V l'atljm11 111 Ili': 1)1 :111' Nazi 111 Id Vrxncll Mullin. of I)jrpp). 411111)11 i.; l'ri1;ln: to 11111111 0 1111/115. ynuuglsl rltild, 1111'x. { lo, ;u, 11111111 11:;1111'1 s11n idrnns 1 .1(• NN'11111.1 11 1\'hil'l,'r, If.('..\J', of '1111.1 ' ,: !P'eicr y ar,,crc'o'rci,!c'c4:ielmgr vciv„ t Monuments. 2 � 1g y To Ihnsn cnnl4Inplatittg bund- Ing 1t 'onnnipit . , , Get my I4 prices before buying. Cemetery' , DP Lotter:". a specialty'. A() 'Nork Guaranteed, ej r John Grant la CLINTON MARBLE AND h n, 1� V GRANITE WORKS f0 i,, JLINTUN - ONTARIO. ri:1 �11 Successor to Ball & Zapfe. 12 3.2.;3a34"c.e1a:!./174DiDiD4a121ai?1`)lal:rDi%)lilit! , an\' 1 i „oil nnilr'r 1110 4),)' 1'('1'4,1\'*, (II) paper 101 II ('halfflur to brine; ing Vari('ly of ,.IIL•111xr arll'lr's 111 out '111)1 1)111;1', 111(41 In ;I pl;lne )'1114411 1V• 1114-111104',' shills, 11ty 4411011,1 be re. him and Ili:; frh'ii I 10 t1)!,; Vi('inity, tis' 4Innnn'I r1s1111nt' 1111.1 country Pr Norl 1)?' 81011:11(1 0•,111 111 1)!s way Inrn•I to Iho rill ion nl'fi'e, ‘Villi 1111 ,.lionlg six ;lpplj1'aljon44 (111' 1111 jr044i- :4,1111)', 1 ,,,hxx, > 11111 Ihi. O'rek,,ll,l 1).1Yr 4111;.1113' Ilc11(14) ono' Ihiril )1f 110'eliers I'nr rnllrrlioi ;ted (I:'stlto1 to 1 ,1)101 on ;I iniiiiary 111js-jell, 4.111!11'1 11111111' ;tn(1 ag,' ;til,i(ii'd. 1 ! I int 11111 1Vaa Chuan 01141 Ihi 1/;11.13' 11 r. 111 Ili; ,4;1111' Ilse ;Ind 1141 '1111x41 III, (.Aman ;I1)' for:'t 111,1)1.1 -plant. rid use in l'amida's 1Yv' pl'n'Iurtjon, .\Il nl,)r ()cc:Wants of t1)* plane Ill• Vivo(' at Ihi old ,0 1111444 1/141 nn I1)) :(11) nr111111gi. nl his Ilrnahlr, linlllii., Ir, rtri'ngih 111 Ihi 011''1 I Mail c.ui•J1cs in 11,101 11,'44) prosIii•►141) 11 tli 1111 - -1'-- ,1.11nr1's,iun 1111 11'0....l 11';11Yuuosh 1)114 miss \\.inniii,i,11 1'111". jt. .\,I11.ii.iil nn' II, Primo AJjni-tor ICUs alnnun(i.^ co.-; aro latsy with f1)) tail( of picl(iug 1lenrgo l'iii1•;11.11 .U15ander Edmund, �,rr AI. 11154 morning t1), 1'hnuff(nr 1)11,1 up and bringing hi to local salvage 11.11,11„ Ilk. 11111;t' of Keit, 1':arl 01' SI, ' (� 1 h 1311'thdily (lisippr.u'r41 and has 11111 boon 1)1111,1 of 11111!113' Illlrrnnllll. u(w nu 115111.'5 of 14'1111111 oY1r Haul g \11:44 11114 \1(!1.1111 1101 on .\land;lV IllnVt'r ;11111 lVoII:I1po0•lr 411'.1:;11,1! In depots 1111 the scrap rtild11 ;Irll)l"ti .-1n41rrlvs and Harm! 1100'np1(ri1h,; 1!11 of -\11)111.115 11's(•I(IInn'll 1Y'441-~'4111,). 1.1 is r)t'III,d that the l4)ninp," 1104.0 all hit 4'141.3' old, Ihi. V.'ry young 11(44,1 for 'olltcllon at rural mall. 1111)1111 son anis 1'181) chill! or King (1TH?`, Airs, 1)0110!11 l'alt)rsoll, on of Ih.j,. arrival Ihr yning rhuufffenr for 1.01,41(,0 whir. slll' 0•ill all gill )1111 111501)1';l, 1)x1)!1141 Ihr \•a) I'I'I"?i'I. 1ox, . 1)Is,ardld 1!11*; 11141 111))1' G1'nig1' V and (21))111:10% 11'05 horn 4 111,' lIIy r"r.i"),1 rongratillali"415 111 null xni11iri,'. ;is 111 t1) distance to 11)15'111 .44 ('ill, go, - .1 114, 1)1,1)0'113' and to Port .11h1'r1. Trinity (''1)111,'11, -1 1 '11()1:11 I(',cliOsc 0f Mooll . 11V1114. 4 )'114 ice in 7:311 p.nt. USE THE STANDARD TO ADVE(- TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, OR FOR SALE, • • from cars and trarl)rs aro rolling in to salvage hludglt ltlr; to he r" (laime:I and rr'!u'uc(sr;)tl into vital 0;)11 goods, Also jn Ihi (n11)01ion arr '1'11 , (' 0.1)0 la'111)'IIl.III'xlI In Ino.; 111 In ho round 4)111 !I 0•al,r hlllI10s, on Upcoming. 201 IL 1l11'2, Ihi 0(ra;jln4 of her 45th 1111!1)4103' Iland'om*'44t of 1ht. pri14444, Kti,l 441)1(1) 44111' x11ihra1'd ;)t tilt. home of (411;111' rls,11h1'41 I1). I1111x of \1'111(1- ,hor ;nn, Itoy I';IIIerstm. 1111100 ('0111113' `411' ill apps;ll'alivo. III llnllp'r;111111Il ;IIII! ' 1'111,111('x1' ;11 liodol'i('JI. \11:ii, !';)II*'I's'1t 1'.0,11 was 1111 ()Ther', 1'111'- i, enjoying good 1)111111). swimming4111)1.:, fly•s\v,1ter<, 1111:1)11 mite hrnther. I)i.stinet 1101 ;1 naval Alr4, I';Ilt'rsnn ‘vi)4 furnlerly' Eliza41;13' 111;;1)1 'Illy 411111 it 0;15 p1'i'f t't• Not hafting snits and rtunling shots. 101111•, I'i'ji*1 lir 1' ', ns lei. 41)1'11 11.144 Lnurlucr• and (auto .lo ('anada with, (;ra{t harvesting, one of 1111 Bigg;est. n 411)10i :Y101'11011 4111' 11)'1\' 11'1)1 1;'111/5° 1'v* "y old rnhhrr article ! 4 n0141441, called, passed 1hrongll Iho usual severe 10'1 panni.; whin ,fust a young girl. dohs IIi litany ('1lsons, is bell4 vnd to course )1f training 11 the Royal Navy She 0.1144 lu;u'I'ied on ,lune 211. 1472 4114. 111)411 completed lit this 411511X4. t'ollr,l at (lsiun'l( un11 Ill, 1itiritIllilh \Ir. I"(Iti'rsnn 1/4)4-4-1'11 aW;ly in 1!12,1 and I, barely a (1443' .(;0144 Ily 11ow that you slid! and In 11i. course \V1144 44jnr4 1hrn \Ir:<, I'allcrson has lived '411111'1 1')P a IhrP,hIng oull'lt going to Ile was Inn O'iIll 1)111 lamjly. l and fro Through 111011. yo:1104 for ser1'Ire in Ilio 1111111 11'i1. Loral (')1mhjn) owners report a sur- plus of 144rl(, 1101 !ming ahlr' to get to all 1 h places requesting thein, vitittgors 1144at1d The work for a 11,V,Incier .\11l4Irsnu, of 'I'oronlo, a 1')4• of ilk, farmers 113' turning nil forum!. rrsidont 114' \\1151 \Vaw,n,sh !h) )l'i'nings In 44141011, and out csliII1lli and his friend, \Ir. Itarhonr, also of ' 1 2nn acres was 0,1 resell of t111i1' 1'111011141, 1:1V1 11.111 :111 11 1111s11111 .xp.rj- toil. H'ir'e 51111'1 )11111111, 1111' 11 44.ek.1 41)1';)- 11111'11 of 111(' _;1':11), 144 ('IIII 111 1111' lion at Iho old lull. in \list \\':Hwa- 011111, \railing In hl' (1nok411roslied, nosh. NIr..1n41.r44)n is 111:1111 1,1 drive a 11411)1141 0'1)1111 :1054' seems -lo hi' gain. Ili< 4)11'41 '111• ale! -„ a*111'rllSi.il ill a 1114 in popularity, III(' 1114'11 ),11'4s1' of 111r 1110011 on 'I'11" ;• HARVESTING OF GRAIN -. IS OVER 111'11.1 ;11•oiu41 1 1 111 1110 (.1•)11jng;, ,41,' 1/...0414 ..,,1,.-61 ,. -I . J .Ir , .1 1 .1 , , ,. 111,. . . r, . er ' i?u epairs Early MANY n men has come to grief by waiting too long before ordering repairs for his machines. We maintain a McCormick -Deering Repair Service for your benefit, and under ordinary circum- stances we can meet your requirements. But why take any chances? A delay now may throwyou, behind later. Join the increasing number of fore -handed men who insure against emergencies by making repairs 1 before the machines are needed. And while you arc at it, make your insurance doubly sure b pur- chasing only genuine I H C repairs for your GUI,. , tuick-Decrii g machines. , DOHERTY BROS. Sales and Service. 131y1h, Ontario. McCORMICK • DutritING LINE 44n\' 44aiVag1 01 trials. polntll'g out Mal the drive, 511), 141111'11 10 0:141 Sop• Ire:' 111 •1, 111,1114115 Ihi 1,11114'11' day gni•'1 ("`p:'C1111111y 111 (' '4)' 41111 :ill old ra.1).•r 1))'0)11) clr<ing; up (''Ilta,'44 \\'ith no races almot training for ; 1111.1 (:'4.111': for 0.111111. I'',11'n1rl'4 in the kin<hip, 11001'(41 pl'oh:thly 1;01 nvnl Ili' ;11(;144 art ;1144o dt:";ing 14'4!1 1111 fun 0111 of these yea r4, of 1)144 We than srr:lp Which Will help pill 1114' 0x1' 011 ,11144 4'111(1 1)14'11)(144, IIP !lad 11, axis. I':'lintal044 lid' rnl'h.'r re- vial 41nIin' until Ihr un11n1'Hh of 111• lux),! on Ihi dri'0 ;Iry rot :1V•Ill;lpl,' 011'1 Illnrn11,111y ennny+'1l 11)x111. ;11 Ihi+ )41rly date although sI1lV;lgl `11110, 1111' star? If 11):' 1e;lr he 1).111 cfficial44 hope 10 release figures 44hor1• l3'. (1'1/11 1`f the four-page prinill) boon engaged nlnulst millrxly 111 ,) '1I:• 1)11444 official 1111111';, .\ 11.1. 144)1 11 1.144111(1 1'111111111 ht ;til nffi,ial 1114PI')'• card I'1ri.tllly (ilsdrihuh'tl to all l,x• Ihnl lour of 1111 ('uulln"n0',IIIII \i1` holders ;Ind 11. 111,11144 )1nlliuing Ill) 'Training flan 4-4)1)1- and jn,px1111 pnrpnw' 0ntl Ihi' 11111s of till' rural lirfi)1iIs and p4444444 t'ng;11 x41 111 0v' 1'111 hrr (11)') 111113' h) 0I/111 111011 111 any production Ihroighnnl t11,4 I'oinininn. rltral pns't orrice. ('11y reshients 01111 I)nring hi, 3'11115 in 1 h navy. In, rrr(iV' th1'11' 1111111 by rogilar 14411(44 \'144111,1 all Il,'t, of t1)) 1)'1111/!11 111141 carrier s)r\lrl aro 41111 inrind*cl in 11)1)1' 111111111 SLnllll .1111)11,:1 as 'nu1!01'- Hit. rural pn41;11 1/111( -up 4114''1 of 511141}' In 11)) (hell 1'1!1,1 "1' 11';11)'x. 1111':1111 ;cyan as city rnllrrlil'n.s ss11alr1 11,' 1V:Is 110pllar 161 1)k 1)1.011111' of 11. 1)1 1(111 (41•(,: 11 I;lid fel' Ihr' pool )lff!'''' t ors .1111 111)11 .11111 111 1111111114111 to 1'011 111 'l'll'l1l10111 In n single 111141', tine ,hip's linty o1't,'n acted as htter- 'I'll) rnhhrr 44(1114 (nlle,l(,l 'in 4111= paler. rural 41111'1 will ,'VOitlally 1(0(11 ► ll) was 1101 11111,11 in 1 11 111111110 )).) ('.Halo's 1111)1))1 1'0(10111011g pl.rnls da 1111111 his s1111mis' nnu•ria,1 to I'rinciss 10) sill•:Ir)d. lis 11'11, Irv:0111 0'!111 1101111:1 01' (7r)roe nn NoVlalhri 2111!1 1,'h'nlirals ;111,1 put lilt) pr441ncti)'ti ► I!)" -t. 1"11111 111114 1 "• 1, and his nc.iin- re app)lu•ing; In t1)) 5tl 1p0 01. family \')11) inn(', in 11)( 1'..1p!: ;1 4.11;11 0•;11' goods r tiging from war - plant` tiros to Munition workers' non. 441/:11'1( galnshr;. 'I'1)) scrap 1111)1)4'1 is Irg*111y n1rd, 1 for those Dar uses, :oras salvage nt'fI(ials, 0•,m aro frank In sllyhrg that 11% ('alnlda'44 1111)11)1 stockpiles •go 1111• the (.11011ce; of IIII• for and 11lrnhilt) go d)1'•n. Full Ton Of Reclaim Rubber From 250(1 Pounds Of Scrap I'rnm 1\'113' 2:,l)) winds of scrap 1.111'1)1r v011(cll1 in tht rural ruhh(r drive lilting Iliad in Ontario and ltucbec, 0 full lou of rcclaiut rubber press, ,\ sol, Prince T':dward (.mor(4o Nicolas Paul Patrick, was 17171'11 nu (h'- 1nhPi' 1, I,)::3, and ;I ,;thy d;nl.glilrr 11;1.; horn IIII l'lll'IS1111;144 Pay, 111:111, 1'111111 (111rg0. ills Si.l•nll(1 Sen, IVa: horn nu .1 111Y I. 11112_. Check Your Ration 13ookcs For Errors '111)( \\'arliine l'1 ices and 'Trait. Board, warning in aill111(1' 1111 the pos- s!hjlily or )airs in the !ley,- ration houl(s which have ,just 111111 distribut- ed, advise l'anailians 10 ,.heck 4111 WHERE IS THE CHAUFFEUR The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR :l rt l ifernl;fional Daily ('(444e is Truth(nl-Constructive-Unbiased-Free from Sensational. ism - Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly lllagazinc Section, Iwlakc the Alonitor an Idol Ncwstiaper (or the Home, -------------- The Christi,", Science Publishing So:icty One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price ,$122.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday issue, including Magazine Section, ,$2.60 a 1'or. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents, Name__ - Address. - SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST 1 1 1 .-11zty c f,t!rc.c.ce.!$4-ccii ratctctere+etetbtc+c'e GIQr ce tnts'Szte cic'6iklc+Clcteicictctete o; Dead and Disabled Animals 14' 11 � q..�. ,�,`,``�., yam,` y.�.` p,q,�,� `�y��,�.`'` •, ..���.` 1��17'�I1717r�i�/Ii,�lY1�1r/1/i/Vllt�l�t��Yl!•1�1�IFLL.%./1`l l.PlillICIDI�,,�,i(. i�44 ..ice.-�..'tC� REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50t'31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO, of CANADA, LTD. RECEIVES WING AT GRADUATION EXERCISES R. W. Yeo of Toronto, Ont., who was presented with his Air Navigator's wing by D, C. Coleman, chairman of Canadian Pacific Air Lines Limited, at the Wings Parade of No. 9 Air Observer School, LJohn, P.Q. on August 14, No. 9 A.O.S. is operated by Dominion Lkyways (Observers) Limited, supervised by Canadian Pacific Air n Limited in conjunction with the British Commonwealth Air Ining Plan.—Canadian Pacific Photo, DIyI»UAI.. nAiir rnew A Weekly Column About This and That in Our Canadian Army "What, more drill?" You've probably heard your friends in the services grumble abcut drill. I've done it myself, And I've joined in Arguments in which John Citizens have held forth on the eubjeot. In the early days of thin new war 1 found myself lending a ready ear to complaints that "Bow and arrow soldiers" were wasting the boys' time with a lot of "barrack - square stuff." And for quite a long time, al- though for its precision and unap• pintas I like drill, I was inclined to subscribe to the opinion that a lot of it wits wasted time, and 9,o label myself a "bow and arrow soldier." Two weeks ago, when I was first introduced to the new "battle drill," I began to see the light. 11 suppose the reason for that was Name I had to convince Re- serve Army recrulte that there le a reason for the drill to which so much of their early army life it devoted. in order to supply myself with 'nod reasons to pass along I had to think about the subject con- siderably more than I had prey- lousily reylousily and, as is so often the case, the whole thing fell into a pattern. Until then my sole excuse for drill had beet that it is necessary in the early days of a soldier's training. to teaoh him that he is part of a group and that the group is not capable of functioning as a snit until it has become integrated through constant practice. In ad- dition, of couree, there is the fact that a body of men marching un- der complete discipline will move with less fatigue than a similar body walking at random. • I hadn't thought of the origin of the drill or the underlying reasons fear its institution, And I probably wouldn't have puzzled that out for myself yet it it hadn't been nec- essary for me to study the "battle drill" that le now a part of Army baffling. There have been one or two articles about Battle Drill written 10 Angland and published in Can- adian papers. One of them, by Captain Kin Beattie, Toronto newspaperman, who is now Press Liaison Officer at Corps Head- quarters, emphasized that it had been received with enthusiasm by the Canadians, but did not go into much detail about the drill itself, Two reasons for this lack of de- tail could be that a written des- eriptfon of a drill is a pretty dull subject or that for security rea- sons no details of the drill are to be made public. Tor either or both of those rea- sons this column will content it- self with eaying that Battle Drill fo a series of exercises designed to make good battle field habits instinctive and that the drill, 'bleb can be carried out literally anywhere, is practical and does Just what IS intended. Introduction to Battle Drill gale me a shock and brought the re- alization that "drill" actually can have a goal, that Its purpose is not necessarily as abstract as 1 had thought. From that shock came ti o rea'- oning that "harraelt-square sold- iering" probably had it9 +irJPin in something equally useful In the days "away back when." Now, this is mere supposition, why oould not the origin of "form platoon" have been for the purpose of teaching toilers how to form squares rapidly and instinctively in the days when the "square" was the unit of battle formation? You remember those gaily -color- ed chromes of British infantrymen is battle, don't you? The front rank knelt and with its fixed bay- onets ayonets formed a sort of "cheval de friss" for the protection of the rear rank which stood with mus• keti pointed ready to mow down attackers by volleys. It is easy enough to picture the troops marching to battle In col- umns of foure and to imagine the command, "at the halt on the loft, form half company." Forming two deep as they carried out the order, the leading group would then be In position to meet a cavalry oheage. It sounds reasonable, doesn't it? And at that time tho drill would have as much to recommend it as Battle Drill has today. Off the battlefield it is still nee- eesary to have drill movements for the orderly handling of troops, tend for soldiers of the Individual 0ltisen'e Army drill has its uses too. Drill for civilians? Sure! We've all been drilling ever since gasoline was rationed. That particular drill didn't affect ue all, but the next one did. That's right! Sugar! But even more important than the absolute rationing of sugar announced May 26 was the voluntary rationing of tea and coffee we were asked to carry out. It was a drill, a drill to train us for the battlefield when absolute rationing of tea and coffee should come. How seriously we took that drill governs our fitness to "take it" now that we have no choice, The soldier or sailor or airman expects to be given orders that will co-ordinate individuals so that they can carry out a joint job. We soldiers behind the lines will have more and sterner orders to obey before this job is done—let's do our drill cheerfully and be ready for what is to come. A Scotsman built the first self- propelled torpedo from plane drawn up by an Austrian, VOICE OF THE PRESS NOT 80 BAD, AFTER ALL Recently we looked into the matter of our personal Income tax and forced eavingo. Or, to be quite aoourato, wo enlisted the help of someone whose arithmetical skill Is greatly (superior to our own and watched the tax being work- ed out. It was considerably less than we had thought it would be. As a result wo are enjoying a pleasant, though probably decep- tive, feeling of wealth. We suggest that wou take the plunge and look into your own Steelton if you have not already done so. The recent budget was admittedly a stiff one, but Mr. ]Isley has not picked tho country clean; he knows that there must be a certain amount of money loft after taxes are paid, or we shall not be able to live. Ho bas left 11A enough to live on, if we are careful. Wheel, he has done better than that; he has left ue enough to be able to save, and to buy War Savings Certifi- cates, which are undoubtedly the best investments offering these days. ---Pe tu'borough 1':xanliner. —0— DUTY IN FORESTRY Benedictine monks for over 900 years have been cultivating one of the world'F finest forests, It surrounds an ancient. hermitage, about fifty miles southeast of Florence, Italy. A report in an American forestry magazine Saye that this forest is as fine as it was nearly 1,000 years ago, though lumber has been taken out of it in great quantities. The plonks plant now trees as fast as they out down old ones. Our forests are rapidly disappearing. Unless we want a treeless Canada, we, too, will have to plant a tree for each one logged. Forest destruo- tion is our greatest waste, —Guelph Mercury. —0— CUT DOWN RAGWEED Ragweed ie a heavy crop and stutterers from hay fever are hav ing a tough time of It, The muni- o1pa11ty should make a thorough olean•up of the vacant lots in town, and owners of gardens ehould make sure that they are kept clear of the weed, You may not be a watery -eyed sneezer yourelf, but there are others to think of who are, and people can- not do their beet work when con- stantly sneezing and rubbing their eyes. —Simcoe Reporter. —0— DO THEY EVER? "How Sergeants Got Soldiers to Liko Them," ea.ye a headline. Which will be the Met intima- tion some soldiers have heard that sergeants ever do, —Windsor Star. —o— HOOT, MON! They say that one of the oddest sights in the Canadian army over- seas Is that of a Chinese lad in a kilt playing the bagpipes in an Haetorn Highland band, Hoot, mon, your shirt tail's oot! —St. Thomas Times•Journal, Britain Calling Subjects Home The British Government, through its consulates, is advis- ing its subjects abroad, including those In the United States, that they will be given financial and other assistance in returning to the homeland to volunteer for military or civilian service. Free passage to the United Kingdon will be paid to all ac- cepted volunteers, said a recent announcement of the British In- fortnation Services, Offers of service will be con- sidered from both married and un- married men and women. A departure from existing prac- tice, said the Information Ser- vice, is an extension of the term "British subject" — to include "aliens of the second generation born abroad who would have been British but for the failure of their parents to register birth at a British consulate." Volunteers are being asked to supply themselves with a good supply of winter clothing. REG'LAR FELLERS—That's Different WELL ,WELL, WHO'S BEEN PICkIN' ON MY GOOD FRIEND JiMMIE DOWN ? THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events United States Takss Offensive In Battle Of Solomon Islands No matter what may be the final outcome of the battle still being fought in tine Solomon Is- lands, says 'l'he New York Times, one fact emerges clearly: the United States, in close collabor- ation with Its allies, has taken t)lo offensive. \Ve are not try- ing to check n Japrulese advlulce, as we were in the Battles of Mid- way and the ('oral Sea, Instead, we are striking by sen, by air and by land to wrest from the Japanese control of is strategic area which taley have held and which wo intend to use I( a base for further offensive opera- tions against them. As yet we know little of the details of the action except that. American troops have succeeded in forcing a landing after n naval engagement in which our losses, on the basis of the latest, available information, amounted to "at least one cruiser slink and two cruisers, two destroyers and one transport damaged." \Ve rimy be reasonably ecrtain of two other facts, First, the Japanese claims of destruction inflicted 00 our fleet are fantastically false. They announced that twenty-eight of our chips had been sunk or put out of action. If we had 'suffer- ed even half this loss the battle would have ended then end there 1n an Allied disaster. Second, it is unlikely that we would risk an attack jeopardizing the whole balance of naval power in the Pacific. This action linked with the bombardment of Kiska, can only be one phase of our Pacific strategy, We will hardly give back to Japan the fruits of our great defensive victories in the. Coral Sea and at Midway, Indeed, the present offensive is based upon those victories, Japan has been so hard hit, particularly by her losses in plane carriers, that the initiative rests for the first time in our hands, The long dead- lock is broken, and by us. Now, after a heavy naval en- ement, our troops, including American marines and Australians, are striking hard by land both at the enemy garrieon and at newly built airfields. Even if they should fail to drive the Japanese into the sea they will at least have forestalled and broken up gilt gathering enemy assault on Australia. To the United Nations' peoples who have watched so long the bitter retreats of their small for- oes from outpost after outpost in the Southwest Pacific area, the most hopeful indication in the Solomons action lay in the fact that their troops had undertaken the offensive; that in the distant Islands the cornerstones, perhaps, were being laid for further drives to push the invader from his new- ly won possessions between Aus- tralia and the Burmese jungle. A battle is being fought which LIFE'S LIKE THAT may well mark the turn of the ltde In the Pacific, The Rusin armies of the South were reeling hack last, week be- fore Nazi hnnuncrbl'ows. in nonle places the German war machine~ warn moving forward at the rate of fifty miles n day. The peril to Russia was grow- ing hourly. in 19.12's great of- fensive Hitler was conning ever closer to realization of his objec- tives: to encircle and isolate Rus- sia' from the aid sent by her dis- tant allies; to drive a wedge be- tween the Southern and Central Soviet forces; to clippie Russia's arms output and supply lines by the capture of such centers as Stalingrad, the domination of such a vital river as the Volga. Pos- session of the Caucasus oil fields would bo a prize of double value; it would not only replenish the dwindling fuel stocks of the Wehrmacht hut might seriously hamper the mobility of the highly mechanized Soviet armies, Marching south end cast into the Caucasus, the Germane 110(1 loft huge Russian forces in their flanks and in their rear. Strik- ing power built beyond the Urals night be able to take advantage of the Nazi position, The day may oomo when Russia will be asked to hit from the east while the second front is being established in the west, At all events, Winter will conte again, Disorders In 1ndi1, The first violent outbreaks of the civil disobedience . campaign wero followed by a 11111; the disor- ders in the larger cities began to die down, The British saw suc- cess in bheir plan to "disconnect" the leaders of the revolt from their followers by arrests, London reported that the movement had not received widespread support in the countryside. However, violence flared up anew in Cal- cutta and other cities as the Bri- tish studied more drastic nnethode of combating Gandhi's campaign, In England itself and elsewhere in the world there was concern legit the whole affair degenerate into mere suppression of a revolt. It was felt that more wag requir- ed; that India must be won to wholehearted support of the Uni- ted Nations' war effort, Help For Malta; Tho little island of Malta, nine- ty -ono square miles in extent, is te unsinkable aircraft carrier whose planes operating from three airfields, harry and smash at Axis shipping to North Africa, at Axis air bases in Sicily, Italy and Greece. From bases only sixty miles away, Axle bombers have raided It more than 2,000 times— more than any other place in tho world—in their efforts to knock it out of the war. At one time an entire German air fleet was assigned to the task. Malta hu out bomb shelter:3 deep into By Fred Neher r A i 5 - "Is it true about him havin' a girl in every port?" I SPILT A BOTTLE OF INK ON OUR NEW CARPET/ 800-1400/ THERE'S NO USE CRYIN' OVER SPILT MILK,M'001/ , ILI „ t ' %li • her (-01111 leek, nod IIVt8, foi 3115 most part, underglcund Hut :''•,+m the times of the t'arthagi'u:ul,, elx , rotaries I 4'hri't 11.1I - to has proved Mild to LAT; Last eve'ele h:nglrind sett rs nl- forcttuents to Melte It use .r 0.a attach(, on the lul: lchicl. :•'n, strengthening li,'i, n ti's arnnien in Egypt. f'1 mal ,', r 1%. pl'Mctted by wa1 •tupt, wa., hi' 1410.11c11 to the little olan the vessels sail,,! past "boot" n great see tattle d1' fir- ed. Axis forces dcicrntilt, 11, block the convoy';. passage,' ''c at it witil evtrythiop they ha i They hit it with Hive -hon , U-boats and \enl'o l,'t - pl'Incl;l fall' the fast little to, ptdo-cal ,'nl, "E-llor,ts," On 11., allied si , • 1 he 'hulk of the lletlitt,t,,nean it 1(0h ltpru.lyd eugnta'd I loidon for it long one ltunanu'd ai1,'111., 114110145 only tic lost of tl',. , r Craft. carrier I:egie•, liurlir, a11,1 home claimed hcov:! dannie, mn- ilieted more than f l l ce n Feist to the bott,.n1 1,ater London reported i lG part of the con' ov held ,;' i..• n through—Jlalta Mel rccrive i ;t� much-needed plants Beside- ll'., loss of the Easslc, Hit 5101(0,8 ,f the cruiser 1lvnehc8te 183)4 pounced, Two ,,t t.', king ;;a,1, - marines were c1all.ntd sunk in What 1(0F described ur one largest naval optlattons of ilia' war. \Vhile the set battle rafted, ther British unlit heavily ''wu• belated the itt,lie,o island of 1lhodcs, .Axis 111(111 to (.'er,l 1.c and Syria. 'i•]lel'e were sire11,51 wc. .1 a new thl'cllt in the uneeestim; et.rugg1e for supply on the .\'.1,d; - tic Ocea). From P,a.,ll can re- ports of an Axit Hill fare r.ne;,..r preying on Allied shipping of tL" coast—a large, lost, oil -b') eels; vessel which was believed to nava sunk at least, one ship and M',101: - ed others since ell pre$e)l': W- eenie known, Survivors fro;, i,or- pedoed vessels honks! at South American ports repeal cd the grin tale so often told in mart nor; born waters of submarine attack; an unguarded United Nations fr;igh- tort. 1,00(1011 believed Germany had embarked on a huge -.,'gale combined surface.. flutter an,i [I- bont campaign in Month Atlll:ltie wate'1"f. SCOUTINII r 1 Following air 1:lidr. 1 el O,tc:, carried out by the Boy Scou sof Bath, England, included parading the streets with traffic detour algns, closing up lo (diet, windows with Parlous impro1141'd late) anis, and serving for ,army bora'.~ at municipal feeding octaves. Older Scouts helped in eatruati11 too dead and injured 1 rote berthed hounec, • 4 t Anyone who hat or eon :r,;1c,1 the time available, ill can other- wise assist in the work of the ]toy Scouts Association in not only making n worthwhile contribution to the winning of this war, hist postihl' oven more important, towards the building up of the future manhood of this country." —Col, R. G. Whitelaw, Direr'tnr of Military 'Training, • v a When the Lord Mayor of Shef- field recently appeared before a meeting of the Sheffield County Scout Council he wore, in addition to his badge of office as mayor, a Scout Wood Badge, "indicating that he had taken and BU0008s- fully passed the nervier Scout lenders' 10 -day camp training course," • * • A bed in the Middlesex Hospi- tal, England, has been named af- ter the 1Oth Marylebone ](over Scout Crew, in recognition of the valuable services rendered at t;ha hospital by then( wince the out- break of the war, • * 5 A young soldier in 0 British tank unit was found to have an extraor'dinar'y knowledge of no Wooly things that he was frcgttent•- ly asked to give lectures to his unit. Ile demonstrated some car- pentering hints, cooking, first aid, neap reading , telegraphy and woodcraft. He was looked upon as something of a freak. Finally the Sergeant Majoe asked where he had acquired all his knowledge, "Cigarette cards?" he 'suggested, "No, Sir," said the young soldier, "Study for Proficiency Badges when I was a Boy Scout.,, By GENE BYRNES IF IT WAS ONE? MILK THE CAT WOULD LICK IT UP, BUT �!'• WHEN IT'S INK MOM WILL -,{ DO THE LICKIN'/ ( 7-29 a. Ire s WE FOUND ALL -BRAN SUPERIOR TO HARSH CATHARTICS Says LOIN. R. E. Etches, Dorval, Quebec: "KELLOGG'S ALL- I3RAN ltas :;o many gond qualities it r.:ally is the 'Better Way'. It has tncn a family favorite for many years, and as long ns it retains its qualities, ALL -BRAN will continue to be n big favorite in our home." Why ,lon'tyou try ALL•BRAN'S "Better Way" to correct the cause of constipation due to lack of the right hind of "bulk" in your diet. But remember, ALL -BRAN doesn't work litre cathartics. It takes time. Get ALL -BRAN at your grocer's; In two convenient size packages, or ask for the individual serving pack- age at restaurants. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. Modern Etiquette 1. Clow many tvcdding invita- tions should be sent to u family where then' are grown song and daughters? 2. Should a woman attempt to play golf while wcnrir.p, high -heel- ed shoes? 3. What hi the principal thing for a hostess to consider when selecting guests for a weekend party': 4. Is it proper to write anything of a .private or personal nature on a post card? 5. When accompanying a wont - an to the (ginner table, should a Haul sit do\\'n exactly at the Hama time she does? I. Is it considered a social es• sot for one to bo able to take leave of a person or u group of people quickly? ANSWERS 1. Send one invitation to the lather and mother, and a separate one to each of the sons and daugh- ters. 2, No. High -heeled shoes are not adapted to the golf course and are injurious to the turf and the greens. 3, 'l'he principal thing is to con- sider the congeniality of each guest. Ono guest who is not kin- dred in the tastos and Interests of the others can easily epoll the party. 4. No; this is bad taste and poor judgment on the part of the Writer, Anything written o►1 a postal card is a public message, and should therefore bo avoided. This type of card should be used only for the purpose of sending greetings. 5, No, The man should draw out the chair for his partner and not sit down until immediately after she is seated, 13, Yes, when one can do so quickly and graciously, which must not he confused with abrupt 8rudr'ness. To Develop Lignite Fields In Ontario The Ontario Government will proceed innne(liatoly with the de- velopment of lignite deposits in the Onakawaua lignite fields 176 miles north of Cochrane on the 'l'enliskaming and Northern On- tario Railway, Premier Hepburn of Ontario announced last weak. The lignite supply at Onaka- wana is almost unlimited, the Premier said, with 100,000,000 tons already being blocked out and 8,500,000 tons readily ac- cessible, Tests have demonstrated that the lignite has good burning qualities, Plans for the development call for work costing about $250,000 with provision for a million (Lollar development if circumstances war- rant, iti(Sj:1:11l1 l'� Scalds, Alh- [� lefe's Foef, Chafed Skin, fired, Sore Muscles, etc„ use this new, fast - acting, sweet-smelling remedy. Keep a lin handy for every eemergency. HEALING r4SA VE 1 AT All DRUG COUNTERS Have You Heard The ultra -rich man had (gone W the seaside fora holiday. His wife, who went out swinlnling, was nearly drowned, and was res. cued with difficulty. She was unconscious, surround- ed by a crowd, when her husband puffed up to ask how she waa. "Pretty bad," acid the doctor, "I'm afraid we'll have to give her artificial respiration." "Artificial respiration be blow. ed," said the man, excitedly, "you'll give hor the real thing, I'll pay for It." Landlady: "I won't charge you for breakfast, seeing that you didn't eat any." Boarder: "That's good — couldn't sleep either!' An American soldier now iia Northern Ireland is satd to have written lhonlo: "Dear Dad—Guo?? what I nee4 111o$t of all. That'; right, $end !t along. Be$t wi$he$, Your $oa, Toni," The father roplied1 "Dear Toss —NOthing ever happens here. rite ue aNOther letter aNOn. Jinuny was asking about you Monday. NOw we have bo Hey good-bye," "How did the deteotivse discover that the burglar was dressed AS a woman?" "He passed a hat tors without looking la." The Negro soldier had been peeling potatoes until his hands ached. Turning to s. fellow K.L . ho said: "What dat sergeant mean when he call us K, P,?" "Ah dunno," replied his co- worker, "but from de look on his face, Alt think he means 'Kelp Peolin.' o Tailor (measuring Scots- man for a suit of clothes): and how would like the pee. kets, sir? McTavish: Well just a was bit difficult to get at. "Why do you insist on keeping a parrot?" "Because," answered the lonely man, "1 like to hear It talk. The parrot is the only creature gifted with the power of speech, that is content to repeat just what It hears without trying to make a good story of it." "What's tho most effective agency for the redistribution of wealth?" "The wives and daughters of rich men." Money May Be Sent To China Restrictions 00 remittances of money to China, previously con- fined to benevolent purposes, have been removed, the Post Of - fico Department said recently. ltetnittances now may be Made for sums in rotund amounts of Chinese dollars. The minimum a1110U11t which may be forwarded is $100, Chinese currency, equiva- lent to $6 in Canadian currency. Big Profits to You from Small Outlay 1tMunlly the modest nulla)' that you Dud 1 ()(mc to make I, nuly n drop In the bucket totrnrdn completing a Mine with its 11111. What the get for 11 IN 4444 44(111(11 s(' don't reckon 11 111 I'rnetlune. Ih(t 0111' MORN of ntolybdenile rock doesn't need 11 NhI1't or a eosin' 31111, through apeeln1 good fortune, \1'e can du without the big (tunneler and 441151: the I1004 Nlutre iv111c1( us0111ty' goes to him, That's why you get n worth -Mille fraction of the total pro(1( for your modest "ulluy. 1l may prove ns rich for you 1144 any µold mine. Urgent need44 of today and NtU"re'N x'111 acemint for your gond fortune, i(eenuse 11) our ruck In In a hill, and (2) the big flake, of (111dybdenlle fall off readily from the rock, the equipment n eon - tenpin:. Item for rand-hnildl(1g can recover nmlybdenllc pretty eleml. tnd the (4"vt'rsuuenl wants uwly'hdenile N0 urgently fur improv- ing mice! In Ivor hupleuu'nts that they ore to have n (gtletoill 11111 take and pry for n11111 tie produce, (111(1 1,1 at high price, 1)0 lou realize chat this good Tuck brings to you mei me. \1'e cast move the euntrnelor on anti Jump In a couple of creeks into treltt- tug 1(10(1 tons of rock u dal', when the diamond drilling we are at eunflruIN our tests of quantity and grade, 10.011 a tun profit would mean millions 0 year for you nod all of um to divide. I'he fortune-uaklug time to loin nay leading Du11a44try IN, like you are doing, before it ndrnueee out of 1'roa'eeting Syndicate .stage. Our Syndicate ham (((00 units, *10.00 ouch. When the Com- pany Is formed curb 0111 brings you 150 or more share,. Each mingle Attire night .sell In dollnrs. You needn't decide on the Inrger nuntber of 11111 114 3'1111 151,144 to own, today. 'rake year time. Simply write 111e 10 nu1ke Out your certiflente for nue, tiro, ten, J a'batet'er you may, and hold your opportunity open. t1'hen you (tliueh your cheque you save timlunhle time for all of us. (' I 1 1 in the form. 11 Duly tithes n see01111. Then you 1111111 it (misty — In t 1 tit e. You tco1Idn'4 went In lose out 11y forgetting It. 1...r. 1)Wtldlt, ;a Adelaide. St. W., 'reroute. 81ake out my certificate for unite Dwyer l'ro44peeling Syndlenle at $10.00 emit. llere's say cheque for R to hurry along the work. Nome Addreem What Science is Doing t t.(x)l)LIT' WOUNDS New surgical instruments which "floodlight" Tho interior of the body are being used by301116 At'uly surgeons in the :diddle East. i?quipped with a set of these un- breakable luminous Instruments, nledi('oa can perform field opera- tions under a tree o1' a 10)10-10 shelter, without worrying about aircraft overhead and with better lighting in the wound than in an operating theatre. Made of a transparent plastic material like glass which trans- mits light round corners, does not conduct heat and can be thrown on the ground without breaking, the instruments are made in ahout 30 different Shapes, to suit any kind of wound or operation. Even where there are two right- angled bends in the transparent instrument, the light rays travel down to the frosted tip and flood tho wound with a cold, shadow - loss light, however inaccessible the place may be, Blood does not easily congeal on the instrument, its it does with ordinary lighting apparatus. About 30 different instruments ars available, but there are three or four dual-purposo models which are quite sufficient for or- dinary diagnostic and surgical work in tho field. A set of these, together with a small electric ac- cumulator, costs about 212 and ninny surgeons in the fighting services have bought than out of their own pockets, so useful have they proved in action. Some of Britain's greatest surgeons are now using these instruments for wounds which cannot bo seen Into by ordinary operating theatre - Similar instruments have been made its other countries for some years past, but they had tho dis- advantage of losing their shape in sterilizing. The new instruments are made of a methyl methacry- late plastic specially developed by British chemists, which will stand any amount of boiling without losing shape. Magic Mountain Of Molybdenum Orli of World's Greatest Mining Enterprises Develop. sd At Climax, Colorado No wonder town guard the working.: of Climax Molybdenum with n steel fence and a steal gate which only opena to friends. Its store of nlolybdunito, black shiny slippery compound of molyb- denum, is precious. Whon only 6 Ibe, of molybdenum added to a ton of steel makes it strong and tough, the storehouse of such magic mineral has to be guarded and kept available to our aide. They add a bigger percentage of molybdenum to steel to make those high speed tools that keep their keenness at cherry red heat. Tide high speed molybdenum steel trust be guarded, it we are to keep turning into shape gun bar- rels and all those other heavy steel weapons of war. Tho workings were hard enough to get at, anyway. They are away up high in the mountains of Colorado, at an altitude of 11,400 feet, It's like a different world up there. The air Ie thin and keen and it is winter seven months a year, A lonely place It was, in the heart of nowhere, un- til Climax Molybdenum made a city for its workers. There are not many pounds of molybdenite to the ton, only or 6 o11 the average, but there are a lot of tons, It is estimated that Climax has 200,000,000 tons of oro that contain a billion pounds of molybdenite, Big mill building's house the giant machinery that crushes and grinds to powder the 18,000 tons of molybdenite rock a (lay at Climax. The crushed rock gotta into cells or tanks where It mixes with pine oil and water, Compressed air coating up through holds in the bottom forms bubbles. The molybdenite floats away on the bubbles leaving the unwanted rock behind. It is as ismple as that. You'd think the oil flotation pro- cess, so famous for being cheap Stuka Dive Bomber Dives No More Brought down during recent aerial activity over El Alemein, Egypt, this Stuka dive bomber's fighting career is over. (Passed by censor.) Government Plans Manpower Control Austin Wright, assistant direc- tor of the National Selective Ser- vice Board, said last week that under new plans for coping with Canada's manpower problem, some of which will be disclosed this month, "a clan will have no longer a choice of position." The plan, already approved by the cabinet, will open more than 100 new National Selective Ser- vice offices across Canada, five of theta in Nova Scotia, ice said. An additional 5,000 people will be appointed to the offices, Un. der the plan, the Unemployment Insurance Commission will be shifted to the jurisdiction of the National Selective Service Board. "1t is not our purpose to freeze employment," said Mr. Wright. "We intend to chill it. We have undertaken a colossal " piece of work. 'rho plain is completed and we propose to cure many evils which exist today." Declaring "11 1s the only way We can cope with the serious man- power problem," Mr. Wright said "there must be a medium between the requirements of manpower for the armed forces and for war in- dustry. A man will have no longer a choice of positions." and efficient, was just made for molybdenite. It separates com- pletely, Germany would like to have Climax with its daily handling of 18,000 tone giving about 36,000,- 000 lbs, of molybdenite yearly. All Germany has is a limited 1,- 000,000 pounds a year from Nor- way and a little from French Morocco, Not only can better work be done with molybdenum in the stool; less steel is needed for the Hanle strength and endurance. Think of what that cleans to air- planes, tanks, guns, jeeps and all our other fighting weapons. September Quota Set At 20,000 Quota for 111e September Gall- up of men for compulsory military training has been set at 20,000, according to Maj, -Gen. L. It. La- Fleche, deputy minister of na- tional tear services. The call-up for August was 25,- 000 and it had been previously expected that an equal number would be requisitioned by the national defence deparinu'nt for next 111011111. Single men and childless wid- owers, from 20 to 40 yeti's of age, are subject to call. *-•- Relieves MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN - Women w io suffer pain of irregular periods with cranky nervousness— due to ago ithly functional cltsturb• - ances—should find Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added Iron) :'ery effective to relieve such distress, Pinkham's Tab- lets made cspectally for u+onnen help build up resistance against such annoying symptoms. Follow label *directions. Made In Canada. 'IT DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE!" HOW CAN I? 13y Ann Ashley Q. How can I clarify jelly! A. Add a teaspoon of glycerin to jellies fifteen minutes before they are finished and it will aid considerably in clearing the mix- ture. if shavings of paraffin ars put in the bottoms of the jelly glasses before pouring In the jelly, the paraffin will melt and rise to the top, clarifying and sealing the jelly. Q, How can I keep the screen door front slamming? A. Slip several wide rubber bands about the door knob of a screen door and carry them over the knob on the other side of the door. This will prevent the an- noyance of slamming. Q. How can 1 remove burnt stains from aluminum? A. Burnt stains on aluminum, or any other unsoldered vessel of bin, brass, iron, etc., can be re- moved by placing the empty ves- sel over a gas flame or fire until It is red hot. Q. How can I cook peas wit:hoot shelling them? A, Place them, without shelling, in a kettle of boiling water. When the pods open, the peas will Bink to the bottom and the pods ries to the surface, an indication that they aro cooked. It is easy 40 skim off the pods, Ont. Farmer Gets Record Oat Yield A record yield in the 1912 oat crop was reported by Hercules 'Frahm), Paincourt, who bclievex he has found a new early variety of oats which cannot be equalled in production. Trahtil had eight acres of the "Mail" oats that were brought from Quebec by Napoleon King and has just, threshed 1,080 bushels giving an average of 135 bushels to thaw acre. There has never Leen such N yield reported in the district, according to experienced farm,. ers, Maid oats were developed by McDonald College in Quebec and are pollenated so as to sur- pass all other varieties in yield and early maturity, Guitar Outfit $14.95 ('onsIeti of well etude guitar, - piek,, steel, and ,1'lf-inNtrlaelion ! hook for Ilutvallnn pluyhlg -- lo ,tardy Cove, PIANO ACCORDIONS Wide eeleetion of good need 1(NtromenfN — thoroughly re- t Conditioned — 48 or 120 -begs, Write for full detulle. Mottle Deportment -- Toronto CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ACCORDIONS IVA:Alla) ACCORDIONS WANTED (test prices paid for piano necor(ilons, twelve to hun- dred and twenty base, THE T. EATON CO. LTD. lhuslcnl 1a,lruutent Deportment Toronto AGENTS WANTED WE IIA\'19 A GOOD EARNING 0P- porhlnity for attractive well- groomed women to desist In mer- chandise distribution and service. Supported by National Advertle- Ing. Write today to Avon Pro ducts of Canada, Limited, 1011 St, Alexander St., 111ontroal, Que. Al'TollnnILf9 — USED USED CAi1S \VITII G001) TIRILm, See us first. We will re- fund your coot of transporta- tion to Toronto, If you buy from US, Mntltlt Pleasant Motors Ltd. Used Car Lots at 1650 Danforth Avenue and 2040 Yongo Street. Head Office, 532 Mount Pleasant Itoad, Toronto. Telephone High- land 2181. 11.1111' CHICKS BIIA]' 1"AI.L SE:RVIC'E BULLETIN ready soon. You'll find It In- valuable. Hite coming season with poultry, and farm production ranking with the essential In- dustries. Order your Bray Sep- tember chicks In good time, also. Bray hatcher)', 130 John, Ilam- llton, Ont. UA:CL111' I,iq,u1PMl;NT BAKt11RS' OVENS AND MACHIN. ery, also rebuilt equipment al. ways on hand, Terms arranged, Correspondence Invited, Hubbard Portable Oven Co„ 108 Uathuret St., 'Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING IHAVE YOU ANYTIIING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to u■ for information. \\'e are glad to answer your questions. Depart. ,lent H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FOOT HALM IIAUMI:EICA FOOT BALM destroy, offensive odor Instantly. 4&c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. 7151T1a1 MAIM igriosa-ro DAWSON'S t;01,1(EN CHAFF FALL Wheat, $1.25 bushel. Fall Rye, $1.10 bushel. sloth No. 1 grade. Bags free. F.O.11. Belleville. C. F. Bishop & Son, Scedsmeu, llelle- vllle, Ont. FILMS DEVELOPED You will Depredate the true mean- ing of quality and service If you wend your snapshots lo 1+0 develop- ed at 31AV1':1111 1'1111'1'11 S0ItVICI' 311 YONI:I': S'I'Itla;'I', 'T('I)ON'TO "Helpful Shooting Tips" (:1'o aid you in taking' hotter pic- turce we give :olefin) and criticism onevery roll.) 6 or 8 exp,•sures developed and printed, .',-,c. 2 prints of each only 35e. \:All, 'I'!IOM IN 1'01'.81' '1'O MAYFAIR PHOTO SERVICE 214 \'Q\'OI' STREET. 'I'oIo)N'1'O 1'111:1: (,1'x'.81,111;1' le FREE! CATALOGUE. OF 11AI11E end Exciting books. Rev. Tyrer'e (:rent 11'ork on 111m ingo Rela- tions, 52,13. SUP[•:R '3111[. 01)- 1)1:11, 57 Queen Street \west, Toronto, Ontario. 11.111(11111:Ss1 9(; 5(11001, 1.11.8 ITN (1.\I RI)11ESSING 'PILI: 1(0(3. rL on method. Information on re. quest regarding classes. Robert - soil's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ay) nue I1'e1. 'retold)), ISSUE 35—'42 PATENTS I•'1:'UHEPLSTONICAUUH & COMPANY Potent Sollcitorq.� Lretebllabett 1890; 14 King Weal, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re• gUesL MEDiCAL DIXON'S REMEDY — FOR IVa1U11;- Ids and Rheumatic Paine. ' hous- ands Sntlstlod. Munro', DrUgt Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. 1'01U.T1I1' FARM P011 SALE 10 ACRES W 0 0 1), POULTRY Farm. .1. C. Thongs, Ottawa, 011. 1IAI(111'1'S F011 SALM I''OIR SALE, SURPLUS STOCK. Lovely Pure White Angoras --- 11 attired and young; also etas Hutches, (6 in one), Write: C. A. Simpson. Tfllsonburg, Ontario. RHEUMATIC PAINS READ THIS — EVERY SUFFER* er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuf+. Itis should try Dixon's Remedy. 11 ooro's Drug Store 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.o0. PATENTS & 'TRADE !DAit1C9 EGE1(TON 11. CASE, REG[ST1:1t111D Molted States, Canadian, ilritls Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis, Established over forty years. 811 Deism Avenue, Toronto. Slam :IND Fi1:Lll Gil.tiNS TIMOTiIY SEED FOR FALL 811l7D- Ing. G.S. No. 2,Purity extra No, 1. $10.00 per 10Iba., freight pald and hags free on 100 lbs, orders. C. E. Bishop & Snn, Seedsmett, Belleville, Ont, PiiOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The (lent, Dein, or (snit HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by )tall Any' 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 260. Supretne quality and Last servlee guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto TEACHER A-A\'l'1:1► \V-y0;111NO ORADE 11 ('ONTIN- untion School requires esslstfnt to teach Latin, french, English, Art. Apply'. stating age, religion. experience, qualifications end sal- ary, expected. 1)r. J. A. Lamont, \Wyoming, out. PI.1'H111NIl ANI) 111:.8'1'1\ti N1:\\' ANi) USI1). 110'1' \V.3T tanks, bath tubs, sinks. tollete, basins, electric water pumps, septic tanks, laps, drainage fit• sings, pips', fittings, valves, red- taturs, Jacket heaters, hot tv'ater f 11 rnnlee, 111'eel1ho11Se Mel tela, etc. Esquire now. Metter Plumb- ing Company Limited, 23711 Pon. dam Street \\'sot, Toronto. IIID) ut'GS I11:W01I:N \1111' 61111:5, NEW RUGS MAP1; FROM:. old. Donlin'on Rug \\'ravine Coln. pany, 961 Queen St. 81' . Toronto. Write for hooks. [. TEACHER 11'.1?i'l't:I1 11.\\'L•'LOCI: — \\'ANTED, 1' R 0- testant teacher for Set -1100 14 helm o r tilt ton miles 1' i (9 "0th o! Duties utlrs to begin Scp- teinher Sth. State salary, Apply to ('l1:1s. W. :11 11111',, II,1vl'lock, 11.11. 11, Ont. ( 1) 84 111111 11'.1N'rl:11 QI'A1.11.11):f1 ('110- testant teacher teamed for S.S. No. 9, Holland. State salary and qualifications, a 1 e o telephone number, duties to comnlrnee Int September. 'Phomas ()Nielson, sccretarp - Tre'leure(, 1)' rkeiey. It 11. No. 1, Ont. Pae B. • Ori. -•-,JW .;, l Kt[KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKttIKKKtCKKKtCt(KKKKKKWIK HOLIDAY NEEDS— MISSES ANI) WOMEN Slacks, Overalls, Sweaters, Slack Suits, Bathing Suits and Caps. MEN'S AND BOYS' Tropical and Cotton 'Trousers, Sweaters, Winclbreakers, Bathing Trunks. A Good Assortment of Balbriggan Underwear. Olive McGill A 6t F->)ItIt1)472r3;drat?41),5,rlil?Idrdtela124)0.915;:01:4id,d()r)r?td,1ASt*dtirdiir)4ita 4t2t)t8tAiN, iCKKKK(C4KICICICICIC CTIC1 I<!VVVC'C!Cts'CICKTIKKICKKK1CCMCIC IEICI OZIRKKI4K7 School Supplies SCRIBBLERS 2c, 2 for 5c, 5c and lOc DRAWING BOOKS 5c .... ,....,.10C ART PADS Loose Leaf Note Books 15c, 25e and 29c CRAYONS 5c and 1Oc PENCILS 5 for 5c, 2 for 5c and 5c EVER SHARP PENCILS 25c and 29c FILLED PENCIIL BOXES 25c Taylor's 5c to $1.00 Store PIIONE 79. 1 ill inner)tiAdrdt?ardl)re!2+TtAA2tDat11INN1 Pt adldrdlYri151drINN)iadr)44(Pat aitNN.)1 TREASURER'S SALE OII' LANDS FOR ARREARS Of TAXES COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IIY 111It 'I',D 11D :\ 1\',11titANT ,issued by the \Va Owen or the. County of Huron, under his hand and the Corporate Seal of the said County Or Huron, bearing, dale. the sixth day of July, in the year of Our laird ufle Ihnu: and nine hundred and (nrIyIWO, and 10 MP dircrl• ed, commanding nee to levy on the several parcels hereinafter mete tinned and descrlhed as being in the said County of Huron, for or - rears respectively due thereon, together with costs, I (10 hereby give notice, unless the ;aid arrears rite sonuer paid 1 shall on Tues• day, November 3rd, VAC, at Iwo o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the Court 1ior'e in the 'Town of (faderich. County of Huron. pen• cued to sell by public auction, so much of the said lands as may he stifficir-ut to di -=('barge the taxes and charges Incurred in and about the said sale and collection of the sank, .1n adjourned stile, if necessary, will 11! held at the saute time and plat,' two weeks later, Years in Advt. Treas. .1.rre'ars Taxer; Costs C'onuu, '1'otu1 G, .11. ('panthers Est. --Lots I -b•0, 1' I:,rrn Survey .. . ..11,135;1.111 11..011 OU :"1 18.5.; Jo,elah ('Oahe('—LOT' I.1(•lu and p1. Lot 11. M(Canghey, 1st Survey, 111k, D. I'!'1'I -O- i 1 1 ° , 13 2.00 ,1. ,tt 149,02 :1.00 ,A:1 2:1.7Irl Jos, coulter -•I.o1 1. )1cC(it1 hell 1'Ic„!.IV 1I _11,03 .lint Puberty—I't. 1.10 Illk..\. )Irl'ounells Survey I'' '(-II'••tll 1.•i 2.00 1.311 J 1.41:1 :11l Of the ;bray'. described lots are patented, Tanury 'i'reawnter's 11nderieh..Inly I ii0. 1,11_'. A. II. VJtSKINI'',, Treasurer of 11uron County, 1'tiblished in The Ontario Gazette, August 1st, 1912 lone inc,crtiot1. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Mathematical Sets, Reeve's Imperial Water Colors, ('rayola, Radiant, Westminster Peacock, Crayons. L:,ose Leaf Refills, Coil Rotary Scribblers, Music Dictation Books, Examination Tablets, Rubbers, Rulers, School Bags, Paint Brushes. AIRFLOW A'IECHANICAL PENCILS. EVERSHARI' 11'IECHANICAL PENCILS HUGE SCRIBBLERS 5c GIANT PANDA PADS 29c I3ig-5 School Practice Tablet 5c SCRIBBLEI?S ...... 2 for 5c, 5c, 1Oc, and 15c DIP -IT PENS (one (lip writes 200 words) 25c WATERMAN'S PEN AND PENCIL SETS. `VT iterma!l's, Moody's, Skrip and Carter's Ink. LeI'age's Glue, Moody's Mucilage, Carter's Paste. TEXT BOOKS The Standard Book Store T$R STANDARD 011 1 I • 1,1 MI 1111 1111 111111 \Ir. Stuart Stolt of Kirkland !lake s visiting wllh relatives in town, 1'le. Leslie Gurnisn of Niagara Pulls tis111ug with his parents here. \fisc \1atireen Morrill of \\ufton spent the weekend at her house here. M K10-11 nor Carey of Toronto spent a week recently with \1r, and Mrs. Jinn Crawford, of Loudeiboro, %11s; I'aizithelh Mills spent the past sweep' visiting Mr. told Nies. A, \1c• Kague (nee i: -i ie liantilton) of i'hr;ex. A('1. Scott I"airset•v'Ice of 1'tince Eel. ward [;land is enjoying a furlough at his horse here. 11r. Garth Dobbytt has returned to London, following a Iwo -week's vaca- tion Isere and at \Vasaga Beach. \Miss Betty Campbell will attend the Clinton School of ('ntnulerrc at open Ing on September Sth, \its, IItr.1 Huss, of Baden. WI: guest of Miss Margaret Cowan on Tuesday, Mr. 1I s'nes Sint0 of Chatham is rrllrt'ing al the (',J(,11, station, awhile \D'. Rutledge is enjoying his vacation. )11. i,llnes Taylor and daughter, l,illa Jetut, of \\Ingham, spent Itr+t week with the fornter's sister, Mrs, Alex M 'Gotwatt. Miss 14welyn Morris r'etur'ned home on Sunday after visiting her sister, Miss .'crouici \1orr'•,, vt Kitchener, and \lrs. James Moi'hht, of [mean, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C trey and son, John. of Toronto, visited for the past two weeks witil Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crawford, of 1.ondesbot'o. Pte Lois Robinson, C,\1'.A.C,, of To. Tonto, has returned, to Toronto. after spending a two weeks' vacation Mn \\'uslert Canada. Mrs. \\'. ,1. felts has returned house after vie;ltitg her hrother, \Ir, and !)its, T. C. Tunttt'y, and son, \Ir, and Mrs. Clayton felts of Niagara Falls. ,Miss Dorothy \\'bite will leave on Monday for London where site n'ltt attend 1\'c;ICrwelt School of Com. II1el,ci', \Ir, John Renwick, of Llelutore, n former resident of this community, was renewing acquaintances in the Village 011 Monday. Mr, Lloyd \Veltlaufer left on Sun- day for Queen's university, Kingston, where he will resume his Courso Mn 11 ediciie. Hollyman's BAKERY AND €ONFEGTIONERY. The Home of Good Balling. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Cookies - Pies, Cakes and - Honey -Dipped Doughnuts Welding Cakerc a Specialty. 1Ve(lnesday August 26,19'12, • .— r i4KK►CKKKICIKI ENIICKICKrCICKk{tCKKICICidiCICiCtCttltCICICr•MTC'V. IVCIICt61041 ICKtda oherty Bros. GARAGE. J \VII tRE AGENTS FOR Plymouth and Chrysler Cars 5 Auto -Lite and Hart - Batteries. Goodrich & Dunlop Tires. White Rose Motor Oil, PHILCO RADIOS AND SUPPLIES. Acetylene and Electric Welding. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY” IL T. V'ODDEN. their son, Dr. \1'. (', Gardiner (Cecil) at their cottage at fart Colborne. ili. Gardiner has been doing scientific work this last year and a hall'„ and In September will move his family to Lithe Charles. CONGRATULATIONS This colimn is dedicated to those who may wish to make use of it to Summer Necessities For Use :Around the Home Or On Picnics: VACUUM lio'I"l'I,I:S ,,,,,,,,,,,,, TI'IERMOS.130i"I'L1;S ,,,.,,,,.,,, OUTING JUGS (one gallon) STA -WAY INSECT REPELLENT ANTi-MOSQUI'T'O CREA11-1 „ , r , . , WELCi'1'S GRAPE ,JUICE LIME ,1UiCE-11ION'I'SERRAT , r . . LIME JUICE - CORDIAL TAT AN1'11RAPS ................ SPOT REMOVER , ......... . Films, All Sizes --- Eastman and Selo. Developing and Printing, Done Quickly & Expertly R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES. WALLPAPER—'DONE 2(1• Ij Fl t IL'ISI G'r2 O P: •1� ' „� r• � h � V n tt`, h a M' '�GiSlf+� .,21w1a�ut2t2i212ic , , vl Ic t.'t1a,rJ�cla.''ul�lal salt -1 la14I-,✓',rs,t,.:,�'t:+ .'i,,-1.:r.�lsl.�.,r"'i,c. commemorate some passing event in e lives of their relatives Q{ er t r ,tm,v I e ! ;, tql ;;'•:' ty! 1 ! ! ''7A,' ' ,r' qtr i °. C:f.�,. Z �` rt+3tC CI.,'C;I:•tC f w'St , 3 G d tlki'.. G :,I.•' � PIP.k"..'.1 , t t ! o' r! iliows Drug Siore Drugs, Tobacco, Soft Drinks—Phone 28. Fountain Pen and .Pencil gets ..... Lead Pencilti .......... . ..... . Fountain Pen Ink ................ Scribblers ...,.•.................. Wanlpole's Extract of Cod Liver , Backrilc Kidney fills , , , , ....... Dicks,:n's Stomach Powder , .... , . r .. , . Nova I(elp Tablets .... , .. , , , .. 79c, ,$1,39 an( lr'ermol Laxative rills . . ... . .... . . . . .... . lllennen's Baby Oil ....................... 'Fred, Razor Blades . . ..... . . .. . . . . . .. . 1 for 1Oc (Fit Ever Really and Gem Razors) Se r �l FO r3 $1.50 d� an(I Se ,.15e and I Ile .$1.00 ,enc lie $2.79 ,50c .'19c. r) ej 1'1 i4 f1 ti ry 1114 61 r'4 '1 r1 11 ru Y$ r1 2r2,212,:".',.a,i,A,P.7:41 iiill2lc ni`l y"I.��a r�r`r)'b7,ells'c'1M)i i12,arihr.l2lF,2-o.11 ii I<12181n1 t{'i't'•C'4'it4'!FilQilyl:',14"'il�i�'!o'i'''.n`.ir'i'�1!Cly,r„rh,r,,y,u,i,!.tP",Iw'•�'ol%'o �':i':'!t',, ,.i,'y .s,r�, rt 1 YntG'i 11,!Q Ra anti \h'. Elliott (Richmond, Toronto, re. friends, such as Birthdlays, Wedding turned to his 'brothers, James Rich- !Anniversaries, or any other events mond, after visiting a week' with his that our readers may think worthy of neiee, Mrs, \itis,:;el 1Vorden, at Stuffs, note, You are asked to use this col umn, \Ve think It would be it fine \I C. and 'Mrs. J, I.. Task'. and two -gesture on your part to show your in tions, Ronall and d3u.ri'le, of Hamilton, (erect In your friends, are visiting with ,\Ir. and \Its. A. R. Tastier, and other relatives in the vi- cinity. •Congratulations to \lis; \lariattne \IcCowut. Of (1,shuwa, who cei: