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The Blyth Standard, 1942-04-08, Page 1
THE 9 LYTH STA DA VOLUME 16 • NO. 35, Local Crushing Plant Ready WEDDINGS For Another Big Season OUTFIT CONSIDERED AS GOOD AS Plumsteel - Laidlaw ANY ON MARKET, A quiet but pretty wedding took place 011 Saturday, April 4th, at 3 o'clock, at the now home of Mr. and Following a complete overhauling Mrs. George B. Beattie, Rattenbury job, which has employed his time Street, Clinton, when ,Marion Roberts, 1'rc,m the first of January until this youngest daughter of Mrs, Laidlaw, wcok, Mr, (.leorge Radford, Iacut'and the late David A. Laidlaw, became crusher, Inas his complete outfit In the bride of Harry Rathwell, son of A•I shape, and Is reedy for another H. Perry .Plumsteel and the late Mrs, blg year In the crushing business, ,Plumsteel, Rev. Harold Snell of Ethel, Air, Radford's Crushing Plant Is 'cousin of the groom, officiated at the considered second to none, and what ceremony, slakes this tact all the more interest- 1 'l'o the strains of the Bridal Chorus Ing from a local point of view, Is that f•cvn Lohongrin, played by Miss it 18 entirely home -constructed. , [7l»ma Plumsteel, aunt of the groom, During the wilder of 1940.41, the the bride entered trio living room ac• construetol of the huge machine vies cotnpanie(I by her brother-in-law, commenced, with the work being (Iona George B. Beattie, who gave her in nt Doherty Bros. Garage. After gain- emu nage, 'rlho bride looked lovely in Ing kuowlel Ao front other maclhlnea ;her floor length gown of dawn pink which were In operation, Messrs, !sheer, A coronet of orange blossoms Radford and Doherty event to work 'km in place her finger tip embroider - and throughout the winter, welded ed veil. She carried a shower Wu - n0(1 hammered the !huge mRC11111e Inin'rlmn d. of White Killarney BOSCH and 14h,ape, 11. was necessary to travel fern, tied with white tulle, filer only far and undo in order to secure suit• lornaanent was a necklace of pearls. able material, but when Spring rolled miss Jean Laidlaw, Reg. N., of around, the machine was really fora Guelph, sister of the bride was brides - try -out. it was hauled to a nearby maid wearing a gown of pale green pit and tested out, and with a few 0111011 and carrying Pink l)riarcliff° minor changes completed a full sea- hoses tied with pinit tulle. Mr. Law- son of crushing, During the season retire Plumsteel, of New Hamburg, 315,000 yards of crushed gravel were was his brothers groom'shnan, run through, with hie crew attaining The home was beautifully decorated nn output of 400 yards In their biggest with ferns and tall white baskets of (lily, spring flowers. The guests number - in spllo of the fact that ho had n Ing about forty were received by Mrs. most successful year, Mr. Radford he- ilaidlaty, wearing heaven blue crepe ]loved that ills Machine, could be 1111• with corsage of Pink Delight Roses, proved on, so early in the winter he and Miss amnia Plumsteel wearing purchased the building, owned by the rose crepe with corsage of Johanna late Dr, Perdue, and hauled every mil Roses, thing indoors, and once again he and During the slgning of the Register, 11r. Doherty went to work with the Miss Loroa Plunisteel of Toronto, welders. Once or twice we wont sang very sweetly, "1 love yon truly." up to watch Diem, but, we didn't know After congratulations a wedding 11110 they were doing, so we lust luncheon was served by six of the stood 'round and looked wise, and al• bride's friends, misses Kay mcGlll, most got hooked In on buying half a Barbara Shepherd, Ruth Potter, Dor- dozen bottles or pop. lothy Corless, Margaret Spading and ;After three months of work, the !tae Shorlrced of Blyth, machine has been made bigger, and Among the honored guests was the it's owner believes that it Is ready groom's grandmother, Mrs. Plumsteel for another big season, and we have to whom the bride presented her boa - o doubt n 1 t bt It 18. duet. Up to date Air. Radford has been 'rho young couple left amid n show• successful In securing four contracts, °r of confetti for a short motor trip to the Townl:rhip of Hallett, Township of ,Toronto and other points, Arran, Bruce County, Sydunhnm Township, and St. Vincent Township, Grey County, most of which arei'e- Il eat ones from lust year, Tho bride chose a spring ensemble of beige and brown for travelling. . On their return they wili reside on OBITUARY the groom's farm on the London 110, Radford informs us that It 1s !load. _•-- very difficult to secure iron, In fact he was out scouring rho country for Sarah McKibbin Campbell Airman Loses Leg In Crash, But Hopes Lord's Supper will bu dispens;•d. C. Cartwright, gravel & learn, 2.•19 It on Tuesday. Keller - Glazier On Wednesday n:terneon, April 1st, To Fly Again,— Is Cousin of Mr. ,Preparatory service, Friday, at S.15 Il• A. Olt, CO., gas 19,32 A. Weymouth, operal. grader, 19,00 the Walton Community was shocked Lorne Scrimgeour. p.m, )' A quiet, though pretty wedding was _ Bride -To -Be Honoured solemnized at 3;00 o'clock on Satur- on hearing of the sudden death of • 111 members should make an effort + clay afternoon at the home of the.Mra, IIugh Campbell, formerly Sarah An article In Tuesday's Stratford to be present Sunday morning. LIICICY In Radio I)l'a1V BY 001011115 Alcl{hbbfn, Although eighty-one years About forty nttg,:,-Joars and friends bride's mother, when Dorothy Glazier, Deacon.lIernld, refers lo SergL Pilot Recently Mrs, *red Oster sent her gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. younger daughter of Ars. Delilah of age, she was enjoying comparative- William Scrtnlgeoilr, son of Mr. and TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH 1181110 into a radio program that Roll on Thursday evening, last, Glazier, Queen street, Clinton, and ly good health and taking an active Mrs, James Scrimgeour, of milve•ton. Rev. P. H. Streeter, L,Th„ Rector draws so many lucky tvinnr " 0_ ,, to Iroat: ur their daughter, '3iiss Addeo the late Harry Glazier, Was united in interest in Sunday School, Church, The letter Is written by a friend in First, Sunday after !Castel, Apr, 12, „ week, On tuning 11110 the- pro^ram. ]1011, prior to her marriage. !marriage to Harold Keller, Niagara 1111111 Iced Cross work. ,She had al Dtrgland who has been In close con - Sunday r, , imagine her surprise t0 heir' til^t Daring the evening Miss Bell was Fails, Ontario, son o[ Charles Keller, ways' been n[ an energetic, active nat- . ut tact with Sergi. -Pilot ScrlMgeour, Suuduy Srho01, 10,311 a.m. name dia(1 been drawn, and she waa presented with n lovely chest of ail- Dashwood, and the late Mrs. Keller, are, all mugh anter nn(1 unassnmin'g, since he was invalided to hospital fol hh enlnr 1'r;lyer, 7 it.nl' the whiner of a nice crlsn five ri ,')" ver, with 11 r, L`ougl(ra Fraser making Rov. Andrew Lane, B.A., B.U„ pnlstor She was 11 member of the United lowing a plane crash, and slma►(8 Specitll Illustl,lted address re the; bill, ]lad she sent n wr"parr whir'., ilio presentation, and the following of Wesley -Willis United church, Clln .Church of Canada, and a life member highly of tho young 1111111'5 courage. Bible Society Work, by District Sec• address being road by M. Jack Dry- ton, otificlnted, is associated with the Crnlnn_iv sera). I The bride, given in marriage by her of the 1VJJI,S. Besf(lc s other serious injuries, the rotary, :111 welcome. soling the program, her pri7e ^'' 1 (b'itty five years .ago she and loot young Pilot has had to have ono leg ' " "^' have been rlo!1h10d. Dear Addle, --'We have gathered brother, Dorian(' Glazier, Toronto, husband moved to 111011 pioneer luoine amputated, but through it all his BLYTH UNITED CHURCH hero to•ni,;fa. as a grdup of friendly looked charming In a street -length near Kinlstino, Sask., but returned spirits have remained high, and lois \large congregation attended- the to Ontario about six yeirs late, so mete hopes are that he will be able to Good Friday service at which nine - neighbours to extend to you our dress of poudre blue crepe. Her cor- •t ..LTr. greetings on the eve of your marriage. sage was of Briarcllffe roses. bliss that their children might receive nn' fly again, with the help of an artificial linea young people nailed with the ((?j G ' otlucatiol, church. one' by transfer, and eighteen leg, and that lois parents in Jlilve'tou ; g Tho fact that wo are losing ameet- Jeanette Glottshe, i3lyth, was brides This column is (led feat ed to those ber of this community, who has In maid, warring a street length dress of The fnleral service, conducted by are not worrying unduly over tuts con'1iY profession of filth, who may wish to make use of it to the Rev. Gardiner, of 1JgIILotldl'11le, dition, 1'110 P:asler Services were also air the past, been always readyto lend a blue and corsage of pink carnations. commemorate some passing event in cheerful, able bond to .any enterprise lle'bet Keller, Dashwood, brother land Rev, Fredresau, of Walton, was It must be wonderful to fiud good leaded by large congregations. The, !well attended. intends when one Is in a fur country,Easter music by the regular choir in the lives of their relatives and is by no means a pleasant thought, of the bridegrooms was beat man. 1friends, such as Birthdays, Wedding it is however, compensated for by rho Por the occasion the 11o1110 was at- 'SIIO leaves to mount ilei' loss leer and such must be the ease of Sergi.- 1110 morning was 111111 h appreciated. lalell• 1►oubranil, thigh, one sislot', Miss Isar IHiss Luella Taylor Sall • ; Anniversaries, 00 any other events knowledge that you are going Into a inactively decorated in pink and !; pilot 'Scrimgeour, Mr, and Mrs. not. Y ti ( solo. that on readers may think worthy t good home in nnather community white. Atter the ceremony n buffet ibelle R, MolCtbbin, of Toronto; the land, who live close by whore he is in I Al the evening service the young [amity consisting of Mrs. John Moe- ,ever every- chub sang ;u► ;unthean, and a note. You are asked to use this col - where we aro confident you shall luncheon was served, thospital, have apparently don( y limit• Wo think it would be a fine Donald (Gertrude) of Walton; Archie thing in 'their power to make hint i'tllall°11i' colslsiln.g of John 1111:1carve out anew, a wel•l ntorlted place. 1 Later Mr, and Mrs, Keller left by1 Patsy 11'llford, of 'Turoutu, nod lda gesture on your part to stun your in - The M. Campbell, of Toronto; Airs, Geo, feel Tess the absence front home, It Tho place which you held in our life motor on n honeymoon trip. They terost in your friends. Carter (Edith) of Londesboro; 'Alts. should make us feel a little more Mad- ill ,uul ('lure mcCOtt;rn. ThesO nniii1i is to bo vacated, but we are thankful will reside at Niagara Falls,were much enjoyed. that memories cannot be so easily I The bride is a sister of Mrs. Gordon Kerr (Hazel) of 111unlpe6, ly towards the bays (runt other coon .4.•= erased. Gloushe', of Myth. and Jack of Winthrop, also seven tries, wlto for the time, are stationed I At the morning service there teas Congratulations, to Tp". Gordon grandchildren, 111 our midst, and no duult f ^l just n bapllsuull service at which l'nu• Craig, who celrhraies his birthday 011 \Vo ask you to accept this silver stance Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and ware as a token of our appreciation '111te many beautiful floral tributes as lonely here, as our boys do over :110111 lush, Junior Choir Features At airs. Theisen Cowan, of Stratford, 11101 4.—.--. showed the high esteem of relatives, there. for the part you have played in this Lucille Adele, daughter of lir. luld l' community; as a reminder of rho l Easter Service friends and neighbours. Sgt. -Pilot Scrinigeour's father is n Con,ratn1alions to II 0. and Mrs. Those from n distance attendingthe cousin of 11 r, 1.110110 Scrim tour 0t lies. Stiphrn White. were baptized. 1181.0111 Phillips of 13rnntptou, who C g many friends you may clean, and A special fcatur© of the eleven funeral were, A. Al, Cam111be11, Mss Myth, The Sacrament of the lard's Sup- baptized. their 23rd Wedding Anu't with our best wishes for your future. o'clock seniles at Trinity Anglican;itila t»©'JfcLnven, and Atfss Jca❑li'nc p0r followed th0 morning' service, vcrsary nit Sahnday, April '0th. They Congratulations to you. Minty all Church ort Easter Day was the first y' which was the cd Iry the tersest the Joys, the happiness and the con- (appearance of the Junior Vested Donald, all of Toronto, received a lovely bouquet of rase buds Council Meeting Postponed congregation Its several years, from their sae, Pte Ph II Phillips, on indents that go to make up a success- Choir. They took part in the music Blyth Municipal Connell was to Next Sunday, :April 12th. there will 'Aclive service with the Canadian fuI life be yours, and may good luck, of the service and sang very sweetly Mission Band To Meet ]lave met this 'Wednesday night, but he no et cele.• orwi •rt, ,i BI YTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1912, YOUR LOCAL PAPER. Edward Floody -Outstanding Huronite BY J. S. MacKINNON Tl►o County of huron is well represented In 'Toronto, One could bo sate !n saying that every town, Pillage and Town- ship has a former resident ;lying In this city. Among the former residents of Huron County there is one roan who knows practically every body and whom every body knows personally, and that man is Edward Floody, '!'here are sevei'at reasons for lily circumstance end the following are mentioned, Mr. Floody's personality, his love for the County, and in the year 1490 he was instrumental in founding "The Huron Old Boys Association" and during the years the o'aguizatIou has been In existence he has continuously held the offices of Secretary or lion- orary-Secretary, and the has accomplished an excellent work, It the question was askew of the Huron County people now living In Toronto, "Front what part of Huron County did lir, Floody come" 'lite almost unanimous answer would be "Front the 'Town' of Clinton," (ito was an honored citizen of Clinton for sovel'ill year's). In one way this answer would be correct as he moved from Clin- ton to Toronto, but 111 reality 31r. Floody conies from Blyth and the Township of 111111et1, Tito family lived oil a fine farm about, ono utile from Blyth, 'Clio "Floody Homestead" was on the road running south from "Tete Boundary" to the 13th concession of liullett, and this road is Just outside of the eastern' limits of the Aluuielpality of Myth, 1Vllile the pepole of Blyth do'not desire to claim any undue credit. regarding Mr. bloody's early days, still they certainly deserve a (air share and are quite willing that other AlunIcil►alltles may bask: fully In reflected glory. At a dhlncr of "The' Huron Gid Boys" held many years ago, the guest speaker of the evening was the late George Talt Bltteksiock K. C. who was a leading legal light in his day. Mr. Illackstock was a splendid after dinner speaker and was greatly In demand at such functions, It had been noticed that 'Jnr, Illackstock had been addressing a number of County Associations of Odd Boys and he was asked bow 11 happened tint he spoke at so maty organizations of this kind, ns these organizations represented different parts of the Province and he could not have been born in then! all. During the course of his address to the Huron Old Boys the question was answered by relating the following story: '"A mon out west was asked where he was 1)0011, and the reply was, my father' was first mate and my mother was cook on a Pacific Coastal Vessel, and I was horn "All up and down' the Pacific Coast" Then Mr. Blackstock said "ills father was u Alethotllst Preacher and he, himself, was born for at least belonged) all over the Province of Ontario. 'It can he safely said of Air. Floody that if he (11(1 not spend his early days ail over the County of Huron, he lies since ingratiated hint self with the people by the attention and consideration he ales shown to any and everyone connected with tho County of which he is so proud. It must have been near the centre of Huron where Mr. Floody spent some of his early days, bel to actually locate the center Is a difficult task, and as far as the geopraphicul outline of the County Is concerned it has been said: "One mishit [all down and worship it as it 1s like nothing In Heaven above, or the Earth beneath, or tho waters under the 'gat til." However every part of it is dear to our friend. 11 'e can only express the hope that Edward Floody may long be spared to 0mjoy his honorable place as an outstanding and patriotic limonite — as well as being one of nature's noblenton and a gentle- man. Milverton Man's Pluck Praised From Overseas W. I. MEET IIUI.I4ETT COUNCIL The \\'ouren's Institute held their The regular Meeting of the Ilullelt rr;gular monthly' meeting al the hem 'Putti -hip ('ouncil was hold in Ihn 01' 3115. 1401.1o, tirrinIgeuur, 111111 a„ 11 1,011(1,_,0,0:.0 Community hall, on 31011• was the day berate Good friday, the day, April Gtli. All members were. meeting up.:ied with the ,ingiag of prewar, will) Reeve. John Ferguson "The Cid hugged (.'0055," pre;idhtg. .11 r;. 1'ayh1r real :111 article shout The mint nlo.; of the loot regular our beloved Queen's ;appreciation of 111011lit; here read 111111 approved, also 11'0n1en'a In:aituiCS. airs, Fawcett the Court 0f Roister, of .' ::I 1st, on favoured with (I readhlg, "Alust. 11'0 niuliu11 of John Armstrong and Inn Learn the Hard 1\•av" Iha1 war; I;Ivr•n Ranson. Isi;!i el 1.1:- 3ro11o1 by Councillors Peckltt and inn. Ra o on, that Clerk get in touch with 1'18115 were 1118(11 for 8 sale of home. the Department, re 3lekillop Bonn - made 111'(10:(, pruc, elk to be given the d;u•y Account, Carried. 31u:lot by Councillors 1'iekett and fur our prisoner's of tr1n'. ('0101'11 ten Armstrong, that. we order from the in cbar;•e 0i all nr,•.:ngeutenb4 for the Department, of Jltmicipal Affairs, 2 :.11e: 'r;r;. I',1w' ett, 31)5. 11 Iry and erpie5 of the 1940 and 10.11 Statues, Airs. \1'rn, Johnston. 'fenders for the '1'o\wnship Crushing Alis. Howler:am, District President, were opened at 1 p.nl,, and tit© fol - was guest speaker, and 111111 of the lowing tenders twee : - rived; Joe ,4plendid wort( being done through the Kerr, 1\'Inghnui, 59c per cubic yard, central \Vat' Fund. She al.sa 510'•.0 up to 4 miles, and Re per yard -mile til hi h 'rlc 115 a.1 'tial of the —11 over 4 miles; i,en, Caldwell, 5Sc flat men's Institute and closed her re- rale; George Radford, BIyth 57c flat marks 811111, ''flay Well, 31y friends, rate; Thos. Sandy, 57c for 7•S screen. Ihn Game 0f Life No (natter flow (1'0 O;l motion of Councillor l'eckll.t ('lay (1n, flay llcu'd, and I'Lly and :\rtn:,lrung, George Radford re. ,t,0 11'In, and always ('lay it Square." veined the ('ruslIing 11utra.ct for 1912, 31rs. Henderson took the ('hair far 1,o01r sl rn•1 ('oninntnity Hall was tho election of Officers for 1!11-'-1;:, given a gran( of X7.1,00, on notion of leltich resulted as foll111-4: Councillors Armstrong and RapsOn. !'resident: Mrs. It. 1'eai, The amended report of the Auditors 1st Tice fres,: Airs, 11, Johnston. was accepted on motion of Councillors 21111 Vice !'res.: 31rs. A. Taylor. 1`, 1'1ckitl and John .Arnistrong, 'Sec. -Treasurer: Airs, L, 31, Scrim- Ge ler yard was the rale sot lo be geom. paid for pit -run gravel, on a Motion District. Director: 3lrs. Ilarr, made by touncillo's Armstrong 11110 Branch 1Iireclols: 31x.4, Fawcett, topsoil. Mrs. \VIII. 11'11110, Mrs. Tolls and Mrs. '1'111 Reeve was Instructed to sign Colclongll, Ilre Agreeulen1 between Mullett and Auditors: firs, Hall. and Jnr;, 11. 3lcl{illop, re the Armstrong 1)ra1n, on Johnston. motiol of Councillors Brown and Standing ('ontiuitlees: Agriculture: Peckill, 31rs, Fear an(1 Mrs. W. Kncheie• ' The following accounts were ordered. Clliznll5111p: .Ilrs. J. 11. \\'arson and paid un notion of C'ouncillors Peekitt 31rs. Hoyle'. and Armstrong:— Historical Research; Mrs, Oster. ,total Fiigland hall grant 1101ne Economics: Mrs. A, 'Taylor, 1,, 11;111, repairing, 41008(40, oil, Airs, \V Johnston, 115, m. , o nt5to11' ;Len. Caldwell, washout Social \\'elfare: Aliss 31argaret Jon. 'nut,. llogglu•f, tt•ashonl kilts and Mrs. 3lurray. 1:1 11 Ellis, washout 11'110 \fork: Mrs. Colclough and Jlr;. WAtson Reid, removing S. F W. White. Glen Carter, trucking S. F, Mrs. Petts conducted the Question Wm. Carter,superintendent Box, with Mrs, Harry Johnston assist- Wm. Blacker, repairing Ing, W. Jewitt, repairing road .• J. Medd. repairing road AMONG THE CHURCHES'J:trk ('ai'101•, twa8hnnt PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Thos. Flynn, repairinig road „ 2.50 Rev, A. M. Boyle, B.A., Minister, Jack Haggitt, brushing 6.25 Sunday School and Bible ^'`.5 at l411t. Jinn. :\fLhirs , , , , , , , , .. 6,00 10 am, las. 31eCool, part salary 125.00 Public Service at 11 am, Mrs. Jas, Webster, relief ,,,, 30.00 Next Sunday, the Sacrament of the. Mun. World, supplies 29.2'11 5,-0.00 37,1, 3.00 .75 1.00 25,00 10.25 35,05 4,00 ;•00 3,00 5.37 „ „The United Cunrch Mission Ilatud . r1 1r uuw 1 lrmt m England. good health, 111111 prosperity aocom• the anthem, Duster Flowers. Mem-villi hold lilelr regular monthly meet lowing to the illness of Councillor nicotine of the Bible Society will to I i..i : ' ' pany you. bets of tills ' Junto Cl►oir are IIob _ Chester 'Morrison, there were not held in the :Anglican Church 81 7 ins on Saturday afternoon, at 31 Cun!;ralul;ltioG: i lir , TIPnr} —Signed on behalf of your friends Yokes, Ddward Watson, Bob Leggett, I enough present to make a quorum, so 0'01)(7k. This will be a union of the 1iichuunl,l uu attaining Iter :14th birth - and neighbours, Gerald Augustine, John Nethery, oclock, April 11th, Each child Is re- minded of his memory verse and to thenteetlug twee postponed until a lett '0 congregations. ;day on Friday, April 3rd. Mrs. Rich.'The remaluder of true evening was Jean Streeter, Mavis White, Lorna bring their mother, also their work.later date. We trust Councillor3lo'-' ,'1 the morning service. stew, A. Sin- '1110011 was !'1r r'ciilent of many beau - spent In playing gamos and phatting, Bray, Jean Cartwright Pnd I?orlsibook, pencil and scissors. Axon's illness will 1101 keep 111111 off clan' will speak en, "Seal'eel'nit'S of 1100 bouquets of flowers null a largo Lunch was served, Johnston, the job too long, 1Lifc.., !number of cong,'atulatcry c;ni•da, VOICE OF T H E PRESS THF. OFFENSIVE. WINS When 1 aimilell'.s :u'nties were at the very gates of Rome the floneihs amit :,u csptelitionary force .,mistiest 111+ II"ine!arld of Anil I;o e !von the l:nrtbaee, we r. 111:x.,1 :!u• infidel Turk threatened ell. t•hroendom, the Wc: 1 dint vee ;Ies. set hire to come to 1 t :mem. .. he is ie.:Mere ail - f,1 t;.e 1;0,110I 110111, dQ- lCa;t 11n11 out ei Ptrol".. .1t Ihr tilsl !tat- tle or ter llrrtrc Feat! despatched to ;tc Jui.re this mfrs• ")!y 1'i el;t is e,,iltt;ed, my left hem ,I, it:ia'!ie1, Illy cen- tre !:• ,halt!" tt, hold Ifs ptinit otos I ;Alin 1. e ., .:'t •ltii' • :y force:4. The a:. i; es. e . nt. 1 stall til Li lc " hits!Iene, fieenl'd, HE'S ONLY HUllIAN le l,.) one mere teen to Gert. Du elan `1:teartliut' himself must mans of these 1•clereuces to him see': a bll eserditit , ale is e gouct :untie:, a cal,ahle leader who lei l,1' good job in the 1'i•iit;,lone. , and, We hope, will lead 1'ie !'nit. 1 Nations force: in the l acilic to \::'terry. But he's orl!,y lrteen; he ca'n't perform 3h'1':.1 !. Ind putting hint forth ns it :up irmait isn't fair to hint or ithe eins': 'Thoulas 'Times-Jour:et!, WHY Q'U(I3ELE? O. p:l tl::;t.; to the National Wer L,..ut' Uoard that w'aco rues set I'M! shipyard t';orlases at i.ing- stile, (u!lie:o um! :unit :\lidltutl arc lit or t' air tbu e in effect at 'l'oimetu and Port :\r;hur, And, b3",11.. smet. to,ien, a hit Netter the 1 i;1);,.' at I'lya:uu.h, where tt'!:r le nib ht shift: have been rub- bed out While pm tlng in 1G flours with. 1)t ever:io e, ---W indsur Slate —0— PROPAGANDA "The dark meat of a chicken contains avuut twice as much vitllntin B as the light meat," Slick bit of prop..;;anda by father, who doesn't go for vitamins ]lint - self, to make tie ruse of the fa- mily take a kg and lay off the breast, —Ottawa Citizen, --o— WIFE TORTURE Get appointed an air warden, and blow i1) at 3 tl.m, with the announcement, ".curry, dear — that's military information." —Winnipeg Tribune. —0— AND SHIRT TOO ti'copie who think they can't get by without a two -trouser Suit uhould give ,lone thought to what it would feel like if we had the pants beaten right off us, —Ottawa Citizen, —0 --- TIMELY WARNING A Toronto baby ate her father's gasoline eoupuno. He'd better watch his spare tire—if any. —Stratford Beacon -Herald, Predicts Drop In Britain's Population Great Britain will be populated by "old folks" after the war, ac- cording to Sir Henry Bracken - bury, writing in the British Medi- cal Journal, "Nothing can prevent this dur- ing the next thirty o1' forty years," Brackenbury's article said.' "Unless effective measures can be taken to increase the number of births and the size of families, airnilar results will follow during the subsequent generation." It has been estilnated that the total population of England and Wales will decline by 3,540,000 by 1965, British Call Planes By Fighting Names We trust it IM ilot unpatriotic ,'a say that in the matter of find- ing good mimes for filling places 4he British have it all over us of the United States, According to .newspaper accounts, General Knudsen arrived in Des ,Moines In a "2 1-passisenger army trlutif. port." The sante issue carried a otory about. Lieut. E. iI. O'Hare ahootillg down Sia Japanese hornb- srs in his "fighter plane." The llrilish, on the other heed, have given names. to their plana typos. We refer to one plane as a Lockheed f'-38; the British cull A the "Lightning." A plane 'which we cull f or;solideted C-24, they call "Liberator,,' They say "Catalina" for our Cnn:olidnted RY-5. As for 11i'iti5b-made nl:,ehiues, -reao has foiled to be thriilod by tits mere sound of Tornado, Whirlwind, Spitfire or Defiant? Must we battle for freedom and human rirthts in Coti i i1 hia 1a trd P`BY-5a" it is probably a sinal. Matter Zit wit ichottld like ''i'iiul'kouts,'t "Cyclones" and "f:att'lee" brier. VICHY LEGION; DISTINCTION OR EXTINCTION J:using alone a frozen lttesaian plain, without benefit of nppu11enant 's of modern will•, :t unit of the Freed! 1 I,.,etn.1,, Adolf Hitler oe the I'::utero Front pass It ruined homestead, They light to wits for Primo. a plan of distineliun in ,he New Hider. 'Iheir lemidetiun is proceeding, Churchill's Pre -War Rhetoric (:\ St nJiLaled Artisla int LJnitctl SL,ilm, Nee Terms, by Trent Treanor.) Thu political wolves aro atter 11r. Churchill, The aeci,.,atlous are being mado that he tty'pnutiruli i neeirul with rhetoric and drugged her with phrases. 1 have nu axe to grind for Mr, Churchill. 1 have timer mut hint, Der have 1 visited J nglilnd since the war, nor ala 1 a particular ad- mirer of the English. However, if England !tail per- mitted herself to be hypnotized by Mr. Churchill's rhetoric a little sooner, If she had drugged herself with his phrases 10 years earlier, she would not by nvhrre she is now. It is obvious to anyone with a grain of sense that 1?uglend's de• tents at Singapore, Crete, Norway and Dunkirk wee„ not due to lack of planning by Mr, l'luu'ebilh They were clue to Eli land's fail• ure to tike his perfectly extra• ordinary warulugs during the 10 years before he came to power. He has only luhcrilt•d the vast load of failure against !which. be warmed 1?tigintul so vigorously year after year it Lite face of abuse and ridicule, It must mako him laugh, if n noun Call lough 1)t a time like this, that he, Winston Churchill, is be• Ing blamed for the defeats. Those to blame have galo and in going they passed their load of failure on to this gallant. old 1111111 who told them again and again n'hat would happen. And it has happened with a ven- geance. • • • Surely no reader believes for one Instant that Mr. Churchill was so stupid that he dill not think to protect Singapore with aircraft, Not the Mr. Churchill who preached for 10 long lonely years the dominant role that aircraft would play in wan'. Not tho Mr. Churchill who knew beforo any of us what aircraft meant, He didn't get aircraft to Singa- pore because he couldn't. Ile was too busy repairing the damage which his political enemies did mauy years ago when he had no power and when ho was treated with cold disdain as au unwanted outsider, Ae he said, during the past months ho has had Germany at his throat and Italy at his belly. He was hard put not to lose North Africa. As he said, it took ]lim four months to get a ship to Egypt and bank, carrying planes. How long would it take then to get them to Singapore? And where was he to got the ships? The longer the trip to Libya took, the fewer ships he had to spare for Singapore. As to the stupidities and the failure In the actual defence of Singapore, those are not Mr. Churchill's, Those are tho tuevit- able consequences of a hopeless situation, Demoralization precedes the cer- tainty of disgraceful defeat, • • • 1 will give you a few samples of Mr, Churchill's "rhetoric," prior to the war• `Phis word "rhetoric" wits used by his detractors i1) the sense of hollow phrases. See !tow hollow this phrase le: "'For all these reasons we we ought to decide now to matte taln, at all costs, in the next 10 years, au air force substen- tlally stronger than Germany, sad that it should be considered a high crinte against the state, whatever government la In pow - eta if that force is ailuwcd, oven for a month, to fall substan- tially below this potential tome which may be possursed by that Country abroad." For which, or for siwil:cr re• marks, he was attacked itt thla vele by lits oapunente: REG'LAR FE WitlAta SIFITOEMAKER "1 le COmlee forward," said Mr, Herbert Samuel, "end tele; the na- tion tlutl we ought straightaway to duulde and rcduuuly 1)111' air force full: times as Ili,; ;IS \V0 uiIVe now . . 'Phan it r:itI r: the Ian. liege of a Malay relining amok than 01 0 reepousible British states. nous It Is 'Athol. the Lolguago of blind and causeless panic," And they are hlamine Church- ill that Singapore didn't ltavu en- ough airplanes! Itoth these statements, Church- ill's and Sanda'l's, were made In 1934. And is the followtug the sort of phrase that would drug the Jlri- Lish? "\1'e are 1'l rich and e:1':=y prey. No country i;+ so vuhielahle and no cntnttry would better repay pillage than our own, \Pitt our enormous metropolis here, the greatest target In Ilse world, it kind of trcutendotm, fat, val- uable torr Hell up to atlracl it boast of prey, we are' in most• tion in which we l:aVe never been before, i1) winch 1)u other coulttt'y in the world is al the present time." That was also in Ile was accused of le lug caught unaware. But it wasn't unaware that lie was caught. Ile tis emight helpless to act bcceuse in "the years that the locust hath eaten" his political adversaries beat hint back. Does the following sound like u man who would b1) cat ;ght nap- ping? "Mels::ro, Germany is a country fertile iu military surprises. The great Napoleon In the years after Jena, was completely taken by surprise by the strength of the Gorman army which fought the \Va.r of Liberation, Although he had officers all over the place, the German army which fought in the campaign of Leipzig wail three or four tines as strong as he expected, Similarly, when tete Great \Va' broke out the French general staff had no idea of the reserve divisions which would be brought immediately Into the field, They expected to be eon - fronted by 25 army corps; ac- tually more than 40 cause a,,ailst them. It is never advisublo to underrate tete military qualities of this resourceful and gifted people, nor to underrate rho dangers that may be brought against us." TitIs was ill 1935. • • In the sante speech he said: "The Lord President asked me and us ail not to indulge in panic. I hope we shall not hl• dulge In panic, But 1 wish to say this: it is very much better sometimes to have a panic be- forehand atol then to be quite calm when thintgs happen, than to be extremely calm beforehand and to get i1) a mimic when things happen. Nothing has sur- prised Ine more than—I will not say the itltl1!t'orence, but the coohles —with \vllloh ttte com- mittee has treated the extraor- dinary revelations of the Ger- man air strength relative to our country, For the first time for centuries we are not fully equip• pod to repel or retaliate for an invasion. That to an island peo- ple is astonishing, Pante indeed! The position is the other way round. We are the incredulous, ittdlUorent children of centuries of security behind the shield of the Royal Navy, not yet able to wake up to the woefully transformed condltione of the modem world," • * • The only groat failure of Mr. Churchill was Ills inability to drive these thoughts through a lot of thick' skulls—our own homegrown skulls umong the thickest. LERS--The Gadders ATLANTIC By LIEUT. E. Ii, BARTLETT, R.C.N.V.R, They aro "Convoy hotnnr)- doree," in whose ranks are ad- mirals who once cutlunanucd battle fleets i1) the Seven Seas, To -day they cuntntand fleets of comparatively slow, lumlct'ing merchant ships, '!'heir yea's of sea experience thole them invaluable when war broke out, and the coil to service untie ll101'e brought them gladly from retirement to serve afloat again, Time and again they talcs their fleets through Ilio danger areas, They sail in merchant ship:: ---hut they get their share of gunfire rind of action; know what it is to see their fighting escorts seek out and engage the enemy; and know, tun, the respott iliility of man- oeuvring fleets in battle again— Ihie time the Bettie of the At- lantic. They Ines. no staff officers. A fete naval signalmen now com- pose their "staff," just enough men to Ill:lull:llll l'011stillt signal serf ice to the rest of the fleets from the na'reh:alt ships which hear the commodores, 'Their quarters :1)'e generally cramped, sometimes uncomfortable — but Gee commodores who once paced their Admiral's Walk, ignore their changed roles its they glory in their active participation in the amt. at sea. There were three such com- modores in the mammoth fleet which Otis writer accompanied, in an escorl,ing Royal Canadian Navy corvette, to sea, 'Three commo- dores, for at a certain point the fleet was to divide into separate convoys, each bound for their own ports in the war areas, Naval tams followed the com- modores into the merchant fleet. There was the senior commodore, whose ship was to take the head of the line when the fleet set sail. Ile Itad his Vice -Commodore ono the Rear -Commodore, each to lead his own division. Their badges of rank showed no differentiation, itch, on his sleeves, bore the broad gold ring of commodore's rank in the Navy. Above the ring was the small circle of criss-crossed braid which denoted the convoy appointments. In the Navy they would have worn the regulation "executive curl" of straight lace, The criss-crossed lace, the same us that used by the Naval Reserve, gave them yet an- other link with the merchant ser- vice in which they ,now sail, The commodore was himself of the Naval Reserve, had command- ed liners in peace -time and war- ships in conflict, In the last war he "Bagged" a submarine, but dis- claims any special merit in the feat. "Just chased her into a mine- field, you know," he explains, with a rather diffident smile. "Heard her brow' up, and lhnt's all there was to it. Only prob- lem was not to get too close to the mines ourselves, tricky thing: they arc." It is on record that he "ttateeed" two , 01?nutrines this war, before he was transferred from his fighting ship to sail with the merchant fleets. But of these two he tells nothing, as is the way of the Silent Service. \Vhen it conies to talking of the merchant ship captains, then it is a different matter. He holds them in the highest esteem, and does not hesitate to say s0. '1'lhe'e is a Norwegian captain for whom he has an especially high regard, fie tells of how this captain, in a tanker full of fuel oil, kept his ship in line although two torpedoes had stuck home. One, hitting amidships, had set ' her afire. The oilier, hitting her stern, should ha\c- but did not ---send her to the Mellen. An 03 - curt, sliill stood ;Moi helped the tanker 1t;;llt hu' tire, and then 0,cerlcd her tl.; ei,e :era,:;tfcd Incl: into peeitiun in the convoy, "1 sign:tiled to titul out whether the tanker could keep up," the commodore resales, "and was told that she could, but ;am 'couldn't stand any weather.' 1 should ,lolly well think site could not, Why, her bulkheads were going one by one and l don't knots Ituw she managed even to reach pot•!," "You know," lie added, "that ceptaiu must have been very much of a man, itis Sinip ryas sprrudiug a allele of oh Irina her 1,,::!chug tanks, and he signalled me to ask if he should leave the convoy 1)5? he was afraid the oil would give away our position to the subu:ar- tnes. Of cout•..e, 1 refused to let him go, he would have been stuck as sure tts fele if he had left our protection, But just think of it --two torpedoes alre:lily and he was ready to go oft' and commit suicide in order not to bring danger to us," The convoy con:utudure could see how the Norwegian captain "ryas quite a inion," Ile dill not seem to think that his own decis- ion to keep the ship under his protection in itself told a tale! He !ties a sense of humour which, however, rather deserted him One day when, having brought through a large convoy which hail been under incessant attack, and which hail seen eight ships tor- pedoed, five of which hod been sunk, he was ordered to Gibraltar. He told his wife, vaguely, the general direction in which his new duties wound take Minh, "You know," he says, "she said to ane 'well, it looks as if you will be in the thick of it, now.' " "'In the thick of 11' ", he re- peated, "wonder what she thought that last convoy was?" With his sense of humour is an understanding of his fellow -teen which stakes him nntny friends, We escorted hint to his ship, a stub -nosed cargo -carrier whose captain wits waiting at the top of the gangway to receive hien, '!'here were no shrilling pipes or sideboys in ceremonial salute, Instead there wt's the greeting of J.MSGONfc1LI LIFE'S LIKE THAT two friends, u humidly sanding welcome from the site's captain, and u firm iillld-shake. "Not it very coiainrtathle hunk for you, commodore," the captain warm.). '3':',n't %,.trey', Mil Ilton, I never mho. .,r; quiets.; oft oil finis job ntlylt,t), t,:te tine i.,,y, I.e10 : ,:o:Illi ti ,11:o1, their way lU tae 111: i;,', :IU11 :1 11:1 .U01: -.t t,t0Y ill li.e bal.:.,rnr. '1111.2 eapt.ti11 a lo ;. 'jI.0 01'1":• or two, and ,int' •.'%t'II�U' v. til i ... 1'.:111 t:l`ll 111.0 ;ll:• ,I1, 111 it hall ' 1)r tail:, ccs the I1i'1 tvns 1)r l' r ttt ret lint cl,u•tti•rc ..1)l 1.. I'Iert 1, ''e ill' t "'e told I;;:.r ('ululliu,i',rc:1 1;01'0 211.ur,uiy (.10; 'fill: 'fill: fire (Ise I1:ttt !teen :1.1 1.11111:'a11 ,1I3 ''..I l.11• 'mewl or tee rail dim ill) 11_ttl '04.1 '.0" elft (I.! t U!I;el' Int 105 .1:,:11tif' cl'usn,ll;r, „'11x1 Cu111,n1t,;III' :it.;i,,; 10St', 3 (0 3:111,„” lie 11:11; i;l" t. It.'d. ' , cry ,lVud int', m111)tnr Cl' lea, it :, a 11::'l::i• (11 ht Nlti ill '0111,' l'tlllll, lr'l.11tt!'"--''t 0o l :IC. cu, lI it Mian ye;, but nit, :,.1;• n:tnten tell, too, that their "old 111111" doesn't. take Ilk clothes off when he sceh:s his bank or :;(‘',1r..0 fon' his sleep. Al outs' minute of the day or eight In. .: ready for instant Relief:, wllirh is :motile'. good naval trail, They are "loo old" to cuuttnend fighting snipe, 130',5, but still they take their ships into the fight. Once they int :1vd their flags; in ut:tuiuwlh i)ull!eshiit , end direct- ed fleets of fighting craft, !\'411' they are pleased when they "milt." a tanker, mei Heil' stein is bent t,ttvtit(t shemher ling Run - int; e:lF O eal'1"el'S, rltltl, In tile (115 it'rrcnie they y;aitud in ii;;'h1.ng shills, and the skill they have bruu,gl t to direcL- ing ntt'rch:till ship.,, lie one of the reasons why the convoys are "get- ting through," \\'hick is rtli them eommudurea, who once were admiral,, ask. Red Rains Follow Raging. Dust Storms When duet siur,us have been raging in Australia's dust bowl, which takes h1 most of the inland area, red rail is cu111111o11--ruin which falis through tete dust pall Oterltatrlgleg the country, When a really big storm blown up inland, 11,000,ODU tons of valu- able top soil is swept into the air, experts estimate. Soule of it cotyles down on the collet, :mule settles i1) the 'Pastan Sea and helps to thicken the red sedimeet which curets part of tit, seabed there, while settle carries on and paints a pink tinge on the snow of the New %erdand Aiiis. Wind erosion has affected 10,- 000,000 acres of Victoria alone. The State River, Commission spend:; £100,000 a year on clear- ing sand out of its irrigation channels, trains are derailed and roads covered, liut the dust goes on piling up. loss of product- ivity is estimated at £500,000 a year. By Fred Neher o..r Honor , ... 1 want a divorce, alimony and a return bout i r' By GENE BYRNES 1 vowe' e 3w i of , TIMELY HELP FOR CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES 34 New and Useful Booklet HOW TO SAVE SUGAR 1'11"MVO AA 10°' Containing 63 excellent, tested Recipes and suggestions how you can conserve your sugar supply. Sem! no (abet, nn money --111:4 rend a;,u:1 card or note V t1h your mime and addres:1 mill tvinteyt fur ":;u)tar ;u;nl^ Recipes"— Add:t Dept. J I :1 cut:ttla til;telt l lone Service 19 1\'c!Iiugtoa St. East, Toronto. 1101 f i) % the CANADA STARCH yCO' MP(Atj1'; UMITEO. ,. Monlraal , to,onlgl 0 SERIAL STORY MURDER IN CONVOY BY A. We O'BRIEN LAST WEEK; Lieutenant Rol- lins, aboard troopship T 9, thinks pleasantly of the attractive nurse be met getting on the boat. Rol- lins Is called to the office of Col- onel Stephenson, officer in com- mand of troops, and strict orders for conduct of sentries are issued to him. Later that night he sees a Light on "A" deck. He moves cautiously to the spot, sees a shadowy form. Drawing his re- volver, he barks an order: "Halt! Lift your hands—high!" u r • TRYING TO REMEMBER CHAPTER, 111 Lieutenant Rollins heard It little gasp of surprise, but the shadow stopped with arms raising slowly, "Please don't shout," came a voice unmistakably feminine, "I promise not to move an inch." A horrible sensation of having made a fool of himself swept over the officer. As he rose, rather shamefacedly, from his awkward position on the stairs, he dreaded to see the girl's t'aee--could it be FROCK SLIMS DOWN YOUR WAIST Icy Anne ridltl.ts Never before has there beeri such flattery for the larger figure as you get in Anne Adams s Pat- terns! 'Take Pattern 4772, for instance — those of you whose waist is NOT ring -sized will find the extra inches disappear when you don this frock. The effect is achieved by a lowered waist scant pointed above the centre skirt panel—the slashes just above the waist complete the girdle ef- fect, Four jewel buttons march up to the tiny revers, which arc so pert! ( You tray make them of contrast:). The \vaistbald con- tinues in back for a sleek look— the skirt is evenly flared all around. h'ullow the Sewing In- structor while you work, to get every detail right—choose three- quarter sleeves if you like, and do select a gay print like this! Pattern 4772 is nvailnble in woolen's sizes 34, 3(1, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 31/4 yards 39 -inch fabric. Send twenty cents (200) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) for this Anne Adams pattern to Room 421, 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto. Write plainly size, name, address and style number. se? It was. "Sorry to frighten you, Sister," he apologized, "but it's very late and „ "That's all right," she replied curtly. "I realize fully that it is after hours, but I just couldn't sleep turd thought a few breaths of fresh air would help. You may report 010 and . " Rollins felt his face rcddeeing. "Olt now, just a minute . . ile !lade a feeble attempt at showing his good-natured site, "I'nt not trying to get any charm ing person such as yourself re- ported. I was merely trying to track down sonlehocly flashing a light up here The nurse seemed to freeze. "Oh that," she gave a short; forced laugh. "1 guess it vas I. 1 tried stealing a puff of a cigar- ette, but even that is evidently enough to bring you fellows dash- ing up fully armed." Rollins was nettled but he swallowed his pride. 'faking her by the arm he guided her to rho nearest door, opened it and waved hwt inside. She paused under a dull red corridor light and looked at hint in some surprise. "Now what," she asked coldly? "Now have a cigarette!" Rol- lins smiled, pushing, forward u package. Site hesitated a split second, then Look one. Ile snapped his lighter, taking advantage of the raised flame to examine her fea- tures. Yes, she was definitely pretty in a cultured .sort of way. She coughed abruptly. "Good heavens," she exclaimed looking at the cigarette, "either the brand is awful or I'm catching. cold. Good night." l,atet', lying in his bunk and gratefully sipping the Scotch and water his snoring roommate had left for hint, Rollins was letting his mind drift through the hap- pier side of the uncomfortable electing. Suddenly he sat bolt upright. 1, * * i1 hadn't clicked in his befud- dled mind at the moment hut sib - consciously it had registered—in the flame of his lighter he had seen what an uncommonly large lip of cigarette she had wetted. And that cough—like a person puffing. at her first cigarette! Ile stirred uneasily, looked to- wards the sleeping Captain Tees as if deliberating whether to \wake him and discuss the platter, Ile decided not to, After nil, those light flashes—well, maybe she had tried smoking a cigarette. She had confessed to it—rather awk- wardly, but ... Rollins shook his head. Ile had made a fool of himself once tonight, His inulg•in- ation leas playing• tricks on him. But when he finally did dr'if't oft' to sleep, it Will a tossing, rest- less sleep filled with odd dreams of a beautiful girl dressed in white and carrying a lighted can- / S STAMPS 0,0 ISSUE 15—'42 c CEREAL SHOWERS FOR APRIL By BARBARA B. BROOKS t'en's, (;)nide.; of the (;rains, received yearly homage from the ancient Romans, To honor this noble goddess whose bounteous hand protected them from famine, great festivals, rolled "eetT,lliat;," were staged, April was the month 1Iiey were ce!eh;ated --• .lpril when spring, slioivers were bringing new lift, hail: 10 the wash, `u lunger ,loci Aprit 111ark ('t res' f(: ti\xl, but the 11101101 still remains a gu0d tiler 1"r even the TIeutiitll (. itlury to pay its respc(t 10 c)'0) I ' Today, 10111) ',0 !nilly eere,ii>', and so many ways of 115111g thein, ;Illy nesil f1'e11! Iltttlltliot rem llt't•tn1'tl a family (Tr.:dia. crisp anal t runsIv ;n. sero fl:,h• I.. it they now 11Ia•y an tlllpui't;llit ode Itt ((knee., I'web:He l wit!, r oossl•1,, v,l li;l \'e its hci)Vtnly 11 pudde1g'; us y u1i et:': hope 1,, 1:1 1e. lie-cy the way 10 14 lit 11 oVolhl•1'I Itln,harl, Strudel .cup; 00111 Il:lkc: 'a twa.Sp"011 ggra1o4 01'1111V:0 rind Vs': cups dice,( rhuhurit 2 taldci'ltuul5 orange juice cup eug1I' a tablespoons butter I'ut layer of corn t;ltkc>s in buttered eas-t'rele. Add a layer of rhubarb, part of sugar and half the grated mange rind. Add an- other Myer or corn Values and rhubarb, remaining sugar, orange rind and juice. Cover with corn flakes, dot with butter and sprinkle lightly with sugar. (.'over casserole and bake in a moderato oven (375°1''.) about, 35 minutes. Serve warm or cold with cream, Yield: 0 servings. • • • Another dessert you'll like is Krispics Create Shortcake. Hers is one of those sugar -less desserts, where, strangely enough, you don't miss the sugar: Krispies Cream Shortcake 1'/e cups whipping creator '4 cup chopped nut meats 14 cup honey 1/4 cup chopped maraschino 8 marshmallows cherries (play be omitted) ?i• cup chopped dates 31 cups oven popped rice cereal Whip cream until stiff; reserve % cup. Fold honey into re- maining cream. Cut marshmallows into small pieces; combine with dates, nut meats and cherries; fold into whipped cream. Roll cereal into fine crumbs; add one cup of crumbs to first mixture, stirring until thoroughly blended. Line a pan with waxed paper. Sprinkle part of extra crumbs in bottom of pan and pour in cream mixture; press down lightly and sprinkle top with remaining crumbs, Chill for several hours. Ilmnold. Cut into squares. Serve with sweetened whipped cream and garnish with a maraschino cherry or nut meat if desired or serve with sweetened berries, Yield: J servings (8 x 8 inch pan). Than to the goddess of grain, Sunday's toast can he converted into at Monday dinner that makes the first day of the week something to remember: Monday Supper Dish 2 cups sliced onion 2 cups peas 3 cups chopped celery 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 tablespoons fat 1 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons flour 2 caps cooked diced !)cat 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon chili powder 4 cups oven popped rice cereal 2 cups tomatoes Cook onion and celery in fat until lightly browned, Stir In flour, salt and chili powder. Add liquid from tomatoes and peas; cook until smooth, stirring constantly, Add tomato pulp, pens, vine- gar Tann sugar; siltllner about .15 minutes, Add meat and continue cooking only until thoroughly heated. Melt batter and poor over cereal. Heat in oven or over low heat, stirring frequently to pre- vent burning. Arrange mixture in ring form on platter and heap hot, buttered cereal in ('entre, Yield: 8 one -cup servings. April Forget -Me -Not Pie -Crush Short Cut—just. a reminder flint a pie can he made in no time by melting ',n cup butter or unargerine, adding a eup of fine corn flake crumi)s and 1/4, cup sugar. Line pie pan with the mixture and hake for about 8 minutes in a moderate oven. Cool. Fill with any cream or chiffon pie filling, dle. Ile was trying to reach her to extinguish the light, but 1,11;1(1- 0W8 Candle between tlll'lll. Ile awoke unrefreshcd to find the throbbing noise increasingly evident but the troopship still at the (lock. Steams was fully up and smoke rolled from the two funnels. 'There was the unmistakable atmosphere of last -!minute preparations, and the captain's bridge was a hive of activity. Thousands of soldiers were jamming the starboard side which faced the actual water leading down to the sea. At regular in- tervals freighters were steaming by. Evidently a huge mercantile convoy was leaving for some over- seas destination. About 11 o'clock there was more excitement as three large stlbmarnles slid by at awash, their commanders standing on the open conning tower bridges. They moved without effort at about 12 knots, only a slight bum coaling from the Diesels, A few minutes before noon the last of the merchantmen went by —tut insignificannt but sea -tough. lewd trawler. Although painted over, the letters on the how et the trawler were visible to the troop::. "Ahoy, Loch Lomond'." some- body roared, and the troops burst into the gay Scottish tune. A window opened on the iraw'i(1 s bridge and a ruddy lace appeased. lips plainly mowing in acconlpani- nment to the troops' singing''. • * * At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Irocpships began to move, starting from the farthest iulal4 dock. The bands of all units ap- peared 011 deck. '('here wasn't a man below. The air was crisp and clew' and bright sunshine basked the dramatic scene. 'fees and Rollins clapped one another on the back enthusias- tically. "W'e're off! yelled the lieutenant, "I was beginning to think it would never happen to tis," Tees moiled. "011, I thought we'd sail all right., but who would have thought it would he like this ..." Ile made a sweeping gesture, "I expected to slip out in the, darkness with everything very hush-hush. Instead, the bands are playing, the boys are yelling and singing their heads off. Just look over there!" "T 9" was in the channel now. The men could see a long stretch of shore line thronged with peo- ple. Automobiles dotted the crowds. Flags, handkerchiefs and hands were waving, Hundreds of horns could be heard through the din. Overread, It. C. A. P. flying boats circled lazily. Within a short time "'1' tl" \'nus in sight of the anti-submarine de- fense stretched across the on - trance to the harbor. As the liner moved easily through the "Gate" --,alt opening in the 081)10 netting that pulled aside like a flmee gate —a sailor on the launch patrolling the del'e)ise yelled: "Clive it to 'on, boys!" • The wind was beginning to howl oft' the endless ocean wastes. Sharp flecks of snow bit into red- dened checks and lien dashed away to reappear with overcoats. Already a gray drabness was melting out the Nova Scotian coastline and the rolling swell was becoming n101•e pronounced. Half-hearted jokes about seasick- ness began to circulate. Ahead, the panoramas was spell- binding, in a wide semi -circle were British and Canadian men- of-war moving slowly while the convoy was taking shape. Dotting rho horizon, far to the fore, was the line of freighters. In the centre of the semi -circle appeared an ominous -shaped bat- tle cruiser. Darting light flashes snapped out orders to the ap- proaching; troopships. Tiley were already zig-zagging sharply as they turned ponderously, yet without seeming effort, into for- mation. * * • Suddenly, the' whistle on "7' 9" began emitting at series of long and short blast., ---it was the Me - boat alarm signal! ')'cos and Rollins, standing up near the pitching bow, looked at our another startled, then laugh- ed outright: "It's the lifeboat drill they warned us about!" welled 'fees as he started on the (10111)1e for his boat station, hollies was right be - 11111(1 111111, but something 011 nA" deck 0aught his eye. Ile slowed to a walk. There was the nurse—the sane one he had encountered last night on the deck, The lieutenant's eye. brows knitted into a frown as lie saw her evidently making no ef- fort to dash for her boat station. She was peering intently through a pair of powerful binoculars at the battle cruiser from which the light flashes were coaling, Rollins stopped directly below her and was just about to yell a reminder that the alarm was sounding when she lowered her glasses, gave him a plainly start- led look, then wheeled and dia. appeared, Lieutenant Gregory Rollins was puzzled as he stool( at his station. Why the binoculars? Why the rapt interest that even a lifeboat alarm didn't disturb? But, most puzzling of all, where had he met the girl before their encounters aboard ship. It had been somewhere interesting and on some inmartnnt occasion. But where and when? (Cont.inueil Next Week) TRY SAWN RONEY au 3 ways I PAY LESS --Calumet is priri.d surpris- ingly lou', probably Jess than the h::k• ing powder you .100 new using. USE LESS— Calumet's doulle•ariiots means double leavening — during nixing and in tht oven— permitting you to use less. BETTER RESULTS—Calumet's rantin. nous leavening means finer, bet- ter textured results for your baking, CA�I�Iki AKING POWQEB TABLE TALKS By SADIE B. CHAMBERS Pineapple Delicious With its rich source of vita- mins pineapple is an ideal choice of fruits to include in our diet, when feeling a bit logged after partaking too freely of proteins. As a cocktail, diced pineapple and chopped maraschino cherries slake a grand combination or you may try diced pineapple and orange sections with tt dash of honey, If you favor the flavor of mint place an after-dinner mint in the bottom of each glass before adding the fruit. Allow to chill for an hour or so, garn- ish with fresh mint and serve. Pineapple is a delightful addi- tion to fislt salads, such as shrimp, lobster, crab (neat and tuna; while pineapple chicken salad is always a favorite. A good combination is !lade with one cup each of fresh diced pineapple, chopped celery, shred- ded chicken and one-fourth cup of chopped ripe olives. Salt to taste and blend ingredients with oma onnaise, Serve in crisp let- tuce cups with a garnish of pim- ento strips. A combination of pineapple, grapefruit; and apricot makes an- other delectable salad, Place slices of tender cooked pineapple on crisp lettuce and build wedges of g•1'apefruit sections around the pineapple. Place half an apricot, hollow side up, in the centre and fill with chopped celery and dates. A fruit juke Fi'enth salad dressing' is delicious with this. * • • Pineapple Delicacies Pineapple lee Box Cake 2 level teaspoons gelatine ',il cup cold water 1 can crushed pineapple, 2 cups 14 teaspoon salt ',<, cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1% cups bream 4 dozen lady fingers or stale sponge cake Soak gelatine in water for five minutes. Dissolve over ]tot water and add pineapple, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Stir until all is dis- solved. When it begins to thicken add whipped creaun, kine sides and bottom of mould with lady fingers. Cower with mixture, then alternate with cake and mix- ture until Mould is full. Place in refrigerator for three or four hours. 1'nnnould and garnish with whipped cream and fruit )11 Seat - sen. llakos 12 servings, Fresh Pineapple Mousse 2 clip; finely diced fresh pine- apple 2 cups sugar 2 cups water 1 tablespoon gelatine 1 cup cream, w'hippe(1 Add sugar' and tater to pine- apple. Cook for ten minutes 8114 strain. Soak gelatine in quarter cup Of cold water aid dissolve in the hot pineapple juice. Cook; when mixture begins to thicken fold !u whipped cream. Freeze three to foto' hours. Top with crushed fresh pineapple and a maraschino cherry. 311,,s 4'Iuunbern neleouten pernonnl tetter% front Interested read,ir%. She Is pleased to rivet%e ruggestlonte on topic% for her column, and 1% en rend)' to listen 10 your ttpet peel es." ltettll(*t* for reclpe% or especial menu% ore 1n order, .lddrewn Sour letters to "Hint .Sadie Il, Chinn - hers, 13 Went .Adelaide Street, To- ronto." Send Pi tonged *elf -addressed ens elope It },,u nlsh a ren13 Trout are sport fish in most localities, but in Alaska they are considered a pest because they destroy salmon eggs. New "Eclipse" Enlarger Complete With 6.3 Lens $3L50 Munk Lent linrdens, 'Toronto Cats In Britain Get Ration Cards Even cats are being mobilized in Britain today to help the war effort. Warehouse cats, guarding the stocks of essential foods against the ravages of rats and mice, are now allowed a priority supply of powdered milk. This milk, which has been damaged in transit and is therefore unfit for human con- sumption also goes to animal hos. pitals. "Ration Books" for cats are issued to warehouse keepers. The concession is applicable, first to cats kept for the destruction of vermin in warehouses in which at least 250 tons (250,000 kgms.) of food or feeding stuffs ore stored, and secondly to veterinary hospitals and similar institution, for the feeding of sick animals. Many hospitals in Britain keep a regular staff as guard against mice. Warehouses are supplied by Our Dumb Friends' League with cats suitable for guarding stores of food. The League has taken on the task of looking after cats bombed out of their homes. The percentage of deaths of cats and other domestic animals actually killed by bombs during the heavy raids on Britain is very low indeed. Like dogs, cats are keen to scent danger, and it is believed that their intuition has helped many people to escape injury from bombs. Eating Wild Birds In Great Britain Sparrows, starlings, c 1.0 W H , larks, curlews and even swans -- some of them counted inedible in peace tinges or too small to bother with—arc helping to feed Britain at war. Wild birds of all kinds are com- ing to big markets because of the hard winter and all are finding buyers. Swans, ranging from 15 to 20 pounds, are bringing prices equal to from $1.20 to 83.50 despite thuglnie, thoue (young to::\vane)sshave gh a1 flavorcygnlintso )4O0141. Sparrow•., \\bleb 1111\(1 at,llrnred 11111113 tlllltts Irl 131'itlsll eulinat'yr history, now find a ready market a} twelve (or 20 cents. Plovers and wood pigeons sell- for ellfor the equivalent of 50 cents; moor hens, 15 cents; larks, 10 cents, and starlings seven. Some crows sell for 15 cents tach, though only the breasts are edible. Curlews sell los 15 cents, 0ef.pite the strong fish flavor and tough flesh. Snipe are a luxury at 40 cents. HOTELS Modern, fireproof, Conveniently totaled, la,y Parking as low as $150 no higher than15 ) per person WA MAP et FOLDER, write 701485080(0 Montreal Page 4. ti xteatentectottotatemewiteumectivottatetottattoottatoomiaximatmato b CAR -FIRE -LIFE -SICKNESS -ACCIDENT. 3 BLYTH-- ONT. Office Phone 101. Residence Phone 12 or 140. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" t;Far; t atUi;kAt=4,a,al;. NDa--V a. Ira1Aar)INAalDlailkittaa47k9*(1 r)thattatBsX J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Elliott Insurance Agency PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS (by Barry J. Ilollu; "Reminiscences" 1 had basilic: ; !u ,lis ulfi •e M:1 the city and he was; lolling h, e.( in the chair with hi; Gel nu the desk when toe scc:a..,r;. sI:o,.c.1 rue 1:0. \Vigo a 1.:zy li!(e 8010(3( i;f one h;.u.l he told me to sit down anti he wont on with his I011I1'r,;. Ile (1,(s a victim of 'Sitting fever 11 .. that almost :mother- ing sensation of laz,n. lone reale• 11eSs and nesse for a ple•Isant, warm spot along (..;ole stream where you can enjoy tic:=: fir: t (lays of a 11: w and glorious season. \1y fr.rn.l v: cs 1::;:nesi.:., Ile ..t: i t• c:1 talking ahoit tale little creak that n ander(.1 t1ii' ti;h dish' farm and of how great a thrill it was in the :',n'ing to get th:.wing, a lin,. in. tha waters still ntt'ly tvith the sut and dirt of the flood. He wa, thinking alo'tt the ,i:rojecis in drainage worked out in such complicated detail with the help of an old spad,• or r shovel. Tho water whlch cause seeping away from the melting E.lo(vbaniis had to he di- rected down many little gldlies and cleos2s. That creek through the bac'( of the farm must have been the centre of all 'r.tt'ict:ou (Jr those boys. Ile k.n_w every plana( in the little red bridge behind the barn. On warns spring days they would stretch out flat on the bridge with lines cast into the water, talking about everything its general an,i hop'ng that some unwary chub would come along and take a rlbhle a, the w'urm(baited hooka. There was no thrill could compare w•:th the one when you caught your first fish of the season . . . which father usually called a "sardine." flow the reaniniscences came crowd- ing in on trim! Ile remembered the "Smoking Club." . . . three lads en- gaged in the stolen thrills of smoking mint. boric. They had it divided into three tcctions. One boy looked after the matncc;, the other one furnished the pa' far rolling cigarettes and the third lad supplied the matches. '1le winced recalling the third-degree ordeal when his mother carne across a cache of matches in his pocket and demanded to knew the reason for the accumulation, There came a time a, lit rclat 'd, when they decided to rtu!1 smoking. the treasurers of the "Smoking Club" were carefully placed Mn an 01(1 tin box and buried along the bank of the eree:(.. . not ton de: p of (:01(80, 1 e• cause people hate been ku::n•n to change tht it minds al nut a lot of things on gerot al. In tiro it thr :o west•;1; they were bac': at it again. The usual :lot '('as to crouch in unapt' the bridge where they could be hiddon from sight. Sw:nuntn; was 11 snort !'idulged in quite frequently b; the lads. They took plunges en an average rf five or six titles a (lay. Mother finally for- bade thorn to swim to the creek any more. They sat o►1 the b:nn% and watched with envy as the neighbor lar' en;oyc11 himself to his heart's con- tent. '1'118 tempt.Wt'.nn was too great and so they ccmpromised by floating 0 Piaui( clown the creek with one lad st8ndiag on each end of It. Ms feet wee rile hay slipped and fell. in fal- ling a jagged nail in the end of the plank took a toll of the s^at of his trousers ... with tite result that their another had an investigation of the 'whole affair. He rambled along with his memor- ies. There was the time when the lads decided to start cooking for thein selves. They had a fire built in a r.1..............._ - - -.I No writing. No money orders. No bother. Just call or phone, 100% live delivery guaranteed, A. L. KERNICK BLYTH -- ONTARIO. __»-- 1tole along the bank of the creek, A t•edar• branch tepee was built as coo,( house. Potatoes dug from the field were 'washed In the creel(, sl'e'd and fried In grease filched from the kit- chen. '''here were tragedies galore in that experiment. One (lay the ants invad- ed the grease bowl. An another occa- sion a cat stole their carefully hoard- ed stock of ham. The finest meal of all ha(i been prepared one day Just as u drenching downpour of rain came. 'Mother began to get suspicious. The appetites of the boys became fickle. On days when they didn't play ,down at the creek. they me In their ,normal (('ay. On days when they Wer( down at the creek, gorged on not too well cooked ham and potatoes they showed little interest 111 10.1r meals Their mother took tt stroll down to the scene of operations one day and put a dangler on the activities of the lads. Ho had been staring out the window and talking. Ile took his feet from the desk, looked up at me in a sort a: embarrassed way and said, "1 wot(:d give a whole lot Phil for one (lay along that creels again, although 1 stomach would hardly stand of those meals of ham guess my another and . 011(3 potatoes." AUBURN The 1111 Ie syrup season was shorter than former years in this district, Frank Raithby, who operates CU0 o. the largest sugar bushes it this dis- trict, reports that Ile made 255 gallons of syrup this season. ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ki•kcontell and family, Saltfo:d, spent Easter at tine home of Mr. and Mica. S. L'aor, 11r. Reginald Hvanidon of Toronto, spent the wreck -end with relatives here Miss Betty F;ali service of Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Jean Huston, llowmanvllle, Mary Huston, South Porcupine, Francis (lu ton, Kitchener and James 1 -baton of the 1t.C.A.F., Montreal, with the:: parents. \t•. and \ins. John Huston. Miss Jean Scott, Parkhill, va!tcd with Mr. and 'Mrs. Rabeit J. Scott. Clusdil, Toronto, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Nil's. J. C. Stoltz. Mr. 811(1 Mrs. James Forenmun, Flint, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones. 'Harold Nicholson of Galt, with \Ir. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Ile was ac- companied hone by his wife and (laughter, Karen, who spent tins past week here. Mrs. It. J. Phillips, Doris McKnight, Viola Lctherland, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ithby, \lane and Bill, attended a 13.Y.P.U. tally at (1oder!ch. Pte. Stewart Ament, Kitchener, Pte, 'fel Craig, Kitchener, Hobert Craig, R.C.A.F., Trenton, IAC Lloyd Rut- ledge, Ottawa, with their parents here for Easter. Many friends In this district will be 1nt01 sated to learn that the family c; Nits and Mo;. Archie Robinson, of Clinton, for many years residents of tits Auburn vicinity, are planning a THE STANtPARD .040 0. 0PIM WESTFIELD 4Londesboro Red Cross News Easter Services were well attended ( The Monthly Meeting of l.nndesboro both at Sunday School and lite regular Red Cross tvis held in Community Worship Service • In the Sunday 1lall on Mainesdny, 11\(111 it 1st, with School Miss Violet Cook gave an Eas• President, Mrs. 11. 1'airservice, Pre - ter reading and Miss Shirley Iladford siding, with an attendance of 42. The sang a Holo. In the Church Service .1101) Call was a "'were(' by 30. Roll 1wL'I'e(1 b Rev, \Nwow!)gave a very fine Easter Call next 11001111 to 10 a11N message. The choir sang an anthem, "Ways I0 11181(0 mousy for Red Cross. Mr. A. Walsh taking the solo part. Work Committee for \guy: 3)rs. 11. 1'Ito Misses Ila and Ilotty Craig of An- Shobbrook; Mrs. C. Watson; Mrs. burn sang a beautiful duet. They were Tawrteresend;w111 \t s.e. ilall. apron accompanied by Mise Sadie Carter. Thban shower at Visitors: \lay meeting. \t'. and Mrs. M. Taylor were C11n- 11 ryas decided to have a Pot 111011 ton visitors on Thursday. (Supper and the play "Bolts and Nuts" Miss Minnie Snell, Auburn, Miss In the Community Hall on Friday, Elsie Snell, Toronto, spent the week- ' Apr11 10. Doorkeepers, Mo. 11. Yung• end with \Ii'. and 31r . J. I.. McDowell, blut, Mr. 11. Goviet'. Miss C. Clank, St. C•atherines, i\Us. 'Milburn asked to bo allowed to McIntosh, Kitchener; are spending the withdraw from boudesboro branch holidays svilh '\i', and Dors. dlarvin and join with Seaforth. l.ondesboro Branch gave theh' consent to the withdrawal. The New 1Iospltal Quota was ac- cepted. It consists of: 50 surgical y' „ McDowell, Miss Dorothy Nethery and Mr. A, Nethery, Hamilton, with friends, Mr. Ivan 1Vightanan, lt.C.A.b'., Galt, with itis parents. towels; 20 sheets; 611 pillow cases; '\ir. Ray Vincent, Stratford, is hell. 10 pneumonia Jackets. (laying at his home here. The following have been shipped A number from here attended tha since last nteetin'g: February 2-11 Spring Fair at Clinton on Thursday. quilts; .' toys shirts; 1 nightgown. loth February 113-5 quilts; IS pair socks; 2 drosses. February 16-5 pail' soak - lei's; 5 bootees; 5 coats; 43 Modess; 17 babies vests; 1 baby blanket; 43 'diapers; 7 mother's nightgowns; 7 Mr. hush Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, babies nightgowns; 2 sets of 2 blocs - es and 1 skirt each; 1 set of 1 blouse John \1ci)onaltl, and 'Mr. Alvin Mac -1111(1 1 shirt each. February 17-41.1 Donald, all of Walton, my. and Alt's• quilts, 1 pair mitts. March 1G-19 Jack Kellar, f.. Winthrop, 'Miss Jean (guilts, 8 pair sox. \birch 17•-�I0 acro MacDonald, and Mr, A. \I, Campbell, 'Miss i1I. Morrish, of Toronto, ,3lr, and 31r's. \I. Henry. HULLETT of Toronto, were visitors during the calfs; 10 Turtle Neck Sweaters; 10 week -end at the home of !\Ir. and pair whole mitts; (i pair seaman's long stockings; S pair plain socks; 1 pah' seamen's socks, March 17-5 scarves; .5 pair gloves; 3 pair socks; 5 hurtle neck sweaters; 4 alternative caps. One of the war service projects of . Treasurer's Report -Balance March the Boy Scouts of Cantrose, Alla., 3, $-137,6S; Balance April 1, $553.63 was the making of a first-aid stret• Cash Donations: Young men of cher. Concession 13, Proceeds from dance Foto' knitted afghans have been $20.00; Concession 120 and 13, $30.00 ((11. A vote of thanks was given to made by the Wolf Cubs of the I-Iaw- 9, $IS.PO; cones. \ors. Fai•service by Miss Kirk and ardeu Sask., Cub Pack, and sent to sloe 10 and 11 (\Vest) $9.15, seconded by Mrs. Menzies for the ex.. Scout Headquarters in London. Quilt Donations, Mrs. Derwin Car - Canadian Scouts Continue To Help ter, 1 quilt; Concession S and 9, 1 British Scout War Sufferers quilt; Miss 'Melville, 1 quilt quilled at 1April meeting; \Irs. W. Coyle'. and During the recent annual meeting lirs. C, Watson, 1 quilt quilted at of the Ontario Boy Scouts Associa• I tion, Commissioners from all sections of the province turned in contribu- tion's to the BadensPowell Chits -Up Fund for Britdslh Scout war sufferers totaling over $600, To date Scouts of the province have sent nearly $15,000 to London for the benefit of Wolf Cubs and I3oy Scouts who have suffered serious injuries or lost homes and families during the air raids, Nit's. George M. Carter, SCOUT NEWS oda Wednesday, Anril 8,1942,• ,..11.11., flUFELED Marquisette Curfas COTTAGE SETS --- green, red ,blue. Per Set 21-4 YARD CURTAINS --- green, red, rose, gold, ivory Per Pair CRISS-CROSS STYLE--- 10x21.1 yds. ivory„ green, gold, rose. Per Pair , , .019 1079 42-INCII SNOWYWI-IITE PILLOW TUBING grand, heavy quality. Per Yard , , , ,49c 54 -INCH DAMASK LUNCH CLOTHS ,-;W coloured borders of blue green or gold .�s . (H 2'' Tip -Top Made -To -Measure Suite 27.75 ya 9 Aprol meeting; Airs, S. Lyon and \1's. donated a calve, lucky Iiukei gong to 11. Shobbrook, 1 gttllt quilted at April \Irs. 11'. \lannh:g, prase' ;1 Sl ,SO meeting; Mrs. A. Radford, 1 (1(1111; 1,1111 1'11 w•ac serve;: i.. .Ur.;. 11. Ross, Jt's, 31'. \tanning, 1 quilt quilled by Mrs. 1I. tiun(lerenc:.., 3Its. F. Peskin, neighbours at 1'ol Luck Supper; Mrs. firs. J. Nutt, \ir,. G. (Radford, Mrs. 1'. Joe Shaddicl(, 2 quilt tops, linings do-. Hall and 3lr.;. ,I, 'I'on.hly'n. Proceeda noted by Concession 10 East, quilted from lunch $1.,,;:a. at Pot Luck Sapper; Mrs. S. Lansing The meeting eluted 1 quilt and 1 ten, both quilts quill •d li011al Anthem. by ne'.ghbours, y. wah the Na - Tire President, Mrs. Il. 1•'ah•servi(.:e, EAS'i' `VA11':,i'vE SII gave a report of the Annual mesling \Ir. Kenneth held in Toronto on 'March 12 and 13. cd (00111 Iu th! I This was enjoyed and appreciated by on 'I'In'sday. '\I r. Albert (tains has been confin- ed to turd with an Ott !I1 of pleln'sy. \Irs, George Caldwell !, : p:aiding a eelient report brought back to us. few day's al the bolo' of hrr (laugh. Mrs. C. Shobbrool( donated 2 dozen ler, Airs. 'untold. eggs, proceeds from tickets sold on \Ir. and Jlrs. T. It',he:tau of 1lul- this, $1.80, lucky ticket going to \irs. lett 8(0111 5uud:ly with \t•. and Mrs. \V, (levier, NH's. Tom Fah•Servire A. l!uitul, Concession 8 and British Blitz Boy Scouts Coming Definite announcement has been received from Loudon of the coming to Canada of four British Boy Scouts who have seen long and distinguished service in their home cities during the Nltzi air raids. The boys are expect- ed to arrive early in' April, and will tour the Dominion, meeting Canadian Scouts and addesaing public meetings on air raid precautions and rescue work as carried out in Britain. They will first cross the Dominion to Brit- ish Columbia, and begin theft' tour there, working eastward. The boys are Stanley Newton of London, John Bethel of Birkenhead, Roy Davis of Southampton and Hugh Bright of Glasgow, All are troop leaers. Scout Training Extolled Before United States Senate. Speaking of national services ren- dered to the past by American Iloy Scouts, Senator Arthur Dapper of Kansas, addressing the Senate, de - celebration for them in the Forrc.s• (dared that he felt considerably safer ter's Hall, Aubuni, in commemoration as an American, and far more hope - of their fiftieth wedding anniversary• ful of the future because of the The event, to which a 1 irge number strength of the Scout movement 111 of their friends and relatives are bo- the United States, "The trust we Ing invited, will be held this Friday !must impose in our boys Is important, night, April the 10th. grave," he declared. "But that trust \t•. and \t's. Robinson' were ut•ar• is well placed. You see evidence all vied in \Vest Wawanosh (,.y ; sa 1' about you of the way the Boy Scouts ago, April nth. Both are in eseept'on-'are assuming their responsibility to ally good health, (108 1't'1 thea' ad- I their country." vancing years. They spent the win- ter months between their daughters in Detroit and Mitchell. Now that the Oliver Clarke the weaber is nice again they plan to township. continue living In Clinton, whet`e interested In church activities, Mr. they have resided for the past sir( and Most. Robinson were members of years. the Auburn United church and after I It is of interest that the bridesmaid, taking up residence in Clinton became Mrs. E. Phillips, nee Ellen Medd of members of the Ontario Street United Auburn, and the best man, Jrunes Church. Fluker of West Wawanosh, will attend Their tions and daughters are, 'Mrs. Fred (1Mary) Schoell, V, (Laverna) Bokinger, Mrs, Lester (Edna) Groun- isen, all of Detroit, Mrs. Orval (Lu- ella) Phillips of Mitchell, Frank of Toronto and Archie on the hounestead on the 13th concession of Hullett Experienced farm in Ilullett Friday:s reception in Auburn. The bride of 50 years ago is the for- mer JIiss E afe Fluker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Flukes, She wars born on the farm in West Wa- wanosh and was educated In that township. Mr. Robinson was born on township. They will all he at the re - the sixth concession of West Wawa- ceptdon along with the happy couple's nor'h. He and Ills bride settled down five grandchildren, Mrs. Bernard to fanning after their marriage. They Thompson, of Detroit, Miss Helen .lived on the Bruce farm in West Was Phillips, Jack and Fred Phillips of wanosh for some years and then mov- iMitchell, and Robert Robinson of West ed to Auburn. Later they resided on Wawanosh. Nicllnuc.!II contnte11c• ;110 will ;It Auatn'n Volunteer today! Join the Farm Service Force and help Ontario farmers produce food for Vic- tory. Be a Farm Cadet or a Farmerette and make a real contribution to Can- ada's War Effort this Summer. Hun- dreds of farmers have registered their need for help already, and more are 11„!, registering every day. Last year more Y than 14,000 young men 15 and up and young women 16 and up, pitched in and lent a hand. Thousands more arc needed this year. Get full particular's - from your High School Principal, Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., or write On- tario Farm Service Force, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Volunteer TODAY! • CREST: Farm Service i'olunteers are entitled to wear this distinctive 3" Crest (right) supplied on application to the Ontario Farm Serr•i. c Force, 21S ONTARIO .INTER -DE TMENTAL�-COMMITTEE• LABOUR EDUCATION .- 'AND -DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR;_, ' 3. t Wednesday, AprI! 8,14112, Itil..l..li.1�.4.��.�•.�. �. �..� .�..�,,i.Ju`.i. �..�..�.Lrl. rl..1, �« LYCEUM THEATRE W(NGHAM-ONTARIO, LON•DESBORO Mr. and Mrs, John wino Fingh►lml have been hpending the winter with Two Shows Sat. Night ;;Il'lends near Toronto and at Niagara -• Thurs., Fri., Sat. -Apr, 9.1C-1 1 'Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, In if '-'11LON,DIE GOES LATIN:. 'f)ngivood, lflnndi,, Baby Dumpling:. :mill Daisy are on the s: re0n again.;. ', ALSO, ANDY CLYDE COMEDY CARTOON, NEWS. >. Matinee Sat, afternoon at 2,30 p,m.;; Mon,, Tues., Wed. -Apr. 13.14.15 -.Clauclette Colbert, Ray MIlland, in>. • "SKYLARK" :\ fast-tnoving comedy. ALSO, MARCH OF TIME, Men of 30, 40, 50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep, vin, vigor, vitality? Try Ost1•ex 'longe Tablets, Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements - aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or 50, Get n special ial introductory (117.0 tor only 35$. Try this aid to normal pep anti vim today, For sale at all good drug stores, BELGRAVE Falls returned hull, lust week, ,Airs. Herman Sundercoclt has moved 1(1 het' home w11i(1) wazi recently bought from Jir. A. Shaddick, Visitors 011 Sunday with Miss E. Midas were, Mr. and Airs, Ucnrge \hills, lllylh, Air, and Mrs, T. Oliver and two daughters, Audrey and Bar- bara, Olieton. Tile little girls are re- maining with Miss IAlains for u few days holidays. \hiss Dorothy Little of Swancle, Toronto, spending the Easter holidays with her mother, A1rs. It. Townsend, ,111. \V, Pipe, Ilrussels, has hlred with Mr. \V. l'), Manning, for the sea- son, Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and 11rs. W. T. Ilrunsdon, were Mrs, ilrunsdon's Iwo sisters, Clara and Emma, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason, of London, 11 r. Fred M115011, Detroit, Air. Howard Brunsdon, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. 'T, Fairservice had the Most. of their family with thein for Ulster. Miss Esther and Mary Jamison, 'Tor- onto, are spending their holidays with theft' parents. Mrs. A. Kerslake and Dorothy are 'visiting with their mother and grand Mss Ruth Wheeler nurse -In -training mother, Mrs. 11. Lyon. at Victoria Ilosp;tal, London, is en -1 :Miss Thelma Scott, Toronto, was Jo)Ing a three Wed( vacation 1111l1 her home for Easter. parents, M1. 811(1 Mrs, C, Wheeler. Mr, Carl Radford aid Edwin. Father - 'Mrs. C. 11. Logan is visiting her gill, Niagara Falls, spent the weekend sister, Airs, Hoy \Ic:-wceu, in Handl- with their parents here. toll. Mrs. W. Lyon and Miss 13, Kirk at• tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. 1'1ah111y McMath who died In 'I'oron'0 our Sunday, the funeral took place from the \Wesley \Vlllis Church, Clin- ton, on Tuec day, Interment in the Clinton cemetery, with her parents, Mr, and Airs, It, E. A Cablegram has been received by Mokenzie, Mr. Ed. Youngbint.1 from ills son, Goldie Wheeler of Western Uirlv'er• Stanley, telling of his safe arrival 1n sky spent the w•eelt-end at his home England. here. I A very impressive Easter Service Miss Alina Bryan teacher in 13e1- vas held on Sunday morning In the Air. and Mrs, E. Smith, Eleanor and Norman or Detroit, with her sister, Mrs. R. J, \lac Kenzie• Miss Louise \IcK(•nzie of Sturgeon I''alls is spending the 1?aster vacation grave, at her 110111(1 in Brussels. United Church. The Sunday School Alex Nethery and Dorothy of )fall- occupied the centre seats 1n the audi- 11tcn1, spent 1.110 week -end with rein- torium. The Church Choir rendered fives here. special Easter music. A reception ser - Airs, R. Yule and 1 of 'I'hedford, Tice was held when quite a number 0f were visitors with friends In the vil- lage. Kenneth Wheeler of Hamilton was a weOls•end visitor w•Itlt his parents, Air. and Mrs. II. Wheeler. Mr. and Airs. Cecil Armstrong of Kitchener, with relatives here, Gibson 1\1111sh'ong of New 1lamburg and Jack A1111311'ollg 0f Brampton, a1lea with M:', young people were received into the Church. The pastor, Rev. 'Menzies, !conducting the service. mfrs. Mc\all gave the Easter •Story. The girls of and Mrs, 1). Armstrong. ,Aiiss Jean Martin of Georgetown', with Barbara Michie. Purchasers Of More Than Two New Suits Being Sought ',otters have gone out 10 mien's clothing dealers throughout Canada asking for full information including 1 names, of all customers who have bought more than two suit,, since February 1st, 1912, A .spokesman of the Wartime Prices and 'Prado Board here said the board was interested in collecting "any evi- dence possible on unnecessary buying For hoarding." die raid that the board was forti- fied with the means -ill the form of laws - for stamping out clothing hoarding after February 1. Ile added that In causes where "gross violations" of the clothing laws were disclosed tho violators might face the prospect of heavy penalties. He dill not add to this statement, 11 is doubtful if their will be any I violators in Blyth, If everybody Is like the editor, they are thankful to get one stilt at a time, let alone two or more. WE ARE PAYING 3½% ON FIVE YEAR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ISSUED IN ANY AMOUNT An ideal authorized investment for individuals, companies, cemo. tery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLiNG TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 BAY ST, TORONTO the Sunday School sang a number and the boys also contributed a number, The pastor gave a splendid sermon the subject being, "A grave in a garden", Four young boys took up the offering. The front of the Alter Was decorated with many potted plants which added to the beauty of the. Easter service, Miss Irene Fothergill of .Goderich, spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Annie lathergili. HEAP THE MAN IN VNPFORM You can help the man in uniform, merely by saving regularly. Because when you save you increase the flow of labour and material from civilian to war production. And when you lend accumulated savings to the country in War Savings Certificates and war loans, you help Canada supply to our fighting men the arms and equipment they need. Seize this patriotic opportunity! Pull your full weight! Start saving NOW! Tse Atar,ricdPa.re.10Z4.� • cabi IB1 4'dl1'at4 11421tepY oP1mttgt6lw! iq IcM top iyxtttiil Ll� O 4tethtgL' l gtt1yZtv ii t°•Etl4 1e.wttV tZt �".tutu t> 11 THE STANDARD Page 5, + •�..�.+,._�.._.. t'" tu"sgt"Tie►Cle.,mt:trr,tWtV .t&wkilfte ttlut1E1 CLINTON, GODERICH.EAFORTrr ROXY T ATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE fyl g,, Now Playing: "There's Magic In Mue'c" and "Blondie Plays Cupid" NOW PLAYING -Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy In: "LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING" Mon., Tues., Wed. -Double Feature Adventure hl 111, teeming heart 01 :\sIa, along the lfulula Road, tw•i-,t• Ing, turning to certain death. "BURMA CONVOY" Charles Bickford, Evelyn Ankers and Frank Albertson. ALSO- GRACIE FIELDS IN "QUEEN OF HEARTS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Fredric March, Martha Scott and Beulah Bondi. You'll Sen 110 finer p:clure this year than this outstanding; story of a► simple Ulan who tolled to slake the world bett+'1'. "One Foot In heaven" COMING: Joan Fontaine in: "SUSPICION" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays, 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Melvyn Douglas, Ruth Hussey and Ellen Drew. (lead n t'run11 comedy cart 111 the tit( -ti, l(lint.; rlu1:•,I•II 1.111•, "OUR 1VIFE" Thusr,, Fri., Sat. -Two Features Anita Louise and Bruce Bennett in a tln•tilirlc, ad(, nUnv n-Ith'•1 'tory, "I'he Phantom Submarine' John Howard, Binnie Barnes and Bred Crawford 1x111 Ilel(Ir your t•Itnnyl one with the faief' st "TIGHT SIOE+ COMING: SONJA HENIE IN: COMING ''Wecklend in Havana". "SUN VALLEY SERENADE" NOW PLAYING: "Parachute Bat- talion" and "Scattergood Pulls the 5th ings," Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday GRI;EN WAS 1IY VALLEY" I'he rrcule l philosophical drama of the y0ar, An elite (11 \\'alt•,; and 1l: I knell . Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara and Donald Crisp. Thursday, Friday, Saturday ABBOTT and COSTELLO t'lun'I1•prhtrl- of screen comedy, pre-. nt. th.•ir dti.r.ie'a laugh riot... i' "II9Ll) THAT GHOST"' Mat. 1N.4rf. Sat.,Hnlirtays• 3 W.m, Mat.: Sat. and HoI'd 3 p.m. Price Board Office Being' Opened At Owen Sound A ,sub•reglolal office of the War- time Prices and 'Trade Board will le. opened In Owen Sound in the near future, with Charles P. Cunandng, president of the Owen S0111111 110:1111 .president Trade as local representative, ac• ('ol'di11g to all 11111)01111(01110111 made by W. Harold )Ie11111lips, London, pricer, and supply representative of the \Ve.;t- ern Ontario region of the board. Sub -regional offices are already functioning in I{Ilchener, Galt, print• ford and \Viudso•, in the \Vesfel•ll On- tario region'. 'Tile Owen Sound region will in- clude, Myth, \Valkerton, 1lauover, Kincardine, \Ving118111, \Viatl'1011, Dur- ham, Chesney, Southampton, Port El- gin, Luclsn'ow, Ma-14(ialo, Teeswater, Paisley, Mildmay, 1)1111(11(1k, Flesher• ton, Tara, Neustadt, Ripley, Clifford, Lions head, Hepworth, 'Tiverton, as well as the City of Owen Sound. INTERNATIONAL \\'11118111 Quinn is chairman of the I-iorseshoeilg Conunlittee at the inter- national Plowing Match to be held in 1-furon county on October 13, 1• i, 15 and id. Some people might say, "1-1eck that must be all easy job. ,lust get a few horses together and lot the black- smiths go to work on them," 1t is, however, a real job requiring a lot of diroctlon, tact and slsill. The reason for this is the fact that the Ontario Plowmen's Association has laid a good deal of emphasis on horseshoe - log competitions each year, believing 1110111 to be an art that should be kept alive, The automobile and the truck made inroads each year on old Dobbin. Blacksmith shops switched from shoe- ing horses to filling tanks with gaso- line. 1-I'owever 111 many centres hardy blacksmiths still kept on at their trade r. i.; �yy dy c1y 11) .. . .. ..... .. ........t .. ,f. ~(:Y, 4'1,�l,sru �C',3I i'fl:'t riMaim, r'e ,,, ¢:1 Meeels • . , j'• !•' 11'":' 40 l'1!'' `'O`lr Ppin4 ;111(1 7'naitlel Wi'I'tl (1'1'1• `i'lc1': is Complete, P,lirii. in Quarts 59c 17 t!. (1 rI-'fg'• Tt.l;p`1 • in (lllarl.s 69c TT C' 11,,,••,;„I/ ,'4 i'0. 111 (Illarts 69c 14 C! d-' Vnsg111n1 in pints 15C js c.,!. (' I-T''‘on 1>•1;t11 jn 11:11ff 1111114; 15C �yy dq ai -IT q r T1.., ..,r.1. CL4.,;,, n',rl Enamel, In f1t1'. Dints ]!)c 11 tri li a T ,,,..n., 0:1 .,..rl 0,d.-1,0 (1;1 1 fir t1'1rl 93c . (-,r.-,r.,.Tr••'r` F,1, T1, pi! T` our, ('T.nr1`IY- :� r 1 1 , ( t /1(.>l(`+1 Lririn ant• J "'rT>r1 T,T.`P S' 4 r? N. `,, S1nf1 :'.'?'iv tlf'1' t ill. 95c allOr'S SC Ito 51.00 Store j P1 -TONE 79. nt K• f-4 !ti,�Wi. yyt._ra.•� qq .�.. r. y °'i.n R•R ati a+ a n. '� W �•�.y h u''.'�i•�tt'•' '�) yy eeyy �•�i��i GIL'IL',fiN ,;, .. ( (:'•@: )('•G.f d.y1G'f@,lel af<'rslC',LfL1i1.31•a.Y(' •-(1IL i<�. 1L1•:,Ll�:LiL, LOST ,\ Silver i:ic() Wrist Watch, 10.1 1,n !Ansley Street (110)1Se notify !The Standard 011 \Vedmesd:Iv, V under 11 l• . 11, 11. 'Taylor, 01. 01111'0, '::,-1 p. FOR SALE Purebred Shorthorn Bulls, eligible for service. \\'inghaul phone .101111 S. Scott. 35-1p. Irhounlatsrn cure for 5c a bottle that ( would cure the ailment in a day'.:a13:1 inserted in 1111, issue 00.14 1l1,' notice of a nomination for the vill•I•:e. Dentistry was cheap in those days according to an advertisement in the ('nlgary 'Tribune by a lir. 1:. C. Hol- brook;, who said he extracted 1(.0111 for 2.5 cents each. in the Empire was an item headed iGerman \liliiary (till which reads in part as follows, "The military hill has not yet passed it has steel( fait 0n tho opp((4tiol of four states, as they de not wish to commit thentselvet: to it before knowing whence the imperial and it was to give a competition for Government expected In rot the ?r. these mon in the trade that the horse - shoeing match was stated at the in- ternational, Now, when you visit (he lnternation- ing around the spot where the horses are being shod, 'There are young people who see the operation for the first time. There are older people who recall fondly the (lays when the blacksmith shop was a favorite spot in which to spend a few hours. 13111 Quinn farmed for many year's in Usbo•ne township on one of the finest tracts of iand in the township. Lately he has been working in the building business hitt lie still retains this farm. Ile always liked horses and kept a fine team for general farms work. Ono of the things lie was al- ways particular about was that they were shod properly. ! - Ily reason of the emphasis placed on the horseshoeing he will have to i make certain of a prominent spot for the location of this feature. The pro- per number of horses will have to be on the spot. Equipment for the black- smiths will have to be set up. And of course right nolo he is contacting the most skilful blacksmiths in the province and inviting them to attend the international in Huron county this fail. EDWARD W. El ,T ,isnTrr ,[1(1,01)1 its provisions." \Whit a cliferenee in Berlin today, .\ nttliion dollars for war or other military (•:e would he just chicken feed. -The \\'Ingham 81111ua11y necessary to frail rlititnn Advance -111,10c C1.1•••;1 01, ,.11, rt 71✓,-�l.l'i •1,,4(µ'X,�.�i.'.1' f,l:`V ^gtW,�W"4t 1V'�.�.1`V',.TS '1 J BUY EARLY I'IIIS YEAR. -Brandram-mend erson- Paints and Enamels. NU -WALL --- a washable cold -water paint for walls and ceilings. RIVERD ALE --- Paints and Enamels, 59c and 69c a Qt. Alabaatine, 'i'urpentine, Oil, Etc. T, Dobbyn A t✓Ia.�,Jlr i G;SI4Jr IL�,GI.'�1FII-{OIG.S'a�fll �iL+f.*i�LI Sf� 1.) 1.a op e1 pa Dit 1141 na 11 11 11 (1 Monuments! try i9 'I'o ihoso contemplating build- ing a Monument , . . Get my prices 1)9 fore buying. Cemetery Lotter. 7 a specialty. A: 'Mork Guaranteed. John Grant CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS ;:LINTON -- ONTARIO. Successor to Ball & Zanfe. ,- ....., n n,,. a..., n•••r'-�•a'.:•'1<i;l,�lUii'',•L'aT fainni�l'�i' the 10091 1elenhonn off`ce, and until Silnnngs then she had not real;.." 1 tin n"rse An esthnatod 0,00 punto, liras 111 1'4 it 11•ls been restored to ('Ilnton's Annual Snrlplr chmy, h",, the owner, last Thursday. The day wag fit's. n„11 exhibits, partfenla'ly in h"•11•,' 1in'•c and rattle, were heavy. nisi of tho 11041 quality. The lie'ht 110"e•' \\.\111111 TTf-T,1 was light. '\)ally from 111,-111 a'•tl 11'' ��' t ,• �n t r i I to 011' irict attended the Show, Purse J Fif1•rri /If) While in \\'in411aIII 011 'Tn,'day`, and Mrs, \Aral. \I o(1regor, of \\'est field• ipicked up a purse containing ?:l,m) in change, and a license permit, hearing the name of Marjorie Ruth Silkald, 0f Lncktlow, \\'hen they returned home they contacted the young lady through Papers Were Used As Wallpaper Some, interesting things conte to light at housecleaning and such other tinges, but Mel Bradburn, 6th lime of Mast \\Kawauosh, got a real surprise lately when he was having his home renovated. \\'ork w•11.4 being carried on in the attic and when the wall- paper was removed it was found that back of it newspapers had been parted to the wall. The papers were the Weekly Emi- pire and Calgary Tribune Nov, 11, 1892, The Weekly Empire of Toronto, April 2.0, 1S93 and a Blyth Standard about December loth issue of lSll_'. T11e Blyth paper advertised a LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Cnrrespondenco Promptly Answerer] littmetlial0 arrangements can 11P made for sale dates at The lllvth Stan. •lard, or cabin': Phone No. 203 Clinton. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. HELP SMASH THE AXIS!!! BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS! Ito start, seeding last ween( -end, and figured for sure they would lie on the laud the first of this week, but rain has delaye operations, and it is doubt- ful if much will be done in this dis- �tric't before next week. We understand that. some fanners hi the Benlniller district were almost through seeding last Saturday. Some .of tho land in Colborne Township is of 'a lighter quality. and t is often p0s- 6ihle to got at the seeding, perhajls week earlier than in other localit- ies. t' n n r1 Mrs. Charles \\'aynloltth, of T on- de3,'•oro, a son, SEEDING DELAYED BY RAIN Many farmers were just about ready USE THE STANDARD TO ADVER. TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, OR FOR SALE. 7.?t4tblatU �'4'VV'q'OtOth'0'V'U'Oto`41,4'V�4tb"0'4��1v'4'b �'Gtr-'�itRnglu'4Wt��,O•'O.O'L'�'4t�t�-Y'L-V�V Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. 1f 4 i InateltartglaatAl PRONE 15, SE/WORTH, COLLECT. DARLING and CO. of CA -NADA, LTD. 1 DtgVartMkkuldakaltDMItklahltailkiti SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 15 The Mission of the Seventy --Luke 101 1.24. Printed Teat, Luke 101 1.7, 17, 21.24. (Prom tits Final Departure front Galllcu inapt Penn Sunday./ GOLDEN 'fEXTi--„The har- vest is plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harte,t, that ha send forth laborers into his harvest. Luke 10:2. The Lesson in its settings Time—December A.D. 29. Place --Pores. Appointment of Seventy 1. "Now after the. things the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent theist two and two before Ma face into every city and place, whither he hinueli was about to come,” Our Lord is now near the end of His public ministry, and what i• yet to be done must be done quickly. For this rea- son he chooses seventy men and sends theist forth to prepare the hearts of men in the cities and Tillages of Palestine for hearing the message of the Gospel, when the Lord would soon be coating to them teaching and healing. These severity were sent forth in thirty-five couples for compan- ionship. Moreover, the testimony of two would be weightier than that of one, and they had to bear witness to Christ's words and works, 2. "And He said to them: The harvest Indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into hie harvest, 8. Go your ways; behold I send you forth as lambs in the midst of wolves." What a blessed relation between the work- ers in the harvest and the Lord of the Harvest! The wolves' work here represents the world, and the lambs, the Seventy, those who are doing the Lord's work, 3. "Carry no purse, no wallet, no shoes." This specific instruc- tion was given to the Seventy, with the understanding that their work was to be of very short duration and they were not to be burdened with material things. 4. "And salute no ratan on the way." Our Lord did not want these o mel t to tarry on the'1 w• but to go straight to tie, places which He had sent them, to do their work, and to pass on to other places. 5. "And into whatsoever house ye shall enter, first say `Peace be to this house'. 6. And if a son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon hint, but it not, it shall turn to you again." This was natural courtesy among the Jews whose common salutation is 'Peace to thee'. A son of peace means one w'ho truly deserves this peace that Jesus offers through His messengers. 7. "And in that same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the lab- orer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house." On this occasion, everything told to the sevently implied urgency. What they were to do at this time they must do quickly, Disciples Elated 17. "And the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject unto us in Thy name." All the -e%enly would not return at once, and probably did not all return to the same place, but met .le.:u, at dif- ferent point; a.: Ile followed then, When they said that even the demons were subject to them, they meant that more had happened than they expected for they had only been told to heal the sick, and they were elated at possess- ing this power. Revelation Is To Babes 21, "In that sante hour he re- joiced in the Holy Spirit, and said, '1 thank thee, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes. Yea, Father, for so it was, well -pleasing In thy sight," Jesus does nut mean that wise sten will not understand the simplicity of the Gospel and have no place in the church. What he does mean to say, however, is that men who are learned will be greatly tempted to ignore the Gospel and to think that their own wisdom is adequate for all needs. Revelation Through Jesus 22, "All things have been de- livered unto me of my Father, and no one kno•,veth who the Son fa, save the Father, and who the Father is, ;:a n the Son, and he to whomsoever ti,.; Son willeth to re- veal Hiro." The only people on tarth tad,{;: who truly know Girl t.re the: -e v. o know hila through the Lord J'•-'1., ('hrl-t, that is, they pre tn9 l"Ili=fiat) 23. "And I 1;1,05, to the disciples, se said privar,•1.:, til' -sed are the eyes rvhlt•i, •h' things that ye tee: 24. fo:• 1 say unto you, that many prophets and kings desired to ire the things which ye (see, and P,a then) not: and to bear the things which ye bear, and beard them not." RED MEN 1N WHITE White -clad Russian troops bug the ground during an advance against German positions as the blast from the Red artillery shells helps smash open a path ahead of them. The whits uniforms make It hard for the Germans to spot the Russians againet the early spring suow on the battlefields, $D1VIDUAL en! 4 All.AN iMrNICE rm, A Weekly Column About This and That in The Canadian Army "We love our sergeants!" Do you remember the rest of the words that we sang to a bugle march in the last war? The song ended on a derisive note, But it was all good fun and while we may not actually have loved our sergeants we certainly got along well with them. The "Colonel Blimps" have long been quoted as spying that "the N.C.O. is the backbone of the Army." I have a sneaking sus- picion that they didn't say it when they were young officers, though, Just who forms the backbone of the Army is, and probably al- ways will be a moot point. Cer- tainly it is a point that has no particular significance in an Arley staffed by many officers who have been N.C.O.'s themselves not so very long ago. s 1 a (HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Queen of H.O C i•C E Y ancient times, x_[115 le 'A 5, AGiUF R.ONIA "„I. 0P,A, 9She was the --i-! I;TiE PiIlL O.T 1Ai! ---- of Egypt. G0___ 14 In truth. vE ND l_;E _ZAP 'A'T ) 15 Masked. B E 'E ".U;E ; `' I E 17 Adam's mate. E 'ARS1CiAP E B I T E IlOt,1l� 18 Wind A O -'N E '. F'U N S P instrument, MI 1 NE iPJS 7 YE 20 God of sky, !Pal DOE m' SAD 21 Region. =G'A5 .•, S;Tjj 22 Timber tree. PlICil<ii<! ' ft,. r tV u'RU J 23 Snow gliders. A'E'RII 1A.TE OPPOSE i5 25 Adult males, T'!� E ITTII ; UA ssliTI- h1'IE;"f`' 26 Three - cornered hat. 56 Lacebark tree. atones. 30 Mohammedan 59 Her land was 7 Despotism, judge. conquered by 8 Pertaining to 33 Hourly, the —s, wings. 34 Auditory, GO She belonged 9 Railroad 35 Augured. to the -- (abbr.), 37 Half, family. 10 Pulpy fruits, 38 Call for help, 11 Thin. 40 Barks. VERTICAL 12 Toilet box. 44 Opposed to lee 1 Credit (abbr.). 13 Note in scale. 98 Appellation, 2 To ogle. 16 Data, 51 Silkworm. 52 Frightened, 53 Single thing, 54 Vow. What is more important is — where do N.C,O.'e come from? Who picks them? How does he pick? What qualifications must a man have to become a non- commissioned officer? Let's go at those questions backward. Actually It isn't back- ward, It's the right way because the first step in making a N.C.O. is to find a man with the quali- fications that fit hila for promo- tion. The first requisite is the in- tangible quality called leadership, What is leadership? A dozen different dictionaries will give you a dozen different definitions, So let's try our own! A leader is one webs is instinctively given the respect and liking of his fel- lows and who has the ability to organize, direct and earl')' out all BEAUTIFUL QUEEN 3 Roof edge. 19 Grain (abbr.), 4 Olive :limb. 21 She was loved 53.1416. by both ---- li One that and Caesar, 24 She committed 25 Brown spots on skin. 27 Gypsy. 28 Fury, 29 Food container, 30 Fish, 31 Devoured. 32 Not bright, 3G Portions of medicine, 39 Abrupt. 41 Pertaining to 42 College dance. 43 Molding. 45 Either. 46 Fodder vat. 47 Line of junction. 48 Christmas carol, 49 Person opposed, 50 To apportion. 54 Pair (abbr.), 55 Into. 57 Pep. 58 13one. POP ---Modern Technique in Camouflage I TOLD YOU TO CAMOUFLAGE TINS NOUSE! -3333•: ; undertaking involving the co-op- eration of other's. You find theist at all ages run- ning sand -lot ball games, hockey teams and all sorts of organiza- tions, They are the type of young fellows who do this sort of thing for the joy of it or for some civic reason—not the "bossy" type. Well, that's the sort of fellow from whom you pick potential N.C,O.'s, And, tho answer to the question "who picks?", is—every N,C,O., or officer who is on his toes. That is to say he "picke then" to the extent of passing along his observations to the Commanding Officer of the unit. The average young soldier, working hard at his job, some- times feels that promotion is hard to attain, It is, but he will prob- ably be surprised to learn that there are probably more people on the lookout for N.C.O. material than there are looking for pro- motion. This army of ours today specializes in leadership. It is composed, down to the last pri- ate, of men who are trained to be Capable of handling any situation without looking to higher quarters for guidance—if they find them- selves on their own. All training, therefore, tends to prepare the modern soldier to accept responsibility and every commanding officer is constantly on the lookout for men capable of doing so. There are no courses for N.C.O. qualification, as such. No elan in the active army goes to school definitely to qualify as a Corporal or a Sergeant. But as many likely men as possible are sent to special courses at all Advanced Training Centres, Small Arils Schools and the Junior Leaders School. They may be privates, they may be officers, they may be sergeants when they attend courses—a few days ago I was taken into n class- room in which Officers, N.C,O.'s and privates were nil paying at- tention to the saute lecture. 'Phis was a colu'Se in which they were teaching instructors to teach. That's one of the reasons why you never hear an instructor parroting the words in the book —the way you used to, And that's where N,C,O.'s come from in thl.i plan's a(n)y. And it's where offictrs corse from, too. In other words the Individual Citizen's Army is manned ane gui led by n;en who know their stuff, by sun who sial' them- selves in the:s everyday life to be cepa ,le, 0,ter ssee.3,:izetl in- str.tct.ou, of !Martin:f, A good N.C.O. tmL•ty still barks out his order, but he lo,rl:,• them with the crisp atrt'iurity of the Haul silo knt,ws. w'lctt he i., doing„ Bator still his ()1:1 :P; Obeyed with greats; alaariiy be - Cause h:; 1031 l:nmv t,tal hu know'.; his sluff'--I:WI 'MOW thrt t\'hen they know as much as he dews there's the first. "dog's hind leg" waiting for them. "Dog's hind leg"? A N.(:,0,'s stripe, At least that's what we called them. The new army culls them "hook's." Aussie Volunteers A8 Human Bomb T. A. White of Sydney, Aust- ralia, has offered his :services as a human bomb "to wipe out a parcel of the enemy" and appealed for "twenty other fasts like ase," RAD1O REPORTEH DIALING WITH DAVE: Dr, E. 'P. Salmon, professor of classics at Me1L•lster 1'nivel:yily, is the Haul who brings you those terse, well-informed and interest- ing ('00111(011ta1'1l's on the war newts of the day from C'1(01'. Dr, Salmon grew up in Australia- • - was educated there, and known from actual contact, the peoples and the countries in the focal theatre of war at the present time --the Far East, He has lived and travelled in most of the eountries now directly affected by the was, and because of his keels interest and intimate knowledge, is quali- fied as few others, to speak with authority on the Fite Eastern Situation, Dr, Saln(on'a wide experience and study is ably reflected in his war commentaries -- CKCOC, Mon- day through Friday at 7,16 p.m. —Sundays at 6,00 p,nl,! • e Listeners to Fibber McGee and Molly (and that includes most of us) may have often wondered who the versatile individual is who takes so many of the 'character' roles on the program. Let it be known that it is Bill Thompson, A young Iran in his middle twen- ties, who can do anything front bird tvhistles to the moat diffi- cult kind of character role, Wal- lace Wimple, the Old 'Tinter, Hor- atio K. Boomer, and Nick Do Popolus are one and the same Bill Thompson, Mayor la Trivia Is portrayed by Gale Gordon, an- other versatile radio actor, who has had a long stay in the cinema city, primarily as a radio actor. If you listen to some of CICOC's transcribed action thrillers — Speed Gibson at 5.00 p.m, daily and the Crimson Trail at 7.30 p.m., you will find that the res- pective heroes of these two serial dramas, 111'(1 011e and the at1(11e (isle Gordon! incidentally, if you haven't picked 1311 :McGee 31(1(1 Molly lately—it's 'Tuesday night, 9,30 to 11),00 p,ul, — CIIC net- work 1 JUST NOTES Lorne Greene, who is regular• ly heard on the CPC 11.00 p,ul, national news, has been appointed Thief Announcer of the Toronto (MC Studios, Lorne hay also done extensive Canadian Film work, supplying the word commentary on hinny short features you NOW f1'ont time to tittle in your neigh- borhood theatre. Victor Berge, the Danish-conle- (lialll-piatnist on tho Music Hall, Thursdays at 9,00 pan. 1 C130), got to America just over two yearn ago by the grace of the Swedish American consul. Said he, In giving Jlorge coveted passage on an already crowded ship: "You're good—i'vo seen you in Copen- hagen I Learn the American language, and I think America can use you!" • e • Madeleine Carroll, England's gift of 'beauty to the American radio and acreen scene, has aban- doned Hollywood for a while, to give her dramatic talents on be- half of the war services of Can- ada, the United States and Great Britain, mostly in the forth of benefit appearances surd radio shows. • • Haunting music -- beautiful refl'ains — the morning program of melody heard front CKOC Tuesday and Thursday at 10,45 a.m. RECORD OF THE WEEK Glenn Miller's 'Moonlight Cock- tail.' OUR RADIO LOG TORONTO STATIONS Mill bl0k, Cltl. 7.014 01(01, 56014, 0111 10101+ 11,5. NETWORKS Wi;AI N.II,C, fted 0011k 1VJ! N.1t.(', 11hla 771)k 1VAIlC (0,11.53,) SSOk WOR (11.11,5.) 71114 (CANADIAN STATIONS CFOS Owen S (. 1400k 0(140 Ilan/Ilion 1150k 011111, Hamilton 1100k C1i'I'1I St. Cant, 12:1011 0101" Montreal 000k 01'311 North Hoy 11:1014 CI''CO Chat haat 11:1014 Crt'l. London 1570k VJCS Stratford 12.10k Crus I(Ingeton 14110k C,1 ((r Sault Ste, M. 14111)11 CICAC Montreal 730k CJI(1, ICirku,ltl 1.. 500k C1(011 Waterloo 14111114 CICC(, Ottawa 1:111Ik CI( '1'Inunlas 147011 (1(SO Sudbury 7110k (Ai I'O 11 rant ford I:Ihllk CK L11' %%linker 40011 Cl'NX w Ingham 12:0It ,NT,%'17ON4 Wlinit Our lo Ia10k 1%{13\1 Iloehcrter 1 IhOR 11'I.W CnttInntttl 70014 1{4:1' Schenectady 531111t i(D(3.3 l'I1tsburg:1i loan/ 11',1(111 Chicago 7.91114 WI1ON 11111111111 1)00)4 Mat Bur tato 65Uk Wl(IIW Inlffnla 152014 11'.111 Detroit 71:Ok Ile made his offer in 0 letter to Air llinister A. S. 1)10)01ord, describing himself as 42, married told a highly -paid automotive ex- ecutive with one good eye. SHORT W.%%I 65311 (1530 653() 653(•3 6531' 6536 (151' (:531, 1(:.%u EAlt I(.1 N ItN1: It V011 England %Englund Eng lam Engles/ I:nglunc I.uglnn, C(tglnn( Ettglun, %p,lln Soule 011/01111 Itussln 011Kh111 11'(10.3 4•hcueclud) 11'0.111 I'h6,t. I5,:71u %%I(Ut Huston 15.1511, 111:11\ N. Park %beam lie proposed that he he per- mitted to steer a plane or speed- boat fully loaded with high ex- plosives into a Jap:ulr,c aircraft eat'1'1er, n—-----•— — —al 1 TRIS CURIOUS WORLD Fc gt(Isoltt Is 'u THE DATE OF sots -TER WAS SET TO OCCUR NEAR THE FULL MOON SO THAT PILGRIMS I OULD TRAVEL . BY MOONL/G/T ON THIZIR WAY ?D THE GREAT EASTER, FESTIVALS. \ IT TARES; FROM .50 70 /00 YEARS 'ICS PRODUCE A TREE LARGE ENCUGI-t FOR LUMBER. IN 1 • r� r' p .-" �1 MC'INTAI;'I E'•.::L f ^S H• to V FOUND Ei_t -: F.., ."_'F. VERY EFFE TIV:.' iCF EF11\ r E'E41,2S FR,C,�l1 .BIN THE HIVES G=..:;;/1�"y, COPR. 19)0 BY NEA S(RYIC(, 1!;C, ,L -t,l Fl 'r )l(av • /j 4 a 1 B1:CAUSE of the wide fluctuation f,. dile in the' Easter date, the British i ;u'lisment passed 11 statute in 1928 setting Easter as {'the first Sunday after the 31.1;1 Saturday In April." But the change Was to await international 501150111, and this has not been 11iv'.'r NEXT: A rake of sulphur that licks like .. watch. By J, •MILLAR WATT I AM CAMOUFLAGING IT! (te��..__,,__ esene }::tii!v:'v ^f.!! - ..l' •:. ;ti4: r.; 533:'1}i::,T'.-.!'. •:•i::}v}:•:?�': };!� •. �S :Qti?:;:.5 .::l:•:i:':: (RN,•a,1 s by ?ao A�'BYnd(,,,3' j,, ?hY"},',::f:••'.%':%`Y vi:;•::•:air,::•};,•.',:• {.•:r4,;;:::;:•:':i,•'SSii �::,::: r• SPEED COUN'T'S IN MODERN WARFARE In addition to Ler Fi ;tsoucd units ma rscaa, Canada is today training a modern, hard-hitting and speedy Army in camps throughout Canada, here mobile units of an infantry regiment, a motorcycle and universal carrier, speed up the brow of a hill during training manoeuvres at Camp Borden. HOW CAN 1? Q, I1ow can I smooth irons that have become rusty? A, Irons that have become rusty, sticky or rough can be smoothed to a glass -like finish by rubbing with salt and a piece of c:rinkled-up paper. Q. How can I (hake paint ad- here to tinware? .A. Rub the surface thoroughly with a piece of rough pumice stone or coarse sandpaper•. Then apply a thin coat of shellac var- nish, after \\'h16 the surface may be painted very nicely. Q. blow can I repair casters that persist in dropping out of chair and table legs. whenever the furniture is moved? A. Remove the caster, fill the hole with melted paraffin, and then quickly I'e-insert the easter. There will he no further trouble, Q, IIo\v can 1 make smelling salts? A, By breaking one ounce of rock volatile into small pieces, then covering it with eau de cologne, and allowing to stand for a few days before using. Q. Ilow can I nmkc the washing of curtains easier? A. It is Unwise to attempt to wash the curtains as soon a, they have been taken down. Place then in cold water to which n generous handful of borax has been added and let then: remain soaking overnight. This will loosen the dirt and the washing will be much easier, Have You Heard? A piece of paper covered with mystic figures and signs had been discovered on the floor of the aircraft factory. 1t had been seen to fall from the handbag of a girl worker who had received it from a strange woman at the works entrance. Experts had been called in to decipher the apparent code, but all failed, Finally the manager took it house to study it further. Il is wife supplied the solution. "Why, John; she exclaimed with animation, "wherever slid you get this front? It's a knitting system for a perfectly darling sweater!" Macpherson took his gramophone back to the shop. Said the assistant: "It is most unusual to have a ma- chine returned after a year's use. What's wrong with it? "The needle's broken," ex• !;:cd Macpherson. Nurse had occasion to visit Johnny's mother. When she left, Johnny was the not very proud brother of twins. 'This did not please hint at all, he felt his nose was put out of joint. Some time later, Johnny's par- ents moved to a neighboring vil- lage, and in her visits, Nurse carte across Johnny at one of the schools. "Hello, young Ulan," she said, "have you conte to live here?" "Yes," sati(l Johnny, "but I'111 not showing you which is (Inc house fila time." "1 don't like those eggs you sent me yesterday." "Why what was wrong with them?" "Well, 1 thought they were rather undersized for their age." 1:'hitt, fish again'" growled Peck. ''H'e're always having fish," "Well, John," said his \wife, "it's good Inc'you, :i feeds the brain." "Rosh: Why should you thin(; my brain needs so much feeding:" "Well, didn't your norther give yon fish before you were wor- ried?" "No," he hissed, "I wish she had," The teacher was revising the month's Scripture, "Who was it went into the lion's den and came out alive?" he asked. "Please, air, the lion," said Bright Bertie. The teacher had asked her class to write n short composition on the subject, "Water". One scholar seemed to he hav- ing difficulty, but finally he turned in his paper, and here is what he ‘wrote; "Water is n light-colored, wet liquid which turns dark when you wash in it!" The teacher had asked the class to write an essay on "Our Dog", Young Jimmy was the first to finish. His effort read: "Our Dog, We haven't got one," Warns Canadians Against Spending Mr, Donald Gordon Says Consumer Rationing May Be Necessary "A buying spree of serious di- mensions has been going on dur- ing the past few months," stated ,lir. Donald Gordon, Chairman of the War Time Prices and Trade Board, in a recent speech, "It is affecting almost everything for current use that one could name and it is beginning to place a serious strain on some supplies. 1 his means that drastic action will have to be taken very shortly unles., people decide to act rea- sonably. 'There is absolutely no reason for panic buying of the essentials of life, There is abso- lutely no excuse at all for any- body to get e::cited or to spread rumors aittnit this or that coming shortage. But if, despite this warning, people persist, then u consumer rationing program will be necessary with all its discom- forts and waste of money, 1 ap- peal to eery person in this coun- try to play i,all. Anybody who buys more than actual current requirements of any supply of any kind, is definitely a public enemy. 1 repeat, anybody who buys more Dion current needs of anything, is definitely undermining the war effort of this country and playing directly into the hands of the enemy." High Standard of Living "'The outstanding fact is that .'tftet' two and one-half years of war, during which our announced purpose has been the complete mobilization of our full produc- tive resources to divert everything possible to our war effort, our civilian population is still left with a high average standard of comfort—a standard just about as high as it was before the war and, certainly, one of the highest in the world at the present tine, In the face of that self-evident fact I simply cannot understand why any surprise should be expressed when I point out that we are not yet organized for total war. The plain fact i.; that a high standard of living and a total war effort cannot go hand in hand." "The foundation of the total effort of any country is a correct derision as to the minimum re- quirements of the civilian popu- lation," sail Mr, Gordon, "Once that is determined, production and consumption, except for war, must be steadily and progressively I Scalds, Ath• �`�1Illl,�`� iete's Foot, Chafed Skln, Tired, Sore Muscles, etc., use this new, fast - acting, sweet•smelline remedy, Keep a tin handy for every emergency. HEALING SALVE ot`,`, q$ cut down to the minimum, Waste must be eliminated; the manufac- ture of all luxuries and many coin. forts must cease. The surplus of manpower and resources thus se- cured must he used to stake war." Production Necessary Calling for "iron discipline and strength of purpose" by business and industry to meet the demands of total. war 'Mr. Gordon said: 'Phis is itot a t: rtvel'nn ent's war or a party war but the people's win'," "My appeal is for every person responsible for any part of our productive machinery to sit clown with others in the sante line and Welt out ways and means to ob- tain maximum production, regard- less of inuuediate or future ad- vantage , . , "Six months from now ---a year from now—it may be too late , , , If you really mean total tear, don't keep up it parrot cry for leadership, get yourself into a position where, by sheer weight of organization and available pro- ductive capacity, you will produce, and produce, and produce." Modern Etiquette 1. 1s it considered improper for a young woman to ask a young elan site admires to call upon iter? 2, 1Vhen dining in a friend's home, should a guest take a help- ing of every dish the first time it is offered? 2. What would be an approp- riate costume for a woman who is going to travel quite a distance? 4, When the "bride marries in a travelling dress, what does the groom wear? 5. When thanking someone for a favor or courtesy, is It proper to shy "Thanks" or "Much ob- liged"? 6. When slaking announce- ments at a banquet, should the toaster of ceremonies rise or re- main seated? SEATED 1, No, this Ls ito longer con - Mitered improper as it was at one time, '1'Ite young woman of today may say, "D1r. Carson, mother and I will be at house next Wednesday evening, Would you like to stop in for a little while?" 2, It is the most gracious thing to do, even if one is not partial to some particular dish. 3, A septi -dark tailored suit, with fresh blouse, is appropriate. 4, An ordinary business suit, or one that is appropriate for travellingg., with perhaps a single while flower from the bride's corsage in his buttonhole. 5, Neither, the correct phrase is "'Thank you," 6. He should rise as a platter of courtesy, and so that he can he heard by all the guests. 4Relieves distress from MONTHLY. FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. ',Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings -clue to monthly fune- tIon:ll 1Istllr:iaileN.Tt helps buildup 1t'slsta:tee n'_.! !'. ,,t, distress of "dila- - cult cis r,." r...ide In Canasta. What Science Is Doing DRIED MILK TO THE FORE Dried mills is nothing new. Large amounts aro Used in the tropics turd by bakers. Ilut more ought to be used, especially since we have 'veined something about the importiulce of \ iltuuins and minerals in food. In the drying process, milk is Fprayed :ts it fine utist, whirler( In a warm chamber and trapped fol a fine pe,ttiet, There is ne doubt Diet the prucr r'i tb tr ,"i some vitiuttius, 'These can iie added, But some vitamin G (ac- tually a "13") remains and all the calcium, which i9 usually Inciting in the Canadian diet, No other food can match dried skint milk in its content of calcium, protein and phosphorus, What makes powdered milk so attractive aro its concentrated form and its keeping qualities, A quart of separated milk re- duced to powder weighs about three ounces, fills three-quarters ot a tont-cup and keeps months in a moisture -proof bag. Roughly, one pound of milk powder slakes five quarts of re- constituted milk, A quart of milk made from powder contains about three per cent more of the body- building elements of milk (cal- cium, protein, phosphorus) than a quart of whole milk because there is no fat. Now that the war has spread to the Pacific, the need for pow- dered milk is more pressing than over. In powder form, milk can be :chipped across the American continent for as little as the cost of moving whole wet milk six miles, And the dried milk re- sists bacterial attack a hundred tinges more effectively than liquid milk and in some cases ono thou- sand tittles, Sugar Off U. S. Market For Week All sugar sales in the United States will be halted at midnight, April 27, for approximately one weelt. John E. Hanan, acting chief of the Office of Price Adnlinistra- tion, reported that sugar would be off the market on April 28, and would not bo available to buyers again until about May 5. Hamm explained that the ban was ordered as a stop preparatory to sales under rationing, which will go into effect as soon as the moratorium on sales ends, HIDES Highest prices paid for Calf Sheep and Deer Skins, Beef and 'Horse Hides—Wool, Horsehair, Beeswax, etc. Write for Prices. John IIALLAM Co,, Dept, S., Toronto HANDY POCKET POUCH - 150 IA.LB, "LOK•TOP" CAN • 65g1 also packed in pocket cans 'IT DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPET" It has not been determined fin- ally whether the weekly individual ration be a half -pound or three. quarters of a pound. Officials stated the general reg- istration of 131,000,000 American citizens of all ages would be the first and the largest task of its kind over undertaken, although the censlie covered as much ground on a "head -count" system, Royal Air Force Gets Its Own Fish There is a fiah ahortago in Bri- tain at the present time, but the Royal Air Force is not particularly worried about it, because it has ite own fishing fleet, which pro- videa ;t.r1.F, stations in the Lon- don area with at least three tons (3,000 kilograms) of fresh fish every week. The fleet, which consists of seven boats and fifty-four fisher- men, litany of whom are invalided ex -servicemen, WAS started by a few enterprising officers, Since its inception, it has supplied the R,A,F, with nearly u quarter of a million fish meals, representing a catch of 121,240 pounds (six thousand kilograms) and worth more than .£6,000. When the weather is good, some of the boats trawl, but most of the .fish are caught by means of long lines, One of the boats was recently attacked by an enemy plane, but it managed to elude the raider and reached port safely, Members of the R.A.F. are con- tinual(: surprised at the variety of the fish caught by their own SAFES Protect your 11001(s Lind CASH from FIRE laud TIll1:VIcs, We have n size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose, VIslt us, or write for prlres, ete, to Dept, 11' J.6cJ,TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 148 Proal Si I:., 1 uromlu I etnttllshed 1855 fleet, even at this time of year when the catch is lttreiy large even itt pence time. Naturally, any fisli whish is caught by their own fishing fleet Is supplied direct to the (loyal Air Force and not to the general publie, Weaving was one of the earl- iest crafts practiced by primitive mankind, IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATIC PAINS AND MISERY CU's This OTT 75c Ilor free to Any Sufferer Finger Joint pram i4ines »here - rbcuontlle itches mani- fest them- selves Na frequently In Syracuse, New fork, there luta been developed n home treatment for Rheumatic Pains aril Misery lcnown as "Delano's" that hureircda of users say brings results. :luny report that after a few days' use pain and soreness had gone rind blessed relief was receiver( after everything else bud fulled. Mr. Delano writes: "To help suf- ferers, no matter how severe, stub- born or long-standing these pains and misery have bothered you, 1 will gladly, if you have never tried my method, sand you a full-size 76c package free. No obligation, The test is free and the teat tthould toll. It this free test helps you as so many others say It has helped them, you will surely be glad. Simp- ly cut out this notice and mail, with your name and address. 1 t you wish, you may enclose 10 cents to help pay postage and distribution, but this Is not a requirement. Address F. H Delano, Dept, 1994, 465 Craig St, 1V., Montreal, Que. FREE Delano's--Specially for Rheumatic Pains land Misery \otet This hi an honest, open laud above board offer that should ap- peal to n11 who slitter Irmo rheu. ninth pains rind misery, ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... I1MIY U1IIUUS SIX BREEDS, CHICKS, CAPONS, growing Pullets. Deecrlptive ca- talogue, Moukton Poultry farm, 61ottictoit, Ontario. BARI CIJICICS-3 TU 11 CENTS, 26 foo chicks, our choice with every 100 pullets or 100 Mixed chicks ordered in &larch, Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ontario. FOR YEARS BRAY CHICKS HAVE been noted for Quality and Per- formance. Thla year you'll want the best for markets at home or abroad. We're ready to fill all orders but big demands tax even our capacity. Let's know what you want. A wide selection of breeds, crosses, dayolds or started. 130 prepared — order now. Bray hatchery,' 180 John, Iramilton, Ont. PRODUCING QUALITY EGGS—IS a with industry! Let's go poultry- men — more eggs for Britain, Tweddle Chlcke have the bred in ability to a marked degree, Year after year they have been dem- onstrating then' livability, lay - ability and growabfllty to an in- creasingly Large number of care- ful chicle buyers. IVe have a hatch every day in the week but Saturday, hatching 75,000 to 80,000 chicks per week. Free cattliogue. Also turkeys and older pullets, Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, RHEUMATIC; l'AiNS READ THIS — EVERY SUFFERER of Rhetunatic Pains or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00, II A K h: I t 1 hat 1111' 5111 N'I' BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al - Ways on hand Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St. Toronto, BOOKS AND &IAGAZINES BOUICS, 5IAGAZINES, 111061 te'UP. One of the largest assortments In Canada. Technical, Trades, Military, Aviation, Detective, Love, Romance, Business, Unusual, Mag- ic Professions, Medical, ,Marriage, etc. Rush for tree illustrated catalogue Canadian 13oolc Com- pany, 84 Victoria Street, Toronto. FARMERS YOU CAN MAKE CONSIDERABLE; handlingg ono of the finest lines of Insecticides. Electric Fence Con- trollers, Paints, Fire Extinguish- ers, etc. Write \VAIICO GRi;ASE) & OIL LIMITED, TORONTO, — CARS — USED AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTUl1S Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locntious, tt32 Mt. Pleasant 110110 2040 Sorge St. and 1650 Danforth Avenue. Our used Cars mance us many friends. Write ter our Fres Hook - let un pedigreed renewed end Ilii• alyzed used cans. 1011,11S DE4'a;LOIED 26e ROLLS DEVELOPED AND printed, plus one 6 x 7 enlarge- ment of bost picture. Precision Photo Guild, 108 Fulton Avenue, Toronto. FREE CATALOGUE FREE COLO 11 ED CATALOGUE OF Nursery Stock. Containing Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs, Evergreens, Vines. Lowest prices in Canada, Write today fot' your ft•oo copy. Itrooltdalc-E.i ngsway Limited, Ilotvluanvtlle, Ontario, FEATHERS WANTED NEW AND USED GOOSE, DUCIC, also feather mattresses. highest prices pall, Send particulars to Queen City Feather Company, 28 Baldwin Street, Torun 10. 1011UI't' I'AIIM 1,'011 SALE; 13 ACRES 01' FRUIT IN FULL. bearing. Good buildings modern conveniences, No, •8 Highway, 1teg. 1lerritt, !lox 397, tirimsby. FOR SALE 11tt.SKul.A l.AIsi WATER 1'1RON'r in '('own, for sale, four acres, tttniui trees, Spring crook etc. Asa Baker, U11t'enhurst, HL NIill 1:U 1YRES FOR SALE. Thirty wood bush, guild buildings, grocery store in cunt et 1 uu. Would sot( farm without store, Price of farm. Bargain. Sixteen hundred dollars. .Kenneth Vaughan, Mark- _ dale, Route 1, Ontario, 1'Olt SALE F011 SALE 6 11.1', t':11 RBANICS- 11utae Engine, also rebuilt 10-20 McCut t tick -Deering 'Praetor. Nott/ guarantee. J. IL McCaw, 1. H. C, _Dealer, Barrio. • VO ll SAI.:: ' TWO CHOICE FARMS. adjoining— hundred acres each—both dp1en- dld buildings, Sacrifice. 13. Rey- nolds, mlur:ans:on, Ontario. limns 11'AN'r11D $$$ IVE 111 1 HUNDREDS D1FFE11- ent herbs, Roots, Darks. Write Dominion Herb Distributor's, 1425 Min, Montreal. IIA1HD11b:isINli SCHOOL LEARN 11A11tD1tisSStNU 1'11E 1tU11- ol'tsun method. infot•uuation on re• quest regarding classed. Robert• son's lliurdressung Academy, 137 Avenue (toad, 'Toronto. 1111\ 1:Y II ANTED FOI: QUICK RETURNS AND BEST prices communicate with Joseph A. itozon, 411 Confederation )Jldg., Montreal. :More than 2,317,000 children under 15 have b -'en inoculated since Ur:tan : diphtheria immun- ization cant paign begat( a year ago, OFFER CU IN I l;\'I 0115 AN OFFER rU Lt1lt1 EN 1011 List ot inventions aria lull intur- maUua bent tree. l he ttatnna) (.t. (registered. Paten( Altut'iiuyb. 273 Bonk Street, (Maw., t-7laada. MI)1)ICA1. FOR. S'1' 0 M A C 11 TROUBLES, heartburn, acidity, nausea, ulcers, furred white tongue, upset stunt - Reit (rut wrung eating, tt,o t2ttk's "Nu. prescription of eminent stone" tt s1 ,1: tilt, 55e, $1.00, $2,0U. 1;111:':; 1ledicine Cu., Dept. WN Saskatoon, DIXON'S 111 141l:UY — 101: N1;UIt- Itis and Rheunmlie Pains. 'Pitons - ands ;•at1511, 0. 11 aut'o's ttt-ug Store, :t05 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid $1,00. 1',5.1.1.:5. 1 s 1'1:1'H1:Iti'1'u,VltAl;l;11 t'u31PAN i' 1'atetlt Solicitors l.ilubllrlled 1590; 14 1:ing 11 cat, Toronto. Duui:lel of Inturtuntlun ort re- Uttest. J, N. LINDSAY, 1..11V OFFICE, ('AI'- Itul Theatre Building, St. 'Thomas, Otario. Special Department for _farmers' cutlertion 1'()I'JI'111 1'.111)1 1'011 SALE MUltl•11UN POULTRY FARM, t'.1t'- •rcity ::1120 layers, "u hit;i sway Toronto -Montreal and St. Francis Lake for sale. t'attse Illntss. House city conv'eniencr. Furt110 Avicole Lyon, St. Zotiquc, Quebec, 01.1) Itl'S III:WO1'1;N N1:1\ RUGS, NEW ttl.'US MAUI: PROM old. Dominion Rug Weaving Com. paws, 964 Queen St. 11'., 'Toronto. 15 rite for booklet. ItAW 14(1(5 51 AN'I'1:1) MINK, FUN, ,AIUSKIt:1T, WEASEL, Rabbit, Skunk. Ship Goods Par- cel Post. Highest !'vices Paid! Payment by retUrn null, Itcler- ence: Canadian Ilanit Commerce, Phillips Square. Abe (let Inger, 365 St, Paul West, Montreal. S'I'.t911'S 111)l.,lili'I' AN1) 51)1,11 STAMP COLLECTING IS 1VAlt• time relaxation. 10 different New- foundland and Canada only 15e. 300 finely mixed Newfoundland and Canada, only :;c, 1't'ee price - lists of Ca (.22(41 alt Stamp- and %Vorldlt ide packets. Old a,•cttlltl- lalions purchased. 10112 Stamps Company, 'l'ot'ont0 0. PHt)'t't)(:It t1-111' FOR QUALITY SERVICE ANi► v,t'I'ISF1,4•I'Il1N '1'R1• 1511'I:Itl.11, 6 or 8 exposure films, cit ti iuped and printed, or 8 rept hats, 25e. Money refunded If nal 501isfied 111l'EItl.tl. I'11UT() X1:111 It_C 8lalies ,r, 'i'e,,.iite ISSUE 15—'42 Page V. Thy STANDARD ‘Vednesclay, April 8, 1942. .• .,(n,+as+.-1i.1 - •b.�.— _ - w...,.�.�.r.,+4J M+. Vw wrMV �,r •W,�..w i�+4�W4►w��rubi� wommiatimmimetwatemproteemeg Sprin.. Shoes FOR THE WHOLEFAMILY WORK SIFOEn RANGING Leather Soles)c en FOR THE FAMILY SHOES (Panco or PRICES RANGING FROM .... $2.75 to $'t.95 MEN'S CREPE SOLE OXFORD $3.50 WOMEN'S CREPE SOLE OXFORDS. $2,50-$2.95 Leave Your Broken Spectacle Frames and Lens and we will have them promptly and accurately repaired. Olive McGill 1 '11r, C. C. McNeil, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Rogerson on Thursday. Mr. and van, spent Ho11yan's KERY Mrs, Leslie ]iilbortt, and ; OD CO , MOsTIQUIars The Home of G,00d Baking. Wednesday In London. 51r, Robert. Palmer spent the week end at his home, near Kincardine, OH. Earl IRnnnn of 1litchell Is visit - ng tvith relatives in Myth,Miss Chun ITc►echler spent the v•ook• and with friends In Tavistock, 1 ,Mader ]tulle Johnston Is visiting j his friend, 'lla.ster "Bing" Bowen, of c1 Goderlele eXIIt$r t?1aZa-3ottrI P .Drs 3r3atali?itViDt-DallDi:«A.1'?191. IORDtii?O►OMatliii iiatMaiPtalt SIBS ROCERY IVORX FLAKES large pkg. 27c BIG -FIVE CLEANSER per tin 05c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER per tin 12c TENDER LEAF 'MA .............. per pkg. 39c FRY'S COCOA 1 lb. tin 33c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 25c CORN FLAKES (free bowl) , , , ...3 pkgs. 25c PANCAKE FLOUR per pkg. 17c RED RIVER CEREAL per pkg. 25c PERSONAL INTEREST Mr. Gerald Bradley, ILO.A,F., stationed at Guelph, spent the Easter holiday with friends in Myth. Pte. Borden Cook, of Kitchener, Chrysler .Cars spent the Easter week -end with his wife. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Cookies Pies, Cakes and Honey -Dipped Doughnuts Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Dohert GA Bros. E. WI ARE AGENTS Fon Plymouth and Pte. Wally Bowen, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Bowen. 5Ir. Hubert. Hlrons was driving the mall for Mr. James Davis on \Vednes- day, owing to Mr. Davis' I1lneee. Jim Cox, RAY., Port Albert, is spending a few days with Mr. and Man. Gordon Elliott, alive. Anne Campbell, and Miss Bet. ty Campbell, were London visitors on Wednesday afternoon, Norman Sinclair, of the II -C -A. ., Fingal„ is spending a ten -days' fur- lough at his home here, 1 Mr. Ned 11ctiutyro, teacher, of Burk's Falls, Ont., is spending the Easter holiday's with Norman Sinclair, Mr. Garth Dobbyn of London, spent i the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Airs. Norman Floody of and 11rs, C. T. Debbyn. Mimi trances Johnston spent the Windsor, spent the week -end with the early part of the welt with Mr. and 'tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Oliver Johnston, and Mr. and Floody, Mrs, Alec. Fox, of Toronto. j Vol, Lois Robinson, C.W.A.C., at A. W. Morrisan, of Mount For.To ►onto spent the Easter week -end r. rest, Formerly of llilfort, 5ask., tti vis with her parents, 51r. and Mrs. R, IL sting his sons, Messrs. Chester and Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson, Louglae Morrison. Mrs. A. Ewing, of Toronto, is visit- and family, of Belgrave, spent Sunday lir. Grant Johnston and hiss Freida Ing with her brother and aister, Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barr, ]:arbour, of (loderieh, are visitors Archne Somers, and Miss Jessie Som..r\lass )7ttphclnta Steinhoff of London, with the f;ormer's sister, and brother• ers. spent the week -end with her sister, in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. !Miss Ethel Willows of Toronto is Mrs. G. 1). Leith broth - Mr, Les. Garnsey leaves this Thurs swilling the holidays with her cr•, 1111', Earle Willows, and Mrs. Wit- 'Capt, G. E1 Toll, 111'8, 1011 and day for London, tvlhere he will go into daughter, 3111, of Kingston, spent the training anter the four-month train- lows, !week -end with friends In Blyth, iag plan. 31r, and Airs. Jack Campbell and fatuity of Aylmer, visited Tuesday and i ,hiss N�ileen Wednesday with Airs, Phoebe Taylor this week with Miss Doris Boody of and •111'1 and •31rs. Thomas Taylor. Kitchener, Mrs. 13. (Holisher and family attend- Mr. and'Mrs. Archie Collinson of ed the wedding of her sister, Miss London, visited with relatives and Mr. and Mrs. John Leith and son, Corothy Glazier, in Clinton, on Satur• friends over the holiday. ,Tack, of 1!amilton, and Ales. (.'ar•tie, day, J '311', Reg. Argent of Welland, with of Clinton, visited with Mrs. A. Faw• i his parents, Mr. and Mra. Fred .Argent cett on Friday. Mr. Wm. Creighton has secured employment with 31i. Wm. Merritt, for the holidays. Airs. Bender and son, E,Iw:n, and in connection with the local 3laasey- Friends are sorry to hear 31Isa Ella Miss Lillie Carr, i.f Toronto. vlsiterl i-Tairis Implement Sinop. Metcalfe has not been very well of with Al r. and M i' . Robert \Wtelt tman late and wish for a speedy recovery, last week. i John and Patsy Wilford, of the Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Nayior, of Fort Erie, and Mrs Butcher, visited with Mr. and Airs. Charles Bell on 'Monday, Mrs. J. N, Naylor and daughter, Patricia, of Toronto, spent the woolt- end with 51r. and Mrs!. Ohas. Bell, lir, e: . .,lir.:. \\'m. '1 nIgomery of Brantford visited with the latter's parents, lir. and 31rs. James Rich- mond over the week -end. Robinson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ttnht. Powell and daughter. liclh. visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Powell on Sunday, in Stratford. University of Toronto, sure spendhi their vacation with 3llss Clare Mc- Gowan. 3Ir. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston of St. nes with Mr. Johnston's moth- er, 511.8. N, Johnston'. Tin.. Gordon Craig, of Camp Borden, 'Airs, B, Hall and daughters, Mar- aud Allsses A.da and Roberta Craig, guerite and (thea are spending the Mrs. Myrtle 3Iurray, of \Vingham of Listowel, spent Easter with their holidays with Guelph friends, Hospital staff, vis'ted with her persons, Mr, and airs, Robert Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cowan and son, Millie, and mother, 111.s. Henry 'nth line, llorris. slaughters, of Stratford, with Mr. and Young, on Suntlay' 1 Mrs, Robert \\'ighteuan, Afaster Jim Sibthorpe, Is to sing I3lisses Jessie and Doreen Phillips over radio station OKNX, Mitcham, :1ilss Margaret Scrimgeour spent of Brampton, visit erl with 31r, and thL; Thursday evening at 7.30. Mr. Good Friday with her friend Doreen airs. F. T. Daimon and Hiss 1fyrtle Harold Victor Pym will be the ac- Vincent of Westfield, 11111te, over the week -end. companist- Miss 1lelda McElroy of St. Marys, with her another, Mrs, J. R. Boll for ?•-Fri;+C'ClCtC."-Z4V4VCICtVPv4leMIKt6+c?r'•s'cat1c --t(Mt2xg�'c 'sC'C +sitintigiel'6St the holidays. 91 4 Highest 6s Quality Lowest Price Have Your Eyes Examined By Mr. Reid At His Blyth Office -- Willow's Drug Store Our modern methods of examination with eolentifte inr,trumenis, arsnres perfect satisfaction. 2, slur glassy are ground In our own factory, assuring absol.:ti accuracy in your requirements. Yon choose your own Price here --we supply glasses in every price range, 4. :r years experience behind every pair of glasses we fit—your guarantee of perfect comfort. Fred Oster has returned home xtcnded visit with Windsor, Stratford and Toronto friends. Mr. Orval Cook has taken a position vlth ,lir, George Ratite's', on the Crusher. 1 I 'Miss. Shirley lletcaife of 1Vater- A down is visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. II. C, Johnston. i 'Air, Reg. Argent, of Welland, spent' rho past week with his parents, Mr,' and Mrs, Fred Argent. I was had, Watt's Orchestra supplied Mrs. George Grahovao (formerly the music, and a free lunch was sere Mrs. Frank Scrimgeour, her daughter, I ed to all. Lucille and her aunt, Mrs. Hulduh 'AS's. ihmcnn Lloyd has sold their !!ii Fore, of Detroit, are guests at the home in Chicago and will bo with her homo of 'lir. and Mrs. Lorne Scrim daughter, lis. James D. 1Vcst, 38'19 Scrim- geour. 1 Brookside Road, Ottawa Hills, Toledo Miss Kathleen Logan, Reg. N„ of Ohlo, until her health improves. IA1rs. Victoria Hospital, London, spent the ''Boyd plans on taking up residence in faster week -end with her parents, ,lir. Toledo. Iand'Mts. \V'm. Logan. She, along with her parents, attended the Plumeteel- matitiotivemarot Laidlaw wedding In Clinton, on Sat- urday. Mrs. James Logan also ac- companled them. The bride is a cous- a'dliaitftilrlt;lh7at�1It in, Auto -Lite and Hart Batteries, Anti -Freeze. Winter Check -Up On Your Car. Goodrich & Dunlop Tires. White Rose Motor Oil. PHILCO RADIOS AND SUPPLIES. Acetylene and Electric Welding. rtoIgtii.t.i. ftiKtB. moi'dig.tommimicict.`oCtm`em VrV'•ctocic.m`.... + STOCK 8 POULTRY TONICS Our range of Stock and Poultry Tonics is full and complete. Below we list a few of the hues car- ried at all times: ROYAL PURPLE -- ti -1 DR. BELL'S --- Condition Powder -50c and $1,90 7.1 Stock Condltloner 60c and $1,75 Roup Specific 30c and 60c Poultry Condltloner 60c & $1,75 Cough Powder for Horses.,.60c Hog Tonic Condltloner 60e-$1,75 4. y r Cattle Cathartic 500 Kidney end Blood Powder, 50c Distemper & Cough Powder 60c Worm & Indigestion Powder b0c Medical Wonder .. , . , . , , , ,$1.00 Also a full range of Dr. Hess, Flemings, Kow Kare, Pratt's, Zenoleum, Etc. We will make up your favourite formula from our stock of Gentian, Foenugreek, Nux Vomica,Saltpetre, Cattle Salts, Antimony, Lobelia, Etc, R. DI:FHILP, Phm. B DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PRONE 20. Fr912/21iD DIDii$?aral1'it'.Nr ksatDiDt+1' dine...;'dr aNDt)asZ MOS'rsr3ias; ',!='r!sao`iatS;siDttsatr7sMi tQtWeltSitElitile81624t4 leWta=1,2 MMIztBQaigi Clt0VCu.mcztaizttz. tMilblii WIIIOWS Pruq S .; -; . r Step & Read ,t• f �. E CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH BUILDING MATaRIALS. , al Roofing, Slate•Surfacedf Shingles, Insul Brick Siding, • Insul Board, Price per Bottle 35c and 60c Dressed Lumber and Trim, -• Deep & Shallow Well Electric w b ,9, t;Bi8tLt8rbtDtkt rnithaanbta intatiaDrat►D,OttZ-tlz4ar"tRivy;t ,rtas)E►=12tl irtbrbr. Pumps, T Bath Fixtures and Supplies, Pr4 Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Galvanized Woven Wire Fenc Estimates Freely Given on You .t: Requirements, L. SCRIMGEOUR & SON.f Phone 36. Blyth P. 0. Box 7 Drugs, Tobacco, Soft DrinksPhone 28. Wampole's Hygcol is one of the most efficient, all-round antiseptics that can be used on the farm, or in the home. It has wonderful healing proper- ties for cuts, burns, abrasions, etc., useful for White Diarrhea in Baby Chicks, Blackhead Disease in Poultry, Diarrhea in Suckling Pigs, Ring Worm on Cattle, Dehorning Cattle, Etc. �tttQ�+aKcitl;�ieaitr��teut►at�tritQtxiteta-�stiteitatatri�ltQtetat�tfit�lV�•iS�t�'„t.°.'1L•sit\,tc1'Y.t,�'tt:•Ln:tC.l`., lAA� Period Furniture • PERSONAL INTEREST 'firs. Young received a cable this weak from her son, Henry Young, on Active Service In England, saying that he was well, and had received a parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rintoul and sons, Bill and Bob, of Wingham, visit- ed on Sunday with MTS. Anne Camp- bell and family, Clare Campbell ac- companied them home for a few days. Guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrhngeour over the weekend were their daughter, Hazel, of Chat- ham, and Mr. and Hire, John Cameron, Nancy Jean and iMurray, of Brussels. Mr. George Ashton, and Miss Wil- ma Ashton, and Mr, Don, McCallum of Gorrie, Mr. Ken, Ashton' of Brus- sels, and Jllss Wilma 'Watson of Stratford Normal, are Coster visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. 13. Watson. • I1ir. and Mrs. Notnnan Gray, How- ard and Gladys, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1I. Leith, of Hamilton, and 31isa Margaret i3lurray, It.N., who Jack Leith, of Fort Elio, spent Sat- has been spending a vacation with her urday at the home of 1Ir, and Mrs, :mother, 31rs, 1Wan. Johnston, leaves 11. McElroy. Sunday for New York City, where sine has a.ceepted 0 position on the staff of the Presbyterian Iluspttal, Medieal Centre; is quite the Vogue now for, BED ROOM, LIVING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM OR DINING ROOM. We have a nice showing of all the Newest. De- sie'fis, which inay be had in full Suites or individual Pieces. Prices have been pared to lowest point. An attractive recent arrival is a NinP••T'iece Dining -Room Suite. in Combination Shllrlo1l Wal- nut, in the popular Tudor Style, which is displayed in our window this week. We will be pleased to have you call quid inspect our Stock of Hoine Furnishings, and Flo9r Cover- ings at your convenience. J. S. Chellew Home Furnisher — Phones 7 and $ — Funeral Director. atitDi`♦ ANDIritaiDaThrtaali)il 1 INYA3tDiili,e' 4ira24081EP9t' lit?Dadi n^t`.31F1d1?1 APInikDa ntai stalioucd at London. i31i'. and Mrs. Robert Blake, 31r. and 31i's, James Blake uud da1i hlcrs, Maxine and Joyce, of Colborne visited with qtr, and Sino. Kenneth \Whitmore on Tuesday. Messrs, 'fed Best and Carl Zur- brIgg, of Toronto University, were visitors with Miss Clare McGowan, on Monday. Mr. Beat's father is an associate of Dr. Wilford, stationed al Ohongtu, \Vest China, A large crowd attended the Auction Sale, held at the farm of the late Win. Austin on Tuesday n ternoon, The Very Wor, Bro., the Rev. P, H. Stock and Implements offered for Streeter, addressed til a Masonic sale were of excellent quality, and brethren at a meeting held in Morn- good prices were realized. Thos. Mg Star Lodge, Carlow, on \Vcdnos-,Gundry was the auctioneer, day night, A number of members of the local lodge were In attendance. t g ttattttQtetiitettatst114011VgalittSICAleitri; ;tCtbt6„nS'Ct ,gtgt3=IC 'ry►rtet tar' Vodden 's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKE 1Y” Mr. and ,Mrs Wan. Lyon of Thorn - dale, Kenneth Lyon of"Forest, Miss Bertha Brogden of London, visited over the weekend with 311'. and Mrs. Daviel 'goody and friends in the vi- cinity. The Dance on Monday night, moon - eared by the 9th. Line War Auxiliary, was well attended, and a good time R. A. REID, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Pte. Ray Dobbyn of London spent a few days the first of this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dob- byn. Ray was accepted Into Active Service In Canada's Armed Forces last week, and for the present will be. H- T. VODDEN. 14 ;e P r STUART RO1NSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Market Price for Eggs According To Grade. •KLEENEX 29c, 13c, 10c Chocolate -Covered Cookies, marshmallow filled .................... . . . . . per lb. 18c ,Kraft Dinner 18c, 2 for 35c Dill Pickles 18 or;. bottle 25c Blue Ribbon Cocoa, lb, carton 25c Blue Ribbon Cocoa, loose per lb. 15c Woodbury's Facial Soap (lc Sale) , ...1 cake for lc ,Big -Five Cleanser per tin 5c Old Dutch Cleanser ......... . ........ per tin 12c Cl—re Girl .10c Green Giant Choice Peas . . ........... ner tin 17c COOKING ONIONS, DUTCH SETS. Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Ripe Tomatoes, Wax Turnips. 312iPt ktatil