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The Blyth Standard, 1941-01-08, Page 1
.voLtrME NO 24, Blyth Municipal Council OBITUARY or BLYTH ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JAN, 8,1941. inaugaral, meeting of Blyth ..4r Municipal ° Coueoilwas held at eleven' • a, m.'" on Monday, January 8, with • Jonathan Bentley Reeve Morrtttt and' Counoillora, Lyon, The death occufred in London on Taylor 'and 8ibthorpe,'`present December 31st of Jonathan Bentley, Tlie members having •subscribed 'ta Mr, Bentley contracted pneumonia their declaration of office, took their 'and passed away very.suddenlry in his reapeott re seats at the board, 84th year, On emotion of Councillors Sibthorpe Ho was born in Osborne Township and Lyon, the council adjourned until near Exeter in 1867 and moved to 8 p, m. for the further transaction East Wawanosh Fe5 years ago, ,Fifty- of iftyod business. tour years ago he was united in mar - Council resumed for business at 8' p. ridge to Jane Blackibrough of East Wa- in. with Reeve and Councillors, Lyon, wanoah who predeceased him 17 years Township, Deputy -Reeve W, J, Bator Taylor ant 8j'bthorpe, present, ago, They moved to Blyth in the_ of Gederich and •Reeve Fred Livermore Minutes of the ,regular meeting of spring of 1919 were he resided until of Clinton: Although Reeve Liver - ;3, and apeolal meeting of 16 months .ago when 'he wont to Lon- more was elected this year he has pre - 'Four New -Members On Hu-' Red Cross Hold Annual ron,.County Council for 1941 Meeting Elect Officers, The Annual Meeting of the Blyth Red Cross was hold in the Memorial 'Hall on Tuesday afternoon, with a splendid attendance, Fallowing the routine of beeineas, the election of officers for the ensuing year, resulted as follow';: • President; Miss Josephine Wood- cock. • let Vice: Mrs, Dr. Maclean. 'nd 'Vice: Airs A. M, Boyle. Secretary: Miss Ella I►lertca+lt, Asst, Secy.: Mrd. G. Powell, Treasurer: Mrs, R. D. Philp, Pres Sec.: Mrs. H. Brown, Committees: Sock Connors -•Airs, W. Creighton, airs. R, Shaw. Sewing and Purchaain;; Committee- iMrs, Herrington, Mrs. Leslie„ Mrs. A. Smith and Mrs. Garrett. Refugee'Comanittee: Mrs Hatter, Mrs C. Bell. • Packing Committee -Mrs. J. Cow- an, ,Mrs. G. Johnston, Mrs, G. Leith taws, rue great speaxer was . it was, many o1 the roads had to be Rothwell, ill's, S. Curring and Mrs, J. S. Olso:• hooey' fedeaad it promoter, Lon• .plowed before cera could transport don who was Accompanied by J. E. voters rto .the different polling booths. Keeper of Yarn: Mrs. R. Johnson Murray, also of the agricultural de- Auditors vote by Polls was as follows; Auditors for 1941--�.1lrs. Willows, partment, London, Agricultural Re - !firs, Smith, r F resen'tative-J, C. Shearer called the For Reeve Tho Society is planning a Social sne�eUing to order stud called far nom• Warden Fight Win Probably Centro On Municipalities Surrounding Blyth Only four new faces will appea At the January fleeting of 'Huron County Council when it meets at Goderich,on Tuesday, Janitary 21st. The new . faces will be Reeves Win. H. Merritt : of Blyth, William Thom of Colborne December 6 and �16 Were read and con- don. - - '- vtously represented the Town of Clin- brined on motion of. Councillors Tay He lett to mourn his lows one sister; ton at County Council. None' of the : lor.and 8ibthorpe, Mrs, Kernick, of town; one brother, others mentioned ahove'hare Preytous• Communications were read from the George ot East Wawanosh; and flue ly seen service in this capacity The Ontario -Municipal •Ass�oclation and On- sons, Guy, of Milk River, Alta, Harvey 19441 County Council, which was finally terlo `Rural 'Municipalities Association of British Columbia, Eat'), of Hullett, completed when Morris Township re• solicitle . membership. These' come Russel, of East • Wawanosh,. and Nei•. turned Reeve Francis Duncan In:their mhmtcatfonn were ordered filed on mo- ,son (address unknown). '' election on, Monday, will' stand' as fol - tion of•. C_ourcillbra. •Taylor. and Lyon. The funeral service was held ,from low'a: Moved by Councillors Lyon and Sib- the,home of 'his son Earl, on Tli'ursday, Aslttield-A, F,' McDonald, Deputy: G. Frayne, Colborner-Wm. Thom. Goderich Township- Ben Grey --Thos. Wilson. - Deputy --A, Alexander Hay -George Armetrrwg, Howick-J. W. Gamble. • tihorpe,' that .the clerk draft a letter -to January..pnd with Rev. A. M. :Boyle, the Board of •Transport Commissioners pastor.ol .the Presbyterian:Church, of- fer Canada, setting forth the Councils Misted, - . - dbjections to the abandonment of"the During the serviee hyalins were ren• ClintontWdngham line of the Canadian dered by mensbers'of the .choir. Dor• National 'Railway and = that a copy of only Boyle sang a lovely solo; accom- such letter • be submitted' to the local welled by Jeanne 'Phillim, committee tor'apprmralL-1Carrled. The Pallbearers. were James Leckie, Magee Hbltzhauer, . ,re H. R. Elliott,: Robert Watt, Wm, Morritt arid George Leith, ' • Interment was made in Blyth Union •., ee Bills And Accounts.. H. M. Wilenelvy, tuberculor patient . , Municipal World, supplies Thos. 'Miller, tile . , , , , , , , ; .. , . . 3,00 Cemetery. Frank,. Donnelly, legal services 84.06 75 4,00 535 Doherty Bros., welding Dr, K, Maclean. indigent patient 19.00 R. D. Philp, cartage on hose .90 Arthur Barr, ploughing snow , 4.60 W. H. McElroy, . coal, pump house ,., 45.30 Blyth Standard, 'printing and advertising, , 13,27 Hydro Commission, streets • . , ; .395.00 Hydro Comnviesien, jail3,75 hydro Commission, pump house . 3,75 Moved' by • Councillors .• Sibthorpe and Taylor, that accounts as read be paid -Carried. The reeve appointed the following committees: Streets --Councillors Sibthorpe and Taylor. Are and Water-• ouncillors Morri- son and Liyun, .•• Charity-••Counctllora, Lyon and .Mote rieon, Finance -Councillors Lyon and Gib- thorpe, Library Board -L. Hilton', Relief -Councillors Taylor and .More risen. Mrs, Johnson had been' a member of Board of Health-elleeve and R. D. the Anglican church since childhood, phpp, . She was particularly interested in the Hall 'Boatde-plisses Gillespie, Milne Women's Auxiliary, has been president and Reeve. of that organization for a number of • Mrs. 'Eliza 'Johnson Dies At Clinton In the death of Mrs. Eliza Jane Col- olough Johnson, widow ot John John - eon, whiolt occurred on'. Saturday at tre halite of her daughter, Sirs. Lillian M. IMeKinnon,.-Helen street, Clinton that contmunity.ltas lost one- of .its *eldest , residents. She was born on the 16th of June, 1648, at Base Line Goderich ,Township, a daughter of the late John Colclough, who came to Canada iron! Ireland. She spent the early years of her lite on the home farm and on the first of December, 1864, married John BAND PRACTICE Band Practice will ho held Tuesday, January 14th, at 8.15 pan, sharp. A full attendance is requested as- there is important business to be transacted, All members and those interested are asked to co-operate, YOUR LOCAL PAPER Morris Township .Returns Francis Duncan As Reeve Three New Councillors Elected, The Township of Morris, in their Municipal Election on Monday, return- ed Francis Duncan as their Reeve for 104.1, It will be Mr. Duncan's second term as reeve, and he was elected•with Confined To Hospital a maJority of 11 over his nearest rival, Friends of Airs, E. L, Lane of Cal - the Wallace, W. J, Henderson, • gary, formerly Mettle Watson of Blyth, ilio third contestant was well behind will regret to learn that elle is confined in the race, to hospital, having metered a ,stroke In a keen run tor the four: Council of paralysis, seats, only one of last year's council was returned, he :being Jame's Bit�ch e. Harvey Johnston headed the poly, to Grocers Hear Talk On New be followed In order by Cecil Wheeler, C. 11, Coultes and Mr. ,Michie• 'Mr, ' E Regulations Wheeler has previously served o �>� Council, and last year opposed''` •-. ,•_ A meeting held in the Agricultural Duncan for the Rceve'�hip, - board • room, Clinton, on Monlay atter- noon was attended by merchants of Interest in, municipal aftalrs Wltlii Blyth, Clinton,.atnd all the smaller ten• the Township seemed to flare up d` tres in the ,surrounding territory wbo ing the sinal two or three weeks bete' handle eggs. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the new eg; week -end ,storm, Which made the going gradktg regulations and marketing on the roads very difficult, there would probably been quite a large vote, As election, and had it not been for the'. Deputy D. L. Weir, Yp g •Hullett—Tames 'Leiper. • Maltillop-tN, R. Dorrance. Morris -'Francis Duncan, Stanley -Fred Watson; ""Stephen.LAlonzo McCann. Deputy -Roy Ratz. Tuckersmt[th-lois, H. Whitmore. Turnberry-Roland Grain. • Uslborne-Percy Paasmoe, East Wawanosh-'R. Redmond. 1 2 3 4 6 6 evening for December 29th. Watch for !nations for chariman';' Mr. Shearer :F, Duncan ... 18 G0.60 77 33 45 £'S3 further annoustcement about this later, was the only nominee. He outlined R. Wallace , , 90 38 38 36 37. 33 272 briefly the purpose of the meeting end \V, , Henderson 4 7 216 24 45 53 159 • called on Mr. Hooey to address the ' meeting. He first- :: ve a review of the For •Council egg export market as at this time. H, Johnston ,..87 102 43 74 42 4a 396 - During the past, summer, the export of G. Wheeler , 58 44 77 63 6'2, 44 838 eggs to Britain tell off,owing to the Ln- C. Couites .. 66 32 96 69.57', 31 8$1' • Barn Meeting Of Ayrshire Breeders To Be Held Near Gerrie teriority of the 'product being shipped J. 'Michie . , , (52 31' A Barn \ieetiag, under the auspices from Canada. We aro now over/nee 'of the Banner Counties Ayrshire clueing far beyond domestic require. West 'Wawanosh--Thomas Webster, Breeder's Club h b ed t men s; ur an ua r • c on a 1- Clinton -Fred Livermore,, Goderieh-R., E, Turner ,l?optity-W. J. Baker. 6eaforth-J, H, Scott. ' tee e! s C u a8 been arrasl3 or t U n i p odu ti pprox the farm of John W. Strong near Ger- mates 300,000,000, 30 -dozen crates et , rio iv Howick Township on Thursday, eggs and in 'order to hold the British '_ January lith at 2 pm, - market for our simples we must im- Mr; R. H. Graham of the Ontari Wing'ha+mr--R. 8. Hetherington. KC. Blyrth: W: H. •Aiorritt. Brussels -R. J. Bowman. Exeter-(Ben'son Tuckey. rliensall-R, E. 'Shaddick, �t • thelit f theladutet He prove qua y o Livestock Branch will be the guest stated that Canada captured they Brit- -speaker on Livestock Production and ish egg market from nearby Holland, Marketing. Denmark and other European coun- In addition', typo demonstrations and tnies during the Greet War and held it judging olasses will be held with the for five years after the war while Interest in the Wardenshtp contest high class Ayrshires on Mr. Strong',s twill ibe watched closely in this viciu- farm. Johnson who predeceased her in April, Theta survive one son, J. E. John- son, Clinton'; one daughter, Mrs, 11ic- Kinnon, with whom she had resided during the latter years of her lite, There are seven grandchildren' and five greatgrandchildren. A brother and sis- ter also survive; Mrs. Colclough of �3lyth is a',slster•in-larw of deceased, -John A. Cowan'. ,ean-s `andiigtained the office of honor - Moved by Councillors Sibthorpe and ary past president until the time of the committees ns enure'- her death, The funeral was held on Weed Inspector Y Taylor, that ated by the reeve, with the exception Tuesday at 2 pan. from the home of of Hall Board which is laid over for IMrs, MIc1K1nnon' Rev' A. H. O'Neil, sty 'this year. Reeve Raymond Red- All nvon'd of East We vanosh Township and Reeve James 'Leiper of Hullett Town- sship have both announced their inten- tion of contesting . the Wardenship. Whether there will be any other can- didates remains to be seen. This is Liberal year and, following an' old cute tom, the Liberal members will 'have the say in who will be Warden, • interest in the Watdenshlp contest' last year, it will be remembered, was also keenly watched by this district, 'when W. G. • AleNa11, .1:940 Reeve of Blyth, was an unsuccessful candidate. T Y. P. U, Meet e Young People of the B,, •u The Treasureies Books will remain while dealers in larger towns would vide the entertainment, Sperahers further consideration, be approved-•- rector of St,Paul's, conducted the ted Church held their regular meeting i t Carried, funeral sevlce at the Homo and at the on Monday evening at 8 p,m, The , open until January 12 (inclusive) to i have the option o1 having theirs Iden- :will be Dr. Kenneth Maclean- and Rev, 'Moved by Councillors - Taylor and place• of interment, in Clinton ,Cense• meeting opened by singing 'hymn 239, receive contributions for the year 1940 titled at a registered grading ,station I , A 6inelafr, Musical talent will 'be, e easily available itMale Quartette, Piano !Duet by .Miea- i'Elizabeth Mills and Mr. Lloyd Wett- The government regulations were leder and a solo by Mr. Shanley Sib• taken up clause by clause, typed 'tltorate, Invitations are being issued "With God's help, we shall not fall." !meets of which were supplied through- tor the Banquet, 1st Sunday alter Epiphany , out the audience and an opportunity farmers are invited to attend. CHURCH OIJNC those �oountrtes were regaining nor- malcy fit stocks and equipment. If we can hold the British market now when the production there is nil we should be able to hold it for ten years after the war is over for they will practically have to start from scratch and build up their flocks, Notwithstanding the Inferiority in quality and grading Canada exported BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Tiring the months, Feb. 3 to Nov. 3, 347,146 cases of 30'dozen each as cotn- Next Sunday, January 13, the Sacra- }bared with 10.000 three years ago. Of F. Shaw , , .. 5 29 20 fi0 Ci6100 J. Bryan's-,. 04 44 20 77 32° 36: 268 R. Golley . , . 6 2 37 33 53 22 1,63 J�'!McMusray 7 13 5 42 80' 42 109 .._.The tirat.tour Councillors listed are elected; - anent 'of the Lord's Supper will be that quantity 159,123 cases were from 1 commemorated at the morning Service. Ontario. The speaker touched upon The Session' will meet immediately be- the dif 1cuity that may seem to con, fore the Service, The subject of the front the storm keeper in the smaller sermon will bo: "The Spirit of Jesus''. At 7 o'clock the sermon st bject will be:"Christ Knocking •at the. Door." Everyone is welcome to these Services .-t----loot Teaching At Local Schools Misses Anne Phillips and Kathleen McGill, both students at Strutdord Nor- mal. are teaching this week in this vi - chitty, :wiles Phillips is teaching at U.S.S. No. 3 Morris and East Wa`ra- nosh, and Miss 'McGill at S.S, No, 5, Morris. The teaching experience comes as part of their training at Normal, Girls' War Auxiliary tolMeet , The Girls' War Auxiliary will meet this Thursday night in the Memorial (Hall at eight o'clock, Men's Banquet To Be Suoit sored by H. and S. Club - The Home and !School Club are aeon• places as compared with those in Marg- stele; a Men's Banquet to be held in er centres. They will be practically file tufted Churel%,ottr 'Wednesday. forced to identify their egg 'purc'has'es January 16th, al 6.30 pap:, Following with a reeletered grading station', the banquet a varied progrm wtl6'pro• Sibthorpe, that the Hall. Board supply tory, • the Council with a financial atatoment --Carried. - •"•••{w41 40 -Councillors Taylor and A,Y,P.A, Meeting ,,,,,:e4; that all work undertaken be iI the 'committees, with the excep- The regular meeting of the' A.Y.P. sr ofIfr;• :nmitlo, 11 sue- A. was held at the recto>:y on lMondtay, •-17. - - mitt ed to the Council for approvalJanuary Gth. *- Carried, The meetiae opened by singing Moved by Councillors' 'Taylor and hymn 619, "Sand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." During the business discus - Lyon, that resolution setting forth the sten it was decided that we should powers o( the Reeve and Treasurer in respect to the Corporation account in have a membership drive.. The A,Y, the Bank of Commerce as now read be P.A. was divided into two sides and wed --Carried, at the end of the season the losing !Moved by Councillors . 'Lyon and bide has to supply an evening ot fun Sibthorpe, that By-law No. 1, 194t, to the winners. arranging for a credit in the Canadian iMrs. Weekes road an interesting lee Bank of Coamnersce until the payment ter from Archdeacon Marsh of the of taxes, as now read three times be Arctic, telling of some of their hard- finally passed,-tCerried. skips anti their lite its that country, Moved `by Councillors Taylor and- 'l veryone enjoyed a game of lexicon, liy'on, that the Finance Committee in'• The meeting was closed with the bene- vestigate and see what the . charge tltction, would be as -retainer fee dolor ,some lawyer ---Carried, • Moved • by Councillors Taylor and Sibthorpe, that we leave the matter of operating the akatin3 rink until the • weather, proves more promising --Car• 'led. Mored by Councillors Taylor and Sibthorpe, that John Barr's , bill of $8.00 for flag pole be laid over for consideration at next 'meeting of Council --Carried. s\toved by Cerunciltors Lyon and Sib- U}sorpe, that the clerk write the, % Hfgh- • after which the Scripture Leeson was read responsively from 1 Corinthian's, Chapter 13. Mr, Sinclair installed the now officers for the year as follows: ,President: Alberta Richmond, Vice•Preside.nt: Isalbell Cunning; Secretary: Shirley Wallace. Treasurer: Margaret Hirons. Pianists; Jeanne Phillips. Frances Johnston, • Prean Correspondent: Isabel) Cum- ing, Convenors for Committees as fol- lows: Christian Fellowship: Mr, Sinclair, Missionary -Dorothy Poples'tone. Christian Citizenship: Jamie Sins. Christian Culture: Isabel) Curring: Social: Margaret Hirons, Mr, Sinclair gave a short address on devotional readings. Hymn' 236 was sung, The rest of the meeting, under the leaderalttp of Alberta Ricltmotsd, was open to discussion on' means of getting a larger attendance, ways Department and find out it agreement in respect to removal of snow from - Queen Street is still in aorto -(tarried, . Moved by Councillors Lyon and Sibthorpe, that Street Committee have the road near the United Church shed, repaired -Carried. - - • On 'notion of Councillors Lyon and Sibtriorpe, that Council do now ad- jouru-iCarrted. J. It R. Fdllott, Clerk. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH was given to ask questions of which The Service in Trinity Anglican seveaal took advantage• Church, Blyth, on Sunday next Janie ary 12th, will be in the evening at 7 Present trout trite vicinity were, o'clock. Jamie Shits and A. L. Kernicie Blyth; Gordon Taylor and R. .T Phillips-, Saturday Was Stormy Day. Last Saturday was just about as stormy a ,day 'here as anyone would care to witness. Snow tell in large quantity, and although the :highway was never blocked, Saturday night saw tbo going tough, with visibility zero, Sunday was a fine day - again, and the 'weather has been fair ever since. _ Tho Rector will conduct the Service and will preach the sermon, Sunday School will meet in the . Church next Sunday in the afternoon at 230 o'clock, 'Members of the W. k of Trinity Church will meet at the home of D'r, and Mrs', H. A. S. Yokes for their monthly meeting on Thursday after- noon of this week at x,20 o'clock. On Thursday and Friday evenings • of this week, the third and fourth in a series of "\Veek of Prayer Services" Will be held in Trinity Church at 8 p. m, The speaker ,on Thursday evening will be the Rev. A. M. Boyle, B.A. On Friday evening, the Rev, A. Sinclair will preach. You and yours are invited to attend these special Services, - The December Meeting of the La- dies' Guild of Trinity Church will be held on Friday afternoon of this week at 2,30 o'clock at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Thuell. wh CONGRATULATIONS This column id dedicated to thane o may, eclat to make nee of it to Auburn; 0. H. Wade, Belgrave; Jas. commemorate some passing event in Alt cool and J. P. Ala/lain, Londey- the lives of their reletivee and friends, such as Birthdlayn, Wedding Anniversariets, or any other events that our readers may think worthy of - note. Yon are asked to use title col. Party For Ross Thuell uann, We think 1t 'would be a• fine to chow Your in. bore~ A number of young men of the town wore guests at tate home • of Mr. and Mrs Wm, Thuell on Monday evening, when a party was tendered in honour Congratulations to lira. Quinn' Who of their son Ross, who was tomo on'celebrated he'r binihdny on January 1st, Cont ratttlattonn to Oladye Gow, who celebrated` her birthday on January 5111. gesture on your part. terest in your friends. leave over the New Year week. During the evening Cardio were played and a sing song was enjoyed. Refreshments were served to all those preseatt, Ros's, who is in R.C.E. at Pettawa, wa, latter the Camp on Tuesday, Breaks Ankle Mrs. Kenneth Taylor had the mise fortune to fall one day this week, and in no doing broke her ankle, Congratnntatlone to 'Miss Margaret ;Ionians, R. N., who celebrated her birthday on January .(Lbeeriirdritl.- • .,l, - V.rhneetore, 0icbnnte Service, ,ruction er refund, Congrat�111•ta, Uept. J,, Totonti, :McCool, wh. day en Mon. • Although some American military experts believe that the danger of invasion of Britain by, Ger- man forces has passed, the British high command does not share that belief, So there is no let -down of preparedness to meet invasion. The men shown here are Canadians recently arrived in Britain. They are engaged in the job of transporting a Bren gun carrier across a river as pert of their training to meet the invasion threat. The men are wearing gas masks and full battle dress. Farm Notes . . . A Little Iodine In Animal Feeds (By B. Leslie 'Emilie) Ili the nutrition of animals as well as of plants there are certain elements which, though required in very minute amounts, are nonethe- less absolutely essential to health and normal development, Iodine is one of these mighty atoms, The io- dine contained in the body of a grown man weighs less than a drop of water, yet lack of it would end existence, The small amounts of iodine required by animals are ab- sorbed mostly from food and wat- er. But sometimes the intake is too restricted, and symptoms ot io- dine deficiency appear. Protect Against Deficiency The thyroid gland is the centre of iodine concentration and con - troll nearly all body processes. Goitre in calves and lambs, joint- - 'orfoals, Hairlessness of youug pigs, etc„ indicate iodine defic- iency. Iodine promotes growth, in- creases production of milk and eggs, and the hatchability of the latter. Besides, it improves the quality of wool, Hair and fur. Io- dine is a necessary ingredient of balanced mineral supplements which protect livestock against de- ficiency diseases. Friendliness Is Princess' Charm . R i d e a u Hall's Chatelaine Proves Gracious and Sym- pathetic The friendliness of Princess Alice's smile, her warm sympathy and unaffected simplicity will mean more than her royal rank to Canad- ians who meet the chatelaine of Rideau Hall, writes Gladys Arnold. Recently at a reception in the viceregal residence a young officer of the R. C. A. F. stood nervously on the fringe of a gay, chatting crowd ot young Men in the uni- forms of the three services and smiling girls in simple afternoon frocks, Obviously he was shy and apparently knew nobody, Through the crowd stepped Prin- cess Alice. She noticed the young airman at once and with quick friendliness went straight up to him and in no time at all he was chatting away and evidently quite at home, "She spoke to me as though she had always known me—and' right away I met a lot of people," he said, "She's a real princess." LEOPOLD'S DAUGHTER, Princess Alice Mary was born in Windser Castle, February 23, 1883, daughter of Prince Leopold, fourth son and ninth chill of Queen Via toric. Alice Mary was a sprightly child, With delicate bones and viv- acity of temperament which gives her light step and youthful car- riage of today, Her hair has silvered but the brown of her eyes has not dimmed since the days when she played with her royal cousins and was teased by a lively, kindly young man who was later to become George V. Modern Ski 3,000 Years In Making r But First Historical Mehtion Of It Dates From Sixth Cen- tury -- Vikings Used It For Snow Travel The modern ski has some three thousand yearn of interesting de- velopment behind it, but the first ion of skis dates Wry, At that were using e shoes, for hese ancient skis were short, wide boards, cov- ered with seal -skin to grip the snow and to make climbing easy, but for downhill travel they could have been little better than the snowshoes of to -day. Late:, this difficulty was overcome by using one skin -covered ski or "andor" and one runner of polish- ed wood, the skier balancing him- self on the runner wiith the aid of a long heavy pole for the de- scents. The next improvement was the use of two wooden run- ners, but the early patterns of this type were turned up at ,both ends so that, if one point were• broken, the ski could be reversed ;the Norsenian's equivalent of the modern spare tire. MADE IN SEVERAL PATTERNS Nowadays skis are made in sev- eral patterns to meet special uses, such as jumping, racing, or general purposes, The favourite materials used in making them are hickory, ash, maple and bbirch, all of which have the quali- ties of toughness, flexibility, and hardness in varying degrees and combinations. Hickory, for ex• ample, makes a strong hard-wear- ing but rather heavy ski, ash makes a relatively light ski, while maple skis are reputed to be very fast, • LAMINATED TYPE NEWEST Experiments in making a la- minated ski composed of layers of different kinds of wood 'glued together in order to produce a stronger, more efficient ski with less waste of material were con- ducted by the Forest Products Laboratories of Canada as. far back as 1924. Although there have been many improvements in laminated skis since that time, the basic principle has been prov- ed sound and akis of this type are becoming increasingly popular. You Figure It Out — We're Busy When Virgll Schense, 24, of Aberdeen, S.D., uses the license he got to marry Dorothy .Nelson; 23, here's what will happen—all because Miss Nelson is .the sister. of Schense's father's second wife. Dorothy will become her sister's daughter-in-law; Virgil will be his stepmother's brother -In-law, also the brother-in-law of his own father. Coal production in Canadadur- ing the first eight months of 1940 amounted to 10,892,981 tons compared with 9,281,921 tons in the corresponding period of 1939. I RADIO I By "BRITAIN SPEAKS" The man whose voice has be• come known as the radio find of 1940 J. B. Priestley, will continue to be heard in 1941 as a member of the speaking group regularly presented over the CBC national network at 11,15 p.m. EAST. This is the feature, "Britain Speaks," produced by 'the BBC and re- broadcast In this country as a nightly program from Ottawa.'" Mrs. Priestley, who long since gained international fame as a writer and lecturer and who last year became one of the best known personalities on the air, is heard Sundays and Tuesdaye in this ser- ies, Leslie Howard, the British film and stage star who went home from Hollywood when war broke out, speaks for Britain ou Mon- days, Sir Philip Joubert, eminent authority on defense matters, gives his informative report on Wed- nesdays, William Holt, the York- shire weaver who has travelled all over the world and learned the ways of man and the things that touch his heart, brings fresh cour- age and new spirit on Thursdays. Two excellent speakers take alter- nate Friday nights for their re- ports on economic and military affairs. They are Philip Noel Baker and David Bowes -Lyon, the latter a brother of Iter Majesty, the Queen, The feature is scheduled in Canada each night except Sat- urday, at 11.16 p.m. r . • AROUND THE DIAL With all the new news regula- tions for Canadian radio for our heat, CKOC—from 1120 on your dial—still brings us the best news coverage, This station brings to Ontario news from everywhere at 8,15 and 7.46 each morning, -12.30 noon—and 6,15 and 11,00 each even- ing. • . WBDN at Buffalo is still able to uncork a smart show now and again, and one o1 the best is their International House Party heard every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day at 7.30 (standard), This show has a Canadian ring that has mov- ed across the border. • • • Trivia: Organist Sydney Torch, whose recordings you have enjoy- ed many times, is now a wireless operator in the R, A. F. For a laugh and your early morning pick-up you should dial in Joe Chrysdale at CKOC from 6,00 to 8,00 each morn- ing — this new voice is infectious. Gracie Fields picked/up four thous- and dollars in a concert for British War Relief at Salt Lake City, The Columbia Broadcasting System is forming a network in Mexico. May- be this means snappier rhumbas. • • * The Green Hornet story heard from MB Friday nights at 9.00, is one of the better hair raisers. Dial in and get scared to death, * • • We are completely chastened. With a view to making this column bigger and better in 1941, we began asking for opinions. As we saunt- ered down King Street, one of the persons we queried at the -Ter- minal Station was an Indian brave. When we asked him it he read this column he replied: "I'm not that brave!" POP — Did He Ever? w.11, NOw's 13USIN!r SS ? r ISaving Ontario's Natural Resources G. C. TONER Federation of Ontario Anglers (No, 24) HISTORICAL. MATERIAL In the better management of our natural resources certain institu• tions are of prime importance. We know that it we want to coutrol the harvesting of a wild crop we must have all the Information about it that we can get together, As an example, the law says we must itot take trout in the fall, and the law is based on the knowledge that the fish are reproducing at such times of the year. The har- vest of the trout is carried out in summer when it does the least harm to the species, So knowledge of all our natural resources is need- ed and one of the centres in On- tario for gathering this information is the Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology. Museum of Zoology This institution was founded in 1915, a short time after the Mu- seum building on Bleor Street, To- ronto, was opened by the Duke of Connaught, Governor-General of Cantle, It was an outgrowth of the collections of the Biological Mu- seum of the University of Toronto, whose accumulation started before 1850. This collection had gradually become too big for the building in which it was housed and so a small teaching exhibit was left while the research material was moved to the Royal Ontario Museum build- ing, At Normal School Another early source of material was the Normal School collections, The Legislature of 1852-3 approp• mated 600 pounds Sterling per an• num to be used by the Museum of, the Normal School 'for the pur- chase of books, publications, speci- mens, models and other objects re- lating to education, Until atter 1896, natural history material seems to have occupied a very sub• sidiary position in the Normal School but an addition to the build- ing in this year allowed more apace to natural history, In 1906, the Normal School mu- seum was raised to the status of a Provincial Museum and Dr• Wil- liam Brodie was appointed first Provincial Biologist. His extensive collections were acquired and much sew material purchased from Mr. John Maughan who was commis - stoned further to complete the ex- hibits. In 1908, Mr, C. Nash, auth- or of the "Manual of the Verte• !mites of Ontario" presented his private collection of biology to this museum, and in 1910 succeeded Dr. Brodie as Provincial Biologist, Mr. - Natal died in 1926 and in 1933 the Normal School Museum was dos- ed, the biological material going to the Royal Ontario Museum of Zo- ology. When Retirement Means Boredom Leisure, Time Often Hangs Heavy On the Hands of Those Who Have Worked Hard All Their Lives Life can play queer jokes on people sometimes, says the Chat- ham News. In a Western city there was a grocer who worked very hard and saved his money religiously, so that his old age would be pro- vided for. For fifty years ho stuck to his grocery store. He worked and saved too hard to 'have very much fun, but he was looking for- ward to the clay when he could retire. Then he would have his fun. He would have money and leisure, and he would make up for the years of hard work. Well, he finally retired—money in the bank, an assured income, a nice hone, everything he need- ed. "Now," he told his friends, "I ani going to enjoy life." And just twenty-four hours after he retired he dropped dead. If a novelist put that in a book we wouldn't believe it. We would say that things don't really hap- pen that way, and we would ac- cuse the novelist of straining to_ o 'hard for an ironic effect. But life takes queer twists that are not pern{itted to 'good fiction. .Aa. a .matter, Of fact,' this sort: of thing 'happens fairly often—iii a: • little : different way. Not many. people' who have prepared for , carefree and leisurely old`'age die. just as they begin' An taste th`ei reward of course," `but ,they,tget cheated out of their dues just the same, They find that leisure, el i M after • a , lifetIip+a' of hard work, Is borodotn: ' ;By find • that , they ..have ...forgotte s lioiv ' to play. They, find: that the empty hours are depressing because they do not ;lillow ;what to do ::with, them.. They"find themselves feeling 'utak they had Been put tipon.the shelf, • and they grow ten years older is twelve .months. • , THIS CURIOUS. WORLD : By,William 1 -' -• I DOG. CHASING ITS . TAIL..: • • WAs THE INSPIRATION FOR CHOPIN1S . //V 0-0c7A7.; OPUS 64; NUMBER GWE'.• ' IF A WORSE ATE LIKEA CATERPILLAR. AR, ,ns DAILY RATIONS WOULD WEIGH '7W 7:WS. ': •,4 •'fiK:• .60 1 • • DULL • INHABITANTS 014 OUR. EARTH BE FOREWARNE.D urn 1 Ft WE WERE TO BE cox Ins 1.`f NIA 6t4VIC[ INC. 'T � BYA STAR? ANSWER: Astronomers ars 'Ofk• the opinion that Inhabitants of our earth would have a 40 -year notice of the dangerous approad! • of a star ... a warning given by a change in the Orbits, pt our J l outermost planets, Pluto and Neptune, NEXT! Curious facts about Iceland's. Brit apple tree. HORIZONTAL 1 Third sign of. the Zodiac . constellations, 7 Proverb. 12 Makes • amends. 13 Burdened. 14 Inanimate object. 15 It"ispictured as 16 Measure of length. 17 Note in scale, 19 Transposed. 20 Pair (abbr.). 21 The tip, 22 Of the thing, 24 Exclamation. 26 Pertaining to a focus. /7 Melodies. 30 Spouts forth, 32 Mouth secretion. 34 Pronoun. 35 To embroider. 37 Small tuber, 38 To scatter hay. 39 Maple shrub, 41 Screens, ZODIAC SIGN Answer to Previous Puzzle .I X ,: • P;9 r�or:'IYAL rd.]WA 011111.4 rag • I I I1 JL.1 LC1E E DER 'm,.�1!'' GRAHAM ts7/141: 36:IZM MI 10 to IMMI0 :I ..:n ORIN ICI no 0 _ 011'a:IF0hl6. ,J* 43 Tribunals, 44 Musical - character. 46 Genus of grasses. 47 Saucy. 48 To depart. 49 Having a patella. 52 Neuter pronoun, 54 Bitter herb, 56 Common viper. 57 Ancient Roman cloak, 59 The brighter 1 2 3 9 5 6 12. w 16 17 20 21 30 3 34 39 of Its two stars, 60 Its less bright star. VERTICAL 1 PIstol. 2 Anesthetic, 3 Steel bar. 4 Small hotel. 5 Disregards. 6 Subsists, 7 Rotation in • precedence, 8 Simpleton, 9 Entrance. .10 Elder statesmen of 1 Japan., 11 Being. - 18 Degrades.. 20 Turkish governor. 21 Neither. 23 Snaky fish. 25 Its —•-- mark the stars' positions. 26 Acrid liquid. 28 Employs. 29 Oriental guitar. 31 Small nut.. 33 Head dizziness. 36 Polished. 37 Commonplace 40.To repulse. 42 Pleats. 43 Red vegetables. 45 Musical note. 47 Point. 48 Aperture. 50 Impost. 51 Circle part. 53 Sailor, 55 Oil (suffix). 58 Old Testament (abbr,). 9 10 II 55 9 15 0 By J. MILLAR WATT HAVEN'T BURI5D A DIVING SOUL 1=0R OVER SIX MONTHS! -Lae • L r T-11•„ fell•1 t dM4 II I 11.10 •This, keeps, } the' material soft and • 111#1ty. . What can I use, instead of a trowel when digging Into small, flowerpots? • A. A metal shoe horn can be used to better.. advantage than.. a "trowel when dipping into small, tlowbr pots. It has much the barn° shape as a trowel and 'Fill make leas dirt in a small BY ANNE ASHLEY Q, How' can I Prevent woolen .,garments from scratching the a A. This, can be prevented by add- ing a few tablespoons ot. glycerine to the last rinse when washing them; Also be sure that eadh water. U _ the same temperature When - is the leashing ,woolens, M change from warm to cold water that abrinks them. , How can 1 relieve toothache?; A, 011e' r'em'edy w lei here often proved very etfeciave'is as:followt3: Take afresh cti;bbagx Materna roll all ' it with,ihe,rollingp the veins, Then hold. it to the fire until it is as'botlii Can be borne,,. Tie to the tate hetero retiring. Q. How can 1 remove old stains from leather, furniture?: A, Coat the ntaim with a mixture ot powdered pipe clay 'and water mixed to a' paste. Allo;v this to remain for several hour's,: and then brush oft and repeat the process it necessary. Q. How can I wash corduroys successfully. A. Wash the corduroys care- fully, then rinse until the water 1s clear. Do not squeeze out the water at the last rinsing, but throw the garment over the line 1n a sbady place . while dripping wet. apace, Climate Gives Canadians Pep Hollywood Photographer le ,Impressed 'by Canadlan-born Stars Stanley • Cortez, a director of photography in Hollywood, sato_ in a newspaper interview at Toron- to recently that the Canadian clim- ate li-ate may have something to, do with the success of. Canadian screen stars. After sniffing the cold, clear air on leaving his train Mr. Cor- tez said the, atmosphere in Can- ada accounted for the fact that such stars' as Norma Shearer, Deanna- Durbin, Gloria Jean and Mary Pickford were not temper - mental and that "they seem to have so much more pep." The director was accompanied by his wife, the former Mildred Rehn of Vancouver, whom he met when she was in pictures In Hol- lywood, - 41•, ••••e4•,4,41e•0•011 What Science'l " Doing • ► ♦ u 9 9/4/".* •-4 M • 1 IJ a -1 f-e'e- NEW WOOD MOULDING PROCESS A newmethod of treating wood has made it possible to mould oak, and even to weld two pieces ot thls, or other kinds of timber, to- gether, The, wood is soaked tor a week In a concentrated water eel - talon et urea, At any time later the wood can be moulded under prees- ure at a temperature ot 1'15 de- de- grees, Fahrenheit. W. Lough- borough, ot the United States For- estry Products Laboratory, develop- ed the process. • —0— • COLUMBIUM IN NEW ALLOY A new Alloy which possesses great strength at high temperature has been developed at. the Qene.ral Electric Research Laboratories, by Dr. E. R. Parker, it consists of iron with a small amount ot Columbium, a relatively rare element tor which but few uses have been found. ROYAL BANK of THECANADA General Statement, 30111 November, 1940 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up... • • • •- Reserve fund rollt� ctarrled lo•........�per.Profh snit 120,000,000,00 Balance of p , , 3,198,146.37 Loss Accounts ....................r,r.., ;,.,.. . • 1 23,19999,146 17 Dividends tutclalmed . „ , le .lit (Dividend No. 113 rat ewe per annum), payab December, 1940 ..............••,••••.,••, ••.••• 35,000,001.11 700,000.00 f Deposits by and balances due to Dominion Govern- metre 20,462,766.89 Depositsbyand balances due to Provincial Govern- /nenta,.• ......r.r................r.. P1004Its by the public not beerini interest Intact accruededto dabearing e of sttatrnmen t, including Deposits by anCad balance, due to other chartered bDeposits by and balances due to banks end banking correspondents to the United Kingdom and foreign countrles . Netted the bank in circulation.......... ........ Bills payable`' 00 tenets and letters of credit butetendintt a Ides to the public not included under the fore- going heads ..........x..,,11•••,.•11090...... ASSETS 15,065,374.51 399,085,358.54 405,511,189,16 215,956,83 12,047,550.8 Gold held in Canada... •,••...•',•••••...0 Ilubsidiary coin held In Canada......««.... Gold held elsewhere . M..4 r4 Subsidiary coin held elsewhere ». • .......... Notes of Hank of Canada ........• Dspoatte with Bank of Canada... • x r ... • . , Notes of other chartered banks Government and bank notes other than Canadian Cheques with and balances.d'ue by.other chartered 1 banks in Canada ................ Due by n Canaa banks ansp banking correondents.relsewhere Dominion and Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market valuedirect Other Dominion uaraeed edcturrities, not eiccial eeding market value Canadian municipal securities, not exceeding market value Public securities other than Cenad an, not exceeding market value .............. Other bonds, debentures and atocke,,� not �ezcceding market value .........................• Call Canadashort bonds, exceeding36 'toc*cs)loans In • and other securities of a sufficient marketable value to COM ..._. Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans sstcisc- whcre than in Canada on bonds, stocks and other securities of a sufficient market- able value to cover.,, 13,927,146.$ 08,937,146.$ 852,398,196.31 15,103,351.64 43,013,95 18,003,678,07 1,094,939.71 1955,570,326.26 16.86 1,740,027. 336,173.74 2911,482.62 17,066,558.25 65,020,115.17 774,981.70 20,078,000.42 $107,027.366.30 29,171,678 91 • 2,832.62 70,389,511.25 99,564,012.73 Modern Etiquette Competition For HOW TO RELIEVE Musical Scholars BY ROBERTA LEE 1, It a person asks you how old yol� are, or what your salary is, or some such personal question, what should you reply? 2. When a man has taken a girl to the theater, should she thank tor Charlesworth, well known him? - critic; and journalist;• and 1B. T. if, When invited for a week -end Asti, isn't it all right tor s. guest Jamieson, president of the Can- to take his dog along? . ' adian Performing Right Society, 4. When mailing wedding invt- Royal Bank Building, Toronto, talons to a man and wife, two sons to whom applications for entry and two daughters, may one tnvt forms should be addressed. tation be addressed to Mr. and Mrs. James R. Taylor and Family? 5. What should a 'girl steno- grapher say or do when her em- ployer shows her an error she has I ns a letter? 201,131,112.09 110,700,896,65 7,314,592.51 9,421,620.66 37,155,514.15 Current loans and discounts In Canada not other- 219,451,217.53 wise included, estimated low provided for $229,451,117.53 Loins to Provincial Governments ,d echo-' Loansto cities, .............. d dlscounta elsewhere than t otherwise included, ea 79,277,395.82 pro-lded for 1,783,249.36 Non-current loans, estimated lose provided tor, r . • , :_,_ 4,446,007.98 Bank premises, et not more then cost, less amounts tr'rkten off 1111. 14,446,007.98 717,489.46 Rat estate other than bank premie honk ............ . . Mortgages I on real estate sold by 18,003,678.07 Liable. es of customers under acceptances and letters of credit as 3,482,865.10 per contra . . Shares of and loans to controlled companies......... • •''' 1,340,000 D0 Deposit with the Minister of Finance for the security of note circula- tion. 619,989.58 0 Other assets not iricludcd Under the foregoing heads ............... . 5955,570.326.16 • ank of Canada NO 'w (Trance) ate sot The assent and l in luded in hilities of ie above sG neral Statement. nt'lutd-��aAeging Director. - General Manager. towns municipalities art i8,74,596.54 Current districts oan; an ' . , ' ......n loss Canada no 0 Young Canadian Composers Are Afforded Opportunity to Prove Their Ablllty—Top Scholar PILE TnRT11RGBBYE iORTURE Y00 HEARD? QUICKLY & EASILY. If you are troubled with !Whittle A little girl Was put into an plies or rectal soreness, do not delay, tseatror'nt and run the risk of IcttlnH Scholarship Award $760 1lpper berth in a Pullman tor the this ��•�tldltlon become chronic. Any, soreness or painful pnss- abh of sor 1r antsier warningnfUthat The nationwide interest in the first time. She kept whimpering itching r per ttreatment should be secured annual competition' for young until her mother told her not to d ore be afraid because the angels would atonce.purpose get a package of entries in 1940 than at any time watch of • there'!" she use as directed, This He ally In during the history o the � '� - formula an prompted i a cried plaintively, the corm of a quickly relieve the It h- dear:'e tablet, junior division with an additional "Yes, ,Daddy, int; and soreness and aid in healing series of p the soca. tender spots. Hem•Ilo1d is sizes for ypungstel's Aud a -few minutes later, peasant to use, is highly recom- e the height of Canadian composers sew m Rotel For • over ber, Hem -Raid from your druggist an f contests " Mother are you f la which 1s used intern d m ted the addition 0 I will quickly 10,243,943.49 whose work was not of a quality are you there . to compete with the works sub- "Yeah?" passenger lost all mltted for the $760 scholarship A. fellow p which is top award, H. T. Jamies- patience atter so long a time, and on, president of the society which yourn�daddy ed forth: and"We mother anall dhere. bro- sponsors the contest said in pouncing that the competition tiers and sisters and aunts ata and Would be held again this year. Conditions of competition are the same as last year, he contin- ued, except that contestants in tho junior division must be under 16 years of age at the datethe contest closes, March 1, 1941. Senior contestants must be under 22 years of age at that date. OTHER CASH AWARDS In addition to the major award, there will be three cash awards in the senior division and three cash awards in the junior divis- ion, The Board of Adjudicators in- cludes Sir Ernest MacMillan, conductor of the Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra; Prof, Leo Smith of the Faculty of Music in the ed the sailor, University of Toronto; Capt. J. "What ship?" exclaimed the old J. Gagnier, leader of His Ma- lady, "Are there two?" jesty's Guards band, Montreal; —o— Godfrey Hewitt, organist Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa; Hee- Teacher: "Now, Freddy, why does a polar bear wear a fur coat?" Freddy: "Oh-er, I suppose he would look funny In a tweed one." uncles and cousins. All ere; go to sleep, little one!" There was a pause, then very softly: "Mother," "Well?" "Was that one of the angels?" --U-- Visitor: So you run a duck farm. Business picking up? Farmer: No, picking down. --a— An elderly lady living In the country had a son in the Navy, On one of ber rare visits to a neigh. baring town she raw a sailor, Trembling with excitement she asked him 1t he knew her boy. She told him bis name. "Well, what ship is he on?" ask - mended and it seem folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition emedy may when nhad atu h rio reasonafine ble a cost. It you try Item -Rotel and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. 7,394,239.19 1584,954,407.7 2 29,886,254.50 made in typ 6. Who is really the "head" ot the table, the host or the hostess? Answers 1, "There are some questions that I ,prefer not to answer." It 1s only a very rude, tactless person who would ask such questions. 2. No; but she should tell hiin how much she has enjoyed the evening. 3. Not unlei}s the dog was ansa invited. 4. Not unless Each the adult chil- dren are very young, member ot the family should re- ceive a separate invitation. 5. Mere- ly say,„ I am sorry,” and _offer to rewrite it. 6. The hostess. ..-1.11_1 -• S. G. DOBSONI. MJDDTQRS' REPORT foram SIAUBOLDERI,Tis ROMA. DAN[ OrCANAnAt. - We have examined the above Statement of 1.iabilitlea and Assets as at 30th November, 1940, with the books and accounts of The Royal flank of Canada at Head Office and %;lh the certified mune from the branches. We have checked the cash and the securities e ah iti Yuant dins a este tha la,eatments held at the Head Office at the close of the fiscal year, year have also checked all the infand ormation and expl natiot ns that Ave haat seVeral ve re4� requited, in our pi rhe nion Ws haus o Ole ttanaactbns of the Dank, 'Adds have come under our notice, have hien a-ithln t powers Sank, Bank epi at statement 0th November 011f 1910, and It i1 acs ho shown by thdtaan e booksO 29 t0 alSclOtt of the n*nkc PIM cvod,tan 1 Auditors.: • JAS. 0. ROSS, c .A., • ' ' of P, S. Ross Et Sons W. GARTH THOMSON, C A., area, M1ar.ack, Mitchell & Co. Slotted, Canada, December 13,1940. PROFIT ANDLOSSACCOUNT %lance of Profit and Low Account. 30th November, $ 3,096,252.21 1939..,.....x...•• Ports foe the ear ended 30th November 1940, after, - • mint for Dotniniot�and Provincial 9 overnnd- ent tuts amountingd malting appropriations to Contin M ry Resees out of which RRteserves provision for all bad and 3,616,894.16 doubtful debts has been made APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: dNo. d No. 211 at 8 per annum dNo. 212 ate,p Perannum..• •.,.,...•••••••• No, 213 at8,,cper annum , •, •••.I••• Eion to the Pension Fund Society tion for Rank Premises. , ......... • ,111.1 • ce of Profit and Loss carried forward W, WILSON, President and Managing Director. Montreal, December 2,1, 1940 r. • 4,4,4.40 41 ir 40 4 IIEALT1I TOPICS ,.,.,._e....._ ..► - -. •. _-•, ... - -• 944 41. 6,613,146.37 Steady Eyes Mean Deceit, Is Claim THE FOOD DOLLAR The Quebec Provincial health Department recently turned budget - maker and advised housewives of the province seeking balanced 'diet for their families that each dollar for food purchases should be spent as follows: Milk and cheese, 20 cents; fruits and vegetables, 20 emits; meat, fish and eggs, 20 cents; bread and cereals; 20 cents, and sweet foods and butter and other fats, 20 cents. --0— . PERIODICAL EXAMINATIONS Periodical medical examinations are Urged by the health League of Canada for persons who believe they lravo a tendency to diabetes. Prompt control of the diseaseby means of diet and insulin may he imposed it the condition is dis- covered early, it was stated. Pat people especially are subject to diabetes, acocrtling to recogniz- ed experts; and usually betweeh the ages of 40 and 60 years. More women than men are affected by the disease. Eerly symptoms of diabetes were said to be excessive hunger and thirst with loss of weight. Accdui ponying these usually are irritabil- ity and tiredness, Older suffer'er's often are tvoubl-' with bolls and carbuncles. There is no fruit richer in vita- min and mineral content than the Canadian apple. 700,001.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 1 2,300,000.00 000.00 300,000.00 3,193,146.37 • 6,613,146.17 S. G. DOBSON General Manager. Old Theory About Shifty - Eyed Creeks Has Now to Fie Revised in Light of Latest Experiments In the next poker game, try being suspicious of the player with the steady -looking eyes. He is likely to be the fellow who la bluffing, Or, in the more serious game of life, look for that kind of eye in the' person you suspect ot deceit- triness and lying, This goes contrary to the com- mon belief that a deceitful person has shifty eyes. The belief may be true tor professional crooks, but some new eye tests by Dr. Freder- ick K. Berrien, Colgate University psychologist, show that about 75 per cent of ordinary persons steady their eyes when trying to deceive. Forty persons have taken the tests. Half of them committed a "laboratory crime;" The other halt were innocent, The crime consist- ed either of killing a rat in the laboratory or sneaking out to com- mit ttetitions burglary. Both guilty and innocent were questioned as suspects in one or the other of misdeeds. They were quizzed while in front of an oph- thalmograph, an instrument which makes a photographic record of eye movement. Electric railways in Cu:'•uda carried a total of 632,533,152 passengers in 1939 compared with 629,778,738 in the preced- ing year. -0- Traveler: "Wbich platform for the New York train?" Station Attendant: "Turn to the lett anti you'll be right." Traveler: "Don't be impertinent, my man." Station Attendant: "All right, .then, turn to your right and you'll be lett. FEATHERS WANTED GOOSE AND DUCK Highest friers laid iruntettlote Remittance CANADA COMFORTER CO. 7;10 Dundee St. i.. -- Toronto M1DDLE-AGE WOMEN HEED 11115 ADVICE I I Thousabde of women go smiling thru trying times" with Lydia B. Ptnkbam'e Vegetable Compound—famous for over 00 years 1n re- lieving troubles. eTry Iti —0— Mother (reprovingly): "When I was young, girls never thought of doing the things they do today." Daughter: "That's why they didn't do theml" Canadian National Railways Revenues The gloss revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Railways System for the week ending December 21, 1940, were ,.........$5,584,110. as compared with 4,475,346 for the corresponding . period of 1939, an in- crease of $1,108,764 or 25% Wearability Marks Midseason Mode A retrospective glance over the mid-season collections shown in the custom-made department of seven of New York's special- ty shops reveals that while each developed individual characteris- tics, all kept ' within the frame- work of thorough wearability. DETAIL, DESIGN, FABRIC, COLOR No exaggeration of silhouette emerged from the collections. New York's designera have not felt that the hour has struck to ring in any important change. They have exhibited an infinite amount of good taafe' isne ,- ;.�,, tive ability in the evoking of de- tails, the encouraging of design in fabrics and the endorsing of colors. Gun Replaces Boxing Champ's Fists Aircraftsman II. Lacelle of the $ burst from the cockpit of an army 275 out of 300 boxing contests, Lac :hampion of Canada, represented leis Berlin. Royal Canadian Air Force, fired co-operation aircraft, Winner of elle, country nin theeur 6 193Olyntpicsgin ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.., AGENTS WAN'1'lilll LOCAL, MAN • GOOD PAY WI.LKi- ly. Fn11 or spare time. Book orders fur Canada's finest trees, plants. Experience unnecessary. Sales out- fit tree. E. D. SMITH'S N1111SER• IES, \Vlttotta, Ont. A1114131011 I V 1•: I' A tl't' Car and Tractor Parts NE\V AND USEI) AT LowusT. slZevy Snttniictkuelectric money re- funded, General Auto Supply, Kit- chener. 11A11Y CHICKS YOU t'AN SAVE' MONEY 1i1' 011 - &ring your Baden Government Approtested breedersed now. low. L beraldis count for early delivery. Also pullets. lElectric e p aio Iiatr,ry LImttd, Baden, Or t;UOn NEWS December,OR 1st there r l were ap- proximately 30,000 dozen less fresh eggs pleadable than n month ago. A third leas storage eggs, a half lees broilers, a halt less chickens and a third less dressed poultry than a yens ago, Nearly 8,000,000 dozed Canadian eggs were exported during the first nine months of 1940 compared to Y03,000 dozen the corresponding nine --months of 1939. This at spells extra poultry and egg prof- ile for 1911, and especially it you Mart with good Tweddle Chicks. Discounts up to 23.00 per hun- dred for early booking and early delivery, Buy now before prices dvanet'. Free catalogue. Tweddle hick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, ntarlo. TOP the top when K9omcs to RIGHTRE 4 al- ity and at the bottom when It to price. Free Topeallotch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. OFF TO A s0UD START — WITH Bray Chicks. Order this month and get Bray Free Chick Guard. List of Daily • ipectats to interest- ing, Catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St., Hamilton. Ont. J011 Ol'1'O1t'r11N1'rtns \VE COACH FOB GOVERNMENT positions on deterred payment, paying after appointment. List of openings, particulars free. Rodd Training School, 682 Burrows, Winnipeg, Man. LEGA 3. N. LTheatre ,Bu ldl g, StW C homas. Ontario, Special Department tor farmers collections. MACHINERY FOR SALE I'LANiR EQUALIZER CORNER Rounder and Table Saw for manu- facturing basket bottoma, also two sawmills, for sale cheap. David 13. Ritchie, Parry Sound, Ontnrto. MEDICAL STOP RheumattIIsmr Paralysis, Consump- tion, Heart Trouble, other ail- ments il- eHar3u1RtS stamp- ed envelope. Box 303, Edmonton, NEURITIS suFFEREng SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixons Rem - Store, 336 Elgin, Ottonly at awa. Postpaid 81.00. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR L1at of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.,Registered, tt27 akSreet, Otawa,Canada TRY IMPERIAL - FOR FINE QUALITY PHOTO FIN- ishing, Any 6 or 8 Exposure film developed and printed. with en- largement, 25c. Careful processing by experts who know how, assures satisfactlotl. Imperial Photo Ser- vice, Dept. A., Station J., Toronto. PULLETS FREE RANGE PULLETS, CASH IN now on the high egg prices. We anaijuecrdy1o pullets several tea • LimitTweddie ed, Fergus Ontario,Chick otcherlee ettanJMATiC SUFFERERS ICofOhuansrFNeu ar PROVEN Pains Title r - should try Dixon's Remedy.Sold only at Munro 'e Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $L00. SHINGLE 5111,1, SAW Flhiel SHINGLES. Build Shingle MilSmall.Stampe 1. Lundy, New el udSarepta, Alberta. SKATING OUTFLTs . SKATING OUTFITS, NEW YOUTHS $2,85; Adults, $3.30; Reconditioned Youths,a 85. endmneyo der Bo6 l pluaZ20c EAve.Sport Hamilton tie, King ds East Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New spEcIAI.IY.tNet IN REBUILT 510• ToRs, POWER-UNiTS. Hydraulic H o 1 s t s. Witches, Generators, Starters, Magnctub, • Vaehnretora, Radiators atlafnetionnRor refund. Male Lei'! Auto Farts, Dept. J,, Toronto. Page 4, .1 ' J. H. R. Elliott. - :INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Elliott insurance Agency GAR--FIRE--LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT, BLYTH ONT. Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" Gordon Elliott' DR. K. MACLEAN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. C, D. Kilpatrick. Office Hours:— XO to 12 a.m. -- 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Phone No.—Office 51. BLYTH -- ONTARIO. Dr. C. E. Toll, LDS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours --9 to 12-1.30 to 6. Wednesday—Munliton. Saturday 2 to 9.dOp.m._Dungannon. X-RAYING A SPECIALTY. Phones 124 and 118. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS (by Harry J. Boy'lei a saw. Finally, I ,started asking his 'advice about how he would take care of the bush lot. He explained . , • in fact, he talked all afternoon but he never slackened speed on the caw. 1 staggered up to the house for supper, and stalled for time before choring . . but he had the lantern lit and was sit- ting by the kitchen door in a madden- ing way that made me want to take the axe to him. He's talking about joining the army now. I'm hoping he'll be court•mailt- lalled for telling the general what to do on a day when the general doesn't feel like doing anything! "THE HIRED MAN" • Farmers, as a rule, complain about hired men. They delight in pointing out that so-and-so never takes a bath and that another pian is always try- ing to find easy jobs for himself, and still another will do only what you tell hint. Yet, down underneath it all, I honestly believe that they would re - titer have men inclined a little on the lazy side than on the "too -industrious" side. Take, for instance, our hired .man. I hired him in the honest opinion that he would be just the type to put in a __,-3-1.11121-of--Rhos ing, and who wouldn't mind overlooking the odd think as long as I didn't mention it. First of all, the handwriting appeared on the wall when he couldn't understand w'hy two of us should go to the village for the chop. Frankly speaking, I had to drop in for a little chat with Tim Murphy, at the store, and had figured he would take the grist to the shill and . 1 would ,hop back on the load when he headed for home. At the dinner table, w' en I casually mentioned that he would go in for the chop he pro- tested, "Oh, you go on in to the v!1' lave and I'll clean out that empty box stall." 1 started to say somethiing but I saw Mrs. Phil covering her face with her hand and I new that there was no need to go any further with the matter. That man can think of the oddest jobs. Our potatoes were hit by the wet weather last Fall and I had been intending to pick them over. \Ve were sitting around the house after dinner, enjoying a little .rest, when he sug- gested, "'How. be * we • pick over tho.se potatoes today?" There I was, trapped again. There wasn't a logical excuse in the world to put forward that Mrs. • Phil couldn't see through. She clinch- ed it by saying. "That's an excellent idea, Ernie." So we picked potatoes . . , a job I rather detest. For two weeks he 'has been talking about getting the wood up. I Manag- ed to side-track him each time. Casu- ally I like, to talk about getting the wood cut early in the winter and then on in the early part of March, when the snow begins to get warm, make a mad dash to get the wood out. It's not a reliable system . .. but it does give you -a little leisure in the middle of winter. Finally I consented to getting the wood out. .It was a nippy, frosty day when we started for the bush. A day to make your face tingle , . s. but the exercise of walking warmed you U. What do you suppose 'happened when .we got to the hush? He would, n't be a party to cutting down trees in the us] ,� way, No, he wanted to clean up tit© bush of old top' and dead trees and small thickets that were too clop^ ^td, stunting each other's growth, Have you ever spent a week tugging at old limbs ... and sawing up dead trees? have you ever tried -to thin out thickets of maple or beech? I did . and let me tell you, what little thrill there is in wood cutting certainly har, nothing to do with that kind of work. He sawed wood like he did every- thing verythin; else. He worked in dead earnest. I found myself with a'ba'ck that ached .and a ringing, splitting feeling in my head. I found myself stalling for something to talk about that would break' that dead monotony of pulling TIM STANDARD le RFLGRAVE' Mjwk ,eons on .Friday afternoon, The A very successful Euchre and (D• ance (president, C. R, Coulter, Was in the 1!''s Ii 11 Bel= chair, The various convectors of was held in Cite o iester ell, grave; on New Year's 'Night when a I 'large crowd gathered together to ea - joy an enjoyable time . together. The winners for euchre we're ladies, Mrs, Geo;'e Martin, gents, 'Mr. F. Duncan and the door prize was won by. Root: J, MacKenzie,' The prizes, dressed chickens, which were donated by the 'Belgrave Farmer's Club, were all re- turned to the' Red Cross Society sponsoring the eveuink's .entertain' Intent and were sold by auction, Lunet was served and dancing. was enjoyed. The cnu.sic was also donated free of charge by local musicians, Mrs. Jack- son, Clark Johnston. Milton Brae and Reeve Raymond Redmond, of East Wawanosh for the first part and Freda Jordan, John and Kenneth Leite'a, Alex Robertson and Clklford Lagan, Thanks for the use of the Hall and to all who donated ,services in anyway is extended by the Sodiety. This district was quite snowed in during the week -end by the storm which started .Saturday .forenoon and the roads blocked by nL;'ht, The annual meeting of the Belgrave Red 'Cross Society was held in the committees reported their work and thanked all the ones who. had worked so 'faithfully and well and for the splendid co-operation in the work, Ov- er twelve hundred dollars was raised during the year through canvas, teas,. garden Party, donations from organ- izations, rummage sale,. dances etc, 3'411 knnitted aticles were made, G'7G hos pltal' supplle,s and 137 refugee articles made. The election of officers ivas conducted by Alex, Porterfield and re- sulted in the re-election of C, R. Coal- . tea as President,' Mrs. Alex Manning, 1Vice-President; 'Rev, J. B. Townend, Secretary and C. H. Wade, Treasurer, � Mrs, Alex Waning was e -elected con- venor of the war work; committee' A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. W. J. Geddes who donated the use of rooins dor the work free of charge. The society is looking forward to another year of successful activity, • Holy Communion. will be celebrated, in Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, on Sunday next, January nth, at 2.30 p. tn. The Rector, the Itev. It, M. Weekes, will.be the Celebrant and will preach the ,sermon, The January meeting of the Ladies' l neoday,: :TM an, 8f 194: NEW PRINTS. per yard ,- . •, , , ,. , s9c . 25e Bleached Terry. Towels,' per pair 25C • Tubfast Aprons, (good roomy fitters) 29C Women's Flannelette Gowns 496 • Flowered Sateen, for Comforters, per yard , 49c Women's Silk'and Wool,Hose - - Popular Winter Shades,, per pair 29.c WETTLAUFER Guild of Trinity Church, Belgrn.ve, wit) be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, JohnMcGill on Friday afternoon of this week at 2.30 o'clock. EAST WAWANOrS -1 'Mr, and Mrs. Duffield and children of Guelph ,spent New Year's with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Fear. I We are sorry to report our teacher, !plias C. •'Air1Giowan' is confined to her kvl[tlt a' severe cold; disc iLoretta Mc- Burney of 'Marnoch is supplying fur her, •Mr. R, 0, McGowan ,spent the week end at 1Belgrave, Mrs. Reid of Hullett, is visiting at 'the home of her dauOter, Firs. Frank tMars'hall. • — ,. • HOW? WHEN? WHFRF? WHO.? HOWMUCH? • .. 11 '''tf�Yt'f• •tiim •"•t! i• .� !�r �•"/•'I . :. i.t4'f 4A,i' ti: 'f' is i �•' , ',,K: • • I `1 ,'. 1. ;Z •.r ''J,',i:171 � .yl � ,t t ii x.7 �s ::'i ...,• t ,� «i '1•.' 1)�) t �•f.l )i i.� �x /.vl'J1{.� i r+ a . THIS YEAR, almost every man and woman in Canada will share the burden of paying for the war. A million new tt.xpayers will pay who never paid before. A personal budget payment plan is available to old taxpayers who are faced with substantially increased income taxes. Canadians are asked to shoulder their share of the war effort cheerfully and willingly. By pay- ing your income tax regularly you help to speed the production of war material, and bring the day of victory closer. Figure out how much tax you will have to pay, and arrange to pay promptly when due. Pay by instalments—the easy way—and save interest. Cut out this page and keep it for future reference. WHO PAYS INCOME TAX? If you are a single person without dependents, and your income in 1940 was more than $750,00 you pay general -income-tax. If you are a married person without depend- ents, and your income in 1940 was more than $1600.00 you pay general -income-tax. If you are a married person with children, you are allowed $400.00 exemption for each depend- ent child or grandchild, in addition to the $1600.00 exemption. NOTE: In addition to the general -income-tax you pay National Defence Tax on your total income without any exemption if you are single and your income goes over $600 or if you are married and your income goes over $1,200. is HOW DO YOU PAY? Your income tax 1 1 may be paid in the following ways, - 1. The Present Method: At least one-third of the tax to be paid by April 30th, the balance with in- terest at 6% from April 30th, to be paid by August 31st, On any balance unpaid after August 31st, the interest rate will be 8 %. 2. The Proposed Method: In 8 monthly instalments without in- terest. To take advantage of this new way of paying, the first indtal- ment must be paid on or before January 31st. ou must pay at least one-third of the estimated tax in four equal monthly instal- ments, in January, February, March and April, i.e. 1-12 of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months. The remaining •two- thirds must be paid in four equal� monthly instalments in Maq, June, July and August, i.e, 1 -6th of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months, (This will be in the amended law 3. The Recommended Method: This method will not be found in the law but it is a simple method, namely, in eight equal monthly instalments, without inter- est, commencing in January. To take 'advantage of the monthly payment plan without interest each payment must be made on or before the due dates. Otherwise interest will be charged on the total balance remaining unpaid after April 30th. EXAMPLE OF INSTALMENT PAYING -WITHOUT INTEREST If your estimated tax is $60.00you pay one-third •of the tax $20.00) in four instal- ments ($5.00 each) an the remaining two- thirds ($40,00) in four instalments ($10,00 each). Your payments are therefore as follows: On or Before On or Before Jan. 31 Feb. 28 $5 $5 On or Before On or Before May 31 June 30 $10 $10 On or Before Mar, 31 $5 On or Before July 31. $10 On or Before April 30 $5' On er Before Aug. 31 $10 = $60 However It . Is recommended that you pay your tax In eight equal monthly Instalments of $7.50 each=$60.00. Instalment Income Tax Remittance Forms are available at any post office, or any branch of any bank, or the office of the Inspector for your District, and their use will ensure accurato and proper alldcation of your payment. However, you can send in your instalments by ordinary. letter with your name and address plainly' stated thereon, clearly indicating the division between Provincial and Dominion Tax payments. HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? The general -income-tax is pay- able on your net income less exemptions. If you are single, your exemp- tion is $750,00. Thus if your total income is $1,000.00 you must pay tax on $250.00. The exemption for a married person is $1,600.00 plur$400,00 for each dependent child or grandchild. Thus if you are a married man with two children and a total income of $2,600.00 your total exemptions are $1,600.00 plus $400.00 for each child, or $2,300.00 in all. So you pay tax on $300.00. Payment: You may send a cheque, Post Office or Money Order in payment of income tax by mail, to the Inspector of Income Tax for the District in which you reside, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada.Write plainly, '• and give your name in full so that mistakes in crediting may be avoided. Do . not send money or postage stamps in envelopes. RATES ,OF Rates of General•Income•Tax which Individuals Must Pay Your net taxable income is the amount left after you deduct exemptions from your total income. If your net taxable income is $250 or leas the tax is 6% thereon. If between $250 and $1000 the tax is $ 15 plus 8 % on the excess over $ '250 II 1000 and 2000 75 " 12 7 1000 " " 2000 and 3000 " 195 " 16 " " 2000 iiii 3000 and 4000 ii355 ''20 II II 3000 ii ii 4000 and 6000 ii 555 " 24 1 ii ii ' 4000 itii 5000 and 6000 ii796 " 271 It " 5000 " 6000 and 7000 1065 " 301 ii " ; 6000 ii ii 7000 and 8000 - ii 1365 " 831 ii" 7000 ii ii 8000 and 9000 " 1695 " 351 it " 8000 " " 9000 and 10000 " 2045 " 37 °0 " " 9000 For higher incomes refer to the Income War Tax Act. . In addition to the 'above rates, there is a Surtax on all investment income in excess of $5000. Mao there is National Defence Tax and in some Provinces, ,Provincial Income Tax. ' • IMPORTANT TO EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER To enjoy the advantages of the' Interest -Free • Instalment Plan You must pay the first instalment not later than January 31st, • and pay regularly thereafter NATIONAL DEFENCE TAX For a single person 2%. on the total income if the income exceeds $600 and does not exceed $1,200. 3% on the total 'income if the income exceeds $1,200. For a married person 2 % on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200 with a ta* credit of $8.00 for each dependent child or grand- child. • For 1940 the tax is on one- half of the income and the tax credit is $4.00. FURTHER' INFORMATION including the o h' ' i National Defence Tax Booklet and the necessary forms may, bo obtained from the Inspector of Income 'Tax for the district in which you reside. Forms are now available. Form T.1 Special is to be used 'byy individuals who are not in busi- ness whose income is not more than $5000. All others must use the regular. form T.1 or in the case of farmers, Form T.1A. Proprietors hi business'must file in addition , to the Form • T.1 Return, an Excess Profits Tax Return on Form E,P.T.1 on or before April 30th next. ' DOMINION OF CANADA INCOME 'TAX DIVISION DEPARTMENT : OF' NATIONAL REVENUE f. HON. COLIN GIBSON, C. ERASER ELLIOTT, ' Ministerot onal Roomy Commi,uoner of Income fox ,•h 141...x... fou r' netkiaY, Y'a n, - 8, • 1941; • THE -BLYTHSTANDARD Published.tvery Wednesday, In eIytn, Ontario, KENNETH WHITMORE, Publisher. Subscription Rates 41,b0 a 'Year In Canada. $2,00 in Uni• ted States; Single Copies, 5c, v LYCEUM THEATRE WINOHAM-ONTARIO, Two Shows Sat Night Thurs., Fri.. Sat, --Jan, 9, 10 and 11 Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Margaret • Lockwood' in "RULERS OF THE SEA" Zine story of the .rivalry oeuween sailing 'Vesse':a and steamships" a century ago, culminating in the first crossing of the Atlantic in 1538. Also "Cartoon" and "News" Mon.. Tues., Vied, --Jan.• 13, 14 15 Randolph., Scott, Margaret Lindsay Preston -Foster, in . "20,000 'MEN • A- YEAR" Thrdlls and sction and the govern• ment trains 24,m00 men a year dor the military aviation reserve. Also '!'Andy, Clyde Comedy" and "Sport_8ubject'.' Byes: examined --•, Glasses Fitted Smart Glasses ow Cost lldtiiek heedeolieri, see any dds• Lances, read and sew in comfort WITH REID'S GLASSES. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Registered Optometrist BLYTH OFFICE IN WILLOW'S DRUG .STORE Please make appointment with Mr. Willows. Jr .rr Y1 / NY 1 .1 1 1,110111 1I •• • I1 . 11 ILII. rYY` 11115 l i ce^• '- �-- L"ONDESBORO Mr, T. Fairservico returned from Toronto on S'aturda.y night, having left his son Glen, in Mc, General Hospital there, where be is under close obser- vation under Specialist care, and it is hoped that trouble can be eliminated 'without an operation. Mrs. Fairservico remained for a longer period. r „11r. and Mrs. Wm. 'Griffiths went to Brampton before Christmas .where ,they Shall remain for part of. the 'win- ter at the home o. .lauenr son, Cecil Griffiths. •hunch services were quite small on Sunday owing to the storm on Sat- urday which made the roads very heavy and was blocked for cars. Mr, J. P. 'Manning and W. E. Man- ning spent a day in Windsor last week. Miss Dorothy Little returned to her duties at Toronto on Sunday, . The W.M.S. 'will hold their meeting at the church on Thursday afternoon, 'Group Nb, 5,,ltaving charge. " Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hall, esteemed residen't's of the vil}a'ge, quietly cele• brated their Golden ;Wedding on Mon- day, January 0th.. The bust of wishes is extended to them through the. com- ing years, . AUBURN There wl'l be a Cele'hration of the Holy Communion in St. Mark's Angli- can Church, Auburn, next Sunday January lath, at 10.30 a. et, The Rector Will be MI Celebrant and will preach Alta- Armon; ._ - ' •-,� } The regular monthly noting of the Ladies' Guild will be,'held -on Wednes- day afternoon of this week at the home et'11ir. and Mrs, Gordon Taylor. jr..Herm'an.Daer and daughter Nor- ma find sen Lewis,' entertained their nefghbotirs recently. Mr, and Mrs. ilViltred Plunkett and family, 1Mr. and • To the Electors of Morris. Township: In spite of the fact that I was an unsuccessful candidate in the Reeveship Contest in Monday's el- ection, I take this opportunity to thank the voters of the Township for their splendid support at the Polls. Particularly do I wish to thank my home Poll where such overwhelming confidence was placed in me, and I also extend sincere thanks to all those who ' worked to my interest during the campaign and on election day. Robt. Wallace To the Electors of Morris Township: I wish to thank all those who voted for me or In anyway sup. ported me In the election on Monday, and I hope that I, will prove worthy of the confidence you have placed In me. C. R. Coultes Mrs, Lloyd 111111er, \1r. and Mrs. J. C, Stoltz, Stewart Ament, Mr. and 'Mrs, Alvin Letherlan'd, 'lir. and .Mrs. Charles East, Will ,East, Mr. and 'Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Daer 'and Mr, and 'Mrs. Sidney McOlinchey attended the party. Pro- ,gresaive euchre was played, after which ;Mr. and 'Mrs. W. 'Plunkett, 'Mr. East and Mrs. S. MdClinchey enter- tained .the guests with musical nrl•.n- t'.rera. - Miss .Norma Daer served dainty refreshments to those present, ;Miss Alma Mutch has returned to her position at Toronto, . Mrs, 'Donald Smith of Bayfield with Mrs. James"uMutcir, Mr. Carl Zurbrigg of Toronto was a recent vlsCltor• here. !Mr, and Mrs. _Clayton Martin' of 'Englehart with .Mr. and Mrs, Wm, J. Thompson. Mr.. and Mrs. 'Cameron Fathering - ham of St. Marys were recent -guests with Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Johnston. —Donald Yungiblut and 'Laurence Plaetzer 'have been engaged by the trustees of 'the Auburn Public School as caretakers for the conning year at a .salary of $11:5. - Mir.'a,Violet 'Sharpe Inas returned to her duties as school teacher here after spending 'the Christmas vacation at her 'home at Pari' Il. • The following teachers has return - ..ed to. their du'tios: Ethel Washington to Picton, Dorothy `Wilson ..to Weat iWawlanroslr, Warren Bamford to Nar- ithern 'Ontario. • Stanley McNeil, son of ,Mr, and Mrs, :Thomas McNeil, left for Manning. Pool. Toronto, where be will 'commence training in the IUC,A,'F, as a Pilot. .John Thomas, now _of dt,A'.F, at Port Albert, whose home is at 'Ram's• gate, England, ♦arae a week•end •guest at tire home of MIPs Helen Robertson. Chester Plant spent the weekend at his home at Sout'ham'pton, Miss Ruth Adele Frost has returned to her bonne at Flint, • lAnnhrey Toll has returned here trom London. • Robert Brunt, Strathroy, with Dr. B. C. Weir. - Joseph Bryphy, Toronto, with his l ntcle Ambrose 'Brophy. • Mrs.. Rank Lansing is quite 111 at her home.' 'Iter daughter, 'Mrs. Ed. Ball, of Hullett, .is ,attending her. FOR SATURDAY!S BAKING Try Durward's Pasturizei Butter Milk FROM OUR OWN' PLANT • DURWARD'S DAIRY HULLETT (Too late for last week) 'Orn Christmas Day, 'Mrs, Selena 111:1• ey and [amity wera guests at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, Mr and Mrs, Jack Riley and A nold and Mr, and Mrs. Ben •Riley an children, were guests on Christmas, a the home of Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Hui king of •Londesboro, and guests at th home of Mr. and Mrs. George Man on the following day. • • '1Ir. and Mrs, Ed, Johnston and' li tie Patsy of Exeter spent Christma Day with Mr, and Mrs. George Law rence. 'Mr, and Mrs, Win Carter, ' Mr. an Mrs, ,George Carter, . Beryl and Glen spent Christmas Day at 'the home o lMr. and Mrs. D. R. MadKenzie o Luckn'ow, 'On Christmas Mr, Wm, Fairservic and. Miss Lizzie. entertained the fans lly, and 'AIL and . Mrs. Sam Appleby and chiflrcin, also Mr, and ;Mrs. •Ralpl Jesting and son, of Wingham. PRESENTATION TO NEWLY-WEDS On Monday ;night, in I.ondesbero 'Community Hall, a reception was held in honor of lir. and Mrs. Tom Law- rence and Mr. and Mrs, Keith Hessel- wood, both young married couples re- siding on the 8th and 9th concession of Hullett, Mrs. Lawrence was formerly 'Miss Hephzlbah Bag3itt of Blyth, while, Mrs. Hesslewood was -Miss Her; en 1-I,ogigart, who had just a short move toter new home. The evening was spent in dancing and social chat, and all had an excel- lent tbme,as good music was enjoyed throughout' the evening.' Mr, Clark Johnston, Mr. Bruce and i1}r, Ross Mann: all frequently heard over Wingham broadcasts, assisted ,witlh the:,mulsic, Mr, Clark Johnston favoured with many solos. The little `Misses Collins sang and tap-danced during the lunch recess. •Au interesting feature of the even ing's program was the 'presentation. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Lawrence were called to tlib platform where Mr. Glen 'Garter read ,the following d addre.Is while Bob Riley and Wes. Hoggart Presented them with a beautiful china cabinet:, • 'Dear Epple and Tonimy:—IWe your friends and neighbours have gathered this evening to spend a social time with you and ''also to express our ;wishes to you for a happy married life, 'We admit we have been tardy in holding this reception but Odd .Ilam Winter surprised us with his early severe storms. and when roads are 'blocked, we on the Sth and 9th con- cession of Huilett are certainly shut oft from the rest of the world, You, Tommy. 'have grown up with us, and we have always found you a willing and cheerful helper and a good nefghbour, It is our sincere wish that you and your chosen help - Mate may have a prosperous and hap- py wedded life, It has often been said that the pop• hilarity of a bride depends greatly on her willingness and ability to take part in the activities an:. social events of the new community in which she makes her new home. You, Eppie. have been with us just a short time, !but yea have already 'participated in several of our gather- ings. . So we feel you will soon bo quite at honno in our connmutrity� •'• o ;We 'hope this gift will•bo useful and a reminder of your many friends in Lha, community," Tour made a suitable reply. thank- ing the people for their generosity and good wishes , and inviting all his friends to visit him and his wife, but Warning them that it might be best for them to ,not all conte the 's'ame night. Mr. 'and Mrs. Iteith Hesselwood were then called to the platform, where Jack Medd read a nicely word• ed address, welcoming them as ' old friends, but as newly-weds in the com• i munity, and wishing them health and TEE STAN,a.1 D 1,i.UX Y j'441.'1'1ZE, CLlPI lura. NOW PLAYINU: John Garf.eld in: "FLOWING GOLD" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Maureen O'Hara, Lucille Ball Ralph Bellamy and Louis Hayward It's new—It's Idvely—Cit;s filled with - beautiful girls end tunes that'll have your toes tiippin;, `DANCE, GIRL, DANCE' Thurs., Fri„ Sat,—Double Feature George Raft, Jane Bryan and Humphrey Bogart The poignant story of an ex -convict who tries to make the pathway smooth for his young brother even at the expense of his own life "INVISIBLE STRIPES ff ADDED ATTRACTION --May Ru -- son in "Granny Get Your Gun." COMING: The "Four Daughters bo -I come "Four Wives" Mat.: Sat. and Hol'days at 3 p.m, CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH. NOW PLAYING -Jon Hall in: "SOUTH OF PAGO PAGO" Mon., Tues., Wed.—Two Features Carole Landis, Victor Mature and Lon Chaney Jr. Presenting the screen's most amazing picture "ONE MILLION B.C." ALSO—May Robson in: "GRANNY GET YOUR GUN" Thursday. Friday,- Saturday Gene Raymond and Wendy,Barrie Cupid nearly blows a gasket in this • mirthful rake against adversity. "Cross Country Romance" Pagt5.. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH. NOW PLAYING: Thos. Mitchell in:' "Three Cheers For The Irish" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy The screen's. greatest bif1con.s blunder through a maritime adventure , 'SAPS AT SEA" Thursday. Friday, Saturday Kent Taylor, Wendy Barrie and Richard Dix A thrilling yarn of daredevil test - pilots and their powerful kites. "Men Against The sky" COMING: "Dance, Girl, Dance" COMING: "ONE MILLION B,C." Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. I Mat.: Sat. and Holidays, 3 p.m. Card Of Thanks Tho family of the late Jonathan Bentley desire to express their appro.elation to relatives, neighbours ,and friends for the many kindnesses and tokens of sympathy extended &zing their recent, sad bereavement. For the loan of cars, and the lovely hymns it)), members of the choir, and solo by r- Dorothy -Boyle, acccrpanied by Jeanne d F9rillips. r• happiness in their married life. o iBob ;Bliley and Wee, Hogprt pre• n entedl them with a china cabinet smoker stand. t• . Keith thanked all for their good s wishes and beautiful gifts and said he - 'believed "The more the merrier" so they were invited to visit thein, all d coming on the same night if they ,1 wished to de so, t S. S. No. 4 Hullett 'held their annual f school meeting in the school house on i Thursday afternoon. Ag the school e has been closed from lack of pupils - there was not much business to trans- act. Mrs. 'Selena Riley was re-elected r as trustee and Mr, Wm. Resit was ap- pointed caretaker, one of his chief duties being the cutting of the weeds' on the school grounds, On Saturday, Miss 'Marguerite Hold- erness and 11r. Buster and Bill Holder• Hess of Brantford visited with 1Ir. and Mrs. Tom Lawrence, Miss Jean MacDonald of Walton spent several days with her cousin, Miss Beryl Carter. . • ;Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Johnston of Exe- ter attended the presentation in Lon- desboro Hall on Monday night. •Mr. Bill Taylor of Toronto spent the , weekend with his parents, Mr, and (?irs. Peter Taylor of Ilarlock. 'Miss Beryl 'Carter spent Tuesday with her friend, Mrs. Audre, Knox, CANADA'S WAR EFFORT DECEMBER 22 TO JANUARY 2. . 111, 'Canadians.of three fighting set- ! vices in King's New Year Honor's list. 1 Commander Maingu'y and" Conr- manddrHarry George de -Wolf both of Canadian Navy mentioned in despat- ches for gallantry at sea„• Sgt. An- thony Condy, Springhill, N., S, and LICpl, Albert Groves, Orillin, Ont., :both of Canadian Corps' awarded Mill• t'ary Medal, Order of British Empire, •Six airmen from Canada included in honors to Royal Air Force, Eighth largo contingent of Can• adieu , troops to cross the Atlantic since the outbreak of war arrives in Great Britain. • Second Canadian di- vi,aion overseas is now at full .strength. 3. First contingent of Australian 'graduates under Empire Mr Traininj Plan and third contingent of Ca'n'adian graduates arrive in London from Can- ada, 4. Dominion Bureau ..0C,Statistics Statistics index number of living costs. (base 119301939 equals 100) rose from 107,Q • in October to,..107.8 in Novenilber due ', to higher prices for foods, in 'fuel and home furnishings. Living costa for , November were almost .four per cent above the level of a year ago 'and ap• proxili nately 7:.per cent higher. than 'at the outbreak of war, 5. 'Contracts awarded by the De- partment of Munitions and Supply during the week ended December 20 numbered' 1,532 and totalled $9,709,M. G. Wartime Prices and Trade Board* pegs wholesale butter pr'"?c throu;'h- out Canada at' maxhlntiln wholesale price pre\-ailinng in each locality on December 12, . Wartinre.Prices and Trade Board previously pegged rentals as of Jan• wary f', 11340. Committees were else established. In various localities ' to hear rental disputes between landlords and tenanots. ( 7. Arrangements concluded wait United States authorities, through co- operation of British Purchasing. Misr .cion in New York, to facilitate llcens• in,g rf steel exports from United States to Canada. 8. Canadian mills instructed by 'Steel Controller to reduce by virtually JANUARY SPECIALS Quilt Batts, 1 lb. " 49c and 39c Flannelette Quilt Lining itr yd. 19c Striped Flannelette j yd. 19c White Flannelette, 36 inches wide per yd. 19c White Flannelette, 27 inches wide per yd. 15c Countess 3 -ply yarn per ball 20c Countess 4 -ply Yarn per ball 15c or 2 for 25c Benmiller Yarn • per ball 95c 4 -Ply Military Service Yarn per ball 69c Taylor's 5c tO $1.00 Store II Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Jane Ann Johnston, late of the Village of Walton, In the. County of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIViEN, pur- suant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Jane Ann Johnston, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Executor of the said estate, on or before the 18th day of January, A. D. 1'941, and that after such date the executor will proceed to distri- bute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingharn, Ontario, this 41,st day of December, A.D., 1940. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, On• tarso, Solicitor for the Executor. 23.3. 7u per cent the number of standard steel shapes rolled for the structural steel "tabrioating industry; Canada will need 3,1 million tons of steel in 1941. Steel production es- timated at' .3.1 million tons, Steps taken to meet the million tons defic- iency. 9. Former Dunsnnuir estate near Esquimalt, Hatley Park, taken over by National Defence Department and commissioned H.M.C.S. "Royal Roads," Property will be converted to Officers Training Establishment accommodat- ing 100 probabtioinary sub -lieutenants, R,C.N,Y,R. and necessary staff. Commander Grant, R.C.N. in command. •10, Interestafree instalment plan for income tax payments extended to corporations viscose business year end- ed on or, atter November 30. 11, New regulations require all residents of Canada to Secure permit 1roln the 1Forelgn Ex'chan'ge Control Board before leaving the country. 112„ 'Contrasts 'placed for construc- tions of 20 'highspeed anti•subnnarino vessels eta new type. 13. Chartered banks purchase $230,000,000 21years 11,i per cent Dominion Government notes at $99; G15 and accrued interest. Price rep- resen'ts yield of 1 5-S per cent to maturity. CEDAR FOR SALE PRINCESS PAT STOVES & HEATERS See The DUCHESS COOK STOVE. All Enamel Finish $89.00 ti 1 Used Cook Stove 10.00 1 Used Heater 8 00 O. T. Dobbyn Phone 24. Monuments! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument , . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All Work Guaranteed. John Grant CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS aLINTON -- ONTARIO. Successor to Ball & Zapfe. 33/4% On Guaranteed Trust Certificates A legal investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed THe STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION STERLING TOWER TORONTO GOOD ENOUGH! 10 Cord of good cedar. Apply to "I've been trying to think of a word W. H. Merritt, Blyth phone 4, for two weeks." 24 "How about fortnight?" —Exchange, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. PHONE 15, SEAFORTH, COLLECT. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. ,..,.1110, 11 1. � '' � German Troop Movements , in Balkans'Watched by OIS IMPORT: I]i0lomats e' Small. Man l GERMANY The Royal Commission on Do- minion • Provincial Relations Has Presented a Plan for Greater. Assistance to Municipalities by the Provinces (No, 6) , Right home as the Rowell•Sirois Report comes to every Canadian, It is of particular importance to ural Ontario. Not .only b it im- portant to rural Ontario because its implementation " will mean a better Canada, more able to look after its full share of carrying on the war in Its most effective and `effkieait manner, but it will mean, —and this le an outgrpwth of the same thing, --a raving in money and effort on the part of the coun- b7 as a whole. Here, as we have it now, there is tremendous overlapping in the conflict between the, provinces and the Dominion as to taxation, social services, and other services. Any- thing that will make this country of ours a better run country.is to the good for every one, of us. Problems for the Province But there are particular prob- lems which Will be dealt with much more effectively affecting the small communities, the municipalities, the 1d6l institutions, if the Re- port is accepted by the Dominion and the provinces at their con- ference which starts January 14th. There are many local needs which now have to be looked after out of the taxation of the small communities which really are prob- lems for the provinces as a whole. When a great part of the burden, -particularly that of • the unem- ployed employables,' and the pro- vincial debts and provincially guaranteed debts,—is taken from the shoulders of the province (as they will be it the Report is im- plemented), there will be greater assistance to the local centres and municipalities, by the province. Lower Taxes on Real Estate Take the case of real estate tax- es. The tax on property is high, far too high. Property has borne far more than it should for education. That has fallen on the small pro- perty holder in greater proportion than it bas on the big kroperty owner. With the case and burden et the province made lighter the province 'hill be able to do some- thing towards the assistance of the small property owner, much more than is being done now. The Report finds many cases of glaring inequalities, and also that real estate taxes are far too high. This is because the municipalities are badly in need of money and real estate taxation is one way of getting that money. But implement the Report in its general recom- mendations and there can't help but be an easing of the burden of the real estate owner. The Report dealing with muni- cipal revenue for the country as a -whole finds' that some 80 per cent of municipal revenue is obtained from real estate taxation. Burden From Small Man The Report goes on to say "We find many instances in which this tax (which for the bulk of the popu- lation is the heaviest paid in the course of the year) is twice as much in relation to property in- come for residents of some areas u for those in other areas in the same province." Implement the Rowell -Sire's Re- port and the first step towards lower property taxation is taken. And It is on the small man in the rural comm.nities that that bur- den falls. And remember the heart ad the Report is this: place the burden of taxation on the source best able to pay it. Canada win be a happier place, a better run country if the Report is implemented. And there is no one in the whole country who should realize that better than the Ontario farmer. Ontario May Curb Yule Tree Harvest Next Year Cutting of Trees For Christmas Purposes May Be Prohibited Premier M. F. Hepburn is critical of the annual waste of Christmas trees and it is quite possible that Queen's Park may take restrictive elation to check the annual cutting et trees, or at least limit it to pre - tent cutting beyond the ability of Se market to consume. "The trees are propagated and fifilstributed at the expenseof the taxpayers of Ontario," said Premier Y. F. Hepburn. "We have built up *se of the largest and best sys- tems ot tree nurseries in the world. I do nq$ think that we should per: lilt the trees which have been sup- plied from our nurseries to be ctft down for Christmas tree purposes alter they have attained a height of six or eight feet, and I am defin- itely against the destruction that baa been going on for years." Flour stocks in Canada in Oc- tober this year totalled 1,183,551 barrels compared with 940,605 barrels in October, 1939. RUSSIA BELGRADE YUGOSLAVIA MILES With the vanguard of a now German expedition estimated at be- tween 300,000 and 600,000 troops moving across Hungary to Rumania: (black arrows -1), diplomatic sources last week suggested at Budapest that pehaps Nazi Germany was planning action against Turkey and Greece (s'haded arrow -2) through Bulgaria, or preparing for a showdown with Soviet Russia (shaded area -3), or simply strengthen- ingmilitary forces in Rumania to assure civil order, or sparring for position against Russia. THE WAR • W EE K—Commentary on Current Events ROOSEVELT CASTS DIE AGAINST AXIS POWERS In a dramatic broadcast, the first since his re-election, Presi- dent Roosevelt last week stirred the democratic world with the de- claration — "based on the latest and beat information" — that the Axle powers were "not going to win this war". At the same time, stating that a British defeat meant that the U.S. would live at "point of gun", he called upon his nation to become the "great arsenal of democracy", to do all it could to support the nations defending themselves against at- tack by the Axis, The Conroy Question The President's call for "more ships, more guns, more planes,— mors of everything" for Great Britain focussed immediate at- tention on proposals to send 50 more destroyers and some army airplanes to the British. But more vital than these was the question of employing .vessels of the American navy to convoy ship- ments of material to the Old • Country. The problem was cer- tain to become urgent very shortly and upon its decision hinged the entry or non -entry of the United States into the war. (Before any further steps could be taken, however, Congress would have to approve of the President's pro- gram). "Next Ninety Days" The belief held by most obeer- vers last week was that •Hitler would try for a knock -out blow at England soon, even before spring, timing his "all-out" at- tack to come before the new American aid could be made ef- fective. "Tho next ninety days will be crucial ones for England," declared Arthur Purvis, Canadian head of the British Purchasing Mission, in Washington, Christ- mas week, Hitler's Counter•Blockade As well as having to stand for- ever on guard against German invasion attempts, Britain was having to fight harder and hard - LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher (ISMO E NS.����/ii�ir�.....�,• Vii uo ii4,,,A /���rf/Y/60,40!\\„4„,,,-/5 "How do you like It parted on the side?" er, ' Hitler's counter • blockade which he Carries 6ilt'by meanssof submarines and dive -bombers and, reconnaissance planes flying con- tinuously over the shipping 'lanes. Htiler knew, and the British. knew, that North American pro- duction of planes and munitions upon ;which Britain •was relying, would mean hothing'unless deliv- eries `could .be Made; "The problem for the British," wrote correspondent John A. Ste- venson, "is to keep down the weekly losses of shipping to a level which will. not interfere seriously with the flow of vital armaments and war materials from' North America 'and the steady influx of foodstuffs re- quired to maintain the present scale of rationed sustenance for their population , .,.Obviously what is needed, is a larger num-. ber of .effective escort ships." Battle of Eire The question of whether Eire, the only part of the British, Commonwealth of Nations not,. warring with 'Germany, could maintain her neutrality was com- ing further to the forefront last week among the issues which may decide the war's outcome. The Battle of Eire was on. Stra- getically situated, the ports of Eire are a prize coveted .by both belligerents. They command tho western approaches to the be- seiged isles of Great Britain; and possession of them would en- able Britain to protect the bulk of her seaborne traffic. On the contrary, seizure` of the ports by the Na2i3s would make it possible for •Germany to sever vital ar- teries of British commerce. • • • Russo•Cerman Tension A heightening of tension in Russo -German relations high- lighted the week's 'war news. The Balkan situation appeared to be rapidly coming to a head follow- ing reports of hundreds of thous- ands of Nazi troops moving into Bulgaria; of a ' German division arriving in Albania; of hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops massed along the . Bessbarabian frontier of Rumania. A dramatic move by Russia to seize ' the mouths of the Danube' or the Dar- danelles was believed quite poa- 'sible, Turkey, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria — chiefly Bulgaria whose King continued to stand firm against the Axis — had bad cases of the jitters. But the' main German effort` was still thought to be concentrating in the west, with an attack on Britain top- most on the agenda. • * • Diplomatic Defeat Irl the Far East; Japan suffer- ed an important diplomatic de- feat in. its attempt to effect more friendly relations with Russia when Moscow refused 'to make premanent the temporary agree- ment over Jap fishing concessions off the Siberian coast. Further, the Soviet's refusal to accept the new order in China implied not only continuance of military as- sistance to Chiang Kai-Shek and eo-operation with the United States in Far East policy, but it meant that Japan would be un- able to relax vigilance on the Manchoukuan frontier or to push southward too aggressively. Changes Coming in Pacific Meanwhile China rushed plans for what appeared to be an early offensive against Japanese forces stationed in the Yangtze 'Valley, web would Slake impossible the transference of any large number o! Japanese troops for a south- ern drive. The New York Times'' correependent in Manilla last with foresaw definite extension of European warfare to the Pa- e:ifie following intensification of German activities (surface raid- ers, etc.) against British and other anti -Axid shipping there. He predicted immense changes in the Far East by February at the lat- est. • • * The Week at Home Prime Minister King will open the Dominion -Provincial confer- ence January 14 at Ottewa with a general statement of the Do- minion's attitude to the recom- mendations of the Rowell-Sirois Commission, dealing in public session with the relation of these recommendations to wartime and post-war conditions in Canada. The provincial premiers will then be called upon to give their views. also in public, following which all sittings ,of .tbu„ eons erenco .vYlll, ba. held in camera , , , ' • News, .'camp last .Week of the formation of a Canadian.: pores in England; under 'the cotumaod . of Lieutenant - . General A. ',G. L. McNaughten, almost siniultane . .ously with sword that tho eighth contingent 'Of_ • Canadian troops had arrived 'safely .overseas Butter Price I'eg Action of the Wartime -Prices!. and' Trade Board in. fixing 'a maximum price for buttc4 during the winter months -of low produc ' tion niet with'. a ,.great deal of 'comment and vorbel opposition in the Dominion last week chiefly . among the farmers who demanded that a minimum price also' be set, for the summer:months ,of :heavy • production, The Ontario Cabinet, , through , • its farmer members, . asked .for a "showdown". with Ot- tawa on the butter price -peg is- sue and on the fiking of farm prices out of lino ivith the rising , costs of consumer goods and of protlitction. The Minister .of Ag- : riculture, Mr, 'Dewali, .said: "I -consider the whole move' (butter - price -fixing) stupid and dam- nable. As. matters stand, farm- ers are , asked to shoulder an un- fair share of,the.war burden I strongly advise farmers not to accept the situation 'Without vig-•' orous protest." Powder 100 Quarts Blood Every Week One hundred quarts of blood are being turned into• powder for treat- ' in: war cases. every week at AN) University. of Toronto, This was announced by Dr. D. Y. Solandt of the physiological hygiene depart- ntent in .a paper read at'the Chrlst- ma's;meeting ot'tho.laboratory sec- tion of the Canadian Pu'blle Health association, ' COMES FROM 800 DONORS The blood,' which comes Froin 800 donors supplied by th"e Canadian Red Cross, is evaporated 'into powder form in a $5,000. vacuum machine in which the university, the department of national defence . and -the Red Oross all share,. Dr;. SOJ::ridt.expiained, . "The work now being done," he . athled, "is in the nature of testing the machine; Its present capacity of 100: quarts a week can, bedaub - led by adding another can:net, Dr. C. Ht, Best" is in charge of tha work," MIA, CONTINUE AFTER, WAR. The, present output .of .the ma • - chine, a powder .which le mixed • with water and then used -as a blood trausrusion, is being -directly real isitioned _by the tlepartiiiont ot 'national detente and.,sent to de, stroyer•'s, flying •fields and, other' `pointe where casualties may` tie ex- pected,.hesitid, - The' production of pow.dored blood will be continued in volume' after `tie war„ -.because 'It allows even 'the backwoods hospital to have its' own supply, for transfu- Mona always ready for any • emerg• oncy, say authorities, Bee Hive yiup Your most, Valuable Enery' Food. ' a, ROYAL BANK HAS.. '.: SATISFACTORY YEAR Total Assets $955,000,000 — creased $17,000,000 — Largely Increased''T�xes. Tho Annual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Tho Royal Bank of Canada"tor the year ending November 30, 1940, .was issued to its shareholders., In line with the experience. of Canadian 'banks, assets show, a moderate decrease ie compared with the previous year. Canadian Deposits, Up Total deposits amount to $852,- 000,000, as compared with $911,- 000,000 in the previous year: The' difference is accounted for mainly by a reduction of $20,000,000 of balances due to the Dominion Gov- ernment overnment and a decrease of $48,000,- 000 in deposits outside, Canada. Canadian public deposits actually increased $20,000,000. Currents Loans Increased The greatly increased volume ot business now being transacted throughout Canada is reflected Iii an increase in commercial loans of $17,000,000, Loans outside . Canada have been reduced $10,000,000. . Strong Llgeid Position Cash balances show practically no change as compared with the provlous year. Bank balances and Investments show moderate reduc• Dons but total immediately realtz. able assets amount to $585,000,000 which represents 66.5% of the to- tal liabilities to the public. Profit and Loss Account. A, feature of the Profit and Loss Account is an increase iii taxes as compared with the provlous year of approximately $620,000 after providing for which and 'making appropriations, to Contingency Re- serve, out of 'which provision for all bad and doubtful debts has been Made, not pro -fits amount to $3,526,894, This is a moderato de• crease as compared with the pre• vious year.,' $2,800,000 was distri- buted in dividends. Contributions to the Pen»ton Fund Society were increased to $325,000, and' •nn amount of $$00,000 was written off Bank Premises Account, es cora. pared with $250,000 in the preced- ing year. Tho balance of Profit and Lose Account carried forward amounted to $3,198,146, an in- crease of 8101,894, The Annual (lomat Meeting of Current Loans in Canada In Profits Moderately Lower After the shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the bank at eleven a.m. on January 9, 1941, Profit and Loss Account figures compare with the previous year as follows: TI:.4.R ENDED NOVISAifl I( 30th 1040 1030 •3,526,894 *3,724841 2,800,000 2,800,000 726,894 924,842 Pension Fund .. 325,090 300,000 Bank Premises 800,000 250,000' 101,894 • 374,842 Prev, Balance 8,090,252 2,721,410 Carried forward 3,198,146 3,096,252 • After providing for Dominion and Provincial Government tax- es and atter making appropria- tions to Contingency Reserves out of which Reserves provision for all Bad and Doubtful Debts has been made. Balance Sheet figures for the year ending November 30th com- pare as follows: LIABILITIES 1049 1030 Capital Stock *35,000,000 36,004 000 Reserve Fund' 20,000 000 _20,000,000 P,. & L. Balance 3,198,146 3,096,262 Dividends... 720,000 716,674 Poln,'0ov, Dep. 20,462,767 40,167,411 Prov. Gov. Dep. 16,066,376 8,602,004 Deposits -Can: 609,203,083 689,048,367 Deposita-For'n 196,403,466 243,848,966 nue to banks 12,263,50? 30,262,472' Notes in Circ. 26,103,351 26,028,238 Letters of Cred, 18,003,678 17,642,136 rrthwr Lisle. 1,137,954 705,834 • 955,570,320 1,014,708,343 Profits Dividends ASSETS 1940 $ Notes and drip, Bank of Can. 82,086,683 Other cash and • !tank Bal. 124,604,705 Dom. & Prov. (roti t. Secs. 311,833,109 Municipal and " Other Secs, 48,891,727 Call Loans,!.. Loans Canada 231,23,4,467 Loans to Prov. Covt, 999,795. L"ans to cities, towns, mun, • R ,school die - tide 18,37697 1,011.11M Foreign 79,27 ,396 Hunk Prem. & •Ileal Estate 17,273,131 Letters of Cred. 18,003,678 Others 'Assets . 6,462,865. 1030 e 77,503,203 156,980,347 316,435,430 :72282;408 1b,1 215,321, 4 1,578,775 20,392,898 89,275,905 17,652,466 17,642,135 5,647;485: 965'570,320 ,1,014,76043.. • REG'LAR FELLERS -- Sweet and Low / p DIDFJ' £TUDjr MY JOC}RAd-4Y LAS NiGHT AN' 1 BETCNA Tt HER WILL CALL ON ME TODAYI ter, NOW FOR THE LAST TWO QUESTIONS PINHEAD DO YOU KNOW THE CAPITAL OF ALASKA? �WOTT�t IS STATE BOUNDS MONTANA ON THE W E5T ? BR• ER • PLEASE MA'AM! Y QUNNO! L1L 4-1 IDAHO I'. CORRECT, BUT YOU SHOULD SPEAK LOUDER, PINHEAD r COULD HARDLY NEAR YOU. . By GENE BYRNES SERIAL STORY ` ROMANCE AHEAD BY TOM HORNER Nfl sarin shirt against her Slim figure, She tCAST OF CHARACTERS sat a saddle as it site were part MONNIE•MILES—her `mania for of the horse fast. driving almost wrecked tier rgmance, .. LARRY COLLINS •-`newspaper reverter,. hunting •tbeo: murilerers of his brother; ' '. 'M t K E BENTLEY .--: wealthy ' rancher, knew.too,much.about auto accidents.' Last .Week: Barnes plashes with. Bentley over the nate, but agrees to put., it In when Monnie Insists. Bentley .makes disparaging re- marks about Larry, But Collins takes It rather than make a scene. The next day he goes to town; • stops at the newspaper office. • CHAPTER VI Tito weeks hurried by. Larry swung into the work on the. reticle. nursed his . aches in silence, .and was rewarded by Barnes' approval and increasing friendship,. Monate and : the.. Colonel were more friendly toward hint, too, Both of them rode with the men during sprang roundup; and brawl! 14;44, Lara .was.'stti'prised at'the wily"'the girl:;lVorked. She ;'ode. as. well tut any titan, could cut a 'calf from. d'herd as skilfully as Barnes. During branding, she cooked for the crew,- then • joined Larry' in `'•'1ioklilig 'the -herd. *bile"the others roped and dragged, bawling, calves up N tale f ilses. It was' hot, 'tiring workworkf anti 1;nri'y,; teas 'glad ivhen. • a the lAst cilli' had''a hayhook brand- ed on Its hip and the cattle were- " headed ott,t to ,Buttner pasturage.. IIo found Nonuse' Haig beside ltlm,"All of the old 'animosity itad disappeared. "Dail lilies the tear; you handle Cows and horses, toot)," she said. Acid beforo'lie could say anything, "He won't keep a hand who rides a horse, too hard, or gets his cows excited; Says n fool cowboy can ruin more dollars off a Cow than all the grass_in the Panhandle can put, on it. I had 'you picked as a tenderfoot When you cause here, Gttes I 'was'wrong." She laughed at the• memory. • No Ordinary` Cowpoke ' Larry' liked to hear'•her,-Iaugh like thgt, "You were. -half right, Miss Monnie, I grew ' up on n horse, but I've -been .•away from Texas for a while." - - "What brought you back'," "Sand in my boots, I guess. Can't be happy any place else. 1 quit, any job nn(1 cane home, 1'o'fts lucky when you almost ran into ine—" "When you crushed a stop sign--" "My faults I know, i asked abont you, decided I'd bit your Dad for fl job." "But you're 110 ordinary cow- poke, Larry," Her glance swept over •him from heel to hat, ap- provingly. "You're different, You're educated-" "Half the 'cownien in the eoun• ty:have college degrees," he count- ered. ' "But they're sons of ranchers, not $30 per hands, lou—You—Oh, thei'e's Mike!" She swung her hat . at a horseman rifling toward the herd, "So long, Larry: see you lat- er , She wheeled her horse, skirted the herd at a run. Larry watched her go, hating Bentley. The wind, whipped her black stair from un- (ler her sombrero, flattened lfer • Pi ht that colts tonight--' •.M wi MMenthhotatun,See how �// `\\ quickly this well known r ` balm relieves even the wore t head cold...hel ing clear ' n os a an d heed andi keep theat stuffy nstrile , . • soothing those sore, sniffling, tated membranes ...and helping restore free, healthy breathing again, Remember' IVlenfholatuni •isguaranteed to relieve your cold or:your money bock Get a 30e, jar or tube from yopr druggist tot)ay. CM MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Daily Bentley --he would have to ,come down here," He turned to pick up . a straggler, "Get along, yon--" Tomboy, to_Beauty -Larry :felt -like a new man after. he had washed off the trail dust; changed clothes, He waited until ' twilight, then walked to tela ranch- house, Monnie was alone on the porch, crisp and summery in white. She looked as it she were dressed for a party, Larry stopped at the railing. "There's a dance in town tonight, some radio band, Would you, like to go?„• . "1'm sorry you: •, didn't ,.ask me sooner, Larry," she answered smil- ing,,' VT hat's- :wily: Mike !rode` over .to meet us today, He asked me to go With*lilni," "Okay, thanks, Maybe some other Larry;,sttu'ted to leave but she stopped him, "Como up *arid' talk until Mike conies, won't you? Dad's - working on the books, I waut to know more about your secret past." She -moved . over on the;;sa'ing, making room 'for him .beai(ie'her. Larry couldn't refuse. • Ile smoked silently, apparently staring out •auto the increasing darkness,- actually ,marvelllug .at the transformation Monnie had undergone, 'Today'-ehe `ISeti n tom boy, riding,`: working '.boslde him. Tonight she was an almost fragile beauty, a lovely picture from the age of (ions and senoritas, "Now, let's hear more about the man who quit his job` to be a cowboy," she commanded. Larry shook . his head,: ' "You heard all that this afternoon, \Ve'il talk about you," , "That won't take much • time, Daughter of the toughest anduk best rancher in' these parts.. Drive a' car too ,fast, Don't know .much book-larnin' but I make tolerable biscuits. Free, 'suntanned and 21." "There's a bit more to it than that," Larry- said, "First place,,, you're notquite: 21—you won't be until'August—August 2G, l,lielieve.'; "How did you find that out?" Meanie demanded, lights dancing in her eyes fund a smile dim7�liug her cheek. Knows Her Record "A tap cowhand knows every- thing," Larry answered, • in mock seriousness. "Let's see , . , Went to school in New Orleans until they kicked you out. 'Then tried some school in St. Louis. Then the university. You studied some there, Made the dean's honor roll, once. elected beauty queen (luring your senior year—" • Bonnie turned to him, frankly puzzled, "Pete's been tall(ing--" '.'You wrecked one car while at state," Larry went on, "One boy was hurt—got yourself engaged to an eastern follow and a tvi'iteup in a gossip column, But you went to Dallas and forgot.him. Been arrest- ed for speeding some eight, 1Iulcs-7." . "Even Pete doesn't know that—" "Don't interrupt—You roped in a rodeo, led two parades. You've had four automobile accidents and you testified at tate coroner's in- quest when this—this fellow was found dead in a burning car on .the.canyou.road!..::-.".,• 'rite Colonel's voice interrupted, "Monnie! Telephone, for you!" * .e k•. She was gone oily n miunte or. two,' "11 tills Mike, Ile wOn't bo, here until later. Something hap- pened to delay him --one of the men "got .hurt—" she. ,explained, then dismissed Bentley 'front her ritind, ' 'Larry Collins, where did you •• Mind out all that about me? Some of it was ltt'the paper, but not in any you could have seen, ilow . did you know " "Power of 111(1 pre=c." '1'he wordsi: RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Sour dittggist will retitrn your ntone�', if •o11e bottle ot Itu-Ma does not givee-yot relief front t4renniatle Itches and pairs, sore, swollen and painful joints. No !natter how long you have suffered, you must get re- lief or "no pay". Try itu-Ma and be convinced. Acr-,t hda generous of- fer now. Blipped out before Larry realized wihtxt he:.was saying. "Then you're., a• newspaperman.. What are you doing here, gattiug 'atmosphere for a story?" If Mon. nie was angry because he had learned, so much about it, she slick. 'net,. show it; * Rather; .,she 'spanned' pteasec •'Something.-)ike'that. But'you'I1 have to Iteeli'my secret for a while, It wouldn't d4. for the Colonel, or Barnes—or•—or,Iiontley to find out who I am -just yet," Larry . cau- tioned, . then asked;•' .. ' "Pete said something about you hitting a cow, gattiug hurt, Bentley saving your lite, • Power of the • press didn't cover that. What did .yott .do, hush troll one up?", • : . "No, he was•serious," Larry per- slsted, "Said -Bentley.' rushed ' you to the hospital,; That's` when ---Pets said—that's .when Bentley - fell lu love with you."' ' "Pete's mold 'woman --stalks 'too ..much, Besides, Mike---" "It couldn't have been the time the car went. oft the : road tun tile• . canyon,, could it?" Monnlp.ashook - ‘Iter Bend, looked away, She seamed unusually' disturbed by leis ques- tion. • ' • • "I don't kuow anything about any accident on the canyon road," she auswered,, almost coldly... • "But you do, Monnie,.-you do. You were.'..thei'e, you helped pull the (lead man- out.ot the burning 'ear. You testified at the inquest, Bentley testified ; : at the ' same time--" blotinie jumped to iter feet, fac- ed Larry, Anger darkened her face. "I told everything I` knew 'about that—I don't know what., you're talking about, Wily:slionid• I. know anything about—What's it to you anyway? What are you -doing here, spying on me?" She turned hor back on him, Larry, wits staudiug ,beside her, $is fingers bit into her shoulders as he -turned' her' around to• face him, He waited ,a sepondL search- ing. her eyas, ` then spoke slowly,` deliberately; _> "I hope I can trust you,- Moonie, , You have to toll me -all about that accident.' 1 liave-to know, 1 have a right to know," "Wily?" "The men you helped pull front that burning cur was My brother, Hugh 'Collins t" . • • (To -Be Continued) Tot's Sailor Frock and Calot By ANNE ADAMS Sailor -dresses are a high-rank- ing favorite with kiddies, and Pattern 4530 is one of the sett - son's most engaging versions of this mode. There are pleats to the fore and pleats to the aft, stitched to the waistline to give a trine bodice fitting and released below for generous skirt fullness, The sailor collar, which may match or cheerily contrast, is a true nautical . touch; so are the 'optional braid` trim and the tie, You niay choose between short or long and full sleeves. The cute Calot cap and bloomers or ifant- ies are .indlu(le•d, Pattern 4530 is cut in child• yen's sizes, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, Size 6,• long sleeve dress, takes 1.N yards 64 inch fabric; short sleev- es dress, 2% yards 36 inch fab- ric. Send Twenty Cents (20c) in I coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this Ahne Adams pattern; Write plainly Size, Name, Ad- dress and Style Number. Send your order to Anne Ad - ems, Room 426, 73 West Adel. aide St. W., Toronto, • GIVE YOURSELF 'A'; MANICURE• . 'Following the 'cleansing, nails are Shaped with an emery board, Thbs ,photo is posed by Virginia Orey, Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer player. Fine Teacher Knows Child In Relation to Family; Emo- tional Experiences and Sym- pathy You and I know some teachers who know their children not mere- ly by name and school. They know these children, every one of them, in a far wider sense, They know them 1n relation to their parents, brothers and sisters and play- mates, 'These teachers know much about the emotional experiences of these children, thele joys and sorrows, hopes and fears. They know how these children are treat- ed and uuderstood at home, Great ' and wonderful are such teachers. Money can't reward thein for what they do. We wish more teachers u'et'e like them, See how much greater in- fluence for • good they would have on their children and how much happier these •children would be and slow much faster they would learn, More than we realize, teachers can induce the child at school to want to help his parents at home and want to do some of the hard work there. More titan they real- ize, they can motivate the child at home to he a good companion to his younger or older brother or sis- ter, and a better playmate in the neighborhood, Some great teachers inspire their children to do right at home or anywhere else away from settee]. Thorough Cooking Safeguards Pork Hamilton Epidemic of Trich- inosis Blamed on Pigs Trichinosis, a disease contracted from' eating pork improperly cook- ed, had caused considerable illness in I-Iamilton and as. a result. Gov- ernment regulations governing the feeding of garbage to hogs would likely be introduced, Dr, J. Edgar Davey, Medical -Officer of Health, informed the Hamilton Board of Health at the December meeting, As the local epidemic was the first in Ontario, officials of the Government had given the matter considerable attention, he said, Ef- forts were made to trace the source of the diseaseand check was also made on the feeding of garbage to hogs. Cuttings from diseased pork, if thrown into kitchen garbage, then fed to pigs, would cause spread of the get'nt, the. health of- ficer advised. Thorough cooking of all pork was the safeguard and if this were done the consumer would be protected, said Mr, Davey, Full -Length Coat Seen For Spring Cut and Seamed With Skill; Little Tailleur Is Suit Pet r Suits and enseutl,les presented at this time in New York salons are aimed at resort wear. Even so they predict spring trends. The full-length fitted coat, cot and seatiied with skill, is slated to win: Every house included it and stressed it, save Hattie Car- negie, who showed n big group of topcoats made with square shoulders and straight backs — these ,were, however, definitely scheduled to travel south. The little tailleur was the pet among -suits. If one were to fix a type it would be to liken it to the old -tinge Chanel models, It was seen 111 plain and in combin- ations of plaid jacket and plain skirt. The high spot in fabric news is silk' shantung, If flaunts through the showings in spectator dress. es and suits, and even makes a party bow in dinner ensembles, Canadian - Indian Handicrafts • Up Since, War Closed Doors of Europe to Thousands of Tourists - Growing 'attention is being paid to Canadian Indian handicraft since war closed the doors of Europe to the thousands of American tour- ists in search of hand woven ma- terials and the products of the ar- tisan, it is learned from the Indian Affairs Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources, , Evidence of this interest was brought out at fall • exhibitions where booths exhibiting and selling ,Indian work took in' much Ameri• can money, "WW •have a powerful magnet for tourists if we develop the Indian work," ,said an official in the branch. "The demand is already greater: than can .be filled," .. . t ` - MASTER. , CttAFTSMEN ;-According to the records of the Handicraft Guild in Montreal, al- though the number of tourists dee creased this year, those who came from United States spent larger sums on peasant and Indian work, They were the people who knew handicraft and . can tell the best .stuff instantly. They are the people who spent large•sums in the Bal• kau.s, who bought the tyrolean jack- ets and the Hungarian and Czecho•. Slovak' embroideries, handmade blouses, scarves and costume jew- elry. NATIVE SCENES DEPICTED On three reserves, St, Regis, near Cornwall, atCaughnawaga and the Odenak reserve the Indian 'Affairs Branch has encouraged the Indians and in the past year. over $30,000 worth of articles have been sold without counting individual sales. Examples of work at the Indian Department reveal the Indians master craftsmen at depicting na- tive scenes and such symbols as -the "thunder, bird." One such sells easily at $5 and the workmanship compares favorably with silver bracelets produced' by the Smiths of Algeria and Morocco, In all lines the demand far exceeds sup- ply, offit'ials said, ' a Uow'•To Prevent Rough, Red Hands The Tricks to Cure This ,Cold -weather, Condition .Are - •, Simple- . ' Cold winds come, frosts begin -to nip—the first things to suffer are those busybody hands. Redness, rough spots—rip goes a stocking! That's the indication winter's really ' here. - The tricks to cure this condition are simple—a luscious rich hand cream, and a pair of cotton gloves, to keep the cream on you instead of on' the sheets, - GIVE THEM SLUMBER TECHNIQUE - Of course you don't have to wear the gloves .alt night, . Half au hour, while your'e relaxing, planning menus, telephoning, makes an ef- fective treatment too, Tho thing is to keep the cream' at work for ino1'e than just a brief five min- utes. - Or • give. your bands the slum - her technique. It's very simple—on with the cream, over it with the gloves—and eft to sleep, This should follow, for best results, a soap and water cleansing in good warm water. Don't forget to work a little extra cream in the pockets between the fingers, and over the wrists where lines are apt to form, Stay Single For Glory, She Says It takes an understanding hus- band to permit a woman to com- bine marriage and a career, in the opinion of educators who par- ticipated in Oberlin (Ohio) Col- lege's third biennial symposium on occupations for women. "If a woman wants glory," she must remain single," observ- ed Mrs. Katherine Greene, direc- tor of education at the Sherwood School, Bloomfield Hills; Mich. Marriage and children mean, she said, "a setback of ten years in professional,. careers. There is -no problem about marriage and a job until a woman has children," she added. Peculiar Poultice in Harrisburg, Pa,, a woman was found who for 30 years wore Christmas seals on her chest to prevent tuberculosis. tbolatiiijip Value $76(1,00, and cash awards for original musical eomposi- tions, Canadians of either sex under 22 years on March 1, 1941, the closing date for entries, Junior Division open to com• petitors under 16 who do not qualify for major prizes. For entry forms and full in- formation apply CANADIAN PERFORMING RIGHT SOC- IETY LIMITED, Royal Banc( 13ullding, Toronto. 1 By SADIE B. CHAMBERS Tomato Jelly. Variations Tomato jelly can change almost any niellu or dish with one excel). tion—!t5 color, and if you wish to improve that color, use strawberry jelly powder. (If you have not tried this little trick you will be delight- ed,witll the results), Firstly, I tun giving_ you a good jelly recipe, whicll'ca'lt .be used as a foundation and then some ways in which you can utilize it to effect, TOMATO JELLY 1 package strawberry jelly pow- . der •- U- cup cold water 2 cups canned tomatoes 1/2 bay leaf '4 teaspoon salt 1 stalk celery 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon Scraped onion Sugar to taste, , HOLIDAY SALAD • - Chill tomato jelly mixture with occasional stirring until - of the consistency of strained honey, then fold in % cup diced celei' (extra) and 1,(1 cup chopped almonds, PERFECTION SALAD Chill tomato jelly mixture with occasional stirring until of the con- sistency of strained honey, thea ' fold in 1 cup shredded raw cabbage, 3 cup chopped celery, '/ cup green pepper finely chopped and 2 table- spoons chopped pimento, TOMATO CHICKEN -SALAD . L'hill tomato jelly ,mixture with occasional stirring until of the con- sistency of strained honey, then fold in 1 cup finely chopped or dic- ed chicken, 1 cup celery cut fine, • TOMATO JELLY LOAF Divide tomato jelly mixture into three parts. Pour one part in loaf pan, that, has been rinsed in cold water. Chill and when firm spread with % cup chopped, cold cooked ham; which has been mixed with prepared mustard and enough salad dressing to moisten. Add sec- ond part of tomato jelly, which has been allowed to thicken. slightly., When this is firm spread with a layer of cottage cheese well sea- soned. Add the third layer of par- tially thickened 'jelly. Chill thor- oughly, TOMATO MOUSSE - 2 cups' canned tomatoes 4 egg yolks 2 tablespoons chopped ,onion 1 tablespoon jelly powder (gel- atine) ?; teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon catsup 1r, cup cold water - 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup whipping cream Soak gelatine iu water. Cook to- matoes, celery, onion. and season- ings 10 minutes, 'Rub through coarse sieve, Re -heat; pour slowly over well -beaten egg yolks. Cook in double boiler until mixture coats the spoon. Add gelatine, stirring until dissolved. Lot stand until cool. Beat with. dover beater until fluffy. Whip cream and fold into mixture. Pour into wet mould and chill, Unmould on lettuce and serve with salad dressing. Serves 8. Miss Chambers welcomes per. tonal letters from interested readers. She is pleased to receive suggestions on topics for her column, and is even ready to ,lir ten to your "pet peeves." Re* quests • for recipes or special menus are in order. Address your letters to "Miss Sadie B. Cham. ers, 73 West Adelaide Street, -. Toronto." Send. stamped, self. addressed envelope if you wish a reply, i AtJisw •9" craft ns.or Itch For quick relief from itching of eczema pimples, ath. lete's foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other externally caused akin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, anti. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription, Greaselessi stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops internee itehing. 35c trial hot de proves it, or money back. Asst your druggist today for D. D. D. PIIESCniI'T10Nt FREE! SAM lItUAY' END! ENT h'Olt Stomach Trouble (Due to Gastric Hyper -Acidity) C. P. Shea, Camp. boll's Bay, Que., writes: "1 suffer- ed for the past 21 years with •Inds• gestlon, pnlns and gas after each tneal, and I found relief when a friend told inc about your trentment. Front the first day 1 used Canadian Von Tab- lets I believe they have done dm good. 1 can't praise them too much." If you stiffer from indigestion. gastritis, hoartburu, bloating, acid irritation, pains after eating, or al- lied stomach trouble induced by, gastric hyper -acidity, you, too, should receive quirt( relief. Send at once for l"RI:F. Samples ot this treatment. ,1 free Booklet is includ- ed. Write: • CANADIAN VON CO. Dept. 2141 1WI`vt»4(►lt, (►NTAI4It1 ISSUE 2—'41 C Pet . New Year's Specials .Wo's, & Misses' Mouse Dresses, reg. 100, clear 79c Children's Plaid Dresses Special 98c 15 Women's Crepe Dresses, long sleeve, to clear 1.98 Men's Horse Hide Coat Special $9.00 Monarch Thrift Yarn to Clear at 15c ball All Christmas Exchanges must be made before January 15th. Olive McGill SIMS GROCERY GOODS DELIVERED. TELEPHONE 14. PEP UP WITH A HOT BREAKFAST CEREAL! Red River .Cereal, lg. pk. 25c Cream of Wheat, per lb. 5c SPECIAL!!! PI -CAKE OR SUPREME Shortening, 2 Ibs 25c BULK Spaghetti, lb. 50 Boiled Spaghetti made tastier by adding tomatoes, provides an appetizing supper dish. SPECIAL!!! 10 Ib. Granulated Sugar 69c When You Buy $1.00 Order of Groceries (Prices Subject to Change without Notice) KRAFT CANADIAN Cheese, 2IIoaf 59c JACOB'S Cranberry Jam, 16 oz. jar 20c Wednesday, ;alit 13i x 41..•• WIPP a „ .. ' qa— —, + ., • r . ' A Dallier!! f1i1r.iY4 , flaywas ,.a RAGE, Fortify Altai s Winter Ills ' STANDARD , WR .ARE &GENTS FOR Miss Eileen Robinson visited with' :Min Doris .Moody at Kitchener fora Plymouth and! Chrysler Cars Auto -Lite and Hart Batteries. Prestone and , Slovap Anti -Freeze. - W'nter Check -Up On . Your Car. Goodrich. & Dunlop Tires, White. Rose Motor Oil. PHII,CO RADIOS AND SUPPLIES. Acetylene Welding. few days last 'week, Mrs, Charles Gradhy spent New Year's with Mr, and Mra, • Martin Granby, Morris Township. • Ulan Kathleen Logan of Weston, visited for a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mra. Win, Logan, Airs' T, Cassels of Meaford is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs, L. J. Williams, '\1r. and Mrs. Foster of Henall vis- ited on 'Sunday with their son, Harold, and Mrs, Foster. !lire• J. B• Watson is visiting her Mother and sister. in. Fordwialn for a few days, Miss .Marie Vincent of the Clinton Tut.1ic Hospital srtsttf visited with Miss Joseph'in'e Woodcock on Tuesday., Miss Lois Robinson returned to Welland on Saturday atter spending the, holidays at lion home here, ' Airs. Wan. Laidlaw returned home Friday after it visit with her' son in •Wingham. I•Miss' Melda ,1fcElroy has returned to St. Marys after spending the holidays at her home here • .Mrs. I. Ii, Brown, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. James Logan, return-, ed to her•home in Toronto on Monday, •Mr and Mrs. Harry Jackson and little' son' spent New Year's. at the late„ ter's parents, Air, and Mrs. Cephas Young',- Colborne Township. Miss Pauline Robinson, music sup• ervtsor of Kitchener and Waterloo schools spent a few days of the holt, days with Miss Elizabeth Mills, Mrs. A. t\I', Boyle, Mrs.. Herrington, Miss Toll, .Mns. Morritt and Mrs, Bent- ley attended the Presbyterian Presby- terial resbytenial held at Clinton on Wednesday,. We re'gre't to report that Mr. R. H. iRoliinson has been confined to his home through illness during the past' week, CHEDDAR HOUSE Cream Cheese, quarter ib. pk. 10c WE BUY AND GRADE EGGS. iiiiiiiIMMOMMENOMMENO .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Whitmore and son, Douglas, spent New Year's with the latteir's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert -Blake, 'Colborne Township. Norman ISinolair returned to Tor- onto to resume his studies at the On- tario School of Education', after' having spent the 'Christmas holidays at his home Here, Mr, Reg Argent of the Welland Teaching Staff returned ' o Welland on Saturday after spending the holidays with his parents, •Mr, and 'Airs. Fred Agent, Mr. and Mrs. Benson' Cowan and a little daughter, Judith, accompanied by Mr. and Airs, Geo, Cowan, George E. Tho next meeting of the Huron Elliott's Sunoco SERVICE STATION. SUNOCO PRODUCTS. ANTI; FREEZES. Tobaccos and Soft Drinks. Tires an'd Batteries. BLYTH,' ONTARIO. Vodden's ' BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN. Ph. 71 - We Deliver. HQ11yman' s BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. The Home of .Good Baking; We wish to thank our many patrons for their busi- ness in the past year, and we wish to extend to them, a 'Happy and 'Prosperous New Year, with Season's Greetings. We Deliver Country or Town. Ph. 38 January Meeting Of The Huron County Council High -and Billie,St toFashi nassMr. and Airs. Leslie Dalgleish at Or- angeville' WITH R. M. McKAY'S Visitors at the home of Mr, and Perf ctGlasses AT LOW PRICES. We grind our own lenses from First Quality Blanks. We don't require your perscrit tion to make you a new lens. All we require is a piece of the broken lens. One Day Service on Broken Lenses. R. M. McKAY, R.O. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST. Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College and Royal College of Optical Science. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW AT THE STANDARD OFFICE. Always Ready to Cater To Your Party Needs. Home -Made Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand. Fresh Stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos BILLIARD PARLORS Tables Always in Al Shane. SIBTHORPE'S Drinks( Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. Former Londesboro Resi- dent Dies In Manitoba Mr. W T. Riddell of Auburn receiv- ed word' of the death o! his niece, Mfrs, Clifford Fennell, Pierson, Mani- TUNNEY'S Meat Marke Cottage Roll - Mrs, W. H, Lyon New Years Day were, Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon, Mrs, C. _ Watson, Elda and Fern, Mr, and Airs. W. Govier, Beth and Elva of Londes- born, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair and daughter, of Kippen, Mr, and Mrs, D. Moody, town, Miss 13, Brogden and Mr. Gordon Lyon, London, Mr. Ken, Lyon, Crediton, WESTFIELD Reeve Raymond 'Redmond has re- turned home from Toronto. {Miss Mary Nesbit has returned to Toronto to continue her studies, ` Air, and Mrs. Carl Dean, Wingham, and .Mrs, Osbaldeston of Goderlch, (with Mr, and Mrs. Norman MoDowcll, Mr. and ,Mrs, Alva McDowell with ;Mr, and Mrs.' K, Cameron, Lucknow. Mr, and Airs. Charles 'Lockwood of Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter, ,Air, and Mrs. l 'AI'ansol Cook and tc'hitdren, Mr. and Mrs, E. (Rodgers and dainty and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tay- lor, Joyce and Louise, spent Weduos- day with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Scott 30c'at'Auburn. Bologna per lb. 15c 1 Breakfast Bacon per lb. 30c Weiners per lb. 25c Schneider's Sausage, lb. 25c Spare Ribs .. , . 10c and 18c WE DELIVER. 'tuba. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Riddell, Pierson, Manitoba, former residents of Londes- boro. Mrs. Riddell was formerly Jennie Woodman 0 Londesboro. The people if 5.8. No. 1,6 enjoycd a very pleasant evening on Now Years Eve in the school room when cards and dancing were enjoyed. A sliver collection was taken and over WOO was sent to the British War Victim fund. IAlusic was supplied + by Mr Per- due, Clinton, Mrs. Hag;itt of Auburn and Mr. Oliver Anderson. The ladies served lunch. Miss Amy Toll, of Stratford Normal, is teaching this week in' 8. S. No. 1'6 Many in the district are suffering from "flu." ' Mr. Murray McDowell shot a large fox at his farm. County Council will 'be held in the Council Chant ers, Court Houe% Goderich, 'commencing ' TUESDAY JANUARY 218T. AT 2 P. M All accounts, notices of deputations and other 'business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in' the hands of the, County 'Clerk not later than SATURDAY, JANUARY 18TH. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk: Godea'ich, Ontario, PERSONAL INTEREST Mr, Chester Morrison is laidup this week with at attack of the "tin". :Mr, Bertram Elliott left on Wednes- day for Empire, Northern Ontario, 'where he has taken -a position with Northern Empire Mine, Limited, as bookkeeper. • Visitors at the home of Mrs. Thos. Elliott for the New Year's holidays were: Mr. and Mrs. George Henry, of Lucknow, Mr, and .Mrs. Gordon Ham - Ron and son, Laverne, of Exeter. Pte. Bert Elliott, C,A.S.F, of London, Miss Genevieve Tiedem.an of Detroit,Misses Marion and Margaret Coledge, of London. Wingham Has Good Hockey Team During the past few ., rs the Town of Wingham, probably copying other I towns in the district, has more or less ( become hockey -minded, and each -year has seen them adding new players to l their Intermediate -hockey team. • This year outside talent is even more'pre- •volant, and on Tuesday night we watched them "muck it" with the r]oderich Sailors on Wingham's home ice. The Indians of Wingltamu, were Manch too good for the Sailors, and shinnied them 'to an 8.2 climax. 'With all due credit to the Sailors, it • Prepare Now to Ward Off Winter Illness,, '•- 1 Any, of the following preparations etre excellent to strengthen the system and aet as preventatives ,. > • against Colds, Flu, Etc, . ' Wampole's Extract Cod Liver 1 , , ... $1,00 Scott s Emulsion 59c and 98c Creophos Neo Chemical, Food.- , , , t $1.15 and $2$1..45O,O. Waterbury's Compound . 95c .Kepler's Malt and Cod•; Liver Oil 75c and:$1.25 Irradol A . .. , , $1.56- Maltine and Creosote $1:.26 Squibbs Cod Liver Oil , 50c and $1.Q0 Nyal'Cod Liver Oil 35c, 59c and $1.00 R. D PHILP, Ph.m. B. DRUG&, SUNDRIES. WALLPAPER --PHONE 26, Pictures Brighten the Home • And There's A Frame For Every Picture. Just think how much -more you would appreciate those pictures of yours if they were _suitably framed, The ones you have just received or the ones you have stored away are unseen and unappreciated and unless carefully stored will soon lose their value. Bring them in to us, you'll be surprised how little it costs to have them suitably framed. ;We Specialize in Framing - Our prices are Reason- able and Our Work is Guaranteed. J. S. Cheiiew Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 -- Funeral bireetor. Willows Drug Store Drugs, Tobacco, Soft Drinks—Phone 28. Hot Water Bottles 49c to 1.19' wampole's Extract Cod Liver 100 Davis & Lawrence General Tonic 100 Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver Oil 75c and 1.25 Scott's Emulsion 59c and 98c Willow's Bronchial Cough Syrup 50c Castile Soap 10 cakes for 25c JColgate's: Floating Soap 3 cakes for llc Old Colony Toilet Soap 3 cakes for 10c Ginger Ale Quarts -- Canada Dry or O'Keefe's must be said that they were very much, lacking in condition, and such players as Bill Young and Don McKay, both ,former regulars 'with the Clinton Colts, were much below their playing ability, •However, even when the teannsdo get into condition, we doubt if the Sailors can match the Indian's, who have two• Ivory smart forward linos, and a pass- able defence and goaltender, 'Elven though the Sailors might ice a very 'good defence, they are sorely lacking in the forward department, and, on the night's play the Indians should have beat them by plenty. The only department where Wingham did- n't outdo them was in the scrapping end of the gaane, and with the veteran 'Butch" IMurney as manager of the 'Sailors it will take quite a team to ont- oct'a'p thein. "Butch" always did have the hack of putting the tight into the Goderioh boys, • We understand that Frank McIDwan and Ken ,Pickett of Clinton' played with tlroSeatorth Beavers on Tuesday night in thelr exhibition game with the Port Albeit Air Force, The Beavers had dlttlo difficulty in' handling the Port boys as they beat thein 101, The south group is a very poor one this ,year, with only tSeaforth, Tavistock and Waterloo as ontrtea Judging from the number from here present at the Wingham game on Tuei d'ay night, we 'imagine most of the local fans must be considering seeing their hockley in the ;north group this year. • Second Group Of Pilots Graduate At Sky Harbour Right •on.,sohedule Sky Harbor Ele- mentary Training Flying School has "graduated" its second group of etur dent pilots Since its opening on Octob- er 14 last sMont1'nt n4.terttoon-the air. men entrained for an intermediate ._.. fi--- sehool elsewhere in Canada to contin• ue their courses.. McCormick's Butter Bix • 10c and 15c Eatmore Cooking Bran 2 lb. bag 10c Orange Marmalade • per jar 25c Happy -Vale Mincemeat 21b. tin 25c Allen's Apple Juice '5c and 10c Coca-Cola, handy 6 -bottle carton 25c (plus deposit) (Get a Carton). 4 Cakes Infant's Delight Soap and 110c-Pkg.. Gibson's Face ,Tissues All For 25c JIF (with salt and pepper shaked) . . , box 27c STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Market Price for Eggs According To Grade.