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The Blyth Standard, 1940-05-29, Page 1
THE- BLYTH.' STANDAR VOLUME 50 NO, 44. 7 Over Forty Appeals Heard At Hullett Court of Revision. Monday was the day for the sittingguson. MYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940, of The Court of Revision for the Fred Sltdbbrook, by Ferguson and Township of ifullott, and with. all helper. members of the Council present, the Simon tAicVittle, by Leiper an i most of the afternoon was spent in Brown. listening to evidence put forth by the Wan. Bell, by Ferguson and Lelper. More than forty appolunts against the Joe Riley, by Brown and Snell. ; new asseesmeuteslbps, issued on the Town of Clinton, by Brown 'and basks, of the Mogg & Quinldn valua• Ferguson. tion. Albert Glazier, by Snell -and Lelper. Councillor Fred Pecritt was ap- Henry Hunking, by' Brown and Far. pointed Chairman of the Court, and guson. . read out the appeals, and the reasons Herbert Glatt I er, by Leifer and being put forth by the appelants, Most Fetg•uson. of these we; present, and when cal- Harvey Making, by. Ferguson umu led on gave reasons for their appeals, Leiper. In almost every case the basic roa• Wm. Campbell, by Leber and son was that the asscIZment was too Brown. high. In some cases appelants cla'lm.I John '%lk Ewan, by Snell _and Fere ed that their buildings had been the guson. i properly measured, others claiming 1 George Carter, by Leiper and For-. e that the Valusa•tars had failed to prop. guson, + erly duality the quality of their soli.I Thos, harirset:vice, by Ferguson and Among the' A:ppelants was Councillor Snell, John Ferguson, and In all cases the' Aire, Mlarehall Young, appeal thrown appeals were moved for conslderatibn, out, •not in on time, and following the numerous honing' Scott I,iawthorne, by Ferguson and the Court went into a committee , of Snell. the whole to deal with the appeals.) Bernard Nott, by Brown and Fer- A crowd of some fifty wore expelled guson; front the Council Chamber at this Chas. Riley, by Ferguson and Snell. juncture, Unable to deal with all the Joseph 11'ebster, by Ferguson and appeals on Monday, Court adjourned Brown. until Tuesday afternoon. No informa• I Albert Vodden, by Brown and Snell. tion regarding the outcome has yet Wm. Lyon, by Leiper and Ferguson. been divulged, John Barr, by Ferguson and Le''pur.. 'I'ae list of appelants, with their :llama Grasby, by Brown and Snell. mover and seconder, for consideration, Percy Riley, by' Ferguson and Snell, follows: George Watt, by Brown and Laiper. DIES AT CLINTON Wen. Haggard', moved for consider - THE TRUSTEES of THE BLYTH CEMETERY BOARD respectfully solicit, front all those In arrears, funds for t'helr work. Thank you. W. N, 'Watson, Chairman. F. Toll R, Riclunond, Leslie Hliborn, Secy-Treas. Cemetery year ends May 25th. Annual meeting for Lot Holders May 30th In Memorial Hall at 8 P,M, NELSON BALL, V.S. Band To Give First Concert Robert Grimoldby, by Ferguson and To -Night. Flax Machinery Arrives. Some of the machinery for The Gordon Flux Atllis arrived here' this week', In the Norm of Pullers and De- ,seeder. e••seeder. The machinery had been re- ported shJrped for months but finally arrived. . Seeding operations, which had been serl'iusly hampered during the past wedge by rain, has been proceeding rapelly this week, and It Is hoped that the weather will continue favourable. Not more than half the acreage has yet been planted, but several Heide which were planted are up and look goad. No doubt Wall warn weather, and plenty of moisture in the ground the growth will ue rapid. J1 r, Gordon informs us that his machinery was•shippod just one week prior to the invasion of 13elgiran by the Germans. The machines had been reported shipped at several different LOOK AT YOUR LABEL. tittles, and delays were beginning to MISS KATHLEEN LOGAN, R,N, be alarming, but we are Wormed that lila mills are dependent for no more Sixteen nurses received their plus nlachlnery from overseas. The re• land diplomas at the graduating exec- inaigder can be purchased In Cauada, cases of the Guelph General Hospital held in War Jlenlortal Hall at O.A.C. Net Thursday evening. Awards were Flying School At Coderkh. given for 'Highest standing, general While no official word had been re- prof ctenky, operating room technique, calved In Goderich •'Monday night, the stugical nul.5ing, bed Fria nursing and anuouuccnlattt made by Hon. C. G. abstelrtcal nursfug. Power, Canadian Air Minister, na in- I The last prize, uwai rte l by the Iles - Ing Goderich as one of the locatlous pita. Alumnae Association was won by for an elementary. flying school was miss Logan. •gralifying to county and airport ofIl- cia)s. Huron Coullty is glad to learn they are given an opportunity to contribute Huron -Perth Openers to help win the war. At tyle January Marred By Rain ses;ion the Council voted unanimouslyThe opening guns of the Buren - to offer• the airport to the government es a patriotic gesture and since then Perth Baseball league were aflen ed weld from Ottawa has been eagerly by the weathermat► on the 24th, when all games were called off. Heine and awaited. The Blyth Citizens hand will givet A. soon as word is received in home games between Lacan and Cline Nelson Ball, 1.S., wcll•ltuown bus E y heir first open-air concert this ton, and Hensall and St. Vary tvcrt' anmuseumon by Councillors Brown and Snell. Snell, museum of Clinton, diet. suddenly l(iOaerlc)t officially, N'ardcn George, ,• John Ferguson,by Brown and Lcillall called off. The opener at Blyth be James Jiro y, by l,ounc".kola, Fa- gi Friday at 111s home in Clluton, in 'itis I tlhursdny) 'letting In front of the )�ec►gau auuounced, he µb11 calla171rys guson and Brown. or. G6th year. alicanorial Hall, weat'.ler point Being. tileethtg of the .1irp'ort Commlttec tween the harvesters and St. J Y 1 soheduled for Monday n.�bt. also had Under the direction of Dr. C. E. Toll, composed of Reeves G. Frayne, Alex to be postponed drre to the coudil'.:on Edward Yunblutt, by Leiper and He was n son of the Late William 1JI'cl)•alald of Ash�fleld, and It. E. Snell, , hail and Ann Garbutt and was Vora the band has been practicing faith of the local diamond,di;a the will have Matthew Aemalron , by Lelper and Londesboro Man In Serious fully for several weeks now and sev.Turner, of Godot ick►. , gat Base lino, Hullett, near AuburnIt's first clash of the season with 1.,c• I let al young players have been local' Sky FIarbor Airport is the only Forgueen, Condition Following 1 !Torch 17, 1875. He received his wine Ip 'ter, in Crediton this Friday night, George \taloa t,.. �.t,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,t Snell. 1• 'orated i t 11 • i•.• I 11r , county one In Canada, It was firstWm, Snell, by Lelper and Fergueon, •your. annual air pageants were stagedChester Farquhar, by Brown and V.§, degree at Toronto Veterinary ing the assistance of local busineeeClinton. The first home game will be, Ilarry Riley, hondeeeoro Contractor. Ivied' attracted international Wen- ' ca.tton In the towllshlt► public school, 0 d e( into the organization. Lei per, men in an effort w nee that all those lilt 011 r weather' permitting. Monday night Motor Accident. I Clinton colloMate and received ilia have he'll asked to co-operate in reel, offs: i;Illy opened In 193S "a nd for two and John Scott, a neighbour of Riley's, College. After graduation, he practis• they take on the Clinton Celts to 011 Friday, June 7(11, when Clinton('leo go I'lirquhar, by Ferguson and aro ill Scott Alemort'a.l Hospital, Sea• ed as a veterinary surgeon ill Montana playing I11 the ]sand are available t01' Moll, 1117111}' 1VCi1 well-known flyCl'S COIiIJn$ Leiper, the Concert. The organlzaton ha to give de-nonstratiuns. The field ie plays here, forth, following a motor accident, fo, three years, after which he came The only Baume played so far to the Robert Smith, by Brown and Snell,' worked faithfully in organizing the +t large Due. which occurred last Saturday after- • to Clinton and practised with the late league has been between Clinton and Frank„ by Brown and Snell. • !noon on No. S Highway, just west of Mr. Blackall, baud and It Is lolled Chat nothing No details of the government'?, Riley, by Ferguson and L.,' swill Marr their concerts, The leader, plans 'have been received at Goderich, Howell, on Monday evening. In a • 11'.Seeeorth. Mr. Riley is reported to be Thirty-five years ago, he went into Air Jl.hnister Powerannounced Mon.five•inning tussle Clinton emerged er, I In a very serious condition asp the re- t'l a furniture and ut►dertaksng bust• , Dr. 'Toll, deserves credit far Ills titvictors 1.1. to 1, over Stan Tudor's Leo Stephenson, by Leiper and cult of Ute accident. 'Air. Scott's can- ness iu Clinton, in partnersllp with tring efforts with the band, and ev• day the location of throe additional i K elementary flying schools, two ser -;H' nsallit s. Paced by good pitching i➢1own, ditto!' is not as serious, he• having suf- the late J. i3. Hoover', the partnarshll► CI'yo1h0 in connection with it has Vont. gby Draper, and aided by 7 errors for 'Bert Lruitsdon, by Brown and Fel.- vice flying (schools, too air observer their Aare, , , teres mostly from cuts and Lruisee. Inter included U. J. Atininson turd J. J. 1 Hensel], the Colts had little difficulty guson. I Following is the program for Thurs :;ehoola and one bombing and gunnery 1 , Cause of the accident was when the Zaspeo and they took over the Marland I t 3 ' tl ei first ti 11 • Owen Reynolds, by Ferguson and car approaching the turns just west of Bros, hardware stock. For Cite past • day night: Brown, Soaforth, failed to make the turn and 15 years, the firm name has 1)0011 Ball 0 Canada. Clifford Glazier, by Snell and Fer roiled ov'c�: three times, Tho two 01- g Zal;fe, lir. Atltinsou hating retied. March, "Carry On, Canada” cupants wore thrown from the vehicle. Mr. Poll was Liberal In politics and Overture, "Neptune." Thc car was a. total wreck. a member of the United Church. Ho Serenade, "Whispering Leaven." 'Mr; Riley, who was the driver of was a past master of Clinton Ledge Mario, "The Booster." „ ,. c l CONGRATULATIONS 'sellout under the Il: ltish Common- I °" a n1ng i . r . wealth Air Training Platt. The Goderich entry has dropped 'I'ne elementary t;ying schools will out, the real°n that some of their bo established al. hoderlrh, Ont,, players have already enlisted, and Hamilton, Ont.., and Chatham, N. B,, others are expected to follow suit. and the service flying schools all \1 a understand that the local man Overture, Afafilleta agement is constcierin,g the possthility the car µns reported to be first ts rf• I 8 A Ili N o b t and for 0 years Carberry, ikon,, and .\louct.on, N. B. , March, " The air observer schools will be al °f holstering the.lineup here with faring from serious back injuries and w�aa director of ceremonies for the On Parade. - form ter This column devoted to our readers Patriotisc Numbers, "•Maple Leat", Winnipeg and F1'alnilton, and the • some ``"""'`'"' surrounding " who may wish to make use of it to many bruises, but Inter examination lodge. 1 -le was also a member o. „ ritory. Interest, at the loyal dianhoni t the' Old 13 ' d bombing and gunnery school at lin• commemorate some passing event In Indicates that This condition Is even Clinton lodge,'', No. 5;1, and of Nnvelt ilarch Beer Bar el I o the liv „ "Boys o t le riga e. _ y . "' Polka," gal Ont. In lilghl Ctruuty has been lacking, and something it f tl►o3r reiativee and more serious than first indicated. Murphy L,U.d.. No, 710. r Air. Power also salt. relief air this nature may help get things going friends, such as Blrtittiays, Wedding Both Wren are well known In this in 1002 he married Mary Dowser, God Savo the King, Anniversaries, or any other events, district, and hop© ter t;Noir complete of Clinton, who survives. There nitio that our readers may think worthy of, recovery Is hoped for. survive three sons, Harry Downer Ball, Gananoque and Sandhurst. Skulls, til' drying 111). , . OntarioSafetyLeague drool's for the service ilyig school at I The biggest drawl:lack has been, the hhlgslon, Ont., would be developed al diamond which has been very slay nnote, You are asked to use this col•' aTraffic Officer J iV Ghllender o BA geolog"oat with \\,igh( llalgrenv r ' g Presents Safety Pictures s hoof at for the service flying oc u�tnu. We thltik It 'would boa (InciMitchell was called to Int e�3liball, the ca Mining Co.Ca. at Kirkland, Lake, Out., school at Moncton will be at �roudoc , . gesture on your part to show your he crash. Douglas (1', of Toronto, and William Through the co o,+elatiou of The Io and Salisbury and the ones for the' Takes Position In Military. forested In yoltr friends• N., of Clinton; three daughters, Aiar. cal School Board, pupils of 13lyrh Poll- Carberry school at Petrel and Oberon. Treasurer's Office gent, Mrs, J. R. Cai'Ihart, of Kirkland lie and Continuation School were I.O.O.F. Attend Service. Congratulations to Mr. Bert. Craig, Members of local 1.0,0.1'. No. 346, of Grand Bend, who celebrates Ills and visiting brethern from the sur - birthday June fah, rounding territory, attended Divine Juke; AI1ss Ruth, at home, and Miss Chu'a, grachtate nurse, London; one 1'rather, I phriant Ball, of Auburn, Ont., and three deters, Mrs. Charles 1 ot•ett, of Ciitttotl; Alra, .lames llahltl• Service In- Trinity Anglican Church by end ,Mrs. George Sturdy, of Auburn. last Sunday everting, The Rev. 0, L. The funeaal, mulct auspices of elite Congratulations to Mrs, Jas. Bewley Langford, Ai,A., Past Gratnd Chaplain,. , tela I :ed'ge A.F. & A.M., was held from of Morris who celebrates her birthday and Rector of Trinity Angllcatt Ontario Street United C"uutc I on 1 cu• June 5th. 1C•uurch, :Mitchell, delivered the ad• day at 230, Rev. G. G. Burton, pastor dress of the evening. At the exprea• of the church conducted the servile). Congratulations to Mrs. Russel Wm- sett wish of His Majesty, the King,. den of Staffs, who ce}Ora tes .tar and as retitiested by ilia ,Grace, Arclt- birthday, Juno 4th, l:lslhop Cwen, Primate of all Canada, Junior Team Wins special prayers were offered on behalf of file Empire and World Peace, not I The Blyth Junior softball Team Congratulations to 111r. Robert only in Trinity Chure'u, but inall Au- I►laycd Wedue °day afternoon with lila Wightman, who celebrated hits birth- giicmt Clhurchs tbroughout Canada. Junior 11oys Softball Team competed day on Sunday, May 2Gtl►. During the Service Miss Alice Roger.. oger of pupils from 0. Cowan's sthuol. The !Myth toys won by n score of 21-20, ran wail at the organ, and Mr. Stun- Congratulations- to ,Mr. R. Stewart, ley Slbthorpe sang a .:•alo, "Open the Young, of Waite River, who on Wed- Gates of the Temple." A largo congre• neaday, May 29kh, celebrates his Ulrtb- cation attended the service. In Training; at Pettawawa. day.• gunner 1iugh C•emieg, who has been Cellar Being Enlarged. 111 Kingston for the past five weeks trying examinations, returned home on Congratulations to Mrs. Jack Short- Mr. A. L. Keraick Is having Cite cel- I F,aturday ler a weekend vacation. On reed, Vanderhovf, B. C„who cels•, lar under his store excavated In order I Monday he returned to Kingetou, and braten ger birthday on Friday, May 1 to enlarge cellar capacity on his front there ice lest on Tuesday for 81st. premises, I training at Pettawawa, letbor Minister Noa•ntan Hipel of given an opportunity to see a set of Ontario 'Monday ordered the inunedi wr. Garth ll+owyn talc' over hi Motion pictures presented by the On ato doubling of Che capacity of the , clow• duties in the :Unita: y 'Treasurer tittle Safety League in the Ale -mortal Galt Airtcraft Training School. The' Office, London, this Wednesday. Cc Hall this (Wednesday) afternoon, 'school is operated under the Conlin- the past four years Garth has been a The pictures, eanpha'sizing safely, In ion -Provincial youth Training Pian, 'employee of the A. E. Wilson & 0 the halve and on One highways were I e „ insurance Brokers in the. City of Lo g Atter six months n[ ap latlan l�� don. His new tlut_es will be aimof a highly instructive nature, and the school lune graduated 200 nhecaauics, been nbsonbed by grown-ups with as immediately. New groups of Students the line with which he was ncaustcrl 'MOUS they taught could well .have 'roost of A'110111 entered the It.C.A.F'. cd in his previous place of entitle benefit as that derived by the totalling 50 each will be added to the . maul, students. 1 school this week and as often fttere- Safety on our highways nud in towels after as possible, Mr. lupel said. and busy thoroevltfirne, with splen- I Tu Flying Officer J, M. Roberts, dill tlhtslralious, showed v:. idly and R C. A. F., Huron Comity's clerk on '''hike on his way toschool aft sometimes hutnourously just what lack leave of absence, who Iles in in 11'esi dinner on !iond;ly, Kenneth Staph of sound thinking and grinch judgment llltills•ter Hospital, l.ondo1, the news son of Mr. and Mrs. John Staples, it in cases of emergency and tt'iteu try nnlst be most. grntifying, a narrow' etirapc from injury. T Ing to make time in traffic, can do. A flyer himself in the First G; eat lad, riding his bicycle, rounded 1 What appeared to be a simple trafU wee, Flying Officer Roberts stage.; corner at Elliott's Service Stalls platter was quickly transformed Into two big air pageants in 19.35 and 1939, and ran head on into a truck owe one of seriousness by the camera, and persuaded the County Couu' Il to take by Il;e Gordon Flax Mills, and dlbt when it happened the onlooker µ'aa over the air port and spend thousands by !h'. Freta Matter. Fortunately, I left with a full realization of it's pos.- el dollars on it, all the time predict- truck, which .ad been parked ot► sibility in cases he could easily en- ing that a war was inevltab'e and side of the road was barely under w counter himself. Huron Count y would place itself In a and the lad was thrown from 'file Ontario Safety League is do. position to contribute in the most bicycle and clear of 1'' • ear, thea ing a good work in t:isplayhtg these Lel{;Cul way to the Allied cauma by sustaining only a few scratches. pictures, and wherever the co -opera- r•hintaining an air port. ile main -bicycle wee not so fortunate, be tion of school boards can be obtained 1 •Ined all along the next war would; rill over by the truck. It le fortun they are being shown. in decided In the air, that the result was not n:oro ...ark Narrowly Escapes Injury SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON IX ! TESTING CONDUCT BY ITS USEFULNESS .PA. Principle of Temperate Living) zekiel 15:1-6; Matthew 5:13.16; 7:16.20; i Corinthians 10:6.7 Golden Text: "By their fruits ye shall know them." Matt, 7:16. THE L1;SSON IN ITS SITTING Time -- The fitfeeuth chapter of i Vzel.iel was probably written in 691 B.C.: the Sermon on the Mount was delivered in the summer of A.D.(28: the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians was written about A.D. 56. Place -- Ezekiel lived in eaptiv• it}- in Tel -a bit) on the canal Cltebar; the Sermon on the Mount was de - :livered not far from the city of Capernaum, :!ear the Sea of Gall - lee,; the hint Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians was written by him from the city of Ephesus. Our universities and schools make It their object to impart knowledge and create a love for knowledge, but the Lori Jesus taught in order that he might create fine lives — noble, strop; and godly characters. THE BURNED V1NJ' Ezek, 15:1. And the word of Je- hovah came unto me, saying, 2. Sou at man, what Is the vine -tree more than any tree, the vine -branch that is among the trees of the forest? ::. Shall wood be taken thereof to make any work? or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel there- on? 4, Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire hath devour- ed both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned, shall it yet he meet for any work? 6. Therefore thus salth the Lord Jehovah: As the vine -tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Chapter fifteen develops the theme that the presence of truly righteous men among a adnful and rebellious people will never suffice for the easing of these wicked, unright- eous citizens of the same vicinity. It was commonly considered among the Israelites that though other nations might perish, Israel was the Lord's own heritage, a vine in- deed which he himself had plant- ed, and which he would watch over and care for, securing for it protec- tion and permanence in spite ot anything that the people of Israel might do. Under such a delusion the Israelites refused to believe the warnings which the prophet contin- ually announced, In this chapter the prophet Ezekiel takes up this 'very idea of Israel as the vineyard Of the Lord, and from parallels in mature powerfully supports his pre- ceding prediety2las of imminent cal- amity. (The nations round about Israel are eat forth symbolically here by the phrase, "the trees of the forest", while Israel Is the vine). TODAY'S APPEACATION While this message is distinctly to Israel, surely it has a vital les- son for that particular class of people, which, because they are members of some Christian church, think that they are so under the special favor of God that they can continue In aio, and do as they please, God does not judge men by religious affiliation, but by true life and character, and the vital rela- tionship of a man to the i.ord Je- $U Ch!'ist. F1TNl("f1ON OF 1 I t'E CIMUS'I'iAN'S Haft. 5:13. 5'e are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salt- ed? it's thenceforth good for noth- ing, but to be cast nut, trodden un- der foot of men, All that 1s hest and most hopeful its mere worldly civil- ization has in it the canker of mor- al evil. The counteractive of this is the introduction of an element 111to society- whish will hold In check the forr-as that make for un• righteousness, and be itself an ele- r-tting and purifying influence. Stich an element Christians were to he in the world, 14. \'e are the light of the world. A cit: set on a hill cannot he hid. Christians are tho light by means of which the world, the mass of tnankind, may see Ihn things of religion, may r r1 tiro truth about (god and Itis ser• vire. 1 Neither do then light a lamp, and put it under the bushel, frit on the stand; and it shineth unto all Ih'!t a; in tho house, ("bu- shel" — a basket containing about a perk), 16. Even let your lighl shine before men: that they may "e y0111' good •work;;, and glorify your •"ter wl is in heaven. Our i.nt•tl urged nn theoretical display Rot' self-arivr'rlirr'tnr'n1, but a frank. rnt'ngeou'; 1'ht ktt.ut lir,• liti•r.II In open. Pitt.;iT,\(;- I`: 1i('.t1AN (.'Il.\lt.\(" 1'ER le). By their fruits Ce shalt know them. Do tneu gather grapes of thorns, or figs ot thistles? 17. Even evr;':' good tree hringeth forth good fruit; but the corrupt tree hringetli forth evil fruit. 13. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither ran a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19. Every tree that ht•ingetIt not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire, Sri. Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them, Whet a man Is lo his heart, that will his worsts Mr. King at the Opening of the 19th Parliament Prime Minister hint; arrives at the parliament buildings in Ottawa f,.r the open int: session of Canada's ltlth parliament. The Speech from the Throne was .'oad by Sir Lyman Duff, acting governor-general-. IIARIO REPORTER By DAVE ROBBINS "SHOW MUST GO ON" The work of preparing special radio programs is never taken into consideration' by the listen- ers as they sit beside their ra- (ios and enjoy a smoothly present- ed feature --- but here's a little note that will give you some idea of the work done in advance, In :lune T. 0. Wickland, head of the special events department of CBC, will travel west to the rim and works inevitably be. LEARNING 1'RO\l THE PAST 1 Cor. 10:6. Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. "These things" refers to the paragraph which be• gius this tenth chapter of Paula great letter to the church at Cor- inth, The Israelites and the facts of their history stand as warnings to us, 7. Neither be ye idolators, as were some of them; as 1t is writ- ten, the people s t down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. As the Israelites perished for their sin, their excuses notwithstanding, so those who are in fact idolators, whether they so regard themselves or not, must expect a like fate. 1 of the Columbia icefields — in Athabasca territory, and then don skiis and climb 6800 feel to the chalet atop the Athabasca glacier. For from that point a special broadcast will be given cn Jttly 1, when the Banff -Jasper highway is opened. Engineer Roy Caaoon, of the CBC station at Watrous, will accompany Mr. Wickland on this strenuous jaunt. — for the purpose of testing the possibility of sending from that point — and to see how much of the wave the minerals in the mountain sides absorb, Now "Wikky" as he is known in the )radio business, is no tiny chap — but a portly gentleman of 'sante 250 pounds — and that jaunt to the top of the glacier, over a mile in the air, will be quite a task. But then Wikky al• ways lived by the rule the show must go on. * * • AROUND THE DIAL Jessica Dragonetle will be the guest star on the Ford hour dur- ing the summer Sabbath even- in;,'-, Leopold Stanislaus Stoltowski, one of the foremost symphony At Funeral of Canadian Army's Adjutant -General Soldiers, civilians and state,uten took part in the funeral procession of ;Major-General 11. 14. "Mathews, adjutant -general of the Canadian army who died in Ottawa. The funeral procession is shown here leaving; .\1l Saints rhurrb, Ottawa. Maybe This Man Wasn't So Crazy Tho ears of a Vancouver .butcher's clerk still get red when he thinks of how it hap- pened. "The fellow walked in," re• lated the clerk, "and asked for a pound of meat, I wrapped it up for hint and put it on the counter. He picked up the parcel and said: '1 never pad' for anything. I'm crazy.' Then he just walked out!" directors in the world, was born of poor Polish parentage in Lon- don, England. So the colourful conductor is' really an English- man, -. —0 -- Everyone has a favcurite song, maybe an aria from an opera' or an old classic, that they like to hear done well. Just such a pro- gram is offered by CKOC in "Music' You Know," heard on Sunday afternoon at • .45, "Music You Know" presents world famous singers including Lawrence Tibbett, Jeanette Mc. - Donald, John Charles Thomas and Richard Crooks, in familiar songs of the concert Mage and theatre. —0— The CBC will present an it:- teresting type of program on May 31st at Eight in the evening —when "Canada Calls" is put on the air. This program will bring, to Capadian and American listen- ers many of the attractions of- fered by Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes to Holiday -Makers, "The Show Show Boal" over \VJZ Blue network from Chicago on Friday nights at Nine, is a stoney of a program. Virginia Verill, Dick 'I'odd, Aladin Hurt, Hugh Studebaker, the Show Boat band and Bob Strong's orchestra mace this shown an outstanding radia feature. —0— Program Spotlight—:Monday--- With the trcops in England via CBC at 8 .. , Radio theatre from Hollywood on Columbia at ,9 , . Make mine music at CKOC 11,30 'Pommy Dorsey's band on NBC -red at midnight . . . 'Tues- day — Canadian Snapshots from CBI, at ten p,m. Wednesday Easy Aces, NBC -blue at 7 . Ser- enade for strings from CBL at 9.30 , . . Friday — Superman, for the kids, mutual chain at 6,95. •, Amcs and Andy from Columbia at 7 . . , Don Ameche show via NBC -red network at ten,.. Farm Notes .. . Use Weeder, Harrow To Destroy Weeds Moisture• conserved and many annual weeds killed in seedling stage, states John D. MacLeod, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. The destruction of annual weeds in the seedling stage by the use of the weeder or harrow has much to cc mmend it, says John 1). MacLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont, Dept, of Ag- riculture. A weeder is preferred but the lever harrow or diamond toothed harrow may be used with care, When spring grain crops and fall wheat which have not been seeded down are up 2 to 1 inches the weeder may be used, prefer- ably with the rows, in the after- noon when plants are net so brittle. This stirring of the sur- face soil bt`calcs the crust, forms a mulch, thereby conserving mois- ture and destroys many annual weeds in the seedling stage. This method should never be employed immediately following a rain, A Practical Method The weed population in hoed crops such as corn and potatoes may be reduced to a minimum by the use of the weeder or harrow soon after planting and continued until the crop is 3 to 4 inches high. The weeder may even be used on sugar beets, mangels and turnips just after they are up in the drills and will prove very helpful in tuntrolling weeds with- out injuring the crp. POI- -Pop Takes Down His Art Critic I SLPPOSq• Ti -u3 IS -YOU CALL ONE OM. TI -10$ NORRiBLE MODERN ATROCITIGS - ART • � 4r17 This method is a practical one A bouquet of flowers, tossed from'a high -flying aeroplane dur- ing a .patriotic celebration, at La Paz, Bolivia, struck and killed au eleven•year-old ' schoolgirl, which has been adopted farmers throughout the with, exCelle t' results, - by many Province y Ti CURIOUS WORLDBFergusonWilliam 111 OiNOSAL3RS, , ONCE RULERS OF THE EARTH, HAD SOME CIIARACTERIS'fICS COMMON 'iO BIRDS, LIZARDS.. AND ALLIGA'OR.5, BUT ' 'THEY HAVE NO NEAR BLOOD RELA- TIVE5 LIVING TOO -\Y- ■ MOST bF THE TREE GIRDLING DAMAGE ATTRIBUTED TO RABB/TS IS DONE BY M/CE. IS FUND IN NATURE IN MORE THAN /00, 000 COM BINAT/CVVS. ,1-21 >s- ALTIHOUGH the dinosaurs varied greatly in many respects, they shared certain anatomical characteristics which place them all together in one great order. In size, they varied from the size Of a rabbit 10 almost 100 feet in length. Some were carnivorous, others vegetarians; some had hundreds of teeth, while others were toothless. Some walked on all fours, while others were upright. NEXT: What prevents certain leaves in tropical forests from becoming water-logged? 11111 1))1 BY KE( SEPVICE..INC. LEGENDARY VILLAIN HORIZONTAL 1 Villainous hero of a famous opera. 6 He was a legendary or impostor. 14 Wild buffalo. 15 Uncle. 16 Convex molding. 17 To quote, 18 To steal, 19 Merchandise 20 Pasteboard 40 Domineering picture frame, ruler, 21 Gymnastic 43 Aurora. apparatus. 46 Accurate, 24 Golf terns, 47 high 25 Meat. mountain, 26 Thing, 50 Vestige, 27 Heply, 52 Act of 30 Preposition migrating, of place, 53 lie sold his 31 Small fly. soul to the 32 Morindin dye, , 34 Ylural 55 King of beasts (abbr.). 56 Roost recess. 35 Star-shaped 57 Comma flower, wrote. the 37 Wine vessel, 21 22 58 Blockheads. 59 Boat terns, 60 Bewitching woman, VERTICA1. 1 Fourth note in scale, 2 Altar chest. 3 One. 4 Coterie. 5 To seesaw. 6 Sea skeleton. 7 Barrel ring. 8 Yellow resin. 9 Opposed to highest, 10 Kava. 11 Any wrongful; act, 12 On the lea 13 Snout. "0 He made love to -. 22 Polynesian chestnut. 23 Eagernet 25 Chose by ballot. 28 Being, 29 To make lace, 33 Pertaining to the side, 31 Green films On bronzes,' 36 Matures, 38 Blur, 39 Creeds. 41 Credit. 42 Bone. 44 Shaft part, 45I3oat part, 47 To assert. 48 Italian coins. 49 Project. 51 Folding bed. 54 Roof finial, 6 19 10• 'II 12, 13 19 23 26, .27. 28 31 29 By J. MILLAR WATT Holland's Royal Children in London Sanctuary When the royal family of Holland settled in London, the daily routine of the two children or Crown Princess Juliana, heiress to the throne, was resumed. Here is a picture sent to New York by radio from A through a London street, The carriage contains nine -London, as Princess Juliana wheeled the royal c: rriag tnonth-old Princess Irene, strolling behind, in custody of a London Bobby, is Princess Beatrix, 2. .e..-si•a+.-. ...-. • HAVE YOU HEARD? ;t -..*..-.-.r.-11-.-.4-. .A man was approached by an in- surance canvasser and. asked if he vas insured against fire. "Yee," said the other. "Burglary?" "Weil, yea." "Are you insured against foods?" Floods?" said the other, Aiming Interest at last, "How .do you Mart Mods?" Old Hen — "Do you leant some food advice?" Young lien — "What is it?" Old Hen — "An egg a day keeps 1� ax away." In the early hours of the morn• ins the Duchess strode haughtily morose the pavement from the hotel Where the charity dance had been held,, and was getting Into her car when a beggar accosted her." "Spare a copper, lady, fol' char- tkr• I'm starving," The Duchess turned on him and cold sharply. "What ingratitude!" she excailm• ey(l. "Don't you know I've been (lancing for you all night?" "When were the so-called Dark Ages?" "During the days of the 'knights." Two magistrates were sumnooned tor exceeding the speed limit. And when they arrived at court there were no other magistrates present, ro they decided to try each other. )Ito, 1 went on the Bench and the ease proceeded, "You are charged with exceeding iihe speed limit. Do you plead gull- ty or not guilty?" "Guilty," "You will be fined five dollars." They then changed places and ag- ain the plea was "guilty," "Timm," was the response. "Now These cases are becoming far too Common. This is the second we've bbtd this morning, You will be fin - ad twenty dollars! "This Is the worst town for gossip I ever lived in." "H'ml What have you b{en do- ing?" A business man thought his staff rather lazy and indifferent, so he pinned up the following notiee: "Bread is the staff of life, but that is no reason why the lite of our staff should be ono continual loaf." Russians Employ "Parachute Doctor" Russia has a "parachute doc- tor" whose missions of mercy con- trast with the exploits of para - flutists in the war in western Lurope. He is Dr. A. A. Poll, of Odessa, who uses the parachute method to reach urgent cases in outlying districts. Last week Dr. Poll made his 1P4th 'chute jump to reach the bedside of a critically ill patient. Weather conditions did not per- mit his 'plane to land. So -galled "medical aviation" is an bri.ortant factor in many out- lying legions 9f the Soviet Union, (FEMALE PAIN) curter painful, irregu- \10omen tr... tar periods with tierroub, mu•me spells clue to fuOotionnI etitisti 1 should find Lyrtitt E. I'lnkhanl'n lVegetable Compound simply mar- velous t0 relieve such distress, .Pinkham's Compound 1s 'rade especially erpc al 1 to help weak, tired T.unl- i en to go smiling that dtfit,tdt days. Over 1,000,00::,nor :en have reported ttmazlny benefits. WELL WOltTlt 7RYI'_iG I Revenues Are Up Eighteen Per Cent • The gross revenues for the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending May 14, 1940, were • $4,613,996 as compared with 3,883,664 for the corresponding week of 1939, an In.; crease of 7,30,332 or 18.8% Modern Etiquette 6Y ROBERTA LEE Q. Does being a chatterbox mean that one is a good conversational. let? A, It does not. A chatterbox can be empty•headed and tiresome, while another person who talks but half as much can be so entertain- ing that those around him wish that he would talk more, Q. Is it all right, when eating soup, to break a few soda crackers or butter crackers into the soup? A. Yes. Q. What aro the formal visiting visiting days, in large cities? A. Froin Monday to friday, in. elusive. Q. When a guest is leaving a ho- tel for an hour or two, what should be done with the key to his room? A. The key should be Left at the main desk, then asked for when he returns. This is ibe only method ' by which the clerk knows whether or not lie le in his room. Q. What colors are becoming to a girl with a very fair complexlou? A. hose, coral and peach are be• coming, regardless of whether the girl has light hair or very Mirk hair. Q. Where should the soup or boa. Ilion spoons be placed on the table? A. '1'o the fight of the teaspoons. 11 IIEALTII TOPICS �j�-{-tOf-�- r •r tl M 4 4 H• s*** a 74 DIET AND WORK "Living below the standard of living is not living at all, Living above this level is simple glut- tony," says Dr. I, Harris, honor- ary director of the Institute of Research for the Prevention of Disease, Liverpool, England. A manual laborer, he says, might need more than double the food of an office worker, Four to five ounces of pleat or cheese or three eggs, or 33 ounces of milk, or five to six ounces of fish a clay •— no more and no less — were sufficient, in conjunction with the other kinds of food us- ually taken. He could guarantee that diet 'as suitable for maxi- mum fitness in a grownup per- son. SHORTEN LIFE'S SPAN The belief that highly emo- tional persons let their heart in- terfere with their head is an esta- blished medical fact, Dr. Federie Leavitt of the Philadelphia Coun• ty hospital declares_. "One American in seven has high blood pressure and one in four, over the age of 63, dies of it," he says. "For years doctors believed high blood pressure was caused by emotional and nervous disturbances which caused the blood vessels to become tense, then to shrink and harden." Murders are committed in the United States at an average rate of twenty a day. Sets that are composed of flow. er hats and necklaces of the saute flowers pressed and mounted under crystal, are shown in London. i Tiresion* GiiAmmo� Everything in tbis,great tire is new and different: New Safety -Lock cords have 35% greater heat protection; tread and body have a 27% stronger bond between them; beads are rust -proofed and tied in and the new Gear Grip tread has 11% more non-skid mileage. With all these new features Firestone Champion tires do not cost one cent more. Drive in today and put Champions on your car. s,ttenever you need new tires first go to your 41.1 nearest Firestone Dealer. He has a tire in every price class to suit every purse . , a tire that will serve you better and save you money, .,1„,....Ao.i4fia._..,,,ssiwoismacaspow.....r.lavrailm..w.1,zr.w.rx=rt.,.1... .-f-+. 4-1-$ 1040-40 -e4444 s It It 1 *hut Science Is Doing ♦jr` � 459 BELOW ZERO When scientists write about )o\\••teniperat'are research they are thinking of temperature about 450 dgrees below zero Fahren- heit, says the "Scientific Anleri.- can." The roc:: bottom of the thermometer, is only 459 degrees .below the familiar Fahrenheit zero. Nothing has ever been tak- en quite to this bottom temper- ature, although scientists have corn(.' within a small fro ction of 1 dcg.'ee of it. EPILEPSY HEREDITARY Definite proof that epilepsy i'( inherited has been obtained through the use of the electro- encephalograph, or brain wave machine. Persons suffering Iron epilepsy have a charteristic slovi brain wave of large amplitude ‘with a peculiar egg -and -dart out- line. Tests on 138 parents and chil- dren revealed that among the children of epilpctic parents 54 per cent were eplcpiic, while in a control group of unrelate.1 children only (3 per cent showed this condition. AID TO CANCER STUDY Dr. Henry J. Andrews, presi- dent of the Federation of Natural Sciences of Southern California, believes that co-operation between geological and medical science ul- timately may culminate in the el- imination of cancer. Basis for his prediction, Dr. An- drews says, is the recent appli- cation of the spectogl'aph and polarogi'aph, metallurgical instru- ments used in rock analysis, in the study of cancer causes. So powerful they can detect the least particle of mineral in the blood, the instruments now are being used for mineral an- alysis of the blood of well per- sons and persons afflicted with Cancer. By this process doctors may eventually determine what miner- als are missing or deficient in the blood of the cancer victim, and THIS FRAGRANT SLOW -BURNING DIXIE wee thus have a foundation upon which to devise attacks again=[ the disease. c-00--9-0-0--9-9-4.- How -o-9-dO.- -* Now Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY E Q. liow can I clean piano keys? A. Three methods for cleaning piano keys are: (a) Moisten a cloth with lemon juice, and dip in whit- ing. (b) A cloth moistened with vinegar. (e) A cloth moistened with alcohol. Q. blow can I cool an oven with. out leaving the oven door open? A, 'file best method is to place a pan of eold water in the oven: this will lower the temperature of the oven gradually, Q. flow can I care for cut flowers properly? A, Cut off an inch of their steals each day, Give them fresh water daily. Strip off any leaves that come below the surface of the water. Do not use too email a vase that cramps the stems. Often, au aspirin tablet placed in the water will prolong the life of the flowers. Q. Does it make any difference in which directions the rows of the vegetable garden aro run? A, Yes; the rows should run north and south, instead of east and west. This will give them the full benefit of the sun's rays, Q. How can I prevent a bruise from turning black? A, Cover the bruised skin as soon as possible with a thick paste of starch and water. It it 'Maimed that this will prevent the bruise from discoloring. Q. How can I loosen grease and burned scraps from tho frying pan? A, Fill the pan with cold water, acid a pinch of baking soda, and al- low to conte to a boli. ePEDLARIZE" for PERMANENCE! 'When your batn or other building is roofed and aided with Pedlar's Nu•Roof or PEDL1T11B — "Council Standard" Brand, your buildings are "Pedlarized" against all the elements. "Council Standard" is the best value money can buy. Send dimensions for our free estimate. "GOOD FOR A LIFETIME — SOLD WITH A 25 YEAR GUARANTEE," THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED Eslabli:lud1861 Head 011ic• • Oshawa, Ont. Montreal • Ottawa • Toronto • Winnipeg • Calgary • Vancouver ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS55 AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT - to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Contp- vny Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. '1'O\\'N AND RURAL IIEL'HI:SEN'1.'- atives wanted. increase your earn. Ings by handling one of the fin- est lines of oils, greases, tires, batteries, spark plugs, insecti- cides, electric fence controllers, house paints and roof coating; ntatcriais. Write \\'arco '-grease & Oil Limited, Toronto. N(1\V YOU CAN S'l'AR'r A BUSI- ne•ss from your home. No capital required. We supply evcr3 thing, Tou handle only fast selling, items. ''ontntissions substantial, Free nholesnle eatalogue and selling plan. NEW AGE ENTERPRISES, 3 11. F. 313 ]'ort, \\' innipeg. OAK Ell t' EQUIPMENT AAI:ERS' OVENS AND MACHIN - try, also rebuilt equipment always en hand. Terris arranged, Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven Co., 103 13atlnirst St., Toronto. IIAIIV CRICKS BABY CHICKS ARE CHEAPER 11? they do more for you when mat- ured. EXTRA DOZENS of eggs in the A -large grade, puts EXTRA MONEY in your pocket. Trent (`hicks are bred to do this for you end fill the basket too. Our 14th tieat'nu, producing 7,000 chicks weekly to ONE GOOD GRADE. You get our BEST Barred flocks, White Lcghorns, New llattnpshires, Hybrids. For better results he - tome a "'Trent thick Customer." Write to 'trent Electric Hatchery, Pox 533\\'., Trenton, Ontario. MAKE HONEY W1'I'li MAY-JUNI. dray chicks. Order now. Quick de- livery. New 1Inntpshires, Barred Pocks, 1.eghot•ns. Order .L. S. x N.11. and nitwit Alinorcas, June de. llvcry, itargains started cockerels, Order 9'ut•lceys soon. "Ordering MORE iiray c'hi,'les — good suc- cess." "Did wonderfully well.' So any Bray customers. Remember :Billy t'hieks Pay. Dray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. • "ALT. LIVING AT SIX WEEKS, writes Harold Illeeher, tlrotne, Que." who received 100 ]tarred Reeks end no Nov }romps. That's the kind wo sell. 'Top Notch Chicles pre from carefully rnllerl and blood -tested breeders. They are sol(] et the right price. Stand- ard Quality T.eghorns $8.50: 90 ter cent. Pullets $10.95: ('orkorels 1.00. ]tarred Rocks $8.95, Pullets 19.75, Cockerels $6.90. New ITatnps 8.95, Pullets $15,75. Cockerels $4,90, White Rocks, Hybrids 59.95, Pullets $15.75, Cockerels $7.90, Large \Ogg Quality add one cent, Bigger Profit add two cents. Low- er prices for June, free catalogue, 'Fop Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. 11,' 'YOU ',VANT ('KICKS 1N A MIR- ty we ea[ supply you and all good Government Approved chicks from bloodtcste'i breeders. Standard Quality White T.ec•horns $8.76, 90 goer cent. pullets $18.45, cockerels 00. Barred Rocks, Nen' tinntp- e !res $9.96, pullets $14.96. New 1 nntpshire Cockerels $6,60, ]tarred irk cockerels $6.76. White Rocks ritia — Barre(] Rock x New 1 mpshlres, New Ilampshlres x Barred .Rocks $10.25, pullets $15.96 cockerels $7,75. 13ig Egg Quality ,lightly higher. Started chicks, ea - Dens. Free eatnl,igttr. T3aden 1';1ec- t*t,' Chicle hatchery I.td,'laden, Onlarlo, BRAY CUSTOMERS ''tl`,11: 11ACIC. year after year -- for more. if you're depending On ecg and potil- t rsn m ley, don't hesitate it,ite to buy June Bray ehieks. 'Rooks, T.e(r- h•••••;, Ne. 11:4111r.-11'1 rr,sDon't itatr half emote. poultry - 111,1' r 1 ,: tt!s; ono did'" order (17.11, r 1'ttrk, rc )t ,' tun l;r,v Hnh'her: , 130 John N., Mon. iT WOULD TAKE A FI'LL PAG]; IN this pt,p(r to print the letters telling; about the livability t,f 'rwc•tldle 1940 chlekr. There is r.o money in dead chicks, '1'weddl, chir.•kt>, live, grow and pay, and due to ohr enormous production we can sell for lees•. Double AA Quality White L.eghorns, New ltampshlres 89.70, Barred Rock= $1(1.20, Rhode Island Reds, Whit Rock, White Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Jersey Black Giants Black Australorps, Hybrids $10.65 Free catalogue. 'Tweddle Chick }iatehcrics Limited, Fergus, Ont. ]'1,I:Tt'ITI:R RR.\DLi:1'S FAMOt'S Australian White Leghorn Baby Chick'. Now only 115.00 per hun- dred. reduced from $25.00. rrent- r st laying stock in all (''nada. E..• tra large foul arid eggs, 1;rt literature, 153 13rnk 5t., Ottawa. 114'I'TEl11- `FLF.('11Alt(.I:It \VHI' HEY NEW IIAi•'l) "iT" 13A'r- trti(s•' cauaratntel 0 to recharge old ones like new. tl 25 brings com- plete ::utontnti,• self-ehnt'ger aed full Mar. \i!n o•,i >i',nscn, I'au•1.- ttidr, sash-. t:L):C'1'lt1t; 1t01011S ELEt'Tltlt' MOTORS OF EVERY description, also V Betty and Pul- leys. ,Jones & Moore Electric, 29u Adelaide West. 'Toronto. 1:\Tl:1(M1NA'colt ' DERI'O BUG K11.T.ER 85', EXTER. nilnntcs bedltug;s, moths, cock- roach, e, crickets, flees. lice, ticks. DEBAT 1:AT ANT) \MOI'SE KiLI.t:H b0e. Harmless to hurtu,ns, animals, fowl. At Eaton's, Simpson's, Tant- blyns, lural dealers, or Derpo Pro- ductt,, Toronto. II. rCTu l (; 310'I'0115 ATTENTION! — ';. H.P. MOTORS, 60 or 25 eyrie, $5.50, rebuilt guar- anteed. Spadina Electric, 362 Spa- dini]. Toronto. CItOt%•1:ItS, ATTENTtON1 FRiTIT GROWERS, GARDENERS. Write to us for prices on your re- quirements of fruit and vegetable packages. The. Oakville 'Basket Co.. Limited, Oakville, Ontario. 111)'ri:LN WANTED OUR SUCCESS IN SELLING HOT - els Is really phenomenal. We will be pleased to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We advertise in every paper in Ontario. For our terms write to Bert Weir & Sons, Realtors. London, Ontario. HELP WANTED LOCAL CORRESPONDENT WANT- eu by news and feature service. Writing experience desirable, but not necessary. Fee basis, All AM- ' tea News Service, 103 ]'ark Ave., New York, N.T. NURSERY- STOCK GLORY CA1313AGE PLANTS 1,000 $2.50: 10,000 322.50; Ronny Best Tomato Plants 1,000 $3.25; 10,000 }30.00. Prepaid. Healthy plan�ttts. Peter Lugtigheid, Blenheim, Ont- ario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SPRClALt7.ING IN REBUILT MO- TORS, l'OWElt•UNi'rS. hydraulic Hoists. 1Flnehear, Cencratortr, Start- ers. M1 gameba, Cnrhnretore. Ihnlley• or — I:%ehnnge Semite, Glass -- Satlhln.•li"n or refund. Les)• 'Auto Ports 1 -ionto. NO. 22—'40 MLlCII., 1•'A I11M IMPLESlieN'1''i Bowman Electric Herder FI'LL GUARANTEED, 0 VOLTS, Disc regulator, 11iLh.Low switch battery, insulators, ]'rice com- plete — $16.00. Dealers wanted, I3owman Electric Herder, Peters- burg, Ontario. M1:DIC.II. FOR EXCELLENT RESOL.UTS TRY either: "-Asthma-Tone" for milder Asthma or: "Asthma-Lnx" for se- vere Asthma. Convince yours•'lf, Order 25c bottle front: Asthma - Tone Laboratories, 410 .Parton E., Hamilton, Ontario, I'I:Itstl\AL QUIT rul3Aa-t'u. SNUI'tt' EASILY, inexpensively. 11ome rented y. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Adtice fres Rnv 1 \wlnnit••'s. PHOTO FINISHING FREE' YOU CAN NOW OWN A complete set of beautiful sit were absolutely without cast, manufactured and guaranteed by International Silver a:'onipany, You tt may have this comply to set abso- lutely free by sending your flims to Tmptrial. Send an order :•.: w rind receive complete portion:m.4 of this amazing offer. Six or eight. exposure films developed And printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25,', p;us your choice of a free enlargement in easel mount or fret- To reeTo get the best In final .1}• and s.'r- vice send your films to Tmp?r;•11 Photo Service, Station. ,' . 'Torentn 6. LYONS' RECONI)I'I'IUN1:1) 1'1 Irl l't't.11I BARGAINS! 340. Beautiful living; a•.'oe1 httgo 3 piece Cheitt:'geld Suite, upholstered Itt brown mohair tt tb figured reversible Marshall spr'ng cushions, bridge lamp rind silk shade, walnut end tabic. Pitk eu;h- Ions table lamp and '• lk stride, and modern smoker, a rcnl out- standing value. $24. Solid oak Dining large buffet, extension table ;led 6 leather upholstered ,'heirs, com- pletely refinished. 369. Modern solid oak 0 Ing rt m suite, large buffet, extension table china cabinet and 0 Irnther uph.-,]- stered chairs, comple.cly ref.n- !shed. $S9. Lleautiful solid s\ a;n;:t dining roost suite, completely refinished, large buffet, extension table, thio eabinet and 6 leather Rent chat=. $29. Chesterfield Suite, 3 pieces, tap - holstered in repp material, rust shade, reversible Marshall spr;r,g cushions, perfect condition, *49. Krochler Chesterfield Tied Suite :4 pieces, upholstered in grown mohair figured reversib'e spr:r,g cushions, thoroughly' recondition- ed. Complete with new math•e.s. $50. Modern lied gloom Suite, floor sample, In the new bleached will - nut finish with round Venetian mirrors, dresser or vanity, chlffon- ter, full size bed, eagles spring and new mattress. 329. Smart Breakfast Suite in wal- nut finish, buffet with ralinet top, extension jack-knife leaf table, and 4 chairs, Like nen-. 312,95 Hoosier Kitchen Cehlnct, slld- itig porcelain top. Largo assortment of dressers, beds, stoves, odd chairs, chesterfields at ridiculously low prices to clear. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. -- Toronto The colors of coconut matting will be greatly freshened if, after brushing, it is scrubbed with hot water and salt instead of soap; rinse and dry in the open. JI TilE SrA-1DARP EAST WAWANOSH Great Britain Takes J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott .Mr. an Mrs. John Oaldwell, It�'tlpu Most Canned 'Fruits INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. and Elia, spent Sunday at Mr. and During the fiscal year, April 1, 193'9 Mra. L. Scott's, Morris. to Alarch 34, 1940, Canadian canned Elliott lnsnrance Agencyvisited Mr and Mrs, Pi, ,Alarshall on 'Sirs, di. Wells of near Londesboro, frulta and vegetables were exported to the prinalpal parte of the world, The Monday, canned fruits and vegetable expot'ts 'Rev. Brook of Hensel' called on amounted to 6,724,164 cases and 35,833 some of the shut-ins on the slue on batrtre's, compared with 4,215,375 canes, Sunday. 10,0128 barrels, 5,137 bags, 970 pails, 28 Inspector Kinkead visited the school casks, and 3 packages in 19638.39, on Thursday. Of the canned fruits, apples headed -firs. Moffat and daughter of Toren- the list, with 895;678 cases and 15,8d4 to, spent a few days at the home of barrels, composed of 825,831 cases of .1f r. and 'Aire, Daniel �MeGow'an, ( oanned apples, 28,602 caeca evaporated where aa leak In the eafroth' rain -water, t has 11r, and iMrs, Ross Britton of Mies, 41,100 cases and 15,814 barrels deposited a pool of trash ratu•water• A Browntown,visited Sir. and Mrs, Geo. apple Juice and pectin, and 145 cases slick tongue "lap -laps" until she's hadof apple products, There were 121,- her fill of fresh raln-water. She pans- Charter. 878 cases of canned peaches exported es on her way back to see it anyone Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caldwell and son and 614, 760 cases of pears, otters encouragement for her to enter spent Sunday with Mr. and ',Airs. Geo. The to occupied the premier rho kitchen .. ,Beta none, and curls Sirand Stre. Glenn Cuthill and tarn place in both frulta and vegetables, up on the cushioned seat of the oldChe pack In one form .Or another rocking chair and soon is dozing in a fly of Grey spent Sunday with ;lir, amounting to no less than 4,330,59'l faintly noisy way. nnd. Mrs. George Bailie. casae, made up of 1,836,02 casae of Across the BIg 11111 at the Higgins .Air. James Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs, tomato soup, 1,100,366 cases of Loma - place, Ed is yelling instructions from Cecil Cartwright and_ babe of Londe&• born, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Quinn. Mr.. and 'Mrs. John Nesbitt `and.203;1',38 cases of tomato Nice and David, spent Sunday with her par- 10,774 cases of tomato products. ants, Sir, and Mrs. A. E, Quinn, Apart from the fact that Great Britain Rev. Brook o( Hensall called on ,lir. Is the prinelpal market for Canadian Equipped with vision beyond mortal A. E. Quinn on Sunday. canned fruits and vegetables, Africa knowledge, she's preparing for bllst- lapin and the car splashes along its Mr, ad airs, Allan Gow and Mr. and showed a greater liking for Canadian ering hot days ahead , she's Burs- Mrs. Ernie Gow and baby Ralph, spent corn, importing 31,6J5 cases as against way of duty. 15,55a cases to the British market, Ing the tiny seedlings now puihing Down in the stable horses stamp in Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Win. Gow, forth from her bosons repayhlt, and both Africa. and Asia showed a ` an inpatient way. Grunter, the dls- tuau for his careful cultivation by glv• contented Berkshire, departs from her ing his planted seed a start on the usual out of humor mood, and squeals 'way to lite. In delight at the natural mud bath pro - Sitting here inside the back kitchen meted in the barn yard by the rale. door, watching the rain coming down Ethiopia, our fighting black rooster, in a way resembling the old "push and walks around a tree In the orchard in pull" exercises in school, there's an an impatient way. Ile was caught un- interesting panorama to behold. Old Biddy, from the security of her coop in the orchard, is chiding the wayward chicks for not hanging enough sense to come in out of the rain. Con- fused by the rain and her incessant "chuck.chuck," they wander around aimlessly, their sparse covering wrink- ling up with the moisture. Suchansuch, the collie pup, after a sleep in the driving shed, stands Watching the rain ... then as if feel- ing that it may not let up all after- noon , . . conies trotting np the lane - way for the security of the back kit- chen verandah. Ifaving reached It, he proceeds to shake himself and the drops Of moisture spray out In a Whirling circle. Then carefully step - ring over the clamp spot on the floor, he curls up on an old grain sack, and, with his jaw tucked between his front paws, proceeds to enjoy his leisure. Tabby, our feline, mouser, who 'has been dozing on the windowsill, hops down nimbly, and, after a careful atretc).'a:,, steps demurely over to Friday, May 31st: 9.00 a. m.: Plano Ramblings. 7.00 p. in.; The Jesters. 7.30: Phil Labadle. 8.00: Gulley -Jumpers, Saturday, June 1st: 10.30 a, m.. Shut -lits. 13.45 p. un, : Hill -Billies. 6.15: Harry J. Boyle. 7. 15: Baru Dance. Sunday, June 2nd: 11.00 a. nt.: United Church, 1.30 p, m, Melody Time. 7.00: Presbyterian Church. Monday, June 3rd: 10,00 a, m.: Harry J. Boyle, G.00 p, m. Phil Labadle. 7.00: The Funnyboners, 8.00: Songs by Sarah, Tuesday, June 4t91: LI.00 a, m.: Plano Ramblings. 12.15 p, m.: Cactus Mac, 7.00: The Noratones. 8.00: Hanover Merrymakers. Wednesday, June ,;th: 9.00 a. m.: Plano Ramblings. 6.00 p, m.: Cactus Mac. 7.00: The Norsemen. Correspondence promptly answered 8.00: OKNX Little liand, Immediate arrangements can be made Thursday, Juno Rh: for sale date at The Standard Office, 1'1.30 a. nt.: Joe Peterson. Blyth, or by calling phone 203, Clin• 1.00 p, m.: Donald Robb, ton. Charges moderate and sans- 7.00: Tho Four Belles. faction guaranteed, 7,30: (iKNX Hawaiians, dye CAR--FIRE—LIFE--SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. BLYTH -- ONT. tides 'phone 104. Residence 'pkone 12 "COURTESY AND SERVICE" te PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS (by Harry J. Boyle) "RAIN RUMINATIONS" lfany, many words have been writ- ten about a spring rain , , . , but frankly, I don't believe that anyone has ever adequately described rain as 'it actually is in the spring season. it's beyond words , , . that peaceful, lul- ling sound of the pattering raindrops on earth , . . the almost imperceptible sound of the earth soaking the rain in for future use. 'Mother Nature is a good mother. the back kitchen door to the boys en- gaged, no doubt, in that favorite rainy day work of cleaning out a stable. The mail carrier's car squeals with protesting brake hands as he stops. Tho mail box opens with a scraping, rasping sound , . , and then closes toes, 74,,900 cases or tomato cataup, 436,738 cases of paste, pulp, and puree awares by the rain, and seems to he fervently 'hoping for a let-up so that he can return to Ills realm in the hen- house, The ladies of his court mean- while are moping in the shelter pro- vided by the wagon and other Imple- ments in the upper barn yard Just out- side the driving shed, Back in the house, Mrs. Phil whist- les in a cheerful way , . . and Pa.t- WESTFIELD preference for Canadian pickles, Af• rico taking 8,699 cases and Asia 9,329 cases, although those countries ran 'Airs. Wan. Kelly and Jimmy of Wal- socond to Newfoundland with its lm• ton, were visitors at the home of Mr, port of 11,861 oases of pickles, Out of and Mrs. Alva McDowell.the total export of 6,734,161 cases, Mr. John Gear visited in London. 13)5,833 barrels of all kinds of canned Mr. James McGill Jr., of Windsor, fruits and vegetables, Great Britain visited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, took 6,238,53'9 cases and 33,816 barrels. James MCGill, Mr, and Mrs. Wan. Plunkett of Soo - Look -Out, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Nicholson. Mrs, Ross Robinson of Tlllsonburg, with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cook, Gunner' Fred Chapple and Mrs. Chapple, London, ++lilted recently with lir, and lira, Walter Cook, richtAnn chuckles in 11er carriage as ,Airand Mrs. E. W. Brown b[ St. she plucks at her newest rattle, Thomas with Mr, and Mrs, W, 11. Everything seems to bo touched by, Thomas the wand of peacefulness in the hands' Eldon Cook, five year old son of Mr. of Jupiter Pluvious heaven for- I and �I res Levels Cook, fell wits play bid that the earthly, greedy ambitionsand at his home and broke his arm in of a land -hungry dictator should ever I rain bombs on Lazy Meadows, YOUR HOME STATION CKNX, WiNGHAM 1240 kcs. 250 metres WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS DR. C. D. KILPATRICK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office Hours: - 10 to 12 a.m. — 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Phone No.—Office 51. MATH — ONTARIO. Dr. C. E. Toll, -LIDS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON, Office Hours -9 to 12-1.30 to 6. Wednesday—Monk ton. Saturday 2 to 9.30p.m.—Dungannon. X•RAYING A SPECIALTY. Phones 124 and 118, GEORGE H. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For The County of Huron, two places, lMr, '1V111iam McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell and son Gerald, visited In London. Mrs. Wm. McVittle attended the Red Cross Meeting at Goderich last Wednesday, Aire, Brooks of Teeswater, with Mr, and Mrs. M, Bosiruin, A number of Young People attended the Young People's Rally at ISlytb United Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Airs. Percy Vincent and Eva visited at Whitechurch, WALTON Mr, and Mrs. J, H. Humphries of Stamps which go on sale in every Walkerville spent the week -end with .city, town and hamlet across the Mende in the Village. country next Monday. Alias Margaret Fothergill who is Waiter H. Somerville and M. de working at Mr. Joseph Iiackwell'e Gape Beau'bien, Joint Chairmen of spent the week end with her mother the National War Savings Committee, in Londesboro. will be aided by a National Advlaory Mr. Stewart Bryant; of Tlminlus i Panel which will include labour lead- ers, the heady of important women's spent the week -end wit7t his parents, { organizations,representatives of the Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryaus. I Miss Erle Baxter spent the week Civil Service, Agriculture, the press, with friends in Carlow. land key men from chain stores, banks, Lew Armstrong of (;ray spent Sun- security dealers, trust and loan conn - day with Mr, and Sirs, 11. Setlera. pauses, the Trost office, insurance cam - Mr. and lire. C, Sellars and Clayton partes, and other business institutions spent the week end with friend,; it which have undertaken to sell War Savings Certificates and War Savings Ifcldleburg, Stamps, As an indication of the nature of the support which is being accorded the INational Chairmen by the business Mr. William Cameron of (lranbrouk community, it Is pointed out that one passed away Sunday, nay tette, in industry alone has placed at the die - New York, he and 'Sirs. Cameron hats nasal of the Government a highly skll- ing gone at Easter to visit their son, lied sales force of over 800 men, Other �1'llliam Jr. He had been in failing , firms which will bo handling War stealth Lite past Muter, but failed /lap. Savings Certificates and War Saving idly,t7nls last month, Mineral Ser- Stamps have already called together vices were held at the Monte in Cran• , their key salesmen to inform them of ,brook, and, interment in Brussels the nature and purpose of tlt;a nasion wide program. Valuable advice based on years et practical experience In sales promo - 0011 Is daily available to the National War Savings Committee from this group of experts, IWith Such an organization now op erating at full presiwre, the National Committee Is CORE Weill, that, begin- ning Atonday morning, when the sale •of War Savings Certificates and War Savings Stamps commences, every Ulan, woman and child in Canada will be able to obtain them without any difficulty or delay whatever. The launching of this nationwide undertaking will be announced In English by the Hon. J. lr. Ralston, Minister of Finance, and in French by the Hon, Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Jtiatice, over a coast to coast ratite net -work Sunday night at 11:30 Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Perth Regiment To Take Over Canal Guard Duty Vital shipping lanes and power sources in Niagara district will be guarded by the Perth Regiment, it was announced Sunday night, by Col- onel A, S. Lee, assistant afljutant and quartermaster generail of Military District No, 3, stationed at the mili- tary camp Niagara -on -the Lake. Indications are that the Porths, who arrived early Sunday morning, will take over patrol duties on the Wel- Jana canal from Port Weller to Flom• er, just outside St, Catharines and along the waterway as far as Port Colborne. They are expected to sup- plant the veteran guard at present on duty, War Savings Committee Bank Of Canada OTTAWA,— Full co-operation of leaders from every walk of life In Can- ada will be at the disposal of the Gov ornntcmt In promoting the sale of War Savings -Certificates and War Savings WILLIAM CAMERON Cemetery. Mr. Cameron was a cousin of the Craig family, his mother was, Eliza - Neth McComb, sister of the late John McComb of Blyth and the late Mrs, James Craig, 7th lino 'Morris. Mfrs, John Craig, Sr„ nnd son, Da- vid, John M. and 'Mrs. Cralg, Robert and Mrs. Craig and Bernard Craig attended the funeral front BIM vicin- ity. Girls Softball Team Looking For Recruits. The Girls Softball Team are i►ractic• ing every might at the school grounds. They invite anyone who is intereatod In the team to be on hand for prac- tico, 'Especially any of the young ladles who might be interested it malt - Ina a place on the team, - Wednesday, a 9 1940. EN. Get Under a New SUMMER HATS Washable Palmroyal Straws 1.95 Biltmore, fur felt Clipper, air conditioned 2 95 rip -TOP made -to -measure SUITS 27.50 We guarantee a fit! CHENILLE Bed Spreads need no ironing large size 3.98 WETTLAUFER'S vi•A•i•iftoimoiA•ww~. RAINS STORM MI88ES BLYTH Heavy rains were repave(' south of Blyth today (Wednesday), Rain fell heavily within a couple of miles south of Londesboro and op farther down the highway, but 'nary a drop fell In Ma Village although it threat- ened Illost of the afternoon, R. M. McKay, R.O. GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Office at McGill's Store --EVERY MONDAY -- High Grade Glasses at Low Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. amolimilmuk merle On Sale Now! • i 1 WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES direct obligationof the Dominion of Canada "Since the momentous day of last September, hundreds of thousands of Canadian's have been asking themselves, 'What can I do to help win the war?' "One answer is, 'By 'saving!' Every man, woman and child in the Dominion can now make a direct and con. tinuing contribution to Canada's war effort by saving not only his dollars, but also his nickels, d:mes and quartera to buy Canada's War Savings Certificates." MINISTER OP FINANCE, WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES: are repayable in seven and one-half years. If you hold them to maturity, you will receive 3% on your money — your investment will in- crease by 25%. They are sold as follows:— For ollows:For a $5 certificate you pay 54 For a $10 certificate you pay $8 For a $25 certificate you pay 520 For a $50 certificate you pay $40 For a 5100 certificate you pay 580 TO FIT ANY BUDGET: You can take advantage of this patriotic and profitable savings plan, whether your savings are measured in dollars or in occasional nickels, dimes and quarters. Canada's War Savings Certificates are expressly designed to appeal to the man or woman • of modest means who cannot afford to subscribe to war bonds of larger denominations, but who desires to do something tangible to assist the Country's war effort. CHILDREN TOO: Even children can purchase War Savings Certificates,' using their coppers, nickels and dimes to buy War Savings Stamps at 25c each, Sixteen of these • stamps will buy one $5, Certificate, DEVELOP THE SAVING HABIT: You can purchase as many War Savings Certificates as you like, up to $500 ma- turity value in any calendar year. Buy them when you wish — buy them often. Remember, systernatic saving is success- ful saving — and your Country needs your money, REGISTRATION: Each War Savings Certificate is regis- tered in one name only, and is not transferable, REDEMPTION: War Savings Certificates cannot be called for redemption by the Government prior to their date of maturity. The owner, however, has the option, after six months, of redeeming his certificates for cash at fixed re- demption values. In urgent cases, advance notice will be waived. potiscadallt- b V/ Got your War Savings Certlnates or Stamp Card today. Your employer will gladly arrange to make weekly deductions from your wages to buy War Savings Certificates. Complete information nnd application forme nt BANKS, POST OFFICES AND DEALERS Wednesday, May IN, 1940, �YGEUM THEATRE WINOHAM—ONTAp10, Two Shows Sat. Night WINGHAM--ONTARIO. Shows Night Thurs., Fri., Sat. May 30, 31, June Bing Crosby, Louise Campbell Ned Sparks In "THE STARMAKER" Bing Crosby at his bust with a group- of lovable youngsters of exceptional talent, Also 'Unusual Occupations', 'News' Mon., Tues., Wed. June 3, 4', 5 Tyrone Power, Myrna Loy George Brent In ; I Miss Jean Cowan and Airs, Bernard Mian Latimer, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Toronto, were callers ot;!Robert Craig and. on, Gordon, Mr. Mrs, J. Twrblyn, on Saturday. and Airs, Tom Walsh and Mrs. Borden 'Mr, and Mrs, Gormly Thompson of Scott, were visitors at the home of North Bay, visited with ,Mr, and Mrs, David Craig on Sunday, catling to see W. E. Manning, on Sunday, i Miss Janette Craig who has not been TIN STANDARD - ed Cross Collection NOTICE Mi'. Stewart Johnston will call for Collections of Paper, Rags, Etc., on Saturday afternoon, June lst. Anyone wishing to have him call, kindly let Miss Josephine Woodcock know before Saturday. "THE RAINS CAME" A. thriil»packed story of the fabulous land of India. Alco "The Masters Touch" (Miss Helen Youn,g'alutt who spent, enjoying her usual good. health. I NICE HOLIDAY last week with her parents here re. I Air, and Mrs. David Craig visited turned to 'her work at London on Mrs. John Stewart and Allss Isabelle Did you enjoy the, week -end holiday, Monday. Turnbull In Exeter recently, The weatherman certainly had a Rev, A. Menzies and Mr, Frank Air. and Mrs, Jannes Richmond are strong hand in marring the Queen's Tamblyn are attending the London visiting Mr, and Airs, Russell Wordon Birthday. Surely the First of July Conference this week, at Staffa Oils week, will be dry, lilies Carter of Windsor and Ills 1 mother, Mrs, N. Carter, of Seatortlt, their regulur meeting in the Orange Mrs. B. Tyorman and Airs, F. Smith, AMONG THE CHURCHES hail, FRIDAY afternoon, at 2.30, June CALMNESS PERSONIFIED of Loantlington were callers in the Vi:- BLYTH UNITED CHURCH 7th. The calm voice of British news- lage on May 24th. This meeting is in charge of the Caatetvs is about the moat consoling ' A shocking accident occurred a Last Sunday largo congregations Executive who are planning a splen factor on the radio news these clays, ; snort distance west of Seaford] on were present to hear the former mini-' did program which will include Dem No douibt it exemplifies the calmness Saturday evening, when the car driven titer, Rev, U. A. Brook. The addresses' o►n.,trations and Exhil.. . of bite entire populace of the British, by Mr, harry Riley who was nccorn- al AI r, Brook were very timely and { Eacct tttent';.er is requested to bring Lsles, panted by Mr, J, Scott left the road greatly appreciated by all, a guest. - and turned over several times injur I Next Sunday, lithe '2nd, Rev. A. 1 'There will be a report by Mns. Mu1•• ing tho bwo men severely, Mr. SCotl Slnclnir will speak on Tho following rayIt. N'., at the Red Cross I;xecu set fared ninny cuts about the head stnbJccts: t live Meeting held in Goderleh which The sudden order of Leopold ill, ' and face while Mr. Riley sustained a 1.1,15—"Prepare Ye the Way of the everyona should hear. King of the Belgians, for his troops broken back and cheat injuries. They Lord." i (loll Call: Aly Favorite Bird and to lay clown their arms in a complete were taken to Seaforth Hospital. Mr, 7.1)0.—"Making Life Count." Why?. $'�ott is expected home in about ten Tea will be served and a cordial capitulation le Nazi Germany, came 1 Tl►c Mis'siou Band aro having, thele. days. Dir, Riley Is in a vary serious invitation is extended to every one. as a stunning blow on Tuesday morn .sa pring Thank-Of�ering on. 1 t ,., iday Ing. With it's capitulation, the sea- Conditlotr, night, M ay ailst at 8 o'clock, The port of Dunkerque, upon which the I 'Mr, and Airs. \v'in. Lyon and MM3';, program will be given by the children Allied Anny In the north of France B. lurk were t'ho guest of Dr. 1I. A. and everyone is welcome. was depending on for supplies, was S. and Mrs. Yokes, of Blyth, on Sum practically left =protected against a daY' German advance, and it's position I which hitherto had been reported as delicu;te, is still more delicate, 1'- r7/ ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON. Friday and Saturday Now Playing: The picture of the mail "GONE WITH THE WIND" In Technicolor. ' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "They Shall Have Music" Page 6 CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH, SEAFORTH. Now Playing; Claudette Colbert & Henry Fonda In "Drums Along the Mohawk". Monday and Tuesday Marg. Mitchell's widely read Cory GONE WITH THE WIND In Techn'color. Thrill to this glorious utus:cal tract Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh and with the matchless Jasv;ha Ilelfetz Leslie Howard mailing 'his first screen appearance,' Evenings at 7.45. Afternoons fternoons 1.45 Jascha Heifetz, Andrea Leeds, Joel rdn eday, Thursday, Friday McCrea, Gene Reynolds and Loretta Youn. , David Niven and s. Walter Brennan • Zazu Pitta. A very smart, very Thursday, .day, Saturday ! spicy,, and quite .corny romantic = Pat O'Br.en, co-starred with Ruth comedy; streamlined, Terry in the enthralling melodrama "ETERNALLY YOURS" "Slightly Honoural;le" + Saturday Only, • I The Weavers w.th Elvi'y and Coming: Tyrone Power and Linda Roy Rogers In Darnell In "DAYTIME WIFE" j "JEEPERS CREEPERS" Mat: Sat. and Holidays 3 p, m. Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Now Playing ; Maurice Maeter'• i rack's story "The Blue Bird" with Shirley Temple. Monday and Tuesday Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Warren William and Wendy Barrie Gay a n d soliIi sticated, crisply smart 15 this new comedy romance. "DAYTIME WIFE " Wed. and Thurs.— In Technicolor. GONE WITH THE WIND Exactly as shown :n its premiere. I Cia. k Gable as Rhett Butler, Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara. Evenings at 7.45. AdmIsslon $1,00 Afternoons at 1,45, Admission 75c Friday and Saturday John Wayne, nay Corrigan and Ray Hatton In "WYOMING OUTLAW" Mat.: Sat. ana Holidays, 3 p.m. W. I. Change Of Date The ,,'omen's institute will hold JUST ANOTHER AUBURN •Leopold's coonmand to his forces, Mr. and Ars, E. Phillips, Dir, nod JUNE MEETING HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH County Council will be held in the The Services in Trinity Anglican Council Chambers, Court !louse, Gods - Church,. Blyth, during the month of rich, commencing on Tuesday, June June will be in the morning at 10 illlr, 1940. o'clock.I All accounts, notices of deputations Is considered in many sources as be- aro. Thomas Johnston and Laura ing without precedent, and has left I'ntll'r,►s were London and Seotlev.111e The Service next Sunday, June 221(1, and other business requiring the at - . t DOG OwNERs 44P4* '�''4 Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens. Screen Doors, Windows Window Screening All Sizes. Boys Wagons. Soft Balls, Bats, Etc. FLASHLIGHTS ,S5c, $1.00, $1.35, $1.45 SPECT. LS Ladies White and Coloured Purses $1.00 Ladies' White Purses ................ ,,,,,.G9c Ladies' White Scarfs 25c Ladies' Eight -Way Scarfs . . . . . ....... . . . 25c Ladies' House Frocks 00' We have a complete new line of SUN GLASSES ranging in price from 10c to 29c Protect() Moth -Proof Garment Bags ....... , , 39c Moth Balls, half lb, 10c Grass Sponges.......................•,....,10c Chamois ' 25c TAYLOR'S 5c to $1.00 Store PHONE 79. 1 his gallant people inn state of sal -visitors on :1londny. , will Le at 10 a. in. and will be conduct. tendon of Council should he in the I dness and sbtame. The -Belgian Govt M►', Jack McGraw of Dublin visited ed by the Rector. hands of the County Clerk not later 'A sincere welcome awaits you n; than Saturday, June 8th, 19.I0, TARE NOTICEernment, now exiled In Prance, has in Auburn on Wednesday. I a ordered Belgian troops to fight on,I Mr, and M rs. R. Taylor, Joan and Y°'1 worship vvilh is. 1 —N, W, MILLER,, and Leopold'�s act has branded hint aa Joyce of Nile visited with Mr. turd Sunday School wilt meet al it1 u. un. Goderleh, Ont, County Clerk. almost a traitor to 'Vsbrave pcoOlt., Airs. Alt Rollinson. dvn hag the month of June. The news of the capitulation o.f the, Airs, Alex Cloalcey, Air. and Airs, 'rne regular Aloull►ly ,!seting o'! Boliian forces, which undoubtedly Jamas Johnston, and Miss Knthleen the Ladies Guild of Trinity Church were in dire circumstances, 111'011121V Johnston, of I3lucvule, were visitors I will meet at the home of Mrs, 10..Alet, calf on 'Thursday afternoon of 'this' 00 tartly had a stunning effect on the , on Sunday at the home of M r. and ' " peoples of Great Britain and F ranre, ' Airs, William Coble, vveel•, at 2.30 o'clock, Law No. determined than. over in their efforts Worthy howler, of Galt, were recent f� but a quick reaction left them more 'Aire. John Connell and Mr. and Airs. Trinity Church is open at all times Bicycle Riders Council. or prayer and quiet mc:litnt'nti. toward victory over Germany. l vl�lturs vv►Ith AIr, and Alas. Rxss 'l'a)' Please avail yourselves of this privl- 1 lor. Mrs. fowler remained at the Tay- .lege. lor hone for u short, visit. ' The 621W Anniversary of Trinity \Ilse Mary E. I:oble was n. recent Church will be observed with speelal guest with her sister, AlargarcL iI, Services on Sunday, June 161 h. A The regular meeting of the Women's noble of Toronto.further announcement will he Made institute will taho place on June 61 it Al r, and Mrs, William Armstrong o: hater, at the home of ,Mrs. Robert Fainter- , vice, Tills is "Grandmothers" Uay, Toronto spent. the weekend with Airs. !lark Armstrong. - which is always of special interest. A Air, matt 91 rs, V. Bolt :mgcr, M rs. good program is being prepared, Mru, Fred Seigel!, of Detroit., Mr. and Alii. hlalrservice extends an invitation to Frank RoJlinsonr, MISS E, McMurray, all the ladles of the community to at -The Children's Aid Society of Huron ,,tees 'AI, Mt-1\lurt'ny, of 'Toronto, Airs. tend and shall be made very welcome, Orville Phillli's, of i1Itchell, AIr, 1111(1 Couuly is seeking free homes for boys , All Institute ladies to servo lunch ex- Dirs. Archie Robinson, Sr., of C!tnton. ; ranging in ago as follows: two barb) copting the Grandmothers. The tea loyc of two months, one of 2 years, Collection will be turned over to theo were weekend visitor's at the home of +one of. these years, and two of tacit'. �Mr, and M;•a, Archie Robinson, Jr. Red Cross. Conte along and ol;onl• n to take a Mr, and lira, William Plunkett of years' Any party wishing; pleasant afternooti with the Crane- Sault Ste. llnrt2, with alta Ialter'r I oy :1 11)1Y to 11. T. Edwards, Goderleh, mothers. The lunch to bo cake 011(1 Ontario. sandwich, sister, ,Mrs, ,I'cnnc�a NI0101solt, The Services in St. Hu'l'a Anglican The representatives from Loudes• Church, Auburn, during the month of born who attended the Red Cros's•,June will be In Lite evening at 7.30 p. Attend Red Cross Gathering meeting at GodcrICtt were: Mrs, Ella nt. i Those attending the Iced Croats Garbett, Alrs, J. At nnatrong, Mrs, Tho Service noxi Sunday„lune 2m1,! (lathe] ling 'held In Goderleh least Wt'd- ARNING TANTE NOTICE that aril Owners o Degs who do not provide license and bag by Jane 1 5th next, will be pro• secuted under the regulation of I3y- 2, 1910, as enacted Ly the LONDESBORO Children's Aid Society Seeking Homes For Boys Townsend, Mrs, G. .\loon, Mrs, R. will be at 7.30 p, m., anti will Ile con- I''airservlcc. AIr. A, G. Beoksen of deeded by the Rector. A cordial in - Toronto, ,'Told Secretary of Canadian v-itation to attend this Service Is ex - Red Cross was present and spoke on tended to all. the work and needs of the Red Cross, _. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Shobbrook apcnt Sunday at the home of t'nc'Ir daughter, MORRIS TOWNSHIP 111r, and Mrs. 10. Knox, near llarlock, Air. and MIS. William Bernard an:1 111111111111111111111111111V Eyes Examined glasses Fitted. Smart Glasses at Low Co3t Daniell headaches, see any distance, - rend and sew in comfort with BLYTH OFFIC= REID'S GLASSES. iN WILLOW' DRUG STORE First & Third Friday Morn'ng 9 To 12 A.M. R. A. Reid R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Next Date June 71h, Appointments with Mr. Willows, itestay from here were: 'Miss Ella 'Aletcalfe, l\It's. \Vm. ‘ Rite, ;Mrs. S. Cunning, Mrs. C. E. 'Poll, A1.1%. 11. I), Philp, Ali's. Murray, Airs. Leslie, M1'8..101111 (7() W1111, Mrs, G. cr, timeused. 1�. l.olth, hiss 3, Woodcock, Mrs. it. Creditors and others having claims E. Shaw, Mrs, N. Garrett, Mrs. C. against the above estate are required l.lell, Mrs. A. Barr and Airs. !!erring --to send full paa'ticula's of such debits License and tags may L'a secured A ViLLAGE BY-LAW prohibits the at the Clerk's Office. riding of Bicycles on Sidewalks. NOTICE is Hereby Given that this —J. H. R. ELLIOTT, Clerk. Bylaw well be rigidly cnforced by 41.4. Prosecution, —BY ORDER OF COUNCIL. Notice To Creditors. RED Ca..DGS NOTICE Would the members of the lied IN THE E•STw1't,: OF MRS. MAlts Cross Society kindly remember their GAIIET BOWES, late of the Village in hof Blyth, in the County of 1hlroi, Md. dollar 'at a meeting on June 4fh, llemor1211 Hall at 2.30 p.m. The money ow, deceased, raised by this 11e3118 will be used for the Canadian Prisoners of Wai' Germany. WANTED TO BUY Creditors and others having claims in against the above estate are required Ito send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June, 1;140, after which C. T. Dobbyn Phone 24. 1 JUNK AND IRON WANTED Mr. Jake Weibel has arrived back in Blyth and is prepared to buy all your Junk, for which he will pay the high- est. price, and Spacial for Iron. Drop me a post card and 1 will call on you or p'itone Jake Leibdvl or Russell I)o betty's Garage, Phone No,l511, FOR SALE Old horses and dead cattle. Must be date t'ire Etelate's assets will be dis- suital►le for mink feed, removed trisuted, having regard only to claims i2 Cows; Binder; Seed Drill; Scales; Promptly, Elmer Trick, phone 907-5, that have been received. land other articles. Apply to harry I McCool, Blyth, Ontario, 43-2. Clinton C'eulrnl, We pay phone calls,' Bose Colson and 'Thomas Colson •, j Executors. Notice To Creditors IN T1L17 ESTATE OF John Walsh, late of the Township of West Wawa - nosh, in the County of Huron, Farm- J3LUEVALE to the undersigned on or before lbo 31st day of May, 1910, after which date tho Estate's assets will bs dls- hibuled, having regard only to claims Mr, J. I1. P. 'I'inunlna of 'l'orouto vv118 that have been received. a 'nnitdhy visitor' with friends here. 1 L01''TUS E. DA'NCEY, Goderich, Mr. sold Mrs. Thos. I1•enry cvi Ontario, Solicitor for Executors. Stratford spent Sunday at the Sauter - son home Mr. and Mrs. MIilion MieVittle,- flint, Mich., visited with !M1'. and 'Mrs. 1V, S. Davidson. tilt•. and Aire. Nelson Cardiff, Br suis, visited wills Mr. and MI's. 1'. S. Maelften. Alr' and Mrs. J. A. Geddes of ilei - _grave visited withMrs. Robertson and Miss Fraser. John Gr ant Air, Donald Street of Hellen visited Monuments! To these contemplating butld- Ing a Monument . , . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All Work Guaranteed, with friends, AIr. and Mrs. Robert Turnball enol daughter Of London, uie .A11.. anct. ;firs. Harold 11arris and two sons of Drayton, visited with I.heir parents, Mr. rind Mrs. Edward Johnston. _ • Mr. and M Marl Slathers, Drum- Intendent at the \\'hikerton general - Ix1, visited with Mr. George'Alathers• hospital, spent Sunday with iter broth - Miss Annie Greig, R.N., night super- er, Gordon Greig, CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS ;,LINTON -- ONTARIO. Successor to Ball & Zapfe. utip Elmer D, Bell, Brussels, Solicitor. I 43.21), COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF BLYTH TME NOTICE tlltat. the first sit- ing of the Court of Revision of the , saessitcut Roll for the year 11)10, 1 will be held in the Council Chanizer, 1 on Monday, June 3rd, at 8,30 o'elxk 1'.M, Titotise having business at the Court are 'hereby notified to govern them- selves accordingly. —J. H. R. Elliott, Clerk of Court. 41.4. eer e, Sales Books aro the best Counter Check Books made in Canada.::They coat no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction( willW areTage its and be pleased to you oany sty quantify `eq!"'w! SN Yoe Hoar Nail Fiat. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. PHONE 15, SEAFORTH, COLLECT. DARLING and CO, of CANADA, LTD. gralmIllioommemene . VOICE OF THE PRESS FAD FADES One thing to be thankful for: that "Confucius say" stuff has come and gone,—St. Thomas Times -Journal. —O— A RARE INDIVIDUAL 1Ve met a man yesterday and he interested us greatly, He did not profess to know what Musso- lini had in his mind and he had not the slightest idea of what Stalin intended to do.—Peter- borough Examiner. —o— CHEESE FROM DENMARK Canada, it is annuunced, inn - ported 8,519 pounds of cheese from Denmark during the month of March. That is one branch of competition, if it may be so call- ed, that the daieymea an wipe off the slate for some months to come.—Brockville Recorder and Tinley. —0— LURE OF THE SOIL A love of the soil is ingrained in the very soul of bonne people. Particularly is this true of the Canadian people, who.,e forefath- ers were, for the most part, pion- eers who hewed for thenlseh es and their families homes out of the virgin forest and sought their livelihood from the land. —Guelph Mercury. —o— LONG BLAST HELPS For more than a year now, the ]ast toot of the :ocomotive whistle on approaching' crossings has been a long blas instead of rhort, as formerly, The Trans- port Board notes a decrease last year in the number of motor ve- hicles struck by trains, "indicat- ing that the changing of the whistle signal is showing bene- ficial results." Canada Has Made Great Advances In Air Transport Progress Over Past Decade Has Been Phenomenal One of the pioneers of air mail in Canada ten years ago, J. B. Corley, District Director of Post- al Services, Calgary, Alta,, a visi- tor in Montreal recalled the changes that had taken place in the past decade and described then as "almost unbelievable." Before 1930, there had been ir- regular services to outlying com- munities in Eastern Canada, Mr. Corley said in an interview, but the first schedule inter -city oper- ation came into effect on the Prairies. As far back as 1926, Calgary was agitating for air mail. Test flights were made con- necting Calgary and Winnipeg, by way of Medicine Hat, Moose Jaw and Regina, with a saving of 24 hours, and in 1930 contracts were awarded. In the same year, an inter- national service was established, from Montreal to Calgary via To- ronto, Hamilton, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Pembina and Winnipeg. Two years afterwards, the gov- ernment discontinued the inter- city air mail for economy, but the Prairies were alive to the advan- tages of wings. Mr. Corley said, and when :he Trans -Canada Air Lines began service the response was eager. "The business people of the West are enthusiastic about the service that brings Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto closer," he added, "I know that in Calgary air mail is inereaaing In volume all the time. The far- away places benefit the. most." Reach Outlying Areas Speaking of the far -away plac- e, Mr. Corley said that in North- ern Alberta and the Northwest Territories, dog teams, horses and sleighs and steamboats had been superseded b, the plane. Mails to the outlying areas were flown at regular postal rates. Walter Hak, District Supervisor of Postal Services at Edmonton, had promoted air snail to the north for years. Contrasting flying in Canada with 10 years ago, Mr. Corley compared the big T. C. A. planes with the old open -cockpit Fok- kers, and referred to the develop- ment of the airway with its radio beans and its 24-hour weather ser- vice, and to the shorter more dir- ect route across Canada. One -Man Army John Perrio has appointed him Fell as the one-man Defence Corps of Brecghou Island, 8 miles from Guernsey, in the Engli1ela Channel, The island is siX tuiei sunt{ and Perrio, who is roe, pa- trols it daily on his donkey, look- ing for enemy 'planes and su?2- ailarines. He wears a tartan kilt, sporran, tunic, and a forage cap, Aid carries a Crimean rifle. On a dozen people live on the ishin44 Canadian Soldiers Learn "Blitzkrieg" Tactics ..Cis. _.`tiHr•:kr '- The bayonet charge of the infantry still plays an important part in the art of war despite the mechanization of modern armies, Infantry- men of Canada's modern army are shown here as they learn the finer points of conducting a bayonet charge. THE WAR •WEE K—Commentary on Current Events Darkest Hour For Allies • When Germans Reach Sea Eleven days after the German launched their big offcnsiva through the Low Countries, ad- vance Nazi units in lightning thrusts through northern France, reached the English Channel, separating the main French and British armies and trapping the e n t i r e British Expeditionary Force. The darkest hour in their histories was upon the British and French empires. For France, the situation teas seen by military experts to e not altogether hopeless. The French army had n chance at least to hold on; if they could hold the Germans for a month, the tide night turn in their favor, But if Italy came into the wee on the side of Germany and at- tacked in the south, the odde against France would he almost insuperable, Britain Fears Worst While the British people Nv'ork- ed frantically to defend them- selves against what threatened to he the first invasion of England in 471 years — a German blitz- krieg through the air across the scant sixty-five miles of water separating the English cat coast from France — the British Ex- peditionary Force on the Con- tinent had the choice of attempt- ing evacuation under a rain of German bombs over the entire Channel area or facing the en- emy in a last-ditch effort to hold' the Channel ports — the only avenue of escape left to them. How It Happened Speaking before the French Senate, Premier Reynaud par- tially answered the question rais- ed in the minds of the entire world last week, How did the Germans get through the Maginot, and peril the entire Allied de- fense system on the Continent? Without mincing words, he re- vealed that a series of "incon- ceivable mistakes" on the part of the French High Command had made it possible for the Germans to blow up the hinge of the French Army, and walk through a breach in the French front 62 miles wide. (The left wing of the French army, he said, left its fortifica- tions between Sedan and the sea, and pivoting on Sedan, went into Belgiurn. The enemy launched a formidable attack then against the hinge of the French army be- hind the Meuse between Sedan and Namur. Th Meuse River had been considered a redoubtable ob- stacle for the enemy, and the French divisions charged with de- fending it were few, stretched out thinly; the troops were poor- ly trained,) Humanity In Agony During the week, the hearts of all civilized men were wrung by the stories that leaked out from the battle areas of Europe, of refugee women and children by the hundreds of thousands driven from one place to another, every- where pursued by bombs, fire, destruction and death. Of the slaughter and carnage on the battlefields, little vas said. So much had to be taken for grant- ed in one of the bloodiest and most gigantic engagements of all time. U. S. Comes Nearer Chances of the United States' codling into the war OI1 the side of the Allies were increased 100 per cent during the week as pub- .'ic feeling there was fanned to fever he.: by the news front Eur- ope, and by fears that the Nazi war machine would next be men- acing the American continent. The large mass cf the people rale lied behind President' Roosevelt in alia drives to strengthen U. S. defenses, keep Italy out of the war. In his defense message to Congress, 3Ir. Roosevelt said: "Our ideal, our objective is still peas — peace at home and peacO abroad. Nevertheless we stand ready not only to spend millions for defers:e but to give our service and even ,our lives for the maintenance of our Am- erican libeetiee." Developments to Be Watched 11'hile the eyes of the world were turned en Western Europe they were net seeing events in certain other quarters that might figure as important factors in coming situations, In the Balkans, the Rumanian government order- ed cancellation of all army leav- es, vs Nazi "Blitz" troops nines - ed on the Slovak frontier of Hungary facing Rumania . , . S'ugslavia menaced by fresh Italian moves in Albania consid- ered plans for general mobiliz- ation ... humors emanated from Lithuania that Russia shortly would stop all oil exports to Ger- many; and Soviet Premier Molo• toff informed Great Britain, in cutting off British-llussian trade talks, that "Russia cannot sub- ordinate the trade policy of the U. S. S, R. to the war aims of any foreign State" -- meaning, undoubtedly, either Germany or Britain , , . in the Far East, a nasty situation existed in the vic- inity of the Dutch East Indies, rich possession of conquered Hol- land, coveted by the warring Pigs Preferred By Mosquitoes The next time you are hit - ten 'by a mosquito, don't think you naturally nttract the in- sects, Entomologists of the New Hampshire Agriculture De- partment report that in choos- ing a victim, the mosquito pre- fers a horse or a cow to n human being by about six to one, Pigs and dogs, they say, also are more popular than small. powers . , , 'the announcement was made by the Central Chinese Government that the main Jap- anees force in Central China had been crushed with the recapture of Tsao-yang, which had been a Japanese bate in Northern Hupeh province .. . r t ' f The Dominion of Canada had its busiest week since the Fed- eral election in Mnrch. Parlia- mentary leaders made speoche„ stock -brokers ran from pillar to post, farmers rushed to get their crops in, housewives "blitzkrieg - ed" on their spring-cleaning, military men worked at top speed preparing to set up the 'Third Canadian Division, m_rnicipal au- thorities strained at the leash to go after "subersive elements" . . The Week In Parliament In Parliament, the Speech front the Throne declared that "tragic events" in Europe "have but served to intensify our determin- ation to share in the war effort of the Allied powers to the ut- most of our strength" . • . Prime Minister King renewed the as- surance to Great Britain of Can- ada's full support "in these grave, clouded hours" . , , Finance Min- ister Ralston told the House of Commons that, although Canada's war bill had mounted to an es- timated $700,000,000 a year (al- most $2,000,000 a day), with the possibility of further increase, no change was contemplated in t h e Government's established "pay-as-you-go" program. Taxes first, then loans, continues to be the war policy . , , a rising de- mand that Canada's war effort be speeded up was reflected in the Government's declarations re- garding our participation, but little evidence of a concrete na- ture was seen, that Canada would enter more fully into the wart . it was announced that n separ- ate Ministry of Air was being created, with Hon, C. G. Power, latterly appointed Postmaster - General, at the head of it , . the most dramatic moment of the week caste when the voice of the new woman member, :firs, Dorise Neilsen, in her maiden speech, was raised in behalf of the forgotten unfortunates of Canada. Making no apologies for - turning the subject away from war, she pointed out that in tines of crisis, particularly, the fate of those living in poverty could not be overlooked: "Though death stalks through the world and knocks at the door of every na- tion," she said, "life must go on. The time to consider the life of the people of Canada is 'not when war is finished, but now," Has Good Word For War Horst Australian Military Man Says Antipodean Type Are Invalu. able = Co Waterless 84 Hrs. General Sir harry Chauvel, who led the Australian forces in Meso• potamia in the First Great \Var and who is now retired, believes Australian horses should bo used in the pi•ee,nt conflict 1f it devel- ops on a large scale in t he middle east, General Chauvel points out the precious war record of Australian 'Wafers" — so-called because they ordinarily were brei) in New South \Vales. In the hoer \Var. It was not unusual for the Waters to carry loads of from 250 to 280 pounds over yielding sands for 48 hours on one watering. In some cases, these Australian horses were known tri goo waterless for 84 hours, covering long distance while carrying troopers and fight- ing kit. REG'LAR FELLERS—Tender Memories UNDERSTAND (OU WERE IU TUE HOSPITAL, PINHEAD. Gardening .... SPREAD OUT Experts not only caution against too early sowing, but they also ad- vise not to stop too soon, There is no reason why plantings cannot be continued in most parts of Canada right through until July. This will spread the harvesting season over an equally long period with vege- tables always fresh, just corning to maturity. Much more fun and much more satisfaction results where garden- ing is thus spread over the entire season, While the whole allot may he planted in a single afternoon, usually about the middle of May, the inevitable consequence is a rush of flowers or vegetables fol- lowed by practically none at all, On the other hand, by only solving a ;fart of the seed of each packet at one time, by using short cut meth- ods in the way of started plants, by providing a little protection ag- ainst early frosts next fall, the amateur garden can be made al- most continuously productive, CULTIVATION Cultivation not only kills v,eeie, which disfigure beds of flowers and vegetables and rob these res- pectable things of moisture and food, but it also keeps soil open so that it will remain sweet and ab- sorb necessary chenlicnlli from the air. Bacterial action beneath is also assisted, While a small hoe is ,iinln;t an essential implement, there are to- day other things which will re- lieve much of the drudgery which the hoe still represents in the eye of the growing country bo;'.. little three -fingered wire cultivator will work wonders around and under growing flowers a d vegetables. A Dutch hoe which is shoved along about an inch under the soil will cultivate a hundred feet or so of perennial lied in thirty ml:lutea, Says the Chinese Were Here First The Chinese discovered Ameri- ca about 1,000 years before Col- umbus WAS born, according to Mr. 13. A. McKelvie, of the British Columbia Historical Association. It has been proved from ancient Chinese archives that se'itr.an- ndventurct•s fnont the Ceicstial Empire crossed the I'acifie be- tween A.D, 458 and 1176, s piur- ing the Western American cc`as t, and compiling reporte on the geo- graphy of the country nut the habits of its native?. Alaska way celled Wan Shang, British Col- umbia was named Ta Han, and Mexico they called Fusang. Later, but some 500 year.; be- fore Columbus, -the Norsemen were credited with forming col- onies in the New World. Seven Years Said Average For M.P. In Canadian i: -Huse of Commons; f1)lany Things Occur to ChanDe Course of Parllamentarian Molise of Commons official,t ,lt Ottawa estimate the "pariia.rn :.n• tory life of an average rnenther of parliament—that is, the a;'ari.go length of time an inllvidaal, re. mains a member — ill Hoven y,ta.rs, A member -- man or woman — may cease to be a member for a variety of reasons, for'any one of 10 or more of them in fact, A nir-m. ber may die in office, may be ele- vated to_ the Senate, may be ap- pointed a provincial lieutenant• governor or to some high govern - anent post -- just to nniflfl n fen.'. TEN REASONS FOR QUIT MG Officials agree it ii1 a pre.a•rious and strenuous exi€te ee being a member of parliament, There are many pitfalls on the vvny and the public can bo fickle. Each parlia- ment there is a batch of 80 90 109 newcomers and, occeeiunally, when there is a big upset of a ati•o:lg r,ov• ernment, as occurred in t1 1935 election, there are more than 100 parliamentary neoph3 tcH, PRECARIOUS LIFE During the last parliament, front October, 1935, to January z�tJi, o 1940 the number of inerlthc7,1 who died In office was :1 and two of the members eleetr11 to the pre- sent parliament d1F.1 a feta dlya after their election. Nino members of the last par)lan c-nt were .le.,v.+t• ed to the Senate. E HIVE GCORNN SYRup A Great Energy Food LIFE'S LIKE THAT Wtt-L-40%5;; 12, vi// By Fred Neher (OoFPllb� "But I got 15C, by Pita Mal t to get out to the movie or tome place I have my life to lead!" YES,DAISYBEU.E I WAS THERAA WEEK NAVIN M7 TONSILS TOOK O'Jr! UNCLE JIM BROUGHT' ME A BASKET OF FRUIT, AUNT EMMA BLIGHT TOYS, PoP GAVE ME F1VF DOLLARS, AN... CPI DID NOT/THE. WHOLE THIN SAVE ME A AIN IN HE NECK! once Y.TI a r•iife-s By GENE BYRNE,S s. r<tr. 0 P, rel (It.t. AI tl,bI, rt",' ( *They're So Convenient *TEA BAGS Los't Kingdorn s a OREN ARNOLD by CAST OF CHARACTERS ROBERT BARRY— hero, ex- plorer. MELISSA LANE — heroine, Barry's partner. HONEY BEE GIRL—Indian; member of Barry's party. HADES J 0 N E S—pioneer; member Barry's party. 4. 4: N Yesterday: Search for the sec- ret of the pueblos runs to fever pitch when Bob discovers an air auction in the castle wall, draw• ing inward, perhaps to some un• derground passage! CHAPTER XI Holliman missed Mary Melissa at the corral, but when she rode ba(tc later in the morning he was dragging in some timbers and so encountered her. "Purty day, ain't it 'Lissa?" ha greeted. "Whyn't you conte ride over with me, where I'm cuttin' poles at? Hunk?" Not his words, but his inflec- tion, both angered and frighten- ed the girl. His tone Was almost an insult. "Thank you, but I must go on to camp." She tried to be very formal. "Aw, come on! Coale on! There ain't no hurry. 'Nlight's well en. Joy this trip. We got to be out here a. long time together. I bet I could show you a right good time." It was the only approach Scott Holliman knew. He would have 'used it in the tiny dance hall at Blanco Canyon, or in the larger and greasier one at Nogales and the gaudier one at 'Tucson, But it didn't work here. Too mad to reply with dignity, and HAVE YOU EVER MAD BUTTERSCOTCH BISCUITS ? • It's one of the amazingly delightful recipes given in this new Recipe Book . "52 Baking Secrets"... created by Mrs. H. M. Aitken, Famous Cooking Authority ... and issued by the Canads Starch Home Service Department. Here's a real gold mine of the simplest, most delicious recipes for Hot Breads, Cookies, Biscuits, Meats, Fish'and many other types of foods, Write now for this FREE Recipe Book, Send your -request, with a label from any Canada Starch product, to Canada Starch (tome Service, Dept, llt' 49 Welliaigton St, E.,Toronto. too refined to be undignified, Diary, iMelisstt' simply spurred her, horse and galloped off. She head- ed direct for camp, intending as a partner in the expedition to re- port the matter at once to Bob Barry and let him settle it with Holliman. "Dr. Barry?" she called, dis- mounting. She hadn't quite de- cided to call him "Bob" yet, even though he used her pet name Tiow. There was no answer., She in- vestigated and found the camp empty. Hades Jones she knew was away for the• day, but she had left Bob and Honey Bee Girl in camp. She wasn't at all pleased to find herself alone there; spa was frightened, knowing that Hol- liman was approaching. She rode off again and stayed alone, Hunger drove her back about noon, and she saw Bob and Honey :Bee climbing down the castle ladders. "Is Something Wrong?" Her emotions were oddly mix- ed, in all truth, when the two reached camp. First made angry Eby an uncouth man, a hungry girl, who finds no food but seas the pretty cook out alone with the potential lover, is in no mood for frivolity. '"Delightful day for a walk; Trac sure!" She almost snapped it at Bob and Honey Bee, She was not smiling. Bob missed the implication en- tirely,• "Say, 'Lissa!" he was beanting again. His boyish enthusiasms were one very vital part of Rob. ert Barry's charm. "Listen here —Honey Bee's a honey, and no 'joking)'!" Bob's statement was, in reality, one of thanks, lest he hurt the Indian's feelings again. But be did not notice the anger and hurt that his statement reflected in Mary Melissa's face. The white girl paled a little, her lips tight. "Know What she did, 'Lissa? Being an 'Indian, she knows all sorts of Indian signs and symbols. Well, she picked out one up in the cliff that may be extremely valuable to us!" He paused, dramatically. But Mtu'y Melissa was just staring, her big brown eyes studying hint. Bob saw then that she was un- usually sober. He had become ac- customed to her smile. His voice was lowered. "Why—what is it, 'Lissa?" He took her hand, held it, stooped a bit to be near her. "Is something tvl'ottg? Something. 1--"" He wasn't sure what to soy, and so he stammered. He was so, very .honest about' it that "Malty DJelissa's emotions gave way to her good sense. She forced a hit more animation, a feeble smile, and answered hint. "Nothing important—Rob, Just' --one .of the horses gave a little trouble. Nothing really. Please go on. What about the Indian signs? Why is it important? I ant very interested." * 1: n insist on CANADA CORN 1 1 FOR BETTER COOKING RESULTS ` Contagious Enthusiasm He smiled hack at her then in, renewed enthusiasm for his re' port, It led to a secret chamber. We dug unto it. First thought it was nothing but a cairn, We found one body near the entrance.. But later I disc'over'ed a draft, an up -current of air, 'I,issa,,this play' be a ,Secret tunnel. to that cave, from the valley level some. where! See?" "I sea, Olt, Bob!" Slow Burning IGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADE yr �Yl DOUBLEAUTOMATICOL4.0 His ,excitement was. contagious, so that 'Lissa relaxed from her ugly snood. This a as no time, she realized, to tell him about Scott Ilolliman, even if she got hint away from Honey Bee, in Priv- , ate. Par" better to ignore Holti• - -ratan, or work cut her' own prob- lem, Nt'itll hint, . than to bother scientist Barry with such an ee- traneous detail now. Besides, she reminded herself,. she had never yet found the mean she couldn't handle alone. She was a litt'.e ashamed for thinking to run for help from, Holliman; it seemed somehow like tattling. After all the mean had not definitely in- sulted her, in any tangible • way. She had simply been a jittery • New York girl, scared because of inexperience with crude men. She would find a way to squelch dr. Holliman! These thoughts .raced. through her mind in a few seconds, while Bob was explaining its detail' the Indian sign and the walled open- ing' up he the cliff castle, Honey Bee had hastened about the busi- ness of preparing food. We'll Explore The Cave ' "And now listen, both of you." Bob called Honey Bee back into the conference, "I've given ' this considerable thought. After all, Miss Lane is the real patron :,f this expedition. We two are the mainstays, I mean. I 'don't know what that new dungeon means, but 1 have a hunch it's important as possible. Now—if that news gets out, and the University pro- fessors get wind of it, we'll have maybe ti dozen expeditions down here, probably reporters front newspapers and everything.. May- be before we could explore it our- selves. See? .So,. keep it quiet. I could trust' old Hades, but this Holliman is a stranger. He—" "Yes ! 1'es indeed, Bob !" 'Lissa was emphatic.' "Honey Bee, Miss Lane and I are going to explore that new cave alone, tomorrow. 'We'll be gone a long time, maybe. But we will take plenty of food and water, Don't you breathe a word to the other men, ever, Not a hint. Understand'", • n • • He Had Some Plans Honey Bee nodded. If her Man said so, it was law, She was of- fended at the idea of his taking the white girl, when she herself had been the one to reveal the tunnel, but she couldn't say so now. Besides, Scott Holliman had ridden into camp with more build- ing material, . and with rather broad hints as to his hunger. Holliman sat across the 'table from the other two when the late lunch was served. Hades Jones wouldn't be back until after dark, they knew. Holliman stared; rath- er openly at Mary Melissa. She was ignoring hint, and she was glowing. The enthusiasm of Bob's discovery was reflected in her now. Added to that was the knowledge that he really hadn't been off on a tete-a-tete with Honey . Bee. Holliman watched her smile, saw the beauty of her' features .and the grace of her form, Her, chuckled, almost audibly, at the thought of Honey Bee's hiring hint to woo Diary Melissa. fee had some plans. (To Be Continued) Wiggle Your Toes And Be Efficient Take Off Your Shoes and Stockings For a Few Minutes A Day — Gain in Efficiency and Health Wigg)" your Loos girls, if you want to increase your efficiency. 1)r. Thomas T, Boyd, speaking at a convention of the 'Massachusetts Academy of Podiatry, said that if housewives and salesgirls would take off their shoes and stockings and wiggle their toes, their effi- ciency would rise by about 50 per cent, WEAR LOWER HEELS There is no special way to do it, he said: just wiggle. "It does for the toes %what a deep breath of ln• vigora11ng air does for the Lungs." Dr, Boyd also pleaded with wo• nten to weal' lower heels to avoid "serious stomach ailments and also looking like leaning totters of Pisa. Soft Hair Styles Suit Most Hats Properly Shaped Coiffure Es- sential to Becoming Head- gear -- Hairline at Present Is Up in Front ''A Wonsan can always get a hat that is becoming to her if she has her hair properly shaped to give her face the oval line almost every- one needs," according. to a well- known coiffure stylist. "There is no magic to hairdressing," he con. Hinted, "just common . sense, and the day of intricate hair -dos that 110 one but the expert can comb is completely passe." . SOFTNESS IN BACK Generally speaking the hair line for the present is up in the front and dowit in the back, he said. And most women need the flattering lino of softness at the back of the neck, so if they want the severe Much at ail they should get it in the upswept curls at the front, is leis advice. SLENDERIZING JACKET ENSEMBLE PA1"l'1 HN 4366, By ANNE ADAMS This Anne Adams dress Pat- tern 4366, is a beguiling combin- ation of tailored styling and dainty femininity. The long or short -sleeved jacket whi''h match - Cs or softly contrasts the dress, makes a flattering ensemble. The dress stands alone with smart con' fidence too, The rather tailored shape of the lapel -collar may be softened by lovely lace edging and by perky tie -ends or a refreshing flower. Pattern 4366 is available in women's sizes 34, 36, 3S, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 4R, Size 36, dress takes 3iz yards 39 inch fabric and 3 yards lace edging. Send TWi'lN'TY CENTS (20c) in c0111s (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this Anne Adams pat- tern, Write plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS and STYE NUM(11'llt, Send your order to .Anne Ad - ants, Room 425, 73 West Adelaide St., 'Toronto. L d A L K S By SADIE B. CHAMBERS SEASONAL PIES ANO OTHER SWEETS Variety in desserts seems to in- crease almost daily as we are be- ing offered all the gelatine and lovely creamy dishes, not forget- ting the fresh fruits marching right along. However, there is a dessert that the homemaker can be sure will be' popular with all members of her fancily, as well as the guests ,—and that is the incomparable pie. Early fruits and. Maple syrup ail add zest fbr aplietizing concoctions —so try these: R11 UB.11tL' PIE "A rhubarb pie to be perfect must have top crust," declares one o? the critics — so.here we are: 3 tablespoons quick-c.00lting tap- ioca 1 cup sugar One-third cup currant jelly teaspoon salt teaspoon creatu cups rhubarb . cut in small pieces 1 tablespoon batter Pastry for two crust pie (9 inches), 1 teaspoon sugar Mix together the quick cooking tapioca, sugar,: currant jelly and salt, Add rhubarb finely cut. Allow 10 stand 20 while the pas• try is being prepared. Line the. pie plate (1 prefer glass for the acid pies) with tolled pas- try rolled one-eighth inch thick, Fitl pie shell with the rhubarb mixture, dot with butter. Adjust the top pie crust over tho rhubarb. Brush the top crust with cream and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sugar. Bake about 50 minutes in hot oven for 13 min- utes, then reduce the heat until crust is nicely browned and fruit is cooked, Serve pie hot, but cool just slightly so it will be a little less juicy. MA P1,1,', SYFt[.1P P11 One and one-third cups con- densed milk (sweetened) Two'thirds 0111) maple syrup t./{ cup chopped pecan nuts %,teaspoon salt. la cup whipping create 2 tablespoons granulated sugar and baked pie crust. The mill( and syrup should bP boiled 4 minutes, cooled. To this add half. of the pecans and salt. Pour into crust, cover with whip• ped cream and sprinkle with nuts. STRAWBERRY AND ('1tFA6M ('tlEES1': PI}': Baked pie shell (9 inches1 1 package of white ('leant cltease 2 1,t2 tablespoons cream 1 quart stl'awberries 4i cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch Pineapple juice Blend the meant allh the cheese until soft and smooth. With- a spat• Ida spread the softened cheese over the buttons of the pie shell, Chill, Wash. hull and prepare strawher• ries. Select a p11a of bel'l'ies, slice then). Mash the rest of the berries, add the sugar and let staud until juicy, flub the plashed berries all through a sieve until the liquid ij extracted, alis ibis jtiICO and corn- starch 10 :t smooth paste and ,add pineapple juice 10 slake 11: cups of liquid. Cook this mixture anti! smooth lM'er nu(lerate heat), I: must lee thick and transparent. Stir constantly to prevent form:Wen of humps. cool and poor half of it ower tho cream cheese in the pie shell. Arrange the sliced strawberries in 1110 sauce. Poul' the remaining sauce ower tho berries and chill. ('over with a lav,')' of widened cream if desired. 1•i iii 31 This breakfast SPEAKS AOR ITSELF! DAD LENDS ,AN EAR I The moment Ile pours on the Milk or cream, he hears Rice Krispies chattering to him with their .merry crackle. pop -snap. They just beg to he eaten, So down- right crisp ---and they slab' crisp to the very last spoonful! —Wrigley's Spearmint Gum is the favorite! Millions enjoy its long-lasting, genuine spearmint flavor. healthful, delicious, refreshing! Cet the good habit of enjoying it after every weal.' SPO NGI:('Ai %VAEFL I:S 11'1'1'11 ST A 11' ti Ellin I': S As strawberries seen[ to be the topic, try this recipe too and I am sure it will c'r'eate the ,,,106i1'0 fur 11101'0. 1 cup cake flour cl teaspoon bakiu; powder 1, teaspoon salt. 3 ggs. 1 011p 311gal' 1 teaspoon nutmeg IA cup cold water teaspoon lemon extract 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 pint strawberries sliced One-third cup powdered sugar Sift flout'. baking powder and salt, and nutmeg together. Beat the eggs light and thick as possible. Add sgar to eggs, a little at the time. Rett until sugar is almost dis• salved. Add water 10 this mixture by the teaspoons, beating after each addition. Flavor with lemon extract. Sift dry ingredients over the egg mixture a little at a time, folding in, so to speak. Beat iu melted butter, just beat a little better to fold its butter too. Have waffle iron ready a nledinlu heat. This recipe calls for having the iron well oiled, more than for ile ordinary waffle, When baked, remove with fork. Place on racks to cool and to become crisp. ('rat iu quarters and serve in shortcake fa- shion leave, the berrit•s prepared and sugared an born' before. The re- cipe [Hakes four waffles. An addi- tion of whipped cream on top just "tops" everything. READERS. WRITE IN! Miss Chambers welcomes personal letters from interest• ed readers She is pleased to receive suggestions on topics for her column, and is even ready to listen to your "pet peeves." Requests for recipes or special menus are is order. Address your Tetters to "Miss Sadie B. Chambers, 73 Wrest Adelaide Street, Toronto." If the soup is very fat amort greasy and there is no time to 0091 it and skint (Of the gl ease, strain, re -heat and then pour through a cleats [white cicth wrung out of cold water. This has :hu effect of coagulating the fat and preventing the thick grease from getting through, ISSUE NO. 22-'40 C New thousands now demand POP -CRACKLE -SNAP chorus &Aft • All over Canada, children and grownups listen everjr morning to the cheery song of crispness. 'Breakfasts are gayer when golden -brown Rice Krispies tumble into family cereal bowls! Tests show that Rica Krispies stay floating for hours in milk or cream. " Rice Krispies" is the trade -mark of the Kellogg Company of Canada, Limited, for its delicious brand of oven -popped rice. Order several packages tomor• row. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. ',age V, May Specials Women's Cotton Hose 15c Sockees (Mercerized) 19c Children's Print Dresses 39c PAPER TOWEL SPECIAL: 150 Towel Roll, 6 rolls for 87c HOLDER FREE Regular Price of Holder 30c Olive MGill 33LYTH PHONE 73. SIMS GROCERY GOODS DELIVERED. TELEPHONE 14. e■111111111est... Order Nursery Plants Today! a..1111M.. (SNAPPY) Ginger Snaps CelIoPkg10c io Ibs. Granulated Sugar 67( When You Buy $1.00 Order of Groceries (Prices Subject to Change without Notice) GOOD HUMOR Cereal, pkg. 25c SPECIAL!!! LIBBY'S DEEP -BROWN Kidney Beans=. 21c A New Taste Thrill in Store for You). SUNNY SPAIN Olives (Plain) it 1•2 oz. jar 30c EGGWHEAT NOODLES 8 oz.pkg. 1 3c Delicious as a Vegetable with Butter. WE BUY AND GRADE EGGS. SIMS • ACTIVITY " IN THE OLD FIRE HALL" - Everything For The Farm Case Tractors and Farm Equipment. Tudhope-Anderson Wagons. Auto Tracs and Stoves Viking Cream Seperators. C.C.M. Bicycles. Baden Electric Fences. A. D. Morrison Phone: Shop 57; Residence 84. Blyth, Ontario. — TRY — DURWARD'S DAIRY KRIM-KO A DELICIOUS, REFRESHING, SATISFYING, CHOCOLATE FLAVOURED Milk Drink rich in the food elements which provide energy and build muscle and bone. DON NYBROOK Mesar:;. \Varren I3antrerd and Will Craig of Western University, London, were home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills of Toronto, Spent the holiday week -end with his sister, Mrs. Norman Thotmeion, and other friends. Mr. Ilarry Moss of Glencoe spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss. Mrs. George Naylor of Dungannon, was a Sunday visitor with Donnybrook friends. till STANDARD w Doherty Bros GARAGE. MissMary Lockhart spent the holt• day at her home here. 'Miss Cassie Dodds is visiting with Clinton blend's this week. Miss Lois Robinson of Welland spent the week -end with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. It Robinson. Mr, Reg. Argent of Welland spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mra, Fred Argent. Miss Pauline Robinson of Kitchener spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs, woody. Miss 1lfelda McElroy of St. Marys spent the holiday week -end with her mother, Mrs, Edith 13e11, 1 Mr. R. D. Philp attended the funeral 'of the late Mrs. Lawrence of Palmer-' ston on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Stratford, spent Saturday w1Cn Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Barr. Mr. David Dunbar of Stratford Is spending a ferw days with his cousin, Mrs. A. Barr, Mies Stella Steward, Lucknow, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. S. Cunning. 'Mrs. Win. Robertson is visiting with her daughter, "Mrs. Turvebt, of Wing'uami. Miss Hazel Petts, of London, spent over the weekend with her parents, Councillor and Mrs. Pelts, Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, of Flint, Mich., spent Sunday with the fornier's moth- er, Mrs. Harry Bowen. Rev, It. M. %Veokes preached in Trinity Church, Mitchell, 'Sunday ev ening. 1Mr. and Mrs.. It, II. L. Robinson and daughter of Pori Colborne spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 11, I1, Robinson, Pte. Glen Kechuie, wireless opera- tor with the Air Force, at Montreal, spent the weekend with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Kechuio. Mrs. Lyon, Mrs Taylor, and .Miss Ethel Taylor attended the funeral of the late Nelson Ball in Clinton on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leith of Lucknow and Mr. and !\lrs. Wim. G. Leith of Stratford spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs, Eric Bowyer Lowndeh and children of Windsor, visited over the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Jean Crawford, 'and Mr. John I3arr. Mrs. Cuthbert and two daughters, Irene and Mary, and !Miss Gladys Fawcett of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. Alice Fawcett. iMr, 0, D. Leith returned home from Clinton Hospital on Sunday, and is making splendid recovery from his recent operation. Rev. James Abery, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church at betides - bore, lately at Rutherford, was a vis- itor in Blyth on Monday. M'r. David Wilson, of Chatham, and Mr. 1-tarold Wilson of Howard, visited at the Rectory on Monday of this WE +RE AGENTS FOR Plymouth and Chrysler Cars Auto -Lite and Hart Batteries. Goodrich & Dunlop Tires. Complete Engine Check. White Rose Motor Oil. Cattle and Fly Spray. PHILCO RADIOS AND SUPPLIES. Acetylene Welding. Vodden's BAKERY. HOUSEWIVES Housecleaning Time Is Just Around the Corner. Let us Serve you with Wholesome Home -Made Bread C3 Pastry H. T. VODDEN. Ph. 71 - We Deliver. Hollyman's BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. The Home of Good Baking. Our Newly Installed Elec- tric Cooler will ensure you of Good Cold Drinks and Chocolate Milk. Ice Cream and Bricks Always on Hand. Wedding Cakes made To Order. We Deliver. Phone 38. PERSONAL INTEREST Mr. Kitchener Finnigan of .Port Al. bent spent tine week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Barr, I •lire, Earl MicKnight, Jack and Garth of Auburn visited wibh Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Snell. Mr. and 'Mrs. John 'M, Moreland, I Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wallace ot Newark, N. J., who have been visiting relatives and friends in Blyth and vicinity, re- turned home Saturday accompanied by Mist. Addie Bell who will visit wit'it them for some time. Rev. R. A. Brook was a guest of Mrs. Charles Graslby on Sunday. Dur - Ing the day Mr Brook' took the Ser- vices at Blyth United Church in the absence of Rev, A. Sinclair who took charge of the Anniversary Services at Hensall. Mrs. Harper Kelsey (nee Errls Lockhart) of Morris, who recently underwent a surgical operation in Clinton llospita.l, has sufficiently im- proved as it is hoped she will be able to return to her hone the first of next week. week, Mrs. Minnie Lyon of Beandon, Man., is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. J. S. (*bellow and 'Mrs. Ab. Taylor of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor met her in London on Sunday, Miss Annie Barr Is at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Barr. Her vacation being a forced one due to an epidomic of measles in her school at fort Albert. :Miss Ella May Wilson, it. N., of Matherson, is spending a couple ot weeks holiday with her mother in Clinton and sister, Mrs. Wm. Carter, East \Vawanoslt. BELGRAVE Beginning next Sunday, June 2nd, the Services in Trinity Anglican Church, J3elgra•ve, will be held in the morning at 11,30 a. m., and will be con ducted by the Rei tor, friveryone is cordially invited to attend, thls Ser. vice. Tho Rector's Confirmation Class will meet at the conclusion of the Service. Sunday School will meet in the Church during the month at J0.4f, a. Airs. V. M. Bray, Mrs. Harry Johns- 111 – l ton, Mrs. R. M. Shaw, Mrs. Charles 1 Granby, Miss Margaret Cowan, mot- Choir practleo will be held in the Wednesday, May 29,1949: sionetieeseeeieetsereememeeemees SPECIAL!!! To Introduce the New Series of MuriI Astor T SPECIALU! Your Choice of Any Two 50 Cent Productsg9 c Regular $1.00 Value BOTH FOR , Witch Hazel" Cream, " Hand Lotion, Brillantine, Camphor Skin Cream. Cleansing Cream, Cold Cream, Tissue Cream, Vanishing Cream. Rouge, 4 shades, ` Lipstick, 4 shades,, Face Powder, 4 shades. Perfume, a pleasing blend with lasting fragrance. R, D. PhilLP' DRUGS, S,UNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. 1 Lack of Sleep May be the FAULT OF YOUR BED Take ten minutes tonight to inspect the Spring and Mattress you sleep on, then conte to our Store and compare what you are using with our wide selection OF COIL AND FABRIC BED SPRINGS, LUXURIOUS INNER SPRING MATTRESSES, AND LASTING STEEL BEDS. Which we are offering at Most Attractive Prices. J. S. CHELLEW Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director. willows Tintex Dye. New Stock Noxema Cream Moth Bags Sun Glasses Shell-Tox 29c. Drug siore Complete Line of Colours. 15c, or 2 for 25c Regular 25c for 15c 45c 15c to 50c Fly-O-Cide 25c and 49c Chocolate Milk. - Greeting Cards for All Occasions 5c and 10c NOTICE Mr. Reid's Next Call will be on June 7th. USE THE STANDARD TO ADVER- TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, OR FOR SALE. McCallum's QUALITY MEATS Home -Made Bologna, Ib. 15c Pure Pork Sausage Large or Small, ib. Roast Loin of Pork Cooked Ham, lb...: . Chopped Ham, Ib. Meat & Pickle Loaf • •• • , VISIT OUR REFRESH- MENT COUNTER. Hot Soups, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs. Home -Made Ice Cream Always On Hand, Let Us Serve Your Party Requirements. ,18c Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco. .55c Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars .55c. 35c 1 'BILLIARD PARLORS 28c Tables Always in Al Shane. McCallum's SIBTHORPE'S • Drinksti Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. Miss Jean Robinson has returned +home after spending the past few months in Toronto. 'Mrs. 3tachael Chanmey of Godertch, to visiting with her daughter, Mrs. John Thompson. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson of Til- sonhurg, were week -end visitors with friends on the 9th line, Mr. Carl MacKay of Brantford, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Craig. ore;l to the Niagara District on Tues. Church on Thursdpt.y evening of this" - day returning on \Vednesdey. week at 8 o'clock. All xnctmt;ers of t'ho choir are urged to attend. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plunkett of Sioux Lookout, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anniversary Services will bo held _ Straughan and daughter, Betty, and in Trinity Church, Belgrave, on Sun - Mrs. Henry Cluff of Bemniller, were' day, Juno 30th. The Rev, 13. 11. Farr, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. ' of London, will be the guest preacher Bon. Lockitart. at both Services. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cotter, Mics At the regular Service in Trinity Eleanor and ,Mr. William Cotter and Church on Sunday afternoon last, Miss Doreen Osborne, of Toronto,' speciai hymns anti prayers were of - were the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. fored for help and blessing in the 11, M. Weekes, at the Rectory, over crisis facing the world and the Mat - the week -end, jvirt. ROBINSON'S GROCERY PINEAPPLE WEEK LARGE PINES 18c, 2 FOR 35c Cabbage, Tomato and Cauliflower Plants. Clover Honey, 4 lb. pails 50c; 8 ib. pails $1.00 Allin's Apple Juice, per tin 10c Toilet Paper, large rolls 5c New�Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Beets, Rad ishes. Multiplier Onions. Dutch Sets. E. S. ROBINSON Market Price for Eggs According To Grade. Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery.