HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1925-10-29, Page 1641,1444440044441104444444411.4 School Supplies. A full line of Public and High School Supplies at THE STANDARD, 44444+44444444444 XXXVII nbatb. 0111........ _...�. BLYTH, ONTARIO. THU EIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1925 —4r"' , • NN44.....444..444+++++.4.++4 +++++++++++44+444+44+1 YOU WILL LOOK RIGHT, IN ONE OF OUR NEW O'COATS. in which you will find new colorings, style, comfort and priced right, Young Men and Men's O' Coats $12.50. READY TO WEAR. SUITS in new. Heather Tweeds as well as Blue and • Grey Serges, Our stook is complete in Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, and Sweaters; If not possible to Suit or O'Coat you in Re ady • To Wear. Dept. we will guarantee to suit,you in MADE TO ORDER DEPT, 1 S. H. GIDLEY, Clothier, 1\1 rn aiicl-13o) s' 1' uriiislier. I'hoiie 78 ?Ind 86. •ltl, iii, 0110110. . 4#44.44.44+4444.4.44+4.4.04e4,44+.4++44+++444.4444 ffecte :- FINISHES !l,'�i ids 1 hlAhk • Make the-old"car look likelrnew. "A�few'r•j ,� coats -of ° 0101 � t. EFFECTMEh 4MELt,. and a little time will change the old weather beaten car into a real auto. All sizes and colors. 1, COLIN PIN(iLAND HARDWARE . MERCHANT. BLYTH, ONT. 044•444444+114.44++++++.1-14.41444++++++++++++++.++.11.1.44. WE WAST SOUR PRESCRIP- TION BUSIN[8S And solicitit on the following basis 1 ABSOLUTE ACCURACY. 2 PURE DRUGS 3 IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, 4 REASONABLE PRICES. 5 PROMPT DELIVERY. Hamilton Estate Drug Store. OPTOMETRIST. BY EXAMINATION BLYTH, ONT. 1, I1 1" +44+4++41444++4-144-1-1-1-1914+ ++.1.4.4- • ICED- IC:11 BUY YOUR FLOUR NOW _ n WE CARRY A FULL STOCK THE FOLLOWING LINES PURITY, FIVE ROSES, CL1NTON, BLYTH, .AND EXETER Unproved F-i'uit Jar, in all Sizes. Try a bag of granulated Sugar at a very close . FRESH FRUITS INSEASON Cherries, Berries, Bananas. Qranges and Lemons: FRESH VEGETABLES. GREEN' PEAS, GREEN BEANS, TOMATOES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS G:.1 ..CI-IAMBEJ{S, •Phone 89. • • • ,BLYTI-j, O'4 >4 Local News. Hallowe'en—Saturday, Today (Thursday) is election day. .• Mrs. J. Calclaugh spent the past throe• weeks wirh her on, Mt. D. 0, Colclough,,,,; Burgessviue, St. Andrew's Sabbath School beg'ns illi afternoon sessions next Sunday, Nov. 1st, opening at 2.95. Mr. Samuel Kechnie retu' ned homr hit week from the West, Ile says Ontario it good enough for him. Mr, Hugh Allan, of Toronto. was in .r attendance on Friday, at the funeral of the late S, 11. Gidley, MIE8 Martha Moore, who was the guest of Miss Emish and other friends in torn, returned to Toronto on Saturday, Mr, Orton and Miss Stubbs were in at- `.a. THE LA I'E S. H. GII3i wY tendance at the wedding of a !dative in "' Mt. Forest on Wednesday el last week. ; ;In the death•of Samuel I;6l�dley which occurred a_ t,. the family residence, We t• A Masquerade Hallowe'en Dance will be 'mpreland Street, on Weinesday of last held in Memorial Hall this Friday (Oct. w ek, is removed one who, until a q uple 30) night under the auspices of the Maple tit ago, played quite a conspicuous Leaf Club. Irt in the business and social life'bf the Mr. T; R. Wright, c f London, one of mmun1ty for the past forty years. A the early residents of B yth, was in glen; n of excellent business ability; partic dance at the funeral of the late S Ii, Gid• ley on Friday. Dr. and Mrs McIntyre and Dorothy, left for Toronto on Friday and will remain there until after Thanksgiving. During fps, besides the esteem of the commune cumbed, which the dental office will be closed, The late Nelson Richmond was born on tips, large. ,,0101. ht news of his death, while not unex- lot 20, concession 10 Morris, twentysev- ected, was received with profound regret en years aso and until going to Norther' it was the severing of a link that held Ontario In 1916, his life bad been spent here. On going north he took up farming and trapping and had been fairly success- ful in this occupation. He was ii your:g Man of quiet demeanor, steady and reil• liable and his passing )ut is much regret- ted by neighbors and friends of the fam- ily. . Deceased leaves to mourn his loss. be- sides his parents. on brother. Mervin, at home and one sister. Mies Elva, of Dash• • OJ CAVANAGH .The remains were brought from Hearst on Wednesday and the funeral will take place today (Thursday) from the family General Agent, rsidence, ervice being, bald li>t lthe �tlgtgt�e. , � at•2 p. ' m: by itev: R; H: Barnlif, tr�IIoK% ed by interment in the Union Cemetery, The pallbearers are—Messrs. William Morritt, Wm. Brown, Bailie Parrott, Jno. Young, Win. Cockerllne and Melville Richmond. s •.01. f4 Writing Tablets. • A large assortment ol"W icing ' Tablets, Papeteriet aiudEnvelopett : at Tilt STANDARD. 114•41401.440.40444414414.14 r • No' 18 CREAM WANTED PEARL CREAMERY, Milverton. will pay farmers F. O. B. 39c. to 42c. per ib. fat for all cream delivered at C. P. R. Anyone Interested kissdly serd for cars and you will be assured of a fair deal. PLEASE GIVE US A TRIAL A, F. CLARK, Prop. Milverton Box 203, is Order performing the last sad rites. The beautiful floral tribu es from mary friends In Blyth and community attest the esteem in which dfceased was held. The Late Nelson Richmond, It wps with profound regret that citi- zens of Blyth and community received the new' on Monday mor+ling of the death in the hospital at Hearst. Ont , of Nelson, eldeltt son of Mr. and Mrs Russel Rich- mond of the 10th concession of Morrie. The family received word that Nelson was ill but it was not thought to br ser• itrly qualified in his own line as merch• ions; However, his father left on Wed - t tailor, he was sought after and enjoy.'''?day of last week for Hearst and on ser- a patronage that reached many parts rival there, wrote to the effect that Nei. life county. Of a jovial dfsposition, he sod was improving nicely, but with a aud- it and maintaintd many warm friend• den change for the worse. he quickly sue. Last year in Ontario there were 23 killed by motor cars and 15 by trains, and even the horse and bicycle exacted their toll -67 being killed by horses and ngether man incidents that had trans - 10 by bicycles.. PIrcd in the business and social life of the Mr. John Ross, of Edmonton, Deputy Village in all these years and vividly im-. Minister of Education for the Province of Pressed this fact, particularly upon many Alberta, visited his mother, Mrs. Thomas of the older residents of Blyth. Ross and sister, Mrs, Daniel McGowan, , His was a long and tedious illness. In - East Wawanosh, during the past weelc.: capacitated by a stroke of paralysis which tett him helpless for two years and two Mr. and Mrs. Wm Johnston, Blyth, months prior to his death; he maintained, announce the engagement of their young= t'o a large extent, his happy mood which est daughter, Fern, to Mr. Alex. M Fox; was always in evidence to the meny who Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs James Fox, visited him during his confinement to the Brussels, the marriage to take, place quiet. hbme, ly early ,in November, _ �.To the ,family find many of those who • • Arrangmente Have"been'`madtty B1yU '• t him ditring'the. "peifod prior to his Memorial Hall C• mmittee to get the elec. death, it was thought that he was slowly tion returns tonight (Thursday). These improving when, on Friday evening, Oct. will be made known in the hall commence 16 he was seized with the second stroke ing at 8 o'clock. There will also he a good which affected his throat and to which he program of instrmental and vocal music succumbed. supplied, The late s 'mud H. Gid'ey was born In Exeter on the 10th of October, 1860 and Bills have been issued announcing the when entering manhood was apprenticed dissoluton of partnership of the firm of to the tailoring trade. On., becoming a Poplestone & Gardiner, general merchants journeyman he entered business for him - Blyth. This firm has been in operation self. first in Wingham which was followed for the past twenty-five years. They are by short periods in Lond,leboro and Cred- offering splendid bargain's in all lines of iton, coming to Blyth over 40 years ago, dry goods and groceries. It will pay you when Blyth was just budding forth into a to visit their store. • lively village. His energy, musical talent The regular monthly meeting of the and ready adaptation to conditions as they Women's Institute will be held in Memor- were soon brought ial Hall, on Friday, Nov 8th. (Note as leader•of the b Mrs. Samuel Kechnie returned home o' Monday nigh from a visit to her bottle in North East Hope, who has been ill. Mr. John Brownlee, hardware merchan, and his brother George, both of London residents of Blyth a quarter of a century ogo, were in town on Friday In attend. ance at the funeral of the late S. H. Gid - ley; him into prominence. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emigb, of trend and, to which orgapiz• galley, v sited the former's father, Mr. J. change of date,) Topic—Dr. Colborne. ation he gave steady allegience for over _G. Emigh and sister. Mies Allis ever Fri - Duet, Mre, W. B. Hawkins i nd Mrs. F, twenty-five years. In the old rifle club day. They were also in attendance at Kershaw; Instrumental, Miss E. Mills. he displayed a keen interest and was am- the funeral of their brother-in-law, the Roll Call ' What I am most thankful for. ong the best marksmen in that organiz-, Visitors are welcome. ation who exhibited their skill in more Remember that the annual Fowl Sup -than one keenly contested competition. The annual Thank -offering of St. An - When lawn bottling was filet inttoducsr'i n drew s W. M. S. will be held this year bn per and Concert under the auspices of the Blyth, Mr. Gidley could generally be Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. An address is to be Women's Institute will be held in Memor- found on the green, an enthusiastic play given by Miss Mitchell, one of the eecre- ial Hall onWednesday, Nov. llth Sup- erand in all other sports hia interest was taries of the society, a lady of wide ex be per �yill be served from 5 to 8 p, m; atter fullymanifest Wnile an ardent admirer perience and deep interest in Mission which a splendid program will be given, consisting of numbers by Harvey McGee, of all outdoor recreation he was, nev: rthe• Work. The meeting opens at half past less, 'just as zealous in the organization two. comedian; quartettes, duets, solos, elocu and management of the choir of the Meth Next Sunday morning Rev. G. Tel - tion and readings; with the laughable comedy entitled "Pumpkin Ridge" Ad- odist Church, of which organization hel,ford takes the forenoon anniversary ter - mission— u to 0 c., c ii re . years. He served on the village council Friends from a dis'ance who were in at- for a term and in this capacity creditable tendance at the funeral of the late S. H. work was accomplished. Gidley on Friday, were:—Mr. J IL, Tam- In 1881 the late deceased was married an, Picton;. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones, to Miss Rebecca Taman, daughter of the Mrs, Barbara McKay, Mrs. Eveline late John Taman, of Blyth. This union' Claxton, Mr. Ed. Taman, Detroit; Mr, was blessed by a family of seven children, and Mre. A. Burt and family, London: namely:—Mrs. A. B McVittle, Hespeler; late S. H. Gidley. Ad 1 0 l 'Id n 35c was honored by the leadership for many vice in Wingham United Church. Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Elston. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman, Messrs Richard and H. Gidley, Exeter; Mrs. Carter and daughter Grand Valley; Mr, and Mts. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. I-1 Lamont, Brussels; Mr. Geo. McCully Stratford; Mr. Wm. Hoffman and son, Zurich. ' • . An event of much interest to the com- munity will take -place on Thursday, Nov 5th, when the Presbytery of Huron will hold an open meeting in St. Andrew's Church, Blyth. The Presbytery now covers the entire County of Huron and includes forty-nine ' pastoral charges with a roll of sixty-one ministers and a corres- ponding number of laymen, At the com- ing meeting the special task of the church a3 a spiritual force will be discussed and addresses are • to be given'' by a foreign missionary and by Rev. Dr, McGregor of St. Andrew's Church, London, one of the outstanding leaders of the church in On- tario and a most impressive speaker. The meetings which are to beheld at 10 a m. and 2 p m. are open to the public 'and all irte;ested are Cordially invited, Dimer will be served by the ladies of St, W.' D. McIntosh, of Winghem, will take the morning service m St. Andrew's. The evening service in St. Andrew's wilt be devoted to the presentation of the work of the W. M. S. A choir of ladies ,will lead.the singing. Dull skies and showers of drizzling sleet Mrs, D. Somers, Wingham; Miss Edythe. t and rain characterised the weather of Sunday last, the Anniversary Day of St. Toronto: Russell, London, and Harvey _Andrew's Church, Blyth. In spite of the and Pearl, of Blyth. Another daughter, un spinous conditions however, cervicis Nora, died in infancy. Besides his int• mediate family, he is survived bye hie aged ; Were held that were successful in every father, Mr, Richard Gidley; •of Exeter, • way' Attendance at both services was and one sister, Mrs, Elston, also of that excellent under the,circumiitances. The town, (aide chair, under the leadership of Mr. The funeral which took place on Friday G. b. Leith, gave a most' commendable afternoon, was conducted by the brethren exhibition of skill, the quartette reader• of Blyth Lodge No. 303, A. F. & A. M. ed by Mre. Fingland, Miss Cole, Mane.of which deceased 'was a Past Master. i.eilh and Poplestone is the evening being The brethren assembled at the lodge room spetially attractive. The financial object- from whenee they marched 'to the home the set by the Board of Managers was where a short service waeheld, after which reached, the offering amounting to 1600,.• the remains were escorted to Queen Street 3?, • The'apecial preacher for the day was United Church where service was held by Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Egmondvllle, the pastor, Rev, R. H. Barnby, isolated by services gave pleasure and satisfac- by Rev. W, B. Hawkins,—.of Ttinitq tion to the congregation, Mr. McDonald Church, During the service a beautiful is possessed of a pleasing voice and an en• mixed quartette by Mesdames McElroy gaging personality and his addresses were and Lyon, Metiers. Leslie and Wightman listened to with keen attention. In the sang very sweetly ''In the' Land of the morning his theme was based on .the Unsetting Sun." The church was filled words Except the Lord Build the House to overflowing,by friends anxiou to pay they Main vain that build and in the evening an impressive. discourse was de. their last tribute of respect to the decease •livered on the way In which 'the church ed, Atter the service intermnt took Warn in thn 'Minn Cemetirv. th@ MOM.v�ndicatee itself against the epposltton of Box,428 Goderich, :Ont. . COW: romew Iterearil SCHOOL. SUPPLIES We have now in stock 19, complete line of Public and High School supplies: Text Books, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Loose Leaf Books, Exam. Pads, Rulers, Inks, Rubbers, Paints, • Water Colors, Compasses, Slates, Pencils, &c. The: Standard ' Book & Stationery Store W. R. GOULDING, ' A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster St. James United Church, Exeter.. ' Instructions in Vocal—Plano,—Theory Will be in Blyth each Wednesday; In- formation and terms may be obtained f from Miss Pearl Gidley. FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 100 ecres of good land in Grey Tp. On the ppremiees is situate a 11 storey stone dwelling; bank barn, straw barn, driving shed. Windmill with water in barn. This is a very desirable property and we will take Blyth residential property as part payments For further particulars apply at' The Standard Real Estate Agency. Blyth, Ont. -' Lir AuburnBranch of the Wotnen'a Instld tute will hold a Chicken Pie Supper and Concert on the evenintrof Friday, Octob- er 30th, In the Foresters' Hall. Supper served:from 0 to S p. m. There will be a play presented entitled "Mrs. Jones En - tenable the Women's Institute." Admit,. sion—Adults 85r, children 20c . You Cannot Surpass GREEN TEA Its luscious freshness & rich strength make it finer than any Gunpowder, wan or Young Hyson. Sold every. here. Ask for SALADA to -day. Love Gives Itself THE STORY OF A BLOOD FEUD BY ANNIBI 8. SWAN. °Levi giver Itself and is not bought."--LongtellOW CHAPTER XXXIII.--(Cont'd.) But -there was no trace of anything but pure friendliness in her manner and tone when she entered the library that afternoon to bid him welcome to Stair. "I have to apologize for this in- trusion," he said in his frankest, mostl winning manner. "I excuse it on two grounds—Miss Rankine has written to tell me you are mistress here, and though it would have been kinder tf you had told me yourself at the be- ginning"'I believe I am forgiven for my importunity. The second is, I want you to come hack. I've got something else. I've brought it with ate, and if you will let me stop twenty- four hours at the Ayr Hotel until you've got time to Tian your eyes over it, I believe you won't send inc away empty-handed." Carlotta slightly shook her; head. "You are welcome to Stair, Gra- ham, and if your traps are at tire; hotel, some of them will fetch them' up. I shall be pleased' to 'read the new play, but—but—I don't think I am going .back." Graham Madox .locked- a trifle dis- appointed. "1 understand holy: you•..must care about! this •beautiful- home,' he said, glancing round the room with a slight hesitancy;'" but it is not possible nor right that you should give the whole of your life to it when the world needs you so much." "I must at least wait until my hus- hand comes back," said Carlotta quiet- ly. "I think he is on his way now. After that we can talk it over. _ But meanwhile do let -me send down for your things, and come turd talk to Judy. Although she was very angry with you in New York and would not say good-bye to you, she has forgiven you long since." Madox smiled. He had always liked Judith Rankine and respected her as a type of very high and noble woman- hood. Sometimes her Scotch out- spokenness had somewhat discomfited his more plausible English...uittrn'e, which shrinks from calling a'stihde a spade. Judy had not, shrunk from that, and in one rather sharp passage between then in the sitting -room at the holland House in New York she had reminded him that Carlotta was in her care, and that he had to. keep Iris distance (the very words Judy had used) and confine his attentions strict- ly to business themes, Carlotta had not heard of this little scene until after Judy's boat had sailed, and then, instead of being amused as Madox had fully expected, she had been deep- ly moved. When Madox seemed to hesitate Carlotta went on: "Papa and mamma will be. here not later than Tuesday of 'next week to stay, We shall love to show you Scot- land properly. All you know of it now is a Glasgow hotel in winter! It is different here." Madox admitted that it was. "Seeing you inn place like this, my dear," he said with a touch of sadness in his tone, "ono night well hest - 1 had got strangely detached from— from all this, and I was able to bring hint sharply back. But he has come back with all his might, my dear, you may take it front rue, And Witt a sure thing that if we had been able to charter one of the new flying ma- chines at Quebec we never should have crossed the Atlantic in the usual way" "You did that, Peter! You!" "Yes. It is all I lay claim to do. I talked and talked and better talked until I got Stair into his blood again. The spell of the Yukon is something like the evil spirit of old—it takes exorcising! Now I'm going to my mother, Judy, and you can find Alan. You've no need for me at Stair to- day." "No need for you at Stair, indeed!" cried Judy indignantly, "when but for you this day would never have dawn- ed for Stair!" Judy's face was infinitely pathetic, for at the back of her mind was tho deep-rooted conviction that she had rendered her last service to Stair, and that the two, now re -united, would henceforth have but little need . of her. Garvock saw these eyes, and with the new intuition of gentleness and consideration for others which had • come to hint, he fully, understood. But before he could say that which tate to ask you to come back to the was in his heart Judy went on talk- world—but there is the future." ing. He made pause there, for he could' "What I want to know is, who- is hardly put into words what he actu- going to recompense you for what ally thought ---that in all probability you have done, Peter? You. needn't the Laird of Stair would never conte shake your head. I know without any, back any more to the home of his of your telling or Alan's that it- is, fathers, and that the snows of the you whohave done it all. I. can see' u Yukon had claimed him... I from your face that you haven't spar - Carlotta, with her almost uncanny ed yourself. Who is going to pay intuition, divined his thoughts. you? That's what I want to know."oc "I know what is at the back of all Garvock took a step forward until that, Graham, but I knot, that my he could look into the kind wells of husband is coating back soon—why,! Judy's speaking eyes. there he is!" "Whatabout yourself, Judy?" was She moved, quite quietly but with:ail V aid. '� ill he • radiant face and starry ' e es towards; (The End.) s I one of the long windows which Stood' open, and passed out. I A Poem You Should Know. Absorbed by their talk, Madox had; Rabyland, not heard the sound of distant wheels on the gravel, and when he steppld The man who wrote "Wynken, Blyn-' after Carlotta all he saw was the tall ken, and Nod" and "Little Boy Blue" figure of a man, in a grey traveling! conferred a lasting possession on suit and bare head, take Carlotta in! mothers, for these are among the the swift embrace which said all that' sweetest child -poems in the language. words could never Say. 1 they were written by Eugene Field, Graham Madox ''turned decently himself a man who, like Peter Pan, away with what bitterness in his soul "Never grew up." The following is they would never know. ;another product of his unique genius: Making his way in the hall, het � found some means of ..egress which; ' enabled hint to leave the house un- I 'observed and when afterwards the AFTER EVERY 00'4%. Probably one reason for the popularity of WRIGLEY'S is that it lasts so long and reams such great dividends for so small an outlay. • It keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen, digestion good. Fresh and full.flavored always in its wax. wrapped package. • I3UUE No. 43--'25, y remembered hint, and sent down to the hotel to inquire, they found that he had gone—hjs first and last visit to Stair having lasted exactly five -and-, twenty minutes. Judy, mooning in t.he•sunshine on the terrace steps, amused herself by throwing little pebbles from the path into the round pond where the gold- fish disported themselves, .watching; the eddies rise and spread across the; clear surface. She did not hear the wheels, for the very good reason that!. the whole solid block of the masonry of the house intervened. Presently she rose with a little sigh and thought she would go iii and see how the interview was progressing, when a figure appeared at the far end of the terrace, having come round the gable of the house. "Oh, Peter!" cried Judy, and ran, ;her face blanching white in the merci-' less sunlight, and her eyes pitiful, al- most anguished in their depths. "It I was no good. You heard nothing? Oh, poor Carlotta, her heart will surely break this time!" • "My dear," said Peter Garvock, , "Alan is here. They are—they are somewhere in front. Don't go near I them just yet. After what he's been , through, this hour wants no shorten- ing or interruption," I "Alan here, Peter!" whispered Judy; in a voiceless whisper. "But where 1—how—when did you find him?" "It's a very long story and it will I keep, Judy. Meanwhile I want to know how you are." "I? Oh, you can see! I'm a person ! of no importance. Alan and Carlotta —somewhere in front!. And together! ; Is he—is ho well, Peter? Has he changed much? Is there anything to break our hearts about?" "Nothing. He is well; he is fit; he is handsomer than ever; and he has I done what he set out to do, Judy— he has come hack a rich man to re- ! deem Stair." "To redeem Stair!" repeated Judy i in a low voice. "But oh, does that matter after all, Peter?, When one !conies down. to the bedrock of things it isn't. places that matter. --only peo- ple! We have set Stair up too high, and we have had to pay the price. Oh, 1 want to go to them—and yet I daren't." "Doh't go yet,"pleaded Peter Gar- vock with a strange, new gentleness and consideration which began to astound Judy, and to push .other things into the backgrtund of her mind, • Suddenly she looked -at hirn with an odd steadfastness and inquiry, almost as one might look at some ob- ject, long familiar, which suddenly presents some new. and unfamiliar phare. "Peter, you are great! There is a lot more behind all this than meets the eye, Tell me this- very minute _whore you found Alan." "I found him in a shack on the Kiondyke River, my dear, in the rear of an old gold -mine. It was what they call in these days the psychological moment, Judy. Ali I claire, to is that I arrived in the nick•of time. Alan How many miles to 13abyland?" "Anyone can tell! Up one flight; '1'o the right; Please to ring the bell." "What can you see in Bahylnnd?" "Little folks in white— Downy heads; Cradle•beds; Faces pure and bright," "What do they do in I3abyland?" "Dream and wake and play; Laugh and crow; Shout and grow; Jolly times have they!" "What do they say in Babyland?" "Why, the oddest things! Might as well Try to tell What a birdie sings!" • "Who is the Queen of Babyland?" "Mother, kind and sweet; And her love, Born above, Guides the little feet," Not Too Fast. G11t1.S' PRACTICAL GYMNASIUM SUIT. This comfortable gymnasium cos- tume is composed of the regulation middy blouse with long or short sleeves, and all-around plaited or straight gathered bloomers, finishing with a casing at the top and knee for elastic. Many girls will find this an ideal costume for camping, or for long walks into the country where comfort is the main requirement. Pat- tern No. 1196 is in sizes G, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 years requires 214 yards of 32 -inch, or 1% yards of 36 -inch material for the middy blouse, and 1% yards for the bleomers, Price 20 cents. The garments illustrated in our new Fashion Book will keep you "in step with fashion," They are advance styles for the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, sim- plicity and economy will find her de- sires fulfilled in our new patterns. Each pattern envelope gives charts showing at a glance how to lay the pattern on material and where the different pieces are joined. Price of the book 10 cents the copy, HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c lit stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Royal Dairies. Ono of the domestic institutions at Balmoral in which the King and Queen take particular pride is the model home dairy that supplies the Royal table with everything in the way of milk, cream, butter, and cheese. Run on the most up-to-date Imes, the dairy Is a miracle of hygiene, and is in the charge of a woman graduate of Aberdeen University. The ICing takes a deep interest. In all matters connected with agricul- ture, and the flourishing condition of the Royal farm on the Balmoral estate 1s largely due to itis foresight. - Queen Alexandra also has a minia- ture dairy at Sandringham, in which at one time she used to spend some of the happiest hours of her life. Exteriorly designed on the lutes of a Swiss cottage, the dairy inside fol. lows exactly the plan of the "Trifol- !um," the largest dairy in Denmark. • He Forgot Something. ' The young plumber had proposed to y the girl that evening and had been ac- . cepted. Several !tours later they part- ; ed and he went home. At three o'clock in the morning a loud ringing of the front -door • bell of .the girl's abode was heard. Iler fatlh- er, roused from elumber, went to a "If l'iu too fast for you just let me window and, sticking out his 11ead,..in. know." qu1•red who was there, "Ciosh,.no! My:as:. boss had me on "It's -John," said a voice from be - Iris lap by this tli.' i' low;' "I asked Agnes to marry me and —� . she ehdd s'he would, but,I forgot to hiss Kaep Minard's Llniment.ln the house. her." • You like Kraft Cheese because of its inimitable flavor. To be sure you get it, always look for this trade -mark. FREE RECIPE BOOK— Wrlto Kraft-MacLaren Cheese Co,, Ltd,, Montreal. A NORWEGIAN'S OPINION OF CANADA Anders Jaarstad, a prominent Fuel- - ness man of Stavanger, Norway, the city of sardines, kippers and cheese, has returned home to Norway from an extended business trip to Canada and the' United States. In articles contributed to the local press he speaks enthusiastically of the great agricultural opportunities of tho Do- minion where he hopes thousands of Norwewgtan Emigrants will find their future homes. Stavanger, Mr, Jaaa- rtacl's home city, has played an impor- tant part in the history of Norwegian emigration, as it was from its harbor the "ltestaurattonen" set sail for Now York one hundred years ago, in com- memoration of which event hundreds of thousands of Norwegians gathered at Mlnneapoltsrecently to celebrate the centennial of Norwegian emigra- tion. Emigration from Norway has, dur- ing the last fifty years, averaged about 14,000 annually, Under the new U.S. quota regulations the total emigration to the United States will, as fax as Norway is concerned, be restricted to some two thousand, beginning July 1, 1927. "This condition of affairs," Mr, Jaarstad says, "hag. soused intending emigrants to look to other countries where they may hope to find oppor- tunities equal to those offered in tI\e U.S.A. in previous years," "Such a country is Caitada," says Mr, Jaarstad, "Canada is yet on the threshold of its development. It Is a country of great agricultural possi- bilities and with undeveloped natural resources, which offer rich reward to those who have the will to work. "Unfortunately, Canada is not as well known in Norway as its groat neighbor to the South," says tho writer., ';During the last few months the press has given publicity, to de- famatory articles, which oui1` country men in Canada brand as deliberate in- sult to them and the country of their adoption, articles which are muislead- ing and written with the view of frightening intending emigrants." Advises Countrymen Go to Canada. For the purpose of setting public opinion right with regard to Canada, Mx. Jaarstad has contributed some ex- cellent articles, containing a wealth of information about the country, its development during the past few years and its poseibilitleq • for future mi. grants. During a recent business trip to Canada, j1r, •Jaaa'stacl had occasion to visit the principal Norwwegian conununitles in Canada, interviewing countrymen who had lived for several years In the country, and the impres- sions which he received and now re- lates were very favorable, Mr. Jaarstad calls attention to the fact that lu the five year period pre- ceeding the .war there wes quite a movement of Scandinavian emigrants to Canada. This direct emigration, was, however, squall in comparison with the emigration of Scandinavians from the States to the Pralrle Pro- vinces of Canada. Thousands of Nor• weglan•Americans, pioneers and their sons, changed their domicile from the Executive of Canadian Week ly Newspaper's' Association. • Learned the printing busi- ness iii Galt, go7 ing west twenty- seven year; ago where he built. up The Vernon (13.0.) News; , to its present high statid1ng, M Balt is skilled in office manage- ment, in cost, ac- counting, and ih L. J. Ball newspaper mak- Prc[sident C.1V.N,A, ing, The C.W.N. A. Is fortunate In obtaining• the Bor- vices of Mr. Ball, who has been ap- pointed Manager and Treasurer, sue- ceoding Mr, E. Roy Sayles, Mr, Bali" was elected President of the C.W,N.A. iu Juno, 1925, after having served on the Board of Directors for several For several I., ' years tr member ..of .the Staff of 1 T h o Brantford i+'xpositer; was, tnuna►ger Of The ! I3rrwntford. Cour• ler for a short time before pur- chasing the Port Ii lgin (Ont.) Times, After a t:treceesfirl pro - E.' koy•:iay.Ieo prictorshfp o f 'First Manager • and The., Tunes lie . 'r'reatittrer C.W,N.A. was chosen by the weekly nowspaper owners of Can- ada to establish the Canadian Weekly Newspapers': Assoctatfop;' as .its first manager and treasurer; .' Mr, Sayles has purchased 'l he • Renfrew ,(Ont.) Mercury, one of the outstanding week- lies, of Canada. • States to the Prairie Provinces, where fertile agricultural lands could he had free or at a very low prlco, .The groat majority, fully ninety per cent. of OW settlers, are farmers, and have prospered beyond their expectations in the Canadian West. "Caimada is not an industrial coun- try," says• the writer. "Those who wish for nothing butter than to work in shops and factories, had better re- main at home. Yet, thousands of arti- sans and common laborers, who canto to Canada a few years ago and found farm employment, aro now located on farms of their own, whore thoy aro never disturbed by the shrill whistle of the factory, These people do not regret their change of occupation. They consider the soil of Canada the best in the world." "Tl?ero is only one country which has been able to produce 40 to 60 bushels of wheat to the acre and No. 1 Iiard at that. That country is Can- ada. The average crop is 18.30 bush- els to the acre, a very profitable yield. Of course in a country of such dimen- sions, both good and inferior land Is to bo found, but there is such an abundance of excellent land that no settler with eyed to see with, need lilt inferior soil." Gives Much Authentic Information. Mr. Jaarstad devotes considerable space to geographical and statistical .information about Canada, its agri- cultural and commercial progress dor. Ing the last twenty years. in conclu• slon he says: "Canada stands on the threshold of its development. Only a fraction of its natural resources aro developed. Only the surface. has been scratched, as it. wore. Tho develop- , ment of the • country has been inter'., feted with by the war and the period of readjustment which followed. From now on the outlook is brightening Canada maintains an open door policy towards the thousands tc1i.6 wish to emigrate from Northern Europe. To those who are contemplating leaving their native land 1 have this to say, ;that for tiro agricultural clas:rtos there is no better. country than Canada. Those who wish to engage in agricul- tural 'pursuits will there find oppor- I tunitica that they cannot find else- ! where, and they can start with a com- partitively small capital. 13y persever- ante and thrift they may, in a few years,'becomo independent owners of • a good 100 -acre farm, Canada is a country of opportunities 1n many branches, and people with some eapi- ' fal can do no better than to go to Cau- 1 ada. There Is .plenty of room, and for the agricultural classes there is al- ways room, and always a fair chance of success." Amusing statistics have been issued by two Chicago investigators, who state that after two years old girls,' cry more frequently than boys, while the five youngest children under watch to use words were all female. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians'', a..r;lwgr....:., uv tl�l".�c._iv:► =.,.-,�+ 441I ,....4.%4•11.2t •. i puts = BEEF INTOY.iU SOLD Ili BOTTLES ONLY .sal.. r[4.■ 1 . ...., , iu n.dd.,'1 1 I1144Wu. ,111 4,11 Cleans Like China, Waren you use SMP Enameled Ware Utensils, you never need to scrape, scour and scrub .the way some wares demand. Hot wattn,- soap, a cloth—that's all you need to clean them. It washed lila china, has the cleanliness and sur• face of china, but wears like steel. Don't be the slave of your cooking ware; equip with clean, pure sani- tary, 'lasting 0 ,,r..,� w _ y.,• 4,. •..j .F1,1�� WARE 181A NOW I'M BUILDING A SEPTIC TANK Or, One of Those Built-in Farm Conveniences. Y went over to Will Jordan's the other day to borrow his wiro-stretcher, and faand Will out in tho orchard dig- ging a hole that ho could have used as a grave for a horse, • "What the dickens are you doing clown there?" I culled, "I looks as though you might be putting down a foundation for one of those German siege guns. What's all the sand and cement for?" "Bello there, Jerry," said Will. "Como on down in tho hole and take a shovel, We're going to build a sep- tic tank." / "You're going to build what kind of a tank?" said 1. "A septic tank. A concrete septic tank," said he, "Going to use it for dipping hogs or sheep?" I asked, "Neither one," said Will. "Going to use it to hold the sewage and waste water from the bathroom and kitchen at tho house." • "That's a new one on me," I ad- mitted. "Go ahead and tell mo about it. I'm always looking for new ideas. Maybe I can understand this ono if you'll explain It a bit." "Well', it's just this way," Will said, as ho came up the ladder and sat down on a bag of cement. "I've been hear- ing about these new-fangled septic tanks for some time, Ono day last up at the college and se:1 thein to you at cost. I ordered mine from this fel- low from the co:lege last week and he shipped it right down to rne, I got it Tuesday. 1 suppose I could have' made it, but I thought they could make it exactly right up there, and it; didn't cost any more, so I let then nlako it." "Well, what becomes of this water when the siphon dumps it all out?" "I'm going to lay n few hundred feet of common drain tilo in several directions from the tank and that water will flow from the tank onto those tiles unci filter away into the I soil. That's what they call an absorp- tion system," said Will. "Don't you have to add any chem- icals to kill the germs?" I asked, "No, you don't add a thing. The bacteria within the sewage convert tho solids to liquid and this liquid is absorbed by the soil." "Well, does this tank kill the germs?" "Now that's something I asked thie engineering fellow and ho explained it in this way: He said that if disease germs entered the tank, they would not bo destroyed tit all inside the tank; they'd pass right through, But lie avid that there are certain bacteria in the upper layers of the soil which would destroy these disease germs as ruse] there was a follow hero selling soon as the water gets into tho soil, subscriptions to a farm paper, and These bacteria are only in the upper while he was showing mo some of tho Payers, That's why you lay the tile pretty shallow." Cod s Services in God's stories they run in that paper, he "How much is this thing goinj, to member' of the Alpine Club BREADS FOR THE SCHOOL LUNCH BOX BY NELL 13. NICHOLS, r r'r; `, I used to depend entirely on differ- milk or buttermilk. Melt tyro and " a , � > . ent bilin n to vary the sandwiches one-half tablespoons butter and add .°+�.R:"` made in my horne. That was before to one-half cup molasses, Stir all in- "" I appreciated how many kinds of ercdic•nts together and add one-half bread could bo manufactured in the cake yeast which has been dissolved' kitchen. Now the Staff of life on our in ctie-fourth cup lukewarm water, tubo may be light or dark in color. Beat 'he hatter. It should bo very llontegtimes I add raisins, dates, nuts stiff: if it Isn't, add more flour. Pince or figs to rho dough to provide a In greased pans, kneading alightly. came across a story about a septic cost you?" I asked next. tank. Ho toad me about tho work that "Oh I can't say exactly what it will —_ the agricultural representative over cost. They figure on the cost, of the in the next county was doing along tank they built over there the other the lines of faun sanitation. They've day. That ono cost less than $50 been holding a lot of septic tank de- when they figured in the Iabor for monstrations over there this year and I guess they've got a lot of forks all digging the holo and mixing the con - stirred up about it, Anyway, they're Grote, I'm not figuring that in, The falling all over thentstives to get their stuff alone cost me about $30 all told, septic tanks built." . You've got a gravel brink over on "This representative went on to your farm and it wou:dn't cost you say that they'd been having a lot of as much as it did me, because I had typhoid fever over there and that to "buy sand and gravel• they'd traced it to a farm where There's just this about it. That there'd been a bad case of the fever, peck of sickness and trouble cost me and as near as they 'could find, the over $150 in doctor bills, I had to pay that trained nurse $45 a wee disease had been carried all over theweek for township, three weeks all told, and I don't know "Now that set me to thinking. You how much the medicine cost me, Will, know, my wife had a pretty bad case Jr., was laid up just when I needed of typhoid fever last year. We always him on tho farm, and I had to hire an thought that site picked it up over at extra man, and if my sister hadn't the fair. Wel;, you recall how we just come out to do the cooking and house - about gave her up for Iost several work I don't know what that would clays, and then how, just about the have cost me. ); figure that I had bet - time she began to mend a little, Will, ter spend $30 on this tank and take Jr., came down with the same tiling, no "more chances. I'll feel a lot safer." and almost died. I began to think By golly, ,.I wouldn't wonder but about that, so 1 asked this represents- what you're about right," I said. "You tivo what they had learned over. in let me take that bulletin when you're ♦ the next county about the way the through with it, or else tell me where s` fe er spread over a township. I can write to get one like i,�, I bo- o told me that they traced the Bove I'll look into it myself. first case of tho fever and then they With that I started for home, and went all over that farm and found darned if I didn't clean forget to ask that the folks hada sewer that drain- Will for that wire -stretcher. But I cd into an open drain in a pasture, went back tho next day for it and Will They noticed that there were always pouring his concrete and setting a lot of flies and insets hanging around tho outlet of that sewer. The crows and blackbirds used to hang around there, too, and wade around in the sewer outlet, and darned if he didn't figure out that the flies and bugs and chickens and other critters that did their loafing around that sewer outlet had carried some of these typhoid germs over to the neighbor's, They were the next ones to have the fever, and it passed along the line until half the fanners over in that section had it. "I put two and' two together and figured that maybe, after my wife. camp down with it last year, some quarters, you may still lose many col- into a narrow band. No, 1166 is in sourceful cook, flies probably brought the germs up onies this winter and fail to secure a to the house and scattered them on a maximum surplus of honey next sea - mills pail, or maybe on some of the son, so says Prof, Eric Millen, of the food on the table and that's how Will, O.A.C.ou can almost entirelyavoid the • Jr, got it, "Thin representative told me that possibility of a poor crop in 1926, if they were going to have another de- weather is at all favorable, by prac- morrstration over near Podunk in two tieing the following management this days. ' That was last Thursday, so fall: I just took a day off and drove over Unite all colonies .which, when ex - there. amined on a cool morning, do not Country." of Canada '' �ulr�r�uG f�iX�r change. Let rise. When light, bake in a mod - After many experiments, conducted erate oven. as a pupil in a country Schon and FRUIT BREAD. carried en later when I was a rural Scald two cups milk and pour into school teacher, I have decided that the mixing bowl containing two cups roll - foundation for the ideal lunch -box era outs, two teaspoons salt and four meal is the sandwich. This may bo tablespoons sugar. Stir in two table - accompanied by a hot beverage or spoons shortening. When lukewarm, soup, fruit and cookies, I have a stir in ono cake yeast which has been small vacuum bottle which I use to dissolved in one-fourth cup tepid hold the soup or drink when packing water. Add sufficient flour to make lunches.I a dough that may be kneaded. Usual - Oatmeal, graham, bran, rye, Boston ly four cups aro required, but the brown and breakfast cereal breads amount varies with different flours. aro some of tho favorites with my Knead until the dough Ise smooth and family. Then there is a steamed elastic. Divide in two loaves, place bread which I make from stale bread in greased1: ans and let rise. When crumbs, Wo think it is delicious. Some of the recipes for these choice doubled in bulk, bake from forty -flue loaves are as follows; minutes to an hour inn moderato oyen. If fruit broad is desired, add WHEAT CEREAL BREAD. ono and one-fourth cups chopped Mix two cups hot cooked wheat raisins, dates or figs with the flour. cereal with ono -half cup light brown NUT BREAD. sugar, one teaspoon salt and one and = one-fourth cups each of stoned and Substitute nuts for the raisins or - chopped dates and broken pecan -nut other fruit in the recipe for Ficuit meats, Stir in two tablespoons melt- Bread. Use one cup nuts, ed butter. When this mixture is luke- RAISIN BREAD WITH CORN SYRUP. Amid the setting of the eternal hills, warm, stir in one cake yeast which has been dissolved in one-half cup Put one-half cup dark corn syrup at Lake O'Hara hold Sunday service. lukewarm water. Add sufficient flour into a mixing bowl and add one table - to make a slough that may be kneaded. spoon melted shortening and one tea - sizes 16, 18 and 20 years (or 34, 36 Knead as with white bread. Shape in spoon salt. Add three-fourths cup and 38 inches bust). Size 18 years two loaves and let rise again. Bake; boiling water, and stir. When luke- (or 36 bust) requires 2% yards of 32- from forty-five minutes to an hour in worm, stir in ono cake yeast first dis- inch or 36 -inch material. For side a moderate oven. solved in one-fourth cup tepid water. payard extra material, and for Add two cups graham flour, ono cup STEAMED BROWN BREAD, long sleeves IA yard. Price 20 cents. U white flour and three-fourths cup Our Fashion Book, illustrating the so ono cup each of rye flour, corn- chopped raisins. Let double in bulk. meal and most practical styles, will oal and graham flour. Mix with one; Beat thoroughly. Turn into a greas- neof interest to every honk dress- teaspoon salt and add three-fourths' ed pan, cover and let rise again. When maker, Price of the book 10 cents cup dark nlo,iteses, two cups clabbered . light, bake in a moderate oven one sour milk and one teaspoon soda clis-' hour. tho copy. solved first in ono tablespoon hot p BREAD-CRpiR LOAF. • IIOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. water. Beat thoroughly. Let stand Break up very hard and stale bread Write your name and address plain- fifteen or twenty minutes. Stir in in small pieces. To two and one-half ly, giving number and size of such one-half pound raisins, pour into, quarts of crumbs add ono quart of patterns as you want.. Enclose 20c in greased mods or cans, filling three-. boiling water. Let stand, stirring oc- stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap fourths full, and steam for three and; casionally, until tho bread is soft. it carefully) for each number, and one-half or four hours. Set in tho Meeh until smooth and stir in two. address your order to Pattern Dept., oven to dry a few minutes when the' cups cornmeal, one-half cup flour and Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ado- steaming is completed, two teaspoons soda dissolved in two laid° St., Toronto, Patterns sent by return mail. Mix three cups graham flour with one-half to three-fourths cup molasses, one cup bran. Sift in ono and one- or enough to make a thick batter. Add Change the Flavor. half cups whole-wheat flour and one- ono teaspoon salt. Beat thoroughly, When cooking the same dishes over half teaspoon salt. Dissolve ono- pour into greased mo:ds, filling throe - and over again try for variety by fourth teaspoon soda in one tablespoon fourths full, and steam from four to adding something different for the hot water and add to two cups sour five and one-half Hours, BRAN BREAD. tablespoons hot water. Stir in from flavor. Add a little candied ginger or candied orange peal (finely chopped) to a dish of plain boiled rice. Add some fine shavings of citron or can- died grape -fruit peel to your fruit salad. Pour a tablespoonful of boil- ing water over half the amount of BECJNMNG STORE IN A WATER PAJL BY EDWARD A. RAND. "And what have you here, Fred?" Squire 'Emery leaned over his coun- FROCKS '1'IIAT HAVE' MADEmixed spices you usually use for u Fred hard up his mother's yellow ter one day, set back his old fe:t hat THEMSELVES VERY POPULAR spice -cake and note the difference in water -pail, filled with brown pack- on his head, and gave Fred a friendly Simple enough for street wear— flavor. Add three tablespoonfuls of ages. look .through his apses. the siphon. 1 got lions good pointersand charming enough for bridge or vinegar and one clove of garlic to the "Goods for my store, Granny!" "Fred, I have heard about your on how to build a tank, and I guess' dance! Fashion still smiles upon pot -roast for a change in flavor and "So you begin store in a water- store, and how it started in a wator- I'll start digging a hole, in the morn -these simple frocks, both of which to make the meat tender. A rich, fine pail?" pail, Let the encourage you. I will ing.—J. D. Z. were fashioned from one pattern, The' flavor can be added to a roast of veal, "That is what it amounts to," let you have a thousand dollars' worth little frock of flowered material has lamb or pork by basting it with the Fred had stopped at old Mrs, Ack- of goods and &et you up. You can. Make Your Bees Safe for two side panels trimmed with narrow syrup from spiced peaches. erman's gate for a little chat, Every -pay me by-and-by," dace, and then shirred onto the one- Add paprika and narrow strips of body called her "Granny," but Joe "Thank you, squire, but I guess not, Winter. piece foundation at the raised waist- fresh green pepper to your Dutch Akerman, who was lolling over the Too risky!" Do you know that your 1926 honey line. The round neck and short cheese. Mix lemon and almond flavor- gate, was really her grandson. IIe "All right,—all right, Fred. lad crop is largely dependent on what you,kimono sleeves are finished with the ing for your cake, being careful to was a smart young man, that sea to see your spirit. Whet will you do with the bees this fall?, If your' narrow lace, and a ribbon of pastel use but a few drops of each, or add equal to the ruling of a nation, but itis have, ma'am?" colonies aro too weak in bees or have color ties in long ends at the back. A currants or seedless raisins or change ambition fur exceeded his industry; And the squire stood up to wait old failing queens, you cannot pos-I bordered material was used with the frosting occasionally, Add a drop and his place in the nation was very on nn old woman, just arrived, sibly secure a profitable crop next charming effect for the plain frock, of peppermint extract to the chow- likely to be a mean one. "Look here, squire!" said Fred, the summer. t If .you have good queens i which opens at the neck with flat re- late pudding, Other variations will "Fred !" said Joe, patronizingly, next day, "you made a kind offer yes - and strong colonies to go into wintervers and has long sleeves gathered suggest themselves, especially to a re- "swing out. Get trusted for a big terday, and 1 will tell you what I stock of goods, and go it." would like. I will go round and get Fred's only answer was a flourish orders, buy my goods of you as I need ,of the water -pail, and then he passed them, and you can favor me all you :.,..•,..,.,,:,,.:�,.,<,:::;,..;:;:,::,,,.:,:;::<:.:....... ..:.<....,:::,.......::.,.:...,.,..:,..., on, can, "If it is small," he thought, "my "Agreed!" said the squire. stock is paid for." Each day, then, Fred made two trips Ile had earned three dollars hilling l to various houses, The first time, he the parson's potatoes, and then smash- went with an order book. The second ing his Colorado bugs. I time, he wont with a wheelbarrow of Fred was seventeen. It occurred togoods, hint that he might pick up a few pen- ( So the snowball kept turning over nies by trading. So he borrowed his and over, growing every day. At last, mother's small kitchen table, paraded there was a new store in town, small his goods on it, and drove quite a and unpretending, but its goods were thrifty trade with the snail, but all paid for, Over the door, was the ready buyers of candy and molasses sign of a wnterpail. gingerbread. He found that his three' "That Fred Barker," said Mrs. Ack- do:lars had brought him four in re- erman, "is bound to make money." turn, ( "Yes," said Squire Emery, "for lie "Mother, lend me another wat9•r- goes sure, and he is willing to be small pail?" he asked, the next day.that he may become big," "What for, Fred?" 1 Another store was opened about "011, something!" snapping his that time. You would have thought bright ayes till they twinkled like fire- that the circus had come to town. Thee en a July night. Yellow circulars went flying into . lie went to Squire Emery's store every house as if a swarm of butter - and filled his pails with more substan-' flies were oute on a raid, All day, a • tial goods, adding a few articles for fancy wagon went flashing about the toilet from the squire's showcase, fawn. It was as gay with bold and He did not forget that some of his red as the lust new China tea, store. buyers had a perverse appetite for "What's that rattlin' 'round so sweet things, and he made a modest smart and lively?" said Squire Emery. inroad upon the squire's stock of red "Grocery!" ale read. on the side of peppermints and white sugar hearts, th•a wagon: "Pooh! that ninny, .Joe, "Mother, !anti me that shelf in the Ackerman, is settin' up in business, old pantry which you don't urn'?" 1'll give hint three months to sot down "A shelf! What next, Fred? Yes,. again., He borrowed a thousand, I givo"me my pails and take the 'shelf." hear, and has started. Far better if Fred nailed it up outside the kit- he had borrowed Fred Barker's water- chen window, arranged his goods pail." there, and when farm work was over, It would have been much bettor. would trade with his neighbors in the Lt three months there was A f ;blurs. evening. The wagon was sold to a firth peddler. So he went on, One shelf increased IIe put out the red and gold lights and to three shelves, and the "store" was Painted it a sea -green. transferred to the inside and kept The goods in tho atom wore auctlsn• open all day, his mother managing ed off to satisfy creditors, , while lie was at work in the corn field. Everything was sold exceptng a 1 Fred's money grew as a snowball damaged waterpail, It was Joe's only rolled over and over in the drifts rafter possession. It is betteir ins ,Itart than ! a January thaw, (to end in a waterpwll. "They had quite a crowd of folks cover more than two frames on both out at this farm where they put in sides. The simplest and best plan to, the tank. There was an engineer from unite ,is to place one brood , chamber the agricultural co':lege, and a doctor, direct�y on another, with a single They both gave talks on sanitation sheet of newspaper between. Leave and explained all about this epidemic this way for one weals and then shako that had made the rounds.. Their all bees into one brood chamber, The --' 'stories were about the stone as what •ttvo queens will fight and the stronger that representative had toad me, ono invariably survives, so no notice "Tho follow who owned the •.farm need be taken of_ the queen when had dug - the hole according to the uniting. plans in a bulletin, Here it is. They Colonies must not he united if Am - handed one to everybody at tis: meet- erican fo llbrcod is present, otherwise. in I'm following." the same' plans the disease will be spread. r jt now. They had some lumber Besides 'strong' be, and good t are and a couple of .follows sawed it queens, an abundance of food is flee - weary for winter and spring brood gether. You sea, this wooden form rearing. It is in this: connection that that I've built here goes inside the many beekeepers fail to put their hole in the., ground and you pour the colonies away for winter and so avoid concrete between the form and the • heavy loss and secure maximum crop Wall, When it sets, you've got a tank." next spring. "What's that littlo offset part of the ""— holo for?" I asked him. The hole was Too Tight Stove -Pipe Joints. in one place and -then at one end it If joints fit too tight when putting was more shallow, It looked as though up sheet -iron stove or heater pipe, Will figured on making two tanks. and. you find a length will not. readily "Why, that's the second chamber. slip over enct.her, heat the. too -small The dosing chamber, they call it at piece. Tho }Leat will expand it auffl- tlle meeting," :said WI:1. "You see, ciently so that it can then be slipped the sewage conies through this .tile onto the end of an unheated length. from talo house and rur,'i into this big Do not make the mistake of heating chamber. 'It stays there until it is both pieces, as this would enlarge all changed to liquid end this liquid both and nothing would• be gained, gradually, overflows into this second Tho pipe can be heated by putting in chamber. •'that n::R, up to just tt cer- 'an oven or standing on end on a hot 1\ov91 bird town itt a tree,on the Cauadlau•Unitod-States' border. ►c hos tain point,„wheri it is siphoned out stove, .Do not apply a flame directly, several cemtartnrents, representing .an pmt°, garage and a seven storey through thi:c .never here; That's the as- this may warif • it or burn and autoniutle eiphbn, They make them roughen the metal,' aparillteut house, and is Strictly "eatpr+ooL" A Novst's Stories The well-known 11.011or, Coy ]leuthby, was no accustomed to using ;t dictaplloneand putting in the punc- tuation as he \v('ut along, that he lisle addressed 1t. meeting of electors in thin way: "If (comma), gcntleeteu (vunuun), you elect to vote for the (efight( led politician who has ad- dressed yu:t all;: to -Might. teellti• r'•)1'on)1 if (comas, ), 1 say (e(oarn t), you decido to rriur'n this, gentleman to Parliament (c(min,t) , you .', ill over leave c;.ur:(' to regret it (full stop)." in his book, "Some More Meanies," :',Ir, 0. B. Burgin, who may be de- t,:rlbed as the sou etnp novelist --he lies written seventy novels - tette t.lany equally' amusing stories, among t:t .m this one of Mark 'Twain, when le!' and Whitelaw Reid and Joseph Choate were lunching together it* :,t w York. Tho waitre was about to pour out some wine for Cht%te, but the latter prevented hint. "What, no wine, Choate?" asked Mark Twain. "No," said Coate. ''1 am sixty t.o- dey, and I have never yet drunk a t;!ass of wine, or tasted tobacco, or gambled," "Dear ale!" exalafm;'d Mask Twain, "1 wish I could say that." "Why don't you, Mark?" drawled Whitelaw Reid. "Choate did!!" Hugh Walpole, the well-known novelist, WKS lecturing in the United t:tates, and felt nervous. His chair- men looked 1:Prious and gloomy, and iuh'oduced hint as follows: -- "Ladies end gentlemen, you will bo geed to hear that the club is doing well. The subscriptions are good and I am anxious that every- one should work well. If the club were richer, we might have. had a better lecturer this evening. 1 will now introduce Mr. Hugh Walpole." Mr. Augustine Dirndl, the Ptatce- man and essayist, once found himself in an embarrassing position in a third-class railway carriage. Jumping in just as the train was moving, he sat down hurriedly next to a little girl in a shawl, -He glanced at her atter a minute or two and noticed ,.;.lit she was regarding him with no great favor. Then it dawned on him that he was sitting on her newspaper. "Here, my dear," said Mr. Birrell. at unce pulling it from under him; "I'n1 sorry " Still the child did not seem sails- ' fled; but she Bald nothing till the train stopped, when, rising to get out, she asked, meetly, "Please, sir, may I have my fried fish? You're eittiug on It." Another story concerns an ardent gulfer who decided to play an extra round, and asked a friend to tele- phone to his, the golfer's, wife saying that he would not be hone for lunch, Tile friend unfortunately forgot to do this. The golfer went on playtng until dark, while the distressed wife worked herself up into a state of frantic excitement at his non-appear- ance. "Mummy'," said the golfer's small slaughter, "if daddy doesn't come home to -night, shall you marry again?" A shipwrecked missionary, under the impression that he had landed OA a cannibal Island, climbed up a tree every night to be out of reach of the natives, One night he saw a great tiro, and thought the natives were getting ready to roast him. He was reassured, however, by hearing a voice at the fire say, "Flank! Malik!! You've played the wrong cited!„ "Thank goodness," exclaimed the clergyman, fervently; "they' must be Christian!" On one occasion Mr. Burgin was Flown round Sanger'e Circus by the fiunous "Lord" George Sanger. At that period, says the author, the great attraction was the Pig -faced Lady, grid the way they made a Pig -faced f.ady ,vas to get a bear, brown or black, and shave its face and paws. ''then It was dressed up and sat in a chair with a strap round its waist, with a man hidden behind the chair," • The man who introduced the Pig - Need Lady to the audience would say; "I will next introduce to your notice that wonderful freak of na- ture, Madame Btevone, the Pig -faced Lady. Well, madame, how are you this morning?" No answer. "Are you very well?" Man behind stirs bear, Madame Stevens grunts, "Will you be good enough to tell tile ladies and gentlemen your age?" .: No answer. "011, I suppose you are too old and particular, and wouldn't like to make it known, Well, ladles are always like that and don't care to tell, But I suppose you are right." Grunt from Madame Stevens. "Would you like to marry?" Emphatic grunt. 1 "Would you very much like t• marry?" , The fellow behind the bear would then give it Several digs in the ribs, ;and the hear would grunt half -i- doaen times with emphasis, "If any lot you want a nice, quiet, 'worthy 'wife," the showman would continue, '.I''tibw's your time, gentlemen," and 800 would go on. The' Cypa►etty Teat. 01 W� I.*_, +^^c1L_..1A 11.1'.v �l::a..- - THE Mr: UNTiH One Accounts Hays It, is Derived front Mal*, Mother of the (led \lcrctn'y. In our calendar May Is the llfth 1 month. It was the third of the old Roman calendar. The origin of the name Is disputed. One account. is to the effect that the name Is derived from :Slain, the mother of the god Mercury, in the Roman mythology, the i crsetoter of Jupiter and, there- fore, always represented with winged feet, Of course, the ancient Roman were pagans, and one of the religious rites was a sacrifice on the first day of the month to Mala, In time a whole month was dedicated to her, and so the month was called after her, and in our language the ltanl takes the forst of May. On efay 1)ay the ancient Romana used to go in procession to the grotto of Egeria, and from April 28 to Nay 2 was observed tho festival in honer of Flora, the goddess of Dowers. Of course, in southern Italy spring 1:3 considerably earlier than it is in our country, and at the opening or May flowers are in abundance there and at the aetght of their bloom. There is another explanation et the name -one more dignitled and wholly independent of the gudr, Wool goddesses of Roman illytholegy, Der - leg its earliest history Rome lee! kings and a senate or legislature. T11+' senate was divided into two oraneht'a --one composed of the elders end higher inembers, called the "1'•a- )01.08" or ":lfalores," and all interim. branch composed of the ''Juniores," the younger nletnheys and, therefore, lower in rank, May, it is said, was the month assigned in honor of the "Majnres," and June the mouth as- signed in honor of the "Junioree," By our Saxon forefathers the month was called Tri-Milchl, with an understood reference to the improved condition of the cattle under benefit of tho fresh, tender grass due to spring, the cows now being able to yield milk thrice a day. In England of the Middle Ages and of the Tudor sovereigns, May Day was a great public holiday, All classes of the people, young and old alike, were up with the dawn, and went "a-Maytng" in the woods. Branches of trees and flowers were borne back in triumph to the towns and villages, the centre of the procession being occupied by those who shouldered the maypole, glorious with ribbons and wreaths. The maypole was usually of birch, and set up for the day only; but in London and the larger towns, the pole was of durable wood, and permanently erected. These maypoles were eyesores to the Puritans. One of their early writers, John Stubbs, 111 his "Anatomy of Abuses," produc- ed in 1583, speaks of them as those "stinkying idols," about which the peapie "leap and daunce, as the hea- then did."' Maypoles were forbidden by the Parliament of 1644 but Caine once more into favor at the Restoration, the last to be erected in London bo- ing that set up in 1661. This polo, which was of cedar, 134 feet high, was set up by twelve English sailors under the personal supervision of the Duke of York, later King James 11,, whom the Revolution of 1688 de- posed. At that time the Duke of York was at the head of the navy with the title High Admiral. The pole was set up in the Strand. It remained standing for fifty-six years, for it was not taken down until 1717, when it was conveyed to Waneltcad Park in Essex, where it was fixed by the famous scientist, -Sir Isaac Newton, as part of the support of a large telescope, presented to the Royal Society by a French astron- omer. A Peck of Pepper. eAGE 4---rnE JLYTH S.CANPALF-C(t(.I(129, ,e,,R.,a,.,.,.,...•. _.....,.....1.0MN* M. i►tEiTin STOCK lilt)\t' l'UNDl'fiLN ilei\ i; t'il:tN(i- 1':ll I\ tl.eLt' :1 ('I,.\ 11'It1'. Local tillteltcrs ',' .tl;ttltoirs-,til,rea(I of 1't e t'Itl t�,'.,(,•in -- Ulltor Ilse Stock .1t,eucl:':,---'I';10 Butcher 1(11(1 F,u'iner Stili Upei nt lu;,, �i.t.•.r�►,t ,;,-?1',;l 1';r r;. �,.;. �. .!. •r,: r,•ru:. 1'4,1.;..41' ,1. ,s. ,t• •r, , ;,' ;(11 t\: 'i of '(i ir„1' , U; t +1'1), i',;It i1 says • 1:1. , ., r, .,1' W, 't -„'Pio I :4,,y is +'. i. al (L �• ( r, t¢1' i ICuutlit)nt'*l 111. 1'utarlo I,''i''irinit'nl of •;' 1 gr1,:u lure '1.,rt+nlu.) The alai ket!in: nu;elii;eery that. loos beta 8e1 all to handle anti ilispnre of the Ontario farmers' I:u'gt.11 cash lu\'' nu prnllu(,t-live stuck --i3 the !'CS"It .,1 dei's't! comparatively 1'ecent 1 r,1't(lnie devclopnlen(s: (a) the l,ro tt or relatively large urban ecn- lre.; ,whose meat ;i1111,1.„ Can 110 he \chole} ;ul'1'ii1 tl Irina 111(,;11 Fellil'ra; (1.) li' rapid '1'0(1'3 111.1de (1111,111 1'ec(itt yeaiii in inter* het the year round (1::411 n ion ''f il.:'h nod rile 11 1111:118, :111(1 (o) l I,:' ' C' 0011;i, l ( ft,,'t0d by lorre rci;1' 0!. •111(11:1 of the Int ,1. 138 of 101 ,:t 1,1,11.1::, cueing 1,0d Buell C,:;. Ile,\' t'ulnii,10(a; ti,:vc ('h,ut;.l:'a, i. ",11 ;,l IIT. i) ,. ,:I, i1 '!:1111, 1.; 101' il; 1;!, l't!. ile i;'., •1, 1,,.'I i' 11,•,!U^,1.11j eta: (t.1'„ ill Ir.' ,:u,li.au et , : i.! :. ,I, i :;. 1 ,..1;\•,1 :11 11.• It r, : 1'.1:,1 i ;1! !l ;•, 1 11, \,1.10 i, .: 1'l 1.'111, •1 +..., ..:1tl 1. • . ... !0.1 I ' i' , ' i 1:1i.1',1t :... 1'i'CVi(lil:, to tlf:w y,'0,': 11.:11 11111 j. ), + ... 1't,t ,,, I 1 I:, ,, it ' .1, i!•.) r 1 . l:•1 *:: 1,!tr;1(1 o- I it i. ' ' , ,1 ii,;.':, :.)7.11, 1171- I ' !.. ..'.1!11' 1`, ay, t 1 t iii$ the i:,1110,'l1 11)'01.,.,edr'd til (',n, a • „ ,,.. , 1: ,', ;. ;1111' :1II tai t \'(.', ..lh,..:l: ;, t:t'' \';,lt(•1' p011311l; lea ee' 1 ito in'uvl:.(' ' \\ as ►1(1' ;, 1y 1111'01, '1'11.' nit at :'U;"flys u► til',;>11 tete 11;,• on farms wit ,1!II•„1,a;ir:lt!y found, while that of tht' urtut d ,oIl• 1 I'S 111 tht' villa; -'.es and ':111,111 11%17113 of that dry \waS ;1,'ov'uled Ly die' 1t cu11- 1.i6. b i•,veen 111( pruducor and con- : tinier. In 111(few lar,;,•r towns or 13, \Viler(' th0r,1 \0;8 t;lit eit'nl de- mand, the meat .,nape; .. 11.1'.-.•64,41141'. --AM.-.M•. 41.41 .....N'eft..--w'•-•1. a.1'--..-.•.y.A•.....,....r I ,i ,. 1 M 1 .. Rinigar 210:6Tl..,ta,1.- - •'il:..r 411i LA. M iii I ux, . ' •11 il 11 f"0 )' _1 1, ttfy ..s'� 1" �? u ,t; (.t,J-tai ;919 ,. .am) (14 -� 9"I tc,.. �..� ,..•, .� i 1 Ii.�.1Jvs3{oht4), 44, .44A ---%.,1,&..1.,.‘1,6";(;) •-;114 • -6,10.41, f t.� o. ;tdd..f!) ✓t%, 1 ;1 �% 1 t:rn, 1':;/4 14A •,(/SL4 44.41 .6/1109. Q.t fL, f)o .:1Jn,rU1ft�i'' .52..4 a 04" •• ill( 4.1`14 Azo-%��cj1 `1V , ., QJ v(; fez 414) "Gi ,U.d l rt ►Sia rlda^.•rd ;lock i Eft r I J' i t('1' c, a!x• • ..•a . auYc'[li'CTIa: u•� r:srrxruwrr:r u W►�:s� -c v w'- 4'9'4-1'; 4..1..;.,1.,14.4. ,1,.,. ".:•4 -1 i •........I.i..i ....t..I. 1- 4-1. 4.4.7. 1.-14 1.e..4.0.4..". 4. e. a,, "i` Fr11 1, •-. 0172\''. ci'l r11:Tiltr:it:N19 ''4•-• 1:-::, , c., i,, 574,i ,• ell 4. .7,,,Pk'oinlpt :Attention entior r.;I.''d £i.3'C;:• c.111i14 work / guarantee' ci in all E-- .:;Lr>ii.ef=, , i.:tu•id E'hoc re- t pairing. I. S'ray . . P1 r.�. I..'S 5 7 . 3p j i {'J r r, ;( 1'.,.r '.' Blytlh, - - Ontario. w6U.'"4n tJ a..a., c;~ a s ..✓ 1J y,. i�! , ,, gee) 5�,.1 p Lau lir()tt)1':V.A.'i'I!: PRICES, 1 4 PAGE 5--THEBLYT1-1 STANDA.RU—October 29, 1925. ~�1 A Laugh a i)ay Because Ili', Donald ll. ll,lr\tIllnn declares that the tuutit n, re:;ul'Y th4g on a polar trip Is to keep his no 11 111 yowl Illinlor, ninety Ilieil and woolen of prominence have lvritt(•11 a "Log of Laughter" for him, in which each Inc' Nils one Moo' to he told t(, the exploring party each tl:ly of 1It('ir 11)ya;•e. i(I'I( r th+' men have lived together for reveI'al \v('( 1ts they 1'('t Iir..1 of cavil ether and talked out, incl the absolute huli'u(Ie of tho fil.z•'n rate be!;ins t11 toll on 11)..11' nerve,(, 1;u 1)r, ,lac ill.tl!'s frioliti't came to his rieene, Fays the New • \';(Lie \voil(l, Among them are the • (;0„.1.11,,•)1.1 of 1laIIo and :1l:is:~:trhu• '••t1=, theJLtyor( of 1ti;::len and `dew York, t;iltt;e and a;('1't'cii 3(111'3 1111(1 eth- er et'l,•I.ri!I('s. The Loy consists 01 ninety sio:As of I\lpet', each bearing a funny (t( y, 'ant there is a frontis- piece which ready; -.t .• i 111 ait 14. 14. 4.44,4...}'.I..h.!•4- t,44... .. a... J..4,' F 11.1.1 n,, , i..$ r,ab.smb.A..a 4•,.1)4+.,;1 1 ! i C : t' :1 1'r1 (' ;J 771 y 1"1 r1' 1`(. , Hot Air #77 .1 Pr .1 or rt 1�(� iJ�cl; •'f}li�` bin ,t� :•lt�l/� 1.:. iLU !t1! 4 LI(1 1. )b t' V ojude•.LV� /ILL 2�tnd �t��1g�ti0Jis !r a 3;)ccia ty Orders e 'o :n .14 a,.ttt;iided to J. H. LEITH, Blyth, Cat. Phone 12. 'HIE STANDAI D 1;VAL E 1'i►'I'i'. AGENCY, We have at the present li,t(c Willi us Ftn e city (.csil,.l).c vii .( i and farm pluperty. If you col!(il• tempi;:tc lnlying call on 'tis and 11'I twill dive you lull partirui rs. Th( 'following tiff s1Ne properties that art well worth invcstig,iiinq -- Two :lorry solid hlicl; chetllint; h'Io.'crn Also a rood stable. 'I'hic property is in good repair HAI ha) hydro installed. 131 ick dwt'lillt; on Queen Ft )c:'t, h, good repair, Apply for fullei p;:rtiul hats, Brick dlticlling on 1 i,rin:Iton S rect. (:cincut s;:iri'I'c on 1 t. ? acic el Bind, 'f his property is a peep} guy for itiiyolle desiring a (rrinfnrt•tI'.c home, Fre:me dwelling on King `t reel. wit 1 � .1 IICIc Of Land. '1 his property 1s it grind state of reran. and can I;t; par chased Ott 1 Cdsoililhle terrnl, Frcme dwelling 011 Diunlnlond in good repair 1/2 acre o1 lard. Brick dwelling on Quern Street. it first•el;tss repair, if you c!1'.' ire to purchase a ('trill' get parlicula: s trent mi. Tion 491;;31'6 .` 1'!l fs^si1 1,Fstat't B1 . Ont, The Standard Club ) bing List: Standard and Da ly Globe ...... ...,,.$6.75 Standard and Mail and Empire.., 6.7) Standard and Daily World. 6.75 Standard and Sunday World 4.21' landard and London Advertiser 6.75 Standard and Free flee . 6.75 Si aud'lyd and Toren; r' Daily Star 6.75 Standard and Family Herald 3.50 fL;tandard and I•"almer'sSun X3.9!) Standard and Can. Countryman 3,40 ',Standard and Farmer's Advocate 3.5:1 j3tandard and CV:r►':!, Witness 3.50 •' lendard and Avr 3r! ' Nide 3.90 Standard and I t",i)vteriiin 4.50 Standard and i'V sultry ,journal 2.9$ - Standard and Yo'lth's Cornpanion 4.50 Standard and North::rn Messenger '2.50 Standard and Can. Pictoral 3.90 Standard and RI'rt.l Canada 7.75 Standard and f aril lC Dairy 3.00 Standard and Saturday Night 5.10 Standard and McLean's Magazine h 75 ',171.0 7:4y 611, ,ata tday'a, I..st 1'l d'1' tttt o mt. . The m mthly'Toeing of the Wo:nen's Institute will be held in the Community I'lall, on November 5: The social side of farm life, by Mrs. George Moon. A piano solo by' Miss 1'. 'Grainger,. reading' by Miss MaY Iianlilton. Roll Call. a genie or- book .1 Have enjoyed, iIOstesses .- Mrs jI Radford. MI's Ewan, Mrs. Moon, FOR SALE 'that very des'rohl'rope! ty 'it1'lte ori ' wren fret Nuilh, li!1th, com;lri•in(! rt of Ii'."(1 on %%l;lt:it it: •liIl•!1!' it ;rill it .clic It 11 re.w.ed d'I leer :11.0 Ic %',rill' fel I'iv s of I.et' 1'n:1 tub :'t.l.:lmnt !„r handling, 'Fla., is an ( x- I!',int tire:A.': t,) Frt'ute it C' 111t(,it1611! all(' a !;t); (l pa}iris b',t,in(:s b'.'icic•s, ; old as it maedi or in nat. For ,'i,til;,t. ;1te,•ly ;It The St,►ndaidltca! .state A tray. FOR SALE '1'h.11 r(. �(;:1)!e properly situale(I nn t1)' •etrt . 1' r f (hli' 1'i :1”3-1 \\►t Lim ton Street,. in ire: Iwo 't(rev ;ln(1 attic. 90hid hr ick 0:4 I) '11' c1'ntrally 5.tu,llc(I. For lur'h,r 1,.,.li:ltl•llc;Ii•nly' to Mts II:Irvcy, 131yth, ()in. flew 1:ngl:nld 'Works. flow (ltteu England lvoi'k? The answer i:; to be found In a large and 01.:,11;' lilac Look published by Ill.: :;taaicucry UtJ►Cc, git tug the Jndlslry (auks as extracted front the census of England land and Wales, 1921. 't'o begin %.'11,11, what Was the num- ber of lVO11(cl'IJ 111 England and \Vales engaged in all industries In 1021.? The answer is: 17,17 8,050, out of it local population -"of, roughly, 37,- 500,000. This is the artily of work - eau, it Call again bo subdivided Into 12,112,713, hales and 5,065,332 101110l e3. 1'1)11th:tans WI us so often that productiou alone counts in the life of a nation that we naturally wonder what number of this army of 17,000,- 000 are, c('tltally engaged in prouuc- tlou, \Vo find that, including repair 0.10 ulitiuLL•nttnee with production, only 489 In every 1,000 are so 0117 gaged. 'Transport and coulmunicrl- ti,)na accoukt for 8 per cent. of the workers, commerce and finance—ex- cluding clerical staff—for 9 per cent., prol'eu:iional 3 per cunt., and domes- tic 11 per. cent. Huw often as we have sat appre- hensively In a dentist's chair have we 1Vot1(le!'ed 110ii 11111ny (lentil -310 there are? Tho answer comes pat. Ac- cording to the lime Kook .hero 011) 8,373 male and 200 female dentists in England. 'rutting the pages, we Dome to the utanufaciure of artificial flowers. The skilled workers helve number: Male, 227; fcivale,-3,008. "I am getting too old to wort(,” Is it frequent (1buervation among nlid(lle- ag;'uil people, But there are st!i! 215,162 men and 50,463 1v( ul(.0 (,1 beVOLII u1, over at work. Siugoparo. Shigapbro Island Is pat't of the Straits S7etticulcntu on the coast of southeastern Asia. 'IIIc surface o1 tib island fa k,'cierally rol,ni ; and a largo hart is ci.verol 1'; i..il f,:,.':;1. '1'1,0 elinutto in hot but healthy, It has belonged to Great'Lirit:tii woes 111111, and for administrative purpoi,ea it is ass0clatud with ' Labium, C!'.1' ;macs IHlaild 111111 COCO;( l.+iOudn. The arca in 200 square 111111, and the • popu- lation of all k'tul;i Is 1l)0tlt 37'1,500. The town 'of Sing;(l porn, standing o1 the aoutllcatitern collet of tlto 1(alaucl 61 trite Mune nnin' , is the capital of trio 1311'nits Sctti�.)aeute. It is n free '•tt l' A LOG O b' LAT'C 1IT1':11, One Laugh a Day. Presented to Lieut. Commander Donald B. Mac. 1!;11:111 with the love and well 1V! ;hes of lits f!lends (111 Ills SeVelltll ExpedII1on 10 the Arctio. Hike ilennessey was catholic In hie cont rlbut l)11, rlvinl; several laughs -1n (lifernt (lialeej,s. Ono was about. a 1 Itt lo (fewi'I11 boy in urhool. 'rhe t,',Orher [Aced all the children who want(d to go to Besetv to stand up, Every pupil arose except I1cry. "Wily, (key, (isn't, you want to go to heaven?" asked the a11toli;(hed teach• l r. "No," was the :J,I,N1Vel', "Papa says that liii !n1''•?:, Is going. 11) hell.,' Wellington Cross wroth: "A elan motoring across tin country had a great, deal of trouble with ills car, one binlvoutt.after nnniher. When ha finally got fixed up he broke t- )r•ed records audigas arrested. The judge finers hint $10. The man laid down a $20 11111 and walked out. The judge called after 11111, 'Coale bark, I fined you $10 and you have left $20!' 'Tha's all right,' answered the speeder. 'I ass going away from here a hell 01 a' lot faster than I came in'," Spike MacCormielc wrote a humor- ous monologue which had to (lo with explorers and adventures and told about what Ile had discovered on a winter expedition l0 Buffalo. The nimble of nonsense ended with: "The scourge of the North (1)uffrlo) Is the wandering rum hound whose wills howls slay 110 heard throughout the long winter night." freest; T1101elpron Seton wrote about an Irishman who dropped a eau of green paint. from the scar. folding, Pat came by and oohed tip, "\tike, have you had a hemorrhage?" Mayor IIylali' sent a delightful Irish story. It seems that T'at was n very bad provider and 11 very hard drinker. 1-Iis family suffered and were always in want, The (lay came when Pat went to sleep for the last time, 'I'h0 funeral services wore held in the cathedral an(1 the priest eulog- ized the departed husband, "A good provider, 0 Kindly husband, a gentle father," the priest wont on, Mary did not understand, She nudged her non and whispered: "Hist, Tommy, loop about and see if there's another corpse in the church." There isn't space to give all the stories. However, this report would not be complete without Jackie Coo- gan's contribution, Itis letter was written ill a bel(1, open scrawl and wished })r. MacMillan success. Ho olso stated, the letter being written ()tiring a hot spell: "'This weather 14akes me wish I were sitting at the foot or the North Pole eating an lee cream cone." Then he included three eligh1 f11 stories and a conundrum. Tile first story was about a W011(.n who khlew the manager of the Zieg- feld 'Fo11les, She w113 parsing the theatre with her little bay on a very hot day and dropped jn to the mati- nee to cool off a moment, As they sat flown in one of the tack seats the liltlo follow asked in a lond voice, "Mamma, do they have Indians in the Follies?" "Hush, my child, no, be quiet," whJsprired the mother. But the.littlo chap did not mind and asked so that every Bile in the Moat re could hear, "'Then who scalped all (hose men in the front row?" The conun(1L'lIn whleh pleased Jncltie so much IN "A elan and a goose went up In a balloon. The bal- loon broke and Ale elan and the goose fell on a church steeple. How (11•4t1 the ienn get down?" The nnswer 1\(111011 Jackie grasped so reat1!13' has stud( many an act(lt. "He plucked the goose,"' And If that is not laugh provolcin::, stop and think 1711at. pil- lows aro stuffed ,with. 'MacMillan will probably have to. Tho other Coogan story wits about the lit.ile goy who hada pet (log named Paddy. The dot; 11118 killed one clay and when tho little chap came home This mother told hinm. But there was no com- ment and no tears. Later, that night the mother heard her boy crying and screaming in the nursery. She went up to see what was the matter. "Nurse just told Ile that Paddy is dead," cried the little fellow. "Why, I told you this afternoon," his mother tried to quiet him. 1 -lo continued cry- ing: "But I thought you said Daddy," Lt Friendly Mood. A train 1n which J. L. Toole, the actor, was travelling arrived at a little station near Glasgow. Hearing the porter call out the name, Motlhor- vrell,'roole solemnly put his head out 1 of the window and, beckoning to the man, said confidentially, "Ve+'y glad. to hear It, And how'lj your father?" Machine -.silo Watches. Not 1111t.i1 1840 were watches no- ; w,nn4n11,r Inuniann4u,.e4 11., t, nnitlnn..t► BURN! Nf1 TV I1 BILLS. Annually the heath(''' Is Set on Fire to Allots fur tho Voting Growth. All over the Highlands of i ('0t - land huge hires ort: to b" witnessed early every spring. By (1 y theme ('loop:; of moire hang In 1I1, 4.r; by 114;111. the red glow in the hky may be seen tar mills around, These tires are not accidental, They (tic stilted for a detlnite object, and 11(101' p,.;:j,,'t'.j,i 111 i'.eteatiltially, anti intelligently control 14.0. object of 1111'; humin:; to get rld of ('xevss!Ve gruwtle of old heath- er, and thus allow room for fresh yuunl; heather shouts ;111(1 t:rileii. Youl1:; headier la greedily sought after, and hi excellent feciting for bulli 5lieu1) and deer. When the brattier fa 011 lire 1110 5111'1'.•I,'t growth alone is attacked by the faines. The roots retain all their vitality, and from th11s(t new shoots eorolg up in Clue roln'se. Young girds. Is also ready, at the first ap- 111,0eh of warmer conditions, to send 11)1';11 a luxuriant growth. 'I 10.se annual clearances ;like afford rxct lli nt feeding -grounds for feather- ed game, !leather burning hi usually (Milo 1)y the farmer whose sheep roam over the hillside. 1111 to O very great extent it is the land -owner who It►- dIcates what 511a11 lie burned and What rliali be left. Horning is carried out as early ht the 5001;011 as the fai'nlel' (1 1311'(.'s and weather penults. It would be a hope - 1 -3 t.o'.1; to attempt. burning wilco beth ground and growth wt rt ridden kith lain. \( hi -ever be the state of the w.':1ttn;•i, 11u11t ter, .110 burning Inut.t. loft' place later than ,April. Before the lir:.% bush Is s.;ht, var(t,l(;► c:.)usidl:rati0un 01111,1. 1, Ire- fully studied. It is of the utmost iulporlanee that %rinds of a abif1 (11 nature he avoided, otherwise areas not int('nde(i to be burned alight lake tire, ;?iu,u!tl such a mishap occur, the liawe; ►ai;;ht easily get beyond the control of even an arab' of beaters. • t1' hen a whole stretch requires to bo cloar((1 beyond whirl► the lire ruins not vet well travel, one luau nuallt easily control the burning. At no time, howeler, Is file heather ever !eft to burn t.t will. Only very rarely are the flames Permitted to travel with the %villa. This would Do too donv,e:ruus. The dried heather, intermixed with rank ;;rat:(, is like t•ouchwood. The ('it; of 1'riconiuut. liritaih is rich in Homan remains, yet few people realize that colon;; thein we can lillllll) I' what 16 alttiost a second 1'unlpcii %the buried Roman city of Uricu110n►. The remains et this city, once one of the greatest of the 11001011 scttl'- nteuts in Britain, are found .at Wroxeter, a kw milts south of Shrewsbury, 1t ttas first brought to light between 1859 and 1861, when several acres were uncovered. Fur- ther work was done in 1912-14, but the second really large-scale attempt to explore the elle only contiiicticed hr -1024. Alt the activities of the vanished life of the Roman city can be traced in the area which has been excavated. Inroad, straight streets, inlcl'scCttla at. right angles, have been laid bale, and the sites of housea, workshops, and shep3 have be('ll uncovered. \Vc know little of this city's Ids - tory, but all the, evidence points to suule 011010111 raid, whether of Saxons or Britons, who, after putting the citizens to the sword, tired the city. A complete set of the usual Roman baths has been traced, and hero grim traces of the disaster which over- whelmed the clty were discovered. in one of the hollow floors waii,fonnd the skeleton of au old 111111 who had apparently taken refuge In this hid- ing -place, 1114 ou(111111che(l hand still pointed to a little heap of coi►cs, perhaps tllo ravings of a lifetime. Nearby were (ht' slteletous 01' tvo wonlell. The collapse of the blazing roof had blocked the exit, and the refugees had been trapped in their place of sanctuary, Part of an important building, be- lieved to have been the l'ortull, or town -hall and market -place of the city, has been uncovered. Ten pil- lars out of eleven which had formed tho sotttlt half of Um portico were found !u .position, Tilis is said to be the longest continuous lUnnan colon- nade in Britain. , No Gentleman. The flames p0ur4'1l out front the smoke -blackened windows, and the little knot of people clustered to- gether below gave a gasp of astonish- ment as they saw a hefty fireman emerge from the window carrying a woman in his lulus. - But, alas! as ,the gallant man step- ped on to tho ladder and attempted to descend, he slipped and fell to the ground. The woman, following, land- ed safely but heavily on the prostrate hero. Tho doctor hastened to the scene. "You're a very brave 111011!" the cried, addressing tho fireman. "Brave, begorra, but no gentle - mane" said Patrick, rubbing his bruis- ed limbs, "or I'd 'a' let the lady go first!" 1lolgbof Mrs, Milton Philipson, M.P, In the 13rltislt House of Ominous, tells of a sad youth who was out of a job. I -lo tackled Mrs. Philipson on the subject raid exclaimedr "No chance for us chaps nowadays. 'Che women snap up all the, 'best ,;ohs " I.1& broke off abruptly, gazed at two pretty girls who were kissing each other a fete yards away, and, then added: ''!Why, there --just look at that!" "Well, what about it?" asked firs, Philipson, The young man amtled,.hittet'ly •its he said: "Oh, 1st another case of a Wonsan doing a tittll's works" PROFITABLE TO NATION. Iloyal 1''futilly of Great Britain Is One of the Bost lnvcst.u1unts. The royal fancily of Great Ilritain 15 one of the best Inveutments of the nation. Every year the King and (lu('01 and their children show a new 1,,•(,111 01' $1,632,000. This, !n uplte of the fact that Lab- orites In the house of Commons have 1)0011 urging that the hoary lustltu- tit,11 of royalty be folded up lith feu- dau.iw and put i0 the Rritish :.lust uir,, Luca year, I'urllautent Is called upon to appropriate $3,168,000 for the Rini; and his many relatives. iteetillu'1 , in recent years, die Bo- einiu+ts have howled as the v' rioua (101118 of this appropriation ilav�come up .cur a vote. 1n objecting to the grant, the Lebo'. men forget two im- portant facts. 1 tie 111'81 1s, that the Government ;ulululii1ters the Grown lands, which are the inherited property of the 1>.lug, but which are permitted to be used fur flip profit of the kation. Iu- e(uded in These Crown lands are im- portant 510110ns of London, strsh as the entire stretch of Regent street, one of the major shopping centres in the British capital. From the ad- ministration of the Crown lauds, the Treasury obtains an annual net pro- fit of $4,600,000. The second tact is that the Gov- ernment administers for the King thu Duchy of Lancaster, which belongs to him Os the royal successor of Ed- ward 111. Tho annual profit from ..he Duchy is $300,000. Among tile royal palaces now in use there is not one that does not belong to the King and which wits not bought or purchased by his predeces- :7er'1] 011 the tlu'oue. Many of the pal- 110es now aro given over to sight- seers, Unly Buckingham Palace in London and Windsor Palace in the country are used by the King and Queen. The first was purchased from ;ho Duke of liuckingllam by ICing seorgu 1II. Windsor was built by \'1'Iti;uuh the Conqueror and passed down from king to king, since tho eleventh century. York Cottage, the simple country place, Must preferred by tho reigning Boost?, was purchased by King Ed- ward VII., and paid for out of his own fortune. Despite the huge credits granted to 111m each year, the King probably has little left, after ho pays all his ex- penses and meets the valtous de- mands on his purse, including the innumerable charitable donations. Thu Prince of Wales also is self- suppor,ing. The Duchy of Cornwall is the hereditary property of the Prince of Wales. The not revenue front the Duchy is $168,000 a year. The gross revenue is $970,000. 'filo foundations of the Windsor ^fortunes were laid by Queen Victoria, ',vhu bought Suez' Canal stock on the recommendation of her chief adviser, iiisraeli. It was a good buy and gave the Queen many million of dollars to leave to her children, World's Oldest Creature. Tho longest pedigree in the world so far as science can discover belongs to the "splieuedon," which can boast an ancestry of eight million years duration. Tho sphenedon is found on a tiny island off the coast of Ne.w Zealand. There is nothing quite like it anywhere else. The sphenedon Is a reptile and is a mixture of croco- dile, snalte, turtle, and lizard. As a chatter of fact, it is probably the ancestor of all those creatures, but in the process of evolution through countess egos, the "children" have altered and split up into a hundred and one different "families," The sphenedon, however, has gone on its way unchanged and is exactly as it was eight million years ago. This prehistoric creature shows greatest ahnilsu'ity to the lizard. It has four short legs and a loug tail. Its face ie rather like that of a fish and there is a hard ridge on the top of its head and down its back, The dinosaur and octet' prehistoric animals are of quite recent date comptlrod with the sphenedon. It is generally supposed that the dinosaur disappeared off the earth a mere three million years ago! Fish That Sing and Hoot., The Island of Ceylon produces an anomaly in a shellfish of the rhussel type which sings. While it does not warble like a bird or an opera sing- er, it produces a long, low, fluty sound, which has a musical quality. Seeing that these bivalves do not pos- sess a throat in any accepted souse of the word, and certainly no vocal cords, this singing sound roust be produced by some manipulation of their doable shell. It is possiblo'that increnshlg dryness does the trick, for tate round -only occurs after the tide has %Alen clown for a considerable time, having the bivalves high and dry on the rocky beach. There is a lisle which hoots, too. Tho Scots fisherman calls this fish the butter - man and, when caught by line or not, it makes a noise from the back of its throat when landed: .els also 'make a Hots • when the hook is being re- moved from their gills. The com- mon and very ugly gunard of our coast grunts loudly when hauled to the surface, a strange croaking nolo° more like the caw of a crow than the sound a fish seems likely to produce, Only a Wish. "I'd like to go to a funeral this afternoon, sir," said the ofllee boy, after an argument with the ohiet cleric, "Oh, you would, would you?" the e111n1 Clerk replied heartlessly, you won't!" "No, sir, I know I won't," the boy murmured. "But I would like to go alt the sante." Something tragic and appealing In !lie }'0Uthful voice led the chief clerk to c'ik: "Whose funeral?" " i ou 1's, sir," said the boy gonttY. A CREAT LITTLE NATIDk VIVID WORD -PICTURES OF LAND OF ROMANCE, A11 the Hustle of Modern Commerce Hubs Shoulders with Picturesque Tradition In Creche Slovak.' -- Own Their Own Farms. If you are a pilgrim of the pic- turesque, seeking beauty and color amid the drab bustle of modern in- dustrialism, you cannot do better than go to that great new country which has grown up amid the debris of dead empires with which Central Europe Is littered, says Prof. W. Caldwell, of McGill University, Indeed, it you first see it on a tete day, you w111 probably think that In Czecho Slovakia you have found the modern Arcady. For then the peas- antry don their national ooatunies, making street and market -place a picture impossible to rival elsewhere. No shop -made or factory clothtngs there; but garments woven and em- t,roidercd with infinite skill and pa- tience by the women of the peasantry themselves, No one who has ouee 8,:en a village festival in this little - lino -wit country, which is now taking its place among the nations of Igu- rope, can ever forget the experience, or recall it without a thrill of delight in its vividly remembered beauty. But that is only one side. Tho life of the peasantry is by no means all holiday, Nowhere else In Europe, unless, indeed, it be among the frugal husbandulen of France or those un- tiring agricultural workers who have made Denmark so prosperous, will you find the tillers of the fields work- ing so early and so late as in Czecho SloTvithol:Jaw. oolen work as hard as tho men. Indeed, British and American visitors are frequently surprised to see the way in which women labor, barefooted, in the fields, and fre- quently under a sun so hot as to make the slightest exertion uncom- fortable to those accustomed to a cooler' climate. The heavy burdens carried by these workers are also adversely commented on by the stranger. Another thing the traveller notices In Czecho Slovakia is the enormous number of cattle everywhere. They roans out of the fields into the vil- lages nod country towns as it they knew their way about, In every vil- lage, too, are great geese p011d8, and lnnumerable•geese wander In and out of the doors of the betides. Czecho Slovakia, indeed, Is a rich country in every way. Everybody or nearly everybody seems to bo occu- pied, to have enough to eat, and to look fairly comfortable and satisfied. The new state has great naturai,re- sources, minerals, timber, water pow- er, and; aboye all, fertile land, and an industrious peasantry. Probably no soil in the world has been worked over so thoroughly for so many ages as that in old Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia. Then, too, there are some old - established and famous industries; for the country Is by no means purely agricultural. We have all heard of tho famous Bohemian glass, and pos- sibly alio of the textiles and the great sugar industry of that province; its fatuous Pilsen beer, and so on. Much has been done in the way of progressive social legislation. Acci- dent and sickness insurance, matern- ity insurance, old age and disability pensions, unemployment insurance, etc., have, for instance, all been n'o- vided for, ' This, indeed, is porhap"s hardly to be wondered at, for all the political parties in the republic are social re- form parties, as their labels bear wit- ness. The biggest section in the Parliament, for example, is tho Social Democratic Party. ' There is also a Socialist Party, another group known as the German Social Dontocracyw and the Agrarian, or country party. ."AI Iii a country where so large 114f•o- , portion of the population are worltertt on the land, the Agrarian deputies aro naturally the mainstay of. every Government, and any Ministry which offends them is not likely to endure very long, There Is also a Communist Party, but Communism has been so dis- credited by the economic collapse of Russia that its advocates cut very lit - , ice in Czecho Slovakia. For one\ thing, the old landlords, for the most. part German or Austrian aristocrats, were practically driven out of the, country, and thoir big estates have, by a system of land purchase, passed into the hands of small owners, This has not only removed a long- standing "grievance on the part of the peasants, but makes them,, now that they are In many oases the proprie- tors of their lands, little likely. to entertain Communist 'Proposals with enthusiasm: ' There Is, too, a Widespread admir- ation of British institutions, and an interest in British thought which should serve arta further corrective to revolutionary doctrine. English 11. eagerly studied by thousands of peo- ple in cities and towns, and,n great many,Britishors are earning their 1iV- Ing by teaching the language to those eager students. Tho Y.M.O.A. have been doing wonderful work in Cssoeho Slovakia, and now the natives have taken the Work into their own hands,' and are developing it according to their na- tional needs. ' - • • I Stage Machinery The most elaborate stage .machin. ery in the world is said to have been installed in tho new Empire Theatre in Liverpool. The huge electrical switchboard contains more than 300 switches,' controlling 1;000` stage lights, and there are ninoty-coutttor- welghted linos iter' lifting seenory, L , The Automobile '"ARE -REQUIRED TO FFEU The ono substance which the auto- mobile requires more of than any other is gasoline. It is the motor vehicle's main rtalon. For no other single rea- son den the motorist stop his machine at a si■rvicing shop so often ns for gasoline. Consequently it Is not a bad , idea for the car owner to know some- thing about his machine's principal diet. IL will not cheer him to learn that gasoline engines are only ubout 20 per cent. efficient in direct propelling of the car. He has heard efficiency exports declare that hunuul beings aro only about one-fifth as useful as they) might be. Don't conclude that 80 per cent. of ti-) gasoline is wasted. It is merely necessary to use the 80 per cent. in' ('.her ways to get the 20 per cent. applied directly on the business of moving the car forward. Engineers through exhaustive ex- periments have made it also possible for a gasoline engine to be better than 20 per cent. efficient. However, this has been accomplished somewhat at a sacrifice of ease and comfort. But most owners do not want greater mileage per gallon of gas at a big sacrifice of comfort. And there you are. DIFFERENT PLANS OF FUEL. For example, one may adjust the, carburetor so that a very lean bixturo of gas is used. Result, a high mileage per gallon of gas but slow accelera- tion, poor hi:1 climbing, difficult regu- lar running of the engine when at a. low temperature and exceptional skill: required for driving. Or a designer may increase the com- pression. But when there is a steep hill to ascend, a big load to haul or' n slight accumulation of carbon the engine will probably knock. Motor I fuo'.:.s aro now being developed that will operate under higher compression without causing knocking, and there - ford increase in efficiency, This may bo the rule in the near future. About 35 per cent. of this 80 per cent. loss can be accounted for by the water jacket. This loss is necessary in order to keep the various parts cool enough to operate. The temperature of the burning mixture being about 3,000 degrees, when brought in contact with the metal parts of the engine na- turally wou:d burn the lubricating oil from their surfaces, so that the piston 1 evould not slide .up and down in the cylinders. It would heat the metal GAS TO AUTO PROPERLY. parts so that to control the ign;tion would bo impossible. The water packet is to cool these metal parts so that a film of oil can be maintained. But in doing this con- siderable heat generated by the gas- oline is carried off and cannot be used in moving the car. The exhaust accounts for another 35 per cent. It would be impractic- able to design an engine that would expand the gas down to no pressure. Such an engine wou:d need to be bu:lcy artcompared with the present types. The exhaust valve is set to open when there is still considerable') res - Hum in the cylinders. This pressure means, of course, that there is stall heat in the cylinders, that the gas is still burning. The gas engine is a heat engine; that it, it derives its power from heat. Therefore, when the cylinder exhaust valve is opened while theme is still haat in the engine, about 86 per cent. of the total amount of heat generated by burning the gaso- line is lost. Another reason why this loss is necessary is because time must bo given to clean the cylindess of burning gas on ono stroke so it can take in a charge of fresh gas on the next. FRICTION COSTS 10 PER CENT. Friction mostly accounts for the other 10 per cent.. of loss. In order to use tho heat developed, it is necessary to have sone sort of mechanical de- vices that slide over each other, such as the pistons in the cylinders and bearings that hold the crank shaft in place. Wherever these sliding parts come there also comes friction. Some little power also must bo expended to bperato the cooling fan, the valves, lubricating pump, ignition device, generator for charging the batteries and, in most cases, water circulating pump. Those wishing to get the highest possible gasoline power, should exer- cise great care in keeping the carbur- etor properly adjusted, in operating' the spark scientifically and in watch- ing the radiator. Some cars have a thermostat control of the radiator shutters, which open or close them as the engine gets hot or cold. These help to keep the engine operating at the best temperature. The quality and quantity of oil should be watched carefully. There is a little friction in the oil itself. Use an oil as light as possible so that. there will me a minimum of friction and yet heavy enough to insure keep- ing the metal parts separated. The Most Appropriate Not Available, 'With these vary short skirts I want to wear the most appropriate shoes," "Yes; but a woman can't wear hip boots." Answer to last week's puzzle: ONS N Lavish Nature. "Mere we have a natural laundry," explained the, guide. "On one side a hot spring boiling the clothes, on the left u cold spring for rinsing. them.,' "And this rock between?" ".Soapstone." Simple Things. Sometimes such simple things can make Inc weep, Such tiny things. Across the hill the distant bleat of sheep, Or fluttering wings. The voice of the wind in the dead of the night, The meaning sea, The star that shall herald with silver light The day to be. Birds that, in the fllest grey tint of dawn, Peep from their nest, A babe that nestles close against Its mother's breast. Brown leaves that tumble down, a mournful heap, Froin wind -tossed trees. It seems so strange—they make mo yearn to weep, Such things as these, —Heather Cwynne, g. Mixing Up Dates. In the citx of Constantinople, Tur- key, aro found four differing calen- dars, The people stick to their own particular religious calendar, conse- quently Sunday for one is Wednesday fer another, and Tuesday for some Is Friday for others, Not only that, but the various reli- gions have time and again attempted to have different hours for their clocks. This scheme has failed to wank to any extent, but to practically everybody in the city it is 12 o'clock at sunset, this in .spito of the fact that the governmenal clocks say 12 o'clock a midday. What You Breathe, The average person inhales about 2C00 gallon cf air daily. MUTT AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. 1-iERE'S MY CNANCC TO BRCAk\ INTO VG FILMS: IT SAYS;, — 'iWoirE)» ENGLISH GENTLEMAN TAKE IMPORTANT' PART IN FEATURC- PIcTURE NOW BeiNG FILMED, APPLY AT' SAP STUDIOS:" _ir Mary Patricia Wilson, two years and eight months old, of Melbourne, Australia, crowned for the year tis the prettiest baby in the British Empire, Over 60,000 entries were made in the contest, held under the auspices of the national baby week council, Ready for Winter. I have dropped the leaves from each twig and bough, I am ready, all ready, for winter now. Stripped of their fluttering flags and salts, My trees have no fear of the winter gales, Their sap is safe 'neath the frozen ground, Till the clear, high summons of Spring shall sound. Each bud is wrapped warmly, secure and tight, And each bas a waterproof new and bright. My bulbs are well covered, my seeds are sown, And away to the south have my song birds flown. The year's been so busy and happy and blest, And now I am weary and long for rest. Wrapped in my leafy blanket light, I wait for the snow's warm coverlet white. I will not care for the winter's blast And whirling snow -wreaths driving fast, They will but cover me still more deep, And only lull ane to sweeter sleep, Drowsed with content I will stretch my form And dream of the fifes of the Par-ilung storm," Then Mother Earth sank into slumber deep, Snelling, "Good-bye, labor, and wel- come sleep!" —May lIowe Dakin, c - %e,` • N\ Aj� v�I J�Li l His Own Words. Mr. Pester—"I'nl going upstairs to kill that trombone player." His Wife—"You let him alone, Only last night I heard you say you liked a man who could blow li13 own horn." In the are first Book of Exodus candlesticks mentioned. ., •_.- •,�.,�___--- Growing a Good loads System. . It is not so long since a good gravel road was the acme of perfection to road building and thoso using the roads were delighted with highways of this description. Property that Was offered for stele had a special appeal if it could be advertised as being sit- uated on a gravel road. A Canadian farmer is still well satisfied with gra- vel roads and even the fact that lie cannot travel exclusively on this class of roadway does not deter hint from getting to any point lie wishes. An occasional 'detcur is accepted as in- evitable and is made the best of. The city man, however, having be- COtlle accustomed to paved streets, ex- pects to have these provided whereyer lie has the will to go, hHe may com- plalri of his frontage tax on his 33 or 50 feet of pavement, but he cannot see why in front of the thousand or more feet of frontage of the individual farm the roadways are not all paved, True, he would lilte to whizz by on smooth highways just to got to some destina- tion, forgetful entirely .of the inter- mediate scenery or of the fact that the roadway was not built for Ills exclu- sive me. There is far too hutch uh- justifiable complaining about our roads. Wonders have been performed upon then in the past few years. and the transformation to motor roads Is going on as rapidly as reasonably Pos- sible, It cannot all be done nt once, and detours will be noeeesary yet for a while. In many eases the detour is the only place where the motorist slows up sufllciently to see the coun- try through which le is travelling, and in doing this It is conferring an unexpected favor upon the driver. Canada's roads are good and iL will be only a short time until detours, are a thing of the past, In the meantime patience should be exercised. We did not reach nun?hood in a day; we had to grow up, and so does our good roads I system, Canada possesses an abund•1 once of good road material innong her natural resources, says the Natural He - sources Intelligence Service of the De- partment of the Interior, and is thus fortunately situated in hcir endeavors to cater to the ever growing body of motorists and other improved roads enthuslaste, Monument to Fulton. A monument 10 Robert Fulton, American inventor of the steamboat, Is to be erected in a small French town where he conducted tests with a miniature steamboat in 1502, A Horsepower. A horsepower is equivalent to rais- ing 33,000 pounds one foot a minute. One of Our Conquerors. Tho part played In the building of our Indian Empire by a pistol which failed to go off is recalled by the Clive bi-centenary, Robert Clive was born on September 29th, 1725, and left Engbund for• India before he was twenty, in his dully days in the East he attempted to cont- uiit suicide, but his pistol refused to go off. Later he obtained military em- ployment and commanded the British garrison during the siege of . Arcot, which has been described as the "turn- ing point" of our career in the East. IIis subyequeut career was 0110 of the most brilliant and eventful in Bri- tish history, While still It compara- tively young man he laid the founda- tions of our Indian Empire.Ails real work in India occupied, all told, a porio;l of rather less than twelve years and he was only i'orty11ino when he died—by Ills own hand. Weight of -Water, A gallon of water weighs eight and a half pounds. Vitamin In Whales, Whale oil si rich In fat-soluble vita- mins. An absent-minded elan supped with a friend ono night, The next day he wrote to his friend ns follows: "t loft my kn:fe at your lodgings yesterday; please send it back to me if you find it. P.S.--Never mind sending the knife, as I have found it." Saguenay River Ineustrial District. Tho Saguenay River district of I Quebec has been, within the past year Or two, tho scone of a number of very important industrial developments. At the Grande Decharge, the Duko- Price interests have recently completed n 360,000 horsepower hydro -electric plant, white nt St. Joseph d'Alma, Price Brothers are erecting a news- print mill with a daily capacity of .200 tons, At Port Alfred the Port Alfred Pulp and Paper Co, are erect- ing a pulp mill of 100 tons daily out- put. At Caron Falls, tho Aluminum Co. of Canada is constructing n hydro- c.ectric plant with a capacity of 800,- 000 horsepower, to be followed by an aluminum plant which, it Is said, will employ from 5,000 to 0,000 hands,-' Fifteen hundred men aro now employ- ed on the clearing work. In the im- mediately adjoining territory, the Chi- coutimi Pulp Co. has a mill- at Chi- coutimi, while Price Brothers have pull, and paper mills at Kenogarni and Jonquiere. Chains for Winter Days, I I\Totortsts who drive continually un• j der all conditions should use only chains which are scienWien lly harden, eel and properly tested for service on i both snow-covered or wet, slippery pavements. Asparagus is one of the oldest known plants used for food. • CROSS -WORD PUZZLE I 3 r} 5 b 78 IZ. 13 ` i 14 15 Ib 17 18 19 'J, z0' HORIZONTAL 1—Pooh 4—Prefix meaning "three" 7—Pronoun 9—Brother (abbr.) 12—A desert wanderer 14 --An hncsthetio 16—Wild animal 17--A countryman 19—Total 20—Sawmill-truck 21—Spilt 23—A priest of ancient Dritain 25--Mislcal note 28—To attempt 27—A heavy weight (abbr.) 29—Preposition 31—To tangle 33—A type measure (pl.) 35—To have existence .36—Young animal 38--A high explosive (abbr.) 40--=A month (abbr.) 41—Quick In action 42—Hardens by use 43 --Great period of this 44—Part of verb "to be" 46—A sailor 48—A New England State ,(abbr.) 49—Cyclopedia (abbr.) 51—A race of people (abbr.) 63—French definite article 64—Musical note 56•—Combining form moaning "bone" .- 56 --Like 58—Animals of Impeflect growth 60—Part of stomach of ox used as food 63—One's father's sisters 64—The whole 66—Anger 68—Founder and Queen of Carthage 69—Dig 7I--GIrI'o nano 72 --Some 73—Asiatic bovine animal 74 --To put, on 76 ---plan's name (familiar) ©THG INTGPNATIONAL, $YKDICAtt. VERTeiCA1. 1—Tho laurel -tree 2—In a row (poet.) 3---Cod-like fishes 6—Musical note 6—Possessive -pronoun 7—TIS shut In 8—Suffix denoting the agent 0 ---Start 10—To Invade suddenly ,; 11—Metal-bearing rock 13—Obscure 15—A great bay In Canada 10—A set-to (pl.) 18 --Life Guard (abbr.) 20 --British (abbr.) 22—To consume 23 --Color 24—A dandy 28—A number 30—Cryptogamous' plants 32—A monastery 34—A rivers In E. France and Belgium 35 ---Fundamental 37—Favorite American dessert 38--A drink 89 --To bind 40—Mineral coat used for, ornaments 43—Part of body 46—To clatter . 47--A color 49—DivIsion of .a long poen 611--A kind of lettuce 61—Very warm 52—Scotch word for "child" 54 --Bay between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia 57—A country of Europe 68 --.-To spoil 69 --"Till sale" (abbr.) 61—Rlght Worshipful (abbr.) 62—Girl's name 63—Girl's name 04 ---Noah's chip . 65 --Boy 67 ---Head covering 69 --Southern State of U. S. (abbr.) 70 --Preposition Mutt Shifts from a New England State to- Middle Wear. 'r Ali1'T CNGleet1 AND SoMEN Fot.Ks MAY SAY L AIN'T fj GC NTIG MAN BUT S'VC ,AssoclArcb WIN SIR SIONCY EeloUGN T t<NttW Wow TO. AcT TNG ?ART... I'LL NLL My STUNT N MUTT FI?ST: AW, r. BAY ot.D• c1-1 ,BCAsTLY 1; ALL ,,A`r, EN wOT? R AwTHc--R ELEAk: RAwTMCR 8LCAlct. YA-As' HAW; CNITC So: Net! GtMMG 114G BoARD of HGRLTN, QUlcicll • •'••••1 • (MhN, W, M 1. e.IVMI DYEINC TO ALL THE LATEST SHADES in either wearing apparel or house- hold furnishings. Prompt service, carriage charges paid one way. Our Mail Order Department is glad to answer questions. tiutitutti6ttutitiE;us:tiirfiiiili►tft;fi;u! tiiut►t�!:;frnt►;itt�►=t:�u'tutiii flARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED 4 ICLEAN [RS&DY[RS 791 YONGE ST TORONTO quick temper and no solf•roilnnco, • Passengers with those huids always seen bew'1lticred, Yon may umbo at this, but. It is a fact that., of those who give thenlselvea hut a few seconds to take their tickets and catch their train, nine cut of tea have long, doll. ('(LtAS kit 11 lvltli small llllmert.,llillia, . should say they have no temper at all, and are very generous. But they've 110 "ptI 11," "Claw" hands I don't like. 'I'I1e bucks of these are broad, but the Hu- gon; aro short, thin, niid draw to - I gether fan -shape. The nails are long,' but vary narrow, This is the mean, Te'! -Tale Hands. The work of •a hooking -clerk at a husy,station, where thcrc.is a continu- ous stream of ticket -taking passengers is terribly monotonous. 1 really think I should have been compelled to change my occupation had not a friend recommended ale to try—as a soft of sanity -saving sideline—to get interest- ed in ,the hands of those who cnnre for tickets. By hands I (lon't mean the palms, but the Iinger•tlps, fingers, and knuckles. • It saved me,.: If you came to my "window," and laid you hand on the ledge before you spoke, I could tell your character. Stubby finger-tips,.`•w'ith the nails very ••short and red, and the knuckles bunched up like hillocks, aro suro tal(enu cf a nasty, creel, tyrannical character. When I see a thick, podgy, red hand on the lodge I know that I shall -hear a jovial voice asking for a ticket, and that 1 have a friendly soul, of cheery manlier, to deal with. As likely as not he'll slake some hunloroes remark and laugh at it hintAelf• morn than I do. 'Ilis Is the happy-go•lucky type, that lives for to -day, 1(11(1 lets to morrow go slang, It such a man makes a success of life it's more by-adcident than by ef- fort. Everyone likes him, however, and he has no enemies but himself. Of long hands there aro two types-- thedoucate and the strong. The fin- gers of the latter are straight, with the knuckles hardly showing. The 'nails are .square, and seem over -large, 1 call this the "business" hand. It de- notes 811C0033, self-reliance, initiative, and .brain power. • Long, delicate hands indicate a WE WANT CHURNING We supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily bq express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top prise, Cream Must •be free from bad Havers, and contain not less than 30 por cent Butter Fat. Bowes Company . Limited, Toronto For references—Plead O111co, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established for over thirty years. OLISi1ES 014 ' 'AEIPiiRPO LS; • "Makei Old like Now' CAPO''`, CLEANSER For Painted Woodwork, Mlle, Enatnelwiare; Windows, eto. Tha Capp t'ollohei, Ltd., Namiltcri r: _ . 11.1 NURSES Thr Tornnta ling P1131 Ins 1co!Irlhlos, In *MIMI" with dell -vise and Allied NorDll1lo. req Yrrk City, priest a Ihrea years' Course of 1ralnin3 1.1 yu"up women, havinj Cis 'squired rduczlion, and desirous of beoum)ni nurses. This hospital tics edr.pied tn. eight. hour system, Tho atolls rocs lvt uniforms of the School, a monthly ollowanoo suis (riveting expenses to and from New York, Fsr tattier Inform:.tlon apply 13 the SWUM nteldent. Secrets of the Snows. A Ring. Sometime! Why not this time? Beneath an ancient tomb I found a ring, in '1'(•eblzond; And graved in Greet( within the slen- der thing These words 1 conned, Through dent 11 0 (1 Seto'; "itt summer and 111 winter, Near and Far, I Ifere and Beyond." , Oh, Grecian maiden, more than hero he, \Vho loved thee so, miserly, selfish type, with a hent to othe greatest explants of. nwuntninu©rf And slipped upon they wards dishonesty. A ntEln lilto this cutely, l)6 ever rc cordal- the conquest of Long years ago, wrnild show no loyally to u friend, and Mount Logan, the highest peak Io This gift of geld, his consclenco would ho a minus i Canada, which rises to a height of And bound two souls with quantity. , over 1J,000 feet. could withhold An interesting study hands, bases ! The Canadian Alpine Club expc;ll Time's ebb and flow, can be waked and controlled,hitt tion, which triumphed over all ob- hands tell the truth. Put 1t to the stades runt reached the summit ot test on anyone whono character This summer bah witnessed one really know. you Sentence Sermons. The Patel Mistake—Of many a bus!• ness man is. that lie does not grow as fust us his business.. —Of most polittclana is their failure to see farther than the next election. --Of youth is Its Inability to nppre• ' elate the value of mature experience. —Of ninny ma!rrta.ges 1s the attempt to build aL permanent-llairlo on a tem- porary infatuation, —Of most liars is that they do not have a perfect memory. • --Of many promoters is the fact that they make their proposition sound too good. —In training children in the right way Is In not.golilg that way our- selves, FIGHTING FOR BABY'S HEALTH Is the Constant Care of Every Young Mother. The young mother has a constant caro In looking after the welfare of her little ones. Childhood ailments come on so suddenly—sometimes with- out a minute's warning—the mother Dilly have a very sick baby on her hands before help can bo obtained. That is unless she has a remedy in the house which she can safely give the baby for any of the many minor ail - menta of babyhood an childhood, Such a remedy is found In Baby's Own Tablets, Thousands of mothers throughout the country always lcoep a box of the Tablets 011 hand and they Proclaim thein to bo without an equal for sweetening baby's stomach; regulating his bowels, and thus driv- ing out constipation a .d indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and making the dreaded teething pertod easy. Baby's Own Tablets aro an,absolute• ly sate remedy. They are guaranteed to be free from opiates or any other narcotic drug which are so harmful to the future welfare of the baby. Moth- ers; -if you value the life of your little ones give hint Baby's Own Tablets when he is ill, or, better still, give him alt • oecaSlonal dose of the Tablets to ward oil' illness. The Tablets are sold by medicine -dealers or•, will be sent to any address, post paid, at 25 cents a box by addressing The Dr, Williams' Med18ineCo,, Brockville, Ont. • Not What She Expected. She had noticed the huskiness in his voice, and the nervous manner in which lie fidgeted in his chair told her a lot. She knew what was coming. "Clara," he said, and his throat seemed dry and parched, "would you —that Is, could you—do you think you �rr "Go on, George," she murmured en- couragingly. "I am listening." "Would you--er—do you thinlc you could --get Inc a drink of water? I'm as (ley as a bone." • Lucky Man. They were resting between the dances and he was pointing out to her the various local celebrities, "That's old Grove's daughter," he said, indicating o, tall sulky looking woman on the shady side of 30, "She's going to be married.." "Indeed!" said his partner. "Who's the lucky man?" "Old Grove," ,�o STORA'f:W/NDOWS 01".10 I PAYfOR.THEMSELkE'S (tial y 4 stop Fuel IVatte , ,;sure' Whiter Comfort v:114,84)411 Windows., ,Low - "Freight Paul" 'pricer, reldyglased; : ti safe delivery gtr rnnteed; Free price . + Iltr and easy measuring chart, foHALtIDAyteP,713''NAMIl.T4N i -'fa• U.S. VOU12` 'POULT Y,QAME►EGGS' ' BUTTER:AND FEATHERS WE BUY ALLYEAR ROUND' IOW 10113,fbt'ytdcoa tf'o'sliafnttted - • 't`i'nt Or, a Welt'ahead P. Pp Ut�I�l &Co,+dIIlTEt ' : tPn6 fs eel 41yl, 40 ed o ,. -, �0_"39tSt•uatourr 1M1rYof nc�uirOnt Il, /e Total IGenerous. . The missionary meeting was over and the various amount& contributed by the members of the church had peen, as usual, one of the most popular features. • • On the way home little Jane said to her mother: "What a kind man Mr. Total must be, He gave ever eo much Supra than anybody else!" Nothing Serious, Lifo'Insurance 'Agent—"What did yoga' grandparent die of?" ...Cautious- Ono "I don't rightly jtnew, but..it,wasn't anything serious," Aftor'n wither spent in the warmth .9f the kitchen, the parrot had been . restored to thebosom of his family in tile' dining rooni. Ho showed -only a scant interest in:the firstreal he was called'upoii to witness, until the bell WWI rung for 'tho; second 'course, and then his eyes lightened intelligently, "Aw," 'he erbaked b(ikfully, "let 'em 'ring again l" . • • There are only two lighthouse bui:d- ars in England. • Ask r Minard's and taki no other. , Mount Logan, originally consisted of eight members., but two of theta had to abandon the attempt because of frostbite and ,general exhaustion be- fore attaining their goal. Almost incredible' hardships were suffered by the conquerea'.s of Mount Logan, who spent forty-four days en- tirely on ice in getting to the sunrnlit and back again, Mach man of the party had to pack about seventy ` pounds over two hundred Stiles of ridge and glacier. Dangerous storms 'were encountered, especially on the return journey, and only the most heroic efforts avercted loss of life, On tho last I(Lp of the ascent, when and Depressed. the party reached what they believed to be the highest point of tine moan- Nearly all women and most nlen sue tate, they found yet another peak fer at times from fits ot, depression towering above them. To attain this I and low spirits. Everything seems a they had to dee,eenil a thousand feet 'burden; than conte periods of nervous into a valley between the two peaks i Irritability, headaches and weariness. before again beginning to climb. !People eople who suffer thla way lack vital• Ity because their blood is poor and nerves are starved 1n consequence. The only way the nerves can be reached is through the blood. By en- bo grasped: riching the blood with Dr, Williams' There Is a close connection be - Pink Pills the starved nerves aro sup- tween the health of the worker and piled with just the elements they need. the economic prosperity of the coun- '1'liis is proved by tife experience of try. Mrs. J. E. Dodson, 12th Ave. East, A worker's health is inevitably at - Vancouver, 13,C., who says:—"About focted by his working conditions, three years ago I became very weak Many diseases among workers can and nervous. I had pains In my side be traced to risks, such as poison, and back, and also suffered from fre- dust, etc., 85;0Ciated with their occur quest pains in the back of my head Wien. and neck. I was hardly able to do auy. On all points of industrial health, In - thing about the house. I would wake formation can be obtained, both by em - with a start In the night and my heart ployers and employees, from the De- woul(1 flutter so that it almost choked pertinent of Health of Ontario, Spu- me. I tried much doctor's medicine dina )louse, 'Toronto. hut it did 100 no permanent good. One day I read about Dr. Williams' Pink PII:s and decided to give them a Mal. '!'hese pills produced such a beneficial change in a short time that I kept tale_ ing then' until I had used a dozen Not Much Thought. boxes, By this time there was such "Clothes Is about the only thing an improvement in my condition that that young lady thinks about." friends would ask me what I was take "My word! She never struck me as !jug' and of course I was only too being as thoughtless as that." , pleased to tell them it was Dr, Wil- liams' Pink P1:Is, 1 ani now feeling like a now person' and sin doing my own housework. We would not nolo be without Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the house." You can get these pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ling, r deli - words that Bruise Sorrow's heel, ,end trip sure- footed Death, And now despond in answering echo of immortal breath Unaging bond, No 1)oonl can mar! "1n Winter, and in Summer, Near and Far, 11ca'o, and Beyond." —Eric Clough Taylor, NE KS DERESS`ON1 Why People Are Low Spirited This final, peak was heart -breaking work,_,as the party had to Snake pro- gress up a steep snow and Ice slope, terminating In a knife area that led to the summit. The temperatu,re when they gained the top was four degrees below zero, of ® Y oo tei 6 The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Tryit 1 J Industrial Hygiene in Ontario.' Classified Advertisements Ontario Is the only province in Can- IAS � uaw'c',tllr. wn►TINo INCIIEASCH LAtt�r,q a(1:1 which has a Division of Indu(trlal power. We show the way. Sunhats tel) aura ldyt;lcne organized fn the Departlnelat ore through roans. Euy, tReetfre. Shaw ''haul., Tor !nisi Forty• two floor weft. of lIealth, fur the purpose of prolnot- ing the health of industrial workers. . LEARN ELECTRICITY, The 1111111 objective 01' the Division 1s & 00171)80 IN PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL the prevention of general Nir'1(lleSS; , ,.unbin �Trucc(0 leatona )blgr ulotire ormgo atintoobut!aru the specfiat objective, the prevention (or yourself. • Write for fern training look. llamasof those diseases which, arising out of Electrical ('ompany, Dept, N. r'rawford 8L, T,ornuto. working conditions, are called "oc- cupational diseases. Now it is impossible to know ilow much wastage In Ontario Industry is caused by sickness, because there is Being Nice to Father. as yet little health supervision and few adequate records of lost time. But such data as exists shows that in On- tarto tort time from sickness amounts to at least double lost nine from ac- cidents. As regards+disease traceable to a The Right Army. man's occupation, the records of the "Tommy," Hold the careful mother, Division cover 472 cases followed up i "do I actually see you playing with during the last 4 years. The rate for your soldiers on the Sabbath day?" lead poisoning In Ontario in 1925 is I "Oh, that's all right, ma," replied higher than that which was consider- !the young hopeful, this Is the Salve - ed alarming in England 25 years ago.; tion Army!' This alone shows the need for a s;'s• termitic and rigorous attempt to guard the health of our workers. As a basis For this, a few cardinal facts need to 81��11 .$ t)()a41aiEIISIDr•ur.r.iIt.l, "So you are going to buy your father onl ya 50 -cont birthday present?" "Yes, but you Nee I have to ash him for the money." Eclipse. You have seen the black shadow Rushing over the sky, You have stood o11 a bare hill And watched the fierce light die; You do 1101 600 the slower shadow, The darkness that takes toll Of clean strength and burnished beauty, Creeping over a soul. —Loretta Roche. As no cruel thing can be done with- out character being thrust a degree backward towards barbarism, so no kind thing can be done without char- acter being moved a degree forward towards perfection,—lIerbort Spencer. Change the Name. "Can I change nay name to -day, ma?" "\That on earth for, dear?" "Because pa says he'll give me a good ]riding when he gets home from the ofilce today, as sure as my name's John." Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Sllrnalnes and Their Origin FRASER, Variations—Frazer, Frasier, Frazier, Racial Origin—Norman-French. Source—A locality. This Is another of the new High- land clan names which, though borne by. Celtic families, trace back to an origin hi Normandy. All of these clan names were fol•rfi- ed in the. saltie way, by -knights and nobles from the army of William the Conqueror, or the sons of such follow- ers, who, eitltor to strengthen the for- eign relations of the conqueror, or be- cause they wore not satisfied with the spoils of war which fell to their lot in conquered England, sought their for- tunes in the north at tho court of the Scottish king. They, were, as alight be expected, feudal power was hereditary and des- criptive, FINLAY. Variation(:—Findlay, Findley. Racial Origin—Scottish (Celtic). Source—A given name. Scottish family names, token as a class, do not parallel those of Ireland in one respect. 'I'lroy oro not over- whelmingly Celtic, either in language or in the method of formation, And there are reasons for this. In the first place, the blood of Scot- land is far from being overwhelming- ly Celtic. At the time of the Roman domination -of 13ritain the country north of the great wall which marked the northern limits of the empire's government was inhabited by the . Picts, a race more 'similar to the Sym - men with reputations as mighty tight- sic branch of the Celtic race, like the ers, and as they were independent of Welsh, t.ile Cornishmen and the I1re• , blood relationship with the factions tons. About the third and fourth cen' around the throne they were, of turies of the Christian era tho Gaelic course, welcome additions always to. Celts of Ireland came over from Ulster I the royal Scottish organization. i and settled themselves in the High- I I3et the Fraser, like the others, lands. Then, when the Anglo-Saxons 'quickly formedalliances by marringo, invaded England they .cut well north and Ldapting themselves to the cus- luto tine lowlands, ` Norman and then t0018 of the Gaels upon receiving! English conquest and occupation fol• grants of land In the Highlands, rapid-; lowwed on a large scalp before sur- ly assumed leadership. of existing names became true family names. clans and gathered around them clan IHIence there were influenec,s of many organizations which they strove to races at work, I Unless you see tho "Bayer Gross" make more powerful. The names of Finlay, however, is: on patiitnge or on tablets you are ,not 'rhe Frasers aro found first sot.tled truly Celtic( Originally its form as a getting Oho genuine Bayer Tablets of hi Tweedale during the •reign of Mal-' given name was Flonnlaoeh, 'a cans-: Aspirin -proved safe by :millions and coins III, ,They got their foothold in pound of "floiut," meaning "white," 1)rescrtbod by physicians over twenty - the Highlands through marriages into and "fighter, " -or years for families of the Orkneys and.Caltl►ness "soldier.". When it first became a l- Colds Headache chieftains, -family nume, of course, It was pre- Naua'itis Lumbago The original Norman form of .the coded by "Mac," moauttg 'descendant Toothache Rheumatism name was "de I� rise:l"nor "1! resell," i of," but In the course of time this has Neuralgia Pain, Pain and simply denoted overlordship of been: dropped and the name has de. Each ttnbrolcen "Bayer" package con- e place of that 1101110 In Norttu)ndy, be- ; voloped variously into the nlodei'n tains proven directions. I'landy boxes ing a -family new.. only in 'the sense forms to be+ found lu this country to• of twelve tablets cost few petits, Drug - 1,11411 it was hereditary bocaaso the , day." • gists also' sell bottles of 24 and 100, Seize Your Chances. Can yon hear her? Opportunity is knocking at yo►ir door. If you do not rise and greet her, she will go and come no more. 1JR1N NIGHT & MORNING & SEEP YOUR EYES, -::1.lAN CLEAR AND HEALTH'! .05(0 00N MST ITS CAM 1001• MUMPS CO.CiUCA00.Vs.4 T OOTIIA-CHE Bathe the face with Minard's in water and place a piece of cotton wool, saturated with Minard's, in the cavity. Greet her gladly—she is ladenwith - ---'-----' the chances that you nee d;ABLE TO D 0 Seize her swiftly—for she'll prove her- self a friend to you indeed. Vacillation, foe to rtrogress, may just whisper ill your ear, " �0 alt awhile and see what hapens--)H0llSE0RK W 1 better chances may be near," Ileed it not, the foolish warning; take the good that comes to -day; Let not worthle s fears assail you; seize your chances while you may. Here's the ladder, try to climb it, 00 not, Sat Llae low rung stop; Other folks may be before you, but "there's room still at the top." Standing still will not avail you; let your watchword be, "Advance"; If you fail to climb this moment, you may never have the chance, Life is full of glorious offers you need only reach and tante-- Perseverance, resolution, all the hard tasks easy make. If you'd reach the highest summit, you must ntai't at once to climb, Helped by grit, and faith, and pa- tience ; a•ttence; seize your chances every ,clue, ----Alice Wise. Tho Vatican, the residence of the Pope, finds employment for a stair of. 2,000 persons. GENIJINE ASPIRIN PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package Sick a Year. Got Great Ben. efit from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bloomington N. S.—" I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Bloomington, Compound for pains and backetche, also for nervous- ness, sick headaches and sleeplessness. I was troubled in this way for over a year, and a friend told me about tho Vegetable Compound and induced me to take it. I must say I have received great benefit from it and am able to do my housework now. I recommend the Vegetable Compound myself and am willing for Iyou to use this letter as a testimonal. ' — Mrs. WILLIAM MonsE, Bloomington, Annapolis County, N. S. Do you know that in a recent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Compound over 220,000 replies were re- ceived. To the question, " Have you received benefit by taking this medi- cine?" 98 per cent. replied "Yes." This means that 98 out of every 100 women are in better health because they have given this medicine a fair trial, Mrs. Morse is simply a'liother case of a woman receiving "great benefit." Women suffering from tho troubles so common to their sex should listen to what other women say who have expe- rienced the same sufferings and found relief. Give this dependable medicine a chance—and at once. It is sold at all drug stores. . 0 j Business earls Like Cuticura Because it keeps the ,complexion clear, the hands soft and the hair live and glossy.. The Soap, used daily, cleaii ses and purifses,while the Oint- ment soothes and heals. Cuticura Talcum is an ideal toilet powder. Sample taeb tree by Malt. Address (ianndian , Depot' "Atenbouso, Ltd, Montreal." Priv+, Snap Mc. OMtn,eat ZS and 1. Talcum 4Ic. , f!* Cuttcura Shaving Stick 26,c. ISSUE No.-43--'2li. • SEE OUR NEW LINES IN Ladies & MEN'S SWEATERS NEW LINES IN Boys 8c Men's Overcoats ASK TO SEE THE NEW Leather Lined Overcoats for men New Suits for BOYS AND MEN ASK TO SEE OUR $15.00 ForMen SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN Ladies Hose, Men's and Ladies Coats at $1.00 ec $2,00 each. WANTEED FARMERS DRIED APPLES � E. SENDER, BLYTH,ONT._ Letter From Charles Barrett. Abernethy, Cct. 15. 1925. Mr, J. 1I. R. Elliott. Dear sir, -I am writing you a short des - el lotion es•tription of my trip to the West and you may publish it if you think it worthy. On the meaning of the 21st of August I was amongst the number of harvesters hoarding the C. P. R train from Toronto enroute to the grain fields of the West' Arriving at the Union Station. Toronto, all was hustle and hurryiag to and fro with luggage, as is usual on such excur• ;ions. Everyone intent on securing a seat aboard, and officials shouting "fill every seat." At a quarter to twelve we heard the shout "all aboard" and immediately the train Was in motion. starthg on the long pull of upwards of 11CO miles to Win nigeg with human freight of 130G souls. Everyone aboard was in good humor and the time passed alonvery pleasantly Mr. Little, of Hullett, was several cars ahead and many times a day I sauntered up to while away the hours in frienly chat Our train consisted of 22 coaches. The ladies with their e,lcrts were in the front c ars; 1 tool; a jour ney up to the front and in 't Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCall, of Wal- ton. We were two nights aboard, but the longest lane hae its turn and Sunday about half past three p. m ee artivcd safely in the 'peg Evatyone harriedly secured their tiekets and got aboard the harvesters' special which was due to leave on its last lap of the journey at 6 p, m. Before steaming out a sad accident occurred. A young man's life was Euuffed out in a few minute!. He j=ampecl off the steps of the the, coach 1 was in, just as several coaches were being Ehurted backward, and was rolled under the wheels, He was from Markham and was 25 years old. We saw a great many stooks that night nod in several places they had started ihreahing. As my brother John. lives at ttucanvi;le on the way to Abernethy, I enjoyed a visit With him over night. Har viet was in full swing when I arrived here They were cutting a very good crop. I Hooted to stook on Aug. 26 and threshed on Sept. 11, On Tuesday, Sept. 20. we had quite a snow storm which did not go away until the following Friday and was doing ricely when on Sunday another snow storm put a sad crimp in threshing prospects and the stooks were not free of :•riow until the folipw•ing Friday, but sad to relate a Iowering sky on Saturday morn ing and rain falling by 8olock. Tonight, 'fnursday, Oct, 15th, is pretty cold, but prospects look better for threshing Hope to get started again soon. Wheat has been t mining all the way from .0 to 40 bushels per acre in this district, quite a lot at 30. A little over half is threshed. On quite a few farms not a sheaf is threshed. The outfit I am on have two weeks threshing yet. Yours truly, Charles Barrett. tvlrs. t1. Jackson has returned from a visit with her daughters at Brigden, Mrs. Chas, Lockwood and Master Jim- mie are vielting her parents at Westfield. Mr. aid Mrs Wm. Logan and Kathleen have returned home from a few months' mdtor trip th:ough the Northern States and prairie provinces gust two years after making an adjust. nwnt of insurance rates, the Canadian Order of Foresters will remit to all mem- bers in good standing on December 21 of Wet year, two months' insurance prem. tuts. This amount represents a dividend cif 16 per cent. according'to officials of the Order. The Canadian Order of Foresters Ea ' the birth in the City, of London in 1850 and it was the only insurance society to Garry the premiums on its members while on active service in the great war, On Novtmber 25th, the 45th annivereary of the order will be celebrated in London by the initiation of 125 members. The High court officers will be present, togeth- er with members from many other points, ratjL a 13LYTH STANDARD- Octobcr40 tJ2i5 X+4,+++4.+4,+ 4' +i.4.+.1,+++4,+++++k /P*i,` * ******************* ** * 0 4 0 .: * * Ourearn 4 ing Sale Com. + * 4 * T 4 4 4 4 4' I• Morris Council. Minutes of Council meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris. on Monday Oct. 12th The minutes of the last meeting were read and adcpted, Lewis Jewitt, James Anderson and Char is Workman were appointed Patrolmen on the Centre sideroad and Concession 5 Rhe report on the Bowes Drain was read and at the request of the ratepayers interested. the report was referred to the Engineer for amendment; with a reccom• mendation that the 18 inch tile on lot 5 be left as it is an . an additional tile put in the dram to relieve the situation in the upper portion of the drain. The re- port on the Etxra,on the Murray -Lamb Extension Drain was read and provision- ally adopted. The following accounts were paid; - Wm Sproat, tile , .. .... 1614 0:1 W E Elliott & Sor. tile,175.10 John McGill, Inspector drains ... 22 50 Municipal World. supplies......... 99 D. Stewart, B. 0. 11........ 50.00 H MacEwen, R. H. Shortreed Peter McNabb, B. 0. 11. each.., 3 00 W Sellers. farm bridge. . 20.00 W Connelly, Grant Drain. 158 00 W Connelly, extra McCall drain 4.06 W Shortfeed survey drain 100 t' Miller, painting bridge . .. 38.25 H Kirkby Smith Drain 1200.00 W. McMurray, patrolman, 514.54 F Beirnes do 51.73 Wm Craig do ... 53.75 John Craig do 47.25 W C, Thuell do 25.55 The next meeting will be held in toe Township Hall, on Tuesday, Nuv. 10. A. MacEwen. Clerk. Optometry -Its Value to the Pubtio BY R M. McKAY, BLYTH is it likely that many people who are not now king so should wear glasses? Yes investigation has proven that many people of all ages woutd be better for the help that glasses give. Why do these not Beek the aid of the Optometrist? Because in moat cases they do not know they need it. Even though a person may see perfectly without glasses they may be needed, Yes. seeing well is no proof that glasses are not ne.ded. ........ FOR SALE -A number of Scotch Col- lie pups 5 weeks old. Apply to John Lamont, 'phone.22-10, Blyth Ont. MONEY TO LOAN -We have a few thousand dollars wh ch we can place on first mortgage, farm of village property, The Standard Real Estate Agency. FOR SALE -A number of young pigs ready to move in a couple of weeks, Also a number of cows due to freshen in Nov ember. Apply to Wm. McGowan 'Phone 76, Blyth Ont. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED -To represent the' Old Reliable Fonthill Nur- series". Big demand for stock. Start now at beet selling time. Exclusive tet ri- tory, handsome free outfit. liberal terms. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. The regular monthly meeting of St. An- drew's W. M. S. was held on Tuesday of last week, It , was full of interest. The Bible reading 'Paul's Message. the Early Church" was given by Mies A. Laidlaw. , The topic, 'Home Mission Hospitals', prepared by Mrs, .1. H H Elliott and read by Mrs, Herrington. It was decided that an invitalien he extend- ed the other W. M S. Societies in town to attend the ThankOffeting meeting, Nov. 3, at 2.26. Mise Mitchell, travelling sec- retary, will give the address, Before the clbse of the meeting the president read a letter from Dr. Margaret McKellar, of Reemuch, Inia, relatinri some experiences in her busy life, • J. Tailoring The new fall samples are here. A large sangc to choose from of all the latest cloths NEW CAPS New fall caps in the latest colors and shapes. SHOE We handle only the best makes, Queen Alexar:ch a and Caintiboro for Women, and King Edward an Ascot for Men in tire shoes and in heavy shoes. GREB, HAWTI- OR1E, STERLING Jas. rifIce, Podds1 Phone SS 13 r,rril. ONT A FULL ASSORTIUNT OF Fresh G Fruitsand . Canned Goods WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BULK TEAS COFFEES LIVE F Ern tb u,. . J. POII tl...LL 'PHONE 9; Blyth, MORTGAGE SALE OF FAIU 1 I1` TOWNSFIiP 01? I-IULLE FT. 1? ursuaut to the Power of Sale contain. ed in a mortgage, there will be Ifered f►:r sale by Public Auction at the Mason House, in the tswn of Clinton, on Friday the 13th day of N;'vember, 1925, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following valuable faim being composed of Lot Number 34, in the 101h Concession o1 the township of I1ull eat On the premises i3 a frame dwelnng with a stone foundation 20x30, one and a half storey filo, kitchen 18x40 one stor- ey barn 52x02, driving shed 18x40 pie pen 25x40, three acres of orchard. there springs and well fences mostly woven wire fhc front of the farm is somewhat hilly but the back 50 acres is first class clnv loatn The hilly part is good clay !alai. but some stone There are ;,hr,ut six nr seven Hoes of good timber. The flu m i'• situate about 2 miles from Londsboro and about 7 miles from Clinton. Terms of sale 10 per cent. at time of sale and the balance within 30 days v itL• out interest. The prop arty will be sn'd subject to a reserve b d. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to McPherson & Malins 29 Qownie Street, Stratford, Vondor's Solicitors. DATED October 2 lyd 1925. REL/ABLE DURABLE' //IEX'l � S/VE UUARANT:ED UM .111 .11 111.11101111121•111 2.50Upwerds THE Standard, Books, Stationery <<, 11 School Supplies BI.Y'1'11, - ON'!'. Ontario. 4 *• t- IT WILL BE MUCH TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO PURCH' $E. ASE YOUR WANTS . 1 + *` EARLY. WE HAVE A BIG STOCK BUT * DESIRABLE GOODS WILL F* DISAPPEAR QUICKLY rnences F ` D A Y, OCT. 301 4. 4. 4. 4 x 5 4i F Huron County Fruit Show CLI NTON, Nov. 2 and 3, 1925. Liberal Prizes. Write 'the secretary for prize list. R. R. SLOAN, S. B. STOTUERS, Pres , Bayfield Sec'y, Clinton Blyth Markets, Butler, dairy,, 34 to 35 F,ggs per rloa price according to grade (lay per ton 12 OQ to 12 00 Flogs per cwt 13 50 to 13 50 WE HAVE SORTED UP THE I STOCK CK IN MANY LINES TO -4 GIVE YOU A GOOD SE- LECTION' AT THE COMMENCEMENT " OF THE SALE uy Your Win ter Wants Early. 0 OPLESTONE CARJ1NER c �ilyt t. - CYntarto * T ''�*3 3;E* aka'******* ********* g +++++++++++++..+1��'•' ly +4+++g 4.r 4. 4 ICE CREAM BRICKS + 4. Certo, + 4 Fly Tox. r 4 Wilson's Fly Pads + Blyth and Purity Flours 4 Perrins & Westons Biscuits, 4 Canned Goods + Apex Cann ,. + Fruits of all Kinds.. • + Sealers, Rubbers, + 4. Zinc Rings, I CARD OF THANKS The undersigned desire to expresk their . 4" thanks to nciehhnrs and friends kn. their 9 kindness and expressions of sympathy (luring, the illness and death of the late S. - 4" H. Gidley; els) for the beautiful floral 4" BLYTN, ONT tributes placed on the bier. Wife and family, + GOODS DELIVERED JAS. S.IMS,,' STRAYED Strayed from the premises of the under" signed, 8tn line Morris, ori or shout Oct 141h. 3 black 1 real and 1 grey yearling cattle, lnfnrtnatien as to their where. al'n Wits will be appreciated by the under- signed[ * . Chris Rogerron, CLERI{'S NOTICE 'OF FIRST POST - INC. Voters, Lists 1925, Municipality of the Village of Blyth Not ice is hers by i;ivcn that I have corn - pita' with si ction 10 0l tl•e Vuttrs' Live Act and that I hn►v: rnsted up, at my office at the. Village of Blyth, on the 28th clay of October 1025, the list of all the' persons (nth kel to vote in the said Mutt• icipaliiv' for Members of Parliament and at Mudicipal l lectlnns',and that said list remains there for jtispect ion, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any Parnas or omissions corrected accordieg to law. Dated at Blyth this 28111 day of Octo- ber, 1025. JAS. 1). MOODY, . Clerk of Blyth. r.�.siurrer/saa RUGS .IN EVERY MI and .var'ious.:sh*pes are included . in our showing of fiber coverings, . Ogre - ever you have .l ace for a rag. we have ohe"to' fit it. 'You have only to come here with the dim., ensions ,and we will show ,.you rugs in - .various designs and • colorings willtln eet both your ideals ' and your. ideas of What re asonable in price.. V" .e,,, 'PHONE 14 : 4' `�