HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1942-08-19, Page 1HE BLYTH STANDAR VOLUME 17 - NO, 02. BI,YTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESi)AY A[GUST 19, 1912 Cemetery Contributions Presentation To Jim Sims 'Farmers Asked To Loan store ('losc(I 1 1) The fullutfinl; i:; a 11.1 1)I' amomIl;l I'elltlll'Cs Iia111( i' ite 10 I'erce'ilt i\'1i11t, Cret111 i 91 r. I.11.>11 \\xt!I,cux'1'Ix„1x..,1! I:1y revel 1ell b' 1111'};er!'1'1:11')'-'1':•'as111't'I•1 (1(1.11- ti11,1" . 11 'lir 1'.. :1, x t ti '!'l,' \, •kly Pint. Nile 11'x111' 11:544! ' 1:1 the I/1011'I tllet,'1'y 1111:11'11 .;11144' a lri'y :101'1111 1 tit 111'1. 4411 Sill Ill -111.1 ( 1 c(itIC :111,1 I 111-!1•\' 11'1' ' b,1 bx: ll .:1. d Iasi pebli:llt'11 4411 91ay _.'.11, 191 91'ilhxnn:, Jlr. 1lrurge Alain:, 115 15441'11X.. 1114)usht 9Ir. \V. N. 91'itls'un I eslir 1I:Dllurn 91 vs. liernar(I iIa11 911', John ('0lilnson Jlr. (tidier( 15441rnes \l1'. 11. J. !'1155','!1 JI .(1':;..I. R• I'', I.aillla\v 9Ji' . (l. 1.1•!111 Sr. 91°. S. Creighton 91 Es. \\'. Hol,,rtam 111'. \\'44111, I'uc'ltl':line 91r..\n!ly ('onus 91r. Robert Somers 91rs. 1101)1. '1'055•11srnl "•111 !coil, I1id 1.1'1'1'ylhi111; he hio w 111 111111 will he rrdeeni('d IIF the (luv'ertunrnt !u intere3.11'd in :he \,.Iran' 111' Ilt,, toren "(1 115'1 ti In Fruit i)ititt ICtti 11 r. 'I'1cxnl:Is 91111,'44 ",Iu 5v1, _I ; and coumanity. Ile 55,1 • pr. -idem of \ 11+'nolo Brun 1 patronized Ilt guu11, III' 1141-,,,1 years I,y the 1;1)'11)4'111 of +:,-,,0t 91rs, :111..445 1'011 !.4411 Ill( int, ri'sl he had 1:111..11 in 5144 rant which 111111: ;I 1 per rent hnestnu'tit, IIII' 111)511 Business .hen's .1 •e,'i61i:111, I l• r i :Ill urgelt 111.1.11 Ior n, lnen (fatiro. \\Titch 5\';I„ held oh ,,,1 1)11 11001' 91r. 'termini i (':alt I.0 l 'tinnily. :uul aid 11145 the lu5vn 5\11'; If 111441'11❑w'1'• should 111)11! i ;ltn0nl; ;and Senior \1':11'11 1 of 111v Ill Lodge \441111 r- in the 111111 har\esting this floor. .\r(hur's orchestra farn!s11' .11r. Tho;, fate I.n'p \I'. 4\ .\.\l. No, :Ir t. Itis 411115' ❑I ) ';n'. It i, repulted (1145 the peach .good mush. and the Mulct', (lid not losing a gold citizen. they have inl•rvlvll the certifu•ates Mr, Harry \1'av south :,,1' I \I r. 51111, wa0 1" the 1!'lll'urnl will he rlvleeulell al an} till" 41'5..44 six Ihr' ho:Irll of Ute 114110 a14,1ys clop is good, felt it cannot la. larva -t 1 break lip anti! 15'..11 after a a.m. 'The 91r. Henry :.rnd(•rst») 1.10 ;In,! Ihr f0110%inr; w:is read months from the Malo of Ifo 11111,01;1,o.'IOuud hila in constant demand. and in 1.11 \'/01"111 Ih', t1"/'1.111" 1i' the \"l 10.1 p!'o1I.1'll; from 1he dam''', .$1.41.2:x, 9144;. :\noir Cidelourdi 1.111 I1 hill. 41111 hr wa; 1re<,'uted 41111 11 (111,,1 1111.1 cheese la(Imrirsatl(I pen• Ills rr;t) 4.t Ino, he 4.11, 'Ifways reads :1n1,'e1's in 11,' 1':1'4411 Ser\•1r1 !111'1'1. ! I \ 44..1144 Indent 14411051 did a g441)d Jallle.• 1(,11!:: ',11'1 11 lend of Iris services, 11111, did -111.10!11 service' 1;1-1 year. b1 -Ines; in soft drinks and hot Mott),, 101 !y 4411,1144, ;1511 smoking x'54411, fit• dare deall'1' \ill hr sn11lir0 111th Ihr old rontnrntity, 1 \ll 150115441 15'orhe1 engaged in any and 1111'11'11 111 I net profit 1i' Airs. \1111. 11:14 :^,,un hal wish boxer: of bi.; lavo'u'ilr brand 114444..„nary slanll, 1144 Ihr (unvrni,,ltt•,,' (`itir,l'us 01' Rlytit, 91rs. 914'0110 ,10441, -un 1.1'51 91r. Salim( I Ierhnie 1.0 9lis. ,\11:1'1'1:1 (tender 1.111 91rs. I. 1tt•o4•n - ((4 91r. (1(•(1i'gt Sloan ;;.e 4 91r.. \\'til..\usllnl 1,41 \Ir;. I. uu':ill I.uilits' co lir. It. 11, 114451..4.111 9144.:. ,I. 15. 9!0041}' :'.11'1 $I I 1 Ir id 111 'l1) \I I'• V. 11. I(r.l)' made the 1544;155', and :Irl' 11..111;; I.lu'11 }' Ihr' Nil \1';144 n ,11111 ,1 1,111 oil n Ih' Prize„ halo leen about half I'inanre t'intntille' to luau the Ilnt• share 11;05 time b;1- 011:•In1'l, l a 5 I." 41;;155'1, he 00111111441'11 Ih.it 1111'4444 5..11111 ernnt14nl, fur Ill' 11111'4114411 01' 1111' 40', „nrr. -,Ill (11,0:101 x• ,111', 111 1- 11'1:11 :5(11 144,' :in inlx•1ru1tl.m 11 ulnnl ' 111 per rrul of herr pay ell )Ii 's Io!' in„ Ili•. -(111th, .In i o1 To; -Ill•. 11 ' 111 1 ' 1 \'.pile ;1 nu,» I 11111,11'Ii1111 lull}' ',5';L, per. 111111(, 1'1'1':1111, eggs and other 14;'111 111'1,• plo-rll 1t Ili+' I,I f 11 it. ,1!f+l Id. i.'•+! 1H: _,111 formed, 91 r. 'tray then '\platl'11 (incl'. do"r'•. 1.11'1 t41 the large audience Illol Illi' 1;1;,;1 ('Pups in this comity ;tl'1' splendid I 1.1144}.11 (';11111' In 1115'511. 40!11 59'11,,i1 1.0'1 Incl ;Issoeidte,; bull 111 11)' fri,,:.d; 1''t and pl'ir'I'; :t1',' ria l tta11y gn011. I'1" 1. 5, se1'eu y: ;1)'= nc1 ,lel tabli-15,•11 91°. \\'..1, 8:It4 11401 l htl-l1) thio Ii111• al pot! for Ihr !Ir per 11'111 is I11'rrl'I,r' lliul,l'it in 11144 r"111.4 11.1. s ;144'1. 11 t in I,Ni l:lr IL'lll 111 Vi+'10 "l hi' rl,ttliiIO 1•rr)il'lllg a ,gIlierol 544;14415»+'. I 1}'• ' il4;It 51511.. Ill' 1k1. ;1144144 d 1rl Irl ; 1.411 lirp,lrlu11 1'.(111 1a,nles Ill .:11,1 !le 1101 i; 11)011 by 11110); (14' pretinr('l"''a11 built 111 a 3-l'1e1111!d 4'0111•. till') l 1.011 dill 1101 1,11151 511)}' II'. 11.111 11444411 p11•011 War Savings SI;tIIl; in,tl'nrl ill ('1011 1!; milirIntl de\leten to 'mote . awl 1 •11'1 (0 preside at IPI -ill'. 1;11 0144;5;11111, for the lo per rent. The :511111'; arc ''.11x1 !Iii cell l;I 1. Id."I •;I II+. manner. a, there wt'rt' uulny in 1015'71 15.11 had placed in folder; until ?•1110 5vortlt i; 1.111 111015.1 .1144. 51111, 111r many ye'Irs, collected. 0111'n they edit 1e changed 0144' 1',i 1111• v,riu::e„t 1,1.1044 I•''1 Ile 11111 1111115th (lint for the past thin- for r1'rlrlriales. Ivory .l. cl•,'lililllt" 111x'11 i1 110 11114..,, I,144y441 1)'a- 1110;11'v - YOUR LOCA£• 'APER, an Expression 01' '('hanks 1 Red Cross Frolic \i'as I ! u1' 11. c"!111111 '111 Decided Success 'u , \11:1 .. 11'44 "441111, Ir, '1'11x' 11+•,1 1'1 n_- 1''!111, 11+'111 +111 \\'wl- Ir,}• Ir 1 ,:x - ,1-d.'i.1' - :111'! 1', !el - 11 -day . 1.'11111; . .\1)'11-1 I.'Ih, 41.11,- 1;11',,1 1„1 I \1',4'. .1 ;t 44,,.1.1\51!: '•, I•,\!1 111 ht1un.111 uelluillt :1111 fin;ulrially. Illy' !u:1G,.1 !.1.1 `II 111104' I.1'•Ilill1 IIxr11te11 -1111'1 !x11111 11'1111 :111 4'1111.1' The I'eenluit 41114. !deal for su1'11 an 1 ;1:15'x• lived to" idle in Blyth to I '1,.1,1. ;x11+1 ,11 1.111111• 111(k 1f 1 It1' !le :JP! ;:1 :1 11111'144 fit0 11,111) )1,1441 11.1.11 -4r.•.1 4;1- 11111/ed fill' the Ilii'• il:Ive ,'x,1111• :,111 >•'1':.'. .1:11 11'.'x'11 .1' 1",11111)11.... 11 11„- 410 1!t'sl Ike l ;1• -.Ileo 11:,1 1111' 1!1'1 11!11- \c:ll 1101' 11111 sulrll 111 I. V/.01 in, lo'o'n held 111!,'11 11 1111'11 1II III, .44011.., ,:I Iilr 11.1 m1 111x• 171:111 „(leer for rnarlyy0;1'4.,:1111 -x'11'11!)' }'I ;Ir only 111144" lilx.xtux 1 dldninn ,1.1'51• ;u 1:1 \'n 11 any flour.. 1'11.111 1)I 11 Ii1c1' n1i Ili •. 5'11' 1114' Hill+' and I hold, ;Ir Ititiir1;I1• IIx H. ,11110 I" 1.„ 4ailln. \ 1;11:: 11111::11 booth, 011i1'11 ';154411 :Ilgi 1)l the :x14 • 1144.11 !one 'd time ' _'i!1 dil. 1.-51.il 111)111, ;11111 1x44 an t; -hide lvltll meI,\iuulI ly one hundred opera Ierl \C. I,f1:111 : 191S from l,•lure 511511 "'doll', until after' 1 11 m. It proved the biggest ..0111'.... of Need For \\'olllell 14 (111' ;1- the net p;'nr/1x0s il'om it 4'1.1.44 $111:44.111. t 4 of cigar: 01 their customers. (\ill join in expressing general r'gr!'i 111 11 ,,,• 55'11)'- 4'111 Ile hu"w1 as I'arm ! The following; is a complete 4.5451'- • In;n' .liar: \111': many yexus 111" The 1(101 has 11(1Ivrd the ..door;11.';11 111= ih;larlure, 1111 :int 55'111 hope iha1 service Volunteer;. All 014.11'rs'nl4'nt It ;....tilt; and eXIl'nditnrr's for ! 11;(..011 by Ihr' 1.."1"' Illnsl 111. 1)54'1. Ili /Ill,. 1'P loot:.renlinnnus re;'Mence in 151411 the 51111,, lion 11' the 111441111 1'111111}' I'rdrralil,it ifhe day !s MI tau f:lr Ili -iOW 4'11491 h^ has torn,. 4th, n you 54i11 11 departing 411(1 \Ir, ,A, ,1. \I('9lurray, the (071st}• may return to 1:I;.e up 111- place in the,. ;u1t not Over I:x years, 1111 must he 111 1111..:1.44 -roll 111 a .\:atinnai H,,Lis- flont IIs, and we 5,1,11 1„ 1111,1, th!• up. (•hetrman of the \\'a1' rifolo(,, conn• rnnuunuits 4)111. I(eceipt, 144411011, (:11.11. 1nl'lllllil5' 01 I•Xpre,•.1ill;! 1511' IIdn114'It1 Iliitll'r, 4'111 P110111 to farm('i'4. and ;ld :11'11 our ;Ipptcrintiin of the in• others 1(4.11' ('I(\'X 11„x1 Saturday 11'o15 111'1'-1 yon Ilfl ' li 4'11 to Ihr' p,l„l 111 I:.I:, 11 1 u'rintk, Sistc1. 1)ies In C'alif'ornia Ihr• w('llare of Ili; community PERPETUAL CARE FUND There are I'e4 i1 any 114'11 who 4441 --9' - \les;;';, \I'll, and Itoher5 Johnston 55'ork to be 11'100, depending on tint of Myth received 110 sad news of 511' w,oih,r and conditions. \\'aces ore ! Bingo Dance 1.:5, pease, -- floor til 01 I \V01•101 s (\till 11'114415 11 11 '1 11, 111 111111'-u•1) 111.111 ,lion(; a day, with ot'et•titne in eor r- 1;,,icies, '1'114'1.1' 1114) be 400111' Sunday Net proceed, 'lot t .1. S. ('hello\\• ; ea J. 1I. It. ICllrnll _ I,u1 l911•1<in1),1 Lot i:'.tel \1'..\, Logan nu :Rett, i•a14' Ltd .:I.1), Edmund 9ili11ing 1,01 1,14.110 11111 torn, ,(110• lary•'I'1,'as,u•.'° P'Iission Band 111Ce1s fie regular 11111111 Illy meeting of the .\lissiutl Hanel was loth" 0n Sainl•- day afternoon .\ugil;t •., al .1 o'clock, The meeting opened 5vith the \lis• :•lona°) Song, "All lite little (Witham,' 111111,wed 1y the repetition of the \II brrs I'urt)usr ;ltd the "I'eacr \'rise', 1111141 of a» 111111' yt .t;'s in busi0 '»s ! Ruldctll - Yunirbltlt.t !dealt 0l' their si<ter, 91,'s. James _I';• lu :I(• 111 hour. (';5111 b111u'0 is Receipts , 1:,,,4:1.,:...7i1',1211 and 1l ought to l,4' a ..r.:1•:•e ill' gratll't .\ Iltti('t trrd4llttg took 11ace ;tl the ltiarl;lruugh, 11'154411 0(44!1'4410 !u 1.0s `i :.0 ;l 55'..4'1,. 'Transportation i; pard I'.xlrn;i's 0111111 to yotl to 1111)55' Illat gull 15'el'' ni;utsr 1)l' old SI. ,1nlr,,lc's I'nhrd .1ngrles, ('al., (11 .\.,gn•t 1:1111. 011,' 1)•;t}• for v01nnt1'ers who r4lm:lin 1)t t always cu11 int '100 ;111 honest 1(1 1n('ss ('hurl h, \CInni 144 '4111111oba, 0n Sim- least 11114' weeks. 11;11. Tour interest in slorls ;II„o h;ls 1 t' ltrrllsed 4•as a I\vul si„11'44 of It.44 day, .\ugnst 11 at 11.115 a. til., w11'tt belt .lulu1 11111 told I'iity years ago II i hoped that ns many a„ 101 1111 Booth ht loco 1111' }'llllllg 110114' as 4(111 11ev, II. 11, Ihtchwur11 11111411 111 Imtr• s 15 ill 5.111110111. 1'11111 114is ihntnllnt!ty. Ir' ;1 'n: l•rat iuu t0 /hent i0 Iheii he married ,lame; Llach lrougll, 01' Receipt , , ..Lx Hoge Alma 911(1' 1'nngblntt, .\nluiu, \' - vnriuns r: Curl; ;1114111 t conlenQ('Is, East \1'anann.11 in4'n;hi1. '1'114 lived Expenses , , 11151 i1'tllitn111 R01er1 11!11111411, Ihulland, ;on 1111 highway 111:'11 ill' 1114111 fin.. .\11 in all the Inc:Thant., and 11!11;1'' 1lauitulrt, The (on pre w1 re uuattetnl i toolcin}r Is •11151 :1110111 - _ l surae lime 1..5'111.„ tout Ing t0 \loltala, n l Of 1114111 and (un11n 11115) 0441 sorry l0 ! 11114 Intal Son mnlst 14 v ave 11s ant 111 4•ltcre 9144. Hl n'hIiruug1t 11110 1\111.11..,14'.11\\:2.-.'Ovci' 51(11 111 \Vernet; 1,f,4I The bride ells„ a 145'4 fai(0r:''i year.; ago I I'4u local farmers lace telt He. wis11 Shit to 114'4'01 ill.; ;1 11 gift as I Miscellaneous Expenses a :11;:111 token 1)l' 111('144 goodwill and snit with 11144411 1;51 and shot ;and wore' tiinrt then \(!'s. Iti:lrithrungh has Mighty a„si<laner Ili' lu(:(I fu4n;In 1 Printing n mink scarf, Hel' flowers 0111 a resided i0 Lu.; Augldrs, in the ir,u5'(•st I'i',11l, .;incl 11!1 1t:t honest a11t)r::diItt tit' corsage of roses. The wedding dinner' :\tnlliti0r x , ,u Signed un behalf of friends: g R1-ide', h('1' f4'0 14401114444- .\\'ml. and i=;1)r. O0 '1'1144 -day evrni0t ;, g:u1g 1,01144,110. , 4•as s4. ".41 ill oho horn' 01 114' 1°1411- Puled Jm114.1ut1, both of 111)1.1, site .iutn'1c! 111 t" Illy farm 01' \\'Illi:uu 1. 11. R. Elliott, 114.11 'I'0P1'r, Ken. grouln'; si;tr° !n 1\'inniprg. Later i, surrirell hS 140 sislr:' 1144)415 Inti did ;1 10111 4411144,, for biro. \\'Itituturc, J. 8, l'heih,'4., 1):'1 phut). .0 `' the 100111' left for 1111'!1' 1100111' 11 111)1• Farrow and 91i';. Robert Ih'444.1, both setting tip about 1:1 acres, 'Then on 'Total RoOcipis , , ::1!--,:,-.-1:'2,---'.'':::-11:-:1111-1 ';,loci( (ow111, Gurdon 1•:11!011, tut of 'Toronto. .4 son 41111 11auglier Pro- Minta) night another 1 111ua11 \\tent911 ('1:.44 91(,;,.4.111 ;450 a 14415441' ('rrightun. 1'44;115 1,1„11:11, .l(1,' 1\'100• L'ul'l,911wit01oa, pence,; . , I'oUtI I:x °Inr to 91iss Yinighlutl's departure' deceased her, 'ant to Jack Ilaggitt'x, and acre: Roil 91°s.',mighty, containing a mes• ,tock, itd"i1 I'a:f5\right, \', 91. Hra4 ', _ ___ •tar 4404.114rn 1'41110;5, titan}' friends 11111111;11 ser5•lrt, 4.14.1' 11111 on Sat• was 111 result of the nights 5vu.lt. Net Proceeds 15ll, , sago for our 9lission Band. Slat)• 11, 11. 1, i• ..lul, 11..010 1'1111 .1 called 115 the horn' of 1111' sister, \ors.'Imlay, .411111.;1 I:0it, .4 541) fine lunch was furni Ilrd hS 4.11(14. (l' \lac Lyn 4•..444 :114.0 4.1111 int Gror1r lotto .\rni:nnl Roti ttt, .101111 :144511144, :\uburn, Schen Ihr true.; I 1115 hiller, Puling the \VOrshdp SIT- 11111'°1}• itr44;, \viii 11'11;11, Loa, the Ig41ys at both places, which. n; s4 (11 55'44. displayed and 144,111) lovely `----\'-----. vice, prayer for little 9181 Lyn, 91:• •Snt!lit, Harold v0dd1'1, 1•::tri \\'!Run'» 11:,11:1 1 44s greall4 al,lre(faled by the Itr»tills 44f stnuki0g operations enc Lmugley's m101)14.41 Chinese girl, was gifts were received. , t f t: t lugs in the g;ulc, rigid Ont by ib,, men 0f !Myth n 1 to I g 11. 11144111,, 11:11'°y J1ht1,111t. 1,1'41' 1 13ANK Ni I E ` /NNE 1 oifti(d by Shb'1„} 1'111441111^r. hiss ('. Ili!lr0t'n. Olive \- - R .\, -15114'11 ill ;11/011101' 11°1!111 111 111!14 i0atr, »101\ a Hem, profit ill' $J:.,110. \Ir(til1, 1'.':Atli Citing, ! The l'u1104•ili were 1111' 5\11111..44, in 9lcNowan prayed for our 91isstonarie; 11, ,1. Powell, I.:111,,1 'Taylor, chesie1. p:,_4', the Hid ('440 Soviet!'hi'uelitletl;l:xt)r14.1s were ;5 fro hlislers, lame In China. 91orri„on, Plan'( Hollynrin, .9. Role 1 t11i111i111 -Dobie Salurtlar uighl's 1541111 tilt 111455, at by :11 extra 440, 4110 from 9Ir. 14Ey'1barlts, and tired muscles. 'Sayre( lien11 ('1111(•11, St, Augustine, tine, "1111(1) V. \I. IN'a4. 1)1'11(•11141: 'art.:ltd $11111 from \Ir, 11'04!1I. The 11 i11,111 iluill. also Ow 411!11 111 11. 1'. 'I'. 1 11 411, \\';11s(1n Ihu<.. :1,1 a 1111 (1111},R4(eipls ;111(44 la»t week \44440 a= donwed by 9ll;s L0rhi1 4ere examin• ;mired ('null, 11th meviriiv, Ntmit.tit \vas the seem(' of a pretty wedding 011 I \\'1111 111'• 'Taylor's $:Leu and 91r.! rii m1-- Mark)" 91(•(1111, 1'uHOwn: 1''I LS Ihe;r p.rstnl. The Band 044- 110445'15, I,luyO \\'ritlaui'r:. 1'444111 FA. Sttlmtda} Ittulnimg at ,:111 u'clock i,uinl's ,t.e11• the society has benet'it• „) Net I't0ee+'ds lir,. (9 $_.011 911. , I l4 1114 )."1110-',. 1 t 1)t 11111141) 4.111)4 n , , $1. uu cr01'd to Erne Allier Bernier 911\all, 11011, Berl 1tt':t}', Charles Hr11, when Iter. E. J. 91cJlnhon united in ted to the extent 0i' $:41.111), \\'illiall Bryant Luo ; Lnu e:u•h -Nil's. 'fail. NH" Just'', is (((1::111(11 111 the his:;01111, '1'111 \Ir. Silts was deeply app:1(1iti\•„ marriage 9lery E. I)uhie, da1)1411(1 o5', The 4(111144, \x11) 111,11tap» \•as 1(1 I'.dw;u'd (1111155. , 1111 ('11111 =(' slur}' 411; fold by 91rs, hair of this mill 0i' 44440144(1 ,11155'11 hits, Ihr lata 91 r, 515(1 \l1' , 1\'illium ill1ir, phine lVoudcOck, 91440. Sfreefer, 91rs' blame for the scheme getting into Anhnrn, awl, \\IIII II ,I. Kinahntt, sun i('hrster 9lurrisOtl' 1/10/11011 woniri fike t0 51141111 thus( Kenneth 'Taylor , . :,.Ire servile 'Ind 91Es. 91ar';hall. and 4\pr,,4.;('(I himself in a f.15t' 55'4411 (ref into 51111'1 ua Salnrda) eight. Jack. Ilag(;itt d,nn I 11 14:; 1114• :111(0 as president, The chosen words, He afterward; said of \\'1111 tot I<inahan and the late 91rs. 1 who helped n;w'mhlr a kaug' 541ru -._ \1101114444 $ld.n(5 will he given awry, d ntitlt ttt, 41'es1 4\'a0;11c;x11. ever 511444444 w1):; a place to g0. 91'44 tniunles of last meeting were road that the chair 111111 smoker \tight wear,. 51111 at ;1u;rd, a 9lissiunar}• 5011,; out with liter, 1,11) (hal Ihr address, 1 1'x.1 101111 wore a puudic blur ,tacitrt I'I'ltr only way Sun can g14° a 4.11""" know that with store, open 1111('44, total , $:,:,,o0 dress and a corsage of '1'alisnu5u Eos• t0 win a share 01' 1 is Ip' hl(171g Ilei nig'ht4. a week. it 114111 sl1ittl(ing was 1:'11!, 1}' ,ilicc, 9lildrra, .11urgiu:'t, signed by a maty 1)t' his tri"nos hit; in the handl. Il! then( when 8111'144) Radford and Shirley falconer. 4'ouhl be framed, anti would alwa}': r4., The b10dt''s allrndaut wa'• 911'•0• 1111th time at 110115.. 011 (dosed nights. (' T ` The mretiug 4.1(11(1 with 111 \\'otltl 11'malit as it 111111 b'1\5'0"n 11)011'11 'TlruiIlt( R('dntoud 0f S1, .\,Igtt;Unc, ynn make your purchases at practical• that 5111111 11454' 11)111 n1111/rel to goon PERSONAL INTEREST ly any L'1)'tlt Store. . Trion„:14!11 )layer, 1111111 Ito; many 111111 trinit11s in I!lylil, who chow 11 c0slnml° 111' pink I,l1111111r 1,10vat11 101. 11111, nevertheless, if 4'4.' 1 91r, 19'tn. Lamuull and sister, Alin 91. S;m" 11 ft 011 \l0nday afternoon fa,ltl„n„d in rrdingule style with i -.___\'__:___ have 11..114(1 t0 44441155'44 the. Ire ;snrr 111, of Toronto, 6pritl a few days with Ia r„sirlr' with Itis daughter, 91rc white urcessories :1)11 114444 co0sngI' was I ,f,,,. 11 few farmers; who were iu dot their' auto, 9lrs. Hen 'Taylor, :11111 910. III Ll 1-Iospital Lorne Rale, 111' " 'tforlli. of Broom rose;. The lridegt'0unt \va.; Shoe And Harness Repair Iger of Navin;: their trop, sp0!!s'l1, 1Taylo,, - \• !supported by 91r. 'l'heorlut'r itmhuond -, r , 4'44 are all satisfied. Proportionately 9Irs, Gordon ,\iigustine and (laugh. 1( 01)111 I-Iere lot' St. Augustine. The wedding l Ie410 5144 the slut 0I' the town, 41111 the 111,,11 :qt.:,1Ror„en, spent the wr0k•0nd 5vith C11111U11 Bank. Nlilnat;'CI' was played by Miss 9110 Itedtnoml, 91 r, and \Ir,. ('. 4'. Pringle of Galt availlblr. 4., 1111115 11' any (used dill n. G. .\ngnstine, at 1\'0odstnck, :\,'I',('.\I•, of 51, Augustine, and al Ill are l\,pl(tavl lu arrive i0 111)111 this better. 1\'4' linow of some that 1110 1!4.4. Helen 41c(lill of Clinton, spout I.• (/(DCS rlto (i(1(lerteh ol'I'ertory of 11144 91;Iss 91i;s Rrduupu,( I'i'InnsOa}, 1'11„44+ 91r. Pringle 4111 e; 4 0a}s last w„141t 5vilh 91iss frau i11. 91, 91unlotth, for the past eight sang ''Av1' \I aria', hoH04iug Hu''f;thlish himself in 11144 Shur 4111 Ilan i \' - res Johnston. }ears manager of 11144 ('111111111 In;utc'11 ,certntou4, 1144 4e11ding piSrlS 5105044 'urs., Repair Business. I( •. , 91iss tiara Ilaechler spent the week - 1(11' the. Hank or Montreal, .1.i tieing 4.11 hi (odeti'it, where the wedding! Ile has rented an apartment in the lllllltl' (:llnrcll W. A. 11Ieet end at her 110011 in Tavistock, Ii transferred to Ihr tttanl,cnn'ntl 1)l'1 Property Trinity ('luluh \1'.:\, mel Oil 'fiun's' 91 i,4. Iliad}; Fawcett split over the dinner wits served at the British Ex-Ilucltste p I Eo perty front 9lessrs. fart ,Alit' tlol, who brain.)). surrrrding A. /change 1\\light and 'I'hnolI, and will u:e Ib^ day aft al the home of 91 fn. 444„15•end tvitlt her mother, 91rs. :\, c hang( Hol„1, t. Nicol, \44111 b; retiring' \lr. and 9Irs, I{huthan left for a ;front portion 1(11' a work shop, \viilt 911'tcall'r. The mooting was 014714(1 Fawcett, 1\\', 11. Ruhr11';on, ill' Ihr hu1•010t 1hnn1}'rnntn I0 he spent In Ih:' Gt01g-1living quarters in ad.ia(eut parts of rho with 1111 113•ntn "Sun of 914' Sural.'. Mrs.KItowlet' and icalhlrrn, of Branch. is believed to 1e slated fur1411 Ila)' district. T110 brf0c chose 0 hulloing, 1 The 1!540) Sas 1;41,011 by ).ors. Sire..• Oshawa, :1)'r visiting for two weeks Ihr 1..,111111 at 1'11111011, 1tta5clittg co;tlime of 111-11ist, tan with .1114th ha; leen wit lued :r „101 4'i''• ter. (0:5)..44; for 911<siuns by !hr fres, with 91rs. A. 1':twclt1. 1 5111(.0 1)1111g 1raiil,li rre0 Ito ('11111011 .111114), ae(tsorles, 011 51101E return Ipairet• since 111111')' 1111m 11,. nnw 1'51'. 141, 01 1)111 111' members prover in mit- \\'t ser by the \\'ingbam Advance- iro11 a 9?oitreat branch, Air, 91ottod(It 11;1144) Rrowit. enlisted. and `there tut„ •:111. Miss .\lice Rogerson rtn0('r5'41 Time,: 4'hcrr 3;011 10 Sims is playing they will 1'r{side 011 the lridegroont's NI' ( Sttittlay, August 2:1, Rev. A, has itti'util'led Iltnlsolf 4•ith ttI1 curl 110(11 110 h;u'uo.;s 1 ' ,bolt Berl' •hrl1111':11Iy 1111 ;1111:; "913- 'Task'. 11181811 for one of the \\•inghant Towit Crum 111 11'0; \\';t4•;utuah. i' Sinclair 5'111 ';10111 on 1lie follo4.lig nmltil4• and patriotic welfare move- ,ince Jack Thompson, who comeitt, 1.1 9'iss Renner an eathnsiastie \\'. A.ILeague 1'4111;. Sport 1f any descrip- suh,lc:Is: intuits in Clinton, \ ("red/ \\'til vol. - \'- the (010t) 1110 harness business. 51'„11 \vorLrr front .\)1111'44 was given a (lion aro practically a forgotten issue 111:1 '1 -Tint Clillgallon of the ('hutch cram, 110 Immediately bvcanu' 111101'• Attend Silver Wedding to Seafrlrth. hearty welcome. She read two 4er3' lure. 'there was talk of a few ex - Thr (1:1 ilial 11111111 will m„4.( at r;fid in Legion a'Iililir.:. Al the for.Thr lade, particmhu'ly 11' 11 »het 1'1' interesting articles ":\ King 44.111 Ni+litinn softball gapes between the tin! rtusr of till morning service. 1maliun of the Lions ('lurk he was 1 Anniversary pair shop, has been a groat !neotveu \9'alk1 Wil it God' 410 ,'1,111, 'I'lty m:n'tied and Ianghe 01011, but that is as .:1,11--':!nsy with Sr:'onlaty Things. (1411„44 memo..(' and I'1r first vice.- 91°, and 91 its, A. It, 'I'aslter attended knee to citizens in 111411 and dislrlcl. Itrotllot.' far as it ever got. Sports -minded en - president 11' the chili •;n(c(Illing to the Silver \\'tIding Anii\cr181')' cele- vlto have 1)1011 )11iged t1 aqui. 111 1111,0. 911». 511//1544 111'ered 1111 1041(50' tbusiasts 1111 V0 contented themselves the prsidcticy in ibr' wenn,, Year and brution of 911', and 91rs. Nelson 914.- their shoes I1 some 1lighhluril4; 1o41) Cdr the next meeting and the Rllgrave with an 141d game of horse shoes. or for the pest four }•car, held t1:.' office ,(11111'.., of Holstein, on Saturday. Mrs. :55 hen'\ o1' they 4144' in need 1t repair. 1Ig11 Auburn ladies will in' ill\ 11011 to bu\\ling 111 th0 greet(. or stooking, 110 treasurer. Ill is also senior 4444 'rasher is a sister of 91 r. 91..111445' lug• oltiit a utuilt for ilurol ('1111ege. 41114411 can hardly bo (uusider„cl as idea of Clinton Lodge :1.11. & A.M. No. 1 A feature or tho days „cont, 4,m, \\'ills Ihr 1,',•11 to eol-er\t 14':0111 r .4 11 tilt was tied for lll•'•fall hale. spell. 'I'lu' local howling green re- st, the marriage ceremony of 31i, and thr'I1' should he a considerable lu11('I'• At 11e conchgslun of the meeting ports a \oro t;ttr(es••fni s(asun, Oil - 1S11 1111:13' tichoul---lu::lI A, 91. 1 .91r, and \ors, glint:'itis have Iwo \It's. 91c(luire's daughter. Olive, who 111 1144 shut repair Inr:In';s, 10111 11 !s 115,1'11 411» •..11'511 by 1Ile host e,, t'ere111 rinks ltnvo 14:it. 1 n,tfaide I\torniugf'r;tyer and Seruwu,- I 1:40 (:nus in active' s„rvirr, G0r+l0tt. Iltr bc(eane Ile hridt of Pte. 9lnrraF 11 be 110110 5111)1 the be»11144., will 4,1 r- \' points whPru' tournaments have bet11 A. M. elder, is in the 11.(',.1.1', 1)441141 Corps. (lreentvood• rant 91r. 1'tingle's effort in establish- 1.\ 'K5ON • In (';inion 1to-pital. 111 11('14. Th... . P. tlairrH 1.4,1.19111y I''riday, Intercession Service, --i:15 and Rolfe, is In the Royal Navy seine- I Fifty guests were present for the lug hinself here. \\'1 have no doubt 1 \day• Aragu4.t 114111, t1 Pr. R'.. and (x11: '0 off the prize at a lir''' "ls J), 91, l wht'1•e 10 England or on the high seas. I wedding diluter. ( ilial it will. 1 91:s. 31(•1(4;011, a 4o11. , tournament, 91441, 'I'hutuas Elliott received word Loin her " 1It, Bert, I0 the PIfrll that be had be.'n confined to hospital at R11u•. I, \..;„ and had 111151, rglul an Operation on Ills arm \\'hiih was in- t'oc11.'11 4 ill Hood poisoning, CHW CH 1OUNC BLYTH UNITED CHURCH TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH !Icy. P. H. Streeter L•Th,, Rector :\ug'ust _ , 1912. MAPPING ALLIED PACIFIC OFFENSIVE ele 011 t7 Cso pQCl7. (-�Cr� -ari t1 oee '0 'Sete 0 Coral Sea AUSTRALIA Ip NEWS HEBR W1S �ti NEW �.y J CALEDOIeiA South Pacific S ittw et•fte d';e from the Japs, the United NatIone have launched )i; t t l:'k of their atvn in rho area mapped ah11Ve, i'orecs )f the ['reel :sour; Pacific Fleet, assisted by units of the ymihwest i'a(ifir, a'.t t l;_' i in the 'I'ulieve area of the Solomon Islands (1). At the ::role tial;', .Ulicd air units under (len, MncArt.hur't command tithe -lied Jap hesee in New Guinea at Salamaua and Let: (2) and Rana-IXek ei.t (.1{ and at leileatl (4) in New Britain. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 34 JACOB'S VISION OF GOD.— Genesis 27, 28. PRINTED TEXT, Genesis 28: 10.22, GOLDEN TEXT.—I am with thee, and will keep thee whither• soever thou goest. Genesla 28;15. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tithe. --This elect can he dated somewhere near 1 76 0 B.C. Place.—The beginning of our story 1s laid in Beet••sheba, to southern Palestine, but the dreatn of Jacob takes place at Bethel, twelve miles north of Jerusalem. Jacob's Flight 10. ''And Jacob went out from Beor•sheba, and went toward Hart. an, 11. And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set: ;and he took one of the stones n't the place, and put It under his head, and lay down In that place to sleep." Meditating much and praying much, Jacob had on this tourney drawn near to God, and 1e tet last accepted. The interest in Jacob's lite Iles In the gradual Improvement and progress of hie eha'arlor. Jacob's Dream 12. "And he dreamed; and, be• hold, a ladder sot up on the earth, and the top of 1t reached to heav- en: end, behold, the angels of God ascending and descending on It. 11, And, behold, Jehovah stood above it, and said, I ani Jehovah, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of isaac: the land ,.'hereon thou Hest, to thee will I glue 1t. and to thy seed; 14, and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the else and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the ''arth he blessed. 15. And, behold, 1 tan with thee, and will keep thee whither.:never thou goest, and will brim thee ;again into this land; for l will not leave thee, until i have done that w•hirh 1 h:iv't spok- en to then of.'' in his .deep .Jacob S.t's a lad• der, or sttiirc;lse, rising from the „round ;it Ills Fide. and reaching op to heaven. It. tells hint that heaven and earth are milled. and that there is a way from ono to the ether. Upon these utalrs 'nless- „n,:or, of l' lohim ;Ire extending ;and 'lest -tending,' carrying up to (sod men's prayers, and the tale of their wants ;int sorrows. or 11)01 faith end hope and 11'11,1; and bringing 'lntvn to them help and ronrfort end blessing. :\t the head of the ladder Jehovah him- self :lands. The word Is that used 1n chap. _'413, ;all signifies that the Ilnity was not. thele accident- ally, hut that Ile holds there Hie permanent station. Finally, Jt'• Novel' from 1118 henv''uly past confirms to Jacob all the prom. Ices made. from the time when Ahr;)halm left Ur of the Chaldees, ere( ) 4)Oes hint of ilia eon -(,tut pt ' ('111 e nntl protection. Jacob's Awakening le ".And .lamb awaked out or his sleep, and he said. Surely Jo. bovah Is 111 this place; and 1 kat'w It not, 17. And ho was afraid, and e;till, flow dreadful is thin place' (his i; none other than the house of (1 1. end this 13 the gate of heaven." Jacob did not. say (god (ta.tne to me In the night, (god has visited me, Cod was here yester• night and now has gone. Ile did not awake to the consciousness of a visit; He awoke to the coo• setousness of a presence. The thing that he fmmne out that Weill was not that (sod visits man, but Gilt (god is with mein wherever he is. We expect to anent Iiim in the sanctuary; but He is near us to the marketplace. \Ve look for the gleaming of 11)0 glory of Ilia face at the holy ehriue; but He is surely with us in the •lett of wick- edness. Not alone in the 3atictnary, • hutwhere the multitudes rather in defiance of Ma law; ale Is there. 'flits is the truth to which Jacob awoke. 18. "And Jacob r0,e up early In the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it, 11). And he called the name of that place Beth•el: but the name of the city was Lur, at the first. 30. And Jacob vowed a vow, say. Ing, It God will be with me, and will keep me In this way that I go, and will givo me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21. so that [ come again to niy father's house in peace, and Jehovah will be my God, H. then this stone, whloh I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee." Jacob's response to this Divine revelation shows that, in spite of everything, he had that In his soul which reach- ed out towarde the Divine will, however unworthy and wrong were the method' that he used. It is a great thing that Jacob real- igoe his need of God and that he makes this resolution, under what- ever condition, acknowledging God as lois 1;0 Anil pled;ine lien -mit to (lot's ,,)'t'vlea. 'l'en i; th • \Vh)le 1 fettle td 't eliart. or til', )Phot)'. 'I'tt•' 1.01.11 10 reivos oho stint',' l; Ain ack 110 14 ,)l 1%' 01'011; 11 rl hl to ,til. II''i1' 11 i; r:'ip( •Willed 04 the full ,-11.11 t, of 1')e 10114; who IIV.ily 1)11 11 111'4 ; 1111 t .. I'Inm .1,1001) opt u', Ill:, (0,11 i, 'its 1)1)11)0 ,utt1 111.4 t 1)'.t,ur,t to (.1 1 '1'1104111 I. 111' v1111 Hi' rl••nl r' ')f 1)144 1'110 1t'11a1'11t. Thr ',1)ia' rf 111)1 rr ,end of I,)',r, :int or i ,o 11111 mhui• hi-; ll ';:nu 111 i 1';2,o ;'i I (coll. Churchill Preparing Account Of \Vat' Pr oHt. r 110ii 1, i) ut.etl ill hr lorpa)11W, lu: I., ;t ,I',ount of 1be wet., to he wilted -eel when 1i11orV le tt.)11. Ili; iI ll;.1.1 i, to employ e ,''tif of etmlee't '') !oak till furl; end fietee< .111 i then, on Ile. bath of mite:. etteet, • I !IV I'e- eieirch t':ol'!.el'-, let •i''' t'.' t1 ail (.,teme t C '•i er•1. The I'rrnurr'< \t,)rk it ;'t into type with extre weio n treens 411101) sive hint ,pact. el which to twilit his lucid c'pw ittone Each sheet is ,cored with t,wnorous cerrcctions in Mr. 1 !tw'chill'e hold, Iet;ihlc handwriting to await the day when puhiic:ttion will he• conte diplomatically possible , , 111r. Churchill, incidentally stir- red many memories when lie re- ferred in the. (louse of Commits to war correspondent; in Libya. He once was a w;u' correspondent himself, sending dispatches on the Boer 1Var to the Morning Post. During that campaign, Mr. Churchill was taken prisoner and despite his demands for release a8 a %val. correspondent wild sent to an improvised concentration camp. It held hint for three weeks before he passed boldly within five yards of a sentry at the gates and walked into Pre- toria. Varsity Students To Get Financial Aid Arrangements have been com- pleted between the University of Toronto raid the Dominion G•ov- erttnient providing for loans, up to a maximum of $300 a year, for any one student registered in the second, third and fourth years in the departments of civil, me- chanical, electrical and metal- lurgical engineering, in engineer- ing physics, and in the arts de- partments of mathematics, physics and chemistry, it has been an- nounced, The students must make their services available to Can- ada's war effort upon graduation. THIS CURIOUS WORLD ►'4 BURGLAR, CANNOT BUY A "JIMM1`✓" !N A HARDWARE A PR.Y1INICS TOOL DOE'$ NOT F3ECOME A "JIMMY" UNTIL CARRIED FOR WI-AM/AM (./SE. 1 By William ' Ferguson t rA CsOLL TION OF' 1,585 ELIPERSTIT(ON5 WAS MADE FROM THE BELIEFS OF O/VE S/A/GG.E' IN LOUISIANA. 4.1I ANSWER: Upper. They are elongated and specialized upper Incisor teeth, growing downward from a point in front of the eye - sockets NEXT! %Vital is the most Important duck to mankind? POP --Pop Misses the Point 15UPPQSE IP I WERE - TO DIE YOU'D MARRY AGAIN IMME'DIAT'ELY I':A1960 REPORTER DIALING WITH DAVE: 1st eteet4: 1 Ott r , 1 re" M \ e Pel'ltlpS i1111'1) ~1011.1 19 telling the hoes the lust bed -tinge story of the ie.:Tent holiday sea- son. At any retie their return to the (',loath:in air -lanes is 1088 than t.1vo 1)111, away in feet, on 'Tuesday, September 1st, they all return at the usual time, 1.16 pen. to brim;' to us on. and all, that inimitable brand of fun and happiness that's made "The Hap- py flan,.;" e'enada's outstanding 11:1y -time radio program! 1'KOC in Hamilton will again he with the CL'(' Network in broadcasting their daily thirty -minute round of fun and mctu'inu'nt! The knot -hole kid, ('harlie Cattily, and his stooge, Edgar Bergen, made $282,000,00 last year, This is more stoney than their broadcast time employers paid their three top ranking exe- cutives in the same period, Tho President of the Company drew only $75,000,00 — so who says, it's dumb to be a dummy? And SCOUTING . . . I" iffy Boy Scouts of the let and 2nd Woodstock, N,B. 'Scout Troops made what probably Is a salvage record, in an all -day salvage drive, lasting from 8 nen, till midnight they filled a warelionee with used motorial of all kinds to the value of $1100. The first $100 received was presented to the Hod Cross. '1'he Scouts launched the cam- paign when adults tailed to trove, and aro now handling it as the official soIva ce organization. . . • "1 have several Boy Semite 1n my Home Guard platoon, and I find that they have conte in al- ready half trained, due to their having het'n Scouts,"—Lord Ilamp• ton. * . • Following ono of the (german air attacks upon Bath, England, a Scoutmaster noticed a lvoutalt endeavouring to open the door of a still standing Boy Scout lfead• gltal'tel's. 'Po his queetlmn she ex- plained that her son, a former Scout of the 'Troop, had been hxit at sea. and that, Ills photograph hung in an honoured place on the hoop root() wail. "I go in to look 81 B(1f) whenever I pass," she Held. . • Twelve ton, of salvage rubber wore collected and shipped by the 130y Scouts of South Porcupine. • • • :\tt international Boy Scout camp hold this Bummer at 1'o)lbury, nets' Oxford, England, was attend- ed by Scouts of ten different coun- tries, inose of them under the Nazi heel. •.. Itov. Christopher 1"K 11."1 '1'1111• tier, who saved the lives of 30 melt by swimming hacliw'nrds and for. wards between a sinking cruiser ;ltd a resent. ship off Crete, then died from exhaustion, was a hov- er Scout of the 3rd Gloucester- shire Boy Steen ((roup. Ile was posthumously awarded the Scout Bronze ('roes. * • An outstanding example or Buy Scout. salvage work was offered by the Scouts of \Varner, Alta., with the help of members of the Group Committee. They gathered 3f toms of metal and two carloads of mix- ed salvage, for which $407.44 was '(149 led. ()f 1110 amount $22,5 was sent to the Lethbridge Kinsmen's ('lub for its 'Milli for Britain Fund, and $1`;11 to 11" 1'.\L('.A. overseas Service. QNIN°, ,jest for (11e reeled it the (111045 that Bergen, McCarthy, Noble and :\nteehe twill he on deck atetin - Sunday nil;'hts sem o't'lork, on September (it h! • • Last spring a now Canadian show took the air -lanes; it 1113 called "Penny's Diary," and out- lined in hilarious dramatic fun, the escapades and adventures of young 1t'ell-nge fenny Matthews and her friends. 'Typically youth- ful, brimful of the fun and pranks of the typical teen -ago, Penny's Diary caught on with its Thursday night Canadian audi- ence. The show returns among the first of the new September season, on September 1th. 'That's a FRIDAY night instead of the remembered Thursday night show, But the time is the same ---- 8,30 p.m. — and the show has been somewhat revamped to give oven more play to its Horny fust posel- bililies, * • As radio goes into its greatest fall and winter, it steps out amide, grave events, demanding grave consideration and an oven higher sense of duty than at any time in the past, News will be handled even more carefully — patriotic programs will have more of the punch of brutal reality to them— comedy will he real comedy 1,0 brim; the neceeeary laughs aced minket 1e one ,in(i .til; Staffs of italinlIS Ara 1)0111{; ,1t 11.01011- nuln.tr of the rnikrt of the ;tars are lo't• 1111! men end women with Mellott, alarming, rapidity; thus, the MIN• ,1111 1011 60 11 'tttitfh' one, for (hose who do the 1t'oadcasling, put on the programs, Ind sen 10 It that (he well-oiled wheel,' of the nation'; ere:11o.el eltertainnlcne nt(•,le' deep moving; ',le;ldily. Tho pl',Ihlt'net ill' y4)t1)' .o('a1 St;lt10il (11'() 0110'11 the „aril' n; those of 111,3 national l)1•oad.nster;, and when you litter an this fall, you will du well to realize that in every in- 'ttallPt', ono loan eI• (oiw W)lmlh le probably doing the work two or three did in -;.‘;1.4011'.; past. 1'ln rood,;! their effort end leiter, appreriebly to the new null() oat ton! Fur :t .tinging treat, not in ilia Hit 1'trade, listen to Jello llharlee Therm.;, f:tnlun5 .einerieiti bate. tone, doing his recorded version of rho old Spiritual "Journey'tt End!" !" The Unexpected SeVernl years ;t:ro, says tilt Christian Science ,(1onitor, taw) pro5per0u3 New fork busi11001. mon were taking in the sights of London. As sometimes hmppenerl with that type of visitor, they found much to criticize by coal- pnrison with things they had seen in America, Their disdain readied its height before the plain, unpt'etontioue exterior of the Prime Mlnister'u roeldence on Downing street. "Whitt a home for a Prime Minister!" one of thele exclaimed. "Yes, and look at that car!" said the other. 111 front of the residence Auer,! a small runabout. "Why, in New l'ot•k, a grocery clerk would be ashamed of own- ing nothing better," the other added, Just then a well-dressed man came out, got in the car and drove off. "Who was that?" the visitor» asked a near -by policeman. Mr. A, B. 'Oughton, the Hiuner•- ican Ilambassndor, sir," replied the bobby. 1 EXPERIENCED ACTRESS HORIZONTAL 1, 6 Pictured American actress. NA 13 Radio antenna. CUD Q sly ANC A R L^r 'I O.l GO EOS _.O SE PRE Answer to Previous Puzzle 11 Indian. R A H A M l, I NIC 0 NI 12 Plant part OsSE �(� E PO drat. P.s©u .,AM B I D acting ability. [�]no R IR 0 E (3 18 Doctor (ebb° 0 D �P L, _, N 20 Her brothers Mj N EL QG ®P R are also eerett;e sQQTJaAI —. S T O W F U �Y 24 Thick. HAO.:' SOLAR 26 Quantity. TU DURESS 27 To be T MUTE I indebted. II L E SVE ©E PA WWYA ER E 28 Knave of ERclubs, rs, 29 Write VERTICAL 30 Kind of letttu;* 2 Net weight of 3,1 Common tr+fo.' container, 33 Propriety. 39 To mock. i 15 To this. 16 Persia. 17 Mineral filled fissures, 19 The weft, 21 Fishing bags, 22 Gem weight. 23 Caterpillar hair. 24 Period. 25 One who runs50 Profound, away. 51 Blunder. 30 Pigeon's cry. 52 Burden. 2 33 Dutcht (abbe ), ings. 53 Pwertaining to 3 High tempera- ture, '11 Exploit. 55 34 Rowing paddle 42 Tissue, 35 Newspaper Custom. 4 Sea eagles. 43 To box, paragraphs. 56 Branches of 5 Chinese 45 Bard. 36 And. learning, weight. 46 Senior (abbr..ld 37 Kind of snow- J7 She recently 6 To puff up. 47 Bull. shoe, celebrated 40 7 Genus of 48 Kind of lilac. 36 All. years of ---- , ostrich. 49 Ought, 40 Newts. 58 She has a 8 To slwnber. 54 Road (abbe.).) 44 Ship's decks, distinctive 9 Year (abbr.). 56 Measure of 4 7Gentle. ---voice. 10 Cries as a cat. area, If 2 3 4 15 j6 7 '13. 9 '10 11 li 13 14 15 17 18 x By J. MILLAR WATT I'D TAKE A LITTLE REST FIRST,( lielite ,•. 1*1'i' o t r t' R c r ns Needed Br and u 1('11 1)111 I Heed ration coupon, to 1111} i1ostu11,'I'his rand nitaltin)e beverage 1'0)444 )It delieionr roloo•I flavor ober( toll a splendid ',say Ic eonserye tea 01111 101114. ICH i11.I: 1111' II I(le ill till t 11)1 - 1 Fill' I.1.ONOMIC1I I. faz. size makes 50 cups a az. size makes 100 cups i I[ MAGI INIIANIII IN 1111 CUP ¢ , ,N , .. Pt'sSWLt 'a � :!'N§Vteq,u!' AiIEEE 4..%*',` + .)1y1 rot+ua,=111 ". '.° .�5 a.. .9 t4h4 ►�sd/JI''4Fr0L POSTII R -CEREAL OFVERAGE • • "771t:(',/ (4 7201.10/.. 9llu/rr,1 /00 Cyst G SERIAL STORY WANT -AD ROMANCE BY TOM HORNER DIE STORY: Thinking she had art all -purport cleaner in \Von. drosoap, a million cans of which are left her by her inventor. father, Kay Donovan discovers, instead, through the tests made by chemist Joc Benton and in• formation given her by liana Stadt, who had worked with her father, that Wondrosoap mixed with acid it a more powerful ex- plosive than TNT. Kay's part• ne.rs in the venture are sales man- ager Ted Andrews and lawyer Flynn of MacLeod, Goldberg and Flynn. Ted, Kay, Joe Benton and Mary Marthall, Kay'i secretary, decide to test the product further while Ted awaits word from F131 agents who warn him of danger. fle is fearful lest the formula, valuable to the government, be stolen. The test completed, Mary draws n gun on Benton, accuser hint of being a spy, just 111 Flynn and an Fill agent drive up, call- ing, "Don't shoot!" They hand- cuff him. Mary, it develops, is a policewoman Flynn has delegated to look after Kay. While Joe Denton . . . "Looe: in nay money belt,' he tent the Flll agent, who docs so and orders Joy's hand- cuffs remove(!. ('IIAI"I'I•,R SLIMMER COTTAGE---accommo• dations for six on Lake Olivnra, Milting, Swimming, fishing, Write for details. A291. Mike Flynn beamed down on the four of then!, gathered u1' the plant officu. "That's the place. Wo all need a vacation. Let's go. The sooner we forget this incid- ent, the better." "I'm sorry, Joe," Ted said, thrusting out his hand. "I must ••.r1!(1.Jt7::, .'!t{Ry,',:•. 0 FINE CUT Operated by Pat Burton, twice winner of the North American and Canadian Calf Roping Championships at tho Calgary It Stampede, the Burton Ranch in Southern Alberta was estab- lished in 1890 by F. A. Burton. BRAND OF THE BURTON RANCH 7!L ISSUE 34-'42 C Matt luso imagining too many things. I should have trusted you." "('rue you ever forgive ME?" Mary ashud. ''1 teas going In shoot you!" "Forget it, all of yule!" Benton laughed. "I'll glad Kay trusted me And she should have leen the one to he w'orri(d," "Perhaps you'd holler explain everything, rything, Ill'ntoll," Flynn 44tlg- gested. "'Taylor said it would he all light to tell )hem." "There really isn't much to tell,," Joe 1egnn. "1 (1114 8 pro- fessor of chemistry 1)t the uni- versity, as I told you. Put ihere w')'rs. a felt' things 1 kept to my- self. "Yon see, we've all been work- ins ou explosives since this trou- ble in Europe began. Quietly working, but getting the job done. And a lot o1' investigating' has been going on. :\11 patents on explosives are thoroughly check- ed. Anything that even resembles an explosive has been dug out of files and tested. "')'hat's hov: we got next to \Vondrusuap. Your father pat- ented his discovery ahuut 1 f years ago, Kny, It was a simple formula, and at that, time the of- fice didn't give it notch attention. I'erhaps they didn't realize its pos�ihilities. :\ny4011y, it, was m.er- looked. \dam the w:u• stl•t(d, chemists all over the country were summoned to test these various formulas. Most of them were pretty haywire schemes; a few were good. I got Tim I)onovan's formula. The thing 1 couldn't find was his catalytic agent, "I checked in on Tim Donovan, discovered that he had built this factory here, then died suddenly. Then you made things easy by putting Wondrosoap on the mar - "SO you cane dawn and ap- plied for the job as chemist ..." Flynn put int. "And got it," Menton went on. "When I discovered that Won- drosoap was a real find as a super- explosiye, I reported to the F13I. I told them about Hans Strutt and all of you. I got a conlnlission as a special agent to guard the secret. 1 would have kept you from selling it outside the United States, Kay. ")tut )tans Stadt is loyal as any native A11)11'iN11n. Ill' 401(44 aI1- prollched. His broth(( w•as threat- e110d. And Hans sent iris brother to a concentration camp rather than tell what he knew about. Wondrosoap. "I had spy jitters, too. But I picked Mary as the agent. When she drilled that can due centre, 1 knew there was going to he trou- ble. Thanks for not shooting me, Ma'y, We're even now. 1 4'844 going to send you to jail." "I feel like a fool," Ted grunt - bled. Kay's hand found his. "Don't, Ted. You did exactly right. You knew how valuable Wondrosoap ie and you were trying to protect ft for me." Benton nodded. "You were right on your toes, Ted. There was no way of your knowing 1 was working with the FBI, Even Taylor, the district chief, didn't know. A few officials in Wash- ington and the head of the che- mil a; to •I al 1'h, tterhnps, but nn 0111., "'f1111'44 :111 of that," Flynn or - (11.1111. "It's \1)' 1ion t1x1,44 from now 1,n. Army or,lnanre of firms 10111 sin)? 1Won)b•o',,ap test, to nlulrow, 11 ith Tim's plass for a 1.ino bond, and Hans ~1:1111 to 11or1, 1111'111 0111, w0 14011111 LI' 111111 ingr •11(1144 herr as soon ;or. the Id:.1,1 (0), 114' 'led and Kay tl'nih1II 1hiout'h lbs factor:, for the 1:1"1 time. "It all beton - Io the ,;ulcrlllo)•nt no‘‘," hay will, :I little s8dly. "1:111 you're ni:lkiu;' nulney, 11001'1 " 'Ted reminded bet. "It was fine of you to offer the plant for 4110')i0;111y anthin;', but I'm Ida)! Flynn made arrangement,: to lease it for duration of the (noels )(1)00. You're ;:ilar:lrltl'e)I a 441,:)4', (.0111 1011111/11. income, You ('1111 41'1 alone; 4n '!)),111)l) 0 4411)'. The government couldn't build 811 41111'11 Iike 1hi- for I0 111111.1 Ihlll l''1'. \fterw:trd-, you ran go on making 1';ldw1ive- for peace- time u.•es, Idastine free stu0,)4, luii)li1,e roads "Poll') t'10(4t.) you 10)1 a' a 4)111t' - ler inlelest " bay said. "I'm salting that :1w'ay in hoods for a nest egg, tin 1 won't have to ;'o hail; 141 selline earl! tables." He pained in float of a door in the 11a'ebous'. The dourhnob gleamed in the setoff-darhnes:. "Itlher the )lay two 11 11'd Wondrosoap an a (leaner'."' "I can't for1(1 it, 'fed." '1'11(!) W(' 'core I,usines' part - 111 1's' ' "That's tt':. 111'4'1, t114." "It's not 'strictly hu-no"s' any more, then?" "\'1('41 ;;wing' 11:1 a vacation, 'I'(.d," hay reminded hint. !lis :;ems ((11('111'1 out fur her, but she slipped aw'as., laughing. "Joe and 11ary are 'cadting." She ran from) the 11111'ehou;e. 'fed glanced at, the doorlinob. A (lime fitted into the slot (If the 1(1',41. 111 a moment it was off the door, in his pocket. ile hul'- ni(1 rft('r Kay. » s c The Iwo works' va:ation was. all tau short. Flynn spent most Of his time fishing, but the others --Joe and 311u•y, Ted and Nay - Num( time for canoe trips up the river, daily swimming parties on the lake, and tun;;' moonlight rifles on the launch that they rented with the cottage. Lake Olives was everything',' they lord hoped it might be. Tell would have enjoyed it more had he Leen able to sum - n1011 courage enoted1 to ask tiny io nuu•ry him. daily he planned what he would say, imagined bow Kay would answer. 44111 the super -salesman had encountered his toughest selling job, Ile couldn't sell himself. Kay's nurlu'y was hi; principal worry, When she 101444 poor, job- less, almost friendless, he had been sure that site loved hint. Num. with looney pouring in, would she want to sacrifice those luxuries she could ::!'ford to be the w'il'e of a salesman? Ile got, his answer the last 11):;'11t, of the vacation, but not Os he had expected it. ♦ » r bay was standing at the end of the dock, loving the moon- light, the uluiet lap of the writer against the boats, when Joe Piens ton ranee to her. "1'1'e been !wanting to talk to you alone, Kay," Joe said, "')'his is gootlby, you know. Maty 811d I tire taking the morning train, hack to school," "Vary and you "Yes. Mary decided that po- licewoman's job is to risky. She cane nighty near shooting 1101 future husband." 1,1-(111 and glary! Oh, Joe, i'nl so glad." "W0 thought you 41010d be, You're the first to know. '!'here's something else, too, Kay, i want you to know. We think you're Canada To Have Parachute Troops first oara11owp4 trill take their toantil,g at )''ort III 11- 11111;� 1,11.• ))44tH 11'11111')0facilities hay( 11, 1 0 1 •1:1114h, d ,n the Ito - min Ho,. i' (10' I1ra111).)) lI-t 100, k. 111 'elle( \liar -ter ltai'lon 101,1 the 111(::4.' of 1'niowot,•; 1)4:11 a 11atlal441 of 11:'n11.01111: 40) 1 i" 1'n ;inthor;4,1 ;11111 tient instructor'" (41') lo. ;in)' fur 1111• I'niled Ia1) 14, ;o l "inlol'll::lte hp I1'u, - 1ion" 011 p:,la:ro01) tralno)g there, It 1'.;1 the Fort lietini)1:' ramp to w 111, 11 he it (1'1 , ell, ,p4k( -1114 n Faith Ir ley exp.( ,-ed belief :I considerable body of troops would 10 111( 1,• 111 1111' 111:4ie4II,lll' 1)114,4'. '1114 trl,i0int' 4 1:10:trnopv tali): roe,-ider11)11e e tabli ll - 010111 (Ins of the most exp.» t;;ye am! intricate part of the :,et up 1s 1111' 1,14.14 jwmpillg tooter 1010'11 101 4) 10;110' 1loeil' 111441 111 s- cl'llt'-- 10.1011i110-00111 10110,1 to pre. sent ill coleut'' 11 hi•e limy are learooi;' the row:. 13y Anne Adams 'I'be new "front litre" 141 Yash• ion JS the surplice line --- used here 111 11 cont-fl'00li, Pattern .11211 by ,;1',m' :\dan1:', 'l'i,rce 411(4)11144 at the waist make a 44^ewer fasten- ing. The prioress' linos etre smart. l'atlero 412;1 is available in 1111s44c44' and wonu'n's sizes 11, 111, 18, 20. 12, :34, 341, 38 and 40. Size IC takes 3'i. yards 35 -inch fabric. Send twenty rent:: (2.0r) in coins (suaulps cannot he arrepled) for this Anne .Adams pattern to Room •121, 73 Adelaide St. \1'0441, Toronto. Write plainly size, name, address and style number. dwell. 1'ou were the only one who 14111(10(1 ore. ')'hal faith nelult a lot." "You were grand, Joe. Just. like a brother, working' for nuc." lnlpulsi40ly, she 181441d on tip- toe, hissed hint. ')'hen, tucking her aiin in his, Kay hurried hint to the house. "('0)110 on, 1 have to ser Mary, 81141 hear mote about this." U4t4 n in the shadows along the beach, Ted Andrew's sasv that kiss, although he heard 110110 of the conversation, Ile pulled a shining doorknob from his pocket, threw it far out into the lalie. t('ontinued Next \\'eek) GOOD EATING NEWS S1) delirious 11(0 Orange A11 -Bran Muffins that they'll take the place of expensive, sugar -consuming desserts. Try them some night, served piping hot right from the oven with fresh butter and a ()rock Of homemade marmalade. here's the recipe: Orange All -Bran Muffins 2 tablespoons shortening, % Cup milk cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 egg 15tenspwon salt 1 cup :111 -Bran 2% teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons grated orange rind ('welt shortening and sugar thoroughly; add egg 11111 heat well. Stir in All -loran and milk; let soak until most of moisture is taken up. Sift flour with salt and baking powder; add orange rind; add to first mixture and stir only until flour disappears. )''ill greased muffin pans two-thirds full and bake in moderately hot oven t4(10`F,) 81)0111. 3(1 minutes. Yield: 12 muffins (2'4 inches in dianl(•tct ) or 8 large muffins (3 inches in diameter). Note: When sour milk or buttermilk is used instead of sweet milli, reduce baking powder to one teaspoon and add 'i: teaspoon soda. !:yen those old standbys -doughnuts, waffles, gingerbread and such -arc improved by a new trick now and then. With gingerbread the idea is to add bran to the batter. The taste results are' superb. The directions follow; All -Bran Gingerbread IA cup shortening 2 cups flour 1.5 cup sugar t% teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder °ti cup molasses 1 teaspoon soda i'. cup boiling nater 1 teaspoon ginger 'c cup All -Bran 2 teaspoons cinnamon Blend shortening and sugar; add. eggs and beat until creamy. Add molasses and mix well. Pour boiling nater over All -Bran and add to first mixture. Add flour sifted with remaining ingredients and stir until batter is smooth. Bake in greased pan, with waxed paper in the bottom, in moderate oven 135(1`1'.) about 45 minutes. Yield: 12 servings (9 x 9 -inch pan). Note: Four packages of cream cheese and chopped nut meats can be used to decorate the top of the gingerbread if desired. 0', MUMMY, 77/47 :1 Tiff 0/5/1 FOP 44!f" 7,ikr little girls and sunny 4.0,401, fresh peaches and Nabisco ;ihreddr(1 \TV11rat just naturally go tngelb(rl It's o 11),) ices. morn- ing 1,101 -and 1)11111 thing! 144400 ),(Fides. For N8l,isco Shredded Wheat is 1)1(1(11 :tom 100".', whole wheat, including the 1)100. minerals, Trod wheat germ so 11(111(11 to 41111,- raid boys. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niu jars Fulls, Cunudc, TALE TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBERS More Requests A 1. this lino, of the year when everyone is trying to conser,'e oyerything. there are many re- quests 441 something{ for ('llnnnlg. Here are some requests 4whicl, were left 0001' from Inst week, Oven Canned Beets For each quart use 10 Or 12 whole young beets (small), 1 tea- spoon salt and boiling water. Wash the bets thoroughly. Put in a pall of boiling, water and boil for I5 minutes. )gip in cold water to slake beets easier to handle. Remove the skins. Leave whole or sliced and pack into hot sterilized j:u's on which sterilized new rubber, have been adjusted. Add salt and boiling water to fill the jar within 12 inch of top, Screw tightly; then turn one turn to left to r1)1ow for expansion. Place in 00011 at 275')", for 215 )mors. At the end of this period rennin, j0rs. from the oven and complete 1111 'cal. Invert, cool 81 rapidly 1444 possible to presel'1'e 1.110 ('4101. ytole in it cool, dry phare. O4cn C::4104:0 Carrots For eat i1 quart use 1 lb. (ur- ruts, t t) a: poon salt and 1 1.5 ('(1)444 boiling water. Wash young and tender carrots or scrape if de- sired. Parrots may be cut 10lU!th- wise, leu::rler'ell, sliced 01' packed whole. i'lace in pan and boil for 5 minute:. Pock the carrots loosely in hot sterilized jars on which new stet ill::cd rubbers have been adjusted. Add salt and boiling water to within 15 inch of top, Place in oven at 2751.'. fur 21.1: hours. Remove from oven, complete the seal and in- sert the jars. Cool rapidly and store in a dry cool place, Penn Conserve 3 ('ups chopped 110(111 % cup se(d1(ss raisins 1•1 cup chopped orange 1•'g cup water 71/2 cups granulated sugar 1s cup chopped nuts 1i; cup liquid pectin Prepare plurals; pit, chop and prick into treasuring cup. Meas- ure all fruit and water into large kettle; stir until it comes to ai boil. Coyer and simmer slowly for 15 minutes. Add sugar and mix well. !!ring to full boil un- covered, stirring constantly. Roil hard 1 minute, Remove from heat and stir in pectin. Skim and pour at once. ('over with paraffin wax when enol. Store in dry, dark. cool place:. 11Iss 4'hanitter4 14eleoun'l personal tellers f Inlefexted renders. She Iv ',looted to receive s*tggcstlimN ou tople'i for her comma, and It vn ready to (4,teu to )our :)pet Peel 4414" lIcqucstM for reetpe4 or Npeclnl )111'11111 are In order. Addrems your letters to ''11I,s Motile Il. Cham• berm, 78 11'est Adelaide Street, To- ronto," Send 4lnnlped sett-nddres»ed cm clone If roll 44 kb n rents'. More than 130,000 of the 1,on- (lonerr-, bombed out of their honors during the hea4y raids are holy comfortably settled In new homes, ANNOUNCEMENT A11I1ou►t11 Ihrre 111 no 1'.N.1;4 Ill) year, 1)t Is Idyll )1411 esus 11)11 our loath), our I:uenlyetu) aro- denim nee '.1111 nmailuhle, and can he purehn)ed Tnno1 (111 4 (4); 41 I,(4CA1, S'r0111.] (44 IIVI'It.A1•T ICt.11,.111 -.11 HEIS It4AI,.1 ):111 1,m1 1,1 El C.11,11"I'I'S 1%0.1 I,.1 (11 It ( I,auoline- t; iciiI Mom) 1:111 (,'111')1.11) 1:1 1'.11.1 1"1' 1 S If any difficulty In obtaining, !denim is rite IIA direct. A l "'I'ItA (,4.15 1:1'1'.)1,1 !ITN 1,I 11 :11-711 nuehe)4 mt., Toronto. Ont. Curb Placed On Aids To Beauty War•Tirne Facet and Trade Board Cult. Out Frills I'I ((0( )0 gl:uuol ,1),t a nrht1'u' tag.' tear er'tluowy ',,1111(1'11 "I1 for 1h1, inevitable "•41dnw'n : ,1 s t week, J(i4kinK the 1 n of a ";w„altun 1,eurued," the \\':utitwe fries'; and ')'rade 110ard 11(1':1 1'(1 10111'' )044:Iv that: Nail polish shad), . will 1,'., re - ductal from as )Ilan! as 2:4 to six. 1.adie4 twill Ita11' 1)• get Mons on four iledead of 10 lit -tick st:.oles, Including refill. Ifous1'1 and 1: ( 4 4(111':'- will como in only four shades. Perfumes, eidos 114 toile; wat- ers, talcum posit( 1's :ani hath dusting: p0)vders will la liwi:.•)I to four odors --brands i1 you 114)1114 that t illore g'1 all) 1 - pee :11.111)1. filet 111'1'4. 11:1111 altd f,1, 4 lupulin )lair dre•s4ugs, oil.; and tomes w';;l b15 rt•sh'irted to this 0 types. Anti that's not :1l), The new order also prutn)'ils maiuul1Iur- (rs from dl4t0)I ntiug nliclature or sample sizeti of loplaei)n= new cosmetics on the 1.4:,' Ito \'.Plant permission. ')'here's one csn4s"t,sllu)4 f4.: flap. per Fanny anal Ism:Iser hoist-- noeffort w'itt be 11:110 to stand. ardize varieties. 1''.)1 )11,•104( ', the Board says, 10 product's of face powders could sell a total ,,1 4) different shade, 111 tweet) them if each were restricted to I'on'. leu rutting (10401 ort the (1)1144, the Marti holler- to help keep rho Pr"' Ceiling 111 piaci ')'hes'. new' sarrifir(e, it perdu is 40111 pare eosL, Invontol;e»' :11141 leash, 1'0• dare demand I'or t:111i y ((lass hot. tivo and lower iamswtllptiwr of met:1! for (0018111144 Phonograph Records I'h,nlsan,ls of 4,,14)lw' doll( selcctit'as 10 0('')1144 from. Alan \utonurtir 11101(01211) 1;0a110)1c 101' lien). \\'ri1e (,11' 4.u, 1001)044. Vigneux Bros. Automatic Phonographs 990 BAY ST., TORONTO THE RAILWAY AND THE I WAR. Thorson 'I'opham's series of twelve drawings illustrating the part played by die National Rail. way 111 Canada's Afar Effort will be published in booklet form, PRICE: TL1\ CENTS Proceeds to Canadian National Railways Employees War Services Association to provide comforts for mcnilxrs of the righting tion ices. To secure a copy send Ten Cents in stamps to District Pas- senger Agent, Canadian National Railways, General Ol1icc building, Moncton, N.11. 02-1.1;11 HAY FEVER SINUS SUFFERERS 1‘S')'1114' and 4:r'4 l'3"1'1\'1' 114'1.11')'1 (GG.EXTRACT• � CI Head Colds, Bronchitis, Hay fever, Sinus_ ;AjPp COMBINATION 25( Page 4. ` THE STANDARD ovcapouttimiticatititopetociatocipouvatimtovortabrommatocatovatatetocce Morris Coulaell Meeting audit) Gordon Elliott J. II. R. Elliott. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Elliott liisurauce Agency CAR—FIRE—LIFE-81CKNE68—ACCIDENT. Office Phone 104. BLYTII ONT. Residence Phone 12 or 140. "COURTESY AND SERVICE"" ;Om The conned met In the hail on An. Itelgrase School rail.1:100 ttoorge ('. Marlin, Clerk. gust 1011 with all the members pres- ent. The Reeve presided. 1 The minutes of the last myelin);AUBURN were read and adopted on 11101101! of Cecil \\'heeler and Harvey Johnston, 1Iurning Prayer and 81'111lnll 10 M1loveil by l't't•II \\'heeler, seeunded ',11. in til. )lark's Church. bY James )Ilchlt,, Ilial, lirussek It I Ph, (ie"rge Str; ughan has relln•nl ll Paid $111.>:0 for the 111111on that Ila.- Io Itohert, Nova stint', allot tiding; been paid by Brussels luslead of his parents, 11r. anti )Inti. Churl '.; \I. hllorrls. --('arrieQ. titraughan. ilasDt1?1?19)91Dr2,Dt�1i 21blitaiADIDIMtirit,t2IDri1?tADIE.t? )Lovell by ('roll \\'hooter, 001.011(1141I Ali'''' .11iu'y A. 1I 0010 has returned to by Charles Coultes, that the meeting 1Yuudslock, 1 11 r. told NIA's. Ruben tiutll;l'r, Flint,adjourn to meet attain on September 'used to hate In the tall and Ilit, gi:'I 11, 1111:, at 1 p. 111. --'('8111tH. )Itch., Oh )Ir. and Nil's. Maitland he moll 1101h, one night .... and ad ,i, II". I I The following ackmilin5 were Irlitl: milted when he stopped talking that i CPI. 11011011 .1. ('raig has returned to if he had It to do over again he would( 11', .1. Galbraith (rem for \1', St. 'Phomas from vacation with hi4 I ,I. Parish) . . . . . ..........I 13.7 1 have never left the tarn at all. 1 parents, 11'0 had another fellow in bore lay; ,\d'ance•Tintes (edrertising1 „ �I.20 weal(. Ile s'as driving along our roar. Norman Keating Istreet light 1 bulbs alto serviee t 7 . 15 THE FINEST EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER HAD!) NO Ilii and 1'1111 nlethutls Intre. Y0111. 1./yr; err rh,0'uul:hly exanlin• •ed and you are told the truth, about theta. If glasses are u1,;t,.4•: Isary, you get the finest quality at, the lowest prices. Twenty-five years exper'ienc'e in Optoliletry is: your guarautrc of Satlsfacdion I 1 in Willows Drug Store, Blyth, R1 AI Reid,R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Appointments with Mr, Willows! PHIL OSIFER OF LA%Y MEM )OWS \1'e (by harry J. Lkl)lc► often have strangers (rant the up in here at Lazy %leado)15. The ulo.;t of them are just )homesick fowl buy's . , . Yellows who went away to the city. got jobs 811d thea gut so busy that the} didn't have much tfum to think ;a' out anything. The ye•u•.• p;Is,;ctl away and they snddcnl)' tea• lized that maybe they hadn't hccn so smart. They made a lot of money but )',ley missed a lot of things that the full(.: hack home had. I remember one fellow who came along here a few weeks baclt and he certainly %vas tvorkrll up. 11 all 'ital.!, ed, as he said, 0110 day when he trcnl iu with a bm'h of other fellows to 011 the way to tltc village when he \'illuge of Brussels (t nil ion ,., 111,�n 1)1', Crtutvford /).0.11, _"0,110 P. 01100/111 came in to see if he could get some. Then he told us about walking along .leo. Martin (13.0,11.! ;I 11,1 here, the street one day when a youngster 1, 11. Erskine ttaxos) ,..,l110,11 went i13' eating 8 lied :\ lrachan. 110 sat' lho Red .1sirachan Tree just load - Oil 11o1%1 with ripe, red apple and 1'. \ieNab 111.0,11,1 , , .. Mr. tutu •1115. James .\irhnl-un wish fr1endt; in UoQerieh. 1'Ir. Lanvin I,'', frioml1 here. (')Il. John R. \\'eir 11;15 11'111111111 In Ottawa atter a 'acatlon 111 his 1101110 ILn111ton, nitll S,11rs. Gross (relief) Rol the whiff of the apples tastiness, as he leas going by and it made h►;'°ltrs, Nellie lugtw U' 'h tett Logan (aftercare) mouth water. As he admitted his Nelson lllggins (provincial mouth watered and he spent the whole . night thinking about the days when he used to t11ke a bed 111 the lung grass of the orchard on his father'.; (arm and 0/01101111 h on juicy apple, and watch the pattern work of cloud; In the ;k)' through the entwining branches that stretched out overheat. Another fellow crone in one da)' silt 110W11and started talking about going into a butcher shun to get meat. Therewas apan of fresh sausages and the )1inciter said . . . ."posy would you 1141, some nice, fresh sausage;, \1'e made them this morning.' '1'11;1t set him to thinking tthoul the days when tic)' hulobcrell back on (h; farm and 1 of hose Ihey 'r,uudd feast fur days nn 'frt'slt 1011(1111.10111, a fried haul and the ~pity sansagcs his mother used to Make. 1.1 ,11111,11'llrlt 5,11'1 ;.ani \1's. (george preen told .\Ifs; Ilel:'n bonne ul i•:Illnu, ti' 'Toronto, t11e ri.. icing a1 Iht' \1..t were Milking one night to the , little pasture alongside the orchard. The cows are used to standing there and we often 11111(1 them tip In Ih'11 corner rather than drive then) into the stn1110. A hig car stol'pcd and a fellow In a light suit got out and caul' over. ile fidgeted for a long while and finally he said, ''I wonder if you %mold mind letting nn' ('y a hand '1! milking. (('s been years since 1 tool, a crack at millting. I used to he pre(- ty good, )(11(1011 four cows every might <ht his lunch, He hadn't been think -.and morning when i was going iug about the farm at all . . , , and t'hool.' After a few bad .starts he set• thou the waitress askc.1 tlu'nl if they (led dmts'u and utltke-d Old Spotty tool irsl rate jolt of it. She took would Ifkc .,once nice, fresh corn -on - the -cob. They all irskrd for ft and when 1 cr.')s of glennming, yellow kernels tame alum: he ,Marled think• ing 81,0111 the feeds of corn they used to have back on the farm, Ile started lacking about dabbing fresh, churned butter on the piping I guess farming soil of gets a bald bot coils tool %%mulling the molten on you. When a ratan was raked on a Hitter )'low in around the kernels. farm lit' gets a feeling !bat the years 'I'hcn with a dash of salt and pepper the feast was ready. ile rambled along abort the tithes !'heti the boy's used to steal an old black kettle, a 1'ttt it strikes down deep Inside and half pound of butter and a paper of bring', the memories tumbling out. salt and head back for the corn -field on a Sunday afternoon. Ile toll) me all about the big corn roasts they BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS: n fel' wry, over-thc'shonldel• looks at. first at hint .. . bu didn't 01)1001. Ile went away as happy as tl young man taking a girl to a party for the first time, Ile took a quart of fresh 111111 away with 111111. can't seen) to erase. It may only be the sight of fresh corn -on -the -col) . , . or the fragrance of a new 81)1)10 . WANTED MEN AND WOMEN For Factory Work During TOMATO SEASON beginning About August 25 MAKE APPLICATION TO Libby, McNeill & Libby CHATHAM, ONTARIO Applications from those engaged in war work will not he considered. immilinrommonvmmingeffsgemmemmlimmovimanagmin I'E SONA INriiE Wednesday August 19, 1912. Th?,z trik '110 All Onl' Customers alid Friends we ex1191(1 our thanks t'oi' their patronage )luring the past MCV CII 1't'itl'ti, Lloyd Wettlau 1,r 311'. and ,\Ir,. ("''l1 tl.! ,. vi.•itl.l hi p, r,n1•-. 1(t, ; 1') 311,. .111 Harold .Ienkin el \\•,116 rs ill( I ,01'1:1 •. 1a 1 tl.'l I;. Employers and Post Offices have been requested to dis- play in a prominent place the official Table of Tax Deductions. Forms TD -1 may be secured from your employer, Post Offices, or local income Tax offices. Income Tax is Fair to All In the fourth year of w,11', Canada will neer( almost foul' billion (collars. This is the equivalent of nearly ti351) from every lean, woman and child in the country. Even with the hiLhc.,t income las in history, S2'; only of the money Canada needs will he raised by taxation. The rest will have to he borrowed by means of \Vat. Savings Stamps, Certificates and Victory Bonds. Starting with the first pay period in September representtiit Sep- tember Calnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your income ta x from your wages or salary, and send it prom' to the Govci'1llllcnt, Everybody will },ay his share as he goes aloeg. It's going to Gf' totlfrh . . . but not too tough! Ilt.r' ari' some goo(' f►'atttrl's; 1. Pott «•ill 1,1' as you cart(, CO )ka( )nu Will nor he Ikea u payment neat 'car, 2. 'I'hc National Defence TA ,llre.uh• de• ducted during the first R months of tin, year hat been lal,rn into account in the "'able of Tax Deduction,, 3, Though ILe income tax talcs ,bus+' a ,harp increase ,o•cr Lilt ye.lr, ,1 large purlins ul Ibis increase i, 1.111.111' '.(Yi8J1', of br p.li,l balk 0) you with inten•u after the w,lr, `1. 'rbc money run al,' paying for life insur- ance premiums, .8)111Rt It', pt incip.l) 1eg,.lt'- mous on lour Lome, or into a pen,ino fund may be Jcductc,f (up to .1 Lert,nn maximuml from the savini,, portl.,ll ,'1 slrlll' income 1.1.x, In many calci this may I•.' ,ulticicnt to make payment ,If till sp',r(iirl ,It the tax Imneces,.t ry, til i Iargje lump sum CHAR) SNOW,NO 1945 1AY t1A0ll1TY or A MARRIED PERSON WITH TWO DEPENDENTS ,of mg AND to,DARt504 WIN MC 1941 TA.1ttA41tITY tAr . t111l:t '4000 'MO - - 1)00e -- 'tee.) - 'tsoe 'too - 'sot ---- TOTAL TAX PAYABLE,_ (,,il FIXED TAX -- .04060 ANNUAL 111AU1t 114(01) ;ORE 14111110M) Unless you arc single, without dependents, and not making payments of the types mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should lite Form 'I'I)-1 with your employer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed the credits to which you are entitle(, DO NO'F DELA Y. File Form 'I'D -1 with your employer at once so that you may get the full allowances from the start. DOMINION OF CANADA -- DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE HON. COLIN GIBSON,' Minister o/ Nrilonil Revenue. INCOME T y X 1IVI$ION C, FIkASrlt 1•..1(1'1"r, Cornmis.innrr of inrn00' Tav, Wednesday Aug'ufst 19, 1912, r,.iia,,.;. v.,;,,. 4. LYCII':Uitl 111E;1'I'RE WING11AM-ONTARIO. '1'Wo Ships Sat. Night. Thur.;., Fri„ Sat Atu , 20 21''"2 --SPECIAL-- ;; Bobe : (lupe, Madeleine Carroll, iiv:. "Aly Favourite 1;loud('•' Alco rete Smith Specialty Onto() I Ncws "Matinco Sat. afternoon at 2,30 p, m., Mon , Tue:: , Wed, --Au,, 21.25.26 :,Robert Taylor, Norma Shearer, in.:, i. "1 lel. ('ar(II/0ar(I 1,)\'121'" ' \ 1."111"1'• diIW 1 111 1';11111 L'' a' II Also Traveltalk and 't i, • •, Pete Smith Specialty 10,400 •.. • •, 'If 'If"; ,.,. ,.,,. ,; 111.1 : •. : 11..1..1. , \ i I I , H.' int !I1 \! .' u:; 44ilh Ili. ,�• 1' 1 . ' '.. 1{cclp(� lld�' Bc S\\((t`I,• 1; 1I'll'111 K( 1'1'1 \`1Ilhotlt Using Somal' ''I \\ion f1":' h I 'Ir-. 11 EAST '1.\, '11';1 N OSI I 1 ,1. 11111 '1 \I 1 lull \I1 11 ,III' III 11''1"il. a. ' it 'IJ 1'14'1' 111 \\'llll,uo ,1; 11.;1;' .I! . ,1;,I I'.'!:tln,,,r, ;l 1(. .I( ,..I4' a '.1 t 1(144 ;11444', o II :It 1- I' I }' in He 11, i-111, ',11 . awl \I It I' \ler;\l,'III. 11 , I., 11' : 1 'I'•: .111'1 t tinily, ,Ilien11' I 111" 144 4, 1'! i Ind' it 141!1.,' a: t' 1111 ?:.14'1.1), .11 n \ ! I!.', null )I:'. ;11111 111 1''1.'1 I1' I'4..'I \'a II,I JIM \1!' \\LII I'md 4,1 Iondrin ( ;i' '( 1 ll" r; \l 4!11,', Ill'' oti Tor '1,11. \V.1 l.'I'(1N 4'. .1, , 11'. \1'.' 1,,111 ,1'I By Laura C. Pepper ('1174 Cori, ,111111' 1)1p.l;lin 't 1,I ,\grirnllnle. 1 t;111 by f"'111 among 1 h m 4,41;:1'• 10e'4. tt hr 1(1, ,'r'r'•a! ,, herd • ;1011 ('114(1, 171.141 1111 I 4' dl ;1'1 a VI 11; 1'111(•4, 1,!•,(• 111 I,ll1. ,11:'1 n l!1 Ili n' !''11 v., 11',!111 Ili\.., .I „I 'i 1'' '', i,! '1,1ro111 •. i !4'lirla;,11: r•ri1i !I • }1'11141! . 111' ;I 1'1 1'111 ): • }1,1111 ;1'!•I I '??" 1'111' '>' ;Itl'I \I 11 fornl, 1!1:10 .:111;1•, a(,'nrllin : 111 1((':11 t rnnonli 1' . Thi'; i . sl ;nelhin' t1, 1'l' 1111111:1m n!Il';( (I4lll lllllg 11(1411., ;.• I) 111}; w1111111 th'' ,.-14.lI• I•ali'1I1, 111141 to }11;111•' Il1i1 I',1111111e11 «Nile' ; ;:n I,H•' 1114,'', uh.tihlte.; a\11tl11hle, th'Iln;ll they ('., ! III ire 111;1( •111:)x, 11111,•. • there is a linin'' ip1114'. 1, 41 Ilp 1111';14 irem tins' 111 lint"• \\'11'0 hone:, i'; 'Led 1'(m' 41111.'1' 111:11 11114' ('1111 may replay', one 1'1144 1,l -Ili (4• in a 1'i i4(. I 11 the .4;1111111,1 of 111411111 eal!ell toe' ''.11.1rllll 14'• 114111," 11 h\• nlll'- 11.lrlet% r \\'1((-n only a small ;1111'1 101 (1 h1,n' 1' i; ,c min L ❑ In a 11111f fin I'' 11111', 11 I 1141 11"1'r -•fill" 111 1114, li'luil; I \\'lien !raking homy l'1.1)- dnrt 111, I, the oven trim) 1'11111'4, !my 1,1111 4'\1 11 1111(11 •'' I'n.111, )'ill; 1111(1', barn \' Itelnrl' HI' Is iring 1111(1 y, Ii:x1111' grease 1111 measuring (dip 111' ,p 1n'i, 'I.li; \\ i!! II '11 I1, p-1\ent honey from :-lielcinl• In 'nen -his and 11411 \\;II 11111. :4ttee a fey, 1111•, \r;' ' h 1.144 in. , 14 I Hn11 ' .:4 11, :''4 loll l 4444 Ill.',11-.1111'. \I;'I.l'• ' 11';;14' 11111 1' 1"'11 ill 1'1 ,111 1,1' 11,11 i 111 III - 1' ,11 II' 1',11 11,11 ('1:11 114 144 1111,' :1:'., 1' 1 Jr 1141 . 'Ij( ''1 ;;1;111111 11 11;' 0111,1'1 :I:'.. .'. \`, ;Cl) 111 (411 ' 11'- 11 ! ' I 1 1 erill, c. ' THE STANDARD 71 \VII;S'I'1'1 1,LI) Tei '!'' \\;1' J 4,4,4!:' 1'1,11} !,:'A1ire; 4 :III' ('I1(iree a! !!Ix 1'!1114, II ,": \ li'I;1y 1(I,' Inu1,u. 41'71'• p1 rot. II' \\ 111, 11' 1', p, .'.I( 111'11 ,I : f,l,'101111 mon, \\', \I, , \ I\11:.1' y hold Idle,. 'r rnlar 1111' 111:' 'In \\'1»1,41--Ilu\ :11 ?noon at 111'' Milli'' HI .111'- \.11'1111(11 It;l'll:rt ll 1'111 • \\,I it til \• • 11.' 1.1! Hn''linc 11)'441:: I1(" ;(111111;14 1',;11 1!,;1 11.1 III' . 1 tilt' :1'4 ladir' , 1(44,1 ;11'11111 ',2'I rilil,lre11 1(11'1 111(1,!1'- t\, 1' 1111 " 111. 1141,4 01"1.'11 ;I 1141 a I!.! pr"„1(+11111". M1.•-,, Ila,114n41 w,, to ' 'ha1:'• after I 111" or. of a child: I 'I - 1I \ rut,, \1' 111 \ 111,'' 1'. ad (41,- ' ?'14(1111'. 11141 1,•'11 111 I•, 11(.1', 1;1'l'11,1lil'!I- \\,11' ell• 11 ll\, III114' 1;.(v1Hn :'11(1141, and 1;oralll \le I',1n"II, 111111 01111 (('('1'l' s'11g hl' 14111' \lips' ; 1,1111111( 11.41'1041 111111 111110 4'11111. f- Pee 5. ,e.,-r;,V'r,�,oro14 r ! r .q 'y ' ry1 t4 ! 1Val tT , t.1 I ! t ,:1(141. e,1' r IA! t Iq! .r '.. ' :,,"'; ; , . �, ...•�.. rd'.1: P, C(Cr.,�%, t€t�;;`di tG1G'•CtgtQ, .tA r I£ G P b !C C� 6 fd•�tE � 1:., .; P(P,(.. � (C'f, + t'.��' 1{OA 1 1111',11 Iz1', (1'11'1 l X11. 1 JiE l Ill'. It EC, EN7 l IH11A Pitt a; ;'° CLINTON. ' GODERICH, SEAFORT•rt. i-, 1.14,) 41 4.� 171 i,) i1 \ (17;111) duet 11111 I,}' i'.; I1( ('11"k and I':'.1 -n NJW PLAYING: .Joan of Pails NOW PLAYING: Badlands of Da• w'th Michele Morgan. Iota and Blonde Goes To College. Ion.. Tues., Wed. -Two Feature... John Gar ft( Id, N,inr•y Coleman Ra'; nu;nd Massey ,1. 1.11, 4,11.1 II L„ LI.;, 11:1: "Dangerously They 1rive" ALSO Jeffrey Lynn. Jane Wyman and Edward Everett Horton in "The Bft(I; Disappears" Thur;:hy, Friday. Saturday "11 !?1.14/.,1.l'()I'I'1N' " 1 111(''.1 141(1,x !1 I" t 1!. 11•'1plr 1(r 11114'. Ol en and Johnson. Martha Raye Hugh Herbert and Mischa Auer. COMING: The Snow Goes On and Mexican Sp tfl,'r's Baby. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday G1or,a Warren, Kay Francis and Walter Huston .1',(-,;,r:u:' i:l til) )'!,'at romantic I" 1' '.:111.\',1},s In 1 1y 11('llrt', Ronald Reagan and Joan Perry ,1114 1 -illy ..II' -1 1,1' ;I ' 'W'"y repro 1 ter, Nine Lives are not enough Thursday, Friday, Saturday Jack Benny, Kay Francis 44 I ria tmom of 1 ri''I'nl- 1,j'I la1.(1111,1,• "('iI:1111,1E'S :11'N1„' CONING: Queen of Hearts and The Men )n Her Life 1'If;nll111(1 :+n}: Sat, ano Holidays, 3 p.m, --- Mat,: Vied. Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m.y 11114 \I I-. 1'1.444, alI'rlflly:I 11 I «I,d ( !111) ,: I..,-.'�,�,_,•_.,.-,_,a'..,<,_,..._.. ,..,.-.-..,...1'..i,:iii.<1:..�C'~v.�r,F�r.i..-.�. (GlomGG✓,Z e(..,,,,.i, ,: ,,:1",:,Ci::',,s. ,.c:✓,.�r -,c,ai✓(2:( Io, ialdi24:i(1 iGid,ol NOW: Gene Autry in: DOWN MEXICO WAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday t4 t-1 1'•i GRACIE FIELDS 1'9 ,'ill- a !Ilrlllll!41 ad%entr41'(('4' til ;(1,11 "4,4('4111,}111) (14:'1, 11;1•..1 "11 7111 14 „/1'111 SI 1()//7 (DOES ()N" `y Thursday, Friday. Saturday 1'i I Cont'tance Bennett, Warren William Bruce Cabot \\' -I+ 1'11 ::Ilu''n}r! ;H1'4 hi- gain') !1!!:' 1111! -tart ;1 (';!1'11'1.' "11'ild Bill Hickok' 1{ide1" COMING: Always In My Heart and Saloon Bar. Mat." Sat. and Hold ys 't '3 p.m. I I' ,, ,lir :ill 11"r 11 11;11 111'';1,101 man- ))' ' 11111 111-(1 r1,1'1 ;I 111 ter 11')11(1 \l l' ear'Illl". \11!11 ! ,111;121"p, 44 iIi1.11 tya 1''•,I In1.'1'. -tiu:! 117 \1141, 1:1 !'.I.tI1('' lett 4' rH1111(111x,1 Ial1 1!1011'1, 11i',„ 0 n'. II''1111 \14 ;1111111 i1., III I'hill 1(11)014, )1111 r III Ines nl e 11 in'1'!",1 I.0 };r \\i!II Ill- I,lutll'.', \11 I. I Aft. in ('Ilin't and '''\-1'1;11 ('nu• 111 n' ' k 1'11'1 1',,) ;111 dl' ;n 144:44 ill ' 44 1'..\.I''.. \\'' ! >!, I. ,.' en \'il,' 0' 1('1011 tltl'r 1111 VP' to, 0 , 111, rlainxil i0 , . .\I !''11 ,0 11':Il'11'H pro ,id:'il at 111' I \!i \1)1'7.'1 I.;Inu111I' :1 1:,1 1 he: aI .trill, 101. II. at I1'•r ;11111 !' 10-,. 'I'11e Ilahy Il;H(I offering 44'11,. 11;4111 I.:Hmow '', 11;1',1' l -1 1111"d 111 Tre Italu'41 hl• 11111'' .1(1111 Itlrh1nnan, \11:. 1'1101'1 utter -pi 1111111:', 1111' !1.)-1 44''.'Ic pla4',, 1 \\ In .'.4,r 1l\'111g )110u11'y 111 1)1'4,.1.1^11 (111' th.' lill;l11r• \yllll 111', ;111.1 .\I I' \\','1'1'; 1'1' - Card Of '?'hanks Ed ti 11'. o: h IH '0.141;. 1411' •I n r ri it ;.1 I,.1 ,'\'-4- - : 4. Irl - yo,1,It111• 1 tit ) , ' ' !lnnn !0 'Mr ;:,1.' 4,,-11•.1',,'4(1 44!, .\?•:: !; 4,j 1'r t9 In; .1"14'11• ;1,'I 111 .. lupl'•y (44 1i the Iliter! ,'111111'11 1)441 '111'1 'Hi •1:4 r'"' 11,1 44 t3 1,1 Tractor Funnels Each 51.00 Tractor fails each S1.25 Cattle Spray- ;'''1. 51.10 Black Wire and ilay Forks. 1ia1•neSS Naris Bug Finish, Etc. In 1Iemoi'ianl p. 171111. 41'11'' II\•n10 ?hal \y1(, siig 4(11:' \lI•- \';111''1 t'HH!: i- .1 1;1.41;Gt'. 1'i:; 11,1;1 11.11 . "1.11' roil I y \II • furl»r and 11,17- 4044', ater' In Ita111 Jimmie ('ar141', as ;1 \i1'. thatilc, Ole' n 1111' hi- 1'.•.4''01 re4'm1''} famill, \47111 111'. ;1011 Mrs. ,\1a0 l'I sl'riu)t; illnx I'l its 44('11' 4 (Hit, Jt,-nlnill.'1', madx fur 1111' <,'('lional mord ini.4 to be I :1 mlrlrl„•I' itollt he1(1 111 \\'4:tlield 711 O4't11her. Jlrs.'Street I';H'n0\;11 in 114'\'Illi" go)'' :1 'I011rllitl• 1,l lied ('1'n -s ,ray nig, 111 wiry:; and 1(1111ling and 11 request for quilt lilneh" \va0 made. The (;rnnp e:vell a very dainty Inn4'h and Iho L'ah} I!:uul treasure' 1(110 elll•i4'11xd hl' 111111,: '4 . 1.011, 11'- (' 1111 ••,\ rlIll ,ll;'•I •'I)("lIl, - 1111\',' 'Ie\ elole.(1 Viiia! I :41'1;'1' 111'111 ; 111,11' ••••!11 I I• ;1'11';' 1(1111' 4'I Mill:\y I!!,. , ,' (14(,' 44114 11 .-114: 111 ,tin:• r udi \ I ,ll t''I' '1:•;11. I'1( 1'111,11 .111., 1ft iti I'd tor 1'a!„', 4'"0' 4'' ;11111 111,11' hi' II.. )1'177711 1'4'1'7• p' ., F','; ;111 lit 111, .I p':111'tr1 , it i. I,e1 to 14 ,,, r."lp" • 1•.poi.111tl\ 1'4 11• II('I •1' lid' ,u1, 11411.', :':0'444, \\ 1141 Ill, ? -y 111' ill 141"111 14," 11)1 \'11' than - 11,11' '114.1': and iHarally , 1,11• aril ! 1(111'- or. O!I ;1''1 e ,["('11111, :'111111 111 }:lll::r'I !u' III ;1111! :;111(')' 1 :1'. ' ,./� • 1111 III''! r- 1)1111 \ yule of 111:1111,: 4(110 ,'\11nd1'i in \(r?. Itadfnrd by the ?'resident, and 111:0 11 \I1" ,lir(;91ean, 111',0, .11herl \1' ilsh, I'! \'tee-I'resi,lenl, dismissed the meeting \yit11 prayer. \irs. 1'1(1'1101' .mil \I('s. I u;I''I', Kin- \\'in. l'a'ter. 11,!, 1)l1l'n'Ixl1 411" l:L\ 111, 1111 LON I')ES1iORO 4411x. 55')',- (((11 11r, .171( .\rnl',I(11nc. nl 14111""1', /1011011 nil 01110111y 4\1111 141x11' rollslll, \Irs. t;lorg0 ('ur11r, \110.1 11)1111'x= L;ritll\v'allx of Nimerm, yi:ilyd 011 1'401.14' \\7011 \Ir. and 11r�,' ii‘tt% Ofir Or/ P /fal 4//,/*/ ir ela 0 ll, vioip VA /10/t o You can now buy War Savings Certificates.. . an investment guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada ... at all Post Offices, Banks, Trust Companies $5 FOR $4 $1O FOR $8 $25 FOR $20 .t=1' INTEREST AT 3% TAX FREE REDEEMABLE REGISTERED OC3W 111' .11:41,'? \Ir 'or\c'lu II \., 1\ he pa, -1.1 1(441(}• 111 14)111'1, IT, pert'- girl •0711 ;In!! I,l1'111 1;11\\ ;11111 girl 0, T. Dobbyn ('i tV li b1 64 00 1'a di l4 '1 t4 14 13 i4 81 1'4 ", (.? i0 8)1011 ,11111(', .1 (1111 bargain for 11 ri2121�2'2,2'2,212,3i2121211(,21"d+at�'dt2r`�1212t`d1`2;2 quirk 'ale. .\(11,11• Io IJovdI \Colllaaler, 111y10, (Int, WANTED 'Q1 T.ITE yly! 1 .7,11 410,0 �r C >1/101 n p ON P,• i' � �. 'c �n w'n(talOtni'4 4"a �'41 ulO'h� Monuments! 'pi. 41 pp To 1Iosn contemplating build. \ "I 4'011,111111111 tri,'yrlc, .\0yune 0;l\ ins one for sale. please leave par- 1 y Iie411ars at the Myth Standar'? ()Mee IY yI ^e NOTICE r, John Grant The 1'4,1'01111 that i, breaking into 4,r CLINTON MARBLE AND 'Ihr %1;Irluni: house on the ?'arm. 0(d ' [1 GRANITE WORKS taking things out. Lotter stop, a, 1 11'y I � JLINTON - ONTARIO. 140t a tip who is 'doing il. 01' 111(' law 4 p Successor to Ball & Zapfe, p`; will ?nidi after hint,211 ,s,2,�`ts•.<°92r2i7roarre >2r2r2r124gi212r2t,$ir1241. ')1. 11orltnis Ing a 'Monument . . , Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Letteri'1g a specialty. A Al) ;Nork Guaranteed. A A FOR SALE Notice '110 Bicycle Owners O('�oh ung 1pply;lt,n Kenneth f N'ot (If tt- 'I'.\ISI'; N(('I'11'i'; 1hal under dnstrm.- 1 11,11. 11114th. 1'110111 :41 l7. thins from Iho (',Incil of 111' I'm'por-1 7,1 -Ip. alio, of the Village of Myth, Chief of Polder ('o\von is instructed to p4000•. cute any pl'r,utt or persons ri,101g 01 - cycles on t11'' Corporation, It1''I.a\v No. 40401, pl'ovide< 1(0 fol- lows: - 'That ani• person or per<mro found riding lei, or her bicycle 011 II111- of i10' sidl'44alk 111 tilt' \'ill;lge 1)f 11101 hr 0!'1),10(1 (1) 11 fine 1,t' Ir0111 t,nl Sunday. !,nn 0, $:.,110 (pun 4'0uticllmt }1101'4,11(. 14,11.0 one nr more .111,4 11.1,0 of toe \I(. and Mrs, 11. 14.11.1 in and for 1111 County of Huron, ?'Ind I.11is all0nde11 :1)11 l'roytnce of ()nloi'io. and int 110- \Idss (4414,' 414'(;11in fa111t ni p'iymenl of such fine, to he 001111'day. inlpri0onell acellIdine. 111 the laws laid \Iro, .1. ti'u11 11110 111'4,11 len( in the Ntatut0;,r nigh relatives in Hamilton. '1'110 Ilighway Traffic .\4'1 (40(104", 111'. ?'.'ter )1. Scot( S00 0f '�et'idnn !1, Sub.Seelinn 111• ,1 S. �4'nt1, n11u ha, heou I:4, which 11'.uls a, follmes: No peeling at 1'al(mlhrddgt .,1101'1 1n1' till' ,o0 riding on a bicyclei (designed for 11111t f0\V 1.0111's 1(110 ,1(101 been appoint- e;)rryin1 one person Only, ,rh;(il carry 1,v1 io"30ctor nt' 'n11hnnls in the any oilier person thereon.' ury tiound lli0ltriclict anScd \ell, 11)111' In Parry Sound, \Ir, and 1l•s, ScotI Any person, or persons. ('iolati11g and dongltlrr who have been spending IIsi: provision of the :\'l shall hr thr hnitdays 114,1''' are leaving al 011120 penalized. on cn1viclion. 1(0 ra(1 forth 'fur their 0011 nnrk, in the Highway Traffic AO. ' Evening Prayer and Sermon ht 'l'rin• -By Order of Council, it). Church 7:110 I', \1, '.ill1\\•alli, \(111)!0 BELGRAVE 1111" 45I r. "111411))1' Nicol !spelt a I.'\\ dae'. 1(1111 41i'.,• \'elln ( ''rui,e on the I;reat 1.1(1124,0, \11'. and Mrs. Jame1; ('oultes ('isite'1 4(4111 111',. Charles 1;1'1-1(p in iiI\'tll of California, relativ,'s here. \\'herder i, enjoying u 111'1;Hire, Thelma the wedding of int Holstein on clotting' -Mr. and t0adt- The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An international Dail,' 14'111par('4' is Truthful -Constructive -Unbiased -free from Sensational. ism -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and its Daily Features, 'Together With the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a 'Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name ----• -- Address SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST 1 1 ,-.'.4,Ci` t''ulUtorq'v1U'VlAto'a�!Glt4j)<(U!U!4�WtU)4"0`tl!t''.�i!�'4'w',a,,�i��14!t'a�'�`tl`4`b1h,Y*GW`Y.YnW",.tY'N`4'�, Dead and Disabled Animals a tw At S.a,,<i?i`r)isiDL3ia9i`4t2i�t`r#1,41ARiliiiDtiiigiP•iaMilli'tPriPI iDIDIfit)iD°a'Q+7tila .'...1iif1;i:OPi lA REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: A1W0t)d, 5001; Seaforth, 15, Med. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. JAP BOMBER—ALL BROKEN UP fire Big Jap buinbet, its fuselage almost entirely demolished, 77as brought in Battle of Corel Sea. (Official U. S. Navy photo from NEA.) VOICE OF THE PRESS DON'T CASH THEM IN The volume of at titicatcs tut 1-- sei In would seem to inti,elite that many people have been t ashing in their certificates for reasons not altogether scrioue. The desire fee a new coat or suit ore \;intie1 41 not an adequate excuse for it • Learning war savings certificates.. ury certificate redeemed make, frust a little hardei for the vernntent to finance our wltr OtPort and it stakes the operation ed the war effort more expen• ave. To handle the redemption *at has been going on requires the services of a large numbtt 0f olerks whose work is a dead 1OIw+ as far as \\'inning• the war is e4ncerned. —Winnipeg Free Press, —0— HOME-GROWN VEGETABLES The entire British supply of ifreon vegetables is now being awn In the United Kingdom. Remembering that before the writ *bout 1,000,000 tons of such vegetables were imported each year, we can measure the war- time development of British ngri- gulture, which has also increased fta production of cereals by 50 per cent. and that of potatoes by TO per cent. —Arock)i11e Recorder and Times —0— EXTINGUISHING BOMBS Playing a jet of water on an Incendiary bomb has now been found to be the best way of ex- tinguishing it. There are still, however, the peop'ee wile deal with the matter by saying, "Bosh! It can't happen here," and thet, rung out for a nice long ride in the car. —Windsor Star —0— NEW COINS NEEDED Since soft drinks now cost moven cents and chocolate bars sin, how about the minister of x'Inance ordering the minting of seven -cent and six -cent pieces? .%a it is now, so many coppers in change are jeopardizing the War. time Prices and Trade Board's efforts along the line of pants - pocket conservation. —Brantford Expositor —0— EASILY SATISFIED The Nazi mind is fairly illus- trated by the German officer who when he was captured by the Russians declared: "It's all the Rome to me whom we fight. It. tri war itself that satisfies me." —Stratford Beacon -Herald —0— KNOWS HIS STUFF The columnist who said it wasn't real summer until the chair came up when you did, knew something about the humid- ity around this locality. —St, Thomas Timis -Journal U. S. Broadcasts Encourage Danes Specially -directed snort wave broadcasts from the United States are being heard by 30,000 people In Denmark, it was revealed by a Danish announcer -writer of the foreign language division of an American broadcasting company. De le on an unofficial visit dur- ing which he visited Little Nor- way camp of the Iany^1 Nor. wegian Air Force. The broadcasting representa- tive, who did not wish his identity revealed because of his fancily still in Nazi -controlled Denmark, ;said his land was only one of many hearing broadcasts sent out daily in more than a dozen long• cages. The broadcasts give cour- age to millions who are ready to , aid the Allies should the signal he given, and form the basis of secretly mimeographed newspap- ers, which, before the United States entered the war, reached this side of the waif., regularly. he said. King Christian of Denmark has the texts of all broadcasts, taken down in shorthand, placed on hip desk daiiy, he said. Liverpool's (locks contain nearly forty smiles of quay. t X11. Ai, f,4 s\1[ down by 1). S. IWIVJWJAL rm itntbain•el'nft A Weekly Column About This and That in Our Canadian Army The pieset,t critic.,. situation in Indi, deve•lot'.td by l,ren•res--iv( steps following the inability of the mission headed by Sir `taffold Cripps tc read alt nereenle nt with Indian leaders last ,,priu;r. 7910 major milestones are listen by the Christian Science ll(nitnl as follow: The Cripps mission offered India I oinit,inn status after the war and a gradually expanding voice in the direction of its af- fairs during the period of hostili- ties. The proposal \ as re,ivcted by all major groups. The All - India Congres,- farty asked full independence at once. The All - India Mosler; League refused to agree tc, any plan which gave a proportional majority to the pre- dominately Hindu Congress Party and sought establishment of a separate Moslem slate in North- ern India. Congress Party leaders contin- ued to agitate for immediate in- dependence as .lapanesc expanded their conquests in Asin, Late in July the Working Com- mittee of the Congress Party acted to bring the eituelion to a head by passing a resolution, drawn up by Molundas K. Gand- hi, calling for a civil disobedience campaign unless India's freedom was granted at once. The original draft of the reso- lution said the first move of an independent Indian government probably would be to negotiate with Japan. This remark later was edited out of the original resolution. The revised draft said a freed India would 'wholeheart- edly and unreservedly declare it- self on the side of the United LIFE'S LIKE THAT Nati( ns, agrceicg to nit et Japan or :Illy 11th, r aggre,stir with :metal resistan, The ]led sh Go\0rnuirnt re• spoialiel by viit,ullly acrosin(:; Mr. Gandhi and other Congress lead- er; with being appeasers of Japan, The Full Committee of the Congress ('arty met on Aug. 7 and passed a supplementary and preparatory- resolution giving Mr. Gendi,i fol: powers to lead a diso- bedience movement if n demand for frced0711 Were rejected, At the same that lir. Gandhi appealed to the United States to act "101 lie there is yet time" to bring about Indian independence and permit Indians to "use their liberty in favor of the Allied cause." The following day the Full Committee ratified by an over- whelminu majority the Working Committee); revised resolution authorizing the disobedience move- ment. The British Government pronlpt- ly countered by outlawing the Con- gress Party generally and arrest- ing Mr. Gandhi and some 200 other members of the Working Commitee. Shortly titter the arrests, dis- turiianece developed in Bombay and other cities and police were forced to fire on demonstrators, Blow At Allied Cause In sontt Allied quarters the action of the Congress party seemed a mn,ior blow at the Allied cause, says the New York Times. Mr, Gandhi Teemed ready to para- lyze India or to plunge her Into civil conflict at n time when the Japanese were at the country's gates in Burma. The farms, By Fred Neher "It's from the chief of police.... He requests your presence tomorrow morning at City Hall for illegal parking.... Dress is informal." REG'LAR FELLERS--Kitchy-Kitchy HY POP BROUGHT ME HOME MS BIG BAG OF MARBLES LAS' NIGHT! LET'S CHET BEANO GOLDEN TO SIT DOWN AN' KETCH EM FOR US WHILE WE PRACTICE SH00TN' EM! 'r f Th iJ alines, Inctoriin find nous power of the British Empire's greatest domain --11 land almost as large as the United States with three times the population --are viten to the defense of the Middle East. India is the great barrier to an overland Junction of the German and Japanese armies. Across it runs the rcniaining Anglo-Anieri- can line to free ('hint. it lira 011 the flank of the Anglo- American supply lint to Russia via the 1'etelan Gulf and Iran. The justice of India's claim to freedom was trot questioned its Britain and the United( States. It was realized that .lir. Gandhi's people had grievances dating hark through centuries of Ell 1.0pean Cs,- ploitntion, and that redress was due. The tinting of the demand, however, stirred doubts as to Mr. Gandhi's "sense of reality" and caused bitter critics to charge hint with imperiling the United Na- tions in oat of the war's most crucial t }wane 1, Gandhi's Argument The flare-up in (mita'; long fight for et -if -government has sprung from the advance of Japan. The .1likedo's Iveiolis ' e7vept through Malaya, the last Indies aril Bill Ina; the native popu',ations teal. i!:tl'dly ally part ill their countries' defense, tonne factions even l ilpino the Mead - ere with fifth -column service. A • similar situation alight prevail in India if the Jami nese entered. it is kronen that \ipponese agents have long promoted contacts with Indian revolut141(1;11'10f. and bom- barded India's masses With anti- British propaganda. The Cripps plan presented en attempt to twin full co-operr,tion of the subcon- tinent's mases. it has been Mr. Gandhi's argument that the co- operation wanted by the Allies could never be Achieved unless his country wee entrusted with its own govtruln01t and defense. Diverse India London's answer --supported by Washington ---is that the issue is complex, tint main} interests nnist be considered, that freedom can- not be rushed through now with- out injustice and chaos in India, thereby leading to a fetal weak- ening of the Allied military, posi- tion. It is held particularly that the Moslem minority -50,000,000 in number, compared to 2(10,- 000,000 Hindus—will plunge the country into civil War rather than submit to Hindu administration. The British have declared that the Cripps proposal is their final word, Recently Secretary of State Cordell Hull addressed what many regarded as a walling to India's nationalists. He declared that post-war freedom could only he assured to peoples who showed themselves worthy of it. Civil disobedi01) 0 campaigns of the past have included boycotts of British goods and services, resig- nation of Indians from public posts, withdrawal of children from schools, closing of shops. Despite their non-violent inten- tions, they have usually culmin- ated in bloodshed, rioting and fir- reste. The British indicated they were prepared to use force to keep India's nationalists in line. They forbade the closing of shops on pain of fine and imprison- ment. Their army in the sub- continent numbers well over a million and it is composed largely of Moslems, who might not be sympathetic to s Hindu mass movement. Mr. Amery Confident Mr, Anitry, Secretary for In- dia, declared in tt broadcast that "prompt and firm action by the Government of India has, i be- lieve, saved Indio and the Allied cause from grave disaster." He expressed faith that the majority of "realistic" people in India are behind the Govern- ment's move to scotch "an at- tempt by blackmail and civil dis- turbance to make ordinary gov- ernment of India impossible and to paralyze .India's war effort." "No government could accept such a situation," Mr. Amery said. "The Government of India could not wait until the amasses got ex- cited, until rioting and bloodshed began. It was necessary to cut off the eur ent, to dii.connect Gandhi and other leaders faint their fo;lovers." In any ease, .Mr. Amery said, the (.resent. action "will not de- flect the Government lrom the broad purpose of providing India as 90011 IIS the war is over, with full opportunity under the consti- I DONT THINK BEANO FEELS VERY' MUCK LIKE SITTIN' bOWN ON ACCOUNT OF AN EXPERIMENT HE MADE! i THE WAR • WEEK -- Commentary on Current !'venin War Effort Of United Nations Threatened By Crisis In India Y(511 rdfiy on the street 1 file( a tall, bronzed young man in eivilian clot hes, 11 is face scented fannilialr, He milked with his shoulders back end his head ftp. He smiled at me end, autonulti• Dally suu`e I like ensiles, 1 re• turns d the smile. Then 1 milked on puzzling slightly as to why the stranger had ensiled. Suddenly it struck nue. Ile was no atrengerl He was the Com- pany Sergeant-Major! Dor two woeke Wo had been working to• gethcr, saluting each other when the occasion eros(' end comparing notes 1e to the condition of this recruit's fret, that one's appal- ling habit of drinking ice cold .fizzy pop and eating tiscuits in- ' steed of lining up for his meals like a soldier, But it cnlphaeleed two things: the difference wrought in II mai by the clothes he `.wen's; and the thin veneer that sepointc' soldU from eil11ian. it is A good thine that the \eli- oer is so thin. Because It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that t., sudden change from civil- ian to Bold;er may become neces- sary for many of us, n0, most of us! last week that the Ili. serveAlmy of today is very dif- ferent from the ((dist:( of the „between -war" years. It is, and it most be, it must have the support of every man nide to sleet the physncel requirements. 1,00k et what a reserve eruly has done for Russia. That le what our Reserve Arany must do for at. it will ;mike dune:,rids -- heavy domfinus -- upon our spare time. It will call for two or three 0vt- ninge a week for drill, trabiing fir specie( instruction. It will call for ten Slntdaye, It will call for two weeks in camp every year, the whole totalling fifty-five days of training out of 3F5. And that, actually, is cor.silier- ably less time than the neerage citizen wastes on dancing, movies, ball pines, hockey-m:07,4e end go1f, .A might.}' low-nreinemet prem• him to pay, isn't it ? Not so long ago a man said to MO quite seriously, "You people have no right to put alarming pioces in the paper about street - fighting in Halifax or Quebec or Montreal or Vancouver. That's alarmist stuff, it lowers morale." It made Ole boil, He has a "C" classification for his car, He squawks about his high income tax or, earnings that are much greater then before the war and he has time and energy available for golf. But he couldn't, or wouldn't sec the point when I suggested to him that if every -one in Russia had felt the same way about it the Nazis would have been in Mos- cow a year ago! We've really got to put our backs into this war. Knitting a few socks or sweaters, or send- ing cigarettes overseas, or, buying war savings regularly isn't enough, It has to be an fill out effort! In Hong Kong young Canadians died. In England thousands of young Canadians are champing 11t the bit while they train for the job they volunteered to do, If it fulls to us to defend the land they plan to conte back to are we going to fail because the movies or the golf -links were more important? Even i11 the face of daily stories of repeated reverses on many fronts there still exist too many people who look upon the war As• something that is going on "away tution to become a flee dominion, as free as any nation could he." In his broadcast Mr. Amory said further that success of the Con- gress party campaign "would then Alcan the betrayal of China and of Russia." "it would »lean the enslave- ment of India herself to the Ja- panese," he said, "'That is what, in their reckless, irresponsible de- sire for party dominance, the Congress leaders are prep:111o1 to bring shout." The Government, he said, had "abundant ground for punitive action," but had confined itself to preventive action, WHAT KIND OF AN EXPERIMENT? inoime .A 111 , ,ae e 4.1 over Ilea e," 1 w 11„ think ' a onu't happen hell For nearly tilt1 11:,11 W0 h„Vo been at war non, :eau ;n 1111 thea time "Ihey' (halo's -tetanal 411 British Feil,” say:' .mm1 speci.11i-t in rose-coloured gl: s, s. Ile o`:et- ieol Helly I\fill}' 1 0 Singapor"' ile doesn't want t, ialte a riCee in hit, hand find 711ep:111 the ,Ite- 18(100 between ,(elate and 31111 Lea with tilt dist:1110e 1.7 1e e, et Nora and Nola Scotia Try it yours, 1i - ,.ppallieel) close, isn't it'' Theis Why .,t ntanlhers of tit Hebei luai 1.'1'1- '21'11'S Army 7111111 ploy our li.ut whether that p:e, t I e volunl al - hig for Activo ,t 1 .: at l , enll.'s 1 1 ill the lieeel'Ve Aim; 0r jet ing good sohliers Iv lam! the r11.•'1 behind the gulls. Trained 'rained of 01,1 It 1, 1; 111).1.1 '!• Sof his fent aper, t'a0.:l,dian ;,I;i 1111 of a ..fill n, ", .111 1I lnld Ill • demi )mild set oil !1 110 t'•:;tt. 1,0 e'.rt11d - - till r1 ' Ile 1111111,1 1l Thai. 1•:\'011 nit` lHi,M11 0 1,', i,,e,q'011\ ,n- ere;;sl s' rent•, OA '1,e71-101 , (0111 1'1715 01 11!s p, u'1 ' :1hel'0 ',a!•, ceilinc'. the suet, -11, gasoline cheat- r,1 those teLO up nems t, 411,1,, 11 (1 hou:er, 11 hy, then, Gln 0 1,01111,i 111 \V(1111111', must it 1 1 t 1 1 csSil 118 10 set tip as \t1i11,11,0 1't:, •8 nail T1lille L'o7111: 1\1,;,: is it ;. makes 1)111' so rl inet, 17,:11 1';' .••i 1 like that must t 1 t 1, fight 1 1 1111 eelll'Is ev1•ly n:.' le :,I.- ' I to charges of 1n11,1 I.n; the effort? The 01081 dis11(:t',1i 1, 1,; Ibo:4i.e. 0h0ut it is that tht'1 offer. ..l against regulations se ; "p to 1,. - serve our (4.000111k it with, tt not easy' i111111ate `loot, trader- - they include big co, 1 r,Ition<. Against them, .11,1J I t t y art 1. waders of l'nnad;: li +, ; forget, •.v t heed the private red„ ]ndtti11tu11 l'ilizen' :truly volt-:, duly 1t is ---for li„ ,t e'en . ,,t- preser0111in11_.to s1 od .teed of fractions of the prin. 11)018e 1'13 to the nearest offer 1I the \\ tittle Prices and 'Trans, heard. Inflation is infiltaa1 t. ---- el must tie on our gu:,1, , Paratroop Corps To Train In U. 3 ('anada's nee.' i ni,it1( ops train tat a great mild 7:1. Georgia Which extee,ds i eta. l •.- 000 at re. of flet 1, t, l ideal geogra11hi1 aiiy- : 11 elite tally fur year -roues; 1, entice'. - ntld training prou1,111a. This post, to Whit 17 the ('1,!.t• dies have been a'slgm e until Ca. cilities can he ,!•t;illashed roe paratroop training ,n C:,nada, 1; ..i developed in 19l`l It a llfal'.ry school. Often termed tit most ewe - Mete many post in the o States, it was the hittl,plaee 1940 of the Aulcrieen Artily par,('• chute troops. Thea work wl. expanded s0 rapidly tied in ala\ this year a highly-specializ,.0 paratroop school wets fel rod un- der eon -inland of Col George 1'. Nowell, The parachute 0) 17.1 takes five weeks. American graduates. of the pe;:: have a motto: "We role 10 figlll•.. Why i ilk?„ Farmers In Russia Save Much Grain A despatch to Ow po\ernnierlr newspaper 1zvesti8 '.aid that the battles south of Rossoe were tie- ing fought on fields t 0)orcd by grain stubble, indieeting t18c collect lye farmers ii! 1110 cad. 0118118 (tad sawed 111 111 h of thctr crop despite the s-prc11 of OP! German German ali)ance. 10 the t)rtizhoni)n 1:'c rcgi'c, solo ast of these hattlefields and nearly' •10miles 110111 Rosin':. I'arulers )0•event e hastily p,atltc!io� grain by hand and combine. From Moscow nuumreus ci\ it lass 1)0711 Out to til woods to 111011 wood :and dig peat for the coming winter, and i'revda, the Communist Pally nee's I,aper, slid that self-sacrifice v,((1(1 be 11e,`d- ed to supply the nation in the coiling winter, By GENE BYRNES HE TRIED TO FIND OUT IF 1115 FATHER WAS TICKLISH WHILE Ht. WAS SHAVIN' htc=l�sx.'L nc '�"'r 7,.r 11. 8 r.1. Mite. 571 eight. mune; rco, "Inco Itirispies" is a regis- tered trade mark of Kellogg - Company of Canada I,inmi- ted, for its brand of oven - popped rice. GeLoom today! Molybdenite Second Most Urgently Needed Of All Strategic Minerals 11 -- World \Vnr No, I the Allies learned from captured German gun barrels sunk of the magic of ntulyld('llutn, Then Britain bought up every pound of mulybdonite, the compound, that Norway could produce to keep any of tho sup- ply from flowing to Germany. In this \Vas' today molybdenite Is oven moro sought after by the makers of high speed tools and every hind of high grade steel. This is a war of guns, planes, tanks and armour where speed in shaping, and stronger and longer- nf('d steel can win, New 5 Cent Coin To Replace Nickel ('anarla's new 12•sided fivo•cout gloms, likely to be In circulation next month, will ho mode of cop. per and zinc, nn alloy known u tomhac, Mott, .T. 14, Ilsley, Finance !Milkier, announced last week. hi r. Ilsley, announcing in the COM mons Aug. 1, tho Govern- ment's intention to introduce the now coin, said the action was being taken to preserve Canada's nickel supply for war purposes, h1 r. Ilsley described the com- position of the new colo as "an admixture of copper and zinc, shit. Bar to 'prince's metal,' named aft. er Prince Rupert, and also an alloy called 'tombac,' from Malay 'tonbaga,' IL popular alloy for jga'elery ht the East Indies." Easy To Distinguish The Finance \Illlister explained that the dodecagonal coin Is do - Signed to prevent confusion with the one -cent, 10 -cent or 25 -cont Coins. "Its 517.0 should prevent it from being elmsivc," ho said, "and it will be easy to distinguish and extract, when !nixed with other coins In a purse or t'onser's pocket, by its Unique and peculiar shape. "I1 has neither the milled edge of the diiver not. the plait round edge of the former nickel of tho one -cent piece, su that oven a strayed reveller in tine dark would not he likely lo bestow it upon 80010 unworthy recipient In mis- take for a quarter. A War Measure '''I'lf• size, weight and thickness ear exactly the satin, ah the pros. ant 5-('"nl nickel coin in cireula• tion, It will, therefore, operate in tht' pay station telephone, and will fit coin -change -making m:1,• chines in theatres, on strip! rail - Way ears and buses. . , "To the end of 1911 there had been nearly 90,1100,000 uickol coins issued from the suint, so that any- one should have no difficulty In getting a nickel piece, if they so desire, for year's to lona'. "The elimination of nickel coin- age is really a 'victory' Inensure, sild Is expected to release about 00 tons of nickel n year for war purpose!,. After rho war the coins 11011 be recalled, or, if retn'ned as worn coin, caul be rade into bronze reals without ditfieulty or loss. What Science Is Doing ELIXIR OF HIPS The hip harvest was bountiful 1n Scotland )lest autumn -131,000,• 000 hips weighing 200 tone worn gathered before the Allutstry of Ifealth cried halt and further tone of hips wore collected In 'Eng- land, so that this spring British (Iruggiste marketed 600,000 bottlee of hip syrup, Hipe are the soft scarlet, hairy fruit of the rose. lloy scouts and woolen's services ware sent on their finger -pricking harvost when British chemists found that rose hips are an ab- surdly rich eourco of vitamin 0- 400% richer than oranges (now rare as mangoes in Britain) and 300% Holler than black currants (C•rlchest cultivated fruit). All this was reported In copies of Monthly Sclonoe News recently arrived In the 11. 5, from gni- land. Following antique herbals, many housewives con000ted their own elixir of hips. Widespread result; they found themselves not only apoouing out vitamin t7 to their balite, but, as corks popped to pantries, Indulging In a potent homlo-brew. Amused but impressed, one British medical journal ob• s0rved: "Wo may (Mill neo hip syrup conlpoti ng with orange juice after the war,"—Tlnme HOW CAN I? Q. How can I koop neckties from curling when washing theut? A, Before washing washable nockties, baste the linings in place, AO they will not curl and become lumpy. 'Then remove the hast Ing before ironing, Q. Trow can i remove mud stains fl'0111 garments? A, Let the thud dry on the gar- ments. 'Then try brushing with a stiff whisk broom, and If that doesn't prove effective, try scratch- ing It off with the edge of a penny. This is just tis shall')) as Is nestled, and will usually do filo work with- out injuring the material. Q. flow can I keep tries and other insects away from freshly - painted surfaces? A, By mixing a 1111le bay oil (laurel olll with the oil paint. Or, place a rocepincle containing this oil in the vicinity of the painted objects. Tho pungent odor will keep off the flies, Q. How cats I matte good pot - holders? .1, when making pot•holdors, It is a good Idea to Insert a layer of leather from an old glove through the renter, This will el- inlinato danger of hurtled fingors, ;Is leather is a nonconduelor of hent, Q. 1Iow can 1 remove grass stain, front white cotton fabric? A, Milk, goods may he sponged with clear ammonia for the re- nova! or grass stains, Pm. silks and woolens, while or colored, 1180 alcohol, 111 one day recently 260,000 women, including mothers and grandmothers, 1'ee;istcrcd .for war work ill lt1'it:dn, Here's Where You Try For Big Profits 11r1p nu' 411011 1111 hole 11131 1)11(1 vnluahle 3114' 11111 of 81111,1814.811e roek ull,bdrnlll- roek on my minln3; claim really 14. Millions of Ions, nulylie. For shire 0111• 110111 iv Heeded 4o totally to strengthen steel for the Wm., the Government n111 help 0reet a mill when ne oro'.e quunllly. This 11111 1uru4 molyhdenlle ore Into lrofll4. 'rho1'v 44'11y 1 can afford t0 glue you 411 large m1 interest for helping n1111 40 111111. 0f 7our manes. Flu — — — — — — — - — — In ;h4' a(1- P..1. 1111'1'1:11,— . — 11 r c 4 4 %%11ere T.t Adetnlde .11. t1'., Toronto. you 1111111 114 la xrltc you, 11 I' 11 r4' 111 11ork. !i1 mull godly to be in time to Rinke most Y. .(duress Inform "1e about 11ny.r ,'ru.peelIog c)n- diente '.'.here 1 Late niy cll8ne0 al nuO.au, bll prn1114. N1)1111' WOOD WINS CANADIAN OPEN ;dicot Illy 1.. (I!, I •1' p:U' for 72 lode,; Craig \V o".1, 1vr111 the t' .1 0.1- Ilian ()pelt at Mississauga Golf Club, Toronto, on aalnr'Iay, ,:t,'il thuu!th Bch Ifm;:ui ',l t; til,.: favorite. liere, after ,d,,,oting 11000 t,'1b- hal' 1' )51)18 inti! 0110 0t' (A ell par, (.Tale \\ Ooi1 13 8};"lul1 reeeiVine; th0 Seagram (loll 1'un, (vhieh goes 10 the winner, Montt: 111th $1,0(10 aa w"II a') the rcullea :chill) 1.'id h) added to his collection of trophi''s. Setier;nl k on the left naal:ing the 1, re;entation. "Sawdust Fusiliers" Fight Forest Fires h'ightin� forest fires in the Highlands is 11 new role of the Canadian Forestry Corps, Recently the "Sawdust Fusil- iers" distinguished themselves by Fringing under control a dozen big fires and 11114)1)' 3)11511 ones which threatened Scottish timber stands, immensely valuable to the war of fort, They fought the outbursts for 10 days with all the old skill thoy used in Canada when they battled summer blazes as civilian lumber- men in the north woods, Com- mendation was received from the British Ministry of Supply for the way the Canadians saved tho for - este, Scotland had had a warm, rain- iest' month and woods were bone dry. Trains passing by used to spit out the occasional burning cinders as they passed and as an officer said "in less thne than It would take to say London, Mid- land and Scottish Railway, there was a lovely little fire." Soon it was neither lovely nor little and the Canadians wore called out. British troops helped thein hut it was a Canadian fire pump, veteran of many an Ontario and Quebec blaze, that really did the job on the largo fires, Eight forestry corps companies of about 250 men each were in- volved in the firo fighting. Tiny Men Needed For Midget Subs The Australian radio reported roeently that a number of small Foye, taking advantage of their slze, climbed into a Jap midget submarine on exhibition in Sydney and defied all efforts to pry therm out. Tho submarines were s0 small, said a broadcast recorded by CBS, that adults could not go in after the boys, who "remained until they were disposed to come out themselves." The broadcast said that naval officers expressed their astonish- ment that men small enough to man the submarine could be found even in Japan. One officer estimated the maximunm height possible as four feet two inches, The submarine was raised from the harbor after It was sunk dur- ing a recent attack on Sydney. Modern Etiquette 1. When you ha.vo n friend whose faults you would like to correct, what would he the host thing to do? 2. When writing a letter to an acquaintance who calls you "hire, Bridges," holy should you sign the totter? 3. Isn't It all right to oat soft fruits with the epoou? 4, is it good taste for a girl to wear many cousplcun114 j(\\vels to a dance? b. \\'hen drinking any kind of rofreshnieul, 6110100 a little be left in the glass? 6, IS a courteous motorist al• ways careful nhout throwing away his lighted cigar or cigarette stub? Answers 1. Overlook there faults, and concentrate on the qualities lie possesses that has made him your friilnd. Perhaps you have a fault that this friend Is Generous enough to ignore. 2. "lfary llridges." 3. l'he fork should be used for soft fruits, vogel (tiles, salads, pleats, c'al:es, 51(31 pies. The knife and spoon 61101110 he used lis little as pos• Able, 4. It is poor lisle, 11111088 the (1:111e1- is an elahura10 alfl'ait, and evil) then it is 0ouspicumus 5. One may drink all of it: but allohl t;lrulliug 110k the 1)0:1(1, or hinting I!I(' glass III','llle (1011.11 1" Alfa!!!% 11, ti. Yos, Olilel'n'15e, Ile 111ut hit someone with it, if in t'nf1 ie. ur in the count0' nu 't dry day 11e may Stall al g:,tcs file. Have You Heard? 1110 Uaviilsutl, tits American sculptor, was idling about the street; of Paris witch he VIAS ap- proached by an unkempt Arab who was carrying several c'ar'pets on hie shoulder. "Buy a carpet?" asked the street seller. "No, 1101" 311)1 the sculptor, "They smell'." "flow dare you say that!" crlod the Arab indignantly. He drew himself up proudly. "I'll have you know, monsieur, that my car- pets do not smell, it it I!" Simms: "And you rsckor you save money by going through the household to - counts every everting with your wife?" Grant: "I save dollars, old man. By the time we balance It's too late to go anywhere." A parrot livod in the bar of au Inn, and was accustomed to note the rush of business every Satur- day night, One Saturday it left its cage to explore the neighborhood, and was eventually found in a field sur- rounded by crows, who were busi- ly depriving it of its feathers. When the rescue party arrlys ed, the parrot was heard ejacu- lating: "One at a time, gentle- men, If you please. One at a tinge{ you'll all be served." Teacher: "Tomnly, how many slake a few?" Tommy: "Three or four." "How many make a do tee n ?" "Twelve," "How many maks a mil- lion?" "Very few." A typical example of tha un- conquerable Cockney spirit, A famous city tavern, windows shat- tered, has the following notice posted up whore the windows once stood:— OPEN AS USUAL The little tea and coffee shop next door, windows all shattered, has gone ono bettor and an- nounces cheerily:— MORF: OPEN THAN USUAL. Dressmaker — "1 consider this the most perfect fit 1're ever seen." Customer — "Well, you should see the fit my husband will have when he gets the hill," "I see, dear," remarked the wife, reading from her newspaper, "that a woman has been awarded 82,000 damages for the loss of a thumb. I shouldn't have thought a thumb was as valuable as that," "Perhaps site kept her husband under it," grunted her husband. "It's the little things that keep people awoke at night," says a doctor. Especially those aged one day to 18 months. ,You GIRLS WHO SUFFERN, DYSMEN@RRHEA If you suffer monthly cramps, back- ache, distress of "Irregularities," nervousness—due to fuuctlonal monthly disturbances—try Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added iron). Made especially /or women. They also help buildup ulldup red blood. Made in Canada Life In Britain Will Re Harder Drastic) Economy Necessary In Domestic Coal Consump tion In almost titre years of war, lite in Bri',ain has 00 1(041 more atnd more .>partAui, but now re- -0,1'0i0ns ;:Ib !wilco it even more rigorous. A 4101i:11ollln AIL Ill;eiy to involve ninny hard:hips next winter is the ''011 f(1' :4r, IOU 1(1,0110,11(10 10118 of i•1;f i. I),.lne.':,' :1'11;11 Ili 111,1or1 hug t•1 he 1 tit by 1;,)00,000, while 1118 rnrtiulnv 1,O011,000 ':vi!) he saved 1111 ; 1'll " r1,. ; by I:lrei'r coal ,ors, 01,1 x'1''1..'4 aro leli 4 runt) •. 1te:1 to 011 t 11 81.'111 111111 shops loin.' this '.c,rk are unable to kelp 1)1100 ',cit), '1;r orio18. In one 100:0 Lnl;.ion ,hoe repairing hop Ihcre :u,' 1:000 pare or ,14,„., wail '04. to he tel,,uled and (('10 nrd'r.; ,"1:111'11 }el filled for three or 11'1r .1 „h Stocking Sanit tion Serious The firm; t11.1t nnd'rtalt-' "In- visible mending" of stockings are ) equiriug 1'X0 weeks for deliver- ies, 5141 the whole stocking situa- tion is so acute that there will shortly be special shops where stocking's can be resoled and re - heeled from salvaged material which has been sterilized. In every big store you can now get shirts recoll:u'cd and recuffed from material taken off the tail. You can get a woman's suit made up from a man's tailcoat and trousers. After Aug. 1 no more articles not considered strictly useful will be manufactured, '1'hnt means no more ornamental glassware, coffee percolators, soup spoons, metal or rubber toys, jewelry, leather trunks, eyebrow tweezers, to name a few. Leas water for bathe and fewer baths is urged. The plimsoll line of a bath is set at a five -inch level and the official injunction int "Rave a bath every other day,'! CLAS SIFIED AJJVER TISEMENTS .\CCOI(I)IONS wAvilr.0 ACCORDIONS WANTED Beet prices paid for piano acenr(11nns, twelve to hun- dred and twenty base. TRE T. EATON CO. LTD, Muskat turtle unlout f)epertmert Termite ,;GENTS WANTED LA Di NS! IS I; X. T It A MONEY /moiled 111 your hone? If yot have a few hours a day to spars. Ws have an earning opportunli; , for you. Write to Avon Prods of Canada, Limited, 1015 Ataxander St., Montreal, Quebec. tU'1'l)SIOiI(f,l:S — US1!1) I:S1:11 CARI9 •.Y)1'13 (100D TIREI5, Sae us first. We trill re- bind your cost of transporta- tion to Toronto, It you buy from us, Mount Pleasant 'Motors Ltd. Used Car lots et 1650 Danforth Avenue and 2(110 Yonge Street. Fiend Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Roud 'Toronto, Telephone Iilgh- 1111d 2181, 11,5111' r111Cl(s BRAY PAI.I. SERVICE 11411.J,WTIN ready soon. You'll find it In- valuable this coming season with poultry and farm production ranking with the essential In- dustries. Order your (tray Sop - towbar clucks in good time, also. Bray Hatchery, 130 John, ltaMn- Iltoa, Ont. IIA1(113t 1' 1:1[U1I'M EN'r BAKERS' OVENS AND 6LACliIN- ary, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. 'reruns arranged. Correspondence Invited. Iluhbard Portable Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St., Toronto. MILTING, I:TC. FOCI '1'1l111:8111:14 M 11N BiEI:I'IN(t FOR '1'!11tES1i31ERMEN, Endless thresher belts, hose, feeder canvas, pulleys, shafting, hangars, bearings, motors. Speo- In1-13eltIng for truces, 2 inch i - ply, 15r foul. .511 types of trans- mission supplies in stock for immediate shipment at attractive low prices. 3terchatdise guaran- teed and slapped subject to your lnspeetlon. Send your orders to THE 1 Olt I: BELTING 4'0. 93 \-Ultl: S'1'IREE'1', TORONTO 111 1,1,54 FOIL SAM,: Its•:GIS'l'EItE11 lib:Irl:FORDS, HERD 131111 and two good younger bulls. C. (aoncn, r2 ICington. DI EiNti aA CLEANING IHAVI: VOP AN I'T111NO NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to Itaswcr your questions. Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Works I,inlited, 7311 Yong° Street, To- ronto, 1'01)0 HALM IIAl'ME1:ICA POUT BALM destroy'e offensive odor instantly, 4Sc Pottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug; Store, Ottawa. FOlt FOB 8.51.E. ?2.:,00, 4 :ACRES, 4- 1uontcd , i'ttage, cellar. hydro close to P0:hway, 'Ibronto Id 11,110 8. (1\(•S 812 se, It. 0. Kane, Richmond [(111. FILMS DEVELOPED You win al'ln'crlate the true mean- ing of quality •o01 service it you Send your snapshots to be develop- ed al .11.1Y1'.11It 1'111)'1'11 81:111 1('h, 311 YO\;al: S'l'itl:l':'I', 'I5(lION'i'il "Helpful Shooting Tips" (To :aid A on ;n falcine hctt eq. pic- 11114E IVO 0 1'' ad40.' '111,1 rr;t 14111 on eve)) 6 III' , 1'1'Burr.'' 111.1'' 1011ed 7111(1 printed -'Sc. 2 prints of each only 3,;e4 11.111, '1'111;11 IN 'I'(1D.\5 TO MAYFAIR PHOTO SERVICE 314 YON01: S'I'I(I'.oT, T)1tONTU 1'111:11 C.tT'ALOGUII FREE: 1'A'I'ALOGUE ON ItA.Ttg nd Exeltilg hooks. Rev. T4're (hunt Work on M1171g@ 14g1 11011y, $2,49. SUPER MAIL O 1)1111, 37 Queen Street Werk Toronto, Ontario. HAIR lIt11SMINU SC110O1, LEARN HAIRDRESSING TIii3 RO$- artoon method. Information 011 tt� quest. regarding classes. Robe son's hairdressing Academy, 1 Avenue (toad, Toronto. MEDICAL (100D RESULTS — EVERY tiUlfy loner from Rheumatic Patu Of Nouritls should try Dixon's Rol e11y. Munro's Drug Store 1111 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. I',STl:ti'l'8 Firm E1ts'r))N1)AUt;11 h CUMPAN Patent Solicitors. Establlslu 1810; 14 Kine West, Toront;d. 1100111et of Information un ra•• Idlest. 1'.\'1'1:\''1'8 .4 '011.11)0 71 51(1(14 f OP.ItTON It. x.580, 111:(:IS'Thatiffp 1)101.1 States, can:olian, British Patent Attorney, Booklet grafi\, )':4)ablithed over forty )ears HR Balsam Avenue, '!'o1, onto, I'Il0'I'O(,ILU'l11' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Thr Ileo!, linin, or hale HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by 11111 .lay 6 or 8 exposure film perfect! developed and printed for only Mi. Supremo quality and fast set vice guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICQC SUttion J, Toronto 1'1.1'11111811 .1NI) 1t1:.1'I'INO NL11' AND V81:1). HOT 1v.vt,NR 1:11113, bath tubs, sinks, toilets, haslns, elertrle water pumps, septic tanks, s, taps, drainage flt- tings, pipe, fittincs, valves, rad•• !:,tors, ,1selcet heaters, hot wader furnaces, greenhouse healers, etc. Enquire now. Better I'Iuntb- 111g c'oulpany Unified, 2975 Dun • dos Street \Vest, Toronto, 11111:1 M 11112 l'.51 N S Tits' 1'I'! t:\'l:lt\ SUFFERER (IP' Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's !remedy. Mun- ru's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid .1.1.10. (11.11 111.'118 It1:WOVEN NEW 11(518, NEW 81108 MADE PROM old, D0)0 10011 Rug Weaving Com. tinny, 964 Queen St. \V., Toronto. Write for bookkc. TEACH sal WA 1'I' 1; D 11.5\'1:LUCl( — WANTED, t' R 0• 1estant teacher for Section 14 Belmont, ten miles north or havelock. Duties t" begin Sep- tember lith. State salary. Apply to rhos \5'. Munro. Srcrelarr. 111VIIuck, 11.11. 11, Ont. '1'1:.11.111;11 11'ANTED 141:111(01.01' — Q1'ALiFI01) P110- testant teacher wanted for 8.S, No. S. holland. State snlnry and qualifications, a 1 a n telephone number, duties to commence In September. 'Phomas Dennlsou- Secretu•y - Treasurer, Berkeley. 11.11. No, 1, Ont. '1'111(1:5111X1: 31 At:LINE pm; S.U.0 -- :1 32 -So S.5\VY1•:R- 31as.ey ihre.hing machine, fully w(uipp"d with Eleersol 1'erder and Shredder. clover attachment. g;:tin blower and drive belt. Alrhie i,awr, llelfountain, Ont. ISSUE 34—'4Z Pm 8, tog ,r 1'U." ►,41• ' _ v.uc.... ,1 KKKK►(K+6KKK+[tCKK►[rRl(KKKK+R<QKZRK�KKKK►[KK�(KKKt6�tl;e[tIKK HOLIDAY NEEDS --� MISSES ANI) WOMEN Slacks, Overalls, Sweaters, Slack Suits, Bathing Suits and Caps, MEN'S ANI) BOYS' 'I'1'Opical and Cotton Trousers, Sweaters, Wllldbl'eakers, Bathing Trunks. A Good Assortment of Balbriggan Underwear. Olive McGill P.;?'i)viiihit1(1(?)?alra.2.D171�1?rih)rd{)I1lm ill !1b1i1,111) J0124(NP1)(71)))1ND, 12,11r3OtAt 1 ht tdl lgtCiCKtC1CIG14'C16'LIC CWW.L141C1C1C111IMC'CICKtCICKtCICKKI[(CIC+CK+CICKICKIC1C141,s K LADIES' WHITE PURSES .... . ..........$1.19 CHILDREN'S WHITE PURSES 49c LADIES' CHIFFON IIOSE 89c LADIES' LISLE HOSE 39c MEN'S WORK SOCKS 29c, :39c and 49c P4 MEN'S WORK PANTS $1.49 MEN'S OVERALLS $1,98 Taylor's Sc to $1.00 Store 1 A !ISE STANFARD 11rs, Scott Amens and son, of Tren- ton, are visiting with the foriler'r father, \1r, George Ilirons. Mr„). \V. Nowell, of Royal Oak, Michigan, spent Sunday with his mother, J1rs. 1. 13olven. Mss tialthu \1'ittion, Stratford, 1s spending a few (lays 1vIIh 11r. and 51 1-14. 1\'nl. Gow, and other relatives. Nlra. It. M. McKay and 1Irs. Boyd visited last weekend with Nlrs, Italbb at 'rreswatcr, Mrs. Ann Campbell and Claire vistl• eil this week with Dir. and \Inti. Nor. titan Rfntoul, at \\•Ingham. 11 r. and )Irs, Itoy 1'ox, and i+ou, 1?dgar, of Ileecltvllle, visited Iasi ween with Mr. and 1Irs. T. 11, Edwards, NH'. lull .\Irs, harry l)nubar visited on Monday with Nlr. and lies. It. 1), Philp, 11tss Ilerlh( holidaying u•lt 1" Iuudy. Itrogdeu of Loudon, is Miss Freida Blake Ialldaying with her )uug1as \Vli1Itoorc. of Clinton, Is cousin, 51aster lies. H. A. 1lclntyre and family of visited with Nllss Josep111ne (leock on 'Tuesday night, .911ss Irene Ilowma11 of Godcrich Is PHONE 79. g visiting her friend, .1II:h 111lma \Val• ebratkilliiNtsNh(717(1►1>radii)atNiallrltil3ritita1171)»ai(ill(IAL+)t);D(itilititi1i31N)t1))0i `on. DANCE WAS SUCCESS all present, (\Irs. 11'u). Laidlaw Is visiting is \1'Inglian) with her son, Robert Laid• The dance. sponsored by the som,, .lrthtu•s Orchestra inrnf: sed lilil c lair. of the young gent:men about town, for the dancing, and 11111(11 was avail- able for those who desired it. Nil's. George Cunningham and (ion, and held du the Memorial ILII this ICcmnelll, of IIeIgrave, visited with 91r. Wednesday evening. was a great tine• i :\mother dance ii anticipated at wand Iles, Art Marr, 011 Sunday. cess, and a good time was enjoyed by later date. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOIL ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO R1' Vt1iT1•'I'; OP A \V \R1(AN'1' issued by the \Vnrdcn of the County of Huron, under his hand and the Corporate Seal of the said (roam) of iTuron, bearing dal( the sixth day of July, In the ).ear of Our Lord one thnm1and nine hundred and lolly -Ivo), and 10 1111' tlh'cct• ed, commanding the to Irvy nn the several parcels hereinafter mem ' 1101(1 and deicribcd as living in the said County of Huron, for ar- rears respectively rine thereon, together with costs, 1 do hereby give notice. nnl'ss the ;aid ;11'rears are sooner paid 1 shall on Tues. (ay, November .)Irl, 11! 12, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at rite ('nurt Reit~. 111 the 'Town of Go(lericll, ('0111 (3' of Huron, pro. (Teel to sell by piddle an01011, 50 much of the said lands as may be soft' '-' t to di -;charge the taxes and charges Incurred 111 and about the -aid sale and collection of the same. .111 adjourned sale. if necessary, will 1.c held at the saide time and place 1 u week's later. 'Years in Adv -t. 'Treas. To \(.•4 frosts Comtn. Total G. '1. ('hamper„ Est.—Lok \\'Ilton Survey .. , .. lints -9.1I) 1 t .;,I; Jle.e.pli Coulter—Lots 1-a-111 and pt. I.,o( Il, Nlcl'aughe}, 1s1 Survey, Idle. 1). l'ila..II1.11 1 I. 1:1 Jos. coulter --Lot 1, 51c('on cell 9')1:I•I1).11 21'1.0:) ".i'0 .:,; Mrs. \\'hila) Machan and mice, Eleanor 11'ells, Toronto, are spending this week with (ire formers cousin, Mr's. John l'I'aig, Sr. Mr, ,lames Newcombe has returned to his home In Newark, N„1., after .1m/ending some time visiting friends and relatives In this vicinity. 1Irs. Carrie 11achan, Eleanor and David \W118 of Toronto, are spending ; this month ts'ith )1 r, and 51rs, 1;(I. 51c5111lnn. Rev. Austin Mudge of Hamilton, al• ndcll the funeral of 51r. 11. 1t, Nit!. ,Gowan Friday afternoon and tools part in the service. !Miss 11. E. Livingston of Victoria, B. C., returned last \\'ednesday after a three week visit with )ler sisters, •\l l's '511Eses Lcun and Myrtle Livingston, 51. Carr. ilk es Ann Jeannette \\'atson 811(1,1 i"' was "iso In 'furoate, he having Jean Philp have returned home atter received his call Into training. ,pending ten days at the Goderich bins. Arthur Gardiner and .son, iRo- bert, of I?'xeter, visited on Sunday, with cousins, 51 rt. Craig and sons, John and I)avld. Berl as he Is !mown by his friends, graduated from Os. goode Hall, last June. We(ines(lay August 19, 19.12. etileV +C+IKV- 1441 CIAMIC•C+411Citl4' OVty'MV4 tZLVCTC'XI'Z1414!y' !;;T '.1:".V.11,1itvi Ho11yan's BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. The Hoole of Good Baking. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread, Also Buns, Cookies Pies, Cakes and Honey -Dipped Doughnuts Wedding Cakes a Specialty, Doherty Bros. GARAGE. WTI SRF. AGENTS FOR Plymouth and Chrysler Cars Auto -Lite and Hart Batteries. Goodrich & Dunlop Tires. White Rose Motor Oil. PHILCO RADIOS AND SUPPLIES, Acetylene and Electric Welding. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN, of Summer Necessities For Use Around the ilome Or 011 Picnics: VACUUM 1301"1'1J:S ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,,,,.„'l9c THERMOS BOWLES OUTING ,11.JGS (one gallon) STA -WAY INSECT REPELLENT .;!)c ANTI -MOSQUITO CREAM5c 1 WELCII'S GRAPE JUICE :1 is i.) LI1'IE ,J1JICE - MONTSERRAT •199 LIME JUICE - CORDIAL :I ii TAT ANT TRA I'S �►(Ic ro SPOTREMOVER1 )c aitd 39c �01 i° 1i r° di il 111 !i (i (, •1, ,$1.75 11 Films, All Sizes --- I(;asiman and Selo. Developing and i'1'inting, ))one Quickly tS Fxpet R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUINT)RiES, WA! I,I'Ai'ER--'IIONE �n 1�,•� y. q. q e� r� (J lit-IG7�7FI�I �IO1��1�<{✓IC„1,G:G,✓I.JI?IfJ�C1.,,G1.'.✓�^ir-i u�0il.)l}i.i1L... t.11:�i~, t�lC�l:lf4,,.��:/<11!I<1 �,��,�•,��I 141CICIP,I-Ie141C'{;1v1:t,?t�13£'E'v1°+�I.” ��.'1IQ.kitrk',„i1"�,_yl{;-•i'.,'.,'•t.'N ., ^,,•r,,,,,r,�l^I�r ^,�1,,: �, Willows rug Scor Drugs, Tobacco, Soft Drinks—Phone 28. Backrite Kidney Pills . . . . . . . . ............ • .50c Wampole's Mille of Magnesia 25c and 50c 1Vanlpole's Magnesia 'Tablets 1.00 I'or 50c Dickson's Stomach Powder ... , ........ • .....75c Fenno! Laxative Tablets 50c "IT" White Shoe Dressing 15c Bathing Caps 25c, 29c, :15c and 10e Paper Plates, ('ups and Serviettes. Vithmi11 B., Plant Balls each :15c Sv. eet. Peas, Morning Glory, :Aster:4, Zinnias. (i II ri ''1 ti 1 `1 i l'3 1; i(s•�f"a)1'.i`IF1.'1'h"..•)IJ�ib1:IL IIrIulr"IG'tr1�1G1.�r.'•'-'1,•�'IUI.+,L'r ClerG1F'in•,�'••.'I.J1L 1,'�'.•I�ir�li,."1�7..'.Gc INI. ,.'•.�Is rr 1)�. �.11C1�7�,1, i .roi1r 1 �) ��,^ � t :,: n t^ o m � l4ri ...,, v ., . v,yr-1rm •lyl iT, 1 'K I�'C1.1 �14CI• ��:g#•,-BIC'+,.4.:1,��'.,..'�,4:'41.Le,1�.1;.,+..,►S ,.,•NI..'•:'e':;k,1<, c. .,"+ao.C;fi"9 tr V week at. the home of 91r• and Ni's. ,f. Il, Watson, °r Mrs. Eleanor I lnley and (laughter, Shirley, 91r, and 91rs, Eghert Scaris, of \Coo&tock, and Mr, .latus Seals. of Norwich, were weelt-rod visitors n•it11 '11r, and llrs. E(Iwud 91011111111. 911111111. Nlrs, Robert A1'Ightnl;ln spell the .neek•end In Toronto Min her s151('p4, °J Alberta Bender and 9lls Lillie V Harold \1'ightman, of 01.11• °1 1f Sumner School. Mfrs. Sheffield and daughter, I,11- ltd..S5 iron McLean, 1t.N., of St, Catharines, visited t'ho formers sister, .Mss A. Gil- lespie, 1 I:I.I': •_a.d'i Jim Doherty—Pt. Lot 3. Illk.:\, 9te('onnclls Survey ... ........ 19.19.11'-4l ;,1 ..)3 2.00 1 ,1,Ii3 All of the above (l erried lots are patented. l'naat9' 'I'rea''mel.'s Office, A. 1I. 1':RshIN1'., Ooderich. July 17th. PIE!. Treasurer of Huron Co 51rs. A. M. Colclough spent the week -end with (rends at Owen Sound. 9lr, Alex Baird visited over the week -end al Goderlch and Owen Sound. 'Gladys Gow who spent a weeks' holidays wllh iia Taylor, \Vestfield, returned home Tuesday accompanied ty, by Ila who is spending a few days with her. I',rblishcll In The Ontario Gazette, ,lllgllrt 1st, 1,942 lone Inset. Illll1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES Have Arrived Secure Them Early While our Stock is Complete The Standard Book Store V SEPT. 6TH—DAY OF PRAYER A communication from the Director of Public Information, to Reeve 9lor- ritl, is to the effect that Sunday, Sept. G(h will be peoclainlll 11 national nay of Prayer by 11:ds 19xcelleney, he (lover- • nor -General of Canada. It will he known as 11m:01(secratio1 nay. Fur- ther information will be avallahle lad• el'. 91r. and Iles, Geroge L. Shipley, Air. and Mrs. T. L. Shipley, 91rs. John Parish and 91r. and 91rs. Ly le Lee [vont Carlisle, attended the funeral of the late 91r. R. 11, McGowan, CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to lies. .1, E. Ellis who celebrates her 75th birthday 011 August 29th. Visitors on Sunday at the home of ---,-- ,Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Edwards were: Cnngralnlations to Ivan IIilborn who NI.. and Mi's. Stanley Snell and family celebrates his birthday on Tuesday, of Fordyce, 911x1. Charles Keating and August :C 71 h. 1tZILtC'•n'P,1V[.'P.,I'F•.'ureX, Z,r 4'C'f. ftlt.r i.'v+„''„'C' T,'• :.Z' z': air; +;:;.'(i :-',-7.:'n e' '++ "te”' llatrol(l of lielgrave. P 1( 14 RJtlsci Ruth Unborn is visiting with Congratulations to Miss inns Johns tlSTUART RO f•yINSON Inc parents, 11r. and Mrs. f,cslie till• ton, ltlho cl�ledmltes her birthday on j,'1 r� Thnraday, :lugust '20th. shone 156 for Prompt Delivery. 15 born. Ruth has Just completed her • ir °i Market Price for Eggs According TO Grade.Il ee years In Victoria hospital, Lun• `i ksi "n' ti Burden's Reindeer (offee (without coupon) till 25e 14 .lavex (snakes 1 gal. of Bleach) bottle 15c Li Hi -Ho Pudding Powder .......................8c w, Ant Trans 15c. Onions, 11). 5c tray. August _'351. u Puffed Wheat .. . . ............. 5c plug., for 9c 25c and ,I5c Mis, George Ashton and grandson, (rot grat'llaliens In Mrs. Frank Long• I Pari Sant 1Vi1xl'(1 J'ai)C'I' .. • . • ..... �5e r )e and 25C Donald McCallum, of 1'tdwlcll, rc• man, of Auburn, who celebrates her • PIlr11y 1Vileat. Itl'illl , , , , , . .. 2 11), hit!!' 1Oc turned home Tuesday after Ispendlnfi a birthday on August 271h. v Spot 1)OI!: 11100( , .... , • . • .. , , till l Ot' ” f ? •1 0l' — ', p Puppy Biscuits ............ . .... . . . ? lb. pl(g. 25e SCHOOL OF COMMERCE • Cabbage, New 1i11•�,e head Inc CLINTON --- ONTARIO, al' Fruit Kepe 25c bottle for 25 11)s1 Fruit �r CHEESE, OLD ANI) NEW. ✓ F1-' Coils. ' 1Vilson's Fly Pals. Fly Swatters 1; Breakfast and Back Bacon, Cottage Rolls, Cooked Ham,1)elicia Ham Loaf. Lounge Furniture (' offer a l)l('asillg' variety in St1111io 1101111(';I'N fitted with SI)rin.g.-Filled 11'lattr('s51 ; and (Iu:;h ; covered in (lurahl:J fabrics. I)l'oo-lrt('k and Sin1'1(' I)ily Be'IIS, tailored i mart, 1- right Covering's. le 1)I'lces are l'eas(Illalll(' and these i,l►IIII;.! are just the thing; for Indoor, Porch of •;utllln('I' I-Iome use, We urge yt'u to cuiue in and inspect thein, J. Ss l's (j () (1 '1 'a `i it I<a Ai j '1 Home Furnisher— Pholnes 7 and 8 — i"uneral Director, r ..i Ct�1/1{f �rYJ{plf:{A{�i�1fJIL1,Plr^MIN{u'1✓1isIGM:'{U1f.(iw141f+�1lilO1VILIr:INiS I✓'!4'li �wr'•. �'r i«If l!{r.�•'"•'br'�'r •,l✓1 t • d. IIrA I. rl.l111.1 .i '111.1! ,., IJ1 ❑..,:.Yen. ...., .1.MH .11, 4 iI 11 k' HURON ILL 13LY'I'II --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. (;001) SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG m Proprietor Ill .,i i1Y. ., ..I 11 .iii ..1 .lo IA ii:I.i,,rit,,.,AI.,i,i.,.L 1„111.w,. I..,rm �,�, .,i.. �,. ,.l 4" 1Congralulallon:s to 111111e Johnston who celebrated Ills birthday on Friday August 1'1. • 'y1rs. Peter Brown Is visiting with Iter mother, 9Irii. Stalker, Mrs. Rrown will be here indefinitely, her husband having joined the Active Service For - ((5. btl'lhday. Congratulations to 14,'Sgt, Hugh S. Owning, Overseas who celebrates his on IJ'rl ENROLL NOW FOR FALL' TERM—SEPTEMBER 8TH, Be Ready In a Few Months, to do Valuable and Necessary Office Work, Courses: --Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Clerical. A. STONE, Cern. Specialist, Vice -Principal, M, B. F. WARD, B,A„ Phone 198. Principal. Ca A A( A RiND4I iD()1B19iP1PIP1 1`l' .TiNXN21)13i IND17/41),x111112*11 t'<l B1s151?t31i12171W " - _,a?4M 1